PPLA-N Diplomatic Texts
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N: 1,106 And ouer his meyne made hem archa[::::]lis [aaXx]?
N: 1,107 He tau-gh-t hem -th-orow -th-e t(ri)nite . -th-e
trw-th-e [:::::::] [aaAx]
N: 1,108 To be boxom at his bidding . he bad he(m) nou-gh-t
ellis [aaAx]
N: 1,109 Lucifer w(i)t(h) legiou(n)s . lered it in heuene
N: 1,110 He was -th-e louelyst . of si-gh-t eftir our(e)
lorde [aaXa]
N: 1,111 Til he brake boxomenesse . -th-orow bost of hi(m)
self [aaAx]
N: 1,111 [C:I,111a] { Ponam pede(m) meu(m) i(n) Aquilone & si(m)ilis
ero altissimo }
N: 1,111 [C:I,112] ::::: ::::: :::: Lord whi wolde lucifer
N: 1,111 [C:I,113] Luppen alofte ::: :::: :::: in -th-e northe
N: 1,111 [C:I,114] Tha(n)ne sit::: :: ::: :::: syde -th-(er)e
-th-e day rowi-th-
N: 1,111 [C:I,115] Nere ::: ::: ::::::: men ano(n) y wolde
ye telle
N: 1,111 [C:I,116] But y wol lakky no lyf quod -th-at lady
N: 1,111 [C:I,117] Hit is sikerore bi southe -th-(er)e -th-e
so(n)ne regne-th-
N: 1,111 [C:I,118] -Th-a(n)ne :: -th-e nor-th-e by many notes
no man leue other
N: 1,111 [C:I,119] ffor theder as -th-e fende fleigh his
fote ::: :: sette
N: 1,111 [C:I,120] Ther he failede & ::: :::::::: felaues
N: 1,111 [C:I,121] And helle is -th-(er)e he is ::: :: -th-(er)e
::::: ybou(n)de
N: 1,111 [C:I,122] Euene ::: co(n)t(ra)rie sitti-th- Crist
:::::: :::: -th-e so-th-e
N: 1,111 [C:I,122a] { ::::: :::::: ::::: meo :::: a dextris
meis :::::: }
N: 1,112 -Th-a(n)ne fel :: w(i)t(h) his felawes . & fendis
bicome [aaAx]
N: 1,113 Out of heuene i(n)to helle . hobeled -th-ei faste
N: 1,114 So(m)me i(n) aire so(m)me i(n) er-th-e . & su(m)me
i(n) helle depe [aaAx]
N: 1,115 Ac lucificer lowest . li-th- of he(m) alle [aaAx]
N: 1,116 ffor p(ri)de -th-(a)t he put out . his peyne ha-th-
none ende [aaAx]
N: 1,117 & alle -th-(a)t worche w(i)t(h) wrong . wende
hij sholde [aaAx]
N: 1,118 Aftir her(e) de-th- daye . & dwelle w(i)t(h)
-th-(a)t sherew(e) [aaAx]
N: 1,119 But -th-o -th-(a)t :::::: -th-e word . -th-(a)t
holy writte techi-th- [aaAx]
N: 1,120 ::: ::::: as I here seide . i(n) p(er)fite werkis
N: 1,121 Mowe be seker -th-(a)t her(e) soule . shal wende i(n)to
heuene [aaAxx]
N: 1,122 -Th-(er)e trw-th-e is i(n) t(ri)nite . & trone-th-
hem alle [aaAx]
N: 1,123 ffor -gh-it I seie as I seide . bi si-gh-t of -th-is
textes [aaAx]
N: 1,124 Wha(n)ne al tresour is tried . trw-th-e is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
N: 1,125 Lere-th- it lewde men . for lettred it knowen [aaAx]
N: 1,126 That trw-th-e is -th-e treso(ur) . triest on on
er-th-e [aaAx]
N: 1,127 -Gh-it haue I no ky(n)de knowing q(uo)d I . -gh-it
mot ke(n)ne me better [aaAx]
N: 1,128 By wat craft i(n) my corps . it comse-th- & whar(e)
N: 1,129 -Th-(o)u doted daff q(uo)d sche . dul are -th-i
wittis [aaAx]
N: 1,129 ffor litel lerestow I leue of latyn i(n) -th-i -gh-ow-th-e
N: 1,129 [B:I,141a/C:I,140a] { Heu m(ich)i q(uia) st(er)ile(m)
duxi vitam Iuuenilem }
N: 1,130 It is a ky(n)de knowyng . -th-(a)t kenne-th- i(n)
-th-in herte [aaAx]
N: 1,131 To loue lelly -th-i lorde . leuer -th-anne -th-i
seluen [aaAx]
N: 1,132 No dedly sy(n)ne to do . deie -th-eigh -th-(o)u
scholdist [aaAx]
N: 1,132 [C:I,140a] { Melius est mori q(ua)m male viuere &c }
N: 1,133 This I trowe be trw-th-e . who can teche -th-e betere
N: 1,134 Loke -th-(o)u suffre hi(m) to seyn . & si-th-en
lere it aftre [aaAx]
N: 1,135 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 1,136 ffor loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-(a)t our(e)
lord axe-th- [aaAx]
N: 1,137 And eke -th-e plante of pes . p(re)che it i(n) -th-i(n)
harpe [aaAx]
N: 1,138 -Th-(er)e -th-(o)u art mery at mete . -gh-if me(n)
bidde -th-e -gh-edde [aaAx]
N: 1,139 ffor in ky(n)de knowyng i(n) herte . comse-th- a
mi-gh-te [aaxAx]
N: 1,139 [C:I,146] Treu-th-e telle-th- -th-at a treacle to
abate wi-th- synne
N: 1,139 [C:I,147] & most soueraigne salue for soule & for
N: 1,139 [C:I,149] ffor heuene holde it ne my-gh-t so heuy
it semede
N: 1,139 [C:I,150] Til it had vpon er-th-e y-gh-oten itself
N: 1,139 [C:I,152] Was neuer leef vppon lynde lih-gh-ter -th-(er)aftre
N: 1,139 [C:I,151] & wa(n)ne it had of -th-e folde flesche & blode ytake
N: 1,139 [C:I,153] Portatif & p(er)saunt so -th-e poynt
of a nelde
N: 1,139 [C:I,154] May no armo(ur)it lette ne none hiegh
N: 1,139 [C:I,155] ffor-th-i is loue ledar of owr(e) lordis
N 4
N: 1,139 [C:I,156] And mene as a maire is bitwene -th-e kyng & co(mun)e
N: 1,139 [C:I,157] So is loue a ledar & al -th-e lawe
N: 1,139 [C:I,158] On man for his mysdede -th-e mercyment
he taxe-th-
N: 1,139 [C:I,159] And for to knowe hit kyndely it comese-th-
by my-gh-t
N: 1,139 [C:I,160] Al in herte is -th-e hed & -th-e hiegh
N: 1,140 And -th-(a)t falle-th- to -th-e fadre . -th-(a)t formed
vs alle [aaAx]
N: 1,141 he loked vpon vs w(i)t(h) loue . & lete his
sone die [aaAx]
N: 1,142 Mekely for our(e) mysdedis . to amende vs alle [aaAx]
N: 1,143 And -gh-et ne wolde hem no woo . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-t
hi(m) -th-(a)t peyne [aaAx]
N: 1,144 But mekely w(i)t(h) mow-th-e . m(er)cy he besou-gh-te
N: 1,145 To haue pite of -th-e peple . -th-(a)t peynid hi(m)
to de-th-e [aaAx]
N: 1,146 Here mi-gh-te -th-(o)u seen ensample . i(n) hi(m)selfen
one [aaAx]
N: 1,147 That he was my-gh-tful & meke . & m(er)cy
gan graunt [aaAx]
N: 1,148 To hi(m) -th-(a)t hangid hi(m) by . & his herte
-th-irled [aaAx]
N: 1,149 -Th-(er)fore I rede -gh-ow ryche . haue rew-th-e
of -th-e pore [aaAx]
N: 1,150 -Th-eigh -gh-e be mi-gh-ti to mote . be-th- meke
i(n) -gh-owr(e) werkis [aaAx]
N: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesur(e) -th-(a)t -gh-e mete . amysse
o-th-er ellis [aaAx]
N: 1,152 -Gh-e schal be weyn -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . whan -gh-e
wende hennes [aaAx]
N: 1,152 [B:I,178a/C:I,174a] { Eadem me(n)sura q(ua) me(n)si
fu(er)it(is) remeciet(ur) vobis }
N: 1,153 Thei -th-(o)u be trwe of -th-i tonge . & trwlyche
wynne [aaAx]
N: 1,154 And as chast as a childe . -th-at i(n) -th-e chirche
wepi-th- [aaAx]
N: 1,155 But if -th-(o)u loue lelly . & lene -th-e pore
N: 1,156 Of suche good as god sent . goodlyche p(ar)te [aaAx]
N: 1,157 -Gh-e ne haue no m(er)yte . in masse ne in howres
N: 1,158 -Th-a(n)ne malkyn of hir maidenhode . -th-(a)t no
ma(n) desire-th- [aaAx]
N: 1,159 ffor Iames -th-e gentel . iuged i(n) his boke [aaAx]
N: 1,160 That fei-th- w(i)t(h)oute fete . is febler -th-anne
nou-gh-t [aaAx]
N: 1,161 & as ded as a dore nail . but -gh-if -th-e dede
folowe [aaAx]
N: 1,161 [B:I,178a/C:I,183a] { ffides sine op(er)ib(us) mortua est &c }
N: 1,162 Chastite w(i)t(h)outen charite . worth chenyd i(n)
helle [aaAx]
N: 1,163 It is as a lamp lewde . -th-(a)t no li-gh-t is Inne
N: 1,164 Many chapelynes ar chast . & charite is aweye
N: 1,165 Ar no man hardar -th-an hij . whan -th-ei ben auau(n)ced
N: 1,166 Vnkynde men to her kynne . & to alle c(ri)stene
N: 1,167 Thei chewyn her charite . & chide aftir more
N: 1,167 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 1,169 -Gh-e curato(ur)s -th-(a)t kepe -gh-ow . clene of
-gh-our(e) bodyes [aaAx]
N: 1,170 -Gh-e be(n) aco(m)bred w(i)t(h) coueitise . -gh-e
con nou-gh-t crepe out [aaAa]
N: 1,171 So harde now ha-th- auaryse . hasped -gh-ow togidre
N: 1,172 -th-(a)t is no trew-th-e of -th-e t(ri)nite . but
treccherie of helle [aaAx]
N: 1,173 And a lernyng to lewde men . -th-e latter to dele
N: 1,174 ffor -th-ise ar -th-e wordis . writin { i(n) euangelio
} [aaAx]
N: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vob(is) &c } . for I
dele -gh-ow alle [aaAx]
N: 1,176 -Th-(a)t is -th-e lok of loue . -th-(a)t letteth-
ou-gh-t my g(ra)ce [aaAx]
N: 1,177 To counforte -th-e careful . acombred w(i)t(h) synne
N: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-(a)t our(e) lorde
axe-th- [aaAx]
N: 1,179 And eke -th-e g(ra)ciouse gate . -th-(a)t go-th-
i(n)to heuene [aaAx]
N: 1,180 ffor -gh-it I seie as I seide . bi si-gh-te of -th-e
textes [aaAx]
N: 1,181 Whan alle treso(ur)e is [y]tried . trw-th-e is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
N: 1,182 Now haue I tolde -th-e what trew-th-e is . -th-(a)t
no treso(ur) is betere [aaAx]
N: 1,183 I may no lenger lette . now loke -th-e our lorde
Passus s(e)c(un)dus de visione vt sup(ra)
N: 2,1 -Gh-et I kneled on my knees . & cried hir of g(ra)ce
N: 2,2 & seid m(er)cy madame . for mari loue of heue(n)
N: 2,3 -Th-(a)t bar(e) -th-e blisseful barne . -th-(a)t bou-gh-t
vs on -th-e rode [aaaAx]
N: 2,4 Ke(n)ne me be forme craft . to know -th-e false [aaAx]
N: 2,5 Loke on -th-i left half . & se were he stande-th-
N: 2,6 Bo-th-e false & fauel . & his feris manye
N: 2,7 I loked on my left alf . as -th-(a)t lady me tau-gh-t
N: 2,8 And was war of a woman . wondirlyche yclo-th-id [aaAx]
N: 2,9 Ipurfyled wi-th- pellur(e) . -th-e purest on er-th-e
N: 2,10 Ycrowned wi-th- a crowne . -th-e kyng ha-th- no(n)
bettre [aaAx]
N: 2,11 Alle her(e) fyue fyngres . were fretted wi-th- rynges
N: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perre . -th-(a)t p(ri)nce wered eure
N: 2,13 In red scarlet yrobed . & rybaned wi-th- golde
N: 2,14 Ther nis no quene queynter . -th-(a)t quykke is alyue
N: 2,15 Wat is -th-is woman q(uo)d I . so wonderlyche attired
N: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maide . ha-th- niyed me oft
N: 2,17 And lakked my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
N: 2,18 In -th-e popis palis . she is pryuei as my selfe
N: 2,19 And so scholde sche nou-gh-t be for wro(n)g was hir
syre [xxXx]
N: 2,20 Out of wrong sche wex to wro-th-(er)haile many
N: 2,20 [C:II,27a] { Qualis pater talis filius }
N: 2,20 [C:II,28] ffor shal neuer(e) brere bere beye as a
N: 2,20 [C:II,29] Ne on a croked -th-orne kynde fygge waxe
N: 2,20 [C:II,29a] { Arbor bona bonu(m) fructu(m) facit }
N: 2,21 I ou-gh-t ben herre . -th-a(n) sche for I come of a bettre [aaAxx]
N: 2,21 [C:II,31] The fader -th-at me for-th-e brou-gh-t {
filius dei } hote-th-
N: 2,21 [C:II,32] -Th-(a)t neu(er) louth ne lawghed in al
his lyf tyme
N: 2,21 [C:II,33] I am his dere dou-gh-ter duchesse of heuene
N: 2,21 [C:II,34] :::: ::: :: ::::: & my wille folewe-th-
N: 2,21 [C:II,35] Shal haue grace to mark ::::::::::::
N: 2,21 [C:II,36] --- this line illegible ---
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N: 2,21 [C:II,39a] --- this line illegible --
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N: 2,25 And al is lyars ledyng . -th-(a)t -th-ei shal lye togydre
N: 2,26 Tomorne worthe -th-e mariage . made as I -th-e telle
N: 2,27 -Th-ere mi-gh-te -th-(o)u wyten if -th-(o)u wilt
. wiche -th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
N: 2,28 That longe-th- to -th-(a)t lordship . -th-e lasse & -th-e
more [aaAx]
N: 2,29 Know hem -th-(er)e -gh-if -th-(o)u canst . & kepe
-th-e fro he(m) alle [aaAx]
N: 2,30 -Gh-if -th-(o)u wilnest to wone . wi-th- trw-th-e
i(n) his blisse [aaAxx]
N: 2,31 I may no lenger lette . now lorde I -th-e bekenne
N: 2,32 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 2,33 Now alle -th-e ryche Retenaunces . -th-(a)t regne-th-
w(i)t(h) -th-e false [aaAx]
N: 2,34 Were boden to -th-e brydale . on bo-th-e two sydes
N: 2,35 Syre symonye is of sent . to seel -th-e chartres
N: 2,36 -Th-(a)t o-th-(er) fauel . by eny fyn holden [aaAx]
N: 2,37 And feffe mede -th-(er)myde . in mariage for eur(e)
N: 2,38 -Th-ere nas halle ne hows . to herberwe -th-e peple
N: 2,39 -Th-(a)t iche felde ne was ful . of folke alle aboute
N: 2,40 In myddes a mownteyn . at mydmorow tyde [aaAx]
N: 2,41 Was pi-gh-t vp a paviliou(n) . proud for -th-e nonis
N: 2,42 And x -th-ousand of tentis . telded bisides [aaAx]
N: 2,43 Of kni-gh-tghes of co(n)tres . of comonners aboute
N: 2,44 ffor sisours for someno(ur)s . for sellars for biggars
N: 2,45 ffor lered for lewede . for labore[r]s of thropes
N: 2,45 [B:II,59/C:II,60] Bedellis & baillifs & brocours
of chaffare
N: 2,45 [B:II,60/C:II,61] fforgoers vitaillers & vokettis
of -th-e arches
N: 2,45 [B:II,61/C:II,62] I can nou-gh-t rekne -th-e rowte
-th-(a)t ran aboute mede
N: 2,45 [B:II,62/C:II,63] But symonye & Syuyle & siso(ur)s
of courtes
N: 2,45 [B:II,63/C:II,64] Were p(ry)ueest wi-th- hir of any
men me -th-ou-gh-t
N: 2,45 [B:II,64/C:II,65] ffauel was -th-e first -th-(a)t
fette hir oute of chambre
N: 2,45 [B:II,65/C:II,66] A brokour hir brou-gh-t for-th-e
to ioyne hir to falle
N: 2,46 And al to witnesse wel . what -th-e wryt wolde [aaAa]
N: 2,47 In what man(er) -th-(a)t mede . in stout mariage
N: 2,48 Was fastned w(i)t(h) false . -th-e fyn is arered
N: 2,49 Now fauel fecche-th- her for-th-e . & hir to
false take-th- [aaaAx]
N 8
N: 2,50 In forward -th-(a)t falshed . shal fynde hir for eure
N: 2,51 And sche bowen at his bode . his hest to fulfille
N: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . boxom & hende [aaAx]
N: 2,53 Ri-gh-t as symonye wil seyn . to suen his wille [aaAx]
N: 2,54 Now symonye & cyuyle . stonde for-th- bo-th-e
N: 2,55 And vnfolden -th-e feffement . -th-(a)t false ha-th-
imaked [aaAx]
N: 2,56 Thus bigynne -th-ise gromes . to grede wel hiegh
N: 2,56 [B:II,73/C:II,78] { Siam p(re)sentes & fituri & }
N: 2,57 Now witen & witnessen . -th-(a)t wone-th- vpon
er-th-e [aaAx]
N: 2,58 -Th-(a)t I fauel feffe . falsed to mede [aaAx]
N: 2,59 To be present i(n) p(ri)de . for pore or for ryche
N: 2,60 Wi-th- -th-e erledom on envye . eure to laste [aaAx]
N: 2,61 Wi-th- -th-e lordechip of lecherie . in lengh & i(n)
brede [aaAx]
N: 2,62 Wi-th- -th-e kyngdome of coueitise . I crowne hem
togidre [aaAx]
N: 2,63 Wi-th- al -th-e isle of vsure . & auarise -th-e
fast [aaAx]
N: 2,64 Glotonie & grete o-th-es . I gif hem togidre
N: 2,65 Wi-th- alle -th-e delites of luste . -th-e deuel
for to s(er)ue [axAx]
[(C II 87-90, 92, 95, 101-3, 106-8)
N: 2,65 [C:II,87] To ben p(ri)nces in p(ri)de & pou(er)te
N: 2,65 [C:II,88] To bakbite & to bost & bere false
N: 2,65 [C:II,89] To skorne & to skolde & sklaundir
to make
N: 2,65 [C:II,90] Vnboxome & bolde to breke goddis hestis
N: 2,65 [C:II,92] Wi-th- -th-e chastel o cheste & chat(er)yng
out of resou(n)
N: 2,65 [C:II,95] In bargaynes in brocages in borowyng of
N: 2,65 [C:II,101] Al dai dronken of diuerse tauernes
N: 2,65 [C:II,102] There to Iangle & to Iape & iuge
her enene c(ri)stene
N: 2,65 [C:II,103] To frete in a fasting a fore none & drynke
N: 2,65 [C:II,106] To swesuthe felawchip til -th-(o)u falle
in slew-th-e
N: 2,65 [C:II,107] And waken in wanhope & no wille to
N: 2,65 [C:II,108] ffor he leue-th- be lost whan he -th-is
lif lete-th-
N: 2,66 Wi-th- -th-e seignu(ur)ie of slew-th-e . I seise
hem togidre [aaAx]
N: 2,67 To haue & to holde . & all her(e) heiris aftre
N: 2,68 Wi-th- -th-e pu[r]tenaunce of p(ur)gatorie . i(n)to
-th-e peyne of helle [aaAx]
N: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-is -th-ing at on -gh-eres ende
N: 2,70 Here soulis to satanas . to synkyn i(n) peyne [aaAx]
N: 2,71 There to wone w(i)t(h) wronge . wil god is i(n) heuene
N: 2,72 In witnesse of wyche -th-ing . wrong was -th-e firste
N: 2,73 And piers -th-e p(ar)doner . pawlynes dou-gh-ter
N: 2,74 And bette -th-e bedel . of bukyngham shire [aaAx]
N: 2,75 Randolfe -th-e reue . of rotolonde sokne [aaAx]
N: 2,76 Mu(n)de -th-e myller(e) . & many mo o-th-re [aaAx]
N: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-is dede I assele
N: 2,78 By sy-gh-t of sire symonye . & notarie sygnes
N: 2,79 Thanne tened hi(m) theoologie . whan he -th-is tale
herde [aaAx]
N: 2,80 And seide to Syuile . now sorow on -th-i bokes [aaAx]
N: 2,81 Suche weddyngis to worche . to wrathe w(i)t(h) trw-th-e
N: 2,82 And ar -th-is wedding be wrou-gh-t . wo -th-e bityde
N: 2.83 ffor mede is moillere . of me(n)nis engendrid [aaAx]
(C II 124-8, 130-39)
N: 2.83 [C:II,124] Theigh false were here fadre & fykyl
tonge belsyre
N: 2.83 [C:II,125] Amendis was here modre bi trew-th-e me(n)ne
N: 2.83 [C:II,126] And wi-th-[outen] here moder mede may
nou-gh-t be weddid
N: 2.83 [C:II,127] ffor trew-th-e ply-gh-t hir trow-th-e
to wedde on of hir dou-gh-trin
N: 2.83 [C:II,128] -Gh-if god it graunt so -th-at no gile
N: 2.83 [C:II,130] Syuile & -th-iseluen selden fulfulle-th-
N: 2.83 [C:II,131] -Th-(a)t god wolde were ydo wi-th-outen
N: 2.83 [C:II,132] I theoologie knowe as trwe dome deme-th-
N: 2.83 [C:II,133] That laurence -th-e leuite -th-(a)t lay
vpon -th-e gredel
N: 2.83 [C:II,134] Loked vp owr(e) lorde & aloued said
N: 2.83 [C:II,135] God of -th-i g(ra)ce heuene gates opne
N: 2.83 [C:II,136] ffor I of -th-i mercye mede haue deseruid
N: 2.83 [C:II,137] And sythen man may an hye Mede of god
N 10
N: 2.83 [C:II,138] It semi-th- ful so-th-ely ri-gh-t so on
N: 2.83 [C:II,139] -Th-at mede may be weddid to on no man
but to trew-th-e
N: 2,84 God graunte-th- . to gyue mede for trw-th-e [aaAx]
N: 2,85 And -th-(o)u hast gyuen hir to a gilo(ur) . now god
gif -th-e sorow [aaAx]
N: 2,86 Thi texte telle-th- nou-gh-t so . trw-th-e wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
N: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua &c } [Latin]
N: 2,87 Wor-th-i is -th-e warkeman . his mede wel to haue
N: 2,88 And -th-(o)u hast fastened hir w(i)t(h) false . fy
on -th-i lawe [aaAx]
N: 2,89 ffor al bi lesynges -th-(o)u lyuest . & lecherouse
werkis [aaAx]
N: 2,90 Symonye & -th-i self . shenden holy chirche [aaAx]
N: 2,91 Also -th-ise notaries . noien -th-e peple [xaAx]?
