PPLA-K Diplomatic Texts
fol. 2r
P(ri)mus passus de visione Petri plowghman
K: P,1 IN a somer season . whan soft was the sone [aaAa]
K: P,2 I schope me into schrubb(es) . as I a schepe wer(e)
K: P,3 In habyte of an herymyte . vnholy of werk(is) [aaAx]
K: P,4 I went wyde in this world . wonders to heare [aaAx]
K: P,4 [C: P,5] And saue many sellys & selcouth thyng(es)
K: P,5 But on a may mornyng . on maluerne hill(es) [aaAx]
K: P,6 Me befell a farley case . of fayrye me thought(e)
K: P,7 I was wery of wandred . and went(e) me to rest(e)
K: P,8 Vnd(ir) a brode banke . by a borne syde [aaAx]
K: P,9 And as I lay & lenyd . & lokyd on the watirs
K: P,10 I sclombrid a sclepe . it swyyyd so mery [aaAx]
K: P,11 Than forthw(i)t(h) gan I mete . a m(er)uelous sweuyn
K: P,12 That I was in a wild(er)nes . I wyst neu(er) where
K: P,12 [C: P,11] Wynkyng as it ware ther wytturly I seygh
K: P,12 [C: P,12] Al the welth of the world and the woo both
K: P,12 [C: P,13] Of truthe & trichery treson and gyle
K: P,12 [C: P,14] Al y saw sclepyng as I -gh-ou telle
K: P,13 But as I beheld to the est . on hye to the so(n)n
K: P,14 I sawe a toure on a tofte . trylich Imakyd [aaAx]
K: P,14 [C: P,16] Westward I waytyd in a while after
K: P,15 And sawe a depe dale . a dongeoune thery(n)n [aaAx]
K: P,16 With depe dykys & derk . & dredeful of syght
K: P,17 A faire feld [ful] of folk . found I ther betwene
K: P,18 Of al man(er) of men . the meane & the Riche
K: P,19 Worchyng and wandryng . as the world askyth [aaAx]
K: P,20 Su(m)m put hem to the plowgh . & playyd ful selde
K: P,21 In settyng(e) & sowyng(e) . swonkyn well sore
K: P,22 Wa(n)n that thes wastors . w(i)t(h) glotonye dystroyen
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K: P,23 And sume put hem to pryde . & apparelid hem theraft(ir)
K: P,24 In counten(a)nce and clothyng . came in al dysgysyd
K: P,25 In p(re)yours & pen(a)nce . puttyn hem manye
K: P,26 Al for love of our lord . lyvyden wel strayght [aaAx]
K: P,27 In hope to haue . hebynriche blisse [aaAx]
K: P,28 As ankers and heremyt(es) . that holdyn hem in her
sell(is) [aaAx]
K: P,29 Couetyn not in cuntrey . to caryen aboute [aaAx]
K: P,30 ffor no lycoras lyvelode . her lycam to please [aaAx]
K: P,31 And sume chosyn chaffar . to chevyn the better [aaAx]
K: P,32 As it semyth to our sight . that such men thryvyn
K: P,33 And su(m) myrth(es) to make . as mynstrell(es) connyn
K: P,34 That get gold w(i)t(h) her glee . gylefully I trowe
K: P,35 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,36 ffondyn hem in fantasyes . & folis hem makyn
K: P,37 And haue witt at will(e) . to work if hem lyste [aaAx]
K: P,38 That powle p(re)chid of hem . I dare p(ro)ve it here
K: P,39 { Qui loquit(ur) t(ur)piloquiu(m) } . is lucyfer(is)
hyne [aaAx]
K: P,40 Beggars & byddars . fast aboute yedyn [aaAx]
K: P,41 Til her belyys & her bag(es) . wer fully ycra(m)myd
K: P,42 And flytyd fast for her fode . & fowghtyn at
nale [aaAx]
K: P,43 In glotony god wote . goon thay to bedd [aaAx]
K: P,44 And Rysyn w(i)t(h) Ribawdry . as Rybald(es) hewyn
K: P,45 Also sclepe & sclowth . sewyn hem eu(er) [aaAx]
K: P,46 Now pylgrymes and palm(er)s . pli-gh-ten hem togeders
K: P,47 To sekyn saynt Iamys . & saynt(es) at Rome [aaAx]
K: P,48 Wentyn hem forth on her way . w(i)t(h) many wise
tal(is) [aaAx]
K: P,49 And had lepe to lyen . al her lyve after [aaAx]
K: P,50 Heremyt(es) on an hepe . w(i)t(h) hokyd stavys [aaAx]
K: P,51 Wentyn to walsyngh(a)m . & here wenches after
fol. 3r
K: P,52 Grete lobies & long(e) . that loth weryn to worche
K: P,53 Clothid hem in copys . to be knowyn from other [aaAx]
K: P,54 Schopyn hem such clothis . her ease to haue [xaAa]
K: P,55 I foundyn ther frerys . of al the fower ordres [aaAx]
K: P,56 Prechyng(e) the people . for p(ro)fyte of her wombe
K: P,57 Glosyd the gospel . as hem good lykyd [aaAx]
K: P,58 ffor couetise of kopys . construyd it as they would
K: P,59 Many of thes masters . may clothen hem at her likyng
K: P,60 ffor her monye & her m(ar)chaundise . metyn together
K: P,61 Sythen charite hath byn chapman . & cheff to
schryff lord(is) [aaAx]
K: P,62 Many farleys haue Ifall . in a fewe -gh-erys [aaAx]
K: P,63 But holy chirche & charite . holdyn bett(er)
togedere [aaAx]
K: P,64 The most myschef on molde . is mou(n)tyng on hye
K: P,65 Ther p(re)chid a p(ar)don(er) . as he a p(re)ste
were [aaAx]
K: P,66 And brought forth a bull(e) . w(i)t(h) bysschopp(is)
sealys [aaAx]
K: P,67 And said that hym self . might assoylyn hem all(e)
K: P,68 Of falssenes of fastyng . & of auowys ybroke
K: P,69 Lewde me(n) levyd well . & allowyd his speche
K: P,70 Comyn vp knelyng(e) . to kyssen his bul(es) [aaAx]
K: P,71 He bunchyd hem w(i)t(h) his brevett(es) . & bleryd
her eyen [aaAx]
K: P,72 And rawght(e) w(i)t(h) his ragma(n) . ryng(is) & brochis
K: P,73 Thus thay yevyn her gold . glotou(n)s to please [aaAx]
K: P,74 And levyth it lorell(es) . that lechery hauntyn [aaAx]
K: P,75 Were the bisshop Iblessyd . & worth both his
eyen [aaAx]
K: P,76 His seale schuld not be sent . to disceyve the people
K: P,77 It is not al by the bysshop . that the boy p(re)chith
K: P,78 But the p(ar)isch p(re)ste & the p(ar)don(er)
. p(ar)tyn the syluer [aaaAx]
K: P,79 That the pore people of the p(ar)isch . schuld haue
if thay nere [aaaXx]
fol. 3v
K: P,80 P(er)sons and p(ar)isch p(re)st(is) . pleynyden to
the bysshop [aaaAx]
K: P,81 That their p(ar)ischenes were pore . syns the pestelence
tyme [aaAx]
K: P,82 To haue licence & leue . at london to dwelle [aaAx]
K: P,83 To syng(e) ther for symonye . for sylu(er) is swete
K: P,83 [C: P,85] I seygh bisshoppis & bachelars both mast(er) & docto(ur)(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,86] That haue cure vnd(er) cryste & crownyng in tokyn
K: P,83 [C: P,87] And chargyd w(i)t(h) holy chirche charite to tyllyn
K: P,83 [C: P,89] Lyen in london in lentyn and els
K: P,83 [C: P,90] Su(m)m s(er)ue the kyng(es) his sylu(er) tellyn
K: P,83 [C: P,91] In cheker & chaunc(er)y chalenge his dett(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,92] Of ward(es) & wardemot(es) wes(es) streyys
K: P,83 [C: P,93] And su(m)m arn some schall(es) & s(er)vyn grete lord(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,94] And byn in stede of steward(es) & syttyn & demyn
K: P,83 [C: P,95] Consience came & accusyd hem & the como(n)s hardith
K: P,83 [C: P,96] And said Idolatry -th-e suffren in sondry plac(es) many
K: P,83 [C: P,97] And boxis byn Iset forth yboundyn w(i)t(h) Iron
K: P,83 [C: P,98] To vnd(er)take the toll of outrue sac(ri)fyce
K: P,83 [C: P,99] In meanyng of myracles muoh wax ther hangith
K: P,83 [C: P,100] Al the world wele it might not be true
K: P,83 [C: P,101] But for it p(ro)fityth you into purs upon p(re)lat(es) suffren
K: P,83 [C: P,102] That lewde men in mysbeleve lyvynv& dyen
K: P,83 [C: P,103] I love by o(ur) lord for love of yo(ur) covetise
K: P,83 [C: P,104] Al the world be the worse as holy writte tellith
K: P,83 [C: P,105] What cheste & myschaunce fel to the childerin of Isr(e)l
K: P,83 [C: P,106] On hem that free wer(e) thrugh ij fals p(re)st(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,107] Of fines some & fynes his brother
K: P,83 [C: P,108] Thay moore disco(m)fytyd in batel & lofse { archa d(omi)ni }
K: P,83 [C: P,109] And for her fyre see hem synne and suffryd hem do ill
fol. 4r
K: P,83 [C: P,110] And chastysyd hem not ther of & nold not rebuke hem
K: P,83 [C: P,111] Anon as it was tould hym that the childern of Isr(ae)l
K: P,83 [C: P,112] Were dysconfytyd in bataile & { Archa
d(omi)ni } lorn & his sonys slawe
K: P,83 [C: P,113] Ther anon he ful for sorowe fro(m) his chare ther he satt
K: P,83 [C: P,114] And brake his necke atwayne & al was for vengeance
K: P,83 [C: P,115] He blamyd not hys childern & for thay were p(re)st(is) & me(n) of holy chirche
K: P,83 [C: P,116] --- this line om ---
K: P,83 [C: P,117] God was wel the wrothar & toke the rather vengeance
K: P,83 [C: P,118] ffor thy I say you p(er)st(es) & men of holy chyrche
K: P,83 [C: P,119] That suffren men do sacryfyse & worschip mawment(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,120] And ye schuld be her fathers & techen hem better
K: P,83 [C: P,121] God schal take vengeaunce on al such p(re)st(is)
K: P,83 [C: P,122] Wel hard(er) & grett(er) on such schrewde father(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,123] Than eu(er) he dede on ofnes and fynes his brother
K: P,83 [C: P,124] ffor yo(ur) schrewde suffr(au)nce & yo(ur)
own synne
K: P,83 [C: P,125] Yo(ur) masse & yo(ur) matens & many of yo(ur) howr(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,126] Arn dome ondevoutely drele it is the laste
K: P,83 [C: P,127] Leste cryste & his consytory acurse of you many
K: P,83 [C: P,128] I p(er)ceyued of the power that petur had to kepe
K: P,83 [C: P,129] To bynd & to vnbynd as the boke telleth
K: P,83 [C: P,130] Hou he lefte it w(i)t(h) love as our lord would
K: P,83 [C: P,131] Amonge ffower vertues most vertues of vertues
K: P,83 [C: P,132] That cardynall(es) be callyd & closyng
K: P,83 [C: P,133] Ther cryste is in kynedome to close w(i)t(h) hevyn
K: P,83 [C: P,134] But of the cardynall(es) at court that caught han such a name
K: P,83 [C: P,135] And power p(re)sumen in hem self a pope
to make
K: P,83 [C: P,136] To haue the power that Pet(er) had inpugne heuy I nyll
K: P,83 [C: P,137] ffor in love & lettre lyyth the hole elecciou(n)
K: P,83 [C: P,138] Cou(n)t(er) pledee hit not q(uo)d concyens
for holy chirche sake
fol. 4v
K: P,83 [C: P,139] Than came ther a kyng knighthode hym lad
K: P,83 [C: P,140] Might of the me(n) made hym to reygne
K: P,83 [C: P,141] And than aft(er) kynd witt & knighthode togeders
K: P,83 [C: P,144] Cast that her co(m)mons schuld her kyng fynd
K: P,83 [C: P,145] Kynd wytt and the co(m)mons contryuyd al craft(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,146] And for most p(ro)fitable & plowgh gan they make
K: P,83 [C: P,147] And w(i)t(h) lele labo(ur) to lyve while life on londe & lastith
K: P,83 [C: P,148] Then kynd wytt took he kyng & to the co(m)mons said
K: P,83 [C: P,149] Criste kepe the & kyng sir thy kynne riche
K: P,83 [C: P,150] And leve lede so thy lond that lewte the lovye
K: P,83 [C: P,151] And for thy rightful rulyng be rewardyd in hebyn
K: P,83 [C: P,152] Than consyence to clergye & to the kyng said
K: P,83 [C: P,153] { Sum Rex su(m) princeps nevtru(m) fortasse
deinceps }
K: P,83 [C: P,154] { O qui iura reg(is) christi specialia regis }
K: P,83 [C: P,154] { Hoc ut agas melius iustus es esto piris
K: P,83 [C: P,156] { Nudu(m) ius a te vestire vult(us) pretate
K: P,83 [C: P,157] { Qualia vis met(er)e talia grana sere } 158??
K: P,83 [C: P,159] { Si seritur pietas de pietate metas }
K: P,83 [C: P,160] Concyens and the kynge into the court wente
K: P,83 [C: P,161] Wher houyd an hundrid in hovys of silke
K: P,83 [C: P,162] Seriaunt(es) thay semyd that s(er)vyn at the barr(e)
K: P,83 [C: P,163] Pledyn for penyes and pownded the lawe
K: P,83 [C: P,164] And not for love of our lord vnlose her lappes ons
K: P,83 [C: P,165] Thou mightist sew(er) mete a myste on malv(er)ne hill(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,166] Than [I] get a mou(m) of her mouth til money be hem schewid
K: P,83 [C: P,167] Than ran ther a rowte of Ratons as it were
K: P,83 [C: P,168] And smal myse w(i)t(h) hem mo than a thousand
K: P,83 [C: P,169] Al co(m)men to counceile for the co(m)mon p(ro)fite
fol. 5r
K: P,83 [C: P,170] But a catt of a courte cam whan hym likyd
K: P,83 [C: P,171] And ou(er) lawghte hem lightly & lighte
of hem sett
K: P,83 [C: P,172] And rulyd hem al ther as hym self lystyd
K: P,83 [C: P,172] Then stepte a movse softely forth & to the konete said
K: P,83 [C: P,173] Yff we grutche of his game he will greve vs sore
K: P,83 [C: P,174] W(i)t(h) his clees clawe vs & in his
lokk(es) vs hold
K: P,83 [C: P,175] That [we] schal lothyn the life ar he lett vs passe
K: P,83 [C: P,176] Might we w(i)t(h) any wit his will with sitt
K: P,83 [C: P,177] We might be lord(es) on lofte & lyve
as vs liste
K: P,83 [C: P,178] A Ratou(n) of renowme most Resonable of
K: P,83 [C: P,179] Said I haue [seen] grete syrys in Cytes & in
K: P,83 [C: P,180] Beare beyes of brighte gold al aboute her neck(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,181] And colars of crafty werke bothe knight(es) & squier(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,182] Were ther a bell bought by Ih(es)us as me thynkyth
K: P,83 [C: P,186] And knyttyn on the colar for our co(m)mon p(ro)fitt
K: P,83 [C: P,187] And hangyn on the catt(es) halse [neck] than heryn we mowen
K: P,83 [C: P,188] Wher he Ryght or Rest or Romyth to playe
K: P,83 [C: P,189] And if vs lust to layke than loken we mowe
K: P,83 [C: P,190] And appere in his p(re)sence while hym pleye
K: P,83 [C: P,191] And if hym wrathe byn aware & outief
his waye renne
K: P,83 [C: P,192] Al this Rowte of Ratou(n)s to this Reason assentyd
K: P,83 [C: P,193] But whan the bell was ybought & on the beygth hangyd
K: P,83 [C: P,194] Ther no was no al the rowte for al the Realme
of fr(au)nce
K: P,83 [C: P,195] That durst haue bounde the bell aboute the
catt(es) necke
K: P,83 [C: P,196] Ne haue hongyd it aboute his halse al englond to wynne
K: P,83 [C: P,198] Thou lettyn they her labo(ur) yloste & al her long stondye
K: P,83 [C: P,199] A movse that moche good cowld as me tho thowght
K: P,83 [C: P,200] Stroke forthe sturnely & stode before hem all
fol. 5v
K: P,83 [C: P,201] And to the Rowte of Ratons Reh(er)sid thes word(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,202] Though we had kyllid the catte yet schuld ther co(m)me another
K: P,83 [C: P,203] To crache vs & alle our kynd though
we crepe vnd(er) benchis
K: P,83 [C: P,204] ffor thy I counceile for our co(m)mou(n) p(ro)fitt lat the catt yworthe
K: P,83 [C: P,205] And be neu(er) so bold the bell hym to schewe
K: P,83 [C: P,206] ffor I hard my sire say sevyn yer(es) ypassyd
K: P,83 [C: P,207] Ther the catt is a kytou(n) the court is
full elyng
K: P,83 [C: P,208] Wittnessith at holy writt who so can Rede
K: P,83 [C: P,209] { Ve terre vbi Puer est Rex &c }
K: P,83 [C: P,210] I say it for me q(uo)d the movse I see so much after
K: P,83 [C: P,211] Schal neu(er) the catt ne the kyttou(n)
by my cou(n)ceil be grevyd
K: P,83 [C: P,212] Ne carpen of her colars that coste me never
K: P,83 [C: P,213] And though it costid me catell by knowen I ne would
K: P,83 [C: P,214] But suffre & say nowght & so is
the beste
K: P,83 [C: P,215] Til that myscheff amend hem that many man chastith
K: P,83 [C: P,216] ffor many menye malt we myse would distroye
K: P,83 [C: P,217] And the Rowte of Ratou(n)s ofRest me(n)n awake
K: P,83 [C: P,218] Ne were the catt of the court & yong kyttou(n)s toward
K: P,83 [C: P,219] ffor had you Ratons yo(ur) will you could not Rule yo(ur) self(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,220] What this metell(es) bemenith -th-e men
that ben mery
K: P,83 [C: P,221] Devyne ye for I ne dare by dere god almighty
K: P,83 [C: P,222] Yet mett me more of meane & of Riche
K: P,83 [C: P,223] As barons & burgesis & bondmen of thorpis
K: P,83 [C: P,224] Al I saies slepyng as ye schal heare here aft(er)
K: P,83 [C: P,225] bothe bakers & brewars bochars & other
K: P,83 [C: P,227] Taylo(ur)s trickyo(ur) and tyllars & other
K: P,84 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,85 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,86 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,87 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,88 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,89 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,90 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,91 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,92 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,93 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,94 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,95 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,96 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,97 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,98 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,99 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,100 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,101 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,102 --- this line is omitted ---
K: P,103 [C: P,229] That dryvyn forth the longe day . w(i)t(h)
{ dieu salve dame E(m)me } [aaAx]
K: P,104 [C: P,230] Cok(is) and her knavys . cryyd hote pyys
hote [aaAx]
fol. 6r
K: P,105 Good geese & gryse . go we dyne go wee [aaaAa]
K: P,106 Tau(er)nars to hem . told the same tale [axAx]
K: P,107 White wyne of osaye . & wyne of Gascoyne [aaxAx]
K: P,108 Of the Ryne & of the Rochell . the roste to
defye [aaAx]
K: P,109 Al this I seigh sclepyng . & sevyn syth(es)
more [aaAx] (finis)
Passus Secund(us) de visione
K: 1,1 What this mountayne bemenith . and the derk dale [aaAx]
K: 1,2 And eke that feld ful of folk . I schall yow fayre
shewe [aaAx]
K: 1,3 A louely lady of leere . in lynnyn Iclothid [aaaAx]
K: 1,4 Cam down from that cliffe . & clepid me faire
K: 1,5 And said sonne sclepist thow . seest thou this people
K: 1,6 Hou besy thay ben . aboute the mase [aaAx]
K: 1,7 The most p(ar)te of this people . that passith on
this erth [aaAx]
K: 1,8 Haue thay w(or)schip in this worlde . ne willyn thay
no more [aaAx]
K: 1,9 Of other hevyn than here . not holdyn thay no tale
K: 1,10 I was aferd of her face . though sche fair wer [aaAx]
K: 1,11 And said m(er)cye madame . what is this to meane
K: 1,12 The tow(ur) on the tofte q(uo)d sche . truthe is
therin [aaAx]
K: 1,13 And would that ye wroughtyn . as his word techith
K: 1,14 ffor he is fader of faith . & formyd yow al [aaAx]
K: 1,15 Both w(i)t(h) felle & w(i)t(h) face . & gave
-gh-ou fyue witt(es) [aaAx]
K: 1,16 for to worsship hym . whil ye ben here [aaAx]
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K: 1,17 And therfor he hetyth yow the erthe to helpe [aaAx]
K: 1,18 Of wollyn & lynnyn . to lyvelode at nede [aaAx]
K: 1,19 In mesurable man(er) . to make you at ease [aaAx]
K: 1,20 And co(m)maundyd of his curtesie . in comon iij thyng(es)
K: 1,21 Ther ar none so nedefull . & name them I thynk
K: 1,22 And rekon them in Resou(n) . reherse ye hem hereafter
K: 1,23 That one is vesture . fro chele the to saue [aaAxx]
K: 1,24 That other is mete at mele . for mysease of thy self
K: 1,25 And drynk whan thou dryyst . but do it not out of
mesure reasou(n) [aaAx]
K: 1,26 That thou woorth the wors . whan thou worche schuldest
K: 1,27 ffor lott in his life dayys . ffor likyng of drynk
K: 1,28 Dyd by his dowghters . as the devyll likyd [aaAx]
K: 1,29 Delityd hym in drynk . as the devill would [aaAx]
K: 1,30 And lechery hym lawghte . & lay by them both
K: 1,31 And al he wytyd wyne . that wykyd dede [aaAx]
K: 1,31 [B: 1,32/C: 1,31] Thrught wyne I thrugh wommen ther
was lot acou(m)brid
K: 1,32 Drede delectable drynk . & thow schalt do the
better [aaaAx]
K: 1,33 Mesure is medycyne . though thow mochel yerne [aaAx]
K: 1,34 Al is not good to the gost . that the gutt(es) askyth
K: 1,35 Ne lifelode to the likam . that lefe is to the sowle
K: 1,36 Leue not thy likam [flesch] . for a liar hym techit
K: 1,37 That is the wretchid world . the to betray [aaAx]
K: 1,38 ffor the fend & thy flesch . folowyn together
K: 1,39 And that schendith thy sowle . and seith it in thy
hart [aaAx]
K: 1,40 And for thow schulde be ware . I wis the the beste
K: 1,41 Madame m(er)cy q(uo)d I . me liketh wel thy word(is)
K: 1,42 But the monye of this mold . that me(n) so fast holdeth
K: 1,43 Tel me to whom that tresour appendith [xxXx]
K: 1,44 Go to the gospel q(uo)d sche . that god said hym
self [aaAx]
fol. 7r
K: 1,45 Whan the people hym apposyd . w(i)t(h) a peny in the
temple [aaAx]
K: 1,46 Yeff thay schulden therw(i)t(h) Cesar the kyng worshipe
K: 1,47 And god askyd of them of whom spake the letter [xxXx]
K: 1,48 And an Image like . that ther yn stondith [xxXx]
K: 1,49 Cesar thay saiden . we seen well echone [axAx]
K: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(uo)d god . that { cesari } byfalleth
K: 1,51 { Et que su(n)t dei deo } . or els ye done ille [aaAx]
K: 1,52 ffor ryhtfully Reason . shuld rule yow alle [aaAx]
K: 1,53 And kynde witt yo(ur) warden . -yo(ur) welth to kepe
K: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of yo(ur) tresour . & take it yow
at nede [aaAx]
K: 1,55 ffor husbondry & he . holden togeders [aaAx]
K: 1,56 Than I fraynyd her fayer . for hym that her made
K: 1,57 that dongeoun in the dale . that dredefull is of
sight [aaAx]
K: 1,58 What may it bemene . madame I the beseche [aaAx]
K: 1,59 that is the Castell of Care . & who so co(m)myth
therin [aaAx]
K: 1,60 May banne that he borne was . to body or to sowle
K: 1,61 Ther in wonith a wyght . that wrong is Ihoten [aaAx]
K: 1,62 ffader of falshede . he found it hym self [aaAx]
K: 1,63 Adam & Eue . he eggid them to Evylle [aaAa]
K: 1,64 Counseylyd Cayme . to kyllen his brother [aaAx]
K: 1,65 ludas he Iapid . w(i)t(h) the Iewys syluer [aaAx]
K: 1,66 And sithen on an hellarn . hongyd hymself after [aaAa]
K: 1,67 He is lett(er) of loue & lyygh on hem all(e)
K: 1,68 That trustyth on his tresore . betrayed arn sonnest
K: 1,69 Tha(n)ne had I wonder in my witt . what woma(n) it
war [aaAa]
K: 1,70 That such wise word(is) . of holy chirch schewyd
fol. 7v
K: 1,71 I hailsyd hir on the hye name . ar sche thens -gh-ede
K: 1,72 What sche war witterly . that wyssyd me so fayer
K: 1,73 Holy chirch I ame q(uo)d sche . thow owghtest me
to knowe [aaAx]
K: 1,74 I vnderfange the first . & the faith the tawght
K: 1,75 Thou browghtist me borowys . my byddyng to worch
K: 1,76 To loue me lelly . whiles thy life dureth [aaAx]
K: 1,77 Than I knelyd on my knee . & Cryyd her of g(ra)ce
K: 1,78 And p(ra)yyd her pitously . to p(ra)y for my synnys
K: 1,79 And eke kenne me kyndlich . on crist to beleve [aaAx]
K: 1,80 That I miyht worchyn his will . that wrought me to
man [aaAx]
K: 1,81 Teche me to no treso(ur) . but tel me this ilke [aaAx]
K: 1,82 How I may save my sowle . that saynt art Iholdyn
K: 1,83 Whan al tresours arn tried . than truth is the best
K: 1,84 I do it on { deus caritas } . to deme the sothe [aaAx]
K: 1,85 it is as derworth a drurye . as dere god hym seluen
K: 1,86 ffor whoso is treue of his tonge . telleth non other
K: 1,87 But doth the work(es) therw(i)t(h) . wilneth no man
ille [aaAx]
K: 1,88 He is a god by the gospell(es) . on ground and on
lofte [aaAx]
K: 1,89 And eke like to our lord . by saynt luk(is) word(is)
K: 1,90 The clerk(is) that knowyn . schuld kenne it aboute
K: 1,91 ffor cristyn & oncristyne . claymen it echone
K: 1,92 Kyng(es) & knight(es) . schuld kepyn it by reasou(n)
K: 1,93 And rydyn & Rape adown . in Realmys aboute [aaAx]
K: 1,94 And takyn trespassours . & tyen them ffast [aaAx]
K: 1,95 Tyl trewth [had] Itermynyd . her trespace to end
fol. 8r
K: 1,96 ffor dauid in his days . dubbyd knight(es) [aaAx]
K: 1,97 And dyddyn hem swere on he sword(es) . to s(er)ue
trewth eu(er) [aaAx]
K: 1,98 That is the p(ro)fessiou(n) ap(er)lich . that apendith
to knight(es) [aaAx]
K: 1,99 And not to faste one fryday . in fyve score wynter
K: 1,100 But holdyn w(i)t(h) hym & w(i)t(h) her . that
askyn the trewth [aaaAx]
K: 1,101 And neu(er) leue hem for loue . ne lackyng of yeftes
K: 1,102 And whoso passith that point . is apostita in that
order [aaAx]
K: 1,103 And crist kyng of knight(es) . knighted in tyme
K: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn . & al the fowre orders
K: 1,105 Yafe hem might in his mayestie . the meriar hem
thoughte [aaAx]
K: 1,106 And ov(er) his meynye made hem archaungellis [aaXx]?
