PPLA-U Diplomatic Texts
fol. 1r
U: P,1 IN a somer seson . as I south wente [aaAa]
U: P,2 I schoop me in a schrowde . as y a scheep were [aaAx]
U: P,3 In habite as an ermyte . vnholy werkes [aaAx]
U: P,4 I wente wide in -th-is world . wondres to here [aaAx]
U: P,5 But on a may mornynge . on malu(er)ne hilles [aaAx]
U: P,6 Me byfel a ferly . of fayrie me -th-oughte [aaAx]
U: P,7 I was wery forwandryd . y wente me to reste [aaAx]
U: P,8 Vndir a brood banke . by a bornes side [aaAx]
U: P,9 And as y lay and lened me . and lokede on -th-e watr(i)s
U: P,10 I slombride on a slepynge . I sweuenyd so myrie [aaAx]
U: P,11 -Th-an gan y to mete . a m(er)ueylous sweuene [xaAx]
U: P,12 -Th-at y was in wildernesse . y wyste neu(er)e where
U: P,13 But as y byheeld in -th-e eest . vp to -th-e sonne
U: P,14 I saw a tour in a toft . triely atired [aaAx]
U: P,15 A deep dale bynethe . a dungeoun -th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
U: P,16 Wi-th- depe diches and derke . dredful of sight [aaaAx]
U: P,17 A fair feeld ful of folk . fonde I bytwene [aaaAx]
U: P,18 Of alle man(er)e of men . -th-e mene and -th-e riche
U: P,19 Wurchynge and wandrynge . as -th-e world askith [aaAx]
U: P,20 Some putten hem to -th-e plow . pleiden ful seelde
U: P,21 In seed tyme & sowynge . -th-ei swonken ful harde
U: P,22 and wonnen -th-(a)t -th-ese wastours . wi-th- glotenye
destroien [aaAxx]
U: P,23 Some putten hem to pride . app(ar)ayled hem -th-(er)aftir
U: P,24 In cuntenaunce of clothynge . -th-ei comen dysgysed
U: P,25 To p(re)yeres and to penaunce . putten hem manye
U: P,26 ffor -th-e loue of our lord . lyueden ful streyte
U: P,27 In hope for to haue . heuenriche blisse [aaAx]
U: P,28 As Ankres & ermytes . -th-at holden hem in her(e)
selles [aaAx]
U: P,29 And coueyte noght in -th-e cuntre . to carien aboute
U: P,30 ffor no lykerous lyflode . here lykames to plese
U: P,31 And some chosen hem to chaffare . -th-ei cheuyde
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: P,32 As it es seen in our sight . -th-at siche men thryuen
U: P,33 And some myrthes to make . as mynstralis cunne [aaAx]
U: P,34 Gete gold wi-th- here gle . synneles I trowe [aaaAx]
U: P,35 Ac iaperis & iangleres . Iudases children [aaAx]
U: P,36 Gon fynden hem fantasyes . and foles hem maken [aaAx]
U: P,37 & han wit at here wille . to wurche what hem
liketh [aaAx]
U: P,38 -Th-(a)t -th-at poule p(re)chith of hem . y wol noght
p(ro)uen here [aaAx]
fol. 1v
U: P,39 { Qui loquit(ur) turpiloquiu(m) } . is luciferes hyne
U: P,40 Beggeris and bydderes . faste aboute -y-edyn [aaAx]
U: P,41 Til here belyes and here bagges . were bred ful crammyd
U: P,42 -Th-ei fliten for here fode . and foughten at -th-e
nale [aaAx]
U: P,43 In glotenye god wot . go -th-ei to bedde [aaAx]
U: P,44 And risen vp with ribaudrie . as Roberdes knaues
U: P,45 Sleep & slouthe . sueth hem euere [aaAx]
U: P,46 Pilg(ri)mes and palmeres . plighten hem togidre [aaAx]
U: P,47 ffor to seke seint Iame . and seyntes in Rome [aaAx]
U: P,48 Wenten forth in here weye . with many wise tales
U: P,49 And hadden leue to lye . alle here lyues aftir [aaAx]
U: P,50 Ermytes on an heep . with hokide stauys [aaAx]
U: P,51 Wenten to walsyngh(a)m . and here wenchis aftir [aaAx]
U: P,52 Grete lobyes & longe . loth for to swynke [aaAx]
U: P,53 Clothide hem in copes . to ben knowe from o-th-(er)e
U: P,54 --- this line is omitted ---
U: P,55 y fond -th-ere freris . alle -th-e foure ordres [aaAx]
U: P,56 P(re)chynge -th-e peple . for p(ro)fit of here wombes
U: P,57 Glosid -th-e gospell(e) . as hem good lykide [aaAx]
U: P,58 ffor couetyse of copes . construed it as -th-ei wolde
U: P,59 Manye of -th-ese maistres . mow clothen hem at lykynge
U: P,60 ffor here moneye and here marchaundise . metyn togidre
U: P,61 Sithen charite ha-th- ben chapman . & cheef to
schryue lordes [aaAx]
U: P,62 Many ferlyes han fallen . in a fewe -gh-eris [aaAx]
U: P,63 But holy chirche and he . holde togidre [aaAx]
U: P,64 -Th-e moste meschief on -th-is molde . mountith vp
faste [aaaAx]
U: P,65 -Th-(er) p(re)chide a p(ar)doner . a p(re)st as he
were [aaAx]
U: P,66 And broughte forth a bulle . with bysschopes selys
U: P,67 And seide hym selue . myghte assoile hem alle [aaAx]
U: P,68 Of falsnesse of fastynge . of avowes broken [aaAx]
U: P,69 -Th-e lewid men lyueden hym . and likide wel his
speche [aaAx]
U: P,70 and comen knelyng vp . to kussen his bulle [aaAx]
U: P,71 He blessid hem wi-th- his breuet . and blerid here
eyen [aaAx]
U: P,72 Raughte hym with his raggeman . broches and rynges
U: P,73 -Th-us -y-e -y-euen -y-our gold . glotonus to helpe
U: P,74 And lenyn it to loselis . -th-at lechery haunten
fol. 2r
U: P,75 But were -th-e bisschop yblessid . and worth bo-th-e
his eres [aaAx]
U: P,76 His seal schulde noght be sent . to desceyue -th-e
peple [aaAx]
U: P,77 Y trowe it is noght for -th-e bisschop . -th-at -th-e
boye p(re)cheth [aaAx]
U: P,78 But -th-e p(ar)iche preest and -th-e p(ar)doner .
p(ar)ten -th-e siluer [aaaAx]
U: P,79 -Th-at -th-e pore peple . schuld haue if -th-at -th-ei
ne were [aaaXx]
U: P,80 P(er)sones and p(ar)sche p(re)stis . pleynen hem
to here bysschop [aaaAx]
U: P,81 -Th-at here p(ar)yschenes ben pore . sithen -th-e
pestilence tyme [aaAx]
U: P,82 To haue a licence and a leue . at londou(n) to dwelle
U: P,83 To syngen for symonye . for siluer is swete [aaAx]
U: P,84 -Th-ere houyd an hundrid . in howues of selk [aaAx]
U: P,85 Seriaunt-gh- -th-ei semeden . pletiden at -th-e barre
U: P,86 -Th-ei pletide for pens . and poundide -th-e lawe
U: P,87 Ac non for -th-e loue of our lord . openyd his lippes
U: P,88 -Th-ou myghtest bet(er)e mete myst . on malu(er)ne
hilles [aaaAx]
U: P,89 -Th-an gete a mom of her(e) mouth . til mone be schewed
U: P,90 I saw -th-(er) erchebisschopes bolde . and bacheleris
of deuyn [aaAx]
U: P,91 Bycome clerkes of acounte . -th-e kyng for to serue
U: P,92 Y saw -th-(er)e erchedeknes and denes . -th-at dignite
hauen [aaAx]
U: P,93 To p(re)chen -th-e peple . and pore men to fede [aaAx]
U: P,94 -th-ei ben lopen to londone . -th-urwe leue of her(e)
bisschop [aaAx]
U: P,95 And ben clerkes of -th-e kynges bench . -th-e contre
to schende [aaAx]
U: P,96 Barouns burgeys . and bondages also [aaAx]
U: P,97 I saw in -th-at semble . as -y-e schul heren aftir
U: P,98 Bakeris and bocheres . and breusteres bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: P,99 Wullen webster(i)s . weueres of lynnene [aaAx]
U: P,100 Taillo(ur)s toucheris . and tolleris bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: P,101 Masouns myno(ur)s . and many o-th-(er) craftis [aaAx]
U: P,102 And dikeres and delueres . -th-(a)t don her(e) werk
ille [aaAa]
U: P,103 -Th-(a)t dryuen for-th- -th-e longe day . with {
deu sa dam emme } [aaAx]
U: P,104 Cokes and here knaues . criden hote pyes hote [aaAx]
U: P,105 Gode gees and grys . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
U: P,106 Tau(er)neris tollid hem and tolde hem -th-e same
U: P,107 Wi-th- white wyn of oseye . and gascoyne [aaxAx]
U: P,108 Of -th-e ryn and of -th-e rochil . -th-e rost to
dyffye [aaAx]
U: P,109 -Th-is saw I my selue slepynge . & seuen sithes
more [aaAx]
fol. 2v
Passus p(ri)mus de visione
U: 1,1 What -th-is mounteyne may mene . & -th-e derke dale
U: 1,2 And eek -th-e feld ful of folk . fair(e) y schal -gh-ow
schewe [aaAx]
U: 1,3 A louely lady of lere . in lynnene was clothid [aaaAx]
U: 1,4 Com doun fro -th-e clyf . and callide me faire [aaAx]
U: 1,5 And seide sone slepistow . seest -th-(o)u -th-is peple
U: 1,6 How bysy -th-ei ben . aboute -th-e mase [aaAx]
U: 1,7 -Th-e moste p(ar)tie of -th-e peple . -th-at passith
vppon erthe [aaAx]
U: 1,8 Haue -th-ei worschepe of -th-e world . kepe -th-ei
no betere [aaAx]
U: 1,9 Of o-th-(er) heuene -th-an here . holde -th-ei no
tale [aaAx]
U: 1,10 I was aferid of her(e) face . -th-oghe sche fayr
were [aaAx]
U: 1,11 And seide m(er)ci madame . what may -th-is bymene
U: 1,12 -Th-e tour in -th-e toft q(uo)d sche . treuthe is
-th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
U: 1,13 -Th-at wolde -th-at -y-e wroghten . as his word techith
U: 1,14 ffor he is fadir of feyth . -th-at fourmyde -y-ow
alle [aaAx]
U: 1,15 Bothe wi-th- fel and wi-th- face . and -y-af -y-ow
fyue wyttes [aaAx]
U: 1,16 ffor to wurschipen hym -th-(er)with . whiles -y-e
ben here [aaAx]
U: 1,17 & -th-(er)fore he bad -y-ow . eche [on] helpen
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 1,18 Of wollens and lynnene . to lyflode at nede [aaAx]
U: 1,19 In mesurable man(er)e . to make -y-ow at ese [aaAx]
U: 1,20 And comandide of his curtesye . in comou(n) -th-r(e)
-th-ing(es) [aaAx]
U: 1,21 Arn non nedful but -th-ei . to nempne hem y thenke
U: 1,22 And rekne hem -y-ow by resoun . reherce -y-e hem
aftir [aaAx]
U: 1,23 -Th-e ton is vesture v(er)railiche . fro cold -y-ow
to saue [aaAxx]
U: 1,24 -Th-e to-th-(er) is mete at -y-our meel . for myschief
of -y-ow selue [aaAx]
U: 1,25 drynk whan -y-ow drieth . but do it noght out of
resou(n) [aaAx]
U: 1,26 So -th-(a)t -y-e wurche -th-e werse . whan -y-e swynke
scholde [aaAx]
U: 1,27 ffor loth in lyf dayes . for lykynge of drynke [aaAx]
U: 1,28 Dide by his doughter(e) . -th-at -th-e deuyl likyde
U: 1,29 Delyted hym in drynke . as the deuel wolde [aaAx]
U: 1,30 And lechorye hym laughte . & lay by hem bothe
U: 1,31 And al he witede wyn . -th-at wikkide dede [aaAx]
U: 1,32 Dreed delitable drynk . and -th-ou schalt do -th-e
bet(er)e [aaaAx]
fol. 3r
U: 1,33 --- this line is omitted ---
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fol. 3v
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fol. 4r
U: 1,100 But hold with hym and with hir(e) . -th-(a)t asken
-th-e treuthe [aaaAx]
U: 1,101 & neither leef for loue . ne for lakkynge of
siluer [aaAx]
U: 1,102 & whoso passith -th-is poynt . is apostata in
his ordre [aaAx]
U: 1,103 And kyng kyngene kyng . knyhtide tene [aaaAx]
U: 1,104 Cherubyn and seraphyn . and siche mo o-th-(er)e
U: 1,105 and -y-af hem myghte in his maieste . -th-e myrier(e)
he(m) -th-oughte [aaAx]
U: 1,106 And ouer al his meyne made hem archaungelis [aaXx]?
U: 1,107 And tau-gh-te hem -th-urw -th-e t(ri)nite . -th-e
treuthe to knowe [aaAx]
U: 1,108 And be buxum at his heste . he bad hem noght elles
U: 1,109 Lucifer with legiones . lernyd it in heuene [aaAx]
U: 1,110 -Th-at was -th-e louelyst . of sight aftir our lord
U: 1,111 Til he brak buxu(m)nesse . -th-urw bost of him selue
U: 1,112 -Th-an fel he with his felawes . & feendes bycome
U: 1,113 Out of heuene into helle . hoblide -th-ei faste
U: 1,114 Some in eyr some in erthe . some in helle depe [aaAx]
U: 1,115 Ac lucifer lowest . light of hem alle [aaAx]
U: 1,116 ffor -th-e pride he putte out . his peyne hath non
ende [aaAx]
U: 1,117 And alle -th-at worken with wrong . wende -th-ei
schulle [aaAx]
U: 1,118 Aftir here deth day . and duelle with -th-at schrewe
U: 1,119 Ac -th-o -th-at wurchen -th-e word . -th-at holy
writ techith [aaAx]
U: 1,120 And enden as y er seide . in p(ro)fitible werkes
U: 1,121 Mowe ben siker here soules . schul wende to heuene
U: 1,122 -Th-(er) treuthe is in trynite . tryeste of alle
U: 1,123 -Th-(er)fore y seye as y seide er . by sighte of
-th-ese textes [aaAx]
U: 1,124 Whan alle tresours arn tried . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
U: 1,125 Lerith it lewid men . for lettride it knowen [aaAx]
U: 1,126 -Th-(a)t treuthe is tresour . -th-e trieste on erthe
U: 1,127 -Y-it haue y no kynde knowynge . -y-e mot me bet(er)e
ke(n)ne [aaAx]
U: 1,128 By what ky(n)ne craft i(n) my cors . it comseth & whare
U: 1,129 -Th-ow dotyd daffe q(uo)d sche . dulle ben -th-i
wyttys [aaAx]
U: 1,130 It is a kynde knowynge . -th-at comseth in -th-in
herte [aaAx]
U: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-i lord . bet(er)e -th-an -th-i
selue [aaAx]
U: 1,132 No dedly synne to do . -th-oghe -th-ou deye schuldest
U: 1,133 -Th-is y trowe be treuthe . who can teche -th-e
bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 1,134 Loke -th-ou suffre hym to seye . and sithe lerne
it aftir [aaAx]
fol. 4v
U: 1,135 ffor -th-us witnessith his word . wurche -th-ou -th-(er)
aftir [aaAx]
U: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leueste thyng . -th-at oure
lord askith [aaAx]
U: 1,137 & also plante of pees . put it in -th-in herte
U: 1,138 Ther(e) -th-ou art myrye at -th-e mete . whan men
bydde -th-(er) -y-edden [aaAx]
U: 1,139 ffor by kynde knowynge . -th-(er) comseth it right
U: 1,140 And -th-at fallith to -th-e fadir . -th-at formyde
vs alle [aaAx]
U: 1,141 -Th-(a)t lokide on vs wi-th- loue . and leet his
sone deye [aaAx]
U: 1,142 Mekeliche for our mysdedes . to amende vs alle [aaAx]
U: 1,143 And -y-it wolde he hym no . -th-at wroughte hym
-th-at pyne [aaAx]
U: 1,144 But mekeliche be mouthe . m(er)ci bysoughte [aaAx]
U: 1,145 To haue pite on -th-e peple . -th-at pyned hym to
dethe [aaAx]
U: 1,146 Here myght se ensamples . in hymselue one [aaAx]
U: 1,147 -Th-at he was myghtful and meke . & m(er)ci
gan grauntyn [aaAx]
U: 1,148 To hem -th-at hyngen hym by . & his herte thirlide
U: 1,149 -Th-(er)fore y rede -th-e riche . to haue reuthe
on -th-e pore [aaAx]
U: 1,150 -Th-oghe -y-e ben myghti to mote . be-th- meke of
-y-our werkes [aaAx]
U: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesure -y-e metyn . her(e) amys
o-th-(er) elles [aaAx]
U: 1,152 -Y-e schullen be wey-y-en -th-(er)with . whan -th-at
-y-e gon he(n)nys [aaAx]
U: 1,153 ffor -th-eighe -gh-e be trewe of -gh-o(ur) tunge
. & trewliche wy(n)ne [aaAx]
U: 1,154 And eek as [a] child . -th-at in cherche wepith
U: 1,155 But -y-e loue lely . and lene -th-e pore [aaAx]
U: 1,156 Of swiche good as god ha-th- sent . goodliche p(ar)teth
U: 1,157 -Y-e ne haue na more meryt . in matyns ne i(n) oures
U: 1,158 -Th-an malkyn of here maydenhed . -th-at no man
desired [aaAx]
U: 1,159 ffor Iames -th-e gentil . Iugged in his book [aaAx]
U: 1,160 -Th-at feith wi-th-outen werk . is feblere -th-an
noght [aaAx]
U: 1,161 And deed as a dore nayl . but -th-e -y-if -th-e
dede folwe [aaAx]
U: 1,162 Chastite wi-th-oute(n) charite . wur-th- schryned
in helle [aaAx]
U: 1,163 -Th-(a)t is as lewed as a lampe . -th-(a)t no light
is ynne [aaAx]
U: 1,164 Now many chapeleyns arn chaste . but charite is
aweie [aaAx]
U: 1,165 Arn none harder(e) -th-an -th-ei . whan -th-ei ben
auaunced [aaAx]
U: 1,166 Vnkynde to her(e) kyn . and eek to alle c(ri)stene
U: 1,167 Chiwen here charite . & chiden aftir more [aaAx]
U: 1,168 Swich chastite wi-th-oute(n) charite . wur-th- schryned
in helle [aaAx]
fol. 5r
U: 1,169 -Y-e curato(ur)s -th-at kepen -y-ow . clene of -y-our
body [aaAx]
U: 1,170 -Y-e ben encombrid wi-th- couetise . -gh-e cu(n)ne
noght out c(re)pyn [aaAa]
U: 1,171 So harde ha-th- auarice . haspid -y-ow togidr(i)s
U: 1,172 -Th-(a)t is no treuthe of -th-e trinite . but a
trecherie of helle [aaAx]
U: 1,173 And a lernynge to lewed men . -th-e lattere to dele
U: 1,174 ffor -th-ese arn wordes ywriten . in -th-e eu(au)ngelie
U: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . for y may dele
-y-ou alle [aaAx]
U: 1,176 -Th-at is -th-e lok of loue . -th-at letith out
my g(ra)ce [aaAx]
U: 1,117 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuyste thyng . -th-at our lord askith
U: 1,179 And eek -th-e greytheste gate . -th-at goth into
heuene [aaAx]
U: 1,180 -Th-(er)fore y seie as y seide er . by sighte of
-th-ese textes [aaAx]
U: 1,181 Whan alle tresours arn triede . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
U: 1,182 Now haue y told -th-e what treuthe is . -th-(a)t
no tresour is bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 1,183 I may no lengere duellen . now loke -th-e our lord
Passus secundus de visione
U: 2,1 -Y-it y knelid on my knees . and cride hir(e) of g(ra)ce
U: 2,2 And seide m(er)ci madame . for mary loue of heuene
U: 2,3 -Th-at bar -th-e blisful barn . -th-at boughte on
-th-e rode [aaaAx]
U: 2,4 Ken me by som craft . to knowe -th-e false [aaAx]
U: 2,5 Loke on -th-e left q(uo)d sche . & see whar(e)
-th-ei stonde [aaAx]
U: 2,6 Bothe fals and fauel . and his feres manye [aaAx]
U: 2,7 Y lokid on my left half . as -th-e lady me taughte
U: 2,8 And I was war of a wo(m)man . wundirly atired [aaAx]
U: 2,9 P(ur)filed with pelure . -th-e pureste on erthe [aaAx]
U: 2,10 Corowned wi-th- a coroune . -th-e kyng ha-th- no
bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,11 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perre . -th-at p(ri)nce weride eu(er)e
U: 2,13 In roed scarlet robyd . rybanyd with golde [aaAx]
U: 2,14 -Th-(er)e is no quene queynter(e) . -th-at quyk is
on lyue [aaAx]
U: 2,15 What is -th-is wo(m)man q(uo)d y . so wonderliche
atired [aaAx]
U: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maiden . ha-th- noyed me ful
ofte [aaXx]
U: 2,17 And lakkid my lore . to lordis aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,18 In -th-e popes paleys . sche is p(ri)ue as my selue
U: 2,19 And so schuld sche noght . for wrong was here sire
U: 2,20 --- this line is omitted ---
fol 5v
U: 2,21 I aughte to ben heyere . -th-an sche for y cam of bet(er)e
U: 2,22 Tomorwe wurthe -th-e mariage mad . of mede & of
false [aaaAx]
U: 2,23 ffauel wi-th- fair speche . ha-th- forged hem togydr(e)
U: 2,24 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,25 --- this line is omitted ---
misplace VII 70-213a after II 23 (fols. 5b, 6, 7a, 7b) > I 180-3
U: 7,70 Dame wurche whan tyme . is piers wyf hatte [axAx]
U: 7,71 His dou-gh-t(er) hatte do right so . or -th-i dame
schal -th-e bete [aaAx]
U: 7,72 His sone hatte suffre . -th-i- sou(er)aynes to hauen
here wille [aaAx]
U: 7,73 And deme hem noght for if -th-(o)u dost . -th-ou
schalt it sore abie [aaAx]
U: 7,74 lat god wurche wi-th-alle . for so his word techith
U: 7,75 ffor now I am old and hoor . and haue of myn owen
U: 7,76 To penaunce and to pilg(ri)mage . I wol passe with
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 7,77 ffor I wol er y wende . do writen my byquestes [aaAx]
U: 7,78 { In dei nomine Amen } . I make it my selue [aaAx]
U: 7,79 ffor he schal haue my soule -th-at best ha-th- deserued
U: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e feend . for so is my byleue
U: 7,81 Til y come to his acountes . as my(n) crede me techith
U: 7,82 To haue reles & remissioun . on -th-at rental
y byleue [aaAx]
U: 7,83 -Th-e cherche schal haue my careyne . and kepe my
bonys [aaAx]
U: 7,84 ffor of mi corn and my catell(e) . he crauyth -th-e
tithes [aaAx]
U: 7,85 It payd it p(re)stly . for perill(e) of my soule
U: 7,86 He is holden y hope . to haue me in his mynde [aaAx]
U: 7,87 And menewe me in his memorie . among alle cristene
U: 7,88 My wif schal haue -th-at y wan . trewliche & namore
U: 7,89 And dele among my frendes . and my dere children
U: 7,90 ffor -th-oghe y deye today . my dettes ben yquytte
U: 7,91 I bar hom -th-at I borwide . er I to bedde -y-ede
U: 7,92 And wi-th- residue and -th-e remenant . by -th-e
rode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
U: 7,93 I wol worschipe -th-(er)wi-th- . treuthe be my lyue
U: 7,94 And be his pilgrym at his plow . for pore me(n)nys
sake [aaAx]
U: 7,95 My plow schal be my pykstaf . and picche vp -th-e
rotis [aaAx]
U: 7,96 And helpe my cultour to kerue . and close -th-e furwes
U: 7,97 Now is piers and -th-e pilg(ri)mes . to -th-e plow
faren [aaAx]
U: 7,98 To eryen -th-e halue acre . helpen hym manye [aaAx]
fol. 6r
U: 7,99 Dykeris & Delueres . dyggen vp -th-e balkes [aaAx]
U: 7,100 -Th-(er)with was p(er)kyn ypaied . and p(re)ysed
hem -y-erne [aaAx]
U: 7,101 O-th-(er)e werkemen -th-(er) were . -th-at wroughten
ful faste [aaAx]
U: 7,102 Mi Euery man on his man(er)e . made hy(m) to done
U: 7,103 And some to plese p(er)kyn . pykyd out -th-e wedys
U: 7,104 At hye p(ri)me of -th-e day piers . leet -th-e plow
stande [aaAx]
U: 7,105 To ou(er)seen hem hymselue . whoso best wroughte
U: 7,106 Schuld ben hyred -th-(er)aftir . whan heruest tyme
come [aaAx]
U: 7,107 -Th-an seten some . and sungen at -th-e nale [aaAx]
U: 7,108 & hulpen to erye -th-e halue acre . with { deu
sa dame e(m)me } [aaaAx]
U: 7,109 By -th-e p(ri)nce of p(ar)adys . q(uo)d piers -th-o
in wratthe [aaAx]
U: 7,110 But -y-e rise -th-e ra-th-(er) . and rape -y-ow
to wyrche [aaAx]
U: 7,111 Schal no greyn -th-at here growith . glade -y-ou
at nede [aaAx]
U: 7,112 And -y-if -y-e deye for dool . -th-e deuel hange
-th-at recche [aaAx]
U: 7,113 -Th-anne were faytours aferid . and feyned hem blynde
U: 7,114 Some leyde -th-e leg alyry . as swiche loseles cu(n)ne
U: 7,115 And pleyneden to p(er)us . wi-th- swyche pytous
wordes [aaAx]
U: 7,116 We haue no lymes to laboure w(i)t(h) . lord yg(ra)ced
be -th-e [aaAx]
U: 7,117 Ac we p(re)ie for -y-ow piers . and for -y-our plow
bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 7,118 -Th-at god of his g(ra)ce . -y-our greyn m(u)ltiplie
U: 7,119 And -y-elde -y-ow of -y-our almes . -th-at -y-e
-y-yuen vs here [axAx]
U: 7,120 ffor we mowe neyther swete ne swi(n)ke . siche feblesse
vs eyle-th- [aaAx]
U: 7,121 -Y-if it be so q(uo)d Piers . I schal it sone aspie
U: 7,122 -Y-e ben wastours y wot wel . and treuthe wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
U: 7,123 And I am his olde hyne . I aughte hym to warne [aaAx]
U: 7,124 Whiche wasto(ur)s in -th-is world . his werkmen
destroien [aaAx]
U: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ei schulde ete . -th-at erien
for vs alle [aaAa]
U: 7,126 Ac treuthe schal teche -y-ow . his teem for to dryue
U: 7,127 Bo-th-e setten & sowe . and sauen his tilthe
U: 7,128 Chase gees fro -th-e corn . and kepen his bestis
U: 7,129 Or -y-e schul ete barly breed . & of -th-e brook
drynken [aaAx]
U: 7,130 But he be blynd or brokeschankyd . or bedrede ligge
fol. 6v
U: 7,131 -Y-e schul eten as I seie so me god helpe [????]
