PPLA-E Diplomatic Texts
E: fol. 1r
E: P,1 in a som(er) seson . as I south went [aaAa]
E: P,2 I shoope me in a shrowde . as I a shepe were [aaAx]
E: P,3 In habette as an herment . my holy werke-gh- [aaAx]
E: P,4 I went wide in -th-is werld . wond(er)ys to here [aaAx]
E: P,5 Bot apon a may morne . on Malu(er)ne hyllis [aaAx]
E: P,6 Me befell(e) a ferly . of ferrom me -th-oght [aaAx]
E: P,7 I was wery for wand(er)yng . I wentt me to rist [aaAx]
E: P,8 Vnd(ir) a brode banke . by a bornys syde [aaAx]
E: P,9 Bot as I lay & lened me . & lokyd on -th-e
wat(er)ys [aaAx]
E: P,10 I slom(er)yd on a slepyng . I sweiued os mery [aaAx]
E: P,11 -Th-(er) gon I mete . a m(er)vellous s(w)euene [xaAx]
E: P,12 -Th-(a)t I was in a wild(er)nes . I wyst neu(er)
qwer [aaAx]
E: P,13 Bot as I beheld vnto -th-e eest . vp to -th-e son
E: P,14 I saw autour in a cost . triely entyred [aaAx]
E: P,15 A depe dale beneght . a dongou(n) -th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
E: P,16 With depe dyke & dyrke . dredfull(e) of syght
E: P,17 A fair felde fulle of flokke . fonde I bytwene [aaaAx]
E: P,18 Of all(e) man(er) of me(n) . -th-e mene & -th-e
riche [aaAx]
E: P,19 Wyrkyng & wand(er)yng . as -th-e world askys
E: P,20 Some put -th-aim to -th-e ploght . & pleyde for
-th-e sede [aaAx]
E: P,21 In sedetyme & sawyng . -th-ei swanke for harde
E: P,22 -Th-at -th-is wasto(ur)s nowe . with glotonye distroy
E: P,23 Some putt -th-aim to pryde . parayled -th-aim -th-(er)eaftir
E: P,24 In cou(n)tenance of clothyng . -th-ai can -th-aim
degyse [aaAx]
E: P,25 To prayor & pennance . putt -th-aim to manyse
E: P,26 ffor -th-e love of owr lord . lyvelode ful harde
E: P,27 In hope for [to] haue . heuenriche blysse [aaAx]
E: fol. 1v
E: P,28 As ankers & hermett(es) . -th-(a)t leven in -th-air
sellys [aaAx]
E: P,29 And couett(es) noght in -th-e cuntre . to carry aboute
E: P,30 ffor no lykerous lyuelod . -th-air likamys to please
E: P,31 Some chosyn -th-aim to chaffare . -th-ei chevyd -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
E: P,32 As it is sene in owr syght . -th-(a)t syche me(n)
thriven [aaAx]
E: P,33 And some myrthes to make . as mynstralles kanne [aaAx]
E: P,34 Get gold w(i)t(h) -th-air glee . synles -th-ai trowe
E: P,35 And Iapers & ianglers . & iudas child(er)en
E: P,36 ffyndou(n) -th-aim ffantesyes . & folys -th-aim
maken [aaAx]
E: P,37 And hase witte at -th-air will . to wirke what -th-aim
likys [aaAx]
E: P,38 -Th-(a)t Paul p(re)chys of -th-aim . I dar noght
tell(e) here [aaAx]
E: P,39 { Qui loquitur t(ur)piloquiu(m) } . is luciferys
hyne [aaAx]
E: P,40 Begg(er)ys & bidders . fast abowte ryden [aaAx]
E: P,41 To -th-air byllys & -th-air bagg(es) . w(i)t(h)
bred full(e) be cromed [aaAx]
E: P,42 -Th-ai fflyte for -th-air ffode . & fyght at
-th-e nale [aaAx]
E: P,43 In glotone god wote . go -th-ai to bedd(es) [aaAx]
E: P,44 And rysyn vp w(i)t(h) rybaldre . as rowt(es) of knafvys
E: P,45 Slep & sleuth . sewys -th-aim eu(er) [aaAx]
E: P,46 Pilg(ri)mes & palmers . plight -th-aim togedir
E: P,47 To seke Saynt Iamys . & Seint(es) in rome [aaAx]
E: P,48 And went fforth in -th-air wey . with mony wyse talys
E: P,49 At hedde leve for to lee . al -th-air lyves aftyr
E: P,50 Hermytes on a hepe . w(i)t(h) hoked staffis [aaAx]
E: P,51 Wente to walsyngh(a)m . & -th-air wenchys aftir
E: P,52 gret losels & long . lothe for to swynke [aaAx]
E: P,53 Clothys in copys . to be knowyn from other [aaAx]
E: P,54 Schopyn -th-aim hermyte-gh- . -th-air ease for to
haue [xaAa]
E: fol. 2r
E: P,54 P(er)sons with -th-air p(ro)curases p(er)mutyn -th-air
E: P,54 With al -th-e besynes of -th-air body -th-e bett(er)
to haue
E: P,54 Vicars on fele halue fandyn -th-aim to Done
E: P,54 Leders -th-ai ben of lovedays & with -th-e lawe
E: P,55 I fand -th-(er) frerr(is) . all(e) -th-e foure orde(r)s
E: P,56 Preching -th-e peple . for p(ro)fett of -th-air wombys
E: P,57 Glosys -th-e gospel . as -th-aim good lik(es) [aaAx]
E: P,58 --- this line is omitted ---
E: P,60 ffor -th-air mony & -th-air m(ar)chaundise . metyn toged(er) [aaAx]
E: P,59 Many of -th-ir maist(er)is . may cloth -th-aim at likyng [aaAxx]
E: P,61 Sir charite hase ben chapma(n) . & chefe to Shryve
lord(is) [aaAx]
E: P,62 ffele ferlys hath fallyn . in a fewe -y-eres [aaAx]
E: P,63 Bot holy chirche & -th-ai . holden toged(er)
E: P,64 The most myschefe of -th-e mold . mount(es) vp fast
E: P,65 -Th-(er) p(re)chys of p(ar)don a p(ar)don(er) . prist
as he wer [aaAx]
E: P,66 Broght fforth bullys . w(i)t(h) bischopp seaulles
E: P,67 And sayd hym selfe he . myght asoyle -th-aim al [aaAx]
E: P,68 Of falsnes of fastyng . & of wowes brokyn [aaAx]
E: P,69 -th-e lewid men levyd hym wele . & likyd hys
speche [aaAx]
E: P,70 Com knelyng vppon kneys . & kyssyn hys bulle
E: P,71 He blyssyd -th-aim w(i)t(h) hys breuett . & blerett
-th-air eyes [aaAx]
E: P,72 Raght with hys ragman . brochis & ryngges [aaAx]
E: P,73 -Th-us -th-ai geven -th-air gold . glotonys to helpe
E: P,74 And latt(es) it to losels . -th-(a)t lichory haunt(es)
E: P,75 Bot wer -th-e bischop blyssyd . & worth both
hys eres [aaAx]
E: P,76 hys seaules suld noght be send . to disave -th-e
peple [aaAx]
E: P,77 I trove noght [it] be for -th-e byschop . -th-(a)t
-th-e boye p(re)chys [aaAx]
E: P,78 Bot for -th-e p(ar)don(er) & -th-e p(ar)ische
p(re)st . dep(ar)te(n) -th-air siluer [aaaAx]
E: P,79 -Th-(a)t -th-e poor men . schulde dep(ar)t if -th-ai
ne wer [aaaXx]
E: fol. 2v
E: P,80 P(er)sons & p(ar)ische p(re)st(is) . pleyne -th-aim
to Bischoppis [aaaAx]
E: P,81 At -th-air kirkes wer pure . seth -th-e pestilence
tyme [aaAx]
E: P,82 To licance & lyue . at londou(n) to dwelle [aaAx]
E: P,83 To synge for sir symonye . for silu(er) is swete
E: P,96 Barouns & burches . & bond men als [aaAx]
E: P,97 I saw in semble . als -y-e shal see aftir [aaAx]
E: P,90 I saw Bischoppys . & bachelers of Dunne [aaAx]
E: P,91 Become clerk(is) of a courte . -th-e kyng for to
s(er)ue [aaAx]
E: P,92 Archedekns & denys . & dignite havys [aaAx]
E: P,93 ffor to p(re)che -th-e peple . & pure men to
fede [aaAx]
E: P,94 Or loppyn to london . to leve on -th-air Bischoppis
E: P,95 And er clerk(is) of -th-e kynge(s) benke . -th-e
peple to shende [aaAx]
E: P,95 [B:P,92/C:P,90] Su(m) s(er)ue -th-e kyng & hys
sylu(er) tellis (B: P,91)
E: P,95 [B:P,94/C:P,92] Of wardes and of wardemot(es) of
wayues & straves (B: P,94)
E: P,95 [B:P,95/C:P,93] Some sitt(es) a Synestallis & s(er)uis
other lorde-gh-
E: P,95 And sytt(es) apon -th-air acounte -th-e pure to distroy
E: P,95 And hald(es) comt(es) in cuntre like me(n) of lawe
E: P,95 ffor to take vntrewly ayayns conscience
E: P,95 -th-e fuffre your p(er)ochyng spyt & paire foren(e)
E: P,95 holy kyrke -th-e distroy & -th-(a)t is gret roiuth
E: P,95 [B:P,98/C:P,126] -gh-e s(er)ue god vn dwelly it is
dred at -th-e last
E: P,96 --- this line misplaced after line 89 ---
E: fol. 3r
E: P,97 --- this line misplaced after line 89 ---
E: P,95 [B:P,99/C:P,127] -Th-(a)t crist an hys consistory of
yow wol c(er)se mony
E: P,98 Bachers & brewers . & bowchers mony [aaAx]
E: P,99 Wolne websters . aswa & weuers lennyn [aaAx]
E: P,100 Talyours & tynkelers . & tollers both [aaAx]
E: P,101 Masons & minors . & mony other crafte-gh-
E: P,102 Als dikers & deluarys . -th-(a)t doys -th-air
ded(es) euyl [aaAa]
E: P,103 And dryve forth the long day . w(i)t(h) { dew saynt
dame Emme } [aaAx]
E: P,104 Coke-gh- & knaffys . cried hote pyes hote [aaAx]
E: P,105 Gode ges & grysse . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
E: P,106 Tau(er)nais vnto -th-aim . tellyd -th-e same [axAx]
E: P,107 Whit qwyte wyne of osey . and of gasconne [aaxAx]
E: P,108 Of -th-e rene & of rochell(e) . -th-e rost to
defye [aaAx]
E: P,109 -Th-is I saw slepyng . & vij sythes more [aaAx]
Primus Passus de visione
E: 1,1 Naw what -th-is montane menys . & eke -th-e myrke
dale [aaAx]
E: 1,2 And -th-e feld ful of folke . I shal you faire shew
E: 1,3 A louely lady of lyre . in ly(n)nyng clethyd [aaaAx]
E: 1,4 Com dawne fro -th-e clyff . & callyd me faire
E: 1,5 And sayd sonne slepys -th-ow . seys -th-ow -th-is
peple [aaAx]
E: 1,6 How besy -th-ai ben now . abowte -th-e mase [aaAx]
E: 1,7 -Th-e most p(ar)t of -th-is peple . -th-(a)t passys
on -th-e erthe [aaAx]
E: 1,8 Haue -th-ai worshipe of -th-e world . -th-ai kepe
no bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 1,9 Of other heuen -th-en here . hald -th-ai no tale [aaAx]
E: 1,10 I was aferd of hir face . al if sho fair wer [aaAx]
E: 1,11 And mercy my dame . qwat may -th-is bemene [aaXa]
E: 1,12 -Th-e towre of -th-e toft q(uo)d scho . trowth is
-th-(er)in [aaAx]
E: 1,13 And wald at you wrought . as hys word techys [aaAx]
E: 1,14 ffor he is fadir of fath . & formyd vs all(e)
E: fol. 3v
E: 1,15 With fel & with fleche . w(i)t(h) owr fyve witt(es)
E: 1,16 ffor to worship hym w(i)t(h) . qwylse we dwelle here
E: 1,17 -Th-(er)fore he light into -th-e erthe . to helpe
vs ilkon [aaAx]
E: 1,18 Off wollyn of lynnyn . to help yow at nede [aaAx]
E: 1,19 In mesurable mann(er) . to make vs at ease [aaAx]
E: 1,20 And command(es) in hys c(ur)tasye . of comou(n) -th-re
-th-inge-gh- [aaAx]
E: 1,21 Er none none medful bot -th-ai . & neuen -th-aim
I woll(e) [aaAx]
E: 1,22 And reken -th-a(m) in reson . reherse -th-e -th-aim
aftir [aaAx]
E: 1,23 -Th-(a)t on is vesture v(er)ayly . from cald -y-ou
to saue [aaAxx]
E: 1,24 And mete at -y-our meyle . from mischefe of -y-o(ur)
seluen [aaAx]
E: 1,25 And drinke qwen you thrist(es) . & do nott owt
of reson [aaAx]
E: 1,26 At -y-e wirke noght -th-e werse . qwen -y-e wyrk
suld [aaAx]
E: 1,27 ffor loth in hys liue days . for likyng of drinke
E: 1,28 Did by hys doghter(es) . as -th-e deuel likyd [aaAx]
E: 1,29 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 1,30 And lichory hym laght . & he lay by -th-aim bathe
E: 1,31 And al he wittyd -th-e wyne . of -th-(a)t wykyd dede
E: 1,32 Dred delectable drynke . & -th-ou shal do -th-e
bett(er) [aaaAx]
E: 1,33 Mesur is medycyne . al yf -th-ou mekyl crave [aaAx]
E: 1,34 Al is noght gude to -th-e gast . at -th-e gutt askys
E: 1,35 Ne liuelode to -th-e lykeame . no blysse to -th-e
saule [aaAx]
E: 1,36 Gyff noght -th-is likame . for a lear hym techis
E: 1,37 -Th-(a)t is -th-is wrychyd werld . -th-(a)t wald
-th-e betray [aaAx]
E: 1,38 ffor -th-e ffend & -th-e flesche . folows -th-e
toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 1,39 To shende -th-(i) sory saule . be war w(i)t(h) -th-air
wyles [aaAx]
E: 1,40 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 1,41 Madame mercy q(uo)d I . me lik(es) your word(is)
E: 1,42 Of -th-e mony of -th-is werld . -th-(a)t men swa
fast hald(es) [aaAx]
E: 1,43 Tel me to qwame -th-e tresor apent(es) [xxXx]
E: 1,44 Ga to -th-e gospell q(ou)d sho . -th-(a)t god made
hym selfe [aaAx]
E: fol. 4r
E: 1,45 The peple hym apposyd . w(i)t(h) a peny in -th-e temple
E: 1,46 Whed(er) -th-ai suld worship . -th-(er)w(i)t(h) cesar
-th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 1,47 And god sayd to hym of qwome spake -th-e script(ur)
E: 1,48 And qwom to is -th-e ymage like . at -th-(er)in stand(es)
E: 1,49 To cesar -th-ai sayd . we ssee it wele ilkon [axAx]
E: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(ou)d god . -th-(a)t { cesar
} befallyth [axAx]
E: 1,51 { Et que sunt dei deo } . or ellys you do euyll(e)
E: 1,52 ffor rightful reson . rewlys you all(e) [aaAx]
E: 1,53 And kynd witte be wardeyn . your weale for to kepe
E: 1,54 And of your treso(ur) . to take you it nede [aaAx]
E: 1,55 ffor husbandre & -y-e . hald(es) wele toged(er)
E: 1,56 -Th-an I fraynyd hire ferrer . for hym at hir made
E: 1,57 The dungon in -th-e dale . swa dredful of sight [aaAx]
E: 1,58 Qwat it may mene . dame I yow beseche [aaAx]
E: 1,59 -Th-(a)t is -th-e castell(e) of care . wha so co(m)mys
-th-arin [aaAx]
E: 1,60 May ban -th-(a)t he borne was . to body or to saule
E: 1,61 -Th-(er) wonnys a wight -th-(er)in . -th-(a)t wrang
is callyd [aaAx]
E: 1,62 ffadir of falshed . he fand it hym selfe [aaAx]
E: 1,63 Adam & eue . he eggyd to euyll [aaAa]
E: 1,64 he Counseld kaym . to kyllen hys brother [aaAx]
E: 1,65 ludas he iapyd . w(i)t(h) -th-e Iewes syluer [aaAx]
E: 1,66 And sythen on an eller . hangyd hym seluen [aaAa]
E: 1,67 He is letter of love & . liys -th-aim all(e)
E: 1,68 -Th-(a)t trast(es) in hys treso(ur) . betrayd is
sonest [aaAx]
E: 1,69 -Th-an had I wond(ir) in my hert . qwat woma(n) sho
was [aaAa]
E: 1,70 -Th-(a)t syche word(is) . of holy writte so wysely
schewyd [aaAx]
E: 1,71 And halsyde hir on -th-e hye name . or she -th-ens
yode [aaAx]
E: 1,72 Qwat she was witt(er)ly . -th-(a)t wissyd me so faire
E: 1,73 Holy chyrche I am q(ou)d sho . -th-(a)t aught ye
to knaw [aaAx]
fol. 4v
E: 1,74 I vnderfangyd -th-e first . & -th-i fath taght
E: 1,75 -Th-ou broght me borows . my byddyng to wirke [aaAx]
E: 1,76 To loue me lely . wilse -th-i lyve induryt [aaAx]
E: 1,77 -Th-an I knellyd on my kneys . & cryed hir of
grace [aaAx]
E: 1,78 And prayd hir ful pitously . to pray for my synnes
E: 1,79 And sho kend me kyndly . on c(ri)st to beleue [aaAx]
E: 1,80 -Th-(a)t I myght wyrke hys will(e) . -th-(a)t broght
me to man [aaAx]
E: 1,81 Teche me no treso(ur) . bott tel me -th-(a)t ilke
E: 1,82 How I shuld saue my synfull(e) saule . for -th-(er)to
am I haldyn [aaAx]
E: 1,83 Qwan al tresours er tried . trewthe is -th-e best
E: 1,84 I do it on { deus caritas } . for to deme -th-e sothe
E: 1,85 It is als derworthi a drury . as der god hym selfe
E: 1,86 ffor he is trew of hys tounge . trow -th-ou non other
E: 1,87 And doys -th-e werk(is) of god . at will(e) no ma(n)
euell(e) [aaAx]
E: 1,88 He is a god be -th-e gospell(e) . on ground & on
lofte [aaAx]
E: 1,89 And alsa like to owr lord . be saynt lukys word(is)
E: 1,90 The clerke-gh- -th-(a)t knawys it . shuld kenne it
abowte [aaAx]
E: 1,91 ffor c(ri)sten & vnc(ri)sten . shuld clame it
ichone [aaAx]
E: 1,92 Kynge-gh- & knyghte-gh- . shuld kepe it by reson
E: 1,93 And ryde rapely to rensake . the realmes abowte [aaAx]
E: 1,94 To take al trispaseours . & tye -th-aim ful fast
E: 1,95 Tyll(e) trewth haue det(er)minyd . -th-air trispas
to -th-e ende [aaAx]
E: 1,96 ffor dauid in hys days . dubbit knyght(es) [aaAx]
E: 1,97 And -th-aim swere on hys swerde . to s(er)ue trouth
eu(er)e [aaAx]
E: 1,98 -Th-is is -th-e p(ro)phesie . at appent(es) to knyght(es)
E: 1,99 And noght to fast a fryday . in fyftene wynt(er)ys
E: 1,100 Bott to hold w(i)t(h) hym or w(i)t(h) hir . at askys
-th-e trouth [aaaAx]
E: 1,101 And nowder lett for loue . ne for lakkyng of silu(er)
E: 1,102 And qwo so passys -th-is poynt . apostota he is
in order [aaAx]
E: 1,103 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 1,104 Cherubin & ceraphun . & suche seuen other
E: fol. 5r
E: 1,105 And gaf -th-aim might in hys maieste . -th-e merier
hym thoght [aaAx]
E: 1,106 Ouer al hys mene made -th-aim archaungels [aaXx]?