K: 1,107 Tawght hem throwgh the trinite . the trewth to knowe
K: 1,108 To be buxum at his biddyng . he bad hem nowght els
K: 1,109 Lucyfer w(i)t(h) legiouns . lernyd it in hevyne
K: 1,110 And was the loveliest . of sight after our lord
K: 1,111 Til he brake buxumnesse . throwgh bost of hym self
K: 1,112 Then fel he w(i)t(h) his felowys . & fend(is)
become [aaAx]
K: 1,113 Out of hevyn into helle . hobblid they ffast [aaAx]
K: 1,114 Su(m) in eyre & su(m) in erthe . & su(m)
in helle depe [aaAx]
K: 1,115 But lucifer lowest . lyyth of hem alle [aaAx]
K: 1,116 ffor p(ri)de that he put out . his peyne hath non
end [aaAx]
K: 1,117 And al that worchet w(i)t(h) wrong . wenden thay
schull [aaAx]
K: 1,118 Aft(ir) her deth day . and dwellyn with that shrewe
K: 1,119 But tho that worchen that word . that holy writt
techit [aaAx]
K: 1,120 And end as I ore said . in p(er)fite workys [aaAxx]
fol. 8v
K: 1,121 Mowe be syker that her sowle . shall wendyn into hevyne
K: 1,122 Ther trewth is in t(ri)nite . & crowneth hem
all(e) [aaAx]
K: 1,123 fforthy I say as I said arst . by sight of the texte
K: 1,124 Whan al tresoures arn tryed . trewth is the beste
K: 1,125 Lerneth it these lewed me(n) . for lettred it knowith
K: 1,126 That treuth is the tresure . triest on erthe [aaAx]
K: 1,127 Yet haue I no kynd knowyng q(uo)d I . yet mott ye
kenne me bett(er) [aaAx]
K: 1,128 By what crafte in my corps . it domseth & where
K: 1,129 Thou doted daffe q(uo)d sche . dulle arne thy witt(es)
K: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng . that kennith in thy harte
K: 1,131 ffor to love thy lorde . levar than thi self [aaAx]
K: 1,132 No dedly synne to do . dye though thou schuldest
K: 1,133 This I trowe be trouth . who can teche the bett(er)
K: 1,134 Loke thou suffre hym to say . & sythen lerne
it after [aaAx]
K: 1,135 ffor thus wittenessith his word . worth thou ther
after [aaAx]
K: 1,136 That love is the levest thynge . that our lord askyth
K: 1,137 And eke the plente of peace . p(re)che it in thyn
harpe [aaAx]
K: 1,138 Ther thou art mery at mete . if men byd the -gh-ede
K: 1,139 ffor in kynde knowyng in hart . ther comseth a might
K: 1,140 That fallith to the fader . that formed vs al [aaAx]
K: 1,141 he lokyd on vs w(i)t(h) love . & let his sou(n)
dye [aaAx]
K: 1,142 Mekelich for o(ur) mysded(is) . to amend vs al [aaAx]
K: 1,143 And yet would hem no woo . that wroughten hym that
pyne [aaAx]
K: 1,144 But mekely w(i)t(h) moveth . m(er)ci he besowght(e)
K: 1,145 To haue pety on the people . that pynyd hym to deth
K: 1,146 Here men might see ensample . by hymself al one
fol. 9r
K: 1,147 That he was mightful & meke . & m(er)cy gan
g(ra)unt(e) [aaAx]
K: 1,148 To hem that hongyd hym by . & his harte thirled
K: 1,149 ffor why I rede the riche . haue Ruth on the pore
K: 1,150 though ye ben mighty to mote . ben meke of your
work(ys) [aaAx]
K: 1,151 ffor the same mesure ye mete . amysse other els
K: 1,152 Ye schal ben weyyd therw(i)t(h) . whan ye wenden
hens [aaAx]
K: 1,153 ffor though ye ben trewe of yo(ur) tonges . & trulych
wynne [aaAx]
K: 1,154 And eke as chaste as a child . that in chirch wepith
K: 1,155 But if ye love leally . and lend the pore [aaAx]
K: 1,156 Of such good(es) as god sendith . goodly parte [aaAx]
K: 1,157 Ye haue no more merites . in masse ne in howr(es)
K: 1,158 Than malkyn of her maydenhede . that no ma(n) desyreth
K: 1,159 ffor Iames the Ientyl . Ivgyth in his boke [aaAx]
K: 1,160 That faith w(i)t(h)out feate . is febler than nowght
K: 1,161 And as ded as a dore nayle . but yf the dede folowe
K: 1,162 Chastite s(a)unce charite . worthe cheynyd in hell(e)
K: 1,163 Yt is as lewyd a thyng as a lampe . w(i)t(h)out
light [aaAx]
K: 1,164 Many chapeleyns arn chaste . but charite is away
K: 1,165 Arn no men hardo(ur) than thay . whan thay byn avaunced
K: 1,166 Vnkynd to their kyn . & eke to al cristyn [aaXa]
K: 1,167 Chewyn her charite . and chydyn after more [aaAx]
K: 1,168 Such chastite w(i)t(h)out charite . worth cheynyd
in hell(e) [aaAx]
K: 1,169 Ye curato(ur)(es) that kepyn yow . clene of yo(ur)
bodys [aaAx]
K: 1,170 Ye ben comberyd in covetise . ye con not crepe out
K: 1,171 So hard hath averice . hapsed you togeders [aaAx]
K: 1,172 That is no treuth of the t(ri)nite . but a trechory
of hell(e) [aaAx]
K: 1,173 And a lernyng for lewde men . the lighter to dele
fol. 9v
K: 1,174 ffor thes arne word(is) w(ri)tyn . in the eu(a)ungeliste
K: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . ffor I deale yow
also [aaAx]
K: 1,176 That is the looke of love . that lettith out my
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
K: 1,177 To comforte the carefull . accomberid w(i)t(h) synne
K: 1,178 Love is the levest thinge . that oure lord askyth
K: 1,179 And eke the gret gate . that goyth into hevyne [aaAx]
K: 1,180 fforthy I say as I said are . by sight of thes textes
K: 1,181 Whan al tresures arn tryed . trewthe is the best
K: 1,182 Now haue I told the what trewth is . that no treso(ur)
is better [aaAx]
K: 1,183 I may no lenger lenge . now loke the our lord [aaAx]
Passus tercius de visione
K: 2,1 Yet knelid I on my knene . & cried her of grace
K: 2,2 And said m(er)cie madame . for mary loue of hevyne
K: 2,3 That bare the blissyd barne . that bowght vs on the
rode [aaaAx]
K: 2,4 Kenne me by sum craft . to knowe the ffals [aaAx]
K: 2,5 Loke on thy lefte halfe . & see wher he stondith
K: 2,6 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 2,7 I lokyd on my lefte half . as that lady me tawght
K: 2,8 And was ware of a woman . wond(ir)ly of Iclothid [aaAx]
K: 2,9 Ipurfelid w(i)t(h) pelury . the purest on erth [aaAx]
K: 2,10 Icrownyd w(i)t(h) a Crowne . the kyng hath no bett(er)
K: 2,11 Al her fyue fyng(ri)s . weren freten w(i)t(h) Ryng(es)
K: 2,12 Of the purest perrie . that p(ri)nce werid euer [aaAx]
K: 2,13 In a red skarlet robe . & ribande w(i)t(h) golde
fol. 10r
K: 2,14 Ther is no quene qwaynto(ur) . that quyk is alyve [aaAx]
K: 2,15 What is this woma(n)n q(uo)d I . so worthely atyred
K: 2,16 That is mede the mayde . hath noyyd me wel ofte [aaXx]
K: 2,17 And lackyd my lore . to lord(is) aboute [aaAx]
K: 2,18 In the papes palays . she is p(re)vye as my self
K: 2,19 And so schuld sche not be for wronge is her syre
K: 2,20 Oute of wronge sche woxe . to wrotherheale manye
K: 2,21 I owght to be heygher . than sche I co(m)me of a
better [aaAxx]
K: 2,22 Tomorowe worth the mariage made . of mede & of
fals [aaaAx]
K: 2,23 ffavel w(i)t(h) fayer spech . hath forgett hem togeders
K: 2,24 Gyle hath begone her so . sche g(ra)untyth al his
wille [aaAx]
K: 2,25 And al is liars ledynge . that thay lyen together
K: 2,26 Tomorowe worth the mariage . made as I the told [aaAx]
K: 2,27 Ther might thou wite if thow wolt . which thay ben
alle [aaAx]
K: 2,28 That longeth to that lordschipe . the fals & the
more [aaAx]
K: 2,29 Knowen hem ther if thou canst . & kepe the from
them al [aaAx]
K: 2,30 Yif thou wolt wonye . with treuth & in his blisse
K: 2,31 I may no leng(er) lett . lord I the bekenne [aaAx]
K: 2,32 And becom a good ma(n) . for any couetise I rede
K: 2,33 Al the riche reten(a)nce . that reygnith w(i)t(h)
fals [aaAx]
K: 2,34 Weryn bodyn to this bridale . on both syd(es) [aaAx]
K: 2,35 Sir Symonye is sent for . to enseale the charters
K: 2,36 That fals & favell . by any fyne holdyn [aaAx]
K: 2,37 And feffe mede thermydde . in mariage for eu(er)
fol. 10v
K: 2,38 Ther nas halle ne house . to harborowe the people [aaAx]
K: 2,39 That eche feld nas ful . of folke al aboute [aaAx]
K: 2,40 In mydd(is) of a mountaynge . at myddmorewe tyde
K: 2,41 Was pight vp a pavilioun . a prowde for the nonys
K: 2,42 And tenne thousand of tent(is) . telden besid(es)
K: 2,43 Of knight(es) of cuntreis . of co(m)muners aboute
K: 2,44 ffor cysoures for sumno(ur)s . for sellars for byars
K: 2,45 ffor leryd for lewed . ffor laborars of thropes [aaAx]
K: 2,46 Al to witnes well . what the write would [aaAa]
K: 2,47 In what man(er) that mede was feoffed in mariage
K: 2,48 To be fastenyd w(i)t(h) fals . the fyne is areryd
K: 2,49 Than ffauel fettith her forth . & to fals takyth
K: 2,50 In forward that falshede . schal fynd her [for] euer
K: 2,51 And sche to be bome at his bode . his byddyng to
fulfylle [aaAx]
K: 2,52 At bedde & at bord . be buxum & hend [aaAx]
K: 2,53 As sir symony woll say . to sewyn his wille [aaAx]
K: 2,54 Symonye & Cyvile . stondeth forth both [aaAx]
K: 2,55 And vnfolden the fefem(en)t . that fals hath Imakyd
K: 2,56 Thus begonne thes gomes . & greden well hye [aaAx]
K: 2,57 Wityn & wittnessen . that wonyen on erth [aaAx]
K: 2,58 That I fauell feffe . falsnes to mede [aaAx]
K: 2,59 To be p(re)sent in p(ri)de . for pore or for riche
K: 2,60 With the erledome of Envye . for eu(er) to last [aaAx]
K: 2,61 W(i)t(h) al the lordschip of lecherye . in lenght & in
brede [aaAx]
K: 2,62 W(i)t(h) the kyngdome of couetise . I coroune hem
togeders [aaAx]
fol. 11r
K: 2,63 And al the ill of vsurie . & auerice the faste
K: 2,64 Glotonye & gret othis . I yeve hem togyders [aaAx]
K: 2,65 W(i)t(h) al the delic(es) of luste . the devile for
to s(er)uen [axAx]
K: 2,66 In al the siegnyo(ur)ie of sclouth . I sesen hem
togyders [aaAx]
K: 2,67 Thay to haue & to hould . & her heyr(es)
after [aaAa]
K: 2,68 With al the p(ur)tenance of purgatorye . into the
payn of helle [aaAx]
K: 2,69 Yeldyng for this thyng at one yeres ende [xxXx]
K: 2,70 Her [soule] to sathanas . to synkyn in pyne [aaAx]
K: 2,71 Ther to wony w(i)t(h) wrong . whil(es) god is in
hevene [aaAxx]
K: 2,72 In witnes of which thyng . wronge was the first [aaAx]
K: 2,73 And piers the p(ar)doner . pawlyns docto(ur) [aaAx]
K: 2,74 Bette the bedill . of bokyngh(a)m schire [aaAx]
K: 2,75 Randolf the reue . of Rutelonde sokne [aaAx]
K: 2,76 Munde the myllar . and many mo other [aaAx]
K: 2,77 In the date of the davile . this dede is Insealid
K: 2,78 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 2,79 Than tenyde hym theologie . whan he this tale herd
K: 2,80 And said to Cyvyle . now sorowe on thy chek(es) [aaAx]
K: 2,81 Such weddyng to worche . to wrath w(i)t(h) truthe
K: 2,82 And ar this weddyng be wrought . woo the betyde [aaAx]
K: 2.83 ffor mede is a mewliere . of mend(es) engendred [aaAx]
K: 2,84 God g(ra)untyd . to geue mede to truthe [aaAx]
K: 2,85 Now thou hast gevyn her to a gylo(ur) . god gyve
the sorowe [aaAx]
K: 2,86 The text tellith not so . truthe wotith the soth
K: 2,86a { Dignus est m(er)cenarius m(er)cede sua } [Latin]
K: 2,87 Worthy is a workma(n) . his mede to haue [aaXx]
K: 2,88 And thou hast fastynyd her to false . fye on thy
lawe [aaAx]
fol. 11v
K: 2,89 ffor al by lesing(es) thou lyvyst . & lecherous
work(es) [aaAx]
K: 2,90 Symonye & thy self . schenden holy chirche [aaAx]
K: 2,91 Ye & the notaries noyen the people [xaAx]?
K: 2,92 Ye schall abyggen it both . by god that me made [aaAxx]
K: 2,93 Wel ye wyttyn warn(er)d(es) . but if yo(ur) witt
fayle [aaaAx]
K: 2,94 That fals is a fayto(ur) . & faithles of work(es)
K: 2,95 And as a bastard Iborn . of belsabubb(es) kynde [aaAx]
K: 2,96 And mede is mewlyar . a maydyn of good [aaAx]
K: 2,97 Sche might kysse the kyng . for Cosyn & he would
K: 2,98 Worchith by wisdome . & by witt after [aaAx]
K: 2,99 Ledith her to londou(n) . ther lawe is Ihandelyd
K: 2,100 Yef any lewte woll loke . they liggen togeder [aaAx]
K: 2,101 And though the Iustice Iugyn her . to be Ioynyd
w(i)t(h) fals [aaAx]
K: 2,102 Yet be ware of weddyng . for wytty is trewth [aaAx]
K: 2,103 ffor consyens is of his councell . & knowth
yow echon [aaAx]
K: 2,104 And yf he fynd yow in defaute . & w(i)t(h) the
fals holde [aaAx]
K: 2,105 It schal besytt yo(ur) sowl(is) well . sower at
the last [aaAx]
K: 2,106 Hereto assentith Cyuyle . but Symonye it nold [aaAx]
K: 2,107 Tyl he had syluer . for his seale & signes [xaAa]
K: 2,108 Than fet favell forth . florens Inowe [aaaAx]
K: 2,109 And bad Gyle geve . gold al aboute [aaAx]
K: 2,110 And namelich to the Notaryys . that thay now fayled
K: 2,111 And feffe falsnes . with floreyns Inowe [aaAx]
K: 2,112 ffor he may mede amastren . & maken at my wille
K: 2,113 Whan the gold was gevyn . gret was the thank(es)
K: 2,114 To fals & [to] favell . for their faier yeftes
fol. 12r
K: 2,115 Thay co(m)men to co(m)forte . from care the fals [aaAx]
K: 2,116 And sayden certes . sesyn schull we neuer [aaAx]
K: 2,117 Tyl mede be thy weddyd wyfe . throwgh witt of vs
alle [aaAx]
K: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amastred . w(i)t(h) our mery speche
K: 2,119 That she g(ra)untith to gone . with a good wille
K: 2,120 To london to lokyn . if the lawe woulde [aaAx]
K: 2,121 Iuge yow ioyntly . in Ioy for euer [aaAx]
K: 2,122 Than was fals fayne . & favel als blithe [aaAx]
K: 2,123 And lett sumone al the segg(es) . in schir(es) aboute
K: 2,124 And al ben bown . beggars & other [aaAx]
K: 2,125 To wend w(i)t(h) them to westmynstr(e) . to witnes
this dede [aaAx]
K: 2,126 Than cared thay for caples . to carien them thether
K: 2,127 And than fet favell . folys of the best [aaAx]
K: 2,128 And sett mede on a schriff . Ischode al newe [aaAx]
K: 2,129 And sett [fals] on a cysour . that softly trottyd
K: 2,130 And ffavell vpon faire spech . fetislich tyryd [aaAx]
K: 2,131 Tho had notaries none . anoyed thay weren [aaAx]
K: 2,132 And Symonye & cyuyle . schuld on her fete gone
K: 2,133 Than sware Cyvyle . & said by the rode [aaAx]
K: 2,134 That somnars schuld ben sadeled . & s(er)uen
echone [aaAx]
K: 2,135 And lett apparelle thes p(ro)vyson(er)(es) . in
palfray wise [aaAx]
K: 2,136 Sir Symonye hym self . schal sytt [on] their bakkes
K: 2,137 And al thes denes & officyall(es) . as destreres
hem dighten [aaAa]
K: 2,138 ffor thay schal beren -th-es bisshopis . & bryng
hem to rest [aaAx]
K: 2,139 Pauelyns people . for playnt(es) in consystory [aaAx]
fol. 12v
K: 2,140 Schulden s(er)ue my self . that Cyvyle hote [aaAx]
K: 2,141 And lett cartsadill the co(m)missariis . our cart(es)
schal they drawe [aaAx]
K: 2,142 And fetche our all vitalles . of fornicatours [aaAx]
K: 2,143 And makyth of lyars a long cart . to lede al thes
other [aaAx]
K: 2,144 As fobbars & faytours . that on her fete Rynnen
K: 2,145 ffals & favell . faren forth togeders [aaAa]
K: 2,146 And mede in the myddes . & al this meyney after
K: 2,147 I haue no tome to telle . the taile that them folowith
K: 2,148 Of many man(er) man . that on this molde lyvyth
K: 2,149 But Gyle was forgoar . & gydyd them alle [aaAx]
K: 2,150 Sothenesse see hem well . & said but lityll
K: 2,151 But prykkyd forth on his palfray . & passyd
hem alle [aaAx]
K: 2,152 And came to the kyng(es) court . & consience
tolde [aaAx]
K: 2,153 And consyens to the kyng . carpyd yt after [aaAx]
K: 2,154 By crist q(uo)d the kyng . & I myght catche
K: 2,155 ffals other favell . other any of her ferys [aaXa]
K: 2,156 I wold be wrokyn of the wretchis . that worchen
so ille [aaAx]
K: 2,157 And done hem honge by the hals . & al hem that
mayntenyth [aaAx]
K: 2,158 Schal neu(er) man on this molde . meynp(ri)se the
leste [aaAx]
K: 2,159 But right as the lawe lokyth . lete fal on hem al
K: 2,160 And co(m)maunded a constable . that came at the
laste [aaAx]
K: 2,161 To atachen tho tyrautes . for any tresour I hote
K: 2,162 ffetereth falsenes fast . for eny kynnes yeftes
K: 2,163 And Gyrdith of gyles hed . let hym go no farther
K: 2,164 And bryngith mede to me . mawgre hem alle [aaAx]
K: 2,165 Symonye & Cyuyle . I send hem to warne [aaAx]
fol. 13r
K: 2,166 That holy chyrch for hem . worth harmyd for eu(er)
K: 2,167 And if ye take lyar . letyth hym not ascape [aaAx]
K: 2,168 Or he be put on the pelorye . for any p(re)your
ich hote [aaAx]
K: 2,169 Drede at the dore stode . & al that dome harde
K: 2,170 And wightliche went . to warne the fals [aaAx]
K: 2,171 And bad hym flee for fere . & his fer(is) alle
K: 2,172 And than falshode for fere . flewe to the freris
K: 2,173 And gile doth hym to goo . agaste for to die [aaAx]
K: 2,174 But m(er)chaunt(es) mette w(i)t(h) hym . & made
hym abyde [aaAx]
K: 2,175 Byschuttyn hym in her schoppes . to sellen her ware
K: 2,176 And apparailyd as a pp(re)ntise . the people to
serue [aaAx]
K: 2,177 Lightlich liar . lepe away thens [aaAx]
K: 2,178 Lourkyng throwgh lanes . tolugged of many [aaAx]
K: 2,179 He was nowher welcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
K: 2,180 Ou(er)al Ihuntyd . & Ihote to trusse [aaAx]
K: 2,181 Til p(ar)donars haddyn pety . & pullyd hym to
house [aaAx]
K: 2,182 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 2,183 And sendyn hym on sondays . w(i)t(h) seales to chirches
K: 2,184 And yafe p(ar)doun for penyes . poundemele aboute
K: 2,185 Than lowred leches . & letters hym sent [aaAx]
K: 2,186 ffor to wonye w(i)t(h) hem . waturs to loke [axAx]
K: 2,187 Spicers spekyn w(i)t(h) hym . to aspye her ware
K: 2,188 ffor he cowld of their craft . & knewe many
go(m)mes [aaAx]
K: 2,189 But mynstrell(es) & mesang(er)s . mett w(i)t(h)
hym ons [aaAx]
K: 2,190 And fast heldyn hym half . a -gh-er & elleuen
days [aaAx]
K: 2,191 ffryers w(i)t(h) fayer speche . fettyn hym thens
fol. 13v
K: 2,192 ffor knowyng of co(m)mars . copyd hym as a frere [aaAx]
K: 2,193 But he hath leue to lepyn out . as oftyn as hym
likyth [aaXa]
K: 2,194 And ys welcome whan he woll . & woneth w(i)t(h)
hem ofte [aaAx]
K: 2,195 Al fleddyn for fere . & flowen into hirnnes
K: 2,196 Saue mede the mayde . none durst abyde [aaAx]
K: 2,197 But trewlich to telle . sche trymbeled for feare
K: 2,198 And eke wepte & wrong . whan sche was attached
Passus quart(us) de visione
K: 3,1 Now is mede the mayde . & no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
K: 3,2 W(i)t(h) bedellys & bayllif(es) . brought to the
kyng [aaAx]
K: 3,3 The kyng callid a clerk . I conne nott his name [aaaAx]
K: 3,4 To take mede that mayden . & make her at eyse
K: 3,5 I woll assaye her my self . & sothly appose [aaAx]
K: 3,6 What man of this molde . that her war most leve [aaAx]
K: 3,7 And if sche worche by wytt . & my will folowe
K: 3,8 I wil forgeue her this gylte . so me god helpe [aaAx]
K: 3,9 Curteysly the clerk than . as the kyng hett [aaAx]
K: 3,10 Toke mede by the myddyll . & brought her to chambr
K: 3,11 Bot ther was myrth & mynstrelcye . mede for to
please [aaAx]
K: 3,12 That wonneth at westmynstre . thay wurschippyn her
alle [aaAx]
K: 3,13 Gentylich with Ioy . the Iustice sonne [aaAx]
K: 3,14 Buskyth hym to the bower . ther the byrde dwellith
fol. 14r
K: 3,15 Comfortyth her kyndlich . by clergyes leue [aaAx]
K: 3,16 And said morne nott mede . ne make thow no sorowe
K: 3,17 ffor we woll wysse the kyng . & thy way maken
K: 3,18 ffor al consience cast . & crafte as I trowe
K: 3,19 Mildeliche mede than . m(er)cyed them alle [aaAx]
K: 3,20 Of their gret goodenesse . & gave them echone
K: 3,21 Cuppes of clene gold . & peces of syluer [aaXx]
K: 3,22 Rynges w(i)t(h) Rubies . & Richesse many [aaAx]
K: 3,23 The lest man of her meynye . a motone of gold [aaAx]
K: 3,24 Than lawghten thay leue . thes lord(is) at mede [aaAx]
K: 3,25 With that co(m)me clerkes . to comforten her in the
same [aaAx]
K: 3,26 And bydden her be blythe . for we bynnen thyn own
K: 3,27 ffor to worchen thy will . while oure life lasteth
K: 3,28 Hendeliche sche than . behete them the same [aaAx]
K: 3,29 To loven hem leally . & lordes hem maken [aaAx]
K: 3,30 And in con[si]starie at court . do cal her names
K: 3,31 Schal no lewednesse hem lett . the leste that I loue
K: 3,32 That he ne worth firste auaunced . for I ame beknowe
K: 3,33 Ther connyng clerk(es) . schal clokkyn behynde [aaAx]
K: 3,34 Than co(m)me ther a confessour . copyd as a frere
K: 3,35 And to mede the mayde . mekelich he lowtyd [aaAx]
K: 3,36 And said wel softely . in schrift as it were [aaAx]
K: 3,37 Though leryd & lewde . haue lyen be the echone
K: 3,38 And though falshode haue folowyd the . this fyvetene
wynt(er) [aaAx]
fol. 14v
K: 3,39 I schal assoile the myself . for a sem of whete [aaAx]
K: 3,40 And eke her thy bawdekyn . & bere well thyn erand
K: 3,41 Among(es) clerk(is) & knight(es) . consience
to fele [aaAx]
K: 3,42 Than mede for her mysded(is) . to that man kneled
K: 3,43 And schrove her of her schrewedenes . schameles I
trowe [aaAx]
K: 3,44 Told hym a tale . & toke hym a noble [aaAx]
K: 3,45 ffor to be her bedeman . & her bawde after [aaAx]
K: 3,45 [B: 3,52/C: 4,56] And said frere I schal fayle the nower
K: 3,45 [B: 3,53/C: 4,57] Whilys thou lovest lord(es) that lechery hauntyn
K: 3,45 [B: 3,54/C: 4,58] And lack not ladys that lovyn wel the same
K: 3,45 [B: 3,56/C: 4,60] It is a course of kynde wherof we co(m)myn al
K: 3,45 [B: 3,57/C: 4,61] Who may scape the sclaund(er) the
scathe is sone mendyd
K: 3,45 [B: 3,58/C: 4,62] It is the synne of the sevyn sonest
K: 3,46 Than he assoyled her sone . & sithen he said
K: 3,47 We haue a wyndowe in worchinge . wol stond vs well
hye [aaAxx]
K: 3,48 Woldest thowe glase the gable . & grave therin
thy name [aaAx]
K: 3,49 Sikere schuld thy sowle . be hevene to haue [aaBb]
K: 3,50 Wist I that q(uo)d the woman . ther is no wyndowe
ne avtere [aaAx]
K: 3,51 That I ne schuld make or mend . & my name writen
K: 3,52 That eche segge schulde see . that I ame sustre of
yo(ur) house [aaAx]
K: 3,53 But god to al good men . such gravyng defendith [aaAx]
K: 3,54 And saith { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextera
tua } [Latin]
K: 3,55 Lett not thy lyfte honde . late ne rathe [aaAx]
K: 3,56 Be war what thy right hand . w(er)chit or dealith
K: 3,57 But so p(re)vely p(ar)te it . that p(ri)de be not
Isee [aaAx]
fol. 15r
K: 3,58 Neyther in thy sight ne in thy sowle . for god hym
self knowith [aaAx]
K: 3,59 Who is curteyse or kynde . or couetise other els
K: 3,60 fforthy I lere yow lord(is) . leveth such writyng(es)
K: 3,61 To wrytyn in wyndowes . of yo(ur) good ded(es) [aaAx]
K: 3,62 Or to grede aftre god(is) men . whan ye geuen doles
K: 3,63 An auntre ye haue . yo(ur) hyre therof here [aaAa]
K: 3,64 ffor our sauiour it said . & hym self p(re)ched
K: 3,64a { Amen dico vobis receperunt m(er)cedem suam } [Latin]
K: 3,65 Mayers & masters . & thay that bene meane
K: 3,66 Betwene the kyng & the co(m)men . to kepe the
lawes [aaAx]
K: 3,67 As to ponische on pylory . & on pynyng stoles
K: 3,68 Brewars & bakars . bochars & cok(es) [aaAx]
K: 3,69 ffor thay arn me(n) on this molde . that most harme
worchen [aaAx]
K: 3,70 To the pore people . that p(ar)celmele beggyn [aaAx]
K: 3,71 ffor thay poyson the people . p(re)vylich well ofte
K: 3,72 And Rychen through regraterye . & rent(is) hem
byen [aaAx]
K: 3,73 Of that the pore people . schuld putt in her wombe
K: 3,74 ffor toke thay not vntrewly . thay tymberid not so
hye [aaAx]
K: 3,75 Ne bowghte no burgages . be ye well certeyne [aaAx]?
