PPLA-T Diplomatic Texts
fol. xxiiij-r
T: p,1 IN a som(er) sesoun whanne softe was the sonne
T: p,2 I shop me in to a shroud as I a shep were
T: p,3 In abite as an Ermyte vnholy of werkis
T: p,4 Wente wyde in [th]is world wondris to here
T: p,5 But on a may morwenyng vpon malu(er)ne hilles
T: p,6 Me befel a ferly of fairie me [th]ou[gh]te
T: p,7 I was wery of wandrit & wente me to reste
T: p,8 Vndir a brood bank be a bo(ur)nis side
T: p,9 And as I lay & lenide & lokide on [th]e watris
T: p,10 I slom(er)ide into a slepyng it swi[gh]ede so m(er)ye
T: p,11 [Th]anne gan I mete a m(er)ueillous sweuene
T: p,12 [Th]at I was in a wild(er)nesse wiste I neu(er)e
T: p,13 Ac as I beheld in to [th]e Est an hei[gh] to [th]e
T: p,14 I sai[gh] a tour on a toft tri[gh]ely Imakid
T: p,15 A dep dale bene[th]e a dungeoun [th](er)e inne
T: p,16 Wi[th] depe dikes & derke & dredful of si[gh]t
T: p,17 A fair feld ful of folk fand I [th](er)e betwene
T: p,18 Of alle maner of men [th]e mene & [th]e riche
T: p,19 Worching & wandringe as [th]e world aski[th]
T: p,20 Su(m)me putte hem to plou[gh] plei[gh]ede ful selde
T: p,21 In settyng & sowyng swonke ful harde
T: p,22 Whom [th](a)t [th]ise wasto(ur)s wi[th] glotonye
T: p,23 And su(m)me putte hem to pride ap(ar)ailide hem [th](er)e
T: p,24 In cunten(au)nce of clo[th]ing comen disgisid
T: p,25 In p(re)yo(ur)s & pen(au)nce putten hem manye
T: p,26 Al for loue of oure lord lyuede wel streite
T: p,27 In hope to haue heuene riche blisse
T: p,28 As ancris & Ermytes [th](a)t holden hem in cellis
T: p,29 Coueite not in cuntre to cairen aboute
T: p,30 ffor no likerous liflode here likam to plese
T: p,31 And so(m)me chosen to chaffare [th]ei cheuide [th]e
T: p,32 As it semi[th] to oure si[gh]t [th](a)t suche men
T: p,33 And so(m)me m(er)[th]is to make as mynstral(is) conne
T: p,34 And gete gold wi[th] here gle giltles I trowe
T: p,35 Ac Iap(er)is & iangleris Iudas children
T: p,36 ffonden hem fantasies & foolis hem make
T: p,37 And haue wyt at wille to wirche [y]if hem list
T: p,38 [Th]at poule p(re)chi[th] of hem I dar not p(ro)ue
it here
T: p,39 { Qui loquit(ur) turpiloqu(iu)m } his luciferis hyne
T: p,40 Bidd(er)is & begg(er)is faste aboute [y]ede
T: p,41 Til here bely & here bagge were bratful ycrammid
T: p,42 fflite [th]anne for here foode fou[gh]ten at [th]e
T: p,43 In glotonye god wot go [th]ei to bedde
fol. xxiiij-v
T: p,44 And risen vp wi[th] ribaudrie as robertis knaues
T: p,45 Slep & sleu[th]e sewi[th] hem eu(er)e
T: p,46 Pilgrimes & palm(er)is pli[gh]ten hem togid(er)e
T: p,47 ffor to seke seint Iame & seintes at rome
T: p,48 Wenten for[th] in here wey wi[th] many wise talis
T: p,49 And hadde leue to lei[gh]e al here lif aftir
T: p,50 Ermytes on an hep wi[th] hokide staues
T: p,51 Wenten to walsyngham & here wenchis aftir
T: p,52 Grete lobies & longe [th](a)t lo[th] were to
T: p,53 Clo[th]ide hem in copis to be knowen from o[th](er)e
T: p,54 Shopen hem Ermytes here ese to haue
T: p,55 I fond [th](er)e ffreris alle [th]e foure ordris
T: p,56 Prechinge [th]e peple for p(ro)fit of [th]e wombe
T: p,57 Gloside [th]e gospel as him good likide
T: p,58 ffor coueitise of copis construide it as [th]ei wolde
T: p,59 Manye of [th]ise maistris may clo[th]e hem at lyking
T: p,60 ffor here mony & here marchaundise meten togid(er)e
T: p,61 Si[th]en charite ha[th] ben chapman & chief to
shryue lordis
T: p,62 Manye ferlis han fallen in a fewe [y]eris
T: p,63 But holy chirche & [th]ei holden bet togid(er)e
T: p,64 [Th]e moste meschief on molde is mountyng vp faste
T: p,65 [Th](er)e p(re)chide a p(ar)don(er) as he a prest
T: p,66 Brou[gh]te for[th] a bulle wi[th] bisshopis selis
T: p,67 And seide [th](a)t hym self mi[gh]te assoile hem
T: p,68 Of falsnesse of fastyng & of auowes broken
T: p,69 Lewide men leuide it wel & likide his speche
T: p,70 Comen vp knelynge to kissen his bulle
T: p,71 He bunchi[th] hem wi[th] his breuet & bleri[th]
here ei[gh]e
T: p,72 And rau[gh]te wi[th] his rageman ryngis & brochis
T: p,73 [Th]us [th]ei [y]ouen here gold glotonis to helpe
T: p,74 And leni[th] it loselis [th]at leccherie haunten
T: p,75 But were [th]e bisshop yblissid & wor[th] bo[th]e
hise eris
T: p,76 His sel shulde not be sent to disseyue [th]e peple
T: p,77 It is not al be [th]e bisshop [th](a)t [th]e boy
T: p,78 Ac [th]e parissh prest & [th]e p(ar)don(er) parte
[th]e silu(er)
T: p,79 [Th](a)t [th]e pore peple of [th]e parissh shulde
haue [y]if [th]ei ne were
T: p,80 P(er)sonis & parissh p(re)stis pleynide hem to
here bisshop
T: p,81 [Th]at here parissh was pore si[th][th]e [th]e pestilence
T: p,82 To haue a licence & leue at lundou(n) to dwelle
T: p,83 To synge for symonye for silu(er) is swete
T: p,84 [Th](er)e houide an hundrit in houuis of silk
T: p,85 Seriauntis it semide [th]at s(er)uide at [th]e barre
T: p,86 Pleten for penis & poynte[th] [th]e lawe
fol. xxv-r
T: p,87 And nou[gh]t for loue of oure lord vnlose here lippes
T: p,88 Tho mi[gh]test bet(er)e mete myst on malu(er)ne hilles
T: p,89 [Th]anne gete a mom of here mou[th] til mony be shewid
T: p,90 I sau[gh] bisshopis bolde & bacheleris of deuyn
T: p,91 Become clerkis clerkis of acountis [th]e king for
to s(er)ue
T: p,92 Archideknes & denis [th](a)t dignites hauen
T: p,93 To p(re)che [th]e peple & pore men to fede
T: p,94 Ben ylope to lundou(n) be leue of hire bisshop
T: p,95 And ben clerkis of [th]e kinges bench [th]e cuntre
to shende
T: p,96 Barouns burgeis & bondage also
T: p,97 I sau[gh] in [th](a)t semele as [y]e shuln h(er)e
T: p,98 Baxt(er)is & bocheris & breust(er)is manye
T: p,99 Wollene webst(er)is and weu(er)is of lynen
T: p,100 Taillo(ur)s tann(er)is & tokkeris bo[th]e
T: p,101 Masonis myno(ur)s & manye o[th](er)e craftis
T: p,102 As dikeris & delu(er)is [th](a)t do[th] here
dedes ille
T: p,103 And driue[th] for[th] [th]e longe day wi[th] { dieu
saue dame e(m)me }
T: p,104 Cookis & here knaues crie[th] hote pyes hote
T: p,105 Goode gees & gris gowe dyne gowe
T: p,106 Tau(er)ners to hem tolde [th]e same
T: p,107 Wi[th] wyn of osay & wyn of gascoyne
T: p,108 Of [th]e ryn & of [th]e rochel [th]e rost to
T: p,109 Al [th]is I sau[gh] slepyng & seue si[th]es
Primus passus de visione
T: 1,1 What [th]e mounteyne meni[th] & ek [th]e derke dale
T: 1,2 And ek [th]e feld ful of folk I shal [y]ow faire shewe
T: 1,3 A louely lady of lire in lynene yclo[th]id
T: 1,4 Com doun fro [th](a)t ki[th] & callide me faire
T: 1,5 And seide sone slepist [th](o)u sest [th](o)u [th]is
T: 1,6 How bisy [th]ei ben aboute [th]e mase
T: 1,7 [Th]e moste p(ar)tie of [th]is peple [th](a)t passi[th]
on [th]is er[th]e
T: 1,8 Haue [th]ei worsshipe in [th]is world [th]ei kepe
no bet(er)e
T: 1,9 Of o[th](er) heuene [th]anne here holde [th]ei no
T: 1,10 I was aferd of hire face [th]ei[gh] heo fair were
T: 1,11 And seide m(er)cy madame what is [th]is to mene
T: 1,12 [Th]e tour of [th]e toft q(ua)[th] heo treu[th]e
is [th](er)e inne
T: 1,13 And wolde [th](a)t [y]e wrou[gh]ten as his word techi[th]
T: 1,14 ffor he is fadir of fei[th] & fo(ur)mide [y]ow
T: 1,15 Bo[th]e wi[th] fel & wi[th] face & [y]af
[y]ow fyue wyttes
T: 1,16 ffor to worsshipe hym [th](er)e wi[th] whiles [y]e
ben here
T: 1,17 And [th](er)fore he hi[gh]te [th]e er[th]e to helpe
[y]ow ichone
T: 1,18 Of lynene of wollene of liflode at nede
fol. xxv-v
T: 1,19 In mesurable man(er) to make [y]ow at ese
T: 1,20 And comaundite of his curteisie in comou(n) [th]re
T: 1,21 Narn none nedful but [th]o & nempne hem I [th]enke,
T: 1,22 And rekne hem in resoun reherse [th]ou hem [th](er)aftir
T: 1,23 [Th]at on is vesture fro chele [th]e to saue
T: 1,24 [Th](a)t o[th](er) is mete at meel for myseise of
T: 1,25 And drink whanne [th]e dri[gh]e[th] ac do it nou[gh]t
out of resoun
T: 1,26 [Th]at [th]ou wor[th]e [th]e wers whanne [th](o)u
werche shuldist
T: 1,27 ffor loth in his lyf dayes for lykyng of drink
T: 1,28 Dede be his dou[gh]t(er) [th](a)t [th]e deuil lykide
T: 1,29 --- this line om ---
T: 1,30 And leccherie hem lau[gh]te & lay be hem bo[th]e
T: 1,31 And al he wytide it wyn [th]e wykkide dede
T: 1,32 Dred delitable drynk & [th]ou shalt do the bet(er)e
T: 1,33 Mesure is medicine [th]ei[gh] [th]ou muche [y]erne
T: 1,34 Al is not good to [th]e gost [th](a)t [th]e gut liki[th]
T: 1,35 Ne liflode to [th]e lykam [th](a)t lef is to [th]e
T: 1,36 Leue not [th]i lycam for a li[th](er) hym techi[th]
T: 1,37 [Th](a)t is [th]e wrecchide world [th]e to betraye
T: 1,38 ffor [th]e fend & [th]i flessh folewi[th] togid(er)e
T: 1,39 ffor to shende [th]i soule set it in [th]in herte
T: 1,40 And for [th]ou shuldist be war I wisse [th]e [th]e
T: 1,41 A madame m(er)cy q(ua)[th] I me liki[th] wel [y]oure
T: 1,42 Ac [th]e mone on [th]is molde [th](a)t men so faste
T: 1,43 Tel me to whom [th](a)t treso(ur) apendi[th]
T: 1,44 Go to [th]e Gospel q(ua)[th] heo [th](a)t god seide
T: 1,45 [Th]o [th]e peple hym aposide w(i)t(h) a peny in
[th]e temple
T: 1,46 [Y]if [th]ei wile worsshipe [th](er)wi[th] cesar
[th]e king
T: 1,47 And he askide of hem of whom spak [th]e l(ett)re
T: 1,48 And [th]e ymagis lik [th](a)t [th](er)einne standis
T: 1,49 Cesar [th]anne seide we se wel ichone
T: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(ua)[th] god [th]at {cesari}
T: 1,51 {Et que sunt dei deo} o[th](er) ellis [y]e don ille
T: 1,52 ffor ri[gh]tfulliche resoun shulde rewele [y]ow alle
T: 1,53 And kynde wyt be wardeyn [y]oure wel[th]e to kepe
T: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of [y]o(ur) tresour & take it [y]ow
at nede
T: 1,55 ffor husbondrie & he holden togid(er)is
T: 1,56 [Th]anne I fraynide hire faire for hi(m) [th](a)t
hire made
T: 1,57 [Th]e dungeon in [th]e dale [th](a)t dredful is of
T: 1,58 What may it mene madame I [th]e biseche
T: 1,59 [Th](er)e is [th]e castel of care who [th](a)t comi[th]
T: 1,60 May banne [th]at he born was to body or to soule
T: 1,61 [Th](er)einne woni[th] a wy [th]at wrong is yhoten
T: 1,62 ffadir of falshed he foundit it hymselue
fol. xxvi-r
T: 1,63 Adam & Eue he eggide hem to ille
T: 1,64 Counseilid kaym to kiln his bro[th](er)
T: 1,65 Iudas he iapide wi[th] Iewene silu(er)
T: 1,66 And si[th]en on an Eldir hongide hi(m) aftir
T: 1,67 He is lett(er)e of loue lei[gh]e[th] hem alle
T: 1,68 [Th](a)t tresten on his treso(ur) betraid arn sonnest
T: 1,69 [Th]anne hadde I wondir in my wyt what wo(m)man it
T: 1,70 [Th]at suche wise wordis of holy writ shewide
T: 1,71 And hailside hire on [th]e hei[gh]e name er heo [th]ennis
T: 1,72 What he were witt(er)ly [th]at wisside me so faire
T: 1,73 Holy chirche I am q(ua)[th] heo [th]ou au[gh]test
me to knowe
T: 1,74 I vndirfang [th]e ferst and [th]i fei[th] tau[gh]te
T: 1,75 [Th]ou brou[gh]test me borewis my biddyng to werche
T: 1,76 To loue me lelly whiles [th]i lif duri[th]
T: 1,77 [Th]anne I knelide on my knes & cri[gh]ide hire
of g(r)ace
T: 1,78 Prei[gh]ede hire pitously prei[gh]e for my sennes
T: 1,79 And ek kenne me kyndely on crist to beleue
T: 1,80 [Th]at I mi[gh]te werchen his wil [th](a)t wrou[gh]te
me to man
T: 1,81 Teche me to no treso(ur) but tel me [th]is ilke
T: 1,82 How I may sauen my soule [th](a)t seint art yhoten
T: 1,83 Whanne alle treso(ur)s arn tri[gh]ed treu[th]e is
[th]e beste
T: 1,84 I do it on {Deus caritas} to deme [th]e so[th]e
T: 1,85 It is as derwor[th]i a dreury as dere god hymseluen
T: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tunge telli[th] non o[th](er)
T: 1,87 Do[th] [th]e werkis [th](er)wi[th] & wilne[th]
no man ille
T: 1,88 He is a god be the gospel on ground & on lofte
T: 1,89 And ek lyk to oure lord be seint lukis wordis
T: 1,90 [Th]e clerkis [th](a)t knowe it shulde kenne it aboute
T: 1,91 ffor cristene & vncristene cleyme[th] it ichone
T: 1,92 Kinges & kni[gh]tes shulde kepe it be resoun
T: 1,93 And riden & rappe doun in reaumes aboute
T: 1,94 And taken tresspasso(ur)s & tei[gh]en hem faste
T: 1,95 Til treu[th]e hadde t(er)mined here trespas to [th]e
T: 1,96 ffor dauid in hise dayes dubbide kni[gh]tes
T: 1,97 Made hem swere on his swerd to s(er)ue treu[th]e
T: 1,98 [Th]at is [th]e p(ro)fessioun ap(er)tly [th]at apendi[th]
to kni[gh]tes
T: 1,99 And nou[gh]t to fasten a friday in fyue score wynter
T: 1,100 But holde wi[th] hym & wi[th] hire [th](a)t
aske [th]e treu[th]e
T: 1,101 And neu(er)e leue hym for loue ne lacching of [y]eftis
T: 1,102 And whoso passi[th] [th](a)t poynt is apostata in
his ordre
T: 1,103 And crist king of kinges kni[gh]tide tene
fol. xxvi-v
T: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn such seuene & ano[th](er)
T: 1,105 [Y]af hem mi[gh]t in his mageste [th]e m(er)yere
hem [th]ou[gh]te
T: 1,106 And ou(er) his meyne made hem archaungelis
T: 1,107 Tau[gh]te hem [th]oru[gh] [th]e trinite [th]e trou[th]e
to knowe
T: 1,108 To be buxum at his bidding he bad hem nou[gh]t ellis
T: 1,109 Lucifer wi[th] legionis leride it in heuene
T: 1,110 And was [th]e louelokest to loke on aftir oure lord
T: 1,111 Til he brak buxumnesse [th]oru[gh] bost of hymseluen
T: 1,112 [Th]anne fil he wi[th] felawis & fendis bicome
T: 1,113 Out of heuene into helle hobelide [th]ei faste
T: 1,114 Su(m)me in eir su(m)me in er[th]e su(m)me in helle
T: 1,115 And lucifer lowest li[th] of hem alle
T: 1,116 ffor pride [th](a)t he put out his peyne ha[th]
non ende
T: 1,117 And alle [th](a)t werchen w(i)t(h) wrong wenden
[th]ei shuln
T: 1,118 Aftir here de[th] day & dwelle wi[th] [th](a)t
T: 1,119 Ac [th]o [th](a)t werchen [th]e word [th](a)t holy
writ techi[th]
T: 1,120 And enden as I er seide in p(er)fite werkis
T: 1,121 Mowe be sikur [th](a)t here soule shal wende in
to heuene
T: 1,122 [Th](er)e treu[th]e is in trinite & tronen hym
T: 1,123 ffor[th]i I seye as I seide er be si[gh]te of [th]ise
T: 1,124 Whanne alle treso(ur)s arn tri[gh]ed treu[th]e is
[th]e beste
T: 1,125 Leri[th] it [th]us lewide men for lettrid it knowi[th]
T: 1,126 [Th](a)t treu[th]e is [th]e treso(ur) tri[gh]est
he(m) on er[th]e
T: 1,127 [Y]et haue I no kynde knowyng q(ua)[th] I [y]et
mote [y]e me bet kenne
T: 1,128 Be what craft in my cors it compsi[th] & where
T: 1,129 [Th]ou dotide daffe q(ua)[th] heo dulle arn [th]ine
T: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng [th](a)t kenne[th] in [th]in
T: 1,131 ffor to loue [th]i lord leu(er)e [th]anne [th]iselue
T: 1,132 No dedly synne to do di[gh]e [th]ei[gh] [th](o)u
T: 1,133 [Th]is I trowe be treu[th]e who can teche [th]e
T: 1,134 Loke [th]ou suffre hym to seyn & si[th][th]e
lere it aftir
T: 1,135 ffor [th]us aski[th] wytnesse his woord werche [th](o)u
T: 1,136 [Th]at loue is [th]e leuest [th]ing [th](a)t oure
lord aski[th]
T: 1,137 And ek [th]e plante of pes p(re)che it in [th]in
T: 1,138 [Y]if [th](o)u art m(er)cy at mete [y]if men bidde
[th]e [y]edde
T: 1,139 ffor in kynde knowyng in herte [th](er) comsi[th]
a mi[gh]t
T: 1,140 And [th]at falli[th] to [th]e fadir [th](a)t fo(ur)mide
vs alle
T: 1,141 Lokide on vs wi[th] loue & let his sone dei[gh]e
T: 1,142 Mekliche for oure misdedis to amende vs alle
T: 1,143 And [y]et wolde he hem no woo [th](a)t wrou[gh]te
hi(m) [th](a)t pyne
T: 1,144 But mekly wi[th] mou[th]e m(er)cy he besou[gh]te
T: 1,145 To haue pite on [th]at peple [th](a)t pynede hym
to de[th]e
T: 1,146 Here mi[gh]t [th]ou sen ensaumplis in hymself one
fol. xxvij-r
T: 1,147 [Th]at he was mi[gh]tful & mek & m(er)cy gan
T: 1,148 To hem [th](a)t hongide hi(m) by & his herte
T: 1,149 ffor[th]i I rede [th]e riche haue reu[th]e on [th]e
T: 1,150 [Th]ei[gh] [y]e ben mi[gh]ty to mote be[th] mek
of [y]o(ur) werkis
T: 1,151 ffor [th]e same meso(ur) [y]e mete amys o[th](er)
T: 1,152 [Y]e shuln be wei[gh]e [th](er)wi[th] whanne [y]e
wende hennes
T: 1,153 ffor [th]i be trewe of [y]o(ur)e tunge & treweliche
T: 1,154 And ek as chast as a child [th](a)t in chirche wepi[th]
T: 1,155 But [y]if [y]e loue lelly & lene [th]e pore
T: 1,156 Of such good as god sent goodlyche p(ar)te[th]
T: 1,157 [Y]e ne haue no more m(er)yt in matynes ne in masse
T: 1,158 [Th]anne malkyn of hire maidenhed [th](a)t no man
T: 1,159 ffor Iames [th]e ientil ioynide in his bokis
T: 1,160 [Th](a)t fei[th] wi[th]oute fait is feblere [th]an
T: 1,161 And as ded as a dorenail but [y]if [th]e dede folewe
T: 1,162 Chastite wi[th]oute charite wor[th] cheynide <in
T: 1,163 It is as lewid as a laumpe [th](a)t no li[gh]t is
T: 1,164 Manye chapelleins arn chast ac charite is aweye
T: 1,165 Arn none hard(er)e [th]an [th]ei whanne [th]ei ben
T: 1,166 Vnkynde to here kyn & ek to alle cristene
T: 1,167 Chewen here charite & chiden aftir more
T: 1,168 Such chastite wi[th]oute charite wor[th] cheynid
in helle
T: 1,169 [Y]e curato(ur)s [th](a)t kepe [y]ow clene of [y]o(ur)
T: 1,170 [Y]e ben acumbrid wi[th] coueitise [y]e mowe not
out crepe
T: 1,171 So faste hath auarice haspide [y]ow togid(er)is
T: 1,172 [Th](er)e is no treu[th]e of trinite but a treccherie
of helle
T: 1,173 And a lering to [th]e lewide men [th]e latt(er)e
to dele
T: 1,173 And a lering to [th]e lewide men [th]e latt(er)e
to dele
T: 1,174 ffor [th]ise arn [th]e wordis writen in [th]e Eu(au)ngelie
T: 1,175 {Date & dabitur vobis} for I dele [y]ow alle
T: 1,176 [Th](a)t is [th]e lok of loue [th](a)t leti[th]
out my grace
T: 1,177 To counforte [th]e carful acumbrid wi[th] synne
T: 1,178 Loue is [th]e leueste [th]ing [th](a)t oure lord
T: 1,179 And ek [th]e grai[th] gate [th](a)t go[th] into
T: 1,180 ffor[th]i I sei[gh]e as I seide er be si[gh]te of
[th]ise tixtes
T: 1,181 Whan alle tresouris arn tri[gh]ede treu[th]e is
[th]e beste
T: 1,182 Now haue I told [th]e what treu[th]e is [th](a)t
no treso(ur) is bet(er)e
T: 1,183 I may no leng(er)e lenge now loke [th]e oure lord
Passus secundud de visione
T: 2,1 [Y]et knelide I on my knes & cri[gh]ede hire of
T: 2,2 And seide m(er)cy madame for marie loue of heuene
T: 2,3 [Th](a)t bar [th]e blisside barn [th](a)t bou[gh]te
vs on [th]e rode
T: 2,4 Kenne me be sum craft to kenne [th]e false
fol. xxvij-v
T: 2,5 Loke on [th]i left half & lo where he standis
T: 2,6 Bo[th]e fals & fauel & hise feris manye
T: 2,7 I lokide on [th](a)t left half as [th](a)t lady me
T: 2,8 And was war of a wo(m)man wondirliche clo[th]ide
T: 2,9 Ipurfilid wi[th] pelure [th]e pureste in er[th]e
T: 2,10 Icorounid in a coroune [th]e king ha[th] non bet(er)e
T: 2,11 Alle here fyue fyngris were frettid wi[th] rynges
T: 2,12 Of [th]e pureste p(er)rei[gh]e [th](a)t p(ri)nce
werde eu(er)e
T: 2,13 In red scarlet robid & ribande wi[th] gold
T: 2,14 [Th](er)e nis no quen queynt(er)e [th](a)t quyk is
o lyue
T: 2,15 What is [th]is wo(m)man q(ua)[th] I [th]us wor[th]ily
T: 2,16 [Th]at is mede [th]e maide ha[th] noi[gh]ede me ful
T: 2,17 And lakkide my lore to lordis aboute
T: 2,18 In [th]e popis paleis heo is p(re)uy as myselue
T: 2,19 And so shulde it not be for wrong was hire sire
T: 2,20 Out of wrong heo wex to wro[th](er)hele manye
T: 2,21 I au[gh]te ben hi[gh]ere [th]anne heo for I com of
a bet(er)e
T: 2,22 Tomorewe wor[th] [th]e mariage mad of mede & of
T: 2,23 ffauel wi[th] fair speche ha[th] forgid hem togid(er)e
T: 2,24 Gile ha[th] begon hire so heo g(ra)unti[th] alle
his wille
T: 2,25 And al is li[gh]eris ledyng [th](a)t hy li[gh]en
T: 2,26 Tomorewe wor[th] [th]e mariage ymad as I [th]e telle
T: 2,27 [Th](er)e mi[gh]te [th](o)u wyte [y]if [th]ou wilt
whiche [th]ei ben alle