N: 2,92 -Gh-e shal abye bo-th-e . bi god -th-at me made [aaAxx]
N: 2,93 Wyl -gh-e wyte warnardes . but -gh-if -gh-o(ur) wittis
faile [aaaAx]
N: 2,94 -Th-(a)t false is a faito(ur) . & feitheles of
werkis [aaAx]
N: 2,95 And as a bastard yborn . of belsabubbes kynne [aaAx]
N: 2,96 And mede is moillere . a maiden of gode [aaAx]
N: 2,97 She mi-gh-t kisse -th-e kyng . for cosyn & sche
wolde [aaAx]
N: 2,98 Worche-th- be wisdom . & by witte aftir [aaAx]
N: 2,99 Lede-th- hir to london . -th-(er)e lawe is yhanled
N: 2,100 -Gh-if eny Lewte wil loke . -th-ei ligge togidre
N: 2,101 And -th-ei -th-e Iustices iugge hir . to be ioyned
w(i)t(h) false [aaAx]
N: 2,102 -Gh-it be-th- ware of weddyng . for witti is trw-th-e
N: 2,103 Consiense is of his counseille . & knowe-th-
-gh-ow vchone [aaAx]
N: 2,104 And -gh-if he fynde -gh-ow in defaute . & wi-th-
-th-e false holde [aaAx]
N: 2,105 It shal sitte -gh-our soulis . sour(e) atte laste
N: 2,106 Hereto assented Cyuyle . & symonye ne wolde
N: 2,107 Til he had siluer . for seles & signes [xaAa]
N: 2,108 Thanne fett fauel . floreynes ynowe [aaaAx]
N: 2,109 And bad gyle to gif . golde al aboute [aaAx]
N: 2,110 And namely to -th-e notories . -th-(a)t hem none
failled [aaAx]
N: 2,111 And feffe false witnesse . wi-th- floreynes ynowe
N 11
N: 2,112 ffor he maie Mede amaistre . & make at my wille
N: 2,113 Whan -th-e golde was ygyuen . grete was -th-e -th-onkyng
N: 2,114 To false & to fauel . for here fair(e) -gh-iftes
N: 2,115 And comyn to conforte . fro care -th-e false [aaAx]
N: 2,116 And seiden c(er)tes . cesse schal we newr(e) [aaAx]
N: 2,117 Tyl mede be -th-i weddid wif . -th-orow witte of
vs alle [aaAx]
N: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amaistred . wi-th- our(e) mery
speche [aaAx]
N: 2,119 That she graunte-th- to gone . wi-th- a god wile
N: 2,120 To london to loken . -gh-if -th-e lawe wile [aaAx]
N: 2,121 Iugge -gh-ow ientely . in ioye for eure [aaAx]
N: 2,122 -Th-anne was false fayne . & fauel also bli-th-e
N: 2,123 Thei lete somowne alle -th-e segges . in shires
aboute [aaAx]
N: 2,124 Til her(e) bodis be bown . beggars & o-th-(er)
N: 2,125 To wende to westmester . to witnesse -th-is dede
N: 2,126 -Th-anne cared -th-ei for caples . to kairen he(m)
-th-idre [aaAx]
N: 2,127 And -th-anne fette fauel . foles of -th-e beste
N: 2,128 Set Mede on a shiryue . shodde al newe [aaAx]
N: 2,129 And false satte on a siso(ur) . -th-(a)t softely
trotted [aaAx]
N: 2,130 And fauel vpon fair(e) speche . fetysly atirid [aaAx]
N: 2,131 [C:II,188] And notaries vpon p(er)sones -th-(a)t p(er)myten
N: 2,131 [C:II,189] and on -th-e pore p(ro)uiso(ur)s & appelees
in arches
N: 2,131 [C:II,190] Somno(ur)s also token { sup(er)sedias
N: 2,131 [C:II,191] On hem -th-(a)t loue-th- lecherie lep
vp & ride-th-
N: 2,132 Symonye & Cyuile . shal on her(e) fote gange [aaAx]
N: 2,133 -Th-anne seide Cyuyle . & swore be -th-e rode
N: 2,134 Someno(ur)s schal be sadled . & s(er)ue -gh-ow
vchone [aaAx]
N: 2,135 Thei lete apparaille p(ro)uiso(ur)s . in palfreies
wyse [aaAx]
N: 2,136 Syre Symonye hi(m) self . shal sitte on here bakkes
N: 2,137 And alle -th-ise archedekenes . as dext(er)es hem
di-gh-th [aaAa]
N: 2,138 ffor -th-ei shal bere -th-ise bischopes . & bryng
he(m) at reste [aaAx]
N: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleyntis i(n) constorie [aaAx]
N 12
N: 2,140 Shal s(er)ue my self . -th-at Cyuile hatte [aaAx]
N: 2,141 -Th-e carter shal -th-e comissarie . in -th-e carte
put [aaAx]
N: 2,142 And fecchen oure vitailles . of { fornicatores }
N: 2,143 Of liar make a longe carte . to lede alle -th-ise
o-th-re [aaAx]
N: 2,144 As freres & faito(ur)s . -th-(a)t on her(e)
fete renne [aaAx]
N: 2,145 ffalse & fauel . fare-th- for-th- togidre [aaAa]
N: 2,146 And mede in -th-e middes . & alle -th-ise meyne
aftre [aaAx]
N: 2,147 I haue no tyme to telle . -th-e taille -th-(a)t
hem folowed [aaAx]
N: 2,148 Of alle man(er) of men . -th-at on -th-is molde
lyuen [aaAx]
N: 2,149 But gyle was forgoer . & gied hem alle [aaAx]
N: 2,150 So-th-enesse say hi(m) wel . & seid but litle
N: 2,151 He prike-th- on his palfrey . & passe-th- hem
alle [aaAx]
N: 2,152 He cam to -th-e kynges courte . & consience
tolde [aaAx]
N: 2,153 And consience to -th-e kyng . carped it aftre [aaAx]
N: 2,154 Now be c(ri)st q(uo)d -th-e kyng . -gh-if I my-gh-th
cacche [aaXa]
N: 2,155 ffalse o-th-(er) fauel . o-th-(er) eny of his feris
N: 2,156 I wolde be wroken of -th-o wrecches . -th-at worche
so ille [aaAx]
N: 2,157 And done hem hange by -th-e halse . & alle -th-at
he(m) may(n)tene [aaAx]
N: 2,158 Shal neu(er) man on -th-is molde . meynp(ri)se -th-e
lest [aaAx]
N: 2,159 But ri-gh-t as -th-e lawe loke-th- . lete falle
on hem alle [aaAxx]
N: 2,160 He called a constable . -th-at come at -th-e first
N: 2,161 To attache -th-e tiraunt . for eni treso(ur) y hote
N: 2,162 ffetere-th- falsnesse fast . for eni kyns -gh-yftis
N: 2,163 And girdi-th- of giled hed . & lete hi(m) go
no for-th-re [aaAx]
N: 2,164 Bring mede to me . mawgre hem alle [aaAx]
N: 2,165 Sey Symonye & Cyuyle . I sende hem to warne
N: 2,166 -Th-(a)t holy chirche for hem . wor-th- harmed for
eur(e) [aaAx]
N: 2,167 And -gh-if -gh-e lacche liar . lete hi(m) nou-gh-t
ascape [aaAx]
N: 2,168 Til he be put on -th-e pilorie . for eny preier
y hote [aaAx]
N: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stode . & -th-at dome herde
N: 2,170 And wightly went . to warne -th-e false [aaAx]
N: 2,171 And bad hym flee for fere . & his feris a[lle]
N 13
N: 2,172 Thanne falsenes for fere . fleigh to -th-e freris
N: 2,173 And gile do-th- hi(m) to go . agast for to die [aaAx]
N: 2,174 A marchande mette w(i)t(h) him . & made hym
abide [aaAx]
N: 2,175 Bishet hi(m) in her shoppis . to shewen her ware
N: 2,176 Apparailed hi(m) as a preyntice . -th-e peple to
s(er)ue [aaAx]
N: 2,177 Li-gh-tlyche lyar . lepe awey -th-ennes [aaAx]
N: 2,178 Lurked -th-orow lanes . tolugged of manye [aaAx]
N: 2,179 He was nowher welcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
N: 2,180 But oueral hu(n)ted . & yhote trusse [aaAx]
N: 2,181 Til p(ar)doners had pyte . & pullyd hym to hous
N: 2,182 Wisshe hi(m) & wyped hi(m) . & wounden hi(m)
i(n) cloutis [aaAx]
N: 2,183 And sent hym on sondayes . wi-th- seeles to chirches
N: 2,184 And gaue p(ar)do(n) for pens . poundemele aboute
N: 2,185 -Th-en lowred leches . & l(ett)res -th-ei sent
N: 2,186 ffor to wonne wi-th- hem . watres to loke [axAx]
N: 2,187 Spicers spoken wi-th- hi(m) . to aspye her ware
N: 2,188 ffor he cow-th-e on her craft . & knewe many
go(m)mes [aaAx]
N: 2,189 Mynstralles & messang(er)es . mette wi-th- hi(m)
onis [aaAx]
N: 2,190 And helden half -gh-er(e) & eleuene daies [aaAx]
N: 2,191 ffreris w(i)t(h) faire speche . fetten hi(m) -th-ennes
N: 2,192 ffor knowyng of comers . coped hi(m) as a frere
N: 2,193 And he ha-th- leue to lepe out . as oft as hi(m)
like-th- [aaXa]
N: 2,194 And is welcome whan he wil . & wone-th- wi-th-
he(m) oft [aaAx]
N: 2,194 [C:II,246] -Th-anne Symonye & Cyuile senten to
N: 2,194 [C:II,247] And putte he(m) i(n) apele in -th-e popis
N: 2,194 [C:II,248] Conscience to -th-e kyng acused hem bo-th-e
N: 2,194 [C:II,249] And seide sire kyng but -th-i clergye
N: 2,194 [C:II,250] Thi kyngedome in coueytise out of kynde
N: 2,194 [C:II,251] And holy cherche for hem wor-th- yharmed
for eu(er)e
N: 2,195 Alle -th-ei fledde for fere . & flowe into henes
N: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e maide . no man dorst abide [aaAx]
N: 2,197 Ac truly to telle . she trembled for drede [aaAx]
N: 2,198 And ek wept & wrong . wha(n) she was attached
N 14
Passus tercius de visione vt prius &c
N: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e maide . no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
N: 3,2 Wi-th- bedellis & bailifs . brou-gh-t afore -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
N: 3,3 -Th-e kyng calle-th- a clerke . I can nou-gh-t his
name [aaaAx]
N: 3,4 Take mede -th-e maide . & make hir at ese [aaAx]
N: 3,5 I wil say hir my self . & so-th-ely appose [aaAx]
N: 3,6 What wi-gh-t in -th-is worlde . -th-at hir wer(e)
leuest [aaAx]
N: 3,7 And -gh-if she worche bi my wit . & my wille folowe
N: 3,8 I wil forgyue her -th-is gilte . so me god helpe [aaAx]
N: 3,9 Curteisly -th-anne -th-e clerke . as -th-e kyng hi-gh-t
N: 3,10 Toke mede bi -th-e mydil . & brou-gh-t hir to
chaumbre [aaXx]
N: 3,11 -Th-anne was -th-(er)e myr-th-e & mynstralcie
. mede to plece [aaAx]
N: 3,12 -Th-at went to westmyster . worchepid hir alle [aaAx]
N: 3,13 Ientilyche w(i)t(h) Ioy . -th-e Iustices so(m)me
N: 3,14 Busked hem to -th-e bour(e) . -th-(er)e -th-e bierde
duelled [aaAx]
N: 3,15 Conforted her kyndely . by clergies leue [aaAx]
N: 3,16 And seid morne nou-gh-t mede . ne make -th-(o)u no
sorowe [aaAx]
N: 3,17 ffor we wisse -th-e kyng . & -th-i wey schape
N: 3,18 ffor al Conscience cast . & craft as I trowe
N: 3,19 Mildelyche Mede -th-anne . mercied hem alle [aaAx]
N: 3,20 Of here grete godnesse . & gaf hem vchone [aaAx]
N: 3,21 Coppis of clene golde . & peces of siluer [aaXx]
N: 3,22 Rynges wi-th- rubies . & richesses manye [aaAx]
N: 3,23 -Th-e lest man of her(e) menye . a Motou(n) of golde
N: 3,24 -Th-anne lau-gh-t -th-ei leue . -th-eis lordes at
mede [aaAx]
N: 3,25 Wi-th- -th-at come clerkys . wi-th- conforme & game
N: 3,26 And beden hir be blyth . for we be -th-ine owne [aaAx]
N: 3,27 To worche alwey -th-i wille . wil our(e) lif laste-th-
N: 3,28 Hendely she -th-anne . hieght -th-e same [aaAx]
N: 3,29 To lenen hem lelly . & grete lordis make [aaAx]
N: 3,30 In constorye at courte . do callen her names [aaAx]
N 15
N: 3,31 Shal no lewednesse lette . -th-e leode -th-(a)t I loue
N: 3,32 That he ne worthe first auaunced . for I am beknowen
N: 3,33 Ther(e) konnyng clerkys . schul clokke bihynde [aaAx]
N: 3,33 [C:III,32] Purchase -gh-ow p(ro)uendris wil -th-e pans
N: 3,33 [C:III,33] And bigge -gh-ow benefyces pluralite to
N: 3,34 -Th-anne come -th-(er)e a confesso(ur) . coped as a
frere [aaAx]
N: 3,35 To mede -th-e maide . & mekely he lowted [aaAx]
N: 3,36 And seid softely . in shrift as it were [aaAx]
N: 3,37 -Th-eigh lered & lewde had . leyne by -th-e bo-th-e
N: 3,38 And falshed had yfolowed -th-e . -th-is fyftene wyntre
N: 3,39 I shal assoile -th-e myself . for a seem whete [aaAx]
N: 3,40 And also be -th-i baudkyn . & bere wel -th-i
erande [aaAx]
N: 3,41 Amonges clerkis & kni-gh-tis . conscience to
felle [aaAx]
N: 3,42 -Th-anne mede for hir mysdedis . to -th-at man kneled
N: 3,43 And shrof hir of hir sherewdnesse . shameles I trowe
N: 3,44 She tolde hi(m) a tale . & toke hi(m) a noble
N: 3,45 ffor to ben hir bedman . & hir baude aftir [aaAx]
N: 3,46 Thanne he assoilled hir sone . & sythen he seide
N: 3,47 We haue a wy(n)dowe wrou-gh-t . stant vs wel hiegh
N: 3,48 Woldestow glase -th-e gable . & g(ra)ue -th-(er)
-th-i name [aaAx]
N: 3,49 Siker scholde -th-i soule . be heuene to haue [aaBb]
N: 3,50 Wist I -th-at q(uo)d -th-(a)t wo(m)man . I wolde
nou-gh-t spare
N: 3,51 [B:III,51/C:IV,55] ffor to be yo(ur) frende frere & faile
-gh-ow neu(er)e
N: 3,51[B:III,52/C:IV,56] Wil -gh-e loue lordis -th-(a)t
lecherie hau(n)te-th-
N: 3,51 [B:III,53/C:IV,57] And lakke-th- nou-gh-t ladies
-th-at loue-th- wel -th-e same
N: 3,51 [B:III,54/C:IV,58] Wil -gh-e loue lordis -th-(a)t
lecherie hau(n)te-th-
N: 3,51 [B:III,55/C:IV,59] And lakke-th- nou-gh-t ladies
-th-at loue-th- wel -th-e same
N: 3,51[B:III,56/C:IV,60] It is a freelte of flesche -gh-e
fynde it in bokys
N: 3,51[B:III,57/C:IV,61] And a tourse of kynde where of
we comy(n) alle
N: 3,51[B:III,58/C:IV,62] Who may scape -th-e sklau(n)der
-th-e ska-th-e is sone ame(n)did
N: 3,51 [B:III,59/C:IV,63] Hit is synne of -th-e senene sonnest
N: 3,51 [B:III,60/C:IV,64] Haue mercy q(uo)d mede of me(n)
-th-(a)t it hannte
N: 3,51 [B:III,61/C:IV,65] And [I] schal kenr(e) -gh-o(ur)
kirke -gh-o(ur) closter to make
N 16
N: 3,51 [B:III,62/C:IV,66] Wowes to whiten . & wyndowes
N: 3,51 [B:III,63/C:IV,67] Do pointin & purtraye . & pay
for -th-e makyng
N: 3,52 -Th-(a)t eury segge schal seen . -th-(a)t I am sistre
of -gh-o(ur) hous [aaAx]
N: 3,53 But god to alle good folke . suche g(ra)uyng defende-th-
N: 3,54 { Nesciat sinist(er) quid faciat dext(er) } [Latin]
N: 3,55 Lete nou-gh-t -th-i left half . late ne ra-th-e [aaAx]
N: 3,56 Be war what -th-i ri-gh-t honde . worche-th- or dele-th-
N: 3,57 And so p(re)uely p(ar)t it . -th-at p(ri)de be nou-gh-t
seyne [aaAx]
N: 3,58 Nei-th-(er) in si-gh-t nei-th-(er) in soule . for
god hi(m) self knowe-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,59 Who is curteise & kynde . coueitouse or ellis
N: 3,60 Therfore I lere -gh-ow lordes . to leue suche writingis
N: 3,61 In wyndowes in waunting . of -gh-o(ur) wel dedis
N: 3,62 Or grede aftir goddes men . wha(n) -gh-e gyue dolis
N: 3,63 In auentur(e) -gh-e haue . -gh-owr(e) hir(e) -th-(er)eof
here [aaAa]
N: 3,64 ffor hour(e) sauehour(e) it seide . & hi(m) self
p(re)ched [aaAx]
N: 3,64a { Ame(n) amen receperu(n)t mercedem } [Latin]
N: 3,65 Meires & masers . -gh-e -th-(a)t be mene [aaAx]
N: 3,66 Betwene -th-e king & -th-e co(mun)e . to kepe
-th-e lawe [aaAx]
N: 3,67 As to punysche on pilories . & pynyng stolis
N: 3,68 Bakers & brewers . bochers & kokes [aaAx]
N: 3,69 ffor -th-ise ar men of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t most
harme worche [aaAx]
N: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-(a)t p(ar)cemel biggyn
N: 3,71 ffor -th-ei poisen -th-e peple . priuely ful oft
N: 3,72 And rychen -th-orow reg(ra)trie . & rentis he(m)
biggen [aaAx]
N: 3,73 Of -th-(a)t -th-e pore peple . sholde put i(n) her
wombe [aaAx]
N: 3,74 ffor toke -th-ei on trwly . -th-ei ti(m)bred nou-gh-t
so hiegh [aaAx]
N: 3,75 Ne bou-gh-t none borgages . be -gh-e wel sure [aaAx]?