K: 3,76 But mede the mayde . the mayer sche besowghte [aaAx]
K: 3,77 Of [al] such sellars . sylu(er) to takyn [aaAx]
K: 3,78 Or present-gh- w(i)t(h)out penies . as pec(is) of
sylu(er) [aaAx]
K: 3,79 Ryng other richesse . the regratoures to mayntene
K: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d that lady . leve hem echone [aaAx]
K: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . sumdele ageyn Reasone [aaAx]
fol. 15v
K: 3,82 Salamon the sage . a sermone he made [aaAx]
K: 3,83 ffor to amend mayers & men that kepen lawes [aaaXx]
K: 3,84 And tould hem this teme . that I telle thynk [aaAx]
K: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nacula eor(um) qui libent(er)
accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
K: 3,86 Among(es) thes lettred lord(is) . this laten a movntith
K: 3,87 That fyer schall falle . & forbren at the laste
K: 3,88 The houses & the homes . of them that desiren
K: 3,89 To haue yeftes or p(re)sentes . in youthe or in elde
K: 3,90 The kyng fro his councell co(m)me . & callyd
after mede [aaaAx]
K: 3,91 And sent for her swyth . s(er)u(a)nt(es) her fette
K: 3,92 And brought her to bowes . with blisse & with
Ioy [aaAx]
K: 3,93 Curteysly the kyng than . melleth thes wordes [aaAx]
K: 3,94 --- run together with preceding ---
K: 3,95 Vnwittylich Iwroughte hast thou right ofte [aaAx]
K: 3,96 But wors wroughtest thou neu(er) . than tho thou
fals toke [aaXx]
K: 3,97 But I foryeve the that gylte . and g(ra)unte the
my grace [aaAa]
K: 3,98 Henis to thy deth day . do thou so no more [aaAx]
K: 3,99 I haue a knight hyght consience . come late from
beyond [aaAx]
K: 3,100 Yf he woll the to wyfe . wolte thou hym haue [aaAx]
K: 3,101 Yee lord q(uo)d that lady . god forbede ellis [aaAx]
K: 3,102 But I be holy at yo(ur) heste . honge me in haste
K: 3,103 Than was consience callid . to come & appere
K: 3,104 Before the kyng & his counsell . of clerk(ys) & other
K: 3,105 Knelyng consience . to the kyng lowtyde [aaAx]
K: 3,106 What that his wille war . & what he do schuld
K: 3,107 Wolt thou wedde this woman . yf I wille assente
K: 3,108 ffor sche is fayne of thy felawschipe . for to be
thy make [aaAxx]
fol. 16r
K: 3,109 Quod consience to the kyng . [&] criste me it
forbede [aaAx]
K: 3,110 Ar I wedde such a wife . woo me betyde [aaAx]
K: 3,111 Sche is frayle of her faithe . fykell of her speche
K: 3,112 Sche makyth men mysdoo . many score tymes [aaaAx]
K: 3,113 In trust of her tresure . sche teneth well many
K: 3,114 Wyfys & wydowes . wantones techyth [aaAx]
K: 3,115 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 3,116 Our ffather sche fylyd . through fals behestes [aaAx]
K: 3,117 Appoysonyth popes . enpeyreth al holy chyrche [aaAx]
K: 3,118 Ys not a better bawde . by hym that me made [aaAxx]
K: 3,119 Betwen hevyn & helle . & erthe thorogh men
sowght [aaAx]
K: 3,120 Sche is tykyll of her tayle . talewise of her tonge
K: 3,121 As co(m)mon as the carteway . to knavys & to
alle [aaAx]
K: 3,122 To monk(is) & to mynstrell(es) . to myssellys
in hedgys [aaAx]
K: 3,123 Sisoures & somnours . such men her praysyne
K: 3,124 Schryffes of schir(es) . weryn schent if sche ne
were [aaAx]
K: 3,125 Sche doth men sell her londe . & her lyfe bothe
K: 3,126 And lettith passe p(ri)sonar(es) . & payeth
for hem ofte [aaAx]
K: 3,127 And yevyth the gaylours gold . & grotes togeder
K: 3,128 To onfeter ffals . flee wher hym lyketh [aaAx]
K: 3,129 Sche taketh the true by the toppe . & feteryth
hym faste [aaAx]
K: 3,130 And hangith hym for hatrede . that harmyd neuer
K: 3,131 To be cursed in constory . sche countyth not a rysche
K: 3,132 ffor sche copithe the Co(m)myssarye . & Coteth
his clerk(is) [aaAa]
K: 3,133 Sche is assoylyd also sone . as her self liketh
K: 3,134 Sche may nigh as mychel done . in a moneth ons [aaAx]
fol. 16v
K: 3,135 As your secrete seale . in six score dayes [aaAx]
K: 3,136 Sche is p(ry)vye withe [-th-e] pape . p(ro)visoures
it knowyn [aaAx]
K: 3,137 Sir symonye & hirself . selyn here bulles [aaAx]
K: 3,138 Sche blissith the bysschoppes . though thay ben
lewde [aaAx]
K: 3,139 P(ro)vendreth p(er)sons . & prestes sche mayneteneth
K: 3,140 To holden le(m)mans & loteboyes . al their lyfe
dayes [aaAx]
K: 3,141 To bryngen forth barnes . ageynst forbodone lawes
K: 3,142 Ther sche is well w(i)t(h) the kyng . woo is the
Realme [axAx]
K: 3,143 ffor sche is fauorable to fals . & fowlyth trewth
ofte [aaAx]
K: 3,144 Barounes & burgeis . sche bryngith in sorowe
K: 3,145 By Iesu w(i)t(h) her Iew all(es) . yo(ur) Iustice
sche schendith [aaAx]
K: 3,146 And leyyth a-gh-enst the lawe . that faith may not
haue his forthe [aaAx]
K: 3,147 ffor her florence gone so faste & therw(i)t(h)
so thykke [aaAx]
K: 3,148 Sche ledith the lawe as her list . & louedais
maketh [aaAx]
K: 3,149 The mase for a mene man . though he mote eu(er)
K: 3,150 Lawe is so lordlich . & loth to make an ende
K: 3,151 Without p(re)sent-gh- or penies . he plesith wel
fewe [aaAx]
K: 3,152 Clergie & couetise . sche cowpelith together
K: 3,153 This is the life of that lady . now our lord geve
her sorowe [aaAx]
K: 3,154 And al that meynteyn her men . myschance hem betyde
K: 3,155 ffor pore men may haue no power . to pleyn though
hem smarte [aaAx]
K: 3,156 Such a master is mede . amonge men of goode [aaAx]
K: 3,157 Than mornyd mede . & mevyd her to the kyng [aaAx]
K: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede if sche myght [aaAx]
K: 3,159 The kyng graunted her grace . with a goode wylle
fol. 17r
K: 3,160 Excuse [the] if thou canst . I can no more sayne [aaAx]
K: 3,161 ffor consience accuseth the . to hange the for eu(er)
K: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d that lady . levyth hym the worsse
K: 3,163 Whanne ye wyttyn wytterly . wher the wrong liggeth
K: 3,164 Ther that myschef is grett . mede may helpe [axAx]
K: 3,165 And thou knowest consyence . I come not to chyde
K: 3,166 Ne to depraue thy p(er)sone . with prowde harte
K: 3,167 Well thou wotest consience . but if thou wylt lye
K: 3,168 Thou hast hongyd on my halse . elleuene tymes [aaAx]
K: 3,169 And eke groped my gold . & yevyn it where the
lyked [aaAx]
K: 3,170 Why thou wrathest now . wonder me thynkyth [aaAx]
K: 3,171 Yet I may as I might . menske the with yeftes [aaAx]
K: 3,172 And mayneteyne thy manhede . more than thow knowest
K: 3,173 And thou haste famed me fowle . before the kyng
here [aaAxx]
K: 3,174 ffor kylled I neu(er) no kynge . ne counseyled therafter
K: 3,175 Ne dyd as thou demest . I do it on the kyng [aaAx]
K: 3,176 In normandy was he not . anoyed for my sake [aaAx]
K: 3,177 But thou thy self sothelich . schamyd hym ofte [aaAx]
K: 3,178 Crepe in to a caban . for cowld of thy nayles [aaAx]
K: 3,179 Wendest that wynt(er) . would haue last euer [aaAx]
K: 3,180 And dreddest the to be ded . for a dy(m)me clowde
K: 3,181 And hasted the homeward . for hunger of thy wombe
K: 3,182 Without pety thou pyllour . pore men thou robbed
K: 3,183 And bare their brasse at thy backe . to Cales to
selle [aaaXx]
K: 3,184 Ther I lefte with my lord . his life for to saue
fol. 17v
K: 3,185 And made hym myrthe . mornyng to leue [aaAx]
K: 3,186 I batred hym on the backe . & bolded his harte
K: 3,187 Dyd hym hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
K: 3,188 Had I byn m(er)schall of his men . be mary of heuen
K: 3,189 I dorste haue leyyd my life . & no lesse wedde
K: 3,190 He shuld haue byn lord of that lond . in lenght & in
brede [aaAx]
K: 3,191 And eke kyng of that kyth . his kyn for to helpe
K: 3,192 The lest brolle of his blode . a barons piere [aaAx]
K: 3,193 Cowardly thou consience . counceilid hym thens [aaAx]
K: 3,194 To leuyn his lordschipe . for a lityll syluer [aaAx]
K: 3,195 That is the richest realme . that rayne ou(er) erthe
K: 3,196 It beco(m)myth to a kyng . that kepeth a realme
K: 3,197 To yevyn his men mede . that mekelich hym s(er)ue
K: 3,198 To aliens to al men . to hono(ur) hem w(i)t(h) yeftes
K: 3,199 Mede hym maketh to be loved . & for a man holdyn
K: 3,200 Emperours erlys . and al maner lord(is) [aaAx]
K: 3,201 Through yeftes haven yonge men . to renne & to
ryden [aaAx]
K: 3,202 The pape w(i)t(h) his p(re)lat(is) . p(re)sent-gh-
vnd(ir)fongeth [aaAx]
K: 3,203 And medith men hym seluen . to maynteyne here lawes
K: 3,204 Seruaunt(is) for her s(er)uice . we seen well the
sothe [aaAa]
K: 3,205 Takyn mede of her masters . as thay mowyn accorde
K: 3,206 Beggars for her biddynge . bedith men mede [aaAbb]
K: 3,207 Mynstrell(es) for her myrthes . mede thay asken
K: 3,208 The kyng hath mede of his men . to make peace in
his londe [aaAx]
K: 3,209 Men that byn clerk(is) . crauyn mede [aaAx]
fol. 18r
K: 3,210 P(re)st(is) that p(re)chyn . the people to good [aaAx]
K: 3,211 Asken mede & masse pens . & her mete also
K: 3,212 Alkyn craft(es) men c(ra)ven . mede for her p(re)ntices
K: 3,213 Mede & m(er)chaundise . moten ned(es) goon togiders
K: 3,214 No wight as ich wene . w(i)t(h)out mede might libbe
K: 3,215 Quod the kyng to consyence . by crist as me thynketh
K: 3,216 Mede is worthy . the mastry to haue [axAx]
K: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d consience to the kyng . & knelid
to the erthe [aaAx]
K: 3,218 Ther ar ij man(er) of medes . my lord by your leue
K: 3,219 That one god of his grace . geuyth in his blisse
K: 3,220 To them that worchen well . whiles thay ben here
K: 3,221 The p(ro)phete p(re)chid it . & put it in the
sauter [aaAx]
K: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram } [Latin]
K: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of men that ben trewe [aaAx]
K: 3,223 Loue hem & leue hem . for the lord(is) loue
of heuyn [aaAx]?
K: 3,224 Godd(is) mede & his m(er)cye . ther w(i)t(h)
mightyst thowe wyn [aaAx]
K: 3,225 Ther is a mede mesureles . that masters desyren
K: 3,226 To mayntene mysdoars . mede thay taken [aaAx]
K: 3,227 And therof saith the sawter . in a psalmes end [aaAx]
K: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) Iniquitates su(n)t dext(ra)
eor(um) repleta est mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
K: 3,229 And thay that grepyn her gyftes . so me god helpe
K: 3,230 Schallen abygge it well bitterly . or the boke lyeth
K: 3,231 Prest(is) & p(er)sons . that plesyng desyren
K: 3,232 & taken mede & money . for masses that the
syngyn [aaAx]
K: 3,233 Schallen haue mede on this molde . that mathew hath
Ig(ra)untyd [aaAx]
fol. 18v
K: 3,233a { Amen amen dico vobis receperunt m(er)cedem suam
} [Latin]
K: 3,234 That labourars & lowe folkes . taken of her
masters [aaXx]
K: 3,235 It is no man(er) of mede . but a mesurable hyre
K: 3,236 In marchandise is no mede . I may it well avowe
K: 3,237 It is a p(er)muttaciou(n) ap(er)tely . a penyworth
for another [aaAx]
K: 3,238 But raddest thou neu(er) { Regum } . thow Recrayed
mede [aaAx]
K: 3,239 Why the vengeaunce ffell . on savle & on his
childern [aaXx]
K: 3,240 God sent hym to say . be samuell(es) mowth [aaAx]
K: 3,241 That agagge of amaleche . and all his people after
K: 3,242 Schuld die for a dede . that done had his eldars
K: 3,243 A-gh-enst Israell & aaron . & moyses his
brother [aaXx]?
K: 3,244 Samuel said to sawle . god send the & hoteth
K: 3,245 To be buxum & bownde . his byddyng to fulfille
K: 3,246 Wende thither w(i)t(h) thyn hooste . wymmen to kille
K: 3,247 Childern & clark(es) . choppe them to dethe
K: 3,248 Loke thou kylle the kyng . cauyte not his good(is)
K: 3,249 ffor any meliouns of money . murdre hem echone [aaAx]
K: 3,250 Barnes & bestes . brenne hem to dethe [aaAx]
K: 3,251 And for he kyllyd not the kyng . as criste hym bode
sent [aaAx]
K: 3,252 Coueyted her catell . kyllyd not her bestes [aaAx]
K: 3,253 But brought w(i)t(h) hym the bestes . as the bible
telleth [aaAx]
K: 3,254 God said to samuell . that saul schulde die [aaAx]
K: 3,255 And al his sede for that synne . schamefully end
K: 3,256 Such a myschef mede . made [the] kyng to haue [aaAx]
K: 3,257 That god hated hym for eu(er) . & al his heires
after [aaAa]
fol. 19r
K: 3,258 The colour of this . kepe I nowght to schewe [aaAx]
K: 3,259 An avntre it noyed me . nygh an ende wol I make
K: 3,260 In consience knowe [I] this . for kynd me tould
K: 3,261 That resone schal reynge . & realmes gou(er)ne
K: 3,262 And right as agag had . happe sum schulden haue
K: 3,263 Samuel schal scleen hym . & savl schal be blamed
K: 3,264 And dauid schal be diademed . & daunten hem
alle [aaAx]
K: 3,265 And one crysten kynge . kepyn vs echone [aaAx]
K: 3,266 Schal no more mede . be master on erthe [aaAx]
K: 3,267 But loue & lownes . & lewte togyders [aaAx]
K: 3,268 And whoso trespasith treuth . takyth ageyn his will
K: 3,269 Leavte schal done hym lawe . & lese his life
els [aaAx]
K: 3,270 Schal no s(er)u(a)nt for that s(er)uice . weare
a sylken hove [aaAx]
K: 3,271 Ne noon ray robe . with riche pelure [aaAx]
K: 3,272 Mede of mysdoars . maketh hem so riche [aaAx]
K: 3,273 That lawe is lord waxen . & lewte is pore [aaAx]
K: 3,274 Vnkyndenes is co(m)maundo(ur) . & kyndenes is
banysshed [aaAx]
K: 3,275 But kynde witt schal co(m)me yet . & consyence
togeder [aaAx]
K: 3,276 And make of lawe a laborar . such love schal arise
Passus quiny(us) de visione
K: 4,1 Sesseth said the kyng . I suffre you no leng(er) [aaAx]
K: 4,2 Ye schulden sau-gh-ten forsoth . & s(er)ue me
both [aaAx]
K: 4,3 Kysse her q(uo)d the kyng . consience I the hote [aaAx]
K: 4,4 Nay by criste q(uo)d consience . conge me rather [aaAx]
fol. 19v
K: 4,5 But reason rede me thertil . erst wil I dye [aaAx]
K: 4,6 And I co(m)maunde q(uo)d the kyng . to consience than
K: 4,7 Rape the ryde . & reasoune that thowe fetche [aaAx]
K: 4,8 Co(m)maund hym that he co(m)me . my counceile to here
K: 4,9 ffor he schal rule my realme . & rede me the best
K: 4,10 Of mede & of mo other . and what man schal her
wedd(e) [aaAx]
K: 4,11 And counte with the consience . so me crist helpe
K: 4,12 Hou thou lernest the people . the lettred & the
lewed [axAa]
K: 4,13 I am fayne of that forward . saith the freke than
K: 4,14 And rode to reason . & rownyd in hys eare [aaaAx]
K: 4,15 Said hym that the kyng sent . & sythen toke his
leue [aaAxx]
K: 4,16 I schal array me to ride q(uo)d reason . rest the
a while [aaaAx]
K: 4,17 And callid caton his knaue . curteis of speche [aaaAx]
K: 4,18 Sett my sadill . vpon suffre tyl I see my tyme [aaAa]
K: 4,19 And warrok hym wel . with wytful gyrthes [aaAx]
K: 4,20 Honge on hym the heuy brydell . to hold his hed lowe
K: 4,21 And yet wol he make many wehe . or he co(m)me ther
K: 4,22 Than consience on his caple . caried forth fast [aaAx]
K: 4,23 And reason w(i)t(h) hym ryte . & rapyd hym fast
K: 4,24 But one waryn wisdome . & wytty his fere [aaAx]
K: 4,25 ffolowyd hem fast . for thay hadden to done [aaAxx]
K: 4,26 In the cheker & chaunc(er)y . to ben discharged
of thinges [aaAx]
K: 4,27 And riden fast for reason . schuld Reden hem to the
best [aaAx]
K: 4,28 ffor to sauen hem self . from schame & from harmes
K: 4,29 But consience came erst . by a myle way [aaAx]
K: 4,30 And romyd forth w(i)t(h) reason . right to the kyng
fol. 20r
K: 4,31 Curteisly the kyng . than co(m)me vnto reason [aaAx]
K: 4,32 And betwen hym self & his son . set hym on benche
K: 4,33 And wordeden a gret while . wel wiseliche togeders
K: 4,34 Than came peace into p(ar)lement . & put vp a
bille [aaAx]
K: 4,35 How wrong ageyn his will . had his wife takyn [aaAx]
K: 4,36 And how he Ravyschyd Rose . Reynold(es) love [aaAx]
K: 4,37 And margaret of her maydenhede . mavgre her chekes
K: 4,38 Both my gees & my gryses . his gadelynges fetchen
K: 4,39 I dare not for fere of hym . fyghten ne chyden [xaAx]
K: 4,40 He borowed of me bayard . & browght hym neu(er)
ageyn [aaAx]
K: 4,41 Ne no ferthyng for hym . for nowght I could plede
K: 4,42 He maynteneth his men . to murdre myne hewen [aaAx]
K: 4,43 fforstallith my faier . fightith in my chepyng [aaAx]
K: 4,44 Brekith vp my barne dores . beres away my whete [aaAx]
K: 4,45 And takyth me a tayle of nowght . for tenne q(ua)rt(er)s
ot(es) [aaAx]
K: 4,46 And yet he beteth me therto . & liggith by my
mayden [axAx]
K: 4,47 I ame not hardy for him vnneth to loke [aaAx]
K: 4,48 The kyng knewe . soth he said for consience hym toulde
K: 4,49 Wronge was aferde tho . & wysdome he besowght
K: 4,50 To make his peace with pens . & p(ro)feryd hym
many [aaAx]
K: 4,51 And said had I love of my lord the kyng . lityll
would I reche [aaAx]
K: 4,52 Though peace & his power . playnyd hem euer [aaAx]
K: 4,53 Wysdome wan tho . & so dyd wytty also [aaAx]
K: 4,54 ffor that wrong had Iwrought . so wykkyd a dede [aaAx]
K: 4,55 And warned wronge tho . with such wise tal(es) [aaAx]
K: 4,56 Whoso worcheth with will . maketh wrathe ofte [aaAx]
K: 4,57 I say it by my self . thou schalt it sone fynd [aaAx]
fol. 20v
K: 4,58 But mede thy mend(es) make . thy myscheff is vppe [aaAx]
K: 4,59 ffor both thy life & thy lond . lyen in his grace
K: 4,60 Wrong than on wisdome . wepid to helpe hym [aaAx]
K: 4,61 ffor his handy dandy rediliche to be paid [aaXa]
K: 4,62 Than wisdome & witte . wenten togiders [aaAx]
K: 4,63 And nommen with hem repentaunce . m(er)cy to wynne
K: 4,64 Peace put forth his hede . & his panne blody
K: 4,65 Without gilte god wote . gate I this skathe [aaAx]
K: 4,66 Consience & the kyng . knewe well the sothe [aaAx]
K: 4,67 And wisten well . wronge was a schrewe euer [aaAx]
K: 4,68 But wisdome & witte . waren aboute faste [aaAx]
K: 4,69 To ou(er)come the kyng . with catel & thay might
K: 4,70 The [kyng] swoore by criste . & by his crowne
bothe [aaAx]
K: 4,71 That wrong for his work(es) . schuld woo thole [aaAx]
K: 4,72 And co(m)maunded a constable . to caste hym in Ironnes
K: 4,73 He schal not this sevyn . yer(es) see his ffete ons
K: 4,74 God it wote q(uo)d wisdome . that wer not the beste
K: 4,75 And he amendese mow make . let menp(ri)se hym haue
K: 4,76 And be borowe for his bale . & biggen hym bote
K: 4,77 To amend that mysdede . & eu(er)more the better
K: 4,78 Witt accordid therw(i)t(h) . & said the same
K: 4,79 Better is that bote . bale down bryng [aaAa]
K: 4,80 Than bale be Ilete . & bote neu(er) the better
K: 4,81 Than gan mede to mekyn her . & m(er)cye besought
K: 4,82 And p(ro)feryd peace a p(re)sent . al of pure gold
fol. 21r
K: 4,83 Haue this of me man q(uo)d sche . to amende thy skathe
K: 4,84 ffor I woll wage for wrong . he wol do so no more
K: 4,85 Peace than pytuously . p(re)yed to the kyng [aaAx]
K: 4,86 To haue m(er)cie on that man . that mysdyd hym ofte
K: 4,87 ffor he hath wagyd me well . as wisdome hym taught
K: 4,88 I foryeve hym that gylte . with a good wille [aaAx]
K: 4,89 So that ye assente . I can say no more [aaAx]
K: 4,90 ffor mede hath made myn amend(es) . I can no more
asken [aaAx]
K: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d the kyng . so god gyve me blisse [aaAx]
K: 4,92 Wrong wendith not so away . or I wyte more [aaaAx]
K: 4,93 Lepe he so lightly away . lawghen he would [aaAx]
K: 4,94 And ofte the bolder ben . to bete myn hewyn [aaAx]
K: 4,95 But reason haue rewth on hym . he schal rest in the
stokk(is) [aaAx]
K: 4,96 As long as I lyue . but more loue it make [aaAx]
K: 4,97 Sum reden resou(n) . to haue rewthe on that schrewe
K: 4,98 And to counceile the kyng . & consience both
K: 4,99 That mede might be meynp(er)no(ur) . reson thay besought
K: 4,100 Rede me not q(uo)d reason . no ruthe to haue [aaAx]
K: 4,101 Til lordes & ladies . louen al treuth [aaAx]
K: 4,102 And Parnell(es) purfle . be put in her huche [aaAx]
K: 4,103 Til childern cherischyng . be chastised w(i)t(h)
yardes [aaAx]
K: 4,104 And harelottes holynes . be holden for an hyne [aaAa]
K: 4,105 Till clerk(is) & knightes . ben curteis of their
mowthes [aaAx]
K: 4,106 And hatyn to here harlotry . or mowthen it [aaaAx]
K: 4,107 Til prest(is) her p(re)chyng . p(ro)ven it hem selfen
fol. 21v
K: 4,108 And done it in dede . to drawe vs to good [aaAx]
K: 4,109 Til saynt Iames be sowght . ther I schall assyne
K: 4,110 That no man go to galys . but if he goo for euer
K: 4,111 And al rome ronnars . for robbers of beyonde [aaAx]
K: 4,112 Bere no sylu(er) ou(er) see . that sygne of kyng
schewith [aaAa]
K: 4,113 Nother grotes ne golde . Ig(ra)ue w(i)t(h) the kyng(es)
crowne [aaAx]
K: 4,114 Vpon forfeture of that fee . who so fynde it at
dover [aaAx]
K: 4,115 But it m(er)chaunte be other his man . or messaug
w(i)t(h) hors [aaAx]
K: 4,116 Or p(ro)uisour or p(re)st . that the pope auaunsith
K: 4,117 And yet q(uo)d reason by the rode . I schal no ruth
haue [aaAx]
K: 4,118 Whiles mede hathe the mastrie . to mote in this
halle [aaAx]
K: 4,119 But I may schewe ensample . as I see other [aaAx]
K: 4,120 I say it by my selue . & it so war [aaAx]
K: 4,121 That I war kyng w(i)t(h) crowne . to kepe a realme
K: 4,122 Schuld nev(er) wrong in this worlde . that I wite
might [aaAx]
K: 4,123 Be vnponisshed in my power . for p(er)ile of my
sowle [aaAx]
K: 4,124 Ne gett my grace thorowe yeft(es) . so me god helpe
K: 4,125 Ne for mede haue m(er)cye . but mekenes it make
K: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) } the man . mett w(i)t(h)
{ impunitu(m) } [aaAx]
K: 4,127 And bad { nullu(m) bonu(m) be irremuneratu(m) }
K: 4,128 Let thy confesso(ur) s(ir) kyng . construe the it
in englische [aaAx]
K: 4,129 And if thou worche [as I said] in worke . I wedd
myne eares [aaAx]
K: 4,130 That lawe schal be a laborar . & lede afelde
donge [aaAx]
K: 4,131 And loue schal lede thy londe . as the lefe likyth
K: 4,132 Clerk(is) that weren confessours . copled hem togeders
fol. 22r
K: 4,133 ffor to construe this clause . declyned ffaste [aaAx]
K: 4,134 But whan reason among(es) the renkes . had rehersyd
tho word(is) [aaAx]
K: 4,135 Ther nas in the motehalle . more ne lasse [aaAx]
K: 4,136 That he ne held reason a mast(er) & mede . a
mochel wretche [xaaAx]
K: 4,137 Love let of her li-gh-te . & lowgh her to scorne
K: 4,138 And said it so lowde . that sothenes it harde [aaAx]
K: 4,139 Whoso willith her to wyfe . for welth of her good(is)
K: 4,140 But he be cokewolde Iclepid . Cutt of my nose [aaAx]
K: 4,141 Waren wisdome tho . & witty his fere [aaAx]
K: 4,142 Cowde not werpyn a worde . to withsay reason [aaAx]
K: 4,143 But stared for studyeng . & stoden as bestes
K: 4,144 The kyng acordyd . by criste to reasons sawes [aaAx]
K: 4,145 And rehersed that reason . had rightfully schewyd
K: 4,146 But it is wel hard by my hed . herto to brynge it
K: 4,147 And al my liche led(is) . leden thus evyne [aaAx]
K: 4,148 By hym that rawght on the Rode . q(uo)d reason to
the kyng [aaAx]
K: 4,149 But if -th-e Rule thus yo(ur) realme . rent out
my Rybbes [aaAx]
K: 4,150 Yef so be that buxumnes . be of myn assente [aaAx]
K: 4,151 And I assent q(uo)d the kyng . by saynt mary my
lady [axAx]
K: 4,152 Be my counseile Ico(m)me . of clerk(es) and Erles
K: 4,153 But redyly reason . thou schalt not Ryde hens [aaAx]
K: 4,154 ffor as long as I lyue . letten the I nylle [aaAx]
K: 4,155 I ame redy q(uo)d reason . to rest with yow eu(er)
K: 4,156 So consience be of yo(ur) counseile . kepe I no
better [aaAx]
K: 4,157 I g(ra)unt q(uo)d the kyng . god forbede he faile
K: 4,158 As long as we lyve . libbe we togyders [aaAx] (finis)
fol. 22v
Passus sextus de visione
K: 5,1 The kyng & his knight(es) . to the chirche wente
K: 5,2 To hear matens & masse . & to mete after [aaAx]
K: 5,3 Than wakyd I of my wynkyng . & woo was withalle
K: 5,4 That I ne had saddar sclept . & Isee more [aaAx]
K: 5,5 Or I had faren a furlonge . ffantasye me hente [aaAx]
K: 5,6 That I ne might forth a fote . for defawte of sclepyng
K: 5,7 I satt softely adown . & said my beleue [aaAx]
K: 5,8 And so I bablid on my bed(is) . thay brought me on
slepe [aaAx]
K: 5,9 Than see I mochel more . than I can of telle [aaXx]
K: 5,10 ffor I segh the feld full of folke . that I before
toulde [aaAx]
K: 5,11 And consience w(i)t(h) a crosse . came for to p(re)chen
K: 5,12 And prayed the people . haue petie on hem seluen
K: 5,13 And p(ro)ved that the pestelences . wer for pure
synne [aaAx]
K: 5,14 And an southewest wynde . on saturday at euyn [abAb]
K: 5,15 Was apartely for p(ri)de . & for no poynt ellys
K: 5,16 Perys & plomtreys . wer puffyd to the erthe [aaAx]
K: 5,17 In ensample that ye segges schulden dome the bettre
K: 5,18 Beches and brode ok(is) . weryn blowyn to the grounde
K: 5,19 And turned vp here taile . in tokenyng of drede [aaAx]
K: 5,20 That dedelich synne on domesday . schal fordone hem
alle [aaAx]
K: 5,21 Of this mater I myghte . mamble well long [aaAx]
K: 5,22 But I schal say as I seegh . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
K: 5,23 How consience w(i)t(h) his crosse . comsed to p(re)chen
K: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) goo worche . what he best coulde
K: 5,25 And wynne what he wastid . by su(m) man(er) crafte
K: 5,26 And p(ra)yyde pyronell . her purfele to leue [aaAx]
K: 5,27 And kepe it in her coffre . for catell at nede [aaAx]
fol. 23r
K: 5,28 Thomas he tawght . to take ij stavys [aaAx]
K: 5,29 And fetche home felice . from wyven pyne [aaAxx]
K: 5,30 He warned watt . his wife was to blame [aaAx]
K: 5,31 for her hoode was worth a m(er)ke . & his hoode
not a grote [abAb]
K: 5,32 He charged chapmen . to chasten her childern [aaAa]
K: 5,33 Let no wynnyng forwane hem . whiles thay ben yonge
K: 5,34 He prayed p(re)lates . & p(re)stes togyders [aaAx]
K: 5,35 That thay p(re)chen the people . p(ro)ven it them
self [aaAx]
K: 5,36 And lyven as yow lerne vs . we wolle loue yow the
bett(er) [aaAx]
K: 5,37 And sithen he rad religioun . her Rule to holde [aaAx]
K: 5,38 Lest the kyng & his counceil yo(ur) . co(m)mons
appeyre [aaAx]
K: 5,39 And ben stiwarden in yo(ur) stedes . til ye ben stayed
bettre [aaAx]
K: 5,39 [B: 5,50] He p(re)yed the pope haue pety on holy chirche
K: 5,39 [B: 5,51] and er he g(ra)unt p(ar)done gouerne well hymself
K: 5,39 [B: 5,48] he counceylyd the kyng his co(m)mons to loven
K: 5,39 [B: 5,49] ffor it is chef triacle in trust & tresure
at neede
K: 5,40 And ye that sechen saynt Iames . & saynt(es)
at Rome [aaAx]
K: 5,41 Secheth saynt truthe . for he may saue you alle [aaAx]
K: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) patre & filio } . fayer mote yow
ffalle [xaAx]
K: 5,42 [B:5,61/C:5,201] That sew yn my sermon & thus
said consience
K: 5,43 Than ranne repentaunce . & rehersyd hys teme
K: 5,44 And made will to wepe watur . with his eyen [aaaAx]
K: 5,45 Peronel prowde herte . platte her to the erthe [aaAx]
K: 5,46 And lay long or sche loked . & lord m(er)cye
cryed [aaaAx]
K: 5,47 And behight to hym . that vs alle maked [aaAx]
K: 5,48 Sche schuld onsowe her smok . & set ther an heare
fol. 23v
K: 5,49 ffor to affayten her flesche . that ffyrse was to synne
K: 5,50 Schal nev(er) hye harte me hente . but holde me lowe
K: 5,51 And suffre to be myssaide . & so dide I neuer
K: 5,52 But now woll I meke me . & m(er)cye bysechen
K: 5,53 Of al that I haue had Envye . In myn harte [aa?a]
K: 5,54 lechery said allas . & on our lady cryede [aaAx]
K: 5,55 To make m(er)cye for his mysdede . betwen god & his
sowle [aaaXx]
K: 5,56 With that he schuld the saturday . sevyn yer(es)
thereaftere [aaAx]
K: 5,57 Drynke w(i)t(h) the doke . and dyne but ons [aaAx]
K: 5,58 Envye w(i)t(h) hevy hart . askyd after schryfte [aaaAx]
K: 5,59 And carefully his culpe . begynnyth he to schewe
K: 5,60 He was pale as a pelett . & in a palseye he semyd
K: 5,61 He was Iclothed in a cawrymawry . I cowde it not
des(er)ne [aaAx]
K: 5,62 A kurtell & a courtebye . a knyfe by his syde
K: 5,63 Of a freres frok . wer his forne scleves [aaAx]
K: 5,64 As a leke that had Ilay . long in the sonne [aaAx]
K: 5,65 So lokyd he w(i)t(h) lene chekes . lowryng ful fowle
K: 5,66 His body was bolned w(i)t(h) wrathe . that he bote
his lippes [aaxAx]
K: 5,67 And wrothely he wronge hys fiste . to wroken hem
he thought [aaAx]
K: 5,68 W(i)t(h) work(es) or w(i)t(h) word(is) . whan he
see-gh- his tyme [aaAxx]
K: 5,69 Venymo(ur) than vernish . or vynegre I trowe [aaAx]
K: 5,70 Walowyth in my wombe . & waxith as iche wene
K: 5,71 I might not many a day done . as a man owghte [aaAx]
K: 5,72 Such wynd in my wombe . waxith or I dyne [aaAx]
K: 5,73 I haue a neyghbur nere me . I haue noyed hym ofte
K: 5,74 And blamyd hym behynde his backe . to brynge hym
in ffame [aaaAx]
fol. 24r
K: 5,75 To appayre hym by my power . I p(ur)sewed wel ofte
K: 5,76 And eke belowed hym to lord(is) . to done hym lose
silu(er) [aaAx]
K: 5,77 And done his frend(is) byn his foone . thrugh my
fals tonge [aaAx]
K: 5,78 His grace & his good happ . grevyd me wel sore
K: 5,79 Betwen hym & hys meynye . I haue maked wrathe
K: 5,80 Both lymme & life . was loste thrugh my tong
K: 5,81 Whan I mett hym in market . that I most hated [aaAx]
K: 5,82 I halsed hym as hendely . as I his frend war [aaAxx]
K: 5,83 He is dowghtier than I I dare . no harme done hym
K: 5,84 But had I mastrie or might . I wold murdre hym for
eu(er) [aaAx]
K: 5,85 Whan I came to the chirche . & kneled to the
rode [aaAx]
K: 5,86 To p(ra)y for the people . as the preste techyth
K: 5,87 --- this line om ---
K: 5,88 After than I crye on mekely . that cryst yeve hym
sorowe [aaAx]
K: 5,89 That bere away my bolle . & my broke schete [aaAx]
K: 5,90 ffrom the auter . myn eyen down than I turne [aaAx]
K: 5,91 And beholdith how hyk . hath a new cote [aaAx]
K: 5,92 Than I wische it war myn . and al the webbe aft(er)
K: 5,93 Of his lesyng I lawghe . it liketh myn harte [aaAx]
K: 5,94 But of his wynnyng I wepe . & wayle the tyme
K: 5,95 I deme men that done ille . & yet I done wors
K: 5,96 I woulde that eche wyghte . wer my knaue [aaAx]
K: 5,97 And whoso hath more than I . that angreth myn harte
K: 5,98 Thus I lyue loueles . like a lither dogge [aaAx]
K: 5,99 That al my breste bolneth . for byttre of my galle
K: 5,100 May no sugre nor swete thynge . asswage it an ynche
K: 5,101 Nor no diapendion . dryue it from my hart [aaAx]?
