PPLA-Ch Diplomatic Texts
p. 1
Ch: P,1 IN a somer seisoune . when softe was the sonne [aaAa]
Ch: P,2 I schope me into schregges . as I a schepe were [aaAx]
Ch: P,3 In abite of an ermite . vnholi of workes [aaAx]
Ch: P,4 Went wide in -th-e worlde . wondres to here [aaAx]
Ch: P,5 Bot In a may mornyng . vppon Maluarne hilles [aaAx]
Ch: P,6 Me befelle a ferly . of feirey me -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: P,7 I was wery of wandred . and went me to Rest [aaAx]
Ch: P,8 Vnder a brode banke . by a bourne syde [aaAx]
Ch: P,9 As I lay and lened . and loked on -th-e water [aaAx]
Ch: P,10 I slomerd into a sleping . it swede so mery [aaAx]
Ch: P,11 And -th-enne gan I mete . a m(er)ueilouse sweuen
Ch: P,12 -Th-at I was In wildernesse . wist I neu(er) were
Ch: P,13 Bot as I behelde into the west . an hie to the sonne
Ch: P,14 I saw a toure on a toft . trewly Imaked [aaAx]
Ch: P,15 A depe dale bene-th-e . a doungeoun -th-erInne [aaAx]
Ch: P,16 With depe dikes and derke . and dredful of si-gh-t
Ch: P,17 A faire feld ful of folke . fande I -th-er betwene
Ch: P,18 Of alle man(er) of men . -th-e mene and -th-e Riche
Ch: P,19 Wirching and wandring . as -th-e world aske-th-
Ch: P,20 Sum put hem to the plow . pleied ful selde [aaAx]
Ch: P,21 In settyng and sowing . swonke ful harde [aaAx]
Ch: P,22 Whom -th-at -th-es wastours . with glotonye distroie
Ch: P,23 And sum put hem to pride . appareiled hem -th-erafter
Ch: P,24 In countenau(n)ce of clo-th-ing . comen disgised
Ch: P,25 In preiers and penaunce . put hem many [aaAx]
Ch: P,26 Alle for loue of oure lorde . leued ful streite
Ch: P,27 In hope to haue after . heuen Riche blisse [aaAx]
Ch: P,28 As ankers and Ermites . -th-at holden hem in her
selles [aaAx]
Ch: P,29 Comen nou-gh-t in contre . to karien aboute [aaAx]
Ch: P,30 ffor no licerouse liflode . her licam to plese [aaAx]
Ch: P,31 And sum chosen to chaffare . -th-ei cheueden -th-e
better [aaAx]
Ch: P,32 As hit semeth to oure si-gh-t . -th-at such men
-th-riuen [aaAx]
Ch: P,33 And sum mer-th-es to make . as Minstralles conne
Ch: P,34 And gete gold with here gle . giltles I trowe [aaaAx]
Ch: P,35 Bot Iapers and ganglers . Iudas chyldrin [aaAx]
p. 2
Ch: P,36 ffonden hem fantesies . and foles hem maken [aaAx]
Ch: P,37 And haue witte at wille . to worche -gh-ef him liste
Ch: P,38 -Th-at poule preche-th- of hem . I dar nou-gh-t
preue hit here [aaAx]
Ch: P,39 { Qui loquitur turpiloquium } . is luciferis hyne
Ch: P,40 Bidders and beggers . fast aboute -gh-ede [aaAx]
Ch: P,41 Til here bely and her bagge . were bretfulle filled
Ch: P,42 ffliten -th-an for her fode . and fi-gh-ten at -th-e
nale [aaAx]
Ch: P,43 In glotony god wote . gon -th-ei to bedde [aaAx]
Ch: P,44 And risen vp with rebaudy . as Robertes knaues [aaAx]
Ch: P,45 Slepe and sleuthe . sewen hem euer [aaAx]
Ch: P,46 Pilgrimes and palmers . pli-gh-ten hem togederes
Ch: P,47 ffor to seke seint -Gh-ame . and seintes at Rome
Ch: P,48 Went furth in her way . with many wise talis [aaAx]
Ch: P,49 And had leue to li-gh-e . al her lif after [aaAx]
Ch: P,50 Ermites on an hepe . with hoked staues [aaAx]
Ch: P,51 Wenten to walsyngh(a)m . and her wenches after [aaAx]
Ch: P,52 Gret lobies and long . -th-at lo-th-e were to swynk
Ch: P,53 Clo-th-ed hem In copes . to be knowen from o-th-er
Ch: P,54 Schope hem Ermites . her ese to haue [xaAa]
Ch: P,55 I founde -th-er freres . alle the foure ordres [aaAx]
Ch: P,56 Preching the peple . for profite of the wombe [aaAx]
Ch: P,57 Glosed the gospel . as hem gode -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: P,58 ffor coueitise of copes . constrewed hit as -th-ei
wold [aaAx]
Ch: P,59 Many of thes maistres . may clothe hem at liking
Ch: P,60 ffor her mony and her marchaundise . meten togederes
Ch: P,61 Se-th- charite hathe ben chapman . and chef to schriue
lordes [aaAx]
Ch: P,62 Many ferlies han fallen . in a few -gh-eres [aaAx]
Ch: P,63 Bot holi chirch and -th-ei . holden bet togeder
Ch: P,64 -Th-e most mischef on molde . is mountyng vp fast
Ch: P,65 -Th-er preched a pardoner . as he a prest were [aaAx]
Ch: P,66 Brou-gh-t forthe a Bulle . with Bischops sseles
Ch: P,67 And seide -th-at him self . mi-gh-t assoile hem
alle [aaAx]
Ch: P,68 Off falsnesse of fasting . and of avowes breking
Ch: P,69 lewde men leued hit wele . and liked his speche
Ch: P,70 Comen vp kneling . to kissen his bulle [aaAx]
p. 3
Ch: P,71 And he buncheth hem with his breuet . and blerith
her eye-gh-en [aaAx]
Ch: P,72 And rau-gh-t with his Ragman . Ringes and broches
Ch: P,73 -Th-us -th-ei -gh-euen her gode . glotouns to helpe
Ch: P,74 And lenen hit locels . -th-at lecchorie haunten
Ch: P,75 Bot were the bischop Iblessed . and worth bothe
hise eris [aaAx]
Ch: P,76 His sel schuld nat be so sent . to sustein -th-e
l peple [aaAx]
Ch: P,77 Hit is nat al be -th-e bischop . -th-at -th-e boy
preche-th- [aaAx]
Ch: P,78 Bot -th-e p(ar)ische prest and -th-e pardoner .
parten -th-e siluer [aaaAx]
Ch: P,79 -Th-at -th-e pore peple of -th-e parsch . schuld
haue -gh-if -th-ei ne were [aaaXx]
Ch: P,80 Persones and parsch prestes . pleined hem to -th-e
bischop [aaaAx]
Ch: P,81 -Th-at her parsch was pore . se-th- -th-e pestelence
time [aaAx]
Ch: P,82 To haue licens and leue . at london to duelle [aaAx]
Ch: P,83 To singe for symonye . for silu(er) is swete [aaAx]
Ch: P,84 -Th-er houed an hundred . in howes of silk [aaAx]
Ch: P,85 Seriauntes it semed . -th-at serued at barre [aaAx]
Ch: P,86 Pleten for penies . and pointen the lawe [aaAx]
Ch: P,87 And nou-gh-t for loue of oure lorde . vnclose here
lippes ones [aaAa]
Ch: P,88 -th-ow mi-gh-tist better mete mist . on Maluerne
hilles [aaaAx]
Ch: P,89 -Th-en gete a momme of her mouthe . or mony be schewed
Ch: P,90 I saw Bischops bolde . and Bachelers of deuyne [aaAx]
Ch: P,91 Become clerkes of countes . -th-e king for to serue
Ch: P,92 Archedeknes and denes . -th-at dignites hauen [aaAx]
Ch: P,93 To preche the peple . and pore men to fede [aaAx]
Ch: P,94 Ben Ilope to london . be leue of her bischop [aaAx]
Ch: P,95 And ben clerkes of -th-e kingis benche . -th-e contrey
to schende [aaAx]
Ch: P,96 Barouns and Burgeis . and bondage also [aaAx]
Ch: P,97 I sawe -th-at in semble . as -gh-e schul here after
Ch: P,98 Bakers and Bochers . and Brewsters many [aaAx]
Ch: P,99 Wullen websterres . and weuers of lynyn [aaAx]
Ch: P,100 Tailours Tauerners . and Tapsters Bothe [aaAx]
Ch: P,101 Masounes Mynours . and many o-th-er craftes [aaAx]
Ch: P,102 As dikers and deluers . -th-at don er dede euel
Ch: P,103 And driuen furthe -th-e long day . with { deu saue
dame Emme } [aaAx]
Ch: P,104 Cokes and her knaues . crien hote pies hote [aaAx]
Ch: P,105 Gode ges and gris . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
Ch: P,106 Tauerners tuly . tolde hem -th-e same [axAx]
p. 4
Ch: P,107 With wyn of Osay . and wyn of Gascoyne [aaxAx]
Ch: P,108 Off the Ryne of the Rochel . the roste to defye
Ch: P,109 Al -th-is I sawe sleping . and seuen suthes more
Primus passus de visione
Ch: 1,1 What the mountayne mene-th- . and ek -th-e derke dale
Ch: 1,2 And ek the felde ful of folk . I schal -gh-ou faire
schewe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,3 A louely lady of lire . in lynnen Iclo-th-ed [aaaAx]
Ch: 1,4 Come doun fro -th-at kith . and called me faire [aaAx]
Ch: 1,5 And seide sone slepes -th-ou . sest -th-ou -th-is
peple [aaAx]
Ch: 1,6 How besy -th-ei ben . aboute the mase [aaAx]
Ch: 1,7 -Th-e most party of -th-is peple . -th-at passeth
on -th-e erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,8 Haue -th-ei wel-th-e in -th-is world . kepe -th-ei
no better [aaAx]
Ch: 1,9 Of heuen o-th-er -th-an here . holde -th-ei no tale
Ch: 1,10 I was aferd of her face . -th-ou-gh- sche faire
were [aaAx]
Ch: 1,11 And seide mercy madame . what is -th-is to mene
Ch: 1,12 -Th-e tour of -th-e tofte q(o)d sche . trowth is
-th-erInne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,13 And wold -th-at -gh-e wrou-gh-t . as his worde teche-th-
Ch: 1,14 ffor he is fader of feith . and formed -gh-ou alle
Ch: 1,15 Bo-th-e with fel and with face . and -gh-af -gh-ou
fiue wittes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,16 ffor to worschep him -th-erwith . wiles -gh-e ben
her [aaAx]
Ch: 1,17 And -th-erfore he hi-gh-t -th-e erthe . to helpe
-gh-ou echon [aaAx]
Ch: 1,18 Of linen of wollen . of liflode at nede [aaAx]
Ch: 1,19 In mesurabel maner . to make -gh-ow at ese [aaAx]
Ch: 1,20 And comaunded of his curtasie . in comune -th-re
-th-inges [aaAx]
Ch: 1,21 Be-th- none nedful but -th-o . nempne hem I -th-ink
Ch: 1,22 And reken hem in resoun . reherse -th-ow hem after
Ch: 1,23 -Th-at on is clo-th-ing . fro chel -th-e to saue
Ch: 1,24 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 1,25 And drink whan -th-e drie-th- . but do hit nat out
of resoun [aaAx]
Ch: 1,26 -Th-at -th-ow worche -th-e wors . when -th-ow worche
schuldest [aaAx]
Ch: 1,27 ffor lote in his liue daies . for liking of drink
Ch: 1,28 Ded be his dou-gh-tern . -th-at -th-e deuel likidde
Ch: 1,29 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 1,30 And with lecherie hem lau-gh-t . and lay be hem
bothe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,31 And alle he witted wyn . -th-at wikked dede [aaAx]
Ch: 1,32 Drede delitabel drink . and -th-ow schalt do -th-e
better [aaaAx]
p. 5
Ch: 1,33 Mesure is medicyne . -th-ow-gh- -th-ow much -gh-erne
Ch: 1,34 Alle is nou-gh-t gode to -th-e goste . -th-at -th-e
gut like-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 1,35 No liflode to -th-e licam . -th-at lef is to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
Ch: 1,36 Leue nou-gh-t -th-i licam . for a le-th-er him teche-th-
Ch: 1,37 -Th-at is -th-e wikked world . the to betray [aaAx]
Ch: 1,38 ffor the fende and -th-i flesch . folow togeder
Ch: 1,39 ffor to schende -th-y soule . set hit in -th-in
hert [aaAx]
Ch: 1,40 And for -th-ow schuldest be ware . I wisse the -th-e
beste [xaAx]
Ch: 1,41 A a madame q(uo)d I mercy . me like-th- wel -gh-oure
wordes [aaAbb]
Ch: 1,42 Bot the money on the molde . -th-at men so faste
holden [aaAx]
Ch: 1,43 Telle me to whom -th-at tresour appendit [xxXx]
Ch: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d sche . -th-at god seide
him self [aaAx]
Ch: 1,45 -Th-o -th-e peple him apposed . with a peny in -th-e
temple [aaAx]
Ch: 1,46 -Gh-if -th-ei schuld worschepe . -th-erwith Cesar
the king [aaAx]
Ch: 1,47 And he asked of hem of whom spak -th-e letter [xxXx]
Ch: 1,48 And -th-e Image is like . -th-at -th-er Inne stondes
Ch: 1,49 Cesar -th-ei seide . we se wel echon [axAx]
Ch: 1,50 { Reddite Cesari } q(uo)d god . -th-at { cesari
} befallet [axAx]
Ch: 1,51 { Et que sunt dei deo } . or elles -gh-e don euel
Ch: 1,52 ffor ri-gh-tfullich resoun . schuld rewle -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,53 And kinde witte be wardein . -gh-oure witte to kepe
Ch: 1,54 And -th-e tutour of -gh-oure tresour . and take
hit -gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
Ch: 1,55 ffor husbondey and he . holden togidderes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,56 -Th-en I frayned her faire . for him -th-at her
made [aaAxx]
Ch: 1,57 -Th-e doungon in -th-e dale . -th-at dredful is
of si-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 1,58 What may hit mene . madame I the beseche [aaAx]
Ch: 1,59 -Th-er is a castel of care . ho so come-th- -th-erInne
Ch: 1,60 May banne -th-at he bore was . to bodi oure to soule
Ch: 1,61 -Th-er Inne woneth a wi-gh-t . -th-at wrong is Ihote
Ch: 1,62 ffader of falshede . he fondid hit him selue [aaAx]
Ch: 1,63 Adam and Eue . he egged hem to Ille [aaAa]
Ch: 1,64 Conseiled caym . to killen his brother [aaAx]
Ch: 1,65 ludas he Iaped . with Iewen siluer [aaAx]
Ch: 1,66 And se-th-en on an Eldre . hing him selue [aaAa]
Ch: 1,67 --- this line is omitted ---
p. 6
Ch: 1,68 -Th-at trusten on his tresour . betraied ar sonnest
Ch: 1,69 -Th-an had I wonder in my witte . what womman hit
were [aaAa]
Ch: 1,70 -Th-at such wise wordes . of holi writ schewd [aaAx]
Ch: 1,71 And hailised here on -th-e hie name . or sche -th-ens
-gh-ede [aaAx]
Ch: 1,72 What sche were witterli . -th-at hailised me so
feire [aaAx]
Ch: 1,73 Holi chirch I am q(uo)d sche . -th-ow ou-gh-test
me to know [aaAx]
Ch: 1,74 I vnderfong -th-e firste . and the feith tau-gh-t
Ch: 1,75 -Th-ow brou-gh-test me borowes . my bydding to worche
Ch: 1,76 To loue me lely . whiles -th-i lif dureth [aaAx]
Ch: 1,77 -Th-an I kneled on my knees . and cried here of
grace [aaAx]
Ch: 1,78 And preied here petosly . pray for my synnes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,79 And ken me kendely . on crist to beleue [aaAx]
Ch: 1,80 -Th-at I mi-gh-t worch his wille . -th-at wrou-gh-t
me to man [aaAx]
Ch: 1,81 Teche me to no tresour . but telle me -th-is Ilke
Ch: 1,82 How I may saue my soule . -th-at seint art Ihote
Ch: 1,83 Whan al tresours arn tried . trew-th- is -th-e beste
Ch: 1,84 I do hit on { deus caritas } . to deme -th-e sothe
Ch: 1,85 It is as derworth a dreury . as dere as god him
selue [aaAx]
Ch: 1,86 ffor ho so is trew of his tong . telleth non o-th-er
Ch: 1,87 Bot dothe the workes -th-erwith . and willeth no
man Ille [aaAx]
Ch: 1,88 He is on god be -th-e gospel . on ground and on
lofte [aaAx]
Ch: 1,89 And ek like to oure lorde . by seint lukis wordes
Ch: 1,90 Clerkes -th-at knoweth hit . schuld ken hit aboute
Ch: 1,91 ffor cristen and oncristen . clayme-th- hit echon
Ch: 1,92 Kinges and kni-gh-tes . schuld kepe hit be Resoun
Ch: 1,93 And ride and rape adoun . the remes aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 1,94 And taken trespasours . and teyen hem faste [aaAx]
Ch: 1,95 Tille treu-th-e had termyned . here trespas to -th-e
ende [aaAx]
Ch: 1,96 ffor dauid in hise daies . he dubbed kni-gh-tes
Ch: 1,97 Made hem swere on his swerde . to serue trou-th-e
euer [aaAx]
Ch: 1,98 -Th-at is -th-e profescion apertely . -th-at apendit
to kni-gh-tes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,99 And to fast a friday . in fyue score wynter [aaAx]
Ch: 1,100 Bot holden with him and with her . -th-at aske-th-
-th-e treu-th- [aaaAx]
Ch: 1,101 No neuer lach him for loue . ne laching of -gh-iftes
p. 7
Ch: 1,102 And whoso passeth -th-at point . is apostata In his
order [aaAx]
Ch: 1,103 And crist king of king(es) . knytide ten [aaaAx]
Ch: 1,104 Cherubyn and seraphin . such seuene and on o-th-er
Ch: 1,105 -Gh-af hem my-gh-t in his maieste . the merier
hem -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 1,106 And ouer his meyne made hem archangeles [aaXx]?
Ch: 1,107 Tau-gh-t hem -th-oro-gh- the trinite . the treu-th-e
to knowe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,108 To be buxum at his bidding . he bad nou-gh-t elles
Ch: 1,109 Lucifere with legionnes . lered in heuen [aaAx]
Ch: 1,110 And was the louelokest . to loken on after our
lorde [aaXa]
Ch: 1,111 Til he brak buxumnesse . -th-orow bost of him selue
Ch: 1,112 -Th-an fel he with his felawes . and fendes become
Ch: 1,113 Out of heuen Into helle . hobled -th-ei faste [aaAx]
Ch: 1,114 Sum In eire sum In erthe . sum in helle depe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,115 But lucifer lowest . lithe of hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,116 ffor pride -th-at he put oute . his peine hathe
non ende [aaAx]
Ch: 1,117 And alle -th-at worchen with wrong . wende -th-ei
schullen [aaAx]
Ch: 1,118 After her de-th- day . and duelle with -th-at schrewe
Ch: 1,119 But -th-ei -th-at worchen -th-at worde . -th-at
holi writ techeth [aaAx]
Ch: 1,120 And enden as I are seide . in p(er)fite workes
Ch: 1,121 Mow be seker -th-at here soules . schul wende into
heuen [aaAxx]
Ch: 1,122 -Th-er trew-th-e is in trinite . and crownen hem
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,123 ffor-th-y I sey as I seide are . be si-gh-t of
thes d tixstes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,124 Whan al tresours arn tried . trew-th- is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
Ch: 1,125 Lereth hit -th-us lewd men . for lettred hit knowe-th-
Ch: 1,126 -Th-at treu-th- is tresour . triest on erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,127 -gh-it haue I no kende knowing q(uo)d I . -gh-e
mot me better ken [aaAx]
Ch: 1,128 Be what craft in my cors . hit comsit and were
Ch: 1,129 -Th-ow dotid daff q(uo)d sche . dul arn -th-i wittis
Ch: 1,130 hit is a kende knowing . -th-at cometh in -th-in
hert [aaAx]
Ch: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-i lord . leuer -th-an -th-i selue
Ch: 1,132 No dedly syn for to do . die -th-ow-gh- -th-ow
schuldest [aaAx]
Ch: 1,133 -Th-is I trow be trewth . ho can teche -th-e better
Ch: 1,134 Loke -th-ow suffre him to sey . and se-th- lere
hit after [aaAx]
p. 8
Ch: 1,135 ffor -th-us aske-th- witnesse his worde . worche
-th-ow -th-er after [aaAx]
Ch: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-at euer
oure lorde aske-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 1,137 And eke the plante of pes . preche hit in -th-in
harpe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,138 when -th-ow art mery at mete . -gh-if me bidde
-th-e -gh-edde [aaAx]
Ch: 1,139 ffor in kende knowing in hert . -th-er comsit a
mi-gh-t [aaxAx]
Ch: 1,140 And -th-at falleth to -th-e fader . -th-at fourmed
vs alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,141 Loked on vs with loue . and let his sone die [aaAx]
Ch: 1,142 Mekelych for oure misdedis . to amende vs alle
Ch: 1,143 And -gh-it wold hem no wo . -th-at wrou-gh-t him
-th-at peyne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,144 Bot mekely with mowthe . mercy besou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 1,145 To haue pite on -th-at peple . -th-at pyned him
to de-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 1,146 Here mi-gh-t we se ensaumple . in himself on [aaAx]
Ch: 1,147 -Th-at he was my-gh-tful and meke . and mercy gan
graunte [aaAx]
Ch: 1,148 To hem -th-at hyng him by . and his hert -th-erled
Ch: 1,149 ffor-th-y I rede -th-e Riche . haue Rewth on -th-e
pore [aaAx]
Ch: 1,150 -Th-ow -gh-e be my-gh-ty to mote . be-th- meke
of -gh-oure workes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesure -gh-e mete . amys o-th-er
elles [aaAx]
Ch: 1,152 -Gh-e schul be wey -th-erwith . when -gh-e wende
hennes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,153 ffor thy be-th- trewe of -gh-oure tong . and trewelich
wynne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,154 And ek as chast as a child . -th-at In chirch wepith
Ch: 1,155 Bot -gh-ef -gh-e loue leely . and lene -th-e pore
Ch: 1,156 Off such gode as god sent . godlich parte-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 1,157 -Gh-e ne haue no more merite . matynes no masse
Ch: 1,158 -th-en malkyn of her maidenhode . -th-at no man
desireth [aaAx]
Ch: 1,159 ffor Iames the gentille . ioyned In his bokes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,160 -Th-at faithe without faitour . is febler -th-an
nou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 1,161 And als dede as a dore nayle . bot -gh-ef -th-e
dede folewe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,162 Chastite without charite . worth cheyned in helle
Ch: 1,163 It is as lewde as a lampe . -th-at no ly-gh-t is
Inne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,164 Mony chapelaynes ben chaste . ac charite ys away
Ch: 1,165 Be-th- none harder -th-en -th-ey . when -th-ey
ben auaunsed [aaAx]
Ch: 1,166 Vnkynde to her kynne . and ek to alle cristen [aaXa]
Ch: 1,167 Chewen her charite . and chiden after more [aaAx]
Ch: 1,168 Such chastite withoute charite . worth cheyned
in helle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,169 -Gh-e curatours -th-at kepen -gh-ou . clene of
-gh-oure bodies [aaAx]
p. 9
Ch: 1,170 -Gh-e bene acombred with couatise . -gh-e conne nou-gh-t
out crepe [aaAa]
Ch: 1,171 So fast ha-th- auarice . hesped -gh-ow togederes
Ch: 1,172 -th-er is no trewthe of trinite . bot trechory
of helle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,173 And a lernyng to the lewd men . -th-e latter to
dele [aaAx]
Ch: 1,174 ffor -th-es ben -th-e wordes writen . in -th-e
Eu(au)ngelie [aaAx]
Ch: 1,175 { Date and dabitur vobis } . for I dele -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,176 -Th-at is -th-e boke of lif . -th-at leti-th- out
my grace [aaAx]
Ch: 1,177 To comforte the careful . acumbred with synne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuyst -th-ing . -th-at oure lorde
askith [aaAx]
Ch: 1,179 And eke the graythe gate . -th-at go-th- into heuen
Ch: 1,180 ffor I sey as I saide er . by si-gh-t of -th-es
tixtes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,181 When al tresours ben tryed . trew-th-e is -th-e
best [aaAx]
Ch: 1,182 Now haue I tolde the what trewthe is . and no tresour
is better [aaAx]
Ch: 1,183 I may no lenger leng . now loke -th-e oure lorde
Passus secundus devisione
Ch: 2,1 -Gh-it knelid I on my knees . and cried her of grace
Ch: 2,2 And seide mercy madame . for mary loue of heuen [aaAx]
Ch: 2,3 -Th-at bare the blisful barne . -th-at bou-gh-t vs
on -th-e Rode [aaaAx]
Ch: 2,4 Ken me be sum craft . to know -th-e fals [aaAx]
Ch: 2,5 Loke on -th-i left half . and lo where he stande-th-
Ch: 2,6 Bo-th-e fals and fauel . and his feres many [aaAx]
Ch: 2,7 I loked on -th-e left half . and -th-at ladi me tau-gh-t
Ch: 2,8 And was ware of a woman . wondirlich clo-th-ed [aaAx]
Ch: 2,9 Ipurfuled with pelour . purest on erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,10 Icrowned with a crown . -th-e king hathe no better
Ch: 2,11 Alle her fyue fyngres . wer frette with Rynges [aaAx]
Ch: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perrey . -th-at princes wered euer
Ch: 2,13 In red scarlet Robed . Rebaned with golde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,14 -Th-er is no quen quaynter . -th-at quyk is on liue
Ch: 2,15 What is -th-is woman q(uo)d I . -th-us worthly atired
Ch: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maide . hath noied me wel ofte
Ch: 2,17 And lakked my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 2,18 In -th-e popes palaise . sche is preue as my self
Ch: 2,19 And so schuld sche nou-gh-t be for wrong was her
si-gh-te [xxXx]
Ch: 2,20 Out of wrong sche wex . to wro-th-erhele many [aaAx]
p. 10
Ch: 2,21 I au-gh-t be hi-gh-er . -th-an sche for I cam of better
Ch: 2,22 To morn worth -th-e mariage made . of mede and of
falce [aaaAx]
Ch: 2,23 ffauel with feire speche . ha-th-e ioyned hem togederes
Ch: 2,24 Gyle hathe begon her so . sche graunte-th- al his
wille [aaAx]
Ch: 2,25 And al is it lie-gh-ers ledyng . -th-at -th-ey lie-gh-en
togederes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,26 Tomorn worthe -th-e mariage . made as I the telle
Ch: 2,27 -Th-er my-gh-t -th-ow wite -gh-if -th-ow wilt .
