PPLB-W Diplomatic Texts
Trinity College, Cambridge MS B.15.17
P,1 IN a somer seson . whan softe was þe sonne [aaAa] (Sch,
507; CM, 30; Sa, 98; R, 450; Sk2, liu; Ok, 2: 301) fol.
P,2 I shoop me into shroudes . as I a sheep weere [aaAx]
(Sch, 506)(MS weere > Sch were)
P,3 In habite as an heremite . vnholy of werkes [aaAx] (L,
P,4 Wente wide in þis world . wondres to here [aaaAx] (Sa,
98; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
P,5 Ac on a May morwenynge . on Malu(er)ne hilles [aaAx]
P,6 Me bifel a ferly . of ffairye me þoʒte [aaAx] (Ok, 2:
P,7 I was wery forwandred . and wente me to reste [aaAx]
(MS forwandred > Sch ofwandred)
P,8 Vnder a brood bank . by a bournes syde [aaAx] (Sa, 98;
Du, p.c.) ([aaAa] R, 450; Sk2, liu)
P,9 And as I lay and lenede . and loked on þe watres [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 288)
P,10 I slombred into a slepyng . it sweyed so murye [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 302)
P,11 Thanne gan I meten . a m(er)ueillous sweuene [xaAx] (Sch,
363; cf. Sa, 98; Du, 64; R, 453; Sk2, lui) (MS I > Sch
[me] to [aaAx])
P,12 That I was in a wildernesse . wiste I neu(er)e where
[aaAa] (Sa, 98; R, 450; Sk2, liu)
P,13 And as I biheeld into þe Eest . an heiӡto þe sonne [aaAx]
(L, 103, 104; R, 441, 457; Sk2, lxi)(MS And > Sch As)
P,14 I seiӡa tour on a toft . trieliche ymaked [aaAx] ([xaaAx]
Sa, 98)
P,15 A deep dale byneþe . a dongeon þerInne [aaAx] ([aaxAx]
Sch, 507; Sa, 98)
P,16 wiþ depe diches and derke . and dredfulle of siʒte [aaaAx]
(Sch, 507; Sa, 98; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
P,17 A fair feeld ful of folk . fond I þer bitwene [aaaAx]
(Sa, 98; R, 448; Sk2, lii; Ok, 2: 281)
P,18 Of alle man(er)e of men . þe meene and þe riche [aaAx]
P,19 Werchynge and wandrynge . as þe world askeþ [aaAx]
P,20 Some putten hem to þe plouӡ. pleiden ful selde [aaAx]
(CM, 30)
P,21 In settynge and sowynge . swonken ful harde [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 303)
P,22 And wonnen þat wastours . w(i)t(h) glotonye destruyeþ
[aa(A)xx] (CM, 35, 36, 38) ([aaXx] K-D, 135; Sa, 98; Du,
59)(MS wastours > Sch þis e wastours)
P,23 And so(m)me putten hem to pride . apparailed hem þ(er)after
P,24 In contenaunce of cloþynge . comen degised [aaAx] (cf.
Schu, 150)(MS degised > Sch disgised)
P,25 In preieres and penaunces . putten hem manye [aaAx] (MS
penaunces > Sch penaunce)
P,26 Al for þe loue of oure lord . lyueden ful streyte [aaAx]
(CM, 68; Ok, 2: 292)
P,27 In hope to haue after . heueneriche blisse [aaAx] (MS
after > Sch om.)
P,28 As ancres and heremites . þ(a)t holden hem in hire selles
[aaAx] (L, 101; R, 441, 457; Sk2, lxi; Du, p.c.) fol. 1u
P,29 And coueiten noӡt in contree . to carien aboute [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 183)(MS And > Sch om.; MS carien > Sch cairen)
P,30 ffor no likerous liflode . hire likame to plese [aaAx]
P,31 And so(m)me chosen chaffare . þei cheueden þe bettre [aaAx](MS
þe i > Sch þe y)
P,32 As it semeþ to oure siʒt . þat swiche men þryueþ [aaAx]
P,33 And so(m)me murþes to make . as mynstralles konne [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 292)
P,34 And geten gold w(i)t(h) hire glee . synnelees I leeue
[aaaBb] (Sch, 363; cf. K-D, 85, 137; Sa, 98; Du, 62-3)
P,35 Ac Iaperes and Iangeleres . Iudas children [aaAx]
P,36 ffeynen hem fantasies . and fooles hem makeþ [aaAx]
(K-D, 85)(MS Feynen > Sch Fonden)
P,37 And han hire wit at wille . to werken if þei wolde [aaAx](MS
hire > Sch om.; MS þe i wolde > Sch þe y sholde)
P,38 That Poul p(re)cheþ of hem . I wol nat preue it here
P,39 But { Qui loquitur turpiloquium } . is luciferes hyne
[{aa}Ax] (|l|-l|l|; Sa, 98; CM, 98)
P,40 Bidderes and beggeres . faste aboute yede [aaAx] (Sa,
98; Ok, 2: 268)
P,41 Wiþ hire belies and hire bagges . of breed ful ycrammed
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 78)(MS wiþ > Sch Til; MS belies > Sch
bely; MS bagges > Sch bagge; MS were bretful > Sch
of breed ful)
P,42 ffaiteden for hire foode . fouʒten at þe ale [aaAx]
P,43 In glotonye god woot . go þei to bedde [aaAx] ([aaxAx]
Sa, 98)
P,44 And risen wiþ ribaudie . þo Roberdes knaues [aaAx]
P,45 Sleep and sory sleuþe . seweþ hem euere [aaaAx] (cf.
K-D, 80, 216; Sa, 98)
P,46 Pilgrymes and palm(er)es . pliӡten hem togidere [aaAx]
P,47 ffor to seken Seint Iame . and seintes at Rome [aaAx]
(CM, 37) ([axAx] Sa, 98)(MS For > Sch om.; MS at > Sch
P,48 They wenten forþ in hire wey . wiþ many wise tales [aaAx]
(Du, p.c.; Ok, 2: 309)(MS þe y > Sch om. )
P,49 And hadden leue to lyen . al hire lif after [aaAx]
P,50 I seiӡso(m)me þat seiden . þei hadde ysouӡt seintes [aaaAa]
P,51 To ech a tale þ(a)t þei tolde . hire tonge was tempred
to lye [aaAa]
P,52 Moore þan to seye sooth . it semed bi hire speche [aaAa]
P,53 Heremytes on an heep . w(i)t(h) hoked staues [aaAx] (L, 103)
P,54 Wenten to Walsyngham . and hire wenches after [aaAx] fol.
P,55 Grete lobies and longe . þat loþe were to swynke [aaAx]
P,56 Cloþed hem in copes . to ben knowen from oþere [aaAx]
(Du, 45)
P,57 And shopen hem heremytes . hire ese to haue [xaAa] (Sa,
98; R, 450; Sk2, liu) ([x(a)aAa] Du, 60, 64) ([xaAx] L, 104)
P,58 I fond þere freres . alle þe foure ordres [aaAx] (Sa,
98) ([aaBab] K, 60)
P,59 Prechynge þe peple . for p(ro)fit of hemselue [aaAx]
(MS hemselue > Sch þe wombe)
P,60 Glosed þe gospel . as hem good liked [aaAx] (Ok, 2:
P,61 ffor coueitise of copes . construwed it as þei wolde
P,62 Manye of þise maistre freres . now cloþen hem at likyng
[aa(A)xx] (CM, 36) ([aaXx] Sa, 98; Du, 59)(MS þis e maistre > Sch
þis maistres; MS now > Sch mowe)
P,63 ffor hire moneie and hire marchaundiʒe . marchen togideres
[aaAx](MS hire(2) > Sch om. )
P,64 ffor siþ charite haþ ben chapman . and chief to shryue
lordes [aaAx] (Du, p.c.)
P,65 Manye ferlies han fallen . in a fewe yeres [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 281)
P,66 But holy chirche and hij . holde bettre togidres [aaAx]
([axaAx] Sa, 98)
P,67 The mooste meschief on molde . is mountynge wel faste
[aaaAx] (K-D, 137; Sa, 99; R, 448; Sk2, lii; Ok, 2: 293)
P,68 Ther p(re)ched a p(ar)doner . as he a preest were [aaAx]
P,69 Brouʒte forth a bulle . wiþ many Bisshopes seles [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 216)(MS many > Sch om. )
P,70 And seide þ(a)t hymself myӡte . assoillen hem alle [aaAx]
P,71 Of falshede of fastynge . of Auowes ybroken [aaAx] (|f|f|-u|;
R, 443, 458; Sk2, lxii) ([aaXx] Sa, 99)
P,72 Lewed men leued it wel . and liked hise wordes [aaAx](MS
it > Sch hym)
P,73 Comen vp knelynge . to kissen hise bulles [aaAx]
P,74 He bonched hem w(i)t(h) his breuet . and blered hire
ei-gh-en [aaAx]
P,75 And rauʒte w(i)t(h) his Rageman . rynges and broches
P,76 Thus þei gyuen hire gold . glotons to kepe [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 79)(MS þe i > Sch ye; MS hire > Sch youre; MS
kepe > Sch helpe)
P,77 And leneþ it swiche losels . as leccherie haunten [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80)(MS swiche > Sch om.; MS as > Sch þat
P,78 Were þe bisshop yblessed . and worþ boþe hise eris [aaAx]
([aaXx] Sa, 99; Du, 59)
P,79 His seel sholde noӡt be sent . to deceyue þe peple [aaAx]
(Sa, 99)
P,80 Ac it is noӡt by þe bisshop . þ(a)t þe boy p(re)cheþ
[aaAx] (K, 54;Sa, 99) ([xaAx] CM, 35)
P,81 ffor þe parisshe preest and þe p(ar)don(er) . parten
þe siluer [aaaAx] (Sa, 99)
P,82 That þe poraille of þe parissche sholde haue . if þei
ne were [aaXx] (Sa, 99; Du, 62, 64)(MS poraille >Sch pouere
[peple] [aaaXx])
P,83 P(er)sons and parisshe preestes . pleyned hem to þe Bisshop
[aaaAx] (Sa, 99; R, 448; Sk2, lii) fol. 2u
P,84 That hire parisshes weren pou(er)e . siþ þe pestilence
tyme [aaAx] (Du, 46)
P,85 To haue a licence and leue . at London to dwelle [aaAx]
([xaaAx] Sa, 99)
P,86 And syngen þer for symonie . for siluer is swete [aaAa]
(Sa, 99; R, 450; Sk2, liu)
P,87 Bisshopes and bachelers . boþe maistres and doctours [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 36; Du, 59)
P,88 That han cure vnder crist . and crownynge in tokene
P,89 And signe þ(a)t þei sholden . shryuen hire parisshens
[aaAx] (|s|sh|sh|; K-D, 132; Schu, 98)
P,90 Prechen and praye for hem . and þe pou(er)e fede [aaAx]
P,91 Liggen at Londou(n) . in Lenten and ellis [aaAx]
P,92 So(m)me s(er)uen þe king . and his siluer tellen [aaAx]
P,93 In Cheker and in Chauncelrie . chalangen hise dettes
[aaAx](MS Cheker >Sch þe Cheker; MS Chauncelrie > Sch
þe Chauncelrie)
P,94 Of wardes and of wardemotes . weyues and streyves [aaAx]
P,95 And so(m)me s(er)uen as s(er)uauntʒ . lordes and ladies
[aaaBb] (Sch, 507; K-D, 138; K, 59; Du, 62)
P,96 And in stede of Stywardes . sitten and demen [aaAx]
(Schu, 109)
P,97 Hire messe & hire matyns . and many of hire houres
P,98 Arn doon vndeuoutliche . drede is at þe laste [aaAx](MS
doon > Sch doone)
P,99 Lest crist in Consistorie . acorse ful manye [aaAx](MS
Consistorie > Sch his Consistorie)
P,100 I p(ar)ceyued of þe power . þat Peter hadde to kepe [aaAx]
P,101 To bynden and to vnbynden . as þe book telleþ [aaAx]
P,102 How he it lefte wiþ loue . as oure lorde hiʒte [aaAx]
P,103 Amonges foure v(er)tues . þe beste of alle v(er)tues
[aaXa] (|f|u|u|; cf. K-D, 180; CM, 120)(MS þe beste > Sch
most uertuous [aaAa])
P,104 That Cardinals ben called . and closynge yates [aaAx]
P,105 There is crist in his kyngdom . to close and to shette
[aaAx](MS Crist is > Sch is cryst; MS his > Sch om.)
P,106 And to opene it to hem . and heuene blisse shewe [aaAx]
(L, 105)
P,107 Ac of þe Cardinals at court . þat kauʒte of þat name
P,108 And power p(re)sumed in hem . a pope to make [aaAx]
P,109 To han þat power þ(a)t Peter hadde . impugnen I nelle
[aaAx](MS þat > Sch þe )
P,110 ffor in loue and in lettrure . þe eleccion bilongeþ
P,111 fforþi I kan & kan nauʒt . of court speke moore
P,112 Thanne kam þ(er) a kyng: . knyʒthod hym ladde [aaAx]
fol. 3r
P,113 Might of þe co(m)munes . made hym to regne [aaAx] (|m|-m|m|;
Du, 64)
P,114 And þanne cam kynde wit . and clerkes he made [aaAx]
P,115 ffor to counseillen þe kyng . and þe commune saue [aaAx]
P,116 The kyng and knyʒthod . and clergie boþe [aaAx]
P,117 Casten þ(a)t þe co(m)mune . sholde hem self fynde [aaXx]
(K-D, 92; Sch, 364; CM, 122; Du, 63)(MS hemself > Sch
hem communes [aaAx])
P,118 The co(m)mune contreued . of kynde wit craftes [aaAa]
(Du, p.c.)
P,119 And for p(ro)fit of al þe peple . plowmen ordeyned
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 141)
P,120 To tilie and to t(ra)uaille . as trewe lif askeþ [aaAx]
P,121 The kyng and þe co(m)mune . and kynde wit þe þridde [aaAx]
(Du, p.c.)
P,122 Shopen lawe and leaute . ech man to knowe his owene
[aaXx] (Du, 63; Du, p.c.)(MS man > Sch lif [aaAx])
P,123 Thanne loked vp a lunatik . a leene þyng wiþ alle [aaAx]
(CM, 68)
P,124 And knelynge to þe kyng . clergially he seide [aaAx]
P,125 Crist kepe þee sire kyng . and þi kyngryche [aaaAx] (CM,
31; R-K, 103)
P,126 And lene þee lede þi lond . so leaute þee louye [aaaAa]
(Sch, 507; CM, 31, 116)
P,127 And forþi riʒtful rulyng . be rewarded in heuene [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 78)
P,128 And siþen in þe Eyr an heiʒ . an Aungel of heuene [aaAa]
([aaAx] |ey|hei|au|; L, 104; cf. CM, 78)(MS an > Sch on)
P,129 Lowed to speke in latyn . for lewed men ne koude [aaAx]
P,130 Iangle ne Iugge . þat Iustifie hem sholde [aaAx]
P,131 But suffren and s(er)uen . forþi seide þe Aungel [aaAx]
P,132 {Sum Rex su(m) P(ri)nceps . neutr(um) fortasse deinceps
.} [Latin] (cf. CM, 75)
P,133 { O qui iura regis . Χρ(ιστ)i specialia regis .} [Latin]
(cf. CM, 75)
P,134 { Hoc q(uo)d agas melius . iustus es; esto pius .}
[Latin] (cf. CM, 75)
P,135 { Nudu(m) ius a te . vestiri vult pietate .} [Latin]
(cf. CM, 75)
P,136 { Qualia vis metere . talia grana sere .} [Latin] (cf.
CM, 75)
P,137 { Si ius nudatur . nudo de iure metatur } [Latin] (cf.
CM, 75)
P,138 { Si seritur pietas . de pietate metas } [Latin] (cf. CM, 75) fol. 3v
P,139 Thanne greued hym a Goliardeis . a gloton of wordes [aaAx]
P,140 And to þe Aungel an heiӡ . answerde after [aaAx] (L,
101)(MS abswerde > Sch answeres)
P,141 { Dum rex a regere . dicatur nomen habere } [Latin]
(cf. CM, 75)
P,142 { Nomen habet sine re . nisi studet iura tenere } [Latin]
(cf. CM, 75)
P,143 Thanne gan al þe co(m)mune . crye in vers of latyn [aaAx]
(|g|c|c|; Schu, 130; Sch. 364; cf. Du, 62, 64; Du, p.c.)
([xaAx] K-D,195)(MS Thanne > Sch And thane)
P,144 To þe kynges counseil . construe whoso wolde [aaAx]
P,145 { Precepta Regis . sunt nobis vincula legis } [Latin]
(cf. CM, 75)
P,146 Wiþ þat ran þ(er) a route . of Ratons at ones [aaAx]
P,147 And smale mees myd hem . mo þan a þousand [axAx] (Sch,
364)(MS myd >Sch wiþ )
P,148 And comen to a counseil . for þe co(m)mune p(ro)fit
[aaAx](MS And > Sch om.)
P,149 ffor a cat of a contree . cam whan hym liked [aaAx]
(CM, 69)(MS contree > Sch court)
P,150 And ou(er)leep hem liʒtliche . and lauʒte hem at his
wille [aaAx] (CM, 69; Ok, 2: 289)
P,151 And pleide wiþ hem p(er)illousli . and possed aboute
[aaAx] ([aaAa] |p|p|p|b|; Du, p.c.)(MS possed > Sch possed
P,152 ffor doute of diu(er)se dredes . we dar noӡt wel loke
P,153 And if we grucche of his gamen . he wol greuen vs alle
P,154 Cracchen vs or clawen vs . and in hise clouches holde
P,155 That vs loþeth þe lif . er he late vs passe [aaAx]
P,156 Miʒte we wiþ any wit his wille wiþ stonde [aaAx]
P,157 We myӡte be lordes olofte . and lyuen at oure ese [aaAx]
P,158 A Raton of renoun . moost renable of tonge [aaAx]
P,159 Seide for a sou(er)eyn . help to hymselue [aaAx] ([aaXax]
Sch, 364; cf. K-D, 197; Du, 63; Du, p.c.)(MS hymselue > Sch
hemseluen alle)
P,160 I haue yseyen segges quod he . in þe Cite of Londou(n)
P,161 Beren beiʒes ful briʒte . abouten hire nekkes [aaaAx]
P,162 And so(m)me colers of crafty werk . vncoupled þei wenten
[aabAb] (Du, 54)(MS werk > Sch work; MS wenten > Sch
P,163 Boþe in wareyne and in waast . where hem self liked
[aa(A)xx] (CM, 38; Schu, 77)(MS self liked > Sch leue
P,164 And ouþ(er) while þei arn elliswhere . as I here telle
[aaAx] (L, 105)
P,165 Were þer a belle on hire beiʒe . by Ih(es)u as me þynkeþ
[aa(A)xx] (Du, 59)
P,166 Men myӡte witen wher þei wente . and awey renne [aaAx]
P,167 And riʒt so quod þat Raton . Reson me sheweþ [aaAx] fol.
P,168 To bugge a belle of bras . or of briʒt siluer [aaaAx]
P,169 And knytten it on a coler . for oure co(m)mune p<ro>fit
P,171 Wher he ryt or rest . or renneþ to pleye [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 298)(MS renneth > Sch rometh)
P,172 And if hym list for to laike . þanne loke we mowen
[aaAx] (CM, 68)
P,173 And peeren in his p(re)sence . þe while hym pleye likeþ
[aaAx] (K-D, 138; Ok, 2: 296)
P,174 And if hym wraþeþ be war . and his wey shonye [aaAx]
(K-D, 138)
P,175 Al þis route of Ratons . to þis reson þei assented [aaAx]
(Du, 45)(MS þe i > Sch om.)
P,176 Ac þo þe belle was ybrouʒt . and on þe beiʒe hanged
[aaAx](MS ybrought > Sch ybought)
P,177 Ther ne was Raton in al þe route . for al þe Reaume
of ff(ra)unce [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 216)
P,178 That dorste haue bounden þe belle . aboute þe cattes
nekke [aa(A)xx] (Du, 59)(MS þe cattes > Sch his)
P,179 Ne hangen it aboute þe cattes hals . al Engelond to
wynne [aaAx] (L, 102, 105; Du, p.c.)
P,180 Alle helden hem vnhardy . and hir counseil feble [aaa(A)xx]
(cf. Du, 59)(MS Alle > Sch And)
P,181 And leten hire labour lost . and al hire longe studie
[aaaAx](MS labour > Sch laboure)
P,182 A Mous þat muche good . kouþe as me þouʒte [aaAx] (Du,
51)(MS me > Sch me þe )
P,183 Strook forþ sternely . and stood bifore hem alle [aaAx]
P,184 And to þe route of Ratons . reherced þise wordes [aaAx]
P,185 Thouʒ we killen þe cat . yet sholde þ(er) come anoþ(er)
[aaAx](MS killen > Sch had killed)
P,186 To cracchen vs & al oure kynde . þouʒ we cropen
vnder benches [aaAx] (Du, 46)(MS cacchen > Sch cracchen)
P,187 fforþi I counseille al þe co(m)mune . to late þe cat
worþe [aaAx]
P,188 And be we neu(er)e bolde . þe belle hym to shewe [aaAx](MS
bolde > Sch so bolde)
P,193 ffor I herde my sire seyn . is seuen yeer ypassed [xaaAx]
P,194 Ther þe cat is a kitou(n) . þe court is ful elenge
P,195 That witnesseþ Holy Writ . whoso wole it rede [aaAx]
(Du, p.c.)
P,196 { Ve terre vbi puer Rex est &c } [Latin](MS L.
Rex est > Sch est rex)
P,197 ffor may no renk þ(er) reste haue . for Ratons by nyӡte
P,189 The while he caccheþ conynges . he coueite-th- noӡt
youre caroyne [aaAa](MS youre > Sch oure)
P,190 But fedeþ hym al wiþ venyson . defame we hym neu(er)e
[aaAx] (|f|u|-f|)
P,191 ffor bettre is a litel los . þan a long sorwe [xaaAx]
(K, 51)
P,192 The maʒe among vs alle . þeiʒ we mysse a sherewe [aaAx]
([a(a)xAx] CM, 37)
P,198 ffor many mennes malt . we mees wolde destruye [aaaAx](MS
mennes > Sch mannes)
P,199 And also ye Route of ratons . rende mennes cloþes [aaAx]
fol. 4v
P,200 Nere þe cat of þat court . (þ)at kan yow ouerlepe [aaAx](MS
þat > Sch þe )
P,201 ffor hadde ye rattes youre wille . ye kouþe noӡt rule
yowselue [axAx] (Sch, 364; cf. K-D, 92; Du, 63)
P,202 I seye for me quod þe mous . I se so muchel after [abbAb]
([abbAab] Du, 64)(MS seye > Sch seye it)
P,203 Shal ne(ue)re þe cat ne þe kiton . by my counseil be
greued [aaAx] (Du, 45)
P,204 Thoruʒ carpynge of þis coler . þat costed me neu(er)e
[aaAx](MS Thorugh > Sch Ne)
P,205 And þouʒ it hadde costned me catel . biknowen it I
nolde [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 216)(MS hadde > Sch om.)
P,206 But suffren as hymself wolde . to doon as hym likeþ
[aa(A)xx] (cf. K-D, 173; Du, 63)(MS to > Sch so)
P,207 Coupled and vncoupled . to cacche what þei mowe [aaAx]
P,208 fforþi ech a wis wiʒt I warne . wite wel his owene
[aaaAx] (Du, p.c.) ([abbabBa] K, 60)
P,209 What þis metels bymeneþ . ye men þ(a)t ben murye [aaAa]
P,210 Deuyne ye for I ne dar . by deere god in heuene [aaAx]
(CM, 42)
P,211 Yet houed þ(er) an hundred . in howues of selk [aaAx]
P,212 Sergeanʒ it bisemed . þat s(er)ueden at þe barre [aaAx](MS
bisemed > Sch semed)
P,213 Pleteden for penyes . and poundes þe lawe [aaAx]
P,214 And noӡt for loue of oure lord . vnlose hire lippes
ones [aaAa] (K-D, 85; R, 450; Sk2, liu; Du, p.c.; Ok, 2:
292; cf. Sa, 99)
P,215 Thow myӡtest bettre meete myst . on Maluerne hilles
[aaaAx] (R, 448; Sk2, lii) ([aaAx] Sa, 99; cf. R-K, 95)
P,216 Than gete a mom of hire mouþ . til moneie be shewed
[aaAx](MS gete > Sch get)
P,217 Barons and Burgeises . and bondemen als [aaAx] (K-D,
85; Ok, 2: 268; Du, 49-50)(MS Burgeises > Sch burgeis;
MS als > Sch alse)
P,218 I seiʒ in þis assemblee . as ye shul here after [aaAx]
(|s|-s|sh|; Sa, 99; R, 458; Sk2, luiii, lxii) ([aa(A)bb]
s-liaison; CM, 36, 38; Du, 59) ([aaXx] R, 454; Sk2, luii,
P,219 Baksteres and Brewesteres . and Bochiers manye [aaAx]
P,220 Wollen webbesters . and weueres of lynnen [aaAx]
P,221 Taillours and Tynkers . and Tollers in markettes [aaAx]
P,222 Masons and Myno(ur)s . and many oþ(er)e craftes [aaAx]
P,223 Of alle kynne lybbynge laborers . lopen forþ so(m)me
[aaAx](MS kynne > Sch om.)
P,224 As Dykeres and delueres . þat doon hire dedes ille
[aaAa] (R, 450; Sk2, liu) ([aaAx] Sa, 99)
P,225 And dryueþ forþ þe longe day . w(i)t(h) { Dieu saue
Dame Emme } [aa{Aa}] (R, 450) ([axa{Aa}] Sa, 99; Ok, 2: 279)(MS
OF. saue > Sch uous saue)
P,226 Cokes and hire knaues . cryden hote pies hote [aaAbb]
([aaXx] Sa, 99)
P,227 Goode gees and grys . go we dyne go we [aaaAa] (Sa,
99; Du, 56; R, 448, 450; Sk2, lii, liu)
P,228 Tau(er)ners vntil hem . trewely tolden þe same [aaAa]
(Sa, 99; Du, 56)(MS trewely > Sch om. [aaAx]) fol. 5r
P,229 Whit wyn of Oseye . and reed wyn of Gascoigne [aaxAx]
(|wh|w|w|; Sa, 99; cf. K-D, 216)(MS reed > Sch om.)
P,230 Of þe Ryn and of þe Rochel . þe roost to defie [aaAx]
Passus primus de visione (PASSUS I )
1,1 What þis mountaigne bymeneþ . and þe m(er)ke dale [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80)
1,2 And þe feld ful of folk . I shal yow faire shewe [aaAx]
(Sa, 99) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)
1,3 A louely lady of leere . in lynnen ycloÞed [aaaAx] (Sa,
99; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
1,4 Cam doun from a Castel . and called me faire [aaAx](MS
a > Sch þe )
1,5 And seide sone slepestow . sestow þis peple [aaAx] (Sa,
99) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)
1,6 How bisie þei ben . alle aboute þe maʒe [aaAx] (Sa, 99;
cf. K-D, 216; Du, 55)(MS alle > Sch om.)
1,7 The mooste partie of þis peple . þat passeþ on þis erþe
1,8 Haue þei worship in þis world . þei wilne no bettre [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 99; Ok, 2: 311; Du, 64, 66)
1,9 Of ooth(er) heuene þan here . holde þei no tale [aaaAx]
(K, 58) ([aaAx] Sa, 99)
1,10 I was afered of hire face . þeiӡ she fair weere [aaAx]
1,11 And seide m(er)cy madame . what is þis to meene [aaXa]
(Sch, 365; cf. Sa, 99; Du, 62, 63)(MS is þis > Sch
may þis be [aaAa])
1,12 The tour on þe toft quod she . truþe is þ(er)Inne [aaAx](MS
on > Sch up)
1,13 And wolde þ(a)t ye wrouӡte . as his word techeþ [aaAx]
1,14 ffor he is fader of feith . and formed yow alle [aaAx](MS
and > Sch om.)
1,15 Boþe w(i)t(h) fel and w(i)t(h) face . and yaf yow fyue
wittes [aaAx] (Schu, 204; cf. Sa, 99; Ok, 2: 281)
1,16 ffor to worshipe hym þer wiþ . while þ(a)t ye ben here
[aaAx] (Sa, 99; Schu, 76; cf. Du, 56)(MS while > Sch þe
1,17 And þ(er)fore he hiӡte þe erþe . to helpe yow echone
[aaAx] (L, 104, 106, 107; Sa, 99; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
1,18 Of wollene of lynnen . of liflode at nede [aaAx] (|-ll-|l|l|;
CM, 42-3; K-D, 211; Du, 64) ([xaAx] Sa, 99)
1,19 In mesurable manere . to make yow at ese [aaAx]
1,20 And comaunded of his curteisie . in co(m)mune þree þynges
[aaAbb] (CM, 123) ([aaAx] Sa, 99)
1,21 Are none nedfulle but þo . and nempne hem I þynke [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 99)
1,22 And rekene hem by reson . reherce þow hem after [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 298)
1,23 That oon vesture . from cold þee to saue [aaAa] (|th|u|f|th|;
K-D, 133; cf. Schu, 168, 182; Sa, 99; Du, 64; R, 445) (MS
oon > Sch oon is; MS cold > Sch chele)
1,24 And mete at meel . for mysese of þiselue [aaAx]
1,25 And drynke whan þow driest . ac do noӡt out of reson [aaAx]
(K-D, 85) fol. 5v
1,26 That þow worþe þe wers . whan þow werche sholdest [aaAx]
(Du, p.c.) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, liu)
1,27 ffor Lot in hise lifdayes . for likynge of drynke [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 99; Ok, 2: 167; Du, 54)
1,28 Dide by hise douʒtres . þat þe deuel liked [aaAx] (Du,
1,29 Delited hym in drynke . as þe deuel wolde [aaAx] (CM,
42; Du, 54)
1,30 And Leccherie hym lauӡte . and lay by hem boþe [aaAx]
(Du, 54)
1,31 And al he witte it þe wyn . þat wikked dede [aaAx] (Du,
1,31a { Inebriamus eum vino . dormiamusq(ue) cum eo } [Latin](MS
L. Inebriamus > Sch Inebriemus)
1,31a { vt seruare possimus de patre nostro semen} [Latin]
1,32 Thoruʒ wyn and þoruӡ wo(m)men . þer was loth acombred
[aa(A)xx] (Ok, 2: 310) ([ababAbb?] Du, 54, 59)
1,33 And þ(er)e gat in glotonie . gerles þ(a)t were cherles
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 76)
1,34 fforþi dred delitable drynke . and þow shalt do þe bettre
[aaaAx] (Sa, 99; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
1,35 Mesure is medicine . þouӡ þow muchel yerne [aaAx]
1,36 It is nouʒt al good to þe goost . þ(a)t þe gut askeþ
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)
1,37 Ne liflode to þi likame . for a liere hym techeþ [aaAx](MS
run togeþer wiþ 38 > Sch 1,37 Ne liflode to þe likame
. þat leef is to þi soule. [aaAx]OGYC2MRF;
1,39 That is þe wrecched world . wolde þee bitraye [aaAx]
1,40 ffor þe fend and þi flessh . folwen togidere [aaAx]
1,41 This and that seeþ thi soule . and seith it in þin herte
[aaAx] (cf. R, 442)(MS Þis > Sch om.)
1,42 And for þow sholdest ben ywar . I wisse þee þe beste
[xaAx] (Sa, 99; R, 453; Sk2, lui) ([axAx] |th|th|; Sch, 365;
cf. CM, 33; Du, 64)
1,43 Madame mercy quod I . me likeþ wel youre wordes [aa(A)bb]
(K, 60) ([aaXx] Sa, 99; Du, 59)(MS Madame > Sch A madame)
1,44 Ac þe moneie of þis molde . þat men so faste holdeþ
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 293)
1,45 Tel me to whom madame . þat tresour appendeþ [axAx]
(K, 54; Sa, 99; cf. K-D, 216)(MS Tel > Sch Telleth; MS
madame > Sch om.)
1,46 Go to þe Gospel quod she . þat god seide hymseluen [aaAx]
1,47 Tho þe poeple hym apposede . wiþ a peny in þe temple
[aaAx] (Du, 45)
1,48 Wheiþ(er) þei sholde þ(er)wiþ . worshipe þe kyng Cesar
[aaAx] (Sch, 365) ([xaAx] cf. K-D, 86; Sa, 99; Du, 64)
1,49 And god asked of hym . of whom spak þe lettre [aaAx] (|a|he|who|;
L, 101; Schu, 77) ([aaXx] Sa, 99; Du, 59; R, 455; Sk2, luiii)(MS
hym > Sch hem)
1,50 And þe ymage was lik . þat þerInne stonedþ [axAx] (L,
106; Sa, 99)(MS was lik > Sch ylik)
1,51 Cesares þei seiden . we seen it wel echone [aaAx](MS it > Sch hym) fol. 6r
1,52 { Reddite Cesari . quod} god . þat { Cesari } bifalleþ
[{a}x{A}x] (CM, 97, 99) ([{xa}{A}x] Sa, 99; Du, 64)
1,53 { Et que sunt dei deo .} or ellis ye don ille [{aa}Ax]
(Sa, 99; CM, 99)
1,54 ffor riʒtfully reson . sholde rule yow alle [aaAx]
1,55 And kynde wit be wardeyn . youre welþe to kepe [aaAx]
([xaaAx] Sa, 99)
1,56 And tutour of youre tresor . and take it yow at nede
1,57 ffor housbondrie and hij . holden togidres [aaAx] (Sa,
99; cf. Du, 55)(MS hiI > Sch he)
1,58 Thanne I frayned hire faire . for hym þ(a)t me made [aa(A)xx]
(Bn, 228) ([aaXx] Sa, 99)(MS me > Sch hire)
1,59 That dongeon in þe dale . þ(a)t dredful is of siʒte
[aaAx] (cf. Ok, 2: 301)
1,60 What may it be to meene . madame I yow biseche [aaAx]
(cf. Du, 55)(MS be to meene > Sch bemeene)
1,61 That is þe castel of care . whoso comth þ(er)Inne [aaAx]
1,62 May banne þ(a)t he born was . to bodi or to soule [aaAx]
1,63 TherInne wonyeþ a wight . þat wrong is yhote [aaAx]
1,64 ffader of falshede . and founded it hymselue [aaAx](MS
and > Sch om.)
1,65 Adam and Eue . he egged to ille [aaAa] (K, 50, 58; Sa,
99) ([aaAx] L, 101)
1,66 Counseilled Kaym . to killen his broþ(er) [aaAx]
1,67 Iudas he iaped . wiþ Iewen siluer [aaAx]
1,68 And siþen on an Eller . hanged hym selue [aaAx] (Sa,
99; Du, p.c.; L, 101, 104, 108)(MS selue > Sch after)
1,69 He is lettere of loue . and lieþ hem alle [aaAx] (K-D,
1,70 þat trusten on his tresour . bitrayeþ he hem sonnest
[aaAx](MS bitrayed he hem > Sch bitrayed arn)
1,71 Thanne hadde I wonder in my wit . what wo(m)man it weere
[aaAx] ([aaAa] Sa, 99; R, 451; Sk2, lu)(MS it > Sch she)
1,72 That swiche wise wordes . of holy writ shewed [aaAx]
([aaXax] Sa, 99)
1,73 And asked hire on þe heiʒe name . er she þennes yede
[aa(A)xx] (Du, 56; Du, p.c.) (cf. [aaxAx] Sa, 99)(MS asked > Sch
1,74 What she were witterly . þat wissed me so faire [aaAx]
1,75 Holi chirche I am quod she . þow ouʒtest me to knowe [aaAx]
(R, 457; Sk2, lxi; cf. Du, p.c.) ([axAx] L, 106; Sa, 99)
1,76 I vnderfeng þee first . and þe feiþ tauʒte [aaAx]
1,77 And brouʒtest me borwes . my biddyng to fulfille [aaAx](MS
And > Sch þow)
1,78 And to louen me leelly . þe while þi lif dureþ [aaAx]
1,79 Thanne I courbed on my knees . and cried hire of g(ra)ce
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 276) fol. 6v
1,80 And preide hire pitously . preye for my synnes [aaAx](MS
preye > Sch to preye)
1,81 And also kenne me kyndely . on crist to bileue [aaAx]
1,82 That I myӡte werchen his wille . þat wroʒte me to man
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 311)(MS man > Sch manne)
1,83 Teche me to no tresor . but tel me þis ilke [aaAx]
1,84 How I may saue my soule . þat Seint art yholden [aaAx]
1,85 Whan alle tresors arn tried quod she . treuþe is þe beste
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 216)
1,86 I do it on { Deus caritas } . to deme þe soþe [a{a}Ax]
([a{ax}Ax] Sa, 99)
1,87 It is as dereworþe a drury . as deere god hymseluen
1,88 Who is trewe of his tonge . and telleþ noon ooþ(er) [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 78)(MS Who > Sch whoso)
1,89 And dooþ þe werkes þ(er)wiþ . and wilneþ no man ille
[aaAx] (L, 108)
1,90 He is a god by þe gospel . agrounde and olofte [aaAx]
(Schu, 130; cf. 182; R, 446)
1,91 And ylik to oure lord . by Seint Lukes wordes [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 78; CM, 68)
1,92 The clerkes þat knowen þis . sholde kennen it aboute
1,93 ffor cristen and vncristen . cleymeþ it echone [aaAx]
1,94 Kynges and knyghtes . sholde kepen it by reson [aaAx]
1,95 Riden and rappen doun . in Reaumes aboute [aaAx]
1,96 And taken { transgressores } . and tyen hem faste [a{a}Ax]
(CM, 98)
1,97 Til treuþe hadde ytermyned . hire trespas to þe ende
1,100 And þat is p(ro)fession apertli . þat apendeþ to knyӡtes
[aaAx] (cf. Du, 46)(MS profession > Sch þe profession)
1,101 And nauӡt to fasten o friday . in fyue score wynter
1,102 But holden wiþ hym and w(i)t(h) here . þat wolden alle
truþe [aaaAx] (Sa, 99; Du, 62, 63; R, 448, 457; Sk2, lii,
1,103 And ne(ue)re leue hem for loue . ne for lacchynge of
siluer [aaAx] (K-D, 87)
1,98 ffor Dauid in hise dayes . dubbed knyʒtes [aaAx]
1,99 And dide hem sweren on hir swerd . to s(er)uen truþe
eu(er)e [aaAx](cf. K-D, 80)([xaaAx] Sa, 99)
1,104 And whoso passed þat point . was Apostata in þe ordre
[aaAx] (Du, 46)(MS passed > Sch passeth; MS was > Sch
1,105 But crist kyngene kyng . knyӡted ten [aaaAx] (Sa, 99;
R, 448; Sk2, lii)(MS ten > Sch tene)
1,106 Cherubyn and Seraphyn . swiche seuene & oþ(er)e
[xaAx] (Sa, 99; Du, p.c.)(MS othere > Sch ano þe r)
1,107 And yaf hem myʒt in his maiestee . þe murier hem þouӡte
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)
1,108 And ouer his meene meynee . made hem Archangeles [aaAx]
(Sa, 99; Du, 64; cf. |o|hi|he|; K-D, 135, 216)
1,109 Tauʒte hem by þe Trinitee . treuþe to knowe [aaAx] fol.
1,110 To be buxom at his biddyng . he bad hem nouʒt ellis
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 272)
1,111 Lucifer wiþ legions . lerned it in heuene [aaAx]
1,113 But for he brak buxomnesse . his blisse gan he tyne
[aaAx](MS But for > Sch Til)
1,114 And fel fro þat felawshipe . in a fendes liknesse [aaAx]
1,115 Into a deep derk helle . to dwelle þ(er)e for eu(er)e
[aaAx] ([aaxAx] CM, 31, 76)
1,116 And mo þousandes myd hym . þan man kouþe nombre [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 149) ([axaAx] CM, 31)
1,117 Lopen out wiþ Lucifer . in loþliche forme [aaAx]
1,118 ffor þei leueden vpon hym . þat lyed in þis man(er)e
[axAx] (CM, 33; cf. K-D, 173)
1,119 { Ponam pedem in aquilone . & similis ero altissimo.}
1,120 And alle þ(a)t hoped it myӡte be so . noon heuene myӡte
hem holde [aaAa] (Du, 62; cf. L, 109)
1,121 But fellen out in fendes liknesse . nyne dayes togideres
[aaXx] (Sch, 365; cf. K-D, 199; Du, 63)(MS nyne > Sch
[for] nyne [aa(A)xx])
1,122 Til god of his goodnesse . gan stablisse and stynte
[aaAbb] (cf. K-D, 188; Du, 63)(MS stablisse > Sch stable)
1,123 And garte þe heuene to stekie . and stonden in quiete
[xaAx] (Sch, 365; cf. K-D, 188; Du, 63)(MS þe heuene to stekie > Sch
to stekie þe heuene [axAx])
1,124 Whan þise wikkede wenten out . in wonder wise þei fellen
[aaAx](MS in wonder wise > Sch wonderwise)
1,125 So(m)me in þe Eyr so(m)me in erþe . and so(m)me in
helle depe [aaAx] (L, 103, 104; Sa, 99; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
([ababAb] K, 60; Ok, 2: 280; Du, 54)(MS Þe > Sch om.;
MS and > Sch om.)
1,126 Ac Lucifer lowest liþ . yet of hem alle [aaAx] (Sk,
16)(MS yet > Sch om.)
1,127 ffor pride þat he putte out his peyne hath noon ende
[aaAx](MS he > Sch hym; MS putte > Sch pulte)
1,128 And alle þat werchen w(i)t(h) wrong . wende þei shulle
1,129 After hir deþ day . and dwelle w(i)t(h) þat sherewe
1,130 And þo þ(a)t werche wel . as holy writ telleþ [aaAx]
([aaXax] Sa, 99)(MS And > Sch Ac)
1,131 And enden as I er seide . in truþe þat is þe beste
[aaXx] (Sa, 99; R, 455; Sk2, luiii) ([aa(A)xx] |e|e|i|; L,
103; Du, 59)
1,132 Mowe be siker þ(a)t hire soules . shul wende to heuene
[aa(A)xx] (|s|s|sh|) (K-D, 132; R, 442) ([aaXx] Sa, 99; Du,
59)(MS soules > Sch sowle)
1,133 Ther Treuþe is in Trinitee . and troneþ hem alle [aaAx]
1,134 fforþi I seye as I seyde er . by siʒte of þise textes
[aaAx] (Sa, 99)
1,135 Whan alle tresors arn tried . truþe is þe beste [aaAx]
1,136 Lereþ it þise lewed men . for lettred men it knoweþ
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80) ([aaxAx] Sa, 99)(MS þis e > Sch thus;
MS men > Sch om.)
1,137 That Treuþe is tresor . þe trieste on erþe [aaAx]
1,138 Yet haue I no kynde knowynge quod I . ye mote kenne me bettre [aaAx] ([xaaAx] Sa, 99; Du, 45)(MS ye mote > Sch yet mote ye)
1,139 By what craft in my cors . it comseþ and where [aaAx] fol. 7v
1,140 Thow doted daffe quod she . dulle are þi wittes [aaAx]
1,141 To litel latyn þow lernedest . leode in þi youþe [aaaAx]
1,141a { Heu michi quia sterilem duxi vitam Iuuenilem …}
[Latin] (cf. CM, 75)(MS L. quia > Sch quod)
1,142 It is a kynde knowynge quod she . þat kenneþ in þyn herte
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80, 126)(MS quod > Sch om.)
1,143 ffor to louen þi lord . leuere þan þiselue [aaAx] (CM,
1,144 No dedly synne to do . deye þeiʒ þow sholdest [aaAx]
([axaAx] Sa, 99)
1,145 This I trowe be truþe . who kan teche þee bettre [aaAx]
(Du, 45)
1,146 Loke þow suffre hym to seye . and siþen lere it after
[aaAx] ([aaXx] Sa, 99; cf. CM, 77; Du, 59)
1,148 ffor true telleþ þ(a)t loue . is triacle of heuene
1,149 May no synne be on hym seene . þat vseþ þat spice [aaXa]
(CM, 70; cf. Du, 64)(MS useth þat spice > Sch þat spice
useth [aaAx])
1,150 And alle hise werkes he wrouӡte . w(i)t(h) loue as
hym liste [aa(A)bb] (CM, 35; Du, 57, 59)(MS hise > Sch
1,151 And lered it Moyses for þe leueste þyng . and moost
lik to heuene [abaBa]
1,152 And also þe plentee of pees . moost p(re)cious of v(er)tues
[aaAx](MS plentee > Sch plante)
1,153 ffor heuene myӡte nat holden it . it was so heuy of
hymself [aaAx] (cf. CM, 118)(MS it … himself > Sch so
was i þe uy of hymselue)
1,154 Til it hadde of þe erþe . eten his fille [aaAx] (L,
102, 108,109)
1,155 And whan it hadde of þis fold . flessh and blood taken
[aaAx] (|th|f|f|; K-D, 132; Du, 64; Du, p. c.)
1,156 Was neu(er)e leef vpon lynde . lighter þerafter [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 289, 290)
1,157 And portatif and persaunt . as þe point of a nedle
[aaAx] (Du, 45)
1,158 That myӡte noon Armure it lette . ne none heiӡe walles
[axAx] (L, 102; Du, 64)
1,159 fforþi is loue ledere . of þe lordes folk of heuene [aaAx]
(Du, 45; Du, p. c.)
1,160 And a meene as þe Mair is . bitwene þe kyng & þe
co(m)mune [aaBb] (Sch, 366; cf. K-D, 112, 206; R-K, 92; Du,
64)(MS bitwene > Sch inmiddes [aa(A)bb]
1,161 Right so is loue a ledeþe . and þe lawe shapeþ [aaAx]
1,162 Vpon man for hise mysdedes . þe m(er)cyment he taxeþ
1,163 And for to knowen it kyndely . it comseþ by myӡt [aaAx]
1,164 And in þe herte þ(er)e is þe heed . and þe heiӡe welle
1,165 ffor in kynde knowynge in herte . þer a myӡt bigynneþ
[aaXx] (K-D, 82; Sch, 366; Du, 63) ([aaxAx] Sa, 99)(MS a
might bigynneth > Sch comseth a myӡte [aaAx])
1,166 And þat falleþ to þe fader . þat formed vs alle [aaAx]
1,167 Loked on vs wiþ loue . and leet his sone dye [aaAx]
([aaXx] Sa, 99)
1,168 Mekely for oure mysdedes . to amenden vs alle [aaAx]
fol. 8r
1,169 And yet wolde he hem no wo . þat wrouӡte hym þat peyne
1,170 But mekely wiþ mouþe . mercy bisouӡte [aaAx](MS mercy > Sch
mercy he)
1,171 To haue pite of þat peple þat peyned hym to deþe [aaAx](MS
of > Sch on)
1,172 Here myӡtow sen ensample . in hymself oone [aaAx](MS
ensaumple > Sch ensaumples)
1,173 That he was myӡtful and meke . and m(er)cy gan graunte
1,174 To hem þat hengen hym on heiӡ . and his herte þirled
[aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii) ([aaAx] Sa, 99; cf. K, 58; Ok,
2: 285)(MS on > Sch om.)
1,175 fforþi I rede yow riche . haueþ ruþe of þe pouere [aaAx](MS
of > Sch on)
1,176 Thouʒ ye be myӡtful to mote . beeþ meke in youre werkes
[aaAx] (CM, 71-2)(MS myghtful > Sch mighty)
1,177 ffor þe same mesures þ(a)t ye mete . amys ouþ(er) ellis
[aaAx] ([xaaAx] Sa, 99; CM, 71-2)(MS measures > Sch mesure)
1,178 Ye shulle ben weyen þ(er)wiþ . whan ye wenden hennes
[aaAx] (cf. Sk2, lu)
1,178a { Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis . remecietur vobis
} [Latin]
1,179 ffor þouʒ ye be trewe of youre tonge . and treweliche
wynne [aaAx] (cf. CM, 135)
1,180 And as chaste as a child . þat in chirche wepeþ [aaAx]
(K, 43)
1,181 But if ye louen leelly . and lene þe pouere [aaAx]
1,182 Swich good as God yow sent . goodliche parteþ [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 99; cf. CM, 134)(MS Swich > Sch of swich)
1,183 Ye ne haue na moore merite . in masse nor in houres
[aaAx](MS nor > Sch ne)
1,184 Than Malkyn of hire maydenhede . þat no man desireþ
1,185 ffor Iames þe gentile . Iugged in hise bokes [aaAx]
1,186 That ffeiþ w(i)t(h)outen þe feet . is riӡt noþing worþi
[aaXx] (Du, 63)(MS þe > Sch om.; MS right … wiþ > Sch
feblere than nought [aaAx])
1,187 And as deed as a doretree . but if þe dedes folwe [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 277)(MS doretree > Sch dorenail)
1,187a { ffides sine op(er)ibʒ mortua est &c } [Latin]
1,188 fforþi chastite wiþouten charite . worth cheyned in helle
1,189 It is as lewed as a lampe . þat no liӡt is inne [aaAx]
1,190 Manye chapeleyns arn chaste . ac charite is aweye [aaAx]
1,191 Are no men Auarouser than hij . whan þei ben auaunced
[aaAx] (Sa, 99; cf. Du, 56; R, 454) ([axAx] Sk2, luii) ([aaAa]
cf. L, 101)(MS no … Auarouser > Sch none hardere; MS þe
i > Sch hii)
1,192 Vnkynde to hire kyn . and to alle cristene [aaXa] (Bn,
228; Sa, 99; Du, 64) ([abAb] CM, 65)
1,193 Chewen hire charite . and chiden after moore [aaAx]
1,194 Swich chastite wiþouten charite . worþ cheyned in helle
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 168, 182; R, 445)
1,195 Manye curatours kepen hem . clene of hire bodies [aaAx]
(K-D, 85, 87) fol. 8v
1,196 Thei ben acombred wiþ coueitise . þei konne noӡt doon
it from hem [aaAx] (Sa, 99; cf. CM, 139)(MS doon … hem > Sch
out crepe [aaAa])
1,197 So harde haþ auarice . yhasped hem togideres [aaAx]
(|ha|a|-ha|; L, 102)
1,198 And þat is no truþe of þe Trinite . but tricherie of
helle [aaAx]
1,199 And lernynge to lewed men . þe latter for to deele
[aaAx] ([aaxAx] Sa, 99)
1,200 fforþi þise wordes . ben writen in þe gospel [xaAx]
(K-D, 82; Schu, 70; Sch, 366) ([xaAx] Sa, 99; Ok, 2: 312;
Sk, 19; Du, 63)(MS forþi > Sch For; MS wordes ben > Sch
ben wordes; MS gospel > Sch Euangelie [xaAa])
1,201 { Date & dabitur vobis } . for I deele yow alle
[{aa}Ax] ([{aax}Ax] Sa, 99)
1,202 And þat is þe lok of loue . and leteþ out my g(ra)ce
[aaAx](MS þat > Sch om.)
1,203 To conforten þe carefulle . acombred wiþ synne [aaAx]
1,204 Loue is leche of lif . and next oure lord selue [aaaAx]
(cf. Sa, 99)
1,205 And also þe graiþe gate . þat goþ into heuene [aaAx]
1,206 fforþi I seye as I seide . er by þe textes [aaXx] (Du,
p.c.)(MS by > Sch by sighte of [aaAx])
1,207 Whan alle tresors ben tried . treuþe is þe beste [aaAx](MS
Whan > Sch When)
1,208 Now haue I told þee what truþe is . þ(a)t no tresor is
bettre [aaAx] (Du, 46)
1,209 I may no lenger lenge þee wiþ . now loke þee oure lord
[aaAa] (Sa, 99; cf. K-D, 216)(MS þe e wiþ > Sch om.)
Passus secundus de visione vt supra (PASSUS II )
2,1 YEt I courbed on my knees . and cried hire of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
(K-D, 81; Ok, 2: 276)
2,2 And seide m(er)cy madame . for Marie loue of heuene [aaAx]
([aaAxx] Sa, 99)
2,3 That bar þat blisful barn . þat bouʒte vs on þe Rode
[aaaAx] (Sa, 99; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
2,4 Kenne me by som craft . to knowe þe false [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 273)
2,5 Loke vpon þi left half . and lo where he stondeþ [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 99)
2,6 Boþe ffals and ffauel . and hire feeres manye [aaAx]
2,7 I loked on my left half . as þe lady me tauӡte [aaAx] ([aaxAx]
Sa, 99; Du, 46)
2,8 And was war of a wo(m)man . worþiliche ycloþed [aaAx](MS
worthiliche > Sch wonderliche)
2,9 Purfiled wiþ pelure . þe fyneste vpon erþe [aaXx](MS
fyneste upon > Sch pureste on [aaAx])
2,10 Ycorouned wiþ a coroune . þe kyng haþ noon bettre [aaAx]
(K-D, 79)
2,11 ffetisliche hire fyngres . were fretted w(i)t(h) gold
wyr [aaAx]
2,12 And þ(er)eon rede Rubies . as rede as any gleede [aaAx]
2,13 And Diamaundes of derrest pris . and double man(er)e saphires
[aaAx] fol. 9r
2,14 Orientals and Ewages . enuenymes to destroye [aaAx]
(L, 105)
2,15 Hire Robe was ful riche . of reed scarlet engreyned [aaAx]
(Du, p.c.; Ok, 2: 299)
2,16 Wiþ Ribanes of reed gold . and of riche stones [aaAx]
2,17 Hire array me rauysshed . swich richesse sauʒ I neu(er)e
2,18 I hadde wonder what she was . and whos wif she were
[aaAx] ([aaAa] Sa, 99)
2,19 What is þis wo(m)man quod I . so worþili atired [aaAx] (|wh|w|w|; Schu, 76; Sa, 100)
2,20 That is Mede þe mayde quod she . haþ noyed me ful ofte
[aaAx] ([aaX(a)x] Du, 59; K-D, 216) ([aaXx] Sa, 100)
2,21 And ylakked my lemman . þat leautee is hoten [aaAx]
2,22 And bilowen hire to lordes . þat lawes han to kepe [aaAx](MS
hire > Sch hym)
2,23 In þe popes Paleis . she is pryuee as myselue [aaAx] (Du,
2,24 But soothnesse wolde noӡt so . for she is a Bastard
[aaAx] (|s|s|sh|; K-D, 132, 135; R, 458; Sk2, lxii)
2,25 ffor ffals was hire fader . þat haþ a fikel tonge [aaAx]
2,26 And neu(er)e sooþ seide . siþen he com to erþe [aaAx]
(Du, 59)
2,27 And Mede is man(er)ed after hym . riʒt as kynde askeþ
[aaXx] (K-D, 92; Du, 59, 63)
2,27a { Qualis pater talis filius . Bon(us) arbor bonu(m)
fructu(m) facit} [Latin](MS L. Bonus > Sch Bona)
2,28 I ouʒte ben hyer(e) þan she . I kam of a bettre [aa(A)xx]
(Du, 59, 62) ([aaXx] Sa, 100; R, 457; Sk2, lxi; Sch, 366)(MS
she > Sch heo [aaa(A)xx])
2,29 My fader þe grete god is . and ground of alle g(ra)ces
2,30 Oo god wiþouten gynnyng . and I his goode douʒter [aaAx]
2,31 And haþ yeuen me mercy . to marie wiþ myselue [xaAx]
([x(a)aAx] Du, 60, 64; cf. Schu, 204, 205)
2,32 And what man be m(er)ciful . and leelly me loue [aaBb]
([aaB(a)b] Du, 59)
2,33 Shal be my lord and I his leef . in þe heiʒe heuene
[aaBb] (Du, 64)
2,34 And what man takeþ Mede . myn heed dar I legge [aa(A)xx]
(Du, 59)
2,35 That he shal lese for hire loue . a lappe of {Caritatis.}
2,36 How construeþ Dauid þe kyng . of men þat takeþ Mede [aaXx]
(K-D, 195; Sch, 366; Du, 63)(MS taketh > Sch caccheth
2,37 And men of þis moolde . þat maynteneþ truþe [aaAx]
2,38 And how ye shul saue yourself . þe Sauter bereþ witnesse
[aaAx] (Du, p.c.; Ok, 2: 293)
2,39 { Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo &c } [Latin] fol. 9v
2,40 And now worþ þis Mede ymaried . unto a mansed sherewe
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 178; cf. 2: 292)(MS unto > Sch to)
2,41 To oon fals fikel tonge . a fendes biyete [aaAx]
2,42 ffauel þoruʒ his faire speche . haþ þis folk enchaunted
[aaAx] ([aaxAx] Sa, 100)
2,43 And al is lieres ledynge . þ(a)t she is þus ywedded
[aaXx] (K-D, 92; Sch, 366; cf. Sa, 100; Du, 63)(MS she > Sch
heo [abbAx])
2,44 Tomorwe worþ ymaked . þe maydenes bridale [aaAx] (cf.
Ok, 2: 292)
2,45 And þ(er)e myʒtow witen if þow wilt . whiche þei ben
alle [aaAx] (Schu, 76; Du, p.c.)
2,46 That longen to þat lordshipe . þe lasse and þe moore
2,47 Knowe hem þ(er)e if þow kanst . and kepe þow þi tonge
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 78)(MS þow thi tonge > Sch þe e from
hem alle)
2,48 And lakke hem noӡt but lat hem worþe . til leaute be
Iustice [aaAx]
2,49 And haue power to punysshe hem . þanne put forþ þi reson
[aaAx] (cf. K, 51)
2,50 Now I bikenne þee crist quod she . and his clene moder
2,51 And lat no conscience acombre þee . for coueitise of
Mede [aaAx](MS lat > Sch þat )
2,52 Thus lefte me þat lady . liggynge aslepe [aaAx]
2,53 And how Mede was ymaried . in Metels me þouӡte [aaAx]
2,54 That al þe riche retenaunce . þat regneþ w(i)t(h) þe
false [aaAx]
2,55 Were boden to þe bridale . on boþe two sides [aaAx]
2,56 Of alle man(er)e of men . þe meene and þe riche [aaAx]
2,57 To marien þis mayde . were many men assembled [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 293)(MS were > Sch was)
2,58 As of knyʒtes and of clerkes . and ooþ(er) co(m)mune
peple [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 275)
2,59 As Sisours and Somono(ur)s . sherreues and hire clerkes
[aaAx] (|s|s|sh|)
2,60 Bedelles and baillifs . and Brocours of chaffare [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 268)
2,61 fforgoers and vitaillers . and Aduokettes of þe Arches
[aaAx] (|f|u|u|; K-D, 134)(MS Aduokettes > Sch uokettes)
2,62 I kan noӡt rekene þe route . þat ran aboute Mede [aaAx]
2,63 Ac Symonie and Cyuylle . and Sisours of courtes [aaAx]
2,64 Were moost pryuee w(i)t(h) Mede . of any men me þouʒte
[aaAx] (Du, p.c.)
2,65 Ac ffauel was þe firste . þat fette hire out of boure
2,66 And as a Brocour brouʒte hire . to be wiþ fals enioyned
[aa(A)xx] (K, 54; Du, 59)
2,67 Whan Symonye and Cyuylle . seighe hir both(er) wille [aaAx]
2,68 Thei assented for siluer . to seye as boþe wolde [aaAx] fol. 10r
2,69 Thanne leep liere forþ . and seide . lo here a chartre
2,70 That Gile wiþ hise grete oþes . gaf hem togidere [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 100; Schu, 203)(MS hise > Sch his)
2,71 And preide Cyuylle to see . and Symonye to rede it [aaAx]
2,72 Thanne Symonye and Cyuylle . stonden forþ boþe [aaAx]
(Schu, 107) ([aaXx] Sa, 100)
2,73 And vnfoldeþ þe feffement . that ffals hath ymaked [aaAx]
2,74 And þus bigynnen þise gomes . to greden ful heiʒe [aaAx]
(K-D, 87; cf. R-D, 90)
2,74a { Sciant p(re)sentes & futuri &c } [Latin]
2,75 Witeþ and witnesseþ . þat wonieþ vpon þis erþe [aaAx](MS
þis > Sch om.)
2,76 That Mede is ymaried . moore for hire goodes [aaAx]
2,77 Than for any v(er)tue or fairnesse . or any free kynde
[aaAx] (|u|f|f|; K-D, 133)
2,78 ffalsnesse is fayn of hire . for he woot hire riche
[aa(A)xx] (Du, 59)
2,79 And ffauel wiþ his fikel speche . feffeþ by þis chartre
2,80 To be princes in pride . and pouerte to despise [aaAx]
2,81 To bakbite and to bosten . and bere fals witnesse [aaAx]
2,82 To scorne and to scolde . and sclaundre to make [aaAx]
2,83 Vnbuxome and bolde . to breke þe ten hestes [aaAx]
2,84 And þe Erldom of Enuye . and wraþe togideres [aaXx] (K-D,
126; Sch, 366; Du, 63; cf. L, 103, 107)(MS wra þe > Sch
2,85 Wiþ þe Chastilet of cheste . and chaterynge out of reson
2,86 The Countee of Coueitise . and alle þe costes aboute [aaAx]
(Du, 45)
2,87 That is vsure and Auarice . al I hem graunte [aaAx]
(L, 106)
2,88 In bargaynes and in brocages . wiþ al þe Burgh of þefte
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 216)
2,89 And al þe lordshipe of leccherie . in lengþe and in brede
[aaAx] (K-D, 78)(MS And > Sch wiþ )
2,90 As in werkes and in wordes . and in waitynges w(i)t(h)
eiӡes [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 312)
2,91 And in wedes and in wisshynges . and wiþ ydel þouӡtes
[aa(A)xx] (CM, 35; Du, 59; K-D, 186; Ok, 2: 309)(MS wedes > Sch
2,92 There as wil wolde . and werkmanshipe fayleþ [aaAx](MS
þe re > Sch þe r)
2,93 Glotonye he gaf hem ek . and grete oþes togidere [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 100; K-D, 79; Schu, 203)
2,94 And al day to drynken . at diu(er)se Tau(er)nes [aaAx]
fol. 10v
2,95 And þ(er)e to Iangle and Iape . and Iugge hir euenc(ri)sten
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 288)
2,96 And in fastynge dayes to frete . er ful tyme were [aaAx]
2,97 And þanne to sitten and soupen . til sleep hem assaille
2,98 And breden as Burgh swyn . and bedden hem esily [aaAx]
2,99 Til Sleuþe and sleep . sliken hise sydes [aaAx]
2,100 And þanne wanhope to awaken hem so . wiþ no wil to
amende [aaAx] (cf. CM, 78; Du, p.c.)(MS hem > Sch hym)
2,101 ffor he leueþ be lost . þis is hir laste ende [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 78)(MS hir > Sch his)
2,102 And þei to haue and to holde . and hire heires after
[aaAx] (Sa, 100; Ok, 2: 285)
2,103 A dwellynge wiþ þe deuel . and dampned be for eu(er)e
2,104 Wiþ alle þe appurtinaunces of Purgatorie . into þe
pyne of helle [aaAx]
2,105 Yeldynge for þis þyng . at one dayes tyme [xxXx] (CM,
33; R, 454; Sk2, luiii; Sa, 100; Du, 64)(MS dayes tyme > Sch
yeres ende [axAx])
2,106 Hire soules to Sathan . to suffre w(i)t(h) hym peynes
2,107 And w(i)t(h) hym to wonye w(i)t(h) wo . while god is
in heuene [aa(A)xx] (Schu, 76; Bn, 228) ([aaXx] Sa, 100;
Du, 59) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)
2,108 In witnesse of which þyng . wrong was þe firste [aaAx]
(|w|wh|w|; Schu, 76) ([aaXa] |w|th|f|; K-D, 154; R-K, 95)
([axAx] Sa, 100) ([aaAa] |w|wh|w|f|; R, 451; Sk2, lu)
2,109 And Piers þe P(ar)doner . of Paulynes doctrine [aaAx]
2,110 Bette þe Bedel . of Bokynghamshire [aaAx]
2,111 Reynald þe Reue . of Rutland Sokene [aaAx]
2,112 Maud þe Millere . and many mo oþere [aaAx] (cf. K,
60) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)(MS Maud > Sch Munde)
2,113 In þe date of þe deuel . þis dede I ensele [aaAx](MS
I ensele > Sch is asseled)
2,114 By siӡte of Sire Symonie . and Cyuyles leeue [aaaAx]
(Sa, 100; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
2,115 Thanne tened hym Theologie . whan he þis tale herde [aaAx]
(eye alliteration) ([axAx] Sa, 100)
2,116 And seide vnto Cyuyle . now sorwe mote þow haue [aaAx]
(K-D, 85)(MS unto > Sch to)
2,117 Swiche weddynges to werche . to wraþe wiþ truþe [aaAx]
2,118 And er þis weddynge be wroӡt . wo þee bitide [aaAx]
2,119 ffor mede is muliere . of Amendes engendred [aaAx] (Du,
2,120 And god g(ra)unteþ to gyue . Mede to truþe [aaaXx]
(Sa, 100; Du, 64; R, 448, 455; Sk2, lii, lix)(MS graunteth > Sch
2,121 And þow hast gyuen hire to a gilour . now god gyue
þee sorwe [aaAx] (Du, p.c.; cf. Schu, 203, 204, 205) ([aaAax]
Sa, 100)
2,122 Thi text telleþ þee noӡt so . Truþe woot þe soþe [aaAx]
([aaAxx] Sa, 100)(MS Thi > Sch þe ) fol. 11r
2,123 ffor { Dignus est op(er)arius } . his hire to haue
[{xa}Aa] ([{aa}Aa] Du, 61, 64)
2,124 And þow hast fest hire to ffals . fy on þi lawe [aaAx]
2,125 ffor al bi lesynges þow lyuest . and lecherouse werkes
2,126 Symonye and þi self . shenden holi chirche [aaAx] (|s|-s|sh|;
Schu, 98; R, 442, 458; Sk2, lxii)
2,127 The Notaries and ye . noyen þe peple [axAx] (Sch, 507;
K-D, 211; cf. Sa, 100; R, 453) ([aaAx] n(d)-liaison; Du,
2,128 Ye shul abiggen it boþe . by god þ(a)t me made [aa(A)xx]
(K, 54; Du, 59) ([aaXx] Sa, 100; R, 455; Sk2, lix)
2,129 Wel ye witen wernardes . but if your(e) wit faille [aaaAx]
(R, 448; Sk2, lii) ([aaAx] Sa, 100)
2,130 That ffals is feiþlees . and fikel in hise werkes [aaAx]
2,131 And was a Bastard ybore . of Belsabubbes kynne [aaAx]
([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)(MS was > Sch as; MS bastard > Sch
2,132 And Mede is muliere . a maiden of goode [aaAx]
2,133 And myӡte kisse þe kyng . for cosyn and she wolde [aaAx]
2,134 fforþi werchþ- by wisdom . and by wit also [aaAx] (K-D,
85; Ok, 2: 311)
2,135 And ledeþ hire to Londou(n) . þ(er)e it is yshewed
[aaXx] (K-D, 85)(MS it > Sch lawe [aaAx])
2,136 If any lawe wol loke . þei ligge togideres [aaAx] (K-D,
2,137 And þouʒ Iustices Iuggen hire . to be Ioyned to ffals
[aaAx] (Du, 46)(MS to(2) > Sch wiþ )
2,138 Yet be war of weddynge . for witty is truþe [aaAx](MS
weddynge > Sch þe weddynge)
2,139 And Conscience is of his counseil . and knoweþ yow
echone [aaAx]
2,140 And if he fynde yow in defaute . and w(i)t(h) þe false
holde [aaAx]
2,141 It shal bisitte youre soules . ful soure at þe laste
[aaAx] (Du, p.c.; cf. R-K, 103)
2,142 Herto assenteþ Cyuyle . ac Symonye ne wolde [aaAx]
2,143 Til he hadde siluer for his seruice . and also þe Notaries
[aaXx] (cf. Sa, 100)(MS seruice > Sch seel; MS also
þe > Sch signes of [aaAx])
2,144 Thanne fette ffauel forþ . floryns ynowe [aaAx] (Sa,
100) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)
2,145 And bad gile to gyuen . gold al aboute [aaAx] (cf.
Schu, 203) ([xaaAx] Sa, 100)(MS to > Sch go; MS giuen > Sch
gyue [aaaAx])
2,146 And namely to þe Notaries . þ(a)t hem noon ne faille
[aaAx](MS ne > Sch noon)
2,147 And feffe false witnesses . wiþ floryns ynowe [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 100)(MS false winesses > Sch Fals-witnesse)
2,148 ffor þei may Mede amaistrye . and maken at my wille
[aaAx] (Sa, 100) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)(MS þe i > Sch
2,149 Tho þis gold was ygyue . gret was þe þonkyng [aaAx] (cf.
Schu, 203, 204)
2,150 To ffals and to ffauel . for hire faire ʒiftes [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204)
2,151 And comen to conforten . from care þe false [aaAx] fol.
2,152 And seiden c(er)tes sire . cessen shul we neu(er)e
[aaAx] (Sa, 100; cf. K-D, 216)
2,153 Til Mede be þi wedded wif . þoruʒ wittes of vs alle
[xaaAx] (Sa, 100; Ok, 2: 308)
2,154 ffor we haue Mede amaistried . wiþ oure murie speche
[aaAx](MS wiþ > Sch thorugh)
2,155 That she graunteþ to goon . wiþ a good wille [aaAx]
2,156 To london to loken . if þe lawe wolde [aaAx](MS if > Sch
if þat )
2,157 Iuggen yow ioyntly . in ioie for euere [aaAx]
2,158 Thanne was ffalsnesse fayn . and ffauel as bliþe [aaAx]
2,159 And leten somone alle segges . in shires aboute [aaAx]
(|s|s|sh|; Sa, 100)(MS alle > Sch alle þe )
2,160 And bad hem alle to be bown . beggers and oþere [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 86, 216; K, 60)(MS to be > Sch be)
2,161 To wenden wiþ hem to Westmynstre . to witnesse þis
dede [aaAx]
2,162 Ac þanne cared þei for caples . to carien hem þider [aaAx](MS
carien > Sch cairen)
2,163 And ffauel fette forþ þanne . foles ynowe [aaAx] ([aaaAx]
R, 448; Sk2, lii; cf. Sa, 100)
2,164 And sette Mede vpon a Sherreue . shoed al newe [aaAx]
(|s|sh|sh|; Schu, 98; R, 458; Sk2, lxii; [xaAx] cf. Sa, 100)
2,165 And ffals sat on a Sisour . þat softeli trotted [aaAx]
([xaaAx] Sa, 100)
2,166 And ffauel on a fflaterer(e) . fetisly atired [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 86; Sa, 100)
2,167 Tho hadde Notaries none . anoyed þei were [aaAx]
2,168 ffor Symonye and Cyuylle . sholde on hire feet gange
[aa(A)xx] (|s|c|sh|; Du, 59; Sk2, lxii) ([aaXx] Sa,
2,169 Ac þanne swoor Symonye . and Cyuylle boþe [aaAx]
2,170 That Somono(ur)s sholde be sadeled . and s(er)uen hem
echone. [aaAx]
2,171 And late apparaille þise p(ro)uisours . in palfreyes
wise [aaAx](MS þis e > Sch þe )
2,172 Sire Symonye hymself . shal sitte vpon hir bakkes [aaaAx]
2,173 Denes and Southdenes . drawe yow togideres [aaAx] ([axAx]
Sa, 100)
2,174 Erchedekenes and Officials . and alle youre Registrers
[aaAx] (L, 103)
2,175 Lat sadle hem wiþ siluer . oure synne to suffre [aaAa]
2,176 As Auoutrye and diuorses . and derne vsurie [xaAx](MS
Auotrye > Sch deuoutrye)
2,177 To bere Bisshopes aboute . abrood in visitynge [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 100)
2,178 Paulynes pryuees . for pleintes in Consistorie [aaAx](MS
consistorie > Sch þe consistorie) fol. 12r
2,179 Shul s(er)uen myself . þat Cyuyle is nempned [aaAx]
(Sa, 100)
2,180 And Cartsadle þe co(m)missarie . oure cart shal he lede
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 78)(MS lede > Sch drawe)
2,181 And fecchen vs vitailles . at { ffornicatores } [aa{Ax}]
(|f|u|f|; CM, 97, 98; R, 443, 458; Sk2, lxii; cf. K-D, 79;
Sa, 100)(MS us > Sch oure)
2,182 And makeþ of lyer(e) a lang cart . to leden alle þise
oþere [xaaAx] (Sa, 100)
2,183 As ffreres and ffaitours . þat on hire feet rennen
[aaAx](MS freres > Sch fobberes)
2,184 And thus ffals and ffauel . fareþ forþ togideres [aaAx]
(Sa, 100; Du, p.c.; cf. K-D, 216) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)
2,185 And Mede in þe middes . and alle þise men after [aaAx]
2,186 I haue no tome to telle . þe tail þ(a)t hire folwed [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 307)(MS hire folweth > Sch hem folwed)
2,188 Ac Gyle was fforgoer . and gyed hem alle [aaAx] (K-D,
2,189 Sothnesse seiʒ hem wel . and seide but litel [aaAx] (Sa,
2,190 And priked his palfrey . and passed hem alle [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 78; R-K, 90)
2,191 And com to þe Kynges court . and Conscience it tolde
[aaaAx] (Sa, 100; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
2,192 And Conscience to þe Kyng . carped it after [aaAx]
2,193 Now by cryst quod þe Kyng . and I cacche myӡte [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 216; Schu, 168, 182; Sa, 100; R, 445, 448; Sk2,
2,194 ffals or ffauel . or any of hise feeris [aaXa] (Sa,
100) ([axAa] |o|a|hi|; K-D, 135; Du, 65) ([aaAa] f-liaison;
CM, 37)
2,195 I wolde be wroken of þo wrecches . þat wercheþ so ille
[aaaAx] (Sa, 100; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
2,196 And doon hem hange by þe hals . and alle þ(a)t hem
maynteneþ [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 285)
2,197 Shal neu(er)e man of þis molde . meynprise þe leeste
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 293)
2,198 But riʒt as þe lawe wol loke . lat falle on hem alle
[aa(A)xx] (cf. CM, 76; K-D, 80; Du, 59) ([aaXx] Sa, 100)(MS
wol loke > Sch loketh)
2,199 And comaunded a Constable . þat com at þe firste [aaAx]
2,200 To attachen þo Tyrauntʒ . for any þyng I hote [aaXx]
(K-D, 82; Du, 45; cf. Sk2, lii)(MS thyng > Sch tresor
2,201 And fetterþ faste ffalsnesse . for any kynnes ʒiftes
[aaa(A)xx] (cf. K-D, 78; Schu, 204; Du, 59) ([aaaXx] Sa,
100; R, 448; Sk2, lii, lix)(MS faste Falsnesse > Sch Falsnesse
2,202 And girdeth of Gyles heed . and lat hym go no ferþer
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80) ([aaxAx] Sa, 100)(MS and(2) > Sch
2,204 And if ye lacche lyer(e) . lat hym noӡt ascapen [aaAx]
(Sa, 100)
2,205 Er he be put on þe Pillory . for any preyere I hote
[aaAx] (Du, 46)
2,203 And bryngeþ Mede to me . maugree hem alle [xaAx](Sa,
100)(MS bryngeth > Sch bringeth)
2,206 Drede at þe dore stood . and þe doom herde [aaAx] (K,
50) ([aaxAx] Sa, 100) fol. 12v
2,207 And how þe Kyng comaunded . Constables and s(er)geauntʒ
2,208 ffalsnesse and his felawship . to fettren and to bynden
2,209 Thanne Drede wente wyʒtliche . and warned þe ffalse [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 100)
2,210 And bad hym fle for fere . and hise felawes alle [xaaAx]
(Sa, 100; Ok, 2: 282)(MS felawes > Sch feeris)
2,211 ffalsnesse for fere þanne . fleiӡto þe ffreres [aaAa]
(Sa, 100; R, 451; Sk2, lu)
2,212 And Gyle dooþ hym to go . agast for to dye [aaAx]
2,213 Ac marchauntʒ metten w(i)t(h) hym . and made hym abyde
2,214 And bishetten hym in hire shoppes . to shewen hire
ware [aaAx]
2,215 Apparailed hym as App(re)ntice . þe peple to serue
[aaAx](MS Apparailed > Sch And apparailed; MS Apprentice > Sch
a prentice)
2,216 Liʒtliche Lyere . leep awey þanne [aaAx](MS thane > Sch
þe nne)
2,217 Lurkynge þoruʒ lanes . tolugged of manye [aaAx] (K,
2,218 He was nowher welcome . for his manye tales [aaXx]
(Sa, 100; Du, 64; R, 455; Sk2, lix)
2,219 Oueral yhouted . and yhote trusse [aaAx] (L, 105; R,
457; Sk2, lxi)
2,220 Til P(ar)doners hadde pite . and pulled hym into house
2,221 They wesshen hym & wiped hym . & wounden hym
in cloutes [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 308)
2,222 And senten hym wiþ seles . on Sondayes to chirches
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 78)(MS wiþ … Sondayes > Sch on Sondayes
wiþ seles)
2,223 And yeuen pardoun for pens . poundemele aboute [aaAx]
(Sa, 100; cf. Schu, 204, 205)(MS yeuen > Sch gaf)
2,224 Thanne lourede leches . and lettres þei sente [aaAx]
2,225 That he sholde wonye w(i)t(h) hem . watres to loke
[aaAx] (Sa, 100; Du, 56; Du, p.c.; K-D, 86)
2,226 Spycers speken w(i)t(h) hym . to spien hire ware [aaAx](MS
wiþ > Sch to)
2,227 ffor he kouþe of hir craft . and knew manye go(m)mes
[aaAx](MS of > Sch on)
2,228 And Mynstrales and Messagers . mette w(i)t(h) hym ones
[aaAx](MS And > Sch Ac)
2,229 And helden hym an half yeer . and elleuene dayes [aaAx]
(L, 104; Sa, 100; cf. K-D, 78) ([aaaAx] R, 448, 457; Sk2,
lii, lxi)(MS helden > Sch wiþ helden)
2,230 ffreres wiþ fair speche . fetten hym þennes [aaAx] ([aaxAx]
Sa, 100)
2,231 And for knowynge of comeres . coped hym as a ffrere
2,232 Ac he haþ leue to lepen out . as ofte as hym likeþ
[aaXa] (Sa, 100; Du, 64)
2,233 And is welcome whan he wile . and woneþ w(i)t(h) hem ofte [aaAx] (Sa, 100) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii) fol. 13r
2,234 Alle fledden for fere . and flowen into hernes [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 282)
2,235 Saue Mede þe mayde . na mo dorste abide [aaAx] (Sa,
2,236 Ac trewely to telle . she trembled for drede [aaAx]
(Ok, 306)(MS drede > Sch fere)
2,237 And ek wepte and wrong . whan she was attached [aaXx]
(Sa, 100; K-D, 135; Ok, 2: 309)
Passus tercius de visione vt supra (PASSUS III)
3,1 Now is Mede þe mayde . and na mo of hem alle [aaAx](MS
na > Sch no)
3,2 Wiþ Bedeles and w(i)t(h) baillies . brouʒt bifore þe
kyng [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 268)(MS wiþ (2) > Sch om.; MS kyng > Sch
3,3 The kyng called a clerk . kan I noӡt his name [aaaAx] (Sa,
100; R, 448; Sk2, lii)(MS kan I > Sch I kan)
3,4 To take Mede þe maide . and maken hire at ese [aaAx]
3,5 I shal assayen hire myself . and sooþliche appose [aaAx]
3,6 What man of þis moolde . þ(a)t hire were leuest [aaXx](|wh|w|w|;
Schu, 76; Sa, 100) ([aaXx] K-D, 155)(MS moolde > world
3,7 And if she werche bi wit . and my wil folwe [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 312)(MS bi > Sch bi my)
3,8 I wol forgyuen hire þis gilt . so me God helpe [aaAx]
(Schu, 203; Ok, 2: 284)(MS þis gilt > Sch þis e giltes)
3,9 Curteisly þe clerk þanne . as þe kyng hiӡte [aaAx]
3,10 Took Mede bi þe myddel . and broʒte hire into chambre
[aaXx] (K-D, 211; Sa, 100; Du, 64; R, 455; Sk2, lix)
([axAx] |b|b|; Sch, 367; CM, 36)
3,11 And þer was murþe & mynstralcie . Mede to plese
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 295)(MS And > Sch Ac)
3,12 They þ(a)t wonyeþ in Westmynstre . worshipeþ hire alle
[aaAx](MS þe y > Sch þat ; MS in > Sch at)
3,13 Gentilliche wiþ ioye . þe Iustices so(m)me [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 288)
3,14 Busked hem to þe bour . þer þe burde dwellede [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 272)
3,15 To conforten hire kyndely . by clergies leue [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 182; R, 447)(MS To conforten > Sch Confort[ed]en)
3,16 And seiden mourne noӡt Mede . ne make þow no sorwe [aaAx]
3,17 ffor we wol wisse þe kyng . and þi wey shape [axAx]
(Sa, 100)
3,18 To be wedded at þi wille . and wher þee leef likeþ [aa(A)bb]
(CM, 38; Du, 57, 59; Schu, 77)
3,19 ffor al Consciences cast . or craft as I trowe [aaAx](MS
or > Sch and)
3,20 Mildely Mede þanne . m(er)ciede hem alle [aaAx]
3,21 Of hire grete goodnesse . and gaf hem echone [aaAx]
(Schu, 203)
3,22 Coupes of clene gold . and coppes of siluer [aaAx] (cf.
Sa, 100) ([aaxAx] CM, 68) fol. 13v
3,23 Rynges wiþ Rubies . and richesses manye [aaAx] (CM,
3,24 The leeste man of hire meynee . a moton of golde [aaAx]
([xaaAx] Sa, 100; CM, 72)
3,25 Thanne lauʒte þei leue . þise lordes at Mede. [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 288)
3,26 Wiþ þat comen clerkes . to conforten hire þe same [aaAx]
3,27 And beden hire be bliþe . for we beþ þyne owene [aaAx]
(K, 54; Sa, 100) ([aaXx] K-D, 135)
3,28 ffor to werche þi wille . þe while þow myӡt laste [aa(A)xx]
(Schu, 76; Du, 59) ([aaXx] Sa, 100; Ok, 2: 312)
3,29 Hendiliche heo þanne . bihiӡte hem þe same [aaAx] (K,
43-4; Sa, 100) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lc)
3,30 To louen hem lelly . and lordes to make [aaAx](MS hem > Sch
3,31 And in þe consistorie at þe court . do callen hire names
[aaAx](MS hire > youre)
3,32 Shal no lewednesse lette . þe leode þ(a)t I louye [aaAa]
(K-D, 84; cf. Sa, 100; R-K, 95; R, 451; Sk2, lu; Du, p.c.)
(MS leode > Sch clerke)
3,33 That he ne worþ first auaunced . for I am biknowen [aa(A)xx]
(|f|-u|f|; cf. Schu, 70, 182; Sa. 100; Du, 59; R, 445, 458;
Sk2, lxii)
3,34 Ther konnynge clerkes . shul clokke bihynde [aaAx]
3,35 Thanne cam þ(er) a Confessour . coped as a frere [aaAx]
3,36 To mede þe mayde . he mened þise wordes [aaAx] (K-D,
84; cf. Sa, 100)(MS mened > Sch meled)
3,37 And seide ful softely . in shrift as it were [aaAx]
(|s|s|sh|; Schu, 98; Sa, 100; R, 458; Sk2, lxii)
3,38 Theiӡlewed men and lered men . hadde leyen by þee boþe
[aaAx] (cf. Ok, 2: 289)
3,39 And ffalsnesse hadde yfolwed þee . alle þise fifty wynter
[aaAx] (Du, 46)(MS Falsnesse > Sch Falshede)
3,40 I shal assoille þee myself . for a seem of whete [aaAx]
3,41 And also be þi bedeman . and bere wel þi message [aaAx]
(Sa, 100)(MS thi message > Sch thyn er[ende])
3,42 Amonges knyʒtes and clerkes . Conscience to torne [aaAx]
(K-D, 85; Ok, 2: 275)
3,43 Thanne Mede for hire mysdedes . to þat man kneled [aaAx]
3,44 And shrof hire of hire sherewednesse . shamelees I trowe
3,45 Tolde hym a tale . and took hym a noble [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 305)
3,46 ffor to ben hire Bedeman . and hire brocour als [aaAx]
(Sa, 100)(MS als > Sch alse)
3,47 Thanne he assoiled hire soone . and siþen he seide [aaAa]
(Sa, 100; R, 451; Sk2, lu)
3,48 We haue a wyndow in werchynge . wole sitten vs ful hye
[aa(A)xx] (Du, 59) ([aaXx] Sa, 100)(MS in werchynge > Sch
werchynge; MS sitten > Sch stonden)
3,49 Woldestow glaʒe þat gable . and graue þ(er)Inne þy name
[aaAx](MS þe rInne > Sch þe re)
3,50 Syker sholde þi soule be . heuene to haue [aaaBb] (Du,
62) ([aaXx] Sa, 100; R, 455; Sk2, lix)
3,51 Wiste I þat quod þat wo(m)man . I wolde noӡt spare [aaAx](MS
þat > Sch þe ) fol. 14r
3,52 ffor to be youre frend frere . and faile yow neuere
3,53 While ye loue lordes . þat lecherie haunten [aaAx]
3,54 And lakeþ noӡt ladies . þ(a)t louen wel þe same [aaAx]
3,55 It is a freletee of flessh . ye fynden it in bokes [aaAx]
3,56 And a cours of kynde . wherof we comen alle [aaAx]
3,57 Who may scape sclaundre . þe scaþe is soone amended
[aaAx](MS scape > Sch scape þe )
3,58 It is synne of þe seuene . sonnest relessed [aaAx]
3,59 Haue m(er)cy quod Mede . of men þat it haunteþ [aaAx]
3,60 And I shal couere youre kirk . youre cloistre do maken
3,61 Wowes do whiten . and wyndowes glaʒen [aaAx] (|w|wh|w|)
3,62 Do peynten and portraye . and paie for þe makynge [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 296)(MS and paie > Sch [who paied])
3,63 That euery segge shall seye . I am suster of youre house
[aaAx](MS seye > Sch see)
3,64 Ac god to alle good folk . swich g(ra)uynge defendeþ [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 101)
3,65 To writen in wyndowes . of hir wel dedes [aaAx]
3,66 An auent(ur)e pride be peynted þ(er)e . and pomp of
þe world [aaAx]
3,67 ffor crist knoweþ þi conscience . and þi kynde wille
[aaaAx](MS crist > Sch God [aaAx])
3,68 And þi cost and þi coueitise . and who þe catel ouӡte
[aaAx](MS And > Sch om.)
3,69 fforþi I lere yow lordes . leueþ swiche werkes [aaAx]
(K-D, 81)
3,70 To writen in wyndowes . of youre wel dedes [aaAx]
3,71 Or to greden after goddes men . whan ye dele doles [aaBb]
(Sch, 367; Du, 63; K-D, 88; R-K, 90) ([aaxAx] Sa, 101)(MS
dele > Sch [gyue] [aaAx])
3,72 On auent(ur)e ye haue your(e) hire here . and youre
heuene als [aaAx] (|a|hi|he|; L, 101; K, 60; CM, 117; cf.
Sa, 101)
3,72a { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra } [Latin]
3,73 Lat noӡt þi left half . late ne raþe [aaAx]
3,74 Wite what þow werchest . wiþ þi riӡt syde [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 35; Du, 59)
3,75 ffor þus by þe gospel . goode men doon hir almesse [xaAx]
(Sch, 367-8; Du, 63; Du, p.c.; cf. K-D, 199)(MS by þe gospel > Sch
[he Gospel bit][axAx])
3,76 Maires and maceres . þat menes ben bitwene [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 158; Sa, 101)
3,77 The kyng and þe comune . to kepe þe lawes [aaAx]
3,78 To punysshe on Pillories . and pynynge stooles [aaAx](MS
and > Sch and on) fol. 14v
3,79 Brewesters and Baksters . Bochiers and Cokes [aaAx]
3,80 ffor þise are men on þis molde . þat moost harm wercheþ
[aaAx] ([aaAxx] Sa, 101; Ok, 2: 293)
3,81 To þe pouere peple . þat p(ar)celmele buggen [aaAx]
3,82 ffor þei enpoisone þe peple . pryueliche and ofte [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)(MS enpoisone > Sch poisone)
3,83 Thei richen þoruʒ reg(ra)trie . and rentes hem biggen
3,84 Wiþ þat þe pou(er)e peple . sholde putte in hire wo(m)be
3,85 ffor toke þei on trewely . þei tymbred nouʒt so heiӡe
3,86 Ne bouʒte none burgages . be ye ful certeyne [aaAx]
(Sa, 101)
3,87 Ac Mede þe mayde . þe Mair haþ bisouӡt [aaAx] (cf. K-D,
78; CM, 71)(MS hath besought > Sch h[eo] besought[e])
3,88 Of alle swiche selleris . siluer to take [aaAx] ([xaAx]
Sa, 101)
3,89 Or p(re)sentʒ wiþouten pens . as pieces of siluer [aaAx]
3,90 Rynges or ooþer richesse . þe Reg(ra)tiers to mayntene
3,91 ffor my loue quod þat lady . loue hem echone [aaAx]
3,92 And suffre hem to selle . somdel ayeins reson [aaAx]
3,93 Salomon þe sage a s(er)mon . he made [aaAx] (Sk, 36)
3,94 ffor to amenden Maires . and men þ(a)t kepen lawes [aaAx]
([aaAxx] Sa, 101; cf. Du, 62, 64))
3,95 And tolde hem þis teme . þat I telle þynke [aaAx] (K-D,
3,96 { Ignis deuorabit tabernac(u)la eor(um) qui libent(er) accipiu(n)t mun(er)a &c } [Latin]
3,97 Among þise lettrede leodes . þis latyn is to mene [aaAx]
(K-D, 81, 85)
3,98 That fir shall falle & brenne . al to bloo askes
[aaxBb] (Sch, 368; K-D, 82; cf. Sa, 101; Du, 63; R, 455;
Sk2, lix) ([aabBx]/[aa(a)bCbc] Du, p.c.)(MS brenne > Sch
3,99 The houses and homes . of hem þat desireþ [aaAx] (Sa,
101; Ok, 2: 287)(MS and > Sch and þe )
3,100 Yiftes or yeresyeues . bycause of hire Offices. [aaaXx]
(K-D, 133, 138; cf. Schu, 203, 204; Sa, 101; Du, 62, 64)
(SM bycause > Sch because; MS office > Sch offices)
3,101 The kyng fro þe conseil cam . and called after Mede [aaaAx]
(Sa, 101; R, 448; Sk2, lii)(MS þe (2) > Sch om.)
3,102 And ofsente hire as swiþe . wiþ sergeauntʒ manye [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)
3,103 And brouʒte hire to boure . wiþ blisse and wiþ ioye
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 271)(MS And > Sch þat )
3,104 Curteisly þe kyng þanne . comsed to telle [aaAx](MS comsed > Sch
3,105 To Mede þe mayde . he meneþ þise wordes [aaAx](MS meneth > Sch
3,106 Vnwittily wo(m)man . wroʒt hastow ofte [aaAx]
3,107 Ac worse wroʒtestow neu(er)e . þan tho þow ffals toke
[aaXx] (Sa, 101) ([axAa] |th|th|th|; K-D, 135; R-K, 112,
cf. 106) ([aaAa] |th|u|th|th|; Sch, 368; Du, 64, 66)(MS wroghtestow > Sch
wroghtest þow) fol. 15r
3,108 But I forgyue þee þat gilt . and graunte þee my g(ra)ce
[aaAa] (Schu, 203; Sa, 101; R, 451; Sk2, lu)
3,109 Hennes to þi deeþ day . do so na moore [aaAx] ([xaaAx]
Sa, 101)
3,110 I haue a knyӡt Conscience . cam late fro biyonde [aaAx]
([aaXx] Sa, 101)
3,111 If he wilneþ þee to wif . wiltow hym haue [aaAx]
3,112 Ye lord quod þat lady . lord forbede it ellis [aaAx]
(cf. K, 52)(MS forbede it ellis > Sch it me forbede)
3,113 But I be holly at your(e) heste . lat hange me soone
[aaAx] (Sa, 101; cf. K-D, 80)(MS sonne > Sch [ellis])
3,114 And þanne was Conscience called . to come and appere
[aaAx](MS And > Sch Thanne)
3,115 Bifore þe kyng and his conseil . as clerkes and oþere
3,116 Knelynge Conscience . to þe kyng louted [aaAx]
3,117 To wite what his wille were . and what he do wolde
[aaaAx] (cf. K-D, 80) ([aaaAx] Sk2, lii)(MS To wite > Sch
om.; MS wolde > Sch sholde [aaAx])
3,118 Woltow wedde þis wo(m)man quod þe kyng . if I wole assente
[aaxAx] ([aaaAx] R, 448; cf. K-D, 217) ([aaAx] Sa, 101; Ok,
2: 308) ([(a)aaxAx] Du, p.c.)
3,119 ffor she is fayn of þi felaweshipe . for to be þi make
[aa(A)xx] (Du, 59) ([aaAx] Sa, 101)
3,120 Quod Conscience to þe kyng . crist it me forbede [aaAx]
(Sa, 101; Du, p.c.)
3,121 Er I wedde swich a wif . wo me bitide [aaAx] (Ok, 2:
3,122 ffor she is frele of hire feiþ . fikel of hire speche
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 283)(MS feith > Sch feith and)
3,123 And makeþ men mysdo . many score tymes [aaaAx] (Sa,
101; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
3,124 Trust of hire tresor . bitrayeþ ful manye [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 80; Sch, 368)(MS trust > Sch In trust; MS bitrayeth > Sch
she t[en]eth)
3,125 Wyues and widewes . wantounes she techeþ [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 311)(MS wantounes > Sch wanounnesse)
3,126 And lereþ hem lecherie . þat loueþ hire ʒiftes [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204)
3,127 Youre fader she felled . þoruӡ false biheste [aaAx]
3,128 And haþ enpoisoned popes . and peired holy chirche
[aaAx](MS empoisoned > Sch apoisoned; MS peired > Sch
3,129 Is noӡt a bettre baude . by hym þat me made [aa(A)xx]
(Du, 59; Du, p.c.) (cf. [aaAx] Sa, 101; Du, 59)
3,130 Bitwene heuene and helle . in erþe þouʒ men souʒte
[aaAx] (|he|he|e|; L, 104; R, 457; Sk2, lxi; Ok, 2: 287)
(MS in > Sch and; MS soughte > Sch soghte)
3,131 ffor she is tikel of hire tail . and talewis of hire
tonge [aaAa] (Sa, 101; CM, 70, 114; R, 451; Sk2, lu)(MS and > om.;
MS hire > Sch om.)
3,132 As co(m)mune as a Cartwey . to ech a knaue þat walkeþ
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80-1)(MS a > Sch þe ; MS ech a knaue
walketh > Sch [knaues and to alle])
3,133 To Monkes to Mynstrales . to Meseles in hegges [aaAx]
3,134 Sisours and somono(ur)s . swiche men hire preiseþ [aaAx]
([aaXx] Sa, 101) fol. 15v
3,135 Sherreues of shires . were shent if she ne were [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 101)(MS ne were > Sch nere)
3,136 ffor she dooþ men lese hire lond . and hire lif boþe
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 290)
3,137 She leteþ passe prisoners . and paieþ for hem ofte
[aaAx] ([xaaAx] Sa, 101)
3,138 And gyueþ þe Gailers gold . and grotes togidres [aaaAx]
(Schu, 203; Sa, 101) ([aaaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)
3,139 To vnfettre þe fals . fle where hym likeþ [aaAx]
3,140 And takeþ þe trewe bi þe top . and tieþ hem faste [aaaAx]
(Sa, 101; R, 448; Sk2, lii)(MS þe trewe > Sch Trew þe
MS hym > Sch hem)
3,141 And hangeþ hem for hatrede . þat harm dide neu(er)e
[aaAx] (Du, p.c.; cf. K-D, 78; R, 448; Sk2, lii)(MS hem > Sch
hym; MS harm dide > Sch harm[e]de)
3,142 To be corsed in Consistorie . she counteþ noӡt a bene
[aaAx](MS corsed > Sch cursed; MS bene > Sch russhe)
3,143 ffor she copeþ þe Co(m)missarie . and coteþ hise clerkes
[aaAa] (Sa, 101; R, 451; Sk2, lu)
3,144 She is assoiled as soone . as hireself likeþ [aaAx]
3,145 And may neiӡ as muche do . in a Monþe one [aaAx] (K-D,
135)(MS And > She; MS one > Sch ones)
3,146 As youre secret seel . in sixe score dayes [aaAx] (Sa,
101; Du, p.c.) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)
3,147 ffor she is pryuee wiþ þe pope . p(ro)uisours it knoweþ
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)(MS For > Sch om.)
3,148 ffor Sire Symonie and hirselue . seleþ hire bulles
[aaaAx] ([aaAx] Sa, 101)
3,149 She blesseþ þise Bisshopes . þeiӡþei be lewed [aaAx]
(Sa, 101)
3,150 Prouendreþ p(er)sones . and preestes maynteneþ [aaAx](MS
preestes > Sch preestes she)
3,151 To haue lemmans and lotebies . alle hire lif daies
[aaAx] (K-D, 81) ([xaaAx] Sa, 101)(MS haue > Sch h[old]e)
3,152 And bryngeþ forþ barnes . ayein forbode lawes [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206; Ok, 2: 271)
3,153 Ther she is wel wiþ þe kyng . wo is þe Reaume [axAx]
(Sa, 101) ([a(a)xAx] Du, 60; Du, p.c.)
3,154 ffor she is fauo(ur)able to fals . and defouleþ truþe
ofte [aaAx](MS defouleth > Sch fouleth)
3,155 By Ih(es)us wiþ hire Ieweles . youre Iustices she shendeþ
[aaAx](MS youre > Sch þe )
3,156 And liþ ayein þe lawe . and letteþ hym þe gate [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206)
3,157 That feiþ may noӡt haue his forþ . hire floryns go
so þikke [aaAx]
3,158 She ledeþ þe lawe as hire list . and louedaies makeþ
[aaaAx] (Sa, 101; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
3,159 And doþ men lese þoruӡ hire loue . þat lawe myӡte wynne
3,160 The maʒe for a mene man . þouʒ he mote hire euere [aaaAx]
(Sa, 101; R, 448; Sk2, lii; cf. K-D, 217)(MS hire > Sch
3,161 Lawe is so lordlich . and looþ to maken ende [aaAx]
(Sa, 101) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)
3,162 wiþouten p(re)sentʒ or pens . she pleseþ wel fewe [aaAx](MS
she > Sch he; MS wel > ful)
3,163 Barons and Burgeises . she bryngeþ in sorwe [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 268)(MS Burgeises > Sch burgeis)
3,164 And al þe comune in care . þat coueiten lyue in truþe
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 139) fol. 16r
3,165 ffor clergie and coueitise . she coupleþ togidres [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 139)
3,166 This is þe lif of þat lady . now lord ʒyue hire sorwe
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204; Ok, 2: 289)
3,167 And alle þ(a)t maynteneþ hire men . meschaunce hem
bitide [aaAx]
3,168 ffor pou(er)e men may haue no power . to pleyne hem
thouʒ þei sm(er)te [aaAx] (K-D, 85) ([axaAx] Sa, 101)
3,169 Swich a maister is Mede . among men of goode [aaAx]
(Sa, 101; Du, p.c.) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)
3,170 Thanne mournede Mede . and mened hire to þe kynge [aaAx]
3,171 To haue space to speke . spede if she myӡte [aaAx]
3,172 The kyng graunted hire g(r)ace . wiþ a good wille [aaAx]
([xaaAx] Sa, 101) ([aaaAx] |k|g|g|g|)
3,173 Excuse þee if þow kanst . I kan namoore seggen [aaAx]
(Sa, 101)
3,174 ffor Conscience accuseþ þee . to congeien þee for eu<er>e
3,175 Nay lord quod þat lady . leueþ hym þe werse [aaAx]
3,176 Whan ye witen witterly . wher þe wrong liggeþ [aaAx]
(Du, p.c.) ([aaaAa] R, 448, 451; Sk2, lii, lu)
3,177 Ther þ(a)t meschief is gret . Mede may helpe [axAx]
(Sa, 101; K-D, 205; R, 454; cf. Du, 63) ([axAa] R, 451; Sk2,
lu, luiii)
3,178 And þow knowest Conscience . I kam noӡt to chide [aaAx](MS
And > Sch And þat )
3,179 Ne dep(ra)ue þi p(er)sone . wiþ a proud herte [aaAx](MS
Ne > Sch Ne to)
3,180 Wel þow woost wernard . but if þow wolt gabbe [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 101; Du, 64)
3,181 Thow hast hanged on myn half . elleuene tymes [aaAx]
(L, 102, 106, 107; R, 457; Sk2, lxi; Ok, 2: 285)
3,182 And also griped my gold . gyue it where þee liked [aaAx]
(Schu, 204, 205)(MS gold > Sch gold and)
3,183 And whi þow wraþest þee now . wonder me þynkeþ [aaAx]
(|wh|wr|w|; Schu, 77; Sa, 101; cf. Du, 56) ([axAx] Bn, 228)(MS
And > Sch om.)
