PPLA-J Diplomatic Texts
fol. 16r
J: P,1 In a sumer sesyn . wha(n)ne softe was -th-e su(n)ne
J: P,2 I schope me into -th-e schropbys . a schepe as I were
J: P,3 In habite of an hermyte . vnholy of werkys [aaAx]
J: P,4 I went wide in -th-is werlde . wonders to here [aaAx]
J: P,5 Bot on a Mays mornyng . on mala(ur)on hillis [aaAx]
J: P,6 Me befell a ferly . & fayr(e) me it thowte [aaAx]
J: P,7 I was wery forwandryd . and went me to rest [aaAx]
J: P,8 Vnderneth a brode banke . be a broke syde [aaAx]
J: P,9 And als I lay & laynyd I . kokyd on -th-e wat(er)
J: P,10 I slomberyd into slepyng . and sweuedy(n) ful mery
J: P,11 -Th-an gun I mete . a merue(l)us sweuyn [xaAx]
J: P,12 -Th-at I was in wyldernes . wist I neu(er) war(e)
J: P,13 Bot as I behelde to -th-o est . on heght to -th-o
su(n)ne [aaAx]
J: P,14 I say a t(ur)ret in a toft . trulyche makyd [aaAx]
J: P,15 Depe dalys benethe . a dungyn -th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
J: P,16 W(i)t(h) depe dychis & derk . & dredeful
of syth [aaaAx]
J: P,17 A fayre feld ful of folk . fonde I -th-(er) betwene
J: P,18 Of al maner of men . -th-e pore & -th-e riche
J: P,19 Wyrkyng & wandering . als -th-is werlde askyth
J: P,20 Sume put -th-em to -th-e plowhe . & play-gh-id
ful seldome [aaAx]
J: P,21 In sowing & harowing . and swynkyd ful harde
J: P,22 -Th-(a)t many -th-ies wastowrs . in glotony destroye
J: P,23 And su(m)me put -th-em to -th-e play & p(ri)de
. & playde -th-e(m) -th-(er)after [aaAx]
J: P,24 In countenaunce of clo-th-ing . comyn disgysyde [aaAx]
J: P,25 In prayer & penaunce . put -th-em ful many [aaAx]
J: P,26 ffor -th-e luffe of our(e) lorde . lyfuyd ful strayte
J: P,27 In howpe for to haue . heuenriche blisse [aaAx]
J: P,28 Als ankyrs & Ermytys . -th-at helde -th-em in
her sellys [aaAx]
J: P,29 Couet nought in contre . forto scayr(e) aboute [aaAx]
J: P,30 ffor no lycorus lyflode . -th-er lyh(a)m to plese
J: P,31 Su(m)me chese hem to chaffar(e) . -th-ei cheue wele
-th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
fol. 16v
J: P,32 Os semyth be -th-e marchaundys -th-(a)t mychil welth
haue [aaAx]
J: P,33 And su(m)me myrthis to make . als mynst(ra)ls kone
J: P,34 And gete -th-em gode with -th-(er) gle . synles I
trowe [aaaAx]
J: P,35 Bot Iapers & iangelars . Iudas childer [aaAx]
J: P,36 ffoundes hem fantesy . & foles -th-em makes [aaAx]
J: P,37 --- this line is omitted ---
J: P,38 -Th-at poule p(re)ches of -th-am . I dar(e) not proue
it her(e) [aaAx]
J: P,39 { Qui loquit(ur) t(ur)piloquiu(m) } . is luciferes
hyne [aaAx]
J: P,40 Bidders & beggers . fast about -gh-ede [aaAx]
J: P,41 Till -th-(er) belyes & -th-(er) bagges . wer(e)
full cramed [aaAx]
J: P,42 ffayted for -th-(er) fode . foughten at -th-e ale
J: P,43 In glotony god wote . go -th-ai to bedd [aaAx]
J: P,44 & rys vpp w(i)t(h) rybaudry . robardes knaues
J: P,45 Slouth & slep . sewes -th-ame ev(er) [aaAx]
J: P,46 Pilg(ri)mes & palm(er)es . pyke hem togyder [aaAx]
J: P,47 ffor to seke sent Iame . & sayntes at rome [aaAx]
J: P,48 Went forth on her way . w(i)t(h) many wyse talys
J: P,49 -Th-an had -th-ei leue for to lye . al -th-(er) lyue
after [aaAx]
J: P,50 Ermytes on hepys . w(i)t(h) hokyd stauys [aaAx]
J: P,51 Went unto walsyngh(a)m . & -th-(er) wenchis after
J: P,52 W(i)t(h) grete polys & long . -th-(a)t lothe
wer to swynk [aaAx]
J: P,53 Clothid -th-em in copys . to ben knowyn from o-th-er
J: P,54 And madyn [he(m)] Ermytes . -th-eir ese for to haue
J: P,55 I fonde -th-(er) freris forsothe . alle -th-e four(e)
orders [aaAx]
J: P,56 P(re)chand -th-e pepyl . for p(ro)fete of her wombys
J: P,57 Glosyd -th-e gospel . as hem gode lykyd [aaAx]
J: P,58 ffor q(ua)yntnes of her copys . constru as -th-ei
wolde [aaAx]
J: P,59 Mani of -th-(er) maysters . may clothe -th-em at
lykyng [aaAxx]
J: P,60 ffor mone & marchaundys . mettyn togydyr [aaAx]
fol. 17r
J: P,61 Sethyn charite hath ben chappman . & chef to scriuen
lordes [aaAx]
J: P,62 Many ferlyes haue fallyn . in a few -gh-eris [aaAx]
J: P,63 Bot holy chyrche & he . holdyn togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: P,64 -Th-e most mischeff on mold . ys mou(n)tyng vp fast
J: P,65 -Th-er priked ford a p(ar)doner(e) . a p(re)st as
he wer(e) [aaAx]ay
J: P,66 & brouht forth a bulle . w(i)t(h) bisscoppes
seelys [aaAx]
J: P,67 & seyd -th-(a)t him selue . myth asoylyn hem
alle [aaAx]
J: P,68 Of falsnesse of fastyng . of vowys Ibroken [aaAx]
J: P,69 Lewed men leueden him . & lykyk wele his speche
J: P,70 & kemyn vp knelyng . to kyssyn -th-e bulle [aaAx]
J: P,71 He blenchet w(i)t(h) his breuet . & bleryd her
yen [aaAx]
J: P,72 & raut with his ragman . ringgys & broches
J: P,73 -Th-(us) -gh-e -gh-euyn -gh-our(e) goulde . glotenys
to helppe [aaAx]
J: P,74 & lenyn it losels . -th-(a)t lychery hauntyn
J: P,75 Wer(e) -th-e bysschop blissyd . & worth bothe
his eris [aaAx]
J: P,76 His seele sold not be sent . to seyuyn -th-e peple
J: P,77 Yt is not be -th-e bysschopp . -th-at -th-e boye
p(re)chyt [aaAx]
J: P,78 Ac -th-e parisch p(re)ste & -th-e p(ar)doner(e)
. part(y)n -th-e syluur [aaaAx]
J: P,79 -Th-(a)t -th-e pore peple . suld hauen -gh-if -th-ei
ne wer(e) [aaaXx]
J: P,80 Persons p(re)stly . pleynyd hem to her bysshopp [aaaAx]
J: P,81 -Th-(a)t her parisch ben pour(e) . seyn pestelens
tyme [aaAx]
J: P,82 To haue lycens & leue . at londou(n) to dwelle
J: P,83 To synggyn for symony . for silu(er) is swete [aaAx]
J: P,84 -Th-(er) houedyn an hundred . in hownys of sylk [aaAx]
J: P,85 Seriaundes it semyd . -th-(a)t s(er)uyn at -th-e
barr(e) [aaAx]
J: P,86 -Th-(a)t pledeyn -th-e lawe for penyis & powndes
J: P,87 & nouht for lof of our(e) lorde . vnlesyn h(er)
lippe ones [aaAa]
J: P,88 -Th-(o)u myhtyst bett(or) metyn myst . on maluerne
hilles [aaaAx]
J: P,89 -Th-an getyn a mo(m)me of her mouthe . or mone be
shewyt [aaAx]
fol. 17v
J: P,90 I say bicchops bolde . bacheris of -th-e deuyne [aaAx]
J: P,91 Bekomyn clerkys of acountes . -th-e kyng for to s(er)ue
J: P,92 Erchedekyns & denys . -th-at dignite haue [aaAx]
J: P,93 To prechyn -th-e peple . & pore men to fede [aaAx]
J: P,94 Ben lepyn to londou(n) . for lofe of her byschopes
J: P,95 And ben clerkes of -th-e kynges benche . -th-e cu(n)tre
to schende [aaAx]
J: P,96 Barounys Burges . & bondagys als [aaAx]
J: P,97 I say in a semble . als -gh-e scholyn herin after
J: P,98 Baksterys bocheris . & brewsteris many [aaAx]
J: P,99 Wollen websteris . and weuerys of lyne [aaAx]
J: P,100 Taylo(ur)s and thackers . & tolleris bo-th-e
J: P,101 Masou(n)nys & mi(n)ouris . and many o-th-(er)
craftes [aaAx]
J: P,102 And dykers & delueris . -th-(a)t done her dedys
ille [aaAa]
J: P,103 And driue forth -th-e long day . w(i)t(h) { dei
saue dame Emme } [aaAx]
J: P,104 Cokys & her knaues knauys . cryen hote pyes
J: P,105 Hote gode gees & gris . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
J: P,106 And tau(er)neris tolden to hem . toldyn -th-e same
J: P,107 W(i)t(h) wyn of asoye . & wyn of gascoyne [aaxAx]
J: P,108 And -th-e ryne & -th-e rochell . -th-e rost
to defye [aaAx]
J: P,109 All -th-is I say slepyng . & seuen sythis more
Primus passus
J: 1,1 Qwat -th-e mounte bemenyth . & eke -th-e myrk dale
J: 1,2 & eke -th-e felde ful of folk . I sal -gh-ow fayr
schewe [aaAx]
J: 1,3 A louely leuedy on lere . in lynne(n) Iclothed [aaaAx]
J: 1,4 Kem downe fro(m) -th-(a)t cleffe . & called me
fayre [aaAx]
J: 1,5 & seyde so(n)ne slepis thow . sest -th-(o)u -th-is
peple [aaAx]
J: 1,6 How besy -th-(a)t -th-ei ben now . abowten -th-e mase
J: 1,7 -Th-e most p(ar)ty of -th-is peple . -th-(a)t passyth
on -th-is hye [aaAx]
J: 1,8 Haue -th-ei worchep of -th-is werld . kepyn -th-ei
no bett(ur) [aaAx]
J: 1,9 Of o-th-(er) heuy(n) -th-an heer(e) . holdyn hey no
tale [aaAx]
J: 1,10 I was ferid of her face . -th-of che fair(e) wer(e)
J: 1,11 & seyde m(er)cy madame . qwat is to mene [aaXa]
fol. 18r
J: 1,12 -Th-e toure of -th-e testre q(uo)d che . trewthe is
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
J: 1,13 -Th-(a)t wolde -th-(a)t -gh-e wrowhten . as his worde
techit [aaAx]
J: 1,14 ffor he is fader(e) of feythe . -th-(a)t formed -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
J: 1,15 Bothyn w(i)t(h) fell & w(i)t(h) face . & -gh-af
-gh-ow fyue wyttys [aaAx]
J: 1,16 ffor to worcheppyn him -th-er(e)wyth . qwylis y-gh-e
ben her(e) [aaAx]
J: 1,17 And -th-(er)for he hyed -th-e erth . to helpyn -gh-ow
icheon [aaAx]
J: 1,18 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 1,19 In mesurable man(er) . to maken -gh-ow at ese [aaAx]
J: 1,20 & comaundded of his curtesey . in comen -th-(er)
-gh-inges [aaAx]
J: 1,21 Aru(n) non nedful bot -th-oo . & nemy(n)n hem
I thyng [aaAx]
J: 1,22 & rekken hem be resou(n) . & rehersen hem
afftur [aaAx]
J: 1,23 -Th-(a)t one is vestur(e) . for cheld -th-e nou to
saue [aaAxx]
J: 1,24 -Th-(a)t o-th-(er) is mete at male . for myseys of
-th-i selue [aaAx]
J: 1,25 & dryng qwan -th-(o)u driest . but do nouth out
of resyn [aaAx]
J: 1,26 -Th-(a)t [-th-(o)u] wyrche wers . qwan -th-(o)u wyrchyn
scholdist [aaAx]
J: 1,27 ffor loth in his lifday . for lykyng of dring [aaAx]
J: 1,28 Did be his dowhter . -th-(a)t -th-e deuyl liked [aaAx]
J: 1,29 Delytid in dring . as the deuyl wolde [aaAx]
J: 1,30 And lichery him lauht . & lay be hem bo-th-e
J: 1,31 & al he wyted wyne . -th-(a)t wykked dede [aaAx]
J: 1,32 Drede delicable drink . -th-(o)u schal don -th-e
better(e) [aaaAx]
J: 1,33 Mesure is medcyn . -th-of -th-(o)u mykel -gh-erne
J: 1,34 Al is not goode for -th-e gost . -th-(a)t -th-e gutte
axyt [aaAx]
J: 1,35 Ne lyflode to -th-e lykh(a)m . -th-(a)t leue is to
-th-o sowle [aaAx]
J: 1,36 Leue not -th-i lykh(a)m . for a lyer him ledis [aaAx]
J: 1,37 -Th-(a)t is -th-e wreched werlde . -th-e to bet(ra)ye
J: 1,38 ffor -th-e fende & -th-i fleche . folwyn togydyr(e)
J: 1,39 & -th-(a)t schendeth -th-i sowle . set it in
-th-in hert(e) [aaAx]
J: 1,40 & for -th-(o)u schuldest ben war(e) . I wisse
-th-e -th-e best [xaAx]
J: 1,41 madame m(er)cy q(uo)d I . me lykyth wele -gh-our(e)
wordes [aaAbb]
J: 1,42 Ac -th-e mone of -th-is werld . -th-(a)t men so fast
helden [aaAx]
J: 1,43 Telleth me to hom -th-(a)t tresour(e) apendyth [xxXx]
J: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospell q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t god seyd
him selue [aaAx]
fol. 18v
J: 1,45 -th-e peple him aposyd . with penys in -th-e temple
J: 1,46 If hy scholden wrchepyn . -th-(er)with cesar -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
J: 1,47 And god axed of hem [of qwo(m)] spekyth -th-e lectur(e)
J: 1,48 And wat -th-e image [was] . -th-(a)t -th-(er)in standis
J: 1,49 Cesar -th-ei seyde . we seen wele Ichone [axAx]
J: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(uo)d god . -th-at { cesar }
befallith [axAx]
J: 1,51 { Et q(ue) su(n)t dei deo } . or -gh-e don ille [aaAx]
J: 1,52 ffor ryhtfullyche resou(n) . schulde rewlyn -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
J: 1,53 And kynde witte ben wardeyn . -gh-oure welthe to
kepe [aaAx]
J: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of -gh-oure tresour(e) . & takyn
-gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
J: 1,55 ffor husbandry & he . holden togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 1,56 -Th-an fre[y]ned I her fayr(e) . for him -th-(a)t
her made [aaAxx]
J: 1,57 -Th-(a)t doungen in -th-at dale . -th-(a)t dredful
is of syht [aaAx]
J: 1,58 Qwat may it bemene . madame I -gh-ow beseke [aaAx]
J: 1,59 -Th-(a)t is -th-e castel of car(e) q(uo)d che . qwo
so cometh -th-(er)In [aaAx]
J: 1,60 May bannyn -th-(a)t he bore was . to body or to sowle
J: 1,61 -Th-(er)in woneth a wyht . -th-(a)t wrong is Ihotyn
J: 1,62 ffader of falshede . he fonde it him selue [aaAx]
J: 1,63 Adam & Eue . he heggyd to ille [aaAa]
J: 1,64 & councelde kayme . to kyllyn his broder(e) [aaAx]
J: 1,65 Iudas he Iapede . w(i)t(h) Iuen syluer(e) [aaAx]
J: 1,66 And syyn on a elderine . hangyn him aft(er) [aaAa]
J: 1,67 He is swyche a lett(er) of lof he . gillith hem alle
J: 1,68 -Th-(a)t treston to his treso(ur) . tyid aru(n) so
fast [aaAx]
J: 1,69 -Th-an had I wond(ir) in my wytte . wat wo(m)ma(n)
it wer(e) [aaAa]
J: 1,70 -Th-(a)t swych wyse wordes . of holy writ schewyd
J: 1,71 I axed hir(e) on -th-e hye name . or sche -gh-ede
-th-enne [aaAx]
J: 1,72 Qwat sche was wytt(er)ly . -th-(a)t wissed me so
fayr(e) [aaAx]
J: 1,73 Holy chirche I am q(uo)d sche . -th-(o)u axist me
to knowe [aaAx]
J: 1,74 I vnderfonged -th-e first . & -th-e -th-i faythe
tawhte [aaAx]
J: 1,75 -Th-(o)u browhtes me borowhes . my(n) bidding to
wirche [aaAx]
J: 1,76 To louen me leelly . qwylys -th-i lyue durith [aaAx]
J: 1,77 -Th-an knelid I on my knes . & cried he(re) of
grace [aaAx]
J: 1,78 & p(ra)yed her petowsly . to prayen for my synnys
fol. 19r
J: 1,79 And als it kenyn [me] kyndeli . on criste to beleue
J: 1,80 -Th-(a)t I myht werchyn his wille . -th-(a)t wrowht
me to man [aaAx]
J: 1,81 Techit me no tresor . but tellit me -th-is ilke [aaAx]
J: 1,82 Howe I may sauyn my sowle . -th-(a)t seynt art Ihotyn
J: 1,83 Qwan alle tresors aru(n) tried . treu-th-e is -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 1,84 I do it on { deus karitas } . to demyn -th-e sothe
J: 1,85 It is derworth drewry . as der god him selue [aaAx]
J: 1,86 Ho so is trowe of [h]is tonge . tell he euel of non
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 1,87 And do gode werkys -th-(er)with . & wil no ma(n)
ylle [aaAx]
J: 1,88 He is in god be -th-e Gospell . on grounde & on
lofte [aaAx]
J: 1,89 & eke lyke to our(e) lorde . be sent lukes wordes
J: 1,90 -Th-e clerkys -th-(a)t knowy(n) [it] . schud kenny(n)
it abowten [aaAx]
J: 1,91 ffor cristen & vncristen . cleymyn it ichon [aaAx]
J: 1,92 Kynges & knyhtes . schuld kepyn be resou(n) [aaAx]
J: 1,93 & rydyn & rapyn dou(n) . in rewmys aboute
J: 1,94 ffor to takyn trespasoures . & teyen hem fast
J: 1,95 Til trewthe had t(ur)nyd . her(e) trespas to -th-e
ende [aaAx]
J: 1,96 ffor dauid in his dayes . dubbyd knyhtes [aaAx]
J: 1,97 & did hem swer(e) on her(e) swerde . to s(er)uen
truthe eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 1,98 -Th-is is -th-e p(ro)fessyon ap(er)tly . -th-(a)t
longith to knyhtes [aaAx]
J: 1,99 & ffastyn a friday . in fyue score wynt(er) [aaAx]
J: 1,100 But holden w(i)t(h) him & w(i)t(h) h(er)e .
-th-(a)t axedyn trewthe [aaaAx]
J: 1,101 And neu(er) leue(n) hem for luffe . ne lacching
of -gh-iftys [aaAx]
J: 1,102 And ho so passet -th-at poynt . is apostata in his
order(e) [aaAx]
J: 1,103 And crist kyng of knyhtys . knyttid -th-(a)t tyme
J: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphin . & seuen moo o-th-er(e)
J: 1,105 & -gh-af hem myht in his mageste [aaAx]
J: 1,106 & ou(er) al his meyne made hem archangels [aaXx]?
J: 1,107 Tawht hem -th-orow -th-e t(ri)nite . trewthe to
knowe [aaAx]
J: 1,108 To ben boxom at his biddyng . he bad hem nouth ell(is)
J: 1,109 Lucifer w(i)t(h) legiou(n)es . lernyd it in heuene
J: 1,110 And was luflikest . of syht aft(er) our(e) lorde
der(e) [aaXa]
J: 1,111 Tyl he brak buxomnesse . -th-orow bost of him selue
fol. 19v
J: 1,112 -Th-an fell he w(i)t(h) his felawes . & fendes
become [aaAx]
J: 1,113 Owte of heuene into hell(e) . hobeleden hy fast
J: 1,114 Su(m)me in ayre su(m)me in erthe . su(m)me in hell(e)
depe [aaAx]
J: 1,115 Ac lucifer lowest . lith of hem alle [aaAx]
J: 1,116 ffor pride he was -th-(us) put owte . his payne
hath non ende [aaAx]
J: 1,117 And -th-(a)t wrchyn w(i)t(h) wronge . wenden hy
schall [aaAx]
J: 1,118 Affter her deth day . & dwellyn w(i)t(h) -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
J: 1,119 Ac -th-oo -th-(a)t wrchyn -th-e worde . -th-(a)t
holy writ techeth [aaAx]
J: 1,120 & endyn as I ere seyd . in p(ro)fitable werkys
J: 1,121 Mou(n) ben sykyr -th-(a)t her sowles . sal wenden
to heuene [aaAxx]
J: 1,122 -Th-(er) trewthe is in t(ri)nite . triest of alle
J: 1,123 -Th-(er)for I sey as I ere seyde . be syht of -th-es
tixtes [aaAx]
J: 1,124 Qwan alle tresorys aru(n) tried . trewthe is -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 1,125 To leryd to lewyd men . for letterid it knowyn [aaAx]
J: 1,126 -Th-(a)t treuthe is -th-e tresor . triest on erthe
J: 1,127 -Gh-it haue I no kynd knowyng . -gh-e motyn kenny(n)
me bett(ur) [aaAx]
J: 1,128 Be qwat crafte in my(n) cors . yt comsin & ware
J: 1,129 -Th-(o)u dotyst daffe q(uo)d sche . dulle aru(n)
-th-i wyttys [aaAx]
J: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng . -th-(a)t kennyth -th-in
hert [aaAx]
J: 1,131 ffor to louen -th-in lorde . leuer -th-an -th-in
selue [aaAx]
J: 1,132 Non de[d]li synne to done . deyen -gh-of -th-(o)u
scholdyst [aaAx]
J: 1,133 -Th-is I trowhe be treuthe . ho so can techyn -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 1,134 Loke -th-(o)u suffur(e) him to seyne . & se-th-in
lerne [it] aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 1,135 ffor -th-us witnessith -th-is word . wyrche -th-(o)u
-th-(er) aftir [aaAx]
J: 1,136 -Th-(a)t loffe is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-(a)t
our(e) lorde axith [aaAx]
J: 1,137 & eke -th-e plante of pees . priche it in -th-i(n)
hert [aaAx]
J: 1,138 -Th-(er) -th-(o)u art myri at -th-in mete . [& men]
bidde -th-e -gh-eddyn [aaAx]
J: 1,139 ffor in kynde knowyng . -th-(o)u co(n)seyuys a myrth
J: 1,140 & -th-(a)t fallid to -th-e fadyr . -th-(a)t
formyth vs alle [aaAx]
J: 1,141 And leykyd on vs w(i)t(h) loue . & lete his
so(n)ne dye [aaAx]
J: 1,142 Mekelych for our(e) dedis . to amenden vs alle [aaAx]
J: 1,143 & wolde hem no wo . -th-(a)t wrouuhtyn hi(m)
-th-(a)t pyne [aaAx]
J: 1,144 Bot mekelyche w(i)t(h) mouthe . m(er)cy besowht
J: 1,145 To haue pete on -th-e peple . -th-(a)t pynyd hi(m)
to dethe [aaAx]
fol. 20r
J: 1,146 Here may -th-(o)u sen exaumples . in himselue one
J: 1,147 -Th-(a)t he was myhtful & meke . & m(er)cy
gan g(ra)unte [aaAx]
J: 1,148 To hem -th-(a)t hengyn him by . & his hert thrillyd
J: 1,149 -Th-(er)for I rede -gh-e riche . haue reuthe of
-th-e poure [aaAx]
J: 1,150 -Th-of -gh-e ben myhty to mete . beth me[ke] of
-gh-our(e) werkys [aaAx]
J: 1,151 ffor -th-e same meso(ur) -th-(a)t -gh-e mety(n)
. amys o-th-ir(e) ellis [aaAx]
J: 1,152 -Gh-e scholly(n) ben weyn -th-(er)with . qwan -gh-e
wendy(n) hennys [aaAx]
J: 1,153 ffor -th-ei -gh-e ben t(ro)we of -gh-or tung . & trewelych
wynne [aaAx]
J: 1,154 And eke as chaste as childe . -th-(a)t in chirche
wepith [aaAx]
J: 1,155 But -gh-if -gh-e louen lelly . & lenen -th-e
pou(er)e [aaAx]
J: 1,156 Of swyche gode as god hath sent . godelich p(ar)tene
J: 1,157 -Gh-e haue no more m(er)ite . in matyns no in messe
J: 1,158 -Th-an makyn of her maydenhed . -th-(a)t no man
desyrith [aaAx]
J: 1,159 ffor Iamys -th-e gentil . Iuggid in his bokys [aaAx]
J: 1,160 -Th-at fayth w(i)t(h)outen -th-e feete . is febler(e)
-th-(a)t nouth [aaAx]
J: 1,161 & deffe os a dor nayle . but if -th-e dede folowe
J: 1,162 Chastite withouten charite . worth chaynyd in helle
J: 1,163 It is as lewed as a laumpe . -th-(a)t no liht is
w(i)t(h)Inne [aaAx]
J: 1,164 Many chapeleyns aru(n) chast . but charite is aweye
J: 1,165 Aru(n) no me(n) harder -th-an hey . qwa(n) hy ben
avauncede [aaAx]
J: 1,166 Vnkende men to h(er) kyn . & eke to alle c(ri)stene
J: 1,167 Chewyn her(e) charite . & chiden after more
J: 1,168 Swyche chastite w(i)t(h)outen charite . wrth chenyde
in helle [aaAx]
J: 1,169 -Gh-e creat(ur)es -th-(a)t kepyn -gh-e . clene of
-gh-our(e) bodis [aaAx]
J: 1,170 -Gh-e ben comberyd w(i)t(h) kouetys . -gh-e konyne
nouth oute Icrepen [aaAa]
J: 1,171 So hard hath aueris . happyd -gh-ow togydyr(e) [aaAx]
J: 1,172 -Th-(er) is no treuthe of t(ri)nite . but treccheri
of helle [aaAx]
J: 1,173 And a lering to -th-e lewyd men . -th-e latter to
dele [aaAx]
J: 1,174 ffor -th-is aru(n) wordes writyn . in euaungelye
{ Date & dabit(ur) vob(is) } [aaAx]
J: 1,175 ffor I axst -gh-ow alle // -th-(a)t is a leche of
loue [aaAx]
J: 1,176 -Th-(a)t I lete oute of my g(ra)ce // to comforthe
-th-e careful & cu(m)berid in sy(n)ne [aaAx]
J: 1,177 --- this line om ---
J: 1,178 Luffe is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-(a)t our(e)
lorde axith [aaAx]
J: 1,179 & eke -th-e gate grethed . -th-(a)t goth into
heuene [aaAx]
J: 1,180 -Th-(er)fore I sey as I seyde ere . be syht of -th-is
tixtes [aaAx]
fol. 20v
J: 1,181 Qwan alle -th-(er) tresors ben tried . treuth is -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 1,182 Now haue I told qwat t(re)wthe is . -th-(a)t non
tresor is bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 1,183 I may no lengyr lendyn . now loke -th-e our(e) lorde
Passus s(e)c(un)d(u)s de visione
J: 2,1 -gh-it y knelid on my knes . & cried her of g(ra)ce
J: 2,2 & seyd m(er)cy madame . for marie loue of heuyne
J: 2,3 -Th-(a)t bar(e) -th-e blissyd baru(n) . -th-(a)t bouht
us on rode [aaaAx]
J: 2,4 Kenne me su(m) c(ra)ft . to knowene -th-e fals [aaAx]
J: 2,5 Loke on -th-in laft hande q(uo)d sche . & se qwer(e)
hy stondy(n)n [aaAx]
J: 2,6 Bothe false & fawuell . & his feris many [aaAx]
J: 2,7 I loked on myn left halfe . als -th-(a)t lady me tauht
J: 2,8 & was war(e) of a womman . wonderlych clothide
J: 2,9 Ipelurid w(i)t(h) pelur(e) . -th-e finest of erthe
J: 2,10 Corounyd in a corou(n) . -th-e kyng hath non bett(er)
J: 2,11 Alle hir(e) fyue fyngris . weryn frettyt w(i)t(h)
ryngys [aaAx]
J: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perry . -th-(a)t p(ri)nce weryd eu(er)e
J: 2,13 In a red scarlet cote . & ryband w(i)t(h) golde
J: 2,14 -Th-(er) is no que(n) q(ue)ynter(e) . -th-at quyk
es on lyue [aaAx]
J: 2,15 Qwat is -th-is wo(m)man q(uo)d I . so wor-th-ilich
atyryde [aaAx]
J: 2,16 -Th-(a)t is mede -th-e mayden . hath noyede me ful
ofte [aaXx]
J: 2,17 & lacked myn lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
J: 2,18 In -th-e popys paleys . p(re)ue as my selue [aaAx]
J: 2,19 & so scholde sche nouth be(n) for wrong was h(er)e
syr(e) [xxXx]
J: 2,20 Oute of wrong sche wex . to wro-th-(er)hayl many
J: 2,21 I awte to ben hyer(e) . -th-an sche I kam of a better(e)
J: 2,22 Tomorowe worth -th-e maryage made . of mede & of
fals [aaaAx]
J: 2,23 ffauel w(i)t(h) fayr(e) speche . hath forged hem
togydyr(e) [aaAx]
J: 2,24 Gile hath so begon h(er)e . sche graunted his wille
J: 2,25 And al is lyeris ledyng . -th-(a)t hy lyen togidere
J: 2,26 To morowene worth -th-e mariage . made soth I -th-e
telle [aaAx]
J: 2,27 -Th-(er) thow mayht witen I[f] -th-(o)u wilt . wiche
-th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
J: 2,28 -Th-(a)t longyn to -th-(a)t lordship . -th-e lesse & -th-e
more [aaAx]
J: 2,29 Know hem -th-(er) if -th-(o)u kanst . & kepe
-th-e fro hem alle [aaAx]
J: 2,30 If -th-(o)u couet to wone . w(i)t(h) treuthe in his
blisse [aaAxx]
J: 2,31 I may no lenger(e) letyn . lorde I -th-e bekenne
J: 2,32 & become a gode man . for any couetys I rede
fol. 21r
J: 2,33 Alle -th-e riche retenu . -th-(a)t reignyn w(i)t(h)
false [aaAx]
J: 2,34 W(er)en bodyn to -th-(a)t bridale . on bo-th-in two
sydes [aaAx]
J: 2,35 Sir(e) symony was aft(er) sent . to selyn -th-o chart(er)
J: 2,36 -Th-(a)t fals & fauel . be ony fyne holdyn [aaAx]
J: 2,37 A(n)d feffe mede -th-(er) with . in mariage for eu(er)e
J: 2,38 -Th-(er) ne was halle ne house . to herberwyn alle
-th-e peple [aaAx]
J: 2,39 -Th-at iche felde was ful . of folke al aboute [aaAx]
J: 2,40 In myddes a mou(n)teyn . at mydmorowe tyde [aaAx]
J: 2,41 Was pyt vp a pauelyoune . proude for -th-e nonys
J: 2,42 & ten -gh-owsyng of tentes . telid besyde [aaAx]
J: 2,43 Of knyhtes of cuntrees . of kom(er)ys aboute [aaAx]
J: 2,44 ffor sysours for someno(ur)s . for selleris & bigg(er)is
J: 2,45 ffor lerid for lewyd . for labores of thorppys [aaAx]
J: 2,46 Alle witnesse wele . qwat -th-e writ wolde [aaAa]
J: 2,47 In qwat man(er) -th-(a)t mede . in mariage was feffyd
J: 2,48 To be(n) fastnyd w(i)t(h) fals . -th-e fyne is arerid
J: 2,49 -Th-an ffauel fet h(er)e forth . & to fals takyth
J: 2,50 In forword -th-(a)t falshed . schal fyndyn h(er)e
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 2,51 And che ben boxom at his bode . his bidding to fulfille
J: 2,52 At bed & at borde . buxom & hende [aaAx]
J: 2,53 & as sir(e) symony wil seyn . to schewyn his
wille [aaAx]
J: 2,54 Symony & cyuyle . stodyn forth bothin [aaAx]
J: 2,55 & vnfolden -th-e fefment . -th-(a)t fals hath
Imakyd [aaAx]
J: 2,56 Th-(us) begynnyn -th-e gromes . & criddyn ful
hye [aaAx]
J: 2,57 Wytyth & wytnessyth . -th-(a)t wonyth vpon erth
J: 2,58 -Th-(a)t I fauel feffe . falsnes with mede [aaAx]