wiche -th-ey ben alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,28 -Th-at longen to -th-at lordschep . -th-e lesse
and -th-e more [aaAx]
Ch: 2,29 Know hem -th-er -gh-ef -th-ow canst . and kepe -th-e
from hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,30 -Gh-if -th-ow willest to wone . with crist In his
blisse [aaAxx]
Ch: 2,31 I may no lenger lette . our lorde I -th-e beken
Ch: 2,32 And become a gode man . for any couatise I rede
Ch: 2,33 Alle -th-e Riche retenaunce . -th-at regne-th- with
fals [aaAx]
Ch: 2,34 Weren bidde to the bridale . on bo-th-e -th-e two
sides [aaAx]
Ch: 2,35 Sir symony is assent . to assele -th-e charteres
Ch: 2,36 -Th-at fals and fauelle . by any fyne halden [aaAx]
Ch: 2,37 And feffe mede -th-er with . in mariage for euer
Ch: 2,38 -Th-er nas halle ne hows . to herbarowe -th-e peple
Ch: 2,39 -Th-at eu(er)y felde nas fulle . of folke al aboute
Ch: 2,40 In myddes a mounteyn . at mydmorow tide [aaAx]
Ch: 2,41 Was pi-gh-t vp a pauyloun . proude for -th-e nones
Ch: 2,42 And ten -th-ousand of tentis . Itelded besyde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,43 Of kni-gh-tis of contres . of comeres about [aaAx]
Ch: 2,44 ffor sisours for somnours . for sellers for beggers
Ch: 2,45 ffor lered for lewde . for labourers of -th-ropes
Ch: 2,46 Alle to witnesse wele . what -th-e writ wold [aaAa]
Ch: 2,47 In what maner -th-at mede . in Mariage was feffed
Ch: 2,48 To be festened with fals . the fyne is arered [aaAx]
Ch: 2,49 -Th-en fauel fette-th- her fur-th- . and to fals
take-th- [aaaAx]
Ch: 2,50 In forward -th-at falshede . schal fynde her for
euer [aaAx]
Ch: 2,51 And be bound at his bode . his bidding to fulfille
Ch: 2,52 At bed at borde . buxsom and hende [aaAx]
p. 11
Ch: 2,53 And as sire symony wil sey . to sewen his wille [aaAx]
Ch: 2,54 Symony and Cyuyle . stonden forthe bothe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,55 And onfolden -th-e feffement . -th-at fals hath
Imaked [aaAx]
Ch: 2,56 -Th-us begynne-th- the gomes . and greden wel hye
Ch: 2,57 wete-th- and witnesse-th- . -th-at wonen vpon erthe
Ch: 2,58 -Th-at I fauel feffe . falsnesse to mede [aaAx]
Ch: 2,59 To be present in pride . for pore o-th-er Riche
Ch: 2,60 With -th-e erldom of Enuy . euer more to last [aaAx]
Ch: 2,61 With al the lordschipe of lecchery . in leng-th-e
and brede [aaAx]
Ch: 2,62 With the kingdom of Couatise . I croune hem togederes
Ch: 2,63 And alle -th-e Ile of vsurie . and auarice -th-e
laste [aaAx]
Ch: 2,64 Glotonye and gret o-th-es . I geue hem togedres
Ch: 2,65 With alle the delites of lust . -th-e deuel for
to serue [axAx]
Ch: 2,66 In alle -th-e seignourie of slewthe . I seyse hem
togederes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,67 -Th-ei to haue and to holde . to her eiers after
Ch: 2,68 With alle the p(ur)tenaunce of purgatorie . into
-th-e pyne of helle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,69 -Gh-elding for -th-is -th-ing at on -gh-eres ende
Ch: 2,70 her soules to sathanas . to synken In pyne [aaAx]
Ch: 2,71 -Th-er to wone with wrong . while god is in heuen
Ch: 2,72 In witnessyng of wich -th-ing . wrong was -th-e
first [aaAx]
Ch: 2,73 And Pers -th-e p(ar)doner . poulynes doctour [aaAx]
Ch: 2,74 Bette -th-e bedelle . of Bokyngh(a)m Schire [aaAx]
Ch: 2,75 Randor -th-e Reue . of Rutlond sokne [aaAx]
Ch: 2,76 Munde the myllere . and many mo other [aaAx]
Ch: 2,77 In -th-e date of the deuel . the dede was asseled
Ch: 2,78 In si-gh-t of sire symony . and signes of Notories
Ch: 2,79 -Th-an tened hym theologie . whan he -th-is tale
herd [aaAx]
Ch: 2,80 And seide to Cyuyle . sorow on -th-y bokes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,81 Such wedding to wirche . to wre-th-en trewthe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,82 Or -th-is wedding be wrou-gh-t . wo the betyde [aaAx]
Ch: 2.83 ffor mede is muliere . of frendes engendred [aaAx]
Ch: 2,84 God graunt . to geue mede to trew-th-e [aaAx]
p. 12
Ch: 2,85 And -th-ow hast -gh-eue here to a gilour . now god
-gh-eue -th-e sorow [aaAx]
Ch: 2,86 The tyxtest telleth nou-gh-t so . trew-th-e wote
the so-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua } [Latin]
Ch: 2,87 Worthy is -th-e workman . his mede to haue [aaXx]
Ch: 2,88 And -th-ow hast fastened her with fals . fy on -th-y
lawes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,89 ffor alle be lesinges -th-ow leuest . and lecherous
workes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,90 Synonye and -th-y self . schenden holi chirch [aaAx]
Ch: 2,91 -Gh-e and notaries noy-gh-en the pepelle [xaAx]?
Ch: 2,92 -Gh-e schulle abygge bothe . by god -th-at me made
Ch: 2,93 Wel -gh-e wete wernardes . bot -gh-ef -gh-oure wit
faile [aaaAx]
Ch: 2,94 -Th-at falsnesse is a faitour . feynteles of workes
Ch: 2,95 And a bastard born . of belsabukkes kynde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,96 And mede is a muliere . of maidens engendered [aaAx]
Ch: 2,97 Sche my-gh-t kisse the kyng . for Cosyn -gh-ef sche
wold [aaAx]
Ch: 2,98 Wirche be wisdam . and be witte after [aaAx]
Ch: 2,99 Ledith her to london . -th-er lawe is Ihandeled
Ch: 2,100 -gh-ef any lewte wol loke . -th-ei liggen togederes
Ch: 2,101 And -gh-ef the Iustice Iugge her . to be Ioyned
with fals [aaAx]
Ch: 2,102 -gh-it be war of weddyng . for wytty Is trew-th-e
Ch: 2,103 ffor conscience is of his consceile . and knoweth
-gh-ow echon [aaAx]
Ch: 2,104 And -gh-ef he fynde -gh-ow with defaut . and with
fals holden [aaAx]
Ch: 2,105 hit schal besette -gh-oure soules wel . sore at
laste [aaAx]
Ch: 2,106 Herto assente-th- Ciuyle . but symonye ne wolde
Ch: 2,107 Tille he had siluer . for his seles and signes
Ch: 2,108 -Th-an fette fauel forth . floreyns Inowe [aaaAx]
Ch: 2,109 And bad gile go -gh-eue . gold aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 2,110 And namely to Notaries . -th-at he non failed [aaAx]
Ch: 2,111 And feffe falsnese . with floreines Inow [aaAx]
Ch: 2,112 ffor he may mede and maistren . and maken at my
wille [aaAx]
Ch: 2,113 -Th-o -th-is gold was -gh-euen . gret was -th-e
-th-anking [aaAx]
Ch: 2,114 To fals and to fauel . for her faire -gh-eftes
Ch: 2,115 And comen to comfort . fro care the fals [aaAx]
Ch: 2,116 And seiden certis . ces schul we neuer [aaAx]
p. 13
Ch: 2,117 Tyl mede be -th-y wedded wyf . -th-orow witte of
vs alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,118 ffor we haue mede maistred . with oure mery speche
Ch: 2,119 -Th-an he graunted to go . with a gode wille [aaAx]
Ch: 2,120 To london to loke . -gh-ef -th-e lawe wold [aaAx]
Ch: 2,121 Ioyne hem Ioyntely . in Ioye for euer [aaAx]
Ch: 2,122 -Th-an was fals fayn . and fauel as bliue [aaAx]
Ch: 2,123 And let somnen -th-e segges . about In scheres
Ch: 2,124 And alle to be bown . beggers and o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 2,125 To wende with hem to westmester . to witnesse the
dede [aaAx]
Ch: 2,126 -Th-an cared -th-ei for capuls . to karien hem
-th-eder [aaAx]
Ch: 2,127 -Th-an fet fauel . foles of -th-e beste [aaAx]
Ch: 2,128 Sette mede on a schreue . schod al newe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,129 And fals satte on a sesoure . -th-at sotely trotted
Ch: 2,130 And fauel vpon faire speche . sotely atired [aaAx]
Ch: 2,131 -Th-er had notaries non . anewed -th-ei were [aaAx]
Ch: 2,132 -Th-at symonie and Ciuile . schuld on her fet gon
Ch: 2,133 -Th-an swore ciuile . and seide be -th-e rode [aaAx]
Ch: 2,134 -Th-at somnours schuld be sadeled . and serue hem
echon [aaAx]
Ch: 2,135 And lete apaireile -th-es professours . in palfrecyis
wise [aaAx]
Ch: 2,136 Sire symonye him self . schal sitte on her bakkes
Ch: 2,137 And alle -th-e denes and suddenes . as destroiers
hem di-gh-t [aaAa]
Ch: 2,138 ffor -th-ei schul bere -th-es bischops . and bring
hem at her Rest [aaAx]
Ch: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleintes In -th-e constorie
Ch: 2,140 Schul serue my self . -th-at ciuile hatte [aaAx]
Ch: 2,141 And let kartsadele the commesarie . our cart schal
he draw [aaAx]
Ch: 2,142 And fetten oure vitailes . from fornicatours [aaAx]
Ch: 2,143 And make of lier a large carte . to lede al -th-is
o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 2,144 As foles and faitours . -th-at on her fet trotten
Ch: 2,145 ffals and fauel . faren forth togeder [aaAa]
Ch: 2,146 And mede In -th-e myddes . and alle -th-e meyne
after [aaAx]
Ch: 2,147 I haue no tong to telle . -th-at taile -th-at hem
folowed [aaAx]
Ch: 2,148 Of many maner of men . -th-at on -th-is mold lybbe-th-
Ch: 2,149 Bot gile was forgoer . and gyed hem alle [aaAx]
p. 14
Ch: 2,150 And sothenesse sey-gh-e hit wele . and seide but
a litelle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,151 Bot preked forth on his palfray . and passed hem
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,152 And com to -th-e kingis court . and conscience
tolde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,153 And conscience til -th-e king . carped hit after
Ch: 2,154 Be crist q(uo)d -th-e king . and I mi-gh-t cacche
Ch: 2,155 ffals o-th-er fauel . or any of her feres [aaXa]
Ch: 2,156 I wold be wrokin of -th-es wrecches . -th-at worchen
so euel [aaAx]
Ch: 2,157 And do hem hong be -th-e hals . and alle -th-at
hem maynteni-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 2,158 Schal neuer man on -th-is mound . meynprise the
leste [aaAx]
Ch: 2,159 Bot Ri-gh-t as -th-e lawe loketh . let falle on
hem alle [aaAxx]
Ch: 2,160 And comaunde a constabel . to come at -th-e firste
Ch: 2,161 To atache -th-es tyrautes . for any tresour I hote
Ch: 2,162 ffettre fals fast . for any kynnes -gh-iftes [aaaXx]
Ch: 2,163 And gedere-th- of Gyles heued . let hym go no fir-th-er
Ch: 2,164 And bring mede to me . maugry hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,165 Symony and cyuile . I sent hem to warne [aaAx]
Ch: 2,166 -Th-at holi chirch for hem . wor-th-e armed for
euer [aaAx]
Ch: 2,167 And -gh-ef -gh-e lacche leyer . let hym nou-gh-t
scape [aaAx]
Ch: 2,168 Or he be put to -th-e pilorye . for any preiere
I hote [aaAx]
Ch: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stode . and -th-at dome herde
Ch: 2,170 And wi-gh-tly went . to warne -th-e fals [aaAx]
Ch: 2,171 And bad hym fle for fere . and his feres alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,172 -Th-an falsnesse for fere . flew-gh- tille -th-e
freres [aaAa]
Ch: 2,173 And gile do-th-e hym to go . agast for to dy-gh-e
Ch: 2,174 Bot marchaundis mette with hym . and made hym abide
Ch: 2,175 Beschette hym In here schoppis . to schewen her
ware [aaAx]
Ch: 2,176 Appaireled him as a prentis . -th-e peple to serue
Ch: 2,177 Li-gh-tlich ly-gh-er . lepe away -th-ennes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,178 Lurkyng -th-orow lanes . tolugged of mony [aaAx]
Ch: 2,179 He was nowere welcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
Ch: 2,180 Bot oueral Ihunted . and Ihote trusse [aaAx]
Ch: 2,181 Tille pardoners had pite on him . and putte him
to house [aaAx]
p. 15
Ch: 2,182 Weschen him and wipten him . and wounden him In clo-th-es
Ch: 2,183 And sent him on sonedaies . with seles to chirches
Ch: 2,184 And -gh-af p(ar)dones for penyes . poundemele about
Ch: 2,185 -Th-an lowred leches . and lett(er)es to him sent
Ch: 2,186 ffor to wony with hem . wateres to loke [axAx]
Ch: 2,187 Spicers spoke with him . to aspi-gh-e here ware
Ch: 2,188 ffor -th-ei cow-th-e on her craft . and knew many
gynnes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,189 Mynstralles and messangers . mette with him ones
Ch: 2,190 And withhelde him an half . -gh-ere and all euen
daies [aaAx]
Ch: 2,191 ffreres with faire speche . fetten him -th-ennes
Ch: 2,192 ffor knowing of comers . coped him as a frere [aaAx]
Ch: 2,193 Bot he hath leue to lepe out . als ofte as him
liketh [aaXa]
Ch: 2,194 And is welcome whan he wol . and wone-th- with
hem ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 2,195 Alle fledden for fere . and flewen into hernis
Ch: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e maide . no mo durst abide [aaAx]
Ch: 2,197 Bot trewly to telle . Sche tremled for fere [aaAx]
Ch: 2,198 And eke wepe and wrong . when sche was atacched
Passus tercius de visione
Ch: 3,1 Now is mede the maiden . and no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 3,2 With bedelles and baillies . Ibrou-gh-t to -th-e
king [aaAx]
Ch: 3,3 -Th-e king called a clerk . I knowe nou-gh-t his
name [aaaAx]
Ch: 3,4 To take mede the maiden . and make her at ese [aaAx]
Ch: 3,5 I wil assay her my self . and so-th-li appose [aaAx]
Ch: 3,6 What man of -th-is world . -th-at her war leuest
Ch: 3,7 And -gh-ef sche worche be wit . and my wille folowe
Ch: 3,8 I wol for-gh-eue her -th-e gilt . so me god help
Ch: 3,9 Curtaisly the clerk -th-an . as the king hote [aaAx]
Ch: 3,10 Toke mede be the meddel . and brou-gh-t her to chaumbre
Ch: 3,11 Bot -th-er was merthe and mynstralcy . mede to plese
Ch: 3,12 -Th-at wonen at westmester . worschepen her alle
Ch: 3,13 Ientilich with ioie . the Iustice is sone [aaAx]
Ch: 3,14 Busked hem to -th-e boure . -th-er -th-e berd duelled
Ch: 3,15 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 3,16 And seide morne -th-ow nat mede . no make no sorowe
Ch: 3,17 ffor we wol wisse -th-e king . and -th-i way make
p. 16
Ch: 3,18 ffor alle conscience cast . o crafte as I trowe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,19 Mildelich mede -th-an . mercied hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 3,20 Of her gret godnesse . and -gh-af hem echon [aaAx]
Ch: 3,21 Coupes of clene golde . peces of siluer [aaXx]
Ch: 3,22 Ringes and Rubies . and richesse many [aaAx]
Ch: 3,23 -Th-e lest man of her meyne . a motoun of gold [aaAx]
Ch: 3,24 -Th-an toke -th-ei her leue . -th-es lordes at mede
Ch: 3,25 With -th-at come clerkes . to comfort her -th-e
same [aaAx]
Ch: 3,26 And bidden her be blithe . for we be-th- -th-in
owne [aaAx]
Ch: 3,27 ffor to wirche -th-y wille . while -th-y lif laste-th-
Ch: 3,28 Kendelich she -th-an . behi-gh-t hem -th-e same
Ch: 3,29 To loue hem lelly . and lordes hem make [aaAx]
Ch: 3,30 And In constorie at cort . callei har names [aaAx]
Ch: 3,31 Schal no lewdnesse letten him . -th-e lede -th-at
I loue [aaAa]
Ch: 3,32 -Th-at he ne worth first auaunsed . for I am beknowe
Ch: 3,33 -Th-er connyng clerkes . schul clokken behynde [aaAx]
Ch: 3,34 -Th-an come-th- -th-er a confessour . coped as a
frere [aaAx]
Ch: 3,35 To mede -th-e maide . mekely he lowted [aaAx]
Ch: 3,36 And seide ful softly . in schrift as hit were [aaAx]
Ch: 3,37 -Th-ow-gh- lered and lewd . had ley-gh-en be -th-e
echon [aaAx]
Ch: 3,38 And -th-ow-gh- falshed had folowed -th-e . -th-is
xv winter [aaAx]
Ch: 3,39 I schal assoile the myself . for a seme of whete
Ch: 3,40 And eke be -th-y Bawde . and ber wel -th-in herand
Ch: 3,41 Among clerkes and kny-gh-tes . conscience to felle
Ch: 3,42 -Th-an mede for her misdedes . to -th-at man kneled
Ch: 3,43 And schroue her of her schrewdnesse . schamlese
I trowe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,44 And told him a tale . and toke hym a noble [aaAx]
Ch: 3,45 ffor to be her bedeman . and her Bawde after [aaAx]
Ch: 3,46 -Th-an he assoiled her sone . and se-th-en he seide
Ch: 3,47 We haue a wyndow a worching . wol stond vs wel hi-gh-e
Ch: 3,48 Woldest -th-ow glase the gabel . and graue -th-erIn
-th-in name [aaAx]
Ch: 3,49 Seker schuld -th-y soule . be heuen to haue [aaBb]
p. 17
Ch: 3,50 Wist I -th-at q(uo)d the woman . -th-er nes no wyndowe
no Auter [aaAx]
Ch: 3,51 -Th-at I ne schuld make or amende . and my name
write [aaAxx]
Ch: 3,52 -Th-at ech a segge schal se . I am a suster of -gh-our
hows [aaAx]
Ch: 3,53 Bot god alle gode folke . such grauyng defende-th-
Ch: 3,54 And seith { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextera
} [Latin]
Ch: 3,55 Let nou-gh-t -th-y left hand . late no Rathe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,56 Be war what -th-y Ri-gh-t hond . worche-th- or delith
Ch: 3,57 And so preualy parte hit . -th-at pride be nou-gh-t
sei-gh-e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,58 Ne-th-er In si-gh-t no In soule . for god hym self
knoweth [aaAx]
Ch: 3,59 Who is curtaise of kynde . or couetouse or elles
Ch: 3,60 ffor-th-i I lere -gh-ow lordes . leue such writyng
Ch: 3,61 To write In wyndowes . of -gh-oure wel dedes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,62 O-th-er grede after goddes men . whan -gh-e geuen
doles [aaAx]
Ch: 3,63 An aunter -gh-e haue . -gh-oure hire -th-erof here
Ch: 3,64 ffor oure saueour it seide . and hym self preched
Ch: 3,64a { Amen Amen reciperunt mercedem et cetera } [Latin]
Ch: 3,65 Maires and maistres . hem -th-at ben mene [aaAx]
Ch: 3,66 Betwen -th-e king and -th-e comou(n)s . to kepe
-th-e lawes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,67 As to punesch on pilories . or on pynnyng stoles
Ch: 3,68 Brewstres and Bakers . Bochers and cokes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,69 ffor -th-es arn men of -th-is mounde . -th-at most
harm wirche-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-at parcelmele beggen [aaAx]
Ch: 3,71 ffor -th-ei poisoun -th-e peple . preualy wel ofte
Ch: 3,72 And Risen vp -th-orow Regalrye . and Rentes hem
biggen [aaAx]
Ch: 3,73 with -th-at -th-at -th-e pore peple . schuld put
in her wombe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,74 ffor toke he on trewly . he tymbred nou-gh-t so
hie [aaAx]
Ch: 3,75 Ne bou-gh-t no Burgages . be -gh-e wel certeyn [aaAx]?
Ch: 3,76 Ac mede the Maide . the maire sche besou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 3,77 Of alle such sellers . siluer to take [aaAx]
Ch: 3,78 Of presauntis without pans . and peces of siluer
Ch: 3,79 Ring o-th-er Richesse . -th-at Regatoures to maynteyne
p. 18
Ch: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d the lady . loue hem echon [aaAx]
Ch: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . somdel a-gh-ens resoun
Ch: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sermoun he made [aaAx]
Ch: 3,83 ffor to amende men . -th-at kepen -th-e lawes [aaaXx]
Ch: 3,84 And toke hem -th-is teem . -th-at I telle -th-ink
Ch: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eor(um) qui libenter
accipiunt munera } [Latin]
Ch: 3,86 Among -th-es lettered lordes . -th-is latyn amounti-th-
Ch: 3,87 -Th-at fer schal falle . and forbrenne at laste
Ch: 3,88 -Th-e hous and the homes . of hem -th-at desiren
Ch: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftes for here seruice . In -gh-ougthe
or In elde [????]
