PPLA-H3 Diplomatic Texts
fol. 107v
H3: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d envy-gh-e . I am seldom o-th-ir
H3: 5,106 And it makyt me ful mat . for I may not be vengyd
H3: 5,107 Than come co(n)cyens . I can hy(m) nouth dyscry-gh-e
H3: 5,108 So hungry he loked syre heruy & holwe [aaAx]
H3: 5,109 He was byttylbrowyd & eke babyrlyppyd
H3: 5,109 W(i)t(h) ij blereeyid eyne blynd as an hagge [aaAx]
H3: 5,110 And as a letherene purs . lokede hys chekys [axAx]
H3: 5,110 [B:V,194/C:VII,201] And as aboute ma(n) of hys bakou(n)
hys berd was be drablyd
H3: 5,110 [B:V,195/C:VII,202] he had an hat om hys hed & hys
hod also
H3: 5,111 In a tore tabbard . of xij wynt(er) age [aaAx]
H3: 5,112 But -gh-yf a lows coude lepe . I leue nouth I trowe
H3: 5,113 He xuld not wandery(n) on -th-(a)t wede . it was
so thredbare [aaAx]
H3: 5,114 I haue be(n) coueytous q(uo)d -th-(a)t caytyf .
I beknow it here [aaAx]
H3: 5,115 ffor so(m)me tyme I seruyd . symony it semyd to
me myrthe [aaAx]
H3: 5,116 I was hys prentys Iplyth . hys p(ro)fyth to waytene
H3: 5,117 ffor I lernyd to ly-gh-e . & leue o-th-(er)
twey-gh-e [aaAx]
H3: 5,118 Wykkydly to wey-gh-e . was my fryst lesson [aaAxx]
H3: 5,119 ffro sleytforth to wy(n)chestyr . I went to -th-e
feyre [aaAx]
H3: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) marchau(n)dyse . as my mayst(er)
hyth [aaAx]
H3: 5,121 Ne had -th-e g(ra)ce of gyle . go among my ware
H3: 5,122 It had be(n) vnseld -th-is vij -gh-er . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
H3: 5,123 -Th-a(n) drow I me among draprys . my donet to
lerne [aaAx]
H3: 5,124 To drawe -th-e lesur on long . -th-e lengere it
semyd [aaAx]
H3: 5,125 Among -th-e ryche rayis . -th-(er) lernyd I a lessou(n)
H3: 5,126 Brochyd he(m) on w(i)t(h) a bety(n)g nedyl . & plytyd
he(m) togedr(is) [aaAx]
H3: 5,127 And put he(m) i(n) a p(re)ssure . & py(n)nyd
hy(m) -th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
H3: 5,128 Tyl x -gh-erdys or xij . toldy(n) out thertene
H3: 5,129 My wyf was a webstere . & wollene clothys made
H3: 5,130 I spak to -th-e spynsterys . to spynne it -th-(er)
oute [aaAx]
H3: 5,131 -Th-e pou(n)d -th-(a)t sche payid . he(m) by passyd
a qwart(er) [aaAx]
H3: 5,132 More -th-a(n) it augthe . qwan I waugh treuthe
H3: 5,133 I bouth hyr barly . sche brew it to selle [aaAx]
H3: 5,134 Penyale & pylqwyt . put sche togedere [aaAx]
H3: 5,135 ffor labourrerys & lowd folk . -th-(a)t lay
be he(m) seluy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 5,136 -Th-e best i(n) my bed chaunbre . lay be -th-e
wowe [aaAx]
H3: 5,137 And ho so bybbyd -th-(er)of . payid -th-(er)aft(ir)
H3: 5,138 A galou(n) for a grote . god wot no lesse [aaAx]
H3: 5,139 qwa(n) it come i(n) coppemelle . -th-(a)t craft
my wyf vsyd [aaAx]
H3: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratyr . was hyr ryth name [aaAx]
H3: 5,141 Sche hath holde ostry-gh-e . elleuene wynt(er)
H3: 5,142 And I swer so mote I the . -th-(a)t synne xal I
lete [aaAx]
H3: 5,143 Ne-th-(er) wykkydly wey-gh-e . ne wykkyd chaffare
make [aaAx]
H3: 5,144 But wende to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyf als [aaAx]
H3: 5,145 And bydde -th-e rode of bromhol(m)m . bryng vs
out of dete [aaAx]
H3: 5,146 Now begynnyth glotou(n) . to go(n) on hys wey-gh-e
H3: 5,147 And koueryth to chyrche . hys culpe to schewe [aaAx]
H3: 5,148 And betou(n) -th-e breustere . sche bad hy(m) good
morwe [aaAx]
H3: 5,149 And sche askyd of hy(m) . qwedyrward he wolde [aaAx]
H3: 5,150 To holy chyrche q(uo)d he . for to here messe [aaAx]
H3: 5,151 And sytthy(n) I xal be schreuy(n) . & synny(n)
no more [aaAx]
H3: 5,152 I haue good ale gossyb . wylt -th-(o)u asay [aaAx]
H3: 5,153 Hast -th-(o)u q(uo)d herry . any hote spycys [aaAx]
H3: 5,154 -Gh-a glotou(n) gossyb q(uo)d sche . god wot wol
hote [aaAx]
H3: 5,155 I haue pepyr & pyany . & a pou(n)d of leke
H3: 5,156 And a ferthyng worth of fenkel sed . for fastyng
dayis [aaAx]
H3: 5,157 Than goth glotou(n) In . & grete othys aft(ir)
H3: 5,158 Cysse -th-e sewtere . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
H3: 5,159 Watte -th-e berward . & hys wyf bothe [aaAx]
H3: 5,160 Symme -th-e tyngkere . & tweyne of hys knauys
H3: 5,161 Hykke & -th-e hakeneyma(n) . & hew -th-e
nedelere [aaAx]
H3: 5,162 Clerys of cokkyslane . & -th-e clerk of -th-e
chyrche [aaAx]
H3: 5,162 [B:V,312/C:VII,367] Pere pers & pryde & p(er)nelle of flaunders
H3: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dykere . & a doseyn o-th-ir [aaAx]
H3: 5,164 A rebauderere a ratenere . a -gh-ekere of shyp
H3: 5,165 A ropere a redyngkyng . & rose -th-e dychere
H3: 5,165 [B:V,324/C:VII,373] Godfrey of garlek hethe & gryssy of walys
H3: 5,166 And of vpholderys an hep . erly be -th-e morwe [aaAx]
H3: 5,167 -Th-ei geuy(n) glotou(n) w(i)t(h) glad chere .
good ale to hansale [aaAbb]
fol. 108v
H3: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobelere . cast of hys cloke [aaAa]
H3: 5,169 And at -th-e newe feyre . nemyd it to selle [axAx]
H3: 5,170 Hykke -th-e ostelere . cast hys hod aft(ir) [aaAa]
H3: 5,171 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 5,172 -Th-(er) were chapme(n) Ichose . -th-e chaffare
to p(ri)se [aaAx]
H3: 5,173 ho so haue -th-e hod xuld haue . me(n)dys of -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
H3: 5,174 -Th-ei resyn vp i(n) rape . & rounyd togederys
H3: 5,175 And p(ri)syd -th-e penyworthys . ap(ar)t by(n)
he(m) seluy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 5,176 -Th-(er) wery(n) othys an hep . ou(er) -th-e hod & -th-e
cloke [aaAa]
H3: 5,177 Tweyne coude nouth be here co(n)cye(n)s . acordy(n)
togederys [aaAx]
H3: 5,178 Tyl roby(n) -th-e rop(er)e . was red for to ryse
H3: 5,179 And ne(m)myd hy(m) for a omp(er)e . -th-(a)t no
debat were [aaAa]
H3: 5,180 Hykke -th-e ostelere . -th-a(n) hadde -th-e cloke
H3: 5,181 In couiena(n)t -th-(a)t cleme(n)t . -th-e coppe
xuld fylle [aaAx]
H3: 5,182 And haue hykkes hod osteler . & hold hy(m)
seruyd [aaaAx]
H3: 5,183 And ho so repente hy(m) rathest . xald aryse aft(ir)
H3: 5,184 And grete syre glotou(n) . w(i)t(h) a galou(n)
of ale [aaAx]
H3: 5,185 -Th-(er) was lawghyng & lowryng . & lat
go -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
H3: 5,186 Bargaynys & beuerechys . bego(n)ne for to ryse
H3: 5,187 And sytty(n) so tyl euesong . & songy(n) somqwyle
H3: 5,188 Tyl glotou(n) had Iclobbyd . a galou(n) & a
gylle [aaAa]
H3: 5,188 [B:V,340/C:VII,398] hys guttys gu(n) gybre as a gredy sowwe
H3: 5,189 And pyssyd a potel . i(n) a p(ate)rn(oste)r qwyle
H3: 5,190 He blew -th-e rou(n)de reuet . at -th-e rygbons
ende [aaAx]
H3: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-(a)t herdy(n) -th-(a)t horu(n)
. heldy(n) here nose aft(ir) [aaAa]
H3: 5,192 And wyschyd -th-(a)t it had be waxid . w(i)t(h)
a wysp of fyre [aaAx]
H3: 5,193 He hadde no strengthe to sto(n)de . er he hys staf
hadde [aaAx]
H3: 5,194 And -th-a(n) ga(n) he gou(n) . lyk a glewma(n)nys
bytche [aaAx]
H3: 5,195 Som tyme on syde . & som tyme on rere [aaAx]
H3: 5,196 And as ho so kynd lynys . to take w(i)t(h) foulys
H3: 5,197 Qwa(n) he drow toward -th-e dore . -th-a(n) dymmyd
hys eyne [aaAx]
H3: 5,198 And stomelyd on -th-e thressold . & fel to
-th-e erde [aaAx]
H3: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] Clme(n)t -th-e coblere canth
hy(m) be -th-e medyl
H3: 5,198 [B:V,352/C:VII,410] And for to lyft hy(m) on lofte
leyde hy(m) on hys knowwys
H3: 5,198 [B:V,353/C:VII,411] And glotou(n) was a gret charl & gry(n)
i(n) -th-e lyftyng
H3: 5,198 [B:V,354/C:VII,412] And cobbyd vp a caudel i(n)
clementys lappe
H3: 5,198 [B:V,355/C:VII,413] Is no(n) so hungry sowe i(n)
herforthe schyre
H3: 5,198 [B:V,356/C:VII,414] Dorst lappe of -th(a)t lyuy(n)g
so vnlouely it smellyd
H3: 5,199 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e wo of -th-is werld . hys wyf & hys
wenche [aaAa]
H3: 5,200 Boryn hy(m) to hys bed . & browty(n) hy(m)
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
H3: 5,201 And aft(ir) -th-is surfet . an accidye he hadde
H3: 5,202 -Th-(a)t he slept saturday & soneday . tyl -th-e
sonne -gh-ed to rest [aaaAx]
H3: 5,203 Than wakyd he of hys wynkyng . & wypyd hys
eyne [aaAx]
H3: 5,204 The fryst word -th-(a)t he spak . qwere is -th-e
bolle [aaAx]
H3: 5,205 Hys wyf wyssyd hy(m) -th-o . of hys wykkydnesse & sy(n)ne
H3: 5,206 -Th-a(n) was -th-(a)t schrew aschamyd . & ga(n)
xarpe hys erys [aaAx]
H3: 5,207 And ga(n) wepe gry(m)ly . & gret dol maken
H3: 5,208 ffor hys lethyr lyf . -th-(a)t he leuyd hadde [aaAx]
H3: 5,209 And avowyd to fast . for hongyr or for thryst [aaAxx]
H3: 5,210 Xal neu(er) fysch on -th-e fryday . defye(n)n i(n)
my(n) mawe wombe [aaAx]
H3: 5,211 Er abstine(n)s my(n) au(n)te . hat -gh-ouy(n) me
leue [aaAxx]
H3: 5,212 And -gh-et haue I hatyd hyr . al my(n) lyf tyme
H3: 5,213 Slauthe for sorwe . fel dou(n) on swou(n)ne [aaXa]
H3: 5,214 Tyl vigilate -th-e veyle . fet watyr at hys eyne
H3: 5,215 And platte it [on] hys face . [&] fast on hy(m)
cryid [aaAx]
H3: 5,216 And seyde war -th-e fro wa(n)hope . -th-(a)t wolde
-th-e betray [aaAx]
H3: 5,217 I am sory for my synnys . sey so -th-i selue [aaAa]
H3: 5,218 And bete -th-i selue(n) on -th-e brest . & p(ra)y
god of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
H3: 5,219 ffor is no gylt here so gret . -th-(a)t hys godnesse
is more [aaAx]
H3: 5,220 -Th-a(n) sat slauthe vp . & syhede faste [aaAx]
H3: 5,221 And made avow tofor god . for hys foule slauthe
H3: 5,222 Xal no soneday -th-is vij -gh-er . but sekenesse
make [aaAx]
H3: 5,223 -th-(a)t I ne xal do me er day . to -th-e derne
chyrche [aaAx]
H3: 5,224 And here messe & matyn(n) . as I a monk were
H3: 5,225 Xal no(n) ale aft(ir) mete . holde me -th-ens [aaAx]
H3: 5,226 Tyl I haue euesond Iherd . I sey be -th-e rode
H3: 5,227 Qwat eu(er) I na(m)m -gh-elde it ageyn . -gh-yf
I so mekyl haue [aaAxx]
H3: 5,228 All -th-(a)t I wykkydly wa(n) . syn I lyf hadde
or wytt [aaAx]
H3: 5,229 And -th-ow my lyflode lake . letty(n)n I nelle
H3: 5,230 -Th-at eche ma(n) xal haue hys . er I hens wende
H3: 5,231 And w(i)t(h) -th-e remenau(n)t & -th-e resydue
. be -th-e rode of chest(re) [aaAx]
H3: 5,232 I wyl seche trewthe . er I se rome [axAx]
H3: 5,233 Robber on { reddere } ful reufully lokede [aaAx]
H3: 5,234 and for -th-(er) was nouth qwer w(i)t(h) he wepyd
sore [aaAx]
H3: 5,235 And -th-e synful schrewe . seyde to hy(m) seluyn
H3: 5,236 Cryst -th-(a)t on caluery . vpon -th-e croys deyddyst
H3: 5,237 -Th-o dysmas my brothyr besouth -th-e of g(ra)ce
H3: 5,238 And mercy on -th-(a)t ma(n) . for { meme(n)to }
is sake [aaAx]
H3: 5,239 -Th-i wyl worth vpon me . as I haue wel des(er)uyd
H3: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er) . -gh-yf hope ne were
H3: 5,241 To rewe on -th-is robbere . -th-(a)t { reddere
} ne hauyth [aaAx]
H3: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wot to wy(n)ne . w(i)t(h) craft -th-(a)t
I knowe [aaAxx]
H3: 5,243 But of -th-i mechele mercy . mytygac(i)on I beseke
H3: 5,244 Dampne me nouth at domysday . for I dede so ylle
H3: 5,245 And qwat befel of -th-(a)t felou(n) . I ca(n) nouth
fayr schewe [aaAx]
H3: 5,246 But wel I wot he wept fast wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) hys
eyne [aaaAx]
H3: 5,247 He knowlachyd hys gylt . to cryst -gh-et eft onys
H3: 5,248 -Th-(a)t { penitencia } hys body . xulde pelychou(n)
newe [aaAx]
H3: 5,249 And lepy(n) w(i)t(h) hy(m) ouyr lond . al hys lyf
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 5,250 ffor he hadde lyn be { latro } . lucyferys au(n)te
H3: 5,251 A thowsand me(n) -th-o . throngy(n) togedyr [aaAx]
H3: 5,252 Wepyng & waylyng . for here wykkyd dedys [aaAx]
H3: 5,253 Cryidy(n) upward to cryst . & to hys clene
mod(er) [aaAx]
H3: 5,254 ffor g(ra)ce to go to trewthe . god leue -th-(a)t
-th-ei so mote [aaAx]
Here endyth -th-e v. p(ar)t of -th-is book pers plowman
H3: 6,1 Tha(n) was -th-(er) no(n) so wyis . -th-(a)t -th-e
wey-gh-e -th-edyr cou(n)de [aaAx]
H3: 6,2 But blusteryd forth as best(is) . ouyr dale & hylle
H3: 6,3 Tyl late & tyl longe . -th-ei a man metty(n)n
H3: 6,4 Ap(ar)aylyd as a payny(m) . i(n) pylg(ri)mys wyse
H3: 6,5 He bar a bourdou(n) bondy(n) . w(i)t(h) a brod lyst
H3: 6,6 In a wyrnde wythys wyse . Iwonde aboute [aaAx]
H3: 6,7 A bag & a bolle . he bar by hys syde [aaAx]
H3: 6,8 An honderd of ampullos . on hys hat setyn [aaAx]
H3: 6,9 Sygnys of -th-e holy lond . & schellys of galys
H3: 6,10 And many crouche on hys cloke . & keyis of rome
H3: 6,11 And -th-e vernyclie hy(m) before . -th-(a)t me(n)
xulde knowe [aaAxx]
H3: 6,12 And sen be hys syngnys . qwom he south hadde [aaAx]
H3: 6,13 -Th-is folk freynyd hy(m) fryst . from qwenns he
come [aaaAxx]
H3: 6,14 ffro(m) synay he seyde . & fro(m) -th-e sepulc(re)
of our lord [aaAx]
H3: 6,15 At betheleem at babylony . I haue be(n) at bothe
H3: 6,16 In ermeny-gh-e i(n) alexandre . & many o-th-(ir)
places [aaAx]
H3: 6,17 -Gh-e mou(n) sen be -th-e syngnys . -th-(a)t sytty(n)
on my(n) hat [aaAx]
H3: 6,18 -Th-at I haue walkyd ful wyde . i(n) wett & i(n)
dry-gh-e [aaaAx]
H3: 6,19 And south goode sentys . for my(n) soule hele [aaAx]
H3: 6,20 Knowyst -th-(o)u out a corse(n)t q(uo)d -th-ei .
