PPLA-R Diplomatic Texts
fol. 1r
Hic incipit liber qui uocatur pers plowman p(ro)log(us)
R: P,1 IN a somyr sesoun . whenne I south wente [aaAa]
R: P,2 I schop me a schroude . as I a schep were [aaAx]
R: P,3 In abyte as an ermyte . von holy of werkys [aaAx]
R: P,4 Y wente wyde in this wordle . wondrys to hure [aaAx]
R: P,5 But vpon a may morwe . on maluerne hyllys [aaAx]
R: P,6 Me byfel a ferly . of fayrye me thou-gh-the [aaAx]
R: P,7 I was wery forwandred . I wente me to reste [aaAx]
R: P,8 Vnder a brod banke . be a burne syde [aaAx]
R: P,9 But as -gh- lay and lenede . and luked on the watrys
R: P,10 I slombryd in a slepyng . I sweuened so merye [aaAx]
R: P,11 -Th-er gan I to mete . a nerwelous swouene [xaAx]
R: P,12 that I was in a wildernysse . I wyste neu(er)e where
R: P,13 But as I byhelde into -th-e este . vp to the sunne
R: P,14 I saw a tour in a coste . tryly ontyrid [aaAx]
R: P,15 A dep dale bynethe . a doungon -th-erynne [aaAx]
R: P,16 W(i)t(h) depe dykys and derke . dredful of sy-gh-th
R: P,17 A fayr felde ful of folke . fonde I bytwene [aaaAx]
R: P,18 Of alle maner of men . the mene and -th-e riche [aaAx]
R: P,19 Worchyng and wandrynge . as -th-is wordle askys [aaAx]
R: P,20 So(m)me putte hem to plow . and pleyde ful selde
R: P,21 In seedtyme of sowyng . swonkyn ful hard [aaAx]
R: P,22 -Th-at -th-es wastorys now . wyt glotonye destroyen
R: P,23 Some putte hem to p(ri)de . and p(er)alyde hem -th-(er)after
R: P,24 In cou(n)tenaunce of clo-th-ing . -th-ey comyn dysgysed
R: P,25 To prayer(e) and to penaunce . putte hem many [aaAx]
R: P,26 ffor -th-e loue of oure lord . lyuede ful strayte
R: P,27 In hope for to haue . heueneryche blysse [aaAx]
R: P,28 As ankerys and hermytes . -th-(a)t lyuen in her cellys
R: P,29 And coueyty(n) nou-gh-th in -th-e cou(n)tre . to
caryen aboute [aaAx]
R: P,30 for none lykerous lyflode . her(e) lykamys to plese
R: P,31 Some chosen for to chaffar . -th-ey cheuyd -th-e
betere [aaAx]
fol. 1v
R: P,32 As hit ys sene in oure sy-gh-th . -th-(a)t suche men
-th-ryuen [aaAx]
R: P,33 And su(m)me men myrthes to make . as menstralys cu(n)ne
R: P,34 gete gold w(i)t(h) her gle . synneles I trowe [aaaAx]
R: P,35 Ac iaperis and iangler(is) . iudacys chyldryn [aaAx]
R: P,36 gon fyndyn meny fantasyes . and foles hem makyn [aaAx]
R: P,37 And han wit at her wille . to worche what he(m) lykys
R: P,38 -th-(a)t -th-at poule p(re)che-th- of hem . I dar
not p(ro)uyn here [aaAx]
R: P,39 { Qui loq(u)it(ur) turpiloquiu(m) } . ys lucyfer(is)
hyne [aaAx]
R: P,40 begger(es) and bydder(es) . faste aboute -gh-ede
R: P,41 Til her belyes and h(er) bagg(es) . war(e) bred ful
cra(m)med [aaAx]
R: P,42 -th-ei flyte-th- for her fode . and fy-gh-then at
-th-e ale [aaAx]
R: P,43 In glotenye god wot . go -th-ei to bedde [aaAx]
R: P,44 And rysen vp w(i)t(h) rybaudye . as robert(es) knauys
R: P,45 Sclep and slowthe . sewyth hem euere [aaAx]
R: P,46 Pylgrymys and palmer(is) . plytyth hem togedere [aaAx]
R: P,47 to seke seynt Iame . and seynt(es) in rome [aaAx]
R: P,48 and wente for-th- in her wey . w(i)t(h) manye wyse
talys [aaAx]
R: P,49 And hadde leue to lye . al here lyf after [aaAx]
R: P,50 hernyt(es) on an hepe . w(i)t(h) hokede stauys [aaAx]
R: P,51 wente to walsyngh(a)m . and h(er) wenches after [aaAx]
R: P,52 Grete lobyes and longe . loth for to swynke [aaAx]
R: P,53 Clo-th-ed hem in copys . to be knowe fro o-th-(er)e
R: P,54 Schopyn he(m) ermyt(es) . here ese to haue [xaAa]
R: P,54 on fele halue . fonden hem to done
R: P,54 leder(es) -th-ei be of louedayes . and w(i)t(h) -th-e
lawe medle
R: P,55 I fond -th-(er) -th-e frer(es) . alle -th-e fower
orderes [aaAx]
R: P,56 Prechynge -th-e peple . for p(ro)fyt of her(e) wombys
R: P,57 Glosede -th-e gospel . as hem goud lykede [aaAx]
R: P,58 for couetyse of copys . construd yt as -th-ei wolde
R: P,59 Many of -th-o maystr(is) . mown clo-th-en he(m) at
lykyng [aaAxx]
R: P,60 for her money and h(er) marchau(n)dyse . mety(n)
togederis [aaAx]
R: P,61 sythe charite ha-th- be chapma(n) . & chef to
schryue lordis [aaAx]
fol. 2r
R: P,62 ffele ferlyis han falle . in a fewe -gh-erus [aaAx]
R: P,63 But holy cherche and -th-ey . holdyn togederys [aaAx]
R: P,64 -Th-e moste myschef of -th-is molde . mou(n)te-th-
vp faste [aaaAx]
R: P,65 -Th-er prechede a pardon(er) . a prest as -th-ou-gh-
he were [aaAx]
R: P,66 brou-gh-the for-th- bullys . wyth busschopys selys
R: P,67 And seyde hym self . my-gh-te asoyle hem alle [aaAx]
R: P,68 of falsnesse of fastynge . of avowes brokyn [aaAx]
R: P,69 -th-e lewde men leued hym wel . and lykyd his speche
R: P,70 come knelyng vp . to kyssyn his bullys [aaAx]
R: P,71 He blessed hem w(i)t(h) his breuet . and blered her(e)
eyes [aaAx]
R: P,72 rau-gh-the he(m) w(i)t(h) his rageman . broches and
rynges [aaAx]
R: P,73 -Th-us -gh-e -gh-euen -gh-or(e) gold . glotonys to
helpyn [aaAx]
R: P,74 And lenyn hit to loselys . -th-(a)t lecherye haunten
R: P,75 But wer(e) -th-e byschop yblessed . and wor-th- bo-th-e
his erys [aaAx]
R: P,76 His selys schulde not be sent . to disseyue -th-e
peple [aaAx]
R: P,77 I trowe hit be not for -th-e byschop . -th-(a)t -th-e
boye p(re)che-th- [aaAx]
R: P,78 but for -th-e p(ar)don(er) and -th-e p(ar)ichsprest
. dep(ar)tyn -th-e syluer [aaaAx]
R: P,79 That -th-e pore scholde departyn -gh-if -th-at -th-ei
ne were [aaaXx]
R: P,80 P(er)sonys and p(ar)ys prest(is) . playnen to h(er)
byschop [aaaAx]
R: P,81 -Th-at her p(ar)yssenys ben pore . sy-th-en -th-e
pestelens tyme [aaAx]
R: P,82 To haue a lycence and a leue . at londou(n) to dwelle
R: P,83 To synge for symonye . for sylu(er) is swete [aaAx]
R: P,84 -Th-er houyd an houndred . in howys of sylke [aaAx]
R: P,85 Seriaunt(is) -th-o semede . pletede at -th-e barre
R: P,86 -th-ei pleted for penys . and pou(n)dyt -th-e lawe
R: P,87 Ac non for -th-e loue of o(ur) lord . opnyd her(e)
lyppys [aaAa]
R: P,88 -Th-(o)u my-gh-thist bet(er) mete -th-e myst . on
malu(er)ne hyllys [aaaAx]
R: P,89 -Th-an getyn a mu(m) of her mow-gh-t . tyl monye
be schewyd [aaAx]
R: P,90 I saw -th-(er) byschopys bolde . and bacheler(is)
of dyuyn [aaAx]
R: P,91 Bycome clerk(is) of acou(n)t . -th-e kyng for to
seruyn [aaAx]
R: P,92 I saw -th-(er) archedeknys and denys . -th-at dignyte
hauyn [aaAx]
R: P,93 To p(re)che -th-e peple . and pore men to fede [aaAx]
fol. 2v
R: P,94 -th-ey be-th- lopyn to lou(n)dou(n) . -th-orw leue
of here byschop [aaAx]
R: P,95 And be-th- clerk(is) of -th-e kyng(es) bench . -th-e
cuntre to schynde [aaAx]
R: P,96 Barounys & burgeysys . and bondeagys alse [aaAx]
R: P,97 I saw in -th-at symple . as -gh-e schul here h(er)after
R: P,98 I saw -th-(er) bakester(es) & brewester(es) .
bocher(es) & kokys [aaAx]
R: P,99 Wollene webster(is) . and weuerys of lynene [aaAx]
R: P,100 Taylowr(es) tauerner(es) . and ty(n)ker(es) bo-th-e
R: P,101 Masounys mynor(es) . and many o-th-er craftys [aaAx]
R: P,102 ac dyker(is) and deluer(is) . -th-(a)t don her(e)
werk ylle [aaAa]
R: P,103 To dryue for-th- -th-e longe day . w(i)t(h) { deu
sa dame emme } [aaAx]
R: P,104 Cokys and her knawys . cryden hote pyes hote [aaAx]
R: P,105 Gode gees & grys . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
R: P,106 Tauerner(es) tolled he(m) and tolde hem -th-e same
R: P,107 Wyth whyt wyn of oseye . and of gascoyne [aaxAx]
R: P,108 Of -th-e ryn and -th-e rochel . -th-(a)t roost to
defye [aaAx]
R: P,109 -th-is saw I my self . and seuen sy-th-es more [aaAx]
Passus primus de visione
R: 1,1 Now what -th-(i)s fayre mou(n)tey(n) may mene . & -th-(i)s
derke dalys [aaAx]
R: 1,2 And -th-(i)s felde ful of folk . fayre wil I schewe
R: 1,3 A lufly lady of lere . in lynene was yclo-th-ed [aaaAx]
R: 1,4 cam dou(n) fro -th-e chyf . & called me fayre
R: 1,5 And sayde sone sclepyst -th-(o)u . seyst -th-(o)u
-th-is peple [aaAx]
R: 1,6 How bysy -th-at -th-ei be . aboute -th-e mase [aaAx]
R: 1,7 -Th-e moste party of -th-e peple . -th-(a)t passyth
on lyue [aaAx]
R: 1,8 Haue -th-ei worschepys of -th-is wordle . -th-ei kepe
no beter(e) [aaAx]
R: 1,9 Of o-th-er heuene -th-a(n) here . hold -th-ei no tale
R: 1,10 I was aferd of hir(e) face . -th-ow sche fayr(e)
were [aaAx]
R: 1,11 And sayde m(er)cy madame . what may -th-is bymene
R: 1,12 -Th-e tour in cost q(uo)d sche . trou-th-e is -th-erinne
R: 1,13 Wolde -th-at -th-(o)u wrou-gh-test . as his word
schewys [aaAx]
R: 1,14 for he is fader of feyth . and formed vs alle [aaAx]
R: 1,15 w(i)t(h) fel and whyt face . & a fyn wyt [aaAx]
fol. 3r
R: 1,16 for to worschepe hym -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . whyl -th-(a)t
-gh-e ben her(e) [aaAx]
R: 1,17 Therfore he ly-gh-the into er-th-e . to helpe vs
echone [aaAx]
R: 1,18 Of wollene of lynene . of lyflode at nede [aaAx]
R: 1,19 In mesurable manere . to maken vs at ese [aaAx]
R: 1,20 And co(m)maunded of his cortesye . in comou(n) -th-re
-th-yng(es) [aaAx]
R: 1,21 Are non nedful but -th-o . to meny(n) hem I -th-enke
R: 1,22 And rekkene hem in resou(n) . reherse -gh-e hem after
R: 1,23 -Th-(a)t on is vestur(e) verylyche . fro(m) chele
-gh-ou to saue [aaAxx]
R: 1,24 -Th-(a)t o-th-(er) mete at -gh-o(ur) mel . for myschef
of -gh-o(ur) selue [aaAx]
R: 1,25 Drynke when -th-(o)u dryest . ac do h(i)t not out
of resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 1,26 so -th-(a)t -gh-e wyrche -th-e worce . when -gh-e
swynke schulde [aaAx]
R: 1,27 for loot in his lyf dayes . for lykyng of drynke
R: 1,28 dede by his dou-gh-tryn . as -th-e deuel lykyd [aaAx]
R: 1,29 Delyted hy(m) in drynke . as the deuyl wolde [aaAx]
R: 1,30 And lecherye hym lau-gh-the . and lay by hem bo-th-e
R: 1,31 And al he wyted -th-e wyn . -th-(a)t wyckede dede
R: 1,32 Dred delytable drynke . and -th-(o)u schalt do -th-e
betere [aaaAx]
R: 1,33 Mesure is medycyne . -th-ey -th-ou moche desyre [aaAx]
R: 1,34 Al is not good to -th-e gost . -th-(a)t -th-e gut
askyt [aaAx]
R: 1,35 Ne lyfful to lykame . -th-(a)t lyf is to -th-e soule
R: 1,36 lef not -gh-ut lykame . for al -th-er hem techys
R: 1,37 -Th-at -th-is wreched wordle . -th-e to betraye [aaAx]
R: 1,38 for -th-e fend and -th-y flesch . folwyn togedere
R: 1,39 to schende -th-i sely soule . set hit in -th-y(n)
herte [aaAx]
R: 1,40 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 1,41 A madame mercy q(uo)d I . me lyk(es) wel -gh-o(ur)
wordis [aaAbb]
R: 1,42 Ac -th-e money of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t me(n) so
faste holdys [aaAx]
R: 1,43 telle-th- me to whom . -th-(a)t tresour(e) apendys
R: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t god seyde
hy(m) selue [aaAx]
R: 1,45 -Th-o -th-e peple hym aposyd . w(i)t(h) a peny in
-th-e temple [aaAx]
R: 1,46 -Gh-if -th-ei schulde worschep . -th-(er)w(i)t(h)
sesar -th-e kyng [aaAx]
fol. 3v
R: 1,47 And [god] asked of hem . of whom spak -th-e lettere
R: 1,48 And ymage lyke . -th-at -th-(er) inne standys [xxXx]
R: 1,49 sesar -th-ey sayde . we sen wel echone [axAx]
R: 1,50 { Reddite sesari } q(uo)d god . -th-(a)t { sesar
} byfally-th- [axAx]
R: 1,51 { & q(ui) su(n)t dei deo } . or ellys -gh-e do
ylle [aaAx]
R: 1,52 ffor ry-gh-thful resou(n) . schal reule -gh-ow alle
R: 1,53 And kende wit be wardeyn . -gh-owr(e) wel-th-e to
kepe [aaAx]
R: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of -gh-o(ur) troso(ur) . to take hit
-gh-ou at nede [aaAx]
R: 1,55 for husbondrye and he . holden togedere [aaAx]
R: 1,56 -Th-anne I frayned hur(e) fayr(e) . for hym -th-(a)t
hur(e) made [aaAxx]
R: 1,57 -Th-e dou(n)gou(n) in -th-e dale . -th-at dredful
is of sy-gh-th [aaAx]
R: 1,58 What may hit bymene . madame I -th-e byseche [aaAx]
R: 1,59 -Th-at is -th-e castel of care . whoso come-th- -th-erto
R: 1,60 May banne -th-(a)t he bore was . to body or to soule
R: 1,61 -Th-(er) inne wone-th- a wy-gh-th . -th-at was yhote
R: 1,62 ffader of falfhede . he fonde hit hym self [aaAx]
R: 1,63 Adam and eue . he heggede hem to helle [aaAa]
R: 1,64 and co(n)seyled caym . to kylle his bro-th-er [aaAx]
R: 1,65 ludas he iapede . w(i)t(h) Iewene syluer [aaAx]
R: 1,66 And sy-th-en on a elder(e) . heng hymself after [aaAa]
R: 1,67 He is letter(e) of loue . and seyueth hem alle [aaAx]
R: 1,68 -Th-(a)t trustyn on his troso(ur) . betrayd ar sonered
R: 1,69 -Th-an hadd y wonder in my wit . what wo(m)man h(i)t
wer(e) [aaAa]
R: 1,70 That suche wyse word(is) . of holy wryt schewde [aaAx]
R: 1,71 And assched h(er) on -th-e hye name . or -th-e(n)
sche -th-e(n)ne -gh-ede [aaAx]
R: 1,72 What sche wer(e) wyterly . -th-(a)t wyssed me so
fayre [aaAx]
R: 1,73 Holy churche I am q(uo)d sche . -th-(o)u au-gh-tys
me to knowe [aaAx]
R: 1,74 I vnd(er)fong -th-e furst . and -gh-ut fey-th- -th-e
tau-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 1,75 -Th-(o)u brou-gh-t(es) me borwys . my byddyng to
wyrche [aaAx]
R: 1,76 To loue me lely . -th-e whylys -th-y lyf duryth [aaAx]
fol. 4r
R: 1,77 thanne I knelyd on my kneys . & cryed hur(e) of
grace [aaAx]
R: 1,78 Prayede hur(e) pytusly . to praye for my synnys [aaAx]
R: 1,79 And ek teche me kyndely . on cryst to byleue [aaAx]
R: 1,80 -Th-(a)t I my-gh-the wyrke his wille . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-the
me to ma(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 1,81 teche me to no troso(ur) . but tel me -th-is ylke
R: 1,82 Hou I may saue my soule . -th-(a)t seynt arn yholde
R: 1,83 whe(n)ne alle tresour(es) are(n) tryed q(uo)d sche
. tru-th-e is -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 1,84 I do it on { deus caritas } . to deme -th-e so-th-e
R: 1,85 h(i)t is as derwor-th-e a dreury . as der(e) god
hym selue [aaAx]
R: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tonge . tel h(i)t non
o-th-er [aaAx]
R: 1,87 Do-th- -th-e werk(is) -th-(er)wi-th- . wylly-th-
no man ylle [aaAx]
R: 1,88 He is a god by -th-e gospel . on grou(n)d and a lofthe
R: 1,89 And eke lyk to our(e) lord . by seynt Iamys wordys
R: 1,90 Clerk(is) -th-(a)t hit knowe-th- . schulde kenne
h(i)t aboute [aaAx]
R: 1,91 for crystene and vncristene . cleyme-th- echone [aaAx]
R: 1,92 King(es) and kny-gh-thes . schulde kepe h(i)t by
resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 1,93 And ryde and rappe adou(n) . in remys aboute [aaAx]
R: 1,94 And take trespasour(es) . and ty-gh-e hem faste [aaAx]
R: 1,95 til tru-th-e haue termynyd . her(e) tru-th-e to an
ende [aaAx]
R: 1,96 for dauyt in his dayes . dubbede kny-gh-t(es) [aaAx]
R: 1,97 and dude he(m) swer(e) on h(er) swerdys . to serue
tru-th-e euer(e) [aaAx]
R: 1,98 This is -th-e p(ro)phecye apertly . -th-(a)t apendy-th-
to kni-gh-t(es) [aaAx]
R: 1,99 And nou-gh-th to faste a fryday . in fyue scor(e)
wynter [aaAx]
R: 1,100 but holde w(i)t(h) hym & w(i)t(h) hur(e) . -th-at
aske-th- -th-e tru-th-e [aaaAx]
R: 1,101 And neu(er)e leue and hem for loue . ne for lachyng
of sylu(er) [aaAx]
R: 1,102 And he so -th-(a)t pursewyt . he is apostata in
h(er) ordere [aaAx]
R: 1,103 And cryst kyngene kyng . kny-gh-thede tene [aaaAx]
R: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn . and such seuene o-th-er(e)
R: 1,105 and -gh-af he(m) my-gh-th in mageste . -th-e meryer(e)
he(m) -th-ou-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 1,106 And ou(er) his mayne . made hem archangelys [aaXx]?
R: 1,107 tau-gh-the hem -th-orw -th-e trinyte . -th-e treu-th-e
to knowe [aaAx]
fol. 4v
R: 1,108 To be buxu(m) at his byddyng . he bad hem nou-gh-t
ellys [aaAx]
R: 1,109 Lucyfer w(i)t(h) legyonys . lered hit in heuene
R: 1,110 And wat -th-e louelekyst . of sy-gh-th after our(e)
lord [aaXa]
R: 1,111 tyl he brak buxsumnesse . -th-orw bost of hym selue
R: 1,112 -Th-a(n)ne fel he w(i)t(h) his felawys . and fendys
bycome [aaAx]
R: 1,113 out of heuene into helle . hoblede -th-ey faste
R: 1,114 Su(m)me in er-th-e and some in eyr(e) . dou(n) in
to helle depe [aaAx]
R: 1,115 And lucyfer lowest . ly-gh-the of hem alle [aaAx]
R: 1,116 for p(ri)de -th-at he putte oute . his payne ha-th-
no(n) ende [aaAx]
R: 1,117 and alle -th-(a)t worschepe w(i)t(h) wrong . wende
-th-ey schulde [aaAx]
R: 1,118 After her(e) de-th- day . and dwelle w(i)t(h) -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
R: 1,119 Ac -th-o -th-(a)t worche -th-at word . -th-(a)t
holy cherche techys [aaAx]
R: 1,120 And ende-th- as I er(e) sayde . in parfyte workys
R: 1,121 Mowe be syker -th-at her soule . schal wende into
heuene [aaAxx]
R: 1,122 Ther tru-th-e is in t(ri)nite . and trowen hem alle
R: 1,123 for-th-y I seye as I sayde er(e) . by sent of -th-ese
tyxt(es) [aaAx]
R: 1,124 Wha(n)ne alle trosur(es) be tryed . tru-th-e is
-th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 1,125 Lery-th- -th-us lewyde men . for letteryd h(i)t
knowyn [aaAx]
R: 1,126 That tru-th-e is treso(ur) . -th-e tryeste on erthe
R: 1,127 -Gh-ut haue I no knowynge q(uo)d I . -gh-e mot me
beter(e) teche [aaAx]
R: 1,128 by what crafth in my cor(es) . hit come-th- and
where [aaAx]
R: 1,129 -th-ou dotede daffe quath he . dulle are -th-y witt(es)
R: 1,130 Hit is a kynde knowynge . -th-(a)t comes in -th-y(n)
herte [aaAx]
R: 1,131 for to loue -th-i lorde . leu(er) -th-an -th-y seluyn
R: 1,132 no dedly synne to do . -th-e-gh- -th-ou deye schuldest
R: 1,133 -Th-is I trowe be tru-th-e . who can teche -th-e
betere [aaAx]
R: 1,134 Loke -th-(o)u suffre hym to say . & sy-th-e
lere after [aaAx]
R: 1,135 for -th-us witnesse-th- his word . worche -th-(o)u
-th-(er) after [aaAx]
R: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leuyste -th-ing . -th-(a)t
our(e) lord aske-th- [aaAx]
R: 1,137 And -gh-e plente of pes . prechyd in -th-yn harpe
R: 1,138 Ther -th-(o)u art merye at mete . whan heny byddyt
-th-e -gh-edde [aaAx]
fol. 5r
R: 1,139 for in kynde knowynge of herte . ther come-th- a merthe
R: 1,140 and -th-(a)t falle-gh- to -th-e fader . -th-(a)t
formede vs alle [aaAx]
R: 1,141 lokede on vs w(i)t(h) loue . and let his sone deye
R: 1,142 Meklyche for our(e) mysdedys . to amende vs alle
R: 1,143 And -gh-ut wolde hym no wo . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-the
hy(m) -th-(a)t pyne [aaAx]
R: 1,144 but mekly by mou-th-e . mercy bysou-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 1,145 to haue pyte on -th-(a)t peple . -th-(a)t pyned
hym to deye [aaAx]
R: 1,146 Here my-gh-the -th-(o)u se exaumples . in hy(m)self
one [aaAx]
R: 1,147 -Th-at he was mercyful and meke . and m(er)cy gan
graunte [aaAx]
R: 1,148 to hem -th-(a)t hengyn hym by . and his herte -th-erled
R: 1,149 for-th-y I rede -th-e -th-(o)u ryche . haue reuthe
on -th-e pore [aaAx]
R: 1,150 Thow -gh-e be my-gh-thy to mote . be-th- meke of
-gh-o(ur) workys [aaAx]
R: 1,151 for -th-e same mesour(e) -gh-e mete . amys o-th-er
ellys [aaAx]
R: 1,152 -Gh-e schul be weye -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . whe(n)ne
-gh-e go-th- hennys [aaAx]
R: 1,153 for -th-y be-th- trewe of -gh-o(ur) tong(es) . and
trewlyche wy(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 1,154 And ek be chast as a chyld . -th-(a)t in -th-e cherche
wepys [aaAx]
R: 1,155 but -gh-e loue lely . -th-e pore [aaAx]
R: 1,156 of such gode as god sent . goudlyche departyn [aaAx]
R: 1,157 -th-ei haue no more meryte . in masse ne in hour(es)
R: 1,158 Than malkyn of hire maydynhede . -th-(a)t no ma(n)
desyr(es) [aaAx]
R: 1,159 for Iamys -th-e gentyl . Iugyd in his bokys [aaAx]
R: 1,160 -Th-(a)t fey-th- w(i)t(h)oute fet . is febeler -th-an
nou-gh-th [aaAx]
R: 1,161 And ded as a dore nayl . but -gh-if -th-e dede folwe
R: 1,162 Chastite w(i)t(h)oute cheryte . wor-th- schryned
in helle [aaAx]
R: 1,163 h(i)t is as lewyd as a laumpe . -th-(a)t no ly-gh-th
is inne [aaAx]
R: 1,164 manye chapelaynes ar(e) chaste . ac cherite is awaye
R: 1,165 are no men harder -th-an -th-ey . whan -th-ey be-th-
auaunsed [aaAx]
R: 1,166 Wonkynde to her kyn . and eke to alle crystene [aaXa]
R: 1,167 schewen her(e) cherite . and chyden after more [aaAx]
R: 1,168 Such chastyte w(i)t(h)oute charite . wor-th- schryned
in helle [aaAx]
R: 1,169 -Gh-e curatour(es) -th-(a)t kepe -gh-ou . clene
of -gh-o(ur) body [aaAx]
fol. 5v
R: 1,170 -Gh-e be-th- acombred w(i)t(h) synne . -gh-e cou(n)ne
nou-gh-t out crepe [aaAa]
R: 1,171 So hard ha-th- auaryce . hasped -gh-ou togedere
R: 1,172 -th-(a)t is no tru-th-e of trynite . but trecherye
of helle [aaAx]
R: 1,173 And a begy(n)nynge to lewede me(n) . -th-e latter
to dele [aaAx]
R: 1,174 ffor -th-is ar(e) wordis ywryten . in -th-e ewa(n)gelye
R: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . for I may dele
-gh-ou alle [aaAx]
R: 1,176 -Th-(a)t is -th-e lok of loue . -th-(a)t late-th-
oute my grace [aaAx]
R: 1,177 to comforte -th-e carfulle . acombred w(i)t(h) synne
R: 1,178 Loue ys -th-e leuyste -th-yng . -th-(a)t our(e)
lord aske-th- [aaAx]
VII 70-212a
R: 7,70 Dame worch whanne tyme . is perys wyf hatte [axAx]
R: 7,71 his dou-gh-t(er) hatte ry-gh-th so . or -th-i dame
schal -th-e bete [aaAx]
R: 7,72 His sone hatte suffre . -th-y soueraynys to haue
her(e) wille [aaAx]
R: 7,73 And dem hy(m) nou-gh-t for -th-(o)u dost . -th-(o)u
schalt hit sore abye [aaAx]
R: 7,74 Let god wyrche -th-erw(i)t(h)alle . for so his word
teches [axAx]?
R: 7,75 for now I am olde and hore . and haue of my(n) owe
R: 7,76 To penaunce & to pylgermage . wyl I passe w(i)t(h)
o-th-ere [aaAx]
R: 7,77 for-th-y I wyl or I wende . do wryte my bequest(es)
R: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e amen } . I makyd my seluen [aaAx]
R: 7,79 for he schal haue my soule . -th-(a)t best ha-th-
deserued [????]?