N: 3,75 [C:III,86] -Th-ei haue no pite of -th-e pore . -th-(a)t
p(ar)cemel bigge
N 1:7
N: 3,75 [C:III,87] Thei taken hem vntidy -th-ing no tresou(n)
-th-ei ne holde
N: 3,75 [C:III,88] And -gh-it thei fille nou-gh-t -th-at
bi -th-e lawe is seled
N: 3,75 [C:III,89] And gripe -th-(er)fore also gret as for
-th-e g(ra)ye trw-th-e
N: 3,75 [C:III,90] Many sondrye sorowes in Citees fallen
N: 3,75 [C:III,91] Bo-th-e in fyre & flode -th-orow -th-e
false peple
N: 3,75 [C:III,92] -Th-(a)t bigile-th- -th-e goode & greue-th-
hem wrongly
N: 3,75 [C:III,93] The wiche crien on knees -th-(a)t crist
hem awenge
N: 3,75 [C:III,94] Here vpon -th-is er-th-e or ellis in helle
N: 3,75 [C:III,95] -Th-(a)t so bigyle hem of her go[e]d -th-at
god wil hem sende
N: 3,75 [C:III,96] -Th-e fyure or -th-e foule yuel or fyre
on her houses
N: 3,75 [C:III,97] Morayne or myschau(n)ce many tyme it falle-th-
N: 3,75 [C:III,98] -Th-(a)t Innocent is yherde in heuene
amonge seintis
N: 3,75 [C:III,99] -Th-(a)t lowten alle to howr(e) lorde & to
howr(e) lady bo-th-e
N: 3,75 [C:III,100] Graunt gilowrs in erthe g(ra)ce to amende
N: 3,75 [C:III,101] To haue penauns in er-th-e & nou-gh-t
p(er)soned in helle
N: 3,75 [C:III,102] & -th-a(n)ne falle-th- -th-e fyre
vpon false mennes howses
N: 3,75 [C:III,103] And goode me(n)nys for -th-e gilt brenne
for-th-e aftre
N: 3,75 [C:III,104] Al -th-is haue we seen -th-orow a false
N: 3,75 [C:III,105] Many burgages brent & bodies -th-(er)Inne
N: 3,75 [C:III,106] Thorow clemyng of a candel in a cursed
N: 3,75 [C:III,107] It fol down & forbrent for-th-e al
-th-e rewe
N: 3,75 [C:III,108] ffor-thi manyes -th-(a)t make fre men
-gh-ow ou-gh-t
N: 3,75 [C:III,109] ffor to spire & aspie for eny speche
of siluer
N: 3,75 [C:III,110] What man(er) mi(n)straciou(n) or marchandise
he vsed
N: 3,75 [C:III,111] Or he wer(e) franchessid fre or felow
i(n) -gh-o(ur) rolles
N: 3,75 [C:III,112] It nys not semely forso-th-e in citee
ne in borowgh
N: 3,75 [C:III,113] That any reg(ra)ters for eny kyns -gh-iftis
N: 3,75 [C:III,114] Ben enfranged fre than a false name
N: 3,76 But mede -th-e mayde . -th-e maire sche besou-gh-te
N: 3,77 Of alle suche sellars . syluer to take [aaAx]
N: 3,78 Or p(re)sens w(i)t(h)out pens . as peces of syluer
N: 3,79 Rynges of rychesse . -th-e regrateres to mayntene
N: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d -th-at lady . loue hem vchone
N 18
N: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . so(m)mdel a-gh-en reson [aaAx]
N: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sermou(n) he made [aaAx]
N: 3,83 To mende wi-th- maires . & men -th-(a)t kept
lawes [aaaXx]
N: 3,84 And telde hem -th-is teeme . -th-(a)t I telle -th-inke
N: 3,85 { Ignis deuorab(i)t tab(er)nac(u)la eor(um) q(u)i
libent(er) accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
N: 3,86 Among -th-ise lettred lordes . -th-is latyn amou(n)te-th-
N: 3,87 -Th-at fire schal falle . & forbrenne atte laste
N: 3,88 -Th-e howses and -th-e homes . of hem -th-(a)t desire-th-
N: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftes or -gh-eres -gh-yues . in -gh-ow-th-e
or in elde [????]
N: 3,90 -Th-a(n)ne come -th-e kyng fro co(n)seille . & called
aftir mede [aaaAx]
N: 3,91 And sent hir also swy-th-e . s(er)iauntes hir fette
N: 3,92 And brou-gh-t hir out of bowr(e) . wi-th- blisse & wi-th-
ioye [aaAx]
N: 3,93 Corteisly -th-e kyng . comse-th- to telle [aaAx]
N: 3,94 To mede -th-e mayde . Melioudiouse wordis [aaAx]
N: 3,95 Vnwitly wo(m)man . wrou-gh-t hastow oft [aaAx]
N: 3,96 And werse wrou-gh-tow neur . -th-a(n)ne -th-o -th-(o)u
false toke [aaXx]
N: 3,97 But -gh-it for-gh-if I -th-e -th-is gilte . & grau(n)te
-th-e my g(ra)ce [aaAa]
N: 3,98 Hennes to -th-i de-th- day . do so no more [aaAx]
N: 3,99 I haue forgynen -th-e many gilt . & my g(ra)ce
N: 3,99 [C:III,134] Bo-th-e to -th-e & to -th-ine for -th-(o)u
showst amende
N: 3,99 [C:III,135] But euer -th-e lenger -th-e werse & lesse
trw-th-e w(i)t(h) -th-e
N: 3,99 [C:III,136] --- this line om ---
N: 3,99 [C:III,137] -Gh-it for-gh-yue I -th-e -th-is gilte
-gh-if -th-(o)u do so eny more
N: 3,99 [C:III,138] --- this line om ---
N: 3,99 [C:III,139] In -th-e castel of corf I shal done -th-e
N: 3,99 [C:III 140] Or ellis in a werse wone by sent marie
my ladye
N: 3,99 [C:III,141] --- this line om ---
N: 3,99 [C:III,142] -Th-(a)t alle wo(m)men wantou(n) shal
be war by -th-e
N: 3,99 [C:III,143] And bitturly banne -th-e & alle -th-(a)t
bere -th-i name
N: 3,99 [C:III,144] And teche -th-e to loue trew-th-e & conseille
of resou(n)
N: 3,99 [C:III,145] I haue a kni-gh-t conscience cam late
fro be-gh-onde
N: 3,100 -Gh-if he wilne-th- -th-e to wif . wiltow hi(m) haue
N: 3,101 -Gh-e lorde q(uo)d -th-at lady . lorde forbede ell(is)
N: 3,102 But I be holely at -gh-owr(e) heste . lete hang
me i(n) hast [aaAx]
N: 3,103 Thanne was conscience ycalde . to comen & aper(e)
N: 3,104 Afore -th-e kyng & his conseille . clerkus & o-th-ere
N 19
N: 3,105 Kneling -th-a(n)ne conscience . to -th-e kyng lowted
N: 3,106 What his [wille] were . & what he do scholde
N: 3,107 Wiltow wedde -th-is wo(m)man . -gh-if I wil assent
N: 3,108 She fayne-th- of -th-i felawchip . & wolde be
-th-i make [aaAxx]
N: 3,109 Quod conscience to -th-e kyng . crist me forbede
N: 3,110 Ar I wedde suche a wyf . wo me bitide [aaAx]
N: 3,111 She is frele of hir fai-th- . fikel of hir speche
N: 3,112 She make-th- men mysdo . mony score tymes [aaaAx]
N: 3,113 In truste of hir treso(ur) . sche tene-th- wel many
N: 3,114 Wyues & wydowes . wantownes she techi-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,115 Lerne-th- hem lecherie . -th-at loue her -gh-iftes
N: 3,116 -Gh-owr(e) fader she felled . -th-orow false byheste
N: 3,117 Apoysene-th- popis . peire-th- holy chirche [aaAx]
N: 3,118 Is nou-gh-t a bettre bawde . by hi(m) -th-at me
made [aaAxx]
N: 3,119 At twi-gh- heuene & helle . in erthe -th-ei
men sou-gh-t [aaAx]
N: 3,120 She is tikyl of hir taile . talewyse of tonge [aaAx]
N: 3,121 Also co(moun)e as -th-e cartewey . to knawes & to
alle [aaAx]
N: 3,122 To monkes & to mynstralles . to myssales i(n)
hegges [aaAx]
N: 3,123 Siso(ur)s & somono(ur)s . suche men hir praysen
N: 3,124 Shiryues of shires . were shent -gh-if she ne wer(e)
N: 3,125 She do-th- men lese her londe . & here lif aftre
N: 3,126 She lete-th- passe p(ri)soners . & paie-th-
for hem oft [aaAx]
N: 3,127 She gyue-th- -th-e gailers golde . & grotes
togidre [aaAx]
N: 3,128 She vnfeteri-th- -th-e false . flee were hi(m) like-th-
N: 3,129 She take-th- -th-e trw-th-e by -th-e toppe . & tie-th-
hi(m) faste [aaAx]
N: 3,130 And hange-th- hi(m) for hatred . -th-at harmed neu(er)
N: 3,131 To be cursed in constorie . she cou(n)te-th- nou-gh-t
a risshe [aaAx]
N: 3,132 She copi-th- -th-e comessarie . & cote-th- his
clerkis [aaAa]
N: 3,133 She is assoiled -th-us sone . as hir self like-th-
N: 3,134 She may neigh as myche done . i(n) a mowth one [aaAx]
N: 3,135 As -gh-oure secret seel . in sex score daies [aaAx]
N: 3,136 She is p(ri)uey wi-th- -th-e pope . p(ro)uiso(ur)s
it knowen [aaAx]
N: 3,137 Symonye & hirself . selen her bulles [aaAx]
N 20
N: 3,138 She blessi-th- -th-ise bischopis . -th-eigh -th-ei
be lewed [aaAx]
N: 3,139 P(ro)uendri-th- p(er)sones . & stifly hem may(n)tene-th-
N: 3,140 To holden her lemmanes . al her lyf daies [aaAx]
N: 3,141 To bryng for-th- barnes . a-gh-ein forbode lawes
N: 3,141 [C:III,189] { Su(n)t in felices quia matres su(n)t meretrices }
N: 3,142 Wha(n)ne she is wel w(i)t(h) -th-e kyng . woo is -th-e
rewme [axAx]
N: 3,143 ffor she fauore-th- false . & folowe-th- trw-th-e
oft [aaAx]
N: 3,144 Barou(n)s & burgeis . she bringe-th- in sorow
N: 3,145 By Ih(es)u wi-th- hir Iuweles . -gh-owr(e) Iustice
she chendi-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,146 She lie-th- agayne -th-e lawe . & lette-th-
hi(m) eure [aaAx]
N: 3,147 -Th-(a)t fei-th- may nou-gh-t haue his for-th- .
her florens go so -th-ikke [aaAx]
N: 3,148 She lede-th- -th-e lawe as hir lust . & louedayes
make-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,149 The mase for a mene man . -th-eigh he mote eur(e)
N: 3,150 The lawe is so lordely . & lo-th- to make an
ende [aaAx]
N: 3,151 wi-th-outen p(re)sens or pens . sche pleci-th- wel
fewe [aaAx]
N: 3,152 Clergie & coueytise . she cople-th- togidre
N: 3,153 This is -th-e li-gh-f of -th-(a)t lady . now lorde
gif hir sorowe [aaAx]
N: 3,154 & alle -th-(a)t her mayntene . Meschau(n)ce
hem bityde [aaAx]
N: 3,155 -Th-e pore ha-th- no power . to pleyne -th-owgh
hi(m) scholde [aaAx]
N: 3,156 Suche a maistre is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
N: 3,157 -Th-a(n)ne morned mede . & mowed hir to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
N: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede -gh-if she my-gh-th
N: 3,159 The kyng grau(n)ted hir g(ra)ce . wi-th- a gode
wille [aaAx]
N: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -gh-if -th-(o)u canst . I can no bettre
seyn [aaAx]
N: 3,161 ffor conscience acuse-th- -th-e . to congeie -th-e
for eur(e) [aaAx]
N: 3,162 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-(a)t lady . leue hy(m) -th-e
werse [aaAx]
N: 3,163 Whan -gh-e wot witterly . where -th-e wrong li-gh-the
N: 3,164 There -th-(a)t myschef is gret . mede may helpe
N: 3,165 And -th-(o)u knowest conscience . I come nou-gh-t
to chide [aaAx]
N: 3,166 Ne to dep(ra)ue -th-i p(er)sone . wi-th- a proud
herte [aaAx]
N: 3,167 Wel -th-(o)u wost conscience . but -gh-if -th-(o)u
wilt lye [aaxAx]
N: 3,168 -Th-(o)u hast hanged on my halse . elleuene tymes
N 21
N: 3,169 And also grypen of my golde . gif wer(e) -th-e liked
N: 3,170 Whi wra-th--th-est -th-e now . wondre me -th-inke-th-
N: 3,171 ffor -gh-it I may as I myyth . Mensk -th-e wi-th-
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
N: 3,172 & mayntene -th-i manhode . more -th-an -th-(o)u
knowest [aaAx]
N: 3,173 But -th-(o)u hast famed me fowle . afore -th-e kyng
here [aaAxx]
N: 3,174 ffor killed neure -th-e kyng . ne counseiled -th-ereaftre
N: 3,175 Ne did as -th-(o)u demest . I do it on -th-e kyng
N: 3,176 In normandye nas he nou-gh-t . anoied for my sake
N: 3,177 But -th-(o)u -th-i self so-th-ely . shamedest hym
oft [aaAx]
N: 3,178 -Th-(o)u crepe in to a kaban . for colde of -th-i
nales [aaAx]
N: 3,179 -Th-(o)u wendest -th-(a)t wyntre . wolde haue laste
eur(e) [aaAx]
N: 3,180 -Th-(o)u dreddest to haue bi ded . for a dym clowde
N: 3,181 And hasted -th-e homward . for hunger of -th-i wombe
N: 3,182 Wi-th-oute pite -th-(o)u pilo(ur) . pore men -th-(o)u
robbeddest [aaAx]
N: 3,183 And bare here bras on -th-i bakke . to caleis to
selle [aaaXx]
N: 3,184 There I laft w(i)t(h) my lorde . his lyf for to
saue [aaAx]
N: 3,185 And made hi(m) w(i)t(h) my myrthe . mornyng to leue
N: 3,186 I batted hem on -th-e bakk . & bolded her hertis
N: 3,187 I bad hem hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
N: 3,188 Had I ben marschal of his men . by mary of heuene
N: 3,189 I dorst haue leide my lif . & no lesse wedde
N: 3,190 He had ben lorde of -th-at londe . in leng-th-e & in
brede [aaAx]
N: 3,191 And ek kyng of -th-(a)t ki-th--th-e . his kynne
for to helpe [aaAx]
N: 3,192 The lest brolle of his blode . a barownes pere [aaAx]
N: 3,193 Cowardely -th-(o)u consience . conceilldest hi(m)
-th-ennes [aaAx]
N: 3,194 To leuen his lordechip . for a litel siluer [aaAx]
N: 3,195 -Th-(a)t is -th-e rychest rewme . -th-(a)t regne-th-
vnder heuene [aaAx]
N: 3,196 Hit bicome-th- to a kyng . -th-(a)t kepe sal a rewme
N: 3,197 To gyue his men mede . -th-(a)t mekely hi(m) s(er)ue
N: 3,198 To aliens to alle men . to hono(ur)e hi(m) for -gh-iftis
N: 3,199 ffor mede make-th- hi(m) biloued . & for a man
holden [aaxAx]
N: 3,200 Emp(er)ours Erles . & alle man(er) lordes [aaAx]
N 22
N: 3,201 -gh-orow -gh-iftes haue -gh-onge men . to renne & to
ryde [aaAx]
N: 3,202 -Th-e pope of his p(re)lat(is) . p(re)sent-gh- vnderfonge-th-
N: 3,203 And meden men hem self . to meyntene -th-e lawes
N: 3,204 Seriauntis for her seruise . we sen wel -th-e so-th-e
N: 3,205 Taken mede of her maistres . as -th-ei mowe acorde
N: 3,206 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,207 Mynstralles for myr-th-es . mede -th-ei taken [aaAx]
N: 3,208 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,209 Men -th-(a)t ken clerkys . craue of hem mede [aaAx]
N: 3,210 Prestis -th-(a)t prechyn . -th-e peple to good [aaAx]
N: 3,211 Axen mede & messe pans . & here mete also
N: 3,212 Alle kynnes crafty men craue . mede for her p(re)ntyce
N: 3,213 Mede & marchau(n)dise . mote nede go togidre
N: 3,214 Mi-gh-te no man as I wene . lyue w(i)t(h)oute mede
N: 3,215 Quod -th-e kyng to conscience . bi crist as me -th-inke-th-
N: 3,216 Mede is wel wor-th-i . -th-e maistrie to haue [axAx]
N: 3,217 Quod conscience to -th-e kyng . & kneled to
-th-e grou(n)de [aaAx]
N: 3,218 Ther(e) be two man(er)e of medes . my lorde w(i)t(h)
-gh-our(e) leue [aaAx]
N: 3,219 -Th-(a)t on god of his g(ra)ce . giue-th- in his
blisse [aaAx]
N: 3,220 To hem -th-at ay wyrche wel . wel wil -th-ei ben
here [aaAx]
N: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phet p(re)ched it . & put it in -th-e
sauter [aaAx]
N: 3,221a { Q(ui) pecuniam sua(m) no(n) ded(i)t ad vsuram & mun(er)a
sup(er) i(n)noce(n)te(m) } [Latin]
N: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of men -th-(a)t ben trwe
N: 3,223 But loue hem & lene or leue hem . for -th-e
lordes loue of heuene [aaAx]?
