PPLZ Diplomatic Texts
Hand Xfol. 124rP,1 IN a somer sesoun (.) wen softe was the
sonne [aaAa]
P,2 Y schope me into schrodus (.) as y a schep were [aaAx]
P,3 In abite as an hermite (.) vnholy of wercus [aaAx]
P,4 Wente wyde in this world (.) wondres to here [aaaAx]
P,5 Ant sey many sellys (.) y can nat sey alle [aaAx]
P,6 Ac in a May Morwen (.) vnder Maluerne hylles [aaAx]
P,7 Me befel a ferly (.) of fayre me thoughte [aaAx]
P,8 I was wery of wandret (.) ant wente me to reste [aaAx]
P,9 Vnder a brod birch (.) by a born syde [aaAx]
P,10 Ant as y lay ant lened (.) ant loked in the water [aaAx]
P,11 I slumbred in a slep (.) hyt sweyed so murye [aaAx]
P,12 thone gan y meten (.) a merueylose sweue [xaAx]
P,13 that y was in a wyldernesse (.) wyst y nere were [aaAx]
P,14 As y byheld in the est (.) an hey to the sonne [aaAx]
P,15 Y sey a tour on a toft (.) tryeliche ymaked [aaAx]
P,16 A dep dale bynethe (.) as dym as a cloude [aaAx]
P,17 Hit thondred as me thouʒte (.) there ant nawher elles
P,18 A fayre feld ful of folk (.) fond y there bytwene [aaaAx]
P,19 Of alle manere men (.) bothe mene ant ryche [aaAx]
P,20 Werchyng ant wandryng (.) as the world hasket [aaAx]
P,21 Somme pote hem to plow (.) pleyuden ful selde [aaAx]
P,22 In settyng in sowyng (.) swonken ful harde [aaAx]
P,23 Wonnen that wastres (.) wyth glotenye dystruyen [aa(A)xx]
P,24 Somme pote hem to pruide (.) parayled hem thereaftur
P,25 In contynance in clothyng (.) comen digised [aaAx]
P,26 In pryeres ant in pennaunses (.) potten hem monye [aaAx]
P,27 Al for loue of houre lord (.) leueden ful streyte [aaAx]
P,28 Al for hope to haue (.) heuenriche blysse [aaAx]
P,29 As hankres ant hermytus (.) that holdeth hem in here
sellys [aaAx]
P,30 Coueyteth nat in contraye (.) to kayren abowte [aaAx]
P,31 for no licorouse liflode (.) here licam to plese [aaAx]
P,32 Ant summe chosen chaffare (.) cheued the bettre [aaAx]
P,33 As hit semeth to oure syght (.) that seche men ythryueth
P,34 Ant summe murthus to make (.) as mynstrales conneht
P,35 nolle noythur swynke ne swete (.) but swere grete othus
P,36 Ant as here licam loueth (.) leueth thereaftur [aaAx]
P,37 Byddares as beggares (.) faste aboute yede [aaAx]
P,38 Tyl here bagge ant here baly (.) was bretful ycrammed
P,39 faytede for here fode (.) ant foughten at the ale [aaAx]
P,40 In glotonye god wot (.) goth they to bedde [aaAx]
P,41 ant ryseth wyth ribaudye (.) tho robardus knaues [aaAx]
P,42 Slep ant slewthe (.) seueth hem euere [aaAx]
P,43 ffreres y fond there (.) of alle foure ordres [aaAx]
P,44 Preched þe puple (.) for profyt of the wombe [aaAx]
P,45 glosed the gospel (.) as hem god lyked [aaAx]
P,46 for coueytise of kopys (.) construed hit as they wolde
P,47 Hermytes on an hep (.) wyth hoked staues [aaAx]
P,48 Wenten to Walsingham (.) ant here wyues aftur [aaAx]
P,49 Pylegrymes ant palmeres (.) plyhten hem togyderes [aaAx]
P,50 To seynt Iemes of gales (.) & seyntus of rome [axAx]
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P,51 Wenten forth on here way (.) wyth many wyse tales [aaAx]
P,52 Ant haueden leue to lye (.) al here lyf aftur [aaAx]
P,53 Bischopes blessed there (.) beren here staues [aaAx]
P,54 Deden dygneliche here offices (.) y deme hem neen other
P,55 ffor tho apostles to prelatus (.) apendeth here status
P,56 Ant so y leue they lyue (.) ant lere vs the same [aaAx]
P,57 Religious to rome (.) ronne in a route [aaAa]
P,58 To apropre parsonages (.) that pore clerkus hasketh
P,59 Barones ant borgeys (.) ant bondage alse [aaAx]
P,60 Y say in that semble (.) as ye schal here [aaAx]
P,61 hereaftur parsones ant parsche prestus (.) preyd here
bischop [aaaAx]
P,62 for here parsches were so pore (.) sen the pestilence
tyme [aaAx]
P,63 To haue a license ant a leue (.) to lauchen annueles
P,64 Ant take trentales thereto (.) to yer togyderus [aaAx]
P,65 Seriauns serued there (.) in selken houes [aaAx]
P,66 plededen for penyes (.) ant poundes the lawe [aaAx]
P,67 ant for loue of oure lord (.) vnlose here lyppe ones
P,68 Thow myghtest betur meten (.) myst on maluerne hilles
P,69 than geten a mom of here mouht (.) or mony were yschewed
P,70 Iustices Iugged (.) that Ieroures wolde schewe [aaAx]
P,71 Were hit wel were hit wrong (.) here word most stande
P,72 forthy lak y nat tho lordus (.) lawes they kepe [aaAx]
P,73 Ant saueth vs fro sorwes (.) of synfol wrochus [aaAx]
P,74 There preched a pardoner (.) as he prest were [aaAx]
P,75 ant broughte forth a bille (.) wyth bischopus seles
P,76 ant seyd that himsylf (.) may soylen hem alle [aaAx]
P,77 Of falsenesse of fasting (.) of voues ybroken [aaAx]
P,78 lewed men leuen hym wel (.) liken ys wordus [aaAx]
P,79 Comen vp knelyng (.) to kyssen ys bulle [aaAx]
P,80 Bunged hem on the hed (.) blered here eyus [abAb]
P,81 ant raughte wyth ys rageman (.) ryngus ant brochus [aaAx]
P,82 Thus ye gyuen youre gold (.) glotonye to helpe [aaAx]
P,83 ant leneth hit thys loseles (.) that in lecherie lybbyth
P,84 Ac were the bischop (.) ant worth bothe eres [aaAx]
P,85 ys sel scholde nat be sent (.) to deseyue the peple
P,86 Baksteres ant bocheres (.) ant brewstres manye [aaAx]
P,87 Wollen webbestares (.) ant weuares of lynnen [aaAx]
P,88 Taylours towkares (.) ant tollares bothe [aaAx]
P,89 Myllares ant mynstrales (.) ant masones somme [aaAx]
P,90 Of alle libbynge labores (.) lopen forth there [aaAx]
P,91 As dicares an delueres (.) that doth here dedus ylle
P,92 ant dryueht forth the day (.) wyth {deux saue dame Emme}
P,93 Al this y say in my slep (.) ant seuene sithes more
P,94 Ac the heye hyl in the Est (.) here wat hit menes [aaaAx]
P,95 A louely laydy of lere (.) in lynnen yclothed [aaaAx]
P,96 Com fro the castel (.) ant calde me twius [aaAx]
P,97 ant seyde sone slepest thow (.) sest this peple [aaAx]
P,98 How besy they ben (.) the body for to plese [aaAx]
P,99 They an no ward to the hil (.) that on hey standes [xaAx]
P,100 Ne no dred of the dongen (.) in the depe dale [aaAa]
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P,101 y was aferd of here face (.) thow he fayr were [aaAx]
P,102 Ant seyde mercy ma dame (.) wat ys this to mene [aaXa]
P,103 The tour wyth the tofte quad sche (.) trewthe ys therinne
P,104 Ant wolde that ye wroughten (.) as ys word techeth
P,105 for he ys fader of fayth (.) ant formed yow alle [aaAx]
P,106 bothe wyth fel ant wyth flesch (.) ant yaf how fiue
wyttes [aaAx]
P,107 To wyrschepe hym therewyth (.) wyle ye ben here [aaAx]
P,108 Ant therefor hygte the ereth (.) to helpe you vchone
P,109 Of wollone of lynnen (.) of lyflode at nede [aaAx]
P,110 In mesurable manere (.) to make yow at ese [aaAx]
P,111 ant comaunded of ys cortesye (.) in comewn thre thyngus
P,112 Aren no nedeful but tho (.) ant nempne hem y thenke
P,113 Ant rykene hem by resoun (.) reherso ye hem aftur [aaAx]
P,114 That on ys vesture (.) fram chele the to saue [aa(A)xx]
P,115 Ant mete at the mele (.) for myseyse of thysylf [aaAx]
P,116 Ant drynke wen the druyeth (.) ac do nat out of resoun
P,117 That the worthe the wors (.) wen thow wyrche scholdest
P,118 ffor loth in his lyueday (.) for lykying of drynk [aaAx]
P,119 Dede by ys dowtres (.) that the deuel lyked [aaAx]
P,120 ffor lecherye hym lawghte (.) ant lay by hem bothe
P,121 An al a wit hit the wyn (.) that wyked dede [aaAx]
P,122 Dred dylitable drynke (.) thou schalt do the bettre
P,123 Ant mesure his medicine (.) thowʒ thow myche yerne
P,124 Hit ys nat al god to the gost (.) that the guth hascuht
P,125 Ne lyflode to the lycam (.) that leue ys the soule
P,126 lef nat thy licam (.) for a lyare hym thecheth [aaAx]
P,127 that his the wrechyd werld (.) wolde the bytraye [aaAx]
P,128 for the fend ant thy flesch (.) foleweth togyderus
P,129 Ant that seuth thy soule (.) ant seyth in thyn herte
P,130 A ma dame mercy quad y (.) me lecuth wel youre wordes
P,131 Ac the money of thys molde (.) that men so faste holdeth
P,132 Telleth me to wam (.) that tresor apendeth [axAx]
P,133 Go to the gospel (.) that god sayde hymsylfe [aaAbb]
P,134 Tho the peple hym aposed (.) wyth a peny in the temple
P,135 Were they scholde wyrschepe (.) therewyth cesar the
kinge [aa(A)xx]
P,136 Ant god hasked of hem (.) of wam spak the letre [aa(A)xx]
P,137 Ant ymage ylych (.) that therein standes [aaAx]
P,138 Sesaris they seyden (.) we seen wel vchone [aaAx]
P,139 {Reddite cesari} quad god (.) that {cesari} byfalleth
P,140 {& que sunt Dei Deo} (.) or ye don ylle [{aa}Ax]
P,141 for ryghtfoullyche resoun (.) scholde reule yow alle
P,142 Ant kynde wyt be wardeyn (.) youre welthe to kepe [aaAx]
P,143 Ant tutor of youre tresor (.) to take hit yow at nede
P,144 ffor hosebondry ant he (.) holdeth togyderes [aaAx]
P,145 Trewthe techeth vs so (.) to wyrche thereaftur [aa(A)xx]
Passus Primus1,1 I frayned here fayre ; for hym that here
made [aa(A)xx]
1,2 the dongen in the dale ; that dredful his of sygth [aaAx]
1,3 Wat may hit mene ; madame y beseche [aaAx]
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1,4 That ys the kastel of care ; ho so cometh thereinne [aaAx]
1,5 May banne that he bore was ; to body or to soule [aaAx]
1,6 Thereinne wonyes a weye / that wrong ys hote ; [aaAx]
1,7 Ant eke fadur of falseed ; formed hymsylf [aaAx]
1,8 Adam ant eue / he egged to ylle ; [aaAa]
1,9 Consayled kaym / to kyllen ys brothur ; [aaAx]
1,10 Iudas he byiaped / wyth Iuen of syluer ; [aaAx]
1,11 Ant sennes on an hellerne ; hanged hym aftur [xaAa]
1,12 He ys lettare of loue ; lyeth hem alle [aaAx]
1,13 That trysteth on ys tresor ; trayed as sone [aaAx]
1,14 Then haued y wondur in my wyt / wat women he were ;
1,15 that such wyse wordus ; of holy wryt schewed / [aaAx]
1,16 Ant halsened here on the heye name / hor he thennus
yede ; [aaAx]
1,17 Wat that a were ; that wyssed me so fayre / [aaAx]
1,18 bothe of falsenesse ant fayth ; fayne nat y hote / [aaAx]
1,19 Holy chirche y am quad sche / thow houghtest me to knowe
; [aaAx]
1,20 y vndurfong the furst ; ant thy fayth taughte / [aaAx]
1,21 Ant broughtest me borwes / my byddyng to holde ; [aaAx]
1,22 Wil thy lyf lasted ; to loue me oure alle / [aaAx]
1,23 Ant eke to be buxum ; my byddying to wyrche / [xaAx]
1,24 Thenne y courbed on my knes ; cryed here of here grace
1,25 Preyed here petousely ; to prey for my synnes / [aaAx]
1,26 Ant to kenne me kyindely . on cryst to byleue [aaAx]
1,27 that y myght werchyn ys wylle . that wroght me to man
1,28 Theche me to no tresor / but telle me thys ylke ; [aaAx]
1,29 How y may saue my soule ; that senne hard yholdʒ / [aaAx]
1,30 Wan alle tresores ar tryed / trewthe ys the beste .
