PPLA-M Diplomatic Texts
p. 471
M: P,1 In a som(er) sesou(n) . whan softe was -th-e sunne [aaAa]
M: P,2 I schop me in a schroude . a schep as y wer(e) [aaAx]
M: P,3 In whit as an Ermyte . vnholy of werkys [aaAx]
M: P,4 Wente I wyde in -th-e world . wonderys to her(e) [aaAx]
M: P,5 But on a may mornyng . on malu(er)ne hellys [aaAx]
M: P,6 Me befel a ferly . of fayry me -th-outhe [aaAx]
M: P,7 I was wery forwandryd . & wente me to reste [aaAx]
M: P,8 Vndyr a brod banke . be a borne syde [aaAx]
M: P,9 And as I lay & lened & . & lokede on -th-e
waterys [aaAx]
M: P,10 I slomerde on a slepyng . it semede me merye [aaAx]
M: P,11 -Th-an gan I metyn . a m(er)ueylous sweue [xaAx]
M: P,12 -Th-at I was in a wyldyrnesse . wyst I neu(er)e wer(e)
M: P,13 I beheld into -th-e hest . on hey to -th-e su(n)ne
M: P,14 I seyth a tour in a twist . treweliche Imakyd [aaAx]
M: P,15 A dep dale bene-th-yn . a dongou(n) -th-erinne [aaAx]
M: P,16 Wyt depe dychys & derke . & dredful of sythe
M: P,17 A fayr feld ful of folk . fon I -th-er betwene [aaaAx]
M: P,18 Of alle man(er) of me(n) . -th-e mene & -th-e
ryche [aaAx]
M: P,19 Werchyng & wandryng . as -th-e wold askyth [aaAx]
M: P,20 Su(m)me butty(n) hemself to -th-e plouth . & plydy(n)
ful seldy(n) [aaAx]
M: P,21 In settyng & sowyng . swynkyn wol harde [aaAx]
M: P,22 Wo(n)nyn -th-at -th-yse wasto(ur)s . wit glotenye
dystroith [aaAxx]
M: P,23 And puttyn to pryde . aparayldyn hem -th-eraftyr
M: P,24 In contenaunce of clo-th-ing . -th-ey kemy(n) dysgysyd
M: P,25 In p(re)ierys & penauns . -th-er(e) puttyn hem
many [aaAx]
M: P,26 Al for loue of owr(e) lord . leuedy(n) streyt [aaAx]
M: P,27 In hope to haue for her mede . heueneryche blysse
M: P,28 As ankeres & ermytys . -th-at hody(n) hem i(n)
cellys [aaAx]
M: P,29 Coueytyn nouth in contr(e) . to karyn abowtyn [aaAx]
M: P,30 ffor non likerous lyflode . her(e) body to plesen
M: P,31 And some chosen chafar(e) . -th-ey cheuen -th-e better(e)
M: P,32 As it semeth to howr(e) cythe . soche me(n) thryuen
p. 472
M: P,33 And some merthes to maken . as thys Menstrals [aaAx]
M: P,34 Conne gete golde whyth her(e) glee . senles I trowe
M: P,35 Ac Iapers and Ianglers . Iudas chyldren [aaAx]
M: P,36 ffounden hem on fantesyes . & foles hem maken
M: P,37 And hauen her(e) whyttes atte wille . to werche if
he(m) like [aaAx]
M: P,38 -Th-at poule prechyt of hem . I darre nought p(ro)ue
her(e) [aaAx]
M: P,39 { Qui turpe loq(u)it(ur) } . is lucyfers hyne [aaAx]
M: P,40 Bydderys & beggerys . fast abouten Rennen [aaAx]
M: P,41 Tyll her(e) bely & her(e) bagge . war(e) bretful
cramed [aaAx]
M: P,42 ffayteden(n) for he fode . & foughten atte hale
M: P,43 In glotenye god whote . gon -th-ey to bedde [aaAx]
M: P,44 And Rysen with rebaude . tho Robertes Cnaues [aaAx]
M: P,45 Slepe & mochull slouthe . folwyth hem hewer(e)
M: P,46 Pylgrymes & palmers . plyten hem togydderes [aaAx]
M: P,47 To seche seynt Iames . & seyntis of Rome [aaAx]
M: P,48 Wendyt forth in her(e) wey . wyt manye wyse tales
M: P,49 And hadden leue for to lyen . al her(e) lyue after
M: P,50 Ermytys on an hep . wyt hokyd staues [aaAx]
M: P,51 Wentyn to walsynh(a)m . & her(e) wenchys aft(ir)
M: P,52 Greto globis & longe . -th-at loth weren to werche
M: P,53 Claddyn hem in copis . to ben knowyn from o-th-er(e)
M: P,54 And schapyn hem ermytis . her(e) ese to haue [xaAa]
M: P,55 ffondy(n) -th-er(e) of freris . alle iiij ordres
M: P,56 Precheyng -th-e peple . for profit of hem selue(n)
M: P,57 Glosedyn -th-e gospel . as hem good likede [aaAx]
M: P,58 ffor couetise of copes . co(n)strudyn as -th-ey woldyn
M: P,59 ffor many of maistres . ben clo-th-id at lykyng [aaAxx]
M: P,60 ffor mony & marchaundyse . macchyn togeder(e)
M: P,61 Sethe frerys aryn chapme(n) . & chosyn to schryuy(n)
lordys [aaAx]
M: P,62 Manye ferlys han fallyn . in a fewe -y-erys [aaAx]
M: P,63 But holy chyrche & he . holdyn bet togederys
p. 473
M: P,64 -Th-e moste myschef on molde . is toward wol faste
M: P,65 -Th-(er) prechede a p(ar)don(er) . as he a prest
wer(e) [aaAx]
M: P,66 Brouthe forth a bulle . wyt bysschopys selys [aaAx]
M: P,67 And seyde -th-at hym self . myth asoilyn he(m) alle
M: P,68 Of falsnesse of fastyng . of vouwys Ibrokyn [aaAx]
M: P,69 lewde men likedyn hym wel . & leuedy(n) hyse
wordys [aaAx]
M: P,70 Comy(n) vp knelyng . & kestyn hys bullys [aaAx]
M: P,71 He bunchede hem wyt hys breuet . & blerid her(e)
eye [aaAx]
M: P,72 he rauthe w(i)t(h) hys rageman . brochys & ryngys
M: P,73 -Y-us -y-e -y-euen -y-our(e) gold . glotyns to helpyn
M: P,74 And lenen -th-ese loselys . -th-at lecherie hauntyt
M: P,75 Wer(e) -th-e bisschop Iblissid . worth bo-th-en hyse
eryn [aaAx]
M: P,76 Hyse seal schulde nouth ben sent . to disseyuy(n)
-th-e peple [aaAx]
M: P,77 It is nouth born -th-e bisschop . -th-at -th-ey bo-th-in
prechyt [aaAx]
M: P,78 Ac -th-e prest & -th-e p(ar)don(er) . partyn
-th-e selue [aaaAx]
M: P,79 --- this line is omitted ---
M: P,80 P(er)sons & vicarys . pleynyt hem to -th-e bisschop
M: P,81 -Th-at her(e) cherchys weryn pouer(e) . sy-th-yn
-th-e pestilens tyme [aaAx]
M: P,82 to haue(n) licence & leue . at londone to duelle
M: P,83 to sy(n)gyn for symonye . for seluer is swete [aaAx]
M: P,84 -Th-er(e) houedyn a hundryd . in sylkyn houuys [aaAx]
M: P,85 Sergans it semedyn . -th-at s(er)uyn at -th-e barr(e)
M: P,86 to pletyn for pens . & poundys -th-e lawe [aaAx]
M: P,87 And nouth for loue of our(e) lord . vnlese her(e)
leppys onys [aaAa]
M: P,88 -th-u mythist bet metyn -th-e myst . on maluerne
helle [aaaAx]
M: P,89 -Th-an getyn a word of her(e) mouth . or mony be
schewyd [aaAx]
M: P,96 Barou(n)s & burgeys & boude men also
M: P,97 I seyth in -th-at semble as -y-e schal hery(n) aftyr
M: P,90 I seyth bysschopys bolde . & bachelerys of deuyn
M: P,91 Becomyn clerkys of acounptys . -th-e kyng for to
s(er)uy(n) [aaAx]
M: P,92 Erchedenes & denes . the dygnitees haddyn [aaAx]
M: P,93 ffor to prechyn -th-e peple . & pou(er)e men
to feden [aaAx]
M: P,94 Ben Ilopyn to london . be leue of her(e) Beschop
p. 474
M: P,95 -Y-e clerces of kyngus huntch . -th-e people to schenden [aaAx]
M: P,96 --- this line misplaced after 89 ---
M: P,97 --- this line misplaced after 89 ---
M: P,98 Baxteris & Brewsterys & weuerys of lynene [aaAx]
M: P,99 --- this line om ---
M: P,100 Taylo(ur)s & toucherys . & tollers bo-th-e
M: P,101 Masou(n)s & myno(ur)s . & many o-th-(er)
craft(is) [aaAx]
M: P,102 As dykerys & deluerys . -th-(a)t done here dedes
hille [aaAa]
M: P,103 And heuer(e) dryue forth -th-e daye . w(i)t(h) {
douce dame Emme } [aaAx]
M: P,104 Cokys & her(e) knauys . kryen hote pyes hote
M: P,105 Gode gees & eke grys . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
M: P,106 Tau(er)ners on tyll hym . tolde -th-e same [axAx]
M: P,107 With wyne of oseye . & of gascoyne [aaxAx]
M: P,108 The ryne of -th-e Rochell . -th-e rost to do defye
M: P,109 Al -th-ys I sey slepyng . & sewyn sythes mo(re)
M: 1,1 Wat -th-e mounteyn meneth . & eke -th-e merke dale
M: 1,2 And eke -th-e feld ful of folk . I sal -y-ow feir(e)
schewe [aaAx]
M: 1,3 A louely lady of ler(e) . in lynene iclothed [aaaAx]
M: 1,4 Come adown fro -th-e Cliffe . & calde me fayr(e)
M: 1,5 And seyde soon slepest -th-u . seste -th-(o)u nout
-th-ys peeple [aaAx]
M: 1,6 Howe besy -th-at -th-ey ben . abowte -th-e mase [aaAx]
M: 1,7 -Th-e moste part of -th-ys peple . -th-(a)t passith
in erthe [aaAx]
M: 1,8 Haue -th-ey worchepe of -th-ys world . -th-ey woll
no(n) bettr(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,9 Of hewen -th-an her(e) . holde -th-ey no tale [aaAx]
M: 1,10 I was aferd of her(e) face . -th-ou sche fayr(e)
wer(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,11 And seyde mercy madame . wat is -th-ys to mene [aaXa]
M: 1,12 The ryche tour of -th-e toft q(uo)d sche . trew is
-th-er(e)in [aaAx]
M: 1,13 And woldyn -th-at me(n) wrouteu(n) . as -th-ys wode
techyt [aaAx]
M: 1,14 ffor he is fadyr of feythe . -th-at formed vs alle
M: 1,15 Wyt flesse & felle & w(i)t(h) face . & -y-our(e)
fyue wytt(es) [aaAx]
M: 1,16 ffor to worchepe hym -th-erwyt . wyll he ben on erthe
M: 1,17 And -th-erfor(e) he heet -th-e erthe . to helpyn
-y-ow ichone [aaAx]
M: 1,18 Of wollyn of lyneny(n) . & lyflode at nede [aaAx]
M: 1,19 In neesurale maner(e) . to makyn -gh-ou at ese [aaAx]
M: 1,20 And comaunded of curteysye . in comou(n) iij yin-gh-is
p. 475
M: 1,21 Arn none nedful but -th-o . & nemy(n) hem I -th-ynke
M: 1,22 And rekne hem be reson . reherce -y-e hem aftyr [aaAx]
M: 1,23 -Th-at on is vestur(e) . from cold -th-e to sauen
M: 1,24 -Th-at o-th-(er) mete at mel . for misese of -th-y
selue [aaAx]
M: 1,25 -Th-e -th-redde drynk quan -th-u dryest . but do
not out of resou(n) [aaAx]
M: 1,26 -Th-at -th-(o)u werke -th-e weres . qwan -th-u werke
schuldist [aaAx]
M: 1,27 ffor loth in hys lif days . for likyng of drynk [aaAx]
M: 1,28 Dede be hs dowtryn . -th-at -th-e dyuel lykede [aaAx]
M: 1,29 Delitid hym in drynk . as -th-e deuel wolde [aaAx]
M: 1,30 And lecherie hym laugthe . & lay be hem bo-th-yn
M: 1,31 & all he wytte -th-e drynke . -th-at wyked dede
M: 1,32 Drede delytabele drynke . & -th-(o)u schalt do
-th-e better(e) [aaaAx]
M: 1,33 ffor mesur(e) is medecyne . -th-ey -th-u mochyl desyr(e)
M: 1,34 Alle is nouth gode to -th-e gost . -th-(a)t -th-e
gutte hasketh [aaAx]
M: 1,35 Ne lyuelode to -th-e body . lesse to -th-e sowle
M: 1,36 Leef not -th-y body . for a lyer hem techeth [aaAx]
M: 1,37 -Th-at is -th-ys wreched world . -th-at wold -th-e
betraye [aaAx]
M: 1,38 ffor -th-e fende & -th-y flessche . fowtyn -th-e
togeder(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,39 ffor to schende -th-y soule . be war of her(e) wyles
M: 1,40 And for -th-(o)u scholdest be warr(e) . I wesse -th-e
-th-e beste [xaAx]
M: 1,41 Madame m(er)cy q(uo)d I . me lyketh -y-our(e) wordys
M: 1,42 Ac -th-e monye of -th-ys world . -th-(a)t men so
faste holdyu(n) [aaAx]
M: 1,43 Telle me madame to who(m)me -th-(a)t tresour appendeth
M: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t god made
hym selue [aaAx]
M: 1,45 Tho -th-e peepele hym apposed . w(i)t(h) -th-e prece
of a peny [aaAx]
M: 1,46 Wether(e) -th-ey scholden worschepe . -th-erwyth
Cesar -th-e kyng [aaAx]
M: 1,47 And he hasked of hem of whome spake -th-e letter(er)is
M: 1,48 It an ymage lik . -th-at -th-roude stondyt [xxXx]
M: 1,49 Sesaris -th-ey seydyn . we sen wel ichone [axAx]
M: 1,50 { Reddite cesaris } q(uo)d god . -th-(a)t { to sesari
} fallit [axAx]
M: 1,51 { Et que snt d(e)i d(e)o } . or ell(is) -th-e don
ille [aaAx]
M: 1,52 ffor rytfulleche resun . schulde rewle -y-ow alle
p. 496
M: 1,53 And kynde ben wardeyn . -y-our(e) welthe to kepy(n)
M: 1,54 And tutur of -y-owr(e) tresor . & taken -y-ou
at nede [aaAx]
M: 1,55 ffor vsbondry & he . holdy(n) togeder(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,56 -Th-an freynnyd I her(e) fayr(e) . for hym -th-(a)t
hyr made [aaAxx]
M: 1,57 -Th-e dongeou(n) in -th-e dale . so dredful of sythe
M: 1,58 Wat may it bemenyn . madame I it -th-e beseche [aaAx]
M: 1,59 -Th-at is -th-e castel of car(e) . whoso comyth -th-(er)inne
M: 1,60 May bannyn -th-at her(e) bo(re) was . to body or
to soule [aaAx]
M: 1,61 -Th-(er)ynne wonyt a wyth . -th-(a)t wrong is hotyn
M: 1,62 ffadyr of falsnesse . he foundede hym seluy(n) [aaAx]
M: 1,63 Adam & eue . he eggede to Ille [aaAa]
M: 1,64 & co(n)seyled kaym . fo to slen hys bro-th-yr
M: 1,65 ludas he beiapede . wit Iewyn selu(er) [aaAx]
M: 1,66 & si-th-yn on an eldyr . heng vp hym selfyn [aaAa]
M: 1,67 He is letter(e) of loue . & gylyd hem alle [aaAx]
M: 1,68 -Th-at thrustnyn on hys tresou(n) . betrayd arn su(n)nest
M: 1,69 -Th-anne hadde I wondyr in my herte . wat woma(n)
-th-(a)t sche wer(e) [aaAa]
M: 1,70 -Th-at swyche wyse wordys . of holy wryth schewede
M: 1,71 And askyd hyr(e) on -th-e hye name [aaAx]
M: 1,72 Wat sche was witt(er)ly . -th-(a)t wyssede me so
fayr(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,73 Holy scherche q(uo)d sche . -th-u outyst me to knowyn
M: 1,74 I vndyrfang -th-e ferst . & -th-e -th-yn feyth
taughte [aaAx]
M: 1,75 -Th-(o)u brouthyst me borwys . my(n) byddyng to werche
M: 1,76 And louen me trewely . whyl -th-y(n) lyf duride [aaAx]
M: 1,77 -Th-anne I knelede on myn knes . & cryede ou(n)
her(e) g(ra)ce [aaAx]
M: 1,78 Preyde her(e) p(re)cyusly . to p(re)yen for my(n)
se(n)niys [aaAx]
M: 1,79 & techyn me kendely . on cryst to beleue [aaAx]
M: 1,80 -Th-(a)t I may werche hys wille . -th-(a)t made to
man [aaAx]
M: 1,81 Teche me to no tresoure . but tel me -th-at ilke
M: 1,82 Whon I may sauyn myn self . -th-(a)t seynt art Iholde
M: 1,83 Whan alle tresours arn t(ri)id q(uo)d sche . tru-th-e
ys -th-e beste [aaAx]
M: 1,84 I do it on { Deus Caritas } . to tryen -th-e so-th-e
M: 1,85 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 477
M: 1,86 Qwer(e) he is trewe of his tunge . trowe -th-(o)u no(n)
o-th-yr [aaAx]
M: 1,87 -Th-at dot werkys -th-or wit . willit [no] man ille
M: 1,88 He is a good gospel . on ground & on lofte [aaAx]
M: 1,89 & ek lyk to our(e) lord . be seynt lukys wordys
M: 1,90 -Th-e clerkys -th-at knowyt it . schulde kennyn it
abowte [aaAx]
M: 1,91 ffor crystyn & vncrystyn . cleymyt it ichone
M: 1,92 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 1,93 And biddyn & techyn . in Realmes abowtyn [aaAx]
M: 1,94 & takyn alle trespasourys . & teyn hem faste
M: 1,95 Til trou-th-e hadde det(er)mynyd . her(e) trespas
to -th-e hende [aaAx]
M: 1,96 ffor dauid in his days . dubbede knythys [aaAx]
M: 1,97 De hem swer(e) on her(e) swerd . to s(er)uen trew-th-e
eu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 1,98 ffor -th-at p(ro)feace . apendyt to knythys [aaAx]
M: 1,99 & nout to faste a fryday . in xv wynt(er) [aaAx]
M: 1,100 But haldyn w(i)t(h) hym & hir(e) . -th-(a)t
asken -th-e treuthe [aaaAx]
M: 1,101 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 1,102 And who -th-at pasid -th-at poynt . is apostata
in ord(re) [aaAx]
M: 1,103 & cryst kyndede kyng . knythtede ten [aaaAx]
M: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn . & sweche vij other(e)
M: 1,105 -Y-af hem myth in hys mageste . -th-e meryr(e) hym
-th-owthe [aaAx]
M: 1,106 And ou(er) hys mene meyne made hem Archaungelys
M: 1,107 Tauthe hem -th-ourth -th-e t(ri)nite . -th-e treuthe
to knowyn [aaAx]
M: 1,108 To ben buxu(m) & boun his biddyng to werche
M: 1,109 Lucifer w(i)t(h) legiou(n)s . lernyd it in heuene
M: 1,110 -Th-at louelyerst was . of sythe aft(ir) our(e)
lord seluyn [aaXa]
M: 1,111 Til he brak buxumnesse . -th-reruth bost of hys
p(ri)de [aaAx]
M: 1,112 -Th-anne fel he w(i)t(h) his felaschepe . & fendys
becomy(n) [aaAx]
M: 1,113 Out of heuene into helle . hobledyn wol faste [aaAx]
M: 1,114 Su(m)me in erth su(m)me in -th-e eyr su(m)me in
helle depe [aaAx]
M: 1,115 And lucifer lowest . lith of hem alle [aaAx]
M: 1,116 ffor p(ri)de -th-(a)t he put out . hys peyne hat
no(n) ende [aaAx]
M: 1,117 And al -th-at werchyt w(i)t(h) wrong . wendyn scholy
aft(er) [aaAx]
M: 1,118 To -th-at peyde endeles . & wonyn w(i)t(h) -th-at
scherewe [aaAx]
p. 478
M: 1,119 Ac -th-o -th-(a)t werchyn -th-(a)t werk . -th-(a)t
holy cherche techyt [aaAx]
M: 1,120 And hendyt as I er seyde . in p(ro)pletys werkys
M: 1,121 May ben sekyr -th-at her(e) soulis . scholy(n) we(n)dy(n)
to heuene [aaAxx]
M: 1,122 -Th-er(e) trewthe is in t(ri)nite . turnyt hem alle
M: 1,123 ffor-th-y I seye as I seyde er . be -th-e tyxt [aaAx]
M: 1,124 Wanne alle tresours arn tryd . trewthe is -th-e
best [aaAx]
M: 1,125 lernyt -th-ys lewyd me(n) . for lettrid it knowyt
M: 1,126 -Th-(a)t trewthe is tresor . trustirst in erthe
M: 1,127 I haue no(n) kende knowyng q(uo)d I . -y-it must
I lerne bet(er)e [aaAx]
M: 1,128 Be wat craft -th-at myn body . it coueitid & wer(e)
M: 1,129 -Th-u dotede daffe q(uo)d sche . dulle arn -th-yn
witt(es) [aaAx]
M: 1,130 It is a kende knowyng . -th-(a)t komyt in -th-yn
herte [aaAx]
M: 1,131 ffor to louyn -th-yn lord . leu(er)e -th-an -th-yn
self [aaAx]
M: 1,132 Non dedly senne to do . to deth -th-outh -th-(o)u
schuldyst [aaAx]
M: 1,133 -Th-ys is trewthe for so-th-e . who kan techyn -th-e
bett(er)e [aaAx]
M: 1,134 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 1,135 ffor -th-us witnessit hys word . werck -th-(o)u
-th-er after [aaAx]
M: 1,136 -Th-at loue is leu(er)est -th-yng . -th-at our(e)
lord askyth [aaAx]
M: 1,137 And I plente of pes . prechyd in myn harpe [aaAx]
M: 1,138 -Y-yf -th-u art mery at -th-yn mete . & me(n)
-th-e bydde sy(n)ge [aaAx]
M: 1,139 ffor kende knowyng in herte . coueitid alle merthe
M: 1,140 -Th-at fallit to -th-e fadyr . -th-at formyd -y-ow
alle [aaAx]
M: 1,141 He dede for vs kendly . he dede hys sone deye [aaAx]
M: 1,142 Mekely for our(e) mysdede . to amendyn vs alle [aaAx]
M: 1,143 & wolde he hem no(n) wo . -th-at wrouthe hy(m)
-th-(a)t tene [aaAx]
M: 1,144 But mekely wyt mouthe . m(er)cy besouthe [aaAx]
M: 1,145 To haue on -th-at peple . -th-at peynyd hym to dethe
M: 1,146 Her(e) myth -th-ou sen ensample . of hymseluy(n)
one [aaAx]
M: 1,147 -Th-at he was mythy & meke . & m(er)cy gan
craue [aaAx]
M: 1,148 To hym -th-at heng hym eye . whan -th-ey is herte
-th-rellydyn [aaAx]
M: 1,149 ffor-th-y I rede -y-ou ryche . hat reuthe on -th-e
p(or)e [aaAx]
M: 1,150 -Th-outh -y-e be mythy to mote . be meke of -y-our(e)
werk(is) [aaAx]
M: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesur(e) -th-at -y-e to o-th-er
me(n) metyn [aaAx]
p. 479
M: 1,152 Schal ben metyn to -y-ou . whan -y-e wendyn hennys
M: 1,153 -Th-outh -yh-e ben trewe of tonge . & treweliche
wynnyn [aaAx]
M: 1,154 And ek as chast as a chyld . -th-at in cherche wepyt
M: 1,155 But -y-e louen wel god . & ek -th-e pouer(e)
M: 1,156 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 1,157 -Y-e haue no mor(e) merit . of heueneriche blysse
M: 1,158 -Th-an malkyn of her(e) maydynhod . -th-at no ma(n)
desirit [aaAx]
M: 1,159 ffor Iemys -th-e gentyl . Iuggit in hys bokys [aaAx]
M: 1,160 -Th-at feyth w(i)t(h)outy(n) fewte . is werse -th-an
nouth [aaAx]
M: 1,161 As ded as dore nail . but gode dedys folwen [aaAx]
M: 1,162 Chastite san-gh- charite . worth chenyd in helle
M: 1,163 It is as lewyd as a laumpe . -th-at no(n) lyth is
inne [aaAx]
M: 1,164 Many chapelayns arn chaste . & charite aweye
M: 1,165 Arn no(n) harder(e) -th-at -th-ey -th-at . ben avaunsid
M: 1,166 Vnkynde to her(e) ken . & ek to alle crystene
M: 1,167 -Th-ey schewyn her(e) charyte . & chydyn aftyr
mor(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,168 Swych charite saun-gh- chastite . worth cheneyd
in helle [aaAx]
M: 1,169 ffor createrus -th-(a)t kepyn hemself . clene of
her(e) bodyis [aaAx]
M: 1,170 -Th-e ben acombred w(i)t(h) coueytyse . -th-ey konuy(n)
not out crepe [aaAa]
M: 1,171 So harde hat auarice . Iclept hem togederys [aaAx]
M: 1,172 -Th-at is no(n) trewthe of t(ri)nite . but trecherie
of helle [aaAx]
M: 1,173 And a lernyng to lewde me(n) . -th-e latter(e) to
delyn [aaAx]
M: 1,174 ffor -th-o aryn -th-e wordys wretyn . in -th-e Euangelye
M: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . for I dele -y-ou
alle [aaAx]
M: 1,176 -Th-at is lok of loue . -th-at lat in my(n) grace
M: 1,177 To counfortyn -th-e kareful . akumbred w(i)t(h)
synne [aaAx]
M: 1,178 Loue is leu(er)ist -th-yng . -th-at our(e) lord
askyt [aaAx]
M: 1,179 & ek -th-e geynyist gate . -th-at got into heuene
M: 1,180 ffor -th-ey I seye as I seyde er . be -th-e tyxt
M: 1,181 Whan alle tresors arn tryed . -th-ane truthe is
-th-e beste [aaAx]
M: 1,182 Now haue I teld what treuthe is . ne is no(n) tr(e)sur(e)
bet(er)e [aaAx]
M: 1,183 I may no(n) leng(er)e lettyn . now loke -y-ou our(e)
lord [aaAx]
M: 2,1 -Gh-yt I knelyd on my knes . & preyd hyr(e) of g(ra)ce
M: 2,2 And seyde m(er)cy madame . for maries loue of heuene
M: 2,3 -Th-at bar -th-e blyssyd chyld . -th-(a)t bouth vs
on rode [aaaAx]
M: 2,4 Kenne me be sum craft . to knowyn by -th-e false [aaAx]
p. 480
M: 2,5 lo qwer(e) -th-ey stondyn bo-th-yn -th-e false & -th-e
faylande [aaAx]
M: 2,6 & many of her(e) ferys vnfeythful to knowyn [aaAx]
M: 2,7 I lokyd on my(n) left half . as -th-at lady taughte
M: 2,8 I was war of a woman . worthliche Iclo-th-yd [aaAx]
M: 2,9 Ifurryd wyt pelur(e) . -th-e purest on erthe [aaAx]
M: 2,10 Corounyd w(i)t(h) a corou(n) . -th-e kyng hat no(n)
bet(er)e [aaAx]
M: 2,11 Alle hyr(e) fyue fyngerys . weryn frettyd w(i)t(h)
ryngys [aaAx]
M: 2,12 Of -th-e -th-e purest perr(e) . -th-e p(ri)nce weryd
euer(e) [aaAx]
M: 2,13 In a reed scarlet roobe . riband w(i)t(h) gold [aaAx]
M: 2,14 -Th-er(e) nys no(n) qwen qweynter(e) . -th-(a)t qwyc
is on lyue [aaAx]
M: 2,15 Wat woman is -th-(a)t q(uo)d I . so gentely ateryd
M: 2,16 -Th-at is a maydyn hyth med q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t
me hat greuyd ofte [aaXx]
M: 2,17 And also lackyd my(n) lor(e) . to lordys aboutyn
M: 2,18 In -th-e popis palays . as p(re)uy as my seluyn [aaAx]
M: 2,19 And so schuld sche not be for wrong was hir(e) syr(e)
M: 2,20 And wyt wrong sche wex . out wrotherhele manye [aaAx]
M: 2,21 I haute to ben bet . -th-a(n) sche for I cam of -th-e
bet(er)e [aaAxx]
M: 2,22 Tomorwen worth -th-e maryage mad . of hyr(e) & of
false [aaaAx]
M: 2,23 ffauel wyt hys fayr speche . hat fongid hem togeder(i)s
M: 2,24 Gyle hat ben forgor(e) . & grantyd alle her(e)
welle [aaAx]
M: 2,25 And is lyers ledyng . -th-(a)t -th-ey schal lygge
togeder(i)s [aaAx]
M: 2,26 Tomorwe worth -th-e mariage . mad as I telle [aaAx]
M: 2,27 -Th-er myth -th-(o)u wetyn -y-yf -th-(o)u wylt .