E: 1,107 Taght -th-orow -th-e t(ri)nite . -th-e trouth for
to knaw [aaAx]
E: 1,108 And be buxu(m) at hys byddyng . he bad -th-aim noght
ellys [aaAx]
E: 1,109 Lucifer w(i)t(h) ligeons . leryd it in heuen [aaAx]
E: 1,110 And was -th-e loveliest . of syght next vnto owr
lord [aaXa]
E: 1,111 To he brake buxu(m)nes . -th-orow bost of hym selfe
E: 1,112 -Th-an fel he & hys felaship . & fendes
become [aaAx]
E: 1,113 Out of heuen into hell(e) . hobled -th-ai fast [aaAx]
E: 1,114 Some in erthe some in eyre . some in hell(e) depe
E: 1,115 Bot lucifer lawest . light of -th-aim all(e) [aaAx]
E: 1,116 ffor pride at he put owt . hys payne hath no ende
E: 1,117 And al at wrong werk(es) . shal aftir hym wend [aaAx]
E: 1,118 To -th-(a)t Pyne endles . & wou(n) w(i)t(h)
-th-(a)t schrewe [aaAx]
E: 1,119 And -th-oo at wyrkis -th-e werke . -th-(a)t holy
kirke techis [aaAx]
E: 1,120 And end(es) as I are sayd . in p(er)fyte werk(is)
E: 1,121 May be sekyr at -th-air saules . sal wend to heuen
blysse [aaAxx]
E: 1,122 -Th-(er) trouth is in t(ri)nite . & techys -th-aim
all(e) [aaAx]
E: 1,123 ffor I say as I are sayd . right be -th-e text [aaAx]
E: 1,124 Qwen all(e) treso(ur)s ar tryed . trouth is -th-e
best [aaAx]
E: 1,125 lere it -th-e lewyd men . for leryd it knawys [aaAx]
E: 1,126 At trouth is treso(ur) . -th-e tridest vppon erthe
E: 1,127 -Y-itt I haue no kynd knawyng . me byhofis bett(er)
to lere [aaAx]
E: 1,128 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 1,129 -Th-ou dol daffe q(ou)d she . dolle er -th-y witt(es)
E: 1,130 It is a kynd knawying . -th-(a)t kyndellys in -th-in
hert [aaAx]
E: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-i lord . leu(er) -th-en -th-i seluen
E: 1,132 Na dedly synne for to do . yf -th-(o)u dye sulde
E: 1,133 -Th-is is trouth for sothe . qwa sa can teche best
E: 1,134 Loke -th-ou suffre hym to say . & syne lere
aftir [aaAx]
E: 1,135 ffor -th-us wittnes hys word . wroche -th-ou -th-(er)
aftir [aaAx]
E: fol. 5v
E: 1,136 At love is -th-e leuest -th-ing . at our lord askys
E: 1,137 And in plente of pes . p(re)che -th-(o)u it ofte
E: 1,138 -Th-(er) -th-ou is mery at mete . if men byd -th-e
syng [aaAx]
E: 1,139 ffor in kynd knawyng in hert . bygynnys al myrth
E: 1,140 And -th-(a)t fallys to -th-e fadir . at formed vs
all(e) [aaAx]
E: 1,141 He logh on vs kyndely . & let hys sou(n) dye
E: 1,142 Mekely for owr mysded(is) . to a(m)mende vs all(e)
E: 1,143 And -y-itt he wald -th-aim no was . -th-(a)t wroughte
hym -th-(a)t pyne [aaAx]
E: 1,144 Bot mekely be mouth . mercy he beso-gh-te [aaAx]
E: 1,145 To haue of -th-(a)t peple [pite] . y pynyd hym to
dede [aaAx]
E: 1,146 Here may -th-ou see ensaumple . in hymselfe ane
E: 1,147 -Th-(a)t he is mightfull & meke . m(er)cy for
to graunte [aaAx]
E: 1,148 To -th-aim -th-(a)t hym hangyd . & hys hert
thirlede [aaAx]
E: 1,149 -Th-(er)fore I rede -th-e riche . haue rewthe on
-th-e poore [aaAx]
E: 1,150 Yf -th-ou be myghty to mute . be meke of -th-i werkes
E: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesore -th-(a)t -y-e tyll(e) other
met(es) [aaAx]
E: 1,152 Sal be mett vnto -y-ou . qwen -y-e wende hyne [aaAx]
E: 1,153 ffor -th-of [-gh-e] be trew of your tonge . & treweley
wynne [aaAx]
E: 1,154 And eke als chaste as a childe . -th-(a)t in -th-e
kirke wepis [aaAx]
E: 1,155 Bot -th-e leve lely . & succurre -th-e poore
E: 1,156 Of syke gude as god -th-e send(es) . frely dep(ar)t
E: 1,157 -Th-e haue no more merit . of heuenriche blys [aaAx]
E: 1,158 Malkyn of hir maidynhode . -th-(a)t no man des(er)is
E: 1,159 ffor iamys -th-e gentyll(e) . demys in his buke-gh-
E: 1,160 -Th-at fayth w(i)t(h)owtyn fewte . febelare -th-en
no-gh-t [aaAx]
E: 1,161 And als ded as a dore nale . bot -th-e ded(es) folow
E: 1,162 Chastite w(i)t(h)owtyn charite . be chenyd in hell(e)
E: 1,163 It is als lewyd as a laumpe . -th-(a)t no light
is in [aaAx]
E: 1,164 Many chapelanys er chaste . & charite away [aaAx]
E: 1,165 Er nane hardar -th-en -th-ai . when -th-ai au(a)unced
be [aaAx]
E: fol. 6r
E: 1,166 Vnkyndar nane to -th-air kynne . and als to al c(ri)sten
E: 1,167 Thai shew al -th-air charite . & chyd(es) aftir
mare [aaAx]
E: 1,168 Swa chastite w(i)t(h)owtyn charite . be chynyd in
hell [aaAx]
E: 1,169 ffor curatorus at kepys you . clene of -y-our bod(es)
E: 1,170 -Th-e er combyrd w(i)t(h) couetyse . -y-e can not
owt crepe [aaAa]
E: 1,171 Swa hard hase au(ar)ice . happyd you togedyr [aaAx]
E: 1,172 Ye trow noght in -th-e t(ri)nite . bott of trechory
of hell(e) [aaAx]
E: 1,173 And -y-e lere lewyd men . -th-e latt(er) to lere
E: 1,174 ffor -th-ees er -th-e worde-gh- writtyn . in -th-e
Euaungely [aaAx]
E: 1,175 { Date et Dabitur vobis } . for I may dele you all(e)
E: 1,176 -Th-(a)t is -th-e lok of love . & lete owt my
grace [aaAx]
E: 1,177 To comforth -th-e carfull(e) . combryd w(i)t(h)
synne [aaAx]
E: 1,178 Love is -th-e leuest -th-ing . at owr lord askys
E: 1,179 And also -th-e grettest gate . -th-(a)t goys vnto
heuen [aaAx]
E: 1,180 ffor -th-i I say as I sayd ar . be -th-is text [aaAx]
E: 1,181 when al treso(ur)s er tried . trouth is -th-e best
E: 1,182 Now haue I tald qwat trouth is . no treso(ur) bett(er)
(E: VII 70-213a are misplaced)
E: 7,70 Dame wyrke qwen tyme . is peirse wyff hette [axAx]
E: 7,71 hys do-gh-t(er) hight do right . or owr dame shal
-th-e bete [aaAx]
E: 7,72 And hys Sone hight Sufferance to suffurre in tyme
E: 7,73 And if -th-ow do noght . -th-ou shal der abye [aaAx]
E: 7,74 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 7,75 Now am I holde . & I haue of myn awne [aaAa]
E: 7,76 To Penaunce or to pilg(r)image . will(e) I passe
w(i)t(h) o-th-er [aaAx]
E: 7,77 ffor I wyll(e) er y wende . do writte my intest [aaAx]
E: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e amen } . I make it my seluen
E: 7,79 ffor he shal haue my saule -th-(a)t it best hath
des(er)uyd [????]?
E: 7,80 And defend it from -th-e fend . for so is my beleue
E: 7,81 To I come to hys acompte . for so my crede techis
E: 7,82 To haue remission & seles . on -th-(a)t rental
I beleue [aaAx]
fol. 6v
E: 7,83 The kyrke sal haue my body . & kepyn of my bonys
E: 7,84 ffor of my corn & catell(e) . he cravys -th-e
tendes [aaAx]
E: 7,85 I prayd -th-e p(ri)st . for p(er)il of my saule [aaAx]
E: 7,86 He hys holde I hope . to haue me in hys mynde [aaAx]
E: 7,87 And mene me in hys memore . amonge al c(ri)sten [aaAx]y
E: 7,88 My wyff shal haue at I wan . trewly & nomore
E: 7,89 And dele emong my frende-gh- . & my der child(er)
E: 7,90 ffor & I dye today . my dett(is) ben qwytt [aaAx]
E: 7,91 I bare home I borowd . er I to bedde -y-ede [aaAx]
E: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e residue & remanent . -th-e
rode of chest(er) [aaAx]
E: 7,93 I wold worship -th-arw(i)t(h) . trouth by seluen
E: 7,94 And be -th-e pilg(ri)mage at -th-e plough . for pore
mens sake [aaAx]
E: 7,95 My plow shal be my pykestaffe . & pyke owt rotes
E: 7,96 And help my cult(ir) to kerve . & to close fores
E: 7,97 Now is Perise in -th-e pilg(ri)mage . to -th-e plogh
faren [aaAx]
E: 7,98 To eyre & to wirke . helpen hym mony [aaAx]
E: 7,99 Diggers and deluers . diggyn vp -th-e balk(is) [aaAx]
E: 7,100 -Th-(er)wit was p(er)kyn payd . & prasyd -th-aim
al [aaAx]
E: 7,101 Other werkmen was -th-(er) mony . -th-(a)t wro-gh-t
ful fast [aaAx]
E: 7,102 Euery man on hys man(er) . made hym to done [aaAx]
E: 7,103 And some pleasyd p(er)kyn . & pykyd owte -th-e
stanes [aaAx]
E: 7,104 At hye p(ri)me of -th-e day p(er)kyn . lete -th-e
plough stonde [aaAx]
E: 7,105 To eu(er) see -th-aim ichon . qwo best wro-gh-t
E: 7,106 Suld be hyred in heruest -th-(er)aftir tyme to come
E: 7,107 -Th-an sett some . & songe at -th-e nale [aaAx]
E: 7,108 And holpyn to eyre -th-e half acre . w(i)t(h) dieu
or dame Emme [aaaAx]
E: 7,109 By -th-e Prince of p(ar)adyse . q(ou)d p(er)us al
in wrothe [aaAx]
E: 7,110 Bott -y-e rise -th-e rather . & rape you to
werke [aaAx]
E: 7,111 Shal no gren at here groys . glad you at nede [aaAx]
fol. 7r
E: 7,112 And if -y-e dye for dole . -th-e deuel hange -th-at
rakys [aaAx]
E: 7,113 -Th-an was fatours aferd . & feyned -th-aim
blynde [aaAx]
E: 7,114 Some lade -th-e legge of lery . as suche losell(es)
shuld [aaaAx]
E: 7,115 And plenyd -th-aim to p(er)kyn . with pitouse wordes
E: 7,116 We haue no lymys to labo(ur) w(i)t(h)) . lord gyff
vs grace [aaAx]
E: 7,117 And we pray for -y-ow p(er)us . and for yo(ur) plough
both [aaAx]
E: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god for hys grace . -y-our grene multiply
E: 7,119 And -y-elde you of your almusse . -th-(a)t -y-e
gyf vs here [axAx]
E: 7,120 ffor we may nother swete ne swynke . so febyll we
ben [aaAx]
E: 7,121 Yf it be soth q(ou)d p(er)kyn . I shal it sone aspye
E: 7,122 -Y-e ben wasto(ur)s I wote . & nowe I knaw -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
E: 7,123 And I am god(es) awne hyne . & aught hym to
warne [aaAx]
E: 7,124 Siche wasto(ur)s in -th-is world . hys werkme(n)
distroys [aaAx]
E: 7,125 -Y-e eten at -th-ai suld ete . -th-(a)t eyre for
vs all(e) [aaAa]
E: 7,126 And trouthe shal teche you . hys teem for to dryve
E: 7,127 Bot to sette & to sawe . &d to saue hys
tylthe [aaAx]
E: 7,128 Chase gees from -th-e corne . & kepyn hys best(is)
E: 7,129 Or -y-e schal ete barle brede . and of -th-e broke
drinke [aaAx]
E: 7,130 Bott -y-e be blynd or brokyn . or beddryn legg(es)
E: 7,131 -Y-e schal etyn as I sayd as so me god help [????]
E: 7,132 To god of hys grace . gar hym to aryse [aaAx]
E: 7,133 Ankers & hermyt(es) . at hald(es) -th-aim in
sellys [aaAx]
E: 7,134 Sal haue of myn almusse . al -th-e qwyle I leve
E: 7,135 And now iche day at noon . & no more or morowe
E: 7,136 -Th-ai lat -th-e flesh & -th-e fend . folow
-th-e saule [aaAx]
E: 7,137 Onys at noon is enogh . -th-(a)t no werke vsys [aaAxx]
E: 7,138 He abyd(es) wel -th-e bett(er) . -th-(a)t bumme-th-
noght to ofte [aaAx]
E: 7,139 -th-an wald wasto(ur) ryse . & nedely wald fou-gh-ten
E: 7,140 To p(er)kyn -th-e ploughman . he p(er)sued fast
E: 7,141 A Briton(er) a bragg(er) . bost hym also [aaAx]
fol. 7v
E: 7,142 And Bad hym go pisse hym w(i)t(h) all(e) hys plough
pelyd shrew [aaAx]
E: 7,143 Will -th-ou or nyll(e) -th-ou . we wolle haue own
will(e) of -th-i floure [axAa]
E: 7,144 --- this line om ---
E: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . maugre -th-i
chekys [aaAx]
E: 7,146 -Th-en peirse -th-e ploghman . plenyd hym to -th-e
to -th-e knyght [aaAx]
E: 7,147 To kepe hym as conand . was fro c(ur)sed shrewes
E: 7,148 ffrom wasto(ur)s -th-(a)t watyng . wynneres to shende
E: 7,149 Curteisely -th-e knyght -th-anne . as hys kynde
wold [aaAx]
E: 7,150 Warnede wasto(ur) . & wissyde hym bett(er)e
E: 7,151 Or -th-ou shal abye be -th-e law by -th-e lord at
I welde [????]