3,184 Yet I may as I myӡte . menske þee wiþ ʒiftes [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204)
3,185 And mayntene þi manhode . moore þan þow knowest [aaAx]
(CM, 71)
3,186 Ac þow hast famed me foule . bifore þe kyng here [aa(A)xx]
([aaAx] Sa, 101)
3,187 ffor killed I neu(er)e no kyng, . ne counseiled þ(er)after
3,188 Ne dide as þow demest . I do it on þe kynge [aaAx]
(Sa, 101)
3,189 In Normandie was he noӡt . noyed for my sake [aaAx]
3,190 Ac þow þiself sooþly . shamedest hym ofte [aaAx] (|-s|s|sh|;
R, 458; Sk2, lxii; K-D, 132; Schu, 98; Sa, 101)
3,191 Crope into a Cabane . for cold of þi nayles [aaAx]
3,192 Wendest þ(a)t wynter . wolde han ylasted euere [aa(A)xx]
(Du, 59) ([aaXx] Sa, 101)
3,193 And dreddest to be ded . for a dym cloude [aaAx] fol.
3,194 And hyedest homward . for hunger of þi wombe [aaAx]
(K-D, 85)
3,195 Wiþouten pite pilour . pou(er)e men þow robbedest [aaAx]
3,196 And bere hire bras at thi bak . to Caleis to selle
[aaaXx] (K-D, 138; Sch, 507; Sa, 101; R, 448, 455; Sk2,
lii, lix; cf. Du, 62)
3,197 Ther I lafte wiþ my lord . his lif for to saue [aaAx]
3,198 I made his men murye . and mournynge lette [aaaAx]
(R, 448; Sk2, lii; cf. Sa, 101; cf. Ok, 2: 292)
3,199 I batred hem on þe bak . and boldede hire hertes [aaAx]
3,200 And dide hem hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
3,201 Hadde I ben Marchal of his men . by Marie of heuene
3,202 I dorste haue leyd my lif . and no lasse wedde [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 288-9)
3,203 He sholde haue be lord of þat lond . in lengþe and
in brede [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 292)
3,204 And also kyng of þat kiþ . his kyn for to helpe [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 274)
3,205 The leeste brol of his blood . a Barones piere [aaAx]
([xaaAx] Sa, 101)
3,206 Cowardly þow Conscience . conseiledest hym þennes [aaAx]
3,207 To leuen his lordshipe . for a litel siluer [aaAx]
3,208 That is þe richeste Reaume . þat reyn ouerhoueþ [aaAx]
3,209 It bicomeþ to a kyng . þat kepeþ a Reaume [aaAx]
3,210 To yeue mede to men . þat mekely hym s(er)ueþ [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80; Schu, 204) ([xaaAx] Sa, 101)(MS mede to
men > Sch [men mede])
3,211 To aliens and to alle men . to hono(ur)en hem w(i)t(h)
ʒiftes [aaAx] (L, 101; R, 457; cf. Schu, 204) ([aaxAx] Sa,
3,212 Mede makeþ hym biloued . and for a man holden [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 101)
3,213 Emperours and Erles . and alle man(er)e lordes [aaAx]
(L, 103; Ok, 2: 280)
3,214 ffor ʒiftes han yonge men . to renne and to ryde [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 203, 204; Sk2, lx; Ok, 2: 298)(MS For > Sch
Thorugh; MS yonge men > Sch yomen; MS renne > Sch yerne)
3,215 The Pope and alle þe p(re)lates . p(re)sentʒ vnderfongen
[aaAx](MS þe (2) > Sch om.)
3,216 And medeþ men hemseluen . to mayntene hir lawes [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 101)
3,217 Sergeauntʒ for hire s(er)uyce . we seeþ wel þe soþe [aaAa]
(Sa, 101; cf. K-D, 161; R-K, 95; R, 451; Sk2, lu)(MS Sergeauntz > Sch
3,218 Taken Mede of hir maistres . as þei mowe acorde [aaAx]
([xaaAx] Sa, 101)
3,219 Beggeres for hir biddynge . bidden men Mede [aaAx] (cf.
CM, 127; Ok, 2: 268) ([aaAxx] Sa, 101) ([aaAbb])
3,220 Mynstrales for hir myrþe . Mede þei aske [aaAx] fol. 17r
3,221 The kyng haþ mede of his men . to make pees in londe
[aaAx] (cf. K, 51; Du, p.c.) ([xaaAx] Sa, 101)
3,222 Men þ(a)t teche children . crauen after Mede [xxXx]
(K-D, 82; [xaaAx] Sa, 101; Du, 63)(MS teche children > Sch
[kenne clerkes]; MS after > Sch of hem [aaAx])
3,223 Preestes þat p(re)chen þe peple . to goode . asken Mede
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 78)(MS goode asken mede > Sch goode)
3,224 And massepens and hire mete . at þe meeltymes [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 78) ([xaaAx] Sa, 101)(MS And > Sch Asken mede
3,225 Alle kynne craftes men . crauen Mede for hir P(re)ntices [aaAx](MS craftes > Sch crafty; MS prentices > Sch prentis)
3,226 Marchauntʒ and Mede . mote nede go togideres [aa(A)xx]
(cf. CM, 76) ([aaAx] Sa, 101)(MS Marchuntz > Sch Marchaundise)
3,227 No wiӡt as I wene . wiþouten Mede may libbe [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 35; Du, 59; Du, p.c.) ([aaXx] Sa, 101)
3,228 Quod þe Kyng to Conscience . by crist as me þynkeþ [aaAx]
(Sa, 101)
3,229 Mede is wel worþi . þe maistrie to haue [axAx] (K-D,
205, 211; Sa, 101; R, 454; Sk2, luiii; cf. Du, 63)(MS wel > Sch
3,230 Nay quod Conscience to þe kyng . and kneled to þe erþe
[aaAx] (Sa, 101)
3,231 Ther are two manere of Medes . my lord wiþ your(e)
leue [aa(A)bb] ([aaXx] Sa, 101; Du, 59; R, 456; Sk2, lx)
(MS wiþ > Sch by)
3,232 That oon God of his g(ra)ce . graunteþ in his blisse
[aaAx] (K-D, 87)
3,233 To þo þ(a)t wel werchen . while þei ben here [aa(A)xx]
(K-D, 84) ([aaAx] |w|w|wh|; Schu, 76; Sa, 101)
3,234 The p(ro)phete p(re)cheþ þerof . and putte it in þe
Sauter [aaAx]
3,234a { Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo } [Latin]
3,235 Lord who shal wonye in þi wones . and wiþ þyne holy seintes
[xaa(A)xx] (cf. K-D, 135; Du, 59)(MS and > Sch om.)
3,236 Or resten in þyne holy hilles . þis asketh Dauid [xaaAx](MS
in > Sch on)
3,237 And Dauid assoileþ it hymself . as þe Sauter telleþ
3,237a { Qui ingreditur sine macula & op(er)atur Iusticiam } [Latin]
3,238 Tho þat entren of o colour . and of one wille [aaAx]
(L, 103)
3,239 And han ywroght werkes . wiþ right and wiþ reson [aa(A)bb]
(CM, 35; Du, 59; Ok, 2: 298)
3,240 And he þat vseth noӡt . þe lyf of vsurie [aaAx] (|he|u|u|;
K-D, 139; Du, 64; Du, p.c.)(MS þat > Sch þat ne) fol.
3,241 And enformeþ pouere men . and p(ur)sueþ truþe [xaAx]
(cf. K-D, 195, 196; Du, 63)
3,241a { Qui pecunia(m) sua(m) no(n) dedit ad vsura(m) . et mun(er)a sup(er) Innoc(entem) &c} [Latin]
3,242 And alle þ(a)t helpen þe Innocent . and holden w(i)t(h)
þe riʒtfulle [aaaAx] ([aaAx] |he|I|ho|; L, 104)
3,243 Wiþouten Mede doþ hem good . and þe truþe helpeþ [prose
line] (Du, 64)
3,244 Swiche man(er)e men my lord . shul haue þis firste
Mede [aaXa] ([aa(a)xXa] Du, 60, 64)
3,245 Of God at a gret nede . whan þei gon hennes [aaAx]
3,246 Ther is anoþ(er) Mede mesurelees . þat maistres desireþ
[aaAx] (K-D, 86)
3,247 To mayntene mysdoers . Mede þei take [aaAx]
3,248 And þerof seiþ þe Sauter . in a Salmes ende [aaAx]
3,249 { In quor(um) manib(uʒ) iniquitates s(u)nt . dext(ra) eor(um) repleta est mun(er)ib(us)} [Latin]
3,250 And he þat gripeþ hir gold . so me god helpe [aaAx] (K-D,
3,251 Shal abien it bittre . or þe book lieþ [aaAx](MS it > Sch
it ful)
3,252 Preestes and p(er)sons . þat plesynge desireþ [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 296)
3,253 That taken Mede and moneie . for masses þ(a)t þei syngeþ
[aaAx] (CM, 66)
3,254 Taken hire Mede here . as Mathew vs techeþ [abBa] ([xaAx]
K-D, 88) ([abaBax] CM, 66; cf. Du, 63)
3,254a { Amen Amen . Recipiebant m(er)cedem suam } [Latin](MS L. Recipiebant > Sch receperunt)
3,255 That laborers and lowe folk . taken of hire maistres
[aaXx] (K-D, 205; R, 455; Sk2, lix; cf. Sa, 101; Du, 64;
Du, p.c.)(MS lowe > Sch lowe [lewede] [aaaXx])
3,256 It is a manere Mede . but a mesurable hire [aaAx]
3,257 In marchaundise is no Mede . I may it wel auowe [aaAx]
(Du, 45)
3,258 It is a p(er)mutacion apertly . a penyworþ for anoþer
3,259 Ac reddestow neu(er)e { Regum } . þow recrayed Mede [a{a}Ax]
(CM, 97)
3,260 Whi þe vengeaunce fel . on Saul and on his children
[aaXx] (|u|f|f|; cf. Sa, 101; Sch, 368; Du, 64; Du, p.c.;
R, 443, 455, 458; Sk2, lix, lxii)(MS fel > Sch fel [fel]
3,261 God sente to Saul . by Samuel þe p(ro)phete [aaAx]
3,262 That Agag of Amalec . and al his peple after [aaAx] (L,
101) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu) ([aa(A)xa] Du, 59) ([aaXa]
Sa, 101) fol. 18r
3,263 Sholden deye for a dede . þat doon hadde hire eldres
3,264 fforþi seide Samuel to Saul . god hymself hoteþ [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 101; Du, 47) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)
3,265 Thee be buxom at his biddynge . his wil to fulfille
[aaXx] ([(a)aaXx] cf. CM, 76; R-K, 139; Sa, 101; Du, 61,
63, 64; Ok, 2: 272)(MS þe e > Sch To)
3,266 Weend to Amalec w(i)t(h) þyn oost . & what þow
fyndest þ(er)e sle it [aaAx] (L, 101, 102) ([aaXx] cf. Sa,
101; Du, 46, 64; Du, p.c.)(MS fyndest > Sch fynst)
3,267 Burnes and beestes . bren hem to deþe [aaAx] (Ok, 2:
3,268 Widwes and wyues . wo(m)men and children [aaAx]
3,269 Moebles and vnmoebles . and al þow myʒt fynde [aaAx](MS
al > Sch al þat )
3,270 Bren it . bere it noӡt awey . be it neuer so riche
[aa(A)xx] (K-D, 135; Sk, 43)
3,271 ffor Mede ne for monee . loke þow destruye it [aaXx]
(Du, 64)
3,272 Spille it and spare it noӡt . þow shalt spede þe bettre
3,273 And for he coueited hir catel . and þe kyng spared [aaAx]
3,274 fforbar hym and his beestes boþe . as þe bible witnesseþ
3,275 Ooþer wise þan he was . warned of þe p(ro)phete [aaAx]
(K, 54)(MS Oo þe r Wise > Sch Otherwise)
3,276 God seide to Samuel . þ(a)t Saul sholde deye [aaAx]
([xaAx] Sa, 101)
3,277 And al his seed for þat synne . shenfulliche ende [aaAx]
(|s|s|sh|; R, 458; Sk2, lxii; Schu, 98; cf. R-K, 95)
3,278 Swich a meschief Mede made . Saul þe kyng to haue [aaaXx]
(cf. K-D, 86, 217; R-K, 90; Sa, 101; Du, 62, 64)
3,279 That god hated hym for eu(er)e . and alle his heires
after [aaAx] (|ha|e|hei|; L, 102) ([aaAa] R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
([xaaAx] Sa, 101)
3,280 The {culo(rum)} of þis cas . kepe I noӡt to telle [{a}aAx]
(CM, 97)(MS telle > Sch shewe)
3,281 On auenture it noyed men . noon ende wol I make [aaAx]
(n-liaison; L, 110; Schu, 59, 182; cf. K-D, 78; Du, p.c.)
([axAx] Sa, 101; R, 454; Sk2, luiii)(MS men > Sch me)
3,282 ffor so is þis world went . wiþ hem þ(a)t han power
[aa(A)xx] (CM, 35)
3,283 That whoso seiþ hem soþest . is sonnest yblamed [aaAx]
3,284 I Conscience knowe þis . for kynde wit it me tauʒte [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80; Du, p.c.)(MS Wit > Sch Wit it)
3,285 That Reson shal regne . and Reaumes gou(er)ne [aaAx]
3,286 And riʒt as Agag hadde . happe shul so(m)me [aaAx]
(L, 101; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
3,287 Samuel shal sleen hym . and Saul shal be blamed [aaAx]
3,288 And Dauid shal be diademed . and daunten hem alle [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 78)
3,289 And oon cristene kyng . kepen hem alle [aaAx](MS hem
alle > Sch [us] echone)
3,290 Shal na moore Mede be maister . as she is nouþe [aaAx]
(K-D, 86; Sk, 44) [fol. 18r. l. 28]
3,291 Ac loue and lowenesse . and leautee togideres [aaAx]
(K, 49)
3,292 Thise shul ben Maistres on moolde . truþe to saue [aaXx]
(Sch, 368; cf. K-D, 92; Du, 63; Ok, 2: 293)(MS tru þe > Sch
[trewe men] [aaAx] fol. 18u
3,293 And whoso trespaseþ ayein truþe . or takeþ ayein his
wille [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 126, 182)
3,294 Leaute shal don hym lawe . and no lif ellis [aaAx]
(cf. Ok, 2: 290)
3,295 Shal no s(er)geant for his s(er)uice . were a silk
howue [aaAx] (Du, p.c.)(MS his > Sch [þat ])
3,296 Ne no pelure in his cloke . for pledynge at þe barre
[axAx] (cf. K-D, 92-3; Du, 63)
3,297 Mede of mysdoeres . makeþ manye lordes [aaAx] (Du,
p.c.) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu; cf. Sa, 101)
3,298 And ouer lordes lawes . ruleþ þe Reaumes [aaXx] (Sch,
368-9; K-D, 195; Du, 63)(MS ruleth > Sch [lord]deth)
3,299 Ac kynde loue shal come ʒit . and Conscience togideres
[aaAx] ([axaAx] Sa, 101)
3,300 And make of lawe a laborer . swich loue shal arise
[aaAx] ([xaaAx] Sa, 101)
3,301 And swich a pees among þe peple . and a p(ar)fit truþe
[aaAx](MS a(1) > Sch om.)
3,302 That Iewes shul wene in hire wit . and wexen wonder
glade [xaaAx] (Du, 50; Du, p.c.; cf. K-D, 217)
3,303 That Moyses or Messie . be come into þis erþe [aaAx]
(m-liaison; Sch, 369; CM, 37; Du, 65; Du, p.c.) ([aaXx] cf.
K-D, 125, 199)
3,304 And haue wonder in hire hertes . þ(a)t men beþ so trewe
[aaXx] (Du, 64)
3,305 Alle þat beren baselard . brood swerd or launce [aaAx]
3,306 Ax ouþ(er) hachet . or any wepene ellis [aaAx] (L,
101) ([aa(A)xx] Du, 59; Du, p.c.)
3,307 Shal be demed to þe deeth . but if he do it smyþye
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 277)
3,308 Into Sikel or to Siþe . to Shaar or to kulto(ur) [aaAx]
(|s|s|sh|; Schu, 98)
3,308a { Conflabunt gladios suos in vomeres &c} [Latin]
3,309 Ech man to pleye w(i)t(h) a plow . pykoise or spade [aaAx]
3,310 Spynne or sprede donge . or spille hymself w(i)t(h)
sleuþe [aaAx]
3,311 Preestes and p(er)sons . wiþ { Placebo } to hunte [aa{A}x]
(CM, 97)
3,312 And dyngen vpon Dauid . eche day til eue [aaAx]
3,313 Huntynge or haukynge . if any of hem vse [aaAx] (Du,
p.c.; Ok, 2: 288)
3,314 His boost of his benefice . worþ bynomen hym after
3,315 Shal neiþ(er) kyng ne knyght . Constable ne Meir(e)
[aaAx] (Du, 63)
3,316 Ouerlede þe co(m)mune . ne to þe Court Sompne [xaAx]
(Sch, 369; cf. K-D, 93; Du, 63)(MS Ouerlede > Sch Ouer[carke]
3,317 Ne putte hem in panel . to doon hem pliʒte hir truþe
3,318 But after þe dede þat is doon . oon doom shal rewarde
3,319 Mercy or no m(er)cy . as Truþe wole acorde [aaXx] (Sch, 369; cf. K-D, 125, 198; Du, 63; Du, p.c.)(MS wole > Sch [moot] [aaAx] fol. 19r
3,320 Kynges Court and co(m)mune Court . Consistorie and Chapitle
3,321 Al shal be but oon court . and oon baron be Iustice
[axAx] (Du, 60, cf. 64) ([aaAx] |b|b|b| or |a|o|o|; Du, p.c.)
3,322 Thanne worþ Trewe tonge a tidy man . þat tened me neu(er)e
[aaaAx](MS Thanne > Sch þat )
3,323 Batailles shul none be . ne no man bere wepene [aaAx]
3,324 And what smyth þ(a)t any smyþeþ . be smyte þ(er)wiþ to deþe [aaAx]
3,324a { Non leuabit gens cont(ra) gentem gladiu(m) &c } [Latin]
3,325 And er þis fortune falle . fynde men shul þe worste [aaAx]
(K-D, 138)
3,326 By sixe sonnes and a ship . and half a shef of arwes
[aaaAx] (|s|s|sh|sh|; Schu, 99)
3,327 And þe myddel of a Moone . shal make þe Iewes to torne
[aaAx] (Du, p.c.)(MS to > Sch om.)
3,328 And Sarʒynes for þat siʒte . shul synge . { Gloria
in excelsis &c } [aaA{x}] (cf. Sk, 46) [fol. 19r. l.
3,329 ffor Makometh and Mede . myshappe shul þat tyme [aaAx]
3,330 ffor {Melius est bonu(m) nomen qua(m) diuicie multe
} [Latin] ([{axXa}] CM, 101)
3,331 Also wroþ as þe wynd . weex Mede in a while [aaAx] (Du,
3,332 I kan no Latyn quod she . clerkes wite þe soþe [aaAx]
(Schu, 151)
3,333 Se what Salomon seiþ . in Sapience bokes [aaaAx]
3,334 That þei þat ʒyuen ʒiftes . þe victorie wynneþ [aaBb]
(|y|y|u|w|; Schu, 70, 204) ([aaXx] cf. K-D, 93)
3,335 And moost worshipe hadde þ(er) wiþ . as holy writ telleþ
[aaAx](MS moost > Sch muche; MS hadde > Sch haueth)
3,336 { Honorem adquiret qui dat munera &c } [Latin](MS L. &c > Sch om.)
3,337 I leue wel lady quod Conscience . þ(a)t þi latyn be trewe
[aaxAx] (CM, 59; Du, 45)
3,338 Ac þow art lik a lady . þat radde a lesson ones [aaAx]
([aaXa] CM, 59)
3,339 Was {omnia p(ro)bate} . and þat plesed hire herte [{xa}Ax]
([{ab}Ba] cf. K-D, 211) ([{aa}Ax] |p|b|p|; Sch, 369; CM,
42, 96, 101; Du, 45, 64)
3,340 ffor þat lyne was no lenger . at þe leues ende [aaAx]
(CM, 59)
3,341 Hadde she loked þat ooþer half . and þe leef torned
[axAx] (cf. K-D, 93; CM, 59; Du, 63)(MS oother > Sch other)
3,342 She sholde haue founden fele wordes . folwynge þ(er)
after [aaAx](MS fele >Sch fel[l]e)
3,343 { Quod bonum est tenete } . truþe þat text made [{xa}Aa]
(Sch, 369; CM, 42, 96, 101; K-D, 137; Du, 61)
3,344 And so ferde ye madame . ye kouþe na moore fynde [abBa]
(Sch, 369; cf. K-D, 125, 199; Du, 63, 64)(MS ferde ye madame > Sch
[madame ferde ye] [abAb])
3,345 Tho ye loked on Sapience . sittynge in youre studie
[xaAa] (Sch, 369; cf. K-D, 125, 195; Du, 61, 63)(MS loked
on Sapience > Sch [on Sapience loked] [axAa])
3,346 This text þat ye han told . were good for lordes [aaXx]
(Sch, 369; cf. K-D, 125, 198; cf. Du, 63)(MS good > Sch
[tidy] [aaAx]) fol. 19v
3,347 Ac yow failed a konnynge clerk . þat kouþe þe leef
han torned [aaAx] (Du, 59)
3,348 And if ye seche Sapience eft . fynde shul ye þat folweþ
[aaBb] (Du, 59)
3,349 A ful teneful text . to hem þat takeþ Mede [aaAx] (Du,
3,350 And þat is { Animam autem aufert accip(ientium) &c
} [Latin] ([{aaAx}] L, 101; cf. K-D, 217; CM, 101; Sk, 46)
3,351 And þat is þe tail of þe text . of þat þ(a)t she shewed
[aaXx] (cf. K-D, 201) ([abbAx] Sch, 369; Du, 66) ([aaAx]
t-liaison; Du, p.c.)(MS she > Sch ye)
3,352 That þeiӡ we wynne worship . and w(i)t(h) Mede haue
victorie [aaXa] ([aaAx] |w|w|u|; Schu, 70) ([aa(A)xx] K,
54; Du, 59; Ok, 2: 310)
3,353 The soule þat þe soude takeþ . by so muche is bounde
Passus quartus de visione vt sup(ra) ( PASSUS IV)
4,1 Cesseþ seiþ þe kyng . I suffre yow no lenger [aaAx] ([axAx]
Sa, 101)(MS seith > Sch seide)
4,2 Ye shul sauʒtne for soþe . and serue me boþe [aaAx]
4,3 Kis hire quod þe kyng . Conscience I hote [aaAx] (Sa,
101; Du, p.c.)
4,4 Nay by crist quod Conscience . congeye me er for eu(er)e
[aaAx] (Sa, 101; Du, p.c.)(MS for euere > Sch ra þe r)
4,5 But Reson rede me þerto . raþer wol I deye [aaAx] (Sa,
101) ([aabAb] Schu, 126)
4,6 And I comaunde þee quod þe kyng . to Conscience þanne
[aaAx] (Sa, 101)
4,7 Rape þee to ryde . and Reson þow fecche [aaAx](MS Reson > Sch
Reson þat )
4,8 Comaunde hym þ(a)t he come . my counseil to here [aaAx]
4,9 ffor he shal rule my Reaume . and rede me þe beste [aaAx]
4,11 And acounte wiþ þee Conscience . so me crist helpe [aaAx]
4,12 How þow lernest þe peple . þe lered and þe lewed [axAa]
(Sch, 507; Sa, 101; R, 451, 454; Sk2, lu; cf. K-D, 211; Ok,
2: 289)(MS þe (2) > Sch om.; MS þe (3) > Sch om.)
4,13 I am fayn of þat foreward . seide þe freke þanne [aaAx]
4,14 And ryt riӡt to Reson . and rouneþ in his ere [aaaAx]
(K-D, 85; Sa, 101; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
4,15 And seide as þe kyng bad . and siþen took his leue [axAx]
(Sa, 101)(MS seide > Sch seide hym; MS bad > Sch seide
4,16 I shal arraye me to ryde quod Reson . reste þee a while
[aaaAx] (Sa, 101; Ok, 2: 298)
4,17 And called Caton his knaue . curteis of speche [aaaAx]
(Sa, 101)
4,18 And also Tomme trewe tonge . tel me no tales [aaaAa]
(K, 61)
4,19 Ne lesynge to lauʒen of . for I loued hem neu(er)e [aaAx]
4,20 And set my Sadel vpon suffre . til I se my tyme [aaaAx]
(Sa, 102; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
4,21 And lat warroke hym wel . wiþ witty wordes gerþes [aaAx]
(K-D, 85; cf. Schu, 140, 182; Sa, 102) fol. 20r
4,22 And hange on hym þe heuy brydel . to holde his heed
lowe [aaAa] ([aaaAa] Sa, 102; R, 448; Sk2, lii)(MS And > Sch
4,23 ffor he wol make wehee . twies er he be þere [aaXx]
(K-D, 84; R, 455; Sk2, lix; cf. Sa. 102)
4,24 Thanne Conscience vpon his capul . carieþ forþ faste
[aaAx](MS carieth > Sch caireth)
4,25 And Reson wiþ hym ryt . rownynge togideres [aaAx]
4,26 Whiche Maistries Mede . makeþ on þis erþe [aaAx]
4,27 Oon Waryn Wisdom . and Witty his fere [aaAx] (K, 61)
4,28 ffolwed hym faste . for þei hadde to doone [aa(A)xx]
([aaXx] Sa, 102; Ok, 2: 282)(MS hym > Sch hem)
4,29 In the scheker and in þe Chauncerye . to ben descharged
of þynges [aaAx](MS þe scheker > Sch þe Cheker)
4,30 And riden faste for Reson sholde . rede hem þe beste
[axaAx] (K, 51; Sa, 102; Sk, 49)
4,31 ffor to saue hem for siluer . from shame and from harmes
[aaAx] (|s|s|sh|; R, 458; Sk2, lxii; Schu, 98; cf. Sa, 102)
4,32 And Conscience knew hem wel . þei loued coueitise [aaAx]
(K-D, 139; cf. Sa, 102)(MS And > Sch A[c])
4,33 And bad Reson ryde faste . and recche of hir neiþer
4,34 Ther are wiles in hire wordes . and w(i)t(h) Mede þei
dwelleþ [aa(A)xx] (CM, 35)
4,35 Ther as wraþe and wranglynge is . þer wynne þei siluer
4,36 Ac where is loue and leautee . þei wol noӡt come þere
[aaXx] (K-D, 181; Ok, 2: 290)(MS where > Sch þere)
4,36a { Contricio & infelicitas in viis eor(um) &c } [Latin](MS &c > Sch om.)
4,37 Thei ne yeueþ noӡt of god . one goose wynge [xaAx] (Schu,
203)(MS yeueth > Sch gyueth [aaAx])
4,37a { Non est timor dei ante oculos eor(um) &c } [Latin](MS &c > Sch
4,38 ffor woot god þei wolde do moore . for a doʒeyne chiknes
[xaAx] (Sch, 369)(MS woot god > Sch om.; MS chiknes > Sch
MS W Or as manye capon . or for a Seem of Otes [xxXx]
4,39 Than for þe loue of oure lord . or alle hise leeue Seintes
[aaAx](MS þe > Sch om.)
4,40 fforþi Reson lat hem ride . þo riche by hemselue [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 147)
4,41 ffor Conscience knoweþ hem noӡt . ne crist as I trowe
4,42 And þanne Reson rood faste . þe riӡte heiӡe gate [aaAx]
4,43 As Conscience hym kenned . til þei come to þe kynge
4,44 Curteisly þe kyng þanne . com ayeins Reson [aaAx] (K-D,
86; f. Schu, 206)
4,45 And bitwene hymself and his sone . sette hym on benche
4,46 And wordeden wel wisely . a gret while togideres [aaaAx] (K-D, 84; cf. Sa, 102) fol. 20v
4,47 And þanne com pees into p(ar)lement . and putte forþ a
bille [aaAx](MS forth > Sch up)
4,48 How Wrong ayeins his wille . hadde his wif taken [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206)
4,49 And how he rauysshede Rose . Reignaldes looue [aaAx](MS
looue > Sch loue)
4,50 And Margrete of hir maydenhede . maugree hire chekes
4,51 Boþe my gees and my grys . hise gadelynges feccheþ [aaAx]
4,52 I dar noӡt for fere of hem . fiʒte ne chide [aaAx] (K,
54; K-D, 135) ([xaAx] Sa, 102)(MS hem > Sch hym)
4,53 He borwed of me bayard . he brouʒte hym hom neu(er)e
[aaAx](MS he > Sch and)
4,54 Ne no ferþyng þ(er)fore . for ouʒt I koude plede [aa(A)xx]
([aaXx] Sa, 102)(MS ought > Sch nought)
4,55 He maynteneþ hise men . to murþere myne hewen [aaAx]
([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)
4,56 fforstalleþ my feires . and fiʒteþ in my Chepyng [aaAx]
4,57 And brekeþ vp my bernes dore . and bereþ awey my whete
[aaAx] ([aaxAx] Sa, 102)(MS dore >Sch dores)
4,58 And takeþ me but a taille . for ten quarters of Otes
[aaAx](MS of > Sch om.)
4,59 And yet he beteþ me þ(er)to . and lyþ by my mayde [axAx]
(Sa, 102; R, 454; Sk2, luiii; cf. K-D, 211; R-K, 90)
4,60 I am noӡt hardy for hym . vnneþe to loke [aaAx] (Sa,
102; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
4,61 The kyng knew he seide sooþ . for Conscience hym tolde
[aaxAx] (Sa, 102)
4,62 That Wrong was a wikked luft . and wroӡte muche sorwe
[aaAx](MS wroghte muche sorwe > Sch muche sorwe wroghte)
4,63 Wrong was afered þanne . and Wisdom he souӡte [axAx] (Sa,
4,64 To maken pees w(i)t(h) hise pens . and profred hym manye
4,65 And seide hadde I loue of my lord þe kyng, . litel wolde
I recche [aaAx] ([aaxAx] Sa, 102)
4,66 Theiӡpees and his power . pleyned hym euere [aaAx](MS
hym > Sch hem)
4,67 Tho wente Wisdom . and Sire Waryn þe Witty [aaAa] (K,
61; cf. Ok, 2: 309)(MS wente > Sch wan)
4,68 ffor þ(a)t Wrong hadde ywroӡt . so wikked a dede [aaAx]
4,69 And warnede Wrong þo . w(i)t(h) swich a wis tale [aaAx]
4,70 Whoso wercheþ by wille . wraþe makeþ ofte [aaAx] (Sa,
102) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)
4,71 I seye it by my self . þow shalt it wel fynde [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 102)(MS myself > Sch thyself)
4,72 But if Mede it make . þi meschief is vppe [aaAx]
4,73 ffor boþe þi lif and þi lond . lyþ in his grace [aaAx]
4,74 Thanne wowede Wrong . Wisdom ful yerne [aaAx]
4,75 To maken pees wiþ his pens . handy dandy payed [aaXa] (Sch, 369; cf. Sa, 102)(MS maken > Sch maken his) fol. 21r
4,76 Wisdom and Wit þanne . wenten togidres [aaAx] (Ok, 2:
4,77 And token Mede myd hem . mercy to wynne [aaAx] (K-D,
134-5; cf. Sa, 102)
4,78 Pees putte forþ his heed . and his panne blody [aaxAx]
(Sa, 102)
4,79 Wiþouten gilt god it woot . gat I þis scaþe [aaAx] ([aaxAx]
Sa, 102)
4,80 Conscience and þe co(m)mune . knowen þe soþe [aaAx](MS
knowen > Sch knowen wel)
4,81 Ac Wisdom and Wit . were aboute faste [aa(A)xx] (K, 54;
Ok, 2: 311)
4,82 To ou(er)comen þe kyng . wiþ catel if þei myӡte [aaAx]
(Sa, 102)
4,83 The kyng swor by crist . and by his crowne boþe [aaAx]
([axaAx] Sa, 102)
4,84 That Wrong for hise werkes . sholde wo þolie [aaAx]
4,85 And comaundede a Constable . to casten hym in Irens
4,86 And lete hym noӡt þise seuen yer . seen his feet ones
[xaAx] (Sch, 369; K-D, 82)(MS lete > Sch [suffre] [aaAx])
4,87 God woot quod Wisdom . þat were noӡt þe beste [aa(A)xx]
([xaaAx] Sa, 102)
4,88 And he amendes mowe make . lat maynprise hym haue [aaaAx]
(K, 57) ([aaAx] Sa, 102) ([aaaAa] R, 448, 451)
4,89 And be borӡ for his bale . and buggen hym boote [aaAa]
(K, 57; Sk2, lii, lu) ([aaAx] Sa, 102)
4,90 And so amenden þat is mysdo . and eu(er)emoore þe bettre
4,91 Wit acorded þ(er)wiþ . and seide þe same [aaBb] (cf. K-D,
205, 211; Sch, 369; Sa, 102; cf. R, 456; Sk2, lx)(MS seide > Sch
[ wiþ ]seide [aaAx])
4,92 Bettre is þ<a>t boote . bale adoun brynge [aaAa]
(K, 57; Sa, 102; R, 451; Sk2, lx; Ok, 2: 268)
4,93 Than bale be ybet . and boote neuer þe bettre [aaAa]
(K, 57; Sa, 102; R, 451; Sk2, lu; Ok, 2: 267)
4,94 And þanne gan Mede to mengen hire . and m(er)cy she bisouӡte
[aaAx](MSAnd > Sch om.; MS mengen > Sch meken)
4,95 And p(ro)frede Pees a p(re)sent . al of pure golde [aaaAx]
(K-D, 85; K, 57; Sa, 102; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
4,96 Haue þis man of me quod she . to amenden þi scaþe [aaAx]
([axAx] cf. Sa, 102)
4,97 ffor I wol wage for Wrong . he wol do so na moore [aaAx]
(K, 57; Sa, 102)
4,98 Pitously Pees þanne . preyde to þe kynge [aaAx]
4,99 To haue mercy on þat man . þat mysdide hym so ofte [aaAx](MS
so > Sch om.)
4,100 ffor he hath waged me wel . as Wisdom hym tauӡte [aaAx]
4,101 And I forgyue hym þat gilt . wiþ a good wille [aaAx]
(Schu, 203) fol. 21v
4,102 So þ(a)t þe kyng assente . I kan seye no bettre [aaAx]
(K-D, 87; Sa, 102)
4,103 ffor Mede haþ me amendes maad . I may na moore axe
[aaaAx] (Sa, 102) ([aaaAa] R, 448, 451; Sk2, lii, lu) (MS
me amendes maad > Sch maad myne amendes)
4,104 Nay quod þe kyng þo . so me crist helpe [xaAx] (cf. Schu,
130, 182; Sa, 102) ([aaAx] cf. R, 446)
4,105 Wrong wendeþ noӡt so awey . erst wole I wite moore.
[aaaAx] (R, 448; Sk2, lii) ([aaAx] Sa, 102)(MS erst wole > Sch
er; MS moore > Sch more)
4,106 ffor lope he so liʒtly . lauӡen he wolde [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 80; Sa, 102; Ok, 2: 289)(MS For > Sch om.)
4,107 And eft þe bolder(e) be . to bete myne hewen [aaAx]
(Sa, 102)
4,108 But Reson haue ruþe on hym . he shal reste in my stokkes
4,109 And þat as longe as he lyueþ . but lowenesse hym borwe
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 81)(MS And þat > Sch om.; he lyueth > Sch
[I lyue])
4,110 Som men radde Reson þo . to haue ruþe on þat shrewe [aaAx]
4,111 And for to counseille þe kyng . and Conscience after
[aaAx] (K-D, 86)
4,112 That Mede moste be maynp(er)no(ur) . Reson þei bisouӡte
[aaaXx] (CM, 32; R, 448, 455; Sk2, lii, lix) ([aaXx] Sa,
4,113 Reed me noӡt quod Reson . no ruþe to haue [aaAx] (cf.
CM, 78)
4,114 Til lordes and ladies . louen alle truþe [aaAx] (cf.
CM, 78; Ok, 2: 291)
4,115 And haten alle harlotrie . to heren or to mouþen it
[aaaAx] (cf. CM, 78; Sa, 102)(MS heren > Sch heren it)
4,116 Til p(er)nelles p(ur)fill . be put in hire hucche [aaAx]
4,117 And childrene cherissynge . be chastynge wiþ yerdes
4,118 And harlottes holynesse . be holden for an hyne [aaAa]
(Sa, 102; R, 451; Sk2, lu)
4,119 Til clerkene coueitise be . to cloþe þe pou(er)e and
fede [aaAx] (cf. CM, 140)
4,120 And Religiouse Romeris . { Recordare } in hir cloistres
4,121 As Seynt Beneyt hem bad . Bernard and ffraunceis [aaAx]
4,122 And til p(re)chours p(re)chynge . be preued on hemselue
4,123 Til þe kynges counseil . be þe co(m)mune p(ro)fit [aaAx]
4,124 Til Bisshopes Bayardes . ben beggeris Chaumbres [aaAx]
4,125 Hire haukes and hire houndes . help to pou(er)e Religious
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 286)
4,126 And til Seint Iames be souӡt . þ(er)e I shal assigne
[aaAa] (Sa, 102)
4,127 That no man go to Galis . but if he go for euere [aaAx]
([xaaAx] Sa, 102)
4,128 And alle Rome renneres . for Robberes biyonde [aaAx](MS
robberes > Sch robberes of) fol. 22r
4,129 Bere no siluer ouer see . þat signe of kyng sheweþ
[aaAa] ([aaAxa] Sa, 102)
4,130 Neiþ(er) g(ra)ue ne vng(ra)ue . gold nei þ(er) siluer
[aaAx] (cf. Sa, 102)
4,131 Vpon forfeture of þat fee . whoso fynt it at Douere
4,132 But if it be Marchaunt or his man . or Messager wiþ
l<ett>res [aaAx]
4,133 Prouysour or preest . or penaunt for hise synnes [aaAx]
4,134 And yet quod Reson by þe Rode . I shal no ruþe haue [aaAx]
4,135 While Mede hath þe maistrie . in þis moot halle [aaAx]
4,136 Ac I may shewe ensamples . as I se outherwhile [aaAx]
(|sh|-s|s|; R, 458; Sk2, lxii; cf. K-D, 80)(MS outherwhile > Sch
ou þer)
4,137 I seye it by myself quod he . and it so were [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)
4,138 That I were kyng w(i)t(h) coroune . to kepen a Reaume
4,139 Sholde neu(er)e wrong in þis world . þ(a)t I wite myӡte
4,140 Ben vnpunysshed in my power . for p(er)il of my soule
4,141 Ne gete my g(ra)ce for giftes . so me god saue [aaaAx]
(Sa, 102; R, 448; Sk2, lii; cf. Schu, 202, 204)(MS for > Sch
4,142 Ne for no Mede haue m(er)cy . but mekenesse it make
[aaAa] (Sa, 102; R, 451)(MS make > Sch made)
4,143 ffor { Nullum malum } . þe man . mette wiþ { inpunitum
} [{a}aA{x}] (Sa, 102; CM, 97, 99; cf. Sk, 54)
4,144 And bad { Nullum bonum } . be { irremuneratum } [a{a}A{x}]
(Sa, 102; CM, 99)
4,145 Lat youre Confesso(ur) sire kyng . construe þis vnglosed
[aaAx](MS Lat > Sch Late; MS youre > Sch thi: MS unglosed > Sch
[on] Englissh)
4,146 And if ye werchen it in werk . I wedde myne eris [aaAx]
4,147 That lawe shal ben a laborer . and lede afeld donge
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 289)
4,148 And loue shal lede þi lond . as þe leef likeþ [aaaAa]
(Sa, 102; R, 448, 451; Sk2, lii, lu)
4,149 Clerkes þat were Confesso(ur)s . coupled hem togideres
4,150 Al to construe þis clause . and for þe kynges p(ro)fit
[aaAx] (cf. Sa, 102)
4,151 Ac noӡt for confort of þe co(m)mune . ne for þe kynges
soule [aaAx]
4,152 ffor I seiʒ Mede in þe moot halle . on men of lawe
wynke [aaAx]
4,153 And þei lauʒynge lope to hire . and lefte Reson manye
[aaAx] (K-D, 138)
4,154 Waryn wisdom . wynked vpon Mede [aaAx] (K, 61)
4,155 And seide madame I am your(e) man . what so my mouþ
Iangle [aaAx](MS Iangle > Sch Iangleth)
4,156 I falle in floryns quod þat freke . and faile speche
ofte [aaaAx]
4,157 Alle riʒtfulle recordede . þ(a)t Reson truþe tolde
[aaAx](MS recordede > Sch recorded)
4,158 And wit acorded þ(er) wiþ . and comendede hise wordes
[xaAx] (cf. K-D, 181)(MS And > Sch [Kynde] [aaAx]) fol.
4,159 And þe mooste peple in þe halle . and manye of þe grete
4,160 And leten mekenesse a maister . and Mede a mansed sherewe
[aaAa] (R, 451; Sa, 102)
4,161 Loue leet of hire liӡt . and leaute yet lasse [aaaAa]
(cf. Sa, 102) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii, lu)
4,162 And seiden it so heiӡe . þat al þe halle it herde [xaAa]
(K-D, 87; cf. Sa, 102)(MS seiden > Sch seide)
4,163 Whoso wilneþ hire to wif . for welþe of hire goodes
4,164 But he be knowe for a Cokewold . kut of my nose [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 102)
4,165 Mede mornede þo . and made heuy chere [aaAx]
4,166 ffor þe mooste co(m)mune of þat court . called hire
an hore [aaAx]
4,167 Ac a Sisour and a Somono(ur) . sued hire faste [aaAx]
4,168 And a Sherreues clerk . bisherewed al þe route [axAx]
(K-D, 173; Schu, 99)
4,169 ffor ofte haue I quod he . holpen yow at þe barre [aaAx]
4,170 And yet yeue ye me neu(er)e . þe worþ of a risshe [aaXx]
(cf. Schu, 204, 205)
4,171 þe kyng callede Conscience . and afterward Reson [aaaXx]
(K-D, 138; R, 448; Sk2, lii)
4,172 And recordede þ(a)t Reson . hadde riʒtfully shewed
4,173 And modiliche vpon Mede . wiþ myʒt þe kyng loked [aaAx]
4,174 And gan wexe wroþ w(i)t(h) lawe . for Mede almoost
hadde shent it [aaBb] (K, 59)
4,175 And seide þoruʒ lawe as I leue . I lese manye eschetes
[aaAx](MS Thorugh > Sch Thorugh youre; MS chetes > Sch
4,176 Mede ouermaistreþ lawe . and muche truþe letteþ [aabAb]
(K, 60; CM, 63)
4,177 Ac Reson shal rekene wiþ yow . if I regne any while
4,178 And deme yow bi þis day . as ye han deserued [aaAx]
(K-D, 139)
4,179 Mede shal noӡt maynprise yow . by þe marie of heuene
4,180 I wole haue leaute in lawe . and lete be al youre ianglyng
[aaAx](MS lawe > Sch law)
4,181 And as moost folk witnesseþ wel . wrong shal be demed
4,182 Quod Conscience to þe kyng . but þe co(m)mune wole assente
4,183 It is ful hard by myn heed . hertoo to brynge it [aaAx]
(Sa, 102)(MS hertoo > Sch herto)
4,184 Alle youre lige leodes . to lede þus euene [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 78)(MS Alle > Sch [And] alle)
4,185 By hym þat rauʒte on þe Rode . quod Reson to þe kynge
4,186 But if I rule þus youre Reaume . rende out my guttes
[aaAx] (cf. Sa, 102)
4,187 If ye bidden buxomnesse . be of myn assent [aaAx] (cf. Sa, 102)(MS assent > Sch assente) fol. 23r
4,188 And I assente seiþ þe kyng . by Seinte Marie my lady
[aaAx] (cf. Sa, 102) ([ax(A)xx] CM, 37)
4,189 By my counseil co(m)mune . of clerkes and of Erles
[aaAx](MS By > Sch Be; MS commun > Sch comen)
4,190 Ac redily Reson . þow shalt noӡt ride fro me [aaAx]
(cf. Sa, 102)(MS hennes > Sch fro me)
4,191 ffor as longe as I lyue . lete þee I nelle [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 291)
4,192 I am al redy quod Reson . to reste wiþ yow eu(er)e [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)(MS al redey > Sch aredy)
4,193 So Conscience be of oure counceil . I kepe no bettre
4,194 And I graunte quod þe kyng . goddes forbode ellis [aaAx]
(|g|k|g|) ([axAx] K-D, 205; cf. Sa, 102)(MS ellis > Sch
he faile)
4,195 Als longe as oure lyf lasteþ . lyue we togideres [aaaAx]
(Ok, 2: 291; cf. Sa, 102)
Passus quintus de visione vt sup(ra) (PASSUS V)
5,1 The kyng and hise knyʒtes . to þe kirke wente [aaAx] (Bn,
228; Ok, 2: 274; cf. R, 445)
5,2 To here matyns of þe day . and þe masse after [xaAx]
(K-D, 88; cf. Sa, 102)
5,3 Thanne waked I of my wynkyng . and wo was w(i)t(h) alle
[aaAx] (Sa, 102)
5,4 That I ne hadde slept sadder . and yseiʒen moore [aaAx]
5,5 Ac er I hadde faren a furlong . feyntise me hente [aaAx]
5,6 That I ne myӡte ferþer a foot . for defaute of slepynge
5,7 And sat softely adoun . and seide my bileue [aaAx]
5,8 And so I bablede on my bedes . þei brouʒte me aslepe
5,9 And þanne sauӡ I muche moore . þan I bifore of tolde
[aaXx] (K-D, 205, 211; R, 455; Sk2, lix) (cf. [xaaX] Sa,
102) ([abbAx] Sch, 370)(MS of > Sch om.)
5,10 ffor I seiӡ þe feld ful of folk . þat I bifore of seide
[xaaAx] (Sa, 102) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)
5,11 And how Reson gan arayen hym . al þe Reaume to p(re)che
5,12 And wiþ a cros afore þe kyng . comsede þus to techen
5,13 He preued þ(a)t þise pestilences . were for pure synne
[aaAx](MS were > Sch was)
5,14 And þe southwestrene wynd . on Saterday at euen [axAx]
(Sa, 102; CM, 33; K-D, 211) ([aaXx] |w|w|; R, 455) (MS westrene > Sch
5,15 Was pertliche for pure pride . and for no point ellis
[aaaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS pure > Sch om.)
5,16 Pyries and plumtrees . were puffed to þe erþe [aaAx]
5,17 In ensample þ(a)t ye segges . sholden do þe bettre [aaAx]
(|-s|s|sh|; R, 458; Sk2, lxii)(MS þ-at ye segges > Sch
segges þat ye)
5,18 Beches and brode okes . were blowen to þe grounde [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 102)
5,19 Turned vpward hire tailes . in tokenynge of drede [aaAx](MS
Turned > Sch And turned; MS hire tailes > Sch here
tail) fol. 23v
5,20 That dedly synne er domesday . shal fordoon hem alle
[aaAx] ([axaAx] Sa, 102) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, lii)
5,21 Of þis matere I myӡte . mamelen ful longe [aaAx]
5,22 Ac I shal seye as I sauӡ . so me god helpe [aa(A)xx]
([aaAx] Sa, 102)
5,23 How pertly afore þe peple . Reson bigan to p(re)che
[aaXa] (cf. K-D, 173)(MS Reson bigan to preche > Sch [to]
preche gan Reson [aaAx])
5,24 He bad Wastour go werche . what he best kouþe [aaAx] (|w|w|wh|;
Schu, 76) ([aaXx] Sa, 102)
5,25 And wynnen his wastyng . wiþ som maner crafte [aa(A)xx]
([aaXx] Sa, 102)
5,26 He preide Pernele . hir purfil to lete [aaAx] (cf. K-D,
78)(MS He > Sch And; MS lete > Sch le[u]e)
5,27 And kepe it in hire cofre . for catel at hire nede [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 273)
5,28 Tomme Stowue he tauʒte . to take two staues [abaAb] (CM,
63) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu; cf. Sa, 102)
5,29 And fecche ffelice hom . fro þe wyuen pyne [aaAx] (|f|f|w|;
Schu, 140; R, 444, 458; Sk2, lxii) ([aaXx] Sa, 102)(MS þe
wyuen > Sch wyuene)
5,30 He warnede Watte . his wif was to blame [aaAx] ([aaAa]
R, 451; Sk2, lu)
5,31 ffor hire heed was worþ half marc . & his hood noӡt
worþ a grote [aaAx] (cf. Sa, 102)(MS For > Sch þat )
5,32 And bad Bette kutte . a bouʒ ouþer tweye [aaAx](MS And > Sch
5,33 And bete Beton þ(er)w(i)t(h) . but if she wolde werche
[aa(A)xx] (K, 55)
5,34 And þanne he chargede chapmen . to chastiʒen hir children
[aaAa] (cf. K-D, 80, 217; Sa, 102; R, 451; Sk2, lu) (MS And
thanne > Sch om.; MS chastiyen > Sch chasten)
5,35 Late no wynnyng hem forwanye . while þei be yonge [aaAx]
(Sa, 102)(MS hem forwanye > Sch forwanye hem)
5,36 Ne for no poustee of pestilence . plese hem noӡt out
of reson [aaAx]
5,37 My sire seide so to me . and so dide my dame [aaAx]
(K-D, 148)
5,38 That þe leuer(e) child . þe moore loore bihoueþ [axAx]
(cf. K-D, 197-98)
5,39 And Salomon seide þe same . þat Sapience made [aaAx]
5,39a {Qui parcit virge odit filium } [Latin]
MS W The englissh of þis latyn is . whoso wole it knowe [xxXx
5,40 Whoso spareþ þe spryng . spilleþ hise children [aaAx]
5,41 And siþen he p(re)chede p(re)lates . and preestes togideres
[aaAx](MS prechede > Sch preide)
5,42 That ye p(re)chen to þe peple . p(re)ue it on yowselue
5,43 And dooþ it in dede . it shal drawe yow to goode [aaAx]
fol. 24r
5,44 If ye leuen as ye leren vs . we shul leue yow þe bettre
5,45 And siþen he radde Religion . hir rule to holde [aaAx]
5,46 Lest þe kyng and his conseil . your(e) comunes apeire
5,47 And be Stywardes of your(e) stedes . til ye be ruled
bettre [aaXx] (K-D, 82)(MS ruled > Sch [stew]ed [aaAx])
5,48 And siþen he counseiled þe kyng . his co(m)mune to louye
5,49 It is þi trewe tresor . and tryacle at þy nede [aaAx](MS
trew > Sch om.; MS tresor > Sch tresor if treson ne
5,50 And siþen he preide þe pope . haue pite on holy chirche
5,51 And er he gyue any g(ra)ce . gou(er)ne first hymselue
[aaAx] (Schu, 203; K, 43)
5,52 And ye þ(a)t han lawes to kepe . lat truþe be your(e)
coueitise [abAb] (K-D, 195; cf. CM, 140)
5,53 Moore þan gold ouþ(er) giftes . if ye wol god plese
[aaAx] (Schu, 204)(MS golde > Sch golde or)
5,54 ffor whoso contr(ar)ieþ truþe . he telleþ in þe gospel
[aaAx] (|-tr|tr|t|; K-D, 134; CM, 54)
MS W That god knoweþ hym noӡt . ne no Seynt of heuene [xxXx]
5,55 { Amen dico vobis nescio vos } [Latin]
5,56 And ye þat seke Seynt Iames . and Seyntes of Rome [aaAx]
([axAx] Sa, 102)
5,57 Sekeþ Seynt Truþe . for he may saue yow alle [aaAx]
([axAx] Sa, 102)
5,58 { Qui cum Patre & filio } . þat faire hem bifalle
[{xa}Aa] (Sa, 102; CM, 68, 101; R, 451, 453; Sk2, lu, luii)
5,59 That seweþ my sermon . and þus seyde Reson [aaAx] (cf.
R-K, 95)
5,60 Thanne ran Repentaunce . and reherced his teme [aaAx]
5,61 And garte Wille to wepe . water wiþ hise eiʒen [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 309) ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)(MS garte > Sch
5,62 Pernele proud herte . platte hire to þe erþe [aabAb] ([aaxAx]
Sa, 102)
5,63 And lay longe er she loked . and lord m(er)cy cryde
[aaaAx] (Sa, 102; cf. R-K, 95)
5,64 And bihiӡte to hym . þat vs alle made [aaAx] (R, 457;
Sk2, lxi; Sa, 102)
5,65 She sholde vnsowen hir serk . and sette þ(er)e an heyre
5,66 To affaiten hire flessh . þat fiers was to synne [aaAx]
5,67 Shal neu(er)e heiӡ herte me hente . but holde I wole
me lowe [aaaAx] (Sa, 102; cf. K-D, 217)(MS wole > Sch
5,68 And suffre to be mysseyd . and so dide I neu(er)e [aaAx]
(Sa, 102) fol. 24v
5,69 But now I wole meke me . and m(er)cy biseche [aaAx]
([xaAx] Sa, 102)(MS I wole > Sch wole I)
5,70 ffor al þat I haue . hated in myn herte [aaAa] (cf.
K-D, 78; Sa, 102)
5,71 Thanne lechour seide allas . and on oure lady he cryde
5,72 To maken m(er)cy for hise mysdedes . bitwene god and
his soule [aaaXx] (K-D, 138; Sa, 102)
5,73 Wiþ þat he sholde þe Saterday . seuen yer þer after
[aaAx] (|sh|s|s|; R, 458; Sk2, lxii; K-D, 132; Sa, 102)
5,74 Drynke but myd þe doke . and dyne but ones [aaAx]
5,75 Enuye wiþ heuy herte . asked after shrifte [aaaAx] (Sa,
102; R, 457; Sk2, lxi) ([aaAx] |e|he|a|; L, 103)
5,76 And carefully {mea culpa} . he comsed to shewe [a{a}Ax]
(K-D, 85; cf. Schu, 130, 182; Sa, 102)(MS shewe > Sch
5,77 He was as pale as a pelet . in þe palsy he semed [aaAx]
5,78 And cloþed in a kaurymaury . I kouþe it nouӡt discryue
[aaAx] (Sa, 102)
5,79 In kirtel and Courtepy . and a knyf by his syde [aaAx](MS
In > Sch In a)
5,80 Of a ffreres frokke . were þe foresleues [aaAx]
5,81 And as a leek þat hadde yleye . longe in þe sonne [aaAx]
5,82 So loked he wiþ lene chekes . lourynge foule [aaAx]
([aaxAx] Sa, 102)
5,83 His body was to bollen for wraþe . þ(a)t he boot hise
lippes [aaxAx] (Sa, 102)
5,84 And wryngyede he yede w(i)t(h) þe fust . to wreke hymself
he þouӡte [axAx] (cf. Sa, 102)(MS he yede > Sch om.)
5,85 With werkes or wiþ wordes . whan he seyӡe his tyme [aaXx]
(Sa, 102; K-D, 135; Ok, 2: 312) ([aaAx] |w|w|wh|; Schu, 76)
5,86 Ech a word þat he warp . was of a neddres tonge [aaXx]
(K-D, 135; K, 43; Ok, 2: 308)
5,87 Of chidynge and of chalangynge . was his chief liflode
5,88 Wiþ bakbitynge and bismer(e) . and berynge of fals witnesse
[aaAx] ([aaaAx])
5,90 I wolde ben yshryue quod þis sherewe . and I for shame
dorste [aaAx] (Schu, 99)
5,91 I wolde be gladder by god . þ(a)t Gybbe hadde meschaunce
5,92 Than þouӡI hadde þis wouke ywonne . a weye of Essex
chese [aaAx]
5,93 I haue a neʒebore by me . I haue anoyed hym ofte [aaAx](MS
by > Sch neigh)
5,94 And lowen on hym to lordes . to doon hym lese his siluer
5,95 And maad his frendes be his foon . þoruӡmy false tonge
[aaAx] (K-D, 84)
5,96 His g(ra)ce and his goode happes . greuen me ful soore
[aaAx] (K-D, 87) ([aaxAx] Sa, 102)
5,97 Bitwene manye and manye . I make debate ofte [aaAx] (cf.
Sa, 102) fol. 25r
5,98 That boþe lif and lyme . is lost þoruʒ my speche [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 290)
5,99 And whan I mete hym in Market . þat I moost hate [aaAx]
5,100 I hailse hym hendely . as I his frend were [aaXx] (Sa,
102; Ok, 2: 285) ([aaaXx] R, 448, 457; Sk2, liii, lxi)
5,101 ffor he is douӡtier þan I . I dar do noon ooþ(er) [axAx]
(K-D, 87; R, 454; Sk2, luiii; cf. Sa, 102)
5,102 Ac hadde I maistrie and myӡt .god woot my wille [aaBb]
(Ok, 2: 293)
5,103 And whan I come to þe kirk . and sholde knele to þe Roode
[aaAx] (K, 43; cf. R, 445)
5,104 And preye for þe peple . as þe preest techeþ [aaAx]
5,105 ffor Pilgrymes and for Palm(er)es . for al þe peple
after [aaAx]
5,106 Thanne I crye on my knees . þ(a)t crist ʒyue hem sorwe
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)
5,107 That beren awey my bolle . and my broke shete [aaAx](MS
beren > Sch baren)
5,108 Awey fro þe Auter þanne . turne I myne eiʒen [aaXa] (CM,
42) ([xaXa] L, 103)
5,109 And biholde Eleyne . haþ a newe cote [aaAx] (L, 104,
105, 107)(MS biholde > Sch biholde how)
5,110 I wisshe þanne it were myn . and al þe web after [aaAx]
5,111 And of mennes lesynge I lauӡe . þat likeþ myn herte [aaAx](MS
mennes > Sch his)
5,112 And for hir wynnynge I wepe . and waille þe tyme [aaAx]
(K-D, 85; Ok, 2: 309)(MS his > Sch hir)
5,113 And deme þ(a)t þei doon ille . þ(er)e I do wel werse
[aaAx] (K-D, 87)(MS deme > Sch deme men)
5,114 Whoso vndernymeþ me herof . I hate hym dedly after
5,115 I wolde þ(a)t ech a wight . were my knaue [aaAx] ([axaAx]
K, 52)
5,116 ffor whoso haþ moore þan I . þat angreþ me soore [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)
5,117 And þus I lyue louelees . lik a luþer dogge [aaAx]
(CM, 70) ([aaaAa] R, 448, 451; Sk2, liii, lu)
5,118 That al my body bolneþ . for bitter of my galle [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)
5,119 I myӡte noӡt ete many yeres . as a man ouӡte [aaAx]
5,120 ffor enuye and yuel wil . is yuel to defie [aaAx] (L,
103, 104)
5,121 May no sugre ne swete þyng . aswage my swellyng [aaAa]
5,122 Ne no Diapenidion . dryue it fro myn herte [aaAx] (|d|-d|d|;
K-D, 133; CM, 55)
5,123 Ne neiþ(er) shrifte ne shame . but whoso shrape my
mawe [aaAx]
5,124 Ӡis redily quod Repentaunce . and radde hym to þe beste
[aaAx] (K-D, 87)
5,125 Sorwe of synnes . is sauacion of soules [aaAa]
5,126 I am sory quod þat segge . I am but selde ooþer [aaAx](MS
am > Sch sm euere; MS þat segge > Sch [Enuye] [aa(A)xx]
fol. 25v
5,127 And þat makeþ me þus megre . for I ne may me venge.
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79; Ok, 2: 292) ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, liii)
5,128 Amonges Burgeises haue I be . dwellyng at Londou(n) [aaXx]
(cf. K-D, 125, 195; Sch, 370; R-K, 90)(MS Burgeises > Sch
burgeis; MS dwellyng > Sch [bigg]yng [aaAx])
5,129 And gart bakbityng be a brocour . to blame mennes ware
5,130 Whan he solde and I nouʒt . þanne was I redy [aaAx]
(K-D, 135)(MS redy > Sch aredy)
5,131 To lye and to loure on my neʒebore . and to lakke his
chaffare [aaxAx]
5,132 I wole amende þis if I may . þoruʒ myӡt of god almyӡty
5,133 Now awakeþ Wraþe . wiþ two white eiӡen [aaAx] (|-w|wr|wh|;
Schu, 77)
5,134 And neuelynge wiþ þe nose . and his nekke hangyng [aaAx]
5,135 I am Wraþe quod he . I was som tyme a frere [ax(A)xx]
5,136 And þe Couentes Gardyner . for to graffen Impes [aaAx]
(|c|g|g|; Sch, 370; Schu, 130) ([xaAx] cf. K-D, 211)
5,137 On lymitours and listres . lesynges I ymped [aaAx]
5,138 Til þei beere leues of lowe speche . lordes to plese
5,139 And siþen þei blosmede abrood . in boure to here shriftes
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 147)
5,140 And now is fallen þ(er)of a fruyt . þ(a)t folk han
wel leuere [aaAx]
5,141 Shewen hire shriftes to hem . þan shryue hem to hir
p(er)sons [aaAx] (Schu, 99)
5,142 And now p(er)sons han p(ar)ceyued . þ(a)t freres parte
wiþ hem [aaAx]
5,143 Thise possessioners p(re)che . and depraue freres [aaAx]
5,144 And freres fyndeþ hem in defaute . as folk bereþ witnesse
5,145 That whan þei p(re)che þe peple . in many places aboute
5,146 I Wraþe walke wiþ hem . and wisse hem of my bokes [aaAx]
5,147 Thus þei speken of my spiritualte . þ(a)t eiþer despiseþ
ooþ(er) [aaAx](MS my > Sch om.)
5,148 Til þei be boþe beggers . and by my sp(irit)ualte libben
[aaXx] (K-D, 135)
5,149 Or ellis al riche . and ryden aboute [xaAx](MS aboute > Sch
I Wra þe reste neuere [aaAx])
5,149 I Wraþe reste neu(er)e . þ(a)t I ne moste folwe [aaXx](MS
I Wra þe reste neuere > Sch om.)
5,150 This wikked folk . for swich is my g(ra)ce [xa(A)xx](MS
þis > Sch þat I ne moste folwe þis [aa(A)xx])
5,151 I haue an Aunte to Nonne . and an Abbesse boþe [aaAx]
(n-liaison|n|; Schu, 59; K, 61; L, 102)(MS bo þe > om.)
5,152 Hir hadde leu(er)e swowe or swelte . þan suffre any
peyne [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 305)(MS hadde > Sch were)
5,153 I haue be cook in hir kichene . and þe Couent s(er)ued
[aaAx] fol. 26r
5,154 Manye monþes wiþ hem . and wiþ monkes boþe [aaAx]
5,155 I was þe Prioresse potager . and oþ(er) pou(er)e ladies
5,156 And maad hem Ioutes of Ianglyng . þ(a)t Dame Iohane
was a bastard [aaAx](MS Iohane > Sch Ione)
5,157 And Dame Clarice a knyӡtes douӡter . ac a cokewold
was hir sire [aaAx]
5,158 And Dame Pernele a preestes fyle . Prioresse worþ she
neu(er)e [aaAx]
5,159 ffor she hadde child in chirietyme, . al oure Chapitre
it wiste [aaAx]
5,160 Of wikkede wordes . I Wraþe hire wortes made [aaAa] (cf.
Sk, 65)
5,161 Til þow lixt and þow lixt . lopen out at ones [aaAx]
5,162 And eiþ(er) hite ooþer . vnder þe cheke [aaaAx] (K,
58) ([aaAx] |hi|oo|u|; L, 104, 106, 108, 110)(MS hite > Sch
5,163 Hadde þei had knyues by crist . hir eiþ(er) hadde kild
ooþer [aaAx]
5,164 Seint Gregory was a good pope . and hadde a good forwit
5,165 That no Prioresse were preest . for þat he ordeyned
[aaXx] (K-D, 197; Sch, 370)(MS ordeyned > Sch [purueiede]
5,166 They hadde þanne ben { Infamis } þe firste day . þei
kan so yuele hele co (cropped) [{a}aAx] (|-f|f|-u|; CM, 98)
(MS þe y > Sch þe i; MS co > Sch sounseil)
5,167 Among Monkes I myӡte be . ac many tyme I shonye it
[aaAx](MS many > Sch manye; MS shonye > Sch shonye
5,168 ffor þ(er)e ben manye felle frekes . my feeris to aspie
5,169 Boþe Priour and Suppriour . and oure { Pater Abbas
} [aa{Ax}] (|p|-pp|p|)
5,170 And if I telle any tales . þei taken hem togideres
5,171 And doon me faste frydayes . to breed and to watre
[aaaXx] (Sch, 368, 370; cf. K-D, 112, 206; R-K, 92)(MS faste > Sch
faste [faste] [aaaXx])
5,172 And am chalanged in þe Chapitrehous . as I a child
were [aaAx](MS am > Sch yet am I)
5,173 And baleised on þe bare ers . and no brech bitwene
5,174 fforþi haue I no likyng . wiþ þo leodes to wonye [xaAx]
(K-D, 93; Sch, 370)(MS haue I no likyng > Sch no likiyg
haue I [axAx])
5,175 I ete þ(er)e vnþende fissh . and feble ale drynke [abbBa]
5,176 Ac ouþ(er) while whan wyn comeþ . þanne I drynke wyn
at eue [aaAa](MS thanne > Sch [and whan]; MS wyn > Sch
5,177 And haue a flux of a foul mouþ . wel fyue dayes after
[aaAx](MS And > Sch I)
5,178 Al þe wikkednesse þ(a)t I woot . by any of oure breþ(er)en
5,179 I couþe it in oure Cloistre . þ(a)t al oure Couent
woot it [aaAx] (Sch, 370)(MS cou þe > Sch cou[gh]e; MS
þe > Sch oure)
5,180 Now repente þee quod Repentaunce . and reherce þow neu(er)e
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
5,181 Counseil þat þow knowest, . by contenaunce ne by riӡt
[aaAx](MS right > Sch speche)
5,182 And drynk nat ouer delicatly . ne to depe neiþer [aaAx]
5,183 That þi wille by cause þ(er)of . to wraþe myӡte turne
[axAx] (K-D, 93; Ok, 2: 311) fol. 26v
5,184 { Esto sobrius } he seide . and assoiled me after [{a}aAx]
5,185 And bad me wilne to wepe . my wikkednesse to amende
5,186 And þanne cam Coueitise . kan I hym naʒt discryue [aaAx](MS
kan I > Sch I kan)
5,187 So hungrily and holwe . sire heruy hym loked [aaAx]
5,188 He was bitelbrowed . and baberlipped also [aaAx](MS
also > Sch wiþ two blered eighen)
5,188 Wiþ two blered eiӡen . as a blynd hagge [abAb](MS as
a blind hagge > Sch om.)
5,189 And as a leþeren purs . lolled hise chekes [axAx] (K-D,
5,190 Wel sidder þan his chyn . þei chyueled for elde [aaAx]
(|s|ch|ch|; K-D, 132; Sch, 370)
5,191 And as a bondeman of his bacon . his berd was bidraueled
5,192 Wiþ an hood on his heed . a lousy hat aboue [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217; Ok, 2: 287)
5,193 And in a tawny tabard . of twelf wynter age [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80, 81)(MS tauny > Sch [torn])
MS W Al totorn and baudy . and ful of lys crepyng [xxXx]
5,194 But if þ(a)t a lous couþe . han lopen þe bettre [axAx]
(K-D, 93; Sch, 370-1)(MS þat > Sch om.: MS cou þe > Sch
cou þe lepe; MS han lopen > Sch [leue I] [aaAx])
5,195 She sholde noӡt han walked on þat welþe . so was it
þredbare [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)(MS She > Sch She ne; MS
han walked > Sch wa[ndr]e; MS wel þe > Sch Welche)
5,196 I haue ben coueitous quod þis caytif . I biknowe it here
5,197 ffor som tyme I s(er)ued . Symme atte Style [aaAa]
5,198 And was his p(re)ntice ypliӡt . his p(ro)fit to wayte
5,199 ffirst I lerned to lye . a leef ouþ(er) tweyne [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 76, 79; Ok, 2: 290)
5,200 Wikkedly to weye . was my firste lesson [aa(A)xx] (cf.
CM, 79)
5,201 To Wy and to Wynchestre . I wente to þe ffeyre [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 79)
5,202 Wiþ many man(er)e marchaundise . as my maister me hiӡte
[aaAx] ([aaaAx] R, 448; Sk2, liii)
5,203 Ne hadde þe g(ra)ce of gyle ygo . amonges my chaffare
[aaaXx](MS chaffare > Sch ware)
5,204 It hadde ben vnsold þis seuen yer . so me god helpe
5,205 Thanne drouʒ I me among drapiers . my donet to lerne
5,206 To drawe þe liser along . þe lenger it semed [xaaAx]
5,207 Among þe riche Rayes . I rendred a lesson [aaAx] (cf.
Ok, 2: 290)
5,208 To broche hem wiþ a paknedle . and playte hem togideres
[aaAx] (|b|b|p|; Sch, 371; CM, 40; cf. K-D, 205; Schu, 182;
R, 453; Sk2, luii)(MS pak > Sch bat; MS playte > Sch
5,209 And putte hem in a p(re)sse . and pyne hem þ(er)Inne
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79, 80)(MS presse > Sch press[our]; MS
pyned > Sch pyne)
5,210 Til ten yerdes or twelue . hadde tolled out þrittene
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS hadde > Sch om.)
5,211 My wif was a webbe . and wollen cloþ made [aaAx] fol.
5,212 She spak to Spynnesteres . to spynnen it oute [aaAx]
5,213 Ac þe pound þ(a)t she paied by . peised a quartron
moore [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)(MS Ac > Sch om.; MS quartron > Sch
5,214 Than myn owene Auncer . whoso weyed truþe [aaXx] (cf.
K-D, 81; R-K, 95; R, 459; Sk2, lxiii; Schu, 77; L, 103, 105)
[aaXx](MS whoso > Sch wh[an I] [aa(A)xx])
5,215 I bouʒte hire barly malt . she brew it to selle [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)(MS malt > Sch om.)
5,216 Peny ale and puddyng ale . she poured togideres [aaAx]
5,217 ffor laborers and for lowe folk . þat lay by hymselue
5,218 The beste ale lay in my bour . or in my bedchambre [aaAx]
(K-D, 86)
5,219 And whoso bummed þ(er)of . bouʒte it þerafter [abAb]
(Sch, 507; CM, 33; R, 454, 456; Sk2, lx) ([axAx] Sk2, luiii)(MS
þe rof > Sch þe rof he)
5,220 A galon for a grote . god woot no lesse [aaAx]
5,221 And yet it cam In cuppemele . þis craft my wif vsed
[aaAx] (K-D, 81)(MS And yet > Sch [Whan])
5,222 Rose þe Reg(ra)ter . was hir riʒte name [aaAx]
5,223 She haþ holden hukkerye . al hire lif tyme [aa(A)xx]
(cf. K-D, 81; L, 105; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)(MS al hire lif tyme > Sch
[þis elleuene winter] [aaAx])
5,224 Ac I swere now so thee ik . þat synne wol I lete [aaAx]
5,225 And neu(er)e wikkedly weye . ne wikke chaffare vse
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 140, 182; R, 444)(MS wikke > Sch wikked)
5,226 But wenden to Walsyngh(a)m . and my wif als [aaAx](MS
als > Sch alse)
5,227 And bidde þe Roode of Bromholm . bryng me out of dette
5,228 Repentedestow eu(er)e quod Repentaunce . or restitucion madest [aaAx](MS or > Sch ne)
5,229 Ӡis ones I was yherberwed quod he . wiþ an heep of chapmen
[aaAx] (L, 105)
5,230 I roos whan þei were areste . and riflede hire males
[aaAx](MS whan > Sch when)
5,231 That was no restitucion quod Repentaunce . but a robberis
þefte [aaAx]
5,232 Thow haddest be þe bettre worþi . ben hanged þ(er)fore
5,233 Than for al þat . þ(a)t þow hast here shewed [axAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)
5,234 I wende riflynge were restitucion quod he . for I lerned
neu(er)e rede on boke [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
5,235 And I kan no frenssh in feiþ . but of þe ferþest ende
of Northfolk [aaAx](MS ferthest > Sch fer þe rste)
5,236 Vsedestow eu(er)e vsurie quod Repentaunce . in al þi
lif tyme [aaxAx] (cf. L, 106, 109)
5,237 Nay soþly he seide . saue in my youþe [aaAx] fol. 27v
5,238 I lerned among lumbardes . and Iewes a lesson [aaXa]
(cf. K-D, 157-8)(MS and Iewes a lesson > Sch a lesson
and of Iewes [aaAx])
5,239 To weye pens wiþ a peis . and pare þe heuyeste [aaAx]
5,240 And lene it for loue of þe cros . to legge a wed and
lese it [aaxAa]
5,241 Swiche dedes I dide write . if he his day breke [aaAx]
5,242 I haue mo Manoirs þoruӡ Rerages . þan þoruʒ {Miseret(ur) & comodat}.
[aax{Ax}](MS L. comodat > Sch commodat)
5,243 I haue lent lordes . and ladies my chaffare [aaAx] (Ok,
5,244 And ben hire brocour after . and bouӡt it myselue [aaAx]
5,245 Eschaunges and cheuysaunces . wiþ swich chaffare I
dele [aaAx]
5,246 And lene folk þ(a)t lese wole . a lippe at eu(er)y
noble [aaAx]
5,247 And wiþ lumbardes l(ett)res . I ladde gold to Rome
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 173)
5,248 And took it by tale here . and tolde hem þ(er)e lasse
[aaAx](MS tale > Sch taille; MS tolde > Sch told)
5,249 Lentestow eu(er)e lordes . for loue of hire mayntenaunce [aaAx] (K, 50)
5,250 Ye I haue lent to lordes . loued me neu(er)e after [aaAx](MS
to > Sch om.)
5,251 And haue ymaad many a knyӡt . boþe Mercer and draper
5,252 That payed neu(er)e for his p(re)ntishode . noӡt a
peire gloues [aaAx](MS peire > Sch peire of)
5,253 Hastow pite on pou(er)e men . þat mote nedes borwe [aaXa]
(|p|p|b|; Sch, 371; Schu, 123)(MS mote nedes borwe > Sch
[borwe mote nedes] [aaAx])
5,254 I haue as muche pite of pou(er)e men . as peddler(e)
haþ of cattes [aaAx]
5,255 That wolde kille hem if he cacche hem myӡte . for coueitise
of hir skynnes [aaAx]
5,256 Artow manlich among þi neʒebores . of þi mete and drynke [axAx]
5,257 I am holden quod he as hende . as hound is in kichene
5,258 Amonges my neӡebores namely . swich a name ich haue
5,259 Now god lene þee neu(er)e quod Repentaunce . bu þow repente
þe raþ(er) [xxaAa] (Sch, 371; cf. K-D, 125, 188-89)(MS god
… raþer > Sch but þow repente þe raþer quod Repentaunce
God lene þee neuere [aaaXx])
5,260 The g(ra)ce on þis grounde . þi good wel to bisette
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 188-89; Ok, 2: 285)
5,261 Ne þyne heires after þee . haue ioie of þat þow wynnest
[aaAx] (L, 102, 106)
5,262 Ne þyne executours wel bisette . þe siluer þ(a)t þow
hem leuest [aaAx]
5,263 And þat was wonne wiþ wrong . wiþ wikked men be despended
[aaAx] fol. 28r
5,264 ffor were I frere of þat hous . þer good feiþ and charite
is [axAx](MS a > Sch om.)
5,265 I nolde cope vs wiþ þi catel . ne oure kirk amende
5,266 Ne haue a peny to my pitaunce . so god my soule saue
[aaXx] (cf. K-D, 187) ([aa(A)xx] |p|p|b|; Sch, 371)(MS so
god > Sch of thyne bi; MS saue > Sch hele)
5,267 ffor þe beste book in oure hous . þeiӡ brent gold were
þe leues [aaxAx]
5,268 And I wiste witterly . þow were swich as þow tellest
[aa(A)xx] (K, 55)
5,268a {Seruus es alt(er)ius . dum fercula pinguia queris }
[Latin](MS L. dum > cum)
5,268a { Pane tuo pocius . vescere . liber eris } [Latin]
(cf. Sk, 71)
5,269 Thow art an vnkynde creature . I kan þee noӡt assoille
5,270 Til þow make restitucion . and rekene wiþ hem alle
[axAx](MS restitution > Sch restitution quod Repentaunce
5,271 And siþen þ(a)t Reson rolle it . in þe Registre of
heuene [aaAx]
5,272 That þow hast maad ech man good . I may þee noӡt assoille
5,272a { Non dimittit(ur) peccatu(m) . donec restituat(ur) oblatum } [Latin] (MS oblatum > Sch ablatum)
5,273 ffor alle þat han of þi good . haue god my trouþe [xaAx]
5,274 Ben holden at þe heiӡe doom . to helpe þee to restitue
[aaAx](MS Ben holden > Sch Is haldyng)
5,275 And who so leueþ noӡt þis be sooþ . loke in þe Sauter
glose [abAb] (cf. K-D, 93)
5,276 In {Miserere mei deus } . wher I mene truþe [{aa}Ax]
5,276a { Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti &c } [Latin]
5,277 Shal neu(er)e werkman in þis world . þryue w(i)t(h)
þat þow wynnest [aaXa] (Sch, 371; cf. K-D, 193, 217)
5,278 { Cum s(an)c(t)o s(an)c(tu)s eris } . construwe me
þis on englissh [{aa}Ax] (|s|s|-st|; Schu, 109)(MS þis > Sch
þat )
5,279 Thanne weex þat sherewe in wanhope . & wolde han
hanged hym (cropped) [aa(A)xx](MS self > Sch selue)
5,280 Ne hadde repentaunce þe raþer . reconforted hym in
þis manere [aaAx]
5,281 Haue m(er)cy in þi mynde . and wiþ þi mouþ biseche it
5,282 ffor goddes m(er)cy is moore . þan alle hise oþ(er)e
werkes [aaBb] (Sch, 371; cf. K-D, 193, 217; Ok, 2: 294) (MS
goddess > [His] [abbAx])
5,283 And al þe wikkednesse in þis world . þat man myӡte
werche or þynke [aaAx]
5,284 Nis na moore to þe m(er)cy of god . þan in þe see a
gleede [aaXx] (Sch, 371) ([aabAb])(MS in > Sch in[middes]
5,284a { O(mn)is iniquitas qu(an)tu(m) ad m(isericord)iam dei
. est quasi scintilla in medio m } (cropped) [Latin](MS L.
m > Sch maris)
5,285 fforþi haue m(er)cy in þy mynde . and marchaundise leue
it [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 294) fol. 28v
5,286 ffor þow hast no good ground . to gete þee wiþ a wastel
5,287 But if it were wiþ þi tonge . or ellis wiþ þi two hondes
[aaAx] (t-liaison; cf. K-D, 217)
5,288 ffor þe good þat þow hast geten . bigan al wiþ falshede
5,289 And as longe as þow lyuest þer w(i)t(h) . þow yeldest
noӡt but borwest [aaXx]
5,290 And if þow wite neu(er)e to whiche . ne whom to restitue
[aaAx] (|w|wh|wh|; Schu, 77)
5,291 Ber it to þe Bisshop . and bid hym of his g(ra)ce [aaAx]
5,292 Bisette it hymself . as best is for þi soule [aaXa]
(K-D, 155) ([axAx] |b|b|; CM, 42)
5,293 ffor he shal answere for þee . at þe heiӡe dome [axAx]
(L, 102)
5,294 ffor þee and for many mo . þat man shal yeue a rekenyng
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)
5,295 What he lerned yow in lente . leue þow noon ooþer [aaAx]
5,296 And what he lente yow of oure lordes good . to lette
yow fro synne [aaAx]
5,297 Now bigynneþ Gloton . for to go to shrifte [aaAx] (K-D,
5,298 And karieþ hym to kirkeward . his coupe to shewe [aaAx]
(cf. R, 445)(MS karieth > Sch kaireth; MS kirkeward > Sch
5,299 And Beton þe Brewester(e) . bad hym good morwe [aaAx](MS
And > Sch Ac)
5,300 And asked at hym wiþ þat . whiderward he wolde [aaBb]
(R, 456; Sk2, lx; K-D, 85) ([abbAa] Sch, 371)(MS asked at
hym wiþ þat > Sch wiþ þat asked of hym)
5,301 To holy chirche quod he . for to here masse [aaAx]
5,302 And siþen I wole be shryuen . and synne na moore [aaAx]
(|s|sh|s|; Schu, 98; R, 458; Sk2, lxii)
5,303 I haue good Ale gossib quod she . Gloton woltow assaye [aaAx](MS ought in thi purs > Sch om.)
5,304 Hastow ouӡt in þi purs quod he . any hote spices [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80, 217)
5,305 I haue pepir and piones quod she . and a pound of garleek
5,306 And a ferþyngworþ of fenelseed . for fastynge dayes
[aaAx](MS And > Sch om.)
5,307 Thanne goþ Gloton In . and grete oþes after [aaAx]
5,308 Cesse þe Souteresse . sat on þe benche [aaAx]
5,309 Watte þe Warner . and his wif boþe [aaAx]
5,310 Tymme þe Tynker(e) . and tweyne of his p(re)ntices
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)(MS prentices > Sch [knau]es)
5,311 Hikke þe hakeneyman . and hugh þe Nedlere [aaAx]
5,312 Clarice of Cokkeslane . and þe Clerk of þe chirche [aaAx]
fol. 29r
5,314 Dawe þe dykere . and a doʒeyne oþere [aaAx]
5,313 Sire Piers of Pridie . and Pernele of fflaundres [aaAx]
5,315 A Ribibour a Ratoner . a Rakiere of Chepe [aaAx]
5,316 A Roper(e) a Redyngkyng . and Rose þe dyssheres [aaAx](MS
dyssheres > Sch Dysshere)
5,317 Godefray of Garlekhiþe . and Griffyn þe Walshe [aaAx]
5,318 And vpholderes an heep . erly by þe morwe [aaAx] (L,
105; K-D, 84; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)(MS And > Sch And [of])
5,319 Geue Gloton wiþ glad chere . good ale to hanselle [aaaAx]
(Schu, 204)
5,320 Clement þe Cobeler(e) . caste of his cloke [aaAx] ([aaAa]
R, 451; Sk2, lu)
5,321 And at þe newe feire . he nempned it to selle [axAx]
(cf. K-D, 211, 217; Du, 66)(MS at > Sch to; MS he > Sch
5,322 Hikke þe hakeneyman . hitte his hood after [aaAa] (R,
451; Sk2, lu) ([aaAx] |hi|ha|ho|; L, 104)
5,323 And bad Bette þe Bocher . ben on his syde [aaaAx] (R,
448; Sk2, liii)
5,324 Ther were chapmen ychose . þis chaffare to preise [aaAx]
5,325 That whoso hadde þe hood . sholde han amendes of þe
cloke [aaAx](MS þat > Sch om.)
5,326 Two risen vp in Rape . and rouned togideres [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 299)(MS Two > Sch Tho)
5,327 And preised þise penyworþes . apart by hemselue [aaAx](MS
þis e > Sch þe )
5,329 Thei kouþe noӡt by hir conscience . acorden in truþe
5,330 Til Robyn þe Roper(e) . aroos by þe Southe [aaAx] (Sch,
371)(MS aroos by þe Sou þe > Sch arise þe [I by] sou[ght]e)
5,331 And nempned hym for a nounpere . þ(a)t no debat nere
[aa(A)xx] (cf. R, 451; Sk2, lu)(MS nere > Sch were)
5,332 Hikke þe Hostiler . hadde þe cloke [aaAx] (L, 105; R,
457; Sk2, lxi)
5,333 In couenaunt þat Clement . sholde þe cuppe fille [aaAx]
5,334 And haue Hikkes hood hostiler . and holden hym y(se)rued
[aaaAx] (R, 448; Sk2, liii; cf. L, 104)(MS hood > Sch
hood þe )
5,335 And whoso repented raþest . sholde aryse after [aaAx]
5,336 And greten sire Gloton . wiþ a Galon ale [aaAx]
5,337 There was lauӡynge and lourynge . and lat go þe cuppe
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 288) ([aaBb] |l|l|g|c|)
5,339 And seten so til euensong . and songen vmwhile [aaAx]
([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
5,340 Til Gloton hadde yglubbed . a galon and a gille [aaAa]
(R, 451; Sk2, lu)
5,341 Hise guttes bigonne to goþelen . as two gredy sowes [aaaAx](MS
Hise > Sch His; MS bigonne > Sch gonne) fol. 29v
5,342 He pissed a potel . in a { paternoster } while [aa{A}x]
5,343 And blew his rounde ruwet . at his ruggebones ende
[aaAx](MS noses > Sch nose)
5,344 That alle þat herde þat horn . helde hir noses after
5,345 And wisshed it hadde ben wexed . wiþ a wispe of firses
5,346 He myӡte neiþ(er) steppe ne stonde . er he his staf hadde
5,347 And þanne gan he to go . lik a glemannes bicche [aaAx](MS
lik > Sch like)
5,348 Som tyme aside . and som tyme arere [aaAx]
5,349 As whoso leiþ lynes . for to lacche foweles [aaAx]
5,350 And whan he drouӡ to þe dore . þanne dymmed hise eiӡen
5,351 He stumbled on þe þresshfold . and þrew to þe erþe
[xaAx](MS stumbled > Sch [thr]umbled [aaAx])
5,352 Clement þe Cobeler(e) . kauӡte hym by þe myddel [aaAx]
5,353 ffor to liften hym olofte . and leyde hym on his knowes
5,354 Ac Gloton was a gret cherl . and a grym in þe liftyng
5,355 And kouӡed vp a cawdel . in Clementes lappe [aaAx]
5,356 Is noon so hungry hound . in hertfordshire [aaAx]
5,357 Dorste lape of þat leuynges . so vnlouely þei smauӡte
[aaAx](MS leuynges > Sch leuynge; MS þe i > Sch it)
5,358 Wiþ al þe wo of þis world . his wif and his wenche [aaAa]
(Ok, 2: 311)
5,359 Baren hym hom to his bed . and brouʒte hym þ(er)Inne
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS hom > Sch om.)
5,360 And after al þis excesse . he hadde an Accidie [aaAa]
([aaXa] L, 101, 107)(MS hadde > Sch had)
5,361 That he sleep Saterday . and Sonday . till sonne yede
to reste [aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii; cf. Sk, 76)
5,362 Thanne waked he of his wynkyng . and wiped hise eiӡen
5,363 The first word þ(a)t he warp . was where is þe bolle
[aaAx] (|w|w|wh|; Schu, 76; Ok, 2: 308)
5,364 His wif gan edwyte hym þo . how wikkedly he lyuede
[aaAx] (K-D, 86; Sch, 371)(MS wif > Sch wif [and his wit]
5,365 And Repentaunce riʒt so . rebuked hym þat tyme [aaAx]
5,366 As þow wiþ wordes and werkes . hast wroʒt yuele in
þi lyue [aaAx] (CM, 37; Ok, 2: 311)
5,367 Shryue þee and be shamed þ(er)of . and shewe it w(i)t(h)
þi mouþe [aaAx] (Schu, 99)
5,368 I Gloton quod þe grom . gilty me yelde [aaAx](MS grom > Sch
5,369 That I haue trespased w(i)t(h) my tonge . I kan noӡt
telle how ofte [aaAx](MS þat > Sch Of þat )
5,370 Sworen goddes soule . and so me god helpe [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 38)(MS soule > Sch soule and his sydes; MS me god
helpe > Sch helpe me God and halidome [aaaBb])
5,371 There no nede was . nyne hundred tymes [aaAx](MS þe re > Sch þe r; MS need > need ne; MS hundred > Sch hyndred) fol. 30r
5,372 And ou(er)seyen me at my soper . and som tyme at Nones
5,373 That I Gloton girte it vp . er I hadde gon a myle [aaAx]
5,374 And yspilt þ(a)t myӡte be spared . and spended on som
hungry [aaAx]
5,375 Ouer delicatly on fastyng dayes . dronken and eten
boþe [aaAx](MS fastyng > Sch f[ee]styng)
5,376 And sat som tyme so long þ(er)e . þ(a)t I sleep and
eet at ones [aaaAx]
5,377 ffor loue of tales in Tau<er>nes . and for drynke
þe moore I dyned [aaBb] (Schu, 127) ([aaAa] |t|t|d|d|; Sch,
371) (MS and for > Sch to)
5,378 And hyed to þe mete er noon . whan fastyng dayes were
[prose line] (K-D, 182)(MS whan > Sch whan [it])
5,379 This shewynge shrift quod Repentaunce . shal be meryt to þe [aaxAx] ([aaAx] Schu, 99)
5,380 And þanne gan Gloton greete . and gret doel to make [aaaAx]
5,381 ffor his luþer lif . þat he lyued hadde [aaAx] (K,
5,382 And auowed to faste . for hunger or for þurste [aa(A)xx]
(|-u|f|f|; K, 55)(MS to > Sch om.)
5,383 Shal neu(er)e fyssh on ffryday . defyen in my wombe
[aaAx](MS on > Sch on þe )
5,384 Til Abstinence myn Aunte . haue ʒyue me leeue [aa(A)xx]
(L, 101; cf. Schu, 204; K, 61; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
5,385 And yet haue I hated hire . al my lif tyme [aa(A)xx]
(L, 102, 108, 109; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
5,386 Thanne cam Sleuþe al bislabered . wiþ two slymy eiӡen
[aaAx](MS slymy > Sch slymed)
5,387 I moste sitte seide þe segge . or ellis sholde I nappe
[aaAx] (|s|s|sh|)
5,388 I may noӡt stonde ne stoupe . ne wiþoute a stool knele
[aaAx](MS a > Sch om.)
5,389 Were I brouӡt abedde . but if my tailende it made [aa(A)xx]
(Ok, 2: 271)
5,390 Sholde no ryngynge do me ryse . er I were ripe to dyne
5,391 He bigan {Benedicite} w(i)t(h) a bolk . and his brest
knokked [a{a}aAx]
5,392 And raxed and rored . and rutte at þe laste [aaAx]
(cf. Ok, 2: 298)
5,393 What awake renk quod Repentaunce . and rape þee to shryfte [aaAx]
5,394 If I sholde deye bi þis day . me list nouӡt to loke [aaBb]
(cf. K-D, 93) ([aaaBb] d-liaison; Sch, 372)(MS day > Sch
day quod he [aaaBb])
5,395 I kan noӡt parfitly my {Paternoster} . as þe preest
it syngeþ [a{a}Ax]
5,396 But I kan rymes of Robyn hood . and Randolf Erl of
Chestre [aabAb]
5,397 Ac neith(er) of oure lord ne of oure lady . þe leeste
þat eu(er)e was maked [aaAx]
5,398 I haue maad auowes fourty . and foryete hem on þe morwe
[aaAx] (|-u|f|f|; K-D, 133)(MS þe > Sch om.) fol. 30v
5,399 I parfournede neu(er)e penaunce . as þe preest me hiʒte
5,400 Ne riӡt sory for my synnes . yet was I neu(er)e [aaXx]
(Sch, 372; cf. K-D, 185)(MS yet > Sch [si þe nes] [aaAx])
5,401 And if I bidde any bedes . but if it be in wraþe [aa(A)xx]
(Ok, 2: 269)
5,402 That I telle wiþ my tonge . is two myle fro myn herte
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 306)
5,403 I am ocupied eche day . halyday and ooþer [aaAx] (L,
105)(MS ech > Sch ech a)
5,404 Wiþ ydel tales at þe Ale . and ouþ(er)while at chirche
[aaAx] (L, 106)(MS at chirche > Sch in chirches)
5,405 Goddes peyne and his passion . ful selde þenke I on
it [aaXx] (Sch, 372; K-D, 181; Ok, 2: 296)(MS passion > Sch
passion [pure]; MS on it > Sch þe reon [aaAx])
5,406 I visited neu(er)e feble men . ne fettred folk in puttes
[aaAx] (|u|f|f|; K-D, 133)
5,407 I haue leuere here an harlotrye . or a Somer game of
Souters [aaaBb] (K-D, 138; CM, 38)(MS haue > Sch hadde)
5,408 Or lesynge to lauʒen at . and bilye my neӡebores [aaAx](MS
lesynge > Sch lesynges; MS at > Sch of)
5,409 Than al þ(a)t euere Marc made . Mathew Iohan and Lucas
5,410 And vigilies and fastyng dayes . alle þise late I passe
[aaAx] (|u|f|th|; K-D, 133; Schu, 64-5; Du, 64)(MS late I
passé > Sch I late)
5,411 And ligge abedde in lenten . and my lemman in myne
armes [aaAx]
5,412 Til matyns and masse be do . and þanne go to þe freres
[aaXx] (Sch, 372; cf. K-D, 173)(MS go to > Sch [mengen
I of] [aaAx])
5,413 Come I to { Ite missa est } . I holde me yserued [x{aa}Ax]
5,414 I nam noӡt shryuen som tyme . but if siknesse it make
[aaAx] (|sh|s|s|; Schu, 99)(MS nam > Sch am)
5,415 Nouӡt twyes in two yer . and þanne vp gesse I shryue
me [aaXx] (Sch, 372; cf. K-D, 125, 126, 181)(MS Nought > Sch
noӡt ; MS up gesse I shryue me > Sch [telle I up gesse]
5,416 I haue be preest and p(er)son . passynge þritty wynter
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)
5,417 And yet kan I neyþer solue ne synge . ne seintes lyues
rede [aaAx](MS And > Sch om.)
5,418 But I kan fynden in a feld . or in a furlang an hare
5,419 Bettre þan in { Beatus vir } . or in { Beati omnes
} [a{a}{Ax}] (CM,99)
5,420 Construe oon clause wel . and kenne it to my parisshens
[aaAx] cf. K-D, 186-7) (MS oon clause wel > Sch clausemele)
5,421 I kan holde louedayes . and here a Reues rekenyng [axAbb]
5,422 Ac in Canou(n) nor in decretals . I kan noʒt rede a
lyne [aa(A)xx](MS nor > Sch ne; MS in > Sch in þe)
5,423 If I bigge and borwe auʒt . but if it be ytailed [aa(A)xx]
5,424 I foryete it as yerne . and if men me it axe [aaXa]
(Sch, 158, 202)(MS if > Sch yif)
5,425 Sixe siþes or seuene . I forsake it wiþ oþes [aaaAx]
5,426 And þus tene I trewe men . ten hundred tymes [aaAx]
5,427 And my seruauntʒ som tyme . hir salarie is bihynde [aaAx]
5,428 Ruþe is to here þe rekenyng . whan we shul rede acountes
[aaAx](MS þe > Sch om.) fol. 31r
5,429 So wiþ wikked wil and wraþe . my werkmen I paye [aaaAx]
5,430 If any man dooþ me a bienfait . or helpeþ me at nede
[prose line]
5,431 I am vnkynde ayeins curteisie . and kan nouӡt vnderstonden
it [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)(MS ayeins > Sch ayeins his)
5,432 ffor I haue and haue had . somdel haukes man(er)es
5,433 I am noӡt lured wiþ loue . but þ(er) ligge auӡt vnder
þe þombe [aaAx]
5,434 The kyndenesse þat myn euenec(ri)stene . kidde me fernyere
5,435 Sixty siþes I Sleuþe . haue foryete it siþþe [aaaXa]
5,436 In speche and in sparynge of speche . yspilt many a
tyme [aaaAx]
5,437 Boþe flessh and fissh . and manye oþ(er)e vitailles
[aaAx] (|f|f|u|; K-D, 139)
5,438 Boþ bred and ale . buttre melk and chese [aaxAx](MS
Both > Sch Bo þe )
5,439 fforsleuþed in my seruice . til it myӡte serue no man
5,440 I ran aboute in youþe . and yaf me nauʒt to lerne [xaAx]
(cf. K-D, 125, 183; Schu, 204; Sch, 372)(MS ran > Sch
yarn [aaAx])
5,441 And eu(er)e siþþe haue I be beggere . for my foule
sleuþe [xxXx] (Sch, 372; cf. K-D, 207; R-K, 92)(MS haue I
be beggere for > Sch [beggere be be] [aa(A)xx])
5,441a { Heu michi quia sterilem vitam duxi Iuuenilem } [Latin] (cf. CM, 75)(MS L. quia > Sch quod)
5,442 Repentedestow noӡt quod Repentaunce . & riӡt wiþ
þat he swowned [aaAx](MS Repentedestow > Sch Repentest
þe )
5,443 Til {Vigilate} þe veille . fette water at hise eiӡen
[{a}aAx] (|u|u|f|; CM, 37; |u|u|w|; Schu, 70; R, 445, 458;
Sk2, lxii)
5,444 And flatte it on his face . and faste on hym cryde
5,445 And seide Ware þee . for Wanhope wolde þee bitraye
5,446 I am sory for my synnes . seye to þiselue [aaAx] ([aaAa]
R, 451; Sk2, lu)
5,447 And beet þiself on þe brest . and bidde hym of g(ra)ce
5,448 ffor is no gilt here so gret . þat his goodnesse nys
moore [aaAx](MS nys > Sch is)
5,449 Thanne sat Sleuþe vp . and seyned hym swiþe [aaAa] (R,
451; Sk2, lu; cf. Ok, 2: 301)
5,450 And made auow tofore god . for his foule sleuþe [aaAx]
(|-u|-f|f|; R, 443) ([aaAa] R, 451, 458; Sk2, lu)
5,451 Shal no Sonday be þis seuen yer . but siknesse it lette
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79)(MS lette > Sch [make])
5,452 That I ne shal do me er day . to þe deere chirche [aaAx]
(CM, 71)
5,453 And here matyns and masse . as I a monk were [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 293)
5,454 Shal noon ale after mete . holde me þennes [axAx] (L,
102; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
5,455 Til I haue euensong herd . I bihote to þe Roode [aaAx]
(L, 103, 106, 108, 109; R, 457) fol. 31v
5,456 And yet wole I yelde ayein . if I so muche haue [aaaXx]
(K-D, 138; R, 449; Sk2, liii; Schu, 206)(MS yet > Sch
yet [what I nam])
5,457 Al þat I wikkedly wan . siþen I wit hadde [aaAx]
5,458 And þouʒ my liflode lakke . leten I nelle [aaAx]
5,459 That ech man ne shal haue his . er I hennes wende [aaAx]
(L, 103, 106, 108, 109; cf. K-D, 217)(MS ne > Sch
5,460 And wiþ þe residue and þe remenaunt . bi þe Rode of
Chestre [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 298)
5,461 I shal seken truþe erst . er I se Rome [axAx] (CM,
30; cf. K-D, 217; K, 50)
5,462 Roberd þe Robbere . on { Reddite } loked [aa{A}x]
5,463 And for þ(er) was noӡt wherof . he wepte swiþe soore
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79)(MS wherof > Sch wher[ wiþ ]
5,464 Ac yet þe synfulle sherewe . seide to hymselue [aaAx]
([aaAa] |s|sh|s|s|; Schu, 98; R, 451, 458; Sk2, lu)(MS Ac > Sch
5,465 Crist þat on Caluarie . vpon þe cros deidest [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 276)
5,466 Tho Dysmas my broþ(er) . bisouӡte yow of g(ra)ce [xxXx]
(Sch, 372; K-D, 211)(MS yow > Sch þe e [axAx])
5,467 And haddest m(er)cy on þat man . for { Memento } sake
5,468 So rewe on þis Robber(e) . þat { Reddere } ne haue
[aa{A}x](MS Robbere > Sch Rober[d])
5,469 Ne neu(er)e wene to wynne . wiþ craft þat I owe [aa(A)bb]
(Sch, 507; CM, 71) ([aaBb] R, 456; cf. Sk2, lx)(MS owe > Sch
5,470 But forþi muchel mercy . mitigacion I biseche [aaAx]
5,471 Ne dampne me noӡt at domesday . for þ(a)t I dide so
ille [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 81, 217) ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)(MS
Ne > Sch om.)
5,472 What bifel of þis felou(n) . I kan noӡt faire shewe [aaAx]
5,473 Wel I woot he wepte faste . water wiþ boþe hise eiӡen
[aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii; cf. K-D, 217; Ok, 2: 309)(MS
bo þe > Sch om.)
