PPLA-L Diplomatic Texts
fol. 109r
L: P,1 [ ]n a somer seson . when softe was the sonne [aaAa]
L: P,2 y schaped me into schroudes . as y a schep where [aaAx]
L: P,3 In abite as an hermyte . vnworthy of werkes [aaAx]
L: P,4 Went wyde into -th-is world . wondres to wayte [aaAx]
L: P,5 Bote on may morn . on maluarne hulles [aaAx]
L: P,6 Me byfeol a ferly . of fairy me thoghte [aaAx]
L: P,7 y was wery forwandred . & wente me to reste [aaAx]
L: P,8 Vndur a brod banke . by a borne brymme [aaAx]
L: P,9 And as I lay & lened . & loked on -th-e water
L: P,10 I slomered on a slepyng, . hit swyed so murye [aaAx]
L: P,11 -Th-an gan y mete . merueilous sweuenes [xaAx]
L: P,12 -Th-at y was in a wildernes . wisty neuer where [aaAx]
L: P,13 Ac y by heold into -th-e est . on hygh to -th-e sonne
L: P,14 I sagh a tour on a tofte . treoweliche ytymbred [aaAx]
L: P,15 A deop dale byneo-th-e . a donioun -th-erynne [aaAx]
L: P,16 With deope dyches & dark . & dredful to sighte
L: P,17 A faire feld ful of folk . fond y -th-(er) bytwene
L: P,18 Of alle maner mest(er) men makid vppon molde [aaAx]
L: P,19 Worchyng & wandryng . as -th-e world wilnyth
L: P,20 So(m)me putte he(m) to -th-e plough . plaied ful
seilde [aaAx]
L: P,21 In settyng & sowyng . swonken wel sore [aaAx]
L: P,22 -Th-an -th-(er) y sygh wastours . with glotonye destruyed
L: P,23 And so(m)me putte heom to pruyde . ap(ar)aylden hem
[-th-ereaftir] [aaAx]
L: P,24 In continance of clothyng . crafteliche degysed [aaAx]
L: P,25 In praiers & penaunce . putten heom monye [aaAx]
L: P,26 Al for loue of oure lord . lyueden wel streite [aaAx]
L: P,27 In hope to haue after . heouene to huyre [aaAx]
L: P,28 As ancres & heremytes . -th-(a)t holden heom
in heor ho[uses] [aaAx]
L: P,29 Coueite noght in court . to kairen aboute [aaAx]
L: P,30 ffor no likerous liflode . heore likam to like [aaAx]
L: P,31 And so(m)me chesen chaffare . -th-ei cheuen -th-e
bettre [aaAx]
L: P,32 As hit semeth to oure sight . -th-(a)t suche men
chewen [aaAx]
L: P,33 And so(m)me murthes to make . as mynstrals meleden
L: P,34 & geten wi-th-heore gleo gold . gylelas god graunte
L: P,35 Bote Iapers & ianglers . Iudas children [aaAx]
L: P,36 ffounden heom fantasyes . for foles heo heom feynen
L: P,37 And han wit at wille . to worche -gh-ef they wolde
L: P,38 -Th-at poule precheth of heom . y dar not p(ro)ue
hit here [aaAx]
L: P,39 Bote { Qui loquit(ur) t(ur)piloquiu(m) } . is lucifers
hyne [aaAx]
L: P,40 Bidders & beggers . faste aboute -gh-eode [aaAx]
L: P,41 And heor(e) balies & heore bagges . weore bretful
ycro(m)med [aaAx]
L: P,42 ffaytours for heore fode . at -th-e nale foghten
L: P,43 In glotony god wot . gon -th-ey to bedde [aaAx]
L: P,44 And risyth vp wi-th- rybaldy . -th-o robardes knaues
L: P,45 Sory slep & slouthe . euer heom sywith [aaAx]
L: P,46 Pilgryms & palmers . togedres heom plyghten [aaAx]
L: P,47 ffor to seche seynt Iame . & rerykes at rome
L: P,48 Went forth on heore way . wi-th- mony tales wyse
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L: P,49 And haden leue to lyen . al heore lyf tyme [aaAx]
L: P,50 Ermytes on an hep . wi-th- hoked staues hyeden [aaAx]
L: P,51 To wende to walsyngh(a)m . & heore wenches after
L: P,52 Grete lobyes & longe . -th-at loth weore to swynk
L: P,53 Clothen heom in copes . to beo knowe from othir [aaAx]
L: P,54 Schapen heom hermytes . heore ayse to hauen [xaAa]
L: P,55 y fond -th-er -th-e freres . alle -th-e foure ordres
L: P,56 Prechyng -th-e people . for profite of -th-e paunc[he]
L: P,57 Gloseden -th-eo gospel . as heom leof likyth [aaAx]
L: P,58 ffor couetise of copes . -th-ey co(n)struen hit a-gh-eyn
kyn[de] [aaAx]
L: P,59 Mony of heore maistres . wi-th- couetise heom clo[-th-en]
L: P,60 ffor heore mone & marchaundise . meten togedr[e]
L: P,61 Sen charite hath beo chapmon . & chef to schryue
[lordes] [aaAx]
L: P,62 Mony ferlyes han fallen . in a fewe -gh-eres [aaAx]
L: P,63 Bote holy chirche & -th-ey . holden togedre [aaAx]
L: P,64 -Th-e moste meschef on molde . is mountyng vp fa[ste]
L: P,65 -Th-er preched a pardoner . as he a preost weore
L: P,66 Broghte forth a bulle . with mony bysschopes sea[lis]
L: P,67 And saide -th-at him seolue . myght soile heom [vchon]
L: P,68 Of falsnes of fastynges . of vowes ybroken [aaAx]
L: P,69 Lewed men hit loued wel . & liked his leodene
L: P,70 Comen vp kneolyng . to kusse his bulle [aaAx]
L: P,72 And he raughte wi-th- his ragemon . rynges & bro[chis] [aaAx]
L: P,71 He bonched heom with his breued . blered heore ey-gh-[nen] [aaAx]
L: P,73 -Th-us -gh-e -gh-euen oure gold . glotones to gladen
L: P,74 And leneth hit losels . -th-at lecherie haunten [aaAx]
L: P,75 Weore -th-eo bysschop yblessed . & worth bothe
his [eris] [aaAx]
L: P,76 His seal schulde not beon sent . -th-eo people to
de[seyue] [aaAx]
L: P,77 Hit is not by -th-e bisschop . -th-(a)t -th-e boy
precheth [aaAx]
L: P,78 Bote -th-eo paressch preost & he . parten -th-e
seoluer [aaaAx]
L: P,79 -Th-(a)t -th-e pore people of -th-e paresch . schuld
haue -gh-ef [-th-ay ne were] [aaaXx]
L: P,80 Persons & parysch preostes . playnen to -th-e
bisschop [aaaAx]
L: P,81 -Th-at sen -th-e furste pestilence heore parysch
weore [pore] [aaAx]
L: P,82 To haue licence & leue . at london to dwelle
L: P,83 To synge -th-(er) for symonye . for seoluer is swete
L: P,84 -Th-er houed an hundred . alle with selk howes [aaAx]
L: P,85 Seriaunt-gh- hit semed . -th-(a)t serued at -th-e
barre [aaAx]
L: P,86 Plededen for panyes . & poundes -th-e lawe [aaAx]
L: P,87 And not for loue of oure lord . vnlouse heore lippes
[ones] [aaAa]
L: P,88 -Th-ou myghtest bettre meouen . maluarne hulles [aaaAx]
L: P,89 -Th-en geten a mom of heore mouth . til money beo
sch[ewid] [aaAx]
L: P,90 y say bischopes bysy . & bachelers of deuyne
L: P,91 Bycome clerkis of acountes . -th-eo kyng for to seru[e]
L: P,92 Erchedekenes & denes . -th-(a)t dignetes haueth
L: P,93 To preche -th-e people . & pore men to fede [aaAx]
L: P,94 Beon lope to london . by leue of heore bischopes
L: P,95 And beon clerkes of -th-e chau(n)cellery . -th-e
contreys to sche[nde] [aaAx]
L: P,96 Barons & burgeys . & bonde men alse [aaAx]
L: P,97 y say on -th-at semble . as -gh-e schulen here after
L: P,98 Baxters & bouchiers . and breusters monye [aaAx]
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L: P,99 And eken wollen webste(er)s . & weouers of lynnen
L: P,100 Taillo(ur)s & tornors . and tollers bo-th-e
L: P,101 Masons and mynors . and mony o-th-ir kraftes [aaAx]
L: P,102 As dychers & deluers . -th-(a)t heore dedes
don ille [aaAa]
L: P,103 -Th-at dryuen forth -th-e longe day . w(i)t(h) {
dieu saue dame emme } [aaAx]
L: P,104 Kokes & heore knaues . kryen hote pyes hote
L: P,105 Gode grys & gees . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
L: P,106 Tauerners to heom . tolde treoweliche -th-e same
L: P,107 Whit wyn of asay . and wyn of gascoyne [aaxAx]
L: P,108 And ryne & rochell . -th-e roste to defye [aaAx]
L: P,109 Al -th-is y say slepyng . & seoue sythes more
L: 1,1 What -th-e mounteyn bymeneth . & eke -th-eo deope
dale [aaAx]
L: 1,2 And eke -th-e feild ful of folk . y schal -gh-ow faire
schewe [aaAx]
L: 1,3 A louely lady of leer . in lynnen yclothed [aaaAx]
L: 1,4 Com doun from -th-at clyf . & called me faire
L: 1,5 And saide sone slepestow . seo -th-ou -th-is people
L: 1,6 How bisy -th-ey beon alle . aboute -th-e mase [aaAx]
L: 1,7 -Th-eo moste percye of -th-is people . -th-(a)t passeth
here in eor-th-e [aaAx]
L: 1,8 Han -th-ey worsciped in -th-is world . -th-ey kepe
non bettre [aaAx]
L: 1,9 Of o-th-ir heouene -th-en her . hold -th-ey no tale
L: 1,10 y was aferd of here face . -th-agh heo faire weore
L: 1,11 And saide mercy madame . what is -th-is to mene [aaXa]
L: 1,12 -Th-e to(ur) on -th-e tofte q(uo)d heo . trouthe
is -th-erynne [aaAx]
L: 1,13 And wolde -th-(a)t -gh-e wroghte . as his word techeth
L: 1,14 ffor he is fadir of feith . & formed -gh-ou alle
L: 1,15 Bothe wi-th- fel & with face . & -gh-af ow
fyue wittes [aaAx]
L: 1,16 ffor to worschipe him -th-(er)with . whiles -gh-e
beon here [aaAx]
L: 1,17 And -th-(er)fore he byhyghte -th-e eor-th-e . to
helpe -gh-ou vchone [aaAx]
L: 1,18 Of wollen of lynnen . to liflode at nede [aaAx]
L: 1,19 In mesurable maner . to make -gh-ou at ese [aaAx]
L: 1,20 And comau(n)ded of his curtesye . in comune threo
thynges [aaAx]
L: 1,21 Arn non nedful bote -th-o . & nempnen heom y
thenke [aaAx]
L: 1,22 And rykene by reson . reherce -th-e heom after [aaAx]
L: 1,23 -Th-e furste is clothyng . -th-at from colde -gh-ou
kepeth [aaAxx]
L: 1,24 -Th-(a)t o-th-ir is mete at meel . for meseise of
-th-y seoluen [aaAx]
L: 1,25 And drynk when -th-e thyrstes . & do not oute
of reson [aaAx]
L: 1,26 -Th-at -gh-e -th-e worse worthen . when -gh-e worche
scholde [aaAx]
L: 1,27 ffor Loth in his lif dayes . for likyng of drynke
L: 1,28 Deode by his doghtres . -th-at -th-eo deouel liked
L: 1,29 Delited him in drynken . as the deouel wolde [aaAx]
L: 1,30 And lecherie hym laghte . & lay by heom bothe
L: 1,31 And al he wited hit wyn . -th-eo worchyng of -th-e
dede [aaAx]
L: 1,32 Drede delitable drynke . & -th-ou schalt do -th-e
bettre [aaaAx]
L: 1,33 Mesure is medecyne . -th-agh -th-ou muchel -gh-erne
L: 1,34 Al is not good to -th-e gotte . -th-(a)t -th-e gost
axeth [aaAx]
L: 1,35 Neo lif fode to -th-e likam . -th-at leof is to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
L: 1,36 Leue not -th-y likam . for a liere hym techeth [aaAx]
L: 1,37 -Th-at is ::::::echede world . -th-e to bytraye [aaAx]
L: 1,38 ffor ::::::::: & -th-y flesch . foleweth togedre
L: 1,39 And :::::::: -th-y soule . & sent hit in -th-yn
heorte [aaAx]
L: 1,40 And scholdest beo war . y wisse -th-e beste [xaAx]
L: 1,41 A madame mercy q(uo)d I . me liketh wel oure wordes
L: 1,42 Bote -th-e money of -th-ys molde . -th-(a)t men so
faste holdeth [aaAx]
fol. 110v
L: 1,43 Tel me to whom -th-(a)t tresour apendeth [xxXx]
L: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d heo . -th-at god him seolf
saide [aaAx]
L: 1,45 -Th-o -th-eo people him apposed . with a peny in
-th-e temple [aaAx]
L: 1,46 -Gh-ef -th-ey scholde worscipe . -th-(er)with [cesar]
-th-e kynge [aaAx]
L: 1,47 And god asked of heom of wham spak -th-e lettre [xxXx]
L: 1,48 And vnto whom -th-e ymage is lyke . -th-at -th-er
ynne stonde[th] [xxXx]
L: 1,49 Cesar -th-ey saiden . we seon hit wel vchone [axAx]
L: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(uo)d god . -th-at to { Cesar
} falleth [axAx]
L: 1,51 { Et que su(n)t dei deo } . or elles don -gh-e eole
L: 1,52 ffor ryghtfulliche reson . schulde reule -gh-ou alle
L: 1,53 And kynde wit beo warden . oure weolthe to wayte
L: 1,54 And tutour of -gh-oure tresour . to take hit -gh-ou
in tyme [aaAx]
L: 1,55 ffor hosbondry & he . holdeth bo-th-e togedre
L: 1,56 -Th-an y frayned hire faire . for him -th-(a)t hire
formed [aaAxx]
L: 1,57 -Th-eo dongoun in -th-e dale . -th-at dredful is
of sight [aaAx]
L: 1,58 What hit myghte mene . -th-(a)t -gh-e me wolde telle
L: 1,58 Heo saide segge sikerly -th-eo so-th-e for to say
L: 1,59 -Th-at is -th-e castel of kare . for whoso cometh -th-erynne
L: 1,60 May banne -th-(a)t he bore was . to body or to soule
L: 1,61 -Th-er yn wone-th- a wy-gh-e . -th-at wrong is yhoten
L: 1,62 fader of falsede . he fond hit his seoluen [aaAx]
L: 1,63 Adam & Eue . he egged heom to ille [aaAa]
L: 1,64 And conseilede kaym . to kullen his owne bro-th-(er)
L: 1,65 Iudas he Iaped . with Iewen seoluer [aaAx]
L: 1,66 And hasted him on an elrne . to hongen him aftre
L: 1,67 He is letter of loue . laccheth heom alle [aaAx]
L: 1,68 -Th-at trusteth on his tresour . bytrayed arn sannest
L: 1,69 -Th-an had y wondur in my wit . what wo(m)mon hit
weore [aaAa]
L: 1,70 -Th-at suche wise wordes . of holy wryt schewed [aaAx]
L: 1,71 And (con)iured hire on c(ri)stes name . to telle
me hire name [aaAx]
L: 1,72 And what heo wit(er)ly was . -th-at wised me so faire
L: 1,73 Owgh segg heo saide -th-ou aghtest me to knowe [aaAx]
L: 1.73 ffor ych am holy chirche & cheosed -th-e ones
L: 1,74 And vndurfong -th-e furst . & -th-y feith taghte
L: 1,75 -Th-ou broghtest me borewes . my biddyng to worche
L: 1,76 And to loue lelly [me] . whil -th-y lif dureth [aaAx]
L: 1,77 -Th-an y kneoled on mi kneoes . & cryed hire
of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
L: 1,78 Praied hire pitousely . to pray for my synnes [aaAx]
L: 1,79 And eke kenne me knowlech . on crist to byleue [aaAx]
L: 1,80 -Th-at y myght worchen his wille . -th-at to mon
me made [aaAx]
L: 1,81 Teche me no treso(ur) . bot tel me -th-at ilke [aaAx]
L: 1,82 How I myghte my soule saue . fro synnes in -th-is
eor-th-e [aaAx]
L: 1,83 Saide when alle treso(ur)s arn tryed . treuthe is
-th-e beste [aaAx]
L: 1,84 y do hit on { deus caritas } . to deme -th-e sothe
L: 1,85 Hit is als dereworth a drywery . as deore god him
seolu[en] [aaAx]
L: 1,86 ffor whos is treowe of his tonge . & ::::: non
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
L: 1,87 Do-th- -th-e werkes -th-(er)with . wilne-th- no mon
eouel [aaAx]
L: 1,88 He is a god by -th-e gospel . on ground & on