E: 7,152 I was neu(er) wont for to wirke q(ou)d wasto(ur)
. ne nowe will(e) I not begyn [aaaAx]
E: 7,153 And lete light of -th-e law . & lesse of -th-e
knyght [aaAx]
E: 7,154 And countyd peirse at a pese . and hys plough bothe
E: 7,155 And manyshyd hym & his men . qwen -th-ai next
mette [aaXa]
E: 7,156 Now be -th-e p(er)ell(e) of my saule q(ou)d peirse
. I shall(e) you pare all(e) [axaAx]
E: 7,157 And houpyd aftir hung(ir) . -th-(a)t herde hym at
-th-e frist [aaAx]
E: 7,158 Wreke on -th-es wasto(ur)s q(ou)d peirse . -th-(a)t
-th-is world shend(es) [aaxAx]
E: 7,159 Hung(ir) in hast . hente -th-aim by -th-e mawe [aaAx]
E: 7,160 And wrange hym so be -th-e mawe . at wat(er)yd -th-air
eyne-gh- [aaAx]
E: 7,161 And he Bofete -th-e briton(er) . abowte -th-e chekys
E: 7,162 -Th-(a)t he lokyd like a launtren . all(e) hys lyfe
aftir [aaAx]
E: 7,163 And bet -th-aim so sore both . & brake negh
-th-air mawys [aaAx]
E: 7,164 Ne hed peirse w(i)t(h) a peyse lofe . help -th-aim
in hast [aaAx]
E: 7,165 And with a bene batte . -th-ai abade [aaXx]
E: 7,166 And hard hunger -th-(er) mellyd . amydd(es) hys
lippys [aaAx]
E: 7,167 And bled into -th-e bodyward . a boll(e) ful of
growell(e) [aaAx]
E: 7,168 Ne hade -th-e fecician . defend hym in wat(ir) [aaAx]
E: 7,169 To bate -th-e barly brede . & -th-e benys grynde
E: 7,170 -Th-ai hed ben deyd be -th-is day . & dolfyn
all(e) warme [aaAx]
E: 7,171 ffato(ur)s ben ferd a flowen into bernes [aaAx]
E: 7,172 And flappyd on w(i)t(h) flayles . from morow to
euen [aaAxx]
fol. 8r
E: 7,173 -Th-(a)t hung(er) was noght so hardy . onys of -th-aim
to loke [aaAx]
E: 7,174 ffor a potell(e) of pese . -th-(a)t peirse hade
gert make [aaAx]
E: 7,175 -Th-en -th-e hepe of heremit(es) . hyntt -th-aim
spad(is) [aaAx]
E: 7,176 And dolven depe into -th-e donge . to dryve away
hungre [aaaAx]
E: 7,177 Blynde & blered . were aboute a thouusand [aaAx]
E: 7,178 Lay for blynde & blered by the hye way [xaAx]
E: 7,179 Hung(ir) -th-aim halsyd . w(i)t(h) a hote kake [aaAx]
E: 7,180 And lame men le(m)mys . wer lythyd -th-(a)t tyme
E: 7,181 And bycome knavys . to kepe peirse best(is) [aaAx]
E: 7,182 And for charite prayd . w(i)t(h) peirse for to dwelle
E: 7,183 And for cowatyse of hys corne . to chache away hung(ir)
E: 7,184 Bot peirse was proud -th-(er)of . & putt -th-aim
in office [aaAx]
E: 7,185 And gaff -th-aim mete & mony . as -th-ai might
s(er)ue [aaAx]
E: 7,186 -Th-an bad peirse put hunger in preson for to wende
E: 7,187 Or home to hys awne -y-erd . & holde hym -th-(er)
for eu(er) [aaaAa]
E: 7,188 And -y-it I pray you q(ou)d peirse . er ye passe
ferther [aaAx]
E: 7,189 Off begg(er)ys & bydd(er)ys . qwat is best to
done [aaAx]
E: 7,190 ffor I wott wele be -y-e went . -th-ei will(e) wirke
euell(e) [aaaAx]
E: 7,191 Myscheff it makith . -th-ai ben so meke nowe [aaAx]
E: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us fast -th-ay wirke
E: 7,193 And -th-ai ben may bodely brether . for god boght
vs all(e) [aaAx]
E: 7,194 Trouth thaght me onys . for to love -th-aim all(e)
E: 7,195 And help -th-aim at al -th-ing . qwat at -th-ai
nede [aaAx]
E: 7,196 Now wold I wete if -th-ou wist . qwat wer -th-e
best [aaaAx]
E: 7,197 And how I myght amaist(er) -th-aim . & make
-th-aim to wirke [aaAx]
E: 7,198 Here now q(ou)d hung(ir) . & hald it for wisdom
E: 7,199 Hold begg(er)ys & bydd(er)ys . -th-(a)t may
noght swete ne swynke [aaaAx]
E: 7,200 w(i)t(h) honde bred & horse brede . holde vp
-th-air hert(is) [aaAa]
E: 7,201 And baue -th-aim w(i)t(h) benes . for swellyng of
-th-air womb [aaAx]
E: 7,202 And if -th-e gromys grochen . byd -th-aim go swynke
fol. 8v
E: 7,203 And shal so-th-e -th-e bett(er) . qwen he hase it
des(er)ued [aaXa]
E: 7,204 And if -th-ou fynde ony freke . -th-(a)t fortune
hase aparyd [aaAx]
E: 7,205 w(i)t(h) fyre or w(i)t(h) fals men . founde sike
to knaw [aaAx]
E: 7,206 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 7,207 Loue -th-aim & lenne -th-aim . for so -th-e
law of kynde [aaAx]
E: 7,208 And if -th-ou may aspye -th-(a)t nedy be or nakyd
E: 7,209 --- this line om ---
E: 7,210 And noght haue to spende in mete ne in mony [aaAx]
E: 7,211 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 7,212 Bot make -th-i frend -th-(er) mede . & so mathew
bydd(es) [aaAx]
E: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos } wold noght greve god [Latin]
E: 7,212 [1,180] ffor -th-i I say as I sayd ar be sight of
-th-is text
E: 7,212 [1,181] When al treso(ur)s er tried trouth is -th-e
E: 7,212 [1,182] Now haue I tolde yow qwat trouth is no trero(ur)
E: 1,183 I may no lang(er) lende . now luke you owr lord
(E: fol. 8v)
Passus Secundus de visione
E: 2,1 it I knellyd on my kney . & cryed hyr of grace [aaAx]
E: 2,2 And sayd m(er)cy madame . for mary loue of heuen [aaAx]
E: 2,3 -Th-(a)t bare -th-e -th-e blyssyd barne . -th-(a)t
boght vs on rode [aaaAx]
E: 2,4 Ke(n)ne me kyndly be sum crafte . for to knaw falsyde
E: 2,5 --- this line om ---
E: 2,6 Lo quer stand(es) fals fauel . & hys ferys al
E: 2,7 I lokyd on my left half . als -th-e lady me taght
E: 2,8 And was war of a woman . wond(ir)ly clothyd [aaAx]
E: 2,9 Puryd w(i)t(h) Piloure . worthiest on erthe [aaAx]
E: 2,10 Coronyd w(i)t(h) a corone . at -th-e kyng hase no
bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,11 All(e) hir five fyngers . wer fetterd w(i)t(h) rynges
E: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perre . -th-(a)t prince weryd euer
E: 2,13 In a scarlet robe . rybonde w(i)t(h) gold [aaAx]
E: 2,14 -Th-(er) is no queen so queenlike . -th-(a)t qwike
is on erthe [aaAx]
E: 2,15 What is -th-is woman q(ou)d I . -th-(a)t is -th-us
worthely atyryde [aaAx]
E: 2,16 -Th-is is mede -th-e mayden . at me hase greuyd oft(e)
E: fol. 9r
E: 2,17 And hase laykd my lare . to lord(is) abowte [aaAx]
E: 2,18 In -th-e papis palace . als p(re)ve als my seluen
E: 2,19 And swa suld sho noght be for wrong was hir syre
E: 2,20 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,21 Bot I aught to be hyer . -th-e sho for I come of
bett(er) [aaAxx]
E: 2,22 To th-e more worthy mariage made . of mede & of
falshed [aaaAx]
E: 2,23 ffauell(e) w(i)t(h) faire speche . hase fanged -th-aim
togedir [aaAx]
E: 2,24 Gyle hase ben forthganger . & g(ra)unt(es) hys
will(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,25 And herew(i)t(h) hys ledyng . -th-ai lye togedyr
E: 2,26 Tomorow be -th-is mariage . made as I -th-e telle
E: 2,26 ffauel w(i)t(h) -th-e fithe speche haue forget -th-ann
E: 2,27 -Th-(er) may -th-ou wete yf -th-ou will(e) . what -th-ai
se all(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,28 -th-(a)t lang(es) to -th-(a)t lordship . -th-e les & more
E: 2,29 Kawne -th-aim if -th-ou can . & kepe -th-e from
-th-aim all(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,30 Yf -th-(a)t -th-ou will(e) wonne . w(i)t(h) trouth
in hys blisse [aaAxx]
E: 2,31 I may no langer lete . bot lord I -th-e bekepe [aaAx]
E: 2,32 And become a gude man . for ony -th-ing I rede [aaAx]
E: 2,33 ffor al -th-e ryche retenow . -th-(a)t wonnys w(i)t(h)
falsehed [aaAx]
E: 2,34 Wer byddyng to -th-e brydell(e) . on both -th-e two
sydes [aaAx]
E: 2,35 Sir symony assent . to seyll(e) -th-ees chartres
E: 2,36 -Th-(a)t fayvell(e) & falshed . be on fyne holden
E: 2,37 And feffyd mede -th-(a)t maydyn . in mariage for
eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,38 -Th-(er) is nowder hal ne boure . to herbery -th-(a)t
peple [aaAx]
E: 2,39 -Th-(a)t iche feld was full(e) . all(e) aboute [aaAx]
E: 2,40 In mydd(is) a montane . at mydmorne tyde [aaAx]
E: 2,41 Was pight vpp a pauillion . prowde for -th-e nons
E: 2,42 And x thounsand of tent(is) . Itald besyde [aaAx]
E: 2,43 Of knyght(es) of -th-e cuntre . & comons al aboute
E: fol. 9v
E: 2,44 ffor syso(ur)s for Somondo(ur)s . for sellers for beggers
E: 2,45 ffor leryd for lewyd . for laborers many [aaAx]
E: 2,46 All(e) to wittnes wele . what -th-ai write wald [aaAa]
E: 2,47 In qwat man(er) mede . in mariag was sesyd [aaAx]
E: 2,48 To be feffyd w(i)t(h) falshede . -th-e fyne is areryde
E: 2,49 Than fauuell(e) fechyd hir forth . & to fals
hir knytt [aaaAx]
E: 2,50 In forward at falshed . suld fynd hyr for eu(er)
E: 2,51 And scho to be buxu(m) . hys byddyng to do [aaAx]
E: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . qwilse -th-air lyue last
E: 2,53 In wittnes of Simony & siuile his brother
E: 2,54 Symony & siuile . stand(es) forth togedir [aaAx]
E: 2,55 And vnfalden -th-e fefment . -th-(a)t fals hade made
E: 2,56 -Th-us begynnys -th-is gomes . for to crye he [aaAx]
E: 2,57 wete & wittnes . -th-(a)t wonnes vppon erth [aaAx]
E: 2,58 At I fauuell haue feffyd . falshede to mede [aaAx]
E: 2,59 ffor to be p(re)sent in pryde . for pore or for riche
E: 2,60 w(i)t(h) -th-e erldom of enuy . eu(er) mor to last
E: 2,61 with -th-e lordship of lichory . on lenth & of
brede [aaAx]
E: 2,62 with -th-e kyngdome of couetyse . & corone -th-aim
toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,62 [2,65] with -th-e likyng of lust -th-e deuil for
to s(er)ue
E: 2,63 w(i)t(h) al -th-e euell of vsure . & au(ar)ice
al hale [aaAx]
E: 2,64 Glotony & grett athes . I gyf -th-aim toged(er)
E: 2,65 --- this line is copied after 2,62 ---
E: 2,66 In all(e) -th-e segoury of sleuth . I seyse -th-aim
toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,67 -Th-ai to haue & to hald . & all(e) -th-air
arys aftir [aaAa]
E: 2,68 w(i)t(h) -th-e purtenaunce of p(ur)gatory . into
-th-e pyne of hell(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,69 Yeldand for -th-is -th-ing at -th-e yers ende [xxXx]
E: 2,70 -Th-(er) saules vnto sathanas . to synke into pyne
E: 2,71 And -th-(er) to wonne w(i)t(h) wrong . wlysse god
is in heuen [aaAxx]
E: fol. 10r
E: 2,72 In wittnes of whilke thing . wrang was -th-e first
E: 2,73 A Pers -th-e p(ar)don(er) . & paulynes doctor
E: 2,74 Bernard -th-e bedell(e) . of Bokyngh(a)m shire [aaAx]
E: 2,75 And ranald -th-e reve . of rutland sokyn [aaAx]
E: 2,76 Munde -th-e milner . and ony other [aaAx]
E: 2,76 Sym -th-e semer out of sumud sete
E: 2,76 And haukyn -th-e hunter of hold(er)nes
E: 2,76 And hudde -th-e hulour of holand aswa
E: 2,76 Milners & michers for -th-ai er all(e) fals
E: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuil . -th-is dede here -th-ai
seyll(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,78 Be syght of sir simony . & signes of notariis
E: 2,79 Than tenyd theology . qwen he -th-is tale herd [aaAx]
E: 2,80 And sayd to sir ciuile . sorow on -th-i buk(es) [aaAx]
E: 2,81 Suche work(es) to wirke . -th-(er) w(i)t(h) to wroth
trouth [aaAx]
E: 2,82 And or -th-is weddyng be wrou-gh-t . wa -th-e betyde
E: 2.83 ffor mede is a mulier . of fendes ingendred [aaAx]
E: 2,84 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,85 And hase geven hir to a gylo(ur) . god gyff -th-e
sorow [aaAx]
E: 2,86 The text tellys -th-e no-gh-t swa . god wate -th-e
soth [aaAx]
E: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius m(er)cede sua &c }
E: 2,87 Worthi is -th-e workman . hys mede for to haue [aaXx]
E: 2,88 And -th-(o)u hast feffyd hir w(i)t(h) falshed . now
fye on -th-i law [aaAx]
E: 2,89 ffor all(e) be lesyng -th-(o)u leuys . & licherous
werk(is) [aaAx]
E: 2,90 Symony & -th-i self . shend(es) holy churche
E: 2,91 -Y-e & -th-ees notarys noys -th-e peple [xaAx]?
