PPLA-A Diplomatic Texts
p. 307
A: 1,142 He ::::: for vs::::::ly ; he deyd for vs alle [aaAx]
A: 1,143 And ::::::::::: ; -th-(a)t wrout hym tene [aaAx]
A: 1,144 But mekely w(i)t(h) mouthe ; Mercy gan seche [aaAx]
A: 1,145 To hauyn on -th-at puple ; -th-at pyned hym to dede
A: 1,146 Here mygth -th-u sen example ; on -th-e selfe onys
A: 1,147 That he was mygthi & meke ; & mercy gan
graunte [aaAx]
A: 1,148 To hem -th-at hengyn on hym ; & his hert thrillid
A: 1,149 ffor-th-i I rede -gh-ow riche ; haue reuth on -th-e
pore [aaAx]
A: 1,150 Thou he be mygthi to mote . be meke in -gh-oure
werk(is) [aaAx]
A: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesuris -th-at -gh-e to o-th-er
men metyn [aaAx]
A: 1,152 Schal ben metyn to -gh-ou ; whan -gh-e henys wende
A: 1,153 Thow -gh-e ben trewe of tunge ; & treweliche
wynne [aaAx]
A: 1,154 And as chaste as a child ; -th-at in chirche wepit
A: 1,155 But -th-u loue lely . & loue wel -th-e pore
A: 1,156 Of sweche god as god hath -th-e sent ; loueliche
depart [aaAx]
A: 1,157 Tho han no more merite . of heueneriche blisse [aaAx]
A: 1,158 Than malkyn of here maydynhed ; -th-at no man dishirith
A: 1,159 ffor iamis -th-e ientil . he iuggith in his bokis
A: 1,160 That feyth w(i)t(h)oute feute . is feblere -th-an
nout [aaAx]
A: 1,161 As dede as a dore nayle ; but -th-ine dedis folwyn
A: 1,162 Castite w(i)t(h)oute charite ; worth tenyd in helle
A: 1,163 It is as lewid as a lampe . -th-at ::: lygth is
Inne [aaAx]
A: 1,164 Many chapeleyns arn chrafti & chast . & charite
is awey [aaAx]
A: 1,165 Arn none hardede -th-an -th-ay . whan -th-ai avaunsid
::: [aaAx]
A: 1,166 Vnkende to here kynrede ; and to alle cristene [aaXa]
A: 1,167 he chouhen here charite ; & chidyn aftyr more
A: 1,168 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 1,169 ffor -th-i -gh-e creaturis -th-at kepyn -gh-ow clene
; of -gh-our bodyes [aaAx]
A: 1,170 -Gh-e be comberid w(i)t(h) coueytice . -gh-e can
not out crepe [aaAa]
A: 1,171 So hard hath auerice ; happid -gh-ou togedur [aaAx]
p. 308
A: 1,172 That is no treuth of -th-e trenite . but treccherie
of helle [aaAx]
A: 1,173 And lernyng to lewid men ; -th-er for to dwelle
A: 1,174 ffor -th-ese arn -th-e wordes ; wretyn in -th-e
vangelie [aaAx]
A: 1,175 { Date dabitur vobis &c } . for I dele -gh-ou
alle [aaAx]
A: 1,176 That is lok of loue ; -th-at lette out My grace
A: 1,177 To comforth -th-e carful ; acomerid w(i)t(h) synne
A: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuyst -th-ing ; -th-at oure lord
askith [aaAx]
A: 1,179 And eke -th-e grettest gate ; -th-at goth into heuene
A: 1,180 ffor I sey as I seyde ; er be -th-e tyxtis [aaAx]
A: 1,181 Whan alle tresor is tried ; trew-th-e is -th-e best
A: 1,182 Now haue I told what trew-th-e is ; is non tresor
bettir [aaAx]
A: 1,183 I may no lengur lende ; lord loue -gh-ou alle [aaAx]
Passus secundus de visione
A: 2,1 And -gh-et I knelid on my knes . & preyd here of
grace [aaAx]
A: 2,2 And seyde mercy madame . for mari loue of heuyn [aaAx]
A: 2,3 That bar -th-at blisful baron . -th-at boute vs on
-th-e rode [aaaAx]
A: 2,4 Kenne me sum crafte ; for to knowe -th-e falce [aaAx]
A: 2,5 lo where -th-ei standyn bo-th-e false & fauel
A: 2,6 And here feris many ; vnfeythfully to knowe [aaAx]
A: 2,7 I lokid on my lyfte halfe ; as -th-e lady me taut
A: 2,8 And was worthily war of a woman . fayre clo-th-id
A: 2,9 Ipurid w(i)t(h) pellure ; -th-e purest ::: erde [aaAx]
A: 2,10 Croundid w(i)t(h) a coroune . -th-e kyng hath no
better [aaAx]
A: 2,11 Alle here fyue fyngeris ; were federid w(i)t(h) ryngis
A: 2,12 Of -th-e ::::: perre ; -th-e prince werid eu(er)
A: 2,13 ;;;;;;; scharled round robe ; and rebaund w(i)t(h)
golde [aaAx]
A: 2,14 ::her is no quene queynter ; -th-at quik is on lyfe
A: 2,15 ::hat is -th-at woman quot I ; -th-(a)t is -th-(us)
worthily atyred [aaAx]
A: 2,16 ::t is mede -th-e mayde ; -th-at greuyth me ofte
A: 2,17 And eke lackith my lore . to lordis aboute [aaAx]
p. 308+r
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p. 309
A: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddis ; and -th-ese men aftir [aaAx]
A: 2,147 I haue no tunge to telle ; -th-e tayle -th-at -th-em
folwid [aaAx]
A: 2,148 Of many maner of men ; -th-at on erde libbith [aaAx]
A: 2,149 Gyle was forgoeere ; & begylith hem alle [aaAx]
A: 2,150 Sothnes say hem wel ; & seyde but lytil [aaAx]
A: 2,151 But prekith forth on his palfray ; & pasid hem
alle [aaAx]
A: 2,152 And cam to -th-e kyngis hous ; & conciens tolde
A: 2,153 And conciens to -th-e kyng ; & told it aftir
A: 2,154 Be crist quot -th-e kyng -th-anne ; and I hem cant
may [aaXa]
A: 2,155 ffalce or fauel ; or ony of here feris [aaXa]
A: 2,156 I schuld be wrekyn on -th-o wrecchis . -th-at werkyn
so ille [aaAx]
A: 2,157 And don hem hange be -th-e halce ; & alle -th-at
-th-em me(n)tenyth [aaAx]
A: 2,158 Schal no man on -th-is molde ; meinprice -th-e leste
A: 2,159 But rygth as lawe wole ; lat fallyn on hem alle
A: 2,160 And comaunde a constable . -th-at cam at -th-e fryst
A: 2,161 ffor to cache -th-o tereuntes ; for ony -th-ing
I hote [aaAx]
A: 2,162 ffederith falsenes . for ony kynnys -gh-yftis [aaaXx]
A: 2,163 And gyrdith of gilis hed ; & lat hym go no ferthere
A: 2,164 And bryngith mede to me . magrey hem alle [aaAx]
A: 2,165 Symonye & cyuile . send hem to warne [aaAx]
A: 2,166 That holy chirche for hem . worth harmyd for euyr
A: 2,167 And -gh-if -gh-e lacche lyere ; lat hym not aschape
A: 2,168 Put hym on -th-e pelori . for ony thyng I hote [aaAx]
A: 2,169 Dred at -th-e dore stod . & hard -th-e dom [aaAx]
A: 2,170 Wytely he wente awey . to warne -th-e falce [aaAx]
A: 2,171 And bad hym fast fle ; & his feris alle [aaAx]
A: 2,172 Than falsenes for ferde . fled to -th-e freris [aaAa]
A: 2,172 And crep in a cope ; & held hym -th-er Inne
A: 2,173 And gyle doth hym to go ; & gessid for to dey [aaAx]
p. 310
A: 2,174 And marchaundis mette w(i)t(h) hym . & bad hym
abyde [aaAx]
A: 2,175 And syttyn in here schoppis ; to schewyn her ware
A: 2,176 Peraylid has a prentice ; -th-e puple for to serue
A: 2,177 Lytely liere . went awey -th-anne [aaAx]
A: 2,178 Lurkyd -th-orow lanys ; to lyen on manye [aaAx]
A: 2,179 And was nowher wolcom . for his many talis [aaXx]
A: 2,180 Ouyral huntid ; & bad hym to trusse fer-th-ere
A: 2,181 Til p(ar)doneris had pete ; & tollid hym to
house [aaAx]
A: 2,182 Weschid hym & wypid hym ; & put hym in clo-th-is
A: 2,183 And sente on sondays ; w(i)t(h) selis to chirche
A: 2,184 And -gh-af p(ar)don for pens ; poundmele aboutyn
A: 2,185 Tho louredyn lechis ; and lettris sentyn [aaAx]
A: 2,186 ffor to wone w(i)t(h) hem ; wateris to loke [axAx]
A: 2,187 Spiceris spokyn to hym ; to aspyen her ware [aaAx]
A: 2,188 ffor he cowde on -th-e crafte ; an knew many gommes
A: 2,189 Mynstrelis & massengeris ; mette w(i)t(h) hym
onys [aaAx]
A: 2,190 And w(y)t(h)heldyn hym halfe a -gh-ere ; & eleuene
days [aaAx]
A: 2,191 ffreris w(i)t(h) fayre speche . fecchid hym -th-enis
A: 2,192 ffor knoweris of comeris ; copid hym as a frere
A: 2,193 And he had leue to lepyn out ; as ofte as he wolde
A: 2,194 And is wolcom whan he comyth ; & wonyth -th-er
ofte [aaAx]
A: 2,195 Alle fleddyn for ferd ; & floyn into hyrnis
A: 2,196 But mede -th-e mayde . no mo durst abyde [aaAx]
A: 2,197 And trewely to telle . -gh-he tremelid for ferd
A: 2,198 Wepyd & wrong here handis . whan -gh-he was
atachid [aaAxx]
Tercius passus de vissone
A: 3,1 NOw is mede -th-e mayde . & no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
A: 3,2 W(i)t(h) bedelis & balies ; brout befor -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
p. 311
A: 3,3 The kyng callid in a clerk ; I can not his name [aaaAx]
A: 3,4 To take mede -th-e mayde ; & make here at ese
A: 3,5 I schal asayn here me selfe ; sothly here apose [aaAx]
A: 3,6 What man of -th-is werld ; were here leuest [aaAx]
A: 3,7 -Gh-if -gh-he werche be witte ; & my wil folwe
A: 3,8 I wil forgefe here my gylt ; so god me helpe [aaAx]
A: 3,9 Curteysly -th-e clerk -th-anne . as -th-e kyng hygth
A: 3,10 Tok mede be -th-e myddil ; and brout her to chaumbre
A: 3,11 And -th-er was meche mynstralsy ; mede for to plese
A: 3,12 That wonyn at westemynster ; worchepid her alle [aaAx]
A: 3,13 Gentely w(i)t(h) ioy . -th-e iustices summe [aaAx]
A: 3,14 Busked hem to -th-e boure ; -th-er -th-e berde dwellid
A: 3,15 Comfortid here kyndely ; be clergies leue [aaAx]
A: 3,16 And seyde morne -th-u not mede ; ne mak -th-(o)u
no sorwe [aaAx]
A: 3,17 We wil spek to -th-e kyng ; & -th-i wey makyn
A: 3,18 ffor alle concience cast ; a crafte as I trowe [aaAx]
A: 3,19 Myldeliche mede -th-an ; myrthed hem alle [aaAx]
A: 3,20 ffor here gret goodnes ; gaf hem echone [aaAx]
A: 3,21 Coppis of clene gold ; and o-th-er -gh-iftis many
A: 3,22 Riches & ryngys . & rybies manye [aaAx]
A: 3,23 The lest man of here meny ; a motou(n) of gold [aaAx]
A: 3,24 Than tok -th-ai leue ; -th-e lordis aboute at mede
A: 3,25 Than comyn clerkis ; to comfort here -th-e same [aaAx]
A: 3,26 Bad here be blyth ; for we be -th-in owyn [aaAx]
A: 3,27 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 3,28 Myldeliche -th-an ; -gh-he behygth -th-em -th-e sane
p. 312
A: 3,29 To louyn hem lely ; & lordis hem make [aaAx]
A: 3,29 The left brolle of here blod ; a boronys -th-ere
A: 3,30 --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 3,33 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 3,34 Than cam -th-er a confessor ; copid as a frere [aaAx]
A: 3,35 To mede -th-e mayde . loweliche he lowtyd [aaAx]
A: 3,36 And seyde wol softely ; in schrifte as it were [aaAx]
A: 3,37 Thow lerid & lewyd . had loy be -th-e echone
A: 3,38 And -th-ow falshed had folewid -th-e . -th-is fyftene
wyntir [aaAx]
A: 3,39 I schal asoyle -th-e myselfe . for a sem of whete
A: 3,40 And eke ben -th-i baudekyn ; and bere -th-ine erande
A: 3,41 Amongis klerkis & kynytis ; conciens to felle
A: 3,42 Tham mede for here mysdede ; to -th-e frere knelid
A: 3,43 And schrofe here of here schrewidnes . shameles I
trowe [aaAx]
A: 3,44 Tolde hym a tale ; & tok hym a noble [aaAx]
A: 3,45 ffor to ben here bedeman ; & here baude aftir
A: 3,46 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 3,47 We han a wyndowne in werchyng ; & wil stand vs
hye [aaAxx]
A: 3,48 Woldis -th-u glace -th-e gable ; & wrygth -th-er
-th-i name [aaAx]
A: 3,49 Sekyr schuld -th-i soule ben ; heuyn blis to haue
A: 3,50 Wost I -th-at quot -gh-he ; I wold it grauyn [aaAx]
A: 3,51 And myne name -th-er inne wrytyn [aaAxx]
A: 3,52 That alle folke schuld sen ; I wer suster of -gh-o(ur)
houce [aaAx]
A: 3,53 But god to alle men ; sweche wrytyng defendith [aaAx]
A: 3,54 And seith { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra &c
} [Latin]
A: 3,55 Lat not -th-i lyfte halfe . late ne rathe [aaAx]
A: 3,56 Be war what -th-i rygth hand . werchis [aaxAx]
A: 3,57 ffor it is pride for sore as I se-th- [aaAx]
A: 3,58 ffor -th-i merite is loft in syth & in sowele
A: 3,59 I sey -th-e verili so god hym selfe knowith [aaAx]
A: 3,60 ffor whi I lere -th-ese wordis . leuith sweche wrytyng
A: 3,61 To wrytyn in -gh-oure wyndowiys . -gh-oure wele dedis
p. 313
A: 3,62 Or to gredyn aftir godys men -gh-erne
A: 3,62 of -gh-oure wele dedis ; whan -gh-e dele dolis [aaAx]
A: 3,63 In auntir -gh-he & he haue . -gh-oure here -th-erfore
A: 3,64 ffor oure sauyour it seth ; & hym selfe prchid
A: 3,64a { Amen amen recipiebant &c } [Latin]
A: 3,65 Meyris & maceris ; -th-at ben -th-ece menis [aaAx]
A: 3,66 Betwyn -th-e kyng & comouneris ; to kepe -th-ese
lawis [aaAx]
A: 3,67 To ponyschin on pelory ; & on pynyng stolis [aaAx]
A: 3,68 Brewstris & baxsteris ; bocheris & kokis
A: 3,69 Thece arn -th-e men on -th-is molde ; most harm werchis
A: 3,70 To -th-e pore puple ; -th-at p(ar)celmele bigge [aaAx]
A: 3,71 ffor -th-ei prechyn -th-e puple ; preuyly fol ofte
A: 3,72 And rechyn w(i)t(h) regatris regratrie ; & rentis
hem byggyn [aaAx]
A: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pore puple . schuld puttyn in here
wombe [aaAx]
A: 3,74 Toke -th-ai on treweliche ; -th-ai tymberid not so
hye [aaAx]
A: 3,75 Ne boute no burgace ; -th-is is certayn [aaAx]?
A: 3,76 And mede -th-e mayde ; -th-e meyre -gh-he hath besouth
A: 3,77 Of alle sweche selleris ; siluyr for to take [aaAx]
A: 3,78 As present w(i)t(h)out pens ; as pecis of siluyr
A: 3,79 Ryngis & o-th-er ryches ; euyr -th-e regrateris
to may(n)tyne [aaAx]
A: 3,80 ffor my loue quot -th-at lady . loue hem echone [aaAx]
A: 3,81 Suffere hem to selle ; sumwhat ageyne resun [aaAx]
A: 3,82 Salomon -th-e sage ; in a sermoun he made [aaAx]
A: 3,83 ffor to mede men & meyris . -th-at kepe -th-e
lawis [aaaXx]
A: 3,84 And told hem -th-is teme ; -th-at I telle thynke
A: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eor(um) }
A: 3,85 { qui libenter accipiunt munera } [Latin]
A: 3,86 Among -th-ece letterid lordis ; -th-is latyne amounteth
A: 3,87 The fere schal fallyn . & brenne at -th-e last
A: 3,88 The houcis & -th-e homys ; of -th-em -th-at dyshyryn
p. 314
A: 3,89 To take -gh-iftis or -gh-eriuys ; in -th-outh or
in dede [????]
A: 3,90 The kyng from -th-e councel cam . & cryed aftir
mede [aaaAx]
A: 3,91 ffor to haue . a seriaunt here for to fette [aaAx]
A: 3,92 And brout here to boure ; w(i)t(h) blysse & w(i)t(h)
ioye [aaAx]
A: 3,93 Curteysly -th-e kyng -th-anne ; began for to telle
A: 3,94 To mede -th-e mayde ; & mevede -th-ese wordis
A: 3,95 Vnwysely wrouth ; hast -th-u wol ofte [aaAx]
A: 3,96 And wers wroutist -th-u neu(er) ; but whan -th-u
falce tok [aaXx]
A: 3,97 And I for-gh-if -th-e in -th-i gylte ; & graunt
-th-e my grace [aaAa]
A: 3,98 Hene to -th-i ded day ; so -th-u do so no more [aaAx]
A: 3,99 I haue a knyte conciens ; cam late from be-gh-ondyn
A: 3,100 -Gh-if he wil -th-e wyfe ; wilt -th-u hym haue [aaAx]
A: 3,101 -Gh-a lord quot -th-at lady ; god forbede ellis
A: 3,102 But I holy at -gh-oure hest ; god for bede ellis
A: 3,102 But I holy at -gh-oure hest ; lat me hange sone
A: 3,103 Than was conciens cald . to com and apere [aaAx]
A: 3,104 Befor -th-e kyng & his councell(e) ; clerkis & other
A: 3,105 Knelyng conciens ; befor -th-e kyng loutid [aaAx]
A: 3,106 What -th-at is wille were ; & what he do schuld
A: 3,107 Wil -th-u wedde -th-is woman . -gh-if I wil assentyn
A: 3,108 -Gh-he is fayn of -th-i felachep ; for to be -th-i
make [aaAxx]
A: 3,109 Quot conciens to -th-e kyng ; crist it me forbede
A: 3,110 Or I wedde sweche a wyfe . crist it me forbede [aaAx]
A: 3,111 -Gh-he is freel of here feth ; fekil of here speche
A: 3,112 And makit men mysdo . many schor tymis [aaaAx]
A: 3,113 Be trost of here tresor ; -gh-he tenyth wol manye
p. 313+r
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p. 315
A: 3,230 Schul aby it ful bittirly ; or ellis -th-e bok lyeth
A: 3,231 Prestis & p(er)sonis . -th-at prechit and dishirith
A: 3,232 Takyn medis & mony ; for messis -th-at -th-ai
syngyn [aaAx]
A: 3,233 Schul haue mede on -th-is molde ; -th-at matheu
hath grauntid [aaAx]
A: 3,233a { Amen amen dico vobis receperunt mercedem suam
} [Latin]
A: 3,234 That laboureris & lewid folke ; takyn of here
maystris [aaXx]
A: 3,235 It is no more of mede ; but a mesurable hire [aaAx]
A: 3,236 In marchandice is no mede ; I may wel avowe [aaAx]
A: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutacioun ap(er)ly ; a penyworth for
another [aaAx]
A: 3,238 But reddist -th-u neu(er) { regum } ; -th-u recreyd
mede [aaAx]
A: 3,239 Whi -th-e vengauns fel vpon his children ; of -th-e
man saul [aaXx]
A: 3,240 God sent hym to seyne ; be samuelis mowth [aaAx]
A: 3,241 That agag of amalek ; & alle his puple aftir
A: 3,242 Schuld dey for a dede ; -th-at don had here elderis
A: 3,243 A-gh-eyne israel & aron ; & moyses here
bro-th-(er) [aaXx]?