N: 3,224 Goddis mede & his mercye . -th-(er) wi-th- my-gh-t
-th-ow wy(n)ne [aaAx]
N: 3,225 There is a mede mesureles . -th-at maistris desire-th-
N: 3,226 To meyntene mysdoers . mede -th-ei take [aaAx]
N: 3,227 And -th-(er)of seith -th-e sauter . in a spalm(us)
ende [aaAx]
N: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniq(ui)tates su(n)t dextera
eor(um) repleta e(st) mun[eri]b(us) } [Latin]
N: 3,229 And he -th-at gripe-th- -th-e gift . so me god helpe
N: 3,230 Shal abye it wel bitterly . ar -th-e boke lie-th-
N: 3,231 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,232 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,233 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,233a --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,234 -Th-at laboreres & lowe folke . lacche(n) of
her maistres [aaXx]
N: 3,235 It is no man(er) of mede . but a mesurable hure
N 23
N: 3,236 In marchau(n)dise is no mede . I may it wel awowe
N: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutaciou(n) ap(er)tly . a penyworth
for ano-th-er [aaAx]
N: 3,238 Ne redde -th-(o)u neure { regu(m) } . -th-at recreied
mede [aaAx]
N: 3,239 Whi -th-e veniau(n)ce fel . on saul & his childre
N: 3,240 God sent hi(m) to seyn . by samueles mow-th-e [aaAx]
N: 3,241 That agag of amalek . & alle his peple aftre
N: 3,242 Sholde dye for a dede . -th-(a)t dou(n) had his
heldres [aaAx]
N: 3,243 Agayn Israel and aaron . & moyses his bro-th-er
N: 3,244 Samuel seid to saul . god sendi-th- -th-e & hote-th-
N: 3,245 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,246 Wende -th-ider wi-th- -th-ine ost . wo(m)men to
kille [axAx]?
N: 3,247 Children & cherles . choppe hem to -th-e de-th-
N: 3,248 Loke -th-(o)u kille -th-e kyng . coueite nou-gh-t
his gode [aaAx]
N: 3,249 ffor eny Myliou(n)s of money . moldre hem vchone
N: 3,250 Biernes & bestes . brenne hem to -th-e de-th-e
N: 3,251 And for he killed nou-gh-t -th-e kynge . as crist
hi(m) bode sent [aaAx]
N: 3,252 Coueited her catel . killed nou-gh-t here best(is)
N: 3,253 But brou-gh-t for-th- -th-e bestes . as -th-e bible
telli-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,254 God seid to samuel . -th-(a)t saul scholde dye [aaAx]
N: 3,255 And al his seed for -th-at synne . schenfullyche
ende [aaAx]
N: 3,256 Suche a myschef Mede . made -th-e kyng haue [aaAx]
N: 3,257 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,258 -Th-e culor(um) of -th-is cas . kepe I nou-gh-t
to shewe [aaAx]
N: 3,259 O aventure it annuyed me . non ende wil I make [aaAxx]
N: 3,260 I conscience knowe -th-is . for kynde witte me tau-gh-te
N: 3,261 That reson schal regne -gh-it . & regnes gouerne
N: 3,262 And ri-gh-t as agag had . happe schal so(m)me [aaAx]
N: 3,263 Samuel shal slen hi(m) . & saul schal be blamed
N: 3,264 And d(aui)d shal be diademed . & daunten hem
alle [aaAx]
N: 3,265 And on cristene kyng . kepe vs vchone [aaAx]
N: 3,266 Now shal no more mede . be maistre of erthe [aaAx]
N: 3,267 Bote loue & lownesse . & lewte togidre [aaAx]
N: 3,268 & whoso trespasse-th- trw-th-e . or taki-th-
agayne his wille [aaAx]
N 24
N: 3,269 Lewte shal done hy(m) lawe . or lese his lyf elles
N: 3,270 Shal no s(er)iaunt-gh- for -th-(a)t s(er)uyse .
were a silke howe [aaAx]
N: 3,271 Ne no raye robe . wi-th- no ryche pellure [aaAx]
N: 3,272 Mede of mysdoers . Make-th- hem so ryche [aaAx]
N: 3,273 That lawe is lorde waxen . & lewte is pore [aaAx]
N: 3,274 Vnkyndenesse is comau(n)der . & kyndenesse is
vanshed [aaAx]
N: 3,275 But kynde witt shal come -gh-it . & conscience
togidre [aaAx]
N: 3,276 [And make] of lawe a laborer . suche loue schal
aryse [aaAx]
Passus quartus de visione vt p(ri)(us)
N: 4,1 Cesse-th- sei-th- -th-e ky(n)g . I suffre -gh-ow no
lengre [aaAx]
N: 4,2 -Gh-e shul saughtle forso-th-e . & s(er)ue me
bo-th-e [aaAx]
N: 4,3 Kysse q(uo)d -th-e kyng . conscience I hote [aaAx]
N: 4,4 Nay by crist q(uo)d conscience . congeie me ra-th-(er)
N: 4,5 But resou(n) rede me -th-(er)to . ra-th-(er) wil I
die [aaAx]
N: 4,6 And I comau(n)de -th-e q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to conscience
-th-anne [aaAx]
N: 4,7 Now rape -th-e to ryde . & resou(n) -th-(o)u fecche
N: 4,8 Comau(n)de hi(m) -th-at he come . my counseille to
her(e) [aaAx]
N: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my rewme . & rede me -th-e
beste [aaAx]
N: 4,10 Of mede & mo o-th-(er) . & what man schal
her wedde [aaAx]
N: 4,11 And counte wi-th- -th-e conscience . so me crist
helpe [aaAx]
N: 4,12 How -th-(o)u lerest -th-e peple . -th-e lered & -th-e
lewde [axAa]
N: 4,13 I am fayne of -th-(a)t forward . sei-th- -th-e freke
-th-anne [aaAx]
N: 4,14 He ride-th- ri-gh-t to resou(n) . & rowne-th-
i(n) his ere [aaaAx]
N: 4,15 And seide hi(m) as -th-e kyng sent . & sythen
toke his leue [aaAxx]
N: 4,16 I shal aray me to ryde q(uo)d resou(n) . now rest
-th-e a while [aaaAx]
N: 4,17 He called catou(n) his knaue . curteise of speche
N: 4,18 Set my sadel . vpon suffre til I see my teme [aaAa]
N: 4,19 And lete warroke hi(m) wel . wi-th- witful garthes
N: 4,20 And hange on hi(m) -th-e heuy bridil . to holde his
hed lowe [aaAx]
N: 4,21 -Gh-it he wil make many wehe . ar we be -th-(er)e
N: 4,22 Conscience on his caple . care-th- for-th-(er) faste
N 25
N: 4,23 & resou(n) w(i)t(h) hy(m) ryde-th- . & rapi-th-
aftre [aaAx]
N: 4,24 But on waryn wisdom . & witty his fere [aaAx]
N: 4,25 ffolowed hem fast . for -th-ei had to done [aaAxx]
N: 4,26 In cheker & i(n) chau(n)serie . to be discharged
of -th-ingis [aaAx]
N: 4,27 -Th-ei ryden fast for resou(n) . shulde rede hem
-th-e beste [aaAx]
N: 4,28 How to sauen hem self . fro shame & fro harmys
N: 4,29 But conscience come first . to courte be a myle [aaAx]
N: 4,30 And rowmed for-th- wi-th- resou(n) . ri-gh-t afore
-th-e kyng [aaAx]
N: 4,31 Curteisly -th-e kyng . -th-anne come toward resou(n)
N: 4,32 And atwix hi(m) & his sone . sett hi(m) on benche
N: 4,33 And wordyn a gret while . wel wysely togidre [aaAx]
N: 4,34 -Th-a(n)ne pees in -th-e p(ar)lement . put vp a bille
N: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-ein his wille . had his wyf takyn
N: 4,36 How he rauisshed Rose . Regynoldis loue [aaAx]
N: 4,37 And margarete of hir maydenhode . ma(n)gr(e) her
chekis [aaAx]
N: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gees & my gryse . his gadling(es)
fecchen [aaAx]
N: 4,39 I dar nou-gh-t for fer of hem . fytht ne chide [xaAx]
N: 4,40 He borowed of me bayerd . & brou-gh-t hi(m) neure
agayne [aaAx]
N: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-ing -th-(er)fore . for nou-gh-t I cou-th-e
plede [aaAxx]
N: 4,42 He mey(n)tene-th- his men . to robbe & to slee
N: 4,43 fforstalle-th- my feyres . fightith i(n) my chepyng
N: 4,44 He breke-th- vp my barne dore . beri-th- awey my
whete [aaAx]
N: 4,45 He take-th- me but a tayle . for x quarter otis [aaAx]
N: 4,46 And -gh-it he beti-th- me -th-erto . & li-th-
be my maide [axAx]
N: 4,47 I am nou-gh-t hardy for hem onis for to loke [aaAx]
N: 4,48 -Th-e kyng knewe . he seid [-th-e] so-th-e . for
conscie(n)ce hi(m) tolde [aaAx]
N: 4,49 Wrong was aferde -th-o . & wisdome he sou-gh-t
N: 4,50 To make pees wi-th- his pans . & p(ro)ferd hy(m)
manye [aaAx]
N: 4,51 ffor had I loue of my lorde -th-e ky(n)g . litle
wolde I recche [aaAx]
N: 4,52 The[i]gh pees & his power . pleynid hi(m) eur(e)
N: 4,53 Wisdome wept -th-o . so did witte alse [aaAx]
N 26
N: 4,54 ffor -th-(a)t wrong had ywrou-gh-t . so wikkyd a dede
N: 4,55 And warned wronge -th-o . wi-th- suche a wyse tale
N: 4,56 Whoso worche-th- not by wel . wra-th- make-th- oft
N: 4,57 I sey by my self . -th-(o)u schalt it sone fynde
N: 4,58 But -gh-if Mede it make . -th-i myschep is vp [aaAx]
N: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-i lyf & -th-i lande . li-th-
in kyng(es) g(ra)ce [aaAx]
N: 4,60 Wrong vppon wisdom . wept & praied [aaAx]
N: 4,61 To helpe hi(m) for of his . handy dandy payed [aaXa]
N: 4,62 Thanne wisdome & witt . went togidre [aaAx]
N: 4,63 And nomen Mede wi-th- hem . mercy to axe [axAx]
N: 4,64 Pees put for-th- his heed . & his panne blody
N: 4,65 W(i)t(h)out gilt god wot . gate I -th-is ska-th-e
N: 4,66 Conscience & -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e so-th-e
N: 4,67 And wist wel -th-at wrong was a cherewe eure [aaAx]
N: 4,68 But wisdome & witte . were aboute faste [aaAx]
N: 4,69 To ouercome -th-e kyng . wi-th- catel -gh-if -th-ei
my-gh-t [aaAx]
N: 4,70 -Th-e kyng swore by crist . & by his crowne bo-th-e
N: 4,71 -Th-(a)t wronge for his werkis . sholde wo -th-ole
N: 4,72 He comau(n)ded a constable . to kast hi(m) i(n) Irens
N: 4,73 He shal not -th-is seuene . -gh-er(e) sene his fete
onys [aaAx]
N: 4,74 God wot q(uo)d wisdom . -th-(a)t were nou-gh-t -th-e
best [aaAx]
N: 4,75 -Gh-if he may make amendes . late hy(m) maynp(ri)se
hi(m) haue [aaAx]
N: 4,76 & be borow for his bale . & biggyn hi(m)
bote [aaAa]
N: 4,77 Amende -th-(a)t mysdede . & eu(er)more -th-e
bettre [aaAx]
N: 4,78 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 4,79 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 4,80 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 4,81 Mede gan to megen hir . & mercy besou-gh-te [aaAx]
N: 4,82 & p(ro)ferd pes a present . al of pure golde
N: 4,83 Haue -th-is man of me . to mende w(i)t(h) -th-i sca-th-e
N: 4,84 ffor I wil wage for wrong . he wil do so no more
N: 4,85 Pees -th-anne pytously . preide to -th-e kynge [aaAx]
N: 4,86 To haue mercy of -th-at man . -th-at my[s]did hi(m)
oft [aaAx]
N: 4,87 ffor he ha-th- waieg me wel . [as] wisdome hi(m)
tau-gh-t [aaAx]
N: 4,88 I forgyue hi(m) -th-(a)t gilt . w(i)t(h) a gode wille
N 27
N: 4,89 So -th-(a)t -gh-e assent . I can sey no more [aaAx]
N: 4,90 Mede ha-th- made me amendes . I may no more axen
N: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . so god gif me blisse
N: 4,92 Wrong wendes nou-gh-t so . til I wit more [aaaAx]
N: 4,93 Lepe he so li-gh-tly . lawhen he wolde [aaAx]
N: 4,94 & ek be -th-e bolder . to bete myn heuene [aaAx]
N: 4,95 But resou(n) haue rew-th-e of hi(m) . he schal rest
in my stokkis [aaAx]
N: 4,96 Also long as I leue . but -gh-if loue it make [aaAx]
N: 4,97 -Th-anne was resou(n) redde . to haue rew-th-e of
-th-(a)t sherewe [aaAx]
N: 4,98 & -th-e kyng conseilled . & conscience bo-th-e
N: 4,99 To make mede Maynp(er)no(ur) . resou(n) -th-ei besou-gh-t
N: 4,100 Red me nou-gh-t q(uo)d resou(n) . no rewthe to haue
N: 4,101 Til lordis & ladi[e]s . louen alle trw-th-e
N: 4,102 And p(er)nell(is) p(ur)fyle . be put in her huche
N: 4,103 Til children cherissyng . be chasted wi-th- -gh-erdis
N: 4,104 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 4,105 To clerkis & kni-gh-tes . be curteise of her
mow-th-es [aaAx]
N: 4,106 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 4,107 Til p(re)stes her p(re)chyng . p(re)uen it hem self
N: 4,108 And done i(n) dede . to drawe vs to gode [aaAx]
N: 4,109 Til seynt Iame be sou-gh-t . -th-(er)e I schal asigne
N: 4,110 -Th-(a)t no man go galis . but -gh-if he go for
eur(e) [aaAx]
N: 4,111 & alle Rome renners . for robbers of by-gh-onde
N: 4,112 Bere no siluer ou(er) see . -th-at signe of kyng
beris [aaAa]
N: 4,113 Nei-th-er grotis ne golde . ygraue w(i)t(h) kyngis
crowne [aaAx]
N: 4,114 Vp for faito(ur) of-th-(a)t fee . who so fynde hem
at Douorre [aaAx]
N: 4,115 But it be marchaun-gh-t or his ma(n) . or messanger
w(i)t(h) l(ett)res [aaAx]
N: 4,116 Or p(ro)uiso(ur) or prest . -th-at -th-e pope avaunce-th-
N: 4,117 And by -th-e Rode q(uo)d resou(n) . I schal no rew-th-e
haue [aaAx]
N: 4,118 Wil mede ha-th- -th-e maistrie . to mote in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
N: 4,119 But I may seyn in example . as I se o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
N: 4,120 I sey for my self . -gh-if it so were [aaAx]
N: 4,121 That I were kyng wi-th- crowne . to kepen a rewme
N: 4,122 Sholde neure wrong i(n) -th-is worlde . -th-(a)t
I wit my-gh-te [aaAx]
N 28
N: 4,123 Be vnpunisshed in my power . for p(er)il of my soule
N: 4,124 Ne gete g(ra)ce -th-orow gift . so me god helpe
N: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)cye . but meknesse it made
N: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) } -th-e man . mette w(i)t(h)
{ inpunitu(m) } [aaAx]
N: 4,127 & bad { nullu(m) bonu(m) } be { irremuneratu(m)
} [aaAx]
N: 4,128 Do -th-i confesso(ur) sire kyng . constru it on
englissh [aaAx]
N: 4,129 And -gh-if -th-(o)u wirche it in werke . I wedde
bo-th-e myne eres [aaAx]
N: 4,130 -Th-(a)t lawe schal be a laborer . & lede afelde
donge [aaAx]
N: 4,131 & loue schal lede al -th-i lond . as -th-e leue
lyke-th- [aaaAx]
N: 4,132 Clerkis -th-(a)t wer(e) co(n)fesso(ur)s . cowpled
hem togydre [aaAx]
N: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-is clause . declined fast [aaAx]
N: 4,134 Whan resou(n) i(n) a rude wra-th- . reh(er)sed alle
-th-ise wordis [aaAx]
N: 4,135 Ther nas man i(n) -th-e mote alle . more ne lesse
N: 4,136 -Th-(a)t he ne helde resou(n) a Maist(re) & mede
a mychel wrecche [xaaAx]
N: 4,137 Loue lete of hir li-gh-t . & lowgh hir to scorne
N: 4,138 & seide it so lowde . -th-(a)t so-th-enesse
it herde [aaAx]
N: 4,139 Whoso wilne-th- hir to wyf . for wel-th-e of hir
godis [aaAx]
N: 4,140 But he be cokewolde ycalde . cut of my nose [aaAx]
N: 4,141 Waryn wisdom . ne witty his fere [aaAx]
N: 4,142 Cou-th-e nou-gh-t werpyn a worde . to wi-th-segge
resou(n) [aaAx]
N: 4,143 But stareden for studeing . & stoden stille
as best(is) [aaAx]
N: 4,144 The kyng acordid . anon to resou(n)s sawes [aaAx]
N: 4,145 And seid -th-(a)t resou(n) . had ri-gh-tfullyche
schewid [aaAx]
N: 4,146 But it is herde by my hed . herto to bring it [aaAx]
N: 4,147 And alle my lege lordes . to lede -th-us euene [aaAx]
N: 4,148 By hi(m) -th-(a)t rau-gh-t on -th-e rode . q(uo)d
resou(n) to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
N: 4,149 But I rule -th-us -gh-owr(e) rewme . rende out my
ribbes [aaAx]
N: 4,150 -Gh-if so be -th-at boxomenesse . be of myne assent
N: 4,151 And I assent sei-th- -th-e kyng . by sent Marie
my lady [axAx]
N: 4,152 Be my counseille ycomen . of clerkis and erlis [aaAx]
N 29
N: 4,153 But redely resou(n) . -th-(o)u schalt nou-gh-t ryde
hennes [aaAx]
N: 4,154 ffor as longe as I leue . leten -th-e I nelle [aaAx]
N: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d resou(n) . to rest w(i)t(h)-gh-ow
eure [aaAx]
N: 4,156 -Gh-if conscience be of counseill . kepe I no bettre
N: 4,157 And I graunt q(uo)d -th-e kyng . god forbede he
faille [aaAbb]
N: 4,158 Also longe as I lyue . libbe we togidris [aaAx]
Passus quintus de visione vt prius
N: 5,1 The kyng & his kni-gh-tghtes . to -th-e kirke went
N: 5,2 To here maytenys & messe . & to mete aftre
N: 5,3 Tha(n)ne waked I of my wynkyng . & wo was w(i)t(h)alle
N: 5,4 That I ne had sadder yslept . & yseye more [aaAx]
N: 5,5 Ar I had farn a fourlong . ffantyse me hente [aaAx]
N: 5,6 A fote ne my-gh-t I fer-th-(er) . for defaute of slepyng
N: 5,7 I sat softely adown . & seide my bileue [aaAx]
N: 5,8 And so I babled on my bedes . it brou-gh-t me aslepe
N: 5,9 Thanne saw I mychel more . -th-anne I before tolde