E: 2,92 Bot -y-e shal abye it bath . be god at me made [aaAxx]
E: 2,93 Wele -y-e wate I warand . bot if yo(ur) witt(es)
fayle [aaaAx]
E: 2,94 That falshed is a fautor . & ffalsly wirk(es)
E: 2,95 And als a bastard is borne . of belsabubes kynde
E: fol. 10v
E: 2,96 And mede is a mulier . a maidyn of gode [aaAx]
E: 2,97 Sho myght kysse -th-e kyng . for cosyn yf she wald
E: 2,98 Wirke -y-e by wysdom . & by witt eftir [aaAx]
E: 2,99 lede hir to london . -th-(er) lawe is haldyng [aaAx]
E: 2,100 Giff ony lewte will(e) loke . at -th-ai lygge toged(er)
E: 2,101 Gyff ony iustice will(e) iuge . at he be to hir
in ionyd [aaAx]
E: 2,102 Swa -th-(a)t fals be war of -th-e weddyng . for
witty is trouth [aaAx]
E: 2,103 ffor conscience is of counsell(e) . & knawys
you ichon [aaAx]
E: 2,104 And he fynd you in defaute . & w(i)t(h) fals
haldyng [aaAx]
E: 2,105 It shal be sene of yo(ur) saules full(e) . sare
at -th-e last [aaAx]
E: 2,106 Herto assent ciuile . Symony ne wald [aaAx]
E: 2,107 Till(e) he had silu(er) . for hys sealle-gh- & notary
signes [xaAa]
E: 2,108 -Th-an fauuel fochyd furth . florenys enowe [aaaAx]
E: 2,109 And bad gyle go belyue & gyff . gold abowte
E: 2,110 And namely to -th-ees notarys . latt(e) -th-aim
not fayle [aaAx]
E: 2,111 Bott feffe fals wittnes . w(i)t(h) florenys mony
E: 2,112 ffor he may mede maist(er) . & make hir at my
will(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,113 When -th-is gold was gevyn . grett was -th-e thankyng
E: 2,114 To fals & to fauuell(e) . for -th-air fair gifte-gh-
E: 2,115 And come for to comforth . fro car -th-e fals [aaAx]
E: 2,116 And cert(es) sothly . cesse schall(e) I neu(er)
E: 2,117 Till at mede be weddytt . -th-orow witt of vs all(e)
E: 2,118 ffor we haue mede maistried . -th-orow our faire
speche [aaAx]
E: 2,119 -Th-(a)t sho g(ra)unt(es) to gay . w(i)t(h) a gode
will(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,120 To londo to luke . if at -th-e law wald [aaAx]
E: 2,121 Iugge you ioyntely . in ioy toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,122 -Th-an was falshed fayn . & fauuell(e) als bylythe
E: 2,123 And lethe Somond -th-e segg(es) . in shire-gh- abowte
E: fol. 11r
E: 2,124 And -th-aim al be bowne . bath begg(er)ys & other
E: 2,125 To wend al to london . to wittnes -th-is dede [aaAx]
E: 2,126 -Th-an caryd -th-ai for capyllys . to carry -th-aim
-th-ed(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,127 And fauuell(e) fochis forth . foles of -th-e best
E: 2,128 Sett mede on a sheroff . shodde all(e) newe [aaAx]
E: 2,129 And fals on a seyssour . -th-(a)t softly wald trott
E: 2,130 ffauuell(e) vppon fair speche . fayntley atyryd
E: 2,131 Than hed -the notarys nane . anoyd wer -th-ai [aaAx]
E: 2,132 -Th-(a)t Simony & cyuyle . suld on fote go [aaAx]
E: 2,133 -Th-an sware ciuile . & sayd be -th-e rode [aaAx]
E: 2,134 -Th-(a)t Somondo(ur)s suld sadyld be . & s(er)ue
vs ilkane [aaAx]
E: 2,135 And gart apparyll(e) p(ro)visoners . in palfrays
wyse [aaAx]
E: 2,136 Sir Symony hym self . sall(e) sytt on -th-air bakys
E: 2,137 And alle -th-ees denes & subdenes . as distrers
be dight [aaAa]
E: 2,138 ffor -th-ai shall(e) bere -th-ees bisshopes . & bryng
-th-aim to rist [aaAx]
E: 2,139 Paulyns peple . for pletyng in consistory [aaAx]
E: 2,140 -Th-ai sall(e) ber my self . -th-(a)t ciuile is
haldyn [aaAx]
E: 2,141 And he gart sadyll(e) comissarye . owr cart sall(e)
-th-ai drawe [aaAx]
E: 2,142 And shall fett owr vitals . of fornicatours [aaAx]
E: 2,143 Bott make of leyers a lang cart . to lede all(e)
-th-ees other [aaAx]
E: 2,144 As fals & fauto(ur)s . -th-(a)t on -th-air fote
gang(es) [aaAx]
E: 2,145 ffals & fauuell(e) . goys forth toged(er) [aaAa]
E: 2,146 And mede in -th-e middeward . & all(e) -th-e
men oft(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,147 I haue no tong to telle . -th-e tayll(e) at come
aftir [aaAx]
E: 2,148 Of many man(er) of men . -th-(a)t on erthe levys
E: 2,149 Bot gyle was foregang(er) . & gydyd -th-aim
all(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,150 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,151 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,152 To he come to -th-e kynges courte . -th-(er) conscience
he callyd [aaAx]
E: 2,153 And conscience to -th-e kyng . it carpyd aftir [aaAx]
E: 2,154 Be crist q(ou)d -th-e kyng . and I hym cacche myght
fol. 11v
E: 2,155 ffalshed or fauuell . or ony of -th-air ferys [aaXa]
E: 2,156 I shuld be wrokyn of -th-oys wrechis . -th-(a)t
werkyn so euell [aaAx]
E: 2,157 And gerr -th-aim hangge be halse . & alle -th-(a)t
-th-aim helpis [aaAx]
E: 2,158 Sall no man vppon mold . maynpryse -th-e lest [aaAx]
E: 2,159 Bott right as -th-e law luk(es) . latt falle on
-th-aim alle [aaAxx]
E: 2,160 He co(m)maundyd a constable . -th-(a)t come at -th-e
first [aaAx]
E: 2,161 ffor to cache -th-o tratours . for ony treso(ur)
tried [aaAx]
E: 2,162 ffett(er) falnes fast . for ony kynnes gyfte-gh-
E: 2,163 And gyrd of gylys hede . & lat hym go no forther
E: 2,164 Bot bring mede to me . maugry -th-aim alle [aaAx]
E: 2,165 Symonye & ciuile . I send -th-aim to warne [aaAx]
E: 2,166 That holy kirke for -th-aim . is harmyd for eu(er)
E: 2,167 And if ye chache lyer . latt hym no-gh-t chape [aaAx]
E: 2,168 Bott sett on -th-e pillory . yf he be wode wrath
E: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stode . & -th-e dome herd
E: 2,170 And wightly he went for . to warne felshed [aaAx]
E: 2,171 And bad -th-aim flee forferd . and hys fers alle
E: 2,172 -Th-an falsnes forth ferd . & fled to -th-e
frerys [aaAa]
E: 2,173 And gyll dyd hym to ga . for to dye agast [aaAx]
E: 2,174 Vnto m(ar)chaundes mett hym w(i)t(h) . & made
hym to abyde [aaAx]
E: 2,175 And sett hym -th-air shoppe-gh- . to shew men -th-air
ware [aaAx]
E: 2,176 Apparalyd hym as a Prynce . -th-e peple for to s(er)ue
E: 2,177 Lightly lyer . lepyd away -th-en [aaAx]
E: 2,178 He lurkyd -th-orow lanes . to be luged of mony [aaAx]
E: 2,179 Nowre qware was he wilcom . for hys mony talys [aaXx]
E: 2,180 Ou(er)e all was he hatyd . & huntyd -th-orow
-th-e lande [aaAx]
E: 2,181 To p(ar)doners had pete . & pullyd hym to howse
E: 2,182 -Th-ai weshyd & wypyd hym . & wand hym in
clott(es) [aaAx]
fol. 12r
E: 2,183 Thai sent hym on sondays . w(i)t(h) sellys to kirkes
E: 2,184 To gyff p(ar)don for penys . & pound(es) all
abowte [aaAx]
E: 2,185 -Th-an lowryd leches . & letters -th-ai send
E: 2,186 ffor lyer shuld wonne w(i)t(h) -th-aim . wat(er)ys
to see [axAx]
E: 2,187 Spycers spak to -th-aim fast . to aspye -th-(er)
he was [aaAx]
E: 2,188 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,189 Bot mynstarals & messyngers . mett w(i)t(h)
hym anes [aaAx]
E: 2,190 And held hym half . a -y-ere & a ellevyne days
E: 2,191 ffrerys w(i)t(h) fayre speche . fechyd hym -th-ine
E: 2,192 ffor knawyng of comers . -th-ai capyd hym as a frere
E: 2,193 And he hed leve to lepe owt . als ofte as he list
E: 2,194 And wolcum qwen he cu(m)mys . & wonnys w(i)t(h)
-th-aim efte [aaAx]
E: 2,195 Alle fled for ferd . & flow into hernys [aaAx]
E: 2,196 Saue med -th-e madyn . na ma durst abyde [aaAx]
E: 2,197 Bott trewly I tell you . he tremblyd for ferde [aaAx]
E: 2,198 --- this line is omitted ---
Passus tercius de Visione
E: 3,1 [N]ow is mede -th-e madyn . & na ma of -th-aim alle
E: 3,2 w(i)t(h) bedels & bail-gh-effes . brought to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
E: 3,3 The kyng callyd a clerke . I knaw noght hys name [aaaAx]
E: 3,4 To take vpp -th-e madyn . & make hir at easse
E: 3,5 I sal asay hir my self . & softly appoyse [aaAx]
E: 3,6 Qwat man on -th-is mold . -th-(a)t hir wer most leefe
E: 3,7 And if sho wirke be witte . & my will folow [aaAx]
E: 3,8 I wylle forgyff hir my gilt . sa me god help [aaAx]
E: 3,9 Curteisly -th-e clerke come . as -th-e kyng hight
E: 3,10 And toke mede be -th-e medyll . & led hir to
chaumbre [aaXx]
E: 3,11 Bot -th-(er) was moche mistralsy . mede for to please
E: 3,12 -Th-at wonnyd at westmynster . worshippyd hir alle
E: 3,13 Gently w(i)t(h) ioy . -th-e iustice sone come [aaAx]
E: 3,14 And Buskyd hym to be bowne . -th-(er) -th-e birde
dwellyd [aaAx]
fol. 12v
E: 3,15 He comforth hir kyndley . be clergey clene [aaAx]
E: 3,16 And sayd murne -th-ou noght . ne make -th-ou no sorow
E: 3,17 ffor we shall wisse -th-e kyng . & -th-i way
make [axAx]
E: 3,18 ffor all conscience cast . or crafte as I trowe [aaAx]
E: 3,19 Mildly mede -th-an . m(er)cyde vs alle [aaAx]
E: 3,20 Off -th-air grete gude-gh- . & gaue -th-aim ilkane
E: 3,21 Cowpys of clene gold . & other gyfte-gh- mony
E: 3,22 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,23 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,24 -Th-an laght -th-ai -th-air leve . -th-ir lorde-gh-
at mede [aaAx]
E: 3,25 w(i)t(h) -th-(a)t come clerk(is) . to comforth hir
-th-e same [aaAx]
E: 3,26 And bad hir be blythe . for we er all yo(ur) awne
E: 3,27 ffor to wirke -th-i will . qwylse -th-(a)t we may
last [aaAbb]
E: 3,28 Hendly sho hight -th-anne -th-aim all -th-e same
E: 3,29 To loue -th-aim leyly . & -th-aim lord(es) make
E: 3,30 And in consistory at -th-e court . to call -th-air
names [aaAx]
E: 3,31 -Th-(er) shall no lewdnesse you lette . -th-e lede
at I love [aaAa]
E: 3,32 -Th-(a)t he ne wer au(au)nced first qwar I be knawyn
E: 3,33 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,34 -Th-an come -th-(er) a confesso(ur) . capyd as a
frere [aaAx]
E: 3,35 And to mede -th-e madyn . myldely he lowtyd [aaAx]
E: 3,36 And sayd ful faithly . in shrifte as it wer [aaAx]
E: 3,37 Gyff -th-e leryd & -th-e lewyd . haue ly by -th-e
ilkane [aaAx]
E: 3,38 And -th-ou falshed haue folowd . -th-is fyftene wynt(er)
E: 3,39 I sall assoyle -th-e myselfe . for a seme of qwete
E: 3,40 And be -th-i bedman alswa . & bere well -th-i
erand [aaAx]
E: 3,41 Emang clerkis & knyght(es) . conscience to felle
E: 3,42 -Th-an mede for hys misdede . to -th-(a)t man knellyd
E: 3,43 And shraue hir of hir shrowdnes . schameles I trow
E: 3,44 Sho tald hym a tale . & tuke hym a noble [aaAx]
E: 3,45 ffor to be hir bedman . & hir bawde aftir [aaAx]
E: 3,46 -Th-an he assoylyd hir Sone . & sythn he sayde
fol. 13r
E: 3,47 We haue wyndow in wirkyng . will stand full hye [aaAxx]
E: 3,48 Wald -th-ou glasse owr gauyll . & grave -th-(er)in
-th-i name [aaAx]
E: 3,49 Sekir suld -th-i saule . be heuen for to haue [aaBb]
E: 3,50 Wist I -th-(a)t q(ou)d -th-e woman at -th-(o)u south
E: 3,50 -Th-(er) is no wyndow ne aut(er) bot I -th-aim suld
amende [aaAx]
E: 3,51 And wysely gar wirke it & -th-(er)in myn name
writte [aaAxx]
E: 3,52 That I say sall be done . I am sist(ir) of -y-o(ur)
house [aaAx]
E: 3,53 Bot god alle gude men . syche writtyng defend(es)
E: 3,54 And says { Nesciat senist(er) quid faciat dext(er)
} [Latin]
E: 3,55 Lat noght -th-i left hand . in ony wyse wete [aaAx]
E: 3,56 Qwat -th-i right hand . doys in stede or in strete
E: 3,57 Bot priuely dep(ar)t -th-(er)witt . -th-(a)t pride
be noght sene [aaAx]
E: 3,58 Nowd(er) in sight ner in saulle . for c(ri)st hym
selfe wate [aaAx]
E: 3,59 Who is c(ur)tasse or kynde . or couett(es) oght ellys
E: 3,60 Tharfor I lere you lord(is) . leue swilke writyng
E: 3,61 Writte noght in wyndows . of yo(ur) gode ded(es)
E: 3,62 Or to cry aftir gudes . qwen -y-e shall o-gh-t dele
E: 3,63 In aunter -th-(a)t -y-e haue . yo(ur) hire -th-(er)fore
here [aaAa]
E: 3,64 ffor owr sauio(ur) says . hys awne selfe & p(re)chys
E: 3,64a { Amen amen dico vobis receperunt m(er)cede(m) sua(m) &c
} [Latin]
E: 3,65 Mayres & m(er)cers . -th-(a)t er -th-e menes
E: 3,66 Bitwix -th-e kyng & -th-e comons . to kepe -th-e
lawes [aaAx]
E: 3,67 ffor punyshyng on pilorys . or pynynge stolys [aaAx]
E: 3,68 Baksters & bowchers . brewsters & kuke-gh-
E: 3,69 ffor -th-ees er men of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t most
wrong wirk(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,70 Tharfore pure peple . -th-air p(ar)t sare abysse
E: 3,71 ffor -th-ai poson -th-e peple . p(re)ualy full ofte
E: 3,72 And riche -th-orow reg(ra)try . rent(is) -th-aim
byes [aaAx]
E: 3,73 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t at -th-e peple . suld put in -th-air
wambe [aaAx]
E: 3,74 ffor no toke -th-ai trewly . -th-ai temberd noght
so hye [aaAx]
fol. 13v
E: 3,75 Ne boght -th-ai no Burgage . be -th-(o)u full certan
E: 3,76 Bot mede -th-e madyn . -th-e mair hase besoght [aaAx]
E: 3,77 Of swilke sellers of sythes . sylu(er) for to take
E: 3,78 Als p(re)sandes w(i)t(h)owtyn penys . as pec(is)
of syluer [aaAx]
E: 3,79 Rynges or riche-gh- . -th-e regrato(ur)s to mayntene
E: 3,80 ffor my lofe q(ou)d -th-e lady . love -th-aim ilkane
E: 3,81 And soffer -th-aim to selle . soundely agayne resone
E: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a s(er)mon he made [aaAx]
E: 3,83 ffor amendyng of mayres & me(n) . -th-at kepys
lawys [aaaXx]
E: 3,84 And he tald -th-aim -th-is theme . -th-(a)t I telle
-th-inke [aaAx]
E: 3,85 { Ignis Deuorabit tabernac(u)la eor(um) qui }
E: 3,85 { libent(er) accipiunt mun(er)a &c } [Latin]
E: 3,86 Emong leryd lord(is) . -th-is latyn amount(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,87 That fyre sall falle . & bren at -th-e last [aaAx]
E: 3,88 -Th-e howsys & -th-e hame . of -th-aim at des(er)es
E: 3,89 To haue gyft(es) wrangwysly . in thoght or in dede
E: 3,90 The kyng fro counsell come . & callyd aftir mede
E: 3,91 He sent for hir . a s(er)iaunt hir for to feche [aaAx]
E: 3,92 And broght hir to boure . w(i)t(h) ioy & w(i)t(h)
blysse [aaAx]
E: 3,93 Curtisly -th-en -th-e kyng . began for to telle [aaAx]
E: 3,94 To mede -th-e madyn . he mellyt -th-ees word(es)
E: 3,95 Vnwisly wroght -th-an hase -th-ou full ofte [aaAx]
E: 3,96 Bot wors wroght -th-(o)u neu(er) . -th-an qwen -th-(o)u
fals tuke [aaXx]
E: 3,97 Bot I forgiff -th-e -th-(a)t gylt . & graunt(es)
-th-e my grace [aaAa]
E: 3,98 Heyne to -th-i deday . do -th-(o)u swa no mare [aaAx]
E: 3,99 I haue a knyght hate consciens . come late fro beyonde
see [aaAx]
E: 3,100 If he will wedd -th-e to wyffe . -th-(o)u shal hym
haue [aaAx]
E: 3,101 -Y-a lord q(ou)d -th-(a)t lady . god forbyd ellys
E: 3,102 Bot I be haly at yo(ur) hest . hang me sone [aaAx]
fol. 14r
E: 3,103 -Th-an was consciens callyd . to come & appeire
E: 3,104 Before -th-e kyng & his counsell . clerk(is) & other
E: 3,105 Kneland before kyng consciens lowtyd [aaAx]
E: 3,106 What at is wille wer . & what he doy suld [aaAx]
E: 3,107 Will -th-ou wed -th-is woman . if will assente [aaAx]
E: 3,108 ffor she is fayne of -th-i felaship . for to be
-th-i make [aaAxx]
E: 3,109 Q(uo)d consciens vnto -th-e kyng . god me it forbydde
E: 3,110 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,111 Sho is freil of hir flesh . fekyll of hir speche
E: 3,112 And mak(es) men to misdoy . my score tyme [aaaAx]
E: 3,113 In trust of hir treso(ur) . sho tenys full mony
E: 3,114 Wyff(es) & wedows . wantones she techys [aaAx]
E: 3,115 Sho lerys -th-aim lichory . -th-(a)t lufys wele
gyfte-gh- [aaXx]
E: 3,116 -Y-our fadir she fellyd . -th-orow fals behestes
E: 3,117 Sho poysond papes . & parys holy kirke [aaAx]
E: 3,118 Is noght a bett(er) baud . be c(ri)st at me made
E: 3,119 Betwix heuen or helle . or erth yf men soghte [aaAx]
E: 3,120 Sho is tekyll of hir tale . talewysse of tonge [aaAx]
E: 3,121 Als comon as -th-e cartway . to knaues & al
other [aaAx]
E: 3,122 To monke & to mynstral . & to mesalles in
hegg(is) [aaAx]
E: 3,123 Sisours & Somonders . suche men hir prasys [aaAx]
E: 3,124 Sherofes of Shires . wer shente if sho ne wer [aaAx]
E: 3,125 Sho gers men lose -th-air land . & -th-air liue
bathe [aaAx]
E: 3,126 And latt(es) passe p(ri)soners . & pays for
-th-aim ofte [aaAx]
E: 3,127 And gyffe-gh- -th-e iauelers gold . & grote-gh-
togedir [aaAx]
E: 3,128 To vnfetter -th-e fals . to fle qwar -th-aim lik(es)
E: 3,129 And takys treuth be -th-e topp . & fett(er)es
hym fast [aaAx]
E: 3,130 And hang(es) for haterydyn . -th-(a)t harme did
neu(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,131 To be c(ur)ssyd in -th-e co(n)sistory . sho count(es)
noght a resche [aaAx]
E: 3,132 ffor sho capyd -th-e co(m)missary . & cotid
hys clerk(is) [aaAa]
E: 3,133 Sho is assoylyd als sone agayn as sho lik(es) [aaAx]
fol. 14v
E: 3,134 Sho may nere doy als much . in a moneth anys [aaAx]
E: 3,135 As your secret seale . in seuen score days [aaAx]
E: 3,136 Sho is p(re)vay with -th-e pape . p(ro)uisours it
knawys [aaAx]
E: 3,137 Symony & hirself . seallys -th-air bulles [aaAx]
E: 3,138 Sho gyff(es) -th-ees bischoppes b(e)n(e)fyces .
