
PPLA-W Diplomatic Texts


fol. 1r

W: P,1 IN a s(::::) sesoun . whan softe was (:::) sonne [aaAa]
W: P,2 I shop (::) into a shrowedes . as (::::::) shep were [aaAx]
W: P,3 In (::::) as an (:::::) . vnholy of werkes [aaAx]
W: P,4 I wen(::) wyde in -th-e world . wondirs to here [aaAx]
W: P,5 (:::::) a may mornyng . on malu(er)ne hylles [aaAx]
W: P,6 Me (::)fel a ferly . of fairie me thowthe [aaAx]
W: P,7 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,8 Opon a brood bank . by a burn syde [aaAx]
W: P,9 As I lay & lenede . & loked on -th-e (:::::) [aaAx]
W: P,10 I slomerid a slepe . it swied so mery [aaAx]
W: P,11 And -th-an gan I (::::) . a merueylouse sweue [xaAx]
W: P,12 That I was in a wyldernesse . I wyst neu(er)e wher [aaAx]
W: P,13 As I beheld to -th-e est . an hey to the sonne [aaAx]
W: P,14 I saw a tour on a toft . trielych maked [aaAx]
W: P,15 A depe dale al benethe . a downgeon -th-erinne [aaAx]
W: P,16 Wi-th- depe dykes & derk . & dredful of syght [aaaAx]
W: P,17 A fair feld ful of folk . fonde I -th-(er) betweyne [aaaAx]
W: P,18 Of alle man(er) of men . the mene and -th-e ryche [aaAx]
W: P,19 Worchyng and wandringe . as -th-e world aske-th- [aaAx]
W: P,20 Som putte hem to plowgh . & playeden ful selde [aaAx]
W: P,21 In se(::)yng & in sowyng . thei swonken ful sore [aaAx]
W: P,22 And wonnen -th-(a)t wastours in -th-e worlde . wi-th- glotonie distruyen [aaAxx]
W: P,23 Som put hem to pryde . apparailed hem -th-erafter [aaAx]
W: P,24 In continance of clo-th-ing . comen in disgised [aaAx]
W: P,25 To preyeres & penance . putte hem manye [aaAx]
W: P,26 And for -th-e loue of owre lord . lyuede(n) wel streyte [aaAx]
W: P,27 In hope for to haue -th-(er) for . heueneryche blysse [aaAx]
W: P,28 As ancres an hermites . -th-at dwelle in here selles [aaAx]
W: P,29 Coueite not in contrey . to carien abowte [aaAx]
W: P,30 ffor lykerouse lyflod . here lykam to plese [aaAx]
W: P,31 Som chosen chaffare . to cheuen -th-e betere [aaAx]
W: P,32 As it semeth to owre syght . -th-at swyche men thrive [aaAx]
W: P,33 And so(m)me merthes to make . as menestralles k(::::) [aaAx]
W: P,34 And geten gold wi-th- here glee . gylously I trowe [aaaAx]
W: P,35 ffor iapers & iangelers . Iudace chyldren [aaAx]
W: P,36 ffounden hem in fantesies . & foles hem maken [aaAx]
W: P,37 And han witte at wille . to worche -gh-if hem lyst [aaAx]
W: P,38 That Poule precheth of hem . I may proue it here [aaAx]
W: P,39 { Qui loquitur turpeloquium } . is lucifres hyne [aaAx]
W: P,40 Than bidders & beggers . fast aboute (:::::) [aaAx]
W: P,41 Til -th-e bely and -th-e bagge . were ful (:::::) [aaAx]
W: P,42 They faited for here fode . and foughten at -th-e nale [aaAx]

fol. 1v

W: P,43 In (:::::) god wot . go -th-ei to (::::) [aaAx]
W: P,44 (:::::) vp wi-th- (::::: :: :::::) hyne [aaAx]
W: P,45 (:::::) and (::::: ::::: ::: ::::::) [aaAx]
W: P,46 (:::::) and (::::: :::: ::: :::::::) [aaAx]
W: P,47 (:: :::: :::::) Iame . and (:::::) of Rome [aaAx]
W: P,48 (:::: :::: ::::) in (:: :::: ::: :::) wise tales [aaAx]
W: P,49 (::: :::: ::: ::) lye . al (::: ::: ::::) [aaAx]
W: P,50 (::::: :: ::) hepe . wi-th- (::: ::::) [aaAx]
W: P,51 (::::) to walsyngham . & (::: ::::) after [aaAx]
W: P,52 (:::: ::::) and long . -th-at (::: ::::) to swynke [aaAx]
W: P,53 Clo-th-ed (:: :: :::) . to (:: :::: ::: ::::) [aaAx]
W: P,54 They (:::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::) haue [xaAa]
W: P,55 I fond (::: :::: :::) -th-e (:::: ::::) [aaAx]
W: P,56 Prechinge to -th-e peple . for prof(:::) of -th-e wo(::) [aaAx]
W: P,57 And glosed (:: :::: :: ::: ::: ::::) [aaAx]
W: P,58 ffor (::::) of (:::) . cons(::::) as -th-ei wolde [aaAx]
W: P,59 Many of -th-is maystres . may cl(:::) hem at lykyng [aaAxx]
W: P,60 Here mony & here marchandise . (:::) to(::::) [aaAx]
W: P,61 Si-th- ch(::::) ha-th- be chapman . & chef to shrive lordes [aaAx]
W: P,62 Many ferlyes han falle . in a fewe yers [aaAx]
W: P,63 But holy chyrche & charite . holden bet togedere [aaAx]
W: P,64 The most meschef of molde . is mountyng an hie [aaaAx]
W: P,65 Ther preched a pardoner . as he a prest were [aaAx]
W: P,66 And brought forth a bulle . wi-th- byshop seles [aaAx]
W: P,67 And said -th-at hem self . myght assoill(e) hem alle [aaAx]
W: P,68 Of falshode and fastyng . and of vowes ybryke [aaAx]
W: P,69 The lewed folk it lyked well . and leued his speche [aaAx]
W: P,70 Thei comen vp knelyng . to (::::)en his bulle [aaAx]
W: P,71 He bonched hem wi-th- his breuet . & blered here eyen [aaAx]
W: P,72 And raught wi-th- his ragman . ringes and broches [aaAx]
W: P,73 Thus -gh-e (::: ::::) gold . glotons to helpe [aaAx]
W: P,74 And leuen at los(:::) . -th-at leccherie haunten [aaAx]
W: P,75 Where -th-e byshop blyss(::) . (::) worth bo-th-e hese heres [aaAx]
W: P,76 His s(::) shold not be sent . to disceyue -th-e peple [aaAx]
W: P,77 It is not be -th-e bishop [(:::)] . -th-at -th-e boy preche-th- [aaAx]
W: P,78 But -th-e prest and the p(::::) . parti-th- -th-e monoye [aaaAx]
W: P,79 That -th-e peple shold haue nyf -th-ei hem pilde(::) [aaaXx]
W: P,80 Than persons and vicaries . pl(::: ::) the byshop [aaaAx]
W: P,81 That h(:: :::)she was pore . si-th- -th-e pestelence tyme [aaAx]
W: P,82 Thay asked a lycence at london to (::::) [aaAx]
W: P,83 To syn(::) -th-er for symonie . for (:::) is (::::) [aaAx]

fol. 2r

W: P,84 Than hoved -th-er an hondred . in houes of sylk [aaAx]
W: P,85 Seriaunt-gh- it semed . -th-at serued at -th-e barre [aaAx]
W: P,86 To pleden for penys . and poundes -th-e lawe [aaAx]
W: P,87 But for -th-e loue of oure lord . not vnlese here lippes ones [aaAa]
W: P,88 Thow might betre mete a myst . on malu(er)ne hilles [aaaAx]
W: P,89 Than gete a mombe of here mougth . til mony be shewed [aaAx]
W: P,90 Bishoppes . and bachelers of dyuine bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: P,91 Bycome clerkes of accountes . -th-e kyng to serue [aaAx]
W: P,92 Archedekenes and denes . -th-at diuine shold preche [aaAx]
W: P,93 The peple and the pore men eu(er)emore to fede [aaAx]
W: P,94 Be-th- lopen to london . by byshopes leue [aaAx]
W: P,95 To be clerkes of -th-e kynges benche . -th-e comune to shende [aaAx]

W: P,97 Than sawe I -th-at semble . as -gh-e shal here after [aaAx]
W: P,96 Barons and burgeys . & bondage als [aaAx]

W: P,98 Bakers & brewers . and brewsters many [aaAx]
W: P,99 Wollen webbes . and weuers of lynen [aaAx]
W: P,100 Tayllours Tokers . & tollers bothe [aaAx]
W: P,101 Masons mynours . and many o-th-er craftes [aaAx]
W: P,102 Dykers & deluers . -th-at don here dede ill(e) [aaAa]
W: P,103 And dryve forth -th-e long day . wi-th- { dieu saue dame Emme } [aaAx]
W: P,104 Cokes & here knaves . criede hote pies hote [aaAx]
W: P,105 Gode geys & grys . go we dine go we [aaaAa]
W: P,106 Than tauerners -th-e same to -th-e folk told [axAx]
W: P,107 White wyne of osey . & wyne of gascoyne [aaxAx]
W: P,108 Of ryuer & of Rochell . -th-e rost to defie [aaAx]
W: P,109 All -th-is saw I slepyng . & seuene si-th-e more [aaAx]

Passus Primus de visione

W: 1,1 Now what [-th-e] mountayne bemene-th- . & -th-e merk dale [aaAx]
W: 1,2 And all -th-e feld fol of folk . I shal -gh-ow faire shewe [aaAx]
W: 1,3 A louely lady of lere . in lynen yclo-th-ed [aaaAx]
W: 1,4 Come adoune . and called me ful fayre [aaAx]
W: 1,5 And sayd sone slepestow . seistow -th-is peple -th-at passith on er-th-e [aaAx]
W: 1,6 --- this line om ---
W: 1,7 --- this line om ---
W: 1,8 Haue -th-ei worshope of -th-e world . ne kepe thei no bettre [aaAx]
W: 1,9 Of o-th-er heuene -th-an here . hold -th-ei no tale [aaAx]
W: 1,10 I was aferd of here face . so faire was here lyre [aaAx]
W: 1,11 I sayd m(er)cy madame . what is -th-is to mene [aaXa]
W: 1,12 The tour q(uo)d she on -th-e toft . truth is -th-erinne [aaAx]
W: 1,13 He wold -th-at -gh-e wroght . as his worde teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 1,14 ffor he is fader of fai-th- . that -gh-ow formed alle [aaAx]
W: 1,15 Bo-th-e in fell & in flesh . and -gh-af -gh-ow fyue wittes [aaAx]
W: 1,16 To worship hym -th-erwith . whil we ben here [aaAx]

fol. 2v

W: 1,17 And -th-erfore he heten -th-e er-th-e . to serue vs echon [aaAx]
W: 1,18 Of wollen and of lynen . to lyflode at nede [aaAx]
W: 1,19 In mesurable manere . to make vs at ese [aaAx]
W: 1,20 He hete of his curtasie . in co(m)mune -th-er -th-ynges [aaAx]
W: 1,21 Eron non so nedful as -th-o . & nembe hem I -th-enke [aaAx]
W: 1,22 And reken hem be reson . reherse -gh-e hem after [aaAx]
W: 1,23 That on of -th-is [is] vesture of clo-th-e . fro cold -th-e to hele [aaAxx]
W: 1,24 That o-th-er is mete at mele . fro myshese -th-e to helpe [aaAx]
W: 1,25 The -th-redde drink w(::: :: :::) art . but not owte of reson [aaAx]
W: 1,26 That -th-ow do -th-e wors . whan -th-ow worche scholdest [aaAx]
W: 1,27 ffor loth in his lyf dayes . for lykyng of drynk [aaAx]
W: 1,28 Dide [ly] by his doughtres . -th-at -th-e deuell liked [aaAx]
W: 1,29 He delited hym in drink . as the deuell wolde [aaAx]
W: 1,30 And laght hym wi-th- lecherie . & lay by hem bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 1,31 And al he witte it -th-e wyne . -th-at wikkede dede [aaAx]

W: 1,31 [B:I,31a] { Inebriamus eum vino & dormiamus cu(m) eo &c } Latin
W: 1,31 [B:I,32] Thoru-gh- wyne and wo(m)men -th-(er) was loth acombred
W: 1,31 [B:I,33] And -th-er gate in glotonie gyrles -th-at were churles

W: 1,32 Drede delitable drink . & -th-ow shalt do -th-e bettre [aaaAx]
W: 1,33 ffor mesure is medecine . if -th-ow muche yeru(n) [aaAx]
W: 1,34 Al is not good to -th-e gost . -th-at -th-e gute aske-th- [aaAx]
W: 1,35 Ne lyflode to -th-e lykam . -th-at is lef to -th-e soule [aaAx]
W: 1,36 Leue not -th-i likam . a liere him teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 1,37 That is -th-e wrecched world . -th-e to betray [aaAx]
W: 1,38 ffor -th-e fend and -th-e flesch . flowen togederes [aaAx]
W: 1,39 And -th-at shende-th- -th-e sowle . take it in -th-i hert [aaAx]
W: 1,40 ffor -th-ow sholdest be war . I wysse -th-e -th-e beste [xaAx]
W: 1,41 Madame mercy q(uo)d I . me lyke-th- wel -th-i wordes [aaAbb]
W: 1,42 But -th-e monoye of -th-is molde . -th-at men so faste holde [aaAx]
W: 1,43 Tel me lady to whome -th-at tresour appendeth [xxXx]
W: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d she . -th-at god sayd hym self [aaAx]
W: 1,45 Whan -th-e peple hym apposed . wi-th- -th-e peny in -th-e temple [aaAx]
W: 1,46 -Gh-hif -th-ei shold worship . -th-erwi-th- cesare -th-e kyng [aaAx]
W: 1,47 And god asked of hem of whome spake -th-e lettre [xxXx]
W: 1,48 And -th-e ymage ylyke . -th-at -th-er inne stonde-th- [xxXx]
W: 1,49 Cesar -th-ei saide . we se wel ychon [axAx]
W: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(uo)d god . -th-at { cesar } befalle-th- [axAx]
W: 1,51 { Et que sunt dei deo } . or elles -gh-e don ill(e) [aaAx]
W: 1,52 ffor rightfullich reson . shold reule -gh-ow all(e) [aaAx]
W: 1,53 And kinde witte be warden . -gh-owr wel-th-e to kepe [aaAx]
W: 1,54 And tutor of -gh-owr tresoure . and take it -gh-ow at nede [aaAx]

fol. 3r

W: 1,55 ffor hosbondrie and he . shold hold togederes [aaAx]
W: 1,56 Than frained I here faire . for hym -th-at here made [aaAxx]
W: 1,57 The doungeon in -th-e dale . -th-at dredful is of syght [aaAx]
W: 1,58 W(:::) may it mene . madame I wold -th-e beseche [aaAx]
W: 1,59 -Th-at is -th-e castel of care . whoso come-th- -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
W: 1,60 May banne -th-at he bore was . to body or to soule [aaAx]
W: 1,61 Ther inne dwelle-th- a wyght . -th-at is wrong Ihote [aaAx]
W: 1,62 ffader of falshede . he fonde it him self [aaAx]
W: 1,63 Bo-th-e Adam & Eue . he egged to ill(e) [aaAa]
W: 1,64 and conseilled kaym . to kyll his bro-th-er [aaAx]
W: 1,65 ludace he iaped . wi-th- -th-e Iues siluer [aaAx]
W: 1,66 And si-th- on an aldre . he hong hem self [aaAa]
W: 1,67 He is lettere of loue & lithers hem all(e) [aaAx]
W: 1,68 That trusten on his tresour . betrays he sonnest [aaAx]
W: 1,69 Than hadde I wonder in my witt . what wo(m)man it were [aaAa]
W: 1,70 That swich wise wordes . of holy wrytte schewed [aaAx]
W: 1,71 I halsed hir(e) on -th-e hie name . er she -th-ens -gh-ede [aaAx]
W: 1,72 What she wher wittirly . -th-at wisse me she wolde [aaAx]
W: 1,73 Holy cherche I am q(uo)d she . -th-ou augtest me to knowe [aaAx]
W: 1,74 I vnderfong -th-e first . & -th-i fai-th- -th-e taghte [aaAx]
W: 1,75 Thow browghtest me borwes . my bidding (::) worche [aaAx]
W: 1,76 To loue me lelly . whil -th-i lyf durith [aaAx]
W: 1,77 Than I courbed on my knees . & asked hire of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
W: 1,78 I praied hir(e) (:::::) . to pray for my synnes [aaAx]
W: 1,79 And kenne me kendly . on cristes beleue [aaAx]
W: 1,80 That I might worche his wil . -th-at wrought me to man [aaAx]
W: 1,81 Teche me to no tresour . but kenne me -th-is ilk [aaAx]
W: 1,82 How I may saue my soule . -th-at seint art Iholde [aaAx]
W: 1,83 Whan all(e) tresours be-th- tried q(uo)d she . treu-th- is -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 1,84 I do it on { deus ca(::::) } . to demen -th-e sothe [aaAx]
W: 1,85 It is as derworth a dreury . as dere god him self [aaAx]
W: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tonge . tell it non o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 1,87 Do -th-e werkes -th-erwi-th- . wil no man non ill [aaAx]
W: 1,88 He is a god by -th-e gospel . on grounde and on loft [aaAx]
W: 1,89 And also lik to oure lord . by seint lukes wordes [aaAx]
W: 1,90 The clerkes -th-at it knowe wel . sholde kenne it aboute [aaAx]
W: 1,91 ffor cristen and he-th-en . cleyme it vchone [aaAx]
W: 1,92 Kynkges and knygtes . shold kepe it by reson [aaAx]
W: 1,93 And ryden & rappen doun . in reames aboute [aaAx]
W: 1,94 And taken trespasours . & bynden hem faste [aaAx]
W: 1,95 Til treu-th- haue termined . here trespas to -th-e ende [aaAx]

fol. 3v

W: 1,96 ffor dauid in his dayes . dobbed knyghtes [aaAx]
W: 1,97 He dide hem swere on here swerde . to s(er)ue treu-th- eu(er)e [aaAx]
W: 1,98 That is -th-e professiou(n) apert . -th-at pende-th- to knyghtes [aaAx]
W: 1,99 And not to fast a friday . in fiue score wynter [aaAx]
W: 1,100 But hold wi-th- him & wi-th- her . -th-at asken -th-e treu-th- [aaaAx]
W: 1,101 And neu(er)e let for loue . ne laching of -gh-iftes [aaAx]
W: 1,102 ffor who -th-at passe-th- -th-at point . is appostata for euere [aaAx]
W: 1,103 And crist knyght & kyng . knyghted ten [aaaAx]
W: 1,104 Cherubyn & Saruphin . shuche seuen & ano-th-er [xaAx]
W: 1,105 He -gh-af hem myght in mageste . -th-e meriere hem -th-oughte [aaAx]
W: 1,106 And ouer all his meyne made hem archangeles [aaXx]?
W: 1,107 he taght hem -th-rough -th-e trinite . treu-th- to knowe [aaAx]
W: 1,108 To be buxom at his bone . he bad hem not elles [aaAx]
W: 1,109 Lucifer wi-th- legions . lered it in heuene [aaAx]
W: 1,110 He was -th-e lofliest . of sight after oure lord [aaXa]
W: 1,111 Til he brak buxomnesse . -th-orgh bost of him self [aaAx]

W: 1,112 [B:I,113] And fel fro -th-at felashippe in a fendes lykknes
W: 1,112 [B:I,114] Into a depe derk hell(e) to dwelle -th-(er) for euere
W: 1,112 [B:I,115] And mo -th-ousandes for him -th-an man kou-th-e nombre
W: 1,112 [B:I,116] Lopen ought wi-th- Lucifer in lo-th-ly forme

W: 1,113 And oute of heuene into helle . hobeled -th-ai fast [aaAx]
W: 1,114 Som in eir & som in er-th-e . & som in helle depe [aaAx]
W: 1,115 But lucifer lowest . li-th- of hem alle [aaAx]
W: 1,116 ffor pride -th-at him putte out of . his peyn ha-th- non ende [aaAx]
W: 1,117 So all(e) -th-at worche wi-th- wrong . wende -th-ei schull [aaAx]
W: 1,118 After -th-e de-th- day . and dwelle wi-th- -th-e shrewe [aaAx]
W: 1,119 But -th-o -th-at worche -th-e worde . -th-at holy writte teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 1,120 And enden as I er saide . in profitable werkes [aaAxx]
W: 1,121 Mowe be sikre -th-at her soules . shul wenden into heuene [aaAxx]
W: 1,122 Thar treu-th- is in trinite . & croune-th- hem all(e) [aaAx]
W: 1,123 ffor -gh-it I say as I saide . by sight of -th-e textes [aaAx]
W: 1,124 Whan al tresour is tried . treu-th- is -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 1,125 Lere-th- it -th-e lewed men . for lettred it knowen [aaAx]
W: 1,126 That tru-th- is a tresour . triest opon er-th-e [aaAx]
W: 1,127 -Gh-it ne know I q(uo)d I . -th-e most kenne me bettre [aaAx]
W: 1,128 By what craft or cours . it comse-th- or where [aaAx]
W: 1,129 A doted daf q(uo)d she . dul ar -th-i wittes [aaAx]

W: 1,129 [B:I,139/C:II,140] fful litel levedestow I leue of latin in -th-i -th-ou-gh-t
W: 1,129 [B:I,139/C:II,140] { Heu michi q(uo)d sterilem duxi vitam iuuenem }

W: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng . -th-at kenne-th- -th-e in -th-i hert [aaAx]
W: 1,131 To loue lelly -th-i lorde . leu(er)e -th-an -th-i self [aaAx]

fol. 4r

W: 1,132 No dedly synne to do . dye -th-ough -th-ou sholdest {(C I 144) Melius est mori qui male viu(er)e } [aaAx]
W: 1,133 This as I trowe be trewe . who can ken -th-e bettre [aaAx]
W: 1,134 Loke -th-ou soffre him to say . & si-th- lere it after [aaAx]
W: 1,135 ffor I wole wettenesse -th-is worde . worche -th-ou -th-(er) after [aaAx]
W: 1,136 That loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-at oure lord aske-th- [aaAx]
W: 1,137 And also -th-e plante of pes . preche it in -th-in arpe [aaAx]
W: 1,138 Ther -th-ou sittest a mete . -gh-if men bidde -th-e -gh-edde [aaAx]
W: 1,139 ffor in kennyng in hert . -th-er comse-th- a might [aaxAx]
W: 1,140 And -th-at falle-th- to -th-e fader . -th-at comsed vs all(e) [aaAx]
W: 1,141 He loked vpon vs wi-th- loue . & lete his sone dye [aaAx]
W: 1,142 Mekely for oure misdedes . to amenden vs alle [aaAx]
W: 1,143 And wolde hem no wo . -th-at wrought hym -th-at ill [aaAx]
W: 1,144 But mekly be mow-th-e . mercy he besoutht [aaAx]
W: 1,145 To haue pite on -th-e peple . -th-at peyned him to de-th-e [aaAx]
W: 1,146 Here might -th-ow sen ensample . in himself one [aaAx]
W: 1,147 That was myghtful and meke . & mercy gan grant [aaAx]
W: 1,148 To hym -th-at honged hym by . & his hert -th-erssed [aaAx]
W: 1,149 Therfor I rede -th-e riche . haue mercy on -th-e poure [aaAx]
W: 1,150 Thow -th-ow be myghty to mote . be meke of -th-i werkes [aaAx]
W: 1,151 ffor what mesure -th-e mete . amys or elles [aaAx]
W: 1,152 -Gh-e shal be weyen -th-erwi-th- . whenne -gh-e (:::)de hens [aaAx]
W: 1,153 Thow -th-ow be treu of -th-i tonge . & treulyche wynne [aaAx]
W: 1,154 And as chast as a child . -th-at in cherche wepe-th- [aaAx]
W: 1,155 But -gh-if -gh-ow loue lelly . & lene -th-e pore [aaAx]
W: 1,156 Of suche gode as god sent . goodlyche part [aaAx]
W: 1,157 -Gh-e ne haue no more merite . of messe ne houres [aaAx]
W: 1,158 Than malkyn of here maidenhod . -th-at no man desire-th- [aaAx]
W: 1,159 for Iames -th-e gentil . iugged in his boke [aaAx]
W: 1,160 That fey-th- wi-th-owten -th-e fect . is febeler -th-an noght [aaAx]
W: 1,161 And ded as a dore naile . but -gh-if -th-e dede folwe [aaAx]
W: 1,162 Chastite san-gh- charite . worth cheyned in helle [aaAx]
W: 1,163 It is as lewed a -th-ing as a lampe . wi-th-outen lyght [aaAx]
W: 1,164 Many chapeleyns arn chast . but charite is away [aaAx]
W: 1,165 Is no man hardere -th-an -th-ei . whan -th-ei be-th- avaunced [aaAx]
W: 1,166 Vnkynde to here kyn . also to alle cristen [aaXa]
W: 1,167 Thei chewen here charite . and chide after more [aaAx]
W: 1,168 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 1,169 The curatours -th-at kepe -gh-ow . clene of -gh-oure bodies [aaAx]
W: 1,170 -Gh-e be-th- combred in coueitise . -gh-e conne nowght crepe ought [aaAa]
W: 1,171 So harde now ha-th- auarice . hasped hem togedres [aaAx]
W: 1,172 Al trou-th- -gh-e haue t(ri)nite . & trech(er)es -gh-ef hante [aaAx]
W: 1,173 A lernyng to -th-e lewed men . -th-e wors to worche [aaAx]

fol. 4v

W: 1,174 ffor -th-is wordes arn wreten . in the wangelie [aaAx]
W: 1,175 { Date & dabitur vobis } . for I shal dele -gh-ow alle [aaAx]
W: 1,176 That is -th-e lok of loue . & late-th- ought my (::::) [aaAx]
W: 1,177 To confort of carful . acombred in synne [aaAx]
W: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-at oure lord aske-th- [aaAx]
W: 1,179 And ek -th-e gracieuse gate . -th-at into heuene lede-th- [aaAx]
W: 1,180 ffor -gh-it I say as I sayde . be sith of -th-e textes [aaAx]
W: 1,181 Whan alle tresours be tried . treu-th- is -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 1,182 Now haue I told -th-e what treu-th- is . -th-at no tresour is bettre [aaAx]
W: 1,183 I may no lengere dwelle . now loke -th-e oure lorde [aaAx]

Secundus passus de visione

W: 2,1 -Gh-it kneled I on knes . & criede here of grace [aaAx]
W: 2,2 And sayde mercy madame . for maries sone of heuene [aaAx]
W: 2,3 That bar -th-e blyssid barn . -th-at bowght vs on -th-e rode [aaaAx]
W: 2,4 Kenne me be som craft . to knowe -th-e fals [aaAx]
W: 2,5 Loke on -th-i left half q(uo)d she . lo where he sto(n)des [aaAx]
W: 2,6 Bo-th-e fals & fikill . & his fers many [aaAx]
W: 2,7 I loked on my left half . as -th-at lady badde [aaAx]
W: 2,8 And was war of a woman . wonderly clo-th-ed [aaAx]
W: 2,9 ypurfiled wi-th- pelour . -th-e purest on er-th-e [aaAx]
W: 2,10 ycorouned in a trone . -th-e kyng ha-th- no(n) bettre [aaAx]
W: 2,11 Al here fiue fyngres . yfretted wi-th- rynges [aaAx]
W: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perreye . -th-at prince wered euere [aaAx]
W: 2,13 In red skarlet yrobed . ribande wi-th- gold [aaAx]
W: 2,14 Ther nys no queyn queynt(er) . -th-at quyk is on liue [aaAx]
W: 2,15 What is -th-is woman q(uo)d I . so worthily atired [aaAx]
W: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e made . -th-at ha-th- noied me ful ofte [aaXx]
W: 2,17 And lakked my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
W: 2,18 She is [in] -th-e popes paleys as priue as my self [aaAx]
W: 2,19 And so shold she noght for wrong was here syre [xxXx]
W: 2,20 Oute of wrong she wex . to wro-th-(er)hele many [aaAx]