-th-(a)t me(n) clepy(n) trewthe [aaAx]
H3: 6,21 And canst -th-(o)u wyssyn vs -th-e wey-gh-e . -th-(er)
-th-(a)t wyth dwellyth [aaAx]
H3: 6,22 Nay so me god help . seyd -th-e ma(n) -th-anne [axAx]
H3: 6,23 I sey neu(er) palmere w(i)t(h) pyk . no(n) w(i)t(h)
skreppe [aaXx]?
H3: 6,24 Askyn aft(ir) hy(m) . er now I come i(n) -th-is
place [aaAxx]
H3: 6,25 Petyr q(uo)d a plowma(n) . & put forth hys hed
H3: 6,26 I knowe hy(m) as kyndely . as a clerk doth hys bokys
H3: 6,27 Clene concye(n)s & wytt . taugth me to hys place
H3: 6,28 And dede me swere sothenesse . to seruy(n) hy(m)
euere [aaAx]
H3: 6,29 Bothe to sowe & to sette . qwyl I swynke mythe
H3: 6,30 I haue be(n) hys folwere . al -th-is fourti wyntyr
H3: 6,31 Bothe sowy(n) [hys] sedys . & folwyd hys bestys
H3: 6,32 And eke kepyd hys corn . & caryid it to house
H3: 6,33 Dychyd & doluy(n) . & do -th-(a)t he hythe
H3: 6,34 W(i)t(h)Inne & w(i)t(h)outy(n) . waytyd hys
p(ro)fyth [aaAx]
H3: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no labourere i(n) hys lordchepe . -th-(a)t
he louyth bett(er) [aaAx]
H3: 6,36 ffor -th-ow I sey it me seluy(n) . I serue hy(m)
to pay [aaAx]
H3: 6,37 I haue my(n) hyre of hy(m) wel . & sometyme
more [aaAx]
H3: 6,38 He is -th-e p(re)stest payere . -th-(a)t pore me(n)n
knowyn [aaAx]
H3: 6,39 He wythalt no(n) hyne hys hyre . -th-(a)t he hat
it at euy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 6,40 He is lown as a lom . & louely of speche [aaAx]
H3: 6,41 And -gh-yf -gh-e wyl wety(n) . qwer -th-(a)t wytt
dwellyth [aaAx]
H3: 6,42 I xal wysse -gh-ow ful . ryth to hys owy(n) place
H3: 6,43 -Gh-a leue pers q(uo)d pylg(ri)mys . & p(ro)feryd
hy(m) hyre [aaAx]
H3: 6,44 Nay be -th-e p(er)ile of my(n) soule . he ga(n)
swere fast [axAx]
H3: 6,45 I nold nouth take a peny . for sent thom(a)s schryne
H3: 6,46 Trewthe wold loue me -th-e wersse . a longe tyme
aft(ir) [abBa]
H3: 6,47 And -gh-e thenke to wende . -th-is is -th-e wey-gh-e
thedyr [aaAx]
H3: 6,48 -Gh-e mote gou(n) be mekenesse . bothe me(n) & wyuys
H3: 6,49 Tyl [-gh-e] come to concye(n)s . cryst wot -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
H3: 6,50 -Th-at -gh-e louy(n) hy(m) bett(er) . -th-a(n) -th-e
lyf i(n) -gh-our hertys [aaAx]
H3: 6,51 And -th-a(n) -gh-our neygbore next . i(n) no wyse
apeyre [aaAx]
H3: 6,52 Otherwyse -th-a(n) -th-(o)u woldyst me(n) . dedy(n)
to -th-i selfe [aaAx]
H3: 6,53 And so bowyt forth be a brook . beth buxu(m) of
speche [aaAx]
H3: 6,54 fforto -gh-e fynde a forthe . -gh-our faderys to
honewre [aaAx]
H3: 6,55 -Th-an wadyth i(n) -th-(a)t wat(ir) . & waschyth
-gh-ow there [aaAx]
H3: 6,56 And xul -gh-e lepe -th-e lytthere . al -gh-our lyf
aft(er) [aaAx]
H3: 6,57 sso xalt -th-(o)u se . swer not but -gh-yf -th-(o)u
se nede [aaAx]
H3: 6,58 And namely i(n) ydylnesse . -th-e name of almythy
H3: 6,59 -Th-a(n) xalt -th-(o)u comy(n) by a croft . but
come nout -th-(er)In [aaAx]
H3: 6,60 -Th-e croft hattyth coueyte nout . me(n)nys catel
no(n) her wyuys [aaAx]
H3: 6,61 Nou(n) no(n) of her s(er)ua(n)tys . -th-(a)t noy-gh-e(n)
he(m) myth [axAx]
H3: 6,62 Loke -th-(o)u breke no bow . -th-[e]re but -gh-yf
it be -th-i(n) owy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 6,63 ij stokkys -th-(er) stondy(n) . but stynt nouth
-th-(er)re [aaAx]
H3: 6,64 -Th-ei hatte stele nouth ne slo nouth . stryk forth
be bothe [aaAx]
H3: 6,65 Leue he(m) on -th-i(n) left hand . loke nouth -th-(er)aft(ir)
H3: 6,66 And hold so wel -th-i(n) halyday . hay tyl euy(n)
H3: 6,67 -Th-a(n) xalt -th-(o)u blenche at a brook . bere no
fals wytnesse [aaAx]
H3: 6,68 -th-(a)t is fretyd w(i)t(h) floreynis . & o-th-(ir)
fees many [aaAx]
H3: 6,69 Loke -th-(o)u pluke no plante . -th-(er)e for p(er)yl
of -th-i(n) soule [aaAx]
H3: 6,70 -th-a(n) -th-(o)u xalt sen . sey soth so it be to
done [aaAx]
H3: 6,71 In no man(er) ell(is) nout . for no ma(n)nys byddyng
H3: 6,72 -Th-a(n) xalt -th-(o)u come to a cort . as cler
as -th-e sonne [aaAx]
H3: 6,73 -Th-e mot is of mercy . -th-e man(er) aboute [aaAx]
H3: 6,74 And alle -th-e wallys be(n) of wytt . to hold self
wyl out [aaAx]
H3: 6,75 -Th-e cornell be(n) of cristendo(m) . to be ken
to saue [aaAx]
H3: 6,76 And boterasyd w(i)t(h) beleue . or -th-(o)u best
nouth sauyd [aaAx]
H3: 6,77 Alle -th-e housys be(n) hyllyd . hallis & chaumberys
w(i)t(h) no led [aaAx]
H3: 6,78 But w(i)t(h) loue and lownsse . as bre-th-ery(n)
of o wombe [aaaXx]
H3: 6,79 The tour -th-(er) trewthe . is hy(m) self is vp
to -th-e sonne [aaXx]
H3: 6,80 He may do w(i)t(h) -th-e day sterre . qwat hy(m)
dere lykyth [aaAx]
H3: 6,81 Deth dar nouth do . -th-(a)t he defendyth [aaAx]
H3: 6,81 [B:V,601/C:VIII,240] I haue no tyme to telle how -th-e
tour standyth
H3: 6,81 [B:V,602/C:VIII,241] And -th-e bry tylbyd wel -th-e
bett(er) -gh-e may
H3: 6,81 [B:V,602/C:VIII,241] Iche pyler is of pen ful clene
H3: 6,82 Grace hattyt -th-e ganward . a godma(n) forsothe [aaAx]
H3: 6,83 Hys ma(n) hattyt ame(n)det -gh-ou . ful many ma(n)
he knowyt [aaAx]
H3: 6,84 Tel hym -th-e tokene . trewthe wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
H3: 6,85 I parformyd -th-e penaunce . -th-(a)t -th-e p(re)st
on me leyde [aaAx]
H3: 6,86 And am sory for my(n) sy(n)nys . & so xal I
eu(er) [aaAx]
H3: 6,87 Qwa(n) I thenke -th-(er)on . -th-ow I were a pope
H3: 6,88 Byd ame(n)de -gh-ou meky(n) hy(m) . to hys maystyr
onys [aaAx]
H3: 6,89 To weyen vp a wyket . -th-(a)t -th-e wey-gh-e schetyth
H3: 6,90 -Th-o adam & eue . ety(n) her bane [aaAx]
H3: 6,91 ffor he hat -th-e key-gh-e of -th-e kleket . -th-ow
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
H3: 6,92 And -gh-yf grace graunte . -th-e to gou(n) i(n)
-th-is wyse [aaAx]
H3: 6,93 -Th-(o)u xalt se trewthe hy(m) seluy(n) . sytty(n)
i(n) -th-i(n) herte [aaAx]
H3: 6,94 And lerne -gh-(o)u to louy(n) . & hys lawys
holdy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 6,95 And be war -th-(a)t wratthe neyth -gh-(o)u nouth
-th-(a)t wykkyd schrewe [aaAx]
H3: 6,96 ffor he hat envy-gh-e to hy(m) . -th-(a)t in -th-i(n)
herte syttyth [aaAx]
H3: 6,97 And pokyth forth for p(ri)de . to preysy(n) -th-i
selue [aaAx]
H3: 6,98 -Th-e boldnesse of -th-i(n) benefetys . makyth -th-e
blynd -th-a(n)ne [aaAx]
H3: 6,99 And so wordyst -th-(o)u dryuy(n) out as dew . at
-th-e dere closyd [aaAx]
H3: 6,100 Wyt key-gh-e & w(i)t(h) cleket . to kepe -th-e
w(i)t(h)oute [aaAx]
H3: 6,101 Happyly an hu(n)dryd wynt(er) . er -th-(o)u eft
entre [aaAa]
H3: 6,102 -Th-(us) myth -th-(o)u lesy(n) hys loue . to lete
wel be -th-i(n) seluy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 6,103 And gety(n) hy(m) agayn thoru g(ra)ce . & no(n)
gyft ellys [aaAx]
H3: 6,104 And -th-(er) arn vij systerys . -th-(a)t seruy(n)
trewthe eu(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 6,105 And be(n) porterys of -th-e posternys . -th-(a)t
to -th-e place longyth [aaAx]
H3: 6,106 -Th-e on hattyth abstyne(n)s . & humylite -th-e
o-th-r [aaAx]
H3: 6,107 Charyte & chastyte . be(n) hys chef maydenys
H3: 6,108 Pacyens & pes . meche puple -th-ei helpy(n)
H3: 6,109 Largesse -th-(a)t lady . latyth in ful many [aaAx]
H3: 6,110 And ho so be sybbe to -th-e systerys . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
H3: 6,111 He is wonderlych wolcome . & fayr vndyrfonge
H3: 6,112 But -gh-yf he be sybbe to so(m)me . of -th-[e]se
vij [aaA]?
H3: 6,113 It is ful hard be my(n) hed . any of -gh-ow alle
H3: 6,114 To gety(n) ingate at -th-e -gh-ate . but g(ra)ce
be -th-e more [aaaAx]
H3: 6,115 Be cryst q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kyn -th-ere
H3: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d a apeward . be nouth -th-(a)t I know
H3: 6,117 I wow to god q(uo)d a waferere . wysty I -th-(a)t
forsothe [aaAx]
H3: 6,118 Schuld I neu(er) forth(er)e a fote . for no frerys
prechyng [aaAx]
H3: 6,119 -Gh-ys q(uo)d pers -th-e plowma(n) . & pookyde
h(e)m to goode [aaAx]
H3: 6,120 Mercy is a maydy(n) . & hat myth ouyr he(m)
alle [aaAx]
H3: 6,121 And sche is sybb to alle synful . & hyr sone
also [aaAx]
H3: 6,122 And thorw helpe of he(m) to . hope -th-(o)u my(n)
no(n) o-th-ir [aaAa]
H3: 6,123 -Th-(o)u myth gete -th-(er) g(ra)ce . so -th-(o)u
goo be tyme [aaAx]
H3: 7,1 -Th-is were a ful wykkyd wey-gh-e . but ho so hadde
a gyde [aaAx]
H3: 7,2 -Th-(o)u myth folwe vs eche a fote . tel we come
-th-(er)re [aaAxx]
H3: 7,3 Q(ua-th-) perky(n) -th-e plowma(n) . be sent poule
-th-e postyl [aaAa]
H3: 7,4 I haue an half acre to ery-gh-e . be -th-e hey wey-gh-e
H3: 7,5 Hadde I eryid . -th-(a)t half akre & Isowe it
aft(er) [aaAx]?
H3: 7,6 I xulde wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ow . tyl -gh-e were -th-ere
H3: 7,7 -Th-at were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady i(n) a
slyre [aaAx]
H3: 7,8 Qwat xul we wome(n) . werche -th-e qwyle [aaAx]
H3: 7,9 So(m)me xul sowwe -th-e sek . for schedy(n)g of -th-e
qwete [aaAx]
H3: 7,10 And -th-e wyuys -th-(a)t ha(n) wollene . werky(n)
it fast [aaAx]
H3: 7,11 Spynnyth spedylych . sparyth nouth -gh-o(ur) fyngerys
H3: 7,12 But it be any halyday . or any hey euy(n) [xaAa]
H3: 7,13 Lokyth forth -gh-o(ur) lynene . & laboure -th-(er)on
faste [aaAx]
H3: 7,14 -Th-e nedy & -th-e nakyd . nemyth heed qwow
-th-ei legge [aaAx]
H3: 7,15 Cast he(m) clothys for cold . for so coma(n)dyth
trewthe [aaaXx]
H3: 7,16 ffor I xal lenen he(m) lyflode . but -th-e lond
fayle [aaAx]
H3: 7,17 As longe as I leue . for -th-e lordys loue of heuene
H3: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyis . w(i)t(h) -gh-o(ur) longe
fyngerys [aaAx]
H3: 7,19 -Gh-e han sylk & sendel . to sowwe qwa(n) it
is tyme [aaAx]
H3: 7,20 Chesepels for chapleyns . chyrchys to honoure [aaAx]
H3: 7,21 And alle man(er) of me(n) . -th-(a)t be -th-e mete
leuyth [aaAx]
H3: 7,22 Helpyth he(m) to werche wytly . -th-(a)t wy(n)ne
-gh-o(ur) fode [aaAx]
H3: 7,23 Be cryst q(uo)d a knyth . -th-(o)u kennyst vs -th-e
best [aaAx]
H3: 7,24 And or -th-is tyme trewly . taugth was I neu(er)
H3: 7,25 But ken me q(uo)d -th-e knyth . & I wel gon
eryen [aaAx]
H3: 7,26 Be sent poule q(uo)d p(er)kyn . & for -th-(o)u
p(ro)feryst me so lowe [aaAx]
H3: 7,27 I xal swynke & swete & sowe for vs bothe
H3: 7,28 And eke labour for -th-i(n) loue . al my(n) lyf
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 7,29 In couiena(n)t -th-(o)u kepe . holychyrche & myselue(n)
H3: 7,30 ffrom wastours fro(m) wykkyd me(n) . -th-(a)t wely(n)
me dystroy-gh-e [aaAx]
H3: 7,31 And go hut hardyly . for harys & for foxis [aaAx]
H3: 7,32 And borys & bukkys . -th-(a)t brekyn my(n) heggys
H3: 7,33 And fecche -th-e hom faukons . -th-o foulys to kylle
H3: 7,34 ffor -th-ese comy(n) to croft . & croppy(n)
my qwete [aaAx]
H3: 7,35 Curteysly -th-e knyth . rehersyd -th-o wordys [aaAx]
H3: 7,36 By my powere pers . I pleyth -th-e my trewthe [aaAx]
H3: 7,37 To fulfylle -th-is forward . qwyl my lyf may lest
H3: 7,38 -Gh-a & -gh-et a poynt q(uo)d p(er)ky(n)n .