fol. 24v
K: 5,102 And if that schryfte shuld . it schope a gret wonder
K: 5,103 Yes redily q(uo)d repentaunce . & radde hym
to goode [aaAx]
K: 5,104 Sorowe for synnes . sauyth well manye [aaAx]
K: 5,105 And I ame sory q(uo)d enuye . I ame selden other
K: 5,106 And that maketh me so mate . for I ne may me venge
K: 5,107 Than came couetise . I can hym not discryue [aaAx]
K: 5,108 So hungry so holowe . sir heruy hym loked [aaAx]
K: 5,109 He was betilbrowed & blaberlipped . w(i)t(h)
ij bleryd eyen [aaAx]
K: 5,110 And as a lether purs . lollid his chekes [axAx]
K: 5,111 In to torne taberd . of twelf wyntre age [aaAx]
K: 5,112 But if a lowce could lepe . I may it not trowe [aaXa]
K: 5,113 He schuld wander or walke ther . so was it thredebare
K: 5,114 I haue byn couetise, q(uo)d this Caytife . I beknowe
yt here [aaAx]
K: 5,115 ffor su(m) tyme I s(er)uyd . syme at the noke [aaAx]
K: 5,116 And was his p(re)ntyse plight . his p(ro)fite to
loke [aaAx]
K: 5,117 ffirst I lernyd to lye . a lefe other twayne [aaAx]
K: 5,118 Wykkydly for to way . was my fyrst lessou(n) [aaAxx]
K: 5,119 To wynchester & to wey . I wente me to ffaire
K: 5,120 With many man(er) m(er)chandyse . as my Master hote
K: 5,121 Ne had the grace of Gile . gone among my ware [aaAx]
K: 5,122 It had byn onsould thes sevyn yer(es) . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
K: 5,123 Than drewe I me among(es) drap(er)s . my donet to
lere [aaAx]
K: 5,124 To drawe the lyste along . the lenger it semyd [aaAx]
K: 5,125 Among(es) the riche rayes . I renderyd a lessone
K: 5,126 Prycked hem w(i)t(h) a pack nedille . & playted
hem togeder [aaAx]
K: 5,127 Putt hem in a p(re)ssour . & pynnyd hem theryn
fol. 25r
K: 5,128 Til ten yard(es) or twelfe . tolled out threttene
K: 5,129 My wife was a weuest(er) . & wollen cloth worched
K: 5,130 And spake to the spynstre . to spynne it softe [aaAx]
K: 5,131 The pownde that sche paysed . hem by paysed a q(ua)rter
more [aaAx]
K: 5,132 Than aunsere ded . whan I weyed truthe [aaAx]
K: 5,133 I bowght her barlye . sche brewed it to selle [aaAx]
K: 5,134 Penyale & pilewheye . sche pured togedre [aaAx]
K: 5,135 ffor laborars & low folk . that lay by hym self
K: 5,136 The best in my bed chambre . lay by the walle [aaAx]
K: 5,137 And whoso bo(m)med therof . bowght it therafter
K: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wote no lesse [aaAx]
K: 5,139 Whanne it came in cup full mele . that crafte my
wyfe vsed [aaAx]
K: 5,140 Rose the regrato(ur) . was hyr right name [aaAx]
K: 5,141 Sche had holden hockestrye . elleuen wyntre [aaAx]
K: 5,142 But I swere now sothely . that synne schal I lette
K: 5,143 And neu(er) wykkydly weye . ne wycked chaffre make
K: 5,144 But wenden to walsyngh(a)m . and my wife also [aaAx]
K: 5,145 And bydd the rode of bromholme . bryng me out of
that dette [aaAx]
K: 5,146 Now begynneth gloton . for to go to chirche [aaAx]
K: 5,147 And careth to chircheward . his culpe to schewe
K: 5,148 And beten the brewstere . had he good morowe [aaAx]
K: 5,149 And sche asked of hym . whetherward he woulde [aaAx]
K: 5,150 To holi chirche q(uo)d he . for to heare masse [aaAx]
K: 5,151 And sythen I wol be schryuen . & synne no more
K: 5,152 I haue good ale gossop gloton q(uo)d sche wolt thou
assay [aaAx]
fol. 25v
K: 5,153 Hast thou quod he . any hote spyces [aaAx]
K: 5,154 -Gh-ee glotou(n) Gossop q(uo)d sche . wel hote god
wote [aaAx]
K: 5,155 I haue peper & piany . & a pound of garlike
K: 5,156 A ferthyng worth of ffenell seede . for fastyng
dayes [aaAx]
K: 5,157 Than goyth glotoun in . & gret othes aft(er)
K: 5,158 Cysse the soweresse . sat on the benche [aaAx]
K: 5,159 Watte the waferar . & his wife bothe [aaAx]
K: 5,160 Tho(m)me the tynkare . & twoo of his knaves
K: 5,161 Hyk the hakeneyman . & hewe the nedelare [aaAx]
K: 5,162 Clarice of cokk(is)lane . & the clerk of the
chirche [aaAx]
K: 5,163 Dawe the dykar . & a doseyn other [aaAx]
K: 5,164 A ribibar a rotynor . a rakere of schepe [aaAx]
K: 5,165 A ropar a redekyng . & rafe the dysare [aaAx]
K: 5,166 Of vpholdars an hepe . erlich by the morowe [aaAx]
K: 5,167 Yeven glotoun w(i)t(h) glade chere . good ale to
hansele [aaAbb]
K: 5,168 Clement the cobelar . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
K: 5,169 And att new faire . nempned it to selle [axAx]
K: 5,170 Hikke the hostelere . hyt his hode aftere [aaAa]
K: 5,171 And badd bede the boucheire . be on his side [aaaAx]
K: 5,172 Ther wer chapmen Ichosyn . that chaffar to preysen
K: 5,173 Whoso had the hode schuld haue . mend(es) of the
cloke [aaXx]?
K: 5,174 Twoo rysen vp in a rape . & rovnned togyders & oould
not a toorde [aaAx]
K: 5,175 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,176 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,177 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,178 Til Robyn the Roper . was preyede to Rysen [aaAa]
K: 5,179 And nempned hym for an vmpere . that no debate wer
K: 5,180 Hik the ostelar . had than the cloke [aaAx]
K: 5,181 In co(ue)naunt that clement . the cuppe schuld ffylle
fol. 26r
K: 5,182 And haue hick(es) hode the hostelar . a hold hym ys(er)uyd
K: 5,183 And whoso repentith rathest . schuld aryse after
K: 5,184 And greete syr glotou(n) . with a galou(n)n ale
K: 5,185 Ther was lawghynge & lowryng . & lett goo
the cuppe [aaAx]
K: 5,186 Bargeyns & beu(er)agys . began to aryse [aaAx]
K: 5,187 And syttyn so tyl evynsonge . & songon su(m)tyme
K: 5,188 Til glotone had gulpyd . a galou(n)n & a gylle
K: 5,189 He pyssyd a potell . in a patern(oste)r while [aaAx]
K: 5,190 And blewe the round reuett . at the ridgebonys end
K: 5,191 That al that hard that horne . held her nose after
K: 5,192 And wisschid it had byn wyxid . w(i)t(h) a wyspe
of firsys [aaAx]
K: 5,193 He had no strenght to stond . or he his staff had
K: 5,194 And than gan he to go . asyd and arere [aaAx]
K: 5,195 --- this line om ---
K: 5,196 As who layde lynes . to lacche w(i)t(h) fowles [aaAx]
K: 5,197 And whan he drewe to the dore . than dy(m)myd hys
eyen [aaAx]
K: 5,198 He stombled at the thresschold . & threwe to
the erthe [aaAx]
K: 5,199 That w(i)t(h) al the woo of the world . his wife & her
wenche [aaAa]
K: 5,200 Beryn hym to his bed . & brought hym theryn
K: 5,201 And aft(er) al this surfate . an axesse he hadde
K: 5,202 That he sclepte Sat(ur)day & sonday . til -th-e
so(n)ne yede to rest(e) [aaaAx]
K: 5,203 Than wakyd he of wynkyng . & wypyd his eyen
K: 5,204 The first word that he spake was . wher is the bolle
K: 5,205 His wife blamyd hym than . of wykkydnes & synne
K: 5,206 Than was he aschamyd that schrewe . & schrapid
his earys [aaAx]
K: 5,207 And gan greton gry(m)ly . & gret dole maken
K: 5,208 ffor his lyther lyfe . that he lyuyd hadde [aaAx]
fol. 26v
K: 5,209 And avowyd to faste . for any hung(ir) or thruste
K: 5,210 Schall neu(er) fisch on the fryday . defyen in my
wombe [aaAx]
K: 5,211 Til abstynence myn aunte . haue ygvyn me leue [aaAxx]
K: 5,212 And yett I haue hatyd her . al my life tyme [aaAxx]
K: 5,213 And tha(n)n this glotou(n) for sorowe . fill down
in a swowne [aaXa]
K: 5,214 Til Vigilate the veyle . fett wat(ir) at his eyen
K: 5,215 And flatte it on his face . and faste on hym cryyde
K: 5,216 And said ware the from wanhope . he wil the betraye
K: 5,217 I ame sory for my synnys . say to thy selfe [aaAa]
K: 5,218 And bete thy self on the breste . and byd god of
grace [aaAx]
K: 5,219 ffor is no gylte here so grete . but his goodnes
is more [aaAx]
K: 5,219 [C: 6,423] Than gloton thrughrepent(a)unce anon sone
K: 5,219 [C: 6,424] Thou lord that aloste art and al lyvys schepe
K: 5,219 [C: 6,425] To the god I gloton gyltye me yeld
K: 5,219 [C: 6,426] Of -th-(a)t haue trespasyd w(i)t(h) my I knowe not hou ofte
K: 5,219 [C: 6,427] Sworne god(es) soule & his sid(es) many tymys in Idill
K: 5,219 [C: 6,428] and ov(er) soppyd at my sop(er) & su(m) tyme at nones
K: 5,219 [C: 6,429] and as a hound that ete grase so gan I
K: 5,219 [C: 6,430] and spylte -th-(a)t I spyll myght I can not speke for schame
K: 5,219 [C: 6,431] The vylany of my fowle mowth & my fowle mawe
K: 5,219 [C: 6,432] Of this & of good god gr(a)unt me for-gh-evenes
K: 5,219 [C: 6,433] And of al my lyther life in al my life
K: 5,219 [C: 6,434] ffor I vowe to the verey god for any hung(er) or thrurst
K: 5,219 [C: 6,435] Schal neu(er) fysche on fryday defyen in my wombe
K: 5,219 [C: 6,436] Til abstynence my awnte haue -gh-aven me leue
K: 5,219 [C: 6,437] And yet haue I hatyd her al my lyfe tyme
fol. 27r
K: 5,219 [C: 7,1] Then came Slewth al besclobrid w(i)t(h) ij
slymyd eyes
K: 5,219 [C: 7,2] And said I must sytt to be cshryue or els schal I nappe
K: 5,219 [C: 7,3] I may not wel stond ne stoupe ne w(i)t(h)out a stole knele
K: 5,219 [C: 7,4] Were I brouht in my bed but if my taylend
it made
K: 5,219 [C: 7,5] Schuld no ryngyng do me to ryse til I were
ripe to dyne
K: 5,219 [C: 7,6] A began {B(e)n(e)dicite} w(i)t(h) a bolk(es) & his breste knokkyd
K: 5,219 [C: 7,7] Roxlid & rom and rotte at the laste
K: 5,219 [C: 7,8] What awake renke q(uo)d Repent(a)unce & rape -th-e to shryfte
K: 5,219 [C: 7,9] Yf I shuld die by this day q(uo)d he I drede me sore
K: 5,219 [C: 7,10] I can nat p(ar)fitly my {Patern(oste)r} as the p(re)ste it syngith
K: 5,219 [C: 7,11] I can rymes of Robyn Hode and of Randolf Erle of Chest(er)
K: 5,219 [C: 7,12] But of o(ur) lord ne of our lady the lest that eu(er) was made
K: 5,219 [C: 7,13] I haue vowyd vowis fourty and foryet hem amorowe
K: 5,219 [C: 7,14] I p(ar)fourmyd neu(er) pen(au)nce that the p(re)ste me highte
K: 5,219 [C: 7,15] Ne right sory for my synnes I see neu(er)
the tyme
K: 5,219 [C: 7,16] And if I byd any bed(es) but if it be in
K: 5,219 [C: 7,17] That I telle w(i)t(h) my tonge is tenne
myle from my harte
K: 5,219 [C: 7,18] I ame occupyyd eche day holyday & other
K: 5,219 [C: 7,19] W(i)t(h) Idle tal(es) at the ale & otherwhile
in chirchis
K: 5,219 [C: 7,20] God(es) payne & his pasciou(n) is seld in my thoughte
K: 5,219 [C: 7,21] I vysyted neu(er) feble man ne fetred in p(ri)sone
K: 5,219 [C: 7,22] I had leu(er) to heare an harlotry or a
leasyng to laugh at
K: 5,219 [C: 7,23] Or to lacken me(n) or to liken hem in vnlykyng
K: 5,219 [C: 7,24] Than al that eu(er) M(ar)ke makyde Matheu
luke or Iohn
K: 5,219 [C: 7,25] Vigilies & fastyng days I can foryete hem alle
K: 5,219 [C: 7,26] And ligge abed in lente an my le(m)man in
my armys
K: 5,219 [C: 7,27] Til matens & masse be done then haue I a memory at freres
fol. 27v
K: 5,219 [C: 7,28] I am not schryff su(m) tyme but sykenes it make
K: 5,219 [C: 7,29] Nat twies in ten yere & then tel I not
the halfdele
K: 5,219 [C: 7,30] I haue by p(re)st & p(er)soun passyng thirty wynt(ur)s
K: 5,219 [C: 7,31] Yet can I nether solfe ne syng(e) ne a saynt(es) life rede
K: 5,219 [C: 7,32] But I can fynd in a feld or a furlong an hare
K: 5,219 [C: 7,33] And holden a kniht(es) court & acounte w(i)t(h) a reue
K: 5,219 [C: 7,34] But I can not construe Catou(n) ne clergklye
K: 5,219 [C: 7,35] Yff I bygge or borowe but if it be ytaylid
K: 5,219 [C: 7,36] I foryete it as yerne and if any man it aske
K: 5,219 [C: 7,37] Syx sithe or seuyn I forsake it w(i)t(h)
K: 5,219 [C: 7,38] And thus haue I tenyd true me(n) ij hundred tymys
K: 5,219 [C: 7,39] And my s(er)u(au)nt(es) sumtyme her salary
is behynde
K: 5,219 [C: 7,40] Ruthe is to here rekenynge when we rede accoumpt-gh-
K: 5,219 [C: 7,41] So w(i)t(h) wykkyd will my workme(n) I paye
K: 5,219 [C: 7,42] Yf any man do me a benefeate or helpith
me at nede
K: 5,219 [C: 7,43] I ame vnkynd ayen his curtosye I can not vnd(er)stond it
K: 5,219 [C: 7,44] ffor I haue & haue had sumdel hawkys man(er)s
K: 5,219 [C: 7,45] I am not lowyrid w(i)t(h) loue but ther
liyye ought vnd(er) the thome
K: 5,219 [C: 7,46] The kyndenes -th-(a)t my(n) evyn c(ri)styn kyd me forneyere
K: 5,219 [C: 7,47] Syxty syth(es) I Sclowth haue foryeten it
K: 5,219 [C: 7,48] In speche & sparyng of speche Ispyllid
many a tyme
K: 5,219 [C: 7,49] Both flesche & fisch & vitail(es) kepte so longe
K: 5,219 [C: 7,50] Til eche life it lothid to loke theron or
smelle it
K: 5,219 [C: 7,51] Both bred & ale butt(er) mylke and chese
K: 5,219 [C: 7,52] forslowthid in my s(er)uice & Iset ous a fyre
K: 5,219 [C: 7,53] And yede aboute in my youth & yave me to no thedome
K: 5,219 [C: 7,54] And sith a beggar haue Ibee for my fowle sclowth
fol. 28r
K: 5,219 [C: 7,54] {Heu m(ichi) q(uo)d st(er)ilem duxi vitam
Iuuenilem }
K: 5,219 [C: 7,55] Repentist the not q(uo)d Repent(au)nce & ryght
w(i)t(h) -th-(a)t he swownyd
K: 5,219 [C: 7,56] Til {Vigilate} the veyle fett wat(er) at his eye(n)n
K: 5,219 [C: 7,57] And flat it on hys face and fast on hym
K: 5,219 [C: 7,58] And said Ware the from wanhope -th-(a)t would -th-e betraye
K: 5,219 [C: 7,59] I ame sory for my synnys say to thyselue
K: 5,219 [C: 7,60] And bete thyself vpo(n)n the breste & byd
hym of grace
K: 5,219 [C: 7,61] ffor is no gylte so gret but -th-(a)t his
goodnes is more
K: 5,220 Then satte sclewth vp . & seynyd hym ofte [aaAx]
K: 5,221 And made avowe tofore god . for his fowle sclewth
K: 5,222 Schal no sonday be in this vij yer(es) . but sykenes
it make [aaAx]
K: 5,223 That I ne schal do me or day . to the dere chirche
K: 5,224 And heare matyns & masse . as I a monke were
K: 5,225 Shal non ale aft(er) mete . holde me thens [aaAx]
K: 5,226 Til I haue euensong hard . I behote the rode [aaAx]
K: 5,227 And yet wil I yeld ageyn . if I so mychil haue [aaAxx]
K: 5,228 Al that I wikkydly wan . sythen I witt had [aaAx]
K: 5,229 And though my lyuelode I lacke . lettyn I nylle
K: 5,230 That eche man ne schal haue his . er I hens wend
K: 5,231 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resydue & remen(au)nte .
by the rode of chester [aaAx]
K: 5,232 I wil seke sir trewth . or I see rome [axAx]
K: 5,233 Robard the robbar . on reddite lokyd [aaAx]
K: 5,234 But for ther was wher w(i)t(h) . he wepte swythe
sore [aaAx]
K: 5,235 And yet the syneful schrewe . saide to hym self
K: 5,236 Cryst that vppon calverye . on the crosse dydyst
K: 5,237 Tho dysmas my brother besowghte the of grace [????]