W: 2,20 [C:III,28] ffor shal -th-er neu(er)e brere bere berie as a vine
W: 2,20 [C:III,29] Ne on a cooked kene -th-oru kynde figes ware

W: 2,21 I oute ben hiere . -th-an she for I come of a betre [aaAxx]
W: 2,22 Now worth a mariage mad . of mede and of fals [aaaAx]
W: 2,23 ffavel wi-th- faire speche . ha-th- forged hem togedres [aaAx]
W: 2,24 And gile ha-th- begon her so . she graunte-th- al his wille [aaAx]
W: 2,25 And al his liers lore . -th-at lede-th- hem togederes [aaAx]
W: 2,26 Now worht -th-(er)e a mariage . made as I -th-e treuly telle [aaAx]
W: 2,27 Ther mightestow wite -gh-if -th-ou will . whiche -th-ai ben alle [aaAx]
W: 2,28 That longe[th] to -th-at lordshipe . -th-e lesse and -th-e more [aaAx]

fol. 5r

W: 2,29 Knowe hem -th-er -gh-if -th-ou canst . and kepe -th-e fro hem alle [aaAx]
W: 2,30 -Gh-if -th-ow wilnist to wone . wi-th- treu-th- in his blysse [aaAxx]
W: 2,31 I may no lengere let now . oure lord I -th-e bekenne [aaAx]
W: 2,32 Become a good man . I rede -th-e for any coueitise [aaAx]
W: 2,33 Now al -th-e riche retinaunce . -th-at wone-th- wi-th- -th-e fals [aaAx]
W: 2,34 Were beden to -th-e bredale . opon bothe sides [aaAx]
W: 2,35 Sire simonie is Isent . to sele -th-e chartre [aaAx]
W: 2,36 Of all -th-at fals o-th-(er) favel . by any fine holde-th- [aaAx]
W: 2,37 And feffe-th- mede -th-(er) wi-th- . in mariage for eu(er)e [aaAx]
W: 2,38 Ther nas hall(e) ne hous . to herberwe -th-e peple [aaAx]
W: 2,39 That eche feld ne was ful . of folk al aboute [aaAx]
W: 2,40 In -th-e middes of a mountayne . at mydmorwe tyde [aaAx]
W: 2,41 Was pight vpp a pauilon . a prude for -th-e nones [aaAx]
W: 2,42 Ten -th-ousand of tentes . telded bysides [aaAx]
W: 2,43 Of knyghtes of contres . of comun(er)es aboute [aaAx]
W: 2,44 ffor sysours for somnours . for sellers for byggers [aaAx]
W: 2,44 ffor beggers for borwers & for many o-th-er
W: 2,45 ffor lered for lewed . for laborers of werkes [aaAx]

W: 2,45 [B:II,59/C:III,60] Bedeles & bailif & brocours of chaffare
W: 2,45 [B:II,60/C:III,61] fforgoers vitilers and vokett-gh- of -th-e arches
W: 2,45 [B:II,61/C:III,62] I can not rekne -th-e route -th-at ran aboute mede
W: 2,45 [B:II,62/C:III,63] But Symonie and ciuile & Sisoure of -th-e coutres
W: 2,45 [B:II,63/C:III,64] Were pryuest vith hir of any men me -th-oughte

W: 2,46 All(e) to witnesse . what -th-e writte wolde [aaAa]
W: 2,47 In what man(er)e -th-at mede . wi-th- mariage was feffed [aaAx]
W: 2,48 To be fastned wi-th- fals . -th-e fyn is arered [aaAx]
W: 2,49 Than favel feche-th- her for-th- . & to fals taketh [aaaAx]
W: 2,50 In forwarde -th-at falsede . shal finde her for euere [aaAx]
W: 2,51 And she be boun at is bode . his biddyng to fulfille [aaAx]
W: 2,52 At bedde and at bord . buxum and hende [aaAx]
W: 2,53 And right as Symonie wil sayn . his bidding to fulfille [aaAx]
W: 2,54 Now Simonie & ciuile . stonden for-th- bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 2,55 And vndo-th-e -th-e feffement . -th-at fals ha-th- made [aaAx]
W: 2,56 And -th-us beginne-th- -th-is g[r]omes . and greden wel loude [aaAx]
W: 2,57 Wite-th- and wittnesseth . -th-at wonen vpon er-th-e [aaAx]
W: 2,58 That I favel feffe . falshede to mede [aaAx]
W: 2,59 To present in pres . for pore or for riche [aaAx]
W: 2,60 Wi-th- the Erldom of enuie . eu(er)e for to last [aaAx]
W: 2,61 Wi-th- the lordshipe of lecherie . in lenthe and in brede [aaAx]
W: 2,62 Wi-th- the kyngdom of coueitise . I croune hem togedres [aaAx]
W: 2,63 And all -th-e ile of vsurie . & auarise als [aaAx]

fol. 5v

W: 2,64 Glotonie and gret o-th-es . I giue hem togederes [aaAx]
W: 2,65 Wi-th- all(e) delites of lust . (:: ::: :: :: ::::) [axAx]

W: 2,65 [C:II,87-90, 92, 95, 101-103, 106-8
W: 2,65 [C:II,87] To be prince in pride & pouerte to dispise
W: 2,65 [C:II,88] To bakbiten & bost & here fals witnesse
W: 2,65 [C:II,89] To scorn and to scolde and sklandre to make
W: 2,65 [C:II,90] Vnbuxum & bold to breke goddes hestes

W: 2,65 [C:II,92] Wi-th- -th-e chastel of chest and chast(er)ing oute of resou(n)

W: 2,65 [C:II,95] In bargayns in brocage in borwing of -th-efte

W: 2,65 [C:II,101] Al day in dronken hode of diu(er)s tauernes
W: 2,65 [C:II,102] Ther to iangle and iape & iuge here euen cristen
W: 2,65 [C:II,103] To freten in fasting a for none and drynke

W: 2,65 [C:II,106] To sewe such felashipe til -th-ei falle in slou-th-e
W: 2,65 [C:II,107] And waken in wan hope & no wil to amende
W: 2,65 [C:II,108] ffor he leue-th- to be lost whan he his lif lecce-th-e

W: 2,66 Wi-th- the seigno(ur)ie of sleu-th- . I sese hem togederes [aaAx]
W: 2,67 to haue and to hold . and all here heires after [aaAa]
W: 2,68 Wi-th- -th-e purtenaunce of purgatorie . & wi-th- -th-e pine of helle [aaAx]
W: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-is -th-ing at o -gh-ers ende [xxXx]
W: 2,70 Here soules to Satanas . to dwelle in peyne [aaAx]
W: 2,71 Ther to wone [wyth] wrong . whil god is in heuene [aaAxx]
W: 2,72 In witnesse of whiche -th-ing . -th-is wrong was -th-e first [aaAx]
W: 2,73 And piers -th-e pardoner . paulyns doctor [aaAx]
W: 2,74 And bedde -th-e bedle . of Bokkynhaam shire [aaAx]
W: 2,75 Randolf -th-e reue . of Rutland sokne [aaAx]
W: 2,76 Mund -th-e milnere . and many mo o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuell(e) . -th-is dede is yseled [aaAx]
W: 2,78 By sight of sire Simonie . wi-th- notaries signes [aaAx]
W: 2,79 Than tened hym teologie . whan he -th-is tale herde [aaAx]
W: 2,80 And saide vnto ciuile . sorwe on -th-i chekes [aaAx]
W: 2,81 Such weddyng to make . to wre-th-the wi-th- treu-th-e [aaAx]
W: 2,82 And er -th-is weddyng be wrought . wo -th-e betide [aaAx]
W: 2,83 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 2,84 God graunted . to geue mede to -th-e trewe [aaAx]

W: 2,85 And -th-ow hast -th-if here to gile . god gife -th-e sorwe [aaAx]
W: 2,86 Thi text telle-th- -th-e not so . treu-th- wote -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
W: 2,86 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 2,87 Worthi is -th-e werkman . his mede wel to haue [aaXx]
W: 2,88 And -th-ow hast fastned here to fals . now fy on -th-i lawe [aaAx]
W: 2,89 ffor al by lesinges -th-ow lyuest . & lecherouse werkes [aaAx]
W: 2,90 Simonie and -th-i self . shenden holy cherche [aaAx]
W: 2,91 And also -th-is notoories noien -th-e peple [xaAx]?
W: 2,92 -Gh-e shul abye bo-th-e . be god -th-at me made [aaAxx]
W: 2,93 Wel -gh-e witte wernerdes . but -gh-if -gh-owre witte faille [aaaAx]

fol. 6r

W: 2,94 That fals is a faytour . and fai-th-les of werkes [aaAx]
W: 2,95 And as a bastard ybore . of belsabubbes kyn [aaAx]
W: 2,96 And mede is moillere . a mayde of gode mynd [aaAx]
W: 2,97 She myght kysse -th-e kyng . for cosyn -gh-if she wolde [aaAx]
W: 2,98 And -th-er[fore] do by wisdome . & by witte after [aaAx]
W: 2,99 And lede here to london . -th-er lawe is yhandled [aaAx]
W: 2,100 -Gh-if any liance wil loke . to lye hym togederes [aaAx]
W: 2,101 And -th-ogh iustises Iuge hire . be ioyned to fals [aaAx]
W: 2,102 Be-th- war of -th-e weddyng . for witty is treu-th-e [aaAx]
W: 2,103 Conscience [is] of his consaill . -th-at kenne-gh- -gh-ow ychon [aaAx]
W: 2,104 -Gh-if he finde -gh-ow in defaute . wi-th- fals -th-at -gh-e holde [aaAx]
W: 2,105 It shal sitte -gh-owre soules ful . sour atte last [aaAx]
W: 2,106 Hereto assenti-th- Ciuile . but Simonie nolde [aaAx]
W: 2,107 Til he hadde siluer . for seles & signes [xaAa]
W: 2,108 Than fet favel . floreyns ynowe [aaaAx]
W: 2,109 And bad gile go gife . gold al aboute [aaAx]
W: 2,110 And namely to notaries . -th-at hem none faille [aaAx]
W: 2,111 And feffe fals witnesse . wi-th- floreyns ynowe [aaAx]
W: 2,112 ffor she may mede maystrie. & make at hire wille [aaAx]
W: 2,113 Whan the gold was gefe . gret was -th-e -th-onkes [aaAx]
W: 2,114 To fals and to favel . for here faire giftes [aaAx]
W: 2,115 And come to confort fals . & sikerly -th-ay saiden [aaAx]
W: 2,116 Certes cese shal we neuere . til -gh-e haue mede wedded [aaAx]

W: 2,117 --- this line om ---

W: 2,118 ffor we haue mede maistrede . wi-th- oure meri speche [aaAx]
W: 2,119 That she graunte-th- to come . wi-th- a gode will(e) [aaAx]
W: 2,120 To london to loke . -gh-if -th-at lawe will [aaAx]
W: 2,121 Iugge -gh-ow ioyntly . in ioye for euere [aaAx]
W: 2,122 Than was fals fayn . and favel alse bli-th-e [aaAx]
W: 2,123 Thei let somon al -th-e segges . in shires aboute [aaAx]
W: 2,124 To her bodes to be boun . beggers and o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 2,125 To wenden to westmynster . to witnesse -th-is dede [aaAx]
W: 2,126 -Th-an carede -th-ei for caples . to carien hem (::::) [aaAx]
W: 2,127 Than fette favel . foles of the best [aaAx]
W: 2,128 Mede on a shiref . rode shodde al newe [aaAx]
W: 2,129 ffals sat on a sisour . ful softly gan (::::) [aaAx]
W: 2,130 ffavel on fair speche . ful fetisly atired [aaAx]

W: 2,131 [C:II,188] And notaries vpon p(ar)sones -th-at (:::::) ofte
W: 2,131 [C:II,189] And on -th-e pore prouisours & apeles in -th-e ar(::)es
W: 2,131 [C:II,190] Somnours asken taken sup(er)sedias
W: 2,131 [C:II,191] On hem -th-at louen lecherie lopen (:: ::: ::::)

W: 2,132 smonie and ciuile . dide on her (::: :::) [aaAx]

fol. 6v

W: 2,133 Than said ciuile . and saide be -th-e rode [aaAx]
W: 2,134 Somnours shal be sadled . and s(er)ue him ychon [aaAx]
W: 2,135 Thei lete apparaille prouisours . in palfreys wise [aaAx]
W: 2,136 Sire Simonie hym self . shal sitte on here bakkes [aaAx]
W: 2,137 And all(e) -th-is Erchedeknes . on dextrers hem dighte [aaAa]
W: 2,138 ffor -th-ei shal bere -th-e bishopes . and bryng hem to reste [aaAx]
W: 2,139 Paulins peple . for pleintes in constarie [aaAx]
W: 2,140 Shal serue my self . -th-at ciuile hatte [aaAx]
W: 2,141 Oure comessar(e) wi-th- Cart sadle . our(e) cart shal he drawe [aaAx]
W: 2,142 And fethem our vitailes . of fornicatours [aaAx]
W: 2,143 Of liars make a long cart . to leden al -th-is other [aaAx]
W: 2,144 As freres and flatour(er)s . -th-at on here feet rennen [aaAx]
W: 2,145 Than falsed and favel . fare for-th- togedre [aaAa]
W: 2,146 And mede in -th-e meddes . and all -th-e meyne aft(er) [aaAx]
W: 2,147 I haue no toome to telle . -th-e tail -th-at hem folwed [aaAx]
W: 2,148 Of alle man(er)e of men . -th-at on -th-is molde lyven [aaAx]
W: 2,149 But gile was forgoere . and gied hem alle [aaAx]
W: 2,150 So-th-nes sei-th- hem wel . and said but litil [aaAx]
W: 2,151 He prike-th- on his palfrey . & pase-th- hem alle [aaAx]
W: 2,152 He com to -th-e kynges court . & conscience tolde [aaAx]
W: 2,153 And conscience to -th-e kyng . karped it aftre [aaAx]
W: 2,154 By crist q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . -gh-if I myght cache [aaXa]
W: 2,155 ffals other favel . or any of here feres [aaXa]
W: 2,156 I wold of hem ben awreke . -th-at worche so ille [aaAx]
W: 2,157 And I shal hongen by -th-e hals . alle -th-at hem meyntene [aaAx]
W: 2,158 Shal neu(er)e man on -th-is molde . manprise -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 2,159 But as -th-e lawe loke . on hem shal it falle [aaAxx]
W: 2,160 He called a Conestable . -th-at come at -th-e first [aaAx]
W: 2,161 To cachen -th-is tiraunt-gh- . for any -th-ing I hote [aaAx]
W: 2,162 ffetre falsnes fast . for any kyn giftes [aaaXx]
W: 2,163 And girde of giles hede . lete hym go no fer-th-(er) [aaAx]
W: 2,164 Bryng mede to me . maugre hem alle [aaAx]
W: 2,165 Simonie and Ciuile . I sende hem to warn [aaAx]
W: 2,166 That holi cherche for hem . worth harmed for eu(er)e [aaAx]
W: 2,167 -Gh-if -th-ou maight lache liere . lete hym not ascape [aaAx]
W: 2,168 Putte hym on -th-e pelorie . for any -th-ing I hote [aaAx]
W: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stode . and -th-is dome herd [aaAx]
W: 2,170 And wyghtly went . to warne -th-e fals [aaAx]
W: 2,171 To fle for-th- swyftly . and his feres alle [aaAx]
W: 2,172 -Th-an falsnes for fere . fledde to -th-e freres [aaAa]
W: 2,173 And gile to hym ga(n) go . agast for to die [aaAx]

fo;. 7r

W: 2,174 But marchandes hem mette . and made hem to bide [aaAx]
W: 2,175 And shette hem in here shopes . to shewe here ware [aaAx]
W: 2,176 Apparailed hem as a p(re)nti-gh- . -th-e peple to s(er)ue [aaAx]
W: 2,177 Lyghtly he lyere . lepe away -th-anne, [aaAx]
W: 2,178 Lorkyng -th-row lanes . logged of monoie [aaAx]
W: 2,179 He was nowhere welcome . for his meri tales [aaXx]
W: 2,180 But ou(er)al hunted . & hoted for to trusse [aaAx]
W: 2,181 Til pardoners hadde pite . and pulled hym to house [aaAx]
W: 2,182 Washe hym and wypt him . & wou(n)d hym in cloutes [aaAx]
W: 2,183 Sent him on sondays . wi-th- seles to cherches [aaAx]
W: 2,184 To gif pardon for pens . poundmele aboute [aaAx]
W: 2,185 Than loured leches . and lettres -th-ei sent [aaAx]
W: 2,186 To come and dwelle wi-th- hem . watres to loke [axAx]
W: 2,187 Spicers spak wi-th- hym . to aspie -th-(er)e ware [aaAx]
W: 2,188 ffor he kenne-th- here craft . & knowe-th- many gomes [aaAx]
W: 2,189 Minstrals & mesagers . mette wi-th- hym ones [aaAx]
W: 2,190 And wi-th-held hym half . a -gh-er & eleuen dayes [aaAx]
W: 2,191 ffreres wi-th- faire speche . fette hem -th-ens [aaAx]
W: 2,192 ffor knowy(n)g of comers . coped hym [as] a frere [aaAx]
W: 2,193 And gaf hym leue to lepe oute . as oft as hym lyked [aaXa]
W: 2,194 And is wolcome whan he wille . & wone-th- wi-th- hem oft [aaAx]

W: 2,194 [C:II,246] Than Simonie and Ciuile sent to Rome
W: 2,194 [C:II,247] And put hem in apele in -th-e popes grace
W: 2,194 [C:II,248] Conscience to -th-e kyng accused hem bothe
W: 2,194 [C:II,249] And sayd sire kyng but -th-i clergie amende
W: 2,194 [C:II,250] Thi kyngdom in Coueitise oute of kynde wende-th-
W: 2,194 [C:II,251] And holicherche for hem worth harmed for euere

W: 2,195 This o-th-er fledde for fer . and flowe into hirnes [aaAx]
W: 2,196 Saue mede -th-at mayde . no (::)n dorst abyde [aaAx]
W: 2,197 But treuly to telle . she (::::)bled for fere [aaAx]
W: 2,198 Bo-th-e wepe and wrong . whan she was atired [aaAxx]

Passus tercius de visione

W: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e mayde . no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
W: 3,2 Wi-th- bedeles & bailifs . broght afore -th-e kyng [aaAx]
W: 3,3 The kyng calle-th- a clerk . I can not his name [aaaAx]
W: 3,4 Take hym mede -th-e mayde . to make here at ese [aaAx]
W: 3,5 I wil assaie here my self . and so-th-ly opose [aaAx]
W: 3,6 What man on -th-is molde . -th-at here were leuest [aaAx]
W: 3,7 -Gh-if she worche be wyt . & my witte folwe [aaAx]
W: 3,8 I wil forgefe hir -th-is gylt . so me god helpe [aaAx]
W: 3,9 Curtaisly -th-an [-th-e] clerk . as the kyng hete [aaAx]

fol. 7v

W: 3,10 Took mede by -th-e mydle . & broght here to chambre [aaXx]
W: 3,11 -Th-an was -th-ere good minstralcie . mede wi-th- to plese [aaAx]
W: 3,12 And -th-ai -th-at wonne at westmynstre . worschip here alle [aaAx]
W: 3,13 Gentelie wi-th- gret ioye . -th-e Iustises sone [aaAx]
W: 3,14 Busked hem to -th-e boure . -th-er the birde dwelled [aaAx]
W: 3,15 Conforted here kyndly . by clergies leue [aaAx]
W: 3,16 Moorne -th-ow nowght mede . ne make -th-ow no sorwe [aaAx]
W: 3,17 ffor we wol wisse the kyng . & -th-i way shape [axAx]
W: 3,18 ffor al conscience cast . & craft as I trowe [aaAx]
W: 3,19 Myldelych -th-e mayde -th-an . mercied hem alle [aaAx]
W: 3,20 Of here gret goodnesse . and gaf hem ychone [aaAx]
W: 3,21 Coupes of clene gold . & coppes of siluer [aaXx]
W: 3,22 Rynges wi-th- ribyes . & richesse manye [aaAx]
W: 3,23 The lest of hire men . a moton of gold [aaAx]
W: 3,24 -Th-an laght -th-ei leue . -th-is lordes at mede [aaAx]
W: 3,25 Wi-th- -th-at come clerkes . wi-th- confort and game [aaAx]
W: 3,26 And bad hir be bli-th-e . for we arn -th-in owen [aaAx]
W: 3,27 To worche alway -th-i will . while oure lyf laste-th- [aaAbb]
W: 3,28 Hendly -th-an she . hyght me -th-e same [aaAx]
W: 3,29 To loue hem lelly . & gret lordes make [aaAx]
W: 3,30 In constorie at court . to don calle here names [aaAx]
W: 3,31 Shal no lewednesse hym lette . -th-at lede -th-at I loue [aaAa]
W: 3,32 That he ne worth first auaunced . for I am -th-er Iknowe [aaAxx]
W: 3,33 Where conyng clerkes . shal go clokkyng behynde [aaAx]

W: 3,33 [C:III,32] Purchase -gh-ow prouendres whiles -gh-owr(e) pens lasten
W: 3,33 [C:III,33] And bygge -gh-ow benefice . pluralite to haue

W: 3,34 -Th-an come -th-(er) a confessour . coped as a frere [aaAx]
W: 3,35 To mede -th-e mayde . mekly he loute-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,36 And said ful softly . in shrift as it were [aaAx]
W: 3,37 -Gh-if lered and lewed . haue leyn by -th-e ychon [aaAx]
W: 3,38 -Gh-if falshod haue folwed -th-e . -th-is fyften wyntre [aaAx]
W: 3,39 I shal assoille -th-e myself . for a seme of whete [aaAx]
W: 3,40 And also be -th-i baudekyn . to bere wel -th-i erande [aaAx]
W: 3,41 Among clerkes & knyghtes . concience to felle [aaAx]
W: 3,42 Than mede for here mysdedes . to -th-at man kneles [aaAx]
W: 3,43 And shrof hire of shrewednesse . shamles I trowe [aaAx]
W: 3,44 She told hym a tale -th-(er) . and toke hym a noble [aaAx]
W: 3,45 ffor to be here bedeman . and hire baude after [aaAx]
W: 3,46 And -th-an assoilled he here sone . & si-th-e he saide [aaAa]
W: 3,47 We han a wyndowe ywroght . stont vs ful hye [aaAxx]
W: 3,48 Wilt -th-ow glase -th-e gable . and graue -th-er -th-i name [aaAx]

fol. 8r

W: 3,49 And syker shal -th-i soule . be heuen to haue [aaBb]
W: 3,50 Wist I -th-at q(uo)d -th-e wenche . -th-(er) nys wyndowe ne autere [aaAx]
W: 3,51 That I ne shold make or amende . & my name wryte [aaAxx]
W: 3,52 That eueri man myght sayn . I were suster of -gh-owre house [aaAx]
W: 3,53 But god to al good folk . swyche gramyng defende-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,54 & sai-th- { Nesciat sinistra tua quid facit dextra &c } [Latin]
W: 3,55 Late not -th-i left hand . late ne ra-th-e [aaAx]
W: 3,56 Be war what -th-i right hand . worche or dele-th- [aaxAx]
W: 3,57 So priuilyche part it . -th-at pride be not sene [aaAx]
W: 3,58 Ney-th-(er) in sight nor in soule . for god hym self knowe-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,59 Who is curtays or kende . coueitous or elles [aaAx]
W: 3,60 Therfor I rede -gh-ow lordes . swyche writyng to lete [aaAx]
W: 3,61 In wyndowes in wastyng . of -gh-owre wel dedes [aaAx]
W: 3,62 Or grede after goodes men . when -gh-e -gh-our(e) good deles [aaAx]
W: 3,63 In aunter -gh-e haue . -th-e hire -th-erof here [aaAa]
W: 3,64 ffor oure Sauiour it saide . as hym self preched { Recep(er)unt mercedem suam } [aaAx]
W: 3,64a --- this line om ---
W: 3,65 -Gh-e mairs and maistres . -th-at be-th- menes [aaAx]
W: 3,66 Betweyn -th-e kyng and -th-e comunes . to kepe -th-e lawes [aaAx]
W: 3,67 As to ponyshe on pelorie . or pynnyg stole [aaAx]
W: 3,68 Bakers and brewers . bochers and cokes [aaAx]
W: 3,69 This ben men on -th-is mold . -th-at most harm worchen [aaAx]
W: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-at parcelmele biggen [aaAx]
W: 3,71 ffor -th-ei app(re)sse -th-e peple . ful priuily oft [aaAx]
W: 3,72 And be-th- riche by regratrie . & rentes hem byggen [aaAx]
W: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pore peple . shold putte in here wombe [aaAx]
W: 3,74 ffor [ne] toke -th-ei on treuly . thei tymbred not so hye [aaAx]
W: 3,75 Ne bought no burgage . be -gh-e wel seure [aaAx]?
W: 3,76 But mede -th-e maide . -th-e mayre she besoughte [aaAx]
W: 3,77 Of alle such sellers . siluer to take [aaAx]
W: 3,78 Or p(re)sentes wi-th-outen pens . as peces of syluer [aaAx]
W: 3,79 Ringes of richesse, . regratours to maynteyne [aaAx]
W: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d -th-e lady . soffre hem ychon [aaAx]
W: 3,81 To byggen and to sellen . somdell agayn reson [aaAx]
W: 3,82 ffor-th-i Salemon -th-e sage . a sermon he made [aaAx]
W: 3,83 To amende -th-is mayrs . and men -th-at kepe lawes [aaaXx]
W: 3,84 And told hem -th-is teme . -th-at I -th-e telle -th-inke [aaAx]
W: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernac(u)la eor(um) qui libent(er) accipiunt mun(er)a } [Latin]
W: 3,86 Among -th-is lettrid men . -th-is latin amounti-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,87 That fer shal afall . & brenne at -th-e last [aaAx]
W: 3,88 -Th-e hous and -th-e home . of hem -th-at desiren [aaAx]
W: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftes or mede . because of here office [????]

