PPLA-A Cot Diplomatic Texts
fol. 178r
20Cot: 2,86 The tixtes telleth nat so . treuthe wot the soth
20Cot: 2,86a { Dignus est operarius mercede sua }
20Cot: 2,87 Worthi is the workman . his mede to haue
20Cot: 2,88 And thu hast fastnede w(i)t(h) fals fy on thy
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20Cot: 2,89 ffor al is falsnesse and lesynges . and lecherye
that thou werkys
20Cot: 2,90 Symonye and thyselue . shenden holi cherch
20Cot: 2,91 -Gh-e and the notaries that bore anoyen the peple
20Cot: 2,92 -Gh- shullen hit biegge bothe . by god that me
20Cot: 2,93 Wel -gh-e wyten wunardes . but yf -gh-our(e)
wittes faile
20Cot: 2,94 that fals is a faytour . and feynt of his werkes
20Cot: 2,95 he is a bastard ybore . of belsebubbes kynde
20Cot: 2,96 and mede is mulere . a mayden of goode
20Cot: 2,97 she myghtte kysse the kyng(e) for cosyns . if
he wolde
20Cot: 2,98 Worcheth by wysdom . and by wyt after
20Cot: 2,99 Ledeth here to londou(n) . ther as lawe is handlid
20Cot: 2,100 yf that eny lawe looke . that thei lieggen togedre
20Cot: 2,101 and the iustyse iuge hire . to be ioyned w(i)t(h)
20Cot: 2,102 -gh-yt be war of that weddyng . for witty is
20Cot: 2,103 and Conscience is of conseil . and knoweth -gh-ou
20Cot: 2,104 and yf he fynde -gh-ou in defaute . and w(i)t(h)
the fals holden
20Cot: 2,105 hit shal besette to -gh-our soules . wel sore
at the laste
20Cot: 2,106 herto assenteth Cyuyle . ac symonye ne wolde
20Cot: 2,107 til he hadde syluer for h(i)s seales . and for
h(i)s seignes
20Cot: 2,108 thanne fet fauel forth . florynes ynowe
20Cot: 2,109 and bad gyle faste goo . and -gh-eue gold aboute
20Cot: 2,110 and namelich to notaries . that hem nou(n) faile
20Cot: 2,111 and feffe fals w(i)tnesse w(i)t(h) fele faire
20Cot: 2,112 ffor thei may mede maistren . & maken hire
at here wille
20Cot: 2,113 tho this gold was ygyuen gret was . the thonkyng(e)
20Cot: 2,114 to fals & to fauel . for hire faire -gh-eftes
20Cot: 2,115 and comen and conforted . fro care the fals
20Cot: 2,116 And saiden for certeyn ceese ne shold we neuer
20Cot: 2,117 tyl mede [be] thi weddid wyfe . thorgh witt
of vs alle
20Cot: 2,118 for we haue mede maistried . w(i)t(h) oure mery
20Cot: 2,119 and that she g(ra)unted w(i)t(h) vs to goo .
w(i)t(h) a goode wille
20Cot: 2,120 to londou(n) to loke . yf that lawe wolde
20Cot: 2,121 Iugen -gh-ou togedre ioyntly . in ioye for euere
20Cot: 2,122 than was fals fulfayn . and fauel ful blythe
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20Cot: 2,123 And lete su(m)pne al the scysoures . aboute in
20Cot: 2,124 and also bonde men . beggeres and other
20Cot: 2,125 to wenden w(i)t(h) hym to westmynst(er) . to
wittnesse that dede
20Cot: 2,126 thanne careden thei forth caplis . to carie
hem thider
20Cot: 2,127 thanne fette fauel forth folys . of the beste
20Cot: 2,128 and sette mede on a shereue . yschod al newe
20Cot: 2,129 and fals sat on a sysour . that fetusly trotted
20Cot: 2,130 and fauel vpon a faire spech . quentely atirrid
20Cot: 2,131 there hadden notaries noon hors . anoied thei
20Cot: 2,132 that cyuyle and symonye . schold a fote gange
20Cot: 2,133 than swore Cyuyle & saide by the roode
20Cot: 2.134 that so(m)pneres schold be sadeled . and seruen
hem echone
20Cot: 2,135 and let aparaile these p(ro)uysour(es) . in
palfraies wyse
20Cot: 2,136 syre symonye hymself . sat vpon hire bakkes
20Cot: 2,137 al the officiales and deues . as destreris hem
20Cot: 2,138 for thei scholden bere the bischepis . & brynge
hem at reste
20Cot: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleyntys in the concistorie
20Cot: 2,140 shullen serue myself . that Cyuyle hatte
20Cot: 2,141 and cartsadyl oure comysorye . oure cart shal
