PPLA-P Diplomatic Texts
No. 1
P: 4,106 And haten harlotrie . for :::o-th-er mou-th-e it with
tungis [aaaAx]
P: 4,107 Til prestis hem selfe :::::here preching [aaAx]
P: 4,108 And don it in dede . :::::to drawe vs to gode [aaAx]
P: 4,109 Til seint Iames be sou-gh-t . -th-(er) I schal asigne
P: 4,110 -Th-at no man go to galis . but he go for euere
P: 4,111 And alle rome renners . for robbinge of bi-gh-onde
P: 4,112 --- line om ----
P: 4,113 --- line om ----
P: 4,114 --- line om ----
P: 4,115 But it be marchauntis or his men . & messeng(er)is
w(i)t(h) l(ett)res [aaAx]
P: 4,116 Or p(ro)uessour or any p(re)st . -th-at -th-e pope
auaunci-th- [aaAx]
P: 4,117 And -gh-it q(ua)-th- reson be -th-e roode . I schal
no rewth haue [aaAx]
P: 4,118 While mede hath -th-e maistrie . to moten in -th-(i)s
halle [aaAx]
P: 4,119 Ac I may schew a saumple . as I seide ere [aaAx]
P: 4,120 I sey it for my self . and it so were [aaAx]
P: 4,121 -Th-at I were a kinge to kepe a rewme [aaAx]
P: 4,122 Schulde neu(er)e wronge in -th-is word . -th-at
I mith wete [aaAx]
P: 4,123 Ben vnpunschid for perel of mi soule [aaAx]
P: 4,124 Ne gete my grace so god me helpe [aaaAx]
P: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)cy . but meknesse it made
P: 4,126 ffor { nullum malum } -th-(a)t men mette with {
inpunitu(m) } [aaAx]
P: 4,127 And bad -th-at { nullum bonu(m) } be { inremuneratum
} [aaAx]
P: 4,128 Lete -th-i confessour(e) sir(e) :::: . construe
-th-:: ::: latin [aaAx]
P: 4,129 And -th-(o)u werche it in werk . ::::::il le-th-
bo-th-e my(n) eres [aaAx]
P: 4,130 -Th-at lawe schal ben a laborer . an lede afelde
donge [aaAx]
P: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-y londe . as -th-e wel liki-th-
P: 4,132 Clerkis -th-at were cowplid togedere [aaAx]
P: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-e clause . -th-ai declined
fas:e [aaAx]
P: 4,134 Amonge -th-o -th-ai had rehersid -th-e wordes [aaAx]
P: 4,135 -Th-(er) was no man in motehalle . more ne lasse
P: 4,136 -Th-at helde reson a maist(er) and mede . a moche
werch [xaaAx]
P: 4,137 And loue lete here of lithly . and lowh here to
scorn [aaAx]
P: 4,138 And seide it so lowde . -th-at sothnesse it herde
P: 4,139 --- line om ----
P: 4,140 --- line om ----
P: 4,141 And warned wisdom -th-o . & with his fere [aaAx]
P: 4,142 Cowde not a word . to withsey resoun [aaAx]
P: 4,143 But starid and stomd . and stomd as bestis [aaAx]
P: 4,144 -Th-e kinge acordid to resownys sawe [aaAx]
P: 4,145 And recordid -th-at reson . hadde schewed [aaAx]
P: 4,146 ---line om ---
P: 4,147 ---line om ---
No. 2
P: 4,148 Be hym :::: dei-gh-::: on rode . q(ua)-th- -th-e kinge [aaAx]
P: 4,148 To reson :::::::::::::::::::::::::::in with lith
P: 4,149 But I rewle -th-us -th-i reaum . rende oute my ribb(es)
P: 4,150 If it be so -th-at buxumnesse . be of myn asente
P: 4,151 And I asente q(ua)-th- -th-e kinge . :: seint mary
my lady [axAx]
P: 4,152 Be my counseil come . :::::::: clerk(es) and erlis
P: 4,153 But redely resun . -th-(o)u schalt not wende hens
P: 4,154 ffor as longe as I lyue . loue -th-e I wille [aaAx]
P: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d reson . to reste with::::: for
euere [aaAx]
P: 4,156 So consience be of -gh-our counseil . kepe I no
bettr(e) [aaAx]