fol. 8v

W: 3,90 Than come -th-e kyng fro -th-e conseill . and called after mede [aaaAx]
W: 3,91 And sent aftir hir swy-th-e . a seriaunt here fette [aaAx]
W: 3,92 And broght hire to boure . wi-th- mer-th-e and wi-th- ioye [aaAx]
W: 3,93 Curtaysly -th-an -th-e kyng . comseth to telle [aaAx]
W: 3,94 And to mede -th-e mayde . meled -th-is woordes [aaAx]
W: 3,95 Vnwittyly hastow wroght . many tyme and oft [aaAx]
W: 3,96 But wors destow neuere . -th-an whan -th-ow fals toke [aaXx]
W: 3,97 But I forgif -th-e -th-e gilt . and graunt -th-e my grace [aaAa]
W: 3,98 Hens to -th-i ded day . do -th-ow so no more [aaAx]
W: 3,99 I haue a knyght [hi-gh-t] conscience . come late fro be-gh-onde [aaAx]
W: 3,100 -Gh-if he will -th-e to wyfe . wilt -th-ou hym haue [aaAx]
W: 3,101 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-e lady . god forbede elles [aaAx]
W: 3,102 But I be at -gh-owre hest . lete honge me in hast [aaAx]
W: 3,103 Than was conscience . ycalled to come & appere [aaAx]
W: 3,104 Aforn -th-e kynges consaill . clerkes & other [aaAx]
W: 3,105 Knelyng -th-an conscience . to the kyng saide [aaAx]
W: 3,106 To wyte what his wil were . and what he do shold [aaAx]
W: 3,107 Wiltow wedde -th-is woman . -gh-if I wil assent [aaAx]
W: 3,108 ffor she wol fayn vnderfonge -th-e to be -th-i fere [aaAxx]
W: 3,109 Quod conscience to -th-e kyng . crist me forbede [aaAx]
W: 3,110 Er I wedde suche a wyf . wo me betyde [aaAx]
W: 3,111 She is frele of here fay-th- . fikel of here speche [aaAx]
W: 3,112 She make-th- men misdo . many score tymes [aaaAx]
W: 3,113 ffor trust of here tresour . she tene-th- wel many [aaAx]
W: 3,114 Wyves and wedowes . wantonnesse teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,115 And lere-th- lecherie . -th-at louen here -gh-eftes [aaXx]
W: 3,116 -Gh-our fader she felled . -th-rogh fals behest [aaAx]
W: 3,117 She poysons popes . appaireth holy cherche [aaAx]
W: 3,118 Ys not a betre baude . by hym -th-at me made [aaAxx]
W: 3,119 Bytwyx heuene and helle . and er-th-e -gh-if men soght [aaAx]
W: 3,120 She is tikel of here [taille] . talwys of tonge [aaAx]
W: 3,121 As comun as -th-e cartway . to knaves & to alle [aaAx]
W: 3,122 To monkes and to mynstrals . to meseles in heges [aaAx]
W: 3,123 Sysours and somnours . such men hyr(e) praysen [aaAx]
W: 3,124 Shirefs of shyres . were(e) shent -gh-if she nere [aaAx]
W: 3,125 She do-th- men lese here lond . & hyre lyf bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 3,126 She late-th- passe prisons . and paie-th- for hem oft [aaAx]
W: 3,127 She -gh-efe-th- -th-e Gayler gold . and grotes togederes [aaAx]
W: 3,128 To vnfetre fals . and fle wher hym lyketh [aaAx]
W: 3,129 She take-th- [-th-e] trewe by -th-e toppe . and tieth hym fast [aaAx]
W: 3,130 And hongeth for hatred . hym that harmed neuere [aaAx]

fol. 9r

W: 3,131 To be corsed in constorie . she counteth no-th- a rishe [aaAx]
W: 3,132 She cope-th- -th-e comyssarie . and cote-th- his clerkes [aaAa]
W: 3,133 She is assoiled as sone . as hir self lyke-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,134 She may ny-gh- as muche doon . in a mone-th- ones [aaAx]
W: 3,135 As -gh-owre secre sele . in sexcore dayes [aaAx]
W: 3,136 She is priue wi-th- -th-e pope . prouisours it knowen [aaAx]
W: 3,137 Simonie and hereself . selen hem here bulles [aaAx]
W: 3,138 She blyssid -th-e byschopes . -th-if -th-ay be lewed [aaAx]
W: 3,139 Prouendre-th- p(er)sons . & styfly hem maynteyne-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,140 To holden here lemmans . al here lyf days [aaAx]
W: 3,141 To bringe for-th- barnes . al agayn -th-e lawe [aaAx]

W: 3,141 [C:III,189] { Sunt infelices ; q(uia) matres sunt meretrices }

W: 3,142 Whan she is wel wi-th- -th-e kyng . woo is -th-e reaume [axAx]
W: 3,143 ffor she fauore-th- -th-e fals . & tru-th- pursue-th- oft [aaAx]
W: 3,144 Barons & Burgeys . she brynge-th- to sorwe [aaAx]
W: 3,145 With here riche Iowelles . -gh-oure Iustise she shende-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,146 She lyth agayn -th-e lawe . and lette-th- hem euere [aaAx]
W: 3,147 That fai-th- may not haue his for-th- . hire floreins go so -th-ikke [aaAx]
W: 3,148 She ledith -th-e lawe rith as here self list
W: 3,148 And louedays make-th- agayn right [aaAx]

W: 3,149 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 3,150 The lawe is now so lordly . & lo-th- to maken ende [aaAx]
W: 3,151 Wi-th-outen presens of pens . she plese-th- wel fewe [aaAx]
W: 3,152 Clergie & couetise . she coup[l]e-th- togedres [aaAx]
W: 3,153 This is -th-e lyf of -th-at lady . now lord -gh-ef here sorwe [aaAx]
W: 3,154 And all -th-at here mayntene now . sorwe hem betide [aaAx]
W: 3,155 The pore ha-th- no power . to playn -gh-if him smert [aaAx]
W: 3,156 Shche a mayster is mede . and pleyned to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
W: 3,157 --- this line om ---
W: 3,158 To haue leue to speke . spede -gh-if she myght [aaAx]
W: 3,159 The kyng graunte-th- here grace . wi-th- a good wille [aaAx]
W: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -gh-if -th-ou canst . I can no bettre say [aaAx]
W: 3,161 ffor conscience accuse-th- -th-e . to conge -th-e for euere [aaAx]
W: 3,162 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-e lady . leue-th- hym -th-e wers [aaAx]
W: 3,163 Whan -gh-e witte witturly . wher -th-e wrong lyth [aaAx]
W: 3,164 Ther -th-at meschef it gret . mede may helpe [axAx]
W: 3,165 And -th-ou knowest conscience . I come not heder to chide [aaAx]
W: 3,166 Ne to depraue -th-i p(er)sone . wi-th- a proud hert [aaAx]
W: 3,167 Wel -th-ou wost conscience . but -th-ou wilt lye [aaxAx]
W: 3,168 Thow hast hongen on myn half . elleuene tymes [aaAx]
W: 3,169 And also griped of my gold . & gef where -th-ou lyked [aaAx]
W: 3,170 Why -th-ou wrathest -th-e now . wonder me -th-enketh [aaAx]
W: 3,171 ffor -gh-it I may as I myght . menske -th-e wi-th- -gh-eftes [aaAx]

fol. 9v

W: 3,172 And mayntene -th-i manhode . more -th-an [-th-(o)u] knowest [aaAx]
W: 3,173 But -th-ow hast defamed me . afore -th-e kyng [aaAxx]
W: 3,174 Ne killed I neuere kyng . ne conseilled -th-erafter [aaAx]
W: 3,175 Ne dide as -th-ou demest . I do it on -th-e kyng [aaAx]
W: 3,176 In Normandie nas he noght . noyed for my sake [aaAx]
W: 3,177 But -th-ou -th-i self so-th-li . shamed hem ful oft [aaAx]
W: 3,178 Thou crope in to a caban . for cold of -th-i nayles [aaAx]
W: 3,179 -Th-ou wendest -th-at wynt(er) . wold haue lasted euere [aaAx]
W: 3,180 -Th-ou dreddest to haue be ded . for a dymme cloude [aaAx]
W: 3,181 And hastedest -th-e hamwarde . for hungre of -th-i wombe [aaAx]
W: 3,182 Wi-th-oute pite pilour . poure men -th-ou robedest [aaAx]
W: 3,183 Thou bare here bras on -th-i bakke . to caleys to selle [aaaXx]
W: 3,184 Ther I left wi-th- my lord . his lyf for to saue [aaAx]
W: 3,185 And made him wi-th- myr-th-e . mornyng to leue [aaAx]
W: 3,186 I batred hem on -th-e bak . and bolded here hertes [aaAx]
W: 3,187 I dede hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
W: 3,188 Had I be marchal of his men . by mari of heuene [aaAx]
W: 3,189 I dorst haue layd al my lyf . & no lesse wedde [aaAx]
W: 3,190 He had be lord of al -th-at lond . in lenthe and in brede [aaAx]
W: 3,191 And kyng of al -th-at kyth . his kyn -th-(er) wi-th- to helpe [aaAx]
W: 3,192 The lest Baron of his blode . a Barons pere [aaAx]
W: 3,193 Cowardly -th-ou conscience . consailled hem -th-ens [aaAx]
W: 3,194 To leuen his lordschip . for a litil siluer [aaAx]
W: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e richest reaume . -th-at regne-th- vnder heuene [aaAx]
W: 3,196 It become-th- to a kyng . -th-at kepe shal a reaume [aaAx]
W: 3,197 To gefe hese men mede . -th-at mekly hym serue [aaAx]
W: 3,198 To aliens to alle men . to haue honour hem for -gh-eftes [aaAx]
W: 3,199 ffor mede make-th- hem . and for a man holde [aaxAx]
W: 3,200 Emp(er)ours Erls . and alle man(er)e lordes [aaAx]
W: 3,201 ffor -gh-eftes han -gh-ong men . to rennen and to ryde [aaAx]
W: 3,202 The pope of his prelates . p(re)sentes vnderfonge-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,203 And mede-th- men him self . to maynteygne -th-e lawes [aaAx]
W: 3,204 Seruant-gh- for to s(er)ue . we sen wel -th-e sothe [aaAa]
W: 3,205 Taken mede of here maistres . as -th-ei mown accorde [aaAx]
W: 3,206 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 3,207 Mynstrals for mer-th-es . mede -th-ay taken [aaAx]
W: 3,208 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 3,209 Men -th-at ken clerkes . crauen of hem mede [aaAx]
W: 3,210 Prestes -th-at prechen . -th-e peple to gode [aaAx]
W: 3,211 Asken mede and messe pens . & here mete also [aaAx]
W: 3,212 Alkens craft men for craft taken mede [aaXx]?
W: 3,213 ffor mede & marchaundies . most nede go togedres [aaAx]
W: 3,214 Ther is no wyght as I wene . may leue wi-th-oute mede [aaAxx]

fol. 10r

W: 3,215 Quod -th-e kyng to conscience . be crist as me -th-enke-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,216 Mede is wel wor-th-i . -th-e maystrie to haue [axAx]
W: 3,217 Than saide conscience . & knely-th- to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
W: 3,218 Ther be-th- too man(er)e medes . lord be -gh-owre leue [aaAx]
W: 3,219 That on god of his grace . gyue-th- in his blysse [aaAx]
W: 3,220 To hem -th-at ay worche wel . whil -th-ai lyue here [aaAx]
W: 3,221 The profite preched so . and putte it [in] -th-e sautr(e) { Qui pecuniam suam &c } [aaAx]
W: 3,221a --- this line om ---
W: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of men -th-at be-th- trewe [aaAx]
W: 3,223 But loue hem and lene hem . for lordes loue of heuene [aaAx]?
W: 3,224 Goddes mede & mercy . -th-(er)wi-th- myghtow wynne [aaAx]
W: 3,225 Ther is a mede mesurles . -th-at maystres desiren [aaAx]
W: 3,226 To maynten mesdoers . mede -th-ay taken [aaAx]
W: 3,227 And -th-erof say-th- -th-e sautr(e) . in a salmes ende { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitat(es) &c } [aaAx]
W: 3,228 --- this line om ---
W: 3,229 He -th-at gripe-th- here -gh-eftes . so me god helpe [aaAx]
W: 3,230 Shal abye it bitt(er)ly . or -th-e book lieth [aaAx]
W: 3,231 P(er)sons & p(re)stes . -th-at p(re)sent-gh- desiren [aaAx]
W: 3,232 Or take mede or moneye . for messe -th-at -th-ei singe [aaAx]
W: 3,233 Shal haue -th-e mede on -th-is mold . -th-at mathew ha-th- graunted [aaAx]
W: 3,233a { Amen dico vobis receperunt mercedem suam } [Latin]

W: 3,235 An o-th-er mede -th-(er) is mesurable here [aaAx]

W: 3,234 That laborers and lewed folk . take of here maystres [aaXx]

W: 3,236 In marchandise is no mede . I may it wel avowe [aaAx]
W: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutasion . a peny for ano-th-er [aaAx]
W: 3,238 Ne redde -th-ou neu(er)e { Regum } . -th-ou recreyde mede [aaAx]
W: 3,239 How -th-at vengeaunce fell . on saul and his childre [aaXx]
W: 3,240 How god sent hem to say . by samuels mou-th-e [aaAx]
W: 3,241 That agag of amalech . & and al his peple after [aaAx]
W: 3,242 Shold die for a dede . -th-at done had his elders [aaAx]
W: 3,243 Agayn Is(ra)el Aaron . & moyses bro-th-er [aaXx]?
W: 3,244 Samuel sayde to saul . god sent -th-e to say [aaAx]
W: 3,245 And hote-th- -th-e be buxom . his byddyng to fulfille [aaAx]
W: 3,246 Wende -th-eder wi-th- -th-in ost . wymmen to kylle [axAx]?
W: 3,247 Children and cherles . choppe hem to de-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,248 Loke -th-ow kylle -th-e kyng . take not hise godes [aaAx]
W: 3,249 ffor ony mylions of monoye . loke -th-ou mor-th-re hem ychon [aaAx]
W: 3,250 Bernes and bestes . brenne hem to de-th-e [aaAx]
W: 3,251 And for he quelled not -th-e kyng . as crist hym bode sent [aaAx]
W: 3,252 ffor coueitise of catel . slow not here bestes [aaAx]
W: 3,253 But drof for-th- -th-e bestes . as -th-e bible telle-th- [aaAx]
W: 3,254 God said to Samuel . -th-at saul shuld dye [aaAx]
W: 3,255 And al his sede for -th-at synne . shamfully ende [aaAx]

fol. 10v

W: 3,256 Suche an meschef mede . made -th-e kyng to haue [aaAx]
W: 3,247 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 3,258 The culor(um) of -th-is . ne kepe I not to shewe [aaAx]
W: 3,259 And an auntr(e) if I noied me . amende wil I make [aaAxx]
W: 3,260 I conscience knowe -th-is . for kynde witte me taght [aaAx]
W: 3,261 That reson shal regne -gh-it . and reaumes gou(er)ne [aaAx]
W: 3,262 And right so as agag . happed shal some [aaAx]
W: 3,263 Samuel shal slen hym . and saul be blamed [aaAx]
W: 3,264 And Dauid shal be dyademed . & daunted of alle [aaAx]
W: 3,265 And o cristen kyng . kepe vs ychon [aaAx]
W: 3,266 And me[de] shal nomore . be maystr(e) on erthe [aaAx]
W: 3,267 But lele loue and leute . & lyance togederes [aaAx]
W: 3,268 And whoso tresspase-th- agains treu-th- or take-th- agayn his wille [aaAx]
W: 3,269 Leelte shal don hym lawe . & no lyf elles [aaAx]
W: 3,270 No sergeant for -th-at seruice . shal were a sylkyn howe [aaAx]
W: 3,271 Ne no ray robes . wi-th- riche pelour [aaAx]
W: 3,272 Mede of mesdoers . make-th- many lordes [aaAx]
W: 3,273 That lawe is lord waxen . and lelte is pore [aaAx]
W: 3,274 Vnkendenesse is comandour . & kyndenesse is bansched [aaAx]
W: 3,275 But kynde witte shal come a-gh-en . & conscience togedre [aaAx]
W: 3,276 And make of lawe a laborere . such loue shal arise [aaAx]

Quartus passus de visione

W: 4,1 Cesse-th- now q(uo)d -th-e kyng . I soffre -gh-ow no lengere [aaAx]
W: 4,2 -Gh-e shal acorde forso-th-e . and serue me bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 4,3 Kysse me here q(uo)d -th-e kyng . conscience I the hote [aaAx]
W: 4,4 Nay be crist q(uo)d conscience . conge me ra-th-er [aaAx]
W: 4,5 But reson me rede -th-(er)to . ra-th-er wil I dye [aaAx]
W: 4,6 I comande -th-e q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to conscience -th-an [aaAx]
W: 4,7 Now rape -th-e to ride . reson to feche [aaAx]
W: 4,8 Comande hym come . my conseil to here [aaAx]
W: 4,9 ffor he shal reule my reaume . & rede in -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 4,10 Of mede and of mo o-th-(er) . what man shal here wedde [aaAx]
W: 4,11 And counte wi-th- -th-e Conscience . so me crist helpe [aaAx]
W: 4,12 How -th-ow reulest -th-e peple . -th-e lered and -th-e lewed [axAa]
W: 4,13 I am fayn now -th-(er) of . sai-th- -th-e freke -th-an [aaAx]
W: 4,14 He ride-th- right vnto reson . & roune-th- in his ere [aaaAx]
W: 4,15 And said hym as -th-e kyng bad . & si-th-e toke his leve [aaAxx]
W: 4,16 I shal aray me to ryde q(uo)d reson . reest -th-e the while [aaaAx]
W: 4,17 He callyd caton his knawe . curtays of speche [aaaAx]

W: 4,17 [B:IV,17/C:IV,18] And also tom treu tonge telle me no tales
W: 4,17 [B:IV,18/C:IV,19] Nor lesyng to lagh of for I loued hem neu(er)e

W: 4,18 Late sadle me suffrance til I se my tyme [aaAa]

fol. 11r

W: 4,19 And late warrok hym wel . wi-th- witful garthes [aaAx]
W: 4,20 And hong on hem an heui brydel . to bere his hed lowe [aaAx]
W: 4,21 -Gh-it wil he make wehe . er he come -th-(er)e [aaAx]
W: 4,22 Conscience on his caple -th-o . caried forth fast [aaAx]
W: 4,23 And reson wi-th- hym ryde-th- . & rouneth hym in his ere [aaAx]

W: 4,23 [B:IV,26] Whiche maistres Mede make-th- in -th-is er-th-e

W: 4,24 But one waryn wisdom . & witty hys fere [aaAx]
W: 4,25 ffolwed hem fast . for -th-ai had to done [aaAxx]
W: 4,26 In chekere and in chauncerie . & discharge hem -th-ai th-ink [aaAx]
W: 4,27 And riden after reson . to rede hem -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 4,28 To saue hym for silu(er) . fro shame & fro harmes [aaAx]

W: 4,28 [B:IV,32] And conscience knew wel -th-ei loued couetise
W: 4,28 [B:IV,33] He bad reson ride fast . & recche of hem ney-ther
W: 4,28 [B:IV,34] Ther be-th- wiles in here woordes . & wi-th- mede -th-ei dwelle

W: 4,29 But concience come-th- ferst . to court by a myle [aaAx]
W: 4,30 And romed tho wi-th- reson . right aforn -th-e kyng [aaAx]
W: 4,31 Curtaisliy -th-e kyng . -th-an to reson he rome-th- [aaAx]
W: 4,32 And betwyx hym and his sone . sette hem on benche [aaAx]
W: 4,33 Than spak -th-ai a gret while . wisly togederes [aaAx]
W: 4,34 Than pes vnto -th-e parlement . put vp a bille [aaAx]
W: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-ens his wil . had his wyf taken [aaAx]
W: 4,36 And how he raueshed rose . reynoldes loue [aaAx]
W: 4,37 And margarete of hir maydenhode . maugre here chekes [aaAx]
W: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gees and my grys . his gadlynges fechen [aaAx]
W: 4,39 -Gh-it dar I ney-th-(er) for her(e) . feght ne chide [xaAx]
W: 4,40 He borwed ones bayard . and broght him neu(er) again [aaAx]
W: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-ing -th-(er)for . for nowgh I cou-th- plede [aaAxx]
W: 4,42 He meyntene-th- al his men . to robbe and to slee [aaAx]
W: 4,43 fforstalle-th- my chepyng . & flyte-th- in my fair [aaAx]
W: 4,44 He breke-th- my berne dores . and bere-th- away my whete [aaAx]
W: 4,45 He take-th- me a tayl . for ten quart(er) of otes [aaAx]
W: 4,46 & -gh-it he bete-th- me -th-(er)to . & ly-th- be my mayde [axAx]
W: 4,47 And I am not hardy for hym ones forth to loke [aaAx]
W: 4,48 The kyng knewe he sayd so-th- . for concience hym tolde [aaAx]

W: 4,48 [B:IV,62] That Wrong was a weked hift . wrowght muche sorwe

W: 4,49 Wrong was -th-an aferd . & wisdom besoght [axAx]
W: 4,50 To make pes wi-th- his pens . & profred hym many [aaAx]
W: 4,51 ffor had he -th-e kynges loue . litil wold he reche [aaAx]
W: 4,52 -Th-ow pes and hese powere . pleyned hem euere [aaAx]
W: 4,53 Wisdom wan tho . and so dide witte als [aaAx]
W: 4,54 ffor -th-at wrong had wroght . so wykkyd a dede [aaAx]

fol. 11v

W: 4,55 And warned wrong -th-o . wi-th- suche a wise tale [aaAx]
W: 4,56 Whoso worche-th- be wil . wre-th- he make-th- oft [aaAx]
W: 4,57 I say it be -th-i self . -th-ou shalt it sone fynde [aaAx]
W: 4,58 But -gh-if mede it make . -th-i meschef is vp [aaAx]
W: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-i lyf and -th-i lond . ly-th- in -th-e kynges grace [aaAx]
W: 4,60 Wrong vp on wisdom -th-o . weped fast [aaAx]
W: 4,61 And prayed hym for his . handy dandy help hym at his nede [aaXa]
W: 4,62 Than wisdom and witte . went togederes [aaAx]
W: 4,63 And toke mede wi-th- hem . mercy to wynne [axAx]
W: 4,64 Pes put forth his hede . & his pan blodye [aaxAx]
W: 4,65 Wi-th-oute gilte god wot . gate I -th-is ska-th-e [aaAx]
W: 4,66 Conscience and -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
W: 4,67 And wist wel . -th-at wrong was a shrewe eu(er)e [aaAx]
W: 4,68 But wisdom and witt . were aboute fast [aaAx]
W: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e kyng . wi-th- catel -gh-if -th-ei myght [aaAx]
W: 4,70 The king be crist swore . & by hys croun bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 4,71 -Th-at wrong for his werkes . shold wo -th-ole [aaAx]
W: 4,72 And comanded a conestable . to caste hem in yrens [aaAx]
W: 4,73 He shal not -th-is seuene . -gh-er sen hese feet ones [aaAx]
W: 4,74 Nay sire q(uo)d wisdom . -th-at nere not -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 4,75 And he amendes mow make . late maynp(ri)se hym ra-th-er [aaAx]
W: 4,76 And brynge borwes for his bale . & bygge hem bote [aaAa]
W: 4,77 & amende -th-is misdede . & eueremore do -th-e betre [aaAx]
W: 4,78 Witte acorded -th-erwi-th- . and saide -th-e same [???]
W: 4,79 Bettre is -th-at bote . bale adoun bryng [aaAa]
W: 4,80 Than maken bale be bote . & bote neu(er) -th-e betre [aaAa]
W: 4,81 Than mede gan to meke here . & m(er)cy besoght [aaAx]
W: 4,82 And profred pes a p(re)sent . al pure gold [aaaAx]
W: 4,83 Haue -th-is man of me . to mende wi-th- -th-i sca-th-e [aaAx]
W: 4,84 ffor I wil wage for wrong . he wil do so no more [aaAx]
W: 4,85 Pes petusly prayed -th-e kyng -th-anne [aaAx]
W: 4,86 To haue mercy on -th-at man . -th-at mysdede hym oft [aaAx]
W: 4,87 ffor he ha-th- watted me wel . as wysdom hym taght [aaAx]
W: 4,88 And I for-gh-eve hym -th-e gilt . wi-th- a good wille [aaAx]
W: 4,89 So -th-at -gh-e assent . I can say no more [aaAx]
W: 4,90 Mede ha-th- made me amende . I may no more aske [aaAx]
W: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng . so god -gh-eve me blisse [aaAx]
W: 4,92 Wrong wendes not so . til I wot more [aaaAx]
W: 4,93 Lepe he so lyghtly . laghyng he wolde [aaAx]
W: 4,94 Alwey -th-e bolder be . to (::: ::: :::) [aaAx]
W: 4,95 But reson ha-th- (:::: :: ::: :: :::: :: ::::) [aaAx]

fol. 12r

W: 4,96 As long as he lyue-th- . but lownesse hym borwe [aaAx]
W: 4,97 Som radde reson . -th-o to ha[ue] reu-th- on -th-at shrewe [aaAx]
W: 4,98 And (:::)nseilled -th-e kyng . and conscience bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 4,99 To make mede maynp(er)nour . reson -th-ai besought [aaaXx]?
W: 4,100 Rede I not q(uo)d reson . no reu-th- to haue [aaAx]
W: 4,101 Til lordes and ladies . loue al trow-th-e [aaAx]

W: 4,106 And haten al harlotrie to heren . or to mow-th-e [aaaAx]

W: 4,102 And p(er)nels purfile . be put in here huche [aaAx]
W: 4,103 Til childres chersing . be chastised wi-th- -gh-erde [aaAx]
W: 4,104 And harlotes holynesse . be holde for an hyne [aaAa]
W: 4,105 Til clerkes and kynges . be-th- curtays of hyre mou-th- [aaAx]

W: 4,105 [B:IV,119] And clerkes coueytise -th-e pore to clo-th-e and to fede
W: 4,105 [B:IV,120] And religious romers woordes in here cloystre
W: 4,105 [B:IV,121] As seint Bernard hem badde Benet & ffraunceys

W: 4,107 Til prestes here p(re)chyng . prouen hem self [aaAx]
W: 4,108 And don hem self as -th-ei say . to drawe vs to goode [aaAx]

W: 4,108 [B:IV,123] Til -th-e kynges consaill be -th-e comune profit
W: 4,108 [B:IV,124] Til bischopes baierdes be-th- beggers chambres
W: 4,108 [B:IV,125] Here haukes and hondes to hepe -th-e pope

W: 4,109 Til seint Iame be soght . -th-(er) I shal assigne [aaAa]
W: 4,110 -Th-at no man go to gales . but he go for euere [aaAx]
W: 4,111 And alle rome renners . for robbyng be-gh-onde [aaAx]
W: 4,112 Bere no siluer ou(er) -th-e se . -th-at signe of coyn ha-th- [aaAa]
W: 4,113 Ne-th-(er) grotes ne gold . graue wi-th- -th-e kynges coroun [aaAx]
W: 4,114 Y forfeture of -th-e fee . who fynt hem at douorr(e) [aaAx]
W: 4,115 But he be marchaunde . or messa(n)g(er) of lettres [aaAx]
W: 4,116 Or prouisour or prest . or penant for his synnes [aaAx]
W: 4,117 And -gh-it be -th-e rode . shal I no rou-th- haue [aaAx]
W: 4,118 Whil mede ha-th- -th-e maystrie . to mote in -th-is halle [aaAx]
W: 4,119 But I may shewe an ensample . as I se o-th-(er) [aaAx]
W: 4,120 I say for my self . -gh-if it so were [aaAx]
W: 4,121 -Gh-if I were a kyng crouned . to kepe a reaume [aaAx]
W: 4,122 Ne shol neu(er)e wrong more . -th-at I myght wytte [aaAx]
W: 4,123 Be vnponysht for my power . for p(er)il of my soule [aaAx]
W: 4,124 Ne gete grace -th-row -gh-eftes . so me god helpe [aaaAx]
W: 4,125 Ne haue mercy for mede . but meknes it make [aaAa]
W: 4,126 ffor { Nullum malu(m) } . -th-e man mette wi-th- { impunitum } [aaAx]
W: 4,127 And bad -th-at { nullu(m) bonu(m) } shold be { irremuneratu(m) } [aaAx]
W: 4,128 Do -th-i confessour sire kyng . construe it on (::)gly(::) [aaAx]
W: 4,129 And if -th-u worche it in werk . I wedde bo-th-e (::: :::) [aaAx]
W: 4,130 That lawe shal be a laborer . & lede dong on fe(:::) [aaAx]

fol. 12v

W: 4,131 And loue shal lede -th-i londe . as -th-e leue lyke-th- [aaaAx]
W: 4,132 Clerkes -th-at were confessours . coupled hem togederes [aaAx]
W: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-is cause . -th-ai clined fast [aaAx]

W: 4,133 [B:IV,151] But not for -th-e confort of -th-e komen ne for -th-e kynges soule

W: 4,134 Whan reson and angre . rehersen had -th-is wordes [aaAx]
W: 4,135 Ther nas man in -th-e mote . ney-th-(er) more ne lesse [aaAx]
W: 4,136 That ne held reson a mayster and mede . a muche wreche [xaaAx]
W: 4,137 Loue lete of here lyght . & laght here to scorn [aaAx]
W: 4,138 And sayd -th-is so loude . -th-at so-th-nes it herde [aaAx]
W: 4,139 Whoso wylne-th- here to wyf . for welth of here godes [aaAx]
W: 4,140 But he be a Cokwolde . cutte of my nose [aaAx]
W: 4,141 Waryn wisdom -th-o . ne witti his fere [aaAx]
W: 4,142 Cou-th- warpen -th-o a w(::: ::) wi-th-say reson [aaAx]
W: 4,143 But stared forth studying . & stode stille as bestes [aaAx]

