PPLA-H Diplomatic Texts
PPLA-H, fol. 1r
H: P,1 IN a somer seson . when soft was -th-e sonne [aaAa]
H: P,2 I schope me vndur a schrowde . as I a schepe were
H: P,3 In an abyte of an hermyt . vnhooly of warkus [aaAx]
H: P,4 I wente wyde in -th-is worlde . wondris to here [aaAx]
H: P,5 But on a mayes mornynge . on maluerne hullis [aaAx]
H: P,6 Me bifel a farly . of ffeyrye me thoughte [aaAx]
H: P,7 I was wery of wandrynge . & went me to reste [aaAx]
H: P,8 Vndur a brode banke . by a boorne syde [aaAx]
H: P,9 And as I lay & leoned . & loked in -th-e watres
H: P,10 I slombred in a slepynge . it sowned so myrye [aaAx]
H: P,11 -th-en can I mete . a meruelous sweuene [xaAx]
H: P,12 -Th-at I was in a wyldurnes . I wiste neuer where
H: P,13 As I byheld into -th-e est . an hi-gh-e to -th-e
sonne [aaAx]
H: P,14 I sawe a tour on a tofte . wondurly maked [aaAx]
H: P,15 A deop dale bynethen & a dongen -th-erynne [aaAx]
H: P,16 With deop diche & darke . -th-(a)t dredeful was
of syghte [aaaAx]
H: P,17 A feyre feeld ful of folke . I fonde -th-ere bitwene
H: P,18 Of alle maner of men . -th-e meene & -th-e ryche
H: P,19 --- this line is omitted ---
H: P,20 But so(m)me putten hem to -th-e plowgh . & pleyden
but seelde [aaAx]
H: P,21 In erynge & sowynge . & swonken ful sore
H: P,22 -Th-at mony of -th-ese waastours . in glotonye distroyen
H: P,23 & so(m)me putten hem to pryde . & aparayleden
he(m) -th-(er)aft(ir) [aaAx]
H: P,24 In quoyntyse of clo-th-inge . -th-ei conen hem disgyse
H: P,25 In prayers & penau(n)ce . putten hem many [aaAx]
H: P,26 ffor -th-e loue of oure lorde . lyueden ful strayte
H: P,27 In hope for to haue . heuenriche blysse [aaAx]
H: P,28 As anc(ri)s & h(er)emytes . -th-(a)t hold(i)t(h)
he(m) i(n) her cellis [aaAx]
H: P,29 Coueit not i(n) cuntre . to carien aboute [aaAx]
H: P,30 ffor no lycorous lylielode . her lycam to plese [aaAx]
H: P,31 And so(m)me chosen chaffare . to preue -th-e bettere
H: P,32 As it semeth in oure sight . -th-at -th-ei so schulden
H: P,33 And so(m)me myrthes to make . as mynstrals ku(n)ne
H: P,34 -Th-at geten gold wi-th- her gleo . synles I trowe
H: P,35 But Iapers & ianglers . ben Iudas children [aaAx]
H: P,36 -Th-a feynen hem fantasyes . & foolis hem maken
H: P,37 & han witte at her wille . to worche -gh-if -th-ei
wolde [aaAx]
fol. 1v
H: P,38 What poul prechet of hem . I dar not sey here [aaAx]
H: P,39 { Qui loquitur turpiloquiu(m) } . is lucyfers hyne
H: P,40 Bydders & beggers . faste abowte -gh-eden [aaAx]
H: P,41 Til her bagges & her balyes . weren faste cro(m)med
H: P,42 ffayteden for her foode . & foughten at -th-e
naale [aaAx]
H: P,43 In glotonye god wote . gon -th-ei to bedde [aaAx]
H: P,44 an rysen vp wi-th- rybaudy . -th-ese robberdys knaues
H: P,45 Sleep & slew-th-e . seweth hem euere [aaAx]
H: P,46 Pylgrymers & palmers . pyghten hem togydres [aaAx]
H: P,47 ffor to seche seynte Iame . & seyntes at rome
H: P,48 Wenten forthe in her waye . with many vayn taales
H: P,49 And hadden leue for to lye . al her lyf aftur [aaAx]
H: P,50 --- this line is omitted ---
H: P,51 --- this line is omitted ---
H: P,52 Grete lob(ur)s & longe . -th-at lothe weren to
swynke [aaAx]
H: P,53 Clotheden hem in Copes . to be knowen for bretheren
H: P,54 And schopen hem to hermytes . her eese for to haue
H: P,55 I fonde there -th-e freeris . alle the foure orders
H: P,56 Prechynge -th-e pepule . for profyt of her wombys
H: P,57 Glosynge -th-e gospel . as hem silf lyketh [aaAx]
H: P,58 ffor couetise of coopis . construen it ful yuel [aaAx]
H: P,59 ffor mony of -th-ese mayst(ri)s . mowen be clothed
the better [aaAxx]
H: P,60 ffor money & her marchaundise . metten togedyr
H: P,61 Sith ffreeris han ben chapmen . & cheef to schryue
lordys [aaAx]
H: P,62 Many farlyes han bifallen . in a fewe -gh-eeris [aaAx]
H: P,63 An but hooly churche bygynne . -th-e bett(er) to
holde togedre [aaAx]
H: P,64 the moost myscheef vpo(n) moolde . is mowntynge vp
wel faste [aaaAx]
H: P,65 Ther p(re)ched a pardener . a p(re)st as it were
H: P,66 And browght forth a bulle . with bysschop(is) sealys
H: P,67 And seyd -th-at hym silf . myght assoylen hem alle
H: P,68 Of falsenesse of fastyng(us) . & of vowys broken
H: P,69 These lewyd men leued hym wel . & lykeden his
speche [aaAx]
H: P,70 & comen vp kneolynge . & kysseden his bulles
H: P,71 He blessud hem wi-th- his breuett . & bleryd
her y-gh-en [aaAx]
H: P,72 and raughte wi-th- his ragman . ryng(us) & broches
H: P,73 Thus -gh-e -gh-yuen -gh-oure good(us) . glotons to
helpe [aaAx]
H: P,74 & lenen hyth to losels . -th-at lecheries hawnten
H: P,75 But were -th-e bisschop blessid . & worth bothe
hise eares [aaAx]
H: P,76 -th-ei schulde(n) not be so hardy . to bigyle so
-th-e peple [aaAx]
H: P,77 It is not al by -th-e bischop . -th-at -th-e boye
preche-th- [aaAx]
H: P,78 but -th-e p(ari)sche prest & -th-e p(ar)dyn(er)
. parten -th-e syluer [aaaAx]
fol. 2r
H: P,79 -Th-at -th-e poore of -th-e p(ar)ysche . schuld haue
if -th-ei ne were [aaaXx]
H: P,80 Parsowns & prouenders . han playned to her bisschopp(us)
H: P,81 -Th-at her p(ar)ischens han ben poore . sith pestylence
tyme [aaAx]
H: P,82 And han leue & lycence . at london to dwelle
H: P,83 to synge -th-ere for symonye . for syluer is swete
H: P,84 Ther houed a hondred . in howues of sylke [aaAx]
H: P,85 Sariawntis it semed . to serue at -th-e barre [aaAx]
H: P,86 ffor penyes & for powndis pladden -th-e lawe
H: P,87 But for -th-e loue of oure lord . not open her lypp(us)
oon(us) [aaAa]
H: P,88 ffor -th-(o)u my-gh-test bett(er) mete -th-e myste
. o(n) maluerne hullus [aaaAx]
H: P,89 -Th-an gete a mo(m)me of her mou-th- . tyl money
were schewid [aaAx]
H: P,90 I sawe -th-er bisschopp(is) boold . & bachylers
of dyuyne [aaAx]
H: P,91 bycom clerkes of acownte . -th-e kynge for to serue
H: P,92 Archedekens & deenes . -th-at dygnyty han [aaAx]
H: P,93 to preche -th-e peple . & pore men to fede [aaAx]
H: P,94 ben lopen to london . by leue of her bisschop(us)
H: P,95 to become clerkys of -th-e kyng(es) benche . -th-e
contrey to schende [aaAx]
H: P,96 Barowns & burgeises . & bonde men also [aaAx]
H: P,97 I sawe in -th-at semble . as -gh-e schul seen aftur
H: P,98 Bakers & bochers . & brewstars many [aaAx]
H: P,99 --- this line is omitted ---
H: P,100 --- this line is omitted ---
H: P,101 Masons & mynours . & many o-th-(er) craft(is)
H: P,102 Dichers & deluers . -th-at doon her ded(es)
yuol [aaAa]
H: P,103 And dryuen forth -th-e longe daye . with { dieu-gh-
saue dame emme } [aaAx]
H: P,104 Cookis & her knaues . cryen hoote pyes hoote
H: P,105 Good gees & g(ri)yse . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
H: P,106 Tauerners hem tolde -th-ilke same tale [axAx]
H: P,107 Good wyne of gaskyne . & -th-e wyn of osee [aaxAx]
H: P,108 -th-e ryne & -th-e rochel . -th-e roost to defy-gh-e
H: P,109 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 1,1 What -th-is mownteyn bymene-th- . & -th-is deope
dale [aaAx]
H: 1,2 & eke -th-is feeld ful of folke . I schal -gh-ou
feyre schewe [aaAx]
H: 1,3 A louely lady of leor . in lynned yclothed [aaaAx]
H: 1,4 Come adowne from -th-e lofte . & clepid me feyre
H: 1,5 & seyde sone slepist -th-ou . seest -th-ou -th-is
peple [aaAx]
H: 1,6 how bysye -th-at -th-ei ben al . abowte -th-e mase
H: 1,7 The moost parte of -th-e peple . -th-(a)t passe-th-
vpon er-th-e [aaAx]
H: 1,8 haue -th-ei worschyp of -th-is world . ne kepe -th-ei
no bettur [aaAx]
H: 1,9 for of-th-er heuen -th-en here is . -gh-yue -th-ei
no tale [aaAx]
H: 1,10 I was aferde of hir face . -th-ei-gh- heo fayr were
fol. 2v
H: 1,11 And seyde mercye madame . what may -th-is bymeene [aaXa]
H: 1,12 The toure o(n) -th-e tofte q(uo)-th- heo . truthe
is -th-erynne [aaAx]
H: 1,13 he wolde -th-at -gh-e wrow-gh-ten . as his word teechithe
H: 1,14 ffor he is fader of feith . -th-at fourmed -gh-ou
alle [aaAx]
H: 1,15 bothe wi-th- felle & with face . & -gh-aue
-gh-ou fyue witt(us) [aaAx]
H: 1,16 ffor to worschip hym -th-(er)with . -th-e whyle -th-(a)t
-gh-e beo-th- here [aaAx]
H: 1,17 And -th-(er)fore hooteth -th-e er-th-e . to serue
-gh-ou uchone [aaAx]
H: 1,18 of wollen of lynne(n) . & lyuelode at neode [aaAx]
H: 1,19 In a mesurable man(er) . to make -gh-ou at eese [aaAx]
H: 1,20 And co(m)mau(n)deth of his curtasye . i(n) comy(n)
-th-re -th-ing(us) [aaAx]
H: 1,21 her naames beo-th- neodeful . & nempne hem I
-th-enke [aaAx]
H: 1,22 by rule & bi reson . reherse hem heraftur [aaAx]
H: 1,23 That oon clothynge is . from cheele -gh-ou to saue
H: 1,24 -Th-at o-th-(er) is mete at mele . for myssecheef
of -th-i syluen [aaAx]
H: 1,25 Drynke whan -th-ou dryest . but do it not oute of
resone [aaAx]
H: 1,26 -Th-at -th-ou worthe -th-e wors . when -th-ou worche
schuldest [aaAx]
H: 1,27 ffor loot in his lyf dayes . -th-orou-gh- lykynge
of drynke [aaAx]
H: 1,28 dyde by his dow-gh-tres . -th-at -th-e deuel lyked
H: 1,28 ffor luste of lykerousnes his lycam to plese [aaAx]
H: 1,29 he delyted him in drynke . as -th-e deuol wolde [aaAx]
H: 1,30 and lechorye him law-gh-te . & he lay by hem
bothe [aaAx]
H: 1,31 And al he wyted it wyn . -th-at wyckud dede [aaAx]
H: 1,32 Drede delytable drynke . -th-ou schalt do -th-e bett(er)
H: 1,33 Mesure is medcyne . -th-ei-gh- -th-ou myche -gh-erne
H: 1,34 al is not good to -th-e goost . -th-at -th-e body
aske-th- [aaAx]
H: 1,35 ne lyuelode to -th-e lykam . -th-(a)t leof is to
-th-e soule [aaAx]
H: 1,36 Leue not -th-i lykam . for lyar hym ledith [aaAx]
H: 1,37 -Th-at is -th-e wicked worlde . -th-ee to bytrai
H: 1,38 -Th-e fend & -th-i flesche . folowe-th- -th-ee
togudre [aaAx]
H: 1,39 & -th-at schende-th- -th-i soule . I see it in
-th-i harte [aaAx]
H: 1,40 And for -th-ou schuldest ben ywar . I wysse -th-ee
-th-e best [xaAx]
H: 1,41 A mercye madame quod I . me lyke-th- wel -th-i wordys
H: 1,42 but -th-e money in -th-is molde . -th-at men so faste
holden [aaAx]
H: 1,43 telle me to wham -th-at tresoure apendi-th- [xxXx]
H: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel qvo-th- heo . -th-er god seyde
hym seluen [aaAx]
H: 1,45 When -th-e peple hym apposyd . wi-th- a peny in -th-e
temple [aaAx]
H: 1,46 if -th-ei schulden worschyp . -th-(er)with Cesar
her kynge [aaAx]
H: 1,47 And he axed of hem of whom spake -th-e letture [xxXx]
H: 1,48 & whom -th-e ymage was lyke . -th-at -th-(er)
y(n)ne stondeth [xxXx]
fol. 3r
H: 1,49 Cesar -th-ei seyden . we seo-th- wel uchoone [axAx]
H: 1,49 { Reddite ergo que su(n)t cesaris cesari et que sunt
dei deo }
H: 1,50 -Gh-elde-th- to cesar quo-th- god . -th-at to cesar
apendi-th- [axAx]
H: 1,51 & to god his deel . or ellys -gh-e don ylle [aaAx]
H: 1,52 ffor ri-gh-tfullych reson . schuld rule -gh-ou alle
H: 1,53 & kynde wytte schulde be wardeyn . -gh-oure wel-th-e
to kepe [aaAx]
H: 1,54 & toure of -gh-oure tresoure . to take it -gh-ou
at neode [aaAx]
H: 1,55 for housbondrye & witte . holden togydre [aaAx]
H: 1,56 -Th-an frayned I hir feyre . for hym -th-at hir made
H: 1,57 -Th-e dale & -th-e dongown . -th-at dredeful
is of sy-gh-te [aaAx]
H: 1,58 What may -th-at bymeene . madame I -th-ee biseche
H: 1,59 That is -th-e castel of care quo-th- heo . who -th-at
come-th- -th-(er)y(n)ne [aaAx]
H: 1,60 he may banne -th-at he was borne . to body or to
soule [aaAx]
H: 1,61 -Th-er y(n)ne wone-th- a wighte . -th-at wronge is
yhote [aaAx]
H: 1,62 ffadre of falsenes . he fonded hym syluen [aaAx]
H: 1,63 Adam & eue . he egged to ylle [aaAa]
H: 1,64 Caym he cownseyled . to kylle his brother [aaAx]
H: 1,65 ludas he iaped . -th-orogh -th-e Iewes syluer [aaAx]
H: 1,66 & on an ellarne tree . honged hym aftur [aaAa]
H: 1,67 he is a lettar of loue . & byly-gh-eth hem alle
H: 1,68 -Th-at truste-th- in her tresoure . -th-at no trewth
is ynne [aaAx]
H: 1,69 -Th-an had I wondur in my witte . what wommo(n) -th-is
was [aaAa]
H: 1,70 -Th-at suche wise wordis . of hooly wrytt me schewyde
H: 1,71 I halsed hir in -th-e hi-gh-e name . er heo -th-e(n)nys
-gh-ede [aaAx]
H: 1,72 What heo were witturly . -th-at tawght me so feyre
H: 1,73 Hooly churche I am quo-th- heo . -th-ou owghtest
me to knowe [aaAx]
H: 1,74 I -th-ee furst undurfonge . & -th-i fei-th- -th-ee
tawght [aaAx]
H: 1,75 -Th-ou brow-gh-test me borowes . my byddynge to worche
H: 1,76 & to loue me truly . whyle -th-i lyf lasted [aaAx]
H: 1,77 -Th-en kneled I on my knees . & p(ra)yed hir
of grace [aaAx]
H: 1,78 to haue pytee on -th-e pepul & to praye for oure
synnes [aaAx]
H: 1,79 & to teche me kyndely . on c(ri)st to byleeue
H: 1,80 -Th-at I his wylle my-gh-t wurche . -th-at wrowght
me to man [aaAx]
H: 1,81 Teche me no tresoure quo-th- I . but teche me -th-is
ilke [aaAx]
H: 1,82 How I may my souIe saue . -th-at seynte art Iholde
H: 1,83 When alle tresoures arn try-gh-ed quod heo . trowthe
is -th-e best [aaAx]
H: 1,84 I do it on { Deus caritas } . to deme -th-e soothe
H: 1,85 Hit is as derwor-th-e drewry . as dere god hym seluen
H: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tonge . & telle-th-
non o-th-(er) [aaAx]
fol. 3v
H: 1,87 & do-th- his warkes -th-(er)wi-th- . & do-th-
no mon ylle [aaAx]
H: 1,88 He is acownted to -th-e gospel . in heuen & in
er-th-e [aaAx]
H: 1,89 & eke lyke to oure lord . by sent lukes wordis
H: 1,90 Clerkis -th-at knowen it . schulden teche it abowte
H: 1,91 for cristen & vncrystned . claymen it uchoone
H: 1,92 ky(n)g(us) & kny-gh-t(us) . schulden kepe it
by reson [aaAx]
H: 1,93 & ry-gh-tfullyche rule . her rewmes abowte [aaAx]
H: 1,94 & take hem -th-at trespassen . & bynde hem
faste [aaAx]
H: 1,95 tyl truthe had Itermyned . her trespas to -th-e ende
H: 1,96 ffor dauid in his dayes . he dubbed kny-gh-t(us)
H: 1,97 & made hem to swere on her swerd(us) . to serue
treu-th- euer [aaAx]
H: 1,98 -Th-at is -th-e p(ar)fyt professyou(n) . -th-at apendi-th-
to kny-gh-tus [aaAx]
H: 1,99 & not to faste oon friday . in fyue score wynt(ur)
H: 1,100 but to holde wi-th- hem & wi-th- hers . -th-at
asken treu-th-e [aaaAx]
H: 1,101 & leue for no loue . ne no lachynge of -gh-yft(us)
H: 1,102 for he -th-at passi-th- -th-at poynte . is apostata
in his ordere [aaAx]
H: 1,103 ffor c(ri)st kynge of kny-gh-t(us) . knytted somtyme
H: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn . & alle -th-e foure
ordres [xaAx]
H: 1,105 & -gh-af hem honour(e) & my-gh-te in his
maiestee [aaAx]
H: 1,106 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 1,107 & tau-gh-te hem -th-or-gh- -th-e trynyte . -th-e
tru-th-e for to knowe [aaAx]
H: 1,108 to be buxom at his byddynge . he bad hem not ellis
H: 1,109 Lucifer wi-th- legiou(n)s . lerid it in heuen [aaAx]
H: 1,110 he was louelokest . of sy-gh-t aftur oure lorde
H: 1,111 til he brake buxomnes . -th-oru-gh- boost of hym
seluen [aaAx]
H: 1,112 -Th-en fel he wi-th- his felawis . & feond(us)
bycomen [aaAx]
H: 1,113 Oute of heuen into helle . hobleden wel faste [aaAx]
H: 1,114 So(m)me i(n) eir so(m)me in er-th-e . so(m)me i(n)
helle deope [aaAx]
H: 1,115 But lucyfer lowest . lyth of hem alle [aaAx]
H: 1,116 for his pryde he was putte out . his payne ha-th-
no(n) ende [aaAx]