A: 3,244 Samuel seyde to saul ; god sent to -th-e & hotith
A: 3,245 To ben buxum & bou(n) ; his biddyngis to fulfille
A: 3,246 Wyndith -th-edur w(i)t(h) -th-ine ost ; women for
to kille [axAx]?
A: 3,247 Children & cherlis . choppe of here hedis [aaAx]
A: 3,248 Loke -th-u kille -th-e kyng ; coueyte not his godis
A: 3,249 ffor ony meliounis of gold ; dismenbre hem echone
A: 3,250 Bernys & bestis ; brenne hem to dede [aaAx]
A: 3,251 ffor he killid not -th-e kyng ; as crist hym bode
sente [aaAx]
A: 3,252 Coueyte here good ; killid not here bestis [aaAx]
A: 3,253 But brouth w(i)t(h) hem -th-e bestis . as -th-e
bible tellit [aaAx]
p. 316
A: 3,254 God seyde to samuel ; -th-at saul schuld dey [aaAx]
A: 3,255 And alle he seyde ; for -th-at synne synfully endid
A: 3,256 Sweche a mysse mede ; made -th-e kyng for to haue
A: 3,257 That god hatid hym for euyr ; & his eyris aftir
A: 3,258 The colour of -th-is cace . kepe I neu(er) to schewe
A: 3,259 In auntur it noyed me ; non ende wil I make [aaAxx]
A: 3,260 I conciens schal knowe -th-at ; for kynd witte me
tauth [aaAx]
A: 3,261 That resonis schul reyne ; & realmis gouerne
A: 3,262 And rygth as agag hauyd ; rygth so schal synne [aaAx]
A: 3,263 Samuel schal sle hym ; & saul schal be blamyd
A: 3,264 And dauyd schal bigge dyademys ; & dauntyn hem
alle [aaAx]
A: 3,265 And on cryste(n) kyngis . schal kepe -gh-ou echone
A: 3,266 Schal no more mede ; be maystir vpon erde [aaAx]
A: 3,267 But loue & lownes ; and leute togederis [aaAx]
A: 3,268 And ho so trespas to trew-th-e ; & takith a
-gh-eu-gh-e his wille [aaAx]
A: 3,269 Leute schal don hym lawe ; and no lyfe ellis [aaAx]
A: 3,270 Schal no seriaunt for here seruice ; were -th-e
silkene houys [aaAx]
A: 3,271 Ne non ray robis ; w(i)t(h) riche pellure [aaAx]
A: 3,272 Mede of mysdoeris ; makt hem to riche [aaAx]
A: 3,273 That lawe is lord waxen ; & loue is ful pore
A: 3,274 Vnkendenes is comaundour ; & kendenes is blamichid
A: 3,275 And kynde witte schal come -gh-et ; & conciens
togederis [aaAx]
A: 3,276 And make of wo lawe a labourere ; sweche loue schal
rice [aaAx]
Passus quantus de visione
A: 4,1 SEkyr seyde -th-e kyng . I suffre -gh-ou no lenger [aaAx]
A: 4,2 -Gh-e schal acorde & serue me forso-th-e bo-th-e
p. 317
A: 4,3 kys here quot -th-e kyng ; conciens I hote [aaAx]
A: 4,4 Nay be crist quoth conciens ; coueytid no more [aaAx]
A: 4,5 But resun red me -th-ertil ; ra-th-ere wil I dey [aaAx]
A: 4,6 And I comaunde -th-e quot -th-e kyng ; to conciens
-th-anne [aaAx]
A: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ridyn ; & resoun fecche to councell(e)
A: 4,8 Comaunde hym for to come ; my councel to here [aaAx]
A: 4,9 ffor he schal rydyn my reme ; & red me -th-e best
A: 4,10 Of mede & of mo other ; what man schal here wedde
A: 4,11 And counte w(i)t(h) conciens ; So me god helpe [aaAx]
A: 4,12 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,13 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,14 He rytte rygth to reson ; & rownyth in his ere
A: 4,15 Seyde hym as -th-e kyng sent ; & aftir tok his
leue [aaAxx]
A: 4,16 I schal arayn me to rydyn quot resun ; rest -th-e
-th-er whyle [aaaAx]
A: 4,17 And callith caton his knawe ; curtaysie of speche
A: 4,17 [B:IV,17/C:V,18] And eke -th-e tenour of trewe tunge
; to tellis me no talis
A: 4,17 [B:IV,18/C:V,19] Ne lesyng for to lawhe of ; for
I louyd hem neuyr
A: 4,18 Set my sadil . vpon suffre til I se my tyme [aaAa]
A: 4,19 Let warrokyn wele hym ; with wittful gyrthis [aaAx]
A: 4,20 Hange on hym -th-e heuy brydil ; to holdyn his hed
lowe [aaAx]
A: 4,21 ffor he wil make many wey & whehe ; or he come
-th-ere [aaAx]
A: 4,22 Than conciens on his capil ; carid forth fast [aaAx]
A: 4,23 And resun w(i)t(h) hym rygth ; & rapid hym in
hast [aaAx]
A: 4,24 And warnyd wisdom ; & witty his felawe [aaAx]
A: 4,25 ffolwe -gh-e fast . for we han to done [aaAxx]
A: 4,26 In cheker in chaunserie ; to be dyschargid of iugis
A: 4,27 And redyn fast for resun . schuld rede hem -th-e
beste [aaAx]
A: 4,28 ffor to saue hem selfe ; fro schamys & harmis
A: 4,29 An conciens cam frist . to -th-e court be a myle
p. 318
A: 4,30 And romyd forth w(i)t(h) resun ; rygth to -th-e kyng
A: 4,31 Curtaysly -th-e kyng cam ; a-gh-enys resun [aaAx]
A: 4,32 Betwene hym and his sone ; sette hym on -th-e benche
A: 4,33 And spokyn fol wittely ; a gret while togederis [aaAx]
A: 4,34 Than cam pes into -th-e p(ar)lement ; and put for
a bille [aaAx]
A: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-enys his wille ; had his wille takyn
A: 4,36 And how he raueschid rose ; renaldis loue [aaAx]
A: 4,37 And margarte of here maydenhed . magre-th- here chekis
A: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gris & my gees ; & here goselyngis
fecchyn [aaAx]
A: 4,39 I dar not for ferd of hym ; ne fyte ne chiden [xaAx]
A: 4,40 He borowid of me bayard ; & brouth hem me neuyr
A: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-ing -th-erfor ; for not I cowde plete
A: 4,42 He moynteit his men . to mortheryn myne owis [aaAx]
A: 4,43 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,44 Brekith vp my berne doris . & berith awey my
whete [aaAx]
A: 4,45 And tak(i)t(h) me but a tayle ; of ten quarteris
hotis [aaAx]
A: 4,46 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,47 I am not hardy for hym to wynkyn ne to loke [aaAx]
A: 4,48 The kyng knew he seyde soth ; for conciens hym tolde
A: 4,49 Wrong aferid -th-o ; and wysdom he south [axAx]
A: 4,50 To makyn pes w(i)t(h) his pens ; proferid monye & seyde
A: 4,51 Had I loue of my lord -th-e kyng ; I wold litil recche
A: 4,52 Tho pes & his pouer . pleyned hem euyr [aaAx]
A: 4,53 Wysdom -th-an w(i)t(h) a wyse tale ; & so ded
witte also [aaAx]
A: 4,54 ffor wrong had wrouth . so wikkid a dede [aaAx]
A: 4,56 Qwo werchit be wil ; wreth he makit ofte [aaAx]
A: 4,55 And warnyth wrong ; w(i)t(h) a wyse tale [aaAx]
p. 319
A: 4,57 I sey be my selue . -th-u schalt -th-e so-th-e fynde
A: 4,58 But -gh-if I it make . -th-i myschep is huppe [aaAx]
A: 4,59 Bo-th- -th-i lyfe & -th-i lond ; lyen in his
grace [aaAx]
A: 4,60 Wrong vpon wisdom . & wepid for helpe [aaAx]
A: 4,61 And wisdom in handy dandy . hastely he payed [aaXa]
A: 4,62 Tho wysdom & witte . wente togederis [aaAx]
A: 4,63 And nome mede w(i)t(h) hem . mercy to wynde & wynne
A: 4,64 Pes put forth his hed ; & his panne blody [aaxAx]
A: 4,65 W(i)t(h)oute gilt god it woot ; gate he -th-is schathe
A: 4,66 Conciens & -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e so-th-e
A: 4,67 And wisdom wist wel ; -th-at wrong was a schrewe
A: 4,68 Wysdom & witte ; weryn aboute faste [aaAx]
A: 4,69 To ouyr -th-e kyng ; w(i)t(h) catel -gh-if -th-ei
mygth [aaAx]
A: 4,70 The kyng swore be hymselfe ; & be is croune bo-th-e
A: 4,71 That wrong for his werke ; schuld wrong tholyn [aaAx]
A: 4,72 And comande a constable ; to caste hym in yrenis
A: 4,73 And schal not -th-is seuene -gh-ere ; sen his feet
onys [aaAx]
A: 4,74 God wot quot wysdom . -th-at were not -th-e best
A: 4,75 And he amendis may make ; lat hym meinpris haue [aaAx]
A: 4,76 And brout out of his bale ; & bigge hym bote
A: 4,77 Amende -th-e mysdede ; & euyrmore -th-e bettir
A: 4,78 Witte acordith -th-erewith . & seyde -th-e same
A: 4,79 Better is -th-at bote ; -th-at bale adoun bryngyth
A: 4,80 Than bale be bote ; & hote neuyr -th-e bettir
A: 4,81 Than gan mekyn here mede ; and mercy besouth [aaAx]
A: 4,82 And p(ro)ferid pens in presens ; & pecis of gold
A: 4,83 Haue -th-is man of me ; quot -gh-he to amende -th-i
schathe [aaAx]
A: 4,84 ffor I wage for wrong ; he wil do so no more [aaAx]
A: 4,85 Petousely -th-an pes ; preyed to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
A: 4,86 To haue mercy on -th-at man ; -th-at mysse dede hym
ofte [aaAx]
A: 4,87 ffor he hath wagid me wel . as wysdom hym tauth [aaAx]
A: 4,88 I forgefe hym -th-at gilt . w(i)t(h) a good wille
A: 4,89 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,90 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,91 Nay quot -th-e kyng -th-o ; so god -gh-if me blysse
A: 4,92 Wrong wendith not so away ; or we wetyn more [aaaAx]
A: 4,93 Lope he so lytely away ; lawhen he wolde [aaAx]
A: 4,94 And eke -th-e baldere to be ; to betyn myn hewys
A: 4,95 But resun haue reuth on hym ; he restit in my stokkis
A: 4,96 As longe as I leue ; but bettir loue it makis [aaAx]
A: 4,97 Su(m)me reddyn resun ; to haue rew-th-e on -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
A: 4,98 And concelid -th-e kyng ; & conciens alce [aaAx]
A: 4,99 That mede must be meinp(er)our ; resun -th-e besouth
A: 4,100 Red me quot resun ; no reuth for to haue [aaAx]
A: 4,101 Til lordis & ladyes . louyn alle trewthe [aaAx]
A: 4,102 And p(er)nellis purfil ; bi putte in here hucche
A: 4,103 Til childeris chastisyng . be chastisid w(i)t(h)
-gh-erdis [aaAx]
A: 4,104 And harlotis holinis ; ben holdyn for an hyne [aaAa]
A: 4,105 Til clerkis & knytis ; ben curteyce of here
mou-th-is [aaAx]
A: 4,106 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,107 Til prestis here prechyng . preuyth hemselue [aaAx]
A: 4,108 And don it in dede ; to drawyn vs to gode [aaAx]
A: 4,109 Til sent iamis be south ; -th-er I schal asygne
A: 4,110 That no man go to galis ; but he go for euyr [aaAx]
p. 321
A: 4,111 And alle rome renneris ; for robbyng of be-gh-onde
A: 4,112 Bere no siluyr ouyr -th-e see ; -th-at sygne of
-th-e kyng schewt [aaAa]
A: 4,113 Neyther grotis ne gold ; graue w(i)t(h) -th-e kyngys
croune [aaAx]
A: 4,114 Vpon forfeture of -th-at fee ; ho so fynte hem at
douyr [aaAx]
A: 4,115 But -gh-if it be marchaunt or his man ; or messenger
w(i)t(h) letteris [aaAx]
A: 4,116 Or prouisiour or ony prest ; -th-at -th-e pope auaunsith
A: 4,117 And quot resun be -th-e rode ; I schal no reuthe
haue [aaAx]
A: 4,118 Whil mede hath -th-e maistre . to motyn in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
A: 4,119 I may schewyn -gh-ou example ; as -gh-e sen other
A: 4,120 I sey it for my selue . and it so were [aaAx]
A: 4,121 And I were a kyng w(i)t(h) coroun ; to kepyn a rem
A: 4,122 Schuld -th-er neuyr wrong in -th-is werld . -th-at
I wete mygth [aaAx]
A: 4,123 Ben vnponyschid in my pouer ; for perel of my soule
A: 4,124 Ne gete my grace -th-orow gyfte ; so me god helpe
A: 4,125 But for no mede haue merci ; but meknes it made
A: 4,126 ffor { nullum malum } . met w(i)t(h) { infinitum
} [aaAx]
A: 4,127 And bad { nullum malum } be { inremuneratum } [aaAx]
A: 4,128 Late -th-i confessour sere kyng ; construe -th-is
on engelis [aaAx]
A: 4,129 And werch it in werke ; I gefe -th-e myne eris [aaAx]
A: 4,130 But lawe be a laborere ; & led on feld donnge
A: 4,131 And loue schal ledyn -th-i lond ; as -th-e leue
likyth [aaaAx]
A: 4,132 Clerkis -th-at arn confessouris ; cowplid hem togederis
A: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-is clauce ; -th-ai declyned
faste [aaAx]
A: 4,134 And resun amonge -th-o renkis ; hadde rehersid -th-o
wordis [aaAx]
A: 4,135 Ther was man in -th-e motehalle . more ne lesse
p. 322
A: 4,136 That he ne held mekenes a mayster ; and mede a wrecche
A: 4,137 { Simul invnum diues & pauper } lawid here to
schorne [aaAx]
A: 4,138 And seyde it so lowde ; -th-at sotnes it harde [aaAx]
A: 4,139 No so wold here to wyfe ; for welth of here godis
A: 4,140 But -gh-if he be mad cokewald ; cutte of myne nose
A: 4,141 Than bo-th-e witte . & wysdom in fere [aaAx]
A: 4,142 Coude not carpyn a word ; to w(i)t(h)segge resun
A: 4,143 But staryd stodyeng ; and stodyn as bestis [aaAx]
A: 4,144 The kyng acordyd be crist ; to resonys sawis [aaAx]
A: 4,145 And rehersid -th-at resun ; that resun hath rythfully
schewid [aaAx]
A: 4,146 It is ful hard to brynge togederis [aaAx]
A: 4,147 Alle my ligge londis ; for to lede euene [aaAx]
A: 4,148 Be hym -th-at was rauth vpon rode ; seyde resun
to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
A: 4,149 But -gh-e reule -th-us -gh-o(ur) rem ; rende oute
my rybbis [aaAx]
A: 4,150 -Gh-if it be -th-at buxumnes ; be at -gh-oure assent
A: 4,151 I assent quot -th-e kyng ; be sent mary my lady
A: 4,152 Be my councelle come ; of clerkis & of erlis
A: 4,153 Redely resun . -th-u schalt not ride henys [aaAx]
A: 4,154 As longe as I leue ; leuyn -th-e I nylle [aaAx]
A: 4,155 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,156 So conciens be of -gh-o(ur) councelle . kepe I no
bettir [aaAx]
A: 4,157 I graunt quot -th-e kyng ; god forbede elles [aaAbb]
A: 4,158 As long as I leue may ; leue we togederis [aaAx]
Passus quintus de visione
A: 5,1 The kyng & his knytis ; to -th-e chirche wente [aaAx]
A: 5,2 ffor to here matynes & messe ; & to mete aftir
A: 5,3 Tho wakyd I of my wynkyng ; & wo was w(i)t(h)alle
p. 323
A: 5,4 That I had slepyn hadere ; & Isey more [aaAx]
A: 5,5 Or I had faryn a forlong ; a feyntice me hent [aaAx]
A: 5,6 That I mygth no fer-th-ere ; for defaute of slepyng
A: 5,7 I sat softely adoun ; and seyde my beleue [aaAx]
A: 5,8 And babbid on my bedis . it brout me aslepe [aaAx]
A: 5,9 Than sey I meche more ; -th-an I aforn tolde [aaXx]
A: 5,10 ffor I sey a felde ful of folke ; as I aforn telde
A: 5,11 And conciens w(i)t(h) a cros ; cam for to preche
A: 5,12 And prechid -th-e puple ; to hauyn pete of hem selue
A: 5,13 And prouyd -th-at -th-e pestelence ; was for pure
synne [aaAx]
A: 5,14 And -th-e southerne wynde ; on -th-e saturday at
euyn [abAb]
A: 5,15 Was aperty for pride ; and for no thyng ellis [aaAx]
A: 5,16 Pyris & plumtres ; were puffyd to -th-e erde
A: 5,17 In example I sey ; -gh-e schuld don -th-e bettir
A: 5,18 Bechis & brod hokis ; where blowyn to -th-e grounde
A: 5,19 And turnyd vp here tayle ; in tokyn of drede [aaAx]
A: 5,20 That dedli synne at domysday ; schal fordon hem alle
A: 5,21 On -th-is mater I mygth ; mamelyn ful longe [aaAx]
A: 5,22 But I schal sey as I seyde ; as so me god helpe [aaAxx]
A: 5,23 Whan conciens w(i)t(h) a cros ; comyd to preche [aaAx]
A: 5,24 And bad wastour to werche ; what he best coude [aaAxx]
A: 5,25 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,26 And bad p(er)nel . here purfyle to leue [aaAx]
A: 5,27 And kepe it in cofyr ; for catel at nede [aaAx]
A: 5,30 And was to warne watte ; -th-at is wyfe was to blame [aaAx]
p. 324
A: 5,31 That here hed was wor a mark ; & his his hod not
worth a grote [abAb]
A: 5,31 Ne bad bette brekyn abow -th-at wel wold bende
A: 5,31 And betyn beton -th-er with but -gh-he wold werke
A: 5,28 Thomas he taut . to takyn to stauis [aaAx]
A: 5,28 And bynde hem togedur ; schrewys to techyn
A: 5,28 Willyam he wysid wollis to wynde
A: 5,29 And fecchyn hom fellis ; wyfes to spynne [aaAxx]
A: 5,32 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,33 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,34 And preyed prestis . & prelatis togedur [aaAx]
A: 5,35 That he prechyn -th-e puple ; preue it hem selue
A: 5,36 And leuyn as -th-ay lerne vs ; we schul loue hem
-th-e bettir [aaAx]
A: 5,37 And sytthen he red religyoun . here reule for to
helde [aaAx]
A: 5,38 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,39 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,40 And -gh-e -th-at sekyn sent iame . & sentie of
rome [aaAx]
A: 5,41 Sekyth sent treuth . for he may saue -gh-ou alle
A: 5,42 { Qui cum patre et filio &c } . Fayre -gh-ou
befalle [xaAx]
A: 5,43 Than ran repentauns . & rehersis his teme [aaAx]
A: 5,44 And gart to wille to wepe watur . w(i)t(h) bo-th-e
is yne [aaaAx]
A: 5,45 Pernel -th-e proud . plat doun to grounde [aaAx]
A: 5,46 And lay longe or -gh-he lokyd . & mercy gan crie
A: 5,47 And behyth to hym . -th-at vs alle makyd [aaAx]
A: 5,48 That -gh-he wold vnsewe here syrke ; & sette