W: 4,143 [B:IV,152] I saw mede in -th-e mote hall on men of lawe wynken
W: 4,143 [B:IV,153] Thai lopen many :::::::::: reson many
W: 4,143 [B:IV,154] Warin wysdom wynked vpon mede
W: 4,143 [B:IV,155] And said I am -gh-our man madame what so my mou-th- iangle
W: 4,143 [B:IV,156] I fal in floreins q(uo)d -th-e freke & f(::: :::)che oft

W: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acorded . anon to reson sawes [aaAx]
W: 4,145 And sayd had rightfullych schewed [aaAx]

W: 4,145 [B:IV,165] Mede morned -th-o and made heuy chere
W: 4,145 [B:IV,166] ffor -th-e most comune of -th-at court called he(:: :: :::)
W: 4,145 [B:IV,167] A sisour and a somnour sewed here fast
W: 4,145 [B:IV,168] And a shirefs clerk I shrewe al -th-e route
W: 4,145 [B:IV,169] Oft haue q(uo)d she holpe -gh-ou at -th-e barre
W: 4,145 [B:IV,170] And -gh-et -gh-af -gh-e me neuere -th-e worth of a rishe

W: 4,146 It is hard be myn hed q(uo)d -th-e kyng . hereto to it brynge [aaAx]
W: 4,147 And al my lege lordes . to lede -th-us euen [aaAx]
W: 4,148 By hym -th-at rist on -th-e rode . q(uo)d reson -th-an [aaAx]
W: 4,149 But I reule -th-us -th-i reume . rende of my ribbe [aaAx]
W: 4,150 -Gh-if so be -th-at buxomnesse . be of myn assent [aaAx]
W: 4,151 And I assent q(uo)d -th-e kyng . be seint Mari my lady [axAx]
W: 4,152 Be my conseil ycomen . of clerkes and of Erles [aaAx]
W: 4,153 But I say -th-e reson . -th-u shalt not ride hens [aaAx]
W: 4,154 ffor as longe as y leue . lete -th-e I nylle [aaAx]
W: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d reson . to reste wi-th- -gh-ow euere [aaAx]
W: 4,156 -Gh-if conscience be of conseill . kepe I no bettre [aaAx]
W: 4,157 I graunte -th-at q(uo)d -th-e kyng . god forbede he faille [aaAbb]
W: 4,158 As longe as I leue . be we togidres [aaAx]

Passus quintus de visione

fol. 13r

W: 5,1 The kyng and his knyghtes . to -th-e cherche went [aaAx]
W: 5,2 To here matyns and messe . and to -th-e mete aftr(e) [aaAx]
W: 5,3 Tho waked I of wynkyng . and wo was wi-th-alle [aaAx]
W: 5,4 That I ne hadde saddere slept . and Isey more [aaAx]
W: 5,5 Er I had fared a forlong . fantasie me hent [aaAx]
W: 5,6 A fote ne myght I fer-th-er . for defaute of slepe [aaAx]
W: 5,7 I sat softly adoun . and sayd my beleue [aaAx]
W: 5,8 And also I babled on my bedes . til I was aslepe [aaAx]
W: 5,9 Than saw I a muche more . -th-an I may -gh-ow telle [aaXx]
W: 5,10 Al -th-e feld ful of folk . -th-at I of tolde [aaAx]
W: 5,11 And conscience wi-th- a cros . come for to p(re)che [aaAx]
W: 5,12 He praiede -th-e peple . haue pite on hem self [aaAx]
W: 5,13 And proued -th-at -th-e pestilence . was for pore synne, [aaAx]
W: 5,14 And -th-e sou-th-west wynd . -th-at so loude blewe [abAb]
W: 5,15 Was apertly for pride . & no point elles [aaAx]
W: 5,16 Peries and plumtres . were puffed to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
W: 5,17 In ensample . -th-at -gh-e shold do -th-e bettre [aaAx]
W: 5,18 Beches and brod okes . were blowe to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
W: 5,19 -Th-ai turned vp -th-e tayl . in tokne of drede [aaAx]
W: 5,20 That synne aforn domesday . shal fordon hem alle [aaAx]
W: 5,21 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 5,22 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 4,23 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 5,24 He bad wastours go worche . what -th-ai best (::::) [aaAxx]
W: 5,25 And wynnen -th-at -th-ei wasted . wi-th- som man(er)e craft [aaAxx]
W: 5,26 And prayed p(er)nell -th-e pruude . here purfil to leue [aaAx]
W: 5,27 And kepe it in here cophre . for catel at nede [aaAx]
W: 5,28 Thomas he taught . to take to staues [aaAx]
W: 5,29 And fecchen home felice . fro wy(:::) pyne [aaAxx]
W: 5,30 He warned wattes wyf . -th-at she was to blame [aaAx]
W: 5,31 Her(e) hede was worth a mark . his hod worth a grote [abAb]
W: 5,32 He charged chapmen . to (::::)astise here childre [aaAa]
W: 5,33 That no wynnyng wa(:::) hem . whils -th-ei be-th- -gh-ong [aaAx]

W: 5,33 [B:V,36] ffor no pouste of penaunce plese hem out of reson
W: 5,33 [B:V,37] My sire saide so to me and so didi my dame
W: 5,33 [B:V,38] That euere -th-e leuere child . the more lore behoue-th-
W: 5,33 [B:V,39] The same said Salamon -th-at sapience made { Qui parcit virge odit filiu(m) }
W: 5,33 [B:V,40] The ;;;;;;;sh of -th-is latin who wole it knowe
W: 5,33 [B:V,41] Who so spare -th-e springe hate-th- -th-e chide

W: 5,34 He prayed p(re)lates . & prestes eke togeders [aaAx]
W: 5,35 Al -th-at -th-ei preched . p(ro)ue it hem selfe [aaAx]
W: 5,36 And lyue as -th-ei lerne vs . we shal it leue -th-e bettre [aaAx]
W: 5,37 He radde religion . here reule wel to holde [aaAx]
W: 5,38 Lest -th-e kynges consaill -gh-our . comunes apaire [aaAx]

fol. 13v

W: 5,39 And be stiwardes in -gh-owre stede . til -gh-e be cattelld bettre [aaAx]

W: 5,39 [B:V,48] And -th-an he conseilled -th-e kyng his comunes to loue
W: 5,39 [B:V,49] That is -th-i tresour in trou-th- triacle at nede
W: 5,39 [B:V,50] And -th-an he prayede -th-e pope haue reu-th- of holycherche
W: 5,39 [B:V,51] And er he -gh-ef any grace gou(er)ne wel hym self
W: 5,39 [B:V,52] And -gh-e -th-at haue -th-e lawe to loke lete lette he styward
W: 5,39 [B:V,53] More -th-an -gh-iftes of gold -gh-if -gh-e wole gode plese
W: 5,39 [B:V,54] ffor he -th-at contrarie-th- trou-th- he telle-th- in his gospel

W: 5,39 that he knewe-th- hem not ne no seint in heuene {Amen dico vobis nescio ... }
W: 5,40 Tho -th-at seken seint Iame . and seint-gh- of rome [aaAx]
W: 5,41 Seke-th- seint treu-th- . for he may saue -gh-ow alle [aaAx]
W: 5,42 { Qui cum patre & filio } . -th-at fair mote -gh-ow befalle [xaAx]

W: 5,42 [B:V,60/C:VI,201] That sewen my sarmon & -th-is saide reson

W: 5,43 And -th-an ran repentance . to reherce his teme [aaAx]
W: 5,44 And made wil to wepen wat(ir) . wi-th- his eien [aaaAx]
W: 5,45 P(er)nel proude hert . fel plat to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
W: 5,46 She sighed soryfu & saide lord mercy [aaaAx]
W: 5,47 And hight to hym . -th-at vs al made [aaAx]
W: 5,48 She sholde vnsowe here serke . & sette -th-(er) an heire [aaAx]
W: 5,49 To affaite her(e) flesh . -th-at fers was to synne [aaAx]
W: 5,50 Shal neuere my hert be so heyh . but holde me lowe [aaaAx]
W: 5,51 And suffre to be myssayd . & so dide I neuere [aaAxx]
W: 5,52 But now wil I meke me . and mercy beseke [aaAx]
W: 5,53 Of al -th-at I haue hadde pride . in my hert [aa?a]
W: 5,54 Leccherie saide allas . and on oure lady criede [aaAx]
W: 5,55 To gete mercy of god in helpe of his soule [aaaXx]
W: 5,56 Wi-th- -th-at he shold sat(ir)day . seuene -gh-er -th-erafter [aaAx]
W: 5,57 Drynk wi-th- -th-e duk . and dine but ones [aaAx]
W: 5,58 Enuie wi-th- heuie hert . asked aftr(e) shrift [aaaAx]
W: 5,59 Carfully his coulpe . begynne-th- he to shewe [aaAx]
W: 5,60 As pale as a p[e]let . in a palasie he semed [aaAx]
W: 5,61 He was clad in a caurimaury . I cou-th- it not deuise [aaAx]
W: 5,62 A kirtil and a courteby . a knyf by his side [aaAx]
W: 5,63 Of a freres frok . were his for sleues [aaAx]
W: 5,64 As a leke had yley . long in -th-e sonne [aaAx]
W: 5,65 So loked he wi-th- lene chekes . lourynge foule [aaAx]
W: 5,66 A1 forbolne for angre . -th-at he bote his lippes [aaxAx]
W: 5,67 And wro-th-ly he wro(n)g his fist . to wreke hem he -th-ou-th-t [aaAx]
W: 5,68 Wi-th- werk or wi-th- woord . whan he se his time [aaAxx]

W: 5,68 [B:V,86] Eche word -th-at he warpe was of an naddere tonge
W: 5,68 [B:V,87] Of chidyng and of chalangyng was his chif lyflode

fol. 14r

W: 5,68 [B:V,88] To bakbyte and bysmare & bere falswitnesse
W: 5,68 [B:V,89] This was al his curtasie where -th-at he shewed hym
W: 5,68 [B:V,90] I wold be shreve q(uo)d -th-e shrewe & I for shame dorst
W: 5,68 [B:V,91] And -gh-it woldy be gladder(e) -th-at gibbe hadde myscheaunce
W: 5,68 [B:V,92] Than I hadde -th-is wike . I won away of Excess chese

W: 5,69 Venym or vernysh . or vynegre I trowe [aaAx]
W: 5,70 Walde-th- in my wombe . and waxe-th- as I trowe [aaAa]
W: 5,71 Myght I not many day do . as a man sholde [aaAx]
W: 5,72 Suche a wynde in my wombe . waxe-th- alway [aaAx]
W: 5,73 I haue a neighbo(ur) by me . I haue noied hem oft [aaAx]
W: 5,74 And blamed hym byhynde . to putte hem in defaute [aaaAx]
W: 5,75 To payren by my powere . I pursued hem oft [aaAx]
W: 5,76 Bylowen hym to lordes . to don hym lese siluer [aaAx]
W: 5,77 Don his frendes ben his fone . -th-orgh my fals tonge [aaAx]
W: 5,78 His grace & his good happe . greuen me ful sore [aaAx]
W: 5,79 Betwixe hym and his wyf . haue I made wra-th--th-e [xaAx]
W: 5,80 Bo-th-e lyme and lyf . lost -th-orgh my tonge [aaAx]
W: 5,81 And whan I mete in markette . -th-at I most hate [aaAx]
W: 5,82 I hals as frendly . as I his frend were [aaAxx]
W: 5,83 He is doghtier(e) -th-an I I dar . do harm do hym [aaAx]
W: 5,84 But hadde I -th-e maystrie . I wold hym al at fort morthere [aaAx]
W: 5,85 Whan I come to -th-e chirche . to knele to -th-e rode [aaAx]
W: 5,86 To praye for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 5,87 ffor pilgrimes for palmers . for al -th-e peple aftre [aaAx]
W: 5,88 Aft(er)e -th-at I crie as cof . -th-at god gyf hem sorwe [aaAx]
W: 5,89 That bar away my bolle . and my broken shete [aaAx]
W: 5,90 -Th-an fro -th-e autre . I myn eien cast [aaAx]
W: 5,91 And behold how hane . had a newe cote [aaAx]
W: 5,92 Anon I wyshe it were myn . and al -th-e webbe aftre [aaAx]
W: 5,93 Of his lesing I lagh . it lyghte-th- myn hert [aaAx]
W: 5,94 But for his wynnyng I wepe . and weil -th-e tyme [aaAx]
W: 5,95 I deme -th-at he do-th- ille . & -gh-it I do wors [aaAx]
W: 5,96 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 5,97 Who -th-at ha-th- more -th-an I . it angre-th- myn hert [aaAa]
W: 5,98 And -th-us I leue louelesse . lyke a lyther dogge [aaAx]
W: 5,99 Than al my brest bolne-th- . for bitter of my galle [aaAx]

W: 5,99 [B:V,121-2/C:VII,86-7] I might not ete many -gh-ere as a man sholde
W: 5,99 [B:V,121-2/C:VII,86-7] ffor enuie & euel will is ille to defie

W: 5,100 Ther is no sugre so swete . may swage it an ynche [aaAx]
W: 5,101 Ne no diapenydion . driue it fro myn herte [aaAx]?
W: 5,102 And -gh-if -th-at shrift sholde . nowe a wonder it were [aaAx]
W: 5,103 -Gh-is redyli q(uo)d repentaunce . & redde hem to gode [aaAx]

fol. 14v

W: 5,104 Oft sorwe for synne . saue-th- wel many [aaAx]
W: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuie . I nam but seldom o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 5,106 And -th-at make-th- [me] mad . I may me not venge [aaAx]
W: 5,107 Than come sire coueitise . I can hym not discriue [aaAx]
W: 5,108 So hongrely & so holgh . sire henri he loke-th- [aaAx]
W: 5,109 Bitilbrowed and baberlipped . wi-th- two blered eyen [aaAx]
W: 5,110 And as a letheren purs . honged his chekes [axAx]
W: 5,111 In a torn tabarde . of twefue wynter age [aaAx]
W: 5,112 But if a lous cou-th- lepe . leue -th-ou for so-th-e [aaXa]
W: 5,113 She shuld not wandre on -th-at lugh . so was it -th-redebare [aaAx]
W: 5,114 I am caytif coueitous q(uo)d he . I am it wel aknowe [aaAx]
W: 5,115 ffor sum tyme whan I s(er)ued . Sym atte noke [aaAx]
W: 5,116 I was his p(re)ntise aplight . his profit to loke [aaAx]
W: 5,117 ffirst I lerned to lye . a lef o-th-er twey [aaAx]
W: 5,118 Wikkedlych to weye . formest I lerned [aaAxx]
W: 5,119 To wynchestre and to wye . I went to -th-e faire [aaAx]
W: 5,120 Wi-th- many man(er) marchandise . as my mayster hyght [aaAx]
W: 5,121 Ne had -th-e grace of gile . goon among my ware [aaAx]
W: 5,122 It nad be sold -th-is seuene -gh-er . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
W: 5,123 Than drogh I me to drapers . my donet to lerne [aaAx]
W: 5,124 To drawe -th-e lesour on lengh . -th-e lenger it semed [aaAx]
W: 5,125 Among -th-e riche rays . I rendred a lesson [aaAx]
W: 5,126 Priked hem wi-th- a pak nedle . & plited hem togedre [aaAx]
W: 5,127 Putte hem in a presse . & pynned hem -th-ere [aaAx]
W: 5,128 Til ten -gh-erde or twelw . tolled oute -th-reten [aaAx]
W: 5,129 My wyf was a webstere . & wollen clo-th- wroght [aaAx]
W: 5,130 And spak to -th-e spinsteres . to spynnen it soft [aaAx]
W: 5,131 The pound -th-at she paied . for weied a q(ua)rt(er) more [aaAx]
W: 5,132 Than it is dede by myn ansere . whan I weied treu-th- [aaAx]
W: 5,133 I broght here also barlych . she brewed it to selle [aaAx]
W: 5,134 Bo-th-e penyale & pewe . she poured it togederes [aaAx]
W: 5,135 ffor labourer(is) & lond folk . she layd it be it self [aaAx]
W: 5,136 The best in my bed chambre . lay by -th-e wowe [aaAx]
W: 5,137 And whoso bumed -th-erof . paied -th-(er)after(e) [abAb]
W: 5,138 Ay a galon for a grote . god wote no lesse [aaAx]
W: 5,139 And so it come copmele . -th-at craft my wyf vsed [aaAx]
W: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratoure . was here right name [aaAx]
W: 5,141 She ha-th- holden hucsterie . elleuen wyntr(e) [aaAx]
W: 5,142 Now wil I swere so-th-ly . -th-at synne to leue [aaAx]
W: 5,143 And neuere wey wikkedly . ne chaffare myschaunge [aaAx]
W: 5,144 But wend I wil to walsyngham . & my wif als [aaAx]

fol. 15r

W: 5,145 And bidde to -th-e rode of Bromholme . brynge vs out of dette [aaAx]
W: 5,146 Than bygynne-th- gloton . for to go to cherche [aaAx]
W: 5,147 And shope hym to shriftwarde . hys synnes for to lete [aaAx]
W: 5,148 Sone Beton -th-e breuster . bad hym good morwe [aaAx]
W: 5,149 ffast she frayned hym . whederwarde he fared [aaAx]
W: 5,150 To holi cherche q(uo)d he . for to here messe [aaAx]
W: 5,151 Si-th- wil I shrive me . and synne no more [aaAx]
W: 5,152 A gossib q(uo)d she I haue good ale . wiltow assay [aaAx]
W: 5,153 Ye but hastow q(uo)d he -th-an . any hote spices [aaAx]
W: 5,154 A good gossib q(uo)d she . god wot wel hote [aaAx]
W: 5,155 Bo-th-e pep(ir) and pionye . & a pound of garlek [aaAx]
W: 5,156 A fer-th-ing worth of fenel sed . for fastyng days [aaAx]
W: 5,157 Than go-th- gloton in . and gret o-th-es after [aaAx]
W: 5,158 And fond sisse -th-e semstere . sittyng on -th-e benche [aaAx]
W: 5,159 Watte -th-e wollen webbe . & his wif bothe [aaAx]
W: 5,160 Thom -th-e tynkere . and twey of his knaves [aaAx]
W: 5,161 Hyk -th-e hakneyman . & hewe -th-e nedelere [aaAx]
W: 5,162 Clarys of cokkislane . and -th-e clerk of -th-e chyrche [aaAx]
W: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dychere . and a doseyn o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 5,164 A ribibo(ur) a ratonere . a rakere of -th-e chepe [aaAx]
W: 5,165 A ropere a redekyng . and kitte -th-e kempstere [aaAx]
W: 5,166 Of vpholders an hepe . erlych on -th-e morwe [aaAx]
W: 5,167 Eche man for hansel to gloton drank a galon ale [aaAbb]
W: 5,168 Clement (:: :::::) . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
W: 5,169 And atte -th-e newe faire . he neme-th- it to selle [axAx]
W: 5,170 Hik -th-e hostelere . hitte his hode after [aaAa]
W: 5,171 And bad bette -th-e bochere . ben on his side [aaaAx]
W: 5,172 Thus sone were chapmen chosen . -th-e chaffare to prayse [aaAx]
W: 5,173 An who so hadde -th-e hode shold haue . -th-e mendes [aaXx]?
W: 5,174 -Th-o risen vp -th-o radde . & rouned togederes [aaAx]
W: 5,175 And praysed -th-e peniworths . apert by hem self [aaAx]
W: 5,176 There were o-th-es an hepe . on aftir o-th-er [aaAa]
W: 5,177 Thay cou-th- not by conscience . acorde togederes [aaAx]
W: 5,178 Tyl robyn -th-e ropere . was radde for to rise [aaAa]
W: 5,179 And niempned hem for a noumpere . -th-at no debat (:::) [aaAa]
W: 5,180 Hyk -th-e hostylere . -th-an had -th-e cloke [aaAx]
W: 5,181 In conant -th-at clement . -th-e cop shold fille [aaAx]
W: 5,182 And he shold haue hikkes hood . a hold hym ful serued [aaaAx]
W: 5,183 And whoso repent ra-th-est . shold arise after [aaAx]
W: 5,184 And gaynly grete sire gloton . wi-th- a galon ale [aaAx]
W: 5,185 Ther was bo-th-e laghyng & loaring . & late (:: ::) coppe [aaAx]

fol. 15v

W: 5,186 Bargayns & beuerages . gan for to rise [aaAx]
W: 5,187 And seten til euensong . & songen somwhyle [aaAx]
W: 5,188 Til sire gloton hadde golped . a galon & a gille [aaAa]
W: 5,189 Than pised he sone a potel . in a while [aaAx]
W: 5,190 And blew -th-e rounde ruet . wel atte rigges ende [aaAx]
W: 5,191 That alle -th-at herden -th-e noise . held here nose after [aaAa]
W: 5,192 And wysht it had be waxed . wi-th- a wyspe of fyre [aaAx]
W: 5,193 He hadde streyngh non to stonde . er he his staf hadde [aaAx]
W: 5,194 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 5,195 But sone he saylle-th- asyde . and sum tyme arere [aaAx]
W: 5,196 As whoso layde lynes . foules to cache [aaAx]
W: 5,197 And whan he drogh to -th-e dore . -th-an dymmes his eien [aaAx]
W: 5,198 He stombled atte -th-e -th-reshwold . & -th-rogh to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
W: 5,199 Wi-th- al -th-e wo of -th-e world . his wif and his wenche [aaAa]
W: 5,200 Bere hym to his bed . -th-row hym -th-(er)in [aaAx]
W: 5,201 And after al -th-is surfet . an axes he hadde [aaxAa]
W: 5,202 That he slept -th-e sonday . til sonne -gh-ede to reste [aaaAx]
W: 5,203 Than waked he of his wynkyng . and wiped his eien [aaAx]
W: 5,204 The first word -th-at he warpe was . where is -th-e bolle [aaAx]
W: 5,205 Hys wyf blamed hym blyue for his wykked synne [aaAx]
W: 5,206 Than wax he shamed -th-e shrewe . & gan for to smert [aaAx]
W: 5,207 And gan grete grymly . and gret doel to make [aaAx]
W: 5,208 And forswor -th-e lyther lyf . -th-at he lyued hadde [aaAx]
W: 5,209 And avowed fast . for hunger or elles [aaAxx]
W: 5,210 Shold neuere fysh on fryday . fyen in his mawe [aaAx]
W: 5,211 Er -th-at abstinence his aunte . had gyf hym leue [aaAxx]
W: 5,212 And -gh-it hadde he hated here . al his lyf tyme [aaAxx]
W: 5,213 Than sleu-th- for sorwe . fel adoun aswone [aaXa]
W: 5,214 Til vigilate had fet . water at his eyen [aaAx]
W: 5,215 And flascht hym ful al -th-e face . & fast on him criede [aaAx]
W: 5,216 And said war for wanhope . wil -th-e betray [aaAx]
W: 5,217 If -th-ou be sory of -th-i synne . say to -th-i self [aaAa]
W: 5,218 And bet bittyrly -th-i brest . and bidde god of grace [aaAx]
W: 5,219 ffor is no gilt here so gret . but godenesse is more [aaAx]
W: 5,220 Than sat sire slou-th- vp . and sayned hem fast [aaAx]
W: 5,221 And made avowe to god . for his vile sleu-th- [aaAx]
W: 5,222 Eche sonday -th-is seuen -gh-er . but seknes it make [aaAx]
W: 5,223 I shal dight me or day . to -th-e dere cherche [aaAx]
W: 5,224 And here messe and matyns . as I a monk were [aaAx]
W: 5,225 Shal noon ale after none . hold me -th-ens [aaAx]
W: 5,226 Til I haue euensong herd . I hote to -th-e rode [aaAx]
W: 5,227 -Gh-et wil I -gh-elde a-gh-en . if I so muche haue [aaAxx]

fol. 16r

W: 5,228 Al -th-at I wokedly wan . si-th- I witte hadde [aaAx]
W: 5,229 And -th-ogh my lyflode lacke . letten I nylle [aaAx]
W: 5,230 That yche man shal haue his . er I hens wende [aaAx]
W: 5,231 The residue of -th-e remenant . by -th-e rode of chestre [aaAx]
W: 5,232 Shal I seke -th-erwi-th- trou-th- . to fynde [axAx]
W: 5,233 Robyn -th-e robbere . -th-an on Reddite loked [aaAx]
W: 5,234 And for -th-er nas not wher with . he wept wel sore [aaAx]
W: 5,235 And yet -th-e synful shrewe . said to him self [aaAa]
W: 5,236 Crist -th-at on caluerie . vpon crosse dydest [aaAx]
W: 5,237 Whan -th-at Dismas my bro-th-(er) besought -th-e of grace [????]
W: 5,238 And haddest [rewthe] on -th-at man . for memento sake [aaAx]
W: 5,239 Thy wil worth vpon me . as I haue wel deserued [aaAx]
W: 5,240 To haue helle for euere . if -th-at hope nere [aaAx]
W: 5,241 So rewe vpon Robyn . -th-at no rede ha-th-e [aaAx]
W: 5,242 Ne neuere wan . wi-th- craft -th-at I knowe [aaAxx]
W: 5,243 But of -th-i muche . mytygaciou(n) I beseche [aaAx]
W: 5,244 Dampne me not at domesday . for I dide ille [aaAx]
W: 5,245 But what befel on -th-at freke . I can no fer-th-(er) shewe [aaAx]
W: 5,246 Wel I wot he wept fast watre . wi-th- his eien [aaaAx]
W: 5,247 And knewlaged his gret gylt . & fast on crist called [aaAx]
W: 5,248 That penitencia his pyke . myght polysch hym newe [aaAx]
W: 5,249 And lepe wi-th- him ou(er) londe . al his lyf tyme [aaAx]
W: 5,250 ffor he hadde lyen by lator . lucifers aunte [aaAx]
W: 5,251 And -th-oussand men sagh I -th-o . -th-rongen togederes [aaAx]
W: 5,252 Wepyng and weylyng . for here wykked dedes [aaAx]
W: 5,253 Cride vpward to crist . and to his clene moder [aaAx]
W: 5,254 To haue grace treu-th- for to fynde [aaAx]