N: 5,10 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 5,11 How conscience wi-th- a crosse . come for to p(re)che
N: 5,12 He praied -th-e peple . to haue pyte of hem seluen
N: 5,13 And preued -th-at pestylence . was for pure synne
N: 5,14 And -th-e southwest wynde . on saterday at euene
N: 5,15 Was ap(er)tily for p(ri)de . & for no poynt ellis
N: 5,16 Pyryes & plomtres . were puffed to -th-e grou(n)de
N: 5,17 In ensaumple . -gh-e scholde do -th-e bettre [aaAx]
N: 5,18 Beches & brode okes . were blowen to -th-e er-th-e
N: 5,19 And torned vpward her tailles . i(n) tokenyng of
drede [aaAx]
N: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne ar domesday . schal fordon hem
alle [aaAx]
N: 5,21 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 5,22 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 5,23 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) go worche . wat he best cow-th-e
N: 5,25 & wynne -th-(a)t he wasted . w(i)t(h) so(m)me
man(er) craft [aaAxx]
N: 5,26 he preied dame p(er)nel . her purfyle to leue [aaAx]
N: 5,27 & kepe it in hir cofer . for catel at nede [aaAx]
N: 5,28 Thomas he tau-gh-t . to take two staues [aaAx]
N 30
N: 5,29 And fecche home felyce . fro -th-e wyuene pyne [aaAxx]
N: 5,30 Warne watte . -th-(a)t his wyf was for to blame [aaAx]
N: 5,31 -Th-(a)t hir hed was wor-th- half marke . & his
Hode nou-gh-t wor-th-e a grot[e] [abAb]
N: 5,32 He charched chapmen . to chastice her children [aaAa]
N: 5,33 -Th-at no wynnyng hem weny . whil -th-ei be -gh-onge
N: 5,34 He praied prelates . & prestis togidre [aaAx]
N: 5,35 Al -th-at -th-ei preche . to preue it hem self [aaAx]
N: 5,36 & libbe-th- as -gh-e lerne vs . we wil lowe -gh-ow
-th-e bettre [aaAx]
N: 5,37 He radde Religiou(n) . her rule wel to holde [aaAx]
N: 5,38 Lest -th-e kynges conseille -gh-owr(e) . co(mun)es
appaire [aaAx]
N: 5,39 & be stwardes in -gh-our(e) stedes . tyl -gh-e
be stow it bettre [aaAx]
N: 5,40 Tho -th-at seken seint Iame . & seintis at Rome
N: 5,41 Seke-th- seint trw-th-e . for he may saue -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
N: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) patre & filio } . -th-at fair(e)
mote -gh-ow befalle [xaAx]
N: 5,43 -Th-anne ranne repentaunce . to reherse his teme
N: 5,44 And made wille wepe watre . wi-th- his eyen [aaaAx]
N: 5,45 Pernel proude hert . plat hir to -th-e grownde [aaAx]
N: 5,46 And syked ful sorowfully & seide lorde m(er)cye
N: 5,47 And bieght to hi(m) . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
N: 5,48 She sholde vnsowen her serke . & sette -th-(er)
on a heire [aaAx]
N: 5,49 ffort affaiten her flesche . -th-at fiers was to
synne [aaAx]
N: 5,50 Shal neur(e) hiegh herte me hent . but ::::: me low[e]
N: 5,51 And suffre to be myssaid . & so did I neure [aaAxx]
N: 5,52 But now wil I meke me . & mercy byseke [aaAx]
N: 5,53 Of al -th-(a)t I haue had p(ri)de . i(n) myn herte
N: 5,54 lecherie seid allas . & on our(e) lady cried
N: 5,55 To gete mercy for his mysdedis . in mendyng of his
soule [aaaXx]
N: 5,56 Wi-th- -th-at he sholde saterday . seuene -gh-er
-th-(er)aftre [aaAx]
N: 5,57 Drynke but Mid -th-e doke . & dyne but onys [aaAx]
N: 5,58 Enuy wi-th- heuy herte . axed aftre shrift [aaaAx]
N: 5,59 And carefully his coupe . bigynne-th- he to shewe
N 31
N: 5,60 Also pale as a pelot . in a palsye he semyd [aaAx]
N: 5,61 Cladde i(n) a caurymaury . I cow-th-e it nou-gh-t
descreue [aaAx]
N: 5,62 A kirtil & a courtepye . a knyf be his syde [aaAx]
N: 5,63 Of a frere frokke . were -th-e for sleues [aaAx]
N: 5,64 Os led -th-at had leyn . longe in -th-e sonne [aaAx]
N: 5,65 So loked he wi-th- lene chekys . louryng ful fowle
N: 5,66 A1 forbolned for angre . -th-at he bote his lippis
N: 5,67 And wro-th-ly he wrong his fist . to wreken hi(m)
he -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
N: 5,68 Wi-th- werkys or wordis . whan he seigh his tyme
N: 5,69 Venym vernissh . or vynegre I trowe [aaAx]
N: 5,70 Walowe-th- in my wombe . & waxe-th- as I wene
N: 5,71 I my-gh-t nou-gh-t many day done . as a man ou-gh-t
N: 5,72 Swche wynde in my wombe . waxe-th- ar I dyne [aaAx]
N: 5,73 I haue a neighbore nyegh me . -th-(a)t I anyed oft
N: 5,74 & blamed hi(m) bihynde his bakke . to brynge
hi(m) i(n) fame [aaaAx]
N: 5,75 To peire hi(m) by my power . I pursued oft [aaAx]
N: 5,76 Bylowlen hi(m) to lordes . do done hi(m) lese siluer
N: 5,77 And done his frendis ben his fone . -th-orow my false
tonge [aaAx]
N: 5,78 His g(ra)ce & his gode happis . greue me wel
sore [aaAx]
N: 5,79 Atwix hi(m) & his wif . haue I made wra-th-e
N: 5,80 Bo-th-e lym & lyf . was lost -th-orow my tonge
N: 5,81 I mete hi(m) i(n) market . -th-at I most hate [aaAx]
N: 5,82 I hailse hi(m) as hendely . as I his frende were
N: 5,83 He is doughtier -th-an I I dar . non harme done hi(m)
N: 5,84 But had I -th-e maistrie . morthere hi(m) I wolde
N: 5,85 Whan I come to -th-e kirke . & knele to -th-e
rode [aaAx]
N: 5,86 To pray for -th-e peple . as -th-e prest teche-th-
N: 5,87 --- this line om ---
N: 5,88 -Th-anne I cried on my knees . -th-(a)t crist gif
hem sorowe [aaAx]
N: 5,89 -Th-(a)t bare awey my bolls . & my broke shete
N: 5,90 & fro -th-e auter . myne hiegh I torn & byholde
N: 5,91 How hayne ha-th- a newe cote . & his wyf ano-th-er
N 32
N: 5,92 Tha(n)ne I wyssh it were myne . & al -th-e webbe
aftir [aaAx]
N: 5,93 Of his lesyng I lawgh . it li-gh-te-th- my herte
N: 5,94 And of his wynnyng I wepe . & weille -th-e tyme
N: 5,95 I deme -th-(a)t men do yuel . & -gh-i-gh-t I
do worse [aaAx]
N: 5,96 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 5,97 Whoso ha-th- more -th-an I . -th-at angre-th- myn
herte [aaAa]
N: 5,98 And -th-(us) I lyue loueles . lyke a ly-th-er dogge
N: 5,99 -Th-at al my brest bolne-th- . for bitter of my galle
N: 5,100 -Th-(er)e nys no sugre ne swete -th-ing . may swage
it an vche [aaAx]
N: 5,101 Ne no dyapenydyon . dryue it fro my(n) herte [aaAx]?
N: 5,102 -Gh-if shrift sholde . me -th-inke it shope a grete
wondre [aaAx]
N: 5,103 -Gh-is redily q(uo)d repentaunce . & radde hi(m)
to goode [aaAx]
N: 5,104 Sorow for synnes . saue-th- wel many [aaAx]
N: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d -th-(a)t sherew . I am but selden
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
N: 5,106 And -th-at make-th- me so mat . for I may me nou-gh-t
awe(n)ge [aaAx]
N: 5,107 -Th-anne come coueityse . I can hi(m) nou-gh-t descreue
N: 5,108 So hu(n)gryly & so holow . syre henri -th-a(n)ne
loked [aaAx]
N: 5,109 Bitilbrowed & baberlippid . wi-th- two blered
eyn [aaAx]
N: 5,110 And as a letherne porse . lolled his chekis [axAx]
N: 5,111 In a torne tabarde . of twelue wyntre age [aaAx]
N: 5,112 But -gh-if a lowse couthe lepe . I may nou-gh-t
yleue [aaXa]
N: 5,113 He sholde wandre on -th-at welche . so was it -th-redbare
N: 5,114 I haue be coueitouse q(uo)d -th-(a)t catyf . I byknewe
it here [aaAx]
N: 5,115 ffor su(m)me tyme I s(er)ued . sy(m)me at Noke [aaAx]
N: 5,116 I was his preyntes pli-gh-t . his p(ro)fyt to loke
N: 5,117 ffirst I lerned to lye . a leef o-th-er two [aaAx]
N: 5,118 Wykkidly for to weygh . was my next lessou(n) [aaAxx]
N: 5,119 To wynchestre & to wy . I went to -th-e feir(e)
N: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) Marcha(n)dise . as my maist(re)
hieght [aaAx]
N: 5,121 Ne had -th-e g(ra)ce of gyle . ygone amonge my ware
N: 5,122 It had ben vnsolde -th-is seuene -gh-er(e) . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
N: 5,123 -Th-a(n)ne drow I me to drapers . my donet to lere
N: 5,124 ::::::::::::::: -th-e leser alonge . -th-e lenger
it semyd [aaAx]
N 33
N: 5,125 Among -th-e ryche rayes . I rendred a lessou(n) [aaAx]
N: 5,126 Broched hem w(i)t(h) a pak nedle . & pleyted
hem togidre [aaAx]
N: 5,127 Put hem in a presso(ur) . and peyned hem -th-(er)Inne
N: 5,128 Til x -gh-erdes or twelue . tolled out xiij [aaAx]
N: 5,129 My wyf was a vy(n)nestre . & wollen clo-th-e
made [aaAx]
N: 5,130 She spake to spynestres . to spynne it soft [aaAx]
N: 5,131 -Th-e pound -th-at she payed . by paysed a q(ua)rter
more [aaAx]
N: 5,132 -Th-a(n)ne myn auncere did . whan I weygh trow-th-e
N: 5,133 I brou-gh-t hir barly malte . sche brew it to selle
N: 5,134 Penyale & pylewyl . she pourid togidre [aaAx]
N: 5,135 ffor laboreres & low folke . it lay by it self
N: 5,136 -Th-e beste in my bed chau(m)bir . lay by -th-e
wowe [aaAx]
N: 5,137 And whoso bu(m)med -th-(er)of . bou-gh-t it -th-(er)aftre
N: 5,138 A galou(n) for a grote . god wot no lesse [aaAx]
N: 5,139 Whan it cam in coppemele . -th-e craft my wyf vsed
N: 5,140 Rose reg(ra)tere . was hir ri-gh-t name [aaAx]
N: 5,141 She had holden huxtrie . eleuene wyntre [aaAx]
N: 5,142 And I swere now so -th-ike, . -th-at synne wyl I
lete [aaAx]
N: 5,143 And neure wikkydly weygh . ne wikke chaffre make
N: 5,144 But wende to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyf aftre [aaAx]
N: 5,145 And bid -th-e Rode of bromeholme . bryng me out
of dette [aaAx]
N: 5,146 Now bygynne-th- glotou(n) . for to shrift [aaAx]
N: 5,147 And kaire-th- hi(m) to kirkward . his coupe to shewe
N: 5,148 Betou(n) -th-e brewster . bad hi(m) god morowe [aaAx]
N: 5,149 & she axed -th-anne of hi(m) . whiderworde he
wolde [aaAx]
N: 5,150 To holy cherche q(uo)d he . -th-(er)e to here messe
N: 5,151 & si-th-en wil I chryue me . & synne no
more [aaAx]
N: 5,152 I haue gode ale Cossip . glotou(n) wiltow assaye
N: 5,153 -Gh-e hastow ought in -th-i p(ur)se . eny hote spyces
N: 5,154 -Gh-e gossip q(uo)d she . god wot wel hote [aaAx]
N: 5,155 I haue pep(ir) & pyanye . & a pou(n)d of
garlik [aaAx]
N: 5,156 A fer-th-ing wor-th- of fenel sede . for fastyng
dayes [aaAx]
N: 5,157 Thanne go-th- glotou(n) in . & grete o-th-is
aftyr [aaAx]
N: 5,158 Cesse -th-e sowter . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
N 34
N: 5,159 What -th-e webster . & his wyf bo-th-e [aaAx]
N: 5,160 To(m)me -th-e ty(n)ker . & two of his knaues
N: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hoper his hors & hyne [aaAx]
N: 5,162 Claryce of kokkeslane . -th-e clerke of -th-e kyrke
N: 5,162 [B:V,321/C:VI,367] Sire Piers of prydye & P(er)nel of flawndris
N: 5,163 Daw -th-e diker . & a do-gh-ein o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
N: 5,164 A Ribibour a Ratoner . -th-e raker of -th-e chepe
N: 5,165 A roper a redyngkyng . & rose -th-e dissheres
N: 5,165 [B:V,316/C:VI,373] Godfrey of gloustre & gruny(n) -th-e walseh
N: 5,166 Of vpholders a hep . -th-at erly by -th-e morowe [aaAx]
N: 5,167 Geuen glotou(n) w(i)t(h) glad chere . gode ale to
hansel [aaAbb]
N: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobler . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
N: 5,169 And at -th-e newe fair(e) . he nemyd it to selle
N: 5,170 Hikke -th-e hoper . hitte his hode aftre [aaAa]
N: 5,171 & bette -th-e bocher . shulde ben on his syde
N: 5,172 There were chapmen ychosen . -th-e chaffre to praise
N: 5,173 ffor who so had -th-e hode . sholde make amendis
N: 5,174 To rysen vp in rape . & rownen togydre [aaAx]
N: 5,175 And praisen -th-e penywor-th-es . ap(ar)t by hem
seluen [aaAx]
N: 5,176 There were o-th-is an hep . whoso it harde [aaAa]
N: 5,177 Thei couthe nou-gh-t by here co(n)scie(n)ce . acorde
togidre [aaAx]
N: 5,178 Til Robyn -th-e roper . was rad to ryse [aaAa]
N: 5,179 And nemyd for a nu(m)per . -th-at no debate nere
N: 5,180 Hichkok -th-e hoper . had -th-e cloke [aaAx]
N: 5,181 In couenaunt -th-at clement . sholde -th-e coppe
fille [aaAx]
N: 5,182 And haue -th-e hop(er)is hode . a holde hi(m) yserued
N: 5,183 And who -th-at repented rathest . sholde aryse aftre
N: 5,184 And grete sire glotou(n) . wi-th- a galou(n) ale
N: 5,185 -Th-ere was laughyng & lowryng . & lete
go -th-e coppe [aaAx]
N: 5,186 Bargaynes & beuerages . bygonne for to ryse
N: 5,187 And sytten so tyl euensong . & songe vmwhile
N 35
N: 5,188 Til glotou(n) had glowpyd . a galou(n) of ale [aaAa]
N: 5,189 He pissed a potel . in a paternoster while [aaAx]
N: 5,190 & blewe -th-e Rounde Ruet . at his riggebonis
ende [aaAx]
N: 5,191 That alle -th-(a)t herde -th-at horne . helde her
nose aftir [aaAa]
N: 5,192 And wysshed it were wexid . w(i)t(h) a wyspe of
firsyn [aaAx]
N: 5,193 He had no strengthe to stonde . til he his staf
hadde [aaAx]
N: 5,194 & -th-anne go-th- he for-th- . lyke a glewma(n)nes
byche [aaAx]
N: 5,195 So(m)me tyme asyde . & so(m)me tyme arere [aaAx]
N: 5,196 As whoso leyde lynes . to lacche wi-th- fowlys [aaAx]
N: 5,196 & made endentures . of -th-e broke worlde
N: 5,197 But wha(n)ne he drow to -th-e dore . -th-a(n)ne dy(m)med
his eyen [aaAx]
N: 5,198 He stombled at -th-e -th-resfolde . & -th-rew
to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
N: 5,199 -Th-(a)t w(i)t(h) al -th-e wo of -th-is worlde .
his wyf & his wenche [aaAa]
N: 5,200 Bere hi(m) hom to his bedde . & brou-gh-t hi(m)
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
N: 5,201 And affter al -th-is s(ur)fayt . an accesse he hadde
N: 5,202 -Th-(a)t al a somer he slepe . til sonne -gh-ede
to reste [aaaAx]
N: 5,203 Whan he waked of his wynke . he wyped his eyn [aaAx]
N: 5,204 The first worde -th-(a)t he spake was . were is
-th-e coppe [aaAx]
N: 5,205 His wyf blamed hi(m) -th-anne . of wickednesse & sy(n)ne
N: 5,206 Thanne was ashamed -th-(a)t sherewe . & gan
sharape his eris [aaAx]
N: 5,207 & gan grete grymly . & grete dole to make
N: 5,208 ffor his lither lyff . -th-(a)t he lyued hadde [aaAx]
N: 5,209 And awowed to fast . for eny first or hu(n)ger [aaAxx]
N: 5,210 Shal neure fisch on friday . defyen in my wombe
N: 5,211 Til abstinence myne hau(n)te . haue -gh-eue me leue
N: 5,212 & -gh-it haue I hated hir . al my lif tyme [aaAxx]
N: 5,213 Slew-th-e for sorow . fel dou(n) in swowe [aaXa]
N: 5,214 Til vigilate -th-e veille . fet watre at his eyn
N: 5,215 & flapt it in his face . & fast on hi(m)
cried [aaAx]
N: 5,216 Be wel war of whanhope . he wolde -th-e bytraye
N: 5,217 I am sory of my synnes . sey to -th-i self [aaAa]
N 36
N: 5,218 Bet -th-i self on -th-e brest . & bid god of g(ra)ce
N: 5,219 ffor nys no gilt here so grete . -th-(a)t his m(er)cy
nys more [aaAx]
N: 5,220 -Th-anne sat slow-th-e vp . & siked faste [aaAx]
N: 5,221 And awowed afor god . for his fowle slow-th-e [aaAx]
N: 5,222 Sal no sonday be -th-is seuene -gh-ere . but seknesse
it make [aaAx]
N: 5,223 That I ne shal do me ar day . to -th-e dere cherche
N: 5,224 To here maytynes & messe . as I a mu(n)ke were
N: 5,225 Sal none ale after mete . holde me -th-ennes [aaAx]
N: 5,226 Tyl I haue euensong yherde . y byhote to -th-e rode
N: 5,227 And -gh-it shal I -gh-elde a-gh-ein . -gh-if I so
moche haue [aaAxx]
N: 5,228 Al -th-(a)t I wikkydly wan . si-th-en I witt hadde
N: 5,229 And -th-eigh me lyflode lakke . leten it I nelle
N: 5,230 That yche man ne sclal haue his . er I he(n)nes
wy(n)de [aaAx]
N: 5,231 And wi-th- -th-e resydue & remnau(n)t . by -th-e
Rode of chestre [aaAx]
N: 5,232 I wil seke trw-th-e . ar I se Rome [axAx]
N: 5,233 Robert -th-e robber . on { reddite } loked [aaAx]
N: 5,234 and for -th-(er)e nas nou-gh-te wher w(i)t(h) .