-th-(er)in an hayre [aaAx]
A: 5,49 Tho afeyntyn here flesche ; -th-at frele was to synne
A: 5,50 Schal neuyr hey hert me hold ; but eu(er) holdyn
it lowe [aaaAx]
A: 5,51 And suffre to be missede . and so dede I neuyr [aaAxx]
A: 5,52 But now I meke me . & mercy beseche [aaAx]
p. 325
A: 5,53 Of al -th-at I haue had of enuye . in myne hert [aa?a]
A: 5,54 Lecchour sede allas . & to oure lady cryed [aaAx]
A: 5,55 Tho makyn mercy for his sowle . betwyn god & hym
of mysdede [aaaXx]
A: 5,56 And -th-at he schulde -th-e saturday . seuene -gh-ere
aftir [aaAx]
A: 5,57 Drynk w(i)t(h) -th-e doke . & dyne but onys [aaAx]
A: 5,58 Enuye w(i)t(h) heuy hert . askid aftir schrfte [aaaAx]
A: 5,59 And carfuly his counte . com for to schewe [aaAx]
A: 5,60 He was as pale as a pelet . in -th-e palsie he semyd
A: 5,61 He was clad in a cawrimawri . I cowde not dyscrye
A: 5,62 A kyrtil & a corteby . a kneuet be his syde [aaAx]
A: 5,63 As a freris frog . weryn his forme sleuys [aaAx]
A: 5,64 As a leyke -th-at had loyn . long in -th-e sunne
A: 5,65 So lokyd he w(i)t(h) lene chekis . louryng fowle
A: 5,66 His body was bolne w(i)t(h) wretth . bote he on his
lyppis [aaxAx]
A: 5:67 Ne lokyd vndur his browis . as a bond dogge
A: 5,68 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,69 Wyrmys or vermyn or vinegre . or wyrmis I trowe [aaAx]
A: 5,70 Walkyn in my wombe . werkyn or I dyne [aaAa]
A: 5,71 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,72 --- this line om ---
A: 5,73 I haue a neythebor ny me . hath noyd me ofte [aaAx]
A: 5,74 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,75 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,76 I haue belowyn to lordis . to don hym lese siluyr
A: 5,77 Tho don his frendis ben his fon . w(i)t(h) my falce
talis [aaAx]
A: 5,78 His grace & his godnes . greuyth me ofte [aaAx]
A: 5,79 Betwyn men & here mene . I haue makid wreche
A: 5,80 Bo-th-e lyfe & leme was lost . -th-orou my wikkyd
tonge [aaAx]
A: 5,81 Whan I mette hym in -th-e market . -th-at I most
hatid [aaAx]
A: 5,82 I heylid hym as frendely . as I his frend were [aaAxx]
p. 326
A: 5,83 He was doutiere -th-an I . I dar non harm don hym [aaAx]
A: 5,84 Had I maystrie & myght . I wold a dystroyed hym
for heuyr [aaAx]
A: 5,85 Whan I cam to -th-e kyrke . & knelid beforn -th-e
rode [aaAx]
A: 5,86 I preyd for -th-e puple . as -th-e prest techith
A: 5,87 ffor pilgrymes for palmeris . & for -th-e puple
aftir [aaAx]
A: 5,88 On my knes -th-an I cryed . -th-at god -gh-if hem
sorow [aaAx]
A: 5,89 That brokyn my bolle . & borne awey my schete
A: 5,90 Also to forne -th-e auter . -gh-it myne eyne I turnyd
A: 5,91 And beheld how hyne . had a newe cloke [aaAx]
A: 5,92 Than I wyschid it were myne . and al -th-e webbe
aftir [aaAx]
A: 5,93 Of his lesyng I lawhe . a lytil in myne herte [aaAx]
A: 5,94 Of his wynnyng I wepte . and weylid -th-e while [aaAx]
A: 5,95 I deme men in myne hert -th-at -th-ai don ille
A: 5,95 But -gh-it I do werse be dom of my selfe [aaAx]
A: 5,96 I wold -th-at eche a wythe . were my knawe [aaAx]
A: 5,97 And hoso haue more -th-an I . it greuyth myn hert
A: 5,98 And -th-us I leue loueles . liche a ledur dogge [aaAx]
A: 5,99 And alle my brest bolnyth . for bitter of my galle
A: 5,100 May no sugre ne no swete -th-ing . swagit an vnche
A: 5,101 Ne non dyapendron . drawe it fro myn herte [aaAx]?
A: 5,102 And -gh-if schryfte schuld it stoppe . it were gret
wondur [aaAx]
A: 5,103 A -gh-is redely quot repentans . & red hym -th-e
beste [aaAx]
A: 5,104 Sorwe for synnys . sauyth many on [aaAx]
A: 5,105 I am sori quot enuye . I am but seldom other [aaAx]
p. 327
A: 5,105 Also wilsm in hert . & pensyre in hert & thouth
A: 5,106 And -th-at makith me so mad . -th-at I may not venge
A: 5,107 Than cam sone coueytice . I can hym not dyscrie
A: 5,108 So hungri he lokid . so heri & so ille [aaAx]
A: 5,109 He was bittilbrowid . & eke babirlyppid
A: 5,109 It to blereyd eyn . as a blynd hagge [aaAx]
A: 5,110 And a lederend purs . so lokyd is chekys [axAx]
A: 5,111 Had an hatte on his heed . & is hood also (cf.
B V 195)
A: 5,112 But -gh-if a lous coude lepe . & schippe as I
trowe [aaXa]
A: 5,113 He schuld not wandre on -th-at wolde . so was it
thredbare [aaAx]
A: 5,114 I haue ben coueytous quot -th-at caytefe . I beknowe
here [aaAx]
A: 5,115 ffor sum tyme I seruyd synne . it -th-outh me mery
A: 5,116 I was his prentyce aplyte . it -th-out me mery is
p(ro)fyte to wayten [aaAx]
A: 5,117 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,118 Wykkydly to weyn . was my fryst lessun [aaAxx]
A: 5,119 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,120 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,121 Ne had grace of gyle good . ben among my ware [aaAx]
A: 5,122 It had ben vnsold -th-is seuene -gh-ere . so me
god helpe [aaAxx]
A: 5,123 Than drow I me among draperis . my donet for to
lere [aaAx]
A: 5,124 To drawe -th-e lyste on longe . -th-e lengur it
semyd [aaAx]
A: 5,125 And among -th-e riche rayes . I renderid my fyrst
lessun [aaAx]
A: 5,126 Brochid hem w(i)t(h) a bat nedil . & platte
hem togedur [aaAx]
A: 5,127 And puppe hem in a pressur . & pyned hem to
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
A: 5,128 Til ten -gh-erdis or thwelfe . drow out thretene
A: 5,129 My wyf was a webstere . and wollene cloth made [aaAx]
A: 5,130 -Gh-he spak for to -th-e spynneris . for to spynne
out [aaAx]
A: 5,131 The pound -th-at -gh-he payde hem . it peysid a
quarter [aaAx]
A: 5,132 More -th-an my poundur dede . -th-at was lytil trew-th-e
p. 328
A: 5,133 I browt here barly . -gh-he brew it to selle [aaAx]
A: 5,134 Penyale & pelawey . -gh-he powryd togedur [aaAx]
A: 5,135 ffor laborelis & lewid folke . it lyth be -th-e
selue [aaAx]
A: 5,136 The best in my bed chaumbre . it lyth be -th-e wowe
A: 5,137 And ho so bubbith -th-erof . bout it -th-eraftir
A: 5,138 A galun for a grote . god wote & no lasse [aaAx]
A: 5,139 Whan it cam in coppis medelid . it -gh-he & -th-at
craft vsid [aaAx]
A: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratere . was here rygth name [aaAx]
A: 5,141 -gh-he hadde holdyn ostrie . long eleue wyntir [aaAx]
A: 5,142 I swere so mote I the . -th-is synne schal be lafte
A: 5,143 I schal neuyr wickydliche werke . ne falce crafte
vsyn [aaAx]
A: 5,144 But wyndyn to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyfe bo-th-e
A: 5,145 And bid -th-e good rode of bromholm . brynge vs
out of deth [aaAx]
A: 5,146 Now begynnyth glotoun . to gon his wey [aaAx]
A: 5,147 And carith to chirche . his countis for to schewe
A: 5,148 And beton -th-e brewster . bad here good morwe [aaAx]
A: 5,149 And askid hym . whedur -th-at he walde [aaAx]
A: 5,150 Tho holy chirche quot he . for to here messe [aaAx]
A: 5,151 And sythen be scheeuyn . & synne no more [aaAx]
A: 5,152 I haue good ale gosseppe . gloton wilt -th-u assay
A: 5,153 Hast -th-u oute quot herry . ony hote spicis [aaAx]
A: 5,154 -gh-a gossyp glotoun -gh-he quath . god wot wol
hote [aaAx]
A: 5,155 I haue pepyr & pyanes . and a pound of garlyk
A: 5,156 And a fer-th-ing worth of fenkel sede . for fastyng
dayes [aaAx]
p. 329
A: 5,156 Ha ha ha quot gloton . gowe in and drynk
A: 5,157 Than goth gloton in . and grete o-th-is aftyr [aaAx]
A: 5,158 Sybbe -th-e sewistere . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
A: 5,159 Watte -th-e bereward . & his wyfe bo-th-e [aaAx]
A: 5,160 Thomme -th-e tynkere . & tweyne of his knavis
A: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hakeneyman . & lawe -th-e nedelere
A: 5,162 Claris of cokkyslane . & -th-e clerk of -th-e
chirche [aaAx]
A: 5,162 Sere peris of pride . and p(er)nel of flaundris
A: 5,163 Dawe -th-e drynkere . & a dosen othere [aaAx]
A: 5,163 Godrey of garlechythe . and gryffyn of walsche
A: 5,164 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,165 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,166 And vpholderis an hep . erly be -th-e morne [aaAx]
A: 5,167 -Gh-efe gloton w(i)t(h) good chere . good ale to
hansele [aaAbb]
A: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobelere . kest of his cloke [aaAa]
A: 5,169 At -th-e newe feyre . he must it selle [axAx]
A: 5,170 Hykke -th-e osteler . kest his hod aftir [aaAa]
A: 5,171 And bad bette -th-e bocher . ben on his syde [aaaAx]
A: 5,172 Ther were chapmen chosyn . -th-e chaffare to prysyn
A: 5,173 Ho so had -th-e hood schuld haue . mendis of -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
A: 5,174 Thay rysyn vp in rape . and roundyn togederis [aaAx]
A: 5,175 And preysden a penyworth . ap(ar)te be hym selue
A: 5,176 Ther weryn othis for to heryn . for -th-e hood & -th-e
cloke [aaAa]
A: 5,177 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,178 Til robyn -th-e rop(er)e . was red for to ryse [aaAa]
A: 5,179 And namyd for a nompere . non baddere was neuyr
A: 5,180 Hikke -th-e osteler . had -th-e cloke in rape [aaAx]
A: 5,181 In cowenaunt -th-(a)te clement . -th-e coppe schuld
fille [aaAx]
A: 5,182 And han hikkis hod osteler . & holdyn hym seruyd
p. 330
A: 5,183 And ho so repente ra-th-est . schulde rysyn rathest
aftir [aaAx]
A: 5,184 And sone gretyn gloton . w(i)t(h) a galon of good
alle [aaAx]
A: 5,185 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,186 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,187 He sotyn -th-us til euynsong tyme . and sungyn sumwhille
A: 5,188 Til glotun had gabbid . a galun of gyle [aaAa]
A: 5,188 [B:V,347/C:VII,398] His guttis gunne crie as gredy sowe
A: 5,189 He pyssyd a potel . in a paternoster while [aaAx]
A: 5,190 He blew -th-e round reuet . at -th-e ryugbonys ende
A: 5,191 Til alle -th-at hardyn -th-e horn . held here nose
aftir [aaAa]
A: 5,192 And wyssedyn had ben waschid . w(i)t(h) a wyspe
of fere [aaAx]
A: 5,193 He had no strengh to stonde . til he had is stafte
A: 5,194 Than gan he he gon . as a gelmannys bicche [aaAx]
A: 5,195 Sum tyme arere . and sum tyme asyde [aaAx]
A: 5,196 As hoso leyde lynes . to cacche w(i)t(h) foulis
A: 5,197 Whan he drow to -th-e dore . -th-an dummyd his yen;
A: 5,198 And stomelid on -th-e threswald . and fel on -th-e
erthe [aaAx]
A: 5,198 [B:V,358/C:VII,409] Clement -th-e cobbelere . cawte
hym be -th-e myddil
A: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,411] Gloton was a gret cherle & heuy
in -th-e lyftyng
A: 5,198 [B:V,352/C:VII,412] And cowhed vp a cawdel in clementis
A: 5,198 [B:V,353/C:VII,413] Is non so hungry hound in herteford
A: 5,198 [B:V,354/C:VII,414] Durst lappe on -th-at lauene-th-
. so lo-th-ely it smakkid
A: 5,199 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e wo of -th-is werld . his wyfe & his
wenche [aaAa]
A: 5,200 Born hym to his bed . & brouth hym -th-erInne
A: 5,201 And aftir -th-is surfette . an axesse hym hadde
A: 5,202 -Th-at he slepte saturday & sunday . til -th-e
sunne wente to rest [aaaAx]
A: 5,203 Than wakid he of his wynkyng . & wypid his yen
p. 331
A: 5,204 The fryst word -th-at he spak . where is -th-e bolle
A: 5,205 His wyfe wytid hym . his wikkydnes & eke is
synne [aaAx]
A: 5,206 Than was he aschamyd -th-at schrewe . & schrapid
his eris [aaAx]
A: 5,207 And gan grete greuously . & gret dol make [aaAx]
A: 5,208 ffor his ledur lyfe . -th-at he levyd hadde [aaAx]
A: 5,209 And voued to faste . for hungir & for thrist
A: 5,210 Schal neuyr fysche on -th-e fryday . defye in my
wombe [aaAx]
A: 5,211 Or abstinence myne aunte . hath -gh-eue me leue
A: 5,212 And -gh-it I here al my lyfe tyme . haue I here
hatid [aaAxx]
A: 5,213 Slawth for sorow . fil doune in sweye [aaXa]
A: 5,214 Til vigilate -th-e veyle . fet watir at his yen
A: 5,215 And plat on his face . & fast on hym cryed [aaAx]
A: 5,216 And seyde war -th-e fro wanhope . wil -th-e betraye
A: 5,217 I am sory for my synnes . sey so -th-i selue [aaAa]
A: 5,218 And bete -th-e selue on -th-e brest . and bid hym
of grace [aaAx]
A: 5,219 Is no gylt here so gret . his goodenes is more [aaAx]
A: 5,220 Than satte slawth vp . and syhed ful faste [aaAx]
A: 5,221 And mad avow to god . for his foule slawth [aaAx]
A: 5,222 Schuld no sunday -th-is seuyn -gh-ere . but seknes
it made [aaAx]
A: 5,223 But I schal do me er day . to -th-e dere chrche
A: 5,224 And here messe & matynes . as I a monnk were
A: 5,225 Schal non ale aftir mete . holdyn me -th-enis [aaAx]
A: 5,226 Til I haue euynsong herd . I hote -th-e be -th-e
rode [aaAx]
A: 5,227 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 332
A: 5,228 All -th-at I wan wikkydly . syn I witte hadde [aaAx]
A: 5,229 Tho I my lyue lowe lede . letyn I ne wille [aaAx]
A: 5,230 That euyri man schal han his . or I henys wende
A: 5,231 W(i)t(h) -th-e remembrans & residue . be -th-e
rode of chestre [aaAx]
A: 5,232 I wil seke trew-th-e . or I se rome [axAx]
A: 5,233 Robard -th-e robbere . on reddyte ful reufulli he
lokid [aaAx]
A: 5,234 But -th-er was non yen . but he wepte ful sore [aaAx]
A: 5,235 And -th-e synful schrewe . seyde to hym selue [aaAa]
A: 5,236 Crist vpon caluery . -th-at vpon cros deydist [aaAx]
A: 5,237 Tho dysmas my bro-th-er he besouth -th-e of mercy
A: 5,238 And -th-u had mercy on -th-at man . for memento
sake [aaAx]
A: 5,239 Thi wil werche vpon me . as I haue dysseruyd [aaAx]
A: 5,240 To han helle for euyr . -gh-if hope ne were [aaAx]
A: 5,241 Thou rewe on -th-is roberd . -th-at reddere non
hath [aaAx]
A: 5,242 Ne neuyr wenyth to wynne . w(i)t(h) craft -th-at
I knowe [aaAxx]
A: 5,243 But -th-i meche mercy . mitigacioun I beteche [aaAx]
A: 5,244 Dampne me nat at domysday . for I dede so ille [aaAx]
A: 5,245 But wath fel on -th-at feloun . I can not fayre
schewe [aaAx]
A: 5,246 But wel I wote he wepte wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) bo-th-en
hie yen [aaaAx]
A: 5,247 And knolichid his coupe . to crist ofte sythis [aaAx]
A: 5,248 Than penitencia his pyke . pollyschon efte sonys
A: 5,249 And lepid w(i)t(h) hym ouer lond . alle his lyfe
tyme [aaAx]
A: 5,250 ffor he had loyn be latro . luciferis aunte [aaAx]
A: 5,251 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,252 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,253 He cried vpward to crist . & to his clene modur
p. 333
A: 5,254 Grace to gon to trew-th-e . god leue -th-at he mote [aaAx]
Passus sextus de visione
A: 6,1 Here was non so wyse . -th-at -th-e wey -th-edur coude
A: 6,2 But blusterid forth as bestis . ouer bankis & hillis
A: 6,3 Til late and to longe . -th-ai a lede mette [aaAx]
A: 6,4 Perraylid as a paynym . in pilgrymes wede [aaAx]
A: 6,5 He bar a burdoun boundyn aboute . w(i)t(h) a brod
lyste [aaAx]
A: 6,6 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar be is syde [aaAx]
A: 6,8 An hundred of ampolis . on his hat sotyn [aaAx]
A: 6,9 Sygnes of asyce . and schellis of galis [aaAx]
A: 6,10 And many a crouche on his cloke . & keys of rome
A: 6,11 And -th-e vernache beforn . -th-at men schul hym
knowe [aaAxx]
A: 6,12 And sene be -th-e synis . whom he south hadde [aaAx]
A: 6,13 Thus folke freyned hym fast . fro whene -th-at he
come [aaaAxx]
A: 6,14 ffro synai he seyde . & fro -th-e sepulcre of
oure lord [aaAx]
A: 6,15 At bedlem at babilony . I haue ben at bo-th-e [aaAa]
A: 6,16 In ermonie in alisaundre . in many other placis [aaAx]
A: 6,17 -Gh-e mow sen be my synys . -th-at syttyn on myn
hatte [aaAx]
A: 6,18 I haue walkid wol wyde . in wete & in drye [aaaAx]
A: 6,19 And sekid good seyntis . for my soule hele [aaAx]
A: 6,20 Knowist -th-u out a corsent -th-ai clepe sent trew-th-e
quot -th-ai [aaAx]
A: 6,21 Canst -th-u wyschen vs -th-e wey . -th-er -th-(a)t
wyte dwellith [aaAx]
A: 6,22 Nay so god me help . sayde -th-e gome -th-anne [axAx]
A: 6,23 I sey neuer palmer . askyn aftir sent trew-th-e [aaXx]?