5,474 And knoweliched his gilt . to crist yet eftsoones [aaAx]
(|k|g|c| cf. Schu, 130, 182; R, 46, cf. 459; Sk2, lxiii)(MS
gilt > Sch [coupe])
5,475 That { Penitencia } his pik . he sholde polshe newe
5,476 And lepe wiþ hym ou(er) lond . al his lif tyme [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 289)
5,477 ffor he hadde leyen by { Latro } . Luciferis Aunte
5,478 And þanne hadde Repentaunce ruþe . and redde hem alle
to knele [aaAx]
5,479 ffor I shal biseche for alle synfulle . oure Saueo(ur)
of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
5,480 To amenden vs of oure mysdedes . and do m(er)cy to
vs alle [aaAx]
5,481 Now god quod he þat of þi goodnesse . bigonne þe world
to make [aaAx](MS bigonne > Sch gonne; MS to > Sch
5,482 And of nauʒt madest auʒt . and man moost lik to þi
selue [axAx]
5,483 And siþen suffredest for to synne . a siknesse to vs
alle [aaaAx](MS for > Sch hym)
5,484 And al for þe beste as I bileue . whateu(er)e þe book telleþ [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217) fol. 32r
5,484a { O felix culpa . o necessarium peccatum Ade &c } [Latin]
5,485 ffor þoruӡ þat synne þi sone . sent was to þis erþe [aaAx]
(CM, 70-1)
5,486 And bicam man of a maide . mankynde to saue [aaAx]
5,487 And madest þiself wiþ þi sone . and vs synfulle yliche
[aaAx](MS and(2) > Sch om.)
5,487a { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymaginem n(ost)ram } [Latin](MS
L. et > Sch et similitudinem)
5,487a { Et alibi . Qui manet in caritate in deo manet & deus
in eo } [Latin]
5,488 And siþþe wiþ þiselue sone . in oure secte deidest [aaaAx](MS
secte > Sch sute)
5,489 On good fryday for mannes sake . at ful tyme of þe
daye [axAx](MS daye > Sch day)
5,490 Ther þiself ne þi sone . no sorwe in deeþ feledest
5,491 But in oure secte was þe sorwe . and þi sone it ladde
[aaAx](MS þe > Sch þat )
5,491a { Captiuam duxit captiuitatem } [Latin]
5,492 The sonne for sorwe þ(er)of . lees liʒt of a tyme [aaBb](MS
light of > Sch sight for)
5,493 Aboute mydday whan moost liʒt is . and meel tyme of
Seintes [aaAx]
5,494 ffeddest wiþ þi fresshe blood . oure forefadres in
derknesse [aaAx](MS Feddest > Sch Feddest tho)
5,494a { Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris . vidit luce(m) magnam } [Latin]
5,495 And þoruӡþe liӡt þ(a)t lepe out of þee . Lucifer was
blent [aaAx](MS thorugh > Sch om.; MS was blent > Sch
it blente)
5,496 And blewe alle þi blessed . into þe blisse of Paradys
[aaAx](MS blessed > Sch blessed þe nnes)
5,497 The þridde day after . þow yedest in oure sute [axAx]
(K-D, 93; cf. Schu, 158, 182; Sch, 372)(MS after > Sch
[ther]after [aaAx])
5,498 A synful Marie þe seiʒ . er seynte Marie þi dame [aaAx]
5,499 And al to solace synfulle . þow suffredest it so were
5,499a { Non veni vocare iustos . set peccatores ad penitenciam } [Latin]
5,500 And al þat Marc . haþ ymaad . Mathew Iohan and Lucas
5,501 Of þyne douӡty dedes . was doon in oure armes [aaAx](MS
doughty > Sch doughtiest; MS was > Sch were)
5,501a { Verbum caro factum est & habitauit in nobis } [Latin] fol. 32v
5,502 And by so muche it semeþ . þe sikerer we mowe [aaAx]
5,503 Bidde and biseche . if it be þi wille [aaAx] (K-D,
5,504 þat art oure fader and oure broþ(er) . be merciable
to vs [abBa] (K, 60)
5,505 And haue ruþe on þise Ribaudes . þat repenten hem here
soore [aaAx](MS here > Sch om.)
5,506 That eu(er)e þei wraþed þee in þis world . in word
. þouӡt or dedes [aaAx] (cf. Sk, 85)(MS dedes > Sch dede)
5,507 Thanne hente hope an horn . of { Deus tu conu<er>sus
viuificabis } [aaa{Bb}] (|h|h|h|-u|-f|; CM, 100)(MS L. uiuificabis > Sch
uiuificabis nos)
5,508 And blew it wiþ . { Beati quor(um) . remisse sunt iniquitates
} [a{aXx}] (CM, 100; cf. Sk, 85)
5,509 That alle seintes in heuene . songen at ones [abAb]
(K-D, 93; cf. CM, 79)
5,509a { Ho(m)i(n)es & iume(n)ta saluabis . que(m)admodu(m) multiplicasti m(isericord)iam tua(m) deus } [Latin]
5,510 A þousand of men þo . þrungen togideres [aaAx] (cf. CM,
5,511 Cride vpward to Crist . and to his clene moder [aaAx]
5,512 To haue g(ra)ce to go wiþ hem . truþe to seke [aaXx]
([aaAx] Sch, 373; cf. R, 454; Sk2, luiii)(MS wiþ hem tru
þe to seke > Sch [to] Tru þe --- [God leue þat þey moten]
5,513 Ac þ(er)e was wiӡt noon so wys . þe wey þider kouþe [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 141)
5,514 But blustreden forþ as beestes . ouer bankes and hilles
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79)(MS bankes > Sch ba[ch]es)
5,515 Til late was and longe . þ(a)t þei a leode mette [aaAx]
5,516 Apparailled as a paynym . in pilgrymes wise [aaAx]
5,517 He bar a burdoun ybounde . wiþ a brood liste [aaaAx]
(R, 449; Sk2, liii)
5,518 In a wiþ wynde wise . ywounden aboute [aaAx]
5,519 A bolle and a bagge . he bar by his syde [aaAx] ([aaAa]
R, 451; Sk2, lu)
5,520 An hundred of Ampulles . on his hat seten [aaAx] (L,
106; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
5,521 Signes of Synay . and shelles of Galice [aaAx] (|s|s|sh|;
Schu, 98; R, 458; Sk2, lxii)(MS Synay > Sch Syse)
5,522 And many a crouch on his cloke . and keyes of Rome
5,523 And þe vernicle bifore . for men sholde knowe [aa(A)xx]
([aaXx] |u|-f|; R, 443, 458; Sk2, lxii)
5,524 And se bi hise signes . whom he souʒt hadde [aaAx]
5,525 This folk frayned hym first . fro whennes he come [aaa(A)xx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii)
5,526 ffram Synay he seide . and fram oure lordes Sepulcre
[aaAx] (Sch, 373, 388; K-D, 139)(MS oure lordes > Sch
5,527 In Bethlem and in Babiloyne . I haue ben in boþe [aaAa]
(CM, 70; R, 451; Sk2, lu) fol. 33r
5,528 In Armonye in Alisaundre . in manye oþere places [aaAx]
(L, 103, 106)
5,529 Ye may se by my signes . þat sitten on myn hatte [aaAx]
5,530 That I haue walked ful wide . in weet and in drye [aaAx]
5,531 And souӡt goode seintes . for my soule helþe [aaAx]
5,532 Knowestow auӡt a corsaint . þat men calle truþe [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79)(MS corsaint > Sch corsaint [quod þe i] [aaaAx])
5,533 Koudestow auӡt wissen vs þe wey . wher þat wye dwelleþ
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 311; cf. Schu, 76)(MS aught > Sch om.)
5,534 Nay so me god helpe . seide þe gome þanne [abAb] (K-D,
5,535 I seiӡ neu(er)e palmer(e) . wiþ pyk ne wiþ scrippe
[abBa] (R, 457; Sk2, lx)
5,536 Asken after hym er . til now in þis place [aaAx] (L,
101, 107) ([aaaXx] R, 455; Sk2, lix; cf. K-D, 217)( MS til > Sch
5,537 Peter quod a Plowman . and putte forþ his hed [aaAx](MS
hed > Sch heued)
5,538 I knowe hym as kyndely . as clerc doþ hise bokes [aaAx]
5,539 Conscience and kynde wit . kenned me to his place [aaAx]
5,540 And diden me suren hym sikerly . to s(er)uen hym for
eu(er)e [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 81)(MS hym > Sch hym [sith þe
n] [aaaAx])
5,541 Boþe to sowe and to sette . þe while I swynke myӡte
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 303)
5,542 I haue ben his folwere . al þis fifty wynter [abAb]
(CM, 67) ([axAx] uocalic; CM, 66) ([xaAx] R, 453; Sk2, luii)
(MS fifty > Sch fourty)
5,543 Boþe ysowen his seed . and suwed hise beestes [aaAx]
(CM, 66, 69)
5,544 WiþInne and wiþouten . waited his p(ro)fit [aaAx] (uocalic
|-i|-ou|hi|; CM, 66; Sk2, lxi)
5,545 I dyke and I delue . I do þat truþe hoteþ [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 66; Ok, 2: 277)(MS tru þe > Sch he)
5,546 Som tyme I sowe . and som tyme I þresshe [aaAx]
5,547 In taillo(ur)s craft and tynkeris craft . what truþe
kan deuyse [aaAx](MS and > Sch in)
5,548 I weue and I wynde . and do what truþe hoteþ [aa(A)xx]
5,549 ffor þouӡ I seye it myself . I serue hym to paye [aaAx]
5,550 I haue myn hire wel . and ouþ(er)whiles moore [aaAx]
(R, 457; Sk2, liii, lxi)(MS hire > Sch hire of hym [aaaAx])
5,551 He is þe p(re)steste paiere . þ(a)t pou(er)e men knoweþ
5,552 He ne wiþhalt noon hewe his hire . þ(a)t he ne haþ
it at euen. [aaaAa] ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)(MS ne(1) > Sch
5,553 He is as lowe as a lomb . and louelich of speche [aaAx]
([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)
5,554 And if ye wilneþ to wite . where þ(a)t he dwelleþ [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 85)
5,555 I shal wisse yow witterly . þe wey to his place [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79; Sch, 373; Ok, 2: 311)(MS witterly þe wey > Sch
þe wey wel right)
5,556 Ye leue Piers quod þise pilg(ri)mes . and p(ro)fred hym
huyre [aaAx]
MS W ffor to wende wiþ hem . to truþes dwellyng place [axAx]
5,557 Nay by my soules helpe quod Piers . and gan for to swere
[xxXx] (K-D, 211; R, 455; Sk2, lix)(MS my soules helpe > Sch
þe peril of; MS for > Sch om. [axaXx]) fol. 33v
5,558 I nolde fange a ferþyng . for Seint Thomas shryne [aa(A)xx]
5,559 Truþe wolde loue me þe lasse . a long tyme þ(er)after
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 60, 182)(MS þe rafter > Sch after)
5,560 Ac if yow wilneþ to wende wel . þis is þe wey þider
[aaaAx] (K-D, 86)(MS yow > Sch ye)
5,561 Ye moten go þoruӡ mekenesse . boþe men and wyues [aaAx]
5,562 Til ye come into Conscience . þ(a)t crist wite þe soþe
5,563 That ye louen oure lord god . leuest of alle þynges
5,564 And þanne your(e) neʒebores next . in none wise apeire
[aaAx] (K-D, 134)
5,565 Oþerwise þan þow woldest . he wrouӡte to þiselue [aaAx]
(K-D, 86)(MS he > Sch h[ii])
5,566 And so boweþ forþ by a brook . beþ buxom of speche [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 184) ([aaaAx] R, 449: Sk2, liii)
5,567 Til ye fynden a ford . youre fadres honoureþ [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79)(MS Til > Sch [Forto])
5,567a { Honora patrem & matrem &c } [Latin]
5,568 Wadeþ in þat water . and wasshe yow wel þ(er)Inne [aaAa]
(R, 451; Sk2, lu)(MS wasshe > Sch wasseth; MS þe rInne > Sch
þe re)
5,569 And ye shul lepe þe liʒtloker . al youre lif tyme [aaAx]
([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
5,570 And so shaltow se Swere noӡt . but if it be for nede
[aaaXx] (Sk2, liii)
5,571 And nameliche on ydel . þe name of god almyӡty [aaAx]
(n-liaison; Schu, 59) ([axAx] R, 454; Sk2, luiii)
5,572 Thanne shaltow come by a croft . but come þow noӡt þ(er)Inne
5,573 That croft hatte Coueite noӡt . mennes catel ne hire
wyues [aaAx]
5,574 Ne noon of hire s(er)uauntʒ . þat noyen hem myӡte [axAx]
(R, 454; Sk2, luiii)
5,575 Loke ye breke no bowes þ(er)e . but if it be your(e)
owene [aa(A)xx](MS ye > Sch þow; MS youre > Sch [thyn])
5,576 Two stokkes þ(er) stondeþ . ac stynte ye noӡt þ(er)e
[aaAx](MS ye > Sch [þow])
5,577 Thei hiӡte Stele noӡt & Sle noӡt . strik forþ by
boþe [aaAx] (Schu, 108; Ok, 2: 184)
5,578 And leue hem on þi lift half . and loke noӡt þer after
5,579 And hold wel þyn haliday . heighe til euen [aaAa]
5,580 Thanne shaltow blenche at a Bergh . bere no fals witnesse
5,581 He is fryþed In wiþ floryns . and oþere fees manye
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 140, 182; R, 444)(MS He > Sch om.)
5,582 Loke þow plukke no plaunte þ(er)e . for p(er)il of
þi soule [aaAx]
5,583 Thanne shul ye see seye sooþ . so it be to doone [aaaAx](MS
shul ye > Sch shalt þow) fol. 34r
5,584 In good manere ellis noӡt . for no mannes biddyng [axAx](MS
good > Sch no)
5,585 Thanne shaltow come to a court . as cler as þe sonne
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 275)
5,586 þe moot is of mercy . þe manoir aboute [aaAx]
5,587 And alle þe walles ben of wit . to holden wil oute
5,588 And kerneled wiþ cristendom . mankynde to saue [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79)(MS And kerneled wiþ > Sch þe kerneles ben
of; MS mankynde > Sch þat kynde)
5,589 Botrased wiþ bileef so . or þow beest noӡt saued [aabAb]
(CM, 63)
5,590 And alle þe houses ben hiled . halles and chambres [aaaAx]
5,591 Wiþ no leed but wiþ loue . and lowe speche as breþ(er)en.
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 90)(MS bre þe ren > Sch bre þe ren
[of o wombe])
5,592 The brugg is of bidde wel . þe bet may þow spede [aaAx]
5,593 Ech piler is of penaunce . of preieres to seyntes [aaAx]
5,594 Of almesdedes are þe hokes . þat þe gates hangen on
[aaAx] (|a|ho|ha|; L, 102, 105, 108, 109)
5,595 Grace hatte þe gateward . a good man for soþe [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 202)
5,596 His man hatte amende yow . for many men hym knoweþ
[aaAx] ([aaAa] R, 451; Sk2, lu)(MS for > Sch om.; MS men > Sch
5,597 Telleþ hym þis tokene . þat truþe wite þe soþe [aaAx]
(Sch, 373)(MS þat > Sch om.; MS wite > Sch w[oot])
5,598 I p(ar)fourned þe penaunce . þ(a)t þe preest me enioyned
5,599 And am ful sory for my synnes . and so I shal eu(er)e
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 302)
5,600 Whan I þynke þeron . þeiӡ I were a Pope [aaAx]
5,601 Biddeþ amende yow meke hym . til his maister ones [aaAx](MS
to > Sch til)
5,602 To wayuen vp þe wiket . þat þe wo(m)man shette [aaAx]
(cf. Ok, 2: 308)
5,603 Tho Adam and Eue . eten apples vnrosted [aaAx] (L,
101, 107)
5,603a { P(er) Eua(m) cuntis clausa est . et p(er) Maria(m) virgine(m) patef(a)c(t)a est } [Latin]
5,604 ffor he haþ þe keye and þe cliket . þouӡ þe kyng slepe
5,605 And if g(ra)ce g(ra)unte þee . to go in þis wise [aaAx](MS
in > Sch om.)
5,606 Thow shalt see in þiselue . truþe in þyn herte [aaXx](MS
Tru þe > Sch Tru þe sitte [aaAx])
5,607 In a cheyne of charite . as þow a child were [aaAx]
5,608 To suffren hym and segge noӡt . ayein þi sires wille
5,609 And be war þanne of Wraþe þee . þat is a wikked sherewe
[aaAx] (L, 105; cf. K-D, 80)(MS And > Sch Ac; MS is > Sch
om.) fol. 34v
5,610 He haþ enuye to hym . þat in þyn herte sitteþ [aaAx]
(|e|hy|he|; L, 103, 104; cf. K-D, 79)(MS He > Sch [For]
5,611 And pokeþ forþ pride . to preise þiseluen [aaAx]
5,612 The boldnesse of þi bienfetes . makeþ þee blynd þanne
5,613 And þanne worstow dryuen out as dew . and þe dore closed
[aaAx](MS thane > Sch [so])
5,614 Keyed and cliketted . to kepe þee wiþouten [aaAx]
5,615 Happily an hundred wynter . er þow eft entre [aaAx]
(L, 102) ([aaAa] R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
5,616 Thus myӡtestow lesen his loue . to lete wel by þiselue
[aaAx](MS myӡte stow > Sch might þow)
5,617 And neu(er)e happily eft entre . but g(ra)ce þow haue
[aaaXa] (Sch, 373; cf. K-D, 80; Schu, 206)(MS neuere happily
eft entre but grace þow haue > Sch [gete it ayein thorugh]
grace [ac thorugh no gifte ellis] [aaAx])
5,618 And þ(er) are seuen sustren . þat seruen truþe euere
[aaAx](MS And > Sch Ac)
5,619 And arn porters of þe Posternes . þat to þe place longeþ
[aaAx](MS of > Sch ouer)
5,620 That oon hatte Abstinence . and humilite anoþer [aaAx]
(L, 105)(MS humilite > Sch Umblete)
5,621 Charite and Chastite . ben hise chief maydenes [aaAx]
5,622 Pacience and pees . muche peple þei helpeþ [aaAx]
5,623 Largenesse þe lady . she let in ful manye [aaAx]
5,624 Heo haþ holpe a þousand out . of þe deueles punfolde
5,625 And who is sib to þise seuene . so me god helpe [aa(A)xx]
(K-D, 85)
5,626 He is wonderly welcome . and faire vnderfongen [aaBb]
(cf. K-D, 211; Schu, 141; R, 456; Sk2, lx)
5,627 And but if ye be sibbe . to some of þise seuene [xaAa]
(K-D, 211; R, 451, 453; Sk2, lu, luii)
5,628 It is ful hard by myn heed quod Piers . for any of
yow alle [aaAa] (cf. K-D, 80; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)(MS quod Piers
for > Sch om.)
5,629 To geten ingoing at any gate þ(er)e . but g(ra)ce be
þe moore [aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii)(MS ingoing > Sch
ingong; MS þe re > Sch om.)
5,630 Now by crist quod a kuttepurs . I haue no kyn þere [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217) ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
5,631 Nor I quod an Apeward . by auӡt þ(a)t I kan knowe [aaAx]
(uocalic |I|a|au|; L, 104, 110; Schu, 59, 182; cf. K-D, 217)
([xaAx] L, 102)(MS Nor > Sch Ne; MS kan > Sch om.)
5,632 Wite god quod a wafrestere . wiste I þis for soþe [aaAx]
5,633 Sholde I neu(er)e ferþer a foot . for no freres p(re)chyng
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 96)
5,634 Ӡis quod Piers þe Plowman . and poked hem alle to goode
[aaAx] (K-D, 84)
5,635 Mercy is a maiden þ(er)e . haþ myӡt ouer alle [aaAx](MS
ouer > Sch ouer hem)
5,636 And she is sib to alle synfulle . and hire sone also
5,637 And þoruӡ þe help of hem two . hope þow noon ooþer
5,638 Thow myӡt gete g(ra)ce þere . so þow go bityme [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 283)
5,639 Bi seint Poul quod a pardoner . p(ar)auent(ur)e I be
noӡt knowe þ(er)e [aaAx] fol. 35r
5,640 I wol go fecche my box wiþ my breuettes . & a bulle
w(i)t(h) bisshopes l(ett)res [xaaAa]
5,641 By crist quod a co(mmun)e wo(m)man . þi compaignie wol
I folwe [aaAx]
5,642 Thow shalt seye I am þi Suster . I ne woot where þei
bicome [aaXx]
Passus sextus de visione vt sup(ra) (PASSUS VI)
6,1 This were a wikkede wey . but whoso hadde a gyde [aaAx]
(Schu, 77) ([aaaXx] R, 449, 455; Sk2, liii, lix)
6,2 That wolde folwen vs ech a foot . þus þis folk hem mened
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79)(MS wolde > Sch [ myӡte ])
6,3 Quod Perkyn þe Plowman . by Seint Peter of Rome [aaAx]
6,4 I haue an half acre to erie . by þe heiʒe weye [aaaAx]
([aaAx] |ha|e|hei|; L, 102, 106)
6,5 Hadde I eryed þis half acre . and sowen it after [aaaXa]
(cf. L, 103)
6,6 I wolde wende wiþ yow . and þe wey teche [aaAx] (cf.
Ok, 2: 311)
6,7 This were a long lettyng . quod a lady in a Scleyre [aaAx]
6,8 What sholde we wommen . werche þe while [xaAa] (R, 451;
Sk2, lu)
6,9 So(m)me shul sowe þe sak quod Piers . for shedyng of þe
whete [aaaAx] (|s|s|s|sh|; cf. K-D, 217; Schu, 98; R, 449,
458; Sk2, liii, lxii)
6,10 And ye louely ladies . wiþ youre longe fyngres [aaAx]
6,11 That ye haue silk and Sandel . to sowe whan tyme is
6,12 Chesibles for Chapeleyns . chirches to honoure [aaAx]
6,13 Wyues and widewes . wolle and flex spynneþ [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 311)
6,14 Makeþ cloþ I counseille yow . and kenneþ so youre douӡtres
6,15 The nedy and þe naked . nymeþ hede how þei liggeþ [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 295)
6,16 And casteþ hem cloþes . for so comaundeþ truþe [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 84, 86)
6,17 ffor I shal lenen hem liflode . but if þe lond faille
[aaAx] (Sch, 374) ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
fflessh and breed boþe . to riche and to poore
6,18 As longe as I lyue . for þe lordes loue of heuene [aaAa]
(R, 452; Sk2, lu; Ok, 2: 292)
6,19 And alle manere of men . þ(a)t þoruӡ mete and drynke
libbeþ [aaAx] (K-D, 86)
6,20 Helpeþ hym to werche wiӡtliche . þat wynneþ youre foode
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80) ([xaaAx])
6,21 By crist quod a knyӡt þoo . he kenneþ vs þe beste [aaAx]
([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii) fol. 35v
6,22 Ac on þe teme trewely . tauӡt was I neuere [aaAx]
6,23 But kenne me quod þe knyӡt . and by crist I wole assaye
[aaAx] (K-D, 87) ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)(MS But > Sch
6,24 By Seint Poul quod Perkyn . ye profre yow so faire [aaAx]
6,25 That I shal swynke and swete . and sowe for vs boþe
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80; Ok, 2: 305)
6,26 And oþ(er)e labours do forþi loue . al my lif tyme [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80)
6,27 In couenaunt þ(a)t þow kepe . holy kirke and myselue
[aaAx] (cf. R, 445)
6,28 ffro wasto(ur)s and fro wikked men . þat þis world destruyeþ
6,29 And go hunte hardiliche . to hares and to foxes [aaAx]
6,30 To bores and to brokkes . þat breken doun myne hegges
[aaAx](MS brokkes > Sch bukkes)
6,31 And go affaite þi faucons . wilde foweles to kille [aaAx]
(cf. R-K, 168)
6,32 ffor swiche comeþ to my croft . and croppeþ my whete
6,33 Curteisly þe knyӡt þanne . comsed þise wordes [aaAx] (K-D,
86)(MS comsed > Sch co[onseyued])
6,34 By my power Piers quod he . I pliӡte þee my trouþe [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80, 217)(MS quod he > Sch om.)
6,35 To fulfille þis forward . þouӡI fiӡte sholde [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 283; cf. R, 444) ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,36 Als longe as I lyue . I shal þee mayntene [aaXx]
6,37 Ye and yet a point quod Piers . I preye yow of moore [aaAx]
6,38 Loke ye tene no tenaunt . but truþe wole assente [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 130)
6,39 And þouӡ ye mowe am(er)cy men . lat m(er)cy be taxour
[aaaAx] (cf. CM, 130)
6,40 And mekenesse þi maister . maugree Medes chekes [aaAx]
6,41 And þouʒ pou(er)e men p(ro)fre yow . p(re)sentes and
ʒiftes [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)
6,42 Nyme it noӡt an auenture . ye mowe it noӡt deserue [aaaAx]
(n-liaison)(MS ye > Sch þow)
6,43 ffor þow shalt yelde it ayein . at one yeres tyme [aaAx]
(Schu, 206; cf. K, 43)(MS tyme > Sch ende)
6,44 In a ful p(er)ilous place . Purgatorie it hatte [aaAx]
(K-D, 84, 87)
6,45 And mysbede noӡt þi bondemen . þe bettre may þow spede
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 76)(MS bondemen > Sch bondeman)
6,46 Thouʒ he be þyn vnderlyng here . wel may happe in heuene
6,47 That he worþ worþier set . and wiþ moore blisse [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 35; Du, 57-8)
6,47a { Amice ascende superius } [Latin]
6,48 ffor in Charnel at chirche . cherles ben yuel to knowe
6,49 Or a knyʒt from a knaue þ(er)e . knowe þis in þyn herte
6,50 And þ(a)t þow be trewe of þi tonge . and tales þ(a)t þow
hatie [aaAx] fol. 36r
6,51 But if þei ben of wisdom or of wit . þi werkmen to chaste
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 311)
6,52 Hold wiþ none harlotes . ne here noӡt hir tales [aaAx]
([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lu)(MS Hold > Sch Hold noӡt )
6,53 And namely at þe mete . swiche men eschuwe [xaAx] (R,
453; Sk2, luii)
6,54 ffor it ben þe deueles disours . I do þe to vnderstonde
6,55 I assente by Seint Iame . seide þe knyӡt þanne [aaAx]
6,56 ffor to werche by þi wordes . þe while my lif dureþ
[aaAx] (|w|w|wh|; Schu, 76)
6,57 And I shal apparaille me quod Perkyn . in pilgrymes wise
6,58 And wende wiþ yow I wile . til we fynde truþe [aaAx]
(|w|w|f|; Schu, 140, 182) ([aaBb] |w|w|t|t|; R, 456; Sk2,
6,59 And caste on my cloþes . yclouted and hole [aaAx] (K-D,
81; Ok, 2: 272)(MS And > Sch [He]; MS my > Sch [hise])
6,60 My cokeres and my coffes . for cold of my nailes [aaAx](MS
My(1) > Sch [Hise]; MS my(2) > Sch [hise]; MS my(3) > Sch
6,61 And hange myn hoper at myn hals . in stede of a scryppe
[aaaBb] (cf. Schu, 112; R, 456; Sk2, lx)(MS hange myn > Sch
[heng his]; MS myn > Sch [his])
6,62 A busshel of bred corn . brynge me þ(er)Inne [aaAx]
6,63 ffor I wol sowe it myself . and siþenes wol I wende
[aaAx] ([aaAbb] K, 60)
6,64 To pilgrymage as palm(er)es doon . pardon for to haue
6,65 And whoso helpeþ me to erie . and sowen here er I wende
[aaAx] (L, 104, 108; K-D, 86; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)(MS and > Sch
6,66 Shal haue leue by oure lord . to lese here in heruest
[aaAbb] (cf. R, 452; Sk2, lu; R-K, 95)
6,67 And make hem murie þ(er)myd . maugree whoso bigruccheþ
it [aaAx](MS hem > Sch hym; MS bigrucche > Sch bigruccheth)
6,68 And alle kynne crafty men . þat konne lyuen in truþe
6,69 I shal fynden hem fode . þat feiþfulliche libbeþ [aaAx]
([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lu)
6,70 Saue Iagge þe Iogelour . and Ionette of þe Stuwes [aaAx](MS
Iagge > Sch Iakke)
6,71 And Danyel þe dees pleyere . and Denote þe baude [aaAx]
6,72 And frere þe faitour . and folk of hire ordre [aaAx](MS
hire > Sch his)
6,73 And Robyn þe Ribaudour . for hise rusty wordes [aaAx]
6,74 Truþe tolde me ones . and bad me telle it after [aaAx]
(Sch, 374)(MS after > Sch forth[er])
6,75 { Deleantur de libro viuenciu(m)} . I sholde noӡt dele
wiþ hem [{ax}Ax]
6,76 ffor holy chirche is hote of hem . no tiþe to take [aaBb]
([aaaXa] R, 449; Sk2, liii)(MS take > Sch aske)
6,76a { Quia cum iustis non scribantur } [Latin]
6,77 They ben ascaped good auenture . god hem amende [xaAx]
(Sk2, luii, lx) ([aaAx] |-c|g|g|)(MS þe y > Sch þe i;
MS auenture > Sch auenture now)
6,78 Dame Werch whan tyme is . Piers wif hiʒte [aaAx]
6,79 His douӡter hiӡte do riʒt so . or þi dame shal þee bete
[aaAx] fol. 36v
6,80 His sone hiʒte Suffre þi sou(er)eyns . to hauen hir
wille [aaaXx] (R, 449, 455; Sk2, liii, lix)(MS to > Sch
6,81 Deme hem noӡt for if þow doost . þow shalt it deere
abugge [aaAx]
6,82 Lat god yworþe wiþ al . for so his word techeþ [axAx]
6,83 ffor now I am old and hoor . and haue of myn owene [aaAx]
(L, 105) ([aaAa] R, 457; Sk2, lxi; Ok, 2: 296)
6,84 To penaunce and to pilg(ri)mage . I wol passe wiþ þise
oþ<er>e [aaAx]
6,85 fforþi I wole er I wende . do write my biqueste [aaAx]
6,86 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen } . I make it myselue [{xa}Ax]
(R, 453; Sk2, luii)
6,87 He shal haue my soule . þat best haþ des(er)ued it [aaAx]
6,88 And fro þe fend it defende . for so I bileue [aa(A)xx]
([aaa(A)xx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)(MS fro þe fend it defende > Sch
[defende it fro þe fend])
6,89 Til I come to hise acountes . as my Credo me telleþ
[aaAx](MS Credo me > Sch crede)
6,90 To haue a relees and a remission . on þat rental I leue
6,91 The kirke shal haue my caroyne . and kepe my bones [aaAx]
6,92 ffor of my corn and catel . she craued þe tiþe [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79)(MS and > Sch om.; MS she > Sch > he)
6,93 I paide it ful p(re)stly . for p(er)il of my soule [aaAx](MS
ful > Sch hym)
6,94 fforþi is he holden I hope . to haue me in his masse
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)(MS forþi is he > Sch He is)
6,95 And mengen in his memorie . amonges alle c(ri)stene
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 295)(MS mengen > Sch mengen me)
6,96 My wif shal haue of þat I wan . wiþ truþe and namoore
6,97 And dele among my douӡtres . and my deere children [aaAx]
(Du, 65-6)
6,98 ffor þouӡ I deye today . my dettes are quyte [aaAx](MS
dettes are quyte > Sch dette is yquyted)
6,99 I bar hom þat I borwed . er I to bedde yede [aaAx] (K,
6,100 And wiþ þe residue and þe remenaunt . by þe Rode of
Lukes [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 298)
6,101 I wol worshipe þ(er) wiþ . truþe by my lyue [aaaXx]
(R, 449, 455; Sk2, liii, lix)
6,102 And ben his pilgrym atte plow . for pou(er)e mennes
sake [aaAx]
6,103 My plowfoot shal be my pikstaf . and picche atwo þe
rotes [aaAx] (K-D, 85; Sk2, liii)(MS plowfoot > Sch plowpote)
6,104 And helpe my cultour to kerue . and clense þe furwes
6,105 Now is Perkyn and hise pilg(ri)mes . to þe plow faren
[aaAx](MS hise > Sch þis e)
6,106 To erie þis half acre . holpen hym manye [aaaAx] ([aaAx]
L, 103; cf. Sk2, lu)
6,107 Dikeres and delu(er)es . digged vp þe balkes [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 227)
6,108 Ther wiþ was Perkyn apayed . and preised hem faste [aaAx] (K-D, 87) fol. 37r
6,109 Oþere werkmen þ(er) were . þat wroӡten ful yerne [aaAx]
6,110 Ech man in his manere . made hymself to doone [aaAx]
6,111 And so(m)me to plese Perkyn . piked vp þe wedes [aaAx]
6,112 At heiӡ p(ri)me Piers . leet þe plouӡ stonde [aaAx]
6,113 To ou(er)sen hem hymself . and whoso best wroӡte [aaAx]
6,114 He sholde be hired þ(er) after . whan heruest tyme
come [aaAx]
6,115 And þanne seten so(m)me . and songen atte nale [aaAx]
6,116 And holpen ere þis half acre . wiþ how trolly lolly
[aaaAx] (R, 449, cf. 452; Sk2, liii) ([aaAx] |e|ha|ho|;
L, 103)(MS þis > Sch his)
6,117 Now by þe p(er)il of my soule quod Piers . al in pure
tene [axaAx]
6,118 But ye arise þe raþ(er) . and rape yow to werche [aaAx]
6,119 Shal no greyn þ(a)t groweth . glade yow at nede [aaAx](MS
þat > Sch þat h-e re)
6,120 And þouӡ ye deye for doel . þe deuel haue þ(a)t reccheþ
[aaAx](MS reccheth > Sch recche)
6,121 Tho were faito(ur)s afered . and feyned hem blynde [aaAx]
6,122 So(m)me leide hir legges aliry . as swiche losels konneþ
[aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,123 And made hir mone to Piers . and preide hym of g(ra)ce
[xaAx] (Sch, 374; cf. K-D, 93)(MS mone > Sch [pleynt]
6,124 ffor we haue no lymes to laboure w(i)t(h) . lord yg(ra)ced
be þe [aaAx]
6,125 Ac we preie for yow Piers . and for youre plowʒ boþe
6,126 That god of his g(ra)ce . youre greyn multiplie [aaAx]
6,127 And yelde yow for your(e) Almesse . þat ye ʒyue vs
here [aaAx] (Schu, 157; cf. 203, 204)(MS for > Sch of)
6,128 ffor we may noӡt swynke ne swete . swich siknesse vs
eyleþ [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 305)(MS noӡt > Sch nei þe r)
6,129 If it be sooþ quod Piers þat ye seyn . I shal it soone
aspie [axaAx] ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lu)
6,130 Ye ben wastours I woot wel . and truþe woot þe soþe
6,131 And I am his olde hyne . and hiӡte hym to warne [aaAx]
(L, 105; K-D, 84)
6,132 Whiche þei were in þis world . hise werkmen apeired
[aaAx] ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,133 Ye wasten þat men wynnen . wiþ t(ra)uaille and wiþ
tene [aa(A)bb]
6,134 Ac truþe shal teche yow . his teme to dryue [aaAx]
6,135 Or ye shul eten barly breed . and of þe broke drynke
6,136 But if he be blynd or brokelegged . or bolted wiþ Irens
[aaAx] fol. 37v
6,137 He shal ete whete breed . and drynke wiþ myselue [prose
line] (K-D, 88, 125) ([aaxAx] |he|e|a|; Sch, 374)
6,138 Til god of his goodnesse . amendement hym sende [aaXx]
(K-D, 88-89, 125; Sch, 374)(MS amendement > Sch [garisoun]
6,139 Ac ye myӡte t(ra)uaille as truþe wolde . and take mete
and hyre [aaAx]
6,140 To kepe kyen in þe feld . þe corn fro þe beestes [aaxAx](MS
beestes > Sch bestes)
6,141 Diken or deluen . or dyngen vpon sheues [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 277)
6,142 Or helpe make morter . or bere Muk afeld [aaAx](MS
afeld > Sch afelde)
6,143 In lecherie and in losengerie . ye lyuen and in sleuþe
6,144 And al is þoruʒ suffraunce . þ(a)t vengeaunce yow ne
takeþ [aaAx] (|th|-ff|u|; K-D, 133, 134)
6,145 Ac Ancres and heremites . þat eten noӡt but at Nones
[aaAx] (L, 101; cf. K-D, 217; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)(MS noӡt > Sch
6,146 And na moore er þe morwe . myn almesse shul þei haue
[aa(A)xx](MS þe > Sch om.)
6,147 And of catel to kepe hem wiþ . þat han Cloistres and
chirches [aaAx](MS of > Sch of my; MS kepe > Sch cope)
6,148 Ac Rob(er)t Renaboute . shal noӡt haue of myne [aaXx]
(Sch, 374; cf. K-D, 199)(MS haue > [recey]ue [aaAx])
6,149 Ne Postles but þei p(re)che konne . and haue power
of þe bisshop [aaAx]
6,150 Thei shul haue payn and potage . and make hemself at
ese [aaXx] (Sch, 374; cf. K-D, 173)(MS make > Sch [putte]
6,151 ffor it is an vnresonable Religion . þat haþ riӡt noӡt
of c(er)tein [aaAx]
6,152 And þanne gan Wastour to wraþen hym . and wolde haue
yfouӡte [aaAx](MS And > Sch om.)
6,153 And to Piers þe Plowman . he p(ro)frede his gloue [aaAx]
6,154 A Bretoner a bragger(e) . abosted Piers als [aaAx](MS
als > Sch alse)
6,155 And bad hym go pissen w(i)t(h) his plowӡ. forpynede
sherewe [xaaAx] ([aaaAx] |b|p|p|-p|)
6,156 Wiltow or neltow . we wol haue oure wille [axAa] (cf.
K-D, 80)
6,157 Of þi flour and of þi flesshe . fecche whanne vs likeþ
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 141; R, 444)(MS Of > Sch And of)
6,158 And maken vs murye þ(er)myde . maugree þi chekes [aaAx]
6,159 Thanne Piers þe Plowman . pleyned hym to þe knyʒte [aaAx]
6,160 To kepen hym as couenaunt was . fro cursede sherewes
6,161 And fro þise wastours wolueskynnes . þ(a)t makeþ þe
world deere [aaAx](MS þe > Sch þis )
6,162 ffor þo wasten and wynnen noӡt . and þat ilke while
[aaXa] (|w|w|wh|; Schu, 77; Sch, 374)(MS ilke while > Sch
[while ilke] [aaAx])
6,163 Worþ neu(er)e plentee among þe peple . þe while my
plowӡ liggeþ [aaAx]
6,164 Curteisly þe knyӡt þanne . as his kynde wolde [aaAx]
fol. 38r
6,165 Warnede Wastour . and wissed hym bettre [aaAx]
6,166 Or þow shalt abigge by þe lawe . by þe ordre þ(a)t
I bere [ax(A)xa] ([axXa])
6,167 I was noӡt wont to werche quod Wasto(ur) . and now wol
I noӡt bigynne [aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,168 And leet liʒt of þe lawe . and lasse of þe knyӡte [aaaAx]
(R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,169 And sette Piers at a pese . and his plowӡ boþe [aaAx]
6,170 And manaced Piers and his men . if þei mette eftsoone
[aaAx] (K-D, 86)
6,171 Now by þe p(er)il of my soule quod Piers . I shal apeire
yow alle [axaAx]
6,172 And houped after hunger . þat herde hym at þe firste
6,173 Awreke me of þise wasto(ur)s quod he . þat þis world
shendeþ [aaAx]
6,174 Hunger in haste thoo . hente Wastour by þe wombe [aaAbb]
(CM, 37)(MS wombe > Sch mawe [aaAx])
6,175 And wrong hym so by þe wo(m)be . þ(a)t boþe hise eiʒen
watrede [aaXa](MS bo þe hise eighen watrede > Sch al watrede
hise eighen [aaAx])
6,176 He buffetted þe Bretoner . aboute þe chekes [aaAx]
6,177 That he loked lik a lant(er)ne . al his lif after [aaAx]
([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,178 He bette hem so boþe . he brast ner hire guttes [aaAx]
6,179 Ne hadde Piers wiþ a pese loof . preyed hunger to cesse
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79, 80)(MS hunger to cesse > Sch [hym
6,180 They hadde be doluen . ne deme þow noon ooþ<er> [xaAx](MS
doluen > Sch doluen bo þe [axAx])
6,181 Suffre hem lyue he seide . and lat hem ete wiþ hogges
[xaAbb] (K-D, 195)
6,182 Or ellis benes or bren . ybaken togideres [aaAx] (Sch,
MS W Or ellis melk and mene ale . þus preied Piers for hem
6,183 ffaito(ur)s for fere herof . flowen into Bernes [aaAx](MS
bernes > Sch berns)
6,184 And flapten on wiþ flailes . fro morwe til euen [aa(A)xx]
(K, 54)
6,185 That hunger was noӡt so hardy . on hem for to loke
[aaAx] (L, 105, 108)(MS so > Sch om.)
6,186 ffor a potful of peses . þat Piers hadde ymaked [aaAx]
6,187 An heep of heremytes . henten hem spades [aaAx] (L, 104)
([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
6,188 And kitten hir copes . and courtepies hem maked [aaAx](MS
maked > Sch made)
6,189 And wente as werkmen . wiþ spades and wiþ shoueles [aa(A)bb]
(Schu, 114) ([aaBb] K-D, 152)(MS wnete > Sch wenten) fol.
6,190 And doluen and dikeden . to dryue awey hunger [aaAx]
(K-D, 85)
6,191 Blynde and bedreden . were bootned a þousand [aaAx]
6,192 That seten to begge siluer . soone were þei heeled
6,193 ffor þat was bake for bayard . was boote for many hungry
6,194 And many a beggere for benes . buxum was to swynke
6,195 And ech a pou(er)e man wel apaied . to haue pesen for
his hyre [aaAx]
6,196 And what Piers preide hem to do . as prest as a Sperhauk
6,197 And þ(er)of was Piers proud . and putte hem to werke
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79)
6,198 And yaf hem mete as he myӡte aforþe . and mesurable
hyre [aaAx] (K-D, 81; Sch, 375)(MS as he myӡte afor þe and
mesurable hyre > Sch [and money as þe i] myӡte [deserue])
6,199 Thanne hadde Piers pite . and preide hunger to wende
6,200 Hoom vnto his owene yerd . and holden hym þ(er)e [aaAx]
(|hoo|ow|ho|; L, 105; cf. K-D, 79)(MS unto > Sch into;
MS yerd > Sch erd; MS þe re > Sch þe re [euere] [aaaAa])
6,201 ffor I am wel awroke . of wastours þoruӡ þy myӡte [aaAx]
6,202 Ac I preie þee er þow passe . quod Piers to hunger
[aaAx](MS Piers > Sch Piers tho)
6,203 Of beggeris and of bidderis . what best be to doone
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 268)
6,204 ffor I woot wel be þow went . þei wol werche ful ille
[aaaAx] (R, 449; cf. K-D, 217)
6,205 ffor meschief it makeþ . þei be so meke nouþe [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80)(MS For > Sch om.)
6,206 And for defaute of hire foode . þis folk is at my wille
6,207 þei are my blody breþ(er)en quod Piers . for god bouӡte
vs alle [aaAx](MS þe i > MS [And] it; MS quod Piers > Sch
6,208 Truþe tauӡte me ones . to louen hem ech one [aaXx]
(R, 455; Sk2, lix)
6,209 And to helpen hem of alle þyng . ay as hem nedeþ [aaAx]
(L, 104)
6,210 And now wolde I wite of þee . what were þe beste [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)(MS And > Sch om.)
6,211 And how I myӡte amaistren hem . and make hem to werche
6,212 Here now quod hunger . and hoold it for a wisdom [aaAx]
6,213 Bolde beggeris and bigge . þ(a)t mowe hir breed biswynke
[aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,214 wiþ houndes breed and horse breed . hoold vp hir hertes
[aaAa] (R, 452; Sk2, lui)
6,215 Abate hem wiþ benes . for bollynge of hir wombes [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79)(MS Abate > Sch Aba[u]e; MS wombs > Sch
6,216 And if þe gomes grucche . bidde hem go swynke [aaAx](MS
go > Sch go and)
6,217 And he shal soupe swetter . whan he it haþ des(er)ued
6,218 And if þow fynde any freke . þat ffortune haþ apeired
[aaAx](MS And > Sch Ac) fol. 39r
6,219 Or any manere false men . fonde þow swiche to knowe
[xaAx] (K-D, 86, 89; cf. R-K, 90) ([aaAx] |-th|f|f|; Sch,
375)(MS Or > Sch O[þe ]r)
6,220 Conforte hem wiþ þi catel . for cristes loue of heuene
6,221 Loue hem and lene hem . so lawe of god techeþ [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 81)(MS hem > Sch hem for; MS god techeth > Sch
[kynde wolde])
6,221a { Alter alterius onera portate } [Latin] ([aaAx] |a|a|o|;
L, 101)
6,222 And alle manere of men . þ(a)t þow myӡt aspie [aaAx]
6,223 That nedy ben and nouӡty . help hem wiþ þi goodes [aaXx]
(Sch, 375; cf. K-D, 89; Ok, 2: 295)(MS help > Sch
[norisse] [aaAx])
6,224 Loue hem and lakke hem noӡt . lat god take þe vengeaunce
6,225 Theiӡ þei doon yuele . lat god yworþe [aaXx] (cf. K-D,
149)(MS lat > Sch lat þow [aaAx])
6,225a { Michi vindictam & ego retribuam } [Latin]
6,226 And if þow wilt be g(ra)cious to god . do as þe gospel
techeþ [aaAx]
6,227 And biloue þee amonges lewed men . so shaltow lacche
g(ra)ce [aaAx](MS biloue > Sch bilowe; MS lewed > Sch
6,227a { ffacite vos amicos de ma(m)mona iniquitatis } [Latin](MS
L. uos > Sch uobis)
6,228 I wolde noӡt greue god quod Piers . for al þe good on
grounde [aaxAa] (R, 452; Sk2, lui; Ok, 2: 285)
6,229 Miӡte I synnelees do as þow seist . seide Piers þanne
6,230 Ye I bihote þee quod hunger . or ellis þe bible lieþ
[aaAx] (L, 105; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
6,231 Go to Genesis þe geaunt . þe engendrour of vs alle
6,232 { In Sudore } and swynke . þow shalt thi mete tilie
[{a}aAx] (|s|s|sh|; R, 458; Sk2, lxii)
6,233 And laboure forþi liflode . and so oure lord hiӡte
[aaAx] ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,234 And Sapience seiþ þe same . I seiӡ it in þe bible [aaAx]
([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,235 { Piger pro frigore } . no feeld nolde tilie [{xa}Ax]
(CM, 42, 101; R, 453; Sk2, luii)(MS nolde >Sch wolde)
6,236 And þerfore he shal begge and bidde . and no man bete
his hunger [aaAx] (K-D, 86; Ok, 2: 268)
6,237 Mathew wiþ mannes face . mouþed þise wordes [aaAx]
6,238 That { seruus nequa(m) } hadde a mnam . and for he
wolde noӡt chaffare [{a}aAx] (K-D, 86)
6,239 He hadde maugree of his maister . eueremoore after
6,240 And bynam hym his mnam . for he ne wolde werche [aaBb]
6,241 And yaf þat mnam to hym . þat ten mnames hadde [xaAx]
(K-D, 89; cf. Schu, 204)
6,242 And wiþ þat he seide . þat holy chirche it herde [xxAa]
(Sch, 375; CM, 33; K-D, 89)(MS wiþ > Sch [after] [axAa]
6,243 He þat haþ shal haue . and helpe þ(er)e it nedeþ [aaAx]
6,244 And he þ(a)t noӡt haþ shal noӡt haue . and no man hym
helpe [aaaXa] (R, 449; Sk2, liii) fol. 39v
6,245 And þat he weneþ wel to haue . I wole it hym bireue
6,246 Kynde Wit wolde . þ(a)t ech a wight wroӡte [aaAa]
6,247 Or in dikynge or in deluynge . or t(ra)uaillynge in
preieres [aaAx] (|d|d|t|) ([aaXx] K-D, 89)(MS dikynge > Sch
6,248 Contemplatif lif or actif lif . crist wolde þei wroӡte
[axAx] (K-D, 85)
6,249 The Sauter seiþ in þe psalme . of {Beati omnes} [aaa{Xx}]
(R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,250 The freke þat fedeþ hymself . wiþ his feithful labour
6,251 He is blessed by þe book . in body and in soule [aaAx]
6,251a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) &c } [Latin]
6,252 Yet I preie yow quod Piers . { par charite } and ye konne
[aa{(A)x}x] (CM, 97)(MS L. par > Sch pur)
6,253 Any leef of lechecraft . lere it me my deere [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 77)
6,254 ffor some of my seruauntʒ . and myself boþe [aaAx]
6,255 Of al a wike werche noӡt . so oure wombe akeþ [aaAx]
6,256 I woot wel quod hunger . what siknesse yow eyleþ [aab(A)xb]
6,257 Ye han manged ouer muche . and þat makeþ yow grone
[aaAx](MS and > Sch om.)
6,258 Ac I hote þee quod hunger . as þow þyn hele wilnest
6,259 That þow drynke no day . er þow dyne somwhat [aaAx]
6,260 Ete noӡt I hote þee . er hunger þee take [aaAx] (|e|ho|hu|;
L, 103; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
6,261 And sende þee of his sauce . to sauore wiþ thi lippes
[aaAx] (CM, 71)
6,262 And keep som til soper tyme . and sitte noӡt to longe
[xaaAx] (cf. K, 52)
6,263 And rys vp er appetit . haue eten his fille [aaAx]
(Schu, 157, 182) ([xaAx] L, 102)(MS And rys > Sch Arys)
6,264 Lat noӡt sire Surfet . sitten at þi borde [aaAx]
6,265 Leue hym noӡt for he is lecherous . and likerous of
tunge [aaAx] (K-D, 85)(MS tunge > Sch tonge)
6,266 And after many maner metes . his mawe is afyngred [aaAx]
6,267 And if þow diete þee þus . I dar legge myne eris [ax(A)xx]
(R, 454; Sk2, luiii)(MS myne > Sch myn)
6,268 That Phisik shal hise furred hodes . for his fode selle
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 76)(MS hise > Sch his)
6,269 And his cloke of Calabre . wiþ alle þe knappes of golde
6,270 And be fayn by my feiþ . his Phisik to lete [aaAx]
6,271 And lerne to laboure wiþ lond . for liflode is swete
[aaaAx] (cf. K-D, 81) ([aaaAa] R, 449, 452; Sk, liii, cf.
lui) (MS for > Sch [lest]; MS is swete > Sch [hym faille])
6,272 ffor m(ur)þereris are manye leches . lord hem amende
[aabBx] (Sch, 375; cf. K-D, 81)(MS For mur þe reris are manye > Sch
þe r are mo [li]eres than [aaAx])
6,273 They do men deye þoruӡ hir drynkes . er destynee it
wolde [aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,274 By Seint Poul quod Piers . þise arn p(ro)fitable wordes
[aaAx] (K-D, 87) fol. 40r
6,276 Wend now hunger whan þow wolt . þ(a)t wel be þow eu(er)e
[axaAx] (cf. K-D, 80, 86) ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
6,275 ffor þis is a louely lesson . lord it þee foryelde
6,277 Bihote god quod hunger . hennes ne wole I wende [aaAx](MS
Bihote > Sch I bihote)
6,278 Til I haue dyned bi þis day . and ydronke boþe [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79)(MS Til > Sch [Er])
6,279 I haue no peny quod Piers . pulettes to bugge [aaAx](MS
palettes > Sch palettes for)
6,280 Ne neiþer gees ne grys . but two grene cheses [aaAx]
6,281 A fewe cruddes and creme . and an hauer cake [aaAa]
(k-liaison; Sch, 375) ([aaXa] K-D, 205, 211)(MS and(2) > Sch
and [ek])
6,282 And two loues of benes and bran . ybake for my fauntes
6,283 And yet I seye by my soule . I haue no salt bacon [aaAx]
6,284 Ne no cokeney by crist . coloppes for to maken [aaAx](MS
for > Sch om.)
6,285 Ac I haue p(er)cile and porettes . and manye cole plauntes
[aaXa] (Sch, 375; K-D, 205; R-K, 90)(MS porettes > Sch
porett; MS cole plauntes > Sch [plaunte coles] [aaAx])
6,286 And ek a cow and a calf . and a cart mare [aaAx]
6,287 To drawe afeld my donge . þe while þe droӡte lasteþ
6,288 And by þis liflode we mote lyue . til lammesse tyme
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)
6,289 And by þat I hope to haue . heruest in my crofte [aaAx]
6,290 And þanne may I diӡte þi dyner . as me deere likeþ
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)(MS And > Sch om.)
6,291 Al þe pou(er)e peple þo . pescoddes fetten [aaAx]
6,292 Benes and baken apples . þei broӡte in hir lappes [aaAx](MS
lappes > Sch lappe)
6,293 Chibolles and cheruelles . and ripe chiries manye [aaAx]
6,294 And p(ro)frede Piers þis p(re)sent . to plese wiþ Hunger
[aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii; Ok, 2: 297)
6,295 Al hunger eet in haste . and axed after moore [aaAx]
(L, 105, 106, 108, 109; K-D, 87; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
6,296 Thanne pou(er)e folk for fere . fedden hunger yerne
6,297 Wiþ grene poret and pesen . to poisone hym þei þoӡte
6,298 By þat it neʒed neer heruest . & newe corn cam
to chepyng [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 168)
6,299 Thanne was folk fayn . and fedde hunger wiþ þe beste
6,300 Wiþ good ale as Gloton taӡte . and garte hunger go
slepe [aaAa]
6,301 And þo wolde Wastour noӡt werche . but wandren aboute
6,302 Ne no beggere ete breed . þat benes Inne were [aaAx]
fol. 40v
6,303 But of Coket and clermatyn . or ellis of clene whete
6,304 Ne noon halfpeny ale . in none wise drynke [abbAx](MS
halfpeny > Sch halfpenny)
6,305 But of þe beste and of þe brunneste . þ(a)t in Burgh
is to selle [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 81) ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
(MS in Burgh to > Sch [brewesteres])
6,306 Laborers þat haue no land . to lyue on but hire handes
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 76)
6,307 Deyned noӡt to dyne aday . nyӡt olde wortes [aaaAx]
(t-liaison) ([aaaXx] R, 449, 455; Sk2, liii, lix)
6,308 May no peny ale hem paie . ne no pece of bacou(n) [aaAx]
6,309 But if it be fressh flessh ouþ(er) fissh . fryed ouþ(er)
ybake [aaaAx] (Ok, 2: 282; Sk2, liii)
6,310 And þat { chaud } and {plus chaud} . for chillynge
of hir mawe [{aa}Ax]
6,311 And but if he be heiӡliche hyred . ellis wole he chide
[aaAx] (L, 104; cf. K-D, 217; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
6,312 And þ(a)t he was werkman wroӡt . waille þe tyme [aaAx]
(K-D, 81; Sch, 376)(MS waille > Sch wa[ri]e)
6,313 Ayeins Catons counseil . comseþ he to Iangle [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206)
6,313a { Paup(er)tatis onus pacienter ferre memento } [Latin]
6,314 He greueþ hym ageyn god . and gruccheþ ageyn Reson [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206)
6,315 And þanne corseþ he þe kyng . and al his counseil after
[aaAx] (K-D, 86)
6,316 Swiche lawes to loke . laborers to greue [aaAx]
6,317 Ac whiles hunger was hir maister . þ(er) wolde noon
of hem chide [aaXx] (R, 455; Sk2, lix; Sch, 376; cf. K-D,
6,318 Ne stryuen ayeins his statut . so sterneliche he loked
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 95)
6,319 Ac I warne yow werkmen . wynneþ whil ye mowe [aaAx] ([aaAa]
R, 452; Sk2, lui)
6,320 ffor hunger hiderward . hasteþ hym faste [aaAx] (cf.
CM, 78) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
6,321 He shal awake wiþ water . wastours to chaste [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 78)(MS wiþ > Sch [thorugh])
6,322 Er fyue be fulfilled . swich famyn shal aryse [aaAx](MS
fiue > Sch fiue yer)
6,323 Thoruʒ flodes and þoruӡ foule wedres . fruytes shul
faille [aaAa] (R, 452; Sk2, lui)
6,324 And so seide Saturne . and sente yow to warne [aaAx]
([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)(MS sente > Sch sent)
6,325 Whan ye se þe sonne amys . and two monkes heddes [xaAx]
(Sch, 376; cf. K-D, 181)(MS se > Sch [merke] [aaAx])
6,326 And a mayde haue þe maistrie . and multiplie by eiӡte
[aaAx](MS multiplie > Sch multiplied)
6,327 Thanne shal deeþ wiþ drawe . and derþe be Iustice [aaAx]
6,328 And Dawe þe Dyker(e) . deye for hunger [aaAx]
6,329 But god of his goodnesse . graunte vs a trewe [aaAx](MS
But > Sch But if)
Passus vij(us) de visione vt sup(ra) (PASSUS VII)
7,1 Treuþe herde telle herof . and to Piers he sente [aa(A)xx]
(K, 54)(MS he > Sch om.) fol. 41r
7,2 To maken his teme . and tilien þe erþe [xaAx](MS maken > Sch
taken [aaAx])
7,3 And p(ur)chaced hym a pardou(n) . {a pena & a culpa}
7,4 ffor hym and for hise heires . for eueremoore after [aaAx]
(L, 104) ([aaAa] R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
7,5 And bad hym holde hym at home . and erien hise leyes
[aaAx] (|ho|ho|e|; L, 105) ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
7,6 And alle þat holpen hym to erye . to sette or to sowe
[aaaBb] (CM, 32; cf. L, 102, 109)
7,7 Or any ooþ(er) mestier . þat myӡte Piers auaile [xaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80)(MS oother > Sch [man]er [aaAx])
7,8 Pardon wiþ Piers Plowman . truþe haþ ygraunted [aaaXx]
(K, 59)(MS Piers > Sch Piers þe )
7,9 Kynges and knyӡtes . þat kepen holy chirche [aaAx]
7,10 And riӡtfully in Remes . rulen þe peple [aaAx]
7,11 Han pardon þoruӡ purgatorie . to passen ful liӡtly [aaAx]
7,12 Wiþ Patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . in paradis to be felawe
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)(MS felawe > Sch felawes)
7,13 Bysshopes yblessed . if þei ben as þei sholde [aaAx]
7,14 Legistres of boþe lawes . þe lewed þer wiþ to p(re)che
7,15 And in as muche as þei mowe . amenden alle synfulle
7,16 Arn peres wiþ þe Apostles . þis pardon Piers sheweþ
[aaAa](MS þis > Sch thus)
7,17 And at þe day of dome . at þe heiӡe deys sitte [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)(MS þe (2) > Sch om.; MS deys > Sch deys to)
7,18 Marchauntʒ in þe margyne . hadde manye yeres [aaAx]
7,19 Ac noon { A pena & a culpa } . þe pope nolde hem
graunte [{ax}Ax] (R, 454; Sk2, luiii) ([{ab}Ab] |p|c|p|g|)
7,20 ffor þei holde noӡt hir halidayes . as holy chirche
techeþ [aaAx](MS halidayes > Sch haliday)
7,21 And for þei swere by hir soule . and so god moste hem
helpe [aa(A)xx]
7,22 Ayein clene Conscience . hir catel to selle [aaAx]
7,23 Ac vnder his secret seel . truþe sente hem a lettre [aaAx]
7,24 That þei sholde buggen boldely . þat hem best liked
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80; Sch, 376)(MS þat þe i sholde > Sch
[And bad hem]; MS þat > Sch what [aaaAx])
7,25 And siþenes selle it ayein . and saue þe wynnyng [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206)(MS wynnyng > Sch wynnynges)
7,26 And amende Mesondieux þ(er)myd . and myseise folk helpe
[aaAx] (K-D, 87)(MS þe rmyd > Sch þe r wiþ )
7,27 And wikkede weyes . wightly amende [aaAx](MS wightly > Sch
wightly hem)
7,28 And do boote to brugges . þat tobroke were [aaAx] (K-D,
7,29 Marien maydenes . or maken hem Nonnes [aaAx]
7,30 Pouere peple and prisons . fynden hem hir foode [aaaBb]
(K-D, 173; CM, 32;Sk2, lix)
7,31 And sette Scolers to scole . or to som oþere craftes [aaaAx]
(Schu, 107; R, 449; Sk2, liii) fol. 41v
7,32 Releue Religion . and renten hem bettre [aaAx]
7,33 And I shal sende yow myselue . Seint Michel myn Archangel
[aaaAx] (K-D, 137) ([aa(A)xx] CM, 37)(MS seint > Sch Seynt;
MS Archangel > Sch angel)
7,34 That no deuel shal yow dere . ne fere yow in youre deying
[aaXa] (Sch, 376; cf. K-D, 139, 180)(MS fere yow > Sch
[drede]; MS youre > Sch your [aaAa])
7,35 And witen yow fro wanhope . if ye wol þus werche [aaAa]
7,36 And sende youre soules in saufte . to my Seintes in
Ioye [aaaAx] (cf. CM, 77)
7,37 Thanne were Marchauntʒ murie . manye wepten for ioye [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 77)
7,38 And preiseden Piers þe Plowman . þat purchaced þis bulle
7,39 Men of lawe leest pardon hadde . þat pleteden for Mede
[aaAx] (|l|l|pl|; Sch, 376; cf. K-D, 188)
7,40 ffor þe Sauter saueþ hem noӡt . swiche as take ʒiftes
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)
7,41 And nameliche of Innocentʒ . þat noon yuel ne konneþ
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
7,41a { Sup(er) innocentem munera non accipies } [Latin]
7,42 Pledours sholde peynen hem . to plede for swiche and helpe
7,43 Princes and p(re)lates . sholde paie for hire t(ra)uaille
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 297)
7,43a { A Regibʒ & principibʒ erit merces eor(um) } [Latin]
7,44 Ac many a Iustice and Iurour . wolde for Iohan do moore
7,45 Than { pro dei pietate } . leue þow noon ooþer [{aa}Xx]
(Sch, 376; cf. K-D, 188)(MS leue > Sch [pr]eue [{aa}Ax]
7,46 Ac he þat spendeþ his speche . and spekeþ for þe pouere
[aaAx](MS spendeth > Sch speneth)
7,47 That is Innocent and nedy . and no man apeireþ [aa(A)xx]
7,48 Conforteþ hym in þat caas . wiþouten coueitise of ʒiftes
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79; Schu, 205)(MS wiþ outen coueitise of > Sch
coueit[eth noӡt h-is e])
7,49 And sheweþ lawe for oure lordes loue . as he it haþ
ylerned [aaaXa] (Sch, 376)(MS sheweth lawe > Sch om.;
MS as he i þat h ylerned > Sch lawe for hym sheweth [aaAx])
7,50 Shal no deuel at his deeþ day . deren hym a myte [aaaAx]
(R, 449; Sk2, liii)
7,51 That he ne worþ saaf and his soule . þe Sauter bereþ
witnesse [aaAx] (K-D, 87)
7,51a { Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo } [Latin]
7,52 Ac to bugge water ne wynd . ne wit ne fir þe ferþe [aaAbb]
7,53 Thise foure þe fader of heuene . made to þis foold in
co(m)mune [aaxAx] fol. 42r
7,54 Thise ben truþes tresores . trewe folk to helpe [aaAx]
7,55 That neu(er)e shul wexe ne wanye . wiþouten god hymselue
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 76)(MS wexe > Sch wex)
7,56 Whan þei drawen on to þe deye . and Indulgences wolde
haue [aaAx](MS deye > Sch þe deth)
7,57 Hir pardon is ful petit . at hir partyng hennes [aaAx](MS
Hir > Sch His; MS hir > Sch his)
7,58 That any mede of mene men . for hir motyng takeþ [aaaAx]
(R, 449; Sk2, liii)
7,59 Ye legistres and lawieres . holdeþ þis for truþe [aaXx]
(Sch, 376; cf. K-D, 193, 201)(MS holdeth þis for tru þe > Sch
[if I lye witeth Ma þe w] [aaAx])
MS W That if þ(a)t I lye . Mathew is to blame [xxXx]
MS W ffor he bad me make yow þis . and þis p(ro)u(er)be me
tolde [xxXx]
7,59a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) vultis vt faciant vobis h(om)i(n)es . facite eis } [Latin]
7,60 Alle libbynge laborers . þat lyuen wiþ hir hondes [aaAx]
7,61 That treweliche taken . and treweliche wynnen [aaAx]
7,62 And lyuen in loue and in lawe . for hir lowe hertes
[aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii)(MS hertes > Sch herte)
7,63 Haueþ þe same absolucion . þat sent was to Piers [aaAx]
(K-D, 85)
7,64 Beggeres ne bidderes . ne beþ noӡt in þe bulle [aaAa]
(R, 452; Sk2, lui; Ok, 2: 268)
7,65 But if þe suggestion be sooþ . þat shapeþ hem to begge
[aaAx] (|s|s|sh|; R, 458; Sk2, lxii; K-D, 132; Schu, 98)
7,66 ffor he þ(a)t beggeþ or bit . but if he haue nede [aa(A)xx]
(K-D, 135, 217; Ok, 2: 268)
7,67 He is fals wiþ þe feend . and defraudeþ þe nedy [aaAx]
7,68 And also he bigileþ þe gyuer(e) . ageynes his wille
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 203, 204, 206)
7,69 ffor if he wiste he were noӡt nedy . he wolde ʒyue þat
anoþ(er) [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 125, 187-8; Schu, 204, 205)
7,70 That were moore nedy þan he . so þe nedieste sholde
be holpe [abAb] (Sch, 376; CM, 63; cf. K-D, 125, 187-88,
217)(MS nedy > Sch nedyer)
7,71 Caton kenneþ me þus . and þe clerc of stories [aaAx](MS
of > Sch of þe )
7,72 { Cui des videto } . is Catons techyng [{ax}Ax] (CM,
97; K-D, 137)
7,73 And in þe stories he techeþ . to bistowe þyn almesse [aaAx]
(|st|t|-st|; K-D, 132; Schu, 117)
7,73a { Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des
} [Latin]
7,74 Ac Gregory was a good man . and bad vs gyuen alle [aaAx]
(Schu, 203)
7,75 That askeþ for his loue . þat vs al leneþ [abAb] ([aaAa]
uocalic |a|hi|u|a|; CM, 50)
7,75a { Non eligas cui mis(er)iaris ne forte p(re)tereas
illu(m) qui m(er)et(ur) accip(er)e } [Latin] (MS L. miseriaris > Sch
7,75a { Quia incertum est pro quo deo magis placeas } [Latin] fol. 42v
7,76 ffor wite ye neu(er)e who is worþi . ac god woot who haþ
nede [aaAx] (CM, 69)
7,77 In hym þat takeþ is þe trecherie . if any treson walke
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 134)
7,78 ffor he þat yeueþ yeldeþ . and yarkeþ hym to reste [aaAx]
(K, 43; Schu, 204)
7,79 And he þat biddeþ borweþ . and bryngeþ hymself in dette
7,80 ffor beggeres borwen eu(er)emo . and hir borgh is god
almyghty [aaAx]
7,81 To yelden hem þat yeueþ hem . and yet vsure moore [aaAx]
(K-D, 135; cf. Schu, 158, 204)
7,81a { Quare non dedisti pecuniam meam ad mensam } [Latin]
7,81a { vt ego veniam cum vsuris exigere } [Latin](MS L.
ueniam > Sch ueniens; MS L. exigere > Sch exigissem
utique illam)
7,82 fforþi biddeþ noӡt ye beggeres . but if ye haue gret nede
[aa(A)xx] (cf. K-D, 135, 217)
7,83 ffor whoso haþ to buggen hym breed . þe book bereþ witnesse
7,84 He haþ ynouӡ þat haþ breed ynouӡ . þouӡ he haue noӡt
ellis [aaAx]
7,84a { Satis diues est qui non indiget pane } [Latin]
7,85 Lat vsage be your(e) solas . of seintes lyues redyng [aaAx]
(K-D, 138)
7,86 The book banneþ beggerie . and blameþ hem in þis manere
7,87 { Iunior fui eteni(m) senui & no(n) vidi iustu(m) derelict(m) ne semen ei(us) } [Latin](MS L. ne > Sch nec; MS eius > Sch eius querens panem)
7,88 ffor ye lyue in no loue . ne no lawe holde [aaAx] (CM,
70)(MS ye > [þe i])
7,89 Manye of yow ne wedde noӡt . þe wo(m)man þ(a)t ye wiþ
deele [aaAx] (K-D, 81, 138; CM, 36; Ok, 2: 308)(MS Manye
of yow > Sch [Thei]; noӡt þe > Sch [no]; MS ye > Sch
7,90 But as wilde bestes w(i)t(h) wehee . worþen vppe and
werchen [aaAa]
7,91 And bryngen forþ barnes . þ(a)t bastardes men calleþ
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 271)
7,92 Or þe bak or som boon . he brekeþ in his youþe [aaAx]
(K-D, 86; Ok, 2: 267)
7,93 And siþþe goon faiten w(i)t(h) your(e) fauntes . for
eu(er)emoore after [aa(A)xx] (cf. K-D, 80) ([aaBb] R, 455,
456; Sk2, lix, lx)(MS sith þe > Sch om.; MS goon > Sch
goon [and]; MS youre > Sch hire)
7,94 Ther is moore mysshapen peple . amonges þise beggeres
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80, 217)(MS peple > Sch om.)
7,95 Than of alle manere men . þat on þis moolde walkeþ [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79; Ok, 2: 293)(MS alle > Sch alle [o þe re])
7,96 And þei þat lyue þus hir lif . mowe loþe þe tyme [aaAx]
(CM, 69; Ok, 2: 291)(MS And þe i > Sch Tho)
7,97 That euere þei were men wroӡt . whan þei shal hennes
fare [aa(A)xx](MS þe i were men > Sch he was man; MS þe
i > Sch he)
7,98 Ac olde men and hore . þat helplees ben of strengþe [aaAx]
(L, 105; R, 457; Sk2, lxi) fol. 43r
7,99 And wo(m)men wiþ childe . þat werche ne mowe [aaAx]
(K-D, 134; K, 54)
7,100 Blynde and bedreden . and broken hire membres [aaAx](MS
broken > Sch broken in)
7,101 That taken þise myschiefs mekeliche . as Mesels and
oþ(er)e [xaaAx] (cf. K, 60)(MS þis e myschiefs > Sch þis
7,102 Han as pleyn pardon . as þe Plowman hymselue [aaAx]
7,103 ffor loue of hir lowe hertes . oure lord haþ hem graunted
7,104 Hir penaunce and hir Purgatorie . here on þis erþe
[aaBb] (K-D, 82, 196; Sch, 376)(MS here on þis > Sch
upon þis [pure] [aaAx])
7,105 Piers quod a preest þoo . þi pardon moste I rede [aaAx]
7,106 ffor I wol construe ech clause . and kenne it þee on
englissh [aaAx](MS wol > Sch shal)
7,107 And Piers at his preiere . þe pardon vnfoldeþ [aaAx]
7,108 And I bihynde hem boþe . biheld al þe bulle [aaAa]
7,109 And in two lynes it lay . and noӡt a leef moore [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 81)(MS And > Sch om.; MS leef > Sch le[ttre])
7,110 And was writen riӡt þus . in witnesse of truþe [axAx](MS
written > Sch ywriten)
7,110a { Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam & }
7,110a { Qui vero mala in ignem eternum } [Latin]
7,111 Peter quod þe preest þoo . I kan no pardon fynde [aaAx]
7,112 But do wel and haue wel . and god shal haue þi soule
[xaAx] (R, 453; Sk2, luii)
7,113 And do yuel and haue yuel . hope þow noon ooþer [aaAx]
(L, 106)(MS yuel > Sch yuel and)
7,114 But after þi deeþ day . þe deuel shal haue þi soule
[aaAx](MS But > Sch þat )
7,115 And Piers for pure tene . pulled it atweyne [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)
7,116 And seide { Si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis } [Latin]
([{axAx}] uocalic; CM, 100)
7,117 { Non timebo mala quoniam tu mecum es } [Latin] ([{aaAx}]
|-m|m|m|; CM, 100-1)
7,118 I shal cessen of my sowyng quod Piers . & swynke
noӡt so harde [aaxAx]
7,119 Ne aboute my bely ioye . so bisy be na moore [aaAx]
(K-D, 85; Ok, 2: 167) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
7,120 Of preieres and of penaunce . my plouӡ shal ben herafter
7,121 And wepen whan I sholde slepe . þouӡ whete breed me
faille [axAx] (cf. K-D, 193)
7,122 The p(ro)phete his payn eet . in penaunce and in sorwe
[aaAx] (CM, 68)
7,123 By þat þe Sauter seith . so dide othere manye [aa(A)xx]
(K-D, 86) fol. 43v
7,124 That loueþ god lelly . his liflode is ful esy [aaAx]
7,124a { ffuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte & } [Latin]
7,125 And but if luc lye . he lereþ vs by foweles [aaAx] (K-D,
86)(MS by foweles > Sch be fooles)
7,126 We sholde noӡt be to bisy . aboute þe worldes blisse
7,127 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he seiþ in þe gospel [{aa}Ax]
7,128 And sheweþ vs by ensamples . vs selue to wisse [aaAx]
(K-D, 85; cf. Schu, 98)
7,129 The foweles in þe feld . who fynt hem mete at wynter
[aaAx] (K-D, 86, 87; Ok, 2: 281)
7,130 Haue þei no gerner to go to . but god fynt hem alle
7,131 What quod þe preest to Perkyn . Peter as me þynkeþ [aaAx]
7,132 Thow art lettred a litel . who lerned þee on boke [aaAx]
7,133 Abstynence þe Abbesse quod Piers . myn a.b.c. me tauӡte
[aaxAx] (cf. K-D, 87, 217; L, 101)
7,134 And Conscience cam afterward . and kenned me muche
moore [aaAbb]
7,135 Were þow a preest quod he . þou myӡtest p(re)che wher(e)
þou sholdest [axAx](MS preest > Sch preest Piers; MS thou
sholdest > Sch þow woldest [aaAx])
7,136 As diuino(ur) in diuinite . wiþ { Dixit insipie(n)s
} to þi teme [aa{A}x]
7,137 Lewed lorel quod Piers . litel lokestow on þe bible [aaxAa]
([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
7,138 On Salomons sawes . selden þow biholdest [aaAx]
7,138a { Ecce derisores & iurgia cum eis ne crescant &c } [Latin]
7,139 The preest and Perkyn . opposeden eiþ(er) ooþ(er) [aaAx](MS
opposeden > Sch apposeden)
7,140 And I þoruӡ hir wordes awook . and waited aboute [aaAx]
7,141 And seiӡ þe sonne in þe South . sitte þat tyme [aaaAx]
(K-D, 86; R, 449; Sk2, liii)
7,142 Metelees and moneilees . on Malu(er)ne hulles [aaAx]
7,143 Musynge on þis metels . and my wey ich yede [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79)(MS and my > Sch a my[le])
7,144 Many tyme þis metels . haþ maked me to studie [aaAx]
([aaAa] R, 452;Sk2, lui)
7,145 Of þat I seiӡ slepynge . if it so be myӡte [aaAx]
7,146 And also for Piers þe Plowman . ful pencif in herte [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)(MS also > Sch om.) fol. 44r
7,147 And which a pardon Piers hadde . al þe peple to conforte
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
7,148 And how þe preest inpugned it . wiþ two p(ro)pre wordes
7,149 Ac I haue no sauour in songewarie . for I se it ofte
faille [aaAx]
7,150 Caton and Canonistres . counseillen vs to leue [aaAx]
7,151 To sette sadnesse in Songewarie . for { Sompnia ne
cures } [aaa{Ax}]
7,152 Ac for þe book bible . bereþ witnesse [aaAx]
7,153 How Daniel diuined . þe dreem of a kyng [aaAx](MS dreem > Sch
dremes; MS kyng > MS kynge)
7,154 That was Nabugodonosor . nempned of clerkes [aaAx]
(|n|-n|n|; K-D, 85, 133; CM, 55)
7,155 Daniel seide sire kyng . þi dremels bitokneþ [axAx] (K-D,
89; Sch, 377)
7,156 That vnkouþe knyʒtes shul come . þi kyngdom to cleyme
[aaaAa] (R, 452; Sk2, lui)
7,157 Amonges lower lordes . þi lond shal be departed [aaAx]
7,158 And as Daniel diuined . in dede it fel after [aaAx]
7,159 The kyng lees his lordshipe . and lower men it hadde
[aaAx] (K-D, 85)
7,160 And Ioseph mette m(er)ueillously . how þe moone and þe
sonne [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 108, 182)
7,161 And þe elleuene sterres . hailsed hym alle [axAa] (CM,
33; R, 454; Sk2, luiii; cf. Schu, 108, 182) ([axAx] |e|hei|;
L, 104)
7,162 Thanne Iacob iugged . Iosephes sweuene [aaAx]
7,163 { Beau fitʒ } quod his fader . for defaute we shullen
[{a}aAx] ([{x(a)}aAx] CM, 97)
7,164 I myself and my sones . seche þee for nede [aaAx]
7,165 It bifel as his fader seide . in Pharaoes tyme [aaAx]
7,166 That Ioseph was Iustice . Egipte to loke [aaAx]
7,167 It bifel as his fader tolde . hise frendes þ(er)e hym
souӡte [aaAx]
7,168 And al þis makeþ me . on þis metels to þynke [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80)(MS And > Sch om.; MS þis > Sch om.)
7,169 And how þe preest preued . no pardon to dowel [aaAx]
7,170 And demed þ(a)t dowel . Indulgences passed [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 79)
7,171 Biennals and triennals . and Bisshopes lettres [axAx]
(R, 454; Sk2, luiii)
7,172 And how dowel at þe day of dome . is digneliche vnderfongen
[aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk, liii; cf. K-D, 87, 217)
7,173 And passeþ al þe pardon . of Seint Petres cherche [aaAx]
7,174 Now haþ þe pope power . pardon to graunte þe peple [aaAa](MS
graunte þe peple > Sch graunte [aaAx]) fol. 44v
7,175 Wiþouten any penaunce . to passen into heuene [abBa]
(cf. K-D, 80)(MS wiþ outen > Sch þe peple wiþ outen; MS
any > Sch om.; MS heuene > Sch [Ioye] [aaAx])
7,176 This is oure bileue . as lettred men vs techeþ [xaAx]
(K-D, 89)
7,176a { Quodcumq(ue) ligaueris sup(er) terram . erit ligatu(m) & in celis &c } [Latin]
7,177 And so I leue leelly . lordes forbode ellis [aaAx]
7,178 That pardon and penaunce . and preieres doon saue [aaAx]
7,179 Soules þat haue synned . seuen siþes dedly [aaAx] ([aaAa]
R, 452; Sk2, lui)
7,180 Ac to truste to þise triennals . trewely me thynkeþ
[aaAx](MS truste > Sch trust)
7,181 Is noӡt so siker for þe soule . certes as is dowel
[aaAx](MS Is > Sch It is)
7,182 fforþi I rede yow renkes . þat riche ben on þis erþe
7,183 Vpon trust of your(e) tresor . triennals to haue [aaAx]
7,184 Be ye neuer þe bolder . to breke þe x hestes [xaAx]
(Sk2, luii)
7,185 And namely ye maistres . Meires and Iugges [xaAx] (K-D,
211; R, 453)
7,186 That haue þe welþe of þis world . and for wise men
ben holden [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 309)(MS for > Sch om.)
7,187 To purchace yow pardon . and þe popes bulles [aaAx]
7,188 At þe dredful dome . whan dede shulle rise [aaAx]
7,189 And comen alle tofore crist . acountes to yelde [aaAx](MS
tofore > Sch before)
7,190 How þow laddest þi lif here . and hise lawes keptest
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 289)
7,191 And how þow didest day by day . þe doom wole reherce
[aaaAx] (R, 449; Sk2, liii)
7,192 A pokeful of pardon þ(er)e . ne p(ro)uincials lettres
7,193 Theiӡ ye be founde in þe fraternite . of alle þe foure
ordres [aaAx] (K-D, 86, 87)(MS foure > Sch fyue)
7,194 And haue Indulgences doublefold . but if dowel yow
helpe [aaAx] (K-D, 86)(MS if > Sch om.)
7,195 I sette youre patentes and your(e) pardon . at one
pies hele [aaAx]
7,196 fforþi I counseille alle cristene . to crie god mercy
7,197 And Marie his moder . be oure meene bitwene [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)
7,198 That god gyue vs g(ra)ce here . er we go hennes [aaaAx]
(R, 449; Sk2, liii; cf. K-D, 217; Schu, 203, 204, 205; Ok,
2: 284)
7,199 Swiche werkes to werche . while we ben here [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 312) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)(MS werche > Sch
werche þe )
7,200 That after oure deeþ day . dowel reherce [aaAx]
7,201 At þe day of dome . we dide as he hiӡte [aaAx]
Passus viij(us) de visione & primus de Dowel (PASSUS VIII)
8,1 Thus yrobed in russet . I romed aboute [aaAx] fol. 45r
8,2 Al a somer seson . for to seke dowel [aaAx]
8,3 And frayned ful ofte . of folk þ(a)t I mette [aaAx]
8,4 If any wiӡt wiste . wher dowel was at Inne [aa(A)xx]
([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
8,5 And what man he myӡte be . of many man I asked [aaAx]
(cf. K, 52) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
8,6 Was neu(er)e wiӡt as I wente . þat me wisse kouþe [aaAx]
8,7 Where þis leode lenged . lasse ne moore [aaAx] (cf. K-D,
8,8 Til it bifel on a ffriday . two freres I mette [aaAx]
8,9 Maistres of þe Menours . men of grete witte [aaAx]
8,10 I hailsed hem hendely . as I hadde ylerned [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 285) ([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
8,11 And preide hem { par charite } . er þei passed ferþer
[a{a}Ax] (cf. K-D, 80) ([a{(a)x}Ax] CM, 97)(MS L. par > pur)
8,12 If þei knewe any contree . or costes as þei wente [aaAx](MS
as þe i wente > Sch [aboute])
8,13 Where þ(a)t dowel dwelleþ . dooþ me to witene [aaAx]
8,14 ffor þei be men of þis moolde . þ(a)t moost wide walken
[aaAbb] (Ok, 2: 293)
8,15 And knowen contrees and courtes . and many kynnes places
8,16 Boþe p(ri)nces paleises . and pou(er)e mennes cotes
8,17 And dowel and do yuele . wher þei dwelle boþe [aaAx]
8,18 Amonges vs quod þe Meno(ur)s . þat man is dwellynge [aaAx]
8,19 And euere haþ as I hope . and eu(er)e shal herafter
8,20 { Contra } quod I as a clerc . and comsed to disputen
[{a}aAx] ([{a}aaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
8,21 And seide hem sooþly . { Sepcies in die cadit Iustus
} [aa{Ax}] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS hem > Sch om.)
8,22 Seuene siþes seiþ þe book . synneþ þe riӡtfulle [aaxAx]
([aaaAx] R, 449; Sk2, liii)
8,23 And whoso synneþ I seide . dooþ yuele as me þynkeþ [aaXx]
(K-D, 82) ([aaaBb] |-s|s|s|th-liaison|th|; Sch, 377)
8,24 And dowel and do yuele . mowe noӡt dwelle togideres
8,25 { Ergo } he nys noӡt alwey . amonges yow freres [{a}aaAx]
(Sch, 377; R, 457)(MS alwey > Sch alwey at hoom)
8,26 He is ouþ(er)while elliswhere . to wisse þe peple [aaAx]
8,27 I shal seye þee my sone . seide þe frere þanne [aaAx]
8,28 How seuen siþes þe sadde man . on a day synneþ [aaaXa]
(Sch, 377; R, 450; Sk2, liu)(MS on a day synneth > Sch
synneth on þe daye [aaaAx])
8,29 By a forbisne quod þe frere . I shal þee faire shewe
8,30 Lat brynge a man in a boot . amydde þe brode watre [aaAx](MS
þe > Sch a) fol. 45v
8,31 The wynd and þe water . and þe boot waggyng [aaXa] (K-D,
82; Ok, 2: 310)(MS boot waggyng > Sch waggyng of þe boote
8,32 Makeþ þe man many a tyme . to falle and to stonde [aaaXx]
(R, 450, 455; Sk2, liu, lix)(MS a > Sch om.)
8,33 ffor stonde he neuer so stif . he stumbleþ if he meue
8,34 Ac yet is he saaf and sound . and so hym bihoueþ [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 300)
8,35 ffor if he ne arise þe raþ(er) . and rauӡte to þe steere
[aaAx] (K-D, 87)
8,36 The wynd wolde wiþ þe water . þe boot ouerþrowe [aaaXx]
(R, 450, 455; Sk2, liu, lix)
8,37 And þanne were his lif lost . þoruӡ lachesse of hymselue
[aaAx] (K-D, 85)
8,38 And þus it falleþ quod þe frere . by folk here on erþe
[aaAx](MS falleth > Sch fareth)
8,39 The water is likned to þe world . þat wanyeþ and wexeþ
[axaAa] (Ok, 2: 308) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
8,40 The goodes of þis grounde arn lik . to þe grete wawes
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 285)
8,41 That as wyndes and wedres . walkeþ aboute [aaAx] (cf.
Ok, 2: 310)(MS walketh > Sch walweth)
8,42 The boot is likned to oure body . þat brotel is of kynde
8,43 That þoruӡ þe fend and þe flessh . and þe frele worlde
[aaAx](MS þe (2) > Sch thi)
8,44 Synneþ þe sadde man . a day seuen siþes [aaAx] (K-D,
85) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)(MS a day seuen si þe s > Sch
[seuen si þe s a daye] [aaAx])
8,45 Ac dedly synne doþ he noӡt . for dowel hym kepeþ [aaAx]
8,46 And þat is charite þe champion . chief help ayein synne
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
8,47 ffor he strengþeþ men to stonde . and steereþ mannes
soule [aaAx] (K-D, 86) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)(MS men > Sch
8,48 And þouӡ þe body bowe . as boot dooþ in þe watre [aaAx](MS
And > Sch þat )
8,49 Ay is þi soule saaf . but if þow wole þiselue [aaXa](MS
if > Sch om.; MS wole þis elue > Sch þis elue wole
8,50 Do a deedly synne . and drenche so þi soule [aaAx] ([aabAb]
CM, 63)(MS þis soule > Sch þis elue)
8,51 God wole suffre wel þi sleuþe . if þi self likeþ [aaAx]
8,52 ffor he yaf þee a yeresʒyue . to yeme wel þi selue [aaAx]
(Schu, 204; CM, 41) ([aaaAx])(MS a > Sch to)
8,53 And þat is wit and free wil . to eu(er)y wiӡt a porcion
[aaAx] ([abaBa] K, 53; K-D, 217)
8,54 To fleynge foweles . to fisshes and to beestes [aaAx]
8,55 Ac man haþ moost þerof . and moost is to blame [aaAx]
8,56 But if he werche wel þ(er) wiþ . as dowel hym techeþ
8,57 I haue no kynde knowyng quod I . to conceyuen alle youre
wordes [aaAx](MS conceyuen > Sch conceiue; MS youre > Sch
8,58 Ac if I may lyue and loke . I shal go lerne bettre [aaAx]
8,59 I bikenne þee crist quod he . þat on cros deyde [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 126, 182; Ok, 2: 276)(MS on > Sch on þe )
8,60 And I seide þe same . saue yow fro myschaunce [aaAx] fol.
8,61 And ʒyue yow g(ra)ce on þis grounde . goode men to worþe
[aaAx] (Schu, 204, 205) ([aaaAx] R, 450; Sk2, liu)
8,62 And þus I wente widewher . walkyng myn one [aaAx] (cf.
CM, 79; Ok, 2: 309) ([aaaAx] R, 450; Sk2, liu)
8,63 By a wilde wildernesse . and by a wodes side [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 79; Ok, 2: 309)(MS wodes > Sch wode)
8,64 Blisse of þe briddes . brouӡte me aslepe [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 158-59; CM, 79)(MS broughte > Sch abide; MS aslepe > Sch
8,65 And vnder a lynde vpon a launde . lened I a stounde
[aaAx] (CM, 69)(MS a(1) > Sch om.)
8,66 To lyþe þe layes . þo louely foweles made [aaAx](MS
tho > Sch þat þe )
8,67 Murþe of hire mouþes . made me þer to sleple [aaAx]
8,68 The m(er)ueillouseste metels . mette me þanne [aaAx]
([aaAa] R, 452; SK2, lui)
8,69 That euer dremed wiӡt . in world as I wene [xaAa] (K-D,
89; Sch, 378)(MS dremed wight > Sch [wight dremed] [axAa])
8,70 A muche man as me þouӡte . and lik to myselue [aaxAx]
([aaXa] cf. K-D, 217)(MS and > Sch om.)
8,71 Cam and called me . by my kynde name [aaAx]
8,72 What artow quod I þo . þ(a)t þow my name knowest [aaAx] (K-D, 135) ([aaXa] R, 455; Sk2, lix)(MS artow > Sch art þow)
8,73 That þow woost wel quod he . and no wiӡt bettre [aaAx]
8,74 Woot I what þow art . þouӡt seide he þanne [aaBb] (R,
456; Sk2, lx; cf. K-D, 79; Sch, 378)(MS I > Sch I [quod
I]; MS what þow art > Sch who art þow [xaAa])
8,75 I haue sued þee þis seuen yeer . seye þow me no raþer
8,76 Artow þouӡt quod I þoo . þow koudest me wisse [aa(A)xx](MS
Artow > Sch Art þow)
8,77 Where þ(a)t dowel dwelleþ . and do me þat to knowe [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)(MS þat > Sch om.)
8,78 Dowel and Dobet . and Dobest þe þridde quod he [aaAx]
(Sch, 378)(MS Dowel > Sch Dowel quod he; MS quod he > Sch
8,79 Arn þre faire v(er)tues . and ben noӡt fer to fynde
[aaAa] (|f|u|f|f|; R, 443, 458; Sk2, lxii)
8,80 Whoso is trewe of his tunge . and of his two handes
8,81 And þoruӡ his labour or þoruӡ his land . his liflode
wynneþ [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
8,82 And is trusty of his tailende, . takeþ but his owene
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217; R-K, 171)
8,83 And is noӡt dronkelewe ne dedeynous . Dowel hym folweþ
[aaAx](MS ddeynous > Sch deynous)
8,84 Dobet dooþ riӡt þus . ac he dooþ muche moore [aaAx] (K-D,
87) ([aaAbb])
8,85 He is as lowe as a lomb . and louelich of speche [aaAx]
8,86 And helpeþ alle men . after þ(a)t hem nedeþ [aaAx] (R,
457; Sk2, lxi) fol. 46v
8,87 The bagges and þe bigirdles . he haþ tobroke hem alle
8,88 That þe Erl Auarous . heeld and hise heires [aaAa] (K-D,
87; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
8,89 And þus wiþ Mammonaes moneie . he haþ maad hym frendes
[aaAx](MS thus > Sch om.)
8,90 And is ronne to Religion . and haþ rendred þe bible
[aaAx](MS to > Sch into)
8,91 And p(re)cheþ to þe peple . Seint Poules wordes [aaAx]
8,92 { Libenter suffertis insipientes . cu(m) sitis ip(s)i sapientes } [Latin] ([{aaAa}] CM, 101)
8,93 And suffreþ þe vnwise . wiþ yow for to libbe [xa(A)xx]
(cf. K-D, 125; Sch, 378)(MS And > Sch [Ye wise] [aa(A)xx])
8,94 And wiþ glad wille dooþ hem good . for so god yow hoteþ
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
8,95 Dobest is aboue boþe . and bereþ a bisshopes crosse [aaaAa]
(R, 450, 452; Sk2, liu, lui)(MS crosse > Sch cro[c]e)
8,96 Is hoked on þat oon ende . to halie men fro helle [aaAa]
(K-D, 87; R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
8,97 A pik is on þat potente . to putte adown þe wikked [aaAx](MS
putte > Sch pulte)
8,98 That waiten any wikkednesse . Dowel to tene [aaAx]
8,99 And Dowel and Dobet . amonges hem han ordeyned [aaXa]
(Sch, 378)(MS amonges hem han ordeyned > Sch [ordeyned
hem amonges] [aaAx])
8,100 To crowne oon to be kyng . to rulen hem boþe [aaXx]
(Sch, 378; Ok, 2: 276)(MS rulen > Sch [kepen])
8,101 That if Dowel or Dobet . dide ayein Dobest [aaAa] (R,
452; Sk2, lui; cf. Schu, 206)
8,102 Thanne shal þe kyng come . and casten hem in Irens
[aaAx](MS shal > Sch sholde; MS Irens > Sch prisoun)
8,103 And but if Dobest bede for hem . þei to be þer for
euere [aaAx]
8,104 Thus Dowel and Dobet . and Dobest þe þridde [aaAx]
8,105 Crouned oon to be kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 276)
8,106 And to rule þe Reme . by hire þre wittes [aaAx] (|r|r|thr|;
Sch, 378)(MS to > Sch om.)
8,107 And noon ooþerwise . but as þei þre assented [xaAx]
(K-D, 82; cf. Sch, 378)(MS noon > Sch om.; MS ootherwise > Sch
oo þe rwise [ne ellis noӡt ] [aaAx])
8,108 I þonked þoʒt þo . þ(a)t he me þus tauӡte [aaaAx] ([aaaXx]
R, 450; Sk2, liu)(MS thus > Sch [so])
8,109 Ac yet sauoreþ me noӡt þis eying . I coueite to lerne
[aaXx] (cf. K-D, 126; Sch, 378)(MS 109 run toge þe r wiþ
110 > Sch 109 b-uerse: so me Cris þe lpe [aa(A)xx]; 110
a-uerse: For more kynde knowynge [aaAx])
8,111 How Dowel . Dobet and Dobest . doon among þe peple
[aaaAx] (cf. Sk, 130)
8,112 But Wit konne wisse þee quod þoӡt . where þo þre dwelle
[aax(A)xx] (|w|w|wh|; Schu, 76)
8,113 Ellis woot I noon þat kan . þat now is alyue [axAx]
(Sch, 378)
8,114 Thoӡt and I þus . þre daies we yeden [aaAx] fol. 47r
8,115 Disputyng vpon Dowel . day after ooþ(er) [aaAx] (CM,
8,116 And er we were war . wiþ Wit gonne we mete [aaAx] ([aaaAx]
R, 450; Sk2, liu)(MS were war > Sch war were)
8,117 He was long and lene . lik to noon ooþer [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 291)
8,118 Was no pride on his apparaill . ne pouerte neiþer [aaAx](MS
apparaill > Sch apparaille)
8,119 Sad of his semblaunt . and of softe chere [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 79; Ok, 2: 300)(MS of > Sch of [a]; MS chere > Sch
[speche] [aaAa])
8,120 I dorste meue no matere . to maken hym to Iangle [aaAx]
8,121 But as I bad þoӡt þoo . be mene bitwene [abb(A)xx]
8,122 And pute forth som p(ur)pos . to preuen hise wittes
8,123 What was Dowel fro Dobet . and Dobest from hem boþe
8,124 Thanne þoӡt in þat tyme . seide þise wordes [aaAx]
8,125 Where Dowel . and Dobet . and Dobest ben in londe [aaAx]
(cf. Sk, 130)
8,126 Here is wil wolde wite . if wit koude teche hym [aaAx]
([aaaAx] R, 450; Sk2, liu)
8,127 And wheiþ(er) he be man or wo(m)man . þis man fayn
wolde aspie [aaAx](MS woman > Sch no man)
8,128 And werchen as þei þre wolde . thus is his entente
[aaAx] (K-D, 135)(MS thus > Sch þis )
8,114 Thoӡt and I þus . þre daies we yeden [aaAx] fol. 47r
8,115 Disputyng vpon Dowel . day after ooþ(er) [aaAx] (CM,
8,116 And er we were war . wiþ Wit gonne we mete [aaAx] ([aaaAx]
R, 450; Sk2, liu)(MS were war > Sch war were)
8,117 He was long and lene . lik to noon ooþer [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 291)
8,118 Was no pride on his apparaill . ne pouerte neiþer [aaAx](MS
apparaill > Sch apparaille)
8,119 Sad of his semblaunt . and of softe chere [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 79; Ok, 2: 300)(MS of > Sch of [a]; MS chere > Sch
[speche] [aaAa])
8,120 I dorste meue no matere . to maken hym to Iangle [aaAx]
8,121 But as I bad þoӡt þoo . be mene bitwene [abb(A)xx]
8,122 And pute forth som p(ur)pos . to preuen hise wittes
8,123 What was Dowel fro Dobet . and Dobest from hem boþe
8,124 Thanne þoӡt in þat tyme . seide þise wordes [aaAx]
8,125 Where Dowel . and Dobet . and Dobest ben in londe [aaAx]
(cf. Sk, 130)
8,126 Here is wil wolde wite . if wit koude teche hym [aaAx]
([aaaAx] R, 450; Sk2, liu)
8,127 And wheiþ(er) he be man or wo(m)man . þis man fayn
wolde aspie [aaAx](MS woman > Sch no man)
8,128 And werchen as þei þre wolde . thus is his entente
[aaAx] (K-D, 135)(MS thus > Sch þis )
Passus ix(us) de visione vt sup(ra) & p(ri)m(us) de Dobet (PASSUS IX)
9,1 Sire Dowel dwelleþ quod Wit . noӡt a day hennes [aaxAx]
9,2 In a Castel þat Kynde made . of foure kynnes þynges [aaAx]
9,3 Of erþe and Eyr is it maad . medled togideres [aabBx]
([xaAx] R, 453; Sk2, luii; Ok, 2: 280)
9,4 wiþ wynd and wiþ water . witterly enioyned [aaAx] (Sch,
378; Ok, 2: 308) ([aaaaAx]? R, 450; Sk2, liu)(MS witterly > Sch
9,5 Kynde haþ closed þ(er)Inne . craftily wiþ alle [aaAx]
9,6 A lemman þat he loueþ . lik to hymselue [aaAx]
9,7 { Anima } she hatte . ac enuye hir hateþ [{a}aAa] (K-D,
81; Sch, 378; cf. R, 452; Sk2, lui)(MS ac enuye hir hateth > Sch
[to hir ha þe nuye])
9,8 A proud prikere of ffraunce . {Princeps huius mundi}
9,9 And wolde wynne hire awey . wiþ wiles and he myӡte [aaAx]
([aaaAx] R, 450; Sk2, liu)
9,10 Ac kynde knoweþ þis wel . and kepeþ hire þe bettre [aaAx]
9,11 And dooþ hire wiþ Sire Dowel . is Duc of þise Marches
[aaAx](MS dooth > Sch hath doon; MS is > Sch om.)
9,12 Dobet is hire damyselle . Sire Doweles douӡter [aaAa]
9,13 To seruen þis lady leelly . boþe late and raþe [xaaAx]
9,14 Dobest is aboue boþe . a Bisshopes peere [aaaAx] fol.
9,15 That he bit moot be do . he ruleþ hem alle [aaXx] (Sch,
379; cf. K-D, 125, 174)(MS ruleth > Sch [bidd]eth [aaAx])
9,16 { Anima } þat lady . is lad by his leryng [{x}aAa] (cf.
K-D, 93; Sch, 379)(MS {Anima} þat lady > Sch [By his leryng];
MS by his leryng > Sch [þat lady {Anima}]; [aaA{x}])
9,17 Ac þe Constable of þat Castel . þat kepeþ al þe wacche
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)(MS al þe wacche > Sch [hem alle])
9,18 Is a wis knyӡt wiþ alle . sire Inwit he hatte [aaAx]
(K-D, 134)(MS Sire > Sch Sir)
9,19 And haþ fyue faire sones . bi his firste wyue [aaAx](MS
bi > Sch by)
9,20 Sire Se wel and Sey wel . and here wel þe hende [aaaBb]
(R, 450, 456; Sk2, liu, cf. lx)([aababAcbc] K, 61) (MS and(2) > Sch
and Sire [aaAbb])
9,21 Sire Werch wel wiþ þyn hand . a wiӡt man of strengþe
9,22 And sire Godefray Go wel . grete lordes for soþe [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 81)(MS forso þe > Sch [alle])
9,23 Thise fyue ben set . to kepe þis lady { Anima } [aaA{x}]
(|th|f|th|; Sch, 379) ([xaAx] K-D, 155, 170)(MS kepe > Sch
saue [xaAx])
9,24 Til kynde come or sende . to sauen hire for euere [aabBx]
(K-D, 156) ([aabAb] Sch, 379, 507; CM, 62) (MS sauen > Sch
kepen; MS for euere > Sch hymselue [aaAx])
9,25 What kynnes þyng is kynde quod I . kanstow me telle [aaAx]
9,26 Kynde quod wit is a creatour . of alle kynnes þynges [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)(MS a > Sch om.)