U: 7,134 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,133 Ancres & hermytes . -th-at holden hem in here
selles [aaAx]
U: 7,134 Schulle haue of myn almesse . al -th-e whyle I libbe
U: 7,135 Inow eche day at none . ac namore er morwe [aaAbb]
U: 7,136 Lest -th-e feend and his flesche . folowed togidr(e)s
U: 7,137 Ones at non is ynow . -th-at no werk vse-th- [aaAxx]
U: 7,138 He abide-th- wel -th-e bet(er)e . -th-at bu(m)meth
noght to ofte [aaAx]
U: 7,139 -Th-an gan wastour arise . & wolde haue yfoughte
U: 7,140 To piers -th-e plowman . he p(ro)fride his gloue
U: 7,141 A brytoner a bragger(e) . bostide hym also [aaAx]
U: 7,142 And bad hym go pisse wi-th- his plow . pylede schrewe
U: 7,143 Wil -th-(o)u nyl -th-(o)u . we wol haue of -th-i
floure [axAa]
U: 7,144 -Th-i flesche . fetten awey whan so vs liketh [aaAx]
U: 7,145 And make vs merye -th-(er)wi-th- . maugre -th-i
chekes [aaAx]
U: 7,146 -Th-an piers -th-e plowman . pleyned hym to -th-e
knyght [aaAx]
U: 7,147 To kepe hym as couenant . was from curside schrewes
U: 7,148 ffrom wastours -th-at wayten . wynneres to schende
U: 7,149 Curteisly -th-e knyght -th-anne . as his kynde wolde
U: 7,150 Warnyde wastour . and wisside hym bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 7,151 Or -th-(o)u schalt abye by -th-e lawe by -th-e lord
-th-at I welde [????]
U: 7,152 I was noght wont to wurche q(uo)d wasto(ur) . now
wil y not begy(n)ne [aaaAx]
U: 7,153 And leet lyght of -th-e lawe . and lesse of -th-e
knyght [aaAx]
U: 7,154 And bad piers go pisse . and his plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 7,155 And manaced hym and his men . whan -th-ei nexte
mette [aaXa]
U: 7,156 Now by -th-e peryl of my soule q(uo)d p(eri)s .
y schal apeir(e) -y-ow alle [axaAx]
U: 7,157 And howpide aftir hungir . -th-at herde hym at -th-e
firste [aaAx]
U: 7,158 Wreke me on -th-ese wastours q(uo)d piers . -th-at
-th-e world schendith [aaxAx]
U: 7,159 & hung(er) i(n) haste hente wasto(ur) by -th-e
mawe . -th-(a)t al wat(er)ed his eyen [aaAx]
U: 7,160 --- this line om ---
U: 7,161 And buffetide -th-e brytoner . aboute -th-e chekys
U: 7,162 -Th-at he lokide lyk a lant(er)ne . al his lyue
aftir [aaAx]
U: 7,163 And beet hym bo-th-e . and brak ner(e) her(e) mawes
U: 7,164 Ne hadde p(er)us with a pese loof . prayed hym by
lyue [aaAx]
U: 7,165 And wi-th- a beny batte . he hadde bytwene [aaXx]
fol. 7r
U: 7,166 And hytte hungir . amydde -th-e lippes [aaAx]
U: 7,167 And bledde into -th-e bodyward . a bolle ful of
growel [aaAx]
U: 7,168 Ne hadde -th-e fy-gh-icien . defende hym water [aaAx]
U: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly breed . and -th-e benys grounde
U: 7,170 -Th-ei hadde be deed by -th-is day . and doluen
al warme [aaAx]
U: 7,171 ffaytours for fere . flowen into beernys [aaAx]
U: 7,172 And flappe on with fleyles . fro morne til euen
U: 7,173 -Th-at hungir was noght so hardy . ones on hem to
loke [aaAx]
U: 7,174 ffor a potel of pesyn . -th-at piers hadde ymakyd
U: 7,175 An heep of ermytes . henten hem spades [aaAx]
U: 7,176 And duluen drit and dung . to dryuen hungir out
U: 7,177 Blynde and blereey-gh-ed . weren aboute a -th-ousend
U: 7,178 -Th-at leyen for blynd . and brokelegged by -th-e
hye weie [xaAx]
U: 7,179 Hungir hem helide . wi-th- an ote kake [aaAx]
U: 7,180 And lame mennys lymes . were lythed -th-at tyme
U: 7,181 And bycome knaues . to kepe piers bestes [aaAx]
U: 7,182 And preiden hym for charite . with hym for to duelle
U: 7,183 Al for couetise of his corn . to chase awey hungir
U: 7,184 And piers was proud -th-(er)of . and put hem in
offyse [aaAx]
U: 7,185 And -y-af hem mete and mone . as -th-ei myghte asserue
U: 7,186 -Th-a(n)ne hadde piers pite . and preyde hungir
to wende [aaAx]
U: 7,187 Hom into his owne -y-erde . and hold hym -th-(er)
eu(er)e [aaaAa]
U: 7,188 And -y-it y p(re)ie -th-e q(uo)d p(er)us . er -th-ou
passe fer-th-ere [aaAx]
U: 7,189 Of beggeres and of bydderis . what is best to done
U: 7,190 ffor I wot wel by -y-e went . -th-ei wol wurchen
ille [aaaAx]
U: 7,191 Meschief it makith . -th-ei ben so meke nouthe [aaAx]
U: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us faste -th-ei wurchen
U: 7,193 And it ben my blody bre-th-(er)en . for god bought
vs alle [aaAx]
U: 7,194 Treuthe taughte me onys . to louen hem echone [aaAx]
U: 7,195 And helpe hem of alle thing . what -th-at hem nedith
U: 7,196 Now wolde y wite if -th-ou wistest . what were -th-e
beste [aaaAx]
U: 7,197 & how y myghte amaystrie hem . & maken hem
to wurche [aaAx]
U: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hungir . and hoold it for a wisdom
U: 7,199 Bolde beggeres & bygge . -th-at mowen her(e)
mete swynke [aaaAx]
fol. 7v
U: 7,200 With houndes & horse breed . hold vp here hertis
U: 7,201 & baue hem with benys . for swellynge of her(e)
wombes [aaAx]
U: 7,202 And -y-if -th-e gromes grucche . byd hem go swynke
U: 7,203 & -th-ei schul soupe -th-e bet(er)e . whan he
it han deseruyd [aaXa]
U: 7,204 Ac -gh-if -th-ou fynde ony freek . -th-at fortune
ha-th- apeyred [aaAx]
U: 7,205 With fyre or with false men . fond siche men to
knowe [aaAx]
U: 7,206 Comforte hem wi-th- -th-i catel . for c(ri)stis
loue of heuene [aaAx]
U: 7,207 Loue hem & lone hem . for so -th-e lawe of kynde
wolde [aaAx]
U: 7,208 And -th-o -th-ou myght aspye -th-at nedy ben or
nakyd [aaAx]
U: 7,209 And han noght to spenden wi-th- mete ne wi-th- mene
U: 7,210 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,211 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,212 Lat make -th-i frendes -th-(er)myde . & so matheu
vs techith [aaAx]
U: 7,212a --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,213 { ffacite uobis amicos } wolde noght greue god [aaxAx]
U: 1,180 ffor -th-i y seie as y seide . by sighte of -th-ese
textis [aaAx]
U: 1,181 Whan alle tresoures arn tried . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
U: 1,182 Now haue tolde -th-e q(ou)d treuthe is . no tresour
bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 1,183 I mai no lengere duelle . now loke -th-e our lord
Passus secundus de visione
U: 2,1 -Y-it I knelyd on my knees . and praide hire of g(ra)ce
U: 2,2 And seide m(er)ci madame . for mary loue of heuene
U: 2,3 -Th-at bar -th-e blisside barn . -th-at bought on
-th-e rode [aaaAx]
U: 2,4 Ken me by som craft . to knowe -th-e false [aaAx]
U: 2,5 Look on -th-i left half . and see where he standes
U: 2,6 Bo-th-e fals and fauel . and his feres manye [aaAx]
U: 2,7 I lokide on -th-o lefte half . as -th-e lady me tau-gh-te
U: 2,8 And was war of a wo(m)man . wondirly clothid [aaAx]
U: 2,9 I purfiled wi-th- pelure . -th-e pureste on er-th-e
U: 2,10 I corowned wi-th- a coroune . -th-e kyng ha-th- no
bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,11 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,12 Of -th-e pureste perreye . -th-at p(ri)nce wered
eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,13 In reed scarlet robyd . rybanyd w-i-t-h- golde [aaAx]
U: 2,14 -Th-(er) is no quene queyntere . -th-at quyk is on
lyue [aaAx]
U: 2,15 What is -th-is wo(m)man q(uo)d I . so wondirliche
atired [aaAx]
U: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maide . ha-th- noyed me ful
ofte [aaXx]
fol. 8r
U: 2,17 & lakkid my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,18 In -th-e popes palays . sche is p(ri)ue as my selue
U: 2,19 & so schulde sche noght . be for wrong was her(e)
sire [xxXx]
U: 2,20 Out of wrong wente sche wrotherel wrotherhele manye
U: 2,21 I aughte be heyere . -th-an sche for y com of bet(er)e
U: 2,22 Tomorwe wurthe -th-e mariage ymad . of mede & of
false [aaaAx]
U: 2,23 ffauel wi-th- fair(e) speche . ha-th- forgid he(m)
togydr(e)s [aaAx]
U: 2,24 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,25 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,26 Tomorne wur-th-e -th-e mariage . maad as y -th-e telle
U: 2,27 -Th-(er) myght -th-ou wite -y-if -th-ou wilt . whiche
-th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
U: 2,28 -Th-at longith to -th-at lordschipe . -th-e lasse & -th-e
more [aaAx]
U: 2,29 Know hem -th-(er)e -y-if -th-ou canst . and kepe
-th-e fro he(m) alle [aaAx]
U: 2,30 -Y-if -th-ou wilnest to wone . with treuthe in his
blisse [aaAxx]
U: 2,31 Y may no leng(er)e lette . lord y -th-e bykenne [aaAx]
U: 2,32 & bycom a good man . for ony couetise y rede
U: 2,33 Al -th-e riche retenance . -th-at with false reigneth
U: 2,34 Were yboden to -th-e bridale . on bo-th-e two sides
U: 2,35 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,36 -Th-(a)t fals o-th-(er) fauel . by ony fyn holden
U: 2,37 & feffe mede -th-(er)myde . in mariage for euere
U: 2,38 -Th-(er) nas halle ne hous . to herberwe -th-e peple
U: 2,39 -Th-(a)t ech feld ne was ful . of folk al aboute
U: 2,40 In myddes a mountayne . at mydmorwe tide [aaAx]
U: 2,41 Was pight vp a pauyloun . prow for -th-e nones [aaAx]
U: 2,42 And ton thousend of tentes . tight -th-(er) byside
U: 2,43 Of knyghtes of cuntre . of comeres aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,44 ffor sysours for someno(ur)s . for seller(i)s for
biggeres [aaAx]
U: 2,45 ffor lerid for lewide . for laboreris of -th-repis
U: 2,46 Al to witnesse wel . what -th-e writ wolde [aaAa]
U: 2,47 In what man(er)e -th-at mede . i(n) mariage was feffed
U: 2,48 To be feffed with false . -th-e fyn is arerid [aaAx]
U: 2,49 -Th-an fauel fette hire for-th- . and to false takith
U: 2,50 In forward -th-at false . schal fynde hire for eu(er)e
U: 2,51 & be buxum at his bode . his biddynge to fulfille
fol. 8v
U: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . buxum & hende [aaAx]
U: 2,53 & at syre symonyes wille . to suyen his heste
U: 2,54 Symonie and ciuile . standith vp bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 2,55 And vnfoldith -th-e feffement . -th-at fals ha-th-
ymakid [aaAx]
U: 2,56 -Th-us bygynne-th- -th-e goom . and gredith wol hye
U: 2,57 Witen and witnesse . -th-at wonen vppon erthe [aaAx]
U: 2,58 -Th-at y fauel haue . falsnesse to mede [aaAx]
U: 2,59 To be p(re)sent in pride . for pou(er)e or for riche
U: 2,60 Wi-th- -th-e erldom of enuye . eu(er)e to laste [aaAx]
U: 2,61 Wi-th- al -th-e worschipe of lecherye . in lengthe & in
brede [aaAx]
U: 2,62 Wi-th- -th-e kyngdom of couetyse . y coroune -y-ow
togidre [aaAx]
U: 2,63 wi-th- al -th-e vices of vsures . and auarice -th-e
faste [aaAx]
U: 2,64 Glotonye and grete othes . y gyue -y-ow togidres
U: 2,65 Wi-th- alle -th-e delices of lust . -th-e deuel for
to serue [axAx]
U: 2,66 In al -th-e seignourie of slouthe . y sese hem togider(e)s
U: 2,67 -Th-ei to haue & to holde . and here heires aftir
U: 2,68 Wi-th- al -th-e p(ur)tenaunce of p(ur)gatorie . into
-th-e pyne of hel[le] [aaAx]
U: 2,69 -Y-eldynge for -th-is -th-ing at one -y-eris ende
U: 2,70 Here soules to sathanas . and synke into pyne [aaAx]
U: 2,71 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,72 In witnesse of whiche -th-ing . wrong was -th-e firste
U: 2,73 P(er)us -th-e p(ar)don(er) . paulynes doctour [aaAx]
U: 2,74 And Bette -th-e bedyl . of bokyngh(a)m schire [aaAx]
U: 2,75 Randolf -th-e reue . of Rokelandes sokne [aaAx]
U: 2,76 And mu(n)de -th-e mylner(e) . of malwiche strete
U: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-is dede I assele
U: 2,78 By sighte of sire symonye . & signes of notaries
U: 2,79 -Th-an tenyd hym theologie . whan he -th-is tale
herde [aaAx]
U: 2,80 & seide to syuyle . sorwe on -th-i bokes [aaAx]
U: 2,81 Siche a weddynge to wurche . to wra-th--th-e w(i)t(h)
treuthe [aaAx]
U: 2,82 & er -th-is weddynge be wrought . wo -th-e betide
U: 2.83 ffor mede is muliere . of frendis of frendis engendrid
U: 2,84 God gr(au)nte-th- . to gyue mede to treuthe [aaAx]
fol. 9r
U: 2,85 And -th-(o)u hast gyuen here to a gylo(ur) . now god
-y-yue -th-e sorwe [aaAx]
U: 2,86 -Th-e texte tellith noght so . treuthe wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
U: 2,86a { Dignus est operarius m(er)cede sua ... } [Latin]
U: 2,87 Wur-th-i is -th-e werkman . his mede to haue [aaXx]
U: 2,88 And -th-(o)u hast festnyd her(e) wi-th- false . fy
on -th-i lawes [aaAx]
U: 2,89 ffor al by lesynges -th-ou lyuest . & lecherous
werkes [aaAx]
U: 2,90 Symonie and -th-i selue . schenden holy chirche [aaAx]
U: 2,91 -Y-e and -y-e notaries noien -th-e peple [xaAx]?
U: 2,92 -Y-e schul abigge bo-th-e . by god -th-at me made
U: 2,93 Wel -y-e wite wernardes . but -y-our witte faile
U: 2,94 -Th-at fals is a faitour . and feythles of werkes
U: 2,95 And as a bastard yborne . of belsabubbes kynne [aaAx]
U: 2,96 And mede is moliere . a maiden of gode [aaAx]
U: 2,97 Sche myghte kysse -th-e kyng . for cosyn if sche
wolde [aaAx]
U: 2,98 Wurche-th- by wisdom . and by wit aftir [aaAx]
U: 2,99 Ledith here to londone . -th-(er)e lawe is yhandlyd
U: 2,100 If ony lewte wil loke . -th-ei ligge togidres [aaAx]
U: 2,101 And iustice iuggen here . to be ioyned for eu(er)e
U: 2,102 -Y-it be war of -th-at weddynge . for witty is treuthe
U: 2,103 ffor conscience is of his conseil . & knowith
-y-ou echone [aaAx]
U: 2,104 & if he fynde -y-ow i(n) defaute . & wi-th-
-th-e false holde-th- [aaAx]
U: 2,105 It schal be set on -y-our soules wol . sore at -th-e
laste [aaAx]
U: 2,106 Her(e)to assente-th- ciuile . ac symonie nolde [aaAx]
U: 2,107 Til he hadde siluer . for selis & signes [xaAa]
U: 2,108 And -th-anne fecchide fauel for-th- . florynes ynowe
U: 2,109 And bad gyle go -y-yue . gold al aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,110 & namliche to -th-e notaries . -th-(a)t hem
non failede [aaAx]
U: 2,111 And feffe fals witnesse . wi-th- floryns ynowe [aaAx]
U: 2,112 ffor he may mede amaistrie . & make her(e) at
our wille [aaAx]
U: 2,113 -Th-o -th-is gold was ygyue . gret was -th-e -th-ankynge
U: 2,114 To fals & to fauel . for here faire -y-iftes
U: 2,115 And comen to counforte . from care -th-e false [aaAx]
U: 2,116 And seide certes . cese schul we neuere [aaAx]
fol. 9v
U: 2,117 Til mede be -th-i weddid wyf . -th-urw wyt of vs alle
U: 2,118 ffor we han mede amaistried . with our faire speche
U: 2,119 -Th-at sche g(ra)untith to go . wi-th- a good wille
U: 2,120 To londou(n) to loke . if -th-at -th-e lawe wolde
U: 2,121 Ioyne -y-ou ioyntlyche . in lawe for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,122 -Th-an was fals fayn . & fauel as blithe [aaAx]
U: 2,123 And leet somowne -th-e segges . in schires aboute
U: 2,124 -Th-(a)t alle be boune . beggeris & o-th-(er)e
U: 2,125 To wende with hem to westmynstr(e) . to witnesse
-th-is dede [aaAx]
U: 2,126 -Th-an cared -th-ei for caples . to caryen hem -th-ider
U: 2,127 -Th-anne fette fauel forth . foles of -th-e beste
U: 2,128 Sette mede on a shereue . schod al newe [aaAx]
U: 2,129 And fals on a sysour . -th-at softly trottyde [aaAx]
U: 2,130 And fauel vppon a fair speche . fetisliche atired
U: 2,131 -Th-o hadde notaries none . anoyed -th-ei were [aaAx]
U: 2,132 -Th-at symonye and ciuile . schulde on here feet
gange [aaAx]
U: 2,133 -Th-a(n)ne seide cyuile . and swor by -th-e rode
U: 2,134 -Th-(a)t someno(ur)s schulde be sadled . & beren
hem echone [aaAx]
U: 2,135 And leet app(ar)aile -th-e p(ro)uysours . on palfreyne
wyse [aaAx]
U: 2,136 Sire symonie hym selue . schal sitten on here bakkes
U: 2,137 And alle -th-e denes and sudenes . as destreres
he(m) dyghte [aaAa]
U: 2,138 ffor -th-ei schul bere -th-ese bisschopis . and
bri(n)ge hem to reste [aaAx]
U: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleyntes in constorie [aaAx]
U: 2,140 Schullen serue my selue . -th-at ciuile hatte [aaAx]
U: 2,141 And let sadele our co(m)missarie . our cart schal
he drawe [aaAx]
U: 2,142 And fecchen our vitailes . of fornicatours [aaAx]
U: 2,143 And maki-th- of lyere a long cart . to leden alle
-th-ese o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,144 As foles and faytours . -th-at on here feet rennes
U: 2,145 ffals & fauel go-th- . for-th- togidres [aaAa]
U: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddes . & al -th-e meyne
aftir [aaAx]
U: 2,147 I haue no tunge to telle . -th-e tail -th-at hem
folwyd [aaAx]
U: 2,148 Of alle man(er)e of men . -th-at on -th-is molde
libbes [aaAx]
U: 2,149 Ac gile was forgoere . and gyede hem alle [aaAx]
U: 2,150 Sothnesse seye hym wel . & seide but a litel
fol. 10r
U: 2,151 But prikede forth on his palfray . & passide hem
alle [aaAx]
U: 2,152 And com to -th-e kyngis court . and conscience tolde
U: 2,153 And conscience to -th-e kyng . carpide it aftir
U: 2,154 Now by crist q(uo)d -th-e kyng . --if I mowe cacche
U: 2,155 ffals or fauel . or ony of his feres [aaXa]
U: 2,156 I wolde ben wreken on -th-o . -th-at wroughten so
ille [aaAx]
U: 2,157 & don hem hange by -th-e hals . & alle -th-(a)t
hem meyntene-th- [aaAx]
U: 2,158 Schal neu(er)e on -th-is molde . meinprise -th-e
beste [aaAx]
U: 2,159 But right as -th-e lawe lokith . lat falle on hem
alle [aaAxx]
U: 2,160 & comandide a constable . he com at -th-e firste
U: 2,161 To take -th-ese tirautes . for ony tresour y hote
U: 2,162 ffet(er)eth falsnesse faste . for ony kynne -y-iftes
U: 2,163 And gadereth of gyles heued . lat hym go no fer-th-(er)e
U: 2,164 And bryngeth mede forth . maugre hem alle [aaAx]
U: 2,165 Symonye and cyuile . y sende hem to warne [aaAx]
U: 2,166 -Th-at holy chirche for hem . wur-th- harmed for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,167 And -y-if -y-e lacche lyere . let hym not ascape
U: 2,168 Til he be set on -th-e pillory . for ony treso(ur)
y hote [aaAx]
U: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stant . and -th-e dome herde
U: 2,170 And wightly wente . to warne -th-e false [aaAx]
U: 2,171 And bad hem fle for fere and here feres alle [aaAx]
U: 2,172 -Th-o falsnesse for fere . fley to -th-e freris
U: 2,173 And gile do-th- hym a wey agast for to deye [aaAx]
U: 2,174 Ac marchaunt-gh- mette wi-th- hym . & made hym
to abide [aaAx]
U: 2,175 Byschytten hym in here schoppes . to sellen here
war(e) [aaAx]
U: 2,176 App(ar)ailed hym as app(re)ntyse . -th-e peple to
seruen [aaAx]
U: 2,177 Lyghtliche lyere . leep awey -th-ennes [aaAx]
U: 2,178 Lurkynge -th-urw lanes . toluggide of manye [aaAx]
U: 2,179 He was nowhere wolcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
U: 2,180 Ou(er)all(e) yhunted . and yhote go trusse [aaAx]
U: 2,181 Til p(ar)doners hadde pite . and pullid hym to house
U: 2,182 Waschid hym & wyped hym . and wand hym in clo-th-es
U: 2,183 & sent hym on sondayes . wi-th- selys to chirche
fol. 10v
U: 2,184 & gaf p(ar)dou(n) for pens . poudme aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,185 -Th-an louyd leches . and l(ett)res he sente [aaAx]
U: 2,186 ffor to wone wi-th- hym . watres to loke [axAx]
U: 2,187 Spisours speken wi-th- hym . to aspien her(e) ware
U: 2,188 ffor he couthe on here craft . and knewe many gu(m)mes
U: 2,189 Mynstralis and messageres . mette wi-th- hym ones
U: 2,190 And ofheeld hym half -y-er . and elleuene dayes
U: 2,191 Wi-th- faire speche freres . fetten hym -th-ennes
U: 2,192 ffor knowynge of comeres . copide hym as a frere
U: 2,193 Ac he ha-th- leue to lepyn out . as ofte as hym
lyke-th- [aaXa]
U: 2,194 And is welcome whan he cometh . and wone-th- wi-th-
he(m) ofte [aaAx]
U: 2,195 Alle fledden for fere . and flowen into hyrnes [aaAx]
U: 2,196 Saue mede -th-ei maide . na mo durst abide [aaAx]
U: 2,197 Ac treuly to telle . sche tremblide for drede [aaAx]
U: 2,198 And eek weep and wrang . whan sche was atachid [aaAxx]
Passus t(ri)uus de visione
U: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e maide . name of hem alle [aaAx]
U: 3,2 And with bedeles & baillys . brought to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
U: 3,3 -Th-e kyng callide a clerk . y can noght his name
U: 3,4 To take mede -th-e maide . and maken here at ese [aaAx]
U: 3,5 I wolde assaie hire my selue . and sothly appose [aaAx]
U: 3,6 What man of -th-is moolde . -th-at her(e) wer(e) leuest
U: 3,7 & if sche wurche be my wit . & my wille folwe
U: 3,8 I wol forgyue her(e) -th-e gilt . so me god helpe
U: 3,9 Curteisly -th-e clerke -th-anne . as -th-e kyng highte
U: 3,10 Took mede by -th-e myddile . and brought hir(e) to
chaumbr(e) [aaXx]
U: 3,11 Ac -th-(er) was mirthe & mynstracie . mede to
ple [aaAx]
U: 3,12 -Th-(a)t wonyen at westmynstr(e) . worschipen hire
alle [aaAx]
U: 3,13 Gentyly wi-th- ioye . -th-e Iustise to sowpen [aaAx]
U: 3,14 Buskide hym to -th-e bour . -th-(er) -th-e byrde
duellth [aaAx]
U: 3,15 Curteisly confortide mede . by clergies leue [aaAx]
U: 3,16 And seide mo(ur)ne noght mede . ne make -th-(o)u
no sorwe [aaAx]
U: 3,17 ffor we wil wisse -th-e kyng . and -th-ei wey make
fol. 11r
U: 3,18 ffor al consciences cast . or craft as y trowe [aaAx]
U: 3,19 Mildely mede . m(er)cied hem alle [aaAx]
U: 3,20 Of here goodnesse . and -y-af hem echone [aaAx]
U: 3,21 Coupes of clene gold . and pecis of siluer [aaXx]
U: 3,22 Rynges and rubies . and richesses manye [aaAx]
U: 3,23 -Th-e leste man of here meyne . a motou(n) of golde
U: 3,24 -Th-anne lau-gh-te -th-ei leue . -th-ese lordis at
mede [aaAx]
U: 3,25 W(i)t(h) -th-at comen clerkis . to conforte hir(e)
-th-e same [aaAx]
U: 3,26 & bad her(e) be blithe . for we ben -th-in owen
U: 3,27 ffor to wurche -th-i wil . whil our lyf dure-th-
U: 3,28 Hendeliche -th-a(n)ne sche . highte hem -th-e same
U: 3,29 To loue -y-ow lely . and lordes -gh-ow make [aaAx]
U: 3,30 & in constorie at -th-e court . calle -y-o(ur)
names [aaAx]
U: 3,31 -Th-(er) schal no lewednesse hem lette . -th-e lede
-th-at y louye [aaAa]
U: 3,32 -Th-(a)t he ne wurth first auaunced . for I am beknowe
U: 3,33 -Th-(er) cu(n)nynge clerkes . schul clokke byhynde
U: 3,34 -Th-an com -th-(er) a co(n)fessour . copyd as a frere
U: 3,35 To mede -th-e maide . mykeliche he loutide [aaAx]
U: 3,36 And seide wol softly . in schryft as it were [aaAx]
U: 3,37 -Th-eyhe lerid and lewyd . hadde ley by -th-e alle
U: 3,38 And -th-eigh falsnesse hadde folewid -th-e . -th-is
fo(ur) score wynt(er) [aaAx]
U: 3,39 I schal assoile -th-e myself . for a seem whete [aaAx]
U: 3,40 & eek be -th-i baudekyn . & bere wel -th-in
arende [aaAx]
U: 3,41 Among clerkes and knyghtes . co(n)science to felle
U: 3,42 -Th-an mede for here mysdede . to -th-at man lowtide
U: 3,43 & schrof here [of her(e)] synne . schamelees
y trowe [aaAx]
U: 3,44 Told hym a tokne . and took hym a noble [aaAx]
U: 3,45 ffor to be here bedeman . and here baude aftir [aaAx]
U: 3,46 -Th-an he assoile her(e) sone . and sithen her(e)
seyde [aaAa]
U: 3,47 We han a wyndow i(n) wirchyng . wol stonden vs wol
hie [aaAxx]
U: 3,48 Woldest -th-(o)u glase -th-e gable . & graue
-th-(er) -th-in name [aaAx]
U: 3,49 Siker schulde -th-i soule . be heuene to haue [aaBb]
U: 3,50 Wyst y -th-(a)t q(uo)d -th-e wo(m)man . -th-(er)
nys wyndow ne auter [aaAx]
fol. 11v
U: 3,51 -Th-at y ne schulde g(ra)ue and mende . & myn name
writen [aaAxx]
U: 3,52 -Th-at eche segge schulde wite . y were soster of
-y-o(ur) house [aaAx]
U: 3,53 Ac god & [alle] good folk . swich g(ra)uynge
defendith & sei-th- [aaAx]
U: 3,54 { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dext(er)a } [Latin]
U: 3,55 Lat noght -th-i left halfe . late ne rathe [aaAx]
U: 3,56 Wite what -th-i right half . wurchith ne delith [aaxAx]
U: 3,57 And so p(re)ueliche parte it . -th-at pride be noght
seyn [aaAx]
U: 3,58 Neyther in sight ne in soule . for god hym selue
knowi-th- [aaAx]
U: 3,59 Who is curteys or kynde . coueytous or elles [aaAx]
U: 3,60 ffor-th-i y rede [-y-ow] lordes to leue swiche writynge
U: 3,61 To writen in wyndowes . of -gh-our wel dedys [aaAx]
U: 3,62 Or to greden aft(ir) godis men . whan -y-e -y-yuen
doles [aaAx]
U: 3,63 An aunt(er) -y-e haue here . -y-our mede for -y-our
gode [aaAa]
U: 3,64 ffor our saueour it seide . & hym selue p(re)chide
U: 3,64a { Amen Amen dico vobis recep(er)unt m(er)cede(m)
sua(m) &c } [Latin]
U: 3,65 Meires & macerys . -th-ei -th-at ben mene [aaAx]
U: 3,66 bytwene -th-e kyng & his comowns . to kepe -th-e
lawes [aaAx]
U: 3,67 As to punysche on pylorie . and pynynge stoles [aaAx]
U: 3,68 Breworis and bakeres . bocheris & cokes [aaAx]
U: 3,69 ffor -th-ese arn men i(n) -th-is world . -th-(a)t
most harm wurchen [aaAx]
U: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-at p(ar)celmele biggen
U: 3,71 ffor -th-ei poysene -th-e peple . p(ri)ueyly wol
ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,72 And richen -th-urw regratrie . & rentes hem biggen
U: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pore peple . schuld putten i(n) her(e)
wombes [aaAx]
U: 3,74 ffor ne toke -th-ei so wrongwisly . -th-ei tymbrid
not so hie [aaAx]
U: 3,75 Ne bou-gh-te none bargaynes . be -th-(o)u wol c(er)tayn
U: 3,76 Ac mede -th-e maide . -th-e meire sche bysoughte
U: 3,77 Of alle selleris . silu(er) to take [aaAx]
U: 3,78 O-th-(er) p(re)sent o-th-(er) pens . or pecis of
siluer [aaAx]
U: 3,79 Rynges or richesses . -th-ese reg(ra)tours to meynteyne
U: 3,80 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . somdel a-y-ens resou(n)
U: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sarmou(n) he made [aaAx]
U: 3,83 to amenden meires & men . -th-at kepyn -th-e
lawes [aaaXx]
fol. 12r
U: 3,84 And tok hym -th-is teme . -th-at y telle thenke [aaAx]
U: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nacula eor(um) qui libent(er)
accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
U: 3,86 Among -th-ese lettride men . -th-is latyn amounte-th-
U: 3,87 -Th-(a)t fer schal falle . and forbrenne right at
-th-e laste [aaAx]
U: 3,88 -Th-e hous & -th-e homes . of hem -th-at desiren
U: 3,89 To haue mede for here s(er)uyse . in youthe or in
elde [????]