lofte [aaAx]
L: 1,89 And eke like to oure lord . by seynt lukes wordes
L: 1,90 -Th-e clerkis -th-(a)t knowen hit . schulde kenne
hit abowte [aaAx]
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L: 1,91 ffor cristene & vncristene . cleymeth hit vchone
L: 1,92 Kinges & kny-gh-tis . schulde kepe hit by resou(n)
L: 1,93 And riden & rapen dou(n) . in realmes aboute
L: 1,94 Alle toillors and trespasours . & eke tye heom
faste [aaAx]
L: 1,95 Til treuthe had t(er)myned . heore trespas to -th-e
eynde [aaAx]
L: 1,96 ffor dauid in his dayes . dubbed mony knyghtis [aaAx]
L: 1,97 Deode heom swere on heore sweord . trou-th-e euer
to s(er)ue [aaAx]
L: 1,98 -Th-(a)t is -th-e p(ro)fession prop(ur)lich . -th-at
to a kny-gh-t apenteth [aaAx]
L: 1,99 And not to faste on friday . in foure skore wynter
L: 1,101 No neuer leue heom for loue . no lacchyng of -gh-iftes [aaAx]
L: 1,100 Bote holde wi-th- hire & wi-th- hi(m) . -th-(a)t asketh -th-e trouthe [aaaAx]
L: 1,102 And whos passeth -th-(a)t poynt . is apostata in his order [aaAx]
L: 1,103 ffor crist creato(ur) cried and kraftely made [aaaAx]
L: 1,104 Of Aungles and archangles ordres nyne [xaAx]
L: 1,105 And -gh-ef heom myght in his maieste . -th-e murier
he(m) -th-ou-gh-[te] [aaAx]
L: 1,106 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 1,107 Taghte heom -th-orgh -th-e trinite . -th-e trou-th-e
to knowe [aaAx]
L: 1,108 To beo buxsum to his byddyng . he bad heom not elles
L: 1,109 And -th-e lyght lucifer illumyned ouer heom alle [aaAx]
L: 1,110 --line om ----
L: 1,111 Til he brak buxsumnes . -th-orgh bost of him seoluen
L: 1,112 -th-en feol he wi-th- his felaus . & feondes
bycomen [aaAx]
L: 1,113 Out of heouen into helle . hobleden -th-ey faste
L: 1,114 Su(m)me in eyr so(m)me in eor-th-e . so(m)me in
helle deope [aaAx]
L: 1,115 Bote lucifer lowest . lyth of heom alle [aaAx]
L: 1,116 ffor his pompe & his pruyde . his pyne ha-th-
non eynde [aaAx]
L: 1,117 And alle -th-at worchen with wronge . wenden -th-ey
schulen [aaAx]
L: 1,118 Aft(ir) heore deth day . & dwelle with -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
L: 1,119 And -th-ey -th-at worchen -th-e word . -th-at holy
chirche techeth [aaAx]
L: 1,120 And eynden as y er saide . in p(er)fite werkes [aaAxx]
L: 1,121 Mown beo siker -th-at heore soules . schule wende
to heo[uen] [aaAxx]
L: 1,122 -Th-er treuthe is in trynite . to treonen heom alle
L: 1,123 ffor y say as y er saide . by sight of -th-eose
tyxtes [aaAx]
L: 1,124 When alle tresours arn tryed . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
L: 1,125 Lerith hit -th-us lewede men . for lered hit knoweth
L: 1,126 -Th-at treuthe is -th-e treso(ur) . triedest on
eor-th-e [aaAx]
L: 1,127 -Gh-et haue I no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . bote kenne
me bet:::: [aaAx]
L: 1,128 By what kraft in my cors . I may hit ay kno[we]
L: 1,129 -Th-ou dotest daffe q(uo)d heo . dulle arn -th-y
wittes [aaAx]
L: 1,130 Hit is a kynde knowyng . -th-e kennes in -th-yn
heorte [aaAx]
L: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-y lord . leouer -th-an -th-y seolue
L: 1,132 No dedly synne to do . dye ra-th-er -th-ou schuldest
L: 1,133 -Th-is I trowe beo treuthe . who so treuly hit techeth
L: 1,134 Loke -th-(o)u soffre him to sayn . & sethen
lere hit after [aaAx]
L: 1,135 ffor -th-us witnesseth his word . wryten in -th-e
bible [aaAx]
L: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leouest thyng . -th-at oure
lord askith [aaAx]
L: 1,137 And is plante of pes . p(ro)che hit in -th-y harpe
L: 1,138 -Th-(er) -th-ou art mury at mete . -gh-ef men bidde
-th-e -gh-edde [aaAx]
L: 1,139 ffor kynde knowyng in heorte . keneth -th-e -th-eo
sothe [aaxAx]
L: 1,140 And ful to -th-e fadire . -th-at formed vs alle
L: 1,141 Loked on vs wi-th- loue . & let his sone dye
L: 1,142 Meokelich for oure mysdedis . to amenden vs alle
L: 1,143 And wolde he heom no woo . -th-(a)t wroght him -th-at
py[ne] [aaAx]
L: 1,144 Bote meokelich w-it-h mouthe . mercy he byso[u-gh-te]
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L: 1,145 To haue pite of -th-(a)t people . -th-at pyned him
to dethe [aaAx]
L: 1,146 Here mightow seo ensaumples . of him self al one
L: 1,147 -Th-at he -th-at was myghtful & meke . mercy
gan graunte [aaAx]
L: 1,148 To heom -th-(a)t honged him on cros . & his
heorte -th-urled [aaAx]
L: 1,149 ffor-th-y y rede -th-e riche . haue reuthe on -th-e
pore [aaAx]
L: 1,150 -Th-agh -gh-e beon myghty to mote . be-th- meke
of oure werkis [aaAx]
L: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesure -th-(a)t -gh-e meten . amys
o-th-ir elles [aaAx]
L: 1,152 -Gh-e schule beo weyed -th-(er)with . when -gh-e
wenden hennes [aaAx]
L: 1,153 ffor -th-agh -gh-e beon treowe of oure tong(us)
. & trewely wynne[n] [aaAx]
L: 1,154 And eke as chast as a child . -th-at in cradel crieth
L: 1,155 Bote -gh-ef -gh-e louen lelly . & releue -th-e
meseise & -th-e pore [aaAx]
L: 1,156 Wi-th- suche good as god -gh-ou sent . godliche
parte [aaAx]
L: 1,157 -Gh-e haue-th- no more merite . in messes no in
houres [aaAx]
L: 1,158 -Th-an malkyn of hire maydenhod . -th-(a)t no mon
desirith [aaAx]
L: 1,159 ffor Iames -th-e gentil . Iuggeth in his pistle
L: 1,160 -Th-at feith wy-th-oute feet . is febler -th-en
a fache [aaAx]
L: 1,161 And as ded as a dore naill . bote -gh-ef -th-e dede
folewe [aaAx]
L: 1,162 Chastite wi-th-oute charite . schal schryned beon
in helle [aaAx]
L: 1,163 ffor hit is lewedore -th-en a laumpe . -th-at no
li-gh-t is ynne [aaAx]
L: 1,164 Mony chapeleyns beon chast . bote charite is awey
charred [aaAx]
L: 1,165 Arn non hardour holders -th-en -th-ey . when -th-ey
beon auaunsed [aaAx]
L: 1,166 Vnkynde to heore kyn . and eke to alle o-th-ir [aaXa]
L: 1,167 Chewen heore charite . & chiden after more [aaAx]
L: 1,168 Suche chastite wi-th-oute charite . cheue schal
ille [aaAx]
L: 1,169 -Gh-e creatours -th-at arn contynent . & clene
of oure bodies [aaAx]
L: 1,170 -Gh-e beon combred wi-th- couetise creopen out -gh-e
ne konne [aaAa]
L: 1,171 So harde ha-th- auarice . happed -gh-ou togedre
L: 1,172 -Th-at is no trouthe of -th-e trinite . bote a trichery
of helle [aaAx]
L: 1,173 A leornyng to lewed men . -th-eo latter to dele
L: 1,174 ffor -th-eose arn wordis wryten . in -th-e gospel
L: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . for y dele -gh-ou
alle [aaAx]
L: 1,176 -Th-at is -th-e lesson of loue . -th-at leteth out
my g(ra)ce [aaAx]
L: 1,177 To comforte -th-e karful . -th-at arn combred in
synne [aaAx]
L: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leouest thyng . -th-at oure lord asketh
L: 1,179 And eke -th-e greithe gate . -th-at goth vp into
heouen [aaAx]
L: 1,180 ffor-th-y y say as I er saide . by sight of -th-e
tixtes [aaAx]
L: 1,181 When alle tresours arn tried . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
L: 1,182 Now haue y tolde -th-e what treuthe is . -th-(a)t
no tresour is bettr[e] [aaAx]
L: 1,183 I may no lengor lenge . now oure lord -th-e mote
loke [aaAx]
L: 2,1 -Gh-et kneoled y on my kneoes . & cried hire of
grace [aaAx]
L: 2,2 And saide mercy madame . for mary loue of heouen [aaAx]
L: 2,3 That bar -th-at blisful barn . -th-(a)t boghte vs
on rode [aaaAx]
L: 2,4 Ken me by su(m) kraft . to kenne -th-eo false [aaAx]
L: 2,5 Loke on -th-y lifte half . lo wher ho stondeth [aaAx]
L: 2,6 Bothe fals & fauuel . & his feres manye [aaAx]
L: 2,7 y loked on my lifte half . als -th-at lady me taghte
L: 2,8 [A]nd was war of a wo(m)mon . wondurly clothed [aaAx]
L: 2,9 ypurfiled wi-th- peolour . -th-e puyrest apon eorthe
L: 2,10 Crouned wi-th- a coroune, . -th-e kyng hath non bettre
L: 2,11 Alle hire fyue fyngres . were fetred wi-th- rynges
L: 2,12 Of riche rubies wel rede and o-th-ir feole stones
fol. 112r
L: 2,13 In red scarlet robed . and wi-th- gold rebended [aaAx]
L: 2,14 -Th-er is no quoyntre qwene . -th-at quyk is on lyue
L: 2,15 What is -th-is wo(m)mon q(uo)d I . so wortheliche
atired [aaAx]
L: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maiden . hath [noyed] fol ofte
L: 2,17 And lakked lodlich my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
L: 2,18 Heo is more pryue wi-th- -th-e pope -th-an y am my
seolue [aaAx]
L: 2,19 And so schulde heo not beon for wrong was hire fadir
L: 2,20 Oute of wrong heo wax . to wrotherhele manye [aaAx]
L: 2,21 I oght to beo herre . -th-an heo I com of a bettre
L: 2,22 Tomorw woth mariage mad . of mede & of false
L: 2,23 ffawuel wi-th- fair speche . hath forged heom togedre
L: 2,24 Gyle hath bygon here so . heo graunteth al his wille
L: 2,25 And al is liers ledyng . -th-at -th-ay lyuen togedre
L: 2,26 Tomorewe wor-th- -th-e mariage . mad as I er of tolde
L: 2,27 -Th-(er) may -th-(o)u witen -gh-ef -th-ou wolt .
wich -th-ey beon alle [aaAx]
L: 2,28 -Th-at longon to -th-e lordschipe . -th-e lasse & -th-e
more [aaAx]
L: 2,29 Knowe heom -th-er -gh-ef -th-ou kanst . & kep
-th-e from heo(m) euere [aaAx]
L: 2,30 -Gh-ef -th-(o)u wilnest to wone . wi-th- treuthe
in his blisse [aaAxx]
L: 2,31 I may no lengor lette . bote lord y -th-e bykenne
L: 2,32 And for any couetise bycom a goode mon y rede [aaAx]
L: 2,33 Al -th-e ryche retynaunce . -th-at regneth with false
L: 2,34 Weore boden to -th-is bridale . on bo two -th-e sydes
L: 2,35 Sir symony was sone sent . to sele -th-eo chartres
L: 2,36 How false wold afyn rere & not wold he faile
L: 2,36 To -gh-eue al his lordschipes with londes & leodes
L: 2,37 And feoffe mede -th-ermyd . in mariage for euer [aaAx]
L: 2,38 -Th-er nas halle ne hous . to [herberwe] -th-eo people
L: 2,39 -Th-at iche feild no was ful . of folk al aboute
L: 2,40 In myddes a mounteyn . at mydmorw tyme [aaAx]
L: 2,41 Was pight vp a pauelou(n) . proud for -th-e nones
L: 2,42 And ten thousand of tentes . teilded by -th-er sides
L: 2,43 ffor of -th-e contrey . & comuners aboute [aaAx]
L: 2,44 ffor sisors for so(m)pnors . for seollers & buyers
L: 2,45 ffor lewed for lerid . for laborers of kraftes [aaAx]
L: 2,46 Alle to witnesse wel . what -th-e writ wolde [aaAa]
L: 2,47 In what maner -th-at mede . in mariage was feoffed
L: 2,48 To beo fastned with false . -th-e fyn is arered [aaAx]
L: 2,49 -Th-an fauuel fette forth . & to false taketh
L: 2,50 In forward -th-(a)t falsede . schal fynde hire for
euer [aaAx]
L: 2,51 And beo boun at his bode . his byddyng to fulfulle
L: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . buxum and hende [aaAx]
L: 2,53 And as sir symony wol segge . to schewen his wille
L: 2,54 Symony & cyuyle . stondeth forth bothe [aaAx]
L: 2,55 And vnfolden -th-e ffeoffement . -th-at fals hath
yformed [aaAx]
L: 2,56 And -th-us bygynnen -th-eose gomes . & greden
wel hy-gh-e [aaAx]
L: 2,57 Witen & witnessen . -th-at wonen apon eorthe
L: 2,58 -Th-at I fauuel ffeffe . falsenesse to mede [aaAx]
L: 2,59 To beo present in pryde . for pore or for riche [aaAx]
L: 2,60 Wi-th- -th-e erldam of enuye . euer more to laste
L: 2,61 With al -th-e lordschipe of lecherie . in leynthe & in
brede [aaAx]
L: 2,62 Wi-th- -th-e kyndam of couetise . y coroune heo(m)
togedre [aaAx]
L: 2,63 And al -th-e yle of vsurie . and auarice alse [aaAx]
fol. 112v
L: 2,64 Glotony & grete othes . y graunte heom togedre [aaAx]
L: 2,67 -Th-ey to haue & holde . and to heore eyres aftre [aaAa]
L: 2,65 Wi-th- alle delites of lustes . -th-e deouel for to
serue [axAx]
L: 2,66 In al -th-eo seigno(u)ry of slouthe . y sese heom
yfere [aaAx]
L: 2,68 Wi-th- al -th-e ap(ur)tinau(n)ce of penaunce . into
-th-e pyne of helle [aaAx]
L: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-eose thyngis at on -gh-eres eynde
L: 2,70 Heore soules to satanas . to sogerne in sorwe [aaAx]
L: 2,71 -Th-er to wone wi-th- -th-(a)t wyght . whil god is
in heouen [aaAxx]
L: 2,72 In witnes of wich thyng . wrong was -th-e furste
L: 2,73 And Piers a p(ar)doner . paulynes doctor [aaAx]
L: 2,74 Bette -th-e beodil . of Bokynh(a)m schire [aaAx]
L: 2,75 Randulf -th-e reue . of Roteland sokene [aaAx]
L: 2,76 Maclum -th-e meoleward . & mony mo othir [aaAx]
L: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deouel . -th-e dede was aseelid
L: 2,78 By sight of sir symonye . vndur signes of noteryes
L: 2,79 -Th-en teoned him teologie . when he -th-is tale
herde [aaAx]
L: 2,80 And saide to cyuyle . now sorw on -th-y bokes [aaAx]
L: 2,81 Suche weddyng to worche . to wrathe w(i)t(h) treuthe
L: 2,82 And er -th-is beo wroght . wo -th-e bytide [aaAx]
L: 2.83 ffor mede is moillo(ur) . of mendes engendred [aaAx]
L: 2,84 God graunte[t]h . to -gh-eue mede menskelich to treuthe
L: 2,85 And -th-ou hast -gh-euen hire to a gylo(ur) . now
god -gh-ef -th-e sorw[e] [aaAx]
L: 2,86 -Th-e tixte tellith not so . treuthe wot -th-e sothe
L: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua &c } [Latin]
L: 2,87 Worthy is -th-e werkman . his mede for to haue [aaXx]
L: 2,88 And -th-ou hast fastened hire wi-th- fals . fy on
-th-y lawe [aaAx]
L: 2,89 ffor al by lesynges -th-ou lyuest . & lechores
werkis [aaAx]
L: 2,90 Simony & -th-y seolf . schenden holy chirche
L: 2,91 Hit is noted -gh-e & -th-e notories ney-gh-en
-th-eo people [xaAx]?