R: 7,80 And defende hit fro -th-e fend . for so is my byleue
R: 7,81 til I come to his acount(us) . as my crede me techys
R: 7,82 to haue reles and remyssyou(n) . on -th-(a)t rente
I leue [aaAx]
R: 7,83 -Th-e cherche schal haue my careyne . & kepe
my bonys [aaAx]
R: 7,84 ffor of my corn and my catel . he craue-th- -th-e
ty-th-ys [aaAx]
R: 7,85 I payde hem aprestly . for p(er)yl of my soule [aaAx]
R: 7,86 He is byholde I hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
R: 7,87 And mo(n)ne me in his memorie . among alle crystene
R: 7,88 My wyf schal haue al -th-(a)t I wan . truly and no
more [aaAxx]
R: 7,89 And dele among my frendys . and my der(e) chyldryn
R: 7,90 for -th-ou-gh- I deye today . my dett(is) be-th-
yquytted [aaAx]
fol. 6r
R: 7,91 I bar home -th-at I borwed . or I to bedde -gh-ede
R: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resydue and -th-e remenau(n)t
. by -th-e rode of chestre [aaAx]
R: 7,93 I wolde worschepe -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . tru-th-e by
my lyue [aaXx]
R: 7,94 And be his pilgrym at -th-e plow . for pore me(n)ys
sake [aaAx]
R: 7,95 My plow schal be my pykstaf . and pyke wp -th-e rot(is)
R: 7,96 And helpe my cult(ir) to kerue . and close -th-e
forwys [aaAx]
R: 7,97 Now is per(is) and -th-e pilgrimys . to -th-e plow
fare [aaAx]
R: 7,98 to herye -th-e half aker(e) . helpyn hym manye [aaAx]
R: 7,99 dyker(es) and deluer(es) . dyggyng on -th-e bankes
R: 7,100 Therw(i)t(h) was p(er)kyn apayde . and preysed hem
-gh-erne [aaAx]
R: 7,101 O-th-er werkmen -th-(er) wer(e) . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-thyn
ful faste [aaAx]
R: 7,102 euer(e)y man on his maner(e) . made hym to done
R: 7,103 And some to plese p(er)kyn . gaderyd out -th-e wedys
R: 7,104 At -th-e hey p(ri)me per(is) . let -th-e plow stande
R: 7,105 to ou(er)sey hem hymself . whoso best wrou-gh-the
R: 7,106 schuld be heryed -th-(er)after . whe(n) heruest
tyme come [aaAx]
R: 7,107 -Th-anne sete -th-er some . and sunge at -th-e ale
R: 7,108 And helpe(n) to erye -th-(a)t half akre . w(i)t(h)
dusada(m)meme [aaaAx]
R: 7,109 by -th-e p(ri)nce of paradys . q(uo)d per(is) -th-o
I wratthe [aaAx]
R: 7,110 but -gh-e ryse -th-e ra-th-er . & rape -gh-ou
to werche [aaAx]
R: 7,111 schal no greyn -th-(a)t h(er) growe-th- . glade
-gh-ou at nede [aaAx]
R: 7,112 And -th-ey -gh-e deye for dol . -th-e deuel hange
-th-(a)t recke [aaAx]
R: 7,113 -Th-a(n)ne wer(e) fayto(ur)ys aferd . and fayned
hem blynde [aaAx]
R: 7,114 some leyde -th-e leg alery . as suche loselys cou(n)ne
R: 7,115 And pleyned hem to per(is) . w(i)t(h) suche pytous
wordis [aaAx]
R: 7,116 We haue no lymes to laboure w(i)t(h) . lord ygraced
be -gh-e [aaAx]
R: 7,117 Ac we praye for -gh-ou per(is) . and for -gh-o(ur)
plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god for his grace . -gh-our(e) greyn multyplye
R: 7,119 And -gh-elde -gh-ou for -gh-o(ur) almesse . -th-(a)t
-gh-e -gh-yue vs here [axAx]
R: 7,120 ffor we mowe no-th-(er) swete ne swynke . such febelnysse
vs eyle-th- [aaAx]
fol. 6v
R: 7,121 -gh-if hit be q(uo)d per(is) . -th-(a)t -gh-e seye
I schal hit sone aspye [axAa]
R: 7,122 -Gh-e be-th- wastor(es) I wot wel . & tru-th-e
wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
R: 7,123 And I am his olde hyne . I au-gh-te hym to warne
R: 7,124 Whyche wastor(es) in -th-(i)s wordle . his werkmen
to destroyin [aaAx]
R: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-(a)t I schulde ete . -th-(a)t erye
for vs alle [aaAa]
R: 7,126 Ac truthe schal teche -gh-ou . hys teem for to dryue
R: 7,127 Bo-th-e to sette and to sowe . and to saue his til-th-e
R: 7,128 Chace gees from -th-e corn . & kepe his bestis
R: 7,129 Or -gh-e sculle eten barly bred . and of -th-e brok
drynke [aaAx]
R: 7,130 But he be blynd o-th-(er) brokeschankyd . o-th-(er)
bedred lygg(es) [aaAx]
R: 7,131 -Gh-e schulle as I, so me god helpe [????]
R: 7,132 Til god of his grace . ger(e) hem to aryse [aaAx]
R: 7,133 Anker(is) and ermit(es) . -th-(a)t holde-th- hem
in her sellys [aaAx]
R: 7,134 -Gh-e schul haue of my(n) almesse . al -th-e while
I lybbe [aaAx]
R: 7,135 ynow eche day at non . at no mor(e) ar morwe [aaAbb]
R: 7,136 Lest his flesch and -th-e fend . foulyd his soule
R: 7,137 Onys at non is ynow-gh- . -th-at no werk ne vsy-th-
R: 7,138 He abyde-th- wel -th-e beter(e) . -th-(a)t bo(m)me-th-
not to of-th-e [aaAx]
R: 7,139 -Th-an gan -th-e wastor(es) aryse . and wolde haue
yfou-gh-te [axAx]
R: 7,140 To pers -th-e plowman . he proferyd his gloue [aaAx]
R: 7,141 A bretonyr a bragger(e) . bostede hym also [aaAx]
R: 7,142 And bad hy(m) go pysse hym w(i)t(h) his plow . pylede
schrewe [aaAx]
R: 7,143 wille -th-(o)u nelle -th-(o)u . we wil haue our(e)
wil of -th-y flo(ur) [axAa]
R: 7,144 Thy flees fette away . wa(n)ne so vs lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 7,145 And [make] vs merye -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . maugre -th-y
chekys [aaAx]
R: 7,146 -Th-a(n)ne per(is) plowma(n) . pleyned hym to -th-e
kny-gh-thys [aaAx]
R: 7,147 to kepe hym as couenaunt . was from cursede schrewes
R: 7,148 ffro wastor(es) -th-(a)t wayte . wy(n)ner(es) to
schende [aaAx]
R: 7,149 Curteysly tho -th-e kny-gh-th . as his kynde wolde
R: 7,150 Warnede wastor(es) . and wyssede hem betere [aaAx]
R: 7,151 Or -gh-e schal aby-gh-e by -th-e lawe . by -th-e
lord -th-(a)t I welde [????]
fol. 7r
R: 7,152 I was not woned to worche q(uo)d wastor(es) . now
wil I not bygy(n)ne [aaaAx]
R: 7,153 & let lyth of -th-e lawe . and lasce of -th-e
kny-gh-th [aaAx]
R: 7,154 And cou(n)tede per(is) at a pese . and his plow
bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 7,155 And mancede hym and his men . wha(n)ne -th-ei nyxt
mette [aaXa]
R: 7,156 Now by -th-e p(er)il of my soule q(uo)d per(is)
. I schal apeyr(e) -gh-ou alle [axaAx]
R: 7,157 and hopyd aft(ir) hou(n)g(ir) . -th-(a)t herde hym
at -th-e fyrste [aaAx]
R: 7,158 awrek me on -th-es wastor(es) q(uo)d per(is) . -th-(a)t
-th-(i)s wordle schendis [aaxAx]
R: 7,159 hou(n)ger in haste -th-enne . hente wastor(es) by
-th-e mawe [aaAx]
R: 7,160 And wrang he(m) by -th-e mawe . -th-(a)t alle watered
her eyen [aaAx]
R: 7,161 and buffeted -th-e breton(er) . abou-th-e -th-e
chekys [aaAx]
R: 7,162 -Th-(a)t he loked as a lant(er)ne . al his lyf after
R: 7,163 he bet hem so bo-th-e . and brak ner(e) her(e) mawes
R: 7,164 Ne hadde per(is) w(i)t(h) a pese lof . prayed hym
belyue [aaAx]
R: 7,165 and w(i)t(h) a bene bach . he hadde bytwene [aaXx]
R: 7,166 and hitte hou(n)ger -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . amydde hise
lyppys [aaAx]
R: 7,167 and bledde into -th-e bodyward . a bolle ful of
growel [aaAx]
R: 7,168 Ne hadde -th-e fesysyou(n) . defended hem water
R: 7,169 to bate -th-e barly bred . and -th-e benys ygrounde
R: 7,170 -Th-ei hadde ben dede by -th-(i)s day . and doluen
al warme [aaAx]
R: 7,171 faytour(es) for fere . flowyn into bernys [aaAx]
R: 7,172 And flappyn on w(i)t(h) flaylys . fro morwe til
eue [aaAxx]
R: 7,173 -Th-at hou(n)ger was not so hardy . onys on hem
to loke [aaAx]
R: 7,174 for a potel of pesyn . -th-(a)t per(is) hadde ymaked
R: 7,175 an hep of ermyt(es) . hente hem spadys [aaAx]
R: 7,176 And doluen dryt and donge . to dryue hou(n)ger out
R: 7,177 blynde and blereyed . were aboute a -th-owsand [aaAx]
R: 7,178 -Th-(a)t ley-gh-e blynde . and brokelegged by -th-e
hye waye [xaAx]
R: 7,179 hou(n)ger hem helede . w(i)t(h) an hot cake [aaAx]
R: 7,180 And manye lame me(n)nys lymes . wer(e) ly-th-ed
-th-(a)t tyme [aaAx]
R: 7,181 and bycomen knauys . to kepe per(is) best(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,182 And prayde for cherite . w(i)t(h) per(is) for to
dwelle [aaAx]
R: 7,183 and for couetyse of h(i)s corn . to chace away hou(n)ger
fol. 7v
R: 7,184 And per(is) was proud -th-(er)of . and putte he(m)
into offys [aaAx]
R: 7,185 -Gh-af hem mete and mone . as -th-ey my-gh-the as(er)ue
R: 7,186 -Th-a(n)ne hadde per(es) pyte . and prayde hou(n)g(ir)
to wende [aaAx]
R: 7,187 home into his owen -gh-erd . and holde hym -th-(er)
euere [aaaAa]
R: 7,188 And -gh-ut I praye q(uo)d per(is) . or -th-(o)u
passe fer-th-er [aaAx]
R: 7,189 Of begger(is) and bydder(is) . what is best to done
R: 7,190 for I wot wel be -th-(o)u went . -th-ey wil worche
ylle [aaaAx]
R: 7,191 myschef hit make-th- . -th-ey be-th- so meke now-th-e
R: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us faste -th-ey wyrche
R: 7,193 and h(i)t be-th- my blody bre-th-ryn . for god bou-gh-the
vs alle [aaAx]
R: 7,194 tru-th-e tau-gh-the me onys . to loue hem echone
R: 7,195 and helpe hem of al -th-ing . what -th-(a)t hem
nedy-th- [aaAx]
R: 7,196 Now wolde I wyte -gh-if -th-(o)u wystyst . what
wer(e) -th-e beste [aaaAx]
R: 7,197 hou I my-gh-the amastrye hem . and make he(m) to
wyrche [aaAx]
R: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hou(n)g(ir) . & hold h(i)t for
a wysdom [aaAx]
R: 7,199 Bolde begger(is) and bygge . -th-(a)t mowe h(er)
bred byswynke [aaaAx]
R: 7,200 W(i)t(h) houndys bred and horse bred . hold vp her
hert(is) [aaAa]
R: 7,201 And bayte hem w(i)t(h) bonys . for swellyng of her
wonbys [aaAx]
R: 7,202 And -gh-if -th-e gromys grucche . byd hem go and
swynke [aaAx]
R: 7,203 for he schal soupe swetter . whe(n) he ha-th- h(i)t
deserued [aaXa]
R: 7,204 Ac -gh-if -th-(o)u fynde ony freke . -th-(a)t fortune
ha-th- apeyred [aaAx]
R: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fyr(e) o-th-(er) w(i)t(h) falce men . fonde
suche to knowe [aaAx]
R: 7,206 co(n)forte hy(m) wi-th- -th-y catel . for crist(is)
loue of heuene [aaAx]
R: 7,207 Loue he(m) and leue he(m) . for so lawe of kynde
wolde [aaAx]
R: 7,208 And alle men -th-(a)t -th-(o)u my-gh-the aspye .
-th-(a)t nedy be-th- or naked [aaAx]
R: 7,209 And nou-gh-th haue to spende . w(i)t(h) mete ne
w(i)t(h) mone [aaAx]
R: 7,210 --- this line is omitted --- [aaAx|
R: 7,211 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 7,212 lat make -th-e frendys -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . and so
mathew vs techys [aaAx]
R: 7,212a { Facite vobis amicos &c } wolde not gryue
god [Latin]
VII, 70-212a inserted
R: 1,179 And ek -th-e redyneste gate -th-at go-th- into heuene
R: 1,180 ffor-th-y I seye as I sayde er(e) . by sent of -th-ese
tyxt(es) [aaAx]
R: 1,181 Wha(n) alle tresour(i)s are tryde . tru-th-e is
-th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 1,182 Now haue I told -th-e what tru-th-e is . -th-(a)t
no treso(ur) is betere [aaAx]
R: 1,183 I may no longer lette . now loke -th-e our(e) lord
fol. 8r
Passus secundus de visione
R: 2,1 -gh-ut kneled I on my kneys . and sou-gh--th-e hur(e)
of grace [aaAx]
R: 2,2 and sayde mercy madame . for marye loue of heuene
R: 2,3 -Th-(a)t bar(e) -th-(a)t blessede barne . -th-(a)t
bou-gh--th-e vs on -th-e rode [aaaAx]
R: 2,4 ken me by sou(m) crafte . to knowe -th-e false [aaAx]
R: 2,5 Loke on -th-y lyf-th-e half . & loke where he
standys [aaAx]
R: 2,6 bo-th-e fals and fauel . and his fer(is) alle [aaAx]
R: 2,7 I loked on my lyf-th-e half . as -th-e lady me tau-gh-the
R: 2,8 and was war of a wo(m)man . wonderly yclo-th-ed [aaAx]
R: 2,9 ypurfyled w(i)t(h) pellure . -th-e puryste er-th-e
R: 2,10 ycorouned in a coroune . -th-e kyng ha-th- no betere
R: 2,11 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,12 of -th-e puryste p(er)reye . -th-(a)t p(ri)nce wered
euere [aaAx]
R: 2,13 In red scarlet robyd . rybaynyd aboute w(i)t(h) golde
R: 2,14 Ther is no quene queyntere . -th-at quyk is on lyue
R: 2,15 What is -th-(a)t wo(m)man q(uo)d I . so wonderly
atyryd [aaAx]
R: 2,16 -Th-(a)t is mede -th-e mayde . -th-(a)t ha-th- noyed
me ful ofte [aaXx]
R: 2,17 And lacked my lore . to lordys aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,18 In -th-e popys paleys . sche is preuy as my selue
R: 2,19 And so schulde sche not be . for wrong was hur(e)
syre [xxXx]
R: 2,20 out of wrong sche wexe . to wro-th-(er)hele manye
R: 2,21 I au-gh-the be hyer(e) . -th-an sche for y come of
beter(e) [aaAxx]
R: 2,22 Tomorwe wor-th- -th-e maryage mad . of mede and of
falce [aaaAx]
R: 2,23 fauel w(i)t(h) fayr(e) speche . ha-th- forged hem
togedere [aaAx]
R: 2,24 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,25 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,26 tomorwe wor-th- -th-e mariage . ymade as I telle
R: 2,27 -Th-(er) my-gh--th-e -th-(o)u wyte -gh-if -th-(o)u
wolt . whych -th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
R: 2,28 That longe-th- to -th-(a)t lordschep . -th-e lesse
an -th-e more [aaAx]
R: 2,29 Knowe he(m) -th-(er) -gh-if -th-(o)u canst . and
kep -th-e from hem alle [aaAx]
R: 2,30 -Gh-if -th-(o)u -th-enkest to wone . w(i)t(h) tru-th-e
in his blysse [aaAxx]
R: 2,31 I may no lenger lette . lord I -th-e byteche [aaAx]
R: 2,32 And become a goud man . for eny couetyse I rede [aaAx]
R: 2,33 Al -th-e ryche retenau(n)ce . -th-(a)t ryne-th- w(i)t(h)
falce [aaAx]
R: 2,34 Were ybede to -th-e bredale . on bo-th-e two sydys
fol. 8v
R: 2,35 syr(e) symonye is of sent . to sele -th-e chartres
R: 2,36 That fals o-th-(er) fauel . by ony fyn holde-th-
R: 2,37 And feffe mede -th-(er) w(i)t(h) . in maryage for
euere [aaAx]
R: 2,38 -Th-(er) nas halle ne hous . to herberwe -th-e peple
R: 2,39 -Th-(a)t ech feld nas ful . of folke aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,40 In myddes a mou(n)teyne . at mydmorwe tyme [aaAx]
R: 2,41 Was py-gh--th- vp a pauylou(n) . proud for -th-e
nonys [aaAx]
R: 2,42 and ten -th-ousand tentys . ty-gh-th -th-(er) by
sydes [aaAx]
R: 2,43 of ky-gh-thy[s] of cortyer(es) . of comer(es) aboute
R: 2,44 ffor sysor(es) for somn(ur)ys . for seller(is) for
bygger(es) [aaAx]
R: 2,45 for leryd for lewyd . for laborer(is) for -th-repis
R: 2,46 Alle to witnesse wel . what -th-e wryt wolde [aaAa]
R: 2,47 in what man(er) -th-(a)t mede . in mariage was feffed
R: 2,48 To be fastnyd w(i)t(h) fals . -th-e fyn is areryd
R: 2,49 -Th-anne fauel fetty-th- hir(e) for-th- . and to
fals take-th- [aaaAx]
R: 2,50 in forward -th-(a)t falshede . schal fynde hir(e)
for euere [aaAx]
R: 2,51 and sche be buxou(m) at his bode . h(i)s biddy(n)g
to fulfylle [aaAx]
R: 2,52 At bedde and at bord . buxou(m) and hende [aaAx]
R: 2,53 And at sir(e) symonyes wille . to schewy(n) his heste
R: 2,54 symonye and syuyle . standes vp bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,55 And vnfolde-th- -th-e vestyment . -th-(a)t fals ha-th-
makyd [aaAx]
R: 2,56 Thus begy(n)ne-th- -th-(i)s gome . and grety-th-
wel eche [aaAx]
R: 2,57 Wyten and witnessen . -th-(a)t wone-th- vpon er-th-e
R: 2,58 -Th-at I fauel haue . falsnesse to mede [aaAx]
R: 2,59 to be present in pryde . for por(e) or for ryche
R: 2,60 W(i)t(h) -th-e erledome of enuye . euer(e) to laste
R: 2,61 W(i)t(h) al -th-e worschep of lecherye . in leng-th-e
and in brede [aaAx]
R: 2,62 W(i)t(h) -th-e kyngdom of couetise . I crowne -gh-ou
togedere [aaAx]
R: 2,63 and alle -th-e vycys of vsur(es) . and auaryce -th-e
faste [aaAx]
R: 2,64 Glotonye and gret o-th-is . I gyf hem togedere [aaAx]
R: 2,65 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e lyt(es) of lust . -th-e deuel
for to serue [axAx]
R: 2,66 In al -th-e seygnorye of scleu-th-e . I sese hem
togedere [aaAx]
fol. 9r
R: 2,67 -Th-ey to haue and holde . and her(e) eyr(es) after
R: 2,68 W(i)t(h) al -th-e portunanc(is) of purgatorye . into
-th-e pyne of helle [aaAx]
R: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-(i)s -th-ing at on -gh-er(is)
ende [xxXx]
R: 2,70 Her(e) soulis to sathanas . and synke into pyne [aaAx]
R: 2,71 -th-er to wone w(i)t(h) wrong . whilys god is in
heuene [aaAxx]
R: 2,72 In witnesse of which -th-ing . wrong was -th-e fyrste
R: 2,73 Per(is) -th-e pardon(er) . paulyns dou-gh-ter [aaAx]
R: 2,74 and bette -th-e bydul . of bokyngh(a)m schyre [aaAx]
R: 2,75 randolf -th-e reue . of rokelond sokne [aaAx]
R: 2,76 Mundy -th-e mylner(e) . & many mo o-th-er [aaAx]
R: 2,77 in -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-is dede I asele
R: 2,78 By seyt of sire symonye . and sygnys of notories
R: 2,79 -Th-a(n)ne tenyde hy(m) theologie . when he -th-(i)s
tale hurde [aaAx]
R: 2,80 and sayde to syuyle . sorwe on -th-y bokys [aaAx]
R: 2,81 such weddyng to worche . to werre w(i)t(h) tru-th-e
R: 2,82 And or -th-(i)s weddyng be ywrou-gh--th- . wo -th-e
bytyde [aaAx]
R: 2.83 for mede is mulier(e) . of frendis engendryt [aaAx]
R: 2,84 God graunte-th- to . gyue mede to tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,85 and -th-(o)u hast -gh-if hur(e) to a gylour(e) [aaAx]
R: 2,86 The tyxte telle-th- not so . tru-th-e wot -th-e so-th-e
{ Dignus est operarius mercede } [aaAx]
R: 2,86a { Dignus est operarius mercede } [Latin]
R: 2,87 Wor-th-i is -th-e werkman . mede to haue [aaXx]
R: 2,88 and -th-(o)u hast fastned hur(e) w(i)t(h) fals .
fy on -th-y lawes [aaAx]
R: 2,89 for al by lesyng(es) -th-ou lyuest . & lecherouse
werk(is) [aaAx]
R: 2,90 Symonye and -th-i self . schende-th- holy cherche
R: 2,91 -Gh-e and -th-e notoryes noy-gh-en -th-e peple [xaAx]?
R: 2,92 -Gh-e schul aby-gh-e bo-th-e . by god -th-at me made
R: 2,93 Wel -gh-e wyte warnerdys . but -gh-if -gh-o(ur) wit
fayle [aaaAx]
R: 2,94 That fals is fayto(ur) . and fals of his werk(is)
R: 2,95 and as bastard ybore . of belsabuck(es) kynne [aaAx]
R: 2,96 and mede is mulier(e) . a mayden of gode [aaAx]
R: 2,97 sche my-gh-the kysse -th-e kyng . for -gh-if sche
wolde [aaAx]
R: 2,98 Worche-th- by wysdoum . and by wit after [aaAx]
fol. 9v
R: 2,99 Ledy-th- hur(e) to londone . -th-er lawe is handlyd
R: 2,100 -Gh-if eny leute wil loke . -th-ey lygge togedere
R: 2,101 and iustyse Iugyn hure . to be Ioynyd w(i)t(h) false
R: 2,102 -Gh-ut be war of -th-(a)t weddyng . for witty is
treu-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,103 for co(n)ciens is of his conseyl . & knowe-th-
-gh-ou echone [aaAx]
R: 2,104 and -gh-if he fynde -gh-ou in -th-e faute . and
w(i)t(h) -th-e falce holdyn [aaAx]
R: 2,105 h(i)t schal beset -gh-o(ur) soulys . wel sore at
-th-e laste [aaAx]
R: 2,106 Herto asente-th- syuyle . ac symonye nolde [aaAx]
R: 2,107 til he hadde sylu(er) . for celys and sygnys [xaAa]
R: 2,108 -Th-a(n)ne fette fauel for-th- . flour(es) ynowe
R: 2,109 And bad gile go gyue . gold anon al aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,110 And na(m)lyche to -th-e notoryes . -th-(a)t he(m)
non faylede [aaAx]
R: 2,111 & feffe fals witnesse . w(i)t(h) flor(eynes)
ynowe [aaAx]
R: 2,112 for he may mede amastrye. and make at my wille [aaAx]
R: 2,113 -Th-o -th-(i)s gold was ygyue . gret was -th-e -th-ankyng
R: 2,114 To fals and to fauel . for her(e) grete -gh-ifthes
R: 2,115 and come to comforte . fro car(e) -th-e falce [aaAx]
R: 2,116 and cert(es) sayde sece . schulle we neuere [aaAx]
R: 2,117 tyl mede be -th-y wedded wyf . -th-orw wit of vs
alle [aaAx]
R: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amaystryid . w(i)t(h) our(e) merye
speche [aaAx]
R: 2,119 -Th-(a)t graunte-th- to go . w(i)t(h) a good wylle
R: 2,120 to londone and loke . -gh-if -th-(a)t -th-e lawe
wolde [aaAx]
R: 2,121 Iugen -gh-ou ioyntlyche . in lawe for euere [aaAx]
R: 2,122 Thanne was falce fayn . and fauel as bly-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,123 and let somone alle -th-e seggis . in scher(es)
aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,124 And alle be-th- bon . begger(is) & o-th-re [aaAx]
R: 2,125 to wende w(i)t(h) hem to westmynystre . to witnesse
-th-(i)s dede [aaAx]
R: 2,126 Tha(n)ne caryd -th-ey for capelys . to caryyn hem
-th-eder [aaAx]
R: 2,127 -Th-a(n)ne fette fauel . folys -th-er of -th-e beste
R: 2,128 sette mede on a shyrreue . yschod al newe [aaAx]
R: 2,129 and fals on a syso(ur) . -th-(a)t softly trotted
R: 2,130 And fauel vp a fayre speche . fetysly atyryd [aaAx]
fol. 10r
R: 2,131 -Th-o hadde notoriis none . anoy-gh-ed -th-ey were
R: 2,132 and symonye and syuyle . schulde on her(e) fet gange
R: 2,133 -Th-an seyde syuyle . and swor(e) by -th-e rode
R: 2,134 That somnor(es) schulde be sadlyd . and seruyn he(m)
echone [aaAx]
R: 2,135 And let hem p(ar)ayle -th-e p(ro)uysour(es) . in
palfray wyse [aaAx]
R: 2,136 Sir(e) symonye hym self . schal syttyn on her(e)
back(is) [aaAx]
R: 2,137 and alle -th-e denys and subdenys . as destrer(is)
he(m) dy-gh-the [aaAa]
R: 2,138 ffor -th-ei schulle bere -th-ese bisschopys . and
brynge he(m) at h(er) reste [aaAx]
R: 2,139 pauly(us) peple . for pleynt(es) in constorye [aaAx]
R: 2,140 schulle s(er)ue my(n) self . -th-(a)t seuyle hatte
R: 2,141 and lat sadle -th-e comysarye . our(e) cart schal
he drawe [aaAx]
R: 2,142 And fette in oure vytaylys . of fornicatour(is)
R: 2,143 and makyn of her(e) a long cart . to lede al -th-is
o-th-ere [aaAx]
R: 2,144 As folys & faytour(es) . -th-(a)t on her(e)
fet rennys [aaAx]
R: 2,145 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,146 And mede -th-e maydyn . and al -th-e mayne after
R: 2,147 I haue no tyme to telle . -th-e tayl -th-at hem
folwyd [aaAx]
R: 2,148 of meny man(er) men . -th-(a)t on -th-(i)s molde
lybbys [aaAx]
R: 2,149 ac gyle was for(e)goere . and gredde hem alle [aaAx]
R: 2,150 So-th-nesse se-th- hem wel . and sey-th- but lytyl
R: 2,151 But p(ri)kede for-th- on his palfray . and pasede
he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 2,152 And cam to -th-e kyng(es) curt . and conciense tolde
R: 2,153 And concyense to -th-e kyng . carpede after [aaAx]
R: 2,154 By crist q(uo)d -th-e king . and I my-gh-the chacche
R: 2,155 ffals o-th-(er) fauel . o-th-(er) eny of his ferys
R: 2,156 I wolde bewreke me of -th-o wrecchis . -th-(a)t
wrou-gh-thy(n) so ylle [aaAx]
R: 2,157 and don hem hange by -th-e hals . and alle -th-(a)t
he(m) manteyny-th- [aaAx]
R: 2,158 schal neu(er)e man on -th-is molde . neynpryse -th-e
beste [aaAx]
R: 2,159 But ry-gh--th- as -th-e lawe loke-th- . lat falle
on hem alle [aaAxx]
R: 2,160 and comandy-th- a constable . he come at -th-e fyrste
R: 2,161 to take -th-e tyrau(n)t(es) . for eny treso(ur)
y hote [aaAx]
R: 2,162 fetery-th- falsnysse faste . for eny skynny[s] -gh-yftys
R: 2,163 And gadery-th- of gylis hed . lat hy(m) go no fer-th-er
fol. 10v
R: 2,164 And brynge-th- mede for-th- . maugre hem alle [aaAx]
R: 2,165 Symonye and seuyle . I sende hem to warde [aaAx]
R: 2,166 -Th-at holy chyrche for hem . wor-th- harmed for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 2,167 And -gh-if -gh-e lacche lyere . lat hym nau-gh-th
a schape [aaAx]
R: 2,168 Ere he put on -th-e pylory . for eny treso(ur) I
hote [aaAx]
R: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stant . and -th-(a)t dome herde
R: 2,170 and wy-gh--th-lyche wente . to warne -th-e falce
R: 2,171 And bad hem fle for fere . and his fer(is) alle
R: 2,172 -th-o falsnesse for fere . fley to -th-e frer(is)
R: 2,173 and gyle do-th- hym to go . agast for to deye [aaAx]
R: 2,174 Ac marchaunt(is) mette w(i)t(h) hym . and made hy(m)
abyde [aaAx]
R: 2,175 Beschette hy(m) in her(e) schoppes . -th-e peple
to s(er)ue [aaAx]
R: 2,176 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,177 ly-gh--th-lyche lyere . lepte away -th-ennys [aaAx]
R: 2,178 lurkande -th-orw lanys . to be logged of manye [aaAx]
R: 2,179 he was nowher welcome . for h(i)s many talys [aaXx]
R: 2,180 Ou(er)al yhonted . and Ihote trusse [aaAx]
R: 2,181 til p(ar)doner(es) hadde pite . and pulled hym to
house [aaAx]
R: 2,182 Waschede hym and wyped hy(m) . and wou(n)de hy(m)
in clo-th-es [aaAx]
R: 2,183 and sente hy(m) on sondayes . w(i)t(h) selys to
cherche [aaAx]
R: 2,184 And -gh-af pardou(n) for pens . poundmele aboute
R: 2,185 -Th-anne lourede lechys . and letter(is) -th-o sente
R: 2,186 for to wone w(i)t(h) hem . water(es) to loke [axAx]
R: 2,187 Spysc(er)ys spak w(i)t(h) hem . to aspye her ware
R: 2,188 ffor he coude on her crafte . and knowe-th- many
gu(m)mys [aaAx]
R: 2,189 Menstralys and messager(es) . mette w(i)t(h) hy(m)
onys [aaAx]
R: 2,190 and w(i)t(h)held hym half -gh-er . and enleue dayes
R: 2,191 ffrer(is) w(i)t(h) fayr(e) speche . fetten hym -th-ennys
R: 2,192 ffor of comer(is) . copyd hym as a frere [aaAx]
R: 2,193 Ac he ha-th- leue to lepe in and out . as ofte as
hy(m) lyky-th- [aaXa]
R: 2,194 And ys welcome whe(n) he wol . and wone-th- w(i)t(h)
he(m) ofthe [aaAx]
R: 2,195 Alle fleddyn for fer(e) . and flowyn into hernys
fol. 11r
R: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e mayden . no mo dorste abyde [aaAx]
R: 2,197 ac treuly for to telle . sche tremelyd for drede
R: 2,198 and eke wep and wrong . when sche was atached [aaAxx]
Passus tercius de visione
R: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e mayde . name of he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 3,2 And w(i)t(h) bedelys and baylifys . brou-gh-th to
-th-e king [aaAx]
R: 3,3 -Th-e king called a clerk . I can not his name [aaaAx]
R: 3,4 to take mede -th-e mayde . and make hur(e) at ese
R: 3,5 I wolde asaye hur(e) my self . and so-th-ly avise
R: 3,6 What man of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t hur(e) were leuyst
R: 3,7 And -gh-if sche wy[r]ke by wyt . and my wil folwe
R: 3,8 I wil forgyf hur(e) -th-e gylt . so me god helpe [aaAx]
R: 3,9 Curteysly -th-e clerk -th-an . as -th-e king hy-gh--th-e
R: 3,10 tok mede by -th-e myddel . and brou-gh-the hur(e)
to chau(m)bere [aaXx]
R: 3,11 and -th-(er) was m(er)-th-e and mynstrasye . mede
to plese [aaAx]
R: 3,12 and -th-o -th-(a)t wone at westme(n)stre . worschepyn
hur(e) alle [aaAx]
R: 3,13 Gentely w(i)t(h) ioye . -th-e Iustyse to sompne [aaAx]
R: 3,14 busked hym to -th-e bo(ur) . -th-(er) -th-e berthe
duelly-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,15 Cou(n)fortyth hur(e) kyndely . by clergyes leue [aaAx]
R: 3,16 and sayde m(our)ne not mede . ne make -th-(o)u no
sorwe [aaAx]
R: 3,17 ffor we wil wisse -th-e kyng . and -th-i wey make
R: 3,18 for al concienses cast . and craft as I trowe [aaAx]
R: 3,19 myldelyche mede -th-an . mercyed hem alle [aaAx]
R: 3,20 of her(e) gret goudnesse . and hem echone [aaAx]
R: 3,21 Coupys and clene gold . and pecys of sylu(er) [aaXx]
R: 3,22 rynges w(i)t(h) rubeys . and rychesses manye [aaAx]
R: 3,23 -Th-e leste ma(n) of her(e) mayne . a motou(n) of
golde [aaAx]
R: 3,24 -Th-an lau-gh-the -th-ei leue . -th-es lord(is) at
mede [aaAx]
R: 3,25 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t come clerk(is) . to co(n)forte
hure -th-anne [aaAx]
R: 3,26 and bode hur(e) be bly-th-e . for we be-th- -th-yn
owyn [aaAx]
R: 3,27 for to wyrche -th-y wylle . whyl oure lyf laste-th-
R: 3,28 hendelyche sche -th-anne . behy-gh--th- hem -th-e
same [aaAx]
fol. 11v
R: 3,29 To loue -gh-ou lelly . and lordys -gh-ou make [aaAx]
R: 3,30 And in co(n)storye at -th-e court . calle -gh-our(e)
names [aaAx]
R: 3,31 -th-(er) schal no lewednysse he(m) lette . -th-e
lede -th-(a)t I louie [aaAa]
R: 3,32 -Th-at he ne wor-th- furste auau(n)sed . for I am
beknowe [aaAxx]
R: 3,33 Ther cou(n)ny(n)ge clerk(is) . schul clocke behynde
R: 3,34 -Th-an cam -th-er a co(n)fesso(ur) . ycopyd as a
frere [aaAx]
R: 3,35 to mede -th-e mayde . meklyche he lowtede [aaAx]
R: 3,36 And seyde wel softly . a schryft as hit were [aaAx]
R: 3,37 They lered and lawed . hadde loyn by -th-e walle
R: 3,38 And -th-ei falsnesse hadde yfolwed -th-e . -th-(i)s
xi wynt(er) [aaAx]
R: 3,39 I schal asoyle -th-e myself . for a sem whete [aaAx]
R: 3,40 And eke be -th-i bawdekyn . and ber(e) wel -th-i(n)
arnde [aaAx]
R: 3,41 Among clerk(is) and kny-gh-this . conciensce to felle
R: 3,42 -Th-a(n) mede for hur(e) mysded(is) . to -th-e man
knelyd [aaAx]
R: 3,43 And schrof of h(er) schrewednesse . schameles I trowe
R: 3,44 tolde hy(m) a tokne . and tok hym a noble [aaAx]
R: 3,45 ffor to be hur(e) bedman . and hur(e) baude after
R: 3,46 -Th-an he asoyled hur(e) sone . and swy-th-e he sayde
R: 3,47 We haue a wyndowe at wyrchyng . wil stonde vs hy-gh-e
R: 3,48 Woldest -th-(o)u glase -th-e gable . and graue -th-(er)
-th-y name [aaAx]
R: 3,49 Sikyr schulde -th-y soule be . hefne to haue [aaBb]
R: 3,50 Wiste I qwa-th- -th-e wo(m)man . -th-(er) is no wyndowe
ne auter [aaAx]
R: 3,51 -Th-(a)t I ne schuld make & ame(n)de . and my
name wryte [aaAxx]
R: 3,52 -Th-at ech segge schal se . I am sust(er) of -gh-o(ur)
house [aaAx]
R: 3,53 And god alle gode folke such g(ra)uyng . defende-th- & sey-th-
R: 3,54 { Nesciat sinistra q(u)id faciat dextera } [Latin]
R: 3,55 Let nou-gh-t -th-y ly-gh-ft half . late ne ra-th-e
R: 3,56 Wite what -th-y ryth half . worchyt or dely-th- [aaxAx]
R: 3,57 And so pryuylyche p(ar)te hit . -th-(a)t p(ri)de
be not seye [aaAx]
R: 3,58 Ney-th-(er) in syth ne in soule . for god hy(m) self
knowe-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,59 Who is curteys or kynde . or co coueytes or ellys
R: 3,60 for-th-i I rede -gh-ou lord(is) . such wrytynges
leuy-th- [aaAx]
fol. 12r
R: 3,61 To wryte in wyndowys . of -gh-o(ur) wel dedys [aaAx]
R: 3,62 or to gredyn after(e) godys men . when -gh-e -gh-eyue
dolys [aaAx]
R: 3,63 An aunter(e) -gh-e haue . -gh-o(ur) hyr(e) -th-(er)of
-gh-our(e) gode [aaAa]
R: 3,64 for our(e) saueo(ur) seyde . and hymself preched
R: 3,65 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 3,65 Meirys and mayster(es) . -gh-e -th-(a)t be-th- mene
R: 3,66 by twythe -th-e king & -th-e co(m)mon . to kepe
-th-e lawes [aaAx]
R: 3,67 as pu(n)schin on pylorijs . and on py(n)nyng stolys
R: 3,68 brewer(is) baker(is) . bocher(is) and kok(es) [aaAx]
R: 3,69 ffor -th-es ar(e) men on molde . -th-(a)t most harme
werkyn [aaAx]
R: 3,70 to -th-is pore puple . -th-(a)t p(ar)celmele beggen
R: 3,71 for -th-ey poysone -th-e puple . pryuyly wel ofte
R: 3,72 And rechyn -th-orw reg(ra)tyng . and rent(is) hem
buggen [aaAx]
R: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pore puple . schulde pote in her
wo(m)bes [aaAx]
R: 3,74 for ne tok he on trewely . he tymbred not so hye
R: 3,75 ne bou-gh--th-e none bargayns . be -th-(o)u wel certeyne
R: 3,76 and mede -th-e mayde(n) . -th-e meyr sche besow-gh-the
R: 3,77 Of alle suche seller(is) . syluer to take [aaAx]
R: 3,78 of p(re)sentes w(i)t(h)oute pens . as pec(is) of
syluer [aaAx]
R: 3,79 ryng or o-th-(er) rychesses . -th-es reg(ra)ter(es)
to mey(n)tene [aaAx]
R: 3,80 for my loue q(uo)d -th-(a)t lady . loue hem ychone
R: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . sumdel ageyn resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 3,82 Salomon -th-e sage . a s(er)mou(n) he made [aaAx]
R: 3,83 to amende meyr(es) and men . -th-(a)t kepe -th-e
lawes [aaaXx]
R: 3,84 and tok hem -th-is teme . -th-(a)t I telle thinke
R: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nacula eor(um) q(u)i libent(er)
accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
R: 3,86 Among -th-ese lettered me(n) . -th-is latyn amou(n)thy-th-
R: 3,87 -Th-(a)t fyre schal falle . and forbrenne at -th-e
laste [aaAx]
R: 3,88 -Th-e hous and -th-e homes . of men -th-(a)t desyren
R: 3,89 To haue -gh-ift(es) of her(e) s(er)uises . in -gh-ou-th-e
or in elde [????]