wyche -th-ey ben alle [aaAx]
M: 2,28 -Th-at logyn to -th-at lor[d]chepe . -th-e lesse & -th-e
mor(e) [aaAx]
M: 2,29 Knowe hym -y-yf -th-(o)u k[a]nst . & kep -th-e
from he(m) alle [aaAx]
M: 2,30 -Y-yf -th-u wilt wonyn . w(i)t(h) treuthe in hys
blysse [aaAxx]
M: 2,31 I may no leng(er)e lettyn . our(e) lord I -th-e bekenne
M: 2,32 And become a good man . for ony -th-yng I rede [aaAx]
M: 2,33 Al -th-e ryche retenaunce . -th-at regnyt w(i)t(h)
-th-e false [aaAx]
M: 2,34 Weren bodyn to -th-e brydhale . on bo-th-yn to sydys
M: 2,35 Syr(e) symony was of asseent . to selen -th-e charterys
M: 2,36 -Th-at fals & fauel . be on fyn holdyn [aaAx]
M: 2,37 To enfeffyn -th-er wyt . in maryage -th-at maydyn
for euer(e) [aaAx]
M: 2,38 -Th-er(e) ne was halle ne bour . to resseyue -th-e
peple [aaAx]
M: 2,39 -Th-at ichon was ful . of folk al abowtyn [aaAx]
p. 481
M: 2,40 In myddys a mountaigne . at mydmorwe tyde [aaAx]
M: 2,41 Was pyght vp a pauylon . proud fo -th-e nonys [aaAx]
M: 2,42 And ten -th-ousend of teltys . telt -th-er(e) besyde
M: 2,43 ffor knythys of cuntr(e) . & comerys abouten
M: 2,44 ffor sisouris for so(m)nours . for sellerys for beggerys
M: 2,45 ffor lernyd fo lewyd . fo laboreys of thorpys [aaAx]
M: 2,46 Al to wytnesseyn wel . what -th-ey wrytyn woldyn
M: 2,47 In wat man(er) -th-at mede . in mariage was sesyd
M: 2,48 To ben fessyd w(i)t(h) false . -th-e fyn is areryd
M: 2,49 -Th-ane fauel fette her(e) forth . & to fals
tauthe [aaaAx]
M: 2,50 I forward -th-at falsed . schal fynde hyr(e) for
euer(e) [aaAx]
M: 2,51 & sche to ben buxu(m) . hys dyddyng to done [aaAx]
M: 2,52 Bo-th-yn at bedde & at borde . whil her(e) lyf
lasten [aaAx]
M: 2,53 In wyttnesse of syr(e) syuyle & symonye is bro-th-re
M: 2,54 Symonye & syuyle . stodyn forth bo-th-yn [aaAx]
M: 2,55 And vnfoldyn -th-e feffement . -th-at fals hadde
Imakyn [aaAx]
M: 2,56 -Th-e cryurs begunne . crye -th-e chartr(e) wel loude
M: 2,57 Wytyt & wytnessit . -th-at wonyt vpon erthe [aaAx]
M: 2,58 -Th-at I fauel fastne . falsnesse to me [aaAx]
M: 2,59 To p(re)sent in p(ri)de to ben . for pouer or fo
Ryche [aaAx]
M: 2,60 W(i)t(h) -th-e erldam of enuye . for eu(er)e mor(e)
to laste [aaAx]
M: 2,61 -th-e lordchepe of lecherye . on lengthe & on
brede [aaAx]
M: 2,62 Wyt -th-e kyngdam of couetise . corouny(n) he(m)
togederys [aaAx]
M: 2,63 And al -th-e ilde of vsur(e) . & auaryce also
M: 2,64 Glotonye & gret o-th-ys . -y-eue I hem togeder(e)
M: 2,65 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e lykynge of lust . -th-e deuel
fo to s(er)uyn [axAx]
M: 2,66 In alle -th-e synnes of slewthe . I lese hem for
euer(e) [aaAx]
M: 2,67 -Th-ey to haue(n) & to holdy(n) . & her(e)
heyrys aft(ir) [aaAa]
M: 2,68 W(i)t(h) -th-e apurtenaunce of purgatorye . i(n)to
-th-e peyne of helle [aaAx]
M: 2,69 -Y-eldyng for -th-ys -th-yng at on -y-erys ende [xxXx]
M: 2,70 Her(e) soules to satanas . to synkyn into pyne [aaAx]
M: 2,71 -Th-er(e) to wone w(i)t(h) wrong . wyl god is in
heuene [aaAxx]
p. 482
M: 2,72 In wytnesse of weche -th-yng . wrong was -th-e furste
M: 2,73 And peres -th-e p(ar)doner . paulynys doctor [aaAx]
M: 2,74 Bete -th-e bydel . of Bokyngh(a)m schir(e) [aaAx]
M: 2,75 Reynald -th-e Reue . of Rotlond sokene [aaAx]
M: 2,76 Monde -th-e melleward . & manye an o-th-yr [aaAx]
M: 2,77 In -th-e dat of -th-e deuyl . -th-ys dede I aseale
M: 2,78 Be syghte of sir(e) symonye . & sygnes of notarys
M: 2,79 -Th-o tenede hym theologie . wan he ys tale herde
M: 2,80 And seyde to Ciuile . sorwe on -th-yn bokys [aaAx]
M: 2,81 Swyche werkys to werche . to wrathy(n) w(i)t(h) treuthe
M: 2,82 And her [-th-yn] wreddynd be wrougth . sorwe -th-e
betyde [aaAx]
M: 2.83 ffor mede ys a maydyn . for mo(n)nys engendryng [aaAx]
M: 2,84 And god grauntede . to -y-iuen mede to tr[e]uthe
M: 2,85 And -th-u hast -gh-iue(n) hir(e) to a gylour . god
-y-eue -th-e sorwey(n) [aaAx]
M: 2,86 -Th-e tyxt tellit -th-e nout so . truthe wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
M: 2,86a --- this line om ---
M: 2,87 { Dignus est op(er)arius } . is hir(e) to haue [aaXx]
M: 2,88 And -th-(o)u hast fasted hir(e) to false . fy on
-th-yn lawe [aaAx]
M: 2,89 ffor al be lesynges -th-ou lyuist . & leccherouse
werkys [aaAx]
M: 2,90 Symonye & -th-y self . schendyt holy cherche
M: 2,91 -Y-e & -th-yse notories anuoyen -th-e peple [xaAx]?
M: 2,92 -Y-e schullyn abyggy(n) bo-th-y(n) . be cryst -th-(a)t
me made [aaAxx]
M: 2,93 Wel -y-e wetyn werlardys . but -y-our(e) wyt fayle
M: 2,94 -Th-(a)t fals is a fayto(ur) . & feytles of werkys
M: 2,95 And as a bastard Iboryn . of bessabukes kende [aaAx]
M: 2,96 & mede is a maydyn . engendryd of goode [aaAx]
M: 2,97 Sche myght kyssyn -th-e kyng . for cosyn & sche
wolde [aaAx]
M: 2,98 Wurche be wisdam . & be wit after [aaAx]
M: 2,99 ledyt hyr(e) to londou(n) . -th-er wit is Ihandeled
M: 2,100 -Gh-yf ony lealte wol lokyn . -th-ey liggyn togederys
M: 2,101 -Th-ay iustice wolde Iugge . to Ioyniyn hyr(e) to
false [aaAx]
M: 2,102 Be war of -th-e weddyng . for wytet is trewthe [aaAx]
M: 2,103 And concience of co(n)seil . & knowyt -y-ou
ichan [aaAx]
p. 483
M: 2,104 And -y-yf he fynde -y-ou in -th-e faute . and wyt
false holdy(n) [aaAx]
M: 2,105 hit schal sittyn -y-owr(e) soulis wol . sour(e)
atte laste [aaAx]
M: 2,106 Herto assentit Ciuile . symonye ne wolde [aaAx]
M: 2,107 Tyl he hadde syluyr . for hys selys & syngnes
togeder(e) [xaAa]
M: 2,108 -Th-anne fette fauel . floryns Inowe [aaaAx]
M: 2,109 And bad gyle go geuy(n) . al abowte [aaAx]
M: 2,110 & namely to notories . -th-at hem no gold fayle
M: 2,111 And festene falsnese . wyt floreyns Inowe [aaAx]
M: 2,112 ffor he may mede maistryn . & make(n) at my(n)
wille [aaAx]
M: 2,113 -Th-o -th-ys gold was -y-eue(n) . miche was -th-e
-th-anke [aaAx]
M: 2,114 to fals & to fauel . for her fayr -y-iftys [aaAx]
M: 2,115 And komy(n) forth to counforty(n) . fro kar(e) -th-e
falsse [aaAx]
M: 2,116 & certys seydyn to hym . slepe schul we neuer(e)
M: 2,117 tyl mede be wendyd . -th-ourth wit of vs alle [aaAx]
M: 2,118 ffor we han mede maystryd . w(i)t(h) our(e) fayr(e)
speche [aaAx]
M: 2,119 -Th-at sche g(ra)unte-th- to go . wit a good wille
M: 2,120 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 2,121 To Ionye -y-ou Ioynly . w(i)t(h) Ioye togeder(e)
M: 2,122 -Th-anne was falshed fayn . & fauel as bli-th-e
M: 2,123 And lette sompne schyreue[s] . of schyris aboute
M: 2,124 & bad hem alle be boun . buggers & o-th-er(e)
M: 2,125 To wendyn to westmenstr(e) . to wytnessyn -th-ys
dede [aaAx]
M: 2,126 -Th-an karydy(n) -th-ey for capelys . to kary(n)
hem -th-ydyr [aaAx]
M: 2,127 And -th-anne fauel fette . florens of -th-e beste
M: 2,128 Set mede on a schereue . Ischod al newe [aaAx]
M: 2,129 And false sat on a sisour . -th-at stoutliche trottede
M: 2,130 And fauel vpon fayr speche . feyntliche atyryd [aaAx]
M: 2,131 -Th-o hadde -th-e notarye non . anoied -th-ey wer(e)
M: 2,132 -Th-at symonye & Ciuile . schuldy(n) on her(e)
fet gange [aaAx]
M: 2,133 -Th-an swor Ciuile . & syde be -th-e Rode [aaAx]
M: 2,134 -Th-at sompno(ur)s schuldy(n) be sadlid . & s(er)uy(n)
he(m) ichone [aaAx]
M: 2,135 And let app(ar)aylyn -th-e p(ro)uisours . in palfreys
wyse [aaAx]
M: 2,136 and seyde symonye hym self . schal sytty(n) on her(e)
backe [aaAx]
p. 484
M: 2,137 And denes & southdenes . as destrys I dyghte [aaAa]
M: 2,138 ffor -th-ey scholyn bern -th-is byschopis . & bryngyn
hem to reste [aaAx]
M: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleyntes of constories [aaAx]
M: 2,140 Schullyn seruyn my self . -th-(a)t symple am Ihoten
M: 2,141 lat cartesadel -th-e -th-e comissarie . for vs schal
he drawyn [aaAx]
M: 2,142 And fettyn our(e) vitailis . of fornicatours [aaAx]
M: 2,143 And makyt of lier(e) a long carte . to ledy(n) alle
-th-ys o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
M: 2,144 As folys & faytours . -th-at on her(e) fot Rennes
M: 2,145 ffals & fauel . faret forth togederys [aaAa]
M: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddyl . & alle -th-ese me(n)
after [aaAx]
M: 2,147 I haue no tunge to tellyn . -th-e tayl -th-at hem
folwyt [aaAx]
M: 2,148 Of many maner(e) of men . -th-at on erthe lyuen
M: 2,149 And gyle was forngoer(e) . and gydys hem alle [aaAx]
M: 2,150 Sotnesse seith hem wel . & seyde but lytyl [aaAx]
M: 2,151 But prykede on hys palfrey . & passede hem alle
M: 2,152 And kam to -th-e kynggys court . & co(n)cyence
it tolde [aaAx]
M: 2,153 And cociense to -th-e kyng . karpit It after [aaAx]
M: 2,154 Be god q(uo)d -th-e kyng . and I kacche mythe [aaXa]
M: 2,155 ffals or fauel . or ony of her ferys [aaXa]
M: 2,156 I schulde be wrekyn on -th-e wrecchys . -th-(a)t
werkyn so ille [aaAx]
M: 2,157 And don hem hange be -th-e hals . & alle -th-(a)t
hem mey(n)tet [aaAx]
M: 2,158 Schal no man meynp(ri)se on moolde -th-e beste [aaAx]
M: 2,159 But ryth as -th-e lawe bit . schal fallyn on he(m)
alle [aaAxx]
M: 2,160 And comaundid a constable . -th-(a)t kam atte firste
M: 2,161 ffor to takyn tyraute-gh- . for ony -th-yng I hote
M: 2,162 ffeterit falshed faste . for ony skynnys -th-ynges
M: 2,163 And gerdit of gilis heued . let hym go no(n) forther
M: 2,164 And bryng Mede to me . Maugret hem alle [aaAx]
M: 2,165 Symonye and Ciuile . I sende he(m) to warne [aaAx]
M: 2,166 -Th-at holy chyrche for hem . wroch harmyd for euer(e)
M: 2,167 And -y-yf -th-(o)u lacche her(e) . let hym not askape
p. 485
M: 2,168 Set hem on -th-e pillory . for ony -th-yng I hote
M: 2,169 Dred atte dor(e) stood . & -th-e dom herde [aaAx]
M: 2,170 And wytthly he he wente . to warne(n) -th-e false
M: 2,171 And bad hym flen for fer . & hise ferys alle
M: 2,172 And -th-anne falsnesse for ferd . flew to -th-e
freris [aaAa]
M: 2,173 & gyle dede hy(m) for to go . he was agast to
deye [aaAx]
M: 2,174 And marchaundes metty(n) w(i)t(h) hy(m) . & made
hy(m) to abyde [aaAx]
M: 2,175 he schetty(n) hy(m) in her(e) schoppes . to schewyn
her(e) war(e) [aaAx]
M: 2,176 And app(ar)aildy(n) hy(m) as ap(re)ntys . -th-e
peple to s(er)uen [aaAx]
M: 2,177 Litthliche lier(e) . lep awey(n) -th-anne [aaAx]
M: 2,178 And lokyd in lanys . wer(e) he mythe duellyn [aaAx]
M: 2,179 And was nowher welcome . for hys many talys [aaXx]
M: 2,180 Ou(er) al abowtyn -th-ey comaundy(n) hym trusse
M: 2,181 Tyl p(ar)don(er)s haddyn pite . & puldyn hym
i(n)to house [aaAx]
M: 2,182 Wyssin hym & wipten him . & wounde(n) hi(m)
i(n) clout(es) [aaAx]
M: 2,183 And sentyn hym on sonedais . w(i)t(h) selys to chirche
M: 2,184 And -y-af p(ar)don for penyes . poundel aboutyn
M: 2,185 -Th-ane louredyn lechis . & letters -th-ey sendyn
M: 2,186 ffor to wony(n) w(i)t(h) hem . waters to loken [axAx]
M: 2,187 Spiceres spokyn to hym . to asspyen her(e) war(e)
M: 2,188 ffor he koude on her(e) craft . & knew many
gy(n)nys [aaAx]
M: 2,189 But Menstrales & messag(er)s . mettyn w(i)t(h)
hy(m) onys [aaAx]
M: 2,190 And withheldy(n) hi(m) half . -y-er & xv dayes
M: 2,191 But freris w(i)t(h) her(e) fayr speche . fetty(n)
hy(m) -th-ennys [aaAx]
M: 2,192 ffor knowyng of com(er)is . kopedyn hym as [a] frer(e)
M: 2,193 But he hadde leue to lepe out . as he wolde [aaXa]
M: 2,194 And -y-it is wolcome whan he wele . & duellit
w(i)t(h) he(m) ofte [aaAx]
M: 2,195 Alle flowyn for fer . and heddy(n) he(m) in hernys
M: 2,196 Saue Mede -th-at maydy(n) . no mo durste abydyn
M: 2,197 And trewly to tellyn . sche tremblid for ferde [aaAx]
M: 2,198 And eke wepte & wrong . whan sche was atachyd
p. 486
Passus tercius de visione
M: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e maydyn . & no mo of alle [aaAx]
M: 3,2 Wit bedelys & baylynys . brought to -th-e kyng
M: 3,3 -Th-e kyng cald a clerk . I kan not his name [aaaAx]
M: 3,4 To taken mede -th-e maydyn . & makyn hir(e) at
hese [aaAx]
M: 3,5 I schal assayen my self . & slyhly hyr(e) appose
M: 3,6 Wat man of -th-ys world . sche is leu(er)est [aaAx]
M: 3,7 And -y-yf sche werche be my(n) wit . & my(n) wil
folwe [aaAx]
M: 3,8 I wele for-y-eue hyr(e) her(e) gylt . so me god helpe
M: 3,9 Curteysly -th-anne -th-e clerk . as -th-e kyng hygthe
M: 3,10 Tok Mede be -th-e myddil . & brougthe hyr(e)
to chau(m)br(e) [aaXx]
M: 3,11 And -th-(er) was myche menstralcy . mede to plese
M: 3,12 -Th-o -th-at wonyn at westmenstr(e) . worschepyn
hyr(e) alle [aaAx]
M: 3,13 Corteysly w(i)t(h) Ioye . of iustices su(m)me [aaAx]
M: 3,14 Buskedyn hem to -th-e bour . -th-er(e) -th-e berd
duellet [aaAx]
M: 3,15 Counfortedyn her(e) kyndly . be clergies leue [aaAx]
M: 3,16 And seydyn morne nouth Mede . ne make -th-(o)u no(n)
sorwe [aaAx]
M: 3,17 ffor we we wilen wyse -th-e kyng . & -th-yn weye
schapyn [axAx]
M: 3,18 ffor al co(n)ciensis cast . & craft as I trowe
M: 3,19 Mildely Mede -th-anne . -th-ankede hem alle [aaAx]
M: 3,20 Of her(e) gret goodnesse . & gaf hem ichone [aaAx]
M: 3,21 Coupys of clene gold . and o-th-(er)e -y-yft(is)
manye [aaXx]
M: 3,22 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,23 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,24 And -th-ey laugthen her(e) leue . -th-yse lordys
at Mede [aaAx]
M: 3,25 W(i)t(h) -th-at komyn clerkys . to counforty(n) hir(e)
-th-e same [aaAx]
M: 3,26 And biddyn hir(e) ben bly-th-e . for we ben -th-y
oune [aaAx]
M: 3,27 ffor to werche -th-yn wille . whil our(e) lyf lastet
M: 3,28 Hendelyche Mede . hygthe hem -th-e same [aaAx]
M: 3,29 To louen hem trewly . & lordes hem makyn [aaAx]
M: 3,30 In constorie & in court . to cally(n) her(e)
names [aaAx]
M: 3,31 lewidnesse schal not lettyn . -th-e clerk -th-(a)t
I loue [aaAa]
M: 3,32 -Th-at he ne worth ferst auaunced . for I am beknowe
M: 3,33 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,34 -Th-an comyt a confessour . Icopid as a frer(e) [aaAx]
M: 3,35 To mede -th-at maydyn . myldyly he loutede [aaAx]
p. 487
M: 3,36 And seyde wol Myldely . in scryfte as it wer(e) [aaAx]
M: 3,37 -Th-ey lerned & lewyd . haddyn leyn be -th-e
bo-th-e [aaAx]
M: 3,38 And falshed Ifolewyd -th-e . -th-ys xv wynt(er) [aaAx]
M: 3,39 I schal assoylyn -th-e . for a sem of whete [aaAx]
M: 3,40 And ek be -th-yn baudekyn . & beryn wel -th-yn
hernde [aaAx]
M: 3,41 To clerkys & knyetys . co(n)cyencye to felle
M: 3,42 -Th-anne Mede for her(e) mysdede . to -th-at man
knelede [aaAx]
M: 3,43 And scrof hyr(e) of hyr(e) schrewydnesse . schameles
I trowe [aaAx]
M: 3,44 Told hym a tale . & tok hym a nobble [aaAx]
M: 3,45 ffor to ben hir(e) bedeman . & hyer(e) baude
after [aaAx]
M: 3,46 And he assoylyd hyr(e) sone . & sy-th-yn he seyde
M: 3,47 We han a wyndowe at hom . wele stondy(n) vs ful heye
M: 3,48 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,49 Syker schulde -th-yn soule . ben heuene to hauen
M: 3,49 Woldyst -th-(o)u helpyn -th-(er)to . a pound or tweyne
M: 3,50 Wyst I -th-at q(uo)d Mede . I schulde it so makyn
M: 3,51 And ame(n)dy(n) auters . & my(n) name wryten
M: 3,52 -Th-at me(n) schulde(n) seyn . I wer(e) a suster
of -y-owr(e) house [aaAx]
M: 3,53 As god to alle men . swych wrytyng defendyth [aaAx]
M: 3,54 And seyde { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra }
M: 3,55 Let nought -th-yn lefte hand . lete ny(m) ray[e]
M: 3,56 Ben wel I war what -th-yn ryth hand werchyt [aaxAx]
M: 3,57 Ac p(re)uileche part it . -th-at pryde be nougtht
seye [aaAx]
M: 3,58 Ney-th-yr in syght ne in soule . for hym self knowyt
M: 3,59 Who is coueytous or kynde . or curteys or ellys [aaAx]
M: 3,60 ffor-th-y I rede -y-ou lordys . swych wrytyng to
leuen [aaAx]
M: 3,61 To wrytyn in -y-our(e) wyndowys . of -y-our(e) wel
dedys [aaAx]
M: 3,62 O-th-yr cryen after godes men . whan -y-e delyn doles
M: 3,63 And auentur(e) -y-e haue(n) . -y-our(e) mede her(e)
M: 3,64 ffor our(e) sauyour(e) it seyde . & hym self
p(re)chede [aaAx]
M: 3,64a { Amen dico vobis receperu(n)t mercedem suam } [Latin]
M: 3,65 Meyrys & maystris . -th-at ben -th-e menys [aaAx]
M: 3,66 Betwene -th-e kyng & -th-e comou(n)s . to kepy(n)
-th-e lawys [aaAx]
p. 488
M: 3,67 To punschyn on pillorys . & kuckyng stolis [aaAx]
M: 3,68 Baksters & breusters . & bocherys & kokys
M: 3,69 ffor -th-ese aryn men of -th-ys world . -th-(a)t
moost wo worchy(n) [aaAx]
M: 3,70 To -th-e pouer(e) people . -th-at p(ar)celemele biggyn
M: 3,71 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,72 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pouer(e) peple . schuldy(n) puttyn
i(n) her(e) wo(m)be [aaAx]
M: 3,74 ffor tokyn he treuliche . -th-ey tymbrydyn nout so
eye [aaAx]
M: 3,75 Ne bougthyn none burgagys . so richeliche arayed
M: 3,76 Ac mede -th-at Maydyn . -th-e Meye hat besougth [aaAx]
M: 3,77 Of alle swyche sellerys . sumwhat to taken [aaAx]
M: 3,78 As p(re)sentys or pens . or bedys of seluyr [aaAx]
M: 3,79 Ryngys or Rychessis . swych sellerys to meyntey(n)
M: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d Mede . loue he(m) ichone [aaAx]
M: 3,81 And suffr(e) hem to sellyn . su(m)del a-y-ens resou(n)
M: 3,82 Salamo(n) -th-e sage . a sarmou(n) he made [aaAx]
M: 3,83 To amendyn Meyrys & me(n) . -th-(a)t kepe -th-e
lawes [aaaXx]
M: 3,84 And told hem -th-ys teme . -th-at tellyn -y-ow I
-th-ynke [aaAx]
M: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eor(um) qui libent(er)
accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
M: 3,86 Among -th-ys lettryd me(n) . -th-ys laty(n) amountyd
M: 3,87 -Th-at fer schal fallyn . & brenny(n) atte laste
M: 3,88 -Th-e housis & -th-e homys . of hym -th-at desirit
M: 3,89 -Y-yftys & -y-erius . in word or in dede [????]
M: 3,90 -Th-e kyng from counsel kam . & kallyd after
Mede [aaaAx]
M: 3,91 And sente aft(er) hir(e) w(i)t(h) a s(er)gaunt .