Ch: 3,90 -Th-e king from counseile come . and called after
mede [aaaAx]
Ch: 3,91 And assent her also swithe . seriauntes her fette
Ch: 3,92 And brou-gh-t her to boure . with blisse and with
ioye [aaAx]
Ch: 3,93 Connyngly the king . comsit to telle [aaAx]
Ch: 3,94 To mede -th-e maide . meles -th-es wordes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,95 On witly I wis . wrou-gh-t hast -th-ow ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 3,96 Bot wors wrou-gh-test -th-ow neuer . -th-en -th-o
-th-ow fals toke [aaXx]
Ch: 3,97 Bot I for-gh-eue the -th-y gilt . and graunt -th-e
grace [aaAa]
Ch: 3,98 Hennes to -th-y de-th- day . do -th-ow so no more
Ch: 3,99 I haue a kni-gh-t hatte conscience . com late fro
be-gh-ende [aaAx]
Ch: 3,100 -Gh-if he wol -th-e to wyue . wilt -th-ow hym haue
Ch: 3,101 -Gh-a lorde q(uo)d -th-at lady -th-o . god forbede
elles [aaAx]
Ch: 3,102 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 3,103 -Th-an was conscience called . to come and apperen
Ch: 3,104 Befor -th-e king and his cou(n)seil . clerkes and
o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 3,105 Kneling conscience . to -th-e king lowted [aaAx]
Ch: 3,106 What -th-at his wille were . and what he do schuld
Ch: 3,107 Wilt -th-ow wedde -th-is woman . -gh-if I wil assente
Ch: 3,108 ffor sche is fayn of -th-i felaschep . for to be
-th-i make [aaAxx]
Ch: 3,109 Q(uo)d conscience to -th-e kyng . crist it forbede
Ch: 3,110 Or I wedde such a wif . wo me betide [aaAx]
Ch: 3,111 Sche is frely of her faithe . and fikel of her
speche [aaAx]
Ch: 3,112 Sche make-th- men mysdone . many score tymes [aaaAx]
p. 19
Ch: 3,113 In trist of her tresoure . sche tene-th- ful many
Ch: 3,114 Wif and wedow . wantenes teche-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,115 lerne-th- hem lechorye . -th-at louen hir -gh-iftes
Ch: 3,116 -Gh-oure fader sche filled . -th-oru-gh- fals behestes
Ch: 3,117 Appoisened popes . appaired holi chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 3,118 I not a better baude . be him -th-at me made [aaAxx]
Ch: 3,119 Betwene heuen and helle . and erthe -th-ow-gh-
me(n) sou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 3,120 Sche is tekel on her taile . talewise of tonge
Ch: 3,121 Als comen as -th-e cartway . to knaue and to monke
Ch: 3,122 To mynstrals and messangers . and messeles In hegges
Ch: 3,123 Sisours and somnours . such men her preise-th-
Ch: 3,124 Schreues of schyres . wer schent -gh-ef sche ne
were [aaAx]
Ch: 3,125 Sche dothe men lese her londe . and her lif after
Ch: 3,126 And lete-th- passe presoners . and paie-th- for
hem oft [aaAx]
Ch: 3,127 And geue-th- the gailer gold . and grotes togeder
Ch: 3,128 To vnfetter -th-e fals . and fle wher hem like-th-
Ch: 3,129 Sche take-th- -th-e trewe be -th-e toppe . and
ti-gh-eth him faste [aaAx]
Ch: 3,130 And hongeth him for haterede . -th-at harmed neuer
Ch: 3,131 To be cursed In constory . sche counte-th- nou-gh-t
a risch [aaAx]
Ch: 3,132 ffor sche copeth -th-e comesarie . and clo-th-es
his clerkes [aaAa]
Ch: 3,133 Sche is assoiled als sone . as her self like-th-
Ch: 3,134 Sche may ni-gh-e als much done . In a mone-th-
ones [aaAx]
Ch: 3,135 As -gh-oure secret seal . In seuen score daies
Ch: 3,136 Sche is preue with -th-e pope . prouesoures hit
knoweth [aaAx]
Ch: 3,137 Sir Symony and herself . sele-th- -th-e bulles
Ch: 3,138 Sche blisseth -th-es bischopes . -gh-if -th-ei
be lewde [aaAx]
Ch: 3,139 Prouendours prestes . and p(er)sones sche mayntene-th-
to holde [aaAx]
Ch: 3,140 lemmans and lotebies . alle her lif daies [aaAx]
Ch: 3,141 And bringen furth barnes . a-gh-ens forbode lawes
Ch: 3,142 -Th-er sche is wele with -th-e king . wo is -th-e
rewme [axAx]
Ch: 3,143 ffor sche is fauourable to fals . and file-th-
trew-th- ofte [aaAx]
p. 20
Ch: 3,144 Barounes and Burgeis . sche bringeth In sorowe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,145 Be Ih(es)u with her Iueles . -gh-oure Iustice sche
schende-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,146 And lie-gh-th a-gh-en -th-e lawe . and lette-th-
-th-e trew-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,147 -Th-at faith may nou-gh-t haue his furthe . his
florans go so -th-ikke [aaAx]
Ch: 3,148 Sche ledith lawe as her list . and lufdaies maketh
Ch: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a mene man . -th-ow-gh- he mote
euer [aaAx]
Ch: 3,150 Lawe is so lordliche . and lo-th-e to make ende
Ch: 3,151 Without presauntes or pans . sche pleseth ful fewe
Ch: 3,152 Clergie and couatise . sche couple-th- togeder
Ch: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-e lif of -th-at lady . our lorde
-gh-ef her sorowe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,154 And alle -th-at maynten her meny . myschaunce hem
betide [aaAx]
Ch: 3,155 ffor pore mow haue no power . to pleine -gh-ef
hem smert [aaAx]
Ch: 3,156 Such a maister is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
Ch: 3,157 -Th-an morned mede . and mened her to -th-e king
Ch: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede -gh-ef sche my-gh-t
Ch: 3,159 -Th-e king graunted her grace . with a gode wille
Ch: 3,160 Ascuse -th-e -gh-ef -th-ow canst . I can no more
sey [aaAx]
Ch: 3,161 ffor conscience acuse-th- -th-e . to conge -th-e
for euer [aaAx]
Ch: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d -th-e lady . leue hym -th-e wors
Ch: 3,163 When -gh-e wete witterly . wher -th-e wrong liggeth
Ch: 3,164 -Th-er -th-at mischef is grete . mede may helpe
Ch: 3,165 And -th-ow knowest conscience . I cam nou-gh-t
for to chide [aaAx]
Ch: 3,166 Ne to depraue -th-y p(er)sone . with a proude hert
Ch: 3,167 Wel -th-ow-gh- wost conscience . but -gh-ef -th-ow
wilt lie [aaxAx]
Ch: 3,168 -Th-ow hast honged on myn half . elleuen tymes
Ch: 3,169 And eke gripen my gold . and geuen hit -th-(er)
-th-e liketh [aaAx]
Ch: 3,170 Whi -th-ow wra-th--th-est me now . wonder me -th-inketh
Ch: 3,171 -Gh-it I may as I my-gh-t . avaunce -th-e with
-gh-eftes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,172 And maynteyn -th-y manhode . more -th-an -th-ow
knowest [aaAx]
Ch: 3,173 And -th-ow hast famed me falsly . before -th-e
king here [aaAxx]
p. 21
Ch: 3,174 Miskaried I neuer no king . ne counseile -th-erafter
Ch: 3,175 Ne ded I as -th-ow demest . I do hit on -th-e king
Ch: 3,176 In normandie was he nou-gh-t . noied for my sake
Ch: 3,177 Bot -th-i self so-th-ely . aschamed hym ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 3,178 Crope in a kaban . for colde of -th-yn nailes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,179 Wendest -th-at winter . wold haue lasted euer [aaAx]
Ch: 3,180 And dreddest to be dede . for on don cloude [aaAx]
Ch: 3,181 And hastedest -th-e homward . for hunger of -th-i
wombe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,182 Without pite pilour . pore men -th-ow robbedest
Ch: 3,183 And bare her bras on -th-i bakke . to caleis to
selle [aaaXx]
Ch: 3,184 -Th-er I left with my lorde . his lif for to saue
Ch: 3,185 And made hym mery . mornyng till leue [aaAx]
Ch: 3,186 And batered hym on -th-e bakke . and bolded his
hert [aaAx]
Ch: 3,187 Dede hym hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
Ch: 3,188 Had I be marchal ouer his men . be marie of heuen
Ch: 3,189 I dorst haue leide my lif . and no lesse wedde
Ch: 3,190 He schuld haue be lorde of -th-at londe . In leng-th-e
and in brede [aaAx]
Ch: 3,191 And eke king of -th-at ki-th- . his kin for to
helpe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,192 -Th-e lest brolle of his blode . a barounes pere
Ch: 3,193 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 3,194 To leuen his lordschep . for a litel siluer [aaAx]
Ch: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e Richest Reme . -th-at reigneth
ouer on [aaAx]
Ch: 3,196 hit become-th- to a king . -th-at kepe-th- a reme
Ch: 3,197 To -gh-eue his men mede . -th-at mekely him serue-th-
Ch: 3,198 and aliens and al men . to honour hem with -gh-eftes
Ch: 3,199 Mede make-th- hem be loued . and for a man holden
Ch: 3,200 Emp(er)ours and erles . and alle maner lordes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,201 -Th-orow -gh-eftes haue -gh-ong men . to renne
and to Ride [aaAx]
Ch: 3,202 -Th-e pope with his prelates . presentes vnderfonge-th-
Ch: 3,203 And mede-th- men him self . to mainten her lawes
p. 22
Ch: 3,204 Seruauntes for her seruise . we se wel -th-e sothe
Ch: 3,205 Taken mede of her maistres . as -th-ei mowe acorde
Ch: 3,206 Beggers for her beggyng . bidde of men mede [aaAbb]
Ch: 3,207 Mynstralles for her mirthes . mede -th-ei asken
Ch: 3,208 -Th-e king hathe mede of men . to make pees in
londes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,209 Men -th-at ben clerkes . crauen after mede [aaAx]
Ch: 3,210 Prestes -th-at prechen . the peple to gode [aaAx]
Ch: 3,211 Asken mede and messe penyes . and her mete also
Ch: 3,212 Alle kinnes crafty men craue . mede for her prentis
Ch: 3,213 Mede and marchaundise . mote nedes togederes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,214 No wi-gh-t as I wene . without mede my-gh-t lybbe
Ch: 3,215 Q(ua)d -th-e king to conscience . be crist as me
-th-inke-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,216 Mede is wor-th-i . -th-e maistrie to haue [axAx]
Ch: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d conscience to -th-e king . and kneled
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,218 -Th-er be-th- to maner of medes . my lord be -gh-oure
leue [aaAx]
Ch: 3,219 -Th-at on is god of his grace . -gh-eue-th- In
his blisse [aaAx]
Ch: 3,220 To hem -th-at werchen wele . while -th-ei ben here
Ch: 3,221 -Th-e prophet preched hit . and put hit In -th-e
sauter [aaAx]
Ch: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuriam } [Latin]
Ch: 3,222 Take no mede my lorde . of hem -th-at ben trewe
Ch: 3,223 Loue hem ad leue hem . for our lordes loue of heuen
Ch: 3,224 Godis mede and his mercy . -th-er with my-gh-t
-th-ow wynne [aaAx]
Ch: 3,225 -Th-er is a mede mesureles . -th-at maistries desiren
Ch: 3,226 To mayntene mysdoers . mede -th-ei taken [aaAx]
Ch: 3,227 And -th-erof sei-th- -th-e sauter . In a salmes
ende [aaAx]
Ch: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates sunt dextera
eor(um) repleta est mune[ribus] } [Latin]
Ch: 3,229 And he -th-at gripeth giftes . so mee god helpe
Ch: 3,230 Schal abie hit bitterly . or -th-e boke lie-gh-th
Ch: 3,231 Prestes and p(er)sones . -th-at plesing desireth
Ch: 3,232 -Th-at take mede for her money . for messes -th-at
-th-ei sing [aaAx]
Ch: 3,233 Schal haue mede on -th-is mounde . -th-at matthew
hath graunt[ed] [aaAx]
Ch: 3,233a { Amen Amen recipierunt mercedem suam } [Latin]
p. 23
Ch: 3,234 -Th-at labourers and lewd folk . taken of her maistres
Ch: 3,235 Is no maner of mede . bot a musarable here [aaAx]
Ch: 3,236 In marchandise is no mede . I may hit wel auowe
Ch: 3,237 It is a p(er)mytacioun pertly . a peny for ano-th-er
Ch: 3,238 Bot redest -th-ow neuer { Regum } . -th-ow recraye-gh-ed
mede [aaAx]
Ch: 3,239 Why -th-e vengaunce fel . on saule and on his children
Ch: 3,240 God sent him to segge . bi samuelis mowthe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,241 -Th-at agas and amules . and her peple after [aaAx]
Ch: 3,242 Shulde die for a dede . -th-at don had her eldes
Ch: 3,243 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 3,244 Samuel seide to saule . god sende-th- -th-e and
hote-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,245 To be buxom and bone . his bidding to fulfille
Ch: 3,246 Wende -th-eder with -th-in hoste . wymmen to killen
Ch: 3,247 Children and clerkes . choppe hem to de-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,248 Loke -th-ow kille -th-e king . coueyte nou-gh-t
hise gode [aaAx]
Ch: 3,249 ffor any Millions of Monye . mur-th-er hem echon
Ch: 3,250 Barnes and bestes . brenne hem to de-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,251 And for he killed nou-gh-t -th-e king . as crist
bode sente [aaAx]
Ch: 3,252 Coueited her catelle . killed nou-gh-t her bestes
Ch: 3,253 Bot brou-gh-t with him -th-e beestes . as -th-e
bibille tolde [aaAx]
Ch: 3,254 God seide to samuel . -th-at saul schuld die [aaAx]
Ch: 3,255 And al his sede for -th-at synne . schamfully schuld
ende [aaAx]
Ch: 3,256 Such a myschef mede . made -th-e kyng to haue [aaAx]
Ch: 3,257 -Th-at god hateth -th-at king . and al his ei-gh-ers
after [aaAa]
Ch: 3,258 -Th-e { culorum } of -th-is case . kepe I nou-gh-t
to schew [aaAx]
Ch: 3,259 And aunter hit me noi-gh-ed . an ende wol I make
Ch: 3,260 In conscience knowe I -th-is . for kende hit me
tau-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 3,261 -Th-at resoun schal reine . and remes gouerne [aaAx]
Ch: 3,262 And ri-gh-t as agas hadde . happe schal somme [aaAx]
Ch: 3,263 Samuel schal sleen him . and saul schal be blamed
Ch: 3,264 And dauyd schal be dyadem . and daunten hem alle
p. 24
Ch: 3,265 And on cristen king . kepe vs echon [aaAx]
Ch: 3,266 Schal no more mede . be maister on erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,267 Bot loue and low-gh-nesse . and lew-gh-te togederes
Ch: 3,268 And whoso trespasseth trewly . and take-th- to
-th-e wrong [aaAx]
Ch: 3,269 His wikked lewte schal do him lawe . or lese his
lif elles [aaAx]
Ch: 3,270 Shal no seriaunt for -th-at seruise . were silken
howe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,271 Ne no Ray Robe . of Riche pelure [aaAx]
Ch: 3,272 Mede of mysdoers . make-th- hem to Riche [aaAx]
Ch: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is lorde waxen . and lewte is pore
Ch: 3,274 vnkendenesse is comaundour . and kendenesse is
bansched [aaAx]
Ch: 3,275 Bot kende wit schal come -gh-it . and conscience
togeder [aaAx]
Ch: 3,276 And make of lawe a laborer . such loue schal arise
Passus quartus de visione
Ch: 4,1 Sese-th- seide -th-e king . I suffer -gh-ow no lenger
Ch: 4,2 -Gh-e schul sawhte forso-th-e . and serue me bo-th-e
Ch: 4,3 Kisse her q(uo)d -th-e king . conscience I hote [aaAx]
Ch: 4,4 Nay be god q(uo)d conscience . conge me rather [aaAx]
Ch: 4,5 Bot -gh-ef resoun rede me -th-erto . arst wol I die
Ch: 4,6 And I comande -th-e q(uo)d -th-e king . to conscience
-th-an [aaAx]
Ch: 4,7 Rape -th-e to Ride . and resoun -th-ow fecch [aaAx]
Ch: 4,8 Comaunde him -th-at he come . my counseile to here
Ch: 4,9 ffor he schal reule my Reme . and rede me -th-e beste
Ch: 4,10 Of mede and many o-th-er . what man schal her wedd[e]
Ch: 4,11 And counte with -th-e conscience . so me crist helpe
Ch: 4,12 How -th-ow lernest -th-e peple . -th-e lered and
-th-e lewde [axAa]
Ch: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-at forward . seide -th-e freke
-th-an [aaAx]
Ch: 4,14 And ry-gh-t renne-th- to Resoun . and rowne-th-
In his ere [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,15 Seide hym as -th-e king seide . and se-th- toke
his leue [aaAxx]
Ch: 4,16 I schal rape me to ride q(uo)d resoun . rest -th-e
a while [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,17 And called catoun his knaue . curtais of speche
Ch: 4,18 Set my sadel . vpon suffer til I se my tyme [aaAa]
Ch: 4,19 And let warrok him wel . with ri-gh-tful ger-th-es
p. 25
Ch: 4,20 hong on hym -th-e heuy bridelle . to holde his hede
low-gh-e [aaAx]
Ch: 4,21 And -gh-it wol he make many wehe . or he come -th-eder
Ch: 4,22 -Th-an conscience on his capul . carieth forth faste
Ch: 4,23 And Resoun with him ride-th- . and rape-th- him
-gh-erne [aaAx]
Ch: 4,24 Bot on wary wisdom . and witti his fere [aaAx]
Ch: 4,25 ffolowed hem fast . for -th-ei had to done [aaAxx]
Ch: 4,26 In chekere and In chauncerie . to be discharged
of -th-inges [aaAx]
Ch: 4,27 And riden fast for resoun . schuld rede hem -th-e
beste [aaAx]
Ch: 4,28 ffor to saue hem self . fro schame and fro harme
Ch: 4,29 And conscience come arst . to court be a myle way
Ch: 4,30 And romed forthe with resoun . ri-gh-t to -th-e
king [aaAx]
Ch: 4,31 Curtaisly -th-e king . -th-an come on to resoun
Ch: 4,32 And betwen him self and his sone . sette him on
-th-e benche [aaAx]
Ch: 4,33 And wordeden gret while . wel wisely togeder [aaAx]
Ch: 4,34 -Th-an come pece Into p(ar)lement . and put vp a
bille [aaAx]
Ch: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-ens his wille . had his wif take
Ch: 4,36 And how he rauesched Rose . Reynoldis loue [aaAx]
Ch: 4,37 And mergarete of her maidenhode . maugre her chekes
Ch: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gees and my gris . -th-e gadlinges fetten
Ch: 4,39 I dar nou-gh-t for fere of him . fi-gh-t no chide
Ch: 4,40 He borowed of me baiard . and brou-gh-t him neuer
a-gh-en [aaAx]
Ch: 4,41 No no fer-th-ing -th-erfor . for nou-gh-t -th-at
I coude plete [aaAxx]
Ch: 4,42 He maynteyne-th- his men . to mur-th-ur myn hinden
Ch: 4,43 fforstalle-th- myn faires . fi-gh-te-th- In chepinges
Ch: 4,44 Breke-th- vp myn bern durres . bere-th- awey my
whete [aaAx]
Ch: 4,45 And take-th- me but a taile . for ten quarter otes
Ch: 4,46 And -gh-et he bete-th- me -th-erto . and li-th-e
be my maide [axAx]
Ch: 4,47 I am nou-gh-t hardy vnne-th-e on him for to loke
Ch: 4,48 -th-o knew -th-e king . he saide so-th-e for conscience
him tolde [aaAx]
Ch: 4,49 Wrong was aferde -th-o . and wisdom he sou-gh-t
Ch: 4,50 To make his pees with his pans . and proferd him
mony [aaAx]
Ch: 4,51 And seide had I loue of my lorde -th-e king . litel
wold I rech [aaAx]
p. 26
Ch: 4,52 -th-ow-gh- pees and his power . pleined hym euer [aaAx]
Ch: 4,53 Wisdom went to -th-o . and so dede witte bothe [aaAx]
Ch: 4,54 ffor -th-at wrong had wrou-gh-t . so wikked a dede
Ch: 4,55 And warned wrong -th-o . with such a wise tale [aaAx]
Ch: 4,56 Whoso worche-th- be wille . wre-th--th-e make-th-
Ch: 4,57 I sey hit be my self . -th-ow schalt hit sone fynde
Ch: 4,58 Bot -gh-ef mede hit made . mischef is vp [aaAx]
Ch: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-y lif and -th-i lande . li-th-
In his grace [aaAx]
Ch: 4,60 Wrong -th-an on wisdom . weped him to helpe [aaAx]
Ch: 4,61 And of his pans he proferd . handy dandy to paie
Ch: 4,62 -Th-an wisdom and witte . wenten togeder [aaAx]
Ch: 4,63 And toke mede with hem . mercy to wynne [axAx]
Ch: 4,64 Pees put forth his heued . and his pan blody [aaxAx]
Ch: 4,65 Without gilt god wote . gat I -th-is sca-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 4,66 Conscience and -th-e king . knew wel -th-e so-th-e
Ch: 4,67 And wisten wel . -th-at wrong was a schrew euer
Ch: 4,68 Bot wisdom and witte . wer about ffaste [aaAx]
Ch: 4,69 To ouercome -th-e king . with catel -gh-ef -th-ei
my-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 4,70 -Th-e king swore be crist . and by his croun bo-th-e
Ch: 4,71 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 4,72 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 4,73 He schuld nou-gh-t -th-ese seuen . -gh-ere se his
foot ones [aaAx]
Ch: 4,74 God wote q(uo)d wisdom . -th-at were nou-gh-t -th-e
beste [aaAx]
Ch: 4,75 And he mow amendes make . let maynp(ri)se him haue
Ch: 4,76 And be borow for his bale . and bring him to bote
Ch: 4,77 Amende -th-at he misdede . and euermore -th-e better
Ch: 4,78 Wiue acorded -th-erwith . and seide -th-e same [???]
Ch: 4,79 Better is -th-at bote . bale adoun bring [aaAa]
Ch: 4,80 -Th-an bale be Ibette . and bote neuer -th-e better
Ch: 4,81 -Th-an began mede to meke her . and mercy besou-gh-t
Ch: 4,82 And proferd pees a presaunt . al of pure gold [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me man q(uo)d she . to amende -th-y
sca-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 4,84 ffor I wol wage for wrong . he schal so do namore
Ch: 4,85 Pees -th-an petusly . preied to -th-e king [aaAx]
p. 27
Ch: 4,86 To haue mercy of -th-at man . -th-at mysdede him ofte
Ch: 4,87 ffor he hath wached me wel . as wisdom him tau-gh-t
Ch: 4,88 I forgeue him -th-e gilt . with a gode wille [aaAx]
Ch: 4,89 So -gh-e assent -th-erto . I can sey-gh-e namore
Ch: 4,90 ffor mede hath made me my mendis . I may no more
asken [aaAx]
Ch: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e king -th-o . so god -gh-eue me
blisse [aaAx]
Ch: 4,92 Wrong wende-th- nou-gh-t so away . or I wete more
Ch: 4,93 Leep he so li-gh-tly away . law-gh-en he wold [aaAx]
Ch: 4,94 And oft -th-e bolder be . to bete myn hynden [aaAx]
Ch: 4,95 Bot resoun haue reu-th-e on hym . he schal rest
In -th-e stokkes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,96 As long as I leue . bot -th-e more loue hit make
Ch: 4,97 Sum men Redde resoun . to haue reuthe on -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
Ch: 4,98 And to counsceile -th-e king . and conscience bo-th-e
Ch: 4,99 -Th-at mede most be maynp(er)nour . resoun -th-ei
besou-gh-t [aaaXx]?
Ch: 4,100 Rede me nou-gh-t q(uo)d resoun . no reuthe to haue
Ch: 4,101 Tille lordis and ladies . louen alle trew-th-e
Ch: 4,102 And pernelis purfyl . be put In her hucche [aaAx]
Ch: 4,103 Tille children chersynges . be chastised with -gh-erdes
Ch: 4,104 And harlotes holinesse . be holden for an he-th-yng
Ch: 4,105 Tille clerkes and kny-gh-tes . ben curtaise of
her mow-th-es [aaAx]
Ch: 4,106 And haten her harlottrie . to mow-th-en hit with
tong [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,107 Tille prestes her preching . preue hit hem selue
Ch: 4,108 And don It in dede . to bring vs to gode [aaAx]
Ch: 4,109 Tille seint Iame be Isou-gh-t . -th-er I schal
asyng asyne [aaAa]
Ch: 4,110 -Th-at no man go to Galis . bot hit be to euer
Ch: 4,111 And alle -th-e Rome Renners . for Robbers be-gh-onde
Ch: 4,112 Bere no seluer ouer see . -th-at signe of -th-e
king schewed [aaAa]
Ch: 4,113 Ne-th-er grotes ne gold . Igrauen with king(es)
coyne [aaAx]
Ch: 4,114 Vp forfeture of -th-at fee . who fynte him do euer
Ch: 4,115 Bot hit be marchaunt or his man . or messanger
with lettres [aaAx]
Ch: 4,116 O-th-er prouesour or prest . -th-at -th-e pope
auaunse-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 4,117 And -gh-it q(uo)d resoun be -th-e Rode . I schal
no rew-th-e haue [aaAx]
p. 28
Ch: 4,118 While mede ha-th- -th-e maistrie . to many In -th-is
halle [aaAx]
Ch: 4,119 Bot I may schew ensaumple . as I se forso-th-e
Ch: 4,120 ffor -gh-ef I sey hit myself . and It so were [aaAx]
Ch: 4,121 -Th-at I were king with croun . to kepe a Reme
Ch: 4,122 Schuld neuer wrong In -th-is world . -th-at I wete
my-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 4,123 Be onponesched at my power . for p(er)ile of my
soule [aaAx]
Ch: 4,124 Ne gete my grace -th-orow geftes . so me god helpe
Ch: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue mercy . bot meknesse it made
Ch: 4,126 ffor { nullum malum } he may . mete with { impunitum
} [aaAx]
Ch: 4,127 And bad { nullum bonum irremuneratum } [aaAx]
Ch: 4,128 lat -th-y confessour sire king . constrew -th-e
hit on englesch [aaAx]
Ch: 4,129 And -gh-ef -th-ow wirche -th-es workes . I wedde
myn eres [aaAx]
Ch: 4,130 -Th-at lawe schal be a laborer . and lede afelde
donge [aaAx]
Ch: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-y londe . as -th-e leue
like-th- [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,132 Clerkes -th-at were confessours . cowpled hem togeder
Ch: 4,133 ffor to constrew -th-is clause . declynand fast
Ch: 4,134 Bot resoun among -th-es Renkes . rehersed -th-es
wordes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,135 -Th-er nas no man In -th-e motehalle . more no
lesse [aaAx]
Ch: 4,136 -Th-at ne helde resoun Maister and Mede . a much
wrecch [xaaAx]
Ch: 4,137 Loue let of her li-gh-t . and low-gh-e her to scorne
Ch: 4,138 And seide hit so lowde . -th-at so-th-nesse hit
herde [aaAx]
Ch: 4,139 Whoso wilne-th- her to wif . for wel-th-e of her
godes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,140 Bot he be cokold Icalled . kitte of myn nose [aaAx]
Ch: 4,141 Wary wisdam -th-o . and witte his fere [aaAx]
Ch: 4,142 Coude nou-gh-t carpen o worde . to withsegge Resoun
Ch: 4,143 Bot staring and stoding . stonden as bestes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,144 -Th-e king acorded . by crist to Resounis sawes
Ch: 4,145 And rehersed -th-at Resoun . ri-gh-tfullich schewed
Ch: 4,146 Bot hit is wel harde be myn hede . here to bringe
hit [aaAx]
Ch: 4,147 And alle my lege ledes . to lede hem -th-us euen
Ch: 4,148 Be hym -th-at died on Rode . q(uo)d Resoun to -th-e
king [aaAx]
Ch: 4,149 Bot -gh-ef I reule -th-us -th-y Reme . rente out
my Rybbes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,150 -Gh-if hit be -th-at buxumnesse . be at myn assent
p. 29
Ch: 4,151 And I assent q(uo)d -th-e kyng . be seynt marie my
lady [axAx]
Ch: 4,152 Be my counseile Icome . of clerkes and Erles [aaAx]
Ch: 4,153 Bot redely Resoun . -th-ow schalt nou-gh-t raike
hennes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,154 ffor as long as I leue . loue -th-e I wol [aaAx]
Ch: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d Resoun . to Rest with -gh-ow euer
Ch: 4,156 So conscience be of -gh-oure counsceile . kepe
I no better [aaAx]
Ch: 4,157 I graunt q(uo)d -th-e king . godis forbode I faile
Ch: 4,158 As long as I leue . libbe we togederes [aaAx]
Passus quintus de visione
Ch: 5,1 The king and his kni-gh-tes . to the chirche went [aaAx]
Ch: 5,2 To here matyns and messe . and gon to mete after
Ch: 5,3 -Th-an wakened I of my wynkkyng . and wo was withalle
Ch: 5,4 -Th-at I ne had sleped hard . and Isey more [aaAx]
Ch: 5,5 Or I had faren a furlong . feyntise me kau-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 5,6 -Th-at I ne mi-gh-t o fote fer-th-er . for defau-gh-te
of sleping [aaAx]
Ch: 5,7 I satte softly adoun . and seide my beleue [aaAx]
Ch: 5,8 And so I babeled on my bedes . -th-ei brou-gh-t me
on slepe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,9 -Th-an saw I moche more . -th-en I before tolde [aaXx]
Ch: 5,10 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 5,11 And conscience with a cros . come for to preche
Ch: 5,12 And preied -th-e peple . haue pite on hem selue
Ch: 5,13 And proued -th-at -th-es pestilences . wer for pure
synne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,14 And -th-e sow-th-westren wynde . on seterday at
euen [abAb]
Ch: 5,15 Was appertely for pride . and for no poynt elles
Ch: 5,16 Piries and plauntes . wer put to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,17 In ensaumple sent god . -th-at we schuld do -th-e
better [aaAx]
Ch: 5,18 Beches and brode okes . weren bowed to -th-e ground
Ch: 5,19 And turned vpward her taile . In tokenyng of drede
Ch: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne or domesday . schal fordon hem
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,21 Of -th-is mater I my-gh-t . mamel long [aaAx]
Ch: 5,22 Bot I schal say as I sawe . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,23 How conscience with a cros . comsed to preche [aaAx]
Ch: 5,24 He bad wastour go wirche . what he best cou-th-e
p. 30
Ch: 5,25 And wynne -th-at he wasted . with som maner of crafte
Ch: 5,26 And preied pernelle . her purfelle to leue [aaAx]
Ch: 5,27 And kepe hit In her cofer . for catelle at nede
Ch: 5,28 Thomas he tau-gh-t . to take two staues [aaAx]
Ch: 5,29 And fecch home felice . fro -th-e wyuen pyne [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,30 He warned watte . his wif was to blame [aaAx]
Ch: 5,31 -Th-at her hede was wor-th-e a marke . and his hode
nau-gh-t a grot[e] [abAb]
Ch: 5,32 He charged chapmen . to chastise her children [aaAa]
Ch: 5,33 lat no wynnyng forwany hem . whiles -th-ei be -gh-ong
Ch: 5,34 He preched prelates . and pristes togeder [aaAx]
Ch: 5,35 -Th-at -th-ei prechen -th-e peple . and preue hit
hem selue [aaAx]
Ch: 5,36 And libbe as -gh-e lerne vs . we wol leue -gh-ow
-th-e better [aaAx]
Ch: 5,37 And se-th--th-e he redde Religioun . her rewles
to holde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,38 Lest -th-e king and his counseil her . countenaunse
appeiren [aaAx]
Ch: 5,39 And be steward of -gh-oure stede . tille -gh-e be
stiwed better [aaAx]
Ch: 5,40 And -gh-e -th-at seken seint Iame . and seintes
at Rome [aaAx]
Ch: 5,41 Seke-th- at home seint Trewthe . for he may saue
-gh-ow alle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,42 { Qui cum patre et filio } . feire mot -gh-ow befalle
Ch: 5,43 -Th-an repentaunce . rehersed his teme [aaAx]
Ch: 5,44 And made wille to wepe water . with his ey-gh-en
Ch: 5,45 Pernelle proude hert . plat her to er-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 5,46 And lay long ar sche loked vp . and lorde mercy
cried [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,47 And behi-gh-t to him . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
Ch: 5,48 sche schuld on sewe her serke . and sette -th-(er)
an hayre [aaAx]
Ch: 5,49 ffor to endaunten her flesch . -th-at fers was to
synne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,50 Schal neuer hie hert me hent . bot holde me lowe
Ch: 5,51 And suffer to be misseyd . and so dede I neuer [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,52 Bot now wol I meke me . and mercy beseke [aaAx]
Ch: 5,53 Of alle -th-at I haue had enuy . In myn hert [aa?a]
Ch: 5,54 -th-e lechour seide allas . and to oure lorde cri-gh-ed
Ch: 5,55 To make mercy for his mysdede . betwen god and hym
p. 31
Ch: 5,56 With -th-at he on saterday . seuen -gh-ere -th-erafter
Ch: 5,57 Schuld drink with -th-e doke . and dyne but ones
Ch: 5,58 Enuy with heuy hert . asked after schreft [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,59 And carfully his synnes . begynne-th- for to schewe
Ch: 5,60 he was as pale as a palette . and on -th-e palsey
semed [aaAx]
Ch: 5,61 He was clo-th-ed In cawremawre . I can nou-gh-t
discrie [aaAx]
Ch: 5,62 A kirtelle and a courteby . a knif be his syde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,63 Off a freres frokke . wer -th-e fore sleues [aaAx]
Ch: 5,64 As a leke -th-at had layne . long In -th-e sonne
Ch: 5,65 So loked he with lene chekes . lowrand foule [aaAx]
Ch: 5,66 His body was bolned for wre-th--th-e . and he bote
his lippe [aaxAx]
Ch: 5,67 And wro-th-elich he wro-th- hisse fiste . to wreke
him he -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 5,68 With werkes and wordes . when he saw-gh-e his tyme
Ch: 5,69 Vermyn or veriuse . or venagre I trowe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,70 walwe-th- In my wombe . and waxe-th- as I wene [aaAa]
Ch: 5,71 I my-gh-t nou-gh-t many day don . as a man my-gh-t
Ch: 5,72 Such wynde In my wombe . wexeth or I dyne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,73 I haue a ney-gh-borow nye me . I haue noy-gh-ed
hym ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 5,74 And blamed hym behynde his bak . to bring hym In
fame [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,75 To appaire hym be my powere . I -th-ursewed ful
ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 5,76 And belowen hym to lordes . to don hym lese siluer
Ch: 5,77 And don his frendes be his fon . -th-orow my fals
tonge [aaAx]
Ch: 5,78 His grace and his gode happe . greued me wel sore
Ch: 5,79 Betwene him and his meyne . I haue made wra-th--th-e
Ch: 5,80 Bo-th-e his lym and his lif . was lost -th-orow
my tong [aaAx]
Ch: 5,81 When I mette hym In a market . -th-at I most hated
Ch: 5,82 I halsed hym als hendely . as I his frende were
Ch: 5,83 He is dou-gh-tier -th-an I I dar . no harme do hym
Ch: 5,84 Bot had I maistry and my-gh-t . I wolde mur-th-er
hym for euer [aaAx]
Ch: 5,85 when I come to -th-e kirke . and knele to -th-e
Rode [aaAx]
Ch: 5,86 To preye for -th-e peple . as -th-e prest teche-th-
Ch: 5,87 --- this line om ---
p. 32
Ch: 5,88 -th-enne I crie on my knees . -th-at crist geue hym
sorowe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,89 -Th-at bare away my bolle . and my broken schete
Ch: 5,90 ffro -th-e auter . myn ei-gh-e I turne and beholde
Ch: 5,91 how herry hathe a new cote . I wissed hit were myn
owne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,92 --- this line om ---
Ch: 5,93 And of his lesyng I lawee . -th-erof in myn hert
Ch: 5,94 But of his wynnyng I wepe . and wailed -th-e tyme
Ch: 5,95 I deme men -th-er -th-ei do Ille . and -gh-it do
I wel wors [aaAx]
Ch: 5,96 I wold -th-at ech a wi-gh-t . wer my knaue [aaAx]
Ch: 5,97 And whoso hathe more -th-an I . -th-an angre-th-
myn hert [aaAa]
Ch: 5,98 -Th-us I leue loueles . as a le-th-er dogge [aaAx]
Ch: 5,99 And alle my brest bolne-th- . for bitter of my galle
Ch: 5,100 May no suger no swete -th-ing . swage hit an Inche
Ch: 5,101 Ne no diapendion . driue hit fro myn hert [aaAx]?