L: 2,92 -Gh-e schulen abugge bothe . by god -th-at me made
L: 2,93 ffor wel -gh-e witen weornardes . bote -gh-ef ow
wit wante [aaaAx]
L: 2,94 -Th-at fals is a faitour . & feynteles of werkis
L: 2,95 And a bastard yborn . of bealsabubbes kynde [aaAx]
L: 2,96 And mede is a maiden . a moiller of goode [aaAx]
L: 2,97 Heo might kusse -th-e kyng . for cosyn y trowe [aaAx]
L: 2,98 Worche -gh-e by wisdam . & wayfe away wronge
L: 2,99 Ledith hire to london . -th-(er) -th-e lawe is handled
L: 2,100 Lokith -gh-ef lealte wol like . -th-ey lengen togedre
L: 2,101 And -th-agh Iustises iuggen hire . to -th-at fals
ioyne [aaAx]
L: 2,102 -Gh-et beo war of -th-at weddyng . for witty is
treuthe [aaAx]
L: 2,103 ffor conciense is of his counseil . & knoweth
ow vchone [aaAx]
L: 2,104 And -gh-ef he fynde -gh-ou in defaute . & with
fals holde [aaAx]
L: 2,105 Hit schal sitte -gh-oure soules ful . soure at -th-e
laste [aaAx]
L: 2,106 Herto asentith cyuyle . bote symony no wolde [aaAx]
L: 2,107 Til he had Seoluer . for his seles & signes
of notories [xaAa]
L: 2,108 -Th-an fet forth fauuel . florens ful feole [aaaAx]
L: 2,109 And bad gile go gyfe . gold to vche gome aboute
L: 2,110 And namelich to notories . -th-at -th-er non failed
L: 2,111 And feoffe false witnes . wi-th- floreyns feole
y praye [aaAx]
L: 2,112 ffor he may mede amaistrien . & maken at his
wille [aaAx]
L: 2,113 Bote -th-o -th-is gold was ygyue . graunt mercy
-th-ey gradde[n] [aaAx]
fol. 113r
L: 2,114 To fals & to fawuel . for heore faire -gh-eftes [aaAx]
L: 2,115 And -th-e(n)ne fals from kare konne -th-ey faste comforte [aaAx]
L: 2,116 And saide c(er)tes in same . sese schal we neuer [aaAx]
L: 2,117 Til mede beo -th-y wedded wif . -th-orgh wit of
vs alle [aaAx]
L: 2,118 ffor we han mede amaistred . -th-orgh oure meory
speche [aaAx]
L: 2,119 -Th-at heo graunteth with vs to gon . with a goode
wille [aaAx]
L: 2,120 To london to loken . -gh-ef -th-e lawe wolde [aaAx]
L: 2,121 Iugge -gh-ou ioyntly . in ioye for euer [aaAx]
L: 2,122 -Th-an was fals fayn . & fauuel wel blithe [aaAx]
L: 2,123 And lette sompne alle segges . in schires aboute
L: 2,124 -Th-at vche beorne beo boun . begger & othir
L: 2,125 To wende w(i)t(h) heom to westmunst(er) . to witnesse
-th-is dede [aaAx]
L: 2,126 -Th-an karkeden heo for caples . to karien heom
-th-ydre [aaAx]
L: 2,127 And fauuel fet forth . foles of -th-e beste [aaAx]
L: 2,128 Sette mede on a schirref . scho-gh-ed al neowe [aaAx]
L: 2,129 And fals on a sysour . -th-at softely trotted [aaAx]
L: 2,130 And fauuel apon feyr speche . fetosly atired [aaAx]
L: 2,131 -Th-o hadde notories none . annuyed sore -th-ey
weoren [aaAx]
L: 2,132 And eke -th-at symony & cyuyle . schulen on
heore feet gang[e] [aaAx]
L: 2,133 -Th-en swor cyuyle . & said by -th-e rode [aaAx]
L: 2,134 -Th-at sompnors schule beo sadeled . & serue
heo(m) vchone [aaAx]
L: 2,135 And let app(ar)aylen -th-is p(ro)uyso(ur)s . in
palfreyen wise [aaAx]
L: 2,136 Sire symony him seolf . schal sitte on heore bakkes
L: 2,137 And alle denes & sudenes . as destreris heom
dighte [aaAa]
L: 2,138 ffor [-th-ey] schule [bere] -th-e bischopes . & brynge
heom to reste [aaAx]
L: 2,139 Paulyns people . for pleyntis in -th-e constorie
L: 2,140 Schule s(er)ue my seolf . -th-at cyuyle am cleped
L: 2,141 & let cartsadlen -th-e co(m)myssary . oure kart
schal he drawe [aaAx]
L: 2,142 And fet al oure vitayles . of fornycatoures [aaAx]
L: 2,143 And makith of lyer a long carte . to laden alle
o-th-er [aaAx]
L: 2,144 As ffreres & faito(ur)s . -th-at on heore feet
renneth [aaAx]
L: 2,145 ffals & fauyel . faren forth on foles yfere
L: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddes . & al -th-is meyne
after [aaAx]
L: 2,147 I haue no tyme to telle . of -th-e tayl -th-(a)t
heom folewith [aaAx]
L: 2,148 Of mony maner of men . -th-(a)t on -th-is molde
libbeth [aaAx]
L: 2,149 Bote gile was forgoer . & gyed heom alle [aaAx]
L: 2,150 Sothnes say wel . and bote litel [aaAx]
L: 2,151 Bote prikith forth on his palfray . & passeth
heom alle [aaAx]
L: 2,152 And com to -th-e kyngis court . & concience
tolde [aaAx]
L: 2,153 And consience to -th-e kyng . carped hit aftur [aaAx]
L: 2,154 By crist q(uo)d -th-e kyng . & kacche mowe I
false [aaXa]
L: 2,155 Or fauuel . -th-at flaterer or any of his feres
L: 2,156 y wolde beo wroken of -th-o wrecches . -th-(a)t
worchen so ille [aaAx]
L: 2,157 And do heom honge by -th-e hals . & alle -th-at
heo(m) mey[nt] [aaAx]
L: 2,158 Schal neu(er) mon of -th-is molde . meyntene -th-e
leste [aaAx]
L: 2,159 Bot right as -th-e lawe lokith . let falle on heom
alle [aaAxx]
L: 2,160 And comau(n)dith a constable . -th-at com atte furste
L: 2,161 To atache -th-e tirraundes . as tid as he myghte
L: 2,162 ffetreth falsnes faste he saith . for any kyns -gh-eft[is]
L: 2,163 And gurdeth of gyles hed . let him no forthir [aaAx]
L: 2,164 And bryngeth mede to me . maugrey heom alle [aaAx]
L: 2,165 Symoy & cyuyle . I sende heom to warne [aaAx]
fol. 113v
L: 2,166 -Th-at holy chirche for heom . worth harmed for euer
L: 2,167 And -gh-ef -th-ou lacche lyere . let him not askape
L: 2,168 Er he beo put on -th-e pillary . for praier or for
pou(n)des [aaAx]
L: 2,169 Dred at -th-e dore stod . & -th-at deone herde
L: 2,170 And wightly went on his way . to warne -th-e false
L: 2,171 And bad him fleo for fere . & his feres alle
L: 2,172 -Th-a(n)ne falsnes for fere . to -th-eo freres fledde
L: 2,173 And gile doth him to go . agast lest he dye [aaAx]
L: 2,174 Bote marchauns metten hi(m) w(i)t(h) . & maden
him to abid[e] [aaAx]
L: 2,175 Byschetten him heore schoppes . to schewen heor(e)
ware [aaAx]
L: 2,176 Apparailden him as app(re)ntise . -th-e people to
deseyue [aaAx]
L: 2,177 Lyer launced lightly . & leop awey -th-ennes
L: 2,178 Lorkyng -th-orgh lanes . lodly tologged of mouthe
L: 2,179 He was nowher welcome . for his mony tales [aaXx]
L: 2,180 Bote oueral foule yhunted . & hote to tresse
L: 2,181 Til pardoners haden pite . & pulleden him to
house [aaAx]
L: 2,182 Wosschen hi(m) & wypen him . & wryen wi-th-
clothes [aaAx]
L: 2,183 And senden him on a sonday . wi-th- seeles to chirche
L: 2,184 And gaf pardon for penyes . penymel aboute [aaAx]
L: 2,185 -Th-en lowreden leches . & lettres -th-ey senden
L: 2,186 -Th-at he wolde wone wi-th- heom . watres to loke
L: 2,187 Spicers speken w(i)t(h) him . to aspyen heore ware
L: 2,188 ffor he couthe on heore krarft . & kneow mony
go(m)me[s] [aaAx]
L: 2,189 Bote mynstrals & messang(er)s . metten wi-th-
him ones [aaAx]
L: 2,190 And wolde haue witholden him to -th-e worldis eynd
L: 2,190 And when he had dwelled wi-th- heom on half -gh-ere
L: 2,191 ffreres wi-th- heore fair speche . fettyn him -th-ennes
Maden on heore maner him in abyt as afrere
L: 2,192 ffor knowyng of corners . -th-ey coped him as a brother
L: 2,193 Bote he has leue to lepen out . as ofte as him likith
L: 2,194 And is welcome when he cometh . & is wi-th-
heo(m) ofte [aaAx]
L: 2,194 ffor as longe as he lyues he is w(i)t(h) heom bylefte
L: 2,194 With fees of flatery -th-(a)t faile wol heom neuer
L: 2,194 ffor kyng no for knyght corouned vndur heouen
L: 2,195 Alle fledden for fere . & flowen into huyrnes
L: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e maiden . no mo durste abyden [aaAx]
L: 2,197 Bote treowely to telle . heo trembled for fere [aaAx]
L: 2,198 And eke wept & wrong hire hondes . when heo
was ata[ched] [aaAxx]
L: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e maiden . & no mo of heom alle
L: 3,2 Wi-th- Beodels & bailifs . to -th-e kyng ybroghte
L: 3,3 -Th-e kyn callith a clerk . I kan not his name [aaaAx]
L: 3,4 To take mede -th-e maiden . & make hire at ese
L: 3,5 y wol say hire my seolf . & sothly appose [aaAx]
L: 3,6 What wyhe of -th-is world . -th-at hire weore leouest
L: 3,7 And -gh-ef heo worche by my wit . & my wille folewe
L: 3,8 y wol forgyfe hire -th-is gult . so me god helpe [aaAx]
L: 3,9 Cortesly -th-e clerk -th-an . as -th-e kyng hoted
L: 3,10 Tok mede by -th-e myddel . & broghte hire to
chaumbr[e] [aaXx]
L: 3,11 Bote -th-(er) was murthe & mynstralsye . mede
to plese [aaAx]
L: 3,12 -Th-at woneden at westmynst(re) . worschipeden hire
alle [aaAx]
L: 3,13 Genteliche w(i)t(h) ioye . of -th-e Iustises somme
L: 3,14 Boskeden heom to -th-e boure . -th-(er) -th-e beorde
dwelled [aaAx]
fol. 114r
L: 3,15 Comforteden hire kyndelich . by clergyes leue [aaAx]
L: 3,16 And saiden morne -gh-e not mede . neo make -gh-e
no sorwe [aaAx]
L: 3,17 ffor wol wisse -th-e kyng . & thy way schapen
L: 3,18 And al consience krafte forcasten . as we trowen
L: 3,19 Myldeliche mede -th-an . mercyed heom alle [aaAx]
L: 3,20 Of heore grete godnes . & giftes gaf heom vchone
L: 3,21 Couered coupes of gold . wel clanliche ywroghte [aaXx]
L: 3,22 Rynges wi-th- rubies . & riches manye [aaAx]
L: 3,23 -Th-e menest mon of heore meyne . a moten of gold
L: 3,24 -Th-an laghten -th-ey leue . -th-eose lordes at mede
L: 3,25 W(i)t(h) -th-at come clerkis . to comforte hire eken
L: 3,26 And beden hire boen blythe . for we beon thyn owne
L: 3,27 ffor to worchen oure wil . whil oure lif lastes [aaAbb]
L: 3,28 Hendelich -th-an heo . byhatte heom -th-e same [aaAx]
L: 3,29 To louen heom lelly . & lordes to make [aaAx]
L: 3,30 And -th-e courte of constory . -th-at calles my name
L: 3,31 Schal no lewednes him lette . -th-eo leod -th-at
y loue [aaAa]
L: 3,32 -Th-at he no worth thorgh myn help hyghly auaunced
L: 3,32 Of chirches of chapels chese of -th-e beste
L: 3,33 Wher konnyng clerkis of clergy . schal clocke byhynde
L: 3,34 -Th-an com -th-er a confessour . Icoped as a ffrere
L: 3,35 To mede -th-e maiden . meokelich he louted [aaAx]
L: 3,36 And saide wel softely . in schryfte as hit were [aaAx]
L: 3,37 -Th-agh lered & lewed . han leyen by -th-e alle
L: 3,38 And -th-agh falsed had folewed -th-e . -th-is fiftene
wynt(er) [aaAx]
L: 3,39 I schal asoile -th-e my seolf . for a seem of whete
L: 3,40 And eke beon -th-y baudekyn . & beore wel thyn
ernde [aaAx]
L: 3,41 Among clerkes & kny-gh-tis . concience to felle
L: 3,42 -Th-an mede for hire misdedes . to -th-at man kneoled
L: 3,43 And schrof here of hire schrewednes . schemelas I
trowe [aaAx]
L: 3,44 Tolde him a tale . & tok him in hond a noble
L: 3,45 ffor to beon hire beodmon . and hire baude after
L: 3,46 -Th-anne he asoiled hire sone . & sethen he saide
L: 3,47 We han a wyndow in worchyng . wol stonden vs wel
hy-gh-e [aaAxx]
L: 3,48 Woldestow glase -th-e gable . & sette -th-(er)in
thy nome [aaAx]
L: 3,49 Wel siker scholde -th-y soule . beo heouen blisse
to haue [aaBb]
L: 3,50 -Gh-e wiste I -th-at q(uo)d -th-e wo(m)man wel weore
me -th-anne
L: 3,50 ffor -th-er nys wyndow no weoued wroght in -gh-our
wones [aaAx]
L: 3,51 -Th-at y ne scholde make or mende . & my name on
write [aaAxx]
L: 3,52 -Th-erto segg y schewe me now . sustre of oure house
L: 3,53 Bote god to alle gode folk . suche grauyng defendith
L: 3,54 And seith { Nesciat sinistra quid facit dextra }
L: 3,55 Lat not -th-y lifte hond . late no rathe [aaAx]
L: 3,56 Beo war what -th-y right hond . worches or deles
L: 3,57 Bote so pryuely parte hit . -th-(a)t pryde beo not
schewed [aaAx]
L: 3,58 Nou-th-(er) in sight no in -th-y soule . for god
him seolf knowet[h] [aaAx]
L: 3,59 Who is cortaise & kynde . couetous or elles [aaAx]
L: 3,60 ffor-th-y y lere -gh-ou lordes . leueth suche writynges
L: 3,61 To writen in wyndowes . of -gh-oure wel worchyng
L: 3,62 Or to greden after godes men . when -gh-e dole deles
L: 3,63 On auter -gh-e hauen her . -gh-oure huyre resceyued
L: 3,64 ffor oure saueour hit saide . & him seolf preched
fol. 114v
L: 3,64a { Amen dico vobis vobis receperunt mercedem &c
} [Latin]
L: 3,65 Meires & macers . -gh-e -th-at beon mad mene
L: 3,66 Bytwene -th-eo kyng & -th-e comunes . to kepe
the lawes [aaAx]
L: 3,67 As to punyschen on pillories . & on pynyng stoles
L: 3,68 Breowesters & baxsters . bochers and cokes [aaAx]
L: 3,69 ffor -th-eose arn men on -th-is molde . -th-(a)t
most harm worchen [aaAx]
L: 3,70 To -th-eo pore people . -th-(a)t parcymel buggen
L: 3,71 ffor -th-ey poisen -th-e people . pryueliche wel
ofte [aaAx]
L: 3,72 And richen -th-orgh regraterye . & rentes -th-ey
buggen [aaAx]
L: 3,73 Of -th-(a)t -th-e pore people . schulde putte in
heore wombe [aaAx]
L: 3,74 ffor toke -th-ey on treowely . -th-ey tymbred not
so hy-gh-he [aaAx]
L: 3,75 No boghten no borgates . beo -gh-e wel c(er)tayne
L: 3,76 Bote mede -th-e maide . -th-e mair heo bysoghte [aaAx]
L: 3,77 Of alle suche sullers . seoluer for to take [aaAx]
L: 3,78 Or presentes withoute pans . as peces of seoluer
L: 3,79 Rynges or o-th-ir riches . -th-eo regratours to meyntene
L: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d -th-e lady . loue heom vchone
L: 3,81 And suffre heom to selle . somdel a-gh-eyn reson
L: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sermon he made [aaAx]
L: 3,83 ffor to amende maires & men . -th-at kepte lawes
L: 3,84 And tolde heom -th-is teone . -th-at I telle thynke
L: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernac(u)la eor(um) qui }
L: 3,85 { libenter accipiunt munera &c } [Latin]
L: 3,86 Among -th-is lettred lordes . -th-is latyn amounteth
L: 3,87 -Th-at fure schal felle . and brenne at -th-e laste
L: 3,88 -Th-e houses & -th-e homes . -th-at suche -gh-eftes
desyreth [aaAx]
L: 3,89 To -gh-erne -gh-eftes or -gh-eres-gh-eftes . in -gh-outhe
or in elde [????]
L: 3,90 -Th-eo kyng fro counseil com . & called after
mede [aaaAx]
L: 3,91 And ofsent hire swythe . sergauns hire fette [aaAx]
L: 3,92 And broghte hire to boure . wi-th- blisse & with
ioye [aaAx]
L: 3,93 And on hire kneoes heo kneoled when heo -th-e kyng
L: 3,93 Bote he hire tok vp by -th-e hond & hailsed wel
L: 3,94 And to mede -th-e maiden . meled -th-eose wordes [aaAx]
L: 3,95 wo(m)man vnwittely . wroght hastow ofte [aaAx]
L: 3,96 Bot wors wraghtest -th-ou neuer . -th-an whan -th-(o)u
fals tok[e] [aaXx]
L: 3,97 Bote I forgyue -th-e -th-at gult . & graunt -th-e
my grace [aaAa]
L: 3,98 So -th-(a)t hennes to -th-y deth day . -th-(o)u do
so no more [aaAx]
L: 3,99 I haue a kny-gh-t consience . com late from by-gh-onde
L: 3,100 -Gh-ef he wilne -th-e to wif . woltow him haue [aaAx]
L: 3,101 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-at lady god . forbeode elles
L: 3,102 Bot -gh-ef y beo holy at -gh-or heste . let hange
me hye [aaAx]
L: 3,103 -Th-en was consience called . to come & appere
L: 3,104 Byfore -th-e kyng & his counsail . bothe clerkus & othir
L: 3,105 Kneolyng consience . to -th-e kyng he carped [aaAx]
L: 3,106 To wite what his wille weore . & what -th-(a)t
he scholde [aaAx]
L: 3,107 Wolt -th-ou wedde -th-is wo(m)man . -gh-ef y wol
assente [aaAx]
L: 3,108 ffor heo is fayn of -th-y felaschipe . for to beo
-th-y fere [aaAxx]
L: 3,109 Q(uo)d consience to -th-e kyng . crist hit me forbeode
L: 3,110 Er ich wedde suche a wif . wo me bytide [aaAx]
L: 3,111 Heo is frele of hire feith . & fykel of hire
speche [aaAx]
L: 3,112 Heo makith men mysdo . mony score tymes [aaaAx]
L: 3,113 In treost of hire tresour . heo teoneth wel monye
L: 3,114 Wyues & wydowes . wantonesse techeth [aaAx]
fol. 115r
L: 3,115 Al lerith heom lecherie . -th-at loueth heore -gh-eftes
L: 3,116 -Gh-oure fadir heo felde . -th-orgh false byhestes
L: 3,117 Enpoiseneth popes . enpaires holy chirche [aaAx]
L: 3,118 -Th-er is not a bettre bawde . by him -th-at me
made [aaAxx]
L: 3,119 Bytweone helle & heouen . y holde -gh-ef men
soghten [aaAx]
L: 3,120 Heo is tikel of hire tayl . talewys of wordes [aaAx]
L: 3,121 Als comyn as -th-e kartwey . to knaues & othir
L: 3,122 To munkes to mynstrales . to meseles in hegges [aaAx]
L: 3,123 Sisours & somno(ur)s . suche men hire preyseth
L: 3,124 Schirreues of schires . weoren schent -gh-ef heo
no weore [aaAx]
L: 3,125 Heo doth men to leose heore lond . & heore lif
aftre [aaAx]
L: 3,126 Ant leteth passe prisoners . & paieth for heom
ofte [aaAx]
L: 3,127 And -gh-eueth to -th-eo Iaylers gold . o-th-ir seoluer
L: 3,128 ffor to vnfetre -th-e false . to fleo wher him likith
L: 3,129 Heo takith -th-e treowe by -th-e top . & tyeth
heom faste [aaAx]
L: 3,130 And hangeth him for haterede . -th-at harmed neuer
L: 3,131 To beo corsed in constorie . heo counteth not a
rysche [aaAx]
L: 3,132 ffor heo copeth -th-eo co(m)myssary . & koteth
his clerkes [aaAa]
L: 3,133 Heo is asoiled as sone . als hire seol likyth [aaAx]
L: 3,134 Heo may negh als muche don . in a moneth ones [aaAx]
L: 3,135 As -gh-oure secrete seal . in sixe skore dayes [aaAx]
L: 3,136 Heo is pryue with -th-e pope . p(ro)uysors hit knoweth
L: 3,137 Sir symony & hireseolf . seollen heore bulles
L: 3,138 Heo blesses -th-eo Bisschopes . -th-agh -th-ey beon
lewed [aaAx]
L: 3,139 Prouendrers p(er)sons . and p(ro)uest heo maynteneth
L: 3,140 To holde le(m)mones & lotebyes . al heore lif
dayes [aaAx]
L: 3,141 And bryngen forth barnes . a-gh-eyn forboden hestes
L: 3,142 -Th-(er) heo is wel with -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e
rewme [axAx]
L: 3,143 ffor heo is fauorable to fals . & fouleth trouthe
ofte [aaAx]
L: 3,144 Barons & burgeys . heo bryngeth in slouthe [aaAx]
L: 3,145 By Ih(es)u wi-th- hire iewelis . -gh-oure Iustices
heo schendith [aaAx]
L: 3,146 And combreth heom with hire kraft -th-(a)t crist -gh-ef -gh-eo bare
L: 3,147 So -th-at feith may not haue his forth for . floryns
gon so thykke [aaAx]
L: 3,148 Heo ledith lawe as hire lust . & louedayes makith
L: 3,149 -Th-eo mase for a mene man . -th-agh he mote euer(e)
L: 3,150 Lawe is so lordlich . and loth to make an eynde
L: 3,151 Wi-th- [oute] present of pans . heo pleseth wel
fewe [aaAx]
L: 3,152 Clergye & couetis . heo coupleth togedre [aaAx]
L: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-eo lif of -th-is lady . god gyfe hire
sorwe [aaAx]
L: 3,154 And alle -th-at meynteneth hire men . meschau(n)se
heo(m) byt[ide] [aaAx]
L: 3,155 ffor pore men mown haue no power . to pleyne -th-agh
-th-ey sterue [aaAx]
L: 3,156 Suche a maister is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
L: 3,157 -Th-an morned mede . & mened hire to -th-e kyng
L: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede -gh-ef heo myghte
L: 3,159 -Th-e kyng grauntith hire g(ra)ce . wi-th- a good
wille [aaAx]
L: 3,160 Escuse -th-e -gh-ef -th-ou canst . y kan no more
segge [aaAx]
L: 3,161 ffor consience -th-e acuseth . to congey -th-e for
euer [aaAx]
L: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d -th-at lady . leues him -th-e worse
L: 3,163 When -gh-e witen wit(er)ly . wher -th-eo wrong liggeth
L: 3,164 -Th-er -th-at meschef is most . mede may ofte helpe
L: 3,165 And -th-ou knowest consience . y com not to chide
L: 3,166 No to dampne -th-y person . with a proud heorte
L: 3,167 Wel -th-(o)u wost consience . bote -gh-ef -th-ou
wolt lye [aaxAx]
fol. 115v
L: 3,168 -Th-ou hast honged on myn half . mony feole tymes
L: 3,169 And eken haste grope my gold . gyfe wher -th-e liketh
L: 3,170 And why -th-ou wrathest -th-e now . wondur me thynkith
L: 3,171 -Gh-et may y as y myghte . mens be -th-e with -gh-iftes
L: 3,172 And meyntene -th-y monhode . more -th-an -th-ou
knowest [aaAx]
L: 3,173 And -th-ou hast famed me foule . byfore -th-y kyn
here [aaAxx]
L: 3,174 ffor kulled y neuer no kyng . no counseiled -th-eraftre
L: 3,175 No dude as -th-ou demest . y do hit on oure kyngis
mouthe [aaAx]
L: 3,176 In normandy was he noght . nuyed for -th-iy sake
L: 3,177 Bote -th-ou -th-y seolf sothely . schamed him ofte
L: 3,178 -Th-ou crope in to caban . for colde of -th-y nailes
L: 3,179 And wendest whar wynt(er) . wold haue laste for
euer [aaAx]
L: 3,180 And -th-ou draddest to beo ded . for a dym cloude
L: 3,181 And hastedest hamward . for hunger of -th-y wombe
L: 3,182 Wi-th-oute pite -th-ou pylo(ur) . pore men -th-(o)u
robbedest [aaAx]
L: 3,183 And bere heore bras at -th-y bak . to caleys to
seolle [aaaXx]
L: 3,184 -Th-er I lafte wi-th- my lord . his lif for to saue
L: 3,185 And made him muche murthe . mornyng to leue [aaAx]
L: 3,186 And batrede him on -th-e bak . bolded heore heortes
L: 3,187 Deode heom hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille
L: 3,188 Hade I beon marchal of his men . by mary of heouene
L: 3,189 y durste haue leide my lif . and no lasse wedde
L: 3,190 He scholde haue beon lord of -th-(a)t lond . in
leynthe & in bred[e] [aaAx]
L: 3,191 And eke kyng of -th-at kyth . his kyn for to helpe
L: 3,192 -th-eo leste brolle of his blod . a barouns pere
L: 3,193 Cowardly -th-(o)u consience . conceiledest him -th-ennes
L: 3,194 To leuen -th-er his lordschipe . for a litel seoluer
L: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e rycheste rewme . -th-at reyn ouer
hongeth [aaAx]
L: 3,196 Hit bycometh to a kyng . -th-at kepeth a rewme [aaAx]
L: 3,197 To -gh-euen his men mede . -th-(a)t meokely him
serueth [aaAx]
L: 3,198 To aliens to alle othir . & honouren heom wi-th-
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
L: 3,199 Mede makith him beo loued . & for a mon yholde
L: 3,200 Emp(er)oures & eorles . & alle maner of
lordes [aaAx]
L: 3,201 -Th-orgh -gh-eftes han -gh-onge men . to rennen
abowte [aaAx]
L: 3,202 -Th-eo pope & his prelates . presentes vndurfongeth
L: 3,203 And meden men heom seoluen . to meyntene heore law[es]
L: 3,204 Seruauns for heore s(er)uyse . we seon wel -th-e
sothe [aaAa]
L: 3,205 Taken mede of heore maistres . as -th-ey may acorde
L: 3,206 Beggers for here byddyng . byddyth men mede [aaAbb]
L: 3,207 Mynstrales for heore murthes . mede -th-ey sechen
L: 3,208 And for to reule -th-e rewme -th-e kyng mede -gh-efes
L: 3,209 Men -th-at clergye konnen . krauen after mede [aaAx]
L: 3,210 Preostes -th-at prechen . -th-eo people crist for
to pleese [aaAx]
L: 3,211 Asken mede & masse pans . & heore mete alse
L: 3,212 Alle maner mester men moten medlen with mede
L: 3,213 Mede & marchaundises . moten alweys nede go togedre
L: 3,214 No wight as y wene . wi-th-outen mede myghte libbe
L: 3,215 Quod -th-e kyng to consience . by crist as me -th-ynkith
L: 3,216 Now is mede worthy . -th-e maistry to welde [axAx]
L: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d consience to -th-e kyng . & kneoled
to -th-e eorthe [aaAx]
L: 3,218 -Th-er arn two maner of medes . my lord with -th-y
leu[e] [aaAx]
L: 3,219 -Th-at on god of his grace . gyueth in his blisse
fol. 116r
L: 3,220 To heom -th-at worchen wel . whiles -th-ey beon here
L: 3,221 -Th-eo p(ro)phete prechede hit . and putte hit in
-th-e sauter [aaAx]
L: 3,221a { Qui peccuniam suam no(n) dedit ad vsuram &c
} [Latin]
L: 3,222 Tak no mede my lord . of men -th-at beon treowe
L: 3,223 Loue & lene heom . for -th-e lordes loue of
heouene [aaAx]?