1,31 Y do hit on {deus caritas} / to dome the sothe . [a{a}Ax]
1,32 Hit ys as derworthe a drewerye / as dere god hymsylf
1,33 for ho ys trewe of ys tonge / ant telleth non other
; [aaAx]
1,34 Doth the wercus therewyth / wylneth no man ylle ; [aaAx]
1,35 He ys a god be the gospel / a grounde ant alofte [aaAx]
1,36 ant eke yleke to oure lord ; by seynt leucus lessoun
1,37 Clercus that knoweth hit / scholde kennen hit aboute
; [aaAx]
1,38 for cristene ant vncristene ; claymeth hit vchone /
1,39 Euery wyght that ys wys / wylneth hit to haue ; [aaAx]
1,40 Kyngus ant knyghtus ; scholde kepen hyt be resoun /
1,41 Ryden an rappe down / in reumus aboute ; [aaAx]
1,42 ant take trangressores ; ant teyen hem faste / [aaAx]
1,43 Tyl trewthe haued ytermyned / here trespas to the ende
/ [aaAx]
1,44 ffor dauid in hys days ; dubbed knyghtes [aaAx]
1,45 Dede hem swere on here swerd / to serue trewth euere
1,46 Þat ys profession / that appendeth to knyghtus [axAx]
1,47 Ant nat to faste a fryday ; in fifscore wyntur / [aaAx]
1,48 But halde wyth hym ant wyth here / that haschet the
trewthe ; [aaaAx]
1,49 Ant neuer leue hem for loue / ne for lachyng of yftus
1,50 Ant hoso passeth thys poynt ; ys apostata in the hordre
1,51 Cryst kynggen kyng . knigten tene [aaaAx]
1,52 Cherubyn ant seraphyn . such seuene ant anothur [xaAx]
1,53 Yaf hem mygthe in hys mageste . the murgur hym thoughte
fol. 126r
1,54 Ant ouer ys mene mayne ; made hem arcangles [aaAx]
1,55 Taughte hem thorw the trynite / the trewthe to knowe
; [aaAx]
1,56 To be buxum at ys bede ; a bad hem nat ellus / [aaAx]
1,57 lucifer wyth legyounes / lerned hit in heuene ; [aaAx]
1,58 Ant was the louelokest of lyght ; after oure lord syluen
/ [aaAx]
1,59 Tyl he brak boxumnesse / torw bost of hemsylfe [aaAx]
1,60 thenne fulle he wyth ys felawscipe / ant fendes bycome
1,61 out of heue into helle / hobeled they faste ; [aaAx]
1,62 Somme in Eyr somme in herthe / somme in helle depe [aaAx]
1,63 ac lucifer lowest ; lyth of hem alle / [aaAx]
1,64 for pruyde that hym pulte out ; ys peyne hath non ende
/ [aaAx]
1,65 ant apostata of that place ; ant pelour of helle [aaAx]
1,66 Ant alle that wyrcheth wyth wrong / wenden they scollen
1,67 aftur here deth day ; ant dwelle wyth that schrew [aaAx]
1,68 ac tho that wyrchen the word / that holy wryt techeth
1,69 ant endeth as y or sayde / in parfite vertus [aaXx]
1,70 mow be syker that here soule / schal wende to heuene
1,71 there trewthe his in trinite / ant tronen hem alle [aaAx]
1,72 forthy y seyde er / by syght of thys tyxtes [xaAx]
1,73 Wen alle tresores ar tryed ; trewthe ys the beste /
1,74 Lere hyt thus to lewed men / for lettred hyt knoweth
1,75 that trewthe his the tresor / trydest on erthe [aaAx]
1,76 I haue no kynde knowyng / yut mot ye kene me betre [aaAx]
1,77 by wat craft in my cors / hyt comseth ant were [aaAx]
1,78 Thow doted daffe quad sche ; dulle are thy wyttes [aaAx]
1,79 Hyt ys a kynde knowyng ; that keneth for to louy [aaAx]
1,80 ♣thy god leuere than thyselue [xxXx]
1,81 To do no dedly synne .♣deye thow scholdest [aaAx]
1,82 ffor thus wytnessett ♣ys word . wyrche thow thereaftur
1,83 Thys y trowe be trewthe . ♣ho can theche the bettere
1,84 loke thow suffre hym to seye . ant senes lere hit aftur
1,85 for loue his the leuest thynk . that oure lord hasketh
1,86 ant eke the plente of pes / preche hit in thyn harpe
1,87 There thow art murye at the mete / yf men byt the yed
1,88 ffor in kynde knowyng in herte / there comseth a myght
1,89 ant that falleth to the fadur / that fourmed vs alle
1,90 loked on vs wyth loue ; let ys sone deye mylelyche [aaAx]
1,91 for oure mysdedes ; to menden vs alle [axAx]
1,92 ant yut wolde hem no wo / that wrowghte hym that tene
; [aaAx]
1,93 But mikelyche wyth mouthe ; mercy a bysowghte [aaAx]
1,94 To haue pite on the peple / that peyned hym to dethe
1,95 here myght thow se ; ensawmples in hymsylf [xaAa]
1,96 one that he was myghtfol ant meke / ant mercy gan graunte
1,97 To hem that hongen hym heye / ant ys herte thorled [aaaAx]
1,98 forthy y rede ye ryche / habbeth rewth on the pore [aaAx]
1,99 Thow ye be myghty to mote / beth meke in youre wercus
1,100 loketh on hem wyth loue lawes / thow ye hem kepe [aaaXx]
1,101 for the same mesures . that methet amys [xaAx]
1,102 Other alles ye schal be wo therewyth / wen ye wenden
hennus [aaAx]
1,103 Thouʒ ye be trewe of yor tonge / ant trewlyche wynne
; [aaAx]
1,104 Ant be as schast as a childe / ant do chirches make
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1,105 But yf ye loue lelelyche / ant lene the pore [aaAx]
1,106 of such god as god ou sent / godlyche parte [aaAx]
1,107 ye habbeth no more meryte / in masse ne in houres [aaAx]
1,108 then maleken of here maydenhod / that no man desyreth
1,109 Iames the gentel / iuggeth by ys bokes [aaAx]
1,110 that fayth wythouten the fet / ys febler then nauʒt
1,111 ant as ded as a dorenayl / but yf dedus folwe [aaAx]
1,112 Mony chapelyns aren chaste / ac charite ys aweye [aaAx]
1,113 aren noen harder then summe / wen they ben avaunsed
1,114 ant eke vnkynde to here / ant to alle other crystene
1,115 Cheweth here charite / chyden aftur more [aaAx]
1,116 Here loue ys likned to a laumpe / that no lyght ys
ynne [aaaAx]
1,117 such chastite wythouten charite / worth cheyned in
helle [aaAx]
1,118 for ye curatores that kepeth yow / clene of youre body
1,119 ant beth acombred wyth couetyse / ye konnen nat crepe
out [aaAa]
1,120 so harde haueth auarice / yhapsed yow togyderes [aaAx]
1,121 Trewthe taughte neuere so / but trecherye of elle [aaAx]
1,122 ant lereth the lewed men / later to dele [aaAx]
1,123 fforyth wordus ywryte / in the ewangelye [aaAx]
1,124 {Date & dabitur vobis} / for y dele yow alle [{aa}Ax]
1,125 That ys lok of loue / that lateth out grace [aaAx]
1,126 To conforte the carful / acombred wyth synne [aaAx]
1,127 loue ys the lyfloede / that oure lord haschet [aaAx]
1,128 ant eke the gate of grace / that goth into heune [aaAx]
1,129 fforthy seye as y seyde er / by syght of this tyxtus
1,130 Wen alle tresoures ben tryed / trewthe ys the best
1,131 Now haue y told the wat trewthe ys / taken in thyn
herte [aaAx]
1,132 Y may no lengur lenge the wyth / now loke the oure
lord [aaAa]
Passus Secundus2,1 NOw haue y told yow of trewthe / that
no tresor ys bettre [aaAx]
2,2 Yf ye wyl weten of Wrong / y wyl yow fayre schewe [aa(A)xx]
2,3 Bothe of fauel ant falsede / that myche folk apeyreth
2,4 ffor yut y kneled on my knes / ant cryed here of grace
2,5 Ant seyde mercy madame / for marie loue of heune [aaAx]
2,6 That bar that blysful barn / that boughtes on the rode
2,7 Kenne me for youre cortesye / the false for to knowe
2,8 Loke on the lifth half quad sche / ant lo were a standʒ
2,9 Bothe fauel ant false / ant ys feres monye [aaAx]
2,10 Yf thow wylnes to wytte / lo were they stande [aaAx]
2,11 I loked on my lifth half / as the lady me thaughte [aaAx]
2,12 ant was ware of a wuiman / worthely yclothed [aaAx]
2,13 Yporfyled in pelure / the purest on erthe [aaAx]
2,14 Ycrowned in a crowne / the kyng hatht no bettre [aaAx]
2,15 Alle here fyue fyngres / were fretted wyth ryngus [aaAx]
2,16 Wyth ryche rubius / as rede as a glede [aaAx]
2,17 In red scarlet yrobed / ant rybanes of golde [aaAx]
2,18 there ys no quene queyntor / that quyk ys on molde [aaAx]
2,19 Wat ys that wuiman quad y / so worthyly atyred [aaAx]
2,20 That ys mede the mayde quad he / hath nuyed me ful ofte
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2,21 Ant laked my lore ; to lordus aboute [aaAx]
2,22 In the Pope paleys / he ys pryue as mysylfe [aaAx]
2,23 Ant so scholde sche nat be / for wrong ys here syre
2,24 Out of wrong sche wax / to wrothurhele monye [aaAx]
2,25 I howghte ben herrer than he / y com a bettre [aaa(A)xx]
2,26 Tomorwe worth the maryage mad / of mede & of fals
2,27 ffauel wyth fayr speche / hath forged hem togyderes
2,28 Ant gyle hath bygo here so / he graunthet alle here
wylle [aaAx]
2,29 Ac alle ys lyares ledyng / that they lye togyderes [aaAx]
2,30 Tomorwe worth the maryage / ymad as y telle [aaAx]
2,31 There myght thow wytte yf þou wylt / wyche they ben
alle [aaAx]
2,32 That longeth to thys lordschipe / the lasse & the
more [aaAx]
2,33 knowe hem there if thow canst / ant kepe the fro hem
alle [aaAx]
2,34 Yf thow wylnest to wone / wyth treweth in ys blisse
2,35 Y may no lengor lette / lord y the bykenne [aaAx]
2,36 Ant bycome a god man / for eny couetyse y rede [aaAx]
2,37 Alle the ryche retenanse / that regneht wyth false [aaAx]
2,38 Were bede to this bruydale / on bothe to the sydes [aaAx]
2,39 Sire symonye ys ofsent / to sele the chartres [aaAx]
2,40 Ant alle the notaryes by name / that ther noen fayle
2,41 To sette on here sygnes / as symonye wyl bydde [aaAx]
2,42 Cyuyle ys sompned / to sese alle the londus [aaAx]
2,43 that fauel ant fals / by eny fyn haldeth [aaAx]
2,44 To feffe mede theremyd / in maryage for euere [aaAx]
2,45 Sothnesse ant mysylf / sey this ant more [aaAx]
2,46 ffor there nas hale ne hows / to herborwe the peple
2,47 nayther logge ne lawnde / ne lesewe so brode [aaAx]
2,48 That vch feuld nas ful (.) of folk alle aboute [aaAx]
2,49 In myddys on morwe / on a montayne heye [aaAx]
2,50 Was pyght vn a paueloun / proud for the nones [aaAx]
2,51 An ten thowsound of tentus / teled by sydes [aaAx]
2,52 Of knyghtus of contrays / ant commiers aboute [aaAx]
2,53 ffor sysores ffor sompnorus (.) ffor syllares ant bygares
2,54 ffor lered for lewed (.) ffor laboreres in thowne [aaAx]
2,55 Alle to wyttenesse wel / wat the wryt wolde [aaAx]
2,56 In wat manere that mede / in meble was sesed [aaAx]
2,57 Ant to by fastened wyth fals / the fyn ys arered [aaAx]
2,58 Thenne fauel fecheth here forth / ant to fals taketh
2,59 In forward that falsede ; schal fynde here for euere
2,60 Ant to be boun at ys bede / at bord ant at bedde [aaAa]
2,61 As sire symonye wyl segge / to sewen ys wylle [aaAx]
2,62 Symonye ant Cyuyle / thenne standeth forth [aaAx]
2,63 Ant vnfoldeth the feffement ; that fals hath ymaked
2,64 Thus bygynneth thyse gomes ; ant gredeth ful heye [aaAx]
2,65 Wythet ant wytnesseth (.) that wonyeth on erthe [aaAx]
2,66 That y fauel / feffe (.) falsenesse to mede [aaAx]
2,67 To be prynses of pruyde ; in pore ant in ryche [aaAx]
2,68 Wyth alle the lordchepe of lecherye / a lengthe ant
of brede [aaAx]
2,69 Wyth the erldom of enuye / for euere to laste [aaAx]
2,70 Ant alle the counte of couetyse / yknowen aboute [aaAx]
fol. 127v
2,71 As in vsurye in auaryse / in othur cheuysawnses [aaAx]
2,72 Tyl that glotenye be ygraue / here glorye to deure [aaAx]
2,73 Wyth the seynewrye of slewethe / y sese hem togydere
2,74 They to habbe ant to holde / ant here herrys aftur [aaAa]
2,75 Wyth alle the portenaunce of purgatorie / into the pyne
of elle [aaAx]
2,76 yeldyng for thys thyng / at one yeres ende [axAx]
2,77 here sowles to satanas / to synken in pyne [aaAx]
2,78 there to wonyen wyth wrong / wyle god ys in heuene [aa(A)xx]
2,79 In wyttnesse of wych thyng / wrong was the furste [aaAx]
2,80 Ant Peres the pardoner / of sent poules chirche [aaAx]
2,81 Ant Bette the bedel / of bokynghamschire [aaAx]
2,82 Ant reynald the reue / of rotlonde sokene [aaAx]
2,83 Monde the myllare / ant mony mo othur [aaAx]
2,84 In the date of deul ; thys dede ys aseled [aaAx]
2,85 By syght of syre symonye / ant Cyuyles leue [aaAx]
2,86 Thenne tened hym Theologye / wen he thys tale yherde
2,87 Ant seyde to Cyuynie (.) now sorwe on thy bokes [aaAx]
2,88 such weddingus to wyrche / to wrathen the trewthe [aaAx]
2,89 ant ar thys wedding be wrought / wo the betyde [aaAx]
2,90 ffor mede ys moylere / of mendes engendret [aaAx]
2,91 god grawnteth hymsylf / to gyue / mede to trewthe [aaAx]
2,92 ant thow hast gyue here to a gloten / now god gyue the
sorwe [aaAx]
2,93 the tyxtus telleth nat so / trewthe wot the sothe [aaAx]
2,94 {Dignus est operarius} / hys huyre to haue [{xa}Aa]
2,95 ant thow hast faste here wyth false / we fy on the lawe
2,96 for alle by lesyngus tow lyuest / ant lechoures wercus
2,97 thow schalt abygge thys bargayn / by my fadur sowle
2,98 Sire symonye ant thysylue / schendeth holy chirche [aaAx]
2,99 Wyth notaryes nysotes / nuyest the peple [aaAx]
2,100 ant sowsest yow in synne / wyth seynte marye rentus
2,101 Wel ye wyte wernardus / but yf youre wyt fayle [aaaAx]
2,102 That fals hys a faytor / ant faytles of wercus [aaAx]
2,103 ant as a bastard ybore / of belsabubbes kynne [aaAx]
2,104 ant mede ys a mayde / murgust on erthe [aaAx]
2,105 a myghte kysse the kyng (.) for cosyn ant he wolde