A: 6,24 --- this line om ---
A: 6,25 Petur quot a plowman . and putte forth his hed [aaAx]
p. 334
A: 6,26 I knowe hym as kyndely . as a clerk doth is bokis [aaAx]
A: 6,27 Clene conciens & witte . kennyth me to his place
A: 6,28 And dede me sweryn sythen . for to serue hym euyr
A: 6,29 Bo-th-e to sowe & to sette . whil I swynk mygth
A: 6,30 I haue ben his folwere . alle -th-is fourty wyntir
A: 6,31 Bo-th-e sowyn is sede . & folwid his bestis [aaAx]
A: 6,32 And kepid his corn . & caried it to house [aaAx]
A: 6,33 I dikid I dalfe . I dede -th-at he hyth [aaAx]
A: 6,34 Wythinne & w(i)t(h)oute . wayted his p(ro)fyth
A: 6,35 Ther is no laborere in his lordchepe . -th-at he
louyd bettyr [aaAx]
A: 6,36 ffor -th-ow I sey my selfe . I serue hym to pay [aaAx]
A: 6,37 I haue myne hyre of hym wel . & sumtyme more
A: 6,38 He is -th-e prestest payere . -th-at men knowyn [aaAx]
A: 6,39 He ne w(i)t(h)holdith no mannys hire . -th-at he
ne hath it at euyn [aaAx]
A: 6,40 He is as lowe as a lomb . and louely of speche [aaAx]
A: 6,41 -gh-if -gh-e wil wetyn . where -th-at wyte dwellith
A: 6,42 I schal wysse -gh-ow wel . to his owyn place [aaAx]
A: 6,43 -Gh-a leue peris quot -th-e pilgrimes . and p(ro)ferid
hire [aaAx]
A: 6,44 Nay be -th-e p(er)ele of my soule . quot pers & gan
swere fast [axAx]
A: 6,45 I ne wold fange a fer-th-ing . for sent thomas schryne
A: 6,46 Trew-th-e wold loue me -th-e wers . a long while
aftir [abBa]
A: 6,47 And -gh-e wil wende . -th-is is -th-e wey -th-edur
A: 6,48 -Gh-e must gon be meknes . bo-th-e man & wyfes
A: 6,49 Til -gh-e come to conciens . -th-at crist wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
p. 335
A: 6,50 That -gh-e louyn hym leuyr . -th-an -th-e lyfe of -gh-our
hertis [aaAx]
A: 6,51 And -th-an -gh-o(ur) neytebo(ur)s nexte . in no wyse
apeyre [aaAx]
A: 6,52 And no more harm to hym . -th-an to -th-e selue [aaAx]
A: 6,53 And wende forth be a brok . be buxum of speche [aaAx]
A: 6,54 fforth til -gh-e fyndyn a forde . of honour [aaAx]
A: 6,55 Wadyth in -th-e watir . and wasche -gh-ou -th-ere
A: 6,56 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,57 Thou schalt not swere . but -gh-if it be for nede
A: 6,58 And nameleche in Idylchepe . non othe of god almygth
A: 6,59 Thou schalt come be a crofte . come -th-u not -th-erinne
A: 6,60 The crofte hite coueyte . mennys catel ne here wyuys
A: 6,61 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,63 To stokkis -th-er stondith . stynt -th-u not -th-ere
A: 6,62 Loke -th-u plokke no bowe . but it be -th-ine owyn
A: 6,64 Thay hyten stele not . ne sle not . stirte fro hem
bo-th-e [aaAx]
A: 6,65 Leue hem on -th-i lyfte hand . & loke not -th-eraftir
A: 6,66 hold wel -th-ine haliday . holly til euyn [aaAa]
A: 6,67 Than schalt -th-u blenche . bere no falce wytnes
A: 6,68 That is federid w(i)t(h) florens . and o-th-er federis
many [aaAx]
A: 6,69 Loke -th-u plokke no plant . for perel of -th-i soule
A: 6,70 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,71 loke -th-u lye not . for no mannys byddyng [aaXx]
A: 6,72 Than schalt -th-u come to a courte . as bryght as
-th-e sunne [aaAx]
A: 6,73 The motte is of mercy . -th-e maner aboute [aaAx]
A: 6,74 And -th-e wallis ben of witte . to holdyn wil oute
A: 6,75 The corneris ben of cristendom . -th-at kende to
saue [aaAx]
A: 6,76 And boterasid w(i)t(h) eliues so . or ellis -th-u
best not sauyd [aaAx]
p. 336
A: 6,77 The housis ben helid . alle & chaumbris w(i)t(h)
led [aaAx]
A: 6,78 W(i)t(h) loue & lowenes as bre-th-eren of o wombe
A: 6,79 The tour is trew-th-e . is inne hym selfe . is vp
to -th-e sunne [aaXx]
A: 6,80 He may don w(i)t(h) -th-e sterne . what hym dere
likith [aaAx]
A: 6,81 Deth dar not do . -th-at he defendith [aaAx]
A: 6,81 I haue no tom to telle . how -th-e toun standith
A: 6,81 [B:V,592/C:VIII,240] The brygge hattyth bydewel .
-th-e bette may -th-u spede
A: 6,81 [B:V,593/C:VIII,241] Eche peler is penaunce . poliched
ful clene
A: 6,82 Grace hyte -th-e gateward . a good man forso-th-e
A: 6,83 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,84 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,85 I p(er)formyd -th-e penaunce . -th-at -th-e prest
me enioyned [aaAx]
A: 6,86 And I am sory for my synnes . & so schal I euyr
A: 6,87 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,88 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,89 Prey hym to weyn vp -th-e weket . -th-at -th-e aungel
schet [aaAx]
A: 6,90 Tho adam & eue . heten here bane [aaAx]
A: 6,91 He hath -th-e key of -th-at cleket . -th-ou -th-e
kyng slepe [aaAx]
A: 6,92 -Gh-if grace graunt -th-e to go . on -th-is wyse
A: 6,93 Thou schal sene trew-th-e -th-eselfe . syttyn in
-th-ine herte [aaAx]
A: 6,94 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,95 But be war of wreth . for he is a schrewe [aaAx]
A: 6,96 He hath enuye w(i)t(h) hym . & settyn hym in
-gh-o(ur) hertis [aaAx]
A: 6,97 And poketh forth pride . to preyce -th-e selue [aaAx]
A: 6,98 The boldnes of -th-i benefeth . makith -th-e blynd
-th-anne [aaAx]
A: 6,99 And so dreuyn out as dewe . and -th-e dore closid
A: 6,100 I keyed & Iklekedyd . to kepe -gh-ou w(i)t(h)oute
A: 6,101 Happely an hundred wyntir . or -th-u entre [aaAa]
A: 6,102 Thus myght -th-u lese his loue . to lete wele be
-th-i selue [aaAx]
A: 6,103 And gete it agayn -th-orow grace . & be no gyfte
ellis [aaAx]
p. 337
A: 6,104 Ther arn seuene systeris . to serue trew-th-e euyr
A: 6,105 He arn porteris of -th-e posternis . -th-at to -th-e
place longith [aaAx]
A: 6,106 The ton hyte abstinens . & humilite -th-e tother
A: 6,107 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,108 Paciens & pes . mechil puple -th-ai helpyn [aaAx]
A: 6,109 Largenes -th-at lady . latith in wol many [aaAx]
A: 6,110 Ho so be sibbe to -th-ese systeris . so me god helpe
A: 6,111 He is wor-th-i to be wolcomyd . & fayre vndurfonge
A: 6,112 But -gh-if he be sybbe to summe . of -th-ese seuene
A: 6,113 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,114 To getyn in at -th-e gate . but grace be -th-e more
A: 6,115 Be crist quot a cutpurs . I haue no kyn -th-ore
A: 6,116 Ne I quot an hapeward . be oute -th-at I knowe [aaAx]
A: 6,117 Iwys quot a waferere . wyst I -th-is forso-th-e
A: 6,118 Schuld I neuer feyre . for no freris prechyng [aaAx]
A: 6,119 -Gh-is quot pers -th-e plowman . and pluckyd here
to gode [aaAx]
A: 6,120 Mercy is a Mayden . -th-at hath myght ouyr hem alle
A: 6,121 And is sibbe to alle synful . and here sone also
A: 6,122 And -th-oro(ur) helpe of hem to . hope -th-(o)u
non other [aaAa]
A: 6,123 Thow myght gete grace . -gh-if -th-u go be tyme
Passus Septimus de visione
A: 7,1 This o-th-er were a wyckyd wey . but hoso had a gyde
A: 7,2 -Th-at mygth folwyn vs eche a fote . til we were -th-ere
A: 7,3 Quot perkyn -th-e plowman . be sent powle -th-e postele
A: 7,4 I haue an halue acre to herie . be -th-e hey wey [aaAx]
A: 7,5 Had y heried -th-at halfe acre . and also sowyn aftir
A: 7,6 I schuld wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ou . til we come -th-ere
p. 338
A: 7,7 This were a long lettyng . quot a lady in a sleyre [aaAx]
A: 7,8 What schuld we women . werche -th-er while [aaAx]
A: 7,9 Go summe sowe -th-e sek . for schedyng of -th-e whete
A: 7,10 And -th-e wyfes -th-at han -th-e wollen . schul werche
it faste [aaAx]
A: 7,11 Spynnyth fast . spare not -gh-oure fyngeris [aaAx]
A: 7,12 But it be an halday . or an holy euyn [xaAa]
A: 7,13 Lokith forth -gh-o(ur) lynnen . and labore -th-eron
fast [aaAx]
A: 7,14 To -th-e nedy & -th-e nakid nemyth kep . how
-th-at -th-at lygge [aaAx]
A: 7,15 Cast hem clo-th-is for cold . & so byddyth trew-th-e
A: 7,16 ffor I schal lenden hem lyuelode . but -gh-if -th-e
lond fayle [aaAx]
A: 7,17 As longe as I leue . for -th-e lordis loue of heuyn
A: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyes . w(i)t(h) -gh-oure longe
fyngeris [aaAx]
A: 7,19 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,20 Werchit cheseplis for chapelis . holy chirche to
honoure [aaAx]
A: 7,21 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,22 Helpe hem to werche wytely . wynnyth -gh-oure fode
A: 7,23 Be crist quot a knyth -th-o . -th-u kennys vs -th-e
best [aaAx]
A: 7,24 On -th-at teme trewely . tauth was I neuyr [aaAx]
A: 7,25 Kenne me quot -th-e knyte . sum thyng for to werche
A: 7,26 Be sent poule quot p(er)kyn . for -th-u p(ro)ferist
so fayre [aaAx]
A: 7,27 I swynkyn & swetyn . & sowe for vs bo-th-e
A: 7,28 And eke laboryn for -th-i loue . al my lyfe tyme
A: 7,29 In couienaunt -th-at -th-u kepe . holychirche & me
selue [aaAx]
A: 7,30 ffor wastours & wikkyd men . -th-at wold me dystroye
A: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . at haris & at foxis [aaAx]
A: 7,32 To boris to bolis . -th-at brekyn myne heggis [aaAx]
p. 339
(A: 7,237-286: misplaced after p.338)
A: 7,237 And -gh-it I prey -th-e quot pers . -th-at -th-u kenne
me woldyst [aaAxx]
A: 7,238 Ony lyfe of lechecrafte . kenne me my dere [aaAx]
A: 7,239 ffor summe of my seruauntis . ben sek o-th-er while
A: 7,240 Alle -th-e woke -th-ei werche not . so her wombe
akith [aaAx]
A: 7,241 I wot wel quot hungur . what seknes hem eylith [????]
A: 7,242 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,243 I hote -th-e quot hungur . -gh-if -th-u -th-ine
hele woldis hauyn [aaAx]
A: 7,244 That -th-u drynk no day . or -th-u dyne sumwhat
A: 7,245 And not -gh-et I hote . or hungur -th-e take [aaAx]
A: 7,246 And sende -th-e of his sewis . to sauo(ur) -th-i
lippis [aaAx]
A: 7,247 And kep sum til soper tyme . & sitte not to
longe [aaAx]
A: 7,248 Aryse vp or apetite . hath etyn his fille [aaAx]
A: 7,249 Lete not sere surfeth . syttyn at -th-i bord [aaAx]
A: 7,250 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,251 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,252 -Gh-if -th-u do -th-us . I dar ley myne armys [axAx]
A: 7,253 That fesike schal his furrid hod . for his fode
sellyn [aaAx]
A: 7,254 And is cloke of calabre . & his coppis of gold
A: 7,255 he schal be fayne be my feyth . his fesike to leuyn
A: 7,256 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,257 Ther arne mo lyeris -th-an lechis . god hem amende
A: 7,258 Thei don men dey w(i)t(h) here drynk . god hem amende
A: 7,259 Be sent pernel quot pers . -th-ese ben p(ro)fitable
wordis [aaAx]
A: 7,260 This is a louely lessun . lord it -th-e -gh-elde
A: 7,261 Wend wan -th-i wil is . wele be -th-u euyr [aaAx]
A: 7,262 I hote god quot hungur . henys nil I wende [aaAx]
p. 340
A: 7,263 Or I haue dyned be -th-is day . & drunkyn bo-th-e
A: 7,264 I haue no peny quot pers . poletis to bigge [aaAx]
A: 7,265 Neyther goos ne gryse . but to grene chesis [aaAx]
A: 7,266 And a fewe cruddis & crem . and an hauyr kake
A: 7,267 A lof of benys & bryn . Imade for my chideryn
A: 7,268 Be my soule I sey . haue I no salt bacoun [aaAx]
A: 7,269 Ne non cokeneis . colopis to makyn [aaAx]
A: 7,270 I haue p(er)sel & poret . and many plante colis
A: 7,271 And a cowhe & a calfe . and a carte mare [aaAx]
A: 7,272 Tho drawyn on feld my dunge . whil -th-e drouth
[lasti-th-] [aaAx]
A: 7,273 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,274 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,275 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,277 Benys & appillis . -th-ei broutyn in here lappis
A: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore puple . pescodis -th-ei fechedyn
A: 7,278 Chibolis & cheruel . & many ry-th-e cheries [aaAx]
A: 7,282 Grene poret & pesyn . to apoysened hym -th-e wolde [aaAx]
A: 7,279 And proferid pers -th-is present . for to plese w(i)t(h)
hun[gur] [aaaAx]
A: 7,280 Hungur hent -th-is in hast . and askyd aftyr more
A: 7,281 Than -th-is folk for ferd . fecchid hym manye [aaAx]
A: 7,282 Grene poret & pesyn . to apoysyn hym -th-ei wolde [aaAx]
A: 7,283 Whan it neschid nere haruest . & corn cam to cheppyng
A: 7,284 Than was folke fayne . & fed hungur w(i)t(h)
-th-e best [aaAx]
A: 7,285 W(i)t(h) good ale bad gloton go slepe [aaAx]
A: 7,286 Tho wolde wastour not slepe . but wanderid aboute
p.339 (missing page)
A: 7,33 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,34 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,35 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,36 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,37 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,38 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,39 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,40 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,41 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,42 --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 7,44 --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 7,50 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,51 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,52 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,53 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,54 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,55 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,56 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,57 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,58 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 340 (missiong page)
A: 7,59 --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 7,67 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,68 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,68a --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 7,72 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,73 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,74 --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 7,76 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,77 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,78 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,79 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,80 --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 7,84 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,85 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 341
A: 7,86 He is beholdyn I hope . to haue me in his messe [aaAx]
A: 7,87 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,88 My wyfe schal haue of -th-at I wan . trewely & nomore
A: 7,89 ffor to dele among my frendis . & also my children
A: 7,90 ffor -th-ow I deie today . my dettis arn quytte [aaAx]
A: 7,91 I bar hom -th-at I borwid . or I -gh-ede to bedde
A: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resude & -th-e remelaund .
be -th-e rode of chestre [aaAx]
A: 7,93 I wil worschep -th-erw(i)t(h) . sent trew-th-e in
my lyfe [aaXx]
A: 7,94 And ben his pilgrym at -th-e plow . for pore mennys
sake [aaAx]
A: 7,95 My plow staf schal be my potent . & pyke vp -th-e
rotis [aaAx]
A: 7,96 And helpe my cultur to kerue . & clense -th-e
forwis [aaAx]
A: 7,97 Now is p(er)kyn & his pilgrymes . to -th-e plow
fare [aaAx]
A: 7,98 To herien -th-e half hacre . hopyn hym many [aaAx]
A: 7,99 Diggeris & delueris . dyggid vp -th-e balkis
A: 7,100 Therof was p(er)kyn wele Ipayd, . & preysid
hem -gh-erne [aaAx]
A: 7,101 O-th-er werkmen -th-er were . -th-at wroutyn ful
faste [aaAx]
A: 7,102 Eche man on his maner . made hym to done [aaAx]
A: 7,103 Summe plesid perkyn . pikkedyn vp -th-e weys [aaAx]
A: 7,104 At hei p(ri)me peris . let -th-e plow stande [aaAx]
A: 7,105 To ouersen hym . so so best wrouth [aaAx]
A: 7,106 He schal ben hyrid -th-ereaftir . whan heruest tyme
comyth [aaAx]
A: 7,107 Than setyn somme . and sungyn at -th-e nale [aaAx]
A: 7,108 Holpyn to herye -th-e half acre . w(i)t(h) hei trolly
lolly [aaaAx]
A: 7,109 Be -th-e prynce of p(ar)adice . quot peris in wreth
A: 7,110 But -gh- rysyn -th-e ra-th-ere . and rape -gh-ou
to werche [aaAx]
A: 7,111 Schchyl no greyne -th-at here grow(i)t(h) . helpe
-gh-ou at nede [aaAx]
p. 342
A: 7,112 Thou -gh-e dey for dole . -th-e deuyl haue hym -th-at
rechith [aaAx]
A: 7,113 Than were -th-o faytouris aferde . & feyned
hem blynd [aaAx]
A: 7,114 Summe leyde here leggis on lery . as summe loselis
cunne [aaaAx]
A: 7,115 And pleyned hem to peris . w(i)t(h) petous wordis
A: 7,116 We han no lemys to labo(ur) w(i)t(h) . lord grace
be -gh-e [aaAx]
A: 7,117 We prey for -gh-ow peris . and for -gh-oure plow
bo-th-e [aaAx]
A: 7,118 That god of his grace . -gh-our greyne multiplie
A: 7,119 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,120 ffor sekenes vs eylyth that we mow not laboryn [aaAx]
A: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so as -gh-e seyn quot peris . I schal
it aspie [axAa]
A: 7,122 -Gh-e ben wastouris I wot wel . trew-th-e wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
A: 7,123 I am is hold hyne . I aut hym to warne [aaAx]
A: 7,124 Sweche wastouris . his werkemen dystroen [aaAx]
A: 7,125 -Gh-e etyn -th-at -th-ai schuldyn . -th-at eryen
for us alle [aaAa]
A: 7,126 And trew-th-e schal teche -gh-ou . his teme for
to dryue [aaAx]
A: 7,127 To settyn & to sowyn . & to sauyn his til-th-e
A: 7,128 Cacche coos from -th-e corn . kepyn his bestis [aaAx]
A: 7,129 Or -gh-e schal etyn barly bryn . & of -th-e
brok drynkyn [aaAx]
A: 7,130 But -gh-e bryng a broke schank . or bedrede lyggyn
A: 7,131 Schul -th-ai ete as good as I so god me helpe [????]