I p(re)y -th-e more [aaAx]
H3: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene no tenaunt . but trewthe wyl
assent [aaAx]
H3: 7,40 And -th-ow pore me(n) p(ro)fyre . -th-e -gh-yftys
H3: 7,41 Neme it nouth i(n) aue(n)ture -th-(o)u mow it not
deserue [aaAx]?
H3: 7,42 ffor -th-(o)u xalt -gh-eldy(n) a-gh-en . at one
-gh-erys ende [aaAx]
H3: 7,43 In a ful p(er)lyous place . -th-(a)t p(ur)gatory
hattyth [aaAx]
H3: 7,44 And mysbede nouth -th-i(n) bondme(n) . -th-e bett(er)
xalt -th-(o)u spede [aaAx]
H3: 7,45 And be trewe of -th-i(n) tonge . & talys -th-(a)t
-th-(o)u hate [aaAx]
H3: 7,46 But -gh-yf it be be wysda(m) or wytt . -th-i(n)
werkme(n) to chastyce [aaAx]
H3: 7,47 Hold w(i)t(h) no(n) harlotys . here nouth her talys
H3: 7,48 And namely att mete tyme . sweche me(n) aschure
H3: 7,49 ffor it be(n) -th-e deuelys dyssours . I do -th-e
vnd(ir)stonde [aaAx]
H3: 7,50 I assent be sent Iame . seyde -th-e knyth -th-anne
H3: 7,51 ffor to werky(n) be -th-i(n) word . qwyl my lyf
duryth [aaAxx]
H3: 7,52 And I xal ap(ar)ayle me q(uo)d p(er)kyn . i(n) a
pylg(ri)mys wyse [aaAx]
H3: 7,53 And wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ow -th-e wey-gh-e . tyl we
fynde trewthe [aaAxx]
H3: 7,54 He cast on hys clothys . & cloutyd an hole [aaAx]
H3: 7,55 Hys kokerys & hys coffys . for cold on hys naylys
H3: 7,56 And hyng hys hopere on hys hals . i(n) stede of
a skryppe [aaaBb]
H3: 7,57 A buschel of bred corn . bryng I -th-(er) Inne [aaAx]
H3: 7,58 ffor I wyl sowe it my self . & sythe wyl I wende
H3: 7,59 And ho so help me to ery-gh-e . or hewe w(i)t(h)
-th-e hatchet [aaAx]
H3: 7,60 Xal haue leue be our lord to leuy(n) here tyl heruest
H3: 7,61 And make hym mery -th-(er) w(i)t(h) mawgry . ho so
grotchyth [aaxXx]
H3: 7,62 And alle sky(n)nys crafty me(n) . -th-(a)t con leuy(n)
w(i)t(h) trewthe [aaAxx]
H3: 7,63 I xal fynde he(m) fode . -th-(a)t feythfully leuyth
H3: 7,64 Saue Iakke -th-e Iogelour . & Ionet of -th-e
stewys [aaAx]
H3: 7,65 And robert -th-e rebaudrere . for hys rusty wordys
H3: 7,66 Trewthe told me onys . & bad me telly(n) forthe
H3: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viue(n)ciu(m) } . I xa1 nouth
dele w(i)t(h) he(m) [axAx]
H3: 7,68 ffor holy chyrche is hoty(n) of he(m) . no tythe
to askyn [aaXa]
H3: 7,68a { Cu(m) iustis non scribentur cet(er)a & }
H3: 7,69 -Th-ei ben askapyd good auenture . god he(m) ame(n)de
H3: 7,70 Dame werche qwa(n) tyme . is pers wyf hyth [axAx]
H3: 7,71 Hys dowt(er) hyth do rith so . or -th-i(n) damme
xal -th-e bete [aaAx]
H3: 7,72 Hys sone hyth suffurre . -th-i(n) soffereyns to
haue h(er)e wyl [aaAx]
H3: 7,73 Deme he(m) nouth for -gh-yf -th-(o)u dost . sore
-th-(o)u xal abygge [aaAx]
H3: 7,74 lat god werche w(i)t(h)al . for so hys word techyth
H3: 7,74 [B:XI,88/C:XIII,31] { Nolite iudicare ne forte iudicabimini &c
H3: 7,75 ffor now I am old & hor . & haue of my(n)
owy(n) [aaAa]
H3: 7,76 To penans & to pylg(ri)mage . I wyl passe w(i)t(h)
-th-ese o-th-(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 7,77 ffor I wyl er I wende . wryth my qwest [aaAx]
H3: 7,77 And I -th-e name of our lord my(n) testame(n)t make
H3: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen } . I make it my selue [aaAx]
H3: 7,79 He xal haue my(n) soule -th-(a)t best hat deseruyd
H3: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e fend . for so I beleue
H3: 7,81 Ty I come to acou(n)te . as my crede me techyh [aaAx]
H3: 7,82 To haue a reles & a remissyou(n) of -th-(a)t
rental I leue [aaAx]
H3: 7,83 -Th-e chyrche xal haue my carayne . & kepe my
bonys [aaAx]
H3: 7,84 ffor of my(n) corn & my(n) catel . he crauede
-th-e tythe [aaAx]
H3: 7,85 I payid hy(m) prestly . for p(er)il of my(n) soule
H3: 7,86 He is beholdy(n) I hope . to haue me i(n) hys messe
H3: 7,87 And mengyt me i(n) hys memorie . among alle crystene
H3: 7,88 My wyf xal haue -th-(a)t I wa(n) . w(i)t(h) trewthe & no(n)
more [aaAxx]
H3: 7,89 To dele among my frendys . & hyr dere chyldery(n)
H3: 7,90 ffor -th-ow I dey-gh-e -th-is day . my dete is aqwytyd
H3: 7,91 I bar hom -th-(a)t I borwyd . er I to bedde -gh-ede
H3: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e residue & -th-e remenant
. be -th-e rode of chest(re) [aaAx]
H3: 7,93 I wyl worchepe -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . trewthe i(n) my
lyue [aaXx]
H3: 7,94 And be(n) hys pylgrym at -th-e plow . for pore me(n)nys
sake [aaAx]
H3: 7,95 I xal now poynty(n) my pekyd staf . to pykke vp
-th-e rotys [aaAx]
H3: 7,96 And do xarpe my cultyr to kerue . my forwys [aaAx]
H3: 7,97 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 7,98 To eryien -th-(a)t half akre . holpyn hym many [aaAx]
H3: 7,99 As dykerys & deluerys . -th-(a)t deluy(n) vp -th-e
rotys [aaAx]
H3: 7,100 Wel was perkyn apayid . & p(re)syd he(m) -gh-erne
H3: 7,101 -Th-at -th-(er) weryn werkyng & trauayle sore
H3: 7,102 And so(m)me i(n) -th-is man(er) . mady(n) he(m) to
done [aaAx]
H3: 7,103 ffor to plese p(er)ky(n) . -th-ei pekede vp -th-e
wedys [aaAx]
H3: 7,104 -Th-a(n) be thouth hy(m) pers . & let -th-e
plow stande [aaAx]
H3: 7,105 And loky(n) hy(m)self . ho -th-(er) best wrouth
H3: 7,106 ffor he xal be hyrid -th-(er)aft(ir) . qwa(n) heruest
tyme come [aaAx]
H3: 7,107 Than sety(n) so(m)me . & songy(n) at -th-e
ale [aaAx]
H3: 7,108 And holpy(n) to ery-gh-en -th-(a)t half akre .
w(i)t(h) hey trolly lolly [aaaAx]
H3: 7,109 Be -th-e p(ri)nce of p(ar)adyse . -th-o q(uo)d
pers i(n) wretthe [aaAx]
H3: 7,110 But -gh-e ryse -th-e rathere . & rape -gh-ow
to werche [aaAx]
H3: 7,111 Xal no greyni(n) -th-(a)t here grow(i)t(h) . glade
-gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
H3: 7,112 -Th-ow -gh-e dey-gh-e for dul . -th-e deuyl haue
-th-(a)t reche [aaAx]
H3: 7,113 -Th-a(n) were faytourys aferd . & feynyd he(m)
blynde [aaAx]
H3: 7,114 So(m)me leydy(n) here leggys on lyre . & sweche
loselys co(n)n [aaaAx]
H3: 7,115 And pleynyd he(m) to pers . w(i)t(h) petous wordys
H3: 7,116 We haue no(n) lemys to laboure w(i)t(h) . lord
g(ra)cyd be -gh-e [aaAx]
H3: 7,117 And we p(ra)y for -gh-ow perys . & for -gh-oure
plow bothe [aaAx]
H3: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god of hys g(ra)ce . -gh-our greyn mltiply-gh-e
H3: 7,119 And -gh-eld -gh-ow -gh-o(ur) almesse . -th-(a)t
-gh-e do vs here [axAx]
H3: 7,120 ffor we mou(n) ne-th-(er) swyncky(n) no(n) swety(n)
. sweche seknesse vs eylyth [aaAx]
H3: 7,121 -Gh-yf it be soth q(uo)d p(e)rs . -th-(a)t -gh-e
seyn I xal it aspy-gh-e [axAa]
H3: 7,122 -Gh-e be(n) wastours I wot wel . trewth wot -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
H3: 7,123 And I am hys old hyne . & augthe hy(m) to warne
H3: 7,124 Sweche wastours i(n) werld . hys werkme(n) distroy-gh-e
H3: 7,125 -Gh-e ety(n) -th-(a)t -th-ei xuld ety(n) . -th-(a)t
swy(n)ky(n) for vs alle [aaAa]
H3: 7,126 And trewthe xal techyn -gh-ow . hys tyme to dyne
H3: 7,127 Bothe sette & sowe . & sauy(n) hys tylth
H3: 7,128 Cacche gees from hys corn . & kepyn hys bestys
H3: 7,129 Or -gh-e xul ety(n) barly bred . & of -th-e
brok drynke [aaAx]
H3: 7,130 But he be blynd or brokescha(n)kyd . & bedrede
lygge [aaAx]
H3: 7,131 -Th-ei xul ete as good as I so me god helpe [????]
H3: 7,132 Tyl god of hys g(ra)ce . make he(m)m to ryse [aaAx]
H3: 7,133 Ankerys & hermyt(es) . -th-(a)t holdy(n) he(m)
i(n) her sellys [aaAx]
H3: 7,134 Xul haue(n) of my(n) almesse . al -th-e qwyle I
leve [aaAx]
H3: 7,135 Inow eche day at nou(n) . & no more tyl -th-e
morwe [aaAbb]
H3: 7,136 Lest -th-e flesch & -th-e fend . fowly(n) hys
soule [aaAx]
H3: 7,137 Onys at nou(n) is Inow . -th-(a)t no werk vsyd
H3: 7,138 He beth wel -th-e bett(er) . -th-(a)t etyth nouth
to ofte [aaAx]
H3: 7,139 Tho byga(n) wastour . & wolde a fouthen [axAx]
H3: 7,140 To perys -th-e plowma(n) . he p(ro)feryd hys gloue
H3: 7,141 A breto(n)nnere & a braggare . a bostyd hy(m)
als [aaAx]
H3: 7,142 And bad hy(m) go pysse hy(m) w(i)t(h) hys plow
. pynyd swerwe [aaAx]
H3: 7,143 Wylt -th-(o)u or nylt -th-(o)u . we wyl haue our
wyl [axAa]
H3: 7,144 Of -th-i(n) flo(ur) & of -th-i(n) flesch .
fetche qwa(n) vs lykyt [aaAx]
H3: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . maugre -th-i(n)
chekys [aaAx]
H3: 7,146 -Th-a(n) pers -th-e plowma(n) . pleynyd to -th-e
knyth [aaAx]
H3: 7,147 To kepe hy(m) as couenau(n)t . was fro(m) cursyd
schrewys [aaAx]
H3: 7,148 ffrom wastours -th-(a)t wayty(n) . wy(n)ners to
schende [aaAx]
H3: 7,149 Curteysly -th-a(n) -th-e knyth . as hys kynde wolde
H3: 7,150 Warnyd wastour . & wyssyd hy(m) bett(er) [aaAx]
H3: 7,151 Or -th-(o)u xalt abygge be -th-e lawe be -th-e
ord(re) -th-(a)t I bere [????]
H3: 7,152 I was nout wont to werche q(uo)d wasto(ur) . & I
nel no(n)t begy(n)ne [aaaAx]
H3: 7,153 And leet lyith of -th-e lawe . & lesse of -th-e
knyth [aaAx]
H3: 7,154 And acountyd pers at a pese . & hys plow bothe
H3: 7,155 And manasyd hy(m) & hys me(n) . qwa(n) he next
metty(n) [aaXa]
H3: 7,156 Now be -th-e p(er)yl of my(n) soule q(uo)d pers
. I xal apeyre -gh-ow alle [axaAx]
H3: 7,157 And wepyd aft(ir) hu(n)g(ir) . he her hy(m) at
-th-e fryst [aaAx]
H3: 7,158 To wreky(n) hy(m) of -th-is wasto(ur)is . -th-(a)t
-th-e wreld schende [aaxAx]
H3: 7,159 Hu(n)g(ir) i(n) hast -th-a(n) . hent wasto(ur)
be -th-e mawe [aaAx]
H3: 7,160 And wrong hy(m) so be -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t hys
eyne watteryd [aaAx]
H3: 7,161 And bofetyd so -th-e bretenn(er) . aboutyn -th-e
chekys [aaAx]
H3: 7,162 -Th-at he lokyd lyik a lant(er)ne . al hys lyf
aft(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 7,163 He beth so bothe . -th-(a)t he brast nyth her mawys
H3: 7,164 Ne had pers wyt a pese lof . p(re)yid hy(m) to
leue [aaAx]
H3: 7,165 And w(i)t(h) a bene kake . he -gh-ed he(m) betwene
H3: 7,166 And hytt hu(n)g(er) -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . -th-e meddys
of -th-e lyppys [aaAx]
H3: 7,167 -Th-(a)t he bledde i(n)to -th-e wombeward . a potel
of growel [aaAx]
H3: 7,168 Ne hadde fryst -th-e ficicyan . defended hy(m)
wat(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly bred . & -th-e benys gronde
H3: 7,170 -Th-ei hadde be dede be -th-is day . & doluy(n)
al warme [aaAx]
H3: 7,171 ffor ferd -th-o fayto(ur)is . fleyen i(n)to -th-e
berne [aaAx]
H3: 7,172 And flappyd on w(i)t(h) fleylys . fro morwe tyl
euy(n) [aaAxx]
H3: 7,173 -Th-(a)t hu(n)g(er) was nouth so hardy . on he(m)
for to loke [aaAx]
H3: 7,174 ffor a potel of pesyn . -th-(a)t pers haddy makyd
H3: 7,175 An hep of hermyt(es) . henty(n) he(m) spadys [aaAx]
H3: 7,176 And doluy(n) dryt & dong . to holdy(n) hu(n)g(er)
out [aaaAx]
H3: 7,177 Blynd & bedrede . leyu(n) abouty(n) a thousand
H3: 7,178 And leyu(n) blynd . & bedderede be -th-e hey
wey-gh-e [xaAx]
H3: 7,179 Hu(n)gyr he(m) helyd . w(i)t(h) an hot cake [aaAx]
H3: 7,180 And lame me(n)nys lemys . were lechyd -th-(a)t
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 7,181 And becomy(n) knauys . to kepe pers bestys [aaAx]
H3: 7,182 And p(ra)ydyn p(ar) charite . w(i)t(h) pers for
to dwelle [aaAx]
H3: 7,183 All for coueytyse of hys corn . to cacche away
hu(n)gyr [aaAx]
H3: 7,184 Pers was proud -th-(er)of . & put he(m) i(n)
offys [aaAx]
H3: 7,185 And gaf he(m) mete & mony . as -th-ei myth
deserue [aaAx]
H3: 7,186 -Th-a(n) had pers pece . & p(ra)yid hu(n)gyr
to wende [aaAx]
H3: 7,187 Hom to hys owy(n) lond . & holdy(n) -th-(er)
eu(er)emore [aaaAa]
H3: 7,188 And -gh-et I p(re)y-gh-e -th-e q(uo)d pers . er
-th-(o)u passe forthere [aaAx]
H3: 7,189 Off beggerys & bedderys . qwat is best to done
H3: 7,190 ffor wel I wot be -th-(o)u went . -th-ei xul werche
ful ylle [aaaAx]
H3: 7,191 ffor myschef it makith . -th-ei be so meke now
H3: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-(us) faste -th-ei
werche [aaAx]
H3: 7,193 And -th-ei be(n) brethery(n) . god bouth vs alle
H3: 7,194 Trewthe taugthe me onys . to louy(n) he(m) ylchou(n)
H3: 7,195 And helpy(n) he(m) of alle thyng . aft(er) -th-(a)t
he(m) nedyth [aaAx]
H3: 7,196 Now wold I wete -gh-yf -th-(o)u wyst . qwat were
-th-e best [aaaAx]
H3: 7,197 And how I myth maystery(n) he(m) . & maky(n)
he(m) to werche [aaAx]
H3: 7,198 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 7,199 Bolde beggerys & bygge . -th-(a)t mou(n) here
mete swynke [aaaAx]
H3: 7,200 W(i)t(h) howndys bred & hors bred . hold vp
here hertys [aaAa]
H3: 7,201 And bayue he(m) benys . for bolnyg of here wombys
H3: 7,202 And -gh-yf -th-o gromys grotch . byd he(m) go swynke
H3: 7,203 And he xal soupe swettere . qwa(n) he hat deserued
H3: 7,204 And -gh-yf -th-(o)u fynde any freyk . -th-(a)t
fortune hat apeyryd [aaAx]
H3: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fyir or w(i)t(h) fals me(n) . fond sweche
to knowe [aaAx]
H3: 7,206 Comfort he(m) w(i)t(h) -th-i(n) catel . for crystys
loue of heuene [aaAx]
H3: 7,207 Loue he(m) & lenede he(m) . for so lawe of
kende wolde [aaAx]
H3: 7,208 And all man(er) of me(n) . -th-(a)t -th-(o)u myth
asspy-gh-e [aaAx]
H3: 7,209 -Th-at nedy be(n) or nekyd . & nouth ha(n)
to spende [aaAx]
H3: 7,210 W(i)t(h) mete or w(i)t(h) mony . lat he(m) be(n)
-th-e bett(er) aaAx|
H3: 7,211 Or w(i)t(h) werk or w(i)t(h) word . qwyl -th-(o)u
art here [aaAx]
H3: 7,212 Mak -th-e frend -th-(er) wyt . & so matthew
techth [aaAx]
H3: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos de mamone i(n)iquitatis
} [Latin]
H3: 7,213 I nold nouth greue god q(uo)d pers . for -th-e
[al] gold on -th-is ground [aaxAx]
H3: 7,214 Myth I synles do as -th-(o)u seyst . seyde pers
-th-a(n)ne [aaXx]
H3: 7,215 -Gh-a I behote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)g(ir) . or ellys
-th-e byble lyith [aaAxx]
H3: 7,216 Go to genesy-gh-e -th-e gea(n)t . enge(n)derere
of vs alle [aaAx]
H3: 7,217 -Th-(er) he seyth { in sudore & labore } .