K: 5,238 And thou haddist m(er)cye on that man . for mene(n)to
sake [aaAx]
fol. 28v
K: 5,239 Thy wil worth vpon me . as I haue wel des(er)vyd [aaAx]
K: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er) . if that m(er)cye ne were
K: 5,241 So rue on me rybawde . that no redde hath [aaAx]
K: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wenyth to haue . w(i)t(h) no crafte I
knowe [aaAxx]
K: 5,243 But for thy mychil m(er)cye . mitygaciou(n) I beseche
K: 5,244 Dampne me not on domysday . for that I dyd ille
K: 5,245 But what befell of this felou(n) . I can no farder
shewe [aaAx]
K: 5,246 Wel I wote he wepte faste wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) hys
eyen [aaaAx]
K: 5,247 And knowlegyd his gylte . to cryste yet eftsonys
K: 5,248 That penitencia his pyke . he shuld polische of
new [aaAx]
K: 5,249 And lepe w(i)t(h) hym ou(er) land . al his life
tyme [aaAx]
K: 5,250 ffor he had layne by latro . lucifers awnte [aaAx]
K: 5,250 [C: 7,69] But now which ben the braunch(es) -th-(a)t bryngyn me(n) to slewthe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,70] THat is whan men mo(ur)ne not for her mysded(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,71] The pen(au)nce that -th-e p(re)ste enIoynith
p(ar)formyth evyll
K: 5,250 [C: 7,72] Doth no(n) almessedede drad hym not of synne
K: 5,250 [C: 7,73] Lyvyth aye(n)n the beleve and no lawe kepith
K: 5,250 [C: 7,74] And hath no likynge to lerne ne of our lord to heare
K: 5,250 [C: 7,75] But to harlotry & to horedom or els
of so(m)m wynnynge
K: 5,250 [C: 7,76] When me(n) carpen of cryste or of clenenesse of sowle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,77] A wexith wrothe & wollith not heare
but word(es) of myrthe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,78] Pen(au)nce & pore me(n)n and the passyou(n) of saynt(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,79] He hatith to heare thareof & al that
therof carpith
K: 5,250 [C: 7,80] This be the braunch(es) beth ware -th-(a)t
bryngyth a ma(n) to wanhope
K: 5,250 [C: 7,81] -Gh-e lord(es) & ladyes and legatus of holy chirche
K: 5,250 [C: 7,82] That feden folas sag(es) flat(er)ars and
K: 5,250 [C: 7,83] That han likyng to lythen hem in hope to
do you lawgh
fol. 29r
K: 5,250 [C: 7,83] {Ve vobis qui ridet(is) }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,84] And yeuen such mede & mete & pore me(n) refuse
K: 5,250 [C: 7,85] In yo(ur) deth dyyng I drede me sore
K: 5,250 [C: 7,86] Last tho man(er) men to much sorowe you brynge
K: 5,250 [C: 7,86a] {Consencientes & agentes pari pena punient(ur) &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,87] Patryark(es) & p(ro)phetes p(re)chours of god(es) word(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,88] Sauen thrugh her s(ar)mon ma(n)nys sowle
from helle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,89] Ryht so flat(er)ars & folys arn the fend(es) p(ro)curatours
K: 5,250 [C: 7,90] To entysese me(n) thrugh her talis to sy(n)n & to harlotry
K: 5,250 [C: 7,91] Clerk(es) that knowyd this schuld kenne lord(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,92] What Dauid saith of such men as the psalt(er) tellith
K: 5,250 [C: 7,92a] {Non habitabit in medio domus mee qui facit }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,92a] { Sup(er)biam & qui loquit(ur) Iniqua &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,93] Schuld no harlott haue audience in hal ne in ch(a)mbr(e)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,94] Ther that wise me(n) were witnessith god(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,95] Ne no mysprowd man among(es) lord(es) be allowyd
K: 5,250 [C: 7,96] Clerk(es) & knyght(es) welcomen kyng(es) mynstrall(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,97] And for loue of her lord litheth hem at
K: 5,250 [C: 7,98] Miche more me thynkith riche men owghte
K: 5,250 [C: 7,99] Haue beggars bifore hem -th-e whiche ben god(es) mynstrall(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,100] As he saith hymself seynt Iohn berith wytnesse
K: 5,250 [C: 7,100a] { Qui vos spernit me spernit &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,101] fforthy I rede you riche reuell(es) when ye makyn
K: 5,250 [C: 7,102] ffor to solace yo(ur) sowl(es) suche mynstrell(es)
to haue
K: 5,250 [C: 7,103] The pore for a fole sage syttyng at the table
K: 5,250 [C: 7,104] With a leryd ma(n) to lere the what o(ur) lord suffrid
K: 5,250 [C: 7,105] ffor to save thy sowle from Sathan thyne
fol. 29v
K: 5,250 [C: 7,106] And fythel the w(i)t(h)out flateryng of good fryday the feste
K: 5,250 [C: 7,107] And a blynd man for a bordour or a bedreden
K: 5,250 [C: 7,108] To crye a largesse tofore our lord yo(ur) good loose to schewe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,109] Thees three man(er) of mynstrell(es) makyth
a man to lawghe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,110] And in his deth dyyng(e) thay don hym grete co(n)fort
K: 5,250 [C: 7,111] That by his lyfe levyd hem & lovyd hem to heare
K: 5,250 [C: 7,112] This solasith the soule tyl hymsilf be yfalle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,113] In a wele hope for he wrought soo among(es) worthy saynt-gh-
K: 5,250 [C: 7,114] Ther flaterars & foles w(i)t(h) her fowle word(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,115] Leden thoo that lystyn hem to lucyfers feste
K: 5,250 [C: 7,116] W(i)t(h) { t(ur)piloquio } a lay of sorowe & lucyfers
K: 5,250 [C: 7,117] ---line om---
K: 5,250 [C: 7,118] ffor he listed & lovyd that god(es) lawe dyspyseth
K: 5,250 [C: 7,118a] { Dare histrionib(us) &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,119] Tho was Repent(au)nce redy and rade hem al to knele
K: 5,250 [C: 7,120] I schall beseke ffor al synfull our sauyoure
of grace
K: 5,250 [C: 7,121] To amend vs of our mysded(es) do m(er)cye to vs alle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,122] God that of thy goodnes gan the world make
K: 5,250 [C: 7,123] And madist of nowght aught & ma(n)
like thyself
K: 5,250 [C: 7,124] And syth thou suffryd hym to synne a syknes
to vs alle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,125] All for our beste as I beleue whatso the boke telle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,125a] {O felix culpa O necessariu(m) p(e)c(ca)t(u)m
Ade &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,126] ffor thrugh that synne thy sone ysent was tyll erthe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,127] And became man of a mayde mankynd to amend
K: 5,250 [C: 7,128] And madist thyself w(i)t(h) thy sone our soule & body yliche
K: 5,250 [C: 7,128a] {Ego in patre & p(ate)r in me & qui me videt vidit p(at)rem meu(m) }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,129] And sith in our secte as it semyd dydyst
K: 5,250 [C: 7,130] On a fryday in forme of man ffelidist our
fol. 30r
K: 5,250 [C: 7,130a] {Captiuam duxit captiuitatem &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,131] The sone for sorowe therof lost light for
a tyme,
K: 5,250 [C: 7,132] Aboute mydday whan most light is & mele tyme of saynt(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,133] ffeddist tho w(i)t(h) thy flesch & blode our forfaders in helle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,133] { Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris vidit luce(m) magna(m) }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,134] The light that lepe out of the lucyfer
it blente
K: 5,250 [C: 7,135] And brought thyne(n) yblessyd fro(m)
thens into -th-e blisse of heuyn
K: 5,250 [C: 7,136] The thirde day theraft(ur) thou yedest in our sekte
K: 5,250 [C: 7,137] A synful mary the see or Saynt Mary thy mother
K: 5,250 [C: 7,138] And al so to solace synfull -th-(o)u suffredist
it so were
K: 5,250 [C: 7,138a] { Non veni vocare iustos sed peccatores &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,139] --- line om ---
K: 5,250 [C: 7,140] --- line om ---
K: 5,250 [C: 7,140a] --- line om ---
K: 5,250 [C: 7,141] And by so mich it semyth the sykorar we mowe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,142] Byd & besech the if it be thy wil Ih(es)u
K: 5,250 [C: 7,143] That art first our father & of flesche our brother
K: 5,250 [C: 7,144] And sethen o(ur) sauyo(ur) and saydist it with thy tonge
K: 5,250 [C: 7,145] That what tyme we synfule me(n) wold be sory for ded(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,146] That we haue don ile dampned schuld we
ben neu(er)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,147] Yff we knowlegyd & cryyde cryst therfor m(er)cye
K: 5,250 [C: 7,147a] {Quandocu(m)q(ue) ingemuerit peccator, om(n)es iniquitates }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,147a] { eius non recordabor amplius &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,148] And for thi muchel m(er)cy and Mary loue thy mother
K: 5,250 [C: 7,149] Haue ruth of al thes rybaud(es) that repenten hem sore
K: 5,250 [C: 7,150] That eu(er) thay gylt ayeyn the god in gost or in dede
K: 5,250 [C: 7,151] Then hent hope an horne of { Deus tu conu(er)sus
viuificab(is) nos }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,152] And blewe hit w(i)t(h) {Beati quor(um)
remisse sunt iniquitates }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,152a] { et quor(um) tecta sunt peccata &c}
K: 5,250 [C: 7,153] That alle Saynt(es) for synfull songen
w(i)t(h) Dauid
K: 5,250 [C: 7,152] And blewe hit w(i)t(h) { Beati quor(um)
remisse sunt iniquitates }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,152a] { et quo(um) tecta sunt peccata &c
K: 5,250 [C: 7,153] That alle Saynt(es) for synfull songen
w(i)t(h) Dauid
fol. 30v
K: 5,251 { Ho(m)i(n)es & iumenta saluabis quemadmodu(m)
K: 5,251 { multiplicasti mis(ericordi)am tuam Deus &c
K: 5,251 A thousand of men tho throngen togyders
K: 5,252 Wepynge & weylyng for her wykkyd ded(is)
K: 5,253 Cryen vpward to cryst and to his clene mother
K: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to go to trewth . so god leve that
they mote [aaAx]
Passus Septim(us) de visione
K: 6,1 But ther ne was wight none so wise . -th-(a)t -th-e
way thethar could [aaAx]
K: 6,2 But blustrid forth as best(is) . ou(er) valyys and
hillys [aaAx]
K: 6,3 Til it was late & longe . that they a lede mette
K: 6,4 Apparelid as a palm(er) . in pylgrymys wede [aaAx]
K: 6,5 He bare a burden ybound . w(i)t(h) a brode lyst [aaAx]
K: 6,6 In a withwynd wyse . ywounden aboute [aaAx]
K: 6,7 A bage and a boll . he bar by his syde [aaAx]
K: 6,8 A hundred of hampoll(is) . on [his] hatt(es) settyn
K: 6,9 Sygnes of Synays . and schellis of galice [aaAx]
K: 6,10 And many a croche on his cloke . & keyys of rome
K: 6,11 And the vernacle before . for men schuld knawyn [aaAxx]
K: 6,12 And seen by hys sygnes . whom he sowght had [aaAx]
K: 6,13 Thes folk fraynyd hym fayre . from whens he come
K: 6,14 ffrom synaye he said . and fro(m) -th-e sepulcre
of o(ur) lord [aaAx]
K: 6,15 At bedelem at babelone . I haue byn at bothe [aaAa]
K: 6,16 In ermony in alis(a)undry . & in many other plac(es)
K: 6,17 Ye mowen seen by my signys . -th-(a)t syttyn on my
hatte [aaAx]
K: 6,18 --- line om ---
K: 6,19 I haue sowght good saynt(es) . for my soule helthe
fol. 31r
K: 6,19 [C: 7,175] And walkyd ful wyde in wete & eke in
K: 6,19 [A:6,20/C: 7,176] Knowist -th-(o)u a coresaynt q(uo)d I that me(n) clepyn trewthe
K: 6,19 [A:6,21/C: 7,177] Canst thou wysschen vs the way wher truthe wonyth
K: 6,19 [A:6,22/C: 7,178] Nay so me god helpe said the gome than
K: 6,19 [A:6,23/C: 7,179] I see neu(er) palm(er) w(i)t(h) pike ne w(i)t(h) scryppe
K: 6,19 [A:6,24/C: 7,180] Asken aft(ur) hym or now in this ylke place
K: 6,19 [A:6,25/C: 7,181] Pet(er) q(uo)d a plowma(n) & put forth his hede
K: 6,19 [A:6,26/C: 7,182] I knowe hym as kyndly as clerk(es) done her bok(es)
K: 6,19 [A:6,27/C: 7,183] Concyence and kynd wytt kennyd me to his place
K: 6,19 [A:6,28/C: 7,184] And made me syker hym sithe to s(er)ue hym for eu(er)
K: 6,19 [A:6,29/C: 7,185] Bothe to sowe & to sett whil(es) I swynke mighte
K: 6,19 [C: 7,186] And to sowen his seed, suewen his bestes,
K: 6,19 [C: 7,187] W(i)t(h)in & w(i)t(h)out to wayten his p(ro)fite
K: 6,19 [A:6,30/C: 7,188] I haue byn his folowar al this fourty
K: 6,19 [A:6,36/C: 7,189] And Is(er)uyd treuth sothely somdele to pay
K: 6,19 [C: 7,190] In al kyn(e) craft(es) that he could deuyse
K: 6,19 [C: 7,191] P(ro)fitable to the plowgh he put me to lerne
K: 6,19 [A:6,38/C: 7,192] And though I say it myself I s(er)uyd
hym to pay
K: 6,19 [A:6,36/C: 7,193] I haue my(n) hyer of hym wel & otherwhile more
K: 6,19 [C: 7,194] He is most prest payer -th-(a)t any poer
ma(n) knoweith
K: 6,19 [A:6,39/C: 7,195] He w(i)t(h)holt no(n) hyne his hyer ou(er) euyn
K: 6,19 [A:6,40/C: 7,196] He is lowe as a lambe & leel of his tange
K: 6,19 [A:6,41/C: 7,197] And whoso willneth to wyte wher -th-(a)t
treuthe wonyth
K: 6,19 [A:6,42/C: 7,198] I wil wysch you wel right to his
K: 6,19 [A:6,43/C: 7,199] Ye leve pers q(uo)d thise pilgrymes & p(ro)ferid
hym mede
K: 6,19 [A:6,44/C: 7,200] Nay by the p(er)il of my soule peres gan to swere
K: 6,19 [A:6,45/C: 7,201] I nold fonge a ferthyng for Saynt Thom(a)s schryne
K: 6,19 [C: 7,202] Were it tould to treuth that I toke mede
fol. 31v
K: 6,19 [A:6,46/C: 7,203] he would loue me the lasse a long tyme after
K: 6,19 [A:6,47/C: 7,204] And whoso woll wende ther as trewth
K: 6,19 [C: 7,204] This is the hye way thether ward wyten wel
the sothe
K: 6,19 [A:6,48/C: 7,205] Ye must go thorowe mekenes al men & women
K: 6,19 [A:6,49/C: 7,206] Tyl ye co(m)me into consyence knowyn god hymself
K: 6,19 [A:6,50/C: 7,207] And -th-(a)t ye loue hym as lord leelych aboue alle
K: 6,19 [C: 7,208] That is to say sothly ye schuld Rather dye
K: 6,19 [C: 7,209] Than any dedely sy(n)n do for drede or for prayo(ur)
K: 6,19 [A:6,51/C: 7,210] And than yo(ur) neyghburs next in no wise appaiere
K: 6,19 [A:6,52/C: 7,211] Non o-th-erwise than ye would they wrougtyn you al tymys
K: 6,19 [A:6,53/C: 7,212] And so goo forth by the broke a brydge
as it were
K: 6,19 [A:6,54/C: 7,213] Til ye co(m)me to a ford highte yo(ur) fad(er)s honowren
K: 6,19 [A:6,55/C: 7,214] Wadith wel in that wat(er) & wasch
you wel ther
K: 6,19 [A:6,56/C: 7,215] And you schal lepe the lightlyer al yo(ur) lyue tyme
K: 6,19 [C: 7,215a] --- line om ---
K: 6,19 [A:6,57/C: 7,216] Than shalt thou not Sweare but it be for nede
K: 6,19 [A:6,58/C: 7,217] Namelich in Idle the name of god
K: 6,19 [A:6,59/C: 7,218] Than schalt -th-(o)u come by a crofte & come
not theryn
K: 6,19 [A:6,60/C: 7,219] The crofte hatte coueyte not me(n)nys catel ne her wyf(es)
K: 6,19 [A:6,61/C: 7,220] Ne non of her s(er)u(au)nt(es) that
noyen hem might
K: 6,19 [A:6,62/C: 7,221] Loke thou bere nowght ther away but it be thyn own
K: 6,19 [A:6,63/C: 7,222] Too stokk(es) ther stondyn but stynte not ther
K: 6,19 [A:6,64/C: 7,223] Thay hatt Stele not Sle not stryke forth by hem bothe
K: 6,19 [A:6,65/C: 7,224] --- this line om ---
K: 6,19 [A:6,66/C: 7,225] And kepe wel thyn holyday heye tyll
K: 6,19 [A:6,67/C: 7,226] Than shalt -th-(o)u blench at a bergh
bere no fals wytnes
K: 6,19 [A:6,68/C: 7,227] He is frethid in w(i)t(h) florens & other fees many
K: 6,19 [A:6,69/C: 7,228] Loke -th-ou pluk ther no plante ffor p(er)ile of thy sowle
K: 6,19 [A:6,70/C: 7,229] Than shalt -th-(o)u say sothe so it be to done
fol. 32r
K: 6,19 [C: 7,230] In no man(er) els not for no man(er) prayo(ur)
K: 6,19 [A:6,72/C: 7,231] So shalt thou come to a court as
clere as a sone
K: 6,19 [A:6,73/C: 7,232] The mote ys of m(er)cye a mydd(es) the maner
K: 6,19 [A:6,74/C: 7,233] Al the wallyng is of witt for wil ne shuld it wynne
K: 6,19 [A:6,75/C: 7,234] The carnell(es) ben of crystendome that kynd to saue
K: 6,19 [A:6,76/C: 7,235] And bot(ur)syd w(i)t(h) beleue so or thou best not sauyd
K: 6,19 [A:6,77/C: 7,236] And all the hous(es) ben helid both
hall(es) & chambrs
K: 6,19 [A:6,78/C: 7,237] With no lede but w(i)t(h) loue & w(i)t(h)
lele speche
K: 6,19 [C: 7,238] The barrys are(n) of buxu(m)nes as brether(n)
of one wombe
K: 6,19 [C: 7,239] The brydg(es) hatt byd well the bett(er) may -th-e spede
K: 6,19 [C: 7,240] Eche pelour is of pen(au)nce and prayours
to saynt(es)
K: 6,19 [C: 7,241] The hok(es) aru(n) almesdedes that the yat(es) hangyn on(n)
K: 6,19 [A:6,82/C: 7,242] Grace hatt the gateward a good man
for sothe
K: 6,19 [A:6,83/C: 7,243] His man hight amend you many ma(n) hym knowith
K: 6,19 [A:6,84/C: 7,244] Tel hym this Ilke tokyn treuth wote
the soth
K: 6,19 [A:6,86/C: 7,245] I ame sory for my synnys and so schal I eu(er)
K: 6,19 [C: 7,246] And p(er)formid the pen(au)nce that the p(re)ste me hight
K: 6,19 [A:6,88/C: 7,247] Biddith amend you to meke you to his mast(er) g(ra)ce
K: 6,19 [C: 7,248] To opyn and ondone the hye yate of heuyn
K: 6,19 [A:6,90/C: 7,249] That Adam & Eue ayenst vs al schett
K: 6,19 [C: 7,249a] { P(er) Exam cunct(is) clausa est Et p(er) Mariam }
K: 6,19 [C: 7,249a] { virgine(m) it(er)um patefacta est &c
K: 6,19 [C: 7,250] A fful lele lady vnleekyd it of grace
K: 6,19 [A:6,91/C: 7,251] And sche hath the key of the cleket thowgh the kyng sclepe
fol. 32v
K: 6,19 [C: 7,252] Sche may lede in that sche louyth as hir self likyth
K: 6,19 [A:6,92/C: 7,253] And if grace g(ra)unt the to goo in this wise
K: 6,19 [C: 7,254] Thou schalt see treuth sytt in thy self
K: 6,19 [C: 7,255] And solace thy soule and saue the from payne
K: 6,19 [C: 7,256] And charge charite a churche to make
K: 6,19 [C: 7,257] Yn thyn hole harte to harberowe al trwe
K: 6,19 [C: 7,258] And fynd al man(er) of folk foode to her soul(es)
K: 6,19 [C: 7,259] Yf love and lewte and our lawe be true
K: 6,19 [C: 7,259a] {Quodcu(m)q(ue) pecierit(is) in no(m)i(n)e
meo dabit(ur) e(ni)m vob(is) }
K: 6,95 But be ware then of wrathe . that wykkyd schrewe
K: 6,96 ffor he hath envye to hym . that in thyn hart syttyth
K: 6,97 And pokyth forth p(ri)de . to prayse thy self [aaAx]
K: 6,98 The boldnes of thy beynfeate . makyth the blynd than
K: 6,99 So worth thou dryvyn out at dore . & the dore
closyd [aaAx]
K: 6,100 Ykeyyd & ycleketyd . to kepe the theroute [aaAx]
K: 6,101 And happely an hundred wynt(er) . or thou eft entre
K: 6,102 Thus might thou lesen his love . to letten wel by
thy self [aaAx]
K: 6,103 And getyn it ageyn thrugh g(ra)ce . & no gyfte
els [aaAx]
K: 6,104 But ther ben sevyn sust(er)s . that s(er)uyn truth
eu(er) [aaAx]
K: 6,105 And ben portars ou(er) the posternys . -th-(a)t
to the place longyn [aaAx]
K: 6,106 That one hight abstynence . & humylyte that
other [aaAx]
K: 6,107 Charite & chastite . ben hir chefe maydyns [aaAx]
K: 6,108 Pacyence and peace . mich people thay helpyn [aaAx]
K: 6,109 Largenes that lady . lettyth in well many [aaAx]
fol. 33r
K: 6,109 [C: 7,276] Now of hem all help may yn better
K: 6,109 [C: 7,277] ffor sche payyth for p(er)sonars in pytt(es)
in peynys
K: 6,110 But whoso is sybb to thes sust(er)s . sothely to
telle [aaAxx]
K: 6,111 He is wond(ir)liche welcome . and fayer vnd(ir)fonge
K: 6,112 And but ye byn sybb to some . of thes seuyn [aaA]?
K: 6,113 Yt is ful hard by my hed . any of you al [aaAa]
K: 6,114 To getyn Ingate at any gate . but g(ra)ce be the
more [aaaAx]
K: 6,115 By criste q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kyn ther
K: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d an apeward . be owght that I knowe [aaAx]
K: 6,117 Wyte god q(uo)d a wafrerer . wist I this forsoth
K: 6,118 Would I neu(er) forth no fote . for no frerys p(re)chyng
K: 6,119 Yes q(uo)d pers the plowman . & pokyd hym to
good [aaAx]
K: 6,120 Mercy is a mayden ther . & hath might ou(er)
hem al [aaAx]
K: 6,121 And sche is sybb to al synfull . & her sone
both [aaAx]
K: 6,122 And thrugh the helpe of them too so . hope th(o)u
non other [aaAa]
K: 6,123 Thou mightyst gett grace ther . so -th-(o)u goo be tyme [aaAx]
K: 6,123 [C: 7,292] Yee {villam emi} q(uo)d one & now I
must theth(er)
K: 6,123 [C: 7,293] To loke how me likyth it & toke his leue at pers
K: 6,123 [C: 7,294] Another anoneright said nede he hadd
K: 6,123 [C: 7,295] To folowe w(i)t(h) fyue yokes forthy me
K: 6,123 [C: 7,296] To goo w(i)t(h) a good will & graithlich
hem dryue
K: 6,123 ffor irgum ben emi quinq(us) &c
K: 6,123 [C: 6,297] And therfor I p(ra)y you Pers yf ye meten truthe
fol. 33v
K: 6,123 [C: 7,298] Tellyn hym this tale that I bee excusyd
K: 6,123 [C: 7,299] Then was ther one hight Actyff a husbondma(n) he semyd
K: 6,123 That in like to pers [said] that al men it hard
K: 6,123 [C: 7,300] I haue weddyd a wyfe wel wantone of man(er)s sche is lighte of her lyth and talkyng of to (:::)ge
K: 6,123 Bothe yong and likyng to her :::: eye
K: 6,123 [C: 7,301] Were I wroyght from her chyden sche would
K: 6,123 [C: 7,302] And lowryn on me lightly & say I louyd
K: 6,123 [C: 7,303] fforthy pers the plowma(n) I p(re)y the
telle it trewth
K: 6,123 [C: 7,304] I may not come for Kytt so a cleuyth on me
K: 6,123 [C: 7,304a] { Vxorem duxi & Ideo non possum venire
K: 6,123 To mote more of this mat(er) I dare not avowe
K: 6,123 I c(er)myt it to weddid me(n) that the trowth knowyn
K: 6,123 [C: 7,305] Quod contemplaciou(n) tho by criste thowgh
I care suffree
K: 6,123 [C: 7,306] ffamyne and defawte yet folowyn woll I pers
fol. 34r
Passus octanus de visione
K: 7,1 This wer a wel wykked way . but whoso had a gyde [aaAx]
K: 7,2 That might folowe vs eche fote . forto we war ther
K: 7,3 Quod p(er)kyn the plowma(n) . by saynt povle the apostle
K: 7,4 I haue an half acre to erye . by the hye way [aaAx]
K: 7,5 --- run together with following ---
K: 7,6 Had it heryed I would wend w(i)t(h) you . til ye wer
there [aaAx]
K: 7,7 This were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady in a chayere
K: 7,8 What schuld we women . worchen ther whyle [aaAx]
K: 7,9 Sum schal sowen the sack . for schedyng of the whete
K: 7,10 And ye wyues that hauen lennyn . worchen it faste
K: 7,11 Spynnyth it spedely . spareth not youre fyngers [aaAx]
K: 7,12 But if it be holi day . other holy euyn [xaAa]
K: 7,13 Loketh forth yo(ur) lynnen . & laboreth theron
faste [aaAx]
K: 7,14 The nedy & the naked . nymmeth hede hou thay
liggen [aaAx]
K: 7,15 Casteth hem clothes for could . for so would trouth
K: 7,16 ffor I schal lene hem lifelode . but if the londe
fayle [aaAx]
K: 7,17 As long as I lyue . for lord(is) loue of heuyn [aaAx]?
K: 7,18 And ye louelich lad(es) . w(i)t(h) yo(ur) longe fyngers
K: 7,19 That haueth silke & sendell . sewe it whan tyme
is [aaAx]
K: 7,20 Chesibles for chapeleyns . holy chirche to hono(u)re
K: 7,21 And al man(er) of men . that by the mete lyveth [aaAx]
K: 7,22 Helpith hem worche wyghtlich . that wynnyth yo(ur)
fode [aaAx]
K: 7,23 By crist q(uo)d a knight tho . thou keenest vs the
beste [aaAx]
K: 7,24 But on the teame trewly . tawght was I neu(er) [aaAx]
K: 7,25 But kenne me q(uo)d the knight . & I woll comsen
eiren [aaAx]
fol. 34v
K: 7,26 By seynt powle q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for thou p(ro)ferest
so lowe [aaAx]
K: 7,27 I schal swynkyn & swetyn . & sowyn for vs
bothe [aaAx]
K: 7,28 And eke laboren for thy loue . al my life tyme [aaAx]
K: 7,29 In couen(a)nte that thou kepe . holychirche & myselue
K: 7,30 ffrom wasto(ur)(es) & wikkyd men . that wollen
vs destroyen [aaAx]
K: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . to harys & foxes [aaAx]
K: 7,32 And to borys & buckes . w(i)t(h) hornes & houndes
K: 7,33 And fayten thy ffawcons . & the ffowles kylle
K: 7,34 ffor thay co(m)men to my crofte . & croppen my
whete [aaAx]
K: 7,35 Curteysly the knight . conseyvith thes word(is) [aaAx]
K: 7,36 By my power pers . I plight the my trouthe [aaAx]
K: 7,37 To ffulfyl this forward . while I may stonde [aaXx]?
K: 7,38 Yea & yet a point q(uo)d p(er)kyn . I pray the
more [aaAx]
K: 7,39 Loke thou tene no tenaunt . but treuth woll assente
K: 7,40 And though pore men p(ro)feren . the p(re)sent-gh-
or yeftes [aaAx]
K: 7,41 Nymme it not . on auntre thou mowe it not des(er)ue
K: 7,42 ffor thou schallt yeld it ageyn . at one yer(is)
end [aaAx]
K: 7,43 In a wel p(er)lous place . that p(ur)gatory hatte
K: 7,44 And mysbede not thy bondmen . the bett(er) schalt
thou spede [aaAx]
K: 7,45 And that thou be trewe of thy tonge . & [ill]
tales hate [aaAx]
K: 7,46 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 7,47 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 7,48 And namelich at mete . such men eschewe [aaAx]
K: 7,49 ffor thay ar the deuill(is) disours . I do the to
vnderstond [aaAx]
K: 7,50 I assent by saynt Iames . q(uo)d the knight(es) than
K: 7,51 ffor to worche by thy worde . whil(es) my life dureth
K: 7,52 And I schal apparel me q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pylgrymes
wise [aaAx]
K: 7,53 And wend w(i)t(h) you the way . tyl we fynde trewthe
fol. 35r
K: 7,54 He casteth on his clothes . both clowted & hole
K: 7,55 His cokkers & his coffes . for cold of his nayles
K: 7,56 And honge his hopper at his hals . in stede of a
scryppe [aaaBb]
K: 7,57 A busshel of brede corne . bryng me ther yn [aaAx]
K: 7,58 ffor I woll sowe it my selue . & sithen wol I
wend [aaAx]
K: 7,59 And whoso helpith me to erien . or any thyng to swynke
K: 7,60 Schal haue by our lord more hyre in harvest [????}?
K: 7,61 And make hym mery w(i)t(h) the corne . whoso it grutchith
K: 7,62 And al kynne crafty men . that conne lyuen in trouthe
K: 7,63 I schal fynden hem fode . that faithefullich lyuen
K: 7,64 Saue Iak the Iogelloure . & Ienett att the stewes
K: 7,65 And Robyn the rybawde . ffor his rusty wordes [aaAx]
K: 7,66 Trewth tolde me ons . & bad me tel it forth [aaAx]
K: 7,67 { Deleantur de libro viuenciu(m) } . I schuld not
deale w(i)t(h) hem [axAx]
K: 7,68 ffor holy chirche is holdyn of hem . no tythes to
asken [aaXa]
K: 7,68a { Et cu(m) iustis no(n) sc(ri)bent(ur) } thay be
escapid good auenture [Latin]
K: 7,69 Now god hem amend & send hem bettre happe [aaXx]
K: 7,70 Dame worche whan tyme . is pers wife hatte [axAx]
K: 7,71 His doughter hatt(es) do right so . or thy dame schal
the bete [aaAx]
K: 7,72 His sone hight sofre . thy sou(er)eyng(es) for to
haue her willes [aaAx]
K: 7,73 And deme hem not for if thou doste . thou schalte
it dere abigge [aaAx]
K: 7,74 but let god worche w(i)t(h)al . for so his worde
techith [axAx]?