9,27 ffader and formour . of al þ(a)t euere was maked [aaAx]
(f-liaison; Sch, 379) ([aaXx] K-D, 125)
9,28 And þat is þe grete god . þat gynnyng hadde neu(er)e
9,29 Lord of lif and of liӡt . of lisse and of peyne [aaaAx]
(R, 450; Sk2, liu; Ok,2: 291)
9,30 Aungeles and alle þyng . arn at his wille [aaAx]
9,31 Ac man is hym moost lik . of marc and of shafte [aaAx]
9,32 ffor þoruӡ þe word þ(a)t he spak . woxen forþ beestes
[axAx] (K-D, 89; Sch, 379)
9,32a { Dixit & facta sunt } [Latin]
9,33 And made man likkest . to hymself one [aaXx] (cf. K-D,
89) ([aaaBb] Sch, 379)(MS likkest > Sch [moost lik] [aaaXx])
9,34 And Eue of his ryb bon . wiþouten any mene [axAx]
9,35 ffor he was synguler hymself . and seide {faciamus}
9,36 As who seiþ moore moot herto . þan my word oone [aa(A)xx]
9,37 My myʒt moot helpe . forþ wiþ my speche [aaAx](MS forth > Sch
9,38 Right as a lord sholde make l(ett)res . and hym lakked
p(ar)chemyn [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 188)(MS hym > Sch hym [ne])
9,39 Thouʒ he koude write neu(er) so wel . if he hadde no
penne [aaXx] (cf. K-D, 188, 201)(MS hadde > Sch [wel]de
9,40 The lettre for al þe lordshipe . I leue were neu(er)e
ymaked [aaAx]
9,41 And so it semeþ by hym . as þe bible telleþ [aaXx](MS
telleth > Sch telleth þe re he seide [aaXa])
9,42 There he seide . { Dixit & facta sunt } [Latin](MS
þe re … seide > Sch om.; MS L. facta sunt > Sch Faciamus)
9,43 He moste werche wiþ his word . and his wit shewe [aaAx]
(Sk2, lui) fol. 48r
9,44 And in þis man(er)e was man maad . þoruӡmyӡt of God
almyӡty [aaaAa]
9,45 Wiþ his word and werkmanshipe . and wiþ lif to laste
9,46 And þus God gaf hym a goost . þoruӡ þe godhede of heuene
[aaaAx] (cf. Schu, 203, 204)(MS thorugh > Sch of)
9,47 And of his grete grace . graunted hym blisse [aaAx]
9,48 And þat is lif þ(a)t ay shal laste . to al his lynage
after [aaAx] (K-D, 86, 87)
9,49 And þat is þe Castel þ(a)t kynde made . { caro } it
hatte [aa{A}x]
9,50 And is as muche to mene . as man wiþ a soule [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 87, 217)
9,51 And þat he wroӡte wiþ werk . and wiþ word boþe [aaAx]
9,52 Thorgh myʒt of þe mageste . man was ymaked [aaAa] (R,
452; Sk2, lui)
9,53 Inwit and alle wittes . closed ben þ(er)Inne [aaXa]
9,54 ffor loue of þe lady { Anima } . þat lif is ynempned
9,55 Ouer al in mannes body . he walkeþ and wandreþ [ax(A)bb]
(Ok, 2: 308)(MS he > Sch he[o])
9,56 Ac in þe herte is hir hoom . and hir mooste reste [aa(A)xx]
9,57 Ac Inwit is in þe heed . and to þe herte he lokeþ [aaAx]
(R, 457; Sk2, lxi)
9,58 What {Anima} is leef or looþ . he lat hire at his wille
[{x}aaAx] (Ok, 2: 288)
9,59 ffor after þe grace of god . þe gretteste is Inwit [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 284)
9,60 Muche wo worþ þat man . þat mysruleþ his Inwit [aaXx](MS
man > Sch wight [aaaXx])
9,61 And þat ben glotons glubberes . hir god is hire wombe
9,61a { Quor<um> deus venter est } [Latin]
9,62 ffor þei seruen Sathan . hir soules shal he haue [aaAx](MS
soules > Sch soule)
9,63 That lyuen synful lif here . hir soule is lich þe deuel
9,64 And alle þat lyuen good lif . are lik to God almyӡty
[aa(A)xx](MS to > Sch om.)
9,64a { Qui manet in caritate in deo manet &c } [Latin]
9,65 Allas þat drynke shal fordo . þat god deere bouӡte [aaAx]
9,66 And dooþ god forsaken hem . þat he shoop to his liknesse
[xaAx] (|-s|sh|; Schu, 99)
9,66a { Amen dico vobis . nescio vos . Et alibi: Et } [Latin]
9,66a { dimisi eos secundum desideria eor<um> } [Latin]
9,67 ffooles þat fauten Inwit . I fynde þ(a)t holy chirche
[aabAb] (CM, 60) fol. 48v
9,68 Sholde fynden hem þ(a)t hem fauted . and faderlese children
9,69 And widewes þ(a)t han noӡt wher w(i)t(h) . to wynnen
hem hir foode [aaAx]
9,70 Madde men and maydenes . þ(a)t he lplese were [aaaXx]
9,71 Alle þise lakken Inwit . and loore bihoueþ [abAb] (cf.
K-D, 173)
9,72 Of þis matere I myӡte . make a long tale [aaAx]
9,73 And fynde fele witnesses . among þe foure doctor(ur)s
9,74 And þ(a)t I lye noӡt of þat I lere þee . luc bereþ witnesse
9,75 Godfadres and godmodres . þat seen hire godchildren [aaAx](MS
Godfadere > Sch Godfader; MS godmoderes > godmoder)
9,76 At myseise and at myschief . and mowe hem amende [aaAa]
9,77 Shul haue penaunce in purgatorie . but þei hem helpe
[aaAx] (|p|p|b|; Schu, 123; cf. K-D, 197) ([abbAa] Sch, 379)(MS
but > Sch but yif)
9,78 ffor moore bilongeþ to þe litel barn . er he þe lawe
knowe [aaAx]
9,79 Than nempnynge of a name . and he neuer þe wiser [aaAx]
9,80 Sholde no cristene creature . cryen at þe yate [aaAx]
9,81 Ne faille payn ne potage . and p(re)lates dide as þei
sholden [aaAx]
9,82 A Iew wolde noӡt se a Iew . go Ianglyng for defaute
9,83 ffor alle þe mebles on þis moolde . and he amende it
myӡte [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 293)
9,84 Allas þ(a)t a cristene creature . shal be vnkynde til
anoþ(er) [aaAx]
9,85 Syn Iewes þ(a)t we Iugge . Iudas felawes [aaAx]
9,86 Eyth(er) of hem helpeþ ooþ(er) . of þat þ(a)t hem nedeþ
[aaaXx](MS of hem > Sch om.; oo þe r > Sch oo þe r
of hem [aa(A)xx])
9,87 Whi nel we cristene . of cristes good be as kynde [xaAa]
(Sch, 379)(MS of cristes good be > Sch [be of Cristes
good [xaAa])
9,88 As Iewes þat ben oure loresmen . shame to vs alle [axAx]
(s-I-liaison|sh|; Sch, 379)
9,89 The co(m)mune for hir vnkyndenesse . I drede me shul
abye [aaXx]
9,90 Bisshopes shul be blamed . for beggeres sake [aaAx]
9,91 He is wors þan Iudas . þat ʒyueþ a Iaper siluer [xaAx]
(K-D, 196, 199; Sch, 379; cf. Schu, 204)(MS He is wors
than Iudas > Sch Than Iudas he is wors [axAx])
9,92 And biddeþ þe begger(e) go . for his broke cloþes [aaAx]
9,92a { Proditor est p(re)latus cum Iuda qui patrimonium }
9,92a { Christi minus distribuit. Et alibi Perniciosus dis
} [Latin]
9,92a { pensator est qui res paup(er)um Christi inutiliter
co(n)sumit } [Latin]
9,93 He dooþ noӡt wel þat dooþ þus . ne drat noӡt god almyӡty
[aaAx] fol. 49r
9,94 He loueth noӡt Salomons sawes . þat Sapience tauӡte
9,94a { Inicium sapiencie timor Domini } [Latin]
9,95 That dredeþ god he dooþ wel . þat dredeþ hym for loue
9,96 And noӡt for drede of vengeaunce . dooþ þerfore þe bettre
[aaxAx] (cf. K-D, 147, 148, 184)(MS And > Sch And drad
9,97 He dooþ best þ(a)t wiþdraweþ hym . by daye and by nyӡte
9,98 To spille any speche . or any space of tyme [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 303)
9,98a { Qui offendit in vno in om(n)ibʒ est reus } [Latin]
9,99 Lesynge of tyme . truþe woot þe soþe [xaAx] (K-D, 195;
Sch, 380)(MS Lesynge > Sch [Tyn]ynge [aaAx])
9,100 Is moost yhated vpon erþe . of hem þ(a)t ben in heuene
9,101 And siþþe to spille speche . þat spicerie is of grace
[aaAx](MS spicerie > Sch spire)
9,102 And goddes gleman . and a game of heuene [aaAx]
9,103 Wolde neu(er)e þe feiþful fader . þis fithele were
vntempred [aaAx](MS þis > Sch his)
9,104 Ne his gleman a gedelyng . a goere to tau(er)nes [aaAx]
9,105 To alle trewe tidy men . þat trauaille desiren [aaAx]
9,106 Oure lord loueþ hem and lent . loude ouþ(er) stille
9,107 Grace to go to hem . and ofgon hir liflode [aaAx]
9,107a { Inquirentes autem D(omin)um non minuentur om(n)i bono } [Latin]
9,108 Trewe wedded libbynge folk . in þis world is Dowel [axAx]
(Sch, 380) ([axAa] K-D, 138, 194)
9,109 ffor þei mote werche and wynne . and þe world sustene
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 312)
9,110 ffor of hir kynde þei come . þ(a)t confesso(ur)s ben
nempned [aaAx]
9,111 Kynges and knyʒtes . kaysers and cherles [aaAx] (Sch,
380; Ok, 2: 274)
9,112 Maidenes and martires . out of o man come [aaAx]
9,113 The wif was maad þe weye . for to helpe werche [aaXa](MS
weye > Sch w[y]e)
9,114 And þus was wedlok ywroӡt . wiþ a mene p(er)sone [aa(A)xx]
9,115 ffirst by þe fadres wille . and þe frendes conseille
9,116 And siþenes by assent of hemself . as þei two myӡte
acorde [aaAx] (|-s|-s|th|; Schu, 161) [aaaXx] K-D, 138)
9,117 And þus was wedlok ywroӡt . and god hymself it made
9,118 In erþe and in heuene . hymself bereth witnesse [aaAx](MS and in heuene > Sch þe heuen is; MS bereth > Sch was þe ) fol. 49v
9,119 Ac fals folk feiþlees . þeues and lyeres [aaaAx] (|f|f|f|th|)
([aaaXx] R, 450, cf. 455; Sk2, liu, lix; Ok, 2: 280)(MS folk > Sch
folk and)
9,120 Wastours and wrecches . out of wedlok I trowe [aaAx]
9,121 Conceyued ben in yuel tyme . as Caym was on Eue [abAb]
(Sch, 380) ([axAx] K-D, 89)
9,122 Of swiche synfulle sherewes . þe Sauter makeþ mynde
9,122a { Concepit in dolore & peperit iniquitatem &c } [Latin](MS L. in dolore > Sch dolorem)
9,123 And alle þat come of þat Caym . come to yuel ende [aaAx]
(CM, 70, 71) ([aaAbb])
9,124 And god sente to Seem . and seide by an Aungel [aaAx]
(K-D, 85)(MS And > Sch For)
9,125 Thyn issue in þyn issue . I wol þat þei be wedded [aaBb]
9,126 And noӡt þi kynde wiþ Caymes . ycoupled nor yspoused
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)(MS nor > Sch ne)
9,127 Yet some ayein þe sonde . of oure Saueo(ur) of heuene
9,128 Caymes kynde and his kynde . coupled togideres [aaaAx]
(R, 450; Sk2, liu)
9,129 Til god wraþed for hir werkes . and swich a word seide
9,130 That I makede man . it me forþynkeþ [aaAx] (K-D, 85)(MS
man > Sch man now)
9,130a { Penitet me fecisse hominem } [Latin]
9,131 And com to Noe anon . and bad hym noӡt lette [xaaAx]
9,132 Swiþe go shape a ship . of shides and of bordes [aaAx]
(CM, 71)
9,133 Thyself and þi sones þre . and siþen youre wyues [aaAx]
9,134 Buskeþ yow to þat boot . and bideþ ye þerInne [aaAx]
9,135 Til fourty daies be fulfild . þ(a)t þe flood haue ywasshen
[aaAx](MS þe > Sch om.)
9,136 Clene awey þe corsed blood . þat Caym haþ ymaked [aaAx]
9,137 Beestes þ(a)t now ben . shul banne þe tyme [aaAx]
9,138 That euere þat cursed Caym . coom on þis erþe [aaAx]
9,139 Alle shul deye for hise dedes . by dales and by hulles
[aaAx] (K-D, 85)(MS by(2) > Sch om.)
9,140 And þe foweles þat fleen . forth wiþ oþ(er)e beestes
[aaAx] (K, 55; Ok, 2: 283)
9,141 Excepte oonliche . of ech kynde a couple [aa(A)bb]
(CM, 42)
9,142 That in þi shyngled ship . shul ben ysaued [aaAa]
9,143 Here abouʒte þe barn . þe belsires giltes [aaAx]
9,144 And alle for hir fadres . þei ferden þe werse [xaAx](MS
fadres > Sch forefadres [aaAx] |f|-f|f|) fol. 50r
9,145 The gospel is herayein . in o degre I fynde [aaAx]
(Schu, 206)
9,146 { ffilius no(n) portabit i(n)iquitate(m) p(at)ris . et p(ate)r no(n) portabit i(n)iquitate(m) filij &c } [Latin]
9,147 Ac I fynde if þe fader . be fals and a sherewe [aaAx]
9,148 þat somdel þe sone . shal haue þe sires tacches [aaAx]
9,149 Impe on an Eller(e) . and if þyn appul be swete [aaAx]
9,150 Muchel m(er)ueille me þynkeþ . and moore of a sherewe
9,151 That bryngeþ forþ any barn . but if he be þe same [aa(A)xx]
9,152 And haue a sauo(ur) after þe sire . selde sestow ooþer
9,152a { Nu(m)q(ua)m colligitur de spinis vua nec de tribulis ficus } [Latin]
9,153 And þus þoruӡcursed Caym . cam care vpon erþe [aaAa]
(R, 452; Sk2, lui)
9,154 And al for þei wroʒte wedlokes . ayein goddes wille
[aaXa] (K-D, 194; Sch, 380)(MS ayein goddes wille > Sch
[Goddes wille ayeines] [aaAx])
9,155 fforþi haue þei maugre of hir mariages . þ(a)t marie
so hir children [aaAx](MS mariages > Sch mariages [men;
MS so > Sch so now [aaAa]]
9,156 ffor some as I se now . sooþ for to telle [aaAx](MS
sooth > Sch soo þe )
9,157 ffor coueitise of catel . vnkyndely ben wedded [aaAx]
(K-D, 85)
9,158 As careful concepcion . comeþ of swiche mariages [aaAx]
(K-D, 85)
9,159 As bifel of þe folk . þat I bifore of tolde [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)
9,160 Therfore goode sholde wedde goode . þouӡþei no good
hadde [aaAx] (cf. CM, 136)(MS þe rfore > Sch For)
9,161 I am {via & veritas} seiþ crist . I may auaunce
yow alle [{aa}xAx](MS auaunce > Sch auaunce yow)
9,162 It is an vncomly couple . by crist as me þynkeþ [aaAx]
9,163 To yeuen a yong wenche . to an olde feble [aaAx] (y-liaison;
Sch, 380; Schu, 157; cf. 203) ([aaXx] K-D, 205, 211;
R, 455; Sk2, lix)(MS an > Sch an[y])
9,164 Or wedden any wodewe . for welþe of hir goodes [aaAx]
9,165 That neu(er)e shal barn bere . but if it be in hir
armes [aa(A)xx](MS hir > Sch om.)
9,167 Many a peire siþen þe pestilence . han pliӡt hem togideres
9,168 The fruyt þat brynge forþ . arn foule wordes [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 79)(MS þat > Sch þat þe i; MS arn > Sch
arn [manye])
9,166 In Ielousie ioyelees . and ianglynge on bedde [aaAx]
9,169 Haue þei no children but cheeste . and clappyng hem
bitwene [aaAx](MS clappyng > Sch chopp[es])
9,170 And þouӡ þei do hem to Dunmowe . but if þe deuel helpe
[aaAx](MS And > Sch om.) fol. 50v
9,171 To folwen after þe flicche . fecche þei it neuere [aaAx]
9,172 And but þei boþe be forswore . þat bacon þei tyne [aaAx](MS
And > Sch om.)
9,173 fforþi I counseille alle cristene . coueite noӡt be wedded
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 139)
9,174 ffor coueitise of catel . ne of kynrede riche [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 139)
9,175 Ac maidenes and maydenes . macche yow togideres [aaAx]
(K-D, 86)
9,176 Wodewes and wideweres . wercheþ þe same [aaAx] (K-D,
55; Ok, 2: 310)(MS Wodewes > Sch Wideweres; MS wideweres > Sch
9,177 ffor no londes but for loue . loke ye be wedded [aaAx]
9,178 And þanne gete ye þe g(ra)ce of god . and good ynouӡ
to liue wiþ . [aaaAx] (cf. CM, 137; Ok, 2: 284)
9,179 And euery maner seculer . þat may noӡt continue [axAx]
9,180 Wisely go wedde . and ware hym fro synne [aaAx]
9,181 ffor lecherie in likynge . is lymeyerd of helle [aaAx]
9,182 Whiles þow art yong . and þi wepene kene [ax(A)xx]
([axAx] K-D, 112, 208; R-K, 83, 92; Ok, 2: 285; cf. Schu,
9,183 Wreke þee wiþ wyuyng . if þow wolt ben excused [aaAx]
9,183a { Dum sis vir fortis ne des tua robora scortis } [Latin]
(cf. CM, 75)
9,183a { Scribitur in portis meretrix est ianua mortis }
[Latin] (cf. CM, 75)
9,184 Whan ye han wyued beþ war . and wercheþ in tyme [aaAx]
(CM, 68)
9,185 Noӡt as Adam and Eue . whan Caym was engendred [aaAx]
9,186 ffor in vntyme trewely . bitwene man and wo(m)man [aa(A)bb]
9,187 Ne sholde no bourde on bedde be . but if þei boþe were
clene [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 79) ([aaaAx] R, 450; Sk2, liu) (MS
bourde on bedde > Sch [bedbourde])
9,188 Boþe of lif and of soule . and in p(ar)fit charite
[xxXx] (Sch, 380; cf. K-D, 79, 87)(MS Bo þe > Sch om.;
MS parfit > Sch [leel] [axAx])
9,189 That ilke derne dede do . no man ne sholde [aaaXx]
(cf. K-D, 79, 80)
9,190 And if þei leden þus hir lif . it likeþ god almyӡty
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 288)(MS And > Sch Ac; MS leden > Sch
ledden; MS liketh > Sch liked)
9,191 ffor he made wedlok first . and hymself it seide [xxAa]
(cf. K-D, 173) ([aaBb] |w|f|-s|s|)
9,192 { Bonu(m) est vt vnusquisq(ue) vx(or)em sua(m) h(ab)eat p(ro)pt(er) fornicac(i)o(n)em } [Latin]
9,193 And þei þ(a)t oþergates ben geten . for gedelynges arn
holden [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80)(MS And þe i > om.)
9,194 And fals folk fondlynges . faitours and lieres [aaaAx]
(R, 450; Sk2, liu)
9,195 Vng(ra)cious to gete good . or loue of þe peple [aaaXx]
(cf. R-K, 103)
9,196 Wandren and wasten . what þei cacche mowe [aa(A)xx] (K-D,
87; cf. R-K, 84) fol. 51r
9,197 Ayeins Dowel þei doon yuel . and þe deuel serue [aaAx]
9,198 And after hir deeþ day . shul dwelle wiþ þe same [aaAx]
9,199 But god gyue hem grace here . hemself to amende [aaaXx]
(R, 450, 455; Sk2, liu, lix; cf. Schu, 203, 204; Ok, 2: 284)
9,200 Dowel my frend is . to doon as lawe techeþ [axAx] (K-D,
112, 134, 206; cf. R-K, 84, 92)
9,201 To loue þi frend and þi foo . leue me þat is dobet
9,202 To ʒyuen and to yemen . boþe yonge and olde [aaAx]
(Schu, 204)
9,203 To helen and to helpen . is dobest of alle [aaXa]
9,204 And dowel is to drede god . and dobet to suffre [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)(MS And > Sch And thus)
9,205 And so comeþ dobest of boþe . and bryngeþ adoun þe
mody [aaAx] (K-D, 86)
9,206 And þat is wikked wille . þat many a werk shendeþ [aaAx](MS
a > Sch om.)
9,207 And dryueþ awey dowel . þoruӡdedliche synnes [aaAx]
Passus x(us) de visione et ij(us) de dowel (PASSUS X)
10,1 Thanne hadde Wit a wif . was hote dame Studie [aa(A)xx]
(Du, 56, 59)
10,2 That lene was of lere . and of liche boþe [aaAx]
10,3 She was wonderly wroþ . þat Wit me þus tauӡte [aaAx]
(K-D, 87; Du, 50)
10,4 And al starynge Dame Studie . sterneliche loked [aaAx]
([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)(MS loked > Sch seide)
10,5 Wel artow wis quod she to Wit . any wisdomes to telle
[aaaAx] (Du, 46)
10,6 To flatereres or to fooles . þat frenetike ben of wittes
10,7 And blamed hym and banned hym . and bad hym be stille
[aaAx] ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
10,8 Wiþ swiche wise wordes . to wissen any sottes [aaAx]
10,9 And seide { Noli mittere } man . margery perles [{a}aAx]
(cf. K-D, 79)
10,10 Among hogges þat han . hawes at wille [aaAx]
10,11 Thei doon but dryuele þ(er)on . draf were hem leuere
10,12 Than al þe p(re)cious perree . þat in paradis wexeþ
[aaAx] (Du, 46)
10,13 I seye it by swiche quod she . þat sheweþ by hir werkes
[aaAx] (|s|sw|sh|; K-D, 87)
10,14 That hem were leuere lond . and lordshipe on erþe [aaAx]
10,15 Or richesse or rentes . and reste at hir wille [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 299)
10,16 Than alle þe sooþ sawes . þat Salomon seide eu(er)e
[aaAx] ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)(MS Salomon > Sch Salamon)
10,17 Wisdom and wit now . is noӡt worþ a kerse [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 311) fol. 51v
10,18 But if it be carded wiþ coueitise . as cloþeres kemben
hir wolle [aaAa]
10,19 Whoso kan contreue deceites . and conspire wronges
[aaAx] (K-D, 85)(MS kan > Sch can)
10,20 And lede forþ a loueday . to lette wiþ truþe [aaAx]
(cf. R-K, 170)(MS wiþ > Sch þe )
10,21 He þ(a)t swiche craftes kan . to counseil is cleped
[aaAa] (R, 452; Sk2, lui; cf. K-D, 80)(MS He > Sch om.;
MS is > Sch [are])
10,22 Thei lede lordes wiþ lesynges . and bilieþ truþe [aaaAx]
10,23 Iob þe gentile . in hise gestes witnesseþ [aaAx]
10,24 That wikked men þei welden . þe welþe of þis worlde
10,25 And þ(a)t þei ben lordes of ech a lond . þat out of
lawe libbeþ [aaAa]
10,25a { Quare impij viuu(n)t b(e)n(e) est om(n)ibʒ qui p(re)uaricant(ur) & iniq(ue) agunt } [Latin]
10,26 The Sauter seiþ þe same . by swiche þ(a)t doon ille [aaAx]
10,26a { Ecce ip(s)i peccatores habundantes in sec(u)lo obtinueru(n)t diuicias } [Latin]
10,27 Lo seiþ holy lettrure . whiche beþ þise sherewes [aaXx](MS
whiche > Sch whiche lordes [aaAx])
10,28 Thilke þ(a)t god gyueþ moost . leest good þei deleþ
[aaAx] (Sch, 380; Schu, 203, 205)(MS gyueth moost > Sch
[moost good gyueth God moost greueth] [aaaAa])
10,29 And moost vnkynde to þe co(m)mune . þat moost catel
weldeþ [aaAx]
10,29a { Que p(er)fecisti destruxerunt; . iustus autem &c } [Latin]
10,30 Harlotes for hir harlotrie . may haue of hir goodes [aaAx]
10,31 And Iaperis and Iogelo(ur)s . and Iangleris of gestes
10,32 Ac he þat haþ holy writ . ay in his mouþe [aaAx] (R,
457) ([aaaAx] Sk2, liu, lxi)
10,33 And kan telle of Tobye . and of twelue Apostles [aaAx](MS
of > Sch of þe )
10,34 Or p(re)chen of þe penaunce . þat Pilat wikkedly wroӡte
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217; Du, 50)(MS wikkedly > Sch om.)
10,35 To Ih(es)u þe gentile . þat Iewes todrowe [aaAx]
10,36 Litel is he loued . þat swich a lesson sheweþ [aaAx]
(Sk2, liu; Sch, 380; K-D, 79)(MS loued > Sch loued [or
lete by] [aaaAx])
10,37 Or daunted or drawe forþ . I do it on god hymselue
10,38 But þoo þ(a)t feynen hem foolis . and wiþ faityng libbeþ
10,39 Ayein þe lawe of oure lord . and lyen on hemselue [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206) fol. 52r
10,40 Spitten and spuen . and speke foule wordes [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 303)
10,41 Drynken and dreuelen . and do men for to gape [aaAx]
10,42 Likne men and lye on hem . þat leneþ hem no ʒiftes
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 205)
10,43 Thei konne na moore mynstralcie . ne Musik men to glade
10,44 Than Munde þe Millere . of {Multa fecit Deus} [aa{Ax}]
10,45 Ne were hir vile harlotrye . haue god my trouþe [xa(A)xx]
10,46 Sholde neu(er)e kyng ne knyӡt . ne Chanon of Seint
Poules [aaAx] (K-D, 85)(MS chanon > Sch canon)
10,47 Ӡyue hem to hir yeresʒyue . þe ʒifte of a grote [aaaAx]
(Sk2, liu; K-D, 133; R, 450; Schu, 203, 204; CM, 41; Du,
62)(MS yifte > Sch worth [aaaXx])
10,48 Ac murþe and mynstralcie . amonges men is nouþe [aaAx]
(K-D, 85; Ok, 2: 295; cf. Du, 62) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
10,49 Lecherie and losengerye . and losels tales [aaAx] (cf.
R, 452)
10,50 Glotonye and grete oþes . þis murþe þey louyeþ [aaXx]
(Sch, 380; Du, 46)(MS mur þe > Sch [game] [aaAx])
10,51 Ac if þei carpen of crist . þise clerkes and þise lewed
10,52 At mete in hir murþe . whan Mynstrals beþ stille [aaAx](MS
mur þe > Sch mur þe s)
10,53 Thanne telleþ þei of þe Trinite . a tale ouþer tweye
[aaAa] (K-D, 81; cf. Sk2, liu)(MS a tale outher tweye > Sch
[how two slowe þe thridde] [aaAx])
10,54 And bryngen forþ a balled reson . and taken Bernard
to witnesse [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80; Du, 45)(MS and > Sch
10,55 And puten forþ a p(re)sumpcion . to preue þe soþe [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 80)(MS a > Sch om.)
10,56 Thus þei dryuele at hir deys . þe deitee to knowe [aaAx]
10,57 And gnawen god wiþ þe gorge . whanne hir guttes fullen
10,58 Ac þe carefulle may crie . and carpen at þe yate [aaAx]
10,59 Boþe afyngred and afurst . and for chele quake [aa(A)xx]
(K, 54; Du, 57, 59; cf. R, 459; cf. Sk2, lxiii)
10,60 Is þ(er) noon to nyme hym neer . his anoy to amende
[aaaAx] (K-D, 85; cf. R, 450; Sk2, liu)(MS þe r noon > Sch
non; MS neer > Sch in nor; MS anoy to > Sch noy [aaAx])
10,61 But hunten hym as an hound . and hoten hym go þennes
[aaAx] ([aaaAx] R, 450; Sk2, liu)(MS hunten > Sch hoen
10,62 Litel loueþ he þat Lord . þat lent hym al þat blisse
[aaaAx] (R, 450; Sk2, liu)
10,63 That þus parteþ wiþ þe pou<er>e . a p<ar>cell
whan hym nedeþ [aaAx]
10,64 Ne were mercy in meene men . moore þan in riche [aaaAx]
(R, 450; Sk2, liu)
10,65 Mendinauntʒ metelees . myӡte go to bedde [aaAx]
10,66 God is muche in þe gorge . of þise grete maistres [abaAb]
(Du, 54)
10,67 Ac amonges meene men . his mercy and hise werkes [aaAx]
(R, 450; Sk2, liu)
10,68 And so seiþ þe Sauter . I haue seiӡen it ofte [aaA{x}]
(K-D, 87)(MS ofte > Sch [in {Memenot}])
10,68a { Ecce audiuim(us) eam in effrata inuenim(us) eam
in campis silue } [Latin]
10,69 Clerkes and oþ(er)e kynnes men . carpen of god faste
[aaAx] (K-D, 86; Ok, 2: 275) fol. 52v
10,70 And haue hym muche in þe mouþ . ac meene men in herte
[aaAx] (Sch, 381) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)(MS þe > Sch
10,71 ffreres and faito(ur)s . han founde swiche questions
[aaAx] (K-D, 81)(MS founde > Sch founde [up])
10,72 To plese wiþ proude men . syn þe pestilence tyme [aaAx]
(Du, 46)
10,73 And p(re)chen at Seint Poules . for pure enuye of clerkes
10,74 That folk is noӡt fermed in þe feiþ . ne free of hire
goodes [aaaAx]
10,75 Ne sory for hire synnes . so is pride woxen [aa(A)xx]
(Du, 57, 59)
10,76 In Religion and in al þe Reme . amonges riche and pou(er)e
10,77 That preieres haue no power . þe pestilence to lette
[aaAx](MS þe pestilence > Sch þis e penstilences)
10,80 And yet þe wrecches of þis world . is noon ywar by
ooþ(er) [aaAx]
10,81 Ne for drede of þe deeþ . wiþdrawe noӡt hir pride [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 279)
10,82 Ne beþ plenteuouse to þe pou(er)e . as pure charite
wolde [aaAx]
10,83 But in gaynesse and in glotonye . forglutten hir good
hemselue [aaAa]
10,84 And brekeþ noӡt to þe begger(e) . as þe book techeþ
10,84a { ffrange esurienti panem tuum &c } [Latin]
10,85 And þe moore he wynneþ and welt . welþes and richesse
10,86 And lordeþ in londes . þe lasse good he deleþ [aaAx]
10,87 Tobye telleþ yow noӡt so . takeþ hede ye riche [aaAx](MS
telleth > Sch techeth)
10,88 How þe book bible . of hym bereþ witnesse [aaAx]
10,88a { Si tibi sit copia habundant(er) tribue } [Latin]
10,88a { Si autem exiguu(m) illud imp(er)tiri stude libenter
} [Latin](MS L. stude libenter > Sch libenter stude)
10,89 Whoso haþ muche spende manliche . so seiþ Tobye [aaXx]
(CM, 68; Du, 51)(MS seith > Sch meneth [aaAx])
10,90 And whoso litel weldeþ . rule hym þer after [xxXx]
(Sch, 381; Du, 63; cf. Schu, 77)(MS rule > Sch [loke]
10,91 ffor we haue no lettre of oure lif . how longe it shal
dure [aaAx]
10,92 Swiche lessons lordes sholde . louye to here [aaAx]
10,93 And how he myӡte moost meynee . manliche fynde [aaaAx]
10,94 Nouʒt to fare as a fiþeler(e) or a frere . for to seke
festes [aaaXa] (Du, 50)(MS Nought > Sch noӡt ; MS for > Sch
10,95 Homliche at oþ(er)e mennes houses . and hatien hir
ownene. [aaaAa]
10,96 Elenge is þe halle . ech day in þe wike [aaAx] (Du,
57, 59)
10,97 Ther þe lord ne þe lady . likeþ noӡt to sitte [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 291) fol. 53r
10,98 Now haþ ech riche a rule . to eten by hymselue [abbAx]
(Du, 64)
10,99 In a pryuee parlour . for pou(er)e mennes sake [aaAx]
10,100 Or in a chambre wiþ a chymenee . and leue þe chief
halle [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 273)
10,101 That was maad for meles . men to eten Inne [aaAx]
(K-D, 138; Du, 59)
10,102 And al to spare to spende . þat spille shal anoþ(er)
[aaAx](MS spende þat spille > Sch spille þat spende)
10,103 I haue yherd heiӡe men . etynge at þe table [aaAx]
10,104 Carpen as þei clerkes were . of crist and of hise
myӡtes [aaAx]
10,105 And leyden fautes vpon þe fader . þat formede vs alle
10,106 And carpen ayein clerkes . crabbede wordes [aaAx]
(K-D, 85; cf. Schu, 206)
10,107 Why wolde oure Saueo(ur) suffre . swich a worm in
his blisse [aa(A)xx] (Du, 46, 59)
10,108 That bigiled þe wo(m)man . and þe man after [xxXx]
(Sch, 381; cf. K-D, 89, 205, 211; Du, 63)(MS bigiled > Sch
bi[w]iled; MS man > Sch [wye] [aaAx])
10,109 Thoruӡwhiche wiles and wordes . þei wente to helle
10,110 And al hir seed for hir synne . þe same deeþ suffrede
10,111 Here lyeþ youre lore . þise lordes gynneþ dispute [aaAx]
10,112 Of þat þe clerkes vs kenneþ . of crist by þe gospel
[aaAx](MS þe > Sch ye)
10,112a { filius non portabit iniquitatem patris &c }
10,113 Why sholde we þat now ben . for þe werkes of Adam [axAx]
(cf. K, 51; Du, 45)
10,114 Roten and torende . Reson wolde it neu(er)e [aaAx]
10,114a { Vnusquisq(ue) portabit onus suum &c } [Latin](MS
L. portabit onus suum > Sch onus suum portabit)
10,115 Swiche motyues þei meue . þise maistres in hir glorie
10,116 And maken men in mysbileue . þ(a)t muse muche on hire
wordes [aaaAx] (R, 450; Sk2, liu; cf. K-D, 217)
10,117 Ymaginatif herafterward . shal answere to hir purpos
[aaAx] (CM, 42)(MS hir > Sch youre)
10,118 Austyn to swiche Argueres . telleþ þis teme [aaBb] (Du,
59)(MS argueres > Sch arguers he; MS telleth > Sch
telleth hem [aa(A)bb])
10,118a { Non plus sapere q(ua)m oportet } [Latin]
10,119 Wilneþ neu(er)e to wite . why þ(a)t god wolde [aa(A)xa]
([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
10,120 Suffre Sathan . his seed to bigile [aaAx]
10,121 Ac bileueþ lelly . in þe loore of holy chirche [aaAx]
(Du, 46, 64)(MS bileueth > Sch bileue)
10,122 And preie hym of pardon . and penaunce in thi lyue [aaAx]
(Du, 46, cf. 62) fol. 53v
10,123 And for his muche mercy . to amende yow here [aaAx]
10,124 ffor alle þat wilneþ to wite . þe weyes of god almyӡty
[aaAx](MS weyes > Sch whyes)
10,125 I wolde his eiӡe were in his ers . and his fynger
after [aaXa] (cf. Du, 63)
10,126 That eu(er)e wilneþ to wite . why þ(a)t god wolde
[aa(A)xa] (K-D, 85) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
10,127 Suffre Sathan . his seed to bigile [aaAx]
10,128 Or Iudas to þe Iewes . Ih(es)u bitraye [aaAx] (CM,
30)(MS to þe Iewes > Sch þe Iew)
10,129 Al was as þow woldest . lord yworshiped be þe [aaAx]
(Du, 46)(MS þow woldest > Sch he wolde)
10,130 And al worþ as þow wolt . whatso we dispute [aaAx]
(|w|w|wh|; Schu, 76)
10,131 And þo þat vseþ þise hauylons . to blende mennes wittes
[aaAx] ([aa(A)xx] Du, 64, cf. 47) ([xa(A)xx] Sch, 381; cf.
K-D, 196)(MS blende > Sch [a]blende)
10,132 What is Dowel fro Dobet . þ(a)t deef mote he worþe
[aaAx](MS þat > Sch now)
10,133 Siþþe he wilneþ to wite . whiche þei ben boþe [aa(A)xx](MS
bo þe > Sch alle)
10,134 But if he lyue in þe lif . þat longeþ to dowel [aaAx]
(K-D, 86)
10,135 ffor I dar ben his bolde borgh . þ(a)t dobet wole
he neu(er)e [aaaAx] (Du, 45)
10,136 Theiʒ dobest drawe on hym . day after ooþer [aaAx]
10,137 And whan þ(a)t Wit was ywar . what dame Studie tolde
[aaXx] (K-D, 87; cf. Du, 59, 63) ([aaaXx] R, 450; Sk2, liu)(MS
what > Sch now)
10,138 He bicom so confus . he kouþe noӡt loke [aaAx] (K-D,
10,139 And as doumb as deeþ . and drouӡ hym arere [aaAx]
(cf. Ok, 277)
10,140 And for no carpyng I kouþe after . ne knelyng to þe
grounde [aaAx]
10,141 I myӡte gete no greyn . of his grete wittes [aaAx]
10,142 But al lauӡynge he louted . and loked vpon Studie
10,143 In signe þ(a)t I sholde . bisechen hire of grace [aaAx]
(|s|sh|-s|; R, 458; Sk2, lxii; K-D, 132, 134)
10,144 And whan I was war of his wille . to his wif gan I loute
[aaAx] (Du, 45) ([aaaAx] R, 450; Sk2, liu)
10,145 And seide mercy madame . youre man shal I worþe [aaAx]
10,146 As longe as I lyue . boþe late and raþe [aaAx]
10,147 ffor to werche your(e) wille . þe while my lif dureþ
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 311) ([aa(A)xx] Du, 59)(MS For > Sch And
10,148 Wiþ þat ye kenne me kyndely . to knowe what is dowel
10,149 fforþi mekenesse man quod she . and forþi mylde speche
10,150 I shal kenne þee to my Cosyn . þat Clergie is hoten
10,151 He haþ wedded a wif . wiþInne þise sixe monþes [aa(A)xx]
(Ok, 2: 308; cf. Du, 63)
10,152 Is sib to seuene artʒ . Scripture is hir name [aaAx]
(K-D, 86; Schu, 107)(MS to > Sch to þe ) fol. 54r
10,153 They two as I hope . after my techyng [abBa] (K-D,
135) ([x(a)(a)xAx] |as|I|after|; Du, 60) ([aaAx] R, 457;
Sk2, lxi)
10,154 Shullen wissen þee to dowel . I dar it vndertake [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 155; Du, 59; R, 453; Sk2, luii)(MS it > Sch
10,155 Thanne was he also fayn . as fowel of fair morwe [aaAa]
(|w|f|f|f|; cf. Schu, 141; R, 444, 452, 453, 459; Sk2, lui,
luii, lxiii)(MS he also > Sch I as)
10,156 And gladder þan þe gleman . þat gold haþ to ʒifte
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 80) ([aaAa] Schu, 203, 204, 205; R, 452;
Sk2, lui)
10,157 And asked hire þe heighe wey . where þ(a)t Clergie
dwelte [aaXx] (Du, 59) ([xaAx] |w|wh|; R, 453; Sk2, luii)
10,158 And tel me som tokene quod I . for tyme is þ(a)t I
wende [aaAx]
10,159 Aske þe heighe wey quod she . hennes to Suffre [aaAx]
10,160 Boþe wele and wo . if þ(a)t þow wolt lerne [aaAx]
10,161 And ryd forþ by richesse . ac rest þow noӡt þ(er)Inne
10,162 ffor if þow couplest þee þ(er) wiþ . to clergie comestow
neu(er)e [axAa] (K-D, 86; R, 452, 454; Sk2, lui, luiii; cf.
Du, 61, 64)
10,163 And also þe likerouse launde . þat lecherie hatte [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)
10,164 Leue it on þi left half . a large myle or moore [aaAx](MS
it > Sch hym)
10,165 Til þow come to a court . kepe wel þi tunge [aaAx]
10,166 ffro lesynges and liþer speche . and likerouse drynkes
10,167 Thanne shaltow se Sobretee . and Sympletee of speche
[aaaAa] (R, 452)
10,168 That ech wight be in wille . his wit þee to shewe
10,169 And þus shaltow come to Clergie . þat kan manye þynges
[aaAx] (K-D, 86)
10,170 Seye hym þis signe . I sette hym to Scole [aaAa] (R,
452; Sk2, lui)
10,171 And þ(a)t I grete wel his wif . for I wroot hire manye
bokes [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 81; Du, 46)(MS grete > Sch grette;
MS manye bokes > Sch [þe Bible])
10,172 And sette hire to Sapience . and to þe Sauter glose
[aaAx](MS glose > Sch glosed)
10,173 Logyk I lerned hire . and many oþere lawes [aaXa]
(K-D, 82)(MS many othere lawes > Sch [al þe Lawe after]
10,174 And alle Musons in Musik . I made hire to knowe [aaAx](MS
alle > Sch alle þe )
10,175 Plato þe poete . I putte first to boke [aaAx](MS putte > Sch
putte hym)
10,176 Aristotle and oþ(er)e mo to argue I tauӡte [aaAx]
(Sk, 151)
10,177 Grammer for girles . I garte first to write [aaAx](MS
to > Sch om.)
10,178 And bette hem wiþ a baleys . but if þei wolde lerne
10,179 Of alle kynne craftes . I contreued tooles [aaAx] (cf.
R, 453) fol. 54v
10,180 Of carpentrie of kerueres . and compased Masons [aaAx]
(K-D, 86)
10,181 And lerned hem leuel and lyne . þouӡ I loke dymme
[aaaAx] (R, 450; Sk2, liu)
10,182 Ac Theologie haþ tened me . ten score tymes [aaAx] (eye
alliteration) ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
10,183 The moore I muse þ(er)Inne . þe mystier it semeþ [aaAx]
10,184 And þe depper I deuyne . þe derker me it þynkeþ [aaAx]
(K-D, 86)
10,185 It is no science forsoþe . for to sotile Inne [aaAx]
10,186 A ful leþi þyng it were . if þ(a)t loue nere [axAx]
(K-D, 89, 125; cf. Du, 47)(MS loue > Sch loue [therinne])
10,187 Ac for it leteþ best by loue . I loue it þe bettre
10,188 ffor þ(er)e þ(a)t loue is ledere . þer lakked neu(er)e
g(ra)ce [aaAx](MS þe r > Sch ne)
10,189 Loke þow loue lelly . if þee likeþ dowel [aaaAx]
10,190 ffor dobet and dobest . ben of loues kynne [aa(A)xx]
(K-D, 86; Du, 59, cf. 63)(MS kynne > Sch k[e]nn[yng])
10,191 In ooþ(er) science it seiþ . I seiӡ it in Catou(n) [aaAx]
10,192 {Qui simulat verbis vel corde est fidus amicus } [Latin](MS
L. uel > Sch nec)
10,193 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile . sic ars deluditur arte
} [Latin]
10,194 Whoso gloseþ as gylours doon . go me to þe same [aaAx]
10,195 And so shaltow fals folk . and feiþlees bigile [aaAx]
10,196 This is Catons kennyng . to clerkes þat he lereþ [aaAx]
10,197 Ac Theologie techeþ noӡt so . whoso takeþ yeme [aaAx]
(eye alliteration)
10,198 He kenneþ vs þe cont(ra)rie . ayein Catons wordes
10,199 ffor he biddeþ vs be as breþeren . and bidde for oure
enemys [aaAx] (K-D, 86; cf. CM, 128) ([aaaAx] R, 450; Sk2,
10,200 And louen hem þ(a)t lyen on vs . and lene hem whan
hem nedeþ [aaAx] (K-D, 85)
10,201 And do good ayein yuel . god hymself it hoteþ [abAb]
(cf. Schu, 206)
10,201a { Du(m) te(m)pus h(ab)em(us) op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad o(mn)es . maxi(m)e aute(m) ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
10,202 Poul p(re)ched þe peple . þat p(ar)fitnesse louede [aaaAx]
10,203 To do good for goddes loue . and gyuen men þ(a)t asked
[aaAx] (Schu, 203)
10,204 And namely to swiche . as suwen oure bileue [xaAx]
(cf. K-D, 89)(MS namely to swiche as > Sch [to swiche
nameliche] þat [axAx])
10,205 And alle þ(a)t lakkeþ vs or lyeþ . oure lord techeþ
vs to louye [aaAa](MS lyeth > Sch lyeth us)
10,206 And noӡt to greuen hem þ(a)t greueþ vs . god hymself
forbad it [aaAx] fol. 55r
10,206a { Michi vindictam & ego retribuam } [Latin]
10,207 fforþi loke þow louye . as longe as þow durest [aaAx]
10,208 ffor is no science vnder sonne . so souereyn for þe
soule [aaAa]
10,209 Ac Astronomye is an hard þyng . and yuel for to knowe
[aaAx] (cf. R, 459; Sk2, lxiii)(MS an > Sch om.)
10,210 Geometry and Geomesie . so gynful of speche [aaAx](MS
so > Sch is)
10,211 Whoso þynkeþ werche w(i)t(h) þo two . þryueþ ful late
[aaAx] (K-D, 87)
10,212 ffor sorcerie is þe sou(er)eyn book . þ(a)t to þo
sciences bilongeþ [aaAx](MS bilongeth > Sch longeth)
10,213 Yet ar þer fibicches in forceres . of fele mennes makyng
[aaAbb](MS makyng > Sch makynge)
10,214 Exp(er)imentʒ of Alkenamye . þe peple to deceyue [aaXx]
(K-D, 89)
10,215 If þow þynke to dowel . deel þer wiþ neuere [abBa]
(K-D, 134) ([xaAa] R, 453; Sk2, luii)
10,216 Alle þise sciences I myself . sotilede and ordeynede
10,217 And founded hem formest . folk to deceyue [aaAx] (K-D,
10,218 Tel Clergie þis tokene . and Scripture after [aa(A)xx]
([aaXx] K-D, 148) ([abaBx] |t|c|t|sc|; Schu, 116) ([axAx]
R, 454; Sk2, luiii)(MS þis tokene > Sch þis e tokens;
MS and > Sch and to)
10,219 To counseille þee kyndely . to knowe what is Dowel
10,220 I seide g(rau)nt m(er)cy madame . and mekely hir grette
10,221 And wente wightly awey . wiþ oute moore lettyng [aaaAx](MS
awey > Sch my wey)
10,222 And til I com to clergie . I koude neu(er)e stynte
[aaAx] (K-D, 86)
10,223 And grette þe goode man . as Studie me tauӡte [aaXx](MS
And > Sch I; MS studie > Sch þe goode wif [aaAx])
10,224 And afterwardes þe wif . and worshiped hem boþe [aaAx]
10,225 And tolde hem þe tokenes . þat me tauӡt were [aaAx]
(K-D, 85)
10,226 Was neu(er)e gome vpon þis ground . siþ god made þe
worlde [aaAx] (K-D, 85; Ok, 2: 285)
10,227 ffairer vnderfongen . ne frendlier at ese [aaAx]
10,228 Than myself sooþly . soone so he wiste [aaAx]
10,229 That I was of wittes hous . and wiþ his wif dame Studie
[axAx] ([aaAa] R, 444, 452; Sk2, lui)
10,230 I seide to hem soothly . þat sent was I þider [aaAx]
10,231 Dowel and Dobet . and dobest to lerne [aaAx]
10,232 It is a co(m)mune lyf quod Clergie . on holy chirche
to bileue [aaXx] fol. 55v
10,233 wiþ alle þe articles of þe feiþ . þat falleþ to be
knowe [aaAx] (th-liaison|f|f|)
10,234 And þat is to bileue lelly . boþe lered and lewed
10,235 On þe grete god . þat gynnyng hadde neu(er)e [aaAx]
10,236 And on þe sooþfast sone . þat saued mankynde [aaAx]
10,237 ffro þe dedly deeþ . and deueles power [aaAx](MS and > Sch
and þe )
10,238 Thoruʒ þe help of þe holy goost . þe which goost is
of boþe [aabBx] (cf. K-D, 217)
10,239 Thre p(er)sones . ac noӡt in plurel nombre [xaAx]
(K-D, 149)(MS Thre > Sch Thre propre [aaAx])
10,240 ffor al is but oon god . and ech is god hymselue [aabAb]
10,240a { Deus Pater deus filius deus spiritus s(an)c(t)us
} [Latin] ([{aaAbb}])
10,241 God þe fader god þe sone . god holy goost of boþe
10,242 Maker of mankynde . and of beestes boþe [aaBb] (Sch,
382; cf. K-D, 201)(MS beestes > Sch [animal]es [aaAx]
10,243 Austyn þe olde . herof made bokes [aaAx]
10,244 And hymself ordeyned . to sadde vs in bileue [axAx]
10,245 Who was his Auctour . alle þe foure Eu(au)ngelistes
[aaAbb] (|wh|au|a|f|-u|; cf. Schu, 77)
10,246 And Crist cleped hymself so . þe Eu(au)ngelistes bereþ
witnesse [aaXx] (Sch, 382) ([aaXx] K-D, 195; cf. Schu, 70)
(MS Euaungelistes > [Gospelleres] [aaAx] |c|c|g|)
10,247 Alle þe clerkes vnder crist . ne koude þis assoille
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 274)
10,248 But þus it bilongeþ to bileue . to lewed þat willen
dowel [aaAx]
10,249 ffor hadde neu(er)e freke fyn wit . þe feiþ to dispute
10,250 Ne man hadde no merite . myӡte it ben ypreued [aaAx]
10,250a { ffides non h(ab)et meritu(m) vbi humana racio p(re)bet exp(er)imentu(m) } [Latin]
10,251 Thanne is dobet to suffre . for þe soules helþe [xaAx]
(Sch, 382; K-D, 196)(MS Thanne > Sch [Sith þe ]; MS þe > thi
10,252 Al þat þe book bit . bi holi cherches techyng [aa(A)xx]
10,253 And þat is man bi thy myʒt . for m(er)cies sake [aaAx]
10,254 Loke þow werche it in werk . þat þi word sheweþ [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 312)
10,255 Swich as þow semest in siӡte . be in assay yfounde
10,255a { Appare quod es vel esto quod appares} [Latin]
10,256 And lat no body be . by þi beryng bigiled [aaAx]
10,257 But be swich in þi soule . as þow semest wiþoute [aaAx]
10,258 Thanne is Dobest to be boold . to blame þe gilty [aaAx]
fol. 56r
10,259 Syþenes þow seest þiself . as in soule clene [aaaAx]
10,260 Ac blame þow neu(er)e body . and þow be blameworþy
10,260a { Si culpare velis . culpabilis esto cauebis } [Latin]
(cf. CM, 75)(MS L. esto > esse)
10,260a { Dogma tuu(m) sordet . cu(m) te tua culpa remordet
} [Latin] (cf. CM, 75)
10,261 God in þe gospel . greuously repreueþ [aaAx](MS greuously > Sch
10,262 Alle þat lakkeþ any lif . and lakkes han hemselue
10,262a { Qui co(n)sideras festuca(m) in oc(u)lo f(rat)ris tui . trabem in oc(u)lo tuo &c } [Latin](MS tuo > Sch tuo non uides)
10,263 Why meuestow þi mood for a mote . in þi broþ(er)es eiӡe
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 294; cf. Sk, 156)
10,264 Siþen a beem in þyn owene . ablyndeþ þiselue [axAx]
10,264a { Eice primo trabem in oculo tuo &c } [Latin]
10,265 Which letteþ þee to loke . lasse ouþ(er) moore [aaAx]
10,266 I rede ech a blynd bosard . do boote to hymselue [aaAx]
MS W ffor Abbotes and for Priours . and for alle man(er)e
p(re)lates [aaXa] (|-b|p|p|)
10,267 As p(er)sons and parissh preestes . þat p(re)che sholde
and teche [aaaAx]
10,268 Alle maner men to amenden . bi hire myӡtes [aaaXa](MS
myӡte s > Sch myӡte )
10,269 This text was told yow . to ben ywar er ye tauӡte [aaXa](MS
ywar > Sch war)
10,270 That ye were swiche as ye seyde . to salue wiþ oþ(er)e
10,271 ffor goddes word wolde noӡt be lost . for þat wercheþ
eu(er)e [aaxAx]
10,272 If it auailled noӡt þe co(m)mune . it myӡte auaille
yowselue [axAx] (K-D, 195)
10,273 Ac it semeþ now sooþly . to þe worldes siӡte [aaXa]
(Sch, 382; cf. K-D, 194)(MS þe worldes sighte > Sch [sighte
of þe worlde] [aaAx])
10,274 That goddes word wercheþ noӡt . on lered ne on lewed
[aaBb] (cf. K-D, 198)(MS noӡt > Sch no [wi]ght [aaaBb])
10,275 But in swich a manere . as Marc meneþ in þe gospel
[aaAx] (Sk, 157)
10,275a { Dum cecus ducit cecum ambo in foueam cadunt } [Latin]
10,276 Lewed men may likne yow þus . þ(a)t þe beem liþ in youre
eiӡen [aaAx]
10,277 And þe festu is fallen . for youre defaute [aa(A)xa]
10,278 In alle manere men . þoruӡ mansede preestes [aaAx] fol.
10,279 The bible bereþ witnesse . þ(a)t al þe folk of Israel
[aaXx] (K-D, 197; Sch, 382)(MS al > alle; MS folk > Sch
[barnes] [aaAx])
10,280 Bittre abouӡte þe giltes . of two badde preestes [aaAx]
10,281 Offyn and ffynes . for hir coueitise [aa(A)xx]
10,282 { Archa dei} myshapped . and Ely brak his nekke [{a}aAx]
10,283 fforþi ye Correctours claweþ heron . and correcteþ first
yowselue [aaAx]
10,284 And þanne mowe ye safly seye . as Dauid made þe Sauter
[axAx] (cf. K-D, 148)(MS safly > Sch manliche [aaAx])
10,285 { Existimasti iniq(ue) q(uo)d ero tui si(mi)lis argua(m) te & statua(m) co(n)t(ra) facie(m) tuam } [Latin]
10,286 And þanne shul burel clerkes ben abasshed . to blame
yow or to greue [aaAx]
10,287 And carpen noӡt as þei carpe now . and calle yow doumbe
houndes [aaAx]
10,287a { Canes non valentes latrare } [Latin]
10,288 And drede to wraþe yow in any word . your(e) werkmanshipe
to lette [aaAx]
10,289 And be prester at youre preiere . þan for a pound
of nobles [aaAx]
10,290 And al for youre holynesse . haue ye þis in herte
10,303 In scole þ(er)e is scorn . but if a clerk wol lerne
[aaXx] (cf. Schu, 117; K-D, 132)(MS is > Sch skile and;
MS he > Sch a clerk wol [aaaXx])
10,304 And gret loue and likyng . for ech of hem loueþ ooþer
[aaAx] (Sch, 383)(MS loueth > Sch l[er]eth)
10,305 Ac now is Religion a rydere . a Romer(e) aboute [aaAx](MS
aboute > Sch by stretes)
10,306 A leder(e) of louedayes . and a lond buggere [aaAx]
10,307 A prikere on a palfrey . fro Manere to Manere [aaBb]
(K-D, 93; Sk2, lx) ([aaaBb] Sch, 383)(MS on > Sch [up]on)
10,308 An heep of houndes a þis ers . as he a lord were [aaaAx]
10,309 And but if his knaue knele . þat shal his coppe brynge
10,310 He loureþ on hym and askeþ hym . who tauӡte hym curteisie
[prose line] (cf. K-D, 187)
10,311 Litel hadde lordes to doon . to ʒyue lond from hire
heires [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)
10,312 To religiouse þat han no rouþe . þouӡ it reyne on
hir Auters [aaAx]
10,313 In many places þer þei ben p(er)sons . be hemself at
ese [aa(A)xx] (|p|p|b|; Schu, 123) ([aaXx] K-D, 112, 207;
R-K, 83, 92)(MS ben persons > Sch persons ben)
10,314 Of þe pou(er)e haue þei no pite . and þat is hir charite
[aaXx](MS hir > Sch hir pure [aaAx])
10,315 Ac þei leten hem as lordes . hire londes lyen so brode
[aaAx](MS hire londes lyen > Sch hir lond lith)
10,316 Ac þer shal come a kyng . and confesse yow Religiouses
[aaAx] fol. 57r
10,317 And bete yow as þe bible telleþ . for brekynge of
your(e) rule [aaAx]
10,318 And amende Monyals . Monkes and Chanons [aaAx]
10,319 And puten to hir penaunce . { Ad pristinu(m) statum
ire } [aa{Ax}](MS puten > Sch puten hem)
10,320 And Barons wiþ Erles beten hem . þoruӡ { Beatus virres}
techyng [aa{A}x](MS beten hem > Sch b[iy]eten)
10,321 That hir barnes claymen . and blame yow foule [axAx]
(K-D, 198)
10,321a { Hij in curribʒ & hij in equis ip(s)i obligati sunt &c } [Latin]
10,322 And thanne ffreres in hir frayto(ur) . shul fynden a
keye [aaAx]
10,323 Of Costantyns cofres . in which is þe catel [aaXa]
(Sch, 383; cf. K-D, 194)(MS in which is þe catel > Sch
[which þe catel is inne] [aaAx])
10,324 That Gregories godchildren . han yuele despended [aaXx]
(Sch, 383; cf. K-D, 197)
10,325 And thanne shal þe Abbot of Abyngdou(n) . and al his
issue for eu(er)e [aaAx]
10,326 Haue a knok of a kyng . and incurable þe wounde [aaAx]
10,327 That þis worþ sooþ seke ye . þat ofte ouerse þe bible
[aaAx] (cf. K, 60)
10,327a { Quomodo cessauit exactor quieuit tributu(m) . contriuit
d(omin)us } [Latin]
10,327a { baculu(m) i(m)p(io)r(um) . et virga(m) d(omi)nanciu(m)
cedenciu(m) plaga insanabili } [Latin]
10,328 Ac er þat kyng come . Caym shal awake [aaAx]
10,329 But dowel shal dyngen hym adoun . and destruye his
myӡte [aaaAx] (Ok, 2: 278)(MS But > Sch Ac)
10,330 Thanne is dowel and dobet . quod I . {d(omin)us} and knyӡthode [aa{A}x] (cf. Sk, 160)
10,331 I nel noӡt scorne quod Scripture. but if scryueynes
lye [aaAx]
10,332 Kynghod ne knyӡthod . by noӡt I kan awayte [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 274)
10,333 Helpeþ noӡt to heueneward . oone heris ende [aaAa]
10,334 Ne richesse riӡt noӡt . ne Reautee of lordes [aaAx]
10,335 Poul preueþ it impossible . riche men to haue heuene
[aaaXx] (K-D, 87, 134; R, 450, 456; Sk2, liu, lix)(MS to > Sch
10,336 Salomon seiþ also . þ(a)t siluer is worst to louye
10,336a { Nichil iniquius q(ua)m amare pecuniam } [Latin]
10,337 And Caton kenneþ vs to coueiten it . nauӡt but as
nede techeþ [aaaBb] (Sch, 383; K-D, 138)(MS as > Sch at;
MS techeth > Sch om.)
10,337a { Dilige denarium set parce dilige formam } [Latin]
10,338 And patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . and poetes boþe [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 296) fol. 57v
10,339 Writen to wissen vs . to wilne no richesse [aaAx]
10,340 And preiseden pouerte w(i)t(h) pacience . þe Apostles
bereþ witnesse [aaaAx]
10,341 That þei han Eritage in heuene . and by trewe riӡte
[aaBb] (|e|he|tr|r|)
10,342 Ther riche men no riӡt may cleyme . but of ruþe and
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
10,343 { Contra } quod I by crist . þat kan I repreue [{a}aAx]
(K-D, 86)
10,344 And preuen it by Peter . and by Poul boþe [aaAx] (K-D,
10,345 That is baptiʒed beþ saaf . be he riche or pou(er)e
[aa(A)xx] (K-D, 135; K, 54)
10,346 That is { in extremis } quod Scripture . amonges Sarʒens & Iewes
[{a}aAx] (|-xt|sc|s|; Schu, 112) ([aaAx] s-liaison; Du, 66)
10,347 They mowen be saued so . and þat is oure bileue [aaAx]
(s-liaison) ([aaXx] K-D, 89)
10,348 That an vncristene in þat caas . may cristen an heþen
[aaAx] (K-D, 85)
10,349 And for his lele bileue . whan he þe lif tyneþ [aaAx]
10,350 Haue þe heritage of heuene . as any man cristene [aaaAx]
(cf. R, 457; Sk2, lxi) ([aaaXx] K-D, 86, 87)
10,351 Ac cristene men wiþoute moore . maye noӡt come to heuene
[aa(A)xx] (cf. Schu, 130; R, 446)
10,352 ffor þat crist for cristene men . deide and confermed
þe lawe [aaAx] (cf. Sk, 161; R, 446)
10,353 That whoso wolde and wilneþ . wiþ crist to arise [aa(A)xx]
10,353a { Si cum Χρ(ist)o surexistis &c } [Latin]
10,354 He sholde louye and lene . and þe lawe fulfille [aaAx]
10,355 That is loue þi lord god . leuest abouen alle [aaAx]
10,356 And after alle cristene creatures . in co(m)mune ech
man ooþ(er) [aaAx]
10,357 And þus bilongeþ to louye . þat leueþ be saued [aaAx](MS
leueth > Sch leueth to)
10,358 And but we do þus in dede . at þe day of dome [aaAa](MS
er > Sch at)
10,359 It shal bisitten vs ful soure . þe siluer þ(a)t we
kepen [aaAx]
10,360 And oure bakkes þ(a)t moþeeten be . and seen beggeris
go naked [aaAx]
10,361 Or delit in wyn and wildefowel . and wite any in defaute
[aaAx] ([aabAb])
10,362 ffor eu(er)y cristene creature . sholde be kynde til
ooþer [aaAx]
10,363 And siþen heþen to helpe . in hope of amendement [aaAx]
10,364 God hoteþ heiӡe and lowe . þ(a)t no man hurte ooþ(er)
[aaxAx](MS hoteth > Sch hoteth bo þe )
10,365 And seiþ slee noӡt þat semblable is . to myn owene
liknesse [aaXx]
10,366 But if I sende þee som tokene . and seiþ { Non mecaberis
} [aaA{x}] fol. 58r
10,367 Is slee noӡt but suffre . and al for þe beste [aaAx]
(Sch, 384; cf. K-D, 201)(MS al > Sch al[so])
10,369 ffor I shal punysshe hem in p(ur)gatorie . or in þe
put of helle [aaAx](MS hem > Sch om.)
10,370 Ech man for hise mysdedes . but mercy it lette [aaAx]
(K-D, 87)
10,371 This is a long lesson quod I . and litel am I þe wiser
10,372 Where dowel is or dobet . derkliche ye shewen [aaAx]
10,373 Manye tales ye tellen . þ(a)t Theologie lerneþ [aaAx]
(eye alliteration; Ok, 2: 305)
10,374 And þ(a)t I man maad was . and my name yentred [aa(A)xx]
10,375 In þe legende of lif . longe er I were [aaAx]
10,376 Or ellis vnwriten for som wikkednesse . as holy writ
witnesseþ [aaAa]
10,376a { Nemo ascendit ad celum . nisi qui de celo descendit } [Latin]
10,377 I leue it wel quod I by oure lord . and on no lettrure
bettre [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS I > Sch And I)
10,378 ffor Salomon þe sage . þat Sapience tauӡte [aaAx]
(K-D, 81)(MS taughte > Sch [made])
10,379 God gaf hym g(ra)ce of wit . and alle hise goodes
after [aaaAx] (R, 450; Sk2, liu; Schu, 204)(MS hise > Sch
10,381 He demed wel and wisely . as holy writ telleþ [aaAx]
([aaXx] R, 456; Sk2, lix)
10,382 Aristotle and he . who wissed men bettre [aaAx]
10,383 Maistres þat of goddes m(er)cy . techen men and p(re)chen
10,384 Of hir wordes þei wissen vs . for wisest as in hir
tyme [aaAx](MS as > Sch om.)
10,385 And al holy chirche . holdeþ hem boþe ydampned [axAx]
(R, 458; Sk2, lui, luiii, lxi; cf. K-D, 81)(MS ydampned > Sch
[in helle] [axAa])
10,386 And if I sholde werche by hir werkes . to wynne me heuene
[aaAx] (K-D, 86)
10,387 That for hir werkes and wit . now wonyeþ in pyne [aaAx]
10,388 Thanne wrouӡte I vnwisly . whatsoeu(er)e ye p(re)che
10,389 Ac of fele witty in feiþ . litel ferly I haue [aaAx]
10,390 Thouʒ hir goost be vng(ra)cious . god for to plese
10,391 ffor many men on þis moolde . moore setten hir hertes
[aaaAx] (Ok, 2: 293)(MS setten > Sch sette; MS hertes > Sch
10,392 In good þan in god . forþi hem g(ra)ce failleþ [aaAx]
(CM, 70)
10,393 At hir mooste meschief . whan þei shal lif lete [aaXx]
(Sch, 384; cf. K-D, 93) ([aaAbb])(MS þe i > Sch [men]
10,394 As Salomon dide and swiche oþ(er)e . þat shewed grete
wittes [aaAx] (|s|sw|sh|; cf. K-D, 147; K, 60; Schu, 99)
10,395 Ac hir werkes as holy writ seiþ . were eu(er)e þe
cont(ra)rie [aa(A)xx](MS were > Sch was)
10,396 fforþi wise witted men . and wel ylettred clerkes [aaAx]
fol. 58v
10,397 As þei seyen hemself . selde doon þerafter [aaAx]
10,397a { Sup(er) cathedra Moysi &c } [Latin]
10,398 Ac I wene it worþ of manye . as was in Noes tyme [aa(A)xx]
10,399 Tho he shoop þat ship . of shides and of bordes [aaAx]
(Schu, 99)
10,400 Was neu(er)e wrighte saued þat wroʒte þ(er)on . ne
ooþ(er) werkman ellis [aaAx] (CM, 70)
10,401 But briddes and beestes . and þe blissed Noe [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 271)
10,402 And his wif wiþ hise sones . and also hire wyues [axXa]
10,403 Of wightes þat it wroӡte . was noon of hem ysaued
[aa(A)xx](MS wightes > Sch wrightes)
10,404 God lene it fare noӡt so bi folk . þat þe feiþ techeþ
10,405 Of holi chirche þat herberwe is . and goddes hous
to saue [aaAx]
10,406 And shilden vs from shame þ(er)inne . as Noes ship
dide beestes [aaAx] (Schu, 99)
10,407 And men þat maden it . amydde þe flood adreynten [aa(A)xx]
10,408 The { color(um) } of þis clause . curatours is to
mene [{a}aAx]
10,409 That ben Carpenters holy kirk to make . for cristes
owene beestes [aaAx]
10,409a { Homines & iumenta saluabis d(omi)ne &c
} [Latin]
10,413 On good ffriday I fynde . a felon was ysaued [aaAx](MS
On > Sch A)
10,414 That hadde lyued al his lif . wiþ lesynges and w(i)t(h)
þefte [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 291)
10,415 And for he beknede to þe cros . and to crist shrof
hym [aaAx](MS beknede to > Sch beknew on)
10,416 He was sonner ysaued . þan Seint Ioh(a)n þe Baptist
[aaAx] ([aa(A)xx] CM, 37)
10,417 And or Adam or Ysaye . or any of þe p(ro)phetes [aaAx]
10,418 That hadde yleyen wiþ lucifer . many longe yeres [aaAx]
10,419 A Robber(e) was yraunsoned . raþer þan þei alle [aaAx]
10,420 Wiþ outen any penaunce of p(ur)gatorie . to p(er)petuel
blisse [aaAx]
10,421 Than Marie Maudeleyne . what wo(m)man dide werse [aaBb]
(Sch, 384; K-D, 82)(MS what womman dide > Sch wh[o myӡte
do] [aaAx])
10,422 Or who worse þan Dauid . þat Vries deeþ conspired
[xaAx](MS worse > Sch worse dide [aaAx])
10,423 Or Poul þe Apostle . þat no pite hadde [aaAx]
10,424 Muche cristene kynde . to kille to deþe [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 217; R-K, 95)(MS Muche > Sch om.)
10,425 And now ben þise as Sou(er)eyns . wiþ Seintes in heuene
[xaAx] (K-D, 125, 195; R, 453; Sk2, luii) ([axAx] Sch, 384)
10,426 Tho þ(a)t wrouӡte wikkedlokest . in world þo þei were
[aaAx] ([aaAa] R, 452; Sk2, lui)
10,427 And tho þ(a)t wisely wordeden . and writen manye bokes
[aaAx] (CM, 71) fol. 59r
10,428 Of wit and of wisedom . wiþ dampned soules wonye [aa(A)xa]
10,429 That Salomon seiþ I trowe be sooþ . and c(er)tein
of vs alle [aaaAx]
10,429a { Siue iusti atq(ue) sapientes . &t op(er)a eor(um) in manu dei sunt &c } [Latin](MS L. Siue > Sch Sunt)
10,430 Ther are witty and wel libbynge . ac hire werkes ben
yhudde [aaAx]
10,431 In þe hondes of almyӡty god . and he woot þe soþe
10,432 Wher fore a man worþ allowed þ(er)e . and hise lele
werkes [xaAx] (cf. K-D, 147)(MS fore > Sch for loue [aaAx])
10,433 Or ellis for his yuel wille . and for enuye of herte
[aaAa](MS for > Sch om.)
10,434 And be allowed as he lyued so . for by þe luth(er)e
men knoweþ þe goode [aaAx]
10,435 And wherby wiste men which were whit . if alle þyng
blak were [aaXa] (Sch, 384)(MS wiste > Sch wote)
10,436 And who were a good man . but if þer were som sherewe
[aaAx] (K-D, 133)
10,437 fforþi lyue we forþ wiþ oþ(er)e men . I leue fewe
ben goode [axAx] ([abaAb] CM, 63)(MS o þe re > Sch li
þe re [aaAx])
10,438 ffor { quant oportet vient en place . il nyad q(ue)
pati } [Old French] ([{abAb}] CM, 94, 97)(MS OF. nyad > Sch
ny ad)
10,439 And he þat may al amende . haue mercy on vs alle [aaAx]
10,440 ffor soþest word þat eu(er) god seide . was þo he
seide {Nemo bonus} [aaA{x}]
10,441 Clergie þo of cristes mouþ . comended was it litel [aaAx]
10,442 ffor he seide to Seint Peter . and to swiche as he
louede [aaAx]
10,443 { Cum steteritis ante Reges & presides &c
} [Latin](MS L. Cum > Sch Dum)
10,444 Thouʒ ye come bifore kynges . and clerkes of þe lawe
10,445 Beþ noӡt abasshed . for I shal be in youre mouþes
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 93)
10,446 And ʒyue yow wit and wille . and konnyng to conclude
[aaBb] (Sch, 384; cf. K-D, 93)(MS and(1) > Sch at; MS
and(2) > Sch [with]; MS conclude > Sch conclude hem
10,447 Hem alle þat ayeins yow . of cristendom disputen [aaXx]
(cf. K-D, 93; Schu, 206)
10,448 Dauid makeþ mencion . he spak amonges kynges [aaAx]
10,449 And myӡte no kyng ou(er)comen hym . as by konnynge
of speche [aaAx]
10,450 But wit and wisedom . wan neu(er)e þe maistrie [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 311)
10,451 Whan man was at meschief . wiþoute þe moore g(ra)ce
10,452 The douӡtieste doctour . and deuino(ur) of þe trinitee
10,453 Was Austyn þe olde . and heiӡest of þe foure [aaAx]
(R, 458; Sk2, lxi)
10,454 Seide þus in a sermon . I seigh it writen ones [aaAx] fol. 59v
10,455 { Ecce ip(s)i ydioti rapiu(n)t celu(m) vbi nos sapientes in inferno m(er)gim(ur) } [Latin](MS L. ydioti > Sch idiote)
10,456 And is to mene to men . moore ne lesse [aaAx](MS to > Sch
to Englissh)
10,457 Arn none raþ(er) yrauysshed . fro þe riӡte bileue
10,458 Than are þise konnynge clerkes . þat konne manye bokes
[aaAx] (K-D, 86; cf. Schu, 130, 182; R, 446)(MS konne > Sch
10,459 Ne none sonner saued . ne sadder of bileue [aaAx](MS
saued > Sch ysaued)
10,460 Than Plowmen and pastours . and oþ(er)e co(m)mune
laborers [aaXx](MS o þe re > Sch pouere [aaAx])
10,461 Souteres and shepherdes . and oþ(er)e lewed Iuttes
[aaXx] (MS and o þe re > Sch swiche [aaAx] (|s|sh|sw|)
10,462 Percen wiþ a {Paternost(er)} . þe paleys of heuene
10,463 And passen Purgatorie penauncelees . at hir hennes
partyng [aaaXa]
10,464 Into þe blisse of Paradis . for hir pure bileue [aaAx]
(|b|p|p|; Sch, 384; Schu, 123; cf. K-D, 182)
10,465 That inparfitly here knewe . and ek lyuede [aaAx]
(cf. Sch, 384; Sk, 167)
10,466 Ye men knowe clerkes . þat han corsed þe tyme [aaAx]
10,467 þat euere þe kouþe or knewe moore . þan { Credo in
deu(m) patrem } [aa{Ax}] (cf. K-D, 184)(MS þe > Sch
þe i)
10,468 And p(ri)ncipally hir { paternoster } . many a p(er)sone
haþ wisshed [a{a}Ax]
10,469 I se ensamples myself . and so may manye oþ(er)e [aaa(A)xx](MS
many > Sch many an)
10,470 That s(er)uauntʒ þat seruen lordes . selde fallen
in arerage [aaAx]
10,471 But þo þat kepen þe lordes catel . clerkes and Reues
10,472 Right so lewed men . and of litel knowyng [axAx] (Sch,
384; K-D, 93, 181)
10,473 Selden falle þei so foule . and so fer in synne [aaAx]
([abbBa] CM, 65)
10,474 As clerkes of holy chirche . þat kepen cristes tresor
10,475 The which is mannes soule to saue . as god seiþ in
þe gospel [aaBb]
10,475a { Ite vos in vinea(m) mea(m) } [Latin]
Passus undecimus (PASSUS XI)
11,1 Thanne Sc(ri)pture scorned me . and a skile tolde [aaAx]
11,2 And lakked me in latyn . and liʒt by me she sette [aaAx]
11,3 And seide { multi multa sciunt et seipsos nesciunt }
[Latin] ([{aaBb}])
11,4 Tho wepte I for wo . and wraþe of hir speche [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 309) fol. 60r
11,5 And in a wynkynge wraþe . weex I aslepe [aaAx](MS wra-th-e > Sch
w[o]r-th-; MS weex I > Sch til I was)
11,6 A m(er)ueillous metels mette me þanne [aaAx] (Sch, 384;
Sk, 168)
11,7 That I was rauysshed riʒt þ(er)e . and ffortune me fette
[aaBb](MS -th-at > Sch For; MS and > Sch for)
11,8 And into þe lond of longynge . allone she me brouʒte
[aaAx](MS allone > Sch and loue)
11,9 And in a Miro<ur> þat hiʒte middelerþe . she made
me to biholde [aaAx](MS biholde > Sch beholde)
11,10 Sone she seide to me . here myʒtow se wondres [aaAx](MS
Sone > Sch Si-th-en)
11,11 And knowe þat þow coueitest . and come þ(er)to p(er)aunter
11,12 Thanne hadde ffortune folwynge hire . two faire damyseles
11,13 { Concupiscencia carnis } . men called þe elder mayde
11,14 And Coueitise of eiʒes . ycalled was þat ooþer [abAb]
(K-D, 112, 206)
11,15 Pride of parfit lyuynge . pursued hem boþe [aaAx]
11,16 And bad me for my contenaunce . acounten Clergie liʒte
[xaAa] (K-D, 138)
11,17 { Concupiscencia carnis } . colled me aboute þe nekke
[{aa}Ax] (cf. R-K, 92)
11,18 And seide þow art yong and yeep . and hast yeres ynowe
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 285)
11,19 ffor to lyue longe . and ladies to louye [aaAa] (K,
11,20 And in þis Mirour þow miʒt se . myʒtes ful manye [aaAa]
(K, 57)
11,21 That leden þee wole to likynge . al þi lif tyme [aaAx]
11,22 The secounde seide þe same . I shal sewe þi wille [aaAx]
(K, 57)
11,23 Til þow be a lord and haue lond . leten þee I nelle
11,24 That I ne shal folwe þi felawship . if ffortune it
like [aaAx]
11,25 He shal fynde me his frend . quod ffortune þerafter
11,26 The freke þat folwede my wille . failled neu(er)e blisse
[aaAx](MS folwede > Sch folwe-th-)
11,27 Thanne was þ(er) oon þat hiʒte Elde . þat heuy was of
chere [aaaAx] (K, 58)
11,28 Man quod he if I mete wiþ þe . by Marie of heuene [aaAx]
11,29 Thow shalt fynde ffortune þee faille . at þi mooste
nede [aaa(A)xx] (|f|f|f|-th-|)
11,30 And { Concupiscencia carnis } . clene þee forsake [{aa}Ax]
11,31 Bittrely shaltow banne þanne . boþe dayes and nyʒtes
11,32 Coueitise of eiʒe . þat euere þow hir knewe [abBa]
11,33 And pride of parfit lyuynge . to muche p(er)il þee
brynge [aaAx]
11,34 Ye recche þee neu(er)e quod Rechelesnesse . stood forþ
in raggede cloþes [aaAx] fol. 60u
11,35 ffolwe forþ þat ffortune wole . þow hast wel fer til
Elde [aaaAx] (K, 57)
11,36 A man may stoupe tyme ynoʒ . whan he shal tyne þe crowne
[aaAx] (|st|t|t|; K-D, 132; Schu, 117)
11,37 { Homo p(ro)ponit } quod a poete, . and Plato he hiʒte
[{a}aAx] (|-p|p|p|)(MS poete > Sch poete -th-o)
11,38 And { Deus disponit } quod he . lat god doon his wille
11,39 If truþe wol witnesse it be wel do . ffortune to folwe
[aaaBb] (K-D, 138; CM, 71) ([aaBb] Schu, 142)
11,40 { Concupiscencia carnis } . ne Coueitise of eiʒes [{aa}Ax]
(cf. R-K, 95)
11,41 Ne shal noʒt greue þee gretly . ne bigile but if þow
wole þiselue [aaAx] (Sch, 384)(MS gretly > Sch grai-th-ly;
MS bigile > Sch bigile -th-ee; MS if > Sch om.; MS
-th-iselue > Sch om.)
11,42 Ye farewel Phippe quod ffaunteltee . and forþ gan me
drawe [aaaAx]
11,43 Til { Concupiscencia carnis } . acorded alle my werkes
[{aa}Ax](MS acorded > Sch acorded til)
11,44 Allas eiʒe quod Elde . and holynesse boþe [aaAx]
11,45 That wit shal torne to wrecchednesse . for wil to haue
his likyng [aaAx]
11,46 Coueitise of eiʒes . conforted me anoon after [abAb]
11,47 And folwed me fourty wynter . and a fifte moore [aaAx]
11,48 That of dowel ne dobet . no deyntee me þouʒte [aaAx](MS
me > Sch me ne)
11,49 I hadde no likyng leue me if þee list . of hem ouʒt
to knowe [aaaXx] (cf. K-D, 187)(MS if -th-ee list > Sch
[o]f -th-e leste)
11,50 Coueitise of eiʒes . com ofter in mynde [abAb](MS in > Sch
in my)
11,51 Than dowel or dobet . among my dedes alle [aaAx]
11,52 Coueitise of eiʒes . conforted me ofte [abAb] (cf. K-D,
11,53 And seide haue no conscience . how þow come to goode
[xaAx] (K-D, 194; cf. R-K, 90)
11,54 Go confesse þee to som frere . and shewe hym þi synnes
[aaBb] (Schu, 99; Du, 64) ([aaaAx] |-f|-th-|f|-th-|; K-D,
11,55 ffor whiles ffortune is þi frend . freres wol þee louye
[aaAx](MS -th-e > Sch -th-ee)
11,56 And fecche þee to hir ffrat(er)nitee . and for þe biseke
11,57 To hir Priour P(ro)uincial . a pardon for to haue [aaAx]
11,58 And preien for þee pol by pol . if þow be { pecuniosus
} [aaa{Ax}]
11,58a { Set pena pecuniaria non sufficit p(ro) sp(irit)ualibʒ delictis } [Latin] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS L. Set > Sch om.)
11,59 By wissynge of þis wenche I wrouʒte . hir wordes were so swete [aaaAx](MS wrou-gh-te > Sch dide [aaAx])
11,60 Til I foryat youþe . and yarn into Elde [aaAx] (K-D, 183, 206; cf. Schu, 202) fol. 61r
11,61 And þanne was ffortune my foo . for al hir faire speche
[aaAx](MS speche > Sch biheste)
11,62 And pou(er)te p(ur)sued me . and putte me lowe [aaAx]
11,63 And þo fond I þe frere afered . and flittynge boþe [aaaAx]
11,64 Ayeins oure firste forward . for I seide I nolde [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 36)
11,65 Be buried at hire hous . but at my parisshe chirche
[axAx] (|b|p|)
11,66 ffor I herde ones . how Conscience it tolde [aa(A)xx]
11,67 That þ(er)e a man were cristned . by kynde he sholde
be buryed [xaAx] (Sch, 385; cf. K-D, 199)(MS were cristned > Sch
[cristned were] [axAx])
MS W Or wher(e) he were parisshen . riʒt þ(er)e he sholde
be grauen [xxXx]
11,68 And for I seide þus to freres . a fool þei me helden
[aaAx] (|-th-|f|f|)
11,69 And loued me þe lasse . for my lele speche [aaAx]
11,70 Ac yet I cryde on my Confesso(ur) . þat heeld hymself
so konnyng [aaXa] (K-D, 194) ([aaaXx] c-liaison; Sch, 385)
11,71 By my feiþ frere quod I . ye faren lik þise woweris
11,72 That wedde none widwes . but for to welden hir goodes
11,73 Riʒt so by þe roode . rouʒte ye neuere [aaAx]
11,74 Where my body were buryed . by so ye hadde my siluer
[aa(A)xx] (CM, 39; Ok, 2: 269)
11,75 Ich haue muche m(er)ueille of yow . and so haþ many anoþ(er)
11,76 Whi youre Couent coueiteþ . to confesse and to burye
11,77 Raþ(er) þan to baptiʒe barnes . þat ben Catecumelynges
[aa(A)bb] (K, 54; CM, 39, 54-5)
11,78 Baptiʒynge and buryinge . boþe beþ ful nedefulle [aaAx]
11,79 Ac muche moore meritorie . me þynkeþ it is to baptiʒe
11,80 ffor a baptiʒed man may . as þise maistres telleþ [aaAx](MS
-th-ise > Sch om.)
11,81 Thoruʒ contricion come . to þe heiʒe heuene { Sola
contricio &c } [Latin](MS L. Sola … &c > Sch Sola
contricio delet peccatum as two lines diuided after heuene)
11,82 Ac barn wiþouten bapteme . may noʒt so be saued [Latin](MS
Ac > Sch Ac a; MS so be > Sch [be so]; MS L. Nisi …
fuerit > Sch as two lines diuided after saued)
11,83 { Nisi quis reuat(us) fuerit } . loke ye lettred men
. wheiþ(er) I lye or do noʒt [aaAx]
11,84 And lewte loked on me . and I loured after [aaAx](MS
Lewte loked > Sch Lewte -th-e lo[u-gh-])
11,85 Wherfore lourestow quod lewtee . and loked on me harde [aaAx]
11,86 If I dorste quod I amonges men . þis metels auowe [xaAx] (Sch, 385)(MS quod I amonges men > Sch [amonges men quod I] [aaAx])
11,87 Ӡis by Peter and by Poul quod he . and took hem boþe
to witnesse [aaAx] (|p|p|b|; Schu, 123)(MS Yis > Sch Ye;
MS took > Sch take) fol. 61v
11,88 { Non oderis f(rat)res secrete in corde tuo . set publice
argue illlos } [Latin]
11,89 They wole aleggen also quod I . and by þe gospel preuen
[prose line]
11,90 { Nolite iudicare quemquam } [Latin]
11,91 And wherof serueþ lawe q(uo)d lewtee . if no lif vndertoke
it [xaaAx]
11,92 ffalsnesse ne faiterie . for somwhat þe Apostle seide
[aa(A)bb] (CM, 39)
11,93 { Non oderis f(rat)rem } . and in þe Saut(er) also
. seiþ Dauid þe p(ro)phete
11,94 { Existimasti iniq(ue) q(uo)d ero tui similis &c
} [Latin]
11,96 It is { licitum } for lewed men . to sigge þe soþe
[{a}aBb] (K-D, 184)(MS sigge > Sch segge)
11,97 If hem likeþ and lest . ech a lawe it graunteþ [aaAx]
11,98 Excepte persons and preestes . and p(re)lates of Holy
Chirche [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)(MS Excepte > Sch Except)
11,99 It falleþ noʒt for þat folk . no tales to telle [aaBb]
11,100 Thouʒ þe tale be trewe . and it touche synne [aaAx](MS
touche > Sch touched)
11,101 Thyng þ(a)t al þe world woot . wherfore sholdestow spare
11,102 To reden it in Retorik . to arate dedly synne [aaAx]
11,103 Ac be neu(er)emoore þe firste . defaute to blame ([aaAx]
|-u|f|-f|; Sch, 385; CM, 42) ([xaAx] K-D, 155; cf. R-K, 106)
11,104 Thouʒ þow se yuel seye it noʒt first . be sory it
nere amended [aaAx] (CM, 71)
11,105 No þyng þat is pryue . publice þow it neu(er)e [xaAx]
11,106 Neiþer for loue preise it noʒt . ne lakke it for enuye
[aaAx] (cf. Sch, 385)(MS preise > Sch laude)
11,106a { Parum lauda vitupera parcius } [Latin]
11,107 He seiþ sooþ quod scripture þo . and skipte an heiʒ
and p(re)ched [aaAx] (|s|sc|sk|; Schu, 108)
11,108 Ac þe matere þat she meued . if lewed men it knewe
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 294)
11,109 Þe lasse as I leue . louyen it þei wolde [aaAx]
11,111 This was hir teme and hir text . I took ful good hede
11,112 { Multi } to a mangerie . and to þe mete were sompned
11,113 And whan þe peple was plener comen . þe porter vnpynned
þe yate [aaAa]
11,114 And plukked In { Pauci } pryueliche . and leet þe
remenaunt go rome [a{a}aBb] (CM, 97)
11,115 Al for tene of hir text . trembled myn herte [aaAx]
fol. 62r
11,116 And in a weer gan I wexe . and wiþ myself to dispute
[aa(A)xx] (CM, 39) ([aaXx] K-D, 135)
11,117 Wheiþ(er) I were chosen or noʒt chosen . on holy chirche
I þouʒte [aaAx](MS chosen > Sch chose; MS chosen > Sch
11,118 That vnderfonged me atte font . for oon of goddes
chosene [aa(A)xx]
11,119 ffor crist cleped vs alle . come if we wolde [aaAx]
11,120 Sarʒens and scismatikes . and so he dide þe Iewes
11,120a { O vos omnes sicientes venite &c } [Latin]
11,121 And bad hem souke for synne . safly at his breste
[aaAx](MS safly > Sch saue)
11,122 And drynke boote for bale . brouke it whoso myʒte
11,123 Thanne may alle cristene come quod I . and cleyme þ(er)e
entree [aaAx]
11,124 By þe blood þat he bouʒte vs wiþ . and þoruʒ bapteme
after [aaAx] (Ok, 2:269)
11,124a { Qui crediderit & baptiʒatus fuerit &c }
11,125 ffor þouʒ a cristen man coueited . his cristendom
to reneye [aaAx]
11,126 Riʒtfully to reneye . no reson it wolde [aaAx]
11,127 ffor may no cherl chartre make . ne his catel selle
[aaAx] (Sch, 385; cf. K-D, 93; Schu, 168, 182)(MS catel > Sch
11,128 Wiþouten leue of his lord . no lawe wol it graunte
11,129 Ac he may renne in arerage . and rome so fro home
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 77)(MS so > Sch om.)
11,130 And as a reneyed caytif . recchelesly rennen aboute
[axAa] (cf. R-K, 95)(MS rennen > Sch om. [axAx])
& casten hym in arerage
11,131 And reson shal rekene wiþ hym . and casten hym in
arerage [aaXa]
11,133 And putten hym after in prison . in purgatorie to
brenne [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 297)
11,134 ffor hise arerages rewarden hym þ(er)e . to þe day
of dome [aaBb] (CM, 39)(MS -th-ere > Sch -th-ere ri-gh-t
11,135 But if Contricion wol come . and crye by his lyue
11,136 Mercy for hise mysdedes . wiþ mouþe and wiþ herte
[aaAx](MS and > Sch or)
11,137 That is sooþ seide Scripture. may no synne lette [aaAx]
(Schu, 108)
11,138 Mercy al to amende . and Mekenesse hir folwe [aaaAx](MS
Mercy > Sch Mercy may; MS to > Sch om.)
11,139 ffor þei beþ as oure bokes telleþ . aboue goddes werkes
11,139a { Misericordia eius sup(er) omnia opera eius } [Latin]
11,140 Ye baw for bokes quod oon . was broken out of helle
11,141 Hiʒte Troianus hadde ben a trewe knyʒt . took witnesse
at a pope [aaAx](MS hadde ben > Sch om.)
11,142 How he was ded and dampned . to dwellen in pyne [aaAx]
11,143 ffor an vncristene creature . clerkes wite þe soþe [aaAx]
(cf. R-K, 95) fol. 62v
11,144 That al þe clergie vnder crist . ne myʒte me cracche
fro helle [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 274)
11,145 But oonliche loue and leautee . and my laweful domes
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 290)(MS and > Sch of; laweful > Sch
11,146 Gregorie wiste þis wel . and wilned to my soule [aaAx]
11,147 Sauacion for sooþnesse . þat he seiʒ in my werkes
[aaAx](MS for > Sch for -th-e)
11,148 And after þat he wepte . and wilned me were graunted
[xaAx] (CM, 39, [xaAx] cf. K-D, 125, 126)(MS graunted > Sch
graunted grace [xaAbb])
11,149 Grace wiþouten any bede biddyng . his boone was vnderfongen
11,150 And I saued as ye see . wiþouten syngynge of masses
[aaAx](MS ye > Sch ye may)
11,151 By loue and by lernyng . of my lyuynge in truþe [aaAx]
11,152 Brouʒte me fro bitter peyne . þer no biddyng myʒte
11,153 Lo ye lordes what leautee dide . by an Emp(er)our of
Rome [aaaXx] (K-D, 138)
11,154 That was an vncristene creature . as clerkes fyndeþ
in bokes [aaAx]
11,155 Nouʒt þoruʒ preiere of a pope . but for his pure truþe
11,156 Was þat Sarsen saued . as Seint Gregorie bereþ witnesse
[aaAx] ([aa(A)xx] CM, 37)
11,157 Wel ouʒte ye lordes þ(a)t lawes kepe . þis lesson to
haue in mynde [aaAx]
11,158 And on Troianus truþe to þenke . and do truþe to þe
peple [aaAx]
11,170 Lawe wiþouten loue quod Troianus . ley þer a bene
11,171 Or any Science vnder sonne . þe seuene artʒ and alle
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 302) ([aaAbb])
11,172 But þei ben lerned for oure lordes loue . lost is
al þe tyme [aaaAx]
11,173 ffor no cause to cacche siluer þ(er)by . ne to be
called a maister [aaAx] (K, 50)
11,174 But al for loue of oure lord . and þe bet to loue
þe peple [aaAx]
11,175 ffor Seint Ioh(a)n seide it . and soþe arn hise wordes
11,175a { Qui non diligit manet in morte } [Latin]
11,176 Whoso loueþ noʒt leue me . he lyueþ in deeþ deyinge
[aaAbb] (CM, 39) ([aaAx] CM, 37)
11,177 And þ(a)t alle manere men . enemyes and frendes [aaAx]
(|m|m|-m|; K-D, 134) ([abbAx])
11,178 Loue hir eyþer ooþer . and lene hem as hemselue [axAx]
11,179 Whoso leneþ noʒt he loueþ noʒt . god woot þe soþe
[aaXx] (K-D, 185)(MS god > Sch Oure Lord [aaAx])
11,180 Crist comaundeþ ech a creature . to conformen hym
to louye [aaaAx](MS Crist > Sch And; MS ech > Sch ech
a [aaAx])
11,181 And souereynly þe pou(er)e peple . and hir enemyes
after [aaBb] (Sch, 386; cf. K-D, 188)(MS souereynly -th-e > Sch
[principally] [aaaBb])
11,182 ffor hem þat haten vs . is oure merite to louye [aaa(A)xx]
(K, 58)
11,183 And pou(er)e peple to plese . hir preieres maye vs helpe
[aaaAx] (cf. K-D, 188) fol. 63r
11,184 And oure Ioye and oure heele . Ih(es)u crist of heuene
[axAx] (K-D, 184;Sch, 386)(MS And > Sch For; MS Ioye > Sch
Ioy; MS heele > Sch [Iu]ele [aaAx])
11,185 In a pou(er)e mannes apparaille . pursued vs euere
11,186 And lokeþ on vs in hir liknesse . and þat wiþ louely
chere [aaAx]
11,187 To knowen vs by oure kynde herte . and castynge of
oure eiʒen [aabAb]
11,188 Wheiþ(er) we loue þe lordes here . bifore þe lord
of blisse [aaAx](MS -th-e > Sch oure)
11,189 And exciteþ vs by þe Eu(a)ngelie . þ(a)t whan we maken
festes [aaXx]
11,190 We sholde noʒt clepe oure kyn þ(er)to . ne none kynnes
riche [aaAx]
11,190a { Cum facitis conuiuia nolite inuitare amicos } [Latin]
11,191 Ac calleþ þe carefulle þ(er)to . þe croked and þe
pou(er)e [aaAx]
11,192 ffor youre frendes wol feden yow . and fonde yow to
quyte [aaAx]
11,193 Youre festynge and youre faire ʒifte . ech frend quyteþ
so ooþ(er) [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 205)(MS quyte-th- > Sch quyt)
11,194 Ac for þe pou(er)e I shal paie . and pure wel quyte
hir t(ra)uaille [aaAx] (K-D, 196)
11,195 Þat ʒyueþ hem mete or moneie . or loueþ hem for my
sake [xaaXx] (cf. Schu, 204)(MS or > Sch and)
11,197 ffor þe beste ben som riche . and some beggeres and
pouere [aabBa] (K, 59)(MS For > Sch Ac for)
11,198 ffor alle are we cristes creatures . and of his cofres
riche [aaAx]
11,199 And breþ(er)en as of oo blood . as wel beggeres as
Erles [abaAb] (K, 52)
11,200 ffor on Caluarie of cristes blood . cristendom gan
sprynge [aaAx](MS For > Sch For at)
11,201 And blody breþ(er)en we bicome þ(er)e . of o body
ywonne [aaxAx] (cf. K, 52)
11,202 As {quasi modo geniti} . and gentil men echone [{ab}Ba](MS
and > Sch om.)
11,203 No beggere ne boye amonges vs . but if it synne made
11,203a { Qui facit peccatum seruus est peccati &c }
11,204 In þe olde lawe . as holy lettre telleþ [abAb](MS telle-th- > Sch
telle-th- mennes sones men called us [aaBb])
11,204 Mennes sones . men callen vs echone [axAx](Sch run
toge-th-er wi-th- 204)
11,205 Of Adames issue and Eue . ay til god man deide [aaa(A)xx]
(cf. K-D, 93)
11,206 And after his resurexcion . {Redemptor} was his name
[aa{A}x] (|r|-r|r|; K-D, 133; CM, 55)
11,207 And we hise breþ(er)en þoruʒ hym ybouʒt . boþe riche
and pou(er)e [aa(A)xx]
11,208 fforþi loue we as leue breþ(er)en . and ech man laughe
of ooþ(er) [aaAx](MS bre-th-eren > Sch children shal;
MS of > Sch up)
11,209 And of þat ech man may forbere . amende þ(er)e it
nedeþ [aaAx]
11,210 And euery man helpe ooþ(er) . for hennes shul we alle
11,210a { Alter alterius onera portate } [Latin] ([{aaAx}])
11,211 And be we noʒt vnkynde of oure catel . ne of oure konnyng
neiþ(er) [aaAx] (cf. K, 53) fol. 63v
11,212 ffor woot no man how neiʒ it is . to ben ynome fro
boþe [xaAx](MS woot > Sch noot [aaAx])
11,213 fforþi lakke no lif ooþ(er) . þouʒ he moore latyn
knowe [aaAx] (cf. K, 52)
11,214 Ne vndernyme noʒt foule . for is noon wiþoute defaute
11,215 ffor whateuere clerkes carpe . of cristendom or ellis
11,216 Crist to a co(m)mune wo(m)man seide . in co(m)mune
at a feste [aaAx] (Sch, 386)
11,217 That { ffides sua } sholde sauen hire . and saluen
hire of synnes [{x(a)}aAa] (Ok, 2: 300)(MS of > Sch of
11,218 Thanne is bileue a lele help . aboue logyk or lawe [aaAa] ([aaxAa] CM, 55-6)
11,219 Of logyk ne of lawe . in { legenda S(an)c(t)or(um) }
[aa{Ax}] (CM, 55-6)
11,220 Is litel alowaunce maad . but if bileue hem helpe
11,221 ffor it is ouerlonge er logyk . any lesson assoille
11,222 And lawe is looþ to louye . but if he lacche siluer
[aaaAx] (cf. [aaxAx] CM, 55-6)
11,223 Boþe logyk and lawe . þat loueþ noʒt to lye [aaAa]
(CM, 55-6)
11,224 I conseille alle cristene . clyue noʒt þeron to soore
11,225 ffor some wordes I fynde writen . þ(a)t were of ffeiþes
techyng [aa(A)xx](MS -th-at > Sch om.)