U: 3,90 -Th-e king & his conseil com . & callide
aftir mede [aaaAx]
U: 3,91 & ofsente here swithe wi-th- . seriauntes here
U: 3,92 ffette and broghte here to boure . wi-th- blisse & w(i)t(h)
ioye [aaAx]
U: 3,93 Curteisly -th-e king . comseth to telle [aaAx]
U: 3,94 To mede -th-e maide . moue-th- -th-ese wordes [aaAx]
U: 3,95 Vnwittily wrought hast -th-(o)u wol ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,96 Ac wers wroughtest -th-(o)u neu(er)e . -th-an whan
-th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
U: 3,97 Ac y forgyue -th-e gilt . and g(ra)unte -th-e g(ra)ce
U: 3,98 Hennes to -th-i deth day . do-th- -th-ou so namore
U: 3,99 I haue a knyt conscience . com late fro by-y-onde
U: 3,100 -Y-if he wilne-th- -th-e to wyue . wolt -th-(o)u
hym haue [aaAx]
U: 3,101 -Y-a lord q(uo)d -th-at lady . lord it forbede elles
U: 3,102 But y be holy at -y-our heste . hange me elles [aaAx]
U: 3,103 -Th-an was conscience ycallid . to comyn & aperen
U: 3,104 Byfore -th-e king and his conseil . clerkes and
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 3,105 Knelynge co(n)science . to -th-e king loutide [aaAx]
U: 3,106 What his wille wer(e) . & what he don schulde
U: 3,107 Wolt -th-(o)u wedde -th-is wo(m)man . -y-if y wol
assente [aaAx]
U: 3,108 ffor sche is fayn of -th-i felaschipe . for to be
-th-i make [aaAxx]
U: 3,109 Q(uo)d conscience to -th-e king . crist it me forbede
U: 3,110 Er y wedde siche a wif . wo me betide [aaAx]
U: 3,111 ffor sche is freel of here feith . fykil of here
speche [aaAx]
U: 3,112 Sche makith men mysdo . many score tymes [aaaAx]
U: 3,113 In trust of her tresour . sche troyteth wol manye
U: 3,114 Wyues and wydowes . wantounesse teches [aaAx]
U: 3,115 lerid hem lecherye . -th-at louedyn here -y-yftes
U: 3,116 -Yh-oure fadir sche fellide . -th-urw false byhestes
fol. 12v
U: 3,117 Aposowned popes . apeired al holi cherche [aaAx]
U: 3,118 Is noght a bet(er)e baude . by hym -th-at me made
U: 3,119 Bytwene helle & heuene . & erthe -th-oghe
men soghte [aaAx]
U: 3,120 Sche is tykel of here tayl . talwys of here tunge
U: 3,121 As comou(n) as a cartwey . to knaue and to monke
U: 3,122 To mynstrales & messagiers . many tyme in hegges
U: 3,123 Sysours & schereues . siche men here preysen
U: 3,124 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,125 Sche do-th- men lese her(e) lyf . and here lond
aftir [aaAx]
U: 3,126 And let passe -th-e p(ry)soneres . & paie-th-
for hem ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,127 And gyue-th- -th-e gayleris gold . and grotes togidres
U: 3,128 To vnfet(er)e -th-e false . fle wher hym lyketh
U: 3,129 Sche taki-th- treuthe by -th-e top . and teie-th-
hym vp faste [aaAx]
U: 3,130 And hangith hym for hatrede . -th-at harmyde neu(er)e
U: 3,131 To be cursed in co(n)storie . sche -y-yue-th- noght
a ryssche [aaAx]
U: 3,132 ffor sche cope-th-e -th-e co(m)missarie . and clothith
his clerkes [aaAa]
U: 3,133 Sche is assoiled asone . as here selue likith [aaAx]
U: 3,134 Sche may ny as moche do . in a monthe ones [aaAx]
U: 3,135 As -th-e secrete seal . in vij score dayes [aaAx]
U: 3,136 Sche is p(ri)ue wi-th- -th-e pope . p(ro)uysours
it knowen [aaAx]
U: 3,137 Sire symonye and hereself . selen -th-e bulles [aaAx]
U: 3,138 Sche blessith -th-ese bysschopes . -th-eigh -th-(a)t
-th-ei ben lewed [aaAx]
U: 3,139 P(ro)uendrours p(er)sones . p(re)stes sche meyntene-th-
to holde [aaAx]
U: 3,140 le(m)manys and lutebyes . alle her(e) lyf dayes
U: 3,141 And bryngen forth barons . a-y-ens forbode lawes
U: 3,142 -Th-(er)e sche is wi-th- -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e
reme [axAx]
U: 3,143 ffor sche is fauorable to false . and fouleth treu-th-e
ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,144 Barouns & burgeys . sche bryngith to sorwe [aaAx]
U: 3,145 By Iesu wi-th- here Ieweles . -y-our Iustise sche
schendith [aaAx]
U: 3,146 Sche leyth a-y-en -th-e lawe . and lette-th- treuthe
ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,147 -Th-(a)t feith may not haue his for-th- . her(e)
floryns go so -th-ikke [aaAx]
U: 3,148 Sche ledith lawe as here lyst . & louedays makith
U: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a pore man . -th-oghe he mote eu(er)e
U: 3,150 Law is so lordliche . and lo-th- to maken ende [aaAx]
fol. 13r
U: 3,151 Wi-th-outen p(re)sent or pens . sche plesith ful fewe
U: 3,152 Clergie and couetise . sche coupleth togidres [aaAx]
U: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-e lif of -th-at lady . our lord -y-yue
here sorwe [aaAx]
U: 3,154 And alle -th-at meintene here men . myschaunce hem
betyde [aaAx]
U: 3,155 ffor pore men han no power . to pleyne hem -th-ei-gh-e
-th-ei sm(er)tis [aaAx]
U: 3,156 Swiche a maist(er) is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
U: 3,157 -Th-a(n)ne murnyde mede . and pleynede here to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
U: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede if sche myghte [aaAx]
U: 3,159 -Th-e king g(ra)untide here g(ra)ce . wi-th- a good
wille [aaAx]
U: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -y-if -th-ou canst . y can na more
sigge [aaAx]
U: 3,161 ffor conscience accusith -th-e . to cunge -th-e
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d -th-at lady . leef hym -th-e werse
U: 3,163 Whan -y-e wite witterly . where -th-e wrong duellith
U: 3,164 -Th-(er) -th-at myschief is gret . mede mai helpe
U: 3,165 And -th-ou knowest co(n)science . y com noght to
chide [aaAx]
U: 3,166 Ne to dispise -th-i p(er)sone . wi-th- a proud herte
U: 3,167 Wel -th-ou wost conscience . but if -th-ou wolt
lye [aaxAx]
U: 3,168 -Th-ou hast hangen on myn half . enleuen tymes [aaAx]
U: 3,169 & ek gripen my gold . and -y-yuen where -th-e
likid [aaAx]
U: 3,170 Whi -th-ou wratthest -th-e nou . wondir me thinke-th-
U: 3,171 -Y-it y mai as I myghte . mylde -th-e wi-th- -y-iftes
U: 3,172 & meynteyne -th-i manhood . more -th-an -th-ou
knowes [aaAx]
U: 3,173 And -th-ou hast famed me foule . byfore -th-e kyng
here [aaAxx]
U: 3,174 ffor kilde y neu(er)e no kyng . ne conseilede -th-(er)aftir
U: 3,175 Ne dide as -th-ou demest . y do it on -th-e kyng
U: 3,176 In normandie was he not . noied for me [aaAx]
U: 3,177 Ac -th-ou self sikerly . conseiledest hym -th-ennes
U: 3,178 Creep in to a caban . for cold of -th-in nailes
U: 3,179 Wendest -th-at wynt(er) . wolde laste eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 3,180 & draddest -th-e to be deed . for a dym clowde
U: 3,181 & hastidest -th-e homward . for hungir of -th-i
wombe [aaAx]
U: 3,182 Wi-th-oute pite -th-ou pilour . pore men -th-ou
robbedist [aaAx]
U: 3,183 & bar her bras on -th-i bak . to caleys to selle
fol. 13v
U: 3,184 -Th-(er)e y lefte wi-th- my lord . his lyf for to
saue [aaAx]
U: 3,185 And made hym mirthes . fro morwe til eue [aaAx]
U: 3,186 I batride hym on -th-e bak bod . boldide his herte
U: 3,187 & dide hym hoppe for hope . to han at his wille
U: 3,188 Hadde y marchal ou(er)e his men . be mary loue of
heuene [aaAx]
U: 3,189 I durste haue leyd my heed . and no lesse wedde
U: 3,190 He schulde haue ben lord of -th-at lond . in lengthe & i(n)
brede [aaAx]
U: 3,191 And eek kyng of -th-at kythe . his kyn for to helpe
U: 3,192 -Th-e leste brol of his blood . a barouns pere [aaAx]
U: 3,193 Cowardliche co(n)science . -th-ou conseiledist hym
-th-e(n)nes [aaAx]
U: 3,194 To leuen his lordschipe . for a litil siluer [aaAx]
U: 3,195 -Th-(a)t is -th-e ricchest of rewmes . -th-at reyn
ou(er)houes [aaAx]
U: 3,196 It bycometh a kyng . -th-at kepith a rewme [aaAx]
U: 3,197 To -y-yuen his men mede . -th-at mekelich hy(m)
s(er)uen [aaAx]
U: 3,198 and alienes & alle men . to honoure wi-th- -y-iftis
U: 3,199 Mede makith to be louyd . and for a man holden [aaxAx]
U: 3,200 Emp(er)ours erles . and alle man(er) lordis [aaAx]
U: 3,201 Thurw -y-iftis han -y-onge men . to rennen & to
ryde [aaAx]
U: 3,202 -Th-e pope with his p(re)latis . p(re)sentes vndirfongith
U: 3,203 And medith hem hym selue . to meynten his lawes
U: 3,204 Seruantis for here s(er)uise . we sen wel -th-e
sothe [aaAa]
U: 3,205 Taken mede of here maistr(i)s . as -th-ei mowen
accorde [aaAx]
U: 3,206 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,207 Mynstralis for here myrthe . mede -th-ei axen [aaAx]
U: 3,208 -Th-e king ha-th- mede of his men . to make pees
i(n) londe [aaAx]
U: 3,209 Men -th-(a)t ben clerkis . crauen of him mede [aaAx]
U: 3,210 P(re)stes -th-at p(re)chen . -th-e peple to gode
U: 3,211 Asken mede & messe pens . & here mete also
U: 3,212 Alle kynne crafty me(n) crauen . mede for her(e)
p(re)ntys [aaXx]?
U: 3,213 Mede and marchaundise . mot nede mete togidres [aaAx]
U: 3,214 No wight as I wene . wi-th-oute mede myght libbe
U: 3,215 Q(uo)d -th-e king to co(n)science . by c(ri)st as
me -th-inkith [aaAx]
U: 3,216 Mede is wur-th-i . -th-e maistrie to haue [axAx]
fol. 14r
U: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d conscience to -th-e kyng . & knelide
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
U: 3,218 -Th-er(e) arn two man(er)e of medes . lord by -y-our
leue [aaAx]
U: 3,219 -Th-e ton god of his g(ra)ce . gyueth in his blisse
U: 3,220 To hem -th-(a)t wurchen wel . whiles -th-ei ben
here [aaAx]
U: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phete p(re)chide it . and put it in -th-e
sauter [aaAx]
U: 3,221a { Qui pecu(n)iam sua(m) no(n) dedit ad vsura(m) &c
} [Latin]
U: 3,222 Tak no mede my lord . of men -th-at ben trewe [aaAx]
U: 3,223 Loue hem & lene hem for -th-e lordis loue of
heuene [aaAx]?
U: 3,224 Godis mede & his m(er)ci . -th-(er) wi-th- mygthow
wynne [aaAx]
U: 3,225 -Th-(er)e is a mede mesureles . -th-at maistr(i)s
desyren [aaAx]
U: 3,226 To meyntene mysdoeris . mede -th-ei taken [aaAx]
U: 3,227 & -th-(er)of seith -th-e saut(er) . in a psalmes
ende [aaAx]
U: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) i(n)iquitates sunt dext(era)
eor(um) repleta e(st) mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
U: 3,229 And he -th-at gripeth here gold . so me god helpe
U: 3,230 Schal abye ful bit(er)e . or -th-e book lyes [aaAx]
U: 3,231 P(re)stis and p(er)sones . -th-at plesynges desiren
U: 3,232 Schal take mede and mone . for messis -th-(a)t -th-ei
syngen [aaAx]
U: 3,233 Schul haue -th-e mede of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t
matheu ha-th- yg(ra)ntid [aaAx]
U: 3,233a { Amen dico vobis recipiebant m(er)cedem suam }
U: 3,234 -Th-at laboureris and lond folk . taken of here
maistr(i)s [aaXx]
U: 3,235 It is no man(er) mede . but a mesurable hire [aaAx]
U: 3,236 In marchandise is no mede . y mai it wel avowe [aaAx]
U: 3,237 It is ap(er)tly a p(er)mutac(i)ou(n) . a penyworth
for ano-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 3,238 Ac reddist -th-ou neu(er)e { regu(m )} . -th-ou
recreiede mede [aaAx]
U: 3,239 Why -th-e vengeaunce fel . on saul and on his children
U: 3,240 God sente him to seye . by samuelis mouthe [aaAx]
U: 3,241 -Th-(a)t achaz & amalech . & al his peple
aftir [aaAx]
U: 3,242 Schulde deye for a dede . -th-at don hadde his eldres
U: 3,243 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,244 Samuel seide to saul . god sendith -th-e and hotith
U: 3,245 To be buxum & bold . his biddynge to fulfille
U: 3,246 Wende -th-ider wi-th- -th-in ost . wo(m)men to kille
U: 3,247 Children and cherles . choppe hem to dethe [aaAx]
U: 3,248 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,249 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,250 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,251 And for he kilde noght -th-e kyng . as crist hym
selue bad [aaAx]
U: 3,252 but coueyted her(e) catel . and kylde noght her(e)
bestis [aaAx]
fol. 14v
U: 3,253 But broughte wi-th- hem -th-e bestes . as -th-e bible
tellith [aaAx]
U: 3,254 God seide to samuel . -th-at saul schulde deye [aaAx]
U: 3,255 And al seed for -th-at synne . schendfulliche ende
U: 3,256 Swich a mysdede mede . made -th-e king to haue [aaAx]
U: 3,257 -Th-at god hatide -th-e kyng for eu(er)e . and alle
hise eires aftir [aaAa]
U: 3,258 -Th-e culor(um) of -th-is . kepe I noght to schewe
U: 3,259 An aunt(er) -y-if it noiede me . an ende wil y make
U: 3,260 In co(n)science knowe y -th-is . for resoun it me
taughte [aaAx]
U: 3,261 -Th-at resoun schal reigne . and rewmes gou(er)ne
U: 3,262 And right as agas hadde . ha-th- men schul se som
tyme [aaAx]
U: 3,263 Samuel schal slen him . & saul schal be blamyd
U: 3,264 And dauid schal be dyademyd . & daunten he(m)
alle [aaAx]
U: 3,265 & one c(ri)stene kyng . to kepen vs echone [aaAx]
U: 3,266 Schal na more mede . ben maister on erthe [aaAx]
U: 3,267 But loue and lownesse . and leute togidres [aaAx]
U: 3,268 And who t(re)spaseth treuliche . and takith a-y-ens
right [aaAx]
U: 3,269 His wikkide leute schal don hym lawe . & lese
his lif elles [aaAx]
U: 3,270 Schal no s(er)uaunt for his s(er)uise . were no
selk gowne [aaAx]
U: 3,271 Ne no ray robe . wi-th- riche pelure [aaAx]
U: 3,272 Mede of mysdoeres . makith hem so riche [aaAx]
U: 3,273 -Th-(a)t lawe is a lord waxen . and leute is pore
U: 3,274 Wykkidnesse is comaundour . & kyndenesse is
banyschid [aaAx]
U: 3,275 Ac kynde wit schal come -y-it . and conscience togidre
U: 3,276 And make of lawe a laborer . swich loue schal arise
Passus quartus de visione
U: 4,1 Seseth seide -th-e kyng . I suffr(e) -y-ow no lenger(e)
U: 4,2 -Y-e schul saghtlyn forso-th-e . and serue me bothe
U: 4,3 Kusse hire q(uo)d -th-e king . co(n)science y hote
U: 4,4 Nay by god q(uo)d conscience . cunge me rather [aaAx]
U: 4,5 But resoun rede me -th-(er)to . first wol y deie [aaAx]
U: 4,6 And y comande -th-e q(uo)d -th-e king . to co(n)science
-th-enne [aaAx]
U: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ride . and resou(n) -th-ou me fecche
fol. 15r
U: 4,8 Comaunde hym -th-at he come . my conseil to here [aaAx]
U: 4,9 ffor he schal reule my rewme . and rede me -th-e beste
U: 4,10 Of mede and of mo o-th-(er)e . what man schal her(e)
wedde [aaAx]
U: 4,11 And counte wi-th- co(n)science . so me god helpe
U: 4,12 How -th-ou rewliste -th-e peple . lerid and lewed
U: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-at forward . seith -th-e freek -th-anne
U: 4,14 And right rennes to resoun . & rownes in his
ere [aaaAx]
U: 4,15 Seide as -th-e king him sente . and sitthe took his
leue [aaAxx]
U: 4,16 I schal araie me to ride q(uo)d resou(n) . reste
-th-e a while [aaaAx]
U: 4,17 And calde conscience his knaue . curteys of speche
U: 4,18 Set my sadil . vppon suffre til y se my tyme [aaAa]
U: 4,19 And let warrok hym wel . wi-th- rightfulle girthes
U: 4,20 Hang on hym an heuy bridel . & hoold his heued
lowe [aaAx]
U: 4,21 & -gh-it schal he make many wehe . er we come
-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,22 -Th-anne conscience on his capil . carie-th- for-th-
faste [aaAx]
U: 4,23 & resou(n) wi-th- him right . & rapide hym
faste [aaAx]
U: 4,24 At on were wysdom . & wytty his fere [aaAx]
U: 4,25 ffolwide faste for-th- . for -th-ei hadde to done
U: 4,26 In -th-e chekir and in -th-e chauncerye . to ben
deschargid of -th-i(n)gis [aaAx]
U: 4,27 And riden faste for resou(n) . schulde rede hem -th-e
beste [aaAx]
U: 4,28 ffor to saue hem self . from schame & from harmes
U: 4,29 Ac co(n)science com first . to -th-e court be a myle
weye [aaAx]
U: 4,30 And rowned for-th- wi-th- resou(n) . right to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
U: 4,31 Curteisly -th-e king . -th-anne com in to resoun
U: 4,32 bytwene hym & his sone . sette him on benche
U: 4,33 And wordiden a gret while . wol wisly togidre [aaAx]
U: 4,34 -Th-a(n)ne pees com into -th-e p(ar)lement . & put
forth a bille [aaAx]
U: 4,35 How wrong a-y-ens his wille . hadde his wif taken
U: 4,36 And how he rauyschide rose . reynoldes loue [aaAx]
U: 4,37 And margrete of here maydenhed . maugre hir(e) chekis
U: 4,38 Bothe my gees & my gris . his gadelyng(es) fecchen
U: 4,39 I dar noght for him . fighte ne chide [xaAx]
fol. 15v
U: 4,40 He borwide of me bayard . he brought hy(m) neu(er)e
ageyn [aaAx]
U: 4,41 Ne no ferthyngworth -th-(er)fore . for ought I coude
mote plete [aaAxx]
U: 4,42 He meyntenith his men . to murdre myn hyne [aaAx]
U: 4,43 fforstalles my feire . fightes in my chepynge [aaAx]
U: 4,44 Brekith vp my berne dores . and bereth awey my whete
U: 4,45 And takith me but a tayle . for ten quarters otes
U: 4,46 And -y-it he betith me -th-(er)to . and lyth be my
maiden [axAx]
U: 4,47 And I am noght so hardy ones on hym to loke [aaAx]
U: 4,48 -Th-o knewe -th-e kyng . he seide soth for co(n)science
hy(m) tolde [aaAx]
U: 4,49 Wrong was aferid -th-o . and wisdom bysoughte [axAx]
U: 4,50 To make pees with his pens . and p(ro)fride manye
U: 4,51 And seide hadde I loue of my lord -th-e kyng [aaAx]
U: 4,52 litil wold y recche if pes and his power pleyned
hy(m) eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,53 Wisdom wan -th-o . & so dide wyt also [aaAx]
U: 4,54 ffor -th-at wrong hadde don . so wikkide a dede [aaAx]
U: 4,55 And warnyd wrong . with swiche a wys tale [aaAx]
U: 4,56 Whoso wurchith by wille . wratthe maki-th- ofte [aaAx]
U: 4,57 I seye it by my selue . -th-ou schalt it sone fynde
U: 4,58 But mede -th-i pees make . -th-i meschief is vppe
U: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-i lif and -th-i lond . ben in his
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
U: 4,60 Wrong -th-anne on wisdom . wepte to helpe hy(m) at
nede [aaAx]
U: 4,61 ffor right -th-(er) of is . handy dandy payd [aaXa]
U: 4,62 -Th-anne wisdom & wit . wenten togidr(e)s [aaAx]
U: 4,63 And token mede with hem . m(er)ci to wynne [axAx]
U: 4,64 Pes put for-th- his heued . & his blody panne
U: 4,65 Wi-th-oute gilt god wot . gat y -th-is scathe [aaAx]
U: 4,66 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,67 And wysten wel . -th-at wrong was a schrewe eu(er)e
U: 4,68 And wisdom & wyt . were aboute faste [aaAx]
U: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e king . wi-th- catell(e) -y-if
-th-ei myghte [aaAx]
U: 4,70 -Th-e king swor be c(ri)st . & be his coroune
bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 4,71 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,72 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,73 to caste(n) hy(m) i(n) yrens he schal -th-is vij
-y-er sen his fet onys [aaAx]
U: 4,74 God wot q(uo)d wysdom . -th-(a)t were noght -th-e
beste [aaAx]
U: 4,75 & he amendes mow make . let meinprise hy(m) haue
fol. 16r
U: 4,76 & be borw for his bale . & biggen hym bote
U: 4,77 Amende -th-at mysdede . & eu(er)emore do -th-e
bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,78 Wit acordith -th-(er)to . & seide -th-e same
U: 4,79 Bet(er)e is bote . bale adoun brynge [aaAa]
U: 4,80 -Th-an bale be bote . and bote neu(er)e -th-e bet(er)e
U: 4,81 -Th-an gan mede to meke here . & m(er)ci bysoughte
U: 4,82 & p(ro)fred pees a p(re)saunt . al of pure golde
U: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me man q(uo)d sche . to amende -th-i
scathe [aaAx]
U: 4,84 ffor I wol wage for wrong . he schal do so namor(e)
U: 4,85 Pees -th-an pitously . preyde to -th-e king [aaAx]
U: 4,86 To haue m(er)ci on -th-at man . -th-at mysdide him
ofte [aaAx]
U: 4,87 ffor he ha-th- wagid me wel . as wysdom him taughte
U: 4,88 I forgyue hym -th-at gilt . wi-th- a good wille [aaAx]
U: 4,89 So -y-e assente -th-(er)to . I can sey namore [aaAx]
U: 4,90 ffor he ha-th- mad me amendes . y mai namore axen
U: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng . so crist -y-yue me blisse
U: 4,92 Wrong wendith not so awey . er y wite more [aaaAx]
U: 4,93 lope he so lightli . laghen he wolde [aaAx]
U: 4,94 & oftere -th-e baldere be . to bete myn hynen
U: 4,95 But resou(n) haue reuthe on hym . he schal resten
i(n) stokkis [aaAx]
U: 4,96 As longe as y lyue . but more loue it make [aaAx]
U: 4,97 -Th-anne redde resou(n) . to haue reuthe on -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
U: 4,98 & -th-o co(n)seilede -th-e kyng . and co(n)science
bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 4,99 -Th-(a)t mede most be meinp(er)no(ur) . resou(n)
-th-ei bysoughte [aaaXx]?