T: 2,28 [Th](a)t longi[th] to [th]e lordsshipe [th]e lasse & [th]e
T: 2,29 Knowe hem [th](er)e [y]if [th](o)u canst and kep
[th]e from hem alle
T: 2,30 [Y]if [th]ou wilnest to wone wi[th] treu[th]e in
his blisse
T: 2,31 I may no leng(er)e lette lord I [th]e bekenne
T: 2,32 And become a good man for any coueitise I rede
T: 2,33 Alle [th]e riche reten(au)nce [th](a)t regni[th]
wi[th] false
T: 2,34 Were beden to [th]e bedale on bo[th]e two sides
T: 2,35 Sire symonye is assent to asele [th]e ch(art)res
T: 2,36 [Th](a)t fals & fauel be any fyn halden
T: 2,37 And feffe mede [th](er)wi[th] in mariage for eu(er)e
T: 2,38 [Th](er) nas halle ne hous to herberwe [th]e peple
T: 2,39 [Th]at iche feld nas ful of folk al aboute
T: 2,40 In myddis a mounteyne at mydmorewe tide
T: 2,41 Was pi[gh]t vp a pauyloun proud for [th]e nones
T: 2,42 And ten [th]ousand of tentis teldit beside
T: 2,43 Of kni[gh]tes of cuntres of com(er)es aboute
T: 2,44 ffor siso(ur)s for someno(ur)s for selleris for beggeris
T: 2,45 ffor lerid for lewid for labo(ur)eris of [th]ropis
T: 2,46 Alle to wytnesse wel what [th]e writ wolde
T: 2,47 In what man(er) [th](a)t mede in mariage was feffid
fol. xxviij-r
T: 2,48 To be fastnid wi[th] fals [th]e fyn is arerid
T: 2,49 [Th]anne fauel fetti[th] hire for[th] & to fals
T: 2,50 In foreward [th](a)t falshed shal fynde hire for
T: 2,51 And he be bounis at his bode his bidding to fulfille
T: 2,52 At bedde & at boord buxum and hende
T: 2,53 And as sire symonye wile segge to sewen his wille
T: 2,54 Symonye & cyuyle stondi[th] for[th] bo[th]e
T: 2,55 And vnfolde [th]e feffement [th]at fals ha[th] ymakid
T: 2,56 [Th]us begynne [th]e gomes & gredde wel hei[gh]e
T: 2,57 Wyten & wytnessen [th](a)t wonen vpon er[th]e
T: 2,58 [Th]at I fauel feffe falsnesse to mede
T: 2,59 To be p(re)sent in pride for pou(er)e o[th]er riche
T: 2,60 Wi[th] [th]e Erldom of enuye for eu(er)e to laste
T: 2,61 Wi[th] alle [th]e lordsshipe of leccherie in leng[th]e & in
T: 2,62 Wi[th] [th]e kingdom of coueitise I croune hem togid(er)e
T: 2,63 And al [th]e Ile of vsurie & auarice [th]e faste
T: 2,64 Glotonye & grete o[th]es I gyue hem togid(er)e
T: 2,65 Wi[th] alle [th]e delites of lust the deuil for to
T: 2,66 In al [th]e s(ign)i(ur)e of slou[th]e I set hem togid(er)e
T: 2,67 [Th]ei to haue & to holde & here eires aftir
T: 2,68 Wi[th] alle [th]e p(ur)ten(au)nce of p(ur)catorie
into [th]e pyne of helle
T: 2,69 [Y]eldinge for [th]is [th]ing at o [y]eris ende
T: 2,70 Here soulis to sathanas, to synken in pyne
T: 2,71 [Th](er)e to wone wi[th] wrong while god is in heuene
T: 2,72 In witnesse of whiche [th]ing wrong was [th]e furste
T: 2,73 And piers [th]e p(ar)don(er) poulynes doctor
T: 2,74 Bette the bedel of bukyngh(a)mshire
T: 2,75 Randolf the reue of rutelondis sokne
T: 2,76 Munde the myllere & manye mo o[th](er)e
T: 2,77 In [th]e date of [th]e deuil [th]e dede is asselid
T: 2,78 Be si[gh]te of sire symonye & signes of notories
T: 2,79 [Th]anne tenide hym theologie whan he [th]is tale
T: 2,80 And seide to cyuyle now sorewe on [th]i bokes
T: 2,81 Such weddyng to werche to wra[th][th]e wi[th] treu[th]e
T: 2,82 Er [th]is weddyng be wrou[gh]t wo [th]e betide
T: 2,83 ffor mede is molere of frendis engendrit
T: 2,84 God g(ra)untide to gyue mede to treu[th]e
T: 2,85 And [th]ou hast gyuen hire to a gilo(ur) now god
[y]iue [th]e sorewe
T: 2,86 [Th]e textis telle not so treu[th]e wot [th]e sothe
T: 2,87 {Dignus est op(er)arius m(er)cede}
T: 2,87 Wor[th]i is [th]e werkman his mede to haue
T: 2,88 And [th]ou hast fastnid hire wi[th] fals fy on [th]i
T: 2,89 ffor al be lesinges [th]ou lyuest & leccherous
T: 2,90 Symonye & [th]iself shenden holy chirche
fol. xxviij-r
T: 2,91 [Y]e & [th]e notories noye [th]e peple
T: 2,92 [Y]e shuln abigge bo[th]e be god [th](a)t me made
T: 2,93 Wel [y]e wyte wernardis but [y]if [y]oure wyt faile
T: 2,94 [Th]at fals is a faito(ur) feyntles of werkis
T: 2,95 As a bastard yborn of belsaboukis kynde
T: 2,96 And mede is mulere of maides engendrit
T: 2,97 She mi[gh]te kisse [th]e king for cosyn [y]if he
T: 2,98 Werchi[th] be wysdom & be wyt aftir
T: 2,99 Ledi[th] hire to lundou(n) [th](er)e lawe is yhandlit
T: 2,100 [Y]if any Leaute wile loke [th]ei ligge togid(er)e
T: 2,101 And [y]if [th]e iustices iugge hire to be ioyned
w(i)t(h) fals
T: 2,102 [Y]et be war of [th]e weddyng for witty is treu[th]e
T: 2,103 ffor consience is of his counseil & knowi[th]
[y]ow ichone
T: 2,104 And [y]if he fynde [y]ow in defaute & wi[th]
[th]e fals holden
T: 2,105 It shal besette [y]oure soulis wel sore at [th]e
T: 2,106 Hereto assenti[th] Cyuyle ac symonye ne wolde
T: 2,107 Til he hadde silu(er) for his selis & signes
T: 2,108 [Th]anne fette fauel for[th] floreynes ynowe
T: 2,109 And bad gile go gyue gold al aboute
T: 2,110 And nameliche to [th]e notories [th]at hem non ne
T: 2,111 And feffe false wytnesse wi[th] floreynes ynowe
T: 2,112 ffor he may mede amaistrien and maken at my wille
T: 2,113 [Th]o [th]is gold was gyue gret was [th]e [th]onking
T: 2,114 To false & to fauel for here faire [y]eftis
T: 2,115 And comen to counforte fro care [th]e false
T: 2,116 And seide c(er)tis cesse shuln we neu(er)e
T: 2,117 Til mede be [th]i weddit wyf [th]oru[gh] wyt of
vs alle
T: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amaistried wi[th] oure m(er)y
T: 2,119 [Th]at he g(ra)unti[th] to gon wi[th] a good wille
T: 2,120 To lundou(n) to loke [y]if [th](a)t lawe wolde
T: 2,121 Iuggen [y]ow ioyntly in ioye for eu(er)e
T: 2,122 [Th]anne was fals fayn & fauel als bli[th]e
T: 2,123 And let somoune alle [th]e segges abouten in shires
T: 2,124 And alle be boun begg(er)is & o[th](er)e
T: 2,125 To wende wi[th] hem to westmynstre to wytnesse [th]e
T: 2,126 [Th]anne cariede hy for[th] capelis to carien hem
T: 2,127 [Th]anne fette fauel folis of [th]e beste
T: 2,128 Sette mede on a shirreue shod al newe
T: 2,129 And fals sat on a siso(ur) [th]at softeliche trottide
T: 2,130 And fauel vpon fair speche fetisliche atirid
T: 2,131 [Th](er)e hadde notories none anoyed [th]ei were
T: 2,132 [Th]at symonye & cyuyle shulde on h(er)e fet
T: 2,133 [Th]anne swor cyuyle & seide be [th]e rode
fol. xxix-r
T: 2,134 [Th]at someno(ur)s shulde be sadelit & s(er)ue
hem ichone
T: 2,135 And let app(ar)aille [th]ise p(ro)uiso(ur)s in palfreis
T: 2,136 Sire symonye hymself shal sitte on here bakkis
T: 2,137 And alle [th]e denis & southdenis as destreris
hem di[gh]te
T: 2,138 ffor [th]ei shuln bere [th]ise bisshopis & b(r)inge
hem at h(er)e reste
T: 2,139 Paulynes peple for pleyntes in constorie
T: 2,140 Shuln s(er)ue myself [th](a)t cyuyle hatte
T: 2,141 And let cartesadil [th]e Comissar(e) oure carte
shal he d(ra)we
T: 2,142 And fetten oure vitailes for fornicato(ur)is
T: 2,143 And maki[th] of lyere a lang carte to leden al [th]is
T: 2,144 As folis & faito(ur)s [th](a)t on here feet
T: 2,145 ffals & fauel fari[th] for[th] togid(er)e
T: 2,146 And mede in [th]e myddis & al [th]is mene aftir
T: 2,147 I haue no tom to telle [th]e tail [th](a)t hem folewi[th]
T: 2,148 Of many man(er) of man [th](a)t on [th]is molde
T: 2,149 Ac gile was forgoere and gyede hem alle
T: 2,150 So[th]nesse sei[gh] hem wel & seide but litel
T: 2,151 But prikede for[th] on his palfray & passide
hem alle
T: 2,152 And come to [th]e kinges court & consience tolde
T: 2,153 And consience to [th]e king carpide it aftir
T: 2,154 Be crist qua[th] [th]e king & I mi[gh]te cacche
T: 2,155 ffals o[th](er) fauel o[th](er) any of his feris
T: 2,156 I wolde be wroken of [th]ise wrecchis [th](a)t werchen
so ille
T: 2,157 And do hem hange be [th]e hals & alle [th](a)t
hem maynteni[th]
T: 2,158 Shal neu(er)e man of [th]is molde meynprise [th]e
T: 2,159 But ri[gh]t as [th]e lawe lokis let falle on hem
T: 2,160 And comaundite a cunstable [th](a)t com at [th]e
T: 2,161 To atache [th]i tiraunt for any treso(ur) I hote
T: 2,162 ffet(er)i[th] falsnesse faste for any skynes [y]eftis
T: 2,163 And ged(er)i[th] of giles hed let hym go no fer[th](er)e
T: 2,164 And bringe[th] mede to me maugre hem alle
T: 2,165 Symonye & cyuyle I sente hem to warne
T: 2,166 [Th]at holy chirche for hem worth harmid for eu(er)e
T: 2,167 And [y]if [y]e lacche lei[gh]ere let him not askape
T: 2,168 Er he be put on [th]e pillorie for any p(re)your
I hote
T: 2,169 Dreed at [th]e dore stood & [th]at doom herde
T: 2,170 And wi[gh]tliche wente to warne [th]e false
T: 2,171 And bad hym fle for fer & hise feris alle
T: 2,172 [Th]anne falnesse for feer flei[gh] to [th]e freris
T: 2,173 And gile do[th] him to go agast for to dei[gh]e
T: 2,174 Ac marchauntis mette wi[th] hym & made hi(m)
T: 2,175 Besshette hym in here shoppis to shewen here ware
T: 2,176 Ap(ar)ailide hym as a p(re)ntice [th]e peple to
fol. xxix-v
T: 2,177 Li[gh]tliche li[gh]ere lep awey [th]ennes
T: 2,178 Lurkyng [th]oru[gh] lanes toluggid of manye
T: 2,179 He was nowhere welcome for his many talis
T: 2,180 Ou(er)al yhoutid & yhote trusse
T: 2,181 Til p(ar)don(er)s hadde pite & pulden him to
T: 2,182 Wysshen hym & wypide him & wounde hym in
T: 2,183 And senten hym on sundais wi[th] selis to chirche
T: 2,184 And [y]af p(ar)doun for panis poundmel aboute
T: 2,185 [Th]anne louride lechis & lettris be sente
T: 2,186 ffor to wone wi[th] hem & watris to loke
T: 2,187 Spiceris speke wi[th] hem to aspie here ware
T: 2,188 ffor he coude on here craft & kneu[gh] manye
T: 2,189 And mynstral(is) & messang(er)is mette wi[th]
him ones
T: 2,190 And wi[th]held him half [y]er & elleuene dayes
T: 2,191 ffreris wi[th] fair speche fetten hym [th]ennes
T: 2,192 ffro knowing of com(er)is copide hym as a ffrere
T: 2,193 Ac he ha[th] leue to lepen out as ofte as hi(m)
T: 2,194 And is welcome whanne he wile & woni[th] wi[th]
he(m) ofte
T: 2,195 Alle fledden for fer & flowen into hernis
T: 2,196 Saue mede [th]e maiden no mo durste abide
T: 2,197 Ac trewely to telle heo tremblide for fere
T: 2,198 And ek wep & wrang whan heo was atachid
Passus t(er)cius de visione
T: 3,1 Now is mede [th]e maide & no mo of hem alle
T: 3,2 Wi[th] bedelis & baillifs ybrou[gh]t to [th]e
T: 3,3 [Th]e king calli[th] a clerk I can not his name
T: 3,4 To take mede [th]e maide & make hire at ese
T: 3,5 I wile assaie hire myself and so[th]ly apose
T: 3,6 What man of [th]is world [th](a)t hire were leuist
T: 3,7 And [y]if heo werche be wyt & my wil folewe
T: 3,8 I wile forgyue hire [th]e gilt so me god helpe
T: 3,9 Curteisliche [th]e clerk [th]anne as [th]e king hi[gh]te
T: 3,10 Tok mede be [th]e myddel & brou[gh]te hire to
T: 3,11 Ac [th](er)e was m(er)[th]e & mynstralcie mede
to plese
T: 3,12 [Th]at woni[th] at westmenstre worsshipe[th] hire
T: 3,13 Ientily wi[th] ioye [th]e Iustices sone
T: 3,14 Buski[th] hem to [th]e bour [th](er)e [th]e burde
T: 3,15 Counforti[th] hire kyndely be clergie leue
T: 3,16 And seide mo(ur)ne nou[gh]t mede ne make [th](o)u
no sorewe
T: 3,17 ffor we wile wisse [th]e king & [th]i wey make
T: 3,18 ffor al consiences cast craft as I trowe
fol. xxx-r
T: 3,19 Mildeliche mede [th]anne m(er)ciede hem alle
T: 3,20 Of here grete goodnesse & [y]af hem ichone
T: 3,21 Coupis of clene gold pecis of siluer
T: 3,22 Rynges wi[th] rubies & ricchesse manye
T: 3,23 [Th]e leste man of here mayne a mutou(n) of gold
T: 3,24 [Th]anne lau[gh]te hy leue [th]ise lordis at mede
T: 3,25 Wi[th] [th](a)t come clerkis to conforten hire [th]e
T: 3,26 And bidden hire be bly[th]e for we ben [th]in owene
T: 3,27 ffor to werche [th]i wil while [th]i lif lasti[th]
T: 3,28 Hendely [th]anne heo behi[gh]te hem [th]e same
T: 3,29 To loue hem lelly & lordis hem make
T: 3,30 And in constory at court callen here names
T: 3,31 Shal no lewidnesse hym lette [th]e lede [th](a)t
I louye
T: 3,32 [Th]at he ne wor[th] ferst au(au)ncid for I am beknowe
T: 3,33 [Th](er)e cunnyng clerkis shuln clokke behynde
T: 3,34 [Th]anne com [th](er)e a confesso(ur) ycopid as a
T: 3,35 To mede the maiden mekeliche he loutide
T: 3,36 And he seide ful softely in shrifte as it were
T: 3,37 [Th]ei[gh] lerid & lewide hadde lei[gh]e be [th]e
T: 3,38 And [th]ei[gh] falshed hadde folewid [th]e [th]is
fiftene wynter
T: 3,39 I shal assoile [th]e myself for a sem of whete
T: 3,40 And ek be [th]i baudekyn & bere wel [th]in arnede
T: 3,41 Among clerkis & kni[gh]tes consience to felle
T: 3,42 [Th]anne mede for hire mysdedis to [th](a)t man knelide
T: 3,43 And shrof hire of hire shrewidnesse shameles I trowe
T: 3,44 Tolde hym a tale & tok hym a noble
T: 3,45 ffor to be hire bedeman & hire baude aftir
T: 3,46 [Th]anne he assoilide hire sone & si[th]en he
T: 3,47 We haue a wyndowe of werching wile stonde vs wel
T: 3,48 Woldist [th]ou glase [th]e gable & g(ra)ue [th](er)e
[th]in name
T: 3,49 Sikir shulde [th]i soule be heuene to haue
T: 3,50 Wiste I [th]at q(ua)[th] [th]e wo(m)man [th](er)e
nis wyndowe ne auter
T: 3,51 [Th](a)t I ne shulde make or mende & myn name
T: 3,52 [Th](a)t iche segge shal se I am sistir of [y]o(ur)
T: 3,53 Ac god alle good folk such g(ra)uyng defendi[th]
T: 3,54 And sei[th] {Nesciat sinister quid faciat dexter
T: 3,55 Let not [th]i left hond late ne ra[th]e
T: 3,56 Be war what [th]i ri[gh]t hond werchi[th] or deli[th]
T: 3,57 And so p(re)uyliche parte it [th](a)t pride be not
T: 3,58 Nei[th](er) in si[gh]t ne in [th]i soule for god
hymself knowi[th]
T: 3,59 Who is curteis or kynde or coueitous or ellis
T: 3,60 ffor[th]i I lere [y]ow lordis leui[th] such wrytyng
T: 3,61 To writen in wyndowis of [y]oure wel dedis
fol. xxxx-v
T: 3,62 O[th](er) to grede aftir godis men whan [y]e [y]iue
T: 3,63 An aunter [y]e haue [y]oure hire [th](er)of hire
T: 3,64 ffor oure sauio(ur) it seide & hymself p(re)chid
T: 3,64 { Amen Amen recipiebant &c }
T: 3,65 Meiris and maistris hij [th]at ben mene
T: 3,66 Betwyn [th]e king & the comunes to kepe [th]e
T: 3,67 As to punisshen on pillories & on pynnyng stolis
T: 3,68 Breweris & bakeris bocheris & cokes
T: 3,69 ffor [th]ise arn men on [th]ise molde [th](a)t most
harm werchi[th]
T: 3,70 To [th]e pore peple [th](a)t p(ar)celmel biggen
T: 3,71 ffor [th]ei poisone [th]e peple p(re)uyly wel ofte
T: 3,72 And risen vp [th]oru[gh] regratie & rentis hem
T: 3,73 Of [th]at [th]e pore peple shulde putte in here wombe
T: 3,74 ffor tok he on trewely he tymbride not so hei[gh]e
T: 3,75 Ne bou[gh]te none burgages be [y]e wel c(er)tayn
T: 3,76 Ac mede [th]e maide [th]e mair heo besou[gh]te
T: 3,77 Of alle suche selleris silu(er) to take
T: 3,78 Or p(re)sauntis wi[th]oute panis as pecis of silu(er)
T: 3,79 Ryng or o[th](er) richesse [th](a)t regrato(ur) to
T: 3,80 ffor my loue q(ua)[th] [th](a)t lady loue hem ichone
T: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle sumdel a[gh]ens resoun
T: 3,82 Salamon [th]e sage a sarmon he made
T: 3,83 ffor to amende men [th](a)t kepi[th] [th]e lawis
T: 3,84 And tok hym [th]is teeme [th](a)t I telle [th]enke
T: 3,85 {Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nac(u)la eor(um) qui libent(er)
accipiunt mun(er)a }
T: 3,86 Among [th]ise lettride lordis [th]is latyn amounti[th]
T: 3,87 [Th]at fuyr shal falle & forbrenne at [th]e laste
T: 3,88 [Th]e hous and [th]e homes of hem [th](a)t desiren
T: 3,89 To haue [y]eftis for here s(er)uice in [y]ou[th]e
or in elde
T: 3,90 [Th]e king fro counseil com & callide aftir mede
T: 3,91 And ofsente hire as swi[th]e s(er)iauntis hire fecche
T: 3,92 And brou[gh]te hire to borugh wi[th] blisse & wi[th]
T: 3,93 Certis [th]e king compsi[th] to telle
T: 3,94 To mede [th]e maide melis [th]ise wordis
T: 3,95 Vnwittily ywys wrou[gh]t hast [th](o)u ofte
T: 3,96 Ac wers wrou[gh]test [th](o)u neu(er)e [th]an [th]o
[th](o)u fals toke
T: 3,97 Ac I forgyue [th]e [th]e gilt & g(ra)unte [th]e
T: 3,98 Henis to [th]i de[th] day do [th](o)u so no more
T: 3,99 I haue a kni[gh]t consience com late fro be[gh]onde
T: 3,100 [Y]if he wilne[th] [th]e to wyue wilt [th](o)u hym
T: 3,101 [Y]a lord q(ua)[th] [th]at lady lord forbede ellis
T: 3,102 --- this line om ---
T: 3,103 [Th]anne was consience callid to comen & ap(er)en
T: 3,104 Before [th]e kyng & his counseil clerkis & o[th](er)e
T: 3,105 Knelynge consience to [th]e kyng loutide
T: 3,106 What [th](a)t his wille were & what he do shulde
fol. xxxj-r
T: 3,107 Wilt [th]ou wedde [th]is womman [y]if I wile assente
T: 3,108 ffor heo is fayn of [th]i ffelasshipe for to be
[th]i make
T: 3,109 Qua[th] consience to [th]e kyng crist it forbede
T: 3,110 Er I wedde such a wif wo me betide
T: 3,111 She is freel of hire fei[th] fikel of hire speche
T: 3,112 She maki[th] men mysdo manye score tymes
T: 3,113 In trist of hire treso(ur) she teni[th] ful manye
T: 3,114 Wyues & wydewis wantonnesse techi[th]
T: 3,115 Leride hem leccherie [th](a)t louiden hire [y]eftis
T: 3,116 [Y]oure fadir he fellide [th]oru[gh] false behest
T: 3,117 Apoisonide popis apeiride al holy chirche
T: 3,118 I not a bet(er)e baude be hym [th](a)t me made
T: 3,119 Betwyn heuene & helle & er[th]e [th]ei[gh]
men sou[gh]te
T: 3,120 She is tykil of hire tail talewys of hire tunge
T: 3,121 As comoun as [th]e cartewey to knaues & to monk
T: 3,122 To mynstrelis to messang(er)is to myselis in heggis
T: 3,123 Sisours & sompno(ur)s suche men hire p(re)isi[th]
T: 3,124 Shirreues of shires were shent [y]if heo ne were
T: 3,125 She do[th] men lese here land & here lif bo[th]e
T: 3,126 And leti[th] passe prison(er)s & paie[th] for
hem ofte
T: 3,127 And [y]iue[th] [th]e gaileris gold & grotis
T: 3,128 To vnfet(er)e [th]e fals fle where hym lyki[th]
T: 3,129 He takith [th]e trewe be [th]e top and tei[gh]e[th]
hym faste
T: 3,130 And hangi[th] hym for hattrede [th](a)t harmide
T: 3,131 To be cursid in constorie heo counti[th] not a risshe
T: 3,132 ffor heo copi[th] [th]e Comissarie and do[th]i[th]
hise clerkis
T: 3,133 Heo is assoilid so sone as hireself liki[th]
T: 3,134 She may nei[gh] as muche do in a mone[th] ones
T: 3,135 As [y]oure secre sel in seue score dayes
T: 3,136 She is p(re)uy wi[th] [th]e pope p(ro)uiso(ur)s
it knowi[th]
T: 3,137 Sire symonye & hireself seli[th] [th]e bullis
T: 3,138 She blissi[th] [th]ise bisshopis [y]if [th]ei be
T: 3,139 P(ro)uendro(ur)s p(re)stis & p(er)sones she
maynteni[th] to holde
T: 3,140 Le(m)manis & lotebies alle here lif dayes
T: 3,141 And bringen for[th] barnes a[gh]ens forboden lawis
T: 3,142 [Th](er)e she is wel wi[th] [th]e king wo is [th]e
T: 3,143 ffor she is fauo(ur)able to fals & fouli[th]
treu[th]e ofte
T: 3,144 Barouns & burgeis she bringe[th] in sorewe
T: 3,145 Be Ih(es)u wi[th] hire Iuelx [y]o(ur)e Iustices
she shendi[th]
T: 3,146 And lei[th] a[y]en [th]e lawe & letti[th] [th]e
T: 3,147 [Th](a)t fei[th] may not haue his for[th] hire floreynes
go so [th]ikke
T: 3,148 She let lawe as hire list & louedaies maki[th]
T: 3,149 [Th]e mase for a mene man [th]ei[gh] he mote eu(er)e
fol. xxxj-v
T: 3,150 Lawe is so lordlich & lo[th] to make ende
T: 3,151 Wi[th]oute p(re)sentis or panis he plesi[th] ful
T: 3,152 Clergie & coueitise he coupli[th] togid(er)e
T: 3,153 [Th]is is [th]e lif of [th]at lady now lord [y]if
hire sorewe
T: 3,154 And alle [th](a)t meynteni[th] hire men meschaunce
hem betide
T: 3,155 ffor pou(er)e men mowe haue no power to pleyne [y]if
hem sm(er)te
T: 3,156 Such a maist(er) is mede among men of goode
T: 3,157 [Th]anne mo(ur)nide mede & menide hire to [th]e
T: 3,158 To haue space to speke spede [y]if she m[ig]hte