11,226 That saued synful men . as Seint Ioh(a)n bereþ witnesse
[aaAx] ([aa(A)xx] CM, 37)
11,226 { Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis remecietur vobis } [Latin]
11,227 fforþi lerne we þe lawe of loue . as oure lord tauʒte
11,228 And as Seint Gregorie seide . for mannes soule helpe
11,229 { Melius est scrutari scelera n(ost)ra q(ua)m naturas rer(um) & } [Latin]
11,230 Why I meue þis matere . is moost for þe pouere [aaAx]
11,231 ffor in hir liknesse oure lord . ofte haþ ben yknowe
[aaXx] (K-D, 93)
11,232 Witnesse in þe Pask wyke . whan he yede to Emaus [aaBb]
(K-D, 135)
11,233 Cleophas ne knew hym noʒt . þ(a)t he crist were [aaAx]
11,234 ffor his pou(er)e apparaill . and pilgrymes wedes
[aaAx](MS apparaill > Sch apparaille)
11,235 Til he blessede and brak . þe breed þ(a)t þei eten
11,236 So bi hise werkes þei wisten . þ(a)t he was Ih(es)us
[aaAx] (K, 55)
11,237 Ac by cloþyng þei knewe hym noʒt . ne by carpynge
of tunge [aaAx](MS tunge > Sch tonge)
11,238 And al was in ensample . to vs synfulle here [xaAx](MS
in > Sch om.; MS ensample > Sch ensample for soo-th-
[aaAx]) fol. 64r
11,239 That we sholde be lowe . and loueliche of speche [xaAx]
(Sch, 386)(MS be lowe > Sch [lowe be] [axAx])
11,240 And apparaille vs noʒt ouer proudly . for pilgrymes
are we alle [aaAx]
11,241 And in þe apparaille of a pou(er)e man . and pilgrymes
liknesse [aaAx]
11,242 Many tyme god haþ ben met . among nedy peple [axa(A)xx]
11,243 Ther neuere segge hym seiʒ . in secte of þe riche
11,244 Seint Ioh(a)n and oþ(er)e seintes . were seyen in poore
cloþyng [aaAx]
11,245 And as pou(er)e pilgrymes . preyed mennes goodes [aaAx]
11,246 Ih(es)u crist on a Iewes doʒter liʒte . gentil wo(m)man
þouʒ she were [aaxAx]
11,247 Was a pure pouere maide . and to a pou(er)e man ywedded
11,248 Martha on Marie Maudelayne . an huge pleynt made [aaaXa](MS
pleynt > Sch pleynt she)
11,249 And to oure Saueour self . seide þise wordes [aaAx]
11,250 { D(omi)ne non est tibi cure q(uo)d soror mea reliquit me sola(m) ministrare } [Latin]
11,251 And hastily god answerde . and eiþ(er)es wille folwed
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 90)
11,252 Boþe Marthaes and Maries . as Mathew bereþ witnesse
11,253 Ac pouerte god putte bifore . and preised þat þe bettre
[aaAx](MS -th-at > Sch it)
11,253a { Maria optimam partem elegit que non &c } [Latin](MS
L. non > Sch non auferetur ab ea)
11,254 And alle þe wise þ(a)t eu(er)e were . by auʒt I kan
aspye [aaAx]
11,255 Preiseden pouerte for best lif . if Pacience it folwed
[aaxAx](MS folwed > Sch folwe)
11,256 And boþe bettre and blesseder . by many fold þan Richesse
11,257 ffor þouʒ it be sour to suffre . þer after comeþ swete
[aaXa](MS For -th-ou-gh- > Sch Al-th-ou-gh-; MS after
come-th- swete > Sch come-th- swete after [aaAx])
11,258 As on a walnote wiþoute . is a bitter barke [aaBb]
11,259 And after þat bitter bark . be þe shelle aweye [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 39)
11,260 Is a kernel of confort . kynde to restore [aaAx]
11,261 So is after pouerte or penaunce . paciently ytake [aaAx]
11,262 ffor it makeþ a man to haue mynde . in god and a gret
wille [aaaBb] (cf. K-D, 217; Sk, 182)(MS For it > Sch
11,263 To wepe and to wel bidde . wherof wexeþ Mercy [aaAx]
fol. 64u
11,264 Of which crist is a kernell . to conforte þe soule
11,265 And wel sikerer he slepeþ . þe man þat is pou(er)e
[aaXx](MS man > Sch segge [aaAx])
11,266 And lasse he dredeþ deeþ . and in derke to ben yrobbed
[xaaAx] (cf. K, 51; Ok, 2: 279)
11,267 Than he þat is riʒt riche . Reson bereþ witnesse [aaAx]
11,267a { Paup(er) ego ludo dum tu diues meditaris } [Latin]
11,268 Alþouʒ Salomon seide, . as folk seeþ in þe bible [aaAx]
11,269 { Diuicias nec paupertates &c } [Latin]
11,270 Wiser þan Salomon was . bereþ witnesse and tauʒte
11,271 That parfit pouerte was . no possession to haue [aaAx]
11,272 And lif moost likynge to god . as luc bereþ witnesse
11,272a { Si vis p(er)fectus esse . vade & vende } [Latin]
11,273 And is to mene to men . þat on þis moolde lyuen [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 293)
11,274 Whoso wole be pure parfit . moot possession forsake
[aaAx] (K-D, 196) ([aaAbb] CM, 39)
11,275 Or selle it as seiþ þe book . and þe siluer dele [aaAx]
11,276 To beggeris þat goon and begge . and bidden good for
goddes loue [aaAbb]([abaAbb] CM, 39; Ok, 2: 268) ([aaAx]
cf. K-D, 217)
11,277 ffor failed neuere man mete . þat myʒtful god serueþ
11,278 As Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter . to swiche þ(a)t ben in
wille [aaAx]
11,279 To serue god goodliche . ne greueþ hym no penaunce
11,279a { Nichil inpossibile volenti } [Latin]
11,280 Ne lakkeþ neu(er)e liflode . lynnen ne wollen [aaAx]
11,280a { Inquirentes autem d(omin)um non minuent(ur) o(m)ni
bono } [Latin]
11,281 If preestes weren parfite . þei wolde no siluer take
[aaXx] ([aaAx] K-D, 148; Sch, 386)(MS parfite > Sch wise
11,282 ffor masses ne for matyns . noʒt hir mete of vsureres
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 293)
11,283 Ne neiþer kirtel ne cote . þeiʒ þei for cold sholde
deye [aaAx]
11,284 And þei hir deuoir dide . as Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter
[aaAbb] ([aaAx] K-D, 148)
11,284a { Iudica me dues & discerne causam meam } [Latin]
11,285 { Spera in deo } spekeþ of preestes . þat haue no spendyng
siluer [{a}aAx]
11,286 That if þei trauaille truweliche . and truste in god
almyʒty [aaAx]
11,287 Hem sholde lakke no liflode . neyþer lynnen ne wollen
[aaAx] (K-D, 158; Sch, 386) ([aaaAx])
11,288 And þe title þat ye take ordres by . telleþ ye ben auaunced
[aaAx] fol. 65r
11,289 Thanne nedeþ yow noʒt to take siluer . for masses
þat ye syngen [xxXx] (K-D, 93) ([aaaXx] Sch, 386)(MS take > Sch
[nyme] [aaXx])
11,290 ffor he þat took yow youre title . sholde take yow
youre wages [aaAx]
11,291 Or þe bisshop þat blessed yow . if þ(a)t ye ben worþi
11,292 ffor made neu(er)e kyng no knyʒt . but he hadde catel
to spende [xaaAx]
11,293 As bifel for a knyʒt . or foond hym for his strengþe
11,294 It is a careful knyʒt . and of a caytif kynges makyng
11,295 That haþ no lond ne lynage riche . ne good loos of
hise handes [aaAx](MS no > Sch no-th-er)
11,296 The same I segge for soþe . by alle swiche preestes
[aaaAx] (Ok, 2: 303)
11,297 That han neiþ(er) konnynge ne kyn . but a crowne one
11,298 And a title a tale of noʒt . to his liflode at his
meschief [aa(A)xx] (K, 54)(MS his(2) > Sch om.)
11,299 He haþ moore bileue as I leue . to lacche þoruʒ his
croune [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 188)
11,300 Cure þan for konnynge . or knowen for clene berynge
[aaAa] (cf. K-D, 188)(MS clene > Sch clene of)
11,301 I haue wonder for why . and wherfore þe bisshop [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 193)(MS for > Sch [at])
11,302 Makeþ swiche preestes . þat lewed men bitrayen [axAx]
(Sch, 386; cf. K-D, 193)
11,303 A chartre is chalangeable . bifore a chief Iustice [aaAx]
11,304 If fals latyn be in þat lettre . þe lawe it impugneþ
[aaAx] (cf. K, 52)
11,305 Or peynted p(ar)entrelynarie . or p(ar)celles ouerskipped
[aaAx](MS or > Sch om.)
11,306 The gome þat gloseþ so chartres . for a goky is holden
11,307 So is it a goky by god . þat in his gospel failleþ [aaAx]
11,308 Or in masse or in matyns . makeþ any defaute [aaAx]
11,308a { Qui offendit in vno in omnibʒ est reus } [Latin]
11,309 And also in þe Sauter . seiþ Dauid to ouerskipperis
11,310 { Psallite deo nostro psallite q(uonia)m rex terre
deus Isr(ae)l psallite sapien (cropped) } [Latin] (MS L.
terre > Sch terrae; MS sapien > Sch sapienter)
11,311 The bisshop shal be blamed . bifore god as I leue [aa(A)xx]
(K, 54)
11,312 That crouneþ swiche goddes knyʒtes . þat konneþ noʒt
{ sapienter } [aaA{x}]
11,313 Synge ne psalmes rede . ne seye a masse of þe day
11,314 And neuer neiþer is blamelees . þe bisshop ne þe chapeleyn
[xaAx](MS And > Sch Ac)
11,315 ffor hir eiþ(er) is endited . and that is { Ignorancia
} [aa{Ax}] (CM, 99)(MS is > Sch of) fol. 65u
11,316 { Non excusat e(pisco)pos nec ydiot(es) } preestes
[{aa}Ax] (CM, 99; Sk, 185)
11,317 This lokynge on lewed preestes . haþ doon me lepe from
pou(er)te [aabAb] (CM, 63)
11,318 The which I preise þer pacience is . moore p(ar)fit
þan richesse [aaAx]
11,319 Ac muche moore in metynge þus . wiþ me gan oon dispute
11,320 And slepynge I seiʒ al þis . and siþen cam kynde [aaAx]
11,321 And nempned me by my name . and bad me nymen hede
[aaAx] (CM, 68)
11,322 And þoruʒ þe wondres of þis world . wit for to take
11,323 And on a mountaigne þat myddelerþe . hiʒte as me þouʒte
[aa(A)bb] (CM, 39; Sk, 185)
11,324 I was fet forþ . by ensamples to knowe [abbAx] (|I|f|f|e|;
Sch, 387; K-D, 93)
11,325 Thorugh ech a creature and kynde . my creatour to
louye [aaAx](MS and > Sch om.)
11,326 I seiʒ þe sonne and þe see . and þe sond after [aaaAx]
(Ok, 2: 302)
11,327 And where þ(a)t briddes and beestes . by hir makes
yeden [aa(A)xx] (Ok, 2: 271)(MS makes > Sch make -th-ei)
11,328 Wilde wormes in wodes . and wonderful foweles [aaaAx]
11,329 Wiþ fleckede feþeres . and of fele colours [aaAx]
11,330 Man and his make . I myʒte boþe biholde [aaAx](MS my-gh-te > Sch
my-gh-te se; MS biholde > Sch om.)
11,331 Pouerte and plentee . boþe pees and werre [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 296)
11,332 Blisse and bale boþe . I seiʒ al atones [aaaXx] (cf.
K-D, 217; Ok, 2: 269)(MS al atones > Sch at ones)
11,333 And how men token Mede . and Mercy refused [aaAx]
11,334 Reson I seiʒ sooþly . sewen alle beestes [aaAx]
11,335 In etynge in drynkynge . and in engendrynge of kynde
[axAx] (Schu, 156)
11,336 And after cours of concepcion . noon took kepe of
ooþer [aaAx]
11,337 As whan þei hadde ryde in Rotey tyme . anoonriʒt þerafter
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 95)
11,338 Males drowen hem to males . amorwenynges by hemselue
11,339 And in euenynges also . þe males ben fro femelles
[aaAbb] (|e|a|ye|m|-m|) ([aaAx] |e|a|ye|; Schu, 158) ([aaXx]
K-D, 93) ([aaaBb] |a|e|a|m|-m|; Sch, 387)(MS -th-e > Sch
yede; MS ben > Sch om.)
11,340 Ther ne was cow ne cowkynde . þat conceyued hadde
11,341 That wolde belwe after boles . ne boor after sowe
11,342 Boþe hors and houndes . and alle oþere beestes [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 287)
11,343 Medled noʒt wiþ hir makes . þat wiþ fole were [aaXx]
(Sch, 387; CM, 39; cf. K-D, 173)(MS wi-th- > Sch [mid]
11,344 Briddes I biheld . þat in buskes made nestes [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 78) fol. 66r
11,345 Hadde neuere wye wit . to werche þe leeste [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 78)
11,346 I hadde wonder at whom . and wher þe pye lerned [aaAx]
(K-D, 133; Schu, 77)(MS pye lerned > Sch pye)
11,347 To legge þe stikkes . in whiche she leyeþ and bredeþ
[axAx] (cf. K-D, 93)(MS To > Sch Lerned to [aaAx])
11,348 Ther nys wriʒte as I wene . sholde werche hir nestes
to paye [aaAx](MS nys > Sch is no; MS nestes > Sch
11,349 If any Mason made a molde þ(er)to . muche wonder it
were [aaaAx] ([aaa(A)bb] CM, 39)
11,350 Ac yet me m(er)ueilled moore . how many oþ(er)e briddes
[aaAx](MS Ac > Sch And; MS how > Sch how many)
11,351 Hidden and hileden . hir egges ful derne [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 287)
11,352 In Mareys and moores . for men sholde hem noʒt fynde
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 90)
11,353 And hidden hir egges . whan þei þerfro wente [aaXx]
(cf. Sch, 387)
11,354 ffor fere of oþ(er)e foweles . and for wilde beestes
[aaAx] (|f|f|w|; Schu, 141)
11,355 And some troden hir makes . and on trees bredden [axAx]
(K-D, 93)(MS troden > Sch treden)
11,356 And brouʒten forþ hir briddes so . al aboue þe grounde
11,357 And some briddes at þe bile . þoruʒ breþyng conceyued
11,358 And some caukede I took kepe . how pecokkes bredden
[aaAx] (|c|k|-c|; CM, 42)
11,359 Muche m(er)ueilled me . what maister hem made [aaAa](MS
hem made > Sch -th-ei hadde [aaAx])
11,360 And who tauʒte hem on trees . to tymbre so heiʒe [aaAx]
11,361 Ther neiþ(er) burn ne beest . may hir briddes rechen
[aaAx](MS -th-er > Sch -th-at)
11,362 And siþen I loked vpon þe see . and so forþ vpon þe
sterres [aa(A)xa]
11,363 Manye selkouþes I seiʒ . ben noʒt to seye nouþe [aaAx]
11,364 I seiʒ floures in þe fryth . and hir faire colours [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 282)
11,365 And how among þe grene gras . growed so manye hewes
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 285)(MS growed > Sch grewe)
11,366 And some soure and some swete . selkouþ me þouʒte
[aaaAx] (Ok, 2: 303)
11,367 Of hir kynde and hir colour . to carpe it were to
longe [aaAx](MS and > Sch and of)
11,368 Ac þat moost meued me . and my mood chaunged [aaAx]
11,369 That Reson rewarded . and ruled alle beestes [aaAx]
(cf. R-K, 84)
11,370 Saue man and his make: . many tyme and ofte [aaAx]
11,371 No Reson hem folwede . and þanne I rebukede [axXa](MS
and … rebukede > Sch [nei-th-er riche ne pouere] [axAx])
11,372 Reson . and riʒt til hymseluen I seyde [aaBb] (cf.
K-D, 93; Sch, 387) ([aaAbb] CM, 39; Ok, 2: 298)(MS Reson > Sch
And -th-anne I rebukede Reson [aaAx])
11,373 I haue wonder of þee quod I . þat witty art holden [axAx]
(K-D, 93) ([axAbb] CM, 39)(MS quod I > Sch om.) fol. 66v
11,374 Why þow ne sewest man and his make . þ(a)t no mysfeet
hem folwe [aaAx] ([aaAbb] CM, 39)
11,375 And Reson arated me . and seide recche þee neu(er)e
11,376 Why I suffre or noʒt suffre . þiself hast noʒt to
doone [aaAx]
11,377 Amende þow it if þow myʒt . for my tyme is to abide
11,378 Suffraunce is a souerayn v(er)tue . and a swift vengeaunce
[aabAb] (K, 60; K-D, 134; CM, 67)
11,379 Who suffrede moore þan god quod he . no gome as I
leeue [aaAx] (|wh|he|I|; K-D, 133) ([xaAx] |g|g|; CM, 39)(MS
suffrede > Sch suffre-th-)
11,380 He myʒte amende in a Minute while . al þat mysstandeþ
11,381 Ac he suffreþ for som mannes goode . and so it is
oure bettre [aaAx](MS it > Sch om.)
11,392 The wise and þe witty . wroot þus in þe bible [aaAx]
11,393 { De re que te non molestat noli certare } [Latin]
11,394 ffor be a man fair or foul . it falleþ noʒt for to lakke
11,395 The shap ne þe shaft . þat god shoop hymselue [aaAx]
11,396 ffor al þat he dide was wel ydo . as holy writ witnesseþ
[xaAa](MS dide > Sch wrou-gh-te [aaAa])
11,396a { Et vidit deus cuncta que fecerat & erant valde
bona } [Latin]
11,397 And bad euery creature . in his kynde encreesse [xaAa]
(K-D, 138, 194)
11,398 Al to murþe wiþ man . þat moste wo þolie [aaAx](MS
moste > Sch most; MS -th-olie > Sch -th-olie-th-)
11,399 In fondynge of þe flessh . and of þe fend boþe [aaAx]
11,400 ffor man was maad of swich a matere . he may noʒt
wel asterte [aaaAx]
11,401 That ne som tyme hym bitit . to folwen his kynde [aaXx]
(cf. K-D, 217)(MS ne > Sch om.)
11,402 Caton acordeþ þerwiþ . { Nemo sine crimine viuit }
11,403 Tho cauʒte I colour anoon . and comsed to ben ashamed
11,404 And awaked þerwiþ . wo was me þanne [aaAx]
11,405 That I in metels ne myʒte . moore haue yknowen [aaAx]
11,406 And þanne seide I to myself . and chidde þat tyme
[aaXx] (K-D, 93; Sch, 387)(MS chidde > Sch chydde)
11,407 Now I woot what Dowel is quod I . by deere god as
me þynkeþ [xaAx]
11,408 And as I caste vp myne eiʒen . oon loked on me and asked
[aaAa] ([xaAa] cf. K-D, 217)
11,409 Of me what þyng it were . ywis sire I seide [aaAx]
11,410 To se muche and suffre moore . certes quod I is dowel
[ababAx] ([aaAx] cf. K-D, 217)
11,411 Haddestow suffred he seide . slepynge þo þow were [aaAx]
fol. 67r
11,412 Thow sholdest haue knowen þat clergie kan . & co(n)treued
moore þoruʒ Res (cropped) [aaaAx](MS contreued > Sch conceyued;
MS Res > Sch Reson)
11,413 ffor Reson wolde haue reherced þee . riʒt as Clergie
seide [aaAx]
11,414 Ac for þyn entremetynge . here artow forsake [axAx]
11,414a { Philosophus esses si tacuisses } [Latin]
11,415 Adam whiles he spak noʒt . hadde paradis at wille [xaAx]
(|sp|p|; Schu, 117)(MS Adam > Sch Adam -th-e)
11,416 Ac whan he mamelede aboute mete . and entremeted to
knowe [aaAx] (CM, 106)
11,417 The wisedom and þe wit of god . he was put fram blisse
[aa(A)xx] (Ok, 2: 311)
11,418 And riʒt so ferde Reson bi þee . þow wiþ þi rude speche
11,419 Lakkedest and losedest þyng . þat longed þe noʒt to
doone [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 288)(MS -th-e no-gh-t > Sch no-gh-t
11,420 Tho hadde he no likyng . for to lere þe moore [xaAx]
(Sch, 387; cf. K-D, 198)(MS hadde he no likyng > Sch [no
likyn-gh-adde he] [axAx])
11,421 Pryde now and p(re)sumpcion . p(ar)auent(ur)e wol þee
appele [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 297)
11,422 That Clergie þi compaignye . kepeþ noʒt to suwe [aaAx](MS
compaignye > Sch compaignye ne)
11,423 Shal neu(er)e chalangynge ne chidynge . chaste a man
so soone [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 273)(MS Shal > Sch For shal)
11,424 As shal shame and shenden hym . and shape hym to amende
[aaAx] (Schu, 99; Ok, 2: 300)
11,425 ffor lat a dronken daffe . in a dyk falle [aaAx]
11,426 Lat hym ligge loke noʒt on hym . til hym liste aryse
[aaaAx](MS aryse > Sch to ryse)
11,427 ffor þouʒ Reson rebuked hym þanne . it were but pure
synne [aaAx] (Sk, 190)] RF
11,430 Ac whan nede nymeþ hym vp . for doute lest he sterue
[aaXx] (cf. K-D, 198; Sch, 387)(MS doute > Sch [noye]
11,431 And shame shrapeþ hise cloþes . and hise shynes wassheþ
[aaAx] (Schu, 99)
11,432 Thanne woot þe dronken daffe . wherfore he is to blame
11,433 Ye siggen sooþ quod I . ich haue yseyen it ofte [aaAx](MS
soo-th- > Sch soo-th- by my soule; MS ofte > often
11,434 Ther smyt no þyng so smerte . ne smelleþ so soure
[aaAx](MS soure > Sch foule)
11,435 As shame þ(er)e he sheweþ hym . for euery man hym
shonyeþ [aaXa] (Sch, 387-8; cf. K-D, 125, 139, 180; Schu,
99)(MS hym shonye-th- > Sch [shonye-th-] his felaweshipe
11,436 Why ye wisse me þus quod I . was for I rebuked Reson
[ax(A)bb] (CM, 39)
11,437 Certes quod he þat is sooþ . and shoop hym for to walken
[aaAx] (|c|s|sh|; Schu, 99)
11,438 And I aroos vp riʒt wiþ þat . and folwed hym after
[aaXx] (K-D, 93; Sch, 388)(MS folwed > Sch [rau-gh-te]
11,439 And preyde hym of his curteisie . to telle me his
name [xxXx] (K-D, 93; Sch, 388)(MS preyde > Sch [craued];
MS telle > Sch [kenne] [aaAx])
Passus xij(us) (& cetera) (PASSUS XII)
12,1 I am ymaginatif quod he . ydel was I neu(er)e [aaAx]
(CM, 42) fol. 67v
12,2 Thouʒ I sitte by myself . in siknesse nor in helþe [aaAx]
12,3 I haue folwed þee in feiþ . þise fyue and fourty wynter
12,4 And manye tymes haue meued þee . to þynke on þyn ende
[aaXx] (K-D, 195; Sch, 388)(MS -th-ynke > Sch [m]yn[n]e
12,5 And how fele fernyeres are faren . and so fewe to come
12,6 And of þi wilde wantownesse . þo þow yong were [aaXa]
(K-D, 195)
12,7 To amende it in þi myddel age . lest myʒt þe failled
[aaAx](MS failed > Sch faille)
12,8 In þyn olde elde . þat yuele kan suffre [aaAx] (CM,
12,9 Pouerte or penaunce . or preyeres to bidde [aaAx] (cf.
Ok, 2: 296)(MS to > Sch om.)
12,9a { Si non in prima vigilia nec in s(e)c(un)da &c
} [Latin]
12,10 Amende þee while þow myʒt . þow hast ben warned ofte
12,11 Wiþ poustees of pestilences . wiþ pou(er)te and w(i)t(h)
angres [aaAx]
12,12 And wiþ þise bittre baleises . god beteþ his deere
children [aaAx] (Du, 66)
12,12a { Quem diligo castigo } [Latin]
12,13 And Dauid in þe Sauter seiþ . of swiche þat loueþ Ih(es)us
12,13a { virga tua & baculus tuus ip(s)a me consolata
sunt } [Latin]
12,14 Alþouʒ þow strike me wiþ þi staf . wiþ stikke or wiþ
yerde [aaAx]
12,15 It is but murþe as for me . to amende my soule [aaAx]
12,16 And þow medlest þee wiþ makynges . and myʒtest go seye
þi sauter [aaAbb] (K, 60)(MS makynges > Sch makynge)
12,17 And bidde for hem þ(a)t ʒyueþ þee breed . for þer are
bokes yknowe [axaAx] (cf. Schu, 204, 205)(MS yknowe > Sch
12,18 To telle men what Dowel is . Dobet and Dobest boþe
[aaAa] (|t|d|d|d|; Schu, 127)
12,19 And p(re)chours to preuen what it is . of many a peire
freres [aaAx](MS preuen > Sch preue)
12,20 I seiʒ wel he seide me sooþ . and, somwhat me to excuse
12,21 Seide Caton conforted me his sone . þ(a)t clerk þouʒ
he were [aaAx](MS me > Sch om.)
12,22 To solacen hym som tyme . as I do whan I make [aaXx]
(cf. K-D, 198)
12,22a { Interpone tuis interdum gaudia curis } [Latin]
12,23 And of holy men I herde quod I . how þei ouþ(er)while
12,24 Pleyden þe parfiter . to ben in manye places [aaXa]
(Sch, 388; cf. K-D, 194; Sk, 193)(MS manye palces > Sch
[places manye] [aaAx])
12,25 Ac if þer were any wiʒt . þat wolde me telle [aaAx]
(K-D, 135)
12,26 What were dowel . and dobet . and dobest at þe laste
[aaAx] (cf. Sk, 193) fol. 68r
12,27 Wolde I neu(er)e do werk . but wende to holi chirche
12,28 And þ(er)e bidde my bedes . but whan ich ete or slepe
[aa(A)xx] (Ok, 2: 269)
12,29 Poul in his pistle quod he . preueþ what is dowel [aaAx]
12,29a { ffides spes caritas . et maior hor(um) &c }
12,30 ffeiþ hope and charite . and alle ben goode [axAx](MS
charite > Sch charitee)
12,31 And sauen men sondry tymes . ac noon so soone as charite
12,32 ffor he dooþ wel wiþouten doute . þat dooþ as lewte
techeþ [aaAx]
12,33 That is if þow be man maryed . þi make þow louye [aaAx]
12,34 And lyue forþ as lawe wole . while ye lyuen boþe [aaAx](MS
wole > Sch wole -th-e)
12,35 Riʒt so if þow be Religious . ren þow neu(er)e ferþer
12,36 To Rome ne to Rochemador . but as þi rule techeþ [aaAx]
12,37 And hold þee vnder obedience . þat heigh wey is to
heuene [aaAa]
12,38 And if þow be maiden to marye . and myʒt wel continue
12,39 Seke þow neuere seint ferþer . for no soule helþe [aaAx]
12,40 ffor what made lucifer . to lese þe heiʒe heuene [xaAbb]
([xaAx] K-D, 198)
12,41 Or Salomon his sapience . or Sampson his strengþe [aaAa]
12,42 Iob þe Iew his ioye . ful deere abouʒte [aaaXx] (cf.
K-D, 217)(MS ful > Sch om.; MS deere > Sch deere he
12,43 Aristotle and oþ(er)e mo . ypocras and Virgile [aaAx]
12,44 Alisaundre þat al wan . elengliche ended [aaAa]
12,45 Catel and kynde wit . was combraunce to hem alle [aaAx]
12,46 ffelice hir fairnesse . fel hire al to sclaundre [aaAx]
12,47 And Rosamounde riʒt so . reufulliche to bileue [aaAx](Msto > Sch
12,48 The beaute of hir body . in baddenesse she despended
12,49 Of manye swiche I may rede . of men and of wo(m)men
[aaAa] (|m|m|m|-mm|)
12,50 That wise wordes wolde shewe . and werche þe cont(ra)rie
12,50a { Sunt ho(m)i(n)es neq(ua)m bene de virtute loquentes
} [Latin]
12,51 And riche renkes riʒt so . gaderen and sparen [aaaXx]
12,52 And þo men þat þei moost haten . mynistren it at þe
laste [aaAx]
12,53 And for þei suffren and see . so manye nedy folkes [aa(A)xx]
fol. 68v
12,54 And loue hem noʒt as oure lord bit . þei lesen hir
soules [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS -th-ei > Sch om.)
12,54a { Date & dabitur vobis } [Latin]
12,58 And Richesse riʒt so . but if þe roote be trewe [aaAx]
12,59 Ac grace is a gras þ(er)of . þo greuaunces to abate
[aaAx](MS -th-erof > Sch -th-erfore)
12,60 Ac grace ne groweþ noʒt . but amonges lowe [aaXx] (K-D,
93; Sch, 388)(MS amonges > Sch amonges [gomes] [aaAx])
12,61 Pacience and pouerte . þe place hiʒte þer it groweþ
[aaAx](MS hi-gh-te > Sch is)
12,62 And in lele lyuynge men . and in lif holy [aaAx]
12,63 And þoruʒ þe gifte of þe holy goost . as þe gospel
telleþ [aaAx] (Schu, 204)
12,63a { Spiritus vbi vult spirat } [Latin]
12,64 Clergie and kynde wit . comeþ of siʒte and techyng [aaAx]
12,65 As þe book bereþ witnesse . to burnes þat kan rede
12,65a { Quod scim(us) loquim(ur) . quod vidim(us) testamur
} [Latin]
12,66 Of { quod scimus } comeþ clergie . konnynge of heuene
[{a}aaAx](MS clergie > Sch clergie a)
12,67 And of { quod vidim(us) } comeþ kynde wit . of siʒte
of diu(er)se peple [{a}aaXx]
12,68 Ac gr(ac)e is a gifte of god . and of greet loue spryngeþ
[aaaAx] (Schu, 204)
12,69 Knew neu(er)e clerk how it comeþ forþ . ne kynde wit
þe weyes [aaaAx]
12,69a { Nescit aliquis vnde venit . aut quo vadit } [Latin]
12,70 Ac yet is Clergie to comende . and kynde wit boþe [aaAx]
12,71 And namely Clergie for cristes loue . þat of clergie
is roote [aaAx]
12,72 ffor Moyses witnesseþ þ(a)t god wroot . for to wisse
þe peple [aaAx]
12,73 In þe olde lawe as þe lettre telleþ . þat was þe lawe
of Iewes [aaAx](MS -th-at > Sch om.)
12,74 That what wo(m)man were in auoutrye taken . where she
riche or poore [aa(A)xx] (|w|u|w|; cf. K-D, 183)(MS where > Sch
12,75 Wiþ stones men sholde hir strike . and stone hire to
deþe [aaAx]
12,76 A wo(m)man as I fynde . was gilty of þat dede [aa(A)xx]
(|w|f|w|)(MS I fynde > Sch we fynden)
12,77 Ac crist of his curteisie . þoruʒ clergie hir saued
12,78 And þoruʒ caractes þat crist wroot . þe Iewes knewe
hemselue [aaAx](MS And > Sch For; MS -th-oru-gh- > Sch
-th-oru-gh- Cristes; MS -th-at crist wroot > Sch om.)
12,79 Giltier as afore god . and gretter in synne [aaAx]
12,80 Than þe wo(m)man þat þ(er)e was . and wenten awey for
shame [aaAx]
12,81 The Clergie þat þ(er)e was . conforted þe womman [axAx]
(cf. K-D, 187) fol. 69r
12,82 Holy kirke knoweþ þis . þat cristes writyng saued hire
[aaAx](MS hire > Sch om.)
12,83 So clergie is confort . to creatures þat repenten [aaAx]
12,84 And to mansede men . meschief at hire ende [aaAx]
12,85 ffor goddes body myʒte noʒt ben . of breed wiþouten clergie
12,86 The which body is boþe . boote to þe riʒtfulle [aaAx]
12,87 And deeþ and dampnacion . to hem þat deyeþ yuele [aaAx]
12,88 As cristes caracte confortede . and boþe coupable shewed
12,89 The wo(m)man þat þe Iewes brouʒte . þat Ih(es)us þouʒte
to saue [xaAx] (cf. K-D, 198)
12,89a { Nolite iudicare & non iudicabimini } [Latin]
12,90 Riʒt so goddes body breþ(er)en . but if it be worþili
taken [aa(A)xx](MS if > Sch om.)
12,91 Dampneþ vs at þe day of dome . as þe caractes dide
þe Iewes [aaaAx](MS -th-e caractes dide > Sch dide -th-e
caracte [aaa(A)xx])
12,92 fforþi I counseille þee for cristes sake . clergie þ(a)t
þow louye [aaAx]
12,93 ffor kynde wit is of his kyn . and neiʒe Cosynes boþe
12,94 To oure lord leue me . forþi loue hem I rede [aaAx]
12,95 ffor boþe ben as Mirours . to amenden oure defautes
[xaAx] (Sch, 388; cf. K-D, 198; Du, 65-6)(MS ben as mirours > Sch
[as mirours be] [axAx])
12,96 And lederes for lewed men . and for lettred boþe [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 290)
12,97 fforþi lakke þow neu(er)e logik . lawe ne hise custumes
12,98 Ne countreplede clerkes . I counseille þee for euere
12,99 ffor as a man may noʒt see . þat mysseþ hise eiʒen
12,100 Na moore kan no clerk . but if he cauʒte it first
þoruʒ bokes [aaAx]
12,101 Alþouʒ men made bokes . god was þe maister [aaXa]
(K-D, 112, 206; cf. R-K, 92, 147)
12,102 And seint Spirit þe Samplarie . & seide what men
sholde write [aaaAx]
12,104 Riʒt so ledeþ lettrure . lewed men to Reson [aaAx](MS
lede-th- > Sch lere-th-)
12,105 And as a blynd man in bataille . bereþ wepne to fiʒte
12,106 And haþ noon hap wiþ his ax . his enemy to hitte [aaAx]
12,107 Na moore kan a kynde witted man . but clerkes hym
teche [aaAx]
12,108 Come for al his kynde wit . to cristendom and be saued
12,109 Which is þe cofre of cristes tresor . and clerkes
kepe þe keyes [aaAa](MS keyes > Sch keys)
12,110 To vnloken it at hir likyng . and to þe lewed peple
[aaAx] (CM, 70)
12,111 Ӡyue mercy for hire mysdedes . if men it wole aske [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204, 205) fol. 69v
12,112 Buxomliche and benigneliche . and bidden it of g(ra)ce
12,113 { Archa dei } in þe olde lawe . leuites it kepten [{a}abBx]
12,114 Hadde neu(er)e lewed man leue . to leggen hond on
þat cheste [aaAx]
12,115 But he were preest or preestes sone . Patriark or
p(ro)phete [aaAa]
12,126 ffor Clergie is kepere . vnder crist of heuene [aaAx]
12,127 Was þ(er) neu(er)e no knyʒt . but clergie hym made
[xaAx] (Sch, 388)(MS Was > Sch [Com] [aaAx])
12,128 Ac kynde wit comeþ . of alle kynnes siʒtes [aaAx]
12,129 Of briddes and of beestes . of tastes of truþe . and
of deceites [aaBbb] (|t|t|d|; Sch, 388; cf. K-D, 199)(MS
beestes > Sch beestes [of blisse and of sorwe]; as two
lines diuided after sorwe [aaAx])
12,131 Lyueris toforn us . vseden to marke [xxXx] (|o|u|; Sch,
388; cf. K-D, 115)(MS Lyueris > Sch [Olde] lyueris [axAx])
12,132 ffor selkouþes þ(a)t þei seiʒen . hir sones for to
teche [aaAx](MS For > Sch -th-e)
12,133 And helden it an heiʒ science . hir wittes to knowe
12,134 Ac þoruʒ hir science sooþly . was neu(er)e no soule
ysaued [aaAa] (cf. K-D, 217)
12,135 Ne broʒt by hir bokes . to blisse ne to ioye [aaAx]
12,136 ffor alle hir kynde knowynges come . but of diu(er)se
siʒtes [aaAx] (Sk, 200)
12,137 Patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . repreueden hir science
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)
12,138 And seiden hir wordes and hir wisdomes . nas but a
folye [aa(A)xx](MS nas > Sch was)
12,139 And to þe clergie of crist . counted it but a trufle
[aaAx](MS And > Sch As)
12,139a { Sapiencia huius mundi stulticia est apud deum }
12,140 ffor þe heiʒe holy goost heuene shal tocleue [aaAx]
12,141 And loue shal lepen out after . into þe lowe erþe
[aabAb] (CM, 67)(MS lepen > Sch lepe)
12,142 And clennesse shal cacchen it . and clerkes shullen
it fynde [aaAx]
12,142a { Pastores loquebantur ad inuicem} [Latin]
12,143 He spekeþ þ(er)e of riche men riʒt noʒt . ne of riʒt
witty [xaaAx] (cf. CM, 125)
12,144 Ne of lordes þat were lewed men . but of þe hyeste
lettred oute [aaAx](MS hyeste > Sch hexte)
12,144a { Ibant magi ab oriente } [Latin]
12,145 If any frere were founde þ(er)e . I ʒyue þee fyue shillynges
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)
12,146 Ne in none burgeises cote . was þat barn born [axAa]
(cf. K-D, 115, 195)(MS burgeises > Sch beggars)
12,147 But in a Burgeises place . of Bethlem þe beste [aaAa] (|b|p|b|b|; Schu, 123)(MS Burgeises > Sch burgeis) fol. 70r
12,147a { Set non erat ei locus in diu(er)sorio . et paup(er) non h(ab)et diu(er)sor(ium) } [Latin](MS L. ei > Sch om.)
12,148 To pastours and to poetes . appeared þe Aungel [aaAx]
12,149 And bad hem go to Bethlem . goddes burþe to honoure
12,150 And songe a song of solas . { Gloria in excelsis deo
} [aaa{Xx}]
[12,151 Riche men rutte -th-o . and in here reste were [aaAx]
(Sk, 201)] RF(MS here > Sch hir)
[12,152 -th-o it shon to shepherdes, . a shewer of blisse
[aaAx] (Schu, 99; Sk, 201)] RF
12,153 Clerkes knewen it wel . and comen wiþ hir p(re)sentʒ
12,154 And diden homage hon(ur)ably . to hym þat was almyʒty
[aaAx](MS diden > Sch diden hir)
12,155 Why I haue told al þis . I took ful good hede [axAx](MS
told > Sch told -th-ee)
12,156 How þow cont(ra)riedest clergie . wiþ crabbede wordes
12,157 How þ(a)t lewed men liʒtloker . þan lettrede were
saued [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 290)
12,158 Than clerkes or kynde witted men . of cristene peple
12,159 And þow seidest sooþ of so(m)me . ac se in what manere
12,160 Tak two stronge men . and in Themese cast hem [aaAx]
12,161 And boþe naked as a nedle . hir noon sikerer þan ooþ(er)
[aaAx] (Sch, 388; Ok, 2: 295)(MS oo-th-er > Sch o-th-er)
12,162 That oon haþ konnynge and kan . swymmen and dyuen
[xa(A)xx] ([xaAx] K-D, 112) ([aabAb] |o|ha|ko|a|ka|; Sch,
388; Sk, 201)
12,163 That ooþer is lewed of þat labour . þat lerned neu(er)e
swymme [aaAx](MS -th-at > Sch om.)
12,164 Which trowestow of þo two . þat is in moost drede
[aaXx](MS -th-at > Sch in -th-emese [aaAx])
12,165 He þat neu(er)e ne dyued . ne noʒt kan of swymmyng
[axAx] (K, 54)
12,166 Or þe swimmer(e) þat is saaf . by so hymself like
[aaAx] ([aa(A)ax] K, 57)
12,167 Ther his felawe fleteþ forþ . as þe flood likeþ [aaaAx]
(K, 57)(MS fle-th-e-th- > Sch flet)
12,168 And is in drede to drenche . þat neuere dide swymme
12,169 That swymme kan noʒt I seide . it semeþ to my wittes [aaAx]
12,170 Right so quod þe renk . Reson it sheweþ [aaAx]
12,171 That he þat knoweþ clergie . kan sonner arise [aa(A)xx]
12,172 Out of synne and be saaf . þouʒ he synne ofte [aaAx]
12,173 If hym likeþ and lest . þan any lewed leelly [aaAa]
12,174 ffor if þe clerk be konnynge . he knoweþ what is synne
12,175 And how contricion wiþoute confession . conforteþ þe
soule [aaAx] fol. 70u
12,176 As þow seest in þe Sauter . in Salmes oon or tweyne
12,177 How contricion is comended . for it cacheþ awey synne
12,177a { Beati quor(um) remisse su(n)t i(n)iquitates . & quor(um) tecta su(n)t &c } [Latin](MS L. sunt > Sch sunt peccata)
12,178 And þis co(n)forteþ ech a clerk . and cou(er)eþ hym
fro wanhope [aaAx](MS couere-th- > Sch keuere-th-)
12,179 In which flood þe fend . fondeþ a man hardest [aaAx]
(CM, 68)
12,180 Ther þe lewed liþ stille . and lokeþ after lente [aaAa]
12,181 And haþ no contricion er he come to shrifte . & þanne
kan he litel telle [aa(A)xx]
12,182 But as his loresman lereþ hym . bileueþ and troweþ
12,183 And þat is after p(er)son or parissh preest . þe whiche
ben p(ar)auent(ur)e [aaaAx](MS -th-e whiche ben > Sch
and; MS parauenture > Sch parauenture bo-th-e unkonnynge)
12,184 Vnkonnynge to lere lewed men . as luc bereþ witnesse
[aaAx](MS Unkonnynge > Sch om.)
12,184a { Dum cecus ducit cecum &c } [Latin]
12,185 Wo was hym marked . þat wade moot wiþ þe lewed [abAb]
(Ok, 2: 184)
12,186 Wel may þe barn blesse þat man . þ(a)t hym to book
sette [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 157, 217)(MS -th-at man > Sch om.)
12,187 That lyuynge after lettrure . saueþ hym lif and soule
[aaAx](MS saue-th- > Sch saued)
12,188 { D(omin)us pars hereditatis mee } . is a murye v(er)set
[{xa}Ax] (K-D, 137)
12,189 That haþ take fro Tybo(ur)ne . twenty stronge þeues
12,190 Ther lewed þeues ben lolled vp . loke how þei be saued
12,191 The þef þat hadde g(ra)ce of god . on good fryday as
þow spekest [xaaAx](MS spekest > Sch speke)
12,192 Was for he yald hym creaunt . to c(ri)st on þe cros
. & knewliched hym gilty [aaaAx] (cf. Sk, 203)
12,193 And g(ra)ce asked of god . þat to graunten it is redy
[aaAx] (Sch, 389; cf. K-D, 125, 202; R-K, 90)(MS to graunten
it is redy > Sch [grai-th- is hem euere])
12,194 To hem þat buxomliche biddeþ it . and ben in wille
to ame(n)de(n) hem [aa(A)xx](MS To hem > Sch om.)
12,195 Ac þouʒ þat þeef hadde heuene . he hadde noon heiʒ
blisse [aaAa]
12,196 As Seint Ioh(a)n and oþ(er)e seintes . þat des(er)ued
hadde bettre [aaAx](MS deserued > Sch asserued)
12,197 Riʒt as som man yeue me mete . and amydde þe floor sette
me [abAb] ([aaAx] cf. Schu, 204, 205) (MS amydde -th-e floor
sette me > Sch sette me amydde -th-e floore [abBa])
12,198 And hadde mete moore þan ynouʒ . ac noʒt so muche
worshipe [aaxAx](MS And hadde > Sch I haue)
12,199 As þo þat seten at þe syde table . or wiþ þe sou(er)eynes
of þe halle [aaAx](MS seten > Sch sitten)
12,200 But sete as a beggere bordlees . by myself on þe grounde
12,201 So it fareþ by þat felon . þat a good friday was saued
12,202 He sit neiþ(er) wiþ Seint Ioh(a)n . Symond ne Iude [aaAx](MS
Iohan > Sch Iohan ne) fol. 71r
12,203 Ne wiþ maydenes ne w(i)t(h) martires . Confesso(ur)s
ne wydewes [aaXx] (Sch, 389; cf. K-D, 93)(MS ne > Sch
ne [mid] [aa(A)xx]
12,204 But by hymself as a soleyn . and serued on erþe [aaAx](MS
on > Sch on -th-e)
12,205 ffor he þat is ones a þef . is eu(er)emoore in daunger
12,206 And as lawe likeþ . to lyue or to deye [aaAx]
12,206a { De peccato p(ro)piciato . noli esse sine metu }
12,207 And for to seruen a seint . and swich a þef togideres
12,208 It were neiþ(er) reson ne riʒt . to rewarde hem boþ
yliche [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 298)(MS hem > Sch om.)
12,209 And riʒt as Troianus þe trewe knyʒt . dwelte noʒt depe
in helle [aaXx](MS dwelte > Sch tilde [aaAx])
12,210 That oure lord ne hadde hym liʒtly out . so leue I
þe þef be in heuene [aaAx](MS -th-e -th-ef be > Sch [by]
-th-e -th-ef)
12,211 ffor he is in þe loweste of heuene . if oure bileue
be trewe [axAx]
12,212 And wel loselly he lolleþ þ(er)e . by þe lawe of holy
chirche [aaAx](MS loselly > Sch losely)
12,212a { Qui reddit vnicuiq(ue) iuxta op(er)a sua &c
} [Latin](MS L. Qui > Sch Quia)
12,213 And why þat oon þeef on þe cros . creaunt hym yald [xaAx](MS
And > Sch Ac; MS on > Sch upon; MS yald > Sch yelde)
12,214 Raþ(er) þan þat ooþ(er) þeef . þouʒ þow woldest appose
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 95)
12,215 Alle þe clerkes vnder crist . ne kouþe þe skile assoille
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 274)
12,215a { Quare placuit quia voluit } [Latin]
12,216 And so I seye by þee . þat sekest after þe whyes [aaAx]
12,217 And aresonedest Reson . a rebukynge as it were [aaAx]
12,220 And of þe floures in þe ffryth . and of hire faire
hewes [aaAx]
12,221 Whereof þei cacche hir colours . so clere and so briʒte
12,218 And willest of brides & of beestes . and of hir
bredyng to knowe [aaAx](MS to > Sch om.)
12,219 Why some be alouʒ & some aloft . þi liking it
were [aaAx]
12,222 And of þe stones and of þe sterres . þow studiest
as I leue [aaAx]
12,223 How euere beest ouþ(er) brid . haþ so breme wittes
12,224 Clergie ne kynde wit . ne knew neu(er)e þe cause [aaAa]
12,225 Ac kynde knoweþ þe cause hymself . and no creature
ellis [aaaAx](MS and > Sch om.)
12,226 He is þe pies patron . and putteþ it in hir ere [aaAx]
12,227 There þe þorn is þikkest . to buylden and brede [aaBb](MS
-th-ere > Sch -th-at -th-ere)
12,228 And kynde kenned þe pecok . to cauken in swich a kynde
[aaAa] (cf. K-D, 188; CM, 70, 71)
12,229 And kenned Adam . to knowe hise pryue membres [axAx]
(cf. K-D, 188; CM, 70)(MS And > Sch And Kynde [aaAx])
fol. 71v
12,230 And tauʒte hym and Eue . to helien hem wiþ leues [aaAx]
12,231 Lewed men many tymes . maistres þei apposen [aaAx]
12,232 Why Adam ne hiled noʒt first . his mouþ þat eet þe
Appul [aaAa] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS Why > Sch Whi)
12,233 Raþer þan his likame alogh . lewed asken þus clerkes
12,234 Kynde knoweþ whi he dide so . ac no clerk ellis [aaAx]
12,235 Ac of briddes and of beestes . men by olde tyme [aa(A)xx]
12,236 Ensamples token and t(er)mes . as telleþ þe poetes
[aaAx](MS -th-e > Sch -th-ise)
12,237 And þ(a)t þe faireste fowel . foulest engendreþ [aaAx]
12,238 And feblest fowel of fliʒt is . þat fleeþ or swymmeþ
12,239 And þ(a)t þe pecok & þe Pehen . proude riche men
bitokneþ [aaAx](MS -th-at > Sch -th-at is)
12,240 ffor þe Pecok and men pursue hym . may noʒt flee heiʒe
12,241 ffor þe trailynge of his tail . ouertaken is he soone
12,242 And his flessh is foul flessh . and his feet boþe
12,243 And vnlouelich of ledene . and looþ for to here [aaAx]
12,244 Right so þe riche . if he his richesse kepe [aaAx](MS
kepe > Sch kepe-th-)
12,245 And deleþ it noʒt til his deeþ day . þe tail of alle
sorwe [aaaAx] (|d|d|d|t|; Schu, 127; cf. K-D, 201-2)(MS tail > Sch
taille; MS alle > Sch alle is)
12,246 Riʒt so as þe pennes of þe pecok . peyneþ hym in his
fliʒte [aaAx](MS so > Sch om.)
12,247 So is possession peyne . of pens and of nobles [aaAx]
12,248 To alle hem þat it holdeþ . til hir tail be plukked
12,249 And þouʒ þe riche repente þanne . and birewe þe tyme
12,250 That euere he gadered so grete . and gaf þ(er)of so
litel [aaAx] (Schu, 203)
12,251 Thouʒ he crye to crist þanne . wiþ kene wil I leue
[aaAx] (cf. Sk, 206)(MS wil I leue > Sch wille)
12,252 His ledene be in oure lordes ere . lik a pies chiteryng
[aaAx] (Sch, 389; cf. Sk, 206)(MS His > Sch I leue his;
MS chiteryng > om.)
12,253 And whan his caroyne shal come . in caue to be buryed
12,254 I leue it flawme ful foule . þe fold al aboute [aaAx]
12,255 And alle þe oþ(er)e þ(er) it lith . enuenymeþ þoruʒ
his attre [aaAa](MS enuenyme-th- > Sch enuenymed)
12,256 By þe po feet is vnderstande . as I haue lerned in Auynet
12,257 Executo(ur)s false frendes . þat fulfille noʒt his
wille [aaAx]
12,258 That was writen and þei witnesse . to werche riʒt as
it wolde [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217) fol. 72r
12,259 Thus þe Poete preueþ . þ(a)t þe pecok . for hise feþeres
is reu(er)enced [aaaXx] (cf. Sk, 207) [aaaBb](MS hise > Sch
12,260 Riʒt so is þe riche . by reson of hise goodes [aaAx]
12,261 The larke þat is a lasse fowel . is moore loueliche
of ledene [aaAa]
12,262 And wel awey of wynge . swifter þan þe Pecok [aaaAx]
12,263 And of flessh by felefold . fatter and swetter [aaAx]
12,264 To lowe libbynge men . þe larke is resembled [aaAx]
12,265 Aristotle þe grete clerk, . swiche tales he telleþ
[axAa] (K-D, 194) ([abbAa] |-t|g|c|t|t|; Sch, 389)
12,266 Thus he likneþ in his logik . þe leeste fowel oute
12,267 And wheiþ(er) he be saaf or noʒt saaf . þe soþe woot
no clergie [aaAx]
12,268 Ne of Sortes ne of Salomon . no scripture kan telle
[aaAx] (Schu, 108)(MS Salomon > Sch Salamon)
12,269 Ac god is so good I hope . þat siþþe he gaf hem wittes
[aaAx] (Schu, 203)
12,270 To wissen vs weyes þerwiþ . þat wisshen vs to be saued
[aaAx] (Sch, 389)(MS us > Sch om.)
12,271 And þe bettre for hir bokes . to bidden we ben holden
12,272 That god for his g(ra)ce . gyue hir soules reste [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 205)
12,273 ffor lettred men were lewed men yet . ne were loore
of hir bokes [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 290)(MS men(2) > Sch om.)
12,274 Alle þise clerkes quod I þo . þat in crist leuen [aaAx](MS
in > Sch on)
12,275 Seyen in hir Sermons . þ(a)t neiþ(er) Sarsens ne Iewes
12,276 Ne no creature of cristes liknesse . w(i)t(h)outen
c(ri)stendom worþ saued [aaAx]
12,277 { Contra } q(uo)d Ymaginatif þoo . and comsed for to
loure [{a}xAx]
12,278 And seide { Saluabitur vix Iustus in die Iudicij }
[Latin] ([{aaBb}] |s|s|-x i|i|; cf. Sch, 457; CM, 97, 99)
12,279 { Ergo saluabitur } quod he . and seide namoore latyn
[{a}xAx] (CM, 99)(MS namoore > Sch no moore)
12,280 Troian(us) was a trewe knyght . and took neu(er)e cristendom
12,281 And he is saaf, so seiþ þe book . and his soule in
heuene [aaAx]
12,282 ffor þer is fullynge of ffont . and fullynge in blood
shedyng [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 283)(MS For > Sch Ac)
12,283 And þoruʒ fir is fullyng . and þat is ferme bileue
12,283a { Aduenit ignis diuinus non co(m)burens set illuminans &c
} [Latin]
12,284 Ac truþe þat trespased neu(er)e . ne t(ra)uersed ayeins
his lawe [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
12,285 But lyueþ as his lawe techeþ . and leueþ þ(er) be no
bettre [aaAx](MS lyue-th- > Sch lyuede; MS teche-th- > tau-gh-te)
fol. 72v
12,286 And if þ(er) were he wolde amende . and in swich wille
deieþ [aaAx] (CM, 69)
12,287 Ne wolde neu(er)e trewe god . but truþe were allowed
[xaAx] (K-D, 138)(MS but > Sch but trewe [xaAa]
12,288 And wheiþ(er) it be worþ or noʒt worþ . þe bileue
is gret of truþe [aaXx] (K-D, 112, 209; cf. R-K, 92; Sch,
389) (MS whei-th-er > Sch wher; MS no-gh-t wor-th- > Sch
wor-th- no-gh-t)
12,289 And an hope hangynge þ(er)Inne . to haue a mede for
his truþe [aaAx]
12,290 ffor { Deus dicit(ur) quasi dans vitam eternam suis
. hoc est fidelibʒ } [Latin] (Sch, 389-90)(MS uitam eternam > Sch
[eternam uitam])
12,291 { Et alibi . Si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis }
[Latin] ([{axAx}] cf. CM, 100)
12,292 The glose graunteþ vpon þat vers . a greet mede to truþe
12,293 And wit and wisdom quod þat wye . was som tyme tresor
12,294 To kepe wiþ a co(m)mune . no catel was holde bettre
12,295 And muche murþe and manhod . and riʒt wiþ þat he vanysshed
[aaaXx](MS wi-th- > Sch myd [aaaAx])
Passus xiij(us) &c (PASSUS XIII)
13,1 And I awaked þ(er)wiþ . witlees nerhande [aaAx]
13,2 And as a freke þat fre were . forþ gan I walke [aaAx](MS
fre > Sch fey)
13,3 In man(er)e of a mendynaunt . many a yer after [aaAx](MS
a(2) > Sch om.)
13,4 And of þis metyng many tyme . muche þouʒt I hadde [aaAx](MS
tyme > Sch tymes)
13,5 ffirst how ffortune me failed . at my mooste nede [aaaXx]
13,6 And how þ(a)t Elde manaced me . myʒte we eu(er)e mete
13,7 And how þ(a)t freres folwede . folk þat was riche [aaAx]
13,8 And folk þat was pou(er)e . at litel pris þei sette
[xaAx] (K-D, 93; Sch, 390)(MS folk > Sch [peple] [aaAx])
13,9 And no corps in hir kirkʒerd . ne in hir kirk was buryed
13,10 But quik he biqueþe auʒt . to quyte wiþ hir dettes
[aaAx] (Schu, 151)(MS bique-th-e > Sch bique-th-e hem;
MS to > Sch or sholde helpe; MS wi-th- > Sch om.)
13,11 And how þis Coueitise ouercom . clerkes and preestes
13,12 And how þ(a)t lewed men ben lad . but oure lord hem
helpe [aaAx]
13,13 Thoruʒ vnkonnynge curato(ur)s . to incurable peynes
13,14 And how þ(a)t ymaginatif . in dremels me tolde [aaBb]
(|ho|y|d|t|; Schu, 126)
13,15 Of kynde and of his konnynge . and how curteis he is
to bestes [aaAx]
13,16 And how louynge he is to briddes . on londe and on
watre [axAx] (K-D, 152)
13,17 Leneþ he no lif . lasse ne moore [aaAx] (cf. K, 53) fol.
13,18 The creatures þat crepen . of kynde ben engendred [aaAx]
13,19 And siþen how ymaginatif seide . { vix saluabitur }
[aa{Ax}](MS L. Uix > Sch Uix iustus)
13,20 And whan he hadde seid so . how sodeynliche he passed
13,21 I lay doun longe in þis þoʒt . and at þe laste I slepte
[aaxAx](MS doun > Sch down)
13,22 And as crist wolde þer com Conscience . to conforte
me þat tyme [aaaAx]
13,23 And bad me come to his court . wiþ clergie sholde I
dyne [aaAx]
13,24 And for Conscience of Clergie spak . I com wel þe raþer
13,25 And þ(er)e I seiʒ a maister . what man he was I nyste
[xaAx] (K-D, 93)
13,26 That lowe louted . and loueliche to scripture [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 292)
13,27 Conscience knew hym wel . and welcomed hym faire [aaAx]
(CM, 42)
13,28 Thei wesshen and wipeden . and wenten to þe dyner [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 308)
13,29 And Pacience in þe Paleis stood . in pilgrymes cloþes
[aaAx](MS And > Sch Ac)
13,30 And preyde mete {par charite} . for a pouere heremyte
[a{a}Ax] ([a{(a)x}Ax] CM, 97)(MS L. par > Sch pur)
13,31 Conscience called hym In . and curteisliche seide [aaAx]
13,32 Welcome wye go and wassh . þow shalt sitte soone [aaaBb]
(K-D, 134)
13,33 This maister was maad sitte . as for þe mooste worþi
13,34 And þanne clergie and Conscience . and Pacience cam
after [aaAx]
13,35 Pacience and I . were put to be macches [axAx] (K-D,
93; cf. R-K, 163)(MS macches > Sch mettes)
13,36 And seten bi oureselue . at þe side borde [aaAx](MS
-th-e > Sch a)
13,37 Conscience called after mete . and þanne cam Scripture
13,38 And serued hem þus soone . of sondry metes manye [aaAx]
13,39 Of Austyn of Ambrose . and of þe foure Eu(au)ngelistes
[aaBb] (|a|a|a|f|-u|)(MS and of > Sch of alle [aaAbb])
13,39a { Edentes & bibentes que apud eos sunt } [Latin]
13,40 Ac þis maister nor his man . no maner flessh eten [aaAx](MS
nor > Sch ne)
13,41 Ac þei eten mete of moore cost . mortrews and potages
13,42 Of þat men myswonne . þei made hem wel at ese [aaAx]
13,43 Ac hir sauce was ou(er) sour . and vnsauo(ur)ly grounde
[aaAx] fol. 73v
13,44 In a morter { Post mortem } . of many a bitter peyne
[a{a}Ax] (CM, 95, 98)(MS a > Sch om.)
13,45 But if þei synge for þo soules . and wepe salte teris
13,45a { Vos qui peccata ho(m)i(nu)m comeditis nisi p(ro) eis
lacrimas & orac(i)o(n)es effun } [Latin](MS L. effunderitis > Sch
13,45a {deritis . ea que in deliciis comeditis in tormentis
euometis } [Latin]
13,46 Conscience ful curteisly þo . co(m)maunded Scripture
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
13,47 Bifore Pacience breed to brynge . and me þat was his
macche [aaaBb] (|p|b|b|m|m|) )[aaBb] K-D, 93) ([aaaBb] |b|b|b|m|m|;
CM, 42)(MS macche > Sch mette)
13,48 He sette a sour loof toforn vs . and seide { Agite
penitenciam } [aaA{x}]
13,49 And siþ þe he brouʒte vs drynke: . { Dia p(er)seuerans
} [xa{Ax}] (Sch, 390; CM, 98)(MS brou-gh-te > Sch drou-gh-
13,50 As longe quod I as I lyue . and lycame may dure [aaAx](MS
I > Sch he; MS I lyue > Sch lif)
13,51 Here is propre s(er)uice quod Pacience . þer fareþ
no Prince bettre [aaAx]
13,53 And þanne he brouʒte vs forþ . a mees of ooþ(er) mete
. of { Miserere mei dues } [xaa{Ax}] (cf. K-D, 189, 217;
Sch, 390; CM, 100; Sk, 213)
13,52 And he brouʒte vs of { Beati quor(um) } . of { Beatus
virres} makyng [a{a}{A}x] (CM, 97)
13,53a { Et quor(um) tecta sunt peccata . } in a dissh [Latin]
(cf. Schu, 126; Sk, 213)(MS in a dissh > Sch om.)
13,54 Of derne shrifte . { Dixi & confitebor tibi } [ax{A}{x}]
(cf. K-D, 189; Schu, 126; Sk, 213)(MS Of > Sch In a dissh
of [aa{A}{x}])
13,55 Bryng pacience som pitaunce . pryueliche quod Conscience
13,56 And þanne hadde Pacience a pitaunce . { P(ro) hac orabit
ad te o(mn)is s(an)c(t)us in te(m)pore oportuno } [aa{Ax}]
([aa{(A)bb}] cf. CM, 100)(MS ad te > Sch om.)
13,57 And Conscience conforted vs . and carped vs murye tales
13,58 { Cor contritu(m) & humiliatum deus non despicies
} [Latin]
13,59 Pacience was proud . of þat p(ro)pre seruice [aaAx]
13,60 And made hym murþe wiþ his mete . ac I mornede eu(er)e
13,61 ffor þis doctour on þe heiʒe dees . drank wyn so faste
[aaAx] (CM, 37)
13,61a { Ve vobis qui potentes estis ad bibendum vinum }
13,62 He eet manye sondry metes . mortrews and puddynges [aaAx](MS
He > Sch And)
13,63 Wombe cloutes and wilde brawen . and egges yfryed wiþ
grece [aaXx] (Sch, 390) ([aaXa] (|w|w|-f|; Schu, 141)(MS
yfryed wi-th- grece > Sch [wi-th- grece yfryed] [aa(A)xx])
13,64 Thanne seide I to myself . so . pacience it herde [aa(A)xx]
(Sk, 214)
13,65 It is noʒt foure dayes þ(a)t þis freke . bifore þe
deen of Poules [aa(A)xx]
13,66 Preched of penaunces . þat Poul þe Apostle suffrede [aaAa]
fol. 74r
13,67 { In fame & frigore } . and flappes of scourges
13,67a { Ter cesus sum & a iudeis quinquies quadragenas &c } [Latin]
13,68 Ac o word þei ou(er)huppen . at ech a tyme þ(a)t þei
p(re)che [aaAx]
13,69 That Poul in his Pistle . to al þe peple tolde [aaAx]
13,70 { Periculum est in falsis fratribʒ } [Latin] ([{xxAa}]
CM, 100)
13,71 Holi writ bit men be war . I wol noʒt write it here [aaAx]
13,72 In englissh on auenture . it sholde be reherced to
ofte [aaAx]
13,73 And greue þ(er)wiþ goode men . ac gramariens shul redde
[aaAx](MS -th-erwi-th- > Sch -th-erwi-th- -th-at; MS men > Sch
men ben; MS redde > Sch rede)
13,73a { Vnusquisq(ue) a f(rat)re se custodiat . quia vt dicit(ur) p(er)iculu(m) est in falsis fr(atr)ibʒ } [Latin]
13,74 Ac I wiste neu(er)e freke þ(a)t as a frere yede . bifore
men on englissh [aa(A)xx] (K, 55)
13,75 Taken it for his teme . and telle it wiþouten glosyng
13,76 They p(re)chen þ(a)t penaunce is . p(ro)fitable to
þe soule [aaAx] (Sk, 214)
13,77 And what meschief and maleese . crist for man þolede
[aaAx] (cf. K, 51)
13,78 Ac þis goddes gloton quod I . wiþ hise grete chekes [aaAx]
13,79 Haþ no pite on vs pou(er)e . he p(ar)fo(ur)neþ yuele
13,80 That he p(re)cheþ he preueþ noʒt . to Pacience I tolde
[aaAx](MS he > Sch and)
13,81 And wisshed ful witterly . wiþ wille ful egre [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)(MS ful > Sch om.)
13,82 That disshes and doublers . before þis ilke doctour
[aaXa] (Sch, 390; cf. K-D, 125, 194; R-K, 90)(MS before -th-is
ilke doctour > Sch [-th-is ilke doctour bifore] [aaAx])
13,83 Were molten leed in his mawe . and Mahoun amyddes [aaAx]
13,84 I shal Iangle to þis Iurdan . wiþ his Iuste wombe [aaAx]
13,85 To telle me what penaunce is . of which he p(re)ched
raþer [xaAx] (Sch, 390; cf. K-D, 93)(MS telle > Sch [preue]
13,86 Pacience p(ar)ceyued what I þouʒte . and wynked on
me to be stille [aaXx] (Sch, 390; K-D, 195)(MS wynked > Sch
[preynte] [aaAx])
13,87 And seide þow shalt see þus soone . whan he may na
moore [aaaBb] (K, 59)
13,88 He shal haue a penaunce in his paunche . and puffe
at ech a worde [aaAx]
13,89 And þanne shullen hise guttes goþele . and he shal
galpen after [aaAx]
13,90 ffor now he haþ dronken so depe . he wole deuyne soone
13,91 And preuen it by hir Pocalips . and passion of Seint
Auereys [aaAx] fol. 74v
13,92 That neiþ(er) bacon ne braun . ne blancmanger ne mortrews
[aaAx] ([aaAbb])
13,93 Is neiþ(er) fissh nor flessh . but fode for a penaunt
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 282)(MS nor > Sch ne; MS a penaunt > Sch
13,94 And þanne shal he testifie of þe Trinite . and take
his felawe to witnesse [aaAx](MS -th-e > Sch a)
13,95 What he fond in a frayel . after a freres lyuyng [aaAx]
(Sch, 391)(MS frayel > Sch f[or]el)
13,96 And but he first lyue be lesyng . leue me neu(er)e
after [aaAx] (Sch, 391)(MS he > Sch if -th-e; MS lyue > Sch
13,97 And þanne is tyme to take . and to appose þis doctour
13,98 Of dowel and dobet . and if dobest be any penaunce
13,99 And I sat stille as Pacience seide . and þus soone þis
doctour [aaaAx] (Schu, 109)
13,100 As rody as a Rose . rubbede hise chekes [aaAx] (Sch,
391; Ok, 2: 299)
13,101 Coughed and carped . and Conscience hym herde [aaAx]
13,102 And tolde hym of a Trinite . and toward vs he loked
13,103 What is dowel sire doctour quod I . is it any penaunce [aaXx](MS it > Sch Dobest [aaAx])
13,104 Dowel quod þis doctour . and took þe cuppe and drank
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 127)(MS and took -th-e cuppe > Sch om.;
MS drank > Sch drank after)
13,105 Is do noon yuel to þyn euenc(ri)sten . nouʒt by þi
power [aaXx] (cf. K-D, 217)
13,106 By þis day sire doctour quod I . þanne be ye noʒt in
dowel [aaXa] (K-D, 115, 125, 194)
13,107 ffor ye han harmed vs two . in þat ye eten þe puddyng
13,108 Mortrews and ooþ(er) mete . and we no morsel hadde
13,109 And if ye fare so in youre ffermerye . ferly me þynkeþ
13,110 But cheeste be þ(er) charite sholde be . and yonge
children dorste pleyne [aaAx]
13,111 I wolde p(er)mute my penaunce w(i)t(h) youre . for
I am in point to dowel [aaAx]
13,112 Thanne Conscience curteisly . a contenaunce made [aaAx](MS
Conscience > Sch Conscience ful; MS contenaunce > Sch
contenaunce he)
13,113 And preynte vpon pacience . to preie me to be stille
13,114 And seide hymself sire doctour . and it be youre wille
[aaAx] (Sk, 217)
13,115 What is dowel and dobet . ye dyuyno(ur)s knoweþ [aaAx]
13,116 Dowel quod þis doctour . do as clerkes techeþ [aa(A)xx]
13,117 And dobet is he þat techeþ . and t(ra)uailleþ to teche
oþ(er)e [aaAa] (|d|t|t|t|; Schu, 127) ([xaAa] K-D, 94)
13,118 And dobest doþ hymself so . as he seiþ and precheþ
13,118a { Qui facit & docuerit magnus vocabit(ur) in regno
celor(um) } [Latin] fol. 75r
13,119 Now þow Clergie quod Conscience . carpest what is
dowel [aaAx]
13,120 I haue seuene sones he seide . s(er)uen in a Castel
13,121 Ther þe lord of lif wonyeþ . to leren what is dowel
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 291)(MS leren > Sch leren hym)
13,122 Til I se þo seuene . and myself acorde [aaAx](MS acorde > Sch
13,123 I am vnhardy quod he . to any wiʒt to preuen it [aa(A)xx]
13,124 ffor oon Piers þe Plowman . haþ impugned vs alle [aaAx]
13,125 And set alle sciences at a sop . saue loue one [aaaAx]
13,126 And no text ne takeþ . to mayntene his cause [aaAx]
13,127 But { Dilige deum } . and { Domine quis habitabit
} [{aa}{Ax}]
13,128 And seiþ þ(a)t dowel and dobet . arn two Infinites
[aaAx] (|d|d|t|; Schu, 127) ([aaXx] K-D, 200)
13,129 Whiche Infinites wiþ a feiþ . fynden out dobest [aaAx]
13,130 Which shal saue mannes soule . þus seiþ Piers þe Plowman
13,131 I kan noʒt heron quod Conscience . ac I knowe wel Piers
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
13,132 He wol noʒt ayein holy writ speken . I dar wel vndertake
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217; Schu, 206)
13,133 Thanne passe we ouer til Piers come . and preue þis
in dede [aaAx]
13,134 Pacience haþ be in many place . and p(ar)aunter mouþed
[aaAx](MS mou-th-ed > Sch knowe-th-)
13,135 That no clerk ne kan . as crist bereþ witnesse [aaAx]
13,135a { Pacientes vincunt &c } [Latin]
13,136 Ac your preiere quod Pacience þo . so no man displese
hym [aaAx] ([aaAa] |p|p|b|p|; Sch, 391)(MS -th-o > Sch
-th-o [by])
13,137 { Disce } quod he { doce . dilige inimicos } [{a}{aAx}]
(CM, 99)
13,138 { Disce } and dowel . { doce } and dobet [{a}a{A}a]
(cf. K-D, 188; CM, 97, 99)
13,139 { Dilige } and dobest . þus tauʒte me ones [{a}aXx]
(cf. K-D, 188) ([{a}aAx] |d|d|t|; Sch, 391; CM, 99; Schu,
13,140 A lemman þ(a)t I louede . Loue was hir name [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 188, 202)
13,141 Wiþ wordes and wiþ werkes quod she . and wil of þyn
herte [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 311)
13,142 Thow loue leelly þi soule . al þi lif tyme [aaAx]
13,143 And so þow lere þe to louye . for oure lordes loue
of heuene [aaAx] (cf. CM, 117)(MS oure > Sch -th-e)
13,144 Thyn enemy in alle wise . eueneforþ wiþ þiselue [aaAx]
(K-D, 134; cf. CM, 117)
13,145 Cast coles on his heed . of alle kynde speche [aaxAx]
13,146 Boþe wiþ werkes and w(i)t(h) wordes . fonde his loue
to wynne [aaXa] (Ok, 2: 312)
13,147 And leye on hym þus w(i)t(h) loue . til he lauʒe on
þe [aaAx](MS hym > Sch him)
13,148 And but he bowe for þis betyng . blynd mote he worþe [aaAx] fol. 75v
13,149 Ac for to fare þus wiþ þi frend . folie it were [aaAx]
13,150 ffor he þat loueþ þee leelly . litel of þyne coueiteþ
[aaAx](MS litel > Schlite)
13,151 Kynde loue coueiteþ noʒt . no catel but speche [aaAx]
13,152 Wiþ half a laumpe lyne in Latyn . { Ex vi t(ra)nsicio(n)is
} [aaa{Xx}] (CM, 97)
13,153 I bere þ(er)Inne aboute . faste ybounde dowel [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 186)
13,154 In a signe of þe Saterday . þat sette first þe kalender
13,155 And al þe wit of þe Wodnesday . of þe nexte wike after
13,156 The myddel of þe moone . as þe nyʒt of boþe [aaXx](MS
as > Sch is; MS ny-gh-t > Sch my-gh-t [aaAx])
13,157 And herw(i)t(h) am I welcome . þer I haue it wiþ me
13,158 Vndo it . lat þis doctour deme . if dowel be þ(er)Inne
[aaaAx] (cf. Sk, 219)(MS deme > Sch se [aaAx])
13,159 ffor by hym þat me made . myʒte neu(er)e pouerte [aaAx]
13,160 Misese ne meschief . ne no man wiþ his tonge [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)(MS mischief > Sch mischief; MS no > Sch
13,161 Coold ne care . ne compaignye of þeues [aaAx]
13,162 Ne neiþ(er) hete ne hayl . ne noon helle pouke [aaAx]
13,163 Ne fuyr ne flood . ne feere of þyn enemy [aaAx](MS
Ne > Sch Ne nei-th-er)
13,164 Tene þee any tyme . and þow take it wiþ þe [aaAx]
13,164a { Caritas nichil timet &c } [Latin]
13,173 It is but a dido quod þis doctour . a disours tale [aaAx]
13,174 Al þe wit of þis world . and wiʒt mennes strengþe
13,175 Kan noʒt conformen a pees . bitwene and hise enemys
[xxXx] (Sch, 391-2; cf. K-D, 94, 152)(MS conformen > Sch
[par]formen; MS bitwene > Sch bitwene -th-e Pope [aaAx])
13,176 Ne bitwene two cristene kynges . kan no wiʒt pees
make [aa(A)xx]
13,177 Profitable to eiþ(er) peple . and putte þe table fro
hym [aaAx]
13,178 And took Clergie and Conscience . to conseil as it
were [aaAx]
13,179 That Pacience þow most passe . for pilgrymes konne
wel lye [aaAx](MS -th-ow > Sch -th-o)
13,180 Ac Conscience carped loude . and curteisliche seide
13,181 ffrendes fareþ wel . and faire spak to clergie [aaAx]
13,182 ffor I wol go wiþ þis gome . if god wol yeue me g(ra)ce
[aaAa] (K, 60; Schu, 204)(MS yeue > Sch gyue [aaAaa])
13,183 And be Pilgrym wiþ pacience . til I haue preued moore
13,184 What quod Clergie to Conscience . ar ye coueitous nouþe
[aaAx](MS ar > Sch are) fol. 76r
13,185 After yeresʒeues or ʒiftes . or yernen to rede redels
[aaAbb] (Schu, 204)
13,186 I shal brynge yow a bible . a book of þe olde lawe
13,187 And lere yow if yow like . þe leeste point to knowe
13,188 That Pacience þe pilgrym . parfitly knew neu(er)e
13,189 Nay by crist quod Conscience to Clergie . god þee foryelde
[aaaAx] (|c|c|c|g|; Schu, 131, 182)
13,190 ffor al þat Pacience me p(ro)freþ . proud am I litel
13,191 Ac þe wil of þe wye . and þe wil of folk here [aaAx]
13,192 Haþ meued my mood . to moorne for my synnes [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 294)
13,193 The goode wil of a wight . was neu(er)e bouʒt to þe
fulle [aa(A)xx]
13,194 ffor þer nys no tresour forsoþe . to a trewe wille
[aaAx](MS forso-th-e > Sch -th-erto)
13,195 Hadde noʒt Maudeleyne moore . for a box of salue [aaXx](MS
no-gh-t > Sch no-gh-t Marie [aaaXx])
13,196 Than ʒacheus for he seide . { Dimidiu(m) bonor(um)
meor(um) do paup(er)ibʒ } [aa{Bb}] (|z|s|-d|d|; cf. CM, 100)
13,197 And þe poore widewe . for a peire of mytes [axAx]
(K-D, 199)
13,198 Than alle þo þat offrede . into { Gaʒophilacium }
13,199 Thus curteisliche Conscience . congeyed first þe frere
13,200 And siþen softeliche he seide . in clergies ere [aaaXx]
13,201 Me were leuere by oure lord . and I lyue sholde [aaAx]
13,202 Haue pacience p(ar)fitliche . þan half þi pak of bokes
13,203 Clergie of Conscience . no congie wolde take [aaAx](MS
of > Sch to)
13,204 But seide ful sobreliche . þow shalt se þe tyme [aaAx]
13,205 Whan þow art wery of walked . wille me to counseille
[aaAx](MS of walked > Sch forwalked)
13,206 That is sooþ quod Conscience . so me god helpe [ax(A)xx]
([aaAx] K-D, 148)(MS quod > Sch seide [aa(A)xx])
13,207 If Pacience be oure partyng felawe . and pryue w(i)t(h)
vs boþe [aaAx]
13,208 Ther nys wo in þis world . þ(a)t we ne sholde amende
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 311)
13,209 And conformen kynges to pees . and alle kynnes londes
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 146-7)
13,210 Sarsens and Surre . and so forþ alle þe Iewes [aa(A)xx]
13,211 Turne into þe trewe feiþ . and intil oon bileue [aaAx]
(K-D, 135)
13,212 That is sooþ quod Clergie . I se what þow menest [axAx]
(K-D, 195) fol. 76u
13,213 I shall dwelle as I do . my deuoir to shewe [aaAx]
13,214 And confermen fauntekyns . and ooþ(er) folk ylered
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 194)
13,215 Til Pacience haue preued þee . and parfit þee maked
13,216 Conscience þo wiþ Pacience passed . pilgrymes as it
were [xaaAx]
13,217 Thanne hadde Pacience as pilgrymes han . in his poke
vitailles [aaAx]
13,218 Sobretee and symple speche . and sooþfast bileue [aaaAx]
13,219 To conforte hym and Conscience . if þei come in place
13,220 There vnkyndenesse and coueitise is . hungry contrees
boþe [aaAx]
13,221 And as þe wente by þe weye . of dowel þei carped [aaAx](MS
-th-e > Sch -th-ei; MS weye > Sch weye and; MS -th-ei > Sch
13,222 Thei mette wiþ a Mynstral . as me þo þouʒte [aa(A)bb]
13,223 Pacience apposed hym first . and preyde he sholde
hem telle [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS preyed > Sch preyed
hym; MS hem > Sch om.)
13,224 To Conscience what craft he kouþe . and to what contree
he wolde [aaaAx]
13,225 I am a Mynstrall quod þat man . my name is { Actiua
vita } [aa(A)x{x}]
13,226 Al ydelnesse ich hatie . for of Actif is my name [aaAx](MS
ydelnesse > Sch ydel)
13,227 A wafrer wol ye wite . and s(er)ue manye lordes [aaaXx]
13,228 And fewe robes I fonge . or furrede gownes [aaAx]
13,229 Couþe I lye to do men lauʒe . þanne lacchen I sholde
13,230 Ouþ(er) mantel or moneie . amonges lordes or Mynstrals
[aa(A)xa](MS or(2) > Sch om.)
13,231 Ac for I kan neiþ(er) taboure ne trompe . ne telle
no gestes [aaAx] (cf. CM, 79; Ok, 2: 307)
13,232 ffarten ne fiþelen . at festes ne harpen [aaAx] (cf.
CM, 79)
13,233 Iape ne Iogele . ne gentilliche pipe [aaAx]
13,234 Ne neiþ(er) saille ne saute . ne synge wiþ þe gyt(er)ne
13,235 I haue no goode giftes . of þise grete lordes [aaAx]
(Schu, 204)
13,236 ffor no breed þ(a)t I brynge forþ . saue a benyson
on þe sonday [aaAx]
13,237 Whan þe preest preieþ þe peple . hir {Pat(er)noster}
to bidde [aaa{A}x]
13,238 ffor Piers þe Plowman . and þ(a)t hym p(ro)fit waiten
13,239 And þat am I Actif . þat ydelnesse hatie [aaAa]
13,240 ffor alle trewe t(ra)uaillo(ur)s . and tiliers of
þe erþe [aaAx]
13,241 ffro Mighelmesse to Mighelmesse . I fynde hem wiþ
my wafres [aaXx](MS my > Sch om.)
13,242 Beggeris and bidderis . of my breed crauen [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 268) fol. 77r
13,243 ffaitours and freres . and folk wiþ brode crounes
13,244 I fynde payn for þe pope . and p(ro)uendre for his
palfrey [aaAa]
13,245 And I hadde neu(er)e of hym . haue god my trouþe [aa(A)xx]
13,246 Neiþ(er) p(ro)uendre ne p(er)sonage . yet of popes
ʒifte [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 205)(MS of > Sch of -th-e)
13,247 Saue a pardon wiþ a peis of leed . and two polles
amyddes [aaAx]
13,248 Hadde ich a clerc þat couþe write . I wolde caste
hym a bille [aaAx]
13,249 That he sente me vnder his seel . a salue for þe pestilence
13,250 And þ(a)t his blessynge and hise bulles . bocches
myʒte destruye [aaAx]
13,250a { In no(m)i(n)e meo demonia eicient & sup(er) egros man(us) impone(n)t & b(e)n(e) h(ab)ebunt } [Latin]
13,251 And þanne wolde I be p(re)st to þe peple . paast for
to make [aaAx]
13,252 And buxom and busy . aboute breed and drynke [aaAx]
13,253 ffor hym and for alle hise . founde I þ(a)t his pardoun
[prose line]
13,254 Miʒte lechen a man . as I bileue it sholde [axAx]
(cf. K-D, 195)
13,255 ffor siþ he haþ þe power . þat Peter hymself hadde
[xaAx](MS hadde > Sch hadde he ha-th- -th-e pot wi-th-
-th-e salue [aaAx])
13,255 He haþ þe pot wiþþe salue . sooþly as me þynkeþ [xaAx]
(cf. K-D, 94, 217; Sk, 224) ])(Sch He … salue run toge-th-er
wi-th- 255; MS soo-th-ly … -th-ynke-th- > Sch om.)
13,255a { Argentu(m) & auru(m) no(n) est michi . quod aute(m) h(ab)eo tibi do . in no(m)i(n)e d(omi)ni surge & amb (cropped)} [Latin](MS L. habeo > Sch habeo hoc; MS amb > Sch ambula)
13,256 Ac if myʒt of myracle hym faille . it is for men ben
noʒt worþi [aaAx]
13,257 To haue þe g(ra)ce of god . and no gilt of pope [aaAx](MS
of > Sch of -th-e)
13,258 ffor may no blessynge doon vs boote . but if we wile
amende [aa(A)xx]
13,259 Ne mannes masse make pees . among cristene peple [aaa(A)xx]
([aaabAb] K, 60)
13,260 Til pride be pureliche fordo . and þoruʒ payn defaute
[aaAx](MS and > Sch and -th-at)
13,261 ffor er I haue breed of mele . ofte moot I swete [abBa]
(CM, 66)
13,262 And er þe co(m)mune haue corn ynouʒ . many a cold
morwenyng [aaBab]
13,263 So er my wafres be ywroʒt . muche wo I þolye [aaAx]
13,264 Al londou(n) I leue . likeþ wel my wafres [aaAbb]
13,265 And louren whan þei lakken hem . it is noʒt longe
ypassed [aaAx]
13,266 There was a careful co(m)mune . whan no cart com to
towne [aaAa]
13,267 Wiþ breed fro Stratford . þo gonnen beggeris wepe
[aaAx] (K-D, 147)(MS Wi-th- > Sch Wi-th- bake [aaxAx])
13,268 And werkmen were agast a lite . þis wole be þouʒt longe
[abAb] fol. 77u
13,269 In þe date of oure driʒte . in a drye Aprill [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 197)
13,270 A þousand and þre hundred . twies twenty and ten [aaBb]
(Sch, 392)(MS twenty > Sch -th-ritty; MS ten > Sch
tene [aaAx])
13,271 My wafres þ(er)e were gesene . whan Chichestre was
Mair(e) [aa(A)xx]
13,272 I took good kepe by crist . and Conscience boþe [aaAx](MS
good > Sch greet)
13,273 Of haukyn þe Actif man . and how he was ycloþed [aaAx]
13,274 He hadde a cote of cristendom . as holy kirke bileueþ
13,275 Ac it was moled in many places . wiþ manye sondry
plottes [aaAx]
13,276 Of pride here a plot . and þ(er)e a plot of vnbuxom
speche [aaAx] ([aaAa] |p|p|p|b|; Schu, 124; cf. Sk, 225)
13,277 Of scornyng and of scoffyng . and of vnskilful berynge
13,278 As in apparaill and in porte . proud amonges þe peple
13,279 Ooþ(er)wise þan he hym haþ . wiþ herte or siʒte shewynge
[aaAbb](MS hym > Sch om.)
13,280 Hym willyng þ(a)t alle men wende . he were þat he
is noʒt [aaAx](MS wyllyng > Sch wilnyng)
13,281 fforwhy he bosteþ and braggeþ . wiþ manye bolde oþes
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 270)
13,282 And inobedient to ben vndernome . of any lif lyuynge
[aa(A)bb] (K, 60)
13,283 And noon so singuler by hymself . ne non so pomp holy
13,285 Yhabited as an heremyte . an ordre by hymselue [aaAx]
13,286 Religion saunʒ rule . or resonable obedience [aaAx](MS
or > Sch and)
13,287 Lakkynge lettrede men . and lewed men boþe [aaAx]
(CM, 72)
13,288 In likynge of lele lif . and a liere in soule [aaaAx]
(CM, 72)
13,289 Wiþ Inwit and wiþ outwit . ymagynen and studie [aaAx]
(K-D, 134)
13,290 As best for his body be . to haue a badde name [aaaAx]
(cf. K-D, 147)(MS badde > Sch bold)
13,291 And entremetten hym ouer al . þer he haþ noʒt to doone
13,292 Willynge þ(a)t men wende . his wit were þe beste [aaAx]
(cf. K, 52)(MS Willynge > Sch wilnynge)
13,300 And if he gyueþ ouʒt to pou(er)e gomes . telle what
he deleþ [aaXx] (Sch, 392) ([aaAbb] |g|g|g|t|d|; Schu, 126,
203)(MS gomes > Sch gomes [go] [aaAx])
13,301 Pou(er)e of possession in purs . and in cofre boþe
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217; Sk, 226)(MS bo-th-e > Sch om.)
13,302 And as a lyoun on to loke . and lordlich of speche
13,303 Boldest of beggeris . a boster(e) þat noʒt haþ [aaAx]
13,304 In towne and in Tau(er)nes . tales to telle [aaAa]
13,305 And segge þyng þ(a)t he neu(er)e seiʒ . and for soþe
sweren it [aaAa] (K, 57)
13,306 Of dedes þat he neu(er)e dide . demen and bosten [aaAx]
13,307 And of werkes þ(a)t he wel dide . witnesse and siggen
13,308 Lo if ye leue me noʒt . or þ(a)t I lye wenen [aaAx]
13,309 Askeþ at hym or at hym . and he yow kan telle [aaaAx]
fol. 78r
13,310 What I suffrede and seiʒ . and somtymes hadde [aaAx]
(K, 57)
13,311 And what I kouþe and knew . and what kyn I com of
[aaAa] (K, 57; Ok, 2: 276)
13,312 Al he wolde þ(a)t men wiste . of werkes and of wordes
[aaAa] (Ok, 2: 312)
13,313 Which myʒte plese þe peple . and preisen hymselue
13,313a { Si hominibʒ placerem . Χρ(ist)i s(er)uus non essem
} [Latin]
13,313a { Et alibi: Nemo potest duobʒ d(omi)nis seruire }
13,314 By crist quod Conscience þo . þi beste cote Haukyn [aaAx]
13,315 Haþ manye moles and spottes . it moste ben ywasshe
13,316 Ye whoso toke hede quod haukyn . bihynde and bifore
13,317 What on bak and what on body half . and by þe two
sides [aa(A)xx]
13,318 Men sholde fynde manye frounces . and manye foule
plottes [aaAx]
13,319 And he torned hym as tyd . and þanne took I hede [aaAx]
13,320 It was fouler bi fele fold . þan it first semed [aaaAx]
13,321 It was bidropped wiþ wraþe . and wikkede wille [xaAa]
13,322 Wiþ enuye and yuel speche . entisynge to fighte [aaAx]
13,323 Lying and laughynge . and leue tonge to chide [aaAx](MS
lau-gh-ynge > Sch lakkynge)
13,324 Al þat he wiste wikked . by any wight tellen it [aaAx]
13,325 And blame men bihynde hir bak . and bidden hem meschaunce
13,326 And þat he wiste by wille . tellen it Watte [aaXa]
(Sch, 392; cf. K-D, 94, 139)(MS tellen it Watte > Sch
[to Watte tellen it] [aaAx])
13,327 And þat Watte wiste . Wille wiste it after [aaAa]
13,328 And made of frendes foes . þoruʒ a fals tonge [aaAx]
(cf. Ok, 2: 280, 283)
13,329 Or wiþ myʒt or w(i)t(h) mouþ . or þoruʒ mennes strengþe
[aaAx](MS or wi-th- > Sch of; MS mennes > Sch mannes)
13,330 Auenge me fele tymes . oþer frete myselue [aaAx] (|-u|f|f|;
K-D, 133; Schu, 65; CM, 46)(MS Auenge > Sch Auenged; MS
myselue > Sch myselue wi-th-inne)
13,331 WiþInne as a shepsteres shere . ysherewed man and
cursed [aaAx] (Schu, 99)(MS man > Sch men; MS cursed > Sch
cursed hem)
13,331a { Cui(us) maledicc(i)o(n)e os plen(um) est & amaritudi(n)e
sub lingua ei(us) labor & dol} (cropped) [Latin](MS L.
dol > Sch dolor)
13,331a { Et alibi: ffilii ho(m)i(n)u(m) dentes eor(um) arma & sagitte
. et lingua eor(um) gladius a} (cropped) [Latin](MS a > Sch
13,332 Ther is no lif þ(a)t me loueþ . lastynge any while [aaAx](MS me loue-th- > Sch I louye)
13,333 ffor tales þ(a)t I telle . no man trusteþ to me [aaAx]
fol. 78v
13,334 And whan I may noʒt haue þe maistrie . swich malencolie
I take [aaAx]
13,335 That I cacche þe crampe . and þe Cardiacle som tyme
[aaAx](MS and > Sch om.)
13,336 Or an Ague in swich an Angre . and som tyme a feu(er)e
13,337 That takeþ me al a tweluemonþe . til þ(a)t I despise
[aa(A)xx] (K, 55)
13,338 Lechecraft of oure lord . and leue on a wicche [aaAx]
13,339 And seye þ(a)t no clerc ne kan . ne crist as I leue
13,340 To þe Sout(er)e of Southwerk . or of Shordych dame
Emme [aaAx] (|s|s|sh|; K-D, 138; Schu, 99)
13,341 And seye þ(a)t no goddes word . gaf me neu(er)e boote
[xaAx] (K-D, 94; Sch, 392; Schu, 203)(MS -th-at no > Sch
-th-at [God ne][aaAx])
13,342 But þoruʒ a charme hadde I chaunce . and my chief
heele [aaAx]
13,343 I waitede wisloker . and þanne was it soilled [aaAx]
(K, 54)
13,344 Wiþ likynge of lecherie . as by lokynge of his eiʒe
[aaAx] (CM, 68)
13,345 ffor ech a maide þ(a)t he mette . he made hire a signe
13,346 Semynge to synneward . and somtyme he gan taste [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)
13,347 Aboute þe mouþ or byneþe . bigynneþ to grope [aaAx]
(K-D, 134)
13,348 Til eiþ(er)es wille wexeþ kene . and to þe werke yeden
13,349 As wel in fastyng dayes and ffridaies . and forboden
nyʒtes [aaAx](MS in > Sch om.)
13,350 And as wel in lente as out of lente . alle tymes yliche
[aaXa] ([ababaBa] CM, 65)(MS wel > Sch lef [aaaXa])
13,351 Swiche werkes w(i)t(h) hem . were neu(er)e out of
seson [ax(A)xx]
13,352 Til þei myʒte na moore . and þanne murye tales [aaAx](MS
-th-anne > Sch -th-anne hadde)
13,353 And how þ(a)t lecchours louye . laughen and Iapen
13,354 And of hir harlotrye and horedom . in hir elde tellen
[aaAx] (K, 58)
13,355 Thanne Pacience p(ar)ceyued . of pointes þis cote [aaAx](MS
-th-is > Sch his)
13,356 That were colomy þoruʒ coueitise . and vnkynde desiryng
[aaAx](MS -th-at were > Sch Was)
13,357 Moore to good þan to god . þe gome his loue caste
[aaAx] (CM, 70; cf. 135)
13,358 And ymagynede how . he it myʒte haue [aaAa]
13,359 Wiþ false mesures and met . and wiþ fals witnesse
[abbAb] (cf. K-D, 200; Du, 65)
13,360 Lened for loue of þe wed . and looþ to do truþe [aaxAx]
13,361 And awaited . þoruʒ which wey to bigile [aaAx] (Sk,
229)(MS which wey > Sch wittes wyes)
13,362 And menged his marchaundise . and made a good moustre
13,363 The worste w(i)t(h)Inne was . a greet wit I let it
13,364 And if my Neghebore hadde any hyne . or any beest
ellis [xaaAx](MS any > Sch an)
13,365 Moore p(ro)fitable þan myn . manye sleiʒtes I made [aaAa]
fol. 79r
13,366 How I myʒte haue it . al my wit I caste [ax(A)xx]
13,367 And but I it hadde by ooþ(er) wey . at þe laste I
stale it [aaXx]
13,368 Or pryueliche his purs shook . and vnpikede hise lokes
[aaAx](MS and > Sch om.)
13,369 Or by nyʒte or by daye . aboute was ich eu(er)e [aaAx]
(cf. K, 60)
13,370 Thoruʒ gile to gaderen . þe good þat ich haue [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 135)
13,371 If I yede to þe Plowʒ . I pynched so narwe [xaAx]
13,372 That a foot lond or a forow . fecchen I wolde [aaAx]
13,373 Of my nexte Neghebore . and nymen of his erþe [aaAx](MS
and > Sch om.)
13,374 And if I repe ouerreche . or yaf hem reed þat ropen
[aaAa] (cf. Schu, 204)(MS repe > Sch rope)
13,375 To seise to me wiþ hir sikel . þat I ne sew neu(er)e
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
13,376 And whoso borwed of me . abouʒte þe tyme [axAx] ([xaAx]
K-D, 195)
13,377 Wiþ p(re)sentes pryuely . or paide som c(er)teyn [aaAx]
13,378 So he wolde or noʒt wolde . wynnen I wolde [aaAx](MS
he wolde > Sch wolde he; MS wolde > Sch wolde he)
13,379 And boþe to kiþ and to kyn . vnkynde of þat ich hadde
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 274)
13,380 And whoso cheped my chaffare . chiden I wolde [aaAx]
13,381 But he p(ro)frede to paie . a peny or tweyne [aaAx]
13,382 Moore þan it was worþ . and yet wolde I swere [xaAx]
(K-D, 135)
13,383 That it coste me muche moore . and so swoor manye
oþes [xaaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS and so > Sch om.)
13,384 On haly daies at holy chirche . whan ich herde masse
[aaAx](MS On > Sch In)
13,385 Hadde I neu(er)e wille woot god . witterly to biseche
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 95)
13,386 Mercy for my mysdedes . þ(a)t I ne moorned moore [aaAa]
13,387 ffor losse of good leue me . þan for my likames giltes
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217) ([abaAb] CM, 135)(MS my > Sch om.)
13,388 As if I hadde dedly synne doon . I dredde noʒt þat
so soore [aaAx]
13,389 As whan I lened and leued it lost . or longe er it
were paied [aaaAx]
13,390 So if I kidde any kyndenesse . myn euencristen to
helpe [aaAx] (K-D, 134)
13,391 Vpon a cruwel coueitise . myn herte gan hange [aaBb]
(cf. K-D, 148; cf. Schu, 131)(MS myn herte > Sch my conscience
13,392 And if I sente ouer see . my seruauntʒ to Brugges [aaAx]
13,393 Or into Prucelond my Prentis . my p(ro)fit to waiten
13,394 To marchaunden wiþ moneie . and maken hire eschaunges
[aaAx](MS hire > Sch here) fol. 79v
13,395 Miʒte neu(er)e me conforte . in þe mene while [aaAx](MS
while > Sch tyme)
13,396 Neiþ(er) masse ne matynes . ne none maner siʒtes [aaAx]
13,397 Ne neu(er)e penaunce p(ar)fo(ur)nede . ne { Pat(er)noster
} seide [aa{A}x]
13,398 That my mynde ne was moore . on my good in a doute
[aa(A)xx](MS on > Sch in)
13,399 Than in þe g(ra)ce of god . and hise grete helpes
13,399a { Vbi thesaurus tuus ibi & cor tuum } [Latin]
13,410 Whiche ben þe braunches . þat bryngen a man to sleuþe
[aaAx](MS Whiche > Sch Ac whiche)
13,411 He þat moorneþ noʒt for hise mysdedes . ne makeþ no
sorwe [aaAx] (Sch, 392)(MS He -th-at > Sch Is whan a man
13,412 And penaunce þat þe preest enioyneþ . p(ar)fo(ur)neþ
yuele [aaAx] (cf. Sk, 232)(MS And > Sch Ac)
13,413 Dooþ noon almesse . dred hym of no synne [axAx](MS
noon almesse > Sch non almesdede [aaAx])
13,414 Lyueþ ayein þe bileue . and no lawe holdeþ [aaAx]
13,415 Ech day is halyday w(i)t(h) hym . or an heiʒ ferye
13,416 And if he auʒt wole here . it is an harlotes tonge
[aaAx](MS wole > Sch wol)
13,417 Whan men carpen of crist . or of clennesse of soules
[aaAx](MS soules > Sch soule)
13,418 He wexeþ wroþ and wol noʒt here . but wordes of murþe
13,419 Penaunce of pou(er)e men . and þe passion of seintes
[aaAx](MS of > Sch and)
13,420 He hateþ to here þ(er)of . and alle þat it telleþ
13,421 Thise ben þe braunches beþ war . þat bryngen a man
to wanhope [aaAx]
13,422 Ye lordes and ladies . and legates of holy chirche [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 291)
13,423 That fedeþ fooles sages . flatereris and lieris [aaAx](MS
fooles sages > Sch foolsages)
13,424 And han likynge to liþen hem . to do yow to lauʒe
[aaXa] (cf. K-D, 94; Sch, 392)(MS hem > Sch hem [in hope];
MS to(3) > Sch om.)
13,424a { Ve vobis qui ridetis &c } [Latin]
13,425 And ʒyueþ hem mete and mede . and pou(er)e men refuse
[xaaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)
13,426 In youre deeþ deyinge . I drede me ful soore [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)(MS ful > Sch om.)
13,427 Lest þo þre maner men . to muche sorwe yow brynge
13,427a { Consencientes & agentes pari pena punientur
} [Latin]
13,428 Patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . and p(re)chours of goddes
wordes [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)
13,429 Sauen þoruʒ hir sermons . mannes soule fro helle [aaAx](MS
sermons > Sch sermon)
13,430 Riʒt so flatereris and fooles . arn þe fendes disciples
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 282)(MS fooles > Sch fools)
13,431 To entice men þoruʒ hir tales . to synne and to harlotrie
[aaXx](MS to(3) > Sch om.)
13,432 Ac clerkes þ(a)t knowen holy writ . sholde kenne lordes
[aaAx] fol. 80r
13,433 What Dauid seiþ of swiche men . as þe Sauter telleþ
13,433a { Non h(ab)itabit in medio dom(us) mee qui facit sup(er)bia(m) & qui loquat(ur) iniqua } [Latin]
13,434 Sholde noon harlot haue audience . in halle nor in chambre
[aaAx](MS nor > Sch ne)
13,435 Ther wise men were . witnesseþ goddes wordes [aaAa]
13,436 Ne no mysproud man . amonges lordes ben allowed [aa(A)bb]
13,455 Ac flateres and fooles . þoruʒ hir foule wordes [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 282)(MS -th-ere > Sch Ac)
13,456 Leden þo þat louen hem . to Luciferis feste [aaAx](MS
louen > Sch loued)
13,457 Wiþ { turpiloquio } a lady of sorwe . and luciferis
fiþele [{a}aAx] (|-l|l|l|)(MS lay > Sch lady)
13,458 Thus haukyn þe Actif man . hadde ysoiled his cote
13,459 Til conscience acouped hym þ(er)of . in a curteis
man(er)e [aaAx]
13,460 Why he ne hadde whasshen it . or wiped it wiþ a brusshe
[xaAx] (Ok, 2: 308)(MS whasshen > Sch wasshen)
Passus xiiij(us) &c (PASSUS XIV)
14,1 I haue but oon hool hater quod haukyn . I am þe lasse
to blame [aaa(A)xx](MS hool > Sch om.)
14,2 Thouʒ it be soiled and selde clene . I slepe þ(er)Inne
o nyʒtes [aaAx]
14,3 And also I haue an houswif . hewen and children [aaAx]
14,3a { Vxorem duxi & ideo non possum venire } [Latin]
14,4 That wollen bymolen it many tyme . maugree my chekes
14,5 It haþ be laued in lente . and out of lente boþe [aaAx]
14,6 Wiþ þe sope of siknesse . þat sekeþ wonder depe [aaAx]
(CM, 68)
14,7 And wiþ þe losse of catel . looþ forto agulte [axAx]
(K-D, 189, 203) ([abAb] |l|c|l|-g|; Sch, 393)(MS catel > Sch
catel -th-at [me was])
14,8 God or any good man . by aught þ(a)t I wiste [aaXx]
(Sch, 393; cf. K-D, 203)(MS man > Sch [gome] [aaaXx])
14,9 And was shryuen of þe preest . þat gaf me for my synnes
[axXa] (Sch, 393; cf. K-D, 189, 203; Schu, 99, 204)(MS gaf
me for my synnes > Sch [for my synnes gaf me] [axAx])
14,10 To penaunce pacience . and pou(er)e men to fede [aaAx]
14,11 Al for coueitise of my cristendom . in clennesse to
kepen it [aaAa] (cf. CM, 140)
14,12 And kouþe I neu(er)e by crist . kepen it clene an houre
14,13 That I ne soiled it wiþ siʒte . or som ydel speche
14,14 Or þoruʒ werk or þoruʒ word . or wille of myn herte
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 148; Ok, 2: 312)
14,15 That I ne flobre it foule . fro morwe til euen [aa(A)xx]
14,16 And I shal kenne þee quod Conscience . of Contricion
to make [aaAx] fol. 80v
14,17 That shal clawe þi cote . of alle kynnes filþe [aaAx]
14,17a { Cordis contricio &c } [Latin]
14,18 Dowel shal wasshen it and wryngen it . þoruʒ a wis confessour
[aaaAx] (Ok, 2: 308)
14,18a { Oris confessio &c } [Latin]
14,19 Dobet shal beten it and bouken it . as bright as any
scarlet [aaaAx]
14,20 And engreynen it wiþ good wille . and goddes g(ra)ce
to amende þe [aaAa]
14,21 And siþen sende þee to satisfaccion . for to sowen
it after [aaaAx](MS sowen > Sch sonnen)
14,22 { Satisfaccio } dobest [prose line] (Sch, 393)
14,23 Shal neu(er)e cheeste bymolen it . ne moþe after biten
it [xaAx] (cf. K-D, 194; Sch, 393)(MS cheeste > Sch my[te]
14,24 Ne fend ne fals man . defoulen it in þi lyue [aaAx]
14,25 Shal noon heraud ne harpo(ur) . haue a fairer garnement
14,26 Than Haukyn þe Actif man . and þow do by my techyng
[aaBb] (|ha|a|d|t|; Schu, 126)
14,27 Ne no mynstrall be moore worþ . amonges pou(er)e and
riche [aa(A)xx]
14,28 Than Haukyns wif þe wafrer . with his {Actiua vita
} [abb{Ab}] (cf. K-D, 187) ([aa{Xa}] |w|w|u|; Schu, 70) (MS
Haukyns wif > Sch Haukyn wi[l]; MS wi-th- his > Sch
which is)
14,29 And I shal purueie þee paast quod Pacience . þouʒ no
plouʒ erye [aaaAx]
14,30 And flour to fede folk wiþ . as best be for þe soule
[aaaBb] (K, 59)
14,31 Thouʒ neu(er)e greyn growed . ne grape vpon vyne [aaAx]
14,32 To all þat lyueþ and lokeþ . liflode wolde I fynde
[aaAx](MS To all > Sch alle)
14,33 And þ(a)t ynogh shal noon faille . of þyng þ(a)t hem
nedeþ [aaAx] (|-th-|f|-th-|; K-D, 132; Du, 64)
14,34 We sholde noʒt be to bisy . abouten oure liflode [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 193, 217)
14,34a { Ne soliciti sitis &c Volucres celi deus pascit &c pacie(n)tes vincu(n)t } [Latin]
14,35 Thanne laughed haukyn a litel . and lightly gan swerye
14,36 Whoso leueþ yow by oure lord . I leue noʒt he be blessed
[aaAx] (Sch, 393)(MS yow > Sch yow [ei-th-er])
14,37 No quod Pacience paciently . and out of his poke hente
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 95)
14,38 Vitailles of grete v(er)tues . for alle manere beestes
14,39 And seide . lo here liflode ynogh . if oure bileue
be trewe [aaAx] (cf. Sk, 237) ([aaaAx])
14,40 ffor lent neu(er)e was lif . but liflode were shapen
[aaAx](MS was > Sch was -th-ere) fol. 81r
14,41 Wherof or wherfore . or wherby to libbe [aaAx] (Schu,
14,42 ffirst þe wilde worm . vnder weet erþe [aaAx]
14,43 ffissh to lyue in þe flood . and in þe fir þe Criket
[axaAx] (Ok, 2: 282)
14,44 The Corlew by kynde of þe Eyr . moost clennest flessh
of briddes [aaxAx]
14,45 And bestes by gras and by greyn . and by grene rootes
14,46 In menynge þ(a)t alle men . myʒte þe same [aaAx]
14,47 Lyue þoruʒ leel bileue . and loue . as god witnesseþ
[aaaAx] (cf. Sk, 238)
14,47a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) pecieritis a p(at)re in no(m)i(n)e
meo &c Et alibi; Non in } [Latin]
14,47a { solo pane viuit homo set in om(n)i v(er)bo quod
p(ro)cedit de ore dei } [Latin]
14,48 But I lokede what liflode it was . þat pacience so preisede
[aaBb] ([aaaBb] Sch, 393)
14,49 And þanne was it a pece of þe { Pat(er)nost(er) } .