K: 7,75 ffor now I ame elde & hore . & have of myn
own [aaAa]
K: 7,76 To penaunce & pilgrymage . I woll passe w(i)t(h)
thes other [aaAx]
K: 7,77 And yet I woll or I wende . do write my bequeste
K: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen } . I make it my seluen
K: 7,79 He schall haue my sowle he hath it best deservyd
K: 7,80 And defend it from the fend . for so I beleue [aaAxx]
fol. 35v
K: 7,81 Til I come to his acompte . as my crede me techith
K: 7,82 To haue a release & remyssyou(n) . of that rentall
I leue [aaAx]
K: 7,83 The chirche schall haue my careyne . & kepe my
bones [aaAx]
K: 7,84 ffor of my corne & catell . he cravyd my tythe
K: 7,85 I payed hym prestly . for p(er)ile of my sowle [aaAx]
K: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue me yn mynde [aaAx]
K: 7,87 And mengyn [me] in his memento . among(es) al cristen
K: 7,88 My wife schal haue of that I wan . w(i)t(h) truth & nomore
K: 7,89 And dele among(es) my frend(is) . & my dere childern
K: 7,90 ffor if I dye today . my dett(is) ben Iquytted [aaAx]
K: 7,91 I bare home that I borowyd . or I to bedd yede [aaAx]
K: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) the residue & remen(a)nt . by the
rode of chestre [aaAx]
K: 7,93 I will w(or)schipe truthe therwith in my lyfe [aaXx]
K: 7,94 And byn his pilgryme at the plowgh . for pore me(n)nys
sake [aaAx]
K: 7,95 My plowgh ffowte schall be my pikestafe . & putte
at the rotes [aaAx]
K: 7,96 And helpe my cultre to carve . & clense the forrowes
K: 7,97 Now is pers & the pilg(ri)mes . to the plowgh
faren [aaAx]
K: 7,98 To eryn this half acre . helpyn hym many [aaAx]
K: 7,99 Dikars & delvars . diggyn vp the balkes [aaAx]
K: 7,100 Therw(i)t(h) was p(er)kyn paiede . & preised
hem yerne [aaAx]
K: 7,101 Other workme(n) ther weron . that wroughten wol
faste [aaAx]
K: 7,102 Eche man in his man(er) . made hym self to done
K: 7,103 And some to pleysen p(er)kyn . pikyn vp the wedes
K: 7,104 And at the hie p(ri)me tyme pers . lett the plowe
stond [aaAx]
K: 7,105 To ou(er)seen hem hymself . whoso best wrought [aaAx]
K: 7,106 Schuld ben hyred therafter . whan h(er)uest tyme
co(m)me [aaAx]
fol. 36r
K: 7,107 Than sitten sume . & songen at the nale [aaAx]
K: 7,108 And holpyn earye the half acre . w(i)t(h) hey troly
loly [aaaAx]
K: 7,109 By the p(ri)nce of paradice . q(uo)d pers tho in
wrathe [aaAx]
K: 7,110 But if ye risen the rather . & rapen you to
worchen [aaAx]
K: 7,111 Schal no greyn that here growith . gladden yow at
nede [aaAx]
K: 7,112 And though ye die for doole . the deuile haue that
retche [aaAx]
K: 7,113 Than were faitours aferde . & faynede hem blynde
K: 7,114 So(m)me leide here legges alery . as such loselles
done [aaaAx]
K: 7,115 And plenyde to pers . w(i)t(h) such petuouse word(is)
K: 7,116 We han no lymmes to labo(ur) w(i)t(h) . lord Igraced
be thou [aaAx]
K: 7,117 But we p(ra)yen for you pers . & for yo(ur)
plowe bothe [aaAx]
K: 7,118 That god of his grace . your grayne multyplye [aaAx]
K: 7,119 And yeld yow for yo(ur) almes . that yow yeld vs
here [axAx]
K: 7,120 ffor we mowen neyther swynk ne for payne swete [aaAx]
K: 7,121 Yf it be soth q(uo)d pers . that ye sayen I schal
it sone espye [axAa]
K: 7,122 Ye ben wasto(ur)(es) I wote well . & truth wote
the sothe [aaAx]
K: 7,123 And I ame his olde hyne . & owght hym to warne
K: 7,124 Which wastours in this worlde . his workmen distroyen
K: 7,125 Ye eten that they schuld eten . that eryen for vs
alle [aaAa]
K: 7,126 But truthe schall teche yow . his teme for to dryue
K: 7,127 Both to sett & to sowen . & to sauen his
tylthe [aaAx]
K: 7,128 Catche crowes from his corne . & kepen his bestes
K: 7,129 Or ye schull eten barlich brede . & of the broke
drynken [aaAx]
K: 7,130 But if he be blynde or brokyn schankyd . or beddrede
lyggyn [aaAx]
K: 7,131 Ye schull eten as good as I so me god helpe [????]
K: 7,132 Til god of his g(ra)ce . make hem to arise [aaAx]
K: 7,133 Ankers & heremytes . that holden hem in her
sellis [aaAx]
K: 7,134 Schullen haue of myn almes . al the whiles I lyue
fol. 36v
K: 7,135 Inowe eche day at none . but no more or morowe [aaAbb]
K: 7,136 Lest his flesche & the fend . fowlen his soule
K: 7,137 Ons at noone is Inowgh . that no work ne vseth [aaAxx]
K: 7,138 He abydith wel the better . that bommeth not ofte
K: 7,139 Than gan wasto(ur) arise . & woulde haue Ifoughte
K: 7,140 To piers the plowman . he p(ro)fered his gloue [aaAx]
K: 7,141 A britoner a bragour . bosted hym also [aaAx]
K: 7,142 And bad hym goo pisse with his plough . pillid schrewe
K: 7,143 Wiltow nyltow . we wol haue oure wille [axAa]
K: 7,144 And of thy floure & of thy flesche . fetche
whan vs liketh [aaAx]
K: 7,145 And make vs mery therw(i)t(h) . magry thy chekes
K: 7,146 Than pers the plowma(n) . playned hym to the knight
K: 7,147 To kepen hym as co(n)n(au)nte . was from cursyd
schrewes [aaAx]
K: 7,148 And from wasto(ur)(es) that wayten . wynnars to
schende [aaAx]
K: 7,149 Curteislich the knight than . as kynde woulde [aaAx]
K: 7,150 Warned the wastour(e) . & wyssed hym better
K: 7,151 Or thou schalt abige it by the lawe by the order
that I bere [????]
K: 7,152 I was not wonte to worche q(uo)d wasto(ur) . now
woll I not begynne [aaaAx]
K: 7,153 And let light of the lawe . & lesse of the knight
K: 7,154 And coumpted pers at a peese . & his plowgh
bothe [aaAx]
K: 7,155 And manased hym & eke his men . whan thay both
metten [aaXa]
K: 7,156 Now by the p(er)il of my soule q(uo)d pers . I schal
appeire yow all(e) [axaAx]
K: 7,157 And ho[w]pid aft(er) hungre . that hard hym at the
firste [aaAx]
K: 7,158 Awreke me on wastours q(uo)d pers . that this worlde
schenden [aaxAx]
K: 7,159 Hungre in hast than . hente wasto(ur) by the mawe
K: 7,160 And wrong hym so by the wombe . that his eyen watred
fol. 37r
K: 7,161 And buffeted the brytoner . so aboute the chekes [aaAx]
K: 7,162 That he loked like a lanterne . al his life after
K: 7,163 He bet hem so both . that he braste nigh her maw-gh-es
K: 7,164 Ne had pers w(i)t(h) a pese lofe . p(ra)yd hym byleue
K: 7,165 And w(i)t(h) a beane batte . had hyhyd betwen [aaXx]
K: 7,166 And hytt hungre therw(i)t(h) . amyddes the lippes
K: 7,167 And made hym blede into the body . a boll(e) ful
of grovell [aaAx]
K: 7,168 Ne had the phy-gh-ysion first fast . fett hym water
K: 7,169 To abate the barley . & the beanes Igrounde
K: 7,170 Thay had byn ded or this day . & doluen in erthe
K: 7,171 ffaytours for feare . flowen into bernys [aaAx]
K: 7,172 And flappen on w(i)t(h) flayles . fro morowe tyl
euyn [aaAxx]
K: 7,173 That hungre was not hardy . on hem to loken [aaAx]
K: 7,174 ffor a pottful of peson . that pers had Imaked [aaAx]
K: 7,175 An hepe of Ermyt(es) . henten hem spadis [aaAx]
K: 7,176 And doluen dirte & dong . to fil hungers throte
K: 7,177 ---- line om ----
K: 7,178 Thay that liggyd blynde . & brokenleggyd by
the hye way [xaAx]
K: 7,179 Hungre hem heled . w(i)t(h) a hote cake [aaAx]
K: 7,180 And lame mennys lymes . war lithed that tyme [aaAx]
K: 7,181 And byco(m)men knaues . to kepen pers bestes [aaAx]
K: 7,182 And p(ra)yden p(ur) charite . w(i)t(h) pers for
to dwelle [aaAx]
K: 7,183 Al for couetise of his corne . to catche away hunger
K: 7,184 And pers was prowde therof . & put hem in office
K: 7,185 And yafe hem mete & money . as thay mighten
des(er)ue [aaAx]
fol. 37v
K: 7,186 Than had pers pety . & p(ra)yed hungre to wend
K: 7,187 Home to his owen erth . & hold hym ther eu(er)
K: 7,188 But yet I p(re)y the q(uo)d pers . or thou passe
farther [aaAx]
K: 7,189 Of beggers & biddars . what is best to done
K: 7,190 ffor I wote wel be thou went . thay woll w(ur)chen
ille [aaaAx]
K: 7,191 Myscheffe it maketh . thay ben so meke nowe [aaAx]
K: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . thus faste thay worchen
K: 7,193 And thay ben my blody bredern . for god bought vs
alle [aaAx]
K: 7,194 Trewthe towght me ons . to louen hem echone [aaAx]
K: 7,195 And helpen hem of al thyng(es) . after that hem
nedith [aaAx]
K: 7,196 Now would I witen of the . what war the best [aaaAx]
K: 7,197 And hou I might amastre them . & make them worchen
K: 7,198 Heare now q(uo)d hungre . & hold it for a wisdome
K: 7,199 Bolde beggers & byddars . that may her bred
swynke [aaaAx]
K: 7,200 With hound(is) bred & hors bred . hold vp her
hart(es) [aaAa]
K: 7,201 Abaue hem w(i)t(h) bonys . for bolling of her wombes
K: 7,202 And if the gromes grutche . byd them go & swynke
K: 7,203 And he schal supp swetter . than he it hath des(er)uyd
K: 7,204 But if thou ffynd any freke . that fortune hath
appeyred [aaAx]
K: 7,205 With fyre or w(i)t(h) fals men . fonden such to
knowen [aaAx]
K: 7,206 Comfort hem w(i)t(h) thy catell . for crist(is)
loue of heuyn [aaAx]
K: 7,207 Loue hem & lend hem . for so lawe of kynde techith
K: 7,208 And al man(er) of men . that thou might aspye [aaAx]
K: 7,209 That nedy ben or naked . & nowght haue to spende
K: 7,210 W(i)t(h) mete or w(i)t(h) monye . let the(m) be
the better aaAx|
fol. 38r
K: 7,211 Or with work or w(i)t(h) word . the whiles thou art
here [aaAx]
K: 7,212 Make the frend(is) therwith . & so matheu vs
techeth [aaAx]
K: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos de mammona iniquitatis }
K: 7,213 I wold not greue god q(uo)d pers . for al the gold
on the grounde [aaxAx]
K: 7,214 Might I synelesly do as thou now saiste [aaXx]
K: 7,215 Yea I behote the q(uo)d hungre . or els the bible
lyyth [aaAxx]
K: 7,216 Goo to genesis the geaunte . engendero(ur) of vs
alle [aaAx]
K: 7,217 In sudore & in swynke . thou schalt thy mete
tylthe [aaAx]
K: 7,218 And laboure for yo(ur) lyuelode . for so yo(ur)
lorde hatte [aaAx]
K: 7,219 And sapience saith the same . I sawe it in the byble
K: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . no feld would tylthe
K: 7,221 He schal go begge & byd . & no man bett
hys hungre [aaAx]
K: 7,222 Matheu with the ma(n)nys face . mowthed thes wordes
K: 7,223 That { Seruus neq(ua)m } had a Mnam . & for
[he] nold it not vsen [aaAx]
K: 7,224 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 7,225 His lord bynam hym hys Mnam . for he nold worchen
K: 7,226 And yafe it hym in hast . that had tenne ther beforen
K: 7,227 And sithen he said . that his s(er)u(a)nt(es) it
hard [aaAx]
K: 7,228 He that hath schal haue more . to help ther nede
is [aaaAx]
K: 7,229 And he that nowght hath . nowght schal haue ne no
ma(n) hym helpe [aaAa]
K: 7,230 And -th-(a)t he venyth to haue it . schal from hym
be reued [aaAx]
K: 7,231 Kynde witte would . that eche man wroughte [aaAa]
K: 7,232 Or w(i)t(h) techyng or w(i)t(h) tyllyng . or w(i)t(h)
trauaillyng of hand(es) [aaAx]
K: 7,233 Actife life or contemplatiff . crist would it also
K: 7,234 The psauter saith it . in the psalme of { Beati
omnes } [aaAx]
K: 7,234a { Labores manuum tuar(um) quia manducabis &c
} [Latin]
K: 7,235 He that getith his fode here . w(i)t(h) t(ra)ueile
of his hand(es) [aaXa]
fol. 38v
K: 7,236 God yevith hym his blisse that here lifelode so wynnyth
K: 7,237 Yet I p(re)ye the q(uo)d pers . p(ur) charite if
thou Canne [aaAxx]
K: 7,238 Eny leff of lechecrafte . lere it me my dere [aaAx]
K: 7,239 ffor su(m)m of my s(er)u(a)unt(is) . ben sike other
while [aaAx]
K: 7,240 Of al the weke thay worchen not . so her wombe akith
K: 7,241 I wote well q(uo)d hungre . what siknes hem aylith
K: 7,242 Thay haue maunged ou(er) michell . -th-(a)t maketh
hem grone ofte [aaAx]
K: 7,243 But I hote the q(uo)d hungre . as thou thyn hele
wylnest [aaAx]
K: 7,244 That thou drynk no day . or thou dyne sumwhat [aaAx]
K: 7,245 Ete not I hote the . or hungre the take [aaAx]
K: 7,246 And send the of his sawce . to sauour thy lippes
K: 7,247 And kepe su(m)m for soper tyme . & sytt not
to longe [aaAx]
K: 7,248 Arise vp or apetite . haue etyn his ffille [aaAx]
K: 7,249 And let not sir surfett . sitten at thy bord [aaAx]
K: 7,250 Leue hym not for he is a lechour . & likerous
of tonge [aaAx]
K: 7,251 And after many man(er) met(is) . he is alonged [aaAx]
K: 7,252 And if thou dight the thus . I dare lay myn armes
K: 7,253 That phisike schal his furred hoode . for his fode
selle [aaAx]
K: 7,254 And eke his Clokes w(i)t(h) calabre . & the
knoppes of golde [aaAx]
K: 7,255 And byn fayne by my faye . his phisik to leve [aaAx]
K: 7,256 And lerne to labour the lond . lest lifelode hym
fayle [aaaAx]
K: 7,257 Ther arn moo liars than leches . lord hem amend
K: 7,258 Thay done men dyen thrugh her drynk(es) . or destenye
it woulde [aaAx]
K: 7,259 By saynt povle q(uo)d pers . thes arn p(ro)fitable
word(is) [aaAx]
K: 7,260 This is a lovely lesson . lord it the foryelde [aaAx]
K: 7,261 Wende now whan thy wille is . that well be thow
eu(er) [aaAx]
fol. 39r
K: 7,262 I hote god q(uo)d hungre . hens nyll I wende [aaAx]
K: 7,263 Are I haue dyned by this day . & Idronk both
K: 7,264 I ne haue no peny q(uo)d pers . polettes to bygge
K: 7,265 Nowther gose ne grise . but ij grene chesys [aaAx]
K: 7,266 A fewe curdes & creme . & an havere cake
K: 7,267 A lofe of benys & branne . Ibake for my childern
K: 7,268 And yet I say by my soule . I haue no salte bacone
K: 7,269 Ne non cokeney by crist . colloppes to maken [aaAx]
K: 7,270 But I haue percele & porrett . & many cole
plantes [aaAx]
K: 7,271 And eke a kowe & a calf . & a carte mare
K: 7,272 To drawe on feld my dong . whiles the drowght lasteth
K: 7,273 By this lyfelode I must lyve . tyll lammas tyme
K: 7,274 By that I hope to haue . haruest in my crofte [aaAx]
K: 7,275 And than may I dight thy dyner . as the dere liketh
K: 7,276 Al the pore people . pescodis fetchen [aaAx]
K: 7,277 Benys & bake apples . thay brought in her lappes
K: 7,278 Chibolles & cheruellis . & ripe cherise
many [aaAx]
K: 7,279 And p(ro)fered pers this p(re)sent . to please therw(i)t(h)
hungre [aaaAx]
K: 7,280 And hungre yete this in haste . & askyd aft(er)
more [aaaAa]
K: 7,281 Than thes folk for feare . fettyn hym faste [aaAx]
K: 7,282 Grene porett(es) & peson . to poyson hym thay
wolde [aaAx]
K: 7,283 By -th-(a)t it nighhid nye h(er)uest . for new corne
to cheping come [aaAbb]
K: 7,284 And than war the folk fayne . & fed hungre with
the beste [aaAx]
K: 7,285 With good ale & glotonye . thay gratte hym to
sclepe [aaAx]
K: 7,286 And tho would wasto(ur) not w(er)chen . but wandred
aboute [aaAx]
fol. 39v
K: 7,287 Ne no beggar ete no bred . that benys in co(m)me [aaAx]
K: 7,288 But cokket or clerematyne . or els clene whete [aaAx]
K: 7,289 Ne non halfpeny ale . in non wise drynke [aaAxx]?
K: 7,290 But of the best & of the brownest . that brewsters
sellen [aaAx]
K: 7,291 Laborars that haue no lond . to lyuyn on but her
hand(is) [aaAx]
K: 7,292 Deyneth now to dyne . a day w(i)t(h) cold wortes
K: 7,293 May no penyale hem pay . ne no pece of bacon [aaAx]
K: 7,294 But if it be fresch flesch . or fisch wel Ifryed
K: 7,295 And { chaud & plus chaude } . for chilling of
her mawes [aaAx]
K: 7,296 And but he be highlich hired . els wille he chyden
K: 7,297 That he [was] workma(n) Iwrought . warien the tyme
K: 7,298 And than cursen the kyng . and al that counsaile
after [aaAx]
K: 7,299 Such lawes to loken . laborars to chastien [aaAx]
K: 7,300 But whiles hungre was here mast(er) wold ther nou(n)
chyden [????]
K: 7,301 Ne stryue ageyn his statute . so sternely he loked
K: 7,302 I warne yow workme(n) . wynnyn while ye mowen [aaAx]
K: 7,303 ffor hungre hitherward . hastith hym faste [aaAx]
K: 7,304 He schall awake thrugh wat(er) . wasters to chastien
K: 7,305 Or fyue be fulfilled . such fomen schal arise [aaAx]
K: 7,306 Thrugh flod & thrugh fowle wedo(ur) . frut(es)
schall fayle [aaAa]
K: 7,307 And so saith saturne . & sent yow to warne [aaAx]
fol. 40r
Passus nonus de visione
K: 8,1 Trewthe herd tell hereof . and to pers sent [aaAxx]
K: 8,2 To taken his teme . & tylyen the erthe [aaAx]
K: 8,3 And p(ur)chased hym a p(ar)done . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
K: 8,4 ffor hym & his heyres . ffor eu(er)more after
K: 8,5 And baddyn hym holde hym at home . & eyen his
leies [aaAx]
K: 8,6 And al that helpyn hym . to earen or to sowen [aaAx]
K: 8,7 Or any man(er) mystre . that might pers helpen [aaAx]
K: 8,8 Partes in that p(ar)done . the pope hath hem g(ra)unted
K: 8,9 King(es) & knight(es) . that kepen holy chirche
K: 8.10 And rightfulliche in realme . rulen the people [aaAx]
K: 8,11 Haue p(ar)done thrugh p(ur)gatory . to passen well
sone [aaAx]
K: 8,12 With pat(ri)arkes in paradise . to playen therafter
K: 8,13 Bisshoppes that blessen . & both lawes conne
K: 8,14 Loke on that one lawe . & lerne men that other
K: 8,15 And bereth hem both on her backe . as her banere
scheweth [aaaAx]
K: 8,16 And p(re)chen to her people . the p(er)iles of synne
K: 8,17 How that the skabbed schepe . schuld her wolle saue
K: 8,18 Haue p(ar)done w(i)t(h) the apposteles . whan thay
passen hens [aaAx]
K: 8,19 And at the day of dome . at the hye desse to sitten
K: 8,20 Marchauntes in the m(er)gent . hadden many yeres
K: 8,21 But non { a pena & a culpa } . the pope wold
hem g(ra)unte [axAx]
K: 8,22 ffor thay holden not her holi days . as holy writt
techitt [aaAx]
K: 8,23 And for thay sweren by her sowles . & so god
most hem helpe [aaAxx]
K: 8,24 Ayenst clene consience . her catell to selle [aaAx]
K: 8,25 But vnd(ir) his secret seale trewth . sent hem a
letter [aaAx]
fol. 40v
K: 8,26 And bad hem bigge boldly . what hem best liked [aaaAx]
K: 8,27 And sithen selle yt ageyn . & saue the wynnyng
K: 8,28 And make meyson dieux therw(i)t(h) . myssell(es)
to helpen [aaAx]
K: 8,29 And wikked weyis . wightlich to amend [aaAx]
K: 8,30 And boten bridgis aboute . that tobroken were [aaaAx]
K: 8,31 Marien madens also . or maken hem nonnes [aaAx]
K: 8,32 Pore widowis that willen . not to be wifes after
K: 8,33 ffynde such her fode . for the lord(is) loue of heuyn
K: 8,34 Sett scolars to scole . or to su(m)me kyne craft(is)
K: 8,35 Releven religioun . & renten hem better [aaAx]
K: 8,36 And I schal send you myself . saynt mighel myn aungell
K: 8,37 That no deuile schal yow dere . die whan yow done
K: 8,38 That I ne schal send his sowle . safe into heuen
K: 8,39 And before the face of my fader . forme yo(ur) seetes
K: 8,40 Vsirye & auarice & othes I defende [????]
K: 8,41 That no gile go w(i)t(h) you . but the grayth treuthe
K: 8,42 Than weren m(er)chaunt(es) mery . & wepyn for
Ioy [aaAx]
K: 8,43 And yeuyn wille for his writyng . wolleyn clothes
K: 8,44 ffor he coped thus her clause . they could hym gret
mede [aaAx]
K: 8,45 Men of lawe had lest . for lettred thay ben alle
K: 8,46 And so saith the psalter . & sapiens both [aaAx]?
K: 8,46a { Sup(er) Innocente(m) mun(er)a no(n) accipies A
regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) erit m(er)ces eor(um) } [Latin]
K: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & p(re)lat(is) . here pencioun schal
arise [aaAx]
K: 8,48 And of no pore people . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
K: 8,49 But he that spendith his speche . & spekith for
the pore [aaAx]
fol. 41r
K: 8,50 That is Innocent & nedy . & no man appeyreth
K: 8,51 Comforteth hym in that case . coueitith not his good(is)
K: 8,52 But for our lord(is) loue . lawe for hym schewith
K: 8,53 Schal no deuiel at the deth day . dere hym a myte
K: 8,54 That he worth safe sikerly . & so the psalter
saith [aaAa]
K: 8,55 But to sell watur ne wynde . ne wytte the thirde
K: 8,56 Ne would neu(er) holy writte . god wote the sothe
K: 8,57 Thes three for thralles . ben throwen among(es) vs
alle [aaAx]
K: 8,58 To waxen & wanyen . wher that god will [aaAx]
K: 8,59 His p(ar)done in p(ur)gatory . wel petyte is I trowe
K: 8,60 That any mede of meane men . for motyng receyuith
K: 8,61 Ye legistres & lawe yer(es) . ye woten if I lie
K: 8,62 Sithen ye seen it is this . sewith the best [aaAx]
K: 8,63 Al lyuyng labourars . that lyuen by yo(ur) hand(es)
K: 8,64 That trewlich taken . & trewlich wynne [aaAx]
K: 8,65 And lyuyn both in loue & in lawe [aaaAx]
K: 8,66 Hadden the same absoluciou(n) . that sent was to
pers [aaAx]
K: 8,67 Beggars & byddars . ne byn not in the bulle [aaAa]
K: 8,68 But the subiectiou(n) be sothe . that schapith them
bigge [aaAx]
K: 8,69 ffor he that beggith or byddith . but he haue neede
K: 8,70 He is fals w(i)t(h) the fende . & defraudith
the nedy [aaAx]
K: 8,71 And eke gylith the gevar . ageinst his wille [aaAx]
K: 8,72 Thay lyven not in loue . ne no lawe holden [aaAx]
K: 8,73 Thay wedden no women . that thay w(i)t(h) delen [aaAx]
K: 8,74 But as wild best(is) w(i)t(h) wehe . worthen vp togider
K: 8,75 And bryngen forth barnes . that boyes ben Iholden
fol. 41v
K: 8,76 Or his backe or his bone . he brekith in his yowthe
K: 8,77 And gone & faiten w(i)t(h) her fawte . for eu(er)more
aft(er) [aaAxx]
K: 8,78 Ther ben mo mischef(es) amonge hem . whoso takith
hede [aaaXx]
K: 8,79 Than of al other man(er) men . that on the molde
wandreth [aaAx]
K: 8,80 Tho that lyuyn thus here her life . mowen lothe the
tyme [aaAx]
K: 8,81 That he was man wrought . whan he schall hens wend
K: 8,82 But olde men & hoore . that helples ben of strenght
K: 8,83 And wy(m)men w(i)t(h) childe . that worchen ne mowen
K: 8,84 Blynde & bedrede . & brokyn her membres [aaAx]
K: 8,85 That taken her mischef mekelich . as meselles & other
K: 8,86 Hauen as playne a p(ar)done . as the ploweman hym
self [aaAx]
K: 8,87 ffor loue of her lewtie . our lord hath hem g(ra)unted
K: 8,88 Her penaunce & her p(ur)gatorye . vpon this pure
erthe [aaAx]
K: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a p(re)ste tho . thy p(ar)done must I
rede [aaAx]
K: 8,90 ffor I schal construe eche clause . & kenne it
the on englisch [aaAx]
K: 8,91 And pers at his p(re)oure . that p(ar)done vnfolded
K: 8,92 And I behynd hem both . behelde al the bulle [abAb]
K: 8,93 In twoo lynes it lay . & not a lett(re) more
K: 8,94 And was Iwriton thus . in witnes of truth [axAx]
K: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt in vitam eternam } [Latin]
K: 8,96 { Et qui vero mala in ignem eternu(m) } [Latin]
K: 8,97 Petre q(uo)d the prest tho . I ca(n)n no p(ar)done
fynde [aaAx]
K: 8,98 But do wel & haue well . & god schal haue
thy sowle [????]
K: 8.99 And do euill & haue euill . & hope thow non
other [aaAx]
K: 8,100 That aft(er) thy deth day . to helle schalt thou
wende [????]
K: 8,101 And pers for pure tene . pullid it on sonder & saide
fol. 42r
K: 8,102 { Si ambulauero in medio umbre mortis } [Latin]
K: 8,103 { Non timebo mala q(uonia)m tu mecum es } [Latin]
K: 8,104 I schal sesse of my sowyng q(uo)d pers . & swynk
not so sore [aaxAx]
K: 8,105 Ne aboute my lifelode . so besye be nomore [aaAx]
K: 8,106 Of preiours & penaunce . my plowgh schal be
hereafter [aaAx]
K: 8,107 And belowren that I love . though lyuelode me ffaile
K: 8,108 The p(ro)fete hym peyned . in penaunce & in
wepinge [aaAx]
K: 8,109 By that the psaulter vs saith . & so dyde many
other [aaAxx]
K: 8,110 That lovyd god lelly . her lifelode are wel mochell
K: 8,110a { ffuerunt m(ichi) lac(ri)me panes die ac nocte &c
} [Latin]
K: 8,111 And but if luke lie . he lernyth vs another [aaAx]
K: 8,112 By fowles that we schulden not be to besy aboute
the bely Ioy [????]
K: 8,113 { Ne soliciti scitis } . he saith it in the gospell
K: 8,114 And schewith it vs by ensample . o(ur) selven to
wyssen [aaAx]
K: 8,115 The fowles in the firmam(en)t . who fynt hem in
wyntre [aaAx]
K: 8,116 Whan the froste fresith . fode hem behoueth [aaAx]
K: 8,117 Haue thay no garnard to gone to . but god fynd hem
al [aaAx]
K: 8,118 What q(uo)d the p(re)ste to perkyn . petre as me
thynkyth [aaAx]
K: 8,119 Thou art lettred a lityll . who lerned the on boke
K: 8,120 Abstynence the abbesse . my a.b.c me taught [aaAx]
K: 8,121 And consience came aft(er) . & kennyd me michell
better [aaAx]
K: 8,122 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 8,123 { Quoniam letteratura(m) no(n) cognoui } . -th-(a)t
might be thy tyme [????]
K: 8,124 Lewed lorell q(uo)d pers . lityll lokdist thou on
boke [aaxAx]
K: 8,125 On salomons sawes . seldom thou beholdest [aaAx]
K: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & virga cum eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
K: 8,126 Thus the p(re)st & p(er)kyn . apposed eyther
other [aaAx]
fol. 42v
K: 8,127 And thrugh her word(is) I awoke . & awayted aboute
K: 8,128 And seen the sonne euyn southe . sitten that tyme
K: 8,129 Meteles and moneyles . on maluerne hilles [aaAx]
K: 8,130 Musyng on thes metell(is) . hath made me to studye
K: 8,131 --- run together with preceding ---
K: 8,132 And for pers the plowghma(n) . wel pensife at harte
K: 8,133 ffor that I seyth sclepyng . if that it might be
K: 8,134 But Caton construeth it nay . & canonystre both
K: 8,134a And saith hym self { sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
K: 8,135 But for the bible berith wittenes how Danyel dyvyned
the dremys [aa??]