L: 3,224 Godis mede & his mercy . -th-er mytht -th-ou
wynne [aaAx]
L: 3,225 -Th-er is a mede mesurelas . -th-at maistres desireth
L: 3,226 To meyntene mysdoers . mede ofte -th-ey take [aaAx]
L: 3,227 And -th-(er)of seith -th-e sawter . in a salmes
eynde [aaAx]
L: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t dextera
eor(um) repleta est munerib(u)s &c } [Latin]
L: 3,229 And he -th-at gripeth heore -gh-eftes . so me god
helpe [aaAx]
L: 3,230 Schal abugge hit wel bytter . or elles -th-e book
lyeth [aaAx]
L: 3,231 Preostes & p(er)sones . -th-at plesynges desiren
L: 3,232 -Th-at taken mede & monee . for masses -th-(a)t
-th-ey syngen [aaAx]
L: 3,233 Schal haue mede of -th-is molde . -th-at mathew
hath g(ra)unted [aaAx]
L: 3,233a { Amen dico vobis receperunt mercedem sua(m) }
L: 3,234 -Th-at laborers & lowe folk . taken of heore
maistres [aaXx]
L: 3,235 Ys no maner of mede . bote a mesurable huyre [aaAx]
L: 3,236 In marchaundise is no mede . I may hit avowe [aaAx]
L: 3,237 Hit is a p(er)mytaciou(n) ap(er)telich . a penyworth
for ano-th-ir [aaAx]
L: 3,238 Bote reddest -th-ou neuer { regum } . -th-ou recreyed
mede [aaAx]
L: 3,239 Why -th-eo vengaunce worched . on saul & on
his children [aaXx]
L: 3,240 God sende him to sayn . by samueles mouthe [aaAx]
L: 3,241 -Th-at Agag of amalek . and al his people after
L: 3,242 Scholde dye for a dede . -th-at don haden his aldres
L: 3,243 A-gh-eyn yraels & aron . & moyses his brother
L: 3,244 Samuel saide to saul . god sendes -th-e & hoteth
L: 3,245 To beo buxum & boun . his byddyng to fulfulle
L: 3,246 Wend -th-ider wi-th- thyn oste . alle wymmen -th-ou
qwelle [axAx]?
L: 3,247 Children & cheorles . choppe of heore hedes
L: 3,248 Loke -th-(o)u kulle -th-e kyng . & coueyte not
his godes [aaAx]
L: 3,249 ffor any multitude of money . mordre heom vchone
L: 3,250 Beornes & bestes . brutne heom to dethe [aaAx]
L: 3,251 And for he kulled not -th-e kyng . as crist him
bode sende [aaAx]
L: 3,252 Coueyted heore katel . kulled not heore bestes [aaAx]
L: 3,253 Bote broghte with him -th-e bestaile . as -th-e
bible telleth [aaAx]
L: 3,254 God seide to samuel . -th-at saul schulde dye [aaAx]
L: 3,255 And al his seed for -th-at synne . schenfulliche
eynde [aaAx]
L: 3,256 Suche a mescheif mede . made -th-e kyng for to haue
L: 3,257 -Th-at god hated him for euer . & al his ayres
after [aaAa]
L: 3,258 -Th-e culor(um) of -th-is . no kepe y not to schewe
L: 3,259 In aunter hit nuyed me . non eynde wol y make [aaAxx]
L: 3,260 I consience knowe hit . for kynde wit me taught
L: 3,261 -Th-at reson schal regne . and rewmes gouerne [aaAx]
L: 3,262 And right as agag happed . happen schule so(m)me
L: 3,263 Samuel schal slen him . & saul schal beo blamed
L: 3,264 And dauid schal beo dyademed . & daunten heom
alle [aaAx]
L: 3,265 And on cristene kyng . kepe vs vchone [aaAx]
L: 3,266 Schal no more mede . beo maister apon eorthe [aaAx]
L: 3,267 Bote loue & lowenes . & lewte togedre [aaAx]
L: 3,268 And whoso trespaseth to trouthe . or a-gh-eyn him
takith [aaAx]
L: 3,269 Lewte schal leggen him lowe . or leose his lif elles
fol. 116v
L: 3,270 Schal no s(er)iaunt for -th-at seruys . weore a seolk
howue [aaAx]
L: 3,271 No no ray robe . rechely yforred [aaAx]
L: 3,272 Mede of misdoers . maketh heom to riche [aaAx]
L: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is a lord waxen . and lewte is pore
L: 3,274 Vnkyndenes is a comaundour . & kyndenes is banned
L: 3,275 Bote -gh-et schal kynde wit come . & consience
togedre [aaAx]
L: 3,276 And make of lawe a laboreir . suche loue schal arise
L: 4,1 Sesseth seide -th-e kyng . y soffre -gh-ou no leyngre
L: 4,2 -Gh-e saghtene forsothe . and serue me bothe [aaAx]
L: 4,3 kusse hire q(uo)d -th-e kyng . consience y hote [aaAx]
L: 4,4 Nay by crist q(uo)d consience . congeye me rathere
L: 4,5 Bote reson rede me -th-(er)til . arst wol y dye [aaAx]
L: 4,6 And I comaunde q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to consience -th-anne
L: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ryden . and reson -th-at -th-ou facche
L: 4,8 Comaunde him to come . my counseil to here [aaAx]
L: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my rewme . & rede me -th-e
beste [aaAx]
L: 4,10 Of mede -th-e maiden . & what mon schal hire
wedde [aaAx]
L: 4,11 And counpte with -th-e consience . so me crist helpe
L: 4,12 How bothe lered & lewed -th-ou lerest -th-e people
L: 4,13 y am fayn of -th-at foreward . saith -th-e freke
-th-anne [aaAx]
L: 4,14 And ryd right to reson . & rowneth in his here
L: 4,15 Saide him as -th-e kyng sent . & seothe tok his
leue [aaAxx]
L: 4,16 I schal araye me to ride q(uo)d reson . reste -th-e
a while [aaaAx]
L: 4,17 And kalled katon his knaue . -th-at com at -th-e
furste [aaaAx]
L: 4,18 Sat my sadel . apon suffre til y seo my tyme [aaAa]
L: 4,19 And lat warrok him wel . with wytful gurthes [aaAx]
L: 4,20 Hang on him -th-e heuy bridel . to holde his hed
lowe [aaAx]
L: 4,21 And -gh-et wol he weheen & wynch . or we come
-th-ere [aaAx]
L: 4,22 -Th-an consience on his capel . kaireth forth faste
L: 4,23 And reson with him ryd . redeliche nyghe [aaAx]
L: 4,24 Ac on asent weore wisdam . & witty his fere [aaAx]
L: 4,25 ffoleweden heom faste . for -th-ey haden to done
L: 4,26 In -th-e chauncellery & -th-e chekere . to beo
descharged of [-th-inges] [aaAx]
L: 4,27 And riden faste for reson . scholde reden heom -th-e
best [aaAx]
L: 4,28 ffor to sauen heom seolf . fro schame & fro harmes
L: 4,29 Bote consience com arst . to courtes by a myle [aaAx]
L: 4,30 And romed forth with reson . right to -th-e kyng
L: 4,31 Cortesly -th-e kyng . -th-anne come vnto reson [aaAx]
L: 4,32 And bytwene him seolf & his sone . set him on
benc[he] [aaAx]
L: 4,33 And wordeden a grete while . wel wiselich togedre
L: 4,34 -Th-an com pees into p(ar)lement . & put vp a
bille [aaAx]
L: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-eyn his wille . hadde his wif taken
L: 4,36 And he rauyssched rose . Reignaldes le(m)man [aaAx]
L: 4,37 And margarete of hire maydenhod . maugre hire chek[es]
L: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gees & my gryse . his gadelynges feccheth
L: 4,39 I dar not for fere of him . fyghte no chide [xaAx]
L: 4,40 He borewed of me bayard . & broghte him neuer
a-gh-ey[n] [aaAx]
L: 4,41 Ny no ferthyng him fore . for noght -th-at y kouthe
pled[e] [aaAxx]
L: 4,42 He meynteneth his men . to mordre myn owne [aaAx]
L: 4,43 fforstalleth my feires . & fyghteth in my chepynge[s]
L: 4,44 Brekith vp my berne dores . & beoreth awey my
whete [aaAx]
L: 4,45 And makith me bote a taile . for ten quarters of
ote[s] [aaAx]
fol. 117r
L: 4,46 And -gh-et he beteth me -th-(er)to . & lyth by
my maiden [axAx]
L: 4,47 I am not hardy for him vnneth to loke [aaAx]
L: 4,48 -Th-e kyng kneow . he saide soth for consience hi(m)
tolde [aaAx]
L: 4,49 Wrong was afard -th-o . & wisdam he soghte [axAx]
L: 4,50 To make with pans . & p(ro)fered him monye [aaAx]
L: 4,51 And saide had I loue of my lord -th-e kyng . litel
me roghte [aaAx]
L: 4,52 -Th-agh & his power . pleyned heom euer [aaAx]
L: 4,53 Wisdom wan [out] -th-o . & so dude wit alse [aaAx]
L: 4,54 ffor -th-(a)t wrongh hadde ywroght . so wicked a
dede [aaAx]
L: 4,55 And warneden wrong -th-o . with suche a wys tale
L: 4,56 Whoso worches by wil . woo wakeneth ofte [aaAx]
L: 4,57 I say hit by -th-y seolf . -th-(o)u schalt hit sone
yfynde [aaAx]
L: 4,58 Bote -gh-ef mede hit make . -th-is mescheif is vppe
L: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-y lif & -th-y land . lyth in
his grace [aaAx]
L: 4,60 Wrong -th-an on wisdam . weoped wel sore [aaAx]
L: 4,61 To helpe him for of his . handy dandy paied [aaXa]
L: 4,62 -Th-anne wisdom & wit . wenten hom togedre [aaAx]
L: 4,63 And nome mede with heom . mercy to wynne [axAx]
L: 4,64 Pees putte forth his hed . & his panne blody
L: 4,65 Withoute gult god wot . gat y -th-is skathe [aaAx]
L: 4,66 Consience & -th-e kyng . kneow wel -th-e sothe
L: 4,67 And wisten wel . -th-at wrong euer was a schrewe
L: 4,68 Bote wisdam & wit . weoren aboute faste [aaAx]
L: 4,69 To ouercome -th-e kyng . with katel -gh-ef -th-ay
myghte [aaAx]
L: 4,70 The kyng swor by crist . & by his coroune bothe
L: 4,71 -Th-at wrong for his werkes . scholde muche wo soffre
L: 4,72 And comaunded a constable . to kasten him in yrnes
L: 4,73 He schal not -th-is seouen . -gh-eir seon his feet
ones [aaAx]
L: 4,74 God wot q(uo)d wisdam . -th-at weore not -th-e beste
L: 4,75 And he mendes mowe make . let maynpris him haue [aaAx]
L: 4,76 And beo borugh for his bale . & buggen him bote
L: 4,77 Amende -th-at he mysdude . & euermore -th-e bettre
L: 4,78 Witte acordeth -th-(er)with . & saide -th-e same
L: 4,79 Bettre is -th-at bote . bale adoun brynge [aaAa]
L: 4,80 -Th-an bale beo beten . & bote neuer -th-e bettre
L: 4,81 -Th-an gan mede meoken hire . & mercy bysoghte
L: 4,82 And p(ro)fered pes a present . al of puyred golde
L: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me mon to mende -th-y skathe [aaAx]
L: 4,84 ffor y wol wage for wrong . -th-(a)t he wol so no
more [aaAx]
L: 4,85 Pees -th-an pitousely . praied to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
L: 4,86 To haue mercy of -th-at mon . -th-(a)t mysdeode ofte
L: 4,87 ffor he hath waged me wel . as wisdam him tagh[te]
L: 4,88 y forgyue him -th-at gult . with a good wille [aaAx]
L: 4,89 So -th-at -gh-e assenten . y kan say no more [aaAx]
L: 4,90 ffor mede hath made my mendes . y may no more ax[::]
L: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng . so god -gh-eue me blisse
L: 4,92 Wrong wendeth not so away . er y wite more [aaaAx]
L: 4,93 Lepe he so lightely -th-e losel . laghen wolde he
loude [aaAx]
L: 4,94 And efte beo -th-e balder . to beten myne buxume
L: 4,95 Bote reson haue reouthe on him . he schal in -th-e
stokk:: [aaAx]
L: 4,96 Als longe as I leue . with leautees leue [aaAx]
fol. 117v
L: 4,97 So(m)me radde reson . to haue reuthe of -th-at schrewe
L: 4,98 And concelyng -th-e kyng . & concience bothe
L: 4,99 -Th-at mede moste beo meynp(er)nor . resou(n) they
bysoghte [aaaXx]?