U: 4,100 Rede me not q(uo)d resou(n) . no reuthe to haue
U: 4,101 Til lordis and ladyes . louen alle treuthe [aaAx]
U: 4,102 And pirnelis p(ur)fil . be put in here hucche [aaAx]
U: 4,103 Til childrenes cherischyng . be chastid with -y-erdes
U: 4,104 And harlotes harlotrie . be holden for an hyne [aaAa]
U: 4,105 Til clerkes & knyghtis . be curteys of here
mouthe [aaAx]
U: 4,106 & hate to here harlotrye . or mouthe it hem
selue [aaaAx]
U: 4,107 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,108 & don it in dede . to drawen vs to gode [aaAx]
fol. 16v
U: 4,109 Til seint Iame be ysought . -th-(er) y schal assigne
U: 4,110 -Th-at no man go to galys . but he go for eu(er)e
U: 4,111 And alle Rome rennerys . for robberis of by-y-onde
U: 4,112 Bere no siluer ou(er) see . -th-at coyn of kyng
schewith [aaAa]
U: 4,113 Nei-th-(er) grotes ne gold . Ig(ra)ue with kyng(es)
coyne [aaAx]
U: 4,114 Vp forfeture of -th-at fee . who fynt hym diu(er)se
U: 4,115 But it be marchaunt or his man . or messager w(i)t(h)
l(ett)res [aaAx]
U: 4,116 O-th-(er) p(ro)uysour o-th-(er) prest . -th-at -th-e
pope auaunce-th- [aaAx]
U: 4,117 And -y-it q(uo)d resou(n) by -th-e rode . y wol
no reuthe haue [aaAx]
U: 4,118 Whil mede ha-th- -th-e maistrie . to moten in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
U: 4,119 Ac y mai schewe -y-ow ensaumples . y seie be my
selue [aaAx]
U: 4,120 --- this line is om ---
U: 4,121 & it were so y were a kyng wi-th- coroune .
to kepen a rewme [aaAx]
U: 4,122 Schulde neu(er)e in -th-is world . -th-at y wite
myghte [aaAx]
U: 4,123 Be vnpunysched be my power . for p(er)il of my soule
U: 4,124 Ne gete my g(ra)ce with -gh-iftes . so me god helpe
U: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)ci . but mekenesse it made
U: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) inpunitu(m) } -th-e may
mete with [aaAx]
U: 4,127 And bad { nullu(m) bonu(m) irremun(er)atu(m) } [aaAx]
U: 4,128 Let -th-i confessour sire kyng . co(n)strue it -th-e
in englissche [aaAx]
U: 4,129 & -gh-if -th-ou worche it i(n) werk . y wedde
bo-th-e myn er(es) [aaAx]
U: 4,130 -Th-at lawe schal be a laborer . & lede to feld
donge [aaAx]
U: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-i lond . as -th-e best liketh
U: 4,132 Clerkis -th-at ben co(n)fessours . couple hem togidr(i)s
U: 4,133 ffor to co(n)strue -th-e clause . & declyne
it aftir [aaAx]
U: 4,134 Ac whan resou(n) among -th-e renges . had reherced
-th-e wordis [aaAx]
U: 4,135 -Th-(er) nas man in -th-e motehalle . more ne lesse
U: 4,136 -Th-at he ne heeld resou(n) a maist(er) & mede
. a moche wrecche [xaaAx]
U: 4,137 Loue leet of hire light . and lowhe hire to scorne
U: 4,138 And gredde it so loude . -th-at sothnesse it herde
U: 4,139 ffor who so wylnith her(e) to wyue . for welthe
of her(e) godis [aaAx]
U: 4,140 But he be cokewold ycald . cut of myn nose [aaAx]
U: 4,141 Vnwar was wisdom . & ynwit his fere [aaAx]
U: 4,142 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,143 But starende & studiande . stode for-th- as
bestes [aaAx]
fol. 17r
U: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acordide . be crist to resounis sawes [aaAx]
U: 4,145 & reherside -th-at resoun . had rightfulliche
schewid [aaAx]
U: 4,146 Ac it is wol hard be myn heued . it -th-(er)to to
brynge [aaAx]
U: 4,147 Alle my lige ledes . to leden hem -th-us euene [aaAx]
U: 4,148 By hym -th-at raughte on -th-e rode . q(uo)d resou(n)
to -th-e king [aaAx]
U: 4,149 But y reule -th-us -th-i rewme . rend of my ribbes
U: 4,150 -Y-if it be so -th-at buxu(m)nesse . be of myn assent
U: 4,151 And y assente q(uo)d -th-e king . by seinte marie
my lady [axAx]
U: 4,152 Be my counseil ycomen . of clerkes & of erles
U: 4,153 Ac redily resoun . -th-ou schalt not riden henne
U: 4,154 ffor as longe as y lyue . loue -th-e y wille [aaAx]
U: 4,155 I am redi q(uo)d resou(n) . to reste wi-th- -y-ou
eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,156 So conscience be of our conseil . kepe y no bet(er)e
U: 4,157 I g(ra)unte q(uo)d -th-e king . goddis forbode he
failed [aaAbb]
U: 4,158 As longe as y lyue . libbe we togidres [aaAx]
Passus quintus de visione
U: 5,1 -Th-e king and his knyghtis . to -th-e cherche wenten
U: 5,2 To here matyns & messe . and sithe to mete aftir
U: 5,3 -Th-an wakid y of my wynkynge . & wo was wi-th-alle
U: 5,4 -Th-(a)t I ne hadde slepe saddere . and yseie more
U: 5,5 Er I hadde faren a furlong . swiche fantesie me hente
U: 5,6 -Th-(a)t y ne myghte fer-th-(er)e a fote . for defaute
of slepynge [aaAx]
U: 5,7 I sat softly adoun . & seide my byleue [aaAx]
U: 5,8 And so I bablide on my bedes . -th-ei broughten me
aslepe [aaAx]
U: 5,9 -Th-an saw y moche more . -th-an y byfore tolde [aaXx]
U: 5,10 I saw -th-e feld full(e) of folk . -th-at y byfore
nempnyd [aaAx]
U: 5,11 And conscience wi-th- a cros . com for to p(re)che
U: 5,12 he p(re)chide -th-e peple . to haue pite on hem selue
U: 5,13 And p(ro)ued -th-at -th-is pestilence . was for pure
synne [aaAx]
U: 5,14 And -th-e southwest wynd . on sat(er)day at euen
U: 5,15 Was ap(er)tly for synne . and for no thyng elles
U: 5,16 Pyries and plumtres . wer(e) putte to -th-e er-th-e
U: 5,17 In ensaumple seith god . -y-e schulde do -th-e betere
fol. 17v
U: 5,18 Beches & brode okes . weren blowen to -th-e grounde
U: 5,19 And t(ur)nyd vp -th-e tayl . in toknynge of drede
U: 5,20 -Th-(a)t deth er domesday . schal fordon hem alle
U: 5,21 Of -th-is mat(er)e myght y . mamle wol longe [aaAx]
U: 5,22 Ac y schal seie as y seide . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
U: 5,23 How conscience with a cros . com for to p(re)che
U: 5,24 He bad wastour go wirche . what he best coude [aaAxx]
U: 5,25 And wynne -th-at he wastide . wi-th- som kynne crafte
U: 5,26 he p(re)chid pyrnel . here purfil to leue [aaAx]
U: 5,27 And kepe it in here coffre . for catel at nede [aaAx]
U: 5,28 Thomas he tau-gh-te . to take two staues [aaAx]
U: 5,29 And fecche hom felice . from heuene wyuene pyne [aaAxx]
U: 5,30 He warnyd watte . his wif was to blame [aaAx]
U: 5,31 -Th-at here heued was wur-th- a mark . & his
hood not a grote [abAb]
U: 5,32 He chargide chapmen . to chasti-gh-e here children
U: 5,33 Let no welthe forwany hem . whiles -th-at -th-ei
ben -y-onge [aaAx]
U: 5,34 He p(re)chide p(re)latis . and p(re)stes togidres
U: 5,35 -Th-(a)t -th-ei p(re)che -th-e peple . and p(ro)ue
it hem selue [aaAx]
U: 5,36 And libben as -y-e lerne vs . for we wol loue -y-ou
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 5,37 And sithen he radde religious . here rewle to kepe
U: 5,38 laste -th-e king and his conseil -y-our . comunes
apeire [aaAx]
U: 5,39 And be stiward in -y-ore stede . so -th-at -y-e cheue
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 5,40 And -y-e -th-at seken seint Iame . and seintes in
rome [aaAx]
U: 5,41 Sekith seint treu-th-e . for he mai saue -y-ou alle
U: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) p(at)re & filio } . -th-at faire
-y-ow mote byfalle [xaAx]
U: 5,43 -Th-an repentaunce . rehercede his teme [aaAx]
U: 5,44 And made wille to wepe watir . wi-th- his eien [aaaAx]
U: 5,45 Pirnel proud herte . plat here to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
U: 5,46 And lay lange er sche lokide . & lord m(er)ci
cride [aaaAx]
U: 5,47 And byhighte to him . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
U: 5,48 Sche schulde vnsowe here serke . & sette -th-(er)
an heyre [aaAx]
U: 5,49 To affayten here flesche . -th-at fresch was to synne
U: 5,50 Schal neu(er)e hye herte me hende . but holde me
lowe [aaaAx]
fol. 18r
U: 5,51 And suffre to be mysseyd . and so dide y neu(er)e [aaAxx]
U: 5,52 But now wil y meke me . and m(er)ci byseche [aaAx]
U: 5,53 Of al -th-at y haue had enuye . in myn herte [aa?a]
U: 5,54 Lechour seide allas . & on our lady cride [aaAx]
U: 5,55 To make amendes for his mysdede . betwene god & hym
U: 5,56 Wi-th- -th-at he schulde sat(ir)dayes . vij -y-er
-th-(er)aftir [aaAx]
U: 5,57 Drynk but wi-th- -th-e goos goos . and dyne but onys
U: 5,58 Enuye wi-th- heuy herte . askid aftir schrifte [aaaAx]
U: 5,59 And carfulli his coupe . he gynne-th- to schewe [aaAx]
U: 5,60 he was as pale as a pelat . & palatik semyde
U: 5,61 He was clothid in a caurymawry . I couthe hy(m) not
descrie [aaAx]
U: 5,62 A kirtil & a courtepy . a knyf be his side [aaAx]
U: 5,63 Of a freris frogge . were -th-e forme sleues [aaAx]
U: 5,64 As a leek -th-at hadde yleye . longe in -th-e sonne
U: 5,65 So lokide he wi-th- lene chekis . lourynge foule
U: 5,66 His body was bolnyd for wro-th- . -th-at he boot
his lippe [aaxAx]
U: 5,67 And wrothliche he wro-th- his fyst . to wreken hy(m)
he -th-ou-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 5,68 Wi-th- werk or wi-th- word . whan he sey his tyme
U: 5,69 Venym or vergeous . or vynegr(e) y trowe [aaAx]
U: 5,70 Walwe-th- in my wombe . and waxe-th- as I wene [aaAa]
U: 5,71 I myght not many day do . as a man myghte [aaAx]
U: 5,72 Siche wynd in my wombe . wexith er y dyne [aaAx]
U: 5,73 I haue a ney-gh-bo(ur) ney me . I haue noyed hym
wol ofte [aaAx]
U: 5,74 & blamyd hym behynd his bak . to bry(n)gen hym
i(n) fame [aaaAx]
U: 5,75 To apeiren hym with my power . y p(ur)suyed ofte
U: 5,76 And yley on hym to lordes . to don hym lese siluer
U: 5,77 And don his frendis ben his fon . -th-urw his false
tunge [aaAx]
U: 5,78 His g(ra)ce and his gode happis . greuyd me sore
U: 5,79 Bytwene hym & his meyne . I haue mad ofte wratthe
U: 5,80 Bo-th-e his lyme and his lif . was lost -th-urw my
tunge [aaAx]
U: 5,81 Whan I mette hym in market . -th-at y most hatide
U: 5,82 I hailsed hym as hendely . as I his frend were [aaAxx]
U: 5,83 He is dou-gh-tier -th-an I I dar . non harm don hym
fol. 18v
U: 5,84 Ac hadde I maistry o-th-(er) myght . I wolde murthre
hy(m) for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 5,85 Whan y come to -th-e chirche . and knele afore -th-e
rode [aaAx]
U: 5,86 To p(re)ie for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st me
techith [aaAx]
U: 5,87 --- this line om ---
U: 5,88 Aftir -th-at I p(ra)y on my knees . our lady -y-yue
hym sorwe [aaAx]
U: 5,89 -Th-at bar awey my bolle . and my brode schete [aaAx]
U: 5,90 ffro -th-e auter . y turne myn ei-gh-e and byholde
U: 5,91 how hayne ha-th- a newe cote y wysche it wer(e) my(n)
owen [aaAx]
U: 5,92 And al -th-e wele -th-at he ha-th- greueth me wel
sore [aaAx]
U: 5,93 Of his lesynge y smyle . and -th-(er)of lawhe-th-
myn herte [aaAx]
U: 5,94 Ac of his wynnynge I wepe . and waile -th-e tyme
U: 5,95 I deme men -th-(er)e y do ille . and -y-et I do werse
U: 5,96 Y wolde -th-at ech wight . were my knaue [aaAx]
U: 5,97 And whoso ha-th- more -th-an y . -th-at angrith myn
herte [aaAa]
U: 5,98 I wolde -th-at ech wight were my knaue
U: 5,98 -Th-us y lyue loueles . like a lither dogge [aaAx]
U: 5,99 -Th-at al bolnyth my breste . for biter of my galle
U: 5,100 May no sucre ne swete -th-ing . swagen it an vnche
U: 5,101 Ne no diapenydion . driue it fro myn herte [aaAx]?
U: 5,102 Yf -th-at schrifte schulde . it were a gret wondir
U: 5,103 -Gh-ys redily q(uo)d repentaunce . and radde hym
to gode [aaAx]
U: 5,104 Sorwe for synne . saue-th- wol manye [aaAx]
U: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuye . y am but seldom o-th-(er)
U: 5,106 -Th-(a)t makith me so mad . for I ne mai me venge
U: 5,107 -Th-an cam couetise . y can noght descrye [aaAx]
U: 5,108 So hungry and so holwe . sir heruy him lokide [aaAx]
U: 5,109 He was babirlippid and eek biterbrowed [aaAx]
U: 5,110 Wi-th- two blerid ey-gh-en as a lethern purse [axAx]
U: 5,111 In a tore tabard . of xij wynt(er) age [aaAx]
U: 5,112 But a lows coude lepe . y mai it not trowe [aaXa]
U: 5,113 -Th-(a)t he ne schulde slideren -th-(er)on . so
was -th-redbare [aaAx]
U: 5,114 I haue louyd couetise al my lif tyme
U: 5,115 I knowe it here byfore crist & his clene modir
U: 5,115 for som tyme serued I . symme at -th-e noke [aaAx]
U: 5,116 And was his p(re)ntis aplight . his p(ro)fit to
loke [aaAx]
U: 5,117 ffirst lernyde y to lye . a leef o-th-(er) tweye
fol. 19r
U: 5,118 Wikkidly to wynne . was my firste lessou(n) [aaAxx]
U: 5,119 To winchestre and to wy . y wente to -th-e feire
U: 5,120 Wi-th- many man(er) marchaundise . as my maist(er)
me tau-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 5,121 Ne hadde -th-e g(ra)ce of [god] . gon among my ware
U: 5,122 It ben vnsold -th-is vij -y-er . so me god helpe
U: 5,123 -Th-an drow y me to draperis . my donet to lere
U: 5,124 To drawe -th-e lysour along . -th-e lengere it semyth
U: 5,125 Among -th-e riche raies . y rendrid a lessou(n)
U: 5,126 prochid hem wi-th- a pak nedle . ypleyted hem togidre
U: 5,127 Putte hem in a p(re)ssour . and pynned hem -th-(er)ynne
U: 5,128 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 5,129 My wif was a breust(er)e . & wollen clothe made
U: 5,130 And spak to -th-e spynst(er)e . to spynnen it softe
U: 5,131 -Th-e pound -th-at sche weyed . by was a quart(er)
more [aaAx]
U: 5,132 -Th-an ony almesdede . whan sche weyede treuthe
U: 5,133 I boughte her(e) barly . sche brew it to selle [aaAx]
U: 5,134 Penyale and pilewhew . sche pouride togidres [aaAx]
U: 5,135 ffor labouros for lo-th- folk . -th-at lyuen by
hem selue [aaAx]
U: 5,136 -Th-e beste in my bed chambre . lith by -th-e wowes
U: 5,137 And whoso bu(m)med -th-(er)of . he bou-gh-t it -th-(er)aftir
U: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wot no lesse [aaAx]
U: 5,139 Whan it cometh yn cuppemale . -th-at c(ra)ft my
wif vsed [aaAx]
U: 5,140 Rose -th-e reg(ra)tor . is here right name [aaAx]
U: 5,141 Sche ha-th- holden osterye . -th-is xj wynt(er)
U: 5,142 Ac y swere now so-th-ly . -th-at synne schal y lete
U: 5,143 Ne neu(er)e wynne wykkidly . ne no chaffar(e) make
U: 5,144 But wende to walsingh(a)m . and my wif alse [aaAx]
U: 5,145 And bidde -th-e rode of bromholm . to brynge vs
out of dette [aaAx]
U: 5,146 Now begynneth glotou(n) . for to go to schrifte
U: 5,147 And caried him to chircheward . his synne for to
schewe [aaAx]
U: 5,148 And betoun -th-e breuster(e) . -th-(er)e bad him
gode morwe [aaAx]
U: 5,149 And sche askid of him . whiderward he wolde [aaAx]
U: 5,150 To holi chirche q(uo)d he . for to here messe [aaAx]
U: 5,151 And sithen y wol be schryuen . and synne na more
U: 5,152 I haue good ale q(uo)d sche . glotou(n) wilt -th-(o)u
assaie [aaAx]
fol. 19v
U: 5,153 hastow ought q(uo)d he . ony hote spices [aaAx]
U: 5,154 -Y-a glotou(n) gossib . god woot wel hote [aaAx]
U: 5,155 I haue pepir and piany . and a pound of garlyk [aaAx]
U: 5,156 And a ferthyng wor-th- of fenkil seed . for fastynge
dayes [aaAx]
U: 5,157 -Th-anne goo-th- glotoun In . and grete othes aftir
U: 5,158 Cesse -th-e soust(er)e . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
U: 5,159 Watte -th-e waffrer . and his wyf bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 5,160 Thomme -th-e tynker(e) . and two of his knaues [aaAx]
U: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hakeneman . and hobbe -th-e mylner [aaAx]
U: 5,162 Clares of cokkeslane . & -th-e clerk of -th-e
cherche [aaAx]
U: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dykere . and a doseyne o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 5,164 A ribibo(ur) a raton(er) . a rakere of chepe [aaAx]
U: 5,165 A rop(er)e a redyngkyng . and rose -th-e disschere
U: 5,166 And vpholderes . erly be -th-e morwe [aaAx]
U: 5,167 Gaf glotou(n) wi-th- glad chere . god ale to drynke
U: 5,168 Clement -th-e coblere . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
U: 5,169 And at -th-e newe feire . ne(m)pnyde it to selle
U: 5,170 Hykke -th-e osteler . hitte his hood aftir [aaAa]
U: 5,171 And bette -th-e bocher . to be on his side [aaaAx]
U: 5,172 -Th-(er) were chapmen ychose . -th-e chaffare to
p(re)ise [aaAx]
U: 5,173 -Th-(a)t who so hadde -th-e hood schulde haue .
amendes of -th-e cloke [aaXx]?