-th-(o)u xalt -th-i(n) mete telle [aaAx]
H3: 7,218 And labour for -th-i lyslode . & so our lord
hi(m) hytthe [aaAx]
H3: 7,219 And sapiens seyth -th-e same . I sey it i(n) -th-e
byble [aaAx]
H3: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus nol(uit) } . no fold
wold tyle [aaBbx]
H3: 7,221 He xal cone begge & bydde . & no ma(n)
bote hys hu(n)gyr [aaAx]
H3: 7,222 Mathew w(i)t(h) -th-e ma(n)nys face . meuyth -th-[e]se
wordys [aaAx]
H3: 7,223 -Th-at { Serue nequa(m) had a ma(n) . for he nold
it wysse [aaAx]
H3: 7,224 He had maugre of hys mayst(er) . eu(er) more aft(ir)
H3: 7,225 And benom hy(m) hys { namp } . for he nold werche
H3: 7,226 And -gh-af it hy(m) i(n) hast . -th-(a)t had x
before [aaAx]
H3: 7,227 And sytthy(n) he seyde . -th-(a)t hys serua(n)t(es)
it herdy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 7,228 He -th-(a)t hat xal haue . & helpe -th-(er)
ned ys [aaaAx]
H3: 7,229 He -th-(a)t nouth hat . nouth xal haue ne no ma(n)
hy(m) help [aaAa]
H3: 7,230 He -th-(a)t wenyth wel to haue . it xal hy(m) be
reuyd [aaAx]
H3: 7,230 { Quod videt (ur) he(n)re auferet(ur) ab eo et
dabit(ur) et q(ui) decen::: &c }
H3: 7,231 Kynde wyt wolde . -th-(a)t yche ma(n) wrouth [aaAa]
H3: 7,232 Or w(i)t(h) techyng or w(i)t(h) tellyng . or t(ra)uayly(n)g
of handys [aaAx]
H3: 7,233 Or co(n)te(m)platyf lyf or actyf lyf . cryst hy(m)
selue wolde [xaAx]
H3: 7,234 As i(n) -th-e sautyr seyth of { B(eat)i om(ne)s
q(ui) time(n)t d(omin)um q(ui) a(m)b(u)la(n)t } [aaAx]
H3: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) ma(n)ducab(is) b(eatu)s
es & b(e)n(e) tibi erit } [Latin]
H3: 7,235 He -th-(a)t etyn here fode . throw trauayle [aaXa]
H3: 7,236 God -gh-euyth he(m) hys blyssyng -th-(a)t her lyflode
so wy(n)nyth [????]
H3: 7,237 -Gh-et I p(re)y -th-e q(uo)d pers . -th-(a)t -th-(o)u
me teche woldyst [aaAxx]
H3: 7,238 Som lyf of lechecraft . lerne me my dere [aaAx]
H3: 7,239 ffor so(m)me of my seruauntys . am seek o-th-(er)
qwyle [aaAx]
H3: 7,240 Off al -th-e woke -th-ei werche nouth . so her
wombe akyth [aaAx]
H3: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d hu(n)gyr . qwat sekenesse he(m)
eylyth [????]
H3: 7,242 -Th-ei han mangyd ou(yr) meche . -th-(a)t makyt
he(m) grone ofte [aaAx]
H3: 7,243 And I hote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)gyr . -gh-yf -th-(o)u
hele woldyst haue(n) [aaAx]
H3: 7,244 -Th-(a)t -th-(o)u drynke no day . er -th-(o)u dyne
somqwat [aaAx]
H3: 7,245 And nouth -gh-et I hote -th-e . er hu(n)gyr -th-e
take [aaAx]
H3: 7,246 And sende -th-e of hys saus . to sauowr w(i)t(h)
-th-i(n) lyppys [aaAx]
H3: 7,247 And kepe so(m)m tyl sop(er) tyme, . & sytte
nouth to longe [aaAx]
H3: 7,248 Aryis up er appetyt . hat ety(n) hys fylle [aaAx]
H3: 7,249 Lete syr surfer . sytte at -th-i(n) bord ende longe
hy(m) ryth nouth [aaAx]
H3: 7,250 ffor he is a lecchour . & kekerous of tonge
H3: 7,251 And aft(ir) many man(er) metys . hys mawe is alongyd
H3: 7,252 And -gh-yf -th-(o)u dyith -th-e -th-(us) . I dar
leyn my(n) armys [axAx]
H3: 7,253 -Th-at fysyik xal hys forryd hod . for hys fode
selle [aaAx]
H3: 7,254 And hys clokys calabre . & hys cuppys of gold
H3: 7,255 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 7,256 And lery(n) labo(ur) w(i)t(h) lond . lest lyfflode
hy(m) fayle [aaaAx]
H3: 7,257 -Th-(er) arn more lyerys -th-a(n) lechys . lord
he(m) amende [aaAx]
H3: 7,258 -Th-ei dou(n) me(n) deyn w(i)t(h) her drynk . er
desteny wolde [aaAx]
H3: 7,259 Be sent p(er)nel q(uo)d pers . -th-ese arn p(ro)fytable
wordys [aaAx]
H3: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . lord it -th-e for-gh-elde
H3: 7,261 Wende now qwer -th-i(n) wyl is . wel be -th-(o)u
eu(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 7,262 I behote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)gyr . hens nyl I wende
H3: 7,263 Er I haue dynyd be -th-is day . & dronke bothe
H3: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d pers . polet(is) to bygge
H3: 7,265 Ney-th-(er) gees no(n) grys . but a grene chese
H3: 7,266 A fewe croddys & crem . & an hauyr kake
H3: 7,267 And a lof of benys & bren . Ibake for my chyldry(n)
H3: 7,268 And -gh-et I sey be my soule . I haue no salt bakou(n)
H3: 7,269 Ne no kokenay be cryst . koloppys to make(n) [aaAx]
H3: 7,270 I haue porett(es) & p(er)sely . & many
plant colys [aaAx]
H3: 7,271 And eke a kow & a calf . & a cart mare
H3: 7,272 To drawe to felde my donge . qwyl -th-e drouth
lestyth [aaAx]
H3: 7,273 Be -th-is lyflode I must lyue . tyl lamesse tyme
H3: 7,274 Be -th-a(n) I hope to haue . heruest i(n) my croft
H3: 7,275 -Th-a(n) may I dyth my dynere . as me dere lykyth
H3: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore puple . pescodys -th-ei fetten
H3: 7,277 Benys bakon aplys . -th-ei brouty(n) i(n) her lappys
H3: 7,278 Chybollys & cheruelys . & rype cheryis
many [aaAx]
H3: 7,279 And p(ro)ferydy(n) pers -th-is p(re)sent . to plese
w(i)t(h) hu(n)gyr [aaaAx]
H3: 7,280 Hu(n)gyr hent -th-is i(n) hast . & askyd aft(ir)
more [aaaAa]
H3: 7,281 -Th-a(n) -th-is folk ferdy(n) forth & fecchyd
hy(m) many [aaAx]
H3: 7,282 Grete poret(es) & poysy(n) . to poysene hy(m)
-th-ei thouth [aaAx]
H3: 7,283 Be -th-(a)t it neyhed heruest . -th-(a)t new corn
come to chepyng [aaAbb]
H3: 7,284 -Th-a(n) was folk fayn . & feddy(n) hu(n)gyr
w(i)t(h) -th-e beste [aaAx]
H3: 7,285 W(i)t(h) good ale & gloteny . -th-e(n) gat
hy(m) on slepe [aaAx]
H3: 7,286 Tho nold wasto(ur) nouth werche . but wanderyd
aboute [aaAx]
H3: 7,287 Ne no beggere ete bred . -th-(a)t benys I(n) kemyn
H3: 7,288 Hot koket or clermoty(n) . or of clene qwete [aaAx]
H3: 7,289 Ne nou(n) halpeny ale . in no wyse drynky(n) [aaAxx]?
H3: 7,290 But of -th-e beste & -th-e brownest . -th-(a)t
-th-e brewstere sellyth [aaAx]
H3: 7,291 Labourerys -th-(a)t ha(n) no lond . to leuy(n)
on but her handys [aaAx]
H3: 7,292 Loue nouth to do dyne . on -th-e day w(i)t(h) no(n)
old wortys [aaAx]
H3: 7,293 May no penyale he(m) pay . ne no(n) pece of bakon
H3: 7,294 But it be fresch flesch . or fryid fysch or rostyd
H3: 7,295 Or { chaud & pur chaud } . for chyllyng of
her mawys [aaAx]
H3: 7,296 -Gh-et but he be heyly hyryd . -gh-et wel he chyde
H3: 7,297 And -th-(a)t he was werkma(n) Iwrouth . wary-gh-e
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
H3: 7,298 And cursy(n) -th-e kyng . & hys consel aft(ir)
H3: 7,299 Sweche lawys to loke . labourerys to chastyce [aaAx]
H3: 7,300 And qwyl hu(n)gyr was mayst(er) wolde no(n) chyde
H3: 7,301 Ne stryue a-gh-ens hys statutys . so sternely he
lokyd [aaAx]
H3: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow werkme(n) . wy(n)nyth qwyl -gh-e
mowe [aaAx]
H3: 7,303 ffor hu(n)gyr hedyrward . hastyt hy(m) faste [aaAx]
H3: 7,304 He xal awake -gh-ow thorw watyr . wasto(ur)s to
chastyce [aaAx]
H3: 7,305 Or v -gh-er be(n) fulfyllyd . sweche famy(n) xal
aryse [aaAx]
H3: 7,306 Thorw flod & fowle wederys . fruth xal be dystroyid
H3: 7,307 And so sey sat(our)ne . & sent -gh-ow to warne
Here endyth -th-e sexte part of -th-is book pers plowma(n)
H3: 8,1 Trewthe herde telle herof . & to trewthe sente
H3: 8,2 To taky(n) hys terme . to tely(n) -th-e erthe [aaAx]
H3: 8,3 And purchasyd hy(m) a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
H3: 8,4 ffor hy(m) & for hys eyrys . eu(er)emore aft(ir)
H3: 8,5 And bad hy(m) holdy(n) hy(m) at hom . & eryen
hys leygthys [aaAx]
H3: 8,6 And alle -th-at helpy(n) [hy(m)] . to eryen or to
sowyn [aaAx]
H3: 8,7 Or any man(er) mystyr . -th-(a)t myth pers helpe
H3: 8,8 Part of -th-(o)u p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope hat Igrauntyd
H3: 8,9 Kyng(es) & knythys . -th-(a)t kepy(n) holy chyrche
H3: 8.10 And ryghtfully i(n) rewme . rewlyn -th-e puple [aaAx]
H3: 8,11 Han p(ar)dou(n) thorw p(ur)gatory . to passe ful
sone [aaAx]
H3: 8,12 W(i)t(h) patriarkys i(n) p(ar)adys . to pleyn -th-(er)aft(ir)
H3: 8,13 Buschopys -th-(a)t blyssyn . & bothe lawys conne
H3: 8,14 Loky(n) on -th-e o lawe . & lerne me(n) -th-e
othyr [aaAx]
H3: 8,15 And bere bothe on her bak . as her baner swewyt
H3: 8,16 And p(re)che her p(ar)yschou(n)s . -th-e p(er)yl
of synne [aaAx]
H3: 8,17 How -th-(a)t scabbyd schep . xul her wolle saue
H3: 8,18 -Th-at p(ar)dou(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e apostlys . qwa(n)
-th-ei p(ar)ty(n) hens [aaAx]
H3: 8,19 At -th-e day of do(m)m . at hys dees to sytte [aaAx]
H3: 8,20 Marchaunt(is) & her meyne . han many -gh-erys
H3: 8,21 But { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope wyl he(m)
no(n) graunte [axAx]
H3: 8,22 ffor -th-ei holdy(n) no(n)t her haly dayis . as
holy chyrche techyt [aaAx]
H3: 8,23 And for -th-ei swery(n) be her soule . & [so]
mote he(m) god helpe [aaAxx]
H3: 8,24 A-gh-ens clene co(n)cyens . her catel to selle [aaAx]
H3: 8,25 And vndyr hys secrete sell . sent he(m) a lettere
H3: 8,26 And bad he(m) byen baldely . qwat he(m) best lykyth
H3: 8,27 And sytthy(n) selly(n) it a-gh-en . & saue -th-e
wy(n)ny(n)g [aaAx]
H3: 8,28 And maky(n) mesendews -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . meysy(n)
to helpy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 8,29 Wykkyd weyis . wytly to amende [aaAx]
H3: 8,30 And bete brygges aboute . -th-(a)t tobroke were [aaaAx]
H3: 8,31 Maryen maydenys . & maky(n) he(m) nou(n)nys
H3: 8,32 And wedewys [-th-(a)t] wyuys wyl . be no(n) oftere
H3: 8,33 ffynd sweche her fode . for -th-e lordys loue of
heuene [aaAbb]
H3: 8,34 Sette skolerys to skole . or to so(m)me skynnys
craftys [aaAx]
H3: 8,35 Releuy(n) relygyou(n) . & rentyn he(m) bett(er)e
H3: 8,36 And I schal sende -gh-ow myself . sent myhel my
angel [aaAx]
H3: 8,37 -Th-(a)t no deuyl xal don -gh-ow dere . dey-gh-e
qwa(n) -gh-e dey-gh-e [aaAa]
H3: 8,38 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 8,39 And beforin -th-e face of my fadyr . forme -gh-our
setys [aaAx]
H3: 8,40 Vsure & auaryce & o-th-ere I defende, [????]
H3: 8,41 -Th-(a)t no gyle goo w(i)t(h) -gh-ow . but hey trewthe
H3: 8,42 Tha(n) were(n) marchaundes mery . many wepty(n)
for Ioy-gh-e [aaAx]
H3: 8,43 And -gh-ouy(n) wylle for hys wrythyng . wollene
clothys [aaAx]
H3: 8,44 ffor he copyid -th-(us) her cause . comandy(n) hy(m)
gret mede [aaAx]
H3: 8,45 Me(n) oflawe haddy(n) lest . for letteryd -th-ei
be(n) alle [aaAx]
H3: 8,46 And so seyt -th-e sautyr . & sapiens bothe [aaAx]?