R: 3,90 -Th-e king for his cou(n)seyl . calde after mede
R: 3,91 and ofsente hir(e) swy-th-e w(i)t(h) . seriau(n)tes
hire [aaAx]
R: 3,92 fette and brou-gh--th-e hir(e) to boure . w(i)t(h)
blysse and w(i)t(h) joye [aaAx]
fol. 12v
R: 3,93 Curtaysly -th-e king . comse-th- to telle [aaAx]
R: 3,94 to mede -th-e mayden . melus -th-ese wordes [aaAx]
R: 3,95 Won wyttyly . wrou-gh--th- hast -th-(o)u wel ofte
R: 3,96 and worse wrou-gh--th-est -th-(o)u neu(er)e . -th-a(n)
-th-o -th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
R: 3,97 But I forgyue -th-e -th-(a)t gylt . and graunte -th-e
grace [aaAa]
R: 3,98 hennys to -th-y de-th- day . do -th-(o)u so no more
R: 3,99 I haue a kny-gh-t hy-gh--th- conciens . come late
fro by-gh-onde [aaAx]
R: 3,100 -Gh-if he wil -th-e to wyue . wilt -th-(o)u hym
haue [aaAx]
R: 3,101 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-at lady . lord forbede ellys
R: 3,102 but I be holly at -gh-o(ur) heste . honge me ellys
R: 3,103 -Th-a(n) was conciens cald . and cam to apeyren
R: 3,104 byfor(e) -th-e kyng and his cou(n)seyl . clerk(is)
and o-th-er(e) [aaAx]
R: 3,105 Knelyng concyens . to -th-e king louted [aaAx]
R: 3,106 What his wille were . & what he don schulde
R: 3,107 Wil -th-(o)u wedde -th-is wo(m)man . -gh-if I wil
asente [aaAx]
R: 3,108 for sche is fayn of -th-i felaschep . for to be
-th-y make [aaAxx]
R: 3,109 Qwa-th- co(n)ciens to -th-e king . crist it me forbede
R: 3,110 ere I wedde such a wyf . wo me betyde [aaAx]
R: 3,111 sche is frethil of hur(e) fleys, . fykel of hur(e)
speche [aaAx]
R: 3,112 sche make-th- men mysdo . manye skore tymes [aaaAx]
R: 3,113 In trust of hur(e) treso(ur) . sche teny-th- wel
manye [aaAx]
R: 3,114 Wyues and wedues . wantounesse teche-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,115 lered hem lecherye . -th-(a)t louedy(n) hur(e) -gh-iftes
R: 3,116 -Gh-o(ur) fader sche felde . -th-or-th- falce behest(es)
R: 3,117 Poysonede popys . apeyred holy chirche [aaAx]
R: 3,118 Is nou-gh-t a beter baude . by hy(m) -th-(a)t me
made [aaAxx]
R: 3,119 bytwen helle and heuene . & er-th-e -th-ey-gh-
men sou-gh--th-e [aaAx]
R: 3,120 sche is tykel of hur(e) tayl . talle wys of hur(e)
tou(n)ge [aaAx]
R: 3,121 As comou(n) as -th-e cartway . to knaue and to mo(n)ke
R: 3,122 to menstralis and meselys . many tyme in hegg(is)
R: 3,123 Sysour(es) and sou(m)ner(es) . suche men hir(e)
preyse [aaAx]
R: 3,124 Schirreues and schyr(es) . wer(e) schent -gh-if
sche ne were [aaAx]
fol. 13r
R: 3,125 Sche do-th- men lesyn her(e) lond . and her(e) lyf
bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 3,126 And letyy-gh- passe -th-e prysoner(es) . and preye-th-
for he(m) ofthe [aaAx]
R: 3,127 And gyf -th-e gaylour(es) gold . and grot(is) togeder(es)
R: 3,128 And vnfetere-th- -th-e falce . to fle wher hym luste
R: 3,129 He take-th- tru-th-e by -th-e top . and tey-gh-e-th-
hym faste [aaAx]
R: 3,130 and hange-th- hy(m) for hatered . -th-at harmed
neuere [aaAx]
R: 3,131 to be cursed in co(n)storye . he cou(n)te-th- nou-gh-th
a ryssche [aaAx]
R: 3,132 for he copy-th- -th-e comyssarye . and clo-th-e-th-
his clerk(is) [aaAa]
R: 3,133 Sche is asoyled as sone . as hureself lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,134 Sche may ney as muche don . in a mon-th-e onys [aaAx]
R: 3,135 As -gh-o(ur) secret seel . in seuene score dayes
R: 3,136 sche is p(ri)uey w(i)t(h) -th-e pope . p(ro)ueysour(es)
hit knowe-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,137 Sir(e) symonye and hur(e)self . sele-th- her(e)
bulles [aaAx]
R: 3,138 sche blesse-th- -th-us bischopys . -th-ey -th-(a)t
[he] be lewde [aaAx]
R: 3,139 prouend(res) p(er)sones . and prest(es) sche manteyne-th-
to holde [aaAx]
R: 3,140 le(m)manys and lotebijs . al her(e) lyf dawes [aaAx]
R: 3,141 And brynge for-th- barnes . a-gh-en forbode lawes
R: 3,142 -Th-(er) sche is w(i)t(h) -th-e king . wo is -th-e
rewme [axAx]
R: 3,143 for sche is fauourable and fals . and foule-th-
tru-th-e ofte [aaAx]
R: 3,144 barounes and burgeyses . sche brynge-th- to sorwe
R: 3,145 By Ih(es)u w(i)t(h) hir(e) Iewelys . -gh-o(ur) Iustyces
sche schende-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,146 and ley-th- a-gh-ens -th-e lawe . and lefte-th-
hem ofte [aaAx]
R: 3,147 -Th-(a)t fey-th- may not haue his for-th- . his
floreyns go-th- so thicke [aaAx]
R: 3,148 Sche lede-th- lawe as hur(e) lust . and louedayes
make-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,149 The mase for a mene man . -th-ow he mote euere [aaAx]
R: 3,150 Lawe is so lordly . and lo-th- to maken ende [aaAx]
R: 3,151 W(i)t(h)oute p(re)sent(is) or pens . he plese-th-
wel fewe [aaAx]
R: 3,152 Clergie and couetyse . couple-th- hem togeder(es)
R: 3,153 This is -th-e lif of -th-(a)t lady . our(e) lord
-gh-if hur(e) sorwe [aaAx]
R: 3,154 and al -th-(a)t manteyne hur(e) me(n) . myschau(n)s
hem bytide [aaAx]
R: 3,155 for pore men haue no power . to pleyne -th-ey he(m)
nede [aaAx]
R: 3,156 schuche a mayst(er) is mede . among men of gode
fol. 13v
R: 3,157 Than m(our)nede mede . & pleyned hur(e) to the
kyng [aaAx]
R: 3,158 to haue space and speche . spede -gh-if sche my-gh-the
R: 3,159 -Th-e kyng g(ra)unted hure grace . w(i)t(h) a goud
wille [aaAx]
R: 3,160 excuse -th-e -gh-if -th-(o)u canst . I can no more
segge [aaAx]
R: 3,161 ffor conciens accuse-th- -th-e . to conge -th-e
for euere [aaAx]
R: 3,162 Nay lord qwat -th-(a)t lady . leue hym -th-e werse
R: 3,163 Whan -gh-e wyte wyterly . wher -th-e wrong lygge-th-
R: 3,164 -Th-(er) -th-(a)t myschef is gret . mede may helpe
R: 3,165 And -th-(o)u knowyst concyens . I com nou-gh-t to
chyde [aaAx]
R: 3,166 for to dispyce -th-y p(er)sone . wyth a proud herte
R: 3,167 Wel -th-(o)u wost conciens . but -th-(o)u woldest
lye [aaxAx]
R: 3,168 -Th-(o)u hast hange(n) on myn half . elleuene tyme
R: 3,169 And grepyn my gold . and gyue(n) h(i)t wher -th-e
lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,170 Why -th-(o)u wratthest -th-e now . wonder me thynky-th-
R: 3,171 -gh-it I may as I my-gh-the . mylde -th-e w(i)t(h)
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
R: 3,172 and mainteyne -th-y manhode . mor(e) [-th-an] -th-(o)u
knowest [aaAx]
R: 3,173 And -th-ou hast famed me foule . byfor(e) -th-e
king here [aaAxx]
R: 3,174 for kylled I neu(er)e no king . ne cou(n)seyled
-th-(er)after [aaAx]
R: 3,175 ne dede as -th-(o)u dost . I do hit on -th-e king
R: 3,176 in normandye was he nou-gh-t . nou-gh-ed for me
R: 3,177 And -th-(o)u -th-y self sykerly . schamed hym ofte
R: 3,178 crepe in to a cabanne . for colde of -th-y naylys
R: 3,179 wenest -th-(o)u -th-(a)t wynt(er) . wolde lasten
euere [aaAx]
R: 3,180 And dreddest to be ded . for a dym knowde [aaAx]
R: 3,181 And hastest -th-e homward . for hu(n)ger of -th-y
wombe [aaAx]
R: 3,182 W(i)t(h)oute pyte -th-(o)u pelo(ur) . por(e) men
-th-ou robbedest [aaAx]
R: 3,183 And bore out bras on -th-i bak . to caleys to selle
R: 3,184 and I lafte at home w(i)t(h) my lord . his lyf for
to saue [aaAx]
R: 3,185 And made hy(m) m(er)-th-es . fro morwe(n) til eue
R: 3,186 I batred hy(m) on -th-e bak . boldede his herte
R: 3,187 Dede hy(m) hoppe for hope . to haue at his wille
R: 3,188 Had I be marchal of his me(n) . be marie loue of
heuene [aaAx]
fol. 14r
R: 3,189 I dorste haue leyde my lyf . and no lasse wedde [aaAx]
R: 3,190 He schoulde haue be a lord in -th-(a)t lond . i(n)
le(n)g-th-e and i(n) brede [aaAx]
R: 3,191 and eke king of -th-(a)t lyt-gh- . his kyn for to
helpe [aaAx]
R: 3,192 -Th-e leste barn of his blode . a baronys pere [aaAx]
R: 3,193 Cowardlyche -th-(o)u conciens . -th-(o)u cou(n)seyledest
hy(m) -th-ennes [aaAx]
R: 3,194 to leuyn his worschep . for a lytel syluer [aaAx]
R: 3,195 -Th-(a)t is -th-e rycheste of rewmys . -th-(a)t
regnes ouerhoues [aaAx]
R: 3,196 hit bycome a king . -th-(a)t kepe-th- a rewme [aaAx]
R: 3,197 To -gh-eue his men mede . -th-(a)t manlyche hym
s(er)uen [aaAx]
R: 3,199 mede make-th- hy(m) yloued . and for a ma(n) holden [aaxAx]
R: 3,198 to alienys to alle men . to honour(e) hur(e) w(i)t(h) -gh-ift(es) [aaAx]
R: 3,200 emp(er)our(es) erlys . and alle man(er) of lord(is)
R: 3,201 Thu-gh- -gh-ift(es) haue -gh-onge men . to renne
and to ryde [aaAx]
R: 3,202 -Th-e pope w(i)t(h) his p(re)lat(ys) . -gh-ifthis
vnderfongen [aaAx]
R: 3,203 and medy-th- me(n) hy(m)self . to mey(n)ten hur(e)
lawes [aaAx]
R: 3,204 seruau(n)tes for her(e) s(er)uise . we sen wel -th-e
so-th-e [aaAa]
R: 3,205 Take mede of here maystr(is) . as -th-ei mown acorde
R: 3,206 Begger(is) for her(e) byddyng . bydde-th- me mede
R: 3,207 Menstral(es) for her(e) m(er)-th-e . mede -th-ei
axin [aaAx]
R: 3,208 -Th-e king ha-th- mede of his me(n) . to make pes
in lond(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,209 Men -th-at ben clerk(is) . mede of hy(m) crauyt-gh-
R: 3,210 Prest(is) -th-(a)t prechin . -th-e peple to gode
R: 3,211 axin merde of masse pens . and her(e) mete alse
R: 3,212 alle kinde crafty men . craue mede for here p(re)ntys
R: 3,213 Mede and marchau(n)dise . mot nede com togedere
R: 3,214 No wyt as I wene . w(i)t(h)oute mede my-gh-th-e
lybbe [aaAxx]
R: 3,215 qwa-th- -th-e king to conciens . be crist as me
-th-inky-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,216 mede is wor-th-i . -th-e maystrye to haue [axAx]
R: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d co(n)ciens to -th-e king . and knelyd
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
R: 3,218 -Th-(er)e arn two man(er) of medes . my lord by
-gh-o(ur) leue [aaAx]
R: 3,219 -Th-at on god of his grace . geuy-th- in his blysse
R: 3,220 to he(m) -th-(a)t werche(n) wel . whiles -th-ei
ben here [aaAx]
fol. 14v
R: 3,221 The p(ro)phete preche-th- hit . and put hit in -th-e
sawter [aaAx]
R: 3,221a { Qui pecunia(m) sua(m) no(n) dedit ad vsura(m)
} [Latin]
R: 3,222 tak no mede my lord . of men -th-(a)t be-th- trewe
R: 3,223 Love hym and leue hem . for o(ur) lord(is) loue
of heuene [aaAx]?
R: 3,224 God(is) mede and his m(er)cy . -th-(er) w(i)t(h)
my-gh-th -th-(o)u wynne [aaAx]
R: 3,225 -Th-(er) is a mede mesur(e)les . -th-(a)t mayst(er)es
desyren [aaAx]
R: 3,226 to menteyne mysdoer(is) . mede -th-ei takyn [aaAx]
R: 3,227 And -th-(er)of sey-th- -th-e saut(er) . in a psalmes
ende [aaAx]
R: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t dextra
eor(um) re(pleta) e(st) mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
R: 3,229 And he -th-(a)t grypyt-gh- our(e) gyftes . so me
god helpe [aaAx]
R: 3,230 Schal abye ful bytterly . or -th-e boke lyes [aaAx]
R: 3,231 Prest(is) and p(er)sones . -th-at plesyng(es) desyren
R: 3,232 To take mede and mone . for messes -th-(a)t -th-ei
synge [aaAx]
R: 3,233 Schal ha(n) -th-e mede of -th-e molde . -th-(a)t
mathew ha-th- grau(n)ted [aaAx]
R: 3,233a { Ame(n) Ame(n) reciperu(n)t m(er)cede(m) suam
} [Latin]
R: 3,234 Tha-th- laborer(is) and lond folk . take-th- of
her(e) maystres [aaXx]
R: 3,235 hit is no man(er) of mede . but a mesurable hyre
R: 3,236 in marchau(n)die is no mede . I may h(i)t wel avowe
R: 3,237 h(i)t is a p(er)mutaciou(n) ap(er)tly . a penewor-th-
for ano-th-er [aaAx]
R: 3,238 Ac reddest -th-(o)u neu(er)e { regu(m) } . -th-(o)u
recreyede mede [aaAx]
R: 3,239 how -th-e vengau(n)s fel on . saul and on al his
chyldry(n) [aaXx]
R: 3,240 god sente hy(m) to seye . by samuel(s) mou-th-e
R: 3,241 -Th-(a)t agas and amelek . and al his puple after
R: 3,242 Schulde deye for a dede . -th-(a)t don hadde his
eldren [aaAx]
R: 3,243 a-gh-ens isral and aaron . and moyses his bro-th-er
R: 3,244 samuel seyde to saul . god sende-th- -th-e and hote-th-
R: 3,245 to be buxou(m) and bold . h(i)s byddyng to fulfylle
R: 3,246 Wend -th-eder w(i)t(h) -th-in ost . wy(m)man to
kylle [axAx]?
R: 3,247 childre(n) and chorles . schep hem to deye [aaAx]
R: 3,248 Loke -th-(o)u kylle -th-e king . coueyte not his
god(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,249 for eny milyou(n)s of mone . mor-th-er(e) he(m)
ychone [aaAx]
R: 3,250 Barnes and best(is) . brene he(m) to de-th-e [aaAx]
fol. 15r
R: 3,251 And for he kylde nou-gh-t -th-e king . as crist hy(m)
bad [aaAx]
R: 3,252 coueyted her(e) catel . kylde nou-gh-t her(e) best(is)
R: 3,253 but brou-gh-the w(i)t(h) hem -th-e best(is) . as
-th-e bylle tolde [aaAx]
R: 3,254 God seyde to samuel . -th-(a)t saul schulde deye
R: 3,255 and al his sed for -th-(a)t synne . schenfullyche
ende [aaAx]
R: 3,256 suych a myschef mede . made -th-e king to haue [aaAx]
R: 3,257 -Th-(a)t god hated -th-e king for euere . and alle
his eyres after [aaAa]
R: 3,258 Thou culor(um) of -th-(i)s kepe . I not to schewe
R: 3,259 en aunt(er) -gh-if hit noyed me . ende wil I make
R: 3,260 in co(n)ciens knowe I -th-(i)s . for resou(n) h(i)t
me tau-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 3,261 -Th-(a)t resou(n) schal regne . and rewmes gou(er)ne
R: 3,262 And ry-gh-th as agas hadde . hap me(n) schuld se
su(m) tyme [aaAx]
R: 3,263 samuel schal scle hym . and saul schal be blamed
R: 3,264 And dauid schal be dyademyd . and daunte(n) he(m)
alle [aaAx]
R: 3,265 and o cristene king . kepe vs alle [aaAx]
R: 3,266 Schal no more mede . be mayster on erthe [aaAx]
R: 3,267 but loue and lownesse . and lewte togeder(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,268 and whoso trespase-th- trewlyche . and take-th-
agaynes ry-gh-th [aaAx]
R: 3,269 his wikke lewte schal don hy(m) lawe . and lese
h(i)s lyf ell(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,270 Schal no s(er)uaunt for h(i)s s(er)uise . wer(e)
no sylk gowne [aaAx]
R: 3,271 ne no ray robe . w(i)t(h) ryche pelure [aaAx]
R: 3,272 mede of mysdoer(is) . make-th- he(m) so ryche [aaAx]
R: 3,273 -Th-(a)t lawe is lord woxin . and lewte is pore
R: 3,274 wykkednysse is co(m)mau(n)do(ur) . and kyndenysse
is bansched [aaAx]
R: 3,275 and kynde wit schal come -gh-it . and co(n)ciens
togedere [aaAx]
R: 3,276 and make of lawe a loburer . schuche lawe schal
areyse [aaAx]
Passus quartus de visione
R: 4,1 Sessy-th- now seyde -th-e king . I suffre -gh-ou no
lengere [aaAx]
R: 4,2 -Gh-e schul sawtlyn forso-th-e . and s(er)ue me bo-th-e
R: 4,3 cus hirr(e) q(uo)d -th-e king . conciens I hote [aaAx]
R: 4,4 nay by god q(uo)d co(n)ciens . co(n)ge ra-th-er(e)
R: 4,5 But resou(n) rede me -th-(er)tille . arst wil I deye
fol. 15v
R: 4,6 And I co(m)maunde q(uo)d -th-e king . to conciens -th-anne
R: 4,7 rap -th-e to ryden . and resou(n) -th-(o)u fecche
R: 4,8 co(m)mande hy(m) -th-(a)t he come . my cou(n)seyle
to her(e) [aaAx]
R: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my rewme . and rede me -th-e beste
R: 4,10 of mede and of mo o-th-(er)e . what man schal hur(e)
wedde [aaAx]
R: 4,11 and cou(n)te w(i)t(h) conciens . so me god helpe
R: 4,12 How -th-(o)u leryst -th-e peple . lered and lewed
R: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-(a)t forward . seyt-gh- -th-e feyt-gh-
-th-enne [aaAx]
R: 4,14 And ry-gh-t rennes to resou(n) . and rownes in his
ere [aaaAx]
R: 4,15 seyde hy(m) as -th-e king sente . and swy-th-e tok
his leue [aaAxx]
R: 4,16 I schal araye me to ride q(uo)d resou(n) . reste
-th-e a whyle [aaaAx]
R: 4,17 And calde catou(n) his ka(n)ue . curteys of speche
R: 4,18 set my sadel vpon suffre . til I se my tyme [aaAa]
R: 4,19 and let warroke hy(m) wel . w(i)t(h) ry-gh-thful
ger-th-es [aaAx]
R: 4,20 hong on hy(m) an heuy brydel . and hold his hede
lowe [aaAx]
R: 4,21 And -gh-ut we wil make many a wehe . er(e) we come
-th-ere [aaAx]
R: 4,22 -Th-anne conciens on his capel . caryeth for-th-
faste [aaAx]
R: 4,23 And resou(n) w(i)t(h) hy(m) ry-gh-th . and rapi-th-
hy(m) swy-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,24 a ton wer(e) wisdou(m) . and witty his fere [aaAx]
R: 4,25 ffolwede hy(m) faste . for he hadde to done [aaAxx]
R: 4,26 In -th-e chekyr(e) and -th-e chau(n)cerye . to be
discharged of -th-inges [aaAx]
R: 4,27 And ryde faste for resou(n) . schulde rede he(m)
-th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 4,28 for to saue he(m)self . fro schame and fro harmes
R: 4,29 Ac conciens cam arst . to -th-e court by a myle way
R: 4,30 And rowned for-th- w(i)t(h) resou(n) . ry-gh-t to
-th-e king [aaAx]
R: 4,31 curteysly -th-e king . -th-a(n) com in to resou(n)
R: 4,32 And bytwyn hy(m) and hys sone . set hy(m) on benche
R: 4,33 And wordedy(n) a gret while . wel wisly togeder(es)
R: 4,34 -th-en com pes into p(ar)lement . and put vp a bylle
R: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-ens his wille . hadde his wif take
R: 4,36 and how he rauesched rose . raynald(is) loue [aaAx]
R: 4,37 And margr(e)te of hur(e) maydenhed . maugr(e) hur(e)
chekys [aaAx]
fol. 16r
R: 4,38 Bo-th-e my geys and my grys . his gadelyng(es) fecches
R: 4,39 I dar not for fere of hy(m) . fytthen ne chyde [xaAx]
R: 4,40 He borwed of me bayerd . and brou-gh-the hy(m) neu(er)e
agayn [aaAx]
R: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-ing -th-(er)fore . for nou-gh-t I coude
plete [aaAxx]
R: 4,42 He may(n)teynes his me(n) . to m(ur)-th-er(e) my(n)
hynes [aaAx]
R: 4,43 forstall(es) my feyr(is) . fyttes in my cheping [aaAx]
R: 4,44 breke-th- vp my berne dor(is) . and bery-th- awey
my whete [aaAx]
R: 4,45 And take-th- me but a tayle . for x quarter(is) of
otys [aaAx]
R: 4,46 And -gh-ut he bety-th- me -th-(er)to . and lyth by
my mayden [axAx]
R: 4,47 and I am not so hardy . onys for hy(m) to loke [aaAx]
R: 4,48 -th-o knew -th-e king . he sayde so-th- for co(n)ciens
hy(m) tolde [aaAx]
R: 4,49 Wrong was aferd -th-o . and wisdam he sou-gh-the
R: 4,50 to make his pes w(i)t(h) his pans . and p(ro)frede
manye [aaAx]
R: 4,51 And sayde had I -th-e loue of my lord -th-e king
R: 4,52 lytel wolde I recche -th-(a)t pes and h(i)s power
. pleyned he(m) eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 4,53 Wysda(m) wan -th-o . and so dude wit alse [aaAx]
R: 4,54 for -th-at wrong hadde ywrou-gh-t . so wycked a dede
R: 4,55 and warnede wrong . wyt(es) swych a wys tale [aaAx]
R: 4,56 and who werche-th- by wil . wratthe make-th- ofte
R: 4,57 I sey hit by myself . -th-(o)u schalt hit sone fynde
R: 4,58 but mede hit make . -th-(er) myschef is vppe [aaAx]
R: 4,59 for bo-th-e -th-iself and -th-i lond . ly-th- in
his grace [aaAx]
R: 4,60 Wrong -th-a(n) o(n) wisda(m) wep . to helpe hym at
nede [aaAx]
R: 4,61 ffor ry-gh-t -th-(er) of is . handy dandy payed [aaXa]
R: 4,62 -Th-a(n) wysdam and wyt . wente(n) togeder(es) [aaAx]
R: 4,63 and tok mede w(i)t(h) he(m) . m(er)cy to wynne [axAx]
R: 4,64 pes put hym for-th- . his hede and his panne [aaxAx]
R: 4,65 Redly w(i)t(h)oute(n) gilt . god wot -th-(a)t is
ska-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,66 conciens and -th-e king . knewe wel -th-e so-th-e
R: 4,67 and wiste wel -th-(a)t wrong . was a schrewe eu(er)e
R: 4,68 and wisda(m) and wit . were aboute faste [aaAx]
R: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e kyng . w(i)t(h) catel -gh-if
-th-ei my-gh-te [aaAx]
fol. 16v
R: 4,70 -Th-e king swor by crist . and by crowne bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,71 --- this line om ---
R: 4,72 --- run together with following ---
R: 4,73 to caste hem in Irenys . he schal not -th-(i)s vij
-gh-er se h(i)s fet onys [aaAx]
R: 4,74 god wot qwa-th- wisdam . -th-at wer(e) not -th-e
beste [aaAx]
R: 4,75 And he amend(is) mowe make . lat mey(n)pris hy(m)
haue [aaAx]
R: 4,76 And be borwe for his bale . and bryngen hy(m) bote
R: 4,77 Amende -th-(a)t mysdede . and eu(er)mor(e) -th-e
beter(e) [aaAx]
R: 4,78 Wit acorde-th- -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . and seyde -th-e
same [???]
