PPLA-A Bod Diplomatic Texts
fol. 8r
20Bo: 2,86 -Th-e tixtis telli-th- not so . treu-th-e wot -th-e
20Bo: 2,86a { Dignus est operarius mercede sua }
20Bo: 2,87 wor-th-i is -th-e werkman . his mede to haue
20Bo: 2,88 and -th-ou hast fastnede wi-th- fals . fy on -th-y
20Bo: 2,89 ffor al is falsnesse and lesyngis . and lecherie
-th-at -th-ou werkis
20Bo: 2,90 Symonye and -th-isilue . shenden holi chirche
20Bo: 2,91 -gh-ee and -th-e notaries . -th-at sore anoien
-th-e peple
20Bo: 2,92 -gh-e shullen biegge hit bo-th-e . bi god -th-at
me made
20Bo: 2,93 Wel -gh-e witen wirnardis . but if -gh-oure wyttis
20Bo: 2,94 -Th-at fals is a faytour and feynt of his werkis
20Bo: 2,95 he is a bastard ybore . of belsabubbes kynde
20Bo: 2,96 And mede is mulere . a mayden of goode
20Bo: 2,97 She my-gh-te kysse -th-e kyng . for cosyns if
he wolde
20Bo: 2,98 Worchi-th- by wisdom . and by wytt aftir
20Bo: 2,99 Ledi-th- hire to londou(n) . -th-er as lawe is
20Bo: 2,100 -gh-if -th-at eny lawe wole loke . -th-at -th-ei
lieggen togiedre
20Bo: 2,101 And -th-e iustice iuge hire . to be ioyned wi-th-
20Bo: 2,102 -gh-it be war of -th-at weddyng . for wytty is
20Bo: 2,103 And conscience is of his conseil . and knowe-th-
-gh-ow echone
20Bo: 2,104 And if he fynde -gh-ow in defaute . and wi-th-
-th-e fals holden
20Bo: 2,105 hit shal besette to -gh-oure soulis . wel sore
at -th-e laste
20Bo: 2,106 herto assenti-th- Cyuyle . ac Symonye ne wolde
20Bo: 2,107 Til he hadde siluer for his seales . and for
his signes
20Bo: 2,108 -th-anne fette fauel for-th- . florynes ynowe
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20Bo: 2,109 And bad gile faste goo . and -gh-eue gold aboute
20Bo: 2,110 And nameliche to notaries . -th-at hem noon fayle
20Bo: 2,111 And feffe fals wittnesse . wi-th- fele faire
20Bo: 2,112 ffor -th-ei may mede maystrien . and maken hire
at her wille
20Bo: 2,113 -Th-o -th-ys gold was ygyuen . gret was -th-e
20Bo: 2,114 To fals and fauel . for here fayre -gh-iftes
20Bo: 2,115 And comen & co(n)fortiden fro care -th-e
20Bo: 2,116 And seiden for certeyn . cesse ne shulde we neuere
20Bo: 2,117 Til mede be -th-i weddid wif -th-ourgh wytt of
vs alle
20Bo: 2,118 ffor we haue mede maistried . wi-th- oure merie
20Bo: 2,119 And -th-at she gr(au)nted wi-th- vs to go . wi-th-
a goode wille
20Bo: 2,120 To londou(n) to loke . -gh-if -th-at lawe wolde
20Bo: 2,121 Iuggen -gh-ow togedre ioyntly . in ioye for euere
20Bo: 2,122 -Th-anne was fals fulfayn . and fauel fulbli-th-e
20Bo: 2,123 And lete su(m)pne alle -th-e sissours . aboute
20Bo: 2,124 And al so bonde men . beggeris and o-th-ere
20Bo: 2,125 To wende wi-th- hem to westmynst(er) . to wytnesse
-th-at dede
20Bo: 2,126 -th-anne karieden -th-ei for caplis . to carye
hem -th-ider
20Bo: 2,127 -Th-anne fette fauel for-th- . folis of -th-e
20Bo: 2,128 And sette mede on a shereue . y shod al newe
20Bo: 2,129 And fals sat on a sissour -th-at fetisly trotted
20Bo: 2,130 And fauel vppon fair speche . queyntely attirid
20Bo: 2,131 _Th_ere hadden notaries none hors . anoied -th-ei
20Bo: 2,132 _Th_at symonye and Cyuyle . shulden on fote gang
20Bo: 2,133 _Th_anne swor Cyuyle . and seide by -th-e rode
20Bo: 2,134 _Th_at su(m)pnoures shulden be sadeled and seruen
hem echone
20Bo: 2,135 And let apparaile -th-ise p(ro)visours . in palfreies
20Bo: 2,136 Sire Symonye hymsilf: sat vppon her backis
20Bo: 2,137 Alle -th-e officiales and deues: as destreris
hem di-gh-te
20Bo: 2,138 ffor -th-ei shulden bere -th-e bischopis: and
brynge hem at reste
20Bo: 2,139 Paulynes peple : for pleyntis in -th-e constorie
20Bo: 2,140 Shullen serue mysilf: -th-at Cyuyle hatte
20Bo: 2,141 And cartsadil oure comyssarie: oure carte shal
20Bo: 2,142 And fette for-th- oure vytailis: fro fornycatouris