A: 7,132 Til god of his grace . gar hem to ryse [aaAx]
A: 7,133 Ankeris & hermytes . -th-at wonyn in here sellis
A: 7,134 Schul haue of myn almes . whil -th-at y libbe [aaAx]
A: 7,135 Eche day at none . but no more til morwe [aaAbb]
A: 7,136 In auenture -th-at bred flesche & -th-e fende
. schuld foulyn her soule [aaAx]
A: 7,138 He abit wele -th-e bette . -th-at bibbith not to ofte [aaAx]
p. 343
A: 7,137 Onys at non is Inow . -th-at no werke vsyth [aaAxx]
A: 7,139 Tho began wastour . wold -th-an a foutyn [axAx]
A: 7,140 And to peris plowman . he proferid his gloue [aaAx]
A: 7,141 A bretoner a bragger . he bost hym alse [aaAx]
A: 7,142 Bad hym go pysse w(i)t(h) his plow . foule pyne
wreche [aaAx]
A: 7,143 Wilt -th-u or nylt -th-ou . we wil han oure wille
A: 7,144 Of -th-i floure & of -th-i fysche . fecche whan
vs likith [aaAx]
A: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-erw(i)t(h) . magrey -th-i chekis
A: 7,146 Than peris plouman . pleyned hym to -th-e knyth
A: 7,147 To kepyn hym as comennant . was fro cursid schrewis
A: 7,148 ffor wastouris -th-at waytid . werke men to schende
A: 7,148 And bid hem go werchyn . what he best likith
A: 7,149 Curtesly -th-e knyth . be kende as he wel wolde
A: 7,150 Warned wastour . and wyssid hym bettir [aaAx]
A: 7,151 Or -th-u schalt abye be -th-e lawe . be -th-e ordre
-th-at I welde [????]
A: 7,152 I was not wonte to werche quot wastour . I wol not
now begynne [aaaAx]
A: 7,153 And lete lytely of -th-e lawe . and lesse of -th-e
knyte [aaAx]
A: 7,154 He countid peris at a pese . & his plow bo-th-e
A: 7,155 Manasid hym & his men . whan -th-ai next mettyn
A: 7,156 Be -th-e p(er)ele of my soule quot peris . I schal
apeyre -gh-ou alle [axaAx]
A: 7,157 He wyschid aftir hungur . he harde hym at -th-e
fryst [aaAx]
A: 7,158 Wreke me on -th-ese wastouris quot pers . -th-at
-th-is werd schendt [aaxAx]
A: 7,159 Hungur in hast -th-an hent . wastour be -th-e wombe
A: 7,160 And wrong hym so be -th-e wombe . -th-at alle watterid
his yen [aaAx]
p. 344
A: 7,161 And buffetid so -th-e bretoner . aboute -th-e chekis
A: 7,162 That he lokid lyke a lantarne . al is lyfe aftir
A: 7,163 He bet hem so bo-th-e . he brast ner here wombis
A: 7,164 Ne had peris w(i)t(h) a pese lofe . a preyed hem
beleue [aaAx]
A: 7,165 And w(i)t(h) a bene batte . he wente hem betwene
A: 7,166 And hitte hungur -th-erw(i)t(h) . in myddis of -th-e
lyppis [aaAx]
A: 7,167 And bled into his bodyward . a bolle ful of growel
A: 7,168 Ne had fryst -th-e feciscian . a defende hym watur
A: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly bred . and -th-e benys grounde
A: 7,170 They had be ded be -th-is day . and dolfyn al warme
A: 7,171 ffor ferd -th-ese wastouris . flowyn to bernys [aaAx]
A: 7,172 And flappid w(i)t(h) fleyles . fro morne til euyn
A: 7,173 That hungur was not hardy . on hem for to loke [aaAx]
A: 7,174 ffor a potel of pece . -th-at pers had mad [aaAx]
A: 7,175 And an hep of heremytis . hente hem spadis [aaAx]
A: 7,176 And doluyn drytte & dounge . to holdyn hunger
oute [aaaAx]
A: 7,177 Blynd & bederede . were betyn a thousand [aaAx]
A: 7,178 Thei leyn blynd . & bedrede be -th-e hep wey
A: 7,179 Hungur hem helid . w(i)t(h) an hote cake [aaAx]
A: 7,180 lame mennys leggis . where litid -th-at tyme [aaAx]
A: 7,181 And becomyn knauys . and cepte peris bestis [aaAx]
A: 7,182 And preyden for charite . w(i)t(h) peris for to
dwelle [aaAx]
A: 7,183 ffor coueytice of his corn . to cacchyn awey hungur
A: 7,184 Peris was proud -th-erof . & put hem in office
fol. 345
A: 7,185 -Gh-af hem mete & mone . as -th-ai myght dysseruyn
A: 7,186 Than had perce pete . & preid hungur for to
wende [aaAx]
A: 7,187 Into his owyn lond . and dwelle -th-er for euyr
A: 7,188 -Gh-it I prey -th-e quot peris . er -th-u passe
fer-th-ere [aaAx]
A: 7,189 Of -th-ese beggeris & bidderis . what is best
to done [aaAx]
A: 7,190 ffor wele I wot be -th-u went . he willyn werche
ful euyl [aaaAx]
A: 7,191 ffor mysche-th- it makith . -th-ei ben so meke now
A: 7,192 And for defaute of helpe & fode . -th-us fast
-th-ei werchyn [aaAx]
A: 7,193 And alle ben my bre-th-eryn . god boute vs alle
A: 7,194 Trew-th-e taut me onys . to louyn hem echone [aaAx]
A: 7,195 Thei -th-at han nede . helpe hem in alle -th-inge
A: 7,196 Now wold I wetyn -gh-if -th-u wistid . what were -th-e
best [aaaAx]
A: 7,197 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,198 Here now quot hungur . and held it for wysdom [aaAx]
A: 7,199 Bolde beggeris -th-at beggyn . -th-at mowe here
bred swynk [aaaAx]
A: 7,200 W(i)t(h) houndis bred & hors bred . hold vp
here hertis [aaAa]
A: 7,201 Abaue hem w(i)t(h) benys . for bolnyng of here wombe
A: 7,202 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,203 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,204 -Gh-if -th-u fynde ony freyke . -th-at fortune has
apeyred [aaAx]
A: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fyre or w(i)t(h) fals men . fond sweche
to knowe [aaAx]
A: 7,206 Counfort hem w(i)t(h) -th-i catel . for godis loue
of heuyn [aaAx]
A: 7,207 Loue hem & lene hem . for -th-e lawe of kynde
it wolle [aaAx]
A: 7,208 And alle maner of men . -th-at -th-ou mygtht aspie
A: 7,209 That in nede ben or nakid . or nouth han to spende
A: 7,210 W(i)t(h) mete or w(i)t(h) mone . lat hem be -th-e
bettere aaAx|
p. 346
A: 7,211 Or w(i)t(h) werke or w(i)t(h) dede . whil -th-u art
here [aaAx]
A: 7,212 Make -th-e frendis -th-er mydde . & so mathew
vs techit [aaAx]
A: 7,212a { ffacite amicos vobis amicos } I ne wold god greue
A: 7,213 Quot peris . for alle -th-e gold on -th-e grounde
A: 7,214 Myte I synles don as -th-u seyde . seyde peris -th-anne
A: 7,215 -Gh-a I hote -th-e quot hungur . or ellis -th-e
bibil lyeth [aaAxx]
A: 7,216 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,217 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,218 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,219 And sapiens seyth -th-e same . I sey it in -th-e
bible [aaAx]
A: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pter frigus } . no feld wolde it telle
A: 7,221 He schal go beggyn & byddyn . to bete away his
hungur [aaAx]
A: 7,222 Mathew w(i)t(h) mannys face . mevith -th-es wordis
A: 7,223 That { Seruus nequam } hath a man . & he ne
wold it vsyn [aaAx]
A: 7,224 He had a magrey of his mayster . eu(er) more aftir
A: 7,225 And benam hym is man . for he wold not werche [aaAx]
A: 7,226 And -gh-af it hym in hast . -th-at had ten -th-er
before [aaAx]
A: 7,227 And sythen he seyde . -th-at his seruuauntis it
harde [aaAx]
A: 7,228 He -th-at hath schal haue . to helpyn -th-er ned
is [aaaAx]
A: 7,229 He -th-at nouth hath . schal not haue ne no man
hy(m) helpe [aaAa]
A: 7,230 And -th-at he wenyth to haue . I wil it hym bereve
A: 7,231 Kynde wolde . -th-at eche man wrouth [aaAa]
A: 7,232 W(i)t(h) techyng or w(i)t(h) tellyng . w(i)t(h)
handis or w(i)t(h) trauelyng [aaAx]
A: 7,233 Contemplatife lyfe or actife lyfe . crist oure lord
wolde [xaAx]
A: 7,234 Oure lord seyth . in -th-e salme of { Beati omnes
} [aaAx]
A: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuaru(m) &c } he -th-at
wynnyth his fode [Latin]
A: 7,235 Thorow trauayle of his hand . god geuyth hym is
blyssyng [aaXa]
A: 7,236 --- this line om ---
(A: 7,237-286: misplaced after p.338)
p. 347
A: 7,287 Ne no beggere ete bred . -th-at benys in come [aaAx]
A: --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,289 Ne non halpeny ale . in no wyse drynk [aaAxx]?
A: 7,290 But of -th-e best & -th-e bronnest . -th-at
breusteris seldyn [aaAx]
A: 7,291 Laboreris -th-at had no lond . but leuyd be here
handis [aaAx]
A: 7,292 Deyned to dyne on -th-e day . nygth olde wortis
A: 7,293 May no penyale hem payn . ne non pece of bacon [aaAx]
A: 7,294 But it be fresche flesche & fysche . fryed or
rostid [aaaAx]
A: 7,295 { Chauyd & plu chaud } . for chillyng of here
mawis [aaAx]
A: 7,296 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,297 That he werkman become . he weylid -th-e tyme [aaAx]
A: 7,298 Thay cursyn -th-e kyng . & -th-e counsel aftir
A: 7,299 Sweche lawis to lokyn . laboreris to chastesyn [aaAx]
A: 7,300 Whil hungur was maister wold non chide [????]
A: 7,301 Ne stryue ageyne -th-e statute . so sterneliche
he lokid [aaAx]
A: 7,302 I warne -gh-ou werkmen . ernyth whil -gh-e mowe
A: 7,303 ffor hungur is hedurward . he hastit for fast [aaAx]
A: 7,304 He schal awake -gh-o(ur) wateris . wastouris to
chasteysyn [aaAx]
A: 7,305 Or fyue -gh-ere be fulfyilid . sweche famyne schal
aryse [aaAx]
A: 7,306 Thorow flod & foule wederis . freutis schul
faylen [aaAa]
A: 7,307 And so seyth saturne . and sent -gh-u to warne [aaAx]
Passus octauus de visione
A: 8,1 Treuth hard tellyn herof . & to peris sent [aaAxx]
A: 8,2 To takyn hym teme . and telyen -th-e erde [aaAx]
p. 348
A: 8,3 he purchasid hym a perdon . { a pena culpa } [aaAx]
A: 8,4 ffor hym & for is heyris . euyrmore aftir [aaAa]
A: 8,5 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,6 And -th-o -th-at hym holpyn . to erye & to sowe
A: 8,7 Or ony maner myster . -th-at mygth pers helpe [aaAx]
A: 8,8 Pert in -th-at p(ar)don . -th-e pope hath Igrauntid
A: 8,9 kyngis & knytis . -th-at kepyn holy chirke chirche
A: 8,10 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,11 Han p(ar)don -th-orow purgatori . to passyn ful sone
A: 8,12 W(i)t(h) patriarkis in purgatori in paradidice .
to pleyn -th-eraftir [aaAx]
A: 8,13 Buschopis -th-at blyssyn . and bo-th-e lawis conyn
A: 8,14 Loken on -th-e lawe . and lerne men bettir [aaAx]
A: 8,15 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,16 And prechyn here p(er)sonis . -th-e p(er)el of synne
A: 8,17 How -th-at schabbyd schep . schuld here wolle saue
A: 8,18 Han p(ar)don w(i)t(h) postelis . when he p(ar)tyn
henys [aaAx]
A: 8,19 At -th-e day of dom . at -th-e des for to sitte [aaAx]
A: 8,20 Marchaundis in here marchaundice . han many -gh-erdis
A: 8,21 But { pena culpa } . -th-e pope wold non graunte
A: 8,22 ffor -th-ai hold not here hali day . as holy chirche
techit [aaAx]
A: 8,23 And he swor be here sowele . & so god must hem
helpe [aaAxx]
A: 8,24 Ageyne clene conciens . catel to selle [aaAx]
A: 8,25 And vndur his sekir sele . trew-th-e sent hym a lettre
A: 8,26 And bad hym bygge boldely . what hym best likid [aaaAx]
A: 8,27 And syth saue it to selle . & saue -th-e wynnyng
A: 8,28 And make mescon dyeu . -th-at mede myssede men to
helpe [aaAx]
A: 8,29 Wikkid weys . wytely amende [aaAx]
A: 8,30 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,31 Mary maydenes . & make hem nonnes [aaAx]
p. 348a (missing page)
A: 8,32 --- this line is omitted --
A: 8,33 --- this line is omitted --
A: 8,34 --- this line is omitted --
A: 8,35 --- this line is omitted --
A: 8,36 --- this line is omitted --
A: 8,37 --- this line is omitted --
A: 8,38 --- this line is omitted --
A: 8,39 --- this line is omitted --
A: 8,40 --- this line is omitted --
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A: 8,46a --- this line is omitted -
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p. 348b (missing page)
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A: 8,72 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,73 --- this line is omitted ----
A: 8,74 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,75 --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 8,79 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,80 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 249
A: 8,81 That he was man wrouth . whan he schal henys wende
A: 8,82 But old men & hory . -th-at helpeles ben of strenght
A: 8,83 And women w(i)t(h) childe . -th-at werche ne mowe
A: 8,84 Blynd & bedrede . and brokyn here membris [aaAx]
A: 8,85 That takith here myschefe mekely . as me selfe & o-th-(er)
A: 8,86 Han as pleno(ur) p(ar)don . as -th-e plowman hym
selfe hath [aaAx]
A: 8,87 ffor here lowe hertis . oure lord hath hem grauntid
A: 8,88 Here penauns & here purgatori . here vpon erde
A: 8,89 Pers quot a prest -th-anne . -th-i p(ar)don must
I rede [aaAx]
A: 8,90 I schal construe iche clauce . & telle -th-e
on engelische [aaAx]
A: 8,91 And peris at his preire . -th-e p(ar)don vnfoldyd
A: 8,92 I behynde hem bo-th-e . beheld -th-e bulle [abAb]
A: 8,93 In to lynes it lay . and not a lettir more [aaAx]
A: 8,94 And was wretyn rygtht -th-us . in witnes of treu-th-e
A: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerunt . ibunt in vitam eternam }
A: 8,96 { Et qui vero mala . in ignem eternam } [Latin]
A: 8,97 Petur quod pers -th-o . I can non o-th-er p(ar)doun
A: 8,98 Do wele & haue wele . & god schal haue -th-i
soule [????]
A: 8.99 Do euyl & haue euyl . & hope -th-u non other
A: 8,100 Aftir -th-i ded day . -th-e deuyl schal haue -th-i
soule [????]
A: 8,101 Peris for pure tene . pullid it on tweyne . and
seyde [aaAx]
A: 8,102 { Si ambulauero i(n) medio vmbre mortis no(n) timebo
mala } [Latin]
A: 8,103 --- this line om ---
A: 8,104 I schal sese of my sowyng . and swynk not so harde
A: 8,105 Ne aboute my lyfelode . besy me nomore [aaAx]
A: 8,106 Of preyeris & penauns . my plow schal ben heraftir
p. 350
A: 8,107--- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,109 In -th-e sauter -th-us seyth . so don o-th-er manye
A: 8,108 The prophetis were pyned . in penauns & in wepyng [aaAx]
A: 8,110 That louyth god lely . is lyfelode is ful mete [aaAx]
A: 8,110a { ffuerunt m(ich)i panes die ac nocte &c }
A: 8,111 But -gh-if luke lye . he lernyth vs be folis [aaAx]
A: 8,112 We schuld not be besy . aboute bodyly ioyes [????]
A: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he seyth his gospel [aaAx]
A: 8,114 And schewt be example . vs selfe to wysse [aaAx]
A: 8,115 The foulis in -th-e fyrmament . ho fynt hem in wyntir
A: 8,116 Whan -th-e frost fresith . fode hem behouyth [aaAx]
A: 8,117 Haue -th-ay no garner to go to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
A: 8,118 Quot -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . petir as me thynkyt
A: 8,119 Thou art letterid but lytil . ho lernyd -th-e on
boke [aaAx]
A: 8,120 Abstinence myne aunte . myne a.b.c me tauthe [aaAx]
A: 8,121 Conciens cam aftirward . an tauth me bettir [aaAx]
A: 8,122 Where -th-u a prest peris quot he . -th-(o)u myght
prewe -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
A: 8,123 { Qu(onia)m litteram non cognoui } . myth be -th-i
teme [????]
