PPLA-Z Diplomatic Texts
fol. 139r
Z: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a prest tho・-th-i p(ar)dou(n) most I rede
Z: 8,90 ffor I wil construe eche clause . & ke(n)nyt
the on englysche
Z: 8,91 And pers at his prey-gh-er . the p(ar)dou(n) vnfoldede
Z: 8,95 { Et qui bona egeru(n)t in vita(m) et(er)na(m) q(u)i v(er)o mal(a) in ingne(m) et(er)nu(m) }
Z: 8,93 In to lynis it lay . & not a letter more
Z: 8,94 And was wrety(n) rith thus . in wytten<e>sse
of trewthe
Z: 8,96 ---line om ---
Z: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d the prest tho . I can no p(ar)dou(n)
Z: 8,98 But do wyl & haue wyl . & god schal haue
-th-i soule
Z: 8,99 And do euyl & haue euyl . hope thow no(n) oder
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Z: 8,100 That after thi deth day . to helle schalt thow wende
Z: 8,101 And pers for pure tene . pulled yt asunder and seyde
Z: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis no(n) timebo
mala quo(n)i(am) tu mecu(m) es }
Z: 8,103 ---line om ----
Z: 8,104 I schal sesin of my sowyng . and swynke not so harde
Z: 8,105 Ne abouty(n) my lyflode . so besi be no more
Z: 8,106 Off prey-gh-rys and penau(n)s my plow schal ben
Z: 8,107 And beloury(n) -th-(a)t I below . or my lyflode
Z: 8,108 -th-e p(ro)phete his payn ehte . in penau(n)ce and
Z: 8,109 Be -th-(a)t the sawter vs seyth . so dede many othir
Z: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t mi(chi) lac(ri)me mee panes die ac nocte }
Z: 8,110 That louyth god lely . his liflode is wel mete
Z: 8,111 And but if luk lye he lernyt vs anothir . be foulys
-th-(a)t we ne scholde
Z: 8,112 To besy be aboute . to make the wombe ioye
Z: 8,113 { Ne solliciti sitis } . he seyth in his gospel
Z: 8,114 And schewyth be exsaunple . vsself for to wysse
Z: 8,115 The foulys in the firmame(n)t . who fynt he(m) in
Z: 8,116 qwan the frost fresyth . fode hem behouyth
Z: 8,117 Haue -th-ei no fode to go to . but god fynth he(m)
Z: 8,118 qwat q(uo)d -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . petyr so me
Z: 8,119 Thow art lettryth a lytil . Who lernede the on boke
Z: 8,120 Abstinence the abysse . myn a.b.c me tawthe
Z: 8,121 And concience cam afterward . and kennyd me bettyr
Z: 8,122 Were -th-(o)u a prest q(uo)d he . thow mytist p(re)che
wan -th-e lykede
Z: 8,123 { Qu(on)i(am) lit(er)aturam no(n) cognoui } . -th-(a)t
myth be thi teme
Z: 8,124 Lewyd lorel q(uo)d he . lytil lokyst -th-(o)u the
Z: 8,125a { Ecce derisores et iurgia cu(m) eis ne crescan(t) }
Z: 8,125 On salama(n) sawis . lityl -th-(o)u beholdyst
Z: 8,126 The prest and p(er)kyn . eythir aposid othir
Z: 8,127 And thorow here wordist . I wok and waytede aboute
Z: 8,128 And saw -th-e sonne eue(n) south . syttyn -th-(a)t
Z: 8,129 Meteles and moneles . on malu(er)ne hillys
Z: 8,130 Musyng on -th-is mater . a meyle wey I -gh-ede
Z: 8,131 Many tyme -th-is metelis . hath mad me to stodye
Z: 8,132 And for p(er)s lif plowma(n) . petowsly in herte
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Z: 8,133 ffor -th-(a)t I say slepyng . if it so be myth
Z: 8,134 Ac catou(n) construith nay . and canonystris bothe
Z: 8,134a And seyn be hemself . { sompnia ne cures }
Z: 8,135 Ac for -th-e bible berith wyttens . wan danyel -th-e
Z: 8,136 Demyd the dremys . of a kyng onys