H3: 8,46{ Mun(er)a sup(er) i(n)nocente(m) no(n) accepit sed
a regib(us) p(re)latis et principib(us) erit merces eor(um)
} [Latin]
H3: 8,47 Off p(ri)nces & p(re)latys . her pensions xal
aryse [aaAx]
H3: 8,48 And of no pore puple . a penyworth to take [aaAx]
H3: 8,49 And he -th-(a)t spendyth hys speche . & spekyth
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
H3: 8,50 -Th-at is Innoce(n)t & nedy . & no ma(n)
apeyryth [aaAxx]
H3: 8,51 Co(n)fortyth hy(m) i(n) cas . coueyth nouth hys
goodys [aaAx]
H3: 8,52 And for our lordys loue . lawe for hy(m) schewyt
H3: 8,53 Xal no deuyl at hys ded day . dery(n) hy(m) a mythe
H3: 8,54 -Th-at he ne worth securly saff . & so -th-e
sautyr schew(i)t(h) [aaAa]
H3: 8,54 { D(omi)ne quis hi(n)tabit in tabernaculo tuo aut
quis &c }
H3: 8,55 No(n) to begge watyr wynd . no(n) wytt is -th-e threde
H3: 8,56 Ne wold neu(er) holy wryt . god wot -th-e sothe
H3: 8,57 ffor -th-e tresour be(n) thrall(is) -th-(a)t is
sowe(n) among vs alle [aaAx]
H3: 8,58 To waxe(n) & wanye(n) . qwer -th-(a)t god lykyth
H3: 8,59 Hys p(ar)dou(n) & hys p(ur)gatory . is ful petyful
I chowe [aaAx]
H3: 8,60 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 8,61 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 8,62 Sytthy(n) -gh-e sen it is -th-(us) . schew(y)t(h)
to -th-e beste [aaAx]
H3: 8,63 Alle leuyg labourerys . -th-(a)t leuy(n) be her
ha(n)dys [aaAx]
H3: 8,64 -Th-at trewly toky(n) . & trewly wonny(n) [aaAx]
H3: 8,65 And leuy(n) i(n) loue & i(n) lawe . for her
lowe hert(es) [aaaAx]
H3: 8,66 [Beggerys], han -th-e same absoluciou(n) . -th-(a)t
sent was to pers [aaAx]
H3: 8,67 Beggerys & bydderys . be(n) nouth i(n) -th-e
bulle [aaAa]
H3: 8,68 But suggestiou(n) be soth . -th-(a)t schapyt he(m)
to begge [aaAx]
H3: 8,69 ffor he -th-(a)t beggyth or byddyth . but he haue
nedr [aaAxx]
H3: 8,70 He is flas as -th-e fend . & defraudyth -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
H3: 8,71 And eke gylyth -th-e geuere . a-gh-ens his wyl [aaAx]
H3: 8,72 -Th-ei leue nouth i(n) loue . no(n) -th-e lawe holdy(n)
H3: 8,73 ffor -th-ei wedde none woma(n) . -th-(a)t -th-ei
w(i)t(h) dele [aaAx]
H3: 8,74 But as wylde bestys werchy(n) up togederys [aaAx]
H3: 8,75 And bryngy(n) forth barons . -th-(a)t bastardys
be(n) holdy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 8,76 Eethyr hys bak or hys bon . -th-ei breky(n) i(n)
hys -gh-outhe [aaAx]
H3: 8,77 And go(n) & faynty(n) w(i)t(h) her fautys .
eu(er)more aft(ir) [aaAxx]
H3: 8,78 -Th-(er) am more myschapy(n) amongus he(m) . hoso
takyth hede [aaaXx]
H3: 8,79 -Th-a(n) w(i)t(h) al man(er) me(n) . -th-(a)t on
-th-is molde wendryth [aaAx]
H3: 8,80 -Th-o -th-(a)t ledy(n) -th-(us) her lyf . mou(n)
lakkyn -th-e tyme [aaAx]
H3: 8,81 -th-(a)t eu(er) he was ma(n) wrouth . qwa(n) he
hens fare [xaAx]?
H3: 8,82 And olde me(n) & hore . -th-(a)t helples be(n)
of strenthe [aaAx]
H3: 8,83 And wome(n) w(i)t(h) chylde . -th-(a)t werchy(n)
ne mowe [axAx]
H3: 8,84 Blynd & bedrede . & broky(n) i(n) her membrys
H3: 8,85 -Th-(a)t taky(n) -th-is myschef mekely . as meser & o-th-(ir)e
H3: 8,86 Han as pleyn p(ar)dou(n) . as -th-e plow ma(n) hy(m)
selue(n) [aaAx]
H3: 8,87 ffor loue of her lowe hert(es) . our lord hat he(m)
grauntyd [aaAx]
H3: 8,88 Here penaunce & her p(ur)gatory-gh-e . ryth
vpon -th-is erthe [aaAx]
H3: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . -th-i p(ar)don most
I rede [aaAx]
H3: 8,90 ffor I xal co(n)stru eche a clause . & teche
-th-e i(n) englysch [aaAx]
H3: 8,91 And pers at hys p(re)yere . -th-e p(ar)dou(n) vnfoldyth
H3: 8,92 And I behynde he(m) both . beheld -th-e bulle [abAb]
H3: 8,93 In ij lynys it lay . & nouth a lett(er)e more
H3: 8,94 And was Iwrety(n) ryth -th-(us) . i(n) wytnesse
of trewthe [axAx]
H3: 8,95 { Et q(ui) bona egeru(n)t ibu(n)t i(n) uita(m) et(er)na(m)
Q(ui) v(ero) mala i(n) igne(m) et(er)na(m) } [Latin]
H3: 8,96 --- this line om ---
H3: 8,97 Petyr q(uo)d -th-e prest . I can no(n) o-th-(er)
p(ar)dou(n) [aaAx]
H3: 8,98 But do wel & haue wel . & god xal haue -th-i(n)
soule [????]
H3: 8.99 And do euyl & haue euyl . hope -th-(o)u no(n)
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
H3: 8,100 And aft(ir) -th-i(n) ded day . -th-e deuyl xal
haue -th-i soule [????]
H3: 8,101 And pers for pure tene . pullyd it on aueyne [aaAx]
H3: 8,102 & seyde { Si ambulauero i(n) medio vmbre mortis
} [Latin]
H3: 8,103 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 8,104 I xal sesyn of my sowyng . & swynke nouth so
harde [aaxAx]
H3: 8,105 Ne aboute my bylyff . so bysy be nomore [aaAx]
H3: 8,106 Of p(re)yerys & of penans . my(n) plow xal
be(n) heraft(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 8,107 And belowre -th-(a)t I laughed . er -th-(a)t my
lyflode me fayle [aaAx]
H3: 8,108 { Oculus } xal be ocupyid . i(n) penauns & wepyng
H3: 8,109 Be -th-(a)t -th-e sautyr vs sayth . & so ded
o-th-(er) many [aaAxx]
H3: 8,110 He -th-(a)t louyth god trewlyche . hys lyflode
is ful mechyl [aaAx]
H3: 8,110a --- copied after line 112 H3 ---
H3: 8,111 And but luk ly-gh-e . he leryth vs -th-(a)t be(n)
folys [aaAx]
H3: 8,116 --- this line is omitted ---
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fol. 116v
H3: 8,112 We xuld nouth ben besy abouty(n) bely Ioy-gh-e [????]
H3: 8,112 { Fuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
H3: 8,113 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 8,114 And schew(i)t(h) vs be ex example . our seluy(n)
to wysse [aaAx]
H3: 8,115 -Th-e foul i(n) -th-e firmame(n)t . ho fynt he(m)
i(n) wy(n)tyr [aaAx]
H3: 9,97 -Th-an dowel dobet . & dobest -th-e thredde [aaAx]
H3: 9,98 Xul corond on to be kyng . & be hys consel werche
H3: 9,99 And rewly(n) -th-e rewm . be red of hem alle [aaAx]
H3: 9,100 And o-th-(ir) wyse not ell(is) nouth but as -th-ei
iij assenty(n) [????]
H3: 9,101 I thankyd thouth -th-o . -th-(a)t he me so had
taughte [aaaAxx]?
H3: 9,102 And sauo(ur)d it nouth hys saying . so me god helpe
H3: 9,103 More kynde knowyng . I coueyte to lerne [aaAx]
H3: 9,104 How dowel & dobet & dobest . dou(n) i(n)
erthe [aaaAx]
H3: 9,105 Wytt can wysse -th-e q(uo)d thout . qwer -th-o
iij dwelle [aaxAx]
H3: 9,106 Ell(is) wot I no ma(n) -th-(a)t now is on lyue
H3: 9,107 Thouth & I we(n)te iij day(is) disputy(n)g
w(i)t(h) dowel . day aft(ir) o-th-(er) [aaAx]
H3: 9,108 --- this line om ---
H3: 9,109 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 9,110 He was long & lene . & lyik to non o-th-(er)
H3: 9,111 Was no p(ri)de i(n) hys ap(ar)ayle . no pou(er)t
neythyr [aaAx]
H3: 9,112 ssad of semelau(n)t . & of soft speche [aaAx]?
H3: 9,113 I drost meue no matyr . to make hy(m) to Iangele
H3: 9,114 But I bad thout -th-o be mene betwene [????]
H3: 9,115 To pote forth som p(ur)pos . & p(ro)uy(n) hys
wyttys [aaAx]
H3: 9,116 -Th-a(n) thouth i(n) -th-(a)t tyme . seyde -th-ese
wordys [aaaAx]
H3: 9,117 Qwer dowel dobet . & dobest be(n) i(n) londe
H3: 9,118 To hery(n) hys wytt wold I . -gh-yf wytt coude
teche [aaAx]
H3: 10,1 ssyre dowel dwellyt q(uo)d wytt . nouth a day hens
H3: 10,2 In a castel -th-(a)t kynde made . of iiij kene thyng(us)
H3: 10,3 Off erthe of eyir it is mad . medelyd togederys
H3: 10,4 W(i)t(h) wynd & w(i)t(h) watyr . wyttyrly Inioynyd
H3: 10,5 Kynd hat Iclosyd -th-(er)In . craftyly w(i)t(h)
walle [aaAx]
H3: 10,6 A lema(n) -th-(a)t he louyth . lyk to hy(m) selue
{ a(n)i(m)a } he hyth [aaAx]
H3: 10,7 --- this line om ---
H3: 10,8 to hyr hat envy-gh-e a prowd p(ri)kere of fra(n)ce
. { p(ri)nceps hui(us) mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
H3: 10,9 And wold wy(n)ny(n) hyr away . w(i)t(h) wylys -gh-yf
he myth [aaAx]
H3: 10,10 and kynde know(i)t(h) hyr wel . & helpyth hyr
-th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
H3: 10,11 And hat do(n) hyr to syre dowel . duk of -th-e
marchys [aaAx]
H3: 10,12 Dobet is hyr damysel . syre dowelys doutyr [aaAa]
H3: 10,13 And seruyth -th-is lady trewly . bothe late & rathe
H3: 10,14 -Th-us dowel dobet . & dobest -th-e threde
H3: 10,15 Be(n) maystyrs of -th-is man(er) . -th-is maydy(n)
to kepe [aaAx]
H3: 10,16 And -th-e constable of -th-e castel . -th-(a)t
kepyth he(m) alle [aaAx]
H3: 10,17 Is a wyis knyth . syre i(n)wytt he hattyth [aaAx]
H3: 10,18 And hadde v fayir sonys . be hys fryst wyue [aaAx]
H3: 10,19 ssyre se wel & say wel . & here wel -th-e
thrydde [aaAx]
H3: 10,20 ssyre werche wel w(i)t(h) -th-i(n) hand . a wyth
ma(n) of strenthe [aaxAx]
H3: 10,21 And syre godfrey go wel . grete lordys alle [aaAx]
H3: 10,22 -Th-[e]se v ben sett . to sauyn -th-e castel [aaAx]
H3: 10,23 And to kepe -th-is woma(n) . -th-ese wyse me(n)
arn chargyd [xaAx]
H3: 10,24 Tyl kynde come or sende . & kepe hyr hy(m)selue
H3: 10,25 Qwat clepe -gh-e -th-(a)t castel q(uo)d I . -th-(a)t
kynde hat -th-(us) makyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,26 And qwat skyns thyng is kynde . kon -gh-e me telle
H3: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is creat(ur)e . of alle skyns bestys
H3: 10,28 ffadyr & fourmour . fryst of alle thyng [aaAx]
H3: 10,29 And -th-(a)t is -th-e grete god . -th-(a)t gynnyng
had neu(er) [aaAx]
H3: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lyff & of lyth . of blysse & of
peyne [aaaAx]
H3: 10,31 Aungelys & alle thyng . arn at hys wylle [aaAx]
H3: 10,32 And ma(n) is hy(m)self most lyik . of merk & of
schaft [aaAx]
H3: 10,33 ffor throw -th-e word -th-(a)t he wrap . wexen
alle bestys [aaAx]
H3: 10,34 And alle thyng at hys wyl . was wrout w(i)t(h)
a speche [xaAx]?
H3: 10,34a { Dixit & facta su(n)t et vniu(er)sa mandauit
et creata } [Latin]
H3: 10,35 Saue ma(n) -th-(a)t he made . ymage to hy(m) selue
H3: 10,36 -Th-(a)t he -gh-af gost of hys godhede . & grauntyd
hy(m) blysse [aaAx]
H3: 10,37 Lyf -th-(a)t eu(er) xal lesty(n) . & al hys
lenage aft(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 10,38 -Th-(a)t is -th-e castel -th-(a)t kynde made .
{ corpus } it hattyth [aaAx]
H3: 10,39 As mechyl is to mene . as ma(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e
soule [aaAx]
H3: 10,40 -Th-(a)t he wrouth w(i)t(h) werk . & w(i)t(h)
word bothe [aaAx]
H3: 10,41 Thorw myth of hys mageste . ma(n) was Imakyd [aaAa]
H3: 10,41a { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymagine(m) & similitudi(n)em
n(ost)ram } [Latin]
H3: 10,42 Inwytt & alle wyttys . closyd he(m) -th-(er)Inne
H3: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-(a)t lady . -th-(a)t lyf is Inemyd
H3: 10,44 -Th-(a)t is { a(n)i(m)a } -th-(a)t ou(er)al . i(n)
-th-e body wanderyth [aaXx]
H3: 10,45 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 10,46 He is lyff & ledere . and lemma(n) of heuene
H3: 10,47 Inwytt is -th-e helpe . -th-(a)t { anima } desyryth
H3: 10,48 Aft(ir) -th-e grace of god . grettest is i(n)wytt
H3: 10,49 Inwytt i(n) -th-e hed is . & an helpe to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
H3: 10,50 ffor thorw hys cony(n)g is kept . { caro & a(n)i(m)a
} [aaAx]
H3: 10,51 In rewle & i(n) resou(n) . but rechylnesse
it make [aaAx]
H3: 10,52 He eggyth ey-gh-e syth . & heryng to goode
H3: 10,53 Off good speche & good dede . he is -th-e begynn(er)
H3: 10,54 In ma(n)nys brayn is he most . & mythyest to
knowe [aaAx]
H3: 10,55 -Th-(er) is hys boure bre(m)mest . but -gh-yf blod
make [aaAx]
H3: 10,56 ffor qwa(n) blod is bry(m)mere -th-a(n) brayn .
-th-a(n) is Inwyt bou(n)dy(n) [aaaXa]
H3: 10,57 And eke wantou(n) & wylde . w(i)t(h)outy(n) any
resou(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,58 In -gh-onge fau(n)tys & folys . w(i)t(h) he(m)
faylyt i(n)wytt [aaAx]
H3: 10,59 And eke i(n) sottys -th-(a)t myth se . -th-(a)t
sytty(n) att -th-e ale [aaAx]
H3: 10,60 -Th-ei holdy(n) ale i(n) her hed . tyl i(n)wytt
bet Idrynchyd [aaaAx]
H3: 10,61 And be(n) braynwod as bestys . so her blod waxith
H3: 10,62 -Th-a(n) hat -th-e puke powere . syre { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mu(n)di }
H3: 10,63 Ou(er) swethe man(er) me(n) . myth i(n) her soulys
H3: 10,64 In fauntys ne i(n) folys . -th-e fend hat no myth
H3: 10,65 ffor no faute -th-(a)t -th-ei werky(n) . wykkyd
or ellys [aaAx]
H3: 10,66 And -th-e fadyr & -th-e frendys . for fantys
xul [be] blamyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,67 But -th-ei kepe he(m) fro(m) wanto(n)nesse . qwyl
-th-ei be(n) -gh-onge [aaAxx]
H3: 10,68 And -gh-yf -th-ei be(n) pore of catel . to kepe
he(m) fro(m)m ylle xxXx|
H3: 10,69 -Th-a(n) is holychyrche owyng . to kepe he(m) & saue
H3: 10,70 ffro(m)m falsnesse fro(m)m folyis & fende he(m)
. tyl -th-ei be(n) wysere [aaAx]?