T: 3,159 [Th]e king g(ra)untide hire g(ra)ce wi[th] a good
T: 3,160 Excuse [th]e [y]if [th](o)u canst I can no more
T: 3,161 ffor consience acusi[th] [th]e to cunge for eu(er)e
T: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d [th](a)t lady leue him [th]e wers
T: 3,163 Whanne [y]e wyte wytt(er)ly where [th]e wrong ligge[th]
T: 3,164 [Th](er)e [th](a)t meschief is gret mede may helpe
T: 3,165 And [th](o)u knowist consience I can nou[gh]t for
to chide
T: 3,166 Ne to dep(ra)ue [th]i p(er)sone wi[th] a proud herte
T: 3,167 Wel [th]ou wost consience but [y]if [th](o)u wilt
T: 3,168 [Th]ou hast hongid on myn half enleuene tymes
T: 3,169 And ek grepe my gold & gyue it where [th]e liki[th]
T: 3,170 Why [th](o)u wra[th][th]est [th]e now wondir me
T: 3,171 [Y]et I may as I mi[gh]te auaunce [th]e wi[th] [y]eftis
T: 3,172 And maynteyne [th]i manhod more [th]an [th](o)u
T: 3,173 And [th](o)u hast famid me foule before [th]e king
T: 3,174 ffor kilde I neu(er)e no king ne counseilide [th](er)aftir
T: 3,175 Ne dide as [th](o)u demist I do it on [th]e king
T: 3,176 In normandie was he nou[gh]t anoyed for my sake
T: 3,177 Ac th[ou] [th]iself so[th]ly asshamidest hym ofte
T: 3,178 Crope into a caban for cold of [th]i nailes
T: 3,179 Wendist [th](a)t wynt(er) wolde han last eu(er)e
T: 3,180 And dreddist to be ded for a dym cloud
T: 3,181 And hastide [th]e homward for hung(er) of [th]i
T: 3,182 Wi[th]oute pite pilo(ur) pore men [th](o)u robbest
T: 3,183 And bar here bras on [th]i bak to caleis to selle
T: 3,184 [Th](er)e I lefte wi[th] my lord his lif for to
T: 3,185 And made hym m(er)[th]ie mo(ur)nyng to leue
T: 3,186 And bat(er)ide hym on [th]e bak boldite hir herte
T: 3,187 Dede hym hoppe for hope to haue me at wille
T: 3,188 Hadde I be march(a)unt of his men be marie of heuene
T: 3,189 I durste han leid my lif & no lesse wed
T: 3,190 He shulde haue be lord of [th](a)t lond in leng[th]e & in
T: 3,191 And ek king of [th](a)t ki[th] his kyn for to helpe
T: 3,192 [Th]e leste brol of his blood a barouns pere
T: 3,193 --- this line om ---
fol. xxxij-r
T: 3,194 To leuen his lordsshipe for a litel siluer
T: 3,195 [Th]at is [th]e riccheste reaume [th](a)t regni[th]
T: 3,196 It becom a king [th]at kepi[th] a reaume
T: 3,197 To [y]iuen hise men mede [th](a)t mekly hym s(er)uen
T: 3,198 To alienes to alle men to hono(ur)e hem w(i)t(h)
T: 3,199 Mede maki[th] hym be louid & for a man holde
T: 3,200 Emp(er)o(ur)s & Erlis & alle man(er) lordis
T: 3,201 [Th]oru[gh] [y]eftis han [y]onge men to renne & to
T: 3,202 [Th]e pope wi[th] his p(re)latis p(re)sentis vndirfongi[th]
T: 3,203 And medi[th] men hymself to mayntene h(er)e lawis
T: 3,204 Seruauntis for here s(er)uyse we se wel [th]e so[th]e
T: 3,205 Taki[th] mede of here maistris as [th]ei mowe accorde
T: 3,206 Begg(er)is for here bidding biddi[th] of men mede
T: 3,207 Mynstral(is) for here m(er)[th]is mede [th]ei asken
T: 3,208 [Th]e king ha[th] nede of his men to make pes in
T: 3,209 Men [th](a)t ben clerkis crauen of hym mede
T: 3,210 Prestis [th](a)t preche [th]e peple to goode
T: 3,211 Asken mede & messe penis & h(er)e mete alse
T: 3,212 Of alle kyn crafty men craue mede for h(er)e p(re)ntis
T: 3,213 Mede & marchaundise mote nede go togid(er)e
T: 3,214 No wi[gh]t as I wene wi[th]oute mede mig[ht]e libbe
T: 3,215 Qua[th] [th]e king to consience be crist as me [th]inki[th]
T: 3,216 Mede is wor[th]i [th]e maistrie to haue
T: 3,217 Nay q(ua)[th] consience to [th]e king & knelide
to [th]e er[th]e
T: 3,218 [Th](er)e arn to man(er) of medis my lord be [y]o(ur)
T: 3,219 [Th](a)t on god of his g(ra)ce gyue[th] in his blisse
T: 3,220 To hem [th](a)t werchen wel whiles [th]ei ben here
T: 3,221 [Th]e p(ro)phet p(re)chi[th] it & put it in
[th]e saut(er)
T: 3,221 { Qui pecuniam suam dedit ad vsuram }
T: 3,222 Tak no mede my lord of hem [th](a)t ben trewe
T: 3,223 Loue hem & leue hem for oure lordis loue of
T: 3,224 Godis mede & his m(er)cy [th](er)wi[th] mi[gh]te
[th](o)u wynne
T: 3,225 [Th](er)e is a mede mesurles [th](a)t maistris desiri[th]
T: 3,226 To mayntene mysdoeris mede [th]ei taken
T: 3,227 And [th](er)of seide [th]e sauter in a salmis ende
T: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates sunt dext(er)a
eor(um) repleta est mun(er)ibus }
T: 3,229 And he [th](a)t gripi[th] here giftes so me god
T: 3,230 Shal abi[gh]e it bitt(er)ly or [th]e bok li[gh]e[th]
T: 3,231 Prestis & p(er)sonis [th](a)t plesing desiri[th]
T: 3,232 [Th]at take mede & money for massis [th](a)t
[th]ei synge
T: 3,233 Shal haue mede on [th]is molde [th](a)t mattheu
ha[th] g(ra)untid
T: 3,233a { Amen Amen recipiebant m(er)cedem suam }
T: 3,234 [Th]at laboureris & lou[gh] folk taken of here
fol. xxxij-v
T: 3,235 Is no maner of mede but a mesurable hire
T: 3,236 In marchaundie is no mede I may it wel auowe
T: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutac(i)ou(n) ap(er)tly a peny for
T: 3,238 Ac reddist [th](o)u neu(er)e { Regum } [th]ou recrei[gh]ede
T: 3,239 Why [th]e vengeaunce fel on saul & on his children
T: 3,240 God sente hym to segge be samuels mou[th]
T: 3,241 [Th]at Agag of Amaleg & his peple aftir
T: 3,242 Shulde di[gh]e for a dede [th](a)t don hadde h(er)e
T: 3,243 --- this line om ---
T: 3,244 Samuel seide to saul god sendi[th] [th]e & hoti[th]
T: 3,245 To be buxum & boun his bidding to fulfille
T: 3,246 Wende [th]idir w(i)t(h) [th]in ost wo(m)men to kille
T: 3,247 Children & cherl(is) choppe hem to de[th]e
T: 3,248 Loke [th](o)u kille [th]e king coueite nou[gh]t
hise godis
T: 3,249 ffor any mylionis of mone murdre hem ichone
T: 3,250 Barnes and bestis brenne hem to de[th]e
T: 3,251 And for he kilde not [th]e king as crist bode sente
T: 3,252 Coueitide here catel kilde nou[gh]t hire bestis
T: 3,253 But brou[gh]te wi[th] hym [th]e bestis as [th]e
bible hym tolde
T: 3,254 God seide to samuel [th](a)t saul shulde dei[gh]e
T: 3,255 And al his sed for [th](a)t synne senfully shulde
T: 3,256 Such a meschef mede made [th]e kyng haue
T: 3,257 [Th]at god hati[th] [th](a)t king & alle hise
heires aftir
T: 3,258 [Th]e {culor(um)} of [th]is clause kepe I not to
T: 3,259 An aunt(er) it me noi[gh]ide an ende wile I make
T: 3,260 In consience knowe I [th]is for kynde it me tau[gh]te
T: 3,261 [Th](a)t resoun shal regne & reumes gou(er)ne
T: 3,262 And ri[gh]t as Agag hadde happe shal so(m)me
T: 3,263 Samuel shal slen hym & saul shal be blamid
T: 3,264 And dauid shal be dyademid & daunten hem alle
T: 3,265 And o cristene king kepe vs ichone
T: 3,266 Shal no more mede be maist(er) on er[th]e
T: 3,267 But loue & lou[gh]nesse and leaute togid(er)is
T: 3,268 And whoso trespassi[th] trewely & taki[th] to
[th]e wrong
T: 3,269 His wykkide leaute shal do hym lawe or lese his
lif ellis
T: 3,270 Shal no s(er)iaunt for [th](a)t s(er)uyse were a
silk houue
T: 3,271 Ne no ray robe of riche pelure
T: 3,272 Mede of mysdoeris maki[th] hem so riche
T: 3,273 [Th]at lawe is lord waxen & leute is pore
T: 3,274 Vnkyndenesse is comaundo(ur) & kyndenesse is
T: 3,275 Ac kynde wyt shal come [y]et & consience togid(er)e
T: 3,276 And make of lawe a labourer such loue shal arise
Passus quartus de visione
T: 4,1 Sessi[th] seide [th]e king I suffre [y]ow no leng(er)e
T: 4,2 [Y]e shuln sau[gh]te forso[th]e & s(er)ue me bo[th]e
fol. xxxiij-r
T: 4,3 Kisse hire qua[th] [th]e king consience I hote
T: 4,4 Nay be god q(ua)[th] consience cunge me ra[th](er)e
T: 4,5 But resoun rede me [th](er)to erst wole I dei[gh]e
T: 4,6 And I comaunde [th]e qua[th] [th]e king to consience
T: 4,7 Rape [th]e to riden & resoun [th](a)t [th]ou fecche
T: 4,8 Comaunde hym [th](a)t he come my counseil to here
T: 4,9 ffor he shal rewele my reaume & rede me [th]e
T: 4,10 Of mede & of mo o[th](er)e what man shal hire
T: 4,11 And counte wi[th] consience so me crist helpe
T: 4,12 How [th](o)u lerist [th]e peple [th]e lerid & [th]e
T: 4,13 I am fayn of [th](a)t foreward sei[th] [th]e frek
T: 4,14 And ri[gh]t renne[th] to resou(n) and rouni[th] in
his ere
T: 4,15 Seide hym as [th]e king sente & si[th][th]e tok
his leue
T: 4,16 I shal araye me to ride qua[th] resou(n) reste [th]e
a while
T: 4,17 And calde catoun his knaue curteis of speche
T: 4,18 Sette my sadil vpon suffre til I se my tyme
T: 4,19 And let warroke hym wel with ri[gh]tful ger[th]is
T: 4,20 Hange on hym [th]e heuy bridel to holde his hed lowe
T: 4,21 And yet wile we make many wehe er we come [th](er)e
T: 4,22 [Th]anne consience on his capil cairi[th] for[th]
T: 4,23 And resoun wi[th] hym rit & rapi[th] hym [y]erne
T: 4,24 Ac vnwary wisdom and witty his fere
T: 4,25 ffolewide hem faste for hy hadden to done
T: 4,26 In cheker & in chaunc(er)ie to be dischargid
of [th]inges
T: 4,27 And riden faste for resoun shulde rede hem [th]e
T: 4,28 ffor to saue hemself from shame & from harm
T: 4,29 Ac consience com arst to co(ur)t be a myle wey
T: 4,30 And rombide for[th] wi[th] resoun ri[gh]t to [th]e
T: 4,31 Curteisliche [th]e king [th]anne com in to resoun
T: 4,32 And betwyn hymself & his sone sette hym a benche
T: 4,33 And wordiden a gret while wel wisly togid(er)e
T: 4,34 [Th]anne com pes into [th]e p(ar)lement & putte
vp a bille
T: 4,35 How wrong a[gh]en his wil hadde his wyf take
T: 4,36 And how he rauisshide rose reynaldis loue
T: 4,37 And marg(er)ete of hire maydenhed maugre hire chekis
T: 4,38 Bo[th]e my gees & my gris hise gadelynges fecchen
T: 4,39 I dar not for fer of hym fi[gh]te ne chide
T: 4,40 He borewide of me bayard & brou[gh]te hi(m) neu(er)e
T: 4,41 Ne no fer[th]ing [th](er)fore for nou[gh]t I cou[th]e
T: 4,42 He maynteni[th] his men to m(ur)[th]re myne hynen
T: 4,43 fforstalli[th] my feiris fi[gh]te[th] in my chepyng
T: 4,44 Breki[th] vp my berne doris beri[th] awey my whete
T: 4,45 And taki[th] me but a taile for ten quart(er)is otis
fol. xxxiij-v
T: 4,46 And [y]et he beti[th] me [th](er)to & li[th] be
my maiden
T: 4,47 And I am not hardy vnne[th]e on hym to loke
T: 4,48 [Th]o kneu[gh] [th]e king he seide so[th] for consience
hym tolde
T: 4,49 Wrong was aferd [th]o & wisdom he sou[gh]te
T: 4,50 To make his pes w(i)t(h) his panis & p(ro)fride
hym manye
T: 4,51 And seide hadde I loue of my lord [th]e king litel
wolde I recche
T: 4,52 [Th]ei[gh] pees & his power pleynide hem eu(er)e
T: 4,53 Wysdom wan to [th]o & so dede wyt also
T: 4,54 ffor [th](a)t wrong hadde wrou[gh]t so wykkide a
T: 4,55 And warnide wrong [th]o wi[th] suche a wys tale
T: 4,56 Whoso werchi[th] be wil wra[th][th]e maki[th] ofte
T: 4,57 I sey it be myself [th]ou shalt it sone fynde
T: 4,58 But [y]if mede it make meschief is vppe
T: 4,59 ffor bo[th]e [th]i lyf & [th]i lond li[th] in
his g(ra)ce
T: 4,60 Wrong [th]anne on wysdom wepi[th] hym to helpe
T: 4,61 ffor of hise penys he p(ro)ffride handy dandy to
T: 4,62 [Th]anne wisdom & wyt wente togid(er)e
T: 4,63 And tok mede wi[th] hem m(er)cy to wynne
T: 4,64 Pees putte hym for[th] his heued & his panne
T: 4,65 Wi[th]oute gilt god wot gat I [th]is ska[th]e
T: 4,66 Consience & [th]e king kneu[gh] wel [th]e so[th]e
T: 4,67 And wisten wel [th](a)t wrong was a shrewe eu(er)e
T: 4,68 Ac wisdom & wyt were aboute faste
T: 4,69 To ou(er)come [th]e king wi[th] catel [y]if [th]ei
T: 4,70 [Th]e king swor be crist & be his croune bo[th]e
T: 4,71 --- this line om ---
T: 4,72 --- this line om ---
T: 4,73 He shulde not [th]is seue [y]er se hise feet ones
T: 4,74 God wot qua[th] wysdom [th]at were not [th]e beste
T: 4,75 And he amendis mowe make let Maynprise hym haue
T: 4,76 And be borugh for his bale & bringen hym bote
T: 4,77 Amende [th](a)t he mysdede & eu(er)emore [th]e
T: 4,78 Wyt accordi[th] [th](er)ewi[th] & seide [th]e
T: 4,79 Bet(er)e is [th](a)t boote bale adoun bringe
T: 4,80 [Th]anne bale be bet & bote neu(er)e [th]e bet(er)e
T: 4,81 [Th]anne gan mede to meke hire & m(er)cy besou[gh]te
T: 4,82 And p(ro)fride pees a p(re)saunt al of purid gold
T: 4,83 Haue [th]is of me man q(ua)[th] heo to amende [th]i
T: 4,84 ffor I wile wage for wrong he shal do so no more
T: 4,85 Pees [th]anne pitousliche p(re)yede to [th]e king
T: 4,86 To haue m(er)cy on [th](a)t man [th](a)t mysdede
hym ofte
T: 4,87 ffor he ha[th] wagid me wel as wysdom hym tau[gh]te
T: 4,88 I forgyue hym [th]e gilt wi[th] a good wille
T: 4,89 So [y]e assente [th](er)to I can sey no more
T: 4,90 ffor mede ha[th] mad my mendis I may no more axen
fol. xxxiiij-r
T: 4,91 Nay qua[th] [th]e king so god [y]iue me blisse
T: 4,92 Wrong wendi[th] not so awey er I wyte more
T: 4,93 Leep he so li[gh]tly awey lau[gh]en he wolde
T: 4,94 And ofte [th]e bold(er)e to be to bete myn hynen
T: 4,95 But resou(n) haue reu[th]e on hym he shal reste hym
in [th]e stokkis
T: 4,96 As longe as I lyue but more loue it make
T: 4,97 Su(m)me men redde resoun to haue reu[th]e on [th](a)t
T: 4,98 And to counseile [th]e king & consience bo[th]e
T: 4,99 [Th](a)t mede muste be meynp(er)no(ur) resoun [th]ei
T: 4,100 Rede me not qua[th] resoun no reu[th]e to haue
T: 4,101 Til lordis & ladies louen alle treu[th]e
T: 4,102 And p(er)nelis purfile be put in hire hucche
T: 4,103 Til childris cherisshing be chastisid w(i)t(h) [y]erdis
T: 4,104 And harlotis holynesse be holde for an hyne
T: 4,105 Til clerkis & kni[gh]tes be curteis of here
T: 4,106 And haten h(er)e harlot(ri)e oth(er) mou[th]e it
w(i)t(h) tungis
T: 4,107 Til p(re)stis here p(re)chyng p(re)ue it hemselue
T: 4,108 And do it in dede to drawe vs to goode
T: 4,109 Til seint Iame be sou[gh]t [th](er)e I shal assigne
T: 4,110 [Th]at no man go to galis but [y]if he go for eu(er)e
T: 4,111 And alle [th]e rome renn(er)is for robberis of be[gh]onde
T: 4,112 Bere no silu(er) ou(er) se [th](a)t signe of king
T: 4,113 Nei[th](er) grotis ne gold yg(ra)ue wi[th] kynges
T: 4,114 Vpe forfait(ur)e of [th](a)t fe who fynt hym do
T: 4,115 But it be march(a)unt o[th](er) his man o[th](er)
messang(er)is w(i)t(h) l(ett)res
T: 4,116 O[th](er) p(ro)uiso(ur) or p(re)st [th](a)t [th]e
pope au(au)nci[th]
T: 4,117 And [y]et qua[th] resoun be [th]e rode I shal no
reu[th]e haue
T: 4,118 Whil mede ha[th] [th]e maistrie to mo in [th]is
T: 4,119 Ac I may shewe ensaumplis as I se forso[th]e
T: 4,120 I sei[gh]e it he myself & it so were
T: 4,121 [Th]at I were king wi[th] croune to kepe a reaume
T: 4,122 Shulde neu(er)e wrong in [th]is world [th](a)t I
wyte mi[gh]te
T: 4,123 Be vnpunisshit at my power for p(er)il of my soule
T: 4,124 Ne gete my g(ra)ce [th]oru[gh] giftes so me god
T: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)cy but meknesse it made
T: 4,126 ffor { nullum malum } he may mete w(i)t(h) {Inpunitum}
T: 4,127 And bad {Nullum malum irremun(er)atum}
T: 4,128 Let [th]i confessour sire king construe it [th]e
on englissh
T: 4,129 And [y]if [th]ou werche [th]is werk I wedde myne
T: 4,130 [Th]at lawe shal ben a labo(ur)er & lede afeld
T: 4,131 And loue shal lede [th]i land as [th]e lef like[th]
T: 4,132 Clerkis [th]at wern confesso(ur)s couplide hem togid(er)is
T: 4,133 ffor to construe [th]is clause declynede faste
T: 4,134 Ac resoun among [th]ise renkis reherside [th]ise
fol. xxxiiij-v
T: 4,135 [Th](er)e nas no man in [th]e mothalle more ne lesse
T: 4,136 [Th]at he ne held resoun a maist(er) & mede
a muche wrecche
T: 4,137 Loue let of hire li[gh]t & lou[gh] hire to scorne
T: 4,138 And seide it so loude [th]at so[th]nesse it herde
T: 4,139 Whoso wilne[th] hire to wyue for wel[th]e of hire
T: 4,140 But he be cokewald ycald kitte of my nose
T: 4,141 Warne wisdom [th]o ne no wit his fere
T: 4,142 Cou[th]e nou[gh]t warpen a word to wi[th]sigge resoun
T: 4,143 But staring & stodyenge stoden as bestis
T: 4,144 [Th]e king acordite be crist to resonis sawis
T: 4,145 And reherside [th](a)t resoun ri[gh]tfulliche shewide
T: 4,146 Ac it is wel hard be myn hed herto to b(ri)nge it
T: 4,147 And alle my lige ledis to lede hem [th]us euene
T: 4,148 Be hym [th]at dei[gh]ede on [th]e rode q(ua)[th]
resoun to [th]e king
T: 4,149 But [y]if I reule [th]us [th]i reaum rend out my
T: 4,150 [Y]if it be [th](a)t buxumnesse be at myn assent
T: 4,151 And I assente qua[th] [th]e king be seinte marie
my lady
T: 4,152 Be my counseil ycome of clerkes and Erlis
T: 4,153 Ac redily resoun [th]ou shalt not wende henne
T: 4,154 ffor as longe as I lyue loue [th]e I wile
T: 4,155 I am redy q(ua)[th] resoun to reste wi[th] [y]ow
T: 4,156 So consience be of [y]o(ur) counseil kepe I no bet(er)e
T: 4,157 I g(ra)unte q(ua)[th] [th]e king godis forbode he
T: 4,158 As longe as I lyue libbe we togid(er)is
Passus quint(us) de visione
T: 5,1 [Th]e king & kni[gh]tes to [th]e chirche wente
T: 5,2 To here matynes & masse and to [th]e mete aftir
T: 5,3 [Th]anne wakide I of my wynkyng & wo was wi[th]alle
T: 5,4 [Th]at I ne hadde yslepe sadd(er)e & yseyn more
T: 5,5 Er I hadde faren a furlong feyntise me hadde
T: 5,6 [Th]at I ne mi[gh]te fer[th](er)e a fote for defaute
of slepyng
T: 5,7 I sat softely in my bedis & seide my beleue
T: 5,8 And so I babelide on my bedis [th]ei brou[gh]te me
T: 5,9 [Th]anne sau[gh] I meke more [th]an I before tolde
T: 5,10 --- this line om ---
T: 5,11 And consience wi[th] a cros com for to p(re)che
T: 5,12 And p(re)yede [th]e peple haue pite on hemselue
T: 5,13 And p(ro)uide [th]at [th]ise pestilences wern for
pur synne
T: 5,14 And [th]e southwestryne wynd on satirday at eue
T: 5,15 Was ap(er)tly for pride & for no poynt ellis
T: 5,16 Piries & plantes wern put to [th]e er[th]e
T: 5,17 In ensaumple sent god [th](a)t [y]e shulde do [th]e
T: 5,18 Bechis & broode okis wern blowen to grounde
T: 5,19 And turnide vpward here tail in toknyng of drede
T: 5,20 [Th]at dedly synne er domisday shal fordon hem alle
fol. xxxv-r
T: 5,21 Of [th]is mater I mi[gh]te mamele wel longe
T: 5,22 Ac I shal sei[gh]e as I sai[gh] so me god helpe
T: 5,23 How consience wi[th] a cros cumside to p(re)che
T: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) go werche what he best cou[th]e
T: 5,25 And wynne [th](a)t he wastide wi[th] sum man(er)
T: 5,26 And p(re)yede p(er)nel hire purfil to leue
T: 5,27 And kepte it in hire coffre for catel at nede
T: 5,28 Thom as he tau[gh]te to take two staues
T: 5,29 And fecche felis his wyf fro wyuene pyne
T: 5,30 He warnide watte his wyf was to blame
T: 5,31 [Th](a)t hire hed was wor[th] a mark & his hod
not wor[th] a grote
T: 5,32 He chargide chapmen to chastice here children
T: 5,33 Let no wynnyng forwanye hem whiles [th]ei ben [y]onge
T: 5,34 He p(re)chi[th] p(re)latis & p(re)stis togid(er)e
T: 5,35 [Th]at [th]ei p(re)che [th]e peple & p(ro)ue
it hemselue
T: 5,36 And libbe as [y]e lere vs we wile leue [y]ow [th]e
T: 5,37 And si[th][th]e he redde religioun here reweles to
T: 5,38 Lest [th]e king & his counseil [y]o(ur) comunes
T: 5,39 And be steward of [y]oure stede til [y]e be stewid
T: 5,40 And [y]e [th](a)t seke seint Iame & seintes at
T: 5,41 Seki[th] at hom seint treu[th]e for he may saue [y](o)u
T: 5,42 {Qui cum patre & filio} ffaire mote [y]ow befalle
T: 5,43 [Th]anne repentaunce reh(er)side his teme
T: 5,44 And made wil to wepe watir wi[th] his ei[gh]en
T: 5,45 P(er)nel proud herte plat hire to [th]e er[th]e
T: 5,46 And lay longe er heo lokide vp & lord m(er)cy
T: 5,47 And behi[gh]te to hym [th](a)t vs alle made
T: 5,48 Heo shulde vnsewe hire serke & sette [th](er)e
an heire
T: 5,49 ffor to affaiten hire flessh [th](a)t fers was to