J: 2,59 To ben p(re)sent in p(ri)de . for pouer or for riche
J: 2,60 W(i)t(h) -th-e Erledame of envye . for eu(er)e to
last [aaAx]
J: 2,61 W(i)t(h) lordeechepp of lichery . in lengthe & in
brede [aaAx]
J: 2,62 W(i)t(h) -th-e kyngdam of couetys . I crowne hem
togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 2,63 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 2,64 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 2,65 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e delicis of lust . -th-e deuyl
for to s(er)ue [axAx]
J: 2,66 In alle -th-e synge of slouth . I sese hem togider(e)
J: 2,67 To hauyn & to holde . & -th-(er) eris aft(er)
J: 2,68 W(i)t(h) al -th-e p(ur)tenauns of p(ur)gatory . into
-th-e pyne of helle [aaAx]
J: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-is -th-ing atte -gh-eris ende
J: 2,70 Her soulys to sathanas . to synkyn in pyne [aaAx]
fol. 21v
J: 2,71 -Th-(er) to wonyn w(i)t(h) wrong . whylis god is in
heuyne [aaAxx]
J: 2,72 In witnes of qwych . wrong was -th-e fyrste [aaAx]
J: 2,73 --- this line om ---
J: 2,74 Peris -th-e p(ar)doner(e) . Bet -th-e bedell . of
bokyngh(a)m shir(e) [aaAx]
J: 2,75 Randof -th-e Reue . of Roklond sokene [aaAx]
J: 2,76 cMunde -th-e myln(er) . & many moo o-th-(er)
J: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-e dede is aselyde
J: 2,78 Be syht of sir symony . & sygnys of notariys
J: 2,79 -Th-an tened hin tealogy -th-(a)t . qwan he -th-is
call herde [aaAx]
J: 2,80 And seyde to syuyle . now sorowyn on -th-i bokys
J: 2,81 Swyche weddyng to wirche . to wrathyn h(er)ew(i)t(h)
treuthe [aaAx]
J: 2,82 & ere -th-is weddyng be wrouhte . wo -th-e now
betyde [aaAx]
J: 2.83 ffor mede is a moyler(e) . of mendes gendered [aaAx]
J: 2,84 God g(ra)untith . for to -gh-euyn mede for treuthe
J: 2,85 And -th-(o)u has -gh-iuen hire a gylour(e) . god
gyf -th-e sorowe [aaAx]
J: 2,86 -Th-e tixt tellith now . treuthe wote -th-e sothe
J: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua } [Latin]
J: 2,87 Worthy es -th-e werkman . his mede to hauyne [aaXx]
J: 2,88 & -th-(o)u hast fastned hyr(e) w(i)t(h) fals
. fy on -th-i lawe [aaAx]
J: 2,89 ffor al be lessyngis -th-(o)u leuest . & liccherours
werkys [aaAx]
J: 2,90 Symony & -th-i selue . schenden holy cherche
J: 2,91 -Gh-e & -th-e notaries noyen ofte -th-e pepul
J: 2,92 -Gh-e scholyn abyggen . be criste -th-(a)t me made
J: 2,93 Wele -gh-e wytyn & witterly . but -gh-or witte
fayle [aaaAx]
J: 2,94 -Th-(a)t false is a faytour(e) . & defowlys many
werkys [aaAx]
J: 2,95 & as a bastard Iboru(n) . of beelsabubes kynne
J: 2,96 & mede is a meyler(e) . a maydou(n) of gode [aaAx]
J: 2,97 Komlyche for cosyn -th-e kyng . myht sche kysse [aaAx]
J: 2,98 Wolde sche wyrche be wysdom . & be wit after(e)
J: 2,99 Ledith hir(e) to londou(n) . -th-(er) lawe is Ihandelyd
J: 2,100 If any leute wil loke . -th-ei liggyn togyder(e)
J: 2,101 & -th-ei -th-e Iustyce iuggen her(e) . to bien
Iuned to false [aaAx]
J: 2,102 -Gh-it be war(e) of weddyng . for witty is trewthe
J: 2,103 ffor (co)nsciens is of his cou(n)sell . & knowyth
-gh-ow ichone [aaAx]
J: 2,104 & if he fynde -gh-ow in defaute . & w(i)t(h)
false holde [aaAx]
J: 2,105 It schal -gh-our(e) soulys wel . sour(e) abyggyn
atte laste [aaAx]
J: 2,106 Herto asentyd Cyuile . ac Symony ne wolde [aaAx]
J: 2,107 Til he had syluer(e) . for selis & sygnys [xaAa]
fol. 22r
J: 2,108 -Th-an fet forth fauel . florens Inowe [aaaAx]
J: 2,109 & bad gile for to -gh-euyn . golde al aboute
J: 2,110 And namelich to noteryes . -th-(a)t -th-ei none
fayled [aaAx]
J: 2,111 And feffe false witnesse . with floreynes Inowe
J: 2,112 ffor he may meden & mayst(ri)yn . & makyn
h(er)in at wille [aaAx]
J: 2,113 -Th-o -th-e golde was I-gh-ouyn . gret was -th-e
thankyng [aaAx]
J: 2,114 To false & to fauel . for her fayr(e) -gh-iftes
J: 2,115 And kemyn for to cou(m)fortyn . fro car(e) -th-e
false [aaAx]
J: 2,116 And -thei seyden sertis . secyn sulden we neu(er)e
J: 2,117 Til mede be -th-i weddyd wife . -th-orow wit of
us alle [aaAx]
J: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amayst(er)yd . w(i)t(h) our(e)
merye speche [aaAx]
J: 2,119 -Th-at sche g(ra)untyd to gon . w(i)t(h) a goode
wille [aaAx]
J: 2,120 To londou(n) to lokyn . for -th-e lawe -th-ere [aaAx]
J: 2,121 Wolde Ioynyn -gh-ow gentely . in Ioye for euere
J: 2,122 -Th-an was false fayne . & fauel as blithe [aaAx]
J: 2,123 And let somen alle -th-e seggys . in schyres aboute
J: 2,124 And alle -th-e bolde . begg(er)ys & o-th-er
to wende [aaAx]
J: 2,125 W(i)t(h) hem to westmynst(re) . to wytnessyn -th-is
dede [aaAx]
J: 2,126 -Th-an karidyn -th-ei for caples . to karyen hem
-th-idyr(e) [aaAx]
J: 2,127 And -th-an fet fauuel . foles of -th-e best [aaAx]
J: 2,128 And set mede on a schyrreue . schod all newe [aaAx]
J: 2,129 And false sat on a sysour(e) . -th-(a)t softly trotdyd
J: 2,130 And fauel vpon fayr speche . fetelych atyryd [aaAx]
J: 2,131 -Th-o had notaryes none . anoyed -th-ei wer(e) [aaAx]
J: 2,132 -Th-at symony & cyuyle . sc[h]uldyn on fote
gange [aaAx]
J: 2,133 -Th-an swore cyuyle . & seyde be -th-e rode
J: 2,134 -Th-(a)t somono(ur)s schulde ben sadelyd . & s(er)uyn
ecchone [aaAx]
J: 2,135 And lat ap(ar)elyn -th-is pro)uyso(ur)s . in palfrayes
wyse [aaAx]
J: 2,136 Sir(e) symony him selue . schal syttyn on -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 2,137 And alle -th-es denys . as destreris hem dyht [aaAa]
J: 2,138 ffor he schullyn beryn bischopys . & bryng he(m)
at h(er)e rest [aaAx]
J: 2,139 Paulun peple . for pleynt in constarye [aaAx]
J: 2,140 Schollen serue my selfe . -th-(a)t cyuile hihte
J: 2,141 And lat cartsadely(n) our(e) comissary . our(e)
cart sal ben drawe [aaAx]
J: 2,142 And fet our(e) vitayles . of fornicatores [aaAx]
J: 2,143 And makyn of hem a long cart . to lede(n) alle -th-es
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 2,144 Als foles & fayto(ur)s . -th-(a)t on her(e)
feet rennyn [aaAx]
fol. 22v
J: 2,145 ffalse & ffauuel . faryn forth togydyr(e) [aaAa]
J: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddes . & alle -th-e meyny
ofter(e) [aaAx]
J: 2,147 I haue no tome to tellyn . -th-e tayle -th-(a)t
hem folewede [aaAx]
J: 2,148 Of many man(er) of men . -th-(a)t on -th-is molde
libbith [aaAx]
J: 2,1149 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 2,150 Sothenes say hem wele . & seyd but litel [aaAx]
J: 2,151 But p(ry)ked on his palfray . & passed hem alle
J: 2,152 And cam to -th-e kynges courte . & konciens
tolde [aaAx]
J: 2,153 And consciens to kyng . carpyd after(e) [aaAx]
J: 2,154 Be c(ri)st q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . & I mowe
cacchyn her(e) [aaXa]
J: 2,155 ffals or fauuel . or any of her(e) feris [aaXa]
J: 2,156 I wile ben wreykyn of -th-e wrecchis . -th-(a)t
wyrkyn so ille [aaAx]
J: 2,157 And don hem hangyn be -th-e halse . & alle -th-(a)t
he(m) mayntene [aaAx]
J: 2,158 Schal neu(er) man of -th-is molde . mayprisyn -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 2,159 But riht as -th-e lawe lokyth . let fallin of hem
alle [aaAxx]
J: 2,160 And comaunde a konstable . -th-(a)t cam atte first
J: 2,161 To atachyn -th-o tirauntys . for non tresor I hote
J: 2,162 ffetrith falnese fast . for any kenys -gh-iftes
J: 2,163 And gyrde of gylys heued . & let him go no ferthyr
J: 2,164 And bringith mede to me . maugrey to hem alle [aaAx]
J: 2,165 Symony & cyuile . I sende hem to warne [aaAx]
J: 2,166 -Th-(a)t holy chirche for hem . worth harmed for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 2,167 And -gh-if -gh-e lacche lyer(e) . lat him nouth
aschape [aaAx]
J: 2,168 Til he be put on -th-e pylary . for any p(re)yer(e)
i hete [aaAx]
J: 2,169 Drede atte dore stode . & grete dyne herde [aaAx]
J: 2,170 And whytelych wentyn . to warnyn -th-e false [aaAx]
J: 2,171 And bad him flene for fere . & his feris alle
J: 2,172 -Th-an falsnes for fer(e) . fley to -th-e ffreris
J: 2,173 And gile doth him to go . agast for to dey [aaAx]
J: 2,174 Ac marchaundes mettyn w(i)t(h) hi(m) . & made
hi(m) onbyde [aaAx]
J: 2,175 Beschetty(n) hi(m) in her schoppys . & schewyn
hir(e) war(e) [aaAx]
J: 2,176 Apareyldyn hi(m) as a p(re)ntys . -th-e puple to
serue [aaAx]
J: 2,177 Lyhtlych lyer . lep awey -th-ennys [aaAx]
J: 2,178 And lurked -th-orow lanys . luggyd of many [aaAx]
J: 2,179 He ne was neqwer(e) welcome . for his many talis
J: 2,180 Ouer(e)all Ihuntyd . & Ibodyn trusse [aaAx]
J: 2,181 Til p(ar)doners haddyn pyte . & pylledyn [hi(m)]
to howse [aaAx]
fol. 23r
J: 2,182 Weschen him & wyptyn him . & woundyn him in
cloutes [aaAx]
J: 2,183 And sentyn [hi(m)] on sonendayes . w(i)t(h) selys
to chirches [aaAx]
J: 2,184 & -gh-af p(ar)don for penys . poundelmele abouten
J: 2,185 -Th-an lowredyn lechis . & lettris for him sente
J: 2,186 ffor to wonyn w(i)t(h) hem . watres to lokyn [axAx]
J: 2,187 Spycers spokyn [hi(m)] w(i)t(h) for to aspyen her
war(e) [aaAx]
J: 2,188 ffor he cowthe on her craft . & know many go(m)mys
J: 2,189 & mynst(ra)lles & messangeris . mettyn w(i)t(h)
he(m) onys [aaAx]
J: 2,190 & wythheldyn [hi(m)] halue . a -gh-er(e) & elleuen
dayes [aaAx]
J: 2,191 ffreris w(i)t(h) fayr(e) speche . fecchin him -th-ennys
J: 2,192 ffor knowing of inco(m)mers . kopedyn [hi(m)] as
a frere [aaAx]
J: 2,193 Ac he hath leue to lepyn out . as ofty(n) as him
lykys [aaXa]
J: 2,194 And is welkom qwan he will . & wonyth w(i)t(h)
hem ofte [aaAx]
J: 2,195 Alle fleddyn for fer(e) . & flowen into hyrnes
J: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e mayde . no mo dursten onbyde [aaAx]
J: 2,197 Ac trewly to tellyn . sche tremlyd for fere [aaAx]
J: 2,198 Wept & wrong her(e) handdes . qwan sche was
atachid [aaAxx]
Passus q(ua)rtus de visione
J: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e mayde . no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
J: 3,2 W(i)t(h) bedels & baylles . brohut to -th-e kyng
J: 3,3 -Th-e kyng callyd a clerk . I can not his name [aaaAx]
J: 3,4 To takyn mede -th-e madyn . & make her(e) at ese
J: 3,5 I wil asayne hir my selue . & sothely apose [aaAx]
J: 3,6 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 3,7 And -gh-if sche wyrche be wytte . & my(n) wille
folowe [aaAx]
J: 3,8 I wil for-gh-yuen her(e) my gilt . so me god helpe
J: 3,9 Curtesly -th-e clerk -th-o . as -th-e kyng hutte [aaAx]
J: 3,10 Toke mede be -th-e mudel . & brouht her(e) to
chaumber(e) [aaXx]
J: 3,11 Ac -th-(er) was myrthe & mynstralsy . mede to
plese [aaAx]
J: 3,12 -Th-(a)t woned at westmynster(e) . worchipedyn her(e)
alle [aaAx]
J: 3,13 Gentely w(i)t(h) Ioye . -th-e Iustice icchone [aaAx]
J: 3,14 Buskedyn hem to -th-e boure . -th-er -th-e berde
dwellyd [aaAx]
J: 3,15 And co(m)forthdyn kyndely . be clergys tene [aaAx]
J: 3,16 And seydyn morne nouth mede . ne make -th-(o)u no
sorowe [aaAx]
J: 3,17 ffor we [wil] w[h]issyn -th-e kyng . & -th-i
wey schape [axAx]
J: 3,18 ffor al consciens crafte . is cast as I trowe [aaAx]
J: 3,19 Mildelyche mede -th-anne . myrthed hem alle [aaAx]
fol. 23v
J: 3,20 And of hire greete godenesse . -gh-af hem uchone [aaAx]
J: 3,21 Cowpes of clene golde . peces of syluur(e) [aaXx]
J: 3,22 Rynges w(i)t(h) rubyes . & richessys many [aaAx]
J: 3,23 -Th-e lest man of here moynie . a motou(n) of golde
J: 3,24 -Th-an la[h]utten hy leue . -th-es lordes at mede
J: 3,25 Wi-th- -th-(a)t kemyn clerkys . to cou(m)fortyn h(er)e
-th-e same [aaAx]
J: 3,26 And bodyn hyr(e) blithe be . for we be -th-in awne
J: 3,27 ffor to wirchin -th-i wille . qwylys our(e) lyue
durith [aaAbb]
J: 3,28 Hendely sche -th-en . behyte hem -th-e same [aaAx]
J: 3,29 To louyn hem lelly . & lordys to make [aaAx]
J: 3,30 And in -th-e constory at courte . don callen her
names [aaAx]
J: 3,31 Scal non lewdenesse lettyn . -th-e lede -th-at I
luffe [aaAa]
J: 3,32 -Th-at he ne worth first avaunced . for I am beknowe
J: 3,33 -Th-(er) konyng clerkys . schul klockyn behynde [aaAx]
J: 3,34 -Th-an cam -th-(er) a confessour(e) . copyd as a
frere [aaAx]
J: 3,35 To mede -th-e maydeyn . mekelych he lowted [aaAx]
J: 3,36 And seyd wel soflych . in schrifte as it wer(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,37 -Th-ei leryd & lewyd . had ley be -th-e alle
J: 3,38 And -th-ei falnesse had folwyd -th-e . -th-is fyueten
wynt(er) [aaAx]
J: 3,39 I sc[h]al asoylyn -th-e myselue . for a sem whete
J: 3,40 And als ben -th-in baudekyn . & berin wele -th-in
erdene [aaAx]
J: 3,41 Among clerkys & knyhtys . consciens to felle
J: 3,42 -Th-an mede of her mysdedys . to -th-at man kneled
J: 3,43 A(n)d schroff hir of hir schrewdenes . schameles
I t(ro)we [aaAx]
J: 3,44 Told him a tale . & tok him a nobelle [aaAx]
J: 3,45 ffor to bene hir bedman . & hir(e) baude aft(er)
J: 3,46 -Th-an he asoylyd hir sone . & se-th-in he seyde
J: 3,47 We haue a wyndow in wyrching . wil stondy(n) [vs]
hye [aaAxx]
J: 3,48 Wildys tow glasen -th-e gable . & grauyn -th-i(n)
name [aaAx]
J: 3,49 Sikir schude -th-in soule . be heuyn to haue [aaBb]
J: 3,50 Wist I -th-(a)t q(uo)d -th-(a)t wo(m)man . -th-(er)
ne is wyndow ne awt(er) [aaAx]
J: 3,51 -Th-(a)t I ne schulde mendyn or make . & myn
name writy(n) [aaAxx]
J: 3,52 -Th-(a)t eu(er)y segge sal see . I am syster(e) of
-gh-or house [aaAx]
J: 3,53 Bot god to alle gode folke . swyche wrytyng defendith
J: 3,54 And seyth { Nesciat synist(er) quid facit dext(er)
} [Latin]
J: 3,55 Lat not -th-i left halfe . late no rathe [aaAx]
J: 3,56 Wytyn qwat -th-i rith halfe . thinkyth or delyth
J: 3,57 Ac so p(re)uely p(ar)te it . -th-(a)t pride be nouth
seyne [aaAx]
fol. 24r
J: 3,58 Neythyr in syht ne in sowle . for god him selue knowith
J: 3,59 Qwo is c(ur)teys & kynde . or couetows or ellis
J: 3,60 -th-(er)for I lerne -gh-ow lordes . leuyth swych
writyng [aaAx]
J: 3,61 To wryten in wyndowhes . of -gh-our(e) gode dedyes
J: 3,62 Or crien aft(er) goddes men . qwan -gh-e dele dolys
J: 3,63 In auentur(e) -gh-if -gh-e haue -th-ore . -gh-or(e)
hyr(e) rith here [aaAa]
J: 3,64 ffor our(e) sauyour(e) it seyde . & him selue
p(re)chede [aaAx]
J: 3,64a { Amen Amen dico vob(is) recipiebant m(er)cedem
suam } [Latin]
J: 3,65 Meyres & macers . -gh-e -th-at bene mene [aaAx]
J: 3,66 Betwyxen -th-e kyng & -th-e comen . to kepyn
-th-e lawes [aaAx]
J: 3,67 As to puneschun on pyloryes . & on pynynge stoles
J: 3,68 Bruers & bakers . bochers & kokes [aaAx]
J: 3,69 ffor -th-is aru(n) men of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t
most harme wyrchyn [aaAx]
J: 3,70 To -th-e powre peple . -th-at p(ar)celmel bygge [aaAx]
J: 3,71 ffor -th-ei poysyn -th-e peple . pryuyly wel ofte
J: 3,72 And richyn -th-(er) regratry . & rentes hem byggen
J: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pour(e) peple . schulde putty(n)
in her wombe [aaAx]
J: 3,74 ffor tokyn he on trewly . he tymbrede nouth so hye
J: 3,75 Ne bowhtyn hem no burges . be -gh-e c(er)teyn [aaAx]?
J: 3,76 Ac mede -th-e mayden . -th-e meyr(e) sche besowhte
J: 3,77 Of alle swyche sellers . sylu(er) to take [aaAx]
J: 3,78 Or p(re)sentys withoute penys . as peces of sylu(er)
J: 3,79 Rynggys or Rycches . -th-e regratoures to mayntene
J: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d -th-(a)t mayden . loue hem icchone
J: 3,81 And suffer hem to sellyn . su(m)del agayne resou(n)
J: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sarmou(n) he made [aaAx]
J: 3,83 To amendyn mayres & men . -th-(a)t kepyn lawes
J: 3,84 And telyd hem -th-is teeme . -th-(a)t I tell thynke
J: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nac(u)la eor(um) q(ui) lib(e)nt(er)
s(ic) accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
J: 3,86 Among -th-is lett(er)yd lordyes . -th-is latyn amounteth
J: 3,87 -Th-(a)t fyr(e) schal fallyn . & brenny(n) atte
last [aaAx]
J: 3,88 -Th-e howses & -th-e homys . of hem -th-at desyryne
J: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftys or -gh-eris-gh-euys . in -gh-yngthe
or in elde [????]
J: 3,90 -Th-e kyng -th-o fro co(n)seyl cam . & callyd
aft(er) mede [aaaAx]
J: 3,91 & sent aft(er) her(e) also swythe . seriauntis
hir fetten [aaAx]
J: 3,92 And browhty(n) hir(e) into bour(e) . with blis & w(i)t(h)
Ioye [aaAx]
J: 3,93 Curtesly -th-e kyng -th-an . began for to telle [aaAx]
J: 3,94 To mede -th-e mayden . he mengyd -th-is wordes [aaAx]
fol. 24v
J: 3,95 Vnwittily mayde . wrouht has tow oftyn [aaAx]
J: 3,96 Ac wers wrouht -th-(o)u neu(er)e . -th-an [-th-o]
-th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
J: 3,97 Ac I for-gh-eue -th-e -th-at gylt . & g(ra)unte
-th-e my g(ra)ce [aaAa]
J: 3,98 Hennys to -th-i deth day . do -th-(o)u so no more
J: 3,99 I haue a knyht consciens . cam late fro be -gh-ou(n)den
J: 3,100 -Gh-if he -gh-erne -th-e to wyue . wiltow him haue
J: 3,101 -Gh-e lorde q(uo)d -th-at leuedy . goddes forbode
ellis [aaAx]
J: 3,102 Bot I ben holly at -gh-our(e) hest . lat hangyn
me ellis [aaAx]
J: 3,103 -Th-an was consciens callyd . to comyn & aper(e)
J: 3,104 Beforyn -th-e kyng & his councel . of clerkys & of
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
J: 3,105 Knelyd -th-o consciens . [&] to -th-e kyng lowtyd
J: 3,106 & askyd qwat his wille wer(e) . & qwat he
don schulde [aaAx]
J: 3,107 wittow wed -th-is wo(m)ma(n) . q(uo)d -th-e kyng
if I wille asent [aaAx]
J: 3,108 ffor che is fayne of -th-i felachepe . for to ben
-th-i make [aaAxx]
J: 3,109 Q(uo)d consciens to -th-e kyng . criste it me forbede
J: 3,110 Er I weddyd swyche a wyue . wo me betide [aaAx]
J: 3,111 Sche is frele of hir flexe, . fykyl of hir(e) speche
J: 3,112 Sche makyth men to done amysse . many score tyme
J: 3,113 In t(ro)yste of her(e) treso(ur) . sche tenyth wel
many [aaAx]
J: 3,114 Wyues & wydowes . wanto(n)nes sche techyth [aaAx]
J: 3,115 Sche lernyth hem liccherye . -th-(a)t louen her(e)
-gh-iftes [aaXx]
J: 3,116 -Gh-our(e) fader(e) sche felde . -th-orowhe false
beheste [aaAx]
J: 3,117 Sche hath poysynhyd popes . & peyrid holy chirche
J: 3,118 -Th-(er) ne his a bitt(er)er boude . be him -th-(a)t
me made [aaAxx]
J: 3,119 Betwyxn heuen & helle . in erth -th-ei me(n)
sowht [aaAx]
J: 3,120 Sche is tykyl of her tayle . talows of tunge [aaAx]
J: 3,121 As comen as cartweye . to knaues & to alle [aaAx]
J: 3,122 To mu(n)kes to minstrall(is) . to meseyls in hegges
J: 3,123 To syso(ur)s to su(m)nours . swych men che p(ro)resid
J: 3,124 Schirreuys of schyryn . w(er) schent if sche ne
were [aaAx]
J: 3,125 Sche doth men lesyn her londes . & her lyf bothe
J: 3,126 & lat passyn p(ri)sonnes . & pay-gh-eth
for hem oftyn [aaAx]
J: 3,127 & -gh-ifeth -th-e -gh-aylers gold . & grotes
togydyr [aaAx]
J: 3,128 To vnfettren -th-e fals . to flene wer(e) hem lykyth
J: 3,129 Sche takyth treuth be -th-e toppe . [&] fettreth
him fast(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,130 & hangyth hi(m) for hateredyn . -th-(a)t harmyd
neu(er)e [aaAx]
fol 25r
J: 3,131 -Th-ow sche be cursyd in constory . sche count(er)yth
nouth a rusche [aaAx]
J: 3,132 ffor sche copith -th-e comissary . & cotith
his clerkys [aaAa]
J: 3,133 Sche is asoylyd -th-(us) sone . as hir(e) selue
likyth [aaAx]
J: 3,134 Sche may ny as mychel done . in a monyth onys [aaAx]
J: 3,135 As -gh-our(e) secrete seele . in syxe score dayes
J: 3,136 Sche is p(re)ue w(i)t(h) -th-e pope . p(ro)uyso(ur)s
it knowyth [aaAx]
J: 3,137 Sir(e) symony & her(e)selue . selyn her(e) bulles
J: 3,138 Sche blissith -th-ies bischoppes . yef -th-ei ben
lewyd [aaAx]
J: 3,139 Prouend(er)ys p(er)sonus . prestes sche maynteneth
J: 3,140 To howldyn lemmans & luttebys . alle h(er)e
lyue dayes [aaAx]
J: 3,141 & bringgyn forth childeryn . a-gh-eyn forbodyn
lawes [aaAx]
J: 3,142 -Th-(er) sche is wele w(i)t(h) -th-e kyng . wo is
-th-e rewme [axAx]
J: 3,143 ffor sche is fauerable to fals . & fowlyth trewthe
oftyn [aaAx]
J: 3,144 Barounys & burges . sche bryngith in sorowe
J: 3,145 Be Ih(es)u w(i)t(h) hir(e) Iuels . -gh-our Iustyce
sche shendyth [aaAx]
J: 3,146 & doth lityn a-gh-eyne -th-e lawe . & lettyth
hem oftyn [aaAx]
J: 3,147 -Th-(a)t feyth may nouth haue his forth . her(e)
floreyns go so thikke [aaAx]
J: 3,148 Sche ledyth lawe as h(er)e list . & lufdayes
makyth [aaAx]
J: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a mene ma(n) . -gh-of he mote eu(er)e
J: 3,150 Lawe is so lordeliche . & lothe to makyn ende
J: 3,151 Withoute(n) p(re)sent[ys] or penyes . sche plesyth
wel fewe [aaAx]
J: 3,152 Clergies & couetys . sche cowpellith togyder(e)
J: 3,153 -Th-is ys -th-e lyue of -th-(a)t leuedy . now lou(er)d
-gh-if h(er)e sorow [aaAx]
J: 3,154 & alle -th-(a)t maynten hir(e) men . myschaunce
he(m) betyde [aaAx]
J: 3,155 ffor pour(e) haue no power(e) . to pleynyn -th-of
he(m) smerte [aaAx]
J: 3,156 Swyche a mayst(er) is mede . amonge men of gode
J: 3,157 -Th-an morned mede . & menyd hir(e) to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
J: 3,158 To haue space to speykyn . spede if sche myht [aaAx]
J: 3,159 -Th-e kyng g(ra)untyd hir(e) g(ra)ce . with a gode
wille [aaAx]
J: 3,160 Excuse [-th-e] if -th-(o)u canste . I can no more
segge [aaAx]
J: 3,161 ffor consciens konygliche acusith -th-e for eu(er)e
J: 3,162 Nay lorde q(uo)d sche -th-oo . leuyth him -th-e
werse [aaAx]
fol. 25v
J: 3,163 Qwan -gh-e wytyn wytt(er)ly . qwer(e) -th-e wrong
liggith [aaAx]
J: 3,164 ffor -th-(er) -th-at mischefe is grete . mede may
helpyn [axAx]
J: 3,165 And -th-(o)u knowes wele consciens . I cam noth
to chide [aaAx]
J: 3,166 Ne dep(ra)uyn -th-i p(er)sou(n) . with a proude
hert [aaAx]
J: 3,167 Wele -th-(o)u woste consciens . but if -th-(o)u
wylt lyen [aaxAx]
J: 3,168 -Th-(a)t -th-(o)u hast hangyn on myn half . elleuen
tyme [aaAx]
J: 3,169 And hast gropyn of my golde . to -gh-ifen wer(e)
-th-e lyked [aaAx]
J: 3,170 Qwy -th-(o)u wrathys -th-e now . wonder me thynkys
J: 3,171 -Gh-it I may as I myht . manschippyn -th-e w(i)t(h)
-gh-yftys [aaAx]
J: 3,172 & maynten -th-in manhode . more -th-an -th-(o)u
knowist [aaAx]
J: 3,173 Ac -th-(o)u hast famyd me fowle . befor -th-e kyng
her(e) [aaAxx]
J: 3,174 ffor kyllid I neu(er) no kyng . ne counceld -th-(er)aft(ir)
J: 3,175 Ne did as -th-(o)u demyst . I do it o -th-e kyng
J: 3,176 In normandy was he not . noyede for my sake [aaAx]
J: 3,177 Ac -th-(o)u -th-i seluen sothlich . schamedyst hi(m)
ofte [aaAx]
J: 3,178 -Th-ow crepe in to a caban . for colde of -th-in
nayles [aaAx]
J: 3,179 -Th-(o)u wendist -th-(a)t wynt(er) . wold haue laste
eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 3,180 And dreddist to haue ben ded . for a lityl colde
J: 3,181 And hastedyst -th-e homewarde . for hunger(e) of
-th-i(n) wombe [aaAx]
J: 3,182 Withouten pete -th-an pillour(e) . pore men -th-(o)u
robbedyst [aaAx]
J: 3,183 And bar(e) her(e) brace on -th-in bak . to caleys
to selle [aaaXx]
J: 3,184 -Th-(er) I lafte w(i)t(h) my(n) lorde . his lyf
for to saue [aaAx]
J: 3,185 And made him mychel myrthe . his morny(n)g to leue
J: 3,186 And batred hem on -th-e bak . & bolded -th-(er)
hertys [aaAx]
J: 3,187 And didyn hem hoppyn for hope . to haue me at wille
J: 3,188 Had I ben marschal of his men . be mari(e) of heuen
J: 3,189 I durst haue leyd my lif . & no lasse wedde
J: 3,190 He schuld haue be lorde of -th-(a)t londe . in lenketh & i(n)
brede [aaAx]
J: 3,191 And eke kyng of -th-(a)t kyth . his kyn for to helpe
J: 3,192 -Th-e leste brothel of his blode . a barouns pere
J: 3,193 Kowardly -th-(o)u conciens . cou(n)ceyledyst him
-th-e(n)nys [aaAx]
J: 3,194 To leuyn his lordschip . for a litel syluur [aaAx]
J: 3,195 -Th-(a)t is -th-e ricchesd rewme . -th-(a)t rayn
ou(er)houyth [aaAx]
J: 3,196 ffor it becomyth a kyng . -th-(a)t kepydh a rewme
fol. 26r
J: 3,197 To -gh-iuen his men mede . -th-(a)t mekelych him seruyn
J: 3,198 Alienis & alle men . honowry(n) he(m) w(i)t(h)
-gh-iftys [aaAx]
J: 3,199 Mede makyth hem be louyd . & for a ma(n) ben
holdyn [aaxAx]
J: 3,200 Emp(er)owris erlys . and alle man(er) lordys [aaAx]
J: 3,201 Thorowe -gh-iftys haue -gh-unge me(n) . to rennyn & to
riden [aaAx]
J: 3,202 -Th-o pope w(i)t(h) his p(re)latys . p(re)sentis
vndirfongyth [aaAx]
J: 3,203 & medyn me(n) hem seluyn . to meyten her lawes
J: 3,204 And s(er)uandes for her s(er)uyce . we seen wele
-th-e soth [aaAa]
J: 3,205 Takyn mede of her(e) mayst(er)is . as -th-ei mowen
acorde [aaAx]
J: 3,206 Begg(er)is for h(er)e bidding . bedyn men mede [aaAbb]
J: 3,207 Mynst(er)elis for h(er)e myrthis . mede -th-ei axyn
J: 3,208 -Th-e kyng hath mede of his men . to makyn pees
in londe [aaAx]
J: 3,209 Men -th-(a)t kennyn clerkys . crauyn hem of mede
J: 3,210 Prestys -th-(a)t p(re)chyn . -th-e peple to gode
J: 3,211 Axin mede & mas penyes . & her mete als
J: 3,212 & alle kyn crafty men haue . mede for h(er)e
p(re)ntyse [aaXx]?