H: 1,117 And alle -th-at wronge worchen . wende -th-edyr
-th-ei schule [aaAx]
H: 1,118 Aftur her deth daye . & dwelle wi-th- -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
H: 1,119 But -th-ay -th-at worche(n) i(n) -th-is world as
hooly writte techyth [aaAx]
H: 1,120 & ende-th- as I er seyde . in profitable warkis
H: 1,121 -th-ey may be syker -th-at her soules . schulen
wende in to heuen [aaAxx]
H: 1,122 -Th-er tru-th-e is in trynite . & crowne-th-
hem alle [aaAx]
H: 1,123 ffor I saye as I er sayde . by si-gh-te of -th-e
textes [aaAx]
H: 1,124 When alle tresour(e)s ben tryed . treu-th-e is -th-e
best [aaAx]
H: 1,125 Lere it to lewyd men . for lettered men it knowi-th-
H: 1,126 -Th-at tru-th-e is a tresoure . tryedest vpon er-th-e
fol. 4r
H: 1,127 -gh-ytt haue I no kynde knowynge q(uo)-th- I . -th-ou
most me teche better [aaAx]
H: 1,128 By what crafte in my body . hit bicomse-th- & whare
H: 1,129 Thou dootest daff quo-th- heo . dulle ben -th-y
wittes [aaAx]
H: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng . -th-at kenne-th- -th-ee
in -th-in herte [aaAx]
H: 1,131 for to loue -th-i lord . leuer -th-an -th-i seluen
H: 1,132 no dedely synne -th-at -th-ou do . dy-gh-e -th-ei-gh-
-th-ou schuldest [aaAx]
H: 1,133 -Th-is I trowe be tru-th-e . who so kan teche -th-ee
bett(er) [aaAx]
H: 1,134 loke -th-ou soffre hi(m) to seye . & sithen
teche it further [aaAx]
H: 1,135 for -th-us teche-th- us his worde . worche -th-(o)u
-th-er aft(ur) [aaAx]
H: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leouest -th-inge . -th-at oure
lord axe-th- [aaAx]
H: 1,137 And eke -th-e plaunte of pees . p(re)cke it in -th-in
harte [aaAx]
H: 1,138 -Th-er -th-ou art myrye at mete . in -th-i most
myrthe [aaAx]
H: 1,139 ffor kynd knowynge in herte . bygynne suche a fytt
H: 1,140 -th-at falle-th- to -th-e fader . -th-at fourmed
us alle [aaAx]
H: 1,141 he loked on vs wi-th- loue . he let his sone di-gh-e
H: 1,142 mekely for oure myssedeedis . to amende us alle
H: 1,143 & he wolde hem no woo . -th-at wrow-gh-te hy(m)
-th-at pyne [aaAx]
H: 1,144 but mekely wi-th- mow-th-e . mercy bisow-gh-te [aaAx]
H: 1,145 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 1,146 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 1,147 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 1,148 ffor hem -th-at honged hym hy-gh-e . & his hert
-th-irled [aaAx]
H: 1,149 -th-erfore I rede -th-ee ry-gh-te . haue rew-th-e
of -th-e pore [aaAx]
H: 1,150 -Th-ei-gh- -th-ou be my-gh-tful of mayn . be meke
of -th-i warkys [aaAx]
H: 1,150 { EaDem meNsura qua mensi fueriTus remecietur uobis
H: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesure -th-at -th-(o)u metest . ari-gh-t
ou-th-(er) ellys [aaAx]
H: 1,152 -th-(o)u schalt by weyed -th-erwi-th- . when -th-(o)u
wendest hennys [aaAx]
H: 1,153 ffor -th-ei-gh- -th-(o)u be trwe of thy tonge . & trewly
wynnest [aaAx]
H: 1,154 & eke as chaaste as a child . -th-at in churche
wepi-th- [aaAx]
H: 1,155 but if -th-(o)u lyue truly . & loue wel -th-e
poore [aaAx]
H: 1,156 & suche goodes as god sende-th- . trewly departe
H: 1,157 -th-ou hast no more meryt . in masse ne in houres
H: 1,158 -th-an malkyn of hir maydenhod . -th-at no man desireth
H: 1,159 ffor Iames -th-e Ientyl . Seyth it in his booke
H: 1,160 -Th-at fei-th- wi-th-oute warkis . is febler -th-an
nowght [aaAx]
H: 1,161 & deed as a dore nayl . but if -th-e dede folowe
H: 1,161 -Th-at is to sokoure -th-e sorowful & haue charite
to alle
H: 1,162 for chastitee wi-th-oute charitee . wite -th-ou forso-th-e
H: 1,163 is as lewd as a lawmpe . -th-at no ly-gh-te is ynne
H: 1,164 Many chapleynes ben chaaste . but charitee is awaye
H: 1,165 -th-er beo-th- noon harder -th-an -th-ei . when
-th-e ben avawnsed [aaAx]
H: 1,166 ---this line om ---
H: 1,167 -th-ei chewen her charitee . & chiden aftur
more [aaAx]
fol. 4v
H: 1,167 Vnkynde to her kyn & to alle crysten
H: 1,168 Suche chastite wi-th-oute charitee . wor-th-e claymed
in helle [aaAx]
H: 1,169 Curatures -th-at schulde -gh-ou kepe . clene i(n)
-gh-oure soules [aaAx]
H: 1,170 -th-ei ben acombred wi-th- care . -th-ei con not
oute krepe [aaAa]
H: 1,171 So hard -th-ei ben wi-th- auaryce . haspid togydre
H: 1,172 -Th-at -th-e trewe tresoure of trou-th-e is almost
for-gh-ete [aaAx]
H: 1,173 & a lernynge to lewd men . -th-e latter to dele
H: 1,174 ffor -th-ise be-th- -th-e wordus wryten . in -th-e
eu(a)ngelye [aaAx]
H: 1,175 { Date & dabitur uobis } . -gh-yue-th- comyne
of -gh-o(ur)e good(us) for I dele -gh-ou alle [aaAx]
H: 1,175 -gh-oure grace & -gh-oure good happe -gh-oure
welye for to wynne
H: 1,175 & -th-(er)wi-th- knowe-th- me kyndely of -th-at
I -gh-ou sende
H: 1,176 -Th-at is -th-e lok of loue . -th-at lyth in -gh-oure
grace [aaAx]
H: 1,177 to cowmforte -th-e careful . acombred in synne [aaAx]
H: 1,178 for loue is -th-e leouest -th-inge . -th-at oure
lord aske-th- [aaAx]
H: 1,179 & eke -th-e redyest waye . -th-at go-th- into
heuen [aaAx]
H: 1,180 for-th-i I seye as I er seyde . by si-gh-t of -th-e
tyxtes [aaAx]
H: 1,181 when alle tresoures ben tryed . tru-th-e is -th-e
best [aaAx]
H: 1,182 Now haue I -th-ee tolde what tru-th-e is no tresour(e)
is better [aaAx]
H: 1,183 I may no leng(ur) lende . but loke -th-ou loue oure
lord [aaAx]
Tercius passus de visione
H: 2,1 -gh-it kneled I on my knees . & p(ra)yed hir of
grace [aaAx]
H: 2,2 & seyde mercye madame . for maryyes loue of heuen
H: 2,3 -Th-at bare -th-at blysseful barn . -th-at bow-gh-t
us wi-th- his blood [aaaAx]
H: 2,4 teche me by kynde crafte . for to knowe -th-e false
H: 2,5 Loke on -th-i lifte honde quo-th- heo . & see
whar(e) -th-ei stonden [aaAx]
H: 2,6 Bo-th-e false & fawuel . & alle her hool meynee
H: 2,7 I loked on my lyft hond . as -th-e lady me tau-gh-te
H: 2,8 -th-en was I war of a wo(m)man . was wondurly clo-th-ed
H: 2,13 In reed scarlet heo rode rybande wi-th- golde
H: 2,9 purfyled wi-th- peloure . -th-e richest upon er-th-e [aaAx]
H: 2,12 py-gh-te ful of p(er)rye . & of preciouse stoones
H: 2,10 Crowned wi-th- a crowne . -th-e kynge ha-th- no bett(er)
H: 2,11 Alle her fyue fyng(er)es . were fretted wi-th- ryng(us)
H: 2,11 of reed gold so ryche redilyche I dy-gh-te
H: 2,11 wi-th- p(re)cyouse stoones so stoute stondynge -th-er
H: 2,14 -Th-er is no qwene koynter . -th-at qwycke is on lyue [aaAx]
H: 2,15 What is -th-is wo(m)mon quo-th- I . -th-us wondurly
atyred [aaAx]
H: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e mayde q(uo)-th- heo . -th-at
ha-th- anoy-gh-ed me ofte [aaXx]
H: 2,17 & ylacked my lore . to lordys aboute [aaAx]
fol. 5r
H: 2,18 In -th-e poopis palis . heo is as pryuye as my sylue
H: 2,19 & so schulde heo nou-gh-te . for wronge was hir
syre [xxXx]
H: 2,20 Oute of wronge heo waxe . to wro-th-erhele manye
H: 2,21 I au-gh-te to be hey-gh-er . -th-an heo I come of
an betere [aaAxx]
H: 2,22 To morne shal -th-e maryage be made . of mede & of
false [aaaAx]
H: 2,23 ffawuel wi-th- his feyre speche . ha-th- brou-gh-t
hem togydre [aaAx]
H: 2,24 & gyle ha-th- bygon hir so . heo graunte-th-
al his wille [aaAx]
H: 2,25 & al is ly-gh-aris ledynge . -th-at -th-ei lyue
so togydre [aaAx]
H: 2,26 Tomorne schal -th-ei make -th-e maryage . sooth as
I -th-ee telle [aaAx]
H: 2,27 -Th-ere mayst -th-ou wite if -th-ou wolt . whuche
-th-ei be-th- alle [aaAx]
H: 2,28 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 2,29 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 2,30 But if -th-ou wilnest to wone . wi-th- tru-th-e i(n)
his blysse [aaAxx]
H: 2,30 lerne his lawe -th-at is so lele & si-th--th-e
teche it fur-th-er
H: 2,31 I may no leng(ur) lende . oure lorde I -th-ee bytake
H: 2,32 loke -th-ou become a good man for any couetyse
H: 2,32 When heo was me fro I loked & byhelde
H: 2,33 & sawe al -th-at ryche retynaunce . -th-(a)t regned
wi-th- false [aaAx]
H: 2,34 Were boden to -th-e brydale . on bo-th-e two sydes
H: 2,35 Sir symonye was aftur sent . te seele -th-e charters
H: 2,36 -Th-at false ou-th-(er) faufelle . by ony fyne holden
H: 2,37 to feffe mede -th-er wi-th- . in mariage for euere
H: 2,38 -Th-er nas halle ne hous . to harborowe -th-e pepule
H: 2,39 -Th-at iche feeld nas filled . wi-th- folke al aboute
H: 2,40 In myddes of a mownteyne . at mydmorowe tyde [aaAx]
H: 2,41 Was py-gh-t up a pauylon . a prowde for -th-e noon(us)
H: 2,42 & ten -th-ousand of tentis . ibeldyde for-th-
bisydes [aaAx]
H: 2,43 for kny-gh-tes and -th-e contrey . & comers aboute
H: 2,44 ffor sysoures for sompnours . for sellers for biggers
H: 2,45 for lerid for lewyd . for labores of thropes [aaAx]
H: 2,45 & for -th-e flat(er)ynge freeris alle -th-e foure
H: 2,46 Alle to witnesse wel . what -th-e wrytte wolde [aaAa]
H: 2,47 In what maner & howe -th-at mede . was Ifeffed
H: 2,48 to be fastened wi-th- false . -th-e fyne was arered
H: 2,49 Then fauel fett hir forthe . & to false hir toke
H: 2,50 In forward -th-at falsenes . schuld fynde hir for
euere [aaAx]
H: 2,51 & heo be buxome & boun . his byddynge to
fulfylle [aaAx]
H: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . boxome & heende [aaAx]
H: 2,53 And as sir symonye wole seye . to suwen his wille
H: 2,54 -th-o symonye & syuyle . stoden for-th- in fere
H: 2,55 & vnfoldeden -th-e feffament . -th-at falsenes
had made [aaAx]
H: 2,56 & -th-us bygonnen -th-e gomes . & gradden
wel an hy-gh-e [aaAx]
fol. 5v
H: 2,57 It wyten & witnessen . -th-at wonen vpon er-th-e
H: 2,58 -Th-at I fauel feff . false to -th-is mayden mede
H: 2,59 to be p(re)sent in p(ri)de . for pore or for ryche
H: 2,60 Wi-th- -th-e erldam of enuye . euer for to laste
H: 2,61 W(i)t(h) -th-e lordschip of lech(er)ie . i(n) lengthe & in
brede [aaAx]
H: 2,62 Wi-th- -th-e ky(n)gedam of couetyse . I crowne he(m)
togydre [aaAx]
H: 2,63 wi-th- -th-e yle of vsurye . & auaryse -th-e
false [aaAx]
H: 2,64 Glotonye & grete oo-th-(us) . I -gh-yue hem i(n)
fere [aaAx]
H: 2,65 Wi-th- alle -th-e delytes of deedly synne . -th-e
deuol for to serue [axAx]
H: 2,66 In al -th-e seruyse of slow-th-e . I ceese hem togydre
H: 2,67 -th-at to haue & holde . & alle her eyres
aftur [aaAa]
H: 2,68 Wi-th- al -th-e p(ur)tynaunce of p(ur)gatorie . & -th-e
pyne of helle [aaAx]
H: 2,69 -Gh-eldynge for -th-is -th-inge at oon -gh-er(us)
ende [xxXx]
H: 2,70 her soules to sathanas . to sende into pyne [aaAx]
H: 2,71 -Th-ere to wone wi-th- wronge . while god is in heuene
H: 2,72 In witnesse of -th-e whuche -th-inge . wronge was
-th-e furst [aaAx]
H: 2,73 & per(us) -th-e pardyner . & paulyns dou-gh-ter
H: 2,74 Bette -th-e budule . of Bokynham schire [aaAx]
H: 2,75 Rondolf -th-e reue . oute of Rotelonde [aaAx]
H: 2,75 taberes & tomblers & tapest(er)s fele
H: 2,76 Mou(n)de -th-e mylner . & mony moo o-th-er [aaAx]
H: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-e dede was aselyd
H: 2,78 By si-gh-t of syr symonye . & notarie sygnes
H: 2,79 Then teoned hi(m) theologie . when he -th-is tale
herde [aaAx]
H: 2,80 & seyd to syuyle . now sorowe on -th-i lockes
H: 2,81 Suche weddynge to wurche . to teone wi-th- tru-th-e
H: 2,82 and er -th-at weddynge be wrought . woo -th-ee bityde
H: 2.83 ffor mede is a medeler . a mayden of goode [aaAx]
H: 2,84 god graunte us . to -gh-yue hir -th-ere tru-th-e
wole assente [aaAx]
H: 2,85 for -th-ou hast -gh-yuen hir to a gyloure . oure
lord -gh-yue -th-ee sorowe [aaAx]
H: 2,86 -Th-e texte telli-th- -th-ee not so . tru-th-e wote
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
H: 2,86a { Dignus est operarius mercede sua } [Latin]
H: 2,87 Wor-th-i is -th-e warkmon . his huyre for to haue
H: 2,88 & -th-ou hast feffed hir wi-th- false . now fye
on -th-i lawe [aaAx]
H: 2,89 for lesyngis & lechryes suche warkes -th-ou louest
H: 2,90 Symony & -th-i silf . schenden hooly churche
H: 2,92 -Gh-e schule abygge it bo-th-e . by god -th-at me
made [aaAxx]
H: 2,92 at oo -gh-eris ende whan -gh-e reken schul
H: 2,91 for -gh-e & -th-ese notaries anoyen -th-e pepul
H: 2,93 Wel -gh-e wyton wyrnardes . but if -gh-our(e) witt(us)
fayle [aaaAx]
fol. 6r
H: 2,94 -Th-at false is a faytour . & feytheles of warkes
H: 2,95 & a bastard Ibore . of belsabub(us) kynne [aaAx]
H: 2,96 & mede is a medelar . amonge men of goode [aaAx]
H: 2,97 heo my-gh-t kusse -th-e kynge . for cosyne if heo
schulde [aaAx]
H: 2,98 -th-erfore worche-th- by wytte . & by wysedam
bo-th-e [aaAx]
H: 2,99 Lede-th- hir to london . -th-er lawe is yhondeled
H: 2,100 if ony lewtee wole loke . -th-(a)t -th-ei lybbe
togydre [aaAx]
H: 2,101 & if -th-e Iustice wole iugge hir . to be ioyned
wi-th- fals [aaAx]
H: 2,102 & -gh-itte be-th- war of -th-is weddynge . for
wytty is treu-th-e [aaAx]
H: 2,103 for conscyence is his counselour(e) . & knowe-th-
-gh-ou ychone [aaAx]
H: 2,104 And if he fynde suche defawte . -th-at -gh-e wi-th-
fals holden [aaAx]
H: 2,105 It schal sitt -gh-oure soulis ful . sore at -th-e
laste ende [aaAx]
H: 2,106 herto assentid syuyle . but symonye ne wolde [aaAx]
H: 2,107 tyle he had syluer . for his sawes & his selynge
H: 2,108 -th-en fett fauel forth . floreynes Inowe [aaaAx]
H: 2,109 & bad gyle go to & -gh-yue . gold aboute
H: 2,110 & namely to -th-is notaries . -th-at hem non
lacked [aaAx]
H: 2,111 & feffe false wittnesse . wi-th- florens Inowe
H: 2,112 ffor he may mede amaysteren . & make hir at
his wylle [aaAx]
H: 2,112 ffor wher(e) falsenes is oft fownden -th-ere fei-th-
H: 2,113 -th-oo -th-e gold was -gh-ouen . grete were -th-e
thonkes [aaAx]
H: 2,114 to false & to fauel . for her feyre -gh-yftus
H: 2,115 many comen from care to cou(n)forte -th-e false
H: 2,116 & sworen on -th-e hoolydom -th-at . ceese schul
we neuere [aaAx]
H: 2,117 or mede be -th-i weddud wyf . -th-orou-gh- witte
of vs alle [aaAx]
H: 2,118 for we han mede amaysterd . wi-th- oure myri wordis
H: 2,119 -th-at hee graunte-th- to goo . wi-th- a good wille
H: 2,120 to london to loke . if -th-e lawe wole [aaAx]
H: 2,121 Iugge -gh-ou ioyntely . to be Ioyned for euer [aaAx]
H: 2,122 -th-en was fals fayn . & fauel also blythe [aaAx]
H: 2,123 & bad sompne alle -th-e pepul . in schyres aboute
H: 2,124 -th-at alle -th-ei my-gh-ten be bowne . beggers & o-th-er
H: 2,125 to wende wyth hem to westmynst(re) . to witnes -th-is
dede [aaAx]
H: 2,126 -th-en caareden -th-ei for caples . to karyen hem
-th-idur [aaAx]
H: 2,127 But fauel fett forthe . foles of -th-e best [aaAx]
H: 2,128 & setten mede on a schyreues bache . schod al
newe [aaAx]
H: 2,129 & fals on a sysoures backe . -th-at softly trotted
H: 2,129 for falsenes a-gh-eyn -th-e fei-th- sisoures he
H: 2,129 -th-oru-gh- comb(r)ance of coueytyse clymben a-gh-eyn
fol. 6v
H: 2,129 -th-at -th-e fei-th- is defouled & falsly defamed
H: 2,129 & falsnes is a lord I wo-th-e & lyue-th-
as hym lyke-th-
H: 2,130 ffauel on a feyre speche . ful feyntly atyred [aaAx]
H: 2,130 for feire speche -th-at is fei-th-les is falsnes bro-th-(er)
H: 2,130 & -th-us sysoures ben sompned -th-e false to
H: 2,130 & feir(e) speche fauel -th-at moche folke desceyueth
H: 2,131 -th-en notaries had noo(n) horses . anoyed -th-ei
were [aaAx]
H: 2,132 -Th-at syuyle & symonye . schulden gon on foote