Ch: 5,102 And -gh-ef -th-at schrift schold . hit schope a
gret wonder [aaAx]
Ch: 5,103 -Gh-is redely q(uo)d Repentaunce . and redde hym
to gode [aaAx]
Ch: 5,104 Sorowe for synne . saue-th- wel many [aaAx]
Ch: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuy . I am bot seld o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 5,106 And -th-at make-th- me so madde . for I may me
venge [aaAx]
Ch: 5,107 -Th-an come couatise . I can him nou-gh-t discriue
Ch: 5,108 So hungerly and holow . sire heuy he loked [aaAx]
Ch: 5,109 He was betilbrowed and babirlipped bo-th-e
Ch: 5,110 With two blered ey-gh-en . as a le-th-eren purs
lolled his chekes [axAx]
Ch: 5,111 In a torne tabard . of twelue winter age [aaAx]
Ch: 5,112 Bot -gh-ef a lows coude lepe . I may hit nou-gh-t
leue [aaXa]
Ch: 5,113 he ne schuld wander on -th-at walsch scarlet .
so was hit -th-[redbare] [aaAx]
Ch: 5,114 I haue loued conscience q(uo)d he al my lif tyme
Ch: 5,115 I knowe her for som tyme I serued sym at noke [aaAx]
Ch: 5,116 And was his prentis Ipli-gh-t . his profite to
loke [aaAx]
Ch: 5,117 ffirst I lerned to li-gh-e . a lesing or twey [aaAx]
Ch: 5,118 Wikkedly towrie . was my first lessoun [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,119 To wynchelsey and wynchester . I was sent to -th-e
faire [aaAx]
p. 33
Ch: 5,120 With many maner of Marchaundise . as my maister me
tou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 5,121 Ne hadde grace of gile . gon among my ware [aaAx]
Ch: 5,122 hit hadde be onsolde -th-is seuene -gh-ere . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,123 -Th-an drow I me among drapers . my donet to lere
Ch: 5,124 To draw -th-e list along . -th-e lenger hit semed
Ch: 5,125 Among -th-e Riche Rayes . I lerned a lessoun [aaAx]
Ch: 5,126 Broched hem with a pak nedel . and plite hem togeder
Ch: 5,127 Put hem in a pressour . and pynned hem -th-erInne
Ch: 5,128 Tille ten -gh-erdes or twelue . tolled oute -th-rettene
Ch: 5,129 My self was a weuester . and wullen clo-th-e made
Ch: 5,130 And spak to -th-e spinster . to spynne hit softe
Ch: 5,131 -Th-e pounde -th-at I wey-gh-ed . by peysed a quarter
more [aaAx]
Ch: 5,132 -Th-an -th-e aunsel dede . and I wey trow-th-e
Ch: 5,133 I bou-gh-t her barly . sche brew It to selle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,134 Penyale and pelewaye . sche powred togeder [aaAx]
Ch: 5,135 ffor laborers and low folk . -th-at li-th-e be
hym selue [aaAx]
Ch: 5,136 -Th-e best In my bed chambre . -th-at laye be -th-e
wowe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,137 And whoso bummed -th-erof . bou-gh-t hit -th-erafter
Ch: 5,138 A galoun for a grote . god wote no lesse [aaAx]
Ch: 5,139 Whan hit come In cuppemele . -th-at craft my wyf
vsed [aaAx]
Ch: 5,140 Rose the regratour . was her Ri-gh-t name [aaAx]
Ch: 5,141 Sche hathe holde hukstrie . -th-is elleuen winter
Ch: 5,142 I swere now so-th-ely . synne schal I neuer [aaAx]
Ch: 5,143 Ne neuer wikkedly wey . ne wiked chaffer make [aaAx]
Ch: 5,144 But wende to walsingh(a)m . and my wif also [aaAx]
Ch: 5,145 And bidde -th-e rode of bromholm . bring me out
of dette [aaAx]
Ch: 5,146 Now begynne-th- glotown . for to go to schreft
Ch: 5,147 And karie-th- him to kirkeward . his synnes to
schewe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,148 And beton -th-e brewster . bad him gode morowe
Ch: 5,149 And sche axed hym . whederward he wold [aaAx]
Ch: 5,150 To holi chirche q(uo)d he . for to here masse [aaAx]
p. 34
Ch: 5,151 And se-th--th-en I wille be schreuen . and synne
no more [aaAx]
Ch: 5,152 I haue gode ale gosseb q(uo)d sche . glotoun wilt
-th-ow assaye [aaAx]
Ch: 5,153 Hastow q(uo)d he . any hote spices [aaAx]
Ch: 5,154 -Gh-a glotoun gossibbe q(uo)d sche . god wot wel
hote [aaAx]
Ch: 5,155 I haue pepir and pyany . and a pound of garlek
Ch: 5,156 And a fer-th-ing wor-th-e of fenelle sedes . for
fastyng daies [aaAx]
Ch: 5,157 -Th-an go-th- Inne glotoun . and grete o-th-es
after [aaAx]
Ch: 5,158 Cisse -th-e sewster . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
Ch: 5,159 Watte -th-e waferere . and his wif bo-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 5,160 Tymkyn -th-e Tynker . and two of his knaues [aaAx]
Ch: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hakeneyman . and hogge -th-e miller
Ch: 5,162 Clares of cokeslane . and -th-e clerke of -th-e
chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 5,163 Dawe -th-e diker . and a dosein o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 5,164 A Ribiboure a Ratoner . and a baker of chepe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,165 A Roper a Redan king . and Rose the discher [aaAx]
Ch: 5,166 Of vpholsters an hepe . erlich be -th-e morowe
Ch: 5,167 -Gh-euen glotoun with gode wille . gode ale to
hancelle [aaAbb]
Ch: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobuler . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
Ch: 5,169 And at -th-e new faire . nempned it to selle [axAx]
Ch: 5,170 Hikke -th-e osteler . caste his hode after [aaAa]
Ch: 5,171 And bad bette -th-e bocher . be on his syde [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,172 -Th-er wer chapmen chosen . the chaffare to preise
Ch: 5,173 Whoso had -th-e hode schuld haue . mendes of -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
Ch: 5,174 -Th-o Risen -th-ei vp in rape . and rouned togederes
Ch: 5,175 And preised -th-e penwor-th-es . pertely betwen
hem selue [aaAx]
Ch: 5,176 -Th-er wer o-th-es an hepe . bot -th-en -th-ei
ne kou-th-e [aaAa]
Ch: 5,177 By her conscience . acorden togeder [aaAx]
Ch: 5,178 To Robyn -th-e Roper . was redde to arise [aaAa]
Ch: 5,179 And nempned hym for an vmper . -th-at no debate
ner [aaAa]
Ch: 5,180 Hikke -th-e ostalere . -th-an had -th-e cloke [aaAx]
p. 35
Ch: 5,181 In couenaunt -th-at clement . -th-e cobbeler schuld
fille -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,182 And haue hikkes hode -th-e ostaler . and holde
him Iserued [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,183 And whoso repente-th- Ra-th-est . schuld arise
after [aaAx]
Ch: 5,184 And grete sire glotoun . with a galoun ale [aaAx]
Ch: 5,185 -Th-er was law-gh-ing and lowryng . and let go
-th-e cuppe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,186 Bargaines and beuarages . begonne to Arise [aaAx]
Ch: 5,187 And setten so til euesong . and songen somwhile
Ch: 5,188 Tille glotoun had Igulped . a galoun and a gille
Ch: 5,189 He pissed a potelle . in a paternoster while [aaAx]
Ch: 5,190 And blewe -th-e Round reuette . at -th-e Riggebones
ende [aaAx]
Ch: 5,191 And alle -th-at herde -th-at horn . helde her nose
after [aaAa]
Ch: 5,192 And wischeden hit had be waxed . with a wips of
fersen [aaAx]
Ch: 5,193 He hadde no strengthe to stande . or he his staf
hadde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,194 And -th-an gan he go . som tyme asyde and som tyme
arere [aaAx]
Ch: 5,195 --- this line om ---
Ch: 5,196 As he leide lynes . to lache with larkes [aaAx]
Ch: 5,197 When he drow to -th-e dore . -th-enne dymmed his
ey-gh-en [aaAx]
Ch: 5,198 He stumles on -th-e -th-reschfold . and fel to
-th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 5,199 and with alle -th-e wo of -th-is world . his wif
and -th-e wenche [aaAa]
Ch: 5,200 Bare him to his bedde . and brou-gh-t him -th-erInne
Ch: 5,201 And after his surfet . an axes he hadde [aaxAa]
Ch: 5,202 -Th-at he sleped saterday and sonday . tille sonne
-gh-ede to Reste [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,203 -Th-an waked he of wynkyng . and wypidde his ey-gh-en
Ch: 5,204 -Th-e first word -th-at he spak was . wher is -th-e
bolle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,205 His wif blamed hym -th-an . of wikkednesse and
synne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,206 -Th-an was -th-e schrew aschamed . and scharped
his eres [aaAx]
Ch: 5,207 And gan grete grymly . and gret dele make [aaAx]
Ch: 5,208 ffor his le-th-er lif . -th-at he leued hadde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,209 And avowed to faste . for any hunger or -th-rest
Ch: 5,210 Schal neuer fisch on -th-e friday . defye In my
wombe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,211 Or abstinence myn aunte . haue geue me leue [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,212 And -gh-it haue I hated her . al my lif tyme [aaAxx]
p. 36
Ch: 5,213 Slew-th-e for sorowe . fel adoun In a swou-gh-e [aaXa]
Ch: 5,214 Tille { Vigilate } -th-er wol . fette water of
his ey-gh-en [aaAx]
Ch: 5,215 And flatted on his face . and faste on hym cried
Ch: 5,216 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 5,217 I am sory for my synne . sey to -th-i self [aaAa]
Ch: 5,218 And bete -th-y self on the brest . and bidde hym
of grace [aaAx]
Ch: 5,219 ffor is no gilt here so grete . -th-an godnesse
is more [aaAx]
Ch: 5,220 -Th-en sat slewth vp . and sayned himself fast
Ch: 5,221 And made avow to for god . for his foule slewth
Ch: 5,222 Schal no sonday -th-is seuene -gh-er . bot sekenes
hit make [aaAx]
Ch: 5,223 -Th-at I ne schal do me . to -th-e dere chirche
Ch: 5,224 And her masse and matyns . as I a monk wer [aaAx]
Ch: 5,225 Schal non Ale . holde me fro -th-ennes [aaAx]
Ch: 5,226 Tille I haue euesong herde . I hote to -th-e Rode
Ch: 5,227 And -gh-it wol I -gh-elde a-gh-en . -gh-if I so
much haue [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,228 Alle -th-at I wikkedly wan . sen I witte hadde
Ch: 5,229 -Th-ow-gh- my liflode lak . letten I nelle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,230 -Th-at ech man schal haue his . er I hennes wende
Ch: 5,231 And why -th-e residue and -th-e remenaunt . by
-th-e Rode of chest[re] [aaAx]
Ch: 5,232 I wol seke trew-th-e . or I seke Rome [axAx]
Ch: 5,233 Robert -th-e Robbour . on { Reddite } loked [aaAx]
Ch: 5,234 Bot for -th-er was nou-gh-t wher of with . he weped
sore [aaAx]
Ch: 5,235 And the synful schrewe . seide tille him self [aaAa]
Ch: 5,236 Crist -th-at on Caluarie . oppon the rode dedest
Ch: 5,237 -Th-o Dismas my bro-th-er besou-gh-t -th-e of grace
Ch: 5,238 And -th-ow hast mercy on -th-at man . for { Memento
} is sake [aaAx]
Ch: 5,239 -th-i wille worch vppon me . as I haue wel deserued
Ch: 5,240 To haue helle for euer . -gh-if -th-at hope ner
Ch: 5,241 To rewe on -th-is Robert . -th-at reed none ne
haue-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 5,242 No neuer wene-th- to wynne . with craft -th-at
he knowe-th- [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,243 Bot for -th-y much mercy . metygacioun I beseche
Ch: 5,244 Dampne me nou-gh-t at domesday . for -th-at I ded
so Ille [aaAx]
p. 37
Ch: 5,245 Bot what befelle of -th-is feloun . I can nou-gh-t
faire schewe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,246 Wel I wote he wepe water . with his ei-gh-en [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,247 And knowleched his gilt . to crist -gh-it eftsones
Ch: 5,248 -Th-at { penitencia } his pike . he schuld polsche
newe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,249 And lepe with him ouer londe . al his lif tyme
Ch: 5,250 ffor he had lay be { latro } . luciferes hyne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,251 And a -th-ousand of men -th-o . wrongen togederes
Ch: 5,252 Wepyng and wailing . for her wikked dedes [aaAx]
Ch: 5,253 Cri-gh-ed vpward to crist . and to his moder dere
Ch: 5,254 To haue grace to seke trew-th-e . god leue -th-at
-th-ei moten [aaAx]
Passus sextus de visione
Ch: 6,1 Bot -th-er wer few men so wise . -th-at walked on fote
Ch: 6,2 Bot blustred furth-e as bestes . ouer valeis and
hilles [aaAx]
Ch: 6,3 Tille late and long . -th-at -th-ei a lede mette
Ch: 6,4 Appareiled as a paynym . In pilgrymis wise [aaAx]
Ch: 6,5 He bare a bourdoun Ibounde . with a brode liste [aaAx]
Ch: 6,6 In a weyward wyse . Iwounden aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 6,7 A bagge and a bolle . he bare be his syde [aaAx]
Ch: 6,8 An hundre-th- of hanpolles . on his hatte seten [aaAx]
Ch: 6,9 Signes of synay . and schelles of Gales [aaAx]
Ch: 6,10 And many a crowche on his cloke . and keies of Rome
Ch: 6,11 And -th-e vernycle aforn . for men schuld know [aaAxx]
Ch: 6,12 And se be his signes . wher he sou-gh-t hadde [aaAx]
Ch: 6,13 -Th-es folk freined him faire . whennes -th-at he
come [aaaAxx]
Ch: 6,14 ffro synay he seide . and fro -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
Ch: 6,15 At bedlem at babiloyn . I haue be In bo-th-e [aaAa]
Ch: 6,16 In armony In alisaundre . and many o-th-er places
Ch: 6,17 -Gh-e may se be my signes . -th-at sitten on myn
hatte [aaAx]
Ch: 6,18 -Th-at I haue walked wel wide . In wete and drie
Ch: 6,19 And sou-gh-t gode seintes . for my soule hele [aaAx]
p. 38
Ch: 6,20 Knowest -th-ow ou-gh-t a corseint q(uo)d -th-ei .
-th-at men callen trew-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 6,21 Constow wisse vs -th-e way . wher -th-at wy duelleth
Ch: 6,22 Nay so god mote me helpe . seide -th-e man -th-an
Ch: 6,23 I sawe neuer palmer with pike . no with scrippe
Ch: 6,24 Axen after hym . or now in -th-is place [aaAxx]
Ch: 6,25 Peter q(uo)d a plowman . and put furthe his heued
Ch: 6,26 I know hym als kendely . as a clerk do-th- his bokes
Ch: 6,27 Clene conscience and witte . kende me to his place
Ch: 6,28 And ded me to sure hym . to serue him for euer [aaAx]
Ch: 6,29 ffor to sowe his sede . while I swinke my-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 6,30 I haue ben his folower . al -th-is fourty wynter
Ch: 6,31 Bo-th-e to sowe his sede . and sewed his bestes
Ch: 6,32 And keped his corn . and caried to house [aaAx]
Ch: 6,33 Diken and deluen . and do what he me hi-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 6,34 WithInne and withoute . waited his profite [aaAx]
Ch: 6,35 -Th-er is no laborer In his lordschep . -th-at he
loue-th- better [aaAx]
Ch: 6,36 ffor -th-ow-gh- I sey hit my self . I serued hym
to paie [aaAx]
Ch: 6,37 And haue myn here of him . and o-th-erwhile more
Ch: 6,38 He is -th-e prestist paiere . -th-at pore men knowen
Ch: 6,39 He ne holte noon hine his hire . -th-at he ne ha-th-
hit at euen [aaAx]
Ch: 6,40 He is as lowe as a lambe . and louelich of speche
Ch: 6,41 And -gh-ef -gh-e wol wete . wher -th-at wy duelle-th-
Ch: 6,42 I schal wisse -gh-ow welle . -th-e ri-gh-t wey to
his place [aaAx]
Ch: 6,43 -Gh-a leue piers q(uo)d -th-e pilgrym . and proferd
him hire [aaAx]
Ch: 6,44 Nay be -th-e pereille of my soule . q(uo)d piers
and gan to swere [axAx]
Ch: 6,45 I nold fonge a fer-th-ing . for seint Thomas schrine
Ch: 6,46 ffor trew-th-e wold loue me -th-e wers . a long
tyme after [abBa]
Ch: 6,47 Bot -gh-e -th-at wille-th- to wende . -th-is is
-th-e way -th-eder [aaAx]
Ch: 6,48 -Gh-e mote gon -th-orow mekenesse . bo-th-e men
and wyues [aaAx]
Ch: 6,49 Tille -gh-e come to conscience . -th-at crist witte
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 6,50 And -gh-e loue hym leuer . -th-en -th-e lif In -gh-oure
hertes [aaAx]
Ch: 6,51 And -th-an -gh-oure nei-gh-borowes next . In non
wise appeireth [aaAx]
Ch: 6,52 O-th-er -th-an -th-ow woldest men . wrou-gh-t to
-th-y seluen [aaAx]
p. 39
Ch: 6,53 And so bowes forthe by a banke . be buxsom of speche
Ch: 6,54 fforto -gh-e fynde a forde . -gh-oure faderes honoured
Ch: 6,55 Wade-th- In -th-e water . and wasch -gh-ow wel -th-ere
Ch: 6,56 And -gh-e schal lepe -th-e li-gh-ter . al -gh-oure
lif tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 6,57 So schalt -th-ow . swere nou-gh-t bot It be for
nede [aaAx]
Ch: 6,58 And namelich an Idille . -th-e name of god almy-gh-ty
Ch: 6,59 -Th-an schalt -th-ow come by a crofte . but come
-th-ow nou-gh-t -th-erInne [aaAx]
Ch: 6,60 -Th-at croft hat coueite nou-gh-t . menis catel
no her wyues [aaAx]
Ch: 6,61 Ne none of her seruauntes . -th-at noi-gh-en hem
my-gh-t [axAx]
Ch: 6,62 Loke -th-ow breke no bowes . but -th-ei be -th-yn
owen [aaAx]
Ch: 6,63 Two stokkes -th-er stonde . bot stynte -th-ow nou-gh-t
-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 6,64 -Th-ei hat stele nou-gh-t no sle nou-gh-t . bot
strike fur-th-e by bo-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 6,65 Leue hem on -th-y left half . and loke -th-ow not
-th-erafter [aaAx]
Ch: 6,66 And holde wele -th-yn haliday . hei-gh-e tille euen
Ch: 6,67 -Th-an schalt -th-ow blenche at a borne . bere no
fals witnesse [aaAx]
Ch: 6,68 He is fretted In with floreins . and many o-th-er
floures [aaAx]
Ch: 6,69 And loke -th-ow pluk no plante . -th-er for perile
of -th-i soule [aaAx]
Ch: 6,70 And -th-an schalt -th-ow . sey so-th- so hit be
to done [aaAx]
Ch: 6,71 loke -th-at -th-ow li-gh-e nou-gh-t . for no mannes
biddyng [aaXx]
Ch: 6,72 -Th-an schalt -th-ow come to a court . clere as
-th-e sonne [aaAx]
Ch: 6,73 -Th-e mote is of mercy . -th-e maner alle aboute
Ch: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles ben of witte . to holde wille
-th-eroute [aaAx]
Ch: 6,75 -Th-e kernelle ben of cristalle . -th-at kinde to
saue [aaAx]
Ch: 6,76 And boterace with beleue . or -th-ow best nou-gh-t
saued [aaAx]
Ch: 6,77 Alle -th-e howses ben heled . halles and chaumbres
Ch: 6,78 with no led but with loue and low-gh-nesse . of
hert [aaaXx]
Ch: 6,79 -Th-e tour -th-er trew-th-e . is hymself is vp to
-th-e sonne [aaXx]
Ch: 6,80 He may do with -th-e daie sterre . what him dere
like-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 6,81 De-th- dar nou-gh-t do -th-ing . -th-at he defende-th-
Ch: 6,82 Grace hat -th-e porter . a gode man forso-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 6,83 His man hat amende -gh-ow . for many man he knoweth
Ch: 6,84 Telle him -th-is token . trew-th-e wot -th-e so-th-e
p. 40
Ch: 6,85 I p(er)formed the penaunce . -th-e prest me enIuned
Ch: 6,86 And am sory for my synnes . and so schal I euer
Ch: 6,87 when I -th-enk -th-ereon . -th-ou-gh- I were a pope
Ch: 6,88 loke -gh-e men -th-at -gh-e amende -gh-ow -th-at
he meke him . to his maister [aaAx]
Ch: 6,89 Ones to wayue out -th-e wikette . -th-at he with
schette [aaAx]
Ch: 6,90 Tho Adam and Eue . eten her bane [aaAx]
Ch: 6,91 ffor he hathe -th-e keyes and -th-e clekette . -th-ow
-th-e king slepe [aaAx]
Ch: 6,92 And -gh-ef grace graunte . -th-e go Inne -th-is
wise [aaAx]
Ch: 6,93 -Th-ow schalt se trew-th-e -th-yself wele . sytte
In -th-in herte [aaAx]
Ch: 6,94 And lerne -th-e for to louen . and his lawes holden
Ch: 6,95 Bot be ware -th-anne of wra-th--th-e . -th-at wikked
schrewe [aaAx]
Ch: 6,96 ffor he hathe enuy to him . -th-at In -th-in hert
sitte-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 6,97 And pouki-th- the for pride . to preise -th-yselue
Ch: 6,98 -Th-e boldnesse of -th-y benefait . maki-th- the
blinde -th-anne [aaAx]
Ch: 6,99 So worstow dryuen out as dewe . and -th-e dore closed
Ch: 6,100 Ikay-gh-ed and Icleketed . to kepe -th-e -th-eroute
Ch: 6,101 hapley an hundred wynter . or -th-ow efte entre
Ch: 6,102 -Th-us my-gh-t -th-ow lese his loue . to lete wel
be -th-yselue [aaAx]
Ch: 6,103 And geten hit a-gh-en -th-orow grace . and -th-orow
no gift elles [aaAx]
Ch: 6,104 But -th-er arn seuen sustren . -th-at trew-th-e
loue-th- euer [aaAx]
Ch: 6,105 And be-th- porters of -th-e posternes . -th-at
to -th-e place longe-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 6,106 -Th-at on hatte abstinence . and mekenesse -th-at
o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 6,107 Charite and chastite . ben her chef maidens [aaAx]
Ch: 6,108 Pacience and pees . muche folk -th-ei helpen [aaAx]
Ch: 6,109 Largenes -th-e lauedy . laty-th- Inne wel many
Ch: 6,110 And whoso is sybbe to -th-es sustres . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 6,111 He is wonderlich welcome . and faire vnderfonge
Ch: 6,112 Bot -gh-ef -gh-e be sibbe to sum . of -th-es seuene
Ch: 6,113 hit is wel harde be myn hede . any of -gh-ow alle
Ch: 6,114 To gete any Ingange at any -gh-ate . bot grace
be -th-e more [aaaAx]
Ch: 6,115 Be crist q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kynne -th-ere
Ch: 6,116 No I q(uo)d an apeward . be au-gh-t -th-at I knowe
p. 41
Ch: 6,117 wete god q(uo)d a waferer . wist I -th-at forso-th-e
Ch: 6,118 Schuld I neuer a fote fer-th-er . for no freres
preching [aaAx]
Ch: 6,119 -Gh-is q(uo)d piers -th-e plowman . and pouked
him to god [aaAx]
Ch: 6,120 Mercy is a maiden . ha-th-e mi-gh-t ouer hem alle
Ch: 6,121 And sche is sibbe to alle sinful . and her sone
also [aaAx]
Ch: 6,122 And -th-orow -th-e help of hem . hope now non o-th-er
Ch: 6,123 -Th-ow my-gh-t geten grace . so -th-ow go be tyme
Passus septuus de visione vt prius
Ch: 7,1 -Th-is were a wikked way . but ho so hadde a gide [aaAx]
Ch: 7,2 -Th-at my-gh-t folow-gh-e vs euery fote . til were
-th-ere [aaAxx]
Ch: 7,3 Q(uo)d perkyn -th-e plou-gh-man . be seint poul -th-e
postel [aaAa]
Ch: 7,4 I haue an half aker of er-th-e . be -th-e hi-gh-e
way [aaAx]
Ch: 7,5 Had I eried . -th-at half aker so me god helpe [aaAx]?