J: 3,213 Marchaundise and mede . metyn togider(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,214 No whyte as I wene . w(i)t(h)outen mede may libbe
J: 3,215 Q(uo)d -th-e kyng to consciens . be crist as me
-th-inkyth [aaAx]
J: 3,216 Mede is worthi . -th-o mayst(rie) to haue [axAx]
J: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d consciens to -th-e kyng . & knelid
to -th-e ereth [aaAx]
J: 3,218 -Th-(er) aru(n) to man(er) of medys . sir(e) be
-gh-our(e) leue [aaAx]
J: 3,219 -th-o ton god of his g(ra)ce . giffyth in his blisse
J: 3,220 To hem -th-(a)t wyrchin wele . qwylys -th-ei bene
her(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phet p(re)chyd it . & put it in -th-e
sawt(er) [aaAx]
J: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram } [Latin]
J: 3,222 Tak no mede my lorde . of he(m) -th-(a)t ben trewe
J: 3,223 Lof hem & lene or leue hem . for lordes luffe
of heuen [aaAx]?
J: 3,224 Goddes m(er)cy & his mede . -th-(er) w(i)t(h)
mahytow wy(n)ne [aaAx]
J: 3,225 But -th-(er) is a mede meso(ur)les . -th-(a)t mayst(er)ys
desyryth [aaAx]
J: 3,226 To maynten mysdoers . mede -th-ei takyn [aaAx]
J: 3,227 -Th-(er)of seys -th-e sawt(er) . in a salmys ende
J: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniq(ui)tates su(n)t dext(er)a
eor(um) repleta est mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
fol. 26v
J: 3,229 And he -th-(a)t gripith mede so . so me god helpe
J: 3,230 Schulu(n) abyen wel bitt(er)ly . or -th-e boke lyeth
J: 3,231 Prestys & p(er)sownys . -th-(a)t plesyng desyrith
J: 3,232 -Th-(a)t takyn mede & mone . for massys or he
syngyn [aaAx]
J: 3,233 Schulyn haue mede of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t mathew
hath g(ra)untyd [aaAx]
J: 3,233a { Amen amen recipiebant m(er)cedem suam } [Latin]
J: 3,234 -Th-(a)t laborerys & low folke . takyn of her(e)
mayst(er)is [aaXx]
J: 3,235 It is no man(er) of mede . but a mesurable hyre
J: 3,236 In marchaundyse is no mede . I may it wele avowe
J: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutacion . a penyworth for anothyr(e)
J: 3,238 Ac reddistow neu(er) { regu(m) } . -th-(o)u recreyed
mede [aaAx]
J: 3,239 Qwy veniauns fel . on sawle & eke on his childrine
J: 3,240 God sent him to seye . be samuels mowthe [aaAx]
J: 3,241 -Th-at agax & amalek . & alle his peple
aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 3,242 Scholdyn deyn for a dede . -th-(a)t done had his
elder(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,243 A-gh-eyn Israel & aaron . & moyses his broder(e)
J: 3,244 Samuel seide to sawle . god sendyth -th-e & hotith
J: 3,245 To ben boxom & bou(n) . his biddyng to fulfylle
J: 3,246 Wende -th-idyr(e) w(i)t(h) -th-in oste . wymmen
to kylle [axAx]?
J: 3,247 Childeryn & clerkys . chop hem to dethe [aaAx]
J: 3,248 Loke -th-(o)u kylle -th-e kyng . couet not his godys
J: 3,249 ffor any mylyownys of mone . murther(e) hem ichone
J: 3,250 Bernys & bestys . bren hem to dethe [aaAx]
J: 3,251 ffor he kyllyd nouth -th-e kyng . as c(ri)ste hi(m)
bode sent [aaAx]
J: 3,252 But koueytyd her(e) catel . & kyllyd nouth h(er)e
bestys [aaAx]
J: 3,253 But brouht w(i)t(h) hi(m) -th-e bestys . as -th-e
bible techith [aaAx]
J: 3,254 God seyde to samuel . -th-(a)t sowle scholde deye
J: 3,255 And al his sede for -th-(a)t sy(n)ne . schent ben
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 3,256 Swyche a myschefe mede . made -th-e kyng for to
haue [aaAx]
J: 3,257 -Th-(a)t god hatyd him eu(er)e . & his eyris
aft(er) [aaAa]
J: 3,258 -Th-e colour(e) of -th-is kepe I nouth to schewe
J: 3,259 In auentur(e) if it noyede me . now ende wil I make
J: 3,260 I consciens knowe -th-is . for kynde wytte me tawhte
J: 3,261 -Th-(a)t resen schal reygne -gh-it . & rewmys
gouerne [aaAx]
fol. 27r
J: 3,262 And riht as agagx had . happyn schulyn su(m)me [aaAx]
J: 3,263 Samuel schal slen him . & sawle sc[h]al ben
blamyde [aaAx]
J: 3,264 And dauid schal bene dyadenyd . & dauntyn he(m)
alle [aaAx]
J: 3,265 And one c(ri)sten kyng . sc[h]al kepyn vs ycchon
J: 3,266 Schal no more mede . ben mayst(er) in erthe [aaAx]
J: 3,267 But lof & lownesse . & lawte togyder(e)
J: 3,268 & ho so trespassyth a-gh-eyne trewthe or doth
a-gh-eyne his wille [aaAx]
J: 3,269 Lewte schal don him lawe . or lesyn his lif ellis
J: 3,270 Schal no s(er)iaunt for -th-(a)t s(er)uyse . weryn
a sylke owue [aaAx]
J: 3,271 Ne no ray rowbe . w(i)t(h) so riche pelour(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,272 Mede of mysdoers . makyth hem so riche [aaAx]
J: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is lorde waxen . & lewte is pour(e)
J: 3,274 Vnkyndenesse is comandowr(e) . & kyndenesse
is banychisted [aaAx]
J: 3,275 Ac kynde wytte schal comy(n) -gh-it . & consciens
togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,276 And makyn of lawe a laborer(e) . swyche loue schal
aryse [aaAx]
Passus quartus de visione
J: 4,1 Sescyth now seyde -th-e kyng . I suffur(e) -gh-ow no
lenger(e) [aaAx]
J: 4,2 -Gh-e schul sawty(n) forsothe . & s(er)uen me
bothe [aaAx]
J: 4,3 Kisse hir(e) q(uo)d -th-e kyng . konsciens I rede
J: 4,4 Nay be c(ri)st q(uo)d consciens . co(n)foundyd wrthe
I rather(e) [aaAx]
J: 4,5 But resyn rede me -th-(er)to . erst wil I dey [aaAx]
J: 4,6 And I comaunde q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to consciens -th-anne
J: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ryden . & resou(n) -th-(a)t -th-(o)u
fecche [aaAx]
J: 4,8 Comaunde hi(m) -th-(a)t he come . my counseyle to
here [aaAx]
J: 4,9 ffor he schal rewlyn me . & redyn me -th-e beste
J: 4,10 Of mede & of o-th-(er) moo . qwat man schal hir(e)
wedde [aaAx]
J: 4,11 And acountyn w(i)t(h) [-th-e] co(n)sciens . so me
c(ri)st helpe [aaAx]
J: 4,12 How -th-(o)u lernyst -th-e peple . lerid & lewyd
J: 4,13 I am fayne of -th-at forwarde . q(uo)d co(n)sciens
-th-anne [aaAx]
J: 4,14 And rod riht to reson . & rownyd in his ere [aaaAx]
J: 4,15 Seyd him as -th-e kyng seyde . & sethyn toke
his leue [aaAxx]
J: 4,16 I schal rapyn me to ride q(uo)d resou(n) . rest -th-e
a whyle [aaaAx]
J: 4,17 And callid catou(n) his knaue . curteys of speche
fol. 27v
J: 4,18 Set my sadyl . vpon suffre tyl I see my tyme [aaAa]
J: 4,19 And lat warrokyn him wele . w(i)t(h) wittful gerthis
J: 4,20 Hang on him -th-e heuy bridyl . to holdy(n) his hede
lowe [aaAx]
J: 4,21 -Gh-it wil he makyn many wehe . or we comyn -th-er(e)
J: 4,22 -Th-a(n) consciens on his capil . caryeth forth fast
J: 4,23 & resou(n) w(i)t(h) hi(m) rit . & raped him
swythe [aaAx]
J: 4,24 And -th-o waryn wisdu(m) . & witty his fere [aaAx]
J: 4,25 ffolwedy(n) hem fast . for -th-ei haddyn to done
J: 4,26 In chekker(e) & in chauncery . to ben charchid
of -th-ingys [aaAx]
J: 4,27 And rydyn fast to resou(n) . scholde redyn hem -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 4,28 ffor to sauen (hem self) . fro schamys & harmys
J: 4,29 But consciens com first . to c[o]urt be halue a myle
J: 4,30 & romed riht w(i)t(h) resou(n) . forth to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
J: 4,31 Curtesly -th-e kyng . -th-oo welcomyd resou(n) [aaAx]
J: 4,32 Be twyxin him & his sone . set him on benche
J: 4,33 And wordedyn a grete whyle . wisely togydyr(e) [aaAx]
J: 4,34 -Th-an cam pees in p(ar)lement . & put hup a
bylle [aaAx]
J: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-eyne his will . had his wyf takyn
J: 4,36 And how he had rauyschid roose . raynald loue [aaAx]
J: 4,37 And mergrete of hir maydynhed . mawgreyth hir(e)
chekys [aaAx]
J: 4,38 Bothe my geese & my grises . his gadling(es)
fecheyn [aaAx]
J: 4,39 I ne dar for fer(e) of him . fyhtyn ne chidyn [xaAx]
J: 4,40 He borowed of me bay-gh-ard . & browht hi(m)
me neu(er) [aaAx]
J: 4,41 Ne no ferthyng -th-(er)fore . for nouth I cowthe
pledyn [aaAxx]
J: 4,42 He meynteth his men . to mortheryn my(n) hewyn [aaAx]
J: 4,43 fforstallith my fayres . & fytyth in my chepyng
J: 4,44 & breykyth vp my berne dorys . & berith awey
my qwhete [aaAx]
J: 4,45 And takyth me but a tayl . for ten q(ua)rt(er) otys
J: 4,46 And -gh-it he betyth me -th-(er)to . & liggith
be my mayden [axAx]
J: 4,47 I am not hardy for him vneth to lokyn [aaAx]
J: 4,48 -Th-e kyng knewe . he seyde soth for consciens him
tolde [aaAx]
J: 4,49 Wrong was aferde -th-o . & wisdom he sowhte [axAx]
J: 4,50 To make pes with his penyes . & p(ro)ferd hi(m)
many [aaAx]
J: 4,51 And seyde had I I loue of -th-e kyng . litel wold
I recche [aaAx]
J: 4,52 -Th-ei pees & his power(e) . pleynyd hem eu(er)e
fol. 28r
J: 4,53 Wysdom qwan he heryd -th-oo . so dyd witte alse [aaAx]
J: 4,54 ffor -th-(a)t wrong had wrouht . so wyckyd a dede
J: 4,55 & warnyd wrong -th-o . w(i)t(h) swyche a wyse
tale [aaAx]
J: 4,56 Ho so wyrchith be wil . wrath maketh ofte [aaAx]
J: 4,57 I sey it be -th-i selfe . -th-e sothe -th-(o)u schalt
fynde [aaAx]
J: 4,58 But -gh-if mede it make . -th-i myschef is vppe [aaAx]
J: 4,59 ffor both -th-i life & -th-i londe . lithe in
hir(e) g(ra)ce [aaAx]
J: 4,60 Wrong -th-an on wisdom . wepede to helpy(n) [hi(m)]
for of his [aaAx]
J: 4,61 Handy dandy I wisse he payed him -th-anne [aaXa]
J: 4,62 Wysdom & witte -th-o . wentyn togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 4,63 & toke mede w(i)t(h) hem . m(er)cy to wynne [axAx]
J: 4,64 Pees -th-o put forth his hede . & his pan blody
J: 4,65 Withoute(n) gilt q(uo)d he god wote . gate I -th-is
scathe [aaAx]
J: 4,66 Conciens -th-o & -th-e kyng . knewy(n) wel -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
J: 4,67 & wisty(n) wele . -th-(a)t wrong was a schrew
eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 4,68 Ac wisdom & w(i)t(h) -th-o . weryn abowty(n)
fast [aaAx]
J: 4,69 To ou(er)kom -th-e kyng . w(i)t(h) catel If he mowht
J: 4,70 -Th-e kyng swore be c(ri)st -th-o . & be his
crowne bothe [aaAx]
J: 4,71 -Th-(a)t wrong for his werkys . schuld qwoo tholyn
J: 4,72 & comaundyd a constabil . to castyn him in yrnys
J: 4,73 He schal not -th-is seuyn . -gh-er(e) sene his feete
onys [aaAx]
J: 4,74 God wote q(uo)d wisdom . -th-(a)t wer(e) nouth -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 4,75 & he amendys mow make . let meymp(ri)se hi(m)
haue [aaAx]
J: 4,76 & ben borowe of his bale . & beggyn him bote
J: 4,77 & amendyn -th-at mysdede . & eu(er)more -th-e
bett(er)e [aaAx]
J: 4,78 Witte acordyd -th-(er)with . & seyde -th-e same
J: 4,79 Bett(er) is -th-(a)t bote . bale adoune bringge [aaAa]
J: 4,80 -Th-an bale be Ibetyn . & bote neu(er) -th-e
bett(er) [aaAa]
J: 4,81 -Th-an gan mede mekyn hir(e) . & m(er)cy besowhte
J: 4,82 & proferyd pes a p(re)sent . al of pewr(e) golde
J: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me q(uo)d sche . to amendyn -th-in
state [aaAx]
J: 4,84 ffor I wil wagyn for wrong . he wil do so no more
J: 4,85 Pees -th-an petowsly . p(re)yed to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
J: 4,86 To haue m(er)cy of -th-(a)t man . -th-(a)t mysded
hi(m) oftyn [aaAx]
J: 4,87 ffor he hath wagyde me wele amendis . as wisda(m)
hi(m) tauht [aaAx]
fol. 28v
J: 4,88 I for-gh-if him -th-(a)t gilt . with a gode wille [aaAx]
J: 4,89 So -th-(a)t [-gh-e] assentyn . I can sey no more
J: 4,90 ffor he hath made me amendys . I may no more axin
J: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . so god -gh-if me blisse
J: 4,92 Wrong we(n)dith not so awey . or I wyte more [aaaAx]
J: 4,93 Lepe he so lihtly awey . laqwyn he wolde [aaAx]
J: 4,94 And eft -th-e bolder(e) ben . to betyn my(n) hyen
J: 4,95 But resou(n) rewe on him . he restith in my stokkys
J: 4,96 As long as I lyfe . but -gh-if loue it may make [aaAx]
J: 4,97 Somme reddin resou(n) . to haue reuthe of -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
J: 4,98 And to counseylyn -th-e kyng . & conciens bothe
J: 4,99 -Th-(a)t mede mostyn ben a maynp(er)nour(e) . resyn
-th-ei besowht [aaaXx]?
J: 4,100 Rede me not q(uo)d resou(n) . rewthe to haue [aaAx]
J: 4,101 Til lordys & leuedys . louyn alle trewthe [aaAx]
J: 4,102 & alle her(e) p(er)leys purfyle . be put in
hir(e) hucche [aaAx]
J: 4,103 Til child(er)ys cherissyng . be chastesyd w(i)t(h)
-gh-erdys [aaAx]
J: 4,104 & harlatys holynes . ben howldyn an hyne [aaAa]
J: 4,105 Til clerkys & knyhtys . ben curteys of her mowthis
J: 4,106 & hatyn to heryn herlatry . or mowthin it for
eu(er)e [aaaAx]
J: 4,107 Til p(re)stis her(e) p(re)ching . it p(re)uyth hem
selue [aaAx]
J: 4,108 And don it in dede . to drawyn vs to gode [aaAx]
J: 4,109 Til seynt Iemys be sowht . -th-(er) I schal syngne
J: 4,110 -Th-(a)t no man go to galis . but if he go for eu(er)e
J: 4,111 And rome renners . for robbers of be-gh-endyn [aaAx]
J: 4,112 Ber(e) no sylu(er) ou(er) -th-e see . -th-(a)t syng
of kyng schewith [aaAa]
J: 4,113 Neythir(e) grotys ne golde . g(ra)uyn kyngg(es)
crowne [aaAx]
J: 4,114 Vp forfeto(ur)re of-th-e fee . ho so fynde he(m)
at dou(er)e [aaAx]
J: 4,115 But it be marchaunde or his ma(n) . or messang(er)
w(i)t(h) lett(er) [aaAx]
J: 4,116 Or ell(is) p(ro)uyso(ur) or p(re)st . -th-(a)t -th-e
pope avauncydh [aaAx]
J: 4,117 And -gh-it q(uo)d resou(n) be -th-e rode . I scal
no reuthe haue [aaAx]
J: 4,118 Qwil mede hath -th-e mayst(rie) . to motyn in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
J: 4,119 Ac I may schewyn examplis . as I se o-th-er(e) [aaAx]
J: 4,120 I sey it for my selue . for and it so wer(e) [aaAx]
J: 4,121 And I wer(e) kyng w(i)t(h) crowne . to kepyn a rewme
fol. 29r
J: 4,122 Scholde neuyr wrong in -th-is werlde . -th-(a)t I
wite myht [aaAx]
J: 4,123 Ben vnpunschid in my power . for peril of my soule
J: 4,124 Ne getyn no g(ra)ce -th-orow -gh-ifte . so me god
helpe [aaaAx]
J: 4,125 Ne for mede haue m(er)cy . but mekenesse it made
J: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) } -th-e man . mete with
{ inpunitu(m) } [aaAx]
J: 4,127 And bad { nullum) bonu(m) } bene { i(n)remun(er)atu(m)
} [aaAx]
J: 4,128 Lat -th-i confesso(ur) sir kyng . (con)st(ru)yn
-th-e -th-is on englische [aaAx]
J: 4,129 & -gh-if -th-(o)u wirche it in -th-i werk .
I wed -th-(er)to myn erys [aaAx]
J: 4,130 -Th-(a)t lawe schal bien a laborer . & ledyn
on felde dunge [aaAx]
J: 4,131 And luffe sc[h]al ledyn -th-in londe . as -th-e
leue lykyth [aaaAx]
J: 4,132 Clerkys -th-(a)t werin (con)fessourys . cowplede
hem togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 4,133 ffor to (con)st(ru)yn -th-e clause . he declinedyn
fast [aaAx]
J: 4,134 Amonge hem -th-o -th-ei . haddy(n) rehersyd -th-is
wordys [aaAx]
J: 4,135 -Th-(er) ne was in -th-e motehalle . more ne lasse
J: 4,136 -Th-(a)t ne helde resyn a mayst(er) & mede .