H: 2,133 -th-en seyde syuyle . & swore by -th-e rode
H: 2,134 -Th-at sompnoures schulden be sadeled . & serue
hem yhone [aaAx]
H: 2,135 & let ap(ar)eile -th-ise prouysoures . in palfreyes
wyse [aaAx]
H: 2,136 Syr symony hym silf . schal sytten on hym oone [aaAx]
H: 2,137 & alle -th-ise officyales & deenys . as
palfreyes he(m) di-gh-t [aaAa]
H: 2,138 to bere -th-ese bisschopp(us) . & brynge hem
to rest [aaAx]
H: 2,139 Paulyns peple . for playint(us) in -th-e constrye
H: 2,140 -th-ei schul serue my silf . -th-at syuile hatte
H: 2,141 let cartsadel oure comysaries . our(e) long carte
-th-ei schul drawe [aaAx]
H: 2,142 & fecche oure vytayles . at fornycatoures [aaAx]
H: 2,143 And make lyer a long(e)? carte . to lede al -th-ese
o-th-er [aaAx]
H: 2,144 flat(er)ers & faytoures . -th-at on foot rennen
H: 2,145 Now fals & fauel . faren for-th-e togydre [aaAa]
H: 2,146 & mede in -th-e myddes . & al -th-e meyne
aft(ur) [aaAx]
H: 2,147 I ne haue no tyme for to telle . -th-e tayle -th-at
hem folowe-th- [aaAx]
H: 2,148 Of so many man(er) of men . -th-at on molde lyuen
H: 2,149 But gyle was forgoer . & bygyed hem alle [aaAx]
H: 2,150 Sothnes saw-gh- hy(m) wel . & seyd but a lytel
H: 2,151 But pryked on his palfrey . & passed hem alle
H: 2,152 & come to -th-e kyng(us) courte . & conscyens
tolde [aaAx]
H: 2,153 & conscience to -th-e kynge . carpid it after
H: 2,154 Now bi c(ri)st quo-th- -th-e kyng . & I my-gh-t
cacche [aaXa]
H: 2,155 fals or fauel . or ony of her feeris [aaXa]
H: 2,156 I wold be wreken on -th-oo wrecches . -th-at worchen
so ylle [aaAx]
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: 2,158 Schal no man on molde . mey(n)pryse -th-e lest [aaAx]
H: 2,159 But ri-gh-t as -th-e lawe wole loke . lete falle
of hem alle [aaAxx]
H: 2,160 And co(m)maunded a constable . -th-at come at -th-e
furst [aaAx]
H: 2,161 to atayche -th-e traytours . for ony tresour [aaAx]
H: 2,162 ffetter(e) false faste . for ony ky(n)nes -gh-ift(us)
H: 2,163 & gurde off gyles hed . let hym go no further
H: 2,164 & brynge mede to me . mawgrey hem alle [aaAx]
H: 2,165 Symony & syuyle . I sende hem to seye [aaAx]
fol. 7r
H: 2,166 -Th-at hooly churche for he(m) . wor-th-e harmed for
euer [aaAx]
H: 2,167 & if -th-ou take lyer let hi(m) not ascape [aaAx]
H: 2,168 Sette hi(m) on -th-e pylerie . for ony prayer [aaAx]
H: 2,168 I bydde -th-ee awayte hem wele let non of hem ascape
H: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stood . & -th-is dome herde
H: 2,170 Wy-gh-tly went he -th-o . to warne -th-e false [aaAx]
H: 2,171 & bad hym fleo fast . & his feeres eke [aaAx]
H: 2,172 -th-en fals for fere . flei-gh- to -th-e freeres
H: 2,173 & gyle dide hym to go . agaste for to dy-gh-e
H: 2,174 but marchandis metten wi-th- hi(m) . & maden
hi(m) to abyde [aaAx]
H: 2,175 & busscheden hi(m) in her schopp(us) . to syllen
her ware [aaAx]
H: 2,176 & aparelde(n) hi(m) as a prentys . -th-e peple
to serue [aaAx]
H: 2,177 ly-gh-tly lyer . leop away -th-ennes [aaAx]
H: 2,178 -th-oru-gh- hyrnes & lan(us) . tolugged of many
H: 2,179 he nas nowhere welcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
H: 2,180 but honsched as an hounde . & hooten trusse
H: 2,181 p(ar)doners hadden pytee of hi(m) . & pulled
hi(m) to house [aaAx]
H: 2,182 Wosschen hi(m) wrongen hi(m) . & leyden hi(m)
in cloutes [aaAx]
H: 2,183 & senden hi(m) on sonendayes . wi-th- sealis
to -th-e churche [aaAx]
H: 2,184 & -gh-af pardon for pans . powndemel aboute
H: 2,185 -th-erof herden leches . & lettres hi(m) sende
H: 2,186 -th-at he schuld wone wi-th- hem . waters to loke
H: 2,188 for he knewe her craft . & cou-th-e many Iapes
H: 2,189 Messangers & mynstrels . metten wi-th- hi(m)
oones [aaAx]
H: 2,190 & wi-th-helden hi(m) an half -gh-er . & elleuen
wykes [aaAx]
H: 2,191 ffreris wi-th- feyr speche . fetten hym -th-ennes
H: 2,192 for knowynge of comers . copeden hi(m) as a frere
H: 2,193 but he ha-th- leue to lepe oute . as oft as hi(m)
luste [aaXa]
H: 2,194 & is welcome when he come-th- . & wone-th-
wi-th- hem oft [aaAx]
H: 2,187 Spicers aspieden hi(m) & speken wi-th- hi(m) feyre [aaAx]
H: 2,194 & p(ri)yeden him p(ri)uely to putte for-th- her
H: 2,194 & he asured hem forso-th-e to serue hem for
H: 2,195 Alle o-th-ur fledde for ferd . & flowen into
hyrnes [aaAx]
H: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e mayde . none durst abyde [aaAx]
H: 2,197 But truly to telle . heo trembled for drede [aaAx]
H: 2,198 & eke wepe & wronge hir hondes . when ho
was atayched [aaAxx]
Passus tercius de visione
H: 3,1 Nowe is mede -th-e mayden . Inomen of hem alle [aaAx]
H: 3,2 Wi-th- bideles & wi-th- bayles . & brou-gh-t
to -th-e kynge [aaAx]
H: 3,3 -Th-e kynge called a clerke . I con not his name [aaaAx]
fol. 7v
H: 3,4 & bade him take mede -th-e mayden . & make hir
at eese [aaAx]
H: 3,5 I wole asay hir my self seyd -th-e kyng . & softly
hir appose [aaAx]
H: 3,6 What man in -th-is moolde . -th-at hir were loouest
H: 3,7 And heo worche by my witte . & my wille folowe
H: 3,8 I wole forgyue hir -th-is gulte . so me god helpe
H: 3,9 Curteysely -th-e clerk -th-en . as his kynde wolde
H: 3,10 toke -th-e mayden by -th-e myddel . & brou-gh-te
hir to chaumbur [aaXx]
H: 3,11 -th-er was myrth & mynstralsye . mede wi-th-
to plese [aaAx]
H: 3,12 -th-ei -th-at wonen at westmynster . worscypen hir
ychoone [aaAx]
H: 3,13 Ientlyche wi-th- ioye . -th-e iustices wel soone
H: 3,14 busked hem to -th-e chaumb(ur) . -th-ere -th-e burde
was ynne [aaAx]
H: 3,15 cowmfortyd hir kyndely . & made hir at eese [aaAx]
H: 3,16 & seyd ne mowurne -th-ou not mede . ne make -th-ou
no sorowe [aaAx]
H: 3,17 ffor we wolen wisse -th-e kynge . & -th-i wa-th-e?
schape [axAx]
H: 3,18 for al conscience caste . a crafte can we schewe
H: 3,18 -th-at -th-ou schalt haue bo-th-e my-gh-t & maystrye & make
what -th-e like-th-
H: 3,18 wi-th- -th-e kynge & -th-e comyns & -th-e
courte bo-th-e
H: 3,19 Mekely -th-en mede . mercyed hem alle [aaAx]
H: 3,20 of her grete goodnesse . & -gh-aue hem echone
H: 3,21 Coupes of clene golde . & peces of syluer [aaXx]
H: 3,22 Ryng(us) wi-th- rybyes . & rychesses many [aaAx]
H: 3,23 -th-e lest man of her meynee . a moton of gold [aaAx]
H: 3,24 -th-en lau-gh-ten -th-ei her leue . -th-ese lordyng(us)
at mede [aaAx]
H: 3,25 Wi-th- -th-at come clerkis . to coumfort -th-e same
H: 3,26 we bidde-th- -th-ee be blythe . for we beo-th- -th-ine
owene [aaAx]
H: 3,27 for to worche -th-i wylle . -th-e while oure lyf
lasti-th- [aaAbb]
H: 3,28 hendely -th-en heo . bihy-gh-t hem -th-e same [aaAx]
H: 3,29 to louen hem truly . & lordes hem maken [aaAx]
H: 3,30 In courte & in constrye . to tellen her names
H: 3,31 -th-er schal no lewdnes he(m) lett . -th-e lewdest
-th-at I loue [aaAa]
H: 3,32 -Th-at -th-ei ne wor-th-e avaunced . for I am Iknowe
H: 3,33 -th-ere as kunnynge clerkys . schul couche byhynde
H: 3,34 -Th-en come -th-er a confessour . coped as a frere
H: 3,35 to mede -th-e mayden . mekely he lowtid [aaAx]
H: 3,36 & seyd ful softly . in schryfte as it were [aaAx]
H: 3,37 -Th-ei-gh- lered & lewide . had leyn by -th-ee
bo-th-e [aaAx]
H: 3,38 & -th-ei-gh- falsenes had folowed -th-ee . -th-is
fyftene wyntur [aaAx]
H: 3,39 I schal asoyle -th-ee my silf . for a so(m)me of
whete [aaAx]
H: 3,40 & eke be -th-i bawdstrot . & bere wel -th-in
erande [aaAx]
H: 3,41 Amonge -th-ese courteors & -th-e comyns . conscie(n)ce
to felle [aaAx]
H: 3,41 or clerkes and knyt-gh-tes
fol. 8r
H: 3,42 -th-en mede for her myssedeedys . to -th-at man kneled
H: 3,43 & schrof hir of hir shrewdnes . schameles I trowe
H: 3,44 heo told hym a tale . & toke hym a noble [aaAx]
H: 3,45 for to be hir bawde & bere wel hir erand [aaAx]
H: 3,46 -th-en to hir asoyled hir sone . & si-th- to
hir seyde [aaAa]
H: 3,47 We han a wyndowe i(n) wurchynge . wol stonde us ful
hi-gh-e [aaAxx]
H: 3,48 Woldest -th-ou glase -th-e gable . & graue -th-erynne
-th-i name [aaAx]
H: 3,49 Siker schuld -th-i soule . beo heuen for to haue
H: 3,50 Wyst I -th-at quo-th- -th-e woman . -th-er nys wyndow
ne awter [aaAx]
H: 3,51 -Th-at I schuld mende or make . & my name wryte
H: 3,52 -Th-at alle men schulden sey . -th-at I were sustur
of -th-e hous [aaAx]
H: 3,53 But god alle good folke . suche grauynge defendi-th-
H: 3,54 And sei-th- { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextera
} [Latin]
H: 3,55 Late not -th-i lyfte honde . late ne ra-th-e [aaAx]
H: 3,56 Be war what -th-i ry-gh-te honde . worche-th- or
dele-th- [aaxAx]
H: 3,57 so p(re)uely be it parted . -th-at pryde be not seye
H: 3,58 Now-th-er in si-gh-te ne in soule . for god hi(m)
silf knowe-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,59 Who is curteys or kynde . coueytous or ellis [aaAx]
H: 3,60 for-th-i I rede -gh-ou lordyng(us) . suche lernyng(us)
to leue [aaAx]
H: 3,61 to wryte in wyndowis . of -gh-oure wel deedys [aaAx]
H: 3,62 or to grede aftur goddis folk . when -gh-e -gh-yuen
dooles [aaAx]
H: 3,63 In aunt(er) lest -gh-e han . -gh-oure hure -th-erfore
here [aaAa]
H: 3,64 for of suche men oure sauyoure sei-th- . in -th-e gospel [aaAx]
H: 3,64a { Amen dico uobis receperunt mercedem suam } [Latin]
H: 3,64a here forso-th-e -th-ei fongon her mede for-th- wi-th-
H: 3,65 -gh-e meyres & maysters . -th-at beo-th- ordeyned
meenes [aaAx]
H: 3,66 Bytwene -th-e kynge & -th-e comy(n)s . -th-e
lawe forto kepe [aaAx]
H: 3,67 to ponysche on pylorye . & on pynynge stoolis
H: 3,68 Brewst(er)es & bakers . bochers & Cokes [aaAx]
H: 3,69 ffor -th-ese ben men on molde . -th-at moost harme
worchen [aaAx]
H: 3,70 to -th-e pore peple . -th-at al most abyggen [aaAx]
H: 3,71 ffor -th-ei pylen -th-e pore pepul . p(re)uely & ofte
H: 3,72 & waxen ryche regratoures . & rentes hem
byggen [aaAx]
H: 3,73 wi-th- -th-at -th-e pore peple . schuld putt in hor
wombes [aaAx]
H: 3,74 ffor if -th-ei toke(n) w(i)t(h) trouthe . -th-ei
tymburyd not so hye [aaAx]
H: 3,75 ne shulde bye noo burgag(es) . Be -gh-e certeyn [aaAx]?
H: 3,76 But mede -th-e mayden . -th-e meyre heo ha-th- bysow-gh-te
H: 3,77 Of alle suche sellers . for to take syluer [aaAx]
H: 3,78 Or presantes wi-th-oute pans . os peces of syluer
fol. 8v
H: 3,79 Or rynges wi-th- rubyes . -th-ese regratoures to fauour(e)
H: 3,80 for my loue quo-th- -th-e lady . loue hem ychoone
H: 3,81 & suffre hem to sylle . somdel a-gh-eyn resone
H: 3,82 But salamon -th-e sage . a sermon he made [aaAx]
H: 3,83 to amende wi-th- -th-ise meyres & men . -th-at
kepen -th-e lawes [aaaXx]
H: 3,84 Lo -th-is was his teme . -th-at I telle -th-enke
H: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabitur tabernacla(m) eor(um) q(u)i libe(n)t(er)
accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
H: 3,86 Amonge -th-ise lewed men . -th-is latyn amounte-th-
H: 3,87 -Th-at fyer schal fall . & brenn at -th-e laste
H: 3,88 -Th-e houses & -th-e hoomes . of hem -th-at desyren
H: 3,89 to take -gh-yftes amysse . in -gh-ou-th-e or in elde
H: 3,89 Now beo-th- -gh-e war if -gh-e wole -gh-e mayst(er)s
of -th-e lawe
H: 3,89 for -th-e so-th-e schale be sou-gh-te of -gh-oure
soules so me god helpe
H: 3,89 -th-e suffraunce -th-at -gh-e suche suche wrong(es)
to be wrou-gh-t
H: 3,89 while -th-e chaunce is in -gh-our(e) choyse cheose
-gh-e -th-e best
H: 3,90 Then ca(m) -th-e kyng from -th-e counseyle . & called
aft(ur) mede [aaaAx]
H: 3,91 & sent aftur hir as swi-th-e . seriawntis hir
fette [aaAx]
H: 3,92 & brou-gh-ten hir to -th-e boure . -th-ere -th-e
king was ynne [aaAx]
H: 3,92 Wi-th- myr-th-e & wi-th- mynstrasye -th-ei pleseden
hir ychoone
H: 3,93 Curtesly -th-e kyng -th-oo . seyde to mede [aaAx]
H: 3,94 --- this line om ---
H: 3,95 Certis unwysely . wrou-gh-te hast -th-ou ofte [aaAx]
H: 3,96 wors wrou-gh-test -th-ou neu(er) . -th-en whane -th-ou
false toke [aaXx]
H: 3,97 But I for-gh-yue -th-ee -th-is gylte . so -th-ou
do so no more [aaAa]
H: 3,98 --- this line om ---
H: 3,99 I haue a kny-gh-t hett co(n)science . come late fro(m)
by-gh-onde [aaAx]
H: 3,100 If he wole -th-ee to wyf . wolt -th-ou assente [aaAx]
H: 3,101 -gh-ea lord quo-th- -th-e lady . god forbede ellis
H: 3,102 but I hoolly be at -gh-oure heest . gurd off my
nek [aaAx]
H: 3,103 Then was conscience called . to come & apere
H: 3,104 byfore -th-e kynge & his counseyl . clerkis & o-th-(er)
H: 3,105 Knelynge conscience . -th-en to -th-e kyng lowted
H: 3,106 to wyte what his wille were . & what he do schulde
H: 3,107 wolt -th-ou wedde -th-is wo(m)man . if I wole assent
H: 3,108 for heo is fayne of -th-i felawschype . for to be
-th-i make [aaAxx]
H: 3,109 Nay quo-th- conscience to -th-e kynge . c(ri)st
it me forbede [aaAx]
H: 3,110 Er I wedde suche a wyf . woo me bytyde [aaAx]
H: 3,111 ffor heo is freyle of hir fleische . fykul of hir
fei-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,112 Heo make-th- men mysse do . mony score tymes [aaaAx]
H: 3,113 In trust of hir tresoure . heo teone-th- ful many
H: 3,114 Wyues & wydowys . wantounes heo techi-th- [aaAx]
fol. 9r
H: 3,115 leri-th- hem to lecherie . & lecching of -gh-eftis
H: 3,116 fele men heo falli-th- . wi-th- feir(e) behestis
H: 3,117 & popis heo poisene-th- . & peire-th- holi
churche [aaAx]
H: 3,118 -th-(er) nys no bett(er) baude . by hym -th-at me
made [aaAxx]
H: 3,119 bytwene heue(n) & helle . in er-th-e -th-ei
me(n) sou-gh-t [aaAx]
H: 3,120 Heo is tikel of her(e) taile . talewise of her(e)
tu(n)ge [aaAx]
H: 3,121 As comyn as -th-e cartway . to knaues & to alle
H: 3,122 To monkis to mynst(ra)l(us) . to mesels in heggis
H: 3,123 Sisours & sompno(ur)s . suche me(n) hir(e) preisen
H: 3,124 Shirreuys of schir(us) . were(n) schent yf heo ner(e)
H: 3,125 Heo do-th- me(n) leose(n) h(er) londed . & hire
lyfes eke [aaAx]
H: 3,126 & leti-th- p(ri)sou(n)s passe . & paie-th-
for hem ofte [aaAx]
H: 3,127 & -gh-eue-th- -th-e gailer(e) gold . & grotis
among [aaAx]
H: 3,128 To vnfettr(e) -th-e fals . & fle wher(e) hym
like-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,129 Heo taki-th- treu-th-e by -th-e top . & tie-th-
hym fast [aaAx]
H: 3,130 & hongi-th- hym for haterede . -th-(a)t harme
did[e] [n]eu(er)e [aaAx]
H: 3,131 -th-ei-gh- heo be corsed in constorie . heo cou[n]ti-th-
not a crosse [aaAx]
H: 3,132 for heo copi-th- -th-e comessarie . & coti-th-
-th-[e] clerkis [aaAa]
H: 3,133 heo is asoiled as sone . as her(e) self like-th-
H: 3,134 Heo may do as myche . in a mon-th-e onis [aaAx]
H: 3,135 As -gh-our(e) secr(e) seel . in four(e) score wint(ri)s
H: 3,136 heo is p(ri)ue wi-th- -th-e pope . p(ro)uesours
hit knowi-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,137 Sir(e) symonye & her(e)self . selen -th-e bullis
H: 3,138 Heo examyne-th- -th-e byschops . yf -th-ei be-th-
lewid [aaAx]
H: 3,139 p(ro)uendres p(er)sou(n)s . & p(re)stis heo
meintene-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,140 to holde le(m)mans & lotebies . alle hir(e)
lyue daies [aaAx]
H: 3,141 & bringe-th- for-th- barnes . a-gh-en forbode
lawis [aaAx]
H: 3,142 -Th-(er) heo is wel wi-th- -th-e king . wo is -th-e
rewme [axAx]
H: 3,143 for heo is fauorable to fals . & falli-th- treu-th-e