K: 8,136 --- run together wilh preceding --- [aaAx]
K: 8,137 Of a kyng that Nabugodonosor . nempne thes clerkes
K: 8,138 Daniell said s(er) kyng . the sweuyne is to meane
K: 8,139 That uncouth knight(es) schal come . thy kyngdome
to clayme [aaaAx]
K: 8,140 Among(es) lowar lord(is) . thy lond schal be dep(ar)tyd
K: 8,141 As danyel dyuyned . in dede it fell after [aaAx]
K: 8,142 The kyng loste his lordschip . & lasse men it
heldyn [aaAx]
K: 8,143 And Ioseph mete m(er)ueillouslich . hou the mone & the
sonne [aaAx]
K: 8,144 And elleuen Sterres . hailseden hym alle [axAa]
K: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(uo)d his father . for defaute
we schulle [aaAx]
K: 8,146 I myself & my sonnes . seken the for neede [aaAx]
K: 8,147 It befell as he . said in pharoo his tyme [aaAx]
K: 8,148 That Ioseph was Iustice . Egipte to kepen [aaAx]
K: 8,149 And al this makith me . on metell(is) to thynken
K: 8,150 Many tymes at mydenight . whan men schulden slepe
K: 8,151 On pers the plowema(n) . & which a p(ar)done
he hath [aaAx]
K: 8,152 And hou the p(re)ste Inpungned hym . and al by pure
Reasou(n) [aaAx]
K: 8,153 And demed that doowell . Indulgence passed [aaAx]
fol. 43r
K: 8,154 Bienalles and trienall(is) . & bisshoppes letters
K: 8,155 Dowel at the day of dome . deyneliche vnd(er)fonge
K: 8,156 He passith al the p(ar)done . of Saynt peturs chirche
K: 8,157 Now hath the pope powere . p(ar)done to g(ra)unte
K: 8,158 The people w(i)t(h)out pen(a)nce . to passe to Ioye
K: 8,159 This is a lefe of our beleue . as letterd men vs
techeth [aaAx]
K: 8,159a { Quodcumq(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) terram &c
} [Latin]
K: 8,160 And so I leue lelly . lord forbede els [aaAx]
K: 8,161 That p(ar)don & penaunce . & p(re)yours
doone saue [aaAx]
K: 8,162 Sowl(is) than haue synned . sevyn sithes dedlich
K: 8,163 But to truste on thes trienalles . treuly me thynkyth
K: 8,164 It is not so siker for the sowle . certes as is
do well [aaAx]
K: 8,165 ffor why I rede you renkes . that riche ben on erthe
K: 8,166 Vpon trust of yo(ur) tresure . trienalles to haue
K: 8,167 Be ye neu(er) the boldar . to breke the tenne hestes
K: 8,168 And namelich ye masters . as mayers & Iuges
K: 8,169 That han the welth of this worlde . & wise men
ben holden [aaAx]
K: 8,170 To p(ur)chace p(ar)done . & the popes bulles
K: 8,171 At the dredful dome . whan deth schal arisen [aaAx]
K: 8,172 And co(m)men al before criste . accomptes to yelde
K: 8,173 Hou thou laddest thy life here . & the lawe
keptest [aaAx]
K: 8,174 What thou dyddist day by day . the dome woll reherce
K: 8,175 A pokefull of p(ar)dons ther . ne p(ro)uynciall
letters [aaAx]
K: 8,176 Though thou be founde in the ffrat(er)nite . among
the iiijer orders [aaAx]
K: 8,177 And haue Indulgence dobil fold . but dowell the
helpyn [aaAx]
fol. 43v
K: 8,178 I nold yeve for the patent(es) of thy p(ar)done one
pye hele [????]
K: 8,179 ffor why I counceile alle c(ri)sten . to crye criste
m(er)cye [aaAx]
K: 8,180 And mary his mother . to be meane betwene [aaAx]
K: 8,181 That god geve vs grace . here or we gone hennes
K: 8,182 Such work(es) to worche . whiles we bene here [aaAx]
K: 8,183 That after our deth day . dowell reherse [aaAx]
K: 8,184 At the day of dome . that we dyde as we avghten
hic Incipit Vita de dowell dobett & dobest S(e)c(un)d(u)m
Witte & Reson
K: 9,1 Thus Irobyd in rosett . I romed aboute [aaAx]
K: 9,2 Al a som(er) season . for to seke dowell [aaAx]
K: 9,3 And frayned ful faste . of folke that I mette [aaAx]
K: 9,4 if any wight wiste . wher dowell was at Inne [aaAx]
K: 9,5 And what man he might be . of many men I asked [aaAx]
K: 9,6 Was neu(er) wight as I went . that me wisse coulde
K: 9,7 Wher this lede lenged . lesse ne more [aaAx]
K: 9,8 Til it befell me on a friday . two friers I mette
K: 9,9 Masters of the menoures . men of grett witte [aaAx]
K: 9,10 I halsed hem hendely . as I had lerned [aaAx]
K: 9,11 And p(ra)yyd them p(ur) charite . or I passed farder
K: 9,12 Yef any knewe any countrey . or cost(is) aboute [aaAx]
K: 9,13 Wher that dowell dwellith . do me to wysse [aaAx]
K: 9,14 Marye q(uo)d the meno(ur)s . amonge vs he dwellith
K: 9,15 And eu(er) hath as I hope . & eu(er) schal hereafter
K: 9,16 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I as a clerk . & comsed to
despute [aaAx]
K: 9,16a { Sepcies in die cadit iustus &c } [Latin]
fol. 44r
K: 9,17 Sevyn sithis a day saith the boke . synnyth the Rightfull
K: 9,18 And whoso synnyth I said . certes as me thynkith
K: 9,19 That dowell & do Evill . may not dwelle togiders
K: 9,20 { Ergo } he is not alwey at home with yow freres
K: 9,21 He is otherwhile els where . to wisse the people
K: 9,22 I schal say the my son . said the frere than [aaAx]
K: 9,23 Hou seuyn sithis the sad man . synnyth on the day
K: 9,24 By a forbysene q(uo)d the frier . I schal the faier
schewe [aaAx]
K: 9,25 Let bryng a man in a bote . amydde a brode watur
K: 9,26 And the wynd & the wawes . & waggyng of the
bote [aaAx]
K: 9,27 Makith the man many tymes . to fallen & to stomble
K: 9,28 ffor stond he neu(er) so stiff . he stombelith in
the wawyng [aaAx]
K: 9,29 And yet he is safe & sownd . & so hym behoueth
K: 9,30 ffor if he ne rose the rather . & rowght the
sterne [aaAx]
K: 9,31 The wynd wold w(i)t(h) the water . the bate ou(er)throwe
K: 9,32 Ther wer the mannys life lost . for lachisse of hymself
K: 9,33 Right thus it farith q(uo)d the frere . by folke
here on erthe [aaAx]
K: 9,34 The water is likened here to -th-(e)s worlde . that
waneth & waxeth [aaAa]
K: 9,35 The good(is) of this grounde . ben lik the grete
wawes [aaAx]
K: 9,36 That as wyndes & waters . walweth aboute [aaAx]
K: 9,37 The bote is like to the body . that bruttel is of
kynde [aaAx]
K: 9,38 That thrugh the fend & the flesche . & the
fals worlde [aaAx]
K: 9,39 Synnyth the sad man seuyn . sythes on the day [aaaAx]
K: 9,40 But dedely synne doth he none . for dowell hym helpith
fol. 44v
K: 9,41 And that is charite the champion . chefe ayenst synne
K: 9,42 ffor he strenthes the to stond . & styreth thy
sowle [aaAx]
K: 9,43 Though thy body bowe . as bote doth on water [aaAx]
K: 9,44 Aye ys thy sowle safe . but thou thyself wilte [aaAx]
K: 9,45 ffolowe thy fleschely will . & the fend after
K: 9,46 And done dedely synne . & drenchen thy sowle
K: 9,47 God woll suffre the dye so . for thy self hath the
mastrye [aaAx]
K: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . to conceyue thy
wordes [aaAx]
K: 9,49 But if I may lyue & loken . I schall goo lerne
better [aaAx]
K: 9,50 I bekenne the criste . that on the crosse dyyd [aaAx]
K: 9,51 And thay saiden the same . saue the from myscheff
K: 9,52 And geve the grace on this grounde . in good life
to ende [aabAb]
K: 9,53 Thus I went wyde wher . dowell to sechen [aaAx]
K: 9,54 And as I went by a wood . walkyng me one [aaAx]
K: 9,55 Blisse of the bird(es) . made me abyde [aaXa]
K: 9,56 And vnd(ir) a lynde vpon a launde . lenyd I a stound
K: 9,57 To listen the layes . that the louely fowl(es) maden
K: 9,58 Blisse of the bird(es) . brought me a slepe [aaAx]
K: 9,59 The merueilouste metyng . mett me than [aaAx]
K: 9,60 That eu(er) dremyd drighte . in dede as I wene [aaAx]
K: 9,61 A michell ma(n) me thought . liche to me seluen [aaAx]
K: 9,62 Come & callid me . by my kynd name [aaAx]
K: 9,63 What art thou q(uo)d I . that thus my name konnest
K: 9,64 That thou wotest wel q(uo)d he . & no wight better
K: 9,65 Woote ich q(uo)d I who art thou . thowght saide he
than [aaAa]
K: 9,66 I haue sewyd the thes vijer yer(es) . seest thou
me no rather [aaAx]
fol. 45r
K: 9,67 Art thou thought tho q(uo)d I . thou coudest me telle
K: 9,68 Wher that dowell dwellith . & do me to wysse
K: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he & dobett . & dobest the thirde
K: 9,70 Arne three faire v(er)tues . & ben not far to
fynde [aaAa]
K: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mouthe . mylde of his speche
K: 9,72 Trewe of his tonge . & of his twoo hand(is) [aaAx]
K: 9,73 And thrugh his labo(ur) or by his lond(es) . his
liuelode he wynnyth [aaAx]
K: 9,74 And trusty of his tayle ende . & taketh but his
own [aaAx]
K: 9,75 And is not dronkloy ne deynous . dowell hym folowyth
K: 9,76 Dobett doth thus . but he doth mochell more [aaAx]
K: 9,77 He is as lowe as a lombe . loueliche of speche [aaAx]
K: 9,78 While he hath ought of his own . he helpith the nedye
K: 9,79 The bagges & the bigurdell(es) . he hathe broken
them alle [aaAx]
K: 9,80 That the erle auerous had or his heir(es) [aa??]
K: 9,81 And w(i)t(h) ma(m)moneis money . he hath madde hym
frend(is) [aaAx]
K: 9,82 And is ronne to religioun . & hath renderid the
bible [aaAx]
K: 9,83 And p(re)chit the people . saynt powl(is) word(is)
K: 9,83a { Libenter suffertis insipientes &c } [Latin]
K: 9,84 Ye wise suffre onwyse . w(i)t(h) yow for to dwelle
K: 9,85 And w(i)t(h) glad will do hem good . for god hymself
hete [aaAx]
K: 9,86 Dobest is aboue both . & bereth a bisshop(is)
crosse [aaaAa]
K: 9,87 Yt is hoked at the one end . to hold men in good
life [aaAx]
K: 9,88 A pike is in the potent . to pynge down the wykked
K: 9,89 That wayteth any wykkednes . dowell to tenen [aaAx]
K: 9,90 And as dowel & dobett . dyddyn hem to vnderstond
fol. 45v
K: 9,91 Thay haue crowned one kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
K: 9,92 That if dowell or dobett . dyden ageyn dobeste [aaAa]
K: 9,93 And weron vnbuxum at his byddyng . & bolde to
do ille [aaAx]
K: 9,94 That than schuld the kyng come . & cast hem in
p(ri)sou(n) [aaAx]
K: 9,95 And putt them ther in penaunce . w(i)t(h)oute pite
or g(ra)ce [aaAx]
K: 9,96 But if dobest byd for hem abide . ther for eu(er)
K: 9,97 Thus dowel dobett . & dobest the thirde [aaAx]
K: 9,98 Crowned one to be kyng . & by their counceile
worche [aaAx]
K: 9,99 And Rule the realme . by rede of hem alle [aaAx]
K: 9,100 And other wise els nowght but as they three assented
K: 9,101 I thanked thought tho . that he me so tawght [aaaAxx]?
K: 9,102 But yet sauorith me not thy sayyng . so me god help
K: 9,103 More kynde knowyng . I coueyte to lerne [aaAx]
K: 9,104 Hou dowell dobet & dobest . done on this erthe
K: 9,105 But witt can wisse the q(uo)d thowght . wher tho
three dwellen [aaxAx]
K: 9,106 Ellis wote no man that now is on lyue [????]
K: 9,107 Thowght & I thus . three days we yeden [aaAx]
K: 9,108 Disputyng on dowell . day after other [aaAx]
K: 9,109 And ar we war ware . w(i)t(h) witt gan we meten
K: 9,110 He was long & lene . like to non other [aaAx]
K: 9,111 Was no p(ri)de in his apparell . ne pov(er)tie neyther
K: 9,112 Sadd of his semblaunt . & of softe speche [aaAx]?
K: 9,113 I durst moue no mat(er) . to maken hym to iangle
K: 9,114 But as I bad thought tho be meane betwene [????]
K: 9,115 To putt forth sum p(ur)pose . to p(ro)ve his wittes
K: 9,116 Than thought in that tyme . said thes word(is) [aaaAx]
fol. 46r
K: 9,117 Wher that dowell dobett . & dobest byn in lond
K: 9,118 Here his will wold wite . if wytt could tech [aaAx]
Secund(us) Passus de dowell
K: 10,1 Sir dowell q(ua)d witte dwellith . not a myle hens
K: 10,2 In a castell that kynde made . of fower kynne thyng(es)
K: 10,3 Of erthe & eire is it made . medelid togethers
K: 10,4 With wynde & w(i)t(h) wat(ir) . wittilich enIoynyd
K: 10,5 Kynd hath Iclosed therin . craftelich w(i)t(h) alle
K: 10,6 A lemman that he louith . like to hym self [aaAx]
K: 10,7 { Anima } sche hate . to hire hath enuie [aaAa]
K: 10,8 A proude p(ri)ker of F(ra)unce . { Princeps huius
mundi } [aaxAx]
K: 10,9 And would wyn her away . w(i)t(h) wyl(es) if he mighte
K: 10,10 But kynde knowith it wel . & kepith her the
bett(er) [aaAx]
K: 10,11 And doth her to s(ir) dowell . duke of his marches
K: 10,12 Dobett is her damesell . sir dowell his dowght(er)
K: 10,13 And s(er)uyth the lady lelly . both late & rathe
K: 10,14 Thus dowell & dobett . & dobest the thirde
K: 10,15 ben maistres of thes mano(ur) . this mayden to kepe
K: 10,16 But the constable of the castell . that kepith them
alle [aaAx]
K: 10,17 Is a wise knight w(i)t(h)al . s(ir) Inwitt he hate
K: 10,18 And hath fyue faire sonnes . by his first wife [aaAx]
K: 10,19 Sir see wel & say well . & here well the
hende [aaAx]
K: 10,20 S(ir) worche wel w(i)t(h) hand . a wight ma(n) of
strenght [aaxAx]
K: 10,21 And s(ir) Godfray goo well . to saue the castell
K: 10,22 --- run together with preceding ---
fol. 46v
K: 10,23 To kepen this woma(n) . thes wise men ben charged
K: 10,24 Til kynde send or come . to kepn her hymself [aaAx]
K: 10,25 What calle ye that castell q(uo)d I . that kynde
hath thus Imaked [aaAx]
K: 10,26 And what kyn thyng is kynd . conne ye me telle [aaAx]
K: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is creatour . of al kyn best(is)
K: 10,28 ffather & formo(ur) . the first of al thing(es)
K: 10,29 And that is the gret god . that gynnyng had neu(er)
K: 10,30 The lord of life & of li-gh-the . of lisse & of
pyne [aaaAx]
K: 10,31 Angels & al thyng(es) . arn at his wille [aaAx]
K: 10,32 But man is hym most like . of marke & of schap
K: 10,33 ffor thrugh the word that he wrap . waxen forth
best(is) [aaAx]
K: 10,34 And al thing at his will . was wrought with a word
K: 10,34a { Dixit & facta sunt &c } [Latin]
K: 10,35 Saue man that he made . Image like to hym self [aaAx]
K: 10,36 Yafe hym goste of his godhede . & g(ra)unted
hym blisse [aaAx]
K: 10,37 Life that ay schall lasten . & al his lynage
after [aaAx]
K: 10,38 That is the castel that kynde made . { Caro } it
hate [aaAx]
K: 10,39 As michel to mean . as man w(i)t(h) his sowle [aaAx]
K: 10,40 That he wrought w(i)t(h) worke . & w(i)t(h)
worde bothe [aaAx]
K: 10,41 Thrugh might of the mageste . ma(n) was Imaked [aaAa]
K: 10,41a { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad Imaginem & similitudine(m)
n(ost)ram &c } [Latin]
K: 10,42 Inwitt & al witt(es) . enclosed ben therin [aaAa]
K: 10,43 ffor loue of that lady . that lyfe is namyd [aaAx]
K: 10,44 That is { Anima } that ou(er)al . in the body wandreth
K: 10,45 But in the hart is her home . highest of alle [aaAa]
fol. 47r
K: 10,46 Sche is life & ledar . a lemma(n) of heuyn [aaAx]
K: 10,47 Inwitt is the helpe . that { Anima } desireth [aaAx]
K: 10,48 After the grace of god . grettest is Inwitt [aaAx]
K: 10,49 Inwitt in the hedd is . & an helpe to the soule
K: 10,50 ffor throwgh his connyng ben kept . { Caro & Anima
} [aaAx]
K: 10,51 In rewle & in fo(ur)me . but Recheles it make
K: 10,52 He eggith ey sight . & heryng to goode [aaAx]
K: 10,53 Of good speche & goyng . he is the begynnyng
K: 10,54 In mannys brayne he is most . & mightiest to
knowe [aaAx]
K: 10,55 Ther is his bower bremest . but if blode it make
K: 10,56 ffor whan blode is bremar than brayne . than is
Inwitt lowe [aaaXa]
K: 10,57 And eke wanton & wild . w(i)t(h)out any reasone
K: 10,58 In yonge fauntes & fooles . w(i)t(h) them failith
Inwitte [aaAx]
K: 10,59 And eke in sott(is) thou maist see . that sitten
at the nale [aaAx]
K: 10,60 Thay helden ale in her heede . til Inwitt be drenchid
K: 10,61 And ben braynwood as best(is) . so her blode wexith
K: 10,62 Than hath [-th-e] poke power . s(er) { princeps
huius mundi }
K: 10,63 Ou(er) such man(er) men . might in her sowles [aaAx]
K: 10,64 But in Infant(es) & fol(is) . the fende hath
no might [aaAx]
K: 10,65 ffor no work that thay worchen . wykked or els [aaAx]
K: 10,66 But the fadre & the frendes . for fawtes schull
be blamed [aaAx]
K: 10,67 But if thay wyten hem from wantonesse . whil(es)
thay be yong [aaAxx]
K: 10,68 And if thay ben pore & catelles . to kepen hem
from ille xxXx|
K: 10,69 Than holichirch is holdyn . to helpe hem & saue
K: 10,70 from foleyys & fynden hem . til that thay ben
wisare [aaAx]?
fol. 47v
K: 10,71 But eche wight on this worlde . that hath his vnd(ir)stondyng
K: 10,72 Is chefe sou(er)eyng ou(er) hym self . his soule
to yeme [aaAx]
K: 10,73 And chevessen hym for any charge . whan he childehode
passith [aaAx]
K: 10,74 And save hym self from synne . for so hym behoueth
K: 10,75 ffor worche he well or wronge . the witt is his
own [aaaAx]
K: 10,76 Than is dowell a duke . that distroyeth vices [aaAx]
K: 10,77 And sauith the soule . that synne hath no might
K: 10,78 To rowten ne to resten . ne rotyn in the harte [aaAx]
K: 10,79 And that is drede of god . dowell it makith [axAx]
K: 10,80 It is the begynnyng of goodnes . god for to dowten
K: 10,81 Salomon it said . for a soth sawe [aaAx]
K: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
K: 10,82 ffor dowte men do the bett . drede is such a master
K: 10,83 That he makith men meke . & myld of here speche
K: 10,84 And al kynne scolars . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
K: 10,85 Than is dobett to byn Iware . for betynge of the
yarde [aaAx]
K: 10,86 And therof saith the psaulter . thyself maiste it
rede [aaAx]
K: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tu(us) ip(s)a me consolata
sunt } [Latin]
K: 10,88 But if clene consience . accorde that thyself do
well [aaAx]
K: 10,89 Wilne thou neuer why in this worlde for to do bettre
K: 10,90 ffor { Intencio Indicat quemq(ua)m &c } [Latin]
K: 10,91 By counceile of consience . accordyng w(i)t(h) holy
chirche [aaAx]
K: 10,92 Loke thow wisse thy witt(es) . & thy work(es)
aft(er) [aaAx]
K: 10,93 ffor if thou comsest ayenst consience . thou co(m)berest
thy self [aaAx]
K: 10,94 And so witnessith god(dis) word . & holywrytte
bothe [aaAx]
K: 10,94a { Qui agit contra conscientiam &c } [Latin]
fol. 48r
K: 10,95 But if thou worche by god(is) word . I warne the for
the beste [aaAx]
K: 10,96 What so eu(er) men worden . of the wrathe the thou
neuer [aaAx]?
K: 10,97 Caton counseilith so . take kepe of his techyng
K: 10,98 { Cu(m) recte Viues ne cures v(er)ba malor(um) }
K: 10,99 But suffre & sitt still . & seche thou no
farther [aaaAx]
K: 10,100 And be glad of the grace . that god hath the sente
K: 10,101 ffor if thou comsest to clymbe . & coueitiste
here [aaAx]
K: 10,102 Thou mightest lese thy lownes . for a litill p(ri)de
K: 10,103 I haue hard how lewde men . haue lerned her childern
K: 10,104 That seld mosseth the m(er)ble . that men ofte
treden [aaAx]
K: 10,105 And right so by romers . that rennen aboute [aaAx]
K: 10,106 ffro religioun to religioun . recheles ben thay
eu(er) [aaAx]
K: 10,107 Ne men that conynggen in al craft(is) . clergie
it techith [aaAx]
K: 10,108 Thrifte or thedome . ar seldom w(i)t(h) tho Iseygh
K: 10,108a { Qui circuit omne genus de nullo genere est &c
} [Latin]
K: 10,109 Poule the appostle . in his pistle wrote it [aaAx]
K: 10,110 In example that such . schuld not renne aboute
K: 10,111 And ffor wisdome is w(ri)tyn . & witnessith
in chirch(es) [aaAx]
K: 10,112 { In eadem vocacione qua vocati estis stat(es) &c
} [Latin]
K: 10,113 If thou be man maried . monk other chanou(n) [aaAx]
K: 10,114 Hold the stable & stedfast . & strenght
thy seluen [aaAx]
K: 10,115 To be blissed for thy beryng, . yea a begger though
thou were [aaAx]?
K: 10,116 Lok thou grutche not on god . thoughe [he] geue
the lityll [aaAx]
K: 10,117 Be paid w(i)t(h) that porcou(n) . pore other riche
K: 10,118 Thus in drede liyth dowell . & dobett to suffren
K: 10,119 ffor thrugh suffer(au)nce see . thou mayst hou
sofer(au)nce ariseth [aaAx]?
fol. 48v
K: 10,120 And so lernyd vs luke . that neuer ne liede [aaAx]
K: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabitur } [Latin]
K: 10,121 And thus for drede & his dede . dobest arisith
K: 10,122 Which is the frute & the flower . Ifostered
of bothe [aaAx]
K: 10,123 Right as a rose . that is redd & swete out
of ragged rote [aaAx]
K: 10,124 --- 123-5 as two lines divided after rote ---
K: 10,125 And a breer spryngyth . that spycers desyren [aaAx]
K: 10,126 Or as whete out of wede . wexith of the erthe [aaAx]?
K: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowell gynnyth sp(r)ynge
K: 10,128 Among(es) men on this molde . that meke byn & kynde
K: 10,129 ffor loue of her lownes . o(ur) lord yeveth hem
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
K: 10,130 Such workes to worche . that he is with payed [aaAx]
K: 10,131 fformest & first . to folke that byn weddyd
K: 10,132 And lyuyn as her lawe woll . it liketh god almighty
K: 10,133 ffor thrugh wedlook the worlde stonte . whoso wil
it knowe [aaAx]
K: 10,134 Thay ben the richest of realmes . & the rote
of dowell [aaAx]
K: 10,135 ffor of her kynd thay co(m)men . that confessours
ben ne(m)pned [aaAx]
K: 10,136 Both maydens & marters . monk(es) & ankers
K: 10,137 Kyng(es) & knight(es) . & al kynne clerkes
K: 10,138 Barons & burgeses . & bondmen of townes
K: 10,139 ffals folke & faithles . thefes and lyars [aaAx]?
K: 10,140 Ben conceyuyd in cursyd tyme . as cayme was on
Eue [aaAx]
K: 10,141 After that adam & sche . etyn the apple [aaAa]
K: 10,142 Ayenst the heste of hym . that hem of nowght made
K: 10,143 An angell in hast . het hem to wend [aaAx]
K: 10,144 In this wretchid worlde . to wonyen & to lyven
K: 10,145 In tene & in t(ra)ueile . to her lyf(es) ende
fol. 49r
K: 10,146 In that cursyd constellaciou(n) . thay knewyn together
K: 10,147 And brought forth a barn . that mychel bale wrought(e)
K: 10,148 Caym thay hym callid . in cursyd tyme Ingendred
K: 10,149 And so saith the psaulter . see it whan the likyth
K: 10,150 { Concepit dolorem & peperit iniquitatem }
K: 10,151 And al that co(m)men of that cayme . c(ri)ste hem
hated after [aaAbb]
K: 10,152 And miliouns mo . of men & of wommen [aaaAx]
K: 10,153 Of that seth & his Susters . sithen forth co(m)men
K: 10,154 ffor thay maried them to cursyd blode to me(n)
. of caymys kynd [abaBb]
K: 10,155 ffor al that co(m)men of that cayme . cursed thay
wer [aaAx]
K: 10,156 And al that cowpled w(i)t(h) that kynd . c(ri)ste
them hated dedelich [aaAx]
K: 10,157 fforthy he sent to Sem . & said hym by an angell
K: 10,158 To kepe his kyndered from cayme . that thay covpelid
not togeder [aaaAx]
K: 10,159 And sith sem & his sustre Seth . wer spoused
to Caymes [aaaAx]
K: 10,160 Ayenst god(is) hest . gyrles thay getten [aaAa]
K: 10,161 That god was wroth w(i)t(h) her work(es) . & such
word(es) saide [aaAx]
K: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse hominem } [Latin]
K: 10,163 And is as michel to mean . among(es) vs alle [aaAx]
K: 10,164 That I man maked now . it me forthynketh [aaAx]?
K: 10,165 And come to Noe anon . & bad hym not lette
K: 10,166 Swyth go schapen a schipp . of schid(is) & of
bordes [aaAx]
K: 10,167 Hym self & his sonnes three . & sythen
her wyfes [aaAx]
K: 10,168 Busken hem to that bote . & byden theryn [aaAx]
K: 10,169 Til fourtie days ben fulfillyd . that the [flode]
haue wasshed [aaAx]
K: 10,170 Clene away that cursed blode . that Cayme hath
Imaked [aaAx]
K: 10,171 Bestes that now ben . schal banne the stounde [aaAx]
K: 10,172 That eu(er) that cursed Cayme . came on the erthe
fol. 49v
K: 10,173 Al schallen dye for his dede . by downes & hilles
K: 10,174 Both fisshys & fowl(is) . forth with other
bestes [aaAx]
K: 10,175 Outetaken the eyghte sowles . & of eche beste
a covple [aaAx]
K: 10,176 That in the schynglid schip . schulden ben Isaued
K: 10,177 Els schulden al dyen . & to helle wende [aaAx]?