he wepid ful sore [aaAx]
N: 5,235 But -gh-it -th-e synful shrew . seid to hi(m) seluen
N: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on caluarie . vpon -th-e crosse deydest
N: 5,237 To dismas my bro-th-er bysou-gh-t -th-e of g(ra)ce
N: 5,238 -Th-(o)u haddest m(er)cye of -th-(a)t man . for
{ memento } sake [aaAx]
N: 5,239 -Th-(o)u haue m(er)cye of me . as wys I haue deserued
N: 5,240 To haue helle for eure . -gh-if -th-(a)t hope ne
were [aaAx]
N: 5,241 -Th-(o)u rew on me Robert . -th-(a)t { redde } none
ne haue [aaAx]
N: 5,242 Ne neure wene to wynne . w(i)t(h) craft -th-(a)t
I ower [aaAxx]
N: 5,243 But for -th-i meychel mercye . mitigacion I byseche
N: 5,244 Dampne me nou-gh-t atte domesday . for I did so
ille [aaAx]
N: 5,245 What bifel of -th-is felown . I can nou-gh-t faire
shewe [aaAx]
N: 5,246 But wel I wote he wept fast watre . wi-th- his eyn
N: 5,247 And knoleched his gilt . to crist -gh-it eftesones
N: 5,248 -Th-(a)t { penitencia } his pyke . he sholde polyssch
newe [aaAx]
N 37
N: 5,249 And lepe w(i)t(h) hi(m) ou(er) londe . al his lyf
tyme [aaAx]
N: 5,250 ffor he had leyn by { latro } . luciferes aunt [aaAx]
N: 5,251 A thowsand of men -th-o . -th-rungen togidres [aaAx]
N: 5,252 Wepyng & waylyng . for her wikked dedis [aaAx]
N: 5,253 Cried upward to crist . & to his clene modre
N: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to seche trew-th-e . got leue -th-(a)t
-th-ei mote [aaAx]
Passus sextus de visione vt pri(us)
N: 6,1 Now wher(e) -th-(er)e fewe so wyse . -th-(a)t -th-e
weye -th-ider(e) cow-th-e [aaAx]
N: 6,2 But blostre-th- for-th- as bestis . ou(er) valeys & hilles
N: 6,3 Til late was & long . -th-at -th-ei a lede mette
N: 6,4 Apparailled as a paynyme . in pilg(ri)mes wyse [aaAx]
N: 6,5 He bar a bourdou(n) ybounde . wi-th- a brode liste
N: 6,6 In a wethewyndes wyse . wonden aboute [aaAx]
N: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar be his syde [aaAx]
N: 6,8 A hu(n)dre-th- of appoles . on his hat setten [aaAx]
N: 6,9 Signes of signay . & chellis of galys [aaAx]
N: 6,10 And many crowche on his cloke . & keyis of Rome
N: 6,11 And -th-e vernicle afore . for men cholde knowe [aaAxx]
N: 6,12 And sene by his signes . who(m) he sou-gh-t hadde
N: 6,13 This folke frayned hi(m) fair(e) . whennes he come
N: 6,14 ffro synaye he seyde . & fro -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
N: 6,15 At bedlem at babiloyne . I haue ben in bo-th-e [aaAa]
N: 6,16 In hermonye in alysau(n)dre . & many o-th-(er)e
place [aaAx]
N: 6,17 -Gh-e may se by my sygnes . -th-(a)t sittyn on my(n)
hatte [aaAx]
N: 6,18 That I haue walked ful wyde . in wete & in drye
N: 6,19 And sought gode seyntis . for my soulis hel-th-e
N: 6,20 Knowest ought a corseynt . -th-at men calle trw-th-e
N: 6,21 Canstow wisse vs -th-e wey . where -th-(a)t wy dwelli-th-
N: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . sei-th- -th-e grome -th-anne
N: 6,23 I saw neur(e) palmere wi-th- pik . ne wi-th- scrippe
N: 6,24 Axe aftre seynt trew-th-e . ar now in -th-is plase
N 38
N: 6,25 Peter q(uo)d a plougman . & put for-th- his hed
N: 6,26 I know hym as kyndely . as clerke do-th- his bokis
N: 6,27 Conscience & kynde witt . kenned me to his place
N: 6,28 And did me suren hi(m) si-th-en . to s(er)uen hi(m)
for eur(e) [aaAx]
N: 6,29 Bo-th-e sowen & sette . while I swynke mi-gh-te
N: 6,30 I haue ben his s(er)uaunt . al -th-is seuenty wyntre
N: 6,31 Bo-th-e ysowen his seed . & swed hise bestis
N: 6,32 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 6,33 Dyked & doluen . & don -th-(a)t he hi-gh-te
N: 6,34 Wi-th-inne & wi-th-outen . y wayted his p(ro)fyt
N: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laborer i(n) his lordeship . -th-(a)t
he loue-th- bettre [aaAx]
N: 6,36 ffor -th-owgh I sey it my self . I s(er)ue hi(m)
to paye [aaAx]
N: 6,37 I haue Myn hure of hi(m) wel . & o-th-(er)while
more [aaAx]
N: 6,38 He is prestest payer . -th-at pore men knowen [aaAx]
N: 6,39 W(i)t(h)holde he none huwe his hir(e) . -th-(a)t
he ne ha-th- it at euene [aaAx]
N: 6,40 He is as lowe as a lombe . louelyche of speche [aaAx]
N: 6,41 -Gh-if -th-(a)t -gh-e wilne-th- to wyte . where -th-(a)t
wy dwelle-th- [aaAx]
N: 6,42 I shal wisse -gh-ow wel . ri-gh-t to his place [aaAx]
N: 6,43 -Gh-e leue piers q(uo)d -th-e pilg(ri)mes . & p(ro)ferd
hi(m) hir(e) [aaAx]
N: 6,44 Nay by p(er)yl of my soule . q(uo)d piers & gan
for to swer(e) [axAx]
N: 6,45 I nolde fonge a fer-th-ing . for seynt Thom(a)s shiryne
N: 6,46 Trw-th-e wolde loue me -th-e lesse . a long tyme
-th-(er)aftre [abBa]
N: 6,47 But -gh-e -th-(a)t wilne-th- to wende . -th-is is
-th-e wey -th-ider [aaAx]
N: 6,48 -Gh-e mote go -th-orow mekenesse . bo-th-e man & wyues
N: 6,49 Til -gh-e come to conscience . -th-(a)t criste wite
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
N: 6,50 -Th-(a)t -gh-e loue hi(m) leuer . -th-a(n) -th-e
li-gh-f i(n) -gh-oure hertis [aaAx]
N: 6,51 & -th-a(n)ne -gh-o(ur)e neighboris nexte . in
none wyse apeire [aaAx]
N: 6,52 O-th-(er) wyse -th-an -th-(o)u woldest men . wrou-gh-t
to -th-i seluen [aaAx]
N: 6,53 & bowe-th- for-th- tyl a broke . be-th- boxome
of speche [aaAx]
N: 6,54 Til -gh-e fynden a for-th- . -gh-oure fadris honowre-th-
N: 6,55 Wade-th- in -th-at watre . & wassche-th- -gh-ow
wel -th-ere [aaAx]
N: 6,56 And -gh-e schal lepe -th-e li-gh-tly ar . al -gh-our(e)
lyf tyme [aaAx]
N: 6,57 -Th-a(n)ne shal -gh-e se . swere nou-gh-t but if
it be for nede [aaAx]
N: 6,58 & namely i(n) ydel . -th-e name of god almy-gh-ty
N 39
N: 6,59 -Th-anne schal -gh-e come to a croft . but come-th-
nou-gh-t -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
N: 6,60 -Th-e croft hatt coueite nou-gh-t . mennys catel & her
wyues [aaAx]
N: 6,61 Ne none of her catel . -th-(a)t han any my-gh-t [axAx]
N: 6,62 Loke -th-(o)u breke no brau(n)che . -th-(er)e but
if it be -th-i(n) owne [aaAx]
N: 6,63 Two stokkys -th-er stonde . but stynt -gh-e nou-gh-t
-th-(er)e [aaAx]
N: 6,64 Thei hight stele nou-gh-t ne sle nou-gh-t . strike
for-th-e by bo-th-e [aaAx]
N: 6,65 Leue hem on -th-i left half . & loke hem nou-gh-t
aftre [aaAx]
N: 6,66 And holde wel -th-in holyday . alwey for-th- til
euene [aaAa]
N: 6,67 -Th-anne schal -gh-e blenche at a berwe . bere no
false witnesse [aaAx]
N: 6,68 He is feffyd w(i)t(h) floreyns . & o-th-(er)
foes manye [aaAx]
N: 6,69 Loke -th-(o)u plukke no plau(n)te . -th-(er)e for
p(er)il of -th-i soule [aaAx]
N: 6,70 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 6,71 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 6,72 -Th-a(n)ne schal -gh-e come to a courte . clere as
-th-e sonne [aaAx]
N: 6,73 -Th-e mote is of m(er)cy . -th-e maner abowte [aaAx]
N: 6,74 And alle -th-e wallys ben of witt . to holde wille
N: 6,75 -Th-e kyrnellys ben of cristyndome . -th-(a)t kynde
to saue [aaAx]
N: 6,76 -Th-e botraces of byleue . wher -th-orow we be saued
N: 6,77 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 6,78 Wi-th- no lede but wi-th- loue . as bre-th-(er)en
of o wombe [aaaXx]
N: 6,79 -Th-e towre there trw-th-e is . is vpon -th-e sonne
N: 6,80 He may do wi-th- -th-e day sterre . what hi(m) dere
like-th- [aaAx]
N: 6,81 Ded dar nou-gh-t do -th-ing . -th-(a)t he defende-th-
N: 6,82 Grace hat -th-e gatward . a god man forso-th-e [aaAx]
N: 6,83 His man hat amende -gh-ow . for many man he knowe-th-
N: 6,84 Telle hi(m) -th-is tokyne . trw-th-e wot -th-e so-th-e
N: 6,85 I (pe)rforned -th-e penans . -th-e prest me enioyned
N: 6,86 I am sory for my synnes . & so schal I eure [aaAx]
N: 6,87 Whan I -th-enke -th-(er)vpon . -th-ei I were a pope
N: 6,88 Bedde-th- amende -gh-ow meke hi(m) . to his maistre
N: 6,89 Ones to weyue vp -th-e wiket . -th-e -th-e wy chette
N: 6,90 To adam & Eue . eten her bane [aaAx]
N: 6,91 ffor he ha-th- -th-e keye & -th-e clykett . -th-eig
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
N: 6,92 & -gh-if g(ra)ce g(ra)unte . -th-e to go in in
-th-is wyse [aaAx]
N: 6,93 -Th-anne schatow se trw-th-e wel . syttyng in -th-in
herte [aaAx]
N: 6,94 Lere -th-e to loue hi(m) . & his lewes kepen
N 40
N: 6,95 And be wel ware of wrathe -th-e nou-gh-t . -th-(a)t
wykkyd sherewe [aaAx]
N: 6,96 He ha-th- envye to hi(m) . -th-at in -th-yne herte
sitte-th- [aaAx]
N: 6,97 And put for-th- p(ri)de . to prayse -th-i seluen
N: 6,98 -Th-e boldenesse of -th-i bienfait . bly(n)de-th-
-th-e -th-anne [aaAx]
N: 6,99 So wor-th- -th-ow dryuen out as dew . & -th-e
dore closed [aaAx]
N: 6,100 ykeyed & yklyked . to kepe -th-e -th-(er)out
N: 6,101 Happyly an C wyntre . ar -th-(o)u eft entre [aaAa]
N: 6,102 -Th-us may -th-(o)u lesyn his loue . to lat wel
by -th-i self [aaAx]
N: 6,103 And gete it ageyn -th-orow g(ra)ce . & -th-orow
no gift ellys [aaAx]
N: 6,104 But -th-(er)e ben seuene sustren . -th-at s(er)ue
trw-th-e eure [aaAx]
N: 6,105 Porters of -th-e posternes . -th-(a)t to -th-e place
longe-th- [aaAx]
N: 6,106 That on hat abstenence . humylyte ano-th-(er)e [aaAx]
N: 6,107 Chastite and charite . ben his chef maydenes [aaAx]
N: 6,108 Pacience & pes . Moche peple helpen [aaAx]
N: 6,109 Largesse -th-at lady . lede-th- in wel manye [aaAx]
N: 6,110 And who is sibbe to -th-is sustres . so me god helpe
N: 6,111 He is ri-gh-t welcome . & faire vnderforgeyn
N: 6,112 And but -gh-e be sibbe to somme . of -th-ise seuene
N: 6,113 Hit is wel harde by myne hed . for eny of -gh-ow
alle [aaAa]
N: 6,114 To gete ingonge at eny gate . but g(ra)ce be -th-e
more [aaaAx]
N: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a cutpurs . I ne haue no kynne -th-(er)e
N: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d an apeward . for ou-gh-t -th-at I knowe
N: 6,117 Wot god q(uo)d a wafrere . wist I -th-is forso-th-e
N: 6,118 I wolde neure fer-th-er a fote . for no freris p(re)chyng
N: 6,119 -Gh-is q(uo)d piers -th-e plowman . & powkid
hir to gode [aaAx]
N: 6,120 Mercy is a mayden -th-ere . ha-th- my-gh-t ou(er)
hem alle [aaAx]
N: 6,121 She is sibbe to alle synful . & hir sone also
N: 6,122 And -th-orow -th-e helpe of hem two . hope -th-(o)u
non o-th-(er)e [aaAa]
N: 6,123 Thow schalt gete g(ra)ce -th-(er)e . so -th-(o)u
go by tyme [aaAx]
Passus septunus de visione vt p(ri)(us)
N: 7,1 Now is -th-is a wykkyd weye . but whoso had a gyde [aaAx]
N: 7,2 -Th-(a)t my-gh-th folow vs vche fote . til we come
-th-(er)e [aaAxx]
N: 7,3 [Quod] p(er)kyn -th-e ploughma(n) . by seynt poule
-th-e apostle [aaAa]
N 41
N: 7,4 I haue an half acre to ere . be -th-e hiegh weye [aaAx]
N: 7,5 Were it don I wolde fayn wende for-th- wi-th- -gh-ow
N: 7,6 And wysse -gh-ow ri-gh-t wel til -gh-e were -th-ere
N: 7,7 This were long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady in a sklaire
N: 7,8 What sholde we wo(m)men . worche -th-e while [aaAx]
N: 7,9 So(m)me shal sowe -th-e sakke . for chedyng of -th-e
whete [aaAx]
N: 7,10 And -gh-e wyues -th-(a)t han wolle . worche-th- it
fast [aaAx]
N: 7,11 Spynny-th- it spedely . spare-th- nou-gh-t -gh-owr(e)
fyngres [aaAx]
N: 7,12 But if it be holy day . or ellis holy euene [xaAa]
N: 7,13 Loke-th- for-th- -gh-oure lynnen . & laboure-th-
-th-(er)on fast [aaAx]
N: 7,14 -Th-e naked & -th-e nedy . nym kepe how -th-ei
liggen [aaAx]
N: 7,15 Cast hem clo-th-es for colde . for so techi-th- trow-th-e
N: 7,16 & I schal lene hem lyflode . but -gh-if -th-e
lond faille [aaAx]
N: 7,17 Also long as I leue . for -th-e lordys loue of heuene
N: 7,18 -Gh-e louelyche ladyes . wi-th- -gh-owr(e) longe
fyngres [aaAx]
N: 7,19 -Th-(a)t han silke & sendel . sowe-th- it whan
tyme is [aaAx]
N: 7,20 Chesybles for chapelynes . chirche to hono(ur)e [aaAx]
N: 7,21 And alle man(er) o-th-(er) men . -th-(a)t on -th-e
molde lyuen [aaAx]
N: 7,22 Helpe hem worche wythtyly . -th-(a)t wynne-th- -gh-owr(e)
fode [aaAx]
N: 7,23 By crist q(uo)d a kny-gh-th -th-o . -th-(o)u keenest
vs -th-e beste [aaAx]
N: 7,24 ffor on -th-e tem trewly . tau-gh-t was I newr(e)
N: 7,25 Now kenne me q(uo)d -th-e kni-gh-th . & I wil
comse to erye [aaAx]
N: 7,26 By seynt poul q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for -th-(o)u p(ro)ferst
-th-e so lowe [aaAx]
N: 7,27 I schal swynke & swete . & sowe for vs bo-th-e
N: 7,28 And also labo(ur) for -th-i loue . al my li-gh-f
tyme [aaAx]
N: 7,29 In couenaunt -th-(a)t -th-(o)u kepe . holykirke & me
N: 7,30 ffrom wastours & wikkyd men . -th-(a)t wolde
vs destrwe [aaAx]
N: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . to hares & to foxis [aaAx]
N: 7,32 To bores & to bukkes . -th-at brekyn my(n) hegges
N: 7,33 And fecche -th-e home facownes . -th-e fowlys to
kylle [aaAx]
N: 7,34 ffor -th-ei come to myn croft . & croppe of my
whete [aaAx]
N: 7,35 Curteisly -th-anne -th-e kni-gh-t . coursed -th-eise
wordis [aaAx]
N: 7,36 By al my power p(er)kyn . I pli-gh-t -th-e my trow-th-e
N 42
N: 7,37 To fulfille -th-is forward . wil -th-(a)t I may stonde
N: 7,38 & -gh-it a poynt q(uo)d p(er)kyn . I prey to
-th-e more [aaAx]
N: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene no tenaunt . but trew-th-e wil
assent [aaAx]
N: 7,40 And -th-ou-gh-gh pore men p(ro)fre . -gh-ow p(re)sens
and -gh-iftes [aaAx]
N: 7,41 Nyme-th- it nou-gh-t . on ave(n)ture -gh-e mowe it
nou-gh-t des(er)ue [aaAx]?
N: 7,42 ffor -th-(o)u schalt -gh-elde it a-gh-ein . at one
-gh-eres ende [aaAx]
N: 7,43 In a wel p(er)ilouse place . -th-(a)t purgatorie
hatte [aaAx]
N: 7,44 Misbede nou-gh-t -th-i bondemen . -th-e bet schaltow
spede [aaAx]
N: 7,45 -Th-(a)t -th-(o)u be trwe of -th-i tonge . & talis
-th-(o)u hate [aaAx]
N: 7,46 But it be wisdome & witt . -th-i werkmen to chaste
N: 7,47 Holde w(i)t(h) no harlotes . ne here nou-gh-te here
talis [aaAx]
N: 7,48 And namelyche at mete . suche men eschewe [aaAx]
N: 7,49 -Th-ei ben -th-e deuelis diso(ur)s . I do -th-e to
vnderstonde [aaAx]
N: 7,50 And I assent -th-e same . seid -th-e kni-gh-t -th-anne
N: 7,51 To worchen by -th-i wordis . whil my li-gh-f dure-th-
N: 7,52 And I schal di-gh-t me q(uo)d piers . in palmers
wyse [aaAx]
N: 7,53 & wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ow -th-e wey . tyl we fynde
trw-th-e [aaAxx]
N: 7,54 He cast on his clo-th-is . yclowted & hole [aaAx]
N: 7,55 His kokers & his coffys . for colde of his nailes
N: 7,56 Heng his hoper at his halse . in stede of a skryppe
N: 7,57 A buschel of bred corne . bryng me -th-(er) inne
N: 7,58 ffor I wil sow it my self . & sy-th-en wil I
wende [aaAx]
N: 7,59 Who -th-at helpi-th- me to herye . or eny -th-ing
to swynke [aaAx]
N: 7,60 Shal be allowed by owr(e) lorde -th-e more hire in
heruest [????}?