-th-e s(er)gau(n)t her(e) fette [aaAx]
M: 3,92 & brouthe her(e) to -th-e bourth . w(i)t(h) blysse & w(i)t(h)
Ioye [aaAx]
M: 3,93 Curtysly -th-e kyng -th-o . comensit to telle [aaAx]
M: 3,94 To Mede -th-at maydyn . myd -th-yse wordys [aaAx]
M: 3,95 Vnwyttily -th-u Mede . wroug hast -th-(o)u oftyn
M: 3,96 But wers wrougtyst -th-(o)u neu(er)e . -th-a(n)ne
wha(n)ne -th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
M: 3,97 I for-y-eue -th-e -th-at gylt . & g(ra)unte -th-e
my(n) g(ra)ce [aaAa]
M: 3,98 hen to -th-yn det day . so do -th-(o)u no mor(e)
M: 3,99 I haue concyence . I come lat fro be-y-ondyn see
M: 3,100 -Y-yf he wele -th-e to wyue . wilt -th-u hy(m) haue
p. 489
M: 3,101 -Y-a lord q(uo)d Mede -th-o . lord forbede ellys [aaAx]
M: 3,102 But I be at -y-our(e) heste . let hange me sone
M: 3,103 -Th-anne was consience glad . to knowyn & apspery(n)
M: 3,104 Befor -th-e kyng & hys counsel . knygthis & o-th-er
M: 3,105 & knelyng befor -th-e kyng concience loutede
M: 3,106 To heryn what hys wille wer(e) . & what sche
do(n) schulde [aaAx]
M: 3,107 Wilt -th-(o)u weddyn -th-ys wo(m)ma(n) . q(uo)d
-th-e kyng -gh-if I wele assenty(n) [aaAx]
M: 3,108 ffor sche is fayu(n) & gladly desyrit -th-e
to make [aaAxx]
M: 3,109 Q(uo)d co(n)ci(e)nce to -th-e kyng . cryst me forbede
M: 3,110 Er I wedde swyche a wyf . wo me betyde [aaAx]
M: 3,111 ffor she is fals of hir(e) fait . fykyl of hir(e)
speche [aaAx]
M: 3,112 And maket men misdo . manye scoris si-th-ys [aaaAx]
M: 3,113 In trust of hir(e) tresour . sche tenyt ful manye
M: 3,114 Wyues & wydewys . wantonnesse sche techet [aaAx]
M: 3,115 lernyt he(m) leccherie . -th-at louet hir(e) -y-yftys
M: 3,116 -Y-our(e) fadyr sir(e) sche begylede . w(i)t(h)
fayr(e) behestys [aaAx]
M: 3,117 Sche poysenet popys . apeyryt holy cherche [aaAx]
M: 3,118 Is no bett(er)e baude . be hym -th-(a)t me made
M: 3,119 Betwyn heuene helle . & erthe -th-ey me(n) sougthe
M: 3,120 Sche is tikyl of hir(e) tayl . talewys of her(e)
tunge [aaAx]
M: 3,121 As come(n) as -th-e cartewey . to knauys & to
alle [aaAx]
M: 3,122 To munkys & Menstrall(es) . & Meselys in
heggys [aaAx]
M: 3,123 Sisours & sompno(ur)s . swyche me(n) hyr(e)
preysit [aaAx]
M: 3,124 Schererys of schirys . wery(n) schent -y-yf he ne
wer(e) [aaAx]
M: 3,125 And me(n) lesyn her(e) lond be her(e) . & her(e)
lyf bo-th-yn [aaAx]
M: 3,126 Sche lettyt passe p(ri)sou(n)s . & payet for
he(m) often [aaAx]
M: 3,127 And -y-euyt gaylerys golt . & grotys togeder(e)
M: 3,128 To vnfet(er)yn -th-e false . fle wher(e) hy(m) lykyt
M: 3,129 And takyt treuthe be -th-e top . & feteryt hy(m)
faste [aaAx]
M: 3,130 hangyt hym for hatrahede . -th-at harmyd hir(e)
neu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 3,131 To ben cursid in co(n)storye . countyht nout a Russhe
M: 3,132 ffor sche copyth -th-e comissarye . & cloyth
hyse clerkys [aaAa]
p. 490
M: 3,133 Sche is assoylid as sone . as hyr(e) der(e) liket
M: 3,134 Sche may myth don in a monyth as myche ones [aaAx]
M: 3,135 As -y-our(e) secr(e) seal sir(e) . in viijxx -y-erys
M: 3,136 Sche is pryuy wyt -th-e pope . p(ro)uysours it knowyt
M: 3,137 Sir(e) symonye & hir(e)self . aselyn alle -th-e
bullys [aaAx]
M: 3,138 Sche blissit -th-e bisshopis . -th-er(e) -th-at
-th-ey ben lewyd [aaAx]
M: 3,139 Prouendrit p(er)sou(n)s . & pryst(es) sche meyntenyt
M: 3,140 To holdy(n) le(m)mans & lotebys . alle her(e)
lyf dawys [aaAx]
M: 3,141 And bryngyn forth chyldryn . a-y-en -th-e forbody(n)
lawys [aaAx]
M: 3,142 -Th-er sche is wel wyt -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e
Reme [axAx]
M: 3,143 ffor sche is fauo(ur)able to false . & defoulyt
-th-e trewthe [aaAx]
M: 3,144 Ofty(n) sche bryngyt barou(n)s & burgeys in
sorwy(n) [aaAx]
M: 3,145 Be Ihesu w(i)t(h) hir(e) wylys . -th-e Iustices
sche schendyt [aaAx]
M: 3,146 And allegget a-y-en -y-our(e) lawe . & lettyt
hym -th-e gate [aaAx]
M: 3,147 -Th-at feyth no forth hat . hir(e) gold goot so
-th-inke [aaAx]
M: 3,148 Sche ledyt lawe as her(e) lest . & ladiys loue
makyt [aaAx]
M: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a mene man . -th-ey he mote euer(e)
M: 3,150 Hir(e) lawe is so lordliche . & loth to makyn
ende [aaAx]
M: 3,151 W(i)t(h) p(re)sentys & pens . sche plesit wol
manye [aaAx]
M: 3,152 Clergise & coueitise . sche compellit togederys
M: 3,153 -Th-eys is -th-e lyf of -th-at lady . our(e) lord
-y-iue her(e) sorwe [aaAx]
M: 3,154 And alle hir(e) meynteno(ur)s . mischau(n)s hem
betyde [aaAx]
M: 3,155 ffor pouer(e) men han no power . to pleyny(n) -th-ey
he(m) sm(er)te [aaAx]
M: 3,156 Swich a maist(er) is Mede . among me(n) of goode
M: 3,157 -Th-anne mornede Mede . & pleynyd to -th-e kyng
M: 3,158 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,159 And he g(ra)untyd hir(e) grace . wit a god wille
M: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -y-yf -th-u kanst . I kan no mor(e)
siggyn [aaAx]
M: 3,161 ffor concience acusit -th-e . to congy(n) -th-e
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d Mede [-th-o] . ac leue hy(m) -th-e
werse [aaAx]
M: 3,163 Whan -y-e wetyn witt(er)ly . wer -th-e -th-e wrong
lyth [aaAx]
M: 3,164 ffor -th-er as mischef is gret . Mede mai helpyn
M: 3,165 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,166 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 491
M: 3,167 And wel -th-u wost co(n)cience . but -y-yf -th-(o)u
wilt lys [aaxAx]
M: 3,168 -Th-(o)u hast hangyd on my(n) half . endleue tymys
M: 3,169 & grepe my(n) gold wyt -th-yn hand . to -y-eue
wher -th-e liked [aaAx]
M: 3,170 Why -th-u wratthist me now . wond(ir) me -th-ynkyt
M: 3,171 -Y-it I may as I mgthe . menske -th-e w(i)t(h) -y-yftys
M: 3,172 And meynten -th-yn manhod . mo(re) -th-an -th-(o)u
knowyst [aaAx]
M: 3,173 But -th-(o)u hat famed me foule . befor -th-e ky(n)g
her(e) [aaAxx]
M: 3,174 ffor gylede I neu(er)e no kyng . no conseylyd hy(m)
-th-(er)after [aaAx]
M: 3,175 Ne dede nouth as -th-ou demyst . I do it on -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
M: 3,176 In normandye was he nouth . agreuyd for my(n) sake
M: 3,177 But -th-ou -th-in self sothly . -th-(o)u schamedyst
hym often [aaAx]
M: 3,178 Crope in to cabans . for cold of -th-in naylys [aaAx]
M: 3,179 Wendyst -th-at wynt(er) . wolde eu(er)e haue Ilastid
M: 3,180 And dreddyst -th-e to ha ben ded . for a dym cloude
M: 3,181 & hastedist -th-e homword . for hung(er) of
-th-y(n) wombe [aaAx]
M: 3,182 W(i)t(h)outy(n) pite -th-ou pylour . pouer(e) men
-th-(o)u Robbist [aaAx]
M: 3,183 And bar her bras on -th-in bak . to caleys to sellen
M: 3,184 -Th-(er)e I lefete w(i)t(h) my(n) lord . hys worschepe
to sauen [aaAx]
M: 3,185 And made alle hise mery me(n) . mornyng to leyuy(n)
M: 3,186 & batrede hem on -th-e bak . & boldede her(e)
hert(is) [aaAx]
M: 3,187 I dede hem hoppyn for hope . to haue(n) me at wille
M: 3,188 Hadde I ben marchal of his men . be m(ar)y of heuene
M: 3,189 I durst han leyd myn lif . & no lasse wed [aaAx]
M: 3,190 He hadde ben lord of -th-(a)t lond . on length & on
brede [aaAx]
M: 3,191 And ek kyng of ketthe . hys ken for to helpyn [aaAx]
M: 3,192 -Y-a -th-e leste braunche of his blood . a barou(n)s
per(e) [aaAx]
M: 3,193 -Th-(er)e cowardly -th-u concyence . co(n)seilidist
hi(m) -th-enns [aaAx]
M: 3,194 To leuyn hys lordchepe . for a lytyl seluyr [aaAx]
M: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e Richerste Rewme . -th-at rengnit
vnd(er) heuene [aaAx]
M: 3,196 -Th-at besemet to a kyng . -th-at kepit a Revm [aaAx]
p. 492
M: 3,197 To -y-eue(n) his me(n) mede . -th-at mekely hy(m)
s(er)uen [aaAx]
M: 3,198 Aliens & o-th-(er) men . honour(e) him w(i)t(h)
-y-iftis [aaAx]
M: 3,199 Mede makyt hym be louyd . & for a man Iholdy(n)
M: 3,200 Emp(er)ouris & erlys . & alle man(er) lordys
M: 3,201 -Th-orugh -y-yftis Inowe -th-ey desiryt to ryde
M: 3,202 -Th-e(n) peple & -th-ys p(re)latis . p(re)sent(is)
vndirfongyt [aaAx]
M: 3,203 And medy(n) men hem self . to meyntey(n) her(e)
lawys [aaAx]
M: 3,204 Seruaunt-gh- for her(e) seruice . wete wel -th-e
so-th-e [aaAa]
M: 3,205 Takyn mede of her(e) maistr(is) . as -th-ey mowe(n)
acordy(n) [aaAx]
M: 3,206 Beggeres for Mete . askyn men mete [aaAbb]
M: 3,207 Menstralis for her(e) m(er)the . mede -th-ey askyn
M: 3,208 -Th-e kyng hat mede of his men . to makyn pes i(n)
londe [aaAx]
M: 3,209 Men -th-at techyn childryn . crauen her(e) Mede
M: 3,210 Prest(is) -th-at techyn . -th-e peple of god askyn
her(e) mede [aaAx]
M: 3,211 Masse pens . & her(e) mete atte mel tyme [aaAx]
M: 3,212 Crafty me(n) craue(n) mede . for her(e) p(re)nty-gh-s
M: 3,213 Mede & marchaundi-gh-e . mot nede gon togeder(e)
M: 3,214 As I wene witowty(n) Mede now may no man libbe
M: 3,215 Quod -th-e kyng to co(n)cience . be cryst as I wene
M: 3,216 Mede is best wor-th-y . -th-e Maistry to haue [axAx]
M: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d concyence to -th-e kyng . & kneled
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
M: 3,218 -Th-er arn to man(er) of Medys . my lord be -y-our(e)
leue [aaAx]
M: 3,219 -Th-at on god of his grace . grantyt in his bl[y]sse
M: 3,220 To hem -th-at werchyn his welle . -th-e wyle -th-(a)t
-th-ey be(n) her(e) [aaAx]
M: 3,221 -Th-e prophe(n) p(re)chid it . & put it in -th-e
sawter [aaAx]
M: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam sua(m) no(n) dedit ad vsuram } [Latin]
M: 3,222 Tac -th-u no Mede my lord . of hem -th-at ben trewe
M: 3,223 Loue hem & leue hem . for lordys loue of heuene
M: 3,224 Godys mede & m(er)cy . -th-er wyt myth -th-u
wynne [aaAx]
M: 3,225 -Th-(er) is a mede mesur(e)les . -th-at maistrys
desiryt [aaAx]
M: 3,226 To meynten misdoerys . -th-at mede -th-ey taken
M: 3,227 Of hem spekyt -th-e sawter . in psalmys ende [aaAx]
M: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t } [Latin]
p. 493
M: 3,229 And -y-e -th-at grypit her(e) -y-iftis . so me god
helpe [aaAx]
M: 3,230 Scholyn abiggyn wol bitter(e) . or -th-e book liet
M: 3,231 Prestis & p(er)sons . -th-at plesynges desirith
M: 3,232 To takyn Mede or mony . for massis -th-at -th-ey
syngyn [aaAx]
M: 3,233 Scholy(n) haue(n) -th-e Mede of -th-ys Molde . -th-(a)t
Matheu he(m) g(ra)unttid [aaAx]
M: 3,233a { Amen dico vobis receperunt m(er)cedem suam }
M: 3,234 -Th-at labores & lewid men . takyn of her(e)
maistres [aaXx]
M: 3,235 It is no(n) mo(re) of mede . but a mesurable hir(e)
M: 3,236 In marchaundie is no mede . I may it wel auowe [aaAx]
M: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutac(i)ou(n) . a peneworth for anothir
M: 3,238 But reddist -th-(o)u neu(er) { regu(m) } . -th-u
recryde Mede [aaAx]
M: 3,239 Why -th-e vengaunce fel . vpon saul & ek on
hise childryn [aaXx]
M: 3,240 God sente hym to seyn . be samuelis muthe [aaAx]
M: 3,241 -Th-at agag of amalech . & al his peple after
M: 3,242 Schuldyn deyen for a dede . -th-at don haddy(n)
hys eldrys [aaAx]
M: 3,243 Agoyns isr(ae)l and Aron . & Moyses hys bro-th-yr
M: 3,244 Samuel seyde to saul . god sendyt to -th-e & hotit
M: 3,245 To ben buxu(m) & boun . his biddyng to fulfellyn
M: 3,246 Wendyt -th-ider w(i)t(h) -th-yn host . wy(m)men
to kylle [axAx]?
M: 3,247 Childryn & cherlys . chop hem to dede [aaAx]
M: 3,248 Loke -th-u kile [-th-e] kyng . coueite nout his
goodys [aaAx]
M: 3,249 ffor ony myliou(n)s of mony . mordr(e) hem ichone
M: 3,250 Gerdis & best(is) . brenne hem to dede [aaAx]
M: 3,251 And for he kilde nout -th-e kyng . as crist hy(m)
bode sente [aaAx]
M: 3,252 Coueitid her(e) catel . kylde nout her(e) bestys
M: 3,253 But brougthe w(i)t(h) hym -th-e bestis . as -th-e
bible tellit [aaAx]
M: 3,254 God seide to samuel . -th-at saul schulde deye [aaAx]
M: 3,255 And al hys sed for -th-at senne . schenfulliche
endy(n) [aaAx]
M: 3,256 Swich a mischef made . mede -th-e kyng for to haue
M: 3,257 -Th-at god hatede hym for eu(er)e . & alle hise
eyris after [aaAa]
M: 3,258 -Th-e culor(um) of -th-ys cas . kepe I nouth to
schewen [aaAx]
M: 3,259 An auentur(e) it greuede no(n) . hende wile I makyn
M: 3,260 I concience schal knowyn -th-ys . for kynde wit
me taugthe [aaAx]
p. 494
M: 3,261 -Th-at resun schal regny(n) . & regnys gou(er)nyn
M: 3,262 And ryth as fel of agag . happe schal of su(m)me
M: 3,263 Samuel schal slen hym . & saul schal ben blamyd
M: 3,264 & dauid schal biggyn diademys . & danty(n)
he(m) alle [aaAx]
M: 3,265 And on cristene kyng . kepyn hem ichone [aaAx]
M: 3,266 Schal no mor(e) mede . be maist(er) vppon erthe
M: 3,267 But loue & lounesse . & lovte togederys
M: 3,268 And whoso trespace to trewthe . & takyt a-y-ens
his wille [aaAx]
M: 3,269 lealte scha don hi(m) lawe . & no lif ell(is)
M: 3,270 Schal no sergau(n)t for -th-(a)t s(er)uice . wern
a silkyn owue [aaAx]
M: 3,271 Ne no ray robe . w(i)t(h) riche pelur(e) [aaAx]
M: 3,272 Mede of misdoers . makyt hem to riche [aaAx]
M: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is a lord waxin . & loue is pouer(e)
M: 3,274 Wickidnesse is comaundour . & kendnesse is banschid
M: 3,275 But kynde wit schal comy(n) -y-it . & co(n)cie(n)ce
togederis [aaAx]
M: 3,276 And makyn of lawe a laborer(e) . swich loue schal
arisyn [aaAx]
Passus quartus de visione
M: 4,1 Kysset seide -th-e kyng -th-o . I suffr(e) -y-ou no
lenger(e) [aaAx]
M: 4,2 -Y-e scholyn sautalyn forso-th-e . & s(er)uyn
me bo-th-in [aaAx]
M: 4,3 Kesse hir(e) q(uo)d -th-e kyng . cocience I hote [aaAx]
M: 4,4 Nay be crist q(uo)d co(n)cience . conge me rather(e)
M: 4,5 But Resun rede me -th-(er)to . ra-th-(er) wile I deye
M: 4,6 & I comaunde q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to co(n)ciense
-th-anne [aaAx]
M: 4,7 Rape to Ryde . & Resun -th-(o)u fecche [aaAx]
M: 4,8 Comaunde hym -th-at he come . my (coun)sel to her(e)
M: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my Rewme . & rede me for -th-e
beste [aaAx]
M: 4,10 Of Mede & of o-th-(er) mo . qwat man schal hir(e)
weddyn [aaAx]
M: 4,11 And acounty(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e (con)cience . so me
cryst helpe [aaAx]
M: 4,12 How -th-(o)u Reulist -th-e peple . lered & lewid
M: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-(a)t forward . seyde (con)cience
-th-a(n)ne [aaAx]
M: 4,14 And wendith aft(er) Resun . & Rounyth in his
her(e) [aaaAx]
p. 495
M: 4,15 Seyde hym as -th-e kyng sente . & si-th-in tok
his leue [aaAxx]
M: 4,16 I schal araye me to ride q(uo)d Reson . reste -th-e
while [aaaAx]
M: 4,17 And kalde katon his knaue . corteys of speche [aaaAx]
M: 4,17 [B:IV,18/C:V,18] And tho(m)me trewe tonge tel me no
M: 4,17 [B:IV,19/C:V,19] Ne les(er)ynges to lin of for I
loued hem neu(er)e
M: 4,18 Sette myn sadeyl . vpon suffr(e) til I se my tyme [aaAa]
M: 4,19 And let warrokyn hym wel . wit to goode gir-th-eys
M: 4,20 Hang on hys heued an heuy brydil . to holdy(n) dou(n)
his hed [aaAx]
M: 4,21 ffor -y-it wile he makyn wehe . er we comy(n) -th-er(e)
M: 4,22 -Th-a(n)ne concience on his capel . caried forth
faste [aaAx]
M: 4,23 And Resu(n) wit hi(m) Rit . and rapit hym swi-th-e
M: 4,24 But on warynd wisdam . and witthy hys fer(e) [aaAx]
M: 4,25 ffolewedyn hym faste . for -th-ey hadden to done
M: 4,26 In chekerie & In chauncerye . to dischargyn he(m)
of -th-ingys [aaAx]
M: 4,27 To And Redyn for Resu(n) . schulde redyn he(m) for
-th-e beste [aaAx]
M: 4,28 ffor to sauen hem selfue(n) . fro(m) schame & fro
harmys [aaAx]
M: 4,29 But co(n)cience cam ferst . to corte be a myle [aaAx]
M: 4,30 And Romede forth be Resu(n) . Ryth to -th-e kyng
M: 4,31 Corteysly -th-e kyng . -th-o com a-y-en Reson [aaAx]
M: 4,32 And betwen hym self & his sone . sette hy(m)
on be(n)che [aaAx]
M: 4,33 And taledyn ful wysly . a gret while togeders [aaAx]
M: 4,34 -Th-o pes in p(ar)lement . put vp a bille [aaAx]
M: 4,35 Whou wrong a-y-en his wil . hys wif hadde taky(n)
M: 4,36 And how he rauyschede Rose . Reynaldis loue [aaAx]
M: 4,37 And Margrete of hir(e) maidy(n)hed . maugr(e) hir(e)
chekys [aaAx]
M: 4,38 Bo-th-in myn gees & my(n) grys . his gadelyngys
fecchedy(n) [aaAx]
M: 4,39 I dar nought for dred of he(m) . fygthy(n) ne chiden
M: 4,40 He borwyd of me bayard . he brougthe hi(m) me neu(er)e
M: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-i(n)g -th-(er)for(e) . for nouth I coude
pletyn [aaAxx]
M: 4,42 He mey(n)tene hys men . to m(ur)dy(n) my(n) hewys
M: 4,43 fforstallys my(n) feiris . fygthit i(n) my chepyng
p. 496
M: 4,44 Breke vp my(n) berne dore . berth awey my(n) whete
M: 4,45 Ant takyt me but a taile . for xv quart(er)s otys
M: 4,46 And whan he hadde my(n) wif bad me go(n) to my(n) maidy(n) [axAx]
M: 4,47 I am nougth hardy for hy(m) to wynkyn ne to loky(n)
M: 4,48 -Th-e kyng knew . he seide soth for cocience hi(m)
tolde [aaAx]
M: 4,49 Wrong was aferd -th-o . & wisdam he sougthe [axAx]
M: 4,50 To makyn his pes wit his penyis . & profrid hi(m) & seide
M: 4,51 hadde I loue of -th-e kyng . litil wolde I reche
M: 4,52 But pes & his power . pleinid he(m) eu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 4,53 Wisda(m) wan -th-o . & so dede wit also [aaAx]
M: 4,54 ffor wrong hadde Ido . so wickede a dede [aaAx]
M: 4,55 And warnyd wrong -th-o . wit swich a wis tale [aaAx]
M: 4,56 Whoso werchit be wille . wrathe makith oftyn [aaAx]
M: 4,57 I seie it be -th-i(n) self . wrong -th-(o)u schalt
it sone fynde [aaAx]
M: 4,58 But -y-if I it make . -th-y(n) mischef is vppe [aaAx]
M: 4,59 ffor bo-th-in -th-in lif & -th-in lond . lith
i(n) his g(ra)ce [aaAx]
M: 4,60 Wrong vpon wisda(m) . wepit to helpin [aaAx]
M: 4,61 Sum what for of his . handy dandy paied [aaXa]
M: 4,62 -Th-a(n)ne wisdam & wit . wentyn togedirs [aaAx]
M: 4,63 And o no(m)men Mede wit he(m) . M(er)cy to wynne
M: 4,64 Pes put forth his hed . & his pa(n)ne blody [aaxAx]
M: 4,65 Witoutyn gilt god it wot . gatte I -th-is ska-th-e
M: 4,66 Concience & -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e sothe
M: 4,67 And wisten ful wil . -th-(a)t wrong was a schrewe
M: 4,68 But wisda(m) & wit . weren abowte faste [aaAx]
M: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e kyng . wit catel -y-if -th-ey
mythyn [aaAx]
M: 4,70 Be crist seith -th-e kyng -th-o . & be his croune
bo-th-e [aaAx]
M: 4,71 -Th-at wrong for his werkys . schulde wo -th-olyn
M: 4,72 And comandid a constable . to kasty(n) hy(m) in Irans
M: 4,73 He schal nouth -th-ys viij -y-er . sen his fet onys
M: 4,74 God wot q(uo)d wisda(m) . -th-at wer(e) nout -th-e
beste [aaAx]
M: 4,75 But he amendys may maky(n) . let menp(ri)sy(n) hy(m)
-th-a(n)ne [aaAx]
p. 497
M: 4,76 And be borewid for his bale . & buggen hi(m) bote
M: 4,77 Ame(n)dy(n) -th-(a)t misdede . & eu(er)emor(e)
-th-e bettr(e) [aaAx]
M: 4,78 Wit acordeth -th-erwith . & seyde the same [???]
M: 4,79 Better(e) -th-at Bote . Bale adoun brynge [aaAa]
M: 4,80 Than Bale be bet . & bote neu(er)e -th-e beter(e)
M: 4,81 -Th-a(n)ne gan Mede mekyn hir(e) . & m(er)cy
besougthe [aaAx]
M: 4,82 And profrid penies to p(re)sent & peces of gold
M: 4,83 Haue -th-ys of me q(uo)d sche . to amendy(n) wit
-th-in ska-th-e [aaAx]
M: 4,84 ffor I wage for wrong . he wolde don so no mor(e)
M: 4,85 Pitously -th-a(n)ne pes . preyde to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
M: 4,86 To haue(n) m(er)cy on -th-at man . -th-at misdede
hi(m) ofte [aaAx]
M: 4,87 ffor he hat wagit me wel . as wysdam hi(m) taugthe
M: 4,88 I for-y-eue hi(m) his gilt . wit a g[o]od wille [aaAx]
M: 4,89 So -th-at -y-e asentyn . I kan sey no mor(e) [aaAx]
M: 4,90 ffor mede hath mad my(n) amendys . I may no mor(e)
axe [aaAx]
M: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . so god -y-eue me blisse
M: 4,92 Wrong wendit nouth so . er we wytyn mor(e) [aaaAx]
M: 4,93 lope he so wey . laughen he wolde [aaAx]
M: 4,94 And oftyn ben -th-e baldir . to betyn myn hynys [aaAx]
M: 4,95 But Resu(n) haue reugthe on hym . he restit i(n)
my(n) stockys [aaAx]
M: 4,96 As long as I leue . but bett(er)e loue it make [aaAx]
M: 4,97 Su(m)me raddyn Res[o]u(n) . to haue reuthe on -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
M: 4,98 And consailde -th-e kyng . & concience bo-th-e
M: 4,99 -Th-at Mede must be(n) a meynp(er)nour . Resou(n)
-th-ey besowthi(n) [aaaXx]?