L: 4,100 Red not q(uo)d reson . no reouthe to haue [aaAx]
L: 4,101 Til lordes and ladies . louen alle trowthe [aaAx]
L: 4,102 And peornels porfile . beo put in p(er)kyns pouche
L: 4,103 Til children chere cheryschest . beon chastised
with -gh-erdes [aaAx]
L: 4,104 And harlotes holynes . beo holden for an hyne [aaAa]
L: 4,105 And clerkes & knyghtes . beon corteise of heore
mouthe [aaAx]
L: 4,106 And haten to heren of any harlotries -gh-elpyng
L: 4,107 Til preostes heore prechyng . preoue hit heom seoluen
L: 4,108 And do hit in dede . to drawe vs to goode [aaAx]
L: 4,109 Til seynt Iame beo ysoght . -th-er I schal asigne
L: 4,110 -Th-at no mon go to Galys . bote he go for euer
L: 4,111 And alle rome renners . for robbers of by-gh-onde
L: 4,112 Beore no seoluer ouer see . -th-at signe of kyng
scheweth [aaAa]
L: 4,113 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 4,114 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 4,115 Bote -gh-ef hit beo a marchaunt or his man . or
messang(er) w(i)t(h) let[tres] [aaAx]
L: 4,116 Or prouysor or preost . -th-at -th-e pope auaunseth
L: 4,117 And -gh-et q(uo)d reson . y wol no reowthe haue
L: 4,118 Whil mede hath -th-e maistrie . to moten in -th-e
halle [aaAx]
L: 4,119 Bote y may schewe ensaumples . as y seo othir [aaAx]
L: 4,120 y sey hit for my seolf . and hit so weore [aaAx]
L: 4,121 -Th-at I weore kyng wi-th- a coroune . to kepen
a rewme [aaAx]
L: 4,122 Schulde neuer wrong in -th-is world . -th-(a)t y
wite myghte [aaAx]
L: 4,123 Beon vnpunyssched by power . for peril of my soule
L: 4,124 Neo my grace geten -th-orgh gifte . so me god helpe
L: 4,125 Neo for no mede haue mercy . bote meokenes hit made
L: 4,126 ffor { multu(m) bonu(m) } -th-e mon . mette with
{ irremuneratu(m) } [aaAx]
L: 4,127 Nec { multu(m) malu(m) } lawe wolde -th-(a)t schulde beo { Inpunutu(m) }
L: 4,128 Lat -th-y confessour sir kyng . construe -th-e hit
in englyssch [aaAx]
L: 4,129 And -gh-ef -th-(o)u worche hit in werk . I wedde
bothe myn eres [aaAx]
L: 4,130 -Th-(a)t lawe schal beo a laborer . & lede on
feild donge [aaAx]
L: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-y lond . in leynthe & in
brede [aaaAx]
L: 4,132 Clerkes -th-(a)t weore confessours . coupled togedre
L: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-is clause . & declyned
faste [aaAx]
L: 4,134 Bote -th-o reson among -th-eose renkes . rehersed
-th-eose worde[s] [aaAx]
L: 4,135 And -th-(er) was mon in -th-e mote halle . more
ny lasse [aaAx]
L: 4,136 -Th-at no huld resou(n) a maister & mede . meochel
wreche [xaaAx]
L: 4,137 Loue lat of hire light . and lough hire to skorne
L: 4,138 And saide hit with so loude steuene . -th-(a)t sothfastnes
hit her[de] [aaAx]
L: 4,139 Whoso wilneth hire to wif for weole or for worschipe
L: 4,140 Bote -gh-ef he beo kokewold of kynde . kutte of
my nose [aaAx]
L: 4,141 Waryn wisdom -th-o . ny witty his fere [aaAx]
L: 4,142 Kou-th-en not karpen a word . to withsegge resoun
L: 4,143 Bote stareden for studyeng . and stoden al stonyed
L: 4,144 The kyng acorded . & kneow soth resones sawas
L: 4,145 And rehersed -th-at reson . hadde right fullich
schew[ed] [aaAx]
L: 4,146 Bote hit is wel hard by myn hed . to bryng -th-is
abow[te] [aaAx]
L: 4,147 And alle my lege leodes . to lede -th-us euene [aaAx]
L: 4,148 By him -th-(a)t reste on -th-e rode . q(uo)d resou(n)
to -th-e kynge [aaAx]
L: 4,149 Bote y reoule -th-us oure rewme . rent owt my rybbes
L: 4,150 -Gh-ef -th-at hit beo -th-(a)t buxsumnes . beo of
myn assent [aaAx]
L: 4,151 By goode god q(uo)d -th-e kyng y graunte wel -th-anne
fol. 118r
L: 4,152 Beo my counseil come . of clerkes and eorles [aaAx]
L: 4,153 Bote redeliche reson . -th-ou schalt not ryden hennes
L: 4,154 ffor as longe as me is lant the lyf . leete -th-e
ynulle [aaAx]
L: 4,155 y am redy q(uo)d reson . to reste with -gh-ow euer
L: 4,156 So consience beo of -gh-oure counseil . kepe y no
bettre [aaAx]
L: 4,157 y graunte wel q(uo)d -th-e kyng . so me god helpe
L: 4,158 Als longe as y libbe schal . lyue we togedre [aaAx]
L: 5,1 The kyng & his knyghtis . to -th-e kirke wenten
L: 5,2 To here matyns & masse . & to mete after [aaAx]
L: 5,3 -Th-enne waked I of my wynkyng . & wo was me withal
L: 5,4 -Th-at I no hadde sleped sadder . and yseyen more
L: 5,5 Ar y hadde faren a forlong . feyntise me hente [aaAx]
L: 5,6 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,7 y sat softely doun . and saide my beleue [aaAx]
L: 5,8 And so y babled on my beodes . -th-ey broghte me on
slepe [aaAx]
L: 5,9 -Th-anne saw y mychel more . -th-an y foretelle [aaXx]
L: 5,10 ffor y saw -th-e feld ful of folk . -th-at y byfore
of tolde [aaAx]
L: 5,11 And consience with a cros . come for the prechynge
L: 5,12 And preyed -th-eo people . haue pite on heom seoluen
L: 5,13 Bote he p(ro)ued -th-at -th-e pestilence . was for
heore synne [aaAx]
L: 5,14 And the southwest(er)ne wynd . at satteresday at
euene [abAb]
L: 5,15 Was apertely for pruyde . & for no poynt elles
L: 5,16 Piryes & plomtrees . were poffet to -th-e eorthe
L: 5,17 In ensaumple segges . -th-at -gh-e scholde do -th-e
bettre [aaAx]
L: 5,18 Beches & brode okes . weore blowe to -th-e grounde
L: 5,19 And torned vppeward -th-e tayl . in toknyng of drede
L: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne ar domesday . schal fordon heom
alle [aaAx]
L: 5,21 Of -th-is mater y myghte . muche mamele & longe
L: 5,22 Bote I schal sayn as y sygh . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
L: 5,23 How consience with a cros . kraftyliche kan prechen
L: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) go worche . what he best couthe
L: 5,25 And wynne -th-(a)t he wasted . wi-th- som maner werke
L: 5,26 And praied peornel . hire proude porfile to leue
L: 5,27 And kepe hit in hire coffre . for catel at nede [aaAx]
L: 5,28 Thom(a)s he taughte . to take toughe staues [aaAx]
L: 5,29 And facchen felice hom . fro wymmen pyne [aaAxx]
L: 5,30 He warned watte . witerly his wife was to wite [aaAx]
L: 5,31 -Th-at hire hed was of hygher pris -th-an feol for
hire state
L: 5,31 ffor hit passed a pound -th-e pletes weore so monye
L: 5,31 And his hood hyghely yholde hit worth a grote [abAb]
L: 5,32 He charged chapmen . to chastisen heore children
L: 5,33 Lat no wonnyng forwanyen heom . whil they beon -gh-onge
L: 5,34 He praied prelates . & preostes putten heom togedre
L: 5,35 And preche -th-e people . & preoue hit heom seoluen
L: 5,36 And libbeth as -gh-e leren vs . we woln loue -gh-ou
-th-e bettre [aaAx]
L: 5,37 And sithe he radde religioun . heore reoule to holde
L: 5,38 And liue with a lowe heorte oure lord for to serue
L: 5,39 ---line om---
L: 5,40 And -gh-e -th-at sechen seynt Iame . and seyntes
at rome [aaAx]
L: 5,41 Sechith seynt treouthe . for he may -gh-ou sauen
alle [aaAx]
L: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) & filio } . faire mote -gh-e falle
L: 5,43 Than ran repentaunce . & reherced his teme [aaAx]
L: 5,44 And made wil to weopen water . with his eyghnen [aaaAx]
L: 5,45 Peornel proud herte . plat hire to -th-e eorthe [aaAx]
L: 5,46 And lay longe or heo loked . & oure lord mercy
cried [aaaAx]
fol. 118v
L: 5,47 And byhyghte to him . -th-(a)t vs alle maked with his
myght [aaAx]
L: 5,48 He wolde vnsowen heore schorte . & sette -th-er
an here [aaAx]
L: 5,49 ffor to affeyten heore flesch . -th-at fresch was
to synne [aaAx]
L: 5,50 Schal neuer hyghe heorte me hente . bote holde me
low[e] [aaaAx]
L: 5,51 And suffre to beo myssaide . & so dude y neuer
L: 5,52 Bote now wol I meoke me . & mercy byseche [aaAx]
L: 5,53 Of -th-at I haue had enuye . in myn heorte [aa?a]
L: 5,54 -Th-e lechoure saide alas . & on oure lady gradde
L: 5,55 To make mercy of his misdede . bytweone god & his
sou[le] [aaaXx]
L: 5,56 With -th-(a)t he scholde -th-e satteresday . seuen
-gh-er -th-erafter [aaAx]
L: 5,57 Drynke bote wi-th- -th-e doge . & dyne bote ones
L: 5,58 Enuye with heuy heorte . asked after schryfte [aaaAx]
L: 5,59 And karfulliche his gult . bygynneth he to schewe
L: 5,60 He was as pale as a pobet . in -th-e palsye he semet[h]
L: 5,61 And clothed in a kaurymaury . coude y hit not discry[e]
L: 5,62 A kirtel & a courtepy . a knyf by his syde [aaAx]
L: 5,63 Of a frere frocke . weoren his fore sleues [aaAx]
L: 5,64 As a leek longe leyen . in the hote sonne [aaAx]
L: 5,65 So loked he with lene chekes . lourynge foule [aaAx]
L: 5,66 His body was ybolned for wrathe . -th-(a)t he bot
his lippe[s] [aaxAx]
L: 5,67 And wrothly he wrong his fuste . to wreken hi(m)
he [-th-oghte] [aaAx]
L: 5,68 With werkes or wordes . when he sawe his tyme [aaAxx]
L: 5,69 Of leosardes or of lobbes venym hath me laghte
L: 5,70 And walweth in my wombe . & worcheth me wrath[e]
L: 5,71 -Th-at I mighte not mony day don . as a man aughte
L: 5,72 Suche wynd in my wombe . waxeth ar y dyne [aaAx]
L: 5,73 I haue a neygheboure nygh me . I haue nuyed hi(m)
of[te] [aaAx]
L: 5,74 And blamed him byhynde his bak . to brynge him into
d[efame] [aaaAx]
L: 5,75 To apeire him by my power . I haue p(ur)sued feole
sithe[s] [aaAx]
L: 5,76 And eke bylowen him to lordes . to don him leose
seol[uer] [aaAx]
L: 5,77 And mad his freondes beon his fon . -th-orgh my false
wo[rdes] [aaAx]
L: 5,78 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,79 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,80 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,81 When I mette him in market . -th-at I so muche hated
L: 5,82 y halsed him so hendeliche . so I his freonde weore
L: 5,83 He is doghtier -th-an I y dar . none harm him done
L: 5,84 Bote hadde I maistry & myght . y wolde him mayme
[for euere] [aaAx]
L: 5,85 When I come to -th-e kirke . & kneole to -th-e
rode [aaAx]
L: 5,86 y pray for -th-e people . as -th-e preost techeth
L: 5,87 --- this line om ---
L: 5,88 -Th-an crie I on my kneoes . -th-at crist -gh-ef
hom sorwe [aaAx]
L: 5,89 -Th-at bar away my bolles . & my broken schetes
L: 5,90 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,91 y byholde byholde byhynde me on a neowe kote ha[ue]
L: 5,92 -Th-anne wyssche y hit weore myn . & al -th-e
web afte[r] [aaAx]
L: 5,93 Of his leosyng y laghwe . hit lightenes myn heorte
L: 5,94 Bote of his wynnyng y weope . & weyle -th-e while
L: 5,95 I deme men -th-ey don eouel & -gh-et do y worse
L: 5,96 y wolde vche wy-gh-e . weore my knaue in -th-is world
w[onyng] [aaAx]
L: 5,97 And whad -th-(a)t hath more -th-an I . he angereth
myn heor[te] [aaAa]
L: 5,98 Thus y lyue loueles . lyk a leother dogge [aaAx]
L: 5,99 -Th-at al my breste bolneth . for bittre of my galle
L: 5,100 May no sugre no swete thing . swage hit an ync[he]
L: 5,101 Ny no diapendion . dryue hit fro myn heorte [aaAx]?
L: 5,102 And -th-a(n)ne -gh-ef any schryft scholde . hit
saue semed hit [a gret wondir] [aaAx]
L: 5,103 -Gh-us redely q(uo)d repentaunce . & radde him
to gode [aaAx]
L: 5,104 And saide sorwe for synne . saueth ofte wel manye
fol. 119r
L: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuye . y am bote seilden othir [aaAx]
L: 5,106 And maketh me so mad . -th-at I no may me venge
L: 5,107 -Th-anne come couetise . y can him noght discryue
L: 5,108 bote hong(ur)liche & lowe . sir heruy he loketh
L: 5,109 He was bitelbrowed & baberlipped . w(i)t(h)
twey blered yghnen [aaAx]
L: 5,110 And eken as a lethren pors . lolleden bothe his
chekes [axAx]
L: 5,111 In a torn tabard . of twenty wynter age [aaAx]
L: 5,112 A lous myghte not launce -th-(er) on for failyng of
L: 5,112 bote he hadde beo schod with forst naile schrap
al abowte
L: 5,113 He scholde not haue wandred on -th-(a)t wede . for
wa(n)tyng of wolle [aaAx]
L: 5,114 I haue q(uo)d -th-(a)t kaityf couetouse beo . I knowe
hit now here [aaAx]
L: 5,115 ffor som tyme y serued . to symond atte nokke [aaAx]
L: 5,116 And was his prentise plight . his p(ro)fite to loke
L: 5,117 And furste I leorned to lyen . a lef or tweye [aaAx]
L: 5,118 Wickedly to weyen . was my furste lesson [aaAxx]
L: 5,119 To wynchestre & to woborne . I went to -th-e
faire [aaAx]
L: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) marchandise . -th-at my maister
myd medled [aaAx]
L: 5,121 No had -th-e g(ra)ce of gyle . gon among my ware
L: 5,122 Hit had vnsold beon -th-is seouen -gh-eir . so me
god saue [aaAxx]
L: 5,123 -Th-an drogh I me among drapers . my donet to lere
L: 5,124 To drawe -th-e listes along . on teyntre we hit
tileden [aaAx]
L: 5,125 Among -th-e riche raynes . y rendred -th-e same
lesson [aaAx]
L: 5,126 And broched with a paknelde . & platted heo(m)
togedres [aaAx]
L: 5,127 Putte heom in a pressour . & peyned heom -th-erynne
L: 5,128 Til ten -gh-ardes or twolue . tolden oute -th-rettene
L: 5,129 My wyf was a wynnest(re) . for to spynne hit softe
L: 5,130 --- this line om ---
L: 5,131 -Th-e pound -th-at heo paied . heom by passed a
qwarter [aaAx]
L: 5,132 More -th-an myn owne deode . when y weye trewthe
L: 5,133 y boghte hire barlich . heo brewed hit to seolle [aaAx]
L: 5,134 Penyale & pylewile . ofte heo poured togedres
L: 5,135 ffor laborers & litel folk . -th-at lyued by
heom seoluen [aaAx]
L: 5,136 -Th-e beste in my bed chaumber . lay by -th-e benche
L: 5,137 And whoso drong -th-erof . boght hit -th-erafter
L: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wot no lasse [aaAx]
L: 5,139 When hit come in coppemel . -th-at crafte my wif
vseth [aaAx]
L: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratour . whos rykeneth right was hire
nam [aaAx]
L: 5,141 Heo hath holden hoxtrie . wel elleoue wynter [aaAx]
L: 5,142 Bote I swere now to -th-e . -th-at synne schal y
leue [aaAx]
L: 5,143 And neuer wickedlich weye . no wicked chaffare make
L: 5,144 Bote wenden to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyf alse
L: 5,145 And bid -th-e Rode of Bromholm . brynge me oute
of [synne] [aaAx]
L: 5,146 Now by gille glotou(n) . for to go to schrifte [aaAx]
L: 5,147 And kaireth him to chircheward . his schrift for
to [schewe] [aaAx]
L: 5,148 And beton -th-e bribester . bad him god morwen [aaAx]
L: 5,149 And eke asked of him . whideward he wolde [aaAx]
L: 5,150 To holy chirche q(uo)d he . for to here a masse
L: 5,151 And seothen beo schryuen wol y . & synnen no
mo[re] [aaAx]
L: 5,152 y haue good ale q(uo)d heo . to glotoun with good
heorte ass::: [aaAx]
L: 5,153 hastow oght q(uo)d he . of any hote spices [aaAx]
L: 5,154 Ya glotou(n) gossipe q(uo)d heo . I am not al boute
L: 5,155 I haue garlek & greynde papir & parys . & fenelsed
for ::::::: [aaAx]
L: 5,156 & -th-ou kepest bote -th-e coos of aknyues haft tofore -th-e::::::
fol. 119v
L: 5,156 ffor I wot in my wit what -th-y wombe wilneth
L: 5,157 -Th-anne goth glotou(n) yn . & grete othes after
L: 5,158 And kytte -th-e sowest(er) . -th-at sat softe on
hire benche [aaAx]
L: 5,159 Watte -th-e weuer . and his wyf bothe [aaAx]
L: 5,160 Tome -th-e tynkere . & tweyne of his knawes
L: 5,161 Hykke -th-e hakeneyman . -th-at coude wel heue -th-e
coppe [aaAx]
L: 5,162 Clarice of kockeslane . -th-at klatre can faste
L: 5,163 Dawe -th-(er) was & dolfyn . & a doseyn
othir [aaAx]
L: 5,164 Harry bribo(ur) a ratoner . & a raker of chepe
L: 5,165 A roper & a redyngkyng . & Rose -th-e disscher
L: 5,166 Of vpholders an hepe . erly by -th-e morwen [aaAx]
L: 5,167 -Gh-euen glotou(n) with glad chere . to hansel a
galon of good [ale] [aaAbb]
L: 5,168 Clement -th-e kobler . caste of his cloke [aaAa]
L: 5,169 And at -th-e neowe faire . nempned hit to seolle
L: 5,170 Hikke -th-e ostiler . hitte his hod sone after [aaAa]
L: 5,171 And bad Bette -th-e bocher . beon on his by halue
L: 5,172 -Th-(er) weore chapmen chosen . -th-(a)t chaffare
to preysen [aaAx]
L: 5,173 ffor who so -th-e hod hadde scholde amendes haue
L: 5,173 Of him -th-at -th-e cloke had & -th-at heom
thoghte skille [aaXx]?