20Bo: 2,143 And maki-th- of li-gh-ere a long carte . to lede
alle -th-ise o-th-ere
20Bo: 2,144 As foolis and faytours . -th-at on her feet trotten
20Bo: 2,145 ffals and fauel faren for-th-: bo-th-e togidir
20Bo: 2,146 and mede in myddis . and al -th-is meyne aftir
20Bo: 2,147 I haue no tome to telle . -th-e tail -th-at hem
20Bo: 2,148 Of many manere of men . -th-at in -th-is world
20Bo: 2,149 Ac gile was forgoere . and gyed hem alle
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20Bo: 2,150 Sothnesse sei hym wel . and sayde but litil
20Bo: 2,151 And priked for-th- on his palfray . and passed
hem alle
20Bo: 2,152 And com to -th-e kynges court . and conscience
20Bo: 2,153 And conscience to -th-e kyng . carpid hit aftir
20Bo: 2,154 Now bi crist quod -th-e kyng . and y my-gh-tte
20Bo: 2,155 ffals o-th-er fauel . or eny of his feris
20Bo: 2,156 I wolde be wroken of -th-ise wrecchis . -th-at
worche-th- he(m) so ille
20Bo: 2,157 and hange hem by -th-e hals . and alle -th-at
hem maynteyne-th-
20Bo: 2,158 Shal -th-ere neuere man of molde . meynprise
-th-e leste
20Bo: 2,159 But ri-gh-t as -th-e lawe loked . let falle on
hem alle
20Bo: 2,160 And comaundid a constable . -th-at com at -th-e
20Bo: 2,161 To attache -th-ise tyrauntis . -th-at for no
catel -gh-e ne lette
20Bo: 2,162 I hote -gh-ow to fettre falsnesses faste . for
eny skynnes -gh-iftis
20Bo: 2,163 and gerde of gylours heed . let hym go no fer-th-er
20Bo: 2,164 and brynge-th- mede to me . maugre hem alle
20Bo: 2,165 Symonye and Cyuyle . ysende hem to warne
20Bo: 2,166 -Th-at holichirche for hem wor-th- harmed . for
20Bo: 2,167 and if -gh-e kacche li-gh-ere . let hym not askape
20Bo: 2,168 Er he be put on -th-e pillory . for eny preiere
20Bo: 2,169 and -th-er to ycharge -gh-ow and bidde . -th-at
he not askape
20Bo: 2,169 _Th_at herde drede at -th-e dore . -th-ere he stod . al -th-at harde dome
20Bo: 2,170 and wi-gh-tliche hy(m) wente . to warne fals
20Bo: 2,171 and bad hym flee for ferd . and hise feris alle
20Bo: 2,172 _Th_anne falsnesse for ferd . fledde tp -th-e
20Bo: 2,173 and gile do-th- hym to go . agast for to deye
20Bo: 2,174 Ac marchaundyse mette wy-th- hym . and made hym
20Bo: 2,175 an schetten hym in here shoppis . to shewe her
20Bo: 2,176 Apparaileden hym as app(re)ntis . -th-e peple
to serue
20Bo: 2,177 li-gh-tliche li-gh-ere lep away . lurkynge -th-urgh
20Bo: 2,178 ---line om ---
20Bo: 2,179 he was nowher welcome . for his many talis
20Bo: 2,180 Oueral he was hunschid . and yhote trusse
20Bo: 2,181 Til p(ar)doneres hadden of hym pyte . and putten
hy(m) to house
20Bo: 2,182 Weischen hym and wipeden hym . and woundon hy(m)
in clo-th-is
20Co: 2,183 and senten hym on sonendayes wi-th- seales .
to chirche
20Bo: 2,184 And -gh-af p(ar)dou(n) for pans . poundmel aboute
20Bo: 2,185 -Th-er of herde a leche . and lettris hym sente
20Bo: 2,186 ffor to wonye wi-th- hym . and watres to loke
20Bo: 2,187 A spicer spak wi-th- hym . to aspie hem her ware
20Bo: 2,188 ffor he cou-th-e on her craft . and knew many
20Bo: 2,189 and mynstrelis and messangeris: metten wi-th-
hym ones
20Bo: 2,190 And wi-th-helden hym wi-th- hem . -th-e terme
of her lyues
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20Bo: 2,190 To ben of here consail . whann -th-ei carieden aboute
20Bo: 2,191 ffrerys wi-th- faire speche . fetten hym -th-ennys
20Bo: 2,192 ffor knowyng of comers . copeden hym as a frere
20Bo: 2,193 Ac he ha-th- leue to lippen . out as ofte as
hym liki-th-
20Bo: 2,194 And is welcome whan he wolde . and wonye-th-
wi-th- hem ofte
20Bo: 2,195 Alle fledden for fere . and flowen into hernes
20Bo: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e mayde . noman durste abide
20Bo: 2,197 Ac trewly to telle . she tremblid for drede
20Bo: 2,198 And weepe and wrang . whan she was attachid