Ch: 7,6 I wold wende with -gh-ow . tille -gh-e were -th-ere
Ch: 7,7 -Th-is were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lauedy In a
chare [aaAx]
Ch: 7,8 What schul wymmen . worche -th-e while [aaAx]
Ch: 7,9 Sum schul sew-gh-e the sakke . for schedyng of -th-e
whete [aaAx]
Ch: 7,10 And wyues -th-at ha-th-e wollen . worche-th- hit
fast [aaAx]
Ch: 7,11 Spynne-th- hit spedly . and spare nou-gh-t -gh-oure
fyngres [aaAx]
Ch: 7,12 But hit be holi day . or holi eue [xaAa]
Ch: 7,13 loke-th- forthe -gh-oure lynnen . and labore-th-
-th-eron faste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,14 -Th-e nedy and -th-e naked . take-th- hede how -th-ei
liggen [aaAx]
Ch: 7,15 Caste hem clo-th-es for colde . for so wol trow-th-e
Ch: 7,16 ffor I schal lene hem liflode . but -th-e londe
faile [aaAx]
Ch: 7,17 As long as I leue . for -th-e lordes loue of heuen
Ch: 7,18 And -gh-e louelich ladies . with -gh-oure louely
fingers [aaAx]
Ch: 7,19 -Th-at hathe silk and sendelle . sewe-th- hit whan
tyme is [aaAx]
Ch: 7,20 Chesiples for chapleynes . chirche for to honour
Ch: 7,21 And alle maner of men . -th-at be -th-e mete libbe-th-
Ch: 7,22 Help hem wirche wi-gh-tly . -th-at wynne-th- -gh-oure
fode [aaAx]
Ch: 7,23 Be crist q(uo)d a kny-gh-t -th-o . -th-ow techest
vs -th-e beste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,24 Bot on -th-e teem trewly . tau-gh-t was I neuer
p. 42
Ch: 7,25 kenne me q(uo)d -th-e kny-gh-t . and I wol lerne to
erien [aaAx]
Ch: 7,26 Be seint poul q(uo)d Perkyn . for -th-ow proferst
-th-e so lowe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,27 I schal swynk and swete . and sow-gh-e for vs bo-th-e
Ch: 7,28 And eke labour for -th-i loue . alle my lyf tyme
Ch: 7,29 In couenaunt -th-at -th-ow kepe . holichirche [aaAx]
Ch: 7,30 and my self fro wastour . -th-at wold me distroie
Ch: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . -th-e hare and -th-e fox
Ch: 7,32 And -th-e bore and -th-e bole . -th-at breken men
hegges [aaAx]
Ch: 7,33 And fecche -th-e home faucouns . -th-e fowles to
kille [aaAx]
Ch: 7,34 ffor -th-ei come to my croft . and croppen myn wete
Ch: 7,35 Curtaisly -th-e kni-gh-t . conseiue-th- -th-es wordes
Ch: 7,36 Be my power piers . I pli-gh-t -th-e my trew-th-e
Ch: 7,37 To fulfille -th-e forwarde . while I may stonde
Ch: 7,38 -Gh-a and -gh-it a point q(uo)d Perkyn . I pray
-th-e more [aaAx]
Ch: 7,39 Loke -th-ow tene no tenaunt . bot trew-th-e wol
assent [aaAx]
Ch: 7,40 And -gh-ef pore men profer . -th-e presauntes or
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,41 Nym hem nou-gh-t . an aunter -th-ow mow hem nau-gh-t
deser[ue] [aaAx]?
Ch: 7,42 ffor -th-ow schalt hit -gh-elde a-gh-en . at on
-gh-eres ende [aaAx]
Ch: 7,43 In a wel perlouse place . -th-at purcatorie hote-th-
Ch: 7,44 And mysbede nou-gh-t -th-y bondemen . -th-e better
schalt -th-ow sped[e] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,45 And -th-at -th-ow be trewe of -th-y tonge . tales
to hate [aaAx]
Ch: 7,46 But hit be of wisdom or of witte . of -th-y werkmen
Ch: 7,47 Holde with non harlottes . no here nou-gh-t her
tales [aaAx]
Ch: 7,48 And namelich at mete . for such men eschewen [aaAx]
Ch: 7,49 ffor hit arn -th-e deuelis dissours . I do -th-e
to vnderstonde [aaAx]
Ch: 7,50 I asent be seint Iame . seide -th-e kni-gh-t -th-anne
Ch: 7,51 ffor to worche be -th-i worde . whil my lif dure-th-
Ch: 7,52 And I schal appereile me q(uo)d perkyn . In pilgrim
wise [aaAx]
Ch: 7,53 And wende with -gh-ow -th-e way . tille I fynde
trew-th-e [aaAxx]
Ch: 7,54 He cast on his cloke . clowted and hole [aaAx]
Ch: 7,55 His kokeres and his kuffes . for colde of his nailes
p. 43
Ch: 7,56 And hong his hoper at his hals . In stede of a scrippe
Ch: 7,57 A buschel of brede corn . brou-gh-t he -th-er Inne
Ch: 7,58 ffor I wol sow-gh-e hit myself . and se-th--th-e
wold I wende [aaAx]
Ch: 7,59 And whoso helpe-th- me to erien . or any -th-ing
swink [aaAx]
Ch: 7,60 Schal haue be oure lorde the more here in heruest
Ch: 7,61 And make hym mery with -th-e corne . hoso hit begruche-th-
Ch: 7,62 And alle kynne crafty men . -th-at cun leue be crewe
Ch: 7,63 I schal fynde hem fode . -th-at feithfully lybben
Ch: 7,64 Saue Iak -th-e Iogelour . and Ionet of -th-e stewes
Ch: 7,65 And Robyn -th-e Rebaudour . for his lusty wordes
Ch: 7,66 Trew-th-e tolde me ones . and bad me telle hit for-th-e
Ch: 7,67 { Deleantur de libro vite } . I ne schuld dele with
hem [axAx]
Ch: 7,68 ffor holi chirche is holde of hem . no ti-th-es
to axen [aaXa]
Ch: 7,68a { Et cum iustis non scribantur } [Latin]
Ch: 7,69 -Th-ei arn ascaped gode aunter . god hem amende
Ch: 7,70 Dame worche whan tyme . is piers is wif hatte [axAx]
Ch: 7,71 His dou-gh-ter hatte do Ri-gh-t . or -th-y dame
schal -th-e bete [aaAx]
Ch: 7,72 His sone hatte suffre . -th-y souereines to haue
her wille [aaAx]
Ch: 7,73 And deme hym nou-gh-t for -gh-eue -th-ow dost .
-th-ow schalt dere abie [aaAx]
Ch: 7,74 Let god wor-th-e -th-erwithalle . for so his word
teche-th- [axAx]?
Ch: 7,75 ffor I am olde and hore . and haue of myn owne [aaAa]
Ch: 7,76 To penaunce and to pilgrimmage . wel I passe with
o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 7,77 ffor-th-i I wol ar I wende . do write my bequest
Ch: 7,78 { In dei nomine Amen } . I make hit myselue [aaAx]
Ch: 7,79 ffor he schal haue my soule -th-at best ha-th- deserued
Ch: 7,80 And defende hit fro -th-e fende . for so I beleue
Ch: 7,81 Tille I come to his countes . as -th-e crede teche-th-
Ch: 7,82 To haue Reles of remissioun . on -th-at trentale
I leue [aaAx]
Ch: 7,83 -Th-e kirk schal haue my kareyn . and kepe my bones
Ch: 7,84 ffor of my corn and my catelle . he craued -th-e
ti-th-es [aaAx]
Ch: 7,85 And I paied hym prestely . for perile of my soule
p. 44
Ch: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue men In mynde [aaAx]
Ch: 7,87 And mynne me In his memories . among alle cristen
Ch: 7,88 My wif schal haue of -th-at I wan . with trow-th-e
and nom[ore] [aaAxx]
Ch: 7,89 And dele among my frendes . and my children [axAx]
Ch: 7,90 ffor -th-ow-gh- I dy-gh-e today . my dettes ben
quitte [aaAx]
Ch: 7,91 I bare home -th-at I borow-gh-ed . or I to bedde
-gh-ede [aaAx]
Ch: 7,92 And with -th-e residue and -th-e remnaunt . be -th-e
Rode of che[stre] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,93 I wol worschep -th-erwith . trew-th-e in my lyue
Ch: 7,94 And ben his pilgrym at -th-e plowe . for pore menis
sak[e] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,95 My plow pote schal be my pike . and putte at -th-e
Rotis [aaAx]
Ch: 7,96 And helpe my culter to kerue . and close -th-e forowes
Ch: 7,97 Now is piers and -th-e pilgrimes . to -th-e plow-gh-e
faren [aaAx]
Ch: 7,98 To erien -th-is half acre . and helpen him many
Ch: 7,99 Dikers and deluers . dike-th- vp -th-e bankes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,100 -Th-erwith was perkyn paied . and preised hem -gh-erne
Ch: 7,101 O-th-er wirkemen -th-er wer . and wrou-gh-t ful
faste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,102 Ech man on his maner . made him self to done [aaAx]
Ch: 7,103 And come to plese perkyn . piked vp -th-e wedes
Ch: 7,104 At hi-gh-e prime piers . let -th-e plow stonde
stille [aaAx]
Ch: 7,105 To ouersene hem himmself . whoso best wrou-gh-t
Ch: 7,106 Schuld be hered -th-erafter . whan heruest tyme
come [aaAx]
Ch: 7,107 -Th-an setten sum . and songen at -th-e nale [aaAx]
Ch: 7,108 And holpen to erie -th-e half acre . with hey trolly
lolly [aaaAx]
Ch: 7,109 Be -th-e prince of paradis . -th-o q(uo)d piers
al In wra-th--th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 7,110 Bot -gh-ef -gh-e Risen -th-e Ra-th-er . and Rape
-gh-ow to worche [aaAx]
Ch: 7,111 Schal no greyn -th-at here growe-th- . glade -gh-ow
at nede [aaAx]
Ch: 7,112 And -th-ow-gh- -gh-e di-gh-e for dool . -th-e deuel
haue -th-at Recche [aaAx]
Ch: 7,113 -Th-an wer faitours aferd . and fained hem blinde
Ch: 7,114 Som leide her leg alerie . as such lorelles conne
Ch: 7,115 And pleyned hem to piers . with such petows wordes
Ch: 7,116 We haue no handes to haue w-gh-e with . lorde Igraced
be -gh-[e] [aaAx]
p. 45
Ch: 7,117 Bot we praie for -gh-ow piers . and -gh-owre plow-gh-
bo-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 7,118 -Th-at god of his grace . -gh-oure greyn multiplie
Ch: 7,119 And -gh-elde -gh-ow of -gh-oure almesse . -th-at
-gh-e -gh-euen vs here [axAx]
Ch: 7,120 ffor we mow not swete no swynke . such sekenesse
vs aile-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 7,121 -Gh-ef hit be so-th- q(uo)d piers . -th-at -gh-e
seyn I schal it sone aspie [axAa]
Ch: 7,122 -Gh-e ben wastours I wot wele . and trew-th-e wote
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 7,123 And I am his olde hyne . and au-gh-t hym to warne
Ch: 7,124 Such wastours In -th-is world . his werkemen distroie-th-
Ch: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ei schuld eten . -th-at erien
for vs alle [aaAa]
Ch: 7,126 Bot trew-th-e schal teche -gh-ow . his teem for
to driue [aaAx]
Ch: 7,127 Bo-th-e to setten and to sow-gh-en . and sauen
his tel-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 7,128 Chase gees fro his corn . and kepe his beestes
Ch: 7,129 Or -gh-e schul eten barly brede . and of -th-e
broke drinken [aaAx]
Ch: 7,130 Bot he be blynde or brokeschanked . or bedrede
ligge [aaAx]
Ch: 7,131 -Th-ei schul ete as gode as I so me god helpe [????]
Ch: 7,132 Tille god of his grace . ger hem arise [aaAx]
Ch: 7,133 Ankres and ermites . -th-at holden hem In her selles
Ch: 7,134 Schullen haue of myn almes . al -th-e while I libbe
Ch: 7,135 Inow-gh- ech day at none . bot no more tille on
-th-e morne [aaAbb]
Ch: 7,136 Lest his flesch and -th-e fende . fowled his soule
Ch: 7,137 Ones at none is Inow-gh-e . -th-at no werke vse-th-
Ch: 7,138 He abide-th- wel -th-e better . -th-at bumme-th-
nou-gh-t to ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 7,139 -Th-an gan -th-e wastour arise . and wold haue
Ifou-gh-te [axAx]
Ch: 7,140 To piers -th-e plou-gh-man . he proferd his gloue
Ch: 7,141 A bretoner a bragger . he bosted hym also [aaAx]
Ch: 7,142 he badde hym go pisse hym with his plow-gh- . pilled
schrewe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,143 Wiltow nell(e) -th-ow . we wol(e) haue oure wille
of -th-is floure [axAa]
Ch: 7,144 And -th-i flesch . fette away whan vs like-th-
Ch: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-erwith . maugry -th-y chekes
Ch: 7,146 -Th-an piers -th-e plou-gh-man . pleined hym to
-th-e kny-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 7,147 To kepe hym a couenaunt . was fro cursed schrewes
Ch: 7,148 ffro wastours -th-at waite . wynners to schende
p. 46
Ch: 7,149 Curtaislich -th-e kni-gh-t -th-an . as his kende
wolde [aaAx]
Ch: 7,150 Warned -th-e wastour . and wissed hym better [aaAx]
Ch: 7,151 Or -th-ow schalt abigge be -th-e law-gh-e be -th-e
order -th-at I bere [????]
Ch: 7,152 I was nou-gh-t wonte to worche q(uo)d wastour .
now wol I n[ot begynne] [aaaAx]
Ch: 7,153 And lete li-gh-t of -th-e law-gh-e . and lasse
of -th-e kni-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 7,154 And counted piers at a pese . and his plow-gh-
bo-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 7,155 And manassed him and his me . whan -th-ei next
mete [aaXa]
Ch: 7,156 Now be -th-e perile of my soule q(uo)d piers .
I schal apaire -gh-o[u alle] [axaAx]
Ch: 7,157 And hawnted after hunger . -th-at herde him at
-th-e firste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,158 And wreke me on wastour q(uo)d piers . -th-at -th-is
world apa[irei-th-] [aaxAx]
Ch: 7,159 Hunger In haste -th-an . hente wastour be -th-e
mawe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,160 And wrong him so be -th-e wombe . -th-at al watered
his ei-gh-[en] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,161 And buffeted -th-e Bragger . aboute -th-e chekes
Ch: 7,162 -Th-at he loked like a lanterne . al his lif after
Ch: 7,163 He bette hem so bo-th-e . -th-at he brast ner her
maw-gh-e [aaAx]
Ch: 7,164 Ne had piers but a pese lofe . -th-ei preied hym
bileue [aaAx]
Ch: 7,165 And with a bene batte . he had betwen his handes
Ch: 7,166 he hitte hunger -th-erwith . amyddes his lippes
Ch: 7,167 -th-at he bledde Into -th-e bodywarde . a bolle
fulle of grewel[le] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,168 Ne had a fecissian first . defended hym water [aaAx]
Ch: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly brede . and -th-e benes Iground
Ch: 7,170 he hadde be dede by -th-is day . and doluen al
warme [aaAx]
Ch: 7,171 ffaitours for fer . flowen Into hernes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,172 And flatte on with flailes . fro morowe til euen
Ch: 7,173 -Th-at hunger was nou-gh-t hardy . on hem for to
loke [aaAx]
Ch: 7,174 ffor a potelle of pesoun . -th-at piers had Imade
Ch: 7,175 In helpe -th-enne Ermites . henten hem spades [aaAx]
Ch: 7,176 And doluen dritte and dung . to driuen out hungur
Ch: 7,177 Blinde and bedrede . wer botened a -th-owsand [aaAx]
Ch: 7,178 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 7,179 Hunger hem heled . with an hote cake [aaAx]
Ch: 7,180 And lame menis lymes . wer li-th-ed -th-at tyme
p. 47
Ch: 7,181 And become knaues . to kepe piers is bestes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,182 And praied pur charite . with piers for to duelle
Ch: 7,183 Alle for couatise of his corn . to chase away hungur
Ch: 7,184 And piers was proude -th-erof . and put hem In
office [aaAx]
Ch: 7,185 And -gh-af hem mete and money . lik as -th-ei my-gh-t
serue [aaAx]
Ch: 7,186 -Th-an had piers pite . and preide hunger to wende
Ch: 7,187 Hom Into his oune er-th-e . and holde him -th-er
euer [aaaAa]
Ch: 7,188 Bot -gh-it I prey -th-e q(uo)d piers . er -th-ow
passe for-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 7,189 Off beggers and bidders . what best is to done
Ch: 7,190 ffor I wote wel be -th-ow went . -th-ei wille worche
Ille [aaaAx]
Ch: 7,191 Mischef hit make-th- . -th-ei ben so meke now-th-e
Ch: 7,192 And for defaute of foode . -th-us faste -th-ei
worche [aaAx]
Ch: 7,193 And It ben my blody bre-th-ern . for god bou-gh-t
vs alle [aaAx]
Ch: 7,194 Treu-th-e tou-gh-t me ones . to loue hem echon
Ch: 7,195 And helpe hem of alle -th-ing . -th-at hem of neded
Ch: 7,196 I wold wete -gh-if -th-ow wistist . what wer -th-e
beste [aaaAx]
Ch: 7,197 And how I my-gh-t amaystry hem . and make hem to
wirche [aaAx]
Ch: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hungur . and holde it for a wisdom
Ch: 7,199 Bolde beggers and bigge . -th-at may her brede
swinken [aaaAx]
Ch: 7,200 With houndes brede and hors brede . hold vp her
hertes [aaAa]
Ch: 7,201 And batten hem with bones . for bolling of her
wombes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,202 And -gh-ef -th-e gromes gruch . bid hem go and
work [aaAx]
Ch: 7,203 And he schal so-th-e suetter . whan he hit hath
deserued [aaXa]
Ch: 7,204 And -gh-ef -th-ow fynde any freke . -th-at fortune
ha-th-e appaired [aaAx]
Ch: 7,205 With fire or with fals men . fonde such to knowe
Ch: 7,206 Comfort hem with -th-i catel . for cristes loue
of heuen [aaAx]
Ch: 7,207 Loue hem and lene hem . and so the lawe of kende
wolde [aaAx]
Ch: 7,208 And alle maner of men . -th-at -th-ow my-gh-t aspien
Ch: 7,209 -Th-at nedy ben or naked . and nau-gh-t han to
spende [aaAx]
Ch: 7,210 With mete or with money . make hem at ese aaAx|
Ch: 7,211 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 7,212 And make -th-e frendes -th-erwith . for so mathew
vs teche-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos &c } I wold nou-gh-t
greue god [Latin]
p. 48
Ch: 7,213 Quod piers . for alle -th-e gode -th-at groweth on
-th-is ground [aaxAx]
Ch: 7,214 My-gh-t I synneles do as -th-ow dost . seide piers
-th-anne [aaXx]
Ch: 7,215 -Gh-a I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . or elles -th-e
bible lieth [aaAxx]
Ch: 7,216 Go to { Genesis } -th-e geaunt . engendrour of
vs alle [aaAx]
Ch: 7,217 { In sudore et cet(er)a } and swynk . -th-ow schalt
-th-y mete [aaAx]
Ch: 7,218 Telien and laboren for -th-y liflode . and so oure
lorde hy-gh-[te] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,219 And sapience sei-th- -th-e same . I saw-gh-e hit
In -th-e Bible [aaAx]
Ch: 7,220 { Piger propter frigus } . In felde wolde telye
Ch: 7,221 He schal go bidde and begge . and no man bete his
h[ungir] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,222 Mathew with -th-e mannes face . nempned -th-es
wordes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,223 { Seruus nequam } had a { nam } . and for he nold
hit vsen [aaAx]
Ch: 7,224 He hadde maugre of his maister . euer more after
Ch: 7,225 And benome hym his { nam } . for he nold worche
Ch: 7,226 And -gh-af hit hym In haste . -th-at had ten before
Ch: 7,227 And se-th-en he seide . his seruaunt hit hadde
Ch: 7,228 He -th-at ha-th-e schal haue . and helpe -th-er
nede is [aaaAx]
Ch: 7,229 And -th-at nau-gh-t hathe . schal nou-gh-t haue
no no m[an him helpe] [aaAa]
Ch: 7,230 And -th-at he weny-th- wel to haue . I wol hit
hym bere[uen] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,231 Kynde witte wolde . -th-at ech man wrou-gh-t [aaAa]
Ch: 7,232 Ey-th-er with teching or telieng . or traueling
of hand[es] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,233 Actif lif or contemplatif lif . crist wold it also
Ch: 7,234 -Th-e sauter sei-th- hit . In -th-e Spalme of {
Beati omnes } [aaAx]
Ch: 7,234a { Labores manuum tuar(um) quia manducabis et cet(er)a
} [Latin]
Ch: 7,235 He -th-at gete-th- his fode here . with trauaile
of his h[ondes] [aaXa]
Ch: 7,236 God -gh-eue-th- his blessing -th-at her liflode
her so wyn[ne-th-] [????]