L: 5,174 -Th-o risen vp in rape . & rowneden togedres [aaAx]
L: 5,175 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,176 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,177 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,178 Til robyn -th-e roper . was Irad to rise [aaAa]
L: 5,179 And nempned him for nounpiere . -th-(a)t no debate
ar[os] [aaAa]
L: 5,180 Hicke -th-eo hostiler . -th-a(n)ne hadde -th-e cloke
L: 5,181 In couenaunt -th-(a)t clement . scholde fulle -th-e coppe [aaAx]
L: 5,182 And haue hicke hod hostiler . & holde him yserued
L: 5,183 And repentid rathest . scholde arise after [aaAx]
L: 5,184 And grete sir glotou(n) . with a galon ale [aaAx]
L: 5,185 -Th-(er) was laghyng & louryng . & let go
-th-e coppe [aaAx]
L: 5,186 Bargayns & beuerages . bygonnen to arise [aaAx]
L: 5,187 And seten so til euesong . & songon wel murie
L: 5,188 Til glotou(n) -th-orgh -th-e golet let glide . to
galons & a g[ille] [aaAa]
L: 5,189 Vche tyme -th-at he pissed more -th-en a potel -th-(er)
L: 5,190 And with -th-(a)t he blew -th-e rounde rewet . at
his riggebe[nes eynde] [aaAx]
L: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-at herde -th-(a)t horn . heeld
heore nose after [aaAa]
L: 5,192 And wissched -th-at hit had beon waxed . w(i)t(h)
a wysp of fi[rses] [aaAx]
L: 5,193 He had no streynthe to stondon . ar he his staf
hadd [aaAx]
L: 5,194 And -th-anne can he gon . god wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
L: 5,195 Hiderward & -th-edirward auaunt & arere
L: 5,196 As whos laide lynes . to lacche alle foules [aaAx]
L: 5,197 When he drogh to -th-e dore . -th-en dy(m)med his
eyghne[n] [aaAx]
L: 5,198 He stomblod on -th-e -th-rosschald . & threw
to -th-e eorth[e] [aaAx]
L: 5,199 -Th-(a)t with al -th-e woo of -th-is world . his
wif & his wenche [aaAa]
L: 5,200 Beren him to his bed . & broghten him -th-erynne
L: 5,201 And after al his sorfet . an accesse he hadde [aaxAa]
L: 5,202 -Th-at he slepte settresday & sonday . til so(n)ne
-gh-ede to s[ofte] [aaaAx]
L: 5,203 -Th-an waked he of his wynkyng . & wiped his
eygne[n] [aaAx]
L: 5,204 -Th-e furste word -th-at he spak was . wher is -th-e
bol[le] [aaAx]
L: 5,204 -Th-an his wif at his word wratthede sore
L: 5,205 And blamed him -th-(a)t he wolde ay beon so bold to
synn[en] [aaAx]
L: 5,205 And for to leden suche lif -th-at leosed wel monye
L: 5,205 And made heom haue heore home in helle for [euer]
L: 5,206 -Th-an was he aschamed -th-at schrewe . & gan
schrapen hi[se eyne] [aaAx]
L: 5,207 And bygan to grede grymly . & gret deol to make
fol. 120r
L: 5,208 ffor his luther lif . -th-(a)t he so longe lyued hadde
L: 5,209 And avowed wel faste . for hongor or for thirste
L: 5,210 Schal neu(er) fisch on friday . defye in my wombe
L: 5,211 Ar abstinence myn aunte . haue -gh-euen me leue
L: 5,212 And -gh-et y haue hated hire . al my lif tyme [aaAxx]
L: 5,213 Slouthe for sorwe . feol doun yswowe [aaXa]
L: 5,214 Til vigilate -th-e veile . fet water at his eyghnen
L: 5,215 And flat hit on his face . & faste on him cried
L: 5,216 And saide war -th-e for wanhope . he wol -th-e bytraye
L: 5,217 I am sory of my synnes . say to -th-y seoluen [aaAa]
L: 5,218 And -th-y seolf on -th-y brest . & bid him of
grace [aaAx]
L: 5,219 ffor is -th-(er) no gult here so gret . -th-(a)t
his godnes is more [aaAx]
L: 5,220 -Th-an sat slouthe vp . & signed him faste [aaAx]
L: 5,221 And made avowe tofore god . for his foule slouthe
L: 5,222 Schal no soneday beo -th-is seouen -gh-eir . bot
seknes hit make [aaAx]
L: 5,223 -Th-at I no schal dighte me ar day . & do me
to -th-e chirche [aaAx]
L: 5,224 And here masse & matyns . als I a monk were
L: 5,225 Schal none ale after mete . holden me -th-ennes
L: 5,226 Til I haue euensong herd . I hote to -th-e rode
L: 5,227 And -gh-et wol I -gh-elden a-gh-eyn . -gh-ef I so
muche haue [aaAxx]
L: 5,228 Al -th-at I wickedly wan . seothe I wit hadde [aaAx]
L: 5,229 And -th-agh my liflode lacke . leue I no wol [aaAx]
L: 5,230 -Th-at vche mon schal haue his . or I hennes wende
L: 5,231 And with -th-e resydewe & -th-e remenant . by
-th-e rode of chester [aaAx]
L: 5,232 y wol seche seynt treouthe . or I seo rome [axAx]
L: 5,233 rebard -th-e robbo(ur) . on reddite he loked [aaAx]
L: 5,234 Bote for -th-(er) was not wher with . he weopte
wel sore [aaAx]
L: 5,235 Bote -gh-et -th-e synful schrewe . saide to him
seoluen [aaAa]
L: 5,236 Crist -th-at on caluarie . apon -th-e cros dyedest
L: 5,237 -th-o dismas my brother bysoghte -th-e of grace
L: 5,238 And -th-(o)u hadest mercy on -th-at mon . for memento
sake [aaAx]
L: 5,239 -Th-y wil worth apon me . as I haue wel deserued
L: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er) . -gh-ef -th-at hope no
weore [aaAx]
L: 5,241 So reowe on -th-is Robart . -th-at red non no haueth
L: 5,242 No neuer wene to wynne . wi-th- crafte -th-at he
knowe [aaAxx]
L: 5,243 Bote for -th-y muchel mercy . mytigaciou(n) y beseche
L: 5,244 And dampne me not on domesday . for I dude so ille
L: 5,245 Bote what byfeol of -th-is feolou(n) . I kan not
faire schewe [aaAx]
L: 5,246 Wel I wot he weopte faste water . with his eyghnen
L: 5,247 And knoweleched his gult . to crist -gh-et eftesones
L: 5,248 -Th-at penitencia his pyk . scholde polessche neowe
L: 5,249 And lepe with him ouer lond . al his lif tyme [aaAx]
L: 5,250 ffor he had leye by latro . lucifers aunte [aaAx]
L: 5,251 A thousand -th-o . thryngen togedres [aaAx]
L: 5,252 Weopyng & weylyng . for heore wicked dedes [aaAx]
L: 5,253 Kryeden vpward to crist . & to his leoue modur
L: 5,254 To haue grace to gon with a good wille
L: 5,254 To seche seynt treouthe . god leue -th-(a)t -th-ey
so mote [aaAx]
L: 6,1 Agh -th-er weore fewe men so wys . -th-at -th-e way
couthe [aaAx]
L: 6,2 Bote bleoseden forth blusteryng as bestes . ou(er)
hulles & [dales] [aaAx]
L: 6,3 Til late & longe . -th-at -th-ey a Leod metten
L: 6,4 Ip(ar)ailed as a palmare . in pilgrymes wise [aaAx]
L: 6,5 He bar a bordon ybounden . with a brod liste [aaAx]
fol. 120v
L: 6,6 In a wrethewyndes wise . ywounden al aboute [aaAx]
L: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar by his syde [aaAx]
L: 6,8 An hundred of saumples . on his hat seten [aaAx]
L: 6,9 Synes of synay . and schelles of galys [aaAx]
L: 6,10 And mony a crouche on his cloke . & keyes of
rome [aaAx]
L: 6,11 And a vernycle byforn . for men scholde him know
L: 6,12 And seon by his signes . whom he soght hadde [aaAx]
L: 6,13 This folk frayned him faire . from whe(n)nes -th-(a)t
he com [aaaAxx]
L: 6,14 ffro synay he saide . & fro -th-e seynt sepulcre
L: 6,15 At beodlehem at babiloyne . I haue beon in bothe
L: 6,16 In Ermony in alisaunder . in mony othir places [aaAx]
L: 6,17 -Gh-e mown seon on my signes . -th-at sitten on myn
[hat] [aaAx]
L: 6,18 -Th-at I haue walked wel wide . in wete & in
drye [aaaAx]
L: 6,19 And soght gode seintis . for my soule helthe [aaAx]
L: 6,20 Knowest -th-(o)u oght a corseynt q(uo)d -th-ey .
-th-(a)t men callen tro[uthe] [aaAx]
L: 6,21 Konst -th-ou wissen vs -th-e wey . -th-er -th-(a)t
wyghe dwell[e-th-] [aaAx]
L: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . saide -th-e gome -th-anne [axAx]
L: 6,23 y sawe neuer palmer with pyk . no with skryppe [aaXx]?
L: 6,24 Asken euer after him . er now in -th-is place [aaAxx]
L: 6,25 Peter q(uo)d a plogh mon . and putte forth his hed
L: 6,26 y knowe him as kyndelich . as clerk doth his bokes
L: 6,27 Clene consience & wit . me kenneth to his place
L: 6,28 And dude me ensuren him sithen . to serue for eue[re]
L: 6,29 Bothe sowe & sette . whiles y swynke myghte [aaAx]
L: 6,30 I haue beon his folewer . al -th-is fourty wynter
L: 6,31 Bothe sowen his seed . & sywed his bestes [aaAx]
L: 6,32 And keped his korn . & caried hit to house [aaAx]
L: 6,33 Dyked & doluen . and don what he hoted [aaAx]
L: 6,34 Withynne & withoute . & wayted his p(ro)fite
L: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laborer in -th-is lordschipe . -th-at
he loueth bette[r] [aaAx]
L: 6,36 ffor -th-augh I say hit my seolf . I serued him to
paye [aaAx]
L: 6,37 y haue myn huyre of him . & othirwhiles more
L: 6,38 He is -th-eo prestest paier . -th-at pore men knowen
L: 6,39 He withhald non hyne his huyre . -th-at he no hit
bath at [eue] [aaAx]
L: 6,40 He is als lowe as a lombe . & loueliche of speche
L: 6,41 And -gh-ef -gh-e wilneth to wite . wher -th-(a)t
he dwellyth [aaAx]
L: 6,42 y schal wissen ow wel . ry-gh-t hom to his place
L: 6,43 -Gh-e leoue piers q(uo)d pilgryms . & p(ro)fereden
him huyre [aaAx]
L: 6,44 Nay by -th-e p(er)il of my soule . q(uo)d pers & can
faste swe[re] [axAx]
L: 6,45 I nolde fonge a ferthyng . for seynt thom(a)s schryne
L: 6,46 Trouthe wolde loue me -th-e lasse . a long while
-th-(er)a[ftir] [abBa]
L: 6,47 Bote -gh-e -th-at wilnen to wende . -th-is is -th-e
way -th-yde[r] [aaAx]
L: 6,48 -Gh-e mot go -th-orgh meokenesse . bothe men & wyues
L: 6,49 Til -gh-e come to consience . -th-at crist wite -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
L: 6,50 -Th-at -gh-e louen him leuer . -th-an -th-e lif in
-gh-oure heort[is] [aaAx]
L: 6,51 And -gh-oure neyghebours nexte . in none wise apa[yre]
L: 6,52 O-th-er wise -th-an -gh-e wolde men . wroghte to
or se[olue] [aaAx]
L: 6,53 And so bowes forth by a brok . beoth boxsom of sp[eche]
L: 6,54 forto -gh-e fynde a forde . -gh-oure fadres -gh-e
honoure [aaAx]
L: 6,55 Wadyth into -th-at wat(ir) . & wassche -gh-e
ow wel -th-ere [aaAx]
L: 6,56 And -gh-a schule lepe -th-e lythtloker . al -gh-our
lif after [aaAx]
L: 6,57 So schal -gh-e seo . swer not bote -gh-ef hit beo
for [nede] [aaAx]
fol. 121r
L: 6,58 And namelich on ydel . -th-e name of god almyghty [aaAx]
L: 6,59 -Th-ane schule [-gh-e] come by a croft . bote come
not -th-erynne [aaAx]
L: 6,60 -Th-e crofte hatte coueite not no . mannes catell
L: 6,61 No heore wifes no heore seruauns . -th-(a)t nuyen
heom myghte [axAx]
L: 6,62 Loke -th-(o)u breke no bogh . -th-(er) bote -gh-ef
hit beo -th-yn owne [aaAx]
L: 6,63 Two stockes -th-(er) stondeth . bote stynt -th-(o)u
noght -th-ere [aaAx]
L: 6,64 -Th-ay hatten steol not no slee not . stryk forth
by bothe [aaAx]
L: 6,65 Lef heom on -th-y lifte half . & loke not -th-erafter
L: 6,66 And hold wel -th-yn haliday . hye til euen [aaAa]
L: 6,67 -Th-a(n)ne schaltow blenche at berwh . bere no fals
witnes [aaAx]
L: 6,68 He is fretted with floryns . and fees wel manye [aaAx]
L: 6,69 Loke -th-ou plukke no plante . -th-(er) for p(er)il
of -th-y soule [aaAx]
L: 6,70 And schaltow seo . sithe so hit beo to done [aaAx]
L: 6,71 And loke -th-(a)t -th-(o)u lie not . for no manes
byddyng [aaXx]
L: 6,72 -Th-a(n)ne schaltow come to a courte . as cler as
-th-e sonne [aaAx]
L: 6,73 -Th-eo mote is of mercy . -th-at -th-e maner encloseth
L: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles beon of wit . to holden wil
-th-(er)owte [aaAx]
L: 6,75 -th-eo cornels beon of cristendom . -th-(a)t kynd
is for to kepen [aaAx]
L: 6,76 And boterased with byleue so . or -th-ou bes notes
saued [aaAx]
L: 6,77 Alle -th-e houses beon heoled . halles & chaumbres
L: 6,78 [With no led] bote with loue . as bretheren of a
wombe [aaaXx]
L: 6,79 -Th-eo tour -th-(er) treouthe . is him seolf is vp
to -th-e sonne [aaXx]
L: 6,80 He may do wi-th- -th-e day steorre . what him deore
likyth [aaAx]
L: 6,81 Deth dar not don thyng . -th-at he defendeth [aaAx]
L: 6,82 Grace hatte -th-e gateward . a good mon forsothe
L: 6,83 His men hatte amende -th-(o)u . for mony men he knoweth
L: 6,84 Tel him -th-is tokene . treouthe wot -th-e sothe
L: 6,85 y p(er)formed -th-e panaunce . -th-e prest me enioyned
L: 6,86 And am sory for my synnes . & so schal I euer
L: 6,87 When I thenke -th-(er)on . -th-eygh y weore a pope
L: 6,88 Biddeth amende -th-(o)u meokyn him . to his maister
L: 6,89 Ones to wayue vp -th-e wyket . -th-at -th-e whye
schette [aaAx]
L: 6,90 When adam & Eue . eten heore bane [aaAx]
L: 6,91 ffor he hath -th-e keye of -th-e clyket . -th-agh
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
L: 6,92 And -gh-ef grace graunte . -th-e to gon yn in -th-is
tyme [aaAx]
L: 6,93 -Th-ou schalt seon trouthe himseolf wel . sitte in
-th-yn heorte [aaAx]
L: 6,94 And lere -th-(o)u for to loue him . & his lawes
holden [aaAx]
L: 6,95 And beo war -th-enne of wratthe . -th-at wicked schrewe
L: 6,96 ffor he hath enuye to him . -th-(a)t in -th-yn heorte
sitteth [aaAx]
L: 6,97 And poketh forth pruyde . to preisen -th-y seoluen
L: 6,98 -Th-e boldnes of -th-y bienfait-gh- . makith -th-e
blynd -th-anne [aaAx]
L: 6,99 So worst -th-(o)u dryuen as dew . & -th-e dore
closed [aaAx]
L: 6,100 ykeyed & yclyketed . to kepe -th-e -th-eroute
L: 6,101 Happely an hundred wynt(er) . or -th-ou efte entre
L: 6,102 -Th-us myghtestow leosen his loue . to lete wel
by -th-y seoluen [aaAx]
L: 6,103 & hit geten a-gh-eyn -th-orgh grace . & -th-orgh
no -gh-efte elles [aaAx]
L: 6,104 Bote -th-(er) arn seouen sustres . -th-(a)t seruen
trouthe euer [aaAx]
L: 6,105 And beon port(er)s to -th-e postornes . -th-(a)t
to -th-e place longeth [aaAx]
L: 6,106 -Th-at on hatte abstinence . & humylite anothir
L: 6,107 Charite & chastite . beon his tweye maydenes
L: 6,108 Pacience & pees . muchel folk -th-ey helpen
L: 6,109 Largenesse -th-e lady . lat yn wel manye [aaAx]
L: 6,110 Bote who is sib to -th-is sustres . so me god helpe
fol. 121v
L: 6,111 He is wondurlich welcome . & faire vndurfonge
L: 6,112 Bote -th-agh -gh-e beo sibbe to so(m)me . of -th-eose
seouen [aaA]?
L: 6,113 Hit is wel hard by myn hed . to any of -gh-ou alle
L: 6,114 To gete in -gh-ong at eny gate . bote grace beo
-th-e [better] [aaaAx]
L: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a kuttepurs . y haue no kyn -th-ere
L: 6,116 Ne y q(uo)d an apewart . by oght -th-at I knowe
L: 6,117 Wite god q(uo)d a wafrer . wiste I -th-at forsothe
L: 6,118 Scholde neu(er) a fote forther . for no frere prechyng
L: 6,119 -Gh-us q(uo)d Piers ploghmon . & plocked hire
to gode [aaAx]
L: 6,120 Mercy is a maiden -th-er . hath myth ouer heom al[le]
L: 6,121 And heo is sibbe to alle synful . & hire sone
alse [aaAx]
L: 6,122 And -th-orgh -th-e help of heom two . hope -th-(o)u
none oth[ir] [aaAa]
L: 6,123 -Th-ou myght gete g(ra)ce -th-er . so -th-ou go
by tyme [aaAx]
L: 7,1 Thys weore a wel wicked wey . bot ho hadde a gyd[e]
L: 7,2 -Th-at myghte folewe vs vche a fote . for to we weor[e
-th-er] [aaAxx]
L: 7,3 Quod Perkyn -th-e ploghmon . by seynt poule apostel
L: 7,4 y haue an half acre of hered lond . by -th-e hyghe
weye [aaAx]
L: 7,5 y schal hye me in haste til I haue hit done [aaAx]?