of all -th-ai be lewyd [aaAx]
E: 3,139 P(ro)uandrise & p(er)sons . & prist(es)
sho mayntenes [aaAx]
E: 3,140 To hald lemmans & lutbyse . alle -th-air liue
days [aaAx]
E: 3,141 To bring forth [fruit] . ayanys forbodon lawys [aaAx]
E: 3,142 Whar sho dwellys w(i)t(h) -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e
realme [axAx]
E: 3,143 ffor sho is fauourable to falshed . & destruys
treuth [aaAx]
E: 3,144 Offt sho bringge-gh- barons & burge-gh- in sorow
E: 3,145 Be Iesu w(i)t(h) hir ioellys . owr iustice sho shend(es)
E: 3,146 And alegg(es) ayayns -th-e law . & lett(es)
hym -th-e gate [aaAx]
E: 3,147 -Th-(er) may no man it haue . -th-e gold goys so
thykke [aaAx]
E: 3,148 Sho hase -th-e law as hir list . & louedays
mak(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,149 A mayse for a meyn man . if he mute eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,150 Hir law is so lordly . & lath to make ende [aaAx]
E: 3,151 w(i)t(h)oute p(re)sens of penys . sho pleasys full
fewe [aaAx]
E: 3,152 Clergy & coueit(is) . -th-ai coupyll togedir
E: 3,153 This is -th-e life of -th-is lady . nowe god gyff
hir sorow [aaAx]
E: 3,154 And al maynteners of hir . mischaunce -th-aim betyde
E: 3,155 ffor pore men may haue no pith . to pleyn if -th-ai
smert [aaAx]
E: 3,156 Swilke a maistres is mede . emong men of gude [aaAx]
E: 3,157 Than m(ou)rnyd mede . & plenyd to -th-e kyng
E: 3.158 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,159 And graunt hir garce . w(i)t(h) a gude wille [aaAx]
E: 3,160 Excuse if -th-ou can . I will no more say [aaAx]
E: 3,161 ffor consciens accusis -th-e . to cunge -th-e for
eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d lady . levys hym -th-e wers [aaAx]
E: 3,163 When -y-e wate wytt(er)ly . qwar -th-e wrang lyes
E: 3,164 Whare a mischeff is gret . -y-ett mede may help
fol. 15r
E: 3,165 -Th-ou knawys wel consciens . at I can noght chyde
E: 3,166 Ne disprayse -th-i p(er)son . w(i)t(h) no proude
hert [aaAx]
E: 3,167 Wele -th-(o)u wate -th-i seluen . bot if -th-ou
will lye [aaxAx]
E: 3,168 -Th-ou hase hangyd on myn halse . elleuen tyme-gh-
E: 3,169 And als grypyd my gold . to gyff qwar -th-ou lik(es)
E: 3,170 Why wrethys -th-(o)u me now . wond(ir) me thinge-gh-
E: 3,171 Yf I may as I might . menske -th-e w(i)t(h) gyft(es)
E: 3,172 And mayntene -th-i manhode . mare -th-en -th-(o)u
knawys [aaAx]
E: 3,173 Bot -th-(o)u hase famed me fowle . before -th-e
kyng here [aaAxx]
E: 3,174 ffor I begylyd neu(er) man . ne Counsald -th-(er)after
E: 3,175 Ne dyd as -th-ou Demys . I do it on -th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 3,176 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,177 Bot -th-(o)u -th-i self suthly . shamed hym ofter
E: 3,178 -Th-(o)u crepyd into cabons . for cold of -th-i
nales [aaAx]
E: 3,179 ffor -th-(o)u wend wynt(er) . wald haue last eu(er)
E: 3,180 And dred -th-e to haue ben ded . for a dymme cloud
E: 3,181 And hast -th-e hamward . for hung(er) of -th-i wambe
E: 3,182 Withowtyn pete -th-(o)u pelour . pore men -th-(o)u
robbed [aaAx]
E: 3,183 And bare -th-air bras on -th-i bake . to calys to
selle [aaaXx]
E: 3,184 -Th-air I left[e] w(i)t(h) my lord . hys lyve for
to saue [aaAx]
E: 3,185 And I made his mery men . -th-air m(ur)nyng to leue
E: 3,186 And Battyrd -th-aim on -th-e Bakk(es) . & baldyd
-th-air hert(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,187 I did -th-aim for to hope . to haue me at wille
E: 3,188 Hade I ben marshall of hys men . be mary of heuen
E: 3,189 I durst haue layd my lyve . & no les wedd [aaAx]
E: 3,190 He suld haue lord of -th-(a)t land . of lenth & of
brede [aaAx]
E: 3,191 And als kyng of -th-(a)t kyth . hys kyn to haue
holpyn [aaAx]
E: 3,192 Ya -th-e lest brole of hys blode . a barouns pere
E: 3,193 -Th-an Come -th-(o)u consciens . -th-(o)u counseld
hym -th-ine [aaAx]
E: 3,194 ffor to lefe hys lordschip . for a lytyll siluer
fol. 15v
E: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e richest realme . -th-(a)t is ou(er)
qware [aaAx]
E: 3,196 Bot it beco(m)mys to a kyng . -th-(a)t kepys a realme
E: 3,197 To gyff hys me(n) med . at mekly hym s(er)uis [aaAx]
E: 3,198 To aliens & alle men . to hono(ur) w(i)t(h)
gyft(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,199 Mede makys hym to be loved . & for a ma(n) holden
E: 3,200 Emperours & elrs . & alle other lorde-gh-
E: 3,201 Thrugh gyfte-gh- enow haue yong men to ryde [aaAx]
E: 3,202 -Th-e pape w(i)t(h) hys p(re)lat(is) . p(re)sand(es)
vnd(er)faunge-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,203 And mede is mene hir self . to mayntene -th-air
lawes [aaAx]
E: 3,204 Seriaunt(es) for -th-air s(er)uis . we se wele -th-e
sothe [aaAa]
E: 3,205 Takes mede of -th-air maist(er)is . as -th-ai can
acorde [aaAx]
E: 3,206 Beggers for mede . -th-ai beg mennes mete [aaAbb]
E: 3,207 Mynstralles for -th-(er) myrthe . mede -th-ai aske
E: 3,208 The kyng hase mede of hys men . to make pes in land
E: 3,209 Men -th-(a)t ben clerk(is) . craues -th-air mede
E: 3,210 P(re)st(ys) -th-(a)t prechys . cravys also mede
E: 3,211 Mes penys . & -th-(er) mete at -th-e male tyme
E: 3,212 Crafte-gh- men craves . mede of -th-air prentasse
E: 3,213 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,214 Now -th-us w(i)t(h)owtyn mede may no man be blyth
E: 3,215 Q(uo)d -th-e kyng to consciens . be crist as me
-th-inke [aaAx]
E: 3,216 Med is best worthy . -th-e maistry to haue [axAx]
E: 3,217 Na q(ou)d consciens to -th-e kyng . & knelyd
to -th-e erth [aaAx]
E: 3,218 -Th-(er) er two man(er) of mede . my lord be yo(ur)
liue [aaAx]
E: 3,219 -Th-e tone god of his grace . gyff(es) in heuen
E: 3,220 To al -th-(a)t wirk(es) wele . qwilse -th-ai er
here [aaAx]
E: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phete p(re)chys it . & putt(es) in
-th-e sawt(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,221a { Qui pecunia(m) sua(m) non ded(i)t ad vsura(m) &c
} [Latin]
fol. 16r
E: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of -th-aim at trew ben [aaAx]
E: 3,223 Luffe -th-aim & lenne -th-aim . for -th-e lord(is)
love of heuen [aaAx]?
E: 3,224 Godd(is) mede & hys mercy . -th-(er) w(i)t(h)
may -th-ou wynne [aaAx]
E: 3,225 -Th-er ys a mede mesurles . -th-(a)t maistres des(er)ris
E: 3,226 To mayntene misdoers . mony -th-ai take [aaAx]
E: 3,227 And -th-(er)of Says -th-e saut(er) . in -th-e psalme
ende [aaAx]
E: 3,228 { In quor(um) manibus iniquitates sunt }
E: 3,228 { Dext(er)a eor(um) repleta est mun(er)ibus } [Latin]
E: 3,229 -th-ai -th-(a)t grypis suche gyft(es) . sa me god
help [aaAx]
E: 3,230 Sall abye it full bytt(er) . as -th-e buke tellis
E: 3,231 Prest(is) & p(er)sons . at pleasyng des(er)ys
E: 3,232 And takys mede & mony . for messis at -th-ai
syng [aaAx]
E: 3,233 Sall haue mede in -th-is mold . -th-(a)t matthew
has graunted [aaAx]
E: 3,233a { Amen amen dico vobis receperunt mer cedem suam &c
} [Latin]
E: 3,234 -Th-(a)t labores & lewyd folke . takys of -th-air
maist(er)ys [aaXx]
E: 3,235 Is no man(er) of mede . bott a mesurable hire [aaAx]
E: 3,236 In m(ar)chandice is no mede . I maw it wele awoye
E: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutacion . a penyworth for another
E: 3,238 Bot redd -th-(o)u neu(er) { regu(m) } . -th-(o)u
recrayd mede [aaAx]
E: 3,239 Qwy -th-e vengeaunce fell . on saull & hys
chylder [aaXx]
E: 3,240 God sent hym saw . by samuell mouthe [aaAx]
E: 3,241 -Th-(a)t agas & amalec . & all hys peple
eft(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,242 Sall dye for a deed . & done hed hys elders
E: 3,243 Ayayn israell & aron . & moyses hys brether
E: 3,244 Samuel sayd to saul . god sent -th-e & highte
E: 3,245 Bot -th-(o)u be buxum & boner . hys biddyng
to fulfyll [aaAx]
E: 3,246 Wend -th-edir w(i)t(h) -th-i ost . women to kylle
fol. 16v
E: 3,247 Childe & churles . chope -th-aim to dede [aaAx]
E: 3,248 Luke -th-(o)u kylle kyng . bot couett noght hys
gude-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,249 ffor ony milions of money . murther -th-aim all
E: 3,250 Bernes and best(is) . bryng -th-aim to dede [aaAx]
E: 3,251 And for he kyllyd noght -th-e kyng . bot cowett
hys goode-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,252 And Cowett -th-(er) catell . & kyllyd noght
-th-(er) best(is) [aaAx]
E: 3,253 & broght w(i)t(h) hym -th-e beste-gh- . als
-th-e bybylle tellys [aaAx]
E: 3,254 God sayd to samuel . -th-(a)t saull suld dye [aaAx]
E: 3,255 And all hys sede for hys synne . sinffully shulde
ende [aaAx]
E: 3,256 Swilke a mischyff mede . made -th-(a)t man for to
haue [aaAx]
E: 3,257 That god hat(es) hym for eu(er) . & alle hys
sede aftir [aaAa]
E: 3,258 The colour of -th-is case . kepe I noght to shew
E: 3,259 In aunter -th-(a)t it noyd me . nane end wille I
make [aaAxx]
E: 3,260 In consciens knaw . for reson hase it thaught [aaAx]
E: 3,261 And reson shal rene . & realme-gh- defende [aaAx]
E: 3,262 And right as agas had . hap for hisse grett synne
E: 3,263 Samuel shal slae hym . & saul sall be blamyd
E: 3,264 Dauid shall be diademed . & daunte -th-aim alle
E: 3,265 And vn cristen kynge-gh- . clepe -th-aim ilkane
E: 3,266 Sall na mare mede . be maist(er) vppon erth [aaAx]
E: 3,267 Bot luff & lufsum(n)es . & leaute togider(is)
E: 3,268 And qwa so trispas to trouth . or tak(es) & ayayns
hys wytt [aaAx]
E: 3,269 Lewte shal do hym law . & no lyve ellys [aaAx]
E: 3,270 Sall no seriaunt for -th-(a)t s(er)uice . were no
sylke houfe [aaAx]
E: 3,271 Na -y-it no ray robe . w(i)t(h) riche pelowre [aaAx]
E: 3,272 Mede of misdoeers . mak(es) men so riche [aaAx]
E: 3,273 -Th-(a)t law is lord & luve is waxen pure [aaAx]
E: 3,274 Wikkydnes is co(m)maund(ur) . & kyndnes banyschede
E: 3,275 Bot kynd wytte shal come -y-it . & conscience
toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,276 And make of law a laborer . swylke luve sal aryse
fol. 17r
Quartus Passus de Visione Petri &c
E: 4,1 Es -gh-e sayd -th-e kyng . I suffre you no langer [aaAx]
E: 4,2 Ye sal saghtyll forsothe . her & s(er)ue me both
E: 4,3 kys hyr coth -th-e kyng . consciens I bydde [aaAx]
E: 4,4 Nay be c(ri)st q(ou)d consciens . hang me rather [aaAx]
E: 4,5 Bot reson rede mede -th-(er)to . rather will I dey
E: 4,6 I co(m)mande -th-e q(ou)d -th-e kyng . conscience
-th-en [aaAx]
E: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ryde . reson to feche [aaAx]
E: 4,8 Co(m)maund hym to come . my counsell to here [aaAx]
E: 4,9 ffor he sall rewle my realme . & red me -th-e
best [aaAx]
E: 4,10 Of mede & of other ma . qwat man shall hir weld
E: 4,11 And acount w(i)t(h) conscience . as crist me help
E: 4,12 How he loses -th-e peple . -th-e leryd & -th-e
lewyd [axAa]
E: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-is forward . sayd -th-e freke -th-en
E: 4,14 And ryde-gh- right to reson . & rownes in hys
ere [aaaAx]
E: 4,15 Sayd hym as -th-e kyng sent . & sythyn take hys
leue [aaAxx]
E: 4,16 I sal ryde -th-ider q(ou)d reson . & rist -th-are
a qwile [aaaAx]
E: 4,17 And callyd on catoun hys knaffe . curteise of speche
E: 4,17 [B:IV,17/C:V,18] Bad hym trew of tonge to tell hym
no talys
E: 4,17 [B:IV,18/C:V,19] No lesynge-th- to lye for -th-oo
lufe he neu(er)
E: 4,18 Sett my sadyll . apon suffre tyll I see my tyme [aaAa]
E: 4,19 And Bad warrok hym wele . w(i)t(h) full wyght girthes
E: 4,20 hang on hym a hevy bridyll . to hald hys heued law
E: 4,21 ffor he will make mony wiche . or we come -th-(er)
E: 4,22 -Th-an consciens on hys capyll . caryd forth fast
E: 4,23 And reson w(i)t(h) hym to ryde . rapyd hym in hast
E: 4,24 Bod an warnyd wisdom . & witty hys fere [aaAx]
E: 4,25 ffolowd -th-aim full fast . for -th-ai hed to do
E: 4,26 In cheker & in chauncery . to be discharged of
-th-inges [aaAx]
fol. 17v
E: 4,27 And rydes fast for reson . suld rede -th-aim -th-e
best [aaAx]
E: 4,28 ffor to saue -th-aim selue . from shame & fro
harme [aaAx]
E: 4,29 And consciens come first . to court be lang mile
E: 4,30 And romed forth w(i)t(h) reson . right to -th-e kyng
E: 4,31 Curteisly -th-e kyng . -th-an come agayns reson [aaAx]
E: 4,32 Betwix hym self & hys sonne . hett set hym on
-th-e benke [aaAx]
E: 4,33 And wordyd ful wyssely a gret qwyle toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,34 -Th-an come pes in p(ar)lement . & put vp a bylle
E: 4,35 How wrang hed hys wif takyn al ayayn hys wille [aaAx]
E: 4,36 And howe he ravyshed rose . Ranalde-gh- lufe [aaAx]
E: 4,37 And margaret of hir maydynhode . maugry hir chekys
E: 4,38 Bath my gese & my gryce . w(i)t(h) goslyng(es)
he fechys [aaAx]
E: 4,39 I dar nowther for ferde w(i)t(h) hym . feght ne chyde
E: 4,40 He borowd of me bayerd . he broght hym neu(er) agayn
E: 4,41 Ne na ferthyng -th-(er)fore . for noght at couth
plete [aaAxx]
E: 4,42 He mayntened hys men . to morthore my yowes [aaAx]
E: 4,43 And forstallyd my faires . and fighte-gh- in my chepyng
E: 4,44 He brek(es) vp my bern dores . & berys away my
qwete [aaAx]
E: 4,45 He tak(es) me bott a tale . for ten quart(er)ys of
qwete [aaAx]
E: 4,46 And also treth me to lye by my maden
E: 4,46 And bad me thare to lye by my maden
E: 4,47 I am no-gh-t hardy for hym to wynke ne to luke [aaAx]
E: 4,48 The kyng knew . he sayd soth for consciens hym tald
E: 4,49 Wrang was aferd -th-an . & wisdom he soght [axAx]
E: 4,50 To make w(i)t(h) hys pins . he p(ro)fird & sayd
E: 4,51 had I luve of my lord -th-e kyng . lytyll wald I
rake [aaAx]
E: 4,52 Gyf pes & hys power . pleynyd for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,53 Wisdom wrethed -th-an . & swa did w(i)t(h) als
E: 4,54 ffor -th-(a)t wrang had wroght . swa wikkyd a dede
fol. 18r
E: 4,55 And warned wrang -th-(er) . & w(i)t(h) swilk wyse
wordes [aaAx]
E: 4,56 Wha sa wirkes w(i)t(h) will . makes wrethe ofte [aaAx]
E: 4,57 I say it be -th-i seluen . -th-(o)u sall it fynd
sone [aaAx]
E: 4,58 ffor bott I it make . -th-i mischeff is vppe [aaAx]
E: 4,59 ffor bath -th-i lyue & -th-i land . lyis in hys
grace [aaAx]
E: 4,60 Wrange vpon wisdom . wepyd hym to help [aaAx]