Ch: 7,237 -Gh-it I pray -th-e q(uo)d piers . pur charite
-gh-if -th-ow kenne [aaAxx]
Ch: 7,238 Any lif of lechcraft . lerne hit me my dere [aaAx]
Ch: 7,239 ffor sum of my seruauntes . ben seke o-th-er while
Ch: 7,240 Off alle -th-e weke worche-th- nou-gh-t . so her
wombe ake-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 7,241 I wote wel q(uo)d hunger . what sekenesse hem eile-th-
Ch: 7,242 -Th-ei han manged ouer moche . -th-at make-th-
hem grone [ofte] [aaAx]
Ch: 7,243 But I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . as -th-ow -th-yn
hele woldest [aaAx]
p. 49
Ch: 7,244 -Th-at -th-ow drink no day . or -th-ow dyne somwhatte
Ch: 7,245 And ete nou-gh-t I hote -th-e . or honger -th-e
take [aaAx]
Ch: 7,246 And sende -th-e of his sause . to sauer -th-i lippes
Ch: 7,247 And kepe sum to soper tyme . and sitte nou-gh-t
to longe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,248 Arise vp or appetite . haue eten his fille [aaAx]
Ch: 7,249 Let not sire surfete . sitte at -th-i borde [aaAx]
Ch: 7,250 Loue hym nou-gh-t for he is a lecchour . and lecorous
of tonge [aaAx]
Ch: 7,251 And after many maner metis . his mawe is alonged
Ch: 7,252 And -gh-ef -th-ow ech day do -th-us . I dar ley
myn hede [axAx]
Ch: 7,253 -Th-at fesik schal his furred hode . for his food
selle [aaAx]
Ch: 7,254 And eke his cloke with calabre . and -th-e knoppes
of golde [aaAx]
Ch: 7,255 And be fayn be my fay . his fesik to leten [aaAx]
Ch: 7,256 And lerne to laboren with londe . lest liflode
him faile [aaaAx]
Ch: 7,257 -Th-er be mo li-gh-ers -th-an leches . god hem
amende [aaAx]
Ch: 7,258 -Th-ei do men di-gh-e -th-orow her drinkes . or
destanye hit wold [aaAx]
Ch: 7,259 Be seint poul q(uo)d piers . -th-es ben profitable
wordes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,260 -Th-is is a louelich lessoun . oure lorde -th-e
hit for-gh-elde [aaAx]
Ch: 7,261 Wende now wher -th-i wille is . -th-at wel be -th-ow
euer [aaAx]
Ch: 7,262 And I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . hennes nel I nau-gh-t
wende [aaAx]
Ch: 7,263 Or I haue Idyned be -th-is day . and Idronk bo-th-e
Ch: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d piers . polettes to bigge
Ch: 7,265 Nei-th-er gos no grys . but two grene cheses [aaAx]
Ch: 7,266 And a few kurdis and crem I can . non o-th-er take
Ch: 7,267 A lofe of benes and of brenne . Ibake for my childrin
Ch: 7,268 I sey be my soule . I haue no salt Bakyn [aaAx]
Ch: 7,269 No cokenay be crist . coleps to make [aaAx]
Ch: 7,270 But I haue p(er)cely and porettis . and many colde
plantis [aaAx]
Ch: 7,271 And eke a kow and a calf . and a cart and a mare
Ch: 7,272 To draw on filde my dong . while my drow-gh-t laste-th-
Ch: 7,273 Be -th-is liflode I mi-gh-t leue . tille lammasse
tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 7,274 Be -th-at I hope to haue . heruest to my croft
p. 50
Ch: 7,275 And -th-an may I di-gh-t -th-i dyner . as -th-e dere
like-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore pepel . pescodes fetten [aaAx]
Ch: 7,277 Bedes and bake apples . -th-ei brou-gh-t In her
lappe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,278 Chibolles and cheruelles . and Ripe cheries many
Ch: 7,279 And proferd l pers a present . to plese -th-erwith
hunger [aaaAx]
Ch: 7,280 And hunger hent -th-is In haste . and asked after
more [aaaAa]
Ch: 7,281 -Th-an -th-is folk for fer . fetten him mony [aaAx]
Ch: 7,282 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 7,283 Be -th-at hit ney-gh-ed ny-gh-e heruest . new corn
come to cheping [aaAbb]
Ch: 7,284 -Th-an were folk feyn . and fedde hunger with -th-e
beste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,285 With gode ale and glotonye . -th-ei gert him to
slepe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,286 And -th-o wold wastour nou-gh-t worche . but wandred
aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 7,287 Ne no begger ete brede . -th-at benes In come [aaAx]
Ch: 7,288 Bot cokette or clerematyn . or of clene whete [aaAx]
Ch: 7,289 Ne no halpeny ale . In none wise drink [aaAxx]?
Ch: 7,290 Bot of -th-e best and -th-e brownest . -th-at brewsteres
sellen [aaAx]
Ch: 7,291 Laborers -th-at haue no londe . but leue be her
handes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,292 Deyned nou-gh-t to dyne . on day ny-gh-t olde wortis
Ch: 7,293 May no penyale hem paie . no none pece of bakoun
Ch: 7,294 But hit be fresch flesch . or fisch Ifri-gh-ed
Ch: 7,295 And { chawt } and { pluis chawt } . for chilling
of her maw [aaAx]
Ch: 7,296 And but he be hi-gh-elich Ihered . elles wol he
chide [aaAx]
Ch: 7,297 -Th-at he was workeman wrou-gh-t . and wari-gh-e
the tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 7,298 And -th-an curse-th- -th-e king . and alle -th-e
conseil after [aaAx]
Ch: 7,299 Such lawes to loke . laborers to chastice [aaAx]
Ch: 7,300 But while hunger was her maister wold -th-er non
chi[de] [????]
Ch: 7,301 Ne steren a-gh-en his state . so sternely he loked
Ch: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow workmen . wynne-th- while -gh-e
mowe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,303 ffor hunger hederward . haste-th- hym faste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,304 He schal awake -th-es we-th-er . wastours to chastice
Ch: 7,305 Or fyue -gh-ere ben fulfilled . famen schul arise
Ch: 7,306 -Th-orow flodes or foule wederes . froite schal
falle [aaAa]
p. 51
Ch: 7,307 And so sei-th- satourne . and sente -gh-ow to warne [aaAx]
Passus octanus de visione vt prius
Ch: 8,1 Trewthe herd telle hereof . and to piers sente [aaAxx]
Ch: 8,2 To take his teem . and his er-th-e telien [aaAx]
Ch: 8,3 And purchaise him a pardoun . { a pena et a culpa
} [aaAx]
Ch: 8,4 ffor him and his ei-gh-ers . euermore after [aaAa]
Ch: 8,5 And bad him hold him at home . and erien his ley-gh-es
Ch: 8,6 And -th-o -th-at helpen . to erien or to sow-gh-en
Ch: 8,7 Or any maner of mister . -th-at mi-gh-t piers helpen
Ch: 8,8 In -th-e p(ar)doun . -th-e pope hath hym graunted
Ch: 8,9 Kynges and kni-gh-tis . -th-at kepe holi chirche
Ch: 8.10 And ri-gh-tfullich In reme . rewle-th- -th-e pepille
Ch: 8,11 Han pardoun -th-orow purcatorie . to passe wel sone
Ch: 8,12 With patriarkes In paradis . to play -th-erafter
Ch: 8,13 Bischopes -th-at blessin . and bo-th-e -th-e lawes
kennen [aaAx]
Ch: 8,14 Loke on -th-at o lawe . lere men -th-at o-th-er
Ch: 8,15 And bere hem bo-th-e on her bak .
Ch: 8,15 And her baner scheweth
Ch: 8,16 And preche her persones . -th-e perile of synne
Ch: 8,17 How -th-at schabbed schepe . schul her wolle saue
Ch: 8,18 And haue p(ar)don with -th-e apposteles . whan -th-ei
passe hennes [aaAx]
Ch: 8,19 And at -th-e day of dom . at her deis to sitten
Ch: 8,20 Marchauntis In Margyn . had many -gh-eres [aaAx]
Ch: 8,21 Bot none { a pena et a culpa } . -th-e pope wold
hem graunt [axAx]
Ch: 8,22 ffor -th-ei helden nou-gh-t her hali daies . as
holi chirche teche-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 8,23 And for -th-ei swere be her soule . and so god mote
hem helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 8,24 A-gh-ens clene conscience . her catelle to selle
Ch: 8,25 But vnder his secret seel trew-th-e . sent him a
lett(er) [aaAx]
Ch: 8,26 And bad him bye boldely . what -th-at him liked
Ch: 8,27 And se-th--th-e selle hit a-gh-en . and saue -th-e
wynnyng [aaAx]
Ch: 8,28 And make -th-erwith mesondeux . meseles to helpe
p. 52
Ch: 8,29 And wikked wei-gh-es . wi-gh-tly for to Amende [aaAx]
Ch: 8,30 And bynde brigges aboute . -th-at tobroke were [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,31 Marien maidens also . and make hem nonnes [aaAx]
Ch: 8,32 wedow-gh-es -th-at wol . nou-gh-t be wyues helpe
hem -th-(er) after [aaAx]
Ch: 8,33 ffynde such her foode . for oure lordes loue of
heue(ne) [aaAbb]
Ch: 8,34 Sette-th- scolers to scole . o-th-er sum kynnes
craftis [aaAx]
Ch: 8,35 Releue Religiouns . and renten hem better [aaAx]
Ch: 8,36 I schal sende hem myself . seint Michel myn au(n)gell[es]
Ch: 8,37 -Th-at no deuel schal -gh-ow dere . di-gh-e whan
-gh-e dei-gh-e [aaAa]
Ch: 8,38 -Th-at I ne schal sende -gh-oure soules . saue Into
heue[ne] [aaAx]
Ch: 8,39 Before -th-e face of my fader . forme -gh-oure setes
Ch: 8,40 Vsur and auarice and o-th-es I defende, [????]
Ch: 8,41 -Th-at no gile go with -gh-ow . but -th-e grei-th-
trew-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 8,42 And -th-an were marchaundise mery . and many wep
for [ioye] [aaAx]
Ch: 8,43 And -gh-af wille for his writing . wollen clo-th-es
Ch: 8,44 ffor he copied -th-us her clause . -th-ei -gh-af
him gret med[e] [aaAx]
Ch: 8,45 Men of lawe had lest . for lewd -th-ei be alle [aaAx]
Ch: 8,46 ffor so sei-gh-t -th-e sauter . and sapience bo-th-e
Ch: 8,46a { Super innocentem munera non accipiens }
Ch: 8,46b { a regibus et a principibus } [Latin]
Ch: 8,47 Of princes and prelatis . her pencioun schuld arise
Ch: 8,48 And of no pore peple . no peny to take [aaAx]
Ch: 8,49 Bot he -th-at spende-th- his speche . and speke-th-
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
Ch: 8,50 -Th-at is Innocent and nedy . and no man appeire-th-
Ch: 8,51 Comforteth him In -th-at cas . coueite-th- nou-gh-t
his god[es] [aaAx]
Ch: 8,52 Bot for our lordes loue . lawe for hym scheweth
Ch: 8,53 Schal no deuel at his de-th- . derie hym a myte
Ch: 8,54 -Th-at he ne worth saf sekerly . and so sei-gh-th
-th-e saut(ir) [aaAa]
Ch: 8,55 Bot to bigge water no wynde . ne witte is -th-e
-th-ridde [aaAx]
Ch: 8,56 Ne wolde neuer holi writte . god wot -th-e so-th-e
p. 53
Ch: 8,57 -th-es -th-re for -th-ralles . ben -th-rowe amongs
vs alle [aaAx]
Ch: 8,58 To waxen and wanyen . wher -th-at god like-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 8,59 His p(ar)doun in purcatorie . ful litel is I trowe
Ch: 8,60 -Th-at ay mede of mene men . for motyng resceyue-th-
Ch: 8,61 -Gh-e legistrers and law-gh-eres . witen -gh-ef
I li-gh-e [aaXa]
Ch: 8,62 Se-th--th-e -gh-e sen hit is -th-us . sewe-th- to
-th-e beste [aaAx]
Ch: 8,63 Alle leuyng laborers . -th-at leuen be oure handes
Ch: 8,64 -Th-at trewely taken . and trewly wynnen [aaAx]
Ch: 8,65 And leuen In loue and law-gh-e . for her low-gh-e
hert [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,66 Hadde -th-e same absolucioun . -th-at sent was to
piers [aaAx]
Ch: 8,67 Beggers and bidders . be-th- nou-gh-t In -th-e bulle
Ch: 8,68 But -gh-ef -th-e suggestioun be so-th- . -th-at
-th-ei fore begge [aaAx]
Ch: 8,69 ffor he -th-at begge-th- or bidde-th- . but he haue
nede [aaAxx]
Ch: 8,70 He is fals with -th-e fende . -th-at gile-th- -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
Ch: 8,71 he gile-th- -th-e geuer . a-gh-ens his wille [aaAx]
Ch: 8,72 -Th-ei leue nou-gh-t In loue . ne no lawe holde
Ch: 8,73 -Th-ey ne wedde no womman . -th-at -th-ei with delyn
Ch: 8,74 But as wilde bestes with wouh . wor-th-e vp togeder
Ch: 8,75 And bringeth forthe barnes . -th-at boyes ben holde
Ch: 8,76 O-th-er his bak or his bon . -th-ei breken In -th-e
-gh-oug-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 8,77 And gon and faiten with her faunt . euermore after
Ch: 8,78 -Th-er ben mo mischape among hem . whoso take-th-
hede [aaaXx]
Ch: 8,79 -Th-an of alle maner of men . -th-at on -th-is molde
wandren [aaAx]
Ch: 8,80 -Th-ei -th-at leuen -th-us her lif . may lo-th-e
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 8,81 -Th-at heuer he was wy wrou-gh-t . whan he schal
hennes fare [xaAx]?
Ch: 8,82 Bot olde men and hore . -th-at helples be-th- of
streng-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 8,84 Blynde and bedrede . and broken her membres [aaAx]
Ch: 8,83 And women with children . -th-at worche ne mowen
Ch: 8,85 -Th-at take her myschef mekely . as meseles and o-th-er
Ch: 8,86 Han as playn p(ar)doun . as -th-e plou-gh- man hym
selue [aaAx]
Ch: 8,87 ffor loue of her lowe hert . oure lorde ha-th-e
hem graunted [aaAx]
Ch: 8,88 Her penaunce and her purcatorie . vpon -th-is pure
er-th-e [aaAx]
p. 54
Ch: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a prest . -th-i p(ar)doun most I Rede
Ch: 8,90 ffor I schal constrew euerich a clause . and ken
hit -th-e on eng[lissh] [aaAx]
Ch: 8,91 And piers at his praier . -th-e p(ar)doun he onfolded
Ch: 8,92 And behinde hem bo-th-e . beheld al -th-e bille
Ch: 8,93 In two lynes hit lay . and nat a letter more [aaAx]
Ch: 8,94 And was writen Ri-gh-t -th-us . In witnesse of trew-th-e
Ch: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam } [Latin]
Ch: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignum eternum } [Latin]
Ch: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d he to piers -th-o . I can no p(ar)doun
fynde [aaAx]
Ch: 8,98 Bot do welle and haue wel . and god schal haue -th-i
soule [????]
Ch: 8.99 And do euel and haue euel . and hope -th-ow non
o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 8,100 -Th-at after -th-i de-th- day . to hel Sne schalt
-th-ow wende [????]
Ch: 8,101 And piers for tene . pulled hit asonder and sayde
Ch: 8,102 { Si ambulauero medio vmbre mortis non } [Latin]
Ch: 8,103 { timebo mala quoniam tu mecum es } [Latin]
Ch: 8,104 I schal sese of my sowyng q(uo)d piers . and swynk
nou-gh-t so [harde] [aaxAx]
Ch: 8,105 Ne about my liflode . so besy me nomore [aaAx]
Ch: 8,106 Of praiers and penaunce . my plow-gh-e mot be herafte[r]
Ch: 8,107 And belowre -th-at I low-gh-e . ere -th-ow-gh-
liflode me faile [aaAx]
Ch: 8,108 And p(ar)fit In praiers . In penaunce and In weping
Ch: 8,109 Be -th-at -th-e sauter vs sei-gh-t . and so ded
many o-th-er [aaAxx]
Ch: 8,110 -Th-at loue-th- god leely . his liflode is -th-e
more [aaAx]
Ch: 8,110a { ffuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
} [Latin]
Ch: 8,111 And but luk li-gh-ed . he lere-th- vs ano-th-er
Ch: 8,112 -th-at we schuld nat be to besy about bely Ioye
Ch: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he sei-gh-t hit in his
gospel [aaAx]
Ch: 8,114 And schew it to vs be ensaumple . oure selue to
wisse [aaAx]
Ch: 8,115 -Th-e foules in -th-e firmament . he fynt hem a
winter [aaAx]
Ch: 8,116 Whan the frost freseth . fode hem behoueth [aaAx]
Ch: 8,117 Haue -th-ei no gerner -th-erto . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . peter as
me -th-inke-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 8,119 -Th-ow art lerned a litel . who lerned -th-e on
boke [aaAx]
p. 55
Ch: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e Abbes . myn A.B.C me tau-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 8,121 And conscience kenned me better [aaAx]
Ch: 8,122 Wer -th-ow a prest piers q(uo)d he . -th-ow my-gh-t
p(re)che wher -th-e like-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 8,123 { Quoniam literaturam non cognoui } . -th-at my-gh-t
be thy teeme [????]
Ch: 8,124 lewde lorelle q(uo)d piers . litel lokest -th-ow
on -th-e bible [aaxAx]
Ch: 8,125 On Salemonis sawes . litel -th-ow beholdes [aaAx]
Ch: 8,125a { Ecce derisores and iurgia cum eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
Ch: 8,126 And -th-e prest and p(er)kyn . apposed ei-th-er
o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 8,127 And -th-orow her wordes I woke . and waited aboute
Ch: 8,128 And sawe -th-e sonne euen sow-th-e . sitte -th-at
tyme [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,129 Mynnyng on -th-ebmervailes . on maluern hilles
Ch: 8,130 Musing on -th-at metels . a myle wey I -gh-ede
Ch: 8,131 Many tymes -th-es metels . han made me to stodie
Ch: 8,132 And for piers loue -th-e plou-gh-man . wel pensef
In hert [aaAx]
Ch: 8,133 ffor -th-at I sawe sleping . -gh-ef hit be so my-gh-t
Ch: 8,134 Bot constrewe-th- Caton hit . and canonystris bo-th-e
Ch: 8,134a { Sompnia ne cures et cet(ra) } [Latin]
Ch: 8,135 Bot for -th-e bybel bere-th- witnesse how [aa??]
Ch: 8,136 Daniel deuyned . -th-e dreme of a kyng [aaAx]
Ch: 8,137 -Th-at nabugodonosor . nempne -th-es clerkes [aaAx]
Ch: 8,138 Daniel seide sire kyng . -th-y sweuen is to mene
Ch: 8,139 -Th-at an onkynde king schal come . -th-i kingdom
to clayme [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,140 Among lewde lordes . -th-i lond schal be departed
Ch: 8,141 As daniel demed . In dede hit befelle after [aaAx]
Ch: 8,142 -Th-e king lese his lordschepe . and lesse men
hadde [aaAx]
Ch: 8,143 And Iosep mette mervaillesly . how -th-e mone and
-th-e sonne [aaAx]
Ch: 8,144 And -th-e elleuen sterres . hailsed hym alle [axAa]
Ch: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(uo)d his fader . for defaute
we schulle [aaAx]
Ch: 8,146 I myself and my sones . seke -th-e for nede [aaAx]
Ch: 8,147 It befel as his fader . seide In pharaos tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 8,148 -Th-at Iosep was Iustice . egept to kepe [aaAx]
Ch: 8,149 Al -th-is make-th- me . on metels to -th-ink [aaAx]
p. 56
Ch: 8,150 Many tymes at mydni-gh-t . whan men schuld slepe
Ch: 8,151 And piers -th-e plow-gh-man . such a p(ar)doun
he haue-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 8,152 And how -th-e preste Inpugned it . al before Resoun
Ch: 8,153 And he leued -th-at dowel . Indulgens passe-th-
Ch: 8,154 Byannalis and triannalis . and Bischops letters
Ch: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e daie a dome . Is dignelich vnderfong
Ch: 8,156 He passe-th- al -th-e p(ar)doun . at seint peteris
chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 8,157 Now hathe -th-e pope power . { a pena et a culpa
} [aaAx]
Ch: 8,158 --- this line om ---
Ch: 8,159 -Th-is is -th-e lif of oure beleue . as lettered
men vs schewe-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 8,159a { Quodcumq(ue) ligaueris super terram etc } [Latin]
Ch: 8,160 And also I loue leelly . god forbede elles [aaAx]
Ch: 8,161 -Th-at p(ar)doun and penaunce . oft tymes do-th-e
saue [aaAx]
Ch: 8,162 Soules -th-at ha-th-e synned . In seuen synnes
dedly [aaAx]
Ch: 8,163 And to trust on his triannalis . so-th-ely me -th-inke-th-
Ch: 8,164 It is nou-gh-t so seker for -th-e soule . sertes
as do wel [aaAx]
Ch: 8,165 ffor-th-y I rede -gh-ow Renkes . -th-at Riche ben
on er-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 8,166 Vpon trust of -gh-oure tresour . triannalis to
haue [aaAx]
Ch: 8,167 Be -gh-e neuer -th-e bolder . to breke -th-e ten
hestes [aaAx]
Ch: 8,168 And namely -gh-e maistres . as maires and Iuges
Ch: 8,169 -Th-at han -th-e world at wille . and wise men
be holde [aaAx]
Ch: 8,170 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 8,171 At -th-e dredful domesday . whan dede schul arise
Ch: 8,172 And come before crist . countes to -gh-elde [aaAx]
Ch: 8,173 How -th-ow leddest -th-y lif here . and his lawe
keptest [aaAx]
Ch: 8,174 What -th-ow dedist day be day . -th-e dome wol
Reherse [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,175 A pokeful of pardoun -th-er . ne -th-e prouincial
letters [aaAx]
Ch: 8,176 -th-ei -th-ow be found In -th-e fraternite . among
-th-e foure ord[ris] [aaAx]
Ch: 8,177 And haue Indulgense dubbel folde . bot dowel -th-e
helpe [aaAx]
Ch: 8,178 I nold -gh-eue for -th-i patente on pi-gh-e hele
Ch: 8,179 ffor-th-i I conseile al cristein . crye god mercy
Ch: 8,180 And marie his moder . to be mene betwene [aaAx]
Ch: 8,181 -Th-at god -gh-eue vs grace . or we go hennes [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,182 Such workes to wirche . while we be here [aaAx]
p. 57
Ch: 8,183 -Th-at after oure de-th- day . dowel Reherse [aaAx]
Ch: 8,184 -Th-at at -th-e day of dome . we ded as he hi-gh-t
Explicit Visio Willi de petro le plou-gh-man Eciam incipit
de dowel dobet et dobest secundum witte and Resoun
Ch: 9,1 Thus IRobed In Russette . I Romed aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 9,2 Alle a somer sesoun . for to seke dowel [aaAx]
Ch: 9,3 And frayned ful ofte . at folk -th-at I mette [aaAx]
Ch: 9,4 -Gh-if any wi-gh-t wist . wher dowel was at Inne
Ch: 9,5 And what man he my-gh-t be . of many men I asked
Ch: 9,6 Was neuer wi-gh-t as I wene . -th-at me wisse cow-th-e
Ch: 9,7 Wher -th-is lede lenged . -th-e lesse and -th-e more
Ch: 9,8 Tille hit befel on a friday . twey freres I mette
Ch: 9,9 Maistres of -th-e menoures . men of gret witte [aaAx]
Ch: 9,10 I halsed hem hendely . as I had lerned [aaAx]
Ch: 9,11 And praied hem pur charite . or -th-ei passed for-th-er
Ch: 9,12 -Gh-ef -th-ei knew any contrey . or costes aboute
Ch: 9,13 Wher -th-at dowel dwelled . do me to wisse [aaAx]
Ch: 9,14 Marie q(uo)d -th-e maistres . amongs vs he duelle-th-
Ch: 9,15 And euer ha-th- I hope . and euer schal herafter
Ch: 9,16 { Contra } q(uo)d I as a clerk . and comsid to dispute
Ch: 9,16a {Sepcies In die cadit Iustus } [Latin]
Ch: 9,17 Seuen si-th-es sei-th- -th-e boke . falle-th- -th-e
Ri-gh-twisse [aaAx]
Ch: 9,18 Bot whoso synne-th- I saie . sertis me -th-inke-th-
Ch: 9,19 Dowel and do euel . may nou-gh-t duelle togeder
Ch: 9,20 { Ergo } he is nou-gh-t alway at home among -gh-ow
freres [????]
Ch: 9,21 He is o-th-erwhile elles wher . to wisse the peple
Ch: 9,22 I schal sey -th-e my sone . seide -th-e frere -th-an
Ch: 9,23 How seuen si-th-es -th-e sad man . synned on -th-e
day [aaAx]
Ch: 9,24 By a forbesen q(uo)d -th-e frere . I schal -th-e
faire schewen [aaAx]
Ch: 9,25 lat bring a man In a bote . on a brode water [aaAx]
Ch: 9,26 -Th-e wynde and -th-e water . and -th-e wagging
of -th-e bote [aaAx]
Ch: 9,27 Make-th- -th-e man many tymes . to falle and to
stonde [aaaXx]
p. 58
Ch: 9,28 ffor stonde he neuer so stif . he stumble-th- In -th-e
waggyng [aaAx]
Ch: 9,29 And -gh-it is he saf and sound . and so hym behoue-th-
Ch: 9,30 ffor -gh-ef he ne Ros -th-e ra-th-er . and ri-gh-t
stired [aaAx]
Ch: 9,31 -Th-e wynde wold with -th-e water . -th-e bote ouer-th-row-gh-[e]
Ch: 9,32 -Th-er wer -th-e mannes lif lost . for lachesse
of hymselu[e] [aaAx]
Ch: 9,33 Ri-gh-t -th-us fare-th- hit q(uo)d -th-e frere .
be folk her on er-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 9,34 -Th-e water is lekened to -th-e world . and wanie-th-
and w[axi-th-] [aaAa]
Ch: 9,35 -Th-e godes on -th-e ground . ben like to gret wawes
Ch: 9,36 -Th-at as wynde and water . wawen aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 9,37 -Th-e bote is leked til -th-e body . -th-at bretel
is of kynde [aaAx]
Ch: 9,38 -Th-at -th-orow -th-e fende and his flesch . and
-th-e fals world [aaAx]
Ch: 9,39 Synne-th- -th-e sadde man . seuen si-th-es In -th-e
day [aaaAx]
Ch: 9,40 Bot dedly synne do-th- nat he . for dowel hym helpe-th-
Ch: 9,41 And -th-at is charite -th-e champioun . chef help
a-gh-en [synne] [aaAx]
Ch: 9,42 ffor he streng-th-es -th-e to stonde . and stires
-th-i soule [aaAx]
Ch: 9,43 ffor -th-ow -th-y body bowe . as bote do-th-e in
water [aaAx]
Ch: 9,44 Ay is -th-i soule saf . but -gh-ef -th-iself wolt
Ch: 9,45 ffolow -th-i flesches wille . and -th-e fendes after
Ch: 9,46 And do dedly synne . and drench -th-iself [aaAx]
Ch: 9,47 God wol suffer -th-e to die so . for -th-iself hast
-th-e ma[istrie] [aaAx]
Ch: 9,48 I haue no kend knowing q(uo)d I . to conseiue -th-i
wordes [aaAx]
Ch: 9,49 But -gh-ef I may leue and loken . I schal go lern
better [aaAx]
Ch: 9,50 I bekenne -gh-ow crist . -th-at on -th-e crosse
died [aaAx]
Ch: 9,51 And I saide -th-e same . saue -gh-ow fro meschaunse
Ch: 9,52 And -gh-ef -th-e grace on -th-is er-th-e . In gode
lif to ende [aabAb]
Ch: 9,53 -Th-us I went wide wher . dowel to seke [aaAx]
Ch: 9,54 As I went be a wode . walking alone [aaAx]
Ch: 9,55 Blisse of -th-e birdes . made me abide [aaXa]
Ch: 9,56 And vnder a linde vpon a launde . lened I me a stoun[de]
Ch: 9,57 To lerne laies . -th-at louely birdes maden [aaAx]
Ch: 9,58 Blisse of -th-e birdes . brou-gh-t me a slepe [aaAx]
Ch: 9,59 -Th-e meruelest metyng . met me -th-an [aaAx]
p. 59
Ch: 9,60 -Th-at euer dremed dri-gh-t . In dout as I wene [aaAx]
Ch: 9,61 A much man me -th-ou-gh-t . like to my selue [aaAx]
Ch: 9,62 Come and called me . be my ri-gh-t name [aaAx]
Ch: 9,63 What art -th-ow q(uo)d I -th-o . -th-at my name
knowest [aaAxx]
Ch: 9,64 -Th-at -th-ow wost wel q(uo)d he . and no wi-gh-t
better [aaAx]
Ch: 9,65 Wot I q(uo)d I ho art -th-ow . -th-ou-gh-t seide
he -th-anne [aaAa]
Ch: 9,66 I haue sewed -th-e seuen -gh-ere . se -th-ow me
no Ra-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 9,67 Ert -th-ow -th-ou-gh-t q(uo)d I . -th-ow hit cow-th-est
me telle [aaAxx]
Ch: 9,68 Wher dowel duelleth . and do me to wisse [aaAx]
Ch: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he and dobet . and dobest -th-e -th-ridde
Ch: 9,70 Arn -th-re faire vertues . and ben nau-gh-t fer
to fynde [aaAa]
Ch: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mow-th-e . and milde of his
speche [aaAx]
Ch: 9,72 Trewe of his tong . and of his two handes [aaAx]
Ch: 9,73 And -th-orou-gh- -th-e labour of his honde . his
liflode wynne-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 9,74 Tristy of his taileende . and take-th- but his owne
Ch: 9,75 And nou-gh-t dronklewe no deynouse . dowel hym folowe-th-
Ch: 9,76 Dobette -th-us do-th-e . ac he do-th- much more
Ch: 9,77 He is as lowe as a lombe . and louelich of speche
Ch: 9,78 Whiles he ha-th-e ou-gh-t of his owne . helpe-th-
-th-er nede is [aaAx]
Ch: 9,79 -Th-e Bagges and -th-e Bigirdelis . he ha-th-e broke
hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 9,80 -Th-at -th-e erle auerous hadde or his ei-gh-ers
Ch: 9,81 And with mamoynes money . he ha-th-e made him frendes
Ch: 9,82 And his Ronne to Religioun . and ha-th-e rendred
-th-e bible [aaAx]
Ch: 9,83 And preche-th- -th-e peple . seint poules wordes
{ libenter sufferte } [aaAx]
Ch: 9,83a --- this line om ---
Ch: 9,84 The wise suffre-th- -th-e onwise . with -gh-ow to
libbe [aaAxx]
Ch: 9,85 And with glad wille do hem gode . for so god biddi-th-
hym [aaAx]
Ch: 9,86 Dobest is abouen hem bo-th-e . and Beri-th- a bischops
crois [aaaAa]
Ch: 9,87 Is hoked at -th-e on ende . to holde men to gode
lif [aaAx]
Ch: 9,88 A pike is In -th-at potent . to punge adoun -th-e
wikked [aaAx]
Ch: 9,89 -Th-at wayten ay wikkedly . dowel to tene [aaAx]
Ch: 9,90 And as dowel and dobet . ded hym to vnderstonde
p. 60
Ch: 9,91 -Th-ei han crowned on kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 9,92 And -gh-ef dowel and dobette . dedyn a-gh-en dobest
Ch: 9,93 And weren onbuxsom at his biddyng . and bold to
do[n ille] [aaAx]
Ch: 9,94 -th-at -th-an schuld -th-e kyng come . and cast
hem In preso[un] [aaAx]
Ch: 9,95 And put hem -th-er In penaunce . without pite or
grace [aaAx]
Ch: 9,96 But dobest bid for hem -th-ei abide . -th-er for
euer [aaaXx]?