{ fiat voluntas tua } [ab{b}{Ax}] (cf. Sch, 393)
14,50 Haue haukyn quod Pacience . and et þis whan þe hungreþ
14,51 Or whan þow clomsest for cold . or clyngest for drye
[aaAx](MS drye > Sch drou-gh-te)
14,52 Shul neu(er)e gyues þee greue . ne gret lordes wraþe
[aaAx](MS Shul > Sch And shul)
14,53 Prison ne peyne . for { pacientes vincunt } [aa{Ax}]
14,54 By so þ(a)t þow be sobre . of siʒte and of tonge [aaAx]
14,55 In etynge and in handlynge . and in alle þi fyue wittes
14,56 Darstow neu(er)e care for corn . ne lynnen cloþ ne
wollen [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
14,57 Ne for drynke ne deeþ drede . but deye as god likeþ
14,58 Or þoruʒ hunger or þoruʒ hete . at his wille be it
[aaAx] (K-D, 135)
14,59 ffor if þow lyue after his loore . þe shorter lif þe
bettre [aaAx](MS lyue > Sch lyuest)
14,59a { Si quis amat Χρ(istu)m . mundum non diligit istum
} [Latin] (cf. CM, 75)
14,60 ffor þoruʒ his breeþ beestes woxen . and abrood yeden
14,60a { Dixit & facta sunt &c } [Latin]
14,61 { Ergo } . þoruʒ his breeþ mowen . men and beestes
lyuen [abBa] (cf. K-D, 125, 126, 181-82; Sch, 393; Sk, 238)(MS
mowen > Sch mowen [bo-th-e] [axAa])
14,62 As holy writ witnesseþ . whan men seye hir graces [aa(A)xx]
14,62a { Ap(er)is tu manum tuam & imples omne animal benedicc(i)o(n)e } [Latin]
14,63 It is founden þ(a)t fourty wynter . folk lyuede withouten
tulying [aaAx] fol. 81v
14,64 And out of þe flynt sprong þe flood . þat folk and
beestes dronken [aaAx]
14,65 And in Elyes tyme . heuene was yclosed [axAx]
14,66 That no reyn ne roon . þus rede men in bokes [aaAx]
(CM, 70)(MS rede > Sch ret)
14,67 That manye wyntres men lyueden . and no mete ne tulieden
[aaAx](MS wyntres > Sch wynter)
14,68 Seuene slepe as seiþ þe book . seuene hundred wynter
14,69 And lyueden wiþouten liflode . and at þe laste þei
woken [aaAx]
14,70 And if men lyuede as mesure wolde . sholde neu(er)e
moore be defaute [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 159; R-K, 95)
14,71 Amonges cristene creatures . if cristes wordes ben
trewe [aaAx]
14,72 Ac vnkyndenesse { caristia } makeþ . amonges cristen
peple [a{a}Ax](MS cristen > Sch Cristes)
14,73 And ouerplentee makeþ pryde . amonges poore and riche
14,74 Ther fore mesure is muche worþ . it may noʒt be to
deere [aaAx](MS -th-er fore > Sch Ac; MS is > Sch is
14,75 ffor þe meschief and þe meschaunce . amonges men of
Sodome [aaAx]
14,76 Weex þoruʒ plentee of payn . and of pure sleuþe [aaAx]
14,76a { Ociositas & habundancia panis peccatu(m) turpiss(im)u(m)
nutriuit } [Latin]
14,77 ffor þei mesured noʒt hemself . of þat þei ete and
dronke [axAx] (cf. K-D, 173, 195, 196) ([axxAx] |-th-|-th-|;
Sch, 393)
14,78 Thei diden dedly synne . þat þe deuel liked [aaAx](MS
-th-ei > Sch om.)
14,79 So vengeaunce fil vpon hem . for hir vile synnes [aaAx]
(|u|f|u|; K-D, 132-3, 188; Schu, 65)
14,80 Thei sonken into helle . þe Citees echone [abAb] (K-D,
14,81 fforþi mesure we vs wel . and make oure feiþ oure sheltrom
14,82 And þoruʒ feiþ comeþ contricion . conscience woot wel
14,83 Which dryueþ awey dedly synne . and dooþ it to be venial
14,84 And þouʒ a man myʒte noʒt speke . contricion myʒte
hym saue [aaAx]
14,85 And brynge his soule to blisse . for so þ(a)t feiþ
bere witnesse [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 271)(MS for > Sch by)
14,86 That whiles he lyuede he bileuede . in þe loore of
holy chirche [aaAx]
14,87 { Ergo } contricion feiþ and conscience . is kyndeliche
dowel [aaAx]
14,88 And surgiens for dedly synnes . whan shrift of mouþe
failleþ [aaAx] (|s|s|sh|; Schu, 99)(MS synnes > Sch synne)
14,89 Ac shrift of mouþ moore worþi is . if man be yliche
contrit [aaAx]
14,90 ffor shrift of mouþe sleeþ synne . be it neu(er) so
dedly [aaaAx] (|sh|s|s|s|)
14,91 { Per confessionem } . to a preest . { peccata occiduntur
} [{a}a{Ax}] (cf. Sk, 240)
14,92 Ther contricion dooþ but dryueþ it doun . into a venial
synne [aaaXx] fol. 82r
14,93 As Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter . { et quor(um) tecta sunt
peccata } [aa{Ax}]
14,94 Ac satisfaccion sekeþ out þe roote . and boþe sleeþ
and voideþ [aaxAx]
14,95 And as it neu(er)e hadde ybe . to noʒte bryngeþ dedly
synne [axAx] (K-D, 195)
14,96 That it neu(er)e eft is sene ne soor . but semeþ a
wounde yheeled [aaAx]
14,97 Where wonyeþ Charite quod Haukyn . I wiste neu(er)e in
my lyue [axAx]
14,98 Man þat wiþ hym spak . as wide as I haue passed [x(a)xAx]
(K-D, 195)
14,99 Ther parfit truþe and poore herte is . and pacience of
tonge [aaAx]
14,100 There is Charite þe chief chaumbrer(e) . for god hymselue
14,101 Wheiþer paciente pou(er)te quod Haukyn . be moore plesaunt
to oure d (cropped) [aaxAx] (cf. K-D, 197)(MS d > Sch
14,102 Than richesse riʒtfulliche wonne . and resonably despended
[aaAx](MS despended > Sch yspended)
14,103 Ye { quis est ille } quod Pacience . quik { laudabim(us)
eum } [{a}aA{x}] (Schu, 151; CM, 97-8)
14,104 Thouʒ men rede of richesse . riʒt to þe worldes ende
14,105 I wiste neu(er)e renk þat riche was . þ(a)t whan he
rekene sholde [aaAx]
14,106 Whan he drogh to his deeþ day . þ(a)t he ne dredde
hym soore [aaaAx]
14,107 And þ(a)t at þe rekenyng in arrerage fel . raþ(er)
þan out of dette [aaAx]
14,108 Ther þe poore dar plede . and preue by pure reson
14,109 To haue allowaunce of his lord . by þe lawe he it
cleymeþ [aaAx]
14,110 Ioye þat neu(er)e ioye hadde . of riʒtful Iugge he
askeþ [aaAx] (cf. K, 51)
14,111 And seiþ lo . briddes and beestes . þat no blisse
ne knoweþ [aaAx]
14,112 And wilde wormes in wodes . þoruʒ wyntres þow hem
greuest [aaaAx]
14,113 And makest hem wel neiʒ meke . and mylde for defaute
14,114 And after þow sendest hem somer . þat is hir sou(er)eyn
ioye [aaAx]
14,115 And blisse to alle þat ben . boþe wilde and tame [aa(A)xx]
14,116 Thanne may beggeris as beestes . after boote waiten
14,117 That al hir lif han lyued . in langour and in defaute
14,118 But god sente hem som tyme . som manere Ioye [aaAx]
14,119 Ouþ(er) here or elliswhere . kynde wolde it neuere
[aaXx](MS neuere > Sch nere)
14,120 ffor to wroþerhele was he wroʒt . þat neu(er)e was
Ioye shapen [aa(A)xx]
14,121 Aungeles þat in helle now ben . hadden ioye som tyme
[aaAx] fol. 82v
14,122 And Diues in deyntees lyuede . and in { douce vie
} [aa{Ax}] (CM, 98)
14,123 Right so reson sheweþ . þ(a)t þe men þat were riche
[aaXa] (Sch, 393)(MS -th-e > Sch -th-o; MS were riche > Sch
[riche were] [aaAx])
14,124 And hir makes also . lyuede hir lif in murþe [abBa]
(Sk, 242)
14,125 Ac god is of wonder wille . by þat kynde wit sheweþ
[xaaAx](MS of > Sch of a)
14,126 To ʒyue many man his mede . er he it haue deserued
[aaaXx] (cf. Schu, 204)(MS man > Sch men; MS mede > Sch
14,127 Riʒt so fareþ god by some riche . ruþe me it þynkeþ
[axaAx](MS som > Sch some)
14,128 ffor þei han hir hire heer . and heuene as it were
14,129 And greet likynge to lyue . wiþouten labour of bodye
[aaAx](MS And > Sch And is)
14,130 And whan he dyeþ ben disalowed . as Dauid seiþ in
þe Sauter [aaAbb]
14,130a { Dormierunt & nichil inuenerunt } [Latin]
14,131 And in anoþ(er) stede also . { velud sompnu(m) surgencium
} [aa{Ax}] (|st|-s|s|; Schu, 109; Sch, 393)
14,131a { d(omi)ne in Ciuitate tua et ad nichilum rediges &c
} [Latin] (Sch, 393)(MS L. tua > tua et; MS L. nichilum
rediges > nihilum [eorum rediges ymaginem])
14,132 Allas þ(a)t richesse shal reue . and robbe mannes soule
14,133 ffram þe loue of oure lord . at his laste ende [aaAx]
14,134 Hewen þ(a)t han hir hire afore . arn eu(er)emoore nedy
14,135 And selden deyeþ he out of dette . þat dyneþ er he
des(er)ue it [aaAx](MS he(1) > Sch om.)
14,136 And til he haue doon his deuoir . and his dayes iournee
14,137 ffor whan a werkman haþ wroʒt . þan may men se þe
soþe [aaBb] ([aaBbcc] K, 59)
14,138 What he were worþi for his werk . and what he haþ
des(er)ued [aaAx]
14,139 And noʒt to fonge bifore . for drede of disalowyng
14,140 So I seye by yow riche . it semeþ noʒt þ(a)t ye shulle
14,141 Haue heuene in your(e) here dwellyng . and heuene
also þ(er)after [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 186; R-K, 161)(MS heuene > Sch
two heuenes; MS in youre here dwellyng > Sch for youre
herebeyng; MS also > Sch om.)
14,142 Riʒt so as a s(er)uaunt takeþ his salarie bifore . & siþþe
wolde clayme moore [aaAx](MS so > Sch om.)
14,143 As he þat noon hadde . and haþ hire at þe laste [aaAx]
14,144 It may noʒt be ye riche men . or Mathew on god lyeþ
14,144a { De deliciis ad delicias difficile est transire
} [Latin] ([{aaAx}])
14,145 Ac if ye riche haue ruþe . and rewarde wel þe poore [aaAx]
14,146 And lyuen as lawe techeþ . and doon leaute to hem alle
[aaAx](MS and(2) > Sch om.; MS hem > Sch om.) fol.
14,147 Crist of his curteisie . shal conforte yow at þe laste
14,148 And rewarden alle double richesse . þat rewful hertes
habbeþ [aaAx]
14,149 And as an hyne þat hadde . his hire er he bigonne
[aaAx] (cf. Sk, 244)
14,150 And whan he haþ doon his deuoir wel . men dooþ hym
ooþ(er) bountee [aaAx]
14,151 Ӡyueþ hym a cote aboue his couenaunt . riʒt so crist
ʒyueþ heuene [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204, 205)
14,152 Boþe to riche and to noʒt riche . þat rewfulliche
libbeþ [axaAx] (cf. K, 52)
14,153 And alle þat doon hir deuoir wel . han double hire
for hir t(ra)uaille [aaAx]
14,154 Here forʒifnesse of hir synnes . and heuene blisse
after [prose line] (cf. Schu, 205)
14,155 Ac it is but selde yseien . as by holy seintes bokes
[aaAx](MS is > Sch nys)
14,156 That god rewarded double reste . to any riche wye
14,157 ffor muche murþe is amonges riche . as in mete and
cloþyng [aaxAx]
14,158 And muche murþe in May is . amonges wilde beestes
14,159 And so forþ while somer lasteþ . hir solace dureþ
14,160 Ac beggeris aboute Midsomer . bredlees þei slepe [aaAx](MS
slepe > Sch soupe)
14,161 And yet is wynter for hem worse . for weetshoed þei
gone [aaAx](MS gone > Sch gange)
14,162 Afurst soore and afyngred . and foule yrebuked [aaAx]
14,163 And arated of riche men . þ(a)t ruþe is to here [aaAx]
14,164 Now lord sende hem somer . and som maner ioye [aaAx]
14,165 Heuene after hir hennes goyng . þat here han swich
defaute [aaAx] (K, 58)
14,166 ffor alle myʒtestow haue maad . noon mener þan ooþer
14,167 And yliche witty and wise . if þee wel hadde liked
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 311)
14,168 But lord haue ruþe on þise riche men . þat rewarde
noʒt þi prisoners [aaAx](MS But lord > Sch And; MS prisoners > Sch
14,169 Of þe good þ(a)t þow hem gyuest . { ingrati } ben
manye [aa{A}x] (Schu, 203)
14,170 Ac god of þi goodnesse . gyue hem grace to amende
[aaAa] (Schu, 203)
14,171 ffor may no derþe be hem deere . droghte ne weet hem
greue [aaAx](MS hem greue > Sch om.)
14,172 Ne neiþ(er) hete ne hayll . haue þei hir heele [aaAa]
14,173 Of þat þei wilne and wolde . wanteþ hem noʒt here
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 310)
14,174 Ac poore peple þi prisoners . lord in þe put of meschief
14,175 Conforte þo creatures . þat muche care suffren [aaAx]
14,176 Thoruʒ derþe þoruʒ droghte . alle hir dayes here [aaAx]
14,177 Wo in wynter tymes . for wantynge of cloþes [aaAx](MS
tymes > Sch tyme) fol. 83v
14,178 And in somer tyme selde . soupen to þe fulle [aaAx]
14,179 Conforte þi carefulle . crist in þi richesse [aaAx](MS
richesse > Sch riche)
14,180 ffor how þow confortest alle creatures . clerkes bereþ
witnesse [aaAx]
14,180a { Conuertimini ad me & salui eritis } [Latin]
14,181 Thus { in genere } of gentries . Ih(es)u crist seide
[{a}aAx](MS of > Sch of -th-is)
14,182 To robberis and to Reueris . to riche and to poore
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 299)
14,184 Thou tauʒtest hem in þe Trinite . to taken bapteme
14,185 And to be clene þoruʒ þat cristnyng . of alle kynnes
synne [aaAx](MS to > Sch om.; MS synne > Sch synnes)
14,186 And if vs fille þoruʒ folie . to falle in synne after
[aaAx] (CM, 71)
14,187 Confession and knowlichynge . and crauynge þi mercy
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 171)
14,188 Shulde amenden vs as manye siþes . as man wolde desire
14,189 And if þe pope wolde plede herayein . and punysshe
us in co(n)science [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)(MS And > Sch
Ac; MS pope > Sch pouke)
14,190 He sholde take þe Acquitaunce as quyk . and to þe
queed shewen it [aaAx] (Schu, 151; Sch, 393)
14,190a { Pateat &c P(er) passionem domini } [Latin]
14,191 And putten of so þe pouke . and preuen vs vnder borwe
14,192 Ac þe parchemyn of þis patente . of pouerte be moste
[aaAx] (K-D, 138)
14,193 And of pure pacience . and parfit bileue [aaAx]
14,194 Of pompe and of pride . þe parchemyn decourreþ [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 296)
14,195 And principalliche of al þe peple . but þei be poore
of herte [aaAx](MS al -th-e > Sch alle)
14,196 Ellis is al on ydel . al þat euere writen [aaaAa]
(Sch, 393-4) ([aaaAbb] CM, 58)(MS euere > Sch euere we;
MS written > Sch wr[o-gh-]ten)
14,197 { Paternostres } and penaunce . and Pilgrymages to
Rome [{a}aAx](MS pilgrymages > Sch pilgrimage)
14,198 But oure spences and spendynge . sprynge of a trewe
wille [aaAx] (Sch, 394)(MS and > Sch and our)
14,199 Ellis is al oure labour lost . lo how men writeþ [aaAx]
14,200 In fenestres at þe freres . if fals be þe foundement
14,201 fforþi c(ri)stene sholde be in co(m)mune riche . noon
coueitous for hymselue [aaAx]
14,202 ffor seuene synnes þer ben . þat assaillen vs eu(er)e
[aaAx] (Sch, 394)(MS synnes > Sch synnes -th-at; MS -th-at > Sch
14,203 The fend folweþ hem alle . and fondeþ hem to helpe
14,204 Ac wiþ richesse þat Ribaud . he raþest men bigileþ
[aaAx](MS -th-at ribaud > Sch -th-o ribaudes; MS he > Sch
14,205 ffor þer þ(a)t richesse regneþ . reuerence folweþ
[aaAx](MS reuerence > Sch reuerences)
14,206 And þat is plesaunt to pride . in poore and in riche
14,207 And þe riche is reu(er)enced . by reson of his richesse
[aaAa] fol. 84r
14,208 Ther þe poore is put bihynde . and p(ar)auent(ur)e
kan moore [aaAx]
14,209 Of wit and of wisdom . þat fer awey is bettre [aaAx]
14,210 Than richesse or reautee . and raþer yherd in heuene
14,211 ffor þe riche haþ muche to rekene . and many tyme
hym þ(a)t walkeþ [aaXx](MS many tyme hym -th-at > Sch
ri-gh-t softe [aaAx] )
14,212 The heiʒe wey to heueneward . Richesse hym letteþ
[aaXx](MS heueneward > Sch heueneward ofte; MS Rishesse
hym > Sch riche [aaAx])
14,212a { Ita inpossibile diuiti &c } [Latin](MS L. inpossibile > Sch
14,213 Ther þe poore preesseþ bifore þe riche . wiþ a pak
at his rugge [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS riche > Sch om.)
14,213a { Opera enim illor(um) sequntur illos } [Latin]
14,214 Batauntliche as beggeris doon . and boldeliche he
craueþ [aaAx]
14,215 ffor his pouerte and his pacience . a p(er)petuel
blisse [aaAx]
14,215a { Beati pauperes quoniam ip(s)or(um) est regnu(m)
celor(um) } [Latin]
14,216 And pride in richesse regneþ . raþer þan in pou(er)te
[aaaAx] (|pr|r|r|r|)
14,217 Arst in þe maister þan in þe man . som mansion he
haueþ [aaAx](MS Arst > Sch Or; MS -th-an > Sch or)
14,218 Ac in pou(er)te þer pacience is . pride haþ no myʒte
14,219 Ne none of þe seuene synnes . sitten ne mowe þer longe
[aaAx](MS seuene > Sch seuen)
14,220 Ne haue power in pouerte . if pacience folwe [aaAx](MS
pacience > Sch pacience it)
14,221 ffor þe poore is ay prest . to plese þe riche [aaAx]
14,222 And buxom at hise biddynges . for his broke loues
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 272)(MS hise biddynges > Sch his biddyng)
14,223 And buxomnesse and boost . arn eueremoore at werre
[aaXx] (Sch, 394) ([aaAx] K-D, 172; R-K, 112)(MS arn > Sch
[ben] [aa(A)xx])
14,224 And eiþer hateþ ooþer . in alle maner werkes [aaaAx]
14,225 If wraþe wrastle wiþ þe poore . he haþ þe worse ende
14,226 And if þei boþe pleyne . þe poore is but feble [aaAx]
(|b|p|p|; Schu, 123) ([xaAx] K-D, 112, 207; cf. R-K, 92)
(MS And > Sch For)
14,227 And if he chide or chatre . hym cheueþ þe worse [aaAx]
14,239 And if Coueitise cacche þe poore . þei may noʒt come
togideres [aaAx] (cf. R-K, 95)(MS if > Sch -th-ei-gh-;
MS Coueitise > Sch Coueitise wolde)
14,240 And by þe nekke namely . hir noon may hente ooþer
14,241 ffor men knowen wel þ(a)t Coueitise . is of kene wille
[aaAx](MS of > Sch of a)
14,242 And haþ hondes and armes . of ful greet lengþe [aaBb](MS
ful gret > Sch a long)
14,243 And Pouerte nys but a petit þyng . apereþ noʒt to
his nauele [aaAx]
14,244 And louely layk was it neu(er)e . bitwene þe longe
and þe shorte [aaAx]
14,245 And þouʒ Auarice wolde angre þe poore . he haþ but litel
myʒte [aaAx] fol. 84u
14,246 ffor pouerte haþ but pokes . to putten in hise goodes
14,247 Ther Auarice haþ Almaries . and yren bounden cofres
14,248 And wheiþ(er) be liʒter to breke . and lasse boost
makeþ [abAb] ([axAx] Sch, 394; cf. R-K, 96)(MS boost > Sch
boost it)
14,249 A beggeris bagge . þan an yren bounde cofre [aaAx]
14,250 Lecherie loueþ hym noʒt . for he ʒyueþ but litel siluer
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)
14,251 Ne dooþ hym noʒt dyne delicatly . ne drynke wyn ofte
14,252 A straw for þe Stuwes . þei stoode noʒt I trowe [aaAx](MS
-th-ei > Sch It)
14,253 Hadde þei no þyng but of poore men . hir houses stoode
vntyled [prose line] (cf. K-D, 182; Sch, 394)(MS no -th-ing > Sch
noon; MS stoode > Sch were)
14,254 And þouʒ Sleuþe suwe pou(er)te . and s(er)ue noʒt god
to paie [aabAb]
14,255 Meschief is his maister . and makeþ hym to þynke [aaAx]
14,256 That god is his grettest help . and no gome ellis
14,257 And he is seruaunt as he seiþ . and of his sute boþe
14,258 And wheiþ(er) he be or be noʒt he . he bereþ þe signe
of pouerte [aaAx](MS whei-th-er > Sch wher)
14,259 And in þat secte oure Saueour . saued al mankynde
14,260 fforþi euery poore þat pacient is . may cleymen and
asken [abbXa] (K-D, 94) ([abbAx] Sch, 394)(MS euery > Sch
al; MS cleymen and asken > Sch [asken and cleymen] [abbAx])
14,261 After hir endynge here . heueneriche blisse [aaAx]
14,262 Muche hardier may he asken . þat here myʒte haue his
wille [aaAx]
14,263 In lond and in lordshipe . and likynge of bodie [aaAx]
(CM, 71; Ok, 2: 291)
14,264 And for goddes loue leueþ al . and lyueþ as a beggere
[aaAx] (cf. K, 51; CM, 68)
14,265 And as a mayde for mannes loue . hire moder forsakeþ
[aaAx](MS for > Sch for a)
14,266 Hir fader and alle hire frendes . and folweþ hir make
14,267 Muche moore is to loue . of hym þat swich oon takeþ
[aaXx] (cf. Sch, 394)(MS moore > Sch om.; MS is > Sch
is swich a maide)
14,268 Than is þat maiden . þat is maried þoruʒ brocage [aaAx]
14,269 As by assent of sondry parties . and siluer to boote
14,270 Moore for coueitise of good . þan kynde loue of boþe
[aaAx] (|c|g|k|; Schu, 131; CM, 42, cf. 136) ([axAx] K-D,
94, 98)
14,271 So it fareþ by ech a p(er)sone . þat possession forsakeþ
[xaAx] (K-D, 112, 206; cf. R-K, 92)
14,272 And put hym to be pacient . and pouerte weddeþ [aaAx]
14,273 The which is sib to god hymself . and so to hise seintes
[aaAa](MS to hise seintes > Sch nei-gh- is pouerte [aaAx])
14,274 Haue god my trouþe quod Haukyn . ye preise faste pouerte
[axaAbb](MS ye preise faste > Sch -th-a-th-ere faste preise
14,275 What is Pouerte wiþ pacience quod he . p(ro)prely to mene [aaAx] (cf. R-K, 170)(MS wi-th- > Sch om.) fol. 85r
14,276 { Paupertas } quod Pacience . { est odibile bonum Remocio
} [{a}a{Xx}] ([{a}a{Xa}] |p|p|b|; Schu, 123)
14,276a { curarum . possessio sine calumpnia . donu(m) dei
. sanitas ma } [Latin]
14,276a { ter . absq(ue) sollicitudine semita . sapiencie
temperatrix . ne }
14,276a { gociu(m) sine dampno Incerta fortuna . absq(ue)
sollicitudi(n)e felicitas} [Latin]
14,277 I kan noʒt construe al þis quod haukyn . ye moste kenne me þis on englissh [abAb] (cf. K-D, 217)
14,278 In englissh quod Pacience . it is wel hard wel to expounen
[axaAx] (cf. Sk, 250)
14,279 Ac somdeel I shal seyen it . by so þow vnderstonde
14,280 Pouerte is þe firste point . þat pride moost hateþ
14,281 Thanne is it good by good skile . al þat agasteþ pride
14,282 Riʒt as contricion is confortable þyng . conscience
woot wel [aaAx]
14,283 And a sorwe of hymself . and a solace to þe soule
14,284 So pouerte p(ro)preliche . penaunce and Ioye [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 203)(MS and Ioye > Sch [is to -th-e body])
14,285 Is to þe body . pure spiritual helþe [xxXx] ([xaAx]
cf. K-D, 203; Sch, 394)(MS Is to -th-e body > Sch And
Ioy also to -th-e soule [aaAx])
14,286a { Ergo paupertas est odibile bonum} [Latin]
14,286 And contricion confort . and {cura animar(um) } [aa{Ax}]
(Sch, 394)
14,287 Selde sit pouerte . þe soþe to declare [aaAx]
14,288 ffor as Iustice to Iugge men . enioyned is no poore
[aaAx](MS For > Sch Or)
14,289 Ne to be Mair aboue men . ne Mynystre vnder kynges
[aaAx](MS aboue > Sch ouere)
14,290 Selde is any poore yput . to punysshen any peple [aaAa]
14,290a { Remocio curar(um) } [Latin]
14,291 { Ergo } pouerte and poore men . p(ar)fo(ur)nen þe
comaundement [aaAx]
14,291a { Nolite iudicare quemquam } . þe þridde [Latin]
(cf. K-D, 217)(MS -th-e -th-ridde > Sch om.)
14,292 Selde is any poore riche . but of riʒtful heritage [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 155; CM, 125)(MS any > Sch om.; MS poore > Sch
poore ri-gh-t; MS of > Sch of his)
14,293 Wynneþ he noʒt wiþ wiʒtes false . ne wiþ vnseled mesures
14,294 Ne borweþ of hise neighebores . but þat he may wel
paie [aa(A)xx] (|b|-b|b|; K-D, 134; K, 55)
14,294a { Possessio sine calumpnia } [Latin]
14,295 The ferþe is a fortune . þat florissheþ þe soule [aaAx](MS
fer-th-e > Sch fer-th-e it)
14,296 Wiþ sobretee fram alle synne . and also ʒit moore [aaAx]
fol. 85u
14,297 It afaiteþ þe flessh . fram folies ful manye [aaAx]
14,298 A collateral confort . cristes owene ʒifte [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 205)
14,298a { Donum dei } [Latin]
14,299 The fifte is moder of helþe . a frend in alle fondynges
[aaAa] (f-liaison) ([axAa] K-D, 94)(MS fifte > Sch fifte
14,300 And for þe land euere a leche . a lemman of alle clennesse
[aaAx] (Sch, 394)(MS land > Sch l[owe])
14,300a { Sanitas mater } [Latin](MS L. Sanitas > Sch
14,301 The sixte is a path of pees . ye þoruʒ þe paas of Aultou(n)
[xaaAx](MS sixte > Sch sixte it)
14,302 Pouerte myʒte passe . wiþouten p(er)il of robbyng
14,303 ffor þer þ(a)t Pou(er)te passeþ . pees folweþ after
14,304 And euer þe lasse þ(a)t he bereþ . þe hardier he is
of herte [axAx] (Sch, 394; cf. K-D, 94, 182; R-K, 90)(MS
hardier > Sch [li-gh-t]er [axAx])
14,306 fforþi seiþ Seneca . { Paup(er)tas est absq(ue) sollicitudine
semita } [aa{Aa}] (?[aa{Xaa}] ?[a{Xaa}] CM, 97)
14,305 And an hardy man of herte . among an heep of þeues
14,304a { Cantabit paupertas coram latrone viatore } [Latin]
(Sch, 394)(MS L. uiatore > Sch uiator)
14,307 The seuenþe is welle of wisedom . and fewe wordes sheweþ
[xaaAx](MS seuen-th-e > Sch seuen-th-e it)
14,308 Therfore lordes alloweþ hym litel . or listneþ to
his reson [aaaAx](MS -th-erfore > Sch For)
14,309 ffor he tempreþ þe tonge to truþeward . and no tresor
coueiteþ [aaaAx](MS For > Sch om.)
14,309a { Sapiencie temperatrix } [Latin]
14,310 The eighteþe is a lele labour . and looþ to take moore
[xaaAx](MS ei-gh-te-th-e > Sch ei-gh-te-th-e it)
14,311 Than he may wel deserue . in somer or in wynter [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 94; Sch, 394)(MS may > Sch may [so])
14,312 And if he chaffareþ he chargeþ no losse . mowe he
charite wynne [aaAx]
14,312a { Negocium sine dampno } [Latin]
14,313 The nynþe is swete to þe soule . no sugre is swetter
[xaaAa](MS nyn-th-e > Sch nyn-th-e it)
14,314 ffor pacience is payn . for pouerte hymselue [aaAx]
14,315 And sobretee swete drynke . and good leche in siknesse
[aaAx] (K-D, 139)
14,316 Thus lered me a lettred man . for oure lordes loue
of heuene [aaAa]] (Sch, 394)](MS lettred > Sch lered;
MS of heuene > Sch Seint Austyn)
14,317 Seint Austyn a blessed lif . wiþ outen bisynesse ladde
[xaAx]] (cf. K-D, 217; Sch, 394)](MS Seint Austyn > Sch
om.; MS bisynesse > Sch bisynesse for body and for soule
14,317a ffor body and for soule . { Absq(ue) sollicitudine
felicitas } [xa{Ax}] [Latin]](MS For body and for soule > Sch
14,318 Now god þat alle good gyueþ . graunte his soule reste
[aaaAx] (Schu, 204)
14,319 That þis first wroot to wissen men . what Pouerte was to mene [aa(A)xx](MS -th-is > Sch -th-us) fol. 86r
14,320 Allas quod Haukyn þe Actif man þo . þ(a)t after my cristendom
14,321 I ne hadde be deed and doluen . for dowelis sake [aaAx]
14,322 So hard it is quod haukyn . to lyue and to do synne
14,323 Synne seweþ vs euere quod he . and sory gan wexe [aaAx]
14,324 And wepte water wiþ hise eighen . and weyled þe tyme
[aaxAx] (Ok, 2: 309)
14,325 That he euere dide dede . þat deere god displesed
[aaAx](MS he euere > Sch euere he)
14,326 Swouned and sobbed . and siked ful ofte [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 301)
14,327 That euere he hadde lond ouþ(er) lordshipe . lasse
oþ(er) moore [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 291)(MS ou-th-er > Sch or)
14,328 Or maistrie ouer any man . mo þan of hymselue [aaAx]
14,329 I were noʒt worþi woot god quod haukyn . to werien
any cloþes [aaxAx]
14,330 Ne neiþ(er) sherte ne shoon . saue for shame one [aaAx]
14,331 To couere my careyne quod he . and cride mercy faste
14,332 And wepte and wailede . and þerwiþ I awakede [aaAa]
(Ok, 2: 309)
Passus xv(us) &c finit do wel & incipit do bet (PASSUS
15,1 Ac after my wakynge . it was wonder longe [xaAx] ([xaAa]
K-D, 138; Du, 64)
15,2 Er I koude kyndely . knowe what was dowel [aaAx]
15,3 And so my wit weex and wanyed . til I a fool weere [aaaXx]
(Ok, 2: 308)
15,4 And some lakkede my lif . allowed it fewe [aaAx]
15,5 And lete me for a lorel . and looþ to reu(er)encen [aaAx](MS
lete > Sch leten)
15,6 Lordes or ladies . or any lif ellis [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 291)
15,7 As p(er)sons in pelure . wiþ pendauntʒ of siluer [aaAx]
15,8 To sergeauntʒ ne to swiche . seide I noʒt ones [aaAx](MS
I > Sch om.)
15,9 God loke yow lordes . ne loutede faire [aaAx]
15,10 Þat folk helden me a fool . and in þat folie I raued
[aaAx] (Du, 46)
15,11 Til reson hadde ruþe on me . and rokked me aslepe [aaAx]
15,12 Til I seiʒ as it sorcerie were . a sotil þyng wiþalle
15,13 Oon wiþouten tonge and teeþ . tolde me whider I sholde
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 307)
15,14 And wherof I cam & of what kynde . I coniured hym
at þe laste [aaAx]
15,15 If he were cristes creature . anoon me to tellen [aaXx]
(Du, 63)(MS anoon > Sch for Cristes loue)
15,16 I am cristes creature quod he . and cristene in many
a place [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 209-10; Du, 47-8) fol. 86v
15,17 In cristes court yknowe wel . and of his kyn a party
15,18 Is neiþ(er) Peter þe Porter . ne Poul wiþ þe fauchon
15,19 That wole defende me þe dore . dynge I neuer so late
15,20 At mydnyght at mydday . my vois is so knowe [aa(A)xx]
(Du, 59)(MS knowe > Sch yknowe)
15,21 That ech a creature of his court . welcomeþ me faire
[aaAx] (CM, 42)
15,22 What are ye called quod I in þat court . among cristes peple [aaAx]
15,23 The whiles I quykne þe cors quod he . called am I { anima
} [aaA{x}] (Schu, 151)(MS quykne > Sch quykke)
15,24 And whan I wilne and wolde { animus } ich hatte [aa{B}b]
(Ok, 2: 310; Sk, 255)
15,25 And for þ(a)t I kan knowe . called am I { mens } [aaAx]
(Sch, 395)(MS kan > Sch kan and; MS {Mens} > Sch {Mens}
15,26 And whan I make mone to god . { memoria } is my name
[aa{A}x] (Du, 59)
15,27 And whan I deme domes . and do as truþe techeþ [aa(A)bb]
(Ok, 2: 277)
15,28 Thanne is { Racio } my riʒte name . reson on englissh
15,29 And whan I feele þat folk telleþ. my firste name is
{sensus} [aaA{x}]
15,30 And þat is wit and wisdom . þe welle of alle craftes
15,31 And whan I chalange or chalange noʒt . chepe or refuse
15,32 Thanne am I Conscience ycalled . goddes clerk and his
Notarie [aaAx] (Du, 45)
15,33 And whan I loue leelly . oure lord and alle oþere [aaAx]
15,34 Thanne is lele loue my name . and in latyn {Amor} [aaA{x}]
(Du, 46)
15,35 And whan I flee fro þe flessh . and forsake þe careyne
15,36 Thanne am I a spirit spechelees . { Spiritus } þanne
ich hatte [aa{A}x](MS a > Sch om.; MS spechelees > Sch
spechelees and)
15,37 Austyn and Ysodorus . eiþer of hem boþe [aaAx]
15,38 Nempnede me þus to name . and now þow myʒt chese [aaAx](MS
and > Sch om.)
15,39 How þow coueitest to calle me . for now þow knowest
alle my names [aaAx] (Du, 46)(MS for > Sch om.)
15,39a { Anima p(ro) diu(er)sis accionibʒ diu(er)sa no(m)i(n)a
sortitur: dum } [Latin]
15,39a {viuificat corpus . anima est: dum vult . anim(us)
est } [Latin]
15,39a { dum scit . mens est; dum recolit . memoria est du(m)
} [Latin]
15,39a { iudicat . racio est; dum sentit . sensus est; dum
amat . } [Latin]
15,39a { Amor est; dum negat vel consentit . consciencia
est } [Latin]
15,39a { dum spirat . Spiritus est } [Latin]
15,40 Ye ben as a bisshop quod I . al bourdynge þat tyme [aaAx]
fol. 87r
15,41 ffor bisshopes yblessed . þei bereþ manye names [aaAx]
15,42 { Presul } and { Pontifex } . and { Metropolitanus
} [{a}{a}{Ax}] ([{a}{a}{Xa}] K, 61; CM, 98)
15,43 And oþere names an heep . { Ep(iscop)us } and { Pastor
} [aa{(A)b}{b}] (CM, 98; Du, 59; K, 61)
15,44 That is sooþ seide he . now I se þi wille [aaAx]
15,45 Thow woldest knowe and konne . þe cause of alle my
names [aaAx](MS my > Sch hire)
15,46 And of me if þow myʒtest . me þynkeþ by þi speche [aa(A)xx]
(Du, 59)(MS me > Sch myne)
15,47 Ye sire I seide . by so no man were greued [aa(A)xx]
15,48 Alle þe sciences vnder sonne . and alle þe sotile craftes
[aaAx] ([abbAb] K, 60; Ok, 2: 302)
15,49 I wolde I knewe and kouþe . kyndely in myn herte [aaAx]
15,50 Thanne artow inparfit quod he . and oon of prides knyʒtes
15,51 ffor swich a lust and likyng . Lucifer fel from heuene
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 290)
15,51a { Ponam pedem meum in aquilone & similis ero altissimo
} [Latin]
15,52 It were ayeins kynde quod he . and alle kynnes reson
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
15,53 That any creature sholde konne al . except crist oone
15,54 Ayein swiche Salomon spekeþ . and despiseþ hir wittes
[aaAx] (Schu, 108; Du, 45)
15,55 And seiþ . { Sicut qui mel comedit multu(m) non est
ei bonu(m) } [Latin]
15,55a { Sic qui scrutator est maiestatis . opprimitur a
gloria } [Latin]
15,56 To englisshe men þis is to mene . þat mowen speke and
here [aaAx] (CM, 71)
15,57 The man þat muche hony eteþ . his mawe it engleymeþ
[aaAx](MS ete-th- > Sch eet)
15,58 And þe moore þ(a)t a man . of good matere hereþ [aaAx]
15,59 But he do þerafter . it dooþ hym double scaþe [axAa]
(Du, 64)
15,60 { Beatus est } seiþ Seint Bernard . { qui Scripturas
legit } [{a}ba{Bx}] (Du, 54, 64)
15,61 { Et verba vertit in opera } . fulliche to his power
[{aa}Ax] (|u|u|f|; Schu, 65)
15,62 Coueitise to konne . and to knowe sciences [aaAx](MS
sciences > Sch science)
15,63 Putte out of Paradis . Adam and Eue [aaBb] (K-D, 112-3;
cf. R-K, 92)(MS Putte >Sch Pulte)
15,63a { Sciencie appetitus ho(m)i(n)em inmortalitatis gloria
spoliauit } [Latin](MS L. gloria > Sch gloriam)
15,64 And riʒt as hony is yuel to defie . and engleymeþ þe
mawe [aaAx]
15,65 Right so he þat þoruʒ reson . wolde þe roote knowe [aaAx](MS
he > Sch om.) fol. 87v
15,66 Of god and of hise grete myʒtes . hise g(ra)ces it
letteþ [aaAx]
15,67 ffor in þe likynge liþ a pride . and licames coueitise
[aaAx](MS and > Sch and a)
15,68 Ayein cristes counseil . and alle clerkes techynge
15,69 That is { Non plus sapere q(ua)m oportet sapere } [Latin]
([{abAb}] cf. R-K, 172)
15,70 ffreres and fele oþ(er)e maistres . þat to lewed men
p(re)chen [aaXx] (K-D, 94; Du, 63) ([aabBx])(MS to > Sch
to -th-e)
15,71 Ye moeuen materes vnmesurable . to tellen of þe Trinite
[aaaBb] (Du, 62)(MS unmesurable > Sch unmesurables)
15,72 That oftetymes þe lewed peple . of hir bileue doute
[xaAx] (K-D, 195; cf. Du, 63)
15,73 Bettre it were to manye doctours . to leuen swich techyng
[xaXa] (|d|t|; Schu, 126; CM, 42; Sk, 258; cf. Du, 63, 64)(MS
it were > Sch bileuen were; MS to manye > Sch by many;
MS to leuen > Sch om. [aaBb])
15,74 And tellen men of þe ten comaundementʒ . and touchen
þe seuene synnes [aaAbb] ([ababAcc] Du, 54)(MS of > Sch
15,75 And of þe braunches þ(a)t burioneþ of hem . and bryngen
men to helle [aaAx]
15,76 And how þ(a)t folk in folies . mysspenden hir fyue
wittes [aaAx] (cf. Du, 63)
15,77 As wel freres as ooþ(er) folk . foliliche spenden [aaAx](MS
spenden > Sch spenen)
15,78 In housynge in haterynge . and in to heigh clergie
shewynge [aaAx](MS and > Sch om.)
15,79 Moore for pompe þan for pure charite . þe peple woot
þe soþe [aaAx]
15,80 That I lye noʒt loo . for lordes ye plesen [aaAx]
15,81 And reuerencen þe riche . þe raþer for hir siluer [aaAx]
15,81a { Confundant(ur) om(n)es qui adorant sculptilia Et alibi
} [Latin]
15,81a { Vt quid diligitis vanitatem & queritis mendacium
} [Latin]
15,82 Gooþ to þe glose of þise vers . ye grete clerkes [aaxAx](MS
-th-ise > Sch -th-e)
15,83 If I lye on yow to my lewed wit . ledeþ me to brennyng
15,84 ffor as it semeþ ye forsakeþ . no mannes almesse [aaAx]
(s-liaison; Sch, 395; cf. Du, 64) ([aaXx] K-D, 195)
15,85 Of vsurers of hoores . of Auarouse chapmen [aaAx]
15,86 And louten to þise lordes . þat mowen lene yow nobles
15,87 Ayein youre rule and Religion . I take record at Ih(es)us
[aaAx] (Du, 45)
15,88 That seide to hise disciples . { Ne sitis p(er)sonar(um)
acceptores } [aa{Ax}](MS L. personarum acceptores > Sch
acceptores > Sch personarum)
15,89 Of þis matere I myʒte . make a long bible [aaAx](MS
long > Sch muche [aaAa])
15,90 Ac of curatours of cristen peple . as clerkes bereþ
witnesse [aaAx](MS of > Sch om.)
15,91 I shal tellen it for truþes sake . take hede whoso
likeþ [aaAx](MS tru-th-es > Sch tru-th-e)
15,92 As holynesse and honeste . out of holy chirche spredeþ [aaAx] (Du, 46)
15,93 Thoruʒ lele libbynge men . þat goddes lawe techen [aaAx]
fol. 88r
15,94 Right so out of holi chirche . alle yueles spryngeþ
[aaAx](MS holi > Sch Holy; MS sprynge-th- > Sch sprede-th-)
15,95 There inparfit preesthode is . p(re)chours and techeris
[aaAx] (K-D, 134)
15,96 I se it by ensaumple . in somer tyme on trowes [aaAx]
([aaAbb])(MS I > Sch And)
15,97 Ther some bowes ben leued . and some bereþ none [axAx]
([a(a)xAx] Du, 60, 64)
15,98 Ther is a meschief in þe more . of swiche man(er)e
bowes [aaAx]
15,99 Right so bi p(er)sons and preestes . and p(re)chours
of holi chirche [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)(MS bi > Sch om.)
15,100 That aren roote of þe right feiþ . to rule þe peple
[aaAx](MS -th-at aren > Sch Is -th-e)
15,101 And þer þe roote is roten . reson woot þe soþe [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 120)(MS And > Sch Ac)
15,102 Shal neuere flour ne fruyt . ne fair leef be grene
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 282)
15,103 fforþi wolde ye lettrede leue . þe lecherie of cloþyng
15,104 And be kynde as bifel for clerkes . and curteise of
cristes goodes [aaAa]
15,105 Trewe of youre tonge . and of youre tail boþe [aaAx]
15,106 And hatien to here harlotrie . and noʒt to vnderfonge
[aaaXx](MS no-gh-t > Sch au-gh-t [aaaAx])
15,107 Tiþes but of trewe þyng . ytilied or chaffared [aaAx](MS
but of trewe > Sch of untrewe)
15,108 Loþe were lewed men . but þei youre loore folwede
15,109 And amendeden hem þat mysdoon . moore for youre ensaumples
[aaAx](MS amendeden > Sch amenden; MS -th-at > Sch
-th-at -th-ei)
15,110 Than for to prechen and preuen it noʒt . ypocrisie
it semeþ [aaAx]
15,111 The which in latyn . is likned to a dongehill [xaAx]
(cf. K-D, 94; Sch, 395; Du, 63)(MS -th-e which in latyn > Sch
For [in Latyn ypocrisie] [axAx])
15,112 That were bisnewed wiþ snow . and snakes wiþInne [aaAx]
15,113 Or to a wal þat were whitlymed . and were foul wiþInne
[aaAx] (Du, 59)
15,114 Riʒt so manye preestes . p(re)chours and p(re)lates
[xaAa] (K-D, 206; cf. R-K, 92; Du, 61, 63)
15,115 Ye aren enblaunched wiþ { bele p(ar)oles } . and wiþ
cloþes also [a{a}Xx] (cf. K-D, 94) ([a{aA}x] |-b|b|p|; Sch,
395)(MS aren > Sch [b]en; MS also > Sch om. [aa{a}Xx])
15,116 Ac your(e) werkes and your(e) wordes þervnder . aren
ful vnloueliche [aaXx] (cf. Schu, 141)(MS youre(2) > Sch
om.; MS unloueliche > Sch w[o]lueliche [aaAx])
15,117 Ioh(an)nes Crisostomus . of clerkes spekeþ and preestes
[xaAx] (cf. K-D, 94; R-K, 95; Du, 63)
15,118 { Sicut de templo om(n)e bonu(m) p(ro)gredit(ur) . sic
de templo } [Latin]
15,118 { om(n)e malu(m) p(ro)cedit; Si sacerdociu(m) integru(m)
fuerit tota } [Latin]
15,118 { floret eccl(es)ia; si aute(m) corrupt(m) fuerit
o(m)n(i)u(m) fides mar } [Latin]
15,118 { cida est; Si sacerdociu(m) fuerit in peccatis .
totus popu } [Latin]
15,118 { lus conuertitur ad peccandum . Sicut cum videris
} [Latin]
15,118 { arborem pallidam & marcidam intelligis q(uo)d
vicium } [Latin]
15,118 { h(ab)et in radice . Ita cu(m) videris populu(m) indisciplinatu(m) & irre
} [Latin] fol. 88v
15,118 { ligiosu(m) sine dubio sacerdociu(m) eius non est
sanum } [Latin]
15,119 If lewed men wiste . what þis latyn meneþ [abAb] (cf.
K-D, 200; R-K, 131; Du, 63)
15,120 And who was myn Auctour . muche wonder me þinkeþ [aaAx]
(K-D, 133; Du, 64)
15,121 But if many a preest beere . for hir baselardes and
hir broches [aaAa] (|p|b|b|b|; cf. K-D, 204; Schu, 124) ([(a)xaAa]
Du, 60, cf. 64)(MS a > Sch om.)
15,122 A peire of bedes in hir hand . and a book vnder hir
arme [abAb] (cf. K-D, 204; Du, 46, cf. 63)
15,123 Sire Ioh(a)n and sire Geffrey . haþ a girdel of siluer
[aaAx] (Sch, 395; cf. K-D, 194; Du, 64)(MS Geffrey > Sch
Gefrey [ech])
15,124 A baselard or a ballokknyf . wiþ botons ouergilte
15,125 Ac a Porthors þat sholde be his Plow . { Placebo }
to sigge [aa{A}x]
15,126 Hadde he neu(er)e seruice to saue siluer þerto . seiþ
it w(i)t(h) ydel wille [aaaAx] (cf. K-D, 189, 204)(MS 126,
127 as one line; Sch 126 Hadde he neuere, [his] seruice to
[h]aue; 127 [And saue he haue] siluer -th-erto, sei-th- it
wi-th- yuel wille. [aaAx])
15,128 Allas ye lewed men . muche lese ye on preestes [aaAx]
(Du, 46)
15,129 Ac þing þat wikkedly is wonne . and wiþ false sleightes
[aaAx] (|w|w|f|; Schu, 141; Du, 59)
15,130 Wolde neu(er)e þe wit of witty god . but wikkede men
it hadde [aaAx](MS -th-e > Sch om.)
15,131 The whiche arn preestes inparfite . and p(re)chours
after siluer [aaAx]
15,132 Executours and Sodenes . Somono(ur)s and hir lemmannes
[xaAx](MS Secutours > Sch Executours) [aaAx])
15,133 That þ(a)t wiþ gile was geten . vng(ra)ciousliche
is despened [aaAx](MS -th-at > Sch -th-is; MS despended > Sch
15,134 So harlotes and hores . arn holpe wiþ swiche goodes
15,135 And goddes folk for defaute þ(er)of . forfaren and
spillen [aaAx](MS And > Sch Ac)
15,136 Curato(ur)s of holy kirke . as clerkes þat ben auarouse
[aaAx](MS as > Sch and)
15,137 Lightliche þat þei leuen . losels it habbeþ [aaAx]
15,138 Or deieþ intestate . and þanne þe bisshop entreþ [xaXa]
(cf. K-D, 199; Du, 48, 64) ([aaAx] |o|i|e|; Sch, 395) (MS
-th-e bishop entre-th- > Sch [entre-th- -th-e bishop]
15,139 And makeþ murþe þermyd . and hise men boþe [aaAx](MS
-th-ermyd > Sch -th-erwi-th-)
15,140 And seyen he was a nygard . þat no good myʒte aspare
[xa(A)xx] (K-D, 195; Du, 63)
15,141 To frend ne to fre(m)med . þe fend haue his soule
15,142 ffor a wrecchede hous held he . al his lif tyme [aaAx](MS
held he > Sch he held)
15,143 And þat he spared and bispered . dispende we in murþe
[aaAx](MS dispende > Sch spene)
15,144 By lered by lewed . þat looþ is to despende [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 289)(MS despende > Sch spene)
15,145 Thus goon hire goodes . be þe goost faren [aaAx]
15,146 Ac for goode men god woot . greet doel men maken [aaAbb]
15,147 And bymeneþ goode meteʒyueres . and in mynde haueþ
[aaAx] (K-D, 138; cf. Schu, 205)(MS mynde > Sch mynde
15,148 In preieres and in penaunces . and in parfit charite
15,149 What is charite quod I þo . a childissh þyng he seide
[axAx] (Du, 64) fol. 89r
15,149a { Nisi efficiamini sicut p(ar)uuli . non intrabitis
in regnu(m) celor(um) } [Latin]
15,150 Wiþouten fauntelte or folie . a fre liberal wille
15,151 Where sholde men fynde swich a frend . wiþ so fre an
herte [aaAx]
15,152 I haue lyued in londe quod he . my name is Longe Wille
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 291)(MS he > Sch I)
15,153 And fond I neuere ful charite . bifore ne bihynde
15,154 Men beþ merciable . to mendinauntʒ and to poore [aaAx]
15,155 And wollen lene þer þei leue . lelly to ben paied
15,156 Ac charite þat Poul preiseþ best . and moost plesaunt
to oure lord [aaAx] (Du, 64)(MS lord > Sch Sauour)
15,157 Is { Non inflatur . non est ambiciosa . non querit
que sua sunt &c } [Latin] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS Is > Sch
15,158 I sei-ʒneu(er)e swich a man . so me god helpe [aa(A)xx]
15,159 That he ne wolde aske after his . and ouþ(er)while
coueite [aaAx]
15,160 Thyng þat neded hym noʒt . and nyme it if he myʒte
15,161 Clerkes kenne me . þ(a)t crist is in alle places [aaAx]
(cf. Sk, 263)
15,162 Ac I seiʒ hym neu(er)e sooþly . but as myself in a
Mirour [aaAx] (Du, 46)
15,162a { In enigmate tunc facie ad faciem } [Latin](MS L.
In > Sch Hic in)
15,163 And so I trowe trewely . by þat men telleþ of charite
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 188; Du, 46; Ok, 2: 307)
15,164 It is noʒt chaumpions fight . ne chaffare as I trowe
[axAx] (K-D, 125, 188; cf. Du, 63)
15,165 Charite quod he ne chaffareþ noʒt . ne chalangeþ ne
craueþ [aaAx]
15,166 As proud of a peny . as of a pound of golde [aaAx]
15,167 And is as glad of a gowne . of a gray russet [aaAx]
(K, 50)
15,168 As of a tunycle of tarse . or of trie scarlet [aaAx]
15,169 He is glad wiþ alle glade . and good til alle wikkede
15,170 And leneþ and loueþ alle . þat oure lord made [aaAx]
15,171 Corseþ he no creature . ne he kan bere no wraþe [aa(A)xx]
([aaAx] CM, 36; Du, 46)
15,172 Ne no likynge haþ to lye . ne laughe men to scorne
15,173 Al þat men seyn he leet it sooþ . and in solace takeþ
15,174 And alle man(er)e meschiefs . in myldenesse he suffreþ
15,175 Coueiteþ he noon erþely good . but heueneriche blisse
[aaAx] (K, 58; Du, 64)
15,176 Haþ he anye rentes or richesse . or any riche frendes [aaAx] fol. 89v
15,177 Of rentes nor of richesse . ne rekkeþ he neu(er)e [aaAx](MS
nor > Sch ne)
15,178 ffor a frend þat fyndeþ hym . failed hym neu(er)e
at nede [aaAbb] (K, 60)(MS fynde-th- > Sch fynt)
15,179 { ffiat voluntas tua } . fynt hym eueremoore [{aa}Ax]
15,180 And if he soupeþ eteþ but a sop . of { Spera in deo
} [aa{Ax}] (Schu, 108; CM, 70)(MS ete-th- > Sch eet)
15,181 He kan portreye wel þe { Pat(er)nost(er) } . and peynte
it w(i)t(h) { Aues } [a{a}A{x}]
15,182 And ouþ(er)while he is woned . to wenden on pilgrymages
[aaAx](MS woned > Sch his wone; MS wenden > Sch wende)
15,183 Ther poore men and prisons liggeþ . hir pardon to
haue [aaAx]
15,184 Thouʒ he bere hem no breed . he bereþ hem swetter
liflode [aaAx]
15,185 Loueþ hem as oure lord biddeþ . and lokeþ how þei
fare [aaAx](MS bidde-th- > Sch bit)
15,186 And whan he is wery of þat werk . þan wole he som tyme
15,187 Labouren in lauendrye . wel þe lengþe of a Mile [aaAx]
(Du, 46)(MS in > Sch in a)
15,188 And yerne into youþe . and yepeliche speke [aaAx]
(Du, 50-1)(MS speke > Sch seche)
15,189 Pride wiþ al þe app(ur)tenaunces . and pakken hem
togideres [aaAx](MS appurtenaunces > Sch appurtenaunce)
15,190 And bouken hem at his brest . and beten hem clene
15,191 And leggen on longe . wiþ { Laboraui in gemitu meo
} [aa{Ax}] (CM, 98)
15,192 And wiþ warm water at hise eiʒen . wasshen hem after
15,193 And þanne he syngeþ whan he doþ so . and som tyme
seiþ wepynge [aaAx](MS And > Sch om.)
15,194 { Cor contritu(m) & humiliatu(m) deus non despicies}
15,195 By crist I wolde þ(a)t I knewe hym quod I . no creature leu(er)e [aaAx]
15,196 Wiþouten help of Piers Plowman quod he . his p(er)sone sestow neu(er)e [aaAx](MS Piers > Sch Piers -th-e)
15,197 Wheiþ(er) clerkes knowen hym quod I . þat kepen holi kirke [aaAa](MS Whei-th-er > Sch Where)
15,198 Clerkes haue no knowyng quod he . but by werkes and
by wordes [aaBb] ([aaaBb] Du, 46, 62)
15,199 Ac Piers þe Plowman . parceyueþ moore depper [aaAx]
15,200 What is þe wille and wherfore . þ(a)t many wight suffreþ
15,200a { Et vidit deus cogitaciones eor(um) } [Latin]
15,201 ffor þer are ful proude herted men . pacient of tonge
[axAx] (K-D, 198; cf. Du, 63)
15,202 And buxome as of berynge . to burgeises and to lordes
[aaAx](MS burgeises > Sch burgeis)
15,203 And to poore peple . han pepir in þe nose [aaAx] fol.
15,204 And as a lyoun he lokeþ . þer men lakken hise werkes
[aaAx] (CM, 68; Du, 64)
15,205 ffor þ(er) are beggeris and bidderis . bedemen as it
were [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 268)
15,206 Loken as lambren . and semen ful holy [aaXx](MS ful
holy > Sch lifholy)
15,207 Ac it is moore to haue hir mete . wiþ swich an esy
manere [aaAx] ([aaXa] Du, 64)(MS wi-th- > Sch on)
15,208 Than for penaunce and p(ar)fitnesse . þe pouerte þat
swiche takeþ [aaAx]
15,209 Therfore by colour ne by clergie . knowe shaltow neu(er)e
[aaAx] (K-D, 138)(MS shaltow > Sch shaltow hym)
15,210 Neiþ(er) þoruʒ wordes ne werkes . but þoruʒ wil oone
15,211 And þat knoweþ no clerk . ne creature on erþe [aaAx]
15,212 But Piers þe Plowman . { Petrus . i(d est) . Χρ(istu)σ
} [aa{A}x]
15,213 ffor he nys noʒt in lolleris . ne in londleperis heremytes
[xaAx] (cf. K-D, 185; Du, 63) ([aaxAx] |n|n|n-liaison; Sch,
15,214 Ne at Ancres þ(er)e a box hangeþ . alle swiche þei
faiten [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 167)
15,215 ffy on faitours . and { in fautores suos } [aa{Ax}]
(Du, 45, 46)
15,216 ffor charite is goddes champion . and as a good child
hende [aaAx]
15,217 And þe murieste of mouþ . at mete where he sitteþ
15,218 The loue þat liþ in his herte . makeþ hym liʒt of
speche [aaxAx]
15,219 And is compaignable and confortatif . as crist bit
hymselue [aaAx]
15,219a { Nolite fieri sicut ypocrite tristes &c } [Latin]
15,220 ffor I haue seyen hym in silk . and som tyme in russet
15,221 Boþe in grey and in grys . and in gilt harneis [aaAx]
15,222 And as gladliche he it gaf . to gomes þat it neded
[aaAx] (Schu, 203)
15,223 Edmond and Edward . boþe were kynges [aaXx](MS bo-th-e > Sch
ei-th-er [aaAx])
15,224 And seintes yset . for charite hem folwede [aaXx]
(Sch, 395-6; cf. K-D, 125, 185; Du, 59)(MS for > Sch [stille]
15,225 I haue yseyen charite also . syngen and reden [aaAx]
(CM, 73)
15,226 Riden and rennen . in raggede wedes [aaAx] (CM, 73)
15,227 Ac biddynge as beggeris . biheld I hym neu(er)e [aaAx]
(CM, 73; Ok, 2: 268)
15,228 Ac in riche robes . raþest he walkeþ [aaAx] (Ok, 2:
15,229 Ycalled and ycrymyled . and his crowne yshaue [aaAx]
15,230 And in a freres frokke . he was yfounden ones [aaAx]
15,231 Ac it is fern ago . in Seint ffraunceis tyme [axAx]
(K-D, 94; cf. Du, 63)
15,232 In þat secte siþ þe . to selde haþ he ben founde [aaAx](MS founde > Sch knowen) fol. 90v
15,233 Riche men he recomendeþ . and of hir robes takeþ [aaAx]
15,234 That wiþouten wiles . ledeþ hir lyues [aaBb] (cf.
K-D, 125, 199; Du, 63) ([axAx] |-ou|hi|; Sch, 396)
15,234a { Beatus est diues qui &c } [Latin]
15,235 In kynges court he comeþ ofte . þer þe counseil is trewe
[aaaAx] (Du, 45)
15,236 Ac if coueitise be of þe counseil . he wol noʒt come
þ(er)Inne [aaAx]
15,237 In court amonges Iaperis . he comeþ noʒt but selde [axAx]
(K-D, 94, 126; cf. Du, 63)(MS no-gh-t > Sch om.)
15,238 ffor braulynge and bakbitynge . and berynge of fals
witnesse [aaAx]
15,239 In þe Consistorie bifore þe Co(m)missarie . he comeþ
noʒt ful ofte [aaAx](MS consistorie > Sch constorie)
15,240 ffor hir lawe dureþ ouerlonge . but if þei lacchen
siluer [aaAx]
15,241 And matrimoyne for moneie . maken and vnmaken [aaAa]
15,242 And þat conscience and crist haþ yknyt faste [aaAx]
15,243 Thei vndoon it vnworþily . þo doctours of lawe [axAx]
(cf. Du, 63)
15,249 Ac I ne lakke no lif . but lord amende vs alle [aaAx]
15,250 And gyue vs g(ra)ce goode god . charite to folwe [aaaXx]
(Schu, 204; Du, 62, 64)
15,251 ffor whoso myʒte meete myd hym . swiche man(er)es
hym eileþ [aaAx]
15,252 Neiþ(er) he blameþ ne banneþ . bosteþ ne preiseþ [aaAx]
15,253 Lakkeþ ne loseþ . ne lokeþ vp sterne [aaAx]
15,254 Craueþ ne coueiteþ . ne crieþ after moore [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 276)
15,254a { In pace in idip(su)m dormiam &c } [Latin]
15,255 The mooste liflode þat he lyueþ by . is loue in goddes
passion [aaAx]
15,256 Neiþer he biddeþ ne beggeþ . ne borweþ to yelde [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 268)(MS he > Sch he ne)
15,257 Misdooþ he no man . ne wiþ his mouþ greueþ [aaAx]
15,258 Amonges cristene men . þis myldenesse sholde laste [xaAx]
(K, 51)
15,259 In alle manere angres . haue þis at herte [aaAa]
15,260 That þeiʒ þei suffrede al þis . god suffrede for vs
moore [axAx] ([aaaAx] |-th-|s|-th-|s|; Schu, 161; Du, 64)
15,261 In ensample we sholde do so . and take no vengeaunce
[aaaXx] (Du, 62, 63, 64)
15,262 Of oure foes þat dooþ vs falsnesse . þat is oure fadres wille [aaAx] fol. 91r
15,263 ffor wel may euery man wite . if god hadde wold hymselue
15,264 Sholde neuere Iudas ne Iew . haue Ih(es)u doon on
roode [aaAx]
15,265 Ne han martired Peter ne Poul . ne in prison holden
15,266 Ac he suffrede in ensample . þ(a)t we sholde suffren
also [aaAx] (cf. CM, 129)
15,267 And seide to swiche þ(a)t suffre wolde . þ(a)t { Pacientes
vincunt } [aaa{Xx}] (cf. K-D, 188; CM, 99)
15,268 { Verbi gracia } quod he . and verray ensamples manye
[{ax}Ax] (CM, 97, 99; cf. K-D, 188; Sch, 396)
15,269 In { legenda s(an)c(t)or(um) } . þe lif of holy seintes
[{ab}Ab] (CM, 97, 99; K-D, 198; cf. Du, 63)
15,270 What penaunce and pouerte . and passion þei suffrede
15,271 In hunger in hete . in alle manere angres [aaAa]
15,272 Antony and Egidie . and oþ(er)e holy fadres [aaAx]
15,273 Woneden in wildernesse . among wilde beestes [aaAx]
15,274 Monkes and mendinauntʒ . men by hemselue [aaAx]
15,275 In spekes and in spelonkes . selde speken togideres
[aaAx] (Du, 45)
15,276 Ac neiþ(er) Antony ne Egidie . ne heremyte þat tyme
15,277 Of leons ne of leopardes . no liflode ne toke [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 78; Ok, 2: 290)
15,278 But of foweles þat fleeþ . þus fyndeþ men in bokes
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 78)(MS fynde-th- > Sch fynt)
15,279 Except þ(a)t Egidie . after an hynde cride [aaAx]
15,280 And þoruʒ þe mylk of þat mylde beest . þe man was
sustened [aaAx]
15,281 And day bi day hadde he hire noʒt his hunger for to
slake [aaAx](MS And > Sch Ac)
15,282 But selden and sondry tymes . as seiþ þe book and
techeþ [aaAx](MS tymes > Sch tyme)
15,283 Antony a dayes . aboute noon tyme [axAx] (K-D, 134)
([xaXa] |d|t|; Schu, 126)(MS Antony > Sch Antony on; MS
dayes > Sch day)
15,284 Hadde a brid þat brouʒte hym breed . þat he by lyuede
[aaaAx] (CM, 36; K-D, 138)
15,285 And þouʒ þe gome hadde a gest . god fond hem boþe
15,286 Poul { p(ri)m(us) heremita } . hadde parroked hymselue
15,287 That no man myʒte hym se . for mosse and for leues
15,288 ffoweles hym fedde . fele wyntres wiþ alle [aaAx]
15,289 Til he foundede freres . of Austynes ordre [aaAx]
(f-liaison; Sch, 396; Du, 66)
15,290 Poul after his p(re)chyng . paniers he made [aaAx] fol.
15,291 And wan wiþ hise hondes . þat his wombe neded [axAx]
([a(a)xAx] Du, 60, 64)
15,292 Peter fisshed for his foode . and his felawe Andrew
15,293 Som þei solde and som þei soden . and so þei lyued
boþe [aaa(A)xx]
15,294 And also Marie Maudeleyne . by mores lyuede and dewes
15,295 Ac moost þoruʒ deuocion . and mynde of god almyghty
[axAa] (K-D, 125, 198; cf. Du, 61, 63)
15,296 I sholde noʒt þise seuen daies . siggen hem alle [aaAx]
(|sh|s|s|; K-D, 132)
15,297 That lyueden þus for oure lordes loue . many longe
yeres [aaaAx]
15,298 Ac þer ne was leou(n) ne leopard . þat on laundes wenten
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 290)
15,299 Neiþer bere ne boor . ne ooþ(er) beest wilde [aaAx]
(K-D, 138; CM, 71)
15,300 That ne fil to hir feet . and fawned wiþ þe tailles
15,301 And if þei kouþe han ycarped . by crist as I trowe
15,302 Thei wolde haue yfed þat folk . bifore wilde foweles
[aaAx] (|-f|f|w|) ([abbBab] Du, 54)
15,305 Ac god sente hem foode by foweles . and by no fierse
beestes [xaaAx]
15,306 In menynge þ(a)t meke þyng . mylde þyng sholde fede
15,307 As who seiþ Religiouses . rightfulle men sholde fede
[xaAx] (K-D, 201; cf. Du, 63) [axAx](MS religiouses > Sch
15,308 And lawefulle men to lifholy men . liflode sholde
brynge [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217; K, 52)(MS sholde > Sch om.)
15,309 And þanne wolde lordes and ladies . be looþ to agulte
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 291)
15,310 And to taken of hir tenauntʒ . moore þan trouþe wolde
15,311 ffounde þei þ(a)t freres . wolde forsake hir almesses
[aaAx](MS almesses > Sch almesse)
15,312 And bidden hem bere it . þere it was yborwed [aaXa]
(Sch, 396; cf. K-D, 194; Du, 63)(MS was > Sch [ha-th-
ben] [aaAa])
15,313 ffor we ben goddes foweles . and abiden alwey [axAx]
(cf. K-D, 202; CM, 129; Du, 64)
15,314 Til briddes brynge vs . þat we sholde lyue by [aaXa]
(Sch, 396; cf. K-D, 194; Du, 63)(MS lyue by > Sch [by
lyue] [aaAx])
15,315 ffor hadde ye potage and payn ynogh . and peny ale
to drynke [aaAx]
15,316 And a mees þermyd . of o maner kynde [aaAx]
15,317 Ye hadde riʒt ynoʒ ye Religiouse . and so your(e)
rule me tolde [aaAx] (K-D, 148; Du, 46)
15,317a { Nu(m)q(ua)m dicit Iob rugit onager cu(m) herbam
h(ab)uerit } [Latin](MS rugit > Sch ruiet; MS herbam habuerit > Sch
15,317a { aut mugiet bos cu(m) ante plenu(m) p(re)sepe steterit
. brutor(um) } [Latin]
15,317a { a(n)i(m)aliu(m) natura te condempnat . quia cu(m)
eis pabulum(m) } [Latin]
15,317a { co(m)mune sufficiat ex adipe p(ro)dijt iniquitas tua } [Latin] fol. 92r
15,318 If lewed men knewe þis latyn . þei wolde loke whom þei
yeue [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204, 205; Du, 46)
15,319 And auisen hem bifore . a fyue dayes or sixe [aaAx]
(|-u|-f|f|; K-D, 134; Schu, 65)
15,320 Er þei amortisede . to monkes or chanons hir rente
[aaAx] (K-D, 115, 125; cf. Sch, 396; Du, 63)(MS -th-ei > Sch
-th-ei [moore]; MS rente > Sch rentes)
15,321 Allas lordes and ladies . lewed counseil haue ye [aaaAx]
(Ok, 2: 291)
15,322 To ʒyue from your(e) heires . þat youre aiels you
lefte [aaAx] (Schu, 158, 204; Du, 46)
15,323 And ʒyueþ it to bidde for yow . to swiche þat ben
riche [prose line] (cf. K-D, 125, 198; Schu, 204; Du, 63)(MS
it > Sch om.; MS -th-at > Sch om.)
15,324 And ben founded and feffed ek . to bidde for oþere
[aaAx] (Du, 59; CM, 36)
15,325 Who p(ar)fo(ur)neþ þis p(ro)phecie . of þe peple þat
now libbeþ [aaAx] (Du, 46)
15,326 { Dispersit dedit paup(er)ibʒ } [Latin]
15,327 If any peple p(ar)fo(ur)ne þat text . it are þise poore
freres [aaAx]
15,328 ffor þat þei beggen aboute . in buyldynge þei spende
it [aaAx](MS spende it > Sch spene)
15,329 And on hemself som . and swiche as ben hir laborers
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204, 205)
15,330 And of hem þat habbeþ þei taken . and ʒyueþ hem þat
habbeþ [aaAa] (Du, 64)(MS -th-at > Sch -th-at ne)
15,331 Ac clerkes and knyʒtes . and co(m)muners þat ben riche
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 275)
15,332 ffele of yow fareþ . as if I a forest hadde [aaAx]
15,333 That were ful of faire trees . and I fondede and caste
[aaAx] (Du, 46)
15,334 How I myʒte mo þ(er)Inne . amonges hem sette [aaAx]
15,335 Right so ye riche . ye robeþ þat ben riche [aaAa] (Du,
15,336 And helpeþ hem þat helpeþ yow . and ʒyueþ þer no nede
is [aaaAx] (cf. Schu, 204) ([aaaBb] Du, 62, 64)
15,337 As whoso filled a tonne . of a fressh ryuer [axAx]
(K-D, 147)(MS tonne > Sch tonne ful [ax(A)ax])
15,338 And wente forþ wiþ þat water . to woke wiþ Temese
[aaAx](MS Temese > Sch -th-emese)
15,339 Right so ye riche . ye robeþ and fedeþ [aaAx]
15,340 Hem þat han as ye han . hem ye make at ese [aaaAa]
15,341 Ac Religiouse þat riche ben . sholde raþer feeste beggeris
15,342 Than burgeises þat riche ben . as þe book techeþ [aaAx](MS
burgeises > Sch burgeis)
15,342a { Quia sacrilegiu(m) est res pauper(m) non paup(er)ibʒ
dare } [Latin]
15,342a { Item peccatoribʒ dare est demonibʒ immolare } [Latin](MS
L. Item > Sch Item idem)
15,342a { Item monache si indiges & accipis pocius das
q(ua)m accipis } [Latin] fol. 92u
15,342a { Si autem non eges & accipis rapis } [Latin]
15,342a { Porro non indiget monachus si h(ab)eat quod nature
sufficit } [Latin]
15,343 fforþi I counseille alle cristene . to conformen hem
to charite [aaAx]
15,344 ffor charite wiþouten chalangynge . vnchargeþ þe soule
15,345 And many a prison fram p(ur)gatorie . þoruʒ hise preieres
he deliu(er)eþ [aaAx] (Du, 46)
15,346 Ac þer is a defaute in þe folk . þat þe feiþ kepeþ
15,347 Wherfore folk is þe febler . and noʒt ferm of bileue
[aaAx] (Du, 45)
15,348 As in lussheburwes is a luþer alay . and yet lokeþ
he lik a sterlyng [aaaAx] (Du, 46)
15,349 The merk of þat monee is good . ac þe metal is feble
[aaAx] (Du, 49)
15,350 And so it fareþ by som folk now . þei han a fair speche
15,351 Crowne and cristendom . þe kynges mark of heuene [aaAx]
15,352 Ac þe metal þat is mannes soule . wiþ synne is foule
alayed [aaXx] (Sch, 396; K-D, 195)(MS wi-th- > Sch [myd]
15,353 Boþe lettred and lewed . beþ alayed now wiþ synne
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 290; Du, 46)
15,354 That no lif loueþ ooþer . ne oure lord as it semeþ
[aaAx] (Du, 45)
15,355 ffor þoruʒ werre and wikkede werkes . and wederes
vnresonable [aaaAx](MS For > Sch For what)
15,356 Wederwise shipmen . and witty clerkes also [aaAx]
(K-D, 133)
15,357 Han no bileue to þe lifte . ne to þe loore of philosophres
15,358 Astronomiens alday . in hir Art faillen [aaAx]
15,359 That whilom warned bifore . what sholde falle after
[aa(A)xx] (|wh|w|wh|; Du, 59)
15,360 Shipmen and Shepherdes . þat wiþ ship and sheep wenten
[aaAa] (K-D, 202; cf. Schu, 99; CM, 71; R-K, 90; Ok, 2: 300)
15,361 Wisten by þe walkne . what sholde bitide [aaAx]
15,362 As of wedres and wyndes . þei warned men ofte [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 310)
15,363 Tilieris þat tiled þe erþe . tolden hir maistres [aaAx]
15,364 By þe seed þat þei sewe . what þei selde myʒte [aaAx]
(CM, 70)(MS selde > Sch selle)
15,365 And what to leue and what to lyue by . þe lond was
so trewe [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS and > Sch and what)
15,366 Now faileþ þe folk of þe flood . and of þe lond boþe
[aaaXx] (Du, 62, 64)(MS faile-th- > Sch faille-th-)
15,367 Shepherdes and Shipmen . and so do þise tilieris [aaAx]
(Schu, 99)
15,368 Neiþ(er) þei konneþ ne knoweþ . oon cours bifore anoþ(er) [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 276) fol. 93r
15,369 Astronomyens also . aren at hir wittes ende [aa(A)xa]
([aaAa] Du, 59)
15,370 Of þat was calculed of þe element . þe cont(ra)rie
þei fynde [axAx] (cf. K-D, 161; Sch, 396)(MS element > Sch
clem[a]t [aaAx])
15,371 Grammer þe ground of al . bigileþ now children [aaAx]
15,372 ffor is noon of þise newe clerkes . whoso nymeþ hede
15,374 Nauʒt oon among an hundred . þat an Auctour kan construwe
[aaAx] (Du, 46)(MS Nau-gh-t > Sch Ne nau-gh-t)
15,375 Ne rede a lettre in any language . but in latyn or
in englissh [aaAx] (Du, 46)
15,376 Go now to any degree . and but if gile be maister [aaAx]
15,377 And fflaterer(e) his felawe . vnder hym to fourmen
[aaXa] (Sch, 396)(MS under hym to fourmen > Sch [to
fourmen hym under] [aaAx])
15,378 Muche wonder me þynkeþ . amonges vs alle [aaAx]
15,379 Doctours of decrees . and of diuinite maistres [aaAx]
(Du, 45)
15,380 That sholde konne and knowe . alle kynnes clergie
15,381 And answere to Argumentʒ . and also to a { Quodlibet
} [aaA{x}]
15,382 I dar noʒt siggen it for shame . if swiche were apposed
[aaAx] (|s|sh|sw|; Schu, 99)
15,383 Thei sholde faillen in hir Philosophie . and in Phisik
boþe [aaAx]
15,384 Wherfore I am afered . of folk of holy kirke [aaAx]
15,385 Lest þei ou(er)huppen as ooþ(er)e doon . in office
and in houres [aaAa](MS office > Sch Offices)
15,386 And if þei ou(er)huppe as I hope noʒt . oure bileue
suffiseþ [aa(A)xx] (Du, 59, 62)(MS And if > Sch Ac -th-ei-gh-)
15,387 As clerkes in { Corpus Χρ(ist)i } feeste . syngen
and reden [aaaXx] (Du, 62, 64)
15,388 That { sola fides sufficit } . to saue wiþ lewed peple
15,389 And so may Sarʒens be saued . Scribes and Iewes [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 194; Schu, 108)
15,390 Allas þanne but oure looresmen . lyue as þei leren vs
15,391 And for hir lyuynge þ(a)t lewed men . be þe loþer
god agulten [aaAx] (Du, 46)
15,392 ffor Sarʒens han somwhat . semynge to oure bileue
[aaAx] (CM, 73)
15,393 ffor þei loue and bileue . in o p(er)sone almyghty
[aaXx] (cf. K-D, 198; Sch, 396; CM, 73; Du, 63)(MS persone > Sch
[Lede] [aaAx])
15,394 And we lered and lewed . in oon god almyʒty [aaXx]
(Sch, 396; cf. K-D, 194; Ok, 2: 289; Du, 63) RF (MS in oon
God almy-gh-ty > Sch [bileue-th- in oon God] [aaAx])
15,396 And oon Makometh a man . in mysbileue brouʒte [aaAx](MS
And > Sch Ac; MS brou-gh-te > Sch om.)
15,397 Sarʒens of Surree . and see in what manere [aaAx](MS
Sarsens > Sch Brou-gh-te Sarsens)
15,398 This Makometh was a cristene . and for he moste noʒt ben a pope [axAx] (Du, 46)(MS Cristene > Sch Cristene man [aaAx])
15,399 Into Surrie he souʒte . and þoruʒ hise sotile wittes
[aaAx] fol. 93v
15,400 He daunted a dowue . and day and nyʒt hire fedde [aaAx](MS
He > Sch om.)
15,401 The corn þat she croppede . he caste it in his ere
15,402 And if he among þe peple p(re)ched . or in places
come [aaAx]
15,403 Thanne wolde þe colu(er)e come . to þe clerkes ere
15,404 Menynge as after mete . þus Makometh hire enchauntede
15,405 And dide folk þanne falle on knees . for he swoor
in his p<re>chyng [aa(A)xx]
15,406 That þe coluere þat com so . com from god of heuene
15,407 As messager to Makometh . men for to teche [aaAx]
15,408 And þus þoruʒ wiles of his wit . and a whit dowue
15,409 Makometh in mysbileue . men and wo(m)men brouʒte [aaAa]
15,410 That lyued þo þere and lyue ʒit . leeuen on hise lawes
[aaAa](MS lyued > Sch lered; MS lyue > Sch lewed)
15,411 And siþþe oure Saueour suffred . þe Sarʒens so bigiled
15,412 Thoruʒ a cristene clerk . acorsed in his soule [aaAx]
15,413 ffor drede of þe deeþ . I dar noʒt telle truþe [aa(A)bb]
(Ok, 2: 279)(MS For > Sch Ac for)
15,414 How englisshe clerkes a colu(er)e fede . þat coueitise
hiʒte [aaAx] (cf. K, 51)
15,415 And ben manered after Makometh . þat no man vseþ trouþe
15,416 Ancres and heremytes . and Monkes and freres [aaXx]
15,417 Peeren to þe Apostles . þoruʒ hire parfit lyuynge
[aaAx](MS -th-e > Sch om.)
15,418 Wolde neu(er)e þe feiþful fader . þ(a)t hise Ministres
sholde [aaXx] (K-D, 196)
15,419 Of tirauntʒ þat teneþ trewe men . taken any almesse
[aaaAx] (cf. K, 60)
15,420 But doon as Antony dide . Dominyk and ffraunceys [aaAx]
15,421 Beneit and Bernard . þe whiche hem first tauʒte [aaXx]
(cf. K-D, 199; Sch, 397)(MS Bernard > Sch Bernard [bo-th-e]
15,422 To lyue by litel and in lowe houses . by lele mennes
almesse [aaaAx](MS almesse > Sch fyndynge)
15,423 Grace sholde growe and be grene . þoruʒ hir goode
lyuynge [aaaAx]
15,424 And folkes sholden fare . þat ben in diuerse siknesse
[aaAx] (|f|f|-u|)(MS fare > Sch fynde)
15,425 The bettre for hir biddynges . in body and in soule
15,426 Hir preieres and hir penaunces . to pees sholde brynge
15,427 Alle þat ben at debaat . and bedemen were trewe [aaAx]
15,427a { Petite & accipietis &c } [Latin]
15,428 Salt saueþ þe catel . siggen þise wyues [aaAx](MS
-th-e > Sch om.)
15,428a { Vos estis sal terre &c } [Latin]
15,429 The heuedes of holy chirche . and þei holy were [aaAx]
fol. 94r
15,430 Crist calleþ hem salt . for cristene soules [aabAb]
15,430a { Et si sal euanuerit in quo salietur &c } [Latin]
15,431 ffor fressh flessh ouþer fissh . whan it salt failleþ
[aaaXa] (Ok, 2: 282)(MS For > Sch Ac)
15,432 It is vnsauory for soþe . ysoden or ybake [aaAx]
15,433 So is mannes soule sooþly . þat seeþ no goode ensamples
[aaaAa](MS goode ensamples > Sch good ensample)
15,434 Of hem of holi chirche . þat þe heighe wey sholde
teche [aaAx]
15,435 And be gide and go bifore . as a good Banyer [aaAx]
15,436 And hardie hem þat bihynde ben . and ʒyue hem good
euidence [aaAa] (cf. Schu, 204)
15,437 Elleuene holy men . al þe world tornede [aa(A)xx]
15,438 Into lele bileue . þe lightloker me þinkeþ [aaAx](MS
-th-inke-th- > Sch -th-ynke-th-)
15,439 Sholde alle maner men . we han so manye maistres [aaAa]
15,440 Preestes and prechours . and a pope aboue [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 296)
15,441 That goddes salt sholde be . to saue mannes soule
[aaAa] ([aaAx] K-D, 132)
15,442 Al was hethynesse som tyme . Engelond and Walis [aaAx]
15,443 Til Gregory garte clerkes . to go here and preche
15,444 Austyn at Caunterbury . cristnede þe kyng [axAa] (cf.
K-D, 194)(MS kyng > Sch kyng -th-ere)
15,445 And þoruʒ miracles as men mow rede . al þat marche
he tornede [aaAx]
15,446 To crist and to cristendom . and cros to honoure [aaAx]
15,447 And follede folk faste . and þe feiþ tauʒte [aaaAx]
15,448 Moore þoruʒ miracles . þan þoruʒ muche p(re)chyng
15,449 As wel þoruʒ hise werkes . as wiþ hise holy wordes
15,450 And seide hem . what fullynge . and feiþ was to mene
[xaAx] (K-D, 196; Sch, 397; Sk, 279)(MS seide hem > Sch
[fourmed] [aaAx])
15,451 Clooþ þat comeþ fro þe weuyng . is noʒt comly to were
15,452 Til it be fulled vnder foot . or in fullyng stokkes
[aaAx](MS be > Sch om.)
15,453 Wasshen wel wiþ water . and wiþ taseles cracched [aaa(A)xx]
15,454 Ytouked and yteynted . and vnder taillo(ur)s hande
[aaAx] (CM, 70)
15,455 Right so it fareþ by a barn . þat born is of a wombe
[xaAx](MS Ri-gh-t > Sch And; MS a > Sch om.)
15,456 Til it be cristned in cristes name . and confermed
of þe bisshop [aaAx]
15,457 It is heþene as to heueneward . and helplees to þe
soule [aaAx] (cf. CM, 119)
15,458 Heþen is to mene after heeþ . and vntiled erþe [axaAx]
fol. 94v
15,459 As in wilde wildernesse . wexeþ wilde beestes [aaAa]
(cf. K-D, 217)
15,460 Rude and vnresonable . rennynge wiþouten cropiers
[aaAx](MS cropiers > Sch keperes)
15,461 Ye mynnen wel how Mathew seiþ . how a man made a feste
[aaAx] (Sch, 397)
15,462 He fedde hem wiþ no venyson . ne fesauntʒ ybake [aaAx]
(|f|u|f|; K-D, 133; Schu, 65)
15,463 But wiþ foweles þat fram hym nolde . but folwede his
whistlyng [aaAx]
15,463a { Ecce altilia mea & omnia parata sunt } [Latin]
15,464 And wiþ calues flessh he fedde . þe folk þat he louede
15,465 The calf bitokneþ clennesse . in hem þat kepeþ lawes
15,466 ffor as þe cow þoruʒ kynde mylk . þe calf norisseþ
til an Oxe [aaAx]
15,467 So loue and leaute . lele men susteneþ [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 290)
15,468 And maidenes and mylde men . mercy desiren [aaaAx]
15,469 Right as þe cow calf . coueiteþ melk swete [aaAx](MS
melk swete > Sch swete melke)
15,470 So doon riʒtfulle men . mercy and truþe [xaAx] (Sch,
397; cf. K-D, 198)(MS doon > Sch [mowen] [aaAx])
15,485 Ac who beþ þ(a)t excuseþ hem . þ(a)t ben p(er)sons and
preestes [aaBb] (Ok, 2: 296)(MS ben > Sch arn)
15,486 That heuedes of holy chirche ben . þ(a)t han hir wil
here [aa(A)xa]
15,487 Wiþouten t(ra)uaille þe tiþe deel . þat trewe men
biswynken [aaAx]
15,488 They wol be wrooþ for I write þus . ac to witnesse
I take [aaAx]
15,489 Boþe Mathew and Marc . and { Memento D(omi)ne Dauid
} [aa{Abb}](MS Marc > Sch Mark)
15,490 What pope or p(re)lat now . p(ar)fo(ur)neþ þat crist
highte [aaAx](MS prelat > Sch prelate)
15,490a { Ite in vniuersum mundum & predicate &c
} [Latin]
15,491 Allas þ(a)t men so longe . on Makometh sholde bileue
[abaBa] (CM, 65) ([aaXa] K-D, 113, 206; cf. R-K, 92)
15,492 So manye p(re)lates to p(re)che . as þe Pope makeþ
15,493 Of Nazareth of Nynyue . of Neptalym and Damaske [aaAx]
15,494 That þei ne wente as crist wisseþ . siþen þei wille
haue name [aaAx](MS wille haue > Sch wilne a)
15,495 To be pastours and p(re)che . þe passion of Ih(es)us
15,496 And as hymself seide . to lyue and to dye [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 36)(MS seide > Sch seide so; MS to(2) > Sch om.)
15,496a { Bonus pastor animam suam ponit &c } [Latin]
15,497 And seide it in saluacion . of Sarʒens and oþere [aaAx]
15,498 ffor cristene and vncristene . crist seide to p(re)chours
[aaAx] fol. 95r
15,499 { Ite vos in vineam meam &c } [Latin]
15,500 And siþ þ(a)t þise Sarʒens . Scribes and Iewes [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 194; Schu, 108)
15,501 Han a lippe of oure bileue . þe lightlier me þynkeþ
15,502 Thei sholde turne whoso t(ra)uailed . to teche hem
of þe Trinite [aaAa](MS trauailed to > Sch trauaile wolde
15,502a { Querite & inuenietis &c } [Latin]
15,532 It is ruþe to rede . how riʒtwise men lyuede [aaAx]
fol. 95r
15,533 How þei defouled hir flessh . forsoke hir owene wille
15,534 ffer fro kyth and fro kyn . yuele ycloþed yeden [aaAx]
(CM, 71; Ok, 2: 274)
15,535 Baddely ybedded . no book but conscience [aaAx]
15,536 Ne no richesse but þe roode . to reioisse hem Inne
15,536a { Absit nob(is) gloriari nisi in cruce d(omi)ni n(ost)ri &c
} [Latin]
15,537 And þo was plentee and pees . amonges poore and riche
15,538 And now is rouþe to rede . how þe rede noble [aaAx]
15,539 Is reu(er)enced er þe Roode . and receyued for worþier
[aaAx](MS and > Sch om.; MS for > Sch for -th-e)
15,540 Than cristes cros þat ou(er)cam . deeþ and dedly synne
[aaaBb] (K, 60)
15,541 And now is werre and wo . and whoso why askeþ [aaAx]
(K-D, 138)
15,542 ffor coueitise after cros . þe croune stant in golde
15,543 Boþe riche and Religious . þat roode þei honoure [aaAx]
15,544 That in grotes is ygraue . and in gold nobles [aaAx]
15,545 ffor coueitise of þat cros . men of holy kirke [aaXa]
(Sch, 398)(MS men > Sch [clerkes] [aaAa])
15,546 Shul torne as templers dide . þe tyme app(ro)cheþ
faste [aaAx]
15,547 Wite ye noʒt ye wise men . how þo men honoured [aaAx]
(Sch, 398; cf. K-D, 152)(MS Wite > Sch [Mynne]; MS ye > Sch
15,548 Moore tresor þan trouþe . I dar noʒt telle þe soþe
15,549 Reson and rightful doom . þe Religiouse demede [aabAb](MS
-th-e > Sch -th-o)
15,550 Right so ye clerkes . for your(e) coueitise er longe
[xaAx] (Sch, 398; cf. K-D, 152; Sk, 282)(MS er > Sch er
[come au-gh-t] [aaAx])
15,551 Shal þei demen {dos eccl(es)ie} . and youre pride
depose [a{a}Xa] ([a{ax}Bb] Sch, 398)(MS youre pride depose > Sch
[depose youre pride] [a{a}Ax])
15,551a { Deposuit potentes de sede &c } [Latin]
15,552 If knyghthod and kynde wit . and þe co(m)mune by conscience
[aaAa](MS by > Sch and) fol. 95v
15,553 Togideres loue leelly . leueþ it wel ye bisshopes
15,554 The lordshipe of your(e) londes . for euere shul ye
lese [aaXa] (Sch, 398; CM, 71)(MS youre > Sch om.; MS
for euere shul ye lese > Sch [lese ye shul for euere]
15,555 And lyuen as {leuitici} . as oure lord techeþ [a{a}Ax](MS
Lord > Sch Lord yow)
15,555a { Per primicias & decimas &c } [Latin]
15,556 Whan Costantyn of curteisie . holy kirke dowed [aaAx]
15,557 Wiþ londes and ledes . lordshipes and rentes [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 291)
15,558 An Aungel men herden . an heigh at Rome crye [aaAx]
15,559 { Dos eccl(es)ie } þis day . haþ ydronke venym [{a}aAx]
(cf. K, 52)
15,560 And þo þat han Petres power . arn apoisoned alle [aaAx]
15,561 A medicyne moot þerto . þat may amende p(re)lates [aaAx]
15,562 That sholden preie for þe pees . possession hem letteþ
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 116)
15,563 Takeþ hire landes ye lordes . and leteþ hem lyue by
dymes [aaAa] (cf. CM, 116)(MS lete-th- > Sch let [aaAx])
15,564 If possession be poison . and inparfite hem make [aaAx]
15,565 Good were to deschargen hem . for holy chirches sake
[xaAx] (cf. K-D, 152)
15,566 And purgen hem of poison . er moore p(er)il falle
15,567 If preesthode were parfit . þe peple sholde amende [aaAx]
15,568 That cont(ra)rien cristes lawe . and cristendom dispise
[aaAx] (K-D, 134)
15,503 ffor alle paynymes preieþ . and parfitly bileueþ [aaAx]
15,504 In þe holy grete god . and his grace þei asken [aaAx]
15,505 And make hir mone to Makometh . hir message to shewe
15,506 Thus in a feiþ leue þat folk . and in a fals mene
15,507 And þat is rouþe for riʒtful men . þ(a)t in þe Reawme
wonyen [aaAx]
15,508 And a p(er)il to þe pope . and p(re)lates þat he makeþ
15,509 That bere bisshopes names . of Bethleem and Babiloigne
15,528 That huppe aboute in Engelond . to halwe mennes Auteres
15,529 And crepe amonges curatours . and confessen ageyn
þe lawe [aaAx]
15,529a { Nolite mittere falsem in messem alienam &c
} [Latin]
15,530 Many man for cristes loue . was martired in Romayne [aaxAx]
15,531 Er any cristendom was knowe þ(er)e . or any cros honoured [aaAx] fol. 96r
15,569 Euery bisshop þat bereþ cros . by þat he is holden [aa(A)xx]
(CM, 36) fol. 96r
15,570 Thoruʒ his p(ro)uince to passe . and to his peple
to shewe hym [aaAx]
15,571 Tellen hem and techen hem . on þe Trinite to bileue
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 148)
15,572 And feden hem wiþ goostly foode . and gyue þere it
needþ [aaXx]
15,575a { In domo mea non est panis neq(ue>)vestimentum
} [Latin]
15,575a { et ideo nolite constituere me Regem } [Latin]
15,576 Oʒias seiþ for swiche . þat sike ben and feble [aaAx]
15,577 { Inferte om(n)es in orreum meum vt cibus in domo
mea } [Latin](MS L. omnes > Sch omnes decimas; MS
L. ut > Sch ut sit)
15,578 Ac we cristene creatures . þat on þe cros bileuen [aaAx]
15,579 Arn ferme as in þe feiþ . goddes forbode ellis [aaAx]
15,580 And han clerkes to kepen vs þ(er)Inne . & hem
þ(a)t shul come after vs [aaAx]
15,581 And Iewes lyuen in lele lawe . oure lord wroot it hymselue
15,582 In stoon for it stedefast was . and stonde sholde
euere [aaAx]
15,583 { Dilige deum & p(ro)ximu(m) } . is parfit Iewen
lawe [{aab}Bx]
15,584 And took it Moyses to teche men . til Messie coome
15,585 And on þat lawe þei lyue ʒit . and leten it þe beste
[aaAx](MS lyue yit > Sch leue)
15,586 And ʒit knewe þei crist . þat cristendom tauʒte [aaAx]
15,587 ffor a p(ar)fit p(ro)phete . þat muche peple sauede
15,588 Of selkouþe sores . þei seiʒen it ofte [aaAx]
15,589 Boþe of miracles and m(er)ueilles . and how he men
festede [aaAx]
15,590 Wiþ two fisshes and fyue loues . fyue þousand peple
15,591 And by þat mangerie men myʒte wel se . þ(a)t Messie
he semede [aaaAx](MS men > Sch -th-ei [aaAx])
15,592 And whan he lifte vp Laʒar . þat leid was in graue
15,593 And vnder stoon deed and stank . wiþ stif vois hym
callede [aaAx]
15,593a { Laʒare veni foras } [Latin]
15,594 Dide hym rise and rome . riʒt bifore þe Iewes [aaAx]
15,595 Ac þei seiden and sworen . wiþ sorcerie he wrouʒte [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 79; Ok, 2: 301)
15,596 And studieden to struyen hym . and struyden hemselue
15,597 And þoruʒ his pacience hir power . to pure noʒt he brouʒte
[aaAx] fol. 96u
15,597a { Pacientes vincunt } [Latin]
15,598 Daniel of hire vndoynge . deuyned and seide [aaAx]
15,599 { Cum s(an)c(t)us s(an)c(t)or(um) veniat cessabit
vnxio v(est)ra } [Latin] [{aaAx}]
15,600 And wenen þo wrecches . þ(a)t he were { pseudo p(ro)pheta
} [aa(A){bb}](MS And > Sch And yit)
15,601 And þ(a)t his loore be lesynges . and lakken it alle
15,602 And hopen þ(a)t he be to come . þat shal hem releue
15,603 Moyses eft or Messie . hir maistres ʒit deuyneþ [aaAx]
15,604 Ac pharisees and Sarʒens . Scribes and Iewes [aaAx]
(|-s|s|sc|; CM, 42) ([xaAx] Schu, 108; cf. K-D, 194)(MS Iewes > Sch
15,605 Arn folk of oon feiþ . þe fader god þei honouren [aaAx]
15,606 And siþen þ(a)t þe Sarʒens . and also þe Iewes [aaAx]
15,607 Konne þe firste clause of oure bileue . { Credo in
deu(m) p(at)rem o(mn)ipotente(m) } [aa{Ax}]
15,608 Prelates of cristene p(ro)uinces . sholde preue if
þei myʒte [aaAx]
15,609 To lere hem litlum and litlum . { et in Ih(esu)m Χρ(istu)m
fil(iu)m} [aaa{Xx}] (K, 59; CM, 97)(MS To > Sch om.)
15,610 Til þei kouþe speke and spelle . { et in Sp(iritu)m
s(an)c(tu)m } [aa{A}x] ([aa{Aa}] CM, 97; Ok, 2: 303)
15,611 And reden it and recorden it . wiþ { remissionem peccator(um)
} [aa{Ax}](MS reden > Sch rendren)
15,611a { Carnis resurreccionem . et vitam eternam amen }
Passus xvi(us) &c et prim(us) de Dobet (PASSUS XVI)
16,1 Now faire falle yow quod I þo . for your(e) faire shewyng
16,2 ffor Haukyns loue þe Actif man . euere I shal yow louye
16,3 Ac ʒit I am in a weer . what charite is to mene [xa(A)xx]
16,4 It is a ful trie tree quod he . trewely to telle [aaAa]
(CM, 71)
16,5 Mercy is þe more þerof . þe myddul stok is ruþe [aaAx]
16,6 The leues ben lele wordes . þe lawe of holy chirche
16,7 The blosmes beþ buxom speche . and benigne lokynge [aaAx]
16,8 Pacience hatte þe pure tree . and pure symple of herte
16,9 And so þoruʒ god and þoruʒ goode men . groweþ þe fruyt
charite [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217; CM, 70) (MS -th-oru-gh-(2) > Sch
16,10 I wolde t(ra)uaille quod I þis tree to se . twenty hundred myle [aaAx]
16,11 And for to haue my fulle of þat fruyt . forsake alle
oþ(er) saulees [aaAx] ([aa(A)bb])(MS for > Sch om.; MS
alle > Sch al; MS saulees > Sch saulee) fol. 97r
16,12 Lord quod I if any wight . wite whiderout it groweþ
[xaAx] (cf. Sk, 288)
16,13 It groweþ in a gardyn quod he . þat god made hymselue
16,14 Amyddes mannes body . þe more is of þat stokke [aaAx]
16,15 Herte highte þe herber . þat it Inne groweþ [aaaAx]
16,16 And { liberum arbitrium } . haþ þe lond þe ferme [{ax}Ax]
16,17 Vnder Piers þe Plowman . to piken it and to weden it
16,18 Piers þe Plowman quod I þo . and al for pure Ioye [aaAx]
16,19 That I herde nempne his name . anoon I swowned after
16,20 And lay longe in a loue dreem . and at þe laste me
þouʒte [aaaAx] (Sch, 399; cf. CM, 30)
16,21 That Piers þe Plowman . al þe place me shewed [aaAx]
16,22 And bad me to toten on þe tree . on top and on roote
[aaAx](MS to > Sch om.)