K: 10,178 Thus thrugh cursyd Caym . came care vpon alle [aaAa]
K: 10,179 And al for sem & his suster childern . spousyd
eyther other [aaAx]
K: 10,180 Ayen the lawe of o(ur) lord . layen togeders [aaAx]
K: 10,181 And wern maried at mischef . as me(n) done now
her childern [aaAx]
K: 10,182 ffor sum as I here nowe . the soth for to telle
K: 10,183 ffor couetise of catell . vnkyndlich ben maried
K: 10,184 A careful concepciou(n) . comith of such weddyng
K: 10,185 As fel of the folk(es) . that I before of schewyd
K: 10,186 It is an oncomly couple . by cryst as me thynkyth
K: 10,187 To yeue a yong wenche . to an old feble [aaXx]
K: 10,188 Or weddyn any wydowe . for any weale of good(is)
K: 10,189 That neu(er) schal barne bere . but if it be in
armes [aaAx]
K: 10,190 In Ielosye Ioyles . Iangelyng in bedd [aaAx]
K: 10,191 Many pair sith the pestelence . hath plight hem
togiders [aaAx]
K: 10,192 The frute that thay bringe forth . arn many fowle
word(is) [aaAx]
K: 10,193 Haue they no childern but cheste . & choppes
hem betwen [aaAx]
K: 10,194 Though thay done hem to donmowe . but if the deuyl
helpe [aaAx]
K: 10,195 To folowe aft(er) t he fliche . fetche thay it
neu(er) [aaAx]
K: 10,196 But if thay both byn forsworn . that bacou(n) thay
tyne [aaAx]
K: 10,197 fforthy I counceile al c(ri)sten . coueite not
to be weddid [aaAx]
K: 10,198 ffor couetise of catell . ne of kynrede riche [aaAx]
fol. 50r
K: 10,199 But maydens & maydens . matche you togeders [aaAx]
K: 10,200 Wydowers & wydowes . worchet right so [aaAx]
K: 10.201 And than gladden ye god . that al good sendith
K: 10,202 ffor in vntyme truly . bytwen man & woman [aaAxx]
K: 10,203 Schuld no bedeborde be . but if thay were both
clene [aaAx]
K: 10,204 Of lyfe & of loue . and in lawe also [aaAx]
K: 10,205 That derne dede . do no man schulde as betwen ij
sengle [aaAx]
K: 10,206 --- 206-7 as one line ---
K: 10,207 Sithen the lawe hath Ig(ra)unted eche man to haue
a make in mariage [aaAx]
K: 10,208 And worche that worke on his wife . & no woman
els [aaAx]
K: 10,209 That other wise ben getton . for gadelyng(es) arn
holden [aaAx]
K: 10,210 And that ben fals folke & fals heir(es) also
K: 10,211 ffondeling(es) & liars vng(ra)cious to gett
any good or love [aaAx]
K: 10,212 But wandren as wolues . & wasten if thay mowe
K: 10,213 Ayenst dowel thay done ill . & the deuile pleasen
K: 10,214 And aft(er) the dethe day . schallen dwelle w(i)t(h)
the schrewe [aaAx]
K: 10,215 But god geue hem . g(ra)ce here to amende [aaAx]
K: 10,216 Than is dowell to dreden . & dobett to suffren
K: 10,217 And so co(m)myth dobest about . & bryngith
down mody [aaAx]
K: 10,218 And that is wikkyd will . that many wight schendith
[aaAx] (finis)
fol. 50v
Passus tercius de dowell
K: 11,1 Than had witt a wife . that hote dame studye [aaXx]?
K: 11,2 That lene was of lithe . and of lowe chere [aaAx]
K: 11,3 Sche was wonderly wrothe . that witt me thus taught
K: 11,4 And staryng dame studye sternelich saide [aaAx]
K: 11,5 Well art thou wise q(uo)d sche to witt . any wisdome
to telle [aaAx]
K: 11,6 To flaterers or to folis . that ffrantike ben in
wittes [aaAx]
K: 11,7 & bannyd hym & bannyd hym . & bad hym
be stille [aaAx]
K: 11,8 With such wise word(is) . to wissen any foles [aaAx]
K: 11,9 And said { Noli mittere } man . m(er)gery perles
K: 11,10 Among(es) hoggis that haue . hawes at wille [aaAx]
K: 11,11 Thay done but drevile theron . draffe wer hem leuere
K: 11,12 Than al the p(re)cious perrye . that in paradise
waxith [aaAx]
K: 11,13 I say it by tho q(uo)d sche . that schewyn by her
workes [aaAx]
K: 11,14 That hem war leuer lond . & lordschippe on erthe
K: 11,15 Or richesse or rent(is) . or rest at her wille [aaAx]
K: 11,16 Than al the sothe sawes . that salomon said eu(er)
K: 11,17 Wisdome & witt now . ys not worth a Russche
K: 11,18 But it be carded with couetise . as clothears don
her wolle [aaAx]
K: 11,19 Thay -th-(a)t contryven disceit(es) . & conspyren
wrong(is) [axAx]
K: 11,20 And leden fforth a loueday . to letten the truthe
K: 11,21 That such craft(is) can . to counceile is cleped
K: 11,22 And ben seruyd as sires . that s(er)vith the deuile
K: 11,23 Iob the gentile . in his gestis said it for a sawe
K: 11,23a { Quare impior(um) p(ro)perat(ur) ve est omnib(us)
q(ui) p(ra)ue agunt & inique } [Latin]
K: 11,24 And he that hath holy writte . in his mowthe [aaaAx]
fol. 51r
K: 11,25 And can telle of thobye . & of the twelwe appostoles
K: 11,26 Other p(re)che of the pen(a)nce . that pilatus wrought
K: 11,27 To Ihu the gentill . that the Iewys todrewyn [aaAx]
K: 11,28 On crose vpon calu(ar)ey . as clerkes vs techen
K: 11,29 Litil is he louid or lettyn by that . such a lesson
techith [aaaAx]
K: 11,30 Or daunted or drawen forth . thes dysour(es) witen
the soth [aaAx]
K: 11,31 ffor if harlotry ne help the bett(er) . haue god
my trewthe [aaxAx]
K: 11,32 More than musike . or makyng of God almighty [aaAx]
K: 11,33 Would neu(er) kyng ne knight . ne chanon of saynt
powles [aaAx]
K: 11,34 Yeue hem for her service . the valour of a grote
K: 11,35 But mynstrell(es) mirth(es) . among(es) me(n) or
Cowthe [aaAx]
K: 11,36 Lechery & losengrye . losell(es) talis and glotonye
K: 11,37 W(i)t(h) gret othes . -th-es arn games now adayes
K: 11,38 But if thay carpen of criste . thes clerkes & thes
lewde [aaAx]
K: 11,39 At mete in her merthes . whan menstrell(es) ben
stille [aaAx]
K: 11,40 Than tellen thay of the trynyte . a tale or twoo
K: 11,41 And bryngen forth a balled reason . & take b(ar)n(er)de
to wittenes [aaAx]
K: 11,42 And putten a p(re)sumpciou(n) . to p(ro)uen the
sothe [aaAx]
K: 11,43 Thus thay dryvylyn at her dese . the deite to knowe
K: 11,44 And gnawen god in her gorge . whan her gutt(is)
fillen [aaaAx]
K: 11,45 But the carefull mowen crien . & carpen at the
gate [aaAx]
K: 11,46 Both for hungre & thriste . & for chele
of his nayles qwake [xaAxx]
K: 11,47 Ys non to ni(m)men hym yn . ne his anoye amend [aaAx]
K: 11,48 But huschen hym as an hound . & hote hym go
hennys [aaAx]
K: 11,49 Lityl louith he the lord . that levith hym al the
blisse [aaAx]
fol. 51v
K: 11,50 That thus p(ar)tith w(i)t(h) the pore . no p(ar)cel
whan hem nedith [aaAx]
K: 11,51 Nere m(er)cie in meane men . more than in riche
K: 11,52 Many mendinant(es) meteles . might goon to bedde
K: 11,53 God is mochel in the gorge . among(es) thes gret
masters [aaAx]
K: 11,54 But among(es) mean men . is m(er)cie & his workes
K: 11,55 And so saith the psawlter . sech it in { memento
} [aaAx]
K: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) eam in effrata Inuenim(us) eam
in campis silue } [Latin]
K: 11,56 Clerk(is) & kete men . carpen of god ffaste
K: 11,57 And haue mochel in her mowth . but mean me(n) in
harte [aaAx]
K: 11,58 ffreres & faito(ur)(es) . haue fownden vp such
questiouns [aaAx]
K: 11,59 To plesen w(i)t(h) prowde me(n) . sith the pestelence
tyme [aaAx]
K: 11,60 That defowlith our feith . at fest(es) ther they
sitten [aaAx]
K: 11,61 ffor now is eche boy bold . & he be riche [aaAx]
K: 11,62 To tellen of the trinite . to be holden a sire [aaAxx]
K: 11,63 And fyndith forth fantasies . our faith to appeire
K: 11,64 And defameth the father . that vs alle made [aaAxx]
K: 11,65 And carpen ageyn the clergie . crabbid word(is)
K: 11,66 Why would o(ur) sauyo(ur) sofre . such a worme in
his blisse [aaAx]
K: 11,67 That begiled the woman . & the man after [xaAx]
K: 11,68 Thrugh such worke & wile . thay wenten to helle
K: 11,69 And al her seed for her synne . the same woo suffren
K: 11,70 Such motifes thay meuen . thes masters in her glorye
K: 11,71 And maken men in mysbeleue . that musen on her wordes
K: 11,72 But austyn the old clerk . for al such p(re)chid
K: 11,73 And for such tale tellers . this Theme schewyd [aaAx]
fol. 52r
K: 11,74 { Non plus sapere q(ua)m oportet sapere } [Latin]
K: 11,75 That is to say wilneth neu(er) for to witten whye
K: 11,76 That god wold suffre sathan . his seede to begyle
K: 11,77 But beleue lelly . on the lore of holy chirche [aaAx]
K: 11,78 And pray hym of p(ar)done . & penaunce in thy
lyue [aaAx]
K: 11,79 And of his mochel m(er)cie . to amend vs all here
K: 11,80 ffor al that wilneth wite . al the whyys of god
almighty [aaAx]
K: 11,81 I wold her eye wer . in her taile & her hele
after [aaBb]
K: 11,82 That eu(er) efte wilneth to wite . why that god
woulde [aaAa]
K: 11,83 Suffre so sathan . his seede to begile [aaAx]
K: 11,84 Or Iudace the Iue . Ihu to betraye [aaAx]
K: 11,85 Al was as he would . lord Iworschipped be thou [xaAx]
K: 11,86 And al worthe as thou wolt . what so we telle [aaAx]
K: 11,87 And now co(m)mith a congoun . & wolde kaithe
of me wittes [aaAx]
K: 11,88 What is dowell & dobett . now defe mott the
worthe [aaAx]
K: 11,89 Sithen he wilneth to wite . which thay ben al [aaAx]
K: 11,90 But if he lyue in the lest degres . that longith
to dowell [aaAx]
K: 11,91 ffor I dar be his bold boroue . do bett nyl he neu(er)
K: 11,92 Though dobest drawe on hym . day aft(er) other [aaAx]
K: 11,93 And whan that witte was Iware . how hys wyffe tolde
K: 11,94 He become to confuse . he could not mele [aaAx]
K: 11,95 And as dome as a dorenayle . drowe hym aside [aaAx]
K: 11,96 But for no carpyng that I could . ne knelyng to
the grounde [aaAx]
K: 11,97 I might Gettyn no greyne . of his grett witt(es)
K: 11,98 But al lowryng he lowted . & loked on dame studye
K: 11,99 In signe that I schuld . beseche her of grace [aaAx]?
fol. 52v
K: 11,100 And whan I was ware of his will . to his wife gan
I knele [aaAx]
K: 11,101 And said m(er)cie madame . -gh-o(ur) man schall
I worthen [aaAx]
K: 11,102 And worchen -gh-o(ur) will . the while my life
lasteth [aaAxx]
K: 11,103 To kenne me kyndely . to knowe what is dowell [aaAx]
K: 11,104 ffor thy mekenes ma(n) q(uo)d sche . & for
thy myld speche [aaAx]
K: 11,105 I schal kenne the to my cosyn . that clergie is
hote [aaAx]
K: 11,106 He hath weddid a wife . w(i)t(h)[in] thes wokes
sixe [aaAx]
K: 11,107 Is sibbe to the vij artes . that sc(ri)pture is
namyd [aaAx]
K: 11,108 They twoo as I hope . after my wissynge [xaAx]
K: 11,109 Schal wissen the to dowell . I dare wel vnd(ir)take
K: 11,110 Than was I as fayne as fowle . of fair morowe [aaAx]
K: 11,111 Gladdar than gleeman . that gold hath to yefte
K: 11,112 And askyd her the hye way . wher that clergie woned
K: 11,113 ffo and tel me su(m) tokyn to hym . for tyme is
that I wend [aaAx]
K: 11,114 Aske the hye way q(uo)d sche . from hens to soffre
K: 11,115 Both weele & woo . if thou wolt lerne [aaAx]
K: 11,116 And ride forth by riches . & rest the not ther
in [aaAx]
K: 11,117 ffor if thou cowpelest the w(i)t(h) hym to clergie
. co(m)mest -th-(o)u neu(er) [aaAx]
K: 11,118 And ek the longe launde . that lecherye hotte [aaAx]
K: 11,119 Leue hym on thy lyfte half . a large myle or more
K: 11,120 Til thou co(m)me to a courte . kepe well thy tonge
K: 11,121 ffrom lesing(es) & lither speche . & likerous
drynkes [aaAx]
K: 11,122 Than schalt thou see sobernes . & simplesse
of speche [aaAa]
K: 11,123 And eche wight be in wille . his witte the to schewe
K: 11,124 So schalt thou come to clergie . that can many
thyng(es) [aaAx]
fol. 53r
K: 11,125 Say hym this signe . I sett hym to scole [aaAx]
K: 11,126 And that I grete wel his wife . for I wrote her
the bible [aaAx]
K: 11,127 And set hir to sapience . & the psaultere glosed
K: 11,128 Long I servyd her . & al the lawe after [aaAx]
K: 11,129 And al the musones of musike . I made her to knowe
K: 11,130 Plato the poete . I put hym firste to boke [aaAx]
K: 11,131 Aristotle & other mo . I taughten to argewe
K: 11,132 Gramere for girles . I garte firste writen [aaAx]
K: 11,133 And bett hem w(i)t(h) a baleis . but if [they]
woulde lerne [aaAxx]
K: 11,134 Of al kynne craftes . I contryvyd her toles [aaAx]
K: 11,135 Of carpent(er)s of carvers . & I kennyd first
masons [aaAx]
K: 11,136 And lerned hem leuell . & lyne though I loke
dy(m)me [aaAa]
K: 11,137 But theologie that tened me . tenne score tymes
K: 11,138 ffor the more I muse theron . the mystloker it
semeth [aaAx]
K: 11,139 And the dep(ar) I dyuyned . the darkar me thought
K: 11,140 It is no science forsoth . for to sotelye in [aaAx]
K: 11,141 Ne were the loue that lieth . therin a wel lewde
thyng it were [aaAx]
K: 11,142 But for it letteth best by loue . I loue it the
better [aaAx]
K: 11,143 ffor that loue is lord . lackyd neu(er) g(ra)ce
K: 11,144 Leue lelly theron . if thou thynk to do well [aaBb]
K: 11,145 ffor dobett & dobest . byn drawen of louys
scoole [aaAx]
K: 11,146 In other sciences it saith . I see it my self [aaAx]
K: 11,147 { Qui simulat verbis nec corde est fidus amicus
} [Latin]
K: 11,148 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile sic ars deludit(ur) arte
} [Latin]
fol. 53v
K: 11,149 But theologie teneth not so . whoso takith kepe [aaAx]
K: 11,150 He kennyth vs the contr(a)ry . ayenst catons word(is)
K: 11,151 And byddith [vs] ben as brethern . & blessen
our ennymyes [aaAx]
K: 11,152 And louen hem that lien on vs . & lene hem
at her nede [aaAx]
K: 11,153 And do good ageynst euile . god hym self hotith
K: 11,154 And said it hym self . in ensample of the beste
K: 11,154a { Necesse est enim vt uenient scandala &c
} [Latin]
K: 11,155 But astronomye is hard thyng . & euill to knowe
K: 11,156 Geomatrye & geomessie . is gilefull of speche
K: 11,157 That thynkyn to worch w(i)t(h) tho three . thryven
wel late [aaAx]
K: 11,158 ffor sorcerye is the sou(er)einge boke . that to
tho scienc(es) longith [aaAx]
K: 11,159 Yet arn ther fibiches & forels . of many mans
wittes [aaBb]
K: 11,160 Exp(er)yment(is) of alkenemy . of albert(es) makyng
K: 11,161 Nigromancye & p(er)amancie . the powke to reise
K: 11,162 if thou think to dowell . dele therwith neu(er)
K: 11,163 Al thes scienc(es) . sikerly I my self made [xaAx]
K: 11,164 ffownded hem formest . folk to deceyven [aaAx]
K: 11,165 I bekenne the Crist q(uo)d sche . I can teche the
no bett(er) [aaAxx]
K: 11,166 I said g(ra)unt m(er)cye madame . & mekely
her grete [aaAx]
K: 11,167 And wente wightliche my way . w(i)t(h)out more
lettyng [aaaAx]
K: 11,168 And as sche foretould . so forth gan I wende [aaAx]
K: 11,169 And ar I came to clergie . could I neu(er) stynte
K: 11,170 I grete the goode ma(n) . as the good wife me tawght
K: 11,171 And aft(ir)ward his wife . I w(or)schipped bothe
K: 11,172 And tould her the toknes . that me taught weren
fol. 54r
K: 11,173 Was grome neu(er) vpon this ground . sithen god made
heuyn [aaAx]
K: 11,174 ffairer vnd(ir)fonge . ne frendliar at ease [aaAx]
K: 11,175 Than my self sothely . so sone as she wiste [aaAx]
K: 11,176 That I was of witt(is) hous . & w(i)t(h) his
wife dame studie [axAx]
K: 11,177 Curteisly [clergie] . callid me and me kyssed [aaAa]
K: 11,178 And askyd hou witt fared . & his wife studie
K: 11,179 And I said sothely . thay senten me hyder [aaAx]
K: 11,180 To lerne at the to dowell . & dobet ther aft(er)
K: 11,181 And sithen aft(er) to see . sumwhat of dobeste
K: 11,182 It is a weel leal lif q(uo)d sche . among(es) the
lewed people [aaAx]
K: 11,183 Actife it is hoten . husbond(es) yt vsen [aaAx]
K: 11,184 Trewe tilieres of the erthe . taylours & towkkars
K: 11,185 And al kynne crafty me(n) . that can her fode wynne
K: 11,186 With any trewe traueile . toyle for her foode [aaAx]
K: 11,187 Dichen or deluen . dowell yt hatte [aaAx]
K: 11,188 To breken beggers bred . & backen hem w(i)t(h)
clothes [aaaAx]
K: 11,189 Co(m)fort the careful . that in Castell(es) ben
feteryd [aaAx]
K: 11,190 And sechen out the sike . & send hem that hem
neden [aaAx]
K: 11,191 Obedient also as brethern . & sustern to other
K: 11,192 Thes ben tho that dobett . so berith witnes the
psaulter [aaAx]
K: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m Iocundu(m)
habitare fratres in vnu(m) } [Latin]
K: 11,193 Sike withe the sore . synge with the glade [aaAx]
K: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) & flere cu(m)
flentib(us) } [Latin]
K: 11,194 God wote this is dobest & therfor I sayen [aaAx]
fol. 54v
K: 11,195 So dobest hath benefices . & so is best worthy
K: 11,196 By that god in the gospell . g(ra)untith & techeth
K: 11,196a { Qui facit & docu(er)it hic magn(us) vocabit(ur)
in regno celor(um) } [Latin]
K: 11,197 fforthy is now dobest . bisshoppes pere [xaAx]
K: 11,198 P(ri)nce ou(er) god(is) people . to p(re)chen or
to chastien [aaAx]
K: 11,199 Dobett doth full well . & dowed is he also
K: 11,200 And hath possesciou(n)s & pluralites . for
pore mennys sake [aaAx]
K: 11,201 ffor mendinauntes at mischef . tho me(n) wer Idowed
K: 11,202 And that is rightful religioun . non renn(er)is
aboute [aaAx]
K: 11,203 Ne non lepars ou(er) londe . ladyys to schryuen
K: 11,204 Gregory the gret clerk . a good pope in his tyme
K: 11,205 Of religeou(n) the rewle . he rehersith in his
morall(es) [aaAx]
K: 11,206 And said it in ensaumple . that they schulden do
the better [aaAx]
K: 11,207 Whan [fische] faylen . the flode other the fresche
water [aaAa]
K: 11,208 Thay dyen for the drought . whan thay drye liggen
K: 11,209 Right so by religioun . it relexith & sterueth
K: 11,210 That out of couent & cloystre . coueiten to
lyue [aaAx]
K: 11,211 But now is religioun a rider . & a rom(er)
by stretes [aaAx]
K: 11,212 A leder of ladys . and a londe byggar [aaAx]
K: 11,213 Popereth on a palfray . from towne to towne [aaBb]
K: 11,214 A bidewe or a baselarde . he bereth by his side
K: 11,215 God(is) flesch & his fete . & his fyue
woundes [aaAx]
K: 11,216 Arn more in his mynd . than memorye of his found(er)s
K: 11,217 This is the life of tho lord(is) . that lyuen schuld
w(i)t(h) dobett [aaAx]
K: 11,218 And welaway wors . & I would al telle [aaAx]
fol. 55r
K: 11,219 I wend that kynghode & knighthode . q(uo)d I & cayseres
w(i)t(h) erles [aaAx]
K: 11,220 Wer dowel dobett . & dobest of alle [aaAx]
K: 11,221 ffor I haue seen it myselue . & sithen redd
it after [aaAx]
K: 11,222 Hou criste cou(n)seileth the co(m)mune . & kennyth
hem this tale [aaaAx]
K: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedram moysi sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes
q(ui) dicu(n)t facite & } [Latin]
K: 11,224 fforthy I wend that tho ways . had weryn do best
of al [aaAxx]
K: 11,225 I wol not scorne q(uo)d scripture . but if scryueynes
ly-gh-e [aaAx]
K: 11,226 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 11,227 [thay] helpeth not to heuynward . one heres ende
K: 11,228 Ne riches ne rente . ne rialtie of lord(is) [aaAx]
K: 11,229 Powle p(ro)uith it impossible . riche men in heuen
K: 11,230 But pore men in pacience . & pen(a)nce togeders
K: 11,231 Haue heritage in heuyn . but riche men noon [aaAxx]
K: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I by criste . that can I withsay
K: 11,233 And p(ro)uyn it by the pistle . that petre is Inempned
K: 11,234 { Qui crediderit & bapti-gh-at(us) fu(er)it
saluus erit q(ui) vero no(n) &c } [Latin]
K: 11,235 That is in extremis q(uo)d scripture . among(es)
sar-gh-ines & Iues [aaAx]
K: 11,236 Thay mowen be sauyd so . & so is our beleue
K: 11,237 That an onc(ri)sten in that case . may cristen
an hethen [aaAx]
K: 11,238 ffor his leall beleue . whan he his life tyneth
K: 11,239 Haue heritage in heuyn . as an hye cristen [aaAx]
K: 11,240 But c(ri)styn men god it wote . co(m)me not so
to heuyn [aaAx]
K: 11,241 ffor c(ri)styn men haue a deore . & is her
comon speche [axAx]
K: 11,242 { Dilige deum & p(ro)ximu(m) tuu(m) sicut teip(su)m
K: 11,243 God(is) word(es) wittnessith . that we schal yeue & dele
K: 11,244 Our enymyes & al me(n) . that ben pore nedy & syke
K: 11,245 --- divided from preceding after syke K ---
fol. 55v
K: 11,245a { Du(m) tempus habem(us) op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad
om(n)es & ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
K: 11,246 Al kynne creatur(es) . that to criste ben liche
K: 11,247 We ben holden hyelich . to herien and to hono(ur)en
K: 11,248 And yeue hem of o(ur) good(es) . as good as our
seluen [aaAx]
K: 11,249 And sou(er)einglich to such . as sewen our beleue
K: 11,250 That is eche c(ri)styne creature . be kynde to
other [aaAx]
K: 11,251 And sithen hethen to helpe . in hope hem to amende
K: 11,252 To harme hem ne sclee hem . god hett vs neuer(e)
K: 11,253 ffor he saith it hym self . in his tenne heestes
K: 11,254 { Non mecaberis } thou schalt not scle is the kynd
englische [xxXx]
K: 11,255 ffor { michi vindictam & ego retribuam &c
} [Latin]
K: 11,256 I schal ponisch in p(ur)gatory . or in the pytt
of helle [aaAx]
K: 11,257 Eche man for his mysdede . but m(er)cie it make
K: 11,258 Yett ame I neu(er) the nere . q(uo)d I though I
haue Iwalked [aaAx]
K: 11,259 To witten what is dowell . witt(er)ly in harte
K: 11,260 ffor how so I worche in this worlde . wrong other
ell(is) [aaAx]
K: 11,261 I was maked w(i)t(h)out m(er)cie . & my name
entred [aaAxx]
K: 11,262 In the legend of life . long(e) or I were [aaAx]
K: 11,263 Or els vnw(ri)tyn for wykednes . as wittnessith
the gospell [aaAx]
K: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celum nisi q(ui) descendit
de celo &c } [Latin]
K: 11,264 And I leue it by o(ur) lord . & non lettre
better [aaAx]
K: 11,265 ffor salomon the sage . that sapience made [aaAx]
K: 11,266 God gave him grace . & richesse together [aaaXx]
K: 11,267 ffor to rewle his realme . right at his wille [aaAx]
K: 11,268 Dyde he not wel & wisely . as holy writt techith
fol. 56r
K: 11,269 Bothe in worke & in word . in the worlde in his
tyme [aaAx]
K: 11,270 Aristotle & he . who wroughten better [aaXx]
K: 11,271 And al holy chirche . holden hem in helle [aaAa]
K: 11,272 And was ther neu(er) in this world . twoo wisar
of werk(is) [aaAa]
K: 11,273 ffor al conyng clerk(is) . sithen c(ri)ste yede
on erthe [aaAx]
K: 11,274 Taken ensaumple at her sawes . in s(er)mons that
they maken [aaAx]
K: 11,275 And by her work(es) & her word(is) . wissen
hem to dowell [aaAx]
K: 11,276 And if I schal work by her workes . to wynnen me
heuene [aaAx]
K: 11,277 And thay for her work(es) & witt . wenten to
pyne [aaAx]
K: 11,278 Than wrought I vnwiselich . w(i)t(h) al the witte
that I lere [aaAx]
K: 11,279 On good fryday I fynd . a felou(n) was Isaued [aaAx]
K: 11,280 And had lyuyd al his lyfe . w(i)t(h) lesyng(es) & thefte
K: 11,281 And for he knewe it on the crosse . & to criste
schroff hym [aaAx]
K: 11,282 Soner had he saluaciou(n) . than saynt Iohn baptiste
K: 11,283 Or Adam or Isay . or any of the p(ro)phet(is) [aaAx]
K: 11,284 That had lien w(i)t(h) lucyfer . many long yer(is)
K: 11,285 A robbere had remissioun . rather than they alle
K: 11,286 W(i)t(h)out pen(a)nce of p(ur)gatorye . to haue
p(ar)adice for eu(er) [aaAx]
K: 11,287 Than marye mawdeleyn . who might do wers [aaAx]
K: 11,288 Or who dyde wors than dauid . that vrye distroyed
K: 11,289 Or powle the apostle . that no petie hade [aaAx]
K: 11,290 Cristene kynde . to kyll to the dethe [aaAx]
K: 11,291 And arn now forsoth . so sou(er)eynglich in heuyn
K: 11,292 As thes that wroughten wykedlich . in world tho
they weren [aaAa]
K: 11,293 And yet haue I forged farther . of fyue witt(is)
techyng [aaAx]
K: 11,294 That clergie of crist(is) mowth . co(m)maunded
was it eu(er) [aaAx]
K: 11,295 ffor he said it hym self . to sum of his disciples
fol. 56v
K: 11,296 { Du(m) steterit(es) ante reges & p(ri)ncipes
nolite cogitare &c } [Latin]
K: 11,297 And is as mochell to mene . to men that ben lewde
K: 11,298 Whan ye ben apposed of kyng(es) . & p(ri)ncis
in the hall [aaAx]
K: 11,299 ffor to answer them . haue ye no dowte [aaAx]
K: 11,300 ffor I schall g(ra)unte yow grace . of god that
ye s(er)uen [aaAx]
K: 11,301 The helpe of the holy goste . to answer hem alle
K: 11,302 The dowghtiest docto(ur) . or dyuyno(ur) of the
trinite [aaAx]
K: 11,303 That was austeyn the old . & hyeste of the
fowere [aaAx]
K: 11,304 Said thus for a s(er)mou(n) . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
K: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i ydioti rapiu(n)t celu(m) vbi nos
sapientes in infenum m(er)gu(n)t } [Latin]
K: 11,306 And is to meane in owr mowthe . more ne lesse [aaAx]
K: 11,307 Arn non rather rauischid . from the right beleue
K: 11,308 Than arn thes kete clerkes . that connen many bok(is)
K: 11,309 Ne none son(er) Isauyd . ne sadder of consience
K: 11,310 Than pore people as plowghmen . & pasturars
of best(is) [aaaAx]
K: 11,311 Sowters & soweres . & such lewde Iottes
K: 11,312 Percien w(i)t(h) a pat(er)n(oste)r . the paleis
of heuyne [aaAx]
K: 11,313 & w(i)t(h)out pen(a)unce at her p(ar)tyng .
[passyn] into hye blisse [aaXx]