M: 4,100 Rede me q(uo)d Resou(n) . no reuthe to haue(n) [aaAx]
M: 4,101 Til lordis & ladis . loue(n) alle treuthe [aaAx]
M: 4,102 And p(er)nelis p(ur)fil . be put in hir(e) chiste
M: 4,103 Til childris chersyng . be chastisid wit -y-erdis
M: 4,104 And harlotys holynesse . be holdy(n) for an heuene
M: 4,105 Til clerkys & knythis . ben curteise of her(e)
mouthe [aaAx]
M: 4,106 And alle harlotrie haten to heryn or to mow-th-i(n)
p. 498
M: 4,107 Til p(re)stis her(e) p(re)chyng . proue(n) hem selue(n)
M: 4,108 And don it in dede . to drawyn vs to goode [aaAx]
M: 4,109 Til seint Iame be sougth . as I schal assigne [aaAa]
M: 4,110 -Th-at no man go to galys . but he go for eu(er)e
M: 4,111 And alle Rome re(n)n(er)ys . for robbours of be-y-onde
M: 4,112 Beryn no silu(er) ou(er) -th-e see . -th-at kyngis
signe schewit [aaAa]
M: 4,113 Nei-th-(er) grotis ne gold . grauyd wit kyngis coroune
M: 4,114 Vppe -th-at forfetur(e) of -th-at ffee . who so
fynt he(m) at dou(er)e [aaAx]
M: 4,115 But -y-if it be Marchau(n)t or his man . or Messag(er)
with l(ettr)es [aaAx]
M: 4,116 Or prouiso(ur) or p(re)st . -th-(a)t -th-e pope
auaunceth [aaAx]
M: 4,117 And -y-it q(uo)d Resou(n) be -th-e rode . I schal
no reuthe haue [aaAx]
M: 4,118 Whil Mede hat -th-e maistry . to motyn in -th-ys
halle [aaAx]
M: 4,119 But I may schewyn -th-e ensaunple . as I se o-th-er(e)
M: 4,120 I sey it for my self . & it so wer(e) [aaAx]
M: 4,121 -Th-at I wer(e) corounyd a kyng . to kepyn a Realme
M: 4,122 Schulde no wrong in -th-ys world . -th-(a)t I wite
mygthe [aaAx]
M: 4,123 Ben vnpunschid in my(n) powir . for p(er)il of my(n)
selue(n) [aaAx]
M: 4,124 Ne getyn no g(ra)ce -th-ourth gyfte . so gad me
helpe [aaaAx]
M: 4,125 Ne for Mede haue(n) m(er)cy . but Mekenesse it made
M: 4,126 ffor { nullum malum } -th-at man . made wit { Inpunitum
} [aaAx]
M: 4,127 And bad { nullum bonu(m) } ben { irremun(er)atum
} [aaAx]
M: 4,128 Let -th-in cofessour s(er) kyng . construe -th-ys
in englisch [aaAx]
M: 4,129 And -y-if werche it in werk . I -y-eue -th-e my(n)
her(e)s [aaAx]
M: 4,130 But lawe be a laborer . & lede ofilde donge
M: 4,131 -Th-a(n)ne schal loue lede(n) -th-in lond . -th-e
lef likyt [aaaAx]
M: 4,132 Clerkys -th-at weryn co(n)fessours . clepedy(n)
he(m) togeders [aaAx]
M: 4,133 ffor to construe(n) -th-ys clause . -th-ey declinid
faste [aaAx]
M: 4,134 And whan -th-at Resou(n) among hem . reh(er)syd
-th-ys wordys [aaAx]
M: 4,135 -Th-(er) nas man i(n) -th-e mothalle . mor(e) ne
lasse [aaAx]
M: 4,136 -Th-at ne held mekenesse a maist(er) & Mede
a miche wrecche [xaaAx]
M: 4,137 And loue let of hir(e) ligth . & lauwidh hir(e)
to scorne [aaAx]
M: 4,138 And seide it so loude . -th-at sothnesse it herde
p. 499
M: 4,139 Whoso willet hir(e) [to] wif . for welth of hir(e)
godis [aaAx]
M: 4,140 But he be cald cokewald . kyt of my(n) nase [aaAx]
M: 4,141 Reyth her wysda(m) -th-o . ne wit is fer(e) [aaAx]
M: 4,142 Coude nout carpen a word . to withsiggen Resou(n)
M: 4,143 But staredyn for stodiynge . & stodyn as bestis
M: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acordid . wel to Resou(n)s sawys [aaAx]
M: 4,145 And rehercede -th-(a)t Resou(n) . hadde ryghtfullich
schewed [aaAx]
M: 4,146 But it is harde to me . to bryngge hem to togeders
M: 4,147 And my lege londys . to lede thus euen [aaAx]
M: 4,148 Be hym that henge on -th-e Rode . q(uo)d Resou(n)
to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
M: 4,149 But I reule thus -th-y Realme . Rende of my Rybbes
M: 4,150 -Y-ef it so be -th-(a)t buxhu(m)nesse . be of myn
assente [aaAx]
M: 4,151 I assente q(uo)d -th-e kyng . be sainte Marie my
lady [axAx]
M: 4,152 Be my co(n)seil Icome(n) . of clerces & of Erles
M: 4,153 But redely Reson . -th-ou shalt not ryde hennes
M: 4,154 ffor as longe as I leue . thy lyfelode I -th-e thonke
M: 4,155 I am al redy q(uo)d Resou(n) . to reste with -th-e
euer(e) [aaAx]
M: 4,156 So co(n)sience be of our(e) co(n)seil . kepe I no
better(e) [aaAx]
M: 4,157 I g(ra)unte q(uo)d -th-e kyng . goddes forbode elles
M: 4,158 As longe as we lyueu(n) . dwelle we the gederys
M: 5,1 -Th-e kyng & hys knyghtes . to -th-e churche wenten
M: 5,2 To her(e) matynes & masse . & to -th-e mete
after(e) [aaAx]
Quint(us) passus
M: 5,3 -Th-anne wakende I of wynkynge . & wo was withalle
M: 5,4 -Th-at I nadde rather I slepte . & Iseye mor(e)
M: 5,5 Er I hadde faren a forlonge . feyntese me hente [aaAx]
M: 5,6 -Th-at I ne myght a fote ferther . for defaute of
slepyng [aaAx]
M: 5,7 I sate softely adou(n) . & seyde my(n) beleue
M: 5,8 And so I badde on my bedes . they brought me on slepe
M: 5,9 & -th-an I say mychel mor(e) . -th-an I befor
tolde [aaXx]
M: 5,10 ffor I say -th-e feld ful of folke . -th-(a)t I befor
nemede [aaAx]
M: 5,11 And Consience with a Crosse . kame(n) for to preche
p. 500
M: 5,12 And preyde -th-e peeple . ha pety on hem seuyn [aaAx]
M: 5,13 & preued -th-at pestilence . was for pur(e) synne
M: 5,14 And the grete southeweste wynde . o(n) a sat(ur)days
euey(n) [abAb]
M: 5,15 Was aperteley for pryde . & for no poynt elles
M: 5,16 Pyryes & plu(m)tres . weryn possed to the erthe
M: 5,17 In example to meu(n) . they sholden do -th-e better(e)
M: 5,18 Beches & brode Okes . weren possed to -th-e ground
M: 5,19 And turned vp -th-e tayle . in tokenyng(es) of drede
M: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne or domesday . schal fordone hem
alle [aaAx]
M: 5,21 In this matir I mought . mamele ful longe [aaAx]
M: 5,22 But I schal seygh as I saye . so me godd helpe [aaAxx]
M: 5,23 Whan Concience with a cros . began to preche [aaAx]
M: 5,24 He badde wastour to wurche . what he best couthe
M: 5,25 And whynne what he wastede . with su(m)m man(er)e
crafte [aaAxx]
M: 5,26 And preyde pernele . her(e) ppurfuyll to leue [aaAx]
M: 5,27 And kepen it in her(e) Cofre . for catell hadde nede
M: 5,28 And Thom(a)s -th-e tann(er)e . a whippe to take [aaAx]
M: 5,29 And fechen hom felyce . from wyuey(n) peyne [aaAxx]
M: 5,30 And waryede watte . hys wyf was to blame [aaAx]
M: 5,31 -Th-at her(e) hode was worth a m(a)rke . & hys
hode worth a grote [abAb]
M: 5,31 [B:V,32/C:VI,135] he badde bette kutte a bowe -th-at
wolde benden
M: 5,31 [B:V,33/C:VI,136] And beten beten -th-(er) wyt for
stly ne wolde owynke
M: 5,32 He chargyd chapmen . to chastisin her(e) childris [aaAa]
M: 5,33 Let no wynnyng wanyn hem . whil -th-ey ben -y-onge
M: 5,34 Preyde p(re)lat-gh- . & p(re)stis togederys [aaAx]
M: 5,35 -Th-at -th-ey p(re)chyn to -th-e people . p(ro)uyn
it hem selue(n) [aaAx]
M: 5,36 And as -th-ey leryn vs . we leuyn hem -th-e beter(e)
M: 5,37 And si-th-in he radde Religiou(n) . her(e) reule
to holdyn [aaAx]
M: 5,38 Lest -th-e kyng & hys consail -y-our(e) comunus
apeir(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,39 And be styward of our(e) lond . & tillyn -y-our(e)
stor better(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,40 And nout sekyn seint Iames . ne seintis of Rome [aaAx]
M: 5,41 Sekit seint treuthe . for he may sauen -y-ou alle
M: 5,42 { Qui cum patr(e) & filio } . fair(e) mote -y-e
hendyn [xaAx]
p. 501
M: 5,42 [B:V,60/C:VI,201] -Th-e sone & -th-e seint spirit
. -th-at my(n) one mou(n) schewat
M: 5,43 -Th-anne ran repe(n)taunce . and reherced his teme
M: 5,44 And made wil to wep in watyr . wit his eyne [aaaAx]
M: 5,45 P(er)nelys proude herte . platte to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
M: 5,46 And lay longe her sche lokede . & m(er)cy gan
crye [aaaAx]
M: 5,47 & behythe to hi(m) . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
M: 5,48 -Th-at sche schuld vnschewyn hir(e) scherte
M: 5,48 And settyn -th-er(e) on heyr(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,49 ffor to afeyntyn hir(e) flesch . -th-at fers was
to se(n)ne [aaAx]
M: 5,50 Schal neuer(e) heith herte me henti(n) . but holdy(n)
me lowe [aaaAx]
M: 5,51 And suffryn to ben misseid . & so dide I neuer(e)
M: 5,52 But now wele I mekyn me . & m(er)cy besechyn
M: 5,53 Of al -th-at I haue had enuye . in my(n) herte [aa?a]
M: 5,54 -Th-e leccherouse seide allas . & to our(e) lady
cryde [aaAx]
M: 5,55 To make amendis for hi(m) . betwen god & hys
soule [aaaXx]
M: 5,56 W(i)t(h) -th-at he schuld -th-e sat(ir)day . vij
-y-er after [aaAx]
M: 5,57 Drynky but but wit -th-e goos . & dyne but onys
M: 5,58 Enuye w(i)t(h) heuy herte . askede aft(ir) schrifte
M: 5,59 And karefully his wilis . begynnyth to schewe [aaAx]
M: 5,60 As pale as a pelat . in palsye he semede [aaAx]
M: 5,61 Iclad in kaurimauri . I kan [it] not discryn [aaAx]
M: 5,62 A kertil a courtepi . & knyf be hys syde [aaAx]
M: 5,63 Of a freris frocke . wern -th-e forn sleuys [aaAx]
M: 5,64 As a lek hadde Iben . longe in -th-e su(n)ne [aaAx]
M: 5,65 So lokyd he wit lene chekys . loury[n]g fowle [aaAx]
M: 5,66 His body was bolnyd for . wratthe -th-at he bot his
lippys [aaxAx]
M: 5,67 & wrothche he wrong his fest . to wrekyn him
he -th-oug [aaAx]
M: 5,68 Wit werkys or wyt wordys . whan he seith his tyme
M: 5,69 And seyde weriuis or veniy(m) . or veneg(re) I trowe
M: 5,70 Walkyt in my(n) wombe . or waxit I wene [aaAa]
M: 5,71 I mygth noth many day . as a man schulde [aaAx]
p. 502
M: 5,72 Swich wynd in myn wombe . waxit er I dyne [aaAx]
M: 5,73 I haue an neythebour be me . I haue anoyd hy(m) ofte
M: 5,74 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,75 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,76 And ek belowyn hy(m) to lordys . to don hy(m) lost
selu(er) [aaAx]
M: 5,77 To don hys frendys be(n) hys fon . -th-ourth my(n)
fals tonge [aaAx]
M: 5,78 His g(ra)ce & his goodnesse . greuyth me wol
sor(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,79 Betwyn men and -y-er(e) meigne . I haue Imakede wrath
M: 5,80 Bothe lyme & lyf . was loste be myn tunge [aaAx]
M: 5,81 Wahan I mette in market . him -th-at I moste hatede
M: 5,82 I Grette him as hendely . as I his frend wer(e) [aaAxx]
M: 5,83 -Y-yf he wer(e) strenger(e) -th-an I I durste . noon
harme do(n) hy(m) [aaAx]
M: 5,84 But hadd y maistry & myght . I mordred hym for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 5,85 Whan I kame to cherche . I kneled to -th-e Rode [aaAx]
M: 5,86 To preyn for -th-e pepele . as -th-e preste techeth
M: 5,87 ffor pilgrymes for palm(er)s . & alle peple after
M: 5,88 -Th-an kryed I on my knees . -th-(a)t cryst -y-if
hym sorwe [aaAx]
M: 5,89 -Th-at beryn awey myn Bolle . & myn broken schete
M: 5,90 Also from the auter . myn eyne I turned [aaAx]
M: 5,91 & behelde an hyne . -th-at hadde a newe Cote
M: 5,92 -Th-an I wischede it wer(e) myn . & alle -th-e
webbe after [aaAx]
M: 5,93 Of -th-at lesyng I laught . ay lykeng(e) in myn hert
M: 5,94 But of willyng(e) I wepe . & weyle -th-e tyme
M: 5,95 And -y-it I do werse be dome of my selue [aaAx]
M: 5,96 I wolde -th-(a)t eche man . wer(e) my knawe [aaAx]
M: 5,97 And whoso hath mor(e) -th-an I . it hangerth my(n)
hert(e) [aaAa]
M: 5,98 Thus I lyue loueles . lyke a lyder dogge [aaAx]
M: 5,99 -Th-at alle myu(n) Brest bolneth . for bytter of
my galle [aaAx]
M: 5,100 May no sugre ne no swete thyng . swage it an ynche
M: 5,101 Ne no dyapodyou(n) . draugh it fro myn hert [aaAx]?
M: 5,102 -Y-yf -th-(a)t ony schiryf[t]e scholde . it schope
a gret wonder [aaAx]
M: 5,103 -Y-ys redely q(uo)d repentaunce . & radde hym
-th-e beste [aaAx]
M: 5,104 Sorewe for synnes . saueth wol many [aaAx]
p. 503
M: 5,105 I sey q(uo)d -th-e scharewe . I ham but sylden other
M: 5,106 And -th-at maketh me so madde . for I ne may me
venge [aaAx]
M: 5,107 -Th-an cometh Couetous . I kan not him discrye [aaAx]
M: 5,108 So hungry he loketh s(er) heruy & holowe [aaAx]
M: 5,109 He was betilbrowed & ek baberlypped
M: 5,110 with to blered eyyn as a blynd hagge [aaAx]
M: 5,110 And as ledreu(n) porse . lokened hys chekes [axAx]
M: 5,110 [B:V,193/C:VII,201] & as a bondeman bacon his
berd was bedraueld
M: 5,110 [B:V,194/C:VII,202] He hadde an hode on his hed & an
hatte also
M: 5,111 In a tor(n))n tabard . of xij wynter age [aaAx]
M: 5,112 But -y-if a lous coude lepe . I may it nought leuen
M: 5,113 Sche myght wander -th-er vpon . it was so thredbar(e)
M: 5,114 I haue ben coutous q(uo)d -th-e Cayteue . I becnowe
it her(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,115 ffor so(m)me tyme I seruyd . synne it semed me merthe
M: 5,116 I was hys prentys Iplygte . hys profit to wayte
M: 5,117 ffor I lerened to lye . a lesyng(e) or tweyn [aaAx]
M: 5,118 Wickedlich to weyen . was my ferste lesson [aaAxx]
M: 5,119 To wy & to wynchestere . I wente to -th-e feyr(e)
M: 5,120 With many man(er) marchaundye . as my maist(er)
heghte [aaAx]
M: 5,121 Hadde not grace of gyle . gone amonge my war(e)
M: 5,122 It hadde ben onselde . so me godd help [aaAxx]
M: 5,123 I was amonge drapers . my donet to lerne [aaAx]
M: 5,124 & drowe the lyste alonge . -th-e lenger(e) it
semed [aaAx]
M: 5,125 Among -th-e ryche Rayes . rendred I a lessou(n)
M: 5,126 I broched him with a prikede nedele . & plyted
hym togeders [aaAx]
M: 5,127 And putte him In a pryson . & pyned hym -th-(er)In
M: 5,128 Til x -y-erdes or xij . toldeu(n) out xv [aaAx]
M: 5,129 My wyf was a webbester(e) . & wolnon clothe
made [aaAx]
M: 5,130 And spake to spynsterys . to spyne it oute [aaAx]
M: 5,131 The pound -th-at she way . hi(m) by pysed a q(ua)rter
p. 504
M: 5,132 Mor(e) -th-an myn hauncer . whan I waye trewthe [aaAx]
M: 5,133 My wyf bought barly . & brew it to seluen [aaAx]
M: 5,134 Pany hale & spilawaye . she pored togidders
M: 5,135 ffor laborers & pou(er)e folk . it lay be him
seluen [aaAx]
M: 5,136 The best in my bedde chambre . lay be the wowes
M: 5,137 And whoso drange therof . bought it -th-(er)after
M: 5,138 A galon for a grote . godde wote no lesse [aaAx]
M: 5,139 Whan it kam in cuppemele . -th-at craft my wyf vsyde
M: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratour . was her(e) righte name [aaAx]
M: 5,141 She hath holdyn hostrye . thys xv wynter [aaAx]
M: 5,142 But I swer(e) so mut I the . sum tyme shal I leuen
M: 5,143 Neu(er)e wickedly to wynne . ne wycke chafar(e)
make [aaAx]
M: 5,144 But wendyn to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyf alse [aaAx]
M: 5,145 And bidden -th-e Rode of bromholm . brynge me out
of dette [aaAx]
M: 5,146 Now begynneth glotou(n) . to gon on his wyse [aaAx]
M: 5,147 And kouerereth to Cherche . his synnes to schewe
M: 5,148 But Betou(n) -th-e brewer(e) . badde him gode morwe
M: 5,149 And sche axid of him . woderward he wolde [aaAx]
M: 5,150 To holy Cherche q(uo)d he . for to heryn masse [aaAx]
M: 5,151 & sythen I shal be schriven . & synnen no
mor(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,152 I haue god hale q(uo)d syb . come ner & asay
M: 5,153 Haste thou q(uo)d heruy . ony hote spyces [aaAx]
M: 5,154 -Y-a gossyb q(uo)d she . godd wot ful hote [aaAx]
M: 5,155 I haue pepir & pyou(n)s . & poudr(e) of
the beste [aaAx]
M: 5,156 A ferthyng worth of fenel sede . for fastyng dayes
M: 5,157 -Th-an gothe -th-e glotou(n) In . & grete othes
after [aaAx]
M: 5,158 And sisse -th-e souter . sate on the benche [aaAx]
M: 5,159 Watte -th-e bereward . & his wyf bothe [aaAx]
M: 5,160 Tho(m)m -th-e Trumpour . & tewyn of hys knaues
M: 5,161 Hik -th-e hakeneyman . hough -th-e nedeler [aaAx]
M: 5,162 Clarice of kokkeslane . & -th-e clerc of -th-e
Cherche [aaAx]
p. 505
M: 5,162 [B:V,321/C:VII,367] Sir(e) pieris of pikardis & pernelle
of ffraunce
M: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dyker(e) . and a dosen other [aaAx]
M: 5,164 Alban -th-e retoner . and a raker(e) of Chepe [aaAx]
M: 5,165 A Roper(e) of Redyngkyng . & Rose -th-e dystere
M: 5,165 [B:V,324/C:VII,373] Godrey of garlek hethe & Geffrey
-th-e walshe
M: 5,166 Of vpholders an hepe . herly be -th-e morwe [aaAx]
M: 5,167 -Y-eue(n) glotou(n) with gladde chier(e) . gode
ale to hansele [aaAbb]
M: 5,168 Clement -th-e Cobbeler . caste of his cloke [aaAa]
M: 5,169 And atte -th-e newe feyr(e) . nemyd it to selle
M: 5,170 Hik -th-e hostiler . caste his hode after [aaAa]
M: 5,171 And badde Bette -th-e bocher . ben on his syde [aaaAx]
M: 5,172 Ther wern chapmen ychosen . -th-at chaffar(e) to
preysen [aaAx]
M: 5,173 Whoso hath -th-e hode shuld haue . amendys of -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
M: 5,174 They risen vp in Rape . & rounden togederis
M: 5,175 And preisden -th-e penyworthis . a parte be hem
seluen [aaAx]
M: 5,176 Ther wer(e) othis a hepe . ou(er)e -th-e hode & -th-e
cloke [aaAa]
M: 5,177 & tweyn coude nought . wele acorden togederis
M: 5,178 Til Robyn -th-e Rop(er)e . was radde for to risen
M: 5,179 And becomen a nounper(e) . -th-at no debate war(e)
M: 5,180 Hik -th-e hostiler . -th-anne hadde -th-e cloke
M: 5,181 In couenant -th-at Clement . -th-e cuppe shuld fellyn
M: 5,182 And haue -th-e hostilers hode . & holde him
seruiyd [aaaAx]
M: 5,183 And wo so repente ratherest . shuld arise after
M: 5,184 And presente s(ir)e gloton . with a galon of ale
M: 5,185 Ther was lawegyng Inowe . & lette go -th-e cuppe
M: 5,186 Bargaynes & beuereges . begonne to arise [aaAx]
M: 5,187 And seten so til euesonge . & songyn somwhyle
M: 5,188 Tyl gloton hadde Ibibbed . a galou(n) & a gylle
M: 5,189 [B:V,347/C:VII,398] his guttes gu(n)ne goule as a
gredy sowe
M: 5,189 He pyssed a potel . in a litel whyle [aaAx]
M: 5,190 He blewe -th-e rounde ruete . atte his bakkes hende
p. 506
M: 5,191 That alle -th-at herdyn -th-at horn
M: 5,191 heldyn her(e) noses after [aaAa]
M: 5,192 And wyisschedyn it hadde wit a wisp ben on feer(e)
M: 5,193 He hadde no(n) strengthe to stondyn
M: 5,193 Til he his staaf hadde [aaAx]
M: 5,194 And -th-anne he gan go(n) . lik a glewmans bicche
M: 5,195 Sum tyme aside . and su(m) tyme arer(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,196 As who leyth lynes . to take with foules [aaAx]
M: 5,197 And whan he draugh to -th-e dorre . -th-an dy(m)med
his een [aaAx]
M: 5,198 He stumbuled atte -th-e therschold . & felle
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
M: 5,198 [B:V,358/C:VII,409] Clement -th-e cobyler kaute him
be -th-e Medylles
M: 5,198 [B:V,359/C:VII,410] And for to lofte him vp leyde
him on his knewes
M: 5,198 [B:V,360/C:VII,411] But gloton was a grete cherle & gry(m)me(n)
for to lefte
M: 5,198 [B:V,361/C:VII,412] he konghed vp a Caudel In Clementis
M: 5,198 [B:V,362/C:VII,413] -th-re mo non so hungry homid
In hertsed schyr(e)
M: 5,198 [B:V,363/C:VII,414] Wolde lape of -th-at leuen so
lothe byth it Imaked
M: 5,199 With alle -th-e wo of -th-e worde . his wif & his
wenche [aaAa]
M: 5,200 Baryn him to Bedde . & broweten him -th-erInne
M: 5,201 And after -th-at sourfete . an haccesse him toke
M: 5,202 he slepe sat[ur]day & sunneday . tyl sunne was
at reste [aaaAx]
M: 5,203 -Th-an waked he of wynekynge . & wyped hys eyen
M: 5,204 -Th-e ferst worde -th-at he spake . wer(e) is -th-e
Bolle [aaAx]
M: 5,205 His wif blamed him -th-o . of wykkednesse & of
synne [aaAx]
M: 5,206 -Th-an was he ashamed -th-e schrwe . & schraped
his heren [aaAx]
M: 5,297 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,208 ffor his lyder lyfe . -th-at he lyued hadde [aaAx]
M: 5,209 And avowed to fasten . for hunger or for thurste
M: 5,210 Shal neuer(e) fyssh on Fryday . defyen in my wombe
M: 5,211 Er abstinence myn haunte . haue -y-eue me leue [aaAxx]
M: 5,212 And -y-et haue I hated her(e) . alle my lyfe tyme
M: 5,213 -Th-o sleweth for sorewe(n) . fylle doun aswoue
M: 5,214 Tyl -th-at Vigilate . fette water(e) atte her(e)
eyen [aaAx]
p. 507
M: 5,215 And plattyd In his face . & faste on him cryde
M: 5,216 And syde warre -th-e from wannehope . -th-(a)t wolde
-th-e bet(ra)ye [aaAx]
M: 5,217 I ham sory for my synnes . sey -th-ou -th-y seluen
M: 5,218 And Bete -th-e seluen on -th-e Brest . & bydde
him of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
M: 5,219 ffor -th-er mo gelte so grete . -th-at hys godenesse
is mor(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,220 -Th-an sate sleweth vp . & syhed faste [aaAx]
M: 5,221 And made avowe befor god . for his foule sleweth
M: 5,222 Schal no sunday -th-ys vij -y-er(e) . but sykenesse
it make [aaAx]
M: 5,223 -Th-at I shal vppe eueryday & dygte me to cherche
M: 5,224 And heren matyns & masse . as I a Monke wer(e)
M: 5,225 Schal no ale after Mete . holde me thens [aaAx]
M: 5,226 Til I haue euesonge herde . I hote be -th-e Rode
M: 5,227 And eu(er)che man -y-elden ageyn . if I so muche
haue [aaAxx]
M: 5,228 -Th-at I wickedly wan . seth I whit hadde [aaAx]
M: 5,229 And -th-ey my lyuelod lak . letten I ne wille [aaAx]
M: 5,230 -Th-at eche man schal haue his . hen ar I wende
M: 5,231 & with -th-e resydue . be -th-e Rode of Chestr(e)
M: 5,232 In wille seke trweth -th-erwith . or I se Rome [axAx]
M: 5,233 Robert on reddite ful ruly he loked [aaAx]
M: 5,234 And for -th-er nas wer(e) with . he wepte swith
sor(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,235 & -th-us -th-(a)t senful schrewe . seyde to
him seluen [aaAa]
M: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on Caluarye . vpon -th-e cros dyde
M: 5,237 -th-o dismas my brother besougte -th-e of g(ra)ce
M: 5,238 And -th-ou haddest m(er)cye on -th-(a)t man . fo
Meme(n)to salke [aaAx]
M: 5,239 Thy wille worthe vpon me . as I haue des(er)ued
M: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . -y-if hope ne wer(e)
M: 5,241 So rewe on this Robert . -th-(a)t rederd ne haueth
M: 5,242 Ne neu(er)e we to wynne . with crafte -th-(a)t I
knowe [aaAxx]
M: 5,243 But of thyn muchel m(er)cy . mytygacyon I beseche
M: 5,244 Dampne me nought at domesdaye . for I ded so Ille
p. 508
M: 5,245 But what fyll of -th-(a)t man . I kan nought fayr(e)
schewen [aaAx]
M: 5,246 But wel I wote he wepte faste water . with his eyen
M: 5,247 And knowleched his gylte . to cryst it eftesones
M: 5,248 And preyde -th-(a)t penitencia . schulde polysche
him newe [aaAx]
M: 5,249 & lepen with oure londe . alle his lif tyme
M: 5,250 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,251 A thowsand mo men . thro(n)gen -th-o togeders [aaAx]
M: 5,252 Wepteu(n) & weylden . for her(e) wicked dedes
M: 5,253 Cryden vpward to cryst . & to his der(e) modr(e)
M: 5,254 Of grace to gon to trewthe . godd g(ra)unte -th-(a)t
-th-ey moteu(n) [aaAx]
Passus vi(us)
M: 6,1 But -th-er nas non so wyse . -th-e weye thedr(e) coude
M: 6,2 But blustreyng as beststes . ouer(e) dales & helles
M: 6,3 Till late & till longe . that they a mau(n) metten
M: 6,4 Aparaylde as a payneme . in pilgremes wyse [aaAx]
M: 6,5 He bar(e) a burdou(n) ibounde . with a brode lyste
M: 6,6 Alle on wrytheu(n) wyse . Iboundeu(n) aboute [aaAx]
M: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar be his syde [aaAx]
M: 6,8 An vndred of ampolles . on his hatte setyn [aaAx]
M: 6,9 Signes of sise . & shelles of gales [aaAx]
M: 6,10 And many a crouche on his Cloke . & kyxes of
Rome [aaAx]
M: 6,11 & -th-e vernycle beforn . for meu(n) shuldeu(n)
Iknowen [aaAxx]
M: 6,12 And seen be his signes . whom he sought hadde [aaAx]
M: 6,13 This folke freyndeu(n) him faste . whenes he come
M: 6,14 ffrom sinay he seyde . & from -th-e sepulcr(e)
M: 6,15 Atte Bedlem at Babyloiu(n) . I haue ben in bothe
M: 6,16 In hermonye in alisaundr(e) . In many other places
M: 6,17 As -y-e may sen be sygnes . that sitteth on my hatte
M: 6,18 Tht I haue walked wyde . In wete & in dreye [aaaAx]
M: 6,19 And soughte goode seintes . for my soule hele [aaAx]
M: 6,20 Knowest on a corpssent . -th-at -th-at men clepeth
trewethe [aaAx]
M: 6,21 kannustou wysse vs -th-e weye . -th-er -th-(a)t man
dwelleth [aaAx]
M: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . seyde -th-at man -th-an [axAx]
M: 6,23 I seye neur(e) palmere with pyke . ne with scryppe
M: 6,24 Asken after him . ar now her(e) in this place [aaAxx]
M: 6,25 Petre q(uo)d a ploweman . and putte forth his hede
M: 6,26 I knowe him as kendely . as clerc dothe his boke
M: 6,27 Klene concience & wygte . taugte me to his place
M: 6,28 And dedde me sweren sothe . to serueu(n) him eure
M: 6,29 Bothe to sowen & to sette . wille I swenke moughte