P: 4,157 I graunte q(uo)d kinge . g:::: :::bode or he faile
P: 4,158 As longe as ::::: . :::: we togideris [aaAx]
passus quint(us) de visio
P: 5,1 -Th-e kinge & k:::::: . to -th-e chirche wente [aaAx]
P: 5,2 To here matynes and :::::: . and to mete after [aaAx]
P: 5,3 -Th-an wakid I of my wynkyng . & wo was w(i)t(h)alle
P: 5,4 -Th-at I ne ::::: Is:::::::::::: . & yseyn more
P: 5,5 Er I had fare a fu::::: . feyntise me hente [aaAx]
P: 5,6 -Th-at I ne mi-gh-te fer-th-ere a fote . for defaute
of slepe [aaAx]
P: 5,7 I sat softely in my bedis . & seide my beleue
P: 5,8 And so I babelide on my bedis . -th-ei browth me aslepe
P: 5,9 -Th-an saw I meke more . :::::::::: I before tolde
P: 5,10 --- this line is omitted ---
P: 5,11 And consiens wi-th- ::::::::::: for to prechin [aaAx]
P: 5,12 And preide -th-e pepl::::: pite of hem selue [aaAx]
P: 5,13 And prouid -th-at pestilence . wer: for pur(e) synne
P: 5,14 And -th-e sou-th-west :::::: . ::: satirdai at eue
P: 5,15 Was aparti:::::::::::::::::: for no -th-ing ell(is)
P: 5,16 Peries and plantes . ::::::::: pussid to -th-e erthe
P: 5,17 An exaumple ::::::::::: . :::::::::: -th-e bettre
P: 5,18 Beches and okis . ::::: blowe to -th-e grownd [aaAx]
P: 5,19 And turnide vp her taile . in tokene of drede [aaAx]
P: 5,20 -Th-at dedely synne or domisday . schuld fordo al
P: 5,21 Of -th-is mater(e) I mith . mamele wel longe [aaAx]
P: 5,22 Ac I schal sei-gh-e as I saw . so god me helpe [aaAxx]
P: 5,23 How consience wi-th- a cros . for to preche [aaAx]
P: 5,24 He bad wastour go war . what he best cowde [aaAxx]
P: 5,25 And wynne -th-at he wastide . wi-th- sum craft [aaAxx]
P: 5,26 And preide p(er)nel . here purfile to leue [aaAx]
P: 5,27 And kepe it ::: her cofre . for catel at nede [aaAx]
P: 5,28 Thomas he tawth . to take two staues [aaAx]
P: 5,29 And fecche felis his wyf . fro wyuene pyne [aaAxx]
No. 3
P: 7,84 ffor of corn and catel . he craui-th- -th-e ti-th-e
P: 7,85 Ipaide -th-e prest . for perel of my sowle [aaAx]
P: 7,86 He is holde as I hope . to han me in mende [aaAx]
P: 7,87 And menge me in his memorie . among al c(ri)ste(n)
P: 7,88 Mi wif schal han -th-at I wan . w(i)t(h) trew-th- & nomore
P: 7,89 And dele among my frendis . & my chyldrin [axAx]
P: 7,90 ffor -th-ai I deie my dettis ben quite [aaAx]
P: 7,91 I bar hom -th-at y borwid . or y to bed -gh-ede [aaAx]
P: 7,92 With -th-e residue & -th-e remenau(n)t . be -th-e
rode of chest[r]e [aaAx]
P: 7,93 I wile worschipe -th-erewith . trew-th-e whil I leue
P: 7,212a { ffaciatis amicos et cetera } [Latin]
P: 7,213 I wolde not greue god for al -th-inge in er-th-e
P: 7,214 Mith I do it sinneles q(uo)d peris -th-anne [aaXx]
P: 7,215 I behote -th-e q(uod) hung(ir) . or -th-e bible
lie-th- [aaAxx]
P: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e e(n)gendrour of vs alle [aaAx]
P: 7,217 { In sudore } In swink . -th-(o)u schalt -th-i mete
tilie [aaAx]
P: 7,218 labour for -th-i liflode . for so aure lord hi-gh-th
P: 7,219 And sapience sei-th- -th-e same . I saw it :::::
bible [aaAx]
P: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . no :::: wolde tilie
P: 7,221 He schal schal biddin ::::::::: man bete h(i)s hu(n)g(ir)
P: 7,222 Matheu with manis ::::: . meni-th- -th-e wordis
P: 7,223 -Th-at { Seruus neq(uam) } had a { nam } .