Sextus passus de visione

W: 6,1 -Gh-it were -th-ere fewe men . -th-e way -th-eder cou-th-e [aaAx]
W: 6,2 But blostred for-th- as bestes . -th-rogh baches & hilles [aaAx]
W: 6,3 Til it was late and longe . -th-ai a ludde mette [aaAx]
W: 6,4 Apparailed as a paynym . in palmeres wede [aaAx]
W: 6,5 He bar a burdon Ibounde . wi-th- a brode lyst [aaAx]
W: 6,6 In an yuyn wise . wounden aboute [aaAx]
W: 6,7 Bothe a bagge and a bolle . he bar at his side [aaAx]
W: 6,8 And an hundred of hampnels . on his hatte sette [aaAx]
W: 6,9 Signes of Synay . and shelles of gales [aaAx]
W: 6,10 And many a crouche on his cloke . & keyes of rome [aaAx]
W: 6,11 And -th-e vernicle before . for me(n) shold knowe hym [aaAxx]
W: 6,12 And se by his signes . whom he sought hadde [aaAx]
W: 6,13 This folk frayned fast . fro whens he come [aaaAxx]

fol. 16v

W: 6,14 ffro synay said he . and fro the sepulcre [aaAx]
W: 6,15 At bedleem at babylon . I haue ben at bothe [aaAa]
W: 6,16 In Ermonie in Alisandre . in many o-th-er place [aaAx]
W: 6,17 Ye may se by -th-e signes . -th-at on myn hatte setten [aaAx]
W: 6,18 That I haue walked wide . in wete and in drie [aaaAx]
W: 6,19 And soght many a seynt . for my soule hele [aaAx]
W: 6,20 Knowest oght a corsaint q(uo)d I . -th-at me calle-th- trou-th- [aaAx]
W: 6,21 Canstow oght wisse me -th-e way . -th-eder as he dwelleth [aaAx]
W: 6,22 Nay so god me helpe . q(uo)d -th-e g[r]ome -th-anne [axAx]
W: 6,23 Yit say I neuere Palmere wi-th- sclaveyn . ne scrip(pe) [aaXx]?
W: 6,24 Asken aftr(e) hym . or now neuere in my lyue [aaAxx]
W: 6,25 Petr(e) q(uo)d a plowman . & putte for-th- his hede [aaAx]
W: 6,26 I know hym as kyndly . as clerk do-th- his bokes [aaAx]
W: 6,27 Conscience and clene witte . kenne me to his place [aaAx]
W: 6,28 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 6,29 Bo-th-e to sowe and to sette . while I swynke myght [aaAx]
W: 6,30 So haue I folwed forth . al -th-is fourty wyntyr [xaAx]
W: 6,31 Bo-th-e sowen his sede . & si-th- kept his bestes [aaAx]
W: 6,32 And layd on and lad corn . & broght it to hous [aaAx]
W: 6,33 And eke diked and delued . & don what he hight [aaAx]
W: 6,34 Bo-th-e wi-th-in & wi-th-oute . his profite awaited [aaAx]
W: 6,35 Is no labore in -th-is lond . -th-at he loue-th- bettre [aaAx]
W: 6,36 ffor -th-ogh I say it my self . I seche hym to plese [aaAx]
W: 6,37 I haue myn here at my wyl . & o-th-erwhil more [aaAx]
W: 6,38 He paie-th- prest pore men . and -th-at dar I proue [aaAx]
W: 6,39 Wi-th-holt no man here [hire] . but -gh-eue-th- hit hym at ones [aaAx]
W: 6,40 He is as lowlych as a lomb . and louelych of speche [aaAx]
W: 6,41 And if ye wol wete . wher he dwelle-th- . I wil -gh-ow wisse to his place [aaAx]
W: 6,42 --- this line om ---
W: 6,43 Leue piers q(uo)d -th-e pilgrim . & profred hym hyre [aaAx]
W: 6,44 Nay be -th-e p(er)el of my soule . q(uo)d piers and bygan to swere [axAx]
W: 6,45 I nold not fong a fer-th-ing . not for fyften shillyng [aaAxx]
W: 6,46 ffor he wold loue me -th-e wers . a long while her(e)aftr(e) [abBa]
W: 6,47 But -gh-e -th-at wilne-th- [to] wite . -th-is is -th-e way [aaAx]
W: 6,48 Ye must mete wi-th- meknesse . bo-th-e -gh-e and -gh-owre wyfs [aaAx]
W: 6,49 Til -gh-e come to conscience . Crist wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
W: 6,50 Than must -gh-e loue hym leu(er)e . -th-an -gh-owre lyf [aaAx]
W: 6,51 In -gh-owre hert and -gh-owre neghbour . in no wise appaire [aaAx]
W: 6,52 O-th-er wayes -th-an -th-ou woldest he . wroght to -th-i self [aaAx]
W: 6,53 And so shal -gh-e bowe by a broke . hight boxom of speche [aaAx]
W: 6,54 Til -gh-e fynde a for -gh-ow . fadres hono(ur)th [aaAx]
W: 6,55 And -th-an wade-th- in wat(ir) . & washe -th-ow -th-er [aaAx]
W: 6,56 And -gh-e shole lepe -th-e lightlokere . al -gh-owre lyf aftre [aaAx]

fol. 17r

W: 6,57 And than shal -gh-e se . swere not but if it be gret nede [aaAx]
W: 6,58 And namelych on ydel . -th-e name of god almyghty [aaAx]
W: 6,59 Than shalt -th-ou come be a croft . but come not -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
W: 6,60 Th-at hight coueitise cast hym by side
W: 6:60 Coueite no mans catel . his wif ne his hyne [aaAx]
W: 6,61 His norice ne no -th-ing . -th-at hym noie myght [axAx]
W: 6,62 And loke -th-ou breke no bonys . but it be -th-in owen [aaAx]
W: 6,63 Twey stokkes -th-(er) stondes . stint not -th-ere [aaAx]
W: 6,64 Hight stele not ne sle not . but strike forth by bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 6,65 Leue hym on -th-i left half . & loke neuere -th-(er)after [aaAx]
W: 6,66 And hold wel -th-in holiday . holi to -th-e ende [aaAa]
W: 6,67 Than shaltow blenche be a bergh . bere no fals witnesse [aaAx]
W: 6,68 He is frayd in wi-th- flours . and o-th-er foos many [aaAx]
W: 6,69 Loke -th-ou plok -th-(er)of no plant for p(er)il of -th-i soule [aaAx]
W: 6,70 Than shalt yow se . say so-th- for -th-at is wel to done [aaAx]
W: 6,71 And -th-an loke -th-ou lie not . for no man(er)e byddyng [aaXx]
W: 6,72 Than shaltow come to a court . as clere as -th-e sonne [aaAx]
W: 6,73 The mote is of mercy . -th-e man(er)e aboute [aaAx]
W: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles be-th- of wytte . to holde foule oute [aaAx]
W: 6,75 The corners be-th- of Cristendome . -th-at ken -gh-ou to saue [aaAx]
W: 6,76 Botrace it wit bileue wel . or -th-ow best not saued [aaAx]
W: 6,77 Alle -th-e houses ben heled . bo-th-e alle and chambre [aaAx]
W: 6,78 Wi-th- no lord but lownes & loue . echon o-th-er [aaaXx]
W: 6,79 The tour -th-at treu-th- . is in secte by -th-e sonne [aaXx]
W: 6,80 He may do wi-th- -th-e day sterre . waat so hym like-th- [aaAx]
W: 6,81 De-th- dar do no-th-ing . -th-at he defende-th- [aaAx]
W: 6,82 Grace is gateward . a good man forso-th-e [aaAx]
W: 6,83 His knave hight amende -gh-owe . for many man he knowe-th- [aaAx]
W: 6,84 Tel hym -th-is tokne . -th-at treu-th- wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
W: 6,85 I p(er)forme -th-e penaunce . -th-at -th-e prest mengeoned [aaAx]
W: 6,86 I am sory for my synne . and so shal I euere [aaAx]
W: 6,87 Whan I -th-end vpon hem . -th-ogh I were pope [axAx]
W: 6,88 Bide amende -gh-ow -th-an meke hym . to his maystre [aaAx]
W: 6,89 And wayue vp -th-e wiket . -th-at he stoppet [aaAx]
W: 6,90 Whan -th-at Adam and Eue . eten here bane [aaAx]
W: 6,91 He ha-th- -th-e keye of -th-e kleket . -th-ogh the kyng slepe [aaAx]
W: 6,92 And if -th-at grace graunt . -th-e to gon in -th-is wyse [aaAx]
W: 6,93 Thow shalt sen treu-th- hymself . setten in -th-in hert [aaAx]
W: 6,94 And lere -th-e for to loue hym . and his lawe holde [aaAx]
W: 6,95 But be -th-ou wel -gh-it war . of wrath -th-e shrewe [aaAx]
W: 6,96 ffor he ha-th- enuie to hym . -th-at sytte in -th-i herte [aaAx]

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W: 6,97 And wil prike -th-e wi-th- pride . to prayse -th-i self [aaAx]
W: 6,98 Throgh boldnes of -th-i benfetes . make -th-e blynd sone [aaAx]
W: 6,99 Than bestow dreven oute as dewe . and -th-e dore closed [aaAx]
W: 6,100 Bo-th-e wi-th- cleket and keye . to kepe -gh-ow -th-eroute [aaAx]
W: 6,101 And haply an hundreth wintre . er -th-ou entre eft [aaAa]
W: 6,102 Thus -th-ou myght lese his loue . to late much of -th-i self [aaAx]
W: 6,103 And gete it agayn wi-th- grace . he wil no gift elles [aaAx]
W: 6,104 But -th-ere be-th- seuen sustres . -th-at s(er)ue treu-th- euere [aaAx]
W: 6,105 Beth porters of -th-e posternes . -th-at to -th-at place longen [aaAx]
W: 6,106 That one hight abstinence . & humilite -th-e to-th-er [aaAx]
W: 6,107 Charite and chastite . be-th- -th-e chief maydenes [aaAx]
W: 6,108 Pacience and eke pes . -th-at -th-e peple helpen [aaAx]
W: 6,109 And largesse -th-at mayde . late-th- in ful many [aaAx]
W: 6,110 Whoso is sybbe to -th-ese sustres . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
W: 6,111 He is wonder wel wolcome . & faire vnderfonge [aaBb]
W: 6,112 And but he be sib to somme . of -th-is seuen [aaA]?
W: 6,113 It is wel hard be myn hed . any of -gh-ow alle [aaAa]
W: 6,114 To gete in at any gate . but grace be -th-e more [aaaAx]
W: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kyn -th-ere [aaAx]
W: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d an Apward . by oght -th-at I knowe [aaAx]
W: 6,117 God wote q(uo)d a waferere . wist I -th-is forso-th-e [aaAx]
W: 6,118 I nold forth no fote . for no frere prechyng [aaAx]
W: 6,119 Yis q(uo)d piers . & poreth him to goode [aaAx]
W: 6,120 Mercy is a mayde -th-ere . & maystre of hem alle [aaAx]
W: 6,121 She is sibbe to al synfol . & here sone als [aaAx]
W: 6,122 And -th-rogh help of hem two . hope -th-ou non o-th-er [aaAa]
W: 6,123 -Th-ou myght gete grace . so -th-u go be tyme [aaAx]

Septimus passus de visione

W: 7,1 Cesse-th- now q(uo)d -th-e kyng I suffre -gh-ow no lengere

W: 7,1 This were a wel wykkid way . but whoso hadde a gyde [aaAx]
W: 7,2 That myght gide vs eche fote . til we were -th-ere [aaAxx]
W: 7,3 Quod piers -th-e plouman . be Poule -th-e postle [aaAa]
W: 7,4 I haue an half acre to her(e) . by -th-e hey way [aaAx]
W: 7,5 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,6 I wend wi-th- -gh-ow . hadde I don til -gh-e be ritht -th-er [aaAx]
W: 7,7 This were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady in a share [aaAx]
W: 7,8 What shold wymen . do -th-er worche ony wiles [aaAx]
W: 7,9 Nay somme shal sewe -th-e sakke q(uo)d piers . for shedyng of whete [aaAx]
W: 7,10 And o-th-(er) wyues -th-at [haue] woll . worche it fast [aaAx]
W: 7,11 And spenne it spedyly . & spare not here fyngres [aaAx]
W: 7,12 But if it be holy day . or ony holy euen [xaAa]
W: 7,13 Loke vp -gh-owre lyne towe . and laboure-th- -th-eron [aaAx]

fol. 18r

W: 7,14 The nedy and -th-e naked . loke how -th-ei ligge [aaAx]
W: 7,15 Cast hem clo-th-es for cold . for so wil trou-th-e [aaaXx]
W: 7,16 And I shal lene hem lyflode . botte if -th-e lond faille [aaAx]
W: 7,17 As longe as I leue . for lordes lowe of heuen [aaAx]?
W: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyes . wi-th- -gh-owre long fyngres [aaAx]
W: 7,19 That han sylk and sendel . sewe-th- it in tyme [aaAx]
W: 7,20 Chesible-gh- for chapell(is) . holy chirche to honoure [aaAx]
W: 7,21 And alle man(er) men . -th-at be mete lybbe-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,22 Helpe-th- wel for to worche . and wynne-th- -gh-oure fode [aaAx]
W: 7,23 Be crist q(uo)d a knyght -th-o . -th-ou techest vs right [aaAx]
W: 7,24 But on tyme treuly . so was I neuere taght [aaAx]
W: 7,25 But ken -th-ou me q(uo)d -th-e knyght . & I wil fayn lern [aaAx]
W: 7,26 Be seint Poul q(uo)d P(er)kyn . -th-ou profrest -th-e so lowe [aaAx]
W: 7,27 Now wil I swete & swynke . & sowe for vs bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 7,28 And lelly laboure for -th-i loue . al my lyf tyme [aaAx]
W: 7,29 In couenaunt -th-ou kepe wel . -th-e right of holy cherche [aaAx]
W: 7,30 ffro wastours and wikked men . -th-at it wil destroie [aaAx]
W: 7,31 And go -th-ou honte hardyly . to fox and to hare [aaAx]
W: 7,32 Bothe to bor and to bukke . -th-at breken myn hegges [aaAx]
W: 7,33 And sende after fauconers . -th-e foulles to kylle [aaAx]
W: 7,34 ffor -th-ei comen to my croft . & crop my whete [aaAx]
W: 7,35 Curtaysly -th-e knyght . conceyued al his woordes [aaAx]
W: 7,36 Be my powere Piers q(uo)d he . I plyght -th-e my trou-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,37 To fulfille -th-is forwarde . whil my lyf dure-th- [aaXx]?
W: 7,38 -Gh-e & -gh-it a point q(uo)d P(er)kyn . I wil -th-e prayen for-th-ere [aaAx]
W: 7,39 Loke -th-ou tene no tenant . but treu-th- wil assent [aaAx]
W: 7,40 And -th-ogh pore men profre . present-gh- and -gh-iftes [aaAx]
W: 7,41 Nym it not in auntre -th-ou may it not deserue [aaAx]?
W: 7,42 ffor -th-ou shalt -gh-elden it a-gh-en . at o -gh-ers ende [aaAx]
W: 7,43 In a perelous place . -th-at purgatie is hoten [aaAx]
W: 7,44 Mysbede not -th-in bondemen . -th-e bett(er)e -th-ow shalt spede [aaAx]
W: 7,45 And euere be trewe of -th-i tonge . tales -th-ow hate [aaAx]
W: 7,46 But it be wisdom or witte . -th-i werkmen to charge [aaAx]
W: 7,47 Hold wi-th- no harlotes . ne here not here wordes [aaAx]
W: 7,48 And namelych at mete . suche men eschewe [aaAx]
W: 7,49 Thei be-th- -th-e deuelles disours . I do -th-e to vnderstonde [aaAx]
W: 7,50 I assent be seint Iame . q(uo)d -th-e knygh[t] -th-anne [aaAx]
W: 7,51 ffor to worche by -th-i woord . while -th-at I libbe [aaAxx]
W: 7,52 I shal apparail me q(uo)d piers . in pilgrimes wede [aaAx]
W: 7,53 And wend wi-th- -gh-ow -th-e way . til we treu-th- fynde [aaAxx]
W: 7,54 Sone he cast on his clo-th-es . clutte as -th-ei were [aaAx]

fol. 18v

W: 7,55 His cocres and his coffes . for cold of his naylles [aaAx]
W: 7,56 And henge on his hopre at his hals . in stede of a scrip [aaaBb]
W: 7,57 A bushel q(uo)d he of bred corn . bryng me -th-er inne [aaAx]
W: 7,58 ffor I wil sowe it my self . and si-th-e wil I wende [aaAx]
W: 7,59 And whoso helpe-th- me to ere . or any -th-ing swynk [aaAx]
W: 7,60 He shal haue byhynde god -th-e more here in heruest [????}?
W: 7,61 A make hym meri wi-th- -th-at corn . whoso it begroche-th- [aaxXx]
W: 7,62 And al kyns Cristen . -th-at trauail in trou-th- [aaAxx]
W: 7,63 I shal fynde hem fode . -th-at fai-th-fully libben [aaAx]
W: 7,64 Saue Iak -th-e Iogelour . and Ienet at -th-e styues [aaAx]
W: 7,65 And Robyn -th-e ribaudour . for his rusti wordes [aaAx]
W: 7,66 Trou-th- told me of hem . and bad me telle forth [aaAx]
W: 7,67 { Deleantur de libro viuencium & cum iustis non scribent(ur) }
W: 7,67 I shold not dele wi-th- hem for holy cherche is holden [axAx]
W: 7,68 Of hym no teche to take here wynnyng is so wid [aaXa]
W: 7,68a --- this line om ---
W: 7,69 Thei be ascaped good auntre . now god hem amende [aaXx]
W: 7,70 Dame worche whan tyme . is piers wyf hight [axAx]
W: 7,71 His doghtyr hight do right so . lest -th-i dame -th-e bete [aaAx]
W: 7,72 His sone high soffre . -th-i- soueraign for to haue his wil [aaAx]
W: 7,73 And greue hym not for if -th-ou dost . -th-u shalt it sore abigge [aaAx]
W: 7,74 Late god worche wi-th-al . for so his woord teche-th- [axAx]?
W: 7,75 ffor I am old now and hoor . and haue of myn owen [aaAa]
W: 7,76 To penaunce and to pylgrimage . passe I wil wi-th- o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 7,77 And -gh-it I wyl eek I wende . my bequest make [aaAx]
W: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e amen } . I write it my self [aaAx]
W: 7,79 My soule hym self shal haue he ha-th- best deserued [????]?
W: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e fende . -th-at I wil beleue [aaAxx]
W: 7,81 Til I come to acountes . so my crede teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,82 To haue remission -th-an & relesse I hope [aaAx]
W: 7,83 The kyrke shal haue my careyn . and kepe my bones [aaAx]
W: 7,84 ffor of corn and of catel . -th-er gaf I my ti-th-e [aaAx]
W: 7,85 And paied it euere prestly . for p(er)il of my soule [aaAx]
W: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
W: 7,87 And menge me in his memorie . among alle cristen [aaAx]
W: 7,88 My wif shal haue half -th-at I wan . wi-th- treu-th- & nomore [aaAxx]
W: 7,89 And dele among my frendes . & my dere childre [axAx]
W: 7,90 ffor -th-ogh I dye today . my dettes be-th- quyte [aaAx]
W: 7,91 I bare home -th-at I borwed . eer I -gh-ede to bedde [aaAx]
W: 7,92 The residue and -th-e remenant . by -th-e rode of chestre [aaAx]
W: 7,93 I wil worship -th-erwi-th- . treu-th- to my lyues ende [aaXx]
W: 7,94 And be his pilgrym at plow . for pore men sake [aaAx]

fol. 19r

W: 7,95 ---this line om ---
W: 7,96 And helpe my cultre to kerue . and close -th-e forwes [aaAx]
W: 7,97 And -th-us is piers and -th-e pilgrims . to -th-e plow faren [aaAx]
W: 7,98 To eere -th-is half acre . hym help right many [aaAx]
W: 7,99 Dikers & deluers . dyke vp -th-e balkes [aaAx]
W: 7,100 Therof was p(er)kyn wel paid . & praysed hem fast [aaAx]
W: 7,101 O-th-er werkmen -th-er were . -th-at wroght wel -gh-erne [aaAx]
W: 7,102 Eche man on his man(er)e . made hym to done [aaAx]
W: 7,103 And somme to plese p(er)kyn . carped of cof worde [aaAx]
W: 7,104 And at hie prime piers . lete -th-e plow stonde [aaAx]
W: 7,105 To ou(er)se hem he -th-oght . who -th-at best wroght [aaAx]
W: 7,106 Thei shold haue hyre -th-(er)aftre . whan heruest were in [aaAx]
W: 7,107 Than fond he losels -th-at lotred aboute [aaAx]
W: 7,108 And holp to eere -th-e half acre . wi-th- hie trolly lolly [aaaAx]
W: 7,109 Now be -th-e prynce of paradis . q(uo)d Piers -th-an in wre-th-the [aaAx]
W: 7,110 But if -gh-e rise -th-e rather . and rape -gh-ow to worche [aaAx]
W: 7,111 Shal no grayn -th-at here growe-th- . glade -gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
W: 7,112 And thogh -gh-e dien for doyl . -th-e deuel honge -th-at reche [aaAx]
W: 7,113 Than were faytours aferd . and feyned hym blynde [aaAx]
W: 7,114 Some layde here legge alirie . as shuld lorels done [aaaAx]
W: 7,115 And pleyned hem to Perkyn . wi-th- pitous wordes [aaAx]
W: 7,116 We haue no lymes to laboure wi-th- . lord -th-onked be -th-ow [aaAx]
W: 7,117 But we praye for -gh-ow piers . & for -gh-oure plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 7,118 That god of his grace . -gh-oure goodes multiplie [aaAx]
W: 7,119 And -gh-eld -gh-ow -gh-owre almes . -gh-e -gh-ef to vs here [axAx]
W: 7,120 ffor we ne mow swynk ne swete . suche siknesse vs aille-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so-th- -th-at -gh-e sayn q(uo)d piers . I shal it sone aspie [axAa]
W: 7,122 -Gh-e be wastours I wene . & treu-th- wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
W: 7,123 And I am his old hyne . & aght hym to warne [aaAx]
W: 7,124 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ay shuld hete . -th-at tilen for vs alle [aaAa]
W: 7,126 But trou-th- most teche -gh-ow . his teme for to driue [aaAx]
W: 7,127 Bo-th-e to sette and to sowe . & sawen his tilth [aaAx]
W: 7,128 Gaste gees fro -th-e corn . & kepen hise bestes [aaAx]
W: 7,129 Or -gh-e shull ete barly bred . & of -th-e brook drynke [aaAx]
W: 7,130 But -gh-e be blynde brokelymed . or bedrede lygge [aaAx]
W: 7,131 Than shul -gh-e ete as good as I . so god me helpe [????]
W: 7,132 Til -th-at god of his grace . gar -gh-ow arise [aaAx]
W: 7,133 Ancres and armetes . -th-at holden to here selle [aaAx]
W: 7,134 Shul haue of myn halmes . al -th-e while I leue [aaAx]
W: 7,135 Inogh eche day eet none no more er -th-e morwe [aaAbb]
W: 7,136 Lest -th-e fend & -th-e flesh . greuen here soule [aaAx]
W: 7,137 Ones at none is Inowgh . -th-at no werk vse-th- [aaAxx]

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W: 7,138 He abide-th- wel -th-e bettre . -th-at bu(m)me-th- not oft [aaAx]
W: 7,139 Than gan wastour arise . and wold fayn haue foght [axAx]
W: 7,140 To piers the plowman . he profred his gloue [aaAx]
W: 7,141 And bretoner a braggere . a bosted hym als [aaAx]
W: 7,142 And bad hym go pysse wi-th- his plowe . pilled shrewe [aaAx]
W: 7,143 ffor wiltow or nyltow . we shul haue oure wille [axAa]
W: 7,144 Of -th-i flour & -th-i flesh . fette whan vs like-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,145 And make vs meri -th-erwi-th- . maugre -th-i chekes [aaAx]
W: 7,146 Than Piers pleyned to -th-e knygh & prayed hym to helpe [aaAx]
W: 7,147 To kepe hym as conant . was fro corsed shrewes [aaAx]
W: 7,148 ffro suche wastours -th-at wayten . wynners to stroye [aaAx]
W: 7,149 Curtaislych -th-an -th-e knyght . as his kynde wodde [aaAx]
W: 7,150 Warned -th-e wastours . and wyssed hem bettre [aaAx]
W: 7,151 Or -gh-e shul bygge it be -th-e lawe be -th-e ordre -th-at I bere [????]
W: 7,152 I nas neuere q(uo)d wastour wont for to worche
W: 7,152 And -gh-it I wil not begynne so me god helpe [aaaAx]

W: 7,153 And let litil of -th-e lawe . and of -th-e knyght lesse [aaAx]
W: 7,154 And sette Piers at a pere . and his plowe bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 7,155 And manases hym and his men . when -th-ei next metten [aaXa]
W: 7,156 Now by -th-e perill of my soule q(uo)d Piers . I shal apeire -gh-ow alle [axaAx]
W: 7,157 And hopped aftre hongre . he herd hym anon [aaAx]
W: 7,158 Awreke me of wastours q(uo)d piers . -th-at -th-e word stroie [aaxAx]
W: 7,159 And -th-us sone he hent wastour by -th-e mawe [aaAx]
W: 7,160 And wrong hym so by -th-e wombe . -th-at his eyen watred [aaAx]
W: 7,161 And buffeted -th-e bretoner . so aboute the chekes [aaAx]
W: 7,162 He loked lyk a lanterne . al his lyf aftre [aaAx]
W: 7,163 Hongre bote hym so bo-th-e . -th-at here mou-th- brosten [aaAx]
W: 7,164 Til piers wi-th- a pese loof . prayed hym to leue [aaAx]
W: 7,165 And wi-th- a benen batte . he -gh-ede so betwene [aaXx]
W: 7,166 And hitte hungre -th-(er)wi-th- . right so bytwyx -th-e lippes [aaAx]
W: 7,167 -Th-at he bledde into -th-e bodyward . a bolle ful of growel [aaAx]
W: 7,168 Nad -th-e fysician faster . fette hym fresh watre [aaAx]
W: 7,169 To abate wi-th- -th-e barly bred . & grounden benes [aaaAx]
W: 7,170 They hadde be ded er -th-is day . & doluen ful depe [aaAx]
W: 7,171 Sone wastours for ferde . flowe into -th-e berne [aaAx]
W: 7,172 And fly-th- flapt on wi-th- flaylles . fro morwe til euen [aaAxx]
W: 7,173 Was not hungr(e) so hardy . on hem to loken [aaAx]
W: 7,174 ffor a potful of pesen . -th-at piers wif had made [aaAx]
W: 7,175 And -th-an an hepe of hermites . hent hem spades [aaAx]
W: 7,176 And doluen dong & dryt bo-th-e . to holde hongre oute [aaaAx]
W: 7,177 Bo-th-e blynd and bedred . were boted a -th-ousande [aaAx]

fol. 20r

W: 7,178 (::)t hadde laien longe lame by -th-e hie way [xaAx]
W: 7,179 Hongr(e) heled hem so . wi-th- an hote cake [aaAx]
W: 7,180 That all here lemes . were louses & li-th-es -th-at tyme [aaAx]
W: 7,181 And many of hem become knaves . & kepte piers bestes [aaAx]
W: 7,182 And prayed for charite . Piers for to serue [aaAx]
W: 7,183 ffor coueitise of -th-e corn . to kepe away hungr(e) [aaAx]
W: 7,184 And Piers wel appaied putte hem in office [aaAx]
W: 7,185 And -gh-af hem mete and monoie . as -th-ei mygh deserue [aaAx]
W: 7,186 Than Piers hadde pite . and prayed hungr(e) to wende [aaAx]
W: 7,187 Home to his owen hous . & hold hym -th-(er) for euere [aaaAa]
W: 7,188 But I praye -th-e q(uo)d Piers . er -th-ou passe fer-th-ere [aaAx]
W: 7,189 Of beggers and bidders . what is best to done [aaAx]
W: 7,190 I wote wel be -th-ou went . -th-ay wol werche ful ille [aaaAx]
W: 7,191 Myschef meke-th- hem . -th-e be-th- so meke now-th-e [aaAx]
W: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us fast -th-ei worche nowe [aaAx]
W: 7,193 And we be-th- brethren of blood . for god boght vs alle [aaAx]
W: 7,194 And trou-th- tau-th-t me ones . to loue hem ychon [aaAx]
W: 7,195 And help hem of alle -th-ing . aftr(e) hem nede-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,196 Now wold I wete of the . what were -th-e best [aaaAx]
W: 7,197 And wherwi-th- I may maystre hem . & make hem to worche [aaAx]
W: 7,198 Hire noon q(uo)d hungr(e) . & hold -th-at for a wisdom [aaAx]
W: 7,199 Boold beggers and bigge . -th-at may hire mete swynke [aaaAx]
W: 7,200 Wi-th- hond brede and hors brede . hold vp hire lyues [aaAa]
W: 7,201 And fede hem wi-th- benes . for bornyng of hyre wombes [aaAx]
W: 7,202 And -gh-if -th-ei groche -th-(er)ewi-th- . bidde hem go worche [aaAx]
W: 7,203 And he shal soupe sweitere . whan he ha-th- it des(er)ued [aaXa]
W: 7,204 But yf -th-ou fynde any freke . -th-at fortune ha-th- apaired [aaAx]
W: 7,205 With fire or wi-th- fals men . fonde hem to knowe [aaAx]
W: 7,206 Comforte hym wi-th- -th-i catel . for cristesake of heuene [aaAx]
W: 7,207 Loue hym & lene hym . as lawe of kynde aske-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,208 And al man(er)e suche men . -th-at -th-u myght aspie [aaAx]
W: 7,209 That be-th- nedy or naked . & haue noght to spende [aaAx]
W: 7,210 Of -th-i mete & -th-i monoye . late hem be -th-e bettre aaAx|
W: 7,211 Or wi-th- wi-th- werk or wi-th- woorde . while -th-ou art here [aaAx]
W: 7,212 Make -th-e frendes -th-erwi-th- . as mathew -th-e teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos de mamona iniquitatis } [Latin]
W: 7,213 I nold not greue god q(uo)d Piers . for no good in er-th-e [aaxAx]
W: 7,214 May I synles do -th-us as -th-u hast saide [aaXx]
W: 7,215 Therof be -th-ou wel bold . or -th-e bible lie-th- [aaAxx]
W: 7,216 In genesis -th-e giant . -th-at gendred vs alle [aaAx]
W: 7,217 In sudore and swynk . -th-ou shalt -th-i mete wynne [aaAx]