H3: 10,71 And yche wyit i(n) -th-is werld . -th-(a)t hat
wyis vndyrstondyng [aaAx]
H3: 10,72 Ys cheff sou(er)eyn to hy(m) selff . hys soule
to -gh-eme [aaAx]
H3: 10,73 And to cheuy(n) hy(m) fro(m)m charge . qwa(n) he
chyldhod passyth [aaAx]
H3: 10,74 And saue hy(m) self fro(m)m synne . and so hy(m)
behowyth [aaaAx]
H3: 10,75 ffor werk he wel or wrong . -th-e wytt is hys owy(n)
H3: 10,76 Than is dowel a deuk . -th-(a)t dystroyit vycys
H3: 10,77 And sauyth -th-e soule . -th-(a)t synne hat no
myth [aaAx]
H3: 10,78 To rowte no(n) to reste . ne rote i(n) -th-i(n)
herte [aaAx]
H3: 10,79 And -th-(a)t is dred of god . dowel it makyth [axAx]
H3: 10,80 -Th-(a)t is -th-e begynnyng of goodnesse . god
for to drede [aaAx]
H3: 10,81 Salomo(n) it seyde . for a soth tale { Iniciu(m)
sapi(enci)e timor do(m)i(n)i } [aaAx]
H3: 10,81a --- this line om ---
H3: 10,82 ffor dowte me(n) doth -th-e bet . dred is sweche
a maystyr [aaxAx]
H3: 10,83 -Th-(a)t he makyt me(n) meke . & myilde of
her speche [aaaAx]
H3: 10,84 And alle skyns skolerys . i(n) skole to lery(n)n
H3: 10,85 Than is dobet to be(n) war . for betyng of -th-e
-gh-erde [aaAx]
H3: 10,86 And -th-(er)of seyth -th-e sautyr . -th-iself myth
it rede [aaAx]
H3: 10,87 { V(ir)ga tua & bac(u)l(u)s tuus ip(s)a me
co(n)solata su(n)t } [Latin]
H3: 10,88 And -gh-yf clene co(n)cyens . acorde -th-(a)t -th-i(n)
soule do wel [aaAx]
H3: 10,89 Wyl all wey i(n) -th-is werld . for to dou(n) bett(er)
H3: 10,90 ffor { Intenc(i)o(n) indicat ho(m)i(n)em &c
} [Latin]
H3: 10,91 Be conseyld of co(n)cyens . acordyng w(i)t(h) holy
chyrche [aaAx]
H3: 10,92 Loke -th-(o)u wysse -th-i wytt . & -th-i werkys
aft(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 10,93 ffor yff -th-(o)u gynnyst a-gh-ens co(n)cyens .
-th-(o)u comeryst -th-i(n) seluy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,94 And so wytnessyt holywryt & goddys word bothe
H3: 10,94a { Qui agit cont(ra) consciencia(m) } [Latin]
H3: 10,95 And -gh-yf -th-(o)u werke be goddys word . I warne
-th-e for -th-e beste [aaAx]
H3: 10,96 Qwat so me(n) wordy(n) . of -th-e wratthe -th-e neu(er)
H3: 10,97 Catou(n) concelyt -th-e so . tak hed of hys techyng
H3: 10,98 { Cu(m) recte viuas ne cures u(er)ba malor(um)
} [Latin]
H3: 10,99 ssuffurre & sytte stylle . & sey -th-(o)u
no ferthere [aaaAx]
H3: 10,100 And be glad of -th-e g(ra)ce . -th-(a)t god -th-e
hat sent [aaAx]
H3: 10,101 ffor -gh-yf -th-(o)u gynnyst to clyme . & coueytyst
heyere [aaAx]
H3: 10,102 -Th-(o)u myth lese -th-i(n) lownesse . for a lytyl
p(ri)de [aaAx]
H3: 10,103 I haue lernyd -th-e how lewd me(n) . lery(n) her
chyldery(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,104 And seldo(m)m mosyth -th-e marbyl . -th-(a)t me(n)
ofty(n) tredy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,105 And ryth so be -th-ese tomours . -th-(a)t renny(n)
abouty(n)n [aaAx]
H3: 10,106 ffro relygiou(n) to relygiou(n) . recheles be(n)
-th-ei eu(er) [aaAx]
H3: 10,107 Ne me(n) -th-(a)t con of alle craftys . clergy-gh-e
tellyth [aaAx]
H3: 10,108 -Th-(a)t thryf or thedo(m)m . w(i)t(h) yt seldo(m)m
is sene [aaAbb]
H3: 10,108a { Qui circuit om(n)e gen(us) i(n) nullo gen(er)e
est } [Latin]
H3: 10,109 -Gh-e se wel -th-e apostyl . i(n) hys pystyl wrot
-th-is [aaAx]
H3: 10,110 In example of sweche . xuld nouth renny(n) aboute
H3: 10,111 And for wysda(m)m is wrety(n) . & wytnessyd
i(n) chyrches [aaAx]
H3: 10,112 --- copied after line 115 H3 ---
H3: 10,113 -Gh-yf -th-(o)u be man maryid . monk or chanou(n)
H3: 10,114 Hold -th-e stable & stedefast . & strengthe
-th-i(n) seluy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,115 To be blyssyd for -th-i(n) bery(n)g . beggere
-gh-yf -th-(o)u were [aaAx]?
H3: 10,115 { In eadem vocac(i)o(n)e qua vocati estis state
} [Latin]
H3: 10,116 Loke -th-(o)u grocche nouth w(i)t(h) god . -th-ow
he -gh-eue -th-e lytyl [aaAx]
H3: 10,117 Be payid w(i)t(h) -th-yn porcyou(n) . pore or
ryche eythyr [aaAx]
H3: 10,118 -Th-(us) i(n) dred lyith dowel . & dobet to
suffure(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,119 ffor thorw suffurra(n)s so . -th-(o)u myth sou(er)ey(n)te
arysyth [aaAx]?
H3: 10,120 And so lernyth vs leuk . -th-at lyid neu(er) [aaAx]
H3: 10,120a { Qui se exaltabit humihabit(ur) & q(ui)
se hu(m)iliab(i)t exaltabit(ur) &c } [Latin]
H3: 10,121 And -th-(us) tho(ur) a dred & dede . dobest
arysyth [aaAx]
H3: 10,122 Qwech is -th-e flour & -th-e frend . fosteryd
of bothe [aaAx]
H3: 10,123 Ryth as rose . -th-(a)t red is & swet out
of row brere & raggyd rote [aaAx]
H3: 10,124 [aaAx]
H3: 10,125 Spryngyth & spredyth . -th-(a)t spycerys desyryth
H3: 10,126 Or as qwete out of weed . wex out of -th-e erthe
H3: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowel gy(n)nyt
spryngge(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,128 Among me(n) of -th-is mold . -th-(a)t meke be(n) & kende
H3: 10,129 ffor loue of her lownesse . god -gh-euyth he(m)
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
H3: 10,130 ssweche werkys to werky(n) . -th-(a)t he is w(i)t(h)
Ipayid [aaAx]
H3: 10,131 fformest & fryst . to folk -th-(a)t be(n)
Iweddyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,132 And leuy(n) as her lawe wel . it plesyt god almythy
H3: 10,133 ffor tho(ur) wedlak -th-e werld stant . hoso wyl
it knowe [aaAx]
H3: 10,134 -Th-ei be(n) -th-e rycchest of rewmys . & -th-e
rote of dowel [aaAx]
H3: 10,135 ffor of her kynde -th-ei comy(n) . -th-(a)t co(n)fessours
be(n) nemyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,136 Bothe maydens & martyrys . monkys & ankerys
H3: 10,137 Kyngg(us) & knythys . & alle sky(n)nys
clerkys [aaAa]
H3: 10,138 Barons borgeys . & bondeme(n) i(n) thounys
H3: 10,139 As fals folk & feytheles . schrewys & lyerys
H3: 10,140 Be(n) co(n)seyuyd i(n) cursyd tyme . as caym was
on eue [aaAx]
H3: 10,141 Aft(ir) -th-at adam & sche . haddy(n) etyn
of -th-e appyl [aaAa]
H3: 10,142 A-gh-ens -th-e hest of hy(m) . -th-(a)t he(m)
of nouth made [aaAx]
H3: 10,143 An angel i(n) angyr . hyth he(m) to wende [aaAx]
H3: 10,144 Into -th-is wretchyd werld . to wony(n) & lyue
H3: 10,145 In tene & t(ra)uayle . to her lyuys ende [aaAxx]
H3: 10,146 In -th-(a)t cursyd tyme . -th-ei knewy(n) he(m)
togederys [aaAx]
H3: 10,147 And brouty(n) forth a barou(n) . -th-(a)t meche
wo wroute [aaAx]
H3: 10,148 Caym -th-ei hy(m) callyd . i(n) cursyd tyme engenderyd
H3: 10,149 And so seyth -th-e sautyr . se hoso lykyth [aaAx]
H3: 10,150 { Concepit dolore(m) & pep(er)it i(n)iquitatem &c
} [Latin]
H3: 10,151 And all -th-(a)t comy(n) of -th-(a)t caym . cryst
hatyd aft(ir) [aaAbb]
H3: 10,152 And many mylyons mo . of me(n) & of wome(n)
H3: 10,153 -Th-(a)t of seth & hys systyr . sytthy(n)
forth kemy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,154 ffor -th-ei maryid he(m) w(i)t(h) cursyd me(n)
. of kayms kende [abaBb]
H3: 10,155 ffor alle -th-(a)t kemy(n) of kaym . cursyd -th-ei
wery(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,156 And alle -th-(a)t copplyd to -th-(a)t kyn . cryst
hatyd dedlyche [aaAx]
H3: 10,157 ffor he sent to sem . & seyd hy(m) by(n) an
angel [aaAx]
H3: 10,158 To kepe hys kynrede fro kayms . -th-(a)t -th-(e)i
couple no(n)t togederys [aaaAx]
H3: 10,159 And sytth sem & hys susterys sed . were spousyd
to kayms [aaaAx]
H3: 10,160 A-gh-ens -th-e hest of god . gerlys -th-ei gette
H3: 10,161 And god was wroth w(i)t(h) her werkys . & sweche
word(is) seyde [aaAx]
H3: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse ho(m)i(n)em &c } [Latin]
H3: 10,163 -Th-is is as meche to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
H3: 10,164 -Th-(a)t I ma(n) mad now . it me forthynkyth [aaAx]?
H3: 10,165 And come to noe ano(n) . & bad hy(m) nouth
lette [aaAx]
H3: 10,166 But swythe gou(n) schapy(n) a schyp . schydys & bordys
H3: 10,167 Hy(m) self & hys iij sonys . & sytthy(n)
her wyuys [aaAx]
H3: 10,168 Buskyn he(m) bry(m)me i(n)to -th-(a)t bot . & abydy(n)
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
H3: 10,169 Tyl xl dayis arn I fyllyd . -th-e flod hat Iwaschyd
H3: 10,170 Clene awey -th-e cursyd blod . -th-(a)t kaym had
Imakyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,171 Bestys -th-(a)t now be(n) . xul banne -th-e tyme
H3: 10,172 -Th-at eu(er) cursyd caym . cam in -th-is erthe
H3: 10,173 Al xal byen for hys dedys . bothe dowyns & hyllys
H3: 10,174 Bothe fyschys & foulys . w(i)t(h) o-th-ir
bestys [aaAx]
H3: 10,175 But take -th-e viij soulys . of eche beste a couple
H3: 10,176 -Th-(a)t i(n) -th-e sollyd schyp . xal be(n) ysauyd
H3: 10,177 Ell(is) xal alle deyen . & to helle wende
H3: 10,178 -Th-us tho(ur) cursyd caym . com care to vs alle
H3: 10,179 And al for seem & hys systerys chyldery(n)
. dyspousyd e-th-ir o-th-yr [aaAx]
H3: 10,180 A-gh-ens -th-e lawe of our lord . leyen togederys
H3: 10,181 And were maryid at myschyeff . as me(n) do(n)
now her childery(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,182 ffor now so(m)me as I se . -th-e sothe for to
telle [aaAx]
H3: 10,183 ffor coueytyse of catel . vnkendly be(n) maryid
H3: 10,184 And carful co(n)cepciou(n) . comyth of sweche
maryages [aaAx]
H3: 10,185 As fel of -th-e folk . -th-(a)t I before of schewyd
H3: 10,186 It is a vnkendly couple . be cryst as me thynkyth
H3: 10,187 To -gh-euy(n) a -gh-ong wenche . to an hold feble
ma(n) [aaXx]
H3: 10,188 Or weddy(n) any wedewe . for any wele of goodys
H3: 10,189 -Th-at neu(er) xal baru(n) bery(n) . but -gh-yf
it be i(n) armys [aaAx]
H3: 10,190 In gelesoy-gh-e & Ioyles . & Iangelyng
on bedde [aaAx]
H3: 10,191 ssweche many syn -th-e pestelence . arn plyth
togederys [aaAx]
H3: 10,192 -Th-(a)t frut -th-(a)t -th-ei bryng forth . be(n)
many foule wordys [aaAx]
H3: 10,193 Han -th-ei no chyldery(n) but chydyng . he(m)
betwene [aaAx]
H3: 10,194 Thynk -th-ei nouth to do(n)mowe . but -gh-yf -th-e
deuyl helpe [aaAx]
H3: 10,195 To folwy(n) aft(ir) -th-e flykke . for -th-ei
gete it neu(er) [aaAx]
H3: 10,196 But -th-ei bothe be forswory(n) . -th-(a)t bakou(n)
xal -th-e tyne [aaAx]
H3: 10,197 ffor-th-i I counseyl al crystene . nouth to be
weddyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,198 ffor coueytyse of catel . ne for kynrede ryche
H3: 10,199 But maydons & maydons . mache -gh-ou togederys
H3: 10,200 Wydewys & wedewerys . werchyth ryth ryth -th-e
same [aaAx]
H3: 10.201 And -th-a(n) glade -gh-e god . -th-(a)t good sendyth
al [aaAx]
H3: 10,202 ffor i(n) no tyme trewly . betwen ma(n) & woma(n)
H3: 10,203 Xuld no bedbord be . but he were bothe clene [aaAx]
H3: 10,204 Off lyf & of loue . & i(n) -th-e lawe
leuedyn [aaAx]
H3: 10,205 ssweche dede . xuld no ma(n) do as betwen sengle & sengle
H3: 10,206 --- the line om ---
H3: 10,207 But lawe hat grandyd eche ma(n) to haue a make
i(n) maryage [aaAx]
H3: 10,208 And werke -th-(a)t werk on hys wyff . & on
no(n) woma(n) ell(is) [aaAx]
H3: 10,209 -Th-o -th-(a)t othyr gate be goty(n) . for gedelyng(us)
be(n) holdy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,210 And be(n) fals folk & fals eyris as . fondelyng(us) & lyerys
H3: 10,211 Vng(ra)cyous to gete loue . or any good ell(is)
H3: 10,212 But wandery(n) as woluys . & wasty(n) -th-(a)t
-th-ei mowen [aaAx]
H3: 10,213 A-gh-en dowel dou(n) ylle . & -th-e deuyl
plesyn [aaAx]
H3: 10,214 And aft(ir) her ded day . xul dwelle w(i)t(h)
-th-e same [aaAx]
H3: 10,215 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 10,216 -Th-a(n) is dowel to dredy(n) . & dobet to
suffury(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,217 And so comyth dobest abouty(n) . & bryngyt dou(n)
mody [aaAx]
H3: 10,218 -Th-at is wykkyd wyl . -th-(a)t many werk schendyth
Here endyth -th-e seueth p(ar)t off -th-is book
H3: 11,1 Than had wyth a wyff . hyr name was dame stody [aaXx]?