oft [aaAx]
H: 3,144 barou(n)s & bachelers . heo bringe-th- to sorwe
H: 3,145 heo biggi-th- wi-th- her(e) iewels . -gh-our(e)
iustices & hem shendi-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,146 maki-th- hem li-gh-e a-gh-ens -th-e lawe . & letti-th-
it so fast [aaAx]
H: 3,147 -Th-at fei-th- may haue no for-th- . hir(e) floryns
go-th- so -th-icke [aaAx]
H: 3,148 Heo ledi-th- -th-e lawis as heo wol . & louedaies
maki-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a mene ma(n) . -th-ei-gh- he plede
eu(er)e [aaAx]
H: 3,150 Lawe is so lordliche p(ro)ud . & lo-th- to make
ende [aaAx]
H: 3,151 Wi-th-oute p(re)sentes o-th-(er) penyes . heo plesi-th-
wel fewe [aaAx]
H: 3,152 Clergie & couetise . heo coupli-th- togedris
H: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-e lyf of -th-y ladie . oure lord -gh-eue
hir(e) sorwe [aaAx]
fol. 9v
H: 3,154 & alle -th-at her(e) meyntene-th- . myschau(n)ce
hem bytide [aaAx]
H: 3,155 for -th-e pore may haue no power(e) . to pleyne
-th-ei he(m) sm(er)t [aaAx]
H: 3,156 Siche a maist(er) is mede . among me(n) of gode
H: 3,157 -th-en morned mede . & pleyned hir(e) to -th-e
king [aaAx]
H: 3,158 To haue space forto speke . spede -gh-if heo mi-gh-t
H: 3,159 -Th-e king g(ra)untid hir(e) grace . wi-th- a goodli
wille [aaAx]
H: 3,160 excuse -th-ee -gh-if -th-ou canst . y can sey no
more [aaAx]
H: 3,161 for conscience ha-th- accused -th-ee . to conieye
-th-e for euere [aaAx]
H: 3,162 Nay lord quo-th- -th-e lady . leue hym -th-e wors
H: 3,163 when -gh-e wite(n) witt(er)ly . wher(e) -th-e wrong
li-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,164 -Th-(er) meschef is most . mede it may amende [axAx]
H: 3,165 -th-ow knowist wel conscience . y come not to chyde
H: 3,166 ne to depraue -th-y p(er)sone . wi-th- a prout hert
H: 3,167 Wel -th-ou wost conscience . but yf -th-ou wolt
ly-gh-e [aaxAx]
H: 3,168 -Th-(o)u hast hongid on [myn] [n]ecke . elleue(n)
tymes [aaAx]
H: 3,169 & also gripe(n) of my gold . & -gh-eue wher(e)
-th-e list [aaAx]
H: 3,170 Why wra-th--th-est -th-ee now . wonder me -th-inke-th-
H: 3,171 -gh-it y may as y mi-gh-t menske . -th-ee wi-th-
-gh-eftis [aaAx]
H: 3,172 & meynteyne -th-y manhood . more -th-e(n) -th-ou
knowest [aaAx]
H: 3,173 but -th-ou hast famed me foule . byfore -th-e king
now-th-e [aaAxx]
H: 3,174 & I agult hym nue(er) . ne his counsel ne-th-(er)
H: 3,175 for I dede neu(er) as -th-ou didest . y do it on
-th-y silue [aaAx]
H: 3,176 In normandie nas he no-gh-t . noi-gh-ed for my sake
H: 3,177 But -th-y self so-th-ely . ashamyd hym -th-ere [aaAx]
H: 3,178 -th-ou creptest into a caban . for colde of -th-y
nailes [aaAx]
H: 3,179 -th-ou wendest -th-(a)t wint(er) . wolde haue ylast
eu(er)e [aaAx]
H: 3,180 & dreddist -th-ee to haue be deed . for a dym
cloude [aaAx]
H: 3,181 -th-ou hastedest -th-ee hamward . for hong(er) of
-th-y wombe [aaAx]
H: 3,182 Wi-th-oute ri-gh-t -th-ou pilo(ur) . pore me(n)
-th-ou robbedest [aaAx]
H: 3,183 & bare her(e) bras on -th-y bak . to caleys
to sille [aaaXx]
H: 3,184 -Th-(er)e I laft wi-th- my lord . his lyf for to
saue [aaAx]
H: 3,185 & made hym merie . mornyng to lete [aaAx]
H: 3,186 & batrid me(n) on her(e) backis . to bolde(n)
her(e) hertis [aaAx]
H: 3,187 I made hem hoppe for ioi-gh-e . to haue me at her(e)
wille [aaAx]
H: 3,188 hadde y be marchal of his oost . by maries loue
of heue(n) [aaAx]
H: 3,189 I durst haue leid my lyf . & no lasse wedde
H: 3,190 he schulde haue be lord of -th-at lond . in leng-th-e & in
brede [aaAx]
H: 3,191 & eke king of -th-at cu(n)trey . his kyn for
to helpe [aaAx]
fol. 10r
H: 3,192 -Th-e lest barn of his blood . a barou(n)s per(e)
H: 3,193 but so-th-ely -th-ou conscience . -th-ou counseildest
hy(m) -th-annes [aaAx]
H: 3,194 To leue -th-at lordschip . for a litel disese [aaAx]
H: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e richest rewme . -th-at reyn ou(er)houe-th-
H: 3,196 hit bycome-th- to a king . -th-at kepi-th- a rewme
H: 3,197 To -gh-eue mede to me(n) . -th-at menskly hym s(er)uen
H: 3,198 To aliens to alle men . to onour(e) hem wi-th- -gh-eftis
H: 3,199 mede make-th- hi(m) biloued . & for a man yholde
H: 3,200 dukis & erlis . & alle maner lordis [aaAx]
H: 3,201 -Th-ur-gh- -gh-eft(us) han -gh-onge me(n) . to renne & to
ride [aaAx]
H: 3,202 -Th-e pope & his p(re)lat(us) . p(re)sentes
vndirfongen [aaAx]
H: 3,203 & mede(n) gretly me(n) . to meyntene her(e)
lawis [aaAx]
H: 3,204 S(er)uaunt(is) for her(e) s(er)uice . wite -gh-e
forso-th-e [aaAa]
H: 3,205 taken mede of her(e) maist(ri)s . as -th-ei mowe
acorde [aaAx]
H: 3,206 beggers for her(e) bedis . bidden me(n) me(n)de
H: 3,207 mynstrels for her(e) m(ur)-th-e . mede -th-ei asken
H: 3,208 -Th-e king medi-th- his me(n) . to make pees in
londe [aaAx]
H: 3,209 & -th-ese ku(n)nynge clerkis . craue(n) vpo(n)
mede [aaAx]
H: 3,210 P(re)stis -th-at p(re)chen . -th-e puple to goode
H: 3,211 asken mede & mas penyes . & here mete eke
H: 3,212 & alle man(er)e craftis me(n) craue(n) . mede
to her(e) p(re)ntys [aaXx]?
H: 3,213 for mede & m(er)chaundise . most nede holde
togedris [aaAx]
H: 3,214 -th-(er) may no wi-gh-t as I wene . wi-th-oute mede
lyue [aaAxx]
H: 3,215 -th-o q(uo)-th- -th-e king to consciens . by c(ri)st
-th-at me made [aaAx]
H: 3,216 Mede is wor-th-y . myche maistry to haue [axAx]
H: 3,217 Nay q(uo)-th- consciens to -th-e king . & knelid
to -th-e g(ro)unde [aaAx]
H: 3,218 -Th-(er) be-th- two man(er)e of medis . my lord
by -gh-our(e) leue [aaAx]
H: 3,219 -Th-at on god of his grace . ha-th- g(ra)untid in
his blisse [aaAx]
H: 3,220 To hem -th-at wel werchen . while -th-ei be-th-
her(e) [aaAx]
H: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phet it p(re)chid . & p(re)ued it
in -th-e saut(er) [aaAx]
H: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam sua(m) dat in vsura(m) &c }
H: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of me(n) -th-at ben trewe
H: 3,223 Loue hem & leue hem . for our(e) lordis loue
of heue(n) [aaAx]?
H: 3,224 godis mede & his m(er)cy . -th-(er) wi-th- mi-gh-t
-th-ou wyn [aaAx]
H: 3,225 but -th-(er)e is a mede mesureles . -th-at maistrie
desire-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,226 To meynten mysdoers . mede -th-ei taken [aaAx]
H: 3,227 & -th-at witnessi-th- wel -th-e saut(er) . of
wicked men [aaAx]
H: 3,228 { Inimicor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t dext(er)a
eor(um) repleta e(st) m(uneribus) } [Latin]
H: 3,228 -th-at here ri-gh-t hond is hepid ful of -gh-eftis
fol. 10v
H: 3,229 But he -th-at gripe-th- siche -gh-eftis . so me god
help [aaAx]
H: 3,230 he shal abigge it bitt(er)ly . or ellis -th-e boke
lie-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,231 P(er)sou(n)s & p(re)stis . -th-at penyes desire(n)
H: 3,232 to take mede & money . for massis -th-at -th-ei
singen [aaAx]
H: 3,233 -th-ei haue(n) her(e) mede on -th-is molde . wi-th-oute(n)
eny more [aaAx]
H: 3,233a --- this line is omitted ---
H: 3,234 -Th-at laborers & lewid me(n) . taken of her(e)
maistris [aaXx]
H: 3,235 hit nys no man(er)e mede . but mesurabel huyre [aaAx]
H: 3,236 In m(ar)chau(n)dise nys no mede . y may it wel avowe
H: 3,237 but ap(er)t p(er)mytaciou(n) as . a peny for ano-th-(er)
H: 3,238 Reddest -th-(o)u neu(er) { regu(m) } . -th-at recreyed
mede [aaAx]
H: 3,239 how -th-at vegeau(n)s fel . on saul & his childre(n)
H: 3,240 god sende hym to say . by samuelis mow-th-e [aaAx]
H: 3,241 -Th-at agag of amalek . & alle his puple aft(ur)
H: 3,242 Shulde deie for a dede . -th-at don hadde his eldre(n)
H: 3,243 A-gh-ens Israel & aaron . & moises his bro-th-(er)
H: 3,244 Samuel seide to saul . god sende -th-ee to say [aaAx]
H: 3,245 to be buxu(m) & bou(n) . his bidding to werche
H: 3,246 Wende -th-ou to amalek wi-th- -th-ine ost ; -th-e
cu(n)tr(e) to quelle [axAx]?
H: 3,247 childre(n) & cherlis . dryue hem to de-th-e
H: 3,248 loke -th-ou kille -th-e king . coueit not his goodis
H: 3,249 for ony myliou(n)s of money . molde hem echone [aaAx]
H: 3,250 burwes & bernes & bestis . -th-ou brenne
H: 3,251 for he killed not -th-e king . as crist hym self
sende [aaAx]
H: 3,252 but coueited -th-e catel . & slow not her(e)
bestis [aaAx]
H: 3,253 & brou-gh-t wi-th- hem her(e) goodis . as -th-e
bible techi-th- [aaAx]
H: 3,254 god sende to say . -th-at saul shulde dey-gh- [aaAx]
H: 3,255 & all his seed for -th-at synne . shendfulliche
ende [aaAx]
H: 3,256 siche a meschef mede . made -th-e king to haue [aaAx]
H: 3,257 -Th-at god hatid hym for eu(er) . & alle his
eires aft(ur) [aaAa]
H: 3,258 -Th-e colour(e) of -th-is . kepe y not to shewe
H: 3,259 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 3,262 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 3,263 -th-e(n) samuel slowe agag . & saul was yblamyd
H: 3,264 & dauid was diademyd . & daunted hem alle
H: 3,265 & on c(ri)sten king . kept hem echone [aaAx]
H: 3,260 I consciens knew -th-is . for kynde witt me tau-gh-t
H: 3,261 -Th-at resou(n) shal regne . & rewmes gou(er)ne
H: 3,266 Shal no more mede . be maist(er) vpo(n) er-th-e [aaAx]
H: 3,267 but loue & lownes . & lewte togedris [aaAx]
H: 3,268 & he -th-at trespasi-th- to treu-th-e . & do-th-
a-gh-ens his wille [aaAx]
H: 3,269 lewte shal do hym lawe . or lese his lyf ellis [aaAx]
H: 3,270 Shal no s(er)iau(n)t for -th-at s(er)uise . wer(e)
a selke(n) howue [aaAx]
H: 3,271 Ne no ray robe . of riche pelur(e) [aaAx]
H: 3,272 Mede wi-th- her(e) mysdedis . make-th- hem so riche
H: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is lord waxen . & lewte is pore
H: 3,274 wickednes is comaund(our) . & kyndenes is bansched
H: 3,275 but kynde witt shal come -gh-it . & consciens
togedris [aaAx]
H: 3,276 & make of lawe a labrere(er) . siche loue shal
arise [aaAx]
Passus quartus de visione
H: 4,1 Sesyth seyde the king . ne mote -gh-e no more [aaAx]
H: 4,2 -Gh-e schul sa-gh-tene forso-th-e . & s(er)ue
me bo-th-e [aaAx]
H: 4,3 Kisse hyr q(uo)-th- -th-e king . conscience I bid
-th-ee [aaAx]
H: 4,4 Nay by crist I q(uo)d conscience . coiunge me ra-th-(er)
H: 4,5 But resou(n) radde me -th-(er)to . leuer(e) hadde
y dey-gh-e [aaAx]
H: 4,6 I comaunde -th-ee quo-th- -th-e king . to conscience
as swi-th-e [aaAx]
H: 4,7 -th-at -th-ou rape -th-ee to ride . resou(n) to fecche
H: 4,8 & comau(n)de hym -th-at he come . my cou(n)seil
to hur(e) [aaAx]
H: 4,9 for he shal reule my rewme . & rede me for -th-e
best [aaAx]
H: 4,10 of mede & of o-th-(er) mo . & what man shal
hir(e) haue [aaAx]
H: 4,11 & acou(n)te wi-th- -th-ee consciens . so me god
help [aaAx]
H: 4,12 How -th-ou lernest my puple . lerid & lewid [axAa]
H: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-at foreward . q(uo)-th- -th-e freke
-th-en [aaAx]
H: 4,14 & ride-th- ri-gh-t to resou(n) . & rowne-th-
in his eer(e) [aaaAx]
H: 4,15 & seide as -th-e king bade . & si-th--th-e
toke his leue [aaAxx]
H: 4,16 I shal araie me to ride q(uo)-th- resou(n) . rest
-th-ee a while [aaaAx]
H: 4,17 he cliped catou(n) his knaue . corteis of speche
H: 4,18 set my sadel . vpo(n) suffr(e) quo-th- he tyl y se
my tyme [aaAa]
H: 4,19 & loke -th-ou warrok hym wel . wi-th- swi-th-e
fele gur-th-is [aaAx]
H: 4,20 honge on hym -th-e heuy bridel . to ber(e) his heed
lowe [aaAx]
H: 4,21 -gh-it wol he make many a wehe . or he come -th-er(e)
H: 4,22 -th-en consciens on his capel . caried for-th- fast
H: 4,23 & resou(n) wi-th- hym ride-th- . & hastid
hym swi-th-e [aaAx]
H: 4,24 & in a wayn wysdome . & witty his fer(e)
H: 4,25 folewede(n) hem fast . for -th-ei hadde to done [aaAxx]
H: 4,26 in court & in chau(n)celrie . to discharge(n)
hem of -th-ingis [aaAx]
H: 4,27 & for resou(n) . shulde reule he(m) & rede
hem for -th-e best [aaAx]
H: 4,28 & saue hem fram harme & fram shame also [aaAx]
H: 4,29 conscience come erst . to court by a myle [aaAx]
H: 4,30 & romed for-th- wi-th- resou(n) . & rau-gh-t
to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
H: 4,31 Corteisly -th-e king . welcomed resoun [aaAx]
H: 4,32 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 4,33 & speken a gret while . wisely togedris [aaAx]
fol. 11v
H: 4,34 -th-en come pes to -th-e p(ar)lement . & put vp
a bulle [aaAx]
H: 4,35 How -th-(a)t wrong a-gh-ens his wille . hadde his
wyf taken [aaAx]
H: 4,36 & how he rauaschid rose . reignaldis dou-gh-t(er)
H: 4,37 & molde of her(e) maidenhod . mawgr(e) her(e)
chekis [aaAx]
H: 4,38 bo-th-e my gees & my grys . his gadeling(us)
fecchen [aaAx]
H: 4,39 I durst not for drede of hem . fi-gh-te ne chyde
H: 4,40 he borwid of me bayard . & brou-gh-t him neuer
a-gh-eyne [aaAx]
H: 4,41 ne no fer-th-ing for hym . for ou-gh-t -th-at I cowde
pleden [aaAxx]
H: 4,42 he meintene-th- his me(n) . forto sle myn owen [aaAx]
H: 4,43 he forstalli-th- my feires . & fi-gh-te-th- in
my chepynge [aaAx]
H: 4,44 he breki-th- vp my berne dores . & beri-th- away
my whete [aaAx]
H: 4,45 & taki-th- me -th-en a taile . of ten quart(er)
ootis [aaAx]
H: 4,46 & -gh-it he beti-th- me -th-(er)to . & li-th-
by my maide [axAx]
H: 4,47 y nam not so hardy for hym vne-th-is to loke [aaAx]
H: 4,48 -th-e king seide -th-is is so-th- for conscience
hit me tolde [aaAx]
H: 4,49 Wrong was aferd -th-o . & wisdom he sou-gh-t
H: 4,50 to make his pes wi-th- penyes . & p(ro)frid for-th-
money [aaAx]
H: 4,51 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 4,52 but pes wi-th- his power(e) . pleyned on hym eu(er)e
H: 4,53 Wysdome wente -th-o . & so dide hym witt [aaAx]
H: 4,54 for -th-at wrong hadde ywrou-gh-t . so wicked a dede
H: 4,55 & warned wrong -th-oo . wi-th- siche a wise tale
H: 4,56 Whoso werchi-th- by wille . maki-th- wra-th--th-e
oft [aaAx]
H: 4,57 we say it by -th-y silue(n) . -th-u shalt hit sone
fynde [aaAx]
H: 4,58 but yf mede make it . -th-y meschef is vppe [aaAx]
H: 4,59 for bo-th-e -th-y lyf & -th-y lyme . li-th- in
her(e) grace [aaAx]
H: 4,60 Wrong -th-en vpo(n) wisdom . wepte to help [aaAx]
H: 4,61 hym for his handi dandy redeliche he paied [aaXa]
H: 4,62 -th-en wisdom & witt . wente(n) togedris [aaAx]
H: 4,63 & toke mede wi-th- hym . m(er)cy to wynne [axAx]
H: 4,64 Pes put for-th- his heed . & his hode blody [aaxAx]
H: 4,65 Wi-th-oute gult god wot . hent I -th-is sca-th-e
H: 4,66 -th-e king & conscience . knewe(n) -th-e so-th-e
H: 4,67 & wisten wel . -th-at wrong was a shrewe eu(er)e
H: 4,68 But wisdom & witt . weren aboute fast [aaAx]
H: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e king . wi-th- mede -gh-if -th-ei
mi-gh-te [aaAx]
H: 4,70 -Th-e king swore by c(ri)st . & by his crou(n)
bo-th-e [aaAx]
H: 4,71 -Th-at wrong for his werkis . shulde woo -th-ole
fol. 12r
H: 4,72 & comau(n)did a cu(n)stable . to caste hy(m) in
yrens [aaAx]
H: 4,73 He shal not -th-is seue(n) -gh-er(e) . se his feet
onys [aaAx]
H: 4,74 God wot q(uo)-th- wisdom . -th-at wer(e) not -th-e
best [aaAx]
H: 4,75 -gh-ef he amendis wol make . let me(n)p(ri)se hym
haue [aaAx]
H: 4,76 to be brou-gh-t of( .... ) . & bigge hym bote
H: 4,77 & amende his (....) . eu(er)more -th-e bett(er)
H: 4,78 Witt acord ( .... ) [sey]de hym -th-e same [???]