fol. 20v

W: 7,218 And laboure for -th-i liflode . for so oure lord hight [aaAx]
W: 7,219 And sapience sai-th- -th-e same . I sey -th-e book myself [aaAx]
W: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pter frigus } . no fote wold he tylie [aaBbx]
W: 7,221 He shal go begge and bydde . & no man bete his hungir [aaAx]
W: 7,222 Seint mathewe wi-th- -th-e mans face . he mou-th-ed -th-is wordes [aaAx]
W: 7,223 { Seruus neq(ua)m } had a ilman . & for he nold worche [aaAx]
W: 7,224 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,225 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,226 The lord -gh-af it to a man . -th-at hadde ten before [aaAx]
W: 7,227 And si-th- he saide . hym also -th-at his s(er)uant herde [aaAx]
W: 7,228 He -th-at ha-th- shal haue . to help ther is nede [aaaAx]
W: 7,229 That noght ha-th- . nowgh shal haue ne no man hym helpe [aaAa]
W: 7,230 And -th-at he wene-th- best to haue . shal hym be bereued [aaAx]
W: 7,231 Kynde wit wold wel . -th-at eche wyght wroghte [aaAa]
W: 7,232 Wi-th- techyng or tellyng . or trauaill of honde [aaAx]
W: 7,233 Actif & contemplatyf . crist it als [xaAx]
W: 7,234 The sautr(e) sai-th- so . in -th-e salmes of { Beati omnes } [aaAx]
W: 7,234a { Labores manuum tuaru(m) q(uia) manducabis &c } [Latin]
W: 7,235 He -th-at gete-th- his fode hire . wi-th- trauaille of his honde [aaXa]
W: 7,236 God -gh-ef-th- hym his blysse -th-at so wi-th- treu-th- geten [????]
W: 7,237 I pray -th-e -gh-it p(ar) charite q(uo)d Piers if -th-ou kenne [aaAxx]
W: 7,238 Any lef or lechecraft . lerne -th-ou me leue [aaAx]
W: 7,239 ffor som of my s(er)uant-gh- . ben seke o-th-(er) while [aaAx]
W: 7,240 Of al -th-e woke worche not . so here wombe ake-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d hungr(e) . what seknes hem aille-th- [????]
W: 7,242 Thei haue manged ou(er) muche . -th-at make hem sek oft [aaAx]
W: 7,243 But I hote q(uo)d hungr(e) . as -th-in hele wilnest [aaAx]
W: 7,244 That -th-ou drynke no day . er -th-ou hast dyned somwhat [aaAx]
W: 7,245 Ac ete not I -th-e hote . er hungr(e) -th-e take [aaAx]
W: 7,246 And sende of his sauce . to sauere -th-i lippes [aaAx]
W: 7,247 An kepe somme to sop(er) time . and sitte not to longe [aaAx]
W: 7,248 Aris vp er apetite . ha-th- eten his fille [aaAx]
W: 7,249 Late not sire surfete . sitte at -th-i borde [aaAx]
W: 7,250 Leue not -th-at lechour for he is lykerouse of mou-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,251 And aftre many man(er)e metes . his mawe is alonged [aaAx]
W: 7,252 And if -th-ow diote -th-e -th-us . I dar ley myn eie [axAx]
W: 7,253 ffysik shal for his fode his forred hode selle [aaAx]
W: 7,254 And his cloke and his calabre . wi-th- knoppes of gold [aaAx]
W: 7,255 And be ful fayn be my fay . his fisike to lete [aaAx]
W: 7,256 And lerne to laboure wi-th- his hond . lest lyflode hym faille [aaaAx]
W: 7,257 Ther be-th- mo liers -th-an leches . lord hem amende [aaAx]
W: 7,258 They do men die wi-th- here drynk . er destenie it wolde [aaAx]
W: 7,259 Be seint poul q(uo)d Piers . -th-is be good wordes [aaAx]

fol. 21r

W: 7,260 This lesson is me lef . lord -th-e for-th-elde [aaAx]
W: 7,261 Wende nowe where -th-i wil is . -th-at eu(er)e be -th-ow well [aaAx]
W: 7,262 I behote god q(uo)d hungr(e) . -gh-it wil I not wende [aaAx]
W: 7,263 Er I haue dyned by -th-is day . and Idronke bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 7,264 I na no peny q(uo)d piers . puletes to bygge [aaAx]
W: 7,265 Nei-th-er goos ne gris . but tweyne grene cheses [aaAx]

W: 7,267 A lof of benes & brau(n) . bake for my childre [aaAx]

W: 7,266 A fewe croddes and creme . & an hote cake [aaXa]

W: 7,268 And -gh-it I sai by my soule . I na no salt bacon [aaAx]
W: 7,269 Ne no cokney be crist . colopes to make [aaAx]
W: 7,270 But I haue p(er)cell and plantes . and many cold pores [aaAx]
W: 7,271 And a cow and a calf . & a carte mere [aaAx]
W: 7,272 To drawe on feld my dong . while -th-e droght laste-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,273 By -th-is liflode most I leue . til lamme[s] tyme [aaAx]
W: 7,274 By -th-an I hope to haue . heruest in my croft [aaAx]
W: 7,275 Than shal I dyght -th-e a dyner . as -th-e wel like-th- [aaAx]
W: 7,276 And -th-e pore peple -th-an . pescodes fetten [aaAx]
W: 7,277 Benes and bake apples . -th-ai broght in her(e) lappes [aaAx]
W: 7,278 Cheboll(es) & cheruell(es) . & ripe cheries many [aaAx]
W: 7,279 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,280 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,281 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,282 Grene garly and gresse . for ple hem -th-ai wolde [aaAx]
W: 7,283 By -th-at heruest neghed . & [newe] ne corn come to markett [aaAbb]
W: 7,284 Than was -th-e folk fayn . & fed hym wi-th- -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 7,285 Wi-th- good ale and glotonie . -th-ai grathe hym on slepe [aaAx]
W: 7,286 Than wold not wastour worche . but wandred aboute [aaAx]
W: 7,287 Ne no beggere ete brede . -th-at benes wer(e) in [aaAx]
W: 7,288 But coket and clerematyne . or of clene whete [aaAx]
W: 7,289 Ne no halpeny ale . in no wise drynke [aaAxx]?
W: 7,290 But of -th-e best & bronnest . -th-at breusters sell [aaAx]
W: 7,291 Laborers -th-at haue no lond . but lyue by here honde [aaAx]
W: 7,292 Deynen not to dynen . a day nyght old wortes [aaAx]
W: 7,293 May no penyale hem paye . ne pece of bacon [aaAx]
W: 7,294 But fresh flesh . or fysh fried or rost [aaAaa]
W: 7,295 And -gh-it { chaude } or { plus chaude } . for chillyng of hire mawes [aaAx]
W: 7,296 And but -th-ay be hylych hired . -gh-it wil -th-ai chyde [aaAx]
W: 7,297 That -th-ei were werkmen wroght . -th-ei warie -th-e time [aaAx]
W: 7,298 And -th-an -th-ei corse-th- -th-e kyng . and al his counseil aftr(e) [aaAx]
W: 7,299 That suche lawes conne loke . laborers to chast [aaAx]
W: 7,300 But while hungre was her maistre wold -th-ei not chide [????]
W: 7,301 Ne struie a-gh-eins his statute . so sternly he loked [aaAx]
W: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow wel -gh-e werkmen . worche-th- while -gh-e mowe [aaAx]
W: 7,303 ffor hungre hie-th- hym a-gh-en . and hast hym fast [aaAx]

fol. 21v

W: 7,304 He shal wake wi-th- watr(e) . wastours to warne [aaAx]
W: 7,305 And er -th-e fyue be fulle . suche famyn shal arise [aaAx]
W: 7,306 Throgh flode and foule wedres . fodes shul faillen [aaAa]
W: 7,307 And -th-us say-th- sire Satorn . and sent -gh-ow to sayn [aaAx]

Passus octauus de visione

W: 8,1 Treu-th-e herde telle hereof . & to piers sent [aaAxx]
W: 8,2 ffor to taken his teme . and tilie -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
W: 8,3 And purchased hym a pardon . { a pena & a culpa } [aaAx]
W: 8,4 ffor hym and for his heirs . euermore after [aaAa]
W: 8,5 And bad hym hold hym at home . & eren his laies [aaAx]
W: 8,6 And al -th-at holp hym . to eere or sowe or sette [aaAx]
W: 8,7 Or ony man(er)e myster . -th-at might Piers helpe [aaAx]
W: 8,8 Part of -th-at pardon . Piers ha-th- hem graunted [aaAx]
W: 8,9 Kynges and knyghtes bo-th-e . -th-at kepe holy cherche [aaAx]
W: 8.10 And rightfulllych in reaume . reule-th- -th-e peple [aaAx]
W: 8,11 By pardon -th-rowgh purgatorie . shold passe wel sone [aaAx]
W: 8,12 Wi-th- patriarche-gh- in paradis . to play -th-(er)after [aaAx]
W: 8,13 Bishopes -th-at blyssen . and bo-th-e lawes conne-th- [aaAx]
W: 8,14 Loke-th- on -th-at o lawe . and lere men -th-e to-th-er [aaAx]
W: 8,15 And bere-th- hem bonere here . as here banere shewe-th- [aaaAx]
W: 8,16 And prechen to here parishens . -th-e p(er)il of synne [aaAx]
W: 8,17 How -th-e scabbed shepe . shol -th-e wol saue [aaAxx]?
W: 8,18 And be Piers wi-th- apostles . whan -th-ai wende hens [aaAx]
W: 8,19 And at -th-e dredful dome . on des sitten [aaAx]
W: 8,20 Marchant-gh- in -th-e margine . had many -gh-ers [aaAx]
W: 8,21 But { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope nold hem grant [axAx]
W: 8,22 ffor -th-ei hold not here dayes . as holy cherche teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 8,23 And -th-ei swere by here soule . & so god hem helpe [aaAxx]
W: 8,24 Clene a-gh-ens conscience . here catel to selle [aaAx]
W: 8,25 But vnder his secre seal treu-th- . sent hem a lettre [aaAx]
W: 8,26 And badde hem bigge boldly . what -th-ing hem best liked [aaaAx]
W: 8,27 And si-th-e selle it a-gh-en . and saue -th-e wynnyng [aaAx]
W: 8,28 And make-th- meson deux -th-(er)wi-th- . mesels to helpe [aaAx]
W: 8,29 Wikked ways . also witt(er)ly to mende [aaAx]
W: 8,30 And broken brigges also -th-at aboute were [aaaAx]
W: 8,31 Maydens for to marien . and make hem wyfes [aaAx]
W: 8,32 And warde wydous -th-at wil . be no wyfes aftr(e) [aaAx]
W: 8,33 Help to fynde hem fode . for lordes loue of heuen [aaAbb]
W: 8,34 Sette scoleres to scole . or to kynde craftes [aaAx]
W: 8,35 Reule religious . & rent hem bettre [aaAx]
W: 8,36 And I shal send -gh-ow myself . seint michel myn angel [aaAx]

fol. 22r

W: 8,37 -Th-at no deuel shal -gh-ou dere . die whan -gh-e shull [aaAa]
W: 8,38 That I ne shal send -gh-owre soule . sauf into blysse [aaAx]
W: 8,39 Before -th-e face of my fader . fourme -gh-ow to sitte [aaAx]
W: 8,40 Vsurie and auarice and o-th-es I defende -gh-owe [????]
W: 8,41 Late no gile go wi-th- -gh-ow . but -th-e grathe trow-th-e [aaAx]
W: 8,42 Than were marchant-gh- so mery . -th-ai wept for ioye [aaAx]
W: 8,43 And -gh-af wil for his wrytyng . wollen clo-th-es [aaAx]
W: 8,44 And for -th-at copy of -th-at clause . -th-ei -gh-eue hem gret mede [aaAx]
W: 8,45 Men of lawe had lest . for -th-ai be-th- lerned alle [aaAx]
W: 8,46 and also sai-th- sapience and -th-e sautr(e) bo-th-e [aaAx]?
W: 8,46a { Super innocentem mun(er)a non accipies (:) regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) erit m(er)ces eor(um) } [Latin]
W: 8,47 Of princes & p(re)lates . here mede most arise [aaAx]
W: 8,48 And of -th-e pore peple . -th-ai shold not taken [aaAx]
W: 8,49 But -gh-e -th-at spende -gh-oure speche . & speke for -th-e pore [aaAx]
W: 8,50 That is not nocent but nede-th- . and no man apaire-th- [aaAxx]
W: 8,51 Comforte him in -th-at cace . take not here goodes [aaAx]
W: 8,52 But for oure lordes loue . lawe for hem shewe [aaAx]
W: 8,53 Shal no deuel at -gh-oure de-th- day . dere -gh-ow a myte [aaAx]
W: 8,54 That -gh-e ne shul sikerly be sauf . or the sautre lie-th- { Qui facit hec no(n) mouebi(ur) in et(er)nu(m) } [aaAa]

W: 8,55 But selle watr(e) ne wynde . ne witte is -th-e -th-redde [aaAx]
W: 8,56 Wold neuere holi wrytt . god wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
W: 8,57 ffor -th-se -th-re be-th- for -th-rall(is) -th-rowe among vs alle [aaAx]
W: 8,58 Bo-th-e to waxe and to wane . whey-th-(er) -th-at god lykes [aaAx]

W: 8,60 But whoso mede of mene men . for metyng receyue-th- [aaAx]

W: 8,59 The pardon in purgatorie . petit I trowe [aaAx]

W: 8,61 -Gh-e legistres of lawyers . -gh-e weti-th- if I lie [aaXa]
W: 8,62 Si-th- (::) say -th-is is so-th- . sewe-th- -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 8,63 All o-th-er lyues laborers . -th-at lyuen by -gh-oure hondes [aaAx]
W: 8,64 That treuly taken for -gh-oure trauaill & in tyme worche [aaAx]
W: 8,65 And lyue in loue and lawe . and wi-th- lowe hertes [aaaAx]
W: 8,66 Shul haue -th-e same assaillyng . -th-at sent was to piers [aaAx]
W: 8,67 Beggers and borwers . be not in -th-e bill [aaAa]
W: 8,68 But if -th-e sugestion be so-th- . -th-at -th-ei for asken [aaAx]
W: 8,69 ffor he -th-at begge-th- or borwe-th- . but he haue nede [aaAxx]
W: 8,70 He is fals wi-th- -th-e fend . & defoule-th- trou-th- [aaAx]
W: 8,71 And begile-th- -th-e gyuere . a-gh-ens his wille [aaAx]
W: 8,72 They lyue in no loue . ne no lawe holden [aaAx]
W: 8,73 They wedde no woman . -th-at -th-ei wi-th- delen [aaAx]
W: 8,74 But as -th-e wild wehe . worche vp togedres [aaAx]
W: 8,75 And bryng forth barns . -th-at barons be-th- Iholde [aaAx]
W: 8,76 Or his bakke or his bones . he breke-th- in his -gh-owthe [aaAx]

fol. 22v

W: 8,77 And goo-th- and fayte-th- wi-th- -th-e faunte . eueremore after [aaAxx]
W: 8,78 Be-th- mo myschape among hem . whoso take-th- hede [aaaXx]
W: 8,79 Than amonges al other men . -th-at on molde wandre-th- [aaAx]
W: 8,80 Tho -th-at lyue -th-us here lyf . may lo-th-en -th-e time [aaAx]
W: 8,81 That euere he was man wroght . whan he shal hens fare [xaAx]?
W: 8,82 But old men and o-th-er bo-th-e . -th-at help be h(er)e strengh [aaAx]
W: 8,83 And wymen also wi-th- child . -th-at worche -th-ei ne mowe [axAx]
W: 8,84 Blynde folk and bederede . -th-at han lost h(er)e lymes [aaAx]
W: 8,85 And take meschef mekely . as meseles and (:::) [aaAx]
W: 8,86 Thay han as pleyn p(ar)don . as piers hym self [aaAx]
W: 8,87 ffor loue of here lowe hert . oure lord ha-th- hym graunted [aaAx]
W: 8,88 Here penaunce and here purgatorie . here vpon er-th-e [aaAx]
W: 8,89 Piers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . thi pardon most I rede [aaAx]
W: 8,90 ffor I shal construe eche clause . & kenne -th-e on englysh [aaAx]
W: 8,91 And piers at his prayere . -th-e p(ar)don vnlapped [aaAx]
W: 8,92 And byhynde hym bo-th-e . beheld I al -th-e bulle [abAb]
W: 8,93 And in two leues it lay . & not a lettre more [aaAx]
W: 8,94 And was wreten right -th-us . in witnesse of trou-th- [axAx]
W: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam et(er)nam } [Latin]
W: 8,96 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d -th-e prest -th-o . I can no p(ar)don fynde [aaAx]
W: 8,98 But dowe and haue wel . & god shal haue -th-i soule [????]
W: 8.99 And do euil & haue euyl . and hope -th-ou non o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 8,100 Than after -th-i lyf days . to helle for to wende [????]
W: 8,101 And piers plukked it a two and to -th-e prest sayde [aaAx]
W: 8,102 { Si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis non timebo mala &c } [Latin]
W: 8,103 --- this line om ---
W: 8,104 Now wil I cesse of my sowyng . and swyng not so harde [aaxAx]
W: 8,105 Ne aboute my lyflode . be so besi nomore [aaAx]
W: 8,106 Of praiers and penance . my plowe be-th- hereafter [aaAx]
W: 8,107 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 8,108 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 8,109 By -th-at -th-e sauter sai-th- . & so do-th- many o-th-er [aaAxx]
W: 8,110 That loue-th- god lelly . his lyflode is leche [aaAx]
W: 8,110a { ffuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte &c } [Latin]
W: 8,111 And but if luke lie . he byde-th- by birdes [aaAx]
W: 8,112 That we be nowght to bysy about wombe ioye [????]
W: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis dicentes quid manducemus } [aaAx]
W: 8,114 He sai-th- it in his gospel & shewe-th- is an ensample [aaAx]
W: 8,114 To done on -th-e selue wise & wisdom it kenne-th-

W: 8,115 -Th-e foules in -th-e firmament . who fynt hem in wyntr(e) [aaAx]
W: 8,116 Whan -th-e frost frese-th- fast . fode hem behoueth [aaAx]
W: 8,117 Haue -th-ei no garner to go to . but god fynt hem alle [aaAx]
W: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e prest -th-o . petre me -th-inke-th- [aaAx]
W: 8,119 Thou art lettred a litel . who lered -th-e on -th-e boke [aaAx]

fol. 23r

W: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abbesse . q(uo)d he my a.b.c me taght [aaAx]
W: 8,121 And conscience come aftre . and kenned me bettre [aaAx]
W: 8,122 Were -th-ou prest piers q(uo)d he . -th-ou myght p(re)che when -th-e lyked [aaAx]
W: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m lit(er)aturam non cognoui } . myght be -th-i teme [????]
W: 8,124 Lewed lorel q(uo)d Piers . whi ne lokestowe on -th-e bible [aaxAx]
W: 8,125 The sawes [of] sire Salamon . seld -th-ou beholdest [aaAx]
W: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & virga cum eis non q(ui)escam } [Latin]
W: 8,126 The prest & sire p(er)kyn (:::) . apposed ey-th-er o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 8,127 And -th-row here woordes I awoke . and loked me aboute [aaAx]
W: 8,128 And se -th-e sonne euen sou-th- . sitte -th-at tyme [aaaAx]
W: 8,129 Metles & moneles . on maluerne hill(es) [aaAx]
W: 8,130 And musande on -th-is metyng . a myle way I -gh-ede [aaAx]
W: 8,131 And many a tyme -gh-it make-th- me for to studie [aaAx]
W: 8,132 ffor Piers loue -th-e plowman . wel pensif in hert [aaAx]
W: 8,133 ffor -th-at I sawgh slepyng . if it so be myght [aaAx]
W: 8,134 But Caton construe-th- nay . and -th-e canou(n) eke [aaAx]
W: 8,134a Caton sai-th- him self { Sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
W: 8,135 But -th-e bible bere-th- witnesse and telle-th- vs an o-th-er [aa??]
W: 8,136 How -th-at Daniel deuyned . of -th-e kynges dremes [aaAx]
W: 8,137 Nabugodonosor . so reden -th-ese clerkes [aaAx]
W: 8,138 Danyel said sire kyng . -th-is sweuene is to mene [aaAx]
W: 8,139 That uncou-th-e knyghtes shal come . -th-i kyngdome to clayme [aaaAx]
W: 8,140 Among lowere lordes . it mot be departed [aaAx]
W: 8,141 And as he deuyned . in dede it befel aftr(e) [aaAx]
W: 8,142 The kyng lost his lordshipe . & lesse men it hadde [aaAx]
W: 8,143 And Iosop met a meruaill . of -th-e sonne & -th-e mone [aaAx]
W: 8,144 And how -th-at elleuen sterres . worshipt hym alle [axAa]
W: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(uo)d his fader . defaute shal vs make [aaAx]
W: 8,146 Bothe myself & my (:::) . seche -th-e at nede [aaAx]
W: 8,147 And it befel as his fader . saide in pharaos tyme [aaAx]
W: 8,148 That Iosep was iustise . & egipt he kept [aaAx]
W: 8,149 And al -th-is make-th- me . on metyng to -th-ink [aaAx]
W: 8,150 Many tyme at mydnyght . whan I shold slepe [aaAx]
W: 8,151 On Piers the ploweman . whiche p(ar)don he hadde [aaAx]
W: 8,152 And how -th-e prest enpugned it . al by pure reson [aaAx]
W: 8,153 And demed how -th-at dowel . indulgence passed [aaAx]
W: 8,154 Trienal & quinal . & bys(:::) seles [aaAx]
W: 8,155 Dowel atte day of dome . is worthiere -th-an they alle [aaaAx]
W: 8,156 And passe-th- al (:: :::::) . of seint petre cherche [aaAx]
W: 8,157 Now ha-th- (:: ::: :)ardon to graunte [aaAx]
W: 8,158 The peple wi-th-oute (::::) . to passe to ioye [aaAx]

fol. 23v

W: 8,159 -Th-is [is] a lef of oure byleue . -th-at lettreure vs teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 8,159 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 8,160 And so I beleue lelly . lord forbede elles [aaAx]
W: 8,161 That pardon & penaunce . & prayeres shal saue [aaAx]
W: 8,162 Soules of -th-at -th-e seuen dedly synnes [aaAx]
W: 8,163 But to trust on -th-is trienals . treuly me -th-inke-th-s [aaAx]
W: 8,164 Is not so seker soo-th-ly as say I do well [aaAx]
W: 8,165 ffor-th-i I rede -gh-ow -th-inke-th- . -th-at be-th- in er-th-e [aaAx]
W: 8,166 ffor no trust of -gh-our tresour . trienals to haue [aaAx]
W: 8,167 Be -gh-e neu(er)e -th-e boldere . to breke -th-e ten hestes [aaAx]
W: 8,168 And namelych -gh-e maystres . Iustices & maires [aaAx]
W: 8,169 That haue -th-e wele of -th-is world . & wise be-th- yholde [aaAx]
W: 8,170 To purchace p(ar)don . & -th-e popes bulles [aaAx]
W: 8,171 And at -th-e dredful dome . whan dedes be-th- Irekned [aaAx]
W: 8,172 And al shal come before crist . and here acountes -gh-elde [aaAx]
W: 8,173 Howe we led han oure lyf . and his lawe kept [aaAx]
W: 8,174 What we haue done day be day . -th-e dome wil reherse [aaaAx]
W: 8,175 A pokeful of pardon -th-anne . ne prouincial lettre [aaAx]
W: 8,176 Thogh -th-ow be of fraternite . of al foure ordres [aaAx]
W: 8,177 Ne no man(er) indulgence . but dowel -th-e helpe [aaAx]
W: 8,178 I nold -gh-ef for -th-i patent o pie hele [????]
W: 8,179 ffor-th-i I consail to crist . we are al mercy [aaAx]
W: 8,180 And to marie his modre . be mene betwene [aaAx]
W: 8,181 That god -gh-ef vs such grace . er we passe hens [aaaAx]
W: 8,182 Suche workes to worche . wyle we be here [aaAx]
W: 8,183 That aftre oure deth day . dowel reherse [aaAx]
W: 8,184 That at the dredful dome . we dide as he hight [aaAx]

Sequit(ur) prologus de dowel dobett & dobest

W: 9,1 Thus Irobed in russet . rowed aboute [aaAx]
W: 9,2 Al a somer seson . to seke sire dowell [aaAx]
W: 9,3 And frayned ful oft . of folk -th-at I mette [aaAx]
W: 9,4 -Gh-if any wight wist . where dowel was at inne [aaAx]
W: 9,5 And what man it myght be . of many man I asked [aaAx]
W: 9,6 Was neuere wight as I went . -th-at me wisse cou-th-e [aaAx]
W: 9,7 Where -th-is lede logged . lesse ne more [aaAx]
W: 9,8 Til it befil on a friday . two freres I mette [aaAx]
W: 9,9 Maystres of -th-e menours . men of gret wytte [aaAx]
W: 9,10 I halsed hendely . as I hadde lerned [aaAx]
W: 9,11 And prayed pur charite . er -th-ei passed fer-th-ere [aaAx]
W: 9,12 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 9,13 Wher -th-at dowel dwelle-th- . do me to witte [aaAx]
W: 9,14 Mary q(uo)d -th-e menour . among vs he dwelle-th- [aaAx]
W: 9,15 And eu(er)e hath as I hope . and euere shal aftr(e) [aaAa]