2,106 Ac wurcheth by wysdom / ant by wyt aftur [aaAx]
2,107 ant ledeth here to londone / there lewte hys handlet
2,108 Yf eny lawe wyl loke . they lygge / togyderes [aaAx]
2,109 ant thow iustises iuggede here / to be ioyned wyth
false [aaAx]
2,110 Yut beth ywar of the wedding / for wytty hys trewthe
2,111 ffor consience ys of ys consayl / ant knoweth yow vchoun
2,112 ant yf he fynd yow in defawte / ant wyt the fals hold
2,113 Hyt schal besytte youre sowle / ful sowre at the laste
2,114 Hereto assenthet Cyuyle / ac symonye ne wolde [aaAx]
2,115 Tyl he haued syluer for hys seles / ant signes togydderes
2,116 Thenne fette fauel forth / florynes ynowe ant bad gyle
gold alle abowte [aaAbb]
2,117 2,118 To symonye ant Cyuyle / ant sethe alle the othur
2,119 Ant namelyche the notaryes / that there noen fayle
2,120 ant feffe false wytnesse / wyt florynes ynowe [aaAx]
2,121 ffor he may mede amaystrye . ant make at my wylle [aaAx]
fol. 128r
2,122 Tho thys gold was ygyue / gret was the thonkyng [aaAx]
2,123 To fals ant to fauel / for here fayre yftus [aaAx]
2,124 ant comen to conforte / fram care the false [aaAx]
2,125 ant seyden syre certes / sese schal we nere [aaAx]
2,126 Tyl mede be thy weded wyf / thorw wyt of vs alle [xaaAx]
2,127 We han mede amaystred / thorw oure mury speche [aaAx]
2,128 That he hath graunted to go / wyth a god wylle [aaAx]
2,129 To londone to loke / yf that lawe wolde [aaAx]
2,130 iugge yow ioyntely / in ioye togydderes [aaAx]
2,131 Thenne was falsenesse fayn / ant fauel as blythe [aaAx]
2,132 ant let sompne al ys segges / in schyres aboute [aaAx]
2,133 ant bad hem alle be bow / beggares ant othur [aaAx]
2,134 To wenden wyth hym to westemynstre / to wytnesse thys
dede [aaAx]
2,135 Thenne kared they for kaples / to kayren hem thedur
2,136 Ac fauel bad feche forth / foles ynowe [aaAx]
2,137 Ant sette mede on a scheryue / yschoed al newe [aaAx]
2,138 Ant fals on a sysor / that softeliche trotted [xaAx]
2,139 Ant fauel on fayr speche / fetysliche atyred [aaAx]
2,140 Thenne haued notaryes none / anuyed they were [aaAx]
2,141 ffor symonye ant Cyuyle / scholde goen on here fete
2,142 Thenne swor Cyuyle / ant seyde by the rode [aaAx]
2,143 that sompnoures scholde be sadeled / ant serue symonye
2,144 ant lat aparayle the prouisoures / in palfrayes wyse
2,145 Syre symonye hymsylf / schal sytte on here bakus [aaAx]
2,146 ffor Denes schulle ben dyght (.) as destreres [aaAx]
2,147 they schal bere thes byschopes (.) tyl they be there
2,148 Erchdekenus officiales . y hote that they ben atyred
2,149 ffor they schul serue mysylf / that Cyuyle hatte [aaAx]
2,150 Ant lat kartsadle the commessarye / oure kart schal
he draw [aaAx]
2,151 Ant fetten oure vitayles (.) of {fornicatores} [aa{Ax}]
(f:v:f)2,152 Ant maketh lyare a lankart / to lede alle thys
othur [aaAx]
2,153 as fobbes ant faytoures / that on here fet rennes [aaAx]
2,154 Thenne fals fareht forth (.) ant fauel togyderes [aaAx]
2,155 Ant mede in the myddus / ant alle thys men aftur [aaAx]
2,156 I haue no tome to telle / the tayl that hem folewed
2,157 Of many manere men / that on thys mold libbes [aaAx]
2,158 Ac gyle was forgoar / ant gyde hem to lede [aaAx]
2,159 Ac sothnesse sey hym wel / seyde but lyte [aaAx]
2,160 ac fiched hym faste / ant goth afore alle [aaAx]
2,161 Ant com to the kyingus court / ant consyence tolde
2,162 Ant conscience to the king / carped yt aftur [aaAx]
2,163 ant how thys corsed companie / that to the court wolde
2,164 Of symonye of Cyuyle / ant seyde hym al togyderes [aaAx]
2,165 How fauel ant falsenesse / fondet to lach mede [aaAx]
2,166 To maryage ant on wat (.) manere hym lette [axAx]
2,167 ant how gyle gaf the gold / to gomes abowte [aaaAx]
2,168 To symonye to Cyuyle (.) ant seyde al togyderes [aaAx]
2,169 ant how teologye tened hym / ant traytowres hem called
2,170 ant seyde trewthe for here trespas / scholde tene hem
vch one [aaAx]
2,171 By cryst quad kyng tho / ant y cache myghte [aaAx]
fol. 128v
2,172 fals othur fauel / or eny of here feres [aaXa]
2,173 y wyl be wreke of tho wrechus / that wyrchen so hylle
2,174 Ant do hange hem by the hals / ant alle that hem menthyneth
2,175 Schal neuere man on this molde / mempryse the leste
2,176 But ryght as lawe loketh / lat fal on hem alle [aa(A)xx]
2,177 ffor eny mercy of mede / by marye of heuene [aaAx]
2,178 ant comawnded a constable / that com at the furst [aaAx]
2,179 To a atache tho tyrauntes / for eny tresor y hote [aaAx]
2,180 fetureth falsenesse faste / for eny skynes yftes [aaa(A)xx]
2,181 Ant gurdeth of gyeles heued / lat hym go no forthur
2,182 Ant bryngeth mede to me / mawgre hem alle [aaAx]
2,183 Symonye sey hym / y sende hym to warne [aaAx]
2,184 That holy chyrche for hym (.) worth harmed for euere
2,185 Ant thow lache lyare / lat hym nat askape [aaAx]
2,186 Tyl he be pot on the pylory / for eny preyere y hote
2,187 Drede at the dore stod / ant the dyne herde [aaAx]
2,188 how the kyng konstables / comaunded ant othur [aaAx]
2,189 as seriauntes ant scheryues / that schyres han to kepe
2,190 Warned fals fore / ant ys feres alle [aaAx]
2,191 Thenne falsenesse for fere / fley to the freres [aaAa]
2,192 gyle doth hym to / agast for to dye [axAx]
2,193 Ac marchawns mette wyth hym / made hym abyde [aaAx]
2,194 byschutten hym in here schoppe / to schewen here ware
2,195 Parayled hym as a prentys (.) the peple to serue [aaAx]
2,196 lyghtlyche lyare / lep away thenne [aaAx]
2,197 lurkynge thorw lanes / toluged of mony [aaAx]
2,198 he was nawer welcome / for ys mony tales [xxXx]
2,199 But ouer al yhonted / ant yhote trusse [aaAx]
2,200 Tyl pardoners haued pyte / polled hym into howse [aaAx]
2,201 Woschen ant wyped hym / wownden hym in cloutus [aaAx]
2,202 ant senten hym sonendayus / wyth seles to Chirches
2,203 ant gaf pardoune for pans / poundmele aboute [aaAx]
2,204 Thenne lowred leches / ant letres they hym sent [aaAx]
2,205 ffor to wonye wyth hem / wateres to loke [axAx]
2,206 Spisores speke to hym / to spyen here thyngus [aaAx]
2,207 ffor he kowthe of here craft / ant knew mony gummes
2,208 Ac mynstrales ant messageres / mette wyth hym ones
2,209 ant helden hym half yer / ant eleue dayes [aaAx]
2,210 ffreres wyth fayre speche (.) fetten hym thennes [aaAx]
2,211 ffor knowyng of comares / coped hym as a frere [aaAx]
2,212 Ac he hath leue to lepe out / as ofte as hym licut
2,213 ant ys welcome wen a wol / woneth wyth hem ofte [aaAx]
2,214 Alle fledde for fere / saue fauel ant mede [aaAx]
2,215 Ac bothe to trembled / atached tho they were [xaAx]
Passus tercius3,1 NOw ys mede the mayde (.) ant no mo of
hem alle [aaAx]
3,2 Wyth bedles ant bayles (.) ybrought to the king [aaAx]
3,3 The kyng cald a clerk (.) y can nat ys name [aaaAx]
3,4 To take mede the mayde (.) ant maken here at ese [aaAx]
fol. 129r
3,5 y schal assay here mysylf (.) ant sothelyche apose [aaAx]
3,6 wat man of thys world (.) that here were leuest [aaAx]
3,7 Ant yf he wyrche by wyt (.) ant my wille folwe [aaAx]
3,8 y wille fo gyue here that gult (.) so me god helpe [aaAx]
3,9 Corteyseliche thys clerk (.) as the kyng hyghte [aaAx]
3,10 ladde this lady to lofte (.) that mede his yhote [aaaXx]
3,11 ac there was murthe ant mynstracie (.) mede to plese
3,12 That wonyeth at westmenstre (.) wurcheped here alle
3,13 Gentelyche wyth ioye (.) the Iustises monye [aaAx]
3,14 Busked hem to the bour there (.) the buyrde dweld [aaAx]
3,15 Conforted here kyndelyche (.) by cleregyus leue [aaAx]
3,16 Seyden mourne nat mede (.) ne mak thow no sorwe [aaAx]
3,17 ffor we wyl wysse kyng (.) ant thy way schape [aaAx]
3,18 ffor to wedde at thy wille (.) were thow lef licuth
3,19 ffor al conscienses cast (.) ant craft as we trowe [aaAx]
3,20 Myldelyche mede (.) mercyed hem alle [aaAx]
3,21 Of theyr grete godnesse (.) ant gaf hem vchone [aaAx]
3,22 Coupus of clene gold (.) coppus of syluer [aaAx]
3,23 Rynges wyth rubyes (.) ant rychesses monye [aaAx]
3,24 The leste mon of here meyne (.) a moten of gold [aaAx]
3,25 Thenne lawʒte they leue (.) this lordus at mede [aaAx]
3,26 Wyth that come clerkus (.) conforted here the same [aaAx]
3,27 ant beden here be blythe (.) for we beth thyn owne [aaAx]
3,28 ffor to wyrche thy wylle (.) wyle thow myʒt loke [aa(A)xx]
3,29 hendelyche he thenne (.) byhyghte hem the same [axAx]
3,30 To loue yow lelely wyle (.) my lyf deureth [aaAx]
3,31 ant in the consistorye at court (.) do calle youre name
3,32 ant bugge benefices (.) were yow best lycuth [aaAx]
3,33 Porchase prouendres thereto (.) wyle my pans lasteth
3,34 Schal no lowedenesse lette (.) hem that y louye [aaXa]
3,35 That they nar furst avaunsed (.) for yc am yknowe [aa(A)xx]
3,36 There connyngge clerkus (.) cleketh byhyend [aaAx]
3,37 The kying fro consayl com (.) kalde aftur mede [aaaAx]
3,38 ant of sentare as swythe (.) seriauns here fette [aaAx]
3,39 ant browghte here to boure (.) wyth a blithe chere [aaAx]
3,40 Corteyslyche the kyng (.) commesed to telle [aaAx]
3,41 To mede the mayde (.) meled his wordus [aaAx]
3,42 Vnwyttyly thow womman (.) wrowt hast ofte [aaAx]
3,43 ac worse wrowghtest nere (.) as wen þow fals toke [aa(A)xx]
3,44 ac y fortgyue that gult (.) ant graunte the grace [aaAa]
3,45 ant fro hennes to thy deth day (.) do þow so no more
3,46 I haue a knyʒt conscience (.) com lat fro byyonde [aaAx]
3,47 yf he wylneth the to wyue (.) wolte þow hym haue [aaAx]
3,48 ye lord quad that lady (.) lord hit me forbede [aaAx]
3,49 but y be holy at youre heste (.) lat hange me ellus
3,50 Thenne was conscience ycald (.) to come ant apere [aaAx]
3,51 byfor the kyng ant ys consayl (.) of clerkus ant othur
3,52 kneled conscience (.) ant to the kyng lowted [aaAx]
3,53 ant wat that ys wille were (.) ant wat he do scholde
3,54 Wylt þow wedde thys lady (.) ant y wyl assente [aaxAx]
fol. 129v
3,55 for he ys fayn of thy fellawschippe (.) ant for to be
thy make [aa(A)xx]
3,56 Quad consciense to the kyng (.) cryst hit me forbede
3,57 ar y wedded such a wyf (.) wo me bytyde [aaAx]
3,58 Sche ys frele of here fayth (.) fikel of here speche
3,59 A maketh men mysdo (.) many score tyme [aaaAx]
3,60 In triste of here tresor (.) he teneht ful monye [aaAx]
3,61 wyues ant wedewus (.) wantownesse he thechet [aaAx]
3,62 lereth hem lecherye (.) that loueyeth here yftus [aaAx]
3,63 youre fader a feld (.) thorw false byheste [aaAx]
3,64 poyseneth popes (.) apeyreth holy chirche [aaAx]
3,65 ys nat a bettre bawde (.) by hym that me made [aa(A)xx]
3,66 bytwene heuene ant helle (.) ant erthe thow me sowte
3,67 Sche ys tykel of here tayl (.) talewys of tonge [aaAa]
3,68 as comewn as the cartway (.) to knaues ant to alle [aaAx]
3,69 to monekus to mynstrales (.) to myseles in hegges [aaAx]
3,70 Sysoures ant sompneres (.) such men here preyseth [aaAx]
3,71 a doth men lesen here land (.) ye ant here lyf bothe
3,72 scheryues of schires (.) were schent yf he nere [aaAx]
3,73 ffor he lat passe prysones (.) payeth for hem ofte [aaAx]
3,74 A gyueth the gaylares gold (.) ant grotus togyderes
3,75 To vnfetere the fals (.) fle were hym licut [aaAx]
3,76 Taketh trewthe by the top (.) tethereth hym faste [aaaAx]
3,77 Ant hangeth hym for hatrede (.) that harmed nere [aaAx]
3,78 To be corsed in the consistorye (.) a cownteth nat a
rysche [aaAx]
3,79 for a copeth the comyssarye (.) coteth ys clercus [aaAa]
3,80 Sche ys assoyled thus sone (.) as heresilf licuth [aaAx]
3,81 he may ney as myche do (.) in a monthe onus [aaAx]
3,82 as youre secrete sel (.) in syxe scor dayes [aaAx]
3,83 ffor he ys pryue wyth the pope (.) prouisores hit knoweth
3,84 ffor symonye ant heresilf (.) aseleth here bullus [aaAx]
3,85 A blesseth thes byschopus (.) thow they be lewed [aaAx]
3,86 Prouendreth parsones (.) prestes he meynteneth [aaAx]
3,87 To habbe lemmanes ant luttebys (.) alle here lyf days
3,88 ant bryngeth forth barnes (.) ayeyn forbode lawes [aaAx]
3,89 There he ys wel wyth a kyng (.) wo his the rewme [axAx]
3,90 ffor he ys fauorable to fals (.) ant falleth ryght ofte
3,91 Barones ant burgeys (.) he bryngeth into sorwe [aaAx]
3,92 By Iesus wyth here Iueles (.) youre iustyses a schendeth
3,93 Ant lythth ayeyn lawe (.) ant lette hem the gate [aaAx]
3,94 that fayth may nat haue ys forth (.) here floreynes
goth so thykke [aaAx]
3,95 The mase for a mene man (.) thouʒ a mote euere [aaAx]
3,96 Wythouten mony or mede (.) or morgage ys landus [aaAx]
3,97 lawe ys so lordlyche (.) ant loth to make hynde [aaAx]
3,98 Wythouten presentus or pans (.) a pleseth ful fewe [aaAx]
3,99 he lat lawe as here lust (.) ant louedays makuth [aaAx]
3,100 clergyse ant coueytyse (.) he coupleth togydere [aaAx]