E: 4,61 And p(ra)ed hym for of hys . & sone had he payd
E: 4,62 Than wisdom & witt . went forth toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,63 And tuke med w(i)t(h) -th-aim . mercy to wyn [axAx]
E: 4,64 Pees put forth hys heued . & hys pan blody [aaxAx]
E: 4,65 W(i)t(h)outyn gylt god it wate . gat I -th-is scathe
E: 4,66 Consciens & -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e suthe
E: 4,67 And full wel vnd(er)stude . at wrang was a schrew
E: 4,68 Bot -th-an wisdom & witte . was abowte fast [aaAx]
E: 4,69 To ou(er)com -th-e kyng . w(i)t(h) catell if -th-ai
might [aaAx]
E: 4,70 Than swore -th-e kyng be c(ri)st . & be hys corone
bath [aaAx]
E: 4,71 -Th-(a)t wrang for his werk . suld mekyl wa thole
E: 4,72 And co(m)mand a constable . to cast hym in yrnes
E: 4,73 He shal no-gh-t -th-is seuen -y-ere see hys fete
anys [aaAx]
E: 4,74 God wate q(ou)d wisdom . -th-(a)t wer -th-e no-gh-t
-th-e best [aaAx]
E: 4,75 And he amendes may make . lat hym maynpres haue [aaAx]
E: 4,76 And be boght from hys bale . & als bye hym bote
E: 4v77 And amend -th-(a)t mysdede . & eu(er)more be
bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,78 Witt acord -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . & sayd -th-e same
E: 4,79 Bett(er) is -th-(a)t bute . bale downe brynge [aaAa]
E: 4,80 And bale be full bute . & bute neu(er) -th-e
bett(er) [aaAa]
E: 4,81 Than gan mede meke hir . & m(er)cy besoght [aaAx]
E: 4,82 And p(ro)ferd pe(n)nys for pes & pecys of gold
E: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me . to amend -th-i skathe [aaAx]
fol. 18v
E: 4,84 ffor I plegh for wrang . he will do so no mare [aaAx]
E: 4,85 Pytously -th-an -th-es . prayed to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 4,86 To haue m(er)cy of -th-(a)t man . -th-(a)t mysdyd
hym ofte [aaAx]
E: 4,87 ffor he has wagytt me wele . as wisdom hym taght
E: 4,88 I forgyff hym -th-(a)t gylt . w(i)t(h) a gude wylle
E: 4,89 Swa -th-(a)t he assent . I can say no mare [aaAx]
E: 4,90 ffor mede hase made me amendes . I may nomare aske
E: 4,91 Nay q(ou)d -th-e kyng -th-an . sa god gyff me blysse
E: 4,92 Wrang wendes noght swa away . or we wete more [aaaAx]
E: 4,93 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 4,94 And eftirward balder be . to bete my hynes [aaAx]
E: 4,95 ffor bott reson haue rewthe of hym . he rest(es)
in -th-e stokkes [aaAx]
E: 4,96 Als lang as I leve . bott bett(er) love it make [aaAx]
E: 4,97 Su(m) men red reson . rewth for to haue [aaAx]
E: 4,98 And counseld -th-e kyng . & consciens als [aaAx]
E: 4,99 That mede might be maynprysyd & reson -th-ai
soght [aaaXx]?
E: 4,100 Rede me q(ou)d reson . -th-an na rewthe for to haue
E: 4,101 Tyl -th-(a)t lorde-gh- & lade-gh- . love al
trewth [aaAx]
E: 4,102 And pelurs & purfels . be putt in -th-air huche
E: 4,103 Til chefysyng of chyld(er) . be castyd w(i)t(h)
-y-erd(is) [aaAx]
E: 4,104 And harlotes halynes . be halden for a hyne [aaAa]
E: 4,105 Till clerke-gh- & knyght(es) . be c(ur)tase
of -th-air mouth [aaAx]
E: 4,106 And hate all harlottre to here . or to mouthe [aaaAx]
E: 4,107 Tyll p(re)st(is) -th-air p(re)chyng . p(ro)fers
-th-aim seluen [aaAx]
E: 4,108 And do it in dede . & draw vs to god [aaAx]
E: 4,109 To saynt Iames be soght . -th-(er) I sall assynge
E: 4,110 -Th-(a)t na man ga to galys . bott yf he go for
eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,111 Ne no rome rynners . for robbers beyonde [aaAx]
E: 4,112 Ber no syluer ou(er) see . -th-(a)t signe of kynge
schewys [aaAa]
E: 4,113 Nowther grot(is) y ne gold . graven w(i)t(h) kynge-gh-
corone [aaAx]
fol. 19r
E: 4,114 Vpon forfetto(ur) of-th-(a)t fee . wha sa fynd it
may [aaAx]
E: 4,115 Bot it be m(ar)chaund or hys man . or messeng(er)
w(i)t(h) lett(er)ys [aaAx]
E: 4,116 Or ells p(ro)uisour or p(re)st . at -th-e pape au(au)nce-gh-
E: 4,117 And q(ou)d reson be rude . sall I na rewthe haue
E: 4,118 Whyls mede hase -th-e maistre . to moute in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
E: 4,119 Bot I schew -y-ou ensaumple . als I se other [aaAx]
E: 4,120 I say it for my self . yf so wer [aaAx]
E: 4,121 That wer kyng w(i)t(h) corone . to kepe -th-e realme
E: 4,122 Suld neu(er) wrang in -th-is werld . -th-(a)t I
wete myght [aaAx]
E: 4,123 Be vnpunyshyd in my power . for perell of my saulle
E: 4,124 Ne gett grace -th-orow gyft . sa god me help [aaaAx]
E: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)cy . bott meknes it make
E: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) erit } to man { inpunitu(m)
} [aaAx]
E: 4,127 And also { nullu(m) bonu(m) irremun(er)atu(m) }
E: 4,128 lat -th-i confessour Sir kyng . constreu -th-is
in ynglyss [aaAx]
E: 4,129 And yf -th-(o)u wyrk -th-is in werk . I gyff -th-e
my erys [aaAx]
E: 4,130 Bot law be a laborer . & lede afeld donge [aaAx]
E: 4,131 And love sal lede -th-i land . als hym selfe lyk(es)
E: 4,132 Clerk(is) -th-(a)t wer confessours . coplyd -th-aim
toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,133 ffor to constru -th-is clause . -th-ai declyned
fast [aaAx]
E: 4,134 When reson emong renkes . had rehersyd -th-ees wordes
E: 4,134 -Th-(er) is no euyll vnpunyshyd of owr lord
E: 4,134 Ne na ded -th-(a)t is wele done bott dowele shal
it qwyte
E: 4,135 -Th-an was -th-(er) no muthall . mare ne no lesse
E: 4,136 -Th-en held -th-ai reson a maist(er) & mede
. a mekyll wryche [xaaAx]
E: 4,137 Love lete of hir light . & loghe hir to scorne
E: 4,138 And sayd it swa loude . at sothnes hit herd [aaAx]
E: 4,139 Wha wyll hir to wyffe . for welth of hir gudes [aaAx]
E: 4,140 Bott he be cukwald callyd . kutte of my nose [aaAx]
E: 4,141 War & wisdom wer -th-(er) . & witte hys
fere [aaAx]
fol. 19v
E: 4,142 -Th-ai couth no-gh-t carpe a word . to witte sayd
reson [aaAx]
E: 4,143 And staryd forth stridyng . & stode like beste-gh-
E: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acordytt . be crist to reson sawes [aaAx]
E: 4,145 And rehersyd -th-at reson . hed rightwysly schewyd
E: 4,146 Bot it is herd to me to bryng -th-aim toged(er)
E: 4,147 And alle my leige landes . to lede -th-us euen [aaAx]
E: 4,148 Be hym -th-(a)t ryst vppo(n) -th-e rude . q(ou)d
reson to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 4,149 Bott -th-(o)u rewle -th-i realme -th-us . y sall(es)
noght wele like [aaAx]
E: 4,150 Swa at -th-(o)u lat buxu(m)nes . be at -th-i assente
E: 4,151 And I assent q(ou)d -th-e kyng . be Saynt mary my
lady [axAx]
E: 4,152 Be my counsell comon . of clerkys & of erls
E: 4,153 Bot redely reson . -th-(o)u sall noght ryde hyne
E: 4,154 ffor als long as I leve . love we sall toged(er)
E: 4,155 I am als redy q(ou)d reson . to rist w(i)t(h) you
eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,156 Swa -th-(a)t consciens be of counsel . kepe I no
bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,157 Yit g(ra)untt I q(ou)d -th-e kyng . god forbed he
faylle [aaAbb]
E: 4,158 Bott als long as I leve . abyde we sall togyd(er)
Passus quintus de Visone
E: 5,1 [T]he kyng & hys knyghte-gh- . to -th-e kirke went
E: 5,2 To here matynes & messe . & to -th-e mete
eft(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,3 -Th-an wakenyd I of my slep . & wa was me w(i)t(h)alle
E: 5,4 -Th-(a)t I ne hed slepyd sadder . & sene muche
mare [aaAx]
E: 5,5 Or I hed faryd a furelong . a fayntnes me hynt [aaAx]
E: 5,6 -Th-(a)t I ne myght ferrer a fute . for defawte of
slepe [aaAx]
E: 5,7 I sett me softly downe . & sayd my beleue [aaAx]
E: 5,8 And swa I bablyd on my bed(is) . I was broght on slepe
E: 5,9 -Th-an saw I mekyll more . -th-en I before tald [aaXx]
E: 5,10 I saw -th-e feld ful of folke . -th-(a)t I before
of tald [aaAx]
E: 5,11 And consciens w(i)t(h) a crosse . come for to preche
fol. 20r
E: 5,12 he p(re)chid -th-e peple . to haue pite on -th-aim
seluen [aaAx]
E: 5,13 And at -th-e pestilence . fell for Synne alonly [aaAx]
E: 5,14 And for a southwesterne wynd . on set(ur)day at euen
E: 5,15 Was inp(er)ty for pride . & for no poynte elles
E: 5,16 Pertres & plumtres . war possyd to -th-e erth
E: 5,17 In exsaumpyll I say for . -y-e suld do -th-e bett(er)
E: 5,18 Beches & brade akes . was blawyn to -th-e ground
E: 5,19 And t(ur)nyd vpward -th-e talys . in takenyng of
dred [aaAx]
E: 5,20 -Th-(a)t dedly synne on domesday . sall fordo -th-aim
all [aaAx]
E: 5,21 Off -th-is mater I might . m(er)vell full long [aaAx]
E: 5,22 Bott I sall say as I sawe . sa me god help [aaAxx]
E: 5,23 When consciens w(i)t(h) a crosse . began for to p(re)che
E: 5,24 He bad wastores wirke . qwat -th-ai be couthe [aaAxx]
E: 5,25 And wynne -th-(a)t he wastyd . be sum kyn crafte
E: 5,26 And he p(ra)ed peronell . hir p(ur)fell to leue [aaAx]
E: 5,27 And kepe it in hir cofer . for catell at nede [aaAx]
E: 5,28 Thomas he taght . twa staffes to take [aaAx]
E: 5,29 And feche home felys . from wifes pyne [aaAxx]
E: 5,30 And als he warnyd wat . hys wyffe was to blame [aaAx]
E: 5,31 Hir heued was worth a marke . & his noght a grote
E: 5,31 [B:V,32/C:VI,135] He bad hym git breke a bowgh -th-(a)t
wele wold lowe
E: 5,31 [B:V,33/C:VI,136] And bete botoune -th-(er)w(i)t(h)
bot scho wald swynke
E: 5,32 Als he chargytt chepmen . to chasty -th-air childer
E: 5,33 latt no wynnyng forweyne -th-aim . qwilse -th-ai
er yong [aaAx]
E: 5,34 He p(ra)ed als p(re)lates . & prist(es) togedir
E: 5,35 At -th-ai p(re)che -th-e peple . & prove it -th-air
seluen [aaAx]
E: 5,36 And leve als -th-ai lere vs . we trast -th-aim -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,37 And syne he red religioun . -th-(er) rewlys to kepe
E: 5,38 Latt noght -th-e kyng & hys counsell -th-air
. comons apare [aaAx]
E: 5,39 And be stewerd of -th-air sted(es) . tyll -th-ai
be storyd wele [aaAx]
E: 5,40 --- this line is omitted ---
fol. 20v
E: 5,41 Seke seynt troth . for he may saue -gh-(o)w alle [aaAx]
E: 5,42 { Qui cum p(at)re & filio } . faire might hym
befalle [xaAx]
E: 5,42 [B:V 60/C:VI,201] -th-e sonne rye stynte sprinte & my simone swete
E: 5,43 -th-an ran repentaunce . rehersyd his theme [aaAx]
E: 5,44 And made will to wepe watyr of hys ene [aaaAx]
E: 5,45 Peronell prowd hert . plat hir to -th-e erth [aaAx]
E: 5,46 And lay lang or she lokyd vp . & m(er)cy sho
cryed [aaaAx]
E: 5,47 And sho hight to hym . -th-(a)t vs alle made [aaAx]
E: 5,48 -Th-(a)t Sho suld vnsow hir serke . & sett -th-(er)in
a hare [aaAx]
E: 5,49 ffor to frete hir flesche . -th-(a)t fers was to
synne [aaAx]
E: 5,50 Sall neu(er) hye hert me hynt . bot hold me law [aaaAx]
E: 5,51 And suffer to be missayde . & so dyd I neu(er)
E: 5,52 Bot nowe will I meke me . & m(er)cy beseke [aaAx]
E: 5,53 Off alle -th-(a)t I haue hed enuy . in my hert [aa?a]
E: 5,54 Licho(ur) sayd allas . & on owr lady cryed [aaAx]
E: 5,55 To make m(er)cy for hys misdede . bitwix god & hys
seaulle [aaaXx]
E: 5,56 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t he suld -th-e set(er)day . seuen
-y-ere aftir [aaAx]
E: 5,57 Drinke w(i)t(h) -th-e duke . & dyne bott anys
E: 5,58 Enuy w(i)t(h) heuy hert . askyd aftir Shrifte [aaaAx]
E: 5,59 And caryfully his coupe . he couett(es) to shew [aaAx]
E: 5,60 He was als a piller . & in -th-e p(ar)lesy semed
E: 5,61 He cled in a toury mowry . I couthe noght discry
E: 5,62 A kyrtyll & a courtby . a knyffe be hys syde
E: 5,63 And of frere froke . wer hys fore sleves [aaAx]
E: 5,64 Als a leke -th-(a)t hed ben . lang in -th-e su(n)ne
E: 5,65 Swa lukyd w(i)t(h) lene chekys . lowrande full fowll
E: 5,66 Hys body was bolnyd for wreth . -th-(a)t he bate
hys lipp(es) [aaxAx]
E: 5,67 And wrathly wrang hys handes . to wreke hym he thoght
E: 5,68 W(i)t(h) werk or w(i)t(h) word . qwen he sawe hys
tyme [aaAxx]
fol. 21r
E: 5,69 Wyrmes or wynagre . or wenom I trowe [aaAx]
E: 5,70 Walk(es) in my wombe . & waxis as I wene [aaAa]
E: 5,71 I myght noght leve mony -y-eres . as a man suld [aaAx]
E: 5,72 Swylke wynde in my wombe . waxes or I dyne [aaAx]
E: 5,73 I haue a nextbur nere me . I noyde hym full ofte
E: 5,74 Iblamed hym byhynde hys bake . to bring hym in fame
E: 5,75 To pare him in my power . I p(er)sewed hym ofte [aaAx]
E: 5,76 And als misloued hym to lorde-gh- . to gar losse
hys sylu(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,77 To gar hys frende-gh- be hys foes . -th-orow my fals
talys [aaAx]
E: 5,78 His grace & hys godnes . grevyd me full sare
E: 5,79 Betwix men & -th-air wyffes . I haue made striffe
ofte [xaAx]
E: 5,80 Bath lyme & lith . was lost -th-orow my tonge
E: 5,81 When I mett hym in -th-e m(ar)kett -th-(a)t I most
hatyd [aaAx]
E: 5,82 I ha[l]syd hym als hendely as I hys frend wer [aaAxx]
E: 5,83 But he -th-(a)t is doghtyer I dar . no harme do hym
E: 5,84 And I hed maistre or myght . I wald murther hym for
eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,85 When I come to -th-e kirke . & suld knele to
-th-e rude [aaAx]
E: 5,86 To pray for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st techys
E: 5,87 ffor pilgrames for palmers . for all -th-e peple
eft(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,88 Than knelyd I vpon my kneys . & praed c(ri)st
gyf -th-aim sorow [aaAx]
E: 5,89 -Th-(a)t bar away my boll . & my broken shete
E: 5,90 And also from -th-e aut(er) . my ene I t(ur)ned [aaAx]
E: 5,91 And byheld how mony . hed new cote-gh- [aaAx]
E: 5,92 -Th-an I wissyd -th-(a)t -th-ai wer myne . w(i)t(h)
all -th-e webbe-gh- aft(ir) [aaAx]
E: 5,93 At -th-air loysyng I lugh . & light was hert
E: 5,94 ffor -th-air wynnyng I wepyd . & werys -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
E: 5,95 And I deme in my hert at mony doys euyll
E: 5,95 And -gh-it I do me wel wers I do me on my seluen
E: 5,96 ffor I wald -th-(a)t eu(er)ilke wight . wer becomon
my knaffe [aaAx]
fol. 21v
E: 5,97 And qwasa hase mare -th-en I . gretly angers my hert
E: 5,98 Bot -th-us I leve lawles . like a lethir dog [aaAx]
E: 5,99 -Th-(a)t al my brest bolnes . for bitt(er)nes of
galle [aaAx]
E: 5,100 May no suger ne swete -th-ing . swage me on ynche
E: 5,101 Ne no diapendion . dryve it fro myn hert [aaAx]?