a myche wreche [xaaAx]
J: 4,137 Luffe lete of hir(e) liht . & lowh hir(e) to
scorne [aaAx]
J: 4,138 & seyd it so loude . -th-(a)t sothnesse it herde
J: 4,139 Ho so -gh-ernyth hir(e) to wyue . for welth of her(e)
godys [aaAx]
J: 4,140 But he be kokewolde Icallid . cut of my(n) nose
J: 4,141 Waren wisdom -th-o . ne witty his fere [aaAx]
J: 4,142 Cowthe not werchin a worde . to withseyn resou(n)
J: 4,143 But star(e)dyn for stondyng . & stodyn as bestys
J: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acordyd . be c(ri)st to resou(n) sawys
J: 4,145 & rehersyd -th-(a)t resou(n) . hadde rihtfullych
schewyd [aaAx]
J: 4,146 Ac it is wel harde be myn hede . herto to bringyn
it [aaAx]
J: 4,147 And alle my riche ledys . to ledyn -th-(us) euene
J: 4,148 Be him -th-(a)t rawt on -th-e rode . q(uo)d resou(n)
to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
J: 4,149 But if I rewle -th-(us) -gh-our(e) rewme . rendith
out my rybbes [aaAx]
J: 4,150 If it be so -th-(a)t buxomnesse . ben at my(n) assent
J: 4,151 & I asent q(uo)d -th-e kyng . be sent mary my
lady [axAx]
J: 4,152 Be my cou(n)sel Icomyn . of clerkys and erlys [aaAx]
J: 4,153 Ryht redyly resou(n) . -th-(o)u schalt not rydyn
hennye [aaAx]
J: 4,154 ffor as long as I lyffe . lete -th-e I nylle [aaAx]
fol. 29v
J: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d resyn . to restyn w(i)t(h)-gh-ow
eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 4,156 So consciens be of -gh-our(e) cou(n)seyle . kepe
I no bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 4,157 I graunte q(uo)d -th-e kyng . goddys forbode he
fayle [aaAbb]
J: 4,158 As longe as I lyffe . leue we togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,1 -Th-e kyng & his knyhtys . to -th-e kyrk wentyn
J: 5,2 To here mateyns & masse . & to -th-e mete
aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 5,3 -Th-an wakyd I of my wynkyng . & woo was w(i)t(h)alle
J: 5,4 -Th-(a)t I ne had slepyn sadder(e) . & Iseyn more
J: 5,5 But or I had faryn a furlong . fayntis me hent [aaAx]
J: 5,6 -Th-(a)t I ne myht forther(e) a fote . for defaute
of slepyng [aaAx]
J: 5,7 I sat softely adoune . & seyde my beleue [aaAx]
J: 5,8 And so I bablede on my bedys . -th-ei browty(n) me
on slepe [aaAx]
J: 5,9 -Th-an sey I mychel more . -th-an I before tolde [aaXx]
J: 5,10 I sey -th-e felde ful of folke . -th-(a)t I before
nemyde [aaAx]
J: 5,11 & I sey consciens w(i)t(h) a croyse . cam for
to p(re)chyne [aaAx]
J: 5,12 And p(re)y-gh-ed -th-e peple . haue pyte on hem selue
J: 5,13 And p(ro)uyd -th-(a)t -th-is pestelence . wery(n)
for pure synne, [aaAx]
J: 5,14 And -th-e sowthewest wynde . on a saterday at euene
J: 5,15 Was ap(er)ty for p(ri)de . & for no poynt ellis
J: 5,16 Peries & plumtrees . wer(e) puffyd to -th-e erthe
J: 5,17 In example -th-(a)t -gh-e schuldyn done -th-e bett(er)
J: 5,18 Bechis & brode hookys . weryn blowen to -th-e
grounde [aaAx]
J: 5,19 And t(ur)nyd vpward her(e) tayle . for tokeny(n)g
of drede [aaAx]
J: 5,20 -Th-(a)t dedely synne or domysday . sal fordone he(m)
alle [aaAx]
J: 5,21 Of -th-is mat(er) I myht . mamelyn wel longe [aaAx]
J: 5,22 Ac I sc[h]al seyn as I sayhe . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
J: 5,23 How (con)sciens w(i)t(h) a crose . began for to p(re)che
J: 5,24 He bad wastowr(e) go wyrche . qwat he best cowthe
J: 5,25 And wy(n)ny(n) -th-(a)t he wastyd . w(i)t(h) su(m)
man(er) crafte [aaAxx]
J: 5,26 And p(ra)y-gh-ed pernel -th-e prowde . her p(ur)fyle
to leuyn [aaAx]
J: 5,27 And kepyn it in her(e) cofyr(e) . for catel at nede
J: 5,28 Tomme of stowe he tawte . to takyn to stauys [aaAx]
J: 5,29 And fecchyn home felyce . fro pe wyne pyment [aaAxx]
J: 5,30 He warnyd watte . -th-(a)t his wyue was mychel to
blame [aaAx]
J: 5,31 -Th-(a)t hir(e) hede was wrth a mark . & his
hode not a grote [abAb]
fol. 30r
J: 5,31 [B:V,32/C:VI,135] He bad bette cuttyn a batte oyther
J: 5,31 [B:V,33/C:VI,136] And betyn betou(n) -th-(er)with
but sche wold wyrchyn
J: 5,32 He cha[r]ged chappeme(n) . to chastysyn h(er) childeryn
J: 5,33 lat hem want no wande . qwylis -th-ei be -gh-ong(e)
J: 5,34 He p(ra)y-gh-ed p(re)latys . & p(re)stys togyder(e)
J: 5,35 -Th-(a)t he p(re)chyn -th-e peple . & p(ro)uyn
it hem selue [aaAx]
J: 5,36 And lyuyn as -gh-e leryn vs . we louyn -gh-ow -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 5,37 And sethin he red religiou(n) . her rewle to holde
J: 5,38 -Th-(a)t -th-e kyng & his cou(n)seyle -gh-our(e)
. comen not apeyr(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,39 And ben steward of -gh-our(e) stedis . til -gh-e
ben stewyd bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 5,40 And -gh-e -th-(a)t sekyn sent Iamys . & seyntis
at rome [aaAx]
J: 5,41 Sekyth sent trewthe . for he may sauy(n) -gh-ow alle
J: 5,42 { Q(u)i cu(m) p(at)re & filio } . fayre -gh-e
mote befalle [xaAx]
J: 5,43 -Th-an ranne repentaunce . & rehersyd his teeme
J: 5,44 And made wille to wepyn wat(ir) . riht at bothe his
Ien [aaaAx]
J: 5,45 Pernel prowde hert . plat her to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
J: 5,46 And lay long or sche lokyd . & lorde m(er)cy
c(ry)ed [aaaAx]
J: 5,47 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 5,48 Sche schuld vnsewyn h(er) serk(e) . & set -th-er
an hayr(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,49 ffor to dawntyn hir(e) fleche . -th-(a)t fers was
to synne [aaAx]
J: 5,50 Schal neu(er) hye hert me hentyn . but holdyn me
lowe [aaaAx]
J: 5,51 & suffyr to bien missayde . & so did I neu(er)e
J: 5,52 & now I wil mekyn me . & m(er)cy besekyn
J: 5,53 Of alle -th-ing -th-(a)t I haue had p(ri)de . in
my hert [aa?a]
J: 5,54 Lyccher(e) -th-o seyd allas . & on our(e) lady
c(ri)ed [aaAx]
J: 5,55 To makyn m(er)cy [mene] for his misdedis [aaaXx]
J: 5,56 Wyth thi he schulde seuen -gh-er(e) sykerly -th-(er)aft(er)
J: 5,57 Drinkyn but w(i)t(h) -th-e doke . & dynyn but
onys [aaAx]
J: 5,58 Envye w(i)t(h) heuy hert . axed aft(er) schrifte
J: 5,59 & karfully his gylt . begynnyth for to schewe
J: 5,60 He was as pale as erthe . in palsey he semyd [aaAx]
J: 5,61 He was clo-th-id in a kawrymowry . I cowthe it not
disc(ri)en [aaAx]
J: 5,62 A kyrtil & a cowrteby . a knyfe be his syde [aaAx]
J: 5,63 Of a frere freyke . wer -th-e forn sleues [aaAx]
J: 5,64 As a leeke -th-(a)t had lyen . long in -th-e sonne
fol. 30v
J: 5,65 So lokyd he w(i)t(h) leene chekys . lowring fowle [aaAx]
J: 5,66 His body was bolnyd for . wrathe -th-(a)t he bote
his lippis [aaxAx]
J: 5,67 And wrothly he wroth his fist . to wreykyn him he
thowth [aaAx]
J: 5,68 W(i)t(h) werkys & wordys . qwan he sey his tyme
J: 5,69 Venym v(er)nycchith . or vynegr(e) I trowe [aaAx]
J: 5,70 Walwith in my wombe . & waxith as I wene [aaAa]
J: 5,71 I myht nouth many day doon . as a man myht [aaAx]
J: 5,72 Swych wynde in my wombe . waxith or I dyne [aaAx]
J: 5,73 I haue a neyebore ny me . -th-(a)t I haue noy-gh-ed
ofte [aaAx]
J: 5,74 And blamyd him behynd his bak . & brouht him
i(n) fame [aaaAx]
J: 5,75 To apayryn him w(i)t(h) my power(e) . I p(ur)sued
ofte [aaAx]
J: 5,76 And [a]payryd him to lordys . to done him lesyn siluer(e)
J: 5,77 And don his frendys ben his fon . thorow my fals
tung(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,80 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 5,81 Qwan I mete him in market . -th-(a)t I most hate
J: 5,82 I haylsed him hendely . as I his frende were [aaAxx]
J: 5,78 His g(ra)ce & his gode happys . greuyn me sore
J: 5,79 Betwyxin man & his meyne . I haue made wrathe
J: 5,83 He is dowhtyar -th-an I I dar . nou(n) harme done hi(m)
J: 5,84 Ac had I mayst(rie) . I wolde mortheryn hi(m) for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 5,85 Qwan I come to -th-e chi[r]che . & knele to -th-e
rode [aaAx]
J: 5,86 I p(ra)y for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st techith
J: 5,87 --- this line om ---
J: 5,88 & aft(er) I crie on my knees . -th-(a)t c(ri)st
-gh-if him sorowe [aaAx]
J: 5,89 -Th-(a)t bar(e) awey my bolle . & my broke schete
J: 5,90 ffro -th-e auter(e) . myn nye I t(ur)ne & beholde
J: 5,91 How hoge hath a newe Cote & his wyf ano-th-(er)
J: 5,92 -Th-an I wische it wer(e) my(n) . & alle -th-e
web aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 5,93 Of his lesyng I lawhe . it likith my(n) herte [aaAx]
J: 5,94 Ac for his wynnyng I wepe . & weyle -th-e tyme
J: 5,95 I deme men -th-at don ille . & -gh-it I do werse
J: 5,96 I couet -th-(a)t eu(er)y man . wer(e) becomy(n) my
knaue [aaAx]
J: 5,97 And qwo -th-(a)t hath more -th-an I . -th-(a)t angrith
my(n) herte [aaAa]
J: 5,98 -Th-(us) I lif lofles . liche a lythyr(e) dogge [aaAx]
J: 5,99 -Th-(a)t my brest bolnyth . for bitt(er) of my galle
J: 5,100 -Th-(er) may no sewkyr ne swete -th-ing . aswagy(n)
it an inche [aaAx]
J: 5,101 Ne nou(n) diapondiou(n) . driuyn it fro my(n) hert
fol. 31r
J: 5,102 -gh-if scrifte scholde me saue me thingith it wer(e)
wonder(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,103 -gh-is redely q(uo)d repentaunce . & rad him
to gode [aaAx]
J: 5,104 Sorow of her synnys . sauith wel many [aaAx]
J: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d envye . I am but seldyn o-th-er(e)
J: 5,106 & -th-(a)t makyth me so mate . -th-(a)t I ne
may me avengyn [aaAx]
J: 5,107 -Th-an com kouetyse . I can him nouht disc(ri)yn
J: 5,108 So hungry & holwe . sir herui him lokyd [aaAx]
J: 5,109 He was bedilbrowyd & babirlippid . w(i)t(h)
two blerid Ien [aaAx]
J: 5,110 And as a letheryn purs . lolledyn his chekyn [axAx]
J: 5,111 In a torne tabard . of twelfe wynt(er) age [aaAx]
J: 5,112 But -gh-if a lowse cowde renne . I may it wele t(ro)we
J: 5,113 He suld re(n)ne -th-(er)on -gh-erne . so was it
thredbar(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,114 I haue couetouse q(uo)d -th-e caytefe . I beknowe
it her(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,115 ffor su(m) tyme I s(er)uid . sy(m)me atte nokke
J: 5,116 & was his p(re)ntys aplite . his p(ro)fet to
loke [aaAx]
J: 5,117 ffirst I lernyd to lyen . a leef oy-th-(er) tweye
J: 5,118 Wikkydliche to wirke -th-o . was my nexst lessou(n)
J: 5,119 To wynchestr(e) & to wyrcetr(e) . I went to
-th-e fayr(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) marchaundeys . as my mayst(er)
hytt [aaAx]
J: 5,121 Ne had -th-e g(ra)ce of gyle . gone among my war(e)
J: 5,122 It had ben vnsowlde -th-is seuen -gh-er . so me
god helpe [aaAxx]
J: 5,123 -Th-an drow I me among drapers . my donet for to
ler(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,124 To drawyn -th-e lyser o long . -th-e lenger it semyd
J: 5,125 Among -th-e riche ray-gh-es . I renderid a lessou(n)
J: 5,126 Broched hem w(i)t(h) a pac nedel . & playtyd
he(m) togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,127 & put he(m) in a p(re)ssour(e) . & pynyd
hem -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
J: 5,128 Til ten -gh-erdys or twelue . toldyn oute thretene
J: 5,129 My wif was a webst(er) . & wollen clothe made
J: 5,130 And spake to -th-e spynst(er)ys . to spynny(n) it
softe [aaAx]
J: 5,131 -Th-e pounde -th-(a)t sche pay-gh-ed . by peysyd
a q(ua)rt(er) more [aaAx]
J: 5,132 -Th-an my(n) awn selfe did . qwan I wey tre[u]the
J: 5,133 I bowht hir barly malt . sche brew it to sale [aaAx]
fol. 31v
J: 5,134 Penyale & pilwyle . sche powryd togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,135 ffor laborerys & lowe folke . -th-(a)t layne
be hem selue [aaAx]
J: 5,136 -Th-e best in my bed chaumber(e) . lay be -th-e
wowe [aaAx]
J: 5,137 And ho so bu(m)myd -th-(er)of . bowht it -th-(er)aft(ir)
J: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wote no lasse [aaAx]
J: 5,139 Whan it com in cuppemele . -th-is crafte my wif
vsyde [aaAx]
J: 5,140 Rose -th-e regrater . wyttyly I wote was hir name
J: 5,141 Sche had holden hoxtery . elleuen wynt(er) [aaAx]
J: 5,142 But I swere now so I think . -th-(a)t sy(n)ne wil
I lete [aaAx]
J: 5,143 And neu(er) wey-gh-yn wikkedly . ne wik c(ra)fte
makyn [aaAx]
J: 5,144 But wendyn to walsyngh(a)m . & my wif aft(er)
J: 5,145 And byddyn -th-e rode of bromeholme . bringgy(n)
me(n) oute of dette [aaAx]
J: 5,146 Now begynnyth glotu(n) . for to go tp schryfte [aaAx]
J: 5,147 And caryyth him to chirchewarde . his gilt to schewe
J: 5,148 And betou(n) -th-e brewster . -th-(er) bad he gode
morowe [aaAx]
J: 5,149 And sche axed him -th-oo . wyderword he wolde [aaAx]
J: 5,150 To holy chirche q(uo)d he . for to her(e) masse
J: 5,151 And sethin I wil be schriuen . & sy(n)ny(n)
no more [aaAx]
J: 5,152 I haue gode ale glotyn q(uo)d che . gossyp wyttow
asaye [aaAx]
J: 5,153 Hastow oute q(uo)d he . any hote spyces [aaAx]
J: 5,154 -Gh-e glotu(n) gossip q(uo)d sche . god wote ful
hote [aaAx]
J: 5,155 I haue pepyr & pyan . & a pownde of garlyk
J: 5,156 A ferthing worth of fenel sede . for fasting day-gh-es
J: 5,157 -Th-an gothe glotyn in . & grete othes aft(er)
J: 5,158 Sysse -th-e sewster(e) . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
J: 5,159 Wat -th-e weuer . & his wif bothe [aaAx]
J: 5,160 Tynne -th-e tynkar(e) . & tweyne of his knauys
J: 5,161 Hic -th-e hakenayman . & hwe -th-e nedeler(e)
J: 5,162 Claris of kockyslane . -th-e clerke of -th-e chyrche
J: 5,163 Daw -th-e dyker(e) . & a dosyn o-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 5,164 A bribur(e) a rato(n)er(e) . a rakar of chepe [aaAx]
J: 5,165 A roper a redyngkyng . & rose -th-e dycher(e)
J: 5,166 And vpholders an hepe . erlyche be -th-e morwe [aaAx]
J: 5,167 -Th-ei -gh-auy(n) gloty(n) w(i)t(h) glad cher(e)
. gode ale to hansel [aaAbb]
fol. 32r
J: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobeler . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
J: 5,169 And at -th-e newe fayr(e) . nemyd it to selle [axAx]
J: 5,170 Hic -th-e hosteler(e) . threwe his hode aft(er)
J: 5,171 And bette -th-e brocher . to bene on his syde [aaaAx]
J: 5,172 -Th-(er) wer(e) chappemen Ichosyn . -th-(a)t chaffar(e)
to p(ra)ysyn [aaAx]
J: 5,173 Ho so had -th-o hode schulde haue . amendys [aaXx]?
J: 5,174 Two rysyn vp in rape . & rownedyn togydyr(e)
J: 5,175 And p(re)ysydyn -th-o penywor-th-es . aparty be
hem selue [aaAx]
J: 5,176 -Th-(er) weryn othis an hepe . hoso it herde [aaAa]
J: 5,177 -Gh-it cowthen he nouht be her(e) consciens . acordy(n)
togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,178 Til robard -th-o ropar . wer(e) Irad to rysyn [aaAa]
J: 5,179 And nemyd for a nowneper(e) . -th-(a)t no debate
were [aaAa]
J: 5,180 Hikke -th-e osteler(e) . had -th-e cloke [aaAx]
J: 5,181 In couenau(n)t -th-(a)t clement . -th-e cuppe schuld
fille [aaAx]
J: 5,182 And haue hikkys hode -th-e osteler(e) . & holdyn
hi(m) s(er)uyd [aaaAx]
J: 5,183 And ho so repentyd him sonnest . schuld arysyn aft(er)
J: 5,184 And gretyn sir glotou(n) . w(i)t(h) a galou(n) ale
J: 5,185 -Th-(er) was laqwyng & lowryng . & lete
go -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
J: 5,186 Bargaynys & beu(er)eches . begu(n)nyn to rise
J: 5,187 And sytyn so til euesong . & sungyn vmbeqwyle
J: 5,188 Til glotou(n) had gulpyd . a galou(n) & a gille
J: 5,189 He pyssyd -th-oo a potell . in a pat(er)n(oste)r
qwyle [aaAx]
J: 5,190 He blewe [-th-e] rounde r(e)wet . at -th-e rigbonys
hende [aaAx]
J: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-(a)t herdyn -th-(a)t horne . heldyn
her nose aft(er) [aaAa]
J: 5,192 & wyschedyn it wer(e) wexyd . w(i)t(h) a wispe
of -th-ornys [aaAx]
J: 5,193 He had no strengthe to stondyn . or he his staffe
hent [aaAx]
J: 5,194 --- this line om ---
J: 5,195 -Th-an gan he go su(m) tyme arere . & su(m)
tyme asyde [aaAx]
J: 5,196 As ho schuld ley lynys . to lacchen w(i)t(h) fowles
J: 5,197 Qwan he drowe to -th-e dore . -th-an dy(m)myd his
Ien [aaAx]
J: 5,198 He stombled on -th-e threswold . & threw hi(m)
to -th-o erthe [aaAx]
J: 5,199 W(i)t(h) al -th-e woo of -th-is werlde . his wif & his
wenche [aaAa]
J: 5,200 Bar(e)n him to his bedde . & browhtyn him -th-(er)Inne
J: 5,201 and aft(er) al -th-is surfete . an axesse he hadde
J: 5,202 -Th-(a)t he slepe sat(er)day & sonday . til
su(n)ne -gh-ede to reste [aaaAx]
fol. 32v
J: 5,203 -Th-an wakyd he of his wynkyng . & wypyd his I-gh-ene
J: 5,204 -Th-e first worde -th-(a)t he spake qwat . qwere
is -th-e bolle [aaAx]
J: 5,205 His wif blamyd him -th-an . of wyckydnesse & synne
J: 5,206 -Th-a(n) was -th-e schrew aschamyd . & gan to
scharpyn his eris [aaAx]
J: 5,207 And gan to gretyn g(ry)mly . & gret doole to
make [aaAx]
J: 5,208 ffor his lythir lif . -th-(a)t he lyuyd hadde [aaAx]
J: 5,209 And avowyd to fastyn . for thrist or for hunger(e)
J: 5,210 Schal neu(er) fyche on -th-e friday . defy-gh-in
in my mawe [aaAx]
J: 5,211 Til abstynence my(n) amyte . haue -gh-yuyn me leue
J: 5,212 And -gh-it haue I hatyd him . al my lyue tyme [aaAxx]
J: 5,213 Slowthe for sorow . fel doune in a swowe [aaXa]
J: 5,214 Til vigilate -th-e veyle . fet wat(ir) at his I-gh-ine
J: 5,215 And flattid on his face . & fast on him criede
J: 5,216 And seyd be war(e) of wanhope . he wolde -th-e bet(ra)ye
J: 5,217 I am sori of my sy(n)nys . sey to -th-i selfe [aaAa]
J: 5,218 And bete -th-i selue on -th-e breste . & byd
hi(m) of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
J: 5,219 ffor -th-(er) is no gilt so grete . -th-(a)t his
godenesse is more [aaAx]
J: 5,220 -Th-an sat slowthe vp . & crowchid him fast
J: 5,221 & mad vuowe tofor god . for his fowle slowthe
J: 5,222 -th-(a)t -th-(er) schal no sonu(n)nday ben -th-is
seuen -gh-ere
J: 5,223 ffor sorwyn of my sy(n)nys but sekenesse it make
J: 5,223 -Th-(a)t I sal do me or day . to -th-e dere cherche
J: 5,224 And here masse & matenys . as I a mu(n)ke were
J: 5,225 Sal no(n) ale aft(er) mete . holdyn me thennys [aaAx]
J: 5,226 Til I haue euesong herd . I hote to -th-e rode [aaAx]
J: 5,227 -Gh-it wil I -gh-elden a-gh-eyne . if I so mychel
haue [aaAxx]
J: 5,228 Al -th-(a)t I wickydly wan . se-th-in I wyt hadde
J: 5,229 & -th-ei my liflode lacke . letyn I nylle [aaAx]
J: 5,230 -th-(a)t iche man sc[h]al haue his . er I hennys
wende [aaAx]
J: 5,231 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resydu & -th-e remnant .
be -th-e rode of chest(re) [aaAx]
J: 5,232 I wil sekyn trewthe . or I se rome [axAx]
J: 5,233 Roberd -th-e robber(e) . on reddite loked [aaAx]
J: 5,234 Ac for -th-(er) was not qwer w(i)t(h) . he weppid
sore [aaAx]
fol. 33r
J: 5,235 And -gh-it -th-(a)t synful schrewe . seyd to him selue
J: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on caluary . vpon crosse dey-gh-ide
J: 5,237 -Th-o dysmas my brother(e) besowht -gh-ow of g(ra)ce
J: 5,238 -Gh-e had m(er)cy on -th-(a)t man . for memento
sake [aaAx]
J: 5,239 -Th-i wil worthe vpon me . as I haue deseruyde [aaAx]
J: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . -gh-if hope ne war(e)
J: 5,241 So rewe on -th-is robber . -th-(a)t no red hauyth
J: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wene to wynnyn . w(i)t(h) c(ra)fte -th-(a)t
I knowe [aaAxx]
J: 5,243 ffor -th-i mychel m(er)cy . mytygacyon I beseke
J: 5,244 Dampne me nouth at domysday . for I haue done so
ille [aaAx]
J: 5,245 But qwat fel of -th-is feloune . I can not fayr(e)
schewe [aaAx]
J: 5,246 Wele I wote he weptyd fast wat(ir) . at his I-gh-ene
J: 5,247 And knowleched his gilt . to c(ri)st -gh-it eftsonys
J: 5,248 -Th-(a)t Penitencia his pyke . apertly schuld he
pullyche [aaAx]
J: 5,249 And lepyn w(i)t(h) him ou(er) londe . al his lif
tyme [aaAx]
J: 5,250 ffor he had ley be lat(ro) . luciferys lemman [aaAx]
J: 5,251 A thowsyng of men -th-o . thrungu(n) togyder(e)
J: 5,252 Wepyng & weylyng . for her wykkyd dedis [aaAx]
J: 5,253 Criedyn vpword to c(ri)st . & to his clene moder(e)
J: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to sekyn trewthe . god leue -th-(a)t
he motyn [aaAx]
J: 6,1 Ac -th-(er) wer(e) few men so wyse . -th-e wey -th-idyr
cowthin [aaAx]
J: 6,2 But blustryn forth as bestys . ower(e) valeyes & hillys
J: 6,3 Til late & longe . -th-(a)t he a man mettyn [aaAx]
J: 6,4 Apareylyd as a paynym . in pilg(ry)mes wise [aaAx]
J: 6,5 --- this line om ---
J: 6,6 --- this line om ---
J: 6,7 Wou(n)den abowtyn him a bagge a bolle be his syde
J: 6,8 An hundrid of [h]ampollis . on his hatte settyn [aaAx]
J: 6,9 Sygnys of synay . schellys of galis [aaAx]
J: 6,10 And many a crowche on his cloke . & key-gh-is
of rome [aaAx]
J: 6,11 And -th-e v(er)nicle beforn . for men schuldyn knowe
J: 6,12 And seene be his signys . hom he sowht hadde [aaAx]
J: 6,13 -Th-is folke fraynyd him fayr(e) . qwen -th-(a)t
he come [aaaAxx]
J: 6,14 ffro synay he seyde . -th-o & fro -th-e sepulcur(e)
J: 6,15 At bedleem at babyloyne . I haue bene in bothe [aaAa]
J: 6,16 In ermony in alisaunder(e) . in many o-th-(er) place
J: 6,17 -Gh-e mowe sene be my sygnys . -th-(a)t sitty(n)
on my(n) hatte [aaAx]
J: 6,18 -Th-(a)t I haue walkyd wyde qwore . i(n) wete & in
drye [aaaAx]
fol. 33v
J: 6,19 And sowht gode seyntys . for my sowle helthe [aaAx]
J: 6,20 Knowystow oute a corseynt q(uo)d -th-ei . -th-(a)t
men callyn t(re)wthe [aaAx]
J: 6,21 kanstow out wyssyn v(us) -th-e wey . qwer(e) -th-(a)t
he dwellyth [aaAx]
J: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . q(uo)d -th-e gome -th-anne
J: 6,23 I sayhe neu(er) palm(er) w(i)t(h) pyke . ne w(i)t(h)
scrippe [aaXx]?
J: 6,24 Axin aft(er) him . or now in no diu(er)s place [aaAxx]
J: 6,25 Pet(ir) q(uo)d a plowhman . & put forth his hede
J: 6,26 I know him as so kyndely . as clerk doth his boke
J: 6,27 Clene co(n)sciens & wit . taute me to his place
J: 6,28 And did me asuryn him sy-th-in . to s(er)uyn him
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 6,29 Both sowyn & settyn . qwyl I swynckyn myht [aaAx]
J: 6,30 I haue bene his falwer . al -th-is four(e) wint(er)
J: 6,31 Bothe sowyn his seede . & sewyd his bestis [aaAx]
J: 6,32 And kepid wele his corne . & cary-gh-id it to
howse [aaAx]
J: 6,33 Dychid & duluy(n) . & do qwat he hyte [aaAx]
J: 6,34 Withinnyn & withoutyn . weele his p(ro)fete [aaAx]
J: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laborer in his lordechyp . -th-(a)t
he louyth bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 6,36 ffor -th-ei I sey it my selue . I s(er)ue him to
paye [aaAx]
J: 6,37 I haue my(n) hir(e) of him wele . & o-th-(er)qwile
more [aaAx]
J: 6,38 He is -th-e p(re)stest payer . -th-(a)t powre men
knowyn [aaAx]
J: 6,39 He withholt non hy-gh-en his hir(e) . -th-at he hath
it at euyn [aaAx]
J: 6,40 He is as lowe as a lombe . & loueliche of speche
J: 6,41 & -gh-if -gh-e desyrin to wityn . wer(e) -th-e
wyht dwellith [aaAx]
J: 6,42 I schal wissyn -gh-ow wel . riht to his place [aaAx]
J: 6,43 A -gh-e leue q(uo)d -th-e pilg(ri)mys . & p(ro)feredyn
hyre [aaAx]
J: 6,44 Nay be -th-e p(er)el of my sowle . q(uo)d peris & gan
for to swer(e) [axAx]
J: 6,45 I nolde fongyn a ferdyng . for seynt tomas schryne
J: 6,46 Treuthe wolde loue me -th-e wers . a long tyme h(er)aft(er)
J: 6,47 Ac -gh-e -th-(a)t -gh-ernyn to wite . -th-is is -th-e
wey -th-idir(e) [aaAx]
J: 6,48 -Gh-e motyn gon -th-orow mekenesse . bo-th-e men & wyues
J: 6,49 Til -gh-e comen into consciens . -th-(a)t c(ri)st
wite -th-e sothe [aaAx]
J: 6,50 -Th-(a)t -gh-e louy(n) hi(m) leuer . -th-an -th-e
lif in -gh-or hertys [aaAx]
J: 6,51 And -th-an -gh-or neyebores next . in none wyse apayre
J: 6,52 O-th-(er) wise -th-an -th-(o)u wost men . wroute
on -th-i selue [aaAx]
J: 6,53 And so bowith to a broke . beth buxu(m) of speche
J: 6,54 fforto fyndyn -gh-our(e) faderys & hem -gh-e
honoure [aaAx]
J: 6,55 Wadith in -th-(a)t wat(ir) . & wachith -gh-ow
wel -th-ere [aaAx]
fol. 34r
J: 6,56 And -gh-e schul lepyn -th-e lithlicher(e) . al -gh-our(e)
lif tyme [aaAx]
J: 6,57 So schal -th-(o)u gon be . swer(e) nouth bot it be
for nede [aaAx]
J: 6,58 And nameliche in Idel . -th-e name of god almyhtyn
J: 6,59 -Th-an schul -gh-e comen be a crofte . but cometh
not -th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
J: 6,60 -Th-e crofte hite coueyte no mannys catell [aaAx]
J: 6,61 Ne her wyuys ne her s(er)uaundes . -th-(a)t hem noy-gh-en
myhte [axAx]
J: 6,62 Loke -th-(o)u breyke no bowhe . -th-(er)for but it
be -th-in awyne [aaAx]
J: 6,63 Two stockys -th-(er) standyn . but stynt not -th-(er)
J: 6,64 -Th-ei hat[ty(n)] stele nouth ne sle not . st(ry)ke
forth be bo-th-yn [aaAx]
J: 6,65 Leefe hem on -th-i left halfe . but loke not -th-(er)aftere
J: 6,66 And holde wele -th-in haliday . hye til euyn [aaAa]
J: 6,67 -Th-an schaltow blenchen at a bowhe . bere no fals
wytnesse [aaAx]
J: 6,68 He is frettyt w(i)t(h) floreynys . & o-th-(er)
feese many [aaAx]
J: 6,69 Loke -th-(o)u pulke no plant . -th-(er) for p(er)el
of -th-i sowle [aaAx]
J: 6,70 & [-th-(a)n] schaltow seyin . sey [-th-e] soth
so it be to done [aaAx]
J: 6,71 And loke -th-(a)t -th-(o)u lye nouth . for no ma(n)nys
byddyng [aaXx]
J: 6,72 -Th-an sal tow comen to a courte . as clere as -th-e
su(n)ne [aaAx]
J: 6,73 -Th-e mote is of m(er)cy . -th-e man(er) al abowte
J: 6,74 And alle -th-e wallys bene of wit . to wonyn -th-(er)oute
J: 6,75 -Th-e kyrnels bene of c(ri)stendome . -th-(a)t kynde
to sau(er)e [aaAx]
J: 6,76 & boteraseded w(i)t(h) beleue so . worth [-th-(o)u]
best now sauyd [aaAx]
J: 6,77 Alle -th-e howses bene hylyd . hallys & chaumberis
J: 6,78 W(i)t(h) [no led bot] pure loue . as bre-th-eryn
of a wombe [aaaXx]
J: 6,79 -Th-e tour(e) -th-(er) treuthe is . is vpon -th-at
su(n)ne [aaXx]
J: 6,80 He may don w(i)t(h) -th-e day ster . qwat him der(e)
likyth [aaAx]
J: 6,81 Deth dar nouth don -th-ing . -th-(a)t he defendyth
J: 6,82 Grace hite -th-e gatewarde . a gode man forsoth [aaAx]
J: 6,83 His man hyhte amende -gh-ow . for many man he knowyth
J: 6,84 Tel him -th-is tokyn . trewthe wote -th-e sothe [aaAx]
J: 6,85 I p(er)formyd -th-e penaunce . -th-e preste on me
leyde [aaAx]
J: 6,86 And am sory for my sy(n)nys . & so schal I eu(er)e
J: 6,87 Qwan I thing -th-(er)on . -th-ei I wer(e) a pope
J: 6,88 he Byddyth amende -gh-ow mekyn [-gh-ow] . to his
mayst(er) [aaAx]
J: 6,89 Onys to wynny(n) vp -th-e weket . -th-(a)t he w(i)t(h)
schytte [aaAx]
J: 6,90 -Th-oo adam & eue . etyn her bane [aaAx]
J: 6,91 ffor he hath -th-e keye & -th-e cleket . -th-ei
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
J: 6,92 -Gh-if g(ra)ce g(ra)unte . -th-e to gone inne on
-th-is wise [aaAx]
J: 6,93 -Th-(o)u schalt seene t(re)wthe -th-iselue wil .
sytty(n) in -th-in hert [aaAx]
fol. 34v
J: 6,94 And lernyn -gh-ow for to louyn him . & his lawes
holde [aaAx]
J: 6,95 Ac be war(e) of wrath he wrathe -th-e not . -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
J: 6,96 ffor he hath envy to him . -th-(a)t in -th-in hert(e)
syttyth [aaAx]
J: 6,97 And p(ro)kerryth forth p(ri)de . to preysyn him selue
J: 6,98 -Th-e boldenesse of -th-in benefetys . blyndeth -th-e
-th-anne [aaAx]
J: 6,99 And so worth -th-(o)u dryuyn oute as dewe . & -th-e
dore closede [aaAx]
J: 6,100 Keyed & clekedyd . to holdyn -th-e -th-(er)oute
J: 6,101 Happyly an hundred wynt(er) . er -th-(o)u est entre
J: 6,102 -Th-(us) mayhtow lesyn his loue . to letyn wele
be -th-i selue [aaAx]
J: 6,103 And getyn [it] agayne -th-orow g(ra)ce . & -th-orow
no -gh-iftys ellys [aaAx]
J: 6,104 Ac -th-(er) arn seue(n) sist(er)ys . -th-(a)t s(er)uyn
trewthe eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 6,105 And bene porters of -th-e posterns . -th-(a)t to
-th-e place longith [aaAx]
J: 6,106 -Th-(a)t on is callid abstinence . humilite ano-th-er
J: 6,107 Charite & chastite . bo-th-yn her chef maydenys
J: 6,108 Pacience & pees . michel folk -th-ei helpyn
J: 6,109 Larges -th-e leuedy . lattith inne wel many [aaAx]
J: 6,110 Ac qwo so is sibbe to -th-is syst(er)ys . so me
god helpe [aaAxx]
J: 6,111 Is wond(ir)liche welcom . & fayr(e) vnderfongyde
J: 6,112 Ac bot if he be sybbe to su(m)me . of -th-is seuyne
J: 6,113 It is wel harde be my(n) hede . any of -gh-ow alle
J: 6,114 To getyn in going(e) at -th-e gate . but g(ra)ce
be -th-e more [aaaAx]
J: 6,115 Be c(ri)st q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kynne -th-(er)
J: 6,116 No I q(uo)d an apewarde . be oute -th-(a)t I knowe
J: 6,117 Wite god q(uo)d a brewst(er) . wist I -th-is forsothe
J: 6,118 I wolde neu(er) forther a fote . for no freris p(re)ching
J: 6,119 -Gh-is q(uo)d peris -th-e plowhman . & [p(ro)kerd]
hir(e) to gode [aaAx]
J: 6,120 Mercy is a maydou(n) -th-(er) . hath myht ou(er)
hem alle [aaAx]
J: 6,121 Sche is sib to alle sy(n)ful . & hir(e) sou(n)
als [aaAx]
J: 6,122 & -th-orow -th-e helpe of hem so . howpe -th-(o)u
non o-th-(er) [aaAa]
J: 6,123 -Th-ou mayht getyn g(ra)ce -th-ere . so -th-(o)u
go be tyme [aaAx]
J: 7,1 -Th-is wer(e) a wylsu(m) wey . but ho so had a gyde
J: 7,2 -Th-(a)t we [myht] folow hi(m) ecche fote . til we
weryn -th-(er) [aaAxx]
J: 7,3 Q(uo)d p(er)kyn -th-e plowhman . be seynt powle apostel
J: 7,4 I haue an halue acre to eryn . be -th-e hye weye [aaAx]
J: 7,5 Had I erid -th-(a)t w(i)t(h) -gh-ow wold I wende [aaAx]?