3,101 Thys ys the lyf of that lady (.) now lord yf here sorwe
3,102 ant alle that meyntyneth here men (.) meschaunce hem
bytyde [aaAx]
3,103 for pore men han no pouer to pleyne hem (.) they hey
smerte [aaaXx]
3,104 Such a mayster ys mede (.) among men of gode [aaAx]
fol. 130r
3,105 Thenne morned mede (.) mened here to the kyng [aaAx]
3,106 To haue space to speke (.) spede yf a myghte [aaAx]
3,107 The kynge graunted here grace (.) wyth a god wylle
3,108 Excuse yf thow canst (.) y can no more schewen [aa(A)xx]
3,109 for conscience akusseth (.) to congey the for euere
3,110 Nay lord quad that lady (.) leue hym the worse [aaAx]
3,111 Wen the wyten wyturly (.) were the wrong lyges [aaAx]
3,112 There that meschef ys gret (.) mede may helpe [axAx]
3,113 ant thow knowest conscience (.) y com nat to chyde
3,114 ne to depraue thy persone (.) wyth a proud herte [aaAx]
3,115 Wel thow wost weye (.) but yf tow wyl gabbe [aaaAx]
3,116 Thow hast hanged on myn half (.) elleuene tymes [aaAx]
3,117 ant eke ygrype my gold (.) gef hit were thow lyked
3,118 ac wy thow wratheste the now (.) wndor me thynkeuth
3,119 ffor yut y may as y myghte (.) menske the wyth yftus
3,120 ant multiplye thy monhede (.) more thenne thow knowest
3,121 ac thow hast defamed me foule (.) afor the kyng here
3,122 That thow seydest for soth (.) schalt thow nere fynde
3,123 for me were leuere by oure lord (.) to lyggen in peyne
3,124 wyle that thys world last (.) then wyrchen so ylle
3,125 ffor kyld y nere no king (.) ne consayled thereaftur
3,126 ne dede as thow demyst (.) y do yt on the kynge [aaAx]
3,127 In normawndye nas a nat (.) anuyed for my sake [aaAx]
3,128 Ac thow thysylf sothelyche (.) schamedest ofte [aaAx]
3,129 Crope into kaban (.) for cold of thy nayles [aaAx]
3,130 wendest that wyntur (.) wolde last euere [aaAx]
3,131 Draddyst the to dey (.) for a dymme clowde [aaAx]
3,132 ant hastedest hammard (.) for hungur of thy wombe [aaAx]
3,133 Wythoute pyte thow pyte thow pylor (.) pore men [aaAx]
3,134 thow robbedest ant bere here bras (.) at thy bak to
kaleys to sylle [xaaAx]
3,135 There y lefte wyth my lord (.) ys lyf for to saue [aaAx]
3,136 ant made ys men murye (.) ant mournyg to leue [aaaAx]
3,137 y battered hem on the bak (.) boldede here herte [aaAx]
3,138 Dede hem hoppe for hope (.) to haue me at wylle [aaAx]
3,139 haued y be marchal of ys men (.) by mary of heuene
3,140 y durst haue leyd my lyf (.) ant no lasse wedde [aaAx]
3,141 a scholde haue be lord of that lond (.) a lengthe ant
of brede [aaAx]
3,142 ant eke kyng of that kyth (.) ys kyn for to helpe [aaAx]
3,143 Ye the leste brol of ys blod (.) a barones pere [aaAx]
3,144 Kowardelyche thow conscience (.) conseylest hym thennes
3,145 To leuen ys lordschepe (.) for a litel syluer [aaAx]
3,146 that ys the rychest rewme (.) that reyn ouer houes
3,147 Ac conscience cryst wot (.) as y can descryue [aaAx]
3,148 Out of northfolk or normawndye (.) thy name was yfounde
3,149 ffor thow canst selle the cow (.) y calf ant wythouten
3,150 halden wyth hym ant wyth here (.) ay as the licuth
3,151 ffreres fyndeth the a frend (.) that thow furst blamedest
3,152 thyselue art asentaunt (.) that they schal men schryue
3,153 ffurst thow corue hem a cope (.) conscience thyselue
3,154 ant comawndest vche couent (.) coueytyse to lete [aaAx]
fol. 130v
3,155 Ant nyme nat of no man (.) but as nede hascheth [aaAx]
3,156 Now ast thow coped hem in coueytyse (.) ant cumseth
to ryde [aaAx]
3,157 That weren woned to wade (.) in wynteres ful colde
3,158 Now beth they boted tho bewsoun (.) ant bayard stowlyche
bestrydeth [aaAbb]
3,159 The bourlyokest bornet (.) ant blanket to selle [aaAx]
3,160 They byggen hyt nat beggen hit (.) to bakken thereinne
3,161 In delys of lecherye (.) ys lycam achoceth [aaAx]
3,162 That such wedus wereth (.) y wyl yt avowe [aaAx]
3,163 ffor lecherye ys delyt (.) ant eke aloft bothe [aaAx]
3,164 Letred ant vnlered (.) lewdelyche thow techest [aaAx]
3,165 Vnnethe ys ther eny man (.) that nolde be ryche [axAx]
3,166 Ant alle the wyttus that a wot (.) to wynnygge he schapeth
3,167 Of alle manere men (.) mede ys desyred [aaAx]
3,168 Conscience but at consayl (.) countheth ful fewe [aaAx]
3,169 Marchauns myghte forbere the (.) none man bettre [axAx]
3,170 Conscience in couetyse (.) clercus hath robed [aaAx]
3,171 Ant soyleth men for syluer (.) we sen wel ouresylue
3,172 Conscience ys the cumsyng (.) of alle skynes werkus
3,173 Be hyt wel be hit wo (.) a wot hyt at the furst [aaAx]
3,174 Ys maystry ys aboue me (.) that mede am yhote [aaAx]
3,175 Wythouten hys wyt wyrch y not (.) god wot the sothe
3,176 That thow ne art furst foundur (.) god fayth it knoweth
Passus quartus4,1 SEseth seseth sayde the kynge (.) y soffre
yow no lengur [aaxAx]
4,2 ye schal sawtene for sothe (.) ant serue me bothe [aaAx]
4,3 kysse here quad the kyng (.) conscience y hote [aaAx]
4,4 Nay by cryst quad conscience (.) congeye me arre [aaAx]
4,5 But resoun radde me thertyl (.) rather wyll y deye [aaAx]
4,6 ant y comawnde quad the kyng (.) to consciencie thenne
4,7 rape the to ryde (.) ant resoun that thow feche [aaAx]
4,8 Comawnde hym that he come (.) my consayl to here [aaAx]
4,9 ffor he schal rewle my rewme (.) rede me the beste [aaAx]
4,10 of mede ant mo othur (.) ant wat man schal here wedde
4,11 ant kounte wyth the conscyence (.) so me cryst helpe
4,12 how thow lerest the peple (.) lered ant lewed [axAa]
4,13 y am fayn of þat forward (.) seyth the freke thenne
4,14 and ryt ryght to resoun (.) ant rowneth in ys here [aaaAx]
4,15 seyde hym as the kying sente (.) ant senes tok ys leue
4,16 I schal araye me to ryde quad resoun (.) reste the the
wil [aaaAx]
4,17 ant cald tomme trewe tonge (.) telle me no talus [aaaAa]
4,18 ne lesyngus to lawʒe of (.) for y loued hit nere [aaAx]
4,19 Sette my sadel vp on suffre (.) tyl y se my tyme [aaaAx]
4,20 ant lat warryoke wyl (.) wyth stronge wytty gurthus
4,21 honge on hym the heuye brydel (.) to holde ys heued
lowe [aaAa]
4,22 ffor yut wyl he make mony (.) a wehe ar we be there
4,23 Thenne conscyence on ys kapel (.) kayres forth faste
4,24 ant resoun ryt forth wyth hym (.) ryght to the kyng
4,25 Ac on wareyn wysdom (.) ant wytty ys fere [aaAx]
fol. 131r
4,26 folwed hem faste (.) for they haued to done [aa(A)xx]
4,27 In the cheker ant in chaunserye (.) to be descharged
of thyngus [aaAx]
4,28 and ryden faste for resoun (.) schold rede hem the beste
4,29 ffor to sauen hemsylf (.) fro schame ant fro harmes
4,30 ac conscyence com arst (.) to court by a myle [aaAx]
4,31 ant romed forth wyth resoun (.) ryght to the kyng [aaAx]
4,32 Corteyslyche the com aye resoun [axAx]
4,33 ant bytwene hymsylf ant ys sone (.) sette hym a benche
4,34 ant worden ful wysly (.) a gret wyle togyderes [aaAx]
4,35 Thenne com pes in the parlement (.) ant potte vp a bille
4,36 How wronge ayeyne ys wylle (.) haued ys wyf take [aaAx]
4,37 ant how a Rauessched rose (.) reynaldus loue [aaAx]
4,38 ant margrete of here maydenhod (.) maugre here checus
4,39 Bothe my ges ant my grys (.) ys gadelynges fecheth [aaAx]
4,40 y dar nat for fere of hym (.) fyghte ne chyde [xaAx]
4,41 A borwed of me bayard (.) ant broughte ayeyn nere [aaAx]
4,42 ne no ferthyng therefore (.) for hought y cowthe plede
4,43 A meynteyneth ys men (.) to morthre myn hewes [aaAx]
4,44 fforstalleth my fayres (.) fyghteth in my chepyng [aaAx]
4,45 Brekth vp my bernus dore (.) berth awey my wete [aaAx]
4,46 Taketh me but a tayle (.) for ten quarter otes [aaAx]
4,47 ant yut a bat me thereto (.) lyth be my mayde [axAx]
4,48 y nam nat hardy for hym (.) vnnethe to loke [aaAx]
4,49 The kyng knewe he seyde sothe (.) for conscyence hym
tolde [aaxAx]
4,50 ant sothenesse swor hit was (.) sothe that he tolde
4,51 Ant thenne was wronge wo (.) ant wysdom a sought [aaAx]
4,52 To make ys pays wyth ys pans (.) ant profred hym monye
4,53 ant seyde haued y loue of my lord (.) lytel wold y rech
4,54 Thow pes ant ys pouer (.) pleynen hem euere [aaAx]
4,55 Wysdom wan tho (.) ant so dede wyt alse [aaAx]
4,56 ffor that wrong haued ywrought (.) so wyked a dede [aaAx]
4,57 Ant warned wrong tho (.) wyth such a wys tale [aaAx]
4,58 Ho so wyrcheth be wyl (.) wrathe maketh ofte [aaAx]
4,59 Y seg by thysylf (.) thow schalt hyt sone fynde [aaAx]
4,60 But yf mede hit make (.) thy meschef ys vppe [aaAx]
4,61 Bothe thy lyf ant thy londus (.) lyth in ys grace [aaAx]
4,62 Wrong thenne on wysdom (.) weped faste [aaAx]
4,63 to helpe hym for his (.) ant handi dandy payed [aaAx]
4,64 Thenne wysdom and wyt (.) wenten togyderes [aaAx]
4,65 an nomen mede myd hem (.) mercy to wynne [axAx]
4,66 Pes potte forth ys heued (.) an his panne blody [aaxAx]
4,67 Wythouten gult god wot (.) gat y this scathe [aaAx]
4,68 Conscience ant the kyng (.) knewe wel the sothe [aaAx]
4,69 ant wysten wel that wrong (.) was a schrewe euere [aaa(A)xx]
4,70 Ac wysdom ant wyt (.) were aboute faste [aaAx]
4,71 To ouercome the kyng (.) thorw catel yf they myghte
4,72 The kyng swor by Cryst (.) ant by ys crowne bothe [aaAx]
4,73 That wrong for ys wercus (.) schold wo tholye [aaAx]
4,74 Ant comawnded a constable (.) to caste hym in yrenes
4,75 A schal nat this vij yer (.) yse ys fete ones [aaAx]
fol. 131v
4,76 God wot quad wysdom (.) that were nat the beste [aaAx]
4,77 ant he amendes mowe make (.) lat meynprise hym haue
4,78 ant be borw for ys bale (.) beggen hym mercy [aaAx]
4,79 Amende that a mysdede (.) ant eueremore the bettre [aaAx]
4,80 Wyt acordede therewyth (.) ant seyde the same [aaBb]
4,81 beture ys that bote (.) bale adown brynge [aaAa]
4,82 Then bale be ybete (.) ant bote nere the bettre [aaAa]
4,83 Thenne gan mede to meke here (.) ant mercy a bysowte
4,84 ant profred pes a present (.) alle of puyre gold [aaaAx]
4,85 ant seyde haue thys of me (.) to amendy thy scath [abBa]
4,86 for y wyl wage for wrong (.) a wyl do so no more [aaAx]
4,87 Pyteuselyche pees thenne (.) preyed the kynge [aaAx]
4,88 to haue mercy on that mysdede hym ofte [xaAx]
4,89 ffor he hath wageth me wyl (.) as wysdom hym taughte
4,90 y forgyue hym that gult (.) wyth a god wylle [aaAx]
4,91 So that ye assente (.) y can sey no more [aaAx]
4,92 ffor me hath made my mendus (.) y may no more aske [aaaAx]
4,93 Nay quad the kynge tho (.) so god yf me blysse [aaAx]
4,94 Wrong wendet nat so away (.) ar y wyte more [aaaAx]
4,95 lope he so lyghtly awey (.) lawen a wolde [aaAx]
4,96 Ant hef the balder to be (.) to bete myn hewes [aaAx]
4,97 But resoun haue rewthe on hym (.) he schal reste hym
in my stokus [aaAx]
4,98 as longe as y leue (.) but the more loue hit make [aaAx]
4,99 Summe raden resoun (.) to haue rewthe on the screwe
4,100 ant to consayle the kyng (.) for conscienses sake [aaAx]
4,101 that mede moste be meynpernor (.) resoun they besowʒte
4,102 Rede me nat quad resoun (.) no rewʒthe to haue [aaAx]
4,103 tyl lordus ant ladyes (.) louyen in trewthe [aaAx]
4,104 Ant pernele purfil (.) be potte in here wuche [aaAx]
4,105 Tyl childurne chersyng (.) ben chasted wyth yerdus
4,106 ant harlotes holynesse (.) yholde for an hyne [aaAa]
4,107 Tyl clerkus ant knytus (.) be corteys of here mowthe
4,108 ant hteyn harlotrye (.) to here yt or to mowth hit
4,109 Tyl prestes here prechyng (.) proue hit on hemsylf
4,110 Ant do hit in dede (.) to drawen vs to gode [aaAx]
4,111 Tyl seynt Iames be sought there (.) y schal asyngne
4,112 That no man go to galys (.) but yf go for euere [aaAx]
4,113 Ant alle rome rennares (.) for robberes of byyende
4,114 To bere no syluer ouer se (.)that sygne of kynge scheweth
4,115 nayther grotus ne gold ygraue (.) wyth kyngus croune
4,116 Vp forfeture of that fe (.) ho so fynt hym at douere
4,117 But yf be machaunt or ys man (.) or messager wyth letres
4,118 Or preste or prouysor (.) that the pope auaunseth [aaAx]
4,119 Thenne schal y knele to the kyng (.) ant cryen hym
of grace [aaAx]
4,120 ffor wrongus wercus ant wrathe (.) in hope that he
amende [aaaXx]
4,121 In none manere ellus nat (.) for no manes bysechyng
4,122 Waren wysdom (.) ant wytty ys fere [aaAx]
4,123 cowthe nat warpe a word tho (.) to wythsegge resoun
4,124 But stoden stylle (.) as stuty hors that dolleth [aaAx]
4,125 Conscience ant the kyng (.) acorded to resoun [aaAx]
fol. 132r
4,126 Ant seyden that resoun (.) ryghtfullyche haued schewed
4,127 Ac ys hit ful hard by myn heued (.) herto to brynge
hit [aaAx]
4,128 Alle my lege ledus (.) to lede hem thus euene [aaAx]
4,129 By hym that rawʒte on the rode (.) quad resoun to the
kyng [aaAx]
4,130 But yf thow rewle thus rewme (.) resoun schal nere