E: 5,102 And if shrifte suld . it stoppe it wer gret wond(ir)
E: 5,103 -Th-us rede I q(ou)d repentaunce . & red hym
-th-e best [aaAx]
E: 5,104 Sorow for synnes . saves full many [aaAx]
E: 5,105 I am sory q(ou)d enuy . I am bot seldom -th-(er)
E: 5,106 And -th-(a)t mak(es) me madde . for I ne may me
venge [aaAx]
E: 5,107 Than come coueitys . I can hym noght discry [aaAx]
E: 5,108 So hungrely he lukyd as a hotte of hell [aaAx]
E: 5,109 He betyllbrowyd & alswa blab(ur)lepyd
E: 5,109 W(i)t(h) twa bleryd ene like a blynd asse [aaAx]
E: 5,110 And also a letheron purse . likerd wer hys chekes
E: 5,110 [B:V,194/C:VI,201] Bot like a bondman on hys bacon brothy was hys month
E: 5,111 In a nold t(ur)ned taberd . of xij wynt(er) aide,
E: 5,112 Bot if a louse couth lepe . or flee as I trow [aaXa]
E: 5,113 Sho suld noght wandir on -th-(a)t wede . so was
it -th-redbare [aaAx]
E: 5,114 I haue ben couatyse q(ou)d -th-(a)t katyf . well
I knaw hit here [aaAx]
E: 5,115 And qwen I s(er)uyd synne me thoght it semyd wele
E: 5,116 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 5,117 ffirst I leryd of leyng . a lefe or elles twa [aaAx]
E: 5,118 Wykkydly to wey . was my first lessoun [aaAxx]
E: 5,119 To ware & to wynchestre . went I to -th-e fare
E: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) of m(er)chaundyse . as my
maist(er) aght [aaAx]
E: 5,121 Ne hed -th-e grace of gyle . gane aye emang my ware
E: 5,122 It hed ben vnsald -th-is seuen -y-ere Iwys [aaAxx]
E: 5,123 I drowe emang drap(er)s . my donette to lere [aaAx]
E: 5,124 To draw -th-e list of lenth . -th-e langer it semyd
fol. 22r
E: 5,125 Emong -th-e riche rays . I renderd a lesson [aaAx]
E: 5,126 Brochyd -th-aim w(i)t(h) bat nedyls . & playtyd
-th-aim toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,127 And put -th-aim in a pressour . & pilyd -th-aim
-th-(er)in [aaAx]
E: 5,128 To ten -y-erd(es) or twelf . tylyd out tretene [aaAx]
E: 5,129 My wiffe was a wyndster . & wollen clath made
E: 5,130 And sho spake to spynsters . to spynne it -th-er
owt [aaAx]
E: 5,131 -Th-e pund at sho payd . for passyd a quatar [aaAx]
E: 5,132 Mare -th-en my awne . qwen I wey trothe [aaAx]
E: 5,133 I boght hir barly . sho browyd it to selle [aaAx]
E: 5,134 Pennyale & peleway . sho powred toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,135 ffor laborers & lewyd folke . -th-(a)t lay by
-th-aim seluen [aaAx]
E: 5,136 -Th-e best in my bed chaumbre . lay by -th-e walle
E: 5,137 And qwa sa boght hereof . boght for a grote [abAb]
E: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wote no lesse [aaAx]
E: 5,139 When it come to copnale . -th-(a)t craft my wyfe
vsyd [aaAx]
E: 5,140 Rose -th-e regrator . was hir right name [aaAx]
E: 5,141 Sho hade haldyn ostre . elleuen wynt(er)es lang
E: 5,142 Bot I assure you als mot I the . -th-(a)t synne
dyd she neu(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,143 And neu(er) wikkydly to wey . ne c(ur)syd chafer
make [aaAx]
E: 5,144 Bot I wil wend to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyffe
alswa [aaAx]
E: 5,145 And pray -th-e rode of bromholme . bryng owt of
dett [aaAx]
E: 5,146 Now begynnys glotony . to gang on hy way [aaAx]
E: 5,147 And karyd to -th-e kirke . hys cowlpe for to schewe
E: 5,148 Bot beton -th-e brewster . hym gude morne [aaAx]
E: 5,149 And she askyd of hym . qwed(er) -th-(a)t he wald
E: 5,150 To holy kirke q(ou)d he . for to here messe [aaAx]
E: 5,151 And sythen sall I shreuen be . & neu(er) synne
mare [aaAx]
E: 5,152 I haue gude ale gosop . glotou(n) wilt -th-(o)w
assay [aaAx]
E: 5,153 Hafe-gh- -th-(o)u q(ou)d he . ony hate spyce [aaAx]
E: 5,154 Ya gloton q(ou)d sho . god wote ful hote [aaAx]
fol. 22v
E: 5,155 I haue pip(er) . & a pound of garlike [aaAx]
E: 5,156 A fferthing worth of fenill sed(is) . for fastyng
days [aaAx]
E: 5,157 -Th-an co(m)mys gloton in . & gret athes after
E: 5,158 Sissot -th-e sewster . sat on -th-e benke [aaAx]
E: 5,159 And bratram -th-e bewer . & hys wiff bath [aaAx]
E: 5,160 Tom -th-e tynkeler . & twa of hys knaffes [aaAx]
E: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hakenaman . & hugh -th-e milner
E: 5,162 Clarys of cokke-gh-layne . & -th-e p(ar)iche
clerke [aaAx]
E: 5,162 [B:V,312/C:VII,367] Sir Pers of Pride & Perenell of flanders
E: 5,163 Daw -th-e Drinker . & a dosenne other [aaAx]
E: 5,164 -th-e redylle maker of ratonraw . a rakar of ryse
E: 5,165 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 5,165 [B:V,324/C:VII,373] Godfray -th-e garlikmangar & griffyn of Wales
E: 5,166 Of ephalders a hepe . arele amorne [aaAx]
E: 5,167 Gaff gloton w(i)t(h) gude chere . a galon of ale
to hansell [aaAbb]
E: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobler . kest of hys cloke [aaAa]
E: 5,169 And -th-(er) at -th-e new fare . namyd it to sell
E: 5,170 Hikke -th-e ostiler . hynt hys hode after [aaAa]
E: 5,171 And bad bett -th-e bowcher . be on hys syde [aaaAx]
E: 5,172 -Th-(er) wer chepmen chosyn . -th-e chefar to prase
E: 5,173 Wha sa hed -th-e hude suld haue . amendes to -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
E: 5,174 Twa rase vp in a rowte . & rownys togid(er)
E: 5,175 And prasyd -th-e pennyworthes . inp(ar)ty by -th-aim
seluen [aaAx]
E: 5,176 -Th-(er) was athes mony . ouer -th-e hude swornne
E: 5,177 -Th-ai couth not be consciens . acord welle toged(er)
E: 5,178 Tyll robyn -th-e rap(er) . was redy to ryse [aaAa]
E: 5,179 Thai named hym a nowmpere . -th-(a)t no lite were
E: 5,180 Hik -th-e ostiler . -th-en hed -th-e cloke [aaAx]
E: 5,181 In counand at clement . -th-e cuppe suld fylle [aaAx]
E: 5,182 And haue hik hude -th-e ostiler . & hald hym
swa s(er)uyd [aaaAx]
E: 5,183 And qwa sa repent hym rathest . suld ryse [aaAx]
E: 5,184 And grett s(ir) gloton . w(i)t(h) a galon of hale
fol. 23r
E: 5,185 -Th-(er) was laughyng & lenyng . & lattyng
of -th-e cupp ga [aaAx]
E: 5,186 Bargans & berage . began for to ryse [aaAx]
E: 5,187 And sa still samme(n) -th-ai satt tyll euensong
was songen [aaAx]
E: 5,188 Till gloton had gobbyd . a galon & a gylle [aaAa]
E: 5,188 [B:V,340/C:VII,398] Hys gottes golled like a gredy sowe
E: 5,189 He pissyd a potell . in a p(ate)rnost(er) qwyle [aaAx]
E: 5,190 And blew a rownd rowet . at -th-e rigebone end [aaAx]
E: 5,191 -Th-(a)t all -th-(a)t herd -th-(a)t horne . helde
-th-air nose aftir [aaAa]
E: 5,192 And wissyd -th-(a)t it ben wipyd . w(i)t(h) a wispe
of brerys [aaAx]
E: 5,193 He had no strenth for to stand . or he a staffe
had [aaAx]
E: 5,194 -Th-an began he to ga . like a glewmans beche [aaAx]
E: 5,195 Summe tyme of syde . & su(m) tyme of arere [aaAx]
E: 5,196 As qwa sa layd lynes . to take w(i)t(h) fowles [aaAx]
E: 5,197 Qwen he drow to -th-e dore . -th-an dymmyd hys ene
E: 5,198 He stombeld at -th-e freswald . & threw to -th-e
erth [aaAx]
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] Clement -th-e cobler kaght by
-th-e medyll
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] ffor to lift hym on loft & layd
on hys kneys
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] Bot gloton was a grett carle & hevy
to lifte
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] he gave vp a caudell in clement
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] Is none so hungry a honde in
hertforth schire
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] Ayght lape of -th-(a)t levyng
so vnlovesinn it smellyd
E: 5,199 W(i)t(h) all -th-e waye of -th-is werld . hys wyffe & hys
wenche [aaAa]
E: 5,200 Bare hym to hys bed . & broght hym -th-(er)in
E: 5,201 Eftir -th-is he suffird . ane accesse he hede [aaxAa]
E: 5,202 -Th-(a)t he slepyd sett(er)day & sunday . to
-th-e sun yode to rist [aaaAx]
E: 5,203 Than wakynnyd he of hys wynkyng . & wypyd hys
ene [aaAx]
E: 5,204 -Th-e ffirst word he sapke . qwar is -th-e bolle
E: 5,205 Hys wiffe wytyd hym -th-an . of wykydnes & synne
E: 5,206 -Th-an Shamed -th-at schrew . & gan sharpe hys
eres [aaAx]
E: 5,207 And gret full gremly . & gret dule make [aaAx]
E: 5,208 ffor hys lethyr lyve . -th-(a)t he levyd had [aaAx]
E: 5,209 And avowyd to fast . for hungre or for thrist [aaAxx]
fol. 23v
E: 5,210 Sall neu(er) fiche on fryday . rist in my wombe [aaAx]
E: 5,211 Or abstinence my adu(er)sarij . haue gyfyn me leve
E: 5,212 And it haue I hatyd . all my lyfe tyme [aaAxx]
E: 5,213 Slewth for sorow . fell downe in swoune [aaXa]
E: 5,214 To vigilate -th-(a)t wille . fett wat(ir) to hys
eyne [aaAx]
E: 5,215 And platt it on hys face . & fast on hym cryed
E: 5,216 And sayd war -th-e from wanhop . -th-(a)t wald -th-e
betraysse [aaAx]
E: 5,217 I am sory for my synnes . say so -th-i seluen [aaAa]
E: 5,218 And bett -th-i self vppon -th-e brest . & abyde
hym of grace [aaAx]
E: 5,219 ffor -th-(er) is no gilt so grett here . bott hys
grace is mare [aaAx]
E: 5,220 Than satt slewth vp . & schraffe hym full fast
E: 5,221 And made awoye vnto god . for hys fowle slewth [aaAx]
E: 5,222 Sall na sunday -th-is seuen -y-ere . bott seknes
make it [aaAx]
E: 5,223 -Th-at I ne sall do me or day . to -th-e kirke [aaAx]
E: 5,224 And here matyns & messe . as I a monke were
E: 5,225 Sall no nale aftir mete . hald me -th-ine [aaAx]
E: 5,226 To I haue eunensang herd . I hett be -th-e rude
E: 5,227 Als I wolle -y-eld agayn . yf I so mekell haue [aaAxx]
E: 5,228 All -th-(a)t I wykkydly wan . sethen I witte hade
E: 5,229 And -th-of my levelade lake . -y-et lett I ne wyll
E: 5,230 -Th-(a)t ilke man sall have hys . or I hynde wend
E: 5,231 W(i)t(h) -th-e remanent & residew . be -th-e
rude of chest(re) [aaAx]
E: 5,232 I will seke saynt trewth . or I see rome [axAx]
E: 5,233 Rob(er)t of robberre . on reddite lokyd [aaAx]
E: 5,234 And for -th-(er) was noght -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . he
wepyd full sore [aaAx]
E: 5,235 And -th-(a)t synfull schrew . sayd to hym seluen
E: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on calvary . on -th-e crosse dyed
E: 5,237 When dismas my brother bysoght -th-e of grace [????]