H3: 11,2 -Th-(a)t lene was as a leche . & of lowe chere
H3: 11,3 Sche was wondyrly wrouth . -th-(a)t wytt me -th-(us)
taugthe [aaAx]
H3: 11,4 And skornfullych dame stody to vs bothe seyde [aaAx]
H3: 11,5 Wel art -th-(o)u wyis q(uo)d sche to wytt . any
wysdams to telle [aaAx]
H3: 11,6 To flatererys or to folys . -th-(a)t frentyk be(n)
of wordys [aaAx]
H3: 11,7 And bannyd hy(m) & ba(n)nyd hy(m) . & bad
hy(m) be(n) stylle [aaAx]
H3: 11,8 W(i)t(h) sweche wyse wordys . to wysy(n) any folys
H3: 11,9 And seyde { Nolite amittere } -th-ese . margery
p(er)lys [aaAx]
H3: 11,10 Among hoggys -th-(a)t hauy(n) . hawys at her wylle
H3: 11,11 -Th-ei dou(n) but dreuely(n) -th-(er)on . draf
were he(m) leu(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 11,12 -Th-a(n) al -th-e p(re)cyous p(er)re . -th-(a)t
i(n) p(ar)adys waxit [aaAx]
H3: 11,13 I sey it be -th-o q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t schewy(n)
be her wordys [aaAx]
H3: 11,14 -Th-(a)t he(m) wer leu(er) lond . & lordchepe
on erthe [aaAx]
H3: 11,15 Rytches & rente . & reste at her wylle
H3: 11,16 -Th-a(n) alle -th-e soth sawys . -th-(a)t salomo(n)
seyid eu(er) [aaAx]
H3: 11,17 Wysda(m)m & wytt . is nouth worth a rosche
H3: 11,18 But it be carpyd wyt qweyntyse . to conspyre wrong
H3: 11,19 --- this line om ---
H3: 11,20 And lede forth a loueday . to lette -th-e trewthe
H3: 11,21 He -th-(a)t sweche craftys can dou(n) . to conseyl
is callyd [aaAa]
H3: 11,22 And be(n) Iseruyd as syrys . -th-e sweyn of -th-e
deuyl(is) lore [aaAx]
H3: 11,23 But Iob -th-e gentyl . in hys gestys seyde [aaAx]
H3: 11,23a { In via i(m)pior(um) p(ro)babit(ur) q(uo)d b(e)n(e)
e(st) o(mn)ib(us) q(u)i praue & i(n)ique agu(n)t } [Latin]
H3: 11,24 He -th-(a)t hat holy wryt . ay in hys mowthe [aaaAx]
H3: 11,25 And can telle of toby-gh-e . & of -th-e xij
apostel(is) [aaAx]
H3: 11,26 Or p(re)chyn of -th-e penance . -th-(a)t pylat
wrouth [aaAx]
H3: 11,27 To Ih(es)u -th-e gentyl . -th-(a)t iewys todrowen
H3: 11,28 As on cros vpon caluary . as clerkys vs techy(n)
H3: 11,29 Lytyl is he louyd or sett by -th-(a)t . sweche
a sarmou(n) schew(i)t(h) [aaaAx]
H3: 11,30 But hoso ca(n) dau(n)ce & drawe forth . -th-ese
dyssours know(i)t(h) -th-e sothe [aaAx]
H3: 11,31 ffor -gh-yf harlottry-gh-e no holpe he(m) nouth
mor(e) . -th-a(n) g(ra)ce or treuthe [aaxAx]
H3: 11,32 And more -th-a(n) musyk . or makyng of god almythy
H3: 11,33 Wold neu(er) kyng nou(n) knyth . no(n) chanou(n)
of sent poulys [aaAx]
H3: 11,34 -Gh-eue he(m) to here -gh-erys-gh-yfte . -th-e
value of a grote [aaXx]
H3: 11,35 But my(n)stralsy-gh-e & myrthe . among is nowe
H3: 11,36 Bouseury-gh-e & bysmery-gh-e . & loselys
talys [aaAx]
H3: 11,37 And gloteny-gh-e & grete othys . -th-ese arn
gamys on dayis [aaAx]
H3: 11,38 And -gh-yf he carppy(n) of cryst . -th-e clerkys & -th-e
lewd [aaAx]
H3: 11,39 At mete i(n) her myrthe . qwa(n) mystrel(is) be(n)
stylle [aaAx]
H3: 11,40 -Th-a(n) telly(n) hy(m) of -th-e t(ri)nyte . qwow
-th-(a)t it is i(n) iij [aaAx]
H3: 11,41 And bryngyt forth a ballyd resou(n) . takyth barnard
to wytnesse [aaAx]
H3: 11,42 And poty(n) p(er)somcyou(n) . to p(re)uy(n) -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
H3: 11,43 -Th-(us) -th-ei dreuely(n) at her dysch . -th-e
detre to knowy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,44 And gabby(n) i(n) -th-e gorge . qwa(n) -th-e gutys
fylly(n) [aaaAx]
H3: 11,45 And -th-e carful may cryen . & carpy(n) at
-th-e gate [aaAx]
H3: 11,46 Bothe for hu(n)gyr & for thryst . & for
cold qwaky(n) [xaAxx]
H3: 11,47 -Th-(er) is no(n) to nemy(n) hy(m) In . & hys
anyr amende [aaAx]
H3: 11,48 But comau(n)dy(n) out as an hond . & hoty(n)
hy(m) go -th-ens [aaAx]
H3: 11,49 Lytyl louyth he -th-(a)t lord . -th-(a)t lenyth
hy(m) al -th-(a)t blysse [aaAx]
H3: 11,50 -th-at -th-(us) p(ar)ty(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e pore
. a p(ar)cel qwa(n) hy(m) nedyth [aaAx]
H3: 11,51 Ne were mercy i(n) mene me(n) . more -th-a(n) i(n)
ryche [aaAx]
H3: 11,52 Many me(n) meteles . myth gou(n) to bedde [aaAx]
H3: 11,53 God is mechyl i(n) -th-e gorge . of -th-e grete
maystyrs [aaAx]
H3: 11,54 and among mene me(n) . is hys mercy & hys werkys
H3: 11,55 And so seyth -th-e sautyr . seche it i(n) { Meme(n)to
} [aaAx]
H3: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) ea(m) i(n) effrata i(n)uenim(us)
ea(m) i(n) ca(m)pis siluet } [Latin]
H3: 11,56 Clerkys & grete me(n) . carpy(n) of god fast
H3: 11,57 And han hy(m) mechyl i(n) her mowth . & fewe
i(n) hertys [aaAx]
H3: 11,58 han fondy(n) vp swche questyons [aaAx]
H3: 11,59 To plesse w(i)t(h) proude me(n) . sy(n) -th-is
pestelens tyme [aaAx]
H3: 11,60 -Th-(a)t defowlyth our feyth . at festys -th-(er)
-th-ei sytty(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,61 ffor now is eche boy bold . -gh-yf he be ryche
H3: 11,62 To telly(n) of -th-e t(ri)nite . to be(n) holdy(n)
a syre [aaAxx]
H3: 11,63 And fynt for fantesy-gh-es . our feyth to apeyre
H3: 11,64 And eke defamyth -th-e fadyr . -th-(a)t vs alle
made [aaAxx]
H3: 11,65 And carpyth a-gh-ens clergy . crabbyd wordys [aaAx]
H3: 11,66 Qwy wold our saue-gh-o(ur) suffurre . swech a wyrm
i(n) hys blysse [aaAx]
H3: 11,67 -Th-(a)t begylyd -th-e woma(n) . & -th-e man
aftyr [xaAx]
H3: 11,68 Thorw qweche werk & wyl . -th-ei wente to helle
H3: 11,69 And al her sed for her synne . -th-e same wo suffurd
H3: 11,70 ssweche motetys -th-ei meue . -th-ese maystrys
i(n) her glorie [aaAx]
H3: 11,71 And maky(n) me(n) i(n) mysbeleue . -th-(a)t mowsy(n)
on her wordys [aaAx]?
H3: 11,72 And austyn -th-e olde . for alle sweche me(n) p(re)chede
H3: 11,73 And for sweche tale tellerys . sweche a tyme schewyd
H3: 11,74 { Non plus sap(er)e qua(m) oportet sap(er)e & sap(er)e
ad sob(ri)etat(em) } [Latin]
H3: 11,75 -th-(a)t hys wyl is ne were to wetyn qwy [aaAa]
H3: 11,76 -th-(a)t god wolde suffurre satan . hys seed to
begyle [aaAx]
H3: 11,77 But beleue trewly . on -th-e lore of holy chyrche
H3: 11,78 And p(ra)y hy(m) of p(ar)dou(n) . & pena(n)s
here i(n) -th-i(n) lyue [aaAx]
H3: 11,79 And for hys meche mercy . to amende vs here [aaAx]
H3: 11,80 ffor alle -th-(a)t wely(n) wete . -th-e weyis of
god almythy [aaAx]
H3: 11,81 I wolde hys ey-gh-e were . i(n) hys ars & hys
hele aft(ir) [aaBb]
H3: 11,82 -Th-(a)t eu(er) oft wyly(n) wety(n) . qwy -th-(a)t
god wolde [aaAa]
H3: 11,83 ssuffur satan -th-e vnsaut . hys seed to begyle
H3: 11,84 Eythyr Iudas -th-e Iew . Ih(es)u to betray-gh-e
H3: 11,85 Al was as he wold . lord worcheped be to the [xaAx]
H3: 11,86 And alle worth as -th-(o)u wylt qwat . eu(er) we
telle [aaAx]
H3: 11,87 But now comy(n) a kongou(n) . & wold cache
of yuy wyttys [aaAx]
H3: 11,88 Qwat is dowel from dobet . now deff mote he worthe
H3: 11,89 Sytthy(n) he wyl wety(n) . qweche hee be(n) alle
H3: 11,90 But he leue i(n) -th-e lest degre . -th-(a)t longyt
to dowel [aaAx]
H3: 11,91 I dar be hys bold borw . do bet xal he neu(er)e
H3: 11,92 -Th-ow dobest draw on hy(m) . day aft(ur) o-th-ir
H3: 11,93 And qwa(n) wytt was Iwar . how hys wyf tolde [aaAx]
H3: 11,94 He become so confus . -th-(a)t he coud nouth speke
H3: 11,95 And also domb as a dore . & drow hy(m) on syde
H3: 11,96 And for no carpyng -th-(a)t i coude . ne knelyng
to -th-e gro(n)de [aaAx]
H3: 11,97 I myth no grayn gete . of hys grete wyttys [aaAx]
H3: 11,98 But al laughyng he lowtyd . & lokyd vpon stody
H3: 11,99 In syngne -th-(a)t I xulde . beseke hyr of g(ra)ce
H3: 11,100 And qwa(n) -th-(a)t I was war -th-(a)t sweche
was hys wylle
H3: 11,100 To hys wyff ga(n) I gou(n) & knelyd to -th-e
gro(n)de [aaAx]
H3: 11,101 And seyde mercy madame . -gh-o(ur) ma(n) xal I worthe
H3: 11,102 ffor to werche -gh-o(ur) wyl . qwyl my lyff duryth
H3: 11,103 To teche me kendly . to knawe qwat is dowel [aaAx]
H3: 11,104 ffor -th-i(n) mekenesse q(uo)d sche . & for
-th-i(n) myild speche [aaAx]
H3: 11,105 I xal teche -th-e to my cosyn . -th-(a)t clergy-gh-e
hotyth [aaAx]
H3: 11,106 He hath wedded a wyff . w(i)t(h)Inne -th-ese wokys
sexe [aaAx]
H3: 11,107 Is syb to -th-e vij ars . -th-(a)t scrypture is
nemyd [aaAx]
H3: 11,108 -Th-ei to as I hope . aft(ir) my besekyng [xaAx]
H3: 11,109 Xul wysse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndyrtake
H3: 11,110 Than was I as fayn as a foul . of a fayr morwy(n)
H3: 11,111 And gladd(er)e -th-a(n) a glewma(n) . -th-(a)t
gold hat to -gh-yfte [aaAx]
H3: 11,112 And askyd hyr -th-o -th-e hey wey . qwer clergy-gh-e
dwellyd [aaXx]
H3: 11,113 And telle me so(m)m tokene to hy(m) . for tyme
is I wende [aaAx]
H3: 11,114 Aske -th-e hey wey q(uo)d sche . fro hens to suffure
H3: 11,115 Bothe in wel & i(n) wo . -gh-yf -th-(o)u wylt
lerne [aaAx]
H3: 11,116 And forth be rytchesse . but rest -th-e nouth -th-(er)Inne
H3: 11,117 ffor -gh-yf -th-(o)u copplyst -th-e w(i)t(h) hy(m)
to clergy-gh-e . comyst -th-(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 11,118 And eke -th-e longe lau(n)de . -th-(a)t letchery-gh-e
hattyth [aaAx]
H3: 11,119 Leue hy(m) on -th-i(n) left hand . a large myle & more
H3: 11,120 And qwa(n) -th-(o)u come to a corwt . kep wel
-th-i(n) tonge [aaAx]
H3: 11,121 ffro lesyng(es) & lethyr speche . & lykerous
drynkys [aaAx]
H3: 11,122 And -th-a(n) xalt -th-(o)u sen sobryete . & symplenesse
of speche [aaAa]
H3: 11,123 -Th-(a)t yche wyth be i(n) wyl . hys wytt to -th-e
schewe [aaAx]
H3: 11,124 So xalt -th-(o)u come [to] clergy-gh-e . -th-(a)t
ca(n) many thyng(us) [aaAx]
H3: 11,125 and sey hy(m) -th-is sygne . I sett hy(m) to skole
H3: 11,126 And -th-(a)t I grete wel hys wyf . for I wrot
hyr -th-e bylle [aaAx]
H3: 11,127 And sent hyr to sapience . & to hyr sautyr
glosyd [aaAx]
H3: 11,128 Logyk I lerned hyr . & alle -th-e lawe aft(ir)
H3: 11,129 And alle moysons of musyk . I mad hyr to knowe
H3: 11,130 Plato -th-e poete . I put fryst to skole [aaAx]
H3: 11,131 Arystotyl & o-th-(ir) mo . to arguy(n) I taugthe
H3: 11,132 Gramer for chyldery(n) . I made fryst to wryte
H3: 11,133 And bet he(m) w(i)t(h) a baleys . but -gh-yf -th-ei
wolde lerne [aaAxx]
H3: 11,134 Off alle skynnys craftys . I co(n)tryuyd talys
H3: 11,135 As carpenterys & keruerys . & ke(n)nyd
fryst masons [aaAx]
H3: 11,136 leuel & lyne I he(m) lernyd . -th-ow I loke
dy(m)me [aaAa]
H3: 11,137 And theology-gh-e hat tenyd me . x skore tymys
H3: 11,138 ffor -th-e more I muse -th-(er)Inne . -th-e mystlyere
it semyth [aaAx]
H3: 11,139 And -th-e sporere I deuyne . -th-e drykere me
thynkyt [aaAx]
H3: 11,140 It is no science forsothe . for to sotely(n) Inne
H3: 11,141 Ne were loue -th-(a)t lyth . -th-(er)Inne a ful
lewd thy(n)g it were [aaAx]
H3: 11,142 And it last best be loue . I loue it -th-e bettyr
H3: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) -th-(a)t loue is lord . lackyt neu(er)
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
H3: 11,144 Leue now wel -th-(er) vpon . -gh-yf -th-(o)u thynk
to do wel [aaBb]
H3: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . be(n) drawy(n) of louys
lore [aaAx]
H3: 11,146 In o-th-(er) science it seyt . i(n) catou(n) -th-(o)u
myth rede [aaAx]
H3: 11,147 { Qui similat v(er)b(is) hic no(n) est fidus amicus
} [Latin]
H3: 11,148 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 11,149 And theology-gh-e tellyth nouth so . hoso takyt
hende [aaAx]
H3: 11,150 He techyth -th-e co(n)trary-gh-e . a-gh-ens catons
wordys [aaAx]
H3: 11,151 He byddyth vs be(n) as brethery(n) . & blyssy(n)
our fome(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,152 And louy(n) he(m) -th-(a)t lyen on vs . & lende(n)
he(m) at nede [aaAx]
H3: 11,152 [C:VI,58] { Reddite q(uo)d malo bonu(n) p(ro)pheta }
H3: 11,153 And do good a-gh-ens euyl . & so god hy(m) self
byddyth [aaAx]
H3: 11,154 And swew(i)t(h) it hy(m) seluy(n) . i(n) example
for -th-e best [aaAx]
H3: 11,154a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala } [Latin]
H3: 11,155 And astronony-gh-e is hard thyng . & euyl for
to knowe [aaAx]
H3: 11,156 Geemetry-gh-e & geemessye . is gynful of speche
H3: 11,157 Hee -th-(a)t thynky(n) to werchy(n) w(i)t(h) -th-o
iij . thryuy(n) ful late [aaAx]
H3: 11,158 ffor sorcery-gh-e is -th-e souerey(n)n bok . -th-(a)t
to -th-(a)t science longyth [aaAx]
H3: 11,159 -Gh-et arn -th-er iij fybytthys i(n) forell(is)
. of mannys wyttys [aaBb]
H3: 11,160 Exp(er)ime(n)t(is) & alconamy-gh-e . of alb(er)tys
makyng [aaAx]
H3: 11,161 Nigramancy-gh-e & perma(n)sy-gh-e . -th-e
pouke to reysyn(n) [xaAx]
H3: 11,162 -Gh-yf -th-(o)u thynke to dowel . dele w(i)t(h)
he(m) neu(er)e [xaAx]
H3: 11,163 Alle -th-ese scyens . sekyrly I my self formest