A: 8,124 A lewid losel quot peris . litil lokyst -th-u -th-e
bibil [aaxAx]
A: 8,125 Of salomonis sawis . litil -th-u beholdist [aaAx]
A: 8,125a { Ecce dirisores & virga cum eis non crescant
} [Latin]
A: 8,126 The prest & perkyn . eyther aposid o-th-er [aaAx]
A: 8,127 I trowe here wordis wok . & waytid aboute [aaAx]
A: 8,128 And say -th-e sunne syttyn euyn south . in -th-at
tyme [aaaAx]
A: 8,129 Meteles & monyles . on maluerne hillis [aaAx]
A: 8,130 Musyng on -th-es metelis . a myle wey I -gh-ede
A: 8,131 Many tyme -th-ese metelis . han mad me to stodie
A: 8,132 And for peris loue -th-e plowman . ful pensife in
hert [aaAx]
p. 351
A: 8,133 ffor -th-at I say slepyng . -gh-if it so be myght
A: 8,134 As caton construyth it nay . & canonystris bo-th-e
A: 8,134a And he hem selfe bo-th-e { Sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
A: 8,135 ffor -th-us -th-e buke berith ffor -th-us -th-e
bible . berith wittnes [aa??]
A: 8,136 How danyel deuyned . -th-e drem of -th-e kyng [aaAx]
A: 8,137 Of nabugodonosor . ne myght no clerkis [aaAx]
A: 8,138 Daniel seyde sere kyng . -th-i sweuene is -th-us
to mene [aaAx]
A: 8,139 That vnconyng knytis schul come . -th-i kyngdom
to cleyme [aaaAx]
A: 8,140 Among hyere lordys . -th-i lond schal be dep(ar)tid
A: 8,141 As daniel demyd . so it fel aftir [aaAx]
A: 8,142 The kyng lost his lordschepe . and lesse lordis
it haddyn [aaAx]
A: 8,143 As iosep mette merueyously . of -th-e mone & -th-e
sunne [aaAx]
A: 8,144 And -th-e eleue sterris . he heylid hym also [axAa]
A: 8,145 { Beu seris } quot his fadur . for defaute we schullyn
A: 8,146 I meselue & my sonys . sekyn -th-e for nede
A: 8,147 It fel as -th-e fadur seyde . in pharo tyme [aaAx]
A: 8,148 That iosep was iustice . egipte to kepe [aaAx]
A: 8,149 Al -th-is makith me . on metelis to thynk [aaAx]
A: 8,150 Many tyme at mydnyth . whan men schuld slepe [aaAx]
A: 8,151 Of peris -th-e plowman . swoche p(ar)don he had
A: 8,152 And how -th-e prest inpugnyd it . al to pure resun
A: 8,153 And deuyned -th-at dowel . indulgence pasid [aaAx]
A: 8,154 Byonalis & trionalis . and buschopis lettris
A: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e day of dom . is derly vndurfongyn
A: 8,156 He pasith al -th-e perdon . of sent petir chirche
p. 352
A: 8,157 Now hath -th-e pope pouer . perdon to graunte [aaAx]
A: 8,158 The puple w(i)t(h)oute penauns . to pasyn into Ioy
A: 8,159 This is oure beleue . as lernyd men vs techyth [aaAx]
A: 8,159a { Quodcumq(ue) ligaueris sup(er) terram erit ligatum & in
celis } [Latin]
A: 8,160 And so I leue lely . god forbede ellis [aaAx]
A: 8,161 That p(ar)don and penauns . preyeris don saue [aaAx]
A: 8,162 Soulis -th-at han synnyd . seuene sythis dedly [aaAx]
A: 8,163 ffor to storn trostyn on trionalis . trewely me
thynkith [aaAx]
A: 8,164 Is non so seker for -th-e soule . as for to do wel
A: 8,165 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,166 Trostyth not vp -th-at tresor . trionalis to haue
A: 8,167 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,168 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,169 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,170 To purchace p(ar)don . & -th-e popis billis
A: 8,171 At -th-e dredful dom . whan men schul ryse [aaAx]
A: 8,172 And comyn beforn crist . acountis to -gh-elde [aaAx]
A: 8,173 How -th-u leddis -th-i lyue here . & how his
lawis kepist [aaAx]
A: 8,174 And how -th-u dost day be day . -th-i dom it wil
reherce [aaaAx]
A: 8,175 A pound ful of p(ar)don -th-ore . ne no prouincialis
selis [aaAx]
A: 8,176 And -th-ow -th-u be in -th-e fraternite . in alle
foure orderis [aaAx]
A: 8,177 And haue indulgence dubbilfold . but dowel -th-e
helpe [aaAx]
A: 8,178 I nold -gh-if for -th-i patentis of p(ar)don a pece
hole [????]
A: 8,179 Therfore I rede alle cristen men . to crye god mercy
A: 8,180 And mary his modir . to ben mene betwene [aaAx]
A: 8,181 That god of his grace here . or we goon henis [aaaAx]
A: 8,182 Sweche werkis to werche . whil we ben here [aaAx]
A: 8,183 That aftir oure ded day . dowel may reherce [aaAx]
A: 8,184 At -th-e day of dom . w(i)t(h) crist for to wone
p. 353
Hic incipit vita de dowel dobet & dobet
A: 9,1 Thus Irobid in russet . I romyd abowte [aaAx]
A: 9,2 A a somer sesun . for to seke dowel [aaAx]
A: 9,3 I freyned ful ofte . of folk -th-at I mette [aaAx]
A: 9,4 -Gh-if ony wiste . where dowel was at Inne [aaAx]
A: 9,5 And what man he myght be . -gh-if ony man askyd [aaAx]
A: 9,6 Was neuyr wyte as I wente . -th-at me wysse cowde
A: 9,7 Where -that lede loggede . lesse no-th-er more [aaAx]
A: 9,8 Til it fel vpon a fryday . to freris I mette [aaAx]
A: 9,9 Maystris of -th-e menouris . men of gret witte [aaAx]
A: 9,10 I heylid hem hendely . as I had lernyd [aaAx]
A: 9,11 And preyd hem besili . or -th-ei went fer-th-ere
A: 9,12 -Gh-if -th-ai knewyn ony contre . or coustis aboute
A: 9,13 Where -th-at dowel dwellid . do me to wysse [aaAx]
A: 9,14 Mary quot -th-e menouris . among vs he dwellith [aaAx]
A: 9,15 Euyr hath as I hope . & euyr schal hereaftir
A: 9,16 { Contra } quot I as a clerk . I gan to dysputyn
A: 9,16a {Sepcies in die cadit iustus } [Latin]
A: 9,17 Seuene sythis on -th-e day . synnyth -th-e ryghtful
A: 9,18 And hoso synnyth as I say . sertis me thynkith [aaAx]
A: 9,19 That dowel & do euele . mow not stond togederis
A: 9,20 { Ergo } he is not at hom alwey among -gh-ou freris
A: 9,21 He is ellis o-th-er while . to wyssyn -th-e puple
A: 9,22 I schal say -th-e my sone . seyde -th-e frere -th-anne
A: 9,23 How seuyn sythis -th-e sad man . synnyth on -th-e
day [aaAx]
A: 9,24 Be a forbesene quot -th-e frere . I schal -th-e fayre
schewe [aaAx]
A: 9,25 lat bryng a man in a bot . in myddis a brok watur
p. 354
A: 9,26 The wynd & -th-e watur . & -th-e waggynge of
-th-e boot [aaAx]
A: 9,27 Makith a man ma[n]y tymis . to fallyn & to stonde
A: 9,28 ffor stand he neuyr so fast . he stomelith in -th-e
waggyng [aaAx]
A: 9,29 And -gh-it he is saue & sound . and so hym behouyth
A: 9,30 ffor -gh-if he ne rese ra-th-ere . & -gh-ede
to -th-e sterne [aaAx]
A: 9,31 The wynd & -th-e watur . -th-e boot ouyrthrow(i)t(h)
A: 9,32 Ther wer -th-e mannys lyfe lost . for lacchans of
hymselue [aaAx]
A: 9,33 Thus it faryth quot -th-e frere . be men of -th-is
erde [aaAx]
A: 9,34 The watur is lykened to -th-e werld . -th-at waxith & wanyth
A: 9,35 The godis of -th-is ground . ben lykened to -th-e
waues [aaAx]
A: 9,36 As wyndis & wawis . walkyn aboute [aaAx]
A: 9,37 The bot is likened to -th-e body . -th-at brechel
is of kynde [aaAx]
A: 9,38 That -th-orow -th-e fend & -th-e flesche . & -th-e
false werd [aaAx]
A: 9,39 Synnyth -th-e sad man . seuene sythis on -th-e day
A: 9,40 Dedly synne he doth nout . for dowel hym helpit [aaAx]
A: 9,41 That is charite -th-e champlioun . cheffe ageyne
synne [aaAx]
A: 9,42 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,43 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,44 Ay is -th-i soule saue . but -gh-if -th-u wille [aaAx]
A: 9,45 ffolwe -th-e wil of -th-i flesche . & -th-e fendis
aftir [aaAx]
A: 9,46 And do dedly synne . and drenche -th-e selue [aaAx]
A: 9,47 God sufferith -th-e to deyn so . for -th-e selfe
to haue -th-e maystrie [aaAx]
A: 9,48 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,49 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,50 I bekenne -th-e to crist . -th-at on cros deyd [aaAx]
A: 9,51 And -th-ai seyde -th-e same . saue -th-e fro myschaunce
A: 9,52 And -gh-if -th-e grace on -th-is erde . in good lyfe
to ende [aabAb]
A: 9,53 Thus I went wyde for . dowel to sekyn [aaAx]
A: 9,54 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,55 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,56 Vp on a lynde vpon a lawnde . lenyd I a stounde [aaAx]
p. 355
A: 9,57 To lystyn -th-e layes . -th-at -th-e foulis madyn [aaAx]
A: 9,58 The blysse of -th-e bryddis . brout me a slepe [aaAx]
A: 9,59 The meruelyest metyng . mette I -th-anne [aaAx]
A: 9,60 That euyr dremyd wyth . in drouth as I wene [aaAx]
A: 9,61 A meche man me -th-outh . like to my selue [aaAx]
A: 9,62 Come & callid me . be my ryght name [aaAx]
A: 9,63 What art -th-u quot I . -th-at myne name knowyst
A: 9,64 Thou wost wel quot he . & no man bettir [aaAx]
A: 9,65 Wost icche what -th-u art quot I . thouth seyde he
-th-anne [aaAa]
A: 9,66 I haue sewyd -th-e al -th-is seuene -gh-ere . sey
-th-u me no raye [aaAx]
A: 9,67 Art -th-u -th-outh quot I . canst -th-u me telle
A: 9,68 Where dowel dwellit . do me to wysse [aaAx]
A: 9,69 Dowel quot he dobest & dobet -th-e thrid [aaAx]
A: 9,70 Arn iij fayre vertuis . & be not to fynde [aaAa]
A: 9,71 Hoso be meke of his mou-th-e . & meke of his
speche [aaAx]
A: 9,72 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,73 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,74 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,75 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9.76 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,77 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,78 Whil he hath of is owyn . helpit -th-e nede [aaAx]
A: 9,79 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,80 That -th-e erle auarice had . or ony of his eyris
A: 9,81 W(i)t(h) mamonis monye . had mad hym frendis [aaAx]
A: 9,82 He is ronnyn to religious . and renderith is bille
A: 9,83 And prechit -th-e puple . sen poulis wordis [aaAx]
A: 9,83a { Libenter suffertis &c } [Latin]
A: 9,84 The wyse sufferith -th-e vnwyse . w(i)t(h) -gh-ou
for to leue [aaAxx]
A: 9,85 And w(i)t(h) good wil do hem good . so god hymselfe
hite [aaAx]
A: 9,86 Dobest is abouyn hem bo-th-e . berith a buschopes
crose [aaaAa]
A: 9,87 Is hokyd at -th-e ton ende . to hold men in good
lyfe [aaAx]
A: 9,88 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,89 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 356
A: 9,90 And as dowel & dobet . dedyn hym vndurstonde [aaAx]
A: 9,91 Thay haue corounyd a kyng . to kepyn hem alle [aaAx]
A: 9,92 -Gh-if dowel or dobet . weryn a-gh-eyn dobest [aaAa]
A: 9,93 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,94 Than schuld -th-e kyng comyn . and caste hem in presun
A: 9,95 And cast hem in penaunce . w(i)t(h)oute pete or grace
A: 9,96 But dobest bede for hem . -th-ei bedyn -th-er for
euyr [aaaXx]?
A: 9,97 Thus dowel & dobet . and dobest -th-e thride
A: 9,98 Corounyd hym to be kyng . and here councel werche
A: 9,99 And reule -th-e reme . be reule of hem alle [aaAx]
A: 9,100 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,101 I thankid -th-outh -th-o . -th-at he me so tauth
A: 9,102 And -gh-it sauerid me not in seyng . as so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
A: 9,103 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,104 How dowel & dobest & dobet . don on -th-e
erde [aaaAx]
A: 9,105 But witte wysse -th-e quot -th-outh . where -th-ese
dwellyn [aaxAx]
A: 9,106 Ellis wot I no man . -th-at now is on lyfe [????]
A: 9,107 Thouth and I -th-ese thre dayes -gh-edyn dysputyng
on dowel day be day [aaAx]
A: 9,108 --- this line om ---
A: 9,109 Or we wer ware . w(i)t(h) wtite . gun we mete [aaAx]
A: 9,110 He was lond & lene . like to non other [aaAx]
A: 9,111 Was no pride in his ap(er)ele . ne pouert ne-th-er
A: 9,112 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,113 I durste meue no mater . to makyn hym to iangle
A: 9,114 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,115 -Gh-if put I forth a purpos . to preuyn his witte
A: 9,116 Than -th-outh in -th-at tyme . seyde -th-ese wordis
A: 9,117 Where dowel & dobet & dobest . ben in -th-is
lond [aaAx]
A: 9,118 His wil wold Iwetyn . -gh-if witte coudd me techen
Primus passus de dowel
p. 357
A: 10,1 Sere dowel dwellyth quot witte . not a day henne [aaxAx]
A: 10,2 In a castel -th-at kende made . of kynde thyngis
A: 10,3 Of herde & of heyre it is mad . medelid togederis
A: 10,4 W(i)t(h) wynd & w(i)t(h) watur . wittely enioyned
A: 10,5 Kynde hath closid -th-erin . crftely w(i)t(h) alle
A: 10,6 A leman -th-at he louyd . like to hym selue { a(n)i(m)a
} -gh-he hyte [aaAx]
A: 10,7 To here had enuye a proud preker of fraunce { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mu(n)di } [aaAa]
A: 10,8 --- this line om ---
A: 10,9 And wold a woned here awey . w(i)t(h) wilys -gh-if
he mygth [aaAx]
A: 10,10 And kende know(i)t(h) here wele . and knowt here
-th-e betture [aaAx]
A: 10,11 And had don here seke dowel . dwke of -th-e marches
A: 10,12 Dobet is here damysele . sere dowel is douter [aaAa]
A: 10,13 And seruyd -th-is lady lely . bo-th-e late and rathe
A: 10,14 Thus dowel & dobet . & dobest -th-e thride
A: 10,15 Be maysters of -th-is maner . -th-is mayde to kepe
A: 10,16 As constable of -th-e castelle . -th-at kepith hem
alle [aaAx]
A: 10,17 Is a knyth wyse w(i)t(h)alle . sere Iewet he hythe
A: 10,18 And had fyue fayre sonys . be his frist wyfe [aaAx]
A: 10,19 Sere dowel & sere seywel . and herewele -th-e
thride [aaAx]
A: 10.19 Bene maystris of -th-is maner . -th-es mayden to
kepe [aaAx]
A: 10,20 Sere werche wel w(i)t(h) -th-ine hond . w(i)t(h) man
of strenth [aaxAx]
A: 10,21 And sere godfrey gowel . gret lord w(i)t(h) alle
A: 10,22 These sexe ben sette . for to saue -th-e castel
A: 10,23 Tho kepyn -th-is woman . -th-ese sexe ben chargid
A: 10,24 Til kend come or sende . to kepe here hemselue [aaAx]
A: 10,25 Wath calle -gh-e -th-e castel . -th-at kende hath
makid [aaAx]
p. 358
A: 10,26 What kynnys -th-ing is kende . canst -th-u me telle
A: 10,27 Kende quot he is a kreature . of alle kynde bestis
A: 10,28 ffadir and formour . fryst of alle -th-ing [aaAx]
A: 10,29 That is -th-e grete god . -th-at gynnyng had neuyr
A: 10,30 The lord of lyfe & lyth . of blyssis & of
peyne [aaaAx]
A: 10,31 Aungelis and alle -th-ing . arne at his wille [aaAx]
A: 10,32 As man is hym most lyke . of merke & of face
A: 10,33 ffor be his word & be is werke . wexen forth
bestis [aaAx]
A: 10,34 And alle -th-ing at his wille . he wrout w(i)t(h)
on speche [xaAx]?
A: 10,34a { Dixit & facta sunt ip(s)e mandauit &c
} [Latin]
A: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . like to hym selue [aaAx]
A: 10,36 Gaf hym gost of his godhed . & grauntid hym
blisse [aaAx]
A: 10,37 Lyue -th-at ay schal laste . and his lynage aftir
A: 10,38 That is -th-e castel of kende mad . { caro } yt
hattith [aaAx]
A: 10,39 As mechil is mene . as man w(i)t(h)oute -th-e soule
A: 10,40 That he wrouth w(i)t(h) word . and w(it(h) werke
bo-th-e [aaAx]
A: 10,41 Thorow myght of -th-e maieste . man was Imakid [aaAa]
A: 10,41a { ffaciamus ho(m)i(n)em ad ymaginem n(ostr)am }
A: 10,42 Inwitte and alle wyttis . closid ben -th-erinne
A: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-at lady . -th-at lyue is Imenyd
A: 10,44 That is { a(n)i(m)a } -th-at ouyral . in -th-e body
wanderis [aaXx]
A: 10,45 In -th-e hert is here hom . heyst of alle [aaAa]
A: 10,46 -Gh-he is lyfe ledere . a leman of heuyn [aaAx]
A: 10,47 Inwitte is -th-e help . -th-at { a(n)i(m)a } dyshyrith
p. 359
A: 10,48 Aftir -th-e grace of god . -th-at grettest is inwytte
A: 10,49 Inwytte in -th-e heuyd is . and help to -th-e soule
A: 10,50 ffor -th-orow is conyng is kepte . { caro & anima
} [aaAx]
A: 10,51 In rewle and resun . but recches it makyth [aaAx]
A: 10,52 He eggith -th-e eye sygth to goode . and heryng
also [aaAx]
A: 10,53 Of god speche & of good dede . he is begynnere
A: 10,54 In mannys brane he is most . and mytiest to knowe
A: 10,55 Ther is his boure bremest . but -gh-if blod it make
A: 10,56 Whan blod is brymmere -th-an brayne . -th-an is
inwitte bounde [aaaXa]
A: 10,57 Eke wantone & wilde . w(i)t(h)outyn ony resun
A: 10,58 W(i)t(h) -gh-ong fau(n)tes & folis . w(i)t(h)
hem faylith inwitte [aaAx]
A: 10,59 And eke sottis -th-u mygth se . -th-at syttyn at
-th-e nale [aaAx]
A: 10,60 Thei holdyn ale in here hed . til inwytte be dronchen
A: 10,61 And ben braynwod as bestis . so here blod waxeth
A: 10,62 Than hath -th-e pouke pouere . sere { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mundi }
A: 10,63 Hath of sweche maner of men . mygth in here soule
A: 10,64 Ofe fauntis & folis . -th-e fende hath no mygth
A: 10,65 ffor no werke -th-at -th-ai werkyn . wykkyd or ellis
A: 10,66 The faderis & -th-e frendys . for fauntis schul
be blamyd [aaAx]
A: 10,67 But he wyte hem fro wantounes . whil -th-ai be -gh-onge
A: 10,68 -Gh-if he be pore for catelles . to kepe hem from
ille xxXx|
A: 10,69 Than is holy beholdyn . to kepe hem from ille and
saue [aaAx]
p. 360
A: 10,70 ffro falsed & folyes . and fyndyn til -th-ai ben
wysere [aaAx]?