U: 5,174 -Th-ei risen vp in rape . and rownede togidres [aaAx]
U: 5,175 And p(re)isede -th-e penyworthes . ap(er)tly by
hem selue [aaAx]
U: 5,176 -Th-(er) were o-th-es on an heep . -th-ei couthe
not -y-it iugge [aaAa]
U: 5,177 Ne by here clene conscience . accorden togidres
U: 5,178 Til robyn -th-e rop(er)e . was rad vp to rise [aaAa]
U: 5,179 And ne(m)pnyd for a nou(m)piere . -th-at no debate
were [aaAa]
U: 5,180 Hikke -th-e osteler . [-th-an] hadde -th-e cloke
U: 5,181 In couenaunt -th-at clement . -th-e cuppe schulde
fille [aaAx]
U: 5,182 And han hikkes hood -th-e osteler . & holde
hy(m) yserued [aaaAx]
U: 5,183 And whoso repentist ra-th-(er)e . schulde ryse afore
U: 5,184 And grete sire glotou(n) . wi-th- a galoun of ale
U: 5,185 -Th-(er) was lawhynge & lurkynge . & let
go -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
fol. 20r
U: 5,186 Bargaynes and beu(er)eches . bygonne to rise [aaAx]
U: 5,187 And seten so til euensong . and sungen somwhile
U: 5,188 Til glotou(n) hadde ygolped . a galou(n) & a
gille [aaAa]
U: 5,189 He pissed a potel . in a p(ate)rn(oste)r while [aaAx]
U: 5,190 And blewe -th-e rounde ryuet . at -th-e riggebonys
ende [aaAx]
U: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-at herden -th-at horn . heeld
here nose aftir [aaAa]
U: 5,192 And wisschide it hadde waxid . wi-th- a wyspe of
fyre [aaAx]
U: 5,193 He ne hadde no strengthe to stande . til he his
staf hadde [aaAx]
U: 5,194 & -th-an gan he go . lik a glewma(n)nys bicche
U: 5,195 Som tyme aside . and som tyme arere [aaAx]
U: 5,196 As who leide lynes . to lacche wilde foules [aaAx]
U: 5,197 Whan he drow to -th-e dore . -th-an dymmede his
eien [aaAx]
U: 5,198 He stumblide on -th-e throschfold . and stey to
-th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 5,198 Clement -th-e coblere tau-gh-te glotou(n) by -th-e
U: 5,198 and for to lyste hym a loft leide hym on his knees
U: 5,198 and glotou(n) was a gret cherl and grym in -th-e
U: 5,198 and cowhede vp a cawdel in cleme(n)tis lappe
U: 5,198 -Th-at -th-e hungrist hound of hertforde schire
U: 5,198 Ne durste lape of -th-at laneyne so vnloueli it
U: 5,199 Wi-th- al -th-e wo of -th-is world . his wif & his
wenche [aaAa]
U: 5,200 Beren hym to his bed . and broghten hym -th-(er)ynne
U: 5,201 And aftir al -th-is surfet . an accidie he hadde
U: 5,202 -Th-at he sleep satirday and sonday . til so(n)ne
-y-ede to reste [aaaAx]
U: 5,203 -Th-an wakid he of his wynkynge . & wypide his
ei-gh-en [aaAx]
U: 5,204 -Th-e first word -th-at he spak what . whare is
-th-e bolle [aaAx]
U: 5,205 His wif blamyde hym -th-anne . of wikkidnesse & synne
U: 5,206 -Th-an was -th-e schrewe aschamed . & schrapid
his eres [aaAx]
U: 5,207 And gan to grete grymly . and gret dool made [aaAx]
U: 5,208 ffor -th-e lither lyf . -th-at he lyued hadde [aaAx]
U: 5,209 And avowed to faste . for hungir or for -th-riste
U: 5,210 Schal neu(er)e fissche on -th-e friday . defien
i(n) my mawe [aaAx]
U: 5,211 Er abstinence myn aunte . haue -y-yuen me leue [aaAxx]
U: 5,212 And -y-it haue y hatide her(e) . al my lif tyme
U: 5,213 Slowthe for sorwe . fel dou(n) aswoune [aaXa]
U: 5,214 Til Vigilate wol . fecche wat(ir) to his eien [aaAx]
fol. 20v
U: 5,215 & flat on here face . & faste on hym cride
U: 5,216 & seide war -th-e fro wanhope . he wil -th-e
byt(ra)ye [aaAx]
U: 5,217 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 5,218 & beet -th-i self on -th-e breest . and bid
hym of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
U: 5,219 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 5,220 -Th-an sat slouthe vp . and saynede hym faste [aaAx]
U: 5,221 & made avowe to v(er)rey god . for his foule
slouthe [aaAx]
U: 5,222 Schal no sonday be -th-is vij . but seknesse it
make [aaAx]
U: 5,223 -Th-at y ne schal do me er day . to -th-e p(ar)ische
chirche [aaAx]
U: 5,224 And here matyns and messe . as I a monk were [aaAx]
U: 5,225 Schal non ale aft(ir) mete . holde me -th-ennes
U: 5,226 Til y haue euensong yherd . y byhote -th-e rode
U: 5,227 And -y-it I wol -y-elde a-y-en . if y so mochil
haue [aaAxx]
U: 5,228 -Th-at y wikkidliche wan . sithen y wit hadde [aaAx]
U: 5,229 And -th-oi-gh-e lyflode me faile . letten y ne wolle
U: 5,230 -Th-(a)t euery man schal haue his . er y hennes
wende [aaAx]
U: 5,231 And wi-th- -th-e residue and -th-e remenant . by
-th-e rode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
U: 5,232 I wol seke treuthe . er y see rome [axAx]
U: 5,233 Rob(er)d -th-e robbere . on reddite lokide [aaAx]
U: 5,234 and for -th-(er) was noght wher wi-th- . he weep
swithe sore [aaAx]
U: 5,235 And -y-it -th-at synful schrewe . seide to hym selue
U: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on caluary . on -th-e croys deide
U: 5,237 -Th-o dismas my bro-th-(er) bysoughte hym of g(ra)ce
U: 5,238 And -th-ou haddest m(er)ci on -th-at man . for mem(en)to
sake [aaAx]
U: 5,239 -Th-i wille wurche vppon me . as y haue deseruyd
U: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . -y-if -th-at hope ne
were [aaAx]
U: 5,241 So rewe on -th-is Roberd . -th-at reed non haue-th-
U: 5,242 Ne neu(er)e wene-th- to wynne . wi-th- craft -th-at
he knowith [aaAxx]
U: 5,243 But for -th-i grete m(er)ci . mitigaciou(n) y beseche
U: 5,244 Da(m)pne me noght at domesday . for -th-at I dide
so ille [aaAx]
U: 5,245 But what byfel of -th-is felou(n) . y can noght
faire schewe [aaAx]
U: 5,246 Wel y wot he wepte faste wat(ir) . wi-th- his ei-gh-en
U: 5,247 And knowlichid his gilt . -y-it eftsones [aaAx]
U: 5,248 -Th-at penitencia his pyke . schulde pulsche newe
U: 5,249 And leep wi-th- him ou(er) lond . al his lyf tyme
fol. 21r
U: 5,250 ffor he hadde ley by latro . luciferys aunte [aaAx]
U: 5,251 A -th-ousend men and mo -th-o . thrungen togidres
U: 5,252 Wepynge & weylynge . for here wickide dedys
U: 5,253 Cryden vpward to crist . and to his clene modir
U: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to seke treuthe . so god leue -th-at
-th-ei mote [aaAx]
Passus sextus de visione
U: 6,1 Ac -th-(er) were fewe so wise . -th-e wey -th-ider coude
U: 6,2 But blustren for-th- as bestis . ouer valeys or hilles
U: 6,3 Til late & longe . -th-at -th-ei a lede mette
U: 6,4 Parayled as a paynym . in pilgrymes wise [aaAx]
U: 6,5 He bar a bourdon ybounde . wi-th- a brood lyste [aaAx]
U: 6,6 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 6,7 A bagge and a bolle . he bar be his side [aaAx]
U: 6,8 An hundred of ampoles . on his hat seten [aaAx]
U: 6,9 Signes of synay . and schelles of gales [aaAx]
U: 6,10 And many a cros on his cloke . and keyes of rome
U: 6,11 And [-th-e] v(er)nycle hym byforn . for men schulde
hym knowe [aaAxx]
U: 6,12 And seen by his signes . whom he soughte hadde [aaAx]
U: 6,13 -Th-is folk frayneth him faire . for hym -th-(a)t
hy(m) made
U: 6,14 ffro whennes -th-at he come & whiderward he schulde
U: 6,14 ffro synay he seide . and fro -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
U: 6,15 At bethlem at babyloyne . I haue ben in bo-th-e [aaAa]
U: 6,16 In ermenye in alisaundre . in many o-th-(er) places
U: 6,17 -Y-e mow seen be my signes . -th-at sitten on myn
hatte [aaAx]
U: 6,18 -Th-at y haue walkid wide . in weet and in drie [aaaAx]
U: 6,19 And sought gode seyntes . for my soule hele [aaAx]
U: 6,20 Knowest -th-(o)u aught a corseynt q(uo)d -th-ei .
-th-(a)t men callen treuthe [aaAx]
U: 6,21 Canst -th-(o)u wisse vs -th-e wey . where -th-at
he duellith [aaAx]
U: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . seis -th-e gome -th-enne [axAx]
U: 6,23 Saw y neu(er)e palm(er)e wi-th- pike . ne wi-th-
scrippe [aaXx]?
U: 6,24 Axen aftir hym . eer -th-an now in -th-is place [aaAxx]
U: 6,25 Petir q(uo)d a plowman . and putte for his heued
U: 6,26 y knowe hym as kyndely . as clerk do-th- his bokes
U: 6,27 Clene conscie(n)ce & wyt . kende me to his place
fol. 21v
U: 6,28 And diden me to sure hym . to serue hym for eu(er)e
U: 6,29 Bothe now and sithe . whil y swynke myghte [aaAx]
U: 6,30 I haue ben his falwere . al -th-is fourty wynt(er)
U: 6,31 Bothe sowen his seed . and kepid his bestis [aaAx]
U: 6,32 And eek kepid his corn . and caryed it to house [aaAx]
U: 6,33 Dyken and doluen . and do what he highte [aaAx]
U: 6,34 Wi-th-eynne and wi-th-oute . to wayten his p(ro)fit
U: 6,35 -Th-(er) nys no labourer in his lordschipe . -th-at
hym like-th- bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 6,36 ffor -th-oghe y seie it my selue . y serue him to
plese [aaAx]
U: 6,37 I haue myn hire of hym weel . and o-th-(er)while
more [aaAx]
U: 6,38 He is -th-e p(re)stiste paiere . -th-(a)t pore men
knowen [aaAx]
U: 6,39 He ne halt none hyne his hire . -th-(a)t he ne ha-th-
it at eue [aaAx]
U: 6,40 He is as low as a lomb . and louely of speche [aaAx]
U: 6,41 And -y-if -th-at -y-e wille wite . whare -th-at he
duellith [aaAx]
U: 6,42 I schal wisse -y-ow . -th-e wey right to his place
U: 6,43 -Gh-a leue p(er)s q(uo)d -th-e pilg(ri)mes . and
p(ro)fride hym hire [aaAx]
U: 6,44 Nay by -th-e p(er)il of my soule . q(uo)d p(er)us & gan
for to swer(e) [axAx]
U: 6,45 I nolde fonge a ferthing . for seint thomas schryne
U: 6,47 Ac -y-e -th-at wilne-th- to wende . -th-is is -th-e
weye -th-ider [aaAx]
U: 6,46 ffor treuthe wolde loue me -th-e wers . a long tyme
aftir [abBa]
U: 6,48 -Y-e mote go -th-urw meknesse . bo-th-e men and wyues
U: 6,49 Til -y-e come to co(n)science . -th-at crist wite
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
U: 6,50 -Th-at -y-e loue hym leu(er)e . -th-an -th-e lif
in -y-our hertes [aaAx]
U: 6,51 & -th-a(n)ne -y-o(ur) ney-gh-bo(ur) next . in
none wise to apeire [aaAx]
U: 6,52 O-th-(er) wise -th-an -y-e wolde men . wroghte to
-y-ou selue [aaAx]
U: 6,53 And so bowe-th- for-th- by a brook . be-th- buxum
of speche [aaAx]
U: 6,54 ffor-th- til -y-e fynde a forde . -gh-o(ur) fadres
honoureth [aaAx]
U: 6,55 Wades in -th-at wat(ir) . & wassche -y-ou -th-(er)ynne
U: 6,56 & -y-e schul lepe -th-e lightlokere . al -y-our
lyf tyme [aaAx]
U: 6,57 So schul -y-e se . swer not but it be for nede [aaAx]
U: 6,58 & namly on -th-e ydel . name of god almyghte
U: 6,59 -Th-an schul -y-e come by a croft . cometh noght
-th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
U: 6,60 -Th-e croft hatte coueite not . me(n)nys catel ne
her(e) wyues [aaAx]
fol. 22r
U: 6,61 Ne none of here s(er)uaunt-gh- . -th-at hem noye myghte
U: 6,62 Loke -th-ou breke none bowes . -th-(er)e
U: 6,62 but -th-ei be -y-our owene [aaAx]
U: 6,63 Two stokkes -th-(er) stonden . but stynte -y-e noght
-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 6,64 -Th-ei hoten stel noght ne sle not . but strike for-th-
by bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 6,65 Leue hem on -th-e left half . and loke noght -th-(er)aftir
U: 6,66 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 6,67 -Th-an schalt -th-(o)u see blenche a bak . bere no
fals witnes [aaAx]
U: 6,68 He is frethid yn wi-th- floryns . and o-th-(er)e
fee-gh- manye [aaAx]
U: 6,69 Loke -th-ou plukke no plantes . -th-(er)e for p(er)il
of -th-i soule [aaAx]
U: 6,70 -Th-an schalt -th-(o)u se . sey soth so it be to
done [aaAx]
U: 6,71 And loke -th-at -th-ou lye noght . for nome ma(n)nys
biddynge [aaXx]
U: 6,72 -Th-an schalt -th-(o)u come to a court . as clere
as -th-e sonne [aaAx]
U: 6,73 -Th-e moot is of m(er)ci . -th-e man(er) al aboute
U: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles ben of wit . to holde wel -th-(er)oute
U: 6,75 -Th-e kirnelis ben of cristendom . -th-e kynde to
saue [aaAx]
U: 6,76 And briteschid wi-th- byleue . or elles -th-(o)u
best noght saued [aaAx]
U: 6,77 Alle houses ben helid . halle and chaumbres [aaAx]
U: 6,78 Wi-th- no leed but wi-th- loue . as bre-th-(er)en
of one wombe [aaaXx]
U: 6,79 -Th-e tour -th-(er) treuthe . him selue is is vp
to -th-e sunne [aaXx]
U: 6,80 He mai do wi-th- -th-e day sterre . what hym good
likith [aaAx]
U: 6,81 Deeth dar not do -th-ing . -th-at he defendith [aaAx]
U: 6,82 Grace hatte -th-e gateward . a good man forsothe
U: 6,83 His man hatte amende -y-ow . for many man hym knowith
U: 6,84 Tel hym -th-is tokne . treuthe woot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
U: 6,85 I p(er)forned -th-e penaunce . -th-at -th-e p(re)st
me enioynede [aaAx]
U: 6,86 And y am sory for my synnes . and so schal y eu(er)e
U: 6,87 Whan I -th-(er)on -th-enke . -th-owe y were a pope
U: 6,88 Biddith amende -y-ou meke hym . to his maister [aaAx]
U: 6,89 Ones to wynne vp -th-e wyket . -th-at -th-e wight
schette-th- [aaAx]
U: 6,90 -Th-o Adam & eue . eten here bane [aaAx]
U: 6,91 ffor he ha-th- -th-e keies and -th-e cliket . -th-eghe
-th-e king Clepe [aaAx]
U: 6,92 And -y-if g(ra)ce g(ra)unte . -th-e to gon in on
-th-is wise [aaAx]
U: 6,93 -Th-ou schalt se treuthe himselue . sitten in -th-in
herte [aaAx]
fol. 22v
U: 6,94 And lerne -th-e for to loue . and his lawes holde [aaAx]
U: 6,95 Ac be war of wretthe noght . -th-at wickide schrewe
U: 6,96 ffor he ha-th- enuye to him . -th-at in -th-in herte
sitteth [aaAx]
U: 6,97 And lokith for pride . to p(re)yse -th-i selue [aaAx]
U: 6,98 -Th-e boldnesse of -th-at benfeet . makith -th-e
blynd -th-enne [aaAx]
U: 6,99 And so wurst -th-ou dryuen out as dew . and -th-e
dore closid [aaAx]
U: 6,100 ykeied and ycliketid . to holde -th-e -th-(er)oute
U: 6,101 Happily an hundrid wynt(er) . er -th-ou eft entre
U: 6,102 -Th-us myghte -th-ou lese his loue . to lete wel
be -th-i selue [aaAx]
U: 6,103 And gete it ageyn -th-urw g(ra)ce . and -th-urw
no -th-ing elles [aaAx]
U: 6,104 Ac -th-(er) arn vij doutres . -th-at seruen treuthe
eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 6,105 And ben porters at -th-e posterne . -th-(a)t to
-th-e place longith [aaAx]
U: 6,106 -th-e ton hatte abstinence . hu(m)ilite ano-th-(er)
U: 6,107 Chastite and charite . ben here cheef n [aaAx]
U: 6,108 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 6,109 largice -th-at lady . letith yn wol manye [aaAx]
U: 6,110 Ac sche is sib to -th-e sistres . so me god helpe
U: 6,111 He is wondirly vnwolcome . and vnfair vndinfongen
U: 6,112 But if he be sib to some . of -th-ese seuene [aaA]?
U: 6,113 It is wol hard be myn heued . ony of -y-ow alle
U: 6,114 Gete ingate at eny . but g(ra)ce be -th-e more [aaaAx]
U: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a cuttepurs . y haue no kyn -th-(er)e
U: 6,116 Ne y q(uo)d an apeward . by aught -th-at y knowe
U: 6,117 Wite god q(uo)d a waffrer . wiste y -th-at -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
U: 6,118 Schulde y neu(er)e for-th-(er)e a fote . for no
freris p(re)chinge [aaAx]
U: 6,119 -Y-is q(uo)d p(eri)s plowman . and pokid hym to
gode [aaAx]
U: 6,120 Merci hadde a maiden -th-(er)e . -th-at myghte ou(er)e
he(m) alle [aaAx]
U: 6,121 And sche is sib to alle synful . and her(e) sone
also [aaAx]
U: 6,122 And -th-urw -th-e helpe of hem two . hope -th-ou
non o-th-(er) [aaAa]
U: 6,123 -Th-ou myghte gete g(ra)ce . so -th-ou go be tymes
Passus septun(us) de visio(n)e
U: 7,1 -Th-is were a wikkide weie . but whoso hadde a gide
U: 7,2 -Th-(a)t myghte folwe ech foot . til we were -th-(er)e
U: 7,3 -th-e p(er)kyn -th-e plowman . by seynt poul -th-e
apostil [aaAa]
U: 7,4 y haue an half acre to erie . by -th-e by weie [aaAx]
fol. 23r
U: 7,5 Hadde eryed myn halue acre I schal brynge -y-ou -th-(er)e
U: 7,6 --- this line om ---
U: 7,7 -Th-is were a longe lettynge . q(uo)d a lady in a
scleyre [aaAx]
U: 7,8 What schul we wo(m)men . wurche -th-(er) while [aaAx]
U: 7,9 Some schul sowe -th-e sak . for schedynge of -th-e
whete [aaAx]
U: 7,10 And wyues -th-at haueth wolle . wurche it -y-e schulle
U: 7,11 Spynneth it spedily . spare-th- noght -y-our fyngres
U: 7,12 But it be halyday . or elles haly euen [xaAa]
U: 7,13 Loki-th- for-th- -y-our lynnene . & laboure-th-th-(er)on
faste [aaAx]
U: 7,14 -Th-(er) nedy ben and naked . nym hede how -th-ei
lyen [aaAx]
U: 7,15 Caste hem clothis for cold . for so wol treu-th-e
U: 7,16 ffor I schal lene hem liflode . but -gh-if -th-e
lond faile [aaAx]
U: 7,17 As longe as y lyue . for our lordis of heuene [aaAx]?
U: 7,18 And -y-e louely ladys . wi-th- -y-our louely fyngr(i)s
U: 7,19 -Th-at hauen selk and sendil . sowith it whan tyme
is [aaAx]
U: 7,20 Chesibles for chapelis . and cherches to honoure
U: 7,21 And alle man(er)e of men . -th-at by -th-e mete libben
U: 7,22 Help hem wurche wightly . -th-at wynneth I -y-o(ur)
fode [aaAx]
U: 7,23 By crist q(uo)d a knyght . -th-ou kennest vs -th-e
beste [aaAx]
U: 7,24 Ac on -th-e tem treuly . taught was y neu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 7,25 Ac ken me q(uo)d -th-e knyght . and y wol lere to
erye [aaAx]
U: 7,26 By seint poul q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for -th-ou p(ro)frist
-th-e so lowe [aaAx]
U: 7,27 y schal swete and swynke . and sowe for vs bothe
U: 7,28 And labouren for -th-i loue . al my lif tyme [aaAx]
U: 7,29 In couenant -th-at -th-ou kepe wel . holicherche
righte [aaAx]
U: 7,30 and me fro watris and wickide men . -th-(a)t wolde
me destroie [aaAx]
U: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . -th-e hare and -th-e foxe
U: 7,32 And to brokkys and to bukkes . -th-at breken myn
heggis [aaAx]
U: 7,33 And fecche -th-e hom faucou(n)s . foules to kille
U: 7,34 ffor -th-ese comyn into my croft . and croppen my
whete [aaAx]
U: 7,35 Curteisly -th-e knyght . conseyuede his wordes [aaAx]
U: 7,36 Be my power piers . y plighte -th-e my treuthe [aaAx]
U: 7,37 To fulfille -th-at forward . whiles -th-at y may
stonde [aaXx]?
U: 7,38 And a poynt q(uo)d p(er)kyn . y p(re)ie -th-e more
U: 7,39 Loke -th-ou tene no tenaunt . but treuthe wil accorde
fol. 23v
U: 7,40 And -th-ei-gh-e pore men p(ro)fre . -th-e p(re)sentes
o-th-(er) -y-iftes [aaAx]
U: 7,41 Nyme hem not an aunter -th-ou mowe hem noght deserue
U: 7,42 ffor -th-ou schalt -y-elde it a-y-en . at one -y-eris
ende [aaAx]
U: 7,43 In a wol p(er)ilous place . -th-at purgatory hatte
U: 7,44 And mysbeed noght -th-i bondemen . -th-e bet(er)e
-th-(o)u myght spede [aaAx]
U: 7,45 And -th-at -th-ou be trewe of -th-i tunge . and tales
-th-ou hate [aaAx]
U: 7,46 But it be of wisdom or of wit . -th-i werkmen to
chaste [aaAx]
U: 7,47 Hoold wi-th- none harlotes . ne here noght here tales
U: 7,48 And nameliche at -th-e mete . swiche men -th-ou eschewe
U: 7,49 ffor it arn -th-e deuelis dysours . y do -th-e to
vndirstonde [aaAx]
U: 7,50 y assente by seint Iame . seith -th-e knyght -th-anne
U: 7,51 ffor to wurche be -th-i word . whil my lif dureth
U: 7,52 And y schal app(ar)aile q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pilg(ri)mes
wise [aaAx]
U: 7,53 And with -y-ow -th-e weie . til -y-e fynde treuthe
U: 7,54 He caste on his clothis . cloutyde and hole [aaAx]
U: 7,55 His cokres and his cuffes . for cold of his nayles
U: 7,56 he hieng his hoper on his bak . in stede of his scrippe
U: 7,57 A busschel of breed corn . bryng me -th-(er)ynne
U: 7,58 ffor y wol sowe it my selue . and sithen wol y wende
U: 7,59 And whoso helpith to erye . or any -th-ing swynken
U: 7,60 Schal haue be our lord -th-e more mede at heruyst
U: 7,61 & make hym merye -th-(er)with . whoso it bygrucche
U: 7,62 And alle kynne crafty men . -th-at cu(n)ne lyue in
treuthe [aaAxx]
U: 7,63 Y schal fynden hem fode . -th-at skilfulliche libben
U: 7,64 Saue Iakke -th-e Iogelour . and Ionet at -th-e stywes
U: 7,65 And robyn -th-e rybaudour . for his rusty wordys
U: 7,66 Treuthe tolde me -th-us onys . and bad me telle it
ferther [aaAx]
U: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) } . y schulde
noght dele with hem [axAx]
U: 7,68 ffor holy chirche is holden of hem . no tithe to
axen [aaXa]
U: 7,68a { Et cum iustis non scribantur } [Latin]
U: 7,69 -Th-ei ben ascapid good aunto(ur) . god hem amende
U: 7,214 May y synneles don as -th-ou seist . seide piers -th-enne
U: 7,215 -Y-e y hote god q(uo)d hung(ir) . or elles -th-e
bible lyes [aaAxx]
fol. 24r
U: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e geaunt . engendrours of vs alle
U: 7,217 { In sudore uultus tui } swynke . -th-ou schalt
-th-i mete [aaAx]
U: 7,218 Tylien and labouren for -th-i liflode . & so
our lord biddith [aaAx]
U: 7,219 And sapience seith -th-e same . y seie it in -th-e
bible [aaAx]
U: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)p(ter) prigus } . no feld wolde tilye
U: 7,221 He schal go begge and bidde . and no man bete his
hungir [aaAx]
U: 7,222 Mathew -th-e mannys face . mouthith vs -th-e same
U: 7,223 -th-at { S(er)uus nequa(m) } had a { nam } . & for
he nold it vse [aaAx]
U: 7,224 He hadde maugre of his maister . eu(er)e more -th-(er)aftir
U: 7,225 And bynom hym -th-at nam . for he nolde wirche [aaAx]
U: 7,226 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,227 And sithen he seide . his seruauntes hit herdyn
U: 7,228 He -th-at hath schal haue . to helpe -th-(er) nede
ys [aaaAx]
U: 7,229 And he -th-at ha-th- not . schal not haue ne no
man hy(m) helpen [aaAa]
U: 7,230 And -th-at he wenyth wel to haue . y wol it be hy(m)
bereuyd [aaAx]
U: 7,231 Kynde wit wolde . -th-at eu(er)y man for his fode
wroghte [aaAa]
U: 7,232 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,233 Actif lyf or conte(m)platif . crist wolde it were
so [xaAx]
U: 7,234 -Th-e sauter seith it . in a psalme of { Beati om(n)es
} [aaAx]
U: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) manducabis b(eatu)s
es & b(e)n(e) tibi erit } [Latin]
U: 7,235 He -th-at getith his fode here . wi-th- tr(au)aile
of his handes [aaXa]
U: 7,236 God -y-yueth hym his blessynge -th-at his liflode
so wynne-th- [????]