H: 4,79 bet(er) is -th-a[t] ( .... )ge [aaAa]
H: 4,80 -th-en bale ( .... ) [n]eu(er) -th-e bett(er) [aaAa]
H: 4,81 -th-en come ( .... ) m(er)cy bysou-gh-t [aaAx]
H: 4,82 & p(ro)frid pes a ( .... ) . al of gold purid
H: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me q(uo)-th- heo . to ame(n)de wi-th-
-th-y sca-th-is [aaAx]
H: 4,84 for y wol wage for wrong . he wol do so no more [aaAx]
H: 4,85 Pes -th-en pitously . p(re)ied to -th-e king [aaAx]
H: 4,86 to haue m(er)cy on -th-at man . -th-at mysdede hym
oft [aaAx]
H: 4,87 for he hadde wagid hym wel . as wisdom hym tau-gh-t
H: 4,88 I for-gh-eue -th-ee -th-is gult q(uo)-th- pees .
wi-th- a good wille [aaAx]
H: 4,89 So -th-at -gh-e assent my lord . y can no more say
H: 4,90 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 4,91 Nay quo-th- -th-e king -th-o . so god -gh-eue me
blisse [aaAx]
H: 4,92 Wrong wendi-th- not so away . til y wite more [aaaAx]
H: 4,93 for yf he lept so li-gh-tly . he wolde vs alle scorn
H: 4,94 & ofte be -th-e bolder(e) . to mysdo my puple
H: 4,95 But resou(n) haue reu-th-e on hym . he shal into
-th-e stockis [aaAx]
H: 4,96 lie as longe as y lyue . but more loue it make [aaAx]
H: 4,97 -th-en so(m)me radden resou(n) . to haue reu-th-e
on -th-at shrewe [aaAx]
H: 4,98 & to cou(n)seil -th-e king . & conscience
bo-th-e [aaAx]
H: 4,99 -Th-at mede most be me(n)p(er)nour . resou(n) -th-ei
p(re)ied [aaaXx]?
H: 4,100 Redi-th- me not q(uo)-th- resou(n) . reu-th-e for
to haue [aaAx]
H: 4,101 til -th-at lordis & ladies . loue(n) alle treu-th-e
H: 4,102 & p(er)nels purfile . be putt in her(e) whicche
H: 4,103 til childrens chiding . be chastised wi-th- -gh-erdis
H: 4,104 & harlotes holynesse . be preised ful hi-gh-e
H: 4,105 til kni-gh-tes & clerkis . be corteis of her(e)
mou-th-is [aaAx]
H: 4,106 & haten to do harlet(ri)es . & no more it
vsen [aaaAx]
H: 4,107 til p(re)stis her(e) p(re)ching . p(re)ue hit hem
seluen [aaAx]
H: 4,108 & done hit in dede . to drawe me(n) to goode
H: 4,109 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 4,110 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 4,111 til alle rome renners . for robberis of by-gh-onde
H: 4,112 ber(e) no silu(er) ou(er) see . -th-at beri-th-
signe of -th-e king [aaAa]
fol. 12v
H: 4,113 No-th-(er) grotis ne gold . ygraue wi-th- -th-e kingis
crou(n) [aaAx]
H: 4,114 Vpo(n) forfet of -th-e fee . who so fynt hit at
dou(er)e [aaAx]
H: 4,115 but hit be be messing(er)e o-th-(er) his man . -th-at
wi-th- hym beri-th- lettris [aaAx]
H: 4,116 o-th-(er) p(re)stis o-th-(er) p(ro)uisours . -th-at
popis do-th- auau(n)ce [aaAx]
H: 4,117 & -gh-it quo-th- resou(n) by -th-e rode . I
shal no reu-th-e haue [aaAx]
H: 4,118 While mede ha-th- eny maistrie . to me ( .... )
alle [aaAx]
H: 4,119 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 4,120 for I say hit my self . & hit so were ( ....
) [aaAx]
H: 4,121 -Th-at I wer(e) a king crowned . to goue ( ....
) [aaAx]
H: 4,122 ne shulde neu(er) wrong . -th-at I wyte ( .... )
H: 4,123 be vnpunschid at my power(e) . for peryl ( ....
)oule [aaAx]
H: 4,124 ne gete my grace by -gh-eftis . so me god helpe
H: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue mercy . but meknesse it made [aaAa]}
H: 4,125 for loke what -th-ese wordis seyn -th-at write(n)
be-th- in latyn
H: 4,126 { Quia nullu(m) malu(m) inpunitu(m) nec vllu(m)
bonu(m) irremun(er)atu(m) } [aaAx]
H: 4,127 --- this line om ---
H: 4,128 Lete -th-yn clerkis sir(e) king . construe -th-is
in englisch [aaAx]
H: 4,129 & -gh-if -th-ou werchest -th-(er)aft(er) . y
lay bo-th-e myn eeris [aaAx]
H: 4,130 -Th-at lawe schal be a labour(e) . & lede afeld
dunge [aaAx]
H: 4,131 & loue shal lede -th-y lond . as -th-y self
like-th- [aaaAx]
H: 4,132 -th-o alle -th-e grete clerkis . couplid hem togedris
H: 4,133 for to construe -th-is clause . & wite what
it mened [aaAx]
H: 4,134 but whe(n) resou(n) among hem . rehersid -th-ese
wordis [aaAx]
H: 4,135 -Th-(er) nas man in -th-e court . more no-th-(er)
lasse [aaAx]
H: 4,136 -Th-at ne hulde resou(n) a maist(er) & mede
. a myche shrewe [xaaAx]
H: 4,137 Loue lete of hir(e) li-gh-tly . & lou-gh-h hir(e)
to scorn [aaAx]
H: 4,138 & seide hit so lowde . -th-at so-th-enesse hit
herde [aaAx]
H: 4,139 Whoso wilne-th- hir(e) to wyf . for wel-th-e of
hir(e) goodis [aaAx]
H: 4,140 but he be cokewold ykyd . kyt of myne eeris [aaAx]
H: 4,141 I warne -th-at wysdom . ne witty his fer(e) [aaAx]
H: 4,142 ne cou-th-e seie a word . to a-gh-en seie resoun
H: 4,143 but stareden & studede(n) . & stoden as
bestis [aaAx]
H: 4,144 -Th-e king acord . by c(ri)st to resons ku(n)nyng
H: 4,145 & rehersid -th-at resou(n) . hadde ri-gh-tfulliche
shewid [aaAx]
H: 4,146 but it is hard by my(n) heed . herto it bring [aaAx]
H: 4,147 -th-at eny lyuy(n)g men shulde lede hem -th-us eue(n)e
H: 4,148 by hym -th-at rest hym on -th-e roode . q(uo)-th-
resou(n) to -th-e king [aaAx]
H: 4,149 but I reule -th-us -th-y rewme . rend out my(n)
ribbes [aaAx]
H: 4,150 -gh-if hit be so -th-at buxu(m)nesse . be of myne
assent [aaAx]
H: 4,151 I assent . by seint marie my ladye [axAx]
H: 4,152 be my counsel ycome . of clerkis & of kni-gh-tis
H: 4,153 but redeliche resou(n) . -th-ou ridest not hennys
fol. 13r
H: 4,154 for into my de-th- day we nele not dep(ar)t [aaAx]
H: 4,155 I am redy quo-th- resou(n) . to reste wi-th- -th-ee
eu(er)e [aaAx]
H: 4,156 so -th-at conscience be of our(e) counseil . kepe
y no bett(er) [aaAx]
H: 4,157 I g(ra)unte wel q(uo)-th- -th-e king . god forbede
he feile [aaAbb]
H: 4,158 for as longe as we lyue . loue we togedris [aaAx]
Passus quint(us) de visione
H: 5,1 Th-e kyn ( .... ) ny-gh-tes . to churche -th-(er) -th-ei
wenten [aaAx]
H: 5,2 to he ( .... ) & masse . & to -th-e mete aft(ur)
H: 5,3 -th-en w ( .... ) winking . wo was me -th-(er)fore
H: 5,4 -Th-at y ne ha ( .... ) enger . & yseyn more [aaAx]
H: 5,5 Er y hadde far(e) a forlong . feyntise me hent [aaAx]
H: 5,6 -Th-at fer-th-(er) ne mi-gh-te y one fote . for defaute
of slepe [aaAx]
H: 5,7 I sate softly adou(n) . & seide my bileue [aaAx]
H: 5,8 & so I blaberid on my bedis . -th-at brou-gh-te
me aslepe [aaAx]
H: 5,9 -th-en y sawe myche more . -th-en y before schewid
H: 5,10 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 5,11 & how conscience wi-th- a cros . bygan for to
p(re)che [aaAx]
H: 5,12 & p(re)ied -th-e puple . haue pite on hem silue(n)
H: 5,13 & p(re)ued -th-at -th-e pestilence . was for
pur(e) synne [aaAx]
H: 5,14 & -th-e sou-th-west(er)ne wind . on a saturday
at eue(n) [abAb]
H: 5,15 Was ap(er)tliche for pride . & for no poynt ellis
H: 5,16 Peretrees & plomtrees . wer(e) possid to -th-e
g(ro)unde [aaAx]
H: 5,17 In ensample to me(n) . -th-at -th-ei shulde do -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
H: 5,18 bechis & brode okis . wer(e) blowe to -th-e er-th-e
H: 5,19 & t(ur)ned vpward her(e) tailes . in tokenyng
of drede [aaAx]
H: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne or dom(us)day . shuld fordo -th-e
world [aaAx]
H: 5,21 vpo(n) -th-is ilke mater(e) y . momelid ful long
H: 5,22 but y say as I sau-gh- . so me god help [aaAxx]
H: 5,23 how conscience wi-th- a cros . bygan for to p(re)che
H: 5,24 & bade wastours go werche . what -th-ei best
cou-th-e [aaAxx]
H: 5,25 & wynne -th-at -th-ei wasted . wi-th- so(m)me
man(er) craft [aaAxx]
H: 5,26 & p(re)ied p(er)nele . her(e) p(ur)file to leue
H: 5,27 & kepe hit in here whicche . lest rattis hit
eten [aaAx]
H: 5,28 thom(a)s he tau-gh-te . to take two staues [aaAx]
H: 5,29 & fecche home his wyf . fram wyue(n) pyne [aaAxx]
H: 5,30 he warned also watte . his wyf was to blame [aaAx]
H: 5,31 -Th-at her(e) heed was wor-th- a mark . & his
hood not wor-th- a grote [abAb]
H: 5,32 he chargid chapme(n) . to chaste her(e) children
H: 5,33 & lete hem wante none ey-gh-e . whiles -th-ei
ben -gh-ong [aaAx]
H: 5,34 He p(re)ied p(re)latis . & p(re)stis togedris
H: 5,35 -Th-at -th-ei shulde p(re)che -th-e puple . & p(re)ue
hit hym silue(n) [aaAx]
fol. 13v
H: 5,36 & lyue as -th-ei tau-gh-te hem . -th-ei wolde loue
hem -th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
H: 5,37 & si-th--th-e he radde religioun . her(e) rule
to holde [aaAx]
H: 5,38 lest -th-e kingis counsel her(e) . comyns apeired
H: 5,39 & wer(e) stiward in her(e) stude . til -th-ei
wer(e amendid [aaAx]
H: 5,40 & s -gh-e -th-at sechi-th- seint Iame . & seintis
at rome [aaAx]
H: 5,41 sechi-th- seint treu-th- . for he may saue -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
H: 5,42 & bringe -gh-ow to -th-at ilke blisse -th-at
( .... ) dnede
H: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) p(at)re & filio } . -th-at feir -gh-ow
( .... ) [xaAx]
H: 5,43 -th-en ran repentau(n)ce . & rehersid -th-ys
( .... ) [aaAx]
H: 5,44 & made william to wepe wat(ir) . wi-th- h ( ....
) [aaaAx]
H: 5,45 P(er)nel prout hert . plat hire to -th-e g(ro)unde
H: 5,46 & lay longe or heo loked . & lord m(er)cy
cride [aaaAx]
H: 5,47 & byhi-gh-te to hym . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
H: 5,48 Heo wolde vnsowen her(e) shert . & sette -th-(er)
an her(e) [aaAx]
H: 5,49 for to afaite(n) her(e) flesch . -th-at fresch was
to synne [aaAx]
H: 5,50 Shal neu(er) li-gh-t hert me hente quo-th- heo .
but holde me lowe [aaaAx]
H: 5,51 & suffr(e) to be mysseid . & so dide y neu(er)e
H: 5,52 Now wol y meke myself . & m(er)cy byseche [aaAx]
H: 5,53 of alle -th-at I haue hadde enuye . in myn herte
H: 5,54 -th-e lechours seide alas . & lord m(er)cy bad
H: 5,55 for his mysdedis . bytwene god & hym silue(n)
H: 5,56 Wi-th- -th-at he shulde -th-e satirday . seue(n)
-gh-er(e) -th-(er)eaft(ir) [aaAx]
H: 5,57 Drinke but wi-th- -th-e doke . & ete but onys
H: 5,58 enuye wi-th- hi-gh-e hert . asked aft(ur) shrift
H: 5,59 & carefulliche his gultis . bygynne-th- to shewe
H: 5,60 -th-e pelo(ur)r was pelled . in -th-e palesie he
semyd [aaAx]
H: 5,61 clo-th-id in cawrymawry . I cou-th-e hym not disc(ry)ue
H: 5,62 a kertel & a courtepie . a knyf by his side [aaAx]
H: 5,63 of a freris frok . wer(e) his two sleues [aaAx]
H: 5,64 like as he hadde leie . longe in -th-e sonne [aaAx]
H: 5,65 So loked he wi-th- his lene chekis . lowringe ful
lowe [aaAx]
H: 5,66 his body was bollid for wra-th--th-e . he bote bo-th-e
his lippes [aaxAx]
H: 5,67 wro-th-eliche he wrong his fuste . he -th-ou-gh-te
hym to wreke [aaAx]
H: 5,68 Wi-th- werkis or wi-th- wordis . when he sawe his
tyme [aaAxx]
H: 5,69 Veny(m) or v(er)degrese . or vynegr(e) y trowe [aaAx]
H: 5,70 walli-th- in my wombe . quo-th- he or waxe-th- y
wene [aaAa]
H: 5,71 I mi-gh-t not many a day do . as a man ou-gh-te [aaAx]
H: 5,72 siche winde in my wombe . waxe-th- or I dyne [aaAx]
fol. 14r
H: 5,73 I haue ne-gh-eboris many . y haue anoied hem oft [aaAx]
H: 5,76 & eke ybulled hem to -th-e lord to make hem lese silu(er)
H: 5,74 & blamed hem byhynde her(e) bak . to bringe hem
in defaut [aaaAx]
H: 5,75 To apeire(n) hem by my power(e) . y p(re)ued ful
oft [aaAx]
H: 5,77 I made here frendis be her(e) foon . wi-th- my false
tu(n)ge [aaAx]
H: 5,78 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 5,79 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 5,80 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 5,81 but whe(n) y met hym in -th-e market . -th-at y most
hatid [aaAx]
H: 5,82 I hailsed hym ( :::: ) as y his frend wer(e) [aaAxx]
H: 5,83 but he was ( :::: ) I ydurst . bede hym none harm
H: 5,84 -gh-if y had ha ( :::: ) my-gh-t . y hadde maymed
hym for eu(er)e [aaAx]
H: 5,85 when y com[e] ( :::: ) cche . to knele to -th-e rode
H: 5,86 to pray for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st p(re)chi-th-
H: 5,87 --- this line om ---
H: 5,88 -th-e(n) bidde I wi-th- my mou-th- . -th-at c(ri)st
-gh-eue hem sorwe [aaAx]
H: 5,89 -Th-at bare away my bolle . & my broken shete
H: 5,90 f(ro)m -th-e aut(er)e . y t(ur)ne me & byholde
heyne [aaAx]
H: 5,91 how he ha-th- a newe cote & his wyf ano-th-(er)
H: 5,92 -th-en wische y hit wer(e) myne . & alle his
wele aft(ur) [aaAx]
H: 5,93 of his lesing y lau-gh-he . it like-th- myn herte
H: 5,94 & for his wy(n)ny(n)g y wepe . & waile -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
H: 5,95 y deme me(n) -th-ei don yuel . & -gh-it y do
wors [aaAx]
H: 5,96 for y wolde -th-at alle wi-gh-tes in world . wer(e)
my knaues [aaAx]
H: 5,97 & whoso ha-th- more -th-e(n) y . it angri-th-
my(n) herte [aaAa]
H: 5,98 -Th-us y lyue loueles . like a le-th-(er) dogge [aaAx]
H: 5,99 -th-at al my brest bolli-th- . for bitt(er) of my
galle [aaAx]
H: 5,100 May no sug(re) ne swete -th-ing . dryue it fro myn
hert [aaAx]
H: 5,101 Ne no diapendiou(n) . aswage it vne-th- [aaAx]?
H: 5,102 -gh-if shrift shulde . aswage it wonder me -th-inke-th-
H: 5,103 -gh-is redely quo-th- repentaunce . & radde
hym to -th-e best [aaAx]
H: 5,104 Sorwe for her(e) synne-th- . saue-th- ful many [aaAx]
H: 5,105 I am sory quo-th- enuye . I nam but selde o-th-(er)
H: 5,106 & -th-at maki-th- me so mad . for y ne may me
venge(n) [aaAx]
H: 5,107 -th-en come couetise . y can hym not disc(ry)ue
H: 5,108 So hu(n)gry & holwe . sir(e) heruy hym loked
H: 5,109 He was bitelbrowid & babirlippid . wi-th- two
brode i-gh-en [aaAx]
H: 5,110 & as a leth(er)ne pors . lollid his chekis [axAx]
H: 5,111 In a brou(n) tabard . of xij wint(er) old [aaAx]
H: 5,112 But -gh-if a lous cou-th-e lepe . y may it not yleue
H: 5,113 how heo shulde walke on -th-at wede . it was so
-th-redbar(e) [aaAx]
H: 5,114 I haue be couetous, q(uo)-th- -th-at caitif . y
byknowe it her(e) [aaAx]
H: 5,115 for som tyme y s(er)ued . symou(n) at -th-e noke
H: 5,116 --- this line is omitted ---
fol. 14v
H: 5,117 furst y lerned to li-gh-e . a lessou(n) o-th-(er)
two [aaAx]
H: 5,118 & wickedly for to weye . c(er)tis was -th-e
-th-ridde [aaAxx]
H: 5,119 to wenchest(re) & to wellis . y went to -th-e
feires [aaAx]
H: 5,120 Wi-th- many man(er) m(er)chau(n)dise . as my maist(er)
me bad [aaAx]
H: 5,121 But nadde -th-e grace of gile . ygo among my ware
H: 5,122 hit hadde ofte by vnsold . so me god ( ::: ) [aaAxx]
H: 5,123 I drowe me among -th-ese drap(er)es . my ( ::::
) [aaAx]
H: 5,124 to drawe -th-e liste along . -th-e lenger(e) ( ::::
) [aaAx]
H: 5,125 Among -th-e riche raies . lerned I a lessou (:)
H: 5,126 brochid hem wi-th- a pacneld . & pleited he
( :::: ) ydris [aaAx]
H: 5,127 & putte hem in a p(re)sse . & peyned hem
-th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
H: 5,128 til ten -gh-erdis o-th-(er) xij . tolde xiij [aaAx]
H: 5,129 & my wyf at westmynstr(e) . -th-at wollen clo-th-
made [aaAx]
H: 5,130 spake to here spynsters . to spynne(n) it soft [aaAx]
H: 5,131 two pound -th-at heo peysed . weied a quart(er)
more [aaAx]
H: 5,132 -Th-en myn auncel dide . when y weyed treu-th-e
H: 5,133 I bou-gh-t hir(e) also barly . heo brewe it to selle
H: 5,134 Penyale & periwhit . heo powrid togederis [aaAx]
H: 5,135 forlaborers & lewid folk . -th-at lyue(n) by
hem silue(n) [aaAx]
H: 5,136 -Th-e beste in -th-e chambr(e) . lay by -th-e wowe
H: 5,137 whoso dronke -th-(er)eof . shulde bye it -th-(er)eaft(ir)
H: 5,138 A galou(n) for a grote . god wot no lasse [aaAx]
H: 5,139 Whan it come-th- in copmele . siche craft heo vsi-th-
H: 5,140 Rose -th-e regrato(ur)e . was hir(e) ri-gh-te name
H: 5,141 Heo ha-th- holde hoxstrie . al -th-is xxxti wynt(er)
H: 5,142 but now y swer(e) so-th-ely . -th-at synne wole
y leue [aaAx]
H: 5,143 & neu(er) wickedly forto weye . ne fals cheffar(e)
vse [aaAx]
H: 5,144 but wende to walsingh(a)m . & my wyf also [aaAx]
H: 5,145 & bidde -th-e rode of bromeholm . bringe me
out of dette [aaAx]
H: 5,146 Now bygynne-th- -th-e glotou(n) . for to go to shrift
H: 5,147 & wendi-th- hym to chircheward . his shrift
for to shewe [aaAx]
H: 5,148 bele -th-e brewst(er)e . -th-en bade hym good morwe
H: 5,149 & heo askid of hym . whe-th-(er) -th-at he wolde
H: 5,150 to holi churche quo-th- he . for to her(e) masse
H: 5,151 & si-th--th-e I wol be shryuen . & synne
no more [aaAx]
H: 5,152 I haue good ale gossib q(uo)-th- heo . wolt -th-(o)u
assay [aaAx]
H: 5,153 hast -th-ou ou-gh-t in -th-y pors q(uo)-th- he .