Ch: 9,97 -Th-us dowel and dobette . and dobest -th-e -th-redde
Ch: 9,98 Crouned on to be kyng . and be his counseil wirchen
Ch: 9,99 And rewled -th-e reme . by rede of hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 9,100 And o-th-er wise and elles nou-gh-t but as -th-ei
-th-re assented [????]
Ch: 9,101 I -th-anked -th-ou-gh-t -th-o . -th-at me so tau-gh-t
Ch: 9,102 Bot -gh-et sauere-th- me nou-gh-t -th-y seggyng
. so me god helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 9,103 More kynde knowyng . I coueyte to lere [aaAx]
Ch: 9,104 How dowel and dobet and dobest . don on -th-is
er-th-e [aaaAx]
Ch: 9,105 But wit can wisse q(uo)d -th-ou-gh-t . wher -th-es
-th-re duellyn [aaxAx]
Ch: 9,106 Elles wot no man -th-at now is a lyue [????]
Ch: 9,107 -Th-ou-gh-t and I -th-us . -th-re daies we -gh-eden
Ch: 9,108 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 9,109 Bot or we ware were . with witte gan we mete [aaAx]
Ch: 9,110 He was long and lene . lik to non o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 9,111 Was no pride In his appareile . and of softe speche
Ch: 9,112 --- this line om ---
Ch: 9,113 I ne durst meue no mater . to make hym to Iangle
Ch: 9,114 Bot as I bad -th-ou-gh-t -th-o be mene betwene
Ch: 9,115 To put for-th-e sum purpose . to prouen his wittes
Ch: 9,116 -Th-an -th-ou-gh-t in -th-at tyme . seide -th-es
wordes [aaaAx]
Ch: 9,117 Wher -th-at dowel and dobette . and dobest be londe
Ch: 9,118 Her his wille wold wete . -gh-ef witte cow-th-e
hym teche [aaAx]
Passus primus de Dowelle
Ch: 10,1 Sir dowel duellith q(uo)d witte . nou-gh-t on day
hennes [aaxAx]
Ch: 10,2 In a castel -th-at kende made . of foure kynnes
-th-inges [aaAx]?
Ch: 10,3 Of er-th-e and of eire It is made . medled togeder[is]
Ch: 10,4 With wynde and with water . witlich enIoyned [aaAx]
Ch: 10,5 Kende ha-th-e closed -th-erInne . craftly with alle
p. 61
Ch: 10,6 A lemman -th-at he loue-th- . lik to hym selue [aaAx]
Ch: 10,7 -th-at hi-gh-t { anima } . he ha-th-e to her enuy
Ch: 10,8 A proude preker of fraunce . sire pride he hatte
Ch: 10,9 And wold wynne her away . with wiles -gh-ef he my-gh-t
Ch: 10,10 and kende knowe-th- hym wel . and kepe-th- her
-th-e better [aaAx]
Ch: 10,11 And hath don her to sir dowel . duk of -th-es marches
Ch: 10,12 Dobette is her damesel . dowelis suster [aaAa]
Ch: 10,13 And serue-th- -th-is lady lelly . bo-th-e late
and Ra-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 10,14 -Th-us dowel and dobette . and dobest -th-e -th-redde
Ch: 10,15 Be-th- maistres of -th-is maner . -th-is maide
to kepe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,16 But -th-e constable of -th-is castel . -th-at kepe-th-
hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 10,17 Is a wise kny-gh-t withalle . sir -th-ou-gh-t he
hatte-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 10,18 And ha-th- fyue feire sones . be his first wif
Ch: 10,19 Sire se wel and sir sey wel . and here wel -th-e
hende [aaAx]
Ch: 10,20 Sir worch wel with -th-yn hond . a wi-gh-t man
of streng-th-e [aaxAx]
Ch: 10,21 And sire Godfray go wel . gret lordes alle [aaAx]
Ch: 10,22 -th-es fyue be-th- Isette . to saue -th-e castelle
Ch: 10,23 To kepe -th-is womman . -th-es wise men be charged
Ch: 10,24 To kende come or sende . to kepe her hymselue [aaAx]
Ch: 10,25 What calle -gh-e -th-at castel q(uo)d I . -th-at
kende hath Imaked [aaAx]
Ch: 10,26 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 10,27 kende q(uo)d he is a creatour . of alle kennes
bestes [aaAx]
Ch: 10,28 ffader and formour . -th-e first of alle -th-ing
Ch: 10,29 And -th-at is -th-e gret god . -th-at gynnyng had
neuer [aaAx]
Ch: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lif and of li-th- . of lisse and
of peyne [aaaAx]
Ch: 10,31 Aungels and alle -th-ing . arn at is wille [aaAx]
Ch: 10,32 But man is hym most like . of merke and of schappe
Ch: 10,33 ffor -th-orow -th-e word -th-at he warp . wex for-th-e
beestes [aaAx]
Ch: 10,34 And alle at his wille . was wrou-gh-t with on speche
Ch: 10,34a { Dixit et facta sunt } [Latin]
Ch: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . Image to hym selue [aaAx]
Ch: 10,36 -Gh-af hym gost and godhede . and graunted hym
blisse [aaAx]
Ch: 10,37 Lif -th-at ay schal laste . and al his lynage after
Ch: 10,38 -Th-at is -th-e castel -th-at kynde made . { Caro
} hit hatte [aaAx]
p. 62
Ch: 10,39 As moche to mene . as man with his soule [aaAx]
Ch: 10,40 -Th-at he wrou-gh-t wi-th- werkes . and wordes
bo-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 10,41 -th-orow mi-gh-t of -th-e maieste . man was Imaked
Ch: 10,41a { ffaciamus hominem ad Imagynem nostram } [Latin]
Ch: 10,42 Inwitte and alle wittes . enclosed be-th- -th-erInne
Ch: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-at lady . -th-at lif is Inempned
Ch: 10,44 -Th-at is { anima } -th-at oueralle . In -th-e
body wandre-th- [aaXx]
Ch: 10,45 Bot In -th-e hert is her home . hi-gh-est of alle
Ch: 10,46 Sche is lif and leder . a lemman of heuen [aaAx]
Ch: 10,47 Inwitte is -th-e halle . -th-at { anima } desire-th-
Ch: 10,48 After grace of god . Inwitte is -th-e grettest
Ch: 10,49 Inwitte In -th-e hed is . and an help to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
Ch: 10,50 ffor -th-oru-gh- his connyng is keped . { Caro
} and { anima } [aaAx]
Ch: 10,51 In Rewle and In Resoun . but Recheles It make [aaAx]
Ch: 10,52 He egge-th- -gh-e sy-gh-t . and hering to gode
Ch: 10,53 Of gode speche and connyng . he is -th-e begynner
Ch: 10,54 In manis brayn is he moste . and my-gh-tiest to
knowe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,55 -Th-er is brayn bremest . but -gh-ef blode hit
make [aaAx]
Ch: 10,56 ffor whan blode is bremer -th-an brayn . -th-an
is Inwit bo[unde] [aaaXa]
Ch: 10,57 And ek wantown and wilde . without any Resoun [aaAx]
Ch: 10,58 In -gh-ong fauntes and foles . with hem faile-th-
Inwitte [aaAx]
Ch: 10,59 And ek In sottes -th-ow my-gh-t se . -th-at sitten
at -th-e nale [aaAx]
Ch: 10,60 -Th-ei held al In her hede . tille Inwitte be drenched
Ch: 10,61 And ben braynwod as beestes . so her blode waxe-th-
Ch: 10,62 -Th-an ha-th-e -th-e powke power . sir { Princeps
huius mundi }
Ch: 10,63 Ouer such maner of men . my-gh-t In her soules
Ch: 10,64 But In fauntes ne In foles . -th-e deuel ha-th-
no my-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 10,65 ffor no worke -th-at -th-ei werch . wikked o-th-er
elles [aaAx]
Ch: 10,66 Bot -th-e fader and -th-e frendes . for fauntes
schul be b[lamed] [aaAx]
Ch: 10,67 Bot -th-ei witen hem fro wantownesse . while -th-ei
be -gh-on[ge] [aaAxx]
Ch: 10,68 And -gh-ef -th-ei be pore and catelles . to kepe
hem fro Ille xxXx|
p. 63
Ch: 10,69 -Th-an is holichirch holde . to helpe hem and saue
Ch: 10,70 ffro foles and fynde hem . tille -th-ei be wise
Ch: 10,71 Ech wi-gh-t In -th-is world . ha-th- wis vnderstonding
Ch: 10,72 Is chef souereigne of hym self . his soule to -gh-eme
Ch: 10,73 And cheuise-th- hym for any charge . when he childhode
passe-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 10,74 Saue hym self fro synne . for so hym behoue-th-
Ch: 10,75 ffor to wirche wel or wrong . -th-e wyte is his
owen [aaaAx]
Ch: 10,76 -Th-an is dowel a duke . -th-at distroie-th- vises
Ch: 10,77 And saue-th- -th-e soule . -th-at synne haue no
my-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 10,78 To rowten ne to Resten . ne Roren In -th-in hert
Ch: 10,79 And -th-at is drede of god . dowel hit make-th-
Ch: 10,80 It is begynnyng of godnesse . god for to dowten
Ch: 10,81 Salemon it seyde . for a so-th- tale [aaAx]
Ch: 10,81a { Inicium sapiencie timor domini } [Latin]
Ch: 10,82 ffor dowte men do-th- -th-e bette . drede is such
a maister [aaxAx]
Ch: 10,83 -Th-at he make-th- men meke . and milde of her
speche [aaaAx]
Ch: 10,84 And alle kynde scolers . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
Ch: 10,85 -Th-an is dobette to be Iware . for betyng of -th-e
-gh-erde [aaAx]
Ch: 10,86 And -th-erof sei-th- -th-e sau-gh-ter . In a Salme
-th-ow my-gh-t Rede [aaAx]
Ch: 10,87 { Virga tua et baculus tuus ip(s)a me consolata
sunn } [Latin]
Ch: 10,88 Bot -gh-ef clene conscience . acorde -th-at -th-yself
dost wel [aaAx]
Ch: 10,89 Wille -th-ow neuer In -th-is world . why for to
do better [aaAx]
Ch: 10,90 ffor { Intencio Indicat hominem } [Latin]
Ch: 10,91 Be counseile of concience . acordyng holi chirche
Ch: 10,92 Loke -th-ow wisse -th-y witte . and -th-y workes
after [aaAx]
Ch: 10,93 ffor -gh-ef -th-ow comest a-gh-en conscience .
-th-ow combrest -th-y seluen [aaAx]
Ch: 10,94 And so witnesse-th- goddis worde . and holiwrit
bo-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 10,94a { Qui agit contra conscienciam } [Latin]
Ch: 10,95 And -gh-ef -th-ow worchest be godis worde . I warne
-th-e -th-e beste [aaAx]
Ch: 10,96 -th-at so men worden . of -th-e wra-th--th-e -th-e
neuer [aaAx]?
Ch: 10,97 Catoun counseile-th- . take kepe of his techyng
Ch: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas ne cures verba malorum } [Latin]
p. 64
Ch: 10,99 But suffer and sitte stille . and seke -th-ow not
fer-th-er [aaaAx]
Ch: 10,100 And be glad of -th-e grace . -th-at god hath Isent
-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 10,101 ffor whan -th-ow comsist to clymbe . and coueitist
hier [aaAx]
Ch: 10,102 -th-an my-gh-tist -th-ow lese -th-i lownesse .
for a litel pride [aaAx]
Ch: 10,103 I haue herd how lewd men . han lerned her children
Ch: 10,104 -Th-at selde men se -th-e marbelle . -th-at men
ofte treden
Ch: 10,105 Be ouermolded with mosse men to beholde [aaAx]
Ch: 10,105 Ri-gh-t so by -th-e Romers . -th-at renne-th-
aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 10,106 ffrom Religioun to Religioun . regeles ben euer
Ch: 10,107 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 10,108 -Th-rift o-th-er -th-edom . wi-th- -th-o is selde
Isey-gh-e [aaAbb]
Ch: 10,108a { Qui circuit et cetera } [Latin]
Ch: 10,109 Poul -th-e apostel . in his pistel wrot hit [aaAx]
Ch: 10,110 In ensaumple of such . schuld no man renne aboute
Ch: 10,111 And for wisdom hit is write . and witnessed in
chirches [aaAx]
Ch: 10,112 { In eadem vocacione qua vocati estis state }
Ch: 10,113 -Gh-if -th-ow be man maried . monke o-th-er chanou(n)
Ch: 10,114 Holde -th-e stabel and stedfast . and streng-th-e
-th-i seluen [aaAx]
Ch: 10,115 To be blissed for -th-i bering . -th-e bigger
pow-gh- -th-ow were [aaAx]?
Ch: 10,116 Loke -th-ow grucch nou-gh-t on god . -th-ou-gh-
he geue -th-e litel [aaAx]
Ch: 10,117 Be paide of -th-i porcioun . pore o-th-er riche
Ch: 10,118 -Th-us in drede li-th-e dowel . dobet to suffre
Ch: 10,119 ffor -th-oru-gh- suffraunce se . -th-ow my-gh-t
how soueraignes a[rise-th-] [aaAx]?
Ch: 10,120 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabitur et cetera } [Latin]
Ch: 10,121 And -th-us of drede and his dede . Dobest arise-th-
Ch: 10,122 Wich is -th-e floure and -th-e froite . forstered
of hem bo-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 10,123 Ri-gh-t as a rose . riseth out of a ragged rote
Ch: 10,124 --- this line om ---
Ch: 10,125 And on a brere springe-th- and sprede-th- . -th-at
spicerie de[siri-th-] [aaAx]
Ch: 10,126 Or as whete out of wede . waxe-th- out of -th-e
erthe [aaAx]?
Ch: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . and dowel gynne-th- spring
Ch: 10,128 Among men of -th-is molde . -th-at meke ben and
kende [aaAx]
Ch: 10,129 ffor loue of her low-gh-nesse . oure lorde -gh-ef
hem grace [aaAx]
Ch: 10,130 Such werk to worche . as he is with paide [aaAx]
Ch: 10,131 And formast and first . to folk -th-at ben wedded
p. 65
Ch: 10,131 ffor loue of her lownessse oure lord -gh-af hem
Ch: 10,131 such werke to wirche as he is with paide
Ch: 10,131 and formist and first to folk -th-at ben wedded
Ch: 10,132 And leuen as her lawe wol . it like-th- god almy-gh-ty
Ch: 10,133 -Th-at -th-orow wedlok -th-e world stant . whoso
wol hit knowe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,134 -Th-ei ben Richest of Remes . and -th-e Rote of
dowel [aaAx]
Ch: 10,135 ffor of her kynde -th-ei come . -th-at confessours
ben nempned [aaAx]
Ch: 10,136 Bo-th-e maydens and Mynchons . Monkes and ancers
Ch: 10,137 Kynges and kni-gh-tes . and alle kynde clerkes
Ch: 10,138 Barouns and burgeis . and bondemen of towns [aaAx]
Ch: 10,139 Bot fals folk and fai-th-lese . as -th-eues and
liers [aaAx]?
Ch: 10,140 Ben conseiued in cursed tyme . as kaym was on
Eue [aaAx]
Ch: 10,141 After -th-at Adam and sche . eten -th-e appelle
Ch: 10,142 A-gh-en -th-e hest of hym . -th-at hem of nou-gh-t
made [aaAx]
Ch: 10,143 An au(n)gel hi-gh-t hem in anger to wende [aaAx]
Ch: 10,144 Into -th-e wreched world . to wonen and to libben
Ch: 10,145 In tene and In trauaile . to her lyues ende [aaAxx]
Ch: 10,146 -Th-at cursed constellacion . -th-ei knew togederes
Ch: 10,147 And brou-gh-t fur-th-e a barne . -th-at muche
bale wrou-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 10,148 Caym -th-ei hym called . in cursed tyme engendred
Ch: 10,149 And so sei-th- -th-e sauter . se hit whan -th-e
like-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 10,150 { Concepit dolorem et pep(er)it iniquitatem }
Ch: 10,151 Alle come of caym . crist hated after [aaAbb]
Ch: 10,152 And many Millions mo . of men and of women [aaaAx]
Ch: 10,153 That of se-th- and his suster . si-th-en for-th-
come [aaAx]
Ch: 10,154 ffor -th-ei maried hem with cursed men . of caymes
kynne [abaBb]
Ch: 10,155 ffor alle -th-at comen of caym . cursed -th-ei
were [aaAx]
Ch: 10,156 And alle -th-at coupled hem with -th-at kynne
. crist hated after [aaAx]
Ch: 10,157 ffor-th-i he sent hym to sey . and seide him by
an aungel [aaAx]
Ch: 10,158 To kepe his kynrede fro Caymes . -th-ei coupled
nou-gh-t togederes [aaaAx]
Ch: 10,159 And se-th-en Se-th- and his suster . wer spoused
to Caymes [aaaAx]
p. 66
Ch: 10,160 A-gh-ens godis heste . gerles -th-ei geten [aaAa]
Ch: 10,161 -Th-at god was wro-th-e with her wirkes . and
seide such wordes [aaAx]
Ch: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse hominem } [Latin]
Ch: 10,163 And is als much to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
Ch: 10,164 -Th-at I man maked now . it me for-th-inke-th-
Ch: 10,165 And come to Noee anone . and bad hym nou-gh-t
lete [aaAx]
Ch: 10,166 Swi-th-e schape a schippe . of schides and bordes
Ch: 10,167 Hym self and his sones -th-re . and se-th--th-en
her wiues [aaAx]
Ch: 10,168 Busked to -th-at bote . and biden -th-erInne [aaAx]
Ch: 10,169 Tille fourty daies ben fulfilled . -th-at flode
haue Iwasch [aaAx]
Ch: 10,170 Clene away -th-e cursed blode . -th-at Caym ha-th-
Imaked [aaAx]
Ch: 10,171 Beestes -th-at now ben . schal banne -th-e tyme
Ch: 10,172 -Th-at euer cursed caym . come on er-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 10,173 Alle schul deye for his dedes . by dounes and
hilles [aaAx]
Ch: 10,174 Bo-th-e fisches and foules . fur-th-e with o-th-er
bestes [aaAx]
Ch: 10,175 Outake -th-e viij soules . and of ech beest a
couple [aaAx]
Ch: 10,176 Putte In -th-e same schippe . -th-at I schal ben
saued [aaAx]
Ch: 10,177 Elles schal al dyen . and to helle wenden [aaAx]?
Ch: 10,178 -Th-orou-gh- cursed Caym . -th-us come care vpon
alle [aaAa]
Ch: 10,179 And al for seth and his soster children . spoused
e-th-er o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 10,180 A-gh-en -th-e leue of our lorde . ley hem togederes
Ch: 10,181 And maried at mischef . as men do now her children
Ch: 10,182 ffor som as I se now . for so-th-e for to telle
Ch: 10,183 ffor couatise of catelle . vnkendlich ben maried
Ch: 10,184 A carful concepciou(n) . come-th- of such mariage
Ch: 10,185 As befel of -th-e folk . as I before schewed [aaAx]
Ch: 10,186 Hit is an oncomelich couple . by crist as I wene
Ch: 10,187 To -gh-eue a -gh-ou(n)g wenche . to an olde feble
Ch: 10,188 Or to wedde any wedowe . for any wel-th-e of godes
Ch: 10,189 -Th-at neuer schal bere child . bot hit be in
her armes [aaAx]
Ch: 10,190 In iolosie ioyeles . and gangeling on bedde [aaAx]
Ch: 10,191 Many paire se-th- -th-is pestelence . han pli-gh-t
hem togederes [aaAx]
p. 67
Ch: 10,192 -Th-e froite -th-at -th-ei bring forthe . er many
foule wordes [aaAx]
Ch: 10,193 Haue -th-ei no childrin bot chiding . and choppes
togeder [aaAx]
Ch: 10,194 -Th-ow -th-ei done hem to Donmowe . bot -gh-ef
-th-e deuel helpe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,195 To folow after -th-e flich . fecch -th-ei hit
neuer [aaAx]
Ch: 10,196 Bot -gh-ef -th-ei bo-th-e be forsworn . -th-at
bacoun -th-ey tyne [aaAx]
Ch: 10,197 ffor-th-i I conceile alle cristen . coueite nou-gh-t
to be wedded [aaAx]
Ch: 10,198 ffor coueitice of catelle . or of kyn Rice [aaAx]
Ch: 10,199 Bot maidens and maidens . mach -gh-ow togeder
Ch: 10,200 widowes and widowes . wirche-th- Ri-gh-t so [aaAx]
Ch: 10.201 And -th-an glade -gh-e god . -th-at al good sende-th-
Ch: 10,202 ffor In my tyme trewly . betwen men and wommen
Ch: 10,203 Schuld no beddebourde be . but -gh-ef -th-ei were
bo-th-e clene [aaAx]
Ch: 10,204 Of lif and of loue . and of lawe also [aaAx]
Ch: 10,205 -Th-at dede derne . do no man schulde [aaAx]
Ch: 10,206 As betwene sengel and sengel . se-th- lawe hathe
Igrau(n)ted [aaAxx]
Ch: 10,207 -Th-at ech man haue a make . in maner of wedlok
Ch: 10,208 And do -th-at werk on his wif . and on no woman
elles [aaAx]
Ch: 10,209 -Th-at o-th-er wise ben goten . gadlinges ben
holden [aaAx]
Ch: 10,210 And -th-at be-th- fals folk and fals ei-gh-ers
as fondelinges and fooles [aaAx]?