U: 7,237 -Gh-it y preie q(uo)d piers . for charite if -th-ou
cu(n)ne [aaAxx]
U: 7,238 Ony leef of lechecraft . teche it me my dere [aaAx]
U: 7,239 ffor some of my seruauntis . ben sike som tyme [aaAx]
U: 7,240 Off al -th-e wowke -th-ei wurchen noght . so her(e)
wombe akith [aaAx]
U: 7,241 y wot wel q(uo)d hung(er) . what siknesse hem eyleth
U: 7,242 -Th-ei haue mangid ou(er) mykil . -th-at makith
grone ofte [aaAx]
U: 7,243 But y bidde -th-e q(uo)d hungir . as -th-ou -th-in
hele desirest [aaAx]
U: 7,244 -Th-at -th-ou drinke no day . til -th-ou dyne somwhat
U: 7,245 And noght y bidde -th-e . er hungir -th-e take [aaAx]
U: 7,246 And sende of his sawse . to sauoure wi-th- -th-i
lyppes [aaAx]
U: 7,247 And kepe somwhat til sop(er) tyme . syt noght longe
U: 7,248 Arise er appetyt . haue eteyn his fille [aaAx]
U: 7,249 Let noght sire surfeet . sitten at -th-i bord [aaAx]
fol. 24v
U: 7,250 Leue hym noght for he is a lechour . and likerous
of tunge [aaAx]
U: 7,251 & aftir many man(er) metys . his mawe is alongyd
U: 7,252 And -y-if -th-ou diete -th-e thus . y dar leyn myn
eres [axAx]
U: 7,253 -Th-at fysyk his furhed hood schal . for his fode
selle [aaAx]
U: 7,254 And eke -th-e clokis calabre . and -th-e knoppys
of golde [aaAx]
U: 7,255 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,256 And lerne to laboure with hondes . lest lyflode
hym faile [aaaAx]
U: 7,257 -Th-(er) ben mo lyeres -th-an leches . god hem amende
U: 7,258 -Th-ei do men deye with here drynke . er destenye
it wolde [aaAx]
U: 7,259 By seynt poul q(uo)d p(er)kyn . -th-ese arn p(ro)fitable
wordis [aaAx]
U: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . crist it -th-e for-y-elde
U: 7,261 Wende now whan -th-i wille is . -th-at wel be -th-e
eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 7,262 I hote -th-e q(uo)d hungir . hennys nyl y wende
U: 7,263 Er y haue dyned by -th-is day . and ydrunken bothe
U: 7,264 I haue no penyes q(uo)d piers . pultys with to bigge
U: 7,265 Nouther gees ne grys . but two grene cheses [aaAx]
U: 7,266 And a fewe cruddes & creem . and an hauir cake
U: 7,267 And a loof of benys & bran . ybake for my children
U: 7,268 And -y-it y seie -th-e be my soule . y haue no salt
bacou(n) [aaAx]
U: 7,269 Ne no cokeney be crist . colopes with to make [aaAx]
U: 7,270 Ac y haue p(er)sil porette . and many col plantys
U: 7,271 And eek a cow and a calf . and a cart mare [aaAx]
U: 7,272 To drawe on felde dunge . while -th-e drowhte lastith
U: 7,273 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,274 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,275 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,276 Al -th-e pore peple . pesecoddes -th-ei fetten [aaAx]
U: 7,277 Benys and baken apples . -th-ei broughten in here
lappes [aaAx]
U: 7,278 Chybolys and cheruelys . and ripe cherys manye [aaAx]
U: 7,279 And p(ro)frid piers -th-is p(re)sent . to plese
-th-(er)with hungir [aaaAx]
U: 7,280 Hungir ete al -th-is in haste . and axide aftir
more [aaaAa]
U: 7,281 -Th-a(n)ne -th-is folk for fers . fetten hym manye
U: 7,282 Grene porret and pesen . to poysen him -th-ei -th-ou-gh-te
U: 7,283 by -th-e(n)ne it neyhed ner heruest . -th-(a)t newe
corn cam to towne [aaAbb]
U: 7,284 -Th-a(n)ne was folk fayn . and fedde hungir wi-th-
-th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 7,285 Wi-th- good ale and gloteny . -th-ei dyden hym to
slepe [aaAx]
U: 7,286 And -th-o wolde wastours wurche . but wandridd aboute
U: 7,287 Ne no lengere ete no breed . -th-at benys comen
ynne [aaAx]
fol. 25r
U: 7,288 But coket or clermatyn . or of clene whete [aaAx]
U: 7,289 Ne none halpeny ale . in none wise drynken [aaAxx]?
U: 7,290 But of -th-e beste and of browneste . -th-(a)t breust(er)s
sellen [aaAx]
U: 7,291 Laboureris -th-(a)t hadde no lond . to lyue by but
her(e) handes [aaAx]
U: 7,292 Deygned noght to dynen . wi-th- nyght olde wortys
U: 7,293 May no penyale hem paye . ne no pece of bacoun [aaAx]
U: 7,294 But it be rostid flesche . or elles fysche yfried
U: 7,295 And { chaud } and { plus chaud } . for chillynge
of her(e) chekys [aaAx]
U: 7,296 But he be lylyche hired . elles wol he chide [aaAx]
U: 7,297 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,298 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,299 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,300 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,301 And stryue a-y-ens -th-e statutes . and sternely
loken [aaAx]
U: 7,302 y warne -y-ow werkemen . wynneth whil -y-e mowen
U: 7,303 ffor hungir hiderward . hyeth hym faste [aaAx]
U: 7,304 And he schal awake -y-our wele . his wasto(ur)s
to chasten [aaAx]
U: 7,305 Er fyue -y-er be fulfild . swiche famine schal arise
U: 7,306 -Th-urw tempestes and fowle wederis . flodis schul
fallen [aaAa]
U: 7,307 And so seith satourne . & sendith -y-ow to warne
Passus octauus de visione
U: 8,1 Treuthe herde telle hereof . and to piers sente [aaAxx]
U: 8,2 ffor to taken his teem . and tilyen -th-e er-th-e
U: 8,3 And purchasen hym pardou(n) . { a pena & a culpa
} [aaAx]
U: 8,4 ffor hym and his eyres . eu(er)more -th-(er)aftir
U: 8,5 And bad hym holden hym at hom . and erien his layes
U: 8,6 & alle -th-at holpen him . to erye or to sowe
U: 8,7 Or ony many myster . -th-at piers myghte helpen [aaAx]
U: 8,8 Part in -th-at p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope ha-th- hem
grauntyd [aaAx]
U: 8,9 Kyngis and knyhtys . -th-at helpen holy chirche [aaAx]
U: 8.10 And rightfulliche in here rewme . rewlen her(e) peple
U: 8,11 Han p(ar)dou(n) -th-urw purgatorie . to passe wel
sone [aaAx]
U: 8,12 Wi-th- pat(ri)arkes in paradys . to pleyen hem -th-(er)aftir
U: 8,13 Bysshopis -th-at blessen . and bo-th-e lawes kennen
U: 8,14 Loken on -th-e to lawe . and lerne men -th-e tothir
U: 8,15 & bere(n) hem bo-th-e on here bak . as her(e)
baner schewith [aaaAx]
fol. 25v
U: 8,16 And p(re)chen here p(ar)yschens . -th-e perel of synne
U: 8,17 How -th-at scabbide scheep . schul here wulle saue
U: 8,18 Han p(ar)don with -th-e ap(ost)les . whan -th-e passen
hennys [aaAx]
U: 8,19 On -th-e daye of dome . at here deys to sitte [aaAx]
U: 8,20 Marchant-gh- in -th-e margyn . hadde many -y-eris
U: 8,21 But non { a pena & culpa } . -th-e pope wolde
g(ra)nten [axAx]
U: 8,22 ffor -th-ei holde noght -th-e haly day . as holi
cherche techi-th- [aaAx]
U: 8,23 And for -th-ei swere by here soule . so god muste
he(m) helpe [aaAxx]
U: 8,24 A-y-ens clene conscience . here ware to sellen [aaAx]
U: 8,25 But vndir his secre seel treuthe . sente a lettre
U: 8,26 And bad hem bigge boldely . what hem best likith
U: 8,27 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,28 And -th-e mesou(n) dieu -th-(a)t -th-(er)with . -th-e
myseyse to helpen [aaAx]
U: 8,29 Wightliche wikkide weyes for to don amende [aaAx]
U: 8,30 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,31 Maryen maydens . or makyn hem wyues [aaAx]
U: 8,32 -Th-at pore wydewes wol . ben and none wyues aftir
U: 8,33 ffynde swiche here fode . for our lordis loue of
heuene [aaAbb]
U: 8,34 & sette scoleris to scole . or to so(m)me ky(n)ne
crafte [aaAx]
U: 8,35 Reule wel religions . and rede hem -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 8,36 And y schal sende -y-ow selue . seint michel my(n)
angil [aaAx]
U: 8,37 -Th-at no deuyl schal -y-ow deren . deie whan -y-e
deie [aaAa]
U: 8,38 -Th-at he ne schal sende -y-our soules . saf into
heuene [aaAx]
U: 8,39 And byfore my fadir face . forme -y-our settys [aaAx]
U: 8,40 Vsure and auarice and othis y defende [????]
U: 8,41 -Th-at no gile go wi-th- -y-ow . but -th-e grete
treuthe [aaAx]
U: 8,42 -Th-a(n)ne weren marchantes merie . and wepyn for
ioye [aaAx]
U: 8,43 And -y-euyn wille for his writinge . wollene clothis
U: 8,44 ffor he copied -th-us her(e) clause . cowde hym gr(e)t
mede [aaAx]
U: 8,45 and men of lawe -th-ei haddyn lest . for lettrid
-th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
U: 8,46 and so seith -th-e saut(er)e . and sapience bo-th-e
U: 8,46a { Sup(er) innocente(m) mun(er)a no(n) accipies a
regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) erit } [Latin]
U: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces and of p(re)latis . here pensiou(n)
schal arise [aaAx]
U: 8,48 & of no pore peple . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
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U: 8,49 ffor he -th-at spendith his speche . and speki-th-
for -th-e pore peple [aaAx]
U: 8,50 -Th-at i(n)nocentis ben and nedy . -th-at no man
hem apeire [aaAxx]
U: 8,51 Conforte hem in -th-at caas . and coueyte noght here
godys [aaAx]
U: 8,52 But for our lordes loue . lawe for hem schewith [aaAx]
U: 8,53 Schal no deuel at his de-th- day . deren hym a myte
U: 8,54 -Th-at he ne wur-th- sikerly sauf . and so seith
-th-e saut(ir) [aaAa]
U: 8,55 Ac to bigge wat(ir) wynd . or wit is ydel y rede
U: 8,56 Ne wolde neu(er)e holi cherche . god wot -th-e sothe
U: 8,57 -Th-ese -th-re for thralles . ben throwen among vs
alle [aaAx]
U: 8,58 To waxen and wany(n) . wher(e) -th-at god liketh
U: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) in p(ur)gatorie . wol litil is y
trowe [aaAx]
U: 8,60 -Th-at ony mede of mone men . for motynge resceyue
U: 8,61 -Y-e legistr(er)s and lawyeres . -gh-e witen if y
lye [aaXa]
U: 8,62 Sithen -gh-e seen it is -th-us . sueth to -th-e beste
U: 8,63 Alle lyuynge laboureris . -th-at lyuen by here hondys
U: 8,64 -Th-at trewly takyn . and trewly wynnen [aaAx]
U: 8,65 And lyuen in loue and in lawe . for her(e) lowe herte
U: 8,66 hadden -th-e same absoluciou(n) . -th-at was sent
to p(er)s plowman [aaAx]
U: 8,67 Beggeres ne bidderes . ben not in -th-at bulle [aaAa]
U: 8,68 But -gh-if here destenye be so . -th-at schapen hem
to begge [aaAx]
U: 8,69 ffor he -th-at biggith or byt . but he haue nede
U: 8,70 He is fals as -th-e feend . and defraudith -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
U: 8,71 And eke gileth -th-e kende . ageyn godis wille [aaAx]
U: 8,72 -Th-ei lyue not in loue . ne no lawe haldyn [aaAx]
U: 8,73 -Th-ei wedde none wyues . -th-(a)t -th-ei with delyn
U: 8,74 But as wilde bestes -th-at wi-th- wo . wurthen vp
togidr(e) [aaAx]
U: 8,75 And bryngen forth children . -th-at bastardes ben
holden [aaAx]
U: 8,76 Or his bak or his bon . he brekith in his -gh-outhe
U: 8,77 And faiteth wi-th- here fauntys . eu(er)emore aftir
U: 8,78 -Th-(er) ben mo myschapyn among hem . whoso takith
[ende] hede [aaaXx]
U: 8,79 -Th-an o-th-(er) man(er) of men . -th-at in -th-is
world wandryn [aaAx]
U: 8,80 -Th-o -th-at lyue(n) -th-us here lyf . mowen curse
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
U: 8,81 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e he was man wrought . whan he schal
he(n)nys fare [xaAx]?
fol. 26v
U: 8,82 Ac olde men trewly . -th-at helples ben of strengthe
U: 8,83 And wy(m)men wi-th- childe . -th-at werke ne mowen
U: 8,84 blynde men and blereyed . and broken -th-e membris
U: 8,85 -Th-at taken meschief mekliche . as myselis & siche
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 8,86 Han as pleyn p(ar)dou(n) . as -th-e plowman him selue
U: 8,87 ffor loue of here lowe herte . -th-at god ha-th-
hem g(ra)ntid [aaAx]
U: 8,88 Here penaunce and here purgatorie . vppon -th-is
pure erthe [aaAx]
U: 8,89 Piers q(uo)d a preest -th-o . -th-i pardou(n) y moste
rede [aaAx]
U: 8,90 ffor I wol construen it eu(er)y clause . & ken
it -th-e i(n) englische [aaAx]
U: 8,91 And piers at his p(re)iere . -th-(a)t pardou(n) vnfoldith
U: 8,92 And behynde hem bo-th-e . he hylde al -th-e bulle
U: 8,93 In two lynes it lay . and noght a lettre more [aaAx]
U: 8,94 And was writen right -th-us . in witnesse of treuthe
U: 8,95 { Qui bona eg(eru)nt ibunt in vita(m) et(er)nam }
U: 8,96 { Qui v(er)o mala in ignem eternu(m) } [Latin]
U: 8,97 Petir q(uo)d -th-e preest . y can no p(ar)dou(n)
fynde [aaAx]
U: 8,98 But do wel and haue wel . and god schal haue -th-i
soule [????]
U: 8.99 And do yuel and haue yuel . hope -th-ou non o-th-(er)e
U: 8,100 -Th-at aftir -th-i deth day . to helle -th-ou schalt
wende [????]
U: 8,101 & piers for pure tene . pullid it on sondir & seide
U: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis no(n) timebo
mala &c } [Latin]
U: 8,103 --- this line om ---
U: 8,104 I schal cese of my sowynge . & swynke not so
harde [aaxAx]
U: 8,105 Ne aboute my lyflode . so besy be namore [aaAx]
U: 8,106 Of p(re)ieres and of penaunce . my plow schal ben
heraftir [aaAx]
U: 8,107 & lowren -th-at y er bylowhe . -th-ei-gh-e liflode
me faile [aaAx]
U: 8,108 -Th-e p(ro)phete his payn eet . in penaunce and
in wepynge [aaAx]
U: 8,109 By -th-at -th-e saut(er) vs techith . so dide manye
o-th-(er)e [aaAxx]
U: 8,110 -Th-at louith god wel . his liflode is wel mochil
U: 8,111 And but -gh-if luke lye . he lernyth vs ano-th-(er)
U: 8,112 By fowles he vs techith -th-at we schulde besy ben
U: 8,112 ffor to make wombe ioye in -th-is wonynge here [????]
U: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he sei-th- in his gospelle
U: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t m(ichi) lac(ri)me mee panes die ac
nocte } [Latin]
fol. 27r
U: 8,114 And schewith vs be ensamples . vs selue to wisse [aaAx]
U: 8,115 -Th-e foules in -th-e firmament . who fynt hem in
wynt(er) [aaAx]
U: 8,116 Whan -th-e frost fresith . fode hem byhouith [aaAx]
U: 8,117 -th-ei haue I no berne to go to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
U: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . petir as me
thinkith [aaAx]
U: 8,119 -Th-ou art lettrid a litill . whor lernyde -th-e
on boke [aaAx]
U: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abbesse . myn a.b.c me tau-gh-te
U: 8,121 And conscience com aftirward . and ke(n)nyd me moche
more [aaAx]
U: 8,122 Wer(e) -th-(o)u a p(re)st piers q(uo)d he . -th-(o)u
myghtest p(re)che whan -th-e likide [aaAx]
U: 8,123 { Qu(on)i(a)m lit(er)atura(m) no(n) cognoui } .
-th-(a)t mighte be -th-i teme [????]
U: 8,124 Lewed lorell q(uo)d he . litil lokist -th-(o)u on
-th-e bible [aaxAx]
U: 8,125 On salamons sawes . seldom -th-(o)u byholdest [aaAx]
U: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & uirga cu(m) eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
U: 8,126 -th-us -th-e pr(es)t & p(er)kyn . ei-th-(er)
apposid o-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 8,127 And -th-urw here wordes I awook . and waited abouten
U: 8,128 And say -th-e so(n)ne euene south . sytten -th-at
tyme [aaaAx]
U: 8,129 Meteles and moneyles . on malu(er)ne hilles [aaAx]
U: 8,130 Musynge on -th-is mat(er)e . a myle weies y -gh-ede
U: 8,131 Many tyme -th-is metels . ha-th- mad me to studie
U: 8,132 And for piers lyf plowman . pitously in herte [aaAx]
U: 8,133 ffor -th-at y saw slepynge . if -th-at it so be
myghte [aaAx]
U: 8,134 and catou(n) construed it nay . & canonistre
bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 8,134a and by hem selue { Sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
U: 8,135 and for -th-e bible bereth witnesse how daniel -th-e
p(ro)phete [aa??]
U: 8,136 Deuyned -th-e dremys of a kyng onys [aaAx]
U: 8,137 -Th-at nabugodonosor . ne(m)pne -th-ese clerkes
U: 8,138 Daniel seide sire kyng . -th-i sweuene is to mene
U: 8,139 -Th-(a)t vncouthe kyng(es) schul come . -th-i kyngdom
to cleyme [aaaAx]
U: 8,140 Among lower lordes . -th-i londes schul be dep(ar)tid
U: 8,141 As daniel dyuyned . in dede it byfel aftir [aaAx]
U: 8,142 -Th-e lord loste his lordschipe . & false men
it hadden [aaAx]
U: 8,143 & Ioseph mette m(er)ueilousliche . how -th-e
mone & -th-e so(n)ne [aaAx]
fol. 27v
U: 8,144 & seuene sterr(is) . hailsede hym al abowtyn [axAa]
U: 8,145 { Beu fi-gh- } q(uo)d his fadir . for defaute we
schulle [aaAx]
U: 8,146 I myselue and my sones . seke -th-e for nede [aaAx]
U: 8,147 It byfel as his fadir . seide in pharaoes tyme [aaAx]
U: 8,148 -Th-at Iosep was iustice . al egipte to kepe [aaAx]
U: 8,150 Many tyme at mydnyght . whan y scholde slepe [aaAx]
U: 8,149 Al -th-is makith me . mochil on metelys to -th-enken
U: 8,151 On piers -th-e plowman . & whiche a p(ar)dou(n)
he hadde [aaAx]
U: 8,152 And how -th-e prest enpugned it . al be pure resou(n)
U: 8,153 And dyuyned -th-at dowel . indulgence passide [aaAx]
U: 8,154 Byonalis and trionalis . and bisshopis lettres [aaAx]
U: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e day of dome . is ferfor-th-liche
vndirfongen [aaaAx]
U: 8,156 He passith al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seint petres
chirche at rome [aaAx]
U: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram erit
ligatu(m) & in cel(is) } [Latin]
U: 8,157 Now ha-th- -th-e pope power . pardou(n) to g(ra)unten
U: 8,158 -Th-e peple wi-th-outen penaunce . to passen co
ioie [aaAx]
U: 8,159 -Th-is is a leef of our byleue . as lettrid me(n)
vs techi-th- [aaAx]
U: 8,160 And y byleue it wel . lord it forbede elles [aaAx]
U: 8,161 -Th-at p(ar)dou(n) and penaunce . and p(re)yeris
togidres [aaAx]
U: 8,162 mown saue sowles -th-(a)t han synned . seuen sithes
dedly [aaAx]
U: 8,163 Ac to traste on -th-ese t(ri)onales . certes me
thinkith [aaAx]
U: 8,164 Is not so siker for -th-e soule . trewly as is do
wel [aaAx]
U: 8,165 -th-(er) fore y rede -th-at lordes . -th-at riche
ben in er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 8,166 Vppon trust of -y-our tresour . t(ri)onales to haue
U: 8,167 Be -th-ou neu(er)e -th-e baldere . to breke -th-e
ten hestis [aaAx]
U: 8,168 And namely -y-e maistres . -th-at men -th-(a)t Iugge-gh-
holden [aaAx]
U: 8,169 -Th-ei to haue welthe of -th-e world . wise me(n)
ben holde [aaAx]
U: 8,170 ffor to purchase p(ar)dou(n) . and -th-e popes bulles
U: 8,171 At -th-e dredful day of dome . whan dede schuln
arise [aaAx]
U: 8,172 & comyn alle byfore crist . acountes to -y-elden
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U: 8,173 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,174 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,175 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,176 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,177 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,178 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,179 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,180 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,181 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,182 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,183 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,184 --- this line is omitted ---
Explicit hit visio will(elm)i de petro plowman
Et hic incipit dowel dobet & dobest s(e)c(on)du(m)
Wit & resoun
U: 9,1 -Th-us yrobid in russet . y romyd al aboute [aaAx]
U: 9,2 Al a som(er) sesou(n) . for to seke dowel [aaAx]
U: 9,3 And y frayned wel ofte . of folk -th-at y mette [aaAx]
U: 9,4 -Y-if eny wight wiste . where dowel was at ynne [aaAx]
U: 9,5 And what man it mighte be . of many man y frayned
U: 9,6 Was neu(er)e wight as I wene . -th-at me wisse coude
U: 9,7 Where -th-is lede lengith . lesse ne more [aaAx]
U: 9,8 Til it byfel on a friday . two freris y mette [aaAx]
U: 9,9 Maistres of -th-e meno(ur)s . men of grete witte [aaAx]
U: 9,10 and y hailsed hem hendyly . as y hadde lernyd [aaAx]
U: 9,11 And p(re)yed hem for charite . er -th-ei passide
fer-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 9,12 -Y-if -th-ei knewe ony cuntre . o-th-(er) costes
aboute [aaAx]
U: 9,13 Where dowel duellith . do me to wisse [aaAx]
U: 9,14 Marie q(uo)d -th-ese maistr(i)s . at hom wi-th- vs
he duellith [aaAx]
U: 9,15 And eu(er)e ha-th- as y hope . and eu(er)e schal
hereaftir [aaAa]
U: 9,16 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I as a clerk . & comsyde
to disputen [aaAx]
U: 9,16a {Sepcies in die cadit iustus } [Latin]
U: 9,17 Seuen sithes on -th-e day sei-th- -th-e boke . fallith
-th-e rightful [aaAx]
U: 9,18 & whoso synne-th- he sei-th- . certes me -th-inkith
U: 9,19 -Th-(a)t dowel and do yuele . mowe not duelle togidres
U: 9,20 { Ergo } he is not alwey among -y-ou freris [????]