16,23 Wiþ þre piles was it vnderpight . I p(ar)ceyued it
soone [aaAx]
16,24 Piers quod I . I preie þee . whi stonde þise piles here [aaAx] (cf. Sk, 289)
16,25 ffor wyndes wiltow wite quod he . to witen it fro fallyng
16,25a { Cu(m) ceciderit iustus non collidet(ur) . quia d(omin)us
supponit ma (cropped)} [Latin](MS L. ma > Sch manum suam)(MS
L. ma > Sch manum suam)
16,26 And in blowyng tyme abite þe floures . but if þise
piles helpe [aaAx] (|b|b|p|; Schu, 124)(MS floures > Sch
16,27 The World is a wikked wynd . to hem þat willen truþe
[aaaAx](MS willen > Sch wolden)
16,28 Coueitise comþ of þat wynd . and crepeþ among þe leues
[aaxAx] ([aaAx] K, 50)
16,29 And forfreteþ neiʒ þe fruyt . þoruʒ manye faire sightes
[aaAx](MS forfrete-th- > Sch forfret)
16,30 Thanne w(i)t(h) þe firste pil I palle hym doun . þat
is { Potencia de (cropped)} [aa{Aa}] (CM, 71, 97)(MS -th-anne > SchAnd;
MS L. de > Sch Dei Patris)
16,31 The flessh is a fel wynd . and in flouryng tyme [aaAx]
16,32 Thoruʒ likynge and lustes . so loude he gynneþ blowe
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 290)
16,33 That it norisseþ nyce sightes . and som tyme wordes
[aaAx] (|-ss|s|s|; Sch, 399; CM, 42; R-K, 92) ([aaXx] K-D,
113, 206)
16,34 And wikkede werkes þerof . wormes of synne [aaAx]
16,35 And forbiteþ þe blosmes . riʒt to þe bare leues [aaAx]
16,36 Thanne sette I to þe secounde pil . { Sapiencia dei p(at)ris
} [aab{Ab}]
16,37 That is þe passion and þe power . of oure prince Ih(es)u
[aaAx] fol. 97v
16,38 Thoruʒ preieres and þoruʒ penaunces . and goddes passion
in mynde [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
16,39 I saue it til I se it ripen . and somdel yfruyted [aaAx]
16,40 And þanne fondeþ þe fend . my fruyt to destruye [aaAx]
(CM, 70)
16,41 Wiþ alle þe wiles þat he kan . and waggeþ þe roote
16,42 And casteþ vp to þe crop . vnkynde neighebores [aaAx]
16,43 Bakbiteris breke þe cheste . brawleris and chideris
[aaAx](MS breke -th-e cheste > Sch brewecheste)
16,44 And leiþ a laddre þerto . of lesynges are þe ronges
16,45 And feccheþ awey my floures somtyme . afore boþe myne
eighen [aaAx](MS afore > Sch bifore)
16,46 Ac { liberum arbitrium } . letteþ hym som tyme [{ax}Ax]
(K-D, 137)
16,47 That is lieutenaunt to loken it wel . bi leue of myselue
16,47a { Videatis qui peccat in sp(iritu)m s(an)c(tu)m nu(m)q(ua)m
remittet(ur) &c } [Latin]
16,47a { hoc est idem . qui peccat p(er) liberum arbitrium
no(n) repug(nat) } [Latin]
16,48 Ac whan þe fend and þe flessh . forþ wiþ þe worlde [aaAx]
(K-D, 135)
16,49 Manacen bihynde me . my fruyt for to fecche [aa(A)bb]
16,50 Thanne { liberum arbitrium } . laccheþ þe firste plante
[{ax}Ax](MS firste > Sch -th-ridde)
16,51 And palleþ adoun þe pouke . pureliche þoruʒ g(ra)ce
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 163)
16,52 And help of þe holy goost . and þus haue I þe maistrie
16,53 Now faire falle yow Piers quod I . so faire ye discryuen
16,54 The power of þise postes . and hire p(ro)pre myʒtes
[aaAx](MS my-gh-tes > Sch my-gh-te)
16,55 Ac I haue þouʒtes a þreve . of þise þre piles [aaAx]
16,56 In what wode þei woxen . and where þ(a)t þei growed
16,57 ffor alle are þei aliche longe . noon lasse þan ooþer
16,58 And to my mynde as me þynkeþ . on o more þei growed
16,59 And of o greetnesse . and grene of greyn þei semen
[axAa] (CM, 70)
16,60 That is sooþ seide Piers . so it may bifalle [aaAx]
16,61 I shal telle þee as tid . what þis tree highte [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 306)
16,62 The ground þere it groweþ . goodnesse it hatte [aaAx]
16,63 And I haue told þee what hiʒte þe tree . þe Trinite
it meneþ [axaAx]
16,64 And egreliche he loked on me . and þerfore I spared [prose
line] fol. 98r
16,65 To asken hym any moore þ(er)of . and bad hym ful faire
16,66 To discryue þe fruyt . þat so faire hangeþ [abAb] (|-sc|f|s|f|;
Sch, 399; K-D, 195)
16,67 Heer now byneþe quod he þo . if I nede hadde [aaAx] (K-D,
16,68 Matrimoyne I may nyme . a moiste fruyt wiþalle [aaAx]
16,69 Thanne Continence is neer þe crop . as kaylewey bastard
16,70 Thanne bereþ þe crop kynde fruyt . and clennest of
alle [xaaAx]
16,71 Maidenhode Aungeles peeris . and raþest wole be ripe
[aaBb] ([aa(A)bb] Sch, 399; CM, 42; K-D, 195)
16,72 And swete wiþouten swellyng . sour worþ it neu(er)e
16,73 I preide Piers þo to pulle adoun . an Appul and he wolde
[aaaAx](MS -th-o > Sch om.)
16,74 And suffre me to assaien . what sauour it hadde [aaAx]
16,75 And Piers caste to þe crop . and þanne comsed it to crye
16,76 And waggede widwehode . and it wepte after [aaAx](MS
And > Sch He)
16,77 And whan it meued matrimoyne . it made a foul noise
[aaAx] ([aaaAx])(MS it(1) > Sch he)
16,78 And I hadde ruþe whan Piers rogged . it gradde so rufulliche
[aaAx] (K-D, 139)(MS And > Sch -th-at)
16,79 ffor euere as þei dropped adoun . þe deuel was redy
16,80 And gadrede hem alle togideres . boþe grete and smale
[aaAx] (CM, 70; cf. 136; Ok, 2: 283)
16,81 Adam and Abraham . and Ysaye þe p(ro)phete [aaAx]
16,82 Sampson and Samuel . and Seint Ioh(a)n þe Baptist [aaAx]
([aa(A)xx] CM, 37)
16,83 Bar hem forþ bodily . nobody hym letted [aaAx] (|b|b|-b|)(MS
bodily > Sch boldely; MS letted > Sch lette)
16,84 And made of holy men his hoord . { In limbo Inferni
} [aa{Ax}]
16,85 There is derknesse and drede . and þe deuel maister
16,86 And Piers for pure tene . of þat a pil he rauʒte [aaAx](MS
of > Sch om.; MS rau-gh-te > Sch lau-gh-te)
16,87 He hitte after hym . hitte how it myʒte [aaAx](MS He > Sch
And; MS hitte > Sch happe)
16,88 { ffilius } by þe fader wille . and frenesse of { Sp(irit)us
Sa(ncti) } [{a}aA{bb}](MS fader > Sch Faderes)
16,89 To go robbe þat Rageman . and reue þe fruyt fro hym
16,90 And þanne spak { Sp(irit)us S(an)c(t)us } . in Gabrielis
mouþe [a{aa}Xx] (K-D, 138)
16,91 To a maide þat hiʒte Marie . a meke þyng wiþalle [aaAx]
16,92 That oon Ih(es)us a Iustices sone . moste Iouke in
hir chambre [aaAx](MS Iustices > Sch Iustice)
16,93 Til { plenitudo temporis } . fully comen were [{aa}Ax]
(|-t|t|t|)(MS fully > Sch tyme) fol. 98v
16,94 That Piers fruyt floured . and felle to be rype [aaAx]
16,95 And þanne sholde Ih(es)us Iuste þerfore . bi Iuggement
of armes [aaAx](MS -th-erefore > Sch -th-erefore and)
16,96 Wheiþ(er) sholde fonge þe fruyt . þe fend or hymselue
16,97 The maide myldeliche þo . þe messager graunted [aaAx]
16,98 And seide hendeliche to hym . lo me his handmaiden
16,99 ffor to werchen his wille . wiþouten any synne [aaAx]
16,99a { Ecce ancilla domini fiat michi &c } [Latin]
16,100 And in þe wombe of þat wenche . was he fourty woukes
[aaAx] (|w|w|f|)
16,101 Til he weex a faunt þoruʒ hir flessh . and of fightyng
kouþe [aaAx] (CM, 75)
16,102 To haue yfouʒte wiþ þe fend . er ful tyme come [aaAx]
16,103 And Piers þe Plowman . p(ar)ceyued plener tyme [aaAa]
16,104 And lered hym lechecraft his lif for to saue [aaAx]
16,105 That þouʒ he were wounded w(i)t(h) his enemy . to
warisshen hymselue [axAx]
16,106 And dide hym assaie his surgerie . on hem þat sike
were [aaAx] (K, 50)
16,107 Til he was p(ar)fit praktisour . if any p(er)il fille
16,108 And souʒte out þe sike . and synfulle boþe [aaAx]
16,109 And saluede sike and synfulle . boþe blynde and crokede
16,110 And co(m)mune wo(m)men conu(er)tede . and to goode
turnede [aaAx] (|c|c|g|; Schu, 131) ([aaXx] K-D, 94, 183)
16,110a { Non est sanis opus medic(us) . set in &c }
[Latin](MS L. in > Sch male habentibus)
16,111 Boþe meseles and mute . and in þe menyson blody [aaAx]
16,112 Ofte heeled swiche . he ne held it for no maistrie
[aaAx](MS Ofte > Sch Ofte he)
16,113 Saue þo he leched laʒar . þ(a)t hadde yleye in graue
16,114 { Quatriduanus } quelt . quyk dide hym walke [{a}aAx]
(Schu, 151; CM, 98)
16,115 Ac as he made þe maistrie . { mestus cepit esse }
16,116 And wepte water w(i)t(h) hise eiʒen . þer seiʒen it
manye [aaxXx] (cf. CM, 76; Ok, 2: 309)
16,117 Some þat þe sighte seiʒen . seiden þat tyme [aaaAx]
16,118 That he was leche of lif . and lord of heigh heuene
16,119 Iewes iangled þerayein . and Iuggede lawes [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206)
16,120 And seide he wroʒte þoruʒ wichecraft . & w(i)t(h)
þe deueles myʒte [aa(A)xx]
16,120a { Demonium habet &c } [Latin](MS L. habet > Sch
16,121 Thanne are ye cherles quod ich . and your(e) children
boþe [axAx] (|ch|I|ch|; Schu, 135) ([axAx] cf. K-D, 201)
(MS ich > Sch Iesus [aaAx] |ch|I|ch) fol. 99r
16,122 And Sathan your(e) Saueo(ur) . yeself now ye witnessen
[aaAx](MS yeself > Sch yowself)
16,123 ffor I haue saued yowself seiþ crist . and youre sones
after [aaxAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS sei-th- crist > Sch om.
16,124 Youre bodies . youre beestes . and blynde men holpen
16,125 And fed yow wiþ two fisshes . and wiþ fyue loues [aaAx]
(cf. R-K, 117)(MS two > Sch om.)
16,126 And lefte baskettes ful of broke mete . bere awey
whoso wolde [aaAx]
16,127 And mysseide þe Iewes manliche . and manaced hem to
bete [aaAx]
16,128 And knokked on hem wiþ a corde . and caste adoun hir
stalles [aaAx]
16,129 That in chirche chaffareden . or chaungeden any moneie
16,130 And seide it in sighte of hem alle . so þ(a)t alle
herden [aa(A)xx] (CM, 36)
16,131 I shal ouerturne þis temple . and adoun þrowe it [aaAx]
(|t|t|d|; Schu, 127)(MS it > Sch om.)
16,132 And in þre daies after . edifie it newe [prose line]
16,133 And maken it as muche ouþ(er) moore . in alle man(er)e
poyntes [aaaAx]
16,134 As euere it was and as wid . wherfore I hote yow [aaAx]
16,135 Of preieres and of p(ar)fitnesse . þis place þ(a)t
ye callen [aaAx]
16,135a { Domus mea domus oracionis vocabitur } [Latin]
16,136 Enuye and yuel wil . was in þe Iewes [aaXx] (K-D, 185-6)(MS
was > Sch ar[ne] [aaAx])
16,137 Thei casten and contreueden . to kulle hym whan þei
myʒte [aaAx]
16,138 Eche day after ooþ(er) . hir tyme þei awaiteden [axAx]
(|d|t|; Schu, 126)
16,139 Til it bifel on a friday . a litel bifore Pasqe [aaAx]
(cf. K, 51)
16,140 The þursday bifore . þere he made his maundee [aaAx]
(|-th-|-f|-th-|; K-D, 132)(MS maundee > Sch cene)
16,141 Sittynge at þe soper . he seide þise wordes [aaAx]
16,142 I am sold þoruʒ oon of yow . he shal þe tyme rewe
[ax(A)xx] (|s|s|sh|)(MS oon > Sch so[m] [aa(A)xx])
16,143 That euere he his Saueour solde . for siluer or ellis
16,144 Iudas iangled þerayein . ac Ih(es)us hym tolde [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206)
16,145 It was hymself sooþly . and seide { tu dicis } [aaA{x}]
16,146 Thanne wente forþ þat wikked man . and wiþ þe Iewes
mette [aa(A)xx]
16,147 And tolde hem a tokne . how to knowe wiþ Ih(es)us
[aaXx] (CM, 35; cf. K-D, 217)
16,148 And which tokne to þis day . to muche is yvsed [aa(A)xx]
(|t|d|t|; Schu, 127; CM, 36)
16,149 That is kissynge and fair countenaunce . and vnkynde
wille [aaAx]
16,150 And so was wiþ Iudas þo . þat Ih(es)us bitrayed [xaAx]
fol. 99v
16,151 { Aue raby } quod þat Ribaud . and riʒt to hym he
yede [{a}aAx] (CM, 71)
16,152 And kiste hym to be caught þerby . and kulled of þe
Iewes [aaAx]
16,153 Thanne Ih(es)us to Iudas . and to þe Iewes seide [aaAx]
16,154 ffalsnesse I fynde . in þi faire speche [aaAx] (K,
16,155 And gile in þi glad chere . and galle is in þi laughyng
16,156 Thow shalt be myrour . to many men to deceyue [aaAx]
(Sk, 296)
16,157 Ac þe worse and þi wikkednesse . shal worþe vpon þiselue
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 180)(MS -th-i > Sch -th-e)
16,157a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala . ve ho(m)i(n)i illi p(er) que(m) scandalu(m) venit } [Latin]
16,158 Thouʒ I bi treson be take . at youre owene wille [aaBb]
(K-D, 94; cf. R-K, 90)(MS take > Sch take [and])
16,159 Suffreþ myne Apostles in pees . and in pays gange
[xaaAx](MS pees > Sch pays; MS pays > Sch pees)
16,160 On a þursday in þesternesse . þus was he taken [aaAx](MS
On > Sch In)
16,161 Thoruʒ Iudas and Iewes . Ih(es)us was his name [aaAx]
(K-D, 185)
16,162 That on þe friday folwynge . for mankyndes sake [aa(A)xx]
16,163 Iusted in Iher(usa)l(e)m . a ioye to vs alle [aaAx]
16,164 On cros upon Caluarie . crist took þe bataille [aaAx]
16,165 Ayeins deeþ and þe deuel . destruyed hir boþ(er)es
myʒtes [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
16,166 Deide and deed fordide . and day of nyʒt made [aaaAx]
(CM, 71)(MS deed > Sch dee-th-)
16,167 And I awaked þerwiþ . and wiped myne eiʒen [aaAx]
16,168 And after Piers þe Plowman . pried and stared [aaAx]
16,169 Estward and Westward . I waited after faste [aaAx]
(CM, 42)
16,170 And yede forþ as an ydiot . in contree to aspie [aaXx]
(Schu, 158)
16,171 After Piers þe Plowman . many a place I souʒte [aaAx]
16,172 And þanne mette I wiþ a man . a mydlenten sonday [aaAx]
16,173 As hoor as an haweþorn . and Abraham he highte [aaAx]
16,174 I frayned hym first . fram whennes he come [aaAx]
16,175 And of whennes he were . and whider þ(a)t he souʒte
[aaAx](MS sou-gh-te > Sch -th-ou-gh-te)
16,176 I am feiþ quod þat freke . it falleþ noʒt to lye [aaAx](MS
no-gh-t > Sch no-gh-t me)
16,177 And of Abrahames hous . an heraud of armes [aaAa]
16,178 And seke after a segge . þat I seiʒ ones [aaAx](MS And > Sch
I) fol. 100r
16,179 A ful bold bacheler . I knew hym by his blasen [aaXa]
16,180 What berþ þat buyrn quod I þo . so blisse þee bitide [aaAx]
16,181 Thre leodes in oon lyth . noon lenger þan ooþer [aaAx]
(cf. K, 52)
16,182 Of oon muchel and myght . in mesure and in lengþe
16,183 That oon dooþ alle dooþ . and ech dooþ bi his one
16,184 The firste haþ myʒt and maiestee . maker(e) of alle
þynges [aaAx](MS -th-ynges > Sch -th-yng)
16,185 { Pater } is his p(ro)pre name . a p(er)sone by hymselue
16,186 The secounde of þa sire is . Sothfastnesse { filius
} [aaA{x}] ([aaAb{b}])(MS -th-a > Sch -th-at)
16,187 Wardeyn of þat wit haþ . was euere wiþouten gynnyng
16,188 The þridde highte þe holi goost . a p(er)sone by hymselue
16,189 The light of al þ(a)t lif haþ . a londe and a watre
16,190 Confortour of creatures . of hym comeþ alle blisse
[aaAx] (cf. K, 53)
16,191 So þre bilongeþ for a lord . þat lordshipe cleymeþ [aaAx]
16,192 Might and mene . to knowe his owene myʒte [aaXa] (Sch,
399; cf. K-D, 113, 206; R-K, 84, 92)(MS to knowe his
owene my-gh-te > Sch [his owene my-gh-te to knowe]
16,193 Of hym and of his seruaunt . and what þei suffre boþe
[xaAx](MS hym > Sch hymself; MS -th-ei suffre > Sch
suffre-th- hem [aaAx])
16,194 So god þat gynnyng hadde neu(er)e . but þo hym good
þouʒte [aaAx]
16,195 Sente forþ his sone . as for seruaunt þat tyme [aaAx]
16,196 To ocupie hym here . til issue were spronge [aaAx](MS
ocupie > Sch ocupien)
16,197 That is children of charite . and holi chirche þe
moder [aaAx]
16,198 Patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . and Apostles were þe
children [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)
16,199 And Crist and cristendom . and cristene holy chirche
[aaAx](MS and > Sch and alle)
16,200 In menynge þ(a)t man moste . on o god bileue [aaaXx]
16,201 And þere hym likede and louede . in þre p(er)sones
hym shewede [aaXx] (Sch, 400; cf. K-D, 202; Ok, 2: 290) (MS
persones > Sch [leodes] [aaAx])
16,202 And þ(a)t it may be so and sooþ . manhode it sheweþ
[aaXa] (K-D, 194)
16,203 Wedlok and widwehode . wiþ virginite ynempned [aaAx]
(|w|w|u|; Schu, 70)
16,204 In tokenynge of þe Trinite . was out of man taken
[aaXa](MS out of man taken > Sch taken out of o man [aaAx])
16,205 Adam was oure aller fader . and Eue was of hymselue
[aaAx](MS was > Sch om.; MS and > Sch om.) fol. 100v
16,206 And þe issue þat þei hadde . it was of hem boþe [aaAx]
16,207 And eiþer is oþeres ioye . in þre sondry p(er)sones
16,208 And in heuene and here . oon singuler name [aa(A)xx]
16,209 And þus is mankynde and manhede . of matrimoyne yspronge
[aaAx](MS and > Sch or)
16,210 And bitokneþ þe Trinite . and trewe bileue [aaAx]
16,211 Mighty is matrimoyne . þat multiplieþ þe erþe [aaAx]
([aaaAx])(MS Mi-gh-ty > Sch Mi-gh-t; MS is > Sch is
16,212 And bitokneþ trewely . telle if I dorste [aaAx]
16,213 Hym þat first formed al . þe fader of heuene [aaAx](MS
Hym > Sch He)
16,214 The sone if I it dorste seye . resembleþ wel þe widewe
16,214a { Deus meus Deus meus vt quid dereliquisti me } [Latin]
16,215 That is creatour weex creature . to knowe what was boþe
[aaAx] (CM, 74)
16,216 As widewe wiþouten wedlok . was neu(er)e ʒit yseyʒe
16,217 Na moore myʒte god be man . but if he moder hadde
16,218 So widewe w(i)t(h)outen wedlok . may noʒt wel stande
16,219 Ne matrimoyne w(i)t(h)outen Muliere . is noʒt muche
to preise [aaAx] ([aaaAx])
16,219a { Maledict(us) homo qui non reliquit semen in Isr(ae)l &c
} [Latin]
16,220 Thus in þre p(er)sones . is p(ar)fitliche manhede [xaAx](MS
parfitliche > Sch parfitliche pure [xaAa])
16,221 That is man and his make . and mulliere children [aaAx](MS
mulliere > Sch mulliere hir)
16,222 And is noʒt but gendre of a gen(er)acion . bifore
Ih(es)u c(ri)st in heuene [aaAx]
16,223 So is þe fader forþ w(i)t(h) þe sone . and fre wille
of boþe [aaxAx]
16,223a { Sp(irit)us p(ro)cedens a patre & filio &c
} [Latin] [{aaAx}]
16,224 Which is þe holy goost of alle . and alle is but o
god [aaAa]
16,225 Thus in a somer I hym seiʒ . as I sat in my porche [aaAx]
16,226 I roos vp and reu(er)enced hym . and riʒt faire hym
grette [aaAx]
16,227 Thre men to my siʒte . I made wel at ese [aaAx]
16,228 Wessh hir feet and wiped hem . and afterward þei eten
[aaAx] (CM, 42; Ok, 2: 308)
16,229 Calues flessh and Cakebreed . and knewe what I þouʒte
16,230 fful trewe toknes bitwene vs is . to telle whan me
likeþ [aaAx](MS bitwene > Sch betwene)
16,231 first he fonded me . if I louede bettre [aaXx] (K-D,
125, 199) ([aaAx] f-liaison; Sch, 400; 506; Du, 66) fol.
16,232 Hym or Ysaak myn heir . þe which he hiʒte me kulle
16,233 He wiste my wille bi hym . he wol me it allowe [aaAx]
16,234 I am ful siker in soule þerof . and my sone boþe [aaAx](MS
in > Sch in my)
16,235 I circumscised my sone . siþen for his sake [aaAa]
16,236 Myself and my meynee . and alle þat male weere [aaAx]
(CM, 42)
16,237 Bledden blood for þat lordes loue . and hope to blisse
þe tyme [aabbAx] (K, 60; Ok, 2: 269)
16,238 Myn affiaunce and my feiþ . is ferme in þis bileue
16,239 ffor hymself bihiʒte to me . and to myn issue boþe
[aaAx] (CM, 42)
16,240 Lond and lordshipe . and lif wiþouten ende [aaAx]
16,241 To me and to myn issue . moore yet he grauntede [aaAa]
(CM, 49)(MS he > Sch he me)
16,242 Mercy for oure mysdedes . as many tyme as we asken
[aaAx] (CM, 49)
16,242a { Quam olim Abrahe p(ro)misisti & semini eius
} [Latin]
16,243 And siþ þe he sente me to seye . I sholde do sacrifise
16,244 And doon hym worship w(i)t(h) breed . and wiþ wyn
boþe [abAb]
16,245 And called me þe foot of his feiþ . his folk for to
saue [xaaAx]
16,246 And defende hem fro þe fend . folk þat on me leneden
16,247 Thus haue I ben his heraud . here and in helle [aaAa]
16,248 And conforted many a careful . þat after his comynge
waiteden [aaAx](MS waiteden > Sch waiten)
16,249 And þus I seke hym he seide . for I herde seyn late
16,250 Of a barn þat baptised hym . Ioh(a)n Baptist was his
name [aaAx]
16,251 That to patriarkes & to p(ro)phetes . and to ooþer
peple in derknesse [aaAx]
16,252 Seide þ(a)t he seiʒ here . þat sholde saue vs alle
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)
16,252a { Ecce agnus dei &c } [Latin]
16,253 I hadde wonder of hise wordes . and of hise wide cloþes
16,254 ffor in his bosom he bar a þyng . þat he blissed euere
16,255 And I loked in his lappe . a laʒar lay þerInne [aaAa](MS
in > Sch on)
16,256 Amonges patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . pleyinge togideres
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)
16,257 What awaitestow quod he . and what woldestow haue [aaAx]
16,258 I wolde wite quod I þo . what is in youre lappe [aaAx] fol. 101v
16,259 Loo quod he and leet me see . lord mercy I seide [aaAx](MS
Loo > Sch Lo; MS see > Sch se)
16,260 This is a p(re)sent of muche pris . what prynce shal
it haue [aaAx]
16,261 It is a p(re)cious p(re)sent quod he . ac þe pouke it
haþ attached [aaAx]
16,262 And me þermyde quod þat man . may no wed vs quyte
[aa(A)xx](MS myde > Sch wi-th-; MS man > Sch wye [aaAx])
16,263 Ne no buyrn be oure borgh . ne brynge vs fram his
daunger [aaAx]
16,264 Out of þe poukes pondfold . no maynprise may vs fecche
[aaAx] (CM, 42)
16,265 Til he come þ(a)t I carpe of . crist is his name [aaAx]
16,266 That shal deliu(er)e vs som day . out of þe deueles
power [aaAx](MS som > Sch some)
16,267 And bettre wed for vs legge . þan we ben alle worþi
[xaAa] (K-D, 94)
16,268 That is lif for lif . or ligge þus euere [aaAx]
16,269 Lollynge in my lappe . til swich a lord vs fecche
16,270 Allas I seide þ(a)t synne . so longe shal lette [aa(A)bb]
16,271 The myght of goddes mercy . þat myʒte vs alle amende
16,272 I wepte for hise wordes . wiþ þat sauʒ I anoþer [aa(A)xx]
16,273 Rapeliche renne forþ . þe riʒte wey he wente [aaAbb]
16,274 I affrayned hym first . fram whennes he come [aa(A)xx]
16,275 And what he highte & whider he wolde . and wightly
he tolde [aaaAx] (cf. CM, 76)(MS And > Sch om.)
Passus xvij(us) &c et ij(us) de Dobet (PASSUS XVII)
17,1 I am {Spes} quod he a spie . and spire after a knyght
[{a}aAx](MS quod he a spie > Sch a spie quod he;
MS kny-gh-te > Sch kny-gh-t)
17,2 That took me a maundement . vpon þe mount of Synay [xaaAx]
17,3 To rule alle Reames wiþ . I bere þe writ here [aaAx]
(|r|r|wr|; Sch, 400; cf. K-D, 125, 182; Ok, 2: 298)(MS wi-th- > Sch
17,4 Is it enseled I seide . may men see þi lettres [aaAx](MS
ensiled > Sch asseled)
17,5 Nay he seide seke hym . þat haþ þe seel to kepe [aaAx](MS
seide > Sch seide I)
17,6 And þat is cros and cristendom . and crist þeron to
honge [aaAx]
17,7 And whan it is enseled so . I woot wel þe soþe [aaXa]
(cf. K-D, 181) ([aaBba])(MS ensiled > Sch asseled)
17,8 That Luciferis lordshipe . laste shal no lenger [aaAa]
17,9 Lat se þi lettres quod I . we myghte þe lawe knowe [aaAx] fol. 102r
17,10 Thanne plukkede he forþ a patente . a pece of an hard
roche [aaAx](MS -th-anne > Sch He; MS he > Sch om.)
17,11 Whereon were writen two wordes . on þis wise yglosed
[aaAx](MS were > Sch was)
17,12 { Dilige deum & p(ro)xim(um) tuum } [Latin]
17,13 This was þe tixte trewely . I took ful good yeme [aaAx](MS
yeme > Sch gome [aaAbb])
17,14 The glose was gloriously writen . wiþ a gilt penne
17,14a { In hijs duobʒ mandatis . tota lex pendet & p(ro)ph(et)ia
} [Latin](MS L. mandates > Sch pendet; MS pendet > Sch
17,15 Ben here alle þi lordes lawes quod I . ye leue me wel
he seide [aaAx](MS Ben > Sch Is; MS wel > Sch om.)
17,16 And whoso wercheþ after þis writ . I wol vndertaken
17,17 Shal neu(er)e deuel hym dere . ne deeþ in soule greue
17,18 ffor þouʒ I seye it myself . I haue saued w(i)t(h)
þis charme [aaAx]
17,19 Of men and of wo(m)men . many score þousand [aaAx]
(|m|-mm|m|; K-D, 134)(MS -th-ousand > Sch -th-ousandes)
17,20 Ye seien sooþ seide þis heraud . I haue yfounde it ofte
[aabXb](MS Ye seien > Sch He sei-th-)
17,21 Lo here in my lappe . þat leeued on þat charme [aaAx]
17,22 Iosue and Iudith . and Iudas Macabeus [aaAx]
17,23 Ye and sixti þousand biside forþ. þat ben noʒt seyen
here [aaAx] (cf. R-K, 84)(MS Ye > Sch om.)
17,24 Youre wordes arn wonderfulle quod I þo . which of yow
is trewest [aaAx]
17,25 And lelest to leue so . for lif and for soule [aaAx](MS
so > Sch on)
17,26 Abraham seiþ . þ(a)t he seiʒ hoolly þe Trinite [abbAx]
(Sk, 304)
17,27 Thre p(e)rsones in p(ar)celles . departable fro ooþer
17,28 And alle þre but o god . þus Abraham me tauʒte [aaAx]
17,29 And haþ saued þat bileued so . and sory for hir synnes
17,30 He kan noʒt siggen þe so(m)me . and some arn in his
lappe [aaAx]
17,31 What neded it þanne . a newe lawe to bigynne [axAx]
(K-D, 113, 206; R-K, 84, 92)(MS bigynne > Sch brynge)
17,32 Siþ þe firste suffiseþ . to sauacion and to blisse
[aaAx] (|f|-f|-u|)
17,33 And now comeþ { Spes } and spekeþ . þat aspied þe lawe
[{a}aAx] (cf. R-K, 95)(MS -th-at > Sch -th-a-th-a-th-)
17,34 And telleþ noʒt of þe Trinite . þat took hym hise lettres
17,35 To bileeue and louye . in o lord almyghty [aaAx]
17,36 And siþþe riʒt as myself . so louye alle peple [aa(A)xx]
17,37 The gome þat gooþ wiþ o staf . he semeþ in gretter heele
[aaxAx] fol. 102v
17,38 Than he þat gooþ wiþ two staues . to sighte of vs alle
[xaAx] (Sch, 400; cf. Schu, 109)(MS goo-th- > Sch [tee-th-]
17,39 And riʒt so bi þe roode . Reson me sheweþ [aaAx]
17,40 That it is lighter to lewed men . o lesson to knowe
[aaAx](MS -th-at > Sch om.)
17,41 Than for to techen hem two . and to hard to lerne þe
leeste [aa(A)bb]
17,42 It is ful hard for any man . on Abraham bileue [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 217)
17,43 And wel awey worse ʒit . for to loue a sherewe [aaaXx]
17,44 It is lighter to leeue . in þre louely p(er)sones [aaAx]
(cf. K, 52)
17,45 Than for to louye and lene . as wel lorels as lele
17,46 Go þi gate quod I to { Spes } . so me god helpe [aa{x}Ax]
17,47 Tho þat lernen þi lawe . wol litel while vsen it [aaAx]
17,48 And as we wenten þus in þe wey . wordynge togideres
[aaAx] (Ok, 2:309)
17,49 Thanne seiʒe we a Samaritan . sittynge on a Mule [aaAx]
17,50 Ridynge ful rapely . þe righte wey we yeden [aaAx]
17,51 Comynge from a contree . þat men called Ierico [aaAx]
17,52 To a Iustes in Ier(usa)l(e)m . he chaced awey faste
[aaAx] (|I|I|ch|; Sch, 400; Schu, 135)
17,53 Boþe þe heraud and hope . and he mette atones [aa(A)xx]
17,54 Where a man was wounded . and wiþ þeues taken [aa(A)xx]
17,55 He myʒte neiþ(er) steppe ne stande . ne stere foot
ne handes [aaAx]
17,56 Ne helpe hymself sooþly . for { semyvif } he semed
17,57 And as naked as a nedle . and noon help aboute hym
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 295)(MS hym > Sch om.)
17,58 ffeiþ hadde first siʒte of hym . ac he fleiʒ aside [aaAx]
(cf. R-K, 96)
17,59 And nolde noʒt neghen hym . by nyne londes lengþe [aaAbb]
17,60 Hope cam hippynge after . þat hadde so ybosted [aaAx]
17,61 How he wiþ Moyses maundement . hadde many men yholpe
[aaAx] ([aaaAx])
17,62 Ac whan he hadde sighte of þat segge . aside he gan
hym drawe [aaAx]
17,63 Dredfully bi þis day . as doke dooþ fram þe faucon
17,64 Ac so soone so þe Samaritan . hadde siʒte of þis leode
17,65 He lighte adown of Lyard . and ladde hym in his hande
[aaAx](MS handes > Sch hande)
17,66 And to þe wye he wente . hise woundes to biholde [aaAx]
fol. 103r
17,67 And p(ar)ceyued by his pous . he was in p(er)il to
dye [aaAx]
17,68 And but he hadde recou(er)er þe raþelier . þ(a)t rise
sholde he neu(er)e [aaAx](MS but > Sch but if; MS rapelier > Sch
17,70 Wiþ wyn and w(i)t(h) oille . hise woundes he wasshed
17,71 Enbawmed hym and bond his heed . and in his lappe hym
leide [aaBb] (cf. K-D, 125, 195; Sch, 400)
17,72 And ladde hym so forþ on Lyard . to { lex Χρ(ist)i
} a graunge [aa{A}x]
17,73 Wel sixe Mile or seuene . biside þe newe Market [aaAx]
17,74 Herberwed hym at an hostrie . and to þe hostiler called
[aaAx](MS to > Sch om.)
17,75 And seide haue kepe þis man . til I come fro þe Iustes
[axAx] (cf. K-D, 125, 194)
17,76 And lo here siluer he seide . for salue to hise woundes
17,77 And he took hym two pens . to liflode as it weere [aaXx]
(K-D, 94, 217)
17,78 And seide what he spendeþ moore . I make þee good herafter
[xaAx] (Sch, 400; cf. K-D, 125)(MS spende-th- moore > Sch
[moore spene-th-] [axAx])
17,79 ffor I may noʒt lette quod þat Leode . and lyard he
bistrideþ [aaAx]
17,80 And raped hym to Ier(usa)l(e)mward . þe riʒte wey to
ryde [axAa] (K-D, 94)
17,81 ffeiþ folwede after faste . and fondede to mete hym [aaaAx]
(K, 57; Ok, 2: 282)(MS folwede > Sch folwe-th-)
17,82 And { Spes } spakliche hym spedde . spede if he myʒte
[{a}aaAx] (K, 57; cf. Ok, 2: 178)(MS spakliche > Sch sp[r]aliche)
17,83 To ouertaken hym and talke to hym . er þei to towne
coome [aaAx] (K, 57)
17,84 And whan I seiʒ þis I soio(ur)ned noʒt . but shoop me
to renne [aaAx] (|s|s|sh|; K-D, 132; Schu, 99)
17,85 And suwed þat Samaritan . þat was so ful of pite [aaAx]
(cf. K, 52)(MS -th-at > Sch -th-e)
17,86 And graunted hym to ben his groom . graunt m(er)cy
he seide [aaAx](MS groom > Sch gome)
17,87 Ac þi frend and þi felawe quod he . þow fyndest me
at nede [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
17,88 And I þanked hym þo . and siþþe I hym tolde [aaXx] (K-D,
125, 173) ([aaAx] |-th-|-th-|s|; Schu, 161/-th--liaison;
Sch, 400)
17,89 How þ(a)t feiþ fleiʒ awey . and { Spes } his felawe
boþe [aaAx]
17,90 ffor sighte of þat sorweful man . þat robbed was w(i)t(h)
þeues [aaXx] (K-D, 125, 195) ([aaaXa] |s|s|s|-th-|; Schu,
161; Sch, 400)(MS -th-at > Sch -th-e; MS man > Sch
[segge] [aaaXx])
17,91 Haue hem excused quod he . hir help may litel auaille
17,92 May no medicyne on molde . þe man to heele brynge [aaaAx]
(cf. Ok, 2: 293)(MS on > Sch under)
17,93 Neiþer ffeiþ ne fyn hope . so festred be hise woundes
17,94 Wiþouten þe blood of a barn . born of a mayde [aaAx]
(CM, 70)
17,95 And be he baþed in þat blood . baptised as it were
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 85)
17,96 And þanne plastred wiþ penaunce . and passion of þat
baby [aaAx] (cf. R-K, 85)
17,97 He sholde stonde and steppe . ac stalworþe worþ he neu(er)e
[aaAx] fol. 103v
17,98 Til he haue eten al þe barn . and his blood ydronke
[xaAx] ([aabBx] K, 60)
17,99 ffor wente neu(er)e wye in þis world . þoruʒ þat wildernesse
[aaaAx] (Ok, 2: 310)
17,100 That he ne was robbed or rifled . rood he þere or
yede [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 299)
17,101 Saue feiþ and his felawe . { Spes } and myselue [aa{B}b]
([aa{X}x] cf. K-D, 125, 194) ([abb{A}a] Sch, 400; Schu, 108)
17,102 And þiself now . and swiche as suwen oure werkes [aaAx]
(Sk, 308)
17,103 ffor outlawes in þe wode . and vnder bank lotieþ [aa(A)xx](MS
outlawes > Sch Outlawe is)
17,104 And mowen ech man see . and good mark take [aaAx](MS
mowen > Sch may)
17,105 Who is bihynde and who bifore . and who ben on horse
17,106 ffor he halt hym hardier on horse . þan he þ(a)t is
foote [aaaAx](MS is > Sch is a)
17,107 ffor he seigh me þat am Samaritan . suwen ffeiþ & his
felawe [aaAbb] (CM, 37)
17,108 On my Capul þat highte { caro } . of mankynde I took
it [a{a}Ax] (K-D, 134)
17,109 He was vnhardy þat harlot . and hidde hym { in Inferno
} [aaA{a}]
17,110 Ac er þis day þre daies . I dar vndertaken [aaAx]
17,111 That he worþ fettred þat feloun . faste wiþ Cheynes
17,112 And neu(er)e eft greue gome . þat gooþ þis ilke gate
17,113 And þanne shal ffeiþ be forster here . and in þis ffryth
walke [aaAx]
17,114 And kennen out comune men . þat knowen noʒt þe contree
[aaAa] (cf. K-D, 183-84)
17,115 Which is þe wey þat I wente . and wher forþ to Ier(usa)l(e)m
17,116 And Hope þe Hostilers man shal be . þer þe man lith
anhelyng [aaXa] (Sch, 400)(MS -th-e man li-th- anhelyng > Sch
[an helyng -th-e man li-th-] [aaAx])
17,117 And alle þat feble and feynte be . þat ffeiþ may noʒt
teche [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 281)
17,118 Hope shal lede hem forþ w(i)t(h) loue . as his lettre
telleþ [aaAx]
17,119 And hostele hem and heele . þoruʒ holy chirche bileue
17,120 Til I haue salue for alle sike . and þanne shal I
turne [aaAx] (|s|s|sh|)(MS turne > Sch returne)
17,121 And come ayein bi þis contree . and conforten alle
sike [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
17,122 That craueþ it and coueiteþ it . or crieþ þerafter
[aaAx](MS and > Sch or; MS or > Sch and)
17,123 ffor þe barn was born in Bethleem . þat w(i)t(h) his
blood shal saue [aaaAx] (CM, 70)
17,124 Alle þat lyuen in ffeiþ . and folwen his felawes techynge
[xaaAx] (Sk, 310)
17,125 A swete sire I seide þo . wher I shal bileue [aaaAx]
17,126 As ffeiþ and his felawe . enformed me boþe [aaAx]
17,127 In þre p(er)sones departable . þat p(er)petuele were
euere [aaAx]
17,128 And alle þre but o god . þus Abraham me tauʒte [aaAx] fol. 104r
17,129 And Hope afterward . he bad me to louye [aa(A)xx]
17,130 O god wiþ al my good . and alle gomes after [aaAx]
(CM, 70)
17,131 Louye hem lik myselue . ac oure lord abouen alle [aaAx]
17,132 After Abraham quod he . þat heraud of armes [aaAa]
17,133 Sette fully þi feiþ . and ferme bileue [aaAx](MS fully > Sch
17,134 And as hope highte þee . I hote þ(a)t þow louye [aaAx]
17,135 Thyn euenecristene eu(er)emoore . eueneforþ w(i)t(h)
þiselue [aaAx] (K-D, 134; K, 61)
17,136 And if Conscience carpe þerayein . or kynde wit eyþer
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
17,137 Or Eretikes wiþ argumentʒ . þyn hond þow hem shewe
17,138 ffor god is after an hand . yheer now and knowe it
17,139 The fader was first as a fust . wiþ o fynger foldynge
[aaaAa] (K, 57)(MS foldynge > Sch folden)
17,140 Til hym louede and liste . to vnlosen his fynger [aaAx]
17,141 And p(ro)fre it forþ as w(i)t(h) a pawme . to what
place it sholde [aaAx](MS profre > Sch profrede)
17,142 The pawme is purely þe hand . and p(ro)freþ forþ þe
fyngres [aaAx]
17,143 To ministren and to make . þat myʒt of hand knoweþ
17,144 And bitokneþ trewely . telle whoso likeþ [aaAx]
17,145 The holy goost of heuene . he is as þe pawme [aaAx]
17,146 The fyngres þat fre ben . to folde and to serue [aaAx]
17,147 Bitoknen sooþly þe sone . þat sent was til erþe [aaAx]
17,148 That touched and tastede . at techynge of þe pawme
17,149 Seinte Marie a mayde . and mankynde lauʒte [aaAx]
17,149a { Qui conceptus est de sp(irit)u s(an)c(t)o &c
} [Latin]
17,150 The fader is pawme as a fust . wiþ fynger to touche
[aaAx](MS pawne > Sch -th-anne)
17,150a { Quia om(n)ia traham ad me ip(su)m &c } [Latin]
(cf. K-D, 217)
17,151 Al þat þe pawme p(ar)ceyueþ . profitable to feele
17,152 Thus are þei alle but oon . as it an hand weere [aaAx]
17,153 And þre sondry sightes . in oon shewynge [aaAx] (|s|s|sh|; Sch, 400) ([aaXa] K-D, 194; Schu, 99) fol. 104v
17,154 The paume for it putteþ forþ fyngres . and þe fust boþe
[aabBx](MS it putte-th- > Sch he put)
17,155 Right so redily . Reson it sheweth [aaAx]
17,156 How he þat is holy goost . sire and sone preueþ [aaBb]
17,157 And as þe hand halt harde . and alle þyng faste [aaAx]
17,158 Thoruʒ foure fyngres and a thombe . forþ w(i)t(h)
þe pawme [aaaAx] (|f|f|-th-|f|)
17,159 Right so þe fader and þe sone . and Seint Spirit þe
þridde [aaAx]
17,160 Al þe wide world . wiþInne hem þre holden [aaBbb](
Sch, 400)(MS Al > Sch Halt al; MS holden > Sch om.
[abbAa] (|ha|w|w|he|-th-re-de-emphasized|)
17,161 Boþe wolkne and þe wynd . water and erþe [aaAx]
17,162 Heuene and helle . and al þat is þer Inne [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 287)(MS is -th-ere > Sch -th-ere is)
17,163 Thus it is nedeþ no man . trowe noon ooþer [aaAx] (Schu,
17,164 That þre þynges bilongeþ . in oure lord of heuene
[aabBx] (Sch, 400; cf. K-D, 195)(MS -th-re -th-ynges bilonge-th- > Sch
[bilonge-th- -th-re -th-ynges] [abbAx])
17,165 And aren serelopes by hemself . asondry were þei neu(er)e
[aaAx](MS serelopes > Sch serelepes)
17,166 Namoore þan myn hand may . meue wiþoute my fyngres
[aaAx](MS myn hand may > Sch may an hande; MS my > Sch
17,167 And as my fust is ful hand . yholden togideres [aaXx](MS
yholden > Sch yfolden [aaAx])
17,168 So is þe fader a ful god . formo(ur) and shapper(e)
17,168a { Tu fabricator omni(um) } [Latin]
17,169 And al þe myʒt myd hym is . in makynge of þynges [aaAx]
(CM, 36)
17,170 The fyngres formen a ful hand . to portreye or peynten
[aaaBb] (K-D, 138)
17,171 Keruynge and compasynge . as craft of þe fyngres [aaAx](MS
as > Sch is)
17,172 Right so is þe sone . þe Science of þe fader [aaAx]
17,173 And ful god as is þe fader . no febler ne no bettre
17,174 The pawme is pureliche þe hand . and haþ power by hymselue
[aaAx](MS and > Sch om.)
17,175 Oþerwise þan þe wriþen fust . or werkmanshipe of fyngres
[aabAb] ([aaAa] |w|f|w|f|; Schu, 142)
17,176 ffor he haþ power . to putte out alle þe ioyntes [xaAx](MS
he > Sch -th-e pawme; MS putte > Sch pulte; MS alle > Sch
om. [aaAx])
17,177 And to vnfolde þe folden fust . at þe fyngres wille
17,180 So is þe holy goost god . neiþer gretter ne lasse [aaAx]
17,181 Than is þe sire and þe sone . and in þe same myghte
[aaAx](MS and > Sch or) fol. 105r
17,182 And alle are þei but o god . as is myn hand and my
fyngres [aaAx]
17,183 Vnfolden or folden . my fust and my pawme [aaAx]
17,184 Al is but an hand . euere in þe myddes [aaAx]
17,186 He may receyue riʒt noʒt . reson it sheweþ [aaAx]
17,187 ffor þe fyngres þat folde sholde . and þe fust make
17,188 ffor peyne of þe pawme . power hem failleþ [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 275)
17,189 To clucche or to clawe . to clippe or to holde [aaAx]
17,190 Were þe myddel of myn hand . ymaymed or yp(er)issed
[aaAx] (Sch, 400-1)(MS yperissed > Sch ypersed)
17,191 I sholde receyue riʒt noʒt . of þat I reche myghte
17,192 Ac þouʒ my þombe and my fyngres . boþe were toshullen
[aaaXx] (|-th-|-th-|f|; K-D, 132; Du, 64) ([aaaAx] -th--liaison)
17,193 And þe myddel of myn hand . wiþoute maleese [aaAx]
(K-D, 139; K, 54)
17,194 In many kynnes maneres . I myghte myself helpe [aaAx]
17,195 Boþe meue and amende . þouʒ alle my fyngres oke [aaBb]
17,196 By þis skile me þynkeþ . I se an euidence [axAx] (Schu,
108)(MS me -th-ynke-th- > Sch he seide [aaAx])
17,197 That whoso synneþ in þe Seint Spirit . assoilled worþ
he neu(er)e [aaaAx]
17,198 Neiþ(er) here ne elliswhere . as I herde telle [aaAx]
17,198a { Qui peccat in sp(irit)u s(an)c(t)o &c } [Latin](MS
L. spiritu sancto > Sch Spiritum Sanctum)
17,199 ffor he prikeþ god as in þe pawme . þat { peccat in
sp(irit)u s(an)c(t)o }. [aa{Abb}](MS L. spiritu sancto > Spiritu[m]
17,200 ffor god þe fader is as a fust . þe sone is as a fynger
17,201 The holy goost of heuene . is as it were þe pawme
17,202 So whoso synneþ in þe Seint Spirit . it semeþ þat
he greueþ [aaaAx](MS in > Sch ayeyns)
17,203 God þat he grypeþ wiþ . and wolde his g(ra)ce quenche
17,204 And to a torche or a tapur . þe Trinite is likned
[aaAx](MS And > Sch For; MS or > Sch or to)
17,205 As wex and a weke . were twyned togideres [aaAx] (|w|w|tw|)
17,206 And þanne a fir flawmynge . forþ out of boþe [aaAx]
17,207 And as wex and weke . and hoot fir togideres [aaXx]
(cf. Schu, 141, 182)(MS hoot > Sch warm [aaAx])
17,208 ffostren forþ a flawmbe . and a fair leye [aaaAx]
17,209 So dooþ þe Sire and þe sone . and also { Sp(irit)us
S(an)c(t)us } [aaa{Aa}]
17,211 That alle kynne cristene . clenseþ of synnes [aaAx]
17,212 And as þow seest som tyme . sodeynliche a torche [aaAx]
fol. 105v
17,213 The blase þerof yblowe out . yet brenneþ þe weke [aaAx]
17,214 Wiþouten leye or light . þ(a)t þe macche brenneþ [aaXx]
(Sch, 401; cf. K-D, 94)(MS -th-at > Sch -th-at [lowe]
17,215 So is holy goost god . and g(ra)ce wiþoute m(er)cy [aaAx](MS
is > Sch is -th-e)
17,216 To alle vnkynde creatures . þat coueite to destruye
17,217 Lele loue or lif . þat oure lord shapte [aaaAx](MS
or > Sch o-th-er)
17,218 And as glowynge gledes . gladeþ noʒt þise werkmen [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 284)
17,219 That werchen and waken . in wyntres nyʒtes [aaAx]
17,220 As dooþ a kex or a candle . þat caught haþ fir and
blaseþ [aaAx] (K-D, 138)
17,221 Namoore dooþ sire ne sone . ne seint spirit togidres
[aaAx](MS togidres > Sch togideres)
17,222 Graunte no grace . ne forʒifnesse of synnes [aaAx]
(Schu, 204, 205)
17,223 Til þe holy goost gynne . to glowe and to blase [aaAx]
17,224 So þ(a)t þe holy goost . gloweþ but as a glade [xaAa]
(K-D, 113, 207; cf. R-K, 83, 92; Ok, 2: 284) ([abBab] |ho|g|g|as|g|;
Sch, 401)(MS glade > Sch glede)
17,225 Til þ(a)t lele loue . ligge on hym and blowe [aaAx]
17,226 And þanne flawmeþ he as fir . on fader and on { filius
} [aaA{a}] (CM, 42, 97)
17,227 And melteþ hire myʒt into mercy . as men may se in
wyntre [aaaAx]
17,228 Ysekeles in euesynges . þoruʒ hete of þe sonne [aaAx]
17,229 Melte in a Mynut while . to myst and to watre [aaAx](MS
Melte > Sch Melte-th-)
17,230 So g(ra)ce of þe holy goost . þe grete myʒt of þe Trinite
17,231 Melteþ to mercy . to merciable and to oþere [aaAx](MS
to > Sch to noon)
17,232 And as wex wiþouten moore . on a warm glede [aaAx]
17,233 Wol brennen and blasen . be þei togideres [aa(A)xx]
(K-D, 135; Ok, 2: 270)
17,234 And solacen hem þat mowe se . þat sitten in derknesse
[aaAx](MS mowe > Sch mowe [no-gh-t])
17,235 So wol þe fader forʒyue . folk of mylde hertes [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204)
17,236 That rufully repenten . and restitucion make [aaAx]
17,237 In as muche as þei mowen . amenden and paien [aaAx]
17,238 And if it suffise noʒt for assetʒ . þat in swich a
wille deyeþ [aaAx]
17,239 Mercy for his mekenesse . wol maken good þe remenaunt
17,240 And as þe weke and fir . wol maken a warm flaumbe
[abAb] (Sch, 401; Schu, 142)
17,241 ffor to murþen men myd . þat in þe derke sitten [aaXx](MS
myd > Sch wi-th-; derke > Sch merke [aaAx])
17,242 So wole crist of his curteisie . and men crye hym m(er)cy
[aaAx] fol. 106r
17,243 Boþe forʒyue and foryete . and ʒit bidde for vs [aaAx]
(Schu, 204; Ok, 2: 285)
17,244 To þe fader of heuene . forʒifnesse to haue [abAb]
(K-D, 113, 206; cf. Schu, 205; R-K, 92)
17,245 Ac hewe fir at a flynt . foure hundred wynter [aaAx]
(CM, 70)
17,246 But þow haue tow to take it wiþ . tonder or broches
[aaAx](MS tow > Sch tache)
17,247 Al þi labour is lost . and al þi long trauaille [aaAx]
17,248 ffor may no fir flaumbe make . faille it his kynde
17,249 So is þe holi goost god . and grace wiþouten m(er)cy
[aaAx](MS holi > Sch Holy)
17,250 To alle vnkynde creatures . crist hymself witnesseþ
17,250a { Amen dico vobis nescio vos &c } [Latin]
17,251 Be vnkynde to þyn euenec(ri)stene . and al þat þow kanst
bidde [aaAx] ([abaBa] K, 60)
17,252 Delen and do penaunce . day and nyght euere [aaAx]
17,253 And purchace al þe pardon . of Pampilon and Rome [aaAx]
17,254 And Indulgences ynowe . and be { ingratus } to þi
kynde [aa{A}x] ([aaAbb] |i|y|i-g|k|; Sch, 401)
17,255 The holy goost hereþ þee noʒt . ne helpe may þee by
reson [aaAx] (K-D, 138)
17,256 ffor vnkyndenesse quencheþ hym . þ(a)t he kan noʒt
shyne [aaAx] (|-k|qu|k|; Schu, 151)
17,257 Ne brenne ne blase clere . fo blowynge of vnkyndenesse
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 270)(MS fo > Sch for)
17,258 Poul þe Apostel . preueþ wheiþ(er) I lye [aaAx](MS
whei-th-er > Sch wher)
17,259 { Si linguis hominum loquar &c } [Latin]
17,260 fforþi beþ war ye wise men . þat wiþ þe world deleþ
17,261 That riche ben and reson knoweþ . ruleþ wel youre
soule [aaAx]
17,262 Beþ noʒt vnkynde I conseille yow . to your(e) euenecristene
17,263 ffor manye of yow riche men . by my soule men telleþ
17,264 Ye brenne but ye blase noʒt . þat is a blynd bekene
[aaAa] (Ok, 2: 270)(MS no-gh-t > Sch no-gh-t and)
17,264a { Non om(n)is qui dicit d(omi)ne d(omi)ne intrabit &c
} [Latin]
17,265 Diues deyde dampned . for his vnkyndenesse [aaaXx]
17,266 Of his mete and of his moneie . to men þat it nedede
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS of > Sch om.)
17,267 Ech a riche I rede . reward at hym take [aaAx]
17,268 And gyueþ youre good to þat god . þat grace of ariseþ
[aaaAx] (K-D, 138; Schu, 204, 205; CM, 70)
17,269 ffor þei þat ben vnkynde to hise . hope I noon ooþer
[aaAx] (K-D, 134)(MS -th-ei > Sch om.) fol. 106v
17,270 But þei dwelle þer Diues is . dayes wiþouten ende
17,271 Thus is vnkyndenesse þe cont(ra)rie . þat quencheþ as
it were [aaAx] (Schu, 151)
17,272 The g(ra)ce of þe holy goost . goddes owene kynde
17,273 ffor þat kynde dooþ vnkynde fordooþ . as þise corsede
þeues [aaAx]
17,274 Vnkynde cristene men . for coueitise and enuye [aaAx]
(K-D, 134)
17,275 Sleeþ a man for hise moebles . wiþ mouþ or w(i)t(h)
handes [aaAx]
17,276 ffor þat þe holy goost haþ to kepe . þe harlotes destruyeþ
[aaAx](MS -th-e > Sch -th-o)
17,277 The which is lif and loue . þe leye of mannes body
[aaAx] (Ok, 2:290)
17,278 ffor eu(er)y manere good . may b be likned to a torche
[ax(A)xx] (K-D, 206; Sk, 317)(MS may b > Sch man may [aa(A)xx])
17,279 Or ellis to a tapur . to reuerence þe Trinite [xaAx]
(cf. K-D, 206, 217)
17,280 And who morþereþ a good man . me þynkeþ by myn Inwit
[aa(A)xx](MS who > Sch whoso)
17,281 He fordooþ þe leuest light . þat oure lord louyeþ
17,282 And yet in manye mo maneres . men offenden þe holy goost
[aaAx](MS And > Sch Ac)
17,283 Ac þis is þe worste wise . þat any wight myghte [aaAx]
17,284 Synnen ayein þe Seint Spirit . assenten to destruye
[aaaAx] (K, 57)
17,285 ffor coueitise of any kynnes þyng . þat crist deere
bouʒte [aaAx]
17,287 That wikkedliche and wilfulliche . wolde m(er)cy aniente
17,288 Innocence is next god . and nyght and day it crieþ [aaAx]
17,289 Vengeaunce vengeaunce . forʒyue be it neuere [aaAx]
(|u|u|f|; K-D, 133; cf. Schu, 204)
17,290 That shente vs and shedde oure blood . forshapte vs
as it were [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 99)(MS were > Sch semed)
17,290a { Vindica sanguinem iustor(um) } [Latin]
17,291 Thus vengeaunce vengeaunce . verrey charite askeþ [aaAx]
17,292 And siþ holy chirche and charite . chargeþ þis so
soore [aaAx]
17,293 Leue I neu(er)e þ(a)t oure lord . wol loue þat charite
lakkeþ [aaaXa] (cf. K-D, 126; R-K, 90)
17,294 Ne haue pite for any preiere . þer þ(a)t he pleyneþ
[aaXa] (Sch, 401; CM, 70)(MS -th-er -th-a-th-e pleyne-th- > Sch
[-th-a-th-e pleyne-th- -th-ere] [aaAx])
17,295 I pose I hadde synned so . and sholde now deye [aaAx]
17,296 And now am I sory þ(a)t I so . þe Seint Spirit agulte
[aaAx](MS I > Sch om.)
17,297 Confesse me and crye his g(ra)ce . god þat al made
[aaaAx] (|c|c|g|g|; Schu, 131; Sch, 401; cf. K-D, 113, 206;
R-K, 92)
17,298 And myldeliche his m(er)cy aske . myghte I noʒt be saued [aaAx] fol. 107r
17,299 Ӡis seide þe Samaritan . so wel þow myght repente [aa(A)xx]
(cf. K-D, 217)(MS wel > Sch om.; MS my-gh-t > Sch my-gh-test)
17,300 That rightwisnesse þoruʒ repentaunce . to ruþe myʒte
turne [aaAx]
17,301 Ac it is but selden yseiʒe . þer sooþnesse bereþ witnesse
17,302 Any creature þat is coupable . afore a kynges Iustice
[aaAx](MS -th-at is > Sch be; MS afore > Sch bifore)
17,303 Be raunsoned for his repentaunce . þer alle reson
hym dampneþ [aaAx]
17,304 ffor þer þ(a)t p(ar)tie pursueþ . þe peple is so huge
[aaAx](MS peple > Sch peel)
17,305 That þe kyng may do no m(er)cy . til boþe men acorde
17,306 And eyþer haue equyte . as holy writ telleþ [aaAx](MS
equyte > Sch equite)
17,306a { Nu(m)q(ua)m dimittitur peccatum &c } [Latin]
17,307 Thus it fareþ by swich folk . þat falsly al hire lyues
[aaAx] (cf. R-K, 90)
17,308 Yuele lyuen and leten noʒt . til lif hem forsake [aaAx]
17,311 Good hope þat helpe sholde . to wanhope torneþ [aaAx]
(cf. K, 52)
17,312 Noght of þe nounpower of god . þ(a)t he ne is myghtful
[aaAx] (K, 54)
17,313 To amende al þ(a)t amys is . and his m(er)cy gretter
17,314 Than alle oure wikkede werkes . as holy writ telleþ
[aaAx](MS -th-an > Sch -th-anne; MS oure > Sch our)
17,314a { Misericordia eius sup(er) omnia opera eius } [Latin]
17,315 Ac er his rightwisnesse to ruþe torne . som restitucion
bihoueþ [aaAx]
17,316 His sorwe is satisfaccion . for hym þat may noʒt paie
[aaXx] (cf. K-D, 152)(MS hym > Sch [swich] [aaAx])
17,317 Thre þynges þer ben . þat doon a man by strengþe [aaXx]
17,318 ffor to fleen his owene . as holy writ sheweþ [xaAx](MS
owene > Sch owene hous [xaaAx])
17,319 That oon is a wikkede wif . þat wol noʒt be chastised
[aa(A)xx](MS chastised > Sch chasted)
17,320 Hir feere fleeþ fro hire . for feere of hir tonge
[aaAx](MS fro > Sch om.)
17,321 And if his hous be vnhiled . and reyne on his bedde
17,322 He sekeþ and sekeþ . til he slepe drye [aaAx]
17,323 And whan smoke and smolder . smyt in his sighte [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 302)
17,324 It dooþ hym worse þan his wif . or wete to slepe [aaAx]
(K-D, 138)
17,325 ffor smoke and smolder . smyteþ in hise eighen [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 302)(MS smyte-th- in > Sch smerte-th-)
17,326 Til he be bler eighed or blynde . and hoors in þe þrote
[aaXx] (Sch, 401; cf. K-D, 152)(MS hoors > Sch [-th-e
borre] fol. 107v
17,327 Cogheþ and curseþ . þat crist gyue hym sorwe [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204, 205)
17,328 That sholde brynge in bettre wode . or blowe it til
it brende [aaAa]
17,329 Thise þre þat I telle of . ben þus to vnderstonde [aaxAx](MS
ben > Sch om.; MS to > Sch ben)
17,330 The wif is oure wikked flessh . þat wol noʒt be chastised
[aa(A)xx](MS -th-at > Sch om.; MS chastised > Sch chasted)
17,331 ffor kynde clyueþ on hym eu(er)e . to cont(ra)rie
þe soule [aaAx]
17,332 And þouʒ it falle it fynt skiles . þ(a)t frelete it
made [aaAx]
17,333 And þat is lightly forʒyuen . and forʒeten boþe [aaAx]
(|-th-|f|f|; K-D, 132; Schu, 204)
17,334 To man þat mercy askeþ . and amende þenkeþ [aaAx]
17,335 The reyn þat reyneþ . þer we reste sholde [aaAx]
17,336 Ben siknesse and sorwes . þat we suffren ofte [aaAx]
(OK,2: 301)(MS siknesse > Sch siknesses; MS and > Sch
and o-th-ere; MS ofte > Sch ou-gh-te)
17,337 As Poul þe Apostle . to þe peple tauʒte [aaAx]
17,337a { Virtus in infirmitate p(er)ficitur &c } [Latin]
17,338 And þouʒ þ(a)t men make . muche doel in hir angre [aaAx]
17,339 And ben inpacient in hir penaunce . pure reson knoweþ
17,340 That þei han cause to cont(ra)rie . by kynde of hir
siknesse [aaAx]
17,341 And lightliche oure lord . at hir lyues ende [aaAx]
17,342 Haþ mercy on swiche men . þat so yuele may suffre
[aaBb] (K-D, 135)
17,343 Ac þe smoke and þe smolder . þat smyt in oure eighen
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 302)
17,344 That is coueitise and vnkyndenesse . þat quencheþ
goddes m(er)cy [aaAx] (|c|-k|qu|; Schu, 151)
17,345 ffor vnkyndenesse . is þe cont(ra)rie . of alle kynnes
reson [aaAx] (cf. Sk, 321)
17,346 ffor þer nys sik ne sory . ne noon so muche wrecche
[aa(A)xx] (K, 55; Ok, 2: 301)
17,347 That he ne may louye and hym like . and lene of his
herte [aaAx]
17,348 Good wille and good word . and wisshen and willen
[aaAa] (Ok, 2: 311)(MS and > Sch bo-th-e; MS willen > Sch
17,349 Alle man(er)e men . mercy and forʒifnesse [aaAx] (cf.
Schu, 205)
17,350 And louye hem lik hymself . and his lif amende [aaAx]
17,351 I may no lenger lette quod he . and lyard he prikede
17,352 And wente awey as wynd . and þerwiþ I awakede [aaaAa]
Passus xviij(us) &c et iij(us) de dobet (PASSUS XVIII)
18,1 Wolleward and weetshoed . wente I forþ after [aaAx]
([aaaAx]) fol. 108r
18,2 As a recchelees renk . þat of no wo roughte [aaXa] (K-D,
125, 139, 180; cf. R-K, 90)(MS rou-gh-te > Sch recche-th-)
18,3 And yede forþ lik a lorel . al my lif tyme [aaAx]
18,4 Til I weex wery of þe world . and wilned eft to slepe
18,5 And lened me to a lenten . and longe tyme I slepte [aaAx]
18,9 And of cristes passion and penaunce . þe peple þat ofrauʒte
[aaAx] (K-D, 138)
18,6 Reste me þere and rutte faste . til { Ramis palmar(um)
} [aa{Ax}]
18,7 Of gerlis and of { Gloria laus } . gretly me dremed
18,8 And how { osanna } by . organye . olde folk songen [{a}aAx]
(cf. Sk, 322)(MS organye > Sch orgene)
18,10 Oon semblable to þe Samaritan . and somdeel to Piers
þe Plow (cropped) [aaAbb] (CM, 71, 72)(MS Plow > Sch Plowman)
18,11 Barefoot on an asse bak . bootles cam prikye [aaAx]
18,12 Wiþouten spores oþer spere . spakliche he lokede [aaAx]
(cf. Ok, 2: 178, 303)(MS spakliche > Sch sprakliche; MS
lokede > Sch loked)
18,13 As is þe kynde of a knyght . þat comeþ to be dubbed
18,14 To geten hym gilte spores . or galoches ycouped [aaAx]
18,15 Thanne was feiþ in a fenestre . and cryde a { fili dauid
} [aa{Ax}]
18,16 As dooþ an heraud of armes . whan Auentrous comeþ to
Iustes [aaAx]
18,17 Olde Iewes of Ierusalem . for ioye þei songen [aaAx]
18,17a { Benedictus qui venit in no(m)i(n)e d(omi)ni } [Latin]
18,18 Thanne I frayned at ffeiþ . what al þat fare bymente
18,19 And who sholde Iuste in Ierusalem. . Ih(es)us he seide
18,20 And fecche þat þe fend claymeþ . Piers fruyt þe Plowman
18,21 Is Piers in þis place quod I . and he preynte on me [aaAx]
18,22 This Ih(es)us of his gentries . wol Iuste in Piers
armes [aaAx]
18,23 In his helm and in his haubergeon . { humana natura
} [aa{Ax}]
18,24 That Crist be noʒt biknowe here . for { consu(m)matus
Deus } [aa{Ax}]
18,25 In Piers paltok þe Plowman . þis prikier(e) shal ryde
18,26 ffor no dynt shal hym dere . as { in deitate Patris
} [aa{Ax}] (Ok, 2: 278)
18,27 Who shal Iuste wiþ Ih(es)us quod I . Iewes or scrybes [aaAx]
18,28 Nay quod he þe foule fend . and fals doom and deeþ [aaAbb]
(CM, 37)(MS he -th-e foule > Sch Fei-th- but -th-e; MS
and dee-th- > Sch to deye) fol. 108v
18,29 Deeþ seiþ he shal fordo . and adoun brynge [aaAx]
18,30 Al þat lyueþ and lokeþ . in londe and in watre [aaAx](MS
and > Sch or; MS and > Sch or)
18,31 Lif seiþ þ(a)t he lieþ . and leieþ his lif to wedde [aaAa]
18,32 That for al þat deeþ kan do . wiþInne þre daies [aaAx]
([aaXa] K-D, 94)(MS daies > Sch daies to walke)
18,33 To walke and fecche fro þe fend . Piers fruyt þe Plowman
[aaBab](MS To walke > Sch om.)
18,34 And legge it þer hym likeþ . and Lucifer bynde [aaAx]
18,35 And forbete and adoun brynge . bale deeþ for eu(er)e
[aaAx](MS forbete > Sch forbite)
18,35a { O Mors ero mors tua } [Latin] ([{aaXa}])(MS L. ero
mors tua > Sch mors tua ero [ero morsus])
18,36 Thanne cam { Pilatus } w(i)t(h) muche peple . { sedens
pro tribunali } [{a}a{Ax}]
18,37 To se how doghtiliche deeþ sholde do . and deme hir
boþeres right [aaaAx](MS ri-gh-t > Sch ri-gh-te)
18,38 The Iewes and þe Iustice . ayeins Ih(es)u þei weere [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206)
18,39 And al þe court on hym cryde . { crucifige } sharpe
[aa{A}x] (cf. R-K, 96)
18,40 Tho putte hym forþ a pilour . bifore Pilat and seide
[aaAx](MS pilour > Sch p[e]lour)
18,41 This Ih(es)us of oure Iewes temple . haþ Iaped and
despised [aaAx](MS ha-th- > Sch om.)
18,42 To fordoon it on o day . and in þre dayes after [aaAx]
18,43 Edifie it eft newe . here he stant þat seide it [aaAbb]
18,44 And ʒit maken it as muche . in alle manere poyntes
18,45 Boþe as long and as large . bi lofte and by grounde
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 288)(MS bi > Sch a)
18,46 { Crucifige } quod a cachepol . I warante hym a wicche [{a}aBb]
18,47 { Tolle tolle } quod anoþer . and took of kene þornes
18,48 And bigan of kene þorn . a garland to make [aaAx] (|-g|k|g|;
Schu, 131; CM, 41)
18,49 And sette it sore on his heed . and seide in enuye
18,50 { Aue raby } quod þat rybaud . and þrew reedes at hym
[{a}aAx] (CM, 71)(MS rybaud > Sch ribaud)
18,51 Nailed hym w(i)t(h) þre nailes . naked on þe roode
18,52 And poison on a poole . þei putte vp to hise lippes
18,53 And beden hym drynken his deeþ yuel . hise dayes were
ydone [aaAx]
18,54 And if þ(a)t þow sotil be . help now þiselue [xaXa]
(K-D, 139, 182; Sch, 402)(MS And > Sch And [seiden] [aaXa])
18,55 If þow be crist and kynges sone . come down of þe roode
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 159)
18,56 Thanne shul we leue þ(a)t lif þee loueþ . and wol noʒt lete þee deye [aaaAx] fol. 109r
18,57 { Consu(m)matu(m) est } quod crist . and comsede for
to swoune [{a}aAx]
18,58 Pitousliche and pale . as a prison þat deieþ [aaAx]
18,59 The lord of lif and of light . þo leide hise eighen
togideres [aaaAx] ([aaaAxx] CM, 30; Ok, 2: 291)
18,60 The day for drede wiþdrouʒ . and derk bicam þe sonne
18,61 The wal waggede and cleef . and al þe world quaued
[aaxAx] (cf. CM, 78)
18,62 Dede men for þat dene . come out of depe graues [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 78)
18,63 And tolde why þat tempeste . so longe tyme durede [aaAx]
18,64 ffor a bitter bataille . þe dede body seide [aaAx]
18,65 Lif and deeþ in þis derknesse . hir oon fordooþ hir
ooþer [aaAx]
18,66 Shal no wight wite witterly . who shal haue þe maistrie
18,67 Er sonday aboute sonne risyng . and sank wiþ þat til
erþe [aaAx]
18,68 Some seide þat he was goddes sone . þat so faire deide
[aaa(A)xx](MS deide > Sch deyde)
18,68a { Vere filius dei erat iste } [Latin]
18,69 And some seide he was a wicche . good is þ(a)t we assaye
[aaxXa] (K-D, 135)
18,70 Wher he be deed or noʒt deed . doun er he be taken
18,71 Two þeues also . þoled deeþ þat tyme [xaAa] (K-D, 116)
18,72 Vpon a croos bisides crist . so was þe comune lawe
18,73 A Cachepol cam forþ . and craked boþe hir legges [aaAx]
18,74 And þe armes after . of eiþer of þo þeues [aaAx](MS
-th-e > Sch hir)
18,75 Ac was no body so boold . goddes body to touche [aaAx](MS
body > Sch boy)
18,76 ffor he was knyʒt and kynges sone . kynde foryaf þat
tyme [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 204)(MS tyme > Sch -th-rowe)
18,77 That noon harlot were so hardy . to leyen hond vpon
hym [aaAx]
18,78 Ac þer cam forþ a knyʒt . wiþ a kene spere ygrounde [aaAx]
(K-D, 138)
18,79 Highte Longeus as þe lettre telleþ . and longe hadde
lore his sight [aaAa](MS si-gh-t > Sch si-gh-te)
18,80 Bifore Pilat and ooþ(er) peple . in þe place he houed
[aaAx](MS Bifore > Sch Before)
18,81 Maugree his manye teeþ . he was maad þat tyme [aaAx]
18,82 To take þe spere in his hond . and Iusten wiþ Ih(es)us
[xxAa] (cf. K-D, 94; Sch, 402)(MS take -th-e spere in his
hond and Iusten wi-th- Iesus > Sch [Iusten wi-th- Iesus
-th-is blynde Iew Longeus] [aaAx])
18,83 ffor alle þei were vnhardy . þat houed on horse or
stode [aaAa]
18,84 To touchen hym or to tasten hym . or taken doun of
roode [aaAx]
18,85 But þis blynde bacheler . baar hym þoruʒ þe herte [aaAx](MS
bacheler > Sch bacheler -th-at) fol. 109v
18,86 The blood sprong doun by þe spere . and vnspered þe
knyʒtes eiʒen [aaAx] (cf. CM, 125)
18,87 Thanne fil þe knyʒt vpon knees . and cryde hym m(er)cy
[aaAx](MS hym > Sch Iesu)
18,88 Ayein my wille it was lord . to wownde yow so soore
18,89 He sighed and seide . soore it me aþynkeþ [aaAx]
18,90 ffor þe dede þat I haue doon . I do me in youre g(ra)ce
18,91 Haue on me ruþe riʒtful Ih(es)u . and riʒt wiþ þat
he wepte [aaAx] (cf. CM, 125)
18,92 Thanne gan ffeiþ felly . þe false Iewes despise [aaAx]
18,93 Callede hem caytyues . acorsed for euere [aaAx]
18,94 ffor þis foule vileynye . vengeaunce to yow falle [aaAa]
(|f|u|u|f|; Schu, 65)(MS falle > Sch alle [aaAx])
18,95 To do þe blynde bete hym ybounde . it was a boyes counseille
18,96 Cursede caytif . knyghthood was it neu(er)e [aaAx](MS
caytif > Sch caytyues)
18,97 To mysdo a deed body . by daye or by nyʒte [aaAx]
18,98 The gree ʒit haþ he geten . for al his grete wounde
18,99 ffor youre champion chiualer . chief knyʒt of yow alle
18,100 Ӡilt hym recreaunt rennyng . riʒt at Ih(es)us wille
18,101 ffor be þis derknesse ydo . his deeþ worþ avenged
[aaAx](MS his > Sch om.; auenged > Sch yuenquisshed)
18,102 And ye lurdaynes han ylost . for lif shal haue þe
maistrye [aaAx]
18,103 And your(e) fraunchise þat fre was . fallen is in
þraldom [aaAx](MS fraunchise > Sch fraunchyse)
18,104 And ye cherles and your(e) children . cheue shulle
neu(er)e [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 273)(MS shulle > Sch shulle ye)
18,105 To haue lordshipe in londe . ne no lond tilye [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 292)(MS To > Sch Ne)
18,106 But al barayne be . and vsurie vsen [aaBb]
18,107 Which is lif þ(a)t oure lord . in alle lawes acurseþ
[aaAx] (cf. K, 51)
18,108 Now youre goode dayes arn doon . as Daniel p(ro)phecied
18,109 Whan crist cam of hir kyngdom . þe crowne sholde cesse
[aaaAx](MS of > Sch om.; MS cesse > Sch lese)
18,109a { Cum veniat s(an)c(t)us s(an)c(t)or(um) cessabit
vnxio v(est)ra } [Latin] ([{aaAx}])
18,110 What for feere of þis ferly . and of þe false Iewes
18,111 I drow me in þat derknesse . to { Descendit ad inferna
} [aa{Ax}]
18,112 And þere I sauʒ sooþly . { secundum scripturas } [aa{Aa}]
18,113 Out of þe west coste . a wenche as me þouʒte [axAx]
(K-D, 125, 199)
18,114 Cam walkynge in þe wey . to helleward she loked [aaAx]
(CM, 42; Ok, 2: 308) fol. 110r
18,115 Mercy highte þat mayde . a meke þyng wiþ alle [aaAx]
18,116 A ful benigne burde . and Buxom of speche [aaAx]
18,117 Hir suster as it semed . cam sooþly walkynge [aaAx](MS
smoo-th-ly > Sch softely)
18,118 Euene out of þe Est . and westward she lokede [aaAx]
18,119 A ful comely creature . truþe she highte [aaXx] (Sch,
402; cf. K-D, 94)(MS creature > Sch creature [and a clene]
18,120 ffor þe v(er)tue þat hire folwede . afered was she
neu(er)e [aaAx] (|u|f|-f|; Schu, 65)
18,121 Whan þise maydenes mette . mercy and truþe [aaAx]
18,122 Eiþer asked ooþer . of þis grete wonder [aaaXx]
18,123 Of þe dyn and of þe derknesse . and how þe day rowed
18,124 And which a light and a leme . lay bifore helle [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 289)
18,125 Ich haue ferly of þis fare . in feiþ seide truþe [aaAx]
18,126 And am wendynge to wite . what þis wonder meneþ [aaAx]
18,127 Haue no m(er)ueille quod m(er)cy . murþe it bitokneþ
18,128 A maiden þat highte Marie . and moder wiþouten felyng
18,129 Of any kynnes creature . conceyued þoruʒ speche [aaAx](MS
kynnes > Sch kynde)
18,130 And grace of þe holy goost . weex greet wiþ childe
18,131 Wiþouten wem . into þis world she broʒte hym [aaAx]
18,132 And þ(a)t my tale be trewe . I take god to witnesse
18,133 Siþ þis barn was ybore . ben xxxti wynter passed [aa(A)xx]
([aaXa] |b|-b|p|; Schu, 124; Ok, 2: 268)
18,134 Which deide and deeþ þoled . þis day aboute mydday
18,135 And þat is cause of þis clips . þat closeþ now þe
sonne [aaAx]
18,136 In menynge þ(a)t man shal . fro merknesse be drawe
18,137 The while þis light and þis leme . shal Lucifer ablende
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 289)
18,138 ffor patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . han p(re)ched herof
ofte [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)(MS ofte > Sch often)
18,139 That man shal man saue . þoruʒ a maydenes helpe [aaAx]
18,140 And þat was tynt þoruʒ tree . tree shal it wynne [aaAx]
18,141 And þat deeþ adown brouʒte . deeþ shal releue [aaAx](MS
adown > Sch down)
18,142 That þow tellest quod Truþe . is but a tale of waltrot [aaAx]
18,143 ffor Adam and Eue . and Abraham wiþ oþ(er)e [aaAx] fol.
18,144 Patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . þat in peyne liggen [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 296)
18,145 Leue þow neu(er)e þ(a)t yon light . hem alofte brynge
18,146 Ne haue hem out of helle . hold þi tonge mercy [aaaAx]
18,147 It is but a trufle þ(a)t þow tellest . I truþe woot
þe soþe [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS a > Sch om.)
18,148 ffor he þat is ones in helle . out comeþ he neu(er)e
[aaAx](MS he(1) > Sch om.; MS he(2) > Sch om.)
18,149 Iob þe p(ro)phete patriark . repreueþ þi sawes [aaAx]
18,149a { Quia in Inferno nulla est redempcio } [Latin]
18,150 Thanne M(er)cy ful myldely . mouþed þise wordes [aaAx]
18,151 Thoruʒ exp(er)ience quod she . I hope þei shul be
saued [axAx] (Sch, 402; CM, 42)(MS she > Sch he[o]
18,152 ffor venym fordooþ venym . and þat preue I by reson
[aaaXx] (|u|f|u|)(MS preue I > Sch I preue)
18,153 ffor of alle venymes . foulest is þe scorpion [aaAx]
(|f|u|f|; K-D, 133; Schu, 65)
18,154 May no medicyne helpe . þe place þer he styngeþ [aaXx]
(Sch, 402) ([aaXx] cf. K-D, 94)(MS helpe > Sch [amende]
18,155 Til he be deed and do þ(er)to . þe yuel he destruyeþ
[aaAx] (K-D, 139)
18,156 The firste venymouste . þoruʒ venym of hymselue [aaAx]
(|f|u|u|; Schu, 65)(MS uenym > Sch uertu)
18,157 So shal þis deeþ fordo . I dar my lif legge [aa(A)bb]
18,158 Al þat deeþ fordide first . þoruʒ þe deueles entisyng
[aaAx](MS Al > Sch All; MS fordide > Sch dide)
18,159 And riʒt as þoruʒ gile . man was bigiled [xaXa] (K-D,
94; Sch, 402; CM, 39)(MS -th-oru-gh- > Sch -th-oru-gh-
[gilours]; MS man was bigiled > Sch [bigiled was man formest]
18,160 So shal g(ra)ce þat bigan . make a good sleighte [abaAb]
(CM, 63)(MS -th-at > Sch -th-at al; MS slei-gh-te > Sch
18,161a { Ars vt artem falleret } [Latin]
18,162 Now suffre we seide Truþe . I se as me þynkeþ [aaAx]
18,163 Out of þe nyppe of þe North . noʒt ful fer hennes
18,164 Rightwisnesse come rennynge . reste we þe while [aaAx]
18,165 ffor he woot moore þan we . he was er we boþe [aaAx](MS
he(1) > Sch he[o]; MS he(2) > Sch he[o])
18,166 That is sooþ seide Mercy . and I se here by Sowþe [aaAa]
18,167 Where pees comeþ pleyinge . in pacience ycloþed [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 199)(MS pees come-th- > Sch come-th- Pees)
18,168 Loue haþ coueited hire longe . leue I noon ooþer [axaAx]
18,169 But he sente hire som lettre . what þis light bymeneþ
[xaAx] (cf. K-D, 94)(MS he > Sch Loue [aaAx])
18,170 That ouerhoueþ helle þus . she vs shal telle [aaXx]
(cf. CM, 76)(MS she > Sch he[o] [aaAx])
18,171 Whan Pees in Pacience ycloþed . app(ro)ched ner hem
tweyne [aaAx] fol. 111r
18,172 Rightwisnesse hire reu(er)enced . by hir riche cloþyng
[aaAx](MS by > Sch for)
18,173 And preide pees to telle hire . to what place she
wolde [aaAx]
18,174 And in hire gaye garnementʒ . whom she grete þouʒte
18,175 My wil is to wende quod she . and welcome hem alle [aaAx]
18,176 That many day myʒte I noʒt se . for merknesse of synne
18,177 Adam and Eue . and oþere mo in helle [aaAa]
18,178 Moyses and many mo . mercy shul haue [aaaAx] (cf.
K-D, 208)
18,179 And I shal daunce þerto . do þow so suster [aaAx]
(|d|-t|d|; Schu, 127) ([xaAx] K-D, 113, 206; cf. R-K, 92)
18,180 ffor Ih(es)us Iustede wel . Ioye bigynneþ dawe [aaAx]
18,180a { Ad vesperum demorabitur fletus & ad matutinu(m)
Leticia } [Latin]
18,181 Loue þat is my lemman . swiche lettres me sente [aaAx](MS
letters > Sch letters he)
18,182 That mercy my suster and I . mankynde sholde saue
[abAb] (K-D, 135)
18,183 And þat god haþ forgyuen . and graunted me pees & m(er)cy
[aaAx] (Schu, 203)
18,184 To be mannes meynp(er)no(ur) . for eueremoore after
18,185 Lo here þe patente quod Pees . { In pace in idip(su)m
} [aa{Ax}]
18,186 And þ(a)t þis dede shal dure . { dormiam & requiescam
} [aa{Ax}]
18,187 What rauestow quod Rightwisnesse . or þow art right
dronke [aaAx]
18,188 Leuestow þ(a)t yond light . vnlouke myʒte helle [aaAx]
18,189 And saue mannes soule . suster wene it neu(er)e [aaAx]
18,190 ffor god þe bigynner(e) . gaf þe doom hymselue [aaAx]
(Schu, 203)(MS For god -th-e bigynnere > Sch At -th-e
bigynnyng God)
18,191 That Adam and Eue . and alle þat hem suwede [aaAx]
18,192 Sholden deye downrighte . and dwelle in pyne after
[aaAx](MS pyne > Sch peyne)
18,193 If þ(a)t þei touchede a tree . and þe fruyt eten [aaXx]
(K-D, 161; cf. R-K, 112) ([aaxAa] uocalic staues |i|a|o|e|;
Sch, 403)(MS and > Sch and of)
18,194 Adam afterward . ayeins his defence [aaAx] (Schu, 158)
18,195 ffreet of þat fruyt . and forsook as it were [aaAx]
(CM, 71; Ok, 2: 283)
18,196 The loue of oure lord . and his loore boþe [aaAx]
18,197 And folwede þat þe fend tauʒte . and his felawes wille
18,198 Ayeins Reson and rightwisnesse . recorde þus wiþ truþe
[aaAx] (Sch, 403)(MS and > Sch I)
18,199 That hir peyne be p(er)petuel . and no preiere hem
helpe [aaAx]
18,200 fforþi lat hem chewe as þei chosen . and chide we noʒt
sustres [aaAx] fol. 111v
18,201 ffor it is botelees bale . þe byte þat þei eten [aaAx]
18,202 And I shal preue quod Pees . hir peyne moot haue ende
[aaAx](MS preue > Sch preie)
18,203 And from wo into wele . mowe wenden at þe laste [aaAx](MS
from > Sch om.)
18,204 ffor hadde þei wist of no wo . wele hadde þei noʒt
knowen [aaAx]
18,205 ffor no wight woot what wele is . þat neu(er)e wo
suffrede [aaaAx]
18,206 Ne what is hoot hunger . þat hadde neu(er)e defaute
18,207 If no nyʒt ne weere . no man as I leeue [aaAx](MS leeue > Sch
18,208 Sholde neu(er)e wite witterly . what day is to meene
[aa(A)xx] (cf. K-D, 217; Du, 59)(MS neuere > Sch om.)
18,209 Sholde neu(er)e riʒt riche man . þat lyueþ in reste
and ese [aaAx]
18,210 Wite what wo is . ne were þe deeþ of kynde [aa(A)xx]
(K-D, 135; Du, 59)
18,211 So god þat bigan al . of his goode wille [aaAx]
18,212 Bicam man of a mayde . mankynde to saue [aaAx] (K-D,
18,213 And suffrede to be sold . to se þe sorwe of deying
18,214 The which vnknytteþ alle care . and comsynge is of
reste [aaAx]
18,215 ffor til { modicum } mete w(i)t(h) vs . I may it wel
auowe [{a}aAx]
18,216 Woot no wight as I wene . what ynogh is to mene [aaa(A)xx]
(cf. CM, 76)(MS yno-gh- is > Sch is yno-gh-)
18,217 fforþi god of his goodnesse . þe firste gome Adam [aaAx]
18,218 Sette hym in solace . and in souereyn murþe [aaAx]
18,219 And siþþe he suffred hym synne . sorwe to feele [aaaAx]
18,220 To wite what wele was . kyndeliche and knowe it [aaaBb]
(Du, 62)
18,221 And after god auntrede hymself . and took Adames kynde
18,222 To wite what he haþ suffred . in þre sondry places
[xaAx] (K-D, 113, 206; cf. R-K, 92; Du, 63)
18,223 Boþe in heuene and in erþe . and now til helle he
þenkeþ [aaAx]
18,224 To wite what alle wo is . and what is alle ioye [aaXx]
(CM, 69)(MS and what is > Sch -th-at woot of [aaAx])
18,225 So it shal fare by þis folk . hir folie and hir synne
18,226 Shal lere hem what langour is . and lisse wiþouten
ende [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 288)
18,227 Woot no wight what werre is . þer þat pees regneþ
[aaaXx] (Du, 62)
18,228 Ne what is witterly wele . til weylawey hym teche
18,229 Thanne was þer a wight . wiþ two brode eiʒen [xa(A)xx]
(Du, 59) fol. 112r
18,230 Book highte þat beaupeere . a bold man of speche [aaAx]
18,231 By goddes body quod þis book . I wol bere witnesse
18,232 That þo þis barn was ybore . þer blased a sterre [aaAx]
(CM, 70; Ok, 2: 268)
18,233 That alle þe wise of þis world . in o wit acorden
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 311)(MS acorden > Sch acordeden)
18,234 That swich a barn was ybore . in Bethleem þe Citee
[aaAx] (CM, 70; Ok, 2: 268)
18,235 That mannes soule sholde saue . and synne destroye
18,236 And alle þe elementʒ quod þe book . herof beren witnesse
18,237 That he was god þat al wroʒte . þe wolkne first shewed
[xaAx] (cf. R-K, 93)
18,238 Tho þat weren in heuene . token { Stella cometa } [axAx]
(t-liaison; Sch, 403) ([aaXx] |-th-|-th-|; K-D, 113, 207)(MS
L. cometa > Sch comata)
18,239 And tendeden it as a torche . to reuerencen his burþe
[aaXx] ([aa(A)xx] Du, 59, cf. 64)(MS it > Sch hire)
18,240 The light folwede þe lord . into þe lowe erþe [aaAx]
18,241 The water witnessed þ(a)t he was god . for he wente
on it [aaxAx]
18,242 Peter þe Apostel . parceyued his gate [aaAx]
18,243 And as he wente on þe water . wel hym knew and seide
[aaAx] (Du, 59)
18,244 { Iube me venire ad te sup(er) aquas } [Latin]
18,245 And lo how þe sonne gan louke . hire light in hirselue
18,246 Whan she seiʒ hym suffre . þat sonne and see made
18,247 The erþe for heuynesse . þ(a)t he wolde suffre [aa(A)xx]
(K-D, 135)
18,248 Quaked as quyk þyng . and al biquasshed þe roche [aaAx]
(Schu, 151)(MS biquasshed > Sch biquasshe)
18,249 Lo helle myʒte nat holde . but opnede þo god þolede
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 75)
18,250 And leet out Symondes sones . to seen hym hange on
roode [aaAx]
18,251 And now shal Lucifer leue it . þouʒ hym looþ þynke
18,252 ffor { gigas } þe geaunt . wiþ a gyn haþ engyned [{a}aAx]
(Du, 48)(MS ha-th- > Sch om.)
18,253 To breke and to bete adoun . þat ben ayeins Ih(es)us
[aaAx] (Du, 48) ([aa(A)xx] cf. Schu, 206)
18,254 And I book wole be brent . but Ih(es)us rise to lyue
[aa(A)xx] (Du, 59)
18,255 In alle myʒtes of man . and his moder gladie [aaAx]
18,256 And conforte al his kyn . and out of care brynge [aaAx]
18,257 And al þe Iewene Ioye . vnioynen and vnlouken [aaAx]
18,258 And but þei reu(er)ensen his roode . and his Resurexion
[aaAx] (K-D, 139) fol. 112v
18,259 And bileue on a newe lawe . be lost lif and soule
18,260 Suffre we seide truþe . I here and see boþe [aaAx]
18,261 How a spirit spekeþ to helle . and biddeþ vnspere
þe yates [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS How > Sch om.;
MS bidde-th- > Sch bit)
18,261a { Attollite portas &c } [Latin](MS L. Attollite > Sch
18,262 A vois loude in þat light . to lucifer crieþ [aaAx]
18,263 Prynces of þis place . vnpynneþ and vnloukeþ [aaAx]
18,264 ffor here comeþ wiþ crowne . þat kyng is of glorie
18,265 Thanne sikede Sathan . and seide to hem alle [aaAx](MS
hem alle > Sch Helle)
18,266 Swich a light ayeins oure leue . laʒar out fette [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 206)(MS out > Sch it)
18,267 Care and encombraunce . is comen to vs alle [aaAx](MS
encombraunce > Sch combraunce)
18,268 If þis kyng come In . mankynde wole he fecche [aaAx]
18,269 And lede it þer hym likeþ . and lightliche me bynde
[aaAx](MS hym like-th- > Sch Lazar is)
18,270 Patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . han parled herof longe
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 296)
18,271 That swich a lord and light . sholde lede hem alle
hennes [aaAx](MS and > Sch and a)
18,272 Listneþ quod lucifer . for I þis lord knowe [aaAx]
18,273 Boþ þis lord and þis light . is longe ago I knew hym
18,274 May no deeþ hym dere . ne no deueles queyntise [aaAx](MS
hym > Sch -th-is lord)
18,275 And where he wole is his wey . ac ware hym of þe p(er)ils
18,276 If he reueþ me my riʒt . he robbeþ me by maistrie
[aaAx](MS reue-th- > Sch reue; MS me > Sch me of)
18,277 ffor by right and by reson . þe renkes þat ben here
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 298)
18,278 Body and soule beþ myne . boþe goode and ille [aa(A)xx]
(Du, 59)
18,279 ffor hymself seide . þat sire is of heuene [aaAx]
18,280 If Adam ete þe Appul . alle sholde deye [aaaAx](MS
If > Sch -th-at if)
18,281 And dwelle wi-th- vs deueles . þis þretynge he made
[aaXx] (cf. K-D, 197; Du, 63)(MS dwelle > Sch dwelle [in
deol] [aaaXx])
18,282 And he þat Sooþnesse is . seide þise wordes [xaAx]
(K-D, 199; Sch, 403; Du, 63)(MS And > Sch And [si-th-en]
18,283 And siþen I seised . Seuene hundred wynter [aaAx](MS
si-th-en I > Sch I si-th-en; MS seised > Sch iseised;
MS seuene > Sch seuen[ty])
18,284 I leeue þ(a)t lawe nyl noʒt . lete hym þe leeste [aaAa]
18,285 That is sooþ seide Sathan . but I me soore drede [aaAx]
18,286 ffor þow gete hem wiþ gile . and his Gardyn breke [aaAx]
fol. 113r
18,287 And in semblaunce of a serpent . sete vp on þe Appultree
[aaAx](MS up > Sch om.)
18,288 And eggedest hem to ete . Eue by hirselue [aaAx]
18,289 And toldest hire a tale . of treson were þe wordes
18,290 And so þou haddest hem out . and hider at þe laste
18,291 It is noʒt graiþly geten . þer gile is þe roote [aaAx]
18,292 ffor god wol noʒt be bigiled . quod Gobelyn ne byiaped
[aaAx] (Sch, 381)
18,293 We haue no trewe title to hem . for þoruʒ treson were
þei dampned [aaAx] (Du, 46)
18,294 Certes I drede me quod þe deuel . lest truþe wol hem
fecche [aaAx] (|d|d|t|; Sch, 403; CM, 40; Schu, 127) ([aaXx]
K-D, 113, 206; cf. R-K, 92; Du, 63)
18,295 Thise þritty wynter as I wene . haþ he gon and p(re)ched
[aaXx] (Du, 63)(MS ha-th- he gan > Sch he wente aboute
18,296 I haue assailled hym w(i)t(h) synne . and som tyme
I yasked [aaAx](MS yasked > Sch asked)
18,297 Wheiþ(er) he were god or goddes sone . he yaf me short
answer(e) [aaXx] (Schu, 203)(MS Whei-th-er > Sch Wher;
MS yaf > Sch gaf [aaAx])
18,298 And þus haþ he trolled forþ . þise two and þritty
wynter [xaAx] (K-D, 94; Du, 63)
18,299 And whan I seiʒ it was so . lepynge I wente [aaXx](MS
lepynge > Sch slepynge [aaAx])
18,300 To warne Pilates wif . what done man was Ih(es)us
[aa(A)xx] (Du, 59)
18,301 ffor Iewes hateden hym . and han doon hym to deþe
18,302 I wolde haue lengþed his lif . for I leued if he deide
[aaAx] (Du, 45)
18,303 That his soule wolde suffre . no synne in his sighte
[aaAa](MS wolde > Sch wolde no-gh-t)
18,304 ffor þe body while it on bones yede . aboute was eu(er)e
18,305 To saue men from synne . if hemself wolde [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 300)
18,306 And now I se wher a soule . comeþ hiderward seillynge
[aaXa] (K-D, 94; Sch, 403; cf. Du, 63)(MS hiderward seillynge > Sch
[seillynge hiderward] [aaAx])
18,307 Wiþ glorie and w(i)t(h) gret light . god it is I woot
wel [aaAx]
18,308 I rede þ(a)t we fle quod he . faste alle hennes [axAx]
(K-D, 94; cf. Du, 63)(MS -th-at > Sch om.)
18,309 ffor vs were bettre noʒt be . þan biden his sighte
18,310 ffor þi lesynges Lucifer . lost is al oure praye [aaAx]
18,311 ffirst þoruʒ þe we fellen . fro heuene so heiʒe [aa(A)bb]
(Du, 59)
18,312 ffor we leued on þi lesynges . ylorn we haue Adam
18,314 And al oure lordshipe I leue . a londe and a watre
18,314a { Nunc princeps hui(us) mundi eicietur foras } [Latin]
18,315 Eft þe light bad vnlouke . and Lucifer answerde, [aaAx]
18,316 What lord artow quod Lucifer . { Quis est iste } [aa{Xx}]
(MS 316-17a as two lines diuided after iste; Sch 316
{Quis est iste?}; 317 What lord artow?’ quod Lucifer
. -th-e li-gh-t soone seide, [aaAx])
18,317 { Rex glorie } . þe light soone seide [aaAx] ([aaAbb])
(MS 317 as one line wi-th- 317a > Sch 317a {Rex glorie})
fol. 113v
18,318 And lord of myght and of man . and alle man(er)e v(er)tues
. { Dominus virtutu(m) } [aaAx] (Ok, s: 294)(MS And > Sch
om.; MS man > Sch mayn)
18,320 Dukes of þis dymme place . anoon vndo þise yates [aaAx]
18,321 That crist may come In . þe kynges sone of heuene
18,322 And wiþ þat breeþ helle brak . with Belialles barres
18,323 ffor any wye or warde . wide opned þe yates [aaAx](MS
opned > Sch open)
18,324 Patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . { populus in tenebris }
18,325 Songen Seint Iohanes song . { Ecce agnus dei } [aaa{Bb}]
(Du, 62)
18,326 Lucifer loke ne myʒte . so light hym ablente [aaAx]
18,327 And þo þat oure lord louede . into his light he laughte
[aaAa] (CM, 69)
18,328 And seide to Sathan . lo here my soule to amendes
[aaAx] (cf. K, 52; Sk, 337)
18,329 ffor alle synfulle soules . to saue þo þ(a)t ben worþi
18,330 Myne þei ben and of me . I may þe bet hem cleyme [aa(A)xx]
18,331 And þouʒ Reson recorde . and riʒt of myselue [aaAx](MS
And -th-o-gh- > Sch Al-th-ou-gh-)
18,332 That if he ete þe Appul . alle sholde deye [aaAx](MS
he > Sch -th-ei)
18,333 I bihiʒte hem noʒt here . helle for eu(er)e [aaAx]
18,334 ffor þe dede þat þei dide . þi deceite it made [aaAx]
18,335 Wiþ gile þow hem gete . ageyn alle reson [aaAx] (Schu,
206; K, 43)
18,336 ffor in my paleis Paradis . in p(er)sone of an addre
[aaAx] (CM, 68)
18,337 ffalsliche þow fettest . þyng þat I louede [aaAx]
(|f|f|-th-|; K-D, 132; Du, 64)(MS fettest > Sch fettest
18,338 Thus ylik a Lusard . wiþ a lady visage [aaAx] (Du, 45)
18,339 Thefliche þow me robbedest . and þe olde lawe graunteþ
[aaxAx] (-th--liaison; Du, 64)(MS and > Sch om.)
18,340 That gilours be bigiled . and þat is good reson [aaAx]
(Sch, 381)
18,340a { Dentem p(ro) dente & oculum p(ro) oculo } [Latin]
18,341 { Ergo } soule shal soule quyte . and synne to synne
wende [aaAa] (cf. CM, 78)
18,342 And al þat man haþ mysdo . I man wole amende [aaAa]
(K, 60; cf. CM, 78)(MS amende > Sch amende it)
18,343 Membre for membre . by þe olde lawe was amendes [aaXa]
(Sch, 403; cf. K-D, 194; Du, 63)(MS by -th-e olde lawe was
amendes > Sch [was amendes by -th-e Olde Lawe] [aaAx])
18,344 And lif for lif also . and by þat lawe I clayme it
[aaAx](MS it > Sch om.)