eny hote spices [aaAx]
fol. 15r
H: 5,154 -gh-he god wot q(uo)-th- heo . ful hote I haue [aaAx]
H: 5,155 pip(er) & pianye . & a pomgarnade [aaAx]
H: 5,156 a fer-th-ing wor-th- of fenel seed . for -th-ese
fasting daies [aaAx]
H: 5,157 -th-en go-th- -th-e glotou(n) yn . & grete o-th-is
aft(ur) [aaAx]
H: 5,158 Sy(m)me -th-e sout(er)e . sate on -th-e benche [aaAx]
H: 5,159 Watte -th-e waryner(e) . & his wyf aft(er) [aaAx]
H: 5,160 Tomlyn -th-e tyn(::::::) . & two of his knaues
H: 5,161 Hicke -th-e hake ( :::: )n . & hobbe -th-e nelder(e)
H: 5,162 Clarice of cok ( :::: ) -th-e clerk of -th-e werkis
H: 5,162 [B:V,312/C:VI,367] Sir(e) piers of pryde p(er)nel
of flaundris
H: 5,163 Dawe -th-e discher(e) . & a doseyn o-th-(er)e
H: 5,164 Robyn -th-e ratoner(e)? . a rakier(e) of chepe [aaAx]
H: 5,165 A rop(er)e & a redingking . & rose -th-e
ribber(e) [aaAx]
H: 5,165 [B:V,316/C:VI,373] Godefray of garleki-th-e & grussi-th-
-th-e walsche
H: 5,166 & vpholderis an hepe . erly by -th-e morwe [aaAx]
H: 5,167 -gh-eue -th-e glotou(n) wi-th- good wille . good
ale to drinke [aaAbb]
H: 5,168 -th-en clement -th-e cobeler(e) . cast of his cloke
H: 5,169 & at -th-e newe feir(e) . he leide it to sille
H: 5,170 Hicke -th-e osteler(e) . cast his hood aft(ur) [aaAa]
H: 5,171 & bade bette -th-e boucher(e) . be on his side
H: 5,172 -Th-(er)e wer(e) chapme(n) chosen . -th-e cheffar(e)
to preise [aaAx]
H: 5,173 Whoso hadde -th-e hood shulde haue . amendis [aaXx]?
H: 5,174 -Th-ei risen vp rapely . & rowned togederis
H: 5,175 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 5,176 -Th-(er)e wer(e) o-th-is an hepe . ou(er) -th-e
war(e) [aaAa]
H: 5,177 -Th-ei cou-th-e not by conscience . acorde togederis
H: 5,178 til Roberd -th-e Ropier(e) . was radde to arise
H: 5,179 -th-ei named hym a nou(m)per(e) . -th-at no debate
wer(e) [aaAa]
H: 5,179 for he shulde p(ri)se -th-e penywor-th-es as hym
good -th-ou-gh-t
H: 5,180 -th-en hicke -th-e osteler(e) hadde -th-e cloke [aaAx]
H: 5,181 In couenau(n)t -th-at clement . shulde -th-e coppe
fille [aaAx]
H: 5,182 & klement hadde hickis hood . & held hym
wel apaied [aaaAx]
H: 5,183 whoso repentid hym ra-th-est . shulde arise aft(ur)
H: 5,184 & grete sire glotou(n) . wi-th- a galou(n) ale
H: 5,185 -Th-(er) was myche lau-gh-hing . & lete go -th-e
coppe [aaAx]
H: 5,186 bargayns & beu(er)ages . bygonne -th-o to rise
H: 5,187 & sete(n) so til mydny-gh-t . & songe(n)
somwhile [aaAx]
H: 5,188 til -th-e glotou(n) hadde ygloppid . a galou(n) & a
gille [aaAa]
H: 5,189 He pissed a potel . in a pat(er)nost(er) while [aaAx]
H: 5,190 & blewe -th-e rounde rewet . at -th-e riggebonys
ende [aaAx]
fol. 15v
H: 5,191 -th-at alle -th-at herden -th-at horn . held her(e)
nose aft(ur) [aaAa]
H: 5,192 & wy-gh-schid it hadde be waxed . wi-th- a wips
of ferse [aaAx]
H: 5,193 He hadde no streng-th-e to stonde . til he his staf
had [aaAx]
H: 5,194 -th-en bygan he to go . as a glemans bicche [aaAx]
H: 5,195 so(m)me tyme auau(n)t . & som tyme arer(e) [aaAx]
H: 5,196 As whoso lei-th- a lyne . to cacche wi-th- briddis
H: 5,197 when he drow to -th-e dore . -th-en dy(m)med hym
( ::: ) [aaAx]
H: 5,198 He stu(m)blid to -th-e -th-reschfold . & fel
to -th-e (::::) [aaAx]
H: 5,199 wi-th- alle -th-e wo of -th-e world . hys wyf & h
(::::) [aaAa]
H: 5,200 beryn hym home to his bed . & brou-gh-t (::::)
yn [aaAx]
H: 5,201 aft(ur) alle -th-is surfet . an axesse he hadde
H: 5,202 -Th-at he slept satirday & sonday . til sou(n)ne
went to rest [aaaAx]
H: 5,203 -th-en waked he of his wynking . & wyped his
y-gh-e(n) [aaAx]
H: 5,204 -Th-e furst word was -th-at he spake . wher(e) is
-th-e coppe [aaAx]
H: 5,205 His wyf blamy hym -th-an . of wickednesse of synne
H: 5,206 -th-en was -th-e shrewe ashamed . & robbed his
eren [aaAx]
H: 5,207 & bygan to be sory . & grete deol to make
H: 5,208 for -th-e wickid lyf . -th-at he lyud hadde [aaAx]
H: 5,209 -th-o to fast he made a now . for hu(n)g(ir) or
for -th-urst [aaAxx]
H: 5,210 Shal neu(er) fysch on friday . q(uo)-th- he defien
in my mawe [aaAx]
H: 5,211 or into tyme -th-at abstinence . haue y-gh-eue me
leeue [aaAxx]
H: 5,212 & -gh-it y haue hir(e) hatid . al my lyf tyme
H: 5,213 -th-o sleu-th-e for sorwe . fel dou(n) a swowe [aaXa]
H: 5,214 til he woke & wept wat(ir) wi-th- his i-gh-en
H: 5,214 & vigilate -th-e waker(e) warned hym -th-o [aaAx]
H: 5,215 heo flat on his face . & flast on him c(ri)de
H: 5,216 & seide -th-at wanhope . wolde hym bytray [aaAx]
H: 5,217 I am sory for my synnes . say to -th-y silue(n)
H: 5,218 & bete -th-y self on -th-y brest . & bidde
god of grace [aaAx]
H: 5,219 -th-(er) nys no gilt so gret . -th-at m(er)cy nys
wel more [aaAx]
H: 5,220 -Th-en sate sleu-th-e vp . & seide to hym siluen
H: 5,221 & made avowe to god . for his wicked sleu-th-e
H: 5,222 Shal no sonday -th-is seuen -gh-er(e) . but sikenes
it make [aaAx]
H: 5,223 -Th-at I ne shal eu(er)y day rise erly to churche
H: 5,224 & her(e) masse & maty(n)s . a monk as I
wer(e) [aaAx]
H: 5,225 Shal no riot aft(ur) mete . holde me -th-annes [aaAx]
H: 5,226 tyl y haue euesong herd . y swer(e) by -th-e rode
H: 5,227 & -gh-it y wold -gh-elde a-gh-e(n) . -gh-if
y so myche haue [aaAxx]
H: 5,228 Al -th-at y wickedly wan . si-th--th-e y wit hadde
H: 5,229 & -th-ou-gh- my lyuelode lacken . letten y nelle
fol. 16r
H: 5,230 -th-at eu(er)y man shal haue his . er(e) y hennys
wende [aaAx]
H: 5,231 & wi-th- -th-e residewe & -th-e remenau(n)t
. by -th-e rode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
H: 5,232 y shal seche seint treu-th-e . or y se rome [axAx]
H: 5,233 roberd -th-e robber(e) . rufulliche loked [aaAx]
H: 5,234 for -th-at he was wicked . he wepte swi-th-e sore
H: 5,235 but -th-e synful shrewe . seide to hym silue [aaAa]
H: 5,236 Crist -th-at on caluarie . vpo(n) -th-e cros deide
H: 5,237 -th-o dismas my bro-th-(er) bysou-gh-te -th-ee of
grace [????]
H: 5,238 as -th-ou haddest m(er)cy on -th-at man . for meme(n)to
is sake [aaAx]
H: 5,239 -th-y wille wor-th- vpo(n) me . for I haue wel deserued
H: 5,240 to haue helle for eu(er) . -gh-if -th-at hope ner(e)
H: 5,241 so rewe on me roberd . -th-at no reed ne haue [aaAx]
H: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wene to wynne . for craft -th-at I knowe
H: 5,243 but for -th-y mytygaciou(n) m(er)cy y byseche [aaAx]
H: 5,244 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 5,245 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 5,246 Wel y wote -th-at he wept wat(ir) . wi-th- his i-gh-e(n)
H: 5,247 & knowlechid his gult . -th-(er)to eftsones
H: 5,248 -Th-at penaunce his piked staf . shulde be polischid
al new [aaAx]
H: 5,249 & go wi-th- hym ou(er) lond . alle his lyf tyme
H: 5,250 for he hadde leyn by latro . luciferis aunte [aaAx]
H: 5,251 -th-o a -th-ousand me(n) . -th-ronge(n) togedris
H: 5,252 Weping & wringing . for her(e) mysdedis [aaAx]
H: 5,253 c(ri)yng vpward to c(ri)st . & to his clene
moder(e) [aaAx]
H: 5,254 to haue grace to seche treu-th-e . god leue -th-ei
so mote [aaAx]
Passus sextus de visione
H: 6,1 Now riden -th-is folk & walken on fote
H: 6,1 to seche -th-at seint in selcou-th-e londis
H: 6,1 But -th-(er) wer(e) fewe me(n) so wise . -th-at -th-e
wey cou-th-e(n) [aaAx]
H: 6,2 but bolstride as blynde bestis . ou(er) valeys & hulllis
H: 6,2 for while -th-ei wente here owe(n) wille -th-ei wente
H: 6,3 til hit was late & longe . -th-at -th-ei a ma(n)
mette(n) [aaAx]
H: 6,4 Aparaild as a palm(er)e . in pilg(ri)mes wise [aaAx]
H: 6,5 He bar(e) a burdou(n) in his hond bounde . wi-th-
a lyste [aaAx]
H: 6,6 In a wodebyndes wise . wri-th-en aboute [aaAx]
H: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar(e) by his side [aaAx]
H: 6,8 An C of ampoles . on his hatt seten [aaAx]
H: 6,9 Signes of synay . & shilles of galis [aaAx]
H: 6,10 & many crosses on his cloke . & keies of
rome [aaAx]
H: 6,11 & -th-e v(er)nicle tofore . for men shulde yknowe
fol. 16v
H: 6,12 & se by his signes . whom he sou-gh-t hadde [aaAx]
H: 6,13 -Th-is folk freyned hym feire . fro when -th-at he
come [aaaAxx]
H: 6,14 fram synay he seide . & from -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
H: 6,15 At bedlem & at babilon . haue y ben also [aaAa]
H: 6,16 In ermonye in Elisau(n)dre . & in many o-th-(er)
places [aaAx]
H: 6,17 -Gh-e may se by my signes . -th-at sitte(n) on my(n)
hatt [aaAx]
H: 6,18 -Th-at I haue walked ful wide . in wete & in
drie [aaaAx]
H: 6,19 & sou-gh-t goode seint(es) . for my soule hele
H: 6,20 Knowist -th-ou a seint quo-th- -th-ei . -th-at me(n)
calle(n) treu-th-e [aaAx]
H: 6,21 Canst -th-ou teche vs -th-e way . wher(e) -th-at
he walke-th- [aaAx]
H: 6,22 Nay so god me helpe . seide -th-e pilgrym -th-en
H: 6,23 I sau-gh- neu(er) palm(er) wi-th- scrip ne wi-th-
pyk [aaXx]?
H: 6,24 Aske aft(ur) seint treu-th-e . but now in -th-is
place [aaAxx]
H: 6,25 Pet(ir) q(uo)-th- a plowman . & putt for-th-
his heed [aaAx]
H: 6,26 I knowe hym as kyndely . as clerk do-th- his bokis
H: 6,27 kynde conscience tau-gh-t me ri-gh-t to his place
H: 6,28 & dide me assure to s(er)ue hym for eu(er) [aaAx]
H: 6,29 Bo-th-e to sowe & to sette . while y swinke mi-gh-t
H: 6,30 I haue ben his holder(e) . -th-is fiftene wynt(er)s
H: 6,31 Bo-th-e ysowen his seed . & folewid his bestis
H: 6,32 & Ikept his corn . & caried it to house [aaAx]
H: 6,33 I haue dichid & doluen . & do what he bad
H: 6,34 Wi-th-ynne & wi-th-oute . y waited his p(ro)fyt
H: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laboure in lordschip . -th-at he loue-th-
more [aaAx]
H: 6,36 for -th-ou-gh- I say hit my self . y s(er)ue hym
to pay [aaAx]
H: 6,37 I haue myn huyr(e) of hym . & o-th-(er)while
more [aaAx]
H: 6,38 He is -th-e rediest paier(e) . -th-at pore me(n)
knowi-th- [aaAx]
H: 6,39 He wi-th-holdi-th- no mannys huyr(e) . he paie-th-
hem at eue(n) [aaAx]
H: 6,40 he is as lowe as a lombe . louely of speche [aaAx]
H: 6,41 -Gh-if -th-at -gh-e wol wite . where -th-at he dwelli-th-
H: 6,42 I shal teche -gh-ou ful . ri-gh-t home to his house
H: 6,43 -gh-e loue peris q(uo)-th- -th-e pilg(ri)mes . & p(ro)frid
hym huyr(e) [aaAx]
H: 6,44 by -th-e perel of my soule . quo-th- he & fast
he dide swer(e) [axAx]
H: 6,45 I nolde take a fer-th-ing . for seint thomas shryne
H: 6,46 treu-th-e wolde loue me -th-e wors . a gret while
hereaft(er) [abBa]
H: 6,47 But -gh-e -th-at wole to hym wende . -th-is is -th-e
wey -th-ider [aaAx]
H: 6,48 -Gh-e most go -th-ur-gh- mekenys . bo-th-e man & wyf
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H: 7,1 --- this line is omitted ---
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fol. 17r
H: 7,3 Q(ua)-th- p(er)kyn -th-e plowman . by seint pet(er)
-th-e apostel [aaAa]
H: 7,4 I haue an half acr(e) to ere . by side -th-e hy-gh-e
weie [aaAx]
H: 7,5 hadde y erid -th-at -th-e(n) wolde y wi-th- -gh-ou
wende [aaAx]?
H: 7,6 & teche -gh-ow -th-e ri-gh-te wey til -gh-e come
-th-er(e) [aaAx]
H: 7,7 -th-at were a long letting . quo-th- a lady wi-th-
a sleyr(e) [aaAx]
H: 7,8 What shul we wy(m)men . werche -th-e while [aaAx]
H: 7,9 so(m)me shul sowe sackis . for sheding of -th-e whete
H: 7,10 & -gh-e wyfes -th-at haue-th- wolle . worchi-th-
hit fast [aaAx]
H: 7,11 Spynne-th- hit spedly . spari-th- not -gh-our(e)
fyngris [aaAx]
H: 7,12 but yf it by holi day . or ellis holy eue [xaAa]
H: 7,13 loke-th- for-th- -gh-our(e) lynne(n) . & labore-th-
-th-(er)on fast [aaAx]
H: 7,14 -Th-e naked & -th-e nedy . taki-th- kepe how
-th-ei ligge [aaAx]
H: 7,15 cast hem clo-th-is for colde . for so wole treu-th-e
H: 7,16 for I shal fynde hem lyuelode . but yf -th-e lond
faile [aaAx]
H: 7,17 As longe as y lyue . for oure lordis loue of heue(n)
H: 7,18 & -gh-e loueliche ladies . wi-th- -gh-our(e)
longe fyngris [aaAx]
H: 7,19 -Th-at haue(n) selk & sendel . sowi-th- when
tyme is [aaAx]
H: 7,20 chesiples for churchis . & chapels to honour(e)
H: 7,21 & alle man(er)e me(n) . -th-at by -th-e mete
lyue(n) [aaAx]
H: 7,22 helpe-th- hem for-th- wi-gh-tely . -th-at wynne-th-
-gh-our(e) foode [aaAx]
H: 7,23 by crist quo-th- a kni-gh-t -th-o . -th-ou kennest
vs -th-e best [aaAx]
H: 7,24 but o tyme treuly . so tau-gh-t was y neu(er)e [aaAx]
H: 7,25 I wol helpe -th-ee to labore whil my lyf lasti-th-
H: 7,26 By seint pet(er) quo-th- p(er)kyn . for -th-ou p(ro)frest
-th-ee so lowe [aaAx]
H: 7,27 I shal swinke & swete . & sowe for vs bo-th-e
H: 7,28 & eke labore for -th-y loue . al my lyf tyme
H: 7,29 In couenau(n)t -th-at -th-ou kepe . holichurche & mysilue
H: 7,30 fram wastours & wicked me(n) . -th-at wolde vs
destroi-gh-e [aaAx]
H: 7,31 & go hu(n)te hardely . to haris & to foxes
H: 7,32 to beris to bockis . -th-at breki-th- me(n)nys heggis
H: 7,33 & fecche -th-ee home faucou(n)s . -th-e fowlis
to kille [aaAx]
H: 7,34 for -th-ei come(n) to my croft . & crepen in
my whete [aaAx]
H: 7,35 corteisly -th-e kni-gh-t . coursed -th-ese wordis
H: 7,36 by my power(e) peris . y pli-gh-t -th-ee my treu-th-e
H: 7,37 to folewe -th-is foreward . while my lyf may stonde
H: 7,38 -gh-e -gh-it a poynt q(uo)-th- p(er)kyn . y p(re)ie
-th-ee sir(e) more [aaAx]
H: 7,39 Loke -th-ou tene no tenau(n)t . but treu-th-e wole
assent [aaAx]
H: 7,40 & -gh-if pore men p(re)senti-th- -th-ee wi-th-
-gh-iftis [aaAx]
fol. 17v
H: 7,41 take hem not . in auent(ur)e -th-ou maist hem not deserue
H: 7,42 for -th-ou shalt -gh-elde it a-gh-en . at one -gh-eris
ende [aaAx]
H: 7,43 In a wel p(er)ilous place . -th-at p(ur)gatorie hatte
H: 7,44 & mysbede not -th-y bondeme(n) . -th-e bett(er)
-th-ou mi-gh-t spede [aaAx]
H: 7,45 & be trewe of -th-y tunge . talis -th-ou hate
H: 7,46 but hit be wysdom & witt . wicked me(n) to chast
H: 7,47 hold not wi-th- harlotis . hur(e) not her(e) tales
H: 7,48 & nameliche at -th-e mete . siche me(n) e-th-chewe
H: 7,49 for it be-th- -th-e deuels disours . y do -th-ee
to vndirstonde [aaAx]
H: 7,50 I assent by seint Iame . seide -th-e kni-gh-t -th-en
H: 7,51 for to werche by -th-y wordis . whil my lyf duri-th-
H: 7,52 & y shal ap(ar)ail me q(uo)-th- p(er)kyn . in
a palm(er)ys wise [aaAx]
H: 7,53 & wende wi-th- -th-ee on -th-e way . til we fynde
treu-th-e [aaAxx]
H: 7,54 He cast on his cloutid clo-th-is . & his olde
cokeris [aaAx]
H: 7,55 & his coffis also . for colde of his nailes [aaAx]
H: 7,56 he heng his hop(er) on his rugge . in stede of a
sc(ri)p [aaaBb]
H: 7,57 a boyschel of bred corn . he brou-gh-te -th-(er)
yn [aaAx]
H: 7,58 for y wol sowe it my self quo-th- he . & si-th--th-e
wol y wende [aaAx]
H: 7,59 & whoso helpi-th- me to erie . or eny -th-ing
to swink [aaAx]
H: 7,60 he shal haue by our(e) lord -th-e more hur(e) in
heruest [????}?