N: 7,61 & make he(m) mery w(i)t(h) -th-e corne . whoso
begrucche it [aaxXx]
N: 7,62 & alle ky(n)nes crafty men . -th-(a)t conne lyue
i(n) trow-th-e [aaAxx]
N: 7,63 I schal fy(n)de he(m) fode . -th-at fei-th-fully
libben [aaAx]
N: 7,64 Saue Iakke -th-e Iogelo(ur) . & Iohannet atte
stuwes [aaAx]
N: 7,65 And Roby(n) -th-e Rybaudo(ur) . for his rusty wordes
N: 7,66 Tru-th-e tolde me ones . & bad me telle it for-th-e
N: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) }
N: 7,67 I sholde helde w(i)t(h) he(m) nou-gh-t he bad me
also [axAx]
N: 7,68 ffor holy cherche is holden of he(m) . no ti-th-es
to axe [aaXa]
N 43
N: 7,68a { Et cu(m) iustis no(n) sc(ri)bantur &c } [Latin]
N: 7,69 ffor -th-ei ben ascapyd -th-rift . now god hem amende
N: 7,70 Dame wirche whan tyme . is p(er)kynes wyf hat [axAx]
N: 7,71 His dou-gh-ter hat do ri-gh-t so . or -th-i dame
shal -th-e bete [aaAx]
N: 7,72 His sone hat soffre . -th-i- souereines to haue(n)
her wille [aaAx]
N: 7,73 Kurse he(m) nou-gh-t for if -th-(o)u do . -th-(o)u
schalt it dere bigge [aaAx]
N: 7,74 lat god awor-th-e wi-th-al . for so his worde techi-th-
N: 7,75 Now -th-(a)t I am olde & hore . -th-oughe haue
of myne owne [aaAa]
N: 7,76 To penaunce & to pilg(ri)mage . I wil passe w(i)t(h)
-th-is o-th-er [aaAx]
N: 7,77 Therfore I wil or I wende . do wryte my lyqueste
N: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen } . I make it my self [aaAx]
N: 7,79 He schal haue my soule -th-(a)t best it ha-th- deserued
N: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e fende . for so I byleue
N: 7,81 Til wa(n)ne I come to myne acou(n)tes . as my crede
me techi-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,82 In -th-(a)t re(n)tal to haue relesse & remissiou(n)
I leue [aaAx]
N: 7,83 -Th-e kirke schal haue my caryon . & kepe alle
my bonys [aaAx]
N: 7,84 ffor of my corne & my catel . he craue-th- -th-e
ti-th-e [aaAx]
N: 7,85 I paied [it] hi(m) ful prestely . for p(er)ile of
my soule [aaAx]
N: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
N: 7,87 And mengen in his memorie . amonge alle cristene
N: 7,88 My wyf schal haue of -th-at I wan . w(i)t(h) trw-th-e & nomore
N: 7,89 & dele amonge my frendis . & my dere children
N: 7,90 -Gh-if I dye today . my dettis ar quitte [aaAx]
N: 7,91 I bar home -th-(a)t I borowed . ar I to bedde -gh-ede
N: 7,92 & w(i)t(h) -th-e resude & -th-e remenant
. by -th-e Rode of chestre [aaAx]
N: 7,93 I wil worchip -th-(er)wi-th- . trw-th-e i(n) my lyf
N: 7,94 And ben his pilg(ri)me atte plough . for pore me(n)nys
sake [aaAx]
N: 7,95 My plow pote schal be my pilg(ri)me staffe
N: 7,95 To rende vp -th-e rotis of -th-istlys & -th-ornes
N: 7,96 & helpe my cultre to kerue . to clense -th-e
forowes [aaAx]
N: 7,97 Now is pers & -th-e pilg(ri)mes . to -th-e plow
faren [aaAx]
N: 7,98 To herye -th-is half acre . helpyn hi(m) manye [aaAx]
N: 7,99 Dikers & deluars . digged vp -th-e balkys [aaAx]
N 44
N: 7,100 -Th-(er)wi-th- was p(er)kyn paied . & praised
hem -gh-erne [aaAx]
N: 7,101 O-th-(er) werkmen -th-(er) were . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-ten
wol faste [aaAx]
N: 7,102 Eche man on his maner . made hi(m) to done [aaAx]
N: 7,103 So(m)me to plese p(er)kyn . pyked vp -th-e wedis
N: 7,104 At hiegh p(ri)me p(er)kyn . lete -th-e plough stonde
N: 7,105 To ou(er)seen he(m) hi(m)self . ffor ho so best
wrou-gh-t [aaAx]
N: 7,106 Sholde haue hyre -th-(er)aftre . whan heruest tyme
come [aaAx]
N: 7,107 But -th-a(n)ne seten so(m)me . & songen atte
nale [aaAx]
N: 7,108 & hulpyn hi(m) to erye . w(i)t(h) hey trolly
lolly [aaaAx]
N: 7,109 Now by -th-e p(ri)nce of paradys . q(uo)d p(er)kyn
-th-o in wra-th-e [aaAx]
N: 7,110 But -gh-e ryse -th-e ra-th-(er) . & rape -gh-ow
to worche [aaAx]
N: 7,111 -Th-(er)e shal no greyne -th-(a)t here growe-th-
. glade -gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
N: 7,112 & -th-eigh -gh-e dye for dole . -th-e deuel
haue -th-(a)t recche [aaAx]
N: 7,113 -Th-a(n)ne wer(e) faightouris aferd . & feyned
hem bly(n)de [aaAx]
N: 7,114 So(m)me leyd -th-eire legges alery . as suche loseles
knowe-th- [aaaAx]
N: 7,115 & pleynyd to p(er)kyn . w(i)t(h) such pitous
wordis [aaAx]
N: 7,116 We haue no lymes to labo(ur) w(i)t(h) . lord yg(ra)ced
be -th-e [aaAx]
N: 7,117 But we pray for -gh-ow piers . & for -gh-ow
plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
N: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god of his g(ra)ce . -gh-owr(e) greyne
m(u)ltiplye [aaAx]
N: 7,119 & -gh-elde -gh-ow of -gh-owr(e) almes . -th-(a)t
-gh-e -gh-if vs here [axAx]
N: 7,120 ffor we may in no maner swy(n)ke . suche seknesse
vs eyle-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so-th- . -th-(a)t -gh-e seyn I schal
it sone aspye [axAa]
N: 7,122 -Gh-e be wasto(ur)s I wot wel . & trew-th-e
wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
N: 7,123 & I am his holde hyne . & awght hi(m) to
warne [aaAx]
N: 7,124 Wyche wasto(ur)s in worlde . his werkmen destrue-th-
N: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-(a)t hij sholde ete . -th-(a)t ery
for vs alle [aaAa]
N: 7,126 But trw-th-e shal teche -gh-ow . his teem for to
dryue [aaAx]
N: 7,127 Bo-th-e to sette & to sowe . & sauen his
til-th-e [aaAx]
N: 7,128 Cacche crowes fro -th-e corne . & also kepe
his bestys [aaAx]
N: 7,129 Or -gh-e schal ete barly bred . & of -th-e broke
drynke [aaAx]
N: 7,130 But -gh-e be blynde or brokshanked . or bedered
lygge [aaAx]
N: 7,131 Hij shal ete as god as I . so me god helpe [????]
N: 7,132 --- this line is omitted ---
N 45
N: 7,133 Ancres & hermytes . -th-(a)t holde hem in celles
N: 7,134 Shal haue of myn almesse . al -th-e while I lyue
N: 7,135 ynowgh eche day at none . but no more aftre [aaAbb]
N: 7,136 Lest his flesche & -th-e fende . fowled his
sowle [aaAx]
N: 7,137 Onys a day is ynow . -th-(a)t no craft ne vse-th-
N: 7,138 He bide-th- -th-e bettre . -th-(a)t bomme-th- nou-gh-t
oft [aaAx]
N: 7,139 Thanne rose wasto(ur) . & wolde han Ifou-gh-te
N: 7,140 To p(er)kyn -th-e ploughma(n) . he p(ro)fered his
gloue [aaAx]
N: 7,141 A britoner a braggar . a bosted hi(m) alse [aaAx]
N: 7,142 Bad hi(m) go pisse w(i)t(h) his plow . pyled sherewe
N: 7,143 ffor wiltow ne wiltow . we wil haue our(e) wille
N: 7,144 Of -th-i flowre & of -th-i flesche . fecche
whan vs lyke-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-(er)wi-th- . magre -th-i chek(is)
N: 7,146 -Th-anne piers -th-e plowman . pleynyd to -th-e
kni-gh-t [aaAx]
N: 7,147 To kepe hi(m) as couenaunt . was fro cursed sherewes
N: 7,148 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,149 Kurteisly -th-e kni-gh-t -th-anne . as his kynde
wolde [aaAx]
N: 7,150 Warned wasto(ur) . & wissed hi(m) bettre [aaAx]
N: 7,151 Or ellys boye -th-(o)u schalt abye . be -th-e ordre
-th-(a)t I bere [????]
N: 7,152 I was nou-gh-t wont to worche . now wil I nou-gh-t
bygynne [aaaAx]
N: 7,153 And lete li-gh-t of -th-e lawe . & lasse of
-th-e kni-gh-t [aaAx]
N: 7,154 And set Piers at a pees . & his plow bo-th-e
N: 7,155 And mansed hi(m) & his man . whan -th-ei nexte
mette [aaXa]
N: 7,156 By goddis pyte q(uo)d piers . I schal apaire -gh-ow
alle [axaAx]
N: 7,157 And howpid aftre hungre . -th-at harde hi(m) at
firste [aaAx]
N: 7,158 Awreke me on wastours . -th-(a)t al -th-e world
schenden [aaxAx]
N: 7,159 & hu(n)ger in hast . hent wasto(ur) by -th-e
mawe [aaAx]
N: 7,160 And wronge hi(m) so by -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t bo-th-e
his eyn watrid [aaAx]
N: 7,161 He buffet -th-e brytoner . aboute -th-e chekys [aaAx]
N: 7,162 -Th-at he loked lyke a lanterne . al his lyff aftre
N: 7,163 He bet so hem bo-th-e . -th-at he brast neigh here
mawes [aaAx]
N: 7,164 Ne had piers w(i)t(h) a pese loue . preide hi(m)
to leue [aaAx]
N: 7,165 And w(i)t(h) a bene batte . he -gh-ede bytwene [aaXx]
N: 7,166 And hitt hu(n)ger -th-(er)wi-th- . amyd -th-e lyppys
N 46
N: 7,167 -Th-(a)t he bled into -th-e bodywarde . a bolle ful
of grwel [aaAx]
N: 7,168 Hadde -th-e fficuyen . defendid hi(m) watre [aaAx]
N: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly bred . & -th-e benys ygrou(n)de
N: 7,170 -Th-ei had ben ded by -th-is day . & doluen
al warme [aaAx]
N: 7,171 ffaito(ur)s for fere . -th-o flow into barnes [aaAx]
N: 7,172 And flappyd on wi-th- fleyles . fro morow til euene
N: 7,173 -Th-at hunger was nou-gh-t hardy . on hem for to
loke [aaAx]
N: 7,174 ffor a potteful of pesyn . -th-at p(er)kyn had made
N: 7,175 A grete hepe of heremytes . henten hem spades [aaAx]
N: 7,176 And doluen dri-gh-t & dong . to ditte hunger
oute [aaaAx]
N: 7,177 Of blynde & of bedred . were wotned a -th-ousand
N: 7,178 -Th-ei had yleye . for blynde & brokelegged
N: 7,178 Vpon soft sondayes by -th-e hiegh wey [xaAx]
N: 7,179 Hunger heled hem alle . wi-th- a ote kake [aaAx]
N: 7,180 And lame mennes lymes . wher(e) lythed -th-(a)t
tyme [aaAx]
N: 7,181 And bycome knaues . to kepe piers bestis [aaAx]
N: 7,182 -Th-ei preiden p(ar) charite . w(i)t(h) piers for
to dwelle [aaAx]
N: 7,183 Al for coueityse of corn . to cacche awey hu(n)ger
N: 7,184 P(er)kyn was proud -th-(er)of . & put hem in
offices [aaAx]
N: 7,185 He gaf hem mete & mone . as -th-ei my-gh-t des(er)ue
N: 7,186 -Th-anne had piers pytee . & preyd hu(n)ger
wynde [aaAx]
N: 7,187 Home into his owne hous . & holde hi(m) -th-(er)e
for eur(e) [aaaAa]
N: 7,188 But -gh-it I prey -th-e q(uo)d piers . ar -th-(o)u
passe for-th-(er)e [aaAx]
N: 7,189 Of bidders & of beggars . what best is to done
N: 7,190 I wot wel be -th-(o)u went . -th-ei wolle worche
ful Ille [aaaAx]
N: 7,191 ffor myschef it make-th- . -th-ei be so meke nowe
N: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us fast now -th-ei
wirche [aaAx]
N: 7,193 It ben my blody bre-th-(er)en . god sent vs hider
alle [aaAx]
N: 7,194 Tru-th-e tau-gh-t me ones . to loue he(m) vchone
N: 7,195 & helpe he(m) of alle -th-ing . aftir -th-at
hem nedi-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,196 Now wolde I wyten if -th-(o)u wost . wat here of
were beste [aaaAx]
N: 7,197 And how I my-gh-th amaistre hem . & make he(m)
to worche [aaAx]
N: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hu(n)ger . & hold it for a wisdom
N: 7,199 Bolde beggars & bigge . -th-(a)t mowe her bred
byswynke [aaaAx]
N 47
N: 7,200 W(i)t(h) howndes bred & hors bred . holde vp her
hertis [aaAa]
N: 7,201 Abaue hem w(i)t(h) benys . for bolnyng of her belyes
N: 7,202 And -gh-if -th-e gromes grucche . bid hem go worche
N: 7,203 And -th-ei shal soupe swetter . whan -th-ei it han
des(er)ued [aaXa]
N: 7,204 & -gh-if -th-(o)u fynde any freke . -th-(a)t
fortune ha-th- apeyred [aaAx]
N: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fire or w(i)t(h) false men . fonde suche
to knowe [aaAx]
N: 7,206 Comfort hem w(i)t(h) catel . for cristis loue of
heuene [aaAx]
N: 7,207 Loue hem & lene hem . as lawe of kynde wolde
N: 7,208 And alle man(er) of men . -th-(a)t -th-(o)u may
aspyen [aaAx]
N: 7,209 -Th-at be naked & nedy . & nou-gh-t han
to spende [aaAx]
N: 7,210 Wi-th- mete or wi-th- monye . lete hem be releued
N: 7,211 Or wi-th- werke or w(i)t(h) worde . wyl -th-(a)t
-th-(o)u art -th-ere [aaAx]
N: 7,212 Make -th-e frendis -th-(er)myde . and so vs Mathew
vs techi-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos &c } [Latin]
N: 7,213 I wolde nou-gh-t greue god q(uo)d piers . for al
-th-e good on gru(n)de [aaxAx]
N: 7,214 Mi-gh-t I synneles do as -th-(o)u seyst [aaXx]
N: 7,215 -Gh-e I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . or ellys -th-e
bible lye-th- [aaAxx]
N: 7,216 { In genesis } -th-e Giaunt . engendrour of vs alle
N: 7,217 { In sudore } & swynke . -th-(o)u schalt -th-i
mete tylye [aaAx]
N: 7,218 And labour for -th-i lyflode . & so hour(e)
lord hieght [aaAx]
N: 7,219 Sapience sai-th- -th-e same . I saw it in -th-e
bible [aaAx]
N: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . no londe nolde tylye
N: 7,221 -Th-(er)fore he schal begge & bidde . & no
man bete his hu(n)gre [aaAx]
N: 7,222 Mathew -th-e ma(n)nys face . mowthis -th-is wordis
N: 7,223 That { s(er)uus neq(ua)m } had a { Mnam } . & he
nolde it vse [aaAx]
N: 7,224 He had magre of his maistre . for eu(re) more -th-(er)aftre
N: 7,225 And bynome hym his { Mnam } . for he nolde wirchen
N: 7,226 And gaf it hi(m) i(n) hast . -th-(a)t had x afore
N: 7,227 And si-th-en he seide . his s(er)uau(n)t-gh- it
herde [aaAx]
N: 7,228 He -th-(a)t ha-th-e shal haue . to helpe -th-(er)e
it nedi-th- [aaaAx]
N: 7,229 & he -th-(a)t nou-gh-t ha-th- . shal nou-gh-t
haue ne no man schal hi(m) help [aaAa]
N: 7,230 & he -th-(a)t weni-th- wel to haue . it schal
hy(m) by breuyd [aaAx]
N: 7,231 ffor kynde witte wolde . -th-(a)t yche wyght wrou-gh-t
N: 7,232 Or wi-th- techyng or tilying . or t(ra)ueillyng
of handes [aaAx]
N 48
N: 7,236 God gywe-th- hem his blessyng -th-(a)t her lyflode so wynne [????]
N: 7,233 Actyf lyf & contemplatyf . crist coueite-th- als
N: 7,234 The sawter sei-th- it . in -th-e salme of { b(eat)i
om(n)es } [aaAx]
N: 7,234a { labores manuu(m) tuar(um) q(uia) manducabis &c
} [Latin]
N: 7,235 He -th-(a)t get his fode here . wi-th- trauaille
of his handes [aaXa]
N: 7,235 Shal haue goddes b(e)n(e)dictiou(n) & so is he wel worthy
N: 7,237 -Gh-it I preye -th-e q(uo)d piers . p(ur) charite
-gh-if -th-(o)u conne [aaAxx]
N: 7,238 Eny lef of lechecraft . lere it me my dere [aaAx]
N: 7,239 ffor somme of my s(er)uau(n)t(is) . ben seke o-th-(er)
while [aaAx]
N: 7,240 Of al -th-e woke longe -th-ei worche nou-gh-t .
so her wo(m)be ake-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d hu(n)ger . what sekenesse hem eyle-th-
N: 7,242 Thei haue mawnged ou(er) myche . -th-(a)t make-th-
he(m) grone aftre [aaAx]
N: 7,243 I byhote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)ger . as -th-(o)u -th-i
hele wilnest [aaAx]
N: 7,244 Loke -th-(o)u drynke no day . tyl -th-(o)u haue
dyned somwhat [aaAx]
N: 7,245 Ete nou-gh-t I hote -th-e . ar hu(n)ger -th-e hente
N: 7,246 And sende of his sause . to sauo(ur) -th-i lippis
N: 7,247 And kepe some tyl sop(er) tyme, . & syt nou-gh-t
to longe [aaAx]
N: 7,248 And leue of ar appetit . haue eten his fille [aaAx]
N: 7,249 Lat nou-gh-t sire s(ur)fait . sit at -th-i borde
N: 7,250 ffor he is a lecho(ur) . & lykerouse of tonge
N: 7,251 And aftir many maner metis . his mawe is alonged
N: 7,252 -Gh-if -th-(o)u dyete -th-e -th-us . I dar leye
myn harmes [axAx]
N: 7,253 -Th-at fysyk shal his furred hode . for his fode
selle [aaAx]
N: 7,254 And ek his cloke calabre . & knoppis of golde
N: 7,255 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,256 & lerne labo(ur) w(i)t(h) londe . lest lyflode
hi(m) faille [aaaAx]
N: 7,257 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,258 Thei do men dye w(i)t(h) her drynke . or destyne
it wolde [aaAx]
N: 7,259 By seynt poule q(uo)d p(er)kyn . -th-ise ar p(ro)fitable
wordes [aaAx]
N: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . oure lorde it -th-e
for-gh-elde [aaAx]
N: 7,261 Wende now whan -th-i wille is . -th-(er)e wel -th-e
be eur(e) [aaAx]
N: 7,262 -Gh-e I byhote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . -th-at hennes
wil I wende [aaAx]
N: 7,263 Ar I haue dined bi -th-is day . & Idronke bo-th-e
N: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d piers . poletes to bye [aaAx]
N: 7,265 Ney-th-(er) gose no-th-er gryse . but a grene chese
N: 7,266 & also curdes & creem . & an hot kake
N 49
N: 7,267 A lof of banes & bran . bake for my children [aaAx]
N: 7,268 -Gh-it I sey by my soule . I haue no salt Bacou(n)
N: 7,269 Ne no kokeney by crist . coloppes w(i)t(h) to make
N: 7,270 But p(er)celly & porettes . & many cole
plantes [aaAx]
N: 7,271 And a cow & a calf . & a kart mere [aaAx]
N: 7,272 To drawe a felde -th-e donge . wil -th-e drou-gh-t
laste-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,273 By -th-is lyflode I mote lyue . to lammasse tyme
N: 7,274 By -th-(a)t I hope to haue . heruest in my croft
N: 7,275 Thanne I may dyght -th-i dyner . as -th-e dere lyke-th-
N: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore peple -th-anne . pesecoddes feccheden
N: 7,277 Benes & bacou(n) & apples . in her lappis
N: 7,278 Chibolles cherueles . & rype cheries manye [aaAx]
N: 7,279 And p(ro)ferd piers to present . to plese myd hu(n)gre
N: 7,280 Hu(n)ger ete al -th-is in hast . & axed aftir
more [aaaAa]
N: 7,281 Thanne -th-e folke sore aferde . fecchede hi(m)
manye [aaAx]
N: 7,282 Grene porettis and pesen . apoysen hi(m) -th-ei
wolde [aaAx]
N: 7,283 By -th-(a)t was comyn heruest . & new corn to
chepyng [aaAbb]
N: 7,284 Thanne was -th-e folke fayn . gaf hungre of -th-e
best [aaAx]
N: 7,285 W(i)t(h) gode ale in glotonie . -th-ei gret hi(m)
to slepe [aaAx]
N: 7,286 Tho wolde wasto(ur) not wyrche . but wandre aboute
N: 7,287 Ne no beggar ete bred . -th-(a)t benys in comyn
N: 7,288 But koket & clermatyn . & of clene whete
N: 7,289 Ne non halpeny ale . in non wyse drynke [aaAxx]?