H3: 11,164 he(m) fou(n)dyd i(n) feyth . folk to dysseyuyn
H3: 11,165 I beken -th-e cryst q(uo)d sche . I can teche
-th-e no bett(er) [aaAxx]
H3: 11,166 I seyde gramercy madame . & mekely hyr grette
H3: 11,167 And went wy-gh-tlych my way . w(i)t(h)out mor
lettyng [aaaAx]
H3: 11,168 And fond as sche had told . & forth gau(n)
I wende [aaAx]
H3: 11,169 And er I come to clergy-gh-e . coud I neu(er)
stynt [aaAx]
H3: 11,170 I grette -th-(a)t goodma(n) . as -th-e good wyf
me taugth [aaAx]
H3: 11,171 And aft(ir)ward -th-e good wyf . I worchepyd bothe
H3: 11,172 And told hyr -th-e tokenes . -th-(a)t me taugth
wery(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,173 Was neu(er) ma(n) vpon -th-is grond . sy(n) god
made heuene [aaAx]
H3: 11,174 ffayrere vndyrfonge(n) . ne frendlyere mad att
ese [aaAx]
H3: 11,175 -Th-a(n) I my self sothely . son -th-ei me wysty(n)
H3: 11,176 -Th-a(n) I was of wyttis hous . & hys wyf
dame stody [axAx]
H3: 11,177 Curteysly clergy-gh-e . callyd me & kyst [aaAa]
H3: 11,178 And askyd how wytt ferd . & hys wyf stody
H3: 11,179 And I seyde sothely . -th-ei sente me hyddyr [aaAx]
H3: 11,180 To lerne at -gh-ow dowel . & dobet -th-(er)
aft(ir) [xaAx]
H3: 11,181 And sytthy(n) aft(ir)ward to se . su(m)qwat of
dobest [aaAx]
H3: 11,182 It is a ful trewe lyf q(uo)d he . among -th-e
lewd puple [aaAx]
H3: 11,183 Actyff is it hoty(n) . husbondry-gh-e it vsyth
H3: 11,184 Trewe telyerys of the erthe . talyours & toucherys
H3: 11,185 And alle skynnys crafty me(n) . -th-(a)t her fode
wy(n)ne [aaAx]
H3: 11,186 W(i)t(h) alle trewe t(ra)uayl . -th-(a)t tely(n)
for her fode [aaAx]
H3: 11,187 Dychou(n) or deluy(n) . dowel it hattyth [aaAx]
H3: 11,188 To breke beggerys bred . & bakky(n) he(m)
w(i)t(h) clothys [aaaAx]
H3: 11,189 Comforte -th-e carful . -th-(a)t i(n) castyl be(n)
feteryd [aaAx]
H3: 11,190 And seke vp -th-e seke fulk . & sende he(m)
-th-(a)t nedyth [aaAx]
H3: 11,191 Obedyent to beryen -th-es seke -th-ese be -th-o
-th-(a)t dobet [aaXx]
H3: 11,192 And so beryth wytnesse -th-e sautyr [aaAx]
H3: 11,192a { Ecce qua(m) bonu(m) qua(m) Iocu(n)du(m) h(ab)itare
f(rat)res i(n) vnu(m) } [Latin]
H3: 11,192 And -gh-yff -th-i(n) frend be sory be -th-(o)u
-th-e same
H3: 11,192 And wyt he(m) -th-(a)t be mery loke -th-(o)u mery
H3: 11,193 Loke -th-(o)u so be w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . & synge
w(i)t(h) -th-e glade [aaAx]
H3: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) et flere cu(m)
flentib(us) } [Latin]
H3: 11,194 Dredles is dobet . dobest wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
H3: 11,195 ssyre dobet hat be(n) i(n) offyis & is he
best worthy [aaAx]
H3: 11,196 Be -th-(a)t god i(n) -th-e gospel . grauntyth & techyth
H3: 11,196a { Qui facit & docuit hic maior vocabit(ur)
i(n) regno celor(um) } [Latin]
H3: 11,197 ffor-th-i is dobest . a buschops pere [xaAx]
H3: 11,198 P(ri)nce of godys puple . to p(re)che & to
chast [aaAx]
H3: 11,199 Dobet doth ful wel . & dued he is also [aaAx]
H3: 11,200 And hat possessyons & pl(ur)ralites . for
pore me(n)nys sake [aaAx]
H3: 11,201 ffor me(n)dynant(es) at myschyff . -th-o me(n)
were Induyd [aaAx]
H3: 11,202 And -th-(a)t is ryth relygyou(n) . no rennerys
abouty(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,203 Ne no(n) leperys ouyr londys . ladyis to schryue(n)
H3: 11,204 Gregory a gret clerk . a good pope i(n) hys tyme
H3: 11,205 Of relygyou(n) -th-e rewle . rehersyd i(n) hys
morolys [aaAx]
H3: 11,206 And sent it i(n) example . -th-(a)t -th-ei xuld
do -th-e bettyr [aaAx]
H3: 11,207 Qwa(n) fyschys fayly(n) . flode & -th-e fresch
watyr [aaAa]
H3: 11,208 -Th-ei deyen for drowt . qwa(n) -th-ei drye lyggyn
H3: 11,209 Ryth so be relygyou(n) . -th-(a)t roylyth & steryth
H3: 11,210 -Th-(a)t out of coue(n)t & cloyst(re) . coueytyth
to leuy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,211 But now is relygyou(n) a rydere . & a rennere
by stretys [aaAx]
H3: 11,212 And ledere of ladyis . & a lond byggere [aaAx]
H3: 11,213 Rydyth on hys palfray . fro thon to thon [aaBb]
H3: 11,214 A bedew or a baselard . he beryth be hys syde
H3: 11,215 Goddys flesch & hys feet . & -th-e fyue
wondys [aaAx]
H3: 11,216 Arn more i(n) is mynde . -th-a(n) memory of hys
fondours [aaAx]
H3: 11,217 Thys is -th-e lyff of -th-e lordys . -th-(a)t
xuld leuy(n) w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
H3: 11,218 And welawey wers . & I wold all telle [aaAx]
H3: 11,219 I wende -th-(a)t kynghod & knythod . & kayserys
w(i)t(h) erlys [aaAx]
H3: 11,220 Were dowel & dobet . & dobest of alle
H3: 11,221 ffor I haue sen it myself . & sytthy red it
aft(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 11,222 How cryst co(n)seylyth -th-e comou(n) . & kenny-th-
he(m) -th-is tale [aaaAx]
H3: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedra(m) moysy sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes & }
H3: 11,224 -Th-(er)fore I wende -th-(a)t -th-ese wythys .
were(n) do best of alle [aaAxx]
H3: 11,225 I nyl nouth skorne -th-e q(uo)d scrypture . but
skreuoys ly-gh-e [aaAx]
H3: 11,226 Kynghod & knythod . be nouth I ca(n) aspy-gh-e
H3: 11,227 Helpyth nouth to heueneward . on herys ende [aaAa]
H3: 11,228 No rytches no(n) ryalte no rente of -th-is landys
H3: 11,229 Poule p(ro)uyth it i(n)possyble . ryche me(n)
to heuene [aaaXx]
H3: 11,229 [B:XIV,212/C:XI,201] { In possibile est diuiti int(ra)re in regnu(m) celor(um) }
H3: 11,230 And pore me(n) i(n) paciens . & penance togederys
H3: 11,231 Haue herytage i(n) heuene . & ryche me(n)
nou(n) [aaAxx]
H3: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I be cryst . -th-(a)t can I
w(i)t(h)sey-gh-e [aaAx]
H3: 11,233 And p(ro)ue it be -th-e pystele . -th-(a)t pet(ir)
hat Imenyd [aaAx]
H3: 11,234 { Qui crediderit et bapti-gh-at(us) fu(er)it saluus
erit } [Latin]
H3: 11,235 That is { i(n) extremis } q(uo)d sc(ri)pture .
among sara-gh-enys & Iewys [aaAx]
H3: 11,236 -Th-ei mow be saf so . & so it is our beleue
H3: 11,237 -Th-(a)t vnkrysten i(n) -th-(a)t case . may crystene(n)
a hothene [aaAx]
H3: 11,238 ffor hys trewe beleue . qwa(n) he hys lyf tynyth
H3: 11,239 And haue herytage i(n) heuene . as a ma(n) -th-(a)t
is cryste(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,240 And crystene me(n) god wot . comy(n) nouth so
to heuy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,241 ffor cryste(n)n me(n) hauy(n) a decre . -th-(a)t
is her comou(n) speche [axAx]
H3: 11,242 { Dilige d(omin)um d(eu)m tuu(m) ex toto corde
tuo &c & p(ro)ximu(m) tuu(m) }
H3: 11,243 Goddys word wytnessyt . we xul -gh-euy(n) & dele
H3: 11,244 Our enmys & alle me(n) . -th-(a)t arn nedy & pore
H3: 11,245 And schewyt -th-is sermou(n) . -th-(a)t sone schew(i)t(h)
aft(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 11,245a { Du(m) te(m)p(us) h(ab)em(us) op(er)em(ur) bonu(m)
ad o(mn)es maxi(m)e a(utem) ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
H3: 11,246 Alle kende creaturys . -th-(a)t to cryst be(n)
lyke [aaAx]
H3: 11,247 We be(n) holdy(n) heylyche . to heyre & to
honoure [aaAa]
H3: 11,248 And -gh-euy(n) hem of our good . as good as to
o(ur) seluy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,249 And souereynlych to sweche . as swynk our bylyf
H3: 11,250 -Th-(a)t is yche creature . be kynde to o-th-(er)
H3: 11,251 And sytthy(n) t(ra)uaylyn to helpy(n) . i(n) hope
hy(m) to ame(n)de [aaAx]
H3: 11,252 Ney-th-(er) to harme he(m) no(n) to sle he(m)
. god hyt it vs neu(er) [axAx]
H3: 11,253 ffor he seyth it hy(m) self . i(n) -th-e x hestys
H3: 11,254 { Non occides ... } ne sle nouth is -th-is englysch
H3: 11,255 { Michi vindicta(m) et ego retribua(m) } [Latin]
H3: 11,256 I xal pu(n)sche he(m) i(n) p(ur)gatory . or i(n)
-th-e peyne of helle [aaAx]
H3: 11,257 Eche ma(n) for hys mysdedys . but mercy it make
H3: 11,257 { Reddam vicicum(us) meta op(er)a sua }
H3: 11,258 -Gh-et am I neu(er) -th-e ner . for nouth -th-(a)t
I haue walkyd [aaAx]
H3: 11,259 To wete qwat is dowel . wytt(er)ly i(n) herte
H3: 11,260 ffor how so I wrouth i(n) -th-is werld . wrong
or ellys [aaAx]
H3: 11,261 I was merkyd w(i)t(h)owty(n) mercy . & myn
name entred [aaAxx]
H3: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyf . longe er I were bory(n)
H3: 11,263 Or eft vnwrety(n) for wykkyd . as seyth -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
H3: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit i(n) celu(m) nisi ille qui descendit
} [Latin]
H3: 11,264 And I leue it wel no lettyr bett(er) [aaAx]
H3: 11,265 ffor salomou(n) -th-e sage . -th-(a)t sapiens
made [aaAx]
H3: 11,266 God -gh-af hy(m) g(ra)ce . & rytches togederys
H3: 11,267 ffor to rewle hys rewme . ryth at hys wyl [aaAx]
H3: 11,268 -Gh-et dede he nouth wel & wysly . as holy
wryt tellyth [aaAx]
H3: 11,269 Bothe i(n) werke & i(n) word . & i(n)
werld i(n) hys tyme [aaAx]
H3: 11,270 Arystotyle & he . ho wrouty(n) bettyr [aaXx]
H3: 11,271 And -gh-et holy chyrche . holdyth he(m) i(n) helle
H3: 11,272 And was neu(er) i(n) -th-is werld . ij wysere
of werkys [aaAa]
H3: 11,273 ffor alle konyg clerkys . sytthy(n) cryst -gh-ede
on erthe [aaAx]
H3: 11,274 Take example of her sawys . & sermons -th-(a)t
-th-ei made [aaAx]
H3: 11,275 And be her werkys & her wordys . wyssy(n)
vs to dowel [aaAx]
H3: 11,276 And -gh-yf I xal werky(n) be her werk . to wony(n)
i(n) heuene [aaAx]
H3: 11,277 And I for her werkys & wytt . wony(n) i(n)
peyne [aaAx]
H3: 11,278 -Th-a(n) wrouth I vnwysly . w(i)t(h) alle -th-e
wytt -th-(a)t I lerne [aaAx]
H3: 11,279 On god fryday I fynde . a felou(n) was sauyd [aaAx]
H3: 11,280 -Th-(a)t leuede all hys lyf . w(i)t(h) lesyng(us) & thefte
H3: 11,281 And for he knew on -th-e cros . & to cryst
schrof hy(m) [aaAx]
H3: 11,282 Sonere had he saluacyou(n) . -th-a(n) sent Iohn
-th-e baptyst [aaAx]
H3: 11,283 Or adam or ysay-gh-e . or any of -th-e p(ro)phetys
H3: 11,284 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 11,285 A robb(er)e had remyssyou(n) . rathere -th-a(n)
-th-ei alle [aaAx]
H3: 11,286 W(i)t(h)outy(n) pena(n)s or p(ur)gatory . to p(ar)adys
for eu(er) [aaAx]
H3: 11,287 -Th-a(n) mary -th-e magdalene . ho myth dou(n)
wers [aaAx]
H3: 11,288 Or ho dede wers -th-a(n) dauyd . -th-(a)t vrye
dystroyid [aaAx]
H3: 11,289 Or poule -th-e apostyl . -th-(a)t no pete hadde
H3: 11,290 Krystene kynde . to kylle to deth [aaAx]
H3: 11,291 And arn -th-(er) none forsoth . souerey(n)lych
i(n) heuene [xaAx]
H3: 11,292 As -th-es -th-(a)t wrouty(n) wykkydly . i(n) werld
qwyl -th-ei wery(n) [aaAa]
H3: 11,293 And -gh-et haue I for gete ferthere . of v wyttys
techyng [aaAx]
H3: 11,294 -Th-(a)t clergy-gh-e of crystys mowth . comandyd
was neu(er) [aaAx]
H3: 11,295 ffor he seyde -th-(us) hy(m) self . to su(m)me
of hys dyscyplys [aaAx]
H3: 11,296 { Dum steteritis ante reges et p(re)sides nolite
cogitare &c } [Latin]
H3: 11,297 -Th-is [is] as meche to mene . to me(n) -th-(a)t
be lewd [aaAx]
H3: 11,298 Qwa(n) -gh-e be aposyd of p(ri)ncys . & p(re)stys
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
H3: 11,299 ffor to answery(n) he(m) . haue -gh-e no doute
H3: 11,300 ffor I xal grant -gh-ow g(ra)ce . of god -th-(a)t
-gh-e seruy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,301 -Th-e helpe of -th-e holy gost . to answery(n)
he(m) alle. [aaAa]
H3: 11,302 The douthyest doctour . & deuynour of -th-e
t(ri)nite [aaAx]
H3: 11,303 Was austyn -th-e old . & heyest of foure [aaAx]
H3: 11,304 He seyde -th-us i(n) a sermou(n) . so me god helpe
H3: 11,305 { Ecce ideoti rapiu(n)t celu(m) v(bi) sapientes
i(n) infernu(m) m(er)gu(n)t(ur) } [Latin]
H3: 11,306 -Th-(a)t is to mene i(n) our mowth . ne-th-(er)
more ne lesse [aaAx]
H3: 11,307 Ben no(n) rathere Irauyschyd . fro -th-e ryth beleue
H3: 11,308 -Th-a(n) arn -th-ese grete clerkys . -th-(a)t
know many bokys [aaAx]
H3: 11,309 Ben no(n) sonere Isauyd . no(n) saddere of co(n)cyens
H3: 11,310 -Th-a(n) pore puple as plowme(n) . & pasturers
of bestys [aaaAx]
H3: 11,311 Sawerys & sowerys . & sweche leude Iottys
H3: 11,311 ffor -th-ei leuy(n) as -th-ei be leryd & o-th-(er)
wyse nouth
H3: 11,311 Musyn i(n) no materes but holdy(n) -th-e ryth
H3: 11,311 He -th-(a)t redyth -th-is book & ryth haue
it i(n) mende
H3: 11,311 Preyit for pers -th-e plowma(n)s soule
H3: 11,312 W(i)t(h) a pat(er)n(oste)r . to [-th-e] paleys of
heuene [aaAx]
H3: 11,313 W(i)t(h)outy(n) gret penans at hys p(ar)tyng .
to comy(n) to blys [aaXx]
{ Explicit tractis de perys plowman q(ou)d heri }
{Qui cu(m) p(er) & sp(irit)u s(an)c(t)o vinit & regnat
p(er) o(mn)ia s(ae)c(u)la s(ae)c(u)lor(um) Amen(n) }