T: 5,50 Shal neu(er)e hei[gh] herte me hente but holde me
T: 5,51 And suffre to be misseid & so dide I neu(er)e
T: 5,52 But now wile I meke me & m(er)cy beseke
T: 5,53 Of alle [th](a)t I haue had enuye in myn herte
T: 5,54 Leccho(ur) seide allas & to oure lady criede
T: 5,55 To make m(er)cy for his mysdede betwyn god & hym
T: 5,56 Wi[th] [th](a)t he [th]e satirday seue [y]er [th](er)aftir
T: 5,57 Shulde drinke but wi[th] [th]e doke & dyne but
T: 5,58 Enuye wi[th] heuy herte askide aftir shrift
T: 5,59 And carfulliche his cope begynne[th] he to shewe
T: 5,60 He was as pale as a palet on [th]e palesie he semide
T: 5,61 He was clo[th]id in a caurymaury I can it nou[gh]t
T: 5,62 A kertil & a courtepy a knyf be his side
T: 5,63 Of a ffreris frokke were [th]e foresleuys
fol. xxxv-v
T: 5,64 As a lek [th](a)t hadde leyn longe in [th]e sonne
T: 5,65 So lokide he wi[th] lene chekis lourande foule
T: 5,66 His body was bolnid for wro[th] [th](a)t he bot his
T: 5,67 And wro[th]liche he wro[th] his fest to wreke hym
he [th]ou[gh]te
T: 5,68 Wi[th] werkis & wordis whanne he sai[gh] his
T: 5,69 Venym & v(er)ious or vynegre I trowe
T: 5,70 Walewi[th] in my wombe & waxi[th] as I wene
T: 5,71 I mi[gh]te not many day do as a man mi[gh]te
T: 5,72 Such wynd in my wombe wexi[th] er I dyne
T: 5,73 I haue a nei[gh]ebo(ur) nei[gh] me I haue noi[gh]ed
hym ofte
T: 5,74 And blamide hym behynde his bak to bringe hym in
T: 5,75 To apeire hym be my power I p(ur)suide wel ofte
T: 5,76 And belowen hym to lordis to don hym lese silu(er)
T: 5,77 And don hise frendis ben hise fon [th]oru[gh] my
false tunge
T: 5,78 His g(ra)ce & hise gode happis greuide me wel
T: 5,79 Betwyn hym & his meyne I haue mad wra[th][th]e
T: 5,80 Bo[th]e his lyme & his lif was lost [th]oru[gh]
my tunge
T: 5,81 Whanne I mette hym in a market [th](a)t I most hatide
T: 5,82 I hailside hym as hendely as I his frend were
T: 5,83 He is dou[gh]tiere [th]anne I I dar non harm don
T: 5,84 Ac hadde I maistrie & mi[gh]t I wolde m(ur)dre
hym for eu(er)e
T: 5,85 Whanne I come to [th]e chirche & knelide to [th]e
T: 5,86 To p(re)ye for [th]e peple as [th]e prest techi[th]
T: 5,87 --- this line om ---
T: 5,88 Aftir [th]anne I cri[y]e on my knes [th](a)t crist
gyue hym sorewe
T: 5,89 [Th](a)t bar awey my bolle & my broken shete
T: 5,90 ffro [th]e auter myn ei[gh] I turne & beholde
T: 5,91 How heyne ha[th] a newe cote I wysshe it were myn
T: 5,92 --- run together with preceding ---
T: 5,93 And of his lesing I lau[gh]e [th](er)on in myn herte
T: 5,94 Ac of his wynnyng I wepe and weile [th]e tyme
T: 5,95 I deme men [th](er)e [th]ei don ille & [y]et
I do wers
T: 5,96 I wolde [th](a)t iche wi[gh]t were my knaue
T: 5,97 And whoso ha[th] more [th]anne I [th](a)t angri[th]
myn herte
T: 5,98 [Th]us I lyue loueles as a ly[th](er) dogge
T: 5,99 And al my brest bolni[th] for bittir of my galle
T: 5,100 May no sugre ne swet [th]ing swage it an vnche
T: 5,101 Ne no dyapendyon dryue it fro myn herte
T: 5,102 [Y]if [th](a)t shrift shulde it shop a gret wondir
T: 5,103 [Y]is redily qua[th] repentannce & redde hym
to goode
T: 5,104 Sorewe for synnes saui[th] wel manye
T: 5,105 I am sory q(ua)[th] enuye I am but selde o[th](er)e
T: 5,106 And [th](a)t maki[th] me so mad for I ne may me
T: 5,107 [Th]anne com coueitise I can hym nou[gh]t descryue
T: 5,108 So hungirly & holewe sire heruy hym lokide
T: 5,109 He was bittirbrowid & babirlippid bo[th]e
fol. xxxvi-r
T: 5,110 Wi[th] two bleride ei[gh]en as a li[th](er)ene purs
lollide his chekis
T: 5,111 In a torn tabbard of twelue wynt(er) age
T: 5,112 But [y]if a lous cou[th]e lepe I may it nou[gh]t
T: 5,113 He shulde wandre on [th](a)t walsshe scarlet so
was it [th]redbare
T: 5,114 I haue ylouid coueitise qua[th] he al my lif tyme
T: 5,115 I knowe hire for sum tyme I s(er)uide symme at [th]e
T: 5,116 And was his p(re)ntis ypli[gh]t his p(ro)fit to
T: 5,117 fferst I lernide to lei[gh]e a lef o[th](er) twei[gh]e
T: 5,118 Wykkidly to wei[gh]e was my ferste lessou(n)
T: 5,119 To wynchestre & to wy I was sent to [th]e feire
T: 5,120 Wi[th] many man(er) of marchaundise as my maist(er)
me hi[gh]te
T: 5,121 Ne hadde g(ra)ce of gile gon among my ware
T: 5,122 It hadde be vnsold [th]is seue [y]er so me god helpe
T: 5,123 [Th]anne drou[gh] I me among drap(er)s my donet
to lere
T: 5,124 To drawe [th]e list along [th]e leng(er)e it semide
T: 5,125 Among [th]e riche rayes I rendrit a lessoun
T: 5,126 Brochide hem wi[th] a pakke nedle & pleit hem
T: 5,127 Putte hem in a p(re)sso(ur) & pynnede hem [th](er)einne
T: 5,128 Til ten [y]ardis o[th](er) twelue tollide out [th]rittene
T: 5,129 My wyf was a wynst(er)e & wollene clo[th] made
T: 5,130 And spak to [th]e spynst(er)e to spynnen it softe
T: 5,131 [Th]e pound [th](a)t heo weid by peisid a quart(er)
T: 5,132 [Th]anne any aunsel dede & I wei[gh]ede trewe[th]e
T: 5,133 I bou[gh]te hire barly heo breu[gh] it to selle
T: 5,134 Penyale & pilewhey heo pouride togid(er)e
T: 5,135 ffor labo(ur)eris & lou[gh] folk [th](a)t lay
be hemselue
T: 5,136 [Th]e beste in my bedchaumbre lay be [th]e wou[gh]
T: 5,137 And whoso bu(m)mide [th](er)of bou[gh]te it [th](er)eaftir
T: 5,138 A galoun for a grote god wot no lasse
T: 5,139 Whanne it com in cuppemel [th](a)t craft my wyf
T: 5,140 Rose [th]e reg(ra)to(ur) was hire ri[gh]te name
T: 5,141 Sheo ha[th] yholde huxt(er)ie elleuene wynt(er)
T: 5,142 Ac I swere now so[th]ly [th]at synne shal I lete
T: 5,143 Ne neu(er)e wykkidly wei[gh]e ne wykkide chaffare
T: 5,144 But wende to walsyngh(a)m & my wyf alse
T: 5,145 And bidde [th]e rode of bromholm bringe me out of
T: 5,146 Now begynne[th] glotoun for to shrift
T: 5,147 And cariede hym to chircheward hise synnes to shewe
T: 5,148 And Betou(n) [th]e breust(er)e [th](er)e bad he
good morewe
T: 5,149 And heo askide of hym whidirward he wolde
T: 5,150 To holy chirche qua[th] he for to here masse
T: 5,151 And si[th]en I wile be shriuen & synne no more
T: 5,152 I haue good ale gossib q(ua)[th] heo glotou(n) wilt
[th](o)u assaie
T: 5,153 Hast [th](o)u qua[th] he any hote spices
T: 5,154 [Y]a glotoun gossib qua[th] heo god wot wel hote
fol. xxxvi-v
T: 5,155 I haue pepir & peynye & a pound of garlek
T: 5,156 And a pound of felkene sedis for fastyng dayes
T: 5,157 [Th]anne go[th] in glotou(n) and grete o[th]is aftir
T: 5,158 Cisse [th]e sout(er)e sat on [th]e bench
T: 5,159 Watte [th]e waffrer & his wyf bo[th]e
T: 5,160 Symme [th]e tynkere & tweyne of his knaues
T: 5,161 Hikke [th]e hakeneyman & hogge [th]e myllere
T: 5,162 Claris of cokkislane & [th]e clerk of [th]e
T: 5,163 Dawe [th]e dykere & a dus[gh]eyn o[th](er)e
T: 5,164 A ribibo(ur) a raton(er) & a rakiere of chepe
T: 5,165 A rop(er)e a redyngking & rose [th]e disshere
T: 5,166 Of vphold(er)is an hep erliche be [th]e morewe
T: 5,167 Yeue glotoun wi[th] glad chiere good ale to hansele
T: 5,168 Clement [th]e cobeler cast of his cloke
T: 5,169 And at [th]e newe feire nempnide it to selle
T: 5,170 Hikke [th]e hostiler hitte his hood aftir
T: 5,171 And bed bette [th]e bocher be on his side
T: 5,172 [Th](er)e were chapmen chosen [th](a)t chaffare
to p(re)ise
T: 5,173 Whoso hadde [th]e hood shulde haue amendis of [th]e
T: 5,174 [Th]o risen [th]ei vp in a rape & rombeden togid(er)is
T: 5,175 And p(re)isiden [th]e peneworthis ap(er)tly be hemseluen
T: 5,176 [Th](er)e were o[th]es an hep [th]anne [th]ei ne
T: 5,177 Be here consience acorden togid(er)e
T: 5,178 Til robyn [th]e rop(er)e was red to arisen
T: 5,179 And nempnide hym for a noump(er)e [th](a)t no debate
T: 5,180 Hikke [th]e hostiller [th]anne hadde [th]e cloke
T: 5,181 In couen(au)nt [th](a)t clement the coup(er)e shulde
felle [th]e cuppe
T: 5,182 And haue hikkes hood [th]e hostiller & holde
hym ys(er)uid
T: 5,183 And whoso repenti[th] ra[th]est shulde rise aftir
T: 5,184 And grete sire glotoun wi[th] a galoun ale
T: 5,185 [Th](er)e was lau[gh]ing & louryng & lete
go [th]e cuppe
T: 5,186 Bargoynes & beu(er)echis begonne for to arise
T: 5,187 And seten so til euesong & songe sumwhile
T: 5,188 Til glotoun hadde yglupid a galoun & a gille
T: 5,189 He pisside a potel in a {pat(er)nost(er)} while
T: 5,190 And bleu[gh] [th]e rounde ryuet at [th]e riggebones
T: 5,191 And alle [th](a)t herden [th]at horn held h(er)e
nose aftir
T: 5,192 And wisshide it hadde be wexid wi[th] a wysp of
T: 5,193 He hadde no streng[th]e to stonde er he his staf
T: 5,194 And [th]anne gan he to go sum tyme asid & sum
tyme arere
T: 5,195 --- run together with preceding ---
T: 5,196 As whoso leide lynes to lacche wi[th] larkes
T: 5,197 Whanne he drou[gh] to [th]e dore [th]anne dymmede
hise ei[gh]en
T: 5,198 He stumblide on [th]e [th]resshewold & fel to
[th]e er[th]e
fol. xxxvij-r
T: 5,199 [Th]at wi[th] al [th]e wo of [th]e world his wyf & his
T: 5,200 Bere hym to his bed & brou[gh]te hym [th](er)inne
T: 5,201 And aftir al [th]is surfet an axesse he hadde
T: 5,202 [Th]at he slepte satirday & sonneday til sonne
[y]ede to reste
T: 5,203 [Th]anne wakide he of his wynkyng & wypide his
T: 5,204 [Th]e ferste woord [th](a)t he spak was where is
[th]e bolle
T: 5,205 His wyf blamide hym [th]anne of wykkidnesse & synne
T: 5,206 [Th]anne was [th](a)t shrewe asshamide & shrapide
hise eris
T: 5,207 And gan grete grymly & gret doel made
T: 5,208 ffor his li[th](er) lif [th](a)t he lyued hadde
T: 5,209 And auowide to faste for any hungir or [th]rist
T: 5,210 Shal neu(er)e fissh on [th]e ffriday defie in my
T: 5,211 Er abstinence myn aunte haue ygyue me leue
T: 5,212 And [y]et haue I hatid hire al my lif tyme
T: 5,213 Sleu[th]e for sorewe fil doun a swowe
T: 5,214 Til {Vigilate} [th](er) while fet watir to his ei[gh]en
T: 5,215 And flattide it on his face & faste on hi(m)
T: 5,216 And seide war [th]e for wanhope wile [th]e betraye
T: 5,217 I am sory for my synne sey to [th]iseluen
T: 5,218 And beet [th]iself on [th]e brest & bidde hym
of g(ra)ce
T: 5,219 ffor is no gilt here so gret [th](a)t his goodnesse
nis more
T: 5,220 [Th]anne sat sleu[th]e vp & seynide hym faste
T: 5,221 And made auowe tofore god for his foule slou[th]e
T: 5,222 Shal no sonneday be [th]is seue [y]er but seknesse
it make
T: 5,223 [Th]at I ne shal do me er day to the dere chirche
T: 5,224 And here masse & matynes as I a monk were
T: 5,225 Shal non ale aftir mete holde me [th]ennis
T: 5,226 Til I haue euesong herd I behote [th]e rode
T: 5,227 And [y]et wile I [y]elde a[gh]en [y]if I so muchel
T: 5,228 Al [th]at I wykkidly wan si[th]en I wyt hadde
T: 5,229 [Th]ei[gh] my liflode lakke leten I nille
T: 5,230 [Th](a)t iche a man shal haue his er I hennis wende
T: 5,231 And wi[th] [th]e residue & the remen(au)nt be
[th]e roode of chestre
T: 5,232 I wile seke treu[th]e er I seke rome
T: 5,233 Robert [th]e robbo(ur) on {reddite} lokide
T: 5,234 Ac for [th](er)e was nou[gh]t wherew(i)t(h) he wepte
swi[th]e sore
T: 5,235 And [y]et [th]e synful shrewe seide to hymselue
T: 5,236 Crist [th](a)t on caluarie vpon [th]e rode di[gh]edist
T: 5,237 [Th]o dismas my bro[th](er) besou[gh]te [th]e of
T: 5,238 And [th]ou haddist m(er)cy on [th](a)t man for {memento}
T: 5,239 [Th]i wil werche vpon me as I haue wel des(er)uid
T: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e [y]if [th](a)t hope nere
T: 5,241 So rewe on [th]is robert [th](a)t red non ne haue
T: 5,242 Ne neu(er)e weni[th] to wynne wi[th] craft [th](a)t
he knowi[th]
fol. xxxvij-v
T: 5,243 But for [th]i muchel m(er)cy mytygac(i)ou(n) I beseche
T: 5,244 Dampne me nou[gh]t at domisday for [th](a)t I dede
so ille
T: 5,245 Ac what befel of [th]is feloun I can not faire shewe
T: 5,246 Wel I woot he wep faste watir wi[th] his ei[gh]en
T: 5,247 And knowelechide his gilt to crist [y]et eftsones
T: 5,248 [Th](a)t {penitencia} his pik he shulde pulsshe
T: 5,249 And lepe w(i)t(h) hym ou(er) lond al his lif tyme
T: 5,250 ffor he hadde lei[y]e be {latro} luciferis hyne
T: 5,251 And [th]ousand of men [th]e throng togid(er)is
T: 5,252 Wepynge & weylyng for here wykkide dedis
T: 5,253 Criede vpward to crist & to his dere modir
T: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to seke treu[th]e god leue [th](a)t
hy moten
Passus sextus de visione vt prius
T: 6,1 Ac [th](er)e was fewe men so wys [th](a)t [th]ei [th]id(er)
T: 6,2 But blustrid for[th] as bestis ou(er) valeis & hilles
T: 6,3 Til late & longe [th](a)t hy a lede mette
T: 6,4 Ap(ar)ailid as a paynym in pilgrim wyse
T: 6,5 He bar a burdoun ybounde wi[th] a brood list
T: 6,6 In a way wendis wyse he bond hym aboute
T: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle he bar be his side
T: 6,8 An hundrit of ampollis on his hat seten
T: 6,9 Signes of synay & shilles of galis
T: 6,10 And many crouch in his cloke & kei[gh]es of rome
T: 6,11 And [th]e v(er)nicle beforn for men shulde knowe
T: 6,12 And sen be his signes whom he sou[gh]t hadde
T: 6,13 [Th]is folk fraynide hym faire whenis [th](a)t he
T: 6,14 ffro synay he seide & fro [th]e sepulcre
T: 6,15 At bedlem at babiloyne I haue ben in bo[th]e
T: 6,16 In armonye in alisaundre in manye o[th](er)e places
T: 6,17 [Y]e mowe se be my signes [th](a)t sitten on myn
T: 6,18 [Th]at I haue walkid wel wide in wet & in dri[gh]e
T: 6,19 And sou[gh]t goode seintes for my soule hele
T: 6,20 Knowist [th]ou ou[gh]t a corseint q(ua)[th] [th]ei
[th](a)t men callen treu[th]e
T: 6,21 Canst [th](o)u wisse vs [th]e wey where [th](a)t
wy dwelli[th]
T: 6,22 Nay so god more me helpe seide [th]e man [th]anne
T: 6,23 I sau[gh] neu(er)e palm(er)e wi[th] pik ne wi[th]
T: 6,24 Axen aftir hym er now in [th]is place
T: 6,25 Petir qua[th] a plou[gh]man and putte for[th] his
T: 6,26 I knowe hym as kyndely as clerk do[th] his bokis
T: 6,27 Clene consience & wyt kende me to his place
T: 6,28 And dede me to sure hym to s(er)ue hym for eu(er)e
T: 6,29 Bo[th]e sowe his seed while I swynke mi[gh]te
fol. xxxviij-r
T: 6,30 I haue ben his folewere al [th]is fourty wynt(er)
T: 6,31 Bo[th]e sowen his seed & sewide hise bestis
T: 6,32 And kepide his corn & cariede it to house
T: 6,33 Dyken & deluen & do what he hi[gh]te
T: 6,34 Wi[th]inne & wi[th]oute waytide his p(ro)fit
T: 6,35 [Th](er)e is no labo(ur)er in his lordsshipe [th](a)t
he loui[th] bet(er)
T: 6,36 ffor [th]ei[gh] I sey it myself I s(er)ue hym to
T: 6,37 And haue myn here of hym & o[th](er)while more
T: 6,38 He is [th]e presteste payere [th](a)t pore men knowen
T: 6,39 He ne halt non hyne his hire [th](a)t he ne ha[th]
it at eue
T: 6,40 He is as lou[gh] as a lomb & loueliche of speche
T: 6,41 And [y]if [y]e wilne[th] to wyte where [th](a)t wy
T: 6,42 I shal wisse [y]ow wel [th]e ri[gh]t way to his place
T: 6,43 [Y]a leue piers qua[th] [th]e pilg(r)imes & p(ro)fride
hym hire
T: 6,44 Nay be [th]e p(er)il of my soule qua[th] piers & gan
to swere
T: 6,45 I nolde fonge a fer[th]ing for seint Thomas shryne
T: 6,46 ffor treu[th]e wolde loue me [th]e wers a long tyme
T: 6,47 Ac [y]e [th](a)t wilne[th] to wende [th]is is [th]e
weye [th]ider
T: 6,48 [Y]e mote go [th]oru[gh] meknesse bo[th]e men & wyues
T: 6,49 Til [y]e come into consience [th](a)t crist wyte
[th]e so[th]e
T: 6,50 [Th](a)t [y]e loue hym leu(er)e [th]anne [th]e lif
in [y]oure hertis
T: 6,51 And [th]anne [y]o(ur)e nei[gh]ebo(ur)s next in none
wise apeiri[th]
T: 6,52 O[th](er)wise [th]anne [th](o)u woldist men wrou[gh]te
to [th]iselue
T: 6,53 And so bou[gh] for[th] be a bank be buxum of speche
T: 6,54 fforto [y]e fynden a foor[th]e [y]o(ur)e fadris hono(ur)i[th]
T: 6,55 Wadi[th] in [th](a)t watir & wasshi[th] [y]ow
wel [th](er)e
T: 6,56 And [y]e shuln lepe [th]e li[gh]tliere al [y]o(ur)e
lif tyme
T: 6,57 So shalt [th](o)u se swere nou[gh]t but it be for
T: 6,58 A nameliche an ydel [th]e name of god almi[gh]t
T: 6,59 [Th]anne shalt [th]ou come be a croft ac come [th](o)u
nou[gh]t [th](er)einne
T: 6,60 [Th]at croft hatti[th] coueite nou[gh]t menis catel
ne h(er)e wyues
T: 6,61 Ne none of h(er)e s(er)uauntis [th](a)t noi[gh]e
hem mi[gh]te
T: 6,62 Loke [th](o)u breke no bowis [th](er)e but it be
[th]in owene
T: 6,63 Two stokkis [th](er)e stonde but stynte [th](o)u
not [th](er)e
T: 6,64 [Th]ei hote stele nou[gh]t ne sle nou[gh]t but strik
for[th] be bo[th]e
T: 6,65 Leue hem on [th]i left half & loke nou[gh]t [th](er)eaftir
T: 6,66 And hold wel [th]in haliday hei[gh] til [th]e euen
T: 6,67 [Th]anne shalt [th]ou blenche at a bo(ur)ne bere
no fals wytnesse
T: 6,68 He is frettid in wi[th] ffloreynes & o[th](er)e
flouris manye
T: 6,69 And loke [th](o)u plukke no plantis [th](er)e for
p(er)il of [th]i soule
T: 6,70 And [th]anne shalt [th](o)u sey so[th] so it be to
T: 6,71 Loke [th](a)t [th](o)u lei[gh]e nou[gh]t for no manis
T: 6,72 [Th]anne shalt [th](o)u come to a co(ur)t cler as
[th]e sonne
T: 6,73 [Th]e mot is of m(er)cy [th]e Maner al aboute
T: 6,74 And alle [th]e wallis ben of wyt to holde wil [th](er)oute
fol. xxxviij-v
T: 6,75 [Th]e kirnelis ben of cristendom [th](a)t kynde to
T: 6,76 And bot(er)asid wi[th] beleue o[th](er) [th]ou worst
not sauid
T: 6,77 Alle [th]e housis ben helid hallis & chaumbris
T: 6,78 Wi[th] no led but loue & lou[gh]nesse as bre[th](er)en
of o wombe
T: 6,79 [Th]e tour [th](er)e treu[th]e is hymself is vp to
[th]e sonne
T: 6,80 He may do wi[th] [th]e day sterre what hym dere liki[th]
T: 6,81 De[th] dar not do [th]ing [th](a)t he defendi[th]
T: 6,82 Grace hatti[th] [th]e poster a good man forso[th]e
T: 6,83 His man hatti[th] amende [y]ow for many man he knowi[th]
T: 6,84 Tel hym [th]is tokne treu[th]e wot [th]e so[th]e
T: 6,85 I p(er)fo(ur)mde [th]e pen(au)nce [th]e prest me
T: 6,86 And am sory for my synnes & so shal I eu(er)e
T: 6,87 Whanne I [th]enke [th](er)eon [th]ei[gh] I were a
T: 6,88 Biddi[th] amende [y]ow meke hym to his maist(er)
T: 6,89 Ones to weue out [th]e wyket [th]at he w(i)t(h) shette
T: 6,90 [Th]o Ad(a)m & Eue eten here bane
T: 6,91 ffor he ha[th] [th]e kei[gh]es & [th]e cliket
[th]ei[gh] [th]e king slepe
T: 6,92 And [y]if g(ra)ce g(ra)unte [th]e to gon in [th]is
T: 6,93 [Th]ou shalt se treu[th]e hi(m)self wel sitte in
[th]in herte
T: 6,94 And lere [th]e for to loue & hise lawes holden
T: 6,95 Ac be war [th]anne of wra[th][th]e [th]at wykkide
T: 6,96 ffor he ha[th] enuye to hym [th]at in [th]in herte
T: 6,97 And poki[th] [th]e for pride to preise [th]iselue
T: 6,98 [Th]e boldnesse of [th]i bienfait maki[th] [th]e
blynd [th]anne
T: 6,99 And so worst [th]ou dryuen out as dew & [th]e
dore closid
T: 6,100 Ikei[gh]id & ycliket to kepe [th]e [th](er)oute
T: 6,101 Happily an hundrit wynt(er) er [th](o)u eft entre
T: 6,102 [Th]us mi[gh]t [th]ou lese his loue to lete wel
be [th]iselue
T: 6,103 And geten it a[y]en [th]oru[gh] g(ra)ce & [th]oru[gh]
no gift ellis
T: 6,104 Ac [th](er)e arn seuene sistris [th](a)t treu[th]e
[louf] eu(er)e
T: 6,105 And ben port(er)is to [th]e post(er)nis [th](a)t
to [th]e place longi[th]
T: 6,106 [Th](a)t on hatti[th] abstinence and meknesse ano[th](er)
T: 6,107 Charite & chastite be[th] hire chief maidenes
T: 6,108 Pacience & pees mekil folk [th]ei helpen
T: 6,109 Largenesse [th]e lady let in wel manye
T: 6,110 Ac whoso is sib to [th]is sistris so me god helpe
T: 6,111 He is wondirliche welcome & faire vndirfonge
T: 6,112 But [y]if [y]e be sibbe to su(m)me of [th]is seuene
T: 6,113 It is wel hard be myn hed any of [y]ow alle