M: 6,30 I haue ben his seruant . alle this fourty -y-eres
M: 6,31 Bothe Isowen his sede . & folewed his bestes
M: 6,32 and eke kepe his Corne . & carie it tou house
M: 6,33 Idykete Idoluen . Ido wat he -y-eygth [aaAx]
M: 6,34 WithIn withoute . I wayted his profit [aaAx]
M: 6,35 Ther(e) nys labborer(e) in -th-ys lordescype . -th-(a)t
he loueth bett(er) [aaAx]
M: 6,36 ffor -th-ey I sey it my selue . I serue him to paye
M: 6,37 I haue myn er(e) of him . & su(m)metyme mor(e)
M: 6,38 He is -th-e prestest paier . -th-at pour(e) men knoweth
M: 6,39 He withhalde nou(n) hynes his her(e) . -th-(a)t he
nath it at eue [aaAx]
M: 6,40 He is lowe as a lombe . & loueliche of speche
M: 6,41 And if -y-e willen weten . wer(e) -th-(a)t man dwellyth
M: 6,42 I shal wissen -y-ou . ryght to his oune place [aaAx]
M: 6,43 -Y-e leue piers q(uo)d -th-e pilgrym . & p(ro)ferd
him er(e) [aaAx]
M: 6,44 Piers sone seyde nay & ganne to swer(e) faste
M: 6,45 I ne wolde take a ferthing . for seint Thom(a)s schryne
M: 6,46 Trweth wolde loue me -th-e wers . a grete wyle after(e)
M: 6,47 But if -y-e -th-enkyn to wenden -th-e weye . -th-ys
is -th-e weye theder(e) [aaAx]
M: 6,48 -Y-e must go be mekenesse . bo-th-e me(n) & wyfe
M: 6,49 Til -y-e comen to co(n)cience . -th-(a)t crist wete
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
M: 6,50 -Th-at -y-e louen him leur(e) . -th-an -y-our(e)
oune lifes [aaAx]
M: 6,51 And -y-our(e) neburrow next . euen as -y-or selue
M: 6,52 --- run together with above ---
M: 6,53 & boweth be a broke . bethe buxho(m)me of speche
M: 6,54 ffor til -y-e fynden a forthe . -y-our(e) fadres
-y-e honnourdd [aaAx]
p. 510
M: 6,55 Wadeth in -th-at water . & wasshe -y-owe -th-erin
M: 6,56 And he schul lepe -th-e bettr(e) . alle -y-our(e)
lyf after [aaAx]
M: 6,57 So shul -y-e see . swereth not but if it be for nede
M: 6,58 And nameliche in Idell . -th-e name of god almyten
M: 6,59 -Th-an shalte -th-ou kome be a crofte . but kome(n)
not -th-(er)In [aaAx]
M: 6,60 -Th-e croft hoteth coueyte not . me(n)nes catell
ne her(e) wyfes [aaAx]
M: 6,61 Ne none of her(e) seruau(n)t-gh- . -th-at noye hi(m)m
mought [axAx]
M: 6,62 Loke -th-ou breke non boughe . -th-er but if it be
thyn oune [aaAx]
M: 6,63 Two stokkes -th-er(e) stondeu(n) . stynte -th-ou
nought -th-er(e) [aaAx]
M: 6,64 They higten stele nought ne sle not . stryke forthe
be bothe [aaAx]
M: 6,65 Leue it on -th-y lefte halfe . loke not -th-er(e)aftr(e)
M: 6,66 & helde so wele thyn halydaye . fro mo(re)w to
eue [aaAa]
M: 6,67 -Th-an schal -th-(o)u blenche at a broke . ber(e)
no false witnesse [aaAx]
M: 6,68 -Th-at is fretted with florens . or other fees many
M: 6,69 Loke -th-u plukke no plante . ther(e) for peril of
thy soule [aaAx]
M: 6,70 -Th-an shalt thou see . seye sothe if it be to done
M: 6,71 In none man(er)e ellis . for no mannes heste [aaXx]
M: 6,72 -Th-an schal -th-ou comen to a Courte . is clir(e)
of -th-e sonne [aaAx]
M: 6,73 -Th-e Mote is of mercy . -th-e Manere aboute [aaAx]
M: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles been of wght . to holde wille
:::::::e [aaAx]
M: 6,75 -Th-e kernelles ben of cristendame . man kynde to
sauue [aaAx]
M: 6,76 Ibotrasde with beleue . longe to stonden [aaAx]
M: 6,77 Alle -th-e houses ben hilde . with loue wete -th-(o)u
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
M: 6,78 --- this line om ---
M: 6,79 -Th-e Tour -th-er Trweth . is Inne is vppe to -th-e
sunne [aaXx]
M: 6,80 He may do with -th-e daye sterre . what him der(e)
lyketh [aaAx]
M: 6,81 ffor -th-e daye dar not do . -th-at he deffendeth
M: 6,81 [B:V,601/C:VIII,240] I haue no tunge to telle -y-ou
honghe -th-e Tone stodeth
M: 6,81 [B:V,602/C:VIII,241] But -th-e Bregge herte beddewele
-th-e bettre -th-(o)u my spede
M: 6,81 [B:V,603/C:VIII,242] Eche pyllere is of penaunce
I poheshe ful clene
M: 6,82 Grace hoteth -th-e gatewarde . a gode man forsothe [aaAx]
p. 511
M: 6,83 His man hoteth amende -y-ou . many me(n) he cnoweth
M: 6,84 Telle him -th-ys tokeu(n) . trweth wot -th-e sothe
M: 6,85 I p(er)forned myn penau(n)ce . -th-(a)t -th-e prest
on me leyde [aaAx]
M: 6,86 And ham sory for my synnes . & so schal I eur(e)
M: 6,87 Whan I thenke -th-er(e)on . -th-ey I wer(e) a pope
M: 6,88 Bedde amende -y-ou meken him . to his maistr(e) ones
M: 6,89 to wynney(n) vp -th-e wykete . -th-e -th-e wey schetteth
M: 6,90 Tho adam & Eue . hetene her(e) Bane [aaAx]
M: 6,91 ffor he bar(e) -th-e keye of -th-e Clykete . -th-er
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
M: 6,92 And if gr(ac)e graunte . -th-e to go in -th-ys wyse
M: 6,93 Thou shalt see trweth thyselue . sitten in thyn h(er)te
M: 6,94 And he wyl lerne -y-ou to leuen . & his lawes
holden [aaAx]
M: 6,95 But he warr(e) of wrathe . -th-at wykede schrewe
M: 6,96 ffor he hathe enuie to him . -th-at in thyn herte
stondeth [aaAx]
M: 6,97 & poketh -th-e for pryde . to preysen thy seluen
M: 6,98 The Boldenesse of thy kyme . maketh -th-e blynde
-th-anne [aaAx]
M: 6,99 & so wurstou dryuen oute . & -th-e durr(e)
closed [aaAx]
M: 6,100 Ikeyed & Ihoked . to holde -th-e withoute [aaAx]
M: 6,101 Appely an vndred -y-er(e) . ar -th-ou ofte entr(e)
M: 6,102 Thus mught -th-ou lese hys loue . to leten wel be
thy selue [aaAx]
M: 6,103 & geten it with g(ra)ce . & with no thyng
ell(is) [aaAx]
M: 6,104 But -th-er(e) arne vij sustreu(n) . -th-at seruen
trweth euer(e) [aaAx]
M: 6,105 And kepen -th-e postru(n) . -th-at to -th-at place
longeth [aaAx]
M: 6,106 -Th-e ton hette abstinence . & humilite the
toher(e) [aaAx]
M: 6,107 Charite & chastite . been his chief maydenes
M: 6,108 Pacience & pes . muchul peeple they helpeu(n)
M: 6,109 And largesse -th-e lady . lette In ful many [aaAx]
M: 6,110 And wo so is sybbe to tho sustreu(n) . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
M: 6,111 He is ther(e) wel come(n) . & fair(e) vndr(e)fongen
M: 6,112 & but he be sybbe to so(m)me . of -th-o sewen
p. 512
M: 6,113 It is ful harde be myn hed . for ony of -y-ou alle
M: 6,114 to come In atte that gate . but grace be the mor(e)
M: 6,115 Be crist q(uo)d a Cuttepurse . I haue no kenne -th-er(e)
M: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d a Bereward . be oute -th-at -th-at I
knowe [aaAx]
M: 6,117 I vowe to god q(uo)d a waferer . wist I it forsothe
M: 6,118 I shuld neur(e) further a fote . for no freres p(re)chyng
M: 6,119 -Y-is q(uo)d piers -th-e ploweman . & puked
her(e) to goode [aaAx]
M: 6,120 Mercy is a Mayden . & hathe myghte our(e) hem
alle [aaAx]
M: 6,121 & he is sybbe to al synful . & her(e) sunne
also [aaAx]
M: 6,122 & thorou helpe of hem to . hope -th-ou non other
M: 6,123 Thou might getyn In ther(e) . & thou go be tyme
M: 7,1 -Th-ys wer(e) a wyked weye . but ho so hadde a gyde
M: 7,2 That myght foulyn eche foot . til he wer(e) ther(e)
M: 7,3 Q(uo)d p(er)kyn -th-e ploweman . be seint poule -th-e
appostle [aaAa]
M: 7,4 I haue an alf acre to erien . be -th-e he weye [aaAx]
M: 7,5 Hadde I erede . -th-at alf acr(e) & sowen it after
M: 7,6 I wold wende with -y-ou . til -y-e weren ther(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,7 This wer(e) a longe abydyng . q(uo)d a lady in a skler(e)
M: 7,8 What schulde we wy(m)men . do or werchen -th-e wiles
M: 7,9 Su(m)me shuld sowe -th-e sakke . for spillyng of -th-e
whete [aaAx]
M: 7,10 & wifes -th-(a)t haue lenen . wercheth it faste
M: 7,11 Spynneth it spedelych . spareth nouth -y-our(e) fyng(ri)s
M: 7,12 But if it be ony haliday . or ony holy euen [xaAa]
M: 7,13 loketh forth -y-our(e) wullouu(n) . wercheth -th-er(e)on
faste [aaAx]
M: 7,14 The nedy & -th-e naked . nymeth hede how -th-ey
lygeu(n) [aaAx]
M: 7,15 kaste him clothes for cold . for so comandeth Trwth
M: 7,16 ffor I shal lenen him lifelode . but if -th-e lond
faille [aaAx]
M: 7,17 As longe as I lyue . for -th-e lordys loue of euen
M: 7,18 And -y-e louely ladys . wyt -y-our(e) longe fyngers
M: 7,19 -Y-e haue selke & sendel . to sewe wha it is
tyme [aaAx]
p. 513
M: 7,20 Chesybles for chapeleyns . cherches for to honour(e)
M: 7,21 And alle man(er)e of men . -th-at be -th-e mete lybbeth
M: 7,22 Helpeth him werche wygtely . -th-at wynneth our(e)
fode [aaAx]
M: 7,23 Be cryst q(uo)d a knyght -th-oo . thou kennest vs
-th-e beste [aaAx]
M: 7,24 But on -th-e plough treuly . taught was I neur(e)
M: 7,25 But kenne me q(uo)d -th-e knyght . & I schal
gy(n)ne eryn [aaAx]
M: 7,26 Be seint poul q(uo)d P(er)kyn . & for -th-ou
proferst -th-e lowe [aaAx]
M: 7,27 I schal swenken & sweten . & sowe for vs
bothe [aaAx]
M: 7,28 & ek labourne for thy loue . alle my lyfe tyme
M: 7,29 In couenant -th-u kepe . holycherche & myseluen
M: 7,30 ffro wastours fro wikedmen . -th-at wold me destryen
M: 7,31 & go & hunte hardelych . to har(e) & to
fox [aaAx]
M: 7,32 To bores & to Bukkes . -th-at breky my [aaAx]
M: 7,33 And fette hom faukones . foulis to kyllen [aaAx]
M: 7,34 ffor theys -th-ese comen into myn crofte . & croppen
myn whete [aaAx]
M: 7,35 Curtesly -th-e knygt . rehersede -th-ese wordys [aaAx]
M: 7,36 -Y-ys be my poair(e) pyers . I plyghte -th-e my treweth
M: 7,37 To fulfell -th-ys forward . wille -th-at I may stoden
M: 7,38 And -y-et a poynt q(uo)d p(er)kyn . I prey -th-e
mor(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene no ten(a)unt . but treweth wille
assente [aaAx]
M: 7,40 & -y-if -th-(a)t pour(e) men profern . -th-e
-y-yft(es) [aaAx]
M: 7,41 Take it not . In auentur(e) -th-ou mught it not deseruyn
M: 7,42 ffor -th-(o)u shalt -y-elden it ageyn . at on -y-erys
tyme [aaAx]
M: 7,43 In a p(er)louse place . -th-at pugatorie hotuth [aaAx]
M: 7,44 And misbede not thy bondemen . -th-e bette shalt
-th-(o)u spede [aaAx]
M: 7,45 & be trewe of -th-y tenge . & tall(is) -th-u
hate [aaAx]
M: 7,46 But -y-if it be wisdo(m)m or wigtte . thy werkmen
to ch[a]sten [aaAx]
M: 7,47 Holde w(i)t(h) no harlottes . ne leue not her(e)
tall(is) [aaAx]
M: 7,48 And nameliche(n) at -th-y eye . soche me(n) eschue
M: 7,49 ffor -th-ey ben the deulles dissourses . I do -th-e
vndrestonde [aaAx]
M: 7,50 I assente be seint Iame . seyde -th-e knygt -th-anne
p. 514
M: 7,51 ffor to werchen thy word . wil my life dureth [aaAxx]
M: 7,52 And I sal apparaile me q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pilgrimes
wise [aaAx]
M: 7,53 & wende with -y-ou -th-e weye . till -y-e fyne
trwth [aaAxx]
M: 7,54 He kaste on his clo[t]hes . & his hode bothe
M: 7,55 His cokers & his cuffes . for colde of his nayles
M: 7,56 & henge his cope hoper(e) on his alse . in stedde
of a scryppe [aaaBb]
M: 7,57 A busshel of brede corn . brought he -th-er(e) Inne
M: 7,58 ffor I wille sowe it my selue . & sethen wul
I wende [aaAx]
M: 7,59 And whoso helpeth to eryn . or he with his hachete
M: 7,60 Schal haue leue hour(e) lord to leuyn her(e) in erueste
M: 7,61 & maken merye -th-ee mytte mauggre whoso grucche
M: 7,62 And alle kennes cristen men . -th-at lybbeth w(i)t(h)
treweth [aaAxx]
M: 7,63 I schal fynden hem fode . -th-at feythfoly lybben
M: 7,64 Saue Iak -th-e Iogulo(ur) . & Ionete of -th-e
stewes [aaAx]
M: 7,65 & Robin -th-e Ribaude . for his rusti wordes
M: 7,66 Treweth tolde me ones . & badde me telle it furthe
M: 7,67 { Deliant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) } . I shulde not
dele with hem [axAx]
M: 7,68 ffor holy cherche of soche men . no tythes ne craueth
M: 7,68a { Et cu(m) Iustis non scribant(ur) } they ben no
better(e) worthy
M: 7,69 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,70 Dame werche wan tyme . is pieers wife hatte [axAx]
M: 7,71 His dougtr(e) hatte do ryght so . or -th-in dame
wille -th-e bete [aaAx]
M: 7,72 His sone hatte suffre . thy sou(er)augnes to her(e)
wille [aaAx]
M: 7,73 Dampne hem nougt for -y-if -th-(o)u doste . -th-(o)u
schal it der(e) abyge [aaAx]
M: 7,74 Latte god werche w(i)t(h) alle . for so -th-ys world
techeth [axAx]?
M: 7,75 ffor now I hame holde & hor . & haue of my(n)
of owen [aaAa]
M: 7,76 To penance & to pilgrimage . I passe with thes
othere [aaAx]
M: 7,77 fforthy I wille or I wende . wrygte myn bequyste
M: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Ame(n) } . I make it my selue
M: 7,79 He shal haue my soule -th-at best hath des(er)uyd
M: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e fynd . for so is myn beleue
p. 515
M: 7,81 Tyl I come to acomptes . as my crede techeth [aaAx]
M: 7,82 To haue reles & remission . on -th-at rental
I leue [aaAx]
M: 7,83 -Th-e cherche shal hauen my careyn . & kepyn
my bones [aaAx]
M: 7,84 ffor of myn corne an my catell . he cleymeth -th-e
tythe [aaAx]
M: 7,85 I payde it prestely . for periel of my soule [aaAx]
M: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue me in his masse [aaAx]
M: 7,87 And monewen me in is memorie . amonge alle cristen
M: 7,88 My wife shal haue of -th-at I wanne . w(i)t(h) -th-e
treweth & nomor(e) [aaAxx]
M: 7,89 And dele amonge her(e) frendes . & her(e) der(e)
schildren [axAx]
M: 7,90 ffor -y-if I deye -th-ys day . myn dettes ben Iquytte
M: 7,91 I bar(e) home -th-at I borwede . or I to bedde -y-ede
M: 7,92 & with residue & -th-e remenant . be -th-e
Rode of Chestr(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,93 I wille werche -th-erwith . treweth in myn lyue [aaXx]
M: 7,94 And ben his pilgrym at -th-e ploughe . for por(e)
me(n) sake [aaAx]
M: 7,95 My staffe shal be pyked . to potten -th-e aweye -th-e
rotis [aaAx]
M: 7,96 And helpen my cultr(e) to keruen . & klensen
-th-e forwys [aaAx]
M: 7,97 Nowe p(er)kyn as -th-ys pilgrymes . to -th-e ploughe
faren [aaAx]
M: 7,98 To eryn -th-e alue acr(e) . hulpen him manye [aaAx]
M: 7,99 Dykerys & deluers . duluen vp -th-e Rotes [aaAx]
M: 7,100 Therwith was p(er)kyn apayed . & preysed he(m)
-y-erne [aaAx]
M: 7,101 Othr(e) werkemen weren -th-er(e) . -th-(a)t wrougten
ful faste [aaAx]
M: 7,102 Eche man in his man(er)e . made him selue to done
M: 7,103 & su(m)me to plese p(er)kyn . pykened vp -th-e
wedys [aaAx]
M: 7,104 And atte hey pryme piers . lete -th-e ploughe stonde
M: 7,105 To our(e)sen himselue . who -th-at beste wrougte
M: 7,106 He shuld be herid -th-eraft(ir) . whan erueste tyme
come [aaAx]
M: 7,107 Than setteu(n) su(m)me . & soungen at -th-e
ale [aaAx]
M: 7,108 And holpen to erien -th-e alue acr(e) . with ay
trolly lolly [aaaAx]
M: 7,109 Be -th-e prynce of paradys . q(uo)d piers -th-o
in wrathe [aaAx]
M: 7,110 But -y-if -y-e arysen -th-e rather . & rape
-y-ou to werche [aaAx]
M: 7,111 Schal no greyn -th-at her(e) groweth . glade -y-ou
at nede [aaAx]
p. 516
M: 7,112 And -th-ou -y-e deyen for dole . -th-e deuele haue
-th-(a)t reche [aaAx]
M: 7,113 Than weryn faytours aferde . & feyned hem blynde
M: 7,114 Su(m)me leyde her(e) legges alirrye . as soche lorelles
konne [aaaAx]
M: 7,115 And pleyndyu(n) hem to piers . with pytous wordys
M: 7,116 We haue lemmes to labourne . lord g(ra)cied be -th-ou
M: 7,117 But we preyen for -y-ou piers . & for -y-our(e)
plough bo-th-e(n) [aaAx]
M: 7,118 -Th-at god of grace . -y-our(e) greynes multiplye
M: 7,119 & -y-elde -y-ou of -y-our(e) almasse . -th-at
-y-e -y-eue(n)n vs her(e) [axAx]
M: 7,120 ffor we ne may swenky(n) ne swete . soch sykenes
vs heiles [aaAx]
M: 7,121 -Y-if it be sothe -th-at -gh-e seyen q(uo)d piers
I shalt it sone aspye(n)n [axAa]
M: 7,122 -Y-e arne wastours I wote wele . trewth wot -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
M: 7,123 & I haue his holde hyne . I hougte him to warne
M: 7,124 Sweche wastours in -th-ys world . his werkemen schende
M: 7,125 -Th-at wastene -th-at -th-ey schulden etene . -th-(a)t
for vs alle [aaAa]
M: 7,126 But treweth shal techn -y-ou . his plough for to
dryuen [aaAx]
M: 7,127 Bo-th-en to setten & to sowen . & saue his
tylthe [aaAx]
M: 7,128 Cacche crowes fro his corne . & kepe his bestis
M: 7,129 Or -y-e shul etyn barly brede . & of -th-e broke
drynke [aaAx]
M: 7,130 But -y-e be blynde or brokenschanked . or Bredred
liggeth [aaAx]
M: 7,131 ffor -th-ey shul etyn as god as I so me god helpe
M: 7,132 Til god of his g(ra)ce . make hem arise [aaAx]
M: 7,133 Ancres & heremites . -th-at holdyn hem i(n)
her(e) selle [aaAx]
M: 7,134 Shal haue of myn almesse . alle -th-e whyle -th-(a)t
I libbe [aaAx]
M: 7,135 Inowe eche daye at none . but no mor(e) or a morwe
M: 7,136 Lest his flesshe & -th-e fend . folwele his
sowele [aaAx]
M: 7,137 Ones atte none is Inowe . -th-at no werke vsith
M: 7,138 He abitte wele -th-e better(e) . -th-at bummith
not to ofte [aaAx]
M: 7,139 Than beganne wastour . & wolde haue Ifougten
M: 7,140 To piers -th-e ploweman . he proferd his gloue [aaAx]
p. 517
M: 7,141 A Bretinor a Bragger . a bosted him alse [aaAx]
M: 7,142 And badde him go pissen him w(i)t(h) his plough
pyned schr(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,143 Wilt -th-(o)u or nylt -th-(o)u . we wullen haue
hour(e) wille [axAa]
M: 7,144 & of -th-y flour & of -th-y flessh . fecche
whan wan vs lyketh [aaAx]
M: 7,145 And make vs mrye -th-ermyd . maugr(e) -th-y Chekys
M: 7,146 -Th-an piers -th-e ploweman . plened to -th-e knygh
M: 7,147 to kepyn him as couent . was from Cursyd schrewes
M: 7,148 ffro wastours -th-at wayten . wynners to schenden
M: 7,149 Curteisly -th-an -th-e knygt . as his kynde wolde
M: 7,150 Warned -th-an wastour . & wissed him better(e)
M: 7,150 To werchen & wynnen his his lyfelode with swynke
M: 7,151 Or -th-u shalt abegge be -th-e lawe be ordr(e) -th-(a)t
I ber(e) [????]
M: 7,152 I was not wo(n)ne to werchen q(uo)d wasto(ur) .
it wille I not begy(n)ne [aaaAx]
M: 7,153 & lete lygte of -th-e lawe . & lasse of
-th-e knygt [aaAx]
M: 7,154 Aconptede piers at a pese . & his plough bothe
M: 7,155 & manassed him & his men . whan -th-ey nexte
metten [aaXa]
M: 7,156 Nowe be -th-e peril of my soule q(uo)d peris . I
shal apeyr(e) -y-ou alle [axaAx]
M: 7,157 And clepid aftr(e) hungr(e) . he herde him atte
-th-e ferste [aaAx]
M: 7,158 Awreke me on this wastours q(uo)d piers . -th-(a)t
-th-ys world sche(n)dyt [aaxAx]
M: 7,159 Hungr(e) on haste -th-an . hente wastour(e) be -th-e
mawe [aaAx]
M: 7,160 & wrange him so be -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t his
eyen waterden [aaAx]
M: 7,161 And buffeted -th-e breton . so aboute -th-e Chekys
M: 7,162 -Th-at he lokyd as a lanterne . alle his lyfe after
M: 7,163 He bete hem so bothe . he brake nee here mawes [aaAx]
M: 7,164 Ne hadde piers w(i)t(h) a pese lofe . preyde him
stynte [aaAx]
M: 7,165 & w(i)t(h) a bene batte . he -y-ede hem betwen
M: 7,166 And hitte hunger(e) -th-ermydd . amydde -th-e lyppes
M: 7,167 -Th-at he bled into -th-e bodywardes . a Bolle ful
of benes [aaAx]
M: 7,168 Ne hadde hadde ferste -th-e fisisian . deffended
him watr(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly brede . & -th-e benes grounde
p. 518
M: 7,170 he hadde be(n) dede be this daye . & doluen al
warme [aaAx]
M: 7,171 ffor ferede this faitours . flowen to Bernes [aaAx]
M: 7,172 And flappyd on with flaylles . fro morwe til euen
M: 7,173 Ther(e) nas non so hardy . of hem to loken [aaAx]
M: 7,174 ffor a potel of peseu(n) . -th-at piers hadde Imaked
M: 7,175 A grete epe of heremites . hentyn hem spades [aaAx]
M: 7,176 And duluen pp dunge . to holde dugre oute [aaaAx]
M: 7,177 Blynde & Beddered . weren boted a thowesand
M: 7,178 That leyen blynde . & brokelegged be -th-e hie
weye [xaAx]
M: 7,179 Hungr(e) hem held . wyth an hote cake [aaAx]
M: 7,180 & many lame mennes lomes . wery(n) lissed -th-(a)t
tyme [aaAx]
M: 7,181 And become knaues . to kepen pieres bestes [aaAx]
M: 7,182 & preyde for charite . with piers for to dwelleu(n)
M: 7,183 And alle for couetise of his corne . to kacchen
aweye ong(ir) [aaAx]
M: 7,184 & pers was proud -th-erof . & putte hi(m)
in offys [aaAx]
M: 7,185 And -gh-af hi(m) mete & mony . a -th-ey migtht
des(er)uen [aaAx]
M: 7,186 -Th-an hadde pers pite . & preyde hong(ir) wende
M: 7,187 hoom to his ovne lord . & hold hi(m) -th-er
for euer(e) [aaaAa]
M: 7,188 & -y-it I preye -th-e q(uo)d pers . er -th-ou
passe fer-th-er(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,189 Of beggeres & bidderis . what is best to done
M: 7,190 ffor wel I wot be -th-u went . -th-ey wilen werche
alle [aaaAx]
M: 7,191 ffor mischef it maket . -th-ey ben so meke now-th-e
M: 7,192 & for defaute of foode . -th-us faste -th-ey
werchy(n) [aaAx]
M: 7,193 And it ben my breyeryn . for god bout vs alle [aaAx]
M: 7,194 Treuthe tauthe me onys . to louyn hem ichone [aaAx]
M: 7,195 And helpi(n) hem of alle -th-ing . aftir -th-at
-th-ey nedit [aaAx]
M: 7,196 Now wolde I wetyn -y-yf -th-u wost . wht wer(e)
-th-e best [aaaAx]
M: 7,197 And how I mygthe amaystryn he(m) . & make he(m)
to w[e]rche [aaAx]
M: 7,198 Her(e) now q(uo)d hung(ir) . & hold it for a
wisdam [aaAx]
M: 7,199 Bolde beggeris & bigge . -th-at mowe(n) her(e)
bred swynken [aaaAx]
p. 419
M: 7,200 W(i)t(h) benis & w(i)t(h) horsse bred . hold vp
her(e) hertis [aaAa]
M: 7,201 And baue hem w(i)t(h) benys . for bollyng of her(e)
wombes [aaAx]
M: 7,202 And -y-if -th-e gromes grucchin . bede hi(m) gon & swynken
M: 7,203 And he scholyn so[u]pi(n) bet(er)e . whan -th-ey
it han des(er)uid [aaXa]
M: 7,204 But -y-if -th-ou fynde ony freke . -th-at fortune
has aperyd [aaAx]
M: 7,205 Wit for or wit fals men . fonde swyche to knowen
M: 7,206 Counforte hem w(i)t(h) -th-y catel . for cryst(is)
loue of heuene [aaAx]
M: 7,207 Loue hem & lene hem . for so lawe of kynde wolde
M: 7,208 And alle man(er) of men . -th-at -th-u mygth asspie
M: 7,209 -Th-at nedy ben or nakyde . & nowt han to spendi(n)
M: 7,210 Wit mete or w(i)t(h) mony . let hem ben -th-e bett(er)e
M: 7,211 Or w(i)t(h) werk or w(i)t(h) word . -th-e while
-th-u art her(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,212 Mak -th-e frendis -th-erwit . & so matheu techit
M: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amico[s] } [Latin]
M: 7,213 I nolde greuy(n) god q(uo)d pers -th-anne . for
alle -th-e gold o(n) gronde [aaxAx]
M: 7,214 May I senneles don as -th-ou seist . seide pers
-th-a(n)ne [aaXx]
M: 7,215 -Y-e be goode q(uo)d hong(ir) . or ell(ys) -th-e
bible lieth [aaAxx]
M: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e geaunt . gendrour of vs alle
M: 7,217 In sudor(e) & swynk . -th-ou schalt -th-ey mete
tilie [aaAx]
M: 7,218 & labouryn for -th-y liflode . & so our(e)
lord higthe [aaAx]
M: 7,219 And sapience seit -th-e same . I see it in -th-e
bibbele [aaAx]
M: 7,220 { Pig(er) p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . he nolde his lond
tilie [aaBbx]
M: 7,221 He schal go begge & bidde . & no man bote
his ho(n)g(ir) [aaAx]
M: 7,222 Mathew w(i)t(h) -th-e mannis face . mowuyt -th-ise
wordys [aaAx]
M: 7,223 -Th-at { S(er)uus neq(ua)m } hadde a besant . & for
he nolde it wise [aaAx]
M: 7,224 He hadde a maugr(e) of his maist(er) . eu(er)e mo
-th-(er)after [aaAx]
M: 7,225 And benom hi(m) his mam . for he nolde werche [aaAx]
M: 7,226 And -y-af it him in hast . -th-at hadde tenne beforn
M: 7,227 & sone aft(er) he seyde . -th-at his s(er)uaunt-gh-
it hardyn [aaAx]
p. 520
M: 7,228 He -th-at hat schal hauen . to helpyn hi(m) at is
nede [aaaAx]
M: 7,229 And he -th-(a)t nout hat . schal nout haue no(n)
no(n) ma(n) hi(m) helpe [aaAa]
M: 7,230 & -th-at he wenyth to haue . I wile it hi(m)
bereve [aaAx]
M: 7,231 ffor kynd wit wolde . -th-at iche man wrougthe [aaAa]
M: 7,232 Wit techyng or tellyng . or trauaile of handis [aaAx]
M: 7,233 Or comte(m)platif or actif . as crist hi(m) self
wolde [xaAx]
M: 7,234 And so seit -th-e sautir . in a psalmis hende [aaAx]
M: 7,234a { Beati om(n)es labores manuu(m) tuar(um) quia
manducabis } [Latin]
M: 7,235 He -th-at get his fode . -th-ourgh his trauale [aaXa]
M: 7,236 God -y-if him his blyssyng -th-at hi(m) be hire
wynnyt [????]
M: 7,237 -Y-it I preie -th-e q(uo)d pers . -th-at -th-ou
me techi(n) woldist [aaAxx]
M: 7,238 Eny lif of lechecraft . ler(e) it me my der(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,239 ffor summe of my(n) s(er)uant-gh- . bet seke o-th-ir
whiles [aaAx]
M: 7,240 Of al -th-e woke -th-ey werky(n) nouth . so her(e)
wombe akit [aaAx]
M: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d . what sekenesse hem eilit [????]