R: 4,79 Beter is -th-at bote . bale adou(n) brynge [aaAa]
R: 4,80 -Th-a(n) bale be bote . and bote neu(er)e -th-e betere
R: 4,81 -Th-a(n) ga(n) mede to meke hur(e) . and m(er)cy
bysou-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 4,82 And p(ro)fered pes a p(re)sent . al of pure golde
R: 4,83 Haue -th-(i)s of me ma(n) qwa-th- he . to amende
-th-i ska-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,84 for I wil wage for wrong . he schal do so no mor(e)
R: 4,85 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,86 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,87 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,88 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,89 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,90 for mede ha-th- mad my mend(is) . I may no mor(e)
axyn [aaAx]
R: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e king . so god -gh-yue me blysse
R: 4,92 Wrong wende-th- not so away . er I wyte more [aaaAx]
R: 4,93 lep he so ly-gh-tly away . lau-gh-en he wolde [aaAx]
R: 4,94 And after -th-e balder be . and bety(n) my(n) hyne(n)
R: 4,95 but resou(n) haue ru-th-e on hy(m) . he schal reste
in stokkes [aaAx]
R: 4,96 As longe as I lyue . but more loue hit make [aaAx]
R: 4,97 Some me(n) redde resou(n) . to haue ru-th-e on -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
R: 4,98 And to cou(n)seile -th-e king . and conciens bo-th-e
R: 4,99 -Th-(a)t mede muste be meynp(er)no(ur) . resou(n)
-th-ei besou-gh-te [aaaXx]?
R: 4,100 Rede me nout q(uo)d resou(n) . no ru-th-e to haue
R: 4,101 til lord(is) and ladyes . louen alle tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,102 til p(er)onelys p(ur)fyl . be put in he hocche [aaAx]
R: 4,103 til childres chersyng . be chasted w(i)t(h) -gh-erd(is)
R: 4,104 And harlotes almesse . be holde(n) for an hyne [aaAa]
R: 4,105 til clerk(is) and ky-gh-tthes . be curteys of her
mou-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,106 And hate to here harlotrye . or mou-th-e hit he(m)selue
R: 4,107 til p(re)st(is) here preching . p(ro)ue-th- hemselue
R: 4,108 And do hit in dede . to drawe vs to gode [aaAx]
fol. 17r
R: 4,109 tyl seynt Iame be ysou-gh-th . -th-(er) I schal asyne
R: 4,110 -Th-at no ma(n) go to galys . but -gh-if he go for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 4,111 and alle -th-e rome re(n)ner(is) . for robber(is)
of by-gh-onde [aaAx]
R: 4,112 Ber(e) no sylu(er) ou(er) se . -th-(a)t sygne of
king schewe-th- [aaAa]
R: 4,113 ney-th-(er) grot(is) ne gold . ygraue w(i)t(h) king(es)
coyne [aaAx]
R: 4,114 vp forfetur(e) of-th-(a)t fee . who fynt hy(m) dygnere
R: 4,115 but hit be marchau(n)t or his man . or myssag(er)
w(i)t(h) lettr(es) [aaAx]
R: 4,116 Or p(ro)uyso(ur) or prest . -th-(a)t -th-e pope
avau(n)se-th- [aaAx]
R: 4,117 And -gh-ut q(uo)d resou(n) by -th-e rode . I nel
no ru-th-e haue [aaAx]
R: 4,118 Whil mede ha-th- -th-e maystrye . to mote in -th-e
halle [aaAx]
R: 4,119 and I may schewe -gh-ou ensau(m)ple . as I se o-th-(er)
. I sey h(i)t for my selue [aaAx]
R: 4,120 --- this line om ---
R: 4,121 and hit were so -th-at I wer(e) king w(i)t(h) crowne
to kepe a rewme [aaAx]
R: 4,122 Schuld neu(er) wrong in -th-e word . -th-(a)t I
wyte my-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 4,123 be vnpu(n)sched by my power . for p(er)il of my
sowle [aaAx]
R: 4,124 ne gete my g(ra)ce w(i)t(h) -gh-ift(es) . so me
god helpe [aaaAx]
R: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue mercy . but meknysse hit made
R: 4,126 for { nullu(m) malu(m) } -th-e may . mete wy-th-
R: 4,127 { Inpunitu(m) } and bad { nullu(m) bonu(m) irremuneratu(m)
} [aaAx]
R: 4,128 Let -th-i co(n)fesso(ur) syr(e) king . co(n)st(ru)e
hit -th-e in englys [aaAx]
R: 4,129 And -gh-if -th-(o)u wirke h(i)t in werk . I wedde
bo-th-e his erys [aaAx]
R: 4,130 -Th-at lawe schal be a labourer . and lede to felde
dunge [aaAx]
R: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-y lond . as -th-e best lyk(es)
R: 4,132 Clerk(is) -th-(a)t wer(e) co(n)fessour(es) . coupled
he(m) togeder(is) [aaAx]
R: 4,133 ffor to co(n)strue -th-e clause . and declyned faste
R: 4,134 Ac resou(n) among -th-e renk(is) . hadde rehersed
-th-o word(is) [aaAx]
R: 4,135 -Th-(er) was man in -th-at mothalle . more ne lasse
R: 4,136 -Th-(a)t he ne held resou(n) a mayst(er) and mede
. a muche wrecche [xaaAx]
R: 4,137 Loue let of here ly-gh-t . and low hur(e) to skorne
R: 4,138 and sayde hit so loude . -th-(a)t so-th-nesse h(i)t
herde [aaAx]
R: 4,139 -th-(a)t who wynne hur(e) to wyue . for wel-th-e
of hur(e) godys [aaAx]
R: 4,140 but he cokewald ycalde . cut of my nose [aaAx]
R: 4,141 On warned wysdom -th-o . on witt(es) fere [aaAx]
fol. 17v
R: 4,142 coude not warpe(n) a word . to w(i)t(h)segge resou(n)
R: 4,143 but starede(n) and stodiede . and stode for-th-
as best(is) [aaAx]
R: 4,144 -Th-e king acorded . by crist to resou(n)es sawes
R: 4,145 And rehersed -th-(a)t resou(n) . had ry-gh-thfully
schewed [aaAx]
R: 4,146 Ac it is ful hard by my(n) hed . her(e)to to to
brynge [aaAx]
R: 4,147 and alle my lyche ledes . to ledyn hem -th-us euene
R: 4,148 by hym -th-(a)t rau-gh--th-e on -th-e rode . q(uo)d
resou(n) te -th-e king [aaAx]
R: 4,149 But -gh-if I reule -th-(us) my rewme . rent of my
rybbys [aaAx]
R: 4,150 -Gh-if hit be so -th-(a)t buxu(m)nesse . be of my(n)
asent [aaAx]
R: 4,151 And I asente q(uo)d -th-e king . by seynte marie
my lady [axAx]
R: 4,152 be my cou(n)sel ycome . of clerk(es) and of erlys
R: 4,153 Ac redly resou(n) . -th-(o)u schalt not ryde hennys
R: 4,154 for as longe as I lyue . loue -th-e I wille [aaAx]
R: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d resou(n) . to reste w(i)t(h) -gh-ou
euere [aaAx]
R: 4,156 so co(n)ciens be of -gh-o(ur) cou(n)seyl . kepe
I no better [aaAx]
R: 4,157 I grau(n)te q(uo)d -th-e king . god(is) forbode
he fayle [aaAbb]
R: 4,158 as longe as I lyue . lybbe we togeder(is) [aaAx]
Passus quint(us) de visione
R: 5,1 The king and his kni-gh-t(es) . to -th-e cherche wente
R: 5,2 to her(e) matynes and masse . and to -th-e mete after
R: 5,3 -Th-an waked I of my wynkyng . and wo was w(i)t(h)alle
R: 5,4 -Th-(a)t I ne hadde sclepte sadder . and yseye more
R: 5,5 Ere I hadde(n) fare a furlong . fantasye me hadde
R: 5,6 -Th-at I ne my-gh-the fer-th-(er) a fot . for defaute
of slepyng [aaAx]
R: 5,7 I sat softely adou(n) . and sayde my byleue [aaAx]
R: 5,8 and so I babled on my bed(is) . -th-ei brou-gh--th-e
me on slepe [aaAx]
R: 5,9 Than saw I mekel more . -th-an I befor(e) tolde [aaXx]
R: 5,10 I saw -th-e feld ful of folke . -th-at I byfore sayde
R: 5,11 and conciens w(i)t(h) a cros . com for-th- to preche
R: 5,12 he p(re)chede -th-e peple . to haue pyte on he(m)
selue [aaAx]
R: 5,13 And p(ro)uede -th-e pestelence . was for pure synne
fol. 18r
R: 5,14 And sou-th-west wynd . on saterysday at euen [abAb]
R: 5,15 Was ap(er)tly for pryde . and for no -th-ing ellys
R: 5,16 Pyryes and plomtreys . were put to -th-e er-th-e
R: 5,17 In exsaumple sey-th- god . -gh-e schul do -th-e betere
R: 5,18 beches and brode ok(is) . wer(e) blowe to -th-e grou(n)de
R: 5,19 and t(ur)ned vp -th-e tayl . in toknyng of drede
R: 5,20 -Th-(a)t dedly synne er domesday . schal fordo hem
alle [aaAx]
R: 5,21 Of -th-(i)s matere my-gh-the I . mamele wel longe
R: 5,22 Ac I schal say as I seyde . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
R: 5,23 How conciens w(i)t(h) a cros . co(m)sede to preche
R: 5,24 and bad wasto(ur) go worche . what he best coude
R: 5,25 And wy(n)ne -th-(a)t he had wasted . w(i)t(h) som
man(er) craft [aaAxx]
R: 5,26 he p(ra)yde to p(er)onel . hur(e) purfyl to leue
R: 5,27 and kepe hit in hur(e) cofre . for catel at nede
R: 5,28 thomas he tau-gh--th-e . to take to take two staues
R: 5,29 To fecche felys hom . fro wyuene pyne [aaAxx]
R: 5,30 He warnede watte . his wif was to blame [aaAx]
R: 5,31 -Th-(a)t hur(e) hed was wor-th-e a marke . and his
hod not a grote [abAb]
R: 5,32 He charge-th- chapme(n) . to chaste here children
R: 5,33 Let no wy(n)nyng forweny he(m) . whyles -th-ei be-th-
-gh-onge [aaAx]
R: 5,34 He p(re)chede prelat(is) . and prest(is) togedere
R: 5,35 -Th-at -th-ei preche -th-e peple . and p(ro)ue hit
he(m) selue [aaAx]
R: 5,36 and lyue as -gh-e lere vs . for we wil loue -gh-ou
-th-e beter(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,37 And swy-th-e he radde religyus . her(e) reule to
kepe [aaAx]
R: 5,38 last -th-e king and his cou(n)ceyl -gh-o(ur) co(m)mounes
apeyr(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,39 And stiward in -gh-o(ur) stede . for -gh-e be stywed
betere [aaAx]
R: 5,40 And -th-(a)t sey(n)t Iame . and seynt(es) at rome
R: 5,41 Seky-th- seynt tru-th-e . for he may saue vs alle
R: 5,42 { Q(u)i cu(m) p(at)re & filio } . -th-at fayre
-gh-ou mote byfalle [xaAx]
R: 5,43 -Th-a(n) repentau(n)s . rehersed his teme [aaAx]
R: 5,44 And made wille to wepe wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) his eye
fol. 18v
R: 5,45 P(er)onel proud herte . plat hur(e) to -th-e er-th-e
R: 5,46 and lay longe er sche loked . and lord m(er)cy cryed
R: 5,47 and behy-gh-te to hy(m) . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
R: 5,48 sche schulde vnsewe hir(e) serk . and sette -th-(er)
an heyre [aaAx]
R: 5,49 To afaute(n) hir(e) fleys . -th-(a)t fresch was to
synne [aaAx]
R: 5,50 Schal ner(e) hey herte me hente . but holde me lowe
R: 5,51 And suffre to be nysseyd . and so dude I neu(er)e
R: 5,52 but now I wil meke me . and mercy byseke [aaAx]
R: 5,53 Of al -th-(a)t I haue had of enuye . in my(n) herte
R: 5,54 Leccho(ur) seyde allas . and on our(e) lady cryde
R: 5,55 to make m(er)cy for his mysdede . by twe-th-e god
a(n)d hy(m) [aaaXx]
R: 5,56 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t he schulde sato(ur)dayes . vij
-gh-er after [aaAx]
R: 5,57 Drynke but wi-th- -th-e goos . and dine but onys
R: 5,58 enuye w(i)t(h) heuy herte . asked after schryfte
R: 5,59 and carfully his compte . he gynny-th- to schewe
R: 5,60 he was pale as a pelet . and paltyk semede [aaAx]
R: 5,61 He was clo-th-ed in a caurymaury . I coude h(i)t
not discrie [aaAx]
R: 5,62 a kyrtel and a curtepy . a knyf be his syde [aaAx]
R: 5,63 Of a frer(is) frog . wer(e) -th-e fore sleuys [aaAx]
R: 5,64 As a lyk -th-(a)t hadde yleye . longe in -th-e su(n)ne
R: 5,65 So loked he w(i)t(h) lene chek(is) . lowrynge foule
R: 5,66 his body was bolned for wroth . -th-at he bot his
lyppe [aaxAx]
R: 5,67 And wrothlyche he wrong his fyste . to wreke hy(m)
he -th-ou-gh--th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,68 W(i)t(h) werk(is) and w(i)t(h) word(is) . whe(n)
he sey h(i)s tyme [aaAxx]
R: 5,69 Venym or verious . or vynegr(e) I trowe [aaAx]
R: 5,70 Walwy-th- in my wombe . and waxe-th- I wene [aaAa]
R: 5,71 I my-gh-te not many a day do . as a ma(n) my-gh-the
R: 5,72 swych wynd in my wo(m)be . waxy-th- er I dyne [aaAx]
R: 5,73 I haue a nehebo(ur) ny me . I noyed hym wel ofte
R: 5,74 and blamed hy(m) byhynde his bak . to brynge hy(m)
in fame [aaaAx]
R: 5,75 to apeyr(e) hy(m) by my power . I p(ur)sued wel ofte
fol. 19r
R: 5,76 and bylowe hym to lord(is) . to do hy(m) lese syluer(e)
R: 5,77 And don his frend(is) to be(n) his fon . -th-ur-gh-
my falce tonge [aaAx]
R: 5,78 His g(ra)ce and his gode happes . greued me wel sore
R: 5,79 bytwe(n) hym and his mayne . wratthe made ofte [xaAx]
R: 5,80 Bo-th-e his lyme and his lyf . was lost -th-orw my
tonge [aaAx]
R: 5,81 Wha(n) I mette hi(m) in market . -th-(a)t I most
hated [aaAx]
R: 5,82 I halsed hy(m) as hendely . as I his frend ware [aaAxx]
R: 5,83 He is dou-gh-thier -th-a(n) I durste . no(n) harme
do(n) hi(m) [aaAx]
R: 5,84 Ac haddy(n) I maystry or my-gh-th . I wolde mour-th-re
hi(m) for eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 5,85 Whan I come to -th-e cherche . and knele byfore -th-e
rode [aaAx]
R: 5,86 to praye for -th-e peple . as -th-e prest me techys
R: 5,87 [aaAx]
R: 5,88 after -th-a(n)ne I crye on my kneys . our(e) lady
gyf he(m) sorwe [aaAx]
R: 5,89 -Th-(a)t bar(e) away my bolle . and my brode schete
R: 5,90 ffro -th-e aut(er) . my(n) eye . I turne and byhelde
R: 5,91 how hayne ha-th- a newe cote . I wysshe h(i)t wer(e)
my(n) owe [aaAx]
R: 5,92 I wysshe it were myn owe [aaAx]
R: 5,92 and al -th-e wele -th-(a)t he ha-th- greue-th- me wel
R: 5,93 of his lesyng I smyle . and -th-(er)of lau-gh-eth
my(n) herte [aaAx]
R: 5,94 And of his wy(n)nyng I wepe . and weyle -th-e tyme
R: 5,95 I deme me(n) -th-(er) -th-ei do ille . and -gh-ut
I do werse [aaAx]
R: 5,96 I wolde -th-(a)t ech wy-gh-th . wer(e) my knaue [aaAx]
R: 5,97 and whoso ha-th- more -th-a(n) I . -th-(a)t angre-th-
my(n) herte [aaAa]
R: 5,98 Thus I lyue loueles . lyk a ly-th-(er) dogge [aaAx]
R: 5,99 -th-(a)t al my brest bolne-th- . for byter of my
galle [aaAx]
R: 5,100 may no sugr(e) ne swete -th-ing . swete hit an vnche
R: 5,101 ne no(n) diapendion . dryue hit fro my(n) herte
R: 5,102 -Gh-if schryft shulde . hit wer(e) gret wonder [aaAx]
R: 5,103 -gh-is redly q(uo)d repentau(n)s . and redde hy(m)
to gode [aaAx]
R: 5,104 sorwe for synne . saue-th- wel manye [aaAx]
R: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuye . I am but selde o-th-(er)
R: 5,106 And -th-at make-th- me so mad . for I ne may me
wenge [aaAx]
R: 5,107 -Th-a(n) come couetyse . I ca(n) hy(m) not discrye
fol. 19v
R: 5,108 So angrey and so holwe . sir(e) h(er)uy hy(m) loked
R: 5,109 He was byterbrowed and eke baberlypped [aaAx]
R: 5,110 w(i)t(h) two blered eyen as a le-th-er purs [axAx]
R: 5,111 lolled his chek(is) in a tor(e) tabard . of xij
wy(n)t(er) age, [aaAx]
R: 5,112 but -gh-if a lous coude lepe . I may h(i)t not trowe
R: 5,113 -th-(a)t he ne schulde slyde -th-(er)on . so was
hit bare [aaAx]
R: 5,114 I haue yloued couetyse q(uo)d he al my lyf tyme
R: 5,114 and knowe h(i)t her(e) befor(e) crist and his swete
moder [aaAx]
R: 5,115 for su(m) tyme serwed I . sy(m)me at -th-e noke
R: 5,116 And was his p(re)ntys yply-gh--th- . his p(ro)fyt
to loke [aaAx]
R: 5,117 ffurst I lerned to lye . a lef o-th-(er) tweyne
R: 5,118 Wyckedly to wynne . was my furste lessou(n) [aaAxx]
R: 5,119 to wynchestr(e) and to wy . I wente to -th-e feyre
R: 5,120 to many man(er) marchau(n)die . as my mayst(er)
me het [aaAx]
R: 5,121 Ne hadde -th-e grace of gile . go among my ware
R: 5,122 hit hadde be vnsolde -th-(i)s vij -gh-er . so me
god helpe [aaAxx]
R: 5,123 -Th-a(n) drow I me amonge drap(er)is . my donet
to lere [aaAx]
R: 5,124 to drowe -th-e leser along . -th-e lenger(e) h(i)t
seme-th- [aaAx]
R: 5,125 Among -th-e ryche rayes . I rendred a lessou(n)
R: 5,126 broched he(m) w(i)t(h) a pak nedle . and playted
he(m) togeder(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,127 put he(m) in a presso(ur) . and py(n)ned hem -th-erinne
R: 5,128 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 5,129 my wyf was a wy(n)nestre . and wollen clo-th- made
R: 5,130 And spak to -th-e spynnestr(e) . to spynne hit so
softe [aaAx]
R: 5,131 -Th-e pou(n)d -th-(a)t he weyes . by weye-th- a
q(ua)rter more [aaAx]
R: 5,132 -Th-a(n) ony almesdede . whem I weyed tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,133 I bou-gh-the hure barly . sche brew h(i)t to sale
R: 5,134 Penyale and pigwhey . sche pured togeder(es) [aaAx]
R: 5,135 for labourer(is) for lo-th- folk . -th-at lyue-th-
by he(m) selue [aaAx]
R: 5,136 -Th-e beste in my bed chau(m)ber . lay by -th-e
walles [aaAx]
R: 5,137 And whoso boused -th-erof . bou-gh-th hit -th-(er)after
R: 5,138 A galou(n) for a grote . god wot no lesse [aaAx]
fol. 20r
R: 5,139 When hit come in coppe ale . -th-(a)t craft my wyf
vsed [aaAx]
R: 5,140 rose -th-e regrater . was hur(e) ry-gh-the name
R: 5,141 sche halde-th- ostrye . -th-is xj wynter [aaAx]
R: 5,142 And I swere now so-th-ly . -th-at synne schal I
lete [aaAx]
R: 5,143 ne neu(er)e weye wyckedely . ne no chaffare make
R: 5,144 but wende to walsyngh(a)m . and my wif after [aaAx]
R: 5,145 and bydde -th-e rode of bromeholme . bry(n)ge me
out of dette [aaAx]
R: 5,146 Now begy(n)ne-th- glotou(n) . for to go to shrifte
R: 5,147 and carie-th- hy(m) to churcheward . his synne to
schewe [aaAx]
R: 5,148 and betou(n) -th-e brewestr(e) . -th-(er) bad hy(m)
goud morwe [aaAx]
R: 5,149 and she axede of hi(m) . whederward he wolde [aaAx]
R: 5,150 To holy chyrche q(uo)d he . for to here masse [aaAx]
R: 5,151 And sytthe I wil be shreue . and synne no mor(e)
R: 5,152 I haue goud ale gossyb q(uo)d she . glotou(n) wilt
-th-(o)u asaye [aaAx]
R: 5,153 hast -th-(o)u q(uo)d he . ony hote spyces [aaAx]
R: 5,154 -Gh-e glotou(n) gossyb . god wot wel hote [aaAx]
R: 5,155 I haue pepyr and pienye . and a pou(n)de of garlyk
R: 5,156 and a fer-th-ing wor-th- of fynkele sed . for fastyng
dayes [aaAx]
R: 5,157 -Th-a(n)ne go-th- glotou(n) in . and grete o-th-es
after [aaAx]
R: 5,158 Sysse -th-e sowestre . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
R: 5,159 Watte -th-e wafrer(e) . and his wif bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,160 Sy(m)me -th-e tynkere . and two of his knaues [aaAx]
R: 5,161 Hycke -th-e hakeneyman . and hobbe -th-e melner(e)
R: 5,162 Clar(is) of kork(es) lane . and -th-e clerk of -th-e
cherche [aaAx]
R: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dykere . and a doseyn othere [aaAx]
R: 5,164 A ribaud a raton(er) . a rakere of chepe [aaAx]
R: 5,165 A ropere a redyngking . and rose -th-e dyschere
R: 5,166 And vpholder(is) . erly by -th-e morwe [aaAx]
R: 5,167 -gh-euyn glotou(n) w(i)t(h) glad cher(e) . goud
ale to drynke [aaAbb]
R: 5,168 clement -th-e cobeler(e) . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
R: 5,169 and at -th-e newe feyre . ne(m)pne-th- hit to selle
fol. 20v
R: 5,170 Hicke -th-e osteler . hitte his hode after [aaAa]
R: 5,171 And bette -th-e bocher . to be on his syde [aaaAx]
R: 5,172 -Th-(er) wer(e) chapme(n) ychose . -th-e chaffare
to preise [aaAx]
R: 5,173 and ho so hadde -th-e hode schuld haue . ame(n)d(is)
of -th-e cloke [aaXx]?
R: 5,174 Thei resyn vp in rape . and rownede togeder(is)
R: 5,175 and preysede -th-e penewor-th-es . ap(er)tly by
he(m) selue [aaAx]
R: 5,176 -Th-(er) were o-th-es on an hep . -th-ei cu(n)ne
not -gh-ut Iuge [aaAa]
R: 5,177 ne by here co(n)ciens . acorden togeder(es) [aaAx]
R: 5,178 Til robyn -th-e rop(er)e . was rad vp to ryse [aaAa]
R: 5,179 And nempnyd for a nou(m)per(e) . -th-(a)t no debat
ware [aaAa]
R: 5,180 Hicke -th-e ostler . -th-an hadde -th-e cloke [aaAx]
R: 5,181 in couenau(n)t -th-at clement . -th-e cuppe schulde
fille [aaAx]
R: 5,182 And haue hick(es) hod -th-e osteler . and holde
hi(m) yserued [aaaAx]
R: 5,183 and ho so repented ra-th-es . sholde rise afore
R: 5,184 And grete sire glotou(n) . w(i)t(h) a galou(n) of
ale [aaAx]
R: 5,185 -Th-(er) was lau-gh-yng and lowring . and let go
-th-e coppe [aaAx]
R: 5,186 Bargeynes and beueryches . begu(n)ne to ryse [aaAx]
R: 5,187 and setyn so til euesong . and sunge su(m)whyle
R: 5,188 til glotu(n) hadde ygolped . a galou(n) of ale [aaAa]
R: 5,189 he pissed a potel . in a pat(er)n(oste)r whyle [aaAx]
R: 5,190 And blew -th-e rounde rowet . at -th-e riggebonys
ende [aaAx]
R: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-(a)t herde -th-(a)t horn . held
her(e) nose after [aaAa]
R: 5,192 and wisshed it had be waxed . w(i)t(h) a wisp of
fersen [aaAx]
R: 5,193 He hadde no streng-th-e to stonde . er(e) he h(i)s
staf hadde [aaAx]
R: 5,194 --- as one line with following ---
R: 5,195 And -th-a(n)ne ga(n) he go . su(m) tyme o syde and
su(m) tyme o rer(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,196 As hoso layde lynes . to lacche wilde foules [aaAx]
R: 5,197 whe(n) he drow to -th-e dore . -th-a(n) dy(m)med
his eyen [aaAx]
R: 5,198 He stu(m)bled on -th-e presfold . and fel to -th-e
er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,199 That w(i)t(h) al -th-e wo of -th-e word . his wif
and h(i)s dou-gh-t(er) [aaAa]
R: 5,200 bery(n) hi(m) to his bed . and brou-gh--th-e hi(m)
-th-(er)inne [aaAx]
R: 5,201 and aft(er) al -th-(a)t surfet . an axces he hadde
fol. 21r
R: 5,202 -Th-(a)t he slep sat(ur)day and sunday . til su(n)ne
-gh-ede to reste [aaaAx]
R: 5,203 Tha(n)ne waked he of his wynkyng . and wyped his
eye(n) [aaAx]
R: 5,204 -Th-e furste word -th-(a)t he spak what . wher(e)
is -th-e bolle [aaAx]
R: 5,205 His wif blamed hi(m) -th-a(n)ne . of wickednesse
of synne [aaAx]
R: 5,206 -Th-a(n) was -th-e shrewe ashamed . and schraped
h(i)s erys [aaAx]
R: 5,207 And ga(n) to grety(n) gry(m)ly . and gret dol made
R: 5,208 for his lethyr lyf . -th-at he lyued hadde [aaAx]
R: 5,209 an vowed to faste, . for hu(n)ger or for -th-herste
R: 5,210 Shal neu(er)e fysch on fryday . defye in my mawe
R: 5,211 Er abstine(n)ce my(n) awnte . haue ygif me leue
R: 5,212 And -gh-ut haue I hated hur(e) . al my lif tyme
R: 5,213 Slou-th-e for sorwe . fel dou(n) on sowe(n) [aaXa]
R: 5,214 til vigilate wile . fecche wat(ir) to his eyne [aaAx]
R: 5,215 And flapte hit on his face . and faste on hi(m)
cried [aaAx]
R: 5,216 And sayde war for wa(n)hope . wil -th-e bet(ra)ye
R: 5,217 I am sory for my sy(n)ne . sey to -th-i self -th-a(n)ne
R: 5,218 and bet -th-i self on -th-i brest . and byd hi(m)
of grace [aaAx]
R: 5,219 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 5,220 Tha(n) sat slou-th-e vp . and shryued hi(m) faste
R: 5,221 and made avow to veri god . for his foule slou-th-e
R: 5,222 Shal no su(n)day be -th-(i)s vij -gh-er . but syknesse
h(i)t make [aaAx]
R: 5,223 -Th-(a)t I ne shal do me er day . to -th-e parysch
cherche [aaAx]
R: 5,224 And her(e) masse and matines . as I a monke wer(e)
R: 5,225 Shal no(n) ale aft(er) mete . holde(n) me -th-e(n)nys
R: 5,226 til I haue euesong herd . I behote -th-e rode [aaAx]
R: 5,227 and -gh-ut wol I -gh-elde a-gh-en . -gh-if I so
moche haue [aaAxx]
R: 5,228 Al -th-at I wickedly by wan . syn I wit hadde [aaAx]
R: 5,229 And -th-ei my lyflode fayle . lette -gh-ut I nelle
R: 5,230 -th-at eu(er)y ma(n) shal haue his . er I he(n)nys
we(n)de [aaAx]
R: 5,231 and w(i)t(h) -th-e residue and remenau(n)t . by
-th-e rode of chestre [aaAx]
R: 5,232 I wil seke tru-th-e . or I se rome [axAx]
R: 5,233 roberd -th-e robber(e) . on reddite lokede [aaAx]
fol. 21v
R: 5,234 and for -th-(er) was not wher w(i)t(h) . he wepd wel
sore [aaAx]
R: 5,235 And -gh-it synful shrewe . sayde to hi(m) selue
R: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on caluery . on -th-e cros deyde
R: 5,237 -th-o dismas my bro-th-(er) bysou-gh-th hi(m) of
g(ra)ce [????]