4,131 Thow schalt rewle my rewme resoun (.) ant ryde by my
syde [aaaAx]
4,132 Nay redyly quad resoun (.) y schalt no ryght schewe
4,133 Wyle mede hat the maystrye (.) to mote in thys halle
4,134 Ac y schal schewe ensamples (.) as y se othur [aaAx]
4,135 ac y sey for mysylf (.) ant hit so byfelle [aaAx]
4,136 That y were kinge wyth crowne (.) to kepen a rewme
4,137 Scholde nere wrong in thys world (.) that y wyte myʒte
4,138 be vnpensched in my pouer (.) for peryl of my sowle
4,139 Ne gete my grace thorw gyft (.) so me god helpe [aaaAx]
4,140 Ne for no mede haue mercy (.) but mekenesse hit maked
4,141 ffor {ullum malum} the man (.) mette {erit inpunitum}
4,142 & {unllum bonum} the bolde (.) be {irremuneratum}
4,143 lat thy confessor syre kyng (.) kenne the thys englis
4,144 Ant yf ye wyrcheth in dede (.) y wedde myn eyes [axAx]
4,145 That lawe schal be a laborer (.) ant lede a feld donge
4,146 ant loue schal lede the (.) as the lef lycuht [aaAa]
4,147 Clerkus that were confessores (.) coupled hem togyderes
4,148 ffor to construe thys clause (.) declined faste [aaAx]
4,149 Ac to resoun among tho ronkus (.) haued yrehersed this
wordus [aaAx]
4,150 There nas man in the mote (.) more ne lasse [aaAx]
4,151 that ne held mekenesse a mayster ant mede (.) a muche
wrech [aaaAx]
4,152 Ant sworen be seynt rycher (.) a schent the rewme [aaAx]
4,153 loue let of here lyʒte (.) lawghed here to scorne [aaAx]
4,154 ant seyde so lowde (.) that sothnese hit herde [axAx]
4,155 Ho so wylneth here to wyue (.) for welth of here godes
4,156 But he be cokewold ykald (.) kutte of my nose [aaAx]
4,157 Conscyence cryst wot (.) knewe wel the sothe [aaAx]
4,158 The kyng ant resoun aryse (.) ant reykes in to chaumbre
4,159 Ant busked to boure (.) y beheld hem no lengur [aaAx]
Passus quintus5,1 Wareyn wysdom (.) ant wytty ys fere [aaAx]
5,2 Cowthe nat warpen a word (.) to wythsegge resoun [aaAx]
5,3 but stared for studiyng (.) as a ston stylle [aaAa]
5,4 The kyng acorded by Cryst (.) to resoun sawes [aaaXx]
5,5 ant seyde that resoun (.) ryghtfullyche haued schewed
5,6 Ac hit ys ful hard by myn heued (.) herto to bryngen
hit [aaAx]
5,7 Ant my lege ledus (.) to lede thus euene [aaAx]
5,8 By hym that rawʒte on the rode (.) quad resoun to the
kyng [aaAx]
5,9 But y rewle thus thy rewme (.) rend of my heres [aaAx]
5,10 Yf ye bydde buxumesse (.) be of myn assente [aaAx]
5,11 Ant y assente quad the kyng (.) by seynt mary my lady
5,12 Be my consayl ycome (.) of clerkus ant herles [aaAx]
5,13 Ac redely resoun (.) thow schalt nat ryde hennes [aaAx]
5,14 ffor as longe as y lyue (.) leue y the nelle [aaAx]
fol. 132v
5,15 I am aredy quad resoun (.) to reste wyth yow euere [aaAx]
5,16 So conscyence be of oure consayl (.) kepe y no bettre
5,17 Ant y graunte quad the kyng (.) godus forbode he fayle
5,18 As longe as y lyue (.) libbe togyderes [aaAx]
5,19 The kyng ant ys knytes (.) to the kyrke wente [aaAx]
5,20 Tho here matynes ant masse (.) ant to the mete aftur
5,21 Thenne waked y of my wynkyng (.) ant wo was wyth alle
5,22 That y ne haued slepe saddur (.) ant yseyn more [aaAx]
5,23 Ar y haued fare a forlong (.) feyntyse me hent [aaAx]
5,24 That y ne myʒte forthur a fot (.) for slep that me folwed
5,25 y sat softely adow (.) sayd y by my leue [aaAx]
5,26 Ant so y babled on my bedus (.) they browʒte me a slepe
5,27 ant say muche more (.) then fore telle [aaXx]
5,28 ffor y saw the feld ful of folk (.) that y afore tolde
5,29 ant conscience wyth a cros (.) com for to preche [aaAx]
5,30 Ant preyde the peple haue (.) pyte of hemsylue [aaAx]
5,31 Ant priued the pestilence (.) was for puyr synne [aaAx]
5,32 Ant sothewoste wynd (.) a saturday at eue [axAx]
5,33 Was pertlyche for pruyde (.) ant for no poynt elles
5,34 ffor word ys but wynd (.) ant so my wyt telleth [aaAx]
5,35 Ac wel y wot that holy wryt (.) wot muche bettre [aaaAx]
5,36 ant wytnesseth that godus word (.) ys worthyokest of
alle [aaAx]
5,37 hit maketh the messe ant the masse (.) that men vnderfongeth
5,38 for godus body ant ys blod (.) buyrnes to saue [aaAx]
5,39 helle yatus hit tobarst (.) ant hadde out adam [axAa]
5,40 wyth wynd of ys word (.) al this world made [aaAx]
5,41 Ant in ensaumple segges (.) that ye schal do the bettre
5,42 Bechus ant brod okes (.) weren blowe to the erthe [aaAx]
5,43 Al to warne vs weyes (.) wat thys werd menes [aaAx]
5,44 Peryes ant plomtres (.) were poste to the erthe [aaAx]
5,45 Assches ant helmes (.) ant okes ful heye [aaAa]
5,46 Turne vpward here tayl (.) yn toknyg of drede [aaAx]
5,47 That dedly synne ar domus day (.) fordo schal hem alle
5,48 Of thys matere y myʒte (.) mamele ful longe [aaAx]
5,49 Ac y schal seye as y say (.) so me god helpe [aa(A)xx]
5,50 How conscyence wyth ys cros (.) cumseth to preche [aaAx]
5,51 A bad wastor to wyrche (.) wat a beste couthe [aaAxx]
5,52 To wynnen here wastyng (.) wyth summe manere craft [aa(A)xx]
5,53 Ant preyd pernele here (.) porfyl to leue [aaAx]
5,54 to kepe hit in here cofre (.) conscyence bysowte [aaAx]
5,55 Thomme stoue a tauʒte (.) to take to staues [abaAb]
5,56 ant fette hom felice (.) from wyuen pyne [aa(A)xx]
5,57 Warned wat ys wyf (.) was to blame [aaaAx]
5,58 That here heued was at alfmark (.) ant ys hode at a
grote [aaAx]
5,59 A bad bette to kytte (.) a bow or tweye [aaxAx]
5,60 ant bete beden theremyde (.) but yf he wold wyrche [aa(A)bb]
5,61 Charged chapmen (.) to chasten here chyldren [aaAa]
5,62 lat no wynnyng forwanyen hem (.) wyle they ben yonge
5,63 preyed prelatus ant prestus yfere (.) that they prechyd
the peple [aaaAa]
5,64 preue hit in hemsylf ant libben as they lere vs (.)
we wyl leue hem the bettre [aaAx]
fol. 133r
5,66 Ant senes a radde religioun (.) here rewle to holde
5,67 last the kyng ant his consayl (.) youre comewnes apeyre
5,68 ant be styward of youre stedes (.) tyl ye be stywed
bettre [aaAx]
5,69 Ant ye that sekut seyn Iames (.) ant seyntes of rome
5,70 Ierusalem ant ieryco (.) ant Iacobes welle [aaAx]
5,71 Sekut seynt trewthe (.) for he may saue yow alle [aaAx]
5,72 {qui cum patre & filij} (.) that fayre hem byfalle
5,73 that doth as y dome (.) wyle here dayes lasten [aaAx]
5,74 The sone wyth the seynt spiryt (.) saue hem fro meschaunce
5,75 that seweth my sarmon (.) ant thus secuth trewthe [aaAx]
5,76 Thanne ran repentaunce (.) rehersed ys teme [aaAx]
5,77 ant gerte wylle to wepe (.) watur wyth his eyes [aaAx]
5,78 Pernele prowd herte platte (.) here to the erthe [aaaBb]
5,79 ant lay longe ar a locud (.) ant lord mercy cryed [aaaAx]
5,80 Ant byhyght to hym (.) that vs alle made [aaAx]
5,81 a scholde vnsowen here serk (.) ant sette there an haire
5,82 for to afayten here flesch (.) that fers was to synne
5,83 Schal nere heye herte me hente (.) but holde one lowe
5,84 ant suffre to be mysseyd (.) ant so dide y nere [aaAx]
5,85 But now wyl y meke me (.) ant mercy byseche [aaAx]
5,86 of alle hem that y haue had (.) enuye in myn herte [aaAa]
5,87 Lecherye seyde alas (.) ant oure ledy cryed [aaAx]
5,88 To make mercy for ys mysdede (.) bytwene god ant ys
sowle [aaaXx]
5,89 Wyth a scholde the saturday (.) seuen yer thereaftur
5,90 Drynke but myt the doke (.) ant dyne bot ones [aaAx]
5,91 Enuye ant yre (.) ayther wep faste [aa(A)xx]
5,92 preyude furst to pouel (.) ant tho petur alse [aaAx]
5,93 to geten grace for here gult (.) of god that hem boughte
5,94 that nere wyked wylle (.) ne wrath hem ouerecome [aaAx]
5,95 But sende hem grace to suffre (.) ant synne to lete
5,96 Ant for to louye ant be byloued (.) as charite wolde
5,97 Thenne com couetyse (.) knoked ys brest [aaAx]
5,98 A haued a northfolk nose (.) y noem ful god hede [aaAx]
5,99 Ant swor by so the yk (.) that synne scholde he lete
5,100 Ant nere wolle to wey (.) ne worstedes make [aaAx]
5,101 ne morgage manere (.) wyth monye that he haued [aaAx]
5,102 but wenden to walsingham (.) ant my wyf alse [aaAx]
5,103 Ant bydde the rode of bromholm (.) brynge vs out of
dette [aaAx]
5,104 Thenne gan gloten to grete (.) ant gret sorwe made
5,105 al for ys luyther lyf (.) that a lyued hadde [aaAx]
5,106 ant a voued faste (.) for eny hungur or furste [aaXa]
5,107 Schal nere fysch vpon the fryday (.) defyen in my wombe
5,108 Ar abstinence myn aunte (.) haue yf me leue [aaAx]
5,109 Ant yut hath he hated me (.) al my lyf tyme [aaAx]
5,110 Slewthe for sorw (.) ful down y swowe [aaXa]
5,111 Tyl {vigilate} ant veyles (.) fette watur at ys eyus
(v:v:f)5,112 flatted hit on ys face (.) ant faste on hym
cryed [aaAx]
5,113 ant seyde war the fro wanhope (.) wolde the to traye
5,114 ych am sory of my synnes (.) sey to thyselue [aaAa]
5,115 ant bete thysylf on thy brest (.) bydde hym of grace
fol. 133v
5,116 for his no gult here so gret (.) that his godnesse
ne his more [aaAx]
5,117 Thenne sat slewthe vp (.) seyned hym faste [aaAx]
5,118 ant mada a vow tofore god (.) for ys foule synne [axAx]
5,119 Schal no sonenday be thys seuen yer (.) but syknesse
yt make [aaAx]
5,120 that y ne schal do me ar day (.) to the dere chirche
5,121 To here masse ant matynes (.) as y a monek were [aaAx]
5,122 Schal non alle aftur mete (.) halde me thennes [axAx]
5,123 Tyl y haue hensong yherd (.) y byhote wyle y lybbe
5,124 Quod ye nan yelde ayeyn (.) yf y so myche haue [aaaXx]
5,125 Al that y wykedely wan (.) senes y wyt haued [aaAx]
5,126 Thowʒ me lyflode lake (.) leten y nelle [aaAx]
5,127 Than vch man schal haue hys (.) ar y hennes wende [aaaAx]
5,128 ant wyth the residue (.) ant the remenaunt [aaAx]
5,129 By the rode of chestre / seken seynt trewth therewyth
. or y se rome [xaaAx]
5,130 or Iames or Ierusalem (.) by Iesus of euene [aaAx]
5,131 Robert the robbere (.) on {reddite} locut [aa{A}x]
5,132 ac for he haued nat werewyth (.) a wep swythe sore
5,133 ac yut the synful schrewe (.) seyde to hymsylfe [aaAa]
5,134 Cryst that vpon caluary (.) vpon the cros deydest [aaAx]
5,135 Tho dismas my brother (.) bysowʒthe of grace [xxXx]
5,136 ant hauedest mercy for his mysdedes (.) for {memento}
ones [aa{A}x]
5,137 So rewe on me robert (.) that {reddere} ne habbe [aa{A}x]
5,138 ne nere wene to wynne (.) wyth craft that y knowe [aa(A)bb]
5,139 Thy wille worth vpon me (.) as y wel disserued [aaAx]
5,140 To haue helle for euere (.) nere hope a that y haue
5,141 for youre muchyl mercy (.) mytygacion y byseche [aaAx]
5,142 for {fodere non valeo} (.) so feble ar my bones [{aa}Ax]
(f:v:f)5,143 caucyon ant y couthe (.) caute wolde y make
5,144 That y ne begged ne borwed (.) ne in despeyr deyde
5,145 Ac wat byful of thys felown (.) y can nat fayre schewe
5,146 Wel y wot a wep faste (.) water wyth ys eyes [aaaAx]
5,147 ant knowleched ys coupe (.) "yut eftsones "to cryst
5,148 that {penitencia} ys pyk (.) a wolde polsche newe [{a}aAx]
5,149 ant lepe wyth hym oure lond (.) al ys lyf days [aaAx]
5,150 for that he lay by {latro} (.) luciferes aunte [a{a}Ax]
5,151 A thowsend of men (.) to throngen togydyres [axAx]
5,152 Wepyng ant waylyng (.) for here mysdedes [aaXx]
5,153 Cryend vpward to cryst (.) an to ys clene modur [aaAx]
5,154 grace to go to trewthe (.) god leue that a mote [aaxAx]
5,155 Ac there was weye so wys (.) that the way thydur couthe
5,156 But blostred forth as bestes (.) ouer baches ant hilles
5,157 Tyl late ant longe (.) that they a lede mette [aaAx]
5,158 yparayled as a paynym (.) in palmeres wyse [aaAx]
5,159 A bar a bordoun ybounde (.) wyth a brode lyste [aaaAx]
5,160 In a wethewyse (.) ywowden aboute [aaAx]
5,161 a bagge ant a bolle (.) he bar be ys syde [aaAx]
5,162 An hendret of haumpelles (.) on ys hatte setun [aaAx]
5,163 Sygnes of syse (.) ant schelles of galis [aaAx]
5,164 ant many a crowche on ys clok (.) ant keyes of rome
5,165 Ant the vernycle afore (.) for men scholde yknowe & se
be ys signes wam [aa(A)bb]
5,166 a sowght adde Passus Sextus
fol. 134r
6,1 THis folk frayned hym furst (.) fro wannes a come [aaa(A)xx]
6,2 fram synay a sayde (.) ant fro the sepulcre of oure lord
6,3 Bedlehom ant babelonye (.) y haue ysougwth bothe [aaXa]
6,4 In Ermonye in alisaundre (.) in many othur plases [aaAx]
6,5 ye mowen se by my sygnes (.) that sitteh on my hatte
6,6 that y haue walked ful wyde (.) in wete ant in drye [aaAx]
6,7 ant sought gode seyntus (.) for my sowle hele [aaAx]
6,8 Ac knowest thow hauʒt a corseynt (.) that men calleth
trewthe [aaAx]
6,9 Cowthest wissen vs the wey there (.) the weye dwelleth
6,10 Nay so me god helpe (.) seyth the gome thenne [axAx]
6,11 Y say nere palmare (.) myt pyk ne wyth scrippe [axAx]
6,12 Axen aftur hym (.) ar now in this place [aa(A)xx]
6,13 Petur quad a ploweman (.) ant potte forth his heued