18,345 Adam and al his issue . at my wille herafter [aaaXa]
([aa(A)xa] Du, 59, 62)
18,346 And þat deeþ in hem fordide . my deeþ shal releue
18,347 And boþe quyke and quyte . þat queynt was þoruʒ synne
[aaAx] (Schu, 151) fol. 114r
18,348 And þ(a)t g(ra)ce gile destruye . good feiþ it askeþ
18,349 So leue it noʒt lucifer . ayein þe lawe I fecche hem
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
18,350 But by right and by reson . raunsone here my liges
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 298)
18,350a { Non veni soluere legem . set adimplere } [Latin]
18,351 Thow fettest myne in my place . ayeins alle resou(n)
[axAx] (|in|alle|; Sch, 403; K-D, 195; cf. Schu, 206; Du,
18,352 ffalsliche and felonliche . good feiþ me it tauʒte
18,353 To recou(er)e hem þoruʒ raunsou(n) . and by no reson
ellis [aaAx]
18,354 So þat þoruʒ gile þow gete . þoruʒ g(ra)ce it is ywonne
[aaAx](MS -th-oru-gh- > Sch wi-th-)
18,355 Thow lucifer in liknesse . of a luþer Addere [aaAx]
18,356 Getest bi gile . þo þat god louede [aaAx](MS Getest > Sch
Gete; MS -th-o > Sch -th-yng)
18,357 And I in liknesse of a leode . þat lord am of heuene
18,358 Graciousliche þi gile haue quyt . go gile ayein gile
18,359 And as Adam and alle . þoruʒ a tree deyden [aaXx]
([aaBb] |a|a|t|d|; Schu, 127; cf. Du, 59)
18,360 Adam and alle þoruʒ a tree . shul turne ayein to lyue
[aabBx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS ayein > Sch om.)
18,361 And gile is bigiled . and in his gile fallen [aaAx]
(Sch, 381)
18,361a { Et cecidit in foueam quam fecit } [Latin]
18,362 Now bigynneþ þi gile . ageyn þee to turne [aaAx] (Schu,
18,363 And my grace to growe . ay gretter and widder [aaAx]
18,365 That art doctour of deeþ . drynk þat þow madest [aaAx]
18,366 ffor I þat am lord of lif . loue is my drynke [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 291)
18,367 And for þat drynke today . I deide vpon erþe [aaAx]
18,368 I fauʒt so me þursteþ ʒit . for mannes soule sake
[aa(A)bb] (|f|-th-|f|s|s|; CM, 78; Du, 59) ([aaAx] K-D, 132)
([xaAa] |-th-|s|s|; Schu, 161; Du, 59, 64)(MS yit > Sch
18,369 May no drynke me moiste . ne my þurst slake [aaa(A)xx]
(CM, 78)
18,370 Til þe vendage falle . in þe vale of Iosaphat [aaAx]
(|v|f|v|; Du, 45)
18,371 That I drynke riʒt ripe Must . { Resureccio mortuor(um)
} [aa{Ax}]
18,372 And þanne shal I come as a kyng . crouned wiþ aungeles
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 274)
18,373 And haue out of helle . alle mennes soules [aaAx]
(K, 58) ([aa(A)xx] Du, 59)
18,374 ffendes and fyndekynes . bifore me shul stande [aaAx](MS fyndekynes > Sch fendekynes)
18,375 And be at my biddyng . whersoeu(er)e me likeþ [aaXx]
(K-D, 125, 196; cf. Sch, 403; Du, 63) fol. 114v
18,376 And to be merciable to man . þanne my kynde askeþ
[aa(A)xx] (Du, 59)(MS And > Sch Ac; MS kynde > Sch
kynde it)
18,377 ffor we beþ breþeren of blood . but noʒt in baptisme
alle [aaAx]
18,378 Ac alle þat beþ myne hole breþeren . in blood and
in baptisme [aaAa]
18,379 Shul noʒt be dampned to þe deeþ . þat is wiþouten
ende [aaXx] (K-D, 196) ([aaAx] |d|d|t-liaison/[aaAbb]; Sch,
403; cf. Du, 63; Ok, 2: 277)
18,379a { Tibi soli peccaui &c } [Latin]
18,380 It is noʒt vsed on erþe . to hangen a feloun [aaAx]
18,381 Ofter þan ones . þouʒ he were a tretour [aaAx]
18,382 And if þe kyng of þat kyngdom . come in þat tyme [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 274)
18,383 There feloun þole sholde . deeþ or ooþer Iuwise [aaAx]
(|f|-th-|-th--liaison; Sch, 403-4; Du, 64) ([aaaXx] |-th-|f|-th-|;
K-D, 132)(MS -th-ere > Sch -th-ere -th-e; MS or > Sch
18,384 Lawe wolde he yeue hym lif . if he loked on hym [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204, 205)(MS if > Sch and)
18,385 And I þat am kyng of kynges . shal come swich a tyme
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 274)
18,386 Ther doom to þe deeþ . dampneþ alle wikked [aaAx]
18,387 And if lawe wole I loke on hem . it liþ in my g(ra)ce
18,388 Wheiþ(er) þei deye or deye noʒt . for þat þei diden
ille [aaAx]
18,389 Be it any þyng abouʒt . þe boldnesse of hir synnes
18,390 I do mercy þoruʒ rightwisnesse . and alle my wordes
trewe [ax(A)xx] ([aa(A)xx] Du, 64)(MS I > Sch I may [aax(A)xx])
18,391 And þouʒ holy writ wole þ(a)t I be wroke . of hem
þat diden ille [aaaBb] (Du, 62)
18,391a { Nullum malum impunitum &c } [Latin]
18,392 Thei shul be clensed clerliche . and wasshen of hir
synnes [aaXx] (Sch, 404; cf. K-D, 198; R-K, 171; Du, 63)(MS
and > Sch and [clene] [aaAx])
18,393 In my prisone Purgatorie . til { parce } it hote [aa{A}x]
18,394 And my mercy shal be shewed . to manye of my breþeren
18,395 ffor blood may suffre blood . boþe hungry and acale
[aa(A)xx] (CM, 115; Du, 59)
18,396 Ac blood may noʒt se blood . blede but hym rewe [aaAx]
(CM, 70, 115)
18,396a { Audiui archana verba que non licet ho(m)i(n)i loqui
} [Latin]
18,397 Ac my rightwisnesse and right . shul rulen al helle
18,398 And mercy al mankynde . bifore me in heuene [aaAx]
18,399 ffor I were an vnkynde kyng . but I my kynde helpe
[aaAx](MS kynde helpe > Sch kyn holpe)
18,400 And nameliche at swich a nede . þer nedes help bihoueþ
[aaAx] (K-D, 211)
18,400a { Non intres in Iudicium cum seruo tuo } [Latin]
18,401 Thus by lawe quod oure lord . lede I wole fro hennes [aaAx]
18,402 Tho þat me louede . and leued in my comynge [xaAx] (K-D,
94) ([axAx] |I|in|; Sch, 404; cf. R-K, 131, 163)(MS -th-o > Sch
-th-o [leodes]; MS me > Sch I [aaAx]) fol. 115r
18,403 And for þi lesynge lucifer . þ(a)t þow leighe til
Eue [aaAx]
18,404 Thow shalt abyen it bittre . and bond hym wiþ cheynes
18,405 Astroþ and al þe route . hidden hem in hernes [aaAa]
18,406 They dorste noʒt loke on oure lord . þe boldeste of
hem alle [aaAx] (Sch, 404; cf. K-D, 94)(MS boldeste > Sch
[l]este [aaAx])
18,407 But leten hym lede forþ whom hym liked . and lete
whom hym liste [aaaAa] (CM, 116)
18,408 Manye hundred of Aungeles . harpeden and songen [aaAx]
18,409 { Culpat caro purgat caro . regnat deus dei caro }
18,410 Thanne pipede pees . of Poesie a note [aaAx]
18,410a { Clarior est solito post maxima nebula phebus Post
inimicicias & } (cropped) [Latin](MS L. inimicicias > Sch
inimicicias clarior est et amor)
18,411 After sharpe shoures quod pees . moost shene is þe sonne
[aaxAx](MS sharpe > Sch sharpest)
18,412 Is no weder warmer . þan after watry cloudes [aaAx]
18,413 Ne no loue leuere . ne leuer frendes [aaAx]
18,414 Than after werre and wo . whan loue and pees ben maistres
[aa(A)xx] (Ok, 2: 310)
18,415 Was neu(er)e werre in þis world . ne wikkednesse so
kene [aaAx]
18,416 That ne loue and hym liste . to laughynge ne brouʒte
[aaAx](MS ne(1) > Sch om.)
18,417 And Pees þoruʒ pacience . alle p(er)ils stoppeþ [aaAx](MS
stoppe-th- > Sch stoppede)
18,418 Trewes quod Truþe . þow tellest vs sooþ by Ih(es)us
18,419 Clippe we in couenaunt . and ech of vs clippe ooþer
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 274)(MS clippe > Sch kisse)
18,420 And leteþ no peple quod pees . p(ar)ceyue þ(a)t we
chidde [aaAx](MS lete-th- > Sch lete)
18,421 ffor inpossible is no þyng . to hym þat is almyghty
[aaAx] ([aaAa] K-D, 134, 135; K, 58)
18,422 Thow seist sooþ quod Rightwisnesse . and reu(er)entliche
hire kiste [xaAx] ([aabBx])(MS quod > Sch seide)
18,423 Pees and pees here . { per secula seculor(um) } [aa{Abb}](MS
here > Sch h[i]re)
18,423a { Misericordia & veritas obuiaueru(n)t sibi Iusticia & pax
osculate sun (cropped) } [Latin](MS L. su > Sch sunt)
18,424 Truþe trumpede þo . and song {Te deum laudam(us) } [aa{(A)xx}]
18,425 And þanne lutede . in a loud note [xaAx](MS lutede > Sch
lutede Loue [aaAx])
18,425a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocundum &c
} [Latin]
18,426 Til þe day dawed . þise damyseles dauncede [aaAa] (Ok,
2: 276)(MS dauncede > Sch carolden [aaAx]) fol. 115v
18,427 That men rongen to þe resurexion . and riʒt wiþ þat
I wakede [aaAx] ([aaaAx])
18,428 And called Kytte my wif . and Calote my doghter [aaAx]
18,429 And bad hem rise and reu(er)ence . goddes resurexion
[aaAx] ([aaaAx])(MS And bad hem rise and reuerence > Sch
Arise-th- and go reuerence-th-)
18,430 And crepe to þe cros on knees . and kisse it for a
Iuwel [aaaAx](MS crepe > Sch crepe-th-; MS kisse > Sch
18,431 ffor goddes blissede body . it bar for oure boote
18,432 And it afereþ þe fend . for swich is þe myʒte [aa(A)xx]
18,433 May no grisly goost . glide þere it walkeþ [aaAx](MS
walke-th- > Sch shadwe-th-)
Passus xix(us) et explicit dobet et incipit dobest (PASSUS
19,1 Thus I awaked and wroot . what I hadde ydremed [aaAx]
19,2 And dighte me derely . and dide me to chirche [aaAx]
19,3 To here holly þe masse . and to be housled after [aaAx]
19,4 In myddes of þe masse . þo men yede to offryng [aaAx]
19,5 I fel eftsoones aslepe . and sodeynly me mette [aaAx]
19,6 That Piers þe Plowman . was peynted al blody [aaAx]
19,7 And com in wiþ a cros . bifore þe comune peple [aaAx]
19,8 And riʒt lik in alle þynges . to oure lord Ih(es)us [axAx](MS -th-ynges > Sch lymes; MS Iesus > Sch Iesu [aaAx])
19,9 And þanne called I Conscience . to kenne me þe soþe [aaAx]
19,10 Is þis Ih(es)us þe Iuster(e) quod I . þ(a)t Iewes dide
to deþe [aaAx]
19,11 Or it is Piers þe Plowman . who peynted hym so rede
19,12 Quod Conscience and kneled þo . þise arn Piers armes
[aaXx](MS Piers > Sch [hise] [aaBb])
19,13 Hise colours and his cote Armure . ac he þat comeþ
so blody [aaAx]
19,14 Is crist wiþ his cros . conquerour of cristene [aaAa]
19,15 Why calle hym crist quod I . siþen Iewes calle hym Ih(es)us
[aaBab](MS calle > Sch calle ye; MS calle > Sch called)
19,16 Patriarkes and p(ro)phetes . p(ro)phecied bifore [aaAx]
19,17 That alle kynne creatures . sholden knelen and bowen
19,18 Anoon as men nempned . þe name of god Ih(es)u [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 295)
19,19 { Ergo } is no name . to þe name of Ih(es)us [aaAx]
19,20 Ne noon so nedeful to nempne . by nyʒte ne by daye [aaaAx]
fol. 116r
19,21 ffor alle derke deueles . arn adrad to heren it [aaAx]
19,22 And synfulle aren solaced . and saued by þat name [aaAx]
19,23 And ye callen hym crist . for what cause telleþ me
19,24 Is crist moore of myʒt . and moore worþi name [aaAx](MS
wor-th-i > Sch wor-th-iere)
19,25 Than Ih(es)u or Ih(es)us . þat al oure Ioye com of
19,26 Thow knowest wel quod Conscience . and þow konne reson
19,27 That knyght-kyng . conquerour . may be o persone [aaaXx]
(Ok, 2: 274)
19,28 To be called a knyght is fair . for men shul knele
to hym [aaxAx]
19,29 To be called a kyng is fairer . for he may knyghtes
make [aaxAx]
19,30 Ac to be conquerour called . þat comeþ of special g(ra)ce
19,31 And of hardynesse of herte . and of hendenesse [aaAx]
(K-D, 139; Ok, 2: 285)
19,32 To make lordes of laddes . of lond þat he wynneþ [aaAx]
19,33 And fre men foule þralles . þat folwen noʒt hise lawes
19,34 The Iewes þat were gentil men . Ih(es)us þei despised
[aaAx](MS Iesus > Sch Iesu)
19,35 Boþe his loore and his lawe . now are þei lowe cherles
19,36 As wide as þe world is . noon of hem þer wonyeþ [aaXa]
(Ok, 2: 310)(MS noon of hem -th-er wonye-th- > Sch wonye-th-
-th-er none [aaAx])
19,37 But vnder tribut and taillage . as tikes and cherles
19,38 And þo þat bicome cristene . bi counseil of þe baptisme
[aaAx](MS baptisme > Sch Baptiste)
19,39 Aren frankeleyns free men . þoruʒ fullynge þat þei
toke [aaAx]
19,40 And gentil men wiþ Ih(es)u . for Ih(es)us was yfulled
19,41 And vpon Caluarie on cros . ycrouned kyng of Iewes
19,42 It bicomeþ to a kyng . to kepe and to defende [aaAx]
19,43 And conqueror of conquest hise lawes and his large
[aaBb] ([aaaBb] K-D, 133)(MS of > Sch of his)
19,44 And so dide Ih(es)us þe Iewes . he Iustified and tauʒte
hem [aaAx]
19,45 The lawe of lif . þat laste shal euere [aaAx]
19,46 And defended from foule yueles . feu(er)es and fluxes
[aaAa](MS defended > Sch fended hem; MS were > Sch
19,47 And from fendes þat in hem were . and false bileue
[aaAx] (K, 54)
19,48 Tho was he Ih(es)us of Iewes called . gentile p(ro)phete
[aaAx](MS Iesus > Sch Iesu)
19,49 And kyng of hir kyngdom . and croune bar of þornes
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 274)
19,50 And þo conquered he on cros . as conquerour noble [aaAx]
fol. 116v
19,51 Mighte no deeþ hym fordo . ne adoun brynge [aaAx]
19,52 That he naroos and regnede . and rauysshed helle [aaAx]
19,53 And þo was he conquerour called . of quyke and of dede
[aaAx] (Schu, 151)
19,54 ffor he yaf Adam and Eue . and oþere mo blisse [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204)
19,55 That longe hadde yleyen bifore . as Luciferis cherles
19,60 And siþ he yaf largely . alle hise lele liges [xaAa]
(K-D, 118, 206; cf. R-K, 82, 130; Schu, 204) ([aaAa] |l|-l|l|l|/
[aa(A)bb] |he|ye|a|l|l|; Sch, 404)(MS yaf > Sch yeue-th-;
MS alle hise > Sch al his)
19,61 Places in Paradis . at hir partynge hennes [aaAx]
19,62 He may wel be called conquerour . and þat is crist
to mene [aaAx]
19,63 Ac þe cause þat he comeþ þus . wiþ cros of his passion
19,64 Is to wissen vs þ(er)wiþ . þ(a)t whan þ(a)t we ben
tempted [aaAx]
19,65 Therw(i)t(h) to fiʒte and defenden vs . fro fallynge
to synne [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 280)(MS defenden > Sch defenden;
MS to > Sch into)
19,66 And se bi his sorwe . þ(a)t whoso loueþ ioye [aaAx]
19,67 To penaunce and to pou(er)te . he moste puten hymseluen
19,68 And muche wo in þis world . to willen and suffren [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 311)(MS to willen > Sch wilnen)
19,69 Ac to carpe moore of crist . and how he com to þat name
19,70 ffaithly for to speke . his firste name was Ih(es)us
19,71 Tho he was born in Bethleem . as þe book telleþ [aaAx]
19,72 And cam to take mankynde . kynges and Aungeles [aaAx]
19,73 Reu(er)enced hym faire . wiþ richesses of erþe [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 155, 165)(MS hym > Sch hym ri-gh-t)
19,74 Aungeles out of heuene . come knelynge and songe [aaaBb]
(K-D, 138)
19,74a { Gloria in excelsis deo &c } [Latin]
19,75 Kynges þat come after . knelede and offrede [aaAx] (Sk,
347)(MS -th-at > Sch om.)
19,76 Mirre and muche gold . wiþouten mercy askynge [aaAx]
(Sch, 405; cf. R-K, 133)(MS Mirre > Sch Ensense mirre)
19,77 Or any kynnes catel . but knowelichynge hym sou(er)eyn
[aaAx](MS knowelichynge > Sch knoweliched)
19,78 Boþe of lond . sonne and see . and siþenes þei wente
[xaaAx](MS lond > Sch sond [aaaAx])
19,79 Into hir kyngene kiþ . by counseil of Aungeles [aaAx]
19,80 And þere was þat word fulfilled . þe which þow of speke
[aaAx] (|w|f|wh|; Schu, 141)
19,80a { Omnia celestia terrestria flectantur in hoc no(m)i(n)e
Ih(es)u } [Latin]
19,81 ffor alle þe Aungeles of heuene . at his burþe knelede
[aaa(A)xx] fol. 117r
19,82 And al þe wit of þe world . was in þo þre kynges [aa(A)xx]
19,83 Reson and Rightwisnesse . and Ruþe þei offrede [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 298)
19,84 Wherfore and why . wise men þat tyme [aaAx]
19,85 Maistres and lettred men . { Magi } hem callede [aa{A}x]
19,86 That o kyng cam wiþ Reson . cou(er)ed vnder sense [aaxAx]
19,87 The seconde kyng siþþe . sooþliche offrede [aaAx]
19,88 Rightwisnesse vnder reed gold . Resones felawe [aaAx]
19,89 ffor gold is likned to leautee . þat laste shal eu(er)e
[aaAx](MS For > Sch om.)
19,91 The þridde kyng þo kam . and knelynge to Ih(es)u [aaAx](MS
knelynge > Sch knelede)
19,92 And p(re)sented hym wiþ pitee . apperynge by Mirre
19,93 ffor Mirre is mercy to mene . and mylde speche of tonge
19,94 Thre yliche honeste þynges . were offred þus at ones
[aaAx](MS -th-re yliche > Sch Er-th-eliche; MS were > Sch
19,95 Thoruʒ þre kynne kynges . knelynge to Ih(es)u [aaAx]
19,96 Ac for alle þise p(re)ciouse p(re)sentʒ . oure lord kyng
Ih(es)us [aaXx](MS kyng > Sch Prynce [aaAx])
19,97 Was neiþ(er) kyng ne conquerour . til he gan to wexe
[aaAx] (|k|c|g|; Sch, 405; cf. Schu, 131; Ok, 2: 274)(MS
gan to > Sch [comsede])
19,98 In þe manere of a man . and þat by muchel sleighte
19,99 As it bicomeþ a conquerour . to konne manye sleightes
19,100 And manye wiles and wit . þat wole ben a ledere [aaAx]
19,101 And so dide Ih(es)u in hise dayes . whoso hadde tyme
to telle it [aaBb] (K-D, 94-5) ([aaAa] |d|d|t|t|; Sch, 405)
([xaAa] Schu, 126-27; cf. R-K, 120)
19,102 Som tyme he suffrede . and som tyme he hidde hym [aaAx]
19,103 And som tyme he fauʒt faste . and fleiʒ ouþerwhile
19,104 And som tyme he gaf good . and grauntede heele boþe
[aaAx] (Schu, 203)
19,105 Lif and lyme . as hym liste he wroʒte [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 290)
19,106 As kynde is of a Conquerour . so comsede Ih(es)u [aaAx]
19,107 Til he hadde alle hem . þ(a)t he for bledde [aaAx]
19,108 In his Iuuentee þis Ih(es)us . at Iewene feeste [aaAx]
19,109 Water into wyn turnede . as holy writ telleþ [aaAx](MS
Water into wyn turnede > Sch Turnede water into wyn) fol.
19,110 And þ(er)e bigan god . of his grace to do wel [aaAx]
19,111 ffor wyn is likned to lawe . and lifholynesse [aaAx](MS
lifholynesse > Sch lif of holynesse)
19,112 And lawe lakkede þo . for men louede noʒt hir enemys
19,113 And crist counseileþ þus . and comaundeþ boþe [aaAx]
19,114 To lered and to lewede . to louyen oure enemys [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 289)(MS To > Sch Bo-th-e to)
19,115 So at þe feeste first . as I bifore tolde [aaAx]
19,116 Bigan god of his g(ra)ce . and goodnesse to do wel
[aaaAx] (Ok, 2: 275)
19,117 And þanne was he called . noʒt holy crist but Ih(es)u
[xaAx](MS -th-anne > Sch -th-o; MS he > Sch he cleped
and; MS holy > Sch oonly [aaAx])
19,118 A faunt fyn ful of wit . { filius Marie } [aax{Ax}](MS
faunt fyn > Sch fauntekyn)
19,119 ffor bifore his moder Marie . made he þat wonder [aaAx]
19,120 That she first and formest . ferme sholde bileue [aaAx]
(CM, 69; cf. R-K, 123)(MS ferme sholde > Sch sholde ferme)
19,121 That he þoruʒ g(ra)ce was gete . and of no gome ellis
19,122 He wroʒte þat by no wit . but þoruʒ word one [aaAx]
19,123 After þe kynde þat he cam of . þere comsede he dowel
19,124 And whan he woxen was moore . in his moder absence [xaAx](MS
woxen was > Sch was woxen)
19,125 He made lame to lepe . and yaf light to blynde [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204)
19,126 And fedde wiþ two fisshes . and w(i)t(h) fyue loues
19,127 Sore afyngred folk . mo þan fyue þousand [aaAx]
19,128 Thus he confortede carefulle . and caughte a gretter
name [aaAx]
19,129 The which was dobet . where þ(a)t he wente [axAa]
19,130 ffor deue þoruʒ hise doynges to here . and dombe speke
he made [aaAx](MS to here > Sch om.; MS he made > Sch
and herde)
19,131 And alle he heeled and halp . þat hym of g(ra)ce askede
[aaa(A)xx] (cf. K-D, 138)
19,132 And þo was he called in contre . of þe comune peple
19,133 ffor þe dedes þat he dide . { ffili dauid Ih(es)us
} [aa{Ax}] (CM, 69; Ok, 2: 278)
19,134 ffor dauid was doghtiest . of dedes in his tyme [aaAx]
19,135 The burdes þo songe . {Saul interfecit mille et dauid
dece(m) milia } [xa{Ax}]
19,136 fforþi þe contree þer Ih(es)u cam . called hym { fili
dauid } [aaA{x}]
19,137 And nempned hym of Naʒareth . and no man so worþi
19,138 To be kaiser or kyng . of þe kyngdom of Iuda [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 274)
19,139 Ne ouer Iewes Iustice . as Ih(es)us was hem þouʒte
19,140 Wherof Cayphas hadde enuye . and oþ(er)e of þe Iewes
[aaAx](MS Cayphas hadde > Sch hadde Cayphas) fol. 118r
19,141 And for to doon hym to deþe . day and nyʒt þei casten
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 278)
19,142 Killeden hym on cros wise . at Caluarie on ffriday
[aaAx](MS Killeden > Sch And killeden)
19,143 And siþen buriede his body . and beden þ(a)t men sholde
19,144 Kepen it fro nyghtcomeris . wiþ knyghtes yarmed [aaAx]
19,145 ffor no frendes sholde hym fecche . for p(ro)phetes
hem tolde [aaAx] (|f|f|-ph|)(MS frendes > Sch frend; MS
hym > Sch it)
19,146 That þat blissede body . of burieles risen sholde
[aaAx](MS risen sholde > Sch sholde risen)
19,147 And goon into Galilee . and gladen hise Apostles [aaAx]
19,148 And his moder Marie . þus men bifore demede [aaAx]
19,149 The knyghtes þat kepten it . biknewe it hemseluen [aaAx](MS
it > Sch om.)
19,150 That Aungeles and Archaungeles . er þe day spronge
19,151 Come knelynge to þe corps . and songen { Χρ(istu)σ
resurgens } [aaa{Ax}] (cf. Sk, 350)(MS 151, 152 as one line;
MS songen … {resurgens} > Sch songen [aaAx]; Sch 152 {Christus
resurgens} and [it] aroos after [{xa}Ax] )
19,153 Verray men bifore hem alle . and forþ wiþ hem he yede
[aaAx] (|u|-f|f|; K-D, 133; Schu, 65)(MS men > Sch man)
19,154 The Iewes preide hem of pees . and bisouʒte þe knyghtes
[aaXx] (cf. K-D, 95, 152)(MS bisou-gh-te -th-e > Sch [preide
-th-o] [aaAx])
19,155 Telle þe comune þ(a)t þer cam . a compaignie of hise
Apostles [aaAx] (CM, 68)
19,156 And biwicched hem as þei woke . and awey stolen it
19,157 Ac Marie Maudeleyne . mette hym by þe weye [aaAx]
19,158 Goynge toward Galilee . in godhede and in manhede
19,159 And lyues and lokynge . and she aloud cride [aaAx]
19,160 In ech a compaignie þer she cam . { Χρ(istu)σ resurgens
} [aa{Ax}]
19,161 Thus cam it out þ(a)t crist ou(er)coom . recou(er)ede
and lyuede [aaaAx]
19,161a { Sic oportet Χρ(istu)m pati & intrare &c
} [Latin] ([{axAx}])
19,162 ffor þat þat wo(m)men witeþ . may noʒt wel be counseille
[aaAx](MS -th-at(1) > Sch om.)
19,163 Peter parceyued al þis . and pursued after [aaAx]
19,164 Boþe Iames and Ioh(a)n . Ih(es)u for to seke [aaAx]
19,165 Thaddee and ten mo . wiþ Thomas of Inde [aaAx] (eye
19,166 And as alle þise wise wyes . weren togideres [aaAx]
19,167 In an hous al bishet . and hir dore ybarred [aa(A)xx]
19,168 Crist cam In and al closed . boþe dore and yates [aaaXx]
(K-D, 138)
19,169 To Peter and to þise Apostles . and seide { pax vobis
} [aa{Ax}](MS -th-ise > Sch hise) fol. 118v
19,170 And took Thomas by þe hand . and tauʒte hym to grope
19,171 And feele wiþ hise fyngres . his flesshliche herte
19,172 Thomas touched it . and wiþ his tonge seide [aaAx]
19,173 { Deus meus & dominus meus } [Latin] ([{abAb}])(MS
L. Deus(1) > Dominus; Deus(2) > Dominus)
19,174 Thow art my lord I bileue . my god lord Ih(es)u [aaAx](MS
my > Sch om.)
19,175 Thow deidest and deeþ þoledest . and deme shalt vs
alle [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
19,176 And now art lyuynge and lokynge . and laste shalt
eu(er)e [aaAx]
19,177 Crist carpede þanne . and curteisliche seide [aaAx]
19,178 Thomas for þow trowest þis . and treweliche bileuest
it [aaAx]
19,179 Blessed mote þow be . and be shalt for euere [aaAx]
19,180 And blessed mote þei alle be . in body and in soule
[aaAx](MS alle > Sch om.)
19,181 That neu(er)e shul se me in sighte . as þow doost
nowþe [aaaXx] (|sh|s|s|s|; Sch, 405; cf. Schu, 161)(MS doost
.> Sch seest [aaaAx])
19,182 And lelliche bileue al þis . I loue hem and blesse
hem [aaAx]
19,182a { Beati qui non viderunt &c } [Latin](MS L. et > Sch
et crediderunt)
19,183 And whan þis dede was doon . dobest he tauʒte [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 278)(MS tau-gh-te > Sch [-th-ou]-gh-te)
19,184 And yaf Piers power . and pardon he grauntede [aaAx]
(cf. Schu, 204; R-K, 134)
19,185 To alle maner men . mercy and forʒifnesse [aaAx] (cf.
K-D, 188; R-K, 134; Schu, 205)
19,186 Hym myght to assoille . of alle manere synne [abAb]
(cf. K-D, 188)(MS Hym > Sch [To] hym; MS my-gh-te > Sch
my-gh-te men; MS synne > Sch synnes [aaAx])
19,187 In couenaunt þ(a)t þei come . and kneweliched to paie
[aaAx] (Sch, 405)(MS kneweliched > Sch kneweliche; MS
paie > Sch paye)
19,188 To Piers pardon þe Plowman . { redde quod debes }
19,189 Thus haþ Piers power . by his pardon paied [aaAa](MS
by > Sch be)
19,190 To bynde and vnbynde . boþe here and ellis where [aa(A)bb](MS
where > Sch om.)
19,191 And assoille men of alle synnes . saue of dette one
[aaAx] (cf. K, 51)
19,192 Anoon after an heigh . vp into heuene [aaAa]
19,193 He wente and wonyeþ þere . and wol come at þe laste
19,194 And rewarde hym right wel . þat { reddit quod debet
} [aa{Ax}]
19,195 Paieþ parfitly . as pure truþe wolde [aaAx]
19,196 And what p(er)sone paieþ it nouʒt . punysshen he þenkeþ
19,197 And demen hem at domesday . boþe quyke and dede [aaaXa]
(K-D, 133) fol. 119r
19,198 The goode to þe godhede . and to greet Ioye [aaAx]
19,199 And wikkede to wonye . in wo wiþouten ende [aaAx]
19,200 Thus Conscience of crist . and of þe cros carpede [aaAa]
19,201 And counseiled me to knele þerto . and þanne cam me
þouʒte [aaAx]
19,202 Oon { Spiritus Paraclitus } . to Piers and to hise
felawes [{aa}Ax] (|sp|p|p|; K-D, 132; Schu, 117)
19,203 In liknesse of a lightnynge . he lighte on hem alle
19,204 And made hem konne and knowe . alle kynne langages
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 276)
19,205 I wondred what þat was . and waggede Conscience [aaAx]
19,206 And was afered of þe light . for in fires lightnesse
[abAb] (cf. K-D, 152)(MS li-gh-tnesse > Sch liknesse)
19,207 { Spiritus Paraclitus } . ouerspradde hem alle [{aa}Ax]
(|sp|p|-sp|; Schu, 117)
19,208 Quod Conscience, and knelede . þis is cristes messager
19,209 And comeþ fro þe grete god . and grace is his name
[aaaAx] (|c|g|g|g|)(MS and > Sch om.)
19,210 Knele now quod Conscience . and if þow kanst synge
19,211 Welcome hym and worshipe hym . wiþ {Veni creator spiritus
} [aa{Ax}] (|w|w|u|; Schu, 70)
19,212 Thanne song I þat song . so dide manye hundred [aa(A)xx]
(Ok, 2: 302)(MS song > Sch song and)
19,213 And cride wiþ Conscience . help vs god of grace [aaBb]
(K-D, 118, 206; cf. R-K, 82, 131; Schu, 131) ([aaAa] |c|c|g|g|;
Sch, 405; CM, 40)
19,214 And þanne bigan g(ra)ce . to go wiþ Piers Plowman [aaAbb]
19,215 And counseillede hym and Conscience . þe comune to
sompne [aaAx]
19,216 ffor I wole dele today . and ʒyue diuine grace [aaAx](MS
yyue diuine > Sch dyuyde)
19,217 To alle kynne creatures . þat han hir fyue wittes
[aaAx](MS han hir > Sch kan hise)
19,218 Tresour to lyue by . to hir lyues ende [xaAx] (CM,
35; Du, 65-7) ([aa(A)xx] |t|t|t|; K-D, 135)
19,219 And wepne to fighte wiþ . þat wole neu(er)e faille
19,220 ffor Antecrist and hise . al þe world shul greue [aa(A)xx]
(K, 58)
19,221 And acombre þee Conscience . but if crist þee helpe
19,222 And false p(ro)phetes fele . flatereris and gloseris
19,223 Shullen come and be curatours . ouer kynges and Erles
19,224 And Pride shal be Pope . Prynce of holy chirche [aaAx](MS
And > Sch And -th-ane; MS pride shal > Sch shal Pride;
MS Pope > Sch Pope and)
19,225 Coueitise and Vnkyndenesse . Cardinals hym to lede
19,226 fforþi quod g(ra)ce er I go . I wol gyue yow tresor
[aaAx] (Schu, 203) fol. 119v
19,227 And wepne to fighte wiþ . whan Antecrist yow assailleþ
19,228 And gaf ech man a g(ra)ce . to gide wiþ hymseluen
[aaAx] (Schu, 203)(MS gide > Sch gye)
19,229 That ydelnesse encombre hym noʒt . enuye ne pride
[aaAx](MS no-gh-t > Sch no-gh-t ne)
19,229a { Diuisiones graciar(um) sunt &c } [Latin]
19,230 Some he yaf wit . with wordes to shewe [xaAx] (Sch,
405-6; cf. K-D, 118; R-K, 82, 131; Schu, 204)(MS Some > Sch
Some [wyes] [aaAx])
19,231 Wit to wynne hir liflode wiþ . as þe world askeþ [aaxAx]
19,232 As p(re)chours and preestes . and prentices of lawe
19,233 They lelly to lyue . by labour of tonge [aaAx]
19,234 And by wit to wissen oþere . as g(ra)ce hem wolde
teche [aaAx]
19,235 And some he kennede craft . and konnynge of sighte [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 273)
19,236 Wiþ sellynge and buggynge . hir bilyue to wynne [xaAx]
(Sch, 406; cf. K-D, 118, 206; R-K, 82, 131)(MS sellynge and
buggynge > Sch [buggynge and sellynge] [axAx])
19,237 And some he lered to laboure . a lele lif and a trewe
19,239 And some he tauʒte to tilie . to dyche and to thecche
[aaAx] (|t|t|d|; Sch, 406; Schu, 127; cf. K-D, 174-5; R-K,
19,240 To wynne wiþ hir liflode . bi loore of his techynge
[aaAx] (K-D, 133)
19,241 And some to deuyne and diuide . noumbres to kenne [aaXx](Sch,
406; K-D, 118, 207; cf. R-K, 82, 131-2) (MS diuide > Sch
diuide [of] [aaAx] |u|u|f-liaison|)
19,242 And some to compace craftily . and colours to make
19,243 And some to se and to seye . what sholde bifalle [aaaAx]
19,244 Boþe of wele and of wo . telle it er it felle [aaXx]
(Sch, 406; cf. K-D, 95; R-K, 120; Schu, 141) (MS it > Sch
it [wel] [aaAx])
19,245 As Astronomyens þoruʒ Astronomye . and Philosofres
wise [aaXx]
19,246 And some to ryde and to recou(er)e . þat wrongfully
was wonne [aaXx](MS wrongfully > Sch unri-gh-tfully [aaAx])
19,247 He wissed hem to wynne it ayein . þoruʒ wightnesse
of handes [aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)(MS to > Sch om.)
19,248 And fecchen it fro false men . wiþ ffoluyles lawes
19,249 And some he lered to lyue . in longynge to ben hennes
19,250 In pou(er)te and in penaunce . to preie for alle cristene
[aaAx](MS penaunce > Sch pacience)
19,251 And alle he lered to be lele . and ech a craft loue
ooþer [aaAx]
19,252 And forbad hem alle debat . þ(a)t noon were among
hem [aaXx] (Sch, 406; cf. K-D, 95)(MS were > Sch [be]
19,253 Thouʒ some be clenner þan some . ye se wel quod Grace
19,254 That he þat vseþ þe faireste craft . to þe fouleste
I kouþe haue put hym [abAb] (cf. K-D, 193, 217; Sch, 406)
fol. 120r
19,255 Thynkeþ alle quod Grace . þ(a)t grace comeþ of my
ʒifte [xaAa] (|c|g|c|; Sch, 406; cf. R-K, 120)(MS alle quod
Grace -th-at grace > Sch [-th-at alle craftes quod Grace]
19,256 Lokeþ þ(a)t no man lakke ooþer . but loueþ alle as
breþeren [aaAx] (CM, 70; cf. R-K, 119)(MS Loke-th- > Sch
Loke; MS no man > Sch noon)
19,257 And who þat moost maistries kan . be myldest of berynge
19,258 And crouneþ Conscience kyng . and makeþ craft youre
stiward [aaaAx]
19,259 And after craftes conseil . cloþeþ yow and fede [aaAx]
19,260 ffor I make Piers þe Plowman . my p(ro)curatour and
my reue [aaAx]
19,261 And Registrer to receyue . { redde quod debes } [aa{Ax}]
19,262 My prowor and my Plowman . Piers shal ben on erþe
19,263 And for to tilie truþe . a teeme shal he haue [aaAx]
19,264 Grace gaf Piers a teeme . of foure grete oxen [aaxAx]
([aaAx] Schu, 204)(MS of > Sch om.)
19,265 That oon was Luk a large beest . and a lowe chered
19,266 And Mark and Mathew þe þridde . myghty beestes boþe
[aaAbb] ([aaAx])
19,267 And Ioyned to hem oon Ioh(a)n . moost gentil of alle
19,268 The pris neet of Piers plow . passynge alle oþere
19,269 And Grace gaf Piers . of his goodnesse foure stottes
[aaAx] (Schu, 204)(MS And > Sch And yit; MS gaf Piers
of his goodnesse)
19,270 Al þat hise oxen eriede . þei to harewen after [aaaAx]
19,271 Oon highte Austyn . and Ambrose anoþer [aaAx]
19,272 Gregori þe grete clerk . and Ierom þe goode [aaXa]
(K-D, 118, 206; cf. R-K, 82, 130)
19,273 Thise foure þe feiþ to teche . folweþ Piers teme [aaAx]
19,274 And harewede in an handwhile . al holy scripture [aaAx]
19,275 Wiþ two harewes þ(a)t þei hadde . an oold and a newe
[aaAx](MS harewes > Sch [ai-th-es])
19,275a { Id est vetus testamentum & nouu(m) } [Latin]
19,276 And Grace gaf greynes . þe Cardynal v(er)tues [aaaAx]
(|g|g|g|c|; Schu, 131)(MS gaf > Sch gaf Piers; MS -th-e
cardynal > Sch cardynals)
19,277 And sew hem in mannes soule . and siþen he tolde hir
names [aaAx](MS hem > Sch it)
19,278 { Spiritus Prudencie } . þe firste seed highte [{ax}Ax]
(Schu, 108; K-D, 137)
19,279 And whoso ete þat . ymagynen he sholde [aaAx] (K-D,
133)(MS And > Sch -th-at)
19,280 Er he deide any deeþ . deuyse wel þe ende [aaAx] (CM,
70)(MS deide any dee-th- > Sch dide any dede)
19,281 And lerned men a ladel bugge . wiþ a long stele [aaAx]
19,282 And caste for to kepe a crokke . to saue þe fatte
aboue [aaaXx](MS And > Sch -th-at; MS to > Sch and)
19,283 The seconde seed . highte { Spiritus temperancie } [aa{Ax}]
(Schu, 108; cf. Sk, 356) fol. 120v
19,284 He þat ete of þat seed . hadde swich a kynde [abAb]
19,285 Sholde neu(er)e mete ne muchel drynke . make hym to
swelle [aaAx](MS muchel drynke > Sch mischief)
19,286 Ne no scorner(e) scolde . out of skile hym brynge
[aaAx] ([xaAx])(MS Ne > Sch Ne sholde; MS scolde > Sch
19,287 Ne wynnynge ne wele . of worldliche richesse [aaAx]
19,288 Waste word of ydelnesse . ne wikked speche moeue [aaxAx]
19,289 Sholde no curious clooþ . comen on his rugge [aaAx]
19,290 Ne no mete in his mouþ . þ(a)t maister Ioh(a)n Spicede
19,291 The þridde seed þat Piers sew . was { Spiritus fortitudinis
} [aa{Ax}] (|s|s|sp|; Schu, 108)
19,292 And who ete þat seed . hardy was he euere [aaAx] (|who|e|ha|;
K-D, 133) ([axAa] |e|ha|e|; CM, 64)(MS who > Sch whoso;
MS ete > Sch ete of; MS he > Sch om.)
19,293 To suffren al þat god sente . siknesse and Angres
[abaAb] (|s|a|s|s|a|; CM, 64)
19,294 Mighte no lesynges ne lyer(e) . ne los of worldly
catel [aaAx]
19,295 Maken hym for any mournynge . þat he nas murie in
soule [aaAx]
19,296 And bold and abidynge . bismares to suffre [aaAx]
19,297 And pleieþ al wiþ pacience . and { Parce michi d(omi)ne
} [aa{Ax}] (Sch, 406)(MS pleie-th- > Sch plete)
19,298 And cou(er)ed hym vnder conseille . of Caton þe wise
19,299 { Esto forti animo cum sis dampnatus iniq(ue) } [Latin]
19,300 The ferþe seed þat Piers sew . was { Spiritus Iusticie
} [aa{Ax}] (Schu, 108)
19,301 And he þ(a)t ete of þat seed . sholde be euere trewe
[aaAx](MS euere > Sch eue[n]e)
19,302 Wiþ god and nauʒt agast . but of gile one [aaAx]
19,303 ffor gile gooþ so pryuely . þ( a)t good feiþ ouþer
while [aaAx]
19,304 May nouʒt ben espied . for { Spiritus Iusticie } [xa{Ax}]
(K-D, 118, 206; cf. R-K, 82, 132) ([aa{Ax}] |b|p|p|; Sch,
406)(MS for > Sch [-th-oru-gh-])
19,305 { Spiritus Iusticie } . spareþ noʒt to spille [{ax}Aa]
(MS 305, 306 as -th-ree lines diuided after spille, correcte > Sch
as two lines diuided after gilty)
19,305 Hem þat ben gilty . and for to correcte [xaXa] (|g|c|)
19,306 The kyng if he falle . in gilt or in trespas [axAx]
(cf. K-D, 95; Schu, 131, 182; R-K, 133; Sk, 357)
19,307 ffor counteþ he no kynges wraþe . whan he in court
sitteþ [aaAx]
19,308 To demen as a domesman . adrad was he neu(er)e [aaAx]
19,309 Neiþ(er) of duc ne of deeþ . þ(a)t he ne dide lawe
[aaAx](MS dide > Sch dide -th-e)
19,310 ffor p(re)sent or for preiere . or any Prynces lettres
19,311 He dide equyte to alle . eueneforþ his power [aaAx]
(cf. R-K, 119)
19,312 Thise foure sedes Piers sew . and siþþe he dide hem
harewe [aaAx] fol. 121r
19,313 Wiþ olde lawe and newe lawe . þat loue myʒte wexe
19,314 Among þo foure v(er)tues . and vices destruye [aaAx]
(|f|u|u|; Schu, 65; Ok, 2: 307)(MS -th-o > Sch -th-ise)
19,315 ffor comunliche in contrees . cammokes and wedes [aaAx]
19,316 ffoulen þe fruyt in þe feld . þer þei growen togideres
19,317 And so doon vices . vertues worþi [xaAx] ( cf. K-D,
95; Sch, 406; Sk, 358)(MS wor-th-i > Sch [f]or-th-i quod
Piers [aaAx] |u|u|f|)
19,318 Quod Piers hareweþ alle þat konneþ kynde wit . by conseil
of þise doct (cropped) [aaAx](MS doctor > Sch doctors)
19,319 And tilieþ after hir techynge . þe Cardynale v(er)tues
[aaAx] (|t|t|-d|; Sch, 406) ([aaXx] K-D, 118, 206; cf. R-K,
82, 131)
19,320 Ayeins þi greynes quod Grace . bigynneþ for to ripe
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
19,321 Ordeigne þee an hous Piers . to herberwe Inne þi cornes
19,322 By god Grace quod Piers . ye moten gyue tymber [aaxAx]
19,323 And ordeyne þat hous . er ye hennes wende [aaAx]
19,324 And Grace gaf hym þe cros . wiþ þe croune of þornes
[aaaAx] (|g|g|c|c|; Sch, 406; CM, 40; Schu, 131) ([aaXx]
K-D, 118, 206; cf. R-K, 82, 132)
19,325 That crist vpon Caluarie . for mankynde on pyned [aaAx]
(K-D, 138)
19,326 And of his baptisme and blood . þat he bledde on roode
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 75)
19,327 He made a maner(e) morter . and mercy it highte [aaaAx]
19,328 And þerwiþ Grace bigan . to make a good foundement
[aaAx] (Schu, 204)
19,329 And watlede it and walled it . wiþ his peyne and his
passion [aa(A)bb](MS his peyne > Sch hise peynes)
19,330 And of al holy writ he made a roof after [aa(A)xx]
19,331 And called þat hous Vnitee . holy chirche on englissh [xaaAa](MS Unitee > Sch Unite)
19,332 And whan þis dede was doon . Grace deuysede [aaAx] ([aaXa]
K-D, 139; CM, 42)
19,333 A cart highte cristendom . to carie Piers sheues [aaAx](MS
carie > Sch carie home)
19,334 And gaf hym caples to his carte . contricion and confession
19,335 And made preesthod hayward . þe while hymself wente
[aaAx] (K-D, 134; CM, 42)
19,336 As wide as þe world is . wiþ Piers to tilie truþe
[aa(A)bb] (Ok, 2: 310)
19,338 Now is Piers to þe plow . and pride it aspide [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 77)
19,339 And gadered hym a greet Oost . for to greuen he þynkeþ
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS for to > Sch om.)
19,340 Conscience and alle cristene . and Cardinale vertues
19,341 Blowe hem doun and breke hem . and bite atwo þe mores
[aaAx] fol. 121v
19,342 And sente forþ surquidous . his sergeaunt of armes
19,343 And his spye spille loue . oon Spek yuel bihynde [aaAx]
19,344 Thise two coome to Conscience . and to cristen peple
19,345 And tolde hem tidynges . þ(a)t tyne þei sholde þe
sedes [aaAx] (Ok, 2: 306)(MS -th-e sedes > Sch om.)
19,346 That Piers þere hadde ysowen . þe Cardynale v(er)tues
[xxXx] (Sch, 407; cf. K-D, 95)(MS -th-at > Sch -th-e sedes
-th-at; MS -th-at > Sch -th-at [Sire]; -th-ere hadde ysowen > Sch
sew [aaaXx])
19,347 And Piers bern worþ ybroke . and þei þat ben in Vnitee
[aaXx] (K-D, 135)
19,348 Shulle come out . and Conscience . and your(e) two
caples [aaXa] (Sch, 407; cf. K-D, 118, 206; R-K, 82, 130;
Sk, 359)(MS two caples > Sch [caples tweyne] [aaAx])
19,349 Confession and Contricion . and your(e) carte þe bileeue
19,350 Shal be coloured so queyntely . and cou(er)ed vnder
Sophistrie [aaAx] (Schu, 151)
19,351 That Conscience shal noʒt . knowe by contricion [axAa]
(cf. K-D, 217; R-K, 82, 133)
19,352 Ne by Confession . who is cristene or heþene [axAx]
(Sch, 407; cf. K-D, 206)
19,353 Ne no manere marchaunt . þat wiþ moneye deleþ [aaAx]
19,354 Wheiþ(er) he wynne wiþ right . wiþ wrong or wiþ vsure
[axAx] (cf. K, 57)(MS Whei-th-er > Sch Wher)
19,355 Wiþ swiche colours and queyntise . comeþ pride yarmed
[aaAx] (Schu, 151)
19,356 Wiþ þe lord þat lyueþ after . þe lust of his body
19,357 To wasten on welfare . and in wikked lyuynge [aaAx](MS
in > Sch on; MS lyuyng > Sch kepynge)
19,358 Al þe world in a while . þoruʒ oure wit quod Pryde
19,359 Quod Conscience to alle cristene þo . my counseil is
to wende [aaAx]
19,360 Hastiliche into Vnitee . and holde we vs þere [aaAx]
19,361 And praye we þ(a)t a pees weere . in Piers berne þe
Plowman [aaAa]
19,362 ffor witterly I woot wel . we beþ noʒt of strengþe
19,363 To goon agayn Pride . but Grace weere wiþ vs [aaAx]
(Schu, 206)
19,364 And þanne kam Kynde Wit . Conscience to teche [aaAx]
19,365 And cryde and comaundede . alle cristene peple [aaAx]
19,366 ffor to deluen a dych . depe aboute Vnitee [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 277)(MS a dych > Sch and dyche)
19,367 That holy chirche stode in Vnitee . as it a Pyl weere
[xxXx](MS unitee > Sch [holynesse] [aaXx])
19,368 Conscience comaundede þo . alle cristene to delue [aaAx]
19,369 And make a muche moot . þat myghte ben a strengþe
19,370 To helpe holy chirche . and hem þ(a)t it kepeþ [aaAx] fol. 122r
19,371 Thanne alle kynne cristene . saue comune wo(m)men [aaAx]
19,372 Repenteden and refusede synne . saue þei one [aaXx]
(cf. K-D, 118, 206; Sch, 407; R-K, 82, 131)(MS synne > Sch
synne [ri-gh-t] [aaAx])
19,373 And false men flatereris . vsurers and þeues [aaXa](MS
false … questemongeres > Sch [a sisour and a somonour];
Sch 373 as one line)
19,373 Lyeris and questemong(er)es . þat were forsworen ofte
[xxXx] (cf. K-D, 193; Sch, 407 [aaAx])
19,374 Witynge and wilfully . wiþ þe false helden [aa(A)xx]
19,375 And for siluer were forswore . sooþly þei wiste it
19,376 Ther nas no cristene creature . þat kynde wit hadde
19,377 Saue sherewes one . swiche as I spak of [aaAa]
19,378 That he ne halp a quantite . holynesse to wexe [axAx]
19,379 Some þoruʒ bedes biddynge . and some þoruʒ pilgrymages
[abbAb] (|s|b|b|s|p|; Sch, 407; Schu, 124)(MS pilgrymages > Sch
19,380 And oþ(er)e pryue penaunces . and so(m)me þoruʒ penyes
delynge [aaAx]
19,381 And þanne wellede water . for wikkede werkes [aaAa]
19,382 Egreliche ernynge . out of mennes eighen [aaAa]
19,383 Clennesse out of comune . and clerkes clene lyuynge
[aaAa](MS out > Sch om.; MS of > Sch of -th-e)
19,384 Made Vnitee holy chirche . in holynesse to stonde
[aaAx](MS to > Sch om.)
19,385 I care noʒt quod Conscience . þouʒ pride come nouþe
19,386 The lord of lust shal be letted . al þis Lente I hope
19,387 Comeþ quod Conscience . ye cristene and dyneþ [aaAx]
19,388 That han laboured lelly . al þis lenten tyme [aaAx]
19,389 Here is breed yblessed . and goddes body þervnder
19,390 Grace þoruʒ goddes word . yaf Piers power [aaBb] (Schu,
204)(MS yaf > Sch gaf [aaAbb])
19,391 And myʒtes to maken it . and men to ete it after [aaAx]
(Sch, 407)(MS And my-gh-tes > Sch My-gh-t)
19,392 In helpe of hir heele . ones in a Monþe [aaAx]
19,393 Or as ofte as þei hadde nede . þo þat hadde ypaied
19,394 To Piers pardon þe Plowman . { redde quod debes }
19,395 How quod al þe comune . þow conseillest vs to yelde
19,396 Al þat we owen any wight . er we go to housel [aaaAa]
(CM, 47)
19,397 That is my conseil quod Conscience . and Cardinale v(er)tues
[aaAx] fol. 122v
19,398 That ech man forʒyue ooþer . and þat wole þe { Pater
nost(er) } [aaa{Xx}](MS -th-at > Sch Or)
19,398a { Et dimitte nobis debita nostra &c } [Latin]
19,399 And so to ben assoilled . and siþþen ben houseled
[aaAx](MS si-th--th-en > Sch si-th--th-en to)
19,400 Ye baw quod a Brewer(e) . I wol noʒt be ruled [aaAx]
19,401 By Ih(es)u for al your(e) Ianglynge . wiþ { Spiritus
Iusticie } [aa{Ax}] (K-D, 139)
19,402 Ne after Conscience by crist . while I kan selle [aaAx]
19,403 Boþe dregges and draf . and drawe it out at oon hole
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS it > Sch it out)
19,404 Thikke ale and þynne ale . for þat is my kynde [aaAx]
19,405 And noʒt hakke after holynesse . hold þi tonge Conscience
19,406 Of { Spiritus Iusticie } . þow spekest muche on ydel
19,407 Caytif quod Conscience . cursede wrecche [aaAx]
19,408 Vnblessed artow Brewer(e) . but if þee god helpe [aa(A)xx]
19,409 But þow lyue by loore . of { Spiritus Iusticie } [aaXx]
([ax{Ax}] |b|sp|; Sch, 407)(MS But > Sch [Saue])
19,410 The chief seed þat Piers sew . ysaued worstow neu(er)e
[aaAx] (cf. K, 52)
19,411 But Conscience þe comune fede . and Cardinale v(er)tues
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 208; Sch, 407)(MS -th-e > Sch be -th-i;
MS fede > Sch fode)
19,412 Leue it wel þei ben lost . boþe lif and soule [aaAx]
19,413 Thanne is many a man lost . quod a lewed vicory [xaAx]
(Sch, 407; cf. K-D, 118, 206; R-K, 82, 131)(MS man > Sch
[leode] [aaAx])
19,414 I am a Curatour of holy kirke . and cam neu(er)e in
my tyme [aaAx]
19,415 Man to me þat me kouþe telle . of Cardinale v(er)tues
[axAx] ([aaaXx] |m|m|m|; CM, 46)
19,416 Or þ(a)t acountede Conscience . at a cokkes feþere
or an hennes [aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217; Sch, 407-8)(MS at > Sch
19,417 I knew neu(er)e Cardynal . þat he ne cam fro þe pope
19,418 And we clerkes whan þei come . for hir comunes paieþ
19,419 ffor hir pelure and hir palfreyes mete . and pilours
þat hem folweþ [aaAx] (CM, 69)
19,420 The comune { clamat cotidie } . ech a man til ooþer
[a{aa}Xx](MS til > Sch to)
19,421 The contree is þe corseder . þat cardinals come Inne
19,422 And þer þei ligge and lenge moost . lecherie þere
regneþ [aaAx]
19,423 fforþi quod þis vicory . by verray god I wolde [aaAx]
(|f|u|u|; Schu, 65)
19,424 That no Cardynal coome . among þe comune peple [aaAx]
19,425 But in hir holynesse . helden hem stille [axAx] fol.
19,426 At Auynou(n) among þe Iewes . { Cum s(an)c(t)o s(an)c(t)us
eris &c } [prose line (Latin)](MS -th-e > Sch om.)
19,427 Or in Rome as hir rule wole . þe relikes to kepe [aaAx]
19,428 And þow Conscience in kynges court . and sholdest
neu(er)e come þennes [aaaAx]
19,429 And Grace þat þow graddest so of . gyour of alle clerkes
[aaAx](MS graddest > Sch gredest)
19,430 And Piers wiþ his newe plow . and ek wiþ his olde
[aaBb] (cf. R-K, 130)
19,431 Emp(er)our of al þe world . þat alle men were cristene
19,432 Inparfit is þat pope . þat al þe world sholde helpe
[aaAx](MS -th-e world > Sch peple)
19,433 And sendeþ swiche þ(a)t sleeþ hem . þat he sholde
saue [aaaAa] (Sch, 408)(MS sende-th- swiche > Sch s[ou]de-th-
hem; MS hem -th-at > Sch swich as)
19,434 And wel worþe Piers þe plowman . þat p(ur)sueþ god in
doynge [aaAx](MS And > Sch A[c])
19,435 { Qui pluit sup(er) Iustos & iniustos } . at ones
[Latin?] (Sk, 363)
19,436 And sent þe sonne to saue . a cursed mannes tilþe
19,437 As brighte as to þe beste man . or to þe beste wo(m)man
19,438 Right so Piers þe Plowman . peyneþ hym to tilye [aaAx]
19,439 As wel for a wastour . and wenches of þe Stewes [aaAx]
19,440 As for hymself and hise s(er)uauntʒ . saue he is first
yserued [aa(A)xa]
19,442 And trauailleþ and tilieþ . for a tretour also soore
19,443 As for a trewe tidy man . alle tymes ylike [aaAx]
19,444 And worshiped be he þat wroʒte al . boþe good and
wikke [aaXa] ([abAb] |b|wr|b|w|; Sch, 408)
19,445 And suffreþ þ(a)t synfulle be . (erasure) [aa] (MS
be > Sch be til som tyme -th-at -th-ei repente [aaAx])
19,446 And god amende þe pope . þat pileþ holy kirke [xaAx]
(Sch, 408; cf. K-D, 118, 208; R-K, 82, 132)(MS amende -th-e
pope > Sch [-th-e Pope amende] [axAx])
19,447 And cleymeþ bifore þe kyng . to be kepere ouer cristene
19,448 And counteþ noʒt þouʒ cristene ben . killed and robbed
[aaAx] (Sk, 364)
19,449 And fynt folk to fiʒte . and cristen blood to spille
[aaaXx] (K-D, 138)
19,450 Ayein þe olde lawe and newe lawe . as Luc þerof witnesseþ
[aaAx](MS and > Sch and -th-e; MS -th-erof witnesse-th- > Sch
bere-th- witnesse)
19,450a { Non occides . michi vindictam &c } [Latin]
19,451 It semeþ bi so . hymself hadde his wille [aaAx]
19,452 That he reccheþ . riʒt noʒt of al þe remenaunt [aaAx]
(K-D, 139, 217; Sk, 364)(MS -th-at > Sch He ne)
19,453 And crist of his curteisie . þe Cardinals saue [aaAx]
19,454 And torne hir wit to wisdom . and to welþe of soule
[aaAx] (Ok, 2: 311)(MS wel-th-e > Sch wele)
19,455 ffor þe comune quod þis Curatour . counten ful litel
[aaAx] fol. 123v
19,456 The counseil of Conscience . or Cardinale v(er)tues
19,457 But if þei seiʒe as by sighte . somwhat to wynnyng
[aaAx] (Sch, 408)(MS seiye > Sch sowne)
19,458 Of gile ne of gabbyng . gyue þei neu(er)e tale [aaAx]
(Schu, 203)
19,459 ffor { Spiritus Prudencie } . among þe peple is gyle
[{aa}Ax] (|sp|p|p|; K-D, 132; Schu, 117)
19,460 And alle þo faire v(er)tues . as vices þei semeþ [aaAx]
(|f|u|u|; K-D, 133)
19,461 Ech man subtileþ a sleiʒte . synne for to hide [aaAx](MS
Ech > Sch For ech; MS for > Sch om.)
19,462 And coloureþ it for a konnynge . and a clene lyuynge
19,463 Thanne louʒ þer a lord . and by þis light seide [aaAx]
19,464 I holde it riʒt and reson . of my Reue to take [aaAx]
(Ok, 298)
19,465 Al þat myn Auditour . or ellis my styward [aaAx]
19,466 Counseilleþ me bi hir acounte . and my clerkes writynge
19,467 Wiþ { Spiritus Intellectus } . þei seke þe reues rolles
[{xx}Aa] (cf. Schu, 109)(MS seke > Sch toke)
19,468 And wiþ { Spiritus Fortitudinis } . fecche it I wole
after [{xa}Ax](MS I wole after > Sch wole [he nel he])
19,469 And þanne cam þer a kyng . and by his croune seide [aaAx]
19,470 I am kyng wiþ croune . þe comune to rule [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 274)
19,471 And holy kirke and clergie . fro cursed men to fende
[aaAx](MS fende > Sch defende)
19,472 And if me lakkeþ to lyue by . þe lawe wole I take
it [aaAx]
19,473 Ther I may hastilokest it haue . for I am heed of
lawe [aaAx]
19,474 And ye ben but membres . and I aboue alle [axAx](MS
And > Sch For)
19,475 And siþ I am your(e) aller heed . I am your(e) aller
heele [aaAa]
19,476 And holy chirches chief help . and chieftayn of þe
comune [aaAx](MS chirches > Sch Chirche)
19,477 And what I take of yow two . I take it at þe techynge
19,478 Of { Spiritus Iusticie } . for I Iugge yow alle [{xa}Ax]
19,479 So I may boldely be housled . for I borwe neu(er)e
19,480 Ne craue of my comune . but as my kynde askeþ [aaAx]
19,481 In condicion quod Conscience . þ(a)t þow konne defende
19,482 And rule þi reaume in reson . right wel and in truþe
19,483 Take þow mayst in reson . as þi lawe askeþ [xxXx]
(cf. R-K, 127)(MS Take -th-ow mayst in reson > Sch -th-at
-th-ow [haue -th-yn askyng]; MS -th-i > Sch -th-e [aaXa])
19,483a { O(mn)ia tua su(n)t ad defendend(um) . set non ad
dep(re)hendend(um) } [Latin](MS L. tua sunt > Sch sunt
19,484 The viker hadde fer hoom . and faire took his leeue
[aaAx] (|u|f|f|; Schu, 65)
19,485 And I awakned þerwiþ . and wroot as me mette [aaAx]
(K-D, 134)
Passus xx(us) de uisione & prim(us) de Dobest (PASSUS XX)
20,1 Thanne as I wente by þe wey . whan I was thus awaked
[aaAa](MS -th-anne > Sch And) fol. 124r
20,2 Heuy chered I yede . and elenge in herte [aaAa] ([xaAx]
|ye|e|; cf. Schu, 158)
20,3 I ne wiste wher to ete . ne at what place [aaAx](MS
I > Sch For I)
20,4 And it neghed neiʒ þe noon . and wiþ nede I mette [aaaAx]
(Ok, 2: 295)
20,5 That afrounted me foule . and faitour me called [aaAx]
20,6 Kanstow noʒt excuse þee . as dide þe kyng and oþ(er)e
[aaAx](MS Kanstow > Sch Coudestow)
20,7 That þow toke to bi bilyue . to cloþes and to sustenaunce
[prose line](MS bi bileue > Sch lyue by)
20,8 And by techynge and by tellynge . of { Spiritus temperancie
} [aa{Ax}] (K-D, 139)
20,9 And þow nome na moore . þan nede þee tauʒte [aaAx](MS
And > Sch And -th-at)
20,10 And nede ne haþ no lawe . ne neuere shal falle in dette
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)
20,11 ffor þre þynges he takeþ . his lif for to saue [aaxXa]
([aaXa] |-th-|-th-|s|; Schu, 161)(MS -th-ynges > Sch -th-ynges
20,12 That is mete whan men hym werneþ . and he no moneye weldeþ
[aabAb] (K, 60)
20,13 Ne wight noon wol ben his boruʒ . ne wed haþ noon to
legge [aaxAx](MS ne > Sch ne no; MS noon > Sch om.)
20,14 And he cauʒte in þat caas . and come þerto by sleighte
[aaAx] (Sch, 408)(MS cau-gh-te > Sch ca[cch]e)
20,15 He synneþ noʒt sooþliche . þat so wynneþ his foode
20,16 And þouʒ he come so to a clooþ . and kan no bettre cheuyssaunce
20,17 Nede anoon righte . nymeþ hym vnder maynprise [aaAx]
20,18 And if hym list for to lape . þe lawe of kynde wolde
20,19 That he dronke at ech dych . er he for þurst deide
[aaXa] (K-D, 95; Sch, 408)(MS ech > Sch ech a; MS for
-th-urst deide > Sch [deide for -th-urste] [aaAx])
20,20 So nede at gret nede . may nymen as for his owene [axaAx]
(cf. K, 52) [aaAx]
20,21 Wiþouten conseil of Conscience . or Cardynale v(er)tues
20,22 So þ(a)t he sewe and saue . { Spiritus temperancie
} [aa{Ax}] (|s|s|sp|; Schu, 109)
20,23 ffor is no v(er)tue bi fer . to { Spiritus temperancie
} [aa{Xx}]
20,24 Ne { Spiritus Iusticie } . ne { Spiritus fortitudinis
} [{ax}{Ax}](MS Ne > Sch Nei-th-er)
20,25 ffor { Spiritus fortitudinis } . forfeteþ ful ofte
[{xa}Ax] (cf. R-K, 119)
20,26 He shal do moore þan mesure . many tyme and ofte [aaAx](MS
tyme > Sch tymes)
20,27 And bete men ouer bittre . and some of hem to litel
[aaXx] (cf. K-D, 157)(MS some of hem > Sch som body [aaAx])
20,28 And greue men gretter . þan good feiþ it wolde [aaAx]
20,29 And { Spiritus Iusticie } . shal Iuggen wole he nel
he [{ab}Ab] (cf. K-D, 137)
20,30 After þe kynges counseil . and þe comune like [aaAx]
fol. 124v
20,31 And { Spiritus prudencie } . in many a point shal faille
[{aa}Ax] (|sp|p|p|; K-D, 132; Schu, 117)
20,32 Of þat he weneþ wolde falle . if his wit ne weere [aaAx]
20,33 Wenynge is no wysdom . ne wys ymaginacion [aaAx]
20,33a { Homo p<ro>ponit & deus disponit } and
gou<er>ne-th- alle goode v<er>tues [aaBb] (cf.
K-D, 95; Sch, 408; Sk, 368)(MS 33a run toge-th-er wi-th-
34 > Sch 33a-34 as two lines diuided after L. disponit;
34 MS and > Sch [God] [aaAx])
20,35 Ac nede is next hym . for anoon he mekeþ [aaAx]
20,36 And as lowe as a lomb . for lakkyng of þat hym nedeþ
[aaAx](MS of > Sch om.)
20,38 Wise men forsoke wele . for þei wolde be nedy [aaAx](MS
Wise men > Sch Philosophres; MS wele > Sch wel-th-e
20,39 And woneden in wildernesse . and wolde noʒt be riche
[aaAx](MS in wildernesse > Sch wel elengely)
20,40 And god al his grete Ioye . goostliche he lefte [aaAx]
20,41 And cam and took mankynde . and bicam nedy [aaAx]
20,42 So nedy he was as seiþ þe book . in manye sondry places
[aaAx](MS nedy he was > Sch he was nedy)
20,43 That he seide in his sorwe . on þe selue roode [aaAx]
20,44 Boþe fox and fowel . may fle to hole and crepe [aaAx]
20,45 And þe fissh haþ fyn . to flete wiþ to reste [aaAx]
20,46 Ther nede haþ ynome me . þ(a)t I moot nede abide [aaAx]
(cf. CM, 129)
20,47 And suffre sorwes ful soure . þat shal to Ioye torne
[aaa(A)xx] (cf. CM, 129; Ok, 2: 305)
20,48 fforþi be noʒt abasshed . to bide and to be nedy [xaAx]
(Sch, 409; cf. CM, 78, 129) [abBa]
20,49 Siþ he þat wroʒte al þe world . was wilfulliche nedy
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 78)
20,50 Ne neu(er)e noon so nedy . ne pouerer deide [aaaXx]
20,51 Whan nede haþ vndernome me þus . anoon I fil aslepe [aaAx](MS
ha-th- > Sch hadde)
20,52 And mette ful m(er)ueillously . þat in mannes forme
20,53 Antecrist cam þanne . and al þe crop of truþe [aaAx]
(K-D, 134)
20,54 Torned it vp so doun . and ouertilte þe roote [aaAx]
(|t|t|d|-t|; Schu, 127) ([aaAx] K-D, 95)(MS it > Sch it
[tid] [aaaAx])
20,55 And fals sprynge and sprede . and spede mennes nedes
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 77; Ok, 2: 303)(MS And > Sch And made)
20,56 In ech a contree þer he cam . he kutte awey truþe [aaAx]
20,57 And gerte gile growe þ(er)e . as he a god weere [aaaAx]
20,58 ffreres folwede þat fend . for he gaf hem copes [aaa(A)xx]
(cf. Schu, 204, 205)
20,59 And Religiouse reu(er)enced hym . and rongen hir belles
20,60 And al þe Couent forþ cam . to welcome þat tyraunt
[aaAx] (K-D, 134; CM, 42)(MS for-th- > Sch om.; MS -th-at > Sch
20,61 And alle hise as wel as hym . saue oonly fooles [aaaAx]
20,62 Whiche foolis were wel leuere . to deye þan to liue [xaXa](MS
foolis > Sch fooles; MS leuere > Sch galddere; MS -th-an
to lyue > Sch om. [xxXx]) fol. 125r
20,63 Lenger siþ Lenten . was so rebuked [aaXx](MS Lenger > Sch
-th-an to lyue lenger; MS Lenten > Sch Leute [aaAx])
20,64 And as a fals fend Antecrist . ouer alle folk regnede
[aaAx](MS as > Sch om.)
20,65 Saue þ(a)t were mylde men and holye . þ(a)t no meschief
dradden [aaxAx](MS Saue > Sch And)
20,66 Defyed alle falsnesse . and folk þat it vsede [aaAx]
20,67 And what kyng þ(a)t hem conforted . knowynge hem any
while [aaAx](MS hem any while > Sch h[ir] gile)
20,68 They cursed and hir conseil . were it clerk or lewed
20,69 Antecrist hadde þus soone . hundredes at his baner [aaAx]
(K-D, 134)
20,70 And pride it bar . boldely aboute [aaAx] ([aaAa] |p|b|b|b|;
Sch, 409; Schu, 124, 182) ([xaAx] K-D, 159; cf. R-K, 130)
20,71 Wiþ a lord þat lyueþ . after likyng of body [aaAx]
20,72 That kam ayein conscience . þat kepere was and gyour
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
20,73 Ouer kynde cristene . and Cardynale v(er)tues [aaAx]
20,74 I conseille quod Conscience þo . comeþ wiþ me ye fooles
20,75 Into vnite holy chirche . and holde we vs þere [aaAx]
20,76 And crye we to kynde . þ(a)t he come and defende vs
20,77 ffooles fro þise fendes lymes . for Piers loue þe Plowman
20,78 And crye we to al þe comune . þ(a)t þei come to vnitee
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)(MS to(1) > Sch on)
20,79 And þ(er)e abide and bikere . ayeins Beliales children
20,80 Kynde Conscience þo herde . and cam out of þe planetes
20,81 And sente forþ his forreyours . ffeu(er)es and ffluxes
20,82 Coughes and Cardiacles . Crampes and tooþaches [aaAx]
20,83 Rewmes and Radegundes . and roynouse scabbes [aaAx]
(Sch, 409)(MS scabbes > Sch scales)
20,84 Biles and bocches . and brennynge Agues [aaAx]
20,85 ffrenesies and foule yueles . forageres of kynde [aaAx]
20,86 Hadde ypriked and prayed . polles of peple [aaAa]
20,87 That largeliche a legion . loste hir lif soone [aaAa]
(Ok, 2: 290)(MS -th-at > Sch om.; MS loste > Sch lees)
20,88 There was harrow and help . here comeþ kynde [aaAbb]
20,89 Wi-th- deeþ þ(a)t is dredful . to vndo vs alle [aaAx]
20,90 The lord þat lyued after lust . þo aloud cryde [aaaAx]
20,91 After Confort a knyght . to come and bere his baner [aaAbb]
fol. 125v
20,92 Alarme alarme quod þat lord . ech lif kepe his owene
[aaaAx] (cf. K, 52)
20,93 And þanne mette þise men . er Mynstrals myʒte pipe [aaAx](MS
And > Sch om.)
20,94 And er heraudes of Armes . hadden discryued lordes
20,95 Elde þe hoore . þat was in þe vauntwarde [aaXx](MS
-th-at > Sch he [aaAx])
20,96 And bar þe baner bifore deeþ . bi riʒt he it cleymede
20,97 Kynde cam after . wiþ many kene soores [aaAx](MS after > Sch
after hym)
20,98 As pokkes and pestilences . and muche peple shente
20,99 So kynde þoruʒ corrupcions . kilde ful manye [aaAx]
20,100 Deeþ cam dryuynge after . and al to duste passhed [aaAx]
20,101 Kynges and knyghtes . kaysers and popes [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 274)
20,102 Lered and lewed . he leet no man stonde [aaAx] (Ok,
2: 289)(MS and > Sch ne)
20,103 That he hitte euene . þ(a)t eu(er)e stired after [aaAx]
20,104 Manye a louely lady . and lemmans of knyʒtes [aaAx]
(Sch, 409)(MS and > Sch and [hir]; MS of > Sch om.)
20,105 Swowned and swelted . for sorwe of hise dyntes [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 305)(MS hise > Sch De-th-es [aaAbb])
20,106 Conscience of his curteisie . to kynde he bisouʒte [aaAx]
(Sch, 409)(MS to > Sch -th-e)
20,107 To cesse and suffre . and see wher þei wolde [aaAx]
20,108 Leue pride pryuely . and be parfite cristene [aaAx]
20,109 And kynde cessede þo . to se þe peple amende [axAx]
(K-D, 172; cf. R-K, 130) ([aaAx] |c|-th-|s|; Schu, 161)
20,110 ffortune gan flatere þanne . þo fewe þ(a)t were alyue
20,111 And bihighte hem long lif . and lecherie he sente
20,112 Amonges alle manere men . wedded and vnwedded [aaBb]
20,113 And gaderede a greet hoost . al agayn Conscience [aaAx]
(Schu, 206)
20,114 This lecherie leide on . wiþ a Ianglynge chiere [aaXx](MS
a Ianglynge > Sch lau-gh-ynge [aaAx])
20,115 And wiþ pryuee speche . and peyntede wordes [aaAx]
(|p|sp|p|; K-D, 132; Schu, 117)
20,116 And armede hym in ydelnesse . and in heigh berynge
20,117 He bar a bowe in his hand . and manye brode arewes
20,118 Weren feþered wiþ fair biheste . and many a fals truþe
20,119 Wiþ hise vntidy tales . he tened ful ofte [aaAx](MS
hise > Sch om.) fol. 126r
20,120 Conscience and his compaignye . of holy chirke þe
techeris [aaXx](MS chirche > Sch Kirke [aaAx])
20,121 Thanne cam Coueitise . and caste how he myʒte [aaAx]
20,122 Ouercome Conscience . and Cardinale v(er)tues [aaAx]
20,123 And armed hym in Auarice . and hungriliche lyuede
20,124 His wepne was al wiles . to wynnen and to hiden [aaAx]
20,125 Wiþ glosynges and wiþ gabbynges . he giled þe peple
[aaAx](MS wi-th- > Sch om.)
20,126 Symonye hym sente . to assaille Conscience [aaAx] (Sch,
409)(MS sente > Sch s[ue]de)
20,127 And p(re)ched to þe peple, . and p(re)lates þei hem
maden [aaAx](MS hem > Sch om.)
20,128 To holden wiþ Antecrist . hir temporaltees to saue
20,129 And cam to þe kynges counseille . as a kene baroun
20,130 And kneled to Conscience . in Court afore hem alle
20,131 And garte good feiþ flee . and fals to abide [aaAx]
20,132 And boldeliche bar adoun . wiþ many a bright noble
20,133 Muche of þe wit and wisdom . of Westmynstre halle
20,134 He Iogged to a Iustice . and Iusted in his eere [aaAx](MS
Iogged to > Sch Iugged til)
20,135 And ouertilte al his truþe . wiþ tak þis vp amendement
20,136 An to þe Arches in haste . he yede anoon after [aaAx]
(Schu, 158)(MS An > Sch And in)
20,137 And tornede Cyuyle into Symonye . and siþþe he took
þe Official [aaAx]
20,138 ffor a Mantel of Maneuer . and made lele matrymoyne
[aaAa](MS For > Sch And for; MS mantel of meneuer > Sch
meneuer mantel; MS and > Sch he)
20,139 Departen er deeþ cam . and deuors shapte [aaAx](MS
and > Sch and a)
20,140 Allas quod Conscience and cryde þo . wolde crist of
his g(ra)ce [aaAx]
20,141 That Coueitise were cristene . þat is so kene a fighter(e)
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 138, 140)(MS a fi-gh-tere > Sch to fi-gh-te)
20,142 And boold and bidynge . while his bagge lasteþ [aaAx](MS
bidynge > Sch bidynge -th-e)
20,143 And þanne lough lyf . and leet daggen hise cloþes [aaAx]
(CM, 37)
20,144 And armed hym an haste . wiþ harlotes wordes [aaAx](MS
an > Sch in; MS wi-th- > Sch in)
20,145 And heeld holynesse a Iape . and hendenesse a wastour
20,146 And leet leautee a cherl . and lyere a fre man [aaAx]
20,147 Conscience and his counseil . he counted at a flye
[aaAx](MS his > Sch om.; MS at a flye > Sch it folye)
20,148 Thus relyede lif . for a litel fortune [aaAx] fol. 126v
20,149 And prikeþ forþ wiþ pride . preiseþ he no v(er)tue
[aaAx](MS prike-th- > Sch priked)
20,150 Ne careþ noʒt how Kynde slow . and shal come at þe
laste [aaAx]
20,151 And kille alle erþely creatures . saue conscience
oone [aaAx] ([abaAb] |k|e|c|c|o|/ [aabBa] |a|e|c|c|o|; CM,
64-5) (MS creatures > Sch creature)
20,152 Lyf lepte aside . and lauʒte hym a lemman [aaAa]
20,153 Heele and I quod he . and heighnesse of herte [aaAa]
20,154 Shal do þee noʒt drede . neiþ(er) deeþ ne elde [aaAx]
20,155 And to forʒyte sorwe . and ʒyue noʒt of synne [abAb]
(cf. K-D, 209; R-K, 82, 132)
20,156 This likede lif . and his lemman fortune [aaAx]
20,157 And geten in hir glorie . a gadelyng at þe laste [aaAx]
20,158 Oon þat muche wo wrouʒte . Sleuþe was his name [aaXx]
20,159 Sleuþe wax wonder yerne . and soone was of age [abbAx]
20,160 And wedded oon Wanhope . a wenche of þe Stuwes [aaAx]
20,161 Hir sire was a Sysour . þat neu(er)e swoor truþe [aaAx]
20,162 Oon Tomme two tonge . atteynt at ech a enqueste [aaaAx](MS
enqueste > Sch queste)
20,163 This Sleuþe was war of werre . and a slynge made [abbAx]
([axAx] K-D, 95; cf. R-K, 127)
20,164 And threw drede of dispair . a doʒeyne myle aboute
20,165 ffor care Conscience þo . cryde vpon Elde [aaAx]
20,166 And bad hym fonde to fighte . and afere Wanhope [xaaAx]
20,167 And Elde hente good hope . and hastiliche he shifte
hym [aaaAx]
20,168 And wayued awey Wanhope . and wiþ lif he fighteþ [aa(A)xx]
20,169 And lif fleiʒ for feere . to phisik after helpe [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 282)
20,170 And bisouʒte hym of socour . and of his salue he hadde
[aaAx](MS he > Sch om.)
20,171 He gaf hym gold good woon . þ(a)t gladede his herte
[aaaAx] (Schu, 204)(MS He > Sch And; MS his herte > Sch
hir hertes)
20,172 And þei gyuen hym ageyn . a glaʒene howue [aaAx] (Schu,
203, 205, 206)
20,173 Lyf leeued þat lechecraft . lette sholde Elde [aaaAx]
20,174 And dryuen awey deeþ . wiþ Dyas and drogges [aaAa]
20,175 And Elde auntred hym on lyf . and at þe laste he hitte [aabBa]
20,176 A Phisicien wiþ a furred hood . þ(a)t he fel in a palsie
[aaAx] fol. 127r
20,177 And þere dyed þat doctour . er þre dayes after [aaAx]
20,178 Now I se seide lif . þ(a)t Surgerie ne phisik [aaAx]
20,179 May noʒt a myte auaille . to mede ayein Elde [aaAx](MS
mede > Sch medle)
20,180 And in hope of his heele . good herte he hente [aaAa]
(Ok, 2: 287)
20,181 And rood forþ to a reuel . a ryche place and a murye
[aaAx](MS for-th- > Sch so; MS a(1) > Sch om.)
20,182 The compaignye of confort . men cleped it som tyme
20,183 And Elde anoon after me . and ouer myn heed yede [axAx](MS
me > Sch hym [aaAx])
20,184 And made me balled bifore . and bare on þe croune
[aaAx] (K-D, 134)
20,185 So harde he yede ouer myn heed . it wole be sene eu(er)e
[aaaXa](MS wole > Sch wol)
20,186 Sire yuele ytauʒt Elde quod I . vnhende go wiþþe [aaAx]
20,187 Siþ whanne was þe wey . ouer mennes heddes [aaBb]
20,188 Haddestow be hende quod I . þow woldest haue asked
leeue [aaAx]
20,189 Ye leue lurdeyn quod he . and leyde on me wiþ Age [aaAx]
20,190 And hitte me vnder þe ere . vnneþe myʒte ich here
[aaAx](MS my-gh-te > Sch may)
20,191 He buffetted me so aboute þe mouþ . þ(a)t out my teeþ
he bette [aaXa](MS so > Sch om.; MS -th-at > Sch and
bette; MS tee-th- he bette [aaAx])
20,192 And gyued me in goutes . I may noʒt goon at large
[aaAx] (Schu, 204)
20,193 And of þe wo þ(a)t I was Inne . my wif hadde ruþe
20,194 And wisshed ful witterly . þ(a)t I were in heuene
[aaAx](MS ful > Sch wel [aaaAx])
20,195 ffor þe lyme þ(a)t she loued me fore . and leef was
to feele [aaAx]
20,196 On nyghtes namely . whan we naked weere [aaAx]
20,197 I ne myghte in no manere . maken it at hir wille [aaAx]
20,198 So Elde and she sooþly . hadden it forbeten [axAx](MS
she soo-th-ly > Sch he[o]; MS hadden it > Sch i-th-adden
20,199 And as I seet in þis sorwe . I sauʒ how kynde passede
20,200 And deeþ drogh neiʒ me . for drede gan I quake [aaAx]
20,201 And cryde to kynde . out of care me brynge [aaAx]
20,202 Lo Elde þe hoore . haþ me biseye [aaAx](MS Lo > Sch
Lo how)
20,203 Awreke me if youre wille be . for I wolde ben hennes
20,204 If þow wolt be wroken . wend into Vnitee [aaAx] fol.
20,205 And hold þee þere euere . til I sende for þee [xaAa]
(|-th-|s|-th-|; Schu, 161)
20,206 And loke þow konne som craft . er þow come þennes
20,207 Counseille me kynde quod I . what craft is best to lerne [aaAx](MS Counseille > Sch Counseille-th-; MS is > Sch be)
20,208 Lerne to loue quod kynde . and leef of alle oþere [aaxAx]
20,209 How shal I come to catel so . to cloþe me and to feede [aaAx]
20,210 And þow loue lelly quod he . lakke shal þee neu(er)e
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 217)(MS quod he > Sch om.)
20,211 Mete ne worldly weede . while þi lif lasteþ [aa(A)bb](MS
Mete > Sch Weede; MS weede > Sch mete)
20,212 And þ(er)e by conseil of kynde . I comsed to rome [aaAx]
20,213 Thoruʒ Contricion and Confession . til I cam to Vnitee
20,214 And þ(er)e was Conscience Conestable . cristene to
saue [aaAx]
20,215 And bisegede sooþly . wiþ seuene grete geauntʒ [aaAbb]
(K-D, 206)
20,216 That wiþ Antecrist helden . harde ayein Conscience
[aaAx] (cf. Schu, 206)
20,217 Sleuþe wiþ his slynge . an hard assaut he made [aaAx](MS
assaut > Sch saut)
20,218 Proude preestes coome w(i)t(h) hym . mo þan a þousand
[aaXx] (CM, 46)(MS mo -th-an aa -th-ousand > Sch passynge
an hundred [aaxAx])
20,219 In paltokes and pyked shoes . and pisseris longe knyues
[aaAx] ([aaxAx] CM, 46; K-D, 184; cf. R-K, 135)
20,220 Coomen ayein Conscience . wiþ Coueitise þei helden
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 46)
20,221 By Marie quod a mansed preest . of þe March of walys
[aaAx](MS By > Sch By -th-e; MS preest > Sch preest
was; MS walys > Sch Irlonde)
20,222 I counte na moore Conscience . by so I cacche siluer
20,223 Than I do to drynke . a drauʒte of good ale [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 279)
20,224 And so seiden sixty . of þe same contree [aaAx]
20,225 And shotten ayein wiþ shot . many a sheef of oþes
[aaAx] (Schu, 99, cf. 206)
20,226 And brode hoked arwes . goddes herte and hise nayles
20,227 And hadden almoost Vnitee . and holynesse adown [aaaAx]
20,228 Conscience cryede help Clergie . or ellis I falle [aaxAx]
(cf. K-D, 217; K, 51; Sk, 377)
20,229 Thoruʒ inparfite preestes . and prelates of holy chirche
20,230 ffreres herden hym crye . and comen hym to helpe [abBa]
fol. 128r
20,231 Ac for þei kouþe noʒt wel hir craft . Conscience forsook
hem [aaAx]
20,232 Nede neghede þo neer . and Conscience he tolde [aaaXx]
(K-D, 138; Ok, 2: 295)
20,233 That þei come for coueitise . to haue cure of soules
20,234 And forþei are pou(er)e p(ar)auenture . for patrymoyne
þei faille [aaAx](MS -th-ei faille > Sch hem faille-th-)
20,235 They wol flatere and fare wel . wiþ folk þ(a)t ben
riche [aaAx](MS and > Sch to; MS wi-th- > Sch om.)
20,236 And siþen þei chosen chele . and cheitiftee pouerte
[aaAx] (cf. K-D, 206, 217)
20,237 Lat hem chewe as þei chose . and charge hem w(i)t(h)
no cure [aaAx]
20,238 ffor lomer(e) he lyeþ . þat liflode moot begge [aaAx]
20,239 Than he þat laboureþ for liflode . and leneþ it beggeris
[aaAx](MS beggeris > Sch beggeres)
20,240 And siþen freres forsoke . þe felicite of erþe [aaAx]
20,241 Lat hem be as beggeris . or lyue by Aungeles foode
20,242 Conscience of þis counseil þo . comsede for to laughe
[aaAx] (CM, 61)
20,243 And curteisliche conforted hem . and called in alle
freres [aaAx] (CM, 61)
20,244 And seide sires sooþly . welcome be ye alle [aaXx]
(CM, 61)
20,245 To Vnitee and holy chirche . ac o þyng I yow preye
[aa(A)xx] ([aaAx] CM, 61)
20,246 Holdeþ yow in Vnitee . and haueþ noon enuye [aaAa]
(CM, 61)
20,247 To lered ne to lewed . but lyueþ after your(e) reule
[aaAx] (CM, 61; Ok, 2: 289)
20,248 And I wol be your(e) boruʒ . ye shal haue breed and
cloþes [aaAx] (CM, 61)
20,249 And oþere necessaries ynowe . yow shal no þyng faille
[aa(A)xx] (CM, 61)(MS faile > Sch lakke)
20,250 Wiþ þat ye leue logik . and lerneþ for to louye [aaAa]
(CM, 61)
20,251 ffor loue lafte þei lordshipe . boþe lond and scole
[aaaAx] (CM, 61)
20,252 ffrere ffraunceys and Domynyk . for loue to be holye
[aax(A)xx] (CM, 61)
20,253 And if ye coueite cure . kynde wol yow teche [aaAx](MS
teche > Sch telle)
20,254 That in mesure god made . alle maner(e) þynges [aaAx]
20,255 And sette hem at a c(er)tein . and a siker nombre
[aaAx](MS hem > Sch it; MS and > Sch and at)
20,256 And nempnede names newe . and noumbrede þe sterres
[aaaAx] (Sch, 409)(MS nempnede > Sch nempnede hem)
20,256a { Qui num(er)at multitudine(m) stellar(um) . et om(n)ibʒ eis &c } [Latin](MS L. et omnibus eis &c > Sch om.)
20,257 Kynges and knyghtes . þat kepen and defenden [aaAx]
20,258 Han Officers vnder hem . and ech of hem a c(er)tein
[aaAx] fol. 128v
20,259 And if þei wage men to werre . þei write hem in noumbre
20,262 Alle oþ(er)e in bataille . ben yholde Brybours [aabAb]
20,263 Pylours and Pykeharneys . in ech a place ycursed [aaAx](MS
place > Sch parisshe)
20,260 Wol no man tresore hem paie . t(ra)uaille þei neu(er)
so soore [axAx] (cf. K-D, 158)(MS man tresore > Sch tresorere
taken; MS paie > Sch wages [aaAx])
20,264 Monkes and Moniales . and alle men of Religion [aaAx]
20,265 Hir ordre and hir reule wole . to han a c(er)tein
noumbre [axAx]
20,266 Of lewed and of lered . þe lawe wole and askeþ [aaAx]
(Ok, 2: 289)
20,267 A c(er)tein for a c(er)tein . saue oonliche of freres
20,268 fforþi quod Conscience by crist . kynde wit me telleþ
20,269 It is wikked to wage yow . ye wexen out of noumbre
20,270 Heuene haþ euene noumbre . and helle is wiþoute noumbre
[aaAx] (cf. CM, 118)
20,271 fforþi I wolde witterly . þ(a)t ye were in þe Registre
20,272 And your(e) noumbre vnder notaries signe . and neiþ(er)
mo ne lasse [aaAx](MS notaries signe > Sch notarie sygne)
20,273 Enuye herde þis . and heet freres go to scole [aaAx]
20,274 And lerne logyk and lawe . and ek contemplacion [aaaXx]
20,275 And p(re)che men of Plato . and preue it by Seneca
20,276 That alle þynges vnder heuene . ouʒte to ben in comune
20,277 And yet he lyeþ as I leue . þat to þe lewed so p(re)cheþ
[aaAx](MS And yet > Sch om.)
20,278 ffor god made to men a lawe . and Moyses it tauʒte
20,279 { Non concupisces rem p(ro)ximi tui } [Latin]
20,280 And yuele is þis yholde . in parisshes of Engelonde
20,281 ffor p(er)sons and parissh preestes . þat sholde þe
peple shryue [aaaAx]
20,282 Ben Curatours called . to knowe and to hele [aaAx]
20,283 Alle þ(a)t ben hir parisshens . penaunce to enioigne
[aaAx] (|a|hi|e|; K-D, 139)(MS to > Sch om.)
20,284 And sholden ashamed in hir shrift . ac shame makeþ
hem wende [aaAx] (Schu, 99)(MS sholden > Sch ben)
20,285 And fleen to þe freres . as fals folk to Westmynstre
20,286 That borweþ and bereþ it þider . and þanne biddeþ
frendes [aaAx]
20,287 Yerne of forʒifnesse . or lenger yeres loone [aaAx]
(Schu, 204)(MS loone > Sch leye)
20,288 Ac while he is in Westmynstre . he wol be bifore [aaAx]
fol. 129r
20,289 And maken hym murie . wiþ ooþer mennes goodes [aaAx]
20,290 And so it fareþ w(i)t(h) muche folk . þat to þe freres
hem shryueþ [aaAx](MS -th-e > Sch om.; MS hem > Sch
20,291 As Sisours and executours . þei wol ʒyue þe freres
[xaAx] (|e|yy|; Schu, 158)(MS wol > Sch shul)
20,292 A parcel to preye for hem . and make hemself murye
[aaXx] (Sch, 409; K-D, 206; cf. R-K, 82, 133)(MS make himself > Sch
[pleyen] hem [aaAx])
20,293 Wiþ þe residue and þe remenaunt . þat oþ(er)e men
biswonke [aaXx] (Sch, 409)(MS men > Sch [renkes] [aaAx])
20,294 And suffre þe dede in dette . to þe day of doome [aaAa]
20,295 Enuye herfore . hatede Conscience [aaAx]
20,296 And freres to philosophie . he fond þanne to scole
20,297 The while coueitise and vnkyndenesse . Conscience
assaillede [aaAx]
20,298 In vnitee holy chirche . Conscience held hym [aaAx]
([aaaAx] Sch, 409)
20,299 And made pees porter . to pynne þe yates [aaAx]
20,300 Of alle tale telleris . and titeleris in ydel [aaAx]
(K-D, 133)(MS titeleris > Sch titereris)
20,301 Ypocrisie and he . an hard assaut þei made [aaAx]
20,303 And woundede wel wikkedly . many a wys techer(e) [aaaAx](MS
wys > Sch wise)
20,304 That wiþ Conscience acordede . and Cardynale v(er)tues
20,305 Conscience called a leche . þat koude wel shryue [aaAx]
20,306 To go salue þo þat sike ben . and þoruʒ synne ywounded
[aaAx](MS ben > Sch were)
20,307 Shrift shoop sharp salue . and made men do penaunce
[aaaBb] (K, 59, 60)
20,308 ffor hire mysdedes . þat þei wroʒt hadde [axAx] (|f|-th-|;
Sch, 409; cf. K-D, 118, 206; R-K, 82, 131; |f|w|; Schu, 141,
20,309 And þ(a)t Piers were ypayed . { redde quod debes }
[aa{Xx}] (Sch, 409; cf. K-D, 95)(MS Piers > Sch Piers
[pardon] [aaa{Xx}])
20,310 Some liked noʒt þis leche . and lettres þei sente [aaAx]
20,311 If any surgien were þe segg . þ(a)t softer koude plastre
[aaAx](MS in > Sch om.; MS segg > Sch sege)
20,312 Sire leef to lyue in lecherie . lay þ(er)e and gronede
20,313 ffor fastynge of a fryday . he ferde as he wolde deye
20,314 Ther is a Surgien in þis sege . þat softe kan handle
20,315 And moore of phisik bi fer . and fairer he plastreþ
20,316 Oon frere fflaterer(e) . is phisicien and surgien
20,317 Quod Contricion to Conscience . do hym come to Vnitee
[aaAx] fol. 129v
20,318 ffor here is many a man . hurt þoruʒ ypocrisye [axAa]
(cf. K-D, 139) ([abbAa])
20,319 We han no nede quod Conscience . I woot no bettre leche
20,320 Than p(er)son or parissh preest . penitauncer or bisshop
20,321 Saue Piers þe Plowman . þat haþ power ouer hem alle
[aaAx](MS hem > Sch om.)
20,322 And Indulgence may do . but if dette lette it [aaAx]
20,323 I may wel suffre seide Conscience . syn ye desiren [axAa]
20,324 That frere flaterer(e) be fet . and phisike yow sike
20,325 The frere herof herde . and hiede faste [abBa] (CM,
20,326 To a lord for a lettre . leue to haue to curen [aaAx]
(cf. K-D, 206; R-K, 133)
20,327 As a Curatour he were . and cam w(i)t(h) hise l(ett)res
[axAx] (cf. K-D, 206; R-K, 133)
20,328 Boldely to þe bisshop . and his brief hadde [aaAx]
20,329 In contrees þer he coome . confessions to here [aaAx]
20,330 And cam þ(er)e Conscience was . and knokked at þe
yate [aaAx]
20,331 Pees vnpynned it . was Porter of Vnitee [aaAx]
20,332 And in haste askede . what his wille were [aa(A)bb]
20,333 In faiþ quod þis frere . for p(ro)fit and for helþe
20,334 Carpe I wolde wiþ contricion . and þ(er)fore cam I
hider [aaAx]
20,335 He is sik seide Pees . and so are manye oþ(er)e [aaAx]
20,336 Ypocrisie haþ hurt hem . ful hard is if þei keuere
20,337 I am a Surgien seide þe segge . and salues kan make
[aaAx](MS segge > Sch frere)
20,338 Conscience knoweþ me wel . and what I kan do boþe
20,339 I praye þee quod Pees þo . er -th-ow passe ferþer [aaAx]
20,340 What hattestow I praye þee . hele noʒt þi name [axAx]
20,341 Certes seide his felawe . sire { Penetrans domos }
20,342 Ye go þi gate quod Pees . by god for al þi phisik [aaxAx]
fol. 130r
20,343 But þow konne som ooþ(er) craft . þow comest nouʒt
herInne [aaAx](MS som oo-th-er > Sch any)
20,344 I knew swich oon ones . noʒt eighte wynter hennes
[aaAx](MS hennes > Sch passed)
20,345 Coom in þus ycoped . at a Court þ(er)e I dwelde [aaAx]
20,346 And was my lordes leche . and my ladies boþe [aaAx]
20,347 And at þe laste þis lymyto(ur) . þo my lord was oute
20,348 He saluede so oure wo(m)men . til some were wiþ childe
20,349 Hende Speche heet Pees . opene þe yates [aaAx](MS Pees > Sch
Pees -th-o)
20,350 Lat in þe frere and his felawe . and make hem fair
cheere [aaAx]
20,351 He may se and here . so it may bifalle [axAx](MS here > Sch
here here; MS it > Sch om.)
20,352 That lif þoruʒ his loore . shal leue coueitise [aaAx]
20,353 And be adrad of deeþ . and wiþdrawe hym fram pryde
20,354 And acorde wiþ Conscience . and kisse hir eiþ(er)
ooþer [aaAx]
20,355 Thus þoruʒ hende speche . entred þe frere [aaXa] |-th-|-th-|f|;
R-K, 130; cf. 82; K-D, 118, 206) ([aabBa] |-th-|-th-|he|e|f|)
20,356 And cam in to Conscience . and curteisly hym grette
20,357 Thow art welcome quod Conscience . kanstow heele þe
sike [aaAx](MS -th-e > Sch om.)
20,358 Here is Contricion quod Conscience . my cosyn ywounded
20,359 Conforte hym quod Conscience . and tak kepe to hise
soores [aaAx](MS tak > Sch take)
20,360 The plastres of þe p(er)son . and poudres biten to
soore [aaAx](MS bitten > Sch ben)
20,361 He lat hem ligge ouerlonge . and looþ is to chaunge
hem [aaaAx](MS He > Sch And)
20,362 ffro lenten to lenten . he lat hise plastres bite
[aaAx](MS hise > Sch his)
20,363 That is ouerlonge quod þis Lymyto(ur) . I leue I shal
amende it [aaAx]
20,364 And gooþ and gropeþ Contricion . and gaf hym a plastre
[aaxAx] (Schu, 204)(MS and(2) > Sch om.)
20,365 Of a pryuee paiement . and I shal praye for yow [aaAx]
20,366 ffor al þat ye ben holden to . al my lif tyme [aaAx]
(Sch, 409; cf. R-K, 119)(MS For > Sch And for; MS al(1) > Sch
al [le hem])
20,367 And make yow my lady . in masse and in matyns [aaAa]
(cf. R-K, 136)(MS yow > Schcyow [and])
20,368 As frere of oure ffrat(er)nytee . for a litel siluer
[aa(A)xx](MS frere > Sch freres)
20,369 Thus he gooþ and gadereþ . and gloseþ þ(er)e he shryueþ
20,370 Til Contricion hadde clene foryeten . to crye and
to wepe [aaAx]
20,371 And wake for hise wikked werkes . as he was wont to
doone [aaaAx] fol. 130v
20,372 ffor confort of his confessour . Contricion he lafte
[aaAx] (CM, 54)
20,373 That is þe souerayneste salue . for alle kynne synnes
[aaXa] (K-D, 118, 206; cf. R-K, 82, 119, 130) ([abbAb] |-th-|s|s|f|s|;
Sch, 409)
20,374 Sleuþ seigh þat . and so dide pryde [aaAx]
20,375 And comen wiþ a kene wille . Conscience to assaille.
20,376 Conscience cryed eft . and bad Clergie helpe hym [aaAx]
20,377 And also Contricion . for to kepe þe yate [axAx] (Sch,
410)(MS Contricion > Sch Contricion [com] [aaAx])
20,378 He lyþ and dremeþ seide Pees . and so do manye oþere
[axAx](MS li-th- > Sch li-th- [adreynt] [aaxAx])
20,379 The frere wiþ his phisyk . þis folk haþ enchaunted
20,380 And plastred hem so esily . þei drede no synne [aaXx]
(Sch, 410; cf. K-D, 95; R-K, 121)(MS -th-ei > Sch [hii]
[aaAx] |he|e|hii| )
20,381 By crist quod Conscience þo . I wole bicome a pilgrym
20,382 And walken as wide . as þe world lasteþ [aaAx] (cf.
R-K, 129)
20,383 To seken Piers þe Plowman . þat pryde may destruye
[aaAx](MS may > Sch my-gh-te)
20,384 And þ(a)t freres hadde a fyndyng . þat for nede flateren
20,385 And countrepledeþ me Conscience . now kynde me avenge
20,386 And sende me hap and heele . til I haue Piers þe Plowman
[aaAbb] (Ok, 2: 285)
20,387 And siþþe he gradde after Grace . til I gan awake
Explicit hic Dialogus Petri Plowman