R: 5,238 And -th-ou haddest m(er)cy on -th-(a)t ma(n) . for
mem(en)to sake [aaAx]
R: 5,239 -th-i wil wirche vpon me . as I haue wel des(er)ued
R: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . -gh-if -th-(a)t hope
ne were [aaAx]
R: 5,241 to rewe on -th-(i)s roberd . -th-(a)t red no(n)
ne haue-th- [aaAx]
R: 5,242 ne neu(er) weny-th- to wy(n)ne . w(i)t(h) craft
-th-(a)t he knowe-th- [aaAxx]
R: 5,243 but for -th-i moche mercy . mitygaciou(n) I beseke
R: 5,244 Dampne me not at domysday . for -th-(a)t I dede
so ylle [aaAx]
R: 5,245 ac what byfel of -th-(i)s felou(n) . I ca(n) not
fayr(e) shewe [aaAx]
R: 5,246 Wel I wot he wepte faste wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) his
eyne [aaaAx]
R: 5,247 and knowliched his gilt . to crist -gh-it eft sone
R: 5,248 That penite(n)cia his pik . shulde pulche newe [aaAx]
R: 5,249 and lep w(i)t(h) hi(m) ou(er) lond . al his lif
tyme [aaAx]
R: 5,250 for he hadde leye by latro . lucifer(is) aunte [aaAx]
R: 5,251 A -th-ousand me(n) and mo -th-o . thru(n)ge toged(er)es
R: 5,252 Wepyng and weyling . for her(e) wyckede dedis [aaAx]
R: 5,253 cried vpward to crist . and to h(i)s clene moder
R: 5,254 to haue grace to seke tru-th-e . so god leue -th-(a)t
-gh-e mote [aaAx]
Passus sextus de visione
R: 6,1 Ac -th-(er) were fewe me(n) so wise . -th-(a)t -th-ei
wey thedir coude [aaAx]
R: 6,2 blustre for-th- as best(is) . ou(er) valeys and hull(es)
R: 6,3 til late and longe . -th-(a)t -th-ei a lede mettyn
R: 6,4 yp(ar)ayled as a paynym . in pilgrymys wise [aaAx]
R: 6,5 He bar(e) a burdou(n) ybou(n)de . w(i)t(h) a brod
lyste [aaAx]
R: 6,6 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 6,7 A bagge and a bolle . he bar by his side [aaAx]
R: 6,8 An hundred of ampollus . on his hat seten [aaAx]
R: 6,9 Sygnes of synay . and schellys of galys [aaAx]
R: 6,10 And many a cros on his cloke . and key-gh-es of rome
fol. 22r
R: 6,11 And -th-e vernicle hi(m) byforn . for me(n) schuld
hy(m) knowe [aaAxx]
R: 6,12 And sen by his synes . whom he sou-gh-th hadde [aaAx]
R: 6,13 -Th-is folke freyned hy(m) fayre . whe(n)nes -th-(a)t
he come [aaaAxx]
R: 6,14 ffro synay he sayde . and fro -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
R: 6,15 ac bedlehe(m) and babyloyne . I haue be in bo-th-e
R: 6,16 In ermonye in alisau(n)dre . and many o-th-(er) plac(es)
R: 6,17 -Gh-e mow sen by my synes . -th-(a)t sytte(n) on
my(n) hat [aaAx]
R: 6,18 That I haue walked wyde . in wet and in drye [aaaAx]
R: 6,19 And sou-gh-th gode seynt(es) . for my soule hele
R: 6,20 Knowest -th-ou a corseynt q(uo)d -th-ei . -th-(a)t
me(n) calle tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 6,21 canstu wisse vs -th-e wey . wher -th-(a)t he duelle-th-
R: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . sayde -th-e gome -th-a(n)ne
R: 6,23 I sey neu(er)e palmer(e) w(i)t(h) pik . ne w(i)t(h)
skrippe [aaXx]?
R: 6,24 Axen aft(er) hi(m) . er(e) now in -th-(i)s place
R: 6,25 Peter q(uo)d a plowma(n) . and putte for-th- his
hed [aaAx]
R: 6,26 I knowe hi(m) as kyndely . as clerk(es) done her
bok(is) [aaAx]
R: 6,27 clene conciens and wit . kenny-th- me to his place
R: 6,28 And dude me to sur(e) hi(m) . for to s(er)ue hi(m)
euer(e) [aaAx]
R: 6,29 bo-th-e now and si-th-e . whil I swynke my-gh-the
R: 6,30 I haue be his folwer(e) . al -th-(i)s fourty wynter
R: 6,31 Bo-th-e sowe(n) his sed . and sewed his best(is)
R: 6,32 And kepid his corn . and caried hit to house [aaAx]
R: 6,33 Dyken and dolue(n) . and don what he hy-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 6,34 Wythinne and w(i)t(h)oute . to wayte his p(ro)fyte
R: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no labourer w(i)t(h)i(n)ne his lordschep
. -th-(a)t hi(m) lyke-th- beter(e) [aaAx]
R: 6,36 for -th-ou-gh- I sey hit my self . I serue hi(m)
to paye [aaAx]
R: 6,37 I haue my(n) hir(e) of hy(m) wel . and o-th-(er)while
mor(e) [aaAx]
R: 6,38 He is -th-e prestyste pay-gh-er(e) . -th-at por(e)
men knowe-th- [aaAx]
R: 6,39 he ne halt no hyne his hyre . -th-(a)t he ne ha-th-
h(i)t at eue [aaAx]
R: 6,40 he is as low as a lomb . and louely of speche [aaAx]
R: 6,41 and -gh-if -gh-e wil wite . wher(e) -th-(a)t he duelle-th-
fol. 22v
R: 6,42 I shal wisse -gh-ou wel . ry-gh-th to his place [aaAx]
R: 6,43 -gh-e leue per(is) q(uo)d -th-e pilgrymys . and p(ro)fered
hi(m) hir(e) [aaAx]
R: 6,44 Nay by -th-e p(er)il of my soule . q(uo)d per(is)
and gan for to swere [axAx]
R: 6,45 I nolde fonge a fer-th-ing . for seynt thomas shryne
R: 6,46 ffor tru-th-e wolde loue me -th-e wor(es) . a long
tyme after [abBa]
R: 6,47 ac -gh-e -th-(a)t wil wende -th-eder . -th-is is
-th-e weye [aaAx]
R: 6,48 -Gh-e mote go -th-orw meknysse . bo-th-e maydenis
and wyues [aaAx]
R: 6,49 Til -gh-e come into co(n)ciens . -th-(a)t crist wyte
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
R: 6,50 That -gh-e loue hi(m) leuer(e) . -th-a(n) -th-e lyf
in -gh-o(ur) hert(is) [aaAx]
R: 6,51 and -th-a(n)ne -gh-o(ur) ney-gh-bor(es) nixte . in
none wyse apeyre [aaAx]
R: 6,52 o-th-(er) wise -th-a(n) -gh-e wol me(n) . wrou-gh--th-e
to -gh-ou selue [aaAx]
R: 6,53 and so bowe-th- for-th- by a broke . buxu(m) of speche
R: 6,54 ffor-th- til -gh-e fynde a ferde . -gh-o(ur) faderes
honowred [aaAx]
R: 6,55 wade-th- in -th-at water . and ways -gh-ou -th-(er)inne
R: 6,56 And -gh-e schulle lepe -th-e ly-gh-tlyer(e) . al
-gh-o(ur) lyf tyme [aaAx]
R: 6,57 So shul -gh-e se . suer(e) nou-gh-t but hit be for
nede [aaAx]
R: 6,58 And namely on ydel . name of god almy-gh-thy [aaAx]
R: 6,59 -Th-a(n) shal -gh-e come by a crofte . come-th- not
-th-(er)inne [aaAx]
R: 6,60 -Th-(a)t croft hatte-th- coueyte-th- not . ma(n)nys
catel ne her(e) wyuys [aaAx]
R: 6,61 ne none of her(e) s(er)uau(n)t(is) . -th-(a)t noy-gh-e
hem my-gh-the [axAx]
R: 6,62 Loke -gh-e breke no bowes . -th-er(e) but -th-ei
be -gh-o(ur) owyn [aaAx]
R: 6,63 Two stokk(is) -th-(er) sto(n)de-th- . but stynt -gh-ou
not -th-ere [aaAx]
R: 6,64 -Th-ei hatte stel not ne sle not . but strik for-th-
by bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 6,65 lef he(m) on -th-i lyft half . and loke not -th-(er)after
R: 6,66 And hold wel -th-i(n) halyday . hey til -th-e eue
R: 6,67 -Th-a(n) shalt -th-(o)u blenche(n) a bak . ber no
fals witnesse [aaAx]
R: 6,68 He is frithed in w(i)t(h) floreynis . and o-th-(er)
fees manye [aaAx]
R: 6,69 Loke -th-(o)u plucke no plant(is) . -th-(er) for
p(er)il of -th-i soule [aaAx]
R: 6,70 Th-a(n) shalt -th-(o)u se . sey so-th- so hit be
to done [aaAx]
R: 6,71 And loke -th-(o)u lye not . for no ma(n)nys byddyng
R: 6,72 -Th-a(n) shalt -th-(o)u come to a court . as cler(e)
as the su(n)ne [aaAx]
fol. 23r
R: 6,73 -Th-e mot is of m(er)cy . -th-e man(er) al aboute [aaAx]
R: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles be-th- of wit . to holde wil
-th-(er)oute [aaAx]
R: 6,75 -Th-e cornelys be-th- of criste(n)dou(m) . -th-(a)t
kynde to saue [aaAx]
R: 6,76 and burased w(i)t(h) lef so . or -th-(o)u best not
saued [aaAx]
R: 6,77 Alle -th-e howses be-th- heled . hall(is) and chaumbres
R: 6,78 w(i)t(h) no led but w(i)t(h) loue and lownesse .
as bre-th-re(n) of o wo(m)be [aaaXx]
R: 6,79 -Th-e tour(e) -th-(er) tru-th-e . is hi(m) self is
vp to -th-e su(n)ne [aaXx]
R: 6,80 He may do w(i)t(h) -th-e day sterr(e) . what so hi(m)
lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 6,81 De-th- dar not do no-th-ing . -th-at he defend(es)
R: 6,82 Grace hatte-th- -th-e gateward . a goud ma(n) forso-th-e
R: 6,83 his man hatte amende -gh-ou . for meny men hi(m)
knoweth [aaAx]
R: 6,84 tel hi(m) -th-is tokne . truthe wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
R: 6,85 y p(er)formed -th-e penau(n)s . -th-(a)t -th-e prest
enioyned [aaAx]
R: 6,86 I am sory for my synnes . and so schal I euere [aaAx]
R: 6,87 Wha(n) I thinke -th-ereon . -th-ow I wer(e) a pope
R: 6,88 byddy-th- ame(n)de -gh-ou mekyn hi(m) . to his maistre
R: 6,89 ones to wy(n)ne [vp] -th-e wyket . -th-(a)t -th-e
wy-gh-t shette [aaAx]
R: 6,90 -Th-o adam and eue . etyn oure bane [aaAx]
R: 6,91 for he ha-th- -th-e keyes and -th-e clyket . -th-ow
-th-e king clepe [aaAx]
R: 6,92 and -gh-if grace grau(n)te . -th-e to gon i(n) on
-th-(i)s wyse [aaAx]
R: 6,93 -Th-ou schalt se tru-th-e hi(m)self . sytte in -th-yn
herte [aaAx]
R: 6,94 And lere -th-e for to loue . and his lawes halde
R: 6,95 ac be war of wratthe nou-th- . -th-(a)t wykkede shr(e)we
R: 6,96 ffor [he] ha-th- enuye to hi(m) . -th-at in -th-in
herte sytteth [aaAx]
R: 6,97 and loke for no pride . to preyse thy selue [aaAx]
R: 6,98 The boldnesse of -th-(a)t buffet . make-th- -th-e
blynd -th-a(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 6,99 & so wor-th- -th-e dryue out as dew . and -th-e
dore yclosed [aaAx]
R: 6,100 ykey-gh-ed and ycleketed . to holde -th-e -th-eroute
R: 6,101 happily an hu(n)dred wynter . er -th-(o)u eft entre
R: 6,102 -Th-us my-gh-the -th-(o)u lese his loue . to lete
wel by -th-i selue [aaAx]
R: 6,103 And gete h(i)t a-gh-en thur-gh- g(ra)ce . and -th-ur-gh-
no thing elles [aaAx]
fol. 23v
R: 6,104 Ac -th-er arn vij dou-gh-tr(es) . -th-at s(er)ue truthe
euere [aaAx]
R: 6,105 and be-th- porter(is) to -th-e posternys . -th-(a)t
to -th-e place longe-th- [aaAx]
R: 6,106 -Th-at on hatte abstinence . humylite is ano-th-er
R: 6,107 Charite and chastite . be-th- h(er) chef maydens
R: 6,108 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 6,109 Largenesse -th-e lady . late-th- in wel manye [aaAx]
R: 6,110 Ac who is sib to -th-e sustres . so me god helpe
R: 6,111 He is wonderly wolcome . and fayre vnderfonged [aaBb]
R: 6,112 But he be sib to some . of -th-es seuene sustr(es)
R: 6,113 hit is wel hard by my(n) hod . ony of -gh-ou alle
R: 6,114 to gete ingate a[t] eny gate . but g(ra)ce be -th-e
more [aaaAx]
R: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a cuttepurs . I haue no kyn -th-ere
R: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d a pelo(ur) . by ou-gh-th -th-(a)t I
knowe [aaAx]
R: 6,117 Wite god q(uo)d waufrer(e) . wiste I -th-(a)t -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
R: 6,118 Shulde I neu(er)e fer-th-(er) a fote . for no frer(is)
prechyng [aaAx]
R: 6,119 -Gh-is q(uo)d per(is) plowma(n) . a(n) poked hi(m)
to gode [aaAx]
R: 6,120 Mercy had a mayde(n) -th-ere . she my-gh-te ou(er)
he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 6,121 she is sib to alle synful . and hur(e) sone alse
R: 6,122 and -th-orw -th-e help of he(m) two . hope -th-(o)u
no(n) o-th-er [aaAa]
R: 6,123 -Th-(o)u my-gh-t se g(ra)ce -th-ere . so -th-ou
go by tyme [aaAx]
Passus septimus de visione
R: 7,1 This wer(e) a wickede weye . but whoso hadde a gide
R: 7,2 -Th-(a)t my-gh-t folwe vs eche fote . til we wer(e)
-th-ere [aaAxx]
R: 7,3 q(uo)d p(er)kyn -th-e plowma(n) . by seynt thomas
-th-e apostel [aaAa]
R: 7,4 I haue an half akre to ere . by -th-e hy-gh-e weye
R: 7,5 Had I ered my(n) half akre . I wil w(i)t(h) -gh-ou
til -gh-e be -th-ere [aaAx]?
R: 7,6 I wil wi-th- -y-ow til -y-e were -th-ere [aaAx]
R: 7,7 -Th-is wer(e) a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady in a
sleyre [aaAx]
R: 7,8 What shul we wy(n)ne . & wyrke -th-e whyle [aaAx]
R: 7,9 Some shul sowe -th-e sak . for sheding of -th-e whete
R: 7,10 And wyues -th-(a)t haue wolle . werchen hit -gh-e
shole [aaAx]
R: 7,11 spynnet h(i)t spedly . spare-th- not -gh-o(ur) fyngres
R: 7,12 but -gh-if hit be holy day . o-th-(er) holy euen
fol. 24r
R: 7,13 loke-th- for-th- -gh-o(ur) lynene . and laboure-th-
-th-(er)on faste [aaAx]
R: 7,14 The nedy and -th-e naked . ny(m) hede how -th-e lyen
R: 7,15 caste-th- he(m) clo-th-es for colde . for so wil
truthe [aaaXx]
R: 7,16 for I shal lene he(m) lyflode . but -gh-if -th-e
lond fayle [aaAx]
R: 7,17 as longe as I lyue . for -th-e lord(is) loue of heuene
R: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyis . w(i)t(h) -gh-o(ur) louely
fyngrys [aaAx]
R: 7,19 -Th-at haue syke and sandel . sowe-th- hit whe(n)
tyme is [aaAx]
R: 7,20 Chesibles for chapeles . cherchis to honoure [aaAx]
R: 7,21 and alle man(er) me(n) . -th-(a)t by -th-e mete libbes
R: 7,22 Help he(m) wyrche witly . -th-at wy(n)ne -gh-o(ur)
fode [aaAx]
R: 7,23 by crist q(uo)d a kny-gh-t . -th-(o)u kennest vs
-th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 7,24 and on -th-is teme truly . tau-gh-t was I neuere
R: 7,25 kene me q(uo)d kni-gh-t . I wil leye -th-(er) to
ere [aaAx]
R: 7,26 By seynt poule q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for -th-(o)u p(ro)ferest
-th-e so lowe [aaAx]
R: 7,27 I schal swynke and swete . and sowe for vs bo-th-e
R: 7,28 and laboure for -gh-o(ur) loue . al my lyf tyme [aaAx]
R: 7,29 in couenau(n)t -th-(a)t -th-(o)u kepe wel . holycherche
ri-gh-t [aaAx]
R: 7,30 And me fro water(es) and wikkeme(n) . -th-(a)t me
wolde dist(ro)ye [aaAx]
R: 7,31 and go hu(n)te hardily . -th-e har(e) and fox [aaAx]
R: 7,32 and to ber(es) and buck(es) . -th-(a)t breke my(n)
hegg(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,33 and fech -th-e hom faukonys . -th-e foules to kylle
R: 7,34 ffor thes come to my croft(es) . and croppe my whete
R: 7,35 Curteysly -th-e kni-gh-t . conseyuede his word(is)
R: 7,36 by my power per(is) . I ply-gh-te -th-e my trou-th-e
R: 7,37 to fulfylle my forward . whilis I may stonde [aaXx]?
R: 7,38 And -gh-ut a poynt q(uo)d p(er)ky(n) . I praye -th-e
more [aaAx]
R: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene no tenau(n)t . but tru-th-e wil
acorde [aaAx]
R: 7,40 and -th-ey por(e) men p(ro)fre . -th-e p(re)sent(is)
and -gh-ift(es) [aaAx]
R: 7,41 ny(m) hit nou-gh-t in aunt(er) . -th-(o)u mow h(i)t
not des(er)ue [aaAx]?
R: 7,42 ffor -th-(o)u shalt -gh-iue h(i)t a-gh-en . at on
-gh-er(is) ende [aaAx]
R: 7,43 In a wel p(er)lious er(e) place . -th-at purgatorie
hatte-th- [aaAx]
fol. 24v
R: 7,44 And mysbede not -th-i bondeme(n) . -th-e bet(er) -th-(o)u
my-gh-t spede [aaAx]
R: 7,45 And be trewe of -th-i tonge . and talis -th-ou hate
R: 7,46 but h(i)t be wisda(m) o-th-(er) wit . -th-i werkme(n)
to chaste [aaAx]
R: 7,47 hold w(i)t(h) none harlot(is) . ne her(e) no(n) of
h tal(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,48 And na(m)lyche at mete . suche men eschue [aaAx]
R: 7,49 for hit arn -th-e deuel(is) dishoures . I do h(i)t
-th-e vndersto(n)de [aaAx]
R: 7,50 I asente by seynt iame . sey-th- -th-e kni-gh-t -th-a(n)ne
R: 7,51 for to worche by -th-i word . whil my lyf dure-gh-t
R: 7,52 And I shal ap(ar)ayle q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pilgrimys
wyse [aaAx]
R: 7,53 And wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ou -th-e wey . til we fynde
tru-th-e [aaAxx]
R: 7,54 He caste on his clo-th-es . yclouted and hole [aaAx]
R: 7,55 His coker(is) and his cuffys . for colde of his nayles
R: 7,56 And heng his hop(ur) on his bak . in stede of his
skrippe [aaaBb]
R: 7,57 A busshel of bred corn . bryng me -th-(er) ynne [aaAx]
R: 7,58 ffor I wil sowe hit my self . and swythe wil I wende
R: 7,59 And whoso helpe-th- me to erye . or eny -th-ing swynke
R: 7,60 Shal haue by our(e) lord god -th-e mor(e) hir(e)
in heruest [????}?
R: 7,61 And make hi(m) merye w(i)t(h) -th-e corn . whoso
hit begrucche [aaxXx]
R: 7,62 And alle skynnes crafti me(n) . -th-(a)t cu(n)ne
leue w(i)t(h) tru-th-e [aaAxx]
R: 7,63 I shal fynde he(m) fode . -th-at feyfully lybbe [aaAx]
R: 7,64 Saue Iacke -th-e Iogelo(ur) . and Ionet at -th-e
stewes [aaAx]
R: 7,65 And roby(n) -th-e ribaudo(ur) . for his rusti word(is)
R: 7,66 Truthe tolde me -th-(us) onys . and bad me telle
h(i)t ferther [aaAx]
R: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro } . I shulde not dele w(i)t(h)
hem [axAx]
R: 7,68 for holy chyrche is holde of he(m) . no tithes to
taken [aaXa]
R: 7,68a { Et cu(m) iustis non scribantur } [Latin]
R: 7,69 They be-th- askaped god(es) aunt(ir) . god he(m)
amende [aaXx]
VII: 70-212a(after I 179)
R: 7,213 for al -th-e gold q(uo)d per(es) -th-(a)t growe-th-
on -th-(i)s grou(n)de [aaxAx]
R: 7,214 Mi-gh-t I sy(n)neles don as -th-ou seyst . seyde
per(is) -th-a(n)ne [aaXx]
R: 7,215 -Gh-e hardyly q(uo)d hu(n)ger . or ell(is) -th-e
byble lyes [aaAxx]
R: 7,216 Go to genesys -th-e geau(n)t . engendro(ur) of vs
alle [aaAx]
fol. 25r
R: 7,217 { In sudore uultus tui } swynke . -th-(o)u shalt -th-i
mete [aaAx]
R: 7,218 tile and labour(e) for -th-i liflode . as our(e)
lord hy-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 7,219 And sapiens sey-th- -th-e same . I se hit in -th-e
bible [aaAx]
R: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pter frigus } . no felde nolde tilie
R: 7,221 He shal bygge and begge . and no ma(n) bete his
hu(n)ger [aaAx]
R: 7,222 Mathew w(i)t(h) -th-e ma(n)nes face . -th-es word(es)
-th-(us) mowthe-th- [aaAx]
R: 7,223 -th-(a)t { S(er)uus nequ(a)m } had a name . and
for he ne wolde h(i)t vse [aaAx]
R: 7,224 He hadde maugre of his mayst(er) . eu(er) mor(e)
aft(er) [aaAx]
R: 7,225 and bynam hi(m) his na(m)me . for he ne wolde worche
R: 7,226 And -gh-af hi(m) in haste . -th-(a)t hadde ten -th-(er)
byfore [aaAx]
R: 7,227 and sitthe(n) hit seyde . -th-at his mayst(er) hit
hadde [aaAx]
R: 7,228 He -th-at ha-th- shal haue . to helpe -th-(er) nede
is [aaaAx]
R: 7,229 And he -th-(a)t nou-gh-t ha-th- . shal not ha(n)
ne no ma(n) hi(m) helpe [aaAa]
R: 7,230 And -th-at he weny-th- wel to haue . I wil -th-(a)t
h(i)t hi(m) be reued [aaAx]
R: 7,231 Kynde wit wolde . -th-at eche wit wrou-gh-the [aaAa]
R: 7,232 Or w(i)t(h) teching or tellyng . or traualyng of
hande [aaAx]
R: 7,233 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 7,234 -Th-e saut(er) sey-th- . in -th-e psalme of { Beati
omnes } [aaAx]
R: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) quia manducabis &c
} [Latin]
R: 7,235 He -th-(a)t get his fode her(e) . w(i)t(h) trauayl
of his hand(es) [aaXa]
R: 7,236 God geuy-th- he(m) his blessyng -th-at her(e) liflode
her(e) so wy(n)ne [????]
R: 7,237 -Gh-it I praye -th-e q(uo)d per(is) . for charite
-gh-if -th-(o)u kennys [aaAxx]
R: 7,238 eny lyf of lechecraft . ken hit me my dere [aaAx]
R: 7,239 for so(m)me of my s(er)uau(n)t(is) . ben sek o-th-er
while [aaAx]
R: 7,240 Of al -th-e wyke worche-th- not . so her(e) wo(m)be
aketh [aaAx]
R: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d hu(n)ger . what syknesse he(m)
eyle-th- [????]
R: 7,242 -Th-ei han ma(n)ged ou(er) mykel . -th-(a)t make-th-
grone ofte [aaAx]
R: 7,243 Ac I hote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)ger . as -th-ou -th-i(n)
hele weldest [aaAx]
R: 7,244 That -th-(o)u drynke no day . er -th-ou ete su(m)what
R: 7,245 and not ete . er hu(n)g(er) -th-e take . and sent
-th-e of his sauce [aaAx]
R: 7,246 to sauour(e) -th-i lyppus . and kep su(m) til sup(er)
tyme [aaAx]
R: 7,247 and syt not longe arys vp . er apetyt haue h(i)s
fylle [aaAx]
R: 7,248 Aris vp apetyt haue eten his fille [aaAx]
fol. 25v
R: 7,249 Let not sir(e) surfet . sit at -th-i bord [aaAx]
R: 7,250 lef not hi(m) he is a lecho(ur) . and libero(us)
of his tu(n)ge [aaAx]
R: 7,251 and after many man(er) met(is) . his mawe is alonged
R: 7,252 and -gh-if -th-(o)u diete -th-e -th-us . I dar ley(n)
my(n) armes [axAx]
R: 7,253 That fysyk shal his furred hod . for his fode selle
R: 7,254 And eke his cloke w(i)t(h) alabre . and -th-e knott(es)
of golde [aaAx]
R: 7,255 and be fayn by my fay . his fysyk to letyn [aaAx]
R: 7,256 and lerne [hi(m)] labour(e) w(i)t(h) lond . last
h(i)s lyflode hi(m) fayle [aaaAx]
R: 7,257 Ther are mo lyer(es) -th-a(n) lechys . god he(m)
amende [aaAx]
R: 7,258 -Th-ey don men deye w(i)t(h) her drynke . er(e)
destene wolde [aaAx]
R: 7,259 by seynt poul q(uo)d per(is) . -th-es ar(e) p(ro)fytable
word(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . lord hit -th-e for-gh-elde
R: 7,261 Wend now whe(n) -th-y wil is . for wel be -th-(o)u
euere [aaAx]
R: 7,262 I behote god q(uo)d hu(n)ger . hennys ne wil I wende
R: 7,263 Er(e) I haue dined by -th-is day . and ydrunke bo-th-e
R: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d per(is) . polet(is) to bugge
R: 7,265 Ney-th-(er) ges ne grys . but tweyne grete cheses
R: 7,266 a fewe cruddes and crem . and an auer cake [aaXa]
R: 7,267 a lof of benys and bren . ybake for my children
R: 7,268 and -gh-ut I sey by my soule . I haue no salt bakou(n)
R: 7,269 Ne no cokeney be crist . colloppes to make [aaAx]
R: 7,270 ac I haue p(er)sely and poret . many cool plant(is)
R: 7,271 and eke a kow and a calf . and a cart mare [aaAx]
R: 7,272 to drawe a felde -th-e du(n)ge . whil -th-e drouthe
lesty-th- [aaAx]
R: 7,273 By -th-(i)s liflode I most lyue . til la(m)masse
tyme [aaAx]
R: 7,274 by -th-(a)t I hope to haue . la(m)masse in my croft
R: 7,275 -th-a(n) may I dy-gh-the -th-i dyner . as -th-e
der(e) lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 7,276 al -th-e pore puple -th-e . pesecoddes fetten [aaAx]
R: 7,277 Benys and bake applys . -th-ei brou-gh-te in h(er)
lappes [aaAx]
R: 7,278 chibolles and skalonys . and ripe cheries manye
R: 7,279 and p(ro)fred per(is) -th-(i)s present . to plese
-th-(er)w(i)t(h) hu(n)ger [aaaAx]
fol. 26r
R: 7,280 And hu(n)ger ete -th-is in haste . and asked after
more [aaaAa]
R: 7,281 Tha(n) -th-is folk for fere . fetten hi(m) more
R: 7,282 Grene poret and pesyn . to poysone hi(m) -th-ey
-th-ou-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 7,283 by -th-a(n) hit neyhed heruest . and newe corn come
to towne [aaAbb]
R: 7,284 -Th-a(n) wer(e) folk fayn . and fedde hu(n)ger w(i)t(h)
-th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 7,285 W(i)t(h) goud ale and glotonye . -th-ei ger(e) hi(m)
to slepe [aaAx]
R: 7,286 -th-o wolde wasto(ur) not wyrche . but wandr(e)
aboute [aaAx]
R: 7,287 Ne no begger(e) ete bred . -th-at beny(n) come inne
R: 7,288 but coket and cler(e)maty(n) . or of clene whete
R: 7,289 Ne no(n) halpeny ale . on none wise drynke [aaAxx]?
R: 7,290 but of -th-e beste and -th-e bronneste . -th-at
brewester(is) sellyn [aaAx]
R: 7,291 Labourer(is) -th-at haue no lond . to lyue by but
her hand(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,292 deyne-th- not to dyne . o day ny-gh-th olde wort(is)
R: 7,293 Ther may no penyale he(m) paye . ne no pece of bakou(n)
R: 7,294 but h(i)t be fresch flesch . o-th-(er) fysche yfryed
R: 7,295 bo-th-e chaufed and plus chaufed . for chillyng
of her mawe [aaAx]
R: 7,296 but he be heylyche hered . ellys wil he grucche
R: 7,297 That he was ewer(e) ma(n) wrou-gh-t . warie -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
R: 7,298 and curse -th-e king . and al his cou(n)seyl after
R: 7,299 Suche lawes to loke . labourer(is) to chaste [aaAx]
R: 7,300 Ac whil hu(n)g(er) was her mayster her non wolde
chide [????]
R: 7,301 Ne stryue a-gh-en -th-e statute . so sternely he
lokede [aaAx]
R: 7,302 I warne -gh-ou werkma(n) . wy(n)ne-th- whil -gh-e
mowe [aaAx]
R: 7,303 ffor hu(n)ger hiderward . heyeth hi(m) faste [aaAx]
R: 7,304 He shal awake tho(ur) wat(er) . wastour(es) to chaste
R: 7,305 Er fyue wynt(er) be fuldfyld . such famy(n) shal
arise [aaAx]
R: 7,306 -Th-orw flod and foule weder(is) . cornes shul fayle
R: 7,307 And so sey-th- saturne . and sent -gh-ou to warne
Passus octauus de visione
R: 8,1 Truthe herde telle -th-(er)of . and to per(is) sente
R: 8,2 to takyn h(i)s tem . and his erthe tylie [aaAx]
fol. 26v
R: 8,3 And purchas hi(m) a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a culpa
} [aaAx]
R: 8,4 ffor hi(m) and his eyr(es) . euermore after [aaAa]
R: 8,5 And bad hi(m) hodde hi(m) at home . and erye(n) his
layes [aaAx]
R: 8,6 and -th-(a)t -gh-e shul helpe . to erie and to sowe
R: 8,7 or ony man(er) myst(er) . -th-(a)t my-gh-the per(is)
helpe [aaAx]
R: 8,8 Part in -th-at p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope ha-th- ygraunted
R: 8,9 King(es) and kni-gh-t(es) . -th-at kepe-th- holy cherche
R: 8.10 and ry-gh-thfully -th-e rewme . rewly-th- and -th-e
peple [aaAx]
R: 8,11 haue p(ar)dou(n) -th-orw p(ur)gatorie . to passe
ful sone [aaAx]
R: 8,12 W(i)t(h) patriarchis in p(ar)adis . to pleye -th-erafter
R: 8,13 Bysshopis -th-at blessen . and bo-th-e lawes ku(n)ne
R: 8,14 loke on -th-(a)t o lawe . and lere men -th-at o-th-er
R: 8,15 and bere bo-th-e on her bak . as h(er) ban(er) sheweth
R: 8,16 and prechen hir(e) p(er)sonys . -th-e p(er)il of
synne [aaAx]
R: 8,17 How -th-at -th-e shabbede shep . shul her(e) wolle
saue [aaAxx]?