6,14 y knowe hym as kyndely (.) as clerk doth ys bocus [aaAx]
6,15 Conscyence kened me (.) to his place [aaXx]
6,16 Ant senes y suyred hym (.) to serue hym for euere [aaAx]
6,17 Bothe to sowe ant to sette (.) wyle y swynke myghte
6,18 I haue ben ys folwaere (.) al this fourty wyntur [xaAx]
6,19 Bothe ysowen ys seed (.) sewed his bestus [aaAx]
6,20 ant eke ykept ys corn (.) ycaryed hit to howse [aaAx]
6,21 ydyked ant ydolue (.) do that a highte [aaAx]
6,22 Bothe wythinne ant wythouten (.) ywayted ys profit [aaAx]
6,23 there ys no laborer in this lordschepe (.) that a loueth
bettre [aaAx]
6,24 ffor thow y sey hit mysilf (.) y serue hym to paye [aaAx]
6,25 y haue myn huyre of hym wel (.) ant othurwyle more [aaAx]
6,26 he ys the prestest payere (.) that pore men yknoweth
6,27 he wythhalt noen hew ys huyre (.) that he ne hath hit
at eue [aaaAa]
6,28 he ys as low as a lomb (.) ant loueliche of speche [aaAx]
6,29 yf ye wilneth to wyte (.) were this weye dwelleth [aaAx]
6,30 y schal wisse yow the way (.) wel ryght to ys place
6,31 ye leue peres quad the pilegrimes (.) ant profred hym
huyre [aaAx]
6,32 Nay quad pkyn the plowman (.) by the perel of my sowle
6,33 I nolde nat fong a ferthyng (.) for seynt thomas schryne
6,34 Trewthe wold loue me the wers (.) a long tyme aftur
6,35 Ac ye wilne to wende (.) this ys the wey thedure [aaAx]
6,36 ye moten go thorw mekenesse (.) bothe men ant wyues
6,37 Tyl come into conscyencie (.) cryst wot the sothe [aaAx]
6,38 That loueyen hym leuere (.) than youre oune hertus [aaXx]
6,39 Ant youre neyhebores nexst (.) in none wyse apeyre [aaAx]
6,40 othur wyse than thow wost (.) a wroughte to thysilf
6,41 Ant so boweth by a brok (.) beth buxum ys called [aaAx]
6,42 forto ye fynden a ford (.) youre faderes anhoureth [aaAx]
6,43 Wadeth in at that watur (.) ant wassche yow wel there
6,44 Ant ye schal lyue the lengur (.) by a long tyme [aaAx]
6,45 So schalt thow se (.) swere nat but yf yt be for nede
6,46 Ant namlyche an ydel (.) the name of oure lorde [aaAx]
(n:n-y:n)6,47 ant holde so the alyday (.) heye tyl Eue [aaAa]
6,48 Thenne schat þow come by a croft (.) but come þow nat
thereinne [aaAx]
6,49 The croft hatteth coueyte (.) nat mennes catel ne wyues
6,50 brek nat a bow therof (.) but yf hit be thyn oune [aaAx]
fol. 134v
6,51 To stokkus there standeth (.) ac stinte þow nat there
6,52 They hatte stele nat ne sle nat (.) stryk forth by bothe
6,53 lef hem on thy lift hond (.) ant loke nat thereaftur
6,54 Thenne schalt thow blenche at a berew (.) bere no false
wytnesse [aaAx]
6,55 ys frethyd in wyth florynes (.) ant other feus monye
6,56 ploke thow plonte there (.) for perel of thy soule [aaAx]
6,57 Thenne schalt thow se sey (.) soth so it be to done
6,58 ac in no manere elles nat (.) for no mannes bydding
6,59 Thenne schalt þow come to a court (.) as clere as the
sonne [aaAx]
6,60 The mote ys of mercy (.) the manere aboute [aaAx]
6,61 Ant alle the walles of wyt (.) to holden wel throute
6,62 The carneles ben of confort (.) crystenmen to saue [aaAx]
6,63 ant boturased wyth baptewme (.) to brynge men to heuene
6,64 Alle the hous ben yheled (.) halles ant chaumbres [aaAx]
6,65 Wyth no led but wyth loue (.) that longeth to the place
6,66 The toure there trwthe ys hymsylf (.) tyleth vp to the
sonne [aaAx]
6,67 a doth wyth the day sterre (.) that hym dere licuth
6,68 A may se in the mone (.) wat alle men thenketh [aaAx]
6,69 Wyth the lest word that a wil (.) the wynd ys aredy
6,70 To blowe or to be stille (.) or to brethy softe [axAx]
6,71 Ant alle the water of thys world (.) wolde in his gloue
6,72 he hath fuyr wythouten flint (.) ys foes to brenne [aaAx]
6,73 Deth dar nat do thyng (.) that he defendeth [aaaAx]
6,74 The forst for fere ys fayn (.) to folwen ys wille [aaaAx]
6,75 Dar no stere steren hym (.) ne steme ayeyn ys defense
6,76 I haue no tome to telle (.) how the tour ys ymaked [aaAx]
6,77 Alle the wryghtus at wyndelesore (.) couthe wirche such
an othur [aaAx]
6,78 ne alle the masounes of this lound (.) make there a
spanne [axAx]
6,79 The bryge hatte byde wel (.) the bet may the spede [aaAx]
6,80 Vch piler ys of penaunse (.) ypolsched ful smethe [aaAx]
6,81 Grace hatte the gateward (.) a god man for sethe [aaAx]
6,82 His man hatted amende yow (.) many man hym knoweth [aaAx]
6,83 Telleth hym this tokene (.) trewthe wot the sothe [aaAx]
6,84 Y parformed the penawnce (.) the preste me enioynd [aaAx]
6,85 Am ful sory of my synnes (.) ant so schal y euere [aaAx]
6,86 Wen y thenke thereon (.) thowʒ y were a pope [aa(A)xx]
6,87 Byddeth amende yow meken hym (.) to ys mayster [aaAx]
6,88 onus to wayuen vp the wycat (.) that the wenche schutte
6,89 Tho Adam ant Eue (.) heten ere bane [aaAx]
6,90 ffor he hath the keye ant the clycat (.) thow the kyng
slepe [aaAx]
6,91 ant hif grace graunte the (.) to go in this wyse [aaAx]
6,92 thou schalt yse trewthe hymsylf (.) wolle sitten in
thyn herte [aaAx]
6,93 ant leren the for to loue (.) ant ys lawe holde [aaAx]
6,94 Ac be ywar thenne of wrath the nat (.) that wyked schrewe
6,95 ffor he hath enuye tho hym (.) that in thyn herte sitteth
6,96 Ant poketh forth pruyde (.) to preyse thyselue [aaAx]
6,97 The boldenesse of thy benfetus (.) maketh the blynd
thenne [aaAx]
6,98 Ant so woost thow dryue out as deugh (.) ant dore yclosed
6,99 ykayed ant yclecaked (.) to kepe the wythouten [aaAx]
6,100 ant happely an hundret wyntur (.) ar the efft entre
fol. 135r
6,101 Thus myght thow lesen ys loue (.) in loking of a wenche
6,102 Ac geten hit ayeyn thorw grace (.) ac thorw no gyft
elles [aaAx]
Passus Septimus7,1 THys were a wel wyked wey (.) but wo haued
a gyde [aaaAx]
7,2 that myght folew vs vch foet (.) forto we were there
7,3 quad perkyn the plowman (.) be seynt poule of rome [aaAx]
7,4 Y haue an halue aker to Ere (.) by the heye way [aaaAx]
7,5 Haued y hered that haluacur (.) ant ysowed hit aftur
7,6 ant schal wende wyth yow (.) tyl the heye weye [axXa]
7,7 This were a long lettyng (.) quad a lady in a sclayre
7,8 Wat scholde we wymmen (.) wirche the wyle [aaAa]
7,9 Somme schal sowen the sak (.) for schedyng of the wete
7,10 ant wyues that han wollen (.) wirchen hit faste [aaAx]
7,11 ant spynneth hit spedlych (.) sparet nat youre fingres
7,12 but yf be eny halyday (.) or eny holy Eue [aaAa]
7,13 loketh forth youre lynnen (.) ant laboreth thereon faste
7,14 The nedy ant the naked (.) nymeth hede how he ligeth
7,15 casteth hem clothes for cold (.) for so comawndeth trewthe
7,16 for y schal lene hem liflode (.) but yf the lond fayle
7,17 as longe as y liue (.) for oure lordus loue of heuene
7,18 Ant ye louelyche ladius (.) wyth youre longe fingres
7,19 That ye haue selk ant sendel (.) to sewen wan tyme ys
7,20 Chesibles for chapeleynes (.) chirches to honoure [aaAx]
7,21 Ant al manere men (.) that by the mete libbeth [aaAx]
7,22 Helpeth hym wirche wytliche (.) that wynneth youre fode
7,23 By crist quad a knyght tho / thow kennest vs the best
7,24 Ac on the teme trewly (.) taught was y nere [aaAx]
7,25 Ac kenne me quad the knyght (.) ant be cryst y wyl lere
7,26 By seynt Petur quad perkyn (.) an for thow profrest
the so lowe [aaAx]
7,27 Y schal swynken ant swete (.) ant sowe for vs bothe
7,28 ant eke laboure for youre loue (.) al my lif tyme [aaAx]
7,29 In couenaunt that ye kepe (.) holy kyrke ant mysylf
7,30 fro wastors ant wyked men (.) that wolden me destruye
7,31 Meyntene me yf þow myght (.) fro al manere schrewes
7,32 Ant go hunte hardely (.) the hares ant the foxus [aaAx]
7,33 the bukkes ant bores (.) that breken myn egges [aaAx]
7,34 Ant feteth hom faukones (.) fowles to kulle [aaAx]
7,35 for these cometh croft (.) ant croppeth my wete [aaAx]
7,36 Cortesliche the knyghte thenne (.) comseth thes wordes
7,37 By my pouer peres (.) y plyʒte the my trewthe [aaAx]
7,38 To fulfelle this forward (.) for euere more hereaftur
7,39 ye ant yut a poynt quad perkyn (.) y prey the more [aaAx]
7,40 loke thow tene no tenaunt (.) but yf trewthe wyl assente
7,41 Ant thouʒ pore men profre yow (.) presauntus ant yftus
7,42 nyme nat an awntre thow mow (.) hit nat desserue [aaAx]
(n:n-a:n)7,43 thenne schalt thow yelden hit ayeyen (.) at
one yeres ende [aaAx]
7,44 In a ful perilouse place (.) that purgatorie hette [aaAx]
7,45 Amys bed nat thy bondmen (.) the bet schat thow spede
7,46 loke thow be trewe of thy tunge (.) ant tales that thow
hate [aaAx]
fol. 135v
7,47 But yf yt be of wysdom or wyt (.) thy werkmen to chaste
7,48 yf none harlotes thyn hode (.) ne thyn holde clothys
7,49 but hit be mynstrales or messageres (.) that gode murthes
cunne [aaAx]
7,50 I assente by seynt Iame (.) quad the knyght thenne [aaXx]
7,51 for to wyrche by thy word (.) wyle my lyf duyreth [aa(A)xx]
7,52 Perkyn aparayled hym (.) in pylgrimes wyse [aaAx]
7,53 a caste on his clothes (.) yclouted for the colde [aaAa]
7,54 Ys cokeres ant ys coffus (.) for clumse of ys fyngres
7,55 Ant myn hatte on myn heued (.) y haue no bettre scrippe
7,56 a boschel of bred corn (.) bryng me thereinne [aaAx]
7,57 for y wil sowe hit mysilf (.) ant senes wil y wend [aaAx]
7,58 ant ho so helpeth me to holde (.) or eggen hit myt the
harwe [aaAa]
7,59 Or wit awey the fowles (.) wyle the sed grouth [aa(A)xx]
7,60 Schal haue leue by oure lord (.) to lese here in heruest
7,61 ant beren hit forth to his bern (.) as baldely as mysilf
7,62 Dame Wyrche wen tyme ys (.) pers wyf highte [axAx]
7,63 Ant ys dowghtur hyght do ryt so (.) or thy dame schal
the bete [aaAx]
7,64 Ys sone hyght sewe myn ourf fors (.) slewth nat the
leste [aaAx]
7,65 kepe vch mannes corn (.) as thow kepest myn oune [aaAx]
7,66 Bothe here gras ant here god (.) or by god thow schalt
abegge [aaAx]
7,67 lat nat thyne handus be yhoked (.) harneys to pyke [aaAx]
7,68 ne ly nat to do me lawghe (.) for y louede hit nere
7,69 for now y am hold ant hor (.) ant haue of myn owne [aaAa]
7,70 To penaunce as a pylgrime (.) y wyl passe wyth this
other [aaAx]
7,71 therefor y wyl or y wend (.) do wryte my byqueste [aaAx]
7,72 {In dei nomine amen} (.) y make hit mysylf [aaAx]
7,73 he schal haue my sowle (.) tha beste hath deserued [xxXx]
7,74 ant defenden hit fro the fend (.) for so y byleue [aa(A)xx]
7,75 Tyl he come ant acounte (.) as my crede telleth [aaAx]
7,76 at domus day to do me dwelle (.) wyth my sowle in his
blisse [aaaXx]
7,77 for that y labored in ys lawe (.) al my lyf tyme [aaAx]
7,78 The kyrke schal haue my caroyne (.) ant kepe my bones
7,79 for of my catel ant my corn (.) a craued my tyth [aaAx]
7,80 Y payed hit hym prestly (.) for perel of my sowle [aaAx]
7,81 ant he his holdyng y hope (.) to haue me in his masse
7,82 ant menege in his memorie (.) among gode sowles [aa(A)xx]
7,83 My wyf schal haue that y wan (.) wyth trewthe ant no
more [aa(A)xx]
7,84 ant dele among my dowtres (.) ant my dere chyldren [aaAx]
7,85 for thow y deye today (.) my dette ys yquited [aaAx]
7,86 I bar hom that y borwed (.) ar y to bedde yede [aaAx]
7,87 ant wyth the residewe ant the remanaunt (.) that ryghtfullyche
y wonne [aaAx]
7,88 y wil wirschepe therewyth trewthe (.) as long as y leue
7,89 ant be ys pilegrym at the plow (.) for pore mens sake
7,90 My plowpote schal be my pik (.) to pich ato the rotus
7,91 That acumbren my colter (.) as cammokes ant wedus [aaAx]
7,92 Now ys perkyn ant the pylegrimes (.) to the plow faren
7,93 To heryen this haluacur (.) holpen hym monye [aaAx]
7,94 Dicares ant deluares (.) diged vp the balcus [aaAx]
7,95 Therewyth was perkyn apayd (.) ant preysed hem faste
7,96 Othur workmen there were (.) that wrought ful yerne
fol. 136r
7,97 Vche man in his manere (.) made hymsilf to done [aaAx]
7,98 for to plese perkyn (.) peynd ful monye [aaAx]
7,99 At heye pryme peres (.) let the plowe stande [aaAx]
7,100 ant ouresey hem hymsilf (.) ho so best wrought [aaAx]
7,101 Scholde ben huyred thereaftur (.) wen heruest tyme
come [aaAx]
7,102 Thenne setten summe (.) ant songen at the nale [aaAx]
7,103 ant holpen erye the haluacur (.) wyth hey trolylolly
7,104 By the prynse of paradis (.) quad peres in his wrath
7,105 but ye aryse the rather (.) ant rapen yow to wirch
7,106 Schal no grayn that here grouth (.) gladyen yow at
nede [aaAx]
7,107 ne y nel lene yow no lyflode (.) noythur loef ne cake
7,108 ne no skines corn by cryst (.) that in my croft groueth
7,109 ant thow ye deye for deul (.) the deuel haue that reche
7,110 Thenne were faytores aferd (.) fayned hem blynde [aaAx]
7,111 Summe leyde here leggus alyry (.) as such loseles conneth
7,112 ant pleyneden to peres (.) wyth suche pitouse wordes
7,113 We han no limus to labore wyth (.) lord ygraced be