J: 7,6 And techyn -gh-ow riht forth til -th-(a)t -gh-e bene
-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 7,7 -Th-is were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a leuedy in a
scleyre [aaAx]
fol. 35r
J: 7,8 Qwat schulde we wymmen . wyrke -th-(er) -th-(er)qwyl
J: 7,9 Su(m)me schul sewe -th-e sak . for spyllyng of -th-e
qwete [aaAx]
J: 7,10 And -gh-e wyuys -th-(a)t haue wollen . wyrchith it
fast [aaAx]
J: 7,11 Spy(n)nyth it spedyly . sparyth not -gh-our(e) fyngeris
J: 7,12 Bot if it be haliday . or ellis haly euyn [xaAa]
J: 7,13 Lokyth forth -gh-our(e) lynnene . & laboryth
[it] fast [aaAx]
J: 7,14 -Th-e nedy & -th-e nakyd . nym hede how -th-ei
lyggyn [aaAx]
J: 7,15 Castyth hem clothys for colde . for so wil truthe
J: 7,16 And I schal lenyn hem liflode . but if -th-e londe
fayle [aaAx]
J: 7,17 As long as I lif . for lordes lof of heuyn [aaAx]?
J: 7,18 And -gh-e loueliche leuedys . w(i)t(h) -gh-our(e)
longe fyng(er)ys [aaAx]
J: 7,19 -Th-(a)t haue sylk & sendel . wyrche it qwan
tyme is [aaAx]
J: 7,20 Chesypelis for chapeleynys . clerkys to honour(e)
J: 7,21 And alle man(er) of men . -th-(a)t be -th-e mete
libbyth [aaAx]
J: 7,22 Helpe hem -th-(a)t wyrchin witliche . to wynnyn -gh-our(e)
fode [aaAx]
J: 7,23 Be crist q(uo)d a knyht -th-o . -th-(o)u kennys vs
-th-e best [aaAx]
J: 7,24 Ac on -th-e teeme trewly . tawte was I neu(er) [aaAx]
J: 7,25 But kenne me q(uo)d a knyht . & I wil gynne to
eryyne [aaAx]
J: 7,26 Be sent powle q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for -th-(o)u p(ro)fers
-th-e so lowe [aaAx]
J: 7,27 I schal swynkyn & swetyn . & sow for vs bothe
J: 7,28 & eke laboryn for -th-i loue . al my lyyfe tyme
J: 7,29 In couienau(n)t -th-(a)t -th-(o)u kepe . holychirche & myselue
J: 7,30 ffro wastowrys & wykkyd men . -th-(a)t wolde
hem destruene [aaAx]
J: 7,31 And go hunt hardiliche . two haris & two foxis
J: 7,32 And beris & buckys . -th-(a)t breykyn myn eggys
J: 7,33 feche -th-e home fawkenys . -th-e fowlys to kylle
J: 7,34 ffor -th-is comyn to my crofte . & croppyn my
qwete [aaAx]
J: 7,35 Curtesly -th-e knyht -th-oo . answeryd to -th-e wordys
J: 7,36 Be my power peris . I pliht -th-e my trewthe [aaAx]
J: 7,37 To fulfillyn -th-i forward . qwylis I may stondyn
J: 7,38 -Gh-e & -gh-it a poynt q(uo)d p(er)kyn . I pray
-th-e more [aaAx]
J: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene non tenau(n)tis . bot tru-th-e
wil asent [aaAx]
J: 7,40 And -th-ei powre men p(ro)fer . -th-e p(re)sent(is) & -gh-iftys
J: 7,41 Nym hem nouth . in aunt(er) -th-(o)u mow hem nouth
deserue [aaAx]?
J: 7,42 for -th-(o)u schat -gh-ildyn it a-gh-eyn . at -th-e
-gh-eris ende [aaAx]
fol. 35v
J: 7,43 In a wel p(er)lyous place . -th-(a)t p(ur)gatory hatte
J: 7,44 Misbede not -th-i bondemen . -th-e bett(ur) schaltow
spede [aaAx]
J: 7,45 And -th-(a)t tow be trewe of -th-i tunge . talys
-th-(o)u hate [aaAx]
J: 7,46 But it be wysdom or wit . -th-i werkmen to chastysyne
J: 7,47 Holde w(i)t(h) non harlatys . no here nouth her talis
J: 7,48 And nameliche at mete . swyche men echchwe [aaAx]
J: 7,49 ffor -th-ei ben -th-e deuelys disowrs . I do -th-e
vnderstonde [aaAx]
J: 7,50 I asent be seynt Iame . seyde -th-e knyht -th-anne
J: 7,51 ffor to wyrchyn be -th-i worde . qwylis my lyue durith
J: 7,52 I scal apareylyn me q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pilgrymys
wyse [aaAx]
J: 7,53 And wendyn w(i)t(h) -gh-ow -th-e wey . til we fyndyn
trewthe [aaAxx]
J: 7,54 He cast on his closys . cloutyd & hole [aaAx]
J: 7,55 His cokerys & his cuffys . for cold of his naylys
J: 7,56 & heng his sedlepe on his halse . in stede of
a scrippe [aaaBb]
J: 7,57 A bucchel of bred corne . bryng me -th-(er) Inne
J: 7,58 ffor I wil sowyn it my selue . & sethin wil I
wende [aaAx]
J: 7,59 & ho so helpith me to heryn . or any thing to
swyng [aaAx]
J: 7,60 Schal haue be our(e) lorde -th-e more mede in heruest
J: 7,61 And makyn hi(m) mery w(i)t(h) -th-e corne . ho so
it begruche [aaxXx]
J: 7,62 And alle kynne c(ra)fty men . -th-(a)t kony(n) lyue(n)
in t(ru)the [aaAxx]
J: 7,63 I sc[h]al fyndyn hem fode . -th-(a)t feythfullyche
lybbith [aaAx]
J: 7,64 Saue Iac -th-e Iugelere . & Ionet at -th-e stues
J: 7,65 And Robyn -th-e rybauder(e) . for his rusty talis
J: 7,66 Trewthe told me onys . & bad me tellyn ferther(e)
J: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) } . I schold not
delyn w(i)t(h) he(m) [axAx]
J: 7,68 ffor holy chirche is howldyn of he(m) . no tithe
axin { Et cu(m) i(u)stis n(on) sc(ri)bant[ur] } [aaXa]
J: 7,68a --- this line om ---
J: 7,69 -Th-ei ben scapyd god aunt(ir) . now god hem amende
J: 7,70 Dame wirche qwan tyme . is peris wyf hatte [axAx]
J: 7,71 Hir dowht(er) hat do riht so . or -th-i da(m)me schal
-th-e bete [aaAx]
J: 7,72 His so(n)ne hatte suff(er)r . -th-i- souereynys for
to haue h(er) wille [aaAx]
J: 7,73 & tene hem nouth for if -th-(o)u do . -th-(o)u
schalt it der(e) abigge [aaAx]
J: 7,74 Lat god wr-th-in w(i)t(h)al . so his worde techith
J: 7,75 ffor now I am bo-th-e holde & hore . & haue
of my(n) owyne [aaAa]
J: 7,76 To penaunce & pilg(ri)mage . I wil passe w(i)t(h)
-th-is o-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 7,77 -Th-(er)for I wil or I go . do wryty(n) my bequethe
fol. 36r
J: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n(e amen } . I make it my selue [aaAx]
J: 7,79 He schal an my sowle -th-(a)t it best hath seruyd
J: 7,80 And defend it fro -th-e fende . for so I beleue [aaAxx]
J: 7,81 Til I come to acowntys . as my crede me techith [aaAx]
J: 7,82 To haue a reles & remissyon . on -th-(a)t rentel
I leue [aaAx]
J: 7,83 -Th-e cherche sal haue my kareyne . & kepyn my
bonys [aaAx]
J: 7,84 ffor of my corne & my cateyle . he c(ra)uyth
-th-e tythe [aaAx]
J: 7,85 I pay-gh-id it p(re)stly . for p(er)il of my sowle
J: 7,86 He is holdyn I howpe . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
J: 7,87 & mengyn me in his memory . among al c(ri)stene
J: 7,88 My wif schal haue of -th-(a)t I wanne . w(i)t(h)
t(re)utthe & nomore [aaAxx]
J: 7,89 And delyn amonge my frendys . & my der(e) childeryne
J: 7,90 ffor -th-ei I dey today . my dettys aru(n) quytte
J: 7,91 I bar home -th-(a)t I borowyd . er I to bed -gh-ede
J: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resydu & -th-e remenau(n)t
. be -th-e rode of chester(e) [aaAx]
J: 7,93 I wil wirchippy(n) -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . trewthe in
my lyue [aaXx]
J: 7,94 & ben his pilgrime at -th-e plowh . for powre
me(n)nys sake [aaAx]
J: 7,95 My plowh pote sal ben my pykestaffe . to pycchyn
at -th-e rotys [aaAx]
J: 7,96 And helpyn my culter to keruyn . & clensyn -th-e
fowrys [aaAx]
J: 7,97 Now is peris & -th-e pilg(ri)mys . to -th-e plowhe
faryne [aaAx]
J: 7,98 To eryn -th-is halfe acr(e) . holpyn him many [aaAx]
J: 7,99 Dycherys & deluerys . doluyn vp -th-e bankys
J: 7,100 -Th-(er)w(i)t(h) was p(er)kyn wele payyd . & p(ra)ysed
hem -gh-erne [aaAx]
J: 7,101 O-th-(er) werkmen -th-(er) weryn . -th-(a)t wrowhty(n)
wol fast [aaAx]
J: 7,102 Ech ma(n) on his man(er) . made him selfe to done
J: 7,103 And su(m)me to plesyn p(er)kyn . pykyd vp -th-e
wedys [aaAx]
J: 7,104 At hye p(ri)me of -th-e day perys . leete -th-e
plowh stodyn [aaAx]
J: 7,105 To ou(er)sene hem alle . ho so best wrowht [aaAx]
J: 7,106 Schold bene hyryd -th-(er)aft(ir) . qwan heruest
tyme com(i)t(h) [aaAx]
J: 7,107 -Th-an setyn su(m)me . & sungu(n) atte nale
J: 7,108 And holpyn him to eryyn . w(i)t(h) hoy t(ro)lly
lolly [aaaAx]
J: 7,109 Be -th-e p(ri)nce of p(ar)adyse . q(uo)d perys -th-oo
in wrathe [aaAx]
J: 7,110 But -gh-if -gh-e rysyn -th-e su(n)ner . & rape
-gh-ow to wyrche [aaAx]
J: 7,111 Schal no grayne -th-(a)t her(e) growyth . glad -gh-ow
at nede [aaAx]
J: 7,112 And -th-ei -gh-e dey-gh-in for dole . [-th-e] deuyl
him hang -th-(a)t rekkyth [aaAx]
fol. 36v
J: 7,113 -Th-an werin faytours aferd . & feynyd hem blinde
J: 7,114 Su(m)me leydyn her leggys alyry . as suche locels
konne [aaaAx]
J: 7,115 And plenyd hem to peris . w(i)t(h) swyche pytus
wordes [aaAx]
J: 7,116 We haue no lymmes to labowryn w(i)t(h)) . lord -th-ankyd
be -th-e [aaAx]
J: 7,117 Ac we p(ra)y-gh-en for -gh-ow peris . & for
-gh-owr(e) plowh bothin [aaAx]
J: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god of his grete grace . -gh-owre g(ra)yne
multiplye [aaAx]
J: 7,119 & -gh-elde -gh-ow of -gh-our(e) almus . -th-(a)t
-gh-e -gh-yfen vs here [axAx]
J: 7,120 ffor we mow neythir swy(n)ckyn ner swetyn . swyche
se[k]nes v(us) eyl[e-th-] [aaAx]
J: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so q(uo)d pers . as -gh-e seyne I schal
it sone aspyen [axAa]
J: 7,122 Bot -gh-e ben wastours I wote wele . & t(reu)the
wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
J: 7,123 And I am his holde hyne . & awht him to warne
J: 7,124 Qwyche wasto(ur)s in -th-is werlde . his werkmen
dystroye [aaAx]
J: 7,125 -Gh-e etyn -th-(a)t -th-ey schuld etyn . -th-(a)t
swynkyn for v(us) alle [aaAa]
J: 7,126 Ac t(ru)the schal techin -gh-ow . his teeme for
to dryue [aaAx]
J: 7,127 Bothin to settyn & to sowyn . & sauyn his
tylthe [aaAx]
J: 7,128 To kepyn crowys fro -th-e corne . & kepyn his
bestys [aaAx]
J: 7,129 Othir -gh-e schul etyn barly brede . & of -th-e
broke drinkyn [aaAx]
J: 7,130 But he be blinde or brokelymed . or bedred lygge
J: 7,131 -Th-ei schullyn etyn as goode as I . so me god helpe
J: 7,132 Til god of his grete g(ra)ce . graunte hem to aryse
J: 7,133 Ankyrs & ermytys . -th-(a)t holden hem in her
sellys [aaAx]
J: 7,134 Schully(n) hauyn of myn Almus . al -th-e qwyle I
lybbe [aaAx]
J: 7,135 Inowh eu(er) I day at noone . bot no more til on
morowh [aaAbb]
J: 7,136 -Th-(a)t -th-e fende ne his fleche . defowle nouht
his sowle [aaAx]
J: 7,137 Onys at noone it is Inowh . to him -th-(a)t no werk
vsyth [aaAxx]
J: 7,138 He vmbydyth wele -th-e bett(er) . -th-(a)t bumbyth
nouth oftyn [aaAx]
J: 7,139 -Th-an gan a wasto(ur) arisyn . & wold haue
Ifowhtyn [axAx]
J: 7,140 To pers -th-o plowhman . he p(ro)fered his gloue
J: 7,141 A breto(n)ner a bragger . a bostyd him also [aaAx]
J: 7,142 Bad him w(i)t(h) his plowh . pylled sc[h]rewe [aaAx]
J: 7,143 Wyltow nyltow . we willyn haue oure wille [axAa]
J: 7,144 Of -th-i floure & of -th-i fleche . to fechin
qwan v(us) lykyth [aaAx]
fol. 37r
J: 7,145 And makyn vs myry -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . mawgreth thy
chekys [aaAx]
J: 7,146 -Th-an pers -th-e plowhman . playnyd him to -th-e
knyht [aaAx]
J: 7,147 To kepyn him as couienaunde . was fro cursed schrewes
J: 7,148 ffro wasto(ur)s -th-at waytyn . wynners to schende
J: 7,149 Curtesly -th-e knyht -th-oo . as his kynde wolde
J: 7,150 Warned wasto(ur) . & wissyd him bettur [aaAx]
J: 7,151 Ethir -th-(o)u schat abyen be [-th-e lawe be] -th-e
orde -th-(a)t I bere [????]
J: 7,152 I was not wonte to wyrchin q(uo)d wasto(ur) . now
wil I not begynnen [aaaAx]
J: 7,153 & leete lyt be -th-e lawe . & lasse be -th-e
kynyth [aaAx]
J: 7,154 And acountyt pers at a peese . & his plowh bothe
J: 7,155 And manasyd him & his men . qwan -th-ei next
mettyn [aaXa]
J: 7,156 Now be -th-e p(er)el of my sowle q(uo)d peers .
I schal peyre -gh-ow alle [axaAx]
J: 7,157 And hoppyd afft(er) hunger . -th-(a)t herd him atte
firste [aaAx]
J: 7,158 Awreyke me of wastores q(uo)d pers . -th-(a)t -th-is
werlde schendyth [aaxAx]
J: 7,159 Hunger in hast -th-oo . hent wasto(ur) be -th-e
mawe [aaAx]
J: 7,160 And wrong him be -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t his Ien
watt(ur)edyn [aaAx]
J: 7,161 And buffatid -th-e breten(er) . abowtyn -th-e chekys
J: 7,162 -Th-(a)t he lokyd liche a lant(er)ne . all his lyue
aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 7,163 He bet so hem bothin . he brast ner her mawys [aaAx]
J: 7,164 Ne had pers w(i)t(h) a peese lof . p(re)y-gh-id
him beleue [aaAx]
J: 7,165 & w(i)t(h) a beene batte . he -gh-ede betwenyn
J: 7,166 & hitte hunger -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . amyddys -th-e
lyppys [aaAx]
J: 7,167 And bled into -th-e bodyward . a boll ful of grewelle
J: 7,168 Ne had -th-e fysycian first . defendid him wat(ir)
J: 7,169 To abatyn -th-e barly brede . & -th-e benys
groundyn [aaaAx]
J: 7,170 -Th-ei had ben ded be -th-is day . & doluyn
as warme [aaAx]
J: 7,171 ffaytours for drede . -th-oo flowyn into bernys
J: 7,172 And flappid on w(i)t(h) flaylys . fro morow intil
euyn [aaAxx]
J: 7,173 -Th-(a)t hongur was not so hardy . on hem forto
lokyn [aaAx]
J: 7,174 ffor a potful of pesys . -th-(a)t pers had made
J: 7,175 An hepe of hermytys . hentyn hem spadis [aaAx]
J: 7,176 And dulphyn drit & dung . to dittyn oute hunger
fol. 37v
J: 7,177 Blinde men & bedred . weryn -th-(er) Ibotyd [aaAx]
J: 7,178 A -th-owsand -th-at leyn blynde . & for brokyn
J: 7,178 On softe segys on sonndayes be -th-e hye weye [xaAx]
J: 7,179 Hunger -th-oo helid hem . w(i)t(h) an hote kake
J: 7,180 And lame me(n)nys lymys . weryn lithid -th-(a)t
tyme [aaAx]
J: 7,181 And becomyn knauys . to kepyn peris hoggis [aaAx]
J: 7,182 And pray-gh-idyn p(ar) charite . w(i)t(h) peris
to beleuyn [aaAx]
J: 7,183 Al for couetyes of his corne . to cachen awey hung(ir)
J: 7,184 And pers was prowde -th-(er)of . & put hem in
office [aaAx]
J: 7,185 & -gh-af hem mete & mone . as -th-ei myht
deserue [aaAx]
J: 7,186 -Th-an had pers pite . & pray-gh-id hung(ir)
to wende [aaAx]
J: 7,187 Home into his owen -gh-erd . & holdyn him -th-(er)
eu(er)e [aaaAa]
J: 7,188 & -gh-it I p(re)y -th-e q(uo)d pers . er -th-(o)u
passe fer-th-er(e) [aaAx]
J: 7,189 Of beggeris & bidderis . qwat best is to done
J: 7,190 I wote wele be -th-(o)u went . -th-ei wil wirchin
ille [aaaAx]
J: 7,191 Mischeue it makyth . -th-ei bene so meke nowe [aaAx]
J: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-(us) fast -th-ei wyrchin
J: 7,193 And it bene [-th-ey] my blody brethirn . for god
bouht v(us) alle [aaAx]
J: 7,194 Treuthe told me onys . to louyn hem ichon [aaAx]
J: 7,195 And helpyn hem of al thing . after -th-(a)t hem
nedith [aaAx]
J: 7,196 Now wold I wyty(n) -gh-if -th-(o)u wost . qwat w(er)
[-th-e] best [aaaAx]
J: 7,197 & how I myht amayst(ri)en hem . & maky(n)
hem to wyrche [aaAx]
J: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hung(ir) . & hold it for wysdome
J: 7,199 Bolde begg(er)is & bigge . -th-(a)t mowne [for]
her mete swynk [aaaAx]
J: 7,200 W(i)t(h) houndes bred & hors bred . holde vp
h(er) hertys [aaAa]
J: 7,201 Abaue hem w(i)t(h) benys . for bolnyng of h(er)
wombe [aaAx]
J: 7,202 And -gh-if -th-o g(ro)mes g(ro)chyn . bid hem go
swynk [aaAx]
J: 7,203 And he sal sowpyn swett(er) . qwan he hath deseruyd
J: 7,204 And -gh-if -th-(o)u fynd any freyke . -th-at fortun
hath apayryd [aaAx]
J: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fyre or w(i)t(h) false men . fonde swyche
to knowe [aaAx]
J: 7,206 Coumforth he(m) w(i)t(h) -th-i catel . for c(ri)stes
lof of heuyn [aaAx]
J: 7,207 Lof hem & lene hem . & so -th-e lawe wolde
J: 7,208 & alle man(er) of men . -th-(a)t -th-(o)u mayt
aspyen [aaAx]
fol. 38r
J: 7,209 -Th-(a)t nedy ben or nakyd . & nouth han to spendyn
J: 7,210 W(i)t(h) mete or w(i)t(h) drink . let hem beene
-th-e bettur aaAx|
J: 7,211 Oythir w(i)t(h) werk or w(i)t(h) worde . qwylis
-th-(o)u art here [aaAx]
J: 7,212 Make -th-e frendys -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . & so mathew
vs techith { ffacite vob(is) amicos de mammona i(n)iq(ui)t(atis)
} [aaAx]
J: 7,212a --- this line om ---
J: 7,213 I wold not greuyn god q(uo)d pers . for al -th-e
goode o grounde [aaxAx]
J: 7,214 May I synles do(n)ne as -th-(o)u seyst . seyde pers
-th-anne [aaXx]
J: 7,215 -Gh-e I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . or ellis -th-e
bible lyeth [aaAxx]
J: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e gyaunt . engenderid of vs alle
J: 7,217 In sudore & swynke . -th-(o)u schalt -th-i mete
tylye [aaAx]
J: 7,218 And labowryn for -th-i liflode . & so our(e)
lorde hyte [aaAx]
J: 7,219 And sapience seyde -th-e same . I say it in -th-e
byble [aaAx]
J: 7,220 { Pyger p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . no mete wild tylye
J: 7,221 He schal beggyn & byddyn . & no man bety(n)
his hunger(e) [aaAx]
J: 7,222 Mathew -th-e manys face . mowthith -th-is wordys
J: 7,223 -Th-(a)t { S(er)uus neq(ua)m } hath a { naam } . & for
he nolde it vsyn [aaAx]
J: 7,224 He had mawgr(e) of his mayst(er) . for eu(er) more
aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 7,225 And benomy(n) him -th-(a)t naam . for he nold wyrchin
J: 7,226 And -gh-af it him in hast . -th-(a)t had ten before
J: 7,227 & sethin he seyd . his s(er)uandes it herde
J: 7,228 He -th-(a)t hath schal han . to helpyn -th-(er)
nede is [aaaAx]
J: 7,229 & he -th-(a)t nouth hath . nouth schal han ne
no man hi(m) helpe [aaAa]
J: 7,230 And he -th-(a)t wenyth weele to han . I wil it be
hi(m) bereuyd [aaAx]
J: 7,231 Kynde witte wolde . -th-(a)t iche a wyht wrowht
J: 7,232 O-th-ir w(i)t(h) teching or tylyyng . or t(ra)uelyng
of handes [aaAx]
J: 7,233 Actyf or contemplatyf . c(ri)st wold it als [xaAx]
J: 7,234 The sawt(er) seyth . in -th-e salme of { beati omnes
} [aaAx]
J: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) quia manducabis &c
} [Latin]
J: 7,235 He -th-at getith his fode her(e) . w(i)t(h) t(ra)ueyl
of his handys [aaXa]
J: 7,236 God -gh-iffyth hem his blissing her lyflode -th-(a)t
so wy(n)nyn [????]
J: 7,237 -gh-it I pray -th-e q(uo)d pers . p(ur) charite
-gh-if -th-ow konne [aaAxx]
J: 7,238 Ony leefe of lechecrafte . lerne it me my dere [aaAx]
fol. 38v
J: 7,239 ffor su(m)me of my s(er)uandys . ben seke o-th-ir
while [aaAx]
J: 7,240 Of al -th-e woke -th-ei wyrche(n) nouth . so her
wombe akyth [aaAx]
J: 7,241 I wote wele q(uo)d hunger . qwat sekenes -th-(a)t
he(m) eylyth [????]
J: 7,242 -Th-ei han mannged ou(er) mychel . -th-(a)t makyth
hem grony(n) fast [aaAx]
J: 7,243 Ac I bid -th-e q(uo)d hung(er) . as -th-(o)u -th-in
heele desirist [aaAx]
J: 7,244 -Th-(a)t -th-(o)u drinke no day . er -th-(o)u dyen
sumqwat [aaAx]
J: 7,245 & -gh-it nouth I bid . or hung(er) -th-e take
J: 7,246 And sende -th-e of his sawse . to sauerne w(i)t(h)
-th-in lippes [aaAx]
J: 7,247 And kepe su(m)qwat to soper tyme, . & sit not
to longe [aaAx]
J: 7,248 Arise vp er appetite . haue etyn his fille [aaAx]
J: 7,249 Lat nouth sir surfet . syttyn at -th-i borde [aaAx]
J: 7,250 Loffe him nouth for he is a licher(e) . & likerous
of tung [aaAx]
J: 7,251 And aft(er) many man(er) metis . his maw is alongyd
J: 7,252 And -gh-if -th-(o)u dyht -th-e -th-(us) . I dar
ley myn armys [axAx]
J: 7,253 -Th-(a)t fysyk schal his furryd hode . for his fode
sellyn [aaAx]
J: 7,254 And eke his cloke calabr(e) . w(i)t(h) knoppys of
golde [aaAx]
J: 7,255 And be fayne be my fay . his fysyk to letyn [aaAx]
J: 7,256 And lernyn to labowryn w(i)t(h) hande . -th-(a)t
hi(m) no fode fayle [aaaAx]
J: 7,257 -Th-(er) arn moo lyers -th-an lechis . lord hem
amende [aaAx]
J: 7,258 -Th-ei don men deyyn thorow her drinkys . er desteny
wol[de] [aaAx]
J: 7,259 Be seynt powle q(uo)d pers . -th-ese arn p(ro)fetable
wordys [aaAx]
J: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . lorde it -th-e for-gh-eelde
J: 7,261 Wende now qwan -th-i wil is . -th-(a)t weele -th-e
be eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 7,262 I behote -th-e q(uo)d hung(er) . he(n)nys nyl I
weende [aaAx]
J: 7,263 Er I haue dynyd be -th-is day . & Idronkyn bothe
J: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d Pers . pultys w(i)t(h) to
bigge [aaAx]
J: 7,265 Ney-th-(er) geese ne grices . but two grene chesys
J: 7,266 And a few cruddys & creeme . & an hau(er)
kake [aaXa]
J: 7,267 And a loofe of benys & bren . bake for my childeryn
J: 7,268 And -gh-it I sey be my sowle . I haue no salt bakun
fol. 39r
J: 7,269 Ne no kokenay be crist . collopys to make [aaAx]
J: 7,270 Ac I haue p(er)ceel & portys . & many cole
plantys [aaAx]
J: 7,271 And eke a cow & a calfe . & a cart mere
J: 7,272 To drawyn dung afelde . qwylys -th-e drouht lastyth
J: 7,273 Be -th-is lyuelod I mot lyffyn . to lammes tyme
J: 7,274 Be -th-an I howpe to haue . heruest in my crofte
J: 7,275 -Th-an may I dyhetyn -th-i dyn(er) . as -th-e dere
lykyth [aaAx]
J: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore peple . pesecoddys -th-ei fette
J: 7,277 Benys & bakyn appyls . -th-ei browhtyn in her
lappys [aaAx]
J: 7,278 Chespollys & chir(e)uellis . & ripe chiris
many [aaAx]
J: 7,279 And p(ro)feredyn pers -th-is p(re)sent . to plesyn
-th-(er)w(i)t(h) hung(ir) [aaaAx]
J: 7,280 Hung(ir) eet al -th-is in hast . & axit aft(er)
more [aaaAa]
J: 7,281 -Th-an -th-is folk for feere . fettyn him many [aaAx]
J: 7,282 Grene portes and pesyn . poysyn him -th-ei wode
J: 7,283 Be -th-an it neyhed nere heruyst . -th-(a)t new
corne cam to chepyng [aaAbb]
J: 7,284 -Th-an was -th-e folke fayne . & feddyn him
w(i)t(h) -th-e best(e) [aaAx]
J: 7,285 W(i)t(h) gode ale & glotenye . gartyn him to
slepe [aaAx]
J: 7,286 And -th-o no wold wasto(ur) wyrchi(n) . but wand(er)dyd
abowte [aaAx]
J: 7,287 Ne no beggar eetyn bred . -th-(a)t benys in comyn
J: 7,288 But coket & clerematyn . o-th-ir of clene qwhete
J: 7,289 Ne none halpeny ale . in none wyse drinkyn [aaAxx]?
J: 7,290 But -th-e best & -th-e bru(n)nest . -th-(a)t
brewst(er)ys sellyn [aaAx]
J: 7,291 Laborerys -th-at han no lande . to lyuy(n) on but
her handys [aaAx]
J: 7,292 Deynedyn nouth to dynyn . nyht olde wortys [aaAx]
J: 7,293 May no penyale hem payne . ne no pece of bakou(n)
J: 7,294 But if it be freche fleche . o-th-(er) fyche Ifryed
J: 7,295 { Chaud & plus chaud } . for chillyng of his
mawe [aaAx]
J: 7,296 But he be hylych hyryyd . ellis wil he chide [aaAx]
J: 7,297 -Th-(a)t he was werkman Iwrowht . waryyn -th-e tyme
J: 7,298 And -th-an c(ur)syn -th-e kyng . & -th-e councel
aftur [aaAx]
fol. 39v
J: 7,299 -Th-(a)t suche lawes lokyn . laboreris to chastyn
J: 7,300 Ac qwylis hunger was here maist(er) wolde here no(n)
chide [????]