H: 7,61 & make hym mery wi-th- -th-e corn . whoso hit
bygrucchi-th- [aaxXx]
H: 7,62 & alle man(er)e craftis me(n) . -th-at ku(n)ne
lyue in treu-th-e [aaAxx]
H: 7,63 I shal fynde hem foode . fei-th-fully to lyue(n)
H: 7,64 Saue Iacke -th-e iogeler(e) . & Ienot of -th-e
styves [aaAx]
H: 7,65 & Roberd -th-e ribauder(e) . for his rousty wordis
H: 7,66 Treu-th-e tolde me onys . & bade me teche it
fer-th-(er) [aaAx]
H: 7,68 holi churche is holde of hem . no ti-th-e to aske [aaXa]
H: 7,69 -Th-ei be-th- ascaped good thrift . god hem amende
H: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) et cu(m) iustis non sc(ri)bant(ur) } [axAx]
H: 7,68a --- this line om ---
H: 7,70 Dame werche when time . is peris wyf hatte [axAx]
H: 7,71 His dou-gh-t(er) hat do ri-gh-t so . or -th-y dame
wol -th-ee bete [aaAx]
H: 7,72 His sone hat suffre . -th-y sou(er)eyns for to haue
her(e) wille [aaAx]
H: 7,73 & deme hem not for -gh-if -th-ou doist . -th-ou
shalt it dere abigge [aaAx]
H: 7,74 let god wor-th-e wi-th-al . for so his word techi-th-
H: 7,75 for now I am old . & y now haue of myn owen [aaAa]
H: 7,76 to penaunce & pilg(ri)mage . y wol passe wi-th-
-th-ese o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
H: 7,77 ffor-th-y y wol or y wende . write my testament [aaAx]
H: 7,78 { In dei no(mine) } In -th-e name of god . y make
it my siluen [aaAx]
H: 7,79 He shal haue my soule -th-at best ha-th- deserued
H: 7,80 & defende it fram -th-e fend . for so y bileue
H: 7,81 til y come to his acountis . as my crede techi-th-
fol. 18r
H: 7,82 to haue a relese & a remissiou(n) . of -th-at rental
for eu(er) [aaAx]
H: 7,83 -Th-e churche shal haue my careyn . & kepe -th-(er)
my bonys [aaAx]
H: 7,84 for of my catel & my corn . he craue-th- -th-e
ti-th-e [aaAx]
H: 7,85 I haue paied hym p(re)stly . for perel of my soule
H: 7,86 he is holden y hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
H: 7,87 & mynwe me in his memorie . among alle c(ri)sten
H: 7,88 My wyf shal haue -th-at I wan . wi-th- treu-th-e & nomore
H: 7,89 & dele among my children & my frendis bo-th-e
H: 7,90 for -th-ou-gh- y deied today . my dettis be-th- quyt
H: 7,91 I bar(e) home -th-at I borwed . or I went to bedde
H: 7,92 & wi-th- -th-e residewe & -th-e remelau(n)t
. by -th-e roode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
H: 7,93 I wol worschipe -th-(er)wi-th- . treu-th-e in my
lyue [aaXx]
H: 7,94 & be his pylgrym at -th-e plow . for pore me(n)
sake [aaAx]
H: 7,95 my plow bat shal be my pilg(ri)mstaf . & posse
at -th-e rootis [aaAx]
H: 7,96 & help my coltur to kerue . & close -th-e
forwis [aaAx]
H: 7,97 Now is peris -th-e pilgryme . to -th-e plow faren
H: 7,98 to heren his half acr(e) . helpen hym many [aaAx]
H: 7,99 Dichers & delueris . di-gh-ten vp -th-e bankis
H: 7,100 -Th-(er)wi-th- was p(er)kyn apayn . & p(re)ised
hem ful -gh-erne [aaAx]
H: 7,101 O-th-(er) werkmen -th-(er) weren . -th-at wrou-gh-ten
ful fast [aaAx]
H: 7,102 Eche man in his man(er)e . made hym to done [aaAx]
H: 7,103 & so(m)me to plese p(er)kyn . piked vp -th-e
wedis [aaAx]
H: 7,104 An hast -th-en p(er)kyn . let -th-e plow-gh- stonde
H: 7,105 to ou(er)se hymself . who -th-at best wrou-gh-t
H: 7,106 -th-ei shulde be hurid -th-(er)aft(ir) . when heruest
tyme come [aaAx]
H: 7,107 -th-en seten so(m)me . & songe(n) at -th-e nale
H: 7,108 & holpe(n) hym to erie . wi-th- hay trolly lolly
H: 7,109 Now by -th-e prince of p(ar)adise . q(uo)-th- peris
-th-o in wra-th- [aaAx]
H: 7,110 but -gh-e rise vp -th-e ra-th-(er) . & rape
-gh-ow to werche [aaAx]
H: 7,111 Shal no greyn -th-at growi-th- . glade -gh-ow at
nede [aaAx]
H: 7,112 & -th-ou-gh- -gh-e deie for -th-e defaut . -th-e
deuel haue -th-at recche [aaAx]
H: 7,113 -th-en wer(e) -th-(er) faitours fele . -th-at feyned
hem blynde [aaAx]
H: 7,114 & so(m)me leide -th-e leggis alery . as suche
losels ku(n)ne [aaaAx]
H: 7,115 & pleyned hem to peris . wi-th- siche pitous
wordis [aaAx]
H: 7,116 We haue no lymes to labore wi-th- . our(e) lord
we hit -th-onken [aaAx]
H: 7,117 but we p(re)ie for -th-ee peris . & for -th-y
plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
H: 7,118 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 7,119 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 7,120 for we may no-th-(er) swinke ne swete . siche sikenes
vs eyle-th- [aaAx]
H: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so-th- q(uo)-th- peris . soone I shal
aspie [axAa]
fol. 18v
H: 7,122 -Gh-e be-th- wastours I wot . & treu-th-e woot
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
H: 7,123 I am his holde hyne . & au-gh-t hym to warne
H: 7,124 Suche wastours in -th-e world . his werkmen destroi-gh-e(n)
H: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ei shulde ete . -th-at erie(n)
for -gh-ow alle [aaAa]
H: 7,126 But treu-th-e shal teche -gh-ow . his teme for to
dryue [aaAx]
H: 7,127 Bo-th-e to sette & to sowe . & saue(n) his
tel-th- [aaAx]
H: 7,128 gast crowen fro -th-e corn . & kepe(n) his bestis
H: 7,129 o-th-(er) -gh-e shull ete barly breed . & of
-th-e broke drink [aaAx]
H: 7,130 but -gh-e be blynde or bedrede or ellis brokeshankid
H: 7,131 -th-en shulle -gh-e haue as good as I so me god
help [????]
H: 7,132 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 7,133 Anc(er)s & heremytes . -th-at holde-th- hem
in her(e) cellis [aaAx]
H: 7,134 Shul haue of myne almes . while -th-at y lyue [aaAx]
H: 7,135 Inowe eche day at noon . & no more til -th-e
morwe [aaAbb]
H: 7,136 lest -th-e fend & her(e) flesch . folewen her(e)
soulis [aaAx]
H: 7,137 onys at noon is ynow . -th-at no werk ne vsi-th-
H: 7,138 he abide-th- wel -th-e bett(er) . -th-at ne bo(m)me-th-
not to oft [aaAx]
H: 7,139 -th-an bygan wasto(ur) to rise . & wold haue
yfou-gh-te [axAx]
H: 7,140 To peris -th-e plowman . one p(ro)frid his gloue
H: 7,141 a britoner(e) a bragger(e) . a bostid hym also [aaAx]
H: 7,142 & bade hym go pisse hym & his plow . olde
pilede shrewe [aaAx]
H: 7,143 wolt(o)u nelt(o)u . we wole haue ynow of -th-y flour(e)
H: 7,144 & of -th-y flesch . & -th-y fysch when -th-at
vs like-th- [aaAx]
H: 7,145 & make vs mery -th-(er)wi-th- . mawgr(e) -th-y
chekis [aaAx]
H: 7,146 -th-en peris -th-e plowman . pleyned hym to -th-e
kni-gh-t [aaAx]
H: 7,147 to kepe hym as couenau(n)t . was fro -th-e corsed
shrewis [aaAx]
H: 7,148 fram wastours -th-at waite(n) . wy(n)ners to shende
H: 7,149 Cortesly -th-o -th-e kny-gh-t . as his kynde wolde
H: 7,150 Warned wastours . & bade hem go werche [aaAx]
H: 7,151 or -th-ei shulde abigge by -th-e lawe by -th-e ordre
-th-at he ber(e) [????]
H: 7,152 I was not woned to werche q(uo)-th- wastour . -gh-it
wole y not bygy(n)ne [aaaAx]
H: 7,153 & lete li-gh-t of -th-e lawe . & lasse of
-th-e kni-gh-t [aaAx]
H: 7,154 & acou(n)tid peris at a pese . & his plow
bo-th-e [aaAx]
H: 7,155 & manasid hym & his me(n) . when -th-ey
next mette(n) [aaXa]
H: 7,156 Now by -th-e perel of my soule quo-th- peris . y
shal apeir(e) -gh-ou alle [axaAx]
H: 7,157 & hu(n)tid aft(ur) hu(n)g(ir) . -th-at herde
hym at -th-e furst [aaAx]
H: 7,158 wreke me on wastours q(uo)-th- peris . -th-at -th-is
world shenden [aaxAx]
H: 7,159 Hong(ir) in hast hent wastour by -th-e mawe [aaAx]
H: 7,160 & wrong hym so by -th-e wombe . -th-at bo-th-e
his i-gh-e(n) wat(ri)d [aaAx]
fol. 19r
H: 7,161 & boffetid -th-e breton(er)e . aboute bo-th-e
his chekis [aaAx]
H: 7,162 -Th-at he loked like a lant(er)ne . al his lyf aft(ur)
H: 7,163 He bete hem so bo-th-e . he barst ny-gh-e her(e)
mawis [aaAx]
H: 7,164 Ne hadde peris with a pese lof . ypreied hem to
lyue [aaAx]
H: 7,165 & wi-th- a bene(n) batti . -gh-ede hem bytwene
H: 7,166 & hitte hong(er) -th-(er)wi-th- . amydde bo-th-e
his lippes [aaAx]
H: 7,167 & made hym blede inward . a bolle ful of gruel
H: 7,168 Nadde -th-e ficisian furst . defendid him wat(ir)
H: 7,169 to abate -th-e ba[r]ly bred . & -th-e benys
g(ro)unde(n) [aaaAx]
H: 7,170 -Th-ei hadde be d ( :::: ) by -th-is day . & ydolfe
al warm [aaAx]
H: 7,171 faitours for ferde . (:::) -th-en flowe into bernes
H: 7,172 & flappid on wi-th- flailes . fram morn to euen
H: 7,173 -Th-(a)t hu(n)g(er) nas not so hardy . on hem for
to loke [aaAx]
H: 7,174 for a potel of pesen . -th-at peris let make [aaAx]
H: 7,175 & an hepe of heremytes . hente(n) here spades
H: 7,176 & dolue(n) drit & donge . to ditte out hong(er)
H: 7,177 Blinde & bedraden . wer(e) botned a -th-ousand
H: 7,178 -Th-at leien for blinde & for broke leggid
H: 7,178 vpo(n) soft sonedaies by -th-e hi-gh-e weie [xaAx]
H: 7,179 Hong(ir) hem heelid . wi-th- an oten cake [aaAx]
H: 7,180 & lame me(n)nys lymes . wer(e) li-th-ed -th-at
tyme [aaAx]
H: 7,181 & bycome(n) knaues . to kepe peris bestis [aaAx]
H: 7,182 & preide for charite . wi-th- peris for to dwelle
H: 7,183 Al for couetise of his corn . to caste away hong(ir)
H: 7,184 & peris was prout -th-(er)fore . & put hem
in offys [aaAx]
H: 7,185 & -gh-af hem mete & money . as -th-ei mi-gh-t
deserue [aaAx]
H: 7,186 -th-en hadde peris pite . & preide hong(ir)
to wende [aaAx]
H: 7,187 into his owne er-th-e . & holde hym -th-(er)
for eu(er)e [aaaAa]
H: 7,188 But y p(re)ie -th-ee quo-th- peris . or -th-ou passe
for-th-(er) [aaAx]
H: 7,189 of bedrede(n) & beggeris . what is best to done
H: 7,190 I woot be(n) -th-ou went . -th-ei wol worche ful
ille [aaaAx]
H: 7,191 -th-y self maki-th- it iwis . -th-ei ben so meke
now-th-e [aaAx]
H: 7,192 & for defaute of fode . -th-us faste -th-ei
werchen [aaAx]
H: 7,193 -th-ei be-th- myne bre-th-(er)en of one blood .
for god made vs [aaAx]
H: 7,194 treu-th-e tau-gh-te me onys . to loue hem echone
H: 7,195 & help hem of alle -th-ing . aft(er) -th-at
hem nedi-th- [aaAx]
H: 7,196 now wolde I wite -gh-if -th-ou wistist . what wer(e)
-th-e best [aaaAx]
H: 7,197 how y my-gh-t a maistren hem . & make hem to
werche [aaAx]
H: 7,198 her(e) now quo-th- hong(ir) . & holde it for
a wysdom [aaAx]
fol. 19v
H: 7,199 bolde bidders & beggers . -th-at mowe here mete
byswink [aaaAx]
H: 7,200 Wi-th- houndis breed & hors breed . holde -th-ow
her(e) mawes [aaAa]
H: 7,201 abaue hem wi-th- bonys . for bolnyng of her(e) wombes
H: 7,202 -gh-if eny gromes grucche . bidde hem go swink [aaAx]
H: 7,203 & -th-ei shul sowpe -th-e swett(er) . when -th-ei
haue deserued [aaXa]
H: 7,204 & -gh-if -th-ou fynde eny freek . -th-at fortune
ha-th- apeired [aaAx]
H: 7,205 Wi-th- fur(e) o-th-(er) wi-th- fals me(n) . fonde
siche forto knowe [aaAx]
H: 7,206 Confort hem wi-th- -th-y catel . for cristis loue
of heue(n) [aaAx]
H: 7,207 Loue hem & leue hem . for so lawe of ( ::::
)ynde wole [aaAx]
H: 7,208 & alle man(er) me(n) . -th-at -th-(o)u mi-gh-t
aspie [aaAx]
H: 7,209 -Th-at ben nedy & naked . & naue not to
spende [aaAx]
H: 7,210 Wi-th- mete o-th-(er) wi-th- money . lete hem fare
-th-e bett(er) aaAx|
H: 7,211 o-th-(er) wi-th- werk o-th-(er) wi-th- wordis .
whils -th-ou art here [aaAx]
H: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos de ma(m)mona iniquitatis } [Latin]
H: 7,212 Make -th-ee frendis -th-erwi-th- . for so sei-th- -th-e gospel [aaAx])
H: 7,213 I wold not wra-th--th-e god quo-th- peris . for al
-th-e good on er-th-e [aaxAx]
H: 7,214 My-gh-t y do synles as -th-ou seist . seide peris
-th-en [aaXx]
H: 7,215 -Gh-e y byhote -th-ee quo-th- hong(ir) . or ellis
-th-e book lie-th- [aaAxx]
H: 7,217 In sweting & swinking . -th-ou shalt -th-y mete
tilie [aaAx]
H: 7,218 & labore for -th-y lyuelode . for so our(e)
lord biddi-th- [aaAx]
H: 7,216 so sei-th- genosis -th-e gent . gendrer of vs alle [aaAx]
H: 7,219 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus arar(e) noluit } [aaBbx]
H: 7,221 -th-(er)fore he shal bigge & begge . & no
man bete his hong(ir) [aaAx]
H: 7,222 Mathew -th-e ma(n)n(us) face . mow-th-ed -th-ese
wordis [aaAx]
H: 7,223 { Serue neq(ua)m sciebas quia &c }
H: 7,223 -th-e wicked s(er)uau(n)t made a couenau(n)t . & for he nolde it vse [aaAx]
H: 7,224 He hadde mawgre of his maist(er) . eu(er) more -th-(er)aft(ir) [aaAx]
H: 7,224 { Auserte ab illo mnam & c(er)ate illi }
H: 7,225 & byraft hym his besau(n)t . for he nolde not
werche(n) [aaAx]
H: 7,226 & -gh-af it hym in hast . -th-at hadde ten before
H: 7,227 & si-th--th-e he seide . hym to -th-at his s(er)uau(n)t
it herde(n) [aaAx]
H: 7,227 { Om(n)i h(ab)enti dabit(ur) }
H: 7,228 He -th-at ha-th- shal haue . to helpe -th-(er) it
nedi-th- [aaaAx]
H: 7,229 & he -th-at no-gh-t ha-th- . no-gh-t shal haue
ne none shal hy(m) help [aaAa]
H: 7,230 & he -th-at wene-th- wel to haue . I wol it
be hym byreued [aaAx]
H: 7,231 Kynde witt wolde . -th-at eche man wrou-gh-t [aaAa]
H: 7,232 O-th-(er) wi-th- teching o-th-(er) wi-th- tilyng
. o-th-(er) wi-th- t(ra)uel of hondis [aaAx]
fol. 20r
H: 7,233 actyf lyf o-th-(er) contemplatyf . so c(ri)st wolde
it wer(e) [xaAx]
H: 7,234 as -th-e saut(er) hym self sei-th- . in a psalme
H: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuaru(m) quia manducabis } [Latin]
H: 7,235 he -th-at geti-th- his fode . wi-th- trauel of his
hondis [aaXa]
H: 7,236 god -gh-eue-th- hym his blessing -th-at so his lyuelood
wynne-th- [????]