A: 10,71 Eche wytte in -th-is werld . -th-at hath vndurstondyng
A: 10,72 Is chefe souereyn ou(er) hym selue . his soule to
-gh-eme [aaAx]
A: 10,73 And clense hym fro heuy charge . whan his childhed
passith [aaAx]
A: 10,74 Saue hym selue from synne . and so hym behouith
A: 10,75 ffor werche he wele or ellis worng . -th-e witte
is his owyn [aaaAx]
A: 10,76 Than is dowel a duke . -th-at dystroet vices [aaAx]
A: 10,77 And sauith -th-e soule . -th-at synne hath no mygth
A: 10,78 To routyn ne to restyn . to rotyn in -th-ine herte
A: 10,79 And -th-at is dred of god . dowel it makit [axAx]
A: 10,80 It is gynnere of goodnes . god frist for to dredyn
A: 10,81 Salamon seyde . a soth tale [aaAx]
A: 10,81a { Inicium sapiencie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
A: 10,82 ffor dowt men do -th-e bettyr . dred is sweche a
mayster [aaxAx]
A: 10,83 That he makith men meke . and mylde of her speche
A: 10,84 And alle scholeris . in schole for to lerne [xaAx]
A: 10,85 Than is dobet to ben war . for betyng of -th-e -gh-erde
A: 10,86 Of -th-at seyth -th-e sauter . -th-e selue mygth
it rede [aaAx]
A: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tuus } [Latin]
A: 10,88 -Gh-if conciens acorde -th-at -th-i soule do wel
A: 10,89 Whil -th-u wonyst in -th-is werld . for to don bettere
A: 10,90 ffor { intencio indicat hominem } [Latin]
A: 10,91 Be councelle of conciens . acordith w(i)t(h) holy
chirche [aaAx]
A: 10,92 Loke -th-u wysse -th-i witte . and -th-i werkis
aftir [aaAx]
A: 10,92 [ffro falsed & folies]
p. 361
A: 10,93 ffor -gh-if -th-u do a-gh-enys conciens . -th-u comerist
-th-e selue [aaAx]
A: 10,94 Witnessith holy wrytte . and godis word bo-th-e
A: 10,94a { Qui agit contra consciensiam } [Latin]
A: 10,95 -Gh-if -th-u werche be godis worde . I warne -th-e
for -th-e best [aaAx]
A: 10,96 What so men worden of -th-e . reche -th-e neuyr
A: 10,97 Caton techith so . take kep of his techyng [aaAx]
A: 10,98 { Cum recte uiuas ne cures verba malor(um) } [Latin]
A: 10,99 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,100 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,101 -Gh-if -th-u begynne to clyme . and woldyst heyrere
A: 10,102 Thow mythist lesyn -th-i lownes . for a litil pride
A: 10,103 I haue lernyd how lewynd men . lerne here children
A: 10,104 Seldom mosith -th-e marbil . -th-at men oftyn trede
A: 10,105 And ryght so be renneris . -th-at rennyn abo[u]te
A: 10,106 ffro religion to religiun . recheles ben -th-ai
euyr [aaAx]
A: 10,107 Ne men -th-at connyn alle craftis . clargie it
tellith [aaAx]
A: 10,108 That thrifte of or thedom . w(i)t(h) -th-o is selde
seyn [aaAbb]
A: 10,108a { Qui circuit omne genus in nullo genere est }
A: 10,109 Poule -th-e postele . in his pystele wrythet [aaAx]
A: 10,110 In example of sweche . schuld not renne aboutyn
A: 10,111 And for wysdom it is wretyn . and wyttens in chirche
A: 10,112 { In eadem vocacione qua vocati estis : State }
A: 10,113 -Gh-if -th-u be man maried . monk o-th-er chanon
A: 10,114 Hold -th-e stable and stedfast . a beggere -th-ow
-th-u were [aaAx]
A: 10,115 --- this line om ---
A: 10,116 Loke -th-u grucche not on god . -th-ow he -gh-eue
-th-e lytil [aaAx]
A: 10,117 Be payed w(i)t(h) -th-i possessioun . pore o-th-er
riche [aaAx]
A: 10,118 Thus in dred dobest dowel . and dobet to suffre
p. 362
A: 10,119 ffor -th-orow suffrans se -th-u myth . how souereynte
arysith [aaAx]?
A: 10,120 And so lernyth luke . -th-at lyed neuyr [aaAx]
A: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabitur } [Latin]
A: 10,121 And -th-us dred of dede . dobest arysith [aaAx]
A: 10,122 Wheche is -th-e flour & -th-e freute . fore
fosterid aboue [aaAx]
A: 10,123 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,124 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,125 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,126 As whete out of -th-e wede . waxeth of -th-e erde
A: 10,127 So dobest out of dobettir . ad dowel begynnyth
to sprynge [aaAx]
A: 10,128 Among men of -th-is molde . -th-at meke ben and
kynde [aaAx]
A: 10,129 ffor loue of here lownesse . oure lord -gh-if hem
grace [aaAx]
A: 10,130 Werkis for to werche . -th-at he -th-erw(i)t(h)
is plesid [aaAx]
A: 10,131 fformest and frist . to folke -th-at ben wele weddid
A: 10,132 That leuyth as here lawe wil . -th-at liketh god
almyghti [aaAx]
A: 10,133 Thorow wedlak -th-e werd stant . hoso it knowe
A: 10,134 Thei ben -th-e ricches of remys . -th-e rote of
dowel [aaAx]
A: 10,135 Of -th-at kynde -th-ai comyn . -th-at confessouris
be namyd [aaAx]
A: 10,136 Bo-th-e maydenis and maystris . munkis and ankeris
A: 10,137 Kyngis & knytis . and alle o-th-er clerkis
A: 10,138 Baronis & burgeis . and bondmen of touunes
A: 10,139 ffalse folke aid feytheles . as theuys and lieris
A: 10,140 Ben conceyuyd in cursid tyme . as caym was of eue
A: 10,141 Aftir adam and eue . had etyn -th-e appil [aaAa]
A: 10,142 A-gh-enys -th-e hest of hym . -th-at hem of nouth
made [aaAx]
A: 10,143 The aungil in angur . made hem to wende [aaAx]
A: 10,144 Into -th-is wrecchid werd . to wonyn and to leue
p. 363
A: 10,145 In tene and in trauayl . into here lyuys ende [aaAxx]
A: 10,146 In -th-at cursid constillacion . -th-ei knewe togederis
A: 10,147 And brouth forth a baron . -th-at mekil bale wrouth
A: 10,148 Caym -th-ai hym clepid . in cursid tyme engenderid
A: 10,149 And so seyth -th-e sauter . seyth won -th-u likith
A: 10,150 { Concepit dolorem & peperit iniquitatem }
A: 10,151 Alle -th-at cam of -th-at caym . crist hetid hem
aftir [aaAbb]
A: 10,152 And a miliouns mo . of men & of women [aaaAx]
A: 10,153 Ther of seth and his systir . sethen for comyn
A: 10,154 ffor -th-ai maried w(i)t(h) cursid hed . w(i)t(h)
men of caym is kynne [abaBb]
A: 10,155 Alle -th-at comyn of caym . cursyd -th-ai were
A: 10,156 Alle -th-at coupillid hem to -th-at kyn . crist
hatid hem aftir [aaAx]
A: 10,157 ffor-th-i he sent to Sem . & -th-e aungil seyde
to hym [aaAx]
A: 10,158 To kepe his kynnerede fro caymis . -th-ei couplid
not togedur [aaaAx]
A: 10,159 And syth sem and his systir . were spousid togederis
A: 10,160 A-gh-enys -th-e hest of god . garlis -th-ei gotyn
A: 10,161 God was wrouth w(i)t(h) here werkis . an sweche
wordis seyde [aaAx]
A: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse hominem } [Latin]
A: 10,163 That is to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
A: 10,164 That I man makid . now me ouyr thynkith [aaAx]?
A: 10,165 And cam to noe anon . and bad hym not lette [aaAx]
A: 10,166 To schapyn hym a schip . of shidis and of bordis
A: 10,167 Hym selue and his sonys thre . & sythen here
wyues [aaAx]
A: 10,168 Buskym hem brymme to -th-at bot . aid holdym hem
-th-(er)inne [aaAx]
A: 10,169 Til fourti days hath fulfillid . -th-at flod hath
Iwaschen [aaAx]
p. 364
A: 10,170 Clene awey -th-e cursid blod . -th-at caym hath Imakid
A: 10,171 Bestis -th-at now ben . schul banne -th-at stounde
A: 10,172 That euyr cursid caym . cam on grounde [aaAx]
A: 10,173 Alle schul deyn for his dede . be dounys & hillis
A: 10,174 Bo-th-e fyschis and foulis . forth w(i)t(h) o-th-er
bestis [aaAx]
A: 10,175 Outtakyn seuene soulis . & of eche a best a
couple [aaAx]
A: 10,176 That in -th-e sengle schip . schul be sauyd [aaAx]
A: 10,177 Ellis schul alle deyen . & to helle wendyn
A: 10,178 Thus -th-orow cursid caym . cam care vpon alle
A: 10,179 Alle for sem & his sisteris childeryn . spousid
togederis [aaAx]
A: 10,180 A-gh-eynis -th-e lawe of oure lord . loyn togedris
A: 10,181 And were maried to myschef . as men do now here
children [aaAx]
A: 10,182 ffor summe as I se now . -th-e so-th-e for to telle
A: 10,183 ffor coueytice of catel . vnkendeliche be maried
A: 10,184 A carful concepcioun . comith on sweche a weddyng
A: 10,185 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,186 It is vnkendely weddyng . be crist as me thynkith
A: 10,187 To -gh-euyn a -gh-ong wenche . to an old feble
A: 10,188 Or wedde ony wedowe . for ony welth of goodis [aaAx]
A: 10,189 That neu(er) schal baron bere . but it be in here
armes [aaAx]
A: 10,190 Ielisie ioyles . an iangelyng in bedde [aaAx]
A: 10,191 Many peyre syn -th-e pestelence . han plyt hem
togideris [aaAx]
A: 10,192 The frute -th-at -th-ei brynge forth . arn many
foule wordis [aaAx]
A: 10,193 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,194 Thei don hem to donmow . but -gh-if dowel helpe
p. 365
A: 10,195 To folwyn aftir -th-e flyk . fatte -th-ai it neuyr
A: 10,196 But bo-th-en ben forsworn . -th-at bakon -th-ei
tyne [aaAx]
A: 10,197 I councel alle cristene . coueyte not to be weddid
A: 10,198 ffor coueytice of catel . & of kenrede riche
A: 10,199 But maydenis . meke -gh-ou togederis [aaAx]
A: 10,200 Wedueris & wedues . werche -gh-e the same [aaAx]
A: 10,201 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,202 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,203 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,204 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,205 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,206 lawe hath grauntid eche man to haue a make [aaAxx]
A: 10,207 In mariage of wedlak . werche -th-u -th-at werke
A: 10,208 On -th-i wyfe . & no woman ellis [aaAx]
A: 10,209 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,210 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,211 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,212 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,213 A-gh-eyn dowel -th-ai don euyl . and -th-e deuyl
plesyn [aaAx]
A: 10,214 Aftir here ded day . schul dwelle w(i)t(h) -th-e
same [aaAx]
A: 10,215 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,216 Than is dowel to dredyn . and dobest to sufferyn
A: 10,217 So comyth dobest aboutyn . and bryngeth doun mody
A: 10,218 And his wikkid wil . -th-at many werke schendith
Passus secundus de dowel
A: 11,1 Than had he a wyfe . -th-ai clepid dame stodie [aaXx]?
A: 11,2 That lene was of liche . and of lowe chere [aaAx]
A: 11,3 Sche wondurly wroth was . -th-at witte -th-us me
tauth [aaAx]
A: 11,4 And alle schornely dam stodie . sternely seyde [aaAx]
A: 11,5 Wele art -th-u wyse quot -gh-he . ony wisdom to telle
A: 11,6 To faytouris & to folis . -th-at frentik ben
of witte [aaAx]
A: 11,7 And blamyd hem and bannyd hem . and bad hem ben stille
A: 11,8 W(i)t(h) sweche wyse wordis . to wyssyn ony folis
A: 11,9 And seyde { Nolite mittere } . margery perlis [aaAx]
A: 11,10 Among hoggis -th-at han . hawis at here wille [aaAx]
p. 366
A: 11,11 Thay don but drauelyn -th-eron . draf were hem leuyr
A: 11,12 Than alle -th-e preciouce perre . -th-at in p(ar)adice
growith [aaAx]
A: 11,13 I sey it be -th-o quot -gh-he . -th-at schew(i)t(h)
be here wordis [aaAx]
A: 11,14 That hem were leuyr lond . and lordchep on erde
A: 11,15 Riches or rent . and rest at here wille [aaAx]
A: 11,16 Than alle -th-e soth sawis . -th-at salamon seyde
A: 11,17 Wysdom an witte is now . not worth a russche [aaAx]
A: 11,18 But -gh-if it be cardet w(i)t(h) coueytice . & to
conspire wrong(is) [aaAx]
A: 11,19 --- this line om ---
A: 11,20 And ledyn forth a loueday . and leuyn -th-e trew-th-e
A: 11,21 That swedche do can . ben clepid to councel [aaAa]
A: 11,22 And ben seruyd as seris . -th-at seruyn -th-e deuelis
loris [aaAx]
A: 11,23 Iob -th-e gentil . in his gestis seyde [aaAx]
A: 11,23a { Quare via impior(um) p(re)parabitur b(e)n(e)
e(st) in o(mn)ib(us) q(ui) p(ra)ue & iniq(ue) agerunt
A: 11,24 He -th-at hath holy wrytte . hyn his mou-th- [aaaAx]
A: 11,25 And can tellyn of tobie . and is xij apostelis [aaAx]
A: 11,26 And prechyn of -th-e penauns . -th-at pilatus wrouth
A: 11,27 To ih(es)u -th-e ientil . -th-at iewis todrowyn
A: 11,28 On cros vpon caluari . as clerkis vs techyn [aaAx]
A: 11,29 Lytil is louyd or late by . -th-at sweche a sermoun
schew(i)t(h) [aaaAx]
A: 11,30 Or honourid or drawe forth . -th-ese desouris wot
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
A: 11,31 ffor -gh-if harlatrie ne helpe hem -th-e bettere
. so god me helpe [aaxAx]
A: 11,32 More -th-an musike . or makyng of god almyti [aaAx]
A: 11,33 Wold ne-th-er kyng ne knyth . nor chanon of sen
poulis [aaAx]
A: 11,34 -Gh-if hem to here -gh-eris -gh-ifte . -th-e valew
of a grote [aaXx]
A: 11,35 Mynstralsie & myrthe . among men is nouth [aaAx]
p. 367
A: 11,36 Losenrye & rebaudie . and loselis talis [aaAx]
A: 11,37 Glotonie & grete o-th-is . arn gamys now on
days [aaAx]
A: 11,38 -Gh-if -th-ai carpyn on crist . -th-ese clerkis
and -th-ese lewid men [aaAx]
A: 11,39 At mete and at myrth . pece mynstrallis arn stille
A: 11,40 Than tellyn -th-ai of -th-e trenite . how -th-e
to slow -th-e thridde [aaAx]
A: 11,41 Bryngith forth a ballid resun . barnard I take to
wyttnes [aaAx]
A: 11,42 And puttyn forth a presumcioun . to preuyn -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
A: 11,43 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,44 And gnawyn god in -th-e gorge . whan here guttis
fillyn [aaaAx]
A: 11,45 The carful man may cryen . at -th-e -gh-ate [aaAx]
A: 11,46 ffor hungur and for thrist . and for cold quakyn
A: 11,47 Is -th-er non w(i)t(h) Inne . -th-at is noye wil
amendyn [aaAx]
A: 11,48 Hold hym out as an hound . and hunte hym so -th-enis
A: 11,49 Litil louyth he -th-at lord . -th-at lent hym alle
his blysse [aaAx]
A: 11,50 That -th-us p(ar)tith w(i)t(h) -th-e pore . a p(er)cel
whan hym lyste [aaAx]
A: 11,51 Ne were mercy in mene man . more -th-an in riche
A: 11,52 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,53 God is meche in here gorge . of -th-ese grete maysteris
A: 11,54 Among mene men . his mercy & his werchyng [aaAx]
A: 11,55 As seyth -th-e sauter . sekyth { memento } [aaAx]
A: 11,55a { Ecce audiuimus eam in effrata } [Latin]
A: 11,56 Clerkis and courte men . spekyn of god faste [aaAx]
A: 11,57 And han hym mechil in here mou-th-e . an mene men
in hert [aaAx]
A: 11,58 ffreris & faytouris . han foundyn vp a questioun
A: 11,59 To plesyn w(i)t(h) -th-e proud men . syn -th-e pestelens
tyme [aaAx]
A: 11,60 That defoulid oure feyth . at festis -th-er -th-ai
syttyn [aaAx]
p. 368
A: 11,61 Now is eche boy bold . -gh-if -th-at he be riche [aaAx]
A: 11,62 ffor to tellyn of -th-e trenite . to ben holdyn
a sere [aaAxx]
A: 11,63 And fynte forth fantasies . oure feyth to apeyre
A: 11,64 And eke defamith -th-e fadur . -th-at vs alle made
A: 11,65 And carpith ageyne clergise . crambit wordis an
sayth [aaAx]
A: 11,66 Whi wolde oure sauiour suffre . -th-at worme in
his blisse [aaAx]
A: 11,67 To begile -th-e woman . and -th-e man aftir [xaAx]
A: 11,68 Thorow wheche & while . -th-ai wentyn to helle
A: 11,69 And alle here sed for here synne . -th-e same wo
sufferid [aaAa]
A: 11,70 Sweche maysties -th-ei meuyn . -th-es maistris in
here glorie [aaAx]
A: 11,71 And makyn men to missebeleue . -th-at mousin on
her wordis [aaAx]?