R: 8,18 Haue p(ar)dou(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e apostel(is) . whe(n)
-th-ei passe(n) he(n)nys [aaAx]
R: 8,19 At -th-e day of dome . at her(e) deys to sitten [aaAx]
R: 8,20 marchau(n)t in -th-(a)t margyn . hadde(n) manye -gh-er(is)
R: 8,21 But none { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope nolde
grau(n)te [axAx]
R: 8,22 for -th-ei holde not h(er) holy dayes . as holy churche
techys [aaAx]
R: 8,23 and for -th-ei swer(e) by her(e) soule . & so
god mot he(m) helpe [aaAxx]
R: 8,24 A-gh-ens clene conciens . her(e) catel to selle [aaAx]
R: 8,25 And vnder his secret sel tru-th-e . sente hi(m) a
lettre [aaAx]
R: 8,26 and bad hi(m) begge baldely . what hi(m) best lykede
R: 8,27 and swythe selle h(i)t a-gh-en . and saue -th-e wy(n)nyng
R: 8,28 and make meysou(n) deu -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . mysese
to helpe [aaAx]
R: 8,29 Wyckede weyes . wytly to amende [aaAx]
R: 8,30 and -th-inke on brygg(es) aboute . -th-(a)t tobroke
were [aaaAx]
R: 8,31 maryen maydenys also . or make he(m) nou(n)nes [aaAx]
R: 8,32 Pore widnes -th-(a)t wiln . be wyues no(n) ofter
R: 8,33 ffynde(n) suche her(e) fode . for our(e) lord(is)
loue of heuene [aaAbb]
fol. 27r
R: 8,34 Sette scoler(is) to scole . or su(m) kennys craft(is)
R: 8,35 Releyue religio(us) . and rente(n) hem betere [aaAx]
R: 8,36 And I shal sende myself . michael my(n) au(n)gel
R: 8,37 That no deuel shal -gh-ou der(e) . deye whe(n) -gh-e
deye [aaAa]
R: 8,38 -Th-(a)t I ne shal sende his soule . saf into heuene
R: 8,39 and byfor(e) -th-e face of my fader . for me -gh-ou
sette [aaAx]
R: 8,40 Vsur(e) auarice and o-th-es I defende [????]
R: 8,41 That no gile go w(i)t(h) -gh-ou . but -th-e grete
tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 8,42 -Th-an were marchau(n)t(is) merie . and some wepe
for ioye [aaAx]
R: 8,43 And -gh-af wille for his wrytyng . wollene clo-th-es
R: 8,44 ffor he copede -th-us hir(e) clause . hy konne hi(m)
gret mede [aaAx]
R: 8,45 Men of lawe hadde lene . for lered -th-ei ben alle
R: 8,46 and so seyt -th-e sauter . and sapience bo-th-e [aaAx]?
R: 8,46a { Sup(er) i(n)nocente(m) mun(er)a n(on) accipies
a regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) erit } [Latin]
R: 8,47 Of prynces and of p(re)lat(is) . her(e) penciou(n)
shal arise [aaAx]
R: 8,48 and of no por(e) peple . no penewor-th- to take [aaAx]
R: 8,49 Ac -th-(a)t spendi-th- his speche . to speke for
-th-e pore [aaAx]
R: 8,50 -Th-(a)t innoce(n)t is and nedy . and no ma(n) apeyre
R: 8,51 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 8,52 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 8,53 Shal no deuel at his de-th- day . derie hi(m) a myte
R: 8,54 -Th-at he ne wor-th- saf sykerly . and so sey-th-
-th-e sauter [aaAa]
R: 8,55 ac do bugge water ne wynd . and wit is -th-e -th-ridde
R: 8,56 wolde neu(er)e holy writ . god wot -th-e so-th-e
R: 8,57 These -th-re for thrall(is) . be-th- p(ro)ued among
vs alle [aaAx]
R: 8,58 to waxen and wanyen . -th-e while god lyke-th- [aaAx]
R: 8,59 his p(ar)dou(n) in purgatorye . wel petit is I trowe
R: 8,60 -Th-at ony mede of mene me(n) . for motyng reseyue(n)
R: 8,61 -Gh-e legister(is) and lawyer(es) . -gh-e wyte -gh-if
I lye [aaXa]
R: 8,62 syn -gh-e se hit is -th-us . shewe-th- -th-e beste
R: 8,63 Alle lyuynge labourer(is) . -th-(a)t lyue(n) by her(e)
hand(es) [aaAx]
R: 8,64 -Th-at trulyche taken . and trulyche wynnen [aaAx]
R: 8,65 And lyue in loue and i(n) lawe . for her(e) lowe
herte [aaaAx]
fol. 27v
R: 8,66 Hadde -th-e same absolucyou(n) . -th-at sent was to
per(is) [aaAx]
R: 8,67 Begger(is) and bydder(is) . be-th- not in the bulle
R: 8,68 but -th-e suggestionys be so-th- . -th-(a)t hi(m)
nede to begge [aaAx]
R: 8,69 for he -th-at begge-th- or bidde-th- . but -gh-if
he haue nede [aaAxx]
R: 8,70 He is fals w(i)t(h) -th-e fend . and frawde-th- -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
R: 8,71 And eke gile-th- -th-e gyuer(e) . ageyns his wille
R: 8,72 -Th-ey lyue not in loue . ne no lawe holden [aaAx]
R: 8,73 -Th-ey wedde no wy(m)men . -th-at -th-ei w(i)t(h)
delyn [aaAx]
R: 8,74 but as wilde best(is) w(i)t(h) whe he . and wor-th-
vp togeder(is) [aaAx]
R: 8,75 And brynge for-th- barnys . -th-(a)t barnes ben yholden
R: 8,76 or his bak or his bon . -th-ei brekyn in his -gh-outhe
R: 8,77 and gon and fayte(n) w(i)t(h) her fau(n)tes . for
eu(er)mor(e) after [aaAxx]
R: 8,78 -Th-(er) be-th- mo mysshape amo(n)g(es) he(m) . whoso
take hede [aaaXx]
R: 8,79 -Th-a(n) of alle o-th-er man(er) ma(n) . -th-(a)t
on -th-(i)s molde wa(n)dryn [aaAx]
R: 8,80 -Th-o -th-at haue -th-us her(e) lyf . mow lo-th-e
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
R: 8,81 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e he was ma(n) wrou-gh-th . whe(n)
he shal he(n)nys fare [xaAx]?
R: 8,82 and olde me(n) and hore . -th-(a)t ar(e) helples
of streng-th-e [aaAx]
R: 8,83 And wy(m)men w(i)t(h) childe . -th-at wyrche ne mowe
R: 8,84 Blynde and blereyde . and broken her(e) me(m)br(is)
R: 8,85 -Th-at take-th- her(e) myschef mekely . as meselis
and o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
R: 8,86 haue as pleyn p(ar)dou(n) . as plow me(n) he(m) selue(n)
R: 8,87 Of her(e) low herte . our(e) lord ha-th- hem ygraunted
R: 8,88 Her(e) penau(n)ce and her(e) p(ur)gatorie . vpon
-th-(i)s pley(n) erthe [aaAx]
R: 8,89 Per(is) q(uo)d a prest . -th-i p(ar)do(n) most I
rede [aaAx]
R: 8,90 I shal co(n)struy eu(er)y clause . and telle h(i)t
-th-e on englys [aaAx]
R: 8,91 And per(is) at his prayer . his p(ar)dou(n) vnfolde-th-
R: 8,92 and I byhynde he(m) bo-th-e . beheld al -th-e bulle
R: 8,93 in to lynys h(i)t lay . and not a lettere more [aaAx]
R: 8,94 hit was write(n) ry-gh-t -th-us . in witnesse of
tru-th-e [axAx]
R: 8,95 { Et qui bona egeru(n)t ibu(n)t in uita(m) et(er)nam
} [Latin]
R: 8,96 { Qui uero mala in ignem et(er)num } [Latin]
fol. 28r
R: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d -th-e prest -th-o . I can no p(ar)dou(n)
fynde [aaAx]
R: 8,98 but do wel and haue wel . and god shal haue -th-i
soule [????]
R: 8.99 and do euyl and haue euyl . trust -th-(o)u no(n)
o-th-er [aaAx]
R: 8,100 -Th-an after -th-i de-th- day . -th-(o)u shalt wende
to helle [????]
R: 8,101 And per(es) -th-o for tene . pulled h(i)t asund(ir)
and seyde [aaAx]
R: 8,102 { Si ambulauero in medio umbre mortis: no(n) timebo
} [Latin]
R: 8,103 { mala q(uonia)m tu mecu(m) es } [Latin]
R: 8,104 I shal sece of my sowyng q(uo)d per(is) . and swy(n)ke
not so harde [aaxAx]
R: 8,105 ne aboute my lyflode . so busy be nomore [aaAx]
R: 8,106 of prayer(es) of penau(n)ce . my plow shal be her(e)aft(ir)
R: 8,107 and beloure -th-(a)t I bylowe . er(e) -th-ey liflode
me fayle [aaAx]
R: 8,108 -Th-e p(ro)phete his peyne ha-th- . in penau(n)s
and i(n) wepyng [aaAx]
R: 8,109 by -th-at -th-e saut(er) vs sey-th- . and so dude
many o-th-(er)e [aaAxx]
R: 8,110 -Th-at loue-th- god lelly . his lyflode is -th-e
more [aaAx]
R: 8,110a { Fueru(n)t m(ich)i lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
} [Latin]
R: 8,111 And but -gh-if -th-e boke lye . he telle-th- vs
ano-th-er [aaAx]
R: 8,112 by foules -th-(a)t are not busey . aboute -th-e
bely ioye [????]
R: 8,113 { Non soliciti scitis } [aaAx]
R: 8,114 he seyt in h(i)s gospel . and shewe-th- h(i)t vs
R: 8,115 by on exau(m)ple . our(e) selue to wisse [aaAx]
R: 8,117 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 8,116 Wha(n) -th-e frost frese-th- . fode he(m) byhoueth
R: 8,117 -th-ei haue no gerner to go to . but god fynt he(m)
alle [aaAx]
R: 8,118 q(uo)d -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . by crist as me
thenke-th- [aaAx]
R: 8,119 -Th-ou art lerned a lytel . who lered -th-e on boke
R: 8,120 Abstinence my(n) au(n)te . my(n) a.b.c me tau-gh-the
R: 8,121 And conciens com aft(er) . and tau-gh-the me moche
more [aaAx]
R: 8,122 Wer(e) -th-(o)u a prest per(is) . -th-(o)u my-gh-t
p(re)che whe(n) -th-e lykede [aaAx]
R: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m literatura(m) no(n) cognoui } . my-gh-the
be -th-i teme [????]
R: 8,124 Lewed lorel q(uo)d per(is) . litel lokest -th-(o)u
on -th-y byble [aaxAx]
R: 8,125 on salomonys sawes . litel -th-ou beholdest [aaAx]
R: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & uirga cu(m) eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
fol. 28v
R: 8,126 The prest and p(er)ky(n) . aposed her(e) ey-th-(er)
o-th-er [aaAx]
R: 8,127 and -th-orw her(e) word(is) I awok . a(n) wayted
aboute [aaAx]
R: 8,128 and saw -th-e so(n)ne eu(er)e sou-th- . sytte -th-(a)t
tyme [aaaAx]
R: 8,129 meteles and moneyles . vpon malu(er)ne hullys [aaAx]
R: 8,130 --- run together with following ---
R: 8,131 Mamelyng on -th-is metelys . made me to studie [aaAx]
R: 8,132 and for per(is) me(n) -th-e plowma(n) . wel pensyf
in herte [aaAx]
R: 8,133 for -th-(a)t I saw sleping . -gh-if hit so be my-gh-the
R: 8,134 and catou(n) co(n)struit hit nay . and canonistres
bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 8,134a And Iugyn he(m) selue(n) { Sompnia ne cures &c
} [Latin]
R: 8,135 and for -th-e bible bere-th- witnysse how [aa??]
R: 8,136 Dauid demede . -th-e dremys of a kny-gh-th [aaAx]
R: 8,137 -Th-at nabagodonosor . memned -th-is clerk [aaAx]
R: 8,138 Danyel seyde sire king . -th-i sweue is to mene
R: 8,139 That vnkyd kny-gh-t shal come . -th-i kyngdou(m)
cleyme [aaaAx]
R: 8,140 among lower(e) lord(is) . -th-i kingda(m) shal be
departed [aaAx]
R: 8,141 as daniel demed . in dede hit byfel after [aaAx]
R: 8,142 -Th-e king les his lordschep . lasse men hit hadde
R: 8,143 And Iosep mette meruelyusly . hou -th-e mone and
-th-e su(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 8,144 and -th-e xj sterr(is) . hayled hym alle [axAa]
R: 8,145 { bew sir(e) } q(uo)d his fader . for defaute we
shulle [aaAx]
R: 8,146 I myself and my sones . sekyn -th-e for nede [aaAx]
R: 8,147 And h(i)t befel as -th-e fader . seyde in pharaoys
tyme [aaAx]
R: 8,148 -Th-at Iosep was iustise . egypt to kepe [aaAx]
R: 8,149 Al -th-(i)s make-th- me . on metelys to thinke [aaAx]
R: 8,150 Many tymes at mydny-gh-t . whe(n) me(n) shulde slepe
R: 8,151 On per(is) plowma(n) . whych a p(ar)dou(n) he haue-th-
R: 8,152 and hou -th-e prest enpugned hit . al by pur(e)
resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 8,153 And demed -th-at dowel . indulgence passy-th- [aaAx]
R: 8,154 byenal(is) and trienal(is) . and bisshopes lettres
R: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e day of dome . is dignelyche vnderfonge
R: 8,156 He passe-th- al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seynt petr(es)
cherche [aaAx]
fol. 29r
R: 8,157 Now ha-th- -th-e pope power . p(ar)dou(n) to graunte
R: 8,158 -Th-e peple w(i)t(h) a penau(n)s . to passe to Ioye
R: 8,159 -Th-is a lef of our(e) byleue . as lettred me(n)
vs teche [aaAx]
R: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram &c
} [Latin]
R: 8,160 and so I leue lely . lord forbede ellys [aaAx]
R: 8,161 -Th-at prayer(es) and p(ar)dou(n) and penau(n)s
be(n) salue [aaAx]
R: 8,162 to soules -th-at heue sy(n)ned . seuene sythes dedly
R: 8,163 Ac to truste on -th-is tryenal(es) . truly me -th-inke-th-
R: 8,164 h(i)t is not so syker for -th-e soule . certus as
do wel [aaAx]
R: 8,165 for-th-i I rede now -th-inke-th- . -th-ei -th-(a)t
ben on er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 8,166 Vpon trust of -gh-o(ur) tresour(e) . trienal(is)
to haue [aaAx]
R: 8,167 Be -th-(o)u neuer(e) -th-e bolder . to breke -th-e
x hest(is) [aaAx]
R: 8,168 And namly -gh-e maystr(is) . as meyr(is) and Iuges
R: 8,169 -th-ei haue -th-e wel-th-e of -th-is word . for
who so me(n) be yholde [aaAx]
R: 8,170 to purchace p(ar)dou(n) . and -th-e popes bulles
R: 8,171 At -th-e day of dome . whan dede shul arise [aaAx]
R: 8,172 and come alle byfore crist . acou(n)t(es) to -gh-elde
R: 8,173 how -th-(o)u ledest -th-i lyf her(e) . and h(i)s
lawe keptest [aaAx]
R: 8,174 What -th-(o)u dedust day by day . -th-e dou(m) wil
reherse [aaaAx]
R: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) -th-er(e) . ne p(ro)uinciales
letter(es) [aaAx]
R: 8,176 -th-ou-gh- -th-(o)u be fou(n)de in -th-e frat(er)nite
. of alle -th-e iiij orderes [aaAx]
R: 8,177 And haue indulge(n)ce duble fold . but dowel -gh-ou
helpe [aaAx]
R: 8,178 I nolde -gh-yue for -th-e pate(n)t of -th-i p(ar)dou(n)
o fleis hele [????]
R: 8,179 for-th-i I co(n)ceyle alle criste(n) . to crie god
mercy [aaAx]
R: 8,180 and marie his moder . to be(n) mene betwy(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 8,181 That god -gh-if vs grace . her er we gon hennys
R: 8,182 [S]uche werk(is) to worche . while we ben here [aaAx]
R: 8,183 -Th-at aft(er) our(e) de-th- day . dowel reherse
R: 8,184 [-Th-]at at -th-e day of dome . we dude as we au-gh-the
Amen [aaAx]
Explicit hic visio will(elm)i de pet(r)o &c Et hi(c) incipit
vita de dowel dobet & dobest s(e)c(un)d(u)m wit & resou(n)
fol. 29v
R: 9,1 Thus yrobed in russet . I romed aboute [aaAx]
R: 9,2 al a somer sesou(n) . for to seche dowel [aaAx]
R: 9,3 And I frayned wel ofte . of folk -th-(a)t I mette
R: 9,4 -Gh-if ony wiste where . dowel was at inne [aaAx]
R: 9,5 And what ma(n) he my-gh-the be . of meny ma(n) I frayned
R: 9,6 Was -th-er neu(er)e wy-gh-th as I wene . -th-(a)t
me wisse cowde [aaAx]
R: 9,7 Wher -th-(i)s lode longe-th- . lasse ne more [aaAx]
R: 9,8 til hit fel on a fryday . two frer(is) I mette [aaAx]
R: 9,9 Mayster(is) of -th-e menour(es) . me(n) of gret wyt
R: 9,10 and haylsed hem hendely . as I hadde lerned [aaAx]
R: 9,11 and prayde he(m) for cherite . er -th-ei passed fer-th-er
R: 9,12 -Gh-if -th-ey knewe ony cou(n)tre . or cost(is) aboute
R: 9,13 Wher -th-at dowel duelly-th- . do-th- me to wisse
R: 9,14 Marie q(uo)d -th-o maystr(is) . at hom w(i)t(h) vs
he duelle-th- [aaAx]
R: 9,15 and euer(e) ha-th- as I hope . and eu(er)e shal her(e)after
R: 9,16 { Contra } q(uo)d I as a clerk . and gan to disputen
R: 9,16a {Sepcies in die cadet iustus &c } [Latin]
R: 9,17 Seuene sythes on -th-e day sey-th- -th-e book . falle-th-
-th-e rytful [aaAx]
R: 9,18 and whoso synnes he sayde . cert(is) me thinkes [aaAx]
R: 9,19 -Th-at dowel and do euel . mow not duelle togeder(es)
R: 9,20 { Ergo } he is nowt alway at hom among -gh-ou frer(is)
R: 9,21 He is o-th-(er)while ell(is) wher . to wissen -th-e
peple [aaAx]
R: 9,22 I shal sey -th-e my sawe . seyde -th-e frere -th-anne
R: 9,23 How vij sy-th-es on -th-e day -th-e sadde man synnes
R: 9,24 by a forebysne q(uo)d -th-e frere . I shal -th-e
fayr(e) shewe [aaAx]
R: 9,25 Let brynge a man in a bot . amydd(es) a brod water
R: 9,26 -Th-e wynd and -th-e wat(ir) . and -th-e waggeng
of -th-e bote [aaAx]
R: 9,27 Make-th- -th-e ma(n) many tyme . to falle and to
stande [aaaXx]
R: 9,28 for stonde he neu(er)e so styf . he stu(m)ble-th-
in -th-e wagging [aaAx]
R: 9,29 And -gh-it he is saf and sound . and so hi(m) byhoues
R: 9,30 ffor -gh-if he ne arise ra-th-er . and rau-gh-the
-th-e sterne [aaAx]
fol. 30r
R: 9,31 -Th-e wynd wolde w(i)t(h) -th-e wat(ir) . -th-e bot
ou(er)throwe [aaaXx]
R: 9,32 -Th-(er) wer(e) -th-e ma(n)nys lyf ylost . for lachesse
of hi(m)selue [aaAx]
R: 9,33 Ry-gh-t -th-(us) hit fare-th- q(uo)d -th-e frere
. w(i)t(h) folk her(e) on er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 9,34 -th-e wat(ir) is lyk to -th-is word . -th-(a)t waxe-th-
and wanyes [aaAa]
R: 9,35 -Th-e god(is) of -th-e grou(n)de . be-th- lyk to
-th-e wawes [aaAx]
R: 9,36 And as wyndes and water(is) . wawes abowte [aaAx]
R: 9,37 The bot is lik to -th-e body . -th-at brotel is of
kinde [aaAx]
R: 9,38 and -th-ow -th-e fend and -th-e flesh . and -th-e
falce word [aaAx]
R: 9,39 sy-th-e(n) -th-e sadde ma(n) seuene . sithes on -th-e
day [aaaAx]
R: 9,40 Ac dedly synne do-th- he not . for dowel hi(m) helpe-th-
R: 9,41 That is charite -th-e cha(m)piou(n) . chef helpe
of alle [aaAx]
R: 9,42 a-gh-en vij to stonde . he stery-gh-t -th-e soule
R: 9,43 -Th-(a)t -th-ey -th-e body bowe . as a bot do-th-
on -th-e water [aaAx]
R: 9,44 ay is the soule saf . but -th-(o)u -th-iself wilt
R: 9,45 ffolwe -th-i fleschly wil . and -th-e fend after
R: 9,46 and do dedly synne . and drenche -th-y soule [aaAx]
R: 9,47 God wil suffre -th-e to deye so . for -th-(o)u hast
-th-e maystry [aaAx]
R: 9,48 I haue no kinde knowyng q(uo)d I . to co(n)seyue
-th-i word(is) [aaAx]
R: 9,49 And -gh-if I may lyue and loke . I shal go lere fer-th-er
R: 9,50 I bykenne -th-e crist . -th-at on -th-e cros deyde
R: 9,51 And -th-ei seyde -th-e same . saue -th-e fro myschau(n)s
R: 9,52 And gif -th-e grace on -th-(i)s er-th-e . in goud
lyf to ende [aabAb]
R: 9,53 Thus I we(n)te wide wher . dowel to seche [aaAx]
R: 9,54 and as I wente by a wode . walkyng my(n) one [aaAx]
R: 9,55 Blysse of -th-e brydd(is) . madene me to abyde [aaXa]
R: 9,56 and vnder lynde vpon a lau(n)de . lened I me a stou(n)de
R: 9,57 To ly-th-en -th-e layes . -th-e louely brydd(is)
madyn [aaAx]
R: 9,58 blisse of -th-e brydd(is) . brou-gh-te me a slepe
R: 9,59 -Th-e meruelyouste metyng . mette me -th-anne [aaAx]
R: 9,60 -Th-at eu(er)e dry-gh-t in doute drempte as I wene
R: 9,61 A meke ma(n) me thou-gh--th-e . lyk to my selue(n)
fol. 30v
R: 9,62 Com and calde me . by my ry-gh-the name [aaAx]
R: 9,63 What art -th-(o)u q(uo)d I . that my name knowest
R: 9,64 -Th-at wost -th-(o)u wel q(uo)d he . and no wy-gh-th
betere [aaAx]
R: 9,65 Wot I q(uo)d I who art -th-(o)u . thout-gh- -th-an
he seyde [aaAa]
R: 9,66 I haue s(er)ued -th-e -th-is vij -gh-er(e) . sey
-th-(o)u me no ra-th-er [aaAx]
R: 9,67 Art -th-(o)u thaut q(uo)d I . -th-ou coudest me telle
R: 9,68 Wher dowel dwelle-th- . and do me to wisse [aaAx]
R: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he and dobet . and dobest -th-e thridde
R: 9,70 are -th-re fayre vertues . and be-th- not fer to
fynde [aaAa]
R: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mou-th- . and mylde of his speche
R: 9,72 trewe of tou(n)ge . and of his two handis [aaAx]
R: 9,73 And -th-orw -th-e labo(ur) of his hand(es) . his
lyflode wy(n)ne-th- [aaAx]
R: 9,74 and trost of his taylende . take-th- but his owyn
R: 9,75 And is not dru(n)kelew ne denyous . dowel hi(m) folwy-th-
R: 9,76 Dobet -th-us do-th- . he do-th- moche more [aaAx]
R: 9,77 He is as low as a lomb . and louely of speche [aaAx]
R: 9,78 whil he ha-th- of his owyn . he dely-th- -th-(er)
most nede is [aaAx]
R: 9,79 -Th-e bagges of -th-e bigerdelys . he ha-th- broke
he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 9,80 -Th-at erle auarous hadde and his eyres [aa??]
R: 9,81 And w(i)t(h) ma(m)monas mone . he ha-th- mad hi(m)
frend(is) [aaAx]
R: 9,82 And is ronne to -th-e relygious . and ha-th- re(n)dred
-th-e bible [aaAx]
R: 9,83 And preche-th- -th-e peple . seynt powles word(is)
R: 9,83a { Libent(er) suffertis &c } [Latin]
R: 9,84 -Th-e wise suffret-gh- -th-e onwise . w(i)t(h) -gh-ou
for to lybbe [aaAxx]
R: 9,85 And w(i)t(h) glad wil do he(m) good . for so god
hi(m) hy-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 9,86 Dobest is aboue he(m) bo-th-e . and bere-th- a bisshopes
crose [aaaAa]
R: 9,87 yhoked at -th-(a)t on ende . to holde hi(m) in good
lyf [aaAx]
R: 9,88 A pyk in -th-e potent . to pycche adou(n) wickede
R: 9,89 That haunte-th- eny wickednesse . dowel to tene [aaAx]
R: 9,90 And as dowel and dobet . don hi(m) to vnderstonde
R: 9,91 -Th-ey haue crouned a king . to kepin he(m) alle
fol. 31r
R: 9,92 And -gh-if dowel and dobet . dedyn a-gh-enst dobest
R: 9,93 And were vnbuxou(m) at his biddyng . and bold to
don ille [aaAx]
R: 9,94 -Th-a(n) -th-e king shulde come . and caste he(m)
in p(ri)sou(n) [aaAx]
R: 9,95 And putte he(m) -th-er in penau(n)s . w(i)t(h)oute
pite or grace [aaAx]
R: 9,96 but -gh-if dobest prey for hem abyde -th-er for euer(e)
R: 9,97 Thus dowel and dobet . and dobest -th-e thridde [aaAx]
R: 9,98 Crouned on to be king . and by his cou(n)seyl wrou-gh-the
R: 9,99 and rewlen -th-e rewme . by red of hem alle [aaAx]
R: 9,100 and o-th-(er) wise and ell(is) not but as -th-ei
-th-re asente [????]
R: 9,101 I -th-anked -th-ou-gh-th -th-o . so -th-at he me
so tau-gh-the [aaaAxx]?
R: 9,102 and -gh-it sauoure-th- me not -th-i seggyng . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
R: 9,103 more kynde knowing . I coueyte to lerne [aaAx]
R: 9,104 how dowel and dobet and dobest . don on -th-(i)s
erthe [aaaAx]
R: 9,105 But wit cou(n)ne wisse -th-e thou-gh-t . wher(e)
-th-o -th-re duellyn [aaxAx]
R: 9,106 ellys wot no man . -th-at now is on erthe [????]
R: 9,107 -Th-ou-gh-t and I -th-us . -th-re dayes we -gh-ede
R: 9,108 Disputyng on dowel . day after o-th-er [aaAx]
R: 9,109 And er we war were . wit gan we mete [aaAx]
R: 9,110 le was long and lene . lyk to non o-th-er [aaAx]
R: 9,111 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 9,112 Sad of his sembland . and of a sad speche [aaAx]?
R: 9,113 I durste meue no matere . to make hi(m) to Iangle
R: 9,114 But as I bad -th-ou-gh-t -th-o be mene bytwynne
R: 9,115 to putte fur-th- sou(m) purpos . to p(ro)uen his
witt(es) [aaAx]
R: 9,116 -Th-a(n)ne -th-ou-gh-th in -th-at tyme . sayde -th-ese
word(is) [aaaAx]
R: 9,117 Wher(e) -th-at dowel and dobet . & dobest wer(e)
in londe [aaAx]
R: 9,118 Here his wil wolde Iwite . -gh-if wit coude teche
Passus prim(us) de dowel
R: 10,1 Sir(e) dowel dwelle-th- q(uo)d wit . not a day he(n)nys
R: 10,2 in a castel -th-at kynde made . of four(e) ke(n)nys
-th-ing(es) [aaAx]?