U: 9,21 He is som tyme elles whare . to wisse -th-e peple
U: 9,22 I schal seye -th-e my sawe . sei-th- -th-e frere
-th-enne [aaAx]
U: 9,23 How seuen sithes on -th-e day -th-e sadde man synnes
U: 9,24 By a forebysne q(uo)d -th-e frere . y schal -th-e
faire schewe [aaAx]
U: 9,25 Let brynge a man in a boot . amyddes a brood watir
U: 9,26 -Th-e wynd and -th-e wat(ir) . and -th-e waggynge
of -th-e boot [aaAx]
U: 9,27 Makis many tyme -th-e man . to falle and to stande
fol. 28v
U: 9,28 ffor stonde he neu(er)e so styf . he stumblith in -th-e
waggynge [aaAx]
U: 9,29 And -y-it is he sauf . and so hym byhoueth [aaAx]
U: 9,30 and -gh-if he ne arise -th-e ra-th-(er)e . and raughte
-th-e stere [aaAx]
U: 9,31 -Th-e wynde wolde wi-th- -th-e wat(ir) . -th-e boot
ou(er)throwe [aaaXx]
U: 9,32 -Th-anne were -th-e mannys lif lost . for lachesse
of himselue [aaAx]
U: 9,33 Right -th-us it fareth q(uo)d -th-e frere . by folk
here in erthe [aaAx]
U: 9,34 -Th-e wat(ir) is lyk to -th-e world . -th-at waxeth
and wanyeth [aaAa]
U: 9,35 -Th-e godis of -th-is grounde . arn lyk to -th-e
wawes [aaAx]
U: 9,36 And as wyndes and watres . wawes aboute [aaAx]
U: 9,37 -Th-e boot is lyk to -th-e body . -th-at britel is
of kynde [aaAx]
U: 9,38 -Th-(a)t -th-urw -th-e fend and -th-e flesche . and
-th-e false worlde [aaAx]
U: 9,39 Synne-th- -th-e sadde man seuen . sithes on -th-e
day [aaaAx]
U: 9,40 Ac dedly synne doth he noght . for dowel hym helpeth
U: 9,41 -Th-at is charite -th-e champiou(n) . cheef help
of alle [aaAx]
U: 9,42 A-y-ens synne for to synne . he stireth -th-e soule
U: 9,43 -Th-at -th-ei-gh-e -th-e body bowe . as a boot do-th-
in -th-e wat(ir) [aaAx]
U: 9,44 Ay is -th-i soule sauf . but -th-iselue wolt [aaAx]
U: 9,45 ffolwe -th-i fleschis wille . and -th-e feend aftir
U: 9,46 And do dedly synne . and drenche -th-i soule [aaAx]
U: 9,47 God wol suffre -th-e to dey . for -th-ou hast -th-e
maistry [aaAx]
U: 9,48 y haue no kynde knowynge . to conceyue -th-i wordes
U: 9,49 But -y-if y may lyue and loke . y wol go lerne bet(er)e
U: 9,50 I bekenne -th-e crist . -th-at on -th-e croys deide
U: 9,51 And -th-ei seide -th-e same . saue -th-e fro myschaunce
U: 9,52 And -y-yue -th-e g(ra)ce on -th-is er-th-e . in good
lyf to ende [aabAb]
U: 9,53 -Th-us y wente wide whare . dowel to sechen [aaAx]
U: 9,54 & as I wente by a wode . walkynge me alone [aaAx]
U: 9,55 Blisse of -th-e briddes . made me abyde [aaXa]
U: 9,56 & vndir lynde vppon a launde . ylened me a stounde
U: 9,57 To lithen -th-e layes . -th-e louely briddes maden
U: 9,58 Blisse of -th-e briddes . broughten me on slepe [aaAx]
U: 9,59 -Th-e m(er)ueileste metynge . mette me -th-enne [aaAx]
U: 9,60 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e dright in doute drempte as I wene
fol. 29r
U: 9,61 A mykil man me -th-oughte . like to my selue [aaAx]
U: 9,62 Com and callide me . be my righte dame [aaAx]
U: 9,63 What art -th-(o)u q(uo)d I . -th-at my name knowest
U: 9,64 -Th-at wost -th-(o)u wel q(uo)d he . and no wight
bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 9,65 Woot I q(uo)d I who art -th-(o)u . thought seide
he -th-enne [aaAa]
U: 9,66 I haue swyed -th-e -th-is vij -y-er . seye -th-(o)u
me no ra-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 9,67 Art -th-(o)u -th-ought -th-o q(uo)d he . coudest
-th-ou me telle [aaAxx]
U: 9,68 Wher(e) dowel duellith . do me to wisse [aaAx]
U: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he and dobet . and dobest -th-e -th-ridde
U: 9,70 Ben -th-re faire v(er)tues . and ben noght fer to
fynde [aaAa]
U: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mouth . mylde of his speche
U: 9,72 Trewe of his tunge . and of his two handes [aaAx]
U: 9,73 And -th-urw -th-e labour(e) of his handes . his liflode
wynne-th- [aaAx]
U: 9,74 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 9,75 And is noght drunkelewe ne deignous of speche [aaAx]
U: 9,76 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 9,77 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 9,78 While he ha-th- of his owen . he delith -th-(er)e
moste nede is [aaAx]
U: 9,79 -Th-e bagges and -th-e bygirdles . he ha-th- broken
hem alle [aaAx]
U: 9,80 -Th-at -th-e Erl auerous hadde and his eyres [aa??]
U: 9,81 & wi-th- ma(m)mones mone . ha-th- mad hym frendes
U: 9,82 And is ronne into religiou(n) . and ha-th- rendrid
-th-e bible [aaAx]
U: 9,83 And p(re)chi-th- -th-e peple . seint poules wordis
U: 9,84 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 9,84 -Y-e wise suffre-th- -th-e vnwise . wi-th- -y-ou
for to libbe [aaAxx]
U: 9,85 & wi-th- good wille do hem good . for so our
lord highte [aaAx]
U: 9,86 Dobest is aboue hem bo-th-e . and bere-th- a bisschopis
crose [aaaAa]
U: 9,87 Hokid at -th-e ton ende . to holden hem in good lif
U: 9,88 A pyke is in -th-e potente . to pynche adou(n) -th-e
wikkide [aaAx]
U: 9,89 -Th-at haunte-th- ony wikkidnesse . dowel to tene
U: 9,90 And as dowel and dobet . do-th- him to vndirstonde
U: 9,91 -Th-ei haue corouned a kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
U: 9,92 And -y-if dowel and dobet . dide a-y-en dobest [aaAa]
U: 9,93 And were vnbuxum at his biddynge . & bold to
don ille [aaAx]
U: 9,94 -Th-a(n)ne -th-e kyng schulde come . and casten hem
in p(ri)sone [aaAx]
U: 9,95 & putte hem in prisone . wi-th-oute pite or grace
fol. 29v
U: 9,96 & but -y-if dobest bede for hem abide . -th-(er)e
for eu(er)e [aaaXx]?
U: 9,97 -Th-us dowel and dobet . and dobest -th-e -th-ridde
U: 9,98 Corouned on to be kyng . and by his counseil wurche
U: 9,99 And reule -th-e rewme . for reed of hem alle [aaAx]
U: 9,100 And o-th-(er) wise and elles not but as -th-ese
-th-re assente [????]
U: 9,101 I -th-ankid -th-ou-gh-te so . -th-at he me so tau-gh-te
U: 9,102 and -y-it sauoure-th- me not -th-i siggynge . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
U: 9,103 More kynde knowynge . y coueite to lerne [aaAx]
U: 9,104 How dowel and dobet . don on -th-is er-th-e [aaaAx]
U: 9,105 But wit ku(n)ne wisse -th-e -th-ought . whar(e)
-th-o -th-r(e) duellen [aaxAx]
U: 9,106 Elles woot no man -th-at now is on lyue [????]
U: 9,107 -Th-ou-gh-t and I -th-us . -th-re daies we -y-ede
U: 9,108 Disputynge of dowel . day aftir o-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 9,109 And er we wer(e) war . wit gu(n)ne we mete [aaAx]
U: 9,110 He was long and lhene . lik to non o-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 9,111 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 9,112 Sad of his semblaunt . & of a sad speche [aaAx]?
U: 9,113 I durste moue no matiere . to make him to iangle
U: 9,114 But as y bad -th-ought -th-o to be me bytwene [????]
U: 9,115 To putte for-th- som p(ur)pos . to p(ro)uen his
wittes [aaAx]
U: 9,116 -Th-anne -th-ought in -th-at tyme . seide -th-ese
wordes [aaaAx]
U: 9,117 Wher(e) -th-at dowel and dobet . & dobest wer(e)
in londe [aaAx]
U: 9,118 Her(e) his wille wolde ywite . if wit coude hy(m)
teche [aaAx]
Primus passus de dowel
U: 10,1 Sire dowel q(uo)d wit . noght a day hennes [aaxAx]
U: 10,2 In a castell(e) -th-at kynde made . of four(e) kynne
-th-ing(es) [aaAx]?
U: 10,3 Of er-th-e & of eyr it is mad . ymedled togidres
U: 10,4 Wi-th- wynd and wi-th- wat(ir) . wittyly enioyned
U: 10,5 Kynde ha-th- closid -th-(er)ynne . craftily wi-th-
alle [aaAx]
U: 10,6 A le(m)man -th-at he loue-th- . lik to him selue
U: 10,7 { Anima } sche hatte . to hire ha-th- enuye [aaAa]
U: 10,8 A proude prikere of f(ra)nce . { P(ri)nceps hui(us)
mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
U: 10,9 And wolde wynne hire awey . wi-th- wiles if he mighte
U: 10,10 Ac kynde knowe-th- -th-is wel . and kepith here
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
fol. 30r
U: 10,11 And do-th- hire to sire dowel . duke of -th-ese marches
U: 10,12 Dobet is hire damysele . sire dowelis dought(er)
U: 10,13 And serue-th- -th-is lady lely . bo-th-e late and
rathe [aaAx]
U: 10,14 -Th-us dowel and dobet . and dobest -th-e -th-ridde
U: 10,15 ben maistr(i)s of -th-e man(er)e . -th-e maide to
kepe [aaAx]
U: 10,16 Ac -th-e constable of -th-e castell(e) . -th-at
kepith hem alle [aaAx]
U: 10,17 Is a wys knyght wi-th-alle . sire ynwit he hatte
U: 10,18 He ha-th- fyue faire sones . by his firste wyue
U: 10,19 Sire see wel sire sey wel . sire here wel -th-e
hende [aaAx]
U: 10,20 Sire wurche wel wi-th- -th-in hand . and wight ma(n)
of strengthe [aaxAx]
U: 10,21 Sire godfrey go wel . gr(e)te lordes alle [aaAx]
U: 10,22 -Th-ese vij ben ysette . to saue -th-e castelle
U: 10,23 To kepe -th-is wo(m)man . wise men ben chargid [xaAx]
U: 10,24 Til kynde come or sende . and kepe hire hymselue
U: 10,25 What calle -y-e -th-is castel q(uo)d I . -th-at
kynde ha-th- ymakid [aaAx]
U: 10,26 Of what ky(n)ne thinge . cu(n)ne -y-e me telle [aaAx]
U: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is creatours . of alle kynne bestis
U: 10,28 ffadir and fourmo(ur) . firste of alle -th-inge
U: 10,29 And -th-at he is grete god . -th-at gy(n)nynge hadde
neu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lyf and of light . of blysse and of
pyne [aaaAx]
U: 10,31 Aungelis and alle -th-ingis . arn at his wille [aaAx]
U: 10,32 Ac man is hym most liche . of mark & of schappe
U: 10,33 ffor -th-urw -th-e word -th-at he warp . wexen for-th-
bestis [aaAx]
U: 10,34 And al at his wille . was wrought wi-th- a speche
U: 10,41a { ffaciamus ho(m)i(n)em ad ymagine(m) & similitudine(m) n(os)tram } [Latin]
U: 10,34a --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . ymage to him selue [aaAx]
U: 10,36 -Gh-af him goost of his godhede . and g(ra)untide
hym blisse [aaAx]
U: 10,37 Lyf -th-at ay schal laste . and his lynage aftir
U: 10,38 -th-is is -th-e castell -th-at kynde made . { caro
} it hatte [aaAx]
U: 10,39 Is as moche to mene . as man with -th-e soule [aaAx]
U: 10,40 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,41 -th-urw myghte of -th-e maieste . whan was ymakid
fol. 30v
U: 10,42 Inwyt and alle wittes . ben closed -th-(er)ynne [aaAa]
U: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-at lady . -th-at lyf is ynempned
U: 10,44 -Th-at is { anima } -th-at ou(er)al . -th-e body
wandrith [aaXx]
U: 10,45 Ac in -th-e herte is here hom . heyest of alle [aaAa]
U: 10,46 He is lif and ledere . and lemman of heuene [aaAx]
U: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e help . -th-at { anima } desire-th-
U: 10,48 Aftir -th-e g(ra)ce of god . ynwyt es -th-e gretteste
U: 10,49 Inwit in -th-e heued is . an help to -th-e soule
U: 10,50 ffor -th-urw his ku(n)nynge is kept . { caro & a(n)i(m)a
} [aaAx]
U: 10,51 In reule and in resoun . but rechelees it make [aaAx]
U: 10,52 He eggide eye to sighte . and herynge to gode [aaAx]
U: 10,53 Of speche & of goynge . he is -th-e bygynner(e)
U: 10,54 In ma(n)nys brayn is he most . and myghtiest to
knowe [aaAx]
U: 10,55 -Th-er(e) is his bour bremest . but hoot blood it
make [aaAx]
U: 10,56 ffor whan blood is brent in brayn . -th-an is -th-e
wit bou(n)den [aaaXa]
U: 10,57 And eek wantoune & wilde . wi-th-outen ony resoun
U: 10,58 In fauntis and in folys . in hem faile-th- ynwit
U: 10,59 And eke in sottes -th-ou might see . -th-at sitten
at -th-e nale [aaAx]
U: 10,60 -Th-ei heeld ale in here heued . til ynwit be drenchid
U: 10,61 And ben brayned as bestis . so here blood waxe-th-
U: 10,62 -Th-an ha-th- -th-e pouke powere sire
U: 10,63 Ou(er) siche man(er) men . myghtis in here soule
U: 10,64 Ac in fauntis and folis . -th-e feend ha-th- no
wit [aaAx]
U: 10,65 ffor to werke -th-at -th-ei wurchen . wikkid or
elles [aaAx]
U: 10,66 Ac -th-e fadir and -th-e frendis . for fauntes schul
be blamed [aaAx]
U: 10,67 But -th-ei wone hem fro wau(n)tounesse . whiles
-th-ei ben -y-onge [aaAxx]
U: 10,68 Ac if -th-ei ben pore and cateles . and kepen hem
fro ille xxXx|
U: 10,69 -Th-a(n)ne is holichirche awynge . to helpe hem
and saue [aaAx]
U: 10,70 and for to fynde hem for-th- . til -th-ei ben wiser(e)
U: 10,71 & eche wight in -th-e world . -th-at ha-th-
wyse vndirstondynge [aaAx]
U: 10,72 Is chief sou(er)eyn ou(er) hym self . his soule
to -y-eme [aaAx]
U: 10,73 & cheuysschi-th- hym for ony charge . whan he
childhod passi-th- [aaAx]
U: 10,74 to saue hym selue fro synne . for so hym byhouith
U: 10,75 ffor wurche he wel or wrong . -th-e wyte is his
owene [aaaAx]
fol. 31r
U: 10,76 -Th-anne is dowel a duke . and destroieth vices [aaAx]
U: 10,77 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,78 Ne route ne to reste . ne to roten in -th-in herte
U: 10,79 And -th-at is dreed of god . dowel it makith [axAx]
U: 10,80 and is -th-e begynnynge . god for to doute [aaAx]
U: 10,81 Salomon it seide . for a soo-th- tale [aaAx]
U: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
U: 10,82 ffor doute men don -th-e bette . drede is siche
a maister [aaxAx]
U: 10,83 And -th-at makith men meke . and mylde of here speche
U: 10,84 And alle kynne scoleres . in scole to lere [xaAx]
U: 10,85 -Th-a(n)ne is dowel to drede . for betynge of -th-e
-y-erde [aaAx]
U: 10,86 and -th-(er)e seith -th-e saut(er) . -th-e psalme
-th-ou myght rede [aaAx]
U: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tuus ip(s)a me consolata
sunt } [Latin]
U: 10,88 Ac -y-if -th-i clene conscience . acorde -th-at
-th-iself do wel [aaAx]
U: 10,89 Wille -th-(o)u neu(er)e in -th-is world . why for
to do bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 10,90 ffor { intencio indicat ho(m)i(n)em } [Latin]
U: 10,91 wi-th- conseil of co(n)science . accordynge wi-th-
holi chirche [aaAx]
U: 10,92 Loke -th-ou wisse -th-i wit . and -th-i werkes aftir
U: 10,93 ffor if -th-ou comest a-y-ens co(n)science . -th-ou
cumbrest -th-i seluen [aaAx]
U: 10,94 And so witnessi-th- godis word . and holichirche
aftir [aaAx]
U: 10,94a { Qui agit cont(ra) consci(enti)am edificat ad
iehenna(m) } [Latin]
U: 10,95 Ac -y-if -th-(o)u worchest be godis word . y warne
-th-e for -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 10,96 What so men seyn . of -th-e wratthe -th-e neu(er)e
U: 10,97 Catou(n) conseile-th- -th-e to . take kepe on -th-is
-th-inge [aaAx]
U: 10,98 { Cu(m) recte viuas ne cures v(er)ba malor(um) }
U: 10,99 But suffre and sitte stille . seke -th-ou no fer-th-(er)e
U: 10,100 & be glad of -th-e g(ra)ce . -th-at god ha-th-
-th-e sent [aaAx]
U: 10,101 ffor -y-if -th-ou comsyst to clymbe . & coueytest
to ben heier(e) [aaAx]
U: 10,102 -Th-ou myght lese -th-i lownesse . for a litel
pride [aaAx]
U: 10,103 I haue herd how lewed men . han lerid her(e) children
U: 10,104 -Th-(a)t seelde men seen -th-e marbil mose . -th-(a)t
me(n) ofte mouen [aaAx]
U: 10,105 And right so by renneres . -th-at rennen aboute
U: 10,106 ffro religiou(n) to religiou(n) . recheles -th-ei
ben eu(er)e [aaAx]
fol. 31v
U: 10,107 And men -th-at cu(n)ne alle craftis . and clergie
bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 10,108 -Th-rift o-th-(er) thedom . wi-th- -th-o is seldom
seie [aaAbb]
U: 10,108a { Qui circuit om(n)e genus nullius est gen(er)is
} [Latin]
U: 10,109 Poul -th-e apostill(e) . in his pistil wroot it
U: 10,110 In ensaumple -th-at siche . schulde not renne aboute
U: 10,111 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,112 { In ea vocac(i)one qua vocati estis in eadem p(er)maneatis
} [Latin]
U: 10,113 -Y-if -th-ou bei man maried . monke o-th-(er) chanoun
U: 10,114 Heeld -th-e stable and stedefaste . and strengthe
-th-i soule [aaAx]
U: 10,115 To be blissed for -th-i berynge . -y-if -th-ou
a beggere were [aaAx]?
U: 10,116 Loke -th-ou grucche noght on god . -th-ei-gh-e
he -y-iue -th-e litil [aaAx]
U: 10,117 Be payd wi-th- -th-i porcioun . be it pore or riche
U: 10,118 -Th-us in drede li-th- dowel . and dobet to suffre
U: 10,119 ffor -th-us -th-urw suff(ra)unce se . -th-(o)u
my-gh-t how sou(er)aynes arisen [aaAx]?
U: 10,120 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,120a --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,121 And -th-us of drede and of our dede . dobest arise-th-
U: 10,122 Whiche is -th-e flour and -th-e fruyt . fostrid
on bothe [aaAx]
U: 10,123 Right as a rose . -th-(a)t reed is & swete
out of a raggid rote [aaAx]
U: 10,124 --- this line om ---
U: 10,125 & as a rowhe brere -th-(a)t sprynge-th- & sp(re)dith
. -th-(a)t spiso(ur)s desiren [aaAx]
U: 10,126 Or as whete out of weed . waxith out of -th-e erthe
U: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowel gynneth sprynge
U: 10,128 Among men of -th-is molde . -th-at meke ben & kynde
U: 10,129 ffor loue of here lownesse . our lord -y-iue-th-
hem g(ra)ce [aaAx]
U: 10,130 Siche werkis to wurche . -th-at he be wi-th- payd
U: 10,131 fformest and first . to folk -th-at ben weddid
U: 10,132 And lyue-th- as here lawe wil . -th-at likith god
almyghte [aaAx]
U: 10,133 and -th-urw wedlok -th-e word stant . whoso wil
it knowe [aaAx]
U: 10,134 -Th-ei ben -th-e riccheste of rewmes . and -th-e
rote of dowel [aaAx]
U: 10,135 ffor of here kyn -th-ei comyn . -th-at co(n)fessours
ben ne(m)pnyd [aaAx]
U: 10,136 Bo-th-e maydenes and nu(n)nes . monkes and ankres
U: 10,137 Kynges and knyghtis . and alle kynne clerkes [aaAa]
U: 10,138 Barouns & burgeys . and bondemen of towne [aaAx]
U: 10,139 Ac fals folk and feithes . as theuys and lyeris
U: 10,140 Ben co(n)ceyued in c(ur)sed tyme . as caym was
and eue [aaAx]
fol. 32r
U: 10,141 Aftir -th-at adam & eue . eten -th-e appil [aaAa]
U: 10,142 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,143 An aungil in haste . highte hem to wende [aaAx]
U: 10,144 Into -th-e wrecchide world . to wone and to libbe
U: 10,145 In tene & in t(ra)uaile . to here lyues ende
U: 10,146 In -th-at cursede constellacioun . -th-at -th-ei
knewe togidres [aaAx]
U: 10,147 And broughte for-th- a barn . -th-(a)t moche bale
wroughte [aaAx]
U: 10,148 Caym -th-ei hym callide . in curside tyme engendrid
U: 10,149 And so sei-th- -th-e saut(er) . see it whan -th-e
liki-th- [aaAx]
U: 10,150 { Quare via impiorum p(ro)sp(er)at(ur) b(e)n(e)
est om(n)ib(us) q(u)i p(er)u(er)se & i(n)iq(ue) agunt
} [Latin]
U: 10,151 Alle -th-at comen of -th-at caym . c(ri)st hatide
hem aftir [aaAbb]
U: 10,152 & many mylionos mo . [o]f men and of wo(m)men
U: 10,153 And of seeth & of his sister . sitthe -th-ei
for-th- come [aaAx]
U: 10,154 ffor -th-ei maried hem wi-th- -th-e curside men
. of caymes kynne [abaBb]
U: 10,155 ffor alle -th-(a)t comyn of -th-at caym . c(ri)st
hatide hem eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 10,156 --- this line om ---
U: 10,157 ffor-th-i y sente hem to seye . and seide him by
aungil [aaAx]
U: 10,158 To kepe his kynrede fro caym . -th-at -th-ei couple
not togidres [aaaAx]
U: 10,159 And si-th--th-e see-th- and his sister . wer(e)
spoused wi-th- caymes kynne [aaaAx]
U: 10,160 A-y-ens godis heste . girles -th-ei geten [aaAa]
U: 10,161 and god was wro-th- wi-th- here werkis . & seide
-th-ese wordis [aaAx]
U: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse ho(m)i(n)em } [Latin]
U: 10,163 -Th-(a)t is as moche to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
U: 10,164 -Th-at y man made sore . it me for-th-inkith [aaAx]?
U: 10,165 And com to nowel anon . and bad hym not letten
U: 10,166 Swi-th-e to schapen him a schip . of sides and
of bordes [aaAx]
U: 10,167 Him selue and his sones -th-re . and sithen alle
her(e) wyues [aaAx]
U: 10,168 Buskide hem to -th-e boot . to abide -th-(er)ynne
U: 10,169 Til fourty be fulfild . -th-e flood haue ywaschide
U: 10,170 Clene awey -th-e curside blod . -th-(a)t caym ha-th-
ymakid [aaAx]
U: 10,171 Bestis -th-at now ben . schulle banne -th-e time
U: 10,172 -Th-at eu(er)e -th-e curside kaym . com to -th-e
er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 10,173 Alle schulle deie for his dedys . by downes & hilles
U: 10,174 Bo-th-e fisches and foules . e(uen)for-th- wi-th-
-th-e bestis [aaAx]
U: 10,175 Outtake -th-e souen sowles . -th-at of ech best
a couple [aaAx]
fol. 32v
U: 10,176 -Th-at in -th-e sengle schyppe . -th-at tyme schal
be saued [aaAx]
U: 10,177 Elles schulde alle deie . and to helle wende [aaAx]?