T: 6,114 To gete ingang at any gate but g(ra)ce be [th]e
T: 6,115 Be crist q(ua)[th] a cuttepurs I ne haue no kyn
T: 6,116 Ne I q(ua)[th] an apeward be au[gh]t [th](a)t I
T: 6,117 Wyte god q(ua)[th] a waffrer wiste I [th]at forso[th]e
T: 6,118 Shulde I neu(er)e fer[th](er)e a foote for no freris
fol. xxxix-r
T: 6,119 [Y]is qua[th] peris [th]e plou[gh]man & pukide
hym to goode
T: 6,120 M(er)cy ha[th] a maiden ha[th] mi[gh]t ou(er) alle
T: 6,121 And she is sib to alle synful & hire sone alse
T: 6,122 And [th]oru[gh] [th]e helpe of hem hope [th]ou non
T: 6,123 [Th]ou mi[gh]t gete g(ra)ce so [th]ou go be tyme
Passus septim(us) & visione vt prius
T: 7,1 [Th]is were a wikkide weye but whoso hadde a gide
T: 7,2 [Th]at mi[gh]te folewe vs iche fote til [th](a)t we
were [th](er)e
T: 7,3 Qua[th] p(er)kyn [th]e plou[gh]man be seint poule
[th]e apostel
T: 7,4 I haue an half akir to ern be [th]e hei[gh]e wei[y]e
T: 7,5 Hadde y herd [th](a)t half akir so me god helpe
T: 7,6 I wolde wende wi[th] [y]ow til [y]e were [th](er)e
T: 7,7 [Th]is were a long lettyng q(ua)[th] a lady in a scleire
T: 7,8 What shulde we wo(m)men werche [th]e while
T: 7,9 Su(m)me shal sewe the sak for shedyng of [th]e whete
T: 7,10 And wyues [th](a)t han wollene werchi[th] it faste
T: 7,11 Spynne[th] it spedily spari[th] not [y]o(ur)e fyngris
T: 7,12 But [y]if it be holy day o[th](er) any holy euen
T: 7,13 Loki[th] for[th] [y]o(ur)e lynen & labo(ur)e[th]
[th](er)on faste
T: 7,14 [Th]e nedy & [th]e nakid nyme[th] hed how [th]ei
T: 7,15 Caste hem clo[th]is for cold for so wile treu[th]e
T: 7,16 ffor I shal lene hem lyflode but [y]if [th]e lond
T: 7,17 As longe as I lyue for [th]e lordis loue of heuene
T: 7,18 And [y]e loueliche ladies wi[th] [y]o(ur) louely
T: 7,19 [Th](a)t han silk & sendel sewe[th] it whanne
tyme is
T: 7,20 Chesiblis for chapell(is) chirches to honoure
T: 7,21 And alle maner of men [th](a)t be [th]e mete libbi[th]
T: 7,22 Helpi[th] hem werche wi[gh]tly [th](a)t wynne [y]o(ur)e
T: 7,23 Be crist q(ua)[th] a kni[gh]t [th]o [th]ou techist
vs [th]e beste
T: 7,24 Ac on [th]e tem trewely tau[gh]t was I neu(er)e
T: 7,25 Ac kenne me q(ua)[th] [th]e kni[gh]t & I wile
lere to eren
T: 7,26 Be seint poule q(ua)[th] p(er)kyn for [th]ou p(ro)frist
[th]e so lowe
T: 7,27 I shal swynken & sweten & sowe for vs bo[th]e
T: 7,28 Ac ek labo(ur)e for [th]i loue al my lif tyme
T: 7,29 In couen(au)nt [th](a)t [th](o)u kepe holy chirche
T: 7,30 And myself fro wasto(ur)s [th]at wolde me destroye
T: 7,31 And go hunte hardily [th]e hare & [th]e fox
T: 7,32 And [th]e boris & [th]e bukkes [th](a)t breken
myn heggis
T: 7,33 And fecche [th]e hom fauconis [th]e foulis to kille
T: 7,34 ffor [th]ise comi[th] to my croft & croppi[th]
my whete
T: 7,35 Curteisliche [th]ise kni[gh]t compsi[th] [th]ise
T: 7,36 Be my power piers I pli[gh]te [th]e my treu[th]e
T: 7,37 To fulfille [th]e foreward whiles I may stande
fol. xxxix-v
T: 7,38 [Y]a & [y]et a poynt q(ua)[th] p(er)kyn I p(re)ye
[th]e more
T: 7,39 Loke [th]ou tene no ten(au)nt but treu[th]e wile
T: 7,40 And [th]ei pore men p(ro)fre [th]e p(re)sauntis or
T: 7,41 Nyme hem nou[gh]t an aunt(er) [th](o)u mowe hem nou[gh]t
T: 7,42 ffor [th]ou shalt [y]elde it a[gh]en at one [y]eris
T: 7,43 In a wel p(er)ilous place [th](a)t p(ur)catorie hatti[th]
T: 7,44 And mysbede nou[gh]t [th]i bondemen [th]e bet shalt
[th](o)u spede
T: 7,45 And [th]at [th](o)u be trewe of tunge & talis
[th]ou hate
T: 7,46 But it be of wysdom or of wyt [th]i werkmen to chaste
T: 7,47 Holde wi[th] none harlotis ne here nou[gh]t here
T: 7,48 And nameliche at mete for suche men eschewen
T: 7,49 ffor it arn [th]e deuelis diso(ur)s I do [th]e to
T: 7,50 I assente be seint Iame seide [th]e kni[gh]t [th]anne
T: 7,51 ffor to werche be [th]i woord while my lif duri[th]
T: 7,52 And I shal app(ar)aille me q(ua)[th] p(er)kyn in
pilgrym wyse
T: 7,53 And wende wi[th] [y]ow [th]e wey til we fynde treu[th]e
T: 7,54 He caste on his clo[th]is ycloutid & hole
T: 7,55 Hise cokeris & his cuffis for cold of his nailes
T: 7,56 And heng his hoper at his hals in stede of a scrippe
T: 7,57 A busshel of breed corn brou[gh]te he [th](er)einne
T: 7,58 ffor I wile sowe it myself & si[th][th]e wile
I wende
T: 7,59 And whoso helpi[th] me to eren or any [th]ing swynke
T: 7,60 Shal haue be oure lord [th]e more here in heruist
T: 7,61 And make hym m(er)y wi[th] [th]e corn whoso it begrucchi[th]
T: 7,62 And alle kyne crafty men [th](a)t conne lyue in treu[th]e
T: 7,63 I shal fynde hem foode [th](a)t feithfulliche libbe[th]
T: 7,64 Saue Iakke [th]e Iugelo(ur) & Ionete of [th]e
T: 7,65 And robyn [th]e ribaudo(ur) for hise rusty woordis
T: 7,66 Treu[th]e tolde me ones & bad me telle it for[th]
T: 7,67 {Deleant(ur) de libro } I ne shulde not dele wi[th]
T: 7,68 ffor holy chirche is holden of hem no ti[th]es to
T: 7,68a { Et cum iustis non scribant(ur)}
T: 7,69 [Th]ei arn askapid good auntir now god hem amende
T: 7,70 Dame werche whanne tyme is piers wyf hatte
T: 7,71 His dou[gh]t(er) hatti[th] do ri[gh]t or [th]i da(m)me
shal [th]e bete
T: 7,72 His sone hatti[th] suffre [th]i sou(er)eynes to hauen
h(er)e wille
T: 7,73 And deme hem nou[gh]t for [y]if [th](o)u dost [th](o)u
shalt it dere abiggen
T: 7,74 Let god wor[th]e wi[th]al for so his woord techi[th]
T: 7,75 ffor I am old & hor & haue of myn owene
T: 7,76 To pen(au)nce & to pilg(r)image wile I passe
w(i)t(h) o[th](er)e
T: 7,77 ffor[th]i I wile er I wende do wyte my bequest
T: 7,78 {In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen } I make it myseluen
T: 7,79 ffor he shal haue my soule [th]at best ha[th] des(er)uid
fol. xl-r
T: 7,80 And defende it fro [th]e fend for so I beleue
T: 7,81 Til I come to his acountes as my crede me techi[th]
T: 7,82 To haue reles & remissiou(n) on [th]at rental
I leue
T: 7,83 [Th]e chirche shal haue my caroyn & kepe my bones
T: 7,84 ffor of my corn & my catel I crauide [th]e ti[th]es
T: 7,85 And payede hym p(re)stly for p(er)il of my soule
T: 7,86 He is holden I hope to haue me in mynde
T: 7,87 And monewe me in his memorie among alle cristene
T: 7,88 My wyf shal haue of [th](a)t I wan wi[th] treu[th]e & namore
T: 7,89 And dele among my frendis & my dere children
T: 7,90 ffor [th]ei[gh] I dei[y]e today my dettis ben quyt
T: 7,91 I bar hom [th]at I borewide er I to bedde [y]ede
T: 7,92 And wi[th] [th]e residue & [th]e remen(au)nt
be [th]e rode of chestre
T: 7,93 I wile worsshipe [th](er)ewi[th] treu[th]e in my
T: 7,94 And ben his pilgrym at [th]e plou[gh] for pore menis
T: 7,95 My plou[gh]pote shal be my pyk & putte at [th]e
T: 7,96 And helpe my cultir to kerue & close [th]e forewis
T: 7,97 Now is peris & [th]e pilg(r)imes to [th]e plou[gh]
T: 7,98 To erien [th]is half akir helpen hym manye
T: 7,99 Dikeris & del(ue)res dyke[th] vp [th]e balkis
T: 7,100 [Th](er)ewi[th] was p(er)kyn payed and p(re)isid
hem [y]erne
T: 7,101 O[th](er)e werkmen [th](er)e were & wrou[gh]te
ful faste
T: 7,102 Eche man on his maner made hymself to done
T: 7,103 And su(m)me to plese p(er)kyn pykide vp [th]e wedis
T: 7,104 At hei[gh] p(r)ime peris let [th]e plou[gh] stande
T: 7,105 To ou(er)sen hem hymself whoso best wrou[gh]te
T: 7,106 Shulde ben hirid [th](er)eaftir whan heruist tyme
T: 7,107 [Th]anne seten so(m)me & sungen at [th]e ale
T: 7,108 And holpen ere [th]e half akir wi[th] hey trolly
T: 7,109 Be [th]e prince of paradis q(ua)[th] piers [th]o
in wra[th][th]e
T: 7,110 But [y]if [y]e rise [th]e ra[th](er)e & rape
[y]ow to werche
T: 7,111 Shal no greyn [th](a)t here growi[th] glade [y]ow
at nede
T: 7,112 And [th]ei[gh] [y]e dei[gh]e for doel [th]e deuil
haue [th](a)t recche
T: 7,113 [Th]anne were faito(ur)s aferd & feynide hem
T: 7,114 Somme leide here leg alery as suche losell(is) cunne
T: 7,115 And pleynide hem to peris wi[th] suche pitous wordis
T: 7,116 We haue none hondis to laboure wi[th] lord ygracid
be [y]e
T: 7,117 Ac we p(re)ye for [y]ow peris & for [y]oure
plou[gh] bo[th]e
T: 7,118 [Th]at god of his g(ra)ce [y]o(ur) greyn multiplie
T: 7,119 And [y]elde [y]ow of [y]o(ur) almesse [th](a)t [y]e
[y]iuen vs here
T: 7,120 ffor we mowe not swynke ne swete such seknesse vs
T: 7,121 [Y]ef it be so[th] qua[th] peris [th](a)t [y]e seyn
I shal it sone aspie
T: 7,122 [Y]e ben wastours I wot wet & treu[th]e wot
[th]e so[th]e
T: 7,123 And I am his olde hyne & au[gh]te hym to warne
fol. xl-v
T: 7,124 Suche wasto(ur)s in [th]is world his werkmen distroye[th]
T: 7,125 [Y]e eten [th](a)t I shulde ete [th]at eren for
vs alle
T: 7,126 Ac treu[th]e shal teche [y]ow his tem for to dryue
T: 7,127 Bo[th]e to setten & to sowen & sauen his
T: 7,128 Chase gees from his corn kepen hise bestis
T: 7,129 Or [y]e shuln ete barly bred & of [th]e brod
T: 7,130 But he be blynd or brokesshankid or beddrede ligge
T: 7,131 [Th]ei shuln ete as good as I so me god helpe
T: 7,132 Til god of his g(ra)ce gare hym to arise
T: 7,133 Ankeris & heremytes [th](a)t holde hem in here
T: 7,134 Shuln haue of myn almesse al [th]e while I libbe
T: 7,135 Inou[gh] iche day at non ac no more til on [th]e
T: 7,136 Lest his flessh & [th]e fend foulide his soule
T: 7,137 Ones at noon is ynou[gh] [th](a)t no werk ne vsi[th]
T: 7,138 He abide[th] wel [th]e bet(er)e [th](a)t bu(m)mi[th]
nou[gh]t to ofte
T: 7,139 [Th]anne gan wasto(ur) arise & wolde haue yfou[gh]te
T: 7,140 To peris [th]e plou[gh]man he p(ro)fride his gloue
T: 7,141 A bretoner a bragg(er)e he bostide hym also
T: 7,142 And bad hym go pisse wi[th] his plou[gh] pilide
T: 7,143 Wilt [th](o)u nilt [th]ou we wile haue oure wil
of [th]is flo(ur)
T: 7,144 And [th]i flessh fecche awey whanne vs like[th]
T: 7,145 And make vs m(er)ye [th](er)wi[th] maugre [th]i
T: 7,146 [Th]anne peris [th]e plou[gh]man pleynede hym to
[th]e kni[gh]t
T: 7,147 To kepen hym as couen(au)nt was fro curside shrewis
T: 7,148 ffro wasto(ur)s [th]at waite wynn(er)es to shende
T: 7,149 Curteisliche [th]e kni[gh]t [th]anne as his kynde
T: 7,150 Warnide [th]e wasto(ur) & wisside hym bet(er)e
T: 7,151 Or [th]ou shalt abigge be [th]e lawe be [th]e ordre
[th](a)t I bere
T: 7,152 I was not wonid to werche q(ua)[th] wasto(ur) now
wile I not begynne
T: 7,153 And let li[gh]t of [th]e lawe & lesse of [th]e
T: 7,154 And countide peris at a pese & his plou[gh]
T: 7,155 And manacide hym & his men whanne he next metten
T: 7,156 Now be [th]e p(er)il of my soule q(ua)[th] peris
I shal appeire [y]ow alle
T: 7,157 And houpide aftir hungir [th]at herde hym at [th]e
T: 7,158 Awreke me on wasto(ur) q(ua)[th] peris [th](a)t
[th]is world apeiri[th]
T: 7,159 Hungir in haste [th]anne hente wasto(ur) be [th]e
T: 7,160 And wrong hym so be [th]e wombe [th](a)t al watride
his ei[gh]en
T: 7,161 And buffetide [th]e breton(er) aboute [th]e chekis
T: 7,162 [Th]at he lokide lik a lant(er)ne al his lif aftir
T: 7,163 He beet hem so bo[th]e [th](a)t he brast ner here
T: 7,164 N hadde peris but a pese lof [th]ei p(re)yede hym
T: 7,165 And wi[th] a bene batte he hadde betwene
T: 7,166 And hitte hung(er) [th](er)wi[th] amydde hise lippes
fol. xlj-r
T: 7,167 And bledde into [th]e bodyward a bolle ful of growel
T: 7,168 Ne hadde [th]i fisician ferst defendite him watir
T: 7,169 To abate [th]e barly bred & [th]e benis ygrounde
T: 7,170 [Th]ei hadde be ded be [th]is day & doluen al
T: 7,171 ffaito(ur)s for fer flowen into bernis
T: 7,172 And flatte on wi[th] flailes fro morewe til eue
T: 7,173 [Th](a)t hung(er) was not hardy on hem for to loke
T: 7,174 ffor a potel of pecis [th](a)t peris hadde mad
T: 7,175 In helpe of heremites henten hem spadis
T: 7,176 And doluen drit & dung to ditte out hung(er)
T: 7,177 Blynde & bedrede were botind a [th]ousand
T: 7,178 --- this line om ---
T: 7,179 Hungir hem helide wi[th] an hot cake
T: 7,180 And lame menis lymes wern li[th]nid [th](a)t tyme
T: 7,181 And become knaues to kepe peris bestis
T: 7,182 And p(re)i[gh]ede {p(ur) charite} wi[th] peris for
to dwelle
T: 7,183 Al for coueitise of his corn to chafe awey hungir
T: 7,184 And pieris was proud [th](er)of & putte hem
in office
T: 7,185 And [y]af hem mete & mon[i]e as [th]ei mi[gh]te
T: 7,186 [Th]anne hadde piers pite & p(re)i[gh]ede hungir
to wende
T: 7,187 Hom into his owene er[th]e & holde him [th](er)e
T: 7,188 Ac [y]et I p(re)ye [th]e q(ua)[th] peris er [th]ou
passe fer[th](er)e
T: 7,189 Of begg(er)is & bidderis what best is to done
T: 7,190 ffor I wot wel be [th](o)u ywent hy wile werche
T: 7,191 Meschief it maki[th] hy(m) ben so mek nou[th]e
T: 7,192 And for defaute of foode [th]us faste hy werchi[th]
T: 7,193 And it ben my blody bre[th](er)en for god bou[gh]te
vs alle
T: 7,194 Treu[th]e tau[gh]te me ones to loue hem ichone
T: 7,195 And helpe hem of alle [th]ing [th](a)t hem of nedide
T: 7,196 I wolde wite [y]if [th](o)u wistest what were [th]e
T: 7,197 And how I mi[gh]te amaistrie hem & make hem
to werche
T: 7,198 Here now q(ua)[th] hungir & holde it for a wisdom
T: 7,199 Bolde beggeris & bigge [th](a)t mowe here breed
T: 7,200 Wi[th] houndis bred & hors bred holde vp here
T: 7,201 And baue hem wi[th] bones for bollnyng of h(er)e
T: 7,202 And [y]if [th]e gromes grucche bidde hem go & swynke
T: 7,203 And he shal soupe swett(er)e whanne he it ha[th]
T: 7,204 Ac [y]if [th]ou fynde any frek [th](a)t fortune
ha[th] apeirid
T: 7,205 Wi[th] fuyr or wi[th] false men fond suche knowen
T: 7,206 Counforte hem wi[th] [th]at catel for cristis loue
of heuene
T: 7,207 Loue hem & lene hem & so [th]e lawe of kynde
T: 7,208 And alle man(er) of men [th](a)t [th]ou mi[gh]te
T: 7,209 [Th]at nedy ben or nakid & nou[gh]t han to spende
T: 7,210 Wi[th] mete or mone let make hem at ese
T: 7,211 --- this line om ---
fol. vlj-v
T: 7,212 And make [th]e ffrendis [th](er)mi[th] for so matheu
vs techi[th]
T: 7,212 { ffacite vobis amicos } I wolde not greue god
T: 7,213 Qua[th] peris for al [th]e gold on [th]is ground
T: 7,214 Mi[gh]te I synneles do as [th]ou seist seide peris
T: 7,215 [Y]e I hote [th]e qua[th] hungir o[th](er) ellis
[th]e bible lei[y]e[th]
T: 7,216 Go to genesis [th]e geaunt engendro(ur) of vs alle
T: 7,217 {In sudore &c } & swynke [th]ou shalt [th]i
T: 7,218 Tilen & labouren for [th]i liflode & so
oure lord hi[gh]te
T: 7,219 And sapience sei[th] [th]e same I sai[gh] it in
[th]e bible
T: 7,220 {Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus} no feld wolde tilie
T: 7,221 He shal go bidde & begge & no man bete his
T: 7,222 Matheu wi[th] [th]e manis face nempni[th] [th]ise
T: 7,223 {Seruus nequam} had a nam & for he nolde it
T: 7,224 He hadde a maugre of his maist(er) for eu(er)emore
T: 7,225 And benom hym his nam for he nolde werche
T: 7,226 And [y]af hym in haste [th]at hadde ten [th](er)e
T: 7,227 And si[th]en he seide his s(er)uaunt it hadde
T: 7,228 He [th](a)t ha[th] shal haue to helpe [th](er)e
nede is
T: 7,229 And he [th]at nou[gh]t ha[th] shal nou[gh]t haue
ne no man hi(m) helpe
T: 7,230 And [th](a)t he weni[th] wel to haue I wile it be
hym bereuid
T: 7,231 Kynde wyt wolde [th]at iche wi[gh]t wrou[gh]te
T: 7,232 O[th]er wi[th] teching o[th](er) telling or trauaillyng
of hondis
T: 7,233 Actif lif o[th](er) contemplatif crist wolde it
T: 7,234 The sauter sei[th] in [th]e salme of {Beati omnes}
T: 7,234 { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) quia manducabis &c}
T: 7,235 He [th]at get his fode here wi[th] trauaile of his
T: 7,236 God [y]iue[th] his blissing [th](a)t here liflode
here so wynne[th]
T: 7,237 [Y]et I preye [th]e q(ua)[th] peris {p(ur) charite}
[y]if [th]ou kenne
T: 7,238 Eny lif of lechecraft lere it me my dere
T: 7,239 ffor su(m)me of my s(er)uauntis ben seke o[th](er)
T: 7,240 Of alle [th]e wyke werki[th] nou[gh]t so here wombe
T: 7,241 I wot wel q(ua)[th] hung(er) what seknesse hem eile[th]
T: 7,242 [Th]ei han mangid ou(er) muche [th](a)t maki[th]
hem grone ofte
T: 7,243 Ac I hote [th]e q(ua)[th] hung(er) as [th]ou [th]in
hele wilnest
T: 7,244 [Th]at [th]ou drynke no day er [th](o)u dyne sumwhat
T: 7,245 And ete nou[gh]t I hote [th]e er hung(er) [th]e
T: 7,246 And sende [th]e of his saus to sauoure [th]i lippes
T: 7,247 And kep sum for sop(er) tyme & sit nou[gh]t
to longe
T: 7,248 Aris vp er aptid ha[th] eten his fille
T: 7,249 Let nou[gh]t sire surfet sitten at [th]i bord
T: 7,250 Leue hym nou[gh]t for he is a leccho(ur) & likerous
of tunge
T: 7,251 And aftir many maner of metis his mawe is alongid
T: 7,252 And [y]if [th](o)u di[gh]ete [th]e [th]us I dar
ley myn armes
fol. xlij-r
T: 7,253 [Th]at fisik shal his furrid hood for his foode selle
T: 7,254 And ek his cloke wi[th] calabre & [th]e knoppis
of gold
T: 7,255 And be fayn be my fei[th] his fesik to leten
T: 7,256 And lerne to laboure wi[th] lond lest liflode hym
T: 7,257 [Th](er)e arn mo li[gh]eris [th]an lechis lord hem
T: 7,258 [Th]ei do men di[gh]e [th]oru[gh] here drynkes er
destenye it wolde
T: 7,259 Be seint p(er)nel q(ua)[th] peris [th]ise arn p(ro)fitable
T: 7,260 [Th]is is a louely lessoun lord it [th]e for[gh]elde
T: 7,261 Wende now whanne [th]i wille is [th](a)t wel be
[th](o)u eu(er)e
T: 7,262 I behote god q(ua)[th] hung(er) henis nile I [not]
T: 7,263 Er I haue dyned be [th]is day & ydronke bo[th]e
T: 7,264 I haue no peny q(ua)[th] piers pulettis to biggen
T: 7,265 No[th](er) gees ne gris but two grene chesis
T: 7,266 A fewe cruddis & crem & non o[th]er cake
T: 7,267 A lof of benis & bren ybake for my children
T: 7,268 And I sei[gh]e be my soule I haue no salt bacou(n)
T: 7,269 Ne no cokenay be crist colopis to maken
T: 7,270 Ac I haue p(er)sile & poret & many cole
T: 7,271 And ek a cow & a calf & a carte mare
T: 7,272 To drawe on feld my dong while [th]e drou[gh]t lasti[th]
T: 7,273 Be [th]is liflode I mote lyue til lammasse tyme
T: 7,274 Be [th]at I hope for to haue heruest in my croft
T: 7,275 And [th]anne may I di[gh]te [th]i dyner as [th]e
dere like[th]
T: 7,276 Alle [th]e pore peple pesecoddis fetten
T: 7,277 Benes & blake applis hy brou[gh]te in h(er)e
T: 7,278 Chibollis & chiriuell(is) & riche chiries
T: 7,279 And p(ro)fride peris o p(re)sent to plese [th](er)e
wi[th] hungir
T: 7,280 Abd hungir hente [th]is in haste & askide aftir
T: 7,281 [Th]anne [th]ise folk for fer fetten hym manye
T: 7,282 --- this line om ---
T: 7,283 Be [th](a)t it nei[gh]ide ner heruest newe corn
com to chepyng
T: 7,284 [Th]anne was folk fayn & fedde hung(er) w(i)t(h)
[th]e beste
T: 7,285 Wi[th] good ale & glotonye he gart hym to slepe
T: 7,286 And [th]o nolde wasto(ur) not werche but wandrite
T: 7,287 Ne no begg(er)e ete bred [th](a)t benis in come
T: 7,288 But coket or clermatyn or of clene whete
T: 7,289 Ne non halpeny ale in no wyse drynke
T: 7,290 But of [th]e beste & [th]e brunneste [th](a)t
breust(er)is sellen
T: 7,291 Laboureris [th]at haue no land but lyue on here
T: 7,292 Deyne[th] nou[gh]t to dyne a day ni[gh]t olde wortis
T: 7,293 May no penyale hem paye ne no pece of bacou(n)
T: 7,294 But [y]if it be fressh flessh o[th](er) fissh yfried
T: 7,295 And {chaud} & {pluys chaud} for chillyng of
his mawe
T: 7,296 But [y]if he be hei[gh]liche hirid ellis wile he
fol. xlij-v
T: 7,297 [Th]at he was werkman ywrou[gh]t warie [th]e tyme
T: 7,298 And [th]anne curse [th]e king & alle [th]e counseil
T: 7,299 Suche lawis to loke laboureris to chastise
T: 7,300 Ac while hung(er) was here maist(er) wolde [th](er)e
non chide