R: 10,3 of er-th-e of eyr(e) hit is made . medled togederes
R: 10,4 W(i)t(h) wynd and w(i)t(h) wat(ir) . enioyned wittily
fol. 31v
R: 10,5 Kynde ha-th- closed -th-(er)in . craftily w(i)t(h)
alle [aaAx]
R: 10,6 A le(m)man -th-at he loue-th- . lyk to hi(m) selue
R: 10,7 { Anima } hit hatte-th- . to her(e) ha-th- enuye
R: 10,8 a proud pryker(e) of frau(n)ce . { Princeps hui(us)
mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
R: 10,9 And wolde wynne hur(e) away . w(i)t(h) wyles -gh-if
he my-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 10,10 and kinde knowe-th- -th-is wel . and kepi-th- hur(e)
-th-e betere [aaAx]
R: 10,11 and do hur(e) to sir(e) dowel . duk of -th-e marches
R: 10,12 Dobet is hur(e) damesele . sir(e) dowelis dou-gh-ter
R: 10,13 And s(er)ue-th- -th-is lady lely . bothe late and
ra-th-e [aaAx]
R: 10,14 -Th-(us) dowel and dobet . and dobest -th-e thridde
R: 10,15 ben maystr(is) of -th-(i)s mare . -th-is mayden
to kepe [aaAx]
R: 10,16 -th-e cou(n)stable of -th-e castel . -th-at kepy-th-
hem alle [aaAx]
R: 10,17 ys a wys kny-gh-t w(i)t(h)all(e) . sir(e) inwit
he hatte-th- [aaAx]
R: 10,18 and fyue fayre sones . by his furste wyue [aaAx]
R: 10,19 Sir(e) see wel and sey wel . and her(e) wel -th-e
ende [aaAx]
R: 10,20 Sir(e) wyrch wel w(i)t(h) -th-y(n) hond . and w(i)t(h)
ma(n) of streng-th-e [aaxAx]
R: 10,21 Sir(e) godfrey dowel . grete lord(is) alle [aaAx]
R: 10,22 -th-ese syxe be-th- yset . to saue -th-e castel
R: 10,23 to kepe -th-is wy(m)man . wise men be(n) charged
R: 10,24 til kynde come or sente . and kepe her(e) hi(m)selue
R: 10,25 What calle -gh-e -th-(a)t castel q(uo)d I . -th-(a)t
kynde ha-th- ymaked [aaAx]
R: 10,26 and of what kennys -th-ing . conne -gh-e me telle
R: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is ceato(ur) . of alle ky(n)nes
best(is) [aaAx]
R: 10,28 fader and former(e) . -th-e furste of alle -th-ing(es)
R: 10,29 And -th-at he is grete god . -th-(a)t gy(n)nyng
hadde neuere [aaAx]
R: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lyf and of lyt . of blysse and of
peyne [aaaAx]
R: 10,31 Au(n)gelys and al -th-ing . arn at his wille [aaAx]
R: 10,32 and ma(n) is hi(m) most lyk . of mark and of shappe
R: 10,33 ffor thur -th-e word -th-at he warp . waxe for-th-
bestes [aaAx]
R: 10,34 And al at his wille . was wrou-gh-t w(i)t(h) a speche
R: 10,34a { Dixit & facta su(n)t &c } [Latin]
fol. 32r
R: 10,35 Saue ma(n) -th-at he made . ymage to hi(m) seluen
R: 10,36 -Gh-af hi(m) of his godhede . and grau(n)ted hi(m)
blysse [aaAx]
R: 10,37 Lyf -th-(a)t ay shal laste . and al his lynage after
R: 10,38 -Th-at is -th-e castel of kynde made . { caro }
hit hatte-th- [aaAx]
R: 10,39 As moche to mene . as ma(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e soule
R: 10,40 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 10,41 -th-ur-gh- my-gh-th of -th-e mageste . man was ymaked
R: 10,41a { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymagine(m) n(os)tram
} [Latin]
R: 10,42 Inwit and alle witt(es) . enclosed ben -th-(er)inne
R: 10,43 for loue of -th-(a)t lady . -th-(a)t lyf is ynempned
R: 10,44 -Th-at is { Anima } -th-(a)t oueral . -th-e body
wandre-th- [aaXx]
R: 10,45 ac in -th-e herte is hur(e) hom . heyest of alle
R: 10,46 He is lyf and leder(e) . and le(m)man of heuene
R: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e help . -th-at { a(n)i(m)a } desyret
R: 10,48 after -th-e grace of god . inwit is -th-e grettest
R: 10,49 inwit in -th-e hed is . an help to -th-e soule [aaAx]
R: 10,50 ffor -th-ur-gh- his cu(n)nyng is kept . { caro & a(n)i(m)a
} [aaAx]
R: 10,51 in reule and in resou(n) . but reccheles h(i)t make
R: 10,52 he egge-th- eye sy-gh-t . and hering to gode [aaAx]
R: 10,53 of speche and of going . he is bygynnere [aaAx]
R: 10,54 In ma(n)nys bray(n) he is most . and my-gh-thiest
to knowe [aaAx]
R: 10,55 -Th-(er) is h(i)s bour(e) bremest . but hot blod
hit make [aaAx]
R: 10,56 for whan blod is bremer(e) -th-a(n) brayn . -th-a(n)
is -th-e wit bou(n)den [aaaXa]
R: 10,57 and ek wantou(n) and wilde . w(i)t(h)oute(n) ony
resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 10,58 In faunt(es) and folys . in he(m) fayle-th- inwit
R: 10,59 and ek in sottes -th-(o)u my-gh-t se . -th-at sytten
at -th-e ale [aaAx]
R: 10,60 -Th-ei helden ale in here hed . til inwit be drenchid
R: 10,61 and be(n) brayned as best(is) . so her(e) blod waxit
R: 10,62 Tha(n) ha-th- -th-e pouke power . sir(e) { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mu(n)di }
R: 10,63 ouer swiche man(er) me(n) . my-gh-tis in here soulys
R: 10,64 and in fau(n)t(is) and folys . -th-e fend ha-th-
no wit [aaAx]
R: 10,65 for no werk -th-(a)t -th-ei werchy(n) . wikked or
ellys [aaAx]
fol. 32v
R: 10,66 But -th-e fader(e) and -th-e frendes . for fau(n)tes
shul be blamed [aaAx]
R: 10,67 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 10,68 and -th-ei be por(e) and catelles . and kepy(n)
hem from ylle xxXx|
R: 10,69 -Th-a(n) is holycherche awenge . to helpe hem saue
R: 10,70 ffro folyes and fynde(n) he(m) . til -th-ei ben
wisere [aaAx]?
R: 10,71 Ac eche wit in -th-is word . -th-at ha-th- vnderstondyng
R: 10,72 is chef souere(n) ou(er) hi(m) self . his soule
to -gh-eme [aaAx]
R: 10,73 and chefueschy(n) for ony charg . wha(n) childhod
passe-th- [aaAx]
R: 10,74 Saue hi(m) self fro synne . for so hi(m) byhoueth
R: 10,75 ffor werche he wel o-th-(er) wrong . -th-e wit is
his owe(n) [aaaAx]
R: 10,76 -Th-an is dowel a duk . and distroye-th- vices [aaAx]
R: 10,77 and saue-th- -th-e soule . -th-(a)t synne ha-th-
no my-gh-th [aaAx]
R: 10,78 to route ne to reste . to rote in -th-in herte [aaAx]
R: 10,79 And -th-(a)t is drede of god . dowel hit make-th-
R: 10,80 and is gy(n)nyng of goudnesse . god for to dowte
R: 10,81 Salomo(n) hit seyde . for a so-th- tale [aaAx]
R: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie timor do(m)i(n)i &c }
R: 10,82 for doute men do-th- -th-e bet . for drede is such
a mayster [aaxAx]
R: 10,83 That he make-th- me(n) mylde . and mek of her speche
R: 10,84 And alle sky(n)nys skoler(is) . in scole to lere
R: 10,85 -Th-a(n) is dobet to be war(e) . for betyng of -th-e
-gh-erd(es) [aaAx]
R: 10,86 and -th-(er) sey-th- -th-e sauter . -th-e psalme
-th-(o)u my-gh-t rede [aaAx]
R: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tuus &c } [Latin]
R: 10,88 Ac -gh-if clene conciens . acorde and -th-iself
do wel [aaAx]
R: 10,89 Wille -th-(o)u neuer(e) in -th-(i)s word . why for
to don beter(e) [aaAx]
R: 10,90 for { intencio indicat ho(m)i(n)em } [Latin]
R: 10,91 w(i)t(h) cou(n)seyl of conciens . acordyng w(i)t(h)
holy cherche [aaAx]
R: 10,92 Loke -th-(o)u wisse -th-i wit . and -th-i werk(es)
after [aaAx]
R: 10,93 for -gh-if -th-(o)u co(m)sest agayn co(n)cie(n)s
. -th-(o)u co(m)brest -th-i selue(n) [aaAx]
R: 10,94 and so witnesse-th- god(dis) word . and holycherche
after [aaAx]
R: 10,94a { Q(u)i agit co(n)tra concienciam ed(ificat) ad
condemnationem &c } [Latin]
R: 10,95 Ac -gh-if -th-(o)u werche by god(is) word . I warne
-th-e -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 10,96 What so me(n) wo(n)dryn . of -th-e wratthe -th-e
neu(er)e [aaAx]?
R: 10,97 Catou(n) conceylyt-gh- so . tak kepe of -th-is -th-ing
R: 10,98 { Cu(m) recte uiuas ne cures uerba malor(um) } [Latin]
fol. 33r
R: 10,99 but suffr(e) and sit stille . ne seke -th-(o)u no
fer-th-er [aaaAx]
R: 10,100 And be glad of -th-(a)t grace . -th-(a)t god ha-th-
-th-e sente [aaAx]
R: 10,101 for -gh-if -th-ou comsest to clymbe . and coueytest
hyere [aaAx]
R: 10,102 -Th-ou my-gh-t lese -th-i lownesse . for a lytel
pride [aaAx]
R: 10,103 I haue herd whe(n) lewed me(n) . haue lered her(e)
children [aaAx]
R: 10,104 -Th-at seldo me(n) se -th-e marbel mosy . -th-(a)t
ofte me(n) tredyn [aaAx]
R: 10,105 And ry-gh-t so by re(n)ner(es) . -th-(a)t rennyth
aboute [aaAx]
R: 10,106 fro(m) religiou(n) to religiou(n) . rechelys -th-ei
be(n) euere [aaAx]
R: 10,107 ne men -th-at cu(n)ne alle craft(is) . as clerk(es)
and o-th-er [aaAx]
R: 10,108 trist or thedam . w(i)t(h) -th-o is selden yseye
R: 10,108a { Qui circuit omne genus &c } [Latin]
R: 10,109 Poul -th-e apostel . in his pistel wrot hit [aaAx]
R: 10,110 in exau(m)ple -th-at swiche . shulde not re(n)ne
abowte [aaAxx]
R: 10,111 and for wisdom is write(n) . and witnessed i(n)
cherche [aaAx]
R: 10,112 { In eadem uocacione q(u)a vocati estis } [Latin]
R: 10,113 -Gh-if -th-(o)u be man maried . monk o-th-(er)
chanou(n) [aaAx]
R: 10,114 Hold -th-e stabele and stedfast . and streng-th-e
-th-i soule [aaAx]
R: 10,115 to be blessed for -th-i beringe . -gh-e begger(e)
-th-ei -th-(o)u were [aaAx]?
R: 10,116 Loke -th-(o)u grocche not on god . -th-ei-gh- he
-gh-eue -th-e litel [aaAx]
R: 10,117 Be payd w(i)t(h) -th-e porcyou(n) . pouer(e) o-th-(er)
riche [aaAx]
R: 10,118 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 10,119 for -th-(us) in sufferau(n)s se . -th-(o)u my-gh-t
how soueraynes arise [aaAx]?
R: 10,120 and so lerned vs luk . -th-at ly-gh-ede neuere
R: 10,120a { Q(u)i se humiliat exaltabitur } [Latin]
R: 10,121 And -th-us of dred & of our(e) dede . dobet
ariset-gh- [aaAx]
R: 10,122 Whych is -th-e frut and -th-e flo(ur) . fostred
of bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 10,123 ri-gh-th as a rose . -th-(a)t red is and swete
. out of as a ragged rote [aaAx]
R: 10,124 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 10,125 and a row brer(e) -th-(a)t spry(n)ge-th- & spr(e)de-th-
. -th-(a)t spicer(i)s desiren [aaAx]
R: 10,126 Or as whete out of wed . waxe-th- out of -th-e
er-th-e [aaAx]?
R: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . a(n)d dowel gynnyt-gh-
springe [aaAx]
R: 10,128 Among me(n) of -th-(i)s molde . -th-(a)t meke ben
and kynde [aaAx]
R: 10,129 ffor loue of her lounesse . our(e) lord -gh-yft
hem grace [aaAx]
fol. 33v
R: 10,130 Such werk to werche . -th-(a)t he his wit payed [aaAx]
R: 10,131 formest and ferst . to folk -th-at ben wedded [aaAx]
R: 10,132 And lyue(n) as her(e) lawes wiln . hit like-th-
god almy-gh-thi [aaAx]
R: 10,133 -Th-at -th-orw wedlak -th-e word stant . whoso
wil h(i)t knowe [aaAx]
R: 10,134 Thei be(n) -th-e reychest of rewmes . and -th-e
rote of dowel [aaAx]
R: 10,135 for of here kyn -th-ei comy(n) . -th-(a)t co(n)fessour(e)s
be(n) nemled [aaAx]
R: 10,136 bo-th-e maydenys and nu(n)nes . mo(n)k(es) and
anker(es) [aaAx]
R: 10,137 king and kny-gh-thes . and alle ke(n)nys clerk(is)
R: 10,138 Barounes and burgeys . and bondeme(n) of tovnes
R: 10,139 and falce folk and fey-th-les . theuys and lyeres
R: 10,140 ben (con)seyued in cursed time . as kaym was of
eue [aaAx]
R: 10,141 after ada(m) and eue . eten -th-e appel [aaAa]
R: 10,142 A-gh-en -th-e heste of hi(m) . -th-(a)t he of nou-gh-t
made [aaAx]
R: 10,143 an aungel in haste . het hem to wende [aaAx]
R: 10,144 into -th-e wrecchede word . to wone and to libbe
R: 10,145 in tene and in trauayle . into her(e) lyues ende
R: 10,146 In -th-(a)t cursede co(n)stellacyou(n) . -th-ei
knewe togeder(is) [aaAx]
R: 10,147 and brou-gh-the for-th- a barn . -th-(a)t muche
bale wrou-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 10,148 kaym -th-ei hi(m) calde . in cursed tyme engendred
R: 10,149 and so sey-th- -th-e saut(er) . se hit whan -th-e
lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 10,150 { Concepit dolore(m) & peperit iniquitatem
} [Latin]
R: 10,151 Alle -th-(a)t come of -th-at kaym . crist hated
he(m) after [aaAbb]
R: 10,152 and manye milyonys mo . of me(n) and of wy(m)man
R: 10,153 and of seth and his suster . swi-th-e for-th- come
R: 10,154 for -th-ei maried hem w(i)t(h) cursed to me(n)
. of kaymes ky(n)ne [abaBb]
R: 10,155 ffor al -th-(a)t come of -th-at kaym . acursed
-th-ei were [aaAx]
R: 10,156 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 10,157 for-th-i he sente he(m) to seye . and seyde hi(m)
by an aungel [aaAx]
R: 10,158 to kepe his ky(n)rede fro kaym . -th-(a)t -th-ei
cople not togeder(is) [aaaAx]
R: 10,159 and sy-th-e seth and his sost(er) . were spoused
to kaymes kyn [aaaAx]
R: 10,160 Agayn god(is) heste . gerles -th-ei getyn [aaAa]
R: 10,161 and god was wro-th- w(i)t(h) her(e) werkes . and
sayde -th-ese word(es) [aaAx]
fol. 34r
R: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse eos .i. ho(m)i(n)es } [Latin]
R: 10,163 and is as moche to mene . amonge vs alle [aaAx]
R: 10,164 -Th-at I man maked now . hit me for-th-enke-th-
R: 10,165 And cam to Noe anon . and bad hi(m) not lette [aaAx]
R: 10,166 Swy-th-e to shapyn a ship . of shid(is) and of
bord(is) [aaAx]
R: 10,167 Hi(m) self and his sones -th-re . and sy-th-en
her(e) wyues [aaAx]
R: 10,168 buskede to -th-at bot . and byde -th-erynne [aaAx]
R: 10,169 Til fourty dayes wer(e) fulfyld . -th-(a)t flode
haue ywassche [aaAx]
R: 10,170 clene away -th-e cursed blod . -th-(a)t caym ha-th-
ymaked [aaAx]
R: 10,171 best(is) -th-at now ben . shal ba(n)ne -th-e tyme
R: 10,172 -Th-at euer(e) cursede kaym . com to -th-is er-th-e
R: 10,173 Alle shul deye for his dedys . be downes and hilles
R: 10,174 Bo-th-e fysshes and foules . for-th- w(i)t(h) -th-e
best(is) [aaAx]
R: 10,175 outtake viij soules . and eche beste a couple [aaAx]
R: 10,176 -Th-at in -th-e sengle ship . shul be ysaued [aaAx]
R: 10,177 Ellys shul alle deye . and to helle wende [aaAx]?
R: 10,178 -Th-us -th-hur-gh- cursed caym . come car(e) vpon
alle [aaAa]
R: 10,179 And al for seth and his childre(n) . spoused her(e)
ey-th-(er) o-th-(er) [aaAx]
R: 10,180 a-gh-en -th-e lawe of our(e) lord . ley-gh-en togeder(is)
R: 10,181 And wer(e) maried at myschef . as me(n) do now
her(e) childre(n) [aaAx]
R: 10,182 for some as I se now . soth for to telle [aaAx]
R: 10,183 for couetyse of catel . vnkyndely be maried [aaAx]
R: 10,184 a carful concepciou(n) . come-th- of swich a weddyng
R: 10,185 As fele of -th-is folk . as I before shewyd [aaAx]
R: 10,186 h(i)t is an vncomly couple . by crist as y wene
R: 10,187 to -gh-eue a -gh-ong wenche . to an olde feble
R: 10,188 or wedde ony wedue . for ony wele of god(is) [aaAx]
R: 10,189 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 10,190 In Ielosye ioyeles . and ianglyng a bedde [aaAx]
R: 10,191 many a peyr(e) syn -th-e pestilens . ha(n) ply-gh--th-
he(m) togedere [aaAx]
R: 10,192 -Th-e frut -th-(a)t -th-ei brynge for-th- . arn
many foule word(is) [aaAx]
R: 10,193 -th-ei haue no childre(n) but chost . and choppys
betwythen [aaAx]
fol. 34v
R: 10,194 Thei hiden he(m) to do(n)mowe . but -gh-if -th-e
deuel helpe [aaAx]
R: 10,195 to folwe after -th-e flesche . fecche -th-ei hit
neuere [aaAx]
R: 10,196 but -gh-if -th-ei bo-th-e be forswon . -th-at bakou(n)
-th-ei tyne [aaAx]
R: 10,197 for-th-i I cou(n)sel alle cristen . -th-ei coueyte
not to be wedded [aaAx]
R: 10,198 ffor couetise of catel . or for kynrede riche [aaAx]
R: 10,199 but maydenys and maydenys . -gh-ow to same takyn
R: 10,200 Weduer(es) and wedues . werche -gh-e also [aaAx]
R: 10.201 -th-a(n)ne glade -gh-e god . -th-(a)t alle god(es)
sende-th- [aaAx]
R: 10,202 ffor in my tyme treuly . bytwe(n) ma(n) aand wy(m)man
R: 10,203 shuld no bedburd be . but -th-ey wer(e) bo-th-e
clene [aaAx]
R: 10,204 of lyf and of loue . and of lawe also [aaAx]
R: 10,205 -Th-at derne dede . do no man ne shulde [aaAx]
R: 10,206 Ac betwe(n) sengle and sengle . swich lawe ha-th-
ygrau(n)ted [aaAxx]
R: 10,207 -Th-(a)t eu(er)y ma(n) haue a make . in mariage
of wedlok [aaAx]
R: 10,208 and wirche on his wif . and on no wy(m)man ellys
R: 10,209 -Th-at o-th-(er) gat(is) be-th- ygote(n) . gadelyng(es)
ben holdyn [aaAx]
R: 10,210 And -th-o ben false folk and false eyr(is) also
R: 10,211 fu(n)delyng(es) and lyer(es) vngracio(us) to gete
loue or eny goud e[llis] [aaAx]
R: 10,212 but wandry(n) as wolues . and waste -gh-if -th-ei
mowe [aaAx]
R: 10,213 a-gh-en dowel -th-ei don eyuel . and -th-e deuel
plese [aaAx]
R: 10,214 And after her(e) de-th- day . shul duelle w(i)t(h)
-th-e same [aaAx]
R: 10,215 but -gh-if god -gh-if he(m) . grace here to amende
R: 10,216 -Th-a(n) is dowel to dredyn . and dobet to suffren
R: 10,217 And so come-th- aboute . and brynge-th- dou(n)
mody [aaAx]
R: 10,218 and is wicked wil . -th-(a)t manye werk(es) shende-th-
Passus secu(n)dus de dowel
R: 11,1 Tha(n)ne hadde wit a wif . was hote dam stodie [aaXx]?
R: 11,2 -Th-at lene was of lych . and of low chere [aaAx]
R: 11,3 She was wonderly wro-th- . -th-at wit -th-(us) me
tau-gh--th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,4 and al sternely starynge . dam stodie sayde [aaAx]
R: 11,5 Wel art -th-(o)u wys wit q(uo)d she . my wisdam to
telle [aaAx]
fol. 35r
R: 11,6 to flaterer(is) or to folys . -th-(a)t frentyk ben
in witt(is) [aaAx]
R: 11,7 and banned hi(m) and ba(n)ned hi(m) . and bad hi(m)
be stille [aaAx]
R: 11,8 W(i)t(h) swyche wise word(is) . to wissen eny folys
R: 11,9 And sayde { noli mitt(er)e } ma(n) . margeri perlys
R: 11,10 Among hogg(es) -th-at hauy(n) . hawes at wille [aaAx]
R: 11,11 -Th-ei don but drauelyn -th-er upon . draf wer(e)
he(m) leuere [aaAx]
R: 11,12 -Th-a(n) al -th-e p(re)cious p(er)re . -th-(a)t
in p(ar)ad(is) waxe-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,13 I sey by -th-o q(uo)d she . -th-at shewe by her(e)
werk(is) [aaAx]
R: 11,14 -Th-at hem wer(e) leuer(e) lond . -th-(a)t wirchepe
on er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,15 or rychesse or rent(is) . and reste at her(e) wille
R: 11,16 -Th-an -th-e so-th- sawes . -th-(a)t salomo(n) sayde
eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 11,17 wisda(m) and wit now . is not wor-th- a roysche
R: 11,18 but hit be carded w(i)t(h) co(n)ciens . as clo-th-er(is)
don h(er) wolle [aaAx]
R: 11,19 -Th-(a)t can co(n)strue deseyt(es) . and co(n)spir(e)n
R: 11,20 and lede for-th- -th-e loueday . to lette -th-e
tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,21 -Th-at swichani kan . is cleped to cou(n)seyl [aaAa]
R: 11,22 And is s(er)ued as a sir(e) . -th-at s(er)ue-th-
-th-e deuel [aaAx]
R: 11,23 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 11,23a { Quare impior(um) uia p(ro)p(er)at(ur) b(e)n(e)
[est] o(mn)ib(us) q(u)i praue & inique agu(n)t } [Latin]
R: 11,24 And he -th-(a)t ha-th- holy writ . ay in h(i)s mowthe
R: 11,25 And can telle of theologie . and of -th-e xij apostolys
R: 11,26 or prechin of -th-e penauns . -th-(a)t pilatus wrou-gh-the
R: 11,27 to ih(es)u -th-e ientyl . -th-at Iewys todrowe [aaAx]
R: 11,28 On cros vpon calwarie . as clerk(is) vs techyn [aaAx]
R: 11,29 Lytel is he loued or late by -th-(a)t . such a lessou(n)
teches [aaaAx]
R: 11,30 or damseld or drawe for-th- . -th-(i)s disoures
wite -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,31 for -gh-if harlotrie ne holpe he(m) beter(e) . so
haue god my tru-th-e [aaxAx]
R: 11,32 Mor(e) -th-an musyk . or makyng of god almy-gh-thi
R: 11,33 Wolde neu(er)e king ne kny-gh-t . ne chanou(n) of
seynt powlys [aaAx]
R: 11,34 -gh-eue he(m) to her(e) -gh-er(is)-gh-eue . -th-e
value of a grote [aaXx]
R: 11,35 Ac menstracie and mer-th-e . among me(n) is now-th-e
R: 11,36 Lecherie and losengrie . and bro-th-ell(es) talys
fol. 35v
R: 11,37 and glotonye w(i)t(h) grete o-th-es . -th-es ar(e)
gamenys now o dayes [aaAx]
R: 11,38 and -gh-if -th-ei carpe(n) of crist . -th-es clerk(is)
and -th-es lewed [aaAx]
R: 11,39 at mete in her(e) mer-th-e . whan me(n)stral(es)
faylen [aaAx]
R: 11,40 Than telle -th-ei of -th-e trinite . how two slowe
-th-e -th-redde [aaAx]
R: 11,41 and bryng for-th- a balled . tokne bernard to witnes
R: 11,42 and putte(n) for-th- p(re)sumpciou(n) . to p(ro)uen
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,43 -Th-(us) -th-ei drauelyn at her(e) des . -th-e deite
to knowe [aaAx]
R: 11,44 And gnawe god in -th-e gorge . whe(n) her(e) -th-rotes
fulle(n) [aaaAx]
R: 11,45 ac -th-e carful may crien . and carpe at -th-e gate
R: 11,46 Bo-th-e for hu(n)ger and for thrist . and for chele
quake [xaAxx]
R: 11,47 -th-er is no(n) to nemle hi(m) in . ne angwys amende
R: 11,48 But hou(n)she hi(m) as an hound . and hote hi(m)
go -th-e(n)nys [aaAx]
R: 11,49 Lytel loue-th- he -th-(a)t lord . -th-at lene-th-
al -th-(a)t blysse [aaAx]
R: 11,50 -Th-(a)t -th-(us) p(ar)te-th- w(i)t(h) -th-e por(e)
. a p(ar)cel whan hi(m) nede-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,51 ne wer(e) mercy in mene me(n) . mor(e) -th-a(n)
in riche [aaAx]
R: 11,52 Manye me(n)dynau(n)s metelys . my-gh-t go to bedde
R: 11,53 God is mechel in -th-e gorge . of -th-es grete maystr(is)
R: 11,54 and among mene men . his m(er)cy is in werk(is)
R: 11,55 and so sey-th- -th-e saut(er) . sek hit in { mementote
} [aaAx]
R: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) eu(m) eufrata i(n)uenim(us)
ea(m) in ca(m)pis silue } [Latin]
R: 11,56 Clerk(is) and kedde men . carpen of god faste [aaAx]
R: 11,57 and han mechel in her mowt-gh- . and many me(n)
in herte [aaAx]
R: 11,58 frer(is) and faytor(is) . han fou(n)de vp suche
questiou(n)s [aaAx]
R: 11,59 to plese w(i)t(h) prude men . syn -th-e pestelens
tyme [aaAx]
R: 11,60 That defoule-th- our(e) fey-th- als . at fest(es)
-th-(er) -th-ei sytten [aaAx]
R: 11,61 for now is ech boy bold . and he be riche [aaAx]
R: 11,62 for to telle of -th-e trinite . to be(n) holde a
sire [aaAxx]
R: 11,63 and fynde-th- for-th- fantasies . our(e) fey-th-
to apeyre [aaAx]
R: 11,64 And eke defame -th-e fader . -th-(a)t vs alle made
R: 11,65 And carpe(n) a-gh-en clergie . crabbede wordis [aaAx]
R: 11,66 Whi wolde o(ur) saueo(ur) suffre . such a werm i(n)
his blisse [aaAx]
fol. 36r
R: 11,67 -Th-at begiled -th-e wo(m)man . and -th-e wey after
R: 11,68 Thur-gh-t which werk and wille . -th-ei we(n)te
to helle [aaAx]
R: 11,69 and al our(e) sed for -th-at synne . -th-e same
wo suffred [aaAa]
R: 11,70 swiche notes -th-ei meuy-gh-t . -th-(i)s maystr(is)
in her(e) glorie [aaAx]
R: 11,71 And make men to misbileue . -th-(a)t mousen on her(e)
word(is) [aaAx]?
R: 11,72 Ac austyn -th-e hor(e) . for alle swiche preche-th-
R: 11,73 And for suche tale teller(is) . such a teme shewy-th-
R: 11,74 { Non plus sapere qua(m) op(or)tet sapere } [Latin]
R: 11,75 -th-at is to say wilne-th- neu(er)e to wyte why
R: 11,76 that god wolde suffre satan . his sed to bygile
R: 11,77 Ac bylef lely . on -th-at lord of holy cherche [aaAx]
R: 11,78 And pray hi(m) of p(ar)dou(n) . and penauns by -th-i
lyue [aaAx]
R: 11,79 and for his moche m(er)cy . to amende vs here [aaAx]
R: 11,80 for al -th-(a)t wille-th- to wyte . -th-e weyes
of god almy-gh-thi [aaAx]
R: 11,81 I wolde his eye were . in his ers and his hele after
R: 11,82 -Th-at eu(er)e wilne-th- to wyte why [aaAa]
R: 11,83 -th-(a)t god suffrede satan . his sed to bygile
R: 11,84 or Iudas -th-e Iew . ih(es)u betrayede [aaAx]
R: 11,85 Al was as he wolde . lord yworcheped -th-(o)u be
R: 11,86 And al wor-th- as -th-(o)u wilt . what so we telle
R: 11,87 And now come-th- coniou(n) . and wolde cacche of
my witt(es) [aaAx]
R: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet . now def mote he wor-th-e
R: 11,89 Swi-th-e he wilne-th- to wyte . which -th-ei ben
alle [aaAx]
R: 11,90 but -gh-if he leue in -th-e leste day . -th-(a)t
longe-th- to dowel [aaAx]
R: 11,91 I dar be his bolde borw-gh- . -th-(a)t do bet wil
we neu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 11,92 -th-ow dobest drawe on hi(m) . day after day [aaAx]
R: 11,93 And wha(n) -th-(a)t wit was war . how his wif tolde
R: 11,94 he bycome so confous . he coude not mele [aaAx]
R: 11,95 and also dom as a dore . drow hi(m) asyde [aaAx]
R: 11,96 ac for no carping -th-(a)t he cowde . ne knelyng
to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
R: 11,97 I my-gh-te gete no greyn . of his grete witt(es)
fol. 36v
R: 11,98 but al loutede . and loked vpon stode [aaAx]
R: 11,99 in sygne -th-(a)t I shulde . seken hur(e) of grace
R: 11,100 And whan I was war(e) of his wile . to h(i)s wif
ga(n) I knele [aaAx]
R: 11,101 And sayde m(er)cy madame . -gh-o(ur) man shal I
wor-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,102 for to werche -gh-o(ur) wil . whil -gh-o(ur) lyf
durith [aaAxx]
R: 11,103 to kenne me kyndely . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
R: 11,104 for -th-i meknesse ma(n) q(uo)d she . and for -th-i
mylde speche [aaAx]
R: 11,105 I shal kenne -th-e to my cosyn . -th-(a)t clergie
hotu-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,106 He ha-th- wedded a wif . w(i)t(h)inne -th-is wykes
sexe [aaAx]
R: 11,107 is syb to -th-e sefne ars . -th-(a)t scripture
is ynempled [aaAx]
R: 11,108 -Th-ei two I hope . after my beseching [xaAx]
R: 11,109 Shul wisse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndertake
R: 11,110 -Th-a(n) was I as fayn as foul . of fayr morwen
R: 11,111 Gladder(e) -th-an -th-e gluma(n) . -th-(a)t gold
ha-th- to -gh-ifte [aaAx]
R: 11,112 And axked hur(e) -th-e hey way . wher clergie wonde
R: 11,113 And tel me su(m) tokne of hi(m) . for tyme is -th-(a)t
I wende [aaAx]
R: 11,114 Axke -th-e hey way q(uo)d she . fro hennys to suffre
R: 11,116 And ride for-th- by rychesse . rest -th-e not -th-(er)
inne [aaAx]
R: 11,115 Bo-th-e wel and wo . -gh-if -th-at -th-(o)u wilt
lerne [aaAx]
R: 11,117 for -gh-if -th-(o)u couple -th-e w(i)t(h) hi(m) to
clergie . comest -th-(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 11,118 And ek -th-e longe lau(n)de . -th-at lecherie hatte-th-
R: 11,119 lef hi(m) on -th-i lyft half . a large mile and
more [aaAbb]?