U: 10,178 -Th-us -th-urw curside caym . com care vppon alle
U: 10,179 And al for seeth and his sistor . spousid her(e)
ei-th-(er) othir [aaAx]
U: 10,180 A-y-ens -th-e lawe of our lord . leyen togidre
U: 10,181 And were maried at meschief . as men don now her(e)
children [aaAx]
U: 10,182 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,183 -Th-at for couetise of catel . vnkyndely ben maried
U: 10,184 A carful concepciou(n) . cometh of swiche weddynge
U: 10,185 As felle of -th-is folk . -th-at y byfore schewede
U: 10,186 It is an vncomly couple . by crist as as y wene
U: 10,187 To -y-yue a -y-ong wenche . to an olde feble [aaXx]
U: 10,188 Or wedde ony wydewe . for ony wele of godis [aaAx]
U: 10,189 -Th-at neu(er)e schal bere child . but it be in
armes [aaAx]
U: 10,190 In Ielusie ioieles . and ianglynge a bedde [aaAx]
U: 10,191 Many peire sith -th-e pestilence . han plight hem
togidr(e)s [aaAx]
U: 10,192 -Th-e fruyt -th-at -th-ei bringe for-th- . arn
but foule wordes [aaAx]
U: 10,193 Haue -th-ei no children but cheste . and choppes
bytwene [aaAx]
U: 10,194 -Th-ei hiden hem to donmowe . but -th-e deuel helpe
U: 10,195 To folwe aftir -th-e flicche . fette -th-ei it
neu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 10,196 But -th-ei bo-th-e be forsworn . -th-at bacou(n)
-th-ei tyne [aaAx]
U: 10,197 ffor-th-i y conseile alle cristene . coueite noght
to be weddid [aaAx]
U: 10,198 ffor couetise of catel . or for kynrede riche [aaAx]
U: 10,199 But maydenes and maydenes . -y-ou to same take
U: 10,200 Wydeweres and widewes . wurche -y-e also [aaAx]
U: 10.201 -Th-anne glade -y-e god . -th-at alle godis sendith
U: 10,202 ffor my tyme trewly . bytwene man and wo(m)man
U: 10,203 Schulde no bedborde be . but -th-ei were bo-th-e
clene [aaAx]
U: 10,204 Of lif and of loue . and of lawe also [aaAx]
U: 10,205 -Th-at derne dede . do no man schulde [aaAx]
U: 10,206 Ac bytwene sengle and sengle . si-th--th-e lawe
ha-th- yg(ra)unted [aaAxx]
U: 10,207 -Th-at euery man haue a make . in mariage of wedlok
U: 10,208 And wurche on his wyf . and no wo(m)man elles [aaAx]
U: 10,209 ffor -th-(a)t o-th-(er) gatis ben ygeten . for
gadelyngis ben holden [aaAx]
U: 10,210 -Th-at ben false folke and false heires also [aaAx]?
fol. 32ar (211-XI 47 om)
U: 10,211 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,212 --- this line is omitted ---
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fol. 32av
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fol. 32r[32br]
U: 11,48 But honysche hym as an hound . & hote hym go -th-ennes
U: 11,49 Lytel loue-th- he -th-(a)t lord . -th-at lene-th-
hym -th-at blysse [aaAx]
U: 11,50 -Th-at -th-us p(ar)tyth w(i)t(h) -th-e pore . a
p(ar)cel whan hym nede-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,51 Ne were m(er)cy in mene men . more -th-an in ryche
U: 11,52 Manye mendenawtes meteles . my-gh-te go to bedde
U: 11,53 God his mechel in his gorge . of -th-ese grete maystres
U: 11,54 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,55 And so seyth -th-e sauter . seek it in { memento
} [aaAx]
U: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) i(n) eufrata i(n)uenim(us) ea(m)
in ca(m)pis silue } [Latin]
U: 11,56 Clerkys and kedde men . carpen of god faste [aaAx]
U: 11,57 And han mechel in here mow-th- . ac mene men i(n)
herte [aaAx]
U: 11,58 ffryres & faytoures . han fonden vp swych questiones
U: 11,59 To plese wy-th- proude men . si-th- -th-e pestilense
tyme [aaAx]
U: 11,60 -Th-at defoulen oure feyth . at festis -th-(er)
-th-ei sitten [aaAx]
U: 11,61 ffor now is iche boy bold . and he be ryche [aaAx]
U: 11,62 To telle of -th-e trynite . to be holde a syre [aaAxx]
U: 11,63 And fyde for-th- fantasies . our feyth for to apeyre
U: 11,64 & to defame -th-e fader . -th-(a)t vs alle makyde
U: 11,65 And carpen of clergye . crabbyde wordys [aaAx]
U: 11,66 Why wolde oure saueo(ur) suffre . swych werm i(n)
his blysse [aaAx]
U: 11,67 -Th-(a)t begyles -th-e womman . & -th-e man
after [xaAx]
U: 11,68 -Th-o(ur) swyche a werk & wille . -th-ei wente
to helle [aaAx]
U: 11,69 And al here sed for -th-(a)t synne . -th-e same
wo suffrede [aaAa]
U: 11,70 Swich motes -th-ei moue . -th-ese maystres in here
glorie [aaAx]
U: 11,71 And make men to mysbeleue . -th-(a)t mousen on her(e)
wordys [aaAx]?
U: 11,72 Ac Austyn -th-e oolde . for alle siche prechet [aaAx]
U: 11,73 And for siche tale telleres . siche a teme schewy-th-
U: 11,74 { Nolite plus sap(er)e q(ua)m op(or)tet sap(er)e
} [Latin]
U: 11,75 -Th-at is to seie ne wilneh-th- neu(er)e to wete
why [aaAa]
fol. 32v[32bv]
U: 11,76 -Th-at god wolde suffre satan . his seed to begyle
U: 11,77 And beleef lely . on -th-e lord of holy chyrche
U: 11,78 And p(ra)y hym of his p(ar)doun . & penance
be -th-i lyue [aaAx]
U: 11,79 & for his meche mercy . to amende vs here [aaAx]
U: 11,80 ffor alle -th-(a)t wilne-th- to wite . -th-e weyis
of god almy-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 11,81 I wolde his eye were . in his hars & his hele
after [aaBb]
U: 11,82 -Th-at eu(er)e wilne-th- for to wete qwy [aaAa]
U: 11,83 -Th-at god wolde suffre sahan . his seed to begyle
U: 11,84 Or Iudas -th-e Iew . Iesu be trayen [aaAx]
U: 11,85 Al was as he wolde . lord Iwyrchepid -th-(o)u be
U: 11,86 And wor-th- as -th-(o)u wilt . what so we telle
U: 11,87 And nou(n) comyth coniou(n) . and wolde cache of
my wittes [aaAx]
U: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet . def mote he wur-th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,89 Si-th--th-e he wille-th- to wite . whiche -th-ei
ben alle [aaAx]
U: 11,90 But -y-if he lyue lely in -th-e last day . -th-(a)t
longe-th- to dowel [aaAx]
U: 11,91 ffor I dar be his bolde borwe . do bet wil he neu(er)e
U: 11,92 -Th-ei-gh-e dobest draw on hym . day after day [aaAx]
U: 11,93 And whan -th-(a)t wit whas war . how his wyf tolde
U: 11,94 He come so confuse . he cou-th-e nowt mele [aaAx]
U: 11,95 And also dounbe as a dore . drow hym asyde [aaAx]
U: 11,96 And for no carping -th-(a)t i couude . ne knelyng
to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
U: 11,97 I my-gh-te gete no greyn . of his grete wittes [aaAx]
U: 11,98 But al louryng he loutydde . & lokyd vpon studye
U: 11,99 In signe -th-(a)t h schulde . beseche here of g(ra)ce
U: 11,100 And whan I was war of his wille . to his wyf i
knelyd [aaAx]
U: 11,101 And seide m(er)cy madame . y(o)ure man schal I
worthe [aaAx]
U: 11,102 ffor to wyrche -y-(o)ure wil . wil my lif dure-th-
U: 11,103 To kenne me kendely . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
fol. 33r
U: 11,104 ffor -th-i meknesse man q(uo)d sche . & for -th-i
mylde speche [aaAx]
U: 11,105 I schal kenne -th-e to my cosyn . -th-at clergie
hote-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,106 He hayth weddyd a wyf . wy-th-inne -th-(i)s wikes
sexe [aaAx]
U: 11,107 -Th-at is sibbe to -th-e sefne ars . -th-(a)t sc(ri)pture
is Inempnyd [aaAx]
U: 11,108 -Th-ei to I hope . after my besekynge [xaAx]
U: 11,109 Schul wisse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndyrtake
U: 11,110 -Th-an was as fayn as fowl . of fayre morwe [aaAx]
U: 11,111 Gladdere -th-an -th-e gleman . -th-(a)t gold hayt
to -y-ifte [aaAx]
U: 11,112 And axide here -th-e heye weye . where clergie
wonde [aaXx]
U: 11,113 & tel me som tokne to hym . for tyme is -th-(a)t
i wende [aaAx]
U: 11,114 Axe -th-e heye weye q(uo)d sche . fro hennes to
suffre [aaAx]
U: 11,115 Bothe wel and wo . -y-if -th-(a)t -th-(o)u willt
lerne [aaAx]
U: 11,116 And ryde forth be ricchesse . reste -th-(o)u nowt
-th-(er)inne [aaAx]
U: 11,117 ffor -th-ow comple -th-e w(i)t(h) hym to clergie
. comyst -th-(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 11,118 And eek -th-e longe launde . [-th-at] lecherye
hatte [aaAx]
U: 11,119 Leue hym on -th-e left half . a large myle & more
U: 11,120 ffoor til -th-(o)u come to a court . kep wel -th-i
tonge [aaAx]
U: 11,121 ffro lesynggis and lyeres . & lekerous drynkes
U: 11,122 -Th-an schalt se soberte . of symplesse of speche
U: 11,123 -Th-at eche wy-gh-t be in wille . his wit -th-e
to schewe [aaAx]
U: 11,124 So schalt -th-(o)u come to clergie . -th-(a)t can
many thenges [aaAx]
U: 11,125 And sey hym sygne . i sette hym to scole [aaAx]
U: 11,126 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,127 And sette here to sapience . & to -th-e sauter
glosyd [aaAx]
U: 11,128 Logyke i leryd here . and al -th-e lawe after [aaAx]
U: 11,129 And alle -th-e musonys of musyk . I made here to
knowe [aaAx]
U: 11,130 Plato & poete . I put hem ferst to boke [aaAx]
U: 11,131 Aristotle and o-th-(er) mo . I tawte ferst to argue
U: 11,132 Gramer for gyrles . I garte ferst whryte [aaAx]
fol. 33v
U: 11,133 And beet hem w(i)t(h) a baleys . but -y-if -th-ei
wolde lerne [aaAxx]
U: 11,134 And alle kynne craftis . I construed hure ferst
to lere [aaAx]
U: 11,135 Tolis of carpent(er)s and kerue . I tau-th-te ferst
masouns [aaAx]
U: 11,136 And lerned hem lyue . & leuel -th-ou-gh-e i
lokyd dymme [aaAa]
U: 11,137 Ac theologie hayt tened me . ten score tymes [aaAa]
U: 11,138 for -th-e more I mouse -th-(er)on . -th-e mystlokir
it semyth [aaAx]
U: 11,139 And -th-e depp(er)e I dyuyned . -th-e depp(er)e
I -th-owte [aaAx]
U: 11,140 It is no science forsothe . to sutyle -th-(er)inne
U: 11,141 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,142 Ac for it last best by loue . I loue it -th-e betere
U: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) -th-at loue is lord . lakke-th- neu(er)e
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
U: 11,144 lef lely -th-(er)on . -y-if yow thenke do wel [aaBb]
U: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . ben drawe of leue scole
U: 11,146 In other science it se-th- . I saw it in Catou(n)
U: 11,147 { Qui simulat verbis n(e)c corde est fidus amicus
} [Latin]
U: 11,148 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,149 Ac theologie teche-th- vs nowt so . whoso take
hede [aaAx]
U: 11,150 He kennes -th-e contrarye . a-gh-en catons wordys
U: 11,151 And bit vs be as bre-th-eren . & blysee oure
enemyes [aaAx]
U: 11,152 & loue -th-(a)t lyen on vs . and lene hem at
here nede [aaAx]
U: 11,153 And do good a-y-ens yuel . god hym selue hotes
U: 11,154 And seided hym selue . in ensaumple of -th-e beste
U: 11,154a { Dilige d(omin)um deu(m) tuu(m) ex toto corde
tuo &c } [Latin]
U: 11,155 Ac astronomye is hard -th-ing . & yuel for
to knowe [aaAx]
U: 11,156 Geometrie and gemessie . is gryfful of speche [aaAx]
U: 11,157 -Th-at -th-enke-th- to werche w(i)t(h) -th-o -y-re
. -th-riue-th- wol late [aaAx]
U: 11,158 Sorcerie is -th-e souereyn book . -th-(a)t to -th-e
science longe-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,159 -Y-it arn -th-er fibeches of forelis . of albert(es)
makyng [aaBb]
U: 11,160 --- this line om ---
U: 11,161 Nig(ro)mancie and p(er)ymancie . -th-e powke to
reise [xaAx]
U: 11,162 -Y-if -th-(o)u -th-inke do wel . del -th-erew(i)t(h)
neu(er)e [xaAx]
fol. 34r
U: 11,163 Alle -th-ese sciences . sykerly I my selue formidide
U: 11,164 -Th-urw hem formest . folk to deceyuen [aaAx]
U: 11,165 I bekenne -th-e cryst q(uo)d sche . I kan teche
-th-e no betere [aaAxx]
U: 11,166 And I seyde g(ra)merci madame . & meche her(e)
grette [aaAx]
U: 11,167 And wente wi-gh-th in my weye . w(i)t(h)oute more
lettynge [aaaAx]
U: 11,168 And fond as sche fayre tolde . and for-th- gan
I wende [aaAx]
U: 11,169 & eer I come to clergie . coude I neu(er)e
stynte [aaAx]
U: 11,170 and grette -th-e god man . as -th-e god wyf me
taw-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 11,171 & aftyrward his wyf . & wyrschepid hem
bothe [aaAx]
U: 11,172 And tolde here toknes . -th-at me Itaw-gh-te were
U: 11,173 Was neu(er)e grom vpon -th-is ground . syth god
made hefne [aaAx]
U: 11,174 ffayrere vndirfonge . ne frendlekere mad at ese
U: 11,175 -Th-an my selue sothly . as sone as sche it weste
U: 11,176 -Th-(a)t I was of wit hous . & his wyff dame
studye [axAx]
U: 11,177 Curteysly clergie . calde me & custe [aaAa]
U: 11,178 And asked me how wit . and his studye [axAx]
U: 11,179 And I seyde hem so-th-ly . -th-ei sente me -th-eder
U: 11,180 To lere at -y-ow to dowel . & dobet -th-(er)
aftir [xaAx]
U: 11,181 And sythe aftir to se . somwhat of dobest [aaAx]
U: 11,182 It is a wol lely lyf q(uo)d sche . among -th-e
lewyd peple [aaAx]
U: 11,183 Actyf it is Ihoten . housbondes it vse-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,184 Trewe telieres on her-th-e . as taliou(ur)s and
sowteres [aaxAx]
U: 11,185 And alle kenne crafty men . -th-(a)t kunne w(i)t(h)
her(e) craft wy(n)ne [aaAx]
U: 11,186 W(i)t(h) ony trewe traualye . tilie for here fode
U: 11,187 Diken or deluen . douel it hy-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 11,188 To brekere beggere bred . and bachem w(i)t(h) clothes
U: 11,189 Comfort -th-e carful . -th-(a)t in -th-e castel
is fetered [aaAx]
U: 11,190 And seken out -th-e seke . & sende hem what
hem nedyth [aaAx]
fol. 34v
U: 11,191 Obedyent as bre-th-eren . and sistres to o-th-er(e)
U: 11,192 -Th-ese ben -th-at dobet . -th-us beryth witnesse
-th-e saut(er) [aaAx]
U: 11,193a { Gaudete cu(m) gaudentib(us) & flere cu(m)
flentib(us) } [Latin]
U: 11,193 Syke w(i)t(h) sori . synge wi-th- -th-e glade [aaAx]
U: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocundu(m) h(ab)itare f(rat)res i(n) vnu(m) } [Latin]
U: 11,194 God wot -th-is is dobest sire dobest hai-th- benefices
U: 11,195 --- this line om ---
U: 11,196 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,196a --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,197 ffor -th-is dobest is . a bysschopis peire [xaAx]
U: 11,198 Prynce of godis peple . to p(re)che(n) & to
techyn [aaAx]
U: 11,199 Dobet doi-th- ful wel . and dowel he is also [aaAx]
U: 11,200 & hai-th- posessiones pluralites . for pore
menys sake [aaAx]
U: 11,201 for mendinantis at messchef . -th-o men we[re]
Idued [aaAx]
U: 11,202 And -th-(a)t is rythful religiou(n) . none renn(er)es
aboute [aaAx]
U: 11,203 Ne no leperes ouer lond . ladijs to schriue [aaAx]
U: 11,204 Gregori -th-e grete clerk . a good pope in is tyme
U: 11,205 Of religioun -th-e reule . he rehersit in his moralis
U: 11,206 & sei-th- hym in ensaumple . -th-(a)t men schulde
do -th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 11,207 Whan fissches fayle-th- . -th-e flod or -th-e fressch
wat(ir) [aaAa]
U: 11,208 -Th-ei deye for -th-e drowte . whan it dryhe-th-
longe [aaAx]
U: 11,209 Ryth so be religiou(n) . -th-(a)t roxle-th- and
sterue-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,210 -Th-at out of couent & cloystre . coueyti-th-
to libbe [aaAx]
U: 11,211 And now is religiou(n) a ridere . & a renn(er)e
be stretis [aaAx]
U: 11,212 A ledere of lufdayes . and a lond bugghere [aaAx]
U: 11,213 Popre-th- on a palfrey . fro toune to toune [aaBb]
U: 11,214 A bidowe or a baselard . he bere-th- be his side
U: 11,215 Godis fleesch and his feet . & his fyue woundis
U: 11,216 Arn more in his mende . -th-an memorie of his foundo(ur)
U: 11,217 -Th-is is -th-e lyf of -th-ese lordis . -th-(a)t
leue schulde w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
U: 11,218 And welawey werse . and I schulde al telle [aaAx]
fol. 35r
U: 11,219 I wende kyngis & knythis . and kayseres and Erles
U: 11,220 Were dowel and dobet . & dobest ouer hem alle
U: 11,221 for i haue it sen myselue . and su-th--th-e irad
after [aaAx]
U: 11,222 How crist conseylede -th-e comoune . & kennes
hem -th-ese lawes [aaaAx]
U: 11,223 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,224 ffor-th-i I wende -th-o weyhes . were do best of
alle [aaAxx]
U: 11,225 I wele nowth scorne q(uo)d sc(ri)pture . but scryueyns
lye [aaAx]
U: 11,226 Kynghod & kny-gh-thode . for au-gh-t I kan
aspie [aaAx]
U: 11,227 Helpith nou-gh-t to hefneward . at one -y-eris
ende [aaAa]
U: 11,228 Ne rychesse ne rente . ne royalte of lordys [aaAx]
U: 11,229 Powl p(ro)ue-th- inpossible . -th-e riche to comen
in hefne [aaaXx]
U: 11,230 Ac pore men in pacience . and pacience togedres
U: 11,231 han here herytage in hefne . and Riche men none
U: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I bi crist . i kan -th-e w(i)t(h)seye
U: 11,233 And p(ro)uen it be a postil . -th-at petir is nempnyd
U: 11,234 { Qui crediderit & baptizat(us) fu(er)it }
U: 11,235 -Th-at in { extremis } q(uo)d sc(ri)pture . among
sarsynes & Iewes [aaAx]
U: 11,236 Mowe be saued so . and -th-at oure beleue [aaAx]
U: 11,237 -Th-at oon cristen in cas . may cristen an hethen
U: 11,238 & ffor his leel beleue . whan he his lyf tyne-th-
U: 11,239 Haue an eritage in hefne . as an hei-gh-e cristene
U: 11,240 Ac cr(is)tene men god wot . come-th- nowt so to
hefne [aaAx]
U: 11,241 for cr(is)tene han a dirige . & our comune
speche [axAx]
U: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celu(m) nisi q(u)i &c } [Latin]
U: 11,243 Godis word wittnesse-th- . -th-(a)t we schal -th-eue & dele
oure enemys [aaAxx]
U: 11,244 And alle men -th-at arn nedy as pore men & siche
U: 11,245 --- this line om ---
U: 11,245a { Op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad omnes maxime aute(m)
U: 11,245b { ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
fol. 35v
U: 11,246 Alle kynde creatours . -th-at c(r)ist ben ylyche
U: 11,247 We ben yholde heyliche . to herye & honoure
U: 11,248 And -y-euen hem of oure good . as good as oure
selue [aaAx]
U: 11,249 And sou(er)eynlyche to syche . as suen our beleue
U: 11,250 -Th-at eche c(ri)sten man . be kende to other [aaAx]
U: 11,251 And sy-th--th-e hem to helpe . in hope hem to amende
U: 11,252 To harme hem or to sle hem . god hi-gh-te vs neu(er)e
U: 11,253 He sei-th- it hym selue . in his ten hestes [aaXx]
U: 11,254 { No(n) mecaberis } ne sle nou-gh-t is -th-e kende
englische [xxXx]
U: 11,255 ffor { m(ich)i vindicta(m) & ego retribua(m)
} [Latin]
U: 11,256 I schal pyne in p(ur)gatorie . or in -th-e pyt
of helle [aaAx]
U: 11,257 Eu(er)y man for his misdede . but mercy it make
U: 11,258 -Y-it i am neu(er)e -th-e ner . for nowth -th-(a)t
i haue walkyd [aaAx]
U: 11,259 To wyte what is dowel . witterly in herte [aaAx]
U: 11,260 for how so i werche . wrong or ellis [aaAx]
U: 11,261 I was markid w(i)t(h) m(er)cy . and myn name entred
U: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyf . long er I ded ware [aaAx]
U: 11,263 Or elles vnwrite for wiled . -th-us sei-th- -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
U: 11,263a { Nemo asce(n)dit in celu(m) n(is)i q(u)i de celodestendit
} [Latin]
U: 11,264 And i leue on oure lord . and on no lettere betere
U: 11,265 ffor salomon -th-e sage . -th-at sapyence made
U: 11,266 God -y-af hym grace . and ryches togyders [aaaXx]
U: 11,267 for to reule is reume . ri-gh-t at is wille [aaAx]
U: 11,268 dide he nowt wel and wisly . as holy cherche teches
U: 11,269 bothe in werk and in word . in wordle in his tyme
U: 11,270 Arystotle and he . who wroute betere [aaXx]
U: 11,271 And holy cherche . holdi-th- hem in helle [aaAa]
U: 11,272 & was neu(er)e in -th-is wordle . no wisere
of werkis [aaAa]
U: 11,273 for alle kunnynge clerkis . sy-th- c(ri)st -y-ede
in herthe [aaAx]
fol. 36r
U: 11,274 Take exsanple of here sawes . in sermounes -th-at
-th-ei make [aaAx]
U: 11,275 And be here werkes and here wordes . wissen vs
to dowel [aaAx]
U: 11,276 & -y-if i schal wurche bi here werk . to wynne
me hefne [aaAx]
U: 11,277 And I for here werkis . wende to pyne [aaAx]
U: 11,278 -Th-an wroutty vnwittily . wi-th- al -th-e wit
-th-at i lere [aaAx]
U: 11,279 A god friday i fynde . a felon was isaued [aaAx]
U: 11,280 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,281 for he knelyd to -th-e cros . and to c(ri)st schrof
hym [aaAx]
U: 11,282 Sonnere hadde sauacioun . -th-an seynt Iohn -th-e
baptiste [aaAx]
U: 11,283 Or Adam or ysaie . or ony of -th-ese p(ro)phetis
U: 11,284 -Th-at hadde leyn be lucifer . many long -y-eres
U: 11,285 A robbere hade remyssiou(n) . ra-th-er -th-an -y-ei
alle [aaAx]
U: 11,286 W(i)t(h)outen penans in p(ur)gatorie . to han p(ar)adys
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 11,287 -Th-an marie maudeleyn . who my-gh-te do werse
U: 11,288 Or dide wurse -th-an dauyd . -th-at vry destruyed
U: 11,289 Or poul -th-e apostel . -th-at no pyte hadde [aaAx]
U: 11,290 Cristene kende . to kille to de-th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,291 Arn none forsothe . so fer in hefne [xaAx]
U: 11,292 As -th-ese -th-at wroute wykkydly . in world whan
-th-ei were [aaAa]
U: 11,293 --- this line is omitted ---
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U: 11,296 { Cu(m) steterit(is) ante reges & p(re)sides
nolite cogitare q(u)id loq(ua)mini } [Latin]
U: 11,297 It is as meche to mene . to men -th-at ben lewed
U: 11,298 Whan -y-e ben apposid of p(ri)nces . or prestes
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
U: 11,299 for to answere hem . haue -y-e no dowte [aaAx]
U: 11,300 ffor I schal g(ra)unte -y-ow g(ra)ce . of god -th-at
-y-e seruen [aaAx]
U: 11,301 -Th-e helpe of -th-e holi gost . to answere hem
alle [aaAa]
U: 11,302 -Th-e dou-gh-tieste docto(ur) . dempno(ur) of -th-e
lawe [aaAx]
U: 11,303 -Th-at was austyn -th-e oolde . & -th-e heist
of -th-e foure [aaAx]
U: 11,304 And seide -th-us for a sarmou(n) . so me god helpe
U: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i ydiote celu(m) rapiu(n)t & nos
cu(m) doctrinis n(ost)ris }
U: 11,305a { dem(er)gem(ur) i(n) infernu(m) } [Latin]
fol. 36v
U: 11,306 And is to mene in oure mouth . more ne lesse [aaAx]
U: 11,307 Arn none ra-th-ir rauyschid . fro -th-e rith beleue
U: 11,308 -Th-an -th-ese grete clerkis . -th-at kunne manye
bokis [aaAx]
U: 11,309 Ne none sunnere sauyd . ne saddere of conscience
U: 11,310 -Th-an pore peple as plowmen . and paustores of
bestes [aaaAx]
U: 11,311 Souteres an seweres . and swiche lewide Iuttis
U: 11,312 Pasen w(i)t(h) a pat(er)nost(er) . -th-e paleys
of hefne [aaAx]
U: 11,313 w(i)t(h)outen penans at here p(ar)tyng . into -th-e
heye blisse [aaXx]
Passus tercius de dowel
U: 12,1 Cryst wot q(uo)d clergie . knowit yif -th-e like-th-
U: 12,2 I haue don my deuer . -th-e dowel to teche [aaAx]
U: 12,3 And who so coueite to don bet(er)e . -th-an -th-e
bok telle-th- [xaAx]
U: 12,4 He pasith apostlis lif . and put hem in to angelis
U: 12,5 But y se now as i seie . as me so-th- -th-ynke-th-
U: 12,6 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 12,7 -Th-(o)u woldist kunne -th-(a)t i can . and carpyn
it after [aaAx]
U: 12,8 P(re)sumptuously p(ar)auenture . appose so manye
U: 12,9 -Th-at it my-gh-te turne me to tene . & theologie
bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 12,10 -Y-if i wiste witterly . -th-(o)u woldist don -th-erafter
U: 12,11 Al -th-at -th-(o)u askest . assoilen I wolde [aaAx]
U: 12,12 Scornfulliche -th-e sc(ri)pture . set vp here browes
U: 12,13 And on clergie cryede . on godis holy name [aaAx]
U: 12,14 -Th-(a)t he schewi-gh-t ne schulde . but if it stryf
were [aaAx]
U: 12,15 Of -th-e cardynal wit . & c(ri)stenyd in a fou(n)t
U: 12,16 And seide it so loude . -th-(a)t schame me it poute
U: 12,17 -Th-at it were scathe . & slaundre to holy cherche
U: 12,18 sciho-th- theologie -th-(a)t trewe is . tellen it
deffende-th- [aaAx]
U: 12,19 Dauyd godis derlyng . deffende-th- it also [aaAx]
U: 12,19a { Vidi p(re)uaricantes & thabescebam } [Latin]
U: 12,20 --- this line is omitted ---
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