the [aaAx]
7,114 Ac we preyen for yow peres (.) ant for youre plow alse
7,115 That god for ys grace (.) youre grayn multeplye [aaAx]
7,116 Ant yelde yow oure almesse (.) that ye yeuen vs here
7,117 ffor we mowe neythur swinke ne swete (.) such sikenesse
vs eyleth [aaAx]
7,118 ʒyf hit be soth that ye seyen (.) y schal sone aspye
7,119 ye ben wastores y wot wyl (.) trewthe wot the sothe
7,120 ant y am his holde hyne (.) ant houghte hym to warne
7,121 Wiche wastores in world (.) ys werkmen distruyeth [aaAx]
7,122 ye eten that they scholde ete (.) that Eryeth for vs
alle [aaAa]
7,123 Ac trewthe schal thechen yow (.) ys teme for to dryue
7,124 Bothe to sette ant to sowe (.) ant to sauen ys tylthe
7,125 cach koes fro ys corn (.) kepen ys bestus [aaaAx]
7,126 Or ye schal eten barly bred (.) ant of the brok drynke
7,127 But yf he blynd or broke schanked (.) or bedreden ligge
7,128 They schal ete as gode as y (.) so me god helpe [abBa]
7,129 tyl god of ys grace (.) gere hem to ryse [aaAx]
7,130 hancres ant hermytus (.) that holdeth hem in here selles
7,131 Schal haue of myn almesse (.) al the wyle y libbe [aa(A)xx]
7,132 ynow vch day at noen (.) ant no more aftur [aa(A)xx]
7,133 laste his flesch ant the feend (.) fouled ys sowle
7,134 Ones at noen ys ynow (.) that no werk ne haunteth [aa(A)xx]
7,135 A byt wel the bettre (.) that bummeth nat ofte [aaAx]
7,136 Thenne gan wastor to wrathen hym (.) ant wolde haue
yfoughte [aaAx]
7,137 ant to perus the plowman (.) profred ys gloue [aaAx]
7,138 A bretoner a bragger (.) a bosted hym alse [aaAx]
7,139 ant bad hym go pysse myd ys plowe (.) pyuysche schrewe
7,140 Wolle þow nelle þow (.) we wille han oure wille [axAa]
7,141 ant bothe thy flour ant thy flesch (.) fech wen vs
licuth [aaAx]
7,142 ant maken vs merye theremyt (.) mawgre thy checus [aaAx]
7,143 Thenne peres the plowman (.) pleyned hym to the knyghte
fol. 136v
7,144 To kepen hym as couenaunt was (.) fro cursed schrewes
7,145 fro wastores that wayten (.) wynnares to schende [aaAx]
7,146 Corteslyche the knyghte thenne (.) as ys kynde wolde
7,147 Warned wastor (.) ant wyssed hym bettre [aaAx]
7,148 Or thow schalt abigge by the lawe (.) by the ordre
thay y welde [xxXx]
7,149 I was nat woned to wirche (.) now wil y nat bygynne
7,150 ant let lighte of the lawe (.) ant lasse of the knyght
7,151 ant counted peres at a pese (.) ant ys plow bothe [aaAx]
7,152 ant manesed hym ant ys men (.) to mysdon hym eftsones
7,153 Now by the perel of my sowle (.) y schal apeyre yow
alle [axAx]
7,154 ant houped aftur hungur (.) that herd hym at the furste
7,155 awrek me of thys wastores quad perus (.) that this
world schenden [aaxAx]
7,156 Hungur in haste thenne (.) hente wastor by the mawe
7,157 ant wrong hym so by the wombe (.) that al watred his
eyeus [aaAx]
7,158 ant buffated the bretoner (.) aboute the checus [aaAx]
7,159 that a loked lik a lanterne (.) al ys lyf aftur [aaAx]
7,160 he bete hem so bothe (.) that he barst nere here guttus
7,161 ne hadde perus wyth a pese lof (.) preyed hym byleue
7,162 ant wyth a beneen botte (.) a yede hem bytwene [aaXx]
7,163 ant hitte hungur theremyde (.) that alle ys gottes
swolle [aaAx]
7,164 ant bledde into the bodyward (.) a bolle ful of growel
7,165 ne hadde sire furst the fycyan (.) yfet watur the sannure
7,166 To abate the barly bred (.) ant benes that they eten
7,167 they haued be ded be thys day (.) ant doluen al warme
7,168 ffaytores for fere tho (.) flowen into bernus [aaAx]
7,169 ant flapten on wyth fleyles (.) fro morwen tyl euen
7,170 betynge barly (.) benus ant wete [aaAx]
7,171 that hungur was nat hardy (.) on hem for to loke [aaAx]
7,172 for a potteful of pesus (.) that perus had ymaked [aaAx]
7,173 an hep of hermytus (.) henten hem spadus [aaAx]
7,174 ant doluen dryt ant dunge (.) to dutten out hungur
7,175 blynde ant bedreden (.) were botned a thowsond [aaAx]
7,176 That hadde be blynde ant broke legged (.) be the heye
weye [aa(A)xx]
7,177 hungur hem heled (.) myt an ote cake [aaAx]
7,178 ant lame men lymes (.) were lythed that tyme [aaAx]
7,179 ant becomen knaues (.) to kepe menne bestus [aaAx]
7,180 ant preyd {por charite} (.) wyth peres for to dwelle
7,181 al for couetyse of ys corn (.) to cach awey hungur
7,182 ant perus was prowd thereof (.) ant pulte hem in offisus
7,183 ant yaf hem mete ant mone (.) as they myghte disserue
7,184 Thenne haued perus pite (.) a preyd hungur to wende
7,185 Hom into ys oune erd (.) ant halde there euere [aaAa]
7,186 ac yut y prey the quad perus (.) ar thow passe forthur
7,187 Of beggares ant byddares (.) wat best be to done [aaAx]
7,188 for y wot wel be þow went (.) they wyl wyrche ful ylle
7,189 Meschyf hit makuth (.) they ben so meke nowthe [aaAx]
fol. 137r
7,190 ant for defaute of fode thus (.) faste they wirchen
7,191 ant hit ben my blody brethurne (.) for god bought us
7,192 alle trewthe taughte me onus (.) to louey hem vch one
7,193 To helpe hem of alle thing (.) as they han nede [aaAx]
7,194 now wold y wytte yf thow wistus (.) wat were the beste
7,195 how y myghte amaystren hem (.) ant maken hem to wyrche
7,196 Tho that ben staleword ant stronge (.) ant struyores
beth holden [aaAx]
7,197 ffor bedreden ant blynde (.) ant broke legged wreches
7,198 That ben syke ant sory (.) y schal yse mysilf [aaAa]
7,199 That they haue bred ant brede (.) beddyng ant clotus
7,200 ant kepe hem fro colde (.) so me cryst helpe [aaAx]
7,201 ant eke fro hungur ant harme (.) as myn owne chyldren
7,202 herke now quad hungur (.) ant holde hit for a wysdom
7,203 Bolde beggares ant bygge (.) that mow here bred byswynke
7,204 Wyth howndus bred ant horse bred (.) holde vp here
hertus [aaAa]
7,205 Abaue hem wyth benus (.) for bollyng of here wombe
7,206 ant yf tho gromus gruch (.) bide hem go ant swynke
7,207 Ant he schal soupe swetture (.) wen he yt hath disserued
7,208 But yf yt be eny freke (.) fortune haue apeyred [xaAx]
7,209 Wyth fuyr or wyth fals men (.) fonde such to knowe
7,210 Conforte hym wyth thy catel (.) for crystys loue of
heuene [aaAx]
7,211 loue hem ant lene hem (.) ant so lawe of kynde wolde
7,212 I wolde nat greue god quad perus (.) for al the god
that y welde [aaxAx]
7,213 Myght y synneles do as thow seyst (.) seyde perus thenne
7,214 ye y byhote god quad hungur (.) or elles the bible
lyes [aaAx]
7,215 go to genesis the geaunt (.) engendrour of vs alle
7,216 {In sudore} ant swynk (.) þow schalt thy mete telye
7,217 ant laborey for thy lyflode (.) ant so oure lord hyghte
7,218 ant sapience seth the same (.) y sey hit in the byble
7,219 {Piger propter frigus} (.) no fode nolde tylye [{aab}Bx]
7,220 a schal go begged ant byd (.) ant no man bete ys hungur
7,221 Mathew wyth the mannes face (.) mowtheth these wordus
7,222 that {seruus nequam} haued a pnam (.) ant for a nolde
hit vse [a{a}Ax]
7,223 he haued maugre of ys mayster (.) for eueremore aftur
7,224 ant bynom hym ys pnam (.) for a nolde wirche [aaAx]
7,225 Ant yaf yt hym in haste (.) that hadde ten there byfore
7,226 ant senes he seyde (.) that ys seruauns hit herde [aaAx]
7,227 he that hath schal haue (.) to helpe there hym licuth
7,228 ant he that nawght hath schal nawght (.) haue ne no
man hym helpe [aaAx]
7,229 ant that he weneth wel to haue (.) y wyl hit hym byreue
7,230 Of thys matere y myght (.) make a longe tale [aaAx]
7,231 ac ht fallet nat for me (.) for y am no dekne [ax(A)xx]
7,232 To preche the peple (.) wat that poynt menes [aaAx]
7,233 kynde wyt wolde (.) that euery wyght wroughte [aaAa]
7,234 Or to teche or to telle (.) or trauayle wyth handus
7,235 Contemplatyf lyf or attyf lyf (.) cryst wolde hit alse
7,236 The sawter seyt (.) in salme in {beati omnes} [aaAx]
7,237 {labores manuum tuarum quia manducabis} [Latin]
fol. 137v
7,238 Tow best yblessed of god (.) ant the bet schat thow
spede [aaxAx]
7,239 yut y preye the quad perus (.) {por charite} ant thow
cunne [aa{(A)}xx]
7,240 eny lef of leche craft (.) lere hit me y bydde [aaAx]
7,241 for y haue summe seruauns (.) ben sike otherwyle [aaAx]
7,242 Of al the woke they wyrche nat (.) so here wombe acuth
7,243 I wot wel quad hungur (.) wat sykenesse hem ayleth
7,244 They han manged ouer muche (.) that maketh hem to grone
7,245 ant eke ydronke to depe (.) that doth hem harme ofte
7,246 ac y hote the quad hungur (.) as thow thyn hele wilnest
7,247 That thow drynke no day (.) ar thow dyne sumwat [aaAx]
7,248 Ette nat y hote (.) ar hungur the bydde [aaAx]
7,249 ant sende of ys sauce (.) to sauere wyth thy lyppus
7,250 ant kep sum forto sopertyme (.) ant site nat to longe
7,251 Arys vp ar thyn appetyd (.) haue ete ys fulle [aaAx]
7,252 lat nat sire sorfet (.) sitte at thy borde [aaAx]
7,253 lef nat that liare (.) for he ys licores of tunge [aaAx]
7,254 ant aftur many manere metus (.) ys mawe ys afyngred
7,255 Ant yf thow diete the thus (.) y dar legge myn eyes
7,256 That fisik schal ys furred hodus (.) for ys fode sille
7,257 ant eke ys cloke of calabre (.) wyth the cnappus of
golde [aaAx]
7,258 ant be fayn by my fayth (.) ys fysyk to lete [aaAx]
7,259 ant lerne to labory wyth land (.) for liflode ys swete
7,260 I defame nat fysyk (.) for the science ys trewe [aa(A)xx]
7,261 ac vncunynge kaytyues (.) that kannen nat rede a lettere
7,262 macuth hem maystres (.) men for to hele [aaAx]
7,263 ac hit ar maystres morthrares (.) men for to quelle
7,264 ant none leches but lyares (.) lord hem amende [aaAx]
7,265 In ecclesiasticis the clerc (.) that can rede [aaAx]
7,266 May se hit there hymsilf (.) ant senes teche other
7,267 {honora medicum} he seyt (.) for {necessitatem} [xxXx]
7,268 ffor helthe from heuene (.) y hope doth out springe
7,269 ant therefor the byble bit (.) ant in ys bok techet
7,270 that leches of lordus (.) scholde here lower haue [aaAx]
7,271 {a regibus & principibus erit merces eorum} [Latin]
7,272 Of princes ant prelatus (.) here pencyoun schal aryse
7,273 ant of no pore peple (.) no peneworth gode take [aaAx]
7,274 Ac lewed lumbardes (.) londona han aspyed [aaAx]
7,275 that gloten ys a god there (.) ant greueth men ful
ofte [aaAx]
7,276 ant macuht hem maystres (.) ant medecynes schapeth
7,277 ant casteth men of the cardyacle (.) into the kyrke
yerdus [aaAx]
7,278 fflemmynges ant frenche men (.) ant fele of this englysch
7,279 Be seynt Purnele quad perus (.) me payeth wel youre
wordus [aaAx]
7,280 Thys ys a louely lesson (.) lord hit the foryelde [aaAx]
7,281 Wende now wen thy wille ys (.) that wyl the bytyde
7,282 I behote the quad hungur (.) that hennes nell y wende
7,283 tyl y haue dyned by thys day (.) ant ydrunke bothe
7,284 Thenne haued perus no peny (.) pulletus to bigge [aaAx]
7,285 noythur ges ne grys (.) but to grene chesus [aaAx]
7,286 a wel a potteful of wey (.) ant welled croddes [aaAx]
7,287 a lof of benus ant brant (.) to breke among myn hens
fol. 138r
7,288 ant sethe a swor by ys sowle (.) he ne had no salt
bakoun [aaAx]
7,289 ne no kokenay by cryst (.) coloppus to make [aaAx]
7,290 I haue persile ant poret (.) ant many plant koules
7,291 ant eke a kow ant a calf (.) ant a cart mare [aaAx]
7,292 To draw a feld dunge (.) wyle the druye lastus [aaAx]
7,293 Ant by thys lyflode y mot liue (.) til lowmasse tyme
7,294 Ant by that y hope to haue (.) heruest in my crofte
7,295 Thenne may y dyghte thy dyner (.) as me dere licuth
7,296 alle the pore peple thenne (.) pese coddus fette [aaAx]
7,297 benus ant bake apples they (.) broughten in here lappe
7,298 Chibolles ant chireuilles (.) ant chiries ful ripe
7,299 ant profredon thys present (.) to plese myd hungur
7,300 Hungur Ett this in haste (.) ant axed aftur more [aaaAx]
7,301 Thenne the folk for fere (.) fetten hym monye [aaAx]
7,302 grene poret ant pesus (.) to peyse hym for euere [aaAx]
7,303 By that yt neyghled nere heruest (.) that newe corn
cam to chepinge [aaAx]
7,304 Thenne was folk fayn (.) ant fedde hungur myt the beste
7,305 Wyth gode ale ant glotonye (.) gerten hym to slepe
7,306 Ant tho nolde wastor nat wirche (.) but wandren aboute
7,307 ne no beggare heten bred (.) that benes in come [aaAx]
7,308 but yt were koket or clerematyn (.) or of clene wete
7,309 ne none halpeny ale (.) in eny wyse drynke [aaAx]
7,310 But of the best ant the brownest (.) that in borw ys
to sillen [aaAx]
7,311 laborerys that han no land (.) bot liue on here handus
7,312 deyneden to day / of nyght olde wortus [aaXx]
7,313 May no peny ale hem plese (.) ne no pese of bakoun
7,314 But yt be fresch flesch (.) or fysch fryed other bake
7,315 Ant that {chaut} or {pleus chaut} (.) for chillyng
of ys mawe [{a}{a}Ax]