M: 7,242 -Th-ey han manged ou(er) mikel . -th-at maket hem
grone ofte [aaAx]
M: 7,243 But I hote -th-e q(uo)d hong(er) . -y-if -th-ou
-th-y(n) hele willist [aaAx]
M: 7,244 -Th-at -th-(o)u drynke no day . or -th-(o)u dyne
somwhat [aaAx]
M: 7,245 And -y-it nout I hote . ar -th-e hong(er) take [aaAx]
M: 7,246 And sende -th-e of his saus . to sauouri(n) w(i)t(h)
-th-y(n) lippis [aaAx]
M: 7,247 & kepe som for sopir . & sit not to longe
M: 7,248 ARys vp er appetit . haue etyn his fille [aaAx]
M: 7,249 Let sir(e) surfet . sittyn ne lof -th-(o)u hi(m)
no -th-yng [aaAx]
M: 7,250 ffor he is a lecchour . & lekerous of tonge
M: 7,251 & to many man(er) of metis . his mawe is alongid
M: 7,252 And -y-if -th-(o)u digthe -th-e -th-us . I dar leyn
my(n) arms [axAx]
M: 7,253 -Th-at fisik schal his ffurrid hod . for his foode
sellyn [aaAx]
M: 7,254 And ek his cloke of kalabr(e) . & his goold
knappis [aaAx]
M: 7,255 And ben fayn be my fay . his fisik to leue [aaAx]
M: 7,256 And lerne labouryn w(i)t(h) lond . lest liflode
hi(m) fayle [aaaAx]
p. 521
M: 7,257 -Th-er arn mo lieris -th-an lechis . our(e) lord hem
ame(n)de [aaAx]
M: 7,258 -Th-ey doth me deye wit her(e) drynk . er destynye
wolde [aaAx]
M: 7,259 Be seint p(er)nel q(uo)d p(er)is . -th-is arn p(ro)fitable
wordis [aaAx]
M: 7,260 -Th-ys is a louely lesson . lord it -th-e for-y-elde
M: 7,261 Wend now whan -th-in wil is . & wel be -th-e
euer(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,262 I hote god q(uo)d hong(er) . hennys nil I wendyn
M: 7,263 Or I haue dynid be -th-ys day . & Idrunke bo-th-in
M: 7,264 I haue no(n) peny q(uo)d pers . pulletis to bigge
M: 7,265 Ney-th-ir gees ne gris . but a grene chese [aaAx]
M: 7,266 A fewe croddys & creem . & an hauer kake
M: 7,267 A loof of bonys & bren . Ibakyn for my(n) childry(n)
M: 7,268 And -y-it I say be my soule . I ne haue no(n) salt
bacou(n) [aaAx]
M: 7,269 Ne no(n) cokeney be crist . colloppis to makyn [aaAx]
M: 7,270 I haue p(er)soly & poretis . & many plante
colys [aaAx]
M: 7,271 And a cow & a calf . & a carte Mar(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,272 To drawe on felde my(n) dong . whil -th-e drye lastet
M: 7,273 Be -th-ys lifflode I most leue . til la(m)masse
tyme [aaAx]
M: 7,274 Be -th-at I hope to haue(n) . heruest in my(n) crofte
M: 7,275 -Th-anne may I digthi(n) -th-in dyner . as me der(e)
liket [aaAx]
M: 7,276 Now al -th-e pour(e) peple . pesecoddis fecchen
M: 7,277 Benys & bakyn applis . -th-ey brougthen in her(e)
lappis [aaAx]
M: 7,278 Chibolles & cheruellis . & ripe cherijs
manye [aaAx]
M: 7,279 & profedyn pers -th-ys presente . to plesyn
w(i)t(h) hongir [aaaAx]
M: 7,280 And hung(ir) hente in haste . & askid after
mor(e) [aaaAa]
M: 7,281 & -th-anne -th-ise folk for fer . fettyn hi(m)
manye [aaAx]
M: 7,282 Grene poretis & p(er)cely . for poisyn hi(m)
-th-en -th-ougthy(n) [aaAx]
M: 7,283 Be -th-at it was ny heruyst . & newe cor(n)n
kam to sellyn [aaAbb]
M: 7,284 -Th-an wox folk fayn . & feddy(n) hem wit -th-e
beste [aaAx]
M: 7,285 Wit good ale & glotonye . -th-ey getyn hi(m)
o slepe [aaAx]
M: 7,286 -Th-o ne wolde no wastour werche . but wandry(n)
abouty(n) [aaAx]
M: 7,287 Ne no beggerys etyn bred . -th-at benys in comen
p. 522
M: 7,288 But cokit & clermatyn . of -th-e clene whete [aaAx]
M: 7,289 Ne non halfpany ale . in no(n) wise drynke [aaAxx]?
M: 7,290 But of -th-e best & brinest . -th-at breust(er)s
sellyn [aaAx]
M: 7,291 laboures -th-at han no land . but leuy(n) on her(e)
handys [aaAx]
M: 7,292 dynyd nout . on -th-e day but nith olde wortys [aaAx]
M: 7,293 May non penyale hem paie . ne no(n) pece bacoun
M: 7,294 But -y-if it be freysch flesch . or fisch Ifryd
or Irostid [aaAaa]
M: 7,295 & -th-at { chaude & pluis chaude } . for
chillyng of her(e) nal(is) [aaAx]
M: 7,296 But -th-ey ben at her(e) ese . ell(is) welyn -th-ey
chidyn [aaAx]
M: 7,297 -Th-at he was werkman Iwrougth . waryn -th-e tyme
M: 7,298 & -th-e counseil cursyn & -th-e kyng after
M: 7,299 Swich lawe to lokyn . laboreris to chastyn [aaAx]
M: 7,300 But whil hong(er) was maist(er) -th-a(n)ne wolde
-th-ey not chide [????]
M: 7,301 N stryue a-y-ens -th-e statuet . so sternelech he
lokede [aaAx]
M: 7,302 I warne -y-ov wercmen . wynnyt whil -y-e mowen [aaAx]
M: 7,303 ffor hong(ir) is hidirward . & hastit wol faste
M: 7,304 He schal awake -th-ourth wat(er) . wastours to chastyn
M: 7,305 Er v -y-er ben fulfeled . swych famy(n) schal arysen
M: 7,306 -Th-ourith flood & fowle wedris . fruicthis
scholy(n) fayle [aaAa]
M: 7,307 And so seit satourn(us) . & sendyt -y-ou to
warne [aaAx]
M: 8,1 Treuthe herd telli(n) herof . & to pers sente [aaAxx]
M: 8,2 To takyn his teme . & tilie -th-e erthe [aaAx]
M: 8,3 And purchasyn to hi(m) a p(ar)don . { a pena culpa
} [aaAx]
M: 8,4 ffor hi(m) & for his heiris . for eu(er)emor(e)
after [aaAa]
M: 8,5 And bad hi(m) holdi(n) hi(m) at ho(m) . & erien
his leies [aaAx]
M: 8,6 And alle -th-at holpy(n) hi(m) . to eryn or to sowen
M: 8,7 Or ony man(er) mest(er) . -th-at mygthe pers helpen
M: 8,8 Part in -th-at p(ar)don . -th-e pope hat he(m) grauntid
M: 8,9 Kynges & knythis . -th-at kepyn holy cherche [aaAx]
M: 8.10 & Reufulleche in Revmes . reulyn -th-e people
M: 8,11 Han pardon -th-ourth purg(a)torie . to passe wol
sone [aaAx]
p. 523
M: 8,12 Wit patryk in p(ar)adis . to pleyen -th-(er)after [aaAx]
M: 8,13 Bisschopes -th-at blissyn . & & bo-th-y(n)
lawys konnien [aaAx]
M: 8,14 Lokyn on -th-e to lawe . & lerne men -th-at other
M: 8,15 And ber(e) bo-th-in on her(e) bak . as her(e) banir
schewit [aaaAx]
M: 8,16 & prechyn -th-ys persons . -th-e peril of svnnne
M: 8,17 How fro schabbede schep . -th-ey may her(e) wlle(n)
kepyn [aaAxx]?
M: 8,18 Han p(ar)don w(i)t(h) -th-e apostles . whan -th-ey
p(ar)tyn hennys [aaAx]
M: 8,19 & at -th-e eie daye of dom . on hey deis schal
sittyn [aaAx]
M: 8,20 Marchant-gh- in -th-e margyn . -th-ey han many -y-eris
M: 8,21 But neyer { a pena ne a culpa } . -th-e pope wolde
he(m) gr(a)unte [axAx]
M: 8,22 ffor -th-ey holdyn no(n) haly day . as holy cherche
techit [aaAx]
M: 8,23 & for -th-ey sweryn be her(e) soulis . & so
he(m) god helpe [aaAxx]
M: 8,24 A-y-en clene co(n)cie(n)ce . her(e) chaffar(e) to
selli(n) [aaAx]
M: 8,25 But vndir his secr(e) seal treuthe . sente he(m)
a bille [aaAx]
M: 8,26 & bad hi(m) bigge boldly . what hi(m) best ligede
M: 8,27 And oft sellyt a-y-en . & saue(n) -th-e wynnyng(es)
M: 8,28 & makyn maisou(n)s dieus -th-(er)mide . mischefs
so to helpe [aaAx]
M: 8,29 & wikede weiese . -th-(er) w(i)t(h) to amendy(n)
M: 8,30 & amendyn breggis aboutyn . -th-at broken wern
M: 8,31 Maryen maydyns -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . or make hem nvnnys
M: 8,32 As wydewys -th-at wyues . willen none be after [aaAx]
M: 8,33 ffynd swych her(e) foode . for lordys loue of heuene
M: 8,34 Set scolerys to scole . or to so(m)m man(er) craft
M: 8,35 Reule religiou(n) . & rente hem bet(er)e [aaAx]
M: 8,36 & I schal sende -y-ou myself . seint Michel my(n)
archau(n)gel [aaAx]
M: 8,37 -Th-at non deuel schal -y-ow der(e) . deye wan -y-e
deye [aaAa]
M: 8,38 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,39 And befor -th-e face of my fadyr . fourme(n) -y-our(e)
seetys [aaAx]
M: 8,40 Vsur(e) & auarice & othes I defende [????]
M: 8,41 -Th-at no gyle go wyt -y-ou . but -th-e heye weye
M: 8,42 And -th-anne weryn marchans merie . svme weptyn for
ioie [aaAx]
M: 8,43 And -y-euy(n) wil for his wrytyng . willene Clo-th-is
p. 524
M: 8,44 ffor he copide -th-us her(e) a b c . konnyt hi(m) gret
mede [aaAx]
M: 8,45 Men of lawe haddyn lest . for lettrid -th-ey ben
alle [aaAx]
M: 8,46 An so seit -th-e sawter . & sapience bo-th-yn
M: 8,46a { Sup(er) Innoce(n)tem mun(er)a no(n) acceperu(n)t
a Regib(us) }
M: 8,46a { et p(ri)ncipib(us) erit merces eor(um) } [Latin]
M: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & of p(re)las . her(e) peticiou(n)s
schal arisyn [aaAx]
M: 8,48 And of no pouer(e) peple . no(n) penyworth takyn
M: 8,49 But he -th-(a)t spendit his speche . & spekyt
for -th-e por(e) [aaAx]
M: 8,50 -Th-at Innocent ben & nedy . & no(n) man
apeirit [aaAxx]
M: 8,51 Counfortit hi(m) in his cas . & coueitit not
his goodis [aaAx]
M: 8,52 But for loue of our(e) lord . lawe for hi(m) schewyt
M: 8,53 Schal no(n) deuel at his deth day . deryn hi(m) a
mygthe [aaAx]
M: 8,54 -Th-at he ne worth sone sauid . as -th-e saut(er)
witnessit [aaAa]
M: 8,54 [B:VII, 51] { D(omi)ne quis habitabit in thab(er)naculo tuo &c }
M: 8,55 But to bugge wat(ir) ne wynd . ne wit is -th-e -th-rydde
M: 8,56 Ne wolde neu(er)e holy writ . god wot -th-e so-th-e
M: 8,57 ffor -th-e tresouris be(n) our(e) aldiris I-th-rowen
among vs alle [aaAx]
M: 8,58 to waxin & to wanien . wher -th-at god liket
M: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) i(n) purgatorie . is peti I trowe
M: 8,60 -Th-at ony mede of mene men . for motyng(es) res(er)uit
M: 8,61 Of Registres of lawers . lye I out trowe -gh-e [aaXa]
M: 8,62 Si-th-in -y-e seyn it is -th-us . sewit to -th-e
beste [aaAx]
M: 8,63 Alle libyngge labourers . -th-at libbet be her(e)
landys [aaAx]
M: 8,64 -Th-at trewliche tydyth . of -th-at -th-at -th-ey
wynnyt [aaAx]
M: 8,65 An ledyn in londe & in lawe . for her(e) lowe
hertis [aaaAx]
M: 8,66 Schal haue(n) -th-e same p(ar)don . -th-at sent was
to pers [aaAx]
M: 8,67 Beggeris no bidderis . ne beth nout in -th-e bille
M: 8,68 But -th-e cause be sot-gh- . -th-at schapit he(m)
to begge [aaAx]
M: 8,69 ffor he -th-at beggit or bidit . but he nede haue
M: 8,70 He is fals be my(n) hed . & nedys dysseiuyt [aaAx]
M: 8,71 And ek begilit -th-e -y-euer(e) . ageyns his wille
p. 525
M: 8,72 -Th-ey leuyn nout in no loue . ne no(n) lawe holden
M: 8,73 ffor -th-ey weddyn no(n) wo(m)ma(n) . -th-at -th-e
wit delyn [aaAx]
M: 8,74 But as wilde bestis wehe . & worth vp togederys
M: 8,75 & brynge forth barnys . for bastardys beth holdyn
M: 8,76 Or ell(is) his bak or his boon . -th-ey brekyn in
-th-ougthe [aaAx]
M: 8,77 And faityn w(i)t(h) swiche faundis . for eu(er)emor
aftir [aaAxx]
M: 8,78 -Th-er arn mo misschapyn of hem . whoso takyt hede
M: 8,79 -Th-anne of alle man(er) of men . -th-at on -th-ys
molde wa(n)dry[n] [aaAx]
M: 8,80 -Th-o -th-at ledyn -th-us her(e) lif . may lo-th-in
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
M: 8,81 -Th-at euer(e) he was man wrought . whan he schal
he(n)nys far(e) [xaAx]?
M: 8,82 But elde men & hor(e) . -th-at feble ben of strengthe
M: 8,83 & wymmen w(i)t(h) childe . -th-at worchen ne
mowen [axAx]
M: 8,84 Blynde men & bedderede . & broken in her(e)
membris [aaAx]
M: 8,85 -Th-at her(e) misschef takyn mekely . as meseles & o-th-er(e)
M: 8,86 Han as pleyn p(ar)don . as pers him seluen [aaAx]
M: 8,87 ffor loue of her(e) loue h(er)tis . our(e) lord hat
he(m) grauntid [aaAx]
M: 8,88 Her(e) penaunce & her(e) purgatorie . her(e)
in -th-ys erthe [aaAx]
M: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . -th-in p(ar)dan I must
Redyn [aaAx]
M: 8,90 ffor I schal (con)strue ich clause . & kenny(n)
it -th-e o(n) englisch [aaAx]
M: 8,91 And pers at his preier(e) . -th-e p(ar)don vnfeldith
M: 8,92 & I beheld hem bo-th-in . & ony al -th-e
bille [abAb]
M: 8,93 In to lynys it lay . & a l(ett)re mor(e) [aaAx]
M: 8,94 & was Iwretyn reyth -th-us . in witnesse of treuthe
M: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt ibunt i(n) vita(m) et(er)na(m)
} [Latin]
M: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignem et(er)um } [Latin]
M: 8,97 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,98 But do wel & haue wel . & god schal haue(n)
-th-y soule [????]
M: 8.99 & do euele & haue euele . & hope -th-ou
no(n) other [aaAx]
M: 8,100 -Th-at aftir -th-y deth . -th-e deuel schal han
-th-in soule [????]
M: 8,101 And pers for pur(e) tene . pullid it at wynen & seyde
M: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis non } [Latin]
p. 526
M: 8,103 { timebo mala q(uonia)m tu mecu(m) es } [Latin]
M: 8,104 I schal seisyn of my sowyng . & swynkyn not
so sor(e) [aaxAx]
M: 8,105 Ne aboute my be lyne . so besy ben nomor(e) [aaAx]
M: 8,106 Of preierys & of penaunces . my plouth schal
bien herafter [aaAx]
M: 8,107 & beloue -th-at I lawghede . er liflode me faile
M: 8,108 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,110 ffor he -th-at louyth god treuly . is liflode is -th-e mor(e) [aaAx]
M: 8,109 As -th-e saut(er) vs saith . & other(e) bokys manye [aaAxx]
M: 8,110a { ffuerunt michi lacrime mee die ac nocte panes }
M: 8,111 & but -y-if luk lie . he lerit vs to ben foles
M: 8,112 And bitd vs be nout so besi aboutyn bely ioie [????]
M: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he seith in his gospel [aaAx]
M: 8,114 And schewit it vs be ensample . vs selfuy(n) to
wyssen [aaAx]
M: 8,115 -Th-e foules in -th-e firmament . who fynt he(m)
in wynt(er) [aaAx]
M: 8,116 Whan -th-e froost fresit . foode hem behouet [aaAx]
M: 8,117 Ha -th-ey no gerne to gon to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
M: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e prest to P(er)kyn . petyr as me
-th-ynkyth [aaAx]
M: 8,119 -Th-ou art l(ett)red a litil . who taugthe -th-e
on boke [aaAx]
M: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abesse . myn a b c me taugthe [aaAx]
M: 8,121 And concience kam aftyrward . & kennede me bet(er)e
M: 8,122 Wer -th-ou a prest q(uo)d -th-e prest . -th-(o)u
mygthist p(re)cha(n) wha(n) -th-e likyt [aaAx]
M: 8,123 { Quoniam literaturam no(n) cognoui } . -th-(a)t
mygth be -th-y teme [????]
M: 8,124 Lewede lorel q(uo)d pers . litil lokyst -th-ou on
-th-e bible [aaxAx]
M: 8,125 And salamonis sawis . selden -th-(o)u beholdist
M: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & iurgia cum eis non crescant
} [Latin]
M: 8,126 -th-us -th-e prest & P(er)kyn . eiher apposid
other [aaAx]
M: 8,127 And I wit her wordys awok . & waitid abouty(n)
M: 8,128 & sith -th-e sunne euen souty . suttyn atte
tyme [aaaAx]
M: 8,129 Meteles & monyles . on maluerne hill(es) [aaAx]
M: 8,130 Musyng on -th-ys metlis . a mile wei I -y-ede [aaAx]
M: 8,131 Many tyme -th-ys metlis . had mad me to studyen
M: 8,132 And for pers -th-e plouthman . ful pensif in herte
M: 8,133 ffor -th-at I sey slepyng . -th-at I so be mygthe
p. 527
M: 8,134 But -th-at Caton co(n)strueth nai . & canonistris
bo-th-in [aaAx]
M: 8,134a And hem selue(n) siggyn { sompnia ne cures &c
} [Latin]
M: 8,135 But for -th-e book of -th-e bible berith witnesse
M: 8,136 How daniel demyd . -th-e dremeyd of -th-e kyng [aaAx]
M: 8,137 -Th-at Nabugodonosor . nemyth -th-e Clerkys [aaAx]
M: 8,138 Daniel seyde sir(e) kyng . -th-in sweuene is to
mene [aaAx]
M: 8,139 -Th-at vncouth men schal komyn . -th-in kyngdam
to cley(m)me [aaaAx]
M: 8,140 Among lether lordys . -th-y lond schal ben dep(ar)tid
M: 8,141 As daniel dymde . in dede it fel aftir [aaAx]
M: 8,142 -Th-e kyng lees his lordschipe . & lasse me(n)
it hadden [aaAx]
M: 8,143 And Iosep mette also . -th-at -th-e mone & -th-e
su(n)ne [aaAx]
M: 8,144 & xj sterris . grettyn hi(m) alle [axAa]
M: 8,145 { Beau fi-gh- } q(uo)d his fadir . for nede we scholen
M: 8,146 I myself & my sonys . sekyn -th-e for defaute
M: 8,147 It befel as -th-e fadir . seyde in faraonis tyme
M: 8,148 -Th-at Iosep was Iustice . egipte to kepyn [aaAx]
M: 8,149 Al -th-is makyt me . svmtyme to -th-inkyn [aaAx]
M: 8,150 Many tyme at midnyth . whan I schulde slepyn [aaAx]
M: 8,151 On pies -th-e plouthman . what p(ar)don he hadde
M: 8,152 And how -th-e prest enpugnedid . & alle be pour(e)
resou(n) [aaAx]
M: 8,153 And demede -th-at dowel . indulgence passede [aaAx]
M: 8,154 Bienalis & triennalis . & bisschopis l(ett)res
M: 8,155 Dowel atte day a dome . dignely vndirfongyn [aaaAx]
M: 8,156 He passit al -th-e p(ar)doun . of seinte Marie cherche
M: 8,157 Now hat -th-e peple power . pardon to graunte [aaAx]
M: 8,158 -Th-e peple w(i)t(h)outy(n) penaunce . for to gon
to ioie [aaAx]
M: 8,159 -Th-is is a lef of our(e) beleue . as letterid men
vs techit [aaAx]
M: 8,159a [Latin]
M: 8,160 And so I leue teuly . godis forbode elles { Q(uo)dcu(m)q(ue)
ligau(er)i[s] } [aaAx]
M: 8,161 -Th-at p(ar)doun & preiers & penaunce may
saven [aaAx]
M: 8,162 Soul(is) -th-at han sennyd . dedly seuene sy-th-ys
p. 528
M: 8,163 Butte to tristnyn on triennalis . treuly me -th-inkit
M: 8,164 It is nout so sekyr for -th-e soule . certis as
is do wel [aaAx]
M: 8,165 ffo -th-ey I rede -y-e -th-inkyn . -th-at riche
ben on erthe [aaAx]
M: 8,166 Vpyn trust of -y-our tresour . triennalis to hauen
M: 8,167 Beth neuer(e) -th-e bolder . to brekyn -th-e x hestys
M: 8,168 And nameliche -th-e maistris . meieris & Iugges
M: 8,169 -Th-at han -th-e welthe of -th-ys world . -th-at
wise me(n) arn holdy(n) [aaAx]
M: 8,170 To purchasyn p(ar)dou(n) . & -th-e popis bullis
M: 8,171 ffor at -th-e dredful doom . whan dede schul arise
M: 8,172 & komyn alle beforn crist . acounptis to -y-eldyn
M: 8,173 How -th-u leddist -th-in lif . & his lawe keptist
M: 8,174 & how dedist day be day . -th-e doom schal rehercyn
M: 8,175 A buysschelful of p(ar)dou(n) . ne prouyncialis
lettris [aaAx]
M: 8,176 -th-ey -th-ou be a bre-th-yr . of alle iiij ordres
M: 8,177 And Idulgences doubble foold . but dowel -y-ou helpe
M: 8,178 I nolde -gh-euy(n) for -y-our(e) patentis on pies
hele [????]
M: 8,179 ffor-th-y I counseil alle cristene . to crien god
m(er)cy [aaAx]
M: 8,180 And marie his modir . to ben mene betwene [aaAx]
M: 8,181 -Th-at god graunte vs g(ra)ce . er we gon hennys
M: 8,182 Swichiche werkis to werkyn . whil -th-(a)t we ben
her(e) [aaAx]
M: 8,183 -Th-at reith at our(e) deth day . dowel reherche
M: 8,184 Atte dredful day at doom . we dedyn a[s] he higthe
Explicit Visio de pet(ri) plouthman
Hic incipit prologus de dowel dobet & dobest
M: 9,1 Thus Roberd in Rosset . I Romyd abowtyn [aaAx]
M: 9,2 Al a somer seson . dowel to sechyn [aaAx]
M: 9,3 I freinid fele men . of folk -th-at I mette [aaAx]
M: 9,4 -Y-if any with wiste . wher dowel was at inne [aaAx]
M: 9,5 And what man he migthe be . of manye me(n) I askede
M: 9,6 Was neu(er)e man as I wente . -th-at wisse me cowde
M: 9,7 Wher -th-at dowel duellit . lasse ne mor(e) [aaAx]
p. 529
M: 9,8 Til it was on a fryday . ij freris I mete [aaAx]
M: 9,9 Maistris of -th-e menours . men of gret wit [aaAx]
M: 9,10 I grette hem wol hendely . as I hadde lernyd [aaAx]
M: 9,11 & preyde for hem pur charite . er -th-ey passede
fer-th-er(e) [aaAx]
M: 9,12 -Y-if -th-ey knew ony cuntr(e) . or costis aboute
M: 9,13 Wher -th-at dowel duellit . do me to wisse [aaAx]
M: 9,14 Be marie q(uo)d -th-e meno(ur) . among vs he duellit
M: 9,15 And euer(e) hat a[s] I hope . & euer(e) schal
aftir [aaAa]
M: 9,16 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I -th-o . & began to dispute
{ sepcies i(n) die cadit iustus } [aaAx]
M: 9,16a --- this line om ---
M: 9,17 Seuene tyme on -th-e day . sennyth -th-e ritful [aaAx]
M: 9,18 Whoso sennyt I say . certis as me -th-inkyt [aaAx]
M: 9,19 -Th-at dowel & I nylle . ne duellit not togeder(e)
M: 9,20 { Ego } he nys nouth at hoom alwey among -y-ou fr(er)ys
M: 9,21 But o-th-irwhilis ellis wher . to wissyn -th-e peple
M: 9,22 I schal sein -th-e my sone . seide -th-e frer(e)
-th-anne [aaAx]
M: 9,23 How seuene si-th-ys -th-e sadde man . sennyt o(n)
-th-e day [aaAx]
M: 9,24 Be on ensaumple q(uo)d -th-e frer(e) . I schal -th-e
fair(e) schewen [aaAx]
M: 9,25 Let bryngge a man in a boot . amid a brood wat(ir)
M: 9,26 -Th-e wynd & -th-e watir . & -th-e waggig
of -th-e boot [aaAx]
M: 9,27 Maky(n) a man many tyme . to fallyn & to stondy(n)
M: 9,28 ffor stonde he neu(er)e so faste . he stumblit in
-th-e waggyn[g] [aaAx]
M: 9,29 & -y-it is he saf & sounid . & so hi(m)
behouyt [aaAx]
M: 9,30 ffor -y-if he ne arise -th-e rayer . & raugthe
-th-e sterne [aaAx]
M: 9,31 -Th-e wynd wolde w(i)t(h) -th-e wat(ir) . -th-e boot
ouer-th-rowe [aaaXx]
M: 9,32 -Th-er(e) wer -th-e mannys lif Iloost . for lacchesse
of hi(m)selue [aaAx]
M: 9,33 Reith -th-us it farit q(uo)d -th-e frer(e) . be folk
her o(n) erthe [aaAx]
M: 9,34 -Th-e watir is liknyd to -th-e world . -th-at wanyit & wexit
M: 9,35 -Th-e goodis of -th-e ground . bet liknyd to gret
wawis [aaAx]
M: 9,36 -Th-at -th-e wyndys & -th-e wawys . walwit abowty(n)
M: 9,37 -Th-e boot is lik to -th-e body . -th-at brotil is
of kynde [aaAx]
p. 530
M: 9,38 -Th-at -th-ourgth -th-in flesch & -th-y(n) fend
. & -th-ys fals word [aaAx]
M: 9,39 Sennyt -th-e fals man vij . sy-th-ys on -th-e day
M: 9,40 But dedly synne deoth he not . for dowel hi(m) helpit
M: 9,41 -Th-at is charite -th-e chaunpliou(n) . schef help
ageyn vij [aaAx]
M: 9,42 ffor he strengit -th-e to stondy(n) . & helpit
-th-i(n) soule [aaAx]
M: 9,43 -Th-at -th-ey -th-y body bowe . as -th-e boot in
-th-e watir [aaAx]
M: 9,44 Eu(er)e is -th-y soule saf . but -th-(o)u -th-yself
wille [aaAx]
M: 9,45 ffouli(n) -th-y(n) fleschis wille . & -th-e fend
aftir [aaAx]
M: 9,46 & do dedly sy(n)ne . & drenche -th-y selue
M: 9,47 God suffrit -th-e to dye so . for -th-in seluy(n)
is maist(er) [aaAx]
M: 9,48 I haue no(n) ke(n)de knowyg q(uo)d I . to to (con)seyue(n)
-th-ys wordys [aaAx]
M: 9,49 But -y-if I mai go liue(n) & loke(n) . I schal
go lerne bett(er)e [aaAx]
M: 9,50 I bekenne -th-e to crist . -th-at on -th-e cros deide
M: 9,51 And -th-e seydy(n) -th-e same . saue -th-e fro mischance
M: 9,52 & -y-eue -th-e g(ra)ce on -th-ys erthe . on good
lif to endy(n) [aabAb]
M: 9,53 -Th-us I wente wide wher . s(er)e dowel to seche
M: 9,54 And as I wente be a wode . wandryg my one [aaAx]
M: 9,55 Blisse of -th-e bryddys . made me abide [aaXa]
M: 9,56 & vnd(ir) a lynde vpon a lande . lend I me a
stounde [aaAx]
M: 9,57 To lestny(n) -th-e layes . -th-e louely foulis made
M: 9,58 Blisse of -th-e briddys . brougthe me a slepe [aaAx]
M: 9,59 -Th-e m(er)ueilouerste metynge . mett y me -th-anne
M: 9,60 -Th-at eu(er)e dremid -th-ing . in drougthe as I
wene [aaAx]
M: 9,61 A michel man me -th-ougthe . lik to my selue [aaAx]
M: 9,62 Cam & calde me . be my kene name [aaAx]
M: 9,63 What art -th-ou q(uo)d I . -th-at my name knowist
M: 9,64 -Th-ou wost wel Inow q(uo)d he . & no(n) man
bett(er)e [aaAx]
M: 9,65 I schuld wetyn who -th-u art . -th-outh seyde he
-th-a(n)ne [aaAa]
M: 9,66 I haue s(er)uid -th-e vij -y-er . sey -th-(o)u me
no(n) ra-th-er(e) [aaAx]
p. 531
M: 9,67 Art -th-ou youth q(uo)d I -th-o . kant -th-(o)u me
telle [aaAxx]
M: 9,68 Wher dowel duellit . I preye -th-(o)u me wisse [aaAx]
M: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he & dobet . & dobest -th-e
-th-rydde [aaAx]
M: 9,70 Arn -th-r(e) farye vertuis . & bet-gh- not fer
to fynde [aaAa]
M: 9,71 Who -th-at is milde of his mouth . meke of his speche
M: 9,72 Trew of his tunge . & of his tweie handys [aaAx]
M: 9,73 And -th-ourth his labour of his land . his liflode
wy(n)nyt [aaAx]
M: 9,74 Is trust of his of his tailhende . ne takyt but his
own[e] [aaAx]
M: 9,75 And is not drunken ne dinous . dowel hi(m) folwit
M: 9,76 Dobet dot -th-us . but he dot-gh- mechel moor(e)
M: 9,77 He is low as a lomb . louely of speche [aaAx]
M: 9,78 Whil he hat out of his ovne . he helpit -th-er nede
is [aaAx]
M: 9,79 To bidderis & beggeris . he hat broky(n) he(m)
alle [aaAx]
M: 9,80 -Th-at auarouse man hadde or his eyris [aa??]