Ch: 10,211 Vngraciouce to gete loue . or any gode elles [aaAx]
Ch: 10,212 Bot wandre-th- . and waste-th- what -th-at -th-ei
mowe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,213 A-gh-ens dowel -th-ey done euel . and -th-e deuel
plesen [aaAx]
Ch: 10,214 And after her de-th- day . schul duelle with -th-at
same [aaAx]
Ch: 10,215 Bot god geue hem . grace here to amende [aaAx]
Ch: 10,216 -Th-an is dowel to dreden . and dobette to suffren
Ch: 10,217 And so come-th- dobeste aboute . and bringe-th-
down mody [aaAx]
Ch: 10,218 And -th-at is wikked wille . -th-at many worke
schende-th- [aaAx]
Passus secundus de Dowelle
Ch: 11,1 -Th-anne had witte a wif . -th-at hi-gh-t Dame stodie
Ch: 11,2 -Th-at lene was of liche . and of lo-th-ely chere
p. 68
Ch: 11,3 Sche was wonderlich wro-th-e . -th-at witte so tau-gh-t
Ch: 11,4 And sterenly staryng . dame stodie saide [aaAx]
Ch: 11,5 Wele art -th-ow wise witte q(uo)d sche . any wisdomes
to telle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,6 To flaterers or to foles . -th-at frentik be of
wittes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,7 And blamed him bitterly . and bad hym be stille
Ch: 11,8 With such wise wordes . to wisse any fooles [aaAx]
Ch: 11,9 And seide { Nolite mittere margaritas } the perles
Ch: 11,10 Among hogges -th-at hauen . hawen at wille [aaAx]
Ch: 11,11 -Th-ei do but dreuel -th-eron . draf were hym leuer
Ch: 11,12 -Th-an alle -th-e preciouse perry . -th-at in paradise
wexe-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 11,13 I sey be -th-oos q(uo)d sche . -th-at schewen be
her werkes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,14 -Th-at hem were leuer londe . and lordschep on
er-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,15 Or richesse or Rentes . and Rest at her wille [aaAx]
Ch: 11,16 -Th-an alle the so-th-e sawes . -th-at salemon
seide euer [aaAx]
Ch: 11,17 Wisdom and witte now . is nou-gh-t worthe a rische
Ch: 11,18 Bot hit be carded with couetice . as clo-th-ers
do-th- her wo[lle] [aaAx]
Ch: 11,19 -Th-at can constrewe -th-e disseitis . and conspire
Ch: 11,20 And lede forth a loueday . to lette -th-e trew-th-e
Ch: 11,21 -Th-at such craftes cu(n)ne . ben cleped to conceile
Ch: 11,22 And Iserued as sires . -th-at seruen -th-e deuel
Ch: 11,23 Iob -th-e gentille . In his gestes seide hit [aaAx]
Ch: 11,23a { Quare via impiorum preperatur ve omnibus }
Ch: 11,23b { qui praue agunt et inique } [Latin]
Ch: 11,24 And he -th-at holi writte ha-th-e . ay in his mow-th-e
Ch: 11,25 And can telle of Toby . and of -th-e twelf appostels
Ch: 11,26 Or preche of -th-e penaunce . -th-at pilatus wrou-gh-t
Ch: 11,27 To ih(es)u -th-e gentil . -th-at Iewes todrowe
Ch: 11,28 On croice on caluarie . as clerkes vs teche-th-
Ch: 11,29 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 11,30 Or daunte-th- or drawe-th- forthe . -th-es disours
wite -gh-e for so-th-[e] [aaAx]
Ch: 11,31 ffor -gh-ef harlottry ne halpe hym better . haue
god my tr[ou-th-e] [aaxAx]
Ch: 11,32 More -th-an Musik . or makyng of god almy-gh-ty
p. 69
Ch: 11,33 Wolde neu(er) kyng no kny-gh-t . no chanou(n) of
seint Poules [aaAx]
Ch: 11,34 -Gh-ef hem to her -gh-ers-gh-eue . -th-e valewe
of a grote [aaXx]
Ch: 11,35 Mynstralcy and mer-th-e . among men is nou-gh-t
Ch: 11,36 But lechorie and losengrie . and losels tales [aaAx]
Ch: 11,37 Glotonye and gret o-th-es . -th-es arn her games
now adayes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,38 Bot -gh-ef -th-ei carpyn of crist . -th-es clerkes
and -th-es lewd [aaAx]
Ch: 11,39 At mete and at myr-th-e . whan mynstralles ben
stille [aaAx]
Ch: 11,40 -Th-an telle -th-ey of -th-e trinite . how two
slew -th-e -th-ridde [aaAx]
Ch: 11,41 And bringe-th- for-th-e a balled Resoun . and take-th-
Bernard to wittenesse [aaAx]
Ch: 11,42 And putte-th- for-th-e presumpciou(n) . to preue
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,43 -Th-us -th-ei dreuelyn at her des . -th-e deite
to knowe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,44 And gnawen god In her protes . when her guttes
fillen [aaaAx]
Ch: 11,45 Bot -th-e carful may crien . and carpen at -th-e
-gh-ate [aaAx]
Ch: 11,46 Bo-th-e for hunger and for -th-irst . and for chele
quake-th- [xaAxx]
Ch: 11,47 Is non to neme hym Inne . no his anguisch to mende
Ch: 11,48 Bot hunsen hym as an hound . and hoten hem go -th-ennes
Ch: 11,49 lite-th- loue-th- he -th-at lorde . -th-at lene-th-
hym al -th-at blisse [aaAx]
Ch: 11,50 -Th-at -th-us parte-th- with -th-e pore . a p(ar)selle
whan hym nede-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 11,51 Nere mercy in Mene men . more -th-an In Riche [aaAx]
Ch: 11,52 Many men meteles . my-gh-t go to bedde [aaAx]
Ch: 11,53 God is much in -th-e gorge . with -th-es grete
maistres [aaAx]
Ch: 11,54 Bot among mene men . his mercy and his werkes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,55 And so sei-th- -th-e sauter . se it in { Memento
} [aaAx]
Ch: 11,55a { Ecce audiuimus eum in effrata inuenimus }
Ch: 11,55b { eum in campis silue } [Latin]
Ch: 11,56 Clerkes and kydde men . carpen of god faste [aaAx]
Ch: 11,57 And haue hym much in her her mow-th-e . bot mene
men in her hert [aaAx]
Ch: 11,58 ffreres and faitowrs . han founde vp such questiouns
Ch: 11,59 To plesen with poure men . se-th- -th-e pestelence
tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 11,60 -Th-at defoulen our fai-th-e . at festes -th-er
-th-ei sitten [aaAx]
p. 70
Ch: 11,61 ffor now is eu(er)y boy bolde . and he be Riche [aaAx]
Ch: 11,62 To tellen of -th-e trinite . to be holden a sire
Ch: 11,63 And fynde-th- forthe fantasies . our fai-th- to
apaire [aaAx]
Ch: 11,64 And defame-th- -th-e fader . -th-at formed vs alle
Ch: 11,65 And carpen a-gh-ens clergie . crabbed wordes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,66 Why wold oure saueour suffer . such a worme In
his blisse [aaAx]
Ch: 11,67 -Th-at begiled -th-e woman . and -th-e why after
Ch: 11,68 -Th-orou-gh- wich work and wille . -th-ei wenten
to helle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,69 And alle her seede for her synne . -th-e same wo
suffred [aaAa]
Ch: 11,70 Such motifs -th-ey meuen . -th-es maisters In her
glorie [aaAx]
Ch: 11,71 And maken men to mysbeleue . -th-at musen on her
worde[s] [aaAx]?
Ch: 11,72 Bot austyn -th-e olde . for alle such preched [aaAx]
Ch: 11,73 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 11,74 { Non plus sapere quam oportet saperer &c }
Ch: 11,75 -th-at is to sey me wille-th- neuer for to wete
why [aaAa]
Ch: 11,76 -th-at god wold suffer sathan . his seed to begile
Ch: 11,77 Bot beleue leelly . of lore of holi chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 11,78 And prey hym of p(ar)doun . and penaunce be -th-i
lyue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,79 ffor his much mercy . to mende vs here [aaAx]
Ch: 11,80 ffor alle -th-at wilne-th- to wete . -th-e werkes
of god almy-gh-ty [aaAx]
Ch: 11,81 I wold his ei-gh-en were . in his ars and his hele
after [aaBb]
Ch: 11,82 -Th-at euer wilne-th- eft to wete . whi god wold
Ch: 11,83 Suffer sathan . his seed to begile [aaAx]
Ch: 11,84 Or Iudas the Iewe . Ih(es)u betraye [aaAx]
Ch: 11,85 Al was as -th-ow woldest . lord Iworscheped be
-th-ow [xaAx]
Ch: 11,86 And al was as -th-ow wilt . what so we telle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,87 And now come-th- a congoun . and wold wete of my
wittes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,88 What dowel is fro dobest . now def mote he wor-th-e
Ch: 11,89 Se-th- he wille-th- to wete . what -th-ei be-th-
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,90 Bot he leue In -th-e leste degre . -th-at longe-th-
to dowel [aaAx]
Ch: 11,91 I wol be his bolde borowe . do bette wol he neuer
Ch: 11,92 -th-ey dobest drawen hym . day after o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 11,93 And whan -th-at witte was ware . how his wif tolde
p. 71
Ch: 11,94 He become so Coy . he cou-th-e nou-gh-t mele [aaAx]
Ch: 11,95 As dombe as a dornaile . drow-gh- hym asyde [aaAx]
Ch: 11,96 Bot for no carping I cou-th-e . no kneling to -th-e
ground [aaAx]
Ch: 11,97 I my-gh-t gete no graunte . of his grete wittes
Ch: 11,98 Bot alle lawhyng he louted . and loked vpon stodye
Ch: 11,99 In syngne -th-at I schuld . beseke her of grace
Ch: 11,100 Whan I was ware of his wille . to his wif gan
I knele [aaAx]
Ch: 11,101 And seide mercy madame . -gh-oure man schal I
wor-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,102 ffor to wirch -gh-oure wille . while my lif dure-th-
Ch: 11,103 kenne me kendely . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
Ch: 11,104 ffor -th-y mekenesse man q(uo)d sche . and for
-th-y melde speche [aaAx]
Ch: 11,105 I schal kenne -th-e to my cosyn . -th-at clergie
is hote [aaAx]
Ch: 11,106 He ha-th-e wedded a wyf . wi-th-In -th-es wokes
sex [aaAx]
Ch: 11,107 Is sybbe to -th-e seuen artes . -th-at scripture
is nempned [aaAx]
Ch: 11,108 -Th-ei two I hope . after my beseching [xaAx]
Ch: 11,109 Schul wisse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndertake
Ch: 11,110 -Th-an was I fayn as foule . on faire morowen
Ch: 11,111 Gladder -th-an gleman . -th-at gold ha-th-e to
-gh-eft [aaAx]
Ch: 11,112 And asked her -th-e hi-gh-e way . wher clergie
woned [aaXx]
Ch: 11,113 And telle me som tokyn to hym . for tyme is -th-at
I wende [aaAx]
Ch: 11,114 Ask -th-e hi-gh-e wey q(uo)d sche . fro hennes
to suffer [aaAx]
Ch: 11,115 Bo-th-e wel and wo . -gh-ef -th-ow wolt lerne
Ch: 11,116 And ride forth be Richesse . bot trust -th-(o)u
nou-gh-t -th-er In [aaAx]
Ch: 11,117 ffor -gh-ef -th-ow coplest -th-e with hym to clergie
. comest -th-(o)u neuer [aaAx]
Ch: 11,118 And ek -th-e long launde . -th-at lechorie hatte
Ch: 11,119 Leue hym on -th-i left side . a large myle and
more [aaAbb]?
Ch: 11,120 Tille -th-ow come to a court . kepe wel -th-i
tonge [aaAx]
Ch: 11,121 ffro lesinges and li-gh-ers speches . and lecerous
drinkes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,122 -Th-an schalt -th-ow se soberte . and sympel of
speche [aaAa]
p. 72
Ch: 11,123 -Th-at ech wy-gh-t be in wille . his witte for to
schewen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,124 So schalt -th-ow come to clergie . -th-at can
many wittes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,125 Sey hym -th-is signe . I sette hym to scole [aaAx]
Ch: 11,126 And grete wel his wif . for I wrot her -th-e bibille
Ch: 11,127 And sette her to sapience . to her sauter Iglosed
Ch: 11,128 logek I lerned her . and alle -th-e lawe after
Ch: 11,129 And alle -th-e Musouns of mesik . I made her knowe
also [aaAx]
Ch: 11,130 Plato -th-e poyet . I put hem first to boke [aaAx]
Ch: 11,131 Aristotil and o-th-er mo . to Argeu I tau-gh-t
Ch: 11,132 Gramer for gerles . I gent first write [aaAx]
Ch: 11,133 And bette hem with a Baleis . but -gh-ef -th-ei
wold lerne [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,134 And alle kynnes craftes . I contrewed here [aaAx]
Ch: 11,135 Carpenters and keruers . and kenned first masouns
Ch: 11,136 And lerned hem leuelle . and lyne -th-ow I loke
dymme [aaAa]
Ch: 11,137 Bot Theology ha-th-e tened me . ten score tymes
Ch: 11,138 ffor the more I muse -th-eron . the mystloker
hit seme-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 11,139 And the depper I deuyned . -th-e derker hit semed
Ch: 11,140 It is no science forsothe . for to sotile -th-erInne
Ch: 11,141 Ne were -th-e loue -th-at li-th- . -th-erIn a
wel lewd -th-ing hit were [aaAx]
Ch: 11,142 Bot for hit lat best be loue . I loue hit -th-e
better [aaAx]
Ch: 11,143 ffor -th-er -th-at loue is lorde . lakked neuer
grace [aaAx]
Ch: 11,144 Leue leelly -th-eron . -gh-ef -th-ow -th-ink do
wel [aaBb]
Ch: 11,145 ffor dobet and dobest . ben drawen of loues skille
Ch: 11,146 In o-th-er science hit sei-th-e . I saw-gh- hit
In Catou(n) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,147 { Qui simulat verbis nec corde est fidis amicus
} [Latin]
Ch: 11,148 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 11,149 Bot theology teche-th- it nou-gh-t so . whoso
take-th- hede [aaAx]
Ch: 11,150 He kenne-th- vs -th-e contrarie . a-gh-ens catouns
wordes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,151 And bidded vs ben as bre-th-ren . and blissen
oure enmyes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,152 And loue hem -th-an li-gh-en on vs . and lene
hem at her nede [aaAx]
Ch: 11,153 And so gode ageins euel . god hym self hote-th-
p. 73
Ch: 11,154 And seide hit hym self . In ensaumple for -th-e
beste [aaAx]
Ch: 11,154a { Necesce est vt veniu(n)t scandala } [Latin]
Ch: 11,155 Astronemye is hard -th-ing . and euel for to knowe
Ch: 11,156 Geometrye and geomesie . is synful of speche [aaAx]
Ch: 11,157 -Th-at -th-inke-th- with -th-o -th-re . -th-riue-th-
wel late [aaAx]
Ch: 11,158 ffor sorsorie is -th-e souereyne boke . -th-at
to -th-at science longe-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 11,159 -gh-it arn -th-er fybecythis of forelle . of mony
manis wittes [aaBb]
Ch: 11,160 Expimentis and alkenamy . of Albertis makyng [aaAx]
Ch: 11,161 Nigromancy and p(er)nirancy . -th-e pouke to areise
Ch: 11,162 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 11,163 Alle -th-es sciences . seker I my self founded
Ch: 11,164 And founden hem formest . folk to disseiue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,165 I bekenne -th-e crist q(uo)d sche . I can tech
-th-e no better [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,166 I saide gramercy madame . and mekely her grette
Ch: 11,167 And went whithly my way . withoute more lettyng
Ch: 11,168 And fonde as sche foretolde . and forth gan I
wende [aaAx]
Ch: 11,169 And or I com to clergie . cow-th-e I neuer stynte
Ch: 11,170 I gret -th-e gode man . as -th-e goode wif me
tau-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 11,171 And afterward his wif . I worscheped bo-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,172 And tolde hem -th-e tokenys . -th-at me tau-gh-t
were [aaAx]
Ch: 11,173 Was neuer gome on ground . se-th- god made -th-e
world [aaAx]
Ch: 11,174 ffairer vnderfonge . or frendloker made at ese
Ch: 11,175 -Th-an hym self so-th-ly . so sone he hit wist
Ch: 11,176 -Th-at I was In wittes hows . and with his wif
Dame stodye [axAx]
Ch: 11,177 Curtaisly clergie . colled me and kiste [aaAa]
Ch: 11,178 And asked how witte ferde . and his wif stodie
Ch: 11,179 And I seide so-th-ely . -th-ey sente me hider
Ch: 11,180 To lerne at -gh-ow dowel . and Dobette -th-er
after [xaAx]
Ch: 11,181 And se-th-en afterward to se . sumwhat of Dobest
Ch: 11,182 hit is a leel loue q(uo)d he . among -th-e lewd
peple [aaAx]
Ch: 11,183 Actif hit is hote . lewde men hit vsen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,184 Trewe teliers on erthe . Tailours and Sowters
p. 74
Ch: 11,185 And alle kynnes crafty men . -th-at can her fode
wynne [aaAx]
Ch: 11,186 With any trew trauaile . toyle for her food [aaAx]
Ch: 11,187 Diken and deluen . dowel hit hote-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 11,188 And breke beggers brede . and bakken hem with
clo-th-es [aaaAx]
Ch: 11,189 Comfort -th-e careful . -th-at In castel ben fettred
Ch: 11,190 And sechen out -th-e seke . and sende hem -th-at
hem nedith [aaAx]
Ch: 11,191 Obedient as bre-th-eren . and Sustren to o-th-er
Ch: 11,192 -Th-us bad dobette . so bere-th- witnesse -th-e
sauter [aaAx]
Ch: 11,192a { Ecce quam bonu(m) et quam iocundu(m) }
Ch: 11,192b { habitare fratres in vnu(m) } [Latin]
Ch: 11,193 Sike with -th-e sorie . sing with -th-e glade
Ch: 11,193a { fflere cum flentibus gaudere cu(m) gaudentibus
} [Latin]
Ch: 11,194 God wote -th-is is dobette . sir dobest ha-th-e
benefice [aaAx]
Ch: 11,195 --- this line om ---
Ch: 11,196 So is he beste worthi be -th-at god in -th-e gospel
grau(n)te-th- [and techi-th-] [aaAx]
Ch: 11,196a { Qui facit and docuerit magnus vocabit(ur) in
regno [celorum] } [Latin]
Ch: 11,197 ffor -th-us is dobest . a Bischops pere [xaAx]
Ch: 11,198 Prince ouer alle godis peple . to preche o-th-er
to chast[ice] [aaAx]
Ch: 11,199 Dobet do-th-e ful wel . and dewed is also [aaAx]
Ch: 11,200 And ha-th-e poscesciouns and pluraltees . for
pore menis [sake] [aaAx]
Ch: 11,201 ffor mendevauntis at mischef . -th-es men wer
dueed [aaAx]
Ch: 11,202 And -th-at is Ri-gh-tful Religioun . no Renners
Aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 11,203 Ne no lepers ouer lande . ladies to schriue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,204 Gregory -th-e gret clerk . a good pope In his
tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 11,205 Of religioun -th-e rewye . he rehersed In his
morale [aaAx]
Ch: 11,206 And seide hit In ensaumple . -th-at -th-ei schuld
do -th-e better [aaAx]
Ch: 11,207 Whan fisches failen . -th-e flode of -th-e fresch
water [aaAa]
Ch: 11,208 -Th-ei dey-gh-e for -th-e drow-gh-t . whan -th-ei
drie long [aaAx]
Ch: 11,209 Ri-gh-t so be Religioun . hit Roile-th- and streue-th-
Ch: 11,210 -Th-at out of Couent and cloister . coueiten to
libbe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,211 Bot now is Religiou(n) a rider . and A renner
Aboute [aaAx]
p. 75
Ch: 11,212 And a leder of louedaies . and a lowde begger [aaAx]
Ch: 11,213 Poperith on a palfray . fro parkes to townes [aaBb]
Ch: 11,214 A bedowe or a Baslard . he bere-th- be his Syde
Ch: 11,215 Godis flesch and his fete . and his fyue woundes
Ch: 11,216 Arn more In his mende . -th-an -th-e memorie of
his founders [aaAx]
Ch: 11,217 -Th-is is -th-e lif of -th-es lordes . -th-at
leuen schuld with dobette [aaAx]
Ch: 11,218 And dowel awey were . and I schuld telle alle
Ch: 11,219 I wende -th-at kynghode and kni-gh-thode . and
caysers with erles [aaAx]
Ch: 11,220 Weren dowel and Dobet . and Dobest of alle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,221 ffor I haue seyn hit myselue . and se-th--th-en
Redde hit after [aaAx]
Ch: 11,222 How crist conseileth the comunes . and kenne-th-
hem -th-is tale [aaaAx]
Ch: 11,223 { Super cathedram moysi sederunt principes } [Latin]
Ch: 11,224 ffor-th-y I wende -th-at -th-is wyes . weren do
best of Alle [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,225 I wol nat scorne q(uo)d Scriptoure . but Scryueynes
ly-gh-en [aaAx]
Ch: 11,226 Kynghode and kni-gh-thode . for ou-gh-t I can
aspie [aaAx]
Ch: 11,227 helpe-th- nou-gh-t to heuen . at on -gh-eres ende
Ch: 11,228 No Riches no Rentes . no Rialte of lordes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,229 Poul preue-th- hit onpossible . Riche men In heuen
Ch: 11,230 Bot for pore men In pacience . and penaunce togeder
Ch: 11,231 Hauen eritage in heuen . but Riche men none [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I be crist . -th-at can I -th-e
wisse [aaAx]
Ch: 11,233 And preue hit be -th-e pistel . -th-at peter is
nempned [aaAx]
Ch: 11,234 { Qui crediderit et Baptizatus fuerit saluus erit
} [Latin]
Ch: 11,235 -Th-at is { In extremis } q(uo)d scripture . as
sare-gh-ines and Iewes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,236 Mowe be saued so . and so is oure beleue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,237 -Th-at an vncristene In -th-at cas . may cristen
at he-th-en [aaAx]
Ch: 11,238 And for his leel beleue . whan he his lif tyne-th-
Ch: 11,239 Haue eritage in heuen . as an hie cristen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,240 Bot cristen men god wote . come nou-gh-t so to
heuen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,241 ffor cristen me(n) haue on degre . and is on comune
speche [axAx]
Ch: 11,242 { Dilige deuum &c et proximu(m) tuu(m) sicut
teip(su)m }
p. 76
Ch: 11,243 Godis worde witnesse-th- . we schul -gh-eue and
dele our enemys [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,244 and alle men . -th-at ar nedy as pore men and
such [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,245 --- this line om ---
Ch: 11,245a { Dum tempus est operemur bonu(m) ad omnes }
Ch: 11,245b { Maxime autem ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
Ch: 11,246 Alle kynnes creatures . -th-at on crist beleue-th-
Ch: 11,247 We ben holden leely . to herie and honoure [aaAa]
Ch: 11,248 And -gh-eue hem of oure godes . as gode as oure
self [aaAx]
Ch: 11,249 And souereinely to such men . -th-at sewen oure
beleue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,250 -Th-at is eu(er)ich cristen man . be kynde to
o-th-er [aaAx]
Ch: 11,251 And se-th--th-en hym to helpe . In hope hym to
Amende [aaAx]
Ch: 11,252 To harme hem no Sle hem . good hit is neuer [axAx]
Ch: 11,253 ffor he sai-th- hit hym self . in his ten hestes
Ch: 11,254 { Non mecaberis } ne sle nou-gh-t is -th-e kende
englisch [xxXx]
Ch: 11,255 ffor { michi vindictam et ego retribuam } [Latin]
Ch: 11,256 I schal ponesch in purcatorie . or In -th-e pitte
of helle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,257 Ech man for his mysdede . but mercy hit make [aaAa]
Ch: 11,258 -Gh-it am I neuer -th-e ner . for nou-gh-t -th-at
I haue walked [aaAx]
Ch: 11,259 To wete what is dowel . witterly in hert [aaAx]
Ch: 11,260 ffor how so I worche In -th-is world or elles
Ch: 11,261 I was merked with mercy . and myn name entred
Ch: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lif . long or I were [aaAx]
Ch: 11,263 Or elles writen for wikked . as witnesse-th- -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
Ch: 11,263a { Nemo ascendet ad celu(m) nisi que de celo discendit
} [Latin]
Ch: 11,264 And I leue on oure lorde . and on no lettereur
better [aaAx]
Ch: 11,265 ffor salemon -th-e sage . -th-at sapience made
Ch: 11,266 God -gh-af hym grace . and Richesse togeder [aaaXx]
Ch: 11,267 ffor to Rewle his Reme . Ri-gh-t as his wille
Ch: 11,268 Dede he nou-gh-t wel and wisely . as holi writ
techeth [aaAx]
Ch: 11,269 Bo-th-e In werk and In word . In world and In
tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 11,270 Aristotil and he . ho wrou-gh-t better [aaXx]
p. 77
Ch: 11,271 And alle holi chirche . holden hem In helle [aaAa]
Ch: 11,272 And was -th-er neuer in -th-is world . two wiser
of witte [aaAa]
Ch: 11,273 ffor alle connyng clerkes . se-th- crist -gh-ede
on erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,274 Taken ensaumple of her sawes . In sermones -th-at
-th-ei make [aaAx]
Ch: 11,275 And by her werkes and wordes . wissen vs to dowel
Ch: 11,276 And -gh-ef I schuld wirch be her werkes . to wyn
me heuen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,277 And for her werkes and her witte . -th-ei went
to helle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,278 -Th-an wrou-gh-t I vnwisely . with al -th-e witte
-th-at I lere [aaAx]
Ch: 11,279 A good friday I fynde . a feloune was saued [aaAx]
Ch: 11,280 -Th-at had leued al his lyue . with lesinges and
-th-eftes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,281 And for he knew on -th-e cros . and to crist shroue
hym [aaAx]
Ch: 11,282 Sonner had he saluaciou(n) . -th-an seint Iohu(n)
-th-e Baptiste [aaAx]
Ch: 11,283 Or adam or ysaye . or any of the prophetes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,284 -Th-at had leyn with lucifer . many long -gh-eres
Ch: 11,285 A robber had remissioun . Ra-th-er -th-an -th-ei
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,286 Without penaunce of purcatorie . to haue paradise
for euer [aaAx]
Ch: 11,287 -Th-an marie the Mawdelene . who my-gh-t do wors
Ch: 11,288 Or who ded wors -th-an Dauyd . -th-at vrry distroied
Ch: 11,289 Or poule -th-e appostel . -th-at no pite hadde
Ch: 11,290 Cristen kende . to killen to de-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,291 And ar now forso-th-e . souereines In heuen [xaAx]
Ch: 11,292 And -th-es -th-at wrou-gh-t wikkedly . In world
whan -th-ei were [aaAa]
Ch: 11,293 And -gh-it haue I forgete . of fyue wittes teching
Ch: 11,294 -Th-at clergie of cristis mow-th-e . comended
was hit euer [aaAx]
Ch: 11,295 ffor he seide hit hym self . to som of his disciplis
Ch: 11,296 { Dum steteritis ante presides nolite cogitare &c
} [Latin]
Ch: 11,297 And is as much to mene . to men -th-at ben lewde
Ch: 11,298 Whe-th-er be -gh-e apposed of princes . or of
prestes of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,299 ffor to answere hem . haue -gh-e no doute [aaAx]
Ch: 11,300 ffor I schal graunt -gh-ow grace . of god -th-at
-gh-e serue [aaAx]
p. 78
Ch: 11,301 -Th-e help of the holi gost . to Answere hem at
wille [aaAa]
Ch: 11,302 -Th-e dou-gh-tiest doctour . or deuynour of -th-e
trinite [aaAx]
Ch: 11,303 As austen -th-e olde . and -th-e hiest of -th-e
foure [aaAx]
Ch: 11,304 Seide -th-is for a sermon . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i idioti rapuerunt celum vbi }
Ch: 11,305a { nos sapientes in infernu(m) mergemur } [Latin]
Ch: 11,306 And is to mene In our mou-th-e . more no lesse
Ch: 11,307 Arn non Ra-th-er IRauesched . fro the Ri-gh-t
beleue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,308 -Th-an arn -th-es gret clerkes . -th-at conne
many bokes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,309 Ne none sonnere Isaued . ne sadder of conscience
Ch: 11,310 -Th-an pore peple as plowmen . and pastours of
Beestes [aaaAx]
Ch: 11,311 Sowters and sowers . and such lewde Iottes [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,312 Percyn with her paternoster . the paleis of heuen
Ch: 11,313 Without penaunce at her partyng . Into -th-e hie
blisse [aaXx]
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