H: 7,237 -gh-it y preie -th-ee p(ar) charite quo-th- peris
-gh-if -th-ou ca(n)st [aaAxx]
H: 7,238 eny lessou(n) of lechec(ra)ft . lerne me der(e)
H: 7,239 for so(m)me of my s(er)uaunt(is) . be-th- sike o-th-(er)
while [aaAx]
H: 7,240 of alle -th-e weke -th-ei werche not . so here wombe
aki-th- [aaAx]
H: 7,241 I wote wel quo-th- hong(er) . what sikenes hem eile-th-
H: 7,242 -Th-ey haue mau(n)gid ou(er) myche . -th-at make-th-
hem oft grone [aaAx]
H: 7,243 but I hote -th-ee quo-th- hong(er) . -gh-ef -th-ou
-th-ine hele wilnest [aaAx]
H: 7,244 -Th-at -th-(o)u drinke no day . til -th-ou haue
ydyned [aaAx]
H: 7,245 Eet not y hote -th-ee . til hong(er) -th-ee take
H: 7,246 & sende -th-ee of his saus . to sauer(e) -th-y
lippis [aaAx]
H: 7,247 & kepe so(m)me til sop(er) tyme . & fast
not to long [aaAx]
H: 7,248 Arise vp or appetyt . haue ete(n) his fille [aaAx]
H: 7,249 let not sir(e) surfet . sitte at -th-y bord [aaAx]
H: 7,250 loue hy(m) not he is a lechour . & likerous
of tu(n)ge [aaAx]
H: 7,251 & aft(ur) many metis . his mawe [aaAx]
H: 7,252 & -gh-if -th-ou vsest -th-ee -th-us . y dar
leye myn lyf [axAx]
H: 7,253 -Th-at fisik shal his forred hood . for his foode
sille [aaAx]
H: 7,254 & eke his clokis calabre . & his coppis
of gold [aaAx]
H: 7,255 & be ful fayn in fai-th- . his fisik to lete
H: 7,256 & lerne to labore wi-th- lond . lest his lyuelode
faile [aaaAx]
H: 7,257 -Th-(er) ne be-th- no(n) more losels -th-en lechis
. our(e) lord hem amende [aaAx]
H: 7,258 -Th-ei don me(n) dei-gh-e -th-ur-gh- her(e) drink
. or desteny wolde [aaAx]
H: 7,259 by seint p(er)nel quo-th- peris . -th-is be-th-
p(ro)fitable wordis [aaAx]
H: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . our(e) lord -th-ee
for-gh-elde [aaAx]
H: 7,261 Wende when -th-y wille is . wel -th-ee be eu(er)e
H: 7,262 I byhote -th-ee quo-th- hu(n)g(er) . hennys nel
y wende [aaAx]
H: 7,263 or y haue dyned by -th-is day . & ydronke bo-th-e
H: 7,264 & y naue no peny quo-th- peris . poletis to
bigge [aaAx]
H: 7,265 No-th-(er) goos ne grys . but two grene chesis [aaAx]
H: 7,266 & a fewe croddis & creym . & two hauer(e)
cakis [aaXa]
H: 7,267 al of benys & of bran . ybake for my children
H: 7,268 & y seye -th-ee by my soule . y naue no salt
bacou(n) [aaAx]
H: 7,269 ne no cokeneys by crist . colhoppis to make [aaAx]
fol. 20v
H: 7,270 but I haue p(er)soly & poretis . & many caul
plontis [aaAx]
H: 7,271 & a cow & a calf . & a cart mar(e) [aaAx]
H: 7,272 to drawe a feld -th-e donge . whil -th-e drou-th-e
lasti-th- [aaAx]
H: 7,273 by -th-is lyuelode y most lyue . til lamasse tyme
H: 7,274 by -th-at I hope for to haue . heruest in my croft
H: 7,275 -th-en may I di-gh-te -th-y dyner(e) . as -th-ee
der(e) like-th- [aaAx]
H: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore puple . pesecoddes -th-ei fetten
H: 7,277 benys & bacoun . wi-th- hem -th-ei brou-gh-ten
H: 7,279 & offride(n) peris -th-is p(re)sent . to plese
with hong(ir) [aaaAx]
H: 7,280 Hung(ir) eet hit in hast . & askid aft(ur) more
H: 7,281 & -th-e folk for ferd . fetten hym many [aaAx]
H: 7,278 chibols chesteyns . & ripe cheries also [aaAx]
H: 7,282 poretis & peris applis & plowmes [aaAx]
H: 7,283 by -th-at it nei-gh-ed heruest . -th-at newe corn
riped [aaAbb]
H: 7,284 -th-en wer(e) folk feyn . & fedden hong(er)
fast [aaAx]
H: 7,285 Wi-th- good ale & glotonye . & made hym
to slepe [aaAx]
H: 7,286 & -th-o wolde wasto(ur) not werche . but wandrid
aboute [aaAx]
H: 7,287 Ne no begg(er) ete breed . -th-at benys yn come
H: 7,288 but coket & clerematyn . & of clene whete
H: 7,289 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 7,290 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 7,291 laborers -th-at haue no lond . but lyue by hem silue
H: 7,292 deyne(n) to dyne . a day ni-gh-t olde wortes [aaAx]
H: 7,293 may no penyale hem pay . ne no pece of bacou(n)
H: 7,294 but it be fresch flesch . or fresch fysch yfried
H: 7,295 bo-th-e { chaude & pluys chawd } . for chilli(n)g
of her(e) mawes [aaAx]
H: 7,296 but -th-ei be hi-gh-ely yhuyred . ellis wollen -th-ei
chide [aaAx]
H: 7,297 -Th-at -th-ei were werkmen bycome . warie -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
H: 7,298 & curse -th-e king . & alle his counseil
aft(ur) [aaAx]
H: 7,299 siche lawis to loke . laborers to chast [aaAx]
H: 7,300 but while hong(er) was maist(er) her(e) wolde -th-ei
not chide [????]
H: 7,301 ne stryue a-gh-en -th-e statut(es) . so st(er)neliche
he loked [aaAx]
H: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow werkmen . werche-th- while -gh-e
mowe [aaAx]
H: 7,303 for hung(ir) hiderward . hasti-th- ful fast [aaAx]
H: 7,304 he wol wade -th-ur-gh- wat(ri)s . wasto(ur)s to
chast [aaAx]
H: 7,305 or fewe -gh-er(e) be fulfild . siche famyne wol
arise [aaAx]
H: 7,306 -Th-ur-gh- flodis & foule wederis . fruytes
shul faile [aaAa]
H: 7,307 & so sei-th- sat(ur)ne . & sende -gh-ow
to warne [aaAx]
Passus Octauus de visione
H: 8,1 TReu-th-e herde telle hereof . & to peris sende [aaAxx]
fol. 21r
H: 8,2 to take his teme . & tilie -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
H: 8,3 & purchace hym a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
H: 8,4 for hym & for his eires . eu(er)more aft(ur) [aaAa]
H: 8,5 & bade hym holde hym at home . & erie her(e)
leies [aaAx]
H: 8,6 & alle -th-at hym helpen . to eren & to sowe
H: 8,7 & alle man(er) myst(er) me(n) . -th-at mi-gh-t
peris helpe [aaAx]
H: 8,8 P(ar)t of -th-at p(ar)doun . -th-e pope ha-th- yg(ra)untid
H: 8,9 Kinges & kni-gh-tes . -th-at kepe(n) holi churche
H: 8.10 & ri-gh-tfully reulen -th-e rewmes & -th-e
puple [aaAx]
H: 8,11 hauen p(ar)dou(n) -th-ur-gh- purgatorie . to passe
ful sone [aaAx]
H: 8,12 Wi-th- patriarkes in p(ar)adys . to plei-gh-e -th-(er)aft(ir)
H: 8,13 byschops -th-at blessen . & bo-th-e -th-e lawis
knowen [aaAx]
H: 8,14 loken on -th-at on lawe . & leren me(n) -th-at
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
H: 8,15 & beren hem bo-th-e on here bak . as here dedis
shewyn [aaaAx]
H: 8,16 & p(re)chen here p(er)sons . -th-e perel of synne
H: 8,17 How -th-at her(e) shabbed sheep . schulde her(e)
wolle saue [aaAxx]?
H: 8,18 haue p(ar)dou(n) wi-th- -th-e apostlis . when -th-ei
wende hennys [aaAx]
H: 8,19 at -th-e day of dome . on hi-gh-e deis to sitten
H: 8,20 m(ar)chaunt(is) in -th-e margyn . hadden -gh-eris
many [aaAx]
H: 8,21 but non { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope nolde
hem g(ra)unt [axAx]
H: 8,22 for -th-ei holde not here holi daies . as holi churche
techi-th- [aaAx]
H: 8,23 & for -th-ei swer(e) by her(e) soulis . so god
shulde hem help [aaAxx]
H: 8,24 A-gh-en clene conscience . her(e) catel to selle
H: 8,25 but vndir his secr(e) seel treu-th-e . sende a lettr(e)
H: 8,26 & bade hem bigge boldly . what hem best liked
H: 8,27 & si-th--th-e sille it a-gh-en . & saue -th-e
wynnyng [aaAx]
H: 8,28 & make mesou(n) dieux -th-(er)wi-th- . mesels
to helpe [aaAx]
H: 8,29 & also wicked weies . wi-gh-tly to amende [aaAx]
H: 8,30 & bigge brigges aboute . -th-at tobroken wer(e)
H: 8,31 & marien maidens . or ellis make hem no(n)nes
H: 8,32 & pore widewis -th-at wolde . be no more wyfes
aft(ur) [aaAx]
H: 8,33 fynde siche here foode . for our(e) lordis loue of
heue(n) [aaAbb]
H: 8,34 & sett scolers to scole . or to so(m)me o-th-(er)
craft [aaAx]
H: 8,35 & releue religiouse . & rente hem bett(er)
H: 8,36 & y shal sende -gh-ow myself . seint my-gh-hel
my(n) au(n)gel [aaAx]
H: 8,37 -Th-at no deuel shal -gh-ou der(e) . when -gh-e be-th-
dede [aaAa]
H: 8,38 for I shal sende -gh-our(e) soulis . sauely to heue(n)
H: 8,39 before -th-e face of my fader . frely -gh-ow sette
fol. 21v
H: 8,40 Vserie & auarice & o-th-is y -gh-ou defende
H: 8,41 -Th-at no gile go wi-th- -gh-ow . but -th-e grete
treu-th-e [aaAx]
H: 8,42 -th-e(n) wer(e) m(er)chaunt(is) mery . & wepte(n)
for ioi-gh-e [aaAx]
H: 8,43 & -gh-af william for his writing . wel newe clo-th-is
H: 8,44 for to copie -th-us -th-is clause . -th-ei cou-th-e
hym gret -th-ank [aaAx]
H: 8,45 Men of lawe wer(e) laft oute . for -th-ey be-th-
lo-th- [aaAx]
H: 8,45 To mote for mene me(n) but -gh-if -th-ei hadde monoey
H: 8,46 as -th-e saut(er) sei-th- . & -th-e sapience bo-th-e
H: 8,46a { A regib(us) & principib(us) erunt m(er)ces
sup(er) innocent(em) &c } [Latin]
H: 8,47 of p(re)latis & princes . her(e) pencou(n) shulde
arise [aaAx]
H: 8,48 & of -th-e pore puple . no penywor-th- to take
H: 8,49 but he -th-at spendi-th- his speche . & speki-th-
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
H: 8,50 Also for an Innocent . -th-at no ma(n) apeire-th-
H: 8,51 conforte-th- hem in -th-at cas . coueite-th- not
her(e) godis [aaAx]
H: 8,52 but for our(e) lordis loue of heue(n) . lawe for
hem shewi-th- [aaAx]
H: 8,53 Shal no deuel at his de-th- day . dere hym wor-th-
a myte [aaAx]
H: 8,54 -Th-at he ne wor-th- siker saf . & so sei-th-
-th-e saut(ir) [aaAa]
H: 8,54 [ Qui facit hec non mouebit(ur) in et(er)nu(m) }
H: 8,55 but to bigge wat(ir) or wind . or witt is -th-e -th-redde
H: 8,56 ne wolde neu(er) holi writt . god wot -th-e so-th-e
H: 8,57 -Th-ese -th-re for -th-rallis . be-th- y-gh-eue(n)
vs alle [aaAx]
H: 8,58 to waxe or to wanye . whe-th-(er) -th-at god like-th-
H: 8,59 his p(ar)dou(n) in p(ur)gatorie . ful litel is I
trowe [aaAx]
H: 8,60 -Th-at eny mede of mene me(n) . for motinge resceyfe-th-
H: 8,61 -Gh-e legistr(e)s & lawiers . -gh-e wite where
I li-gh-e [aaXa]
H: 8,62 Si-th--th-e -gh-e se -th-at it is so . s(er)ue-th-
to -th-e best [aaAx]
H: 8,63 Alle lyuynge laborers . -th-at lyuen by her(e) hondes
H: 8,64 -Th-at treuly taken . & treuly wynnen [aaAx]
H: 8,65 & lyue(n) in loue & in lawe . for her(e)
lowe hertis [aaaAx]
H: 8,66 shul haue -th-e absoluciou(n) . -th-at sente was
to peris [aaAx]
H: 8,67 bidders and beggers . be-th- not in -th-e bulle [aaAa]
H: 8,68 but -th-e suggestiou(n) be so-th- . -th-at -th-ei
fore beggen [aaAx]
H: 8,69 for he -th-at beggi-th- or bidde-th- . til he haue
nede [aaAxx]
H: 8,70 he is fals wi-th- -th-e fend . & defraudi-th-
-th-e nedy [aaAx]
H: 8,71 & eke gile-th- -th-e -gh-euer(e) . a-gh-ens his
wille [aaAx]
H: 8,72 -Th-ei lyue not in loue . -th-at no lawe holde(n)
H: 8,73 -Th-ei wedden no wo(m)man . -th-at -th-ei wi-th-
delen [aaAx]
fol. 22r
H: 8,74 But as wilde bestis wi-th- woo . wor-th-e(n) togedris
H: 8,75 & bringen for-th- barnes . -th-at bastardis be-th-
holden [aaAx]
H: 8,76 o-th-(er) her(e) bak o-th-(er) her(e) boonys . -th-ei
breken in her(e) -gh-ow-th-e [aaAx]
H: 8,77 & gon & faiten wi-th- her(e) fauntis . eu(er)more
aft(ur) [aaAxx]
H: 8,78 -Th-(er) ben mo myshappis among he(m) . whoso taki-th-
heede [aaaXx]
H: 8,79 -th-an of alle man(er)e me(n) . -th-at on molde wandren
H: 8,80 -Th-o -th-at lyue(n) -th-us her(e) lyf . may lo-th-e
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
H: 8,81 -Th-at eu(er) -th-ei were me(n) ywrou-gh-t . when
-th-ei shulle hennys far(e) [xaAx]?
H: 8,82 but olde me(n) & hore . -th-at helples be-th-
of streng-th-e [aaAx]
H: 8,83 & wy(m)men wi-th- childe . -th-at werche ne may
H: 8,84 blinde & bedrede(n) . & broken of her(e)
menbris [aaAx]
H: 8,85 & -th-o -th-at taken meschefs mekely . as mesels
o-th-(er) ellis [aaAx]
H: 8,86 haue(n) as pleyn p(ar)dou(n) . as -th-e plowman hym
silue(n) [aaAx]
H: 8,87 for loue of her(e) lowe hertis . oure lord ha-th-
hem g(ra)untid [aaAx]
H: 8,88 -th-e penau(n)ce of here p(ur)gatorie . here vpo(n)
er-th-e [aaAx]
H: 8,89 Pers q(uo)-th- a p(re)st -th-o . -th-y p(ar)dou(n)
moste I rede [aaAx]
H: 8,90 & construe it eu(er)y clause . & vndo it
in englisch [aaAx]
H: 8,91 & peris at his preier(e) . -th-e p(ar)dou(n)
vnfeld [aaAx]
H: 8,92 & y byhinde hem bo-th-e . beheld al -th-e bulle
H: 8,93 In two lynes it lay . & no lett(re) more [aaAx]
H: 8,94 & was Iwrite ri-gh-t -th-us . in witnes of treu-th-
H: 8,97 Pet(ir) quo-th- -th-e p(re)st . I can no p(ar)dou(n)
fynde [aaAx]
H: 8,98 but do wel & haue wel . & god shal haue -th-y
soule [????]
H: 8.99 & do yuel & haue yuel . & hope to none
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
H: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt ibu(n)t in vitam et(er)na(m) q(u)i
v(er)o mala &c } [Latin]
H: 8,96 --- this line om ---
H: 8,100 -Th-at aft(ur) -th-y de-th- day . to helle shalt -th-ou
wende [????]
H: 8,101 -th-o peris for pur(e) tene . pollid it asundr(e)
H: 8,102 & si-th--th-e he seide to hem -th-ese semely
H: 8,103 --- this line is omitted ---
H: 8,104 I shal cese of my sowing . & swinke no more
so hard [aaxAx]
H: 8,105 ne aboute my lyuelode . so besy be nomore [aaAx]
H: 8,105 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis } [Latin]
H: 8,106 of p(re)iers & penau(n)ce . my plow-gh- shal be
her(e)aft(ir) [aaAx]
H: 8,107 & bylour(e) -th-at I bylou-gh- . or lyuelode
me faile [aaAx]
H: 8,108 -th-(er) is p(ro)fyt in peyne . in penaunce & in
weping [aaAx]
H: 8,109 by -th-at -th-e saut(er) vs sei-th- . & do-th-
many o-th-(er) [aaAxx]
H: 8,110 -Th-at loue-th- god lelly . lyuelode is myche [aaAx]
H: 8,110a { ffuerunt m(ich)i lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
} [Latin]
H: 8,111 & but luk lie . he lerne-th- vs non o-th-(er)
fol. 22v
H: 8,112 he bidde-th- vs we shuld not her(e) be to besy
H: 8,112 In no man(er) wise aboute our(e) wombe ioi-gh-e
H: 8,113 --- run together with 115 H ---
H: 8,114 & shewi-th- vs by an ensample . our(e) soulis
to wisse [aaAx]
H: 8,115 { Ne sollicite sitis } . -Th-e fowlis in -th-e firmament
. who fynt he(m) i(n) wint(er) [aaAx]
H: 8,116 when -th-e frost fresi-th- . fode hem byhoue-th-
H: 8,117 haue -th-ey no gerner(e) grei-th- . but god fynt
hem alle [aaAx]
H: 8,118 What q(uo)-th- -th-e p(re)st to p(er)kyn . pet(er)
as me -th-inke-th- [aaAx]
H: 8,119 -Th-ou art lettrid a litel . who lerned -th-ee in
book [aaAx]
H: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abbesse . q(uo)-th- he myne abc
me tau-gh-t [aaAx]
H: 8,121 & conscience come aft(ur) . & tau-gh-te
me bett(er) [aaAx]
H: 8,122 Wer(e) -th-ou a p(re)st q(uo)-th- he . -th-(o)u
mi-gh-t p(re)che when -th-ee liked [aaAx]
H: 8,123 ffor -th-ou knowist no lettrur(e) mi-gh-t be -th-y
{ Qu(on)i(am) lit(er)aturam non cognoui } . [????]
H: 8,124 lewid losel q(uo)-th- he . litel lokest -th-ou in
-th-e bible [aaxAx]
H: 8,125 on salamons sawis . litel -th-ou beholdist [aaAx]
H: 8,125 slynge awey -th-ese scorners he sei-th- wi-th- her(e)
shrewid fliting
H: 8,125 for wi-th- hem redely y kepe not to rest
H: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & virga cu(m) eis non quiescam } [Latin]
H: 8,126 -Th-e p(re)st & p(er)kyn . aposed ei-th-(er) o-th-(er)
H: 8,127 & -th-ur-gh- her(e) wordis I awoke . & waitid
aboute [aaAx]
H: 8,128 & say -th-e sonne -th-at tyme sitte eue(n) sou-th-
H: 8,129 meteles & moneyles . on malu(er)ne hullis [aaAx]
H: 8,130 musing on -th-is meting . a myle wey y -gh-ede [aaAx]
H: 8,131 many tyme -th-is meting . ha-th- made me to studie
H: 8,132 & for peris his loue -th-e plowman . ful pensif
in hert [aaAx]
H: 8,133 for -th-at y sau-gh- sleping . yf it be so mi-gh-t
H: 8,134 but catoun construi-th- it nay . & catonistris
bo-th-e [aaAx]
H: 8,134a { Sompnia ne cures nam mens est hu(ma)na q(uo)d
optat } [Latin]
H: 8,134a & sei-th- -th-at we shulde charge no sweuenys
H: 8,134a but daniel dampne-th- it & -th-e bible bo-th-e
H: 8,134a & beri-th- witnes -th-(er) of a kingis dremyng
H: 8,135 --- this line om ---
H: 8,136 --- this line om ---
H: 8,137 Nabugodonosore . -th-ese clerkis hym nempne-th- [aaAx]
H: 8,138 Daniel seide sir(e) king . -th-y sweuene is to mene
H: 8,139 -Th-at vnkou-th-e kni-gh-tes shul come . -th-y kyngdom
to cleyme [aaaAx]
H: 8,140 among lower(e) lordis . -th-y londis shul be dep(ar)tid
H: 8,141 As danyel deuysed . in dede hit byfel aft(ur) [aaAx]
H: 8,142 -Th-e king lost his lond . & lasse lordis hadden
it [aaAx]
fol. missing
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
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H: --- this line is omitted ---
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H: --- this line is omitted ---
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H: 12,94 --- this line is omitted ---
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H: --- this line is omitted ---
H: --- this line is omitted ---
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