T: 7,301 Ne stryue a[gh]en [th]e statut so sternely he lokide
T: 7,302 I warne [y]ow werkmen wynne[th] while [y]e mowe
T: 7,303 ffor hungir hiderward hasti[th] hym faste
T: 7,304 He shal awake [th]is wat(er) wasto(ur)s to chaste
T: 7,305 Or fyue [y]er be fulfild such famyn shal arise
T: 7,306 [Th]oru[gh] flood o[th]er [th]oru[gh] foule wed(er)is
fruytes shuln falle
T: 7,307 And so sei[th] sato(ur)ne & sente [y]ow to warne
Passus octanus de visione vt prius
T: 8,1 Treu[th]e herde telle hereof & to peris sente
T: 8,2 To take his tem & his er[th]e tilien
T: 8,3 And purchate hym a p(ar)doun {a pena & a culpa}
T: 8,4 ffor hym & for hise heires for eu(er)emore aftir
T: 8,5 And bad hym holde hym at hom & erien his lai[gh]es
T: 8,6 And [th]o [th]at holpen to erien or to sowen
T: 8,7 Or any man(er) mest(er) [th](a)t mi[gh]te peris helpen
T: 8,8 Part in [th]e p(ar)doun [th]e pope ha[th] hem g(ra)untid
T: 8,9 Kinges & kni[gh]tes [th](a)t kepen holy chirche
T: 8,10 And rewfulliche in reaum rewli[th] [th]e peple
T: 8,11 Han p(ar)doun [th]oru[gh] p(ur)catorie to passe wel
T: 8,12 Wi[th] patriarkes in p(ar)adis to plei[y]e [th](er)e
T: 8,13 Bisshopis [th](a)t blissen & bo[th]e lawes kenne
T: 8,14 Loke on [th](a)t o lawe & lere men [th](a)t o[th](er)
T: 8,15 And bere hem bo[th]e on here bak as here ban(er)
T: 8,16 And p(re)chen here p(er)sonis [th]e p(er)iles of
T: 8,17 How [th]at shabbide shep shulde h(er)e wolle saue
T: 8,18 Han p(ar)doun wi[th] [th]e apostlis whanne [th]ei
passe hennis
T: 8,19 And at [th]e day of dom at here deis to sitten
T: 8,20 Marchauntis in [th]e margyn hadde manye [y]eris
T: 8,21 But non {a pena & a culpa} [th]e pope wolde hym
T: 8,22 ffor [th]ei helde nou[gh]t here haly dayes as holy
chirche techi[th]
T: 8,23 And for [th]ei swere be here soule & so god muste
hem helpe
T: 8,24 A[gh]ens clene consience here catel to selle
T: 8,25 Ac vndir his secre sel treu[th]e sente hym a l(ett)re
T: 8,26 And bad hym begge boldely what [th](a)t hym like[th]
T: 8,27 And si[th]en selle it a[gh]en & saue [th]e wynnyng
T: 8,28 And make mesonis deux [th](er)ewi[th] myseises to
T: 8,29 Wykkide weyes wi[gh]tly [for] to amende
T: 8,30 And bynde brugges aboute [th](a)t tobroke were
T: 8,31 Marie maidenis also & maken hem nonnes
fol. xliij-r
T: 8,32 Wydewis [th](a)t wiln not be wyues helpe hem [th](er)e
T: 8,33 ffynde suche here foode for oure lordis loue of heuene
T: 8,34 Sette scoleris to scole or su(m)me skynes craftis
T: 8,35 Releue religioun & renten hem bet(er)e
T: 8,36 I shal sende myself seynt Michel myn aungel
T: 8,37 [Th](a)t no deuil shal [y]ow dere di[gh]e whan [y]e
T: 8,38 [Th](a)t I ne shal sende his soule sauf into heuene
T: 8,39 And before [th]e face of my fadir fo(ur)me [y]oure
T: 8,40 Vsure & auarice & o[th]es I defende
T: 8,41 [Th]at no gile go wi[th] [y]ow but [th]e grai[th]
T: 8,42 [Th]anne were marchauntis m(er)ye many wepe for ioye
T: 8,43 And [y]af wille for his writyng wollene clo[th]is
T: 8,44 And for he coupide [th]us h(er)e clause [th]ei [y]eue
hym gret mede
T: 8,45 Men of lawe hadde lest for lewid [th]ei ben alle
T: 8,46 ffor so sei[th] [th]e sauter & sapience bo[th]e
T: 8,46 { Sup(er) innocentem mun(er)a non accipies a regib(us) & pr(in)cipib(us)
T: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & p(re)latis here penc(i)ou(n) shulde
T: 8,48 And of no pore peple no peny to take
T: 8,49 Ac he [th](a)t spendi[th] his speche & speki[th]
for [th]e pore
T: 8,50 [Th](a)t is Innocent & nedy & no man apeiri[th]
T: 8,51 Counforti[th] hym in [th]at cas coueiti[th] nou[gh]t
his goodis
T: 8,52 Ac for oure lordis loue lawe for hym shewi[th]
T: 8,53 Shal no deuil at his de[th] day derie hym a myte
T: 8,54 [Th]at he ne wor[th] sauf sykirly & so sei[th]
[th]e sautir
T: 8,55 Ac to bigge watir ne wynd ne wyt is [th]e [th]ridde
T: 8,56 Ne wolde neu(er)e holy writ god wot [th]e so[th]e
T: 8,57 [Th]ise [th]re for [th]rallis ben [th]rowe among
vs alle
T: 8,58 To waxen & to wanyen where [th](a)t god liki[th]
T: 8,59 His p(ar)doun in p(ur)catorie wel litel is I trowe
T: 8,60 [Th](a)t any mede of mene men for motyng resceyue[th]
T: 8,61 [Y]e legistris & lawistis witen [y]if I lei[gh]e
T: 8,62 Si[th]en [y]e sen it is [th]us sewi[th] to [th]e
T: 8,63 Alle libbyng labo(ur)eris [th](a)t lyuen be h(er)e
T: 8,64 [Th]at trewely taken & trewely wynnen
T: 8,65 And lyuen in loue & lawe for h(er)e lou[gh] herte
T: 8,66 Hadde [th]e same absoluc(i)ou(n) [th](a)t sent was
to peris
T: 8,67 Begg(er)is & bidd(er)is ben not in [th]e bulle
T: 8,68 But [y]if [th]e suggestiou(n) be so[th] [th](a)t
[th]ei fore begge
T: 8,69 ffor he [th]at beggi[th] or bit but he haue nede
T: 8,70 He is fals wi[th] [th]e fend & kili[th] [th]e
fol. xliij-v
T: 8,71 And gili[th] [th]e gyu(er)e ageyns his wille
T: 8,72 [Th]ei lyue nou[gh]t in loue ne no lawe holden
T: 8,73 [Th]ei ne wedde no wo(m)man [th]at hy wi[th] delen
T: 8,74 But as wilde bestis wi[th] wehe & wor[th] vp
T: 8,75 And bringen for[th] barnes [th]at bois ben holden
T: 8,76 Or his bak or his bon [th]ei breken in his [y]ou[th]e
T: 8,77 And gon & faiten wi[th] here fauntis for eu(er)emore
T: 8,78 [Th](er)e ben mo mysshapen amonges hem whoso taki[th]
T: 8,79 [Th]anne of alle o[th](er) man(er) men [th](a)t on
[th]is molde wandri[th]
T: 8,80 [Th]o [th]at lyuen [th]us here lif mowe lo[th]e [th]e
T: 8,81 [Th](a)t eu(er)e he was man wrou[gh]t whanne he shal
henne fare
T: 8,82 Ac olde men & hore [th](a)t helpeles ben of streng[th]e
T: 8,83 And wo(m)men wi[th] childe [th](a)t werche ne mowe
T: 8,84 Blynde & bedrede & broken here membris
T: 8,85 [Th]at taki[th] his meschief mekliche as myselis & o[th](er)e
T: 8,86 Han as pleyn p(ar)doun as [th]e plou[gh]man hymselue
T: 8,87 ffor loue of here lou[gh] herte oure lord ha[th]
hem g(ra)untid
T: 8,88 Here pen(au)nce & here purcatorie vpon [th]is
pur er[th]e
T: 8,89 Piers qua[th] a p(re)st [th]i p(ar)don muste I rede
T: 8,90 ffor I shal construe it iche clause & kenne it
[th]e on englissh
T: 8,91 And peris at his p(re)yo(ur) [th]e p(ar)dou(n) vnfoldi[th]
T: 8,92 And I behynde hem bo[th]e beheld al [th]e bille
T: 8,93 In two lynes it lay & nou[gh]t o l(ett)re more
T: 8,94 And was writen ri[gh]t [th]us in witnesse of treu[th]e
T: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam et(er)nam }
T: 8,96 { Qui v(er)o mala in ignem et(er)num }
T: 8,97 Petir qua[th] [th]e p(re)st [th]o I can no p(ar)doun
T: 8,98 But do wel & haue wel & god shal haue [th]i
T: 8,99 And do euele & haue euele & hope [th]ou non
T: 8,100 [Th]at aftir [th]i de[th] day to helle ne shalt
[th]ou wende
T: 8,101 And piers for tene pulde it assondir & seide
T: 8,102 {Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis non timebo
mala q(uonia)m tu mecum es }
T: 8,103 --- run together with preceding ---
T: 8,104 I shal cesse of my sowyng q(ua)[th] peris & swynke
not so harde
T: 8,105 Ne aboute my liflode so besy be namore
T: 8,106 Of p(re)yo(ur)s & of pen(au)nce my plou[gh]
shal ben h(er)eaftir
T: 8,107 And beloure [th](a)t I lough er [th]ei[gh] liflode
me faile
T: 8,108 [Th]e p(ro)phet his peyned in pen(au)nce & in
T: 8,109 Be [th]at [th]e sauter vs sei[th] & so dede
manye o[th](er)e
T: 8,110 [Th]at loui[th] god lelly his liflode is [th]e more
T: 8,110 { ffuerunt m(ich)i lac(r)ime mee panes die ac nocte
T: 8,111 And but [y]if luk lei[gh]e he leri[th] vs ano[th](er)
T: 8,112 [Th](a)t we ne shuln nou[gh]t be besy aboute [th]e
bely ioye
fol. xliiij-r
T: 8,113 {Ne soliciti sitis } he sei[th] it in his gospel
T: 8,114 And shewi[th] it vs be ensaumple oureselue to wisse
T: 8,115 [Th]e foulis in [th]e firmament who fynt hem a wynt(er)
T: 8,116 Whan [th]e frost fresi[th] foode hem behoui[th]
T: 8,117 Haue [th]ei no garn(er) [th](er) to but god fynt
hem alle
T: 8,118 What q(ua)[th] [th]e p(re)st to p(er)kyn pet(er)
as me [th]inke[th]
T: 8,119 [Th]ou art lernid a litel who lernide [th]e on boke
T: 8,120 Abstinence [th]e abbesse myn a.b.c. me tau[gh]te
T: 8,121 And consience com aftir & kennide me bet(er)e
T: 8,122 Were [th](o)u a p(re)st piers q(ua)[th] he [th](o)u
mi[gh]test p(re)che where [th]e liki[th]
T: 8,123 {Q(uonia)m lit(er)aturam non cognoui} [th]at mi[gh]te
be [th]i teme
T: 8,124 Lewide lorel q(ua)[th] peris litel lokest [th](o)u
on [th]e bible
T: 8,125 On salamonis sawis litel [th]ou beholdis
T: 8,125 { Ecce derisores & iurgia cum eis ne crescant
T: 8,126 And [th]e prest & p(er)kyn aposid ei[th](er)
T: 8,127 And [th]oru[gh] here wordis I wok & waitide
T: 8,128 And sau[gh] [th]e sonne euene sou[th] sitte [th](a)t
T: 8,129 Metelis on m(er)ueilles on malu(er)ne hilles
T: 8,130 Musyng on [th]is metelis a myle wey I [y]ede
T: 8,131 Manye tyme [th]is metelis han mad mad me to stodie
T: 8,132 And for peris loue [th]e plou[gh]man wel pensif
in herte
T: 8,133 ffor [th](a)t I sai[gh] slepyng [y]if it so be mi[gh]te
T: 8,134 Ac catoun construi[th] it & canonistris bo[th]e
T: 8,134a {Sompnia ne cures}
T: 8,135 Ac for [th]e bible beri[th] wytnesse how
T: 8,136 Dauid demide [th]e drem of a king
T: 8,137 [Th]at nabugodonosor nempne [th]ise clerkis
T: 8,138 Daniel seide sire king [th]i sweuene is to mene
T: 8,139 [Th]at an vnkynde kni[gh]t shal come [th]i kingdom
to cleyme
T: 8,140 Among lewide lordis [th]i londis shuln be dep(ar)tid
T: 8,141 As daniel demide in dede it fel aftir
T: 8,142 [Th]e king les his lordsshipe & lesse men it
T: 8,143 And Iosep mette m(er)ueillously how [th]e mone & [th]e
T: 8,144 And [th]e enleuene sterris halsiden hym alle
T: 8,145 {Beau fitz} qua[th] his fadir for defaute we shuln
T: 8,146 I myself & my sones seke [th]e for nede
T: 8,147 It befel as his fadir seide in faraos tyme
T: 8,148 [Th](a)t Iosep was Iustice Egipt to kepe
T: 8,149 Al [th]is maki[th] me on metelis to [th]inke
T: 8,150 Manye tymes at mydni[gh]t whan men shulde slepe
T: 8,151 On peris [th]e plou[gh]man whiche a p(ar)dou(n)
he haui[th]
T: 8,152 And how [th]e prest inpugnid it al before resoun
T: 8,153 And he lenide [th](a)t dowel indulgence passi[th]
fol. xliiij-v
T: 8,154 Bienalis & trienalis & bisshopis l(ett)res
T: 8,155 Dowel at [th]e day of dome is digneliche vndirfongen
T: 8,156 He passi[th] al [th]e p(ar)dou(n) at seint petris
T: 8,157 Now ha[th] [th]e pope power p(ar)doun to g(ra)unte
T: 8,158 [Th]e peple wi[th]oute pen(au)nce { a pena & a
culpa }
T: 8,159 [Th]is is [th]e lif of oure beleue as l(ett)rid
men vs shewi[th]
T: 8,159a { Quodcumq(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) terram &c
T: 8,160 And so I leue lelly lord forbede ellis
T: 8,161 [Th]at p(ar)doun & pen(au)nce & p(re)yo(ur)s
do salue
T: 8,162 Soulis [th](a)t han ysynned seue si[th]es dedly
T: 8,163 And to triste on [th]is trionalis trewely me [th]inke[th]
T: 8,164 It is not so sikir for [th]e soule c(er)tis as is
do wel
T: 8,165 ffor[th]i I rede [y]ow renkes [th](a)t riche ben
on er[th]e
T: 8,166 Vpon trist of [y]o(ur) treso(ur) trienal(is) to
T: 8,167 Be [th](o)u neu(er)e [th]e bald(er)e to breke [th]e
ten hestis
T: 8,168 And nameliche [y]e maistris as meiris & iuggis
T: 8,169 [Th](a)t han [th]e world at wille & wise men
ben holden
T: 8,170 --- this line om ---
T: 8,171 At [th]e dredful dom day whanne [th]e dede shal
T: 8,172 And come before crist acountes to [y]elden
T: 8,173 How [th](o)u leddist [th]i lif here & his lawe
T: 8,174 What [th](o)u dedist day [th]e dom wile reherce
T: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) [th](er)e ne [th]e p(ro)uincial(is)
T: 8,176 [Th]ei[gh] [th]ou be founde in [th]e frat(er)nite
among [th]e foure ordris
T: 8,177 And haue indulgence doublefold but dowel [th]e helpe
T: 8,178 I ne wolde [y]iue for [th]i patent on pye hele
T: 8,179 ffor<[th]i> I counseil alle cristene cri[gh]e
god m(er)cy
T: 8,180 And marie his modir to be mene betwene
T: 8,181 [Th]at god [y]iue vs g(ra)ce er we go hennis
T: 8,182 Suche werkis to werche whiles we ben here
T: 8,183 [Th]at aftir oure de[th] day dowel reherse
T: 8,184 [Th](a)t at [th]e day of dome we dede as he hi[gh]te
Explicit hic visio will de Petro de Plou-gh-man: Eciam s(e)c(un)d(u)m wyt & resou(n)
T: 9,1 Thus yrobid in rosset I rombide aboute
T: 9,2 Al a somer sesoun for to seke dowel
T: 9,3 And fraynide ful ofte of folk [th](a)t I mette
T: 9,4 [Y]if any wi[gh]t wiste where dowel was at Inne
T: 9,5 And what man he mi[gh]te be of many man I askide
T: 9,6 Was neu(er)e wi[gh]t as I wene [th](a)t me wisse cou[th]e
T: 9,7 Where [th]is lede lengide [th]e lesse ne [th]e more
T: 9,8 Til it befel on a ffriday two ffreris I mette
T: 9,9 Maistris of [th]e meno(ur)s men of gret wyt
T: 9,10 I hailside hem hendely as I hadde ylernid
fol. xlv-r
T: 9,11 And pr(ei)[gh]ede hem {p(ur) charite} er [th]ei passide
T: 9,12 [Y]if [th]ei knewen any cuntre or costis aboute
T: 9,13 Where [th](a)t dowel dwellide do me to wisse
T: 9,14 Marie q(ua)[th] [th]e maistris among vs he dwelli[th]
T: 9,15 And eu(er)e ha[th] I hope & eu(er)e shal hereaftir
T: 9,16 {Contra} q(ua)[th] I as a clerk & comside to
T: 9,16 { Sepcies in die cadit iustus }
T: 9,17 Seue si[th]es sei[th] [th]e bok falli[th] [th]e ri[gh]tful
T: 9,18 Ac whoso synne[th] I sei[gh]e sertis me [th]inki[th]
T: 9,19 Dowel & doeuele mowe not dwelle togid(er)e
T: 9,20 {Ergo} he nis not alwey at hom among [y]ow ffreris
T: 9,21 He is o[th](er)while elliswhere to wisse [th]e peple
T: 9,22 I shal sei[gh]e [th]e my sone seide [th]e ffrere
T: 9,23 How seue si[th]es [th]e sadde man synne[th] on [th]e
T: 9,24 Be a forebisene q(ua)[th] [th]e ffrere I shal [th]e
faire shewen
T: 9,25 Let bringe a man in a bot amydde a brood watir
T: 9,26 [Th]e wynd & [th]e watir & [th]e waggyng
of [th]e boot
T: 9,27 Make[th] [th]e man many tymes to falle & to stande
T: 9,28 ffor stande he neu(er)e so stif he stumbli[th] in
[th]e waggyng
T: 9,29 And [y]et is he sauf & sound & so hym behoui[th]
T: 9,30 ffor [y]if he ne arise [th]e ra[th](er)e & ari[gh]t
T: 9,31 [Th]e wynd wolde wi[th] [th]e watir [th]e boot ou(er)[th]rowe
T: 9,32 [Th](er)e were [th]e manis lif lost for lacchesse
of hymselue
T: 9,33 Ri[gh]t [th]us fari[th] q(ua)[th] [th]e ffrere be
folk here on er[th]e
T: 9,34 [Th]e watir is liknid to [th]e world [th](a)t wani[th] & waxi[th]
T: 9,35 [Th]e goodis of [th]is ground be lik [th]e grete
T: 9,36 [Th](a)t as wyndis & watris wawen aboute
T: 9,37 [Th]e boot is lik to [th]e body [th](a)t britel is
of kynde
T: 9,38 [Th](a)t [th]oru[gh] [th]e fend & [th]e flessh & [th]e
false worlde
T: 9,39 Synnes [th]e sad man seuene tymes in [th]e day
T: 9,40 Ac dedly synne do[th] he nou[gh]t for dowel hym helpi[th]
T: 9,41 And [th](a)t is charite [th]e champiou(n) chief helpe
a[gh]ens synne
T: 9,42 ffor he streng[th]e[th] [th]e to stonde & steri[th]
[th]i soule
T: 9,43 [Th]at [th]ei[gh] [th]i body bowe as bot do[th] in
[th]e watir
T: 9,44 Ay is [th]i soule sauf but [th](o)u [th]iself wilt
T: 9,45 ffolewe [th]i flesshis wil & [th]e fendis aftir
T: 9,46 And don dedly synne & drenche [th]iseluen
T: 9,47 God wile suffre [th]e to dei[gh]e so for [th]iself
hast [th]e maistrie
T: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowyng q(ua)[th] I to conseyue [th]i
T: 9,49 Ac [y]if I may lyuen & loken I shal go lerne
T: 9,50 I bekenne [th]e crist [th](a)t on [th]e crois dei[gh]ede
T: 9,51 And [th]ei seide [th]e same saue [th]e fro myschaunce
T: 9,52 And [y]iue [th]e g(ra)ce on [th]is er[th]e in good
lif to ende
T: 9,53 [Th]us I wente wydewhere dowel to seken
T: 9,54 As I wente be a wode walkyng myn one
T: 9,55 Blisse of [th]e briddis made me abide
fol. xlv-v
T: 9,56 And vndir a lynde vpon a launde lenide I me a stounde
T: 9,57 To lerne [th]e laies [th](a)t louely briddis maden
T: 9,58 Blisse of [th]ise briddis brou[gh]te me a slepe
T: 9,59 [Th]e m(er)ueilleste metyng mette me [th]anne
T: 9,60 [Th](a)t eu(er)e dremide dri[gh]t in doute as I wene
T: 9,61 A muchel man me [th]ou[gh]te lik to myselue
T: 9,62 Com & callide me be my kynde name
T: 9,63 What art [th](o)u q(ua)[th] I [th]o [th](a)t my name
T: 9,64 [Th](a)t [th]ou wost wel q(ua)[th] he & no wi[gh]t
T: 9,65 Wot ich q(ua)[th] I who art [th](o)u [th]ou[gh]t
seide he [th]anne
T: 9,66 I haue sewide [th]e seue(n) [y]er sei[gh]e [th](o)u
me no ra[th](er)e
T: 9,67 Art [th](o)u [th]ou[gh]t [th]o q(ua)[th] I [th](o)u
cou[th]est me telle
T: 9,68 Where dowel dwelli[th] & do me to wisse
T: 9,69 Dowel q(ua)[th] he & dobet & dobest [th]e
T: 9,70 Arn [th]re faire v(er)tues & ben not for to fynde
T: 9,71 Whoso is mek of his mou[th] mylde of his speche
T: 9,72 Trewe of his tunge & of his two handis
T: 9,73 And [th]oru[gh] his labo(ur) or his lond his liflode
T: 9,74 Trusty of his tailende taki[th] but his owene
T: 9,75 And nou[gh]t drunkelewe ne deyno(us) dowel hym folewi[th]
T: 9,76 Dobet [th]us do[th] ac he do[th] muche more
T: 9,77 He is as lou[gh] as a lomb louelich of speche
T: 9,78 Whiles he ha[th] ou[gh]t of his owene he helpi[th]
[th](er)e nede is
T: 9,79 [Th]e bagges & [th]e breigerdlis he ha[th] broken
hem alle
T: 9,80 [Th]at [th]e Erl auerous hadde or his eires
T: 9,81 And wi[th] mammones money he ha[th] mad hym frendis
T: 9,82 And is ronne to religioun & ha[th] rendrit [th]e
T: 9,83 And p(re)chi[th] [th]e peple seint poulis wordis
T: 9,83 { Libent(er) sufferte &c }
T: 9,84 [Th]e wise suffri[th] [th]e vnwise w(i)t(h) [y]ow
to libbe
T: 9,85 And wi[th] glad wil do[th] hem good for so god bit
T: 9,86 Dobest is aboue bo[th]e & beri[th] a bisshopis
T: 9,87 Is hokid at [th](a)t on ende to holde men in good
T: 9,88 A pik is in [th]at potent to pungen adoun [th]e wykkide
T: 9,89 [Th]at waiten any wikkidnesse dowel to tenen
T: 9,90 And as dowel & dobet dede hem to vndirstonde
T: 9,91 [Th]ei han crounide o king to kepe hem alle
T: 9,92 [Th]at [y]if dowel & dobet dede a[gh]ens dobest
T: 9,93 And were vnbuxum at his bidding and bold to don ille
T: 9,94 [Th](a)t [th]anne shulde [th]e kyng come & casten
hem in p(re)sou(n)
T: 9,95 And putten hem [th](er)e in pen(au)nce wi[th]oute
pite or g(ra)ce
T: 9,96 But dobest bede for hem abide [th](er)e for eu(er)e
T: 9,97 [Th]us dowel & dobet & dobest [th]e [th]ridde
T: 9,98 Corounid on to be kyng & be his counseil werchen
T: 9,99 And rewele [th]e reaum be red of hem alle
T: 9,100 And o[th](er)e wise & ellis nou[gh]t but as
[th]ei [th]re assentide
fol. xlvj-r
T: 9,101 I [th]ankide [th]ou[gh]t [th]o [th](a)t he me so tau[gh]te
T: 9,102 Ac [y]et sauo(ur)i[th] me nou[gh]t [th]i segging
so me god helpe
T: 9,103 More kynde knowyng I coueyte to lere
T: 9,104 How dowel dobet & dobest don on [th]is er[th]e
T: 9,105 But wyt can wisse [th]e q(ua)[th] [th]ou[gh]t where
[th]o [th]re dwellen
T: 9,106 Ellis wot no man [th](a)t now is o lyue
T: 9,107 [Th]ou[gh]t & I [th]us [th]re dayes we [y]eden
T: 9,108 Disputyng on dowel day aftir o[th](er)
T: 9,109 Ac er we ywar were wi[th] wyt gonne we mete
T: 9,110 He was long & lene lyk to non o[th](er)
T: 9,111 Was no pride on his app(ar)ail ne no pou(er)t no[th](er)
T: 9,112 Sad of his semblaunt & of a softe speche
T: 9,113 I durste meue no mat(er) to make hym to iangle
T: 9,114 But as I bad [th]ou[gh]t [th]o be mene betwene
T: 9,115 To putte for[th] sum p(ur)pos & p(ro)uen hise
T: 9,116 [Th]anne [th]ou[gh]t in [th](a)t tyme seide [th]is
T: 9,117 Where [th](a)t dowel & dobet & dobest be[th]
in londe
T: 9,118 Here is wil wolde wyte [y]if wit cou[th]e hym teche
Passus primus de dowel Ac.