Z: 8,137 That nabugodonosor . nemyn -th-(i)s clerkys
Z: 8,138 Danyel seyde sere kyng . thi sweuene is to mene
Z: 8,139 That vnkou-th-e kyngis schul come . -th-i kyngdome
to cleyme
Z: 8,140 Among lowere lordis . thi londis schul be dep(ar)tid
Z: 8,141 As danyel demyd i(n) dede . fel it after
Z: 8,142 -Th-e kyng lees his lordschepe . and lasse me(n)
it hadde
Z: 8,143 And iosep met m(er)ueylously . how -th-e mone & -th-e
Z: 8,144 And the eleuene sterris . halsede him alle
Z: 8,145 { Beau filx } q(uo)d his fader . for defaut we schulle
Z: 8,146 I myself and my sonys . seke -th-e for nede
Z: 8,147 It befel as his fader seyde . in pharaoes tyme
Z: 8,148 -Th-(a)t iosep was Iustise . Egipt to kepe
Z: 8,149 Al -th-is makyt me mychil . on metels to -th-inke
Z: 8,150 Many tymis at mydnyth . wan I scholde slepe
Z: 8,151 On pers the plowman . and qweche a p(ar)dou(n) he
Z: 8,152 And how -th-e prest inp(ro)ued . it al be pure resou(n)
Z: 8,153 And demyd -th-(a)t dowel . indulgense passyd
Z: 8,154 Byenalys & t(ri)onalys . and bischopis letteris
Z: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e day of doom . ys dyngneleche vnderfongid
Z: 8,156 He passith al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seynt pet(er)is
Z: 8,157 Now hat -th-e pope power . p(ar)dou(n) to grau(n)t
Z: 8,158 The peple w(y)t(h)oute(n) penau(n)ce . to passe
to ioy
Z: 8,159 This is a leef of beleue . as lett(er)id men techith
Z: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram &c
Z: 8,160 And I beleue lely . oure lord forbede ellys
Z: 8,161 -Th-(a)t p(ar)dou(n) and penau(n)ce . & p(re)yeris
Z: 8,162 Mow saue soulys -th-(a)t haue synnyd . seuene sethis
Z: 8,163 Ac to trostyn on t(ri)onalys . trewly me thynkyth
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Z: 8,164 Is not so seker for -th-e soule . sertys as is dowel
Z: 8,165 Therefore I rede -gh-ou lordis . -th-(a)t riche
ben on erthe
Z: 8,166 Vpon trust on -gh-oure treso(ur) . t(ri)onalis to
Z: 8,167 Be -gh-e neu(er) -th-e balder . to breke -th-e ten
Z: 8,168 And namely -gh-e maystris . meyris & Iugis
Z: 8,169 That haue -th-e welthe of -th-(i)s werd . for wise
me(n) be holden
Z: 8,170 fforto p(ur)chase p(ar)dou(n) . & -th-e popis
Z: 8,171 At -th-e dredful day of doom . wan dede schul arisyn
Z: 8,172 And comy(n) alle tofore crist . acou(n)tis to -gh-elde
Z: 8,173 How -th-(o)u laddist -th-i lif . and his lawis keptest
Z: 8,174 qwat -th-(o)u dost day be day . -th-e doom wil reherse
Z: 8,175 Of a pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) . ne no p(ro)uincialis
Z: 8,176 Thow -th-(o)u be fondyn i(n) fraternite . among
-th-e foure ordres
Z: 8,177 And haue indulgence dobblefold . but dowel helpe
Z: 8,178 I nolde -gh-if for -gh-oure p(ar)dou(n) . o pies
Z: 8,179 -Th-(er)rfor I cou(n)sel al cristin . to crien god
Z: 8,180 And mary his moder . be mene betwene
Z: 8,181 -Th-(a)t god -gh-if vs g(ra)ce . or we gon hennys
Z: 8,182 Swech werkys to werke . wil we ben here
Z: 8,183 And after oure deth day . dowel reh(er)se
Z: 8,184 At -th-e doom -th-(a)t we deden . al as he vs bad & tawthe
Z: 8,185 And -th-(a)t it so mote be . to god p(re)ye we all(e)
Z: 8,186 To vs & all(e) cristin . god leue it so beffall(e)
{ Explicit vita & visio Pet(ri) plowman }