E: 5,238 And -th-(o)u hade m(er)cy of -th-at man . for memento
sake [aaAx]
E: 5,239 Thy will wirke vppon me . as I haue wel s(er)uyd
E: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er) . if ne hope were [aaAx]
fol. 24r
E: 5,241 Swa rew on -th-is Robert . -th-(a)t redd(er)e ne haues
E: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wenys to wynne . w(i)t(h) crafte -th-(a)t
I knawe [aaAxx]
E: 5,243 Bott for -th-i mekyll m(er)cy . mitigacion I seke
E: 5,244 Dampne me noght on domesday . for my euell dede
E: 5,245 Bot qwat befell of -th-at felon . I can no ferrer
shewe [aaAx]
E: 5,246 Bott wele I wate he wepyd fast wat(ir) . of hys
eyne [aaaAx]
E: 5,247 And knawleghde hys coulpe . fast to c(ri)st of hys
synnes [aaAx]
E: 5,248 -Th-(a)t repentance w(i)t(h) hys pikke . suld polsche
it new [aaAx]
E: 5,249 And lepe w(i)t(h) hym ou(er) land . all hys liue
tyme [aaAx]
E: 5,250 ffor he hade lyve of lichore . lucifers aunte [aaAx]
E: 5,251 A thousand men -th-an . thrange togid(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,252 Wepand & walowand . for -th-air wickyd ded(is)
E: 5,253 Cryand vpward to c(ri)st . & to hys clene moder
E: 5,254 To haue grace to ga to trewth . so god lenne at
-th-ai myght [aaAx]
Sextus Passus de visione
E: 6,1 Bot -th-(er) was nane so wyse . at -th-e wey -th-ed(er)
couth [aaAx]
E: 6,2 And blound(er)ed forth as best(is) . oure bankes & hilles
E: 6,3 So late & so lang . at -th-ai a lede mette [aaAx]
E: 6,4 Appareld as a Palmer . in pilgr(a)mes wede [aaAx]
E: 6,5 He bare a burdon bondon . w(i)t(h) a brad list [aaAx]
E: 6,6 In a wodbyndes wise . wonden abowte [aaAx]
E: 6,7 A bag & a botell . he bare by hys syde [aaAx]
E: 6,8 A hundreth ensaumples . on hys hatte wer sett [aaAx]
E: 6,9 Synes of sissell . & schellys of galis [aaAx]
E: 6,10 And mony crosse on hys cloke . & synes of rome
E: 6,11 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 6,12 I se by hys synes . qwyne -th-(a)t he come [aaAx]
E: 6,13 --- this line om ---
E: 6,14 ffra senay he sayd . & from -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
E: 6,15 At bedlem & babilone . I haue ben bath [aaAa]
E: 6,16 In hermony & alisaunder . & many other place
E: 6,17 Ye may see by my senys . -th-(a)t sett(es) on myn
hatte [aaAx]
E: 6,18 That I haue walkyd full wyde . in wete & in drye
fol. 24v
E: 6,19 I haue soth gude saynt(es) . for my saule heile [aaAx]
E: 6,20 Knawys -th-(o)u oght a corsante q(ou)d -th-ai . men
callys trewth [aaAx]
E: 6,21 Can -th-(o)u oght wysse vs -th-e way . quare -th-e
wy dwellys [aaAx]
E: 6,22 Nay sa me god help . sayde -th-e grome -th-enne [axAx]
E: 6,23 I sawe neu(er) palmer w(i)t(h) pyke . ne w(i)t(h)
skrippe [aaXx]?
E: 6,24 Aske aftir hym . or nowe right in -th-is place [aaAxx]
E: 6,25 Pet(ir) q(ou)d -th-e plughman . & put forth hys
heued [aaAx]
E: 6,26 I knawe hym als kyndly . as a clerke doys hys buke-gh-
E: 6,27 Clene consciens & witte . kennyd me to hys place
E: 6,28 And did me to swere . to s(er)ue hym for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 6,29 Bathe to sett & to sawe . qwylse I swynke might
E: 6,30 I haue ben hys folower . all -th-is fourty wynt(er)
E: 6,31 Bath sawyn hys sede . & folowde hys best(is)
E: 6,32 And kepyd hys corn . & caryed it to howse-gh-
E: 6,33 I diked & delved . & dyd qwat he bad me [aaAx]
E: 6,34 W(i)t(h)in & w(i)t(h)owte . I watyd hys p(ro)fett
E: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laborer in hys lordship . -th-(a)t
he loves bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 6,36 ffor yf I say it my seluen . I s(er)ue hym to pay
E: 6,37 I haue myn hire wele of hym . & otherwyle mare
E: 6,38 He his -th-e p(ri)stest maist(er) . -th-(a)t pure
men knawen [aaAx]
E: 6,39 He w(i)t(h)halde-gh- no hyne hys hire . bot he hase
it at euen [aaAx]
E: 6,40 He is als louely als a lambe . & louesum of speche
E: 6,41 And if -y-e wil wete . qwar he dwellys [aaAx]
E: 6,42 I sall visse you full . right vnto hys awne place
E: 6,43 Ya leue pers q(ou)d -th-e palmers . & p(ro)ferd
hym hire [aaAx]
E: 6,44 Nay q(uo)d he by my saule & he gun swere fast
E: 6,45 I wald noght fange a ferthyng . for Saynt thomas
shrine [aaAxx]
E: 6,46 Trouth wald loue me -th-e wers . a long tyme after
E: 6,47 Bott if -y-e will wende . -th-is is -th-e way -th-ed(er)
E: 6,48 -Th-(o)u bus ga be meknesse . bath men & wyffe-gh-
E: 6,49 Tyll ye come to consciens . c(ri)st wate -th-e sothe
fol. 25r
E: 6,50 -Th-(a)t -y-e loue hym leu(er) . -th-en -y-e do your
hert [aaAx]
E: 6,51 In ernest your nextbure . in no vise -y-e -th-are
E: 6,52 Other wisse & -y-e wold men . dyd to -y-ow [aaAx]
E: 6,53 And swa behofes yow furth by a bruke . be buxu(m)
of your speche [aaAx]
E: 6,54 Vnto -y-e fynd a furth . your fadir -y-e hono(ur)
E: 6,55 Wade into -th-e wat(ir) . & weshe yow -th-an
-th-are [aaAx]
E: 6,56 And -y-e sal lepe -th-e lyghtlyer . all your love
after [aaAx]
E: 6,57 And -th-en sal -y-e . swere noght bot if it be for
nede [aaAx]
E: 6,58 And namely in ydelnes . -th-e name of god almighty
E: 6,59 Than sall -gh-e come by a crofte . bot come nott
-th-(er)in [aaAx]
E: 6,60 -Th-e croft heght couett nott . mennys catell ne
-th-air wifes [aaAx]
E: 6,61 Ne none of -th-air s(er)uaund(es) . at -th-aim noye
might [axAx]
E: 6,62 Luke -th-(o)u breke no bugh . bott yf it be -th-i
nawne [aaAx]
E: 6,63 Twa stokke-gh- -th-(er) stand(es) . bot styntet -th-e
noght -th-are [aaAx]
E: 6,64 -Th-ai heght steyll nott ne sla not . streke forth
be bathe [aaAx]
E: 6,65 Leue -th-aim on -th-i left hand . luke no-gh-t -th-(er)aft(ir)
E: 6,66 Hald swa wele -th-i halyday . it is -th-e- way to
euen [aaAa]
E: 6,67 Than sall yow bleinke at a brige . ber no fals wittnes
E: 6,68 -th-(a)t is fetterd w(i)t(h) florens . & other
feys mony [aaAx]
E: 6,69 Luke -th-(o)u pluk no plante . -th-(er) for peril
of -th-i saule [aaAx]
E: 6,70 Than sall -th-(o)u see . say -th-e sothe sa it be
to do [aaAx]
E: 6,71 And in na maner ellys . for no manys byddyng [aaXx]
E: 6,72 Than sall -th-(o)u come to a court . clere as -th-e
Sun [aaAx]
E: 6,73 -Th-e mote is of m(er)cy . -th-e man(er) all abowte
E: 6,74 And all -th-e wall is of witte . to hald wele -th-(er)owte
E: 6,75 The kyrnalles er of c(ri)styndome . o(ur) kynde for
to saue [aaAx]
E: 6,76 And britasyd w(i)t(h) beleue . or beys no-gh-t saued
E: 6,77 All -th-e rofe-gh- or helyd . bath halle-gh- & chaumbres
E: 6,78 W(i)t(h) no lede bod love & lufsumnes . also
E: 6,79 The towre qwer troth . is hym seluen is vp to -th-e
Sun [aaXx]
E: 6,80 He may do w(i)t(h) -th-e day sterne . qwat he dere
like-gh- [aaAx]
fol. 25v
E: 6,81 And dede dar noght do . -th-(a)t he defend(es) [aaAx]
E: 6,81 [B:V,601/C:VIII,241] I haue no tome to tell qwere -th-e
toure stond(es)
E: 6,81 [B:V,602/C:VIII,242] Bot ye brig het bidwell ye bett(er)
man you spede
E: 6,81 [B:V,602/C:VIII,242] Ilka piller is pennance polischyd
full clene
E: 6,82 Grace hat -th-e gatewarde . a gude man forsoth [aaAx]
E: 6,83 Hys name hat amend you . mony men hym knawys [aaAx]
E: 6,84 Tyll hym -th-is takeny(n)g . troth wate -th-e sothe
E: 6,85 I p(er)formed -th-e pennaunce . -th-(a)t -th-e p(ri)st
enioyned [aaAx]
E: 6,86 And I am sory for my synnes . & swa sall I eu(er)
E: 6,87 When I -th-inke -th-(er)on . yf I wer a pape [axAx]
E: 6,88 Byd amend yow mek hym . to hys maist(er) anes [aaAx]
E: 6,89 To put vp -th-e wekett . at -th-e way stekett [aaAx]
E: 6,90 -Th-er was adam & eue . etyn -th-(er) hane [aaAx]
E: 6,91 ffor he hed -th-e key of -th-(a)t clekett . if -th-e
kyng slepyd [aaAx]
E: 6,92 And at grace gr(a)unt . yow to go on -th-is wise
E: 6,93 Ye sal see trouth yowr selfe . sette in your hert(es)
E: 6,94 To lere yow for to love . & hys lawes halde [aaAx]
E: 6,95 Bot be war -th-(a)t wreth noye yow noght . -th-(a)t
wikyd shrew [aaAx]
E: 6,96 ffor he hase enuy till hym . -th-(a)t in yow hert
rist(es) [aaAx]
E: 6,97 Put ye furth no pride . to prays yowr seluen [aaAx]
E: 6,98 -Th-at baldnes of -th-i lyffe fett . mekenes & blynd
hym [aaAx]
E: 6,99 And so doys -th-(o)u dryve as dew . qwen -th-e dore
is closyd [aaAx]
E: 6,100 And kepe -th-e clene owt of howse for eu(er)
E: 6,101 Happely a hyndreth -y-ere . or -th-(o)u eft enter
E: 6,102 Thus may -th-(o)u lose -th-(a)t love . -th-(a)t
last(es) for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 6,103 Bot -th-(o)u gett -th-orow grace . & no gilt
ellys [aaAx]
E: 6,104 Bote -th-(er) er seuen sist(er)es . -th-(a)t s(er)uys
trowth ellys [aaAx]
E: 6,105 To be porters of hys posterns . -th-(a)t to -th-e
place lang(es) [aaAx]
E: 6,106 One hatt abstinence . & humilite hat an other
fol. 26r
E: 6,107 Charite & chastite . er his clene maydynnes [aaAx]
E: 6,108 Pacience & pease . mekyll peple helpyn [aaAx]
E: 6,109 Larges -th-e lady . latt(es) in ful many [aaAx]
E: 6,110 And qwa sa syb is to -th-a sisters . & sa may
god help [aaAxx]
E: 6,111 He is wonder wilcom . & fair vnd(er)fangyd [aaBb]
E: 6,112 Bot ye syb -th-ees seuen I tell you for sothe [aaA]?
E: 6,113 It war ful harde be my heued . to get ingate [aaAa]
E: 6,114 --- this line om ---
E: 6,115 Be c(ri)st q(ou)d a cutpurs . I haue no kynne -th-(er)
E: 6,116 Ne I q(ou)d a peward . bott at I knawe [aaAx]
E: 6,117 Wate god q(ou)d a waferar . wist I -th-e sothe [aaAx]
E: 6,118 Suld I neu(er) forther a fote . for all -th-e frere
p(re)chyng [aaAx]
E: 6,119 Yis q(ou)d pers ploughman . & p(re)chyd hym
to gude [aaAx]
E: 6,120 Mercy is a mayden . has might ou(er) -th-aim alle
E: 6,121 Scho is sib to alle synfull . & hir sone als
E: 6,122 And -th-orow hope of -th-aim bath twa . hope -th-ow
no other [aaAa]
E: 6,123 Thu may gett ingate . sa -th-(o)u ga be tyme [aaAx]
Septimus Passus de visione vij
E: 7,1 Hys wor a kykkyd way . bot qwa sa hase a gyde [aaAx]
E: 7,2 That we might folow ilke a fote . till we wer -th-(er)
E: 7,3 Quod p(er)kyn -th-e plughma(n) . be Saynt paule appostyll
E: 7,4 I haue one aker . be -th-e hye way [aaAx]
E: 7,5 Had I erid -th-e halue aker & sawyn it after [aaAx]?
E: 7,6 I suld ga w(i)t(h) you . tyl -y-e wer -th-(er) [aaAx]
E: 7,7 -Th-is wer a lang lettyng . q(ou)d a lady ful clere
E: 7,8 What sall we women . wirke -th-e qwylse [aaAx]
E: 7,9 Sum sall sew sek(es) . for schadyng of whete [aaAx]
E: 7,10 And ye wyffes -th-(a)t nowe hase wol . wirke it fast
E: 7,11 Spynne -y-e it spedely . & spare noght your fyngers
E: 7,12 Bot it be on halydays . or on holy euennys [xaAa]
E: 7,13 Luke forth your lynen . & labo(ur) on faste [aaAx]
fol. 26v
E: 7,14 The nedy & -th-e naked . take hede howe -th-ai
lig [aaAx]
E: 7,15 Cast -th-aim clathes for cold . for sa bidd(es) trouth
E: 7,16 ffor I shal len -th-aim liuelode . als lang as I
leve [aaAx]
E: 7,17 --- this line om ---
E: 7,18 And -y-e lovely lad(es) . w(i)t(h) your lang fyngers
E: 7,19 Ye haue sylke & sendell . to sew it in tyme [aaAx]
E: 7,20 Chesables for chapelanys . chirches to hono(ur) [aaAx]
E: 7,21 And all man(er) of men . -th-(a)t be -th-e mete leuys
E: 7,22 Help -th-aim to wirk wightly . -th-(a)t wynnys your
fodes [aaAx]
E: 7,23 Be crist q(ou)d a knyght . -th-ou kennys vs -th-e
best [aaAx]
E: 7,24 Bot on -th-e theme trewly . taght was I neu(er) [aaAx]
E: 7,25 And kenne q(ou)d -th-e knyght . & I will be -th-ine
ayr(e) [aaAx]
E: 7,26 Be saynt Saynt paule q(ou)d p(er)kyn . for -th-(o)u
p(ro)fers -th-e sa law [aaAx]
E: 7,27 I sall swynke & swete . & saw for vs bathe
E: 7,28 And take labo(ur) for -th-i lufe . all my lyfe tyme
E: 7,29 In conant at -th-(o)u kepe . halykirk & myseluen
E: 7,30 ffra wasto(ur)s fra wykkyd me(n) . -th-(a)t wald
me distroy [aaAx]
E: 7,31 And ga hunt hardly . at hare & at foxe [aaAx]
E: 7,32 At bare in -th-e buske-gh- . -th-(a)t brek(es) myn
hegge-gh- [aaAx]
E: 7,33 And foche home fauucons . foules to fell [aaAx]
E: 7,34 ffor -th-ai come to my crofte . & croppe-gh-
my whete [aaAx]
E: 7,35 Curtasly -th-e knyght -th-en . consaved -th-ir wordes
E: 7,36 Be my power pers . I plight -th-e my troth [aaAx]
E: 7,37 To fulfylle -th-is counand . qwilse my lyff may stonde
E: 7,38 Ya -gh-it a poynte q(ou)d p(er)kyn . I pray -th-e
of mare [aaAx]
E: 7,39 Luke -th-(o)u tene no teneande . -th-(a)t trewly
woll assent [aaAx]
E: 7,40 And gyff a sely pore man p(ro)fre . -th-e gyfte-gh-
E: 7,41 Neyhe noght in auntre -th-(o)u may it not des(er)ue
E: 7,42 ffor -th-ou salt -y-elde ayayn . at -th-e -y-er(is)
end [aaAx]
E: 7,43 In a full p(er)lus place . -th-(a)t p(ur)gatory hatt
E: 7,44 Misbyd noght -th-i bounde . -th-e bett(er) may -th-(o)u
spede [aaAx]