T: 10,1 Sire dowel dwelli[th] qua[th] wyt nou[gh]t a day hennes
T: 10,2 In a castel [th](a)t kynde made of foure skenis [th]inges
T: 10,3 Of er[th]e & eir it is mad medlit togid(er)is
T: 10,4 Wi[th] wynd & wi[th] watir wi[gh]tliche enioynede
T: 10,5 Kynde ha[th] closid [th](er)einne craftily wi[th]alle
T: 10,6 A le(m)man [th](a)t he loui[th] lik to hymselue
T: 10,7 {Anima} he ha[th] to hire enuye
T: 10,8 A proud prikere of ff(ra)unce {Princeps hui(us) mundi}
T: 10,9 And wolde wynne hire awey w(i)t(h) wyles [y]if he
T: 10,10 Ac kynde knowi[th] hire wel and kepi[th] hire [th]e
T: 10,11 And ha[th] don hire to sire dowel duk of [th]ise
T: 10,12 Dobet is hire damysele sire dowelis sister
T: 10,13 And s(er)ui[th] [th]is lady lelly bo[th]e late & ra[th]e
T: 10,14 [Th]us dowel & dobet & dobest [th]e [th]ridde
T: 10,15 Be[th] maistris of [th]is man(er) [th]is maide to
T: 10,16 Ac [th]e constable of [th]e castel [th](a)t kepi[th]
hem alle
T: 10,17 Is a wys kni[gh]t w(i)t(h)alle sire [th]ou[gh]t
he hatte
T: 10,18 And ha[th] fyue faire sones be his furste wyf
T: 10,19 Sire se wel & sey wel & here wel [th]e hende
T: 10,20 Sire werche wel wi[th] [th]in hond & wi[gh]t
man of streng[th]e
T: 10,21 And sire godefrey go wel grete lordis alle
T: 10,22 [Th]ise sixe ben yset to saue [th]e castel
T: 10,23 To kepe [th]ise wo(m)man [th]ise wise men ben chargid
T: 10,24 Til kynde come o[th](er) sende to kepe hire hymselue
T: 10,25 What calle [y]e [th](a)t castel q(ua)[th] I [th](a)t
kynde ha[th] ymakid
T: 10,26 --- this line om ---
T: 10,27 Kynde qua[th] he is creato(ur) of alle kenis bestis
fol. xlvj-v
T: 10,28 ffadir & fo(ur)mo(ur) [th]e ferste of alle [th]ing
T: 10,29 And [th](a)t is [th]e grete god [th]at gynnyng had
T: 10,30 [Th]e lord of lif & of li[th] of lisse & of
T: 10,31 Aungelis & alle [th]ing arn at his wille
T: 10,32 Ac man is hym most lik of mark & of shap
T: 10,33 ffor [t]horu[gh] [th]e woord [th](a)t he warp wexe
for[th] bestis
T: 10,34 And al at his wil was wrou[gh]t wi[th] a speche
T: 10,34a {Dixit & facta sunt &c }
T: 10,35 Saue man [th](a)t he made ymage to hi(m)selue
T: 10,36 [Y]af hym gost of his godhed & g(ra)untide hym
T: 10,37 Lif [th](a)t ay shal laste & al his lynage aftir
T: 10,38 [Th](a)t is [th]e castel [th](a)t kynde made {caro}
it hatte
T: 10,39 As muche to mene [th]at man w(i)t(h) his soule
T: 10,40 [Th](a)t he wrou[gh]te wi[th] werkis & w(i)t(h)
wordis bo[th]e
T: 10,41 [Th]oru[gh] mi[gh]t of [th]e maieste man was ymakid
T: 10,41 { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymaginem n(ost)ram
T: 10,42 Inwit & alle wyttes enclosid ben [th](er)inne
T: 10,43 ffor loue of [th](a)t lady [th]at lif is ynempnid
T: 10,44 [Th]at is {Anima} [th]at ou(er)al in [th]e body
T: 10,45 Ac in [th]e herte is hire hom hei[gh]est of alle
T: 10,46 Heo is lyf & led(er)e a lemman of heuene
T: 10,47 Inwyt is [th]e halle [th]at {anima} desiri[th]
T: 10,48 Aftir [th]e g(ra)ce of god Inwyt is [th]e grettest
T: 10,49 Inwyt in [th]e heuid is & an help to [th]e soule
T: 10,50 ffor [th]oru[gh] his connyng is kept {caro} & {anima}
T: 10,51 In rewele & in resoun but reccheles it make
T: 10,52 He eggi[th] ei[gh]e si[gh]t & heryng to gode
T: 10,53 Of good speche & connyng he is [th]e begynn(er)e
T: 10,54 In manis brayn is he most & mi[gh]tiest to knowe
T: 10,55 [Th](er)e is his bour bremest but [y]if blod it
T: 10,56 ffor whan blood is brem(er)e [th]anne brayn [th]an
is Inwit bou(n)de
T: 10,57 And ek wantoun & wilde wi[th]oute any resoun
T: 10,58 In [y]onge fauntes & folis wi[th] hem faili[th]
T: 10,59 And ek in sottis [th](o)u mi[gh]t se [th](a)t sitten
at [th]e nale
T: 10,60 [Th]ei helde ale in here hed til Inwyt be drenchit
T: 10,61 And ben braynwood as bestis so here blood wexi[th]
T: 10,62 Thanne ha[th] [th]e pouk power sire {princeps hui(us)
T: 10,63 Ou(er) suche man(er) of men mi[gh]t in here soulis
T: 10,64 Ac in fauntis ne in folis [th]e deuil ha[th] no
T: 10,65 ffor no werk [th](a)t [th]ei werche wykkide o[th](er)
T: 10,66 Ac [th]e fadir & [th]e ffrendis for fauntis
shuln be blamid
T: 10,67 But [y]if [th]ei witen hem fro wauntounesse whiles
[th]ei ben [y]ou[th]e
T: 10,68 And [y]if [th]ei ben pore & cateles to kepe
he(m) fro ille
fol. xlvij-r
T: 10,69 [Th]anne is holi chirche owyng to helpe hem & saue
T: 10,70 Fro folies & fynde hem til [th]ei ben wise
T: 10,71 And iche wi[gh]t in [th]is world [th]at ha[th] wys
T: 10,72 Is chief sou(er)eyn ou(er) hymself his soule to
T: 10,73 And cheuisshi[th] hym for any charge whan he childhod
T: 10,74 Saue hymself fro synne for so hym behoui[th]
T: 10,75 ffor werche he wel o[th](er) wrong [th]e wyt is
his owene
T: 10,76 [Th]anne is dowel a duc [th](a)t destroye[th] vices
T: 10,77 And saui[th] [th]e soule [th](a)t synne ha[th] no
T: 10,78 To routen ne to resten ne rosen in [th]in herte
T: 10,79 And [th](a)t is dred of god dowel it maki[th]
T: 10,80 It is begynnyng of goodnesse god for to douten
T: 10,81 Salamon it seide for a so[th] tale
T: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie est timor d(omi)ni }
T: 10,82 ffor doute men do[th] [th]e bet dred is such a maister
T: 10,83 [Th]at he maki[th] men meke & mylde of h(er)e
T: 10,84 And alle kynde scoleris in scole to lerne
T: 10,85 [Th]anne is dobet to ben ywar for betyng of [th]e
T: 10,86 And [th](er)of sei[th] [th]e saut(er) [th]e salme
[th]ou mi[gh]t rede
T: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tuus ip(s)a me consolata
sunt }
T: 10,88 Ac [y]if clene consience acorde [th](a)t [th]iself
dost wel
T: 10,89 Wilne [th](o)u neu(er)e in [th]is world why for
to do bet(er)e
T: 10,90 ffor {intenc(i)o iudicat ho(m)i(n)em &c }
T: 10,91 Be counseil of consience accordyng holy chirche
T: 10,92 Loke [th](o)u wisse [th]i wyt & [th]i werkis
T: 10,93 ffor [y]if [th](o)u comist a[gh]en consience [th](o)u
combrist [th]iseluen
T: 10,94 --- this line om ---
T: 10,94a { Qui agit contra consc(ient)iam &c }
T: 10,95 Ac [y]if [th]ou werchist be godis word I warne [th]e
[th]e beste
T: 10,96 Whatso men worden of [th]e wra[th][th]e [th]e neu(er)e
T: 10,97 Catoun counseilli[th] tak kep of his teching
T: 10,98 {Cum recte viuas ne cures v(er)ba malor(um)}
T: 10,99 But suffre & sit stille & sek [th](o)u no
T: 10,100 And be glad of [th]e g(ra)ce [th](a)t god ha[th]
Isent [th]e
T: 10,101 ffor [y]if [th]ou comsist to clymbe & coueitest
T: 10,102 [Th]ou mi[gh]test lese [th]i lou[gh]nesse for a
litel pride
T: 10,103 I haue herd how lewid men han lernid here children
T: 10,104 [Th]at selde men se[th] [th]e marbil [th](a)t men
ofte dreden
T: 10,105 And ri[gh]t so be romberis [th]at rennen aboute
T: 10,106 ffro religioun to religioun reccheles ben [th]ei
T: 10,107 Ne men [th](a)t conne manye craftis clergie techi[th]
T: 10,108 Thrift o[th](er) [th]edom w(i)t(h) [th]o is selde
ysei[gh]e { Qui circuit &c }
T: 10,109 Poule [th]e apostel in his pistil wrot it
T: 10,110 In ensaumple of suche shulde not renne aboute
fol. xlvij-v
T: 10,111 And for wisdom is writen & witnessid in chirches
T: 10,112 {In ead(e)m vocac(i)one qua vocati estis state}
T: 10,113 [Y]if [th]ou be man maried monk o[th](er) chanou(n)
T: 10,114 Hold [th]e stable & stedefast & streng[th]e
T: 10,115 To be blissid for [th]i beryng [th]e bigg(er)e
[th]ei[gh] [th](o)u were
T: 10,116 Loke [th]ou grucche nou[gh]t on god [th]ei[gh]
he gyue [th]e litel
T: 10,117 Be paied wi[th] [th]e porc(i)ou(n) pore o[th](er)
T: 10,118 [Th]us in dred li[th] dowel dobet to suffre
T: 10,119 ffor [th]oru[gh] suffraunce se [th](o)u mi[gh]t
how sou(er)aynes arise[th]
T: 10,120 And so leri[th] vs luk [th]at lei[gh]ede neu(er)e
T: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabit(ur) &c }
T: 10,121 And [th]us of dred & here dede dobest arisi[th]
T: 10,122 Which is [th]e flo(ur) & [th]e fruyt fostrid
of bo[th]e
T: 10,123 Ri[gh]t as a rose swet out of a raggit rote
T: 10,124 And a rou[gh] brere sp(r)inge[th] & spredi[th]
[th](a)t spic(er)is desiri[th]
T: 10,125 --- 123-5 as two lines divided after rote T ---
T: 10,126 Or as whete out of weed waxi[th] out of [th]e er[th]e
T: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet & dowel gynne[th] sp(r)inge
T: 10,128 Among men of [th]is molde [th](a)t mek ben & kynde
T: 10,129 ffor loue of here lou[gh]nesse oure lord [y]iue[th]
hem g(ra)ce
T: 10,130 Such werch to werche as he is wi[th] paied
T: 10,131 And formest & f(er)st to folk [th](a)t ben
T: 10,132 And lyuen as here lawis wiln it like[th] god almi[gh]ty
T: 10,133 [Th]at [th]oru[gh] wedlak [th]e world stant whoso
wile it knowen
T: 10,134 [Th]ei be [th]e riccheste of reaumes & [th]e
rote of dowel
T: 10,135 ffor of here kynde [th]ei comen [th](a)t confesso(ur)s
ben nempnid
T: 10,136 Bo[th]e maidenis & nonnes monkes & ancris
T: 10,137 Kinges & kni[gh]tes & alle kyne clerkis
T: 10,138 Barouns & burgeis & bondemen of tounes
T: 10,139 Ac fals folk & fei[th]les as [th]euis & lei[gh]eris
T: 10,140 Ben conseyuid in cursid tyme as kaym was on Eue
T: 10,141 Aftir [th](a)t ad(a)m & she eten [th]e appil
T: 10,142 A[gh]ens [th]e hest of hym [th](a)t hem of nou[gh]t
T: 10,143 An aungel in angir hi[gh]te hym to wende
T: 10,144 Into [th]is wrecchide world to wonen & to libben
T: 10,145 In tene & trauaille to here lyues ende
T: 10,146 In [th](a)t curside constellac(i)ou(n) [th]ei knewe
T: 10,147 And brou[gh]t for[th] a barn [th]at muche bale
T: 10,148 Caym [th]ei hym callide in cursid tyme engendrit
T: 10,149 And so sei[th] [th]e saut(er) se it whanne [th]e
T: 10,150 {Concepit dolore & pep(er)it iniquitatem &c
T: 10,151 Alle [th]at comen of [th]at caym crist hatid aftir
T: 10,152 And manye mylions mo of men & of wo(m)men
T: 10,153 And of seth & his sistir si[th][th]e for[th]
fol. xlviij-r
T: 10,154 ffor [th]ei mariede hem wi[th] curside men of caymes
T: 10,155 ffor alle [th](a)t comen of [th](a)t caym, acursid
[th]ei were
T: 10,156 And alle [th](a)t couplide hem w(i)t(h) [th](a)t
kyn crist hatide eu(er)e
T: 10,157 ffor[th]i he sente to seyn & sende hym be an
T: 10,158 To kepe his kynrede fro kaymes [th]ei couplide
nou[gh]t togid(er)is
T: 10,159 And si[th]en sem & his suster wern spousid
to kaymes
T: 10,160 Ageyns godis hest girlis hy geten
T: 10,161 [Th]at god was wro[th] wi[th] here werkis & seide
suche wordis
T: 10,162 {Penitet me fecisse ho(m)i(n)em}
T: 10,163 And is as muche to mene among vs alle
T: 10,164 [Th]at I man makide now it me for[th]inke[th]
T: 10,165 And com to noe anon and bad hym nou[gh]t lette
T: 10,166 Swi[th]e to shapen a sship of shidis & bordis
T: 10,167 Hymself & his sones [th]re & si[th]en here
T: 10,168 Buskide to [th]at boot & biden [th](er)eInne
T: 10,169 Til fourty dayes be fulfild [th]at flood haue ywasshe
T: 10,170 Clene awey [th]e cursid blood [th]at caym ha[th]
T: 10,171 Bestis [th](a)t now ben shuln banne [th]e tyme
T: 10,172 [Th]at eu(er)e curside caym com on [th]is er[th]e
T: 10,173 Alle shuln dei[gh]e for his dedis be dounes & hilles
T: 10,174 Bo[th]e fisshis & foulis for[th] mi[th] o[th](er)e
T: 10,175 Outtake [th]e ei[gh]te soulis & of iche beste
a couple
T: 10,176 Put [th]at in [th]e same ship [th]at shal ben ysauid
T: 10,177 Ellis shal alle di[gh]en & to helle wenden
T: 10,178 [Th]oru[gh] curside caym [th]us cam care vpon alle
T: 10,179 And al for sem & his sist(er) children spouside
ei[th](er) o[th](er)
T: 10,180 A[gh]en [th]e lawe of oure lord ley hem togid(er)is
T: 10,181 And mariede at meschief as men do now h(er)e children
T: 10,182 ffor su(m)me as I se now so[th] for to telle
T: 10,183 ffor coueitise of catel vnkyndely be maried
T: 10,184 A carful concepc(i)ou(n) comi[th] of such weddyng
T: 10,185 As fel of [th]e folk as before shewide
T: 10,186 It is an vncomely copil be crist as I wene
T: 10,187 To [y]iuen a [y]ong wenche to an old feble
T: 10,188 Or wedde any wydewe for any wele of godis
T: 10,189 [Th](a)t neu(er)e shal bere child but it be in
T: 10,190 In gelosie ioyeles & ianglyng of bedde
T: 10,191 Manye peire si[th]en [th]is pestilence han pi[gh]t
hem togid(er)e
T: 10,192 [Th]e fruyt [th](a)t [th]ei bringe for[th] arn
manye foule wordis
T: 10,193 Haue [th]ei no children but chiding & choppis
T: 10,194 [Th]ei[gh] [th]ei don hem to dunmowe but [y]if
[th]e deuil helpe
T: 10,195 To folewe aftir [th]e flicche fecche [th]ei it
T: 10,196 But [y]if [th]ei bo[th]e be forsworn [th](a)t bacoun
[th]ei tyne
T: 10,197 ffor[th]i I counseile alle cristene coueite not
be weddit
fol. xlviij-v
T: 10,198 ffor coueitise of catel or of kynrede riche
T: 10,199 But maidenis & maidenis macche [y]ow ysamme
T: 10,200 Wydeweris & wydewis werchi[th] ri[gh]t also
T: 10,201 And glade [y]e god [th](a)t al good sendi[th]
T: 10,202 ffor in my tyme treweliche betwyn men & wo(m)men
T: 10,203 Shulde no bedbourd be but [th]ei were bo[th]e clene
T: 10,204 Of lif & of loue & of lawe also
T: 10,205 [Th]at dede derne do no man ne shulde
T: 10,206 As betwyn sengle & sengle si[th][th]e lawe
ha[th] yg(ra)untid
T: 10,207 [Th]at iche man haue a make in man(er) of wedlak
T: 10,208 And do [th](a)t werk on his wyf & on no wo(m)man
T: 10,209 [Th](a)t o[th](er)e gatis ben geten for gadelynges
ben holden
T: 10,210 And [th]at ben fals folk & fals eires also
foundlynges & folis
T: 10,211 Vng(ra)cious to gete loue or any good ellis
T: 10,212 But wandri[th] & wasti[th] what [th]at [th]ei
T: 10,213 A[gh]ens dowel hy don euele & [th]e deuil plesen
T: 10,214 And aftir here de[th] day shuln dwelle w(i)t(h)
[th]e same
T: 10,215 But [y]if god [y]iue hym g(ra)ce here to amende
T: 10,216 [Th]anne is dowel to dreden & dobet to suffre
T: 10,217 And so comi[th] dobest aboute and bringe[th] doun
T: 10,218 And [th]at is wykkide wil [th](a)t many werk shendi[th]
Passus secundus de dowel Ac.