P: 7,223 And for he nolde not usin [aaAx]
P: 7,224 He had a mauug(re) of his maist(er) . eu(er) more
aft(ir) [aaAx]
P: 7,225 --- line om ---
P: 7,226 --- line om ---
P: 7,227 And sy-th-en he seide . it folowde :::: h(i)s s(er)uau(n)t
it herde [aaAx]
P: 7,228 He -th-(a)t ha-th- schal han . and helpe -th-(er)
nede is [aaaAx]
P: 7,229 ::: he -th-(a)t not hath . nawth shal nou-gh-t hyn
P: 7,230 And -th-at he weni-th- wel to han . :::::::::::::::
ber(eu)ue [aaAx]
P: 7,231 Kynde wit wolde . -th-at iche witht wrou-gh-te [aaAa]
P: 7,232 Or with teching o-th-er telling . or trauaillyng
of hondis [aaAx]
P: 7,233 --- line om ----
P: 7,234 This sauter sei-th- . in a salme of { Beati omnes
} [aaAx]
P: 7,234a { Labores manuum tuarum quia manducabis &c
} [Latin]
P: 7,235 He -th-at get his fode . w(i)t(h) trauail of his
hondis [aaXa]
P: 7,236 God -gh-iue-th- ::: blissinge -th-at here liflode
here so wynne-th- [????]
P: 7,237 -Gh-it I preye -th-e qua-th- peris . pur charite,
-gh-if -th-ou kenne [aaAxx]
P: 7,238 Eny lif of lechecraft . lere it me my dere [aaAx]
P: 7,239 ffor summe of my seruauntis . ben seke o-th-er while
P: 7,240 Of alle -th-e wyke werki-th- nou-gh-t . so here
wombe aki-th- [aaAx]
P: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d a hung(er) . what seknesse hem
eile-th- [????]
No. 4
P: 7,242 -Th-ay mangen ou(er) mekil . -th-(a)t maki-th- he(m)
g(ro)ne fast [aaAx]
P: 7,243 Ac I bid -th-e ::: hung(er) . -gh-if -th-(o)u hele
wilt haue [aaAx]
P: 7,244 Loke -th-(o)u drinke no dai . or -th-(o)u ete sumwhat
P: 7,245 Ete not I bid -th-e . or hung(er) -th-e take [aaAx]
P: 7,246 And sendi-th- -th-e of h(i)s sause . to sauo(ur)
-th-i lippis [aaAx]
P: 7,247 And kep su(m) what til sop(er)e . and sit not to
longe [aaAx]
P: 7,248 Aris vp or apetite . haue ete h(i)s fille [aaAx]
P: 7,249 Lete not sir(e) surfete . sit at -th-i table [aaAx]
P: 7,250 Loue him not for he is a lecho(ur) . & licorols
of tu(n)ge [aaAx]
P: 7,251 --- line om ---
P: 7,252 And -gh-if -th-ou dite -th-e -th-us . I dar lai
mi armis [axAx]
P: 7,253 -Th-at fesik schal his forrid hode . for fesik selle
P: 7,254 And eke h(i)s cloke ant his coupe of gold [aaAx]
P: 7,255 And be fain be mi fai-th- . h(i)s fesik to leue
P: 7,256 And lere :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,257 ffor -th-(er) be::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,258 -Th-ai do m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,259 Be seint :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,260 --- line om ----
P: 7,261 Wende n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,262 I behote :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,263 Til I ha::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,264 I haue n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,265 Nei-th-(er) ges:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,266 And af::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
P: 7,268 And -gh-it I sei-gh-e be my soule . I haue no salt bacou(n) [aaAx]
P: 7,267 A loof of benes & bren . Ibake for mi children [aaAx]
P: 7,269 --- line om ----
P: 7,270 --- line om ----
P: 7,271 And eke a cow and a calf . and a carte mare [aaAx]
P: 7,272 --- line om ----
P: 7,273 Be -th-is liflode me most leue . til lammass [aaAx]
P: 7,274 Be -th-an I hope to han . heruest in my croft [aaAx]
P: 7,275 -Th-an may I dith my digner . as me liki-th- [aaAx]
P: 7,276 Al -th-e pore peple . pesecodd(is) to fecche [aaAx]
P: 7,277 Benes and bacon . -thai brouth in her(e) lappis
P: 7,278 --- line om ----
P: 7,279 And p(ro)ferid it peris -th-(er) w(i)t(h) to plese
hunger [aaaAx]
P: 7,280 Hung(ir) hente -th-is in haste . and axked more
P: 7,281 -Th-anne -th-is folk for fere . fet he(m) manye
P: 7,282 Ere ne porett(es) and pesin him to poisone