M: 9,81 & w(i)t(h) mani mannis mony . he made hi(m) frendys
M: 9,82 And is ronnyn to religiou(n) . & rendrid -th-e
bible [aaAx]
M: 9,83 & prechit -th-e peple . seint poulis wordys {
libe(n)t(er) suff(er)et[is] insipie(n)tes } [aaAx]
M: 9,83a --- this line om ---
M: 9,84 -Y-e wyse suffrit vnwise . w(i)t(h) -y-ou for to
libbe [aaAxx]
M: 9,85 Wit good wille doth he(m) good . so god hi(m)self
higthe [aaAx]
M: 9,86 Dobest is abouen bo-th-n . & berit a bysshopis
cros [aaaAa]
M: 9,87 Is hokid at -th-e on hende . to holdi(n) me(n) i(n)
good lif [aaAx]
M: 9,88 A pik in -th-e potente . to putty(n) adou(n) -th-e
wickede [aaAx]
M: 9,89 -Th-at wattyn any wickidnesse . dowel to tenyn [aaAx]
M: 9,90 And as dowel & dobet . dede hi(m) vndirstonde
M: 9,91 -Th-ey han corounyd a kyng . to kepi(n) he(m) alle
M: 9,92 And -y-if dowel or dobet . dedyn ageyn dobest [aaAa]
M: 9,93 Wern to hi(m) vnbuxu(m) . or boold to don ille [aaAx]
M: 9,94 -Th-anne schulde -th-e kyng in prysou(n) hi(m) caste
M: 9,95 And put hi(m) in penance . w(i)t(h)outy(n) any grace
M: 9,96 But dobest bidde for hi(m) abide . -th-er for euere
p. 532
M: 9,97 -Th-us dobest dowel & dobet . & dobest -th-e
-th-ridde [aaAx]
M: 9,98 Corounyd on to ben kyng . & be her(e) counseil
werche [aaAx]
M: 9,99 & Reulin -th-e reme . be red of hem alle [aaAx]
M: 9,100 And [n]ou(n) o-th-er(e) wyse ne ell(is) but as -th-ey
-th-r(e) asentedy(n)n [????]
M: 9,101 I -th-anked -th-outh -th-o . -th-at he me so tauthe
M: 9,102 And -y-it sauourde me not -th-y(n) siggynge . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
M: 9,103 Mor(e) kynde knowyng . I coueitid to ler(e) [aaAx]
M: 9,104 How dowel & dobet & dobest . don on erthe
M: 9,105 But w(i)t(h) konne wisse -th-e q(uo)d -th-outh .
wher -th-o -th-r(e) dulli(n) [aaxAx]
M: 9,106 Ellis wot no(n) no(n) man -th-at now is a lyue [????]
M: 9,107 -Th-outh & I iij daies . day be othir [aaAx]
M: 9,108 --- this line run together with above ---
M: 9,109 Wenty(n) & er we war wern . wit wyth gan we
mety(n) [aaAx]
M: 9,110 He was long & lene . & lik to no(n) othir
M: 9,111 Was no(n) pryde in p(ar)aile . no pouert neir(e)
M: 9,112 Sad of his semblau(n)t . & seft of his speche
M: 9,113 I durste meven no(n) matir . to makyn hi(m) to Iangle
M: 9,114 But as I hadde -th-outh -th-o to be mene betwene
M: 9,115 And put forth sum purpos . & prouen his wittis
M: 9,116 -Th-anne -th-outh in -th-at tyme . seyde -th-ise
wordys [aaaAx]
M: 9,117 Wher(e) dowel & dobet . & dobest ben in
londe [aaAx]
M: 9,118 To heryn fawen woldy wetyn . -y-yf wit coude techi(n)
M: 10,1 Sir(e) dowel duellit q(uo)d wit . not a day hennys
M: 10,2 In a kastel -th-at kynde made . of iiij skynnys -th-ingys
M: 10,3 Of eir of erthe it is mad . meddlid togederis [aaBbx]
M: 10,4 Wit wynd & with watir . wittilich Ionyid [aaAx]
M: 10,5 Kende hat closid -th-erinne . Curteisly wit alle
M: 10,6 A le(m)man -th-at he louyth . lik to hi(m) selfuen
{ Anima } [aaAx]
M: 10,7 To hir(e) had enuye a p(ri)ker(e) of f(ra)unce {
Princepts hui(us) mu(n)di } [aaAa]
M: 10,8 --- this line om ---
M: 10,9 He wolde wy(n)ne(n) hyr(e) awey . w(i)t(h) wylis
-y-yf he mygthe [aaAx]
M: 10,10 But kynde knowyt -th-ys wel . & kepyt her(e)
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
p. 533
M: 10,11 And had don hir(e) to sir(e) dowel . duk of -th-e
marchis [aaAx]
M: 10,12 Dobet is a damisele . sir(e) dowelis dowtir [aaAa]
M: 10,13 & S(er)uit his lady treuly . bo-th-i(n) late & rathe
M: 10,14 -Th-us dowel & dobet . & dobest -th-e -th-ridde
M: 10,15 Ben maistris of -th-ys maner(e) . -th-ys maydi(n)
to kepe(n) [aaAx]
M: 10,16 -Th-e constable of -th-e castel . -th-at kepit hem
alle [aaAx]
M: 10,17 His a wondir wis knyth . sir(e) Inwit he hotyt [aaAx]
M: 10,18 He hadde fyue fayr(e) sones . be his ferste wif
M: 10,19 Sir(e) se wel & sey wel . & her(e) wel -th-e
-th-redde [aaAx]
M: 10,20 Sir(e) werche wel wit -th-y hand . a with man of
strengthe [aaxAx]
M: 10,21 And sir(e) Godefrey go wel . grete lordes alle [aaAx]
M: 10,22 -Th-is fyve am set . -th-e kastel to sauyn [aaAx]
M: 10,23 to kepi(n) -th-ys woma(n) . -th-o wise me(n) arn
chargid [xaAx]
M: 10,24 Til kende come or sende . & kepe her(e) hi(m)selue
M: 10,25 What clepe -y-e -th-at kastel q(uo)d I . -th-(a)t
kynde hat -th-(us) makid [aaAx]
M: 10,26 & what kynnys -th-ing is kende . -y-e me telle
M: 10,27 Kynd q(uo)d he is a creato(ur) . of alle kynnys
bestys [aaAx]
M: 10,28 ffadir & fo(ur)mo(ur)e . -th-e ferste of alle
-th-ing { Dixit & f(a)c(t)a s(un)t vniu(er)sa } [aaAx]
M: 10,29 And -th-at is -th-e grete god . -th-at ner(e) hadde
gynnynge [aaAx]
M: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lif & of lith . of blisse & of
pyne [aaaAx]
M: 10,31 Aungelis & alle -th-ing . arn at his wille [aaAx]
M: 10,32 But man is he moost lik . of marke & of schaft
M: 10,33 ffor -th-ourth -th-e woord of his mouth . woxin
forth best(is) [aaAx]
M: 10,34 And alle -th-i(n)g at his wil . was wrouth w(i)t(h)
a speche [xaAx]?
M: 10,34a --- this line om ---
M: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . lik to hi(m) selue(n)
M: 10,36 -Y-af hi(m) goost of his godhed . & g(ra)untid
hi(m) blisse [aaAx]
M: 10,37 Lif -th-at eu(er)e lastith . & al his lynage
aftir [aaAx]
M: 10,38 -Th-at is -th-e kastel -th-(a)t kynde made . { caro
} it hotit-gh- [aaAx]
M: 10,39 As muchel it is to meny . as a ma(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e
soule [aaAx]
M: 10,40 -Th-at he wrougthe w(i)t(h) werk . & w(i)t(h)
woord bo-th-in [aaAx]
p. 534
M: 10,41 -Th-ourth myth of -th-e mageste . man was Imakid [aaAa]
M: 10,41a { ffaciamus ho(m)i(n)em ad ymagine(m) & si(mi)litudine(m)
n(ost)ram &c } [Latin]
M: 10,42 Inwit & al wittis . Iclosid bet -th-erinne [aaAa]
M: 10,43 ffor -th-at lady . -th-at lyf is Inamyd [aaAx]
M: 10,44 -Th-at is { anima } -th-at oueral . in -th-e body
wandrit [aaXx]
M: 10,45 But in -th-e herte is hir(e) hoom . heiyrst of alle
M: 10,46 Sche is lif & leder(e) . a le(m)man of heuene
M: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e moost helpe . to -th-e soule [aaAx]
M: 10,48 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,49 --- this line run together with line 47 ---
M: 10,50 ffor -th-outh his koniyng(es) is kept . { caro & an(im)a
} [aaAx]
M: 10,51 In Reule & in resoun . but reklesnesse it make
M: 10,52 He tisit -th-in eie sigth . to goode -th-y(n) eryng
to -th-e same [aaAx]
M: 10,53 Of good speche & good dede . he begy(n)nyt euer(e)
M: 10,54 In mannis brayn is he most . & su(n)nerist Iknowen
M: 10,55 -Th-er is his bour bremest . but -y-if it blod make
M: 10,56 ffor whan blood is brem(er)e -th-an brayn . -th-an
Inwit is Iboundi(n) [aaaXa]
M: 10,57 & wantou(n) & wilde . ek w(i)t(h)outi(n)
ony resou(n) [aaAx]
M: 10,58 Wit -y-onge fauntes & foolis . Inwit is awei
M: 10,59 & ek in sottes as -th-(o)u mygth sen . -th-(a)t
sittit atte nale [aaAx]
M: 10,60 -Th-ey heldyn ale in her(e) hed . til Inwit is Idrenchid
M: 10,61 And ben branwood as bestis . so her(e) blood waxit
M: 10,62 Tha(n)ne hat -th-e powke power . sir(e) { princeps
hui(us) mu(n)di }
M: 10,63 Of swiche man(er) of men . & mith in her(e)
soulis [aaAx]
M: 10,64 But in fauntis ne in folis . -th-e fend hat no mygth
M: 10,65 ffor no werk -th-at -th-ey werchyn . wickede ne
ellis [aaAx]
M: 10,66 But -th-e faderis & -th-e frendis . for fante
schole(n) be blamid [aaAx]
M: 10,67 But -th-ey kepe hem -th-e bet(er)e . whil -th-at
-th-ey be(n) -y-onge [aaAxx]
M: 10,68 & -y-if -th-ey ben nowth of catel . to kepi(n)
he(m) fro ille xxXx|
M: 10,69 -Th-an is holycherche holdi(n) . to kepy(n) hi(m) & saue
M: 10,70 ffro falsnesse & folye & techyn he(m) .
to ben wyse [aaAx]?
M: 10,71 And iche with in -th-ys world . -th-(a)t hat vndirstandynge
M: 10,72 Is chef souereyn ou(er) hi(m) self . his soule to
-y-eme [aaAx]
p. 535
M: 10,73 And clensyn hi(m) fro encharge . whan childhod passit
M: 10,74 And saaf hi(m) self fro senne . for so hi(m) behouyt
M: 10,75 ffor werche he wel or wrong . his wit is owne [aaaAx]
M: 10,76 -Th-a(n)ne is dowel a duk . & distroiyth vices
M: 10,77 And sauyt -th-e soule . -th-at synne hat no mith
M: 10,78 To Routi(n) ne to resti(n) . ne rotyn in -th-in
herte [aaAx]
M: 10,79 And -th-at is dred of god . & dowel it makit
M: 10,80 -Th-e begynnyng of goodnesse . is good for to dredi(n)
M: 10,81 And salamon it seyde . for a soot tale [aaAx]
M: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapie(n)cie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
M: 10,82 ffor doute men doot-gh- -th-e bet . dred is swich
a maist(er) [aaxAx]
M: 10,83 -Th-at he makit men meke . & milde of her(e)
speche [aaaAx]
M: 10,84 And alle skennis scolers . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
M: 10,85 -Th-a(n)ne is dobet to ben war . for beti(n)g of
-th-e -y-erde [aaAx]
M: 10,86 And -th-erof seit -th-e saut(er) . -th-iself -th-(o)u
migtht it rede [aaAx]
M: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus ip(s)a me co(n)solata
su(n)t } [Latin]
M: 10,88 And -y-if clene concience . acorde -th-at -th-y(n)
soule dot wel [aaAx]
M: 10,89 & willet al woie in -th-ys word . for to don
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
M: 10,91 ffor concience of counseil . acordit wit holy chirche [aaAx]
M: 10,90 { Quia intenc(i)o indicat ho(m)i(n)em } [Latin]
M: 10,92 Loke -th-u wisse -th-in wit . & -th-in werkis
aftir [aaAx]
M: 10,93 -Th-at gynnyt ageyn concience . acombrit hi(m) selue(n)
M: 10,94 And so witnessit holy writ . & godis word bo-th-y(n)
M: 10,94a { Qui agit contra conscienciam } [Latin]
M: 10,95 But -th-u werke be godis word . I warne -th-e -th-e
beste [aaAx]
M: 10,96 What so men wordyn . of -th-e wratthe -th-e neu(er)e
M: 10,97 ffor Catou(n) counseilit so . tak kep of his techyng
M: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas ne curas v(er)ba malor(um) } [Latin]
M: 10,99 But suffr(e) & sit stille . ne sech -th-(o)u
no(n) fer-th-er(e) [aaaAx]
M: 10,100 And be glad of -th-e grace . -th-(a)t god hat -th-e
sent [aaAx]
M: 10,101 ffor -y-if -th-(o)u gynnyst to clyme . & coueitist
heyer(e) [aaAx]
M: 10,102 -Th-ou mith lesyn -th-in lovnesse . for a lytil
pryde [aaAx]
p. 536
M: 10,103 I haue lernyd -th-e how lewyd men . lerny(n) her(e)
childryn [aaAx]
M: 10,104 And seldyn men seyn -th-at -th-e marbil . -th-(a)t
me(n) ofte tredy(n)
M: 10,104 Is wol seldyn Isein wit mos begrowyn [aaAx]
M: 10,105 And reith so be renn(er)is . -th-at renny(n) abowty(n)
M: 10,106 ffro religiou(n) to religiou(n) . recheles be -th-ey
eu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 10,107 -th-o men -th-at konnit alle craftis . as clergie
tellit [aaAx]
M: 10,108 Wit sweche -th-rift & -th-edam is sildy(n)
Iseyn [aaAbb]
M: 10,109 And powl -th-e apostel . wrot it In his pistel [aaAx]
M: 10,108a { Qui circuit o(mn)e ge(nus) nullius gen(er)is
est } [Latin]
M: 10,110 In ensaunple -th-at swiche . schule not re(n)ny(n)
abouty(n) [aaAxx]
M: 10,111 And for wisda(m) it is wrety(n) . & witnessit
in cherchis [aaAx]
M: 10,112 { In ead(e)m vocac(i)one qua vocati estis state
} [Latin]
M: 10,113 -Y-if -th-u be man maryd . munk or chanou(n) [aaAx]
M: 10,114 Hold -th-e stable & stedefast . & strengthe
-th-i(n) selfue [aaAx]
M: 10,115 To ben blissid for -th-y beryng . begger(e) -th-ey
-th-(o)u wer(e) [aaAx]?
M: 10,116 Loke -th-(o)u grocche nout on god . -th-ey he -y-eue
-th-e litil [aaAx]
M: 10,117 Be apaid wit -th-y(n) porciou(n) . pouer(e) or
Riche [aaAx]
M: 10,118 -Th-us in drede bit-gh- dowel . & dobet to
suffryn [aaAx]
M: 10,119 ffor -th-ourgh suffraunce . -th-ou migth to souerey(n)
arise [aaAx]?
M: 10,120 And so lernyt vs luk . -th-at liede neu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabit(ur) &c } [Latin]
M: 10,121 -Th-us of drede & of doubte . dobest arisit
M: 10,122 And is -th-e flour & -th-y frend . Ifostrid
of bo-th-in [aaAx]
M: 10,123 Reith as -th-e Rose . -th-at red is spryngith of
a raggid rote [aaAx]
M: 10,124 --- this line om ---
M: 10,125 & it springit & spredit . -th-(a)t spicers
desirit [aaAx]
M: 10,126 Or as whete out of wed . waxit of -th-e erthe [aaAx]?
M: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowel gy(n)nyt sp(ri)nge
M: 10,128 Among men of -th-ys moolde . -th-(a)t meke beth & milde
M: 10,129 ffor loue of her(e) lounesse . our(e) lord -y-if
he(m) grace [aaAx]
M: 10,130 Swich werkis for to werchen . -th-(a)t he is wel
apaid [aaAx]
M: 10,131 fferst & form(er)st . -th-ise men -th-at bet
Iweddyd [aaAx]
M: 10,132 And leuyn as her(e) lawe . wile it likit god almity
p. 537
M: 10,133 ffor -th-ourth wedlook -th-e word stant . whoso wile
it know[en] [aaAx]
M: 10,134 -Th-ey ben riche in reste . & -th-e lawe folwit
M: 10,135 ffor of kende -th-ey kenny(n) . -th-at co(n)fessoures
bet namyd [aaAx]
M: 10,136 Bo-th-in maydyns & martris . mu(n)kys & ankris
M: 10,137 Kyngis & knythis . & alle kennis clerkys
M: 10,138 Barou(n)s & burgeis . & bondemen of town[i]s
M: 10,139 But fals foolk & feitles . schewis & lieris
M: 10,140 Ben conseiuedid in cursid tyme . as kaym was of
eue [aaAx]
M: 10,141 Aftyr -th-at adam & sche . etyn of -th-e appil
M: 10,142 Ageyns -th-e heste of hym . -th-at hy(m) of nouth
made [aaAx]
M: 10,143 And an aungel in a while . hygthe hy(m) to wendy(n)
M: 10,144 Into -th-is wrecchede word . to wonyen & to
libbe(n) [aaAx]
M: 10,145 In tene & in trauayle . into her(e) lyues hende
M: 10,146 In -th-at cursid tyme . -th-ey knewyn togederis
M: 10,147 And brougth forth a bro-th-el . -th-at michil bale
wrouth [aaAx]
M: 10,148 Kaym -th-ey hy(m) kalledy(n) . in cursid tyme getyn
M: 10,149 & so seit -th-e saut(er) . se it whan -th-e
lyket [aaAx]
M: 10,150 { Concepit in dolor(e) & pep(er)it iniquitate
} [Latin]
M: 10,151 And al -th-at kam of kaym . cryst hatid aftir [aaAbb]
M: 10,152 & many miliou(n)s of men mo & of wi(m)men
M: 10,153 -Th-at of se[e]d & his sust(er) . fele forth
komyn [aaAx]
M: 10,154 ffor -th-ey weryn maried w(i)t(h) meu(n) . of kaymis
kende [abaBb]
M: 10,155 ffor alle -th-(a)t kome(n) of kaym . acursid -th-ey
wern [aaAx]
M: 10,156 & al -th-at cowplete w(i)t(h) -th-(a)t ken
. crist hatid aftir [aaAx]
M: 10,157 ffor-th-y he sente hi(m) to se(n)de . & seyde
be an aungel [aaAx]
M: 10,158 To kepe hi(m) fro -th-at -th-at kynde . -th-ey
couplede not togideris [aaaAx]
M: 10,159 & si-th-in seth & his sust(er) . couplid
weryn to -th-(a)t kynde [aaaAx]
M: 10,160 & ageyn -th-e heste of god . childry(n) -th-ey
getyn [aaAa]
M: 10,161 -Th-at god was wroth w(i)t(h) her(e) werkys . & seyde
-th-yse wor [aaAx]
M: 10,162 { Penitet ho(m)i(n)em mefecisse } [Latin]
p. 538
M: 10,163 -Th-at is as michel to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
M: 10,164 -Th-at I man makede now . it me for-th-inkit-gh-
M: 10,165 & kam to noie anoon . & bad hi(m) not lettyn
M: 10,166 Swy-th-e gyn to schapy(n) a schip . of schidis & bordis
M: 10,167 Hym self & hise sones iij . & si-th-in
her(e) wyues [aaAx]
M: 10,168 buskedy(n) hem breme to -th-e boot . & bidi(n)
-th-erinne [aaAx]
M: 10,169 Til xl daies ben fulfeld . -th-at flood han ywaschy(n)
M: 10,170 Clene awey -th-e cursid blood . -th-at kaym hadd
ymakyd [aaAx]
M: 10,171 Bestis -th-at now ben . scholy(n) bau(n)e -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
M: 10,172 -Th-at euer(e) cursede kaym . on -th-ys erde [aaAx]
M: 10,173 ffor al schal deien for his dedis . be townis & helly(n)
M: 10,174 Bo-th-in fischis & fowlis . forth myd o-th-re
bestis [aaAx]
M: 10,175 but take -gh-e iij soulis . & of iche beste
a couple [aaAx]
M: 10,176 -Th-at in -th-at schinglid schip . schulde ben
Isauyd [aaAx]
M: 10,177 Ell(is) schal al deyin . & to helle wendy(n)
M: 10,178 -Th-us -th-ourth cursid kaym . kam kar(e) o loofte
M: 10,179 & al for seth & his sustri(n) . spousedi(n)
childry(n) togeder(e) [aaAx]
M: 10,180 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,181 & wern maried at mschef . as me(n) dot-gh-
now her(e) childry(n) [aaAx]
M: 10,182 ffor su(m)me as I se now . -th-e so-th-e for to
tellyn [aaAx]
M: 10,183 ffor couetise of catel . vnkendeliche arn maryd
M: 10,184 A kareful concepciou(n) . komsit of swich weddyng
M: 10,185 As befel of -th-o folk . -th-at beforn schewede
M: 10,186 It is an vnkende cowple . be crist as me -th-inkith
M: 10,187 To weddyn a -y-ong wenche . to a man of elde [aaXx]
M: 10,188 Or weddy(n) any wedewe . for lykyg of her(e) goodis
M: 10,189 -Th-at neu(er)e schal bern barn . but it be i(n)
hir(e) harmis [aaAx]
M: 10,190 In gelusie -th-ey Ioilyn . & Iangli(n) on bedde
M: 10,191 Many si-th-is -th-e pestilence . hat plith he(m)
togederes [aaAx]
M: 10,192 -Th-e fruth -th-(a)t -th-ey bri(n)gi(n) forth .
arn manye foule wordis [aaAx]
M: 10,193 & none childri(n) but cheste . & chappis
betwene [aaAx]
M: 10,194 -Th-outh -th-ey gon to donmowe . but -y-if -th-e
deuel helpe [aaAx]
p. 539
M: 10,195 To folwyn aftyr -th-e flicche . flicche -th-ey it
neu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 10,196 But -th-ey ben forsworyn . -th-at bakoun -th-ey
tynun [aaAx]
M: 10,197 ffor -th-ey I counseile alle cristene . coueitid
not to ben weddid [aaAx]
M: 10,198 ffor coueitise of catel . ne of no(n) riche ken
M: 10,199 But maidins & maidyns . macchit -y-ow togederis
M: 10,200 Wedewers & wedewis . werchit -th-e same [aaAx]
M: 10.201 & -th-anne glade -y-e god . -th-at alle good
sendit [aaAx]
M: 10,202 ffor in no(n) tyme treuly . betwen man & wy(m)man
M: 10,203 Schulde no(n) berd in bedde ben . but -th-ey werin
bo-th-y(n) clene [aaAx]
M: 10,204 bo-th-yn of lif & of soule . & of lawe
lyuende [aaAx]
M: 10,205 -Th-at dede schuld not be don betwyn sengle & se(n)gl[e]
M: 10,206 or si-th-in lawe had Ig(ra)untid -th-at ich man
haue a mak[e] [aaAxx]
M: 10,207 In mariage of wedlok . & of no(n) wo(m)ma(n)
ellis [aaAx]
M: 10,208 --- this line om ---
M: 10,209 -Th-at o-th-ir gate bet Igeti(n) . for gadlyngis
be(n) holdy(n) [aaAx]
M: 10,210 & -th-at ben many fals folk & fals heris
maky(n) [aaAx]?