J: 7,301 Ne stryuyn a-gh-eyn her statutis . so st(er)nely
he lokyd [aaAx]
J: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow werkmen . wynnythe qwil -gh-e mowe
J: 7,303 ffor hunger rit hidirword . hithid him fast [aaAx]
J: 7,304 He schal awastyn -gh-our(e) watyr . -th-ees wast(ur)ys
to chasty(n) [aaAx]
J: 7,305 Er fyue -gh-ere ben fulfyllid . suche famyn schal
arise [aaAx]
J: 7,306 Thorow flode & fowle wederys . frutys schullin
fayle [aaAa]
J: 7,307 And so seyth saturne . & sent -gh-ow to warne
J: 8,1 Trewthe herd tellyn hereof . & to pers sente [aaAxx]
J: 8,2 To takyn him teeme . & t(ru)ly tylyyn -th-e erthe
J: 8,3 And p(ur)chasidyn him a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
J: 8,4 ffor him & for his eyris . eu(er)more -th-(er)aftur
J: 8,5 And bad him holdyn him at home . & eryyn his leyys
J: 8,6 And alle -th-(a)t him hulpyn . to eryn er to sowyne
J: 8,7 Or ony maner myster . -th-(a)t myht pers helpe [aaAx]
J: 8,8 Part in -th-(a)t p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope hath hem
g(ra)untyd [aaAx]
J: 8,9 Kynggys & knyhtys . -th-(a)t kepyn holy chyrche
J: 8.10 And rythfullyche in -th-e rewme . rewlyn -th-e peple
J: 8,11 Han p(ar)dou(n) thorow p(ur)gatory . to passyn wel
sone [aaAx]
J: 8,12 W(i)t(h) pat(ri)archkys in p(ar)adyse . to pleyyn
-th-(er)aft(ir) [aaAx]
J: 8,13 Bischoppys -th-(a)t blissyn . & bothe lawes kenne
J: 8,14 Lokyn on -th-(a)t on law . & lernyn men othir
J: 8,15 And bernyn bothin on her back . as her ban(er) schewyth
J: 8,16 & p(re)chyn her p(er)sonys . -th-e p(er)yl of
synne [aaAx]
J: 8,17 How -th-(a)t schabbyd schepe . schollin here wolle
saue [aaAxx]?
J: 8,18 Haue p(ar)dou(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e ap(ost)lis . qwan
-th-ei passyn hennys [aaAx]
J: 8,19 Atte day of dome . at here dayes sytte [aaAx]
J: 8,20 Marchaundys in -th-at margeyne . had many -gh-erys
J: 8,21 But none { a pena & a culpa } . -th-o pope wold
hem graunte [axAx]
fol. 40r
J: 8,22 ffor -th-ei heldyn not her hali dayes . as holy chyrche
techyth [aaAx]
J: 8,23 And for -th-ei sweryn be here sowle . so god most
hem helpy(n) [aaAxx]
J: 8,24 A-gh-eyne clene consciens . here ware to sellyn [aaAx]
J: 8,25 Ac vndere his secrete seele t(ru)the . sent a lett(re)
J: 8,26 And bad hem byggyn boldly . qwat hem best lykyd [aaaAx]
J: 8,27 And sethin sellyn it a-gh-eyne . & sauy(n) -th-e
wynnyng [aaAx]
J: 8,28 And makyn meson dew -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . -th-e meseyse
to helpyn [aaAx]
J: 8,29 & wikkyd weyes . wyttylyche amendyn [aaAx]
J: 8,30 And makyn briggys abowtyn . -th-at tobroke were [aaaAx]
J: 8,31 Maryyn maydens . or makyn hem nu(n)nys [aaAx]
J: 8,32 Poure wydowys -th-(a)t wil . ben no wyues [aaAx]
J: 8,33 Aftur fynde suche her(e) fode . for lou(er)dys loue
of heue [aaAbb]
J: 8,34 Sette scolars to scole . or to su(m) kyns craftys
J: 8,35 Releue religiou(n) . & rent hem bettur [aaAx]
J: 8,36 And I schal sendyn -gh-ow myselue . mychael my(n)
angel [aaAx]
J: 8,37 -Th-(a)t no deuyl schal -gh-ow dere . dey qwan -gh-ow
deye [aaAa]
J: 8,38 -Th-(a)t I ne schal sendyn -gh-owre sowlys . saafe
into heuyn [aaAx]
J: 8,39 Befor -th-e face of my fadyr . -th-(a)t formyd -gh-owr
setys [aaAx]
J: 8,40 Vsure & auarice & othis I defend [????]
J: 8,41 -Th-at no gyle go w(i)t(h) -gh-ow . but -th-e hard
t(ru)the [aaAx]
J: 8,42 -Th-an weryn marchaundys mery . -th-ei weptyn for
Ioye [aaAx]
J: 8,43 & -gh-ouyn wille for his writyng . wollen clothis
J: 8,44 ffor he copyed -th-(us) her clause . -th-ei cowthin
hi(m) g(re)te mede [aaAx]
J: 8,45 Men of lawe haddyn lest . for lett(er)yd -th-ei ben
alle [aaAx]
J: 8,46 Soo as seyth -th-e sawt(er) . & sapiens bothe
J: 8,46a { Sup(er) innocente(m) mun(er)a no(n) accipies a
regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) er(i)t m(er)ces eor(um) }
J: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & of p(re)lates . her penciou(n)
schal aryce [aaAx]
J: 8,48 And of no pou(re) peple . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
J: 8,49 Ac he -th-(a)t spendyth his speche . & speykyth
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
J: 8,50 -Th-(a)t ben Innocentys & nedy . -th-(a)t nou(n)
men apayryn [aaAxx]
J: 8,51 Confortyth him in -th-at caase . coueytith nouth
his godis [aaAx]
J: 8,52 Ac for our(e) lordys loue . law for hem schewyth
fol. 40v
J: 8,53 Schal no deuyl at his deth day . deryn him a myte [aaAx]
J: 8,54 -Th-(a)t he worth sykyrlyche saafe . & so seyth
-th-e sawt(ir) [aaAa]
J: 8,55 Ac to bygge wat(ir) & wynde . ne wit is -th-e
thridde [aaAx]
J: 8,56 Ne wyld neu(er) holy wryt . god wote -th-e sothe
J: 8,57 -Th-ies thre fo[r] thrall . be throwyn among us alle
J: 8,58 To waxin & wanyyn . were -th-at god lykyth [aaAx]
J: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) in p(ur)gatory . wel lytil is I trowe
J: 8,60 -Th-(a)t ony meede of meene men . for motyng reseyuyth
J: 8,61 -Gh-e legysteris & lawe-gh-eris . -gh-e wytyn
-gh-if I lye [aaXa]
J: 8,62 Sythyn -gh-e sene it is -th-(us) . schewyth to -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 8,63 Alle lyffyng laboreris . -th-(a)t lyuyn be her handdys
J: 8,64 -Th-(a)t t(ru)ly tokyn . & t(ru)ly wonnyn [aaAx]
J: 8,65 And lyuyn in luffe & lawe . for h(er) lowe hert
J: 8,66 Haddyn -th-e same absoluciou(n) . -th-(a)t sent was
to pers [aaAx]
J: 8,67 Beggeris & bydderis . weryn not in -th-(a)t bulle
J: 8,68 But -gh-if -th-e suggestyou(n) be sothe . -th-(a)t
schapith hem to begge [aaAx]
J: 8,69 ffor he -th-at beggyth or byt . but -gh-if he haue
nede [aaAxx]
J: 8,70 He is fals w(i)t(h) -th-e feende . & defraudyth
-th-e nedy [aaAx]
J: 8,71 & eke gylith -th-e -gh-euer(e) . a-gh-eynys his
wille [aaAx]
J: 8,72 -Th-ei lyuyn not in loue . ne no lawe holdyn [aaAx]
J: 8,73 -Th-ei weddyn no wymmen . -th-(a)t -th-ei w(i)t(h)
deele [aaAx]
J: 8,74 But as wylde bestys -th-(a)t w(i)t(h) wehe . worthin
vp togydyr [aaAx]
J: 8,75 And bringgyn forth barnys . -th-(a)t bastardys been
holdyn [aaAx]
J: 8,76 Othir his bak or his bone . he breykys in his -gh-ungthe
J: 8,77 And gon & faytyn w(i)t(h) her(e) foode . for
eu(er)more aftur [aaAxx]
J: 8,78 -Th-(er) ben moo myschapyn among hem . hoso takyd
hede [aaaXx]
J: 8,79 -Th-an alle o-th-(er) man(er) of men . -th-(a)t on
-th-is molde wanderith [aaAx]
J: 8,80 -Th-oo -th-at lyuyn -th-(us) her(e) lyfe . mow c(ur)syn
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
J: 8,81 -Th-(a)t eu(er) was he man Iwrowht . qwan he schal
he(n)nys fare [xaAx]?
J: 8,82 Ac elde men & hore . -th-(a)t helples ben of
strenkyth [aaAx]
J: 8,83 And wymmen w(i)t(h) childe . -th-(a)t wyrkyn ne mowe
J: 8,84 Blynde men & bedred . & brokyn her membris
J: 8,85 -Th-at takyn mysschef mekelyche . as meselys & o-th-(er)
fol. 41r
J: 8,86 haue as pleyne pardou(n) . as -th-e plowman him selue
J: 8,87 ffor loue of her lowe hert . oure lorde hath hem
g(ra)unted [aaAx]
J: 8,88 Her penaunce & her p(ur)gatory . vpon -th-is
pure erthe [aaAx]
J: 8,89 Peris q(uo)d a preste -th-oo . -th-i pardou(n) mot
I rede [aaAx]
J: 8,90 ffor I wil construyn iche clause . & kenny(n)
-th-e on engliche [aaAx]
J: 8,91 And Peris at his p(re)yer . -th-e pardou(n) vnfolded
J: 8,92 & I behynden hem bothe . behelde al -th-e Bulle
J: 8,93 In Two lynys it lay . & nouth a lettur more [aaAx]
J: 8,94 And was Iwrityn riht -th-(us) . in witnesse of t(ru)the
J: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerut ibu(n)t in vitam et(er)nam }
J: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignem et(er)nu(m) } [Latin]
J: 8,97 Petur q(uo)d -th-(a)t preste -th-oo . I can no pardou(n)
fynde [aaAx]
J: 8,98 But do wele & haue wele . & god schal haue
-th-i sowle [????]
J: 8.99 And do Iuel & haue Iuele . & hope -th-(o)u
none o-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 8,100 And aftur -th-i deth day . to hell(e) -th-(o)u schalt
wende [????]
J: 8,101 Perys for pure tene . pullyd it asunder & seyde
J: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis non timebo
mala } [Latin]
J: 8,103 { quoniam tu mecu(m) es d(omi)ne } [Latin]
J: 8,104 I schal secyn of my sowing . & swyckyn nouth
so hard [aaxAx]
J: 8,105 Ne Aboutyn my lyflode . so besy bene nomore [aaAx]
J: 8,106 Of p(re)y-gh-ers & of penaunce . my plowhe schal
bene heraft(ir) [aaAx]
J: 8,107 And belowryn -th-at I er lowhe . -th-ei myn liflode
fayle [aaAx]
J: 8,108 -Th-e p(ro)phete his payne ete . in penaunce & wepyng
J: 8,109 Be -th-(a)t -th-e sawt(er) v(us) seyth . soo dydyn
many o-th-er [aaAxx]
J: 8,110 -Th-(a)t luffith god luffly . his liflod is -th-e
more [aaAx]
J: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t m(ich)i lac(ri)me mee panes die ac
nocte } [Latin]
J: 8,111 And but if luke lye . he lernyth vs anothir [aaAx]
J: 8,112 By fowlys -th-(a)t we ne schuldyn to besy bene aboute
J: 8,112 Ne t(ra)uellyn to myche to makyn -th-e wombe Ioye
J: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he seyth i(n)n his gospell
fol. 41v
J: 8,114 & schewith vs be exsaumple . vs selue to wisse
J: 8,115 -Th-e fowlys in -th-e firmament . ho fynt hem i(n)
wynt(er) [aaAx]
J: 8,116 Qwan -th-e frost fresyth . fode hem behouyth [aaAx]
J: 8,117 -Th-ei haue no fode to gon to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
J: 8,118 Qwat q(uo)d -th-e preste to p(er)kyn . pet(er) as
me thinkyth [aaAx]
J: 8,119 -Th-ou art lett(er)yd a lytil . ho taute -th-e on
boke [aaAx]
J: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abesse . my(n) a.b.c me tawte [aaAx]
J: 8,121 & conscience cam aft(ir)warde . & kennyd
me bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 8,122 Were -th-(o)u a p(re)ste peris . -th-(o)u mytist
p(re)chyn qwa(n) -th-e lykyd [aaAx]
J: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m lit(er)aturam non cognoui } . myht beene
-th-i teme [????]
J: 8,124 lewid lorel q(uo)d peris . litel lokystow -th-e
byble [aaxAx]
J: 8,125 On salamonys sawys . litil -th-(o)u beholdist [aaAx]
J: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & Iurgia cu(m) eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
J: 8,126 -Th-e p(re)ste & p(er)kyn . -th-(us) oythir
aposyd o-th-er [aaAx]
J: 8,127 & -th-orow her wordes I woke . & waytyd
abowtyn [aaAx]
J: 8,128 & say -th-e su(n)ne euy(n) sowthe . syttyn -th-(a)t
tyme [aaaAx]
J: 8,129 Meteles & moneles . on malu(er)en hillys [aaAx]
J: 8,130 Musyng on -th-is mat(er) meteles . a myle wey I
-gh-ede [aaAx]
J: 8,131 Many tyme -th-is metelys . hath made me to stody
J: 8,132 An for peris lif plowhman . petusly in hert [aaAx]
J: 8,133 ffor -th-(a)t I say slepyng . -gh-if it so ben myhte
J: 8,134 Ac caton construyth nay . & canonistris both
J: 8,134a And seyn be hem selfe { sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
J: 8,135 But for -th-e bible berith wytnes how daniel [-th-e]
p(ro)phete [aa??]
J: 8,136 Dyuynyd -th-e dremys of a kyng onys [aaAx]
J: 8,137 -Th-(a)t Nabugodhonosor . no(m)pne -th-is clerkys
J: 8,138 Daniel seyd sir kyng . -th-i sweuyn is to mene [aaAx]
J: 8,139 -Th-(a)t vnkow-th-e kyngis schal comyn . -th-i kyngdom
to cleue [aaaAx]
J: 8,140 Among lower lordes . -th-i londys schollyn be(n)
p(ar)tid [aaAx]
J: 8,141 As daniel dyuynyd . in dede fel it aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 8,142 -Th-e kynk lost his lordschepe . & lasse men
it hadde [aaAx]
fol. 42r
J: 8,143 And Ioseph met m(er)uelusly . how -th-e mone & -th-e
su(n)ne [aaAx]
J: 8,144 And -th-e eleuene st(er)rys . haylsedyn [hi(m)]
alle [axAa]
J: 8,145 { Bew fis-gh- } q(uo)d his fader . for defaute we
schulle [aaAx]
J: 8,146 I myselue & my sonys . sekyn -th-e for nede
J: 8,147 It felle as his fader . seyde in pharaoys tyme [aaAx]
J: 8,148 -Th-(a)t Ioseph was Iustyce . egipte to kepe [aaAx]
J: 8,149 Al -th-is makyth me . mychel on metel(is) to thinke
J: 8,150 Many tymys at mydnyht . qwan y scholde slepe [aaAx]
J: 8,151 On peris -th-e plowhman . & qwyche a p(ar)don
he hadde [aaAx]
J: 8,152 And how -th-e p(re)st inpu(n)gnyd him . al be pur(e)
resou(n) [aaAx]
J: 8,153 And dyuynyd -th-(a)t dowele . indulgencis passed
J: 8,154 Byennalys & t(ri)ennalis . & byschoppys
letturs [aaAx]
J: 8,155 Dowele at -th-e day of dome . is di(n)glyche vnd(er)fongyd
J: 8,156 He passydh al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seynt pet(ur)
chyrche [aaAx]
J: 8,157 Now hath -th-e [pope] power . p(ar)dou(n) to g(ra)unte
J: 8,158 -Th-e peple w(i)t(h)outen penaunce . to passyn to
Ioye [aaAx]
J: 8,159 -Th-is is a leef of beleue . as lett(er)yd vs techith
J: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram erit
ligatu(m) & in celis } [Latin]
J: 8,160 And I beleue it lelely . lordys forbode ell(is)
J: 8,161 -Th-(a)t p(ar)dou(n) & penaunce . & p(re)y-gh-ers
togider [aaAx]
J: 8,162 Nowne sauen sowlys -th-(a)t haue synnyd . seuen
sythis dedely [aaAx]
J: 8,163 Ac to t(ro)stnyn on -th-ese t(ri)ennal[y]s . trewly
me thinkyth [aaAx]
J: 8,164 Is nowt so sykyr for -th-e sowle . c(er)tis as is
do wele [aaAx]
J: 8,165 -Th-(er) for I rede -gh-ow lordes . -th-(a)t riche
bene on erthe [aaAx]
J: 8,166 Vp trest of -gh-owre tresour(e) . t(ri)ennal(is)
to haue [aaAx]
J: 8,167 Be -gh-e neu(er) -th-e baldar . to breykyn -th-e
ten hestys [aaAx]
J: 8,168 And namelyche -gh-e maysters . meyris & Iugys
J: 8,169 -Th-(a)t haue -th-e welth of -th-e werld . & wyse
me(n) be(n) holdy(n) [aaAx]
J: 8,170 ffor to p(ur)chasyn p(ar)dou(n) . & -th-e popys
bull(es) [aaAx]
J: 8,171 At -th-e dredeful day of dome . qwan ded sully(n)
aryse [aaAx]
J: 8,172 And comy(n) alle tofor c(ri)ste . & cowntys
to -gh-elde [aaAx]
fol. 42v
J: 8,173 How -th-(o)u laddyst -th-i lyf . & -th-in lawe
keptist [aaAx]
J: 8,174 Qwat -th-(o)u dost day be day . -th-e dome wil reherse
J: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) -th-(er) . ne p(ro)uincial
lett(er)ys [aaAx]
J: 8,176 -Th-ei -th-(o)u be fownden in -th-e frat(er)nite
. among -th-e four(e) orders [aaAx]
J: 8,177 And haue indulgence dobel folde . but dowele -gh-ow
help [aaAx]
J: 8,178 I nold -gh-if for -gh-oure p(ar)dou(n) o pye hele
J: 8,179 -Th-(er)for I cou(n)cel al c(ri)sten . to crien
god m(er)cy [aaAx]
J: 8,180 And mary his moder . be mene betwene [aaAx]
J: 8,181 -Th-at god -gh-if vs g(ra)ce . here or we gon hennys
J: 8,182 Swyche werkys to wyrchin . qwylis we bene her(e)
J: 8,183 -Th-(a)t aft(er) our(e) deth day . dowele wyl reherce
J: 8,184 -Th-at we wrowtyn wysely as he vs bad & tawte
Amen [aaAx]
Explicit visio Will(elm)i de Petro Plowhman
Hic incipit vita de dowele dobet & dobest s(e)c(un)d(u)m
Wit & resou(n)
J: 9,1 Thus Irobid in russet . I romyd abowtyn [aaAx]
J: 9,2 Al a som(er) sesyn . for to sekyn dowele [aaAx]
J: 9,3 And fraynyd ful oftyn . of folk -th-(a)t I mette [aaAx]
J: 9,4 -Gh-if ony man wist . qwer(e) he was at Inne [aaAx]
J: 9,5 And qwat he myht ben . of many ma(n) I askyd [aaAx]
J: 9,6 Was neu(er) man as I went . -th-(a)t me wissyn cowthe
J: 9,7 Qwere -th-is lede lenged . lesse no more [aaAx]
J: 9,8 Til it fel on a friday . two freris I mette [aaAx]
J: 9,9 Mayst(er)ys of -th-e menowrys . men of grete witte
J: 9,10 I haylsed hem hendely . as I had lernyd [aaAx]
J: 9,11 And p(ra)y-gh-id hem p(ar) charite . er -th-ey passed
ferther(e) [aaAx]
J: 9,12 -Gh-if -th-ei knewyn ony cost or cuntre abowtyn [aaAx]
J: 9,13 Qwer -th-(a)t dowele dwellyth . doth me to wysse
J: 9,14 Mari q(uo)d -th-e meno(ur)ys . among vs he dwellyth
J: 9,15 And eu(er)e hath as I howpe . & eu(er)e schal
herafter(e) [aaAa]
fol. 43r
J: 9,16 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I as a clerk . & wold disputyn
{Sepcies in die cadit iustus } [aaAx]
J: 9,16a --- this line om ---
J: 9,17 Seuen sythis on -th-e day . syngnyt -th-e ritful
J: 9,18 & ho -th-(a)t singnyt I say . I wot he doth ille
J: 9,19 Certys me thinkyth dowel & do Iuel . mow not
stondyn togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 9,20 { (Er)go } he is not alwey at home among -gh-ow freris
J: 9,21 He is o-th-(er)qwyle ellis qwer(e) . to wyssyn -th-e
peple [aaAx]
J: 9,22 I schal sey -th-e my sou(n) . seyd -th-e frere -th-anne
J: 9,23 How seuen sythis -th-e sad man . synnyth on -th-e
day [aaAx]
J: 9,24 -Gh-if -th-(o)u wilt suffir seyd -th-e frere . I
schal -th-e fayr(e) schew [aaAx]
J: 9,25 lat bryngyn a man in a bote . amyddys a brod wat(ir)
J: 9,26 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 9,27 It makys a man many tymes . to fallyn & to stondyn
J: 9,28 ffor stond he neu(er) so styffe . he stumbelyth in
-th-e waggyng [aaAx]
J: 9,29 & -gh-it he is both hole & sounde . & so
him behouyth [aaAx]
J: 9,30 ffor -gh-if he ne rise -th-e rather . & rawte
-th-e stere [aaAx]
J: 9,31 -Th-e wynde wilde w(i)t(h) -th-e wat(ir) . -th-e
bote ou(er)throwe [aaaXx]
J: 9,32 -Th-(er) w(er) -th-e ma(n)ys lyf lost . for lacchesse
of himselfe [aaAx]
J: 9,33 Rit -th-(us) it farith q(uo)d -th-e frere . be folk
here on erthe [aaAx]
J: 9,34 -Th-e wat(ir) is lyknyd to -th-e werld . -th-(a)t
wanyth & waxith [aaAa]
J: 9,35 -Th-es godes on -th-is grounde . be lyknyth to -th-es
wawys [aaAx]
J: 9,36 -Th-(a)t as wynd & wat(er)ys . walwyn aboute
J: 9,37 -Th-e bote is lyknyd to -th-i body . -th-(a)t brisel
is of kynde [aaAx]
J: 9,38 -Th-at -th-orow -th-e fende & -th-i fleche . & -th-e
false werlde [aaAx]
J: 9,39 Synnyth -th-e sad man on -th-e [day] seuen sythys
J: 9,40 Ac dedely synne doth he nouth . for dowele him helpith
J: 9,41 -Th-(a)t is charite -th-e champyou(n) . chef a-gh-eyn
synne [aaAx]
J: 9,42 ffor he strengkyth -th-e to stonde . & sterith
-th-i sowle [aaAx]
J: 9,43 -Th-ow -th-i body bowe . as a bote doth in a wat(ir)
J: 9,44 Ay es -th-i sowle saue . but -th-(o)u -th-iselue
wille [aaAx]
J: 9,45 ffolwyn -th-in flechis will . & -th-e fende after
J: 9,46 And don dedly synne . & drenchin -th-i selue
J: 9,47 God wil suffrin -th-e to dey-gh-in so . for -th-i
selue hath -th-e mayst(ri) [aaAx]
fol. 43v
J: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . to co(n)seyue -th-i
wordys [aaAx]
J: 9,49 Ac -gh-if I may lyfuen & lokyn . I wil lernyn
bettur [aaAx]
J: 9,50 I beke(n)ne -gh-ow c(ri)ste . -th-(a)t on croys dey-gh-id
J: 9,51 And -th-ei seydyn -th-e same . saue -th-e fro myschaunce
J: 9,52 And -gh-if -th-e g(ra)ce on -th-is erthe . in gode
lyfe to ende [aabAb]
J: 9,53 Thus I went wyde qwer(e) . dowele to sekyn [aaAx]
J: 9,54 And als I went be a wode . walkyng allone [aaAx]
J: 9,55 Blisse of -th-e p(ri)ddis . made me vnbyde [aaXa]
J: 9,56 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 9,57 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 9,58 Blisse of -th-e p[i]ddis . made me vnbyde
J: 9,58 And w(i)t(h) -th-e myrthe of her mowthe made me to
slepyn [aaAx]
J: 9,59 -Th-e m(er)uelousest metyng . met I me -th-anne [aaAx]
J: 9,60 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e dremyd I -gh-it . in dowte as I
wene [aaAx]
J: 9,61 A michel man me thowte . liche to my selue [aaAx]
J: 9,62 Cam & callid me . be my propir name [aaAx]
J: 9,63 Qwat artow q(uo)d I -th-o . -th-at my(n) name knowyst
J: 9,64 -Th-(a)t wost -th-(o)u q(uo)d he -th-o . & no
wyht bettur [aaAx]
J: 9,65 Wote I q(uo)d I artow . thout seyd I -th-anne [aaAa]
J: 9,66 -Gh-e I haue suwyd -th-e seuen -gh-ere . seye -th-(o)u
me no rather(e) [aaAx]
J: 9,67 Artow thout q(uo)d I -th-o . canstow ouht me telle
J: 9,68 Qwer(e) dowele duellyth . do me to wisse [aaAx]
J: 9,69 Dowele & dobet . & dobest -th-e thridde [aaAx]
J: 9,70 Arne thre fayr(e) v(er)tues . nouth ferr(e) to fynde
J: 9,71 Hoso is meke of his mowthe . mylde of his speche
J: 9,72 Trewe of his tung(e) . & of his two handes [aaAx]
J: 9,73 And thorow his labore or his londe . his liflod wy(n)nyth
J: 9,74 and t(ro)sty of his taylhende . & takyth but
his owne [aaAx]
J: 9,75 & ys nouth drunlew ne deynows . dowel hi(m) folwyth
J: 9,76 Dobet doth -th-(us) . & doth mychel more [aaAx]
J: 9,77 He is as lowe as a lombe . louely of speche [aaAx]
J: 9,78 Qwyl he hath outh of his owne . he helpith -th-(er)
nede is [aaAx]
J: 9,79 -Th-e baggys & -th-e bygyrdelys . he hath brokyn
alle [aaAx]
J: 9,80 -Th-(a)t eu(er) erle aueris had or his eyris [aa??]
J: 9,81 & w(i)t(h) mammonaes mone . he hath made hi(m)
frendys [aaAx]
J: 9,82 & is ru(n)nyn into relygiou(n) . & hath renderid
-th-e byble [aaAx]
fol. 44r
J: 9,83 And p(re)chith -th-e peple . seynt Powlys wordys [aaAx]
J: 9,83a --- this line is omitted ---
J: 9,84 -Gh-e wyse sufferith -th-e vnwyse . w(i)t(h) -gh-ow
for to lybbe [aaAxx]
J: 9,85 W(i)t(h) glad wille doth-hem gode . for so hem god
hy[h]te [aaAx]
J: 9,86 Dobest is abouyn bothyn . a bischoppis crose [aaaAa]
J: 9,87 Is hokyd at -th-e ende . in godelyfe men to holdyn
J: 9,88 A pyke in -th-(a)t potent . to punchin adoune -th-e
wyckyd [aaAx]
J: 9,89 -Th-(a)t waytyn any wikkydnesse . dowele to tene
J: 9,90 And as dowele & dobet . dydyn him vnderstondyn
J: 9,91 He hath Ic(oro)wnyd a kyng . to kepyn hem alle [aaAx]
J: 9,92 And -gh-if dowele & dobet . dydyn a-gh-eyn dobest
J: 9,93 And weryn vnbuxom at his biddyng . & bolde to
dou(n) ille [aaAx]
J: 9,94 -Th-an schuld -th-e kyng comyn . & castyn hem
in Irnys [aaAx]
J: 9,95 And puttyn hem -th-(er) in penaunnce . w(i)t(h)outy(n)
ony g(ra)ce [aaAx]
J: 9,96 And but -gh-if dobest bidde for hem vnbydyn . -th-(er)
for eu(er)e [aaaXx]?
J: 9,97 -Th-(us) dowele & dobet . & dobest -th-e
thridde [aaAx]
J: 9,98 Crownedyn one to ben kyng . be her co(n)cel to wyrche
J: 9,99 And rewlyn -th-e rewme . be rede of hem alle [aaAx]
J: 9,100 And o-th-(er) wyse ne ellis but as -th-ei thre acordene
J: 9,101 I thanckyd thowte -th-oo . -th-(a)t he me so taute
J: 9,102 Ac -gh-it sauowrith me nouth -th-i seying so me
god help [aaAxx]
J: 9,103 More kynde knowing . I couet to lerne [aaAx]
J: 9,104 How dowele & his feris . done on -th-is erthe
J: 9,105 But wit kon wissyn -th-e q(uo)d thout . qwere -th-o
thre dwellyn [aaxAx]
J: 9,106 Ellis -th-(er) can no man -th-(a)t now is on lyue
J: 9,107 -Th-(us) thowt & I . -th-re dayes -gh-edyn disputyng
on dowele [aaAx]
J: 9,108 --- this line om ---
J: 9,109 And er we wyst . w(i)t(h) wytte we gu(n)ne metyn
J: 9,110 He was long & lene . lyche to non o-th-(er)
J: 9,111 -Th-(er) was no p(ri)de in his parayle . ne pou(er)te
neythir(e) [aaAx]
J: 9,112 Sad of his semland . & of softe speche [aaAx]?
J: 9,113 and I durst meuy(n) no mat(er) . w(i)t(h) hi(m)
for to Iangel [aaAx]
J: 9,114 But as I bad thowt -th-o be mene betwenyn [????]
J: 9,115 and puttyn forth purpos . & p(ro)uyn his wyttys
fol. 44v
J: 9,116 -Th-an thowt in -th-at tyme . seydyn -th-is wordys
J: 9,117 Qwere dowele or dobet . or dobest be in londe [aaAx]
J: 9,118 Here is wille wilde fayne wyte . -gh-if wit kowthe
hi(m) teche [aaAx]
P(ri)m(us) pass(us) de dowele
J: 10,1 Syr dowele dwellyth q(uo)d witte . not a day hennys
J: 10,2 In a castel -th-(a)t kynde hath made . rit of foure
thingis [aaAx]?