A: 11,72 As austyn -th-e elde . of alle sweche prechouris
A: 11,73 And sweche tale telleris . sweche a teme iseyde
A: 11,74 { Non plus sapere &c } [Latin]
A: 11,75 That -th-is were to wetyn whi [aaAa]
A: 11,76 That god wold satan his sed . for to begile [aaAx]
A: 11,77 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,78 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,79 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,80 Alle -th-at wole wetyn . -th-e weys of god almyti
A: 11,81 I wold his eye were . in his ars and his hele aftir
A: 11,82 That euyr wold wetyn . whi -th-at god wold [aaAa]
A: 11,83 To suffre satan . his sed for to begyle [aaAx]
A: 11,84 Or iudas -th-e Iue . ihesu to betraye [aaAx]
A: 11,85 Al was as he wold . now worchepid be he [xaAx]
A: 11,86 Alle wrouth as -th-u wilte . what sum eu(er) we
telle [aaAx]
A: 11,87 Now comyth a conionne . and wold wetyn of my wyttis
p. 369
A: 11,88 What is wel fro dobet . now def mote he wor-th-in
A: 11,89 S-th-e he wil wetyn . what he ben alle [aaAx]
A: 11,90 But he leue in -th-e lest degre . -th-at longith
to dowel [aaAx]
A: 11,91 I dar ben his bold borow . do bet schal he neuyr
A: 11,92 Thou dobest drawe on hym . day aftir o-th-er [aaAx]
A: 11,93 Whan witte was war . how is wyfe tolde [aaAx]
A: 11,94 He become so confusid . he coude speke no more [aaAx]
A: 11,95 As dom as a dorenayle . drow hym on syde [aaAx]
A: 11,96 ffor no carpyng I coude . ne for no knelyng to grounde
A: 11,97 I myte getyn no grayne . of his grete wittis [aaAx]
A: 11,98 But alle lawhyng he loutid . and lokyd on stodie
A: 11,99 In sygne -th-at I schuld . prey here of grace [aaAx]?
A: 11,100 Whan I was war -th-at it was is wille
A: 11,101 To his wyfe gan I gon . and knelid to grou(n)d
A: 11,101 And seyde mercy madame . -gh-o(ur) man schal I
wor-th-e [aaAx]
A: 11,102 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,103 To kenne me kendely . wath is dowel [aaAx]
A: 11,104 ffor -th-i myldenes quot -gh-he . & -th-i mylde
speche [aaAx]
A: 11,105 I schal kenne -th-e to my cosyne . -th-at clergie
hotith [aaAx]
A: 11,106 He hath weddyd a wyfe . w(i)t(h)inne -th-ese wekis
sexe [aaAx]
A: 11,107 Is sybbe to -th-e seuene artis . -th-(a)t scripture
is Inemelid [aaAx]
A: 11,108 Thai to as I hope . -th-orow my besekyng [xaAx]
A: 11,109 Schal wyse -th-e to dowel . I dar vndurtake [aaAx]
A: 11,110 Than was I as fayne as foule . on erne morne [aaAx]
p. 370
A: 11,111 Gladere -th-an -th-e gleman . -th-at hath gold to
-gh-ifte [aaAx]
A: 11,112 And axkid -th-e hey wey . -th-er clergie wel dwellid
A: 11,113 And telle me token of hym . it is tyme -th-at I
wende [aaAx]
A: 11,114 Axke -th-e wey quot -gh-he . henys to suffre [aaAx]
A: 11,115 Bo-th-e wele and wo . -gh-if -th-u wilt lerne [aaAx]
A: 11,116 Ryde forth be rycchesse . but byde not -th-ere
A: 11,117 -Gh-if -th-u couple w(i)t(h) hym . to clergie comyst
-th-u neuyr [aaAx]
A: 11,118 And leue -th-e lande . -th-at rebaudie hauntith
A: 11,119 Lete hym on -th-i lyfte halfe . a large mile an
more [aaAbb]?
A: 11,120 Whan -th-u come to a courte . kep wel -th-i tunge
A: 11,121 ffro lesyngis fre ledur speche . & fro likerous
drynk(es) [aaAx]
A: 11,122 Than schal -th-u sobirte . and sympilnes of speche
A: 11,123 That eche wyth be in wil . his witte -th-e to schewyn
A: 11,124 So schal -th-u cou-th-e to clergice . -th-(a)t
can many thyngis [aaAx]
A: 11,125 Sey hym -th-e syne . I sette hym to schole [aaAx]
A: 11,126 That I gret wel is wyfe . I wroth here -th-e bible
A: 11,127 And sette here to sapience . an to -th-e sauter
Iglosid [aaAx]
A: 11,128 Logike I lernyd here . and alle -th-e lawe aftir
A: 11,129 And alle -th-e musun in nusik . I made here to
knowe [aaAx]
A: 11,130 Plato -th-e poete . put hym frist to boke [aaAx]
A: 11,131 Aristodil and o-th-er mo . to argue I tauth [aaAx]
A: 11,132 Gramer for gerlis . I gan frist to wryte [aaAx]
p. 371
A: 11,133 And bette hem w(i)t(h) a bayles . but -th-ai wold
lerne [aaAxx]
A: 11,134 ffor alle knyuis craftis . I contrued tolis [aaAx]
A: 11,135 Of carpenteris of carueris . I kennyd fryst masonis
A: 11,136 leuel & lyue I hem lernyd . -th-ow I loke dymme
A: 11,137 Teologie hat tenyn me . ten schore tynne [aaAa]
A: 11,138 The more I musid -th-er In . -th-e mistiere it
semyd [aaAx]
A: 11,139 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,140 It is no sience forso-th-e . for to sotelyn Inne
A: 11,141 Ne were -th-e loue -th-at lyth -th-erIn . a lewid
-th-ing it were [aaAx]
A: 11,142 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,143 ffor loue is a lord . -th-er lackith no grace [aaAx]
A: 11,144 Now leue -th-u -th-eron . -gh-if -th-u thynk to
do wel [aaBb]
A: 11,145 ffor dobet and dobest . ben drawyn of lowest lore
A: 11,146 In other sience it seth . in caton -th-u may rede
A: 11,147 { Qui similiat verbis nec cordis est fidus amicus
} [Latin]
A: 11,148 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,149 Teologie techith not so . hoso takit kepp [aaAx]
A: 11,150 He kennys vs -th-e contrary . a-gh-enys catonis
wordis [aaAx]
A: 11,151 And bid vs ben as bre-th-eren . and blissyn oure
fomen [aaAx]
A: 11,152 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,153 And do good ageynes euyl . & so god biddyth
A: 11,154 And schewid it hym selue . in example of lownes
A: 11,154a { Necesse est ut uenient schandala } [Latin]
A: 11,155 Astronomie is hard heuy -th-ing . & euil for
to knowe [aaAx]
A: 11,156 Gemetrie & gemessie . is synful of speche [aaAx]
A: 11,157 That thynk to werche w(i)t(h) hem thre . thryfyn
ful late [aaAx]
p. 372
A: 11,158 ffor sorcerie to -th-is science longith [aaAx]
A: 11,159 -Gh-it arn -th-er febeles in . manys wittis [aaBb]
A: 11,160 Of exp(er)imentis of alcamie . of albertis makyng
A: 11,161 Nygramancie & p(er)maunsie . -th-e pouke to
reysen [xaAx]
A: 11,162 -Gh-if -th-u thynke to dowel . medil w(i)t(h) hem
neyther [xaAx]
A: 11,163 Alle -th-ese science . sekyrly I me selue formest
A: 11,164 Hem foundyd in feth . folke to dysseyuyn [aaAx]
A: 11,165 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,166 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,167 I went wytely my wey . w(i)t(h)outyn ony lettyng
A: 11,168 And fond as -gh-he fortold . and forth gan I wende
A: 11,169 And er I cam to clergie . coude I neuyr stondyn
A: 11,170 I gret -th-at good man . as -th-e good man me tauth
A: 11,171 And aftirward -th-e gode wyfe . I worchepid bo-th-e
A: 11,172 And told here tokenys . -th-at me taut were [aaAx]
A: 11,173 Was neu(er) gome on -th-is ground . syn god mad
heuyn [aaAx]
A: 11,174 ffayrere vndurfonge . ne frendeliere mad at ese
A: 11,175 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,176 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,177 Curtessely clergie callid me . and kyssid me [aaAa]
A: 11,178 And axkid how witte ferd . and his wyfe stodie
A: 11,179 And I seyde so-th-ely . -th-ei sent me hedur [aaAx]
A: 11,180 To lerne at -gh-ou dowel . and dobet -th-er aftir
A: 11,181 And aftirward to se . sumwaht of dobest [aaAx]
A: 11,182 It is a wel lyfe quot he . among -th-e lewid puple
A: 11,183 Aktyf is it hotyn . husbondis it vsyn [aaAx]
p. 373
A: 11,184 Trewe telieris on -th-e erde . talliouris and toucheris
A: 11,185 And alle kynnys crafti men . to leuyn for here
fode [aaAx]
A: 11,186 --- this line om ---
A: 11,187 Diken or deluyn . dowel it hotith [aaAx]
A: 11,188 To breke beggeris bred . & also for to clo-th-u(n)
hem [aaaAx]
A: 11,189 Comforth -th-e carful . -th-at in -th-e castel
lythe federid [aaAx]
A: 11,190 And seke out -th-e seke . and send hem -th-at nedith
A: 11,191 Obedient also bre-th-erin . -th-us ben dobet [aaXx]
A: 11,192 So witnes -th-e sauter { Ecce quam bonu(m) & qua(m)
iocundum } [aaAx]
A: 11,192a --- this line om ---
A: 11,193 Seke w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . synge w(i)t(h) -th-e
glade [aaAx]
A: 11,193a { Gaudete cu(m) gaudentib(us) flere cum flentib(us)
} [Latin]
A: 11,194 Sekyrly -th-is is dobet . dobest wot -th-e so-th-e
A: 11,195 Sere dobest hast ben in office . & so is best
worthi [aaAx]
A: 11,196 Be -th-at god in -th-e gospel . grauntit & techit
A: 11,197 ffor-th-i dobest is . a boschopes pere [xaAx]
A: 11,196a { Qui facit & docuit magis vocabitur in regno
celor(um) } [Latin]
A: 11,198 Prynce ouyr godis puple . to preche & to teche
A: 11,199 Dobet do ful wele . endued is he als [aaAx]
A: 11,200 Possescionis in pluralite . for pore mennys sake
A: 11,201 ffor amendement at myssechef . -th-o men weryn
dued [aaAx]
A: 11,202 That is ryghtful religioun . and non rennere aboutyn
A: 11,203 And no leperis ouyr lond . ladyes to serue [aaAx]
A: 11,204 Gregori -th-e grete clerk . a good pope in his
tyme [aaAx]
p. 374
A: 11,205 Of religyoun -th-e reule . rehersyth in his moralis
A: 11,206 And seyth be example . -th-ei schuld don -th-e
bettir [aaAx]
A: 11,207 Whan fysche faylith flod . eyther fysche -th-e
watur [aaAa]
A: 11,208 Thei deyn for -th-e drouth . whan -th-e drye lyggith
A: 11,209 Right so religioun be religioun . it reylith & steruyt
A: 11,210 That out of couent an cloyster . coueyte to leue
A: 11,211 Now is religioun a ridedere . a romere be stretis
A: 11,212 A ledere of ladies . & a lond byere [aaAx]
A: 11,213 Pop(er)it on his palfrey . fro toun to toune [aaBb]
A: 11,214 A bedew and a baselard . he berith be is syde [aaAx]
A: 11,215 Godis flesche & his feyth . and his fyue woundis
A: 11,216 Arin more in his mende . -th-an -th-e memorie of
his frendis [aaAx]
A: 11,217 This is -th-e lyue of -th-es lordis . -th-at leuyn & schuld
dobet [aaAx]
A: 11,218 And wele werce . & I wold it telle [aaAx]
A: 11,219 I wend -th-at kynghod & knyttehod quot I . & cayser & erlis
A: 11,220 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,221 ffor I haue sen it myselue . & sythen red it
aftir [aaAx]
A: 11,222 How crist kennyd -th-e comenne . and tauth hem
-th-is tale [aaaAx]
A: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedram moysi sederunt principes qui
dicunt facite } [Latin]
A: 11,224 ffor -th-ai wende -th-o weyes . weren best of alle
A: 11,225 I wil not schorne quot scripture . but schreueneris
lye [aaAx]
A: 11,226 Kynghod & knythod . be out I can speye [aaAx]
p. 375
A: 11,227 Helpith not to heuynward . on -gh-eris ende [aaAa]
A: 11,228 Ne riches ne rentis . ne realte of londis [aaAx]
A: 11,229 Poule prouyth impossible . riche men in heuyn [aaaXx]
A: 11,230 Pore men and pacient . in penauns togedur [aaAx]
A: 11,231 Han eritage in heuyn . and riche men non [aaAxx]
A: 11,232 { Contra } quot I be crist . and -th-at I dar wel
say [aaAx]
A: 11,233 I proue it be -th-e pistil . -th-at petur is Inemelid
A: 11,234 { Qui crediderit & bapti-gh-atus fuerit saluus
erit } [Latin]
A: 11,235 That is in extremis quot scripture . among sar-gh-inis & iewis
A: 11,236 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,237 That vncristene in -th-at cas . may cristen on
he-th-en [aaAx]
A: 11,238 As for his lele beleue . whah he is lyue tenyth
A: 11,239 Haue heritage in heuyn . as a man -th-at is cristene
A: 11,240 Cristen men god it wot . come not so to heuyn [aaAx]
A: 11,241 ffor cristen men han a degre . and is here comonn
speche [axAx]
A: 11,242 { Dilige d(omin)um d(e)um tuu(m) &c . & p(ro)ximu(m)
tuu(m) sicut teip(su)m }
A: 11,243 Godis word witnessith . we schuld -gh-eue & dele
A: 11,244 Oure ennemyes and alle men . -th-at arn nedy & poure
A: 11,245 And schewt -th-is sermoun . -th-at sone sueth aftir
A: 11,245a { Du(m) temp(us) est op(er)iem(ur) bonu(m) ad
om(n)es maxime ad domesticos &c } [Latin]
A: 11,246 Alle kynde creaturis . -th-at crist ben like [aaAx]
A: 11,247 We ben hold holy . to heryn & honoure [aaAa]
A: 11,248 And -gh-if hem of oure good . as good as oure selue
A: 11,249 And souereyneliche to sweche . -th-at sewyn oure
beleue [aaAx]
A: 11,250 That is eche cristene creature . be kynde til o-th-ere
A: 11,250 [That is eche cristene]
A: 11,251 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 376
A: 11,252 Tho harme hem ne to slo hem . in his ten behestis
A: 11,253 --- this line om ---
A: 11,254 { Non mecaberis } ne sle not is -th-e engelysche
A: 11,255 { Michi vindictam & ego retribuam } [Latin]
A: 11,256 I schal ponyschen in purgatori . or mye pitte of
helle [aaAx]
A: 11,257 Eche man for his mysdedis . but -gh-if mercy it
lette [aaAa]
A: 11,258 And -gh-it am I neuyr -th-e ner . for out I haue
walkyd [aaAx]
A: 11,259 To wetyn wath is dowel . wittyrly in herte [aaAx]
A: 11,260 ffor ho so werche in -th-is werld . wrong or ellis
A: 11,261 I was merkid w(i)t(h)oute merke . & myne name
enterid [aaAxx]
A: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyue . long er I were [aaAx]
A: 11,263 Or ellis vnwretyn for wikkid . as wittenessit -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
A: 11,263a { Nemo assendit in celum n(is)i qui decendit de
celo } [Latin]
A: 11,264 leue it wel be oure lord . no lettere bettere [aaAx]
A: 11,265 ffor salamon -th-at sage . -th-at sapience made
A: 11,266 God -gh-af hym grace . & riches togedere [aaaXx]
A: 11,267 ffor to rewelyn his rem . ryth at his wille [aaAx]
A: 11,268 Dede he not wel & wysely . as holy chirche
techit [aaAx]
A: 11,269 Bo-th-e in werk & word . inward in his teme
A: 11,270 Aristodil & he . he wretyn bettyr [aaXx]
A: 11,271 And alle holy chirche . holdyn hem in helle [aaAa]
A: 11,272 Was neuyr in -th-is . to wysere clerkis [aaAa]
A: 11,273 ffor alle connyng clerkis . syn god went on erde
A: 11,274 Takyn example of here sawis . in sermonys -th-at
-th-ei makyn [aaAx]
A: 11,275 Be here werkis & wordis . wyssyn vs to dowel
p. 377
A: 11,276 -Gh-if I schal werche here werkis . & wynne me
heuyn [aaAx]
A: 11,277 And I w(i)t(h) here werkis & witte . wynne
me pyne [aaAx]
A: 11,278 Than wrouth I vnwysly . w(i)t(h) alle -th-e wittis
-th-at I lere [aaAx]
A: 11,279 On good fryday I fynde . -th-at a feloun was sauyd
A: 11,280 That had leuyd alle is lyue . in lesyngis & thefte
A: 11,281 ffor he beknew on -th-e cros . and to crist schrof
hym [aaAx]
A: 11,282 Soner had he sauacioun . -th-an sen Ion -th-e baptist
A: 11,283 Or adam or ysay . or ony of pese prophetis [aaAx]
A: 11,284 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,285 A robbere had remissioun . ra-th-ere -th-an he
alle [aaAx]
A: 11,286 w(i)t(h)outyn penaunce of purgatorie . hai-th-e
p(ar)adise for euyr [aaAx]
A: 11,287 Than mary maudeleyn . ho myght do werse [aaAx]
A: 11,288 Or ho ded wers -th-an dauit . -th-at vrie dystroed
A: 11,289 Or poule -th-e postele . -th-at no pete hadde [aaAx]
A: 11,290 Cristene kynd . to kille to deth [aaAx]
A: 11,291 Arne -th-er non forso-th-e . so souereyne liche
in heuyn [xaAx]
A: 11,292 As -th-ese -th-at wroutyn wikkidly . in -th-is
werld wan -th-ei weryn [aaAa]
A: 11,293 And -gh-it I forgat fer-th-ere . of fyue wittis
techyng [aaAx]
A: 11,294 Wat clergie of cristis mouth . comendid was [aaAx]
A: 11,295 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,296 { Dum steteritis ante reges & presides nolite
cogitare } [Latin]
A: 11,297 Is as meche to mene . as men -th-at be lewid [aaAx]
A: 11,298 Whan -th-ei ben posid of prynces . and prestis
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
A: 11,299 ffor to answeryn hem . haue -gh-e no dowte [aaAx]
A: 11,300 ffor I schal graunt -gh-ou grace . of god -th-at
-gh-e seruyn [aaAx]
p. 378
A: 11,301 The helpe of -th-e holy gost . to answeryn hem alle
A: 11,302 The doutiest doctor . or deuynour of -th-e trenite
A: 11,303 That austyn -th-e elde . -th-e heyest of hem alle
foure [aaAx]
A: 11,304 Seyde -th-us in a sermoun . as so me god helpe
A: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i i(n)docti rapiunt celu(m) vbi nos
A: 11,305 { sapientes in infernu(m) margimur } [Latin]
A: 11,306 It is to mene in oure mouth . no-th-er lesse ne
more [aaAx]
A: 11,307 Arne none ra-th-ere rauesched . from -th-e ryth
beleue [aaAx]
A: 11,308 Than arn -th-es grete clerkis . -th-at cun many
bokis [aaAx]
A: 11,309 Ne non soner sauyd . ne saddere of concience [aaAx]
A: 11,310 Than pore puple as plowmen . -th-at pasture her
bestis [aaaAx]
A: 11,311 Saweris & soweris . sweche lewid iottis [aaAxx]
A: 11,312 Mon p(er)syn w(i)t(h) a paterno(ster) . -th-e pales
of heuyn [aaAx]
A: 11,313 I w(i)t(h)oute penauns at here p(ar)tyng . into
-th-e blisse of heuyn [aaAx]