T: 11,1 [Th]anne hadde wyt a wyf [th](a)t hatte dame studie
T: 11,2 [Th]at lene was of lich & of lo[th]ly chere
T: 11,3 She was wondirliche wro[th] [th](a)t wyt so tau[gh]te
T: 11,4 And sterneliche staringe dame studie seide
T: 11,5 Wel art [th](o)u wys wyt q(ua)[th] she any wisdomis
to telle
T: 11,6 To flat(er)eris or to folis [th](a)t frentyk ben
of wittis
T: 11,7 And blamide hym bitt(er)ly & bad hym be stille
T: 11,8 Wi[th] suche wise wordis to wisse any foolis
T: 11,9 And seide {Nolite mitt(er)e} Man marg(er)ie p(er)lis
T: 11,10 Among hogges [th](a)t hauen hawen at wille
T: 11,11 [Th]ei do but drauele [th](er)on draf were hem leu(er)e
T: 11,12 [Th]anne al [th]e p(re)cious p(er)rie [th](a)t in
p(ar)adis wexi[th]
T: 11,13 I say be [th]o q(ua)[th] she [th]at shewen be here
T: 11,14 [Th]at hem were leu(er)e lond & lordsshipe on
T: 11,15 Or ricchesse or rentis & reste at here wille
T: 11,16 [Th]anne alle [th]e so[th]e sawis [th](a)t salamon
seide eu(er)e
T: 11,17 Wisdom and wyt now is not wor[th] a risshe
T: 11,18 But it be cardit wi[th] coueitise as clo[th](er)is
don h(er)e wolle
T: 11,19 [Th](a)t can construe deseites & conspire wrongis
T: 11,20 And lede for[th] a loueday to lette [th]e treu[th]e
T: 11,21 [Th](a)t suche craftis conne ben yclepid to counseil
T: 11,22 And ben s(er)uid as sires [th]at serue [th]e deuil
T: 11,23 Iob [th]e ientile in his gestis seide it
T: 11,23a { Quare via impior(um) p(re)p(ar)at(ur) ve e(st)
om(n)ib(us) qui p(ra)ue agunt & iniq(ue) }
fol. xlix-r
T: 11,24 And he [th](a)t ha[th] holy writ ay in his mou[th]
T: 11,25 And can telle of tobie & of [th]e twelue apostlis
T: 11,26 Or p(re)chen of [th]e pen(au)nce [th](a)t pilatis
T: 11,27 To ih(es)u [th]e gentil [th](a)t Iewis todrowe
T: 11,28 On crois vpon caluarie as clerkis vs techi[th]
T: 11,29 Litel is he louid or lete by [th](a)t suche a lessou(n)
T: 11,30 Or dauntid or drawe for[th] [th]ise diso(ur)s wyte
[th]e so[th]e
T: 11,31 ffor [y]if harlotrie ne halp he(m) bet(er)e haue
god my trou[th]e
T: 11,32 More [th]anne musik or makyng of god almi[gh]t
T: 11,33 Wolde neu(er)e king ne kni[gh]t ne canou(n) of seint
T: 11,34 [Y]iue hem to here [y]eris[gh]iue [th]e value of
a grote
T: 11,35 Menstralsie & m(er)[th]e among men is nou[th]e
T: 11,36 Leccherie & loseng(er)ie & losel(is) talis
T: 11,37 Glotonye & grete o[th]is [th]ise arn games nowadayes
T: 11,38 Ac [y]if [th]ei carpen of crist [th]ise clerkis & [th]ise
T: 11,39 At [th]e mete & at m(er)[th]e whanne mynstral(is)
ben stille
T: 11,40 [Th]anne telle [th]ei of [th]e trinite how two slowe
[th]e [th]ridde
T: 11,41 And bringe for[th] a ballid resou(n) tok bernard
to witnesse
T: 11,42 And putte for[th] p(re)sumpc(i)ou(n) to p(ro)ue
[th]e so[th]e
T: 11,43 [Th]us [th]ei dryuelen at here deis [th]e deite
to knowe
T: 11,44 And gnawen god in here [th]rote whanne h(er)e guttis
T: 11,45 Ac [th]e carful may cri[gh]en & carpe at [th]e
T: 11,46 Bo[th]e for hungir & of [th]rest & for chele
T: 11,47 Is non to nymen hym In ne his anguyssh amende
T: 11,48 But hunsen hym as an hound & hoten hym go [th]enne
T: 11,49 Litel loui[th] he [th](a)t lord [th](a)t leni[th]
hym al [th]at blisse
T: 11,50 [Th](a)t [th]us parti[th] wi[th] [th]e poore a p(ar)cel
whanne hym nedi[th]
T: 11,51 Nere m(er)cy in mene men more [th]an in riche
T: 11,52 Manye men meteles mi[gh]te go to bedde
T: 11,53 God is muche in [th]e [th]rote of [th]is grete maistris
T: 11,54 Ac among men hise m(er)cy & his werkis
T: 11,55 And so sei[th] [th]e sauter se it in {Memento}
T: 11,55 { Ecce audiuim(us) eam in effrata inuenim(us) eam
in campis silue }
T: 11,56 Clerkis and kid men carpen of god faste
T: 11,57 And han muchel in here mou[th] ac mene men in herte
T: 11,58 ffreris and faito(ur)s han founden vp suche questiouns
T: 11,59 To pleise wi[th] proude men si[th]en [th]e pestilence
T: 11,60 [Th]at defouli[th] oure false at [th]e feste [th](er)e
[th]ei sitten
T: 11,61 ffor now is iche boy bold & he be riche
T: 11,62 To tellen of [th]e trinite to be holden a sire
T: 11,63 And fyndi[th] for[th] fantasies oure fei[th] to
T: 11,64 And defame [th]e fadir [th]at vs alle made
T: 11,65 And carpide a[gh]ens clergie crabbide wordis
T: 11,66 Why wolde oure sauio(ur) suffre such a worm in his
fol. xlix-v
T: 11,67 [Th]at he gilide [th]e wo(m)man & [th]e wy aftir
T: 11,68 [Th]oru[gh] whiche a werk & wille [th]ei wenten
to helle
T: 11,69 And alle here seed for here synne [th]e same wo
T: 11,70 Suche motifs [th]ei meuen [th]ise maistris in here
T: 11,71 And make men to mysbeleue [th](a)t musen on here
T: 11,72 Ac austyn [th]e olde for alle suche p(re)chide
T: 11,73 And for suche tale telleris suche a teme shewide
T: 11,74 {Non plus sap(er)e quam oportet}
T: 11,75 That is to seyn ne wilne[th] neu(er)e for to wyte
T: 11,76 That god wolde suffre sathan his sed to bigile
T: 11,77 Ac beleue lelly of lore of holy chirche
T: 11,78 And p(re)ye hym of p(ar)doun & pen(au)nce be
[th]i lyue
T: 11,79 And for his muchel m(er)cy to amende vs here
T: 11,80 ffor alle [th](a)t wilne[th] to wyte [th]e werkes
of god almi[gh]t
T: 11,81 I wolde his ei[gh]en wern in his ars & his hele
T: 11,82 [Th]at eu(er)e eft wilne[th] to wyte why god wolde
T: 11,83 Suffren sathan his sed to begile
T: 11,84 Er Iudas [th]e Iew Ih(es)u betrayede
T: 11,85 Al was as he wolde lord yworsshipid be [th](o)u
T: 11,86 And al wor[th] as [th]ou wilt whatso we telle
T: 11,87 And now comi[th] a conyon & wolde cacche of
my wittes
T: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet now def mote he wor[th]e
T: 11,89 Si[th]en he wilne[th] to wyte which [th]ei ben alle
T: 11,90 But he lyue in [th]e leste degre [th](a)t longi[th]
to dowel
T: 11,91 I dar be his bolde boru[gh] do bet wile he neu(er)e
T: 11,92 [Th]ei[gh] dobest drawe on hym day aftir o[th](er)
T: 11,93 And whanne [th](a)t wyt was war how his wif tolde
T: 11,94 He becomi[th] so co(n)fus he cou[th]e nou[gh]t mele
T: 11,95 Also doumb as a dore drou[gh] hym asid
T: 11,96 Ac for no carping I cou[th]e ne knelyng to [th]e
T: 11,97 I mi[gh]te gete no gayn of hise grete wyttes
T: 11,98 But al lau[gh]inge he loutide & lokide vpon
T: 11,99 In signe [th](a)t I shulde beseke hire of his g(ra)ce
T: 11,100 And whanne I was war of his wil to his wif gan
I knele
T: 11,101 And seide m(er)cy madame [y]o(ur) man shal I wor[th]e
T: 11,102 ffor to werche [y]o(ur) wil [th](er) whiles my
lif duri[th]
T: 11,103 Kenne me kyndely to knowe what is dowel
T: 11,104 ffor [th]i meknesse man q(ua)[th] she & for
[th]i mylde speche
T: 11,105 I shal kenne [th]e to my cosyn [th](a)t clergie
is hoten
T: 11,106 He ha[th] weddit a wif wi[th]inne [th]ise woukes
T: 11,107 Is sib to [th]e seuene ars [th](a)t script(ur)e
is nempnid
T: 11,108 [Th]ei two I hope aftir my besekyng
T: 11,109 Shuln wisse [th]e to dowel I dar wel vndirtake
T: 11,110 [Th]anne was I fayn as foul of fair morewen
T: 11,111 Gladd(er)e [th]anne [th]e gleman [th](a)t gold
ha[th] to [y]ifte
fol. l-r
T: 11,112 And axide hire [th]e hei[gh]e wey where clergie wonide
T: 11,113 And tel me sum tokne to hym for tyme is [th](a)t
I wende
T: 11,114 Axe [th]e hei[gh]e wey q(ua)[th] heo from henis
to suffre
T: 11,115 Bo[th]e wele & wo [y]if [th](a)t [th]ou wile
T: 11,116 And rid for[th] be ricchesse ac reste [th](o)u
not [th](er)einne
T: 11,117 ffor [y]if [th]ou couplist [th]e w(i)t(h) hym to
clergie comist [th](o)u neu(er)e
T: 11,118 And ek [th]e longe launde [th](a)t leccherie hatte
T: 11,119 Leue hym on [th]i left half a large myle or more
T: 11,120 Til [th]ou come to a co(ur)t kepe wel [th]i tunge
T: 11,121 ffor lesinges & li[gh]eris speche & likerous
T: 11,122 [Th]anne shalt [th]ou se sobirte & simplite
of speche
T: 11,123 [Th](a)t iche wi[gh]t be in wille his wyt [th]e
to shewen
T: 11,124 So shalt [th]ou come to clergie [th](a)t can many
T: 11,125 Sey hym [th]is signe I sette hym to scole
T: 11,126 And [th](a)t [th]ou grete wel his wyf for I wrot
hire [th]e bible
T: 11,127 And sette hire to sapience & to hire saut(er)
T: 11,128 Logik I lerid hire & al [th]e lawe aftir
T: 11,129 And alle [th]e musons of musik I made hire knowe
T: 11,130 Plato [th]e poete I putte hym ferst to boke
T: 11,131 Aristotel & o[th](er)e mo to arguen I tau[gh]te
T: 11,132 Gram(er) for girles I garte ferst write
T: 11,133 And bet hem wi[th] a baleis but [y]if [th]ei wolde
T: 11,134 And alle kynne craftis I contreuide here
T: 11,135 Tolis of carpent(er)is & keru(er)is & kende
ferst masons
T: 11,136 And lernide hym lyuel & lyne [th]ei[gh] I loke
T: 11,137 Ac theologie ha[th] tenid me ten score tymes
T: 11,138 ffor [th]e more I muse [th](er)on [th]e mistlokere
it semi[th]
T: 11,139 And [th]e depp(er)e I deuynide [th]e derkere me
T: 11,140 It is no science forso[th]e for to sotile [th](er)e
T: 11,141 Ne were [th]e loue [th](a)t li[th] [th](er)ein
a wel lewid [th]ing it were
T: 11,142 Ac for it lat best be loue I loue it [th]e bet(er)e
T: 11,143 ffor [th]ere [th]at loue is lord lakki[th] neu(er)e
T: 11,144 Leue lelly [th](er)on [y]if [th]ou [th]enke do
T: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest ben drawen of louis skile
T: 11,146 In o[th]er science it sei[th] I sai[gh] it in catou(n)
T: 11,147 {Qui similat v(er)bis nec corde est fidus amic(us)}
T: 11,148 --- this line om ---
T: 11,149 Ac theologie techi[th] vs not so who taki[th] heed
T: 11,150 He kenni[th] vs [th]e cont(ra)rie a[y]ens catonis
T: 11,151 And vs ben as bre[th](er)en & blissen oure
T: 11,152 And louen hem [th]at li[gh]en on vs & lenen
he(m) at here nede
T: 11,153 And do good a[gh]ens euil god hymself hoti[th]
T: 11,154 And seide it hymself in ensaumple for [th]e beste
T: 11,154 { Necesse est vt veniant scandala }
T: 11,155 Astronomye is hard [th]ing & euil for to knowe
T: 11,156 Geometrie & geomesie is gynful of speche
T: 11,157 [Th]at [th]inke[th] werche werche wi[th] [th]o
[th]re [th]riue[th] wel late
fol. l-v
T: 11,158 ffor sorcerie is [th]e sou(er)ayn bok [th](a)t to
[th]at science longi[th]
T: 11,159 [Y]et arn [th]ere febicchis of fforellis of many
manis wittes
T: 11,160 Exp(er)imentis of alkenemye of albertis makyng
T: 11,161 Nigromancie & p(er)mansie [th]e pouke to reisen
T: 11,162 [Y]if [th]ou [th]enke do wel deile [th](er)ew(i)t(h)
T: 11,163 Alle [th]ise sciences sikir I myself foundit
T: 11,164 Hem formest folk for to desceyue
T: 11,165 I bekenne [th]e crist q(ua)[th] she I can teche
[th]e no bet(er)e
T: 11,166 I seide g(ra)unt m(er)cy madame & mekly hire
T: 11,167 And wente wi[gh]tly my wey wi[th]oute more lettyng
T: 11,168 And fond as she foretolde & for[th] gan I wende
T: 11,169 And er I com to clergie coude I neu(er)e stynte
T: 11,170 I grette [th]e goode man as [th]e gode wyf me tau[gh]te
T: 11,171 And aftirward his wyf I worsshipide bo[th]e
T: 11,172 And tolde hire [th]e toknes [th](a)t me ytau[gh]t
T: 11,173 Was neu(er)e grom vpon [th]is ground si[th][th]e
god makid heuene
T: 11,174 ffairere vndirfonge ne frendliere mad at ese
T: 11,175 [Th]anne myself so[th]ly so sone heo it wiste
T: 11,176 [Th](a)t I was of wyttis hous & wi[th] his
wyf dame stodie
T: 11,177 Curteisliche clergise callide me & kiste
T: 11,178 And axide how wyt ferde & his wif studie
T: 11,179 And I sei[gh]e so[th]liche [th]ei sente me hider
T: 11,180 To lere at [y]ow dowel & dobet [th](er)eaftir
T: 11,181 And si[th]en aftirward to se sumwhat of dobest
T: 11,182 It is a wel lelly lif q(ua)[th] she among [th]e
lewide peple
T: 11,183 Actif it is hoten lewide men it vsen
T: 11,184 Trewe tilieris on er[th]e taillo(ur)s & sout(er)is
T: 11,185 And alle kyne crafty men [th](a)t cunne h(er)e
foode wynne
T: 11,186 Wi[th] any trewe trauaille toilie for here foode
T: 11,187 Diken or deluen dowel it hatte
T: 11,188 To breke begg(er)is bred & bakken hem w(i)t(h)
T: 11,189 Counforte [th]e carful [th](a)t in castel ben fett(er)id
T: 11,190 And seken out [th]e seke & sende hem [th](a)t
hem nedi[th]
T: 11,191 Obedient as bre[th](er)en & sustren to o[th](er)e
T: 11,192 [Th]us bed [th]e dobet so beri[th] witnesse [th]e
T: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocundum h(ab)itare
ff(rat)res in vnu(m) }
T: 11,193 Sike w(i)t(h) [th]e sory singe w(i)t(h) [th]e glade
T: 11,193a { Gaudere cum gaudentib(us) Et flere cum flentib(us)
T: 11,194 God wot [th]is is dobet sire dobest ha[th] benefices
T: 11,195 Sire dobest ha[th] benefices
T: 11,196 So is he best wor[th]i be [th](a)t god in [th]e
gospel gr(au)nti[th] & techi[th]
T: 11,196a { Qui facit & docu(er)it magnus vocabit(ur)
in regno celor(um) }
T: 11,197 ffor[th]i is dobest bisshopis pere
T: 11,198 Prince ou(er) godis peple to p(re)chen or to chaste
T: 11,199 Dobet do[th] ful wel & dewid he is also
fol. lj-r
T: 11,200 And ha[th] possessions & pluralites for pore
menis sake
T: 11,201 ffor mendynaunt[gh] at meschief [th]e men were
T: 11,202 And [th]at is ri[gh]tful religioun none renn(er)is
T: 11,203 Ne no lep(er)is ou(er) lond ladies to shryue
T: 11,204 Gregory [th]e grete clerk a good pope in his tyme
T: 11,205 Of religioun [th]e rewele he reherside in his morals
T: 11,206 And seide it in ensaumple [th](a)t [th]ei shulde
do [th]e bet(er)e
T: 11,207 Whanne fisshes faile [th]e flood or [th]e fresshe
T: 11,208 [Th]ei di[gh]e for [th]e drou[gh]te whanne [th]ei
drei[gh]e lengen
T: 11,209 Ri[gh]t so be religioun it roile[th] & sterui[th]
T: 11,210 [Th]at out of couent & cloistre coueiten to
T: 11,211 Ac now is religioun a rid(er)e & a renn(er)e
T: 11,212 A led(er)e of ladies & a lond bigg(er)e
T: 11,213 Pop(er)i[th] on a palfrey to toune & to toune
T: 11,214 A bidowe or a baselard he beri[th] be his side
T: 11,215 Godis flessh & his fet & hise fyue woundis
T: 11,216 Arn more in his mynde [th]an [th]e memorie of his
T: 11,217 [Th]is is [th]e lif of [th]ise lordis [th](a)t
lyuen shulde wi[th] dobet
T: 11,218 And welawey wers and I shulde al telle
T: 11,219 I wende [th](a)t kinghed & kni[gh]thed & caiseris
wi[th] Erlis
T: 11,220 Wern dowel & dobet & dobest of hem alle
T: 11,221 ffor I haue sei[gh]e it myself & si[th][th]en
red it aftir
T: 11,222 How crist counseilli[th] [th]e comune & kenne[th]
hem [th]is tale
T: 11,223 {Sup(er) cathedram moisi sederunt principes}
T: 11,224 ffor[th]i I wende [th](a)t [th]o wyes wern dobest
of alle
T: 11,225 I nile not scorne q(ua)[th] script(ur)e but scryueyns
T: 11,226 Kinghod & kni[gh]thod for au[gh]t I can aspie
T: 11,227 Helpi[th] nou[gh]t to heuene at one [y]eris ende
T: 11,228 Ne ricchesse ne rentis ne realte of lordis
T: 11,230 Poul p(ro)ui[th] it is vnpossible riche men in
T: 11,231 Ac pore men in pacience & penaunce togid(er)e
T: 11,232 Hauen eritage in heuene ac riche men non
T: 11,233 {Contra} q(ua)[th] I be crist [th](a)t can I [th]e
T: 11,234 And p(ro)uen it be [th]e pistil [th](a)t petir
is nempnid
T: 11,234 { Qui credid(er)it & baptizat(us) fu(er)it
saluus erit }
T: 11,235 [Th]at is {in extremis} q(ua)[th] script(ur)e as
sarisines & Iewis
T: 11,236 Mowe be sauid so & so is oure beleue
T: 11,237 [Th]at an vncristene in [th](a)t cas may cristene
an he[th]ene
T: 11,238 And for his lele beleue whanne he his lif tyne[th]
T: 11,239 Haue eritage in heuene as an hei[gh] cristene
T: 11,240 Ac cristene men god wot comi[th] not so to heuene
T: 11,241 ffor cristene han a degre & is [th]e comun
T: 11,242 { Dilige deum &c Et p(ro)x(imu)m tuu(m) sicut
teip(su)m }
T: 11,243 Godis word witnessi[th] we shuln yiue & dele
oure enemys
fol. lj-v
T: 11,244 And alle men [th](a)t arn nedy & pore men & suche
T: 11,245 --- this line om ---
T: 11,245a { Dum tempus est op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad om(n)es
maxime aut(em) ad domesticos fidei }
T: 11,246 Alle kynne creatures [th](a)t to crist beleui[th]
T: 11,247 We be holde hei[gh]ly to herie & honoure
T: 11,248 And [y]iuen hem of oure good as good as oureseluen
T: 11,249 And sou(er)eynliche to suche [th](a)t sewen oure
T: 11,250 [Th](a)t is iche cristene man be kynde to o[th](er)
T: 11,251 And si[th]en hem to helpe in hope hem to amende
T: 11,252 To harme hem ne slen hem god hi[gh]te vs neu(er)e
T: 11,253 ffor he sei[th] it hymself in his ten hestis
T: 11,254 Ne { mecab(er)is} ne sle nou[gh]t is [th]e kynde
T: 11,255 ffor {Michi vindictam Et ego retribuam}
T: 11,256 I shal punisshen in p(ur)catory or in [th]e put
of helle
T: 11,257 Eche man for his misdede but m(er)cy it make
T: 11,258 [Y]et am I neu(er)e [th]e ner for nou[gh]t I haue
T: 11,259 To wyte what is dowel witt(er)ly in herte
T: 11,260 ffor howso I werche in [th]is world o[th](er) ellis
T: 11,261 I was markid wi[th]oute m(er)cy & myn name
T: 11,262 In [th]e legende of lif longe er I were
T: 11,263 Or ellis vndirwriten for wykkid as witnessi[th]
[th]e gospel
T: 11,263 { Nemo ascendet ad celum nisi qui de celo descendit
T: 11,264 And I leue on oure lord & on no l(ett)rure
T: 11,265 ffor salamon [th]e sage [th](a)t sapience made
T: 11,266 God [y]af hem g(ra)ce & ricchesse togid(er)e
T: 11,267 ffor to reule his reaum ri[gh]t at his wille
T: 11,268 Dede he not wel & wisly as holy chirche techi[th]
T: 11,269 Bo[th]e in werk & in woord in world in his
T: 11,270 Aristotle & he who wrou[gh]te bet(er)e
T: 11,271 And al holy chirche holden hem in helle
T: 11,272 And was [th](er)e neu(er)e in [th]is world to wysere
of werkis
T: 11,273 ffor alle cunnyng clerkis si[th][th]e crist [y]ede
on er[th]e
T: 11,274 Taken ensaumpl(is) of h(er)e sawis in sarmonis
[th](a)t [th]ei maken
T: 11,275 And be here werkis & here wordis wissen vs
to dowel
T: 11,276 And [y]if I shal werke be here werkis to wynne
me heuene
T: 11,277 And for here werkis & for here wyt wende to
T: 11,278 [Th]anne wrou[gh]te I vnwisly wi[th] alle [th]e
wyt [th](a)t I lere
T: 11,279 A goode friday I fynde a feloun was sauid
T: 11,280 [Th](a)t hadde lyued al his lyf wi[th] lesinges & [th]eftis
T: 11,281 And for he kneu[gh] on [th]e crois & to crist
shref hym
T: 11,282 Sonn(er)e hadde he saluac(i)ou(n) [th]anne seint
Ion [th]e baptist
T: 11,283 Or ad(a)m or ysaye or any of [th]e p(ro)phetis
T: 11,284 [Th]at hadde leyn w(i)t(h) lucifer manye longe
fol. lij-r
T: 11,285 A robbere hadde remission ra[th](er)e [th]anne [th]ei
T: 11,286 Wi[th]oute pen(au)nce of purcatorie to haue p(ar)adis
for eu(er)e
T: 11,287 [Th]anne marie [th]e maudeleyn who mi[gh]te do
T: 11,288 Or who dede wers [th]anne dauid [th](a)t vrie destroyede
T: 11,289 Or poule [th]e apostil [th](a)t no pite ne hadde
T: 11,290 Cristene kynde to kille to de[th]e
T: 11,291 And arn now forso[th]e sou(er)eynes in heuene
T: 11,292 As [th]ise [th]at wrou[gh]te wykkidly in world
whanne [th]ei were
T: 11,293 And [y]et any I forget for of fyue wyttis teching
T: 11,294 [Th](a)t clergie of cristis mou[th] comendite what
is neu(er)e
T: 11,295 ffor he seide it hymself to su(m)me of his disciplis
T: 11,296 {Dum stet(er)is ante p(re)sides nolite cogitare}
T: 11,297 And is as muche to mene to men [th](a)t ben lewid
T: 11,298 Whe[th](er) [y]e ben aposid of p(ri)nces or of
p(re)stis of [th]e lawe
T: 11,299 ffor to answere hem haue [y]e no doute
T: 11,300 ffor I shal g(ra)unte [y]ow g(ra)ce of god [th](a)t
[y]e s(er)uen
T: 11,301 [Th]e help of [th]e holy gost to answere hem at
T: 11,302 [Th]e dou[gh]tiest docto(ur) or dyuyno(ur) of [th]e
T: 11,303 [Th]at Austyn [th]e olde & hi[gh]este of [th]e
T: 11,304 Seide [th]is for a sarmou(n) so me god helpe
T: 11,305 {Ecce ip(s)i ydioti rapiunt celum vbi nos sapientes
in infernu(m) m(er)gem(ur)}
T: 11,306 And is to mene in oure mou[th] more ne lesse
T: 11,307 Arn none ra[th](er)e yrauisshid fro [th]e ri[gh]te
T: 11,308 [Th]anne arn [th]ise grete clerkis [th](a)t conne
many bokis
T: 11,309 Ne none sonn(er)e ysauid ne sadd(er)e of consience
T: 11,310 [Th]anne pore peple as plou[gh]men and pasto(ur)s
of bestis
T: 11,311 Sout(er)is & seweris suche lewide iottis
T: 11,312 P(er)cen wi[th] a {pat(er)noster} [th]e paleis
of heuene
T: 11,313 Wi[th]oute pen(au)nce at here p(ar)tyng into hei[gh]e