J: 10,3 Of erthe & eyre it is made . medlyd togyder [aaBbx]
J: 10,4 W(i)t(h) wynde & wat(ir) . wyttyly enIoynyd [aaAx]
J: 10,5 Kynde hath closyd -th-(er)Inne . c(ra)ftyly w(i)t(h)
alle [aaAx]
J: 10,6 A lemman -th-(a)t he louyn . liche to him selue [aaAx]
J: 10,7 Anima sche hyte . to hire hath envye [aaAa]
J: 10,8 A prowde p(ri)ker(e) of fraunce . { p(ri)nceps hui(us)
mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
J: 10,9 And wold wy(n)nyn hyr(e) away . [w(i)t(h)] wyl(es)
-gh-if he myht [aaAx]
J: 10,10 Ac kynde knowyth his wille wele . and kep(i)t(h)
hir(e) -th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 10,11 And hath done hir(e) to sir(e) dowele . dewke of
-th-is marchys [aaAx]
J: 10,12 Dobet is hir(e) damysel . sir(e) dowelys dowt(er)
J: 10,13 And s(er)uyth -th-is lady louely . bothe late & rathe
J: 10,13 Dobest is in hir(e) & boldyth -th-(a)t leuedy
J: 10,13 and berith a batte on his honde lyche a byschoppys
J: 10,14 -Th-is dowele & dobet . & dobest -th-e thridde
J: 10,15 Bene mayst(er)ys of -th-(a)t man(er) . -th-(a)t
mayden to kepe [aaAx]
J: 10,16 Ac -th-e cu(n)stabel of -th-(a)t castel . -th-(a)t
kepith hem alle [aaAx]
J: 10,17 Is a wyse knyht sykyr . sir Inwytte he hyhte [aaAx]
J: 10,18 And hath fyue fayr(e) so(n)nys . be his fyrst wyfe
J: 10,19 Syr sey wele & se wele . & here wele -th-e
hende [aaAx]
J: 10,20 Syr wyrche w(i)t(h) -th-in honde . a wytty man of
strengthe [aaxAx]
J: 10,21 And sir Godfray go wele . gret lordys alle [aaAx]
J: 10,22 -Th-is syxe bene sette . for to sauyn -th-e castel
J: 10,23 To kepyn wele -th-is wo(m)man . -th-es wyse me(n)
be(n) char[gyd] [xaAx]
J: 10,24 Til kynde come or sende . & kepe her(e) hi(m)selue
J: 10,25 Qwat calle [-gh-e] -th-e -th-(a)t castel q(uo)d
I . -th-(a)t kynde hath Imakyd [aaAx]
J: 10,25 as do best & dobet dowele acordyn
fol. 45r
J: 10,26 And qwat ky(n)nes thing is kynde . konne -gh-e me
telle [aaAx]
J: 10,27 Kynde is creatoure [q(uo)d he] . of alle kynnes
bestes [aaAx]
J: 10,28 ffadyr & formeour(e) . -th-e first of alle thing
J: 10,29 And -th-(a)t is -th-e gret god . -th-(a)t gynnyng
had neu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 10,30 -Th-e lorde of lyf & of litthe . of blisse & of
payne [aaaAx]
J: 10,31 Aungel(is) & alle thing . arn at his wille [aaAx]
J: 10,32 Ac ma(n) is him most liche . of marke & of schappe
J: 10,33 ffor -th-orow -th-e worde -th-(a)t he warp . waxin
forth bestys [aaAx]
J: 10,34 And al thing at his wille . was wrowht at a speche
J: 10,34a { Dixit & f(a)c(t)a su(n)t omnia &c } [Latin]
J: 10,35 Saue man -th-(a)t he made . Image to him selue [aaAx]
J: 10,36 -Gh-af him gost of his godhed . & g(ra)untyd
him blisse [aaAx]
J: 10,37 & lyf -th-(a)t eu(er)e schal lastyn . & al
his kynne aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 10,38 -Th-(a)t is -th-e castel -th-(a)t kynde made . {
caro } it hyhte [aaAx]
J: 10,39 As mychel to menyn . as man w(i)t(h) body & w(i)t(h)
sowle [aaAx]
J: 10,40 -Th-(a)t he wrowhte w(i)t(h) werke . & w(i)t(h)
worde bothe [aaAx]
J: 10,41 -Th-orow myht of his mageste . man was Imakyd {
ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymaginem &c } [aaAa]
J: 10,41a --- this line om ---
J: 10,42 Inwit & al wyttys . enclosyd bene -th-(er)Inne
J: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-(a)t leuedy . -th-(a)t lyf is ne(m)pnyd
J: 10,44 -Th-at is { Anima } -th-(a)t ou(er)alle . in -th-e
body wand(er)ith [aaXx]
J: 10,45 But in -th-e hert is hir(e) home . heyest of alle
J: 10,46 Sche is lyf & leder(e) . & lemman of heuen
J: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e help . -th-(a)t { anima } desyryth
J: 10,48 Aft(ir) -th-e g(ra)ce of god . grettest of alle
J: 10,49 Inwyt is -th-e heuyd . & helpith to -th-e sowle
J: 10,50 ffor -th-orow his konyng is keppyt . { caro & a(n)i(m)a
} [aaAx]
J: 10,51 In rewle & in resou(n) . but rechchilnesse it
make [aaAx]
J: 10,52 He eggyd aye syhte . & hering to gode [aaAx]
J: 10,53 Of gode speche & goyng . he is -th-o kynner(e)
J: 10,54 In mannys brayne is he most . & myhtyest to
knowe [aaAx]
J: 10,55 -Th-(er) is his bowre bry(m)mest . but -gh-if blode
it make [aaAx]
J: 10,56 Qwan blode is bri(m)mer -th-an brayne . bow[ne]dyn
is Inwitte [aaaXa]
J: 10,57 And eke wantou(n) & wylde . wythouten ony resou(n)
fol. 45v
J: 10,58 In -gh-ong fauntys & folys . w(i)t(h) hem wanyth
Inwytte [aaAx]
J: 10,59 And eke in sottys -th-(o)u mayt sene . -th-(a)t
syttyn atte nale [aaAx]
J: 10,60 -Th-ei holden dring in her heuyd . til Inwit be
drinchid [aaaAx]
J: 10,61 And bene braynewode as bestys . so her blode waxith
J: 10,62 -Th-an hath -th-e fende power . sir { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mu(n)di }
J: 10,63 Ou(er) suche man(er) of men . myht in her sowle
J: 10,64 Ac in fauntys ne in folys . -th-e fende hath ne
myht [aaAx]
J: 10,65 for no werkys -th-(a)t -th-ei wyrkyn . amys oyther
ellis [aaAx]
J: 10,66 Ac her faderis & her frendis . for her fantys
schull [aaAx]
J: 10,67 Bene blamyd but -th-ey kepyn hem from wantou(n)nesse -th-e wylde [aaAxx]
J: 10,68 -Gh-if -th-ei ben kynles & catelles . to kepyn
hem from ille xxXx|
J: 10,69 Is holychirche owyng . to helpyn hem at nede [aaAx]
J: 10,70 & fyndyn hem fro foly[y]s . til -th-ei bene
wyser [aaAx]?
J: 10,71 But iche wyht in -th-is worlde . w(i)t(h) wit vnderstondyng
J: 10,72 Is chefe sou(er)yn of him selue . his sowle to -gh-eme
J: 10,73 To kepyn from eu(er)y charge . qwan childesse passyth
J: 10,74 and sauyn him selue fro synne . for so hi(m) behouyth
J: 10,75 and wyrche he wele oythyr wrong . -th-e wyte is
his owne [aaaAx]
J: 10,76 -Th-an is dowele a duke . -th-(a)t distru-gh-it
vices [aaAx]
J: 10,77 And sauyth -th-e sowle . -th-(a)t sy(n)ne hath no
myht [aaAx]
J: 10,78 To rowtyn ne to restyn . ne rotyn in -th-e hert
J: 10,79 And -th-(a)t is drede of god . dowele it makyth
J: 10,80 It is -th-e gynnyng of godenesse . god for to dowte
J: 10,81 and so seyth Salamon . for a soth tale [aaAx]
J: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
J: 10,82 for dowte men done -th-e bet . drede is suche a
mayst(er) [aaxAx]
J: 10,83 -Th-(a)t he makyth men meke . & mylde of her
speche [aaaAx]
J: 10,84 And alle ky(n)ne scolars . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
J: 10,85 -Th-an is dobet to bene ware . for betyng of -gh-erdys
J: 10,85 And also -gh-erde to take -gh-eme is -gh-ouy(n)
to done bet
fol. 46r
J: 10,86 And -th-(er)of seyth -th-e sawt(er) . -th-i selue
-th-(o)u mayt rede { Virga tua & bac(u)l(u)s tuus ip(s)a
me co(n)solata su(n)t } [aaAx]
J: 10,87 --- this line om ---
J: 10,88 Ac -gh-if clene consciens . acorde -th-(a)t -th-iselue
dost wele [aaAx]
J: 10,89 -Gh-erne -th-(o)u neuyr weye ne worde to done bett(er)
J: 10,90 ffor { intencio indicat hominem &c } [Latin]
J: 10,91 Be councel of consciens . acordyng to holy cherche
J: 10,92 Loke -th-(o)u wysse -th-i wit . & -th-i werke
aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 10,93 for do -th-(o)u a-gh-eyne consciens . -th-(o)u combrist
-th-i selue [aaAx]
J: 10,94 So wytnessyth goddes worde . & holywrit bothe
J: 10,94a --- this line is omitted ---
J: 10,95 And -gh-if -th-(o)u wyrche be goddes worde . I warne
-th-e -th-e best [aaAx]
J: 10,96 Qwat men spekyn . of -th-e ne wrathe -th-e neu(er)
-th-e rather(e) [aaAx]?
J: 10,97 Catou(n) conseylith so . take hede of his teching
J: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas ne cures v(er)ba malor(um) } [Latin]
J: 10,99 But suffir & sitte stille . & seke -th-(o)u
no fer-th-er [aaaAx]
J: 10,100 But be glad of -th-e g(ra)ce . -th-(a)t god hath
-th-e g(ra)untyd [aaAx]
J: 10,101 -Gh-if -th-(o)u couet for to clymbe . & for
to risyn heyer(e) [aaAx]
J: 10,102 -Th-(o)u mayt lesyn -th-i lownesse . for a lytil
p(ri)de [aaAx]
J: 10,103 I haue lernyd -th-e how lewyd men . leryn her childryn
J: 10,104 -Th-(a)t seldom mosyth -th-e marbel . -th-(a)t
men ofty(n) on wenedyn [aaAx]
J: 10,105 And rith so be romeris . -th-(a)t renny(n) abowtyn
J: 10,106 ffro re[li]gion to religiou(n) . reccheles -th-ei
bene eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 10,107 And men -th-(a)t kennyn alle c(ra)ftys . clergy
tellith [aaAx]
J: 10,108 -Th-(a)t thrifte or thedom . seldom hem schewyth
J: 10,108a { Q(ui) circuit omne genus in nullo gen(er)e est
} [Latin]
J: 10,109 Powle -th-e apostel . in his pistyl wrote it [aaAx]
J: 10,110 In example -th-(a)t swyche . schold not re(n)ny(n)
abowtyn [aaAxx]
J: 10,111 And for wysda(m) it [is] writu(n) . & wytnessyd
in cherches [aaAx]
J: 10,112 { In ead(e)m vocacc(i)one qua vocati estis state
} [Latin]
J: 10,113 If -th-(o)u be man mari-gh-id . monk oythir chanou(n)
J: 10,114 Holde -th-e strong & stedfast . & strengthe
-th-i selue [aaAx]
J: 10,115 To be blissid for -th-i bering . begger -th-ey
-th-(o)u wer(e) [aaAx]?
J: 10,116 Loke -th-(o)u gruche not on god . -th-ei he -gh-if
-th-e lytel [aaAx]
fol. 46v
J: 10,117 Be pay-gh-id w(i)t(h) -th-i portyou(n) . pore oythir
riche [aaAx]
J: 10,118 -Th-(us) in drede lith dowele . & dobet to
suffyr(e) [aaAx]
J: 10,119 ffor thorow sufferaunce -th-(o)u mayt se how sufference
arysyth [aaAx]?
J: 10,120 And soo lerned vs luke . -th-(a)t lyed neu(er)e
J: 10,120a { Q(ui) se hu(m)iliat exaltab(itur) & qui
se exaltat hu(m)iliab(itur) } [Latin]
J: 10,121 And -th-(us) of drede & his dede . dobest arisith
J: 10,122 Qwyche is flour(e) & frute . fosterid of bothe
J: 10,123 Rith as redily as a rose . -th-(a)t rede is & swete
J: 10,124 Oute of a raggyd rote . & a rowh brere [aaAx]
J: 10,125 Springith & spredyth . -th-(a)t spycers desyryn
J: 10,126 Oythir as qwete oute of weede . waxyth of erthe
J: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowele gynnyth springe
J: 10,128 Among men of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t meke bene & kynde
J: 10,129 ffor luffe of her lowe hert . our(e) lorde -gh-ifit
he(m) g(ra)ce [aaAx]
J: 10,130 Swyche werkys to wyrkyn . -th-(a)t he is w(i)t(h)
pay-gh-id [aaAx]
J: 10,131 ffirst & formest . to men -th-(a)t bene weddyd
J: 10,132 Lyuen as her lawe will wele . it likyth god almyht
J: 10,133 ffor -th-orow wedlok -th-e worde stonde . qwo so
wil it knowe [aaAx]
J: 10,134 -Th-ei bene -th-e richest of -th-is remys . & Rote
of dowele [aaAx]
J: 10,135 ffor of her kynde -th-ei comyn . -th-(a)t co(n)fessoures
arn callyd [aaAx]
J: 10,136 Bothe maydens & martires . monkys & ankeris
J: 10,137 Kyngys knyhtys . & alle kyns clerkys [aaAa]
J: 10,138 Barounys burges . & bondemen of townys [aaAx]
J: 10,139 But fals folke & faythles . theuys & lyers
J: 10,140 Bene co(n)seyuyd in c(ur)sed tyme . as kayme was
of eue [aaAx]
J: 10,141 Aft(ir) -th-(a)t adam & eue . etyn -th-e appyl
J: 10,142 A-gh-eyne -th-e hestys of him . -th-(a)t -gh-ow
of nouth made [aaAx]
J: 10,143 An angel in ang(ir) . het hem to wende [aaAx]
J: 10,144 Into -th-is wreched world . to wonyn & libbe
J: 10,145 In tene & t(ra)ueyle . to her lyues ende [aaAxx]
J: 10,146 And in -th-(a)t cursed co(n)stellacyon . -th-ei
knewyn togydyr [aaAx]
fol. 47r
J: 10,147 And browtyn forth a barne . -th-(a)t mykyl bale wrowte
J: 10,148 Kayme -th-ei him callydyn . in acursyd tyme engenderid
J: 10,149 And so seyth -th-e sawt(er) . se it qwan -th-e
lykyth [aaAx]
J: 10,150 { Concepit dolorem & pep(er)it iniquitatem
} [Latin]
J: 10,151 And alle -th-(a)t camyn of kayme . c(ri)ste hatyd
aft(er) [aaAbb]
J: 10,152 And many myliou(n)ys moo . of men & of wymmen
J: 10,153 -Th-(a)t of seth & his sistir . sythyn forth
camyn [aaAx]
J: 10,154 ffor -th-ei maryedyn hem vnmesourly to men . of
kamys kynde [abaBb]
J: 10,155 ffor alle -th-(a)t camy(n) of kayme . ac(ur)sed
weryn eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 10,156 And alle -th-(a)t cowpledyn hem to -th-(a)t kyn
. c(ri)st hated dedly [aaAx]
J: 10,157 -th-(er)for he sent to sem . & sayd him be
an aungel [aaAx]
J: 10,158 To kepyn his kynred fro kaymys . -th-ei cowpled
not togyd(er) [aaaAx]
J: 10,159 Ac sethin seem & his sust(er)ys seede . wery(n)
spowsyd to kaymys [aaaAx]
J: 10,160 Agayn goddes hest . cherlys -th-ei be-gh-ete [aaAa]
J: 10,161 And god was wrothe w(i)t(h) her werkys . & swyche
wordys seyde [aaAx]
J: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse hominem } [Latin]
J: 10,163 And is as mychyl to mene . rith among vs alle [aaAx]
J: 10,164 -Th-(a)t I man made now . me forthugkyth [aaAx]?
J: 10,165 And cam to noe anone . & bad him nouth lette
J: 10,166 Swythe gon schapyn a schippe . of schides & bordes
J: 10,167 Hym selue & his so(n)nys -th-re . & sethyn
her wyues [aaAx]
J: 10,168 Buskyn hem to -th-(a)t bote . vnbydyn -th-(er)Inne
J: 10,169 Til fourty dayes ben fulfilled . -th-e flode haue
Iwasche [aaAx]
J: 10,170 Clene away -th-e c(ur)sed blode . -th-(a)t kayme
hath Imakyde [aaAx]
J: 10,171 Bestys -th-(a)t now bene . scholyn banny(n) -th-e
stounde [aaAx]
J: 10,172 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e -th-(a)t c(ur)syd kayme . cam
on -th-is erthe [aaAx]
J: 10,173 Alle schal dey-gh-yn for her dedys . be dou(n)nys & hillis
J: 10,174 Bothin fyschis & fowl(is) . forth w(i)t(h)
o-th-(er) bestys [aaAx]
J: 10,175 Owttakyn -gh-e eyte . & of iche best a cowple
J: 10,176 -Th-(a)t in -gh-oure schyngelyd schyp . schal ben
Isauyd [aaAx]
J: 10,177 Ellis schal alle deye . & to helle wende [aaAx]?
fol. 47v
J: 10,178 -Th-(us) -th-orow c(ur)syd kayme . kam kar(e) vppon
alle [aaAa]
J: 10,179 And al for seem & his sist(er)ys childeryn
. leyne togyder(e) [aaAx]
J: 10,180 A-gh-en -th-e law of our(e) lorde . spowsyd eythir
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 10,181 And weryn mariyd at myschef . as me(n) -gh-yuy(n)
now h(er) childerin [aaAx]
J: 10,182 for su(m)e as I se now . -th-e sothe for to telle
J: 10,183 for couetyse of catel . vnkyndely ben mariyd [aaAx]
J: 10,184 A kareful co(n)ception . comyth of swyche weddyng
J: 10,185 As fel of -th-(a)t folke . -th-(a)t I beforne schewyd
J: 10,186 It is rith vncomely . be crist as me thinkyth [aaAx]
J: 10,187 To -gh-yuen a -gh-ong wenche . to an olde feble
J: 10,188 Or weddyn ony wydow . for welth of her godes [aaAx]
J: 10,189 -Th-(a)t neu(er)e schal beryn barne . but it be
in her armys [aaAx]
J: 10,190 In Iolouste Ioyles . & Iangelyn on bedde [aaAx]
J: 10,191 Many payr sen pestelens . han pliht hem togydyr
J: 10,192 -Th-e frute -th-(a)t -th-ei bringyn forth . arn
many fowle wordys [aaAx]
J: 10,193 Haue -th-ei no childeryn but chest . & choppyn
betwene [aaAx]
J: 10,194 -Th-ow -th-ei don hem to don now . but -th-e deuyl
help [aaAx]
J: 10,195 To folowyn aft(er) -th-e fliche . fecche -th-ei
it neu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 10,196 But -gh-if -th-ei bothin be forsworyn . -th-(a)t
bakyn -th-ei tyne [aaAx]
J: 10,197 -Th-(er)for I co(n)cel alle c(ri)stene . couetyth
not ben weddyd [aaAx]
J: 10,198 for couetys of catel . ne of kyn riche [aaAx]
J: 10,199 But sengil & madenys . makkyth -gh-ow same
J: 10,200 Wydewys & wydoweris . wyrchith rith also [aaAx]
J: 10,200 [B:IX,175] for no londe but for luffe loke -gh-e
ben Ispowsyd
J: 10.201 And -th-an gladyn -gh-e god . -th-(a)t alle godys
sendyth [aaAx]
J: 10,202 for in vntyme truly . betwyxin man & wo(m)man
J: 10,203 Scholde no bedbowrde be . but -gh-if -th-ei bothin
wer(e) [aaAx]
J: 10,204 Clene of lyue & of luffe . & of lawe als
J: 10,205 -Th-(a)t derne dede . to done no man no scholde
J: 10,206 Bot betwyxin sengle & sengle . sethin lawe
hath it g(ra)untyd [aaAxx]
fol. 48r
J: 10,207 -Th-(a)t iche man haue a make . & mariage of
wedloke [aaAx]
J: 10,208 And wyrche -th-(a)t werk on his wyue . & on
no mo wy(m)men [aaAx]
J: 10,209 -Th-(a)t o-th-ir gatys ben getyn . for gadelingys
ben holdyn [aaAx]
J: 10,210 And -th-(a)t bene -th-is fals folke & eke -th-is
fals eyrys
J: 10,210 fou(n)delyngys lyers vngracious of werkys [aaAx]?
J: 10,211 for to getyn ony loue . or ony gode ellis [aaAx]
J: 10,212 But wanderin os woluys . & wastyn -gh-if -th-ei
mowe [aaAx]
J: 10,213 A-gh-eyne dowel -th-ei don . & -th-e deuyl
plesyn [aaAx]
J: 10,214 And aft(er) her deth day . scholyn dwellyn w(i)t(h)
-th-(a)t sc[h]rewe [aaAx]
J: 10,215 But -gh-if god -gh-if hem . g(ra)ce hem here to
amende [aaAx]
J: 10,216 -Th-an is dowele to drede . & dobet [to] soffre
J: 10,217 And so comyth dobest . & bringith dou(n) mody
J: 10,218 And -th-(a)t is wykkyd wille . -th-(a)t many werke
schendyth [aaAx]
J: 11,1 -Th-an had wytte a wyfe . -th-(a)t hyte dame stody
J: 11,2 -Th-(a)t lene was of lyche . & of lowe chere
J: 11,3 Sche was wonderlyche wrothe . -th-(a)t wytte me -th-(us)
tawte [aaAx]
J: 11,4 And al staring dame stodye st(er)nelyche seyde [aaAx]
J: 11,5 Wel artow wyce q(uo)d sche . wysdomys to telle [aaAx]
J: 11,6 To flat(er)erys or folys . -th-(a)t frentyke ben
in wyttes [aaAx]
J: 11,7 And blamyd hym . & bad him be stille [aaAx]
J: 11,8 Wyth swyche wyse wordys . to wyssyn ony folis [aaAx]
J: 11,9 And seyde { Noli mitt(er)e } man . margery perlys
J: 11,10 Among hoggys -th-(a)t han . hawys at her wille [aaAx]
J: 11,11 -Th-ei ben dreueler -th-(er)on . draffe wer(e) hem
leuer(e) [aaAx]
J: 11,12 -Th-[an] -th-e p(re)ciousest p(er)re . -th-(a)t
in p(ar)adyse waxith [aaAx]
J: 11,13 I sey be hem q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t werchin be her
werkys [aaAx]
J: 11,14 -Th-(a)t hem were leuer . lordschepe on erthe [aaAx]
J: 11,15 Or rychesse or rentys . or rest at her wylle [aaAx]
J: 11,16 -Th-an alle -th-e soth sawys . -th-(a)t salamon
seyd eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 11,17 Wysdom & witte now . is not worth a rusche [aaAx]
J: 11,18 But it be kardyd w(i)t(h) couetyse . as clotherys
dou(n) wolle [aaAx]
J: 11,19 He -th-(a)t cou(n)t(er)fetyn dysceytes . & conspire
fol. 48v
J: 11,20 And ledyn forth a loueday . to lettyn with t(ru)the
J: 11,21 -Th-(a)t swyche craftys can . to cou(n)cel es clepyd
J: 11,22 And bene s(er)uyd as syrys . -th-(a)t s(er)uyn -th-e
deuyl [aaAx]
J: 11,23 Iob -th-e ientil . in his gest seyde it [aaAx]
J: 11,23a { Quare via impior(um) p(ro)sp(er)at(ur) b(e)n(e)
est om(n)ib(us) q(ui) p(re)uar(e) sunt & iniq(ue) agu(n)t
} [Latin]
J: 11,24 And he -th-(a)t holy writ hath . ay in his mowthe
J: 11,25 And can tellyn of tobye . & of -th-e twelue
apostels [aaAx]
J: 11,26 Or p(re)chyn of -th-e penaunce . -th-(a)t pylat
wrowht [aaAx]
J: 11,27 To Ih(es)u -th-e gentyl . -th-(a)t Iues todrowyn
J: 11,28 On croyce vpon caluarye . as clerkys vs techith
J: 11,29 Lytyl is he letyn by -th-(a)t . swyche a lessyn
lerith [aaaAx]
J: 11,30 Or dawenseld or drawyn forth . -th-es dysourys wyty(n)
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
J: 11,31 ffor -gh-if harlotrye ne halp he(m) bet . haue god
my t(ru)the [aaxAx]
J: 11,32 More -th-an ony musyk . or makyng of gode [aaAx]
J: 11,33 Nold kyng no knyht . ne chanou(n) of seynt powl(is)
J: 11,34 -Gh-yuyn hem to her -gh-erys-gh-eue . -th-e -gh-ift
of a grote [aaXx]
J: 11,35 ffor mynst(ra)lcy or m(er)the . amongys men nowe
J: 11,36 Is lychery losengery . & losel(is) talis [aaAx]
J: 11,37 Gloteny w(i)t(h) gret othys . is gamyn now o dayes
J: 11,38 And -gh-if -th-ei ca(r)pyn of c(ri)st . -th-es klerkes & -th-es
lewyd [aaAx]
J: 11,39 At mete in her m(er)thys . qwan mynst(ra)lis ben
stille [aaAx]
J: 11,40 -Th-an tellyn of -th-e t(ri)nite . how two slowyn
-th-e thridde [aaAx]
J: 11,41 A ballyd resou(n) -th-ei bringyn forth . & taky(n)
bernard to wytnesse [aaAx]
J: 11,42 And puttyn forth p(re)sumptyou(n) . to p(ro)uyn
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
J: 11,43 -Th-(us) -th-ei dreuelyn at her deyse . deuynyte
to knowe [aaAx]
J: 11,44 And gnawyn god in -th-e gorge . qwan -th-e guttys
fyllyth [aaaAx]
J: 11,45 Ac -th-e careful may cryen . & carpyn at -th-e
-gh-ate [aaAx]
J: 11,46 Both for hunger & for thriste . & for cold
q(ua)ke [xaAxx]
J: 11,47 -Th-(er) is no(n)n to nemy(n) him . ne his noyce
to amende [aaAx]
J: 11,48 But hoyny(n) on him as on a hownde . & hoty(n)
hi(m) go -th-ennys [aaAx]
fol. 49r
J: 11,49 Lytil louyth he -th-(a)t lord . -th-(a)t lenyth him
-th-(a)t blisse [aaAx]
J: 11,50 -Th-(a)t -th-(us) partith w(i)t(h) -th-e pore .
a pa[r]cel qwan hem nedith [aaAx]
J: 11,51 Ne were m(er)cy in mene men . more -th-an in riche
J: 11,52 Mendicans meteles . myht gon to bedde [aaAx]
J: 11,53 God is mychel in -th-e gorge . of -th-ies gret mayst(er)ys
J: 11,54 But amongys mene men . his g(ra)ce & his werkys
J: 11,55 So seyth -th-e sawt(er) . sekyth in { memento }
J: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) eu(m) in effrata Inuenim(us)
eam in campis silue } [Latin]
J: 11,56 Clerkys & cowrte me(n) . carpyn of god fast
J: 11,57 & han him mychel in her mowthe . but mene me(n)
in hert [aaAx]
J: 11,58 ffreris & fayto(ur)ys . han fou(n)dyn vp swyche
q(ue)styou(n)ys [aaAx]
J: 11,59 fforto plesyn w(i)t(h) prowde men . sethin pestylens
tyme [aaAx]
J: 11,60 -Th-(a)t defowlith our(e) fayth . at festys -th-(er)
-th-ei sittyn [aaAx]
J: 11,61 ffor now is iche boy bolde . & he be riche [aaAx]
J: 11,62 ffor to tellyn of -th-e t(ri)nite . to ben howldyn
a syre [aaAxx]
J: 11,63 And fyndyn forth fawtys . oure faythe to apeyre
J: 11,64 And eke famyn -th-e fader . -th-(a)t formyd vs alle
J: 11,65 And carpyn a-gh-eyne clergy . crabbyd wordes [aaAx]
J: 11,66 Qwy wold our(e) sauyour(e) suffur . swyche a worme
in his blisse [aaAx]
J: 11,67 -Th-(a)t deceyuyd -th-e womma(n) . & -th-e man
aft(er) [xaAx]
J: 11,68 Thorow wykkyd werkys & wylle . -th-ei wentyn
to helle [aaAx]
J: 11,69 And her sede aft(er) for her synne . -th-e same
wo suffryn [aaAa]
J: 11,70 Swyche motyngys meuyn . -th-ies mayst(er)s in her
glorye [aaAx]
J: 11,71 And makyn men in mysbeleue . -th-(a)t musyn on her
wordys [aaAx]?