N: 7,290 But of alderbest . -th-(a)t brewstars selle [aaAx]
N: 7,291 Laborers -th-(a)t haue no londe . to lyue on but
her hondes [aaAx]
N: 7,292 Dyne-th- nou-gh-t to dyne . a day ni-gh-t olde wortis
N: 7,293 May no penyale hem paye . ne no pece of bacou(n)
N: 7,294 But -gh-if it be fresshe flesche . or fysche -th-(a)t
is fried [aaAaa]
N: 7,295 { Chaude & plus chaude } . for chillyng of his
mawe [aaAx]
N: 7,296 But if he be hieghlyche heryed . ellis wil he chide
N: 7,297 -Th-(a)t he warkeman was wrou-gh-t . wary -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
N: 7,298 And -th-anne curse -th-e kyng . & al -th-e co(mun)e
aftre [aaAx]
N 50
N: 7,299 Suche lawes to loke . laboreres to chaste [aaAx]
N: 7,300 But wil hunger was her maistre wolde -th-(er)e non
chide [????]
N: 7,301 Ne stryue a-gh-ein -th-e statut-gh- . so sternely
he loked [aaAx]
N: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow werkemen . worche wil -gh-e mowen
N: 7,303 ffor hu(n)ger hiderward . haste-th- hi(m) fast [aaAx]
N: 7,304 He schal awake -gh-ow -th-orow watre . wasto(ur)s
to chaste [aaAx]
N: 7,305 Er fyue be fulfilled . suche famyne schal aryse
N: 7,306 Thorow flodes & fowle wedres . fruitis schal
faile [aaAa]
N: 7,307 And so sei-th- satorne . & sent -gh-ow to werne
Passus octauus de visione vt p(ri)us
N: 8,1 Trew-th-e herd telle herof . & to piers sente [aaAxx]
N: 8,2 to taken his teem . & tylye -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,3 he purchased hi(m) a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
N: 8,4 ffor hi(m) & for his heires . for eu(er)more aftre
N: 8,5 He bad hi(m) helden hi(m) at home . & erie his
leyis [aaAx]
N: 8,6 And alle -th-o -th-(a)t holpen . to erien & sowen
N: 8,7 Or any maner mystyer . -th-at piers my-gh-t helpen
N: 8,8 Part in -th-(a)t p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope ha-th- hem
g(ra)unted [aaAx]
N: 8,9 Kynges & kni-gh-tes . -th-at kepyn holy cherche
N: 8.10 And ri-gh-tfully in Rewwmes . rewle-th- -th-e peple
N: 8,11 Han p(ar)dou(n) -th-orow purgatory . to passe ful
sone [aaAx]
N: 8,12 W(i)t(h) patriarches in paradis . to playen -th-eraftre
N: 8,13 Bysshopes -th-(a)t blessen . & bo-th-e lawes
conne [aaAx]
N: 8,14 Loken on -th-(a)t o lawe . & lere men -th-(a)t
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
N: 8,15 & bere he(m) bo-th-e on her bakke . in bering & in
dede [aaaAx]
N: 8,16 And prechen her p(er)sones . -th-e p(er)elles of
synne [aaAx]
N: 8,17 How -th-(a)t a scabbed shep . schal his wolle saue
N: 8,18 -Th-ei han p(ar)dou(n) wi-th- aposteles . whan -th-ei
passe hennes [aaAx]
N: 8,19 And at -th-e day of dome . on her deys sytte [aaAx]
N: 8,20 Marchanut-gh- in -th-e margyn . had many -gh-eres
N: 8,21 But non { a pena & culpa } . -th-e pope nolde
he(m) g(ra)unte [axAx]
N 51
N: 8,22 ffor -th-ei holde nou-gh-t here holy daies . as holy
chirche techi-th- [aaAx]
N: 8,23 & for -th-ei swere by her soule . & so god
most hem helpe [aaAxx]
N: 8,24 Agayn clene conscience . her catel to selle [aaAx]
N: 8,25 But vndre his secret sel trw-th-e . sente [hem a
lettre] [aaAx]
N: 8,26 And bad hem bigge boldely . wat hem best liked [aaaAx]
N: 8,27 & si-th-e(n) selle it agayn . & saue -th-e
wy(n)nyng [aaAx]
N: 8,28 & make mesou(n) dieux -th-(er)myd . -th-e myseise
to helpe [aaAx]
N: 8,29 Also wikke weies . wi-gh-tly amende [aaAx]
N: 8,30 And bete burgis aboute . -th-(a)t tobroken were [aaaAx]
N: 8,31 help mary maydenes . elles make hem nonnes [aaAx]
N: 8,32 Pore wydowes -th-(a)t wole . be no wyues aftre [aaAx]
N: 8,33 ffy(n)den he(m) her fode . for -th-e lordes loue
of heuene [aaAbb]
N: 8,34 Sette scolars to scole . or so(m)me ky(n)nes craftes
N: 8,35 Releue relygyou(n) . Rente hem bettre [aaAx]
N: 8,36 And I schal -gh-ow myself . seynt Mechel my(n) angel
N: 8,37 -Th-(a)t no deuel shal -gh-ow dere . whan -th-(a)t
-gh-e ben dede [aaAa]
N: 8,38 I schal sende -gh-our(e) sowlys . sauf into heuene
N: 8,39 Afore -th-e face of my fadre . furme -gh-our(e) setes
N: 8,40 Vsure & auarise & o-th-es I defende [????]
N: 8,41 -Th-(a)t no gile go w(i)t(h) -gh-ow . but -th-e graythe
trw-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,42 -Th-a(n)ne were marchaundis merye . many wepe for
Ioye [aaAx]
N: 8,43 Thei gaf wille for his writyng . wollen clo-th-es
N: 8,44 ffor he coped -th-us her clause . -th-ei cow-th-e
hi(m) grete mede [aaAx]
N: 8,45 Men of lawe had leue . for -th-e ben alle l(ett)red
N: 8,46 To loke vpon he sawter sapience to teche [aaAx]?
N: 8,46a { Sup(er) i(n)noce(n)te(m) mun(er)a no(n) accipies
a regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) er(i)t m(er)ces eor(um)
} [Latin]
N: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & of p(re)lates . her penciou(n)
sholde aryse [aaAx]
N: 8,48 And of -th-e pore peple . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
N: 8,49 But he -th-(a)t spendi-th- his speche . & speki-th-
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
N: 8,50 -Th-at is Innocent & nedy . & no man he appaireth
N: 8,51 Conforte-th- hi(m) i(n) -th-at cas . coueite-th-
nou-gh-t his godis [aaAx]
N 52
N: 8,52 But for oure lordes loue . law for hi(m) chewe-th-
N: 8,53 Shal no deuil at his de-th- . dere hi(m) a myte [aaAx]
N: 8,54 That he ne worthe syker sauf . & sent for-th-
to ioye [aaAa]
N: 8,55 To bigge watre ne wynde . & witt is -th-e ridde
N: 8,56 Wolde neure holy writ . crist wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,57 -Th-ise -th-re for -th-ralles . ben -th-rowen among
vs alle [aaAx]
N: 8,58 To waxen or to wanen . whe-th-(er) god lyke-th- [aaAx]
N: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) in p(ur)gatorie . full petit is I
trowe [aaAx]
N: 8,60 -Th-(a)t eny monee of mene men . for motyng rescyue-th-
N: 8,61 -Gh-e legistres & lawers . -gh-e wytyn -gh-if
I lye [aaXa]
N: 8,62 Si-th-en -gh-e sene it is -th-us . swe-th- to -th-e
best [aaAx]
N: 8,63 Alle lyuyng laboreres . -th-(a)t lyuen by her hondes
N: 8,64 -Th-(a)t trwlyche token . & trwlyche wonne [aaAx]
N: 8,65 -Th-(a)t lyue in loue & in lawe . for her low[e]
h(er)tes [aaaAx]
N: 8,66 Hadden -th-e same absoluciou(n) . -th-(a)t sent was
to piers [aaAx]
N: 8,67 Bidders ne beggars . be nou-gh-t in -th-(a)t bulle
N: 8,68 But -th-e suggestiou(n) be so-th-e . -th-at shape-th-
he(m) to begge [aaAx]
N: 8,69 ffor he -th-(a)t begge-th- o-th-(er) bidde-th- .
or he bide nede [aaAxx]
N: 8,70 He is false w(i)t(h) -th-e fende . defraude-th- -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
N: 8,71 And gile-th- -th-e gyuer . agayne goddis wille [aaAx]
N: 8,72 Thei lyue nou-gh-t in no loue . ne lawe holden [aaAx]
N: 8,73 -Th-ei wedde no woman . -th-(a)t -th-ei wi-th- delyn
N: 8,74 But as wilde bestis wi-th- vche . wor-th- vp & ryde
N: 8,75 -Th-ei bring for-th- barnes . -th-at bastardes ben
holden [aaAx]
N: 8,76 Or his legge or so(m)me lyme . he breki-th- in his
-gh-ow-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,77 & gon & faite w(i)t(h) her fauntes . al her
lyf aftre [aaAxx]
N: 8,78 Ther ben mo myschapen amonge he(m) . whoso take-th-
hede [aaaXx]
N: 8,79 -Th-a(n) of alle man(er) men . -th-(a)t on -th-is
molde wenden [aaAx]
N: 8,80 -Th-o -th-(a)t lyue -th-(us) her li-gh-f . may lothe
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
N: 8,81 -Th-at eure he was man wrou-gh-t . whanne he schal
he(n)nes [fare] [xaAx]?
N 53
N: 8,82 But holde men & hore . -th-(a)t helples ben of
strenght [aaAx]
N: 8,83 And wo(m)men w(i)t(h) childe . -th-(a)t worche ne
mowen [axAx]
N: 8,84 -Th-e blynde & -th-e bedred . & broken her
membris [aaAx]
N: 8,85 -Th-at take myschef mekely . as meseles & o-th-er
N: 8,86 Han as pleyn a p(ar)dou(n) . as -th-e plowman hi(m)
self [aaAx]
N: 8,87 ffor loue of her lowe herte . owr(e) lorde ha-th-
hem g(ra)unted [aaAx]
N: 8,88 Her penau(n)ce of purgatorie . vpon -th-is pure er-th-e
N: 8,89 Piers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . -th-i p(ar)dou(n) most
I rede [aaAx]
N: 8,90 I schal constru -th-e vche clause . & kenne -th-e
it on englissh [aaAx]
N: 8,91 And piers at his praier . -th-e p(ar)dou(n) vnfolded
N: 8,92 Am I byhynde hem bo-th-e . byhelde al -th-e bulle
N: 8,93 In two lynes it lay . & nou-gh-t a lettre more
N: 8,94 And was ywrytyn ri-gh-t -th-us . In witnesse of trow-th-e
N: 8,95 { Et qui bona egeru(n)t ibu(n)t i(n) vitam eternam
} [Latin]
N: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignem et(er)nu(m) } [Latin]
N: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d a p(re)st . I can no p(ar)don fynde
N: 8,98 But do wel & haue wel . & god schal haue
-th-i soule [????]
N: 8.99 Do yuel & haue yuel . & hope -th-(o)u non
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
N: 8,100 -Th-(a)t aftir -th-i de-th- day . to helle schaltow
wende [????]
N: 8,101 And piers for pure tene . pullid it asondre [aaAx]
N: 8,102 { Si a(m)b(u)lau(er)o i(n) medio t(ur)bulacoi(n)s
no(n) ti(m)ebo mala q(uonia)m tu mecu(m) es } } [Latin]
N: 8,103 --- this line om ---
N: 8,104 I shal cesse of my sowyng . & swynke nou-gh-t
so harde [aaxAx]
N: 8,105 Ne aboute my lyflode . so bysy be nomore [aaAx]
N: 8,106 Of preiers & penau(n)ce . my plow shal ben
heraftir [aaAx]
N: 8,107 And bilour(e) -th-at I lowgh . -th-e lyflode me
faille [aaAx]
N: 8,108 -Th-e p(ro)phete his payne ete . in penaunce & weopyng
N: 8,109 By -th-at -th-e sauter vs sei-th- . so did many
o-th-(er)e [aaAxx]
N: 8,110 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t m(ich)i lac(ri)me mee panes die ac
nocte } [Latin]
N: 8,111 And also seynt luk . lerne-th- vs by fowlys [aaAx]
N: 8,112 That we [ne] sholde be to besy to make -th-e bely
Ioye [????]
N: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he sei-th- in his gospel
N 54
N: 8,114 And shewe-th- vs example . owr(e) sowlys to wisse
N: 8,115 The fowlys in -th-e firmament . who fynt he(m) i(n)
wy(n)tre [aaAx]
N: 8,116 Whan -th-e frost frese-th- . fode he(m) behoue-th-
N: 8,117 Haue -th-ei no geuer to go to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
N: 8,118 Piers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . peter as me -th-inke-th-
N: 8,119 Thow art lettred a lyte . who lerned -th-e on boke
N: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abbesse . myne a.b.c me tau-gh-t
N: 8,121 And conscience come afterward . & kenned me
bettre [aaAx]
N: 8,122 Wer(e) -th-(o)u a prest piers . -th-(o)u my-gh-t
p(re)che whan -th-e lyked [aaAx]
N: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m lit(er)aturam non cognoui } . my-gh-t
-th-i teme be [????]
N: 8,124 Lewed lorel q(uo)d he . litel lokestow -th-e bible
N: 8,125 On salamones sawes . selden -th-(o)u biholdest [aaAx]
N: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & iurgia cu(m) eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
N: 8,126 The p(re)st -th-anne & p(er)kyn . apposed ei-th-(er)
o-th-er [aaAx]
N: 8,127 And wi-th- her wordis I awoke . & waited aboute
N: 8,128 I saw -th-e sonne euene sow-th- . sittyng -th-at
tyme [aaaAx]
N: 8,129 Meteles & moneles . on malu(er)ne hilles [aaAx]
N: 8,130 Musyng on -th-is meteles . a myle wey I -gh-ede
N: 8,131 Many tyme -th-is metel . ha-th- made me to studye
N: 8,132 And for piers loue -th-e plowman . wel pensyf i(n)
herte [aaAx]
N: 8,133 Of -th-at I saw slepyng . if it so be my-gh-t [aaAx]
N: 8,134 And catou(n) construe-th- nay . & canonistres
bo-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,134a { Sompnia ne cures ne mens hu(m)ana } [Latin]
N: 8,135 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 8,136 But Danyel deuyned . as witnesse-th- -th-e bi[bl]e
N: 8,137 -Th-e dremes of a kyng ones . Nabugodonosor [aaAx]
N: 8,138 Daniel seid syr(e) kyng . -th-i sweuene is to mene
N: 8,139 -Th-(a)t uncowthe kni-gh-tys shal come . -th-i kyngdome
to clei[me] [aaaAx]
N: 8,140 Among lower lordes . -th-i londe shal be dep(ar)tid
N: 8,141 As daniel deuined . in dede it fel aftre [aaAx]
N: 8,142 The kyng lost his lordechip . & lasse me(n)
it hadde [aaAx]
N 55
N: 8,143 And Ioseph mette merueylousely . how -th-e mone & -th-e
sonne [aaAx]
N: 8,144 And -th-e eleuene sterris . hailsed hym alle [axAa]
N: 8,145 { Bew filt-gh- } q(uo)d his fadre . for defaute
we shulle [aaAx]
N: 8,146 I myself & my sones . seche -th-e for nede [aaAx]
N: 8,147 It bifel as his fadre . seide in pharaoes tyme [aaAx]
N: 8,148 That Ioseph was iustice . Egipt to kepe [aaAx]
N: 8,149 Al -th-is make-th- me . on meteles to -th-inke [aaAx]
N: 8,150 Many tyme at mydni-gh-t . whan I scholde slepe [aaAx]
N: 8,151 Of p(er)kyn -th-e plowman . -th-at suche a p(ar)done
hadde [aaAx]
N: 8,152 And how -th-e prest enpugned it . al by pur(e) resou(n)
N: 8,153 And demed -th-(a)t dowel . Indulgences passed [aaAx]
N: 8,154 Bienales & Trienales . & bischopes lettres
N: 8,155 Dowel at domesday . is dignely p(ra)ised [aaaAx]
N: 8,156 He passe-th- al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seynt petres
chirche [aaAx]
N: 8,157 Now ha-th- -th-e pope power . p(ar)du(n) to grau(n)te
N: 8,158 -Th-e peple w(i)t(h)out penaunce . to passe to Ioye
N: 8,159 -Th-is is a lef of howr(e) byleue . as lettred men
vs techen [aaAx]
N: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram &c
} [Latin]
N: 8,160 And so I leue lelly . lorde forbede elles [aaAx]
N: 8,161 -Th-at p(ar)dou(n) & penaunce . & p(re)iers
dou(n) salue [aaAx]
N: 8,162 Soules -th-(a)t han synned . seuene sithes dedly
N: 8,163 But for to trust on trienales . trwely me -th-inke-th-
N: 8,164 Is nou-gh- so syker for -th-e soule . certis as
is do wel [aaAx]
N: 8,165 Ther fore I red -gh-ow renkes . -th-(a)t ryche ben
on er-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,166 Vp trust of -gh-owr(e) tresore . trenales to haue
N: 8,167 Be -gh-e neuer -th-e bolder . to breke -th-e x hest(is)
N: 8,168 And namely -gh-e maistres . maires & iugges
N: 8,169 -Th-(a)t ha(n) -th-e wel-th-e of -th-is worlde . & wyse
men ben holden [aaAx]
N: 8,170 To p(ur)chace p(ar)dou(n) . & -th-e popis bullys
N: 8,171 At -th-e dredful wine . whan dead schal aryse [aaAx]
N 56
N: 8,172 And come for-th- afor crist . acomptis to -gh-elde
N: 8,173 How -th-(o)u leddest -th-i lyf . & the lawe
keptest [aaAx]
N: 8,174 What -th-(o)u didest day by day . -th-e dome wil
reherse [aaaAx]
N: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) . & p(ro)ui(n)ciales
l(ett)res [aaAx]
N: 8,176 Thei -th-(o)u be fownden i(n) frat(er)nite . amo(n)ge
-th-e four(e) ordres [aaAx]
N: 8,177 & haue indulgences dowble folde . but dowel
-gh-ow help [aaAx]
N: 8,178 I nolde gyue for -gh-our(e) p(ar)dou(n) one pies
hele [????]
N: 8,179 Therfore I conseille al cristene . to crye god m(er)cye
N: 8,180 And marye his modre . to be mene bytwene [aaAx]
N: 8,181 -Th-(a)t god gif vs g(ra)ce . here or we go hennes
N: 8,182 To do so -th-at Dowel reherse it att Dome
N: 8,182 --- this line om ---
N: 8,183 --- this line om ---
N: 8,184 --- this line om ---
N ceases