7,316 Ant thow he be fed wyth fresch mete (.) ant of the
fynest drynke [aaAx]
7,317 but he be heyliche yhuyred (.) elles wol he gruche
7,318 That he was werkman ywrought (.) waryen the tyme [aaAx]
7,319 ant thenne corsen the kyng (.) ant al the consayl aftur
7,320 such lawes to loke (.) laboreres to chaste [aaAx]
7,321 Ac wyle hungur was here mayster (.) wolde non gruch
7,322 ne stryue ayeyen ys statut (.) so sturnelyche a locud
7,323 ac war ye wel werkmen (.) wynneth wile ye mow [aaaAx]
7,324 ffor hungur hydurward (.) hasteth hym faste [aaAx]
7,325 he schal awake wyth water (.) werkmen to gaste [aaAx]
7,326 ar fyf yer be fulfult (.) such feym schal aryse [aaAx]
7,327 Torw flod ant thorw foul wedur (.) fruytes schulle
fayle [aaAa]
7,328 ant so seyth saturne (.) ant sent yow to warne [aaAx]
Passus Octauus8,1 TRewthte herde telle hereof (.) ant to
perus sente [aa(A)xx]
8,2 to taken ys teme (.) ant telyen erthe [aaAx]
8,3 ant purchased hym a pardoun (.) {a pena & a culpa}
8,4 ffor hym ant for hys ayres (.) for eremore aftur [aaAa]
8,5 ant bad hym halden hym at hom (.) ant heryen ys leyes
8,6 ant alle that hym hulpe (.) to herye or to sowe [aaAx]
fol. 138v
8,7 or eny manere mestere (.) that myght perus helpe [aaAx]
8,8 part of that pardoun (.) the pope hath ygraunted [aaAx]
8,9 kingus and knyghtus (.) that kepen holy kyrke [aaAa]
8,10 ant ryghtfulliche in rewmes (.) reuleth the peple [aaAx]
8,11 han pardoun thorw purgatorye (.) to passe ful sone [aaAx]
8,12 In paradys wyth patriarchus (.) to pleyen thereaftur
8,13 Bischopus yblessed (.) that bothe lawes conuthe [aa(A)xx]
8,14 locun on that one lawe (.) leren men that othur [aaAx]
8,15 ant bereth hem bothe on here bak (.) as here baner scheweth
8,16 Prechen here parsonus (.) the perelus of synne [aaAx]
8,17 how that schabbed schep (.) schal here wolle saue [aaAx]
8,18 han pardoun myt the apostlus (.) wen they passe hennes
8,19 ant at the day of dome (.) at hey deys sytte [aaAx]
8,20 Marchauns in the margyne (.) haued mony yerus [aaAx]
8,21 but no {pena & a culpa} (.) the pope nolde hem graunte
8,22 for they helde nat here halydayus (.) as holy chyrche
wolde [aaAx]
8,23 Ant for they swore by here sowle (.) ac so most god
hem helpe [aa(A)xx]
8,24 Ayeynes clene conscience (.) here catel to selle [aaAx]
8,25 ac vnder ys secrete sel trewthe (.) sente hem a lettre
8,26 that they scholde bygge baldely (.) wat hem beste licud
8,27 Ant sillen hit sennus ayeyn (.) ant sauen here wynnygus
8,28 ant maken mesoun deux theremyt (.) myseyse men to help
8,29 Wyked weyus (.) wyghtliche to amende [aaAx]
8,30 ant beten brugus aboute (.) that tobroke were [aaAx]
8,31 Maryen maydones (.) or maken hem nonnus [aaAx]
8,32 pore wydewus that wylned (.) be wedded no more [aaAx]
8,33 fynden hem fode (.) for lordus loue of heuene [aaBb]
8,34 Sette scoleres to scole (.) or to som skynus crafte
8,35 releuen religioun (.) ant renten hem bettre [aaAx]
8,36 y schal sende yow mysilf (.) seynt Miel myn angel [aaAx]
8,37 That no deuel schal yow dere (.) deye wan ye schulle
8,38 that he ne schal sende youre soule (.) saf into heuene
8,39 ant byfor the face of my fadur (.) fourme youre sete
8,40 huserye ant auarice (.) ant hothus y defende [aaAx]
8,41 ant that no gyle go wyth yow (.) but the graythe trewthe
8,42 Thenne were marchauns mery (.) mony wopen for ioye [aaAx]
8,43 ant yeuen wylle for thys wrytyng (.) wollen clothus
8,44 ffor he coped thus here clause (.) couth hym gret mede
8,45 Men of lawe haued lest (.) for letred they ben alle
8,46 ant so seyth the sawter (.) ant sapience bothe [aaAx]
8,47 {Super innocentem munera non accipies a regibus & principibus
erit merces eorum} [Latin]
8,48 of prynces ant prelatus (.) youre pencyoun schal aryse
8,49 ac of no pore peple (.) no peneworth schal ye take [aaAx]
8,50 ac that speneth ys speche (.) ant speketh for the pore
8,51 that ys innocent ant nedy (.) ant no man apeyreth [aa(A)xx]
8,52 conforteth hym in that cas (.) coueyteth nat ys godus
8,53 But for oure lordus loue (.) lawe for hym schewith [aaAx]
8,54 Schal no deul at ys deth day (.) dere hym a myte [aaAx]
8,55 that he ne worth sicurly saf (.) ant so the sawter wyttnesseth
8,56 ac to bygge water ne wynde (.) ne wyt ys the thridde
fol. 139r
8,57 Wolde nere holy writ (.) god wot the sothe [aaAx]
8,58 thise thre for thralles (.) ben throw among vs alle
8,59 To waxen ant to wanyen (.) were that god licuth [aa(A)xx]
8,60 his pardoun in purgatorye (.) ful petit ys y trowe [aaAx]
8,61 That {mercedem} for ys motyng (.) of mene men resseyueth
8,62 ye legystres ant lawyares (.) lye yc now trow ye [aaAx]
8,63 ye sennes ye seth thus yowsylf (.) seweth ye the beste
8,64 Alle lybbeynge laborerus (.) that lyueden by here handus
8,65 That trewlyche token (.) ant trewlyche wonnen [aaAx]
8,66 ant lyueden in loue in lawe (.) for here lowe hert [aaaAx]
8,67 hadden the same absolucioun (.) that sent was perus
8,68 Beggaueres ne byddares (.) ne but nat in the bulle [aaAa]
8,69 but yt be in the bak half (.) wythouten by hemsilue
8,70 But yf here suggestioun be soth (.) wen they schal begge
8,71 ffor at that begget or byt (.) but yf he nede haue [aa(A)xx]
8,72 he ys fals wyth the fend (.) ant defrauduth the nedy
8,73 Ant eke gyleth the gyuer (.) ageynes ys wille [aaAx]
8,74 thus they leuen nat (.) ne no lawe kepen [axAx]
8,75 Were they haue haly watur or haly bred (.) habbeth they
no ward [aaAx]
8,76 Ant eke vnschryuen schrewus (.) thyl schyrthorsday at
eue [aaAx]
8,77 They wedde none wommen (.) that they wyth dele [aaAx]
8,78 But as wilde bestus wyth wehe (.) worthen vp togyderes
8,79 ant bryngeth forth barnes (.) that bastardus ben holde
8,80 Or ys bak or ys boon (.) a brekth in ys youthe [aaAx]
8,81 ant goth ant fayteth thenne wyth here fauntus (.) for
eueremore aftur [aa(A)xx]
8,82 There ar mo mysschape amongus hem (.) ho so tacuth hede
8,83 Thenne of alle othur manere men (.) that on thys molde
wandreth [aaAx]
8,84 Tho that leden thus here lyf (.) mowen lothy the tyme
8,85 That euere war they men wroʒt (.) wen they schulle hennes
fare [aa(A)xx]
8,86 Ac holde men ant hore (.) that helples ben of strengthe
8,87 Ant wommen wyth childe (.) that wyrche ne mowe [axAx]
8,88 blynde men ant bedereden (.) ant broken in here membris
8,89 That tacut this mischef meklyche (.) han as myche pardoun
; [aaAx]
8,90 As perkyn the plowman (.) ant yut a poynt more [aaAx]
8,91 fful loue of here lownesse (.) oure lord hem hath graunted
8,92 here penaunce ant here purgatorye (.) vpon thys puyr
Erthe [aaAx]
Hand Q8,93 Pers quad a prest tho ; þi pardoun most I rede
8,94 ffor I wil construe eche clause ; & kennyt the on
englysche [aaAx]
8,95 And pers at his preyʒer ; the pardoun vnfoldede [aaAx]
8,96 {Et qui bona egerunt in vitam eternam qui vero mala
in ingnem eternum} [Latin]
8,97 In to lynis it lay ; & not a letter more [aaAx]
8,98 And was wretyn rith thus ; in wyttenesse of trewthe
8,99 Peter quad the prest tho ; I can no pardoun fynde [aaAx]
8,100 But do wyl & haue wyl ; & god schal haue þi
soule [aaXx]
8,101 And do euyl & haue euyl ; hope thow non oder [aaAx]
fol. 139v
8,102 That after thi deth day ; to helle schalt thow wende
8,103 And pers for pure tene ; pulled yt asunder and seyde
8,104 {Si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis non timebo mala
quoniam tu mecum es} [Latin]
8,105 I schal sesin of my sowyng ; and swynke not so harde
8,106 Ne aboutyn my lyflode ; so besi be no more [axAx]
8,107 Off preyʒerys and penauns ; my plow schal ben hereafter
8,108 And belouryn þat I below ; or my lyflode fayle [aaAx]
8,109 Þe prophete his payn ehte ; in penaunce and wepyng
8,110 Be þat the sawter vs seyth ; so dede many othir [aaAx]
8,111 {ffuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte} [Latin]
8,112 That louyth god lely ; his liflode is wel mete [aaAx]
8,113 And but if luk lye he lernyt vs anothir ; be foulys
þat we ne scholde [aaaXx]
8,114 To besy be aboute ; to make the wombe ioye [aaXx]
8,115 {Ne solliciti sitis} ; he seyth in his gospel [{aa}Ax]
8,116 And schewyth be exsaunple (.) vsself for to wysse [aaAx]
8,117 The foulys in the firmament ; who fynt hem in wynter
8,118 qwan the frost fresyth ; fode hem behouyth [aaAx]
8,119 Haue þei no fode to go to ; but god fynth hem alle
8,120 qwat quad þe prest to perkyn ; petyr so me thynkyt
8,121 Thow art lettryth a lytil ; Who lernede the on boke
8,122 Abstinence the abysse ; myn a.b.c me tawthe [aaAx]
8,123 And concience cam afterward ; and kennyd me bettyr
8,124 Were þou a prest quad he ; thow mytist preche wan þe
lykede [axAx]
8,125 {Quoniam literaturam non cognoui} ; þat myth be thi
teme [xxXx]
8,126 Lewyd lorel quad he ; lytil lokyst þou the bybil [aaAx]
8,127 {Ecce derisores & iurgia cum eis ne crescant} [Latin]
8,128 On salaman sawis ; lityl þou beholdyst [aaXx]
8,129 The prest and perkyn ; eythir aposid othir [aaAx]
8,130 And thorow here wordist ; I wok and waytede aboute
8,131 And saw þe sonne euen south ; syttyn þat tyme [aaaAx]
8,132 Meteles and moneles ; on maluerne hillys [aaAx]
8,133 Musyng on þis mater ; a meyle wey I ʒede [aaAx]
8,134 Many tyme þis metelis ; hath mad me to stodye [aaAx]
8,135 And for pers lif plowman ; petowsly in herte [aaAx]
fol. 140r
8,136 ffor þat I say slepyng ; if it so be myth [aaAx]
8,137 Ac catoun construith nay ; and canonystris bothe [aaAx]
8,138 And seyn be hemself ; {sompnia ne cures} [aa{Ax}]
8,139 Ac for þe bible berith wyttens ; wan danyel þe prophete
8,140 Demyd the dremys ; of a kyng onys [aaXx]
8,141 That nabugodonosor ; nemyn þis clerkys [aaAx]
8,142 Danyel seyde sere kyng ; thi sweuene is to mene [aaAx]
8,143 That vnkouþe kyngis schul come ; þi kyngdome to cleyme
8,144 Among lowere lordis ; thi londis schul be departid
8,145 As danyel demyd in dede ; fel it after [aaAx]
8,146 Þe kyng lees his lordschepe ; and lasse men it hadde
8,147 And iosep met merueylously ; how þe mone & þe sonne
8,148 And the eleuene sterris ; halsede him alle [axAa]
8,149 Beau filx quad his fader ; for defaut we schulle [aaAx]
8,150 I myself and my sonys ; seke þe for nede [aaAx]
8,151 It befel as his fader seyde ; in pharaoes tyme [aaAx]
8,152 Þat iosep was Iustise ; Egipt to kepe [aaAx]
8,153 Al þis makyt me mychil ; on metels to þinke [aaAx]
8,154 Many tymis at mydnyth ; wan I scholde slepe [aaXx]
8,155 On pers the plowman ; and qweche a pardoun he hadde
8,156 And how þe prest inproued it ; al be pure resoun [aaAx]
8,157 And demyd þat dowel ; indulgense passyd [aaAx]
8,158 Byenalys & trionalys ; and bischopis letteris [axAx]
8,159 Dowel at þe day of doom ; ys dyngneleche vnderfongid
8,160 He passith al þe pardoun . of seynt peteris schirche
8,161 Now hat þe pope power ; pardoun to graunt [aaAx]
8,162 The peple wythouten penaunce ; to passe to ioy [aaAx]
8,163 This is a leef of beleue ; as letterid men techith
8,164 {Quodcumque ligaueris super terram &c} [Latin]
8,165 And I beleue lely ; oure lord forbede ellys [aaAx]
8,166 Þat pardoun and penaunce ; & preyeris togydere
8,167 Mow saue soulys þat haue synnyd ; seuene sethis dedly
8,168 Ac to trostyn on trionalys ; trewly me thinkyth [aaAx]
fol. 140v
8,169 Is not so seker for þe soule ; sertys as is dowel [aaAx]
8,170 Therefore I rede ʒou lordis ; þat riche ben on erthe
8,171 Vpon trust on ʒoure tresour ; trionalis to haue [aaAx]
8,172 Be ʒe neuer þe balder ; to breke þe ten hestis [aaAx]
8,173 And namely ʒe maystris ; meyris & Iugis [xaAx]
8,174 That haue þe welthe of þis werd ; for wise men be holden
8,175 fforto purchase pardoun ; & þe popis bullys [aaAx]
8,176 At þe dredful day of doom ; wan dede schul arisyn [aaAx]
8,177 And comyn alle tofore crist ; acountis to ʒelde [aaAx]
8,178 how þou laddist þi lif ; and his lawis keptest [aaAx]
8,179 qwat þou dost day be day ; þe doom wil reherse [aaAx]
8,180 Of a pokeful of pardoun ; ne no prouincialis letteris
8,181 Thow þou be fondyn in fraternite ; among þe foure ordres
8,182 And haue indulgence dobblefold ; but dowel helpe [aaAx]
8,183 I nolde ʒif for ʒoure pardoun ; o pies hele [xaAx]
8,184 Þerfor I counsel al cristin ; to crien god mercy [aaAx]
8,185 And mary his moder ; be mene betwene [aaAx]
8,186 Þat god ʒif vs grace ; or we gon hennys [aaAx]
8,187 Swech werkys to werke ; wil we ben here [aa(A)xx]
8,188 And after oure deth day ; dowel reherse [aaAx]
8,189 At þe doom þat we deden ; al as he vs bad & tawthe
8,190 And þat it so mote be ; to god preye we alle [xxXx]
8,191 To vs & alle cristin ; god leue it so beffalle
Amen [xxXx]
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