L: 7,6 And -th-anne wol I wandre . til -gh-e beon there [aaAx]
L: 7,7 -Th-is weore along lettyng . q(uo)d a lady -th-(a)t
loured in hire [scleire] [aaAx]
L: 7,8 What schule we wy(m)men . worche in -th-e mene wh:::
L: 7,9 So(m)me schal sowe -th-e sak . for schedyng of whete
L: 7,10 And -gh-e wyues -th-(a)t hauen wolle . worches hit
faste [aaAx]
L: 7,11 Spynneth hit spedlich . spareth not -gh-oure fyngres
L: 7,12 Bote -gh-ef hit beo halyday . or elles holy euen
L: 7,13 Loketh forth oure lynnen . & laboreth -th-(er)on
faste [aaAx]
L: 7,14 -Th-e nedy & -th-e naked . nymeth -gh-eme how
-th-ey ligge [aaAx]
L: 7,15 Kasteth heom clothes for colde . for so wilneth trout[he]
L: 7,16 ffor I schal lene heom liflode . bote -gh-ef -th-e
lond fail[e] [aaAx]
L: 7,17 Als longe as I lyue . for -th-e lordes loue of heouene
L: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyes . with oure longe fyngres
L: 7,19 -Th-at han seolk & sandel . sowe hit when tyme
is [aaAx]
L: 7,20 Chesibles for chapeleyns . chirches to honoure [aaAx]
L: 7,21 And alle maner of men . -th-at by -th-e mete libbeth
L: 7,22 Helpe heom worche wightelich . -th-at wynneth -gh-oure
[foode] [aaAx]
L: 7,23 By crist q(uo)d a kny-gh-t -th-o . -th-ou kennest
vs -th-e beste [aaAx]
L: 7,24 Bote a better teme . taught was me neuer [aaAx]
L: 7,25 Bote kenne me now q(uo)d -th-e knyght . for cristes
loue of [heouene] [aaAx]
L: 7,25 how y schal my lif lede & libbe -th-er after
L: 7,26 By seynt Poule q(uo)d Perkyn . -th-(o)u proferest
me wel low[e] [aaAx]
L: 7,27 And -th-erfore schal I swynke . & sowe for vs
bothe [aaAx]
L: 7,28 And eke labouren for -th-y loue . al my lif tyme
L: 7,29 In couenaunt -th-at holichirche -th-(o)u kepe & myseoluen
L: 7,30 ffrom wastours & wicked men . -th-(a)t wolden
vs destruy[e] [aaAx]
L: 7,31 And go honte hardiliche . to hares & to foxe
L: 7,32 To Roes & bokkes . -th-at breketh myn hegges
L: 7,33 And facche hom faukons . -th-e foules to kulle [aaAx]
L: 7,34 ffor theose cometh to my croft . & croppeth my
whete [aaAx]
L: 7,35 -Th-e knyght konned him thonk and cortesly saide
L: 7,36 By my power Piers . I plighte -th-e my trouthe [aaAx]
L: 7,37 To fulfulle -th-is foreward . whil -th-at I may stande
L: 7,38 -Gh-e and -gh-et a poynt q(uo)d Perkyn . I praye
-th-e more [aaAx]
L: 7,39 Loke -th-ou teone no tenaunt . bote trouthe wol assen[t]
L: 7,40 And -th-augh pore men profre . -gh-ou presens and
-gh-eftes [aaAx]
fol. 122r
L: 7,41 Nyme hit not . on auter -th-ou may :::::::::::::::::::
L: 7,42 ffor -th-ou schalt -gh-eilde hit a-gh-eyn . at :::
-gh-eris :::: [aaAx]
L: 7,43 In a wel perilouse place . -th-at purg[atorie hatti-th-]
L: 7,44 And mysbeode not -th-y bondemen . -th-e bet -th-ou
[schalt] spede [aaAx]
L: 7,45 And -th-at -th-(o)u beo treowe of -th-y tonge . & tales
:::: [hate] [aaAx]
L: 7,46 Bot -gh-ef hit beo of wisdom or of wit . -th-y werkmen
to chasten [aaAx]
L: 7,47 Hold with none harlotes . no here not here tales
L: 7,48 And namelich at -th-e mete . suche men eschewe [aaAx]
L: 7,49 ffor hit arn -th-e deoles dyso(ur)s . y do -th-e
to vndurstonde [aaAx]
L: 7,50 y asente by seynt Iame . q(uo)d -th-e knyght -th-enne
L: 7,51 ffor to worche by thy word . -gh-e whil my lif dureth
L: 7,52 And I schal app(ar)aile me q(uo)d perkyn . in pilgryms
wise [aaAx]
L: 7,53 And wende with -gh-ou -th-e wey . til we fynde treuthe
L: 7,54 He caste on his clothes . clouted and hole [aaAx]
L: 7,55 His cokeres & his coffes . for colde of his nayles
L: 7,56 And hang his hopre at his hals . in steode of a scripe
L: 7,57 A bosschel of bred corn . bryng me he had her ynne
L: 7,58 ffor I wol sowen hit my seolf . & seothen I wol
wende [aaAx]
L: 7,59 And whoso helpeth me to eryen . or any thyng to swynke
L: 7,60 Schal haue by heouene -th-e more hyre in heruest
L: 7,61 And maken him mury with -th-e corn . whoso hit bygrucche
L: 7,62 And alle maner of crafty men . -th-at konne lyue
in trouthe [aaAxx]
L: 7,63 y schal fynde heom fode . -th-at feythfulliche libben
L: 7,64 Saue Iacke -th-e jogelour . and Ionete at -th-e styues
L: 7,65 And Robyn -th-eo rybauder . for his rousty wordes
L: 7,66 Treuthe tolde me hit ones . & bad me tellen hit
forther [aaAx]
L: 7,67 { Deleantur de libro } . I scholde noght dele with
heom [axAx]
L: 7,68 ffor of heom holy chirche askith no tithe { Et cu(m)
iust(is) no(n) scribant(ur) } [aaXa]
L: 7,68a --- this line om ---
L: 7,69 -th-at -th-ey beon ascaped goode auenture . now god
heo(m) amende [aaXx]
L: 7,70 Dame worche when tyme . is Piers wif is cleped [axAx]
L: 7,71 His doghter hatte do right so . or -th-ou schalt
abugge [aaAx]
L: 7,72 His sone hitte suffre . -th-y- souereynes for to
haue heore wille [aaAx]
L: 7,73 And deme heom noght for -gh-ef -th-ou dost . -th-(o)u
schalt h(i)t sore ::::::: [aaAx]
L: 7,74 Lat god worche withal . for so his word techeth [axAx]?
L: 7,75 ffor now I am old & hor . and haue of myn owene
L: 7,76 To penance & to pilgrymage . I wol passe with
-th-eose o-th-(er) [aaAx]
L: 7,77 ffor-th-y I wol ar y wende . don wryte my byquyste
L: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Ame(n) } . I make hit my seoluen
L: 7,79 He schal haue my soule -th-at best hath deserued
L: 7,80 And defende hit fro -th-e feond . for so I byleue
L: 7,81 Til y come to his acountes . as my crede techeth
L: 7,82 To haue a relees & a remyssion . on -th-at trental
I trowe [aaAx]
L: 7,83 -Th-e chirche schal haue my kareyne . & kepe
my bones [aaAx]
L: 7,84 ffor he of corn & of my catel crawed -th-eo toy-th-e
L: 7,85 y paied hit him prestly . for peril of my soule [aaAx]
L: 7,86 He is halden I hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
L: 7,87 And mengen in his memory . among alle cristen [aaAx]
L: 7,88 My wif schal haue of -th-at I wan of . with treuthe & :::::::
L: 7,89 And delen among my freondis . & my deore child::::
L: 7,90 ffor -th-agh I dye today . my dettes beon paied [aaAx]
L: 7,91 y bar hom -th-at I borewed . er I to bedde -gh-eode
L: 7,92 And with -th-e resydue & -th-e remenant . by
-th-e rode of ::::::: [aaAx]
L: 7,93 y wol worschipe -th-erwith . treuthe in my lyue [aaXx]
L: 7,94 And beon his pilgrym at -th-e plogh . for pore :::::::::
L: 7,95 My plogh pot schal beon my pykstaf . & pyche
::::::: [aaAx]
fol. 122v
L: 7,96 And helpe my coltre to kerue . & clanse -th-e forewes
L: 7,97 Now is piers & -th-e pilgryms . to -th-e plogh
faren [aaAx]
L: 7,98 To heryen -th-is half acre . holpen him monye [aaAx]
L: 7,99 Dychers & deluers . doluen vp -th-e balkes [aaAx]
L: 7,100 -Th-erwith was Perkyn paied . & preised heom
-gh-eorne [aaAx]
L: 7,101 Other werkmen -th-er were . -th-(a)t wroghten wol
faste [aaAx]
L: 7,102 vche mon on his maner . made him seolf to done [aaAx]
L: 7,103 And so(m)me to pleese perkyn . pyked vp -th-e weodes
L: 7,104 At hygh prime Piers . lette -th-e plough stonde
L: 7,105 To [o]uerseon heom himseolf . whoso best wroghte
L: 7,106 Scholde beon hyred -th-(er)after . when heruest
tyme com[e] [aaAx]
L: 7,107 -Th-an seten so(m)me . & songen faste at -th-e
nale [aaAx]
L: 7,108 And holpen to heryen -th-e half acre . with hey
trolly loll[y] [aaaAx]
L: 7,109 By -th-e prynce in paradys . q(uo)d Piers -th-o
in wrathe [aaAx]
L: 7,110 Bote -gh-ef -gh-e rise -th-e rathere . & rape
-gh-ou to worche [aaAx]
L: 7,111 Schal no greyn -th-at here groweth . glade -gh-ou
at nede [aaAx]
L: 7,112 And -th-augh -gh-e dye for defaute . -th-e deouel
haue -th-at rec[che] [aaAx]
L: 7,113 -Th-e(n)ne weore faito(ur)s aferd . and feyned heom
blynde [aaAx]
L: 7,114 So(m)me leyden heore leg(es) on lyry . as suche
losels konne [aaaAx]
L: 7,115 And pleyned to Piers . with suche pytouse wordes
L: 7,116 We hauen no lymes to labouren with . [lord Ithanked
be -gh-e] [aaAx]
L: 7,117 Bote we preyen for -gh-ou Piers . & for -gh-oure
plogh bothe [aaAx]
L: 7,118 -Th-at god of his grete grace . oure greyn multiplie
L: 7,119 And -gh-eilde -gh-ou for oure almes . -th-at -gh-e
-gh-euen vs here [axAx]
L: 7,120 ffor we mowe nou-th-(er) swynke no swete . such
seknesse v[s eile-th-] [aaAx]
L: 7,121 -Gh-ef hit beo soth . -th-at -gh-e sayn I schal
sone aspie [axAa]
L: 7,122 -Gh-e beon wastours y wot wel . & trouthe wot
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
L: 7,123 And I am his hold hyne . & aughte him to warne
L: 7,124 Suche wastours in world . his werkmen distryeth
L: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ey scholde eten . -th-at heryen
for vs alle [aaAa]
L: 7,126 Bote trouthe schal teche -gh-ou . his tem for to
dryue [aaAx]
L: 7,127 Bothe to setten & sowe . and sauen his til-th-e
L: 7,128 Kaire crowes from his korn . kepen hise bestes [aaAx]
L: 7,129 Or -gh-e schulen ete barly bred . & -th-e brok
drynke [aaAx]
L: 7,130 Bote -gh-ef he beo blynd or brokeschanked . or bedrede
L: 7,131 -Th-ey schuln ete as good y so me god helpe [????]
L: 7,132 Til god of his grete grace . graunte hom to arise
L: 7,133 Ancres & heremytes . -th-at holden hom in heore
cell[is] [aaAx]
L: 7,134 Schulen haue of myn almes . al -th-e while y libbe
L: 7,135 Ynogh vche day at none . & no more or morewe
L: 7,136 Leste heore flesch & -th-e feond . fouled heore
soule [aaAx]
L: 7,137 Ones at none is ynogh . -th-at no werk vseth [aaAxx]
L: 7,138 He abideth wel -th-e bettre . -th-at bo(m)meth not
ofte [aaAx]
L: 7,139 -Th-anne can wastour arise . & wolde haue yfought[e]
L: 7,140 To Piers -th-e ploghman . he p(ro)fered his gloue
L: 7,141 A bretoner a bragger . he bosteth him alse [aaAx]
L: 7,142 And bad him go pisse with his plogh . pelled schre[we]
L: 7,143 Woltow or nyltow . we woln haue oure wille [axAa]
L: 7,144 Of -th-y flour & of -th-y flesch . fette when
vs likyth [aaAx]
L: 7,145 And maken vs mury with al . maugre -th-y chekes
L: 7,146 -Th-anne Piers -th-e ploghmon . pleyned him to -th-e
kn[i-gh-t] [aaAx]
L: 7,147 To kepen him a couenaunt . was for corsed schre[wis]
L: 7,148 ffro wastours -th-(er) wayten . wynners to schenden
L: 7,149 Curteisl::: ::: kny-gh-t -th-anne . as his kynde
wolde [aaAx]
L: 7,150 Warned wastour . to worche and wynne bettre [aaAx]
fol. 123r
L: 7,151 Or by -th-e ordre -th-at I beore -th-(o)u schalt hit
deore abugge [????]
L: 7,152 I was not wont to worche q(uo)d wastour . now I
wol not byg[y(n)n] [aaaAx]
L: 7,153 And let lightlich of his lore . & eke of him
seoluen [aaAx]
L: 7,154 And acounteth Piers at a peose . & his plogh
after [aaAx]
L: 7,155 And manassed him & eke his men . when -th-ey
next mette [aaXa]
L: 7,156 Now by p(er)il of my soule q(uo)d pers . I schal
enpeire -gh-ou alle [axaAx]
L: 7,157 And hoped after honger . -th-at herde him atte firste
L: 7,158 Awreke me on wastors q(uo)d piers . -th-at -th-is
world schendith [aaxAx]
L: 7,159 Hong(ir) on haste hente wastour by -th-e mawe [aaAx]
L: 7,160 And wrong him so by -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t bo his
eynen wattred [aaAx]
L: 7,161 And boffet so bretoner . wel aboute -th-e chekes
L: 7,162 -Th-at he loked lyk a launterne . al his lif after
L: 7,163 He beot heom so bothe . barst ner heore mawes [aaAx]
L: 7,164 No hadde Piers with a peose lof . preied him byleue
L: 7,165 And with a bene batte . busked heom bytwene [aaXx]
L: 7,166 And hitte hong(uer) -th-erwith . amydde bothe lippes
L: 7,167 -Th-(a)t he bledde into -th-e bodyward . a bolle
ful of growel [aaAx]
L: 7,168 No hadde -th-e fisysien furst . defended him water
L: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly bred . & -th-e bones ygrounde
L: 7,170 -Th-ey had beo ded by -th-is day . & doluen
al warme [aaAx]
L: 7,171 ffaytours for fere . flowen into bernes [aaAx]
L: 7,172 And flapten on with flayls . from morwe til euen
L: 7,173 -Th-at hongor nas not hardy . on heom for to loken
L: 7,174 ffor a potful of peoses . -th-at Piers hadde ymaked
L: 7,175 A gret hepe of heremytes . henten heom spades [aaAx]
L: 7,176 And doluen dryt & donge . to dutte oute hongor
L: 7,177 Blynd & bedreden . weore botened a thousand
L: 7,178 -Th-(a)t layen for blynd . & for brokelegged
by -th-e hygh waye [xaAx]
L: 7,179 Hongor heom heled wel sone . with an ote kake [aaAx]
L: 7,180 And lame me(n)nes lymes . were leched -th-at [tyme]
L: 7,181 And bycome knaues . to kepe pers bestes [aaAx]
L: 7,182 And preyeden pytously p(ar) charite . with piers
for to ::::: [aaAx]
L: 7,183 Al for couetise of his korn . to kayre awey hongor
L: 7,184 And Piers -th-(er)of was proud & putte heom
in offices [aaAx]
L: 7,185 And -gh-af heom mete & mone . as -th-ey myghte
deser[ue] [aaAx]
L: 7,186 -Th-a(n)ne had Piers pite . & preied hongor
to wende [aaAx]
L: 7,187 Hom into his owne erthe . & holden him -th-(er)
for euer [aaaAa]
L: 7,188 And -th-(a)t I pray q(uo)d Piers . er -th-ou passe
forther [aaAx]
L: 7,189 Of beggers & bydders . what best beo to done
L: 7,190 ffor I wot wel beo -th-ou w[ent] . -th-ay wol worche
wel [ille] [aaaAx]
L: 7,191 Mescheif hit maketh . -th-ey beon so meoke nouthe
L: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us faste -th-ey worchen
L: 7,193 And -th-ey beon my blody brethren . for god made
vs alle [aaAx]
L: 7,194 Treuthe taghte me ones . to loue heom vchone [aaAx]
L: 7,195 And helpen heom of al thyng . after -th-at heom
nedeth [aaAx]
L: 7,196 Now wold I witen -gh-ef -th-ou wistest . whad weore
-th-e beste [aaaAx]
L: 7,197 And how I myghte amaistren heom . & make heo(m)
to worche [aaAx]
L: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hongry . & hold hit for a wisdam
L: 7,199 Bolde beggers & bygge . -th-(a)t mowe heore
bred byswynke [aaaAx]
L: 7,200 W(i)t(h) houndes bred & hors bred . hold vp
heore heortes [aaAa]
L: 7,201 And abate heom with benes . for bollyng of heore
::::: [aaAx]
L: 7,202 & -gh-ef -th-e gromes grucche . bad heo(m) go & swynke
L: 7,203 And he schal soupe swett(er) . when he hath hit
des::::: [aaXa]
L: 7,204 Bot -gh-ef -th-(o)u fynde [any] freke . -th-(a)t
[fortune hath] :::::: [aaAx]
fol. 123v
L: 7,205 With fuyr or with fals men . fond suche to knowen
L: 7,206 Comforte heom with katel . for cristes loue of heouen
L: 7,207 Loue heom & lene heom . & so -th-e lawe
of kynde wolde [aaAx]
L: 7,208 And eke al maner of men . -th-at -th-(o)u myght
aspyen [aaAx]
L: 7,209 -Th-at nedy beon or naked . & noght han to despende
L: 7,210 With mete or with monee . let heom beo -th-e bettre
L: 7,211 Or with werk or with word . -th-e while -th-(o)u
art here [aaAx]
L: 7,212 Mak -th-e frendes -th-(er)with . & so math(eu)
vs techith { Facite vo[bis] a[micos] } [aaAx]
L: 7,212a --- this line om ---
L: 7,213 y wold not greue god q(uo)d Piers . for al -th-e
good on eorth [aaxAx]
L: 7,214 Myghte y synneles don as -th-ou saist . saide Piers
-th-anne [aaXx]
L: 7,215 -Gh-e I byhote -th-e q(uo)d hongo(ur) . or elles
-th-e bible lyeth [aaAxx]
L: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e geaunt . engendror of vs alle
L: 7,217 In sudore & swynk . -th-(o)u schalt -th-y mete
tilye [aaAx]
L: 7,221 He schal go begge & bidde . & no mon bete his hongo(ur) [aaAx]
L: 7,218 Bote laboure for -th-y liflode . & so oure lord
hyghte [aaAx]
L: 7,219 And sapience saith -th-e same . I saw hit in -th-e
byble [aaAx]
L: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . no fold wolde he
tylye [aaBbx]
L: 7,221 He schal go begge & bidde . & no mon bete
his hongor [aaAx]
L: 7,222 Mathew with -th-e ma(n)nes face . techeth -th-eose
wordes [aaAx]
L: 7,223 -th-at { S(er)uus nequa(m) } hath a nam . & for
he nolde hit vs[e] [aaAx]
L: 7,224 He hadde a maugre of his maister . for eu(er) more
-th-(er)a[ftir] [aaAx]
L: 7,225 And bynome his name . for he nolde worche [aaAx]
L: 7,226 And -gh-af hit him on haste . -th-(a)t had ten of
his owen [aaAx]
L: 7,227 And sithen sone he saide . -th-at his seruau(n)t
herde [aaAx]
L: 7,228 He -th-(a)t hath schal haue . to helpe -th-er nede
is [aaaAx]
L: 7,229 & he -th-(a)t noght nath . noght schal haue
ny no mon him [helpe] [aaAa]
L: 7,230 And -th-(a)t he weneth wel to haue . I wol -th-(a)t
hit fro hi(m) beo [reued] [aaAx]
L: 7,231 Kynde wit wolde . -th-at iche wight scholde worche
L: 7,232 Or with techyng or with tellyng . or trauailyng
of hond[is] [aaAx]
L: 7,233 Actif lif or contemplatyf . crist wolde hit alse
L: 7,234 -Th-eo saut(er) seith . in a spalme of { beati omnes
} [aaAx]
L: 7,234a A vers -th-(a)t bygynneth { labores manuu(m) tuar(um)
q(uia) mandu[cabis] } [Latin]
L: 7,235 He -th-at geteth his fode her . with trauaile of
his hondes [aaXa]
L: 7,236 God -gh-eue-th- heom his blessyng -th-(a)t heore
liflode so wynneth [????]