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W: 9,16 { Contra } q(uo)d I as a clek . and comsed to spute [aaAx]
W: 9,16a {Sepcies in die cadit Iustus } [Latin]
W: 9,17 Seuene si-th-e on -th-e day sai-th- -th-e book . synne-th- -th-e rightfull [aaAx]
W: 9,18 And whoso synne-th- I sayde . certes as me -th-inke-th- [aaAx]
W: 9,19 That dowel and doe euel . may not dwel togedere-gh- [aaAx]
W: 9,20 { Ergo } he is not alwey . among -gh-ou freres [????]
W: 9,21 He is o-th-erwhile elles where . to wisse -th-e peple [aaAx]
W: 9,22 I shal say -th-e my sone . saide -th-e frere -th-an [aaAx]
W: 9,23 How seuene sithes -th-e sadde man . synne-th- on -th-e day [aaAx]
W: 9,24 By forbysen q(uo)d -th-e frere . I shal -th-e faire shewe [aaAx]
W: 9,25 Late brynge a man in a bot . amidde a brood watre [aaAx]
W: 9,26 And -th-e wind & -th-e wawes . & -th-e waggyng of -th-e bote [aaAx]
W: 9,27 Make-th- -th-e man many tyme . to falle & to stomble [aaaXx]
W: 9,28 But stond he neu(er)e so stiff . he stomble-th- in -th-e waggyng [aaAx]
W: 9,29 And -gh-it is he sauf . & so hym behoue-th- [aaAx]
W: 9,30 ffor -gh-if he ne ros -th-e ra-th-ere . and raught -th-e sterne [aaAx]
W: 9,31 The wind wold wi-th- -th-e wattre . -th-e bote ou(er)e-th-rowe [aaaXx]
W: 9,32 There were -th-e mans lyf lost . for laches of hymself [aaAx]
W: 9,33 Ri-gh-t -th-us it fare-th- q(uo)d -th-e frere . by folk of -th-is er-th-e [aaAx]
W: 9,34 The watr(e) is lykned to -th-e world . -th-at wane-th- and waxeth [aaAa]
W: 9,35 The goodes on -th-e grounde . be-th- lik to -th-e grete wawes [aaAx]
W: 9,36 That as -th-e wynd and -th-e watr(e) . walwe-th- aboute [aaAx]
W: 9,37 The bote is lyk to -th-e body . -th-at brotil is of kynde [aaAx]
W: 9,38 That -th-row -th-e fend and -th-e flesch . & -th-e fals worlde [aaAx]
W: 9,39 Synne-th- -th-e sad man seuen . si-th-es on -th-e day [aaaAx]
W: 9,40 But dedly synne do-th- he nowght . for dowel hym helpe-th- [aaAx]
W: 9,41 And -th-at is charite -th-e champion . chief help a-gh-ens synne [aaAx]
W: 9,42 ffor he streyngheth -th-e to stonde . & stire-th- -th-i soule [aaAx]
W: 9,43 That -th-ow -th-i body bowe . as a bote do-th- in watre [aaAx]
W: 9,44 Ay is -th-i soule sauf . but -th-ou -th-iself will [aaAx]
W: 9,45 ffolwen -th-i flesh will . & -th-e fendes aftre [aaAx]
W: 9,46 And don dedly synne . & drenche -th-i self [aaAx]
W: 9,47 God wil suffre -th-ou dye so . for -th-i self hast -th-e maystrie [aaAx]
W: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . to conceyue thy wordes [aaAx]
W: 9,49 But if I may leue and loke . I shal go lerne bettre [aaAx]
W: 9,50 I bekenne -th-e crist . -th-at [on] -crosse diede [aaAx]
W: 9,51 And eke -th-e same . saue the fro mischaunce [aaAx]
W: 9,52 And gif -th-e grace on -th-is er-th-e . in good lyf to ende [aabAb]
W: 9,53 Thus I went wyde where . dowel to seche [aaAx]
W: 9,54 And as I went by a wode . walkyng myn one [aaAx]
W: 9,55 The blysse of -th-e bryddes . made me abide [aaXa]

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W: 9,56 And vnder a lynde on a launde . lened I a stounde [aaAx]
W: 9,57 To leren -th-e layes . -th-e louely foules maden [aaAx]
W: 9,58 Blysse of -th-is byrdes . broght me on slepe [aaAx]
W: 9,59 The most merueillous metyng . mette me -th-an [aaAx]
W: 9,60 That euere dremed dright . in -th-oght a I wene [aaAx]
W: 9,61 A muche man me -th-ough . lych to my self [aaAx]
W: 9,62 Come and called me . by my right name [aaAx]
W: 9,63 What art -th-ou q(uo)d I -th-o . -th-at my name knowest [aaAxx]
W: 9,64 That -th-ow wost wel q(uo)d he . and no wight bettre [aaAx]
W: 9,65 Wote ich q(uo)d I what art -th-ou . -th-anne [aaAa]
W: 9,66 Thoght q(uo)d he I haue serued -th-e -th-is seuene -gh-er [aaAx]
W: 9,67 And saw -th-ou me no ra-th-ere art -th-ou -th-oght q(uo)d I [aaAxx]
W: 9,68 Thou kou-th-est telle me where dowel dwelle-th- . & do me to wisse [aaAx]
W: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he & dobet . & dobest -th-e -th-redde [aaAx]
W: 9,70 Arn -th-re faire vertues . & be-th- not fer to fynde [aaAa]
W: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mouth . mylde of his speche [aaAx]
W: 9,72 Trew of his tonge . and his two hondes . & trewe of his laboure [aaAx]
W: 9,73 Or -th-row his hondes . his lyflode wynne-th- [aaAx]
W: 9,74 And trusty is of taillend . taketh but his owen [aaAx]
W: 9,75 And is not dronklowe ne deynous . dowel hym folwe-th- [aaAx]
W: 9,76 Dobet do-th- -th-us . but he do-th- muche more [aaAx]
W: 9,77 He is as lowe as a lombe . louely of speche [aaAx]
W: 9,78 Whiles he hath ought of his owen . he helpe-th- -th-(er)wi-th- many [aaAx]
W: 9,79 The bagge and -th-e bygerdels . he ha-th- broke hem alle [aaAx]
W: 9,80 That -th-e Erl auerous hadde or his eyrs [aa??]
W: 9,81 And wi-th- mamonas monoye . he ha-th- made hem frendes [aaAx]
W: 9,82 And he is ronnen into religion . & ha-th- rendred -th-e bible [aaAx]
W: 9,83 And preche-th- -th-e peple . seint Poules wordes { Libent(er) suffertis &c } [aaAx]
W: 9,83a --- this line om ---
W: 9,84 The wise suffre-th- the vnwise . wi-th- -gh-ow for to libbe [aaAxx]
W: 9,85 And wi-th- glad wil do-th- hym good . for god so hymself hyght [aaAx]
W: 9,86 Dobest is aboven bo-th-e . and bereth a byshops croys [aaaAa]
W: 9,87 Yhoked at -th-at on ende . to hold men in good lyf [aaAx]
W: 9,88 A poynt in -th-e potent . to pynge doun -th-e wykked [aaAx]
W: 9,89 That waite any wikkednesse . dowel to tenen [aaAx]
W: 9,90 And as dowel and dobet . dede hym to vnderstande [aaAx]
W: 9,91 Thay haue crouned on kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
W: 9,92 That if dowel & dobet . dide a-gh-en dobest [aaAa]
W: 9,93 And were vnbuxom at his byddyng . & bold to don ille [aaAx]
W: 9,94 That -th-an shold -th-e kyng come . & don hym in prison [aaAx]
W: 9,95 And putte hem -th-er in penance . wi-th-oute pite or grace [aaAx]
W: 9,96 But if dobest -th-e -th-redde bidde for hym abide shal he -th-er for euere [aaaXx]?

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W: 9,97 Thus dewel dobet . & dobest the -th-redde [aaAx]
W: 9,98 Crouned one to be kyng . & worche by hyr(e) conseill [aaAx]
W: 9,99 And reule -th-e reume . by rede of hem alle & non o-th-(er) wise [aaAx]
W: 9,100 Ne elles not but -th-ai -th-re assended [????]
W: 9,101 I -th-anked -th-ought -th-o . -th-at he me so taght [aaaAxx]?
W: 9,102 But sau(er)e-th- me not -th-i siggyng . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
W: 9,103 More kynde knowyng . I coueite to lerne [aaAx]
W: 9,104 How dowel dobet and dobest . don on -th-is erthe [aaaAx]
W: 9,105 But witte co(n)ne wisse -th-e q(uo)d -th-oght . wher -th-at -th-ei dwelle [aaxAx]
W: 9,106 Elles wote no man -th-at now is on lyue [????]
W: 9,107 Thoght and I -th-us . -th-re days -gh-eden [aaAx]
W: 9,108 Disputyng of dowel . day aftr(e) o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 9,109 And er we war were . wi-th- witt gan we mete [aaAx]
W: 9,110 He was long and lene . and lyk to noon o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 9,111 Was no pride in his apparaill . ne pouerte nou-th-er [aaAx]
W: 9,112 Sadde of his semblaunt . & soft of his speche [aaAx]?
W: 9,113 I dorst mene no matere . to make hem Iangle [aaAx]
W: 9,114 But as I bad -th-oght -th-o be mene betweyne [????]
W: 9,115 To put forth som purpos . to prouen his wittes [aaAx]
W: 9,116 Than -th-aght -th-an . saide -th-ese woordes [aaaAx]
W: 9,117 Where -th-at dowel & dobet . & dobest ben in -th-is londe [aaAx]
W: 9,118 Here is wyll wold wete . if witte cou-th- hym teche [aaAx]

Primus passus de dowel

W: 10,1 Sire dowel q(uo)d witte dwelle-th- . not a day hens [aaxAx]
W: 10,2 In a castel of kynd made . of foure kyn -th-inges [aaAx]?
W: 10,3 Of er-th-e and eire is it made . medled togederes [aaBbx]
W: 10,4 Wi-th- wynd and watr(e) . wittylych yioyned [aaAx]
W: 10,5 Kynde ha-th- closed -th-erin . craftilych wi-th- alle [aaAx]
W: 10,6 A le(m)man (:::) he loue-th- . lik to hym self Anima she hatte [aaAx]
W: 10,7 --- this line om ---
W: 10,8 To here hadde enuye a proude p(ri)kere of ffraunce . { Princeps hui(us) mundi } [aaxAx]
W: 10,9 And wold wynne here away . wi-th- wiles if he might [aaAx]
W: 10,10 But knowe-th- it wel . & kepe-th- here -th-e bettre [aaAx]
W: 10,11 And do-th- don here to sire dowel . duk of -th-e marches [aaAx]
W: 10,12 Dobet is hire dameselle . and dobest here doghter(e) [aaAa]
W: 10,13 And s(er)uen -th-is lady lelly . bo-th-e late & rathe [aaAx]
W: 10,14 Thus dowel and dobet . & dobest -th-e -th-redde [aaAx]
W: 10,15 Be-th- maistres of -th-is manoire . -th-is maide to kepe [aaAx]
W: 10,16 But -th-e conestable of -th-is castel . -th-at kepe-th- hem alle [aaAx]
W: 10,17 Is a wise knyght wythal . sire inwitte he hight [aaAx]
W: 10,18 And hath fyue faire sones . by his fyrst wyf [aaAx]
W: 10,19 Sire se wel & say wel . and here wel -th-e hende [aaAx]

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W: 10,20 Sire worche wel wi-th- -th-in honde . wight man and strong [aaxAx]
W: 10,21 And sire godfray go wel . gret lordes alle [aaAx]
W: 10,22 This lordes ben sette . to saue -th-e castel [aaAx]
W: 10,23 And kepe -th-is woman . -th-ese wis men be charged [xaAx]
W: 10,24 Til kende come or sende . to kepe here to hymself [aaAx]
W: 10,25 What calle -gh-e -th-at castel q(uo)d I . -th-at kynde -th-us make-th- [aaAx]
W: 10,26 And what kyn -th-ing is kynde . conne -gh-e me telle [aaAx]
W: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is a creature . of al -th-ing best [aaAx]
W: 10,28 ffadre and fourmere . first of alle -th-ing [aaAx]
W: 10,29 That is -th-e grete god . -th-at gynnyng had neuere [aaAx]
W: 10,30 The lord of lyf and lyst . of blysse & of peyne [aaaAx]
W: 10,31 Angels and alle -th-ing . ern at his wille [aaAx]
W: 10,32 But man is most lik to hym . of merke & of shap [aaAx]
W: 10,33 ffor -th-row -th-e word -th-at he spak . wax forth al -th-ing [aaAx]
W: 10,34 His wil was wroght wi-th- a speche { Dixit & facta sunt } [xaAx]?
W: 10,34a --- this line om ---
W: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . ymage to hym self [aaAx]
W: 10,36 And gaf hym gost of his godhode . and grauntid hym blysse [aaAx]
W: 10,37 Lyf -th-at ay shal lesten . and al hys lynage aftre [aaAx]
W: 10,38 That is -th-e castel -th-at kende made . { caro } it hatte [aaAx]
W: 10,39 As muche to mene . as a man wi-th- -th-e soule [aaAx]
W: 10,40 That he wroght wi-th- werk . and wi-th- woord bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 10,41 Throw might of -th-e mageste . man was maked [aaAa]
W: 10,41a { ffaciamus ho(m)i(n)em ad ymaginem & [si(m)ilitudine(m)] nostram } [Latin]
W: 10,42 Inwitte and alle wittes . enclosed ben -th-erinne [aaAa]
W: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-at lady . -th-at lyf is nempned -th-at is {a(n)i(m)a} [aaAx]
W: 10,44 That in -th-e bodi wandre-th- . but in -th-e hert is here home [aaXx]
W: 10,45 --- this line om ---
W: 10,46 Hiest of al he is lyf a ledere . & a lemman of heuen [aaAx]
W: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e helpe . -th-at { a(n)i(m)a } desireth [aaAx]
W: 10,48 Aftr(e) -th-e grace of god . -th-e grettest is inwitte [aaAx]
W: 10,49 Inwitte in -th-e hede is . and helpe-th- to -th-e soule [aaAx]
W: 10,50 ffor -th-rogh his co(n)nyng is kept . { caro & a(n)i(m)a } [aaAx]
W: 10,51 In reule and reson . but rechelesnesse it make [aaAx]
W: 10,52 He eggeth he ese . & beryng to god of good speche [aaAx]
W: 10,53 Of good dede . he is gynnere in mans brayn he is most [aaAx]
W: 10,54 --- this line om ---
W: 10,55 And myghtiest to knowe -th-er is his boure bremest but if blode it make [aaAx]
W: 10,56 ffor whan blood is bremere -th-an brayn [aaaXa]
W: 10,57 Than is inwitte wanton & eke bounden & wild wi-th-oute any reson [aaAx]
W: 10,58 In -gh-ong fauntes & in foles . whan hem faille-th- Inwitte [aaAx]
W: 10,59 And eke in sottes as -gh-e se . -th-at sitten atte nale [aaAx]
W: 10,60 Thei helden ale in here hedes . til Inwit be drenched [aaaAx]
W: 10,61 And ben braynwode as bestes . so her blode waxed [aaAx]

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W: 10,62 Than ha-th- -th-e pouke power . sire { Prynceps huius mundi }
W: 10,63 Ouer suche man(er)e men . myght in here soules [aaAx]
W: 10,64 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 10,65 ffor no werk -th-at -th-ei worche . wykked or elles [aaAx]
W: 10,66 Ac -th-e fadres and -th-e childres . for -th-e fauntes shul be blamed [aaAx]
W: 10,67 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 10,68 And if -th-ei be-th- pore & catelles . to kepe hem fro ille xxXx|
W: 10,69 Than is holycherche holden . to kepe hem & saue [aaAx]
W: 10,70 ffro falsnesse & fro folys & fynde hem . til -th-ai ben wyse [aaAx]?
W: 10,71 ffor eche wight in -th-is world . -th-at ha-th- his vnderstandyng [aaAx]
W: 10,72 Is chef sou(er)aigne ou(er) hym self . his soule to -gh-eme [aaAx]
W: 10,73 And cheuise hym fro eu(er)y charg . whan he childhode passe-th- [aaAx]
W: 10,74 Saue hym self fro synne . for so hym behoue-th- [aaaAx]
W: 10,75 ffor worche well o-th-er wrong . -th-e witte is his owen [aaaAx]
W: 10,76 Than is dowel a duke . -th-at distroie-th- vices [aaAx]
W: 10,77 And saue-th- -th-e soule . -th-at synne ha-th- no myght [aaAx]
W: 10,78 To route ne to reste . ne to rote in -th-e hert [aaAx]
W: 10,79 And -th-at is dred of god . dowel it make-th- [axAx]
W: 10,80 It is -th-e ginnyng of goodnesse . for to drede god [aaAx]
W: 10,81 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 10,81a --- this line is omitted ---
W: 10,82 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 10,83 That he make-th- men myld . & meke of here speche [aaaAx]
W: 10,84 And al kyns scolers . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
W: 10,85 That is dobet to be war . for betyng of -th-e -gh-erde [aaAx]
W: 10,86 And -th-(er)of sai-th- -th-e sautr(e) . thiself -th-ou might it rede { Virga tua & bac(u)l(u)s } [aaAx]
W: 10,87 --- this line om ---
W: 10,88 And if conscience accorde -th-at -th-i soule do-th- well [aaAx]
W: 10,89 Whil -th-ou art in -th-is world . for to do bettre do for { Intencio indicat ho(m)i(n)em } [aaAx]
W: 10,90 --- this line om ---
W: 10,91 By consail of conscience . accordyng wil holy cherche [aaAx]
W: 10,92 Loke -th-ou wisse -th-i witte . and -th-i werkes aftre [aaAx]
W: 10,93 ffor if -th-ou comsest a-gh-ens conscience . -th-ou combrest -th-i self [aaAx]
W: 10,94 And witnesse holy wryt & goddes word bo-th-e { Qui agit cont(ra) conscienciam } [aaAx]
W: 10,94a --- this line om ---
W: 10,95 And if -th-ou worche by goddes worde . I warne -th-e for -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 10,96 What so men worden . on -th-e wra-th--th-e -th-ou neuere [aaAx]?
W: 10,97 Caton teche-th- -th-e so . take kep of his tunge [aaAx]
W: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas ne cures verba malor(um) } [Latin]
W: 10,99 But suffre and sitte stille . & seke no fer-th-ere [aaaAx]
W: 10,100 And be gladde of grace . -th-at god ha-th- ysent -th-e [aaAx]
W: 10,101 ffor if -th-ou comsest to clymbe . and coueytest hie [aaAx]
W: 10,102 Thou myghtest lese -th-i lownes . for a litel pride [aaAx]
W: 10,103 I haue lerned -gh-ow lewed men . lerne -gh-e -gh-oure childr(en) [aaAx]
W: 10,104 That selden mose-th- -th-e stone . -th-at men oft treden [aaAx]
W: 10,105 But so fare-th- be romers . -th-(a)t rennen aboute [aaAx]
W: 10,106 ffro religion to religion . rechelesse ben -th-ai euere [aaAx]
W: 10,107 Ne men -th-at connen alle craftes . cleregie it telli-th- [aaAx]

W: 10,108a { Qui circuit omne genus in nullo gen(er)e est } [Latin]

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W: 10,108 That -th-rift o-th-er -th-edam . wi-th- hym seldam is yseyn [aaAbb]

W: 10,109 Poule -th-e postle . in his pistle wrote it in ensample [aaAx]
W: 10,110 How such shold not romen aboute [aaAxx]
W: 10,111 ffor wisdom it is wreten . & wytnessed in cherches [aaAx]
W: 10,112 { In eadem vocacione qua vocati estis state } [Latin]
W: 10,113 Yf -gh-ou be man maried . monk o-th-er chanon [aaAx]
W: 10,114 Hold -th-e stable and stedefast . and stren-th- -th-i self [aaAx]
W: 10,115 To be blyssyd for thy bering . -gh-e beggere -th-ogh -th-ow wel [aaAx]?
W: 10,116 Loke -th-ou groche not on god . -th-ogh he -gh-eue -th-e litill [aaAx]
W: 10,117 Be payde wi-th- -th-i possesseon . pore o-th-er riche [aaAx]
W: 10,118 Thus in drede by dowel . & dobette to suffren [aaAx]
W: 10,119 ffor -th-rogh soffrance se . -th-ou myght how sou(er)aignte arise-th- [aaAx]?
W: 10,120 And so lerned vs luk . -th-at lied neuere { Qui se humiliat exaltabitur } [aaAx]
W: 10,120a --- this line om ---
W: 10,121 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 10,122 Suche is -th-e flour & -th-e froite . fostred of bo-th-e [aaAx]
W: 10,123 Rich as a rose . -th-at is red & swete oute of a ragged rote [aaAx]
W: 10,124 --- this line om ---
W: 10,125 And a rogh brere sprynge-th- & sprede-th- -th-at spiceres desiren [aaAx]
W: 10,126 Or as whete out of wed . waxe-th- on -th-e erthe [aaAx]?
W: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowel do-th- spryng [aaAx]
W: 10,128 Among men on -th-is mold . -th-at meke be-th- and kende [aaAx]
W: 10,129 ffor loue of here lownesse . oure -gh-eue hem grace [aaAx]
W: 10,130 Such worche for to worche . -th-at he is wi-th- ypaied [aaAx]
W: 10,131 fformast & first . to folk -th-at be-th- wedded [aaAx]
W: 10,132 And lyuen as he lawe will . it like-th- god almyghty [aaAx]
W: 10,133 ffor -th-rogh wedlok -th-e world stont . who wole it knowe [aaAx]
W: 10,134 -Th-ei be-th- -th-e rechest of -th-i reume . and roto of dowel [aaAx]
W: 10,135 ffor of kyng -th-ei comen . -th-at confessours be nemed [aaAx]
W: 10,136 Bo-th-e maydenes & martres . monkes & and ancres [aaAx]
W: 10,137 Kynges & knyggtes . and al kyn clerkes [aaAa]
W: 10,138 Barons & burgois . & bondemen of tounes [aaAx]
W: 10,139 Ac fals folk & fai-th-les . -th-eues & liers [aaAx]?
W: 10,140 Be-th- conceyued in corsed tyme . as caym was of Eue [aaAx]
W: 10,141 Aftr(e) -th-at adam & Eue . etein of -th-e aple [aaAa]
W: 10,142 A-gh-ein -th-e hest of hym . -th-at hem of nowht made [aaAx]
W: 10,143 An angel in angr(e) . hete hete hem for to wende [aaAx]
W: 10,144 Into -th-is wrecched world . to wonen & to lybben [aaAx]
W: 10,145 In tene and in trauail . vnto hire lyues ende [aaAxx]
W: 10,146 In -th-at corsed constellacion . -th-ai knew hem togederes [aaAx]
W: 10,147 And broght forth a barn . -th-at muche bale wroght [aaAx]
W: 10,148 Caym -th-ai hem called . in corsed tyme engendred [aaAx]
W: 10,149 And so sai-th- -th-e Sautr(e) . se it whan -th-e like-th- { Concepit dolore(m) & pep(er)it i(n)iq(u)itate(m) } [aaAx]
W: 10,150 --- this line om ---
W: 10,151 And al -th-at come of -th-at Caym . Crist hated aftr(e) [aaAbb]

fol. 27r

W: 10,152 And many millons mo . of men and wymen [aaaAx]
W: 10,153 That of Seth and his sustr(e) . sith forth come [aaAx]
W: 10,154 ffor they maried hym wyth men . of cayms kyn [abaBb]
W: 10,155 ffor al -th-at comen of -th-at caym . acorsed -th-ei were [aaAx]
W: 10,156 And al -th-a coupled hem to -th-at kyn . crist hated dedlych [aaAx]
W: 10,157 ffor-th-i he sent to Sem . and said by [an] angell [aaAx]
W: 10,158 To kepe his kynred fro cayms . -th-at -th-ei couple not togederes [aaaAx]
W: 10,159 And si-th- sem and his sustre se-th- . were spoused [aaaAx]
W: 10,160 T kayms kyn a-gh-ens -th-e hest of god [aaAa]
W: 10,161 Girles -th-ei geten -th-at god wro-th- wi-th- here werkes [aaAx]
W: 10,162 And suche wordes saide { Penitet me fecisse ho(m)i(n)em } [Latin]
W: 10,163 That is as muche to mene . amonges vs alle [aaAx]
W: 10,164 That I haue man made now . it me for-th-inke-th- [aaAx]?
W: 10,165 A[nd] come to Noe anoon . & badde hym not lette [aaAx]
W: 10,166 Swy-th-e go shape a shippe . of shides and bordes [aaAx]
W: 10,167 Hym self & his sone -th-re . and si-th-en here wyues [aaAx]
W: 10,168 Bring hem to -th-at bote brime . & bide -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
W: 10,169 Til fourti days be fulfild . -th-at flode haue washed [aaAx]
W: 10,170 Clene away -th-e corsed blode . -th-at Caym ha-th- maked [aaAx]
W: 10,171 Bestes -th-at nowe be-th- . shal banne -th-e tyme [aaAx]
W: 10,172 That euere corsed caym . come on -th-is er-th-e [aaAx]
W: 10,173 Al shal die for his dedes . by dounes and hilles [aaAx]
W: 10,174 Bothe fysh and foule . forth wi-th- o-th-er bestes [aaAx]
W: 10,175 Outtake -th-e eyght soules . & of eche best a couple [aaAx]
W: 10,176 That in -th-is shyngled shippe . shal ben ysaued [aaAx]
W: 10,177 Elles shal al die . and to helle wende [aaAx]?
W: 10,178 Thus -th-rogh corsed Caym . come care vpon er-th-e [aaAa]
W: 10,179 And al for sem & hys sustres childres [aaAx]
W: 10,180 Spoused e-th-er o-th-er a-gh-ein -th-e lawe of oure lorde [aaAx]
W: 10,181 laien togederes and were maried at myschef
W: 10,181 As men don now here childre [aaAx]

W: 10,182 ffor som as I se now . so-th- for to telle [aaAx]
W: 10,183 ffor coueitise of catel . vnkendly be-th- maried [aaAx]
W: 10,184 A carful concepcion . come-th- of such weddyng [aaAx]
W: 10,185 As fele of -th-e folk . -th-at I befor shewed [aaAx]
W: 10,186 It is an vnkyndly couple . by crist as me -th-inke-th- [aaAx]
W: 10,187 To -gh-if a -gh-ong . [to] an hold feble [aaXx]
W: 10,188 Or weddyn any wedowe . for welthe of here goodes [aaAx]
W: 10,189 That shal neuere barn bere . but it be in here (:::) [aaAx]
W: 10,190 In ielousy ioiles . -th-ai goon to here beddes [aaAx]
W: 10,191 Many pair(e) si-th--th-e -th-is pestilence time . ha(: :::: :::) togedres [aaAx]
W: 10,192 --- this line is omitted ---

fol. 27v

W: 10,193 Haue -th-ai no childr(e) but chest . and choppes hem bytweyne [aaAx]
W: 10,194 Thai hien hym wel fast to donmowe [aaAx]
W: 10,195 To fechen -th-e flysh . cache -th-ai it neuere [aaAx]
W: 10,196 But -th-ai bo-th-e be forsworn . -th-at bacon -th-ai tyne [aaAx]
W: 10,197 ffor-th-i I conseille alle cristen . coueite not to ben [aaAx]
W: 10,198 Wedded for coueitise of catel . ne of kyn riche [aaAx]
W: 10,199 But maydens and maydens . mache -gh-ow togidre [aaAx]
W: 10,200 Wydowers and wodewes . worche -gh-e -th-e same [aaAx]
W: 10.201 And -th-an glade -gh-e god . and alle goode saint-gh- [aaAx]
W: 10,202 ffor in no tyme trewly . betweyn man & woman [aaAxx]
W: 10,203 Shold no beddebourde be . but -th-ai were bothe clene [aaAx]
W: 10,204 Of lyf and of loue in lawe leuyng -th-at derne dede do no man sholde [aaAx]
W: 10,205 --- this line om ---
W: 10,206 As betwyx single and sengle . si-th- lawe ha-th- graunted [aaAxx]
W: 10,207 That eche man haue a make . in mariage of wedloke [aaAx]
W: 10,208 And worche -th-at werk on his wyf . and of no woman elles [aaAx]
W: 10,209 That o-th-er wise be-th- geten . for gadlynges be-th- holden [aaAx]
W: 10,210 And -th-o be-th- fals folk fals heirs and foundelynges [aaAx]?
W: 10,211 And liers vngracieuse to gete loue . or any good elles [aaAx]
W: 10,212 But wandren aboute as wolues . & wast what -th-ei mowe [aaAx]
W: 10,213 A-gh-ens dowel -th-ai don ill . & -th-e deuel plesen [aaAx]
W: 10,214 And aftr(e) here de-th- day . shal dwelle wi-th- -th-e same [aaAx]
W: 10,215 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 10,216 Than is dowel to drede . & dobette to suffren [aaAx]
W: 10,217 And so come-th- dobest aboute . and brynge-th- don mody [aaAx]
W: 10,218 And his wykked will . -th-at many werkes shende-th- [aaAx]