R: 11,120 til -th-ou come to a court . kep wel -th-i tou(n)ge
R: 11,121 fro lesyng(es) and lier(es) speche . and lykerous
drynk(es) [aaAx]
R: 11,122 Than shalt -th-(o)u se soberte . and symplenesse
of speche [aaAa]
R: 11,123 -Th-at iche wit be in wille . hit wit -th-e to
shewe [aaAx]
R: 11,124 So shal -th-(o)u come to clergie . -th-(a)t can
many -th-ing(es) [aaAx]
R: 11,125 and sey hi(m) -th-is signe . I set hi(m) to skole
R: 11,126 And -th-at I gete wel his wyf . for I wrot hi(m)
-th-e bible [aaAx]
R: 11,127 and sette hur(e) to sapience . and to -th-e sawter
yglosed [aaAx]
R: 11,128 logik I lerned hur(e) . and al -th-e lawe after
fol. 37r
R: 11,129 And al -th-e mosou(n)s of mosyk . I made hur(e) to
knowe [aaAx]
R: 11,130 Plato and poete . I putte he(m) furst to boke [aaAx]
R: 11,131 Aristotle and o-th-(er) mo . I tau-gh-the furst
to argue [aaAx]
R: 11,132 Gra(m)mer for gerlis . I gar furst to wryte [aaAx]
R: 11,133 And bet he(m) w(i)t(h) a baleys . but -gh-if -th-ei
wolde lerne [aaAxx]
R: 11,134 and alle kenne craft(is) . I construed her(e) to
lerne [aaAx]
R: 11,135 Tolus of carpenter(is) and kerue . I tau-gh--th-e
ferst masou(n)s [aaAx]
R: 11,136 And lerned he(m) lyue . and leuel -th-ow I lokede
dy(m)me [aaAa]
R: 11,137 And thologie -th-at tened me . ten skore tymes
R: 11,138 for -th-e more I muse -th-eron . -th-e mistlikere
hit seme-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,139 And -th-e depper(e) I deuyne hit . -th-e depper(e)
me h(i)t -th-ou-gh--th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,140 hit is no sciens forso-th-e . to sotile -th-erinne
R: 11,141 Ne wer(e) -th-e loue -th-(a)t ly-th- . -th-(er)inne
a wel lewed -th-ing h(i)t wer(e) [aaAx]
R: 11,142 Ac for hit laft best by loue . I loue h(i)t -th-e
betere [aaAx]
R: 11,143 for -th-(er) -th-at loue is lord . balke-th- neuer(e)
grace [aaAx]
R: 11,144 Leue lely -th-(er)on . -gh-if -th-(o)u thinke do
wel [aaBb]
R: 11,145 for dobet and dobest . ben drawe of loues scole
R: 11,146 In o-th-(er) sciens hit sey-th- . I say hit in
catou(n) [aaAx]
R: 11,147 { Q(u)i simulat verbis uel corde e(st) fidus amicus
} [Latin]
R: 11,148 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile sic ars deludit(ur) arte
} [Latin]
R: 11,149 Ac theologie teche-th- vs not so . whoso take-th-
hede [aaAx]
R: 11,150 he ke(n)ne-th- vs -th-e contrarie . a-gh-en catou(n)ys
word(is) [aaAx]
R: 11,151 and byt vs ben as bre-th-ren . and blesse our(e)
enmys [aaAx]
R: 11,152 and loue(n) he(m) -th-(a)t lyen on vs . and lene
he(m) at our(e) nede [aaAx]
R: 11,153 And do good a-gh-ens euyl . god hi(m) self hotes
R: 11,154 And seyde h(i)t hi(m) self . in exau(m)ple of -th-e
beste [aaAx]
R: 11,154a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala } [Latin]
R: 11,155 Ac astronomye is hard -th-ing . and euel for to
knowe [aaAx]
R: 11,156 gemettrie and gemessie . is greful of speche [aaAx]
R: 11,157 -Th-(a)t thinke-th- werche w(i)t(h) -th-o -th-re
. thryue-th- wel late [aaAx]
R: 11,158 for sorcerie is -th-e soueray(n) boke . -th-(a)t
to -th-(a)t sciens longe-th- [aaAx]
fol. 37v
R: 11,159 -gh-ut ar(e) -th-re fybicches of forels . of manye
ma(n)nys witt(es) [aaBb]
R: 11,160 of exp(er)imens of alkonomye . of albert(es) makyng
R: 11,161 Nigramau(n)cie & p(er)mancie . -th-e pouke
to reyse [xaAx]
R: 11,162 -Gh-if -th-(o)u thinke do wel . del -th-(er)w(i)t(h)
neu(er)e [xaAx]
R: 11,163 Al -th-ese sciences . sikerly I my self fou(n)ded
R: 11,164 hem formest . folk to deseyuen [aaAx]
R: 11,165 I bekenne -th-e crist q(uo)d she . I can teche
-th-e no bet(er)e [aaAxx]
R: 11,166 I sayde gram(er)cy madame . and mekly hur(e) grette
R: 11,167 And wente witly my way . w(i)t(h)oute mor(e) lettyng
R: 11,168 And fond as she fayre tolde . & for-th- gan
I wende [aaAx]
R: 11,169 And er I cam to clergie . coude I neu(er)e stynte
R: 11,170 I grette -th-e gode man . as me -th-e gode wif
tau-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 11,171 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 11,172 and tolde hi(m) -th-e toknes . as me tau-gh-th
were [aaAx]
R: 11,173 Was neu(er)e gome vpon -th-e grou(n)de . syn god
made heuene [aaAx]
R: 11,174 fayrer vnderfonged . ne frendliker(e) mad at ese
R: 11,175 Than my self so-th-ly . so sone as she it wiste
R: 11,176 -Th-at I was of witt(is) hous . and his wif dam
stodie [axAx]
R: 11,177 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 11,178 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 11,179 And I seyde hi(m) sikerly . -th-ei sente me hyder
R: 11,180 To lere at -gh-ow dowel . & dobet -th-(er)
after [xaAx]
R: 11,181 And si-th-e afterward to se . sou(m)what of dobest
R: 11,182 hit is a wel lely q(uo)d she . among -th-e lewyd
peple [aaAx]
R: 11,183 actyf hit is yhoten . hosbondes hit vsen [aaAx]
R: 11,184 Trewe tilier(es) on er-th-e . talioures and souteris
R: 11,185 And alle kynde crafty me(n) . -th-(a)t konne h(er)
craft wy(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 11,186 W(i)t(h) ony trewe trauayle . telye for her(e)
fode [aaAx]
R: 11,187 dykyn or deluen . dowel hit hatte [aaAx]
R: 11,188 To breke begger(is) bred . to baskyn he(m) w(i)t(h)
clo-th-es [aaaAx]
R: 11,189 comforte -th-e carful . -th-(a)t in -th-e castel
be(n) fetrid [aaAx]
R: 11,190 and sekyn out -th-e seke . and sende he(m) -th-at
he(m) nede-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,191 obedient as bre-th-ren . and sostren to o-th-ere
R: 11,192 -Th-is be-th- -th-o -th-(a)t dobet . so bere-th-
witnesse -th-e saut(er) [aaAx]
fol. 38r
R: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocundu(m) h(ab)itare
f(rat)res i(n) vnu(m) } [Latin]
R: 11,193 Syk w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . syng w(i)t(h) -th-e glade
R: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) flere cu(m) flentib(us)
} [Latin]
R: 11,194 God wot -th-is is dobet . sir(e) dobest ha-th-
benefyces [aaAx]
R: 11,195 --- this line om ---
R: 11,196 And so is best wor-th-i . by -th-(a)t god in gospel
grau(n)te-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,196a { Q(u)i facit & docuerit magnus vocabit(ur)
in regno celor(um) } [Latin]
R: 11,197 ffor -th-is dobest is . a bisshopes pere [xaAx]
R: 11,198 Prince ou(er) god(is) peple . to preche and to
teche [aaAx]
R: 11,199 Dobet do-th- ful wel . and dowel he is also [aaAx]
R: 11,200 And ha-th- possessiones & pluralites . for
por(e) me(n)nys sake [aaAx]
R: 11,201 for me(n)dina(n)t at myschef . -th-o me(n) wer(e)
ydewed [aaAx]
R: 11,202 And -th-at is ri-gh-tful religiou(n) . none renner(is)
abowte [aaAx]
R: 11,203 Ne none lep(er)is ou(er) lond . ladijs to shriue
R: 11,204 Gregori -th-e grete clerk . a goud pope in his
tyme [aaAx]
R: 11,205 of religiou(n) -th-e rewle . he reherse-th- in
his moral(es) [aaAx]
R: 11,206 And sey-th- hi(m) in example . -th-at me(n) shulde
do -th-e betere [aaAx]
R: 11,207 Whe(n) fisshes faylen . -th-e flod o-th- -th-e
fressche water [aaAa]
R: 11,208 -Th-ei deyen for -th-e drouthe . whe(n) -th-ei
drye longe [aaAx]
R: 11,209 Ry-gh-th so by religiou(n) . hit roxlet and steruy-th-
R: 11,210 -Th-at out of coue(n)t & cloystre . coueyte-th-
to libbe [aaAx]
R: 11,211 But now is religiou(n) a rider(e) . and a re(n)ner(e)
by stret(es) [aaAx]
R: 11,212 A leder(e) of louedays . and a lond byere [aaAx]
R: 11,213 Popre-th- on a palfray . fro towne to towne [aaBb]
R: 11,214 A bedew or a baselard . he bery-th- by his syde
R: 11,215 God(is) flesch and his fet . and his fyf wou(n)des
R: 11,216 Arn mor(e) in his mynde . -th-a(n) memorie of fou(n)do(ur)
R: 11,217 This is -th-e lyf of -th-es lord(is) . -th-(a)t
shulde lyue w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
R: 11,218 And welawey werse . and I wolde al telle [aaAx]
R: 11,219 I wende king(es) and kni-gh-t(es) . and keyseris
w(i)t(h) erlys [aaAx]
R: 11,220 Wer(e) dowel and dobet . and dobest ou(er) he(m)
alle [aaAx]
R: 11,221 for I haue sey hit myself . and swithe yrad after
fol. 38v
R: 11,222 How crist cou(n)seyle-th- -th-e comou(n) . & kenne-th-
he(m) -th-is talis [aaaAx]
R: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedra(m) moysi sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes
q(u)i dicu(n)t facite } [Latin]
R: 11,224 ffor -th-(er) I wende -th-(a)t -th-o weyes . wer(e)
do best of alle [aaAxx]
R: 11,225 I wolde not skorne q(uo)d scriptur(e) . but skreueynis
lye [aaAx]
R: 11,226 Kinghod and kni-gh-thhod . for ou-gh-th I ca(n)
aspie [aaAx]
R: 11,227 helpe-th- not to heueneward . at one -gh-er(is)
ende [aaAa]
R: 11,228 Ne richesse ne rente . ne rialte of lord(is) [aaAx]
R: 11,229 Powel p(ro)ue-th- inpossible . -th-e riche in heuene
R: 11,230 ac pore me(n) and paciense . and pacient togeder(es)
R: 11,231 haue her(e) eritage in heuene . and riche me(n)
none [aaAxx]
R: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I be crist . -th-at can I wi-th-say
R: 11,233 and p(ro)ue hit bi -th-e postel . -th-(a)t pet(ir)
is ynemled [aaAx]
R: 11,234 { Q(u)i crediderit & bapti-gh-atus fu(er)it
saluus erit } [Latin]
R: 11,235 -Th-at is in extrems q(uo)d scriptur(e) . among
sar-gh-ynes & Iewys [aaAx]
R: 11,236 mow be(n) ysaued so . and -th-at is our(e) byleue
R: 11,237 -th-(a)t on c(ri)stene in cas . may c(ri)stene
and hethene [aaAx]
R: 11,238 And for his leal byleue . wha(n) he his lyf tynyt-gh-
R: 11,239 Haue eritage in heuene . as an her c(ri)stene [aaAx]
R: 11,240 Ac c(ri)stene me(n) god wot . com not so to heuene
R: 11,241 for cristene haue a degre . and is our(e) comou(n)
speche [axAx]
R: 11,242 { Diliges d(omin)um d(eu)m t(uum) & p(ro)ximu(m)
tuu(m) sic(ut) teip(su)m }
R: 11,243 God(is) word witnesse-th- . -th-(a)t we shul dele
our(e) enemyes [aaAxx]
R: 11,244 and alle me(n) -th-at arn nedy . as por(e) me(n)
and suche [aaAxx]
R: 11,245 --- this line om ---
R: 11,245a { Du(m) temp(us) habem(us) op(er)emur bonu(m)
ad om(ne)s }
R: 11,245b { maxime aute(m) ad domesticos fidei &c }
R: 11,246 Alle kynde creatour(e)s . -th-(a)t to crist ben
lyche [aaAx]
R: 11,247 We ben yholde heyliche . to herie and honoure [aaAa]
R: 11,248 And -gh-if he(m) of our(e) good . as goud as our(e)
seluen [aaAx]
R: 11,249 And soueraynliche to suche . -th-(a)t sue-th- our(e)
beleue [aaAx]
R: 11,250 -Th-at is ech cristen ma(n) . be kinde to o-th-(er)
R: 11,251 And swithe he(m) to helpe . in hope to he(m) amende
fol. 39r
R: 11,252 to harme he(m) or teche he(m) . god hy-gh-th vs neuere
R: 11,253 ffor he sey-th- hit hi(m) self . and his ten hest(is)
R: 11,254 { No(n) mecaberis } ne sle not . is -th-e kinde
englys [xxXx]
R: 11,255 ffor { M(ich)i uindicta(m) & ego retribuam &c
} [Latin]
R: 11,256 I shal punshe in purgatorie . or in -th-e pit of
helle [aaAx]
R: 11,257 eu(er)y ma(n) for his mysdede . but m(er)cy hit
make [aaAa]
R: 11,258 -Gh-it am I neu(er) -th-e ner . for nou-gh-t -th-(a)t
I haue walked [aaAx]
R: 11,259 to wite what is dowel . witterly in herte [aaAx]
R: 11,260 ffor who(m) so I werche in -th-(i)s wordle . wrong
o-th-(er) ell(is) [aaAx]
R: 11,261 I was marked w(i)t(h)oute mercy . and myn name
entred [aaAxx]
R: 11,262 in -th-e legande of lyf . longe er I ded were [aaAx]
R: 11,263 and ell(is) onwryte(n) for wiled . as witnesse-th-
-th-e gospel [aaAx]
R: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celu(m) n(is)i q(u)i de celo
descendit &c } [Latin]
R: 11,264 And I leue on our(e) lord . and no lettrur(e) beter(e)
R: 11,265 for salamon -th-e sage . -th-at sapiens made [aaAx]
R: 11,266 God -gh-if hi(m) grace . and richesse togederes
R: 11,267 for to reule his rewme . ri-gh-th at his wille
R: 11,268 Dede he not wel and wisly . as holy cherche teche-th-
R: 11,269 Bo-th-e in werk and in word . in wordle in his
tyme [aaAx]
R: 11,270 Aristotle and he . who wrou-gh-the betere [aaXx]
R: 11,271 and al holy cherche . holde-th- hem in helle [aaAa]
R: 11,272 And was -th-(er) neu(er)e in -th-(i)s word . two
wiser(e) of werk(is) [aaAa]
R: 11,273 of alle co(n)nyng clerk(is) . syn crist -gh-ede
on er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,274 take(n) ensau(m)ple of her(e) sawes . & s(er)mownis
-th-(a)t -th-ei makyn [aaAx]
R: 11,275 and by her(e) werk and her(e) word(is) . wissen
vs to dowel [aaAx]
R: 11,276 And -gh-if I shal wirke by her(e) werk . to wy(n)ne
me heuene [aaAx]
R: 11,277 and I for her(e) werk(is) and her(e) wit . wende
to payne [aaAx]
R: 11,278 -Th-a(n) wrou-gh-the I vnwittily . w(i)t(h) al
-th-e wit -th-at I lere [aaAx]
R: 11,279 On gode fryday I fynde . a felou(n) was ysaued
R: 11,280 And hadde ylyued al his lyf . w(i)t(h) lesyng(es)
and -th-efthe [aaAx]
R: 11,281 And for he kneled to -th-e cros . and to crist
shrof hi(m) [aaAx]
fol. 39v
R: 11,282 Sonner hadde he sauacyou(n) . -th-a(n) seynt Ion
-th-e baptyst [aaAx]
R: 11,283 or adam or ysaie . or ony of -th-e p(ro)phet(is)
R: 11,284 That hadde(n) yleye w(i)t(h) lucifer . manye longe
-gh-er(is) [aaAx]
R: 11,285 a robber(e) hadde remissio(n) . ra-th-er -th-a(n)
-th-ei alle [aaAx]
R: 11,286 W(i)t(h) penans of p(ur)gatorie . to haue p(ar)adys
for euer(e) [aaAx]
R: 11,287 -Th-an marie of mawdelei(n) . who my-gh-the don
worse [aaAx]
R: 11,288 Or dude worse -th-an dauid . -th-(a)t vrie destroyed
R: 11,289 or poul -th-e postel . -th-at no pite hadde [aaAx]
R: 11,290 cristene kinde . to kylle to dethe [aaAx]
R: 11,291 and arn no(n) forso-th-e . so fer in heuene [xaAx]
R: 11,292 As -th-ese -th-(a)t wrou-gh-the wickedly . i(n)
world wha(n) -th-ei wer(e) [aaAa]
R: 11,293 And -gh-it am I for-gh-ote for so-th-e . of vyue
wytt(is) teching [aaAx]
R: 11,294 -Th-at clergie of crist(is) mout-gh-. co(m)mde-th-
what is neu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 11,295 for he seyde hit hi(m) self . to some of his desiples
R: 11,296 { Du(m) steterit(is) ante p(re)sides nolite cogitare &c
} [Latin]
R: 11,297 That is as moche to mene . to me(n) -th-(a)t ben
lewyd [aaAx]
R: 11,298 Wha(n) -gh-e be(n) aposed of p(ri)nces . and p(re)st(is)
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
R: 11,299 for to ansuer(e) he(m) . haue -gh-e no dowte [aaAx]
R: 11,300 for I shal grau(n)te -gh-ou grace . of god -th-(a)t
-gh-e seruen [aaAx]
R: 11,301 The help of -th-e holy gost . to ansuere he(m)
alle [aaAa]
R: 11,302 the douttyest docto(ur) . deuino(ur) of -th-e trinite
R: 11,303 -Th-at was austyn -th-e olde . and hyest of -th-e
four(e) [aaAx]
R: 11,304 sayde -th-(us) for a sermou(n) . so me god helpe
R: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i idioti rapie(n)t celu(m) vbi nos
sapientes in }
R: 11,305a { infernu(m) dim(er)gimur &c } [Latin]
R: 11,306 And is to mene in o(ur) mowt-gh- . mor(e) ne lesse
R: 11,307 ar(n) no(n) ra-th-er raueshid . fro -th-e ry-gh-tthe
beleue [aaAx]
R: 11,308 -Th-a(n) are -th-es grete clerk(is) . -th-at konne
many bok(is) [aaAx]
R: 11,309 ne none so(n)ner(e) saued . ne sadder of cou(n)ciens
R: 11,310 Tha(n) por(e) peple as plowme(n) . and pasto(u)res
of best(is) [aaaAx]
R: 11,311 souter(is) and souestrer(es) . and suche lewed
Iuttes [aaAxx]
fol. 40r
R: 11,312 Perchen w(i)t(h) a pat(er)n(oste)r . -th-e paleys
of heuene [aaAx]
R: 11,313 W(i)t(h)oute penau(n)s at her(e) p(ar)tyng . into
-th-e hye blysse [aaXx]
Passus tercius de dowel
R: 12,1 Crist wot q(uo)d clergie . knowe hit -gh-if -th-e lyke
R: 12,2 I haue do my deu(er) . -th-e dowel to teche [aaAx]
R: 12,3 and who so coueyte-th- do(n) beter(e) . -th-a(n)
-th-e boke telle-th- [xaAx]
R: 12,4 he passe-th- -th-e apostolis lyf . and put hi(m)
to au(n)gelys [aaAx]
R: 12,5 But I se now as I seye . as me so-th- thinkyt-gh-
R: 12,6 -Th-e were lef to lerne . but lo-th- for to stodie
R: 12,7 -Th-ou woldest konne -th-(a)t I can . and carpe(n)
hit after [aaAx]
R: 12,8 P(re)sumptuowsly p(ar)auentur(e) . apose so manye
R: 12,9 That my-gh-the turne me(n) to tene . & theologie
bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 12,10 -Gh-if I wiste witterly . -th-(o)u woldest don -th-erafter
R: 12,11 Al -th-at -th-(o)u askest . asoylen I wolde [aaAx]
R: 12,12 Skornfully -th-e scriptur(e) . sherte vp his browes
R: 12,13 and on clergie crie-th- . on crist(es) holy name
R: 12,14 That he shewe me hit ne sholde . but -gh-if stryf
were [aaAx]
R: 12,15 of -th-e kynde cardinal wit . and cristned in a
font [aaAx]
R: 12,16 And seyde so loude . -th-(a)t shame me thou-gh-the
R: 12,17 -Th-at hit wer(e) bo-th-e ska-th-e . and sklau(n)dre
to holy cherche [xaAx]
R: 12,18 Sitthe theologie -th-e trewe . to telle(n) hit defende-th-
R: 12,19 Dauid god(es) derling . defendy-th- hit also [aaAx]
R: 12,19a { Vidi p(re)uaricationes & tabescebam } [Latin]
R: 12,20 I saw synful he seyde . -th-erfor(e) I seyde no
-th-ing [aaaAx]
R: 12,21 til -th-o wrecches ben in wil . her(e) synne to
lete [aaXx]
R: 12,22 and poul preche-th- hit ofte(n) . prest(es) hit
redyn [aaAx]
R: 12,22a { Audiui archane q(ue) no(n) licet ho(min)i loqui
} [Latin]
R: 12,23 I am not hardy q(uo)d he . -th-(a)t I herde w(i)t(h)
erys [aaAa]
R: 12,24 telle hit w(i)t(h) tou(n)ge . to synful wrecches
R: 12,25 and god graunted hit neu(er)e . -th-e gospel h(i)t
witnesse-th- [aaAx]
R: 12,26 in -th-e passiou(n) wha(n) pilat aposed . god almy-gh-thi
fol. 40v
R: 12,27 And asked ih(es)u on hy . -th-at herden hit an hundred
R: 12,28 { Quid est ueritas } q(uo)d he . verilyche tel vs
R: 12,29 God gaf hi(m) no(n) answer(e) . but gan his tou(n)ge
holde [aaxAxx]
R: 12,30 Ri-gh-t so I rede q(uo)d she . red -th-(o)u no fer-th-er
R: 12,31 Of -th-at he wolde wite . wis hi(m) no betere [aaAx]
R: 12,32 for he cam not by cause . to lerne to dowel [aaXx]
R: 12,33 But as he sey-th- such I am . whe(n) he w(i)t(h)
me carpe-th- [aaXx]
R: 12,34 and whe(n) sc(r)iptur(e) -th-e skolde . hadde -th-(i)s
wyt ysheued [aaAx]
R: 12,35 Clergie into a caban . crepte ano(n) after [aaAx]
R: 12,36 And drow -th-e dore after hi(m) . and bad me go
do wel [aaXx]
R: 12,37 Or wycke -gh-if I wolde . whe-th-er me lyked [aaAx]
R: 12,38 -Th-a(n) held I vp my(n) hand(es) . to scriptur(e)
-th-e wise [aaXx]
R: 12,39 to be hur(e) ma(n) -gh-if I most . for euer(e)mor(e)
after [axAa]
R: 12,40 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t she wolde me wisse . wher -th-e
tou(n) were [aaAa]?
R: 12,41 Kynde w(i)t(h) hur(e) co(n)fesso(ur) . hur(e) cosyn
was Inne [aaAx]
R: 12,42 -Th-at lady -th-a(n) low . and lau-gh-the me in
her(e) armes [aaAx]
R: 12,43 and sayde my cosyn kynde wit . knowe(n) is wel wide
R: 12,44 and his loggyng is w(i)t(h) lyf . -th-(a)t lord
is of er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 12,45 And -gh-if -th-ou desyre w(i)t(h) hi(m) for to abyde
R: 12,46 I shal -th-e wisse . wher(e) -th-at he dwelle-th-
R: 12,47 And -th-a(n)ne I kneled on my knes . and kyste h(er)
wel sone [aaAx]
R: 12,48 And -th-anked hur(e) a -th-ousand sy-th-es . w(i)t(h)
-th-robbant herte [aaAx]
R: 12,49 --- this line om ---
R: 12,50 She called me a cleriou(n) -th-(a)t hy-gh-t { o(mn)ia
p(ro)bate } . a por(e) -th-ing w(i)t(h)alle [xaAx]
R: 12,51 -Th-(o)u shalt wende w(i)t(h) wil q(uo)d she . whiles
-th-(a)t hi(m) lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 12,52 Til -gh-e come to -th-e burgh(er) . { q(uo)d bonu(m)
est tenete } [xaAx]
R: 12,53 Ken hi(m) to my cosenes hous . -th-(a)t kinde wit
hy-gh-th [aaAx]
R: 12,54 Sey I sente hi(m) -th-is segge . and -th-(a)t he
shewe hy(m) dowel [aaAx]
R: 12,55 -Th-(us) we lau-gh--th-e our(e) leue . lowtyng at
onys [aaAx]
R: 12,56 and wente for-th- on my way . w(i)t(h) { o(mn)ia
p(ro)bate } [aaAxx]
R: 12,57 and er(e) I cam to -th-e court . q(uo)d { bonu(m)
est tenete } [aaAxx]
R: 12,58 Many ferlys me byfel . in a fewe -gh-eris [aaAx]
fol. 41r
R: 12,59 The fyrste ferly I fond . afyngrid me made [aaaAx]
R: 12,60 As I -gh-ede thurgh -gh-ou -th-e a-gh-en prime dayes
R: 12,61 I stode stille in a stodie . and stared abowte [aaaAx]
R: 12,62 Al hayl q(uo)d on -th-o and I answered . welcome
w(i)t(h) who(m) be -gh-e [aa??]
R: 12,63 I am dwellyng w(i)t(h) deth . and hu(n)ger I hatte
R: 12,64 to lyf in his lordshepe . longyt my weye [aaAx]
R: 12,65 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,66 I shal felle -th-(a)t freke . in a fewe dayes [aaAx]
R: 12,67 I wolde folwe -th-e fayn . but fentesye me hende-th-
R: 12,68 Me folwe-th- such a fentyse . I may no fer-th-er
walke [aaAx]
R: 12,69 Go we for-th- q(uo)d -th-e gom . I haue a gret boyste
R: 12,70 At my bak of broke bred . -th-i bely for to fylle
R: 12,71 A bagge ful of a begger(e) . I bou-gh--th-e h(i)t
at onys [aaAx]
R: 12,72 Than mau(n)ged I wit vp at -th-e fulle [????]
R: 12,73 for -th-e myssyng of mete . no meso(ur) I coude
R: 12,74 --- this line om ---
R: 12,75 --- this line om ---
R: 12,76 --- this line om ---
R: 12,77 W(i)t(h) -th-at cam a knaue . w(i)t(h) a co(n)fesso(ur)es
face [aaAx]
R: 12,78 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,79 he halsed me . and I asked hi(m) after [axAx]
R: 12,80 Of whe(n) -th-at he wer(e) . and wheder -th-(a)t
he wolde [????]
R: 12,81 W(i)t(h) de-th- I duelle q(uo)d he . dayes and ny-gh-t(es)
R: 12,82 Mi name is feu(er)e on -th-e fer-th-e day . I am
a-th-rest euer(e) [aaAx]
R: 12,83 I am masag(er) of de-th- . men haue I tweyne [axAx]
R: 12,84 -Th-at on is called { cotidia(n) } . a co(ur)rour
of our(e) hous [aaAx]
R: 12,85 { tercian } -th-(a)t o-th-(er) . trewe drinker(es)
bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 12,86 We han lett(er)es of lyf . he shal his lyf tyme
R: 12,87 fro de-th- -th-(a)t is our(e) duk . swyche dedis
we brynge [aaAx]
R: 12,88 my-gh-th I so god wot . -gh-our(e) gat(es) wolde
I holden [axAx]
R: 12,89 Nay wil q(uo)d -th-(a)t wy-gh-th . wend -th-(o)u
no ferther [aaAx]
R: 12,90 But lyue as -th-is lyf . is ordeyned for the [aaXx]
R: 12,91 -th-e tomblest wi-th- a trepget . -gh-if -th-(o)u
my tras folwe [aaAx]
R: 12,92 and ma(n)nes m(er)-th-e wrou-gh--th- . no mor -th-a(n)
he deseruy-th- her(e) [aaAx]
R: 12,93 Whil his lyf and his lykhame . lesten togedere [aaAx]
R: 12,94 and -th-(er)for(e) do aft(er) dowel . whil -th-i
dayes duren [aaAa]
fol. 41v
R: 12,95 -Th-at -th-i play be plentevous . in p(ar)adys w(i)t(h)
au(n)gelys [aaAx]
R: 12,96 -Th-(o)u shalt be lau-gh-th into ly-gh-th . w(i)t(h)
loking of an eye [aaAx]
R: 12,97 So -th-at -th-(o)u werke -th-e word . -th-at holy
wryt teche-th- [aaAx]
R: 12,98 And be prest to preyer(es) . and p(ro)fitable werk(es)
R: 12,99 Wille -th-urgh inwit . -th-(o)u wost wel -th-e so-th-e
R: 12,100 -Th-at -th-is speche was spedelich . and sped hi(m)
wel faste [aaAx]
R: 12,101 And wrou-gh-the -th-(a)t her(e) is wryten . and
o-th-(er) werk(es) bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 12,102 Of per(es) -th-e plowma(n) . and mechel puple also
R: 12,103 And wha(n) -th-is werk was wrou-gh-t . er(e) wille
my-gh-te aspie [aaAx]
R: 12,104 De-th- delt hi(m) a dent . and drof hi(m) to -th-e
er-th-e [aaaAx]
R: 12,105 and is closed vnder clom . crist haue his soule
R: 12,106 And so bad Iohan but . busily wel ofte [aaAx]
R: 12,107 Whe(n) he saw -th-es sawes . busyly alegged [aaXx]
R: 12,108 by Iames and by Ierom . by Iop and by o-th-(er)e
R: 12,109 and for he medle-th- of makyng . he made -th-(i)s
ende [aaAx]
R: 12,110 Now alle ke(n)ne creatur(es) . -th-(a)t cristene
wer(e) euere [aaAx]
R: 12,111 God for his goudnesse . gif he(m) swyche happes
R: 12,112 to lyue as -th-(a)t lord lyky-th- . -th-(a)t lyf
in he(m) putte [aaaAx]
R: 12,113 furst to rekne Richard . kyng of -th-(i)s rewme
R: 12,114 And alle lord(es) -th-(a)t louy(n) hi(m) . lely
in herte [aaAx]
R: 12,115 God saue he(m) sound . by se and by land [aaAx]
R: 12,116 Marie moder and may . for man -th-(o)u byseke [aaaAx]
R: 12,117 -Th-at barn bryng vs to blys . -th-(a)t bled vpon
-th-e rode ame(n) [aaaAx]
Explicit do Wel
Nomi(n)e scriptoris tilot plenus amor(us)