L: 7,237 -Gh-et y pray -th-e q(uo)d Piers . p(ar) charite
-gh-ef -th-ow konne [aaAxx]
L: 7,238 Any leef of lechecrafte . -th-ou lere hit me anone
L: 7,239 ffor so(m)me of my s(er)uauns . beon seke othir
whiles [aaAx]
L: 7,240 Of al -th-e weke -th-ey worcheth not . so heore
wombe aketh [aaAx]
L: 7,241 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 7,242 -Th-ey han manged to mukel . -th-at maketh heom
grone ofte [aaAx]
L: 7,243 Bote I hote -th-e q(uo)d hongor . as -th-(o)u -th-yn
hele wilnest [aaAx]
L: 7,244 -Th-at -th-(o)u drynke no day . or -th-ou somwhad
dyne [aaAx]
L: 7,245 Ete nothyn I hote . er honger -th-e take [aaAx]
L: 7,246 And send -th-e of his sause . to sauoure thy lippes
L: 7,247 And kepe som for soper tyme . & sitte noght
to longe [aaAx]
L: 7,248 Arise vp ar appetite . haue eten his fulle [aaAx]
L: 7,249 Lat not sir sorfete . sitten at -th-y borde [aaAx]
L: 7,250 Loue him not for he is a lechour . & lykerous
of tonge [aaAx]
L: 7,251 And after mony maner metes . his mawe is alonged
L: 7,252 And -gh-ef -th-(o)u dyote -th-e -th-us . I dar leye
myn hed [axAx]
L: 7,253 -Th-at fysyk schal his forred hodes . for his fode
selle [aaAx]
L: 7,254 And eke his cloke kalabre . & -th-e knoppes
of golde [aaAx]
L: 7,255 And beo fayn by my fay . his fysyk to leten [aaAx]
L: 7,256 And leorne to laboren with lond . leste liflode
him faile [aaaAx]
L: 7,257 -Th-er arn mo lyers -th-an leches . lord heom amende
fol. 124r
L: 7,258 -Th-ey don men dye -th-orugh heore drynkes . er destenye
hit wolde [aaAx]
L: 7,259 By seynt Poule q(uo)d Piers . -th-eose arn p(ro)fitable
wordes [aaAx]
L: 7,260 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 7,261 Wend -th-(o)u when -th-y wille is . -th-at wel beo
-th-ou euer [aaAx]
L: 7,262 I byhote -th-e q(uo)d hongo(ur) . -th-at hennes
nul y wende [aaAx]
L: 7,263 Er y haue dyned by -th-is day . & ydronke bothe
L: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d Piers . pulettes to bugge
L: 7,265 Nou-th-(er) gees no grys . bote two grene cheses
L: 7,266 A fewe croddes & crem . and an hauer kake [aaXa]
L: 7,267 A lof of benes & bren . ybake for my children
L: 7,268 And -gh-et I say by my soule . y haue no salt bacou(n)
L: 7,269 Ny no kokeney by crist . colopes with to frye [aaAx]
L: 7,270 Bote I haue p(er)cile & porret . and mony cole
plantes [aaAx]
L: 7,271 And eke a kow & a kalf . and a kart mare [aaAx]
L: 7,272 To drawe on feld my donge . whiles -th-e droghte
lastes [aaAx]
L: 7,273 By -th-is liflode y moste lyue . vnto lammas tyme
L: 7,274 By -th-at I hope to haue . heruest at home in my
krofte [aaAx]
L: 7,275 -Th-anne may I dighte -th-y dyner . atte fulle as
-th-e deore likyn [aaAx]
L: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore people . peosekoddes -th-ey fette
L: 7,277 Benes & bake apples . -th-ey broghten in heore
lappes [aaAx]
L: 7,278 ::::::::::::::::::::: . and ripe chiryes manye [aaAx]
L: 7,279 And p(ro)fered Piers -th-is present . to plese -th-erewith
hong(ur) [aaaAx]
L: 7,280 Hongor set in -th-at haste . and axed after more
L: 7,281 -Th-anne -th-is folk for fere . fetten him suche
monye [aaAx]
L: 7,282 Of grene porets and peoses . to plesen him -th-ey
wolde [aaAx]
L: 7,283 By -th-at nyghed neor heruest . -th-(a)t neowe korn
com to chepyng [aaAbb]
L: 7,284 -Th-a(n)ne was folk fay(n)n . & fedde honger
with -th-e beste [aaAx]
L: 7,285 With good ale & glotony . -th-ey garte him swythe
to slepe [aaAx]
L: 7,286 And -th-o nolde wasto(ur) worche . bote wandren
aboute [aaAx]
L: 7,287 Ny no begger ete bred . -th-at benes or barlych
yn come [aaAx]
L: 7,288 Bote koket or clermatyn . mad of clene whete [aaAx]
L: 7,289 Ny no halpeny ale . in none wise drynken [aaAxx]?
L: 7,290 Bote of -th-e beste & of -th-e bronneste . -th-(a)t
breowesters sellen [aaAx]
L: 7,291 Laboreres -th-at hauen no lond . to lyuen on bote
heore hondes [aaAx]
L: 7,292 ::::::: to dyne . on dayes nyght holde wortes [aaAx]
L: 7,293 May no penyale heom paye . ny no pece of bakoun
L: 7,294 Bote -gh-ef hit beo fresch flesch . or fresch fysch
yfryed [aaAaa]
L: 7,295 And { chaud & plus chaud } . for chillyng of
heore nailes [aaAx]
L: 7,296 Bote he beo hyghliche I huyred . elles wol he chyden
L: 7,297 -Th-at he was werkmon wroght . warye -th-e tyme
L: 7,298 And -th-anne korse -th-e kyng . & al -th-e counseil
after [aaAx]
L: 7,299 Suche lawes to loken . laborers to chasten [aaAx]
L: 7,300 Bote whil hongor was heore maister wold -th-(er)
non chyde [????]
L: 7,301 No stryue a-gh-eyn his statute . so steornely he
loked [aaAx]
L: 7,302 y warne -gh-ou werkmen . wynneth whil -gh-e mowe
L: 7,303 ffor hongo(ur) hyderward . hasteth him faste [aaAx]
L: 7,304 He schal awake -th-orugh water . wastors to chasten
L: 7,305 Or syn beo fulfulled . suche fomen schal arise [aaAx]
L: 7,306 Thorgh flodes & -th-orgh foule wedres . fruytes
schule fal:: [aaAa]
L: 7,307 And -th-us seith satorne . & sent -gh-ou to
warne [aaAx]
L: 8,1 Treuthe herde telle herof . and to Piers sente [aaAxx]
L: 8,2 To taken his teme . and tilye -th-e eorthe [aaAx]
L: 8,3 And purchased him a pardou(n) . { a pena & a culpa
} [aaAx]
L: 8,4 ffor him and for his heyres . for eueremore :::: [aaAa]
fol. 124v
L: 8,5 And bad him holden him at home . & eryen his layes
L: 8,6 And alle -th-at holpen hendely . to heryen & to
sowen [aaAx]
L: 8,7 Of any maner mester . -th-at myghte Piers availe [aaAx]
L: 8,8 Part in -th-at p(ar)don . -th-e pope hath ygranted
L: 8,9 Kynges & knyghtes . -th-at kepen holy chyrche
L: 8.10 And rightfulliche in rewme . reulen -th-e people
L: 8,11 Han pardon in purgatorie . to passen wel sone [aaAx]
L: 8,12 With patriarkes in paradys . to pleyne -th-(er)after
L: 8,13 Bisshopes -th-at blessen . and bothe lawes konne
L: 8,14 Loken on -th-at lawe . & lere men -th-at othir
L: 8,15 And beoreth heom on heore bak . as heore baner schewe
L: 8,16 And prechen heore persons . -th-eo peryles of synne
L: 8,17 And how -th-e scabbed . schal heore wolle sauen [aaAxx]?
L: 8,18 Han pardon with apostles . when -th-ey passen hennes
L: 8,19 At -th-e day of dome . at heore dayes to sytten [aaAx]
L: 8,20 Marchauns in -th-e margyn . haden mony -gh-eres [aaAx]
L: 8,21 Bote none { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope nolde
heom grau[nte] [axAx]
L: 8,22 ffor -th-ei holdith noght heore haly dayes . as holy
chirche te[che-th-] [aaAx]
L: 8,23 And for -th-ey swereth by his soule . & so god
moste heo(m) he[lpe] [aaAxx]
L: 8,24 A-gh-eyn clene consience . [heore catel to selle]
L: 8,25 Bote vndur his secret seel trouthe . sent heom a
lett[re] [aaAx]
L: 8,26 And bad heom bugge boldely . what heom best likith
L: 8,27 And sithen sellen hit a-gh-eyn . & saue -th-e
wynnyng [aaAx]
L: 8,28 And maken maisen dieux -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . meseise
men to help[e] [aaAx]
L: 8,29 Wicked weyes . wide wher nedful weore to amende [aaAx]
L: 8,30 And ffeble brugges aboute . -th-at tobroke weore
L: 8,31 Maydenes mayntene & marye . or maken heom no[nnes]
L: 8,32 And pore wydewes -th-at wilnen . no wyues to beon
[after] [aaAx]
L: 8,33 ffynde heom heore fode . for -th-e lordes loue of
heoue[n] [aaAbb]
L: 8,34 Sette scolers to sclole . or to som kynnes kraftes
L: 8,35 Releue -th-ore religiou(n) . and renteth heom bettre
L: 8,36 And y schal sende my seolf . seynt Mychel myn aun[gel]
L: 8,37 -Th-at no deouel schal -gh-ou dere . when -gh-e to
deth go [aaAa]
L: 8,38 -Th-at I no schal senden his soule . sauf into heouen
L: 8,39 And byfore -th-e face of my fader . forme his sete
L: 8,40 Vsure and auarice and othes y defende [????]
L: 8,41 -Th-at no gyle go with -gh-ou . bote -th-e greyth
trouthe [aaAx]
L: 8,42 -Th-an weore marchauns wel murye . & weopen for
ioye [aaAx]
L: 8,43 And -gh-auen wille for his wrytyng . wollen clothes
L: 8,44 ffor he coped -th-us heore clause . -th-ey konned
him gret [mede] [aaAx]
L: 8,45 Men of lawe hadde leste . for lettred -th-ey beon
alle [aaAx]
L: 8,46 And so seith -th-e sawter . and sapience bothe [aaAx]?
L: 8,46a { Super innocentem munera non accipiens a regib(us)
et principib(us) erit merces eius &c } [Latin]
L: 8,47 Of princes & prelatis . heore penciou(n) schal
arise [aaAx]
L: 8,48 And of -th-e pore people . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
L: 8,49 Bute he -th-at spendeth his speche . & spekith
for -th-e p[ore] [aaAx]
L: 8,50 -Th-at is innocent and nedy . & no mon empeyreth
L: 8,51 Comforteth him in -th-at cas . coueyteth not his
god[is] [aaAx]
L: 8,52 Bote for oure lordes loue . lawe for him schewit[h]
L: 8,53 Schal no deouel at his deth day . to dere him haue
my[ghte] [aaAx]
L: 8,54 -Th-at he no worth sikerly saufe . & so -th-e
sauter wittenes[seth] [aaAa]
fol. 125r
L: 8,55 Bote to bugge water no wynd . no wit is -th-e [-th-ridde]
L: 8,56 No wolde neuer holy writte . god wot -th-e sothe
L: 8,57 -Th-eose -th-reo fro thalles . beon throwen among
vs alle [aaAx]
L: 8,58 To waxen and wayten . wher -th-at god lykyth [aaAx]
L: 8,59 His pardon in purgatory . wel petite is y trowe [aaAx]
L: 8,60 -Th-at any mede for mene men . for motyng resceyueth
L: 8,61 -Gh-e legystres & lawyers . -gh-e witen -gh-ef
y lye [aaXa]
L: 8,62 Sithen -gh-e seon hit is -th-us . scheweth to -th-e
beste [aaAx]
L: 8,63 Alle lybbyng laborers . -th-(a)t libben by heore
hondes [aaAx]
L: 8,64 -Th-at treuliche taken . & with trouthe wynnen
L: 8,65 And lyue loue & in lawe . for heore lowe heortes
L: 8,66 Hadde -th-e same absoluciou(n) . -th-at sent was
to Piers [aaAx]
L: 8,67 Beggers no bydders . beoth not in -th-e bulle [aaAa]
L: 8,68 Bote -th-e suggestiou(n) beo soght . -th-(a)t makith
hom to begge [aaAx]
L: 8,69 ffor he -th-(a)t beggeth or byd . bote he haue gret
nede [aaAxx]
L: 8,70 He is fals with -th-e feond . & defraudeth the
nedy [aaAx]
L: 8,71 And eke bygyleth -th-e gyuer by god . agaynes wille
L: 8,72 -Th-ay lyueth not in loue . ny no lawe holden [aaAx]
L: 8,73 They wedden no wy(m)men . [-th-at] -th-ey with delen
L: 8,74 Bote as wylde bestes when heo worthen vp togedre
L: 8,75 And bryngen forth no barnes . bot barnes -th-ey beon
holden [aaAx]
L: 8,76 ffor his bak or his bon . he breketh in his youthe
L: 8,77 And gon & fayten with heore fautes . for euermore
aft(er) [aaAxx]
L: 8,78 -Th-(er) beon mo mysschapen among heom . whoso taketh
hede [aaaXx]
L: 8,79 -Th-en of alle o-th-(er) maner men . -th-at on -th-is
molde wandreth [aaAx]
L: 8,80 -Th-o -th-(a)t -th-us lyuen heore lif . mowe lothe
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
L: 8,81 -Th-at euer was he man wroght . when he schal hennes
fare [xaAx]?
L: 8,82 Bote olde men & o-th-(er) . -th-at helplas beon
of streynthe [aaAx]
L: 8,83 And wy(m)men with childe . -th-at worchen no mowe
L: 8,84 Blynde & bedreden . and broken heore membres
L: 8,85 -Th-(a)t taken -th-is mescheif meokelich . as mesels
anf o-th-(er) [aaAx]
L: 8,86 Han as pleyn pardon . as -th-e plogh mon him seoluen
L: 8,87 ffor -th-e loue of heore lowe heorte . oure lord
hath heo(m) gr(a)unted [aaAx]
L: 8,88 Heore penaunce & heore purgatory . here apon
eorthe [aaAx]
L: 8,89 Piers q(uo)d a preost -th-o . -th-y pardon muste
y rede [aaAx]
L: 8,90 ffor y schal construe vch a clause . & ken hit
heo(m) :::::::::: [aaAx]
L: 8,91 And Piers at his preier . -th-e pardon vnfoldith
L: 8,92 And y byhynden heom bothe . byhuld al -th-e bulle
L: 8,93 In two lynes hit lay . and a litel more [aaAx]
L: 8,94 And was ywryten ryght -th-us . in witnesse [of trouthe]
L: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam } [Latin]
L: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignem eternum } [Latin]
L: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d -th-e preost -th-o . y kan no pardon
[fynd]e [aaAx]
L: 8,98 Bote do wel and haue wel . & god schal [haue
thy soule] [????]
L: 8.99 And do yuel & haue yuel . & hope :::::::::::::
L: 8,100 -Th-at after thy deth day . to helle schal[tou wende]
L: 8,101 And Piers for pure teone . pulled h::::::::::::
L: 8,102 { Si ambulauero in medio umbre :::::::: } [Latin]
L: 8,103 { Non timebo mala quonia(m) ::::::::: } [Latin]
L: 8,104 y schal sese of my sowyng q(uo)d :::::::::::::::::::::::::
L: 8,105 Ne aboute my liflode . so :::: beo ::::::: [aaAx]
fol. 125v
L: 8,106 Of preyers & [penaunce . my plogh schal] beo(n)
her::::: [aaAx]
L: 8,107 And beloure -th-at y lou-gh- . er -th-augh liflode
me fai:: [aaAx]
L: 8,108 [-Th-e prop]hete his payn eet . in penaunce & in
weopyng [aaAx]
L: 8,109 [Be -th-at -th-e sa]uter vs sei-th- . & so duden
moni o-th-er [aaAxx]
L: 8,110 -Th-at loui-th- god lel[ly] . his [liflode is] wel
meth [aaAx]
L: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t michi lacrime mee panes die ac no[cte]
} [Latin]
L: 8,111 [And bote -gh-ef luk lye] . he lereth vs ano-th-er
L: 8,112 [by -th-e foules -th-at we no] scholde not beo to
bysy abowte -th-e lif ioye [????]
L: 8,113 { [Ne soliciti sitis] } . he sei-th- in [gospel]
L: 8,114 & shewith hit vs in ensaumple . (vs seurly)
to wisse [aaAx]
L: 8,115 [-Th-e foulis in] -th-e firmament . who fynd heo(m)
a wyn[ter] [aaAx]
L: 8,116 when [-th-e frost] freosyth . fode heom byhoueth
L: 8,117 Hauen -th-ey no gerner to go to . b[ote] god fynd
heom all[e] [aaAx]
L: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e preost to perkyn . peter, as [me
-th-inke-th-] [aaAx]
L: 8,119 -Th-ou art lettred a litel . who lered -th-e o[n
boke] [aaAx]
L: 8,120 Abstynence myn abbesse . (a.b.c) me taghte [aaAx]
L: 8,121 And consience com aftirward . & kenned me bettre
L: 8,122 weore -th-(o)u a preost Piers q(uo)d he . -th-(o)u
myghtest p(re)che whe[n -th-e likide] [aaAx]
L: 8,123 { Quoniam literatura(m) no(n) cognoui } . -th-at
myght beo -th-y teme [????]
L: 8,124 Lewed [lorel q(uo)d Piers . litel lokest -th-ou
on -th-e] bible [aaxAx]
L: 8,125 On salamonis sawes . [selden] -th-ou byho[ldest]
L: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & iurgia cu(m) eis crescant
} [Latin]
L: 8,126 -th-eo preost and [perkyn . aposid ei-th-er o-th-er]
L: 8,127 And -th-orgh heore wordes y wok . & wayted abowte
L: 8,128 & sagh -th-e sonne [euen]e sou-th- . sitten
-th-at tyme [aaaAx]
L: 8,129 [Meteles] & mone[yles] . on maluarne hulles
L: 8,130 Musyng on -th-is metelis . a myle wey y -gh-ede
L: 8,131 [Manye tyme -th-is metelis . han mad] me to stud[ie]
L: 8,132 [And for P]iers [loue] -th-e ploghmon . wel pensif
in heorte [aaAx]
L: 8,133 [ffor] -th-(a)t y say s[lepyng] . -gh-ef [hit by
so] might [aaAx]
L: 8,134 Ac catoun construi-th- hit nay . & canonistris
bothe [aaAx]
L: 8,134a { [Sompnia] ne cures } [Latin]
L: 8,135 Ac for -th-e bible beri-th- wytnesse [aa??]
L: 8,136 How Daniel deuinide . -th-e dremis of a kyng [aaAx]
L: 8,137 -Th-at nabugodonosor . nempne -th-ise clerkis [aaAx]
L: 8,138 [Daniel saide sire kyng . -th-y] sweuene [is to
mene] [aaAx]
L: 8,139 [-Th-at vncou-th-e kni-gh-tis] schal come . -th-y
ky[ngdom to cleyme] [aaaAx]
L: 8,140 Among lowere lordes . -th-y londis schuln by departid
L: 8,141 As daniel deuinide . in dede hit feol after [aaAx]
L: 8,142 -Th-e kyng les his lordsshipe . & lesse men
hit had [aaAx]
L: 8,143 And yosep mette merueillously . how -th-e mone & -th-e
sonne [aaAx]
L: 8,144 And -th-e enleuene sterris . hailsiden him alle
L: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(uo)d his fadir . for defaute
we schuln [aaAx]
L: 8,146 y myself & my sones . seke -th-e for nede [aaAx]
L: 8,147 [yt befel as his fadir . saide in fara]oes [tyme]
L: 8,148 -Th-at yosep was yustice . Egipt to kepe [aaAx]
L: 8,149 Al -th-is maki-th- me . on metelis to -th-inke [aaAx]
L: 8,150 [Manye tymes at mydni-gh-t . whan] I schdde slepen
L: 8,151 [On Piers -th-e ploghman . whiche a pardon] he hadde
L: 8,152 [And how -th-e prest inpugnid hit] . al by [pure]
reson [aaAx]
L: 8,153 [And demide -th-at dowel . indulgence passi-th-]
L: 8,154 [Bienalis & trienalis] . & bisshop[is] lettres
L: 8,155 [Dowel at -th-e day of dome . is digneliche] ::::urfonde
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L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
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L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
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L: --- this line is omitted ---
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L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
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L: --- this line is omitted ---
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L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
L: --- this line is omitted ---
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