M: 10,211 Vngracius to gete loue . o-th-ir ony good ellis
M: 10,212 but wandrit as wlfis . & wastit -th-at -th-ey
mowe(n) [aaAx]
M: 10,213 ageyn dowel -th-ey don hille . & -th-e deuel
plesyn [aaAx]
M: 10,214 & aftir her(e) deth day . schulle(n) dulle(n)
w(i)t(h) -th-e same [aaAx]
M: 10,215 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,216 -Th-a(n)ne is dowel to dredy(n) . & dobet to
suffryn [aaAx]
M: 10,217 & so komyt dobest abowtyn . & bryngit adou(n)
Mody [aaAx]
M: 10,218 & -th-at is wickid wil . -th-at many ma(n)nis
werkis sche(n)dit [aaAx]
M: 11,1 -Th-a(n)ne hadde wit a wif . & heithe dame stodie
M: 11,2 -Th-(a)t leef was of liche . & lout-gh- of hir(e)
cher(e) [aaAx]
M: 11,3 sche was wondirliche wrot-gh- . -th-at w(i)t(h) me
-th-(us) tauthe [aaAx]
M: 11,4 & al scornynge dam stodie st(er)neliche seyde
M: 11,5 Wel art -th-(o)u wys q(uo)d sche to wit . wisdam
to telle [aaAx]
M: 11,6 To flateris or foolis . -th-(a)t wilde ben of wittys
M: 11,7 & bannyd hy(m) & ba(n)nyd hy(m) . & bad
hy(m) be(n) stille [aaAx]
M: 11,8 W(i)t(h) swiche wordys wyse . to wissen any folys
M: 11,9 And seyde { nolite mitt(er)e } . margery perlis [aaAx]
p. 540
M: 11,10 Among hoogis -th-at han . hawen at her(e) wille [aaAx]
M: 11,11 -Th-ey don but drauely(n) -th-(er)on . draf wer(e)
hem leuer(e) [aaAx]
M: 11,12 -Th-an al -th-e p(re)cious perr(e) . -th-at in p(ar)adis
growit [aaAx]
M: 11,13 I sei be -th-o q(uo)d sche . -th-at schewit be her(e)
wordys [aaAx]
M: 11,14 -Th-at wern leuer(e) lond to he(m) . & lordschipe
on erde [aaAx]
M: 11,15 Richessis or rentis . & reste at her(e) wille
M: 11,16 -Th-an alle -th-e soth sawys . -th-at salamo(n)
seide euer(e) [aaAx]
M: 11,17 Wisdam & wit now . is not worth a reissche [aaAx]
M: 11,18 But -y-if it be menkt w(i)t(h) couetise . & (con)spir(e)
wrongis [aaAx]
M: 11,19 --- this line om ---
M: 11,20 & lede forth a loueday . to letti(n) -th-e treuthe
M: 11,21 -Th-at swich craft kan do . to counsel is callid
M: 11,22 & am s(er)uid as sires . -th-at sewit -th-at
lore [aaAx]
M: 11,23 ffor-th-y iop -th-e gentil . seide in his geste
M: 11,23a { S(empiternu)m via i(m)pior(um) p(ro)sp(er)abit(ur)
bene e(st) o(mn)ib(us) q(ui) p(ra)ue & i(n)ique agu(n)t
} [Latin]
M: 11,24 he -th-at hat holy writ . alday in his mouthe [aaaAx]
M: 11,25 & kan telle of tobie . & of xij apostles
M: 11,26 Or p(re)chi(n) of -th-e penaunce . -th-at pilat
wrougthe [aaAx]
M: 11,27 To Iesu of -th-e gentil . -th-at Iewis todrowen
M: 11,28 On cros vpon kaluarie . as clerkys vs techit [aaAx]
M: 11,29 Litil is he to letyn by -th-(a)t . swiche s(er)mou(n)s
schewit [aaaAx]
M: 11,30 Or daunselit or drawit forth . -th-ise dyso[u]rs
witit -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
M: 11,31 ffor harlotrie ne holp he(m) bet(er)e . -th-a(n)
-th-e treuthe [aaxAx]
M: 11,32 & mor(e) -th-an musik . -th-an or makyng of
god almithi [aaAx]
M: 11,33 Wolde nei-th-(er) -th-e ki(n)g . ne chanou(n)s of
powlis [aaAx]
M: 11,34 -Y-eue(n) he(m) to her(e) -y-eris-y-ifte . -th-e
value of a grote [aaXx]
M: 11,35 but me(n)stralsie & merthe . among men is nouye
M: 11,36 losengerie & leccherie . & loselis talis
M: 11,37 & glotonye w(i)t(h) grete othis . -th-ise arn
gamenis now [aaAx]
M: 11,38 & -y-if -th-ey carpy(n) of crist . -th-ise clerkys & -th-ese
lewede [aaAx]
M: 11,39 Atte mete in her(e) monye . whan menstralis bet
stille [aaAx]
M: 11,40 -Th-a(n)ne telle -th-ey of -th-e t(ri)nite . how
ij slowe(n) -th-e -th-ridde [aaAx]
p. 541
M: 11,41 And bry(n)gy(n) forth a ballid resoun . & taky(n)
b(er)nard to wytnesse [aaAx]
M: 11,42 & puttit forth p(re)su(m)pciou(n) . to proui(n)
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
M: 11,43 -Th-us -th-ey drauelyn atte deis . deitis to knowen
M: 11,44 & gnawen god be -th-e goorge . whan her(e) guttis
fulli(n) [aaaAx]
M: 11,45 But -th-e kareful may cryen . & karpi(n) atte
gate [aaAx]
M: 11,46 Bo-th-in for hong(ir) & for -th-rest . & for
chele qwakyn [xaAxx]
M: 11,47 Is -th-er no(n) to taky(n) hi(m) in . & his
disease ame(n)dy(n) [aaAx]
M: 11,48 But comau(n)di(n) hi(m) out as an hou(n)e . & hoty(n)
go -th-e(n)nis [aaAx]
M: 11,49 Litil louen he -th-at lord . -th-at lonyt he(m)
al -th-ys blisse [aaAx]
M: 11,50 -Th-at -th-us parti(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e pouer(e) .
a parcel whan hi(m) nedit [aaAx]
M: 11,51 Ne wer(e) m(er)cy in mene men . mor(e) -th-an i(n)
riche [aaAx]
M: 11,52 Many por(e) men meteles . migthi(n) gon to bedde
M: 11,53 God is michil in her(e) mouth . of -th-is grete
maistris [aaAx]
M: 11,54 But among mene men . his m(er)cy & his werkys
M: 11,55 & so seit -th-e sauter . sech in { Me memento
} [aaAx]
M: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) ea(m) in effrata i(n)venim(us)
ea(m) in ca(m)pis silue } [Latin]
M: 11,56 Clerkis & grete men . karpi(n) of god faste
M: 11,57 & han hi(m) michel in her(e) mouth . bot fewe
me(n) i(n) herte [aaAx]
M: 11,58 freris & faito(ur)s . han fou(n)di(n) swich
questiou(n)ou(n)s [aaAx]
M: 11,59 to plesyn wit por(e) men . sy-th-i(n) pestilens
tyme [aaAx]
M: 11,60 -Th-at defoulit our(e) feith . at festis -th-(er)
-th-ey sittyn [aaAx]
M: 11,61 ffor now is ich boy boold . -y-if -th-(a)t he be
riche [aaAx]
M: 11,62 To tellyn of -th-e t(ri)nite . to ben Iholdi(n)
a sir(e) [aaAxx]
M: 11,63 & fyndy(n) newe fantasyes . our(e) feith to
apery(n) [aaAx]
M: 11,64 And ek defamit -th-e fadyr . -th-at vs alle made
M: 11,65 & karpi(n) ageyn clergie . crappede wordis [aaAx]
M: 11,66 Whi wolde god suffry(n) . swich a werm in his blisse
M: 11,67 -Th-at begilede -th-e woma(n) . & -th-e man
aftir [xaAx]
M: 11,68 -Th-ourth who is wilis & his werkys . -th-ey
we(n)ty(n) to helle [aaAx]
M: 11,69 And al her(e) seed for her(e) sy(n)ne . -th-e same
wo suffry(n) [aaAa]
M: 11,70 swiche moteyuys -th-ey meuy(n) . -th-yse maistris
i(n) her(e) glorye [aaAx]
M: 11,71 & make me(n) i(n) misbeleue . -th-(a)t musit
on her(e) wordis [aaAx]?
p. 542
M: 11,72 But austyn -th-e holy man . for alle swiche p(re)chede
M: 11,73 & for swiche teliers . swich a teme schewede
M: 11,74 { Non plus sap(er)e quam oportet &c } [Latin]
M: 11,75 & bad no(n) man asky(n) wherfor(e) ne whi [aaAa]
M: 11,76 -Th-at god sufferede satan . his sedis to begyle
M: 11,77 But belef treuliche . -th-e lor(e) of holy chirche
M: 11,78 & preie hi(m) of p(ar)don . & penaunce i(n)
-th-y lyue [aaAx]
M: 11,79 And for -th-e michel m(er)cy . to amendi(n) vs her(e)
M: 11,80 ffor alle -th-at willet so weti(n) . -th-e p(ri)uytes
of god [aaAx]
M: 11,81 I wolde his eie wer(e) . in his ars & his hele
aftir [aaBb]
M: 11,82 -Th-at willit to wetyn . qwy -th-at god woolde [aaAa]
M: 11,83 suffryn -th-at schrewe satan . his sedis to begile
M: 11,84 Or Iudas -th-e Iew . his sone to betraie [aaAx]
M: 11,85 ffor al was he wolde . -th-at lord be heried [xaAx]
M: 11,86 & al worth at his wille . what so we tellyn
M: 11,87 but now komut a coniou(n) . wolde kacchi(n) of hi(m)
wittis [aaAx]
M: 11,88 What is dowel from dobet . deef mote he worthyn
M: 11,89 Si-th-in he willit to wety(n) . wyche -th-ey ben
alle [aaAx]
M: 11,90 but he loue -th-e leste degree . -th-at to dowel
longit [aaAx]
M: 11,91 ffor I dar ben his bolde bourth . -th-(a)t do bet
wele he neuer(e) [aaAx]
M: 11,92 -Th-ey dobest drawe on hi(m) . day aftir o-th-ir
M: 11,93 & whan -th-at wit was Iwar . how his wif tolde
M: 11,94 he bekam so confius . he cowde not spekyn [aaAx]
M: 11,95 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,96 but for no(n) karpyng -th-(a)t he cowde . ne kneli(n)g
to -th-e gro(n)de [aaAx]
M: 11,97 I ne migthe gety(n) no(n) greyn . of his g(re)te
wittes [aaAx]
M: 11,98 but al lauwynge he lokede . & lokid vpo(n) stodie
M: 11,99 In signe -th-(a)t I schulde . besechi(n) hir(e)
of g(ra)ce [aaAx]?
M: 11,100 & whanne -th-at I was war -th-(a)t swich was
his wille
M: 11,100 to his wif gan I gon & knelede to -th-e er-th-e
M: 11,101 And seyde m(er)cy madame . wile I worthe [aaAx]
M: 11,102 ffor to werchy(n) -y-our(e) wille . -th-e while
my lyf lastith [aaAxx]
p. 543
M: 11,103 to techyn me kendely . to knowi(n) what is dowel
M: 11,104 ffor -th-in meknesse man q(uo)d sche . & for
-th-y fair(e) speche [aaAx]
M: 11,105 I schal techi(n) -th-e to my(n) cosyn . -th-(a)t
clergie hotit [aaAx]
M: 11,106 He had weddid a wif . wit innyn -th-ise wokis vj
M: 11,107 Is sib to -th-e vij artis . & scrptur(e) is
namyd [aaAx]
M: 11,108 -Th-ey to as I hope . aftir my besechi(n)g [xaAx]
M: 11,109 Schal wisse -th-e dowel . I dar vndirtake [aaAx]
M: 11,110 & -th-an was I as fayn as fowl . of fair morwe
M: 11,111 -Y-a gladder(e) -th-an a glewman . -th-at gold
hat to -y-ifte [aaAx]
M: 11,112 I askede hir(e) -th-e eie weie . wher clergie duellede
M: 11,113 And telle me so(m)m tokne [to] hym . for tyme is
-th-(a)t I we(n)de [aaAx]
M: 11,114 Aske -th-e eie wey q(uo)d sche . hennis to suffr(e)
M: 11,115 Bo-th-in in wele & i(n) wo . -y-if -th-(o)u
wit lerne [aaAx]
M: 11,116 & ride forth be ricchesse . & reste -th-(o)u
not -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
M: 11,117 ffor -y-if -th-(o)u compleinyst -th-e to hi(m)
to clergie . komist -th-(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 11,118 & ek be -th-e longe lane . -th-at leccherie
hauntid [aaAx]
M: 11,119 Leue on -th-in left hand . a large mile or mor(e)
M: 11,120 til -th-ou kome to -th-e court of . kepe wel -th-y
tunge [aaAx]
M: 11,121 ffro lesyngis & lether speche . & likerouse
drynkys [aaAx]
M: 11,122 -Th-a(n)ne schalt -th-(o)u sen soberte . & simplenesse
of speche [aaAa]
M: 11,123 -Th-at ich man be in wille . his wit -th-e to schewyn
M: 11,124 so schalt -th-(o)u komy(n) to clerge . -th-(a)t
kan manye -th-inges [aaAx]
M: 11,125 Sei hi(m) -th-ys tokene . I sette hi(m) to scole
M: 11,126 & -th-at I grete wel his wif . I wrot hir(e)
-th-e bille [aaAx]
M: 11,127 & sette hir(e) to sapience . & to -th-e
sautir glosid [aaAx]
M: 11,128 Logik I lernyd hir(e) . & al -th-e lawe aftir
M: 11,129 Alle -th-e musons of musik . I made hir(e) to knowe
M: 11,130 Plato -th-e poete . I put hi(m) ferst to scole
M: 11,131 Aristtele & o-th-yr mo . to argue I taugthe
M: 11,132 Gramer for childryn . I made ferst to wrytyn [aaAx]
p. 544
M: 11,133 And beet hi(m) wit a balais . but -th-ey woldi(n)
lerne [aaAxx]
M: 11,134 Of alle kennes craftis . I co(n)treuid toolys [aaAx]
M: 11,135 Of Carpenters of keruirs . & kende ferst Masou(n)s
M: 11,136 leuel & lyne -th-ey I loke dy(m)me [aaAa]
M: 11,137 But theologie hat tenyd me . ofter(e) -th-an x
score tyme [aaAa]
M: 11,138 ffor -th-e mor(e) -th-(a)t I muse -th-(er)inne
. -th-e mistelier(e) it semit [aaAx]
M: 11,139 -Th-e dipper(e) I deuynyde . -th-e derker(e) me
-th-ougthe [aaAx]
M: 11,140 It is no(n) scie(n)ce forsoth . for to sotelyn
inne [aaAx]
M: 11,141 Ne wer(e) -th-e loue -th-(a)t lith-gh- . -th-(er)in
a lewid -th-yng it wer(e) [aaAx]
M: 11,142 & for it lat best be loue . I loue it -th-e
bet(er)e [aaAx]
M: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) as loue is lord . lackede neu(er)e
grace [aaAx]
M: 11,144 Leue now trewliche -th-(er) vpon . dowel -y-if
-th-(o)u -th-inke [aaBb]
M: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . ben drawe(n) out of louis
lor(e) [aaAx]
M: 11,146 In o-th-ir science it seith . i(n) Caton -th-ou
migth redyn [aaAx]
M: 11,147 { Qui similat verbis n(ec) corde e(st) fidus amicus
} [Latin]
M: 11,148 { tu quo(que) fac simile sic ars deludit(ur) arte
} [Latin]
M: 11,149 But theologie tellit not so . whoso takit hede
M: 11,150 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,151 He bidit vs ben as bre-th-eryn . & our(e) foome(n)
blissen [aaAx]
M: 11,152 & loue(n) he(m) -th-at lyin on vs . & leny(n)
he(m) at her(e) nede [aaAx]
M: 11,153 And don good a-y-ens euel . so god hi(m) self hotit
M: 11,154 & schewed it hi(m) seluy(n) . in ensaunple
for -th-e beste [aaAx]
M: 11,154a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala } [Latin]
M: 11,155 but ascorne is hard -th-i(n)g . & euel for
to knowyn [aaAx]
M: 11,156 Geomet(ri)e & geomecie . is gynful of speche
M: 11,157 -Th-at -th-inkit to werchi(n) w(i)t(h) -th-o -th-r(e)
. -th-ryuit wol late [aaAx]
M: 11,158 ffor sorcery is -th-e souereyn book . -th-at to
scie(n)ce longit [aaAx]
M: 11,159 -Y-it arn -th-er febuthis in forolis . of many
me(n)nis wittis [aaBb]
M: 11,160 Exp(er)ement-gh- of alcomie . of beerdis makynge
M: 11,161 Nigrmansie & p(er)maunsie . -th-e pouke to
areisyn [xaAx]
M: 11,162 -Y-yf -th-ou -th-inke to dowel . dele w(i)t(h)
he(m) neu(er)e [xaAx]
p. 545
M: 11,163 Alle -th-ese scie(n)sis . siker I mysef form(er)st
M: 11,164 he fondeth in feith . folk to disseyue [aaAx]
M: 11,165 I bekenne -th-e to crist . I kan seyn no beter(e)
M: 11,166 I seide g(ra)mercy mada(m) . & mekely hir(e)
grete [aaAx]
M: 11,167 I wente withly my wey . w(i)t(h)outi(n) mor(e)
lettyng [aaaAx]
M: 11,168 & fone as sche aforn tolde . & forth gan
I wende [aaAx]
M: 11,169 And er I kome to clergie . koude I neu(er)e stynte
M: 11,170 I grete -th-(a)t goode man . as stodie me tauthe
M: 11,171 & aftir -th-e goode wif . I worsschepede he(m)
bo-th-i(n) [aaAx]
M: 11,172 And tolde hir(e) -th-e tokne . -th-(a)t me tauth
wern [aaAx]
M: 11,173 Was neu(er)e man o(n) -th-is moolde . sy-th-y(n)
god made heuene [aaAx]
M: 11,174 ffairer(e) vndirfongi(n) . ne frendliker(e) mad
at ese [aaAx]
M: 11,175 -Th-an I my self soothly . as sone as -th-ey wysten
M: 11,176 -Th-at I was of wittis house . & w(i)t(h) his
wif dam stodie [axAx]
M: 11,177 Curteisly clerkys . kalledi(n) me & kestyn
M: 11,178 & askedi(n) me how wit ferde . & hise goode
frendis [axAx]
M: 11,179 And I seide soot-gh-ly . -th-ey senti(n) me hidir
M: 11,180 to lerne w(i)t(h) -y-ou dowel . & dobet -th-er
aftir [xaAx]
M: 11,181 & sy-th-in aftirward to sen . somwhat of dobest
M: 11,182 It is a wol trewe lif q(uo)d he . among -th-e comou(n)
peple [aaAx]
M: 11,183 Actif it is hotyn . vsbondis it vsit [aaAx]
M: 11,184 Trewe tiliers of -th-e er-th-e . or tailo(ur)s
or touchers [aaxAx]
M: 11,185 & alle kennes crafti men . -th-(a)t konne(n)
her(e) foode wi(n)ne(n) [aaAx]
M: 11,186 W(i)t(h) any trewe trauaile . tilien her(e) foode
M: 11,187 Dichin or deluyn . dowel it hatte [aaAx]
M: 11,188 to brekyn beggeris bred . an happi(n) he(m) wit
clo-th-is [aaaAx]
M: 11,189 Counforty(n) -th-e kareful . in kastel Ifettrid
M: 11,190 & sekyn out -th-e sike . & sende(n) hi(m)
-th-(a)t h nedit [aaAx]
M: 11,191 Millde among his euene cristene -th-ys is -th-(a)t dowel vsit [aaXx]
M: 11,192 And so witnessit dauid in -th-e saut(er) book [aaAx]
p. 546
M: 11,192a { Ecce q(u)a(m) bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocu(n)du(m)
habitar(e) f(rat)ris i(n) vnu(m) } [Latin]
M: 11,193a { Gauder(e) cu(m) gaude(n)tib(us) & fler(e)
cu(m) flentib(us) } [Latin]
M: 11,193 Sike w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . & singen w(i)t(h)
-th-e glade [aaAx]
M: 11,194 Dredles it is dobest dobet wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
M: 11,195 Sir(e) dobest had ben in offys . & so he is
best worthii [aaAx]
M: 11,196 Be -th-at god in -th-e gospel . bo-th-in g(ra)untit & techit
M: 11,196a { Qui facit & docuit magnus vocabit(ur) i(n)
regno celor(um) } [Latin]
M: 11,197 ffor-th-i is sir(e) dobest . a bisschopis per(e)
M: 11,198 Prince ouer godis peple . to p(re)chyn & to
chastyn [aaAx]
M: 11,199 Dobet dot-gh- ful wel . & doutid is he alse
M: 11,200 & hat possessiou(n)s & pluraltes . for
pouer(e) me(n)nis sake [aaAx]
M: 11,201 ffor me(n)dynans & michefs . -th-o men weryn
dubbid [aaAx]
M: 11,202 And -th-at is reitful religiou(n) . but not re(n)neris
abouty(n) [aaAx]
M: 11,203 Ne none lepers ou(er) lond . ladiys to schriuen
M: 11,204 Gregorie -th-e grete clerk . a good clerk in his
tyme [aaAx]
M: 11,205 Of Religiou(n) -th-e rule . rehercid in his moralis
M: 11,206 And seit it in ensample . -th-at -th-ey schulde
do(n) -th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
M: 11,207 Whan ffisschis failin . -th-e flood or -th-e fressch
watir [aaAa]
M: 11,208 -Th-ey deie(n) for -th-e drougthe . whan -th-ey
dreie liggyn [aaAx]
M: 11,209 Ryeth so farit be religiou(n) . it roilit al aboutyn
M: 11,210 -Th-at out of coue(n)t & of cloistr(e) . coueiti(n)
to libben [aaAx]
M: 11,211 & now is sir(e) Religiou(n) a rider(e) . a
romer(e) be stretis [aaAx]
M: 11,212 A leder(e) of ladyis . a bigg(er)e of londis [aaAx]
M: 11,213 Ridit on his palfrey . for tou(n) to tovne [aaBb]
M: 11,214 A bidev or a baselard . he berith be his side [aaAx]
M: 11,215 Godis flesch & his fet . & his v woundis
M: 11,216 Arn mor(e) in his mende . -th-an -th-e memorie
of his found(er)e [aaAx]
M: 11,217 -Th-is is -th-e lif of -th-e lordis . -th-at leuy(n)
schulde w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
M: 11,218 And Welawo werse . -th-an I wele telle [aaAx]
M: 11,219 I wende -th-at knythod . & kaisers w(i)t(h)
herlis [aaAx]
M: 11,220 Wer dowel & dobet . & dobest of alle [aaAx]
M: 11,221 ffor I haue sein it miself . & si-th-in radd
it aftir [aaAx]
M: 11,222 How crist counseilde -th-e comou(n) . & kennede
-th-ys tale [aaaAx]
p. 547
M: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedra(m) moisi sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes
q(u)i dicunt facite } [Latin]
M: 11,224 ffor-th-y I wende -th-at -th-o . wern do best of
alle [aaAxx]
M: 11,225 I nylle not q(uo)d scriptur(e) . but scriuers lien
M: 11,226 Kynghod ne knythod . be not -th-at I kan aspie
M: 11,227 Helpit not to heueneward . on heris hende [aaAa]
M: 11,228 Ne richesse ne rente . ne realte of londis [aaAx]
M: 11,229 ffor poul prouit inpossible . riche men in heuene
M: 11,230 But pouer(e) me(n) & penau(n)s . & pacience
togederis [aaAx]
M: 11,231 Hauy(n) herytage i(n) heuene . & reche me(n)
no(n) [aaAxx]
M: 11,232 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I be crist . -th-(a)t kan I
withseyn [aaAx]
M: 11,233 & prouy(n) it be -th-e gospel . -th-(a)t crist
hi(m)sel made [aaAx]
M: 11,234 { Qui credederit et bapti-gh-at(us) fu(er)it saluus
erit }
M: 11,234 { Qui vero no(n) crediderit condempnabit(ur) }
M: 11,235 -Th-at is { in extremis } q(uo)d scriptur(e) .
among saranis & Iewis [aaAx]
M: 11,236 -Th-ey may ben sauy so . & so is our(e) beleue
M: 11,237 -Th-at iche cristene in -th-at cas . may criste(n)
an hethene [aaAx]
M: 11,238 & for his trewe beleue . whan he is lif ty(n)nit
M: 11,239 Haue heritage in heuene . as he -th-at is cristene
M: 11,240 But cristene men god it wot . komyth not so i(n)
heuene [aaAx]
M: 11,241 ffor -th-ey han ano-th-ir deg(re) and is her(e)
comou(n) speche [axAx]
M: 11,242 { Diliges d(omin)um d(eu)m tuu(m) &c & p(ro)x(um)
tuu(m) &c }
M: 11,243 Godis word witnessit . we schuldy(n) -y-eue(n) & dely(n)
M: 11,244 Our(e) euene crstene & alle men . -th-at arn
nedy & por(e) [aaAxx]
M: 11,245 & schewit vs -th-is s(er)mou(n) . -th-at sone
sewit aftir [aaAx]
M: 11,245a { Du(m) temp(us) h(ab)emus op(er)em(ur) bonu(m)
ad om(ne)s max(ime) ad domesticos fid(e)i } [Latin]
M: 11,246 Alle kynde creatouris . -th-(a)t to crist bet lik
M: 11,247 We ben holdy(n) holliche . to herien & honuren
M: 11,248 & -y-euen hem of our(e) good . as good as our(e)
sefluy(n) [aaAx]
M: 11,249 And souereynliche to swiche . as sewit our(e) beleue
M: 11,250 -Th-at is ich cristene creatour . be kynde til
o-th-ir [aaAx]
M: 11,251 And si-th-in heyene to helpi(n) . in hope hem to
ame(n)de [aaAx]
M: 11,252 Nei-th-(er) to harmy(n) hy(m) ne to slen . for
god higtid neu(er)e [axAx]
M: 11,253 ffor cryst seide it hi(m)self . in his ten hestis
M: 11,254 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 548
M: 11,255 { No vindicabis q(uia) m(ichi) vind(ic)ta(m) & ego
ret(ri)buam } [Latin]
M: 11,256 I schal punschi(n) in purgatorie . or in -th-e
pet of helle [aaAx]
M: 11,257 Ich man for his misdede . but -y-if m(er)cy lette
M: 11,258 -Y-it am I q(uo)d I neu(er)e ner . for nouth -th-(a)t
I haue walkyd [aaAx]
M: 11,259 To weti(n) what is dowel . witt(er)ly in herte
M: 11,260 ffor what so I werke in -th-ys word . wrong o-th-ir
ellis [aaAx]
M: 11,261 I was markid w(i)t(h)outy(n) m(er)cy . & my
name entrid [aaAxx]
M: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lif . longe er I wer(e) [aaAx]
M: 11,263 Or ellis vnwrety(n) for wyckede . as witnessit
-th-e gospel [aaAx]
M: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celu(m) n(is)i qui discendit
de celo } [Latin]
M: 11,264 & I leue it wel be our(e) lord . & on no(n)
l(ette)re bett(er)e [aaAx]
M: 11,265 ffor salamo(n) -th-e sage . -th-(a)t sapie(n)ce
made [aaAx]
M: 11,266 God -y-af hi(m) grace . & richesse togeder[i]s
M: 11,267 ffor to rulyn his realme . rigth at his wille [aaAx]
M: 11,268 Dede he nout wisly & wel . as holy writ tellit
M: 11,269 Bo-th-y(n) in werk & in w[o]ord . in world
i(n) his tyme [aaAx]
M: 11,270 Aristotele & he . who dedyn bet(er)e [aaXx]
M: 11,271 & al holi cherche . holdit hem in helle [aaAa]
M: 11,272 And wern neu(er)e in -th-ys word . ij wyser(e)
of werkys [aaAa]
M: 11,273 ffor alle kennys clerkys . sy-th-in crist -y-ede
on er-th-e [aaAx]
M: 11,274 Taky(n) ensaumple of her(e) sawis . in sarmou(n)s
-th-(a)t -th-ey maky(n) [aaAx]
M: 11,275 & be her(e) werkys & her(e) wordys . wyssen
vs to goode [aaAx]
M: 11,276 And -y-yf I schal werky(n) be he(m) . to wynny(n)
me heuene [aaAx]
M: 11,277 & for her(e) werkys & her(e) wit . wy(n)ne
me pyne [aaAx]
M: 11,278 -Th-a(n)ne wrougthe I vnwisly . w(i)t(h) al -th-at
I lernede [aaAx]
M: 11,279 On goode fryday I fy(n)de . a felou(n) was sauid
M: 11,280 -Th-at hadde lyuede al his lif . in lesinges & -th-efte
M: 11,281 ffor he beknew on -th-e cros . & to cryst schsof
hi(m) [aaAx]
M: 11,282 Su(n)n(er)e was he sauid . -th-anne seyn Iohn -th-e
baptist [aaAx]
M: 11,283 Or habrah(a)m or isaie . or ony of -th-e p(ro)phe(ti)s
M: 11,284 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,285 A Robber(e) hadde remissiou(n) . sonn(er)e -th-a(n)ne
-th-ey alle [aaAx]
M: 11,286 Witoutyn penaunce or purgatorie . to p(ar)adis
for euer(e) [aaAx]
p. 549
M: 11,287 -Th-a(n)ne marie -th-e maudelene . who migth don
werse [aaAx]
M: 11,288 Or who dede werse -th-a(n)ne dauid . -th-(a)t vrie
distroide [aaAx]
M: 11,289 Or powl -th-e apostel . -th-(a)t no(n) pite ne
hadde [aaAx]
M: 11,290 Cristene kynde . to kylly(n) to dede [aaAx]
M: 11,291 And arn none forso-th-e . so sikirly in heuene
M: 11,292 As -th-ese -th-at wrougthi(n) wickydly . in world
whan -th-ey wern [aaAa]
M: 11,293 but -y-it am I aferd . of -th-e v wittis techyng
M: 11,294 -th-a(n)ne clergise of cristis mouthe . comaundid
was it neu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 11,295 ffor he seid it hymself . to su(m)me of his disciplis
M: 11,296 { Dum stet(er)itis ante Reges & p(re)sides
nolite cogitar(e) &c } [Latin]
M: 11,297 & is as michil to meny(n) . to me(n) -th-(a)t
ben lewid [aaAx]
M: 11,298 Whan -y-e be(n) apposid . of p(re)stis of -th-e
lawe [aaAx]
M: 11,299 ffor to ansuery(n) hem alle . haue -y-e no(n) doute
M: 11,300 ffor he wile g(ra)unte -y-ow g(ra)ce . -th-e god
-th-(a)t -y-e s(er)uy(n) [aaAx]
M: 11,301 -Th-e helpe of -th-e holy goost . to ansuery(n)
he(m) alle [aaAa]
M: 11,302 -Th-e douthiyste doctour . or diuino(ur) of -th-e
t(ri)nite [aaAx]
M: 11,303 -Th-at was austyn -th-e hold . & heyirst of
-th-e four(e) [aaAx]
M: 11,304 seide -th-us for a sarmou(n) . so me god helpe
M: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i idioti rapiunt celu(m) vbi nos sapie(n)tes
M: 11,305 { in infernu(m) mergimur } [Latin]
M: 11,306 & is to menyn in our(e) mouthis . mor(e) ne
lasse [aaAx]
M: 11,307 Arn none rather(e) rauyschid . from -th-e rigthe
beleue [aaAx]
M: 11,308 -Th-an arn -th-ise grete clerkis . -th-at koniy(n)
manye bokys [aaAx]
M: 11,309 Ne none su(n)n(er)e Isauid . ne sadder(e) of co(n)cie(n)ce
M: 11,310 -Th-an pouer(e) peple & plouthmen . & pastouris
of bestis [aaaAx]
M: 11,311 Saweris & soweris . swiche lewid Iottis [aaAxx]
M: 11,312 -Th-ey dep(ar)tyn wit a pat(er)n(oste)r . -th-e
palais of heuene [aaAx]
M: 11,313 Witouty(n) penaunce at her(e) p(ar)tynge . into
-th-e heye blisse [aaXx]
ffor -th-ey I rede alle men -th-at on crist ben leuyn
Asken m(er)cy of god for her(e) misdedes
And coueiten no(n) clergie ne catel on -th-is er-th-e
But alwey to s(er)uen god & hendy(n) in hise werkys
And -th-at he g(ra)unte vs -th-e Ioie -th-at euer(e) schal
W(i)t(h) pers -th-e plowma(n) to wonyn in his blysse Ame(n)
Explicit prologus de dowel dobet & dobest