20Cot: 2,142 and fette forth oure vitailes . fro fornycatouris
20Cot: 2,143 and maketh of ly-gh-ere a long carte . to lede
al these other(e)
20Cot: 2,144 as foolys and faytours . that on hire fete trotten
20Cot: 2,145 ffals & fauel faren forth . bothe togyder
20Cot: 2,146 and mede in myddys . and al this mayny after
20COt: 2,147 I haue no tome to telle . the tail that hem
20Cot: 2,148 of many man(er) of men . that in this world
20Cot: 2,149 and gyle was forgoere . and gyed hem alle
20Cot: 2,150 sothenesse sey hym wel . and sayde but lytyl
20Cot: 2,151 and p(ri)ked forth on his palfray . and passed
hem alle
20Cot: 2,152 and com(e) to the kynges court . and conscience
20Cot: 2,153 and conscience to the kyng . carpid hit aftyr
20Cot: 2,154 Now by cryst q(uo)d the kyng . and y myghtte
20Cot: 2,155 fals other fauel . or eny of his ferys
20Cot: 2,156 I wolde be wroken of thyse wrocches . that worcheth
hem so ille
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20Cot: 2,157 And hange hem by the hals . and alle that hem
20Cot: 2,158 shal ther neuer man of molde . meynp(ri)se the
20Cot: 2,159 but ryght as the lawe loked . let falle on hem
20Cot: 2,160 and co(m)mawndid a constable . that com at the
20Cot: 2,161 to atache these tirauntes . _th_at for no catel
_gh_e ne lette
20Cot: 2,162 y hote -gh-ou to fetere falsnesse faste . for
eny kynnes _gh_yftes
20Cot: 2,163 and gerde of gylours heede . let hym go no ferther
20Cot: 2,164 and bryngeth mede to me . maugre hem alle
20Cot: 2,165 Symonye and cyuyle . I sende hem to warne
20Cot: 2,166 that holicherche for hem worth harmed . for
20Cot: 2,167 and if _gh_e kacche ly_gh_ere . lete hym nat
20Cot: 2,168 er he be pyt on the pyllery . for eny p(re)iere
I hote
20Cot: 2,169 and ther to I charge _gh_ou and bidde . that
he nat ascape
20Cot: 2,169 that herde drede at the dore ther(e) he stode . al that hard dome
20Cot: 2,170 and wytelich hym went . to warne fals
20Cot: 2,171 and bad hym flee for ferd . and his feris alle
20Cot: 2,172 Thanne falsnesse for ferd . fledde to the freris
20Cot: 2,173 and gyle doth hym to goo . agast for to dere
20Cot: 2,174 ac marchauntyse mett w(i)t(h) hym . & made
hym abyde
20Cot: 2,176 and shutten hym in hire schoppes . to shewe
hire ware
20Cot: 2,177 aparaileden hym as aprentis . the peple to serue
20Cot: 2,178 lythlich ly-gh-ere lepe away . lurkyng thorgh
20Cot: 2,179 he was nower welcome . for his many talis
20Cot: 2,180 Ou(er)al he was hunschid and yhote trusse
20Cot: 2,181 til pardoners had of hym pite . and putten hym
to house
20Cot: 2,182 Weischen hym & wyped hym . & wouden
hym in clothes
20Cot: 2,183 and senten hym on sonedaies . with seales .
to chirche
20Cot: 2,184 and -gh-af pardou(n) for pans . poundmel aboute
20Cot: 2,185 Ther of hirde a leche . and lettris hym sente
20Cot: 2,186 for to wonye w(i)t(h) hym . and wateres to looke
20Cot: 2,187 A spicer spak w(i)t(h) hym . to aspie hem here
20COt: 2,188 for he couth on hire crafte . and knew many
20Cot: 2,189 and mynstrel and messangeris . metten w(i)t(h)
hym ones
20Cot: 2,190 and withhelden hym w(i)t(h) hem . the terme
of hire lyues
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20Cot: 2,190 to ben of hire consail . whan thei carieden aboute
20Cot: 2,191 ffreris w(i)t(h) faire spech setten hym thennys
20Cot: 2,192 for knowyng of komers . copeden hym as a frere
20Cot: 2,193 ac he hath leue lepen out . as ofte as hym lyketh
20Cot: 2,194 and is welcom(e) whan he wole . and woneth w(i)t(h)
hem ofte
20Cot: 2,195 alle fledden for fere . and flowen into hernes
20Cot: 2,196 saue mede the mayde . noman durst a byde
20Cot: 2,197 ac trewly to telle . she tremblid for drede
20Cot: 2,198 and weepe and wrang . whan she was atached