J: 11,72 But austyn -th-e olde . for alle swyche p(re)cheris
J: 11,73 And for swyche tale telleris . swyche a teeme schewyth
J: 11,74 { Non plus sap(er)e q(ua)m oportet &c } [Latin]
J: 11,75 Coueytyth neu(er)e to wite . qwy -th-(a)t god wolde
J: 11,76 fforto suffyr sathan . his sede to begyle [aaAx]
J: 11,77 Ac beleue holely . in -th-e leue of holy cherche
J: 11,78 And p(ra)y him of p(ar)dou(n) . & penaunce in
-th-i lyue [aaAx]
J: 11,79 And for his mychel m(er)cy . to amendyn vs here
J: 11,80 ffor alle -th-(a)t -gh-ernyth to wyte . qwy -th-(a)t
god wolde [aaAx]
J: 11,82 --- this line om ---
J: 11,83 Suffryn sory sathan . his sede to begyle [aaAx]
fol. 49v
J: 11,81 I wold his Ie were . in his ers & his honde aft(er) [aaBb]
J: 11,84 Or qwy -th-(a)t Iudas to -th-e Ih(es)u . Iesu bet(ra)y-gh-yd
J: 11,85 Al was as he wold . lorde thankyd be -th-(o)u [xaAx]
J: 11,86 And worth as -th-(o)u wylt qwat . so we telle [aaAx]
J: 11,87 And now comyth -th-ies coniou(n) . to cacchyn of
me(n)nys wyttys [aaAx]
J: 11,88 Qwat is dowele fro dobet . now deefe mot he worthyn
J: 11,89 Sethyn he -gh-ernyth to wytyn . qwyche -th-ei bene
alle [aaAx]
J: 11,90 But he lyf in -th-e leeste degre . -th-(a)t long(i)t(h)
to dowele [aaAx]
J: 11,91 ffor I dar ben his bold borow . do bet wyl he neu(er)e
J: 11,92 -Th-ei dobest draw on him . halfe a day aft(er)
J: 11,93 And qwan -th-(a)t wit was ware . how his wyfe tolde
J: 11,94 He lost so his cowntenaunce . -th-(a)t he cowthe
not carpe [aaAx]
J: 11,95 And as dowme as a dore . drow him be syde [aaAx]
J: 11,96 But for no carpyng I cowthe . ne knelyng on grounde
J: 11,97 I myht no greyne getyn . of his grete wyttys [aaAx]
J: 11,98 But al lawqwyng he lowtyd . & lokyd vpon stodye
J: 11,99 In syngne -th-(a)t I schold . besekyn hir of g(ra)ce
J: 11,100 Qwan I [was] war(e) of his wil . to his wyfe I
knelyd [aaAx]
J: 11,101 And seyd m(er)cy madam . -gh-or ma(n) schal I worthe
J: 11,101 as long as I lyffe bothin late & rathe
J: 11,102 ffor to wyrchin -gh-our(e) wille . qwyl my lyfe
durith [aaAxx]
J: 11,103 To kenny(n) me kyndely . to knowyn qwat is dowel
J: 11,104 ffor -th-i mekenes q(uo)d sche . & for -th-i
mylde speche [aaAx]
J: 11,105 I schal kenny(n) -th-e to my cosynys howse . -th-(a)t
clergy is hotyn [aaAx]
J: 11,106 He hath weddyd a wyfe . w(i)t(h)in wougys sexe
J: 11,107 -Th-(a)t sibbe is to -th-e seuen artys . & sc(ri)ptur(e)
is hotyn [aaAx]
J: 11,108 -Th-e two as I hope . aft(er) my bidding [xaAx]
J: 11,109 Schulyn techyn -th-e to dowele . I dar it vndertakyn
J: 11,110 -Th-an was I as fayne as fowle . of fayre morowe
fol. 50r
J: 11,111 Gladder -th-an gluman . -th-(a)t gold hath to -gh-ifte
J: 11,112 And axed -th-e hye wey . qwere clergy duellyd [aaXx]
J: 11,113 Telle me su(m) tokyn to him . for tyme is I wende
J: 11,114 Axe -th-anne -th-e hye weye . he(n)nys to suffre
J: 11,115 Bothyn wele & wo . -gh-if -th-(o)u wylt lerne
J: 11,116 Bide forth be riches . rest nouht -th-(er) Inne
J: 11,117 ffor -gh-if -th-(o)u cowple -th-e w(i)t(h) him
-th-(er) . comyst -th-(o)u neuyr [aaAx]
J: 11,118 And eke -th-e long lande . -th-(a)t lechery hatte
J: 11,119 Leue him on -th-i lyft halue . a myle othir more
J: 11,120 Tyl -th-(o)u come to a c[o]urte . kepe wele -th-i
tung(e) [aaAx]
J: 11,121 ffro lesyngys lethyr spechys . lykerous drinkys
J: 11,122 -Th-an salt -th-(o)u sene sobrete . & symplesse
of speche [aaAa]
J: 11,123 Qwat iche wyht be in wylle . his wit -th-e to schewe
J: 11,124 So schaltow comy(n) to clergye . -th-(a)t can many
thingis [aaAx]
J: 11,125 Sey him -th-is syngne . I set him to scole [aaAx]
J: 11,126 And -th-(a)t I gret wele his wife . I wrote hir(e)
-th-e byble [aaAx]
J: 11,127 And set her(e) to sapience . her sawt(er) Iglosyde
J: 11,128 Logyk I lernyd her(e) . & alle -th-e lawe aft(er)
J: 11,129 And alle -th-e musou(n)ys in musyk . I mad her(e)
to knowe [aaAx]
J: 11,130 Plato -th-e poyet . I put first to boke [aaAx]
J: 11,131 Arystotyl & othir moo . to arguy(n) first I
tawte [aaAx]
J: 11,132 Gram(er) ferst for gerlys I gerd forto wrytyn [aaAx]
J: 11,133 And bet hem w(i)t(h) a baleys . but -gh-if -th-ei
woldyn lerne [aaAxx]
J: 11,134 Of alle ky(n)ne c(ra)ftys . I cou(n)t(er)fetyd
[firste] her tolys [aaAx]
J: 11,135 Carpenterys & keruerys . I kennyd & masou(n)ys
lerned [aaAx]
J: 11,136 To wyrchyn w(i)t(h) leuel . & lyne -th-ei I
loke dymme [aaAa]
J: 11,137 But in teology rit dyrke -th-(a)t me thowte [aaAa]
J: 11,138 --- this line om ---
J: 11,139 -Th-e depper I dyuynyd . -th-e dyrker me thowte [aaAx]
J: 11,140 It is no scyens forsothe . for to sotylyn Inne
J: 11,141 Ne were -th-e loue -th-(a)t lith . -th-(er)inne
lewyd thyng it wer(e) [aaAx]
J: 11,142 But for it let best be loue . I loue it -th-e bett(er)
fol. 50v
J: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) -th-(a)t luf is lorde . lackyd neu(er)e
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
J: 11,144 Leue leuely -th-(er)on . -gh-if -th-(o)u thinke
to do wele [aaBb]
J: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . ben drawyn of loue scole
J: 11,146 In o-th-(er) scien[ce] it seyth . I seyh it in
catou(n) [aaAx]
J: 11,147 { Q(ui) similat v(er)bis n(e)c corde est fid(us)
amic(us) } [Latin]
J: 11,148 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile sic ars deludit(ur) arte
} [Latin]
J: 11,149 But theologye techit[h] not so . hoso takyth hede
J: 11,150 He kennyth v(us) -th-e cont(ra)ry . of catou(n)ys
wordys [aaAx]
J: 11,151 And biddith v(us) ben as bretheryn . & blissyn
our(e) enmyys [aaAx]
J: 11,152 And louyn hem -th-(a)t ly-gh-yn on vs . & lenyin
hem at nede [aaAx]
J: 11,153 And done gode a-gh-enys euyl . god him selue hotyth
J: 11,154 & seyd it him selue . in exau(m)ple of -th-e
best(es) [aaAx]
J: 11,154a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala } [Latin]
J: 11,155 Astranomy is an hard thing . & euyl for to
knowe [aaAx]
J: 11,156 Geometrye & geomecye . gynn(er) of spece [aaAx]
J: 11,157 -Th-(a)t thinkyth to wyrchyn w(i)t(h) -th-oo -th-re
. thryuy(n) wol late [aaAx]
J: 11,158 ffor sorcery is -th-e sou(er)yn boke . -th-at -th-(er)to
longyth [aaAx]
J: 11,159 -Gh-it arn -th-(er) -th-re fybychys in forellus
. of many menys wyttys [aaBb]
J: 11,160 Exp(er)imens for alkonomye . of albertys makyng
J: 11,161 Nygramancy & p(er)mancye . -th-e deuyl to areyse
J: 11,162 -Gh-yf -th-(o)u think to dou(n) wele . dele -th-(er)w(i)t(h)
neu(er)e [xaAx]
J: 11,163 Alle -th-ies sciencys . sykyr I my selue [xaAx]
J: 11,164 ffou(n)ded hem formest . folke to deceyue [aaAx]
J: 11,165 I beken -th-e c(ri)ste . I can -th-e no bett(er)
techyn [aaAxx]
J: 11,166 I seyd grem(er)cy [ma]dame . & mychel her(e)
grette [aaAx]
J: 11,167 And went wyhtlyche my weye . withouty(n) more lettyng
J: 11,168 And fonde as sche fortolde . & forth gan I
wende [aaAx]
J: 11,169 And til I cam at clergy . cowthe I neu(er) stynt
J: 11,170 I gret -th-e gode man . as stody me taute [aaAx]
J: 11,171 And aft(ir)ward his gode wyf . I worchepyd bothe
J: 11,172 & told hem -th-e tokynyng . -th-(a)t me taute
were [aaAx]
J: 11,173 Was neu(er) gome vpon grounde . sythin god made
heuyn [aaAx]
J: 11,174 ffayrer vnderfongyd . ne frendloker at ese [aaAx]
fol. 51r
J: 11,175 -Th-ei i sey my selue . so sone so sche wist [aaAx]
J: 11,176 -Th-(a)t I was of wyttys howce . & w(i)t(h)
his wyf stody [axAx]
J: 11,177 Curteysly clergye . me collyd & kyssyd [aaAa]
J: 11,178 And axid me how witte ferd . & his wyfe eke
J: 11,179 And I seyd sothely . -th-ei sentyn me hydyr [aaAx]
J: 11,180 To lernyn at -gh-ow dowele . & dobet -th-(er)
aft(er) [xaAx]
J: 11,181 And sethyn aft(ir)ward to se . su(m)waht of dobest
J: 11/182 It is a ful lele lyf among lewyd peple
J: 11,183 Actif it is hotyn . husbandys it vsyn [aaAx]
J: 11,184 Trewe tylyers of er-th-e . taylo(ur)ys & sowterys
J: 11,185 And alle kynne c(ra)fty men . -th-(a)t konne her
fode wy(n)ne [aaAx]
J: 11,186 W(i)t(h) ony trewe t(ra)ueyle . tylyin for her
fode [aaAx]
J: 11,187 Dychin or deluyn . dowel it hyte [aaAx]
J: 11,188 To breykyn begg(er)ys brede . & cou(er)yn hem
w(i)t(h) clothys [aaaAx]
J: 11,189 Cou(n)fortyn -th-e careful . in castelys fett(er)yd
J: 11,190 And sekyn oute -th-e seke . & sendyn hem -th-(a)t
hem nedyth [aaAx]
J: 11,191 Obedyent also as bretheryn . & sust(er)yn [aaXx]
J: 11,192 -Th-ies ben -th-oo -th-(a)t dou(n) bet . & so
seyth -th-e sawt(er) [aaAx]
J: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocu(n)dum &c
} [Latin]
J: 11,193 Sykyn w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . syngyn w(i)t(h) -th-e
glade [aaAx]
J: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) flere cu(m) flentib(us)
} god wote -th-(a)t is dobet [Latin]
J: 11,194 --- this line om ---
J: 11,195 Sire dobest hath benefycys . & is best worthy
J: 11,196 Be -th-(a)t god in -th-e gospel . g(rau)ntyth & techith
J: 11,196a { Q(ui) fec(er)it & docu(er)it hic magnus
vocabit(ur) in regno celor(um) } [Latin]
J: 11,197 -Th-(er)fore is dobest . a byschoppys pere [xaAx]
J: 11,198 Prince of godes peple . & p(re)chyn & chastyn
J: 11,199 Dobet doth ful wele . & is a dewyd alse [aaAx]
J: 11,200 & hath possessyou(n)s many . for pore menys
sake [aaAx]
J: 11,201 ffor mendicans at myscheffe . -th-o me(n) wer(e)
Idewyd [aaAx]
J: 11,202 & -th-(a)t is rythful relygyou(n) . nou(n)
renners abowtyn [aaAx]
fol. 51v
J: 11,203 Ne none leperis ouer lande . ladies to shryue [aaAx]
J: 11,204 Gregory -th-e grete clerk . pope in his tyme [aaAx]
J: 11,205 -Th-e rewle of religyou(n) . rehersyth in his moralis
J: 11,206 And seyth it in exanple . -th-ei scholdyn dou(n)
-th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 11,207 Qwan fyschys faylyn . -th-e flode & -th-e freche
wat(er)ys [aaAa]
J: 11,208 -Th-ei deyn for -th-(a)t drowhte . qwan -th-ei
drye lyggyn [aaAx]
J: 11,209 Rit so be relygyou(n) . it roylyth & steruyth
J: 11,210 -Th-(a)t oute of couent & cloystr(e) . couetyth
to lybbe [aaAx]
J: 11,211 Now is relygyou(n) a rider . a romer be stretys
J: 11,212 A ledar of louedays . & a londe bygger(e) [aaAx]
J: 11,213 Prykyth on a palfray . fro towne to towne [aaBb]
J: 11,214 A bedow or a baslard . he beryth be his syde [aaAx]
J: 11,215 Goddes fleche & his fete . & his fyue wou(n)dys
J: 11,216 Arn more in his mynde . -th-an memorye of his fou(n)derys
J: 11,217 -Th-is is -th-e lyf of -th-o lordys . -th-(a)t
lyuy(n) schuld w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
J: 11,218 And leuyn wel wers . wold I al telle [aaAx]
J: 11,219 I wend -th-(a)t kynghod & knyhthod . kaysers
w(i)t(h) erlys [aaAx]
J: 11,220 Weryn dowele & dobet . & dobest of alle
J: 11,221 ffor I haue seyn it myselue . & sethin red
it aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 11,222 How c(ri)ste cou(n)seylyd -th-e comou(n) . & tellith
he(m) -th-is tale [aaaAx]
J: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedram moysy sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes
q(ui) dic(unt) & fac(iunt) &c } [Latin]
J: 11,224 -Th-(er)for I wend -th-(a)t -th-oo weyys . weryn
do best of alle [aaAxx]
J: 11,225 I wil not scorne q(uo)d sc(ri)ptur(e) . -th-e soth
I wyl seyne [aaAx]
J: 11,226 Kinghod ne knyhthod . for oute I can spye [aaAx]
J: 11,227 Helpyth not to heuynward . atte -gh-erys ende [aaAa]
J: 11,228 Ne rychesse ne rentys . ne ryalte of lordys [aaAx]
J: 11,229 Powle p(ro)uyth it vnpossyble . ryche men to com
to heuen [aaaXx]
J: 11,230 But powr(e) men in pacyens . & penaunce togydyr(e)
J: 11,231 Han eritage in heuen . but riche men none [aaAxx]
J: 11,232 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I be c(ri)st . -th-(a)t kan
I w(i)t(h)seye [aaAx]
J: 11,233 And p(ro)uyn [it] be -th-e apostel . -th-(a)t pet(ir)
is Ine(m)pnyd [aaAx]
fol. 52r
J: 11,234 { Q(ui) crediderit & bapti-gh-at(us) fu(er)it
saluus erit qui v(er)o no(n) &c } [Latin]
J: 11,235 -Th-at is in extremis q(uo)d sc(ri)ptur(e) . w(i)t(h)
sarseynys & w(i)t(h) Iues [aaAx]
J: 11,236 -Th-ei mou(n) ben sauyd so . & so is our(e)
beleue [aaAx]
J: 11,237 -Th-(a)t arn vncristene in -th-at kase . may becomen
c(ri)stene [aaAx]
J: 11,238 And for his gode beleue . qwan he lyfe tynyth [aaAx]
J: 11,239 Han eritage in heuene . as ony c(ri)stene [aaAx]
J: 11,240 But c(ri)stenene c(ri)st wote . comyth not so to
heuene [aaAx]
J: 11,241 ffor -th-ei han a degre . & is her comyn speche
J: 11,242 { Diligite d(omin)um & p(ro)ximu(m) & }
J: 11,243 Goddes worde wytnessyth . we schullyn -gh-euyn & delyn
J: 11,244 Our(e) enmys & alle men . -th-(a)t nedy arn & pore & seyth
J: 11,245 --- this line om ---
J: 11,245a { Du(m) tempus est op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad om(ne)s
maxi(m)e au(tem) ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
J: 11,246 Alle kynne creat(ur)ys . -th-(a)t to c(ri)st bene
lithe [aaAx]
J: 11,247 We bene holden hylyche . to heryyn & lonowryn
J: 11,248 And -gh-iuen hem of our(e) gode . as gode as our(e)
selue [aaAx]
J: 11,249 And sou(er)enliche to swyche . -th-(a)t schewyn
vs our(e) beleue [aaAx]
J: 11,250 Eche c(ri)sten creatur(e) . be kynde til o-th-ir(e)
J: 11,251 And sethin hethyn to help . in howpe of amendys
J: 11,252 To hirtyn hem ne to harme hem . god biddith vs
neu(er) [axAx]
J: 11,253 ffor he seyth him selue . in -th-e ten hestys [aaXx]
J: 11,254 -Th-(a)t in to seyn sle nouth . in -th-e kynd englische
J: 11,255 { Michi vindictam & ego retribuam dicit d(omin)us
} [Latin]
J: 11,256 I schal punchyn in p(ur)gatori . or in -th-e pyt
of helle [aaAx]
J: 11,257 Eche ma(n)nys mysdedys . but m(er)cy it make [aaAa]
J: 11,258 -Gh-it am I neu(er) -th-e nere . for nouth I haue
walkyd [aaAx]
J: 11,259 To Wytyn qwat is dowele . wytt(er)ly in hert [aaAx]
J: 11,260 ffor how I wyrche in -th-is werlde . amys o-th-(er)
ellys [aaAx]
J: 11,261 I was m(er)kyd to m(er)cy . & myn name entrid
J: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyue . long a[r] I were [aaAx]
J: 11,263 Or ellys vnwrityn for wykkyd . as wytnessyth -th-e
gospell [aaAx]
J: 11,263a { Nemo ascendet ad celu(m) nisi qui descendit
de celo } [Latin]
fol. 52v
J: 11,264 And I beleue it be our(e) lorde . no lett(er)ur(e)
bett(er)e [aaAx]
J: 11,265 ffor salamon -th-e sage . -th-(a)t sapience made
J: 11,266 God -gh-af him g(ra)ce . & richesse togyder(e)
J: 11,267 ffor to rewlyn his reeme . ryht at his wille [aaAx]
J: 11,268 And he dyd wysely . as holy writ techith [aaAx]
J: 11,269 Bothin in werk & worde . in worlde in his tyme
J: 11,270 Aristotil & he . ho wrowht bett(er) [aaXx]
J: 11,271 And alle holy chirche . helt hem in helle [aaAa]
J: 11,272 Was neu(er) in -th-is werlde . two wyser of werkys
J: 11,273 ffor alle comou(n) clergkys . sethin c(ri)st -gh-ode
on erthe [aaAx]
J: 11,274 Takyn exau(m)ple of her(e) sawys . in sarmou(n)ys
-th-(a)t -th-ei make [aaAx]
J: 11,275 And be her werkys & her wordys . wyssyn v(us)
to dowele [aaAx]
J: 11,276 -Gh-if I schulde wyrkyn be her werk . to wy(n)ny(n)
me heuyn [aaAx]
J: 11,277 And for her werkys & wit . -th-ei wentyn to
pyne [aaAx]
J: 11,278 -Th-an wrowht I vnwysely . w(i)t(h) al -th-(a)t
I lerne [aaAx]
J: 11,279 On gode friday I fynde . a felou(n) was sauyd [aaAx]
J: 11,280 -Th-(a)t had lyuyd al his lyfe . be lesyng & thefte
J: 11,281 ffor he beknewe on -th-e c(ro)yce . & to c(ri)st
schrof hi(m) [aaAx]
J: 11,282 Sonn(er) was sauyd . -th-an seynt Ion -th-e baptyst
J: 11,283 Or adam or Isay . or I say ony of -th-oo other
J: 11,284 -Th-(a)t had leyne be lucyfer . many long -gh-erys
J: 11,285 A robber had remissyou(n) . rather -th-an -th-ei
alle [aaAx]
J: 11,286 W(i)t(h)outen penaunce or p(ur)gatory . p(ar)adise
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 11,287 And mari magdalen . ho myht dou(n) werce [aaAx]
J: 11,288 And also -th-an dauid . -th-(a)t vrye destru-gh-yd
J: 11,289 Or pawle -th-e apostel . -th-(a)t no pete hadde
J: 11,290 Mychel c(ri)sten kynde . to kyllyn to deth [aaAx]
J: 11,291 And arn nou(n) forsoth . so sou(er)eyn in heuene
J: 11,292 As -th-ies -th-(a)t weryn wykkyd . in werlde qwe(n)
-th-ei wer(e) [aaAa]
J: 11,293 -Gh-it am I forgyd ferther . of fyue wyttys teching
J: 11,294 -Th-(a)t clergy of c(ri)stes mowthe . comendyd
was neu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 11,295 ffor he seyth it him selue . to su(m)me of his
disciples [aaAx]
J: 11,296 { Du(m) stet(er)itis ante reges & p(re)sides
nolite cogitare &c } [Latin]
J: 11,297 And is as mychel to mene . to men -th-(a)t bene
lewyd [aaAx]
fol. 53r
J: 11,298 qwan -gh-e bene [a]posed of princys . or p(re)stys
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
J: 11,299 ffor to answeryn hem . haue -gh-e no dowte [aaAx]
J: 11,300 ffor I schal g(ra)untyn -gh-ow g(ra)ce . of god
-th-(a)t -gh-e s(er)uyn [aaAx]
J: 11,301 -Th-e help of -th-e holy gost . to answeryn hem
alle [aaAa]
J: 11,302 -Th-e dowhtyest dyuynour(e) or docto(ur) of -th-e
trinite [aaAx]
J: 11,303 -Th-(a)t was Austyn -th-e owlde . -th-e hyest of
four(e) [aaAx]
J: 11,304 Seyd -th-(us) for a sarmou(n) . so me god helpe
J: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i Idioti rapiu(n)t celu(m) vibi e(iu)m &c
} [Latin]
J: 11,306 And it is to menyn . nethyr more ne lasse [aaAx]
J: 11,307 -Th-(er) bene none rather rauyschyd . fro rith
beleue [aaAx]
J: 11,308 -Th-an arn -th-ies grete clerkys . -th-at connyn
many bokys [aaAx]
J: 11,309 Ne none soner sauyd . ne of consciens sadder(e)
J: 11,310 -Th-an -th-e pore peple as plowhmen . & pastorrerys
of bestys [aaaAx]
J: 11,311 Sowt(er)ys & sewerys . & swyche lewyd peple
J: 11,312 Percyn w(i)t(h) a pat(er)n(oste)r(e) . -th-e paleys
of heuene [aaAx]
J: 11,313 W(i)t(h)outyn penau(n)ce at her partyng . into
-th-e hye blysse [aaXx]
Passus t(er)tius de dowele
J: 12,1 Crist wote q(uo)d clergy . know it -gh-if -th-e like
J: 12,2 I haue dou(n) my deuer . -th-e dowele to teche [aaAx]
J: 12,3 An ho so couetyth bene bet(er) . -th-an -th-e boke
tellyth [xaAx]
J: 12,4 He passyth -th-e apostillis lyue . & peryth to
angel(ys) [aaAx]
J: 12,5 But I se now I seye . as me soth thinkyth [aaAx]
J: 12,6 -Th-e wer(e) [leue] for to lerne . but loth for to
stodye [aaAx]
J: 12,7 -Th-ou woldyst cony(n) -th-(a)t I can . & carpyn
[it] aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 12,8 Presu(m)ptuusly p(ar)auentur(e) . aposyn so manye
J: 12,9 -Th-(a)t myht t(ur)nu(n) me to tene . & theologye
bothin [aaAx]
J: 12,10 -Gh-if I wist witt(er)ly . -th-(o)u wyldyst dou(n)
-th-(er)aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 12,11 Al -th-(a)t -th-(o)u axist . asoylyn I wolde [aaAx]
J: 12,12 Scornfullyche sc(ri)pture -th-o . schet vp her browes
J: 12,13 And on clergye c(ri)yd . on c(ri)stye holy halue
J: 12,14 -Th-(a)t he [it] schewe me nout schold . but I schriue(n)
wer(e) [aaAx]
J: 12,15 Of -th-e kynde cardenal . & c(ri)stenyd in a
fou(n)te [aaAx]
J: 12,16 And seyd so lowyd . -th-at schame [me] thowte [aaAx]
J: 12,17 -Th-(a)t it wer scathe . & sclaunder to al holy
cherche [xaAx]
fol. 53v
J: 12,18 Sethin teologye -th-(a)t true is . to tellyn it defendyth
J: 12,19 Dauid goddys derlyng . defendith it also [aaAx]
J: 12,19a { Vidi pr(eu)aricantes & tabescebam } [Latin]
J: 12,20 I sayhe synful he seyde . -th-(er)for I seyde no
thing [aaaAx]
J: 12,21 Til -th-o wrecches ben in wille . her synne to lete
J: 12,22 And powle p(re)ched it oftyn . p(re)stys it redyn
J: 12,22a { Audiui archana u(er)ba q(ue) non lic(et) homi(ni)
loqui } [Latin]
J: 12,23 I am not hardy q(uo)d he . of -th-(a)t I herd w(i)t(h)
erys [aaAa]
J: 12,24 Tellyn it w(i)t(h) tong(e) . to synful schrewys
J: 12,25 And god g(ra)untyd [it] neu(er) . -th-e gospel it
witnessith [aaAx]
J: 12,26 In -th-e passyou(n) how pylat aposyd . god almyht
J: 12,27 And axed Ih(es)u on hye . -th-(er) herdyn it an
hunderith [aaAa]
J: 12,28 { Quid est v(er)itas } q(uo)d he . v(er)iliche tel
vs [axAx]
J: 12,29 God -gh-af him none answer(e) . but gan his tung
holde [aaxAxx]
J: 12,30 Rit so I rede q(uo)d sche . rede -th-(o)u no ferther(e)
J: 12,31 Of -th-(a)t he -gh-ernyth to wyte . wysse him no
bet(er) [aaAx]
J: 12,32 ffor he cam nouth be cause . to lerny(n) to dowele
J: 12,33 But als ho seyth swyche I am . qwan he w(i)t(h)
men Iangelyth [aaXx]
J: 12,34 And qwan sc(ri)ptur(e) -th-e scolde . had -th-is
scole schewyd [aaAx]
J: 12,35 Clergy into caban . crepe anone aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 12,36 And drowe -th-e dore to him . & bad me go do
wele [aaXx]
J: 12,37 Or wykly -gh-if I wolde . qwethir -th-(a)t me lykyd
J: 12,38 -Th-an held I vp myn hondes . to sc(ri)ptur(e) -th-e
wyse [aaXx]
J: 12,39 To bene her man -gh-if I most . for eu(er)emore
aft(er) [axAa]
J: 12,40 With -th-(a)t sche wolde me wissyn . qwer(e) -th-e
toune wer(e) [aaAa]?
J: 12,41 -Th-(a)t kynd wytte -th-e confessour(e) . her ky(n)nysman
was Inne [aaAx]
J: 12,42 -Th-(a)t lady -th-an lowhe on me . & lawht me
in her armys [aaAx]
J: 12,43 And seyd my cosyn kynde wit . knowyn is ful wyde
J: 12,44 And is lyggyng w(i)t(h) lyfe . -th-(a)t lorde is
of erthe [aaAx]
J: 12,45 And -gh-if -th-(o)u desyr(e) w(i)t(h) him for to
dwelle [????]
J: 12,46 I schal -th-e wyssyn wynlyche . qwere -th-(a)t he
dwellyth [aaAx]
J: 12,47 And -th-an I knelyd on my knes . & kyssyd her(e)
fete sone [aaAx]
J: 12,48 A thowsyng tymes I thankyd hir(e) . w(i)t(h) throbbyng
hert [aaAx]
J: 12,49 Sche callyd a clergyn -th-an -th-(a)t hite [aa??]?
J: 12,50 { O(m)nia p(ro)bate } . a pore thing withalle [xaAx]
J: 12,51 -Th-(o)u schalt wendyn w(i)t(h) wille q(uo)d sche
. qwyl him lykyth [aaAx]
fol. 54r
J: 12,52 Til -gh-e come to -th-e bowhe . { q(uo)d bonu(m) est
tenete } [xaAx]
J: 12,53 Kenne him to my cosynys howce . -th-at kynde wit
hite [aaAx]
J: 12,54 Sey I sent him -th-is segge . & -th-(a)t he
schew him dowele [aaAx]
J: 12,55 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,56 I went forth in my way . w(i)t(h) { om(n)ia p(ro)bate
} [aaAxx]
J: 12,57 Er I kam to -th-e cuntreyys . quod { bonu(m) est
tenete } [aaAxx]
J: 12,58 Many ferlyys me befel . in a fewe -gh-eris [aaAx]
J: 12,59 The fyrst ferly I fonde . an hunger it me made [aaaAx]
J: 12,60 And I -th-an thorow -gh-owthe . a-gh-eyn p(ri)me
dayes [aaAx]
J: 12,61 I stode stil in a stody . & stared aboute [aaaAx]
J: 12,62 Al heyle q(uo)d on -th-oo I seyd . welcom & w(i)t(h)
hom be -gh-owe [aa??]
J: 12,63 I am dwellyng w(i)t(h) deth . & hunger I hyte
J: 12,64 To lyf & his lordschep . longyth my weye [aaAx]
J: 12,65 To kyllyn him -gh-if I can . -th-ei kynde wit helpe
J: 12,66 I schal fellyn -th-at freyke . in a fewe dayes [aaAx]
J: 12,67 I wold folwyn -th-e fayne q(uo)d I . but fayntys
me hentith [aaAx]
J: 12,68 Me folwyth suche a fayntyse . I may not forth walke
J: 12,69 Go we forth q(uo)d -th-e gome . I haue a grete boyste
J: 12,70 Of battys & brokyn bred . -th-i bely to fille
J: 12,71 A bagge ful of a beggar . I bowht it at onys [aaAx]
J: 12,72 -Th-an mau(n)gyd I w(i)t(h) him vp to -th-e fulle
J: 12,73 ffor myssyng of mete . none mesur I cowthe [aaAx]
J: 12,74 But ete as hung(er) me hete . til my belly swellyd
J: 12,75 -Th-(er) bad me hung(er) haue gode day . but I helde
me stille [aaAx]
J: 12,76 ffor gronyng of my guttys . I durst gon no ferther
J: 12,77 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t kam a knaue . w(i)t(h) a confessouris
face [aaAx]
J: 12,78 Lene & rewlyche . w(i)t(h) leggys ful smale
J: 12,79 I haylsyd [hym] hendely & axid him aft(er) [axAx]
J: 12,80 Of qwennys -th-(a)t he wer(e) . & qwedyr -th-(a)t
he wolde [????]
J: 12,81 W(i)t(h) deth I dwelle q(uo)d he . dayys & nyhetys
J: 12,82 My name is feuer on -th-e ferthe day . I am athrist
eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 12,83 I am mensenger of deth . men haue I twayne [axAx]
J: 12,84 -Th-(a)t on is callyd cotidian . a currur of our(e)
howce [aaAx]
J: 12,85 Tertyen -th-(a)t othyr . true drinkers bothen [aaAx]
J: 12,86 We haue lett(er)ys of his lyf . he schal his lyf
tyne [aaAx]
J: 12,87 ffro deth -th-(a)t is our(e) duke . swyche dedys
we bryng(e) [aaAx]
fol. 54v
J: 12,88 Myht I se q(uo)d he god wote . -gh-our(e) gatys wold I holdyn [axAx]
J: 12,89 --- this line is omitted ---
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