Passus secundus de dowel

W: 11,1 Than had witte a wyf . was hote dame studye [aaXx]?
W: 11,2 -Th-at lene was of lyche . & lowe of chere [aaAx]
W: 11,3 She was wonderly wroo-th- . -th-at witte -th-us me taght [aaAx]
W: 11,4 And al scornyng sternly she saide [aaAx]
W: 11,5 Wel artow wys q(uo)d she . any wisdome to telle [aaAx]
W: 11,6 To flaterers or to foles . -th-at frantike be-th- in witte [aaAx]
W: 11,7 And blamed hym and banned hym . & bad hym be stille [aaAx]
W: 11,8 Wi-th- suche wyse wordes . to wissen any foles & saide [aaAx]
W: 11,9 { Noli mitt(er)e } . margerie p(er)les among hogges -th-at han hawes at wille [aaAx]
W: 11,10 --- this line om ---
W: 11,11 They don but dreuel -th-eron . draf were hem leuer [aaAx]
W: 11,12 Than al -th-e precieuse perry . -th-at in pa(ar)adys waxxes [aaAx]
W: 11,13 I say it be hem q(uo)d she . -th-at shewen by here wordes [aaAx]
W: 11,14 That were leuere londes . & lorschips on erthe [aaAx]
W: 11,15 Richesse and rents . & rist at here wille [aaAx]
W: 11,16 Than alle -th-e so-th- sawes . -th-at Salamon said euere [aaAx]
W: 11,17 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 11,18 But it be caried wi-th- coueitise . and desaytes [aaAx]

fol. 28r

W: 11,19 --- this line om ---
W: 11,20 To conspire wrong and lede for-th- a loueday to lette treu-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,21 That shch craftes do can . to consaill is called [aaAa]
W: 11,22 And serued as a sire . -th-at folwe-th- -th-e deuels lore [aaAx]
W: 11,23 Iob -th-e gentil . in his gest saide [aaAx]
W: 11,23a { Quare via impior(um) p(re)p(ar)abitur ve om(n)ib(us) qui praui sent & inique agunt } [Latin]
W: 11,24 And -th-at had holy wrytt . eu(er)e in his mou-th-e [aaaAx]
W: 11,25 And can telle of tobie . and -th-e twelue apostles [aaAx]
W: 11,26 Or p(re)chen of penance . -th-at Pilatus wroght [aaAx]
W: 11,27 To Ih(es)u the gentil . -th-at Iewes todrewen [aaAx]
W: 11,28 On crosse on caluarie . as clerkes vs techen [aaAx]
W: 11,29 Litil is he loued -th-at . suche a sarmon shewe-th- [aaaAx]
W: 11,30 Or daunsels or drawe-th- for . -th-is disours wote -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
W: 11,31 ffor if harlotrie ne helpe hem -th-e bettere . to haue good [aaxAx]
W: 11,32 In trou-th- more -th-an musyk . or makyng of god almyght [aaAx]
W: 11,33 Wold ne-th-er kyng ne knyght . ne chanoun of poules [aaAx]
W: 11,34 -Gh-if hym to hyre -gh-ers-gh-eft . worth a grote [aaXx]
W: 11,35 Ac mynstralcie and mer-th- . is now among men [aaAx]
W: 11,36 Losengerie & lecherie . and losels tales [aaAx]
W: 11,37 And glotenie and gret o-th-es . -th-is arn now adays [aaAx]
W: 11,38 And -gh-if -th-ei carpe of Crist . -th-is clerkes & -th-is lewed men [aaAx]
W: 11,39 At mete in here merthes . whan mynstrals be-th- stille [aaAx]
W: 11,40 Than tel -th-ei of -th-e trinite . howe two slowe -th-e -th-redde [aaAx]
W: 11,41 And take bernard to witnesse & bryng for-th- a balled reson [aaAx]
W: 11,42 And putte a p(re)sumpsion . to prouen -th-e sothe [aaAx]
W: 11,43 Thus thei dreuelen at -th-e dees . -th-e deite to knowe [aaAx]
W: 11,44 And gnawen god in Gorge . whan here guttes ben fulle [aaaAx]
W: 11,45 Ac -th-e carful may carpen . and crien atte gate [aaAx]
W: 11,46 Bo-th-e for hunger & for -th-rest . & for chele quake [xaAxx]
W: 11,47 Is -th-er none to nyme hym in . his noie amende [aaAx]
W: 11,48 But hold him oute as an hound . and hote hym go -th-ens [aaAx]
W: 11,49 Lytil loue-th- he -th-at lorde . -th-at leue-th- hym -th-at blysse [aaAx]
W: 11,50 That -th-us p(ar)ten wi-th- -th-e pore . a parcell whan hym nede-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,51 Nere mercy in mene men . more -th-an in riche [aaAx]
W: 11,52 Many mendynant-gh- metles . myght go to bedde [aaAx]
W: 11,53 God is muche in gorge . among -th-is grete maistres [aaAx]
W: 11,54 Ac amo(n)gg mene men . is his merci & his werkes [aaAx]
W: 11,55 And so sai-th- -th-e sautr(e) . seke it in { memento } [aaAx]
W: 11,55a { Ecce audiuimus eam in effrata inuenimus eam in (:::: :::) } [Latin]
W: 11,56 Clerkes & kete men . carpen of god fast [aaAx]
W: 11,57 And han hym muche in here mu-th- . & mene men in hert [aaAx]
W: 11,58 ffreres and faitours . han founden vp suche questions [aaAx]

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W: 11,59 To plese wi-th- proude men . si-th-e -th-e pestilence tyme [aaAx]
W: 11,60 Thai defoulen oure faith . at festes -th-er -th-ai sitten [aaAx]
W: 11,61 ffor now is ich boy bold . if -th-at he be riche [aaAx]
W: 11,62 To telle of -th-e Trinite . to be hold a sire [aaAxx]
W: 11,63 And fynt forth fantasies . oure fai-th- to apeire [aaAx]
W: 11,64 A ek defame the fader . -th-at ones al made [aaAxx]
W: 11,65 And carpe-th- a-gh-ens clergie . crabbed woordes [aaAx]
W: 11,66 Why wold oure sauiour soffre . such a worm [aaAx]
W: 11,67 In his blysse begile suche a woman [xaAx]
W: 11,68 And -th-e worm aftr(e) -th-orgh swyche a werk & wille [aaAx]
W: 11,69 Thei went to helle aftr(e) & al here sede for synne
W: 11,69 That same wo such suffre moten [aaAa]

W: 11,70 -Th-at menen . -th-is maystres in here glorie [aaAx]
W: 11,71 And make men in nice beleue . -th-at leuen on here wordes [aaAx]?
W: 11,72 Ac austyn -th-e bold . for al suche preche-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,73 And for al such tale Tellers . in his teme shewed [aaAx]
W: 11,74 { Non plus sap(er)e q(ua)m oportet } [Latin]
W: 11,75 That is wil -gh-e neuere wyten . why -th-at godde [aaAa]
W: 11,76 Wold suffre Sathanas . hys sede to begyle [aaAx]
W: 11,77 Ac beleue-th- holych . on -th-e lore of holy cherche [aaAx]
W: 11,78 And pray hym of pardon . here in -th-i lyf [aaAx]
W: 11,79 And for his muche mercy . to amende vs here [aaAx]
W: 11,80 ffor al -th-at wilne-th- wyte . -th-e ways of god almyghty [aaAx]
W: 11,81 I wold here eye wer(e) . in here ars & here hele after [aaBb]
W: 11,82 That euere eft wilne-th- . why -th-at godde [aaAa]
W: 11,83 Wold suffre Sathan vnsaght . his sede to bygile [aaAx]
W: 11,84 O-th-er Iudace -th-e Iue . Ih(es)u to betray [aaAx]
W: 11,85 Al was as he wold . lord yworshipt be he [xaAx]
W: 11,86 And worth as -th-ou wilt . what so euere we telle [aaAx]
W: 11,87 But now come-th- a congeon . & wold cache of my wittes [aaAx]
W: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet . now def mote worthe [aaAx]
W: 11,89 Sith he wi-th-neth to wete . whiche -th-ai ben alle [aaAx]
W: 11,90 But he leue in -th-e lest degre . -th-at longe-th- to dowel [aaAx]
W: 11,91 ffor I dar be his bold borgh . do bet wil he neu(er)e [aaAx]
W: 11,92 Thogh dobest draw on hym . day aftre o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 11,93 And whan -th-at witte war(e) . how hys wyf told [aaAx]
W: 11,94 He become so confers . -th-at he cou-th- not mele [aaAx]
W: 11,95 And as dom as a dore . drogh hym asyde [aaAx]
W: 11,96 Ac for no carpyng -th-at I cou-th-e . ne knelyng to -th-e gronde [aaAx]
W: 11,97 I cou-th- gete no grayn . of here grete wittes [aaAx]
W: 11,98 But al laghyng he louted . & loked opon studie [aaAx]

fol. 29r

W: 11,99 In signe -th-at I shold . besekyn here of grace [aaAx]?
W: 11,100 And whan I was war -th-at such was here will
W: 11,100 To his wif gan I gon & kneled to the grounde [aaAx]

W: 11,101 And saide mercy madame . -gh-oure man shal I worth [aaAx]
W: 11,102 ffor to werche -gh-oure will . while my lyf dure-th- [aaAxx]
W: 11,103 To ken me kyndly . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
W: 11,104 ffor thi meknesse man q(uo)d she . & for -th-i mylde speche [aaAx]
W: 11,105 I shal kenne -th-e to my Cosyn . -th-at clergie is hote-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,106 He ha-th- wedded a wyf . within -th-is wokes sexxe [aaAx]
W: 11,107 Is sibbe to -th-e seuen artes . -th-at scripture is nempned [aaAx]
W: 11,108 Thei two as I hope . aftre my besekyn [xaAx]
W: 11,109 Shul wisse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndertake [aaAx]
W: 11,110 Than was I as fayn as foule . of faire morn [aaAx]
W: 11,111 Gladdere -th-an glewmen . -th-at han gold to -gh-ift [aaAx]
W: 11,112 And asked herre -th-e hie waye . where clergie dwelt [aaXx]
W: 11,113 And tel me som tokene to hym . for tyme is -th-at I wende [aaAx]
W: 11,114 Aske -th-e hie way q(uo)d she . fro hens to suffre bo-th-e weel & woo [aaAx]
W: 11,115 --- this line om ---
W: 11,116 -Gh-if -th-ou wilt lerne & ride for-th- by richesse . ac rest not -th-er in [aaAx]
W: 11,117 ffor if -th-ou couplest -th-e wi-th- hym to clergie . comstow neuere [aaAx]
W: 11,118 And eke -th-e long launde . -th-at lecherie hate [aaAx]
W: 11,119 Leue it on -th-i lyft hande . a myle o-th-(er) more [aaAbb]?
W: 11,120 Whan -th-ou come to a court . kepe wel -th-i tounge [aaAx]
W: 11,121 ffro lesyngs & lither speche . & lykerous drynkes [aaAx]
W: 11,122 Than shaltow se sobrete . & symplece of speche [aaAa]
W: 11,123 That eche wight be in wil . his witt -th-e to shewe [aaAx]
W: 11,124 So shaltow come to clergie . -th-at can manye -th-inges [aaAx]
W: 11,125 Say hym -th-is signe . I sette hym to scole [aaAx]
W: 11,126 And I gret wel his wif . for I wrote here -th-e bille [aaAx]
W: 11,127 And sette here to sapience . & to -th-e sautr(e) yglosed [aaAx]
W: 11,128 Logike I lerned here . & al -th-e lawe aftre [aaAx]
W: 11,129 And al -th-e musons in musyke . I made hire to knowe [aaAx]
W: 11,130 Plato -th-e poete . I put hym first to boke [aaAx]
W: 11,131 Aristotle & o-th-er mo . to argue I taght [aaAx]
W: 11,132 Gramere for girles . I made first to wryten [aaAx]
W: 11,133 And bet hem wi-th- a balice . til -th-ei wold lerne [aaAxx]
W: 11,134 Of alle kyns craftes . I contreved toles [aaAx]
W: 11,135 Of carpenters & keruers . & kenned first masons [aaAx]
W: 11,136 leuel and lyne I hem lerned -th-ogh I loke dym [aaAa]
W: 11,137 Ac teologie ha-th- tened me . ten score tymes [aaAa]
W: 11,138 ffor -th-e more I muse -th-er in . -th-e mystoloker it seme-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,139 And -th-e deppere -th-at I dyuened . -th-e derker me -th-oght [aaAx]

fol. 29v

W: 11,140 It is no science forsothe . for to sotelen in [aaAx]
W: 11,141 Nere the loue -th-e more -th-at lyth . -th-(er)in a wel lewed -th-ing it were [aaAx]
W: 11,142 Ac for it late-th- best by loue . I loue it -th-e bettre [aaAx]
W: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) -th-at loue is lord . -th-(er) lakke-th- neuere grace [aaAx]
W: 11,144 Leue nowe lelly -th-er opon . -gh-if -th-ou -th-ink to do well [aaBb]
W: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . be-th- drawe of loues lore [aaAx]
W: 11,146 In o-th-er science it sai-th- . in Caton -th-ou might it rede [aaAx]
W: 11,147 { Qui simulat verbis non est eorde fidus amicus } [Latin]
W: 11,148 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile sic ars diluditur arte } [Latin]
W: 11,149 Ac teologie telle-th- not so . whoso take hede [aaAx]
W: 11,150 He kenne-th- vs -th-e contrarie . & a-gh-ens Caton wordes [aaAx]
W: 11,151 And bidde-th- vs ben as bretheren . & blisse oure fomen [aaAx]
W: 11,152 And loue hem -th-at lien on vs . & lene hem at nede [aaAx]
W: 11,153 And do good a-gh-ens euill . so god hym self hote-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,154 And shewe-th- hem self . in ensample for -th-e best { Necesse e(st) eni(m) vt veniant scandala } [aaAx]
W: 11,154a --- this line om ---
W: 11,155 Ac astronomie is hard . & euil for to knowe [aaAx]
W: 11,156 Geometrie & geomesie . is synful of speche [aaAx]
W: 11,157 That -th-inken worche wi-th- -th-is -th-re . -th-riuen wel late [aaAx]
W: 11,158 ffor sorcerie is souerayn boke . -th-at to -th-is science longe-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,159 -Gh-it ar -th-er fybyches in forels . of many mens wittes [aaBb]
W: 11,160 Exp(er)iment-gh- of alconomie . of albertus makyng [aaAx]
W: 11,161 Nigromancie & p(er)amancie . -th-e pouke to reisen [xaAx]
W: 11,162 -Gh-if -th-ou -th-ink do wel . del wi-th- hem neu(er)e [xaAx]
W: 11,163 Al -th-is science sicre I my self first hem formed [xaAx]
W: 11,164 In fay-th- folk to deceyue I beken -th-e to Crist q(uo)d she [aaAx]
W: 11,165 --- this line om ---
W: 11,166 I can teche -th-e no bettre I saide gramercy madame & mekly her grette [aaAx]

Tercius passus de dowel

W: 11,167 I went wightly my way . wi-th-oute more lettyng [aaaAx]
W: 11,168 And fonde as she fortold . and for-th- gan I wende [aaAx]
W: 11,169 And er I com to clergie . cou-th- I neuere stynt [aaAx]
W: 11,170 and grette -th-e good man . as -th-e goode wyf me taght [aaAx]
W: 11,171 And aftreward -th-e good wyf . I worshipt als [aaAx]
W: 11,172 And here -th-e tokenes . -th-at me told were [aaAx]
W: 11,173 Was neuere gome on -th-is grounde . sy-th- god made heuen [aaAx]
W: 11,174 ffairere vnderfonge . ne frendlokere at ese [aaAx]
W: 11,175 Than I my self so-th-li . a[s] sone so -th-ai wist [aaAx]
W: 11,176 That I was of wittes hous . & wi-th- his wif dame studie [axAx]
W: 11,177 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 11,178 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 11,179 And I saide so-th-ly . -th-ai sent me hidre to lerne to dowell [aaAx]
W: 11,180 And dobet aftre & to se . somwhat of dobest [xaAx]
W: 11,181 --- this line om ---
W: 11,182 It is a wol lelle lyf q(uo)d he . among -th-e lowed (:::)le [aaAx]
W: 11,183 Actif it is hoten . hosbondes it vsen trew tiliers on -th-e erthe [aaAx]

fol. 30r

W: 11,184 Taillours and Toukers & al kyn craftes men [aaxAx]
W: 11,185 That conne here fode wynnen wi-th- here trewe trauaille [aaAx]
W: 11,186 Tylien for here fode dyken or deluen dowel it hatte [aaAx]
W: 11,187 --- this line om ---
W: 11,188 To breke beggers brede . & bakke hem wi-th- clo-th-es [aaaAx]
W: 11,189 Confort -th-e careful . -th-at in Castels ben fetred [aaAx]
W: 11,190 And seche out -th-e seke . & sende hem -th-at hem nede-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,191 Obedient as bretheren . -th-ese ben -th-o -th-at dobet aske-th- [aaXx]
W: 11,192 So -th-e sautr(e) bere-th- witnes { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocundum &c } [aaAx]
W: 11,192a --- this line om ---
W: 11,193 Sike wi-th- -th-e sory . and syng wi-th- -th-e glade { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) & flere cum flentibus } [aaAx]
W: 11,193a --- this line om ---
W: 11,194 Dredles -th-is is dobet . dobest wote -th-e sothe [aaAx]

W: 11,195 Sire dobest hath be in office . & so he is best wor-th-y [aaAx]
W: 11,196 Be -th-(a)t god i(n) -th-e gospel . g(ra)unte-th- & techi-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,196a { Qui facit & docuerit hic magnus vocabitur &c } [Latin]

W: 11,197 ffor-th-i dobest is . byshopes pere prince of goddes peple [xaAx]
W: 11,198 --- this line om ---
W: 11,199 To p(re)chen & to chasten dobet do-th- ful wel & dowel also [aaAx]
W: 11,200 And ha-th- possession in pluralte . for pore men sake [aaAx]
W: 11,201 ffor mendinaunt-gh- at myschef . -th-o men wer(e) dowed [aaAx]
W: 11,202 And -th-at is right religion . no renners aboute [aaAx]
W: 11,203 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 11,204 Gregorie the gret clerk . a good pope in his tyme [aaAx]
W: 11,205 Of religion -th-e reule . he reherse-th- in his moral [aaAx]
W: 11,206 And sai-th- it [in] ensample . -th-at -th-ai shuld do -th-e bettre [aaAx]
W: 11,207 Whan fyshes faylen . -th-e flode o-th-(er) -th-e fresh watr(e) [aaAa]
W: 11,208 Thei dyen for droght . whan -th-ei drie liggen [aaAx]
W: 11,209 Right so by religion . it rolle-th- and sterue-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,210 That oute of couent & cloistre . coueyte to lybbe [aaAx]
W: 11,211 Ac now is religion a ridere . & a romere by stretes [aaAx]
W: 11,212 A ledere of ladies . & a londe biggere [aaAx]
W: 11,213 He popreth on his palfray . fro toun to toun [aaBb]
W: 11,214 A bydowe or a baslard . he bere-th- by his side [aaAx]
W: 11,215 Goddes flesh & his blode his fet . & his fyue woundes [aaAx]
W: 11,216 Is more in his mynde . -th-an -th-e memorie of his foundours [aaAx]
W: 11,217 This is -th-e lyf of -th-e lordes . -th-at shuld lyue wi-th- dobet [aaAx]
W: 11,218 And wellaway wors . if -th-at I wold telle [aaAx]
W: 11,219 I went -th-at kynghode & knygthode . q(uo)d I & keysers wi-th- erles [aaAx]
W: 11,220 Were dowel dobette . and dobest of alle [aaAx]
W: 11,221 ffor I haue sen it myself . & si-th- redde it aftr(e) [aaAx]
W: 11,222 How Crist consailled -th-e comune . & telle-th- hem -th-is tale [aaaAx]
W: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedram moysi sederunt (:::: : ::::) que dicunt facite &c } [Latin]
W: 11,224 ffor-th-i I wende -th-at -th-oughtes . were do best of alle [aaAxx]
W: 11,225 I nyl not scorne q(uo)d Scripture . but if -th-at skriueners lie [aaAx]
W: 11,226 Kynghode ne knyghthode . by not I can aspie [aaAx]
W: 11,227 helpe-th- not to heuenward . on heers ende [aaAa]
W: 11,228 Ne richesse ne rente . ne rialte of londes [aaAx]
W: 11,229 Poule proue-th- [it] inpossible . [-th-(a)t] riche men in heuen [aaaXx]

fol. 30v

W: 11,230 Ac pore men & pacience . and penaunce togedere [aaAx]
W: 11,231 Han heritage in heuene . ac riche men noon [aaAxx]
W: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I by Crist . -th-at wil I wi-th-say [aaAx]
W: 11,233 And proue it be -th-e pistole . -th-at Petir is nempned [aaAx]
W: 11,234 { Qui crediderit & bapti-gh-atus fuerit saluus erit Qui vero non (con)dempnabit(ur) } [Latin]
W: 11,235 That is in extremis q(uo)d scriptur(e) . among sarsyns & Iues [aaAx]
W: 11,236 Thei mowe be saued so . & so is oure byleue [aaAx]
W: 11,237 That vncristen in -th-at cace . may cristen & hethen [aaAx]
W: 11,238 And for his lele byleue . whan his lyf endeth [aaAx]
W: 11,239 Haue heritage in heuene . as a man -th-at is cristened [aaAx]
W: 11,240 Ac cristen men god it wote . ne come not so to heuene [aaAx]
W: 11,241 ffor cristen men han a degre . & is he comune speche [axAx]
W: 11,242 { Dilige d(omin)um deu(m) tuu(m) &c & proximu(m) tuum sicut &c }
W: 11,243 Goddes word witnesse-th- . -th-at we shold -gh-eve and dele [aaAxx]
W: 11,244 Our enemys & al men . -th-at arn nedi and pore [aaAxx]
W: 11,245 And shewe-th- -th-is sermon . -th-at sone sewe-th- aftr(e) [aaAx]
W: 11,245a { Dum tempus est op(er)emur bonu(m) ad o(mn)es maxime a(utem) ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
W: 11,246 Al kyn creaturs . -th-at to Crist ben lyke [aaAx]
W: 11,247 We be-th- holden hielych . to herie & honoure [aaAa]
W: 11,248 And -gh-if hem of oure goodes . as god ha-th- to oure seluen [aaAx]
W: 11,249 Sou(er)aynly to such . as sewen oure byleue [aaAx]
W: 11,250 That is eche cristen creature . be kynde eche to o-th-er [aaAx]
W: 11,251 And si-th- hethen to helpe . in hope hem to amen [aaAx]
W: 11,252 To harme hym ne to sle hem . god hight vs neu(er)e [axAx]
W: 11,253 ffor he sai-th- it hym self . in his ten hestes { Non mecaberis } [aaXx]
W: 11,254 --- this line om ---
W: 11,255 Ne sle not is -th-e kynde ynglysh for { Michi vindicta(m) & ego retribuam } [Latin]
W: 11,256 I shal punishe in purgatorie . or in -th-e putte of helle [aaAx]
W: 11,257 Eche man for his misdede . but mercy it lette [aaAa]
W: 11,258 -Gh-it am neu(er)e -th-e ner(e) . q(uo)d I for oght I hawed [aaAx]
W: 11,259 To wite what dowel . & vitterly in hert [aaAx]
W: 11,260 ffor how so I worche in -th-is world . wrong o-th-(er) elles [aaAx]
W: 11,261 I was mad wi-th-oute mercy . & my name yentred [aaAxx]
W: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyf . long er I were [aaAx]
W: 11,263 Or elles vnwriten for wikke . as wytnesse -th-e gospel [aaAx]
W: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celu(m) nisi qui descendit de celo } [Latin]
W: 11,264 I leue it wel be oure lord . & no lettrure bettre [aaAx]
W: 11,265 ffor salamon -th-e sage . -th-at sapience made [aaAx]
W: 11,266 God gaf hym grace . & richesse togederes [aaaXx]
W: 11,267 ffor to reule his reume . right at his wille [aaAx]
W: 11,268 Dide he not wel and wysly . as holy writte teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 11,269 Bothe in werk & in woord . in -th-e world in his tyme [aaAx]

fol. 31r

W: 11,270 Aristotle and he . who wrote bettre [aaXx]
W: 11,271 And al holy cherche . holden hem in helle [aaAa]
W: 11,272 And was -th-er neuere in -th-is world . two wisere of clerkes [aaAa]
W: 11,273 ffor alle connyng clerkes . si-th- crist -gh-ede on erthe [aaAx]
W: 11,274 Take ensample of here sawes . in sarmons -th-at -th-ei make [aaAx]
W: 11,275 By here werk & by here woordes . wisse vs to dowell [aaAx]
W: 11,276 And if I shal worche by here werk . to bryng me to heuen [aaAx]
W: 11,277 And for here werkes . wynne me pyne [aaAx]
W: 11,278 Than wroght I vnwisly . wi-th- al wit -th-at I lere on good fryday [aaAx]
W: 11,279 I fynde . a felon was ysaued -th-at had leuyd al his lyf [aaAx]
W: 11,280 Wi-th- lesyng & -th-eft & for he beknew on -th-e crosse [aaAx]
W: 11,281 And to Crist shrof hym sonnere had he sauacion [aaAx]
W: 11,282 --- this line om ---
W: 11,283 Than seint Iohan -th-e baptist or Adam or ysaye or any of -th-e p(ro)phetes [aaAx]
W: 11,284 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 11,285 A robbere had remission . rather -th-an -th-ai alle [aaAx]
W: 11,286 Wi-th- penance or purgatorie . to haue p(ar)adis for eu(er)e [aaAx]
W: 11,287 Than mary -th-e magdalene . who myght do wors [aaAx]
W: 11,288 Or she dede wors or dauid . -th-at vrie destroied [aaAx]
W: 11,289 Or poule -th-e apostle . -th-at no pite hadde [aaAx]
W: 11,290 Cristen kynde . to kill to the dethe [aaAx]
W: 11,291 And arn -th-er non forsothe . so souerainlych in heuen [xaAx]
W: 11,292 As -th-ise -th-at wroght so wikkedly . in world wher -th-ai were [aaAa]
W: 11,293 And -gh-it arn -th-ai forked for-th-ere . of fyue wittes techyng [aaAx]
W: 11,294 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 11,295 ffor he said it hym self . to som of his disciples { Du(m) steteritis ante reges &c } [aaAx]
W: 11,296 --- this line om ---
W: 11,297 And is as muche to mene . to men -th-at ben lewed [aaAx]
W: 11,298 Whan -gh-e ben apposed of prynces . & prestes of lawe [aaAx]
W: 11,299 ffor to answere hem . haue -gh-e no doute [aaAx]
W: 11,300 ffor I shal graunte -gh-ow grace . of god -th-at -gh-e s(er)ue [aaAx]
W: 11,301 The help of -th-e holy gost . to answere hem alle [aaAa]
W: 11,302 The doghtiest doctour . or deuinour of -th-e Trinite [aaAx]
W: 11,303 That was austyn holden . and -th-e hiest of -th-e foure [aaAx]
W: 11,304 Saide -th-is for a sarmon . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
W: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i ydiote rapiunt celum vbi nos sapientes in infermo mergimur } [Latin]
W: 11,306 And is to mene on oure mou-th- . more ne lesse [aaAx]
W: 11,307 Arn -th-(er) non ra-th-er rauyshed . fro -th-e right byleue [aaAx]
W: 11,308 Than arn -th-is kete clerkes . -th-at connen many bokes [aaAx]
W: 11,309 Ne non sonnere ysaued . ne saddere of conscience [aaAx]
W: 11,310 Than pore peple as plowmen . & pastours of bestes [aaaAx]
W: 11,311 Sawiers and sowers . & such lewed iottes [aaAxx]
W: 11,312 Percen wi-th- a pat(er)nostr(e) . -th-e paleys of heuene [aaAx]
W: 11,313 Wi-th-oute penance at here partyng